#i'm sick so have a lil sickfic
Ed's hot (he has a concerningly high fever) and Stede has to take him to go (to the urgent care clinic when he shows up at Ed's place for a planned date and finds him sick as hell). Sweet, loving sickfic, where their relationship is still very new and Ed's a bit blindsided by receiving more love than he really knows what to do with.
Rated T, 3.3k words.
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dootznbootz · 8 months
I'm moody and grumpy and sick so I'm going to be a freak about writing for a bit.
I fucking love writing PEOPLE. like as a whole. I love writing little imperfect messy living moments. People aren't perfect. Never will be. Never SHOULD be. And I fucking LOVE writing that. Even the "unnecessary details" feel necessary to me because they're HUMAN.
Spilling food on yourself. Getting food stuck in your teeth and maybe making funny faces while you're trying to get it out. Mentioning a silly moment from their youth in teasing. A disagreement. Putting on clothes and getting your arm stuck in your sleeve at first. "Ugly laughter". Losing your train of thought and saying nonsense while snapping fingers to try and get your thoughts back. Hugging someone taller than you and maybe having to change how you stand to fit together. Accidentally stepping on someone's foot. Bedhead, fixing someone's clothes, double chins, clumsy moments, Shifting, fidgeting, having someone mimic another's voice to make someone laugh, LIVING THINGS lksjdf ldskjf THINGS THAT MAKE US HUMAN!!!
And like?? A small thing, as I said I love just writing PEOPLE. But I see posts sometimes about how people "have a hard time writing women" and I'm just sitting here like??? "She's a person?? You've met another person before, right? Write the same way." and just get boggled and even, I don't know, disappointed? Even if she's not part of the main "cast" have her be, idk human?? Not just cardboard you know?? Don't "girlboss" her but also just?? simply have her have life!
Or then I've seen people literally admit "Well with canon there's not much to work with the women" WELL THEN MAKE STUFF UP!!! Use your big brain and have headcanons for her! See the potential she already has and fly with it!!! :D
How many times has she spilled food on her clothes and groaned because it's her favorite? How many times has she had snarled hair? She's probably had something in her eye at some point. She's probably tripped and skinned her knee once or twice. Does she swear? How would she react in this situation?
And sometimes I'll see people use history as an excuse or whatever but like??? Even IF systematically women weren't treated well, that wasn't the rule for ALL. For example, in the USA, Women usually couldn't go out in public in pants during certain periods. Yet I have photos of family from the 1930s where there are women in pants. Little girls and their mothers literally using a two-person saw and on the farm in pants. Just because the system is sexist doesn't mean that men in women's lives always enforce it. Just like nowadays. Reproductive rights. That's systematic. Daily life? I feel plenty safe with a lot of regular ass dudes. SAME BACK THEN MOST LIKELY!!!
Idk y'all. I'm just... disappointed by how many times I come across this type of stuff :/
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pinkanonwrites · 11 months
HEHEHE I LOVE THE RODIMUS STORYY I'm obsessed with all the first contact au stories with rodimus and I would love if you could please do more if you ever feel like it 😭 the ones with language barrier and size difference are muah 🤌💫
If youre ever up for it or would feel comfortable, would you be willing to please write one where maybe the reader is sick with the flu and is either about to or actually does throw up and rodimus has no idea what the flu is or what throwing up is for humans and he has no idea how to deal with it 😅 and ofc the human can't explain bc language barrier.
Or any other rodimus with lil human stuff you can post I will happily gobble up hehe
I liked this idea too much for it to just be in bullet points, so it turned into a mini fic. Hope you enjoy!
Rodimus/Reader First Contact AU, Human Reader, GN Pronouns, Sickfic, emeto mention
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Gazing blearily up at the ceiling as fluorescent lighting above whizzed past, you couldn’t fully tell if the nauseating pitch and wave of your surroundings was just from your sickness, or if panic was making Rodimus significantly less gentle than usual. Either way, if you had anything left in your stomach you probably would have thrown up again by now.
How foolish you were, to assume that being on an interdimensional traveling spaceship meant you would be less likely to suffer from the illnesses and maladies that you would normally find on Earth. No, now you were subject to an entire galaxy’s worth of potential contractible ailments instead. And though you could compare this one to some of the worse stomach viruses you’d had throughout your life back home, you didn’t really have a way to communicate to Rodimus that you weren’t, in fact, dying. No matter how much it felt like you were.
The hiss of a hydraulic powered door was almost drowned out by your caretaker’s panicked boops and screeches as he ran up to another one of the bots aboard the ship. A black helm and a shoulder-mounted cannon stepped into your nausea-warped vision, and a familiar gleam of a single, blue lens stared down at you. One of the scientist bots, the nicer one of the two that had poked and prodded at you when Rodimus first presented you to them. His name was… Perceptor?
But when he reached out a giant metal finger to you, Rodimus was quick to pull you back against his chest and out of the other’s reach. A kind gesture, but one that left you nearly gagging from the sudden wave of vertigo that racked your system. You winced at the feeling of Rodimus’s thumb brushing your cheek, the sticky pull of sweaty skin against hot metal, and the warble he let out in response sounded absolutely heartbroken. Through your hazy vision you could see tense corners of his mouth pull down, the soft glow of his eyes looking dimmer than usual as he cradled you. Then, with as much care as he could muster, he laid you so delicately upon Perceptor’s desk. His fingers stroked the top of your head, hands still bracketing you as if he was afraid you’d slip through his fingertips and right off the edge of the table as soon as he let his guard down. Despite everything, you couldn’t help but feel safer knowing he was worried about you. It was hard to imagine many worse scenarios than getting sick in outer space, but getting sick alone in outer space seemed pretty high up there.
So you let yourself be gently prodded at and scanned by Perceptor, Rodimus’s hands never straying far enough for you to not reach him. They murmured back and forth to each other all the while, a chittering of mechanical whirs and buzzes like an old fax machine pumping out a distant message. The chill of the metal surface under your back left goosebumps crawling up your skin, another detail that quickly drew Perceptor’s curiosity. After an amount of time you couldn’t possibly have estimated with your sickness-addled, swimming mind working at less than half the capacity of usual, both bots leaned away from the table to discuss something, like they were afraid you’d somehow overhear.
The sudden, harsh glow of the ceiling lights above left you squinting, a soft whimper escaping your throat despite yourself. Immediately Rodimus was upon you again, his giant chin resting on the edge of the table as his eyes flitted about over your shaking, exhausted frame. His hands hovered around you, fingers tense like he wasn’t sure if he should pick you up or not. But the warmth of his massive hands was a lot more comforting right now than the sterile chill of the tabletop, so with a great amount of effort you wormed your way back into his grasp.
Perceptor let out another, stern sounding buzz. Rodimus brought you back to his chest, resting your cheek against the smooth slope of metal as he responded in kind. You let your eyelids flutter shut as they continued to chatter. Whatever they were talking about didn’t really matter to you right now. Regardless of whatever was going on, you knew Rodimus would take care of you.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
“And it’s not atrophosia? You’re sure?”
“Just because atrophosia comes from organics, Rodimus, does not mean they can contract it. No, what we’re looking at seems to be some form of organic virus.”
“That’s good, right?” Rodimus peeked at Perceptor from the corner of his optic, unwilling to take his full attention off of you for too long. Your little frame was sprawled weakly across the scientist’s desk, organic coolant and these strange, microscopic bumps beading across your body. Perceptor let out a curious hum, lifting your tiny servo up with the tip of his pen. Rodimus stifled the urge to slap it away. “If it’s a virus, it can be removed, right?”
“It’s not quite that simple. Organics don’t have accessible coding to allow ourselves entry. Their only solution is the old fashioned way, get plenty of recharge and wait it out.”
“But look at them! They’re all shaky and covered in coolant! A-And just earlier today, they purged their tanks!”
“That’s a good thing. Organics will purge their tanks as an emergency reflex to intrusive disease or illness. There’s actually a fascinating organic, a form of amphibian which can expel their entire tank when in-”
“Great! Cool! Love the fun facts, Perceptor! But are they-” And here Rodimus gestured to your small, shivering frame, “-going to be okay?”
“I’ve acquired some information on human illness- from Swerve of all bots, if you’d believe it. When humans are ill they require copious recharge, plenty of clean, desalinated water, and, apparently, a fuel comprised of the boiled carcass of an Earth bird and various edible flora.”
“I don’t have any Earth birds! Earth has the Earth birds!” Rodimus sat up with a jolt, a bristling wave of heat rolling off of his frame that was swiftly ignored by Perceptor.
“I am certain the replicator could produce a suitable substitute. It has worked for providing nourishment thus far.”
Both bots’ attention snapped back to you when you let out a small whine, squinting under the blaring light of the overhead systems. 
“Oh, hey, I’m sorry bud!” Rodimus’s voice dropped to a soft coo as he hovered his servos back around your frame. “Is it too bright in here, your optics sensitive?”
“Perhaps it would be good for the human to rest here, where they can be monitored. You have other duties aboard the ship, after all.”
“Yeah, but…” Rodimus stared as you dragged yourself across the table, curling weakly into the crook of his servo with a soft sigh. He cradled you again, letting you rest your helm upon his chassis as he supported you with both arms. “I- I think I’ll keep an optic on them. What if being in here makes them nervous? Then they can’t recharge properly.”
Perceptor let out a soft huff, pinching the bridge of his olfactory ridge between two digits. “...Whatever you insist, Rodimus. But do allow them to rest. No joyrides.”
As Rodimus looked down at your frame in his arms, for once, joyriding was the last thing on his mind.
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
it's sweet (explicit)
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genre: a fluffy lil sickfic
pairing: taehyung x reader
summary: you forgot to call out sick from your dick appointment, but he stays anyway.
word count: 4.3k
contains: no smut just fluff????? new year new me 😎 but as this is fuckbuddies to maybe-lovers and there are certainly a few references in here to sex, because of who i am as a person, it's enough that i'm tagging it explicit anyway lmao. but this is all fluff! reader has the flu, tae is a sweet sweet boi and takes care of her, it's all a bit sappy~ 🤧
A/N: happy new year!!! and a very happy belated birthday to my capricorn prince 💜 this soft little idea got stuck in my brain and wouldn't let go, and i had a lot more fun writing it than expected. plus i feel like i only wrote tae as a menace in 2022 (sorry to tae 👹) so i had to right my wrongs with this one lmao. it was a nice interlude before i jump into LDOMLT ch11 (the final chapter 😭) - i hope you all enjoy and that your 2023s are off to a pleasant start!!!
read on AO3!
You genuinely enjoy being single.
With your last relationship officially in the trash, you’ve found yourself settled into a comfortable peace. There’s no man in your life to mess up your plans, to force you to have to compromise or share anything, to suck up your energy and domestic labor like some kind of emotional vampire. You can do what you want, whenever you want, and you have a reliable rotation of both sex toys and fuckbuddies to keep you physically satisfied when the need arises.
Being single, you have come to learn, is fucking great.
Except when you get sick.
A knock at your apartment door drags you out of your DayQuil-induced slumber. You move to sit up with a sniffle before letting yourself drop back into your veritable nest of blankets on the couch, struck with the immediate recollection: it’s just the food you ordered. You’d specifically put in a request that they leave it at the door, but maybe the delivery person is just being nice and letting you know it’s there.
Except then they knock again.
And ring the doorbell.
“Jesus,” you groan to yourself, aggressively enough that you’re nearly sent into a fresh coughing fit, but you manage to choke down the spasm in your lungs as you drag yourself to standing. You cross the short distance from your couch to the front door, sure you look like death warmed over, and swing the door open.
At first, you’re certain it’s the DayQuil fucking with you.
The corner of his mouth pulls up as he blinks sweetly at you, expressive almond eyes peeking out beneath untidy dark hair— extra fluffy today, like he’s just washed it and waltzed out of the house without any styling. His clothes tell the same story, a plain gray hoodie and joggers, creased a little like he’d just pulled them off his bedroom floor, though everything looks fresh off the runway on him.
As your eyes trail down his frame, you take in the container of ramen you ordered, held easily in one of his large hands, his long fingers hooking over the side.
His presence is typically a welcome one, particularly on Friday nights like tonight, but those are circumstances where you tend to be a little more… put together. So why is he here tonight?
“When did you start working for D—”
The food delivery service name dies on your tongue as your thoughts finally catch up with your mouth. He’s here tonight because it’s Friday, and this is what you do on Fridays. He’s here because you didn’t cancel. You’d had the thought in a drowsy half-awake state between naps, then had promptly rolled over and pressed your face into the pillow, telling yourself you’d remember to text Taehyung when you woke up.
Which of course, you did not. And so here he is, having clearly intercepted your delivery. And, it now occurs to you, having to witness how absolutely godawful you must look in your stained sweatpants, your hair surely a mess from a day spent napping on the couch.
“Oh fuck,” you mutter, quickly crossing your arms over your baggy t-shirt, suddenly very aware of the fact that you’re not wearing a bra. Why that matters when you’re standing in front of a man who regularly leaves hickeys all over your tits, you’re not sure, but in this moment it somehow feels like it does.
“Tae,” you take a step back, trying to keep him out of your germ radius. “I’m so sorry, I forgot to text you. I’m super sick, I think it’s the flu. You should go.”
He frowns a little, his eyes jumping from you down to the takeout container in his hands. “This is like, barely warm.”
That makes you smile a little despite yourself. A very Taehyung greeting.
“Yeah, well.” You roll your eyes. “I pay twice as much so it can take an hour and be cold by the time it gets here. Makes sense, right?”
His dazzling smile at your sarcastic remark only heightens your own self-consciousness, and you quickly extend a hand for the container.
“Sorry to make you come all this way. Hopefully next week I’ll be back to normal.”
Taehyung nods, yet makes no move to hand over the soup he’s currently holding hostage. “You should rest. Let me heat it up for you.”
You can’t help but wonder what he expects to happen when he crosses the threshold, and that makes you heave a sigh, then quickly bury the cough that chases after it into the crook of your elbow.
Thankfully your voice doesn’t give out when you manage to answer him. “I’m serious, Tae. I’m not—” you pause, considering how to phrase it: desperate to be railed? “—you know, the way I usually am on Fridays. Nothing’s gonna happen tonight. Except maybe you’ll get sick.”
He shrugs, like there are worse things. “I get it. But you shouldn’t be alone.”
At least he’s been sufficiently warned, you think to yourself, and then you relent, leaving the front door of your apartment swung wide as you step back across the living room to promptly collapse onto the couch again. You bury your face in the blankets with a muffled groan as you hear Taehyung shut the door behind him, then make his way into the kitchen.
As is typical with any man that enters your kitchen, you expect to have to walk Taehyung step-by-step through how to do everything. But, to your surprise, he asks no questions: he seems to find a good-sized pot and figure out how to work the stove all on his own, and you can hear him humming softly to himself as he goes.
Truly a credit to the male species, you think to yourself with a bitter laugh.
You collapse back against the cushions, a little too aware of the fuckbuddy in your kitchen to be able to drift off to sleep entirely. Nevertheless, you still find yourself slipping into a haze, your eyes dropping shut just to snap open again at the tap of a bowl being set down on the coffee table in front of you.
Your eyes widen as you sit up and stare down at your ramen, only to find two halves of a soft-boiled egg staring back up at you. You’d ordered from your favorite place in the city, which is easily the best ramen you’ve had in your life, but you know those fuckers charge extra for an egg. Which is why your cheap ass never orders one.
But here one is. So that means…
Taehyung drops down onto the couch next to you before you can even finish compiling the thought in your brain, but he must be able to read the look on your face. “Oh, do you not like eggs?”
“I— no,” you answer quickly. “I mean yes. I mean, I like them, I just… Thank you.”
You glance up in time to see him shrug, his mouth twisting a little, like he’s suddenly made shy by his own kindness. “Gotta get your protein in,” he offers casually, and you laugh over the steam rising up from your bowl.
He keeps a tentative cushion’s distance away from you, but you can feel his eyes watching as you take your first sip of the rich, warm broth. While you slurp it down, you tell yourself not to get greedy with Taehyung’s time: you expect this will be it, that with his act of kindness done for the day, he’ll get to his feet and be on his way. As soon as your front door slams shut behind him, he’ll probably be pulling up his text messages with one of the many other options that must be available to him.
You try to ignore the way that thought makes your stomach twist, to just eat your damn soup and not think about it. It’s fine. It doesn’t matter.
But to your surprise, Taehyung leans forward and snatches the TV remote off your coffee table with a triumphant sigh before slumping back against the couch, like he’s settling in. “Do you wanna watch something?”
You shake your head as you take another sip before answering. “You really don’t have to stay, Tae. I can appreciate that I’m not a lot of fun to be around tonight. And obviously you didn’t come here to watch me eat ramen.”
Already starting to scroll through your streaming services, Taehyung runs his free hand through his hair with a knowing, slightly horny smile. “Depends on what you mean by eat ramen.”
You nearly choke on a noodle, but he’s otherwise distracted, mouth dropping open a little as he clicks into one of the options.
“Oh, I know what we can watch.”
When he pulls up A Charlie Brown Christmas and promptly presses play, you can’t help smirking. “Christmas? You’re, what, five days late?”
Taehyung’s mouth opens again, like he’s going to say something, and then he just smiles that same self-conscious smile. “Ah, I just like the music.”
His long fingers splay out in front of him, miming along to the opening melody while he adopts the faux-cool expression of a jazz pianist. You hide a giggle in another sip of broth, and he quickly shrugs the impression off, crossing his arms over his chest as if to keep his limbs under control.
“And it’s cute,” he adds, voice halfway between shy and sentimental. “The little tree.”
It occurs to you now that you’ve never seen Taehyung so… your brain can’t find the right word. He’s just different tonight.
You nod as you slurp up a strand of noodles, and you can’t deny that he’s right as the movie plays on. It’s been years since you’ve seen it, not since you were a kid, but it’s just as enjoyable now, somehow timeless. You find yourself smiling softly as you finish your meal and settle back against the couch, tugging the blanket up to your chin.
All at once, Taehyung jumps up, and you watch dumbfounded as he silently scoops up your dishes and disappears off to the kitchen. When you hear the tap switch on, your jaw drops in sheer disbelief, and you sit up again, peeking over the back of the couch to get a glimpse of him: he’s pulled on the dishwashing gloves you keep tucked next to the sink and is making short work of not just the bowl and the pot, but the takeout container too, and your various other sick-person dishes you’d regrettably let pile up. Humming to himself along with Vince Guaraldi, like it’s something he does every day.
Your head spins as you drop back down against the cushion. What is happening? Did you take too much cold medicine?
That thought only reverberates louder in your brain when he returns, still humming the last few notes of the song. This time he chooses to settle in right beside you on the couch, as if entirely unconcerned about the contagious virus running rampant in your body— he just pulls you into his side, one arm wrapped over your shoulders, fingertips casually starting to play with the ends of your hair. Like it’s that easy.
You glance up at him, shaking your head a little, and Taehyung looks down to meet your gaze. “What?”
“This is just…” An incredulous laugh cuts off the end of your sentence. It’s hard to believe you’re looking at the same person. This can’t be the man who wraps his hand around your throat as he spits into your mouth, who will keep you in his bed for hours until you’re crying from overstimulation, who fucks you so good you can hardly walk the next day.
“I didn’t expect you to be like this,” you admit, pairing the words with a finger driven gently into Taehyung’s ribs. He squirms a little. “You’re… sweet.”
Taehyung’s lips part, and then he pauses, clearly considering how exactly to answer you. His mouth turns up soft at the corners, hesitant, as if he’s embarrassed to say what comes next. And then he says it. “You didn’t seem like you wanted sweet.”
The words settle over you, offered quietly in the low, rich tones of his voice, and as you keep gazing up at him, it strikes you: he’s not wrong. If he’d pulled this cozy domestic housewife act on you any earlier, on a normal Friday, you would’ve sent him packing without hesitation.
That thought makes you a little sad.
You tuck back in against Taehyung’s side, trying to refocus on the TV screen as you snuggle in under the blanket. Pressed close like this, you can feel the sturdy thud of his heartbeat in his chest, at a rhythm not dissimilar to yours.
“Well, I won’t tell anyone,” you breathe, and you swear you can hear him smile.
His touch lingers as the last few minutes of the movie play on: slipping from the ends of your hair to trace over the fabric of your shirt, then sliding further up to dip beneath the collar of it. The talented fingers you’ve become well-acquainted with work their magic in a new way, pressing firm circles into the muscles of your shoulders, muscles you didn’t realize were pinched so tight until he starts to work them open.
“Fuck,” you murmur, shifting a little to allow him better access as he continues. “That feels so good.” You can’t quite help the laugh that flutters out after your words; it’s certainly not the first time he’s made you say them.
There’s a small huff of breath from Taehyung beside you, and then his hand moves up to cup the back of your neck and give a gentle squeeze. It’s a comforting motion, and just arousing enough to make you sigh a note, your eyes briefly dropping shut. When they flutter open again, you realize the movie has ended, that he’s looking down at you, a knowing smirk toying at his lips.
“Don’t start,” you warn, unable to keep your voice entirely serious. “I meant what I said, I’m tapped out for the night.”
Taehyung raises his palms in the air, as if to claim his innocence, and you find yourself instantly missing the heat of his hand on your skin. “All I was thinking is that I kinda want dessert. Too tapped out for that?”
“I’ll never say no to dessert,” you admit with a soft smile. “I think I have ice cream in the freezer.”
Something glints in Taehyung’s eyes at your words. All at once he untangles himself from you and, rather than standing up and walking the long way around like a normal human, chooses instead to vault himself over the back of the couch, as if to get your freezer as fast as possible. You tip back against the cushions, momentarily overcome with laughter, and thankfully, it doesn’t trigger a cough attack.
After a second, you cocoon the blanket around yourself, then get up to follow after him, dropping unceremoniously down onto one of the barstools tucked on the far side of your kitchen island.
Taehyung glances up, clearly surprised, then continues trying drawers until he finds the silverware and retrieves two spoons.
“Just want to keep you company,” you say by way of explanation as he hands you one, and you reach down to pry off the lid of the pint of chocolate ice cream he’s set down on the counter. It’s only as you glance up again that you realize he’s grabbed something else, too, and is continuing to rummage through your cupboards. “Wait, what are you doing?”
There’s an innocent look on Taehyung’s face as he rights himself, the handle of a pan clutched in one hand. “I found something when I was looking for the ice cream. It’s my favorite. And I thought it might make you feel better, too.”
“Uh huh,” you intone, though your mouth is already starting to tick up, endeared. “A completely selfless act, I’m sure.”
“Of course it is,” he answers with an over-exaggerated wink, flipping the pan cooly in his grip. You squint at the bag as he thuds it down on the counter beside him, then sets the pan on the stove and flips on the burner beneath it.
Hotteok. You’d completely forgotten you’d even picked the bag of frozen sweet pancakes up a few weeks ago, that you had purposefully tucked them into the back of your fridge for a particularly good— or bad— day.
“Chef Kim,” you ask, feigning the tone of a journalist conducting an important interview as you fish your phone out of the pocket of your sweatpants. “Can I interest you in some background music, or do you prefer to cook in absolute silence?”
Taehyung glances back over his shoulder at you, his grin nearly too big for his face. “How about Sinatra?”
You raise one eyebrow at the admittedly unexpected suggestion. “Frank or Nancy?”
He pauses for a moment, as if considering. “Either.”
It’s only a few taps, and then Come Fly With Me is floating out of your Bluetooth speaker, and Taehyung is singing along to himself as he drops a frozen disc onto the heated pan, occasionally turning back to deliver lines to you with an extended hand.
You roll your eyes as you drag your spoon through the top layer of softening ice cream, sucking it into your mouth in an attempt to hide the grin that’s spread over your face.
By the third song you find yourself humming along too, trying not to put too much strain on your still-weak throat. The kitchen has started to smell of sweet, toasted dough as Taehyung works diligently at the stove, and he finally flips the burner off before turning back to you, a plate in each hand and a thick pancake stacked atop each plate.
“Sous chef, will you please apply the ice cream?” he asks, eyes wide and blinking as he sets the dishes down.
Quickly playing along, you nod as you begin to scoop a healthy amount onto each plate. “Yes, chef!”
“And sous chef, do you, uh… have any chocolate sauce?”
You bite back a laugh as his roleplay falls apart as quickly as it began. “It’s in the fridge.”
Taehyung promptly turns and pulls the door open, eyes searching the shelves before he finally spots the dark brown bottle and lets out a triumphant hum. He nudges the fridge shut again with his hip before striding back toward you.
“Plating is key,” he muses. You answer with an appreciative nod and a giggle when he uncaps the sauce, then leans down close to the plates, feigning intense focus as he drizzles each dollop of ice cream with stripes of chocolate.
Once his artful design is complete, he steps back, his tongue toying at the corner of his mouth as he spins one plate to admire his handiwork.
“What do you think, chef?” you tease, and he nods once, decisive.
“It’s perfect.” He glances up, shooting you a grin that knocks the breath from your lungs, and you try to collect yourself as he nudges a plate toward you, encouraging you to take a bite.
You carve your spoon through the pastry, right down the middle where it’s stuffed full of sweet brown sugar syrup. The flaky layers pull apart at the impact, warm enough that you can see steam rising off of the golden dough. You pair a small piece of pancake with a wedge of ice cream on your spoon, then bring both into your mouth at once, and the contrasting mixtures linger on your tongue: hot and cold, sticky sugar chased by rich chocolate. It’s so good that you can’t help but make a soft, appreciative noise as you press your hand to your mouth and chew.
“Do you want to know something?” Taehyung’s voice pulls your attention back, and you look up at him.
“Today’s my birthday.”
There’s a split second where you wonder if this is another imagined scenario, and then your eyes widen as you take in the look on his face and realize he’s entirely serious.
“Wait, Taehyung, really?”
He nods once, bringing a spoonful of ice cream to his lips.
“I-I had no idea,” you stammer, suddenly feeling like an asshole. His birthday, and he’s here waiting on you hand and foot, while you haven’t so much as said a word of felicitations. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry.”
As soon as the words leave your mouth, he’s waving away your apology with his spoon, then proceeding to answer around his bite of food. “It’s not like I expected you to know. I don’t really make a big deal of it.” He shrugs. “I tend to… I don't know. I get sort of melancholy this time of year. The holidays, my birthday. It’s a lot all at once. A lot of pressure. To be happy. To have everything figured out.”
Nodding slowly, you let his words fully wash over you before you respond. “I get that,” you finally murmur, working off another piece of hotteok. “Nobody ever talks about it, but I feel like birthdays are kinda weird as an adult. You have enough of them and it just starts to feel like a day, you know? Not special.”
“I usually find myself just hiding out, waiting for it to be over,” Taehyung admits.
You take a second to think back. “Yeah. I didn’t even do anything on my birthday this year.” A self-pitying laugh rises up before you can stop it. “Honestly, this whole year was such a flop. I’m glad it’s nearly done.”
Taehyung makes a face like he can’t disagree. “Hey, sometimes that’s life.” He pauses, brow furrowing slightly, then reaches a palm across the table. “Can I play a song?”
“Go ahead,” you offer, pushing your phone into his hand. You scrape your spoon along your dwindling dessert, and haven’t even managed to bring the assembled bite to your mouth before the music changes— from one Frank Sinatra song to another, this one with a driving blues rhythm.
Taehyung is already on his feet, hips starting to sway. “Ah, come on. You have to dance with me.”
He’s closed the distance between you before you can even protest, his hands smoothing across the blanket still wrapped over your shoulders.
“Let me take your coat, ma’am.”
You shift off the stool and onto your feet with a smile as he unwraps the blanket from around you and tosses it toward the back of the couch, missing by at least a foot.
“Why thank you,” you tease, feigning some kind of Transatlantic lilt to your voice that makes him really laugh. “Such a gentleman.”
Taehyung turns to face you again, and then you feel his large hand pressing to the small of your back, warm even through the fabric of your shirt, and your heart stutters a little. You take his other hand in yours and let him lead, let him pull you all the way in until you can turn your head and press your cheek to the firm plane of his chest.
Frank Sinatra croons on about how you can’t let life get you down, and suddenly there’s a weight settling in the pit of your stomach.
“I feel bad, Taehyung,” you admit, and when you glance up at him, he’s looking right back down at you. “That you’re here with me tonight.”
“Why?” he asks, like he really doesn’t know.
“Because,” you shake your head. “I don’t know. There’s a million better places you could be. I can’t even give you birthday sex.”
“I wouldn’t have stayed if I didn’t want to,” he answers simply, then leans back, guiding you under his arm for a spin.
A little giggle bubbles up in your chest, catches on the first syllable of your reply as you twirl. “A-are you sure?”
Taehyung nods, thoughtful, when you come back to center again. “This is a good reminder that… I like taking care of people. It’s been a while since anyone’s let me.” The hand holding yours gives a gentle squeeze, and you can’t help but squeeze back.
“Well, thank you for taking care of me,” you answer softly. “You did a good job. Pretty sure I’m on the mend already.” You blink up at him through your lashes, and the way his eyes are fixed on you makes your heart squeeze, too.
It’s nearly overwhelming, taking him in like this, close enough that you can see every stray beauty mark kissed over his handsome features. Fluffy-haired, big-dicked Kim Taehyung— who would’ve thought?
Taehyung’s adam’s apple jerks in his throat as he swallows, and you feel a sudden rush of heat all over, one you don’t quite think you can blame on a fever. It hardly even occurs to you that the two of you have come to a complete standstill now, barefoot in the middle of your kitchen, Taehyung’s palm pressed to your back, the fingers of your joined hands now shifting to lace together.
“Taehyung,” you’re breathing his name before you even realize it. “Would you… want to stay here tonight? Like, sleep together, literally?”
The smile that flashes over his face is nothing short of brilliant. “Yeah, okay.”
Your voice dips a little lower, teasing, as you smile back. “I really do think I’m feeling better, so. Maybe in the morning I can take care of you, too.”
Taehyung’s fingers brush the length of your jaw, then reach up to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear as you continue.
“I’ve got this spray that makes my throat totally numb, so.”
He pauses, his mouth so close to yours that you can feel his breath ghosting over your skin, but he can’t quite keep a straight face. “Fuck, why is that so sexy?”
You’re laughing against his lips when he kisses you.
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pixelatedraindrops · 8 months
can we get another sick yuma fanfic?
I usually don't take fic requests because I feel I'm not creative enough to write too often. But if its sick Yuma you want I may have a lil’ oneshot for ya c:
Here's a fic where he catches a terrible cold after losing his hat in the rain. This one's less whumpy and more fluffy. And Yuma will be speaking in a nasally tone pretty much the whole time.
Under the Weather
Word Count: 4,000+
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Sickfic, Found Family
Fandom: Master Detective Archives RAINCODE
It was just more terrible, awful luck for Yuma. When has it ever been good? He was minding his business investigating the situation in Kanai Ward like he usually did to track their ultimate secret down, but suddenly when he was doing something that upset the wandering Peacekeepers, they had begun chasing him. Thankfully Yuma was able to evade them, however it came at a price. A sudden gust of wind had blown across the trainee as he ran in the neon city of rain…and his rainhat had flown off. Yuma wanted to try to go back to get it, but the peacekeepers were still after him. He had to keep running, he had no choice. If he was captured, it would be all over.
He eventually lost them by running into a corner of the city. He decided that he needed to go back to the agency, thinking maybe this was enough for today. Yakou always said that if things like this happen, it was best to lay low until things calmed down. So, Yuma waited a little bit for the peacekeepers to get further from him so he could rush back to the sub safely. But as he ran, the rain kept pouring. He had no hat to cover him anymore. By the time he got back to the nocturnal detective agency’s submarine base, his hair and face were soaking wet.
“Master, you look like a sopping wet cat! Kyahaha~!” his spirit partner Shinigami cackled as she viewed how wet her master was. “Practically…dripping…wet…” The death god’s dirty mind decided to jab at the short detective.
Rain water was dripping down every strand of his lilac hair. To say he was sopping would be an understatement, He was practically drenched with the rain from the city by the time he came back from the chase. He began realizing how much that hat was protecting him as he tried to shake his head in a poor attempt to try to dry off.
“Stop it. There was nothing I could do. The Peacekeepers would’ve caught me if I went back to get my hat…” Yuma responded, starting to sound a little bit slurred in his speech.
He sighed as he opened the cover of the sub.
“Hey Chief, I’m back…” he announced climbing down the steps to the entrance chamber.
“Hey Yuma, how’d things go out there?” Yakou’s voice could be heard from the office of the sub. “You find anything new out?”
Yuma slowly walks into the office room sniffing a bit and wiping his nose with his sleeve. “No…” he quietly responded.
Yakou was not paying attention to the boy, as he was reading the paper at his desk with a cigarette in his mouth like usual. “Well, don’t sweat it, can’t do everything all at once.”
Yuma shivered as he took his rain attire off. “I-I was cha- aehh..” He stopped as he felt something tickle his nose.
“You were what?” Yakou asked still not paying attention to him.
Yuma couldn’t finish his sentence as he felt a sneeze building up something fierce.
“Eeeahh… Ahhh…” his eyes were squinted as he tilted his head backwards.
The loud wet sneeze finally came out of the small detective in training like a volcano erupting. His head shot downward as the sneeze came out, he tried to cover his mouth with his sleeve.
Let’s just say…he failed.
This finally got the chief’s attention. Yakou heard that sound and then moved his gaze to meet the shivery trainee detective at the corner of the right side of the room. His nose was bright red and now leaking profusely after that sudden onslaught.
He was dripping wet in a different way now.
“Whoa, gesundheit! Are you alright?!” Yakou exclaimed putting the paper down.
“Y-Yeah…” Yuma replied weakly as his nose continued dripping.
The NDA leader immediately stood up from his desk and grabbed a box of tissues that were in the desk drawer and walked over to the trainee.
He took one of the tissues out, handing it his way. “Here you go.”
Yuma still had his eyes shut from the intensity of that sneeze, his eyes stinging a tiny bit as tears formed, but he reached for the tissue grabbing it.
“Tank you…” he responded sheepishly. The congestion in his speech is now making its way to him.
“Sheesh. You’re a mess… Did you catch a cold out there in all that rain?” the chief asked as he leans down to be more at the trainee’s level.
Yuma sniffled hard. “Ugh…I guess so…”
Yakou sighed as he placed a hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Well, that much can be said from the way you look and the way you sound…”
Yuma let out another wet sneeze interrupting him mid-sentence, making sure to do it into the tissue he held. Yakou flinched, turning his head away. “Yikes…that sounds bad.”
Yuma sniffled again finally opening his watery eyes to look Yakou’s way “I’b…reawy sowwy…” he muttered in his nasaled tone looking embarrassed and ashamed.
Yakou sighed, smiling at him a bit as he stood back up. “You poor kid. I’ll go get a towel to dry you off. Then I’ll get you something warm to drink, how’s that sound?”
Yuma held the the tissue to his nose wiping it a bit.
“Uh-huh…dat souds good…” he responded before he blew into the tissue.
Yakou felt sorry for the boy but couldn’t help but be a little amused by his nasaled speech. He walked over to the shower room to grab a towel he could use to dry his wet hair. He walked back over to see Yuma sitting on the purple sofa still holding the tissue to his face.
Yakou placed the towel on Yuma’s head and began drying it moving his hands in a circular motion. Yuma tried remaining as still as possible while the older man dried his wet hair off.
He put the towel around the boy’s neck after he finished drying him off best as he could.
“There we go.” He said with a grin. “Thats about as dry as I can make you. You can hop in the shower later.”
“Tank you…” Yuma responded before his nose tickled him again. “Ahh-choo!” he sneezed into the tissue he held.
“Gesundheit!” Yakou responded surprised as he placed the tissue box he was holding right next to the boy and walked over to grab the trash can by his desk and put it below the purple sofa where the stuffy detective was sitting.
“Here, the trash can is officially reserved just for you today.” he responded kindly.
Yuma sighed as he threw the tissue away. His nose leaking again not long after, but he didn’t notice as he felt a little dazed.
The older detective sighed. “Yuma, your nose is still running…” Yakou grabbed one of the tissues and placed it to his face wiping it away himself as Yuma scrunches his face up, then he threw it away. Yuma blushed in minor embarrassment.
“Hey, are you feeling alright?” Yakou asked looking at him with some concern. “Aside from…well this.”
Yuma sniffled in response before answering.
“S-Sowwy…my head’s just fuzzy…” he responded putting a hand to his head.
Yakou slid his hand under Yuma’s bangs and onto his forehead after the sniffly boy uttered those words.
“Mmm yeah, you’re feeling a teensy bit warm. Rain sure did a number on you, huh? What the heck happened to your hat?”
Yuma looked down. “I…was chased…by some peacekeepers…”
“What!?” Yakou exclaimed in shock looking nervous. “Th-They didn’t follow you did they!?”
“Don’ wowwy…I lost dem…” Yuma said sniffling again. “But…I lost my hat while I was running…and couldn’t go baaaa…aaah…” he felt another sneeze coming. He quickly grabbed another tissue sneezing into it. “…back to go get it...” he finished throwing it away afterwards sighing.
Yakou sighed and calmed down hearing that they weren’t in any trouble looking at the boy with pity in his expression.
“Okay I gotcha. Sorry about that kiddo.” he said putting a hand to his shoulder to try to comfort him. “Looks like you got a pretty nasty cold though. So no more going out today, got it?”
Yuma nodded without hesitation or further argument. Without his hat, going out in the rain again would only prove more harmful. And he was starting to feel a little bit dizzy, so he didn’t really want to get up again anyway.
“I’ll write to the WDO to send you a replacement hat later, but for now I’m gonna go make you some tea. Drinking something warm should help you feel a little better. You want ginger or chamomile?”
Yuma wanted to respond but then his voice got a little hoarse in his attempted response causing him to cover his mouth in embarrassment.
Yakou raised an eyebrow as he closed his eyes smiling. “I’ll do chamomile then, sounds like your throat’s getting a little scratchy.”
Yuma nodded quietly as he laid back. His head was starting to hurt a little as well as his throat. He cleared it as he grabbed another tissue in his hand feeling his nose start leaking again. It just wouldn’t stop.  
“Sheesh! You humans sure are pathetic! Can’t believe you got this roughed up from JUST the rain, gosh you’re so lame master!!” Shinigami said floating by her master’s side laughing to herself a bit. “And you look awful!! May as well be dead Kyahahaha~!”
Yuma rolled his eyes as he blew his nose into the tissue again throwing it away.
“Just leave me alone…I’m not in the mood for your antics right now.” Yuma responded in perfect speech to the cackling spirit in his head.
“Ooh, you’re so snappy!! Are your face holes being full’a gunk making you a bit cranky!?” she retaliated teasing him again.
As Shinigami kept yapping away, Yuma just turned away from her as he curled up trying to ignore her and how bad his sinuses felt right now. He could hardly breathe through his nose, so he had to do so through his mouth. His head was starting to hurt again, and he felt another tickle in his throat.
He definitely caught a cold. It was going to be a long day.
After a short while Yakou returned with the tea as he saw Yuma curled up facing away from him. Yakou sat down. “Hey, Yuma? You awake?”
Yuma slowly got himself up before he let out another harsh sneeze.
“Aahaa…” Yuma whined trembling a little from the shock as he didn’t have a tissue on him, so his nose was leaking again, and his teary eyes were clenched shut.
Yakou put the tea down grabbing another tissue placing it to Yuma’s face. “Alright, let it out Yuma.” He responded. Yuma did so as he blew into the tissue harshly.
“I think we may need to get some nasal spray for you kid.” Yakou said throwing the tissue away. “Didn’t think you had this much mucus in your tiny body.”
Yuma sniffled while groaning miserably.
“Ughh…Adythig…to make dis stop…” he muttered quietly in an annoyed tone.
“Alright kid, sit up. Let’s get a warm beverage in you for now.” Yakou said as he grabbed the warm tea again.
Yuma sat up as Yakou handed him the tea. Yuma tried smelling it, but there wasn’t much luck in that. He was still way too stuffy to smell anything.
“Made it extra warm. Hopefully it’ll settle that tickle in your throat down.” Yakou said.
Yuma sighed as he drank a bit of the tea. It was sweet and warm, and felt nice going down. It uplifted him a little bit.
“Tanks Chief…” Yuma said weakly smiling.
“No problem.” Yakou replied smiling petting his head. “I’ll go get you a blanket. You’re officially taking today off to rest. I’ll see if I can tell the other master detectives to get you some things to help. Like, maybe some nice warm soup, nose spray, cold medicine, and some more tissues and herbal tea bags.”
Yuma nodded. “Dat souds dice…tank you…” he took another sip of the tea then handed it back to Yakou.
Yakou smiled taking it then putting the tea on the table. Then he stood up to walk the other room to get a dark blue spare blanket that he had stored away. He brings it back and places it over Yuma’s head and shoulders wrapping him up into a cocoon.
Yuma smiled as he sunk his chin into the blanket taking on its softness.
“So warm…” he said sighing in content.
“Good. Now you lay down and rest. I’m gonna head out to tell everyone else what happened then later we’ll all come back with more things to help you feel better alright?”
Yuma nodded. “Tank you. Ad…I’b sowwy for da twouble…”
“It’s no trouble Yuma, you’re sick.” Yakou chucked. “And hey, it beats being caught by peacekeepers. At least here you’re safe and warm instead of being stranded in the rain or in some run-down cell at Amataerasu.”
Yuma nodded before he laid back down sniffling curling up sinking his face into the warm blanket. He groaned a little bit. “…by head huwts…” he complained.
“Hang in there kid, medicine is on the way. Just try to relax.”
Yuma fell asleep soon after Yakou responded to him.
Yakou nodded as he grabbed his raincoat and put it on. He turned one of the lights off in the office to see if dimming the lighting a bit would help the trainee sleep better. Then he left closing the door behind him.
After about 2 hours, Yakou along with the rest of the Master Detectives all came back with multiple shopping bags. Containing many different necessities for the cold-stricken trainee waiting back at the office. Everyone also wore facial masks. It was probably already too late for Yakou on being a carrier, as he spent quite a while with Yuma along with touching him, but him getting ill wouldn’t be a big deal. But he could not risk any of the other detectives getting sick, or they wouldn’t be able to do any work.
They all entered the room to find Yuma awake sitting up on the side of the purple checkered sofa wrapped in the blanket trying to get comfortable looking very out of it. Shinigami decided to be quiet as Yuma continued to ignore her, so she eventually gave in and just stayed quiet floating beside him.
Yuma’s hair was a mess, as was his face, his nose was running, and his eyes were as watery as before. The tea left on the table was empty and there were tissues everywhere. Even on the sofa and table, and the trash can was full of them as was the floor. Only one person littered the sub in trash today. One sick little trainee detective.
“Hey Yuma, we’re back!” Yakou said smiling brightly at him.
Yuma looked his way, not changing his expression nor speaking. Just lightly nodding.
“How are you feeling, my man? Heard the rain gave ya a pretty bad case of the sniffles!” Desuhiko chimed in also grinning behind his mask.
“We got some basic necessities for you.” Halara said muffled as well as they lifted the bag they were holding. “Hoping to help to cure whatever ails you.”
“Yuma, you look like a caterpillar in a little cocoon right now!” Fubuki stated observing the state of the trainee as he tried to get warm. “How very cute!”
“Honestly Princess, have some compassion! Can’t you see he’s suffering right now?!” Desuhiko exclaimed a bit annoyed.
“Looks comfy…wish I could…do that too…” Vivia lastly responds.
Yuma sighs as he lets out another sneeze before groaning and sniffling the nasal discharge up again. Then he wraps himself in the blanket once more hugging himself shivering a little bit.
This pitiful sight and clearly very miserable gesture from him made everyone else get a worried look in their eyes.
Yakou signals the other detectives to keep their distance as he removes his raincoat putting it to the hanger, and walks over to the wrapped up trainee sitting down next to him moving his face closer to observe him carefully.
Upon looking at him more closely, his skin looked a little paler and shinier and there was a slight pink flush in his cheeks, but not nearly as red as his nose.
Yakou placed his hand to the boy’s cheek gently. The older detective frowned a little.
He felt warmer. No wonder he wasn’t speaking.
“Hang tight kid, medicine’s here.” Yakou said as he rummaged through his bag to grab some liquid cold medicine as well as some aspirin for his headache.
“Mhm…” was all Yuma could utter.
Yakou then clapped his hands twice as he began instructing everyone else.
“Halara, go start making the soup, Desuhiko go grab some spare clothes from your disguise bag that he can change into later after he showers, Fubuki go get me a spoon from the kitchen and a glass of water, and Vivia go get me the thermometer in the shower room along with an ice pack.”
All the master detectives did as they were told. Halara grabbed the can that was in their bag and went into the kitchen to get to work as Fubuki followed them to finish her own task. Desuhiko unzipped his bag going into it to search for any spare clothing in Yuma’s size. And Vivia walks slowly to the shower room. Leaving the two to have a small moment alone.
When the coast is clear, Yuma weakly leans into Yakou’s shoulder still trying to get himself comfortable.
Yakou sighs as he places a hand over Yuma’s body scooting a little closer to him until the small blanket cocooned boy was in his arms. He smiles down at him sympathetically as a parent would for their sick child.
“Not feeling very good, are you kiddo?” he asked, looking down at him, placing a hand on his head stroking it softly.
“Mm-mm…” Yuma pitifully responded in a whiny tone shaking his head as he sinks his warm cheek into the older one’s chest.
“You’ll be fine, don’t worry. We’ll take care of you.” Yakou said petting his head more to soothe him.
Yuma nodded smiling before he felt another sneeze building up.
Like clockwork, Yakou quickly grabs the last tissue from the box he had and places it to his face catching the sneeze just in time.
“Gesundheit.” He says with a gentle smile.
“…Tank you…” Yuma whispered quietly with his eyes closed.
Yakou wipes the trainee’s nose then he tosses the last tissue on top of the ones already overfilling the trash can.
“Hey, look what I bought.” Yakou said rummaging through another one of the bags. He pulled out a small bottle of nasal spray handing it to him. “There ya go, instant relief for all that pesky nose stuff you have built up.” he gave him a reassuring grin.
Yuma smiled sighing in relief as he held the bottle and nodded in silence.
Soon Fubuki and Vivia had returned. They both hand Yakou the spoon and thermometer almost in synced unison.
“Here you go Chief! And here’s the water too!” Fubuki says a bit muffled by her face mask as she puts the water down on the table.
“Thank you Fubuki.” Yakou said smiling. Fubuki then turns her eyes to Yuma.
Yuma just turns and shyly hides his face away. He’s a little embarrassed to be seen like this in front of his coworkers.
Fubuki just smiles behind her mask at this reaction. Yuma was so cute!
Vivia places the ice pack down on the table next to the water.
“Thank you, Vivia, you’re excused to go back to your corner now.” Yakou said.
As if Vivia was waiting for those words he walks back to the fireplace and lays down and begins to read his book again.
Yakou uses his hands to shoo Fubuki away telling her to give the two of them some space. Telling her to go assist Halara in the kitchen. Fubuki nods and heads over to the kitchen where Halara was.
Desuhiko had found a suitable pair of pajamas for Yuma in his bag, but decides to stay in it to give Yuma and Yakou some space. He quietly watches them from a small open space from the open zipper.
“Coast is clear Yuma. Nobody’s here anymore. Except Vivia but he’s just in the fireplace like usual. He won’t bother us.” Yakou said telling Yuma he can stop hiding now.
Yuma turns his head to look around and then looks up at Yakou who was holding a device in his hands. Yuma raises an eyebrow in confusion.
“Just gonna take your temp real quick alright? Can you open your mouth for me?”
Yuma opens his mouth as Yakou places the thermometer inside. The feverish trainee instinctively moving it under his tongue and closing his mouth.
After a few seconds the device beeps and Yakou takes it out. It read about 37.7 c (100. f)
“Yep. Definitely a fever, but it’s nothing serious.” Yakou replied looking at the device then putting it down on the table. “Good thing we caught it early. We got some medicine for it, so it should break in a few hours after some rest.”
Yuma nodded as he leaned back into Yakou. He was feeling very tired.
“Whoa, before you go back to your nap, let’s get this medicine in you first so you can wake up later hopefully feeling better.” Yakou said noticing how sleepy he looked. “C’mon, sit up for me.”
Yuma slowly gets himself back up again facing Yakou. His complexion and appearance status were the same, runny eyes and cherry red nose, pale yet flushed cheeks, but his tired and dazed face made him look like a nervous yet curious little kid. Yakou couldn’t help himself when he spoke again.
“Attaboy. Alright let’s see what we got here...” Yakou said as he picked up the cold medicine. He reads the instructions over and takes the spoon Fubuki gave him uncapping the bottle and pours the orange liquid into it. “Open wide.”
Yuma opens his mouth as Yakou places the spoon of medicine into it.
It didn’t taste very good as Yuma’s face was a little scrunched up and his tongue slightly sticking out. But he still swallowed it down with no vocal complaints.
“Okay good, now let’s try this one, it should help your headache.” Yakou grabbed the aspirin tablet and placed one in his hand and gave it to Yuma. “Pop that in and we’ll swallow it with some of this water.”
Yuma placed the tablet in his mouth and Yakou gave him the water glass to drink and swallow it down with. The boy takes the glass and took a small drink from it swallowing the pill and sighing once he was finished.
“There we go. Medicine is all done. You’ll be just fine now.” Yakou said smiling at him.
Yuma smiled in return before he sneezed twice into his arm quickly turning away from Yakou as he did so. His nose was running once again. He instinctively reached for the tissue box on the table, but it was empty.
Yakou laughed. “Don’t worry, we got more tissues.” he said looking at the empty box on the table as he took out some new ones, he bought at the store placing the box in Yuma’s lap.
Yuma nodded as he grabbed a couple of tissues wiping his nose and blowing into it.
“Sowwy…” Yuma said quietly feeling a little guilty for using up the entire tissue box.
“You’re fine. You have a cold; it can’t be helped.” Yakou responded taking the tissues and throwing them away for him.
“You wanna use the spray?” Yakou asked.
Yuma nodded quietly.
Yakou took the nasal spray from Yuma’s lap and opened and uncapped it. Then he plugged it up the boy’s nose.
“Brace yourself.” Yakou said a bit playfully. As he quickly spritzed the formula into both the boy’s nostrils then quickly taking it out. He puts the cap back on it placing it onto the table.
Yuma flinched slightly as he received the spray, but then as it was removed he exhaled trying to breathe through his nose again. It was a little better, but not quite.
Yakou then lays the blanket wrapped trainee back down. “Alrighty. Now you can sleep. When you wake up later you should feel better and then you can have some nice warm soup, take a nice hot shower and change into fresh and warm clothes.”
Yakou grabbed the wrapped ice pack Vivia brought and placed it under the boy’s neck where the pillow was. “And that should cool you off while you rest.”
Yuma smiled as he laid his head to the pillow and cool ice turning his head curling up to get in a more comfortable position for his nap.
“…Tanks fo all dis chief…” he said quietly as he began nodding off.
“You’re welcome, Yuma.” Yakou said smiling, putting his hand to the trainee’s head petting it softly.
“Get well soon, okay?”
Yuma smiled as he drifted off into a deep sleep with the medicine now in his system. His chief and coworkers watching over him and caring for him throughout the rest of the day.
He was already starting to feel better.
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boxwinebaddie · 2 months
IS. THAT.../YOU/? </3
tw for mild body horror, semi-graphic medical talk
*reaches my kenny girl hand up thru the dirt by my grave
& shoots the wink, finger gun, peace sign, wave combo*
HELLOOOO, MY LOVES! />o</ <333
( i'll make a bigger post later; swearsies. )
but where’s uncle nina?...Long Story Short?
i am seriously dreading having to go to the hospital for...the THIRD FUCKING TIME, so my diaHAGnosis hasn't been officially proven,
but trust me...juuuust trust me...
*is somewhere between a laugh, sigh, scream and cry*
i am about 95% sure....
wheeeew!~ yayayay! sAuR AwESomE!
i am...having So Much Fun! <3 xx
anyways, in case i croak, just wanted to pop in from the trenches to say a real quick, but quantifiably large and overtly resounding
my rant park girls, ofc, for enduring my britney spears mentie bs in the chat, my psychosis and v obnoxious 'needs to be carried thru life' complaining/suffering on the reg ( i cried every single day for the past...almost week? because of how scared and sad i’ve been. ;-; )
anyone who sent me an in character/headcannon/plot question the past couple of days bc, other than the girlies, it was the only source of real joy and enrichment i have felt while being scared...for my life. thank...you. Seriously. like y'all still care abt my fic? wowza!! o/u/o
( regarding memes, soz, they might not super exciting, i’m only doing lil spef HC ones rn & got a lil hyperfixated on rae, so i am doing that one abt his height / fave fruit.
<333 my lovely emo fruit salad celebpretty boy. c: )
'cause haha!!! you were NOT wrong, concern was not misplaced at all! I HATE THIS SCARY NIGHTMARE FUEL CHILDREN CONTAGION! :(
istg, my face has swollen up shrunken down, been every color, the pressure in my ears and nose and face is so bad that i feel like i am i an airplane rn....in my bedroom, every er dr. told me i had a sunburn and was an idiot, like actually king, i am green not red! get a real job!
siiiiiiiiigh...i just...:c i’ve never felt weaker, more miserable, more afraid, more UGLY and more lost in my entire life...
but i am grateful to have been found by readers and human beings as lovely as yourselves. i miss you. i love you. i'll try to be in touch as much as i can, but it will be touch and go, my body is a body bag rn :/
thank you for fighting the good fight, my darlings. whatever you are going through, KEEP FUCKING GOING. this is not the end. you are so much stronger than things that want to make you weak.
( i'm not very good at practicing what i preach, but ngl, kinda sick, literally, but i have basically been my own emergency makeshift whumpshot this past week and it has been gNARLY. like i have been...very scared. lmao. i am...still scared, but i'm gonna be okay. )
from what hurts or harms you,
past, present and future....
-sickfic body horror whumple nina <3
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bellysoupset · 4 months
Asking off of Lis’ ask but did I completely miss that Max has Emetophilia? And like, if that’s true and he has a lil thing for it, will we see more of that in the futureeeee? 👀
Like I said, the plan was to have Vin/Wen/Max be a trouple and I thought "would be kind of cool to have him an emetophile as well".
The trouple has since been scrubbed (like people pointed out, Vin and Wendy don't seem the type to share and I agree), but the emetophile thing hangs in the air.
I'm still not entirely sure? The only thing I do know is that originally I wanted him to the type of emetophile who gets off on being the sickee, but I've found out through writing Wen/Vince that I hate writing people enjoying themselves when sick. A big part of sickfic for me is the absolute misery.
So even if I do keep him as an emetophile, I'm still to find out how it manifests for him!
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aeryssickfics · 5 months
Same anon as yesterday — I’m so hype to see there’s somewhat a Sickfic community again 🥺 I will 100 percent be writing something as soon as I’ve got time!! Probably a Kaeya Sickfic as he is my favorite!!
Anyways — have you ever considered writing something that involves Tighnari’s lightening scars? I think about the fact he was struck a lot… or did I make that up? I can’t remember hahaha
Welcome back Nonny <3
Oh Im excited :eyes: I love Kaeya and I've inhaled almost every (sick)fic on ao3 at this point (I need to comb through again in case I missed one but you know- lmao) The needing Time thing is So valid tho I feel you. Life is a Whole Thing and ofc must come first.
I have thought a lot about Tighnari's lightning strike injury! We don't know if he scarred or not but I DO love the idea of the fractal scars bc hoooly wow they're pretty but also ;~; I haven't thought much about writing for it specifically since I've only dipped my toes into genshin via sickfic but I could easily get into the idea of like, as soon as a lil of the dust settled Cyno going to Tighnari's side to find out how bad the injury was and help him as much as possible and just phantom pain and other issues with it- we discussed that a little over on.... I'm pretty sure it was @caspersickfanfics's blog! I am getting ready for work so I don't have time to look up the exact convo but I'll prolly hunt it down and reblog it if I haven't already Later:tm:
I may write something to that end eventually! Nari frustrated because there's so little he can Do while recovering. Dropping things, muscle weakness. Pain. He's used to being independent and he feels bad bc he Knows cyno is needed elsewhere... by Cyno doesn't want to leave him Like This:tm: ... well now lookit what you've done nonny [/joking
ig it's getting added to The List:tm: for later. hopefully this weekend I can finish up Here For You and maybe knock out another easier prompt! we'll see!
its (probably) only a matter of time before I start writing straight up plots in addition to sickfic scenes but I have to decide how I want to do that, like if I want them on my main profile or if I want to just create a psudonym on ao3 under this account's profile. buhdunuh for now I have Plenty of sickfic fuel and not enough time so we'll see if that ever materializes.
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nanatsuyu · 1 year
do you have any recommendations of fics that are about kandrews relationship/friendship?? (either way its fine)
their dinamic is just so interesting to me, i think we need more fics that explore it
also i love their friendship in blueberry pancakes
oh man oh man i always have so many scenes bopping in my head from fics about them ;; but heres some from my top bookmarks that i could think of offhand!
-- an abridged family medical guide, 6th edition - 30degreesandsnowing
my intro into kandreil and it's a sickfic from their own povs each chapter and the kandrew in this makes me insane because they're SO soft on each other and i reread it like once a month+ for serotonin
sick days by sweetlikesugar
kevin is sick and tries to push himself anyways and andrew lets him know hes an idiot (affectionate) [emetophobia warning!] i love sickfics more than breathing so this was just hhhHHHHH
the gentle violence of loving you - sweetlikesugar
one of my favourite takes on how kandrew were pre-canon. delves a bit more into kevins poor mental state when showing up on the fox doorstep. it really grabs me in the "andrew was looking out for kevin before he knew it" feelings
make me believe that you need me most - sambutwithbooks
sam is like,,,,,,,a true gift to kandrew enjoyers when it comes to smut and also how they navigate each other in canon and how kevin carries a chip on his shoulder and andrew is Always Watching
this is how we try - justadreamfox
another kandreil i'm super fond of with ace kevin and andrew having always been in love with him and the three navigating their sex life featuring some real cute pining and fretting andrew
die hard valentines - dayurno
*chef kiss* absolutely stunning kandreil ive read 100000 times. focuses on kevin and andrew and their love for neil and just has these tender moments between them that gave me cavities im unable to fill UGH
sucker - mostly_maudlin
kevin is a vampire and drinks neils blood from andrews mouth. like that should sell it easily but its also REALLY soft with kisses. 3 part series with so much sexual tension its a physical entity that haunts me like the hat man after 10 benadryl
plugs my own fics cus im shy about it but i really love them a lot and my kandrew is some of my most self indulgent,,,
even if it takes __ years
canon divergent ending where neil was not present in the series and kandrew figure themselves out given all their issues
missed sleep
a lil au i have of them as an old married couple where kevin has ghosts from his past creep up but its mostly soft stuff in this snippet
kandreil post choking scene thats SUPER tender because im a soft baby. just got a podfic too! <3
not a complete list but these live rent free in my brain and are incredibly inspirational to me and a couple were VERY founding to my kandrew obsession!!
also thank you ;; you can see where it bleeds a bit into blueberry pancakes cus them being best friends is very important to me in every au always ;;
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ghostussy · 1 year
Could you link me some fluffy (or spicy, don’t matter) fics/hc/drabbles of the ghost members with sick reader? Or even specifically you know, surgery. I love the ghouls and papa platonic x kit reader or anything younger. It’s just so comforting, and everything hurts rn, not just my chest, but an ear infection for the 6th time this month.
Omg have a good day
Yeah! Unfortunately I don't have many sickfics saved, but these are some of my go-to fics. Sorry there's so many AKFJBDS
Fuck that's a lot of ear infections in a month. I'm so sorry, those are absolute fucking hell. I hope you start feeling better soon!!! <3 and HAPPY NO TIT SATURDAY!!!!!!! (for real though I hope you start feeling better!)
Aches (Mitchmatch24) is one of my personal favorites, reader gets a migraine and Aether draws it out. <3 (also please check out mitch's other fics too they're very soft!)
From the Pinnacle to the Pile (Mitchmatch24) isn't a sickfic necessarily, but it's about an overworked reader getting dragged into the ghoul pile.
Bedtime (lampisaflashlight) is really cute, Rain essentially kidnaps Dew and puts him to sleep LOL
Personal Heater (thatoddgent) is about Sodo soothing a reader with chronic pain.
Rest (milkywaybottles) is one of the first Popia x readers I ever read, I find a lot of comfort in it even now. <3 It uses the prompt, "Just go back to sleep, I'll be here when you wake up." and is overall really sweet.
kazoo comfort (ghostchems) Terzo, retired, finds the reader on a break and serenades them. with a kazoo.
lil dew ficlet (iamthecomet) my personal favorite sickfic, not an x reader but I use it to fuel my daydreams
Aether is exhausted (iamthecomet) another (kinda?) sickfic, not an x reader but Aether is running around the ministry overworking himself caring for everyone else who is sick until the ghouls stop him.
Let Me (checkerboardhorns) Copia is sleepy and the reader helps him take off his paints.
Spring Walk (writingjourney) Reader is feeling anxious, so Cardi takes them out on a walk.
Overwhelmed (joyfulfxckery) Rain and Swiss x Overworked reader during exam season.
Blanketed in your Love (jossambird) Secondo comforts a reader sobbing in his chapel.
Ghosting (writingjourney) Reader accidentally ghosts Papa (any) because they are, well. Sick as hell.
Copia takes care of you after surgery (bretty-metalhead) A really sweet set of headcanons.
Cuddles with Papa (leezlelatch) Reader visits Copia's apartment where they cuddle while watching movies.
Sniffles and Snuggles (leezlelatch) Copia takes care of you when you are sick.
Rough Day (writingjourney) Reader is cared for by Copia after a long day.
There was only one bed fireplace (sweatandwoe) It's cold as fuck in the ministry, so you get yourself and Copia kidnapped by the ghouls.
Sleepy Nights (leezlelatch) sleepy nights with copia! believe it or not I actually requested this on anon not long before I started writing and interacting with people on this site. This is the fic that inspired me to start writing, so it has a very special place in my heart <3
Sick (katyouz-deactivated) A sick reader is comforted by Copia.
/ / /the next three fics involve littlespace, if you're not comfortable with that feel free to skip! I'm don't really read littlespace but these are really soft! / / /
Stressed Copia (omoghouls) A stressed Copia fighting being little so he can finish his work.
Copia being comforted by the Ghouls (omoghouls) Copia is overworking himself.
Tiny Aether with a Caretaker Copia (omoghouls) Aether is feeling small and Copia takes care of him.
/ / /
KISS!!! (soulnottainted) Copia cuddles an OC named kelsey.
Papa Reads (honeyynymphh) Papa reads exerpts from an old text while you lie on his lap.
When you wake up (copiousloverofcopia) Reader falls asleep while waiting on Terzo to come to bed.
Insomniac (of-dragonss) Reader, an insomniac, cuddles with Copia late at night.
A Cozy Night with Copia (seestor-of-mordor) Cuddles with copia as he (attempts) to read.
Ao3 Fic recs:
You Need Not Suffer Alone (CopiaInRed) Copia comforts a depressed reader. Also be sure to check out his other fics as well cuz damn are they good! <3
3 am (themratts) Copia wakes up in the middle of the night and is comforted by his wife, Alena (OC).
Father Figure Secondo (terzosleftkidney) Reader falls asleep in the car and is carried in by Secondo.
Three's Company (emertiusslut) Cuddle party between Copia and a few of his ghouls.
Pitter Patter (Pool_rain) Swiss has been having a rough time on tour, and Copia comforts him.
Lackluster (ratpocket) I fucking love this fic. It's only 3 chapters long unfortunately but it's one of the first ghost fics I ever read and I love it so much. Copia gets bitten by vampire Terzo, and discovers that he has not been taking care of himself the way that he should.
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forestshadow-wolf · 9 months
Ignore this, I'm complaining because I'm a complainer, and I don't know any of you irl
I just wanna not be sick anymore like my body hurts and my head hurts and like my throat too. And id go get a cough drop to help but they all have like red dye 57 or some shit in them and they'll stain my invisaline, and I don't want the dentist to yell at me when I go to get new trays on Wednesday, and I can't tale them out because the whole point is for them to stay in my mouth for as long as possible so that they, ya know, actually work. But also they make my face hurt, and it's not even my fault that im sick, like my sister was sick and she was all over me and coughing on me because she has zero spacial awareness, but it's whatever or something and I don't wanna blame her because that makes me feel bad.
And also I woke up like 3 times last night because my head was killing me, and I'm pretty sure it's because I'm dehydrated and that's a me problem but still, and sometimes when I try to drink water is just kinda... sits in my stomach and I can feel it and it's just... no good
And I swear I'm trying to be healthy and responsible, but like I'm really just not that hungry. And I'm trying to not get anyone else sick but the think is I already had/have a problem of isolating myself before this because family is a lil exhausting ngl, and everyone is like come hang put with the fam and I'm like sure... but I'm sick.
And that's not even the worst part. The worst part is probably the vertigo when I stand up sometimes or still having to wake up to take my sister to work at 8am. My sister doesn't even care that I'm sick, and also has this habit of wearing super strong perfume, or just spraying it to make the care "smell good" except on a good day it gives me a headache. And also she talks a lot and really loudly, and because I apparently have no boundaries I just sit there and suffer, which is fine cuz it's my fault but like still.
Anyway if you're here, first of all: why? You don't need to listen to me be annoying
Second of all: get ready for the soapghost sickfic when I'm better, as an apology for complaining
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thorin-baby-bear · 1 year
Hello I was wondering if you'd be I interested in writing a ride the cyclone sickfic? :)) I ship nischa so if it was about them that would be cool but I'm desperate for anything at this point
Absolutely, Nischa is such a comfort ship for me hehe :333
Noel's Day In
A Ride The Cyclone agere fic :3
Characters: Little!Noel Gruber, Cg!Mischa Bachinski, Mrs. Gruber
CW: Noel is very miserable for a bit and is also really sick
“Noel,” Mischa murmured, bumping the sleeping boy’s shoulder gently, “time to wake up.” Noel’s eyes opened slowly, squinting against the low light of his bedroom as he started to sniffle. He reached up to wipe his nose and made a noise of disgust at the stream of snot he found there before waving his hand desperately against the stick. “Ick.” He groaned, his voice nasally . 
Mischa raised an eyebrow and placed a hand to Noel’s forehead, frowning at the heat. “Sick, I think.” He sighed. Noel shook his head. He absolutely hated being sick. “Nuh uh.” He said. Mischa tried to hide his smile, but by the way Noel was frowning at him he could tell he was probably failing. “Are you sure?” He asked, poking at Noel’s forehead. “This is very warm.” 
Noel sniffled, sighed, and decided to admit defeat. 
“ ‘s a lil icky…” He muttered, wrapping himself in his blanket. Mischa nodded and got up, hesitating when Noel made a distressed sound. “I will be right back, little one. I am just going to speak with your mother.” Noel’s mouth opened and closed like a fish for a moment before he just nodded and fell back in his bed. Mischa chuckled before heading through the door, on his way to make sure Noel would get the sleep he needed. 
It took much longer than Mischa expected to get back to Noel. After he explained the situation to Noel’s mom (and found out she was going to be working most of the day), he called his foster parents and let them know he would be staying home from school today and asked them to call the school office. They didn’t really care, which was the reaction Mischa had been expecting but it still stung a bit. After that, Noel’s mom had insisted they make Noel some soup and that had taken longer than even she expected, so needless to say Mischa was a bit worried as he approached Noel’s door with a bowl of soup. 
As he turned the doorknob, he heard what sounded like a high whistle, and peaked in to see Noel fully asleep, sprawled across the bed like a ragdoll. He huffed affectionately and walked in, setting the soup on the bedside table and shaking Noel awake (again). The sick boy made a quick squeak of annoyance that melted Mischa’s heart, and he smiled down at his little one. 
“Soup for you, my love.” He said. Noel’s eyes flashed with excitement and he reached over to the bedside table, prepared to inhale the food he had been brought, but a cough racked his body and he fell back again with a frustrated grunt. 
“Take it slow, Noel.” Mescha said, picking up the bowl. “I can help feed you, if that’s okay?”
Noel hesitated. He usually hated needing to have other people help him do easy things, but this was Mischa, and he was so very tired, so instead of shaking his head he nodded, looking up at Mischa expectantly. Mischa grinned and reached out to ruffle Noel’s hair, chuckling at his squeak of indignation. “Thank you, love. I am very proud of you.” Noel smiled tiredly back before opening his mouth as the spoon came towards his mouth. 
The rest of the day passed as happily as it could. Mischa carried Noel down to the living room around noon, and they spent the rest of the day reading, drawing, watching movies, and cuddling. Noel made his Papa picture after picture, so many that Mischa joked about starting a scrapbook just for them (which wasn’t really a joke, he was actually planning on doing it). Mischa read Noel all of his favorite stories, making sure to do the fun voices that Noel loved so much, especially his deep, booming dragon voice (“I’m going to… gobble you up!” He cried, lunging forward and tickling Noel’s tummy, which probably wasn’t the best idea with all the coughing fits, but it did make Noel smile). He also made a simple fort, something that could be easily taken apart and put back together so if Noel needed to move he could, but Noel didn’t need to move, in fact he stayed in the fort for the majority of the day. 
At the end of the day, Mischa was pretty sure he would be getting sick the next day, but he was too happy to care. He had spent the whole day caring for his little one, and he wouldn’t give that up even if he got all the flu in the world, not ever. The two fell asleep content, Noel’s nose having cleared up a bit and Mischa wrapped carefully around him, and when Noel’s mom got home she had the good grace not to wake them. Mischa fell asleep with his heart bursting, his eyes wet with happy tears. If only all days were like this, he sighed, wrapping tighter around Noel and drifting off into a gentle sleep…
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pixelatedraindrops · 1 year
My Raincode Fic is finally done! I hope you enjoy! Also have another cute lil' edit from me based on it! c: Its a found family fic where the NDA help a sick Yuma get better c:
Tumblr media
It's 18k words and 8 Chapters long! (because I'm insane) So make sure you have the time to read it!
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crinkled-emotions · 1 year
Just picturing Rooster deployed on a carrier out at sea, suddenly struck being completely sick and his stomach HURTS but poor thing as no-one or no where to run to ..because you know...stuck out at sea
Alright who has access to my notes app or the singular brain cell I borrow off Pooty occasionally 🤔😂
I love this so much omg!!
I have a lil ficlet semi-written for this rn for Rooster and Dee but I think I'm gonna hold on to that one for a little later and post all the side fics as a sickfic collection after the main fic is finished 😂
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moonbinscirera · 2 years
Ahhgg, car trips can be a drag sometimes 😭 I'm pretty sure I haven't taken one since I've graduated so about 3 years tbh, I'm always driving these days so I get a little more car sick as a passenger. But I used to enjoy them a lot when I was younger! 😩
I think your hobby list is so good 💪🏼 ah but I feel the same way... Ooh fanfic 👁 do you have any particular favorite kind of genres you like to read? Oh and I've been looking at switches lately because they seem like a lot of fun! I've been trying to get into more fun games since breaks will be coming up from school 🤩
Video essays sound like a lot of fun ngl - I wish I had the attention span for that long 😩 that's super cute how excited you got for a 9 hour video omg but also it's skyrim so I can understand 😂 knitting! That's so cool, my mom was lamenting how she wanted to learn 😂 😂 😂 😂
I don't do much either 😭 I always feel so busy or tired to do things but I like to run my silly little tumblr blogs with content (gifs, fics, spamming the dash 😅) but I like to read all kinds of things (fics and books) but I haven't had as much time as I'd like 😔 maybe once I graduate, it'll free up some more hours in my day!
i don't actually drive so im always a passenger dhdhdhddh so really i just play pretend at being a navigator but like we using a gps so-
oh im a fantasy lover i love magic and monsters and scifi stuff too! bonus points if the protag is a black girl and double points if shes black and gay but thats my criteria for regular books when its fanfic i like sickfics and injury ones like im an angst girl i love me a major character death and i want my fave to suffer... on the lighter side i like fake dating like so much like SO MUCH i still like magic aus too but ill read alotta stuff as long as nobody pregnant and like the fic has to BE SUPER well written for me to even THINK of touching a kid fic with a 10ft pole
like when i get into an ao3 tag i got a full blown system like first i do my favorite character depending on the size of the archive ill either filter it to just angst or the specfic type then read thru back to front once being selective then twice with lower standards and then a third time with desperation. then once ive done that i take off the angst tag and just leave all my exclude this filters on and just do the above with their entire archive. after that i do the same with the relationship i have identified as my favorite
its a proven system i miss very lil fics that way.... anyway
switches are fun! i actually have quite a few games onnit its nice to have a portable console and when u get games like botw onnit u can have good time sinks that are worth the money spent on it and btw.... u can get skyrim on it dgsnszhdn p sure
ehe~ there are video essays that are still really good that are under 40 mins or 30 mins even if several hours is really hard to do. i like ToonrificTariq he does cartoon analysis and theyre normally on that shorter side!
i wasnt necessarily good at knitting like i was really baysic at it tbh i just taught myself the very baysic knit stitch and i think how to do the reverse purl one maybe im still unsure if i actually did it.... funfact i taught myself while i was binge watching game of thrones (when it was still cool) so i missed the entirety of the first season cuz i was focused on my knitting but by the time i got to s2 i could knit reliably with out looking so i actually started watching the show.
:O ur a fic writer??? thats so cool! its amazing that u can write stories i cant wait to be able to see some of your writing 👀 and a studious homie!!! very fancy!! what are u studying if u dont mind me asking?
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bellysoupset · 9 months
*warning: LONG fangoirl word vomit ahead*
UHM????? oh. my. fucking. god. this was fucking AMAZING????????? 😩😩😩 i literally had to take a sec after reading it before writing this bc the fic was so good it got me speechless. EVERYTHING WAS PERFECT SOUP OMGGGGG 😭 i had kind of daydreamed about how i thought you were gonna go about this request lol and i was already soooo excited about it BUT GOSH somehow THIS WAS EVEN BETTER than what i imagined???????
it had everything i wanted AHHHHand i loved every single part of it 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽 wen being wen (aka adorably looking at trinkets) at the beginning, the nausea in the car + how embarrassed she was at first thinking it was bad gas station food + how chill and comforting vin was being in the car <3333 and then getting home and ma noticing immediately and helping her to the couch and making her tea 🥹 and liv and soph there and then vin noticing the fever and my girl BEING SO OUT OF IT RAHHHHH‼️‼️‼️ emphasis on THIS!!!! wen being so uncontrollably nauseous and dizzy and sick was def one of my fav things especially bc of how put together and in control she usually is (and how she was trying SO HARD to fight it and stay in control like miss girllllllll stop being so real) 😩🫶🏽 and then puking on vin’s lap and then him carrying her and gently telling her not to fight him😭 and then teasing her a lil bit in the bathroom AND THE WHOLE SHOWER SCENE OH MY FREAKING GOOOOOOOODDDDDD dude are you trying to KILL me‼️‼️‼️ 😩😩 FROM THE NAUSEA TO GETTING SICK TO FEELING FAINT TO THE CONSTANT SHIVERING TO HOPING VIN WOULD COME IN TO HIM BEING SCARED AS SHIT TO MA BEING SO WORRIED SHE WAS ALMOST MAD TO VIN GETTING IN THE SHOWER W HER TO WEN FEELING BAD ABOUT IT ALL GODDAMNNNNNN THIS WAS SO TOP TIER SOUP
and THE END was so adorable too 😭😭😭 LIV BEING ADORABLE AS PER USUAL and wen being sooooo embarrassed (again, too real) the whole time and vin just constantly reassuring her and telling her she’s not a burden🥺🥺🥺 and the TEASING AT THE END 😩😩😩😩 everything was just so perfect and exactly what i’ve been CRAVING to read‼️ the angst the fear the worry the uncontrollable sickness the fever the throwing up in the shower the dizziness the fainting the reassurance the hurt the comfort JUST WOW🥹🥹🥹🥹 FOR REAL THIS IS MY FAV FIC EVER AND I WILL BE REREADING IT CONSTANTLY THANK YOU SO SO SO SO MUCH FOR WRITING THIS SOUP YOU ARE THE BEST OF THE BESTTTTT
(i know this is long af but i hope you enjoy my rambling/fangoirling!!! if you don’t pls let me know and i’ll keep it to myself or make it shorter next time LOL i know it’s a lot of text heheh)
Don't you dare stop, they make my entire week.
I am so happy you liked this one this much, because it was tailored for you, like just know it lol. I had your ask open in one tab and then the Sicily Part 6 that you said you wanted it to be similar to in the other tab and then another Wendy sickfic in another tab because I wanted to make sure she was In Character 🙈🙈
I had soooo much fun typing this and I was worried about the length, but if you liked it, then I consider it a win!
I hope 2024 is treating you good so far and that you have a great new year 🦦!!
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