#i'm just glad you're alright -blush-
chaikachi · 11 months
rosegarden is sooooooooo canon baby
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literary-lesbo · 4 months
𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵 𝘓𝘪𝘴𝘵
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ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ! ꜱᴏᴍᴇ ᴀʀᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴜᴘ ʙʏ ᴍᴇ, ᴛʜᴇ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀꜱ ɪ'ᴠᴇ ꜰᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴏɴ ᴘɪɴᴛᴇʀᴇꜱᴛ
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♡ "can you please come get me?"
♡ "hey, don't do that, you'll hurt yourself"
♡ "no, don't cry, I hate it when you cry"
♡ "you look sad"
♡ "oh god, you're bleeding"
♡ "I could just use a hug"
♡ "don't touch me"
♡ "it's okay, just breathe"
♡ "I'll stay for as long as you need"
♡ "you can trust me"
♡ "can I touch you? is that okay?"
♡ "you don't need to apologize, ever"
♡ "hey, hey, you're alright! it's okay, just calm down"
♡ "shh, shh, you're okay now"
♡ "here, hold my hand"
♡ "there's no shame in crying, I promise"
♡ "are you crying?"
♡ "you are what's important right now"
♡ "I've got nowhere else to be"
♡ "I'm at the hospital"
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♡ "I don't want to die"
♡ "I was only using you"
♡ "stay away from me"
♡ "why am I always your second choice?"
♡ "we almost made it"
♡ "leave I don't want to see you"
♡ "why are you helping a monster?"
♡ "I'm barely holding on"
♡ "can I leave now?"
♡ "I guess that's just how little I meant to you"
♡ "I just want to know you care about me"
♡ "stop looking at me like I'm damaged goods"
♡ "there's no us and there never was"
♡ "you deserve so much better"
♡ "don't do this here"
♡ "am I too late?"
♡ "say something, just fucking say something"
♡ "I know. I know I wasn't enough. I always did"
♡ "I did care, I used to care"
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♡ "shh, stop fussing. I'm just braiding your hair"
♡ "can I borrow your sweater? it smells like you"
♡ "you're my new pillow"
♡ "I'll be here to protect you"
♡ "it's okay, I couldn't sleep anyway"
♡ "you make me so happy"
♡ "aww, you're blushing"
♡ "wait...is this a date?"
♡ "can I kiss you?"
♡ "I'm glad you came"
♡ "I think I'm in love with you and I'm terrified"
♡ "thank you for being her for me"
♡ "you're so pretty when you first wake up"
♡ "I want you to stay, please"
♡ "dance with me"
♡ "your eyes are so pretty"
♡ "is someone sleepy?"
♡ "can I kiss you?"
♡ "you're so warm"
♡ "this/these are my favorite"
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♡ “you’re sure I’m sick?  ‘cause I feel fine”
♡  “I really cannot be sick right now”
♡  “everyone gets colds.  I’ll live”
♡  “I really hope this is just my allergies”
♡  “stop thinking so loud; my head hurts”
♡ "I'm scared"
♡ "I can't even talk properly"
♡  "I feel like I'm letting everyone down"
♡ "you're making a big deal out of nothing"
♡ "I'm so tired..."
♡ "no, you're not fine. you're burning up”
♡ "you need to rest. I'll stay here with you until you feel better"
♡ “just let me take care of you"
♡ "here, take my blanket”
♡ “I’ll make some tea”
♡ “you're in no condition to go anywhere”
♡ “just rest and let your body fight this off"
♡ “take this medicine, please"
♡ "I'm here now”
♡ "right now, the only person you need to help is yourself”
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azzo0 · 3 months
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Summary: Time and time again, Bakugo swears on every fiber of his being, you're the most beautiful woman to walk this planet.
Pairing: Bakugo x f!chubby!reader
cw's: fluff with nsfw themes, reader has long hair styled into curls, feel free to lmk more in tags
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The first time he met you was at Kirishima's housewarming party. He didn't really want to be there when he could be deep asleep in his bed at home after a nice meal and a long, warm bath. He stood by the window alone, sipping on his drink from the plastic cup. He saw a few faces he didn't recognise. Probably one of Pinky's or Shitty Hair's friends, he told himself.
Crimson eyes shifted to the window, tuning out Denki's annoying playlist as he stared at a random spot and zoned out. He snapped back to reality when someone bumped into him, causing him to spill his drink over his new button-up. Lips curled in a scowl, he turned around to tell the stranger to open their eyes and watch where they were going. His words never got to leave his mouth when he laid his eyes on the woman in front of him.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" She apologised, grabbing a box of tissues from the little table by the window. She handed it to him, but he was too busy trying not to blush as he admired the woman. She took his lack of response as a sign of annoyance, took out a few tissues from the box and wiped them over his chest as she profusely apologised. 
Bakugo watched the way her loose curls bounced over her shoulders, some falling over her ample breasts. His eyes trailed down the little red dress onto her beautiful curves and the soft roll of her tummy, a gentle whisper of feminity and warmth.
"Er- are you alright?" Your voice brought his eyes up to your face again, wild crimson the same shade as his eyes, dusting his cheeks at being caught staring. 
"I'm fine," he replied gruffly, "Just watch where yer goin' next time." 
"I'm sorry," You smiled. That damn smile that woke up butterflies in his chest, "It's a little hard to walk in these."
"Whatever," He tried looking anywhere but at you unless he wanted to stare again. He couldn't help it. Something about you drew him in like a moth to a flame. He could tell you were shifting awkwardly as you still stood in front of him. 
He watched you make a move to leave, his jaw clenching. Out of all his friends, he was the only one left single, something that worried Mitsuki and his friends a lot. He'd gone on dates set up by Mina and Mitsuki, but it never went past the first date. How could he continue something that had no spark in the first place? 
But this. This was different. 
Something told him it'd be a waste to let you go without another word, "Are you one of Alien's friends?" He blurted, internally cringing. 
"Alien? Is that a nickname for Mina?" you grinned at him, unaware of the effect it was having on him, "Yeah, I'm a friend of hers."
"I'm Y/n, nice to meet you." You smiled, extending your hand. 
"Katsuki." He shook your hand after a moment of hesitation. 
Thinking on it years later, he was glad he made a move to talk to you back then. Because now here he is, with you in his arms, with someone to call his. 
Over the past few years, he's made it clear how much he loves you and how obsessed he is with every inch of you. He's said it in between sweet kisses, steamy makeouts and long nights making love. 
He loves buying you skimpy and expensive dresses that show off your soft, velvety thighs that his hand keep latching onto whenever he sits next to you. You've told him to stop buying you these because they always end up getting burnt or torn when he gets too impatient, but no. He'll keep buying you these over and over again. It's his money; he buys you whatever the fuck he wants.
He loves the squishiness of your breasts, groping them from the back with a sly grin. He could knead them on and on forever if you don't swat his hands away.
He loves the softness of your tummy, where he often rests his head after a tiring day. He loves your gentle voice, lulling him to sleep with your fingers dancing in his hair. He feels at home with his head on your stomach and hand in his hair. 
Of course, he loves you from head to toe, but, oh, god, he loves your thighs. It drives him insane when you wear his boxers. He loves how the stretchy fabric clings to your ass and thighs, inviting him to drag you over to the couch so he can press soft kisses and bites to the insides of your thighs. He gives you the most mind-blowing head just so he can hear you scream his name and squish his head in between your thighs. 
Most of all, he loves it when you're safe and sound asleep in his arms with your head on his chest. He still feels butterflies the same way he did when he first met you. Looking down at your serene, moonlit features, he moves some hair away from your face, tracing your cheek with the pad of his thumb. As he strokes your hair, he swears on every fiber of his being that you're the most beautiful woman to walk this planet.
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luveline · 8 months
i lowkey need to see stripper!reader and spencer again
for you gorgeous ♡ fem
cw adult themes
Hotch and Spencer draw attention at the strip club for the same reason but in varied fonts. They're both reminiscent of your regulars, Hotch the picture of a businessman with a wife to forget and steam to blow, and Spencer the silent sweetheart, pretty but too shy to talk to normal girls. 
He doesn't need a normal girl when he has you. 
You're glad for your cover up clothes as you lean against the dressing room door. One of the bouncers peers at you from the corner of his eye. 
"Trouble?" he asks. 
"Not sure. Probably not." You wave until Agent Hotchner notices you. To your delight, he raises his hand politely. 
You step around the bouncer and bypass the stage to the lighter area of the club where they stand in wait. "Hello. I could've met you outside." 
"Would you?" Agent Hotchner asks. 
You don't need him to explain. It's not the most professional thing, loitering in a club like this. You follow them out of the club and onto the street, cold even in your sweatpants as the wind rails. Spencer lets you squeeze his fingers in greeting, but that's all. 
"It's nice to see you again, Agent Hotchner," you say honestly, giving him a smile. 
He doesn't return the pleasantry, but Spencer swears he's softer than he looks so you choose to run with it as Agent Hotchner says, "We need information on one of your patrons." 
"Tennis Lawley," Spencer adds. 
"Tennis," you repeat. "I thought my pseudonym was bad."
Spencer gives you a quick look. I'd laugh if I weren't at work, it says. "We think he's involved in a string of killings in Washington DC. What do you know about him?" 
It's not an exaggeration to say you've played therapist for Tennis and a ton of guys just like him. Being a stripper, an exotic dancer, whatever anyone wants to call it (though Spencer usually just calls it your work) has pros and cons. You've felt it to be heavier on the con side, but this is a big plus, being able to assist someone you care about with something important. It makes you feel useful for once, like you're more than the froth of the city. "Ask me anything," you say, hiding your cheek from the cold with a deft hand. 
Spencer and Agent Hotchner ask you all sorts of questions, personal to their suspect and less so, and for the most part you're able to answer them. You can tell from the look on Hotchner's face that he's both surprised and extremely satisfied by your knowing, and he emphasises his thankfulness with a touch to your upper arm before he says goodbye. "Your help is invaluable, Y/N, thank you." 
Spencer, your sweetheart, stays for a more thorough farewell. 
"Have you eaten yet today?" he asks, the hand you'd squeezed earlier leaping for yours. "You look tired." 
"It's getting close to midnight, Spence. I'm alright. You and Agent Hotchner should head home and rest yourselves…" You bring your hand to his cheek but think better of yourself, pushing your arm over his shoulder instead for a hug. His own arms contract around you immediately. "I miss you lately, where have you been?" 
"Everywhere. I miss you too," he says. Despite the months of knowing one another, and the many states he's seen you in, you know without looking that Spencer is blushing profusely. 
You kiss his cheek as your heels return to safe ground. "Come and see me again soon, okay? And bring your rich friends. The older one, Rossi, is he really a millionaire? A divorced one?" 
"Yes, he is," Spencer says with a laugh, his voice climbing higher, "but I don't think he's looking for another wife right now, sorry." 
"Maybe Agent Hotchner–" 
"Stop calling him that." 
You look Spencer straight in the eye, nearly caught off guard by how sweet and soft they meld at your touch where your hands linger in his. 
You often think that you and Spencer aren't meant to be. Your life, whether willing or unwilling, by choice or design, is entirely focused around your body, and Spencer's world revolves around his mind. You know that what you do for work isn't anything to be ashamed of, but you have the same doubts as anyone else. You know what people think of you. You wouldn't blame Spencer for thinking the same things. And you wouldn't expect him to want to be with you in any aspect that wasn't physical. 
But when he holds your hands in his like this, as though they're made of something delicate, something he wants to map every detail or by fingertip alone, you wish things were different. 
You clear your throat. "I really do miss you when you're away," you confess. 
"I'm sorry." 
"Don't be." Your hands miss his the millisecond you pull them away. "I guess I shouldn't keep you. Your boss will be wondering where you are." 
"Are you okay?" 
You can't even pretend it's a strange question; you're acting strange. "I'm fine, Dr. Reid. My nice new boss knows I know the feds, and all the girls are jealous of me when you guys come to visit. They think I'm on your payroll." 
Spencer quirks a puzzled frown, brows pulled together tightly. "You're harder to read than most people. Have I ever told you that?" 
"I guess it's 'cos I spend so much time pretending I'm a different person," you say, smiling to prompt him into smiling back. 
"Maybe." He pulls his bag from where it rests against his hip and opens it, rummaging through the contents with a confused murmur until he pulls out the shape he'd been looking for. "Here. Don't go to bed hungry, okay?" 
Spencer puts a protein bar in your hand. 
He steals a quick hug and leaves not long after that, crossing the dark parking lot to the mass of the dark SUV he arrives in. With one hand, you clutch the protein bar until it takes a new shape, and with the other you blow two sweet kisses, a cheesy, gaudy gesture that never fails to make your favourite special Agent blush. 
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ddejavvu · 8 months
hi!!! ugh ive been rewatching criminal minds and i have such a bad spencer reid addiction
can i request something where y/n and spencer are both a little oblivious. they both like each other and have been on dates and are very close at work, but spencer just kind of assumed they were dating, but y/n didnt know because he never officially asked her to be his girlfriend?
Thank you soso much! im so in love with your wtiting
You and Spencer have very different responses to Penelope's giddy, "You guys are such a cute couple."
Spencer blushes, and ducks his head towards his desk with a smile on his face. He's mortified at the attention on him, but he relishes the compliment all the same. Your face heats up equally warm, but Spencer's thaws immediately when you grumble, "Penny, stop. We're not a couple."
You're not?
Spencer's head is no longer hung towards the desk, instead it's pointed at you with wide eyes and caution flickering in his irises.
"We aren't?"
Your brow furrows, and Penelope's smile begins fading. She lingers, but quickly feels the need to make herself scarce, and scurries away when you double down.
"When did we get together?"
Spencer flounders, his expression only growing more wounded, "We- I've been taking you out for weeks."
"Well- yeah," You stammer, "But- but that doesn't mean-! We're not together, Spence. You haven't asked me."
"I ask you on dates all the time." His voice is empty, clueless and dumbfounded, "We- isn't that dating?"
"We go on dates, but that doesn't mean we're dating!" You insist, years of nitpicky high school etiquette coming in handy, "You have to ask me, Spencer, you have to ask me to be your girlfriend."
"Oh." Spencer's shoulders slump slightly, and you realize with a start that he's contemplating asking.
"Do you want to be together?" You ask him incredulously, suddenly unsure of the dates you'd gone on with him in the past. Apparently they weren't satisfactory if he's not Every happy memory lodges itself like a poison dart into your rapidly beating heart, and you're confused when he nods vigorously.
"Okay. So~," You prompt, leaning towards him in your chair, "Are you going to- y'know, ask me?"
"Are you gonna say yes?" He asks, and though the question is unbearably stupid, the tone in which he asks it is soft and scared and endearing.
"Of course I'm gonna say yes!" You huff, "Spencer, I- I really like you."
"I really like you, too." The furrow in his brow smooths as the last thread of fear cinching it is snipped, and then his pretty pink lips part to finally ask, "Will you be my girlfriend?"
"Yes," You gush, and you'd be embarrassed at how fast you shot from your chair to hug him if he hadn't done the same. The kiss you share is an awkward chaste one, because neither of you have forgotten that you're on duty in a government building, but Spencer's hands wrap tightly around your waist, and you sling yours over his lithe shoulders to crush him in a hug.
"I'm sorry I didn't ask you sooner," He breathes, his voice barely audible even as he speaks against your ear, "I didn't know I was supposed to. I've never done this before."
"It's okay," You assure him, hiding your giddy grin in the knit of his sweater vest, "I'm sorry I scared you when I said we weren't. I just figured you weren't sure yet."
He draws back to thumb at the apple of your cheek, a lock of his hair dangling in front of his face from where it slipped from behind his ear.
"I'm sure," He vows, eyes boring into yours with a sincere sparkle, "And you're-? I mean, you're totally sure?"
"Totally," You let out a gushy laugh, "I'm glad you're my boyfriend, Spencer."
"Me too," He agrees, with a smile on his face that clocks in just short of disbelief, "And-! And I mean, I'm glad you're my girlfriend."
You're not permitted more than three seconds of the sentimental atmosphere you've created around you when Rossi decides you're distracting the rest of the team.
"Alright, lovebirds, this is wonderful for you, but I'm sure Hotch doesn't want you heavy petting on government time."
You flush and Spencer does the same, breaking away from you reluctantly as you grumble about government positions needing age caps. Rossi pays no mind to your insults, though, because Hotch's voice steals his attention, threaded with a spark of amusement.
"Oh, soften up, Dave." He calls from where he'd been obscured from view at the far end of the kitchenette, "I know you're three divorces bitter, but the rest of us are happy for them."
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cafterdark · 6 months
"What do you mean I'm being transferred!" You shout to your manager
"My supervisor has requested that you be transferred to the branch closer to her for more... direct communication." He says. His eyes are wide, a small tremor takes over his right hand. For a former Army NCO to be that scared, she must be something.
"Have I done anything wrong?" You say.
"No, in fact you've been the best worker here. That's why she wants you."
You pinch your nose. "Is there anyway out of this?"
"I'm afraid she's made it exceptionally clear that there isn't."
"Fine. What's the address."
"I'll write it down."
You arrive at the office the next morning. The first leaves on the trees are turning red. It's luckily a shorter commute than your old office, but you're still pissed. You had climbed up from the pit of internships into a cozy position and office. You were the first trans, no scratch that, woman to get into management. This was bullshit.
You step in. The front desk is empty. You sit down and wait. And wait. And wait. Finally, a blonde worker passes by. The first thing you notice is that her outfit is less than professional. She wears a skirt that barely goes below her legs. Her stockings hug her tights very tight. Her blouse is basically open, showing off her admittedly very beautiful tits in a pair of lingerie. If you weren't so pissed you'd be turned on. You're glad you wore slacks today.
"Hey," You call to her. "Do you know where..." You check the slip of paper in your hand. "Miss Maverne's office is?"
The woman looks at you. Her make up is ruined, lipstick smudged, mascara spilling down her face. Her hair is messy. You could swear that you can see the outlines of hands on the sides of her face. Her pupils eclipse her blue eyes. She looks as if she barely knew where she was. After a long pause of blank stares at you, she says, "Do you mean Mistress?"
"Uh..." You're paralyzed by the absurdity of the situation. Have you stumbled onto a porn set by accident?
After a long minute of the girl thinking where you could almost hear the AOL noises playing in her head, she perks up and says, "Oh, you must be new here! I'll take you to Mistress!"
Her hand shooks out and drags you through a set of doors and into the office. You look around. You see many workers with the same blown out eyes, dazed looks, and slutty office wear around you. All women. One of them is drooling at their desk while colors flash on their computer. You wonder what the hell is going on here. You arrive at a large set of doors. "Here she is!"
A secretary sits at a desk next to the doors. She's wearing what couldn't even be charitably called an outfit. Just a few strips of cloth prevent her from being fully nude. On the exposed parts are very visible hickies.
"I brought a new recruit for Mistress!" The blonde hair girl says
The secretary pouts "But Mistress isn't accepting anyone till..."
"That's quite alright secretary, thank you." A woman's voice says. You look to your right, then up. The woman is at least 6'2", and she's wearing heels. Her towering over you is an understatement. She is wearing the only proper work outfit of slacks, a blouse, and jacket. Still, there is an aura of lust around her, like she could wear anything and still look sexy in it. Two grey eyes pierce into your soul. She grins.
"You're both very good girls, you can leave now" She says. The two girls shutter and wander off. "Now, Miss Claire Hall, would you please step into my office."
You're led in and sit down in a very comfortable chair. Miss Maverne continues to look into your very soul and says
"You're probably wondering why you're here right now."
"Yeah I am, what the fuck is this?"
"This is your new office for the foreseeable future. I picked you because you're special. It's not often a woman rises the ranks of this business."
"Good Girl."
A blush strikes your cheeks. You're really glad you wore slacks today. That compliment shouldn't have hit that hard.
"Now did your old boss give you any information about your new position?"
"N...no" you stutter out, still in minor shock from the compliment. "Just the address and your name."
"Wonderful, well, you noticed that the front desk was empty right?"
"You'll be working as the receptionist there."
"What!" The rage breaks through your flustered mind like a hammer. "May I remind you that I have years of experience in programming, administration, planning, and managing under my belt?"
"So does every other worker here. You might've been a big fish in a little pond there, but here you're puny, and you'll start where you deserve." She stands up, and you can't help but internalize her words a small bit. Still your indignation burns it.
"I'm leaving. I don't deserve this humiliation." You get up and walk to the door.
"Stop." You freeze stiff.
"Walk back." You walk back.
"Sit and stare into my eyes." You sit back down into the extremely comfortable chair and stare up into her eyes. They looked grey before but now hints of green and blue scatter in. You can't help but dive into them, trying to discover their true color. It feels like you're sinking deeper and deeper into an ocean of warm homey
"Aren't my eyes pretty?" She says.
"Yuh." The words don't move right and come out wrong.
"Don't you want to keep having the privilege to stare into my eyes?" Her voice is so beautiful.
This time the words don't even come out, you just nod.
She pulls out a contract and pen. "Then sign this."
You grab the pen but it falls out of your hand. "Oops! Let me help." She says in that musical voice. She takes the pen and places it in your hand, then pulls it to the paper. She guides it into a passable signature, then smiles.
"Good Girl." You shutter.
"Right, so first things first, your breast enhancement surgery is next week."
Sanity floats up above the honey ocean. "What?"
"And that outfit is not approved. At least the four top buttons of your blouse must be unbuttoned. Pants are not allowed, only skirts that are above the mid thigh."
"Excuse me?"
"It's all in your contract."
"I didn't sign this!"
"Is that not in fact your signature on the paper?"
You look down and see a perfect replica of your signature. Fury boils in you.
"Fuck that! I'm leaving!" You get up.
"Where are you going Miss Hall?"
"Escaping this sex cult."
"Miss Hall, this is your 90 day review."
"What do you mean, I've only been here for..." You look out the window, it's snowing. You look down at your new pair of tits. Your blouse barely holds them. A cold breeze tickle your thighs. "What have you done to me?"
"Nothing." She says. "Now sit and listen." You crumble back into your chair.
"Now, both staff and guests have highly rated your performance with them in the last 90 days. You've really proven to be a capable fit for your position."
You feel heat building up in you and you don't know why.
"Good Girl." She says. Those two words hit like a truck. You almost moan. She smiles. She's smiling... about you! Excitement flutters in your chest. Wait.
"Something's wrong."
"What's wrong, Ms Cumdump?" Mistress says "Is it something you'd like to bring up for your 6 month review?"
"That name for a start, that's not my name."
Mistress sighs. "This again... Then what name would it be?"
"You know what it is it's..." You pause. Why can't you remember your name? You dig in deep but find nothing. Why can't you remember your name?
"Don't overwork that pathetic little brain of yours sweety." Mistress says. "Just check your name tag."
Oh right! It's that easy. Mistress is so smart. You look down and see your uniform. Lingerie with the required derogatory text sharpied across your body. You pull up your lanyard and read "Hypnoslut Cumdump, Receptionist and Fucktoy."
Ah, it was that easy. Wait, weren't you just in a blouse? You look up to Mistress. God she's so tall when you're on your knees. The hot late summer air sticks to your nude body. It's not amazing but receptionists aren't allowed to wear clothes and the rules are the rules. You stare into Mistress's pretty eyes and she stands and looks down at you. Mistress says
"Is there anything you want to tell me before we begin your first year performance test, Ms Cumdump?"
You try to think of what you were going to say. But your brain is soooooooooo empty that you can't remember. Probably about how beautiful she is. Yeah, that's it.
"You're sooooooooo pretty Mistress." You say.
She smiles. "Thank you, now..." She unzips her slacks and pulls out her massive cock. You're already drooling. She stands there, taunting you with it, before saying "Begin."
You take the cock into your mouth and begin worshiping it like a good fucktoy does. You hit the spot you know she's sensitive to. Mistress shutters and grabs your hair. "Good Girl." She says. You could've cum in the spot to those words if only she gave you permission. Before you could even question it, she pulls you in, and you're lost to your work.
Inspired by @anarqueeen :)
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harunayuuka2060 · 3 months
MC: I'm really sorry about earlier. I panicked.
Azul: It's alright. I'm glad that person won't ever bother you again.
Vil: Hm? Why? Did something happen?
Azul: It was nothin-
Leona: There was someone who confessed to Herbivore. And they were pretty persistent.
Azul: You weren't there, Leona.
Leona: I was nearby. *smirks* And I heard everything.
Leona: Just like how they told the person off and said that "Azul Ashengrotto is the only attractive for them."
Azul: ...
Vil: ...
Vil: *looking at MC* You have a crush on Azul?
MC: I don't need to have a crush on Azul to say that he's good-looking.
Azul: *clears his throat and adjusts his glasses* MC, we must return to Mostro.
MC: Okay.
Leona: You're blushing, octo-punk.
Azul: You need to have your eyes checked, Leona.
Vil: Leona is right. Not just your cheeks but the tip of your ears as well.
Azul: MC, don't pay them any attention. Let's go.
MC: *nods* *waits for Azul to walk first and they follow behind*
Leona and Vil: ...
Leona: That octo-punk got themselves a reliable servant.
Vil: Heh. MC sees themselves as his employee. But how about Azul?
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sinfulpanda16 · 6 months
MHA Boys Reactions to You Being Their Secret Santa
Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari x reader
Class 1-A decided to do a Secret Santa. How would the boys react when they find out their crush is their secret Santa? What did you get them??
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Izuku Midoriya
Deku hands his gift to Kacchan.
"Give it stupid nerd" he snapped causing Midoriya to laugh awkwardly while rubbing the back of his neck. After opening the gift Midoriya goes back to sit on the couch.
"Alright now its Midoriya's turn!" Mina blurts out excitedly. Deku smiled excited to see who his secret Santa was. This whole time he thought Uraraka was his secret Santa but then you stand up and head towards him causing his cheeks to heat up. Oh shit you're getting closer! ////
You're standing right in front of him with a big Christmas bag, "Here you go Midoriya" you say smiling at him. Deku doesn't budge he's shocked till speechless, which makes the class giggle a bit. "Midoriya?" you call for him a bit worried and Deku comes back to reality. "Oh! Right I'm sorry!" he takes the gift from you.
After calming down a bit he begins to pull out the first thing which was a freaking bag of broccoli. The class laughs and you begin to explain yourself "You remind me of broccoli and every time I see you, I remember to eat my veggies" you giggle. Kaminari chimes in "Yeah same! He reminds to eat my greens lol". Midoriya gives a cute smile and begins to show the class the rest of his presents. You got him a new All Might Poster, new grip strengtheners, an All Might Notepad, some candy and some All Might socks lol.
Midoriya loved it all, he thanks you with a blushy face and can't wait to use all the presents his crush got him.
Katsuki Bakugou
He doesn't know how the hell yall convinced him to join in this stupid game. (He joined because you joined) Anyways there he was leaning against the wall. Kirishima just finished his haul of Christmas gifts Bakugou has given him so now it was time for his secret Santa to reveal himself.
'Please let it be Y/N or so help me-' his thought gets interrupted when you start walking towards him. Yes! When he saw that he didn't fish out your name during the raffle he was hoping that you would at least be his secret Santa. He was seriously about to hate being a part of this if you weren't his secret Santa.
You go up to him and he's looking into your eyes. You hand him his gift "Here Bakugou, this is for you" you say a bit quietly. He keeps staring into your eyes a small blush starting to form on his face. "Tch thanks" he says turning away from you.
"Ooh what did Y/N get Bakugou?!" Mina asks excitedly.
Denki smiles "Yeah I want to know! I wouldn't know what to get Kacchan."
"I would know" Todoroki says blankly causing Bakugou to yell out "SHUT UP HALF AND HALF! NO YOU WOULDN'T! "
You were still standing next to Bakugou, so you jumped a bit at his loud yell which caused Bakugou to sigh and calm himself down. He began showing everyone what you got him. "A new black tank top, sweatpants, a bunch of hot noodles, spicy candy and- THE HELL IS THIS?!" he pulls out a stuffed Pomeranian dog.
The class bursts out laughing "Haha Bakugo that looks like you!" Kirishima laughs. Bakugou turns to you giving you a 'WTF' look. "It's a Pomeranian puppy. I saw it and...it reminded me of you." you shyly explain. Had this been anybody else he would've exploded the damn thing, but he didn't, because it was you. He rolls his eyes "Thanks or whatever." You smile at him and head back to his seat. Bakugou was glad he was part of this stupid Secret Santa exchange.
Shoto Todoroki
He was sitting on the ground in his cute Santa Claus outfit next to you. It was time for his secret Santa to give him his gift. Everyone was actually curious about who could've gotten Todoroki. "Oh that's me. Here you go Todoroki." You smile at him handing him his present.
"Oh." he blushes a bit. "Thank you, Y/N." he says, taking the present.
Everyone watches excitedly as he unties the ribbon on the box and takes off the lid. Todoroki smiles softly "It's a chopstick bowl set along with a packet of soba" he says showing everyone.
"Aww that's really cute" Uraraka gushes along with the other girls.
Midoriya giggles "Yeah. Y/N did a good job with Todoroki's present" he states making everyone agree with him.
You blush at their words and Todoroki blushes at the fact that you actually know him pretty well. He didn't think you'd actually pay attention to him. Everyone goes back to focusing on the secret Santa. He turns to look at you "Thank you again Y/N. I really appreciate it" he tells you smiling softly.
You look back into his eyes "Of course. Merry Christmas Todoroki."
He goes to hug you and you hug him back "Merry Christmas Y/N"
Eijiro Kirishima
This was a blast he's been enjoying watching his friends give their presents, get their presents, laugh (he's been enjoying watching you have fun) but alas it was finally his turn. "Alright now its time for Kirishimas secrets Santa." Kaminari announces. Kirishima was so excited "Yeah! Lets see who my secret Santa is!" he says extatically.
You stand up and start heading towards Kirishima holding a bright red present bag for him, and why did the whole class start aweing? Kirishima's face was becoming bright red like his present. Truth is Kirishima has been very vocal to his friends about having a crush on you. It started with telling Bakugou, but he didn't give good advice on love, so he told the rest of his friends. You were kept in the dark though cuz you were confused as hell lol.
You sit next to him and hand him his gift. He takes the gift "Thank you" he says, and you return him a warm smile. How much cuter can you get he asks himself.
He opens the bag "Oh Wow! It's a red hoodie!" he says with joy.
"There's more" you say excitedly.
Kirishima start looking for more. "Oh, this is a Crimson Riot poster! And... wait is this the hair dye I use?" he asks in shock.
You laugh "Yeah. I would see this packaging in the trash."
Kirishima turns to look at you "Y/N this is awesome I love it. Thank you!" and you smile at him. "Aww your welcome. Merry Christmas" you say going in for a hug to which he happily returns. "Merry Christmas" he says back.
Little did yall know the whole class was watching you guys all like "Yes! My ship is sailing 🥰"
Denki Kaminari
Kaminari says in a cocky tone "Alright it's my turn. Where my gift?"
Jirou in an annoyed tone asks, "Who even got this fool?" to which you reply "I did" laughing.
Kaminari gets excited "Yes! Thank you I got a pretty secret Santa!". You roll your eyes playfully and go to give him his gift. "Here this is for you." Kaminari smiles widely "I'm special today!" and begins to open his gift.
Honestly the whole class was shocked. They didn't expect anyone to give him such nice things. A cologne, a chain, a ring, a nice shirt, and a jacket. Sero asks "Y/N is there a reason you bought him all this fancy stuff?" which is the same question the rest of the class had in mind.
"It's because Y/N respects me that's why." he says feeling proud. You shake your head "No, it's so you can actually get girls" you say making the class laugh.
Mina shakes her head "OMG Y/N you're such a good friend." she teases.
While the class laughs Kaminari turns to you and acts hurt "Ouch Y/N. You wound me." and you just give him a smile. "I was just kidding. I just wanted to gift you something nice cuz you've earned it." you say making him blush. For a moment he genuinely thought his crush thought so low of him, but he's glad to hear that's not true.
You two wish each other Merry Christmas and Kaminari's feelings for sure have definitely grown stronger for you.
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radiant-reid · 1 year
was reading some old writings and was wondering if you could do a fic/blurb based on this hc of spencer x reader?
"Practices saying your first name with his last name. Like when he thinks you're not awake and then one day he's introducing you and he totally slips up"
omg i forgot i wrote this
The BAU team had decided to gather for a casual get-together at Rossi's place for his birthday. It was a rare occasion for everyone to unwind and spend some quality time outside of work, and Rossi had invited lots of his friends around, as well as the BAU team and their dates. Which is how you scored an invite and why you're arriving hand in hand with him, dressed up, smiling, and excited for the evening.
As you entered the living room, you were greeted by familiar faces and the pleasant hum of conversations. Rossi approaches, a grin on his face as he welcomes you both.
"Hey, everyone! Glad you could make it." He says cheerfully. "Oh, and here comes our favorite couple."
You nudge Spencer's side as he blushes, and you can't help but feel a surge of warmth in your heart as you squeezed his hand.
You split off from Spencer to talk with the girls, chatting and catching up. But Spencer turns up to tug you away and introduce you to new people.
"This is Y/n Reid. My wi-" He unintentionally uses his own last name instead of yours before clearing his throat and trying to cover it. "L/n, actually. Y/n L/n, my girlfriend." He's stammering and flustered, blushing bright red.
You can't help but shyly grin, shaking hands with everyone as they introduce themselves, the slip-up barely phasing anyone.
Morgan clasps Spencer on the back, not resisting an opportunity to tease him. "Looks like you're already mentally prepared to take that leap, huh, Reid?"
Spencer's face reddens further, but he can't hide his bashful smile. He glanced at you, apologetic and sheepish, silently asking for forgiveness.
"It's alright, Spence." You reassure him, squeezing his hand again. "I'm not the only one of us that's thought about us getting married."
Later, when you find a moment alone in a quieter corner of the house, Spencer takes a deep breath before speaking. "I'm really sorry about the mix-up, Y/n." He apologizes sincerely. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or assume anything."
You gently place a hand on his arm, a soft smile on your lips. "Spencer, it's alright. It was just a slip of the tongue. No harm done."
He nods, his eyes searching yours. "But... I have to admit, it's something I've thought about... and I think it sounds nice. Your first name... my last name."
Your heart skips a beat at his words, and you feel a rush of emotions. Spencer's vulnerability and honesty are endearing, making you realize just how deeply he cares for you.
"I like that idea too." You confess, your voice barely above a whisper. "Well just wait for you to propose, I guess."
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ssahotchnerr · 10 months
hi! What about Aaron coming to help you with a popped tired before work and reader just feels bad about bothering him or whatever but they’re literally going to the same place:) popped my tired this morning and need to live off my delusions 😭
to your rescue
cw; no established relationship, mutual pining, aaron being darling <3 (and hot)
"i'm so, so sorry." your words left you in an exhale, crossing your arms from where you where standing above aaron.
aaron peeked up from his handiwork, brows drawn into a line over his eyes for a moment, before one quirked up in confusion. "you're sorry your tire popped?"
"no. yes." your face burned in humiliation as you leaned against the hood of aaron's car, watching him replace your tire, a small grunt leaving him as he stuck it in place. "that you had to come to my rescue, and do all this. i didn't mean to inconvenience you and i know you probably have a million things waiting for you at work and you probably had to get jack to school and then you get a call from me who-"
you were rambling as result of being so incredibly frazzled, a peaceful morning turned hectic; the brief panic of feeling your tire give out from underneath you, pulling over amidst morning traffic, not knowing how to switch it out, and having to call your boss, who you happened to have the biggest crush on, of all people to come and save you.
"hey, no," aaron shushed you, shaking his head as he set the lug nuts onto the tire. he was also currently sporting a white undershirt, having removed his suit jacket, button-up and tie to prevent dirtying them - allowing his arms to be on full display as his muscles flexed. "first, i'm just relieved you're alright. and it's not an inconvenience at all. this was on my way, and we're inevitably ending up at the same place, aren't we?"
he paused to meet your gaze, eyebrow raised once more, cheekily this time. your head tilted an inch as you considered this, well yeah.
aaron continued, resuming tightening the bolts on the spare. "jack's already at school, he had to go in early for a club. you called after i already dropped him off."
"i could've called someone else though." you huffed, slight heat filling your cheeks again, "like morgan, or road service for god's sake. but, you were the first person i thought of." the end of your sentence trailed off, as you fell on the shy side.
"i'm glad you did." aaron answered earnestly, so sweetly your blush intensified again. "i would've hated driving past and seeing you stranded on the side of the road. if that was the scenario, i would've stopped regardless."
silence fell overtop you both as aaron finished up, the period of time also allowing for your burning cheeks to cool. once the car was lowered, and aaron was fully satisfied your tire was tightly secure, and safe for you to proceed driving on, did he stand up and finish his thought.
"and besides," his sudden lighter tone of voice piqued your focus back to him, "half the time, i'm looking for an excuse to delay getting the workday started." a smile threatened his face, a shiny line of sweat on his forehead. "don't tell anyone that though. it could ruin me."
you laughed despite yourself - your bad mood, and guilt, nearly disappearing. "of course not. i owe you after this."
aaron chuckled softly, closing your car's trunk after putting the ruptured tire inside. he was just walking past you, to put the tools he had retrieved from his car away, when you grabbed onto his forearm, stopping him in his tracks.
"i mean it, i owe you." you forced yourself to look into his piercing, yet soft, brown eyes, your voice low and sincere. "thank you."
a small, closed lip smile tugged at his face, "by the way, you could never be an inconvenience. especially not to me, i can promise you that."
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Hi! I hope you're doing well and drinking water! If its alright with you, may I request rottmnt Leo reacting to his s/o wearing thigh highs? It can be suggestive or full nsfw, the choice is yours!
Temptation In Thigh Highs (Fluff?) (Suggestive)
Rise!Leonardo x reader
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A/N: I decided not to do a full blown NSFW this time around. Sometimes we need something a little more chill😎 Also, is it bad that I don’t own any thigh highs?😂
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All characters are aged up.
Warnings: Suggestive themes, implied sex afterwards.
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When you told Leo that you had a surprise for him, he couldn’t help but get a little excited, if not curious. That little mischievous smile you flashed when he asked what it was, gave him all he needed to know. It was in fact something that he should be excited for.
Leo sat restlessly on your couch, his knee bouncing while his eyes roamed your living room, as if it would give him a clue of what you had in store for him. After having been dating for as long as the two of you had, Leo was used to your apartment. Yet he couldn’t help himself, hoping that something could lead him to whatever surprise had for him. But nothing gave him a clue. And nothing could prepare him for what you were wearing as you left your bedroom, making your way into the living room, the sight made his heart race and his thoughts scatter like leaves in the wind.
You walked into the room, a mischievous grin playing on your lips. Your attire was but lacy lingerie, leaving Leo’s mind blown as he took in the sight of you, his eyes staying on your legs for a whole minute. Thigh high stockings adorned your legs, accentuating every curve of muscle and fat, and leaving little to the imagination.
"What do you think?", you asked him, your mischievous smile still plastered on your face, yet your voice trying to sound innocent.
Leo’s mouth was dry as he gulped, still somewhat taken aback by the beautiful sight before him. He couldn't tear his gaze away from your legs, the stockings drawing his attention like a magnet. Heat flooded his cheeks causing his face to feel hot, along with a sudden rush to his cloaca.
"(Y/N)... What are you wearing?", Leo managed to say, his voice filled with awe. He had seen you in lingerie before… plenty of times actually, just before he would rip it off of you, but never, never had he seen you in thigh highs. It was as if you just stepped out of those pornos he used to watch before the two of you got together, imagining the girl in the thigh highs were you, pinned beneath him.
You chuckled lightly, enjoying the effect you had on him. "Just something I found in my closet. Do you like it?"
Leo nodded enthusiastically, a warm smile spreading across his face as his usual charm and charisma coming back.
"You look absolutely stunning, (Y/N). So stunning that I think my heart stopped for a moment", he said, placing a hand on his plastron, as if he tried to massage it through his hard keratin.
A blush painted your cheeks at his compliment, and you couldn't help but feel a flutter in your heart, the small thrill you had hopped for running through your body. 
"Thank you, Leo. I'm glad you think so", you said, feeling nervous yet beautiful under his gace. How lucky you were to have a boyfriend, that made you feel so beautiful.
As you shared a tender gaze, a thought crossed Leo's mind. A thought that soon turned into a scenario in his head, building up the pressure behind his cloaca.
"You know, those thigh highs are quite tempting...", he said, resting his elbows on his knees, allowing him to lean towards you, his eyes running over your body once more, his small movements heating up the room, just as if he had started a fire.
You laughed softly, a twinkle in your eye. You knew he would go there. That was why you put these thigh highs on in the first place. Because you loved it when he went there. But you had to act innocent. It was part of the fun. Something that made it even more interesting for the two of you.
"You never miss an opportunity, do you?", you asked, slowly taking a few steps towards him on the couch. It was amazing to watch Leo sometimes. Just a moment ago he sat with a bouncing knee, and now he sat comfortably on the couch, legs spread and just inviting you to come closer.
Leo grinned, reaching out for you as you came to stand between his legs. "What can I say? When it comes to you, I can't help but be inspired". And with those words, he grabbed a firm hold of your hips, before pulling you down, so that you were straddling his lap. Just one of the many positions Leo would be seeing you and thigh highs in that night.
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transmascaraa · 4 months
Hi! I've currently been into Ga ming recently since he's released and your works for him are really cute 💗💗 so I was wondering if I can maybe request him, Bennett, tighnari, cyno, and Scaramouche (if you write for them ofc!) with a always nauseous and overheating reader?
I've been going through that for a long while now and it kinda adds onto not really eating all the time because of being afraid to throw up when it happens, sometimes feeling like a burden for having a different body temperature than most and feeling like it's just a problem, not being able to wear clothes I really want to because of how hot I may get, the possibility of passing out whenever and the embarrassment I get from that, ect 😭
I hope your day is well, and that hopefully you have a fun time writing this if you decide to 💗🫶
multiple characters headcannons!
how are they with overheating!reader?
characters: gaming, bennett, tighnari, cyno, wanderer x gn!reader
author's note: i love this idea so much😭 i'm not somebody that's overheating easily, but i still get hot faster than others, it's the main reason i hate summer and love winter👍 but i think i can understand people who suffer from overheating. i once almost passed out a few months ago and it's either that i felt sorry for this one dog, or because of sunstroke. either way, i'm glad to do this request, because i really like it<3
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-he would be prepared ALL THE TIME. it's true. it's canon, i'm the mole on his neck.
-anyways, he would always have one of your t-shirts in his bag. he learnt how to do cpr and what to do IF you pass you. he reassured you that it was okay. that you having a warmer body temperature wasn't something you should be embarrassed of.
-in his eyes, he found the good in that whole problem.
-winter, you're not all the cold in winter, while he... freezes, despite being pyro.
-he's there with you, always ready for anything, encouraging you to eat.
-he also always has a cold drink in his bag, it might come in handy for you...
-either way, he wouldn't mind it. he just wants to help you. he sees nothing wrong with you.
-but he avoids teasing you that much, what if you get too hot and feel nauseous?
-he doesn't want that. instead, he knows when to stop.
-he's clumsy, and everyone knows that. but he does try his best to help. he WANTS to help.
-when you feel nauseous, he starts panicking a bit but tries to keep a more calm composure to not make it even harder for you.
-he knows how to treat you. he's trying his best, please, thank him.
-he asked lisa about how to help a nauseous person, and he listened closely.
-sometimes, he rants to razor about you, but not about your overheating problem, but about how strong you were. how brave you were.
-how he admired you.
-and when with you, he tries to tell you all of those same things, but he ends up blushing too much, and just telling you to "paint it over".
-but at rare times, when he makes you feel hotter by telling you such sweet praises, he apologizes immediately, and tries to cool you down.
-he's trying, he really is.
-he has everything with him. if gaming had everything you needed, tighnari has 2 times more of them. what if you run out of cold water? what if the first shirt he brought with him was still making you hot? he even has an ice pack with him.
-he's like a mom. anything you need, he has it. he would take great care of you, making sure you're alright.
-if you're nauseous, don't worry! he has the medicide. you're allergic to something? you'll never see it again.
-if you're ever close to passing out, he knows exactly what to do, so you shouldn't worry all that much, because you have him.
-others, and even maybe you, might see him as overprotective, or overreacting, but he just says that "it's for your own good" and carries on with taking your mind off of things by talking to you about aranaras.
-he may be a bit strict, but it really is jsut because he cares for you. he wants the best for you, and hopes that he can be the one to help you get to there.
-i could talk about him for ages but i think you get the point.
-i'm virtually sighing right now. he would care for you, yes, do anything for you, do anything you want him to.
-he'll bring you anything and everything you need.
-he had anything you need with him, but if you run out of anything, he's thinking of a solution to stop that.
-in all seriousness, he'll skip anything and everything for you.
-yes, he does bore you with his horrible jokes no matter what, but if he sees that he's too annoying, he'll stop.
-if you're about to pass out, he's either gonna keep his composure and help you or just...
-call tighnari because he's panicking a bit too much.
-he avoids bringing you to the desert with him, completely, at all costs.
-he wants to to be okay, and reassures you when you have trouble eating.
-he's like a dad, the opposite of tighnari. he may not have anything you need at ALL times, but he always comes up with a solution.
-and he loves choosing outfits for you, and he gets hot easily too, that's why he doesn't wear much clothing himself.
-uhhh he's complicated. he'll never show any interest in helping you, but deep down he so fucking worried about you. he would take your body heat if he could. he would splash you with ice-cold water if you wanted to.
-but he'd mask it with saying "weak."
-you know him good enough tho, he cares about you more than anyone else.
-you know he'd sacrifice anything and everything to help you.
-he literally forces you to eat.
-he has everything you need with him, and does his best to help you. if he runs out of something, he'll call nahida.
-nahida plays a huge part in this too, but you don't know.
-he secretly talks to nahida to teach him about overheating more. so he knows how to help. he asks her any question he has, and the almost immediately memorizes it. he needs to know how to help you. so, if you ever almost pass out, he'd just be telling you to shut up while trying to help, but on the inside, it's a mess, really.
-he doesn't want you in pain.
i actually really like this one
either way, i hope you like this one, anon! and that you i potrayed overheating good enough😭
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webslingingslasher · 18 days
Hii Ik your resquests are currently closed so you obvs don’t have to do it but when you’re up for it could you please do a part 2 w nerdy Peter on their first date. But take your time to rest and everything just thought I’d put this in for good measure ❤️
*cleaning out my drafts*
pt 1.
'first time?' peter slightly turns, it's an older man, probably mid forties and he gets an instant dad vibe. he's comfortable nodding at his question.
he's been standing in front of bouquets for at least seven minutes, nothing seems right. peter wants to make the best impression, but what if he got your least favorite flowers?
'is it a date?'
peter nods again, 'yeah. and she's super out of my league.'
the dad smiles, 'they usually are.' then steps up, he takes his time looking over each flower wrapped in cellophane.
'there's not much to go wrong on, kid. don't get the artificially dyed ones and choose something with some flowers that haven't opened up all the way. they'll last longer and smell better.'
peter feels alright with speaking his nerves to him, 'what if she hates them?'
his temporary mentor picks up a bouquet, it looks beautiful, he was right. the plastic is pushed into peter's chest, his hand wraps around the stems. 'then you bought flowers for an asshole, don't make the same mistake twice.'
it makes peter feel better, he really doesn't think he's buying flowers for an asshole.
you like them. at least he thinks you do, your face lit up and you were quick to do a smell test. you even told him he did a good job at picking them out.
'these are beautiful, peter!' he's lucky he didn't buy flowers for an asshole. you delicately set them down, 'these are going in my room, by the way.' you didn't dare share the beauty with the rest of the house.
'i'm glad you like them,' he really is. peter feels the need to add how nice you look, he's not too sure on how to compliment a woman but he knows he has to try.
'you um, you look very pretty.' yikes, that sounds like he doesn't think you're pretty the rest of the time. 'you always look very pretty, but this is a different kind, like, cause it's the first time i've seen you all dressed up.'
did he just tell you he likes you better this way? peter widens his eyes, the date hasn't even started and he's already sweating. 'i mean, you didn't have to dress up for me, wait, no, you dressed for yourself. but i just meant...' he really doesn't know what he meant, but you look entirely way too amused at his fluster.
'keep going, i'm really enjoying this.'
a gentle tease at his nervous personality. he really likes it coming from you.
'i'd rather not.'
you smile wide, 'i love hearing how pretty i am tonight, but actually all the time, but differently this time, but also not. and how you like my outfit, but not too much, because all my other outfits look just as good and i definitely don't dress for the male gaze.'
it sounds like you're making fun of him, but your smile tells him you actually really like it.
'don't worry, peter. i'd act the same way if you were in a tux.' peter glances down, 'should i go put one on?' biting your lip at his joke, you push his shoulder, 'next time.'
peter's head is spinning when you pull him out the door by his hand, it's been five minutes and there's already another? you must have a thing for socially awkward guys.
peter watches you glance around the restaurant, he hopes he picked good. it's nice, but not nice enough to be weird.
'you're pulling out all the stops for me, mr. parker.'
peter hopes you don't notice his blush, he thinks you do when you lean closer. 'i mean, flowers and a medium fancy restaurant? you're raising my standards very quickly.'
you mean it, too. peter knows he has no experience under the belt but you've been on a few dates, nothing that stuck from what he's overheard but he can't fathom how this tops any of it.
'really? i thought you would've had better dates.'
you hum, 'maybe. one question for you, then i can let you know if this is the best date.' peter can handle that, he's good at questions. 'i'm ready.'
'what can i get to drink?'
peter tilts his head, he might not be that good at questions. 'anything you want?'
it's the right answer, you grin across the table. 'i can get a coke and you won't cheap out on me?'
peter laughs, that's what he was up against? 'so i can pay for a dinner but draw the line at soda?'
you don't directly confirm it, 'some would.'
'as long as it's not rootbeer, i'm alright with it.' your eyebrow raises, 'not a fan?' peter scoffs, 'it's like the kitchen sink of sodas, it poured all the leftovers into a giant vat and lied to everyone about liking it.'
you laugh quietly, 'who's it?'
peter is completely serious, 'capitalism.' you bite back a grin as he shifts forward a little. 'so, um, was your dad mad that you canceled for me?' your fingers tap the table, 'nope. not when i told him why.'
'wow, the first dad i know who's okay with their daughter dating.'
you stop him, 'oh, he's not crazy about the dating part. he likes the who.'
peter can't help but feel slightly offended, 'am i really that non-threatening?' suddenly your dad was okay when he was the suitor? peter really is out of his league and everyone knows it.
'oh no, you're the most threatening of them all. you're the only guy i've ever liked, so my dad was excited for me, but also a little scared because you're the strongest bet at his daughter dating someone.'
peter's heart is thumping harder than it ever has, if he wasn't in your eyesight he'd be counting his pulse. he wants to kick himself a little, he has no idea how much time he's wasted by not asking sooner. how many guys have you wished were him?
he's not able to respond, but you don't mind. the waiter has your attention, when he asks for your drink you shoot a look at peter with a gleam in your eye.
'do you have rootbeer?'
peter thinks he's gonna have a girlfriend real soon.
on the walk back to your home, you had forced your fingers between his. peter can't remember the last time he held hands with someone, but it feels nice holding yours.
you swing them back and forth as you talk, he thinks the deal was secured when he brushed chocolate crumbs off your cheek from dessert because immediately after you had tied your hand into his and held him close.
'i had a very nice night, and just in case you need me to say it, that was the best date i've ever had.'
peter feels shy, but it's welcomed with you. 'you're just saying that cause i bought you rootbeer.'
you bump your elbow against his, 'next time i'll buy you a milkshake.' you weren't lying, you had a nice night. so nice you want to do it again and if peter's really lucky, you'll want to keep doing it forever.
'careful, i'll hold you to that.' he really will, peter loves milkshakes.
'i will, i love milkshakes. i have a secret place i go to all the time in the west village.' peter's eyes widen, 'west village? that's a haul for a milkshake.'
you press a hand to your forehead, 'oh no! a whole afternoon with you, how yucky!' peter hides his smile, it's nice that you want him around. 'if we get milkshakes does that mean you want a second date?'
'yes. and if i do good enough you might want a third out of me.' peter laughs, it's adorable you think he might want a third date. 'we might as well plan the fourth one now, huh?'
you bounce your arm off his. 'i think you should kiss me.' peter's jolted from his date daydream. kiss? peter plays it cool. 'what, right now?' he can't hide anything, you hear an undertone of panic but you skim over it.
'well, i'd prefer if it wasn't at my front door where i'm at risk of being seen because if my dad catches you all over me before he could meet you, i don't think he'll like you anymore.'
'so i should kiss you? right now?' peter's voice is hitched, you didn't mean to throw him off his game. you know he's a little more reserved so you were giving him the open shot, but you think you stressed him out even more.
'you don't have to! i was just offering because i thought you were going to try and do something at my door.'
peter's thankful for the night sky and the cool breeze that's chilling his burning face. 'i've never kissed anyone.' peter stops walking because you stopped. you've got an open jaw and a dead stare on him.
'repeat that.'
he'd rather not. 'i've never kissed anyone.'
you shake your head, the words aren't making sense. 'one more time.'
this is kind of a nightmare. 'i've never kissed anyone.'
'you're lying, right? this is a joke?' why is peter feeling a little insulted right now? 'it's not weird. i know several people who haven't kissed anyone yet.'
you scrunch your face up. 'no, peter, i'm not judging you because you haven't. i'm confused about how you haven't. like, no girl has ever tried to kiss you?'
'no.' it's an instant answer.
'not even as a kid or something?'
you feel offended on his behalf, oh well, more for yourself. you stand straighter and give him what he's been missing out on. 'if you'd let me, i'd love to kiss you.'
'really?' sure, peter might've scored a second date but a kiss too? his first one at that. 'yeah.' you step up, peter can feel his heart pounding. he knows he's awkward, he's unsure of his stance, he doesn't know how to lean into it.
'it's instinct. don't panic, okay?' easier said than done because peter swears he's at risk of throwing up when you loop your arms around his neck. you bounce up on your feet, just a tad, the rest of your weight brings peter down to your level.
there's a brief moment of nerves but they're not bad. it's exciting, it's thrilling, it's new. your gaze bounces between his eyes and his mouth, you think he catches on and does the same.
one final moment before you seal the deal, peter parker is going to be all yours. your heart races when you lean in, your lips brush against his feather soft.
one, two- you swear sparks fly. peter's warm and gentle. he's unsure and it makes the kiss so much better. a hesitant hold on your hips when your chest bumps his, you add a little movement- you're not trying to add too much, but god, you'd pay fat dollars to explore him further.
peter pulls away first, you almost claw him back into you. 'i'm sorry.' you lightly shake your head, he has nothing to be sorry for. 'i think i'm bad at kissing.'
'you couldn't be farther from the truth, parker. you're the best one.'
peter doesn't believe you for a second. 'really?'
'yeah. cause it's you.'
peter melts. 'i think you're an angel sent from heaven for me.' peter isn't sure if he's religious or not, and he was leaning towards not but now he thinks there has to be angels because you're proof of one.
you look away, you've never been complimented like that before. an unearthly creature whose only purpose was divine intervention, how could you not give him another kiss?
peter's surprised at this one.
'what was that for?'
'because you're really nice, super smart and kind of the hottest person i've ever seen.' compliments? you're giving him compliments? 'that's nice, but i think you're talking to yourself.'
you frown. a true grumpy look crosses over your face. 'don't do that. don't sell yourself short or act like you're not deserving of praise because i'm going to be doing a lot of it and i need you to accept it.'
before he could try to fight it, you start pulling him along. you do have a curfew after all. peter's fighting back disbelief. 'angel. i swear you're an angel.'
you shrug, 'i'm your angel.'
'you are.'
when you get home, you get a third kiss. and this time, peter kisses you. 
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catmadeofsalad · 7 months
Lucifer: MC, are you feeling alright?
MC: *pale, sweaty, trembling* Yeah, I'm fine.
No, you are not. Asking was a courtesy. Get in bed human, now.
A professional at making the perfect tea, exactly as you like it. Are you hungry as well? If the thought of eating is too much, he looks up what humans eat when sick and is surprised to find a diet, but he's pleased when you eat the toast he made you.
Your fever isn't breaking for a while, so he moved his office to your room so as to be able to replace the cool cloth on your forehead. The table was covered in his paperwork, but he refused to let one of his brothers have free reign of your room while you were sick.
Lucifer sneaks kisses on your forehead whenever he checks your temperature with the back of his hand.
Demons don't catch human illnesses, so expect him to help you into the shower if you're dizzy or too tired.
He also sleeps in your bed with you after you've already fallen asleep. This isn't something he'd usually do, but seeing you shiver despite your layers of blankets quickly changes his mind.
He brings you your school work and makes sure you stay up to date on your lessons, having previously informed Diavolo of your inability to attend classes.
Lucifer requests a hand from Barbatos in making you a soup from the human world, and with the royal butler's assistance, you're fed the perfect bowl of chicken noodle soup.
The week and half it took you to fully recover was baffling to the eldest demon brother, but nonetheless, he was glad once you were better.
"MC, what is this?" Is surprised at the "Thank You!" basket of poison apples and other treats that appear on his desk. Is he blushing? No, of course not. The lighting is just off.
Those forehead kisses? They become a permanent expression of endearment.
His human is dying!? Not again! Not on his watch!
You cough? Here's more water- humans need to be hydrated when they're sick, right?
You're shivering! More blankets, a sweater- yeah, he's getting into bed with you, ya got a problem with it?
Mammon means well, he's trying his best. If his brothers got sick he never needed to worry because they were demons. He still took care of them in his own way, but his human wad sick now! What would he do if they didn't get better!?
You have to tell him that it's just a bad cold and you'll get better soon. He nods, hand on his chin as he thinks.
Mammon gets a list of items that would help you from Lucifer and Satan, and let's just say that you're all set one supplies if you ever get sick again. For over the next five years. Cold medicine? Yep. Ice packs? Lucifer told him he didn't need all 20 in the freezer but what does he know!? You've been sweating nonstop for days, ya need ta cool down.
If you were a plant you'd live the longest, but as a human, it'd take a while for you to become dehydrated again. Even with all the eness sweating.
If you thought Mammon was attentive before, watch out. He'd hugged you a lot through your sickness to keep you warm, so the slightest shiver even once you're better? Get ready for hugs!
He's surprised when you start hugging him more, too. Mammon is super tsundere at first, complaining about the affection, but he doesn't stop you. The Avatar of Greed stops complaining not long after, just happy with the affection.
You what? Ew, gross, no wait, don't leave - he'll take care of you!
Wait. How does he take care of a human?
It can't be that hard. He can do it!
Where did he get that lab coat- never mind, it doesn't matter. You're tightly wrapped in blankets, snacks and drinks supplied outside of the tub he calls a bed before he sardines into the porcelain bed with you.
Levi runs cold, something he forgets about until your fever spikes. He's about to ask what you need when his cold chest is perfect for your overheated face.
He sputters about how he can get you cool cloths or something and about how you shouldn't cuddle up with such a gross otaku like himself until you start to pull away.
As soon as you start to pull away, he pulls you back to himself and holds you tightly. You're not leaving his room until you're better!
Lucifer disagreed almost as much as Mammon, the former being more so upset that he hadn't been informed and almost uad to tell Diavolo that the human had gone missing.
While your sick Levi let's you join in his online classes, and keeps you up to date on them.
When you're sweaty and gross and actually cold, he runs you a warm bath. He gets some soothing bath bombs and scents from Asmodeus for your bath.
N-no, he's not joining you cause he's worried! He likes the smells too, and besides, you've been snuggled together, and your sweat was all over him!
Even though you were sick, he knew you saw through his excuses.
Once your health was back to normal, Leviathan indulged in cuddle sessions in his bed more often.
The biggest jump for the two of you? Cuddle sessions in the actual bath. Nothing inappropriate or suggestive, just sincere cuddle sessions in the warm water that you two held each other in.
Of course you're sick, he could tell based on how you were dozing off during movie night. Here's some tea and light soup, go lie down.
How he's one step ahead of your cold you'll never know, but when your fever spikes he has cool cloths already next to your bed.
Satan can tell how dizzy you are when trying to help you walk to the bathroom, and he swoops you up into his arms.
The blonde talks about his favorite recent book as he helps you bathe, helping you dry off and change into fresh, warm clothes before getting you back into bed.
One of his brothers wants to help you? Nope, he's got everything you need. Lucifer is only kept up to date on your well-being from Mammon or Beel, asking on behalf of the eldest.
When you start to feel better, he makes sure that you're active. Sore joints after being sick was miserable, and he didn't want you to feel worse.
As soon as you're better, cuddle reading sessions become a popular activity. You both have the same book, and you take turns reading chapters or pages while you sip on tea.
Oh honey, he can see your clammy skin a mile away. Not to mention those dark circles and slight hand tremors.
A relaxing face .ask and a warm bath are going to help ear your lungs, and also make your skin feel better. Trust this demon, he knows his way around a rejuvenating bath!
You have a headache? Time for a scalp massage dear, close your eyes!
Seriously, Asmo is all about you getting better as fast as possible. He hates getting sick and knows some little tricks to help.
A rejuvenating bath bomb with coconut butter, oats, and a hint of lavender? Your skin is soft, and despite being sick, you feel so clean!
You're sick for about a week, but the fifth oldest is your personal nurse- eccentric nurse costume and all!
He has herbal teas, a lotion with massaging pearls to help with under eye soreness, and not to mention his full body massages for of you get achy while your sick.
He waits on his human hand and foot, but if you call on him too much he'll definitely complain or stop, "so don't abuse my perfect care and sexy nurses outfit, okay?"
Asmodeus takes you out to his favorite spa once you're better, and you surprise him with a new nail polish and face mask set as thanks for his help.
Those full body massages? Once you're completely better, those become a regular form of comfort, closeness, and lead ups to...well, I'm sure you know MC.
Beel doesn't notice at first, he just thinks you've been studying too hard again.
When you don't eat as much or decline heavier foods, he gets concerned. Buffo milk tea is your favorite when you're overworked...
He doesn't want to make you upset by asking why you aren't eating as much. After all, Asmodeus scolded him once for asking when he was trying a new diet.
Beelzebub carefully asked if you weren't feeling well, and when you said you were sick everything changed.
Nurse Beel to the rescue!
Seriously. He made you soup, and you almost asked if Barbatos had made it but the orange haired demon mentioned how he scoured many cookbooks with Satan before finding the right one.
The light's bothering your eyes, and you have a migraine? They're all off quickly and the curtains are closed as well.
You're cold even though you have many blankets? Beelzebub is your personal heater.
He definitely gets concerned when you decline a new soup or meal because you're nautious, but he gets assistance from Lucifer on making you the right tea.
Beelzebub is extra gentle with you when you're sick, and he cuddles with you so carefully while he plays with your hair/massages your scalp. Not to mention, he has a great humming voice and helps you get to sleep relatively quickly.
Once you're all better, you buy him a variety party pack of his favorite chips and cookies.
Those soft cuddles and singing to sleep? Yeah, that becomes a near constant for you two when you're stressed or upset. You've sang him to sleep a couple of times, too, when he was having a rough day.
"I told you not to get out of bed, come lie back down MC."
Belphegor takes full advantage of you being sick to cuddle you constantly. Or at least, as much as he can. He won't cuddle you while you use the bathroom, but he'll carry you there.
He complains when you can't lie still due to shivers, but he does so as he pulls you tighter into his arms and wraps you up into the blanket tighter.
Belphie doesn't really know how to take care of a human when their sick- especially one so important to him. He relies on Satan for help in that department.
"How are you still cold?" He whines softly, holding you closer and pressing kisses to your face and neck softly. Belphegor tries to be your main heat source, but he does eventually get you more blankets, socks, or hoodies. It's his hoodie, though, so don't share your weird human germs.
Despite all the rest you got and Satan's help, it takes you a long time to get better, but once you do, you surprise him with a set of eye masks and slippers.
Those cuddley and kisses? Oh, they stay, and you two take turns kissing each other to sleep fairly often.
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thesilmarillionblog · 13 days
A Sweet Distraction
Summary: When you're in a club, you have to make sure Soldier Boy stays out of trouble and doesn't draw attention of other people while Butcher and the boys look for Payback members. Whatever it takes, you have to keep him busy and distracted.
Pairing: Soldier Boy / Reader
Warnings: Language, Soldier Boy being a dick, violence
Word Count: 1704
A/N: English is not my first language.
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You put on modest makeup, adjusted your outfit, and gave Butcher a brief glance in the mirror as you prepared to go out with the most dangerous and unpredictable supe alive to keep him distracted. Although he was aware of your fear of Soldier Boy and your lack of desire to spend as little time as possible with him, Butcher believed that you were the only person fit for this dreadful task. You already felt bad about accepting Butcher's suggestion after learning about Soldier Boy's outburst and everything.
“Hey, I know you're new here, but while we're away, it might be best if a lady kept him in check. Don't misunderstand me, lovely.” Butcher remarked, placing his hand on your shoulder to encourage confidence in you. You sighed with acceptance at that. 
You reluctantly said, “Fine,” as if you had the option to say ‘no.’
“Oi, I'm not making any sort of suggestion, you know. I just ask that you keep your eyes on him.” 
“I know, I know,” you quickly answered as your cheeks started to blush. 
You were assigned your first job, but it seemed like your last mission because Butcher, who called you "his boys" only a week prior, forced you to join his team. Being aware of Solider Boy's reputation for uncontrollable explosions, you made every effort to stay away from him during your first week. There didn't seem to be any way to get in touch with him, though. Either Soldier Boy himself would be the cause of your death, or Butcher.
“Don't misjudge him; as long as he drinks and fucking sniffs his cocaine, he won't cause a scene. You'll be alright, I promise. He's not all that miserable.”
Even if you had doubts about Butcher's belief in his own remarks, you nonetheless nodded to him.
“Alright. Yes, indeed, I understand.” You muttered to Butcher. “I can handle this,” but in reality, you were talking to yourself.
“Excellent!” he exclaimed while clapping his hands. He was glad you avoided arguing with him. “My car is yours, and we'll get the van. Let's not keep Soldier Boy waiting around much longer.”
As you looked at yourself in the mirror one more time, your heart raced, and you took a sip of whiskey from the closest table.
You entered Soldier Boy's room, where a massive amount of cocaine was on his table, and he was already getting high. You did your best to avoid staring at his massive, well-muscled chest while he was somewhat naked. You were afraid that weed use would increase his nervousness levels or something, or worse, cause him to become even more unstable. You were waiting quietly beside Butcher, wanting to say something about the current state of things, yet you uttered nothing. 
“Hey, are you prepared to enjoy yourself in the modern world?” Butcher inquired in a lighthearted manner.
You retreated a step as he approached you, asking, "With her?" with a grin on his face as he examined you from head to toe after standing up from his chair. 
“Buddy, don't be harsh on her; she's already scared of you.” Butcher spoke firmly, and he added, “Y/N will just be your company tonight while me and my boys look for your most devoted teammates. She is one of us.”
You turned your back as your cheeks became red while Soldier Boy raised his eyebrows and turned back to Butcher. He proceeded to smoke while pulling down his sweatpants suddenly and putting on a shirt over his bare chest. 
“I wouldn’t try,” Soldier Boy said as he changed his clothes. “She better take me to a good fucking place. I’m sick of staying in this fucking room.”
“That is not anything to worry about for you.” You all left the room as Butcher murmured.
You and Soldier Boy arrived at one of the most well-known and weird clubs, which was primarily packed with supes, after having nothing at all to talk about while driving. Soldier Boy's mouth curled into a satisfied smile as you became extremely nervous.
As soon as you two walked into the club, he said, “Not bad.”
If you were a supe, you would find it much easier to adjust to the environment and everything, but you weren't, and if you pissed someone off, they could kill you in a second. That's why you got a drink right away and followed Soldier Boy everywhere.
He removed the drug from one of his pockets and said, “I wonder if there is a fine chick to fuck,” before turning to face you. “All the sperm feels heavy in my balls though I jerked off at least five times, fuck.”
You said to yourself, "Oh, god," as he continued to spit filthy words.
He turned to face you, licked his lips, and gave you a smile that was so inviting that it stopped you in a moment.
He asked, “What happened now?” as if you were exaggerating. “I thought you all wanted to take away my attention.”
As you were going to say something unpleasant about his actions, you remembered what Butcher had said and changed your mind.
“It is not important.” You sipped your drink and kept an eye on the folks in the crowd who were getting wild, intoxicated, and dancing, and you added, “Everything's fine.”
Soldier Boy smirked as he saw your shy demeanor and chose to focus on you briefly before giving someone a hard and deep fuck. He may even attempt to get you to open you spread your legs for him so he can give you a satisfying fuck. Your bashful demeanor made him wonder if your pussy was as tight as he thought it was.
“You don’t need to be scared of me, you know,” Soldier Boy said and he gave you another inviting look.
You muttered, “How is that even possible? After all, you are a supe on cocaine with PTSD.”
Even though you felt bad right away for speaking out loud, he only laughed at your harsh remarks and replied, “Touche.”
You asked him with an uneasy smile, “Are you having fun?”
"Well, sweet thing, I'll start having fun as soon as my dick disappear into some really tight pussy.”
You muttered, “Okay, okay,” cutting him off from continuing. You took a deep breath, muttered, “You keep having fun, I will be around,” and hurriedly moved away from his side.
You just hoped that the night would end soon enough for you as you faded into the crowd. Should you get through this night without injury, you vowed to spit hate in Butcher's face. 
You chose to watch Soldier Boy from a distance, so you made some space between you and tried not to pay attention to the bizarre and frightening behaviors of the people around you. It appeared to be a massive freak show. You couldn't determine which club was worse, Herogasm or this one. 
As you locked eyes with Soldier Boy, you noticed that his lethal green eyes were already bound to you, as though you were some kind of prey to be pursued. He frowned as he moved to approach you through the chaotic crowd, and you gasped. Perhaps you were just making things up in your thoughts, and he was just staring at someone else. You tried pushing some people and finding a quieter place to avoid him.
But the person you might have shoved hard turned around and yelled, “Why the fuck are you pushing my fucking back?” to you. He became increasingly enraged after you muttered an apology, saying, “Why do they even let ordinary people get in here? You only bring difficulty upon yourselves, fuck.”
Once more, you pleaded, hoping to get out of there without stirring up any more tension. “I sincerely apologize.”
You moaned in agony as the supe's large hands gripped your arm tightly. It was not as if he would give up. You should never have accepted Butcher's suggestion in the first place.
But happily, Soldier Boy's stronger hands grabbed the strangers tightly, saving them from a terrifying situation in an instant and giving them a sense of happiness. If not, it appeared unlikely that you would survive to escape this strange club. As Soldier Boy turned to face the supe stranger and shot you a glare, you touched your arm with a painful moan.
“Is it that, you fuckface, your micropenis gets hard for the weak? You wanna play the big bad tough guy?” Soldier Boy asked angrily as his hands tightened a rough, quick grip around the other man's throat. He wasn't allowing the other supe to say anything. With feeble mutterings, he was urgently attempting to free himself from Soldier Boy's brutal hold.
“Please, don't cause any trouble,” you urged, touching Soldier Boy's big arm. Despite your attempts to calm him down, he continued to tighten his hold even after the supe kept apologizing. 
“No,” he angrily said. “I found a way to have fun. This fucking cocksucker is going to die.”
You tried to get him to move by saying, “Please, stop,” but it was obviously impossible. You panickedly muttered, “Oh, no,” as you noticed his chest suddenly glowing. 
He clinched his mouth, trying to control his chest and halt what was about to happen, but Soldier Boy threw him between the crowd and he growled, “Stay away.”
 You knew that you wouldn't make it to the exit between all the chaos and supes before Soldier Boy exploded, so you disregarded his warnings, softly cupped his neck, and placed your cold lips on his warm ones, hoping to surprise him with your unexpected move and calm him down a little.
Next Chapter
A/N: Comments and reblogs are very appreciated.
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harunayuuka2060 · 4 months
MC: ...
Leona: *has been "subtly" observing them*
MC: ...
Falena's wife: ...
Falena's wife: Back to our discussion.
MC: Yes. You're hoping that I would be of help to His Majesty now that his health is deteriorating.
Falena's wife: Yes. Would it be possible for you to extend his life?
MC: There are factors that we need to consider. Does he still want to rule this country?
Falena's wife: No. He wants to live longer so he would be able to witness Cheka and Liora grow up into fine princes, and your second child to be born.
MC: Hmm. I could strengthen his heart, however... He likes to eat things that aren't good for him.
Falena's wife: *chuckles* We could just instruct Kifaj to be strict on him.
MC: In that case, I will start on the treatment.
MC: How are you feeling, Your Majesty?
The king: I'm feeling great. *chuckles* I think I could yell better on Kifaj now.
Kifaj: And I will do better to ignore you if needed.
The king: Anyway, is it true there will be a second-born?
MC: It will not until two years, Your Majesty.
The king: Oh. It takes that long?
MC: Yes.
The king: Oh. I see. How come? Isn't pregnancy supposed to be nine months?
MC: It's different with transcendentals, Your Majesty.
The king: *sigh* Well then, I guess I have to wait that long.
The king: I wish it's a girl this time so the Kingscholar will have their little princess.
MC: ...
MC: A princess it is.
The king and Kifaj: ...
The king: That's wonderful! Kifaj! Buy everything that will suit our baby princess!
Kifaj: Yes, Your Majesty!
MC: Again, the baby will not be born until two years.
The king: That is fine! Knowing that it will be a princess is enough!
Leona: *staring sternly at them from behind*
MC: *carrying Liora*
Baby Liora: *seems curious why his father is staring*
MC: What is it, Leona?
Leona: *walks and moves in front of them* The request you've been trying to delay.
MC: ...
MC: Sharing your mana to me is out of the question.
Leona: Tch. But I want to help you and I don't want to see not waking up for days again.
MC: ...
MC: How long will you try to insist on this?
Leona: I don't know. Maybe until you give me an alternative?
MC: ...
MC: I could give you one, but it would cost you a great inconvenience.
Leona: What is it?
MC: Cater our daughter for me.
Leona: ...
Leona: How?
MC: Like how I catered Liora. I will transfer the seed in your heart.
MC: You must keep your emotions stable.
Leona: Alright. I can do that.
MC: ...
MC: Alright. Come closer.
Leona: Yes- Mmp!
MC: *pulls themselves away* Give her back to me after two years. The same way that I did just now.
Leona: *blushing* That's a kiss you-
MC: I wouldn't call it as such. Now leave and stop bothering me for today.
Baby Liora: *waves at his father*
Leona: ...
Ruggie: *almost got choked on his food*
Ruggie: *then laughs*
Leona: *frowns at him*
Ruggie: That's a lot of trust, man. To think that MC allowed you to take care of your daughter.
Leona: Yes. But in the end, they're still the one who's going to birth it.
Ruggie: Though, are you sure you're up for the job? Two years is quite a long time, you know?
Leona: Yes. What do you take me for?
Ruggie: Impatient, easily annoyed-
Leona: *glares at him*
Ruggie: That. That's what I'm talking about. MC has always been cool-headed that's why Prince Liora has no complications and they carried him for three and a half-years.
Ruggie: I wonder how you are going to manage that.
Leona: It's my future daughter we're talking about here, Ruggie. I will do everything for her.
Ruggie: Okay. Why don't we start first by you eating vegetables?
Leona: *scowls*
Ruggie: It's for the baby princess. *amused by his expression*
Falena: I'm glad you have entrusted the development process to Leona.
MC: He wanted to help so I let him.
Falena: *happy sigh* I could already imagine what my niece would be like. *chuckles* *is imagining a snobbish baby and will frown at the sight of anyone*
MC: *knows what he's thinking and couldn't agree more*
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