#i'm not actually THAT attached to 27 but i like being right
roosterforme · 1 year
The Younger Kind Part 27 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: You should be finishing your school work so you can ace your finals and graduate, but Bradley coaxes you to take a study break at the Hard Deck. While there, Bradley realizes just what life is going to look like with you by his side, and he takes a minute to remind both of you who you belong with. And then he helps you study the way only he can.
Warnings: Angst, swearing, fluff, smut, and age gap (18+)
Length: 5200 words
Pairing: Single dad!Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x babysitter!female reader
Check out my masterlist for more! The Younger Kind masterlist.
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On Friday morning, when Bradley got to work, he walked right over to Nat where she was sipping a coffee in the hangar. Her eyes were wide, clearly anxious to hear some more details about Meredith, but Bradley just walked right into her arms and hugged her.
She kissed his cheek and whispered, "What happened? Aside from the glorious fact that Merebitch has to fuck off now!"
"I'm being deployed."
"No!" she gasped, hugging him tighter as she set down her coffee. "Will you need help with Noah?"
"Nope," he said with a smile as he pulled away from her a few inches. "For once, I got that part covered."
She listened as he told her all about Wednesday in the courtroom and how you agreed to stay at his house the whole time he was deployed. He was in the process of adding you as a temporary guardian for Noah. He was also going to add you to his credit cards as an authorized user, but you were definitely going to protest. If he had any way of getting your social security number, he would have already done it behind your back.
"Oh, I see," Nat replied with a smirk. "Your babysitter is going to be staying with Noah? For six weeks?"
"Girlfriend, actually," Bradley replied smoothly. 
Nat looked pleased. "I still maintain that you have me to thank for that. If I hadn't downloaded that dating app on your phone, none of this would have ever happened. Now tell me I'm the best."
Bradley rolled his eyes and sighed deeply. "You're the best, Nat."
"Yes," she agreed. "And I'll help your girlfriend with Noah while you're away. Make sure you tell her to come to me if she needs anything. Anything at all."
"Thanks, Nat," he mumbled as he reached for his helmet. But Bradley knew you'd be just fine. Nat would be a safety net in case you needed something, and that helped put his mind even further at ease. 
After a morning of training exercises, Bradley headed inside to eat lunch and check his text messages. 
My Princess: Daddy, I'll be on campus until at least 6. Kind of panicking over how much work I still have to complete before graduation. 
He knew this was partly his fault. He was the one who hadn't let you return to your little rental so you'd have some peace and quiet away from him and Noah. But you and he both seemed incapable of being apart now. The way he knew how your body felt tucked against his chest in the middle of the night had him desperate to keep you in his bed. And the way Noah was so attached to you, Bradley was convinced he'd start calling you mommy soon.  
As he carried his lunch to one of the cafeteria tables, he texted you back to remind you that he'd help you finish up with your school work this weekend. But he also knew you needed to take a break tonight, so he texted someone else as well.
You were exhausted by the time you got back to Bradley's house on Friday evening. The Bronco was already parked in the driveway, and you noticed that the boys must have played with some sidewalk chalk. As you made your way up to the door, there were pictures of dinosaurs, and Bradley had written We love Princess next to the front porch. 
Quickly, you unlocked the front door and called out, "It's me!" Noah came running toward you from the kitchen, and you caught him in your arms. 
"Daddy's making dinner," he informed you, and you rushed for the kitchen to investigate. 
"Hey, Baby," Bradley said, smiling at you over his shoulder. 
You set Noah down on one of the chairs where the table was covered with his coloring books. "You're cooking," you said in shock. "Do you want me to take over?" 
"No, I got it," he replied, and you peeked in the pan to see he was making chicken stir fry. "The sexiest woman I ever met taught me how to cook this."
"Oh really? Where is she? I'd love to meet her," you said sarcastically. You were rewarded with Bradley's big hand smacking your rear end before he pulled you closer to him. 
He kissed you while the food sizzled on the stovetop, and he murmured, "You had a long day. Let's go out after we eat."
You let his lips linger on yours, enjoying the rough feel of his mustache before he pulled away to focus on what he was cooking. "You want to take Noah out to see a movie or something?" you asked, reaching to pull out some plates. A movie would be really fun, but you also hated the idea of Bradley paying for your ticket along with everything else. He was no longer paying you to babysit Noah. And now that school was ending and you weren't being paid by the college for your work study, you had no income. "Or we could just do something fun here instead?"
"We're going out to the bar," he informed you easily as he turned the stove burner off. 
You laughed and put your hands on your hips. "And what about Noah?"
"Got it covered, Princess."
"We actually do need to find him a new babysitter," you reminded Bradley as you glanced at where Noah was quietly folding up construction paper. 
"I already did," Bradley promised, kissing your cheek and carrying plates of food to the table. "Amelia Benjamin will be here in about thirty minutes. I wouldn't trust her with Noah for six weeks or anything like that, but I'm sure we can get away for a few hours. Just you and I." He was looking at you intently, waiting for a response. You were honestly surprised he'd managed to set this all up today. "Baby, you need a little break, and Amelia is out of school for the summer," he added softly before he started to blow on Noah's dinner to cool it down.
"I really need to finish my school work," you reminded him as you sat down and tasted his chicken stir fry. It was pretty good, and he smiled as you took another big forkful. 
"We have tomorrow and Sunday to work on that. I'll help you."
You were quiet for a moment as you ate. And then all you said in response was, "This is delicious. I can hardly believe you made it."
Bradley set his fork down and took your hand in his. "Come to the bar tonight. Now that I took you out to lunch yesterday, all I can think about is showing you off all the time, okay? Nat will be there, and I kind of already told her we'd be there, too."
"Fine," you said, agreeing with his plans. "But the rest of the weekend, I'll be working."
Bradley's smile held steady through dinner, and when Amelia arrived to watch Noah, he was still excited to be taking you out. You were promised that the evening was casual, so you changed into some jeans that were a little baggy on you and a button down shirt that you tied in the front so it was cropped a little bit. Bradley was in jeans and a colorful floral print shirt, and when he led you out to the Bronco, you offered to drive your car to the bar instead. 
He opened the passenger side door of the Bronco and kissed you. "Don't want you wasting your money or gas or anything on me, Princess." And you climbed inside with the realization that you were in a very adult relationship here, and maybe you were in over your head.
Bradley tried to brace himself ahead of time. You were a headturner. Fucking stunning, even in your jeans and beat up Sperrys. But even though you had your fingers laced through his as he led you inside the Hard Deck, you drew the attention of at least half the guys in the place. So he withdrew his hand from yours and slipped his arm around our waist which did essentially nothing to stop the looks he was getting. 
"What do you want to drink?" he asked, and you looked up at him with such innocent eyes. He pulled you snug against him, and your hand came to rest just above the waistband of his jeans. His cock throbbed for you and that trusting look on your face. You just knew he was going to take care of whatever you needed, and it was going to make him hard if he didn't get control of himself now.
"A beer," you told him, and he leaned down to kiss your cheek next to your ear. 
"I see Nat over by the pool table. Why don't you go wait for me over there while I get us some drinks." He squeezed your ass as you turned to walk away from him, earning him a heated gaze over your shoulder. And then he noticed that your eyes caught on something by the bar before you turned back to look at him briefly before you walked to the pool table. 
When Bradley turned toward the bar, Helen was there, watching you walk across the crowded room with a scowl before she said, "Rooster," in a bland voice. 
He had somehow managed to forget that Helen would be here tonight. Great. "Hey," he said awkwardly before he ordered two beers and watched her expertly pull two pints and slide them across the bar. 
"I'll start a tab for you," she said, barely meeting his eyes. "You know, I'm surprised you brought her here. She looks like she's barely legal. And I don't mean that in a nice way. She's probably going to get into some shit." And then Helen turned to help the patron next to him as Bradley's eyes found you. 
"Fuck," he grunted. You were leaning back against one of the posts as Harvard and Yale closed in on you. Yale was leaning close enough that you tried to pull away, only to end up pressed against Harvard.
"How old are you, Angel?" Yale asked as Bradley got closer. 
You rolled your eyes and said, "I'm twenty four, and I'd appreciate it if you stopped touching me."
Harvard and Yale laughed at the same time, and then Harvard told you, "Maybe you don't know this yet, but girls fight over the chance to come home with us. We're roommates. And we're really good about...sharing."
When you glanced up, your expression was one of extreme annoyance before you met Bradley's eyes and smiled softly. "Then you can share each other," you said before stepping into Bradley's open arms, careful not to bump the beers. 
"I see you met my girlfriend," Bradley said, his voice loud and deep as you wrapped your arms around his waist. 
He kept his eyes on you while Harvard muttered an excuse and Yale repeatedly said, "Sorry, Rooster," until he was too far away to hear. 
"Friends of yours?" you asked, reaching for one of the beers.
"Not really," he replied, watching you take a long sip. "I thought I told you to go wait by Nat."
You licked your glossy lips and said, "And I thought I'd never have to see that flower stealer ever again." You tipped your head toward Helen and held your chin high. 
"Flower stealer?" he asked with a smirk.
"I could call her a wannabe homewrecking bitch, but we're in public," you deadpanned, and Bradley actually started laughing. 
"Let's go," he said, taking you by the hand as he chuckled, leading you toward the pool table. He watched Nat light up and start asking you a million questions about Meredith and the court appearance even though he had explicitly asked her not to. And of course Jake was here, trying to discreetly check you out. 
Bradley wasn't really sure why he had expected this evening to be a nice break for the two of you. He was constantly having to physically touch you in some way, otherwise you got cornered by someone. "Everyone here is so friendly," you remarked after your third beer. Bradley pressed his lips to the sheen of sweat on your pretty neck just as Omaha looked like he might be getting some ideas in his thick skull. 
"Yeah," Bradley mumbled. "Or maybe you're just a smokeshow, Baby."
You giggled and asked, "Will you let me go get the next round? I kind of want to see what my buddy Helen has to say to me."
"Go right ahead. Get whatever you want, and put it on my tab."
"You want anything, Daddy?" you asked, rubbing your hand along his abs again, clearly feeling a lot looser than you were two hours ago. He thought about taking you to the bathroom and fucking you as your fingers tucked inside his white undershirt and found his bare skin. 
"I want you to go get your drink and get back here quickly," he replied, his voice raspy. "That's what Daddy wants."
He watched you shuffle away after promising him you'd be right back. Then he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Rooster. My man. Where did you pick her up from?" Omaha asked, leaning past Bradley to get a good look at where you were standing at the bar. You had no idea how appealing your ass looked in those jeans, otherwise Bradley was pretty sure you wouldn't be standing like that. 
He turned back toward the other aviator and said, "I didn't pick her up from anywhere. She's my girlfriend."
Omaha had the audacity to whistle before he said, "Shit. How long you been hittin' that, old man?" 
Bradley felt his hand at his side clench into a fist. He didn't mind the reminder about his age when it came from you, but when it came from someone else, he wanted to start swinging. When you called him old, it was because he couldn't figure out the��settings on his phone, something you assured him you found charming. And you weren't a child. You were a capable adult, smarter than pretty much anyone else he knew. But he still just wanted to protect you, even though he knew he didn't have to. The sting of Greyson and Meredith was still too close though, and Bradley had to work at loosening his hand once again. 
He was about to tell Omaha to fuck off when he saw you out of the corner of his eye. You were reaching for your drink just as Bradley saw Cyclone of all people reach his hand out to stroke one long finger across the perfect curve of your cheek. You were saying something to Cyclone, and you didn't look too happy. And now both of Bradley's fists were clenched as he watched you duck away from his commanding officer and head his way.
"Oh my goodness," you muttered, sloshing some of your beer onto your hand. But Bradley's gaze was fixed on that of Admiral Beau Simpson as the other man nodded in his direction. "That guy at the bar insisted on buying me a beer as well as a glass of the bourbon he was drinking."
That's when Bradley noticed you were holding two drinks. "Which guy?" he asked, even though he already knew. You turned to look at the bar and nodded toward Cyclone. 
"The older one," you muttered before you looked up at Bradley. "He asked me if I was single and insisted on getting me the drinks." You held out the bourbon to him, and he took it. 
"What did you tell him?" Bradley asked, fingers tightening around the glass as he felt the weight of your gaze and Cyclone's on him as well. 
You licked your lips and said, "I told him I'm here with Bradley Bradshaw, and that he should stop pawing at me."
"Good girl, Princess," Bradley muttered, wrapping one big hand around your waist and pulling you close as he sipped the expensive bourbon courtesy of his boss's boss. Beau Simpson wanted something Bradley had, and the idea of it was enough to make him feel giddy. 
"I don't really like this bar very much," you said, an edge of annoyance lacing your tone of voice as you sipped your beer. Bradley let his hand slide down lower and grip your ass, and you did nothing except snuggle in a little closer to him.
But then Bradley tipped the glass of bourbon toward Cyclone and nodded his head in thanks. When Admiral Simpson nodded before letting his gaze dip down along your body, Bradley smirked and downed the rest of the amber liquid. Then his lips were on yours, still wet from the drink. He wanted to mark you, brand you as his own. He wanted to do the filthiest things to you in front of everyone else. 
You moaned against his lips, and Bradley took the beer out of your hand so you could wrap your arms around his neck. "What's that for, Daddy?" you asked when his lips found the side of your neck. "Oh, god," you whined as he sucked on you there. 
Bradley knew you liked Daddys, and Simpson was older than him. Hell, half the guys at the bar who were looking at you were older than he was. Bradley wanted to make sure everyone knew who you were here with. Maybe he especially wanted to remind you. 
So he let you finish the beer from Cyclone while he stood behind you, his big hand splayed across the bare skin of your belly. He kissed the side of your neck and praised you for being a good girl. And if Cyclone happened to be looking in this direction as Bradley's fingers dipped down into the front of your jeans, then so be it. Let him watch. Let everyone else watch as Bradley got his tipsy, twenty four year old girlfriend whining for his cock in the middle of the Hard Deck on a Friday night. 
"Daddy," you moaned, grinding back against his erection, back arched as you set down your empty glass. "You're teasing me."
Bradley unbuttoned your jeans as he suggested, "Let's go outside?"
You smiled and bit your lip as you asked him, "Are you going to take me home?"
"Something like that," he replied, leading you toward the bar so he could close out his tab. And if that meant that both Helen and Admiral Simpson got a good look at the way you were coming apart in Bradley's arms while he signed his credit card slip, then that was just fine with him.
You stumbled out into the parking lot while Bradley unzipped your jeans. "Take me home?" you asked before his lips clashed against yours again. He tasted like that free bourbon, and you moaned into his mouth. You were so horny, you'd probably never make it back to Bradley's place at all. 
"You want me to take you to my house, Princess? You gonna start calling that home?" he asked, scooping you up in his arms and heading for the pitch black corner of the parking lot where he'd left the Bronco. 
"Daddy!" you whined, rubbing your lips all over the scars on his neck. "Take me home to your bed," you demanded, really quite tipsy. You'd never behaved like this before, ready to go in a parking lot, but apparently Bradley could read you like one of your nursing textbooks. 
He deposited you next to the Bronco, your feet meeting the ground just a fraction of a second before he spun you to face the passenger side door. His hands felt rough on your body as you reached for the door, your palms braced against the window. Bradley yanked down your jeans and underwear, and you cried out as the cool, night air met your wet pussy. 
"Shh," he whispered next to your ear. "You want me to fuck you right here, Princess?"
You felt almost ashamed as you gasped, "Yes," but you were so turned on for him, it didn't even matter. He bent you at the hips a little more, and then you felt Bradley thrust inside you in one quick motion. He filled you up so fast, the sensation took your breath away. He didn't give you time to get used to the stretch or to accommodate him before he was fucking you. It felt like he was teaching you a lesson as you tipped your head back and let him suck on your neck.
He nibbled on you before soothing you with his tongue, and you tried to look around, tried to make sure you were alone, but you would probably beg him to keep going even with an audience at this point. He felt that good. The cold glass against your palms was the only thing keeping your body from hitting the Bronco as he fucked you harder. 
"I can't believe you're letting me do this," he rasped next to your ear. His voice combined with the sounds of his thighs slapping against yours, the sounds of filthy sex, as you started clenching around his cock. 
"Daddy," you whimpered, unable to slow down your building orgasm.
"I'm your Daddy," he growled. "Just me. You're so fucking hot, you know that? Sinful looking. Can't leave you alone for a goddamn second."
"Ohhh," you keened, getting louder for him. He did nothing to stop you.
His words just made you clench harder as he said, "Every guy in that bar wishes he was me right now. Dying to be buried in this tight pussy. They all wanna look at you and touch you, but you're mine." He fucked you harder as he softly said, "You're my Princess." 
"Oh!" you gasped, cumming on his cock as he continued to fuck you until you were a moaning, writhing mess. Your legs were shaking, and you felt like you had just wet yourself, but Bradley kept going. He didn't stop until he filled you up with his cum and let it drip down your legs. Then he spun you around and kissed your lips so softly as you leaned back against the door, your head swimming with satiated pleasure. 
Bradley's hot cum cooled on your inner thighs, sending a chill through your body. He took his time pulling your jeans back up, and then he was helping you onto the passenger seat with the promise that he'd take care of you again when he got you home and sent Amelia away for the night. And the thing was, you'd definitely let him keep that promise.
When Bradley woke up to an empty bed and a quiet house on Saturday morning, he was instantly alert. He'd slept in, and something didn't feel right. He jumped out of bed, and when he rushed to Noah's bedroom door, he found his son's room was empty. 
"Noah? Princess?" he called out, continuing to the kitchen in just his underwear. 
"Hi, Daddy," Noah said, looking up at him and spilling a forkful of scrambled egg onto the floor. Bradley contemplated getting a dog just to clean up the food messes Noah made, but a pet would only be something else he had to worry about when he was deployed. 
"Hi, Daddy," you echoed from the seat across the table. You had your kid friendly playlist going, and you were reading from one of your textbooks, but you glanced up at him and smiled. You looked tired, and now Bradley felt bad for keeping you up half the night with his cock buried inside you. The Hard Deck had been a massive wakeup call for him. He was going to have to work hard to keep you. That much was obvious now. But you also needed the rest of the weekend to get yourself organized, and that was something he could help with. 
He kissed Noah's forehead and then yours. "You want some coffee?" he asked you softly, and you nodded in response. He would take care of anything you needed, but he knew you wouldn't let him provide for you. Hell, you hadn't given him a real answer about moving in here, even though he'd asked and dropped hints. He wanted you here all the time. He couldn't stop thinking about what it might be like to get you pregnant ever since the idea was planted in his head on Wednesday. 
As he worked the coffee maker to get you a vanilla latte just the way you liked it, he watched you cut some of the fruit in Noah's bowl into smaller pieces. And when Noah climbed into your lap, you didn't make a fuss that he was interrupting you. 
"I'll take him out for the day, maybe do some grocery shopping while you work," he told you, his tone apologetic. "And then tonight, after bedtime, I'm all yours, Princess. We'll get everything done."
You kissed Noah's cheek and said, "I made you a grocery list. We're almost out of Skittles already. You boys can go to the store while you're out, and then I'll make dinner later."
Bradley wanted to protest, he really did, but he also wanted to eat one of your homemade dinners. So he got Noah dressed for the day and took him to the playground and then on a nature walk and then to the grocery store. He kept him out of your hair for hours and hours, and when he got home that afternoon, he carried a napping Noah into his bed. 
You were sitting at the kitchen table wearing Bradley's gray sweatpants and one of his shirts, and you were typing away on his computer. He found himself entranced by your purple nail polish and calm exterior. He didn't disrupt you while he unpacked the groceries, he just set one of the many bags of Skittles he purchased on the table next to you. "Love you," he whispered, and you looked up at him with a little smirk as you opened your snack of choice. "You don't even have to share that bag with me."
"Thanks, Daddy." And that was all you said to him until you stood up and stretched a few hours later and started to make spaghetti and meatballs for dinner, because Noah started bugging about it.
"Let's give Princess a break, Bub. I'll make the ants on the logs today, and you can help me." It took Bradley just as long to cut up the carrots and spread the peanut butter as it did for you to make an actual meal, but as he watched Noah decorate them with raisins, Bradley felt a certain level of accomplishment. 
He knew how to cook now, kind of. He could make healthy snacks that Noah actually liked, sort of. And most importantly, he had managed to start a relationship with a woman who not only loved him, but loved his son as well. 
"Here you go," you announced, setting plates of dinner down in front of both of them. 
"Yay!" Noah cheered, and Bradley had to stop him from reaching for the hot food. 
"Listen," Bradley said between bites of food. "Early bedtime tonight after a nice bath. And then tomorrow night we'll have a family movie night. We can go to the theater that serves dinner at your seat so we don't have to cook anything here."
"But that place is expensive," you protested. "And I still have to finish studying for my final on Monday."
"We'll study tonight," Bradley promised. "And the fancy movie theater isn't too expensive for my family."
You insisted on being the one to put Noah in bed when he finished his bath. After working for twelve hours straight on school assignments, you needed a little break, and some hugs from Noah really did the trick. 
Once he was tucked in, you knew you needed to study for your anatomy final, but all you wanted was a glass of wine and a hot shower with your hot boyfriend. You found him in the living room, rooting through the drawers underneath the stereo system that must have belonged to his parents. 
"Oh my goodness," you teased, gasping as he looked up at you. "Are those cassette tapes? Are you sure you're only thirty six?"
He rolled his eyes and got to his feet, pulling you toward the couch. "Almost thirty seven, actually. You know, I was going to play something I thought you might like while we study, but nevermind."
"Wait, I take it back, I take it back!" you protested, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Play it for me. Please?"
"Fine," he groaned, running his hands down your sides and bending to kiss you. "But only because I'm in a good mood." Then he started to play the tape, and you noticed that he already had your textbook and a fresh bag of Skittles waiting on the couch. 
"Thanks for doing this," you whispered, watching as he settled down and patted his thigh.
"Come here," he coaxed as the mellow rock music played softly, and you were surprised to find you knew the band. "I like studying with you," he said with a grin as you settled onto his lap, straddling his thighs. 
As he tore open the bag of Skittles, you reminded him, "I'll be looking for a job soon. No more studying."
"Gotta make this count then," he replied, pulling a red Skittle out and feeding it to you. "Fifty percent of the Skittles are mine. You can earn your share by answering questions correctly from your study guide." 
You scoffed and ran your fingers through his hair. "I should get a more generous share of the goods tonight. As a reward for all my hard work."
He grunted and rolled his eyes. "Fine. You can have sixty percent. But just for tonight. Tomorrow we go back to a fifty/fifty split."
"Deal," you whispered, kissing his lips. 
And it was all so gentle, the way Bradley fed you a yellow Skittle and then a purple one as he went down the study guide, his thumb rubbing soft circles against your thigh through the gray sweatpants. Anytime you needed an extra minute to consider your answer, you pulled your fingers through his hair and down his neck as you contemplated. 
"You know this one, Princess. I know you do."
Every time he encouraged you, giving your hip a little squeeze, you got the right answer. And then you got a Skittle. And then you got a kiss. 
"Will you come with me to my exam on Monday morning?" you asked him softly, your head coming to rest on his shoulder once the candy was all eaten. "I don't think I can do it without you there."
He kissed your forehead and held you close. "Sure you can, Baby. You'll ace it. Besides, I have to meet with Tracy and get everything settled. You don't need me at all."
But that was a lie. You did need him. You needed him. And Noah. "I do," you whispered, your lips brushing his neck. "I need you, Bradley." 
"You already have me."
Cyclone, you dirty dog. Inching closer to this deployment. Hope you enjoy your fic, @beyondthesefourwalls And thank you @mak-32 !
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revletter · 1 year
In the SMRPG remake, Geno is still around for the postgame fights. Here's a simple and awesome way they could explain that.
(I SO hope they do something even loosely resembling this. I have so many feelings, I made gifs about it.)
Up to this point, we know that there'll be post-game content where you get to fight bosses over again. And look, our blue guy, there he still is!
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From this, it's safe to assume that in the remake, after Geno leaves to repair the Star Road, he turns right around and comes back.
Which is KIND OF A BIG DEAL. Because in the original game, it's heavily implied that for all practical purposes, he's certain this goodbye will be forever.
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For some time, I've had a little theory. I kind of desperately hope for some version of it to be part of the remake. Here it is:
Due to the events of SMRPG, ♡♪!? gets a merit promotion. Maybe, at the beginning of the story, he's not a full-blown Star Spirit (or whatever verbiage). But - as the one little star guardian valiant and capable enough to go down to the world to help save the entire Star Road - now he's become one!
And that comes with more freedom. Just imagine him crashing back down to Earth like "Yo GUESS WHAT PEOPLE, now I'm a STAR SPIRIT (or etc.) and I set my own schedule!" He can go back and see his friends! It's amazing!
And it fits exactly! With not a single caveat I can think of!
IN FACT, you might even say it's supported by a little discrepancy in some 27-year-old pixel art:
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Remember the difference between Geno's first appearance and his last? He goes from this tiny lil twinkle guy... to a much bigger 5-pointed star. This is never explained....
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((( Read on for my rationale, more gifs, and even more feelings )))
(the doll being bigger is not explained either, but humor me)
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(and yes that IS him lighting things up like the Main Street Electrical Parade. I noticed that almost exactly a year ago and it rocketed this fandom back to the front of my So Cal Disney Kid brain so hard that I can't believe it took me so long to make this blog)
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(only fitting that he would also usher in the remake reveal after an end like this. :'''D)
... But to me, it seems plausible that the little star's gotten stronger and grown! 💙
In the remake trailer, because I'm the kind of dweeb who does this, I went frame by frame trying to spot any telling differences -
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(^ the scene where he's possessing the doll - this could just be a homage to the little twinkle he looks like in the original. even if that's all, I love the devs for it)
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(more five-pointy? maybe? rev, did you just superimpose all the frames where Geno looks most five-pointy just so you could not quite prove anything? ABSOLUTELY)
Make of that what you will; all I can say so far is that we only see him kind of blobby. But what I'm secretly hoping is, maybe that's on purpose, so they can make it clearer in the game for the purpose of some big reveal like this. 😀
Wouldn't this be such a fitting and meaningful thing for Geno's character arc? I know one of the complaints among people who consider Geno overrated is that he doesn't really have an arc. Of course, his fans (myself included) either aren't bothered by that, or straight-up disagree, since he's central to the entire plot and goal of the game, and also literally the Mario universe equivalent of an angel, and maybe he was so reserved because he was trying so hard not to get attached even though we all know he totally did,
and also if he got an arc anywhere near Mallow's he'd be so compelling that he'd basically be the main character and they'd have to call it Super Geno RPG BUT ANYWAY,
I can't fully express, no matter how long I make this post, how much I hope they take a narrative route like this. It would be the actual best. My nerdy little heart would never be the same.
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stayteezdreams · 19 days
Hi! Congrats on 1k! 🎊��Can I get some fate ships? I hope I am doing this right!
Stray Kids. Box 2. Card 27
Ateez.Box 1.Card 50
The Boyz. Card 24!
As for a prompt I will say Prompt #29 for whoever you choose!
Thank you! And sorry it took a while for me to get to your ship! I hope you like them!
This is the last request I got for the Milestone Event!
Your Fate Ship isss......
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Prompt #29: 'People keep assuming you are a couple, this causes one of you to finally confess your feelings.'
Waste of Time
"How long have you two been dating?" "Such a cute couple!" "Would you like this for your boyfriend?" "You two look perfect together!"
It's been like this for years. People always assuming you and your best friend were actually a couple. Both of you are used to it by now, knowing when and if to correct people, or just let it be. When to joke about a situation, and share that knowing look.
But secretly, it hurt you, you hated it. Not the idea of dating Hongjoong, that you loved, that was your secret. You wanted to date him. You had feelings for him, that had been around for ages.
The first time someone mistook you for a couple, Hongjoong's swift and clear refusal of the fact hurt you a bit. The first time he went along with it and pretended he was your boyfriend, made your heart beat like crazy, though later on, it hurt again.
It became a joke, to you and others that knew of your real relationship. But even when you played along, you always felt like you were being punished.
"Would you two like to join our couples game night?"
Your looked up at the new friends you had been introduced too, realizing they had assumed you and Hongjoong were a couple, just like many others before them.
Was it because of the way you were always attached at the hip? The way you told jokes silently to one another? The secret looks you threw his way? Maybe the way he always sat so close to you?
The two of you really didn't do yourselves any favors in avoiding the common mistake.
Setting down your drink, you were about to correct them but Hongjoong spoke first. "Sure!"
You looked over at him swiftly and he caught your eyes and smiled, something sparkling in his eyes that made you wonder what he was up to.
Not wanting to make it awkward you just nodded along and went on with the night. But you couldn't help but wonder why this time he wanted to play along? Surely they would find out, and be weirded out that you were pretending? He knew that right?
When you and Hongjoong left, ready to go home for the night, you finally asked.
"Why did you agree to go to their couples game night?"
Hongjoong hummed, walking beside you, his arm brushing against yours. "Because I want to go."
"We could just have a different game night? Not for couples?"
He nodded, "True. But I want it to be for couples."
You eyed him with heightening confusion and he let out a soft chuckle. "I'm tired of always being seen as a couple and having to correct it."
Your heart clenched. "So just letting people believe it is the way around that?"
He noted the subtle confused hurt in your tone, how you thought he was insulted by being mistaken for your boyfriend.
Stopping he turned to face you, "I'm tired of being mistake for your boyfriend and it not being true."
Your breath hitched for a second as you tried to understand his words. "S-so you..."
Hongjoong smiled softly at you, "I want to be able to tell the truth when people ask if we are dating. And I want that truth to be that we are."
You swallowed nervously. "For...how long have you...wanted this?"
He tilted his head as he thought before grinning softly, "The entire time we've been friends."
Your eyes widened in surprise and he chuckled, though obviously nervous. "What? Is that really that surprising?"
"Wha- yes, Hongjoong it is! Beca- because...."
He questioning you with his gaze and you spoke with a soft tone.
"Because that's how long I wanted to be with you for real too. Because now I see how much time we wasted just being friends."
Hongjoong's own gaze widened at your confession, the realization that the two of you had felt the same for so long causing him to feel a wave of emotions.
He took in a sharp breath before suddenly reaching out. His hand cupped the back of your head as he pulled you towards him, his lips colliding with yours in a fervent and desperate kiss.
There was only a split second of confusion on your part before you returned the kiss. His hands messily entangled in your hair as you grabbed the collar of his jacket before wrapping your arms around his neck, leading him to wrap his other arm around you and pull you flush against him.
You aren't sure how much time passed before you were pulling away with soft panting breath. Your eyes caught as you both stared silently, before mutual smiles broke out on your faces.
He nudged your nose with his as he spoke, "Lets not waste any more time then, okay?"
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Stray Kids:
And your fate ship is....
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The Boyz:
And your last fate ship is....
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whetstonefires · 6 months
For the writer ask:
18. What’s one of your favorite lines you’ve written in a fic?
27. Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why?
Pls & Thank You <3 - @fieldsofview
thank you for copypasting those in so i didn't have to go find al;saf;kl
18. hmmmm I've recently been reminded of the 'paramilitary circus' bit from The Till-Then From the Ever-Since and that's a perennial favorite so let's go with that one. 13 year old bruce wayne was so fun to write, it was super gratifying every time a reader commented on that line.
27. that I actually did post rather than getting cold feet? hmmm probably lots. mostly if things go well i immediately forget i was worried.
i definitely had fraught emotions about posting that sephgen romcom fic because i had put so much work into it, right? i wrote that fic over a matter of like 8 weeks like a woman possessed.
but it was a direct reaction against the like. fandom zeitgeist.
the crisis core fandom was a little. on the small side. while still being attached to a large property and thus interesting to people who aren't into niche shit. produced an odd mix of fic.
i was not trying to pick a fight, but if the sephiroth/genesis shippers had read my fic and picked up that its underlying premise was 'nobody is characterizing these dudes right; if you must ship them pull from the source material a little bit more maybe???' they would have had every right to get mad at me.
they didn't though. they liked it. so then i felt bad. like, here's your food, it was passive-aggressively baked. but i'm glad you didn't notice that; it was between me and my kitchen basically. jello shot.
hang on did you @ yourself as a signature on your anon ask? or is this a third party you're inviting???? mysterious.
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romaine2424 · 1 year
Daily Blog June 27, 2023
Arg! I'd hoped to spend sometime planting the pretty flowers I bought yesterday but to my dismay I discovered an invasive weed was mixed in with my Shasta Daisies, which are just about to bloom. The kind of weed that attaches to your clothes and skin. Gloves came out and two hours later, I made a huge dent. Flowers tomorrow.
I had mentioned there were would be additional categories I'd throw into the mix and today I have one I've been anxious to get to. I'm going to call it Magical Elves. They are the people who help make fandom run. I mentioned @phoenixacid in an earlier post, who has been hosting @hd-fan-fair for ten years. This category will cover folks like her and that do even more...yes, even more...
What I'm reading:
On the Discord Drarry Fans Writers and Artists there is a channel for recs. I stole this one from there but then discovered I'd already read it. However, it was long enough ago that I don't remember all of the details. I think I read it when it first came out and before I hopped back into fandom in spring of 2021. The Ordeal of Being Known (146k) by @lou-isfake. I'm only on chapter 3 right now but I just love this Draco and his Oscar the Grouch house-slippers and his house-elf Timsy. The writing is so fresh and clever, I find myself smiling most of the time. Here's the summary, which I think gives you a flavor of the writing style I'm talking about:
When Auror Potter is anonymously cursed with silence by being forced to hide his own voice inside his mind, there's unfortunately only one person in the country with the qualifications to fix it: Certified and Licensed Healer Legilimens, Draco Malfoy, specialist in Mind Curses and Afflictions. It's obviously a terrible idea, a disaster waiting to happen, but Draco's never been able to back down from a challenge... especially from Potter. Features fuzzy cartoon slippers, devious house elves, 90s music, and lots—LOTS—of memories. Ron is annoyingly hot, Hermione sees right through you, Harry is a powerful idiot, and Draco is a reclusive masochist that would buy an entire city if it would make a kid happy. (And Pansy is "5'2, I wanna dance with you, and I'm sophisticated fun.")
Go read The Ordeal of Being Known on AO3.
Hit the Keep Reading!!!!!
Magical Elves:
The first person I want to highlight in this category is actually someone I've met in person at HP Cons and we've stayed in touch over the years in real life. *hugs darlin* You've probably seen @sassy-cissa's name as an author or maybe an email asking you about a fic for a fest but I'm betting most of you have no idea how much she's done for fandom for more than a decade and half, especially for Drarry fandom.
Let me list the ways in how awesome she is:
Current modding responsibilities:
25 Days of Draco and Harry (started in 2009) What 2009 ? Oh my! And do you know she reads each and every story posted for the fest and comments, too! HD Mpreg Fest – (started in 2011 – I've been modding since 2018) HD Fan Fair/Career Fair – co-modding since 2019)
Previous modding responsibilities:
Co-mod for H/D Erised from 2014 to 2018 Moderated the H/D Prophet from about 2016 to 2021
See that last one H/D Prophet. Take a look at the link just for a moment. Every Drarry WIP that was updated that week was listed, fests' status, drabble prompts, etc...Every single week. The prophet soon closed down after a few more months due to lack of participation (fandom had moved away from LJ).
Communities owned and/or Maintain:
On LJ: Slythindor100 and HarryDraco Mpreg On Tumblr: H/D Mpreg and Slythindor100
In addition, why yes there is more, Sassy writes, too, and beautifully! Sassy-Cissa (on AO3). Over 109 stories, mostly Drarry, some Hermione/Severus and a few Harry/Ginny...but as she put it....(but they usually end up divorced or Ginny dies). *snicker*
And she's on FanLore! And she also betas for some of the best.
So I know this is long but I just want folks to be aware of those working in the background, making our experience here in fandom enjoyable and filled with lovely content. They truly are magical elves. Sassy doesn't post much on Tumblr or on Discord but she does pop-in now and then. Next time you see her name, you'll now know who she is.
Tumblr Tidbit:
Did you know that you can edit the text below the Keep Reading line on your post and it will make the changes to all reblogs of your post. Edit above and sorry the reblogs will show the original. This comes in handy if you're making a Masterlist of works or something else that has lots of links or needs to be updated frequently.
Happy Tuesday and Sorry this was so late. My ancient computer decided to crash multiple times. Rom
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ma-lark-ey · 2 years
I feel like challenging GOD so in my first ever read of Harry Potter I will be listing all of my headcanons in one big master post and sending it into the void space of tumblr thank you goodbye. I have no concept over which of these are hottakes, which of these are widely accepted, and which of them are just me being batshit crazy because as I write this I have never once looked at the Harry Potter fandom proper and my only knowledge of it is My Immortal and the fact that TikTok thinks Harry's dad and Sirius' little brother should makeout. 1. Ron Weasley is autistic.
2. Neville Longbottom is half-Korean on his mother's side, and also probably wears goofy little frog overalls.
3. Ron is tall, Harry is Short
4. Harry's scar is smattered across his face like a lightning storm and not just one little bolt, that's pussy shit. Make that shit dramatic
5. Ron and Luna probably had a fling at one point. Autism for autism
6. No way this isn't fanon, but Luna Lovegood is autistic.
7. Ginny Weasley is the HOTTEST bitch in Hogwarts and she is AWARE.
8. In Goblet of Fire the entire little Ron and Harry arc happening there was that they had a summer fling and then broke up when Ron had his little pissboy arc and they were both babies about it and then went back to having their regularly scheduled bromance thank you goodnight
9. Harry is actually dating a new person each book, no matter how short-lived it is. Why? Comedy. It's FUNNY.
10. I think Harry and Ginny have a shotgun wedding at like, nineteen.
11. All I know is that in my brief dive into AO3 (re: I looked up this exact tag out of morbid curiosity of it was A Thing), Sirius/Snape were apparently one of the smallest ships with like only 2k fics which is wild to me, because that enemies to lovers??? Thought bitches would eat that shit up. I don't ship it, but it still was wild.
12. Sirius and Remus are in love. (post mortum: I have now dived just slightly in the fic of Harry Potter and realize this is widely accepted fanon.)
13. Hermione wears fun frilly dresses outside of school and actually really loves dressing up and being girly fuck this 'not like other girls' agenda going on with her. Put her in a pretty dress and let her frolic in a field with flowers.
14. Luna is a seer. She goes on to teach divination
15. I was gonna say something about in my little noggin Ginny raised her and Harry's kid as a single mom or whatever and it's a fic I'm gonna work on and also his name is Remus Weasley and he's a Slytherin but APPARENTLY that's just the entire plot of the Cursed Child as my HP special interest having bestie informed me. I just added in a Gryffindor pretty boy for my Slytherin Potter boy to make out with when JKR was too much of a coward to make him gay.
17. Cedric Diggory lived a very long and happy life and had a lovely spouse - guy who got really attached to this dorky little dude, knowing full well how he died.
18. It takes Harry at LEAST two marriages to women to realize he's gay. The egg takes a very long time to crack.
19. Ron is straight. He's just. He's got such bi wife energy.
20. Ginny Weasley is a raging bisexual, and so are the twins, and so is Bill. And Charlie? I know in my soul that's a nonbinary.
21. Luna Lovegood? NOT a lesbian, sorry lesbians. I'm claiming her for the aromantics. That's right. She belongs to us.
22. Fleur Delacour was a lesbian. LESBIAN.
23. Harry and Dudley reconnect in their like, thirties/forties and actually become good friends I think.
24. Harry often does diy piercings in the bathrooms during fifth and sixth year, Luna helps.
25. Fred and Lee Jordan are boyfriends god bless.
26. Out of spite for JKR, here's a list of trans woman in Harry Potter according to ME: Ginny Weasley, McGonagall, Hermione, Luna, Lily Potter (her and James are t4t), Tonks (that bitch is nonbinary transfemme),
27. I will live, breathe, and die by my personal headcannon that Tonks and Remus are comphet and in a lavender marriage but they lovingly coparent their child together and regularly at parties Tonks goes "where's my husband? Oh, he's making out with his boyfriend okay cool." and moves on.
28. Draco Malfoy's patronus is that white ferret Moody Crouch turned him into in book four.
29. In my perfect world James Potter is alive and I love him most than anything, I'm holding him like a wet cat. i literally bought three stag plushes over the month I was reading this series just because I couldn't stop thinking about him.
30. I am ignoring the implications in the epilogue that Harry did not raise Teddy Lupin, because he did, actually. That was the last promise he made to his beloved Remus Lupin and if Deathly Hallows taught us anything it's that Harry Potter keeps a fucking promise <<3
31. Molly and Arthur heavily assisted Harry in his 'I'm gonna raise this god damn orphan to good y'all won't know what hit him. I'm gonna be such a good dad.'
32. I am literally IGNORING all these implications of the Cursed Child. Draco Malfoy is also a banger dad. i think he goes to counseling and sorts out his issues and tries very hard to not put such high expectations on his own kids. I think he tries very hard to undo the damage Lucius did to him, and the bad choices he made in trying to make his parents proud of him. I think he makes sure his kids know better than anything else, that all he wants for them is joy. He wants them to be good, happy people.
33. Just Lovers - Zerrazapriel says that Sirius' patronus is Moony and that's so fucking real and true of that fucking fic and I live by that now.
34. On a similar note, Molly and Arthur have matching patronus'
35. Fuck this 'hermione minister of magic' nonsense that girl is a leftist and would never join politics did jkr forget her own fucking canon of harry and hermione doing their absolute best to fuck the government over for the last half of the series? whatever the fuck. HERMIONE TEACHES CHARMS AT HOGWARTS.
36. I'm sorry I got so heated on that last one. I had thoughts. Anyways, Draco also goes on to become head of Slytherin and teaches DADA.
37. I was so anti-Draco for the entire first five books and then the last two books Happened and so now I'm just holding him so close to my chest. He needs therapy. And i think it takes him until their mid-twenties or so, but I think he does make amends with Harry and the crew and actively tries to come back from the actions of his youth, and obviously the Golden Trio and co are sympathetic because Harry himself in the books clearly could recognize Draco was acting on the instruction of his trusted adults, trusting they knew better than him.
38. this is not a headcanon but the wandlore of Draco having a unicorn hair in his wand and the unicorn hair wizards being the most difficult to turn evil and his wand ultimately being the one to defeat voldemort is sooooooo. He's such a product of grooming and I think about him. I want to study him.
39. YOU KNOW WHAT. what if I said harry trans woman who unpacks her gender after the war is over and has time to contemplate who she is as a person and her and Draco become a very cute and in love little couple in their early thirties??? what then???? (does this fic exist and if it does give me links)
40. I think the funniest mental image ever is if Harry just shows up to a party or whatever with everyone when they're like, 26 with Draco fucking Malfoy in his arm and is like "this is my boyfriend" with no further explanation or nothing and half of the group is like "no yeah this is an expected development" and the other half is like "THE BITCHBOY????" and yeah.
I will most definitely have more Harry Potter thoughts as time goes on but this is all I'll put into the world. Good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight.
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transienturl · 2 months
And now for something completely different: a random product review!
This is a Port Authority Xcape BG100 computer backpack, with print-on-demand customization by Spreadshirt/Spreadshop. In the US, it retails for $27+tax from Mozilla's apparently-official merch shop, which regularly has free shipping promotions.
Now, first off, and importantly when considering this an ostensible piece of branded merchandise: the Firefox Aurora logo (now Nightly, but I'm sure you can see why Aurora was the original name/branding) that I picked here is apparently a terrible choice for generic print-on-demand, since the teal color it fades to at the upper right is probably way too saturated to be printable with a lot of processes. Mozilla probably shouldn't offer this design on this product, and I can't say anything about how good Spreadshirt's print accuracy is based on this.
That being said, in this particular case I don't actually care about this at all; if you just told me the result is a random (natural-gas-flame-themed?) alternative colorway for the Firefox logo I'd believe you:
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Now, on to more practical matters. This product is, for some reason, $27. The same backpack on Amazon, without customization, is... $32. The bottom-of-the-barrel Amazon Basics backpack that appears when I search "backpack" on Amazon is $24. We're not talking about some $250 LTT bullshit here; the bar is somewhere around "it doesn't suck," and it definitely doesn't suck.
Size is important. I wouldn't call this a huge bag in length and width, but the claimed 7" depth seems about right and makes for a pretty voluminous interior. The angle shown on the sale page rather undersells the depth; the manufacturer's image might oversell it a bit (that one's pretty stuffed) but I would call it a reasonable, practical size.
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The laptop pocket is described as fitting "most 17" laptop computers," and I think that's about right, maybe a bit optimistic considering how huge a 17" gaming laptop is these days. A typical 16" gaming laptop should fit fine (not going to bother to borrow my friend's to try it unless someone asks). I don't put my laptop directly in my bag, though, I put it in a sleeve, and a 16" M1 Macbook Pro in a padded sleeve just fits through the side zipper, which is what I need it to do, so, hey. I would call it minimally padded; I haven't tried other tech backpacks so I don't know what the standard is here but I would not want to put my laptop in without a sleeve. The separate laptop compartment and sleeve are more than it looks like you get on a lot of cheap backpacks, though.
Besides that, there are half-height and full-height flat front pockets, one with an organizer (with a zippered mesh; manufacturer pic is a bit old), and then the one big main compartment. No comments here; that's about how I'd do it. It's not much organization, but a lot of space efficiency if you're packing e.g. clothes. The zipper for the large compartment is angled, as you can see in the pic, which I think is smart. The elastic water bottle mesh pockets on the sides seem to work (my old bag's weren't deep enough and so the bottle would fall out, making them functionally useless; they probably should have angled the ones on this bag a little less but I think they're secure enough).
Build quality seems perfectly adequate; I can find no cut corners or anything chintzy, which is saying a lot for merch. Handling it, I'd easily believe you if you told me this was $60+ (and maybe it was when it came out in, I think, 2018). Zippers are large enough and smooth (plastic coil; metal body); strap padding and ventilation are reasonable; back padding and ventilation are rather good. The plastic top handle is a nice touch. (I might avoid using it if you filled the bag with something really, really dense; because of that angled zipper the handle attach point isn't on the strongest part of the bag, but whatever).
I have the "charcoal" color, which is a subtle two-tone. I wasn't sure if the grey would be very light, which wouldn't look great IMHO; the color is actually on the darker side, certainly darker than those photos depending on light angle, and really just makes it read as a black backpack that someone put significant effort designing some visual depth into. The use of multiple material pieces and angled stitching does look quite sharp; looking at it, I'd probably believe you if you told me it was $120?
So, in conclusion, uh... I dunno. I can't immediately think of anything I would change about it, and while I haven't tried any other competing products, it seems better-designed, better-looking, and less expensive than other similar things you could buy, and I guess it's also technically Firefox (or whatever else you want if you just go on Spreadshirt) merch.
Buy used stuff, obviously, when you can, and consider more environmentally friendly fabrics or whatever. But other than that, yeah, sure, if you need a backpack go buy this. It's cheaper than the price bump for a year of ad-free Tumblr, so that's something.
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helianskies · 5 months
ugly maths.
i hate maths, right. i don't usually like numbers, and if i do like numbers it's gotta be an 8 or a 48 and nothing else.
thing is, i've recently caught myself doing maths again. ugly maths. the kind of maths that, really, i've been trying to avoid as much as possible because, well, it's ugly!
you... wanna see?
okay, fine... but don't say i didn't warn you!
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ugly, see? look at all those numbers! not a 48 in sight!
huh? what's that? you don't see what i'm on about? oh... oh! hang on, lemme just—
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better? yes? no? no? okay, what if i—
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mmh, yes. ugly numbers. see it now? can you see why they're ugly?
here, i can make it worse.
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these numbers are ugly. the maths they make me do is ugly.
now i'll level with you: the worst ones by far are the yellow numbers. the maths they make me do it the ugliest.
why ugly?
because it makes me ugly.
those numbers turn me into not only a suddenly number-obsessed fool, but a fool who also cannot understand these numbers and what they mean and why i feel like they reflect on me and my ability.
87, 75.
the thoughts are as follows:
• the orange numbers are big, so why are you being ugly about the yellow ones? you should be happy with what you have. so many nice big numbers! not everyone receives that.
• is it that there are two different audiences for these two different fics? perhaps. they are quite different works, with different appeals, and different themes. maybe you are reading too much into it.
• why are you obsessing over numbers anyway? you don't like maths! you left maths behind when you were 16, put it down!
okay, okay, fine! i'll put the maths down. right here, in fact!:
that 87 was an 83 at the start of the year. the 6161 it is attached to was a 5453.
4, 708.
ugly maths.
the 75 is a nice number. in fact, compared to 87, it is beautiful, radiant, enchanting. at the start of the year, 75 was 48. wow. now that is one sexy number!
6161, 1061.
87, 75.
you know, my most favourite comment left recently on a fic of mine was 2 characters long: :(
it made me :)
well, actually, it made me >:) because it was left in response, presumably, to one of the key scenes in a new chapter which left the exact impression on someone that i hoped it would.
they must be the only one who reacted like that, though.
have i mentioned that that 87 and 75 include author responses?
i won't try to do more maths, there. it might not end well for me. the maths is making me tired enough as it is, and i have an early start tomorrow.
oh! but, that being said, i have another set of ugly numbers to show you, so keep 87 and 75 in mind.
838, 245.
(want a hint? the green numbers!)
838, 87. 245, 75.
9.6, 3.3.
ugly maths. it's ugly again, see? i don't like it. i'm seeing numbers within numbers within numbers, and i can't seem to stop!
the numbers make me ask new questions:
• why is it not good enough?
• people seem to engage more with one fic over the other, so shouldn't you prioritise?
• is all this maths this really good for you?
no, it isn't.
i want to avoid ugly maths. ugly maths makes me want to tear my hair out. it makes me want to start from scratch. it makes me want to grab someone and scream. it makes me want to cry and press a button that has tempted me many times before when the numbers become too ugly to bear.
ugly maths turn me into an ugly person.
ugly maths make me obsessive, paranoid, anxious, regretful, vindictive, spiteful, alone.
i hate maths. i hate numbers, just like, it feels, the numbers hate me.
#helia rants#cw vent#i'm okay but i'm not#this has been playing on my mind over the last couple of weeks#it's aimed at the sky rather than anyone here#i know i'm not the best myself as commenting. i justify it to myself by affirming i don't read much. which i don't.#since the start of the year i have tried to comment on everything i have read#bearing in mind i may also dm someone rather than comment because i want to scream and ramble about their fic more personally#that being said. i know i'm not the only one who finds themselves doing ugly maths#and in turn starting to feel uglier too#i don't like looking at the numbers#i was doing well at the start of the year#but as i open my drafts and look to a new chapter and at the notes i wrote#i can't stop myself from opening the fic. from seeing where it's at. from seeing if it's changed. from checking my inbox to see if...#if only...#what it's meant is that i've come to a point where a fic i loved has become exactly that: a fic i loved. past tense#the other fic is still a fic i love. but i know deep down that that is tied to the numbers too#i hate that this is what i've become#because i have tiny fics. fics with 50 hits and maybe 1 comment. and i love them. i still love them#but when it comes to the big ones. the multi-chapters. the hefty fics. after a point all i see are numbers#and those numbers have come to determine both my happiness and fulfilment as a writer#and so i am ugly. i am sad. i am pathetic.#and i don't know how to stop.#helia's stuff#this was meant to save back into my drafts. i was editing tags. tumblr decided it should post. so... so be it.#also this is not an attention thing if anyone dares go 'oh but you're a good writer uwu' i might do something we'll all regret#this is also not a 'ffs comment on my fics will you 😒' hell no#it's just about me. and my issue. and my unhealthy relationship with these fucking numbers.#gotta get this shit out of my head somehow :)
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unclewarwick · 2 months
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introducing Yzyck Fournier and his friends, starting with this drawing i just finished today!
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Cat Something is a very nervous and generally silent person. He was 'created' by Dr. Gones when she removed his brain from his original body and put it into the body he now inhabits. He does not like being near her. His memories of life before the procedure are scant; "Cat-something" was his response when asked for his name. Dr. Nibha Gones (pronounced 'Jones') is a mad scientist who likes to find the strangest and often most unethical ways to create new life. She likes to think she is the most reasonable person in her circle, but such a thing does not really exist. She is more reserved and disconnected from everyone. Yzyck Fournier (first name pronounced 'Isaac') is a Frankenstein-cum-Geppetto type who performs gender-affirming surgeries. He views Dr. Gones as his enemy, but they have also been friends for a very long time. Yzyck's friends (not including Dr. Gones) live with him in a big laboratory. He refers to many of his friends as his 'creations'.
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Yaag Kralaaga is the most recent of Yzyck's creations. It's not quite dead and not quite alive. He is very clingy to Yzyck and sometimes only speaks one word at a time. It likes to meet new people, but new people do not like to meet it. Yaag can tend to have an aggressive demeanour. Accordion Doll is an animated accordion doll that Yzyck made. It does not have a name and mostly slinks around the lab aimlessly, not capable of much else. Magret is one of Yzyck's very old friends. He speaks through the gramophone horn and likes to wear a large variety of dresses. He was the subject of Yzyck's first experiment, which failed and resulted in Magret losing his head. His body was preserved for a long time until Yzyck felt he was skilled enough to bring his friend back.
there's not really a set storyline with this group, it's mostly just a way to have fun and draw whatever ridiculous ideas i get. the rest of the art in this post is from newest to oldest.
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2024-07-17 -- dr. gones is invited to yzyck's place.
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2024-07-15 and 2024-06-02 -- comic i struggled to colour in bc Tired, and some life advice from a man with varied and fantastical experience! both of these are the first time i properly drew a character (dr. gones, magret) while having the concept for them a very long time beforehand.
2024-04-20 -- an 'animation' using audio from conan o'brien's appearance on hot ones, with other original characters (Mick and Christian) that you can see more of in the #attic dweller tag.
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2024-02-27 -- mick brought christian to be observed by yzyck, who observes more than mick hoped.
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both 2023-12-28 -- a newspaper clipping and a very normal vlog.
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2023-12-17 -- poster about how the ongoing pandemic is a workers' rights issue.
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2023-11-12 and 2023-11-13 -- yaag in the "flirty" and "very flirty" sims 4 emotion poses as part of a not-abandoned-but-on-hold WIP where i'm trying to draw characters in each emotion pose from the game.
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2023-10-23 -- one of my favourite drawings of my fellas! poses based off a photo of the monkees. it was hard to interpret whose body parts belonged to who since they were wearing matching outfits in the photo.
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2023-09-04 -- mick asks if yzyck can take a look at this beast being kept in his attic. he is scared of everything. yaag is there too.
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2023-07-13 -- animated gif of yzyck showing off his incredible skills. one of the first times i felt i "properly" drew him.
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2023-06-22 -- ariel needs legs meme redraw with mick and yzyck.
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2023-06-22 -- yzyck talks about his favourite thing to eat for breakfast.
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2023-04-30 -- my first (kinda) full drawing of yaag. i am simply not good at planning out reference sheets, so i was unable to draw its head actually attached to its body..
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all 2022-04-13 -- some loose early drawings of yzyck and magret.
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2022-03-02 -- first drawing of yzyck - the words were a note to myself to remember the name and details of a new character i wanted to make.
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2021-08-08 -- a demonstration of how the accordion doll can move. i'd forgotten to draw the pattern on the bellows.
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2021-07-04 -- this all started with the accordion doll, which was a concept a friend had. at the time i drew this, i began to think about who would have created it.
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spidercatenthusiast · 2 months
2, 25 and 27 for your Knight-Commanders!
thanks for asking!! really fun questions to think about
2. How do they feel about Areelu Vorlesh?
Ok so this is a Complicated Fucking Question for Mordren, because I made her with the express purpose of getting the secret ending, basically being Areelu's ideal ascension KC, but I just ended up liking the regular demon ending so much more that I changed course completely. For most of the game, she doesn't have much proper feeling for Areelu besides an interest into where she's heading, and tries to figure out some answers from her since it becomes clear during the demon act 3 mythic quest that areelu & nocticula are leading you somewhere. So she's following the trail of breadcrumbs for most of the game, figuring out each one as well as she can, right up until the big reveal at Threshold, where she gets pissed about just being a vessel for someone else, and ends up killing Areelu, throwing away all her progress towards everything she wants in the process.
Tamarie feels for her a lot, and buys into the soul merge concept the hardest, but also doesn't think she can really let her live after Threshold.
Cernan has a whole tangled web of feelings about her, they hate being led around, especially after fully detaching the shadow & their mythic power, but they also get where she's coming from, and would probably do the exact same things in her situation.
25. How did they welcome the physical change that came with their mythic powers? Did they embrace it/reject it?
For Mordren I'm thinking she's embracing it, the changes aren't super drastic for her up until getting the wings anyway, even though I personally miss the default tiefling tail too much.
Tamarie loves it, even if it means cutting like 20 holes in the back of everything she has, and its a tooth-achingly sweet headcanon that I have that Arueshalae teaches her how to actually fly, its a concept that I just adore.
im just kinda completely unprepared to answer this one for cernan because its never really clear to me how the Space Head actually works?? like it orbits right in front of their field of vision a lot, is that a thing they can see past, can they see it at all???? it never gets addressed and vexes me to no end
27. Favorite animal companion?
Mordren gets a bit of a soft spot for the war horses in Drezen, and get accustomed to hearing them.
Aivu's disqualified on account of I already talked about her a little, but Tamarie's attached to dogs, and misses the ones her family has, so she keeps a few stray ones inside the citadel and takes care of them.
I am forever a Hunter class Wenduag truther, which means she gets a monitor lizard, Cernan loves him even though he bit them a couple times, and I love him because free trips are really busted to have.
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wxlfbites · 1 year
TheGreenWolf Review
As promised, this is my official review on the coyote tail I purchased from thegreenwolf (Lupa) on Etsy. Firstly, I'd like to rewrite my original review and then elaborate and add photos of the tails flaws so that others can see firsthand what I mean. Deeper review and photos below the cut.
In my honest opinion, thegreenwolf (Lupa) is way too overpriced for the quality of her work. The tail I bought came up to $46.44, making it the most expensive tail I've ever bought (and all my tails have come from Etsy shops) and it's the worst quality tail I have. There's a giant bald spot on one side that can't be covered, the sides of the tail are flattened in a way that makes it look like a sideways beaver tail no matter how much I fluff it and shake it out both rightside up and upside down, the hide where the loop (for tying or attaching a clip) is completely exposed a good inch or two and the loop itself is literally just stapled on. I paid $27 for Cash (my other coyote) and even though I was slightly disappointed in his size when he arrived, even he's better quality than this one. Obviously when it comes to taxidermy, there are things that are unavoidable, like the bald spot, but that also means you need to price accordingly to the flaws. I paid $65 for my entire gray fox pelt (paw pads and whiskers still intact) at a renaissance festival. If I'm paying almost $10 less than that for just a tail, it better be the best quality money can buy. So. In my opinion, she's price gouging the shit out of scrap quality taxidermy and only able to get away with it because of her claims of spiritualism.
After being called "petty and rude" and getting accused of doxxing Lupa (??????) for simply having a negative review and opinion, I just wanted to say a couple of things to kinda of clarify things?
In no way was my review meant to elicit hate or harassment toward Lupa. While I am aware of some controversial things regarding her views on nonhumanity, the intention of my review was simply to warn the nonhuman and vulture culture communities that this seller is, in my opinion, pricing items much higher than they are worth and doing so simply because she claims them to be more spiritually charged based on her spiritual practice and beliefs.
I have bought tails from Etsy shops since 2012, not only have I never encountered a taxidermy tail that wasn't altered (meaning: not sewn together with other tails to make them longer) for more than $25, I've never purchased a tail that I felt needed to be reviewed poorly; let along a tail that was purchased from a seller who very proudly and confidently talks about her decades of work with taxidermy and her skills in the field. I guess I just expected more from her based on the "experience" and "skill" she says she has. I've also personally started to work with taxidermy myself, though I'm not nearly as skilled as many in the field, and I really only end up working with bones after I let the animals I find naturally decompose. I did try my hand at preserving a rabbits foot, which I am happy with, but even so... I am far from "skilled". Even if I were, I wouldn't be selling my work for more than I believe it's worth. If I sold my rabbits foot right now, I'd only want $15 max (including shipping) for him which includes the leather wrap around the top, money spent on Borax, the overall time I spent working on him (severing the foot, cleaning, waiting for preservation, cleaning again, wrapping the leather) and then the shipping costs if I had to ship him. From what Lupa says in her listings, her tails are secondhand, to quote her:
"" The majority of what I work with is secondhand or reclaimed in some manner, whether its old fur and leather coats, [...]
meaning she doesn't even actually tan/preserve them, they come to her already tanned and she just adds the loop and spiritual ritual. If she were working with these tails from the death stage, doing her own taxidermy, then maybe I could understand the price. The fact that she's basically charging for a stapled on leather loop and a spiritual ritual that not everyone subscribes to is frankly asinine. I've seen taxidermists who tan their own hides charge way less than Lupa is. So yeah, I definitely think people are getting ripped off.
Now for the photos. (some of the flaws I talked about don't translate well through a camera so totally feel free to use your own discretion when it comes to whether or not you think I'm over exaggerating or just bullshitting. This post isn't meant to be an "evidence of". Explanations of what the photos are depicting will be given in the alt text.
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And there ya have it, folks. My review on Lupa Greenwolf. Feel free to take it or leave it. I’m not here to tell you not to buy from her. I’m just here telling you that I personally don’t think her stuff is worth what she charges and that you can definitely find better. While I’m disappointed in what I spent my money on, I won’t be returning my tail simply because for one, I’d have to pay return shipping so I’d still be wasting money even if I got a refund, and secondly, in the grand scheme of things, spiritually speaking, the way a tail looks is unimportant to me. None of the flaws I’ve mentioned make me love or respect the tail as a once living being any less. It’s just the principle of price gouging and inflated ego’s that I have an issue with.
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reiviluola · 4 months
i've had a complicated history w/ labels, knowing from a very young age that i liked girls. i learned about the term bisexual from media and thought clearly that had to be it. liking boys was just something every girl did. the next day i ran to tell kids at school, feeling excited to share such a cool secret with everyone but was immediately met with "ew gross" and kids running away. i was 8-9 years old.
so i decided from then on that i was straight and never brought it up again. in my teens i just became a ~really good ally~ and stood up for queer people. acceptance of queerness overall was a lot higher than when i was younger, but i'd already pushed that part of myself away.
at 18 i met a girl who brought the feelings back, but i was convinced still that i was straight, and even in a serious (poly) relationship with a man. i told her that maybe i was actually heteroromantic but bisexual, but i knew that wasn't right. eventually, digging deeper into my feelings about her, it turned into just bisexual and we briefly dated.
some time later i started to unpack my feelings and attraction to men. i realised i spent so many years desperate for attention and validation, that i had relationships or slept with men because it was just easier. fictional men and celebrities appealed to me more, and as i got further into my journey with accepting my "bisexuality", i'd only look for women and feminine people on dating apps, and never had the same feelings or desires about men.
now at 27 i'm spending my very first pride as a lesbian (and my second pride as some sort of nonbinary womanlike creature) and i finally feel like i have a label that really feels comfortable. no more pretending, no more "well i just have a really strong preference for women". i can just be a lesbian and live my little cottagecore life with my girlfriend and it just feels good. shoutout to her for being the only thing keeping me attached to the bisexual label, and then surprise, she's actually a woman! funny how that turned out @egexe
happy pride to everyone who's still figuring things out, who have switched labels multiple times, for those who feel like they'll never really figure it out, and to those who feel like they finally did. 🧡🤍🩷
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crqstalite · 1 year
now tell me some about your bg3 blorbo kallista!! 👀👀
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oooo thank you!! similar warnings for minor (act 1?) spoilers below :) im not actually super well-versed in baldur's gate lore, so some of its vague for the sole reason i have zero idea what i'm talking about lmao
her full name is kallista fortuna raeburn. she prefers the name kalli though usually. or 'the caster'. or 'the artisan'. or 'that tiefling down the road with the weird magical abilities'
she's about 27, turning 28 mid-campaign. 5'6", asmodeous tiefling sorc with a penchant for electricity and of course -- fire <3
( the wild magic bit doesn't help much )
grew up in a semi-major town outside baldur's gate. she worked primarily as an artisan at the request of her house mother after leaving the orphanage she grew up in. she loves to make things with her hands.
on that thought, she ended up in an orphanage shortly after her parents disappeared. kallista has never found out what happened to them, but it is part of her sub-story. her parents were adventurers, not unlike who she'd eventually become, and often took off on long trips. however it was unusual when her father didn't return after a particular excursion, and her mother went after him -- never to return again. kallista believes them dead, but has never really stopped looking. they left her with a pendant that would direct her back to the matching one her father wore, but finding it crushed and buried at seventeen certainly didn't help matters. her mother's is still out there, keeping the pendant warm, but she's never had the means to find it when it lead out to open ocean.
her father was a seldarine drow while her mother was a tiefling.
with the others often not-so-well-veiled distrust of her because of her tiefling background, kallista became a bit of a wily one early on. she's a little too dexterous for her own good (her claws allow her to attempt lock picking), and a bit of a charismatic smooth talker. it allowed her to sneak in and out of the orphanage, lie and often persuade others to give her what she wanted. usually she was rather benevolent, it just could get destructive if she forgot details (like what she told whom or how she had gotten in/left the night prior). high dex/charisma score v. low wisdom/int score troubles
very much a 'react first, ask questions later' person. easily spooked. not a good idea to sneak up on her. however not so easily grossed out (collects specimen off battlefields like it's nothing. likely is always covered in...someone's blood. not always her's.)
she's actually incredibly smart in the arcana, even with her avg. intelligence score. she has a crazy photographic memory, and if she's experienced the spell firsthand, it's way easier to remember the history attached to it and the grimoire it was in.
very chaotic good! she's always down to help someone...but that doesn't mean she'll do it right. or legally. but you lived right? stop getting bogged down in the details.
her closest party members are likely halsin (her RO), lae'zel (she has a weird amount of respect for her...and is terrified of her), shadowheart (similar reasons), karlach (she had a major crush on her early on before it waned into 'no, i just really respect and like you around' ) and astarion (the only person she organically got to know without being scared of him)
not so much a fan of gale, and largely academically curious about wyll. of course, he's her friend, but she's never met a warlock prior to him. she likes to learn, even if she's a little nosy. actually, yeah, she's similarly academically fascinated by gale and his problems with mystra. she just thinks he's a little odd (and perhaps pretentious...he's a proper wizard to her wild magic sorcery)
( sorry weird amount of astarion & kallista content...ivelina's run will be romancing him bc im not normal about him )
astarion is a weird case for her because unlike the others, she didn't immediately clock him as a threat. yes, he did try to sink his fangs into her and suck her dry, but after the initial 'holy shit youre so very very lucky i did not fireball you into next week' wore off, oh boy astarion got bombarded with so many questions. he thinks he would've been better off had she tried to stab him.
( she's a sciency gal at heart )
still, she likes his sarcastic nature and his willingness to be vulnerable with her later on. they become rather quick friends (well, she calls him a friend the day after he bites her, it takes him a while to get past 'pest-like woman who won't leave me be')
she regularly lets him drink from her, it takes him a while to come around to actually, well, even coming close to enjoying it, but somewhere after kallista stops flinching everytime he does it they have a nice amount of comradery. there's some fleeting romantic interest that isn't reciprocated by either party, but it isn't unusual to find them sitting by the fire later, the pair of them discussing the days events...and maybe astarion making sure the all-too-nice tiefling doesn't pass out from blood loss.
they nitpick at each other quite a lot. usually in good fun, in the wiity, dramatical way he does and the sarcastic, innocent-but-not really way she does. if astarion wasn't incredibly pale and kallista did without the horns and tail, it wouldn't be all that bad of a guess that they were half siblings in another life.
on that note, she is...not good with boundaries. unlike koda this appears more as her inserting herself into everyone's problems and lives. mostly because her own is such a mystery and her feeling like she's never belonged turned her into a social chameleon. she needs people to like her. after all, if she's all-knowing, it means she can control what others think of her...and if she stays in their good graces, they won't leave her, right? if she becomes a fixture in their lives, they have to stick around. right? yeah. yeah...
( her parents disappearing + her rough childhood in the orphanage did...wonders for her self-perception )
in the "best" sense of the word, she doesn't really know when no means no. and it takes just about everyone (but especially lae'zel post vlaakith reveal) to get her to back off and relax. she struggles immensely with the lack of stability in her life, and getting tadpole-napped did not help matters. on the outside it shows more as her just wanting to be "helpful", but in reality she subconsciously wants to give you a reason to stay around her. to need her for something. it's manipulative -- she doesn't know it, but i do.
is learning how to navigate her new relationship with halsin. while she is monogamous, she respects that he is not, but perhaps gets a little forlorn thinking about the after...and how he may not always be around. or that her little tadpole family may not be either. it keeps her up at night.
living in the here and now is hard with so many emotional loose ends for her. but halsin does his best to sooth her worries, and peppers her with enough affection to garner attention from the others. kallista never minds this. wyll has not slept peacefully in a minute.
their dynamic is very much that she's the spitfire short girlfriend who has to remind the barkeep her beloved teddy bear of a boyfriend did not want pickles and so help her hells if they didn't take it off his sandwich--
has been to baldur's gate a few times on trips for the business she used to work for. however in-game, it's her first time going by herself...and so much has changed.
has a scar on her face after accidentally slicing open a part of her face with a paring knife when she was practicing telekinesis as a teenager.
thank you for asking im incapable of shutting up <3333
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usagimen · 21 days
SHIPPING INFO. | answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
what’s your otp for your muses?
Considering Sayuri is an OC it's very up in the air. I do enjoy her with Naoya considering she is meant to be very Zen'in coded in militaristic style. Nanami is a given, you will die from the angst && gladly enjoy it. UhHH Uro, she was so cool, Sayuri would have loved her had it not been a battle to the death && them in the Heian Era together would have went hard. In the right circumstances, Gojo would be interesting but this has to be intensely plotted as the Kobayashi Clan rejects the Gojo Clan with a violence like no other. Hiromi is certainly another person I high key ship her with since it's hysterical he is a lawyer while she is the personification of divine justice. Ask me about cross-over ships then it gets really fun.
what are you willing to rp when it comes to shipping?
I'm a pretty go with the flow person, I do like meatier plots, more in depth things to better entwine the muses together. It's basically we're in this hell together, superglued attach, so tell me what you want.
how large does an age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Sayuri is 27, I cannot see her dating anyone below her age group. She's fine with older partners granted she is made for that type of shipping due to being an old woman in a young body. Otherwise, don't be weird or icky, I will find you thus proceed to maul you.
are you selective when shipping?
Yes and no, I am only selective when knowing my partner feels the same way. Otherwise, continuing to tease ships, go from hot to cold, or make your muse the central theme of a ship is a quick way for me to say thanks but no thanks.
how far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered nsfw?
If there are nips out on both side, it's time to put it under a read more, thank you.
who are other muses that you ship your muses with?
AHhHHHH oh, cross-over ships I have for her is Cregan Stark, Aemond Targaryen, Myseria, Shadowheart of BG3, Blackwall of Dragon Age Inquisition, Josephine Montilyet.
does one have to ask to ship with you?
No and yes, you can send in flirty things, suggestive things, hell even on sunday idc if we do nsfw. Sometimes it builds to a ship, otherwise, if you want to solidify it and actually become partners, then yes - just pop into the DMs to beat me up or demand we become locked in together.
are you multiship?
Of course but exclusive to one canon, with ocs, you're my friend && we're in this together ~
are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
I do love shipping, I don't like there is a general dislike that one shouldn't be shipped obsessed. Yes, write romantica, erotica, whatever your dreamer little heart desires because it's fun. Just be mindful, kind, and respective that's it. That being said, I sometimes fall into that category cause I too have a soft marshmallow heart. Sometimes my little blob brain is just, hahahahahaha kissies, anyway! that's a good question. My only thing is that the ship is meaty, then I become utterly enthralled by it since there is an actual excitement between both parties. I do not like to be the only active participant in a ship that is trying so hard to make it work, it feels like a waste of time then, so I guess that's how I do become ship obsessed.
what is your favorite ship in your current fandom(s)?
I'm a little freak that'd get pitch forked but uh, sukugo is probably a great love of mine
finally, how does one ship with you?
Just bash the door down via DMS and go: CEREZA HOLY FUCK. That's it, that's all it takes, you now have a rabbit like woman who would die for you.
tagged by: I stole it from @ak4rin💕💕💕💕 tagging: do crime, steal it
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ventismacchiato · 2 years
As of late, there are many fanfictions on Tumblr and the number is growing by the minute, but despite this, one continues to shine brighter than the others. "Just Playing the Part!'' by Ventismacchiato, or Kai, is the most mercilessly beautiful and tear-striking SMAU on the entire app, in the best way possible. Of course, there are many other SMAUs that are equally good, but there is something truly unique in the components that go into JPTP which makes it the best of the bunch.
The first of these components is how the characters present their own individual personalities. They are not wildly out of character, instead they are tweaked so perfectly that they retain the canon personality they have while still fitting perfectly into the modern plot of the SMAU. For example, the emojis used by Scaramouche fit into his dismissive and always annoyed character. He is often seen using emojis that express irritation, as well as sarcasm towards his friends. Naturally, his thoughts do come out in his private account, but even then, it's something that would naturally happen, he is not immune to panicking or being visually upset over a situation. Through this technique, characters written feel very realistic and relatable. To note, this characterization does not only stay true with the main characters. You also have side characters that stay true to canon, one of these being Lisa, who is just as persuasive and flirty as she is in the game. This is proven by many facts, like how the entire arc with the handcuffs is something she would do, using weird techniques that do actually efficiently work. Haypasia too, she was obsessed with Scaramouche from the start and right up until the end, until she received a restraining order, that is. This act of writing characters who don't drift too far off canon but are just enough to feel genuine is a very reliable technique used to create engagement experienced by the reader.
Moreover, this perfect use of personality along with writing style also creates a huge amount of empathy and attachment towards all aspects of the story, making it a joy to read. Every post is filled with immersing content with so much effort put into it, so that when you find small details such as the 69 reference in almost every post with a like or retweet count, it's all the more fun. Though, there are not only details like these throughout the series. Many of the chapters have details in a unique writing form that makes you feel a genuine rush of emotions, a highlight of these times being the carnival chapter. The well known and well famed line, "You aren't sure who starts to fall first."(Chapter 27) leaves a lasting impression, something the reader will think about for nearly eons to come. On chapters that might feel a little more subtle, or filler like, this writing style effect never wavers. For instance, the chapters that have Scaramouche cooking food for Y/N don't say anything too specific about how it builds up their relationship or how romantic it feels, but you can easily infer the underlying emotions. When Y/N tries their best to help him cook, or the fact that Scaramouche goes out of his way in the first place to prepare food for Y/N makes the reader feel the same exact subtle romantic tension experienced by the two main characters. They are growing further in their love for each other, and as redundant as the saying "show not tell" is, this technique is a perfect display of showing the characters head over heels mindset when they haven't even realized it themselves yet.
With all this in consideration, along with more details unspoken (for example, the amount of inclusivity through the entire series for both ethnicity and gender), Just Playing the Part is the best SMAU on Tumblr. In my heavily biased opinion, at least, and I'd like to see you prove me wrong. This series has been through thick and thin, and I'm so happy to see it come to such a perfect close. I don't think anyone could have asked for a better Scaramouche SMAU and I have not a doubt in my mind that we will be here, rereading this series for years to come. Kai deserves C6 R5 for crafting this beautiful piece of art.
Signing off, Vil.
P.S I'm sorry it took so long I wanted to make it as good as possible, it's still not entirely up to par for my satisfaction but at least it's done <3
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i read this when i got out of the shower and had a stupid smile on my face when i realized what it was I FEEL LIKE AN ENGLISH TEACHER RN OMG THIS IS SO SO SWEET AND IK HOW MUCH EFFORT U PUT INTO THIS AND I APPRECIATE IT SO SO MUCH
you thinking my characterization fits makes me so happy i was rlly worried about transferring their personalities to a modern setting and i’m so glad u think i did it well with all the characters and it wasn’t too convoluted
pls i was adding the 69 likes and shit to keep me entertained throughout the editing process i’m happy u found it endearing and immersive omg 💓💓AHH THE CARNIVAL CHAPTER WAS MY FAVE TO WRITE I LOVE THE ENVIRONMENT OF AMUSEMENT PARKS ITS SO FUN TO WRITE ABOUT ALL THE GAMES AND RIDES AND SMELLS LIKE THE POPCORN N SHIT sensory overload >>
i’m flattered u enjoyed the filler as well i was hoping it wasn’t too boring 😪 have to add it so the slow burn pacing is good and steady and i’m happy my efforts weren’t wasted
omggg yw for the inclusivity 🥹 i hate seeing fics where they say it’s gn reader then obviously make it veer off towards a gender and it ruins the experience 😭 or when they reader is obviously white like COME ON NOW
“the best smau” vil brb im gonna cry i feel like i have a lot to live up to with btl now 😭🫶
A+ this was written professionally and ily for noticing all my little details and taking the time to WRITE ME A FUCKING ESSAY WTF/pos i’m gonna be giggling about this all week
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pyxy-styx · 9 months
1-100 you did this to yourslef
You're right, I did to this to myslef.
1. What's your middle name? Gonna change it to Parker eventually. Right now, it's the maiden name of a dead grandparent I never met and have no attachment to.
2. How old are you? 59 (18)
3. What is your birthday? October
4. What is your zodiac sign? Libra
5. What's your favorite color? Purple
6. What's your lucky number? Don't have one, if had to pick, probably 10
7. Do you have any pets. Three cats, a dog, and a bearded dragon.
8. Where are you from? Jupiter, I came to earth to rob people and ended up stuck here
9. How tall are you? At least 5' 5"
10. What shoe size are you? Good question
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Four I think?
12. What was your last dream about? Another good question. I have no idea, I only remember the really bizarre ones
13. What talents do you have? I'm fairly decent at piano when I'm actually able to play
14. Are you psychic in any way? We're gonna go with no
15. Favorite song? Whatever It Takes by Imagine Dragons
16. Favorite movie? Legally Blonde today
17. Who would be your ideal partner? Oh what a shame, someone played the Uno skip card and I can't answer this question
18. Do you want children? Yes and no
19. Do you want a church wedding? Only if I get to kiss a girl in front of my grandma and my dad officiates
20. Are you religious? Kind of??
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? Unfortunately for my parents, yes. I am currently the not-so-proud owner of the Most Hospital Trips in Two Months award in my house
22. Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law? Got the cops called on us a few times because our downstairs neighbors, who knowingly moved into a place with kids btw, were pissed that we acted like kids and ran around a bunch
23. Have you ever met any celebrities? Loads, we used to go to conventions a lot. There's pictures and autographs somewhere
24. Baths or showers? Showers
25. What color socks are you wearing? None right now but usually black
26. Have you ever been famous? Nope
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? In theory yes, but unfortunately people suck, so no
28. What type of music do you like? We rotate between multiple genres, pop and goth are the top two
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? No
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? I'm not gonna go count
31. What position do you usually sleep in? On my stomach but I can't do that without dying right now and it sucks
32. How big is your house? Please don't make me do math
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? Cereal or whatever leftovers sound good
34. Have you ever fired a gun? Yes, I suck at it
35. Have you ever tried archery? Yes, I suck at it
36. Favorite clean word? Dystopia, it sounds pretty
37. Favorite swear word? Damn
38. What's the longest you've ever gone without asleep? Two days
39. Do you have any scars? Yes and literally none of them have a cool story. They're all from me being clumsy
40. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Nope
41. Are you a good liar? Depends on who I'm talking to
42. Are you a good judge of character? Ehhhh
43. Can you do any other accents other than your own? I can do a few, they're not the best though
44. Do you have a strong accent? You can tell I'm from America
45. What is your favorite accent? Probably Scottish
46. What is your personality type? Idk
47. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? Probably the Technoblade merch
48. Can you curl your tongue? Yep
49. Are you an innie or an outie? What on earth does this mean
50. Left or right handed? Right
51. Are you scared of spiders? Only when they're touching me, they're okay otherwise
52. Favorite food? Pasta
53. Favorite foreign food? Thai coconut soup
54. Are you a clean or messy person? Both
55. Most used phrase? Probably "what the fuck"
56. Most used word? Funky
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? Like five minutes, thirty if I'm doing makeup or hair
58. Do you have much of an ego? Oh yeah
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Both
60. Do you talk to yourself? Yep
61. Do you sing to yourself? Yepyep
62. Are you a good singer? I like to think so but probably not
63. Biggest fear? Drowning
64. Are you a gossip? Nope
65. Best dramatic movie you've seen? Does My Girl Count??
66. Do you like long or short hair? Short hair
67. Can you name all 50 states in America? Nope
68. Favorite school subject? English
69. Extrovert or introvert? Yes
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? Nope
71. What makes you nervous? Everything
72. Are you scared of the dark? Yes
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? I try to sometimes
74. Are you ticklish? Unfortunately
75. Have you ever started a rumor? If I have I wasn't aware of it
76. Have you ever been in a position of authority? Kinda
77. Have you ever drank underage? Cooking wine and shitty beer are disgusting
78. Have you ever done drugs? Yeppers
79. Who was your first real crush? I have no clue
80. How many piercings do you have? None
81. Can you roll your Rs? In my accent? No. In other accents? Yes
82. How fast can you type? Fast enough it's illegible if I'm not careful
83. How fast can you run? I have no idea
84. What color is your hair? Brown
85. What color are your eyes? Gray
86. What are you allergic to? The medicine they give you for strep throat. I'm not figuring out how to spell that shit
87. Do you keep a journal? Nope, I had to stop because my older sister kept reading my old one
88. What do your parents do? Mother dearest works at Walmart and Dad stays at home
89. Do you like your age? It's alright ig
90. What makes you angry? That is unfortunately a very long list
91. Do you like your own name? It's quite nice
92. Have you already thought of baby names, and if so, what are they? I have not, we'll cross that bridge if we get to it
93. Do you want a boy or girl child? I quite honestly don't care. A kid is a kid and I'm gonna love them regardless
94. What are your strengths? I'm pretty smart, I guess?? I've been told that I'm pretty good at rationalizing things
95. What are your weaknesses? I am unfortunately a very anxious person. No matter how much logic I use, I can't get over some shit
96. How did you get your name? I was named after a comic book character, my parents just gender bended the name
97. Were your ancestors royalty? I fucking hope not
98. Do you have any scars? I'd just like to point out that this is on here twice and your answer is back at 39
99. Color of your bedspread? Dark blue right now
100. Color of your room? White walls, pink carpet
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