#i'm just glad they're healing each other
mrsreginagold · 2 months
Fic: Restless
Fandom: Ready or Not x Saw VI (Crossover)
Pairing: William Easton x Grace Le Domas (Willace)
Rating: R
Spoilers: Takes place in an AU, as William yet again survived his test and met Grace at some point. She isn’t fully aware of what he’s been through.
Summary: William’s restless nature worries Grace.
Author's Note: This is my second attempt to figure out what kind of universe and plot line works for this very random couple that I now ship incredibly hard. Most would agree that watching Will's ending in Saw VI is heartbreaking, but if he were to survive I know there would be a certain amount of trauma for him to process. Having Grace help and comfort him just felt like the right course. And she gets the added benefit of a really attractive man wanting to thank her afterwards which she absolutely does not mind.
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                  The gentle rustle of cotton sheets was what alerted Grace Le Domas to William Easton exiting their bed. While it wasn’t unusual for him to wake in the middle of the night, she was admittedly touched that he took extra care not to disturb her. 
                  At the same time – the consistency worried her. She knew that he was able to function on less sleep than she did, but it wasn’t exactly a healthy habit. 
                  Resolved to help him in whatever way that she could, Grace threw back the covers, rose, and grabbed a thin robe to pull over her pajamas. She padded on bare feet through the hallway until she spotted William standing in the kitchen, waiting for the electric kettle to finish boiling some water, presumably for a cup of tea.
                  “Baby, you should be resting,” she strolled in, securing the robe around her midsection before curling her arms around his waist – embracing him from behind. “You have that interview tomorrow, remember?”
                  His response was a quiet sigh and to lean back into her. “Sorry, love, I didn’t mean to wake you.”
                  William’s voice – already a resonant baritone – was rougher with exhaustion, and despite her innocent intentions, Grace was unable to quell the pool of liquid warmth that gathered at her core. 
                  Biting back a moan at the effect he had over her, she instead pressed a feather-light kiss to his nape. “You have nothing to apologize for, but I can’t help being concerned. This has been going on for months and it’s not good for you.”
                  “I know that. I’ve been trying, but the insomnia is really tough to shake,” he twisted around to face her, and she visibly winced at seeing how dark the circles under his eyes were getting.
                  “God, you look exhausted,” she muttered, reaching up to push some loose strands of hair out of his line of vision. “Though I like this longer style on you.”
                  The corners of his mouth quirked into a brief smile. “You were the one who suggested it.”
                  “And I’m glad I did because it makes you look rakish,” she stood on tiptoe to kiss him properly, relieved when he pulled her closer on instinct. 
                  It was easy to lose herself in William’s arms, allowing the world around them to disappear into a cloudy haze while passion took over. However, distraction wasn’t what he currently needed, so she pulled back. “Make your tea, and let’s sit for a while and talk. Maybe we can get to the bottom of why you aren’t sleeping.”
                  “And here I was hoping that some tiring lovemaking was in the equation,” he teased.
                  She rolled her eyes, but an affectionate smile crossed her lips. “It still can be, but first: we should figure out what’s happening.”
                  They relocated to the living room with their tea in hand and nestled together on the couch. 
                  “Tell me about what started this,” she invited, taking a slow sip of her drink. 
                  He sunk further into the plush cushions. “It’s been going on since before we met, actually. Since…” he shuddered at the memory that emerged, unbidden. “Since my test.”
                  Grace pursed her lips. She knew only the basic details of what William had been through. “I know you don’t like unearthing those memories, but maybe talking about the experience would help.”
                  “Are you sure? It’s pretty horrifying.”
                  She rubbed over the back of her left hand, which bore the scars from her own harrowing experience only a few years ago. “I think I can handle it.”
                  He hesitated for another moment before quietly launching into his tale. 
                  Grace listened with growing alarm as William described, in great detail, the challenges that he had faced. While she was aware that Jigsaw’s traps were terrible, painful experiences, learning that they were also personal in many ways – tailored to the chosen victim – left her aghast. 
                  The most terrifying aspect, though, was the knowledge that he might not have made it due to sheer circumstance.
                  “Wait, so – you’re telling me that the entire time, it wasn’t even really your test? And if that mother and son hadn’t shown mercy, you’d have been killed?!”
                  “Then what was the point of testing you in the first place?!” 
                  Her companion fell silent, his head drooping. 
                  Her heart clenched when she heard her lover begin to cry. “That’s the part that I keep asking myself. What was the point? Do I even deserve to be here or was it just dumb luck?!”
                  Immediately she slid over to give him a hug, running her fingers soothingly through his hair and pressing light kisses to his forehead. “Of course, you deserve to be here, Will.”
                  “Sometimes, I wonder.” he sniffled and then buried his head further into her shoulder.
                  She allowed him a proper sob, wondering if he had ever given himself leave to break, even in private moments. “Hey. Baby, look at me.”
                  He hesitated but did as she asked.
                  Tenderly, she swiped away the tears that ran down his handsome face. “William Easton: you are caring, thoughtful, and a good man, despite your past. Even when you were helping run a shady insurance agency, you took the time to meet with clients face to face and at least attempt to help them. Then, after all that Jigsaw put you through – you learned. You changed, and you brought down the very company that gave you success in the first place. I’d say that you’ve atoned and then some. So yes – you deserve to be here. You deserved to pass that test. And above all, you deserve love. My love,” she clarified. “Will, I love you so goddamned much, please don’t ever think that you aren’t worth it.”
                  A heavy silence hung in the air while he studied her, those eyes of his searching her own in a manner that made her wonder if he could gaze directly into her soul. 
                  Without warning, William lunged, his mouth capturing her own in a searing, passion-filled kiss that sent them toppling back onto the couch from the intensity of it. 
                  Unbidden, Grace moaned, her legs tangling around his when he settled on top of her. Their bodies always seemed to fit exactly – two puzzle pieces crafted solely for each other. 
                  He pulled back to give her air, nuzzling her nose with his before murmuring: “I love you too. Thank you for thinking me worthy.”
                  In the past – she might have scoffed at the platitude, but there was something hidden in the sea of blue she often found herself lost in that told her how much he meant it. 
                  She reached up, tracing a light pattern over his cheek, and replied. “You are, Will. Always.”
                  He ducked his head, claiming her lips in another kiss that was sweeter this time, reclining her back against the plush cushions and deftly undoing the knot in her robe so it fell open. 
                  Smirking against his mouth, she surged up and pushed him back into a sitting position, shucking the garment off and straddling him in the span of a few moments.
                  They kissed again, fervently, with Grace tugging playfully at his tee-shirt until he lifted his arms so she could whisk it over his head. 
                  Her hands immediately rushed to his bare chest, sliding down through the hair that dusted it before lingering at the drawstring waistband of his sleep pants. 
                  He arced his hips to assist her in their removal, grinning between heated kisses. “You’re overdressed.”
                  “Easily fixed,” she mumbled, shimmying halfway out of her nightgown so her bare skin could brush along his.
                  He helped her with the rest, until they were both completely naked and he twisted to bear her back under him. 
                  She raked her nails over a remarkably toned torso, sliding one long leg against his before hitching it over his hip, drawing their nude forms even closer together.
                  He didn’t need further invitation and joined them with a fluid movement, the air soon filled with their mingled cries as they drove each other to completion. 
                  A while later…
        ��         “It hasn’t escaped my attention that we’re very partial to this couch,” William stated, his words slightly muffled from where his head was pillowed against Grace’s chest. 
                  “We are, aren’t we?” she couldn’t help a chuckle, stroking through his hair, which had been lovingly mussed in their exertions. 
                  “Between this and the shower, I’d say that the bed itself has been horribly neglected.” He shifted so he could peer down at her. “We should probably do something about that.”
                  “Maybe get a better mattress?” she suggested, running her hands slowly up and down his chest. “I mean, it could help with the sleep issue.”
                  “That’s going to be less of a problem from now on,” he admitted, touching his forehead to hers. “As long as you’re next to me, I can rest.”
                  “Provided there’s thorough, tiring sex beforehand?” she joked. 
                  “Not necessary but appreciated.” He laughed, which made his features light up in a way she hadn’t seen in a while. Her heart skipped a beat at the sight. 
                  “I meant it earlier…you’re always worthy of my love, Will.”
                  “I know that Gracie,” he leaned in, kissing her gratefully. “I know.”
                  And judging from how eager he was to prove that fact – she had little doubt in the sincerity.
The End
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jjongslutz · 8 months
박제이 JAY 💋 TAKE FIVE! [ MDNI. ]
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IN WHICH you've always trusted jay. he's a good director. but you've gotta admit, this gig is... weird
WARNINGS ⨯ fem!reader, pw(out)p, soft dom!jay x sub!reader, director!jay x voice actor!reader, use of pet names (baby, good girl, darling) guided masturbation (f. receiving), recording (audio), fingering (f. receiving), finger sucking, p in v sex, cumming in mouth
AUTHOR’S NOTE . . . i don't even know what prompted this so…. enjoy!
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You moan into the mic, marking what feels like the fiftieth time of the day.
This is it, this is the one.
"Hm," you hear the disapproving hum from your headphones, instantly dropping your head in frustration. "I'm sorry Y/N, but I need more emotion."
"Can I have some water?" You ask, instead of returning to the task you just can't quite get.
As long as you've been a voice actor, a good three years, you've never played such a challenging role, which is surprising, considering you once voiced seven different characters in the same show.
Jay, the director, nods at you from behind the glass.
You make your way to his side of the studio in a rush. You truly can't stand another second in that recording booth making such embarrassing sounds into the microphone for a whole group of people to watch and listen.
"What's gotten into you, Y/N?"
This isn't the first time you're working with Jay. He's young, but a very well-known director in the voice acting community under the name Park Jongseong. Though, you know him best as just Jay, one of your old friends from college. Is it nepotism if it's your friend getting you these gigs? But, then again, you're also pretty popular in the community, so... tomato tomato.
You shrug at him, taking a sip out of your water bottle. "I don't know, I guess, it's just—" You raise your shoulders again and take an awkward look around the room. Gesturing with your eyes, you tell him, "There's a lot of people here, it's kinda weird."
The gig in itself is weird, you know this, and you knew this ever since Jay presented it to you.
"You want me to what?"
"It's really simple," he had said. So casually, as if he didn't just drop the bomb that you'll basically be voicing straight up porn. "You make a few... exaggerated sounds, and the jobs done. It pays really well, trust me."
And, since you did need the money, you accepted, expecting it to be the shortest recording session you've ever had.
You were proven wrong already.
Jay lets his forehead fall into his hand, rubbing at his temples as if trying to heal a headache, which he probably actually is. He sighs before letting his arm drop. "Guys, you can go home. I'll take it from here."
They do not have to be told twice because as soon as the words come out of their boss's mouth, they're packing up their bags, putting on their coats and saying their goodbyes. You watch them all file behind each other to exit the studio, and then it's just you and Jay.
"So..." he says, filling the silence. "You ready for another try?"
You're glad he's taken off his director persona. Using it as a pass to strip off some of your own professionalism, you heave a long sigh. "Yeah, sure."
And, so you do.
You moan into the mic, this time making your own face in disgust because even you can hear that it sounded off. But when you turn to Jay, you don't see him mirroring your expression.
Instead, he's watching you intently. His fingers rest on his bottom lip, which is tutting underneath them. He's thinking, thinking, thinking, and you know he's come up with a new idea by the way his lips curl up slowly.
You hear the click of his microphone, and soon his voice fills your headphones. "I have a suggestion." His voice is low, but not hesitant. Jay is anything but hesitant.
"I'll take anything at this point."
"I want you to touch yourself."
His eyes never leave yours despite the window barrier between the two of you. Had you not been wearing your headphones, you would've missed the suggestion entirely, but you cock your head to the side slowly and decide you're fine that you didn't.
He takes your silence as approval. "Pull out the chair and take off your shorts for me," he says quickly. And you do as you're told.
You slowly slide the shorts down your legs, turning your gaze away for a second to recollect yourself.
When you sit down, your eyes meet again. You're sure you've grown a red flush, but he doesn't seem to mind. “Bring the mic down closer to you.” He pulls his bottom lip through his teeth before giving you the next instruction. "Start rubbing your pussy over your panties. Slowly."
Your hand traces its way up your leg, to your thigh, and cunt, both staling and putting on a show. What the fuck am I doing? Using two fingers, you being to draw little circles, then big circles over your clit, starting up a nice rhythm. You hum, pushing your head back against the chair and closing your eyes.
"Good girl," he breathes, and you don't think he even notices he said it.
But you certainly did. It pulls a moan out of you.
Jay hums approvingly from his side. “Slide your fingers underneath your waistband. Touch around your clit, but don't touch it just yet. Can you do that for me?”
You give him a broken hum instead of words, listening to his directions and obeying them simply. Your pussy pulses beneath your touch, begging for your fingers to reach where you want it most. But you listen to Jay obediently, letting your hands draw circles around your cunt, eliciting whimpers from your core.
“You’re doing so good for me,” Jay whispers into your ears. You wish he was in the room with you. You’re not sure what you want him to do, but you want more than just his entrancing voice in the headphones. “Keep reading the script,” he adds.
Right. You almost forgot about it.
Your character is meant to be reading while getting fucked from behind, their words slurred together and interrupted by moans. It’s hot, but the text is less than turning you on.
Starting from the top, you read it out loud, your fingers collecting the juices spilling out from your pleasure.
Without permission, you stick one finger inside of you. You push it in, and out, before retracting it completely and bringing it up to your mouth to suck on it. Once your finger is coated in your saliva, it goes back into your cunt, forgetting all about Jay’s piercing gaze from the other side of the glass.
His voice rings in your ears. “What are you doing, baby? That’s not part of the script,” he teases.
Your finger still in your sopping cunt, you lean forward to start back with the script. At about halfway, Jay’s voice sounds again.
“Play with your clit.” His voice drips with a sense of hunger that turns you on.
Your thumb rolls over your clit, finally, a broken moan escaping your lips. You curl your other fingers inside of you, searching for your G-spot which you just can't quite reach. A whine drawls out of you.
When he’s satisfied with your noises, you hear the click of his mic turning on. “Pinch your nipple.”
Bringing your other arm up, you notice your hardened nipples aching to be played with. You twist and pinch and tug to Jay’s pleasure.
“Good girl,” he groans again. His hand drifts further down his body to where you can't see from where you're sitting, but you watch his arm jerk and match his pace with the fingers in your pussy. “Fuck,” he mutters, taking off his headphones and slamming them on the table before moving for the door into the recording booth.
The sudden slam of the door startles you, making you jump in your seat. You close your legs quickly with your hands still embarrassingly stuck down your panties.
Jay fakes concern. “Aw baby, are you shy?” He kneels down in front of you, holding teasingly sweet eye contact as he gets down. His hands come up to your hips and dig into the waistband. You twitch as he snaps the band against your skin. “How about we take these off so I can see how wet you are?”
They come off within seconds. You’re scrambling to get back into your seat as Jay keeps watching you patiently.
“Perfect.” He runs his thumb against your dripping core, sending shivers down your spine. Your pre-cum leaves his finger shining. He raises his hand up to your mouth and swipes his thumb against your lips. You open them to welcome the taste of your wetness. “Good girl.”
As your tongue laps his thumb, you squeal when you feel an invasion in your cunt. Jay’s stuck two fingers into you, and thrusts them rhythmically to your tongue on his other hand.
You moan at the arousing sensations. Your eyes flutter shut naturally, but they catch on the flickering red light from atop the booth’s door.
It’s still recording. Fuck, you think, unable to form coherent words, bucking your hips as you feel your high coming closer. Your breaths are short and your cries are higher pitched, completely letting yourself get lost in the feeling.
And then it all slips away.
“Why,” you whine, prolonging the syllable in distress.
Jay wears a teasing smile, but his eyes show gentle affection. His hands go down to his waistband, but he interrupts himself in his movement. “Oh, baby, were you gonna cum? I’m sorry, I thought you’d want to do it on my cock instead, but I can finger you some more—”
“No!” You sit up hurriedly, grabbing his waistband weakly to take it off for him.
“Such a good girl,” he says proudly, watching you scramble to take his pants off.
You bite your lip at the wet patch on his boxers, but more at the outline of his hardened arousal underneath them. Jay looks at you intensely, his eyes telling you, “Go on.”
His erection slaps against his clothed torso. His tip shines of precum and it takes everything in you not to lap it all in your tongue.
Jay’s hand harshly grabs your hair, pulling your head to make eye contact with him towering above you. “Darling, don’t forget what we’re here for.”
You’re reminded of the recording mic and the script, crumpled paper, now, sitting on the script-stand. Pathetically, you get up from your knees, placing your hands on the stand and arching your back, giving him clear access to your entrance, which glistens in invitation.
Looking at the microphone sitting atop its stand, bent to where it sits right under your lips, your mind wanders at the thought of the shape and how much you wish it was Jay’s cock. You imagine putting him in your mouth and taking him all the way down your throat, letting him thrust upward, causing you to choke on him and clenching your throat tighter to make sure he spills his seed deep inside you.
The intrusion of him aligning himself to your hole shuts your thoughts up. “Fuck, you’re tight,” he groans as he slides in slowly.
His first thrust pulls out a pornagraphic moan from you. The way he hits right where you need him, balls-deep into your cunt. Your hand drags down to your stomach where you feel the tip of his dick pushing forward with each thrust.
You clench around him, trying to focus on the script through blurry vision. Taking breaks between every few words to moan or suck in a deep breath—more often, both—you manage measly to get through your lines.
“Good girl,” Jay calls you again. His hand reaches down to stroke your hair gently, before he harshly grips the base of it, bundling it in his hands and using it as leverage to slam his hips against yours. “Such a good fucking girl.”
Combining his fast thrusts and his hypnotizing words, you know you’re not going to last long. You feel his cock hit your g-spot and it’s all over. You’re clenching and whining into the microphone, letting out the most pleasurable angelic noises you’ve ever made. Your legs tremble underneath his unstilling movements.
When you’re done shaking in pleasure beneath him, your hips buck forward to avoid overstimulation, his cock slipping out. Jay doesn’t mind, his hand going directly to his aching groin, moving at a fast pace.
“Fuck, I’m close.”
You love the sounds he makes. His low hums, the way he speaks quickly to not interrupt himself by a loud moan.
Steadying yourself on the chair, you kneel in front of him, his cock jerking against your mouth. He groans above you, thrusting his hips into it as he gets close. You open your mouth and welcome his spilling white ropes as he closes his eyes tightly and lets out the most brain-fuzzing sound of the day.
Jay takes his hand and cups your jaw. His thumb swipes over the leftover cum leaking over your lips, pushing it through as to not waste any bit of it. “Perfect,” he whispers at the beautiful sight in front of him.
He pulls out a handkerchief from his pocket, dampens it with water from your bottle and cleans you, then the microphone and script stands.
You thank him as he helps you pull your clothes on over your body, muscles still shaking.
When you’re both on the outside of the booth, nothing is different in the air from when you were out here with him before. You’re not sure if you wish it had changed or if you’re thankful there’s nothing weird that came from what you just did.
“How was that,” you ask, sipping on your bottle. You’re not really serious, you know it was good, but you need the confirmation.
A light dust of pink shades his cheeks as he names the audio file “Y/N as Mina, Ep. 4.” “Yes, you did, uh, very good. Really good.”
A smile creeps upon your lips, but you suppress it by biting your lip. “Thank you.”
With your words, his blush deepens.
But despite his bashful expression, your eyes train on the movement of his mouse on the screen, noting how he duplicates the file and saves it into another folder, labeled: X.
“I’d be happy to work with you again, Jay.”
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I knew you'd like the idea >:3
Just imagine the characters having an intervention meeting without the creator and they bring THAT up and the notebook along with it and the entire room just goes to silence and no one know how to bring the fact that close to half of the deaths later on were of their own creator's hands.
You're right though, I def think that Sumeru would actually make the problem worse and potentially cause a relapse in which case another nation takes over and Sumeru is seen as worse or inferior for causing more pain to the creator (like the little hypocrites they are smh)
Imagine there's some pages on the old notebook of just describing how they felt and the reader can see the slow descent to madness as each death happens and it's like forbidden knowledge for them to the point that it actually like becomes risk of being lethal, so they kinda stop looking into it and just try their best to heal their creator and just leave the skeleton in the closet, per say.
I forgot to put my little thing on the last post but here it is again! I have way more ideas for sagau that i will probably never get to write so i'm happy to share them!
🍌 anon I want you to know that I am eating everything up cause MY GOD THE WAVELENGTHS WE'RE HAVING AAAAA
And ohhhhh ohhhhhh forbidden knowledge, your brain rn omg. CHRIST ALMIGHTLY
Some of the notes would actually be forbidden knowledge, especially if we're talking the early ones and if the creator was isekaied before Sumeru's archon quests. Omg- NO ONE CAN READ THE FIRST COUPLE OF EDITIONS, besides for Traveler-
Putting a pin in that for later (slamming my head against the wall over this)
But yeah Traveler is probably the one that creator would be closest too, because they have to be the first ones (besides Nahida or Neuvillette) to know the truth. So when the notebooks are found they're the only ones allowed to read it. So they would be at the meeting and conveying what is necessary but also keep the important parts our for the sake of the creator's privacy and to keep the forbidden knowledge from infesting again.
What probably keeps them at an advantage is the language creator uses can only be read by Traveler since Teyvat's language is usually translated for us in game in our own languages.
And also yes Sumeru would be worst, glad we agree. BUT THAT'S ONLY BECAUSE OF THE AKADEMIYA, Azar fucking sucks and would never understand. BUT- if we're talking with Alhaitham being the acting leader then there's a higher chance for them. Especially with the other Sumeru characters being there, and Nahida!! Nahida would be a godsend since she obviously would have the most knowledge, both known and unknown, and also would be able to peer review others ideas based on when she's read the memories of the creator (poor baby got traumatized tho-)
PLUS! Kuni (Wanderer name I use, making sure that's known) being our body guard, ain't no way creator is dying even if it is their wish. Combine that with Cyno also on guard duty and you got a chance of healing way better then whenever Azar (fuck that guy seriously) was in charge.
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cerealboxlore · 9 months
Billy Batson related question, as always! How do you think the League would react to Black Adam knowing who the Captain is, especially when they don’t even know? (The relationship between Billy and Teth doesn’t matter, they could be allies or enemies).
Billy Batson related questions are my personal favorites!
The idea of the Justice League not knowing who Captain Marvel's secret identity is always makes me giggle :D it's the layer of mystery and unknown danger that presents itself behind not knowing who the Big Red Cheese is that keeps them on edge sometimes. They admire their friend, but sometimes they do wonder, are they his friend? What is he? An alien? A human? A monster beneath the disguise of a man? Three kobolds in a trenchcoat? Nobody knows... They do wish to get to know their friend better.
Normally, most league members have their secret identities kept, you know, a secret. With the exception that Batman knows, of course. However, even he remains stumped on this mystery. He doesn't enjoy not knowing who Captain Marvel is behind the boy scout smile he often shines, but Batman is determined to find out one day. There's almost some respect for how well the Captain manages to hide his identity and tracks.
Meanwhile, Billy is surprised he's lasted this long with a secret identity. He's working with a braincell, half an oreo cookie, and a dream.
I got sidetracked, ack! Okay, so the relationship (depending on which version of Captain Marvel and Black Adam you are familiar with) is almost always going to be personal. There's their shared relationship with the wizard Shazam, but the one I'm most familiar with and enjoy is Black Adam being the one to have killed Billy's parents. (Also, I appreciate you separating the identity of Black Adam and Teth!)
It would be absolutely amazing and gutwrenching to see Captain Marvel shake hands with a "reformed" Black Adam, possibly during a public setting with the JL in attendance, fully knowing the truth behind his parents murders and still going through with the painful decision to let him go unpunished.
For Billy, this hurts. On a deep level that scars his heart and soul for allowing his parents deaths to go unavenged. For the years of pain, he spent alone on the streets homeless and separated from his twin sister, none of it can be fully healed no matter how hard he tries to forget. Scars fade over time, but to Billy, time is eternity. This pain will follow him for eternity.
However, as Captain Marvel, he understands that there's more to the situation that he can't control, and fighting Black Adam would only make things worse. With the wisdom of Solomon, he knows he can't justify a fight against the ruler of a nation, no matter what. So he just smiles for the camera and shakes the hand of the man who orphaned him.
It is through holding Black Adam's hand that the thought passes through his mind: the hand he's holding right now was once stained with the blood of his parents.
Then, the heroes are given a moment of privacy to be around each other without the public's eyes or ears to interfere, and that's when **** hits the fan.
Captain Marvel is avoiding Black Adam, understandably, but when Black Adam loudly calls out his name among the other heroes, Billy can't help but feel rage boil inside his divine blood.
"William. I thought you knew better than to ignore others when they're trying to talk to you. Such rudeness, I am most glad your parents were not the ones to raise such behavior in you."
Whispers among the league ensues. Was that the Captain's name? Did Black Adam know Captain Marvel on a personal level rather than just a regular hero and nemesis level? Despite the eyes watching them, waiting and prepared to step in case of a fight, the Captain grits his teeth and, through miserable eyes of a broken man, chooses to smile.
"Yeah, they really were good people, Adam. I may not live up to their expectations, but I do live for them. Every day. I suppose I have you to thank for that."
"Your gratitude is most welcome, William. May one day come where you live for Mary and Frederick, as well. They would appreciate you honoring them."
Through a wicked smile, Black Adam chuckles, turning his back to take his leave back to Khandak. Leaving Captain Marvel still smiling all alone, his fists at his side curled with rage, drawing his own divine blood from the intensity of his own strength.
After that, the league would be in all rumors and whispers about Captain Marvel. From the past, they knew that Black Adam was fond of taunting the Captain with strange and mean words during their harrowing battles, but had it all been a personal dig at him all this time? Did Black Adam have a hand in accidentally giving Captain Marvel the motivation to become a hero?
Superheroes like Batman would immediately be looking into any information they learned from this and try to decipher what is the truth behind the Captain. Or should he say, "William," now having a name to the face of the hero of Fawcett. He would also be investigating Black Adam far more closely now, should the reformed man ever step out of line. If he heard right and Black Adam had indeed killed the Captain's parents, then he needed to keep an eye on Captain Marvel, too. In case of a breakdown or instability in emotions.
On the other hand, heroes like the Flash and Superman would take the time to visit the Captain in his city and check on him. They'd be concerned after seeing how pained Captain Marvel was. If a villain like Black Adam knew who the Captain was and specifically chose not to reveal his true identity to the public and just the Justice League, then perhaps there was more to it. Superman knew as well how painful it was to let a guilty man go free because he was deemed "reformed" in the eyes of the public (Lex Luthor, ew).
Overall, there would be a whole range of emotions after finding out Black Adam knows who Captain Marvel is. And I am here for it!
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captainmera · 9 months
i never realised just how much tgb had changed how i thought about the characters (mostly vee) until yesterday when i was re-looking over my toh fan-art. You wrote them so well that i forgot that it wasnt all in the show. like how vee and gus weren't shown to being best friends, vee never got to be angry/shocked by hunter or just willow still holding a little grudge against amity. They are just cool details and im so clad they were added! ps your great
Thank you! Wow that's very flattering! I'm glad you are enjoying it!
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I really like Vee, and the more I think about the gang's time in the human-realm, the more I sit back in my chair and think "Ah man, these arcs are really necessary and interesting though.."
Vee also holds a lot of plot, as a basilisk. We can speculate what the reason is that they were extinct, for example (grimwalkers were extinct too).
Wat I really enjoy about TOH's characters are how easily and smoothly they weave into each other's themes and arcs. Their personalities and histories makes them all perfect friends to both build them up and break them down. It's a chefs kiss.
Vee is no different! The set-up for her character was perfectly slotted in to what the other characters needed for their time in the human-realm. And the theme I think the human-realm was supposed to embody.
The demon-realm arc for Luz was a hero's journey, but because of the foil of the trope, and that the point was that: there is no hero/chosen one actually, and the rebels didn't make it in time like in the books, and just because it's a different realm it didn't mean Luz could escape - escapism is temporary.
Dana has said grief and hope are core elements of the story, and she chose to tell it through a foiled trope of being chosen/hero's journey, layered with a religious trauma lens.
To me, looking at Luz as the main character, means looking at her as a nerdy girl in need of escapism, wanting to find purpose, and avoiding her emotions about her dad's passing.
The return to human-realm would be, for Luz, a turning point where TOH turns from being about a hero's journey and a journey about the steps of grief and healing - at the end of it, she will find the light.
Vee, to me, is kind of like a new take on the guide character. She is not a guide, in the sense that she has all the answers, but rather all the truths.
She was right when she told Luz she had everything and still chose to run away. They're not the same. Vee is also a lot better than Luz at being normal and fitting in, something Luz has been playing off and avoiding facing. Luz sees herself as being different as a bad thing, she tried to run away to a place where "weird" was normal and that didn't work out. Now she's back home and feels that it's all her fault bad things happened, because she is herself. And the person she is is different. And different didn't mean special, just different. Of course she's depressed.
The same is true for all the other characters. Vee gets to reflect their truths too, simply by being crafted, narratively, into being the guide.
Hunter gets to face his actions as the GG, come to terms with the nuances of his bad actions, whatever reason he committed what he did. Find forgiveness not just from Vee but himself too. He gets to start over, just like her. She shows him it's possible.
Gus gets someone to share his dream with, his love and enthusiasm for the human realm. A place that Vee feels is more home than where she came from. Gus gets to grow as a person, both morally and intelligently. As does Vee, she gets somebody who shows her that she doesn't just have to be a refugee, she can have a purpose here. She can be an ambassador.
Willow was set up to have an arc where she mistook her newfound magical and physical strengths (she is working out a lot in canon after she changed track), for inner strengths. Willow is a sensitive girl, and a bit of a berserk (I mean she was willing to burn her own mind just to hurt Amity). Willow having to face Vee, who isn't physically stronger than her but is significantly further down the road of being internally strong, is something Willow can learn from. Perhaps even have conflict with! (but more so a conflict with herself than with Vee, really.)
With Amity, Vee has a simpler role. I think to Amity it's more so showing that it's possible to live in the human realm, and giving her hope that going back and forth is a future for everyone who wishes to do so. Creatively speaking, I think Amity and Vee more so to bounce off one another for the plot, rather than character growth or decline.
Camila, I think, is the most interesting. Because she has now spent approximately a year with Vee, half of it thinking she was Luz and having feelings about her daughter having changed so much, the line "I'm glad youre still creative" comes to mind. As well as the terror of losing Luz again. But also, because she has had her own unseen arc and development with Vee, and them having bonded into a foster family that we never got to see glimpses of, it goes without saying that Camila has already done the internal work to take on more kids if that's necessary. I think she saw these kids by her door and thought "yep. They're mine now too." Vee, I think, is interesting to toss into the family dynamic between Luz and Camila, who seemingly are misunderstanding one another significantly. Vee sees them both, and can be a voice of reason when it comes to it. Or if it would come to it.
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moonlight-prose · 6 months
well um hi again 🌼🤍 i would love a drabble of just like Jake lockley and reader making out 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴 i know it would fix me i know it. Anyways i love sleepovers I'm glad you're doing one 🩵🩵🩵🩵🩵
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a/n: hello babes! honestly i am trying to remember which sleepover this was for and i think it was for synthwave. anyways it's taken me months, but i am here for the jake lockley spice. if i'm being real a good makeout session with him would heal me too. he's just got that power. it's a small drabble, but enjoy!
summary: the mornings were calm, unfettered peace. but the nights...those were divine.
word count: 0.5k+
pairing: jake lockley x reader
warnings: SEMI-EXPLICI SO MINORS DNI, makeout sessions, hair pulling, jake lockley being a sexy menace, they're so obsessed with each other it's sickening, it gets hot and heavy, reader is described wearing a dress.
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You couldn’t remember how you got there.
The rush to get inside was now a haze in your mind, his touch the cause of so much vanishing from your thoughts. If you tried to concentrate all you could feel was him. The way he gripped at you before you even made it to the front door. Dinner was cut short by a problem—Jake leaving the restaurant only to return an hour later, white shirt stained in blood, curls awry, and hands bruised.
He expected you to be upset, chastise him with words that would later come into play when he apologized.
He didn’t expect you to kiss him.
To say you had the self control to make it to the bedroom was a blatant lie. Which is why you collapsed atop him on the couch, your lips unable to detach themselves from his. He pulled you close with a pained groan, hips canting up to meet yours, blood no doubt bleeding into the pretty mauve colored dress you wore.
You sighed into his mouth, fingers tangling in his curls, and let him ruck up the skirt of your outfit. Pink wasn’t really your color anyways and besides…if it wasn’t blood then certainly something else would have stained the fabric. Neither of you were too proud of how quick your inhibitions took control. The incessant need was a thrumming pulse that beat beside your heart, a reminder that you wanted him, that you needed him.
“Amorcita,” he rasped, teeth scraping along the shell of your ear, fingers digging into your hips. “You’re getting messy.”
A smile curved along your lips as you brushed your lips along his. “Not my fault someone had to be a hero tonight.”
He smirked. “No. It’s not.”
“Besides…” You met his tongue with yours, tasting the slight bitterness of his mezcal from earlier. A soft moan was pressed into your mouth, hand sliding up your back to grip at your dress and pull it up even higher until cold air washed across the small of your back. “I like when you make me messy.”
The hitch in his chest didn’t go unnoticed by him, but you didn’t have time to comment on it. His lips finding yours with a renewed passion, a deep rumble tearing from his chest as he clutched you even closer. Intent on melding the two of you together. Your knees pressed roughly into the couch, fingers pulling at his hair painfully, but you could practically feel the need begin to bleed into the air around you.
“That right?”
You nodded, dragging your hips forward slightly, a whine building up in your throat, only for him to kiss it away. He licked into your mouth, spit now spread along your bottom lip. You felt the breath faint in your chest—a reminder to pull away—but you couldn’t find the strength to do so. The intoxication of him ate away at your heart. A need you did what you could to keep.
“Then let me make you messy amorcita,” he murmured, hand tangling in the hair at the base of your neck, tugging it roughly until you were parted with a gasp. A string of spit connecting his lips to yours. “Let me stain you baby.”
A broken sound tore from your throat, fingers digging into his chest as your lips formed around a divine fucking words he felt down to his very core.
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rogueddie · 4 months
Bumps and Bandaids T | 476 words Prompt for @steddielovemonth: Love is about healing each other’s wounds
Eddie has always tried to be independent. If he has a problem, he will always try to fix it himself. Most of the time, he only makes things worse or more difficult, but he tries.
When he tried to fix his bike, at fourteen, he somehow managed to slice his hand open.
Wayne had done his best to play it cool, but Eddie could see how much he was freaked out. And, to be fair to him, even Eddie had been freaked out by how much he had bled.
A leaflet for a first aid course, with enough money for the first lesson, had mysteriously shown up in his room a few days later.
"Must'a been the tooth fairy," Wayne shrugged when Eddie brought it up.
"Obviously," Eddie snorted. "Well... might as well check it out. One lesson can't hurt."
One lesson quickly turns into a full training course.
Despite how much longer it takes him to learn anything, even some of the basics, Eddie keeps trying. He keeps going to the lessons.
Something in his gut insists that he needs to know.
And his instincts turn out to be right, when he finds himself in his bathroom with a bleeding Steve Harrington.
"This will be rough," Eddie warns.
"Yeah, I know," Steve huffs, rolling his eyes. "Let's just get this over with, alright?"
Despite how nasty the bites on his sides are, they're not bleeding at all, despite how Eddie had worried they would be. The torn fabric Nancy had wrapped around his waist has small blood spots.
"This'll sting," Eddie says, before slowly starting to pick and wipe any of the dirt and grime from the bites. "Tell me how you're feeling."
"Like something took a chunk out of me."
Eddie snorts.
"Where'd you learn this shit?"
"First aid course," Eddie mumbles, squinting at the bites. "I think those are clean. I'm gonna need to stitch these."
"Sure, whatever, just... get on with it. Please."
"Grab onto something."
It's a struggle to stitch the bites but, eventually, he manages to stitch them up enough that he feels satisfied.
"Ok, we're done."
"Oh, thank god," Steve sighs. "We done?"
"No. I need to cover them but that's it. I think."
He wraps up the wounds, wrapping another bandage around his waist to secure everything.
"Thanks, Eddie. Really."
"You don't need to thank me. It's good to finally have an excuse to use those fucking lessons, especially for someone I... uh..."
"Care about?" Steve smirks, gently nudging his shoulder.
"Dick. Yeah, someone I care about."
His smirk softens, reaching out and taking hold of Eddie's hand.
"I'm glad."
"Steve!" Robin yells, knocking on the door. "You are still alive in there, right?"
"I'm fine!" Steve calls back. He shifts a little closer to Eddie when he turns back. "We'll, uh... talk later. Ok?"
"Ok, yeah, later."
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AEIWAM : what are the divisions specialities actually ? Like obviously the 4th heal and the 11h fight but like. The 9th? Do crosswords?
So in canon, almost none of the guard squads have "specialist" jobs, mostly because it's not terribly important to the plot, and because the court guards were essentially formed as an ad-hoc mercenary gang to protect one city specifically, but since Yamamoto didn't have to remain loyal to any noble family specifically, he kept getting pulled in as an arbiter and more and more responsibilities heaped upon him until the Court guard squads were acting as a De-Facto government, until the old man got pissed off with being involved in everybody else's business and rounded up a gang of nerds to do that for him so he could go do sword stuff. Seriously, everything about the administrative Bullshit in Soul Society makes sense when viewed through the lens of 'this shit was made ad-hoc out of what was available by people who only kind of knew what they were doing.
So the main government of Soul Society functions approximately like so:
Royal Guard:
Only technically part of the government, the Royal guard consists of The Monk who is responsible for making sure nobody steals any more of the soul king's body parts, and the four people he chose to help/didn't want left unattended in the Spirit World: The Guy who makes Zanpaktou, the Guy who can (theoretically) heal the Soul King, the lady who can literally mess with the fabric of reality and the lady who can create new souls. They spend nearly all their time in the Royal Realm trying to prevent the universe from unrevealing further, and don't really have administrative power so much as if any one of them decided to, they could wreck house of anyone in the spirit world, so if they say something, the central 46 listens and obeys.
Central 46:
The Highest Administrative level, sets society-wide policies, mediates disputes between provinces, wrangles the noble houses, assigns aid and designs social programs. It's comprised of 46 sages and other wise people appointed by the 46 as they die off. IN THEORY "Let a bunch of academics and philosophers who presumably know what they're doing make policy" isn't *that* bad an idea by itself, but it got coupled with "Also, to make sure these guys aren't being bribed or politically pressured, let's keep them in near-total isolation :)" and that's when things got weird.
The Central 46 does try it's best to maintain a peaceful and prosperous society, but it's got to strike a weird balance and the isolation sure does not fucking help maintain a cognizant worldview.
Noble Houses:
So the soul society, by the way they measure time*, only JUST got out of a major warring states period because magical Germany invaded and the guy that lead the army also managed to get The Mandate Of Heaven, but a lot of those formerly-warring states are still around, especially the ones that stole pieces of the soul king. They're not governmental bodies, but the families have shitloads of money, private armed forces and political influence. Think of the worst possible combination of magacorporation, mercenary army and royal dynasty. The are, unfortunately, still a political force to be reckoned with.
Provincial Governors:
So the Soul Society is divided up into Districts like so:
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(Embiggen to actually see the damn thing)
The Seireitei is in the center, with the districts counting out until the central 46 got to the outer edge they could theoretically get forces and/or emergency food to in under a month and declared everything after that "District 80" AKA "You're on your own" No taxes are collected in the 80th district and people who don't want to deal with the soul society government often try to strike it on their own out there.
Each of those little rectangles is a district, and each of them has approximately the same number of people living in it- the lower districts are densely populated and, due to their proximity to the Seireitei, well-developed. The districts generally get less developed and less densely populated as you get farter from the center, but this varies wildly by the competence of that district's Daimyo or Governor. West 51 is a much more developed district than it's position would dictate, because it's Daimyo is canny and made good use of it's mineral resources and position in inter-mountain shipping. South 14 Should be one of the nicest districts, but their Governor is a moron who keeps picking fights with the neighboring districts like he's allowed to annex them, and the district has been sanctioned from hell to breakfast over it.
Gotei-13 / Court Guard Squads:
Sort of the executive branch of the Central 46, founded out of Yamamoto's gang of criminals he rounded up to deal with the Quincy invasion back when Rome was collapsing. So the court guard acts out the orders of the Central 46, and *theoretically* has authority over the noble houses and provincial governors, but they are pretty much constantly dancing on the edge of another warring states period, so things can get... tricky.
ALSO DID NOT HELP that The Monk who guards what's left of the Soul King came down from the Royal Realm and foisted a bunch of trans-dimensional responsibilities onto them but the Specific duties of the 13 court guards in AEIWAM are as follows:
(It's worth noting that the order of the court guard squads was determined literally by the order that the 12 criminals signed the agreement with Yamamoto to protect the seireitei, not the order of importance)
Division 1: ADMINISTRATION Oh god there is so much coordination to do between the central 46, the running of internal affairs, recruitment, training new shinigami, coordinating assignments that take more than one division's input. securing and distributing funding, etc. It's main jobs are: assigning work based on policy from the central 46, running the Shinigami Academy, and actually running the Gotei-13.
Division 2: SPY SHIT Gotei-13 is a shady-ass organization with a lot of enemies and that's not about to change. The second division is responsible for keeping an eye on the provinces and noble houses and anything else of interest, "Handling things quietly" for the Gotei-13, and preventing the Central 46 from being corrupted or assassinated. The Shihon Clan has historically held the captainacy of the 2nd division as part of the compromise Yamamoto struck with the noble houses at the founding of the court guard squads to end the civil wars- that each of the 4 noble houses would hold a captain's position, until the noble houses fell apart or the court guard did. This gave the Shihon clan a GREAT incentive to undermine the shit out of other noble houses, and Yamamoto gave them his blessing to do so. Ironically, the Shihon clan was one of the first to collapse.
Division 3: INTERNAL AFFAIRS Law Enforcement, but specifically the Seireitei and shinigami/martial court/jail. The court guard kind of lives and dies by how much it's respected* and it's essential the Gotei-13 follow strict ethical standards and also a tight adherence to authority lest one of the squads break off and start a civil war. Accepting Bribes and Defying Orders are much more severe crimes than say, excessive collateral damage. The 3rd division is responsible for investigating complaints, mediating disputes between divisions, and generally making sure everyone is behaving properly. *By the noble houses, Daimyos and central 46. The average civilian? not so much.
Division 4 Medical This division was actually the FIRST established, even before the court guard really became Squads. It was Chigiri and her pack of field surgeons that commanded Yamamoto's respect and gave him the idea of letting the other criminals have minions too. 4th divison is responsible for maintaining the health of the court guard- not just emergency medicine, but vaccinations, post-service medical care, and civil sanitation- keeping the streets clean and water safe is the #1 way to prevent deaths. Until recently, this meant a lot of trained medics were doing a lot of grunt work, until Zaraki, a guy from districts where Dysentery is still the #1 killer, successful argued a proposal to Unohana that her medics should be managing other, less-in-demand squads doing the labor, which would get the jobs done a hell of a lot faster, and not back up triage as much. Unohana, who had previously not *trusted* other squads to do the work reliably, finally relented and accepted some damn help.
Division 5: Rukongai Affairs The 5th division is responsible for coordinating efforts between the Gotei-13 and the Provincial Governors- Hollow Eradication, Disaster Relief, additional armed forces to help local police, Helping distribute grain to mitigate famine, etc.
Division 6: External Affairs Responsible for representing the Gotei-13 to other groups and dealing with Noble House Bullshit specifically. While Noble House Bullshit is 95% of what they do, but technically, they're also responsible for handling diplomatic relations with the Beastfolk in the eastern districts, Las Noches after the winter war in the west, Any Kami that might come through, and Hell, if they ever get a line open. The Kuchiki family has held the 6th Division captaincy for generations as a peacekeeping measure between the gotei-13 and the noble houses.
Division 7: Incoming Souls The reason the soul society doesn't reunite people with their families when they die is that they do not actually have control over who reincarnates as themselves (and if they retain their memories), who is reborn as a baby in the spirit world, and what district they get assigned to- that's all decided at the moment of a Soul's death by Hell, using a Metric the Shinigami can only guess at. That said, the 7th still can do a lot- Souls that had to be cleansed with Konsho go through the 7th division and are escorted to their assigned districts. Other, non-hollowfied but odd case souls will end up in the pocket dimension that serves as the queue into the afterlife- people with high spiritual power, animals that achieved personhood in the world of the living and other nonhuman persons, and somtimes spirits who were almost certainly supposed to go to a different afterlife all come through. The 7th division is also charged with keeping a running tally on important statistics like the relative balance between souls, who got hollowfied and why, collecting data on who goes to hell when konsho is prefromed on them and why, and other data to try and work out Hell's metric backwards.
Division 8: Income and Funding The court guard squads are... kind of taxpayer funded. The Daimyos collect taxes from civilians, they pay those taxes to the central 46, and the central 46 disburses some of that money to the Gotei-13, but the truth is, for all the duties they're expected to preform, they're wildly underfunded. So the court guard has had to get... inventive to make sure everyone gets paid and they can do what they need to. Investments in industries, ownership of weird land grants, taking out loans, selling merchandise and straight-up schmooze have all been used by the 8th division to make sure the bills get paid. Shunsui is, by that measure, the best captain the division has ever had- he's shrewd and had astonishingly good luck when it comes to finances so there hasn't been a pay strike since he took over. Probably his best idea was handing the branding and product design of the Gikon to the Shinigami Women's Association- that one paid mad dividends.
Division 9: Information Services The ninth division is most famously home to the Seireitei's first and most largely-ciculated newspaper, but it's also the records office, PAYROLL, library, document archives, data collection and data analytics. Also, tech support. Also also: manage all the arts programs, propaganda and festivals. This is why Kaname was load-bearing to Aizen's plan.
Division 10: Living World Affairs The 10th division was responsible for monitoring the living world- mostly keeping track of hollow appearances, but also: what the remaining Quincies are up to, reporting back on useful technological advancements, any other weird shit that turns up there, and keeping track of all the Shinigami on deployment to the living world (mostly 10th division but the post-war population boom means every division's having to chip in now.
Division 11: Emergency/Heavy Deployment Every time the Gotei-13 had to do some heavy lifting, it's the 11th division's job. Mass outbreak of hollows? 11th's job. Emergency Dam repair to prevent a flood? 11th division muscle time. Daimyo got funny ideas about conquering a neighboring district? 11th division. Funcking Quincies again? 11th division. Rampaging Kami afflicted by a terrible curse? you know who to call. This was the SECOND Division to be founded, because the actual sentence that came out of Yamamoto's mouth was "Chigiri, you and your gremlins put my guts back in, Yachiru, round up some assholes and DEAL WITH THAT FUCKING THING." and the 11th's prerogative and hiring practices have not changed since. Since the 11th's work is more intermittent, there are long periods between jobs for them, and it's only recently they've been allowed to pitch in on regular maintenance and rehabilitate their reputation as a bunch of lazy degenerates.
Divison 12: Supplies (more recently, Research and Development) Prior to Kisuke Urahara's weird science boner, the 12th Division's primary job was the manufacture and supply of everything the Shinigami would need to do their jobs. Uniforms, Gigai, medical supplies, communicators, rations, Gikon, the actual buildings in the Seireitei, bedding, Protective gear- if a Shinigami received it for their job, it was made by the 12th division. Despite previous captain Kirio Hikifune being the most accomplished chef in the history of Soul Society, it's Mayuri that has made the most profound mark on Soul Society Cuisine with the fast-prepared, acceptable-tasting and surprisingly nutritious meals he developed to deal with the mass influx of souls after WW2, and the franchise distribution centers combined with his attempts at children's educational programming mean that Mayuri occupies a cultural niche in Soul Society not unlike Krusty The Clown.
Division 13: Magical Research, Kido Corps Until recently, the Kido Corps was a seperate division governed under the purview of the central 46, and the 13th division was doing it's research into Hado, Bakudo and Haikido independently, but as the two organizations worked increasingly closely together, they began to share more until the catastrophic events of Turn Back The Pendulum left the Kido Corps severely depleted and without leadership, at which point Yamamoto persuaded the central 46 to let the 13th division absorb the rest of the Kido corps and take on their work.
So that's how the government in Soul Society is SUPPOSESD to work.
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brigdh · 9 months
Ed and the mortifying ordeal of being known
Ed does not like revealing his feelings. He is incredibly consistent about lying,
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distracting, or just outright denying what he's feeling instead of actually talking about it. This is a consistent pattern of behavior with him. There are a few exceptions – most significantly, I think, the bathtub scene where he confesses to Stede about killing his father – but they are a) rare, and b) occur under unusual circumstances, such as a PTSD flashback. In general Ed goes to great lengths to prevent people from recognizing the truth about him.
I don't really blame Ed for this habit, to be clear. He went through an abusive childhood, and though we don't see a lot of the exact dynamics in baby Ed's house, it's very common for abused children to become hyper vigilant of both their own and others' emotions. It's an attempt to exert some, any control they can over the situation, as though they can prevent setting off the abuser if they just always say and do the right thing.
Ed escaped into piracy, but in terms of talking about his feelings, I don't think it was much of an escape. Piracy in OFMD seems to be a place where the idea of having friends (though not the reality – I'd argue Ed might not use the word 'friend', but has had close relationships) is to be scoffed at. "We're all just in various stages of fucking each other over!" says Calico Jack, and being open about your emotions, plans, hopes, etc would just make it all the easier to be betrayed. On the other hand, lying, obfuscating, or just telling everyone about Plan A and then instead pulling off Plan B makes you look like a double-crossing genius who outthought everyone around you. So I'm not surprised that's Ed's learned to be manipulative and uncommunicative. I don't think he's ever been in a situation where emotional openness wouldn't be a disadvantage.
Regardless of why he does this, it's very clear that it's a pattern of behavior for him. This is one reason why I don't think Sad Robe Ed back in Episode 10 was healing – healing requires addressing and dealing with your feelings, and Ed was very much not doing that. I've already written a whole post going through that episode and laying out how Ed never once mentions Stede, or love, or heartbreak, or anything related to what he's going through, so I'm not going to do it again here. In brief, Ed's putting on a performance of sadness for the crew, but it's a generic, vague sort of sadness, without any connection to his personal, specific pain.
Who finally brings up Stede in Ep 10? It's sure not Ed. Izzy:
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Which brings us to Season Two. How is Ed doing now?
He's once again making a performance of his pain, and once again keeping it vague, not letting any of his true, personal hurts be revealed.
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Are performances of his pain and sadness, but just like before, they're generic, unspecific. This is "Mad Devil Pyrate Blackbeard", not heartbroken, human Ed. Who is it that brings up the private reality of what's causing this toxic atmosphere? Once again, not Ed. It's Izzy, just like before. And this time he gets shot immediately for saying Stede's name, and Ed doesn't even look at him.
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In all three episodes, Ed mentions Stede directly only once, and very pointedly, it's when he's alone:
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I'm glad Ed has decided that he wants to live, but that's the beginning of a journey, not the end. What I really want to see in the next couple of episodes is Ed finally, for once, opening up. He doesn't want to be vulnerable, but the lack of emotional intimacy that constantly lying and performing has gotten him is, quite literally, killing him.
Ed can't get over his own, very real pain until he's willing to admit that it exists. I want to see him acknowledge where he hurts. He needs friends. He needs love. He can't get those without being honest.
I hope he does. I hope the show will have him do this work instead of skipping him ahead immediately to the happy ending, no behavioral change required. I think they will. It's kind of their motto, after all: talk it through as a crew.
Now if the co-captains would just follow their own advice...
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plumadot · 2 months
I like that thought that, Gri is prideful and won't say he's hurt or ask for healing hugs/cuddles. But Scar knows that Gri actually really loves to get the healing hugs/cuddles So he just gives them to him, even if Gri grumbles, it's just all an act. And Gri is secretly enjoying it VERY much. He's just glad Scar knows when and how to approach it without him asking
they've been around each other for a while, and have figured out that they both do this "don't ask me what's wrong, i'm always just fine" thing in their own way. grian shuts down any conversation that threatens to get deep and scar tends to joke around it. the same goes for physical injury. they always feel like they have to do everything by themselves, because that's how it has been for as long as they can remember.
but they're slowly getting to feel safer around each other. where grian wouldn't trust scar to keep camp watch at night he now happily falls asleep on his shoulder. where scar would get worried immediately once grian leaves his sight he now trusts him and his skill wholeheartedly. they may not say it, but they feel it :) and one day they might be able to say it too.
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abiatackerman · 2 months
The reaction of AOT characters to your relationship with Levi....
1. Erwin
I knew opposite attraction is always the strongest. Since y/n is sweet, friendly, funny and a wholesome person who can heal anyone with her words.... I thought maybe she'll be able to heal Levi's wounded mind too? After all she's a doctor... So I placed her in Levi's squad and ordered him to protect her. I took a bet and it seems like I have won again. I'm happy for both of them.... At least Levi isn't using too much slang or curse words like before. (Chuckle)
2. Hange
Y/n is a clumsy girl... But Levi is an organised one.... I love it that Levi's taking a good care of my bestie. And that y/n is healing both Levi's physical and mental wounds too! I didn't find it shocking at all.... I mean my bestie can make any guy fall in love with her sweet personality. Anyway.... (Psycho smile) I'm just curious about how Levi is in bed.....
3. Mike
Oh that short doctor and Levi? I don't know what to say..... I guess it's their own business that they're in a relationship.... And it wasn't shocking at all.... I've noticed Levi's protective and loving glance towards y/n sometimes..... Well I'm happy for them.... Also... (Chuckle) They smell nice together.
4. Oulo
Damn.... I was so curious one night to check if they really have sex together or not... Guess what? I pressed my ear into the captain's bedroom to hear their moaning sounds... But instead of that I heard the captain's voice telling me to enter his room. I was fucking scared.... As soon as I enter the room and look at him.... I swear I was about to piss myself.... I've never seen heichou glaring that dangerously to anyone or anything for fucks sake! He's voice was calm but there was a dangerous edge in it when he told me to mind my own business. And when I was returning to my room..... I found y/n sensei's door locked.... She was probably sleeping peacefully in her room.... While I pissed myself in my pants... Damn!
5. Gunther
I'm glad they're together.... It was obvious kind of... The captain was always so protective and kind towards y/n.... And y/n Sensei is a the sweetest doctor I've ever seen... Ngl but I've shared some of my miseries with her and she consoled me in the best way possible..... She probably did the same with Levi heichou too.... I can understand why heichou loves her so much.
6. Eld
I'm happy for them... I mean the captain seems more like a human when she's with him. And she always cheers us all up with her wholesome and sweet and energetic mental energy. She's a peace in the Levi's squad... Maybe in the whole scouts.... I'm glad heichou had finally find peace in her and that they're together now.
7. Petra
Y/n Sensei in the best person for heichou.... I'm glad for them. Y/n Sensei even knew that I had a crush on him.... And that I sometimes felt sad that he loves Sensei, not me.... But she consoled me, healed me telling maybe someone better is waiting for me? (Chuckle) She's really a sweet person.... No wonder why heichou is so protective of her.... I even noticed heichou smiling softly at her when she's not noticing.... Or always the peace in his face when she's with him.... She even cured his insomnia.... I'm so happy for heichou.... I'm so glad that he's happy.
8. Eren
Well... (nervous smile) What should I say? I'm happy for them? I mean I don't wanna say anything inappropriate and get kicked by heichou again.... But I'm glad they're in a relationship.... Sometimes we are saved from heichou's wrath for y/n Sensei... Maybe that's a good thing....
9. Mikasa
They deserves each other..... (Calm face)
10. Armin
Yeah I'm happy for them.... But sometimes it feels so weird when captain asks me with his jealous tone why she's so happy when she's bragging about some shitty books with me.... He even gives me some glares sometimes which makes me scared. (nervous chuckle) Maybe he's a bit jealous that y/n Sensei spends a lot of time with me about talking about her favourite books... It's also funny when captain sometimes asks for my suggestions on romantic books.... He's so sweet and even possessive when it comes to y/n Sensei.... I'm glad that they're together.... They complete each other.
11. Jean
Damn.... Why do sweet girls always have to be taken by dangerous scary boyfriends? No, I'm not telling I wanted a chance with Y/n Sensei... She's a lot older than me... But still I don't like the glance heichou gives me when she's joking with me and laughing.... Like he doesn't want to see her laughing with anyone else other than him. (Rolling his eyes) I mean man come on.... I'm not stealing your girl!
12. Sasha
(Cheeky smile) I'm so glaaaaaaad! After all y/n Sensei gives me some opportunity to steal food while keeping the captain busy... I'm so glad they're together really.
13. Connie
I don't know what to say.... They acts like the same even when they're in a relationship.... I never even saw them kissing even once... I mean aren't the couples supposed to kiss and touch each other?
14. Historia
(Smiling happily) I'm so happy they're together.... They seems so happy and cute.... I hope everyone will find happiness like them.... They complete each other..... So cute...
15. Ymir
I wonder when it is the time they fuck each other? I've tried to find out a lot of times but it's a loss project.... I've never even seen them kissing each other.... How that shortie can be so secretive? Also I wonder if he's afraid that he might hurt y/n Sensei while fucking her? I mean maybe yeah.... She's a soft person after all.
16. Reiner
(Mumbling) Well..... If she's gonna make Levi heichou weak, it's gonna be a plus point to us. (Jerking awake) Oh yeah yeah... I'm so happy for them... She's cute and sweet, captain's hot and strong... They're perfect....
17. Annie
Do I look like I give a fuck?
A.N - I used the word Sensei here for y/n because the Japanese people address the doctors as Sensei. Also heichou means captain which I have used for Levi just like Isamaya.
Y/n is a doctor working under the survey corps.... And since I think this role is more suitable for the main female lead.... So I'll always be making her a doctor.... But If you guys request me to change her.... I'll do that too.
Also English is not my first language.... So I may have made some mistakes... Please be kind and let me know if I'm wrong through the comments.... Also since it's my first time writing something.... I guess I haven't succeeded in making it a good one but I tried.... Also I tried to maintain the character's personality too.... I would love to hear your opinions on them if you think I'm making some mistakes in maintaining their personalities.... Please let me know.... My inbox is always open for you all 🩷
Finally.... Have a nice day ya all!
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detectivebambam · 1 month
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@zerokrox-blog this got out of hand btw
How Keverejeandreil Got Together
obviously we start with Andreil. they've been together the longest. no surprise there, so that's step one
let's head over to USC. Jean and Jeremy are talking about Kevin and are a little tipsy and they end up kissing. PAUSE ✋
back to Palmetto. Andrew and Kevin are Juniors now, Neil is a Sophomore. around second semester Kevin is so damn exhausted that he falls asleep on Andrew. now they've been known to snuggle, but they definitely don't do that. Andrew realizes that his feelings for Kevin from his Freshman year never actually went away. the next day, he talks to Neil about it. Neil goes "if I was to date anyone else, it'd probably be Kevin or Jean". Andrew is like wait hold up, Jean is hot asf. so they talk about Jean and Kevin and how they want to dick them down etc. etc. FAST FORWARD.
now it's Kevin, Jean, and Andrew's Senior year. Jeremy is away on a pro team, and while they technically never started dating after the kiss (or even talked about it), Jean is still lonely. that's his partner, and while he's healed more since the beginning, he's still on edge. so Andrew, Neil, and Kevin fly Jean over to Palmetto for winter break. and, well.... stuff happens. Neil gets to watch Andrew put his mouth to work on someone else and realizes he quite likes it. Neil makes out with Kevin and Jean but doesn't go any further with them. Jean goes home.
and realizes that Jeremy wanted to surprise him and come back for winter break. whoops. Jeremy smiles and says he's glad Jean is making friends (Jean didn't tell him what they got up to), and he has to go back to the Pro team now. he says Jean don't worry I had a great time with my friends here, it's okay. but Jean is like no I'm gonna miss you, kisses him again, they fuck. back to Palmetto.
Kevi joins Andreil. now we have Kandreil. second step complete. Kevin gets a text from both Jeremy and Jean saying they have feelings for the other man. he makes a group chat, sends the screenshots of the messages, and leaves the group chat.
Jerejean get together. 3rd step complete.
Andrew is very gay and very horny. caves at the sight of a single ab. Kevin is emotional, just came to terms with being bi, allowing himself to be attracted to men, and realizes the same thing Andrew did. all four of these men are hot as fuck. (Jean and Jereny came to the realization a long time ago. Andrew was Jeremy's first Exy crush)
and they're all on the same Olympic team (2010). and they're all rooming together. so. they start with truth or dare. then it escalates to spin the bottle. and then escalates from there. by the time they leave the Olympics, they have a group chat jokingly (?) named "The Polycule"
they're not on the same Pro teams, so yk, it's hard. they all visit Neil during his college breaks, but for the most part they're across the country from each other.
until 2012. Neil immediately signed to Andrew's team when he graduated, Jean is on Jeremy's team, Kevin is alone and feels bad. he doesn't want to transfer just for dick though. Andrew and Neil love Colorado. Jean and Jeremy realize the pro team they're on is incredibly homophobic and can't deal with it anymore. they go "fuck you, you lost your two best players" and transfer to Kevin's team. they live with Kevin because it's easier that way. Kevin has fucked them both of course, but he's not dating them in the same way he's dating Andreil. so he calls them and he's like "babes, would it be cheating if I dated these two during the season, and dated you two in the off season?"
Andrew and Neil are confused but down, so Kevin dates Jerejean in season and Andreil out of season. step 4 ✔️
2014 Olympics time. they're all 110% chill with sharing Kevin, and things are great. they fuck again, but then Jean and Andrew are like.... making out. and not because they're horny either. so they all decide they can be long distance boyfriends. step 5 complete, Keverejeandreil Polycule complete
but long distance is frustrating
the Utah Pro team puts a bomb ass trade offer for Kevin, Jeremy, and Jean (it's fiction i can do what I want). and because Neil and Andrew's house is right on the border of Utah and Colorado, they all move in together.
Keverejeandreil 💕
sorry this got so long
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whalesforhands · 11 months
This is the same anon with the truth or dare idea and I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT!! Got me all giggling and kicking my feet (from the quick reply AND the fic hehe) wanna say rq that I love how wholesome and cute your fics are❤️😭😭 they're healing my soul from the manga
Anyways I was thinking of something similar but with 7 minutes in heaven😗
Imagine playing 7 minutes in heaven with the trio in the classroom after class (I doubt the closets in their dorm is big enough) and stsg are both picked to go into the supply closet first, leaving reader and shoko alone. While the duo are doing god knows what in that closet, reader and shoko are just casually flirting and the longer it went on the handsier (is that even a word) she got. She couldn't really help it with the way that stocking was hugging the fat of your thighs, you can't blame her for wanting to give it a good squeeze, to which she eventually did. Reader just let out a whine of shokos name and brushed it off, though it did fluster her a little with how bold shoko is.
After the 7 minutes, stsg came out with their hair and clothes a bit disheveled (nobody questions it). Though they both had this look, lowkey glaring at shoko for getting to spend alone time with you and even getting you to let out such a cute call of her name. Cue their usual banter with shoko fighting over who gets to spend time with you and eventually everyone does get back to the game, this time reader and suguru getting paired up.
If there was anyone you'd wanna be locked in a dark closet with, it's probably suguru. He's so nice and thoughtful, always making sure you're feeling comfortable and that you're not too tensed. Though with how small the closet it, the both of you are pressed up against each other. Now usually suguru is one to keep his composure, but it's just a tad bit hard to do so when he can feel your soft breathing, and your chest pressed against his. Whenever you squirmed, he'd tell you to stay still, but the more you tried not to do something the more you couldn't help but do it😭 so now we have a fustered suguru trying to keep his hands to himself and reader who's squirming around and apologizing profusely. Eventually tho, suguru hugs reader in place to stop the squirming, tho I think he underestimated your height a little, seeing as how his arms are wrapped around your ass and not your waist, with his hands resting at the back of your thighs, and a surprised reader lets out a loud cry, which surprised suguru as much as you, and the two outside of the closet, who opened the closet door immediately after only to be greeted with the sight of your compromising position. Needless to say it took both you and suguru a while to actually look each other in the eye afterwards.
This is kinda long sry😓
this ask brings me back to 2014 creepypasta boyfriend scenario core. but it’s totally something that stsg would pull though LMFAO. and sorry, i picked the closet. a whole spacious classroom vs a tiny, dark enclosed space, which would u pick? hehe
party games are my way into your heart ii (shoko x reader, geto x gojo, gojo x reader x geto)
warnings: gets kind of spicy, 17+, third year au, i got slightly carried away writing, i am definitely showing favouritism towards geto in recent fics, gojo stans time to step up that creativity of yours and not just in porn, reader is a loser virgin
‘Party @ MY room!!! tell shoko too!! btw if u both miss it i’m eating all the pudding in the fridge!!’ - The Great Gojo Satoru
Two options were given for you to circle.
Yes or YES
Satoru had surreptitiously handed the note to you.
By that, he rolled a ball of crushed up paper towards you via the ground, past Suguru’s legs and eventually hitting your shoe as you slightly jolted from the sudden distraction from your literature review of The Tale of Genji.
He had coughed, albeit a bit loudly into his hand when you ignored it, choosing to focus on your essay, until you heard him cough even louder.
“Gojo, are you experiencing a cold?” Yaga-sensei had asked, out of concern for his student as a teacher, and out of worried annoyance because it was Gojo.
“Ahhh~ Sensei, ahem! Just feeling under the weather today!” He had coughed out, the back of his hand pressed to his forehead for melodramatic effect, leaning back and slumping down in his seat.
“You seem perfectly fine if you’re playing up such theatrics. Focus on your work.”
“Yes sir!”
You saw Suguru roll his eyes as Shoko audibly snickers at the situation.
(You smile just a little at his silliness. Maybe you will pick up his note.)
You snatch up the paper, gently unfolding it as Shoko peeks at it from beside you.
She smirked, reading the note before mouthing something to you.
“See you there.”
(Anything for Shoko.)
“Ugh, of course I get you.”
“Pfft, you should be proud, darling!” Gojo leaned against a huffing Geto’s shoulder, snuggling his head against him.
“I’ll be sure to show you a good time, sweetie~!” Gojo had puckered his lips, aiming to land an obnoxiously wet kiss on Geto’s cheek before his forehead was held back by the said victim’s palm.
“Save it.” Suguru grimaced, getting up.
Wrapping his arm around Suguru’s waist, Satoru lead them both to the closet, sending a wink towards you and Shoko before he slid the closet door shut.
“Ahnnn! Suguru you’re such a naughty boy!”
“Good god- Shut the fuck up!”
“Ooh~, I like it when you’re so mean to m- Ack!”
You heard fumbling, cursing from Suguru when he whacked his arm against something, Satoru growing strangely quiet.
You turned to Shoko, cheeks burning and embarrassment written all over your face as you tried to ignore, tried to stop your mind from imagining what was happening in there.
“Is… Is this normal for people our age…?” Your hands were pressed bashfully to your face, your shame apparent as Shoko downed another sip from her glass.
(“It’s special grape juice, don’t worry.” She had smiled, “You can have a sip, though.”)
“Totally normal if you’re as ‘active’ as those two. Haven’t seen them go a day without touching each other.”
(“Is it… Really that good?” You watch her down it. It looked kind of sweet.)
“Aren’t you curious about what it would feel like?” She paused, a devious smirk overtaking her face. “With me, of course.”
(“Try it, babe.” She had pressed the rim of the glass against your lips gently, about a single sip left inside. “Maybe you’ll like it.”)
Perhaps that was how you ended up in this situation.
Sitting on the ground, your thighs parted just enough for Shoko to be inbetween them, her lips pressed against your neck, her hand on your thigh as you squirmed at the feeling of her sweet tongue on your bare skin.
It felt good.
“Shoko…” Your hand comes up to her shoulder, gripping and trying to pull her closer as you felt her knee inch closer to your core.
It made you feel so… Warm and fuzzy. You can’t tell if it was the sip of alcohol you had, or maybe it was Shoko herself.
“Ah, Shoko!” You felt her bite down as your voice came out unexpectedly loudly in the form of a moan.
The closet door slammed open.
A haphazardly dressed Satoru and Suguru stepping out, almost hurriedly, causing Shoko to smirk, slowly separating from you but not without ensuring that your unbuttoned dress shirt exposed the mark she had left on you.
Satoru’s smile was tight eyes flitting between your neck and your face behind his sunglasses as Suguru kept his usual serene expression, albeit it looked a little forced.
A little angry.
“Why don’t we have our beloved (name) go next?”
“Suguru? I-I’m sorry I got you… I-I know you prefer Satoru so-“
“No, no.” He sounded a bit panicked, his hands pressed against the wall to prevent any ‘accidents’.
“You’re… Wonderful. I’m actually quite glad I got you.”
You perked up, your heart jumping at his words.
You hear him chuckle. “Really. I’m fine with just chatting with you for the next 7 minutes.”
You hope he couldn’t tell that you were blushing.
Pressing your head against his chest, you uttered your soft thanks, feeling his hand gently stroking your head.
Your hands blindly shifted around, trying to feel for something to hold on to so that you could give Suguru some space, so that he wouldn’t feel uncomfortable touching you.
“Ah, p-please don’t move around so much.”
“S-sorry-! I’m trying to- ah!” You fell forward, your chest pressing even closer to Suguru, your thigh brushing against a certain area that causes him to freeze up.
You continue to squirm as you try to regain your balance, unknowingly rubbing against a slowly hardening-
“I’m sorry-! I’m going to hold you, okay?” You hear his hands moving away from the wall, trying to politely find purchase on your body before-
“S-Suguru…! That’s- That’s…!” His hands had unfortunately settled themselves on the globes of your ass, almost as if he had forgotten the height difference between the both of you.
“I-I’m very sorry!” His hands aimed to move up to your waist, but with your squirming, his hands only slipped further down, brushing against the skin of your exposed inner thighs as you suddenly moaned at the euphoric sensation.
(Another embarrassing sound from you…! Are you trying to kill off your social life?!)
The door is suddenly jolted open, a pouty, flustered Satoru gulping as he took in the sight.
The hem of your skirt had caught onto one of the many hangers, leaving it slightly flipped up, giving Satoru an eyeful of your panties.
Suguru’s face was bright red, his hands still on the back of your upper thigh, his grip had tightened protectively on instinct when the door was slid open, as if trying to defend you.
(It didn’t work. If anything, it added more tension to the scene.)
You were doing no better, panting and slightly sweaty, your hair a mess as you leaned against Suguru’s chest, hands wrapped around his waist.
You looked euphoric. Your eyes unfocused, the embarrassment making you cling even more onto Suguru, hiding your face in his chest.
“Get out, Satoru!” You felt Suguru’s chest rumble with displeasure, your face burning bright.
You and Suguru found it hard to look at each other without blushing up a storm for 3 days straight.
Shoko couldn’t stop laughing with every awkward interaction she watched between you 2.
You accidentally fell on top of him during one of the 3 days. Suguru nearly passed out.
Satoru was extremely pouty. He begged for a final round after you and Suguru got out of the closet. Just before it could land on you, Yaga had burst in, asking what all the racket was. That was the end of the party.
Satoru was refusing to cuddle with Suguru for a whole day out of pettiness.
Satoru, out of pettiness yet again, refused to talk to you civilly. You ended up cuddling with him in place of Suguru to, in his words ‘Make it even!’.
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mwebber · 11 months
what are your favourite martian moments? 😺
thank u for asking eve i'm so glad i get to talk about two of my favourite people on god's green earth <3 in no particular order just off the top of my head...
#1: ABU DHABI 2022 i cannot state just how much brain damage this moment did to me. like i vividly remember freaking the fuck out about the martian interview on sky and talking to the besties and barbi @brawn-gp was like omg another moment do u want me to clip. and i was like YEAH YES. PLEASE. I LOVE YOU (i love you <3) and then i saw it and blacked out and when i awoke it was to this. unparalleled brainrot Truly there will never ever be another
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#2. MARRIAGE QUOTE do i need to say anything else. when i saw this for the first time i think i nearly had an aneurysm
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#3. SINGAPORE 2008 their first real red bull date.......... i think about them sitting on that couples rickshaw every monday giggling with each other generally being blushy messes sharing secretive smiles like they're the only ones in on a joke. also mark pretending to push seb off a building only to catch him STOP my heart is melting
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(tumblr is being dumb and won't credit the gifs properly but they're from thnx-mate-blog)
#4. VLAD RYS GEORGIA K MOMENT this is unironically my favourite pic of seb to ever seb. and of course he's looking at mark. no further comments
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#4.5 THE OTHER VLAD RYS GEORGIA K MOMENT. this photo is still so mind-boggling like why the fuck are you looking at each other like that. hi. hello?
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#5. MONACO 2010 HUG.
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#6. MAKE LOVE TO EACH OTHER / ALWAYS REMEMBER YOUR FIRST TIME. it's literally so fucking funny to me that red bull saw everybody's martian brainrot and was like. wouldn't it be so fucked up if we dropped that mark buttered seb's muffin after china 2009. twirls hair. haha wouldn't it be soooo random. if we did that
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#7. WHATEVER THE FUCK THIS IMAGE IS. i can't even look at it for too long i start feeling funny in my tummy
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#8. SEB'S LONGING STARE. i ccant believe i forgot this one it should be higher up perhaps
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#9. AUSTRALIA 2016/2017. their podiums are SSOOOOOOO.
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#10. MATCHING PORSCHES. is it hot in here? do you feel feverish? i feel feverish
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#11. RIGHT ONE'S HEAVIER. monaco 2021 when mark casually revealed how much he knows seb still after all this time that seb was like ".. yeah!" like he himself was pleasantly surprised that mark still cares and oh god. somebody hold me
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#12. NEARLY SKINNY DIPPING AU CANADA. caliss de tabarnak attache ta tuque mark nhabille pas des sous vetements criss de tabarnak de caliss d'esti de sacrament de
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(from thnx-mate-blog)
13. VERY GOOD. i just know they had a Conversation after mark retired that was soo insightful and healing that they still reference to this day. they're very good with each other. btw. if u didn't know.
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14. LOVER'S TIFFS. i can't. i can't think about them anymore i think i need to be put in a straightjacket and locked up
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#15. 2013 PRIZE GIVING. the way they look at each other...... i'd write 5 million words of rpf too
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there's literally so many more moments i want to include on here like mark's "i hope when i'm 70 they're not still asking if i love sebastian" or top gear when mark was like "my dad always said you shouldn't hit boys mate" or when seb and mark were at hangar 7 post 2010 and he went for the wettest limpest high five hand hold known to man or when mark massaged seb's shoulder in australia 2009 or their 1-2 podiums in 2009 or in 2020 when mark was like i've moved on from ferrari for u or "seb didnt expect sex in monaco" or china 2010 when they were bitching with each other or when seb was like i don't understand what he's saying half the time or when seb was on mark's shoulders for a red bull stunt or when they played cricket in australia 2012 or when mark was like we're very well-suited to each other both very handsome in that one magazine or when mark addressed their relationship in like 2014 and said we wished each other well in austria as you do or after multi 21 when seb was like i was racing i was faster i passed him i won and mark was like a cheetah never changes its spots we'll be fine or early on when mark was like we'll get hot chocolate together and i'll be going on about smth that happened before seb was born and he'll roll his eyes or when seb was like i learned a lot from mark or when seb said he'd give mark free hotel toiletries for his bday or when they copied each other trying to put stickers on their car or when someone changed seb's wikipedia page to say he's dating mark or when they did their pepe jeans butt ad or turkey 2011 when they all but caressed each other in 4k or the brazil 2011 cheek cradle or their websites i haven't even talked about their websites yet [I AM FORCIBLY DRAGGED AWAY]
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claudemblems · 1 year
Patching Your Wounds | Kaveh
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"You're injured."
Kaveh's face fell as he gazed upon your hand, the skin littered with dozens of bloody cuts and scratches. How you got them, he didn’t know. All he did know was that the sight broke his heart.
"Kaveh, I'm–"
"Don't 'I'm fine' me," he said sternly, his voice coming out sharper than he meant it to. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath before trying again. "You're not going anywhere until this is taken care of. Sit here. I'll be back with medicine and bandages."
You didn’t have the heart to refuse him, not when he looked at you with such sorrow in his eyes, so you opted to make yourself comfortable while you waited.
Less than a minute later, Kaveh returned from the bathroom with all the necessary supplies in hand. He crouched down on the wooden floor beside you, motioning for you to give him your hand. You did, and he gently took it into his own, assessing the extent of your injuries. He frowned slightly, and a twinge of guilt pricked at your heart.
But Kaveh didn't speak a word, probably because he knew his concerns would come off as a harsh scolding instead. So he silently began his work, first disinfecting the cuts and scratches before treating them with antibiotics.
"Some pesky treasure hoarders decided it would be a good idea to try to jump me," you began, choosing your words carefully. It wouldn't be wise to mention any details that might make Kaveh even more anxious. "It would have worked on any average civilian, but I'm a seasoned adventurer. Their plan was doomed the moment they underestimated me."
"And what were you doing that led you to be in an area filled with Treasure Hoarders?" 
"Uh…just some adventuring stuff. Look, Kaveh, I wasn't in any real danger, okay? I only left with some scratches."
"Scratches that armed strangers left on you!" Kaveh closed his eyes, biting back all the emotions threatening to burst. "I'm just…worried about you, okay? Whether your injuries are miniscule scrapes or cuts, they’re a visible reminder that I wasn't there to protect you. I let someone else hurt you. I let someone mar your skin with wounds that have to heal. I should have been there to whisk you away to safety, but I wasn't. And for that, I'm incredibly angry at myself, and I'm sorry to you that I wasn't there when you needed me."
The sadness pooling in Kaveh's eyes made yours sting with tears. With your free hand, you pulled his head against your chest, fingers gliding through his silky strands of hair. "Even if I had far worse injuries, I would never blame you, Kaveh, and you shouldn't blame yourself either. Unexpected circumstances are bound to happen, and we should be glad that I only left with a few scratches on my hand."
"...I know you're right, but in a perfect world, I'd never let anyone with ill intentions lay a finger on you."
"And the world we live in will never be perfect, so we should be prepared for whatever may lie ahead. We'll both end up with our own bumps and bruises, but they're a testament that we made it out alive. We can always patch each other up afterwards."
You felt him relax against you, his quick heartbeat finally beginning to slow. "I just don't ever want to see you hurt..." he whispered, wrapping an arm around your middle. "You are the best gift I've ever received, and if anything were to happen to you, my life would lose all its meaning. I could never continue on without you by my side, so please, look out for yourself, My Treasure."
Your heart skipped a beat at the pet name, one that Kaveh reserved only for the most intimate of occasions.
"I promise you, Kaveh, that I'll never leave before it's my time." You held him tighter, placing a kiss atop his hair. "I'll make sure you will never have anything precious torn from you ever again. And I'll do everything in my power to replace all the grief of your past with a future of never-ending happiness."
Kaveh pulled away to meet your eyes, one of his signature bright smiles gracing his lips. “My Love, you’ve already made me the happiest man in all of Teyvat just by being mine.”
Heat rushed to your face as you buried your head in the crook of his neck. “You sure know how to say such pleasing words.”
Kaveh chuckled, lips pressing against the crown of your head. “What can I say? You’ve made me quite the hopeless romantic, Darling.”
“All these pet names at once are going to make my heart burst.”
“Oh, that just won’t do. We still haven’t finished patching up your other wounds. How would I patch up your heart as well?”
You thought for a moment before giving Kaveh a cheeky smile. “Maybe a few kisses would suffice.”
“Oh? Well, that I can do. Let’s get you bandaged up right away so I can administer the rest of the medicine. Don’t worry, the healing properties of the kisses can be felt immediately. So the sooner I can kiss your symptoms away, the better!"
And you received many kisses that night, even long after your heart returned to normal.
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hell-drabbles · 26 days
Mock-up Card 1
Basically it's just an L Card with the Embittered Companion and Lucifer working together because my brain is stuck on that for some reason? It's weird. Anyways, when you activate the Ultimate Skill of this card, you switch to either Lucifer or the Embittered Companion. A sort of, two-in-one card. Embittered Companion is all about dealing damage while Lucifer is all about healing. There's a boost to their ATK for a good while after switching. Don't ask about the numbers, I didn't think of them at aaaall.
Also I don't have it in me to write prose right now, so here be lines!!!
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[First Encounter]
YOU: Hey. It's been how many years? You know, since I last took up a weapon to chase people away? It's pretty nostalgic, honestly. LUCIFER: …are you already forgetting what you promised us? YOU: I'm not gonna charge in head first, you two. Get off my ass.
[Level Up]
YOU: What I lack… LUCIFER: I'll make up.
YOU: It would be nice, to have less lives lost. LUCIFER: But all we can do is continue on, until the very end.
[Ultimate Skill 1]
YOU: Go ahead and take a nap, Lucifer.
[Ultimate Skill 2]
LUCIFER: Sit. Rest. You're bleeding.
[Upon Death]
YOU: I'm still shit at keeping promises huh? LUCIFER: It's not your fault. Let's go.
[Victory 1]
YOU: Glad to see you've been focusing on the task at hand, Ra-on. Well, battle's over, so you can do whatever the hell you want.
[Victory 2]
LUCIFER: This is something to celebrate about, isn't it? …yes, you'll be invited to the party.
LUCIFER: A mortal body such as their's does not deserve to have injuries like this. Keep quiet, they'll wake up. I know they will.
[Lobby Interaction 1]
YOU: It's kind of funny to me that, after all that, my normal body hasn't really changed one bit. Still the same strength, still the same weaknesses. LUCIFER: It doesn't make it any less remarkable to me. YOU: So you and Ra-on say. Well, I've been in this body longer than anyone, so I wouldn't know what to be impressed by. Everything about this body is just uninteresting to me. Doesn't make me any less happy that I'm back in it, though.
[Lobby Interaction 2]
YOU: Hmm? What are you staring at us for, Ra-on? We that good of a sight? …happy, huh? Yeah, I suppose Lucifer and I make each other pretty happy. Don't discount yourself though, buddy. Wouldn't be in the place that I am without your help.
[Lobby Interaction 3]
LUCIFER: Your hands. Let me see them. YOU: Huh? Alright, but why? LUCIFER: Ra-on told me you forgot about your blisters. YOU: Oh. Oh! No, yeah I did forget. Whoops. But hey, at least I'm wearing gloves this time around, so they're not that bad. None of them popped, so they should heal nicely.
[Lobby Interaction 4]
LUCIFER: If you wanted to destroy Heaven, would you? I wouldn't blame you if you answered 'yes.' YOU: …maybe a younger, more freshly wounded version of myself would've said yes, but as I am now, no. The fate of Heaven is not mine to control. I can only control the distance between me and that place. Besides, I'll hold onto hope that the angels will eventually weed out that sickening need to be superior.
[Lobby Interaction 5]
LUCIFER: Shh. They haven't rested well last night. Whatever it is you want to ask, save it for later. Hmm? Mm. Yes, they're… still haunted by everything. Not even in sleep can they be allowed to escape. A curse that not even my powers can relieve.
[Lobby Interaction 6]
YOU: You know, I haven't heard the name Solomon in a while. Did you finally put your foot while I was away, Ra-on?
[Lobby Interaction 7]
YOU: Another angel almost snatched me up today. Even in this human form they hate so much, they still want to whisk me up right back to that suffocating cradle. Thanks for the warning by the way. LUCIFER: While we were all once siblings connected through our love for God, I won't allow them to repeat that torture. If I must make my words absolute, then I will.
[Lobby Interaction 8]
LUCIFER: Have you adjusted yet? YOU: To what? LUCIFER: To your lack of extra limbs. To that body of yours. Is there any pain? Any noises that want to invade your eyes and ears? YOU: …There's nothing. Sometimes I'll feel like I'm missing something, but it's all blissfully silent.
[Lobby Interaction 9]
LUCIFER: Do you have no intention of staying here? YOU: I have no intention of ever forgetting you, Lucifer. But, I can't stay here. This is not my home. Our home, is right where Minhyeok is. Where our beloved earth is. Hell is nice, but I'm pretty sure Ra-on and I miss the comfort of our home's air.
[Lobby Interaction 10]
YOU: Lucifer? LUCIFER: Yes? YOU: If, one day, I decide to visit, would you welcome me? LUCIFER: …always. A small visit, or a promise to dedicate our existences to one another, I'll welcome it all the same.
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