#i'm going to need to walk into the ocean soon i fear
anthonycrowley · 10 months
hm. thinking about how crowley probably was scared of the idea of saying the quiet part out loud for every minute of those six thousand years because what if aziraphale rejects him and then when he actually gets up the courage to do it that's exactly what happens.
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latanyalove · 6 months
I'm Right Here With You
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Pairing: Chopper x Motherly Y/N (Slight Zoro x Y/N)
Content: Discrimination against Straw Hats, misunderstandings, light angst, hurt/comfort, happy ending in part 2
A/n: Part 2 Here! I'm so happy and grateful for passing 200 followers! For that, we are celebrating this little one's birthday, who is also mine and Zoro's child. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing this! <3
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Happy Birthday to my Little Raccoon Dog!
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Even though you were new to the Straw Hat Pirates, there was one member that you had quickly grown close to.
The adorable doctor of the ship: Tony Tony Chopper.
Due to the fact that you are naturally capable of manipulating water without eating a devil fruit, you have suffered a lot of injuries trying to control the sea as a result.
Which meant a lot of visits to the doctor's office, which was great for the both of you. You healed quicker and Chopper had the chance to test out some medicine on you as well as get special plants from the ocean.
Nami would say that you two were two peas in a pod, which would confused Chopper and ask you to explain what it means to him.
You often attended to Chopper's needs, acting like a mother or older sister figure towards him. You would make sure he was eating properly and scold him if he was being reckless.
Chopper would often confide in you, as he knew that you would be able to provide him with the understanding and care he needed.
The crew had just arrived at a new island: even though the crew had been to many weird islands, this one was in the top ranks.
Apparently the whole island thought that they were in the year 1890, their dressing completely different compared to the crews clothes, all of us receiving stares especially towards Nami, Franky and Brook.
"Why is she wearing hardly any clothes?" "Is she not ashamed?" "She must be a slut,"
Listening for only a second, you quickly drapped your coat over her shoulders, staring back at the civilians. Nami looked self-conscious, which was never the case. Ever.
Luffy didn't even know half of the words that were said but seeing Nami's reaction made him boil in anger. Fortunately Franky caught on and closed Luffy's mouth before he would start yelling at the citizens.
"Let me go!" Luffy tried to say but Franky whispered something which kept him quiet for the meanwhile.
After a while, the mayor finally revealed himself to them, demanding why pirates were coming to 'terrorize' this island.
The calmest of the crew, Nico Robin, stepped forward and tried to explain herself but the mayor wasn't calm enough to be reasonable.
"Liar! Pirates are never to be trusted!" The mayor stated, looking for the residents to make the scene bigger.
"Mr. Mayor," Robin started, her voice unrecognisable as the rest of her words were whispered but it seemed to have made an impression on the leader.
"Oh- Okay, you have until tomorrow night to get out of here," The mayor said, trying to mask his fear with a fake confidence.
Robin turned around with a smile, pleased with her work.
"Let's go back to the ship to figure out a plan," She said and we quickly agreed, a path was given back to the ship in an instant. . . .
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Chopper had been walking with his crew members through the town aware of the stares that he was receiving but it didn't affect him as much.
He had grown accustomed to the curious gazes and judgmental whispers that followed him wherever he went. He knew that being different was part of his identity as a reindeer with human-like abilities, and he had learned to embrace it.
"Mother! Please help me!"
Chopper's ears perked up amidst the noise of the town, and he quickly turned his head towards the desperate cry for help. Despite the stares and whispers, his compassionate nature couldn't ignore the plea of a child in need.
With a determined stride, Chopper followed the voice, ready to lend a helping hand.
I'll be back soon guys.
Navigating through the crowd, Chopper's hooves barely made a sound as he closed in on the source of distress. The echoes of the child's sobs grew louder, tugging at his heartstrings and fueling his determination to bring solace and assistance.
"Shut up little child!" "Stop crying!"
Chopper witnessed something terrifying: two drunk men beating up a child. His instincts kicked in, eating a Rumble ball to be in the Horn Point form as he rushed forward, using his strong antlers to fend off the attackers and protect the defenseless child.
With the attackers quickly defeated, Chopper's attention shifted entirely to the frightened child.
He turned into his Brain Point form before kneeling down beside them, he offered a gentle smile and reassurance.
"What's your name?" Chopper asked softly, his voice filled with genuine concern.
The child sniffed and looked up at him, their eyes wide with fear. "M-Mark," they stammered, their voice trembling.
Chopper nodded, his heart swelling with a mix of compassion and determination. "Don't worry, Mark. You're safe now. Are you hurt anywhere?"
Mark shook his head, realizing that Chopper was not a threat. Grateful tears welled up in Mark's eyes as he whispered, "Thank you. I'm just scared, but I'm not hurt."
"Mark! Baby! Where did you go!?"
Chopper's ears perked up at the sound of the female voice, and he turned his head to see a woman frantically searching for Mark.
With a reassuring smile, he gestured towards the child and said, "Don't worry, I found him. He's safe with me."
"Thank you so much! I was so worried," the woman said, tears of relief streaming down her face as she embraced her child tightly.
"Come on, Mark, we have to go meet up with your father," she said, grabbing his hand and dragging him away.
As Chopper watched them walk out of the alleyway, he noticed that there were more women with their sons walking in the same direction at the same time.
It was a peculiar sight, but Chopper understood that he couldn't judge their traditions or the reasons behind their actions.
Maybe it was Mother's day? Or a mother and son bonding day for the island?
Suddenly Mark looked back, his eyes filled with terror instead of gratitude.
It was clear that the woman claiming to be his mother was not who she seemed.
Though before he could do anything about it, he felt something make contact with his head, knocking him out. Darkness consumed Chopper as he lost consciousness, unaware of the danger that awaited him. . . .
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It has been 2 hours since Chopper had gone missing and you really started to worry. You couldn't help but imagine all the possible dangers he could be facing out there alone in the dark, and the thought made your heart sink.
Even though Luffy said he would be alright, you couldn't help yourself from envisioning Chopper in dangerous situations. Thoughts of him being chased by predators or getting lost in unfamiliar territory consumed your mind, causing your anxiety to intensify.
"He's going to be alright," a voice said behind you, making you jump.
You turned around to see Zoro standing there, a reassuring smile on his face. "Chopper is resourceful and has survived countless dangers before."
"I know but I can't help but worry," you said, your voice trembling with concern. "I know Chopper is resourceful, but what if this time is different? What if he's in real danger?"
Zoro's smile faded slightly, but he placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "He's tough remember, he's part of this crew for a reason,"
You nodded, staring out towards the island from where they were docked, and tried to find solace in Zoro's words. Deep down, you knew he was right. Chopper had always managed to find his way back to the crew, no matter how dire the circumstances.
Your heart still ached with worry, but you held onto the hope that Chopper's resilience would once again lead him safely back to the Sunny.
Without saying anything, you saw Zoro hand you a bottle of sake and you accepted it, taking a large gulp of it. As the warm liquid burned its way down your throat, you felt a sense of temporary relief wash over you.
"I've been meaning to ask, why do you act so motherly towards Chopper?" Zoro asked curiously, breaking the silence.
You paused for a moment, contemplating his question. "I guess it's because I see a bit of myself in him," you replied. "I know what it's like to feel scared and alone, and I just want to protect him like I wish someone had protected me."
Zoro nodded understandingly, his gaze softening. "Well, he's lucky to have you looking out for him," he said sincerely.
"Since we're asking questions, why do you act so fatherly towards Chopper?" you said, turning to face him.
There was hardly any space between the both of us since you were sitting close to him but you didn't care. Zoro, however, seemed taken aback by your question, his cheeks turning red and his eyes widening in surprise.
After a moment of hesitation, he finally replied, "I guess it's because I see him as a younger brother?"
"Is that all?"
"No," he muttered, his eyes flickering from your eyes to your lips. "It's not just that. I care about him, just like I care about you."
His words hung in the air, and you felt your heart skip a beat at the unexpected confession.
"Well, I guess that makes you the overprotective dad and me the overly concerned mom of Tony Tony Chopper," you chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.
Zoro's cheeks turned even redder, but a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
"Yeah, he's lucky to have us as his parents," Zoro replied, his grin growing wider.
As the tension between you and Zoro reached its peak, the air crackled with anticipation. Time seemed to stand still as his lips brushed against yours, sending an electric shock through your entire body.
The kiss was soft yet passionate, igniting a fire within you that you never knew existed. Every touch, every caress, spoke volumes of the unspoken desires that had been brewing between you. In that moment, it was as if the world faded away, leaving only the two of you, lost in a sea of euphoria and longing.
"Zoro, are you there?" The voice of Luffy was loud, enough for the both of us to back away from each other in embarrassment. The moment shattered, leaving us with flushed faces and a lingering tension that neither of us knew how to address.
"I'll go with him," Zoro said, quick to get up and leave, his sudden departure leaving you with a mix of confusion and disappointment.
You couldn't help but wonder if the intensity of the moment had scared him off or if there were other factors at play.
You couldn't help but wonder if Zoro's sudden departure meant that he didn't have romantic feelings for you. The lingering uncertainty left you questioning whether the kiss had fallen short of his expectations or if there were other reasons behind his retreat.
Was the kiss not good enough for him? It was your first kiss after all.
"Hey guys! Did you know what happened at the base?" A voice below at the dock said, capturing your interest. Curiosity piqued, you leaned over the railings of the ship to catch a glimpse of the commotion down below.
"No, I've been stuck guarding the area."
"Well I heard that the pet of the Straw Hats, Tony Tony Chopper was captured using our simplest trick," The male laughed, "And here I thought that they were strong!"
Your heart sank as you quickly sobered up at the mention of Chopper's capture. The playful moment with Zoro was instantly forgotten as a wave of worry and determination washed over you. You knew you had to find Chopper and bring him back safely, no matter the cost.
Sorry everyone, I couldn't wait any longer.
Without a second thought, you jumped off the ship and quietly followed the sound of their conversation, determined to rescue Chopper and ensure his safety.
You weren't the best at stealth, but you managed to stay hidden and follow them to their base, careful not to alert anyone of your presence.
As you approached the entrance, you couldn't help but feel a surge of adrenaline and determination, knowing that Chopper's safety depended on your next moves.
"The password?" A voice said behind the door.
"Evolution prevails," The man said confidently and in a matter of seconds, the door opened.
Right. You knew the password, now you just needed to infiltrate the base, without knowing how strong or how many they are.
Maybe you should have waited for Luffy's command.
No, Chopper needs you right now. He could be in the brink of death and you're the only one in the whole crew who knows more than just CPR.
You walked to the door and knocked twice like the previous did, saying "Evolution prevails,"
The door swung open, revealing a dimly lit corridor. As you stepped inside, the sound of faint footsteps echoed in the distance, urging you to tread carefully.
Since you were fairly new to the crew, you didn't have a wanted poster yet so it was easy to talk to people without being noticed.
"Hey old man, do you know where Tony Tony Chopper is being held?" you asked the elderly man who seemed to be drinking alone. He looked up at you, his eyes filled with a mixture of surprise and caution.
After a moment of hesitation, he leaned in closer and whispered, "You're looking for the pet of the Straw Hats? What do you want with them? Are you supposed to be guarding them?"
"Yeah, I'm new here," You muttered, holding back from sending the man flying.
"Really? Well you're in luck, you get to take care of the weakest prisoner. He's already been beaten up in the basement so you can just watch or join in with the beatings!" The old man laughed.
"Who knew that the future King of the Pirates would recruit such a useless-"
He was on the verge of finishing his sentence when his own drink flew out of his cup, forming a helmet around the top of his head and drowning himself in the alcohol.
Instantly, panic erupted in the bar as the old man desperately tried to break free from the makeshift helmet of his own drink, while the other workers looked on in shock and disbelief.
The chaotic scene caused a momentary distraction, allowing you to slip away unnoticed and continue your search for Tony Tony Chopper.
You ran through the corridors, your heart pounding with each step as the image of Chopper's injured form lingered in your mind.
The urgency pushed you forward, determined to find him before it was too late. Every passing second only fueled your anxiety, driving you to search even harder for any sign of your little reindeer.
It was then that you found a staircase going downstairs, leading you deeper into the labyrinthine prison. With each step, the air grew colder and the atmosphere more oppressive, heightening your sense of foreboding.
"Please help!" "This is hell!" "I'll pay you to let me out!"
The desperate pleas and cries for help echoed through the prison, creating an eerie chorus that sent chills down your spine. The darkness of the corridors seemed to consume the flickering lights, adding to the feeling that you had indeed descended into the depths of hell itself.
Chopper, just wait a little.
As you made it to the end of the staircase, adrenaline coursing through your veins, you wasted no time in searching every jail cell with unwavering determination. With each guard that stood in your way, you swiftly overcame them, using your water ability to ensure nothing would stop you from finding and rescuing Chopper.
The prisoners ranged from young to old, humans to animals, but all of them were beaten up and injured. Their bodies bore the marks of brutality and their faces were etched with pain and despair.
It was a grim sight that served as a constant reminder of the cruelty and suffering within the prison walls.
"Y/N?" A voice whispered from a cell you quickly past by.
You recognized that voice straight away, turning back to look inside the cell. It was Tony Tony Chopper, his small frame huddled in a corner, his eyes filled with fear and hope as he saw you.
"Chopper!" you exclaimed, rushing to the cell and reaching through the bars to hold his trembling hand. "I found you. We're getting out of here."
You were shocked when you saw how beaten up Chopper was. His fur was matted with blood, and his limbs trembled with pain as he weakly clung to your hand.
It was clear that he had endured unimaginable suffering, and your heart ached with a mix of anger and determination to rescue him from this hellish prison.
"Y/N?" Chopper asked in a shaky voice.
"Yes Chopper?" You answered, looking through all of the unconscious guards clothes to find a key from the cell.
"Am I really the weakest?" Chopper asked, his voice filled with self-doubt.
You looked into his eyes, filled with determination, and replied, "No, Chopper. You are strong in your own way."
After finding a key, you quickly let him out, unlocking the cell door and embracing Chopper tightly.
Feeling the warmth of his trembling body against yours, you held Chopper tightly, letting him know that he was safe now and that you would protect him with all your strength.
"I thought you guys were going to leave me here," he cried, clinging onto you, his small body shaking with relief.
"Never," you whispered, wrapping your arms around him even tighter. "I will always be there for you, Chopper. As your mother, I would never leave you."
As Chopper clung onto you, his trembling body slowly started to relax. He looked up at you with tear-filled eyes and let out a small, shaky laugh.
"Now come on, let's get back before Dad gets mad," You said, remembering the event of before.
"You know, the swordsman that always carries you around," You reminded him.
Seeing his face light up made you smile. "Zoro is my dad?!"
You nodded, enjoying to see the grin on his face.
"Hey! A prisoner is escaping!" A guard yelled from a distance.
You quickly snapped back into reality, realizing the danger that lurked outside the cell.
As the guard's shout echoed through the corridor, the sound of heavy boots hitting the ground grew louder, reverberating against the cold stone walls. Each thud seemed to send shockwaves of fear through your body, reminding you of the urgent need to escape and the perilous journey that lay ahead.
"Just don't let go and let me do the rest," you instructed Chopper, tucking him closer to your chest, as you both sprinted down the dimly lit corridor, adrenaline pumping through your veins.
Your ability was very useful since the basement was basically flooded.
As you ran through the flooded basement, you summoned your power, manipulating the water to rise and swirl around you. With a flick of your wrist, you sent powerful torrents crashing into the guards, knocking them off their feet and rendering them unconscious.
Water obeyed your every command, becoming a formidable weapon that cleared your path and thwarted anyone who dared to oppose you. . . .
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By the time you two had made it out of the base, you were battered and bruised just like Chopper, your bodies bearing the physical scars of the fierce battle you had fought.
You breathed hard, trying to catch the breath that was knocked out of you moments ago by the doorman. The adrenaline still coursing through your veins, you glanced at Chopper and saw a worried look in his eyes.
"Y/N? Are you okay?" He asked worriedly, looking back to see if anyone was following us.
You reassured him with a faint smile, your voice filled with determination, "I'm fine, Chopper. We made it out together, and I won't let anyone harm us."
As you staggered, each step feeling heavier than the last, you kept your eyes set on the sea shore, where your crew members would be waiting for you in worry.
What would they think of you? Will they be disappointed when they see you because you disobeyed your captain's orders? Will they kick you out of the crew? Will Zoro, Luffy's first mate, hate you?
As you struggled to stay on your feet, the waves crashing against the shore seemed to grow louder. Chopper's worried face blurred in and out of focus, and before you could answer his question, darkness enveloped you, and you succumbed to unconsciousness.
"Y/N! Y/N please get up! If we get to the ship, I can use my medicine to heal you so stay awake until then!" Chopper said, panicked.
"Please, mom," you heard the distress in his voice as Chopper pleaded for you to stay conscious.
The sound of his worry cut through the darkness that surrounded you, urging you to fight against the pull of unconsciousness and make it to the ship where he could treat your injuries. . . .
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madhatterbri · 2 months
New Deal | HOOK
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Summary: Y/N's friend betrays her to the Senerchia family.
Author's Note: @99hook Thanks for everything, boo. When we finally meet, I won't throw your ass into the ocean. ❤️😂 When is that next part coming out?
Tag List: @plentyoffandoms @theworldofotps @multi-fandom-things730
Pure fiction ❤️
"They won't give us an extension, you know. The Senerchias. They said they've been too lenient with us and don't want people to think they are getting soft," your friend whispered from behind the counter that was once her family's restaurant. Almost everything was sold to try and pay off their debts, but they couldn't come up with the money.
"Why are you whispering?" You asked with the same soft tone. With no customers around, it wasn't like anyone could hear. She nodded towards a corner of the room. A camera was pointed at them. The look of fear in her eyes made you realize one thing. The Senerchias had the place bugged.
The Senerchias were known all throughout New York. They helped the community by giving out money to those who needed it. They expected to be paid back by the agreed upon deadline. What many didn't know was the extremes they would go to get paid back.
"I hear the boss is an ass, but maybe you could talk to his son. You went to school with him. Maybe things will be different," you spoke hopefully. You knew the answer the moment she frowned at you.
"Tyler was the one that told us they were coming sometime this week. He didn't seem too thrilled to see me, either. I guess he won't be coming to the high school reunion. I'm wondering if I'll even make it," she gulped.
A car's headlights shined through the windows. The lights turned off as soon as the car shut off. Your friend gulped yet smiled at you. She took out her phone from her pocket. Her mouth dropped open when an idea popped in her head.
"Do you mind letting them in? I just have to go out back and make a quick phone call to my uncle to let him know they are here," she spoke. "It'll take like a few seconds,"
You nodded, and your friend hugged you tightly. She told you thank you and slipped out the back door. Two men appeared at the front door. One was bald with a snake tattooed over his right ear. He was bigger than the other one and appeared to be the muscles of the group. The second man was balding. He seemed more like the talker of the two. Both men wore suits with gold chains. The man with the snake tattoo was shaking the handle impatiently to be let in.
"Coming!" You called out, trying to sound confident. Your legs felt like jello as you made your way towards the door. Nothing could be heard except for the loud pounding in your heart. You opened the door wide enough to let them in.
"Look at this, Enzo. This dude let his niece take the hit. That's some punk shit," the man with the snake tattoo scowled.
"No one wants to mess with the boss. Man probably hiding somewhere shaking like a leaf," Enzo chuckled and rolled his eyes.
"I'm not the niece. She stepped out back to call her uncle to let him know you were here," you informed them and pointed to the back door.
"Just go check it out, Cobra. Ty gave them clear instructions yesterday," Enzo shooed the other away. Cobra grumbled about how this better not be a trick as he walked towards the back.
He opened the wooden back door and stepped out. A blast of the cold night air filled the restaurant. Seconds ticked away. It felt like an eternity of waiting for the man to come back. When he did, your friend was nowhere to be found.
"Either you are making up the story or your friend crossed ya, which is it?" Cobra asked roughly and slammed the door behind him.
"I'm not lying. She said she was going to step out to call her uncle. I've been friends with her since middle school. I believed her," you whispered the last part. A sudden realization hit on how stupid that must sound to them. They probably didn't trust many people.
Cobra nodded towards Enzo at the front door. In one quick movement, the man grabbed your wrist tightly. The force made your teeth clench and hiss. You were sure he was going to leave a bruise.
"You are coming with us," Enzo instructed and led you towards the waiting car. A man sat in the driver seat, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel.
"I'm not the niece," you begged and tried to remove his grasp from your wrist.
"And my misses made roast tonight, and I ain't letting it get cold," Cobra announced and opened the back door while running to the other side. The man sat in the back seat. Your captor shoved you in the car before sitting next to you. You now sat between the two men involved in your kidnapping.
"We will make it easy for you," Cobra smiled and pulled out a gun. You gasped and looked at him with fear in your eyes. He placed the barrel to your head. "Play a stupid game, and you'll win a stupid prize, capiche?"
"And please don't do anything stupid," Enzo sighed and looked down at his suit. "These are quite expensive, and I'm banned in all of the dry cleaning shops in New York and New Jersey,"
Your mouth opened to speak, yet nothing came out. Tears quickly pooled in your eyes. You closed your eyes and nodded quickly.
"They get softer every year," Cobra grumbled and rolled his eyes.
The car ride was not as expected. The driver hummed a lively tune, much to the annoyance of the two men sitting with you. You tried to keep quiet. Mentally remembering anything and everything just in case you were able to escape.
The car ride ended by some old abandoned buildings. Broken glass littered the floor, and graffiti riddled the buildings. A limousine, clearly out of place given the area, was parked. The driver stopped the car and stepped out. He leaned against the car and started to smoke. Enzo was the next to vacate the vehicle. Cobra followed and dragged you out.
A tall man with brown hair stepped out of the waiting limousine. He wore a suit similar to the ones that the other men wore. A gold chain with a cross hung from his neck. He took a few steps towards them and crossed his arms. Something was clearly wrong.
"Here she is, Ty," Enzo announced. "Where do you want us to put her for that ransom video to uncle?"
Tyler moved as if looking around you to see someone else. He had a scowl on his face. A vein popped out to show his annoyance at his men. He wanted to send Anthony, Dante, and Darius for the job, but his dear old dad insisted these fools.
"This isn't the right girl," he spoke calmly, yet his words were drenched in anger. His nostrils flared. "I gave you a picture of the girl. Get rid of this one somewhere and get me the right one,"
Tyler started walking back to the limousine. He muttered under his breath about the incompetence of others.
"Done," Cobra shrugged and pulled out his gun. The barrel was once again pressed to your body. You felt the cold ring of the metal against your temple.
"Wait, wait, wait!" You begged and threw your hands up. "I'll help you get her,"
Tyler stopped and turned to look at you. He mulled your words over before entertaining your idea. Hell, you were even shocked that you would help them. Then again your friend deserved it.
"Pretty dangerous proposition you are making today. Making a deal with the mafia. Are you sure you are up for it?"
"She betrayed me. She and I hang out all the time. I can just come up with a lie," you assured him.
"Forget the girl. Give me the uncle, and I will let you live, deal?" He asked and reached out his hand to you. You stared at his hand briefly. You wondered how many lives it had taken before.
"Deal," you answered and shook his hand. For someone so rough they were surprisingly soft.
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lokisprettygirl · 4 months
Utopia (Modern! Daemon Targaryen x female reader) (Non Canon AU) (18+)
Read chapter 1 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 2
Summary: Your life takes a turn for the worst as Queen Utopia sinks to the bottom of the ocean.
Warning: 18+ death and destruction that comes from a ship wreckage, smut, sex, menstrual sex, unprotected sex. Some inconsistency with ship sinking, i researched as much as I could
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For a moment you felt numb, the wailing of the siren, the voice of the captain, the red light blaring in front of you made you feel as if you were in a nightmare. The constant banging on your door made you snap out of the trance so you quickly got out of the bed and dressed yourself up as quickly as you could, it was cold outside so you needed to put on warmer clothes.
As you opened the door you saw daemon looking absolutely terrified “Are You deaf? Let's go” he grabbed your arm and walked you through the sea of people swarming everywhere, it was chaotic to say the least.
“Daemon what's going on?” you asked him so he turned his head to look at you, the panicked look on your face made him pull you aside.
“It's sinking…ship is sinking, we need to find our mates and go catch a lifeboat..they trained us for this remember?”
He said to you but you still looked at him all perplexed and dumbfounded. Your mother feared something like this would happen but you made fun of her for watching Titanic a bit too many times.
“But It was all hypothetical and it wasn't supposed to happen..it's not supposed to happen” you mumbled nervously, voice trembled as you spoke so he sighed.
“Look around you ..it's happening so let's get going yes?” he said to you so you nodded before you hugged him tightly for a moment.
“Thanks for not leaving me behind” he chuckled as you said that and hugged you warmly to comfort you.
“Are you joking girl?” He dragged you to the elevator but they were already turned off for safety purposes so both of you stepped downstairs in order to find Cole, Aemond, Emma and most of all lily. You two did find the trio but Lily wasn't there, the wifi connection was blown and obviously there was no cellular service so there was no way of calling her. You could see how terrified Daemon was at the thought of something horrible happening to her.
“Maybe she's already on a safety boat” Cole suggested as the group ran to the uppermost deck, a part of you still felt numb as you looked around and everyone was just running to the same direction, there were more than a thousand people on the ship and considering how Utopia was currently in the middle of the sea the chances of another ship arriving seemed bleak, you couldn't help but wonder if there were enough life boats.
“Titanic was a real tragedy” you mumbled under your breath so Daemon looked at you.
“It was real, ships sink ..they sink..it's going to sink –”
“You really need to calm down” he said to you before he turned to the group “Get yourselves on the boat.. they'll try to prioritize the passengers but force your way in somehow”
Daemon took his phone out of his pocket and there was a voice message from Lily that she had probably left before the wifi blew away.
“Daemon something is happening..I'm in the cargo area with Danny and…water is filling in”
Daemon was immediately alarmed as soon as he has heard the message
“Mate.. she's in the lowest deck with a passenger..I'm gonna go get her” he voiced out loud so everyone glared at him.
“I'm sure she's not there anymore..water has got in already”
Aemond told him and Daemon's heart sank, he would never forgive himself if she indeed was there and he was leaving her behind to save his own ass.
“Just get on the boat ..take care of the girls. I'll be right back yeah?” he said to Aemond very firmly but Aemond seemed stunned so daemon grabbed him by the shoulders.
“Are you listening to me or not? You're going to take care of them and yourself, you hear me?” he said again so Aemond nodded.
Daemon looked at you for a brief moment and handed you his life jacket because he hadn't put it on just yet and he didn't want to waste one more second. He ran inside again and you watched him disappear amidst the roaring crowd of people.
“We should wait for him” you turned as you spoke to the group but Cole shook his head.
“We need to go.. at least get a spot on a boat and then we can stall”
Cole grabbed Emma's hand and she agreed that they needed to go because the boats were filling out quickly and all of you knew that there weren't enough boats.
“I'm not leaving without him..them.. Daemon and Lily.. we should wait” you insisted again as you looked at Aemond but he disagreed as well.
“We need to go”
Before they could say anything else you turned around and ran inside to go get them, you heard Emma calling out for you but her voice faded more and more the farther you got away from them.
What if he was stuck inside and needed help?
He waited for you..he was at your door and he didn't leave without you so you weren't going to leave him behind either.
You ran downstairs and met Dalton on the way, he was screaming at you to go back with him but you kept running. The ship tilted to the side due to the uneven weight distribution because the water was filling in rapidly, your eyes teared up as you felt so utterly terrified in the moment. This wasn't how you wanted to die, all alone and scared out of your mind, as the panic surged you grabbed the railing of the stairs and took a deep breath to calm down. You had to find daemon.
The lower you got the more eerie it seemed, the quietness was chilling, electricity was going in and out and you were practically alone on a ship because all the members were heading for the uppermost deck to flee via the lifeboats.
When you reached the lower decks you realized that water was starting to breach already. You stepped further downstairs and your heart felt still for a moment as you saw Daemon standing half way into the water at the bottom of the stairs that lead to the cargo hold, he was perhaps wondering whether he should tread ahead in the dark. What was Lily even doing there? Access to the cargo area was strictly for the crew that worked the area and unless she was fucking someone from the crew who wanted to show off for her, she had no business being here.
“Daemon” you called out his name as you stepped downstairs, his eyes were bloodshot red with tears and his skin had gone pale.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
His jaw clenched as he questioned you, shivers ran down your spine as you dipped your feet into the cold water.
“We need to go..maybe she is already up there..maybe she left.. ..that message was sent an hour ago, we were still sleeping in our beds” you tried to reason with him and his eyes welled up.
“But what if she's down there, what if she is waiting?” there was a sense of hopelessness in his voice that made you feel sorry for him.
“You can't go there Daemon..it's dark..we don't even know-- “ he turned his head to look at you as you said that, the determination on his face was enough to let you know that he won't stop no matter how much you'd try to convince him.
“Fine..Put this on at least” you turned him towards you as you began to put the life jacket on him as fast as you could..
“Run back darling..you don't have much time” he said to you but you shook your head in response.
“I'm not going without you.. okay? Let's go down there, let's try to find her and then we can leave”
He looked at you a bit shocked as you said that, you had known him for more than a few weeks, why were you endangering your life for him?
“Why are you being so fucking stupid?” He raised his voice at you so you glared at him.
“Are you going to waste these valuable seconds calling me names?” You matched the pitch of his voice so he groaned in response.
“You're so stupid..if you die it's going to be on me”
“No if I die then it's going to be on me okay? Move now” you said to him firmly so he sighed.
Lights were flickering at the other end of the hallway..as you both stepped deeper you realized that water level was increasing very quickly.
“This is ridiculous” you mumbled under your breath so he snickered.
“You're ridiculous for being so fucking brave and so goddamn precious” his voice held anger but there was a softness, perhaps he was taken aback by your compassion or maybe he thought you were a real clinger for willing to die because of him, you didn't think you'd make it out alive to figure that out.
“It's cold..it's fucking cold”
Your teeth chattered as you spoke, it was like taking an ice bath but worse.
The sudden scream you let out made Daemon worried so he placed his hand on your shoulder.
“What is it?”
“I feel something.. something is touching my legs. It's–” you couldn't even finish your words as you swam away from whatever was touching your leg.
“I'll go down and check okay?” He said to you so you nodded, as he went underwater he saw a body, it was of a middle-aged man, probably a crew.
As he came up he gasped, all of this felt unreal to him, there was no way all of this was actually happening to him.
“Daemon there's no possibility she's here” you said to him so he hummed in response, she must have gotten out and she must have made it safely. She had to.
And he was grateful if she had but then there was a tiny little voice in his head that made him ponder over the fact that if she had made it up safely then why didn't she come for him?
She didn't even look for him?
He yelled out her name a bunch of times so you did the same and in response you only heard the sound of the ship creaking and breaking down every minute, as it went pitch dark you gasped in fear so Daemon reached closer to you and wrapped his arms around your waist.
Both of you were submerged in the water to your necks now.
“Let's go..” he mumbled softly as he kissed your forehead and your eyes welled up again..
It took a minute to swim back to the stairs and much to your horror the water was now breaching the lower deck where you two had your cabins, it was only a matter of time before this ship would be completely underneath the ocean.
He grabbed your hand as you both ran towards the uppermost deck but you had to stop in between because you were going to pass out from being so out of breath. All you heard around you was the voices of the crew asking the passengers to calm down and wait for their turns while the passengers were just screaming to get past each other and take the first lifeboat they could find.
The horror you were imagining in your heads was nothing compared to what you witnessed when you went to the uppermost deck, all the lifeboats were filled to capacity and had already departed.
As Daemon separated from you to go look for the others you walked closer to the railing and looked down only to find hundreds of people swimming in the ocean, the water was cold and a storm was about to set in soon so the chances of those lifeboats not returning to take the rest of you was extremely high.
“I can't find them,” Daemon mumbled as he came running back to you.
“Maybe they found a spot” you said to him so he nodded.
Tears kept rolling down your cheeks and he was completely silent too as he witnessed people struggling to stay afloat in the water in such weather.
“We are going to die aren't we?”
“Don't say that”
“It's going to happen” you mumbled again so he shook his head.
“I can't die..I'm only 27”
“That's worse because you're a musician, so you'll join the 27 club..I don't even get to be in that club because I'm 26..I'm going to die and there would be no clubs for me..” he was silent for a moment before he chuckled and wrapped his arm around your waist to pull you closer to him in order to provide a semblance of comfort and safety because both of those things were going to get snatched away from you two sooner or later.
The ship was slowly sinking into the depths, and those who still remained aboard knew their own fate was sealed. You looked around and people were just holding onto each other, some of them were crying, some were getting hysterical in shock while the rest stayed purely numb.
There were still some passengers on the board and you couldn't put yourself in their shoes, you came on the ship for a job and to get away from your boring life but these people were here for a week.. for fun, for some perhaps it was the much awaited trip of their lifetime and all of their hopes was going to sink along with this ship
Dreams were going to get shattered, families were about to get ruined and all you felt in that moment was complete and utter numbness.
“Don't let go of my hands alright?” Daemon mumbled softly in your ear as he kissed your temple, he was scared too but he was much better at hiding it then you. When you didn't answer him he tightened his grip around you.
“Don't give up please..you can't give up..you hear me?” he said to you firmly so you nodded even though tears were flowing down your eyes continuously.
The vessel tilted with each passing moment of time before it broke down and began its descent into the deep down water.
Screaming was all you heard as the ship took its final descent into the ocean, you didn't let go of his hands like you had promised, you closed your eyes and left it to the fate, if this was how you were going to die, then be it.
Perhaps you could have survived the ship wreckage, you remembered floating above the ocean on a piece of debris and Daemon was there too. Right in front of you, he wasn't dumb to stay in the cold water when pieces of debris large enough to afloat him were all around him. He still didn't let go of your hands though and for a moment you believed that both of you would survive but then a towering wave rose up from the bottom of the sea.
As the wave drew nearer, you felt your eyes widen with sheer terror. Never before had you witnessed anything as horrifying as this moment, not even when you witnessed the ship sinking. Fear consumed you as you struggled to grasp the enormity of the situation, your heart racing and your hands shaking.
And that was the last thing you clearly remembered before you had slipped into the darkness.
Perhaps you were dead but you remembered struggling to stay afloat as the storm and the rain and the strong waves attacked the survivors of the Queen Utopia. It was nature's wrath and you had no idea what you had done to deserve it but you did.
Your chest was burning as you opened your eyes and you found Daemon watching you with teary eyes. There were bruises on his face, his clothes were drenched and torn from several places but he really looked like an angel in the morning sunlight.
Did you die? Was this heaven?
“Thank the fucking god..oh dear” he cried as he whispered in your ear, his arm clutched onto your weak battered body, you felt the crusty sand underneath you and as you looked around you saw the palm trees all around you.
You took his name so he pulled away from you.
“Don't speak”
“We are not dead..how come we are not dead” you looked at him dumbfounded but he didn't have a response for you. He was as surprised by the knowledge as you were.
He regained consciousness at the edge of the shore and looked around only to find himself amidst several deceased bodies. He didn't know how any of you were alive but it was nothing short of a miracle.
“Darling..my darling..when I make you stand up I need you to not freak out alright?” Your eyes welled up as he said that.
“What is it? Am i brutally mangled..I feel pain all over..I'm mangled aren't i?” You asked him so he looked at you from head to toe, there were several cuts and bruises the same as he had suffered but miraculously the rest of you seemed fine.
“You're fine..just don't freak out” he helped you stand up and as you looked in your surrounding you wanted to scream but it didn't come out, there were several bodies lying face down on the edge of the shore.
“Oh god” your voice choked as you placed your hands on your mouth to stifle the scream.
“Look I know this is..the worst possible thing that could happen to us but we have made it so far..i don't know how or why ..but we have” he told you as he grabbed your by the shoulders and made you look at him
“What do you remember from the training sesh …repeat for me please”
“Umm okay..umm fresh water..we need to find water and shelter and-”
“Food..we need to find food until they rescue us alright”
“Who's going to rescue us daemon..where are we?” You asked him a very stupid question considering he was in the same situation as you were, none of you were prepared for this, none of you imagined for your lives to turn upside down so terribly, it was supposed to be a fun job for both of you.
“Someone will find us” he mumbled under his breath to assure himself more than you so you nodded.
Sun was really strong in the daylight but you had a feeling as the evening would arrive the temperature would begin to drop, fortunately for you two there were coconut trees all around you, it was a coconut paradise so collecting them won't be that difficult however it wasn't really an easy task to open them up with no tools on hand.
There were mango trees deeper into the woods so that was a bit of a relief as well for now.
The rest of the day was spent building a shack from the debris Daemon and you had found in the water and like a caveman he had managed to catch fish from the ocean, you really wouldn't have survived on this uninhabited island without him. The fear of being alone would have been enough to make you give up.
���How did you do that?” You asked him as he emerged out of the water with a makeshift spear and a medium sized fish hung on it.
“Watched it in a movie”
You couldn't help but chuckle as he said that. When you two sat down to collect your breaths, the adrenaline and shock from the incident slowly began to dwindle down and the reality was sinking in..
“It won't be easy to make a fire “ he sighed as he sat down but then he tapped his pocket and pulled out a lighter from there.
“Seriously you just had it in there?” you asked him so he gave you a sweet smile. You were worried about the cuts on his body but then you had them as well.
“I smoke.. Lily always warned me that smoking would kill me someday..irony huh?”
“Is it even going to work?” You asked him so he flipped the fancy lighter and sure as well it was working just fine.
“Okay save it..save it..making a fire out of nothing is almost impossible” you said hurriedly so he nodded.
“Eventually we'd need to go fish fir supplies”
“What do you mean?” You asked him so he sighed.
“Check those bodies…maybe they have something on them”
“I'll do it.. don't worry” he mumbled as he noticed the crushed look on your face.
“No I'll go with you ..I mean they're dead, i'm sure they won't mind”
He was quiet for a moment before he stood up and gave you his hand so you grabbed it and stood up with him, both of you collected the branches and dry leaves from the forest to make a bonfire. This bonfire would not only provide warmth and shelter, but it would serve as a beacon of hope in the darkness, potentially increasing the chances of being spotted by a searching helicopter if they were looking for the survivors.
“It's charred, you're burning it” you couldn't help but giggle as Daemon attempted to roast the fish on the fire.
“Why don't you do it ..aren't you the chef here?”
“Just take out the eyes the next time…eyes freak me out” you groaned as you took the wooden stick he was using as a skewer “I am not a fish person..I don't like seafood” you mumbled softly so he smiled.
“Well apologies honey..this is all we could afford ay”
Once the fish looked perfectly pink from the inside you placed it on the banana leaf you had collected, unfortunately the bananas itself weren't ripe yet but you figured if worst comes to worse you'd have to eat unripe bananas. There were worse things on this island than unripe bananas.
“Perfectly seasoned” he mumbled and it made you smile, the sea water fishes tend to have higher sodium in their bodies so it wasn't really surprising.
“Everything tastes perfect when you're starving”
It was now pitch black, and the only source of light was the reflection of the stars in the dark ocean and the fire that was still burning. You didn't know the exact time, but you knew it must have been well into the next day. To avoid laying on the grainy sand, you gathered a bunch of dry leaves and placed them down like a mat. Daemon also joined you as you rested on the makeshift bed.
He really was hoping Lily and others had made it safe but he still couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that you went looking for him knowing how dangerous it was. When he met you he could just tell that you were a good girl but he wasn't expecting you to be so fucking loyal that too with a friend, that was the single most heroic thing he had witnessed in his life which made him feel even worse when he looked back at that drunken night.
“I'm just going to rest my eyes for a moment” you mumbled as you closed your eyes so he turned his head to look at you, thanking his stars that not only were you alive but also had somehow managed to be around him. He couldn't have gone through this without you.
“They will find us, right?” You asked him so he hummed in response.
That was the hope.
His mum always told him to never lose hope in terrible situations. But how long would you two be able to keep your hopes high and spirits up?
Because it's been three weeks since you had been stranded on that forsaken island and nobody had turned up for you two.
@mcufan72 @123forgottherest @shuichiakainx
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phantoms-lair · 3 months
Fredogawa - Enter the PizzaPlex
@pixlokita you wanted more of this AU so Happy Birthday
((From my DCxFNAF:SB))
((Also I never posted part 2, so, uh...here?))
"So we are stuck here?" Freddy asked.
"For now." Conan looked annoyed. They were supposed to catch their connecting flight to Hawaii here, but a storm over the ocean was making it impossible. The clear blue skies around them just made the reason seem so incongruous. "Thankfully we're already in the states so we won't have our visas checked or anything. Especially since you look mostly Caucasian and we both speak perfect English."
"Your accent might need a bit more practice," Freddy said gently. "I have the advantage of switching my language module. Well, there is nothing we can do about the weather." Freddy shrugged gamely. "Why don't we 'do the tourist thing' until a flight is available to meet with your Great Aunt and Uncle."
That's one thing Conan appreciated about him. As an entertainment bot, he knew how to commit to a bit. They were impossible far away from anyone who might know them, but he kept their identities, as well as his parents identities relevant to theirs, up.
"Sure Dad. What's around here?" he asked, also staying in character.
"Let's see." Freddy pulled out his phone and did a quick search. "Oh." His entire demeanor fell.
"What's wrong?" Conan asked concerned. He'd seen few things get under his 'dad's' skin like this.
"The biggest tourist spot in this area is...a Freddy Fazbear's PizzaPlex."
Yeah, that would do it. "We don't have to go, I'm sure there are other things we could do."
"No, I - I want to see. what it could have been like? How many people get the chance to see what might have happened if their lives had gone according to plan. And this one is even bigger than the one in Japan. Here I - The other Freddy has a whole band. It is strange and frightening, but I want to see."
Conan wasn't sure if he could say the same. If he could see a different Kudo Shinichi who'd never been shrunk, never had to lie to Ran...all in all he'd just rather not. But this was Freddy's choice, not his. "Sure Dad, sounds like fun." He gave Freddy his "I'm a little kid smile, which Freddy returned with a genuine one.
The Pizzaplex wasn't far from the air pad, and when they got there both stared at the building for a moment. 'Bigger' was an understatement. The Pizzaplex in Beika was the size of a good sized restaurant. This was the size of a mall.
"Fazbear Entertainment must be doing well in America." Conan commented.
Freddy nodded. "Shall we?"
Conan held his hand, slipping his face into that of a little kid excited for an afternoon with his father. They walked through the giant glass doors and that where everything went wrong.
They had barely stepped foot into the Pizzaplex when Conan froze in place. Freddy did a quick scan of his son and noticed in addition to his paling skin his heartrate had skyrocketed and his breathing had quickened to a worrying degree.
He knelt down next to his son. "Conan, are you okay?"
He wasn't sure what he expected, but it wasn't for Conan to grab onto him like a koala, gripping his clothes in fear while small sniffles escaped from him. None of this was standard Conan behavior.
"Is your son alright?" a concerned lady in a Fazbear uniform asked.
"I think he's overwhelmed." he responded, wondering why the woman suddenly looked surprised." He stood, holding Conan to him. "I'll take him to the parking lot and see if that helps."
Thankfully as soon as he exited the doors Conan's death grip on him relaxed, thought it wasn't gone completely. His breathing evened out and his pulse rate dropped to normal.
"Hey there, superstar. You okay?" Freddy asked, rubbing Conan's back soothingly.
"No." Conan croaked. He took several deep breaths before he continued. "I...I've trained my detective instincts a lot."
"You have," Freddy agreed.
"And I've gotten them to the point where if someone's feeling a large amount of bloodlust or malice I can tell. Not who, and it wouldn't be permissible evidence in court even if I did know who, but...I don't feel it everytime but when I do it's never wrong."
That didn't sound like something that should be physically possible to Freddy, but now wasn't the time for that. "Is that what happened when you entered the building?"
But Conan shook his head. "No, it was.." Haibara used smell as her example, and Freddy was made to be a musician. "Think of it like a sound. Usually when I pick up on malice it's like a sudden note out of silence, a stinger on a violin. It's shocking and I have to pay attention to it. Walking into the Pizzaplex..." Conan gulped. "It was like stepping out of a sensory deprivation chamber into a cacophony. Loud horns, screeching violins, hands slamming on a keyboard. A thousand overwhelming notes of malice, death, violence. And they just kept playing. I've never felt anything even remotely resembling that."
"Do you think something bad is going to happen?" Freddy asked gravely.
"I think," Conan gulped, trying to make sense of the whirling feelings going on inside him. "I think something bads been happening for a while."
"Can we tell to the police?"
"No. We have no evidence other than me having a panic attack, which they'll be even less likely to listen to due to my age. And if they look into either of us they might realize we entered the country illegally."
Freddy thought a moment. Then he sighed. He wanted nothing more than to lick up his son, turn his back, and leave this place forever. But the thought of leaving victims, most likely children, made his servos twist. And he knew his son. Knew if he tried to leave Conan would just turn around and sneak back in to handle it himself. And the thought of Conan going there alone if this was anything like was happened at his Pizzaplex..."We are leaving."
Conan opened his mouth to argue.
"For now." Freddy appended. "We will get food and rest and give you time to recover. We will return shortly before the last big show. If we cannot find anything to give to the police, we will hide until closing in one of the recharge chambers. Though I have been altered to no longer require them, I should still register as a Fazbear Entertainment Animatronic and you would not be harmed in my stomach hatch. We can investigate after it is clear. The Pizzaplex is hugely busy. If something bad is ongoing, it will not be happening during opening hours."
"Thank you," Conan whispered.
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multific · 10 months
Call You Amor
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K'uk'ulkan x Reader
Summary: Patience is something we all have to learn, even Gods. Even Gods who just confessed their love.
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K'uk'ulkan was a patient man. Having lived as long as he have, he learned the importance of timing and patience.
He was patiently waiting for you as well.
Despite being a 'surface dweller' he quickly fell in love with you.
He was a patient man.
But he also found himself walking along the banks of your home town, hoping and begging for his God so he could see you.
He went, day after day.
He felt stupid now, stupid for telling you to take your time, stupid for saying he can wait even years for an answer.
He wanted to make you feel comfortable and now he was regretting it.
This anxiety was eating him alive.
It distracted him from his duties as the leader of Talokan.
But he wanted you, he needed you. And he needed an answer to his confession.
As it soon got dark, K'uk'ulkan headed back to his home. He didn't sleep but he did manage to rest a little.
The next morning, he did what he had been doing for the past three days.
He dealt with his duties and soon after swam to the beach. He walked out of the water and to his surprise, there you stood.
He noticed the shell he gave you to call him in your hands, your shaking hands.
"I thought I had to place it in the water to call you." you said as you walked over.
"Could you please just... tell me your decision, I beg of you to put me out of my misery."
You smiled a little, he was a man after all, no matter how much he tried to assure you that he could be patient.
"We are very different. You live in the ocean, lead your people, hide from my people. At first, I thought it would be impossible. How could you ever like me to begin with, especially with your hatred towards my people. You said I can decide whether I should call you Namor like your enemies." you watched as his hand moved into a fist, he looked away from you. "And I so decided to call you a different name, neither K'uk'ulkan nor Namor. I wish to call you Amor." his eyes snapped back up at you. He muttered something in his mother tongue, something you couldn't quite understand.
"I thought you were rejecting me."
"I thought about it. Because of our differences. I fear your people will hate me for I am only a surface dweller. I am no Queen as you claimed I could be." he walked over to you as you finally dropped the shell from your hand, his moved to your waist and pulled you in.
"Say it to me, please."
"I wish for you to court me. I wish to be yours. For now, it will be enough."
"And in the future?"
"I could be delusional. I have wishful thinking, but I can see myself by your side, forever. As a partner, a wife, a Queen. As long as you will have me." he let out a shaky breath. One he didn't even know he was holding.
"I came here, day after day in the hopes of seeing you. For you to accept my confession... I'm overjoyed." he smiled.
What a gorgeous smile he had.
"My Handsome King, I truly don't see how you can find me, out of everyone so interesting."
"You are a rare beauty. You are smart and gentle. Kind yet fierce. I need that in my life."
"So, I remind you of your mother."
You laughed at his expression.
"Nothing nothing." you laughed a little as his grip on your tightened.
"Is that some joke between... women?"
"You could say that, yes. A joke. Can I ask my King, to take me on a date?"
"What's a date?" you nearly fell over laughing. He loved to hear your laugh.
"I will dress up nicely and we can meet and talk."
"What's wrong with what you are wearing now? It looks nice enough for me."
"Okay, would you like to go somewhere then?"
"I can't really leave the water."
Problem number 1.
You assumed there will be more along the way, but you were sure you can also deal with them and find solutions.
"Then let's stay here? In case you need to leave, you could go back."
"I will give you this." he reached into the water and you noticed something shimmering in there. He pulled out a necklace made of pearls. "I have been making this since I saw you." he then held the medal in the middle of the pears in his palm. "You just have to whisper to this, and I will come to you, wherever you are." he then placed it around your neck. You touched the delicate jade medal and smiled at him.
"Thank you. I wish I could give you something special as well."
"A kiss would be special enough." he smirked as you smiled.
"Very well." you moved your hand to the back of his neck as he let you pull him in, and you placed a kiss on his lips.
"I will come see you again tomorrow, My Love." he said as he finally let go of you, slowly walking into the sea.
"I hate seeing you leave, but I love watching you go." you said which confused him as he turned to give you a look. "I mean you have a nice... backside."
"So do you." he said and you knew he didn't understand your reference but it was okay.
You will teach him many more things about yourself as you will learn more about him.
You never expected to end up with him, but you were not complaining.
If anything, you were looking forward to tomorrow and the days after.
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Namor Taglist: @lunamoonbby
Taglist: @fleursirvart @greenarrowhead @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster @capsiclesdoll @puknow @alwayshave-faith @alex12948 @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @praline357 @trshngyn @avengers-r-us @violet-19999 @top1bbgloak   @manduse   @jacalineiscomingforyou  @mandoloriancookie @noname2246
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 5 months
Hello! I finally figured out how to request from you! I live in Australia so it was hard to find the correct times and days. I literally stayed up all night just so that I can request something *crying for the need to sleep*.
Anyway, can I request either Odin, Thor and Loki with a female Hiccup Reader from 'How to Train your Dragon' and having children.
Or Poseidon breeding NSFW with a female human reader who loves the ocean and sea life (bonus with their first meeting where he sees reader chasing some delinquents away with a baseball bat).
Anyway, I'm going to crash and sleep any minute now, so... Love your work!
This wasn’t going to be this long, but I couldn’t stop once I got started :3
Minors DNI
-It was very rarely that a human caught Poseidon’s attention. Kojiro had been one of the first, after he managed to defeat the lord of the seas, and when he came back, he was ‘nicer’ to Kojiro, compared to other humans, as he had earned Poseidon’s respect.
-As all those who fell in Ragnarok were given their lives back, wished back by a selfless human, Poseidon did have to admit, only to himself, that not all humans were bad.
-So, when you caught his eye when he was walking along one of his beaches in his realm, chasing some teenagers with a baseball bat, “You bastards!! Pick up your mess! You’re gonna kill more wildlife with your trash!!”
-Hearing you defending the sea and its wildlife so much did surprise him, before he saw a pile of garbage, left by the teenagers who were running, laughing at they didn’t care.
-You huffed, giving up the chase and Poseidon watched as you went back to the trash and pulled out a bag, cleaning up the mess yourself, muttering under your breath.
-Poseidon sought out the teenagers first, who were laughing, thinking it was funny that you got so mad. As he appeared behind them, his voice low and dangerous, “What are you doing to my domain?” they were not expecting to see Poseidon himself there, glaring down at him.
-They were quickly screaming, hugging onto each other as Poseidon put the fear of… well him into them, teaching them a lesson they soon wouldn’t forget before kicking them out of his domain.
-When he returned to you, the mess was all cleaned up, deposed of properly and you had washed your hands, returning to your own bag on the beach, and you were sketching in a notebook, sitting in the sand with your feet buried, your baseball bat sitting beside you.
-He approached you and you turned, hearing the footsteps and you were surprised to see Poseidon himself there before he spoke, “Thank you human- for cleaning up the mess of those scum. They won’t be bothering my domain again.”
-You questioned, for like a half a second, if he had killed them, as you knew that Poseidon was known for being brutal when he wanted to be before you smiled up at him, stunning him with the warmth behind it, “It’s no problem- I can’t stand it when others make a mess of nature!”
-He knew of humans who did try to help, but those who didn’t care far outweighed those who did, but to actually meet one, to see your determination to at least try, it made a very soft smile appear on his lips.
-He kneeled beside you in the sand, looking at your sketchbook, seeing various pictures of wildlife from seagulls to turtles and a few shells as well as some doodles, but his attention quickly went back to you.
-There was something about you- something new. He couldn’t tell you what exactly, but there was a pull, as he reached out with both hands, after putting his trident down, cupping your cheeks, making them warm and color, “I should reward such an honorable human~”
-You’re not sure what was happening, but you welcomed his advances, feeling the same odd pull he was, and he leaned in, kissing you deeply.
-Your sketchbook and pencil fell to the sand as he leaned over you, forcing you to tilt your head up as you whined softly as he stole your breath away, kissing you so deeply.
-Your soft sounds were clouding his mind, he felt like he was drowning in you, but he wanted to- he wanted more!
-He quickly stood, pulling you with him, easily pulling you into his arms, your legs going around his waist which made him shivering lightly as you kissed him back, tongues dancing together as your breaths both turned ragged.
-With a flick of his wrist, you, him, his trident, and your belongings were all suddenly in a room, his private bed chambers. He wanted you there and now, but he wasn’t willing to do it on the sand- he was not going to deal with sand in places they shouldn’t be!
-Once your back met the mattress he grinded his hips against your own, feeling his throbbing cock against your own core and your back arched, breaking the kiss with a whine as you bit your bottom lip.
-Clothes were quickly shed, exposing your body to Poseidon- he could see scars adorning your body, but instead of being disgusted, he found them beautiful, his lips trailing across them, seeing them as badges that you earned, no matter how you got them.
-Your hands met his hair, finding it soft as your nails scratched against his scalp, pulling a deep groan from his own lips which made your back arch, you had never heard such an alluring sound before.
-This was something passionate, you had never met this man before, but you couldn’t stop, you didn’t want to stop, and neither did he- he wanted this- he wanted you, all of you! Neither of you could explain the heat or these strange feelings between the two of you, but it didn’t matter- it felt too good.
-Poseidon was definitely the dominate one in bed, holding your hair in his hand as he forced you to swallow his cock over and over, feeling your hands on his thighs as you huffed through your nose. You gazed up at him through teary eyes which made him buck up, sending him deeper. You choked only for a moment before swallowing him again, sucking and massaging him with your lips which made him throw his head back, “Gods human- you- umfph!” he couldn’t speak as you hollowed your cheeks again, making him moan so pretty for you again.
-He hadn’t known such an attentive lover before, someone who was willing to pleasure him willing, not just because he told you to.
-Your tongue swirled around his tip as he felt his head go back, feeling his release coming, huffing down at you, you smirked up at him, surprising him, “Cum for me, my King~” your words, your teasing- he quickly grabbed your face, a hand on either side and forced you down on him as he came, forcing you to swallow it.
-You pulled back, licking at your lips and he couldn’t help but smirk, “Minx!” you grinned up at him, feeling so bold as you managed to capture the tip in your mouth again, making him buck before he grabbed you, pulling you back, holding your hair again, glaring down at you. He hadn’t known humans to be so promiscuous!
-His fingers felt so good against your own opening, joining his tongue as he tried to drown himself on you, pleasuring you with his tongue.
-You were gripping the sheets, your back arched as your eyes were crossing, it felt so good, “Poseidon- please- I’m so- ngh! So-so close!” he stroked that special place, so deep inside of you, pulling back, licking his lips like a hungry beast, “Oh~ so close already? Very well- let’s see what you look like when you cum.”
-His words made your veins feel like fire as he went harder, stroking deep inside of you and you felt your vision going white as you cried out- at least you felt like you cried out, as you spasmed around him.
-He smirked down at you, seeing you coming undone- you looked so good like that, he wanted to make you do it again and again and again, licking his lips.
-When he first entered you, holding your head down to the sheets as he entered you from behind, holding your hips up with one hand, your elongated moan swelled his ego, even more than it had been, he was just so big!
-You were so tight around him, sucking him in perfectly as you gripped the sheets, his hands gripping at your hips as he pounded deeply into you, driving cries from your lips with each thrust.
-He watched your ass bounce with his movements, watching the flesh dance below it as he gripped it, spreading your cheeks, making you whine as he stared at where the two of you were joined.
-The sight was so alluring, seeing your slick coating his cock, a milky ring covering his cock which made him go harder and harder, making your cries grow in volume as you threw your head back, “Poseidon ohh~~” he slapped your ass, once then twice, so both your cheeks were turning colors, “That’s not my name at the moment Y/N!”
-You whined, the slight pain feeling so good as you stretched out your hands, “My King!” you were rewarded for your correct answer by him moving hips even faster. You could feel your orgasm quickly coming, he was hitting every spot inside of you that was making you feel stars.
-He hissed through his teeth, brushing his hair back out of his eyes, feeling you tighten around him as he gripped your hips, not caring if they were going to leave bruises as something new swelled inside of him.
-You felt so perfect around him, so tight and warm- he never wanted to leave you. You weren’t going to leave him. You were perfect- you were going to stare here forever with him!
-He thrusts became brutal until he felt you clench hard around him, your body going limp as he tried to enter as deep as possible, emptying himself inside of you.
-You felt his head on your back, his soft hair tickling you slightly as you both gasped for air. You had never felt this way before- it felt amazing!
-He pulled out slowly, listening to you whining from overstimulation and he watched his love gush out of you as you whimpered softly- you felt so full, but you felt so delicious at the same time.
-He pressed a kiss to your back, trailing up as your body relaxed, laying down on the bed before he brushed your hair from your face, kissing your cheek softly, “You get five minutes- I’m going to keep filling you until I properly breed you and you carry my child.”
-You clenched around nothing at his words, your eyes wide as he moved to stand, pulling on a robe to get you both some water to drink.
-It didn’t matter to him if you could get pregnant or not, he was going to continue breeding you, over and over if he had to. You couldn’t help but smile, looking forward to it.
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loveswrites · 9 months
Pinky Swear Wayne x Reader
Pinky Swear Wayne X Reader
Word count: 1416
Time it took me: 1 hour and 50 mins
To My Loves: Here's the Wayne post I promised in July lmao. I may be a slow writer but I'm damn good when I do it that's all I gotta say. @jellyedkazoo I told you that I would tell you when I wrote it. Here you go love. I hope you like it! <3
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“I missed you or whateva.” Wayne said, trying to act all nonchalant.
“I know you did Wanye but I have homework to do. After that trip with my family it’s piled up and I have so much to do.” You said smiling at your boyfriend. You couldn’t help it. 
You were gone for two weeks on a random family vacation. Your family did that often. If life felt even the slightest bit of stressful a plane, a boat or a car was the way out. Sometimes you saw it as your parents running away from their problems but I guess it runs in the family. Cause you tend to do the same thing often. Ditching school, family dinners or even dates. Like the one you were supposed to go on with Wayne before you left. 
“You didn’t even answer any of my calls or texts.”
“I couldn’t we were in the middle of the ocean.” You said, shaking your head.
“You’ve texted me from ‘the middle of the ocean’ multiple times before. What’s so special about this time?” Wayne said his accent grew thicker as he grew a little agitated.
“We didn’t pay for that plan this time.” You said putting your books down on your desk. That was a lie. You saw all his phone calls and texts.. When your phone wasn’t on ‘Do Not Disturb’ that is. 
“You didn’t even tell me you where back.” Wayne said softly. This made you pause. You didn’t move or say a word.
“Are you avoiding me? You ditched me on our date before you left and you haven’t said anything since.” He voiced his words cracking at the end. 
This broke your heart. You didn’t know what to say. But round two of the middle of the sea was looking mighty good right now. 
You weren’t mad at Wanye or anything. Nor were you interested in anyone else, No no far from that. In fact it was too far from that. You were in love with Wayne and you confirmed it that night. Thinking back to that night made your heart skip to many beats. 
 Walking up a wet raining sidewalk you were excited about your date with Wayne. You always had fun with him no matter what the two of you did. Rather you were stealing, baking a cake, watching him fight someone else, or just laying in each other's company. You valued his company like no other and him you. Everyone shook in fear when they saw Wayne coming but you would jump with joy. He was your love. And you were his. 
 You saw Wayne sitting in a corner booth through the window of the diner. You smiled as you watched him attempt to make his hair ‘better’. No matter how many times you told Wanye you liked the way he looked and he didn’t need to change he would always true to look more put together for you. As you continued to gaze at him from across the street you saw the waitress walk up to the table with two cups. He had already ordered for you two. You never changed your order and he knew that. Who knew a cup could make everything click.
‘Oh I love him.’ You thought to yourself in a dreamy state. Wait woah no. Your eyes widened at these thoughts. I can’t love him, it's too soon. We’ve only been dating for six months. What if he doesn’t love me? What do I do? Just as these thoughts flooded into your brain your phone vibrated. Unlocking your phone you saw you had received two texts.
 One from Wayne: 'I'm here.’ 
And one from your mother ‘Make sure you pack before you go to sleep. Our flight leaves at 8 am. We wake at 5 am.”
You looked up from your phone and stared into the diner window from across the street. Taking your first step back you felt at ease. The further you got from that diner. From Wayne, the lighter your heart felt. Who knew all you needed to fix your problems was a bathing suit and cocktail in the middle of the sea.
“Are you even listening to me?” Wayne said, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“I am, I just..”
“You just what? Is..” He trailed off. Turning around you looked at him to see him facing the floor with his jaw clenched. 
“Is it another guy? Am I not good enough for you?” Wayne said, looking up at you. His eyes were watery but you could tell he wouldn’t let them drop if it was the last thing he did. 
“No no! It’s not that, you're perfect for me.” You rushed out. How could he think that? You couldn’t see yourself with anyone else in the world.
“Then why did you leave me.” Wayne said more like a statement than a question. 
You still were too scared to admit the truth. What if it ruined everything between you two? What if you already ruined what was good? You were born to break things your father would always tell you. Yet your mother would always tell you that you were born to fix things. It’s like a devil and angel on the shoulder situation going on here. 
“I-” You closed your eyes tightly. You’ve never said these words to anybody.
“You what? Tell me..” Wayne said softly. Seeing him like this hurt. He looked like a wounded puppy. But it was only you who could ever make him feel like this. 
“Gosh I love you Wayne. That’s why I ditched you at the diner and didn’t tell you. That’s why I wasn’t going to tell you I was back but you showed up at my door and I couldn’t do anything about it. I love you and there’s nothing that scares me more. Okay?” You rambled out and you felt the feeling of relief lift off your chest. But you felt it all come back when you looked at Wayne. He didn’t look like he could feel the love Mr. Krabs.
“You what?” He questioned.
“Nothing just forget-”
“Say it again.”
“I love you Wayne. I love you so much it hurts okay?” You stated once again. Wow twice in a row and it doesn’t get easier with this tension in the air.
“I love you too.” Wayne whispered so low you could barely hear it.
“What?” You questioned furrowing your eyebrows In attempts to hear better. The stupidest things a human will do.
“I love you too.” Wayne said, raising his voice clearing his throat at the end of his sentence.
“For how long?” You smiled digging for details now that the hard attention wasn’t on you.
“Since I first saw you.. Or whateva.” Wayne said looking everywhere else but your face.
“So your love crazy? That’s why you beat up that kid to find out where I was?” You questioned to see if the rumors you were herding were true.
“You heard about that?” Wayne questioned.
“So it’s true?!” You laughed out. He was crazy for you.
“What else was I supposed to do? You left me.” He said, watching you with his calculating eyes as you walked closer to him, closing the gap between you two. Laying one of your hands on his cheek Wayne immediately leaned into you. He wrapped his arms around your waist slowly pulling you into him. As he did this you felt the both of you relax in each other's hold. It took forever to get Wayne to get this comfortable with you. This was all you two needed. Each other.
“Don’t leave me like that again.” Wayne said as he hid his face in your neck. You still didn’t understand why he would do this. But one day you asked him and he said ‘It feels like home.’
“I won’t.” You whispered, running your other hand through his hair. 
“You pinky swear or whateva it is?” Wayne spoke, making you laugh a little. He never knew how to handle sentimental stuff.
“I pinky swear or whateva.” You promised, mocking him at the same time.
Wayne grabbed one of your hands and wrapped your pinky around his. He was going to hold you to your promise. 
“You keep your promise and I’ll do the same.” Wayne promised. 
God just plan the wedding now. 
Pulling him down to you you laid a kiss on his lips sealing the promise. 
There’s nowhere you’d rather be.
Your Wayne.
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monocaelia · 1 year
a spoonful of sugar.
even when you feel like your body is caving in on itself, they're always there to lift you from the darkness. aka; they take care of you when you're sick.
feat. childe. diluc. scaramouche.
genre : fluff and comfort .
note : guess who covid finally caught up to. :) i've been feeling awful about the whole ordeal so this is a little comfort fic to me from me, teehee.
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today was the day childe finally came home from work and boy was he excited about it. not only would he be home with his family for a while and get to spend time with those that he loves and maybe go fishing with his father and help his mother with meals while the kids get ready for dinner and bed, but he would also get to see you again.
granted, he got to see you more often than his family members as you travel around teyvat as often as he does, but nothing beats getting to your house and being enveloped by one of your warm and loving embraces as you both take in each other's presence as if it would be your last.
what he wasn't prepared to see when he walked through your door was your huddled body shaking underneath a blanket, sniffling and coughing while you curled in on yourself to maintain whatever heat your body let out.
your name slips from childe's lips as he drops his bags off at your bedroom door. his heart warms at your noise of surprise, but it crumbles again when you peek your head out from the blanket.
of course, you looked sickly; nose and cheeks red from irritation and your eyes barely even open. you were a mess, with your pajamas still draping your body and your hair messier than when you just wake up, almost as if you didn't even brush your hair for the day.
"oh... childe, i wasn't expecting you home so soon. if i had known, i would have-"
"you're not doing anything right now," childe scolds, marching over to your bedridden body and pushing you back underneath the blankets. despite your protests, childe presses a finger to your lips and a kiss to the top of your head. "don't you dare move a finger on this bed or i'm going to be very upset, sweetheart."
and with that your lover leaves the room. you hear a number of clutters from the kitchen and soon a warm, comforting smell surrounds your room and nearly lulls you to sleep. if it weren't for the gentle knock and the familiar head of messy, curly ginger hair peeking from the door, you sure would have.
in his hands was a delicious soup, one that he remembered you loved and you could nearly cry at the mere thought that he recalled something so trivial about you.
"oh... 'jax you didn't need to do all of this. i'm not that sick," you gently try to persuade him, but your lover shushes you.
"i didn't need to, but i wanted to," he replies simply, a loving smile growing on his lips and his dimples poking through. "i wanted to and i love you."
oh, that did it.
you tried pushing back the tears that welled up in the corner of your eyes as to not embarrass yourself in front of childe, but to no avail. one, two, three tears drip from your face and you try to wipe at every one.
"love? are you okay? should i have not made you soup? did you want anything else?" your lover panics, setting aside the soup to comfort your shaking body. his thumbs, calloused from years of fighting and training in the fatui and moreso, gently wipe away the tears that push through your eyes and its at this moment that you feel his love for you again and again.
"no... i just..." you begin, taking a deep breath to collect your thoughts, "you're too good for me. i'm sorry for making you worry about me, 'jax."
he doesn't respond immediately, instead only silently wiping away your tears and pushing away the hair that got in between him and your face. as much as you loved his deep, ocean eyes, you couldn't bring yourself to stare into them at the moment in fear of humiliating yourself even more in front of him.
childe calls your name, gently like the waves that lap calmly against the shores of morepesok, and that's when you finally meet his gaze.
"don't apologize for something like that. i love you, and you're someone important to me; of course i'm going to worry for you and care for you," he presses a kiss to your head once more. "you're someone i want in my life forever. so please, let me love you."
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you're pitiful; shivering underneath the blanket of your bed and pulling the sheets far above your head. every now and then he could hear your soft sniffles and dry coughing disrupt the otherwise silence in the room.
if he could, diluc would take the illness that chose to curse you at this very moment and suffer in your place. but what he could he do against the common cold.
his knuckle gently raps against the door, signaling his arrival to your room and his heart aches when your body freezes underneath your thick blanket. slow, heavy steps make their way towards the pile on your bed and he carefully places the tray of food on your nightstand.
diluc calls your name; you don't reply.
he calls your name again, fingers lightly tugging against the blanket that hides you from the outside world and your fingers quickly tighten their grip and a shout of protest leaves your lips.
"dearest," diluc whispers, his words enveloping you in the warmest way possible, "you have to eat your dinner."
your body curls away from his touch and his brows furrow. he hates to see you like this.
"i-i'll eat it in a bit..." your hoarse voice answers from underneath the blanket. as sickly as you sound, diluc could feel his shoulders drop in relief at hearing you speak again.
"why not eat it now when it's warm, love?" his fingers caress what he thinks is your head from underneath the blanket. "i've missed seeing you. don't you miss me, too?"
there's a pause of silence as you ponder what to do next before your head slowly peeks out from underneath the blanket.
your eyes are swollen, tinted a light shade of pink along with your nose from excessive wiping. your hair is a mess, sticking out in places where it shouldn't be, and the bags underneath your eyes are darker than they normally are. you must have lost a fair amount of sleep because of your illness.
"i'm sorry i look so scary right now," your words are congested and hoarse, but your voice is still your voice.
diluc's heart melts at your apology and his rough fingers brush a strand of hair away from your face. even if you had the burden of carrying the world on your shoulders and had the physical repercussions to show it, he would still think you were the most ethereal being he had ever laid eyes on.
"nonsense, you're beautiful. how could i ever think of you as any less?"
his lips gently press against your forehead, a silent 'i love you' shared between the two of you before helping you up to eat your dinner.
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"you look awful."
scaramouche is sitting a few feet away from your bedside, staring at you in disgust at your messy hair and runny nose. you had suggested he leave you alone for today as you've gotten severely ill, but what scaramouche wants, scaramouche does so here he is, calling you ugly in your own home.
"thanks," you retort in your congested voice, "you sure make me feel extra loved."
the wanderer rolls his eyes at you before moving to finally sit at your bedside. he made sure not to sit too close though, probably so that he wouldn't catch your germs.
not that he could ever get sick, but whatever.
"you know, i thought you promised to be nicer," you comment, attempting to sit up to be a little bit polite towards your unwanted guest, even if he didn't deserve it, but your head spins as soon as you move.
surprisingly, you feel sharp fingers push you back down on your bed and you're staring at the ceiling again.
"i am. i'm visiting you while you're sick, isn't that being nice?" scaramouche states it as if it was obvious. "when no one wants to see you and risk getting sick, isn't this me being nice so you're not alone."
in his own... weird and convoluted way, scaramouche was right. although it's not what you would deem as nice, this was nice even for someone like him.
"oh right, they told me to make sure you take this," scaramouche says, pulling out a green vial from archons knows where. you feel your throat close up at the sight of the medicine and the familiar, bitter taste of it nearly makes you gag at the mere sight. he brings it towards you and you instinctively pull away from him.
"oh?" the wander watches in amusement as you make every attempt to move away from the vial. "what is this? the fearsome warrior who has slain their enemies with no remorse is scared of a little bit of medicine?"
your hand shoves the arm holding the vial away, although weak from your current illness. "as if. just... leave it here and i'll eat it later. i promise."
your heart drops to your stomach when the grin grows on scaramouche's face. "no, i was ordered to make sure you ate it all. i need to bring this bottle back empty, you see."
he was having too much fun with this. your eyes widen in both fear and surprise when he leans towards your bedridden body, arms barricading you and trapping you on top of the mattress. if you weren't stuck with an illness, overpowering him and switching the sides wouldn't be an issue.
but your body was frail from your fever.
"you're such a liar."
"me? a liar? nonsense. that was the old me, not the new me, promise."
and yet the devious glint in his eye and the way too toothy grin that continued to grow on his face revealed the truth to you. he was messing with you, and you would be damned if you let him win this round while you were recovering.
"now you can do this the easy way or the hard way. which will it be?"
oh boy... this was going to be a long night.
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laylaswriting · 1 year
Bloodstream Chapter IX. - Pirate
MASTERPOST | Ao3 | Wattpad Title: Bloodstream Chapter IX. - Pirate Pairing: Killian Jones x fem!reader Word count: 1.6k Warnings: none Tags: drama, angst, mutual pining/tension Synopsis: Hook confronts reader about last night's events. A/N: I'm sorry I made you guys wait for so long. I got very insecure about this story and was not sure if I'll even publish the updates. The story will follow reader's story more in the future episodes and will include more backstory, so I'm sorry if that's not your cup of tea. I hope you'll still enjoy ❤
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The next morning, she woke up with a terrible headache, like thousands of hammers were banging on her brain at the same time. She slowly blinked her eyes open to see her crewmates still sound asleep. It was still fairly dark; the sun didn’t rise above the horizon yet.
She decided to take a breath of fresh air, hoping it would ease the unpleasant feeling of being hangover for the first time in her life. She slowly walked onto the deck where she could only see Mr. Smee at the wheel. She nodded his way and he mirrored the gesture but they didn’t speak a word.
The chilly morning breeze caused a shiver to run down her spine as she stepped to the railing of the Jolly Roger, looking out at the seemingly endless sea. The first rays of sunshine shimmered on the water’s surface, painting the dark blue ocean in all shades of red and orange.
She heard the sound of heavy footsteps approaching the deck, coming from the captain’s cabin. She didn’t turn for a second – her feelings were all so mixed in her head. She wanted to confront him, to ask him all the questions she had in her mind. She wanted to earn some kind of reaction out of him. But after a short while she turned towards the sound of the voice, straightening her back before she spoke.
“Good morning, Captain.”
“Morning sailor” he replied with no emotion on his face. She mirrored his expression. “Don’t you have tasks to take care of?”
She opened and closed her mouth before she replied with a nod, averting her gaze from him.
“Then I recommend you get to them if you want to stay on the ship.” Without anything else left to say, he headed towards the quarterdeck to take the wheel from Mr. Smee, who then started with his daily tasks. His words cut through her skin and straight to her heart.
She headed down to the small kitchen area and started to organize the things in there. She kept stock of all the food they had – therefore she knew they had to stop by somewhere to get more supplies soon. Their food wasn’t going to last much longer.
That knowledge and his words from this morning settled in her brain and the fear of being abandoned in a random town made her worry grow by the moment. Would he really do that?
That night on the quarterdeck he said he wouldn’t just toss her out from the crew. But what if he changed his mind? What if she really was more of a burden than a useful addition to the crew? The thoughts in her head were so loud she didn’t even notice that Ribs entered the small kitchen only when his huge hands landed on her back in a gentle pat. At least he meant it to be gentle.
“You’re early, little man! Couldn’t sleep again?”
“You know it” she replied with a sad smile. He smiled back at her and grabbed the biggest pot off the ground. They didn’t speak much after that, but it wasn’t an awkward silence. It was a comfortable, warm silence between friends where they felt good in each other’s company without the need to say anything.
The days went by mostly the same – she thought. It was strange, the thrill and excitement of life as a sailor - a pirate -, washed away by the monotone daily tasks on the ship. She didn’t mind it per se, it just felt odd to think about how “normal” as a concept can change for a person so fast.
Chatter and the sound of footsteps filled the air as everyone else was getting up after a long night out and started to perform their duties. She said hi to James who also was battling a violent headache after one too many sips of rum last night. She chuckled and helped her friend out. Mr. Smee and the Captain were barking orders left and right at the crew, they needed to change directions and align the sails.
As she was pulling on the rope, she suddenly felt a hand wrap around her own and pulled with her. For a second, she didn’t register who it belonged to but after she saw the rings on his finger and his black shirt, her heart skipped a beat.
“I want to talk to you” he said in a low voice. She only replied with a nod and after she fastened the rope to its spot she followed after him into his cabin. Her heart stammered against her ribcage as she sluggishly moved towards the cabin. She hasn’t stepped a foot in there since that night.
It looked and felt the same, the smell of old parchment, paper and leather filled her nose as she stood against the door. He was looking at a map on the table, but she knew he wasn’t really paying attention to that. Nobody said a word for what felt like eternity.
“Look, I-“ she started, not knowing exactly what to say but he interrupted her.
“That song. You said your mother taught it to you?” He looked up from the map and she felt his eyes pierce through her soul. Lately she didn’t afford the luxury to make long eye contact with him, because every time she did her heart dropped into her stomach and this time was no exception.
“Well, she didn’t teach me. She just sang it to me when I couldn’t fall asleep as a child. I was very small when she died” she said, making a pause and swallowing hard to keep her tears at bay. “It’s one of my only memories of her.” There was a moment of silence after her reply, Hook just stood next to the table and stared at it.
“How did she meet your father?”
“What’s going on?” She asked and crossed her arms. Hook mirrored the gesture as he looked at her without saying anything for a moment. This whole scene was so strange – she thought. What was going on with him?
“Your mother. Was she a sailor? Your grandfather maybe? Where did she learn this song?”
“What? No. My mother, she lived all her life in our town.” Her heartbeat fastened at the implications behind his question. She got more confused by the second and just wanted answers about all this. What was so special about this song? “She could’ve heard it from some travelers.”
“That’s very unlikely.” He shook his head. “Your father lived there all his life as well?”
“Yes.” Her patience was growing thinner by the second.
“Maybe he lied.”
“What are you implying?!” She snapped, putting her arms on her hips while her eyes were throwing daggers at Hook. “That my father is a liar? That my mother was a pirate?! Because of one song?” She almost spat the word pirate, which made him close the gap between them with huge leaps and the next thing she knew was his arm next to her head, his body almost flushed against hers.
“Now-now, is being a pirate so bad?” He sneered, raising his hook next to her head. She felt her hand tremble and she wasn’t sure if it was because she was scared or because his presence made her head spin. “The lady didn’t seem to mind all this time, freeloading on my ship, eating my food, sleeping in my bed!”
His voice was roaring and it echoed back from the walls. He put his hook under her chin and lifted her head to match his gaze. His eyes were piercing into hers and she wanted to avert her look but she couldn’t. She was so angry at him – but she was also scared. Scared of being alone, losing her family once again. Losing him forever. No matter how angry she was at him or how distant he was, in the back of her mind she knew she wanted him close.
“That is not what I meant” she breathed as her heartbeat rose to the skies above.
“I’m sure you didn’t, love. If it’s so awful for you here, feel free to hop off next town. Shouldn’t be more than a few days.” He stepped away from her and opened the door of his cabin, signaling for her to leave. She swallowed the lump in her throat and headed to the deck with quick steps. Some curious sets of eyes were glued to her, but she paid no attention to them. She felt nauseous from the events that just unfolded, tears prickling her eyes from being so overwhelmed with emotion.
She stood next to James and leaned against the railing, gripping it so hard her knuckles turned white.
“Are you alright?” He asked as he put one of his hands on her shoulder.
“Splendid” she replied when they heard a voice coming from the quarterdeck. It was Hook.
“Get to work lads, we are headed towards a port at full sails! If all goes well, we should arrive in a day or two!” He gestured at the crew with his good arm and put his hook on his belt. His eyes scanned the deck and they lingered on her, his gaze piercing through her skull. James squeezed her shoulder and she averted her gaze.
The captain then left the quarterdeck and went back to the cabin, slamming its door behind him. She let out a shaky breath then went back to her duties. She was preparing to say goodbye to her friends once they hit the shore.
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iridescentxstars · 2 years
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siren!bangchan x pirate!reader || edging + exhibitionism — anon || wc: 920~
— siren's call, reader still has the ability to think but chooses to give consent.
all kinktober drabbles are smut and mature rated; if you are a minor DNI
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You heard a song, a song that wormed its way into your eardrums and made you walk to the edge of the boat. Looking around, you realised that nobody could hear it because if they had, wouldn't they want to know where it was coming from? That beautiful, captivating voice is calling out for you to listen.
Sirens. You were warned about them when you boarded the ship. You were told to cover your ears if you ever heard a siren's song because it'll make you go crazy and have you diving deep into the abyss below before they eat your flesh.
Your name is called but you don't register it as you stand on the edge of the ship, looking out to the shore that you are sure you can swim to. "Don't-" Too late, you've taken the plunge and the ocean isn't kind to you as you try to swim towards the voice serenading you from afar.
He's calling you, urging you to come to him and how can you resist?
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Maybe you should have resisted, maybe you should have paid more attention to what the others warned you about when leaving your homeland because you have no clue where you are or how long you've been here. Time passes differently when you are stranded and the only person that is with you is the siren who calls to you every night but you kept telling him no.
You don't know how long you can resist him though, your mind is slowly driven insane by the loneliness after what feels like months. The siren calls every night and you say no but soon you find yourself calling him. Talking, trying to connect, figure out why he hasn't killed you yet.
The sky is dark, splattered with stars, and you hear the waves washing along the shores but what you hear amongst all the other sounds, beyond the undisturbed life that surrounds you, you hear him. The siren, calling for you once more. "I'm here," you whisper. you've decided that you don't want to fight him anymore, even if you are going to die - you need to see another being at least once. "Where are you?"
Chan's eyes shine in the night when he hears you calling for him to reveal himself to you. He's been keeping his distance, talking with you when he's bored and finding you interesting for a human. You are more than he could have imagined, you were meant to be a feast for him to dine on but you became slightly more than that. Relief from his own loneliness.
How could he kill you when you both crave the same thing?
"You're beautiful." He finally tells you as he approaches, your eyes widening when you see the way the moonlight catches on his skin, the shadows accentuating the dips in his abdomen and showing the defined body even in the night. Even though he's been watching you from the shadows day and night, you've never seen him. "Nobody has ever resisted as long as you. You are a wonder."
"I thought I'd be rescued," you admit and hug yourself when Chan gets closer because you know that's not going to happen. "I've accepted that I'm not."
He doesn't want to admit he had grown attached over the time shared because it's not like you had anything deeply meaningful, conversations that were mostly you speaking and him listening but... he had begun to enjoy your presence and he couldn't imagine being alone again. "Will you offer yourself to me tonight?" The song he usually sings is no longer playing and you look up in surprise. "I am curious, pretty pirate. You... intrigue me."
Caught up in the moment, the gentle and confusing moment, you kiss. Something tender even if there's fear residing underneath.
Soon, Chan watches as you stand, your tattered clothes slowly being removed from your body as you undress and there's a shiver that runs through you when you stand there naked, his eyes looking over your body while licking his lips and the wind's cool breeze chills you slightly. "Show me more. Lay down." His words are barely above a whisper but they resonate in your head as you lay on the ground and spread your legs.
You want this. You wanted to live, to be found, but that hope is gone because these waters are dangerous and you now know that so as much as you wanted to live - you don't want to die alone either.
Touching yourself to his song, you give Chan a show, you have his eyes on you and engaged with everything you do. When you pinch a nipple, when you gasp and when your fingers finally slip into your soaked core. Chan is hooked. You don't realise that while he is engrossed in what you are doing, he's been edging you, his song stopping which has your fingers stopping too before both starts again when you aren't so on edge.
You are a treat. More than he could have hoped for.
Time moves slowly as you're brought to the edge and then stopped, the dawn chasing away the night until you can't handle it anymore. "Please, have mercy." You beg, wanting to reach your release so badly that you are practically crying for it.
"I am," Chan whispers as he pulls your hands away from your body, leaning forward to capture your lips and sigh, his breath mixing with yours. "I'm letting you live."
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smokeys-house · 2 months
Travel Log 12 + Reciprocal Lacuna
Passage from Puukko's Travel Log
And just like that, she's gone again. Part o’ me feels like I been shot, but another part o’ me feels like I've met with fate once more. I had a reason t’ live before, sure. Had a couple. But the biggest one felt more like a debt than a life. I been a ghost fer far too long. Now I got a new reason t’ keep kickin’, so’s I can have some new stories fer to tell Marion when I see her next.
I'm headin’ home soon. Got Arturo his money back and then some, but not without some explainin’ needed doin’. I asked Marion if she'd sail me home, but she said “I'm afraid that were I to take you home, just as soon as I'd lay eyes upon it, it would become mine as well.” She always fancied herself a poet, so she talks real pretty. Now she's a playwright, actor, director, restaurant owner, sailor and captain, all sorts o’ things. A driven woman, she is. I told her before she skips out the Adriatic t’ head back on down to Mestre and look up the man playing Baptiste Boucher. She said she needn't actors what can't fight nor sail. I told her he were a mercenary and an actor, an’ that he knew her already. I asked her t’ spook him real good fer me. We'll see what she cooks up someday, I'm sure.
She got me set up with someone what was sailing down near Moominvalley. Following that, I'm gonna hoof it over the mountain and straight back into me home. Won't have t’ see no one till I'm good ‘n ready. Midsummer’s comin’ up. I reckon I would've been asleep by now fer the season, but somehow I fear as though hibernation will evade me when I get back.
I plan on staring out at the sea the whole way home
Signed Puukko
Reciprocal Lacuna
Puukko's trip home from Italy was short-lived. The journey to Venice took her quite a lot longer than she'd anticipated, and throughout it she'd struggled and changed much. For all she'd seen and done since the Snork dropped her off, she'd only seen waves on the way home. She spent most of it silently thinking of Marion. She'd managed to replace the sinking feeling from her past with the fond memories she'd made on the Italian coast.
The constant thrum of ocean waves gave way to chirps and chitters from all of summer's creatures after she made landfall. She began the trek home in the same fashion as she had the voyage by sea, beset by thoughts. Summer's heat was abated only by the crisp mountain air as she climbed ever higher, and ever nearer her abode. With each passing familiarity, trees, plants and animals, scents and sights, her heart grew heavier. She was determined to make it home before she could carry it no longer. The wide paths that cut up the mountains narrowed and widened again. She could see the top of the tower of her house, not far off. She forced down the lump in her throat several times as she closed in.
The relative silence of the lonely mountains were ill suited to distraction for a tired mind, its peaceful nature seemed only to collude with her sorrows. To Puukko, the short distance remaining between her and her front door was an endless and terrifying path. The closer she got, the more she felt like she was being chased. She began to walk faster, feeling guilt and pain creep up within her. She felt a sharp pain in her chest, and an ache in her head. Her vision began to narrow as her breath rapidly increased pace, and her paws began to go numb. The sunny summer day seemed all but gone, fading into tunnel vision focused solely on her front porch. She stumbled as she clawed her way to her door, slamming it behind her and slumping to the ground as she caught her breath.
She sat on the ground, recovering. She took in her surroundings to calm herself. Her home was as she left it. She thought it odd that there wasn't dust, nor cobwebs, just a tidy home filled with memories and knick knacks. The familiarity was both a comfort and a curse. She shook the trail dust and panic from her fur, steadied herself, and set her things aside as she headed into her parlor for a seat. Everything was in its place, and clean. Upon the table, placed tastefully off center, was a basket. It was plain and dark in color, with all manner of shapes and colors spilling out the top. Cheeses, bottles, odds and ends, seashells, ribbons, and all things nice. Tented just before the basket was a note, and beneath it, another.
Dear Puukko
We all miss you dearly, and hope to see you soon. We hope you had fun on your adventure.
With love, your friends in the valley.
The first note was crammed full on the underside with signatures, scribbles, and doodles featuring names that she knew, and some that she didn't. The thought that she might've left it all behind for good tortured her. Puukko coughed as she held back tears, quickly moving on to the second note.
To Miss Puukko
I hope you don't mind, but I'm writing you a note all to myself, as well. I've taken the liberty of keeping the place clean in your absence. As of writing this, this is the third time I've stopped in. The first time was just before we went to sleep for the winter. We left you a lovely basket of things with a little inspiration from everybody. The second was just as we woke in spring, and I had to replace a few of the perishables in the basket. Pappa insisted I not go alone, and that the mountains were far too snowy to go by oneself. Moomintroll came with us, as well. He's not one to be left out, as I'm sure you know. I managed to keep the two of them away from anything sharp or shooty as you would put it. We spent a night or two here, sprucing things up for you and waiting for the snow to thaw. Now, summer has just begun.
I've reassured everyone that you'll be returning. Truth be told, for a while, I wasn't sure myself. The valley feels different without you. Though your visits were sparse, it was reassuring to know that you were up here in your cozy little home, safe. I was worried for you. But when I remember the stories you told me, and I look at all the things that tell your tale in your home, I feel a little more reassured. Whatever you found out there, or whatever found you, you are always welcome in Moominvalley. Marion, too, if she pleases.
Do stop by for a visit on your return
P.S. Not that I mind the trek, but you might think about installing a post box in the valley. The postman isn't much interested in mountain climbing. Pappa could make one for you, or Too Tikki if you've met with her, she's interested in everything.
Tears began to spill upon the page. Just as they hit, Puukko panicked a small bit as she wiped them away, attempting to preserve the letter. For a brief moment, confusion struck her as she lifted her paw up to her eyes. It had been decades since she'd cried last. The sensation was new, and awful, but relieving. The lump in her throat that she'd continued to beat away seemed to burst as she struggled in vain to hold back the deluge of tears. She cried loud, and horribly, as the emotions she struggled to parse escaped through her eyes and into the air. She threw herself onto her couch. She was tired of being strong, and she was tired of being tired. The boiling pot of sorrow and regret fused itself with the warm feeling that made itself a home in her chest, and she smiled. For the first time since she'd been in Moominvalley, she felt not like a legend, nor a criminal, nor the stories she'd been a part of, but like a moomin. She felt, at last, at home.
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muses-of-the-memory · 2 years
Zizzi would enjoying the view of the ocean as she took a deep breath now. "It sure is a nice summer. But why do I need the dress?" She would speak into the ear piece as she was walking by the docks. She hadn't taken noticed the lady running by her. She was soon taken off guard when she felt a sudden shove as she stumbled. (Frozen)
"Well Zizzi, you're in the Kingdom of Arendelle, and judging from how festive the place is, the Queen Elsa is coming of age to become queen." Chronoa said into Zizzi's earpiece.
“What do you want, Sven?” Kristoff asked to his reindeer growing up with him as he speaks for him. “Give me a snack!” He said in a different voice, speaking for him.
“What’s the magic word?” He asked pulling out a carrot. “Please.” Kristoff said as he chomps on the carrot. “Share!” Kristoff said as Sven shares the carrot.
Meanwhile, Anna was dancing and singing about the gates being open for the first time in forever as Elsa prepares for the coronation. But she also has to remember to conceal her ice powers, but don't feel fear.
Anna then bumps into Zizzi. "Sorry!" She then bumps into Princes Hans' horse and falls into a boat. "Oh! I'm so sorry! Are you hurt?" Hans asked. “No. I’m… I’m okay.” Anna said towards the gentleman when she had bumped into his horse. “Sorry. I just wasn’t looking where I was going. But I’m great, actually.” She said towards the individual.
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ellena-asg · 1 year
Melissa is a very lovely person and her own arc (that little something from the canon) is moving. I like Melissa very much. And I don't have to tell how much I love Danny. But how about:
• instead of: Danny meets Amber/Melissa at gas station -> Danny and Steve are at gas station and soon, while being on their road, they witness all that shooting from the show's canon and they both take injured Amber to the hospital (where they find out that she's alone in Hawaii). They take the case and when it's solved they come back to hospital with Kamekona's food for Amber. They befriend her.
• instead of: Danny flirts with Amber -> Even if he tries, Amber says "no, Danny, we both don't need this, believe me". She needs to focus on her own life, she needs to find her peaceful place after dramatic past, she doesn't want any romantic relationship now (or she just generally doesn't want this), she just needs friendly souls around. Besides, she sees very clearly that Danny and Steve are walking disasters in love.
• instead of: romance -> The plot is focused on Amber and her lovely friendship with boys and the rest of Ohana. She becomes Ohana's part but there is still a big mystery around her and boys feel it well. They try to talk with Amber but she's like "Oh, I don't talk about my past cause it's nothing interesting you know". They see well that she hides something and that she fears something so they try to check her past on their own. But before they do it, her ex husband comes to Hawaii and finds her. She calls boys and fights with her ex. Her ex dies. At their office Amber tells boys all sad truth about her marriage, her abusive husband and about her real name. Boys are there for her. They say she's Ohana and that all will be okay, she's not alone.
• instead of: Melissa is mainly Danny's girlfriend -> Melissa is a great friend and a great person. Plot (episodes with her) focuses on her character, on her relationship with Ohana and interactions with others, on her interests/hobby, on coming back to peaceful life (with Ohana's little help), on her dreams about future and on the way to make them come true. How about Melissa working for some NGO and/or helping other victims of abuse? (she could co-operate with Kono in some cases, with Kono and Abby). Or Melissa having a good time with her adopted animals in her cosy house somewhere near the ocean, working from home and having her sweet Ohana guests there? Or how about Melissa having other job, something artistic maybe or something full of adventures? Just anything that makes her happy!
• instead of: Melissa doesn't like Rachel cause she's jealous -> Melissa doesn't like Rachel cause Rachel hurts Danny and kids (and Steve in some way). Melissa heard a lot about Rachel from Steve, Danny and rest of Ohana and she just sees well what's going on when Rachel is around. Besides, as a victim of abusive husband Melissa just notices that Danny knows her pain. He helped her a lot and now she is determined to help him realize that he's a victim of abusive spouse/spouse's family too. She also has a Big Talk with Steve - she knows Steve is needed. Plot focuses on abuse issues and on good things like friendship, help and human solidarity. Instead of forced Danny/Melissa romance (I may be straight but I have eyes and I'm disgusted by your "hetero mania no matter what", Lenkov) plot gives us Danny being in a nice and healthy friendship with Melissa. Plot gives us Melissa and Danny being Ohana, brother and sister forever.
• instead of: Danny/Melissa & Steve/Lynn double dates -> Melissa is happy with her life and with people around. She's got Ohana, her friends, her brothers and sisters. Maybe she is just single or identifies herself as aromantic, maybe she met a good man, a man whose heart beats for her and her beats for him, or maybe she met a nice lady (hah, Lynn?) and realized "oh, that's it!"... - she's just happy. And she wants her friends to be happy too. As was mentioned above, she sees so damn well how much her two beloved dorks love each other and how much they suffer because of them being walking disasters/because of their fears. So she decides that she will open their eyes - someone has to, she knows.
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Summer!AU where the marauders go to the beach and Remus is feeling insecure because of his scars and the others make him feel better? 👀
This is perfect. mwah, kiss for u
Words: 486
"We're finally here!" James says, putting the car in park, clapping his hands together.
Expecting an excited response from the rest of the car, he turns around and sees everyone dead asleep.
"WE'RE FINALLY HERE!" James repeats at a yell.
And with that, the car jolts awake.
Sirius and James jump out of the car excitedly, while Lily, Peter, and Remus struggle to wake.
Sirius and James immediately race to the beach, taking their shirts off only when they reach the water.
The rest are behind them, walking slowly to enjoy the sun on their faces.
Peter, too, takes his shirt off when they reach the warm sand.
Peter excitedly starts splashing with James and Sirius while Lily lays out a towel with a book.
Remus, however, stood on the beach, staring at his friends messing around in the ocean. He wanted to join as well, but a nervous feeling crept up his chest when he thought about taking off his shirt.
It was a nice, hot day. The sun was beaming down and there were plenty of people around to judge his scars.
"The ones on your face are scary enough, no need to traumatize the children." He thinks to himself, looking around at the toddlers holding hands with their mums, walking down the shore.
He doesn't want to be scary. He wants to be normal. He feels tears threatening to fall.
He's a few yards from the beach in what looks like a a paralyzed fear.
It takes a minute for his friends to notice this but Sirius is the first to stop swimming and walk up to Remus.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Sirius says, squeezing water out of his long, dark hair.
"I'm just scared to take off my shirt." Remus says, very low.
"What was that?" Sirius asks.
"I don't want people to see my scars." Remus rephrases.
"Fuck that! They can close their eyes if they don't like it." Sirius says and (with a wink) adds, "I think you look pretty good with your shirt off."
James, Peter, and Lily noticed that Remus seemed to be nervous, too.
They join him and soon they are all huddled in a group.
"Tell Remus he's sexy, James" Sirius says and Remus laughs, only in a sad, sniffly way.
"You're so sexy.... What's wrong?" James wonders.
"I don't want to take off my shirt... my scars...."
Lily pulls him into a hug, "Aw, you look great. Plus your scars from only a few months ago are fading nicely. Don't worry about it." She says.
"But I don't wanna...." Remus stops and sniffles, "...scare the children."
"Pshhh, they see worse on TV. You think your scars are as bad as Freddy Krueger?" James says and Remus laughs.
"I guess not." Remus says.
"C'mon, strip for me." Sirius says and Remus laughs even harder.
"Fine, guys. Let's go swim." He says, and slowly takes off his shirt.
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seiya-starsniper · 1 year
I'm back on my shit with the hobrintheus tentacle sex from and if I get burned, at least we were electrified. You don't need to have read that fic in order to understand what's going on here.
This is also only just a snippet of what is probably going to end up being a few thousand words of gratuitous monsterfucking, and in honor of @staroftheendless's first day of Smapril having the prompt tentacles, I couldn't resist sharing :3
Smapril Day 1 - Tentacles
“Not to try and ruin the surprise,” Hob says. “But why are we here?”
“Wait and see,” the blond replies. “Dream will be here soon…ah, there he is.”
Hob turns in the direction the Corinthian is looking and feels his breath catch in his throat. Dream is standing a few paces away in a form Hob has not seen before, but nonetheless recognizes as belonging to his lover.
In the Waking world, Dream and Hob are of a similar height, and both are shorter than the Corinthian. In the Sea of Nightmares, Dream towers over the two of them. Hob has to tilt his head up to meet Dream’s eyes, which have taken on a red hue that pierces the otherwise dim waters. 
When Dream begins to approach the two of them, he does not walk, but instead glides along the ocean floor, almost as if…
Ah. Hob’s eyes adjust to the next change. Dream has chosen to manifest a fish tail here. A mermaid’s tail, Hob’s mind fills in. It is a lovely, shimmering thing, a dark navy blue that reminds Hob of the night sky.  
But though his tail resembles that of a mermaid from a seaman’s dream, the rest of the Endless is anything but. His skin, already so pale on land and in the Waking world, is practically stark white and luminescent here within the Dreaming. It stands out especially against the stark black robe that covers his shoulders and pools down to his tail, but otherwise lays open, exposing his chest.
Hob also notices that Dream's right hand has shifted into a mass of slithering appendages. He feels his mouth water at the sight of them. 
Hob has not forgotten the first night the three of them fell into bed together, the feeling of those appendages around his cock, how badly he’d wanted them inside of him the same way they were inside the Corinthian. 
Hob then realizes what it is they’re here for, and the thought sends a hot wave of pleasure down his spine. 
Dream smiles when he catches Hob’s expression, and the immortal glimpses multiple rows of teeth, like a shark’s. Hob thinks he ought to be afraid, but his fear response has been completely off ever since he met the Corinthian, possibly ever since he met Dream. Whatever plans his two nightmare lovers have in store for him, Hob knows he’s going to have a good time. 
The Corinthian grins when Dream stops to stand in front of them.
“My lord,” the nightmare greets and then bows. 
“Corinthian,” Dream replies, nodding at the nightmare. Even the timber of Dream's voice is different here, at the bottom of the Sea. It is deeper, somehow, which Hob had not previously thought possible.It makes Hob want to sink to his knees in supplication of this monstrous, gorgeous creature.
“Hmmm,” Dream hums, a pleased look on his face. Hob knows instantly the Endless has parsed his thoughts. 
“I would have you starting like this, on your knees,” Dream rumbles, and Hob sinks down without a second thought. The sand at the bottom of the Sea of Nightmares is pleasantly soft in a way sand should not have the ability to be, and Hob feels a fondness rise up in him at the consideration.
Dream moves his body directly in front of Hob, who can’t help but reach out to run his hands along the scales of his tail. He smiles when he hears Dream hum in pleasure.
To his surprise, the tail suddenly splits and then splits again. Hob finds himself staring no longer at a mermaid’s tail, but at a mass of writhing tentacles instead. They give off the same shimmer as the tail, midnight blue and dark as night, and Hob leans into the touch when one of them reaches up to caress his face.
“This form pleases you,” Dream preens from above him. 
Hob turns his head and kisses along the appendage caressing his cheek.
“You didn’t think it would? After that first time?” Hob asks, and groans when two of the tentacles move to rub at his shoulders. Hob’s been sore all week from hunching over and grading exams, and the press of the appendages feels absolutely divine.   
“You bore witness to only part of that form,” Dream murmurs.  “This is the full extent of it. It is often off-putting to those who are not nightmares.”
Hob looks up at Dream, and leans back to take into this entire nightmarish form. Dream has cast off practically any resemblance to a human other than his left hand and his torso, which Hob finds himself wanting to trail his tongue over. He licks his lips and grins.
"Well I love it," Hob says, nodding in approval. 
“Good,” the Corinthian interjects, a feral grin crossing his face. “Because you’re in for a wild ride.”
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