#i'm not 100% sure what that song is about anymore
i was about to say i'm surprised russ hasn't written a love song to songs/music itself, but he literally did that with the fire still burns
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piccolotiranno · 2 years
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ybcpatrick · 7 months
like i'm so fucking ill about it. the (shipped) gold standard was the last song they needed to play to have performed every single song off of folie à deux live at least once. the record that has caused them the most pain. the one that they avoided like the plague for over a decade after its release, save for i don't care and the occasional instances of disloyal order, what a catch, or 20 dollar nose bleed when they toured with panic! that one time. the one that patrick wouldn't even talk about, for the longest time. it got them booed visciously, it got them dissected by critics, it got them pelted with garbage and glowsticks at shows, it got them stressed and strained to the point of needing to pause all efforts as a band to make sure they could still stay FRIENDS in the wake of it, and now it is the only fall out boy record that they have played 100% of, INCLUDING lullabye and fucking pavlove. and the last song left was (shipped).
you can only blame your problems on the world for so long. i want to scream "i love you" from the top of my lungs, but i'm afraid that someone else will hear me.
(or, they used to be afraid. evidently, not anymore.)
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the-mighty-e · 4 months
I haven't seen many people talking about it, but being the crazy huskerdust fan I am, I'll talk about it.
I have the whole Loser, Baby mv memorized in my mind, and I've been practicing singing with certain emotions that will make my singing better. With all of this I noticed something in loser, baby: Husk sounds happier than ever. And yeah this may be obvious, I mean, look at him.
We've seen in episode 5 how scared he is of Alastor, and how relieved he was in ep 8 while Al wasn't there with them.
He was happy that Angel opened up in ep 4, even if he opened up snapping. Husk took that chance to tell Angel that he also made terrible decisions that made him end up caged.
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I mean look at his smile.
For the whole first part of loser, baby before the chorus Husk was "talking about himself", as a way to show Angel that they're really in a similar situation.
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He was opening up to someone. And not idk a bartender, like he definitely did in the past, he was opening up to someone who could understand him, who ALSO needed someone else. Husk realized this, he realized that they found each other, LOOK AT HOW MUCH HE SMILED HERE
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And even this, he probably insulted himself like this multiple times, he was happy to share those insults with someone else
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He was having fun, he was actually having fun opening up like this. I'm 100% sure that if we rewatch the whole season, and take all the times Husk smiled, in this song he smiled the hardest.
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He was stuck for so long "at rock bottom", he knows what Angel is going through.
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He even LAUGHED, he couldn't hold it anymore. Many people when they're happy they laugh. He laughed not to mock, but to tell angel "yeah, tell me about it!"
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"Get outta here man" Basically saying that it's useless to whine, he knows the pain of being constantly controlled by others, he literally means to say that he shouldn't waste his time regretting. He knows what that feels like
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Anyways I can't fit any more images but, even later on when he says to angel "baby that's fine by me" YEAH THAT'S FINE, IF BEING A DICK SUCKER IS YOUR COPING MECHANISM, THEN WHO SHOULD STOP YOU??? BE YOURSELF!!!!
Angel realizes this now, he's not alone anymore. He has someone he can talk to knowing well that he can relate too. If they stick together "things will end up differently".
And the last chorus, my favorite part of the song, it's meant to be a message to everyone, even the viewer. Stop hating yourself, your only path from now on is going on, who cares what everyone thinks about you. Yeah you're under someone else's control, so what? If it doesn't stop you from living your best life, why should YOU limit yourself? "Play your cards, be who you are".
Anyways I love this song it makes me feel accepted and I'm so happy it exists
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gon-and-killuas-mother · 11 months
i watched a documentary about the Titanic (one of those "real time" animations on YouTube) and was once again struck by the musicians playing till almost the very end. except this time i learned that their final song was "Nearer My God To Thee", which actually made me start crying
i'd always considered it an act of kindness to the rest of the passengers, but now i'm certain it was at least partially for themselves. they were musicians dedicated to their instruments and knew the likelihood of survival was slim. so rather than fight the remaining 1500 people for the last 100 or so seats on the lifeboats, and leaving behind the instruments that were rarely far from their hands, they played.
i'm a choir kid, and my brother was an orchestra kid. music is how both of us cope with hard times. when i'm afraid or hurting or grieving, i sing. when the world feels like it's shattering around me, i sing, i sing, and i sing until my throat closes and my voice crumples.
(in more amusing light, just ask anyone i play online games with, anytime i get spooked or chased by a baddie, i do literally start singing like i was in the middle of an opera)
sure, maybe the musicians on the Titanic wanted to play a lullaby to the passengers in hopes of easing their last moments, but i'm now convinced they mostly did it for themselves. not selfishly, music is never selfish, it's always an act of sharing.
if i were a professional orchestral musician, my life would revolve around the instrument i play. i might know the instrument better than any human partner. and if i knew that this would be my last chance to play a beautiful song before being swallowed by the Atlantic, i'd play it over and over and over until gravity and ice cold water forces me to let go.
not to comfort the passengers anymore, they're beyond comfort now. i'd play simply so that the last thing i hear before the water takes me is the sound of my cello, or violin, or viola, or double bass softly crooning the saddest, gentlest hymn to the night. i'd want to feel the vibrations under my fingers no matter how frozen they are, because i won't be able to do it ever again.
what the fuck i'm crying again. i always had an appreciation for the musicians, but it didn't actually strike me so hard until i related to them on a personal level. i don't think they were trying to be heroes, they were just taking comfort in their own craft.
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mazeinthemiroh · 1 year
seo changbin boyfriend headcanons
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genre: fluff
word count: 0.7k
warnings: none
requested?: yes
song rec: tomboy by g-idle
please like and reblog if you enjoy! feel free to request anything <3
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this soft boy, oh gosh here we go...
he makes my heart skip a beat so this gonna be fun
changbin. the man, the myth, the legend
he's an amazing guy, what can i say? respectful, loyal, genuine... god it's so hard not to fall in love with him
idk as a boyfriend he is just the sweetest guy you could ever ask for. he technically acts the same way with you if he was just besties. the main difference is, once he's your boyfriend he tones up the affection to 100%. no holding back anymore
this man is SO TOUCHY
physical affection is totally his thing. he finds himself just wanting to touch you or hold your hand or anything like that because he just needs that contact
he's not ashamed of any pda. he doesn't care who's watching: he's kissing and cuddling and squishing your cheeks no matter who is watching! he's cute like that
even if the other members were to make fun of him for being a massive softie with you, he literally couldn't care less
"you're just jealous that i'm in a happy relationship"
he's so petty lmaooo
btw i mentioned cuddling... yeah there's gonna be a lot of that
changbin works out a lot. he's got a lot of muscle on him, so his chest and arms proved to be a perfect pillow give me one chance changbin ONE CHANCE IM BEGGING so it only makes sense to snuggle into his perfect body and enjoy having his arms wrapped around you
he likes doing spontaneous things with you. it's always a fun time around him. you're always getting up to some sort of mischief
also loves spoiling you omg
he doesn't make a big deal out of it but damn he buys you so many quality gifts because apparently he can't help it??
will talk to you about anything. usually when he speaks to you it's very casual and general chat. he's very comfortable talking about anything with you. if you want to talk about anything important or personal, he's very attentive and provides you with any support you need
for him, he's a very open person, especially if he has his trust in you. there are not a lot of things he would keep from you. how he views it is: he wouldn't date you if he didn't trust you. and with that, he can know in his heart that he can be vulnerable with you if needed because the mutual love and trust is there
likes to spend his nights just relaxing and unwinding from his busy day at work. there are occasions, of course, when he will stay late at night in the studio or bring some work back to do at home. he tries to make time for you but there are some things he can't help. he appreciates how supportive you are of his career, either way. and he always makes sure how much he loves you for being so kind to him as his partner
above all, he wants to be a source of comfort to you. and he sure does a good job at it
dates with him would include:
gym dates - i mean this goes without saying but if you MUST be told again, changbin loves/lives in the gym. he would love for you to share that part of his life, even if you aren't particularly keen on working out. he also proves to be a very good personal trainer so there's a plus! working to improve himself with you makes going to the gym even more of a joy for him. he would appreciate you joining him a lot and finds it all the more fun to workout with you
food date - a bit of a contradiction, i know. changbin not only loves food but also likes to taste and try different types of food. he loves going to different places in the city to try street food or other snacks that he wouldn't usually get by himself. makes for a fun experience with you <3
late night walks - changbin loves the outside but especially at nightime. he also thinks it's romantic going out for a walk in the dark with the city lights lighting the way. it's a good opportunity to have deeper talks with you as well as check out any nightlife
overall, he's the sweetest guy you'll ever meet
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thegnomelord · 3 months
You know that audio where it's like
"I am the mastermind, he's my accomplice,"
"You're only still alive because I made a promise."
That one? I imagine this as Makarov and Hound cuz we all know Makarov is openly dangerous and will kill anyone and anything without so much as blinking. But Hound? Sure, he invokes fear with his appearance, but people generally aren't scared of him until after his leash has been taken off. Once he's been ordered to kill us when people start to get scared, and that's where the "promise" comes in. But without someone to direct him I feel like he'd be so much worse, so much more violent
Anyway, just rambling, idk if I explained it right
- 🪒
(btw I sent an ask a while back but I didn't have good wifi so idk if it fully went through and I didn't see a response to it yet so I'm assuming it didn't go through cuz of the wifi)
Fuck I grew up with undertale and I remember that song front to back. And now it's gonna be in my head for the next week :/
But yeah, I hc that Hound, for the most part, is treated more like a wild animal by most of the Konni group, alright when at a distance but not to invade his personal space. Some have tried to start up a friendship with Hound, but it's never progressed beyond a professional relationship as Hound is solely devoted to Makarov.
And you are so true with how Hound would be a 100% worse without anyone to 'lead' him. Even when Makarov just points at a city and gives him free reign to do what he wants so long as the city doesn't stand anymore, it's nowhere near the things Hound could achieve if no one was holding his leash. If he's going to hell, Hound's taking the whole world with him.
Also I think I got your previous ask, it's just rotting in my drafts because I want to respond to it fully but... yeah
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I got a little overhwhelmed with all the asks about Hound when the good dog fic came out and just with all the asks I'm getting in general lol.
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t1ts-4-scattorcio · 9 months
can you do headcanons of reader finding out about shauna getting pregnant by jeff when they were kinda 'together' pre-crash?
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Shauna Shipman x Reader headcanon + one shot/long blurb
I kind of went crazy and wrote an entire imagine or longer blurb. I wanted to see if I could pull it off but yeah this is headcanons and an imagine combined. I hope you like it. I really suck at story writing but I hope it gets better with time. I'm also sorry this took FOREVER to make.
You had just moved to NJ from another state and were super nervous about going to school, you were kind of bullied for a few things but especially that you liked girls. 
You needed something to do so you tried out for varsity and actually got in, you were good at soccer but the team was super competitive and known for winning. You had a big reputation to uphold.
Jackie was the first person to welcome you into the team, she was captain and it was her job to make everyone feel safe and like a family, hanging out with her meant seeing Shauna all the time (they were practically latched at the hip) she was right by her side.
It was a good thing since you really started to fall for her. You tried to keep it under wraps but were terrible at it, of course, Jackie spotted it first and was super supportive. She thought it was cute and knew you would be the perfect match. Shauna liked girls too but only told Jackie making her promise not to tell anyone and Jackie obviously respected it. 
Jackie insisted Shauna drive you to one of Jeff’s infamous parties. It was a little awkward since you both just hung out at practice with the rest of the team or with Jackie mediating the conversation between you too. You got to know each other after your favorite song played on the radio which ended up being her favorite as well. You both began belting out the song together and it’s how you became friends. 
You slowly exclusively hung out with Shauna, inviting her over for lunch or dinner after practice, working on homework together at her place, always attending parties together when Jackie couldn’t, and generally being known to be close with each other.
You both were really similar, you had the same taste in music, art, and writing. You both would share each other's work and were impressed with how talented she was (she thought you were amazing at what you did too) You didn’t know that she would draw you when you weren’t paying attention and she would always keep it a secret. That's when she realized her feelings might be more than just a friend.
It turned into beginning to be more intimate, you both slept in the same bed when having sleepovers, and you ended up in her arms in the middle of the night but neither of you ever complained. You held hands when you went to parties just to make sure you both were safe and were overall all over each other.
Shauna was the first to confess her feelings, speeding to your house and telling you how much she liked you, she was 100% nervous and not used to being so open, you thought she was going to tell you to leave her alone, that you couldn’t be friends anymore and it stressed you out beyond belief.
She just ended up kissing you and it was the best day you had in a long time.
Your relationship never was established as a couple, just something private between you two which blurred the lines a lot.
It went downhill after the crash. You would still share a mattress and kisses when no one was paying attention but she slowly became more distant. You didn’t know if you did anything wrong and it scared you a bit. 
It got so much worse the day you all got your periods at the same time, she was quiet and you thought it was just how she normally acted on her period but she seemed concerned and just ignored you throughout that entire week. You were convinced she hate you.
You overheard Jackie interrogate Shauna one day while you were doing your chores inside the pantry and Shuana’s confession broke your heart into pieces, that she would hookup with someone behind your back, and randy walsh out of all the people she would do that with.
You felt sick this time ignoring her, she confronted you and wanted to mend things but you couldn’t hold onto what you knew and just said frankly “you’re pregnant aren’t you” she was stunned and didn’t know what to say other than deny it but you knew better, “don’t lie!” she felt so guilty and it was written all over her face. “I heard you talking about it with Jackie?” Shauna was offended that you listened in which was bs.
You forced her to explain everything “what happened at the party shauna? Tell me!” she couldn’t look you in the eyes and all she muttered out was “jeff” you were confused at first but the wheels started turning in your head. No way would she hookup with her best friends boyfriend and ‘cheat’ on you.
You began to sob, you couldn’t believe it. Shauna begged for you to not tell Jackie, she had the audacity to be more concerned about that then your relationship! 
You felt like a fool, she begged for you to not leave her that it was a mistake and everything could go back to how it was, you didn’t believe her.
 you didn’t know she could be so cruel
You had just moved to Wiskayok, the ordeal was intimidating considering you had never left your hometown. Things were rocky in the beginning, people were pretty cold whenever you tried to be friendly and there wasn’t ever any time to make new friends with how busy school was until you joined the girl's soccer team. It was one of the most competitive teams in the state but you took your shot trying out for varsity and actually got in, you finally found people you fit in with but one individual really piqued your interest.
You opened your locker rifling through books finding what you needed for next period when you felt a tap on your shoulder. 
It was Jackie, the team captain and one of the sweetest people you had met. “How are you liking varsity?” she asked. “It's amazing, everyone is so welcoming and you’re all so talented,” you replied honestly. “Well thank you y/n, we really love having you around,” she responded, “we need more gifted like you.” You smiled bashfully “I appreciate it, thank you.” 
Laughter echoed down the hallway, your eyes glanced over and were met with the doe-eyed girl you were so fond of. Jackie’s gaze followed yours “I couldn’t help but see you eyeing Shauna,” she smirked. Your eyes widened meeting hers, “no I would never” you stammered.
 No one ever knew you liked girls, people you knew in the past didn’t have the best reaction and you didn’t want to be rejected again.
“Hey it’s ok! She’s into you as well.” Your heart swelled at her admission. “You don't think it’s weird?” you uttered unsure.“No, I actually think it’s cute, she’s been needing some love in her life” she chuckled reassuring you. “Stop it I’m not in love” you blushed. “Hm ok, whatever you say” she winked following after her best friend.
Practice had ended, you were exhausted preparing for nationals hoping you would win and your nerves started catching up to you. Feeling lightheaded and moved to sit on the bleachers waiting for your ride when you hear footsteps approach you. Jackie greeted you again, asking you how you were feeling but your eyes would drift towards Shauna behind her on the field, you found it difficult to pay attention to the girl in front of you. “You know your eyes are going to be stuck like that if you don’t stop right?” Jackie snickered, “shutup,” you scoffed, Looking back at her. Jackie sighed “you should just go up and talk to her,” she said with a sigh sitting next to you. “It's not that easy” you look down in defeat. Jackie's face twisted in contemplation, standing she placed her hands on her hips, “it actually is” she murmured. 
“Hey Shipman!” she waved your head shot up, eyes wide. “What the hell are you doing?” you whispered harshly “What you should’ve done ages ago” replied annoyed. “Stop it!” you sputtered grabbing her wrist and attempting to pull her down. Shauna’s head swiveled to the both of you, she said goodbye to Tai before walking towards you. “Hey Jackie.” she grinned. “Hey, you know y/n?” she questioned tilting her head. “Yeah, of course, you’re new on varsity right” Shauna questioned, you stood up blushing. “Uh yeah” stammering quietly wringing your hands behind your back, heart hammering in your chest. Jackie looked between you two “well she’s coming to Jeff’s party tonight and needs a ride. Is it cool if you take her?” she said breaking the silence. “Um yeah sure,” Shauna nodded, “ Is 7 ok?” asked. “Yeah of course” she replied quickly, “ok perfect,” Shauna smiled before turning to leave. Your face soured twisting to “Jackie I can’t believe you did that!” exclaiming furiously, “Um you’re welcome!” she retorts. Huffing you cross your arms “yeah whatever.” 
“I will see you tonight!” Jackie winks.
You were pacing back and forth, your room was a mess half of the clothes in the closet were strewn on the floor, anxiety at an all-time high. You’re ready to go but your brain grueled over what was going to happen tonight. You’re a confident person and rarely look for approval from others but you’ve never been so desperate to impress someone in your life
You were putting earrings on when the sound of the doorbell rang through the house. Your throat tightened “now or never y/n.” Sprinting downstairs breathing in and out trying to get your bearings, you opened the door and there she was stunning in a red dress. You paused eyeing her up and down, were blown away she was glowing under the porch light, “hey are you ready?” Shauna questioned pulling you out of your stupor, “yeah let's go.” reddening and tripping out the door.
The drive was awkward, the silence was deafening, you felt dizzy your brain scattering for something to say. 
“So how long have you known Jackie?” queried head turning towards her, “oh we’ve been best friends since we were kids” she answered smiled, you hummed sat back into the seat, “are you excited about tonight?” you asked, “yeah it’s gonna be fun. I’ve been needing to relax,” she chuckled, “hm yeah haven’t done anything like this in a while.” you exhaled. 
“Well are you liking it here?” questioned curiously, “it’s taking some adjusting but yeah, I actually really like the team, you’re all are so cool, I hope I can be just as good next year.” You beamed, excitement laced in your voice. You truly were looking forward to the rest of your stay in Wiskayok. “Hey don’t sell yourself short, you’re actually really good on the field you know that?”  “thank you” you stammered shocked, did she really notice you on the field? You felt like you blended in the background but this revelation made your heart soar. “You don't have to say that just cause” your cheeks reddened. “No I promise you are!” she said genuinely “well thanks.” 
3AM by Matchbox Twenty sounded from the radio. Shauna looked over at you as you began to hum, “you know this song?” she inquired sounding excited.“Yeah I went to their show last summer. They’re actually amazing live” replied, facing her, finally having something in common she continued to ask more about the band.
“Who’s your favorite member? Any of the guys or..” you were worried she’d freak out if she found out you liked girls, you didn’t want to ruin the night before it barely started. “I’m actually into the drummer, she’s super hot.” Her response surprised you.
“oh um really?” trying to walk around her answer, “yeah I actually like girls too, that isn’t a problem is it?” she looked over at you gauging your response, you’ve never felt so happy in your life, “She’s also my favorite and I also like girls too.” 
“That’s great y/n” it was the first time that night she truly met your eyes. The next song on the album came on, Shauna started to sing, and you slowly as it turned into belting. Laughter echoed in the car and you were so busy dancing in your seat that you didn’t notice her staring at you, an endearing smile on her face.
Jackie is the first person to greet you. “How did it go?”
“Better than I thought it would” you beamed, “I told you it would work out.” 
The both of you spent more time together, you both began spending time at each other's houses, sitting with each other at lunch, working on homework together in the library, and going to your local diner after practice. There was something more intimate there, lingering touches were exchanged, cuddling became normal and there was no hesitance to physically be close to each other anymore. 
It was the afternoon when you heard a ring at your door. You opened it to find Shauna standing there, a smile almost graced your lips before you noticed how tense she was, “hey can we talk?” she stood anxiously wringing her hands together, “sure come in” you ushered her inside, heart beginning to race. Thoughts rushing through your brain.
 what could’ve you done wrong to make Shauna act this way? 
You led her into your room, you were about to speak but she slotted her hand in yours pulling you to sit on your bed. “I just wanted to tell you.. I” she paused not able to get what she wanted to say out of her mouth, “tell me what? Did I do something wrong?” Your voice was tight, anxiety lacing your throat “no, no! Not that at all” she rushed, she gulped “I have these feelings for you and I really needed to tell you.” she whispered quickly, you barely could hear her.
 “Ok, good feelings?” you stared at her confused, frustration laced her features making you feel 10 times worse, “God what was happening” you pondered overwhelmed. You didn’t notice her shifting closer to you, until all you could see was the pink flush on her cheeks and her brown eyes you loved so much. She held your face in her hands pulling you close and kissing you on the lips. Your eyes widen but you settle, a slow rhythm matching hers. It was passionate, so much better than any of the dreams you’ve had/conjured of this moment, it didn’t feel real, butterflies fluttered in your belly. You pull away breathlessly. “Well I have the same feelings as well” you giggle. “Perfect” she whispers pulling you in again.
The plane crash ruined everything, you had won the state game, you were at an all-time high and everything was perfect until it wasn’t. 
Groans and complaints were heard all throughout the cabin. All of your periods had synchronized. You managed to pull resources together to tough out the distasteful situation.
You found Shauna quietly sitting on the steps of the cabin. You sat beside her settling down you pressed a kiss to her shoulder nuzzling yourself close. “How’s your day going?” she spaced out seeming to ignore you “Shauna?” she spun her head looking over to you. “How’s the murder between your legs going?” you questioned. “It sucks.” You felt bad for her, you could tell it was taking more of a toll on her than anyone else, “well I think it will be over soon” reassured her, pecking her forehead. 
“I noticed you haven’t been feeling your best just wanted to give you this” pulling out a snack bar. “Where did you get this?” “Secret stash of mine brought it to the trip and was saving it for something important.” Her eyes softened, “you don’t have to”
“I know but I care about you” you planted a kiss on your cheek then one on your lips. She broke the kiss abruptly seeming dejected.“I gotta go, I remember Jackie said she needed help with something.” Rushing to stand. You were left confused ‘weird..’ 
You were searching for a bucket Misty needed when voices began to echo from outside the wooden door. “You’re pregnant?!” Jackie gasped, you freeze “yeah” Shauna mumbled, “Who’s the dad?” Jackie interrogated, “Randy” Shauna whispered. “Randy Walsh! Wow I never saw that happening” she laughed, tears blurred your vision, and you felt yourself heave clamping your hand over your mouth. “Did this happen while you were seeing y/n or…” Shauna was quiet, her silence guilty. “Shauna.. Why, you know how much she cares about you.” Jackie chastised, disappointed that her friend would do this to you. “I was plastered and we just got caught up in the moment…” 
You couldn’t listen anymore, you silently sneaked away.
You walked into the woods, tears streaming down your face letting out the sobs you had been holding back. The thought of Randy all over her while she had the audacity to treat you like she loved you making you ill. 
You hear footsteps trailing behind you. “Hey I’ve been looking all over for you,” Shauna approached you, but you didn’t respond. “Hey what’s wrong” she reaches out softly holding your wrist and turning you but you rip yourself away from her grasp. 
“You’re pregnant,” said frankly. She stepped back “what I.. no” she denied shaking her head. 
Anger coursed through you, the nerve she had to deceive you. “Don’t lie to me,” you stepped forward. “I heard everything.” emphasizing each word. “You were spying on me” Shauna scoffed angrily. “Spying! I was busy doing my job and it’s not like you were trying to be quiet.” you retorted sharply. 
“What happened the night of Jeff’s party?” she couldn’t meet your gaze, “what happened Shauna with Randy?” furiously leaning in her space, “it wasn’t Randy..” she paused, “what..” Furrowing your eyebrows, there couldn’t have been anyone else. Most of the people at the party were in relationships… but the realization slowly hit you, she ‘cheated’ on you and hooked up with her best friend's boyfriend behind her back.
Your face soured, bile pooled in your mouth. This isn’t the girl you fell for it couldn’t be.
 “Jeff.. in his car” jaw-dropping at her admission. “You can’t tell Jackie” she pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes “you’re thinking about her right now?” you stammered incredulously motioning towards the cabin. 
Fuming was an understatement, you were on the verge of strangling the girl in front of you. You were speechless, Shauna Shipman the girl who spent long nights cuddling in your bed, the girl who secretly drew pictures of you between classes, the girl who defended and promised you were hers broke your heart. Guilt was written all over her face. 
“I was just a toy you could play with until you got bored right?” scoffing exasperated, “that's not true.” She reached out to you, tears falling and lips quivering, desperate to not let you go. “I promise it isn’t” 
You couldn’t help but laugh, feeling like an idiot. You were right this was too good to be true. “You’re so fucked.” you bellowed speeding past her. 
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not-goldy · 9 months
God I can't really stand JK anymore.
Everything regarding him went a downhill since 2023. The way he behaved changed a lot.. LIKE A LOT now he's way cockier as if no one in the whole world can top him and he doesn't need to listen to anyone giving even good advises, how he used to present himself and looked changed drastically now he looks like a junkie, how he used to perform changed so much now he doesn't half half the energy or stage presence and doesn't give af about making mistake a ton times while before he used to perform with extreme perfection. He's listening to their PR teams too much like where did I go live when I miss fans went ? Now he's listening to their cheap promo tricks. His work ethics is completely opposite from what BTS was.. he's working with payola king of the whole industry and buying success. Releasing a 100 version and a western collab with some B grade pop artist. The songs he releasing are basically shit now when he used to release magic shop, film out, your eyes tell and still with you kind of gems.
The ONLY thing connecting me to him now is Jimin. There's no way to avoid JK when you are a Jimin stan. But i'm WAITING for the day Jimin finally open his eyes and get out of this toxic relationship so I don't want to put up with him anymore.
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You see, your problem is that Jungkook is not Jimin. That's your problem. Half way through your comment, I smiled to myself and I thought well this Anon would certainly love Jimin then if these are the qualities they looking for in an idol. only to get to the end of the Ask to find out you actually do like Jimin💀
That complicates things for me.
Where should I even begin
There's nothing wrong with having a preference. There's nothing wrong with having a bias.
I'm not gonna come for your throat on this.
You prefer Jimin's work ethics and prefer how seriously he takes his public relations, how he puts on effort and that's alright.
If you keep that up you and I gon have a problem.
Do I think Jungkook can take a page or two out of the Jimin idol manual? Sure.
As much as I looove seeing Jungkook live his life on his own terms not giving a fuck what anyone cares- some times, in certain areas I do think he could use that self regulation.
Yet on the other hand, I don't find Jimin's over regulation appealing either. I've ever said his kumbaya persona, caring too much what others think, trying to be perfect, self regulated, evolved, controlling his words, his attention, being overly polite, smiling when he should be cussing people out all in the name of his consciousness of the fact he is an idol really REALLY FRUSTRATES ME.
Jimin struggles with this. The never mind tattoos, the song lyrics yearning for freedom, set me free- where do you think that comes from?
I don't know how we can call ourselves stans and not sense some of these things: the members constantly telling him not to care what people would think, to do whatever he wants,- even Jungkook openly reminding him HE IS AN ADULT and shouldn't care about certain things.
Jungkook is good for Jimin and Jimin is good for Jungkook.
Jimin is the leash and restrain Jungkook needs and Jungkook is the freedom Jimin craves.
Please don't come for jikook I'll paint you and it ain't going to be pretty.
Also remember, this is a human being you are talking about. He is not an alien. He is human just like you. That vitriol and animosity towards him is so not necessary.
I can't help you unhate him.
But please, be a good human.
He is a relatively young man navigating overwhelming situations. I personally think going solo has taught him so much and there is much more he'd learn along the way.
And please, it's slander to say he half ass his performance- have you seen his tiktok? THE THIBGS HE CAN DO WITH HIS WAIST- MY GOD!
Oh and did you see Tae's smoke challenge? I may or may not be addicted to the part he wines his waist- lolay lolay lolay
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Sorry I had to go and watch that clip again.
Liste, the point I'm making here is, It's his journey and his choice to decide the type of idol he wants to be. You may like it or you may not. That's a you problem. However he's responsible for his own reputation and his own success in the industry and I think he is still learning to hone his values and filter his choices through those values.
Give that man a break .
Peace out
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vrmxlho · 2 years
So can you make a fluff headcanon about blue lock with bachira and/or isagi. Your choice Feel free to ignore this have a nice day/night and take care of yourself
i'm gonna be honest w y'all i have no idea if i'm good at fluff cuz my bf and i are not fluffy at all (i don't think???) so if this is shit don't be afraid to tell me lmao T-T +++ btw thank you sm for requesting <33 SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO MAKE THIS I WAS SCARED TO WRITE IT LMAO ++ i couldn't stop writing once i started so this is hella long
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bachira's love language is 100% physical touch like you cannot tell me he doesn't love just holding you or kissing you or holding your hand
he could be in a really shit mood but as soon as he sees you and is able to feel your presence next to him, he's forgotten about whatever was pestering him before
if you like flowers he'll get you flowers every. fucking. time.
and if you don't like them or are allergic, that's what lego flowers are for!
i can just imagine him buying those lego flowers and staying up till like 4 making them for you because he just wants you to be happy
i also feel like he's scared of abandonment :((( and that just means he's always with you, always pestering you, always talking to you
he just needs reassurance that you'll stay with him
ok when i said his love language is 100% physical touch i lied, it's both physical touch and quality time
gosh he will come up with the most weird and complicated reasons as to why he has to see you right now
he mostly does it cuz he loves being around you but also because of how annoyed and petty you get, he finds it so so funny 😒
"i broke my foot, i can't play football anymore" "WHAT? ARE YOU OKAY? I'M COMING OVER, I KNOW FOOTBALL MEANS THE WORLD TO YOU </3333" turns out he had not in fact broken his foot, he just wanted to see you. god, this boy is so oblivious he just needed to text you something simple like "come over" and you would've been on your way, there was absolutely no reason to lie about it LMAOO
omg ok hear me out
bachira does not have an ideal date as long as its with you
when asked the question "how would you like to spend a whole day with your s/o?" he just thought 'wtf' like???? i love them sm, i could be picking up garbage and still enjoy it if i'm with my s/o
all his friends called him a simp, but he was proud abt it, after all who wouldn't simp for you
he's also really spontaneous, yk with his 'ego' and everything
y'all could just be hanging out and then suddenly out of nowhere you're at a theme park, or at the beach, or a kiddie park
once during the summer, when it was too hot to do anything except complain and eat ice-lollies, he pulled you all the way to a theme park just to have a change of scenery
"please bachira, it's like 30º, we're gonna die" "will you shut up about the heat? you're like a little baby, i promise it'll be fun" and oh was he right. it was getting warmer and warmer but not even a heat wave couldn't ruin the fun. you had gone on all of the rides at least twice but nothing could beat the relaxing water log one. the two of you kept cutting the line as soon as you were done, jumping over the metal barriers and running from the security guard who was sure he'd just seen you (am i going crazy he thought). after about the fifth time he was just so done with the two of you he gave up. you'd be drifting on the log, splashing each other with the kinda gross water. neither of you could stop laughing (nobody knows why), everyone around you thought you were maniacs, but neither of you cared.
although he's always happy when receiving presents, he prefers giving you presents
and by presents i don't mean rlly expensive things but more like little things that remind him of you
he saw a paperclip that was shaped like a heart? present material
your favourite soda? present
you really liked that one song??? well he knows about three more like that, he's making you a playlist as we speak
is it any good? um excellent question! not too sure about his music taste...
just like him it's all over the place
your music tastes do not go well together but that's not gonna stop either one of you from trying to brainwash the other into liking your favourite songs
"this is ass, i can feel my brain melting" "y/n, this song saved my life" "and it's pushing me off the edge, please get a grip" he gets really pouty and pretends he hates you, but that lasts about five minutes because deep down he knows you're right 😭
omg and his kisses
he's never awkward of hesitant about it, he just goes straight for it
your very first kiss was a bit random, the two of you were just talking before he leaned in and quickly pecked your lips, you were a blushing mess, and he liked seeing you like this so he did it again, and again, everywhere this time, your eyes, you forehead, both cheeks, the sides of your lips that were super ticklish
and he does this every time
one kiss isn't enough he needs at least 8!
he does not care about PDA, in fact the more ppl who know you're his, the better
if y'all were any trope it would definitely be childhood sweethearts, yk when you marry your best friend in like primary school? yeah, he probably proposed to you
"to y/n i give my most prized possession, my football" "bachira, i'm tired, i don't feel like playing today" "nonono this is just a gift for the bride" oh silly child, he's not asking you to play with him. he's in love with you <33333
his mother (yu bachira) is literally molly weasley incarnate
like she's out here locking you in their house, there's no way she's letting you go back home?? no, you're her guest!
has a list of foods you like and don't like just so whenever you're home she can cook for you and everything 🥲
she's currently teaching bachira how to cook your favourite meals, she'd never want you to raise a single finger, ever
the world's purest, but also the world's most talkative person ever
homeboy has an average of 10000 words spoken per day (fyi that's a lot)
he just wants to tell you about everything <333
if anything, even the smallest thing, happens when you're not there with him he's 100% filling you in later
hosts a daily ted talk where he just tells you about all the other guys and how they suck 🙄 and how he's getting better at football and like he's pulling up stats you've never heard of???
"and i checked his stats and the only thing he's better at is aerial duels, but it's only by 0.2, so honestly who cares right?? i mean its negligible" "like the charge of a neutron" "wtf is a neutron?" no babe, wtf does 0.2 aerial duel mean??? since when can you fly??? (it's when players fight for the ball while jumping btw)
but don't get me wrong that does not mean he doesn't listen cuz he's such a good listener omg, the best one honestly
why's he good at everything dammit
he loves hearing about your day
he'll ask you about it without fail every single day and he genuinely listens it not like he's doing it out of common curtesy he just loves hearing from you
to him, you could make the most uneventful day sound interesting
he'll be looking at you in awe like a little child being told about magic or smth like that (this was not a great analogy help)
and that makes him supper attentive too
he can instantly tell when something's even slightly off and somehow he knows exactly how to make you feel better
omg he's the type of boyfriend who has a polaroid of you in his phone case and he just stares at it from time to time
and he takes them soooo fucking seriously, unless it's not your initial, no, then that's bullshit 😰🫡
he's 100% husband material, marry him rn like actually
unlike bachira he already knows how to cook and he's gonna get physical if he ever sees you doing anything, he's more like bachira's mother in that way
his ideal date is walking around and going on cute ass picnic dates
he loves when y'all go on dates when it's a bit chilly
"why didn't you wear a jacket?" "it would ruin my outfit" :(((( "ugh, just wear mine then, i don't want you getting a cold" it really wasn't cold that day. you just wanted to wear his coat. little did you know that isagi too was praying that he'd be able to pull of that move, he'd been thinking about it ever since he saw those stupid rom-coms where the guy gives his crush his coat and then they fall in love or smth. my silly children 😪
his love language is quality time, he hates being ignored and he wants to be with the people he loves at all times possible
lucky for him everyone loves him, he's such a sweetheart
his favourite pastime (apart from football ofc) is lying in your lap while you read him a book, gossip or just sit in the silence
he loves looking at you from below especially after that one time he saw the sun shining from behind your head and he swore you looked like an angel (you really did, i was there)
omg listen to this
y'all have a bit of a rivalry when it comes to bowling
you're both so god awful at it but you're both also convinced you're better than the other
"you're supposed to be aiming at the pins, not the hole..." "okay in my defence, when shooting you usually aim for the place with no defenders, so you can score!!" "don't pretend this is about football, you just suck 😒"
he loves kissing you, its the best thing ever
your first kiss was a bit awkward but it had its charm
you both had already been together for a while now but neither of you knew how to initiate the kiss
until you both were laughing at the dumbest joke he'd ever made in his whole life (he still cringes at the memory of it)
you just looked so fucking beautiful, with small tears in your eyes from laughing too much, a smile wide and that cute laugh
he couldn't help it so he just pushed himself onto you
and keep in mind there was some distance between the two of you so when he kissed you the two of you fell
but i mean, at least it was memorable???
gosh you both are the definition of first and last love <3333
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benkyoutobentou · 9 months
How to study languages without studying
Whether you're just starting out and have had bad experiences with textbook learning in the past or are getting burnt out from prepping for the next proficiency test, it's never a bad idea to put the textbooks away for a time and just enjoy your target language. If you're new to the world of immersion, here are a few ways to get you started.
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Follow along with the lyrics of a song. Spotify's not-so-new-anymore lyrics feature is great for this, especially since it has timed lyrics, but it doesn't have every song.
Expert mode: Write out the lyrics and underline/highlight/make note of all the words and grammar structures you don't know. Learn these unknowns until you can understand the whole song!
Extra challenge: Translate a song from your target language. I usually tend to stay away from translations in my study, but for those of you who aspire to be translators (or already are!), the poetic nature of song lyrics can be a fun challenge.
Watch a show or movie. Netflix has now introduced a feature where you can sort by language! If there's nothing made in your language that you're interested in, it also gives the option to sort by shows and movies that have the audio or subtitles available. Internet Archive also tends to have lots of foreign films that I'm looking for.
Easy mode: Watch with English or your native language subtitles. When doing this, try to still listen to what's being said and pick up on words and phrases that you know, or match new words with their translation in the subtitles. Note: reading one language and listening to another is a skill in and of itself! Don't be discouraged if you can't do both at the same time yet, you're brain is still making the connections in intonation and cadence of the language.
Hard mode: Watch with captions in your target language. This helps you connect listening and reading, especially in languages where the spelling isn't exactly phonetic, or it uses a different alphabet than what you're used to.
Expert mode: No captions or subtitles! But who knows, maybe you're better at listening comprehension than I am. Make sure you're getting comprehensible input here; some shows and movies are much harder than others. But above all else, watch what keeps your interest. A movie where you can catch half the dialogue but is super engaging is better for you than an "easy" movie that you're going to spend your time ignoring.
Polyglot mode?: Watch something in your target language with subtitles in a different target language. This adds just one too many layers of obfuscation for me, but if you're into the challenge, more power to you.
Watch YouTube. You can change your language preference on YouTube, and with that, the Explore section will give you recommendations in your target language. Going into the trending tab with your target language can give you a good idea about what people are interested in in the countries where your target language is spoken.
Read something. It can be a book, it can be a comic. There are plenty of webcomics out there in a number of languages! There's also probably an English language listicle with recommendations of easier to understand webcomics for learners, too.
If you're just getting started in immersion, you can choose whether you focus on intensive reading or extensive reading (this actually goes for all kinds of immersion, but is easiest to control with reading since it happens at your own pace). Intensive reading is reading with the goal of understanding everything 100%. If you don't understand a word, or a grammar point, or the reading of a character, look it up. Extensive reading is reading just to get the gist of things. Look up words and grammar points only if they stop you from understanding the general meaning of the sentence or section. And of course, the more you immerse, the less you'll have to look things up, but remember that difficulty varies between materials, even within books of the same age range, genre, and medium.
A small digression: If you decide that you never want to open a textbook on your language learning journey, more power to you! It can be done and I know people who have gotten to proficient levels of their target language without textbooks. If you want this to be you, extensive immersion is your best friend. You also might want to get comfortable with the flashcard program anki, because, if this is your goal, all those unknown grammar points and words will probably end up there. But at the end of the day, language learning is an intensely personal journey, and what works for others won't necessarily work for you. Finding what works for you is just part of learning a language.
Play a game. Lots of games are region locked (hint: Pokemon Sun/Moon isn't! If you start a new game, you can choose which language you want to play it in), but there are plenty of free online games still lurking in the corners of the internet. With a bit of googling, you can probably find something in your target language. Just the other day, I went out to find one of those hidden item games in Japanese and ended up finding an entire site dedicated to user made browser games.
If you're learning Japanese or Korean, picrew might be fun to look through as well. I noticed that plenty of picrews have basic anatomy vocabulary. I'm not super familiar with picrew myself, but the ones I've seen tend to be in Korean and Japanese
And lastly, don't fully give up on textbooks before trying them out. Don't be discouraged if textbooks truly aren't your thing, but studying a language on your own time can feel much different than studying for school. Don't put too much pressure on yourself and just have fun with your language. Additionally, if you'd rather learn in a video format, many languages have full courses uploaded to YouTube for you to try. Finding these can be difficult for some languages though, so don't hesitate to reach out to other learners and see what they recommend!
Got your materials ready? Great! Now go forth and immerse!
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tearsofcalamity · 26 days
wriofucker's fine by me lol unless u have another nickname that'd be both as accurate & funny!
i wasn't too clear earlier; i think our mandatory education goes up to 9th grade, and then it's like a minimum of 4(ish) years for a uni degree. so it's not all that different lol
nahh im telling you i had one macroeconomics class once and it fried my fuckin brain. only reason i could stand it was because the professor was too right-brained for his own good (he'd start his lectures with a song he liked. i wrote a bunch of barely-relevant shit abt environmental pollution on the exam—he was super passionate abt it—and he just let me pass<3 loved that guy). ik i said it before but good luck on ur studies!! im sure you'll absolutely kill it out there. and, thank sm! i actually finished the short story assignment last night but im too scared to submit it jdhdj
im so glad you've got more kaveh brewing omg he's so<33 bit of a shame you're not into kavetham (they make me bite & scream) but that's just fine; more kaveh/reader for the world! except the world is me and nobody else<3 can u imagine teasing kaveh in public, maybe he's even all nice & plugged up, and you're warning him not to let a single person figure out what's going on bc he's for your eyes only<3 but it's so difficult and you're relentless and it feels so, so good... he doesn't even care about people finding out anymore, but he wants to be a good boy for you... phew. lord have mercy
HAHA WRIOFUCKER IT IS THEN!! happy to have a named anon :D
ohhhh I see I see! okay yeah so it's pretty similar just a few differences! I think the only reason I'm surviving my business/econ work is cause I've got a math-wired brain lmfao. I've got autism ("high functioning" but I don't really like that term for it, I think the more acceptable one is "low support needs") and I got the "math autism" as my friends put it so that's probably a bigger part of it. I like making spreadsheets and working out equations HAHA, also thank you for the well wishes I actually just found out I passed calc 2 with an 82% so I'm very happy about that!! I'm glad to hear you got your short story done as well, sounds like you're moving through it all good <3!!
HONESTLY I don't hate the ships (like either kavetham or haikaveh I think they're different? like some shippers put the top's name first or something?? I'm not 100% sure) like I TOTALLY see the chemistry don't get me wrong, I think it's mainly just that I get so sad seeing like nearly 0 kaveh content without alhaitham included. I love both of them but kaveh's got such a unique and deep story too, yet people often just kinda treat him like an accessory to alhaitham likely cause he's 4 star and haitham is 5 star so it turns me off of the ships a bit </3 still though that's so true MORE KAVEH/READER!!!!
oh don't even get me started on teasing kaveh in public there's so many ways you could do it and each one would make him squirm more than the last... shove a nice little vibrator deep inside of him, remote controlled of course, and enjoy watching his knees practically buckle every time you up the intensity. ooh, maybe he's giving a one-time academic seminar for some kshahrewar students and you just stand in the corner, grinning at him all the while while he shakes and tries his best to keep his voice level, praying his face isn't as red as it feels...
or play around with him in the tavern, sit right next to him and brush your hand along his inner thigh while he squirms, not sure whether he wants to move closer or further way from you... this one's easier to hide since his flushed cheeks could easily be attributed to a bit too much to drink, but once he's grabbing at your wrist to push your hand into his bulge at last, he knows by your stare that he's messed up. I mean, he hadn't kept his promise to be good, had he? guess you'll just have to rail him over his workbench back at home when he least expects it! (totally ignore his needs/pretend he's not acting super horny when you get back at first, though, he'll be so good for you when you finally do bend him over)
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blixssily · 10 months
Hi!! Congrats on 100 followers!! Could I join the event? If so, could I request a drabble for hsr, gepard landau and the prompt, watching the other sleep? I’m not sure if you have any ideas or if I could list any, but if so, I had the idea that maybe the reader had a unrealistic yet heart drenching nightmare and gepard soothes the reader to sleep and watches the reader in case? Just a suggestion btw!!
prompt 8: watching the other sleep + gepard landau
authors notes: hi!! thank you for participating in the event! this is so cute I absolutely love this idea so much.
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he can hear the rustling of the sheets, the way you've slipped out of his hold, shivering on your own side of the bed. gepard stirred away due to your constant shifting, he could see it on your face that it was another nightmare. you had told him you get nightmares every now and then but this is the first time he's ever seen you going through one. his heart clenches as he sees you're disturbed and saddened expression on your face, you couldn't even find peace in the realm of slumber...
he's noticed the way your eyes have gotten darker, how you fall asleep easier despite never getting a restful night in. he notices the way you've become more paranoid too, always looking over your shoulders whenever you're in public with him or even with friends. on one hand, he didn't really want to wake you up, knowing that you haven't been getting a lot of sleep recently but you were also going through a nightmare right now.. was he supposed to wake you up?
he's unsure as his hands shake, slowly wrapping around your figure once again to stop you from shifting around. his hand is tangled within your hair, trying to sooth you to the best of his abilities. his warm arms around your body drives the bitter cold of your nightmare away, you slowly start to calm down within his arms.
his chin rests on the top of your head, "its okay, you're safe now. I won't let anyone or anything hurt you." he whispers, hoping you can hear him. he remembers when he was a child he used to have nightmares too sometimes. he'd remember his older sister singing him a lullaby to help him relax and sleep normally again.
he hums the tunes of an old children's song, his hand drawing random patterns on your back as he continues to hum. he feels awful when he feels his shirt dampen, knowing there's tears flowing down your cheeks right now. he knows that you're awake by the shifting, muffled sniffles through your chocked sobs as you realise what's happening.
"its okay, you don't need to worry anymore. I'm here to protect you." he assures you again, looking you in the eyes. "lets talk about it in the morning alright? for now just try to fall back asleep and get some rest." he ruffles your hair as you nod, having little to no energy to even speak.
"don't worry, I'll be here when you wake up. I promise." he smiles, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "I love you." this time he presses a gentle kiss to your lips, pulling the blanket up to cover your body as he tightens his embrace around your body.
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notes and reblogs are heavily appreciated and thank you for participating in this event!
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mind-less-boy · 4 months
Hi I’m here to present to you why this song,
Is a really good song for Angel Dust.
So first off, the first couple lyrics sound like he’s talking/venting about Valentino like he was with Husk in episode 4
Hey you lil' piss baby, you think you're so fucking cool? Huh? You think you're so fucking tough? You talk a lotta big game for someone with such a small truck!
Like tell me this isn’t exactly (almost) like when Angel said “It took him like 30 minutes to count, and he only had three bills!” He’s clearly roasting Valentino and this is like he’s talking to Val or has had enough of him and finally saying something about it.
Aw, look at those arms Your arms look so fucking cute They look like lil' cigarettes I bet I could smoke you I could roast you And then you'd love it and you'd text me "I love you" and then I'd fucking ghost you!
This is giving when Angel wasn’t responding to any of Valentino’s texts. And also, even though Valentino is an overlord, Angel could do a decent amount of damage if he used his demon form to its full extent, maybe had someone waiting as back up, he could make a dent in Val.
With the big boys coming with the big stuff I feel so clean like a money machine, oh yeah Big boys coming with the big trucks Feel so clean like a money machine, oh yeah
Literally just about his like of work. The money part is kinda indicative of how he’s being paid to expose himself and I’m sure the rest can be out together.
Tell me what's the deal, I've been trying to go to bed I've been up for days, I've been tryna get ahead Said it all before, and I'll say it once again I'm better off alone
And this. The deal part especially, he made a deal with Valentino and the trying to go to bed part is just saying he’s so goddamn tired of everything he has to put up with. He barely sleeps, he’s hiding his pain behind this facade of arrogance and cockiness. I feel as though it’s implied that he’s tried time and time again to lighten his load of the deal, but it’s just met with Valentino making it worse and worse to the point that Angel doesn’t try anymore. He just gets fucked up when he doesn’t have work and forgets about it. The “I’m better off alone” part to me says that he feels like he can’t fall in love anymore. Hell, he doesn’t know what love feels like anymore because he’s been used for probably as long as he can remember. That is, until he meets Husk, probably one of the first people besides Cherri to not want him for his work, but as a genuine friend and in Husk’s case, romantic partner in the future.
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sweetcreatxr · 2 days
♡ Always been you (3) ♡
Part 3 - La vie en Rose
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A Chris Evans x male reader mini fic 🎀
Here part 2 !
Warning : Chris being threatening and a savage but also vulnerable man, hurt/comfort beacuse its amazing ! , reader and Chris being idiots in love !
AN : soooo... I'm so sorry for the long delay omg...1 year...but in my defence, I've been caught up with school, and now that I've finished high school, I'll have more free time ! Anyway, I hope you guys will enjoy it !
Chris' pov
Chris was now running down the stadium's aisle, Dan, the security guy trying to keep up with him.
" Mr Evans !! Please slow down"
But Chris had no intention in the world to do so. He had to be fast and to make it to the backstage before the end of the song y/n'swas now singing. But as he kept running around these walls, Chris ran into something. Or rather someone. And this someone was not other than y/n's bandmate. The very first cause he was in this situation in the first place. He had a small grin on his face plus eyes reflecting malice and distrust.
"Well, well, well...isn't it Chris Evans or should I say, y/n's ex boyfriend ?"
He chuckled a bit, probably amused by his words but it wasn't the case of Chris : he was passed and mad, first at this dude but then at himself to think his boyfriend will want anything with this man looking like a cockroach. Chris wasn't very what we could call narcissistic or full of himself, but at this very moment, he couldn't hide the bright smile on his face as he eyed David from head to toe.
David hasn't missed that as he confusions could be read on his face, his sight landing everywhere but at Chris, he was ashamed but soon it turned into anger.
"What the fuck are you smiling at lame ass ?? Uh ?? Anyway why the fuck are you here ? Y/n's said he didn't want to see you anymore !"
Chris kept smiling and then out of nowhere burst out laughing as if what he just heard was the funniest thing someone had just said to him. David stood still, unsure of what just happened and how he should react.
The Bostonian man then proceeded to call down a bit before speaking those words :
" Damn...I was so dumb to- to think my man will be somewhat interested in somethinglike you...I mean look at you ! All desesperate and shit...but you forgot something here little boy"
Chris got closer to him, trying to look somewhat threatening and he was as David stepped down a bit looking down.
" Y/n's is mine and we're in love so go play somewhere else before I break you in half."
His tone was cold, voice low and body tensed but with a devilish smile on his face. He meant everything he said and even if I doesn't know if he was capable of breaking off someone's body in half, he sure knew someone who could do it...
David ran away with wanting any further for more threats, he was definitely terrified and good, thought Chris, he didn't want to ever deal with this man ever again. And yes even if David wasn't 100% to blame about this situation, it still made Chris feel better about himself, he was still a man after all !
Dan on the other hand was still running toward Chris as they had a pretty gap of distance.
" Fuck...arggg Mr Evans...you're too fast for me...I- I need to-to do exercise more often"
Dan said feeling as if the whole world was about to collapse on him.
"Don't worry Dan, I'll teach you, but now let's head to the backstage shall we ?"
Y/n's POV
Y/n had finished the last song on the first section for today's concert, and after interacting with fans, doing some bad dad jokes and dancing to ABBA's song, it was now time to head backstage for a quick break and a outfit change.
" Okay okay guys, cigarette break !!! I'll be back but I gotta smoke !"
It wasn't actually true, y/n's didn't smoke and he didn't want to, afraid of damaging his vocal chords. Bit his fans knew the code : time to slut this body up !
He ran towards the backstage, his crew putting thumbs up saying he did an incredible job and reminding him of his 20 minutes pause.
After hydrating correctly, y/n went in the room he changed earlier, his outfit was already on the couch as well as...Chris ???
What was he doing here ?? Y/n thought he left since he didn't see him anymore on the VIP section. He figured he went home and was waiting on Y/n's to come so they could talk bit was NOT expecting this AT ALL.
It sounded like a whisper and it was one since the latter only saw his lover's lips moving without any sound coming out.
" Love..."
It was awkward, very awkward, the singer didn't know how to react ! If he should kiss him or kick him, it was very confusing ! So he stayed in front of the door, still wide open. Anyone passing by would have seen what was happening but y/n's then spoke first.
" Chris...i- what are you doing here ??"
Chris got up, slowly moving towards his lover and reach of his hands. And even though y/n's was tensed, he didn't kick him away, a good start !
" There are so many things I need to tell you baby i-"
But before he could finish his sentence, the singer cut him off.
" No ! Let me speak first. You left me. You left me and didn't even bother responding to my messages. More than 500 Chris. And same for the calls, you denied every single one of them. During 5 month you left me at my worst. I was crying night and day on our bed while you were at your brother's or at clubs. I'm not mad about the words you say to me even though yes they were horrible, because I believe I had once said even more horrible things to you and you forgave me the next day. No I'm not mad at that, couple fights it's just a thing ! But for you to leave during 5 months and not even let me know if you're okay or if you think we should break off is some devil's work Christopher. Imagine you instead of me and tell me how you'll fell uh ? Tell me how you will try to cope with the fact that your boyfriend doesn't want to even talk to you or look at you or-"
Chris's heart broke at every single word his lover was saying. He thought he could get with an apology and a quicky before the times up but oh dear he was wrong. Y/n's was angry, sad but mostly disappointed and he didn't know what to do. He couldn't just forgive Chris like that as if nothing happened and that it was a simple fight. No ! He couldn't ! But a part of him was telling him to give Chris a 2nd chance, and he wanted that so bad ! He was in love with Chris and even ready to marry him ! But things had changed now and he wasn't so sure about the whole thing.
" Baby please...i- I know what I did was terrible and I don't even deserve your forgiveness, I was a terrible boyfriend and let my insecurities get the best out of us...im so sorry...you don't deserve this, you don't deserve this, you don't deserve this, you don't deserve this-
Y/n's was now worried, Chris was spiraling and kept saying the same thing " you didn't deserve this" it was of of the first time of more than a decade knowing Chris that Y/n's saw him like this : vulnerable, weak and ready to finish off
The singer quickly put him into a tight embrace, leading them on the couch and laying down on it. Chris had his head on y/n's he was now singing a soft tune in his ear trying to calm him. An acapela version of La vie en rose was filing the room as Y/n's thrust his hands on Chris' hair, slowly massaging his roots.
Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Il me parle tout bas
Je vois la vie en rose
Il me dit des mots d'amour
Des mots de tous les jours
Et ça m'fait quelque chose
Il est entré dans mon cœur
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause
This moment right here was the first time y/n has felt this way since 5 months : relaxed and actually happy ! Even though the situation between the two was still confusing and unsolved, by the very first time y/n had pressed his lips on the Chris' forehead he realised that he needed the actor too. He couldn't just pretend as if he didn't want to let him a 2nd chance, everyone deserves one after all !
His thoughts were cut down but one of his member crew rushing in the room and yelling :
" Y/n 5 MINUTES LE- oh my God...im so sorry, I'll go but make quick you're not even dressed !"
And there she's gone provoking a small chuckle coming out the singer. The latter quickly but safely pushed Chris away from him, covering him with a blanket and kissing him as he was asleep. He then proceed to undress himself but as he was to put on his pants he heard Chris' voice.
" Fuck...I'm missed seeing your body so much..."
And as absurd as it was, y/n blushed and continued to dress up which was easy since the pants was the only piece of fabric of this outfit.
" Okay I gotta go now Chris, we'll talked together after okay ?"
He was ready to go but Chris maintained his hand and pulled him into his arms, cuddling him.
" Never forget that I love you and...thank you for the song"
Chris was shy, and it was adorable to see, but he really needed to go, so he just kissed his hands and ran to his crew, wanting for him to restart the show.
" you're okay y/n ?"
Asked Laura, his 2nd guitarist.
" Perfect, thanks Lau, now let's kill it shall we ?"
AN : OMG I feel the need to express the fact that I wrote this in one go ! Like 💃 OMG ! OK so firstly I wanted to make it pure 100% fluff but then I thought : and where will be the confrontation then ?! Soo here it is and I'm pretty proud of it ! Hope you guys enjoyed it too !
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cha0ticspacebi · 1 year
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Trying to date after escaping an abusive relationship is hard. Thankfully Eddie can provide just what you need. Freedom.
Pairing: Dark! Obsessive! Eddie x Naive! Trusting! Female Reader
Word Count: 6.8 K
Tags: Serial killer! Eddie, he kills in the name of love but murders nonetheless, graphic depictions of violence (very Dexter like), possessiveness, obsession, knife play, oral sex, unprotected sex, breeding kink, talks of domestic violence, Billy is reader's abusive ex (I'm sorry if you like him, he's my default villain!), other characters make a minor appearance. I’m not creative enough for song lyrics so I pulled out some real dusty ones from my emo days. Please mind these tags, this story is the darkest thing I've ever written! ⚠️ 21+ MDNI ⚠️
A/N: This story is 100% inspired by and dedicated to @eddiethetwisted. If you are here for dark and twisted, Yandere Eddie please check him and @eddiemunsonfuxks out! You won't be disappointed!
divider by firefly-graphics
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It’s been 3 years since you escaped from your worst nightmare. 1,095 days since you last had to see his face in that courtroom. It had taken a while for the bruises to fade. It’s taken even longer for the nervous glances over your shoulder anytime you went out to subside, but you felt better. Supported by your friends and a therapy group for other survivors of domestic abuse, you were healing. 
“Have you given any more thought to my suggestion?” your friend Barb spoke so sweetly as you had lunch with her.
You pondered the suggestion in question. A few days ago she brought up the idea that you try dating again. Her words and positive sentiments replayed in your mind, just because Billy was a piece of human trash doesn’t mean that all men are. You shouldn’t feel like you have to be alone for the rest of your life just because of what he did. There’s somebody out there meant just for you and what you need– I can feel it! 
The truth was you did want to try again. You missed having someone to hold you at night or kiss you goodbye before you left for work each day. But that’s how it began with Billy. He was kind, supportive, loving…until he wasn’t anymore. How can you trust that the same thing won’t happen again?
You sipped your iced tea to avoid answering right away, “I don’t know. I mean I want to but,” she cut you off.
“Just come out to The Hideout tomorrow night with me and my friend Nancy from high school. There’s a local band that’s going to be playing, even if you don’t meet anymore, I’m sure you’ll have a good time!” she smiled brightly at you, adding to her plea and tugging at your heart strings.
“Ok, I’ll come along.”
Billy liked to control everything you did. Who you were allowed to hang out with, where you were allowed to go, not to mention controlling every aspect of your appearance. How you styled your hair. The clothes you wore. Even the colors of makeup you were allowed to use. Everything had to be approved by him. It had taken a lot of hard work to unlearn some of the things he had driven into your mind. It was still a daily struggle.  
Even now, standing in front of the mirror wearing a skirt that never would have been allowed felt wrong. You’re showing way too much leg and men will see you for the whore you are– you shook away the thoughts! That was Billy’s insecurity, not yours. He never wanted you to feel good about yourself because that meant you were easier to control. 
People wear things like what you had on all the time. There was nothing wrong with the way you looked. Trying to hype yourself up, Barb walked into your place using the key you’d given her and joined you.
“You look so pretty! Don’t change! I can see that look on your face,” she wagged a finger at you.
You jumped, surprised by her sudden appearance but laughed, “Guilty! I was just about to go back to jeans and a sweater.”
“Don’t you dare!” she scolded, “I told you, it’s just drinks. No pressure. We’ll listen to some loud music and have fun.”
You nodded while finishing up and then grabbed your purse. Feeling excited for the first time in a while about the prospect of going out and possibly meeting someone special. 
The small, sleepy town of Hawkins, Indiana hadn’t been your home forever but it was where you had settled and weren’t about to let Billy take your home from you too. Unsurprisingly, since Billy never let you go anywhere, you hadn’t been to this particular bar before. It was a hole in the wall bar, a local watering hole filled with a seemingly tight knit group of loyal patrons, thankfully ranging in ages from 20s to 60s. If you had walked into a bar filled with nothing but mean, grouchy looking old men, you’d have turned right around and went home. Still, some of the confidence you had managed to build up vanished as soon as you stepped inside.
“There’s Nancy!” Barb waved at a pretty girl with brown curls on the far side of the room, “Come on let’s get drinks and then join them.”
Meeting a new group of people could’ve gone a lot worse. Barb’s friends were all really nice. You met Nancy, a journalist for the Hawkins Post. Then there was her girlfriend Robin, a freelance painter. Finally there was Steve Harrington, a newly single high school history teacher. You learned that they all went to school together, along with the guys from the band that was playing tonight. It wasn’t long until you had finished your first drink and longed for a new one because much to your surprise, you were having a lot of fun.
“I’ll be right back,” pointing to your empty glass.
Doing things on your own has been a goal of yours since leaving Billy. He had often forbid you from doing things alone, claiming it was for your safety but you learned it was just another thing he wanted to control. Going to the bar to order your own drink was honestly something you never thought you’d be able to do again. 
It helped that the bar wasn’t super busy and the bartender looked nice. She took your empty glass and suggested something new that you could try.
“Hey toots,” a gruff voice from beside you broke your focus, “What’s a pretty little thing like you doing all alone on a Friday night?” He flashed you a grin with yellowing teeth and smelled of stale cigarettes, like the one currently clutched between his fingers.
Moments like this tested all your resolve and work you had done trying to recover. It would have been really easy to fall into old habits. Claiming that your boyfriend was in the bathroom or some other excuse and then run as far away as possible. Your therapist had prepared you for the fact that when you were ready to try dating again, you might encounter more thorns than flowers. He was staring at you waiting for a response.
“Oh there you are sweetheart! I’ve been looking all over for you,” a velvety sound hit your ears and sent shivers up your partially exposed spine. With just a slight turn of your head, you were met with a pair of dark brown eyes and a smile you wouldn’t soon forget.
The man put himself right between you and the creep before grabbing the drink that was sweating on its coaster, “Silly girl, come on! You don’t want to miss my show do you?”
You played along, not wanting to miss the escape this man was offering you from your current predicament, “Of course not.” You grabbed the drink from his hand, “Let’s go.”
He smiled and then addressed the man who had been bothering you, “Careful now Gene that pacemaker was just replaced wasn’t it? Would be a shame if you worked it too hard and something happened again.” You could hear the man at the bar grumble something in response but couldn’t quite make out what it was. 
Once you had walked a safe distance away you realized you’d still been following this man who you didn’t know. “Um,” You grabbed his sleeve to stop him from where he was still walking ahead of you, “T-thank you for that. He was making me really uncomfortable.”
He turned and gave you a better view of his face. He was the most handsome man you’d ever seen. His dark brown curls perfectly matched his eyes and his smile was even better now that you could admire it properly. He spoke so warm and kindly, “You’re very welcome princess. Men like him are a waste of breath. May I ask your name?”
You tell him your name and learn that his name is Eddie. But the larger development that takes place is when Steve walks over looking very confused, “Munson!” He smacks Eddie on the back, “So what, you two know each other or something?”
He shakes his head, “I am but her humble savior and defeater of evil.”
You can’t help the little giggle that you let out, “He rescued me from some old creep at the bar.” You motioned between the two of them, “Do you two know each other?”
Steve explains that they went to school together and that Eddie was actually in the band you were here to see with your friend. Which must have reminded him that he was needed backstage once again since they were about to go on. 
Before departing from you though, he grabbed your hand and placed a kiss on the top of your knuckles, “Until we meet again princess.”
Your heart fluttered more than it reasonably should have. You’d known Eddie for all of 5 minutes and he had already consumed your every thought. He was so sickeningly sweet and kind with every word he had said to you. Then watching him perform only amplified the feelings up to 11. 
He took to the stage a few minutes after leaving your side. You had rejoined your group, of course regaling the tale of your sudden savior. As soon as the lights dimmed you heard his voice again coming through the mic. You were mesmerized by the way his ringed fingers pressed into the strings of his guitar and then moved along the neck with ease pressing into a different fret causing a change in the sound. Matching perfectly with the bassline and drum beats provided by his bandmates. You were so lost in his beauty up there that your brain couldn't truly process the weight of his lyrics.
He dropped you off
I followed him home
Then I stood outside his bedroom window
You caught words like bloody, valentine, and love. You wondered how he made a song that sounded so violent seem so romantic. 
Standing over him, he begged me not to do
What I knew I had to do
Cause I am so in love with you
His eyes locked with yours the entire time. You tricked your brain into thinking he was singing right to you and no one else. For a brief moment, it’s as if all your anxiety and concerns about coming out tonight never existed in the first place. For the first time in a really long time you forgot about everything you’d been through and allowed yourself to entertain the idea of happiness. Maybe Eddie could make you happy.
After the show he emerged from the back and came to stand right beside you again, “What’d you think of the show sweetheart?”
You bit your lip, a bad habit Billy hated, “It was really good Eddie. You’re a great singer. Do you write the lyrics or is it more of a group effort?”
He took a drink of the beer one of the guys had delivered to him, “It’s all me princess. Why did you hear something you really liked?”
“Well, they were pretty dark but honestly,” You thought back to that first song, “There’s something kinda romantic about the notion of killing to protect the one you love.”
Barb gave you a look that you couldn’t quite decipher, it was quizzical but also hopeful, “Yeah you think so? I mean that song about murder is still murder but I guess the fantasy of it could be alluring.”
Nancy joined the conversation, “I’ll have to disagree. Sorry Eddie,” he nods to indicate no offense taken, “There’s nothing sexy about the idea of killing an innocent person just to show your love and affection for someone.”
Eddie didn’t miss a beat though, “But what if the person wasn’t innocent? What if it was someone who deserved it?”
“That’s why we have a court of law, due process to clear those who are innocent and punish those who are guilty. People who take the law into their own hands are just as bad as the criminals they claim to hate so much,” Nancy made her position clear as day on the issue.
As soon as she was done, you felt you had to speak up, “But what about when the courts that are supposed to protect the victims fail and end up favoring the abusers? Real life just doesn’t work like it does in a textbook. Our court systems are incredibly flawed.” For a second you forgot who you were talking to and that Barb was the only one who knows about your past, “They certainly didn’t help me any. All I got was a lousy restraining order and he got a slap on the wrist.”
The table was silent.
Eddie downs the rest of his beer in one gulp, “Who hurt you sweetheart?”
You felt the burn of the spotlight that was suddenly on you. You had let your guard down and exposed a part of yourself you wanted nothing more than to hide away from the world. Finally the words came but they were broken, “I- it's not important.”
The tone in Eddie’s voice lowered and darkened but still managed to drip with sweetness, “I’m so sorry you think that sweetheart, but that’s not what I asked. Who made you think that?”
You swallowed hard, “My ex Billy.”
For the first time all night, his eyes were on his hands instead of you, “Does this Billy have a last name?”
Your brows furrowed as to his sudden interest in your ex, “H-Hargrove. Billy Hargrove.”
Steve could see your distress and tried to make the conversation shift away from you. After that brief drop in his tone Eddie bounced back and was once again laughing along with everyone. The topic of discussion thankfully drifted further and further away from murder and the morality of killing someone who deserved it. You blended into the background as the old group of friends spent the rest of the evening reconnecting. 
After last call was made the bar was nearly empty. Only your group and a few other lonely souls that would rather spend as long as possible at the bar than go home alone remained. One of whom was the yellow toothed creep who tried hitting on you earlier in the evening. 
Barb grabbed your hand, “Are you ready to get out of here?”
“Actually,” Eddie spoke, picking up on the implication that you didn’t drive here since neither of you seemed to be making a move to grab your keys, “I’ve only had this one drink so I’m good to drive you home if you’d rather save some cash on a cab.”
Nancy agreed but offered an alternative, “Eddie, your trailer is in the opposite direction of Barb’s place, I’ll drive them back.”
You didn’t know where Eddie lived but if he was in the opposite direction from Barb, that meant he was in the right direction for you, “Nancy why don’t I just go with Eddie? That way no one has to drive out of their way.”
Eddie’s face lit up with fireworks exploding on his cheeks and in his eyes, “See Wheeler? It’s a win win really.”
“Will you be alright?” Barb asked.
Eddie wrapped his arm around you, “I swear I will protect her with my life.” He gave your shoulder a squeeze, “She has never been safer than she is right now. Cross my heart!”
Eddie led you out to his van. It was old. The peeling blue upholstery of the passenger seat lifted slightly as you sat down. The engine showed its age too as it started up. You looked around curiously, inspecting the cigarette butts sitting in the ashtray and the two plastic coke bottles on the floor by your feet.
“Sorry for the mess,” he somehow managed to look at you and the road at the same time, “I wasn’t expecting to have anyone in here tonight.”
Now that you were alone you wanted to make sure you thanked him properly for his help earlier, “No worries. I really appreciate the offer to drive me home. Especially after you already helped me, a perfect stranger, out with that little issue at the bar.”
He waved it off, “Don’t mention it princess. A beautiful lady like you shouldn’t have to put up with crap like that, especially from scum like him.”
His words couldn’t help but have a profound effect on you. Billy never called you beautiful. Hot or sexy sure but never beautiful. It was really nice to hear and even thought you felt yourself slipping, there was nothing you could do to stop yourself from falling. You were too far gone already. You really liked Eddie. 
He turned on some music, obviously one of the groups that served as inspiration for his own music. You glanced behind you as he drove expecting to see various musical equipment but instead you saw only a black duffle bag, several tarps, and a few loose articles of safety gear like gloves and glasses. You turned back to him, “Where’s your guitar and amps and stuff?”
“My uncle works construction so he sometimes uses the van for work,” he shot his thumb pointing backwards, “It’s pretty dirty back there so we started using Gareth’s truck to move the stuff around.”
“Do you live with your uncle?”
“Yeah, he took me in after my asshole dad got locked up,” he turned down the street that would lead to your house after following your instructions.
You pointed out your house to him and he pulled up into the driveway. To your surprise he got out with you. 
“What?” he smiled, “I told your friend I’d make sure you were safe.”
You laughed, “Nothing’s going to happen to me between here and the door though Eddie.”
“I’m nothing if not thorough sweetheart. When I set my mind to something I see it through to the end,” he even opened your screen door for you as you dug in your bag for your key.
“Thank you for the ride Eddie,” you lingered in the doorway for a moment. Waiting to see if he would make a move, granted you didn’t have a lot of experience, but it seemed like he was into you, or at least that’s what you hoped.
“You are very welcome,” he kissed the back of your hand again, “Would you do me the great honor of going to see a movie with me tomorrow?”
“I’d love to Eddie, pick me up at 8?”
“On the dot princess,” he planted one last kiss on the hand he was still holding, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You locked the door behind him and fell asleep for the first time in a while feeling hopeful for the fate of your love life.
• • • • • • •
Somewhere in the forest outside Lover’s Lake later that night.
“Oh, don’t bother begging for mercy now Gene. You shouldn’t have tried to take what didn’t belong to you,” a dark voice speaks low to the terrified man from where this assailant hovers over a nearly broken leg and bloody arm.
His breathing was labored, “Y-you’re i-in-sane!”
The man shrugged, “Maybe. But I did try to warn you about that pacemaker, didn't I?” He knelt down and pressed the tip of his pocket knife into the man's thigh, “Tell you what, since you were good and kept your hands off of her I’ll give you another chance.” His voice lifted and dripped with a touch of mania, “If you had touched her perfect skin with your disgusting fingers I’d be breaking each of them one by one.”
Gene went white but didn’t have a chance to react. The man was speaking again, “If you can make it to the lake before that little piece of metal keeping your heart beating gives out, I’ll let you live. You can even tell them what I did and how that Munson boy is as crazy as everyone says he is!”
He didn’t need to be told twice. Unfortunately for him, Eddie had already done a number on him. He was bleeding from several places and had no idea what direction the lake was in. He hobbled frantically and panicked through the forest, desperately searching for the lake. Under different circumstances this old local might have noticed the change in soil texture or the shifting foliage signaling that water was nearby. But at god knows what time in the morning being chased by a madman, he felt the beating in his chest begin to falter. He collapsed to the ground.
“Oh,” Eddie had caught up to him with ease and stood over him watching as the older man struggled to breathe. The silver of his blade shining in the moonlight, “Too bad.”
• • • • • • •
Eddie was precisely on time for your date the next day. He drove the two of you to the theater in town and paid for the tickets.
“Do you want a snack princess? Are you a popcorn girl or maybe something sweeter just like you,” Eddie’s constant flirting was consuming you. It felt so good to be desired in a way you never had before.
“Popcorn is fine Eddie,” you grabbed his hand, “Thank you.”
Everything was going perfect. You had dressed up and not once thought about what Billy would say. Eddie was a perfect gentleman and even let you pick some romantic comedy that Billy never would have seen with you. The movie wasn’t great, it was cheesy and predictable, but that wasn’t the important part. Eddie’s hands never left your skin the whole night. Whether he was holding your hand, wrapping his arm around you, or just mindlessly thumbing over your wrist while the movie was playing. It was the best date you had ever been on. Until you stepped out into the night air of the parking lot following the credits.
“Well well sugar, fancy seeing you here,” a voice you never wanted to hear ever again hit your ears and you froze in place.
Eddie was right there to catch you before you could fall down that slippery slope of fear, “Sweetheart? Who’s this?”
“Who the fuck are you freak?”
“Billy please!” you felt yourself shaking as you tried to speak up for yourself, “I- I still have a restraining order so just leave me alone.”
He stepped forward just once before Eddie cut him off, “You should listen to her. Wouldn’t want to make any trouble.” He looked around, assessing that Billy was here alone, “Seeing a flick all by yourself?”
“Fuck off freak,” Billy looked right at you from where you were cowering behind Eddie, “You’re still as weak and spineless as you were when I left you. Just now you’ve shown your real slutty colors.”
Eddie’s tone dropped again like it had last night when he was protecting you from that guy at the bar, you thought he might address Billy again but instead he pulled you tight into his body, “ Come on princess. Let’s get you home. Something just came up and my evening suddenly looks very busy.”
You didn’t have time to process what could have possibly come up in those few seconds of interacting with Billy but you were just thankful to be back in the car with Eddie.
He was driving slowly towards your house, “Sweetheart? I need you to know I really like you and I have a very important question to ask. I know it might be difficult to talk about but I need to know. Just what did Billy do to you?”
You rubbed anxiously at your legs, “I really like you too Eddie. I feel safe with you. Unlike with him.” 
You somehow manage to describe a condensed version of the hell that Billy had put you through over the years you were together, “He was my high school sweetheart but he started getting really controlling, that led to me breaking his rules which eventually reached the point where h-he would hit me, or kick me, always making sure to target spots that I could easily hide with long sleeves or pants though.”
Eddie was quiet so you continued, “I finally managed to get away with Barb’s help and I thought he had moved away after serving his pitifully short jail sentence, but I guess not. Tonight’s the first time I’ve seen him since the trial three years ago.”
He arrived in your driveway and grabbed your hands, “You’ll never have to see him again. I swear to you. He’ll never hurt you ever again.”
It wasn’t exactly the most comfortable position being pulled in for a kiss from across the center console, but the feeling of his lips on yours was divine. He kissed you like his life depended on it. Like he was drowning and you were his only source of oxygen. Your heart raced and pounded louder when you felt his hands moving down towards your chest. He stopped right at your heart.
“Go inside and wait for me. I have something to take care of but it shouldn’t take long, ok? I’ll be back soon, I promise.”
You obeyed and watched his van back out of your driveway before pulling off down the street. 
• • • • • • •
The movie theater parking lot was still busy. Perfect.
Eddie parked his van close to but not directly beside the blue Camaro that he had seen Billy leaving just a little bit ago. Eddie had to plan this timing perfectly. If the movie that walking shit stain was seeing was the average run time he had to work quickly. He grabbed some rubber gloves and pliers from the glove box and got to work hot wiring the Camaro.
It roared to life and he managed to avoid any noisy onlookers tonight. He drove it to the side of the currently desolate highway and staged a scene. Left the headlights on, opened the doors and rummaged through the contents as if someone had disposed of the driver before robbing them blind.
After he was satisfied he took the long walk back along the road not wanting to leave any footprints in the dirt of the forest. He checked his watch as he reentered the movie theater parking lot for the third time that night. If his calculated moves had been correct, ahh right on schedule. Billy was walking out and hadn’t seemed to notice yet that his car was missing.
Eddie hurried to his van and grabbed his signature chloroform soaked cloth and waited in the shadows for the perfect moment to strike. 
When Billy was walking past his van to possibly inspect a different row looking for his car, Eddie grabbed him and placed the cloth over his mouth. As they all do, he struggled for a minute but eventually went still. Allowing Eddie to toss him in the back of the van on the tarp he’d already laid out before diving out like nothing had happened and headed for the abandoned lake house he saved for special occasions like this. 
Just off Holland road sat his destination.
A few years back, his old supplier Rick, had gotten busted for good this time but his family still paid the bills on this old place so Eddie had started using the old boathouse for purposes just like tonight. When a so-called man made a foolish decision like getting anywhere near one of his girls he’d bring them here. Not that any of his girls ever knew what he had done for them. No one even gave him the time of day, until you. He thought about your perfect face, your smile, your chest, and the way your hips moved as you walked–focus! 
He was going to enjoy this kill.
He readied the space and then went to retrieve Billy’s still unconscious body from the back of the van. Now he just had to wait.
The telltale signs that his victims were coming to were always the same. The grogginess, the hazy look in their eyes, and the same inane questions of where am I or why are you doing this?
He was done waiting so he smacked Billy’s face a few times, “Wakey wakey Billy boy. We’ve got a long night ahead of us.” Eddie pulled a knife out from the black roll of cloth that concealed his tools sitting beside him, “You hurt someone very important to me and now I’m going to make you pay for every single time you dared to lay a finger on her.”
Billy’s eyes widened with panic as Eddie stepped hard on the ground towards him. After making the first cut along Billy’s cheek, he got down to business. 
Eddie wasn’t usually this messy when he worked, he was colored crimson with this filth’s blood. Even the real pieces of trash who he killed didn’t look this bad when he was through with them. 
After enduring his beatings, cuts, torturously slow breaking of each finger, they were usually still recognizable. Not Billy. Eddie had all but bashed his head in and was currently in the process of dismembering his corpse and placing each piece in a duct tape wrapped garbage bag. 
Once he was finished, he cleaned up and disposed of the parts where they’d be lost to the lake and even if they were ever discovered, they’d be beyond the ability to identify. Not that Eddie believed even for a second that someone would report a piece of crap like Billy missing. 
Besides, he had better things to worry about. He’d gotten a little carried away and kept you waiting longer than he wanted to. So he had to get going.
• • • • • • •
After Eddie had dropped you off, you changed into some soft comfortable pajamas and brewed a pot of tea. All the things your therapist had suggested to do when you got overwhelmed with the feelings of what Billy had done. It helped a bit but the thought of Eddie returning helped more.
He was gone longer than you anticipated but your spirits lifted when you heard the sound of his van pulling up into the driveway. 
Carefully you set down your teacup and hurried to unlock the door for him. On the other side of the door however stood a very different Eddie than the one that had left you. He was covered in blood.
“Sorry I’m late sweetheart, I have something to take care of.”
“Eddie!” You panicked and couldn’t understand why he wasn’t panicking too! He was obviously injured from something, “Are you alright? Were you in an accident? Oh god we need to call an ambulance!” You yelled.
He looked down at himself as thought it was raining heavily and the liquid soaking through his clothes was water and not dried blood, “None of it’s mine I promise.”
Your face froze. If it’s not his, that means it’s someone else’s, “E-Eddie? What exactly did you have to take care of ?” 
The smile on his face was just as bright as it had been when he picked you up earlier, only now accented by the blood staining his face, “I told you princess. He’d never hurt you again.”
Your stomach dropped. The pieces fell into place. It made you sick but there was a part of you that was– happy, “H-he’s dead?”
“As a fucking doornail princess, can I um, come in?”
“Oh! Yes, yeah! Wait! Should we lay down plastic or something?” you looked to see if his boots had blood on them.
He laughed, “Nope we’re all good sweetheart. Just need to ditch these clothes and use your shower.”
Your brain worked in overdrive trying to process all of this as you waited for him to finish in the bathroom. You didn’t have any guy's clothes for him to change into so you had dug to the back of your closet looking for some old oversized shirts you saved for painting. You managed to find a shirt and then pulled out a pair of sweatpants you thought might fit him. Lastly, you grabbed a trash bag for him to toss his bloody clothes in. Then you heard the shower turn off.
Your voice was quiet as you tapped on the door with the back of your knuckle, “Eddie? C-can I come in?”
“I’d love you to come in here with me sweetheart.”
You slowly pressed the door open and you saw that he had the towel wrapped around his waist, “I don’t know how well they will fit but here are some clothes a-and a trash bag for you know. Your dirty clothes.”
“You’re an absolute dream,” he took the clothes and the bag then motioned towards the door, “Why don’t you wait in your room for me? Can’t have any of this dirty mess getting on you can we?”
Without another word you just nodded and closed the door again. Your weight sitting on the edge of your mattress felt heavier than normally. The man you just met had killed the man who made your life a living hell and you weren’t sad. You should be calling the police and hiding in case he decides to kill you too, but you somehow knew he wouldn’t. You still felt safe with him. Not only did you feel safe but you were pressing your thighs together as that familiar feeling bubbled in your core. You wanted him.
No matter how wrong it felt, you wanted him to come in here and absolutely wreck you.
“You look so cute in those pink pajamas princess,” he was wearing the clothes you’d given him and you felt your cheeks heat up even more. He stepped towards you and sat on the bed with his body pressed right up against yours, “You’re trembling love, you know I’d never hurt you right? Just like I said last night. I only hurt people who deserve it.”
“I think I’m trembling Eddie because I can’t believe the nightmare is finally over, no more looking over my shoulder wondering if he’ll come back one day and kill me,” you looked up into those brown eyes that somehow still managed to look soft and caring, “I know you won’t hurt me, you did this for me right?”
He lit up, “Yes! Yes I did this for you and it makes me so happy that you can see that. It’s my god given duty to protect you and I’ll never stop killing for you sweetheart! I took care of that creep who bothered you at the bar last night too!”
You knew in the reasonable side of your brain that you shouldn’t be feeling this way. That you shouldn’t be turned on by the thought of a man who loved you so much that he was willing to kill anyone who hurt you, or even slightly inconvenienced you. But you weren’t thinking with the reasonable side of your brain.
You crawled into his lap and felt his cock twitch beneath you, “You did so good Eddie.” He blossomed at the praise, “Can I make you feel good now?”
“Just holding you makes my cock hard as a rock, baby. It’s my job to make you feel good,” his hands grabbed at your hips. The pads of his fingers tracing lightly over the skin of your midriff exposed from your crop top. 
You rubbed your hands along his shoulders, “Let me take care of you Eddie.” Slipping out of his lap, silencing the little whine that left his lips with a kiss and your hands on his crotch. You rubbed his covered cock before pulling at the waistband of the sweats you’d just worked so hard to find for him. His cock sprang out with a flourish. Your eyes widened and you sucked your bottom lip up into your teeth, biting down to hide your smile.
“Yeah?” he ran his fingers across the top of your head, “You like what you see angel?” He chuckles at your little nod.
“Can I suck your cock Eddie?”
He let out a pleased hum, “Mmm, that sounds great sweetheart. I can’t wait to feel your pretty little mouth on my cock.”
Not wasting anymore time you took him into your mouth and rejoiced in the pleasant stretch his cock gave your throat. He was big and you didn’t even try to stifle the chokes and gags you made as you took him in and out of your mouth.
“Fuck! That’s my good girl, I’m gonna fuck that throat of yours ok?”
“Mhmm!” you adjusted yourself back on your knees as he stood up from the bed. Getting a better grip on your head, he fucked your throat until you felt tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. 
“M’gonna fuck your pretty throat until your gasping for breath sweetheart,” your lips vibrated against him with want at his words, “Wanna see those sweet eyes roll back in your head and then just before you pass out on my cock, m’gonna absolutely wreck that cunt of yours. Sound good?”
He pulled back just a bit to let you answer, “P-please! Thank you Eddie!”
He pressed your head right back down onto him and listened to the sounds of your gags fill his ears, “Such a good girl with good manners sweetheart. Fuck!” He slammed back in harder.
Your brain was turning to mush. Getting lost in the feeling of his length bruising your throat. At some point he pulled out and tossed you up on the bed. He was careful as he slipped your pajama bottoms off but before he could tear your underwear off you grabbed his wrist.
“Knife–” words were hard but you tried to ask in some semblance of coherency, “U-use the knife I saw in your back pocket. Don’t like these ones anyways.”
A devious grin covered his face, “Fuck you really are perfect! My perfect princess.”
He left for just a moment and returned quickly. The silver of the small blade shimmered in the dim light of your bedside lamp. He licked his lips and grabbed the edge of your panties. The metal was cold where it just barely touched your skin. He was careful not to cut you. Just slicing through the fabric like butter on the right then again left, exposing your wet pussy to him, “I’ll just keep these for later.” He tucked your torn panties in his pocket. Then he turned his attention to your bare pussy. 
“She’s beautiful princess,” he pressed his thumb to your clit and twirled it in small circles. Delightful whimpers and whines filled the room, “That feel good baby?”
“Yes! So good Eddie, more, more please!”
“Anything for my best girl,” he turned his wrist and with ease slipped 2 fingers into your sopping wetness while his thumb continued attending to your clit. 
You screamed out for him, you’d never been touched like this before. It felt incredible! He was reaching places inside you that you could never reach by yourself. Bringing you to your climax faster than ever before, “M’gonna come Eddie! Don’t stop!”
“Never princess, come all over my fingers.”
The building pressure broke the dam and you cried out, cunt pulsating as you squirted all over his hand. The liquid dripped down between your ass cheeks and pooled on the bed.
He pulled his fingers out and you were so fucking glad you opened your eyes to see him licking your juices off his fingers, “Ready for my cock baby?”
“Y-yes Eddie, fuck me please!”
He took great care to adjust your body on the bed and support your head with a pillow before pressing right in with his bare cock. The sensation of his warmth filling you brought you right back to the edge. You didn’t even care that he wasn’t wearing a condom. If he asked you’d probably let him come inside you. 
Lewd noises filled the room as his thrusting squished the wetness in and out of your hole. Both of you were moaning loudly without a care. His pace quickened, “M’close sweetheart. Gonna fill you up ok?” His voice was labored from fucking you but it still held that same sweetness, “You’ll look so pretty all round with my baby princess. I’ll take such good care of both of you. You’ll never have to worry about anything ever again.”
With just his mere suggestion it was suddenly all you ever wanted in life. The man who killed your worst nightmare? There was no one else you’d rather start a family with.         
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