#i'm drunk and emotional and overly dramatic
lowkeyremi · 4 months
Kiyoomi Sakusa who is an absolute emotional drunk. He didn't want to go to dinner tonight but his manager already put him on the reservation list for the celebratory dinner. Of course you accompanied him as his plus one, but boy did he get drunk only after a few drinks.
He was less willing to answer questions and scowling way more than usual too. "Hey Omi! Those were some nice serves earlier!!" Hinata praises and Kiyoomi doesn't say anything, he just glares at his teammate. Did I mention he's clinging onto you like a sloth? His arms are wrapped around you and his face is buried in your neck. He wants to go home.
"Sorry about him Hinata, I think he's ready to go home..." Hinata nods enthusiastically as you say Kiyoomi's goodbyes for him and haul him out of the restaurant to his car. He suddenly out of no where grumbles, "I don't like the way that waiter was looking at you."
"'yoomi what are you talking about? He wasn't even looking at me." He reluctantly gets into the passenger seat. He's acting like a toddler the way a pout braces his face and he has his arms crossed.
"Yuh huh. He was eyeing you like I wasn't right there. I had to stop myself from punching that bastard." This overly emotional state of his has you giggling to yourself because you know if you were to giggle too loud he would think you were making fun of him.
"Well, it's alright now, he's not looking at me anymore." You assure him. You close his car door and run over to the driver side to make sure you two make it back to the apartment safely.
"I'm the only one who can look at you." He concludes from this whole ordeal. "That's not fair to anyone but you, Kiyo." He sighs dramatically and you think he's been spending a little too much time with a specific blond that he claims to hate.
"I don't care if it's fair. You're mine." No more words are spoken of him so you look over to check on him. Only to find his head pressed up against the window with his eyelids closed. His breaths are even and he sleeps peacefully. You cherish how cute he looks because you know as soon as he wakes he's going to be complaining about how his hair is flattened on the side that was pressed up against the window.
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effyeffa · 3 months
overly specific playlists for overly specific occasions 2024 edition
winter 23/24. dreamy mix of many different genres for when someone asks me hey what have you been listening to lately. old songs new songs happy songs sad songs everything from adrianne lenker to marco castello, a frequent rotation
lover. i definitely did NOT make this one to impress one specific person whose taste matches mine in the most miraculous of ways no no. but we will fall in love listening to beach house
fall for you. have you ever put on mitski i'm your man and leonard cohen i'm your man back to back. no? well here's your chance. and i can tell you more about this world, so much more
tasty tunes. synth-heavy dance tunes, good vibes. la femme, miel de montagne, LA priest etc. dinner party background groove
summer roads. one thing almost all of the tracks in this playlist have in common is that they were at some point featured in a skate vid. many classics (bob dylan, cocteau twins) modern classics (frank ocean, cass mccombs) and timeless jams (daniel johnston, mazzy star)
touch. this one's for lying on a big old sofa with your best friends half asleep drunk on love and too tired to go to bed. rhye, james blake, kevin morby
what's the last four years been about? when jockstrap said. What's it all about. i give you bon iver, i give you angel olsen, i give you fiona apple with the answers. i give you black country new road with the musical equivalent of a greek tragedy. dig in.
springsummer 23. don't recall what kind of headspace i was in for this one but we're feeling a wide range of emotions here. tamino and yo la tengo, andrew bird, dope lemon, king krule. the overarching theme may or may not being hopelessly in love with someone impossible
all the in between. mama you've been on my mind. another lovesick one. lots of oldies with new stuff sprinkles in, a short and sweet moment in time. might have cried to this playlist, or written notes app poetry.
transitional. it's raining and you're gazing out a train window dramatically, there is a sweet nostalgia in this but also darkness, rough around the edges. from amyl and the sniffers to flume, moodswings and movement.
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faofinn · 9 months
7. “You’re a Jerk When You’re Sick”
It was almost dawn when Harrison stumbled in, a mug of ale still in his grasp. Steve had been up waiting for him, but the older man had drifted off at some point. He was woken by Harrison’s clattering, and thought he ended up sprawled across the floor, his mug stayed full.
Steve startled awake, drawing his sword from under his jacket. The tip of the sword pulled cup from Harrison’s reach, much to his annoyance.
"Hey!" He snapped. "That's mine. I paid for it."
"I don't care." Steve replied, his tone harsh. "Get yourself up. I'm not dealing with you tonight. You can sleep in the back room, on that cot, you’re not staying in your bed."
"It's my room!"
"They're my chambers, Harrison. It’s close to dawn, you're only just turning up, and you're in such a state it's ridiculous. Get yourself up."
Harrison raised his head, scowling at him. "Give me my cup."
“No. Get yourself up and go to bed.”
For someone lying in the dirt and definitely in the wrong, Harrison had too much arrogance and defiance. "Not until you give me my ale."
“Absolutely not.”
He sat, swaying. "Then I'll stay here until you do."
Steve shrugged. “Alright then, I’ll see you later.”
"What?" Harrison frowned. That wasn’t how he'd expected it to go. "No, you have to give it back."
“I don’t have to give it back.” He countered.
"I bought it."
“And now you’re in my chambers.” Steve told him, picking up the drink.
Harrison lurched for it, a shout in protest. He'd been cut off several times over the evening, and it had been difficult enough to get the final mug. Of course, he could barely see straight, and his coordination was nonexistent.
Steve set the mug on the table, looking over at Harrison on the floor. “That’s enough of that. Get up.”
"Why are you being so mean?" His anger had fizzled into tears, the alcohol messing with his emotions.
“Look at you, you’re a state.” Steve said, his own anger difficult to control. “Right, come on. Let’s get you in the cot, and you can sleep.”
"Because you won't let me have a drink!"
“I think you’ve had enough now.” Steve said, offering him his hands.
Harrison pushed them away. "Drink first."
“No. I’m trying to help you.”
"This isn't helping!" He angrily rubbed the tears away.
“I know, I know. You’re just drunk.” Steve said, reaching out for him. “Come on.”
"I don't want to."
“But you need to.”
"No I don't. I need a drink."
“You’ve had more than enough.”
"How would you know?"
“You’re literally on the floor.”
"Yeah, well." He grumbled. "Give me a drink and I'll go to bed."
Rolling his eyes, Steve poured the ale out and filled the mug with the pitcher of fresh water he kept at hand. “Here’s a drink for you.”
Harrison’s jaw actually dropped. "Are you for real?"
“As real as I’m standing here in front of you.”
He staggered to his feet. "That's fucking…fucked."
Steve reached out to keep him upright. “Whatever you say.”
His lip curled. "Don't touch me."
“I’m trying to help.”
"Yeah, right. You've thrown my ale away, made me sit on the floor, and you had your sword at me." He gestured wildly as he spoke, trying to keep himself upright.
“You put yourself on the floor, and my sword never touched you.”
"I never said it did."
“Stop being overly dramatic and let me help you, unless you want to fall again.”
"I'm not the one being dramatic."
“Whatever you say. Let me help you to bed?”
"Haven't you done enough?"
Steve shrugged. “If you want to sleep on the cold floor then be my guest. But I thought you might be more comfortable in a bed.”
"I'm going back to the tavern."
“No you’re not.”
"You can't stop me."
“It’s my coin you’re spending, I absolutely can.” Steve said, wrapping an arm around him. “You’ll feel better for some rest.”
He jerked away, quickly overbalancing and grabbing towards Steve, his self preservation breaking through the alcoholic haze. "Help!"
“I’ve got you.” Steve reassured. “Let me help?”
"I don't need your help." He muttered to the floor, hanging his head.
“It’ll go quicker if I help.”
He rubbed his face, brushing a hand through his hair. "Alright."
“Thank you.” Steve said. He did most of the work, steering Harrison to the cot set up in the room. It would be somewhere for him to rest, where Steve could keep an eye on him. This wasn’t the first time he’d come home this drunk.
The room only seemed to spin more as Harrison lay down, and he groaned. "Steve."
“What is it?”
"'m gonna be sick."
There was a bucket nearby, and Steve passed it to Harrison. “Here. Try and get it in the bucket and not on the floor.”
His head buried in the bucket, his retort was lost to a groan, his stomach twisting and spasming. He retched as his whole body shook, his arm barely holding himself up.
Steve grimaced, glad he’d given him the bucket. At least that would hopefully make him feel better, once he’d finished.
Harrison fell back against the bed, sweat collecting on his brow. He rested the bucket on the floor, his hand still shaking.
Steve set aside his frustrations and moved to sit with him, offering him the water again. “Here, have some water.”
"Thank you." His voice was barely a whisper, a tiny smile pulling at the edge of his mouth.
“Have we got rid of that foul temper now?”
His cheeks were already flushed, but a blush tinged his ears. "I'm sorry."
“You really are horrid when you don’t feel well, you know that?”
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Questions from a Lalafell Main
1. How does a Lalafell dance with someone who is at least a fulm or more taller? As in a good ol' ballroom waltz? That just sounds like someone's bound to get back issues. 2. As a three fulm one tank, I wonder if it's possible for me to become unhealable because the enemy is large enough to shield me from the view of the healer. Don't want to become a festering corpse because I stood in the right spot for a behemoth's paw to hide me. Trying to fight an overworld enemy with a rock in front of me quickly taught me line of sight issues are a thing. 3. How does one best furnish a dining room to insure that even the most portly of taller races can be able to look everyone in the eye easily? What materials make for the sturdiest of chairs? How does one make sure that your Lalafellin dinner guest can even get into the chair at their spot at the table while still allowing for them to see over it and dine comfortably? That Lifter chair was certainly the wrong way to go about it, I say; showed a non-14 player friend the chair and she said it'd be better with a higher back. I'm on team Make-it-a-Stool. 4. I've seen some people call Lalafells potatoes. Do in game people call the popotoes? 5. Why are the Lalafell emotes so expressionate and dramatic? I watched an NPC Lalafell cry once and it just felt overly dramatic. Like what you'd do to portray an emotion in theatre or if you cannot speak. 6. I wonder what the percentages of each race are for both NPCs and players, because I keep running into at least one Lalafell NPC and/or player no matter where I am. 7. Why do some of you dislike/hate Lalafells? I just see them as chaos hobbits. That would become more chaotic when drunk. 8. Avoiding the door-within-a-door Idea, how does one properly make a door that all races can use comfortably?
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duskterrace · 6 months
🌿 + 🥀
✉️ : LETTER TO SANTA ( decided to do them tgt )
This one might be a bit difficult. I feel like we talk about almost everything, so searching deep down to find something I haven’t yet vocalized is kinda hard.  I’ll give it my best shot, but … sorry if it gets a little rambly at some point. You're a breath of fresh air. You’re a blessing I never knew I was searching for. You've helped me through countless issues– though, let’s be real, you’ve also been the cause of most of those issues. But without that added dose of chaos in my life, I'm not sure I would've made it as far as I have. I won’t go and be dramatic or anything but, the day you were assigned as my roommate is one I look back on fondly, because it's the day that I met that… one really awkward guy who swore my computer was talking to him ( aka you, if you didn’t get it ) . I think for one, I've never gotten a chance to say this to you face to face but …thank you. Genuinely. For consoling me at night when you notice I'm stressed or on rare occasions, if I'm imbalanced and am probably scaring you while switching back and forth because of a sudden panic attack. Thank you for also making me laugh. Albeit, most of that laughter comes at your expense because you're so bad at skateboarding and always choose to do it inside the dorm room, but it really helps me destress most days. I normally keep away from people because I never know who i can befriend since a few people in the past have had nefarious intentions after figuring out what my power entails but you’ve always been overly respectful of boundaries, even of ones I wasn't aware I had. And that makes you so special. You’ve earned my trust and let me tell you…that's…pretty rare. To sum it up…I hate to admit it but  those nights where you’re overwhelmed by technology are quickly becoming my favorite over the past few months. Because, frankly, I enjoy the idea of turning off all of our technology for one night and just doing whatever chaotic list of shenanigans comes to our minds, just because we can. It’s the one day in a week where i can let loose and not feel like i'll be judged switching 10-20 times during out conversations based off of emotions or…thoughts. Also…?  Racing up to the roof to just sit in a childish blanket fort and stare at stars that would otherwise elude us, is a plus. I never knew I was lonely in that dorm room, until you moved in. Now I find myself waiting for you to come back from classes just to have someone to ignore me for the better part of the day. Not sure why… but silence is so much better when you have someone to be silent with. Okay sappy shit aside. You're pretty cool. Thanks for being my roommate, blah blah. I’m writing this letter by hand to give your brain a bit of a tech break, so you're welcome. Read it too much or get too happy about it and i'm burning it. Ps. thanks for trying to figure out how to charge my phone, i hope you figure it out soon bc i broke my charger...again.
Sincerely, Jinsol. 
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🥀 : 3AM DRUNK TEXT ( ✉️ )   SMS    →   BUZZ  
delivered / 03:10 am ✓ › i mayu or may not be be drunk but..serious quest chin (?)
delivered / 03:19 am ✓ › queschion › queschien › [voice note] hey siri spell question oh thats not- › [speech to text] hey siri spell question › [speech to text] spell question › [speech to text] quest in › [speech to text] no spell question › ayeeee it didit › wait fcuk wat was my questchin againn?
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assholemurphy · 5 years
so, i’m incredibly drunk rn. like absolutely trashed. it’s absolutely fantastic. i love this. i literally don’t feel a single bad thin at all. and i’m hoping i do a generally decent job of typing bc like, i feel the need to talk abt what just happened.
my brother recently moved in with me, so he was here when my friends and i decided to get drunk (and ofc we included him bc it’s polite) but now he’s pissed at me. bc i tole him not to make fun of me for my relationship w/my best friend. which he thought was hilarious. bc i was openly being vulnerable/showing i rly cared abt him. 
i just spent the last 2 hours laying on my best friend’s chest (pretty boy,m ofc, in cfase any of you weren’t aware of the human i care most abt in the world) and telling him i loved him and how much he means to me and all that gross shit you say when you’re drunk and have no inhibitions. and it’s true, i love that man more than i love anyone, he’s my best friend and i’de die for him, but my bro seemed to think this was funny. like i deserved to be shamed for caring abt another human being. bc ofc that’s something ppl should feel embarrassed abt.
so, when i told him not to say anything abt it, he asked me how embarrassed i wanted to be, and i snapped at him. bc that’s rude and i didn’t spend most of my childhood raising that fucker just for him to try to make me embarrassed abt how much i care for the one human being who has ever given a shit abt me, without asking for anything in return. pb has never asked any more of me than i can give, he’s pushed me to be a beeter person, and is always there when i need him to be, no matter what. so i finally told him how much he actually means to me, kind of. i held some stuff back bc i was aware i wasn’t alone in the room (rafiki (who i don’t mind knowing these things) and my bro were in the room, too) but there was much more i would have iked to tell him. like how much he means to me and how i’d die for him and how much i love him. i told him several times that i love him, but i’m not sure he understood the gravity of what that means. i don’t love ppl easily. it takes a lot to earn my trust, and even more to get me to feel comfortable enough to admit i rly, rly care abt you. and i care abt pb more than i’ve ever cared for anyone. period. he’s my best friend, i’d do literally anything for him, and somehow my bro thought that was something to make fun of me for??? after pb and rafiki left??? bc of course it’s okay to tell your trauma survivor sister that she should be embarrased for caring abt the one person who has never made her feel less than human, or broken, or wrong just for her trauma. to make her feel embarrassed bc she admitted to loving that person immensely. 
i think he’s a douchebag for making fun of me. for not seeing that saying those things made me feel incredibly vulnerable (a reason i’m sure factored into rafiki’s decision not to weigh in much). i think he’s a prick for making me feel like i should feel embarrassed for caring abt someone else, for loving them, for being loyal to them. there’s nothing pb could do that would make me not love him. he could use everything i’ve ever told him agaisnt me and i’d still care for him deeply, so my bro’s decision to treat that like a joke and ask me how embarrased i want to be when he tells everyone is just disgusting. i kind of hate him for it. esp bc he got pissed off at me for being upset, like any normal person would.
now, i love pb, but i’m not ‘in love’ with him. he’s one of the best human beings i’ve ever met and i’d do anything to ensure his happiness, but having someone else i care abt (albeit to a lesser degree) telling me i should feel embarrassed abt telling him i love him is just fucking gross. pb needs to know ppl care abt him,. i worry abt him constantly. he’s been hurt so often and doesn’t seem to see himself as the amazing human being he is. and sometimes i wish i was in love with him, so i could prove that someone will love him romanticall one da, that he’s deserving of that, but ik it wouldn’t change anything.
he keeps everything together for everone around him but he’s so fragile, so broken, that it kills me. he’s been hurt so often and he honestl doenst deserve that at all. like, this man is one of the best men i’ve ever encountered, i’d go so far as to sa he’s The Best. and v few ppl seem to see that and it’s fucked up.
so for my little brother to take advantage of a vulnerable and intimate confession (that i love pb so v much and that there’s nothing he could do to lose my loyalty) and turn it into his own entertainment is just disgusting. i thought i raised him better than that, but i see my parents rly did get to him.
but the thing is, i’m not embarrassed. there’s no one i wouldn’t tell how much i love him. he means more to me than any person i’ve ever met. he’s helped me more than any person i’ve ever met. he’s the best fucking human being humanity has to offer and to think i should be embarraseed for cfaring abt him is absolutely horrible.
there was a time when i would have been extremely embarrassed to admit i loved anyone that much, but not anymore. pb is the World’s Best Human and i will never doubt that. i love him more than anyone i’ve ever met and i’ll never stop. the only way i’d ever leave him is if he flat out told me to leave, and even then, i’d still remain loyal, i’d still love him, and if he ever needed me, i’d only be a call away.
i will never care as deeply for any friend as i do pretty boy, never. nobody has ever done half as much to earn my trust as he has. nobody has ever cared half as much abt me as he has. and i will NEVER feel embarrassed for caring abt him. he means the world to me. it’s not much to say i’d kill for someone, bc that’s easy to earn, but to say i’d die for someone is another thing entirely. and i’d die for him. there’s not a thing he could ask me for that i wouldn’t give him easily. he’s earned that. he’s been here for me when no one else stuck around. when i was broken, fucked up, and unloveable. he never asked me to be anything more than i am. he never asked me to do anything that would hurt me, tho i’d do anything for him.
there’s not a single person on earth that i value more, that i’d give more for, than him. i’d burn the whole world if it meant saving him. he’s the danny to my bones and i’d do anything for him. he’s my best friend, the one person whose life matters to me more than my own, and that’s saying a lot, considering i’m a survivor and i wouldn’t trade my life for anyone’s. 
i sound like an overdramatic bitch, bc i am, i truly am, but v few ppl in my life have tried to earn my loyalty. v few have it. but he doesn’t even try, i don’t think. he’s just there. he’s so noble, so caring, that he doesn’t have to do anything special. he’s just an amazing human being. much better than i could ever hope to be, and i’ll never be able to show him how grateful i am to have him in my life.
i’m a drunk, overly emotional bitch rn, but if there’s one thing i know for sure, it’s that i will NEVER, ever be ashamed or embarrased of how much i care for him. he’s done more than anyone else in my life to earn that love, that loyalty, and i’ll never be ashamed of loving him. he’s such a great human and the fact that so many ppl refuse to see that astounds me. bc he’s the sweetest, kindest, most noble person i’ve ever met. no one else has ever rly given a shit abt me, and maybe i have low standards, but i don’t think so. i think that’s he’s genuinely the greatest person i’ve ever met. he cares so much that he wrecks himself in the process. i’ve never met another person who does that for the ppl they care abt. i always thought i was just overly caring and broken, but he does the same thing, only he does it better. and i hate that he takes so much onto himself. he doesn’t deserve to shoulder the weight of the world, not alone. i always thought that i was atlas, doomeed to carry the burden of everyone i cared abt, no matter how much they hurt me, but then i met pb, and i don’t have to hold up the sky on my own. 
he’s always talkign abt bricks and how i shouldn’t carry anyone’s but my own, and that’s incredibly hard, bc i was raised to take on the burden of everyone around me regardless of the toll it took on me. but then i found him, and he’s helped me with that. he’s not only helped me understand that some bricks aren’t mine to carry and i shouldn’t have to, but he’s offered 9and p much refused to let me decline) to help me with my own. and that. that means the world to me. bc in all my 23 years of life, not a single person has ever offered to help me with my own shit. i’ve always been expected to carry the weight of others’ burdens, but here he is, helping me with my own, and i don’t know how i’ll ever be able to repay him for what he’s done for me. he’s done more for me in the past year than my own family, all the people i’ve called my friends, have done for me in the entirity of my life. i literally wouldn’t be here without him (and rafiki and goldilocks, ofc, they’re def improtant, too). he’s saved my life, given me hope, taught me to let go of the bricks that aren’t mine, and helped me become a much better person. all in the span of a year. bc he’s a selfless, amazing, noble asshole who sees the hurt in the world and takes it upon himself.
and i will spend the rest of my life making sure he knows he doesn’t have to carry that weight on his own.
so fuck my brother. fuck him for being an asshole who doesn’t understand basic human connection. fuck him for thinking i should be embarrassed or ashamed for admitting i love my friend. fuck him for being a juvenile little bitch who only cares abt how he can embarrass other ppl. he could tell the whole world what i said tonight. he could tell them all how vulnerable and open i let myself be. he could use it against me for the next 50 years. and still, i would not feel ashamed to admit i love my friend. i would not feel ashamed to make myself vulnerable around pretty boy. i don’t care if the entire world thinks i’m in love with him or if they think i’m pathetic for caring so much. i love him and i’ll never pretend i don’t. i shouldn’t have to. fuck what anyone thinks. there’s not a single human being on the planet more deserving of love (not just mine, but in general) as he is. and i will do everything i can to make him see that. bc he doesn’t, and that kills me.
i never rly believed in happy endings, i’m not sure i do even now, but if i know one thing, it’s that nobody i’ve ever met desreves a happy ending than he does. and that’s a goddamn fact.
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relax-and-read-on · 2 years
My top 18 primarch, in descending order.
Bcs I want yell about my boys and everyone has to accept that traitor primarch are just Build Different. Btw- if anyone wants me to drop my headcanons about... Anything primarch related, or just want me yelling about narrative and such, drop in my ask lmao.
18. - Lion el'Johnson: A bastard. A fucking bastard. I made an entire post on why his story is terrible. He make ne enraged. God. 0/10, you were not even in the running.
17. - Ferrus Manus: boy your so lucky fanon made you better, because you actually bore me to tears in canon. It's bad when your best attribute is that your bff with someone else. 1/10, at least you TRIED.
16. - Horus Lupercal: My dude. My bro. Why u so boring. Seriously, for the main big bad guy, your so bland... Another case of "his relationship to others are more interesting than his own story." 1/10, for fucking up big E.
15. - Jaghatai Khan: It's not you, it's me. I don't know enough about him and I just can't seem to FIND anything that really hook me to him. Also, his aesthetic don't work for me. 2/10, he seem nice at least.
14. - Alpharius Omegon: Listen you two. I want to like you. I want to enjoy your deal. But I would need to *figure out your fucking story first*. Bastards. Absolute gremlin. They would be out of the contest if they weren't low key funny. 3/10 for trolling potential.
13. - Rogal Dorn: I can ear my gf howling in anger at her fav being so low. But, for all his awkwardness and autistic coding, I just... Don't really vibe with the guy. Also, urg, his color scheme offend me. And I'm a Pert fan. 3/10, mostly so my gf don't yell at me.
12. - Leman Russ: I would like you my dude if your writing did not make me viscerally angry. Also, you fucked over my boy magnus *and for what hu????* No right. He's only this high because fandom save him, and he's stupidly sexy. 4/10 would have a drunk one night stand with.
11. - Mortarion: The deal is, I want to like Morty more. He's aesthetically pleasing and seem to have my type of personality. I just... Can't seem to "get" him, if that make sense? I want to know more about him. I want to like him more. 4/10, you intrigue me.
10. - Sanguinius: I knoooow, perfect angel baby, so low?!? But that's the thing, he's kinda... Too perfect. He's like good white bread. Sure, it's good, but it's still just freaking white bread. Fandom make him a lot more interesting tho. 5/10, I would marry him and divorce him a few ywars later, and it would 100% be me fault.
9. - Angron: Oh Angron. My sweet son. You writing goes from so my of the best to some of the worst. You legitimately had the most tragic story line. You never had a single chance. He has Karn at his side, wich is another 11/10 character. I like him, but he's a bit one note. 6/10, would attempt a one night stand and get murdered for it. Worth it.
8. - Fulgrim: ok we are REALLY hitting the fav bunch now. First of all, our man here is queer coded, wich make me legally obligated to stan him. Second... The DRAMA he being. Third, he's nice (?) to Konrad. Fourth, mf has the Most Dramatic primarch murder with Ferrus. He's larger than life. I'm a bit sad that his fall was not... Better written.... But I adore him, and his army, and his overly emotional queer ass. 7/10, also happen to be the best dressed primarch and I respect the FUCK outta that.
7. - Corvus Corax: It's CROW CROW AYEEE!! The entire concept of the character is too good ngl. Communist sciency sneaky baby white raven and Poe aesthetic?!? Excuse me did someone ask 14 years old me to come up with the concept???? And THEN he become a warp entity to bully Lorgar?!? Seriously, other character deserve cool shit too! 8/10, I kinda want to be him more than I want to sleep with him.
6. - Roboute Guilliman: listen. *Listen*. People are legit sleeping on Roboute. This man?? Is *funny*. It's just that no one realised that he has the best sarcastic humour this side of the eye of terror. He's funny, care about others, and just generally get so DONE about things, it's incredible. I love him in 40k. He's such a good character. 9/10, would make a excellent father to my kids.
5. - Magnus The Red: Magnus. Ohhhh Magnus. Canon and fanon love you so much. You are a wonderful, complete and uther prick. I say this with love. One of the best storyline, for one of the most well loved character. An absolute favorite. My only grip is that sometime he's a bit *too* much... But he still usually likable at the end of the day. 9.5/10, you just don't have that perfect ompf facter.
4. - Lorgar Aurelian: I was raised catholic so I have an excuse!!! Would he gaslight me?? Yes. Do I feel incredible sympathies for a man who wanted to be good and was thrown away by his literal god? Does he has probably what amount to the best narrative is 40k? Also yes to both. Do I think he's sexy? Most definitely. The only reasons he's not higher is that he become kinda stall once he won. 10/10, a story of biblical proportion.
3. - Vulkan: Listen. *Listen*. I'm sorry, but it's REALLY hard to not objectified his sexy himbo ass. God. He has the same energy as those sexy firemen calendar holding puppy's. Like, bro, you have to choose, you can't be a greek god AND the nicest. He's so good, he ascended past the shitty writing he was served. An icon. 11/10, would present him to my parents.
2. - Perturabo: you ever find a character that is like, all the toxic red flag you like and make you whisper "I can fix him"??. This is how I feel about Perturabo. I adore his story. I adore that he make his own misery. That he's a bastard. And that, under all that iron, all he ever wanted was recognitions, love and acceptance. He may bot have the best storyline of 40k, but he certainly has my favorite. I adore him. 1000/10, would marry that toxic man in a heartbeat.
1. - Konrad Curze: My son. My baby gremlin cannibal son. He eat people. He's awful. He doesn't bath. He enjoy suffering. But he's still one of the best written character in 40k. His books, and any Night Lords book for the matters, are wonderful tragedy. It's unreal. He's so wonderful. So tragic. I love him. I want to be his mom. Infinite/10, I don't even want to fuck him that's HOW MUCH I love him.
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scvrllet · 3 years
If you're still doing these, could I get a 🎫 concert ticket for Harry Potter and Once Upon A Time?
Glad to have found your blog!!!
I'm Lucifer, but people call me Luci or Luce, I'm 21 (22 in September), I identifiy somewhere around the nonbinary category, but I see gender as something trivial. I'm a panromantic demisexual and prefer they/her pronouns. 6'3 tall, long wavy blonde hair, black eyes. I wear glasses and usually skirts with old band t-shirts (that I actually listen to).
I always have a bunch or rings around my fingers as well as multiple ear piercings. I'm super pale, to the point that people often ask me if I'm sick.
I'm introverted, but I can be a social butterfly if required. I love listening as much as talking. I never really talk about emotions/feelings but anything else I'mhappy to chat about. I don't really react to things apart from my facial expressions. The lift of an brow, a smirk or an eye-roll will let you know how I feel about things without verbal confirmation. I'm always calm and collected, and my voice stays monotonous no matter what ; I don't stutter, yell or scream.
I'm highly intelligent and very sarcastic, and rarely laugh outloud, but smirk a lot. I might come across as rude and blunt but on the inside I am a softie, just don't show it often.
I love literature (especially classic), arts and learning languages (I currently speak 18). I'm also musically very inclined. I study History and mythology. When it comes to hobbies, I read and collect lots of things things such as lighters, tarot cards, night lights, rocks/crystals and books.
I have four siblings and am the oldest, but I don't really keep in touch with my family that much. I have a few good friends (2 or 3) and I don't even really need much more.
I'm a Virgo, Slytherin and INTJ-A if that tells you anything.
I'm not athletic in the least, but am in good shape. My body is an hourglass figure and I also got a bunch of tattoos.
I have a bad habit of smoking, and usually having a glass of scotch or wine with me (but I never get drunk or even tipsy). I love spending time near water, but hate getting wet. I usually take long walks outside after midnight while listening to creepypastas or true crime podcasts. I love the genre horror overall, yet I rarely get scared. The only thing I'm scared of is being scared if something. And Santa Claus (<-- no idea as to why).
If I were to go on an ideal date, it'd hopefully be something original and not the cheese classics, but I wouldn't mind them either. I just want to experience new things.
I don't really celebrate holidays (e.g. Christmas, Ester) since I was raised in an atheist/witchcraft household.
If I still might add something, when it comes to relationships I'm never overly dramatic. I don't, as previosuly mentioned, yell or really even cry. I don't get frustrated or suspicious easily. If I see any inclination that my partner might be e.g. cheating on me, I ask them about it directly and will absolutely under no circumstanses go through their phone, computer or start stalking them. 
You wanted 3 random things, here :
1. I can't cook shit, I have set spaghetti on fire, cracked a pan in half and blown up a microwave.
2. I'm very unpredictable, but at the same time I like to stick to certain routines etc.
3. I've had my hair dyed more times that I can count with more colors than I know how to name.
Uhhh, I think that's all? I hope you have a good day :)
(🎫) CONCERT TICKETS - get a platonic or romantic ship/match-up from the fandom of your choice (max. two) along with a shirt headcanon
I ship you with....
Peter Pan
- Arriving on Neverland, in hindsight, was a mistake. Magic beans while very reliable were prone to mistakes every so often and so instead of appearing in the Enchanted Forest, you were on the beach of a large island. And what was the most odd of all, was not the strange feeling you felt upon arriving on the island, but the pair of eyes you could practically feel staring at you from the trees. Hoping that it was just an animal of some sort, you walked off the beach and headed to the path through the forest.
- Unfortunately for you, the feeling lingered, following you almost as you walked through the forest. Tall trees lined the path and every once in awhile you’d see some small animals scurry away. What seemed to stand out the most however were the silhouettes standing off in the side, deep within the trees but standing right below the sunlight for you to see clearly. There was four, than five, than six than......only one. Looking at your surroundings, you saw your footprints in the ground before you and it hit you. You’d been walking in circles the whole time and the silhouette was still there.
“Hello?” You called out, not sure as to whether or not the silhouette really was there.
Without a verbal response, the figure disappeared only to reappear a few feet in front of you.
You jumped back in shock but quickly regained your balance as you studied the person before you. It was a boy, looking to be around your age, with a questioning look on his face as he looked at you. “Who are you?”
“I could ask you the same question.”
“I asked you first!”
“And I’m in charge of this island!”
“You? In charge of an island? What is this Neverland?” You rolled your eyes at the possibility. Neverland was a place made up so that kids could fall asleep. Not a real place that you could visit.
“Yes it is, and I run things around here so tell me, who are you.” The boy replied, emphasizing his last three words as he spoke.
“As if, what’s next? You call your little Lost Boys to come prove to me?” You scoffed. To believe that you were on Neverland was already too much and all you wanted was to get home to the Enchanted Forest but it seems you’re stuck playing pretend with a boy who doesn’t want to grow up. A shame really
Smirking, the boy simply pressed two fingers to your forehead and before you could even say something, your mind went foggy and your vision was filled with black.
- To say you got off on a rough start was an understatement. The two of you were constantly at each other’s neck while he kept you on the island, the camp specifically, and didn’t let you leave due to belief that you were a spy of some sorts. Not that he had anything to hide. Not yet at least.
- As time went on however, the two of you had begun to form a friendship. It wasn’t anything big or odd, but it was definitely new. He’d be less of an ass to you and let you explore the island on your own (with some exception).
- Upon finding your out about your hobbies, he would discreetly try to surprise you with materials to help you engage in them even if Neverland’s magic still had some restrictions. He would still try to the best of his abilities.
I also ship you with....
Blaise Zabini
- Losing was one thing Blaise never took lightly. Competitive he was but even with his ambition and skill, it was the mundane things that revolved around luck that often made him lose. Like the stupid bet he made with Theo on whether Gryffindor would win or lose where the loser would have to make a full four course meal complete with drinks for all the Slytherins in their year. Unfortunately for him, he had lost unlike Gryffindor and now here he was, spending his Saturday afternoon in the kitchens and a cookbook Pansy had given him “to help”.
- Blaise didn’t know what he’d see upon entering kitchen. He was sure to see a few House Elves, perhaps he could ask them for help, but what he didn’t except was to see you standing in front of the stove with a pot spilt cleanly in half somehow and a fire burning below. And to make matters worst, you were simply standing there as if you had been frozen.
“Hey watch out!” He called out as a flame went up towards you. Pushing you out the way just in time, he managed to save you from the burn in return of him getting burned.
“Fuck.” He hissed out in pain. Gripping his arm as he put out the fire with his wand before dropping it on the ground.
Without a word, you simply grabbed your wand and waved it above his burn. You seemed to be muttering something, a spell of some sort, as a cooling sensation covered his wound. Looking down, he was shocked to see that the burn was actually healing.
“How, how did you.... Thank you.”
“I was practicing a charm, fire control, but thank you for the concern.”
Feeling sheepish for thinking that you didn’t have it under control, he ended up excusing himself from the kitchen to head back to his dorm where his friends immediately pounced on the chance to tease him for a variety of reasons.
- The next day, instead of going to Hogsmeade with his friends, Blaise stayed back at the castle to catch up on a paper he had failed to submit on time. Deciding on going to the library, sh was disappointed to see that almost all of the tables were taken. All but one in the far back corner. Quickly heading towards it, a sigh left his lips as someone dropping their book bag into the table beat him to the table: you.
“Oh did you need the table? I can leave if you’d like?”“ You said upon noticing him standing in front of the table.
“No, no it’s alright I just uh, planned on finishing a paper for Flitwick’s class.” He admitted.
“You can have a seat if you’d like, I’ll just be doing my own work and you can do yours.” You kindly offered and Blaise gladly accepted. He really need to finish this paper or else he’s be kicked off the Quidditch team so while he didn’t get the complete privacy he originally wanted, he’s fine with this.
As the two of you worked in quiet, occasionally Blaise would sneak glances your way which you ended up catching once.
“Hi.” was all you managed to muster out as you tried to contain the wide smile that wanted yo grow on your face.
Trying his best to not chuckle at your slightly flustered state, he mirrored your smile as he replied with a “Hello.”
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shutupanddance · 3 years
Glad to see you opened mashups! Maybe try to do one for me? Thanks in advance ^^ MCU, and possibly DCU, Sherlock and LOTR/The Hobbit if you wanna do multiple. :)
I'm Lucifer, but people call me Luci or Luce, I'm 21 (22 in September), I identifiy somewhere around the nonbinary category, but I see gender as something trivial. I'm a panromantic demisexual and prefer they/her pronouns. 6'3 tall, long wavy blonde hair, black eyes. I wear glasses and usually skirts with old band t-shirts (that I actually listen to).
I always have a bunch or rings around my fingers as well as multiple ear piercings. I'm super pale, to the point that people often ask me if I'm sick.
I'm introverted, but I can be a social butterfly if required. I love listening as much as talking. I never really talk about emotions/feelings but anything else I'mhappy to chat about. I don't really react to things apart from my facial expressions. The lift of an brow, a smirk or an eye-roll will let you know how I feel about things without verbal confirmation. I'm always calm and collected, and my voice stays monotonous no matter what ; I don't stutter, yell or scream.
I'm highly intelligent and very sarcastic, and rarely laugh outloud, but smirk a lot. I might come across as rude and blunt but on the inside I am a softie, just don't show it often.
I love literature (especially classic), arts and learning languages (I currently speak 18). I'm also musically very inclined. I study History and mythology. When it comes to hobbies, I read and collect lots of things things such as lighters, tarot cards, night lights, rocks/crystals and books.
I have four siblings and am the oldest, but I don't really keep in touch with my family that much. I have a few good friends (2 or 3) and I don't even really need much more.
I'm a Virgo, Slytherin and INTJ-A if that tells you anything.
I'm not athletic in the least, but am in good shape. My body is an hourglass figure and I also got a bunch of tattoos.
I have a bad habit of smoking, and usually having a glass of scotch or wine with me (but I never get drunk or even tipsy). I love spending time near water, but hate getting wet. I usually take long walks outside after midnight while listening to creepypastas or true crime podcasts. I love the genre horror overall, yet I rarely get scared. The only thing I'm scared of is being scared if something. And Santa Claus (<-- no idea as to why).
If I were to go on an ideal date, it'd hopefully be something original and not the cheese classics, but I wouldn't mind them either. I just want to experience new things.
I don't really celebrate holidays (e.g. Christmas, Ester) since I was raised in an atheist/witchcraft household.
If I still might add something, when it comes to relationships I'm never overly dramatic. I don't, as previosuly mentioned, yell or really even cry. I don't get frustrated or suspicious easily. If I see any inclination that my partner might be e.g. cheating on me, I ask them about it directly and will absolutely under no circumstanses go through their phone, computer or start stalking them. 
Uhhh, I think that's all? I hope you have a good day :)
Thanks for sending this hon!! I only had time for MCU and DCU, hope that’s ok! btw I’m now convinced you’re a fairy
I ship you with…
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- At first, he isn’t really sure what to do with you. You intimidate him a bit.
- But then, the more time he spends around you, the more he can read your expressions, and the more he realizes that softer side beneath your exterior.
- Thor isn’t afraid to ask how you’re feeling on the occasions that he can’t read you. He’s blunt and to-the-point with you, so there’s rarely any miscommunication.
- He is absolutely in awe of all the languages, mythology, and music skills you have. You learn languages from each other!!! He can teach you older or alien languages, and you teach him more modern ones.
- At a party or social gathering, Thor can be bubbly enough for both of you. Still, the whole time, he’ll be checking up on you and seeing how you’re doing. He ALWAYS looks at you to laugh at a joke, or to ask your opinion.
- Thor loves to bring you items for your collection!! He doesn’t really understand midgardian currency yet, so he may have given a pharmacy clerk $75 for a lighter that he thought you’d like.
- Thor offers to bring you to Asgard for some Asgardian holidays. In general, he’ll take any excuse to bring you to Asgard.
- The rest of the Avengers can’t figure out how you two fit together.  But, then again, they don’t see the quiet nights stargazing or reading books together.
(Bonus: Tony Stark has a big crush on you)
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- You and Diana make a funny couple, but a very seamless one.
- Diana can read you scarily well (you’re not really sure how she does it), and she immediately recognizes the softer side of you. She understands when you don’t want to talk about emotions, and instead will just sit with you or cheer you up by quoting Prose Edda or Shakespeare in other languages if you’re upset.
- Diana knows the value of hanging back, so you get lots of quiet one-on-one time with her.
- She LOVES your tattoos, and can’t stop tracing her finger across them.
- She also thinks you’re very funny. Sarcasm? Yes ma’am. She always gives you her full attention when you speak, so she notices way more of your jokes than anyone else.
- Diana is always asking if she can listen to true crime with you. She’s not a huge fan of it necessarily, but she just loves to spend that quality time with you and discuss the content of each podcast after.
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bigbatlittlebat · 3 years
Hi hi hello! Wanna match me up? Thanks in advance ^^
I'm Lucifer, but people call me Luci or Luce, I'm 21 (22 in September), I identifiy somewhere around the nonbinary category, but I see gender as something trivial. I'm a panromantic demisexual and prefer they/her pronouns. 6'3 tall, long wavy blonde hair, black eyes. I wear glasses and usually skirts with old band t-shirts (that I actually listen to).
I always have a bunch or rings around my fingers as well as multiple ear piercings. I'm super pale, to the point that people often ask me if I'm sick.
I'm introverted, but I can be a social butterfly if required. I love listening as much as talking. I never really talk about emotions/feelings but anything else I'mhappy to chat about. I don't really react to things apart from my facial expressions. The lift of an brow, a smirk or an eye-roll will let you know how I feel about things without verbal confirmation. I'm always calm and collected, and my voice stays monotonous no matter what ; I don't stutter, yell or scream.
I'm highly intelligent and very sarcastic, and rarely laugh outloud, but smirk a lot. I might come across as rude and blunt but on the inside I am a softie, just don't show it often.
I love literature (especially classic), arts and learning languages (I currently speak 18). I'm also musically very inclined. I study History and mythology. When it comes to hobbies, I read and collect lots of things things such as lighters, tarot cards, night lights, rocks/crystals and books.
I have four siblings and am the oldest, but I don't really keep in touch with my family that much. I have a few good friends (2 or 3) and I don't even really need much more.
I'm a Virgo, Slytherin and INTJ-A if that tells you anything.
I'm not athletic in the least, but am in good shape. My body is an hourglass figure and I also got a bunch of tattoos.
I have a bad habit of smoking, and usually having a glass of scotch or wine with me (but I never get drunk or even tipsy). I love spending time near water, but hate getting wet. I usually take long walks outside after midnight while listening to creepypastas or true crime podcasts. I love the genre horror overall, yet I rarely get scared. The only thing I'm scared of is being scared if something. And Santa Claus (<-- no idea as to why).
If I were to go on an ideal date, it'd hopefully be something original and not the cheese classics, but I wouldn't mind them either. I just want to experience new things.
I don't really celebrate holidays (e.g. Christmas, Ester) since I was raised in an atheist/witchcraft household.
If I still might add something, when it comes to relationships I'm never overly dramatic. I don't, as previosuly mentioned, yell or really even cry. I don't get frustrated or suspicious easily. If I see any inclination that my partner might be e.g. cheating on me, I ask them about it directly and will absolutely under no circumstanses go through their phone, computer or start stalking them. 
Uhhh, I think that's all? I hope you have a good day :)
Afraid of Santa? I guess you could say you're CLAUS-TRAPHOBIC... yeah funnier in my head...
Cassandra Cain (Bat girl / Orphan)
I get the vibe that you both would benefit from a quieter relationship. Not in the sense of not talking but more in the sense of the lack of drama and the directness that you seem to take.
She would definitely get to the point where she is super in tune to your facial expressions and would be able to tell what your thinking with out you having to say it. This would probably be something to value in this relationship because it really shows how close you both are.
Honestly I can see dates for the two of you being her accompanying you on your walks but with one of those headphone jack splitters and the both of you listening to something together. Then maybe discussing it over dinner and getting to listen to each other's conclusions
I'm sorry but say good bye to all of those band t-shirts. You won't have seen them go missing or probably even noticed it until Cass walks into your place wearing one without even looking guilty. Just completely nonchalant about it
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Hi! I saw you're doing ships/matchups? I hope they're still open :) I'd like one for Harry Potter and one for Marvel if possible!
I'm Lucifer, but people call me Luci or Luce, I'm 22, I identifiy somewhere around the nonbinary category, but I see gender as something trivial. I'm a panromantic demisexual and prefer they/her pronouns. 6'3 tall, long wavy blonde hair, black eyes. I wear glasses and usually skirts with old band t-shirts (that I actually listen to).
I always have a bunch or rings around my fingers as well as multiple ear piercings. I'm super pale, to the point that people often ask me if I'm sick.
I'm introverted, but I can be a social butterfly if required. I love listening as much as talking. I never really talk about emotions/feelings but anything else I'm happy to chat about. I don't really react to things apart from my facial expressions. The lift of an brow, a smirk or an eye-roll will let you know how I feel about things without verbal confirmation. I'm always calm and collected, and my voice stays monotonous no matter what ; I don't stutter, yell or scream.
I'm highly intelligent and very sarcastic, and rarely laugh outloud, but smirk a lot. I might come across as rude and blunt but on the inside I am a softie, just don't show it often.
I love literature (especially classic), arts and learning languages (I currently speak about 18). I'm also musically very inclined. I study History and mythology. When it comes to hobbies, I read and collect lots of things things such as lighters, tarot cards, night lights, rocks/crystals and books.
I have four siblings and am the oldest, but I don't really keep in touch with my family that much. I have a few good friends (2 or 3) and I don't even really need much more.
I'm a Virgo, Slytherin and INTJ-A if that tells you anything.
I'm not athletic in the least, but am in good shape. My body is an hourglass figure and I also got a bunch of tattoos.
I have a bad habit of smoking, and usually having a glass of scotch or wine with me (but I never get drunk or even tipsy). I love spending time near water, but hate getting wet. I usually take long walks outside after midnight while listening to creepypastas or true crime podcasts. I love the genre horror overall, yet I rarely get scared. The only thing I'm scared of is being scared if something. And Santa Claus (<-- no idea as to why).
If I were to go on an ideal date, it'd hopefully be something original and not the cheesy classics, but I wouldn't mind them either. I just want to experience new things.
I don't really celebrate holidays (e.g. Christmas, Ester) since I was raised in an atheist/witchcraft household.
If I still might add something, when it comes to relationships I'm never overly dramatic. I don't, as previosuly mentioned, yell or really even cry. I don't get frustrated or suspicious easily. If I see any inclination that my partner might be e.g. cheating on me, I ask them about it directly and will absolutely under no circumstanses go through their phone, computer or start stalking them. 
Thank you in advance!
Hello so today we have a matchup for Harry potter and marvel.
For Harry potter I ship you with:
Sirius black🌹
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Draco Malfoy 🍏
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- your desired soulmate is this man he relates to you in every single way. You have a desired trait he likes sarcasm and backbone at times with kindness and generosity.
- he would often try to impress you but Luci doesn't often bat an eye to the poor man.
- I would say your both alike he likes bands and he likes your attitude. You both have similar tastes.
- you would be best friends with tonks she would understand you completely.
- Sirius would treat you with the utter most respect he wouldn't dare leave you. Your both very compatible.
- so since along the way of being a wizard you managed to catch the attention of Draco as well. He fell for your attitude and intelligence with your sarcastic trait.
- he would secretly stay in his room talking about you alot acting as though he hates you but imagine a boy with a high school crush.
- he has a secret picture of you in his bed just to stare at you. He may be creepy but weren't we all when we were in our teens.
- you were hanging out with Sirius more and Draco would often get jealous.
Luci: oh for the love of merlin
Sirius: yeah I know annoying isn't he
Draco: shut up black my father will hear of this
Luci: listen dude I don't have time for your shannigans *eye rolls*
Sirius: ohhhhh your the kid with a crush on-
Draco: shut it your not supposed to be here anyways *points wand*
Sirius: Luci isn't it~
Draco: I-I do not *goes red as a beet*
Sirius: run back to your peacock father Draco I'm sure he would loooooveeee to hear this *smirks*
Draco: fine but this won't be the last you hear from me *apparated away*
Luci: finally I thought he wouldn't leave he's weird but cute I'll give you that *laughs*
Sirius: just when I thought I see the day you wouldn't smile you should do it more it makes you beautiful *smiles*
Luci: no that's a one show only you'll need a ticket *walks away*
Sirius: alright how about I take you out
Luci: nope
Sirius: stay at your house
Luci: what are ya a stalker *raises an eyebrow*
Sirius: fine howww aboutttt looking under the stars at the black lake
Luci: seems fine to me
Sirius: perfect
- you would be the type of person to not really want to be in the conflict of the two trying to impress you.
Draco: I have money Luci and reputation~
Sirius: I don't what you like but I'll try something for ya love~
- marrying one of them would be rather interesting. Marrying Draco would be in front of his manor as the parents like you they see you fitting. Your child would have his blonde hair and your eyes.
- marrying Sirius would be in front of the order as everyone gathers. Tonks would support you with Remus. Your child would have his eyes and your hair.
For marvel I ship you with:
Loki 🐍
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- you both have that kind of chemistry that fits well his fun exterior with your cold persona he would try hard to impress you.
- you would be a queen and a fine one at that he would be the god of mischief. You would be a human queen.
- he first met you on a mission your personality attracted him he couldn't tell why. Something about you just clicked.
- your very sarcastic with him if he tries to kidnap you. He would try to learn your ways either proposing to be his queen or trying to get you in his army as a side kick.
- you have quite the wicked tounge even when Loki is on the down low he would try to trick you into becoming his queen.
- you have quite the beauty as well even attracting Tony. Loki makes sure he doesn't get to close however.
- you decide to be the queen of the Underworld.
- you have a wedding with him in his dimension. Your the enemy of the avengers. You child is a demi god with his hair and powers and your eyes.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta ta 💫
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aresrl · 3 years
Hello! Could I get a vision, friend (any gender) and romantic partner (male preferred! but open to females too if you feel that someone really fits!)?
(and if it isn't too much, could I get an enemy too? though if your inbox is too full, please omit this extra request!)
I tend to come across as friendly and polite, but with those that I’m close to, I can actually be quite dramatic and chaotic! Some say that their first impression of me is that I'm quiet or reserved, but I just think making small talk is useless and ends up making everyone awkward. Though I won't call myself an introvert entirely, I truly appreciate (and sometimes even deliberately seek out) periods of alone time. I tend to be more straightforward and prefer not to sugarcoat my words unless the situation calls for it. At the same time though, I'm similarly straightforward with compliments! I don't really like change, and would prefer to stick to what I'm sure of rather than trying new methods. I’m rather insecure and self-conscious but I try not to let it show because it would just end up being counterproductive. Usually more rational and practical, but deep inside me there is this one single emotional braincell that screams really (—sometime a little too) loudly all the time. I prioritize efficiency, and don't like people who are overly flashy but with little substance, the "all talk but no action" types, or those who don't take their work seriously at all. My major weaknesses (amongst many others) are my stubbornness and my tendency to run away from problems until the last minute. As for my strengths...I’m a hard worker and I have a pretty solid moral compass. Whether this compass is facing the right direction, only time will tell.
I enjoy learning about history and culture (though my knowledge severely falls short compared to my passion - but that can be worked on, fortunately!), and reading about almost any topic, though there’s a special place in my heart reserved for mystery novels :) My sense of style is one of the few things I’m confident in, I’ve been told that I dress well! If I could choose a weapon, it’d be a sword!
My love language is words of affirmation - both to give and to receive! I have a soft spot for grand gestures and formalities in romance, and given the opportunity, will also like to express my love in these kinds of ways - in moderation, of course! I would prefer an S/O or friend who can lend me a listening ear when I need it, but will also call me out on my bs if necessary! I’m not very comfortable with confiding in others about personal things, so I hope that they will be someone I can freely open up to. Respect for personal space is important too, and while I do enjoy intimacy to a certain extent, I don’t think I’d enjoy being with someone too clingy. I've come to realize that towards the few people I am closest to, I tend to go out of my way to make them feel special, and let them know that it is them that I prioritize the most, though this also sometimes leaves me feeling insecure that I do not hold the same weight in their heart as they do in mine. I’m not sure what I can bring to the table when it comes to romance since I have no prior experience in this area, but I’m certain that I will be able to reciprocate their love and devotion to an equal extent. My ideal relationship would be one where both of us inspire each other to be better versions of ourselves and support one another in the pursuit of our goals!
Thank you so much and sorry for the long description!
Hey! I hope you haven't been waiting for too long (I hope so for every following matchup, actually).
You received... A Hydro vision! Generosity, devotion to people, always helping others, and mastery are the main characteristics of the Hydro vision. • You could have been Geo because you have some of its traits: being efficient, productive, hard-working, and even if you have a weakness, you'll try your best to keep going. But the more I read you, the more I thought you were more on the support side. • “My ideal relationship would be one where both of us inspire each other to be better versions of ourselves and support one another in the pursuit of our goals!” “I've come to realize that towards the few people I am closest to, I tend to go out of my way to make them feel special, and let them know that it is them that I prioritize the most, though this also sometimes leaves me feeling insecure that I do not hold the same weight in their heart as they do in mine.” “My love language is words of affirmation - both to give and to receive!” These are Hydro traits that, to me, take over Geo traits. • You also said that you preferred to stick to what you're sure of. It may mean that you will use things you master instead of something else. Your partner would be... Childe! Distant but still here. • According to what you'd like in a romantic relationship, he would fit greatly: grand gestures are his thing, and formalities don't bother him. • Childe will remain himself, but he's understanding, so it won't hurt him to change some little things about him for you (when you need your space for example). • Your way of supporting each other is reciprocal. • He likes your way of thinking and your chaotic side. Your friend would be... Diluc! “Y/n? A pleasant person to talk with.” • Both of you don't like small talk. • Actually, you share the same way of thinking, so when you disagree on something, you know that the other's reason is valuable. Generally, this is the basis of most of your conversation. Your enemy would be... Venti! Maybe if you were aware of his real identity, you would not think the same. Or maybe not. • You perceive him as a lazy and never serious bard, only good at getting drunk: exactly what you dislike. Recently my routine has been: waking up in the afternoon, watching a stream or a video while eating, make a matchup or two, realize I'm tired, so I stop in the middle of it, playing Genshin because I have to, it wakes me up a bit so, I go in for another video/stream for hours while eating again and sleep. Or sometimes I just sleep directly after finishing a matchup and put an alarm at 10/11pm to do Genshin dailies. And it wakes me up, so I stay in front of a video or a stream until 5. I feel a bit bad that this is longer than the friend and enemy's description haha, sorry.
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ask-the-wordsmith · 4 years
Any advice on cutting down on swearing in writing? I've noticed recently that I swear a lot more than I thought I did when I'm writing (usually for emphasis), but I figure it's probably a good idea if I try to minimize it for obvious reasons.
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That’s a great question, and not one most people tend to recognize! While I’ll watch things that use very sparing coarse language (usually for moments of heavy emphasis/reveals, as you said), it’s absolutely true that swearing is often used as a crutch by many inexperienced writers who want to sound mature... when the truth is, if you need swearing for a scene to be dramatic, it means your writing isn’t strong enough to stand up on its own.
So, all that said! I do have some tips on how to cut down on swearing— without making your work feel unnatural or “watered down.”
Recognize the intent of the swearing. Read each scene over (one at a time) and figure out the intonation of the swears for each, because truth is, part of why swears are used as a crutch is that they’re versatile. They can be used to show humor, or anger, or jadedness, or snark, all depending on the situation. How you “substitute” for the swearing will change based on how it’s being used in each situation.
If you can’t find an intent, just cut it out. Most of the time there IS an intent, but sometimes people pack “filler” swears into their language in an attempt to make it sound more natural. Trust me, it has the opposite effect, unless the characters are drunk.
For humor: Oh my gosh, there are SO many missed opportunities for humor when people resort to swearing as a punchline. Is the point “an adult doesn’t know how to behave around kids?” Then give them an arsenal of absolutely terrible, completely nonsensical, overly tame swearing substitutes to show that they don’t know what they’re supposed to say if they can’t swear (think Grunkle Stan from Gravity Falls).
For snark: Related to above! Snark is usually just another form of humor. And if your character is witty/snarky/condescending, and you don’t know how to show that without swearing, you’re not doing them justice. Truly snarky masterminds can come up with the absolute CRUELEST of insults without resorting to peasant speech. Research and listening to a lot of good examples (e.x. GLaDOS from Portal) is probably your best bet for learning how to write snarky characters, but one good launching point is to start with a compliment and then twist it around. For instance: “Wow, I like your purple hair! It really distracts me from... the rest of that. (*vaguely motions at character’s body/clothing*)”
For anger: This is one of the times it’s most tempting to swear. But if you can write a compelling argument scene without foul language, that’s a GOOD sign of your skills. Anger always has a root cause— and it usually isn’t the first thing brought up during an argument.  A good, tense argument scene tends to skirt around the real underlying issue while one character accuses another (or they accuse each other) of smaller things that really don’t matter because they’re too scared to confront the problem at hand. Again, research is great for this, but try your hand at seeing how long you can drag out a fight before one of your characters snaps and blurts out what’s actually going on. Is your MC really that mad about their best friend showing up late to their shopping trip? Or have they been quietly trying to push down their anxiety for weeks because their best friend is moving away soon, and they want to spend as much time together as possible before they might never see each other again? The longer the buildup, the more satisfying the relief when the true emotions finally come to light.
These are some of the most common examples, but the main principle of cutting down your swearing is to recognize why you’re using it so you can find another (probably better!) way to get your point across. Best of luck!
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fanwarriorfictions · 5 years
A Stranger Things 2 Fanfic
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Chapter Two- Part Two
   Phina had barely made it through the day, her mind lost in the endless thoughts. What happened that morning, what had happened with Steve, it was driving her completely mad. She hated him, god damn, she hated him. She hated his caring ways, his gentle touch, his soft voice, she hated the way her stomach flipped when she looked into his sincere eyes. She hated him because he made it hard for her to hate him. It was all so much easier when he was "king Steve" the top asshole of the school, when him and his friends made her life miserable every chance they got. It was much easier.
   Things had changed, it wasn't like that anymore. Now, now she had to hide her feelings, terrified to face them. Because the thing was, she didn't hate him, she couldn't, she hated herself for the things she felt, and it was easier to blame it on him.
   It was easier to say that she hated him, because what she truly felt for him would destroy her sister.
   By the time Phina had arrived at the party, it was in full swing. Outside and inside the house, teenagers partied, the music blasting so loud she heard it from down the street.
   As soon as she got to the thick of the clusters of people, she attracted almost every eye. Her outfit probably the most overly dramatic one there.
   She wore a black corseted dress, the top part being a literal corset that was semi-restricting, and showed of her curves, not to mention that it was strapless. The front part of the dress came to her thighs, while the back came all the way to the ground, the fabric lacy and a little sheer. Her makeup was the same as this morning, sharp and deadly. She wore the ruby red Victorian style necklace from this morning, and a matching ruby red ring, and pentagram earrings to add to the witchy factor. The best part of her out fit though, was the wand. It was strapped to her thigh by a thin lace band, ready to be grabbed at any moment.
Almost every eye was on her, even the blurry drunken ones. She made her way to the front door, smirking at ever eye she met. They parted seas for her, probably thinking she was actually a witch, ready to curse them at any moment.
Phina stepped through the front door of the house, again, attracting every eye. She searched the room, for a familiar face, unfortunately finding Steve's first. He stood next to Billy Hargrove, who's eyes roamed her body. Steve's eyes didn't roam, they met hers, and held them. She could see the memory there, the words said this morning, the things they felt.
She tore her gaze from as quickly as possible, this morning didn't happen for as far as she was concerned. Phina found Nancy walking to the kitchen, and she took off towards her. The crowd parting even in the small cramped space, Hawkins Freak, no one was willing to touch her, in fear, in wonder. The party resumed, teens awkwardly dancing to the loud music, drinking whatever could be supplied, kissing whoever the wanted too.
When she got over to the kitchen, she hears Nancy asks someone about the punch.
"Pure fuel, pure fuel!" He yelled, hitting his chest.
Phina pushes the kid away and stands next to her sister, "it's a hangover that you are not prepared for."
"How do you know," she asks, almost innocently.
"I bet you all most half the kids in her have spiked it with something strong from their parents liquor cabinet," Phina laughs, "it'll be enough to make you forget who you are."
"Good," Nancy says, going to grab a cup of it.
She quickly fills up the glass and starts to chug it, and to Phina's relief and dismay, Steve comes to stand next to her.
"Woah woah woah, hey, take it easy. Take it easy," he tries to warn her, "Nance."
She looks at him, almost annoyed, "we're just being stupid teenagers for the night, wasn't that the deal?"
She turns back to the punch bowl and scoops up another drink, again chugging it in seconds. She wipes a little off of her face and walks away, into the crowd of dancing, sweaty, teens, starting to dance.
Phina shakes her head at her little sister, "she's going to regret this."
"Yeah," Steve agrees, leaning forward on the counter to watch Nancy go.
Phina scoops up two cups of punch, handing one of them to Steve, "you look like you need this."
He looks down at it and his eyes travel up her arm and to her face, she looked beautiful, she always did. Oh he was gonna need more than just one cup.
He grabs it from her, "to being stupid teenagers."
She raises her cup, "to being stupid teenagers, cheers."
They tap their cups together, and down them. The bittersweet taste swirling on Phina's tongue, so many different alcohols mixed with the fruit punch. She breathes deeply after she's done, chuckling a little, Steve copying her. A single drop of punch slides down her chin, and he raises his hand to wipe it away. His warm fingers brush across her face, lingering for a moment.
She looks up into his eyes, stupid teenagers indeed. She took a small step away from him, dipping her cup back in the punch, if she wanted to make it through this night, she was going to need a lot of this.
"Lets go find Nancy," she said, and they fell back to reality.
They danced in the middle of the living room, having the time of their lives. Everyone was smiling, laughing, and pretending. Nancy was drunk off her ass, Phina was trying her hardest to stay away from Steve, and Steve was, breaking. Yet they put on a facade, a play, Stupid Teenagers.
Phina spun, her hands in the air, laughing as she did. When she stops, she sees Nancy making her way back to the kitchen, Steve following her. Phina groaned, following after him. Nancy was to drunk, at this rate, if she kept drinking, she'd die of alcohol poisoning.
Phina pushes her way through the crowd, well behind the two she chased after. When she gets close, she hears them arguing, and as soon as she breaks through the crowd, the cup of punch they had been fighting over, flies upwards and all the liquid falls on Nancy's front. The entire party yells, and then goes quiet, watching the couple.
Nancy looks down at the front of her white outfit, now stained red, "what the hell?"
She pushes past Steve and makes her way towards the bathroom, Steve watching her go, "Nance."
He follows her, running to catch her, leaving Phina there by herself. She sighs, the night had gone to shy really quick.
"Phina," asks a voice to her right, Jonathan.
She turns to him and smiles, "you came! What about Will?"
"He'll be ok, if Mike's anything like you, he won't let anything happen," Jonathan laughs.
"Yeah, well you're lucky that Mike is exactly like me," Phina sighs, "I'm not so sure that's a good thing."
"What just happened," Jon asks, nodding towards the puddle on the floor.
"Nancy is drunk, wasted," Phina shakes her head, looking down sadly, "Steve was trying to stop her from drowning herself in alcohol, as you can see it didn't go to well."
Jonathan places a hand on her arm, "she'll be ok Phina."
"Yeah," she lets out a pitiful laugh, "she's got Steve to take care of her."
Phina didn't say it, but Jonathan saw right through her, Steve Harrington was the problem here, and Jonathan knew that she didn't know how to handle this.
They hear a door slam upstairs and watch as Steve comes rushing down, going straight towards the door. Phina instantly sees the emotion on his face, in his eyes, despair. Something had happened up there.
"Can you make sure Nancy is ok," Phina asks Jon, looking towards were Steve went to the door.
"Go, I'll get her home," Jonathan tells her.
She thanks him with a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before she is rushing after Steve. She pushed her way out the door and almost frantically looking around for Steve. She quickly found him walking to his car, his arms resting on top of his head. Phina walked towards him, carefully.
   He kicked the back tire of his car, angrily yelling.
   "Steve," she asked him quietly.
   He spun around to face her, and she instantly saw the tears tracking down his face. And her heart broke, what had her sister done.
   "Steve," she whispers sadly, "what happened?"
   "She doesn't love me Phina," he stuttered, hardly breathing, "she called it bullshit."
   "She's drunk Steve, she doesn't know what she's saying," she tries to comfort him, stepping closer to him.
   "You're right. If she was sober she wouldn't have said that, she would have just thought it," he breathes, "drunk words are sober thoughts."
   She sighed, "I know Steve, I know, I'm sorry."
   He shakes his head, "don't be."
   "I will be if I want to Harrington," she tells him sternly, "because whether you like it or not I'm sorry."
   He smiles, "you're so passionate about everything you feel."
   "You know that better than anyone Harrington," she jokes, "remember when I hated you?"
   His heart stops, reading into the words more than he probably should have, "when? I thought you still hated me."
   Her head falls, she regretted her words, but there was no going back now.
   "No Harrington, I don't hate you," she shakes her head, looking up at him, "not anymore."
   She felt uneasy, so she reached up to her neck and grabbed her charm. His eyes fall on her hand and light up, the sadness in them lessening. His mind flashes back to what happened in the bathroom, to something that Nancy had said.
"Nance," he whispers.
"Why don't you go find Phina," she slurs, "I know Steve."
   Steve knew what she had meant, Nancy knew what he felt, more than he knew himself. Now, standing in front of Phina, under the moon, the distant sound of partying teens, he realized what he felt, and for the first time, he wasn't scared of it.
-1737 words-
Oh my god that is honestly so cute. I am actually so obsessed with Steve and Phina's relationship and I cannot wait to develop it further. Sorry this update has take so long, a lot of crap has been happening lately and I haven't had the time to write. Anyway, tell me what you guy think of it, and if you have any suggestions feel free to comment them.
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