#i'm so nervous about flying i want to die
swollenwithangst · 7 months
why must i (a nightly princess) take a plane? instead of dealing with motion sickness and turbulence, i should be filled with laughter as my vampire partner tickles me with the wings of the various bat forms they transform into.
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Ever see a depiction of St. George and the Dragon? It's pretty fair to say if you've seen one, you've seen them all: Georgie on a horse stabbing a flailing dragon creature, princess piously kneeling in the background, vague landscape alluding to the homeland of the artist's patron.
The most varied part is the dragons. No one had a real definition for the thing, it seemed. For your pleasure and entertainment, I have ranked some medieval depictions based on how impressive George's feat seems once you see the dragon.
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Paolo Uccello, 1456
This is a terrifying beast. The hell is that. Uccello was one of the first experimenters with perspective, so the thing also looks surreal, like it's taking place on Mars, or a Windows 95 screensaver. I would not want to fight that, I would not want to be tied to that. (Sometimes the princess is tied to the dragon for some reason.) 10/10
Horse thoughts: Maybe if I look at the ground it will be gone when I look up
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Unknown artist, c. 1505
This is a rare change of form for the dragon; it's the only one I've seen actually flying (or at least falling with style). It doesn't look particularly deterred by the spear through its throat, either. Also, George looks appropriately nervous. On the other hand, it hasn't got teeth, it seems to be fuzzy rather than having scaly armor, and George is bolstered by his army of Henry VII and his children, most of whom definitely didn't actually die in infancy. Still, wouldn't want to fight it, wouldn't want my pet sheep near it. (Sometimes the princess has a pet sheep for some reason.) 9/10
Horse thoughts: I am so glad I wore my mightiest feather helmet for this
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Raphael, 1505
We are coming to Dragons With Problems. This guy looks about comparable in size to George, and does have wings, but doesn't seem to be using these things to his advantage (and has he only got one wing?) And how does he deal with the neck? He does have a comically small head, but holding it up with such a twisty neck seems complicated at best. But most egregiously, he is doing the shitty superheroine pose where he is somehow simultaneously showcasing his chest and his butt, with its unnecessarily defined butthole (more on this later) (regrettably). 8/10 bc it's Raphael
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The Beauchamp Hours, c. 1401
We had a spirited debate about this one at work. Again, the dragon has gotten smaller, and this one hasn't got even one wing. He's basically a crocodile. So the debate became: would you want to fight a crocodile if you had a horse and a pointy stick? Would the horse trample the animal, who can't get on its hind legs, or freak out and throw its rider? Would the pointy stick be enough to pierce the croc's thick hide? In this case, George seems to be controlling his horse and putting his pointy stick in the dragon's weak spot, so we can be impressed by his skill and strategy. However, his hat is dumb. 7/10
Horse thoughts: Dehhhh
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Book of Hours, c. 1480
Here we have the same kind of croco-dragon, but George's focus on his strategy has gone out the window. He's flailing around, not even looking at his target, he's about to lose his pointy stick, he hasn't got a hand on the reins, and his sword seems to only be poking the invisible dragon over his shoulder. All he's got going for him is that his hat is slightly less dumb. 6/10
Horse thoughts: Yay, new friend! Come play with me, new fr- what is happening
Final dragons put behind this Read More for your safety:
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Rogier van der Weyden, c. 1432
I'm thinking this guy is at least semi-aquatic. Webbed feet, wings that seem more like fins, bipedal but top-heavy, jaws that seem more for scooping than biting. Maybe she's crawled up here from the nearby body of water to lay her eggs, and this is all a big misunderstanding. Moreover, George's dagged sleeves seem entirely impractical for the situation. 5/10
Horse thoughts: i got my hed stuk in a jar and now it is this way forever
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Unknown artist, c. 15th century
I hate this. I hate everything about it. Why has it got human eyes and teeth. Why is its nose melting. Why has it got a dick on its face and balls under its chin. The fin/wings are back but they look even more useless. Also, George is shifty as hell, schlumped over in his saddle with his bowler hat thing over his eyes. The baby dragon at the bottom eating some hapless would-be rescuer is kind of metal. 4/10 at least the thing is gonna die
Horse thoughts: I Have Smoked So Much Crack
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Book of Hours, c. 1450
Remember what I said about the buttholes? First, sorry. Second, yeah, we're back to that. I'll admit this one is less about the danger from the dragon itself than the very specific choices the artist has made. They didn't need to do that. It's a lizard. They don't even have. And it's like they had an orifice budget and they skipped an exit wound for the spear to focus. Elsewhere. It's so detailed. And George had an even dumber hat. 2/10 take it away
Horse thoughts: I Have Smoked So Much Weed
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Book of Hours, c. 1415
This is just bullying. There isn't even a princess. That is clearly an infant. Look at that smug look on George's face as he swings his sword that's bigger than the whole little guy. This is the equivalent of when DJT Jr. hunted those sleeping endangered sheep. 1/10
Horse thoughts: ....yikes
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And this is the previous one, but now the baby dragon is cute. He's chubby. He's got toe beans. He's Puff the Magic Dragon. His eyes have already gone white, implying that George is just kicking its corpse around for funsies. What's the difference between the dragon and the lamb in the background? That the dragon is dead, like our innocence. This George is truly deserving of the dumbest hat of all. 0/10 plus one more butthole for the road
Horse thoughts: Perhaps it is we who are the buttholes.
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anadiasmount · 5 months
star night - jb blurb
masterlist | jude's masterlist
psa 🗣️: wow. what a week of ucl football! congratulations to all the teams that qualified 🤍 here's a tiny blurb with jude after his win yesterday as requested!! so proud of this man guys i can't :((
the strands on the bottom of your scarf had become your best friend throughout the game. making small knots or twisting strands together. nervous was one way to describe how you felt, but the huge bubble and pit in your tummy said more. covering your eyes when attempted goals were made, and gasping out reliefs when they were saved.
it was a total of 120 minutes, played, and in the end, penalties would determine who would advance. your eyes were glued onto the familiar tall figure, the 5 on the back, the one player who proved their worth after many talks and banters. you could tell he was tired, though he gave it his all.
the stadium went quiet for you, and all you heard was the rapid pulse in your veins as seconds passed. agony, cheers, tears, and laughter. it felt surreal, time went slow, and all you could focus on was him celebrating on the pitch, brown eyes gleaming with delight and relief as his team passed onto the next round.
he was over the moon, clapping, dancing, singing, hugging his teammates, just overridden with emotion. your eyes locked almost immediately, jude not being able to hide a big smile on his lips when seeing you. you waited by the rails, holding a towel and a jacket for him.
jude engulfed you into a tight and rushed hug, out of breath from running on pure adrenaline. you could feel the rapid heartbeat of his against your chest, his jersey clanging tight after running all evening. you laughed, cleaning his neck, sides, and face that glistened with sweat. "we did it baby... we did it," was all jude said as he leaned his forehead onto yours.
you held his face, kissing the bridge of his nose, "you did my love. i'm so so proud of you, look around and take it all in." jude couldn't help but dig into your neck, shoulders shaking as he let himself full relax against you. you could hear a small sniffle, jude pulling back, your thumbs catching the tears, and wiping them away from his pretty face. "i can't- i don't know how to feel. it happened so fast!" exclaimed your boyfriend in disbelief.
"what matters is that you did it, all the way to the end. you made history here tonight, keep it in here," you touched his temple, "and feel it here," placing your palm over his heart. "i love you y/n so much," he relished your love, wanting to stay here with you and never go back. he would die a happy man after this moment. "thank you for being with every time, between the good in the bad. you're the best thing that has ever happened to me, pretty girl."
neither of you could care less about the cameras, stares, or shouts from fans. this was his moment with you, and jude had just that. you held the back of his head, thumb brushing his nape, as all you could do was stare deep into each other's eyes with smiles as if you were kids at a candy store. "kiss me, kiss me y/n," pleaded your boyfriend, closing his watery eyes as you pulled him into a welcoming kiss.
lips molding as you let every sentiment of stress and anxiety from the game fly away. tasting his minty scent, as he deepened the kiss, his hand wrapped around your waist, and one holding your face, just like in the movies, except this was reality. you pulled back and kissed all over his face, jude shutting his eyes tight and crinkling his nose in bliss as you congratulated him.
"congratulations my golden boy."
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giyuuswifey · 3 months
I Guess I'm not Good Enough for You
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pairings;giyuu tomioka x fem!reader
WARNINGS;neglect, cringe.
summary; you got pregnant with his child ,however , your husband never knew about that .One day he came home and you told him the news,you didn't expect a frown from him and he said he wasn't ready to be a father yet .To your surprise he gave you the silent treatment , you went into labor,but giyuu was on a mission ,his crow told him that you went into labor ,he finished his mission quick enough ,and found you crying at the floor ,he carried you to the butterfly estate .
You were currently 2 weeks pregnant ,however you didn't tell your husband yet due to all the stress he has from slaying demons for a living .
One day ,he came home from a mission ,you hugged him and greeted him at the hallway of the estate , you told him the big surprise but for him ,it was a bombshell , you spoke of the news nervously "giyuu,I'm pregnant" giyuu who had a different expression on his face that was definitely not happiness "y/n,what do you mean by pregnant ?" He asked you replied while fidgeting with your hands "were having a baby ,giyuu,aren't you happy?" He was indeed not happy he was sad ,angry and nervous at the same time he replied ,tone harsh "I never wanted for you to get pregnant , I'm not ready to be a father yet !" He yelled ,making you flinch a bit , clearly your face ,in the verge of tears , hands formed into fists placing it close to your chest and heart , he looked at you and left you to change his clothes in your room upstairs, you started sobbing uncontrollably, his words had hurt you so much , he never talked to you like that , meanwhile for giyuu, who regretted every word he told you ,but still isn't ready to be a father yet , you exited the door and sat on the engawa seeing the birds flying around , calmed you ,you decided to go back inside to talk to giyuu.
But you never expected him to neglect you ,you tapped his shoulder and asked him "giyuu ,are you hungry?,I could make you some food " ,he shook his head and left the estate .
A few months passed , you were now 8 months pregnant.
But still giyuu didn't want to talk to you.
One day ,you felt dizzy , as per usual, you wanted to drink some water , but in order to do that you had to walk down the stairs.
A turn of events happened you missed a step and fell , good thing was it was the last step but you felt contractions ,kanzaburou who was ordered to check if you were ok every minute by giyuu , saw you in actual pain , of course kanzaburou told giyuu who was on a mission , he was panicking, his pregnant wife is in labor, good thing he finished early , he ran back to the estate, the door of the entrance suddenly opening , making you panic even more , giyuu walked over to you assuring you that you'll be fine picking you up and running to the nearest wisteria house - the butterfly estate,
Shinobu, seeing his frantic expression, hurriedly got you a room and giyuu being stubborn didnt want to leave your side "tomioka san , this is not where a man should be !" She exclaimed , giyuu replied "she needs me , I dont want to just hear her scream and cry ok ?!" Shinobu finally let him in - due to the pity in her heart , giyuu letting you hold his hand , you cried out in pain "Giyuu I feel like I'm going to die!" He had tears in his eyes threatening to spill from his eyes due to the fact that he had neglected and treated you badly in your months of pregnancy, now that you were in labor you had trouble pushing the baby out .
Hours past and finally , the both of you heard the cries of your newborn baby , shinobu then said "congratulations!its a baby girl !" Giyuu hugged you tightly, but he looked at you to see that you had passed out , he gently shook you and your eyes were fluttering open , you saw his eyes as blue as the ocean, but he was crying, he apologized " I'm sorry love , for not caring about you throughout your pregnancy " you gave him a weak smile as you cupped his face with one hand , he pulled you in for a kiss right then and there .
Thank you for reading!•●□♡□●•
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yourpenpaldee · 4 months
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I don't usually put myself out there as it makes me nervous. But I've been a lurker for way too long, and it's about time I step out of my comfort zone. So, hello! I'm Dee (she/her), twenty-two, and have found my voice with storytelling.
Writing has always been a passion of mine, and continues to be the tool I turn to when I need an outlet to freely express myself. I have, unfortunately, hit a rough patch with consistency, and I'm here to bring all of that motivation and inspiration back. Especially since there are one too many WIPs sitting on the backburner, and they're all calling my name.
As someone who loves to dip their toes into every genre of fiction, I will read anything that peaks my interest. However, when it comes to creating, my works usually fall under romance and mystery. With practice, I intend on branching out into other genres I don't write often. There's a lot to explore in the world of writing, and I don't want to limit myself to only two categories.
Creating this blog provides me the space I need to accomplish the many goals I often dream of achieving. I acknowledge that it all starts with the ability to hold myself accountable. To show up for myself. To become comfortable with the uncomfortable. Putting myself and my projects out into the world is only the first of many steps, and it feels quite liberating.
I aim to use the voice I've found to not only contribute to the progression of POC representation, but to touch on several topics that remain heavily stigmatized in today's media. There’s a joy that runs through my veins every time I see someone like me on my screen or in a book. I feel seen, heard, and proud. I feel important. But as a creator, there’s that itch that can only be scratched when I create. When I make something that lets the next person know that they’re not invisible. That they're valued, loved, and appreciated. That's what I hope for when someone reads a project of mine. For them to feel the same rush of joy flowing through them as it does me.
Wow, I’m a yapper. I'd like to close this intro off with some fun facts, so here are some of my top five favorites with sidenotes because I still want to yap a bit more about the things I adore.
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And that concludes this introduction on me and this blog. I would love to connect and befriend other authors, so please don't hesitate to reach out as my DMs will always be open! I'd love to support and read your works, so don't be hesitant to share them with me if you'd like.
I hope you all will enjoy reading my works as much as I enjoy the process of bringing my ideas to life.
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divider creds to strangergraphics ♡
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ifangirlalot · 1 year
I'm back in my miles Fairchild supermency (idk if I spelled that wrong) Anyways can I request a miles Fairchild x reader smut whatever you want to do with it
˗ˏˋ 𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐎𝐍𝐄 ˎˊ˗ | starring miles fairchild
*~smut!*~ [𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖘:] oral (male receiving), hand play (male receiving), kinky thoughts (miles' pov)
[Name]'s POV
While Miles and I have been together for a while now, we've yet to do anything super serious. We've gotten about as close to fucking as you can get without actually getting undressed, though. See, the thing is, I'm a little intimidated by the idea of sex. I haven't ever done it before, but Miles told me that he's done it a handful of times. (He's never specified what "a handful of times" translates to with a concrete number, but taking a look at him tells me everything I need to know, really.) And while I'm not exactly thrilled about it, I can't really say I'm surprised.
The thing is, I wouldn't know how to please him. Not just with the main course, so to speak, but also in the way of appetizers. Reading smut isn't what I'd call a reliable teaching method. That's more or less just something to read when you're horny. So, I guess that's why I'm here now. In Miles' bedroom sitting in front of him, seeing him lean against the wall (because his bed is literally just a goddamn mattress for some fuckin' reason) and tastefully unhook the front button of his jeans and pulling down his fly, like he does this everyday.
Lessons start now.
Miles' POV
I don't outwardly express it, but the way [Name] is staring at my dick like it's some sort of predator she has to conquer is rather amusing to me. My pride is telling me it's because my dick is huge, but I think more likely than not it's just because she's never actually seen one up close before. I'll probably die telling myself the first one, though.
While seeing her nervous, almost terrifed face is fucking hilarious, it's not really getting me riled up. So, while she's having her quiet nervous breakdown, I let my eyes flicker to the opening in her shirt and thinking about pressing my palm against her tits. Maybe giving them a nice, hard squeeze, getting her to cry out if I'm lucky. That does the trick and pretty soon I'm at full mast and ready to get started with teaching her.
Oh what a fun little lesson this will prove to be for me.
After some quick debate, I decide maybe hand shit is where I should start. Save the best for last. "[Name], give me your hand." I urge, not waiting for her to comply and just picking it up myself. I pull it closer to my lap and wrap her tiny fingers around my shaft.
Immediately, she grips it and I have to surpress the urge to scream. Not in pleasure, but in pain. This shit fucking hurts.
"Ow- Hey, hey- Loosen it, loosen it.. that's it.. good girl.." I sigh in relief when she complies but keeps her hand in a loose circle around me. "Okay, we're gonna try jerking me off, alright?" I tell her when the breath finally reenters my system. Could have sworn my life just flashed before my eyes from that experience.
"Oh, that's easy. I read about that, I can do it!" [Name] exclaims, almost excited to try out her knowledge from books. I'm immediately cautious. From that first moment, I'm kinda scared she's gonna break my dick off. Don't think that would be good. I kinda need that.
Turns out I was right to be cautious. One second everything's fine, the next, I've died, and my dick feels like I'm fucking a succulent vacuum. And not in a good way. "Ouch-! Fuck- [Name]-! When I said 'Jerk it off' I didn't mean jerk it off my body!" This is not going at all like how I envisioned it in my head. Like at all. This lesson is so unsexy my boner keeps leaving. I have to keep giving it a couple pip-paps just to keep it up. Which in turn is making [Name] feel bad, which is also making my boner go down. Ugh, this is a nightmare.
Finally I sigh and gently move her hand. "Okay, darling. That's not working. So, instead you're going to use your mouth." When she starts moving down, I stop her by touching her shoulder. "Now before you go down and inevitably bite my cock off, listen carefully. Don't use your teeth, make sure they're just barely grazing me. And wrap one hand around the base and hold it steady. Move it in the opposite direction of your mouth so that it meets in the middle, got it?" She nods and moves down again. I hold my breath and lean back against the wall, eyes closed, half expecting to feel a sharp pain as her teeth sink into my length. But that doesn't happen. Instead, my senses are being sweetly invaded by euphoria. Her tongue is wet and warm around my dick, and her teeth are barely even noticeable. Her hand is moving the perfect speed to contrast her mouth and it feels like heaven. A wet, warm heaven. "Oh- fuuuuck-"
The sounds coming from me are foreign to me. But she's pulling them out of me faster than I can stop them. Normally I'd be embarrassed, but right now I don't have enough time to register anything that isn't pleasure. "Fuck, fuck, don't you stop-"
And then suddenly, she's doing shit that I didn't tell her about. Her mouth pulls off my cock with a soft pop and her tongue laps around me, licking, grazing, making me twitch and buck my hips. When her tongue presses against my bright red tip, my eyes roll back in their sockets and a loud groan resonates around the room. Whatever books she's been fucking reading are definitely my favorites now. Don't know who wrote them or what they're called, but goddamn do I love those books. Then, all too soon, I'm coming and it's over. It has been about two minutes. Fuck, I feel so pissed with myself. Two minutes? Fucking seriously, Miles?
I watch her, my cheeks flaming red, while she takes her time lapping up my mess like a dog under the dinner table. "So," she asks casually, licking her fingers. "When's lesson two?"
[A Note From Zee]
I'm genuinely so sorry this took so damn long- I got caught up in other things, but I hope it was at least passable.
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shygirl4991 · 8 months
Next Step With You Chapter 1 High Rollers of affection
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Cover made by @lizaluvsthis Chapter art done by @b-r-i-n-g-x do not repost! A Reboot of the next step! Next chapter Summary: SMG4 and SMG3 relationship changed after realizing their feelings in WOTFI 2023, now together the pair can take the next step together. That is until a strange gift arrives on SMG3's birthday making him face his demons from his past. 
Tags: Fluff, Boyfriends, Love Confession, Watch Wotfi 2023 before reading, first love, mention of igloo
SMG4 was giggling as he played club penguin, it was surprisingly a normal day given yesterday SMG3 snap after they failed to stop Mario from taking his notebook. Knowing Mario as long as he has there was no way he was keeping the notebook, given how peaceful it is, the notebook should be back in Three’s hand in no time.  He thought too soon as the door to his room flys open to reveal a panicked SMG3 “SMG4!! MARIO STOLE MY NOTEBOOK! I NEED YOUR HELP GETTING IT BACK!” he starts to wave a photo of the notebook at him.
He was facing Three in his computer chair, annoyed and surprised at the fact that Mario kept his notebook “Pfft It's just a notebook, get a new one.” Four wasn’t sure what the big deal was. He knew it meant a lot to the man but losing the notebook doesn't mean the world will end. Three walks in the room visibly nervous “It’s not just any notebook it's got secrets,” he drops to his knees making Four get nervous “Including…” he looks around “Secrets about you and me, and certain events in an igloo.” SMG4's face goes pale as the hidden memory unlocks. The need for food, how they both needed warmth though Three was stubborn and rather die there then cuddle him for warmth. They both thought they were going to die, with this thought in four’s mind he looks at SMG3 he did find him attractive so why the hell not. The event that follows haunts the pair as they agreed to never talk about it again. Remember everything he screams jumping out of the chair “WE GOTTA GET THAT NOTEBOOK!” 
After that he runs out of the room to ask a casual question to Melony leaving Three to nervously sit in the room, seeing the man return he runs up to him grabbing his overall straps “What did you learn?” Slowly pulling away from the man he goes to sit on his computer chair “So Melony told me she noticed Mario taking something to some billionaire tycoon which has to be the notebook,” he points to a photo that Melony took of the location “and they both are inside this brand new casino. Its exact location? The CEO office.” SMG4 starts to type something on his computer, using the software Melony used to hack the cameras he connects to one in a safe showing them drilling into the notebook. He was warned that the place was tough to hack and not to stay on the cameras for long, shame they can't hack the cameras down would have made this situation easier.  Seeing the drills on his notebook Three chuckles “That’s right, that idiot Mario still needs my secret key to open it!”
Four nods wondering what the key could be as he starts to type in the program “Well..it's not just Mario that's behind this…he’s too stupid to do this on his own.” as he switches cameras Three could only watch in shock that Marty was the one truly behind everything.  Why a living cardboard meme that Mario made wants SMG3 notebook Four had no idea, given how badly  it wants in the notebook it has to be something huge. “MARTY!? THAT PIECE OF CARDBOARD CRAP IS BEHIND THIS?!?” glaring at the screen he takes out dynamite from his pocket. He throws the dynamite in the air and catches it with a smirk causing SMG4 to smile without noticing “Lets just break in and take it then!” after that he starts to run off only for Four to grab him “Slooow down cowboy.” he throws Three down getting a growl from the man.  SMG4 then points to another camera view on the screen “We can't just go in there guns blazing. This place is heavily guarded, I'm talking about state of the art security that will blow our asses up the moment we get detected.” he wanted this notebook back fast but they had to play their cards right. SMG3 slowly blinks looking at the picture on the screen “SMG4..this is just a picture of Mario.” 
Four nods pointing at Three “Exactly! So we’ll need to be sneaky and cunning about this! Who knows what that stupid fat Italian has up his sleeve.” After hours planning and Three fighting about Fours idea on letting his subscribers pick how to get his notebook back it was the day of the heist. SMG3 smirks, fixing his fedora and tie “Alright looking fresh!” he winks and snaps his fingers making Fours stomach flip. Something that has been happening ever since the pair became friends, he wasn't sure why it only happens around Three after days of thinking on the subject he assumed it had to do with their link and lived on ignoring the way his heart would race when being near the man. With their spy rizz outfits on they walk to the casino, SMG4 was smiling and waving at the crowd not noticing the loving look Three was giving him. You could ask Three why he was looking at the man like that and you can bet his answer will have nothing to do with how charming he found the man's outfit to be. They walk into the casino with no issue, SMG3 smiles getting ready for the mission only to hear someone humming. Turning he sees SMG4 sneaking as he hums the theme from Mission Impossible, letting out  a sigh as he walks up to the man smacking him “Dude, stop it.” four frowns and looks down agreeing to stop. 
“Hey!” the pair jumps hearing Mario’s yelling, they turn to see Mario checking everyone coming into the casino. He then pointed at his brother demanding answers, the pair watch as Mario lets Luigi in only to burn him alive for letting out a cough. They slowly turn to each other, nervous about what they just saw before Three shakes himself out of it, they had a mission no time to get cold feet.  “Alright, what the hell are we doing here?” hearing Three’s voice, Four looks at their watch to see what was voted. They both nod at the result and put on clown masks getting ready to scare the Italian man, they sneak up to him and start making loud sounds to scare him. Mario slams the table making the men nervous as he gets closer to them as he checks them both out then focuses on SMG4 “Your color schemes look awfully familiar..”
The more Mario stares at Four the more anxious Three feels, then he sees Mario start to drool and reach out to Four. He wasn't sure what was going on with Mario but he was sure it was something stupid and he had to stop him “THATS IT WERE WALKING THROUGH!” he pushes Four causing the mask to fall off. They all stay silent staring at the mask before SMG4 turns to mario “uhh i can explain..”  Mario screams, surprising the men “AHHHH A SCARY CLOWN!” SMG4 frowns seeing his best friend run from him, Three throws the mask off “Hey works for me, lets go.” he was going to walk away before four grabbed him “Am…am i really that horrific to look at?” Three felt himself blush as four looked up at him with puppy eyes. He looks away sighing “You look like how you always did, a shit head with a huge ego now can we go?” Four pouts at the comment before moving forward. 
They stand in the main lobby looking around to see the cameras in the lobby. “Great…Mario must be surveilling the place intensely, we have to shut off those security cameras.” they nod as they look at the watch. Their eyes go wide seeing the vote that won “Uh heh maybe the watch counted the votes wrong,” Four smacks the watch hoping the choice will change. SMG3 sighs seeing the panic four was going through, he looks around and smirks as he walks over to a booth asking for a song change for the lobby. Four sighs finally admitting defeat then starts to think “Do a sexy dance? How do I even pull that off? Is there a meme dance that could come off as sexy?” 
That's when Three grabs his arm pulling him close to his body, SMG4's face turns completely red seeing how close they are “T-Three?” the man moves Fours hand on his shoulder while holding the other one “Your dumb subscribers did the vote lets get this over with so we can get my notebook, follow my lead!” He then placed his hand on Fours lower back causing the man’s heart to start racing. SMG3 makes sure that Four was pressed against his body before moving, Four did his best to follow the steps that the other man was doing.Then tango music started to play making Fours eyes go wide “How is the tango a sexy dance?” SMG3 kept moving to the music then smirks “That idiot seems to get off with us being gay, so if he catches us this close dancing he will freak and knowing that idiot he will end up breaking something!” Four nods understanding where his partner was coming from. As they dance, Three picks up speed as Four attempts to keep focus on his steps, his mind starting to fill with strange thoughts. As he dances his eyes slowly drop to SMG3 lips those thoughts start to play louder in his head, he wants to kiss the man right there and the thought causes him to miss a step. 
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Mario catches the dance on the camera and zooms in his eyes pops out as he sees the pair, he knows he should have hit the alarm but the close dance made him want to cheer the two in hopes they finally get together. Seeing Four missing the step Three takes the chance to do a final hit on Mario, dipping SMG4 he leans in close, pressing his forehead against the other man making it look like they kissed on the cameras. Four held his breath at how close they were, while Three was looking into Four’s eyes. A strange feeling hit them both, they were on a mission they had to get the notebook and yet Four couldn't help slowly moving his hand to the back of Three’s head. It was the perfect moment to kiss each other, something they both wanted at the moment, only to be broken out of the spell hearing Mario scream in excitement and blowing up all the cameras. SMG3 lifted up Four and smiled seeing that the mission was a success “Great! Let's go!” SMG4 watches Three walks ahead acting as nothing has happened, was he the only one that felt that spark. He follows Three, his thoughts filled with what happened. He takes out his phone and starts to search his feelings. Distracted Four agreed to a plan that Three made without knowing what it was about, his eyes widened as he read what the results showed “A deep romantic connection..me and Three?” he looks up to realize he missed what he had to do and Three was now being taken by Swag and Chris. Four panicked and was going to save Three only to feel something heavy hit him, knocking him out cold. 
He opens his eyes and look around the room confused only to see Mario pop up in front of him “Hello mother fucker!” seeing the plumber he starts to scream which woke up Three making him also scream. He turns to see Three was tied down, panic starts to build up inside of him thinking of what they could do to the man. Mario chuckles as he approaches Three “Mario?? LET US GO DUDE!” He was hoping that his call out would bring the man back to him.  Sadly the man he is growing a romantic attraction to was SMG3 “AND GIVE ME MY NOTEBOOK BACK YOU ASS!” Mario smirks at the tied up Three making Four wiggle against his restraints. “I’ve been waiting for this! We finally got them, didn't we Marty?” Marty sighs and agrees with Mario, he was annoyed that the plumber let them get away once and was lucky the spies got distracted. Mario turns his attention back to Three “Just give us the key to your notebook SMG3! We’ve tried everything but it wont open yet!” This was all Four's fault for searching on his phone, the guilt was eating him as he watched the scene play out in front of him. Three gives Four a soft look before gaining back his snarky personality “NEVER! I’ll never tell!”
Mario lets out a chilling laugh that caught both men's attention, he takes his phone out smirking, he hits play and starts showing cringe memes to Three. Their avatar knows them too well and had the perfect videos to make Three cringe, the more videos played the more he saw the man break to the point he started shedding tears “NOOO! HE CANT TAKE IT! LET HIM BE!”  Mario grins as he pulls up one last video the moment SMG3 sees it he screams. Four’s eyes flicker yellow as he looks around the room “Come on four think of something worse than what SMG3 is dealing with right now!” he focuses on all the cringe he has seen on the internet till he shrivels up from it. Now free from the rope he runs towards Mario he can hear Three about to break “Hey ass!” catching Mario’s attention he throws Eggdog out, the pup attacks the plumber while he runs to untie Three. The moment he unties Three he starts to shout “IM FREE! IM FREE!” rolling his eyes he grabs the man pulling him off the table to run out of the room with Eggdog following. 
As they leave room Three turns shaking Four “WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU!?” Four frowns looking down, he starts to play with the button of his vest. “I was feeling strange so…i wanted to look up what was going on because it was distracting.” SMG3 lets four go and sighs giving him a quick look up and down before nodding “you seem fine now, just we are a team talk to me.” He didn't know what to do, Three was rarely this soft and now knowing the strange emotion he has been ignoring is he could feel his heart racing. Taking a deep breath he grabs Three's hand “If my viewers make the choices that land us in green, I have something I need to tell you.” They looked in each other's eyes, seeing how serious four looked the man nodded before they moved forward. 
The pair were losing it after being chased by Mario and ending up in a game show forcing them to watch what happened to them in the igloo. After that the pair found Depresso and used him as a distraction to get ready to fight the plumber in which Three was surprised to see Four was good at fighting the avatar out without breaking a sweat. Now they opened the door and were standing across the safe with their prize. Three was going to walk only to be stopped by Four, he then pulls out baby powder and blows it revealing lasers in the room. “Yep, just as I expected! These lasers will probably explode if we touch them.” SMG3 looked at the bottle then back at Four “Why do you have baby powder?” SMG4 sighs “I have a sensitive ass!” with awkward nods they both turn to focus on the lasers.  SMG4, seeing the results, smirks “Watch this!” SMG3 watched in awe as he watched the meme guardian front flip, avoiding all the lasers and making it to the other side. He hits the button and winks at his crush making Threes face red “What are you waiting for we got a notebook to save!” 
That moment SMG3 wished he had his notebook to doodle the moment he saw, though he was sure those flips and wink will haunt his mind all day. They cheer getting into the safe only to be stopped by Marty and Mario, together with their meme power they manage to put a stop to the pair and grab the notebook. After more attempts by Marty and Mario to stop them, the pair escape and win the day with their watches landing on green. Four smiles seeing how happy Three was, then he looks at the watch nervously knowing what he has to do soon. Hours later they announced to the subscribers that thanks to them they saved the notebook, Three was so happy to get it back he started to smooch the book making Four giggle. After teasing SMG3 about why he was building a new evil lair right next to his castle he lets out a small yawn, who knew doing a heist could take so much out of you.  “Speaking of cafes…I’m dead tired.” he gives his partner a small smile “Lets have some coffee.”  For the first time since they have known each other things felt peaceful, maybe it was them both being drained from the heist or maybe this whole event brought them closer together. He remembers back a few weeks ago how SMG1 and two told them they had to get along in order for their powers to get stronger, all that event did was give him work to tell the world how they two weren't together due them being caught holding hands thanks to Marios gum. 
SMG3 perks up hearing his words “Now we’re talkin!” walking together they sit on a pile of wood  waiting to become a part of SMG3 cafe, SMG4 smiles looking at the sunset as SMG3 starts doing their coffee. They smile at each other doing a small cheer as they clink their
cups together and drink, as SMG4 enjoys the warmth of the coffee he notices SMG3 writing in his notebook with a huge smile "What are you writing?" he knew he wasn't going to get an answer but it wasn't going to hurt him to ask you never know what mood SMG3 is in.
He smirks and turns away "I'll never tell!" SMG3 makes sure the other cant see the drawing he is doing of them both with cups of coffee.
With a giggle he nods "Don't worry i wont push it," as he looks back at the sunset his heart starts to beat faster. This would be the perfect moment wouldn't it? He had to admit the closer they got the harder it was for him to keep his feelings in check. When he hears the notebook close he decides now is the time with one last gulp of the coffee he turns to SMG3 "You know...this heist got me thinking,” 
SMG3 sips his coffee and stares at his partner "What that we should be full time spies, cause i'm not a fan of the idea of your fans telling me how to live my life," SMG4 shakes his head with a small chuckle "No, nothing like that...just we make a good team don't we?"
He keeps staring at SMG4 feeling confused on what was going on with the man next to him, seeing this SMG4 sighs feeling himself blush. "You know...people ship us together...and uh with all that's happened to us i started to wonder...." he had no idea what he was doing. Every TV show he has seen made confessions look easy, even Axol made it look sweet and easy with the manga he was making before everything.
SMG3's eyes go wide as he also starts to blush "Why are you bringing this up all of a sudden, idiot!!"
SMG4 closes his eyes "WHAT IF WE MAKE IT CANON!?"
Everything was dead silent, he was nervous to open his eyes to see how SMG3 was looking at him. Finally he hears a whisper "you....what?" Slowly he opened his eyes to see a stun SMG3, his face was as red as his eyes, it almost made SMG4 giggle for how cute it was to see him like that. "I..well i like you i figured it out today when we were on the heist, so i was wondering if maybe we can try...the next step?"
SMG4 started to get worried he broke the man for how long it took for him to move again, he watches as SMG3 stares at the floor then his notebook. His heart sank, did the guardian not feel the same as him?
SMG3 gets up and stands in front of him "Fine, i guess i...i like you too! But don't let it get to your head...Baka!"
SMG4 lights up, standing up and hugging him, ignoring the heat on his face, Three hugged his boyfriend back. They separated and gave each other a small smile before Four spoke up “Need a place to crash till the cafe is done..you can stay with me till then.” SMG3 looks at the castle then his hand thinking about the graveyard, staying here they both could figure out this new step easier then him in another location “Yeah that could work..but can we keep this thing with us on the down low not sure i'm ready for the idiots to learn about us.” with a nod they both slowly reach for each other's hand and let out nervous giggles. Now holding hands the pair walk into the castle to move SMG3 in,Little did they know a shadow was watching them from a distance growling at what they just saw. 
2/6/24 date written
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vendetta-ari · 8 months
Can you do angst? If you can can yo udo Vox x Angel Female Reader who just had a fight with Vox over something and unfortunately screamed at Reader by saying "I wish/hope you die which made Reader leave and after 3 weeks of reader being absent Vox happens to get almost killed in extermination day until Reader blocked the hit and dies in his arms after Angel Reader protected him and got the Exorcist Angel to go away or die
omg angst makes me so sad but this was certainly entertaining to write. sorry I took so long to get your request done!! I hope you enjoy <3
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The slamming of your door woke you up from your nap, you groggily got up from the couch you were sleeping on to see Vox, visibly angry. “mm..what's wrong honey?-” you asked him. He'd been busy with work lately so you assumed it was just another one of Velvette and Valentino's shenanigans. You didn't know much about the demons that lived around here, after all you were an angel, and not just any angel, an exorcist.  you never liked the idea of extermination so you made friends with a few demons, specifically Vox, your boyfriend. Most would find your love disgusting and wrong, but you didn't really care, you would sneak into hell often to come visit him all the time. Vox had walked up to you and gave you a look as if he was mad at you, you didn't even do anything..right? “What the fuck is wrong with you?! Seriously, what is your godman problem? Are you mental or something?” 
Your eyes widened in shock, he never speaks to you like that, even when he's mad. “what are you talking about Vox??” 
“What am I talking about? don't play dumb, that shit doesn't work on me. I mean, really? y'know what? get the fuck out” He spoke with a nervous laugh, trying to hold himself back from doing something rash. “Vox I seriously don't know what I did- I'm sorry I-” your voice got all shaky before Vox cut you off from explaining yourself. “SHUT UP. I ALREADY TOLD YOU I WANTED YOU THE FUCK OUT MY HOUSE.”  he screamed so loud it terrified you. You shook your head and started grabbing a few things, you really didn't wanna argue with him. You felt your eyes getting all watery and you sniffled heading for the door. Before you left though, you heard Vox mumble something under his breath. 
“I hope you fucking die.” he spat out.
You quickly slammed the door behind you, you felt sick to your stomach. How could he say that about you? you loved him and this is how he repays you? you didn't even know what you did to make him this way.
A few weeks had past, while you usually would come visit Vox in hell every week, you assumed he didn't want to see you. And a part of you didn't want to see him either,  so you had stayed in heaven for weeks on end. Eventually extermination day came. you were never excited for it, but something about this time just made you more nervous and on edge. You ran around hell, pretending to kill demons. you never wanted this job, really. You always thought nobody really deserved to die. As you were thinking to yourself, you turned the corner and saw Vox. An exorcist stood above him, a spear pointed at his head. you needed to do something, anything, you couldn't just let him die. You ran at the speed of light and pushed the exorcist out of the way, she fell to the floor as you turned to Vox, urging him to run. The exorcist grabbed you by the collar and slammed you down on the floor, almost making you lose consciousness. she grabbed your wings and pulled, tearing them off clean as golden blood flowed down your back.  you screamed in horror and pain as she plunged a spear through your stomach before flying to kill some other demons. 
You coughed up blood looking at Vox, he was still there..he didn't run. He fell to his knees and grabbed you, he looked disheveled, tears at his clothing and a few cracks on his screen.
“oh god..o-oh my god… please dont die on me stay with me please stay I can't lose you. I'm so sorry please I didn't mean it, I don't want you dead.” He spoke quickly, stuttering after every word he spoke. Tears flowing down your face, you kissed him one last time, leaving a bloody mark on his screen you finally fell into unconsciousness, losing your breath and dying in his arms.
Hope you enjoyed reading, anon!!
(word count = 682)
-xoxo, Ari
169 notes · View notes
nofingjustaninchident · 2 months
ᯓ★ i hate you more.
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summary jason and y/n finally got to the camp. but at what cost?
warnings third person writing, drew tanaka, not proofread
word count 3k
now listening to you get me so high by the neighbourhood
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As the chariot soared through the sky, off to who-knows-where with a potentially homicidal blonde girl and an overly buff guy who looked like he could easily throw Y/n off the chariot if he was so inclined, she decided she liked flying with Jason better. 
But, as quickly as that thought came up, she pushed it away. How could she even think about liking flying with Jason? She didn’t know him. She knew she hated him, but she didn’t know him.  
Standing beside her, he gazed out at the horizon, his troubled expression mirroring her own confusion. She took a moment to study his face while he was distracted, absorbing the familiar features she couldn't recall encountering before waking up on the bus. It was a frustrating sensation, feeling so certain of knowing him yet unable to find any trace of him in her memories. 
Or rather, not having any memories to search through in the first place. 
He was handsome, but Y/n had known that from the moment she first saw him that afternoon, holding her hand as she slept on the bus. A few strands of his blond hair grazed his forehead, suggesting it had been a while since his last haircut, though she couldn't pinpoint why she thought so. His eyes resembled the clear blue sky on a sunny day, a stark contrast to the gray clouds they were currently navigating through. Her gaze caught a small scar on his upper lip, prompting her to wonder if he had ever shared the story behind it, if such knowledge remained locked away within the rest of her memories. 
Jason pulled his eyes away from the horizon, meeting her gaze. His lips tilted downward in a small, nervous frown, and she couldn't really point why that felt so...  hurtful, to say the least.  
"This is so cool!" Leo yelled. He spit a Pegasus feather out of his mouth, sputtering for a moment. "Where are we going?" 
"A safe place," Annabeth answered. She'd been quiet since they took off, and there was something sad in her eyes as they looked out at the horizon. "The only safe place for kids like us. Camp Half-Blood." 
"Half-blood?" Piper crossed her arms over her chest, her eyes hard as she scowled at Annabeth. "Is that some kind of bad joke?" 
"She means we're demigods," Jason said. "Half god, half mortal." 
Annabeth glanced back at him. "You seem to know a lot, Jason," she said, her tone suspicious. "But yes, demigods. My mom is Athena, goddess of wisdom. Butch here is the son of Iris, the rainbow goddess." 
Leo choked on a laugh he tried to suppress. "Your mom is a rainbow goddess?" 
"Got a problem with that?" Butch said. 
"No, no," Leo said. "Rainbows. Very macho." 
"Butch is our best equestrian," Annabeth told them. "He gets along great with the pegasi." 
"Rainbows, ponies," Leo muttered. Y/n couldn’t hold back the laugh that threatened to escape with each of Leo’s remarks.  
"I'm going to toss you off this chariot," Butch warned.  
"Demigods," Piper said. "You mean you think you're... you think we're—" 
Lightning flashed through the sky. The chariot shuddered and Jason yelled, "Left wheel's on fire!" 
Y/n looked over and sure enough, it was burning, white flames beginning to lick up the side of the chariot. The wind roared around them with a vengeance. She glanced behind them and saw dark shapes forming in the clouds - more venti spiraling toward the chariot, though these looked more like horses than angels. 
She started praying, or at least what she thought was a prayer, to any god that would care to hear her. She really didn’t want to die that way.  
Piper started to say, "Why are they-?" 
"Anemoi come in different shapes," Annabeth explained. "Sometimes human, sometimes stallions, depending on how chaotic they are. Hold on. This is going to get rough." 
Going to get?!, Y/n thought. It already is!  
Butch flicked the reins. The pegasi sped forward and the chariot blurred. Y/n held Jason's hand in a vise grip, her vision going black for a moment. When it went back to normal, they were somewhere entirely new. 
An ocean stretched out to their left. Snow-covered fields, roads, and forests spread out on the right. 
Directly below them was a green valley, like a lonely island of spring surrounded by snowy hills on three sides and water to the north. She saw a cluster of buildings that didn't look like they belonged in the twenty-first century, ball courts, a lake, and a climbing wall that looked like it was on fire. 
Then the chariot's wheels came off, and they dropped out of the sky. 
“Oh, shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.” Y/n let out the curses, still holding tightly to Jason’s hand. She felt like he was the only person close enough that she wouldn’t have to walk to reach out.  
Annabeth and Butch tried to maintain control, but the pegasi seemed exhausted, and bearing the weight of the chariot and six people was clearly too much for them. 
"The lake!" Annabeth yelled. "Aim for the lake!" 
They plummeted like a torpedo into the water. 
The lake was freezing. She'd already been shivering on the chariot, what with the wind and the high altitude and her damp clothes from the rain at the Grand Canyon, but now she was submerged in freezing cold water to boot. 
After falling into the Grand Canyon and fighting off evil wind spirits, she was going to die of hypothermia. Or drowned. Probably drowned.  
How nice. 
But suddenly, the whole freezing part was over. She couldn’t feel the freezing water, just... nothing. She looked at her front and saw a figure. She could swear she heard the thing telling her to breathe, but she was probably just hallucinating. Luckily.  
She broke into the surface soon, trying to float. She discovered that there was something in her eyes, and she couldn’t open them to discover where the shore was. Suddenly, she felt hands under her arms, and someone pulled her. She didn’t know who it was, but considering the muscles on the person’s arms, she figured it’d be Butch.  
Y/n and the person got to the shore, and she let out a long, contented sigh. Piper and Leo ran over to her with a towel, which she used to take the thing off her eyes, and Y/n realized Jason was the one who'd pulled her back to the surface. It was the second time he'd saved her life that day.  
Jesus, he's like a blond Superman. 
Life's a bitch.  
Once she was pretty sure she'd taken the thing off her eye, she forced herself to straighten. 
"Are you okay?" Piper asked, her voice high-pitched and terrified. But before Y/n could answer, Annabeth spoke up, her face dark and curious at the same time. 
“You’re dry.” 
Y/n grimaced. “I’m- wait, what?” she asked, and looked down at her body. Outside her damp clothes, her hair and skin were completely dry. “Oh, my fucking god, what the hell?” She asked, her own voice high-pitched and desperate. 
“How’s that even possible? You’re not that warm.” Leo muttered. 
“That... that just happened before with, uh... one person.” Annabeth said, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. The girl was wringing her wet hair out, studying y/n with a furrowed brow. "If you and Percy have this in common, then... no, it can’t be." She said, her tone uncertain, but there was a lingering suspicion in it. 
"Great," y/n grumbled. "I love being the exception." 
A detail of campers ran up with big, bronze-colored leaf blowers and blasted the soaking wet demigods with hot air. In a few seconds, y/n was dry and far warmer than she had been just a few moments ago. 
Thank fuck. 
A blond-haired guy (what is it with y/n and blond dudes?) with a bow and quiver strapped to his back pushed through the crowd of orange-shirted people, pulling a small bottle of some kind of amber liquid out of a fanny pack. He handed it to y/n, who just stared at it questioningly until he explained, 
"Nectar. It'll make sure your lungs are clear and prevent dry drowning. Drink." 
y/n didn't know how she felt taking orders from someone who looked younger than her, but when Annabeth nodded along to his explanation, she decided to trust the blonde girl. As scary as she was, she had helped Jason save her from drowning. 
y/n downed the mini-bottle, but she didn’t feel any different than she already was. 
The young blond guy turned to Annabeth. "And you! I said you could borrow the chariot, not destroy it!" 
"Will, I'm sorry," Annabeth sighed. "I'll get it fixed, I promise." 
Will scowled at the remains of his broken chariot. 
Then he sized up y/n, Jason, Piper, and Leo. 
"These are the ones? Way older than thirteen. Why haven't they been claimed already?" 
"Claimed?" Leo questioned. 
Before Annabeth could explain, Will asked, "Any sign of Percy?" 
"No," Annabeth admitted. 
The campers around them muttered. Whoever Percy was, his disappearance seemed to be a big deal. 
Another girl stepped forward. She glanced at the four newcomers, her eyes moving over Leo and y/n with a bored expression before she fixed her eyes on Jason like he might be worthy of her attention. The girl then glanced at Piper, her lip curling in a vague look of disgust. "Well," she said, "I hope they were worth the trouble." 
y/n scowled at her, taking offense. She had a gut feeling that this girl would be nothing more than a pain in the ass.  
Leo snorted. "Gee, thanks. What are we, your new pets?" 
"No kidding," Jason said. "How about some answers before you start judging us - like, what is this place, why are we here, how long do we have to stay?" 
“Why did your lake people just talked to me?” y/n tacked on silently. 
"Jason," Annabeth said, her tone placating, "I promise we'll answer your questions. And Drew," - she frowned at the rude girl -"all demigods are worth saving. But I'll admit, the trip didn't accomplish what I hoped." 
"Hey," Piper said, "we didn't ask to be brought here." 
Drew sniffed. "And nobody wants you, hon. Does your hair always look like a dead badger?" 
y/n and Piper moved at the same time. Jason reached for y/n’s hand again, a pleading look in his eyes as if he was saying please don't. She rolled her eyes and pulled her hand from his, but didn’t really move. Annabeth stopped Piper, who y/n was pretty sure only backed down because of how intimidating Annabeth looked at the moment. 
Or at any moment, really. 
"We need to make our new arrivals feel welcome," Annabeth said, shooting Drew another pointed look. "We'll assign them each a guide, give them a tour of camp. Hopefully by the campfire tonight, they'll be claimed." 
"Would somebody tell me what claimed means?" Piper asked. 
There was a collective gasp. The campers backed away, a faint orange glow encompassing the crowd. y/n frowned, following everyone's gazes to Leo. Floating above his head was a blazing holographic image - a hammer engulfed in flames. 
"That," Annabeth said, "is claiming." 
“Holy shit...” y/n and Jason muttered at the same time, quickly exchanging an annoyed look. 
Leo reacted as if his hair was on fire, swatting at the air in panic. 
"This can't be good," Butch muttered. "The curse-" 
"Butch, shut up," Annabeth said. "Leo, you've just been claimed-" 
"By a god," Jason interrupted. "That's the symbol of Vulcan, isn't it?" 
Everyone's eyes turned to him. 
"Jason," Annabeth said carefully, "how did you know that?" 
"I'm not sure," Jason admitted. 
"Vulcan?" Leo demanded. "I don't even like Star Trek! What are you talking about?" 
"Vulcan is the Roman name for Hephaestus," Annabeth said, "the god of blacksmiths and fire." 
The image above Leo's head faded, but he kept swatting the air as if it might still be following him. 
"The god of what? Who?" 
Annabeth turned to Will. "Would you take Leo, give him a tour? Introduce him to his bunk-mates in Cabin Nine." 
He nodded. "Sure, Annabeth." 
Will led Leo away and Annabeth turned her attention back to Jason and y/n. She studied the two of them like there were two variables in a complicated math problem. Finally, she said, "Jason, hold out your arm." 
y/n frowned; she wasn’t quite sure what Annabeth was looking at. She followed the blonde's gaze to his forearm. He'd taken his windbreaker off, leaving his arms exposed, and on the inside of his right forearm was a tattoo. The letters SPQR were etched into his skin, with a dark silhouette of an eagle above it and a dozen straight lines below it. 
"Do you have one, too?" Annabeth asked, looking at y/n. 
y/n rolled up the sleeve of her - Jason's – sweatshirt (she still had to take it off, but she was way too comfy to do so), exposing her right arm. Just like Jason, she had a tattoo on the inside of her forearm, though hers looked a bit different. 
Unlike Jason, she didn't have an eagle above the SPQR on her skin - instead, she had two symbols, one beside the other. It had a trident, in a style that she was sure she didn’t do the tattoo willingly. Kinda entangled with it, there was a lyre. Under the SPQR, there were ten lines, just a few less than Jason.  
y/n brushed her fingertips over the tattoo. She couldn't remember getting it, but she had the faint feeling it had hurt, and she had a suspicion it wasn't made with ink. 
"I've never seen marks like these," Annabeth said. "Where did you two get them?" 
Jason shook his head. "I'm getting really tired of saying this, but I don't know." 
When Annabeth looked at y/n, she shrugged. "Nah, no clue." 
"They look burned into your skin," Annabeth noticed. 
"They were," y/n said, wincing as she tried to recall a specific memory. It made her head hurt even more than it already did. "I... I think they were, anyway. I can't remember." 
Everyone looked to Annabeth. It was clear she was something of a leader in the camp, and they were all waiting to hear her verdict. "You two need to go straight to Chiron," Annabeth decided. "Drew, would you—" 
"Absolutely." Drew sauntered forward, lacing her arm through Jason's. y/n scowled at the sight, her scowl deepening when Drew pulled him away, resulting in his warmth being pulled away from hers. 
Not that she minded. y/n was hoping for Drew to get him far, far away from her. 
"This way, sweetie. I'll-" 
"y/n needs to see him, too, Drew," Annabeth reminded her, giving y/n a look that she suspected was a silent apology for Drew's behavior. 
Drew rolled her eyes, but didn't object as y/n joined her and Jason. She kept talking as if y/n wasn't even there. "I'll introduce you to our director. He's... an interesting guy." 
They walked toward the big blue mansion y/n had seen just before their chariot plummeted into the lake. 
A heavy sense of dread filled y/n’s stomach as they made it to the house. If the way Jason tensed at the sight of the house was any indication, he shared her anxiety. 
She was suddenly struck by how grateful she was that she wasn't the only person who seemed to have lost her mind along with her memories. Sure, it wasn’t the greatest thing in the world to only remember the person who she seemed to hate the most, but it was still better than having absolutely no one. She wondered if that was the only thing linking the two of them together. 
His name was the only concrete memory she'd woken with. That had to mean something, right? 
"Here we are!" Drew said cheerfully. "The Big House, camp headquarters." 
The Big House didn't look threatening, not at first glance, but that didn't stop y/n from feeling like she was on the border of enemy territory. She touched the small lump in her pocket, feeling the key. 
At least she wasn't defenseless. 
"We are not supposed to be here," Jason said, voicing y/n’s exact feelings. The girl looked at him with a questioning look. Perhaps, besides being extremely handsome and skilled with a sword, he was also a mind reader.  
Is always an option, right? 
Drew circled her arm through his. "Oh, please. You're perfect here, sweetie. Believe me, I've seen a lot of heroes." She glanced at y/n like she was a wad of gum stuck to the bottom of her shoe. "You, I'm not so sure about." 
y/n touched the key in her pocket and almost flipped her off. "Wanna test that theory?" she said. "I have a sword with your name on it, princess." 
"So testy," Drew said, rolling her eyes. "What, are you two together or something?" 
Jason and y/n’s eyes met, neither of them quite sure how to answer. Before either of them could say anything, though, the sound of footsteps sounded from the front porch. 
No, not footsteps - it sounded like hooves. 
"Chiron!" Drew called. "This is Jason. He's totally awesome." She side-eyed y/n. "And y/n." 
y/n made a face at Drew and rolled her eyes.  
Jason backed up so fast he almost tripped, his arm reaching out to pull y/n back with him as if to pull her away from danger. She looked down at Jason’s muscular arm around her torso and pulled away from him, the nagging feeling that they hated each other poking the depths of her mind. The girl watched as a man on horseback rounded the corner of the porch.  
No, he wasn't on horseback - his lower half was a horse. 
It's official, I've lost what was left of my sanity.  
Chiron started to smile at y/n and Jason, but the color drained from his face as he looked at Jason. 
"You..." The centaur's eyes flared like a cornered animal's. "You should be dead." 
TAGLIST @maybxlle @sunshine-of-ur-life @liviessun @bellamysnatblida @mp-littlebit @cinemaconrad
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maxiskindahere · 7 months
Hello! i just finish reading the Lute x Reader you just recently made and im Inlove I'm wondering that if you can make a part 2 of it? if it's not too much to ask, like Lute goes to reader after the trial or if the reader was with lute that's also fine and the aftermath of the extermination where reader was worried of Lute then she goes full shock when she saw Lute's State. This is just an Idea of mine of how the part 2 goes but you can always do it ur way :)) Thank you! <3
abso-fucking-lutely i can!!
it doesn’t follow the exact bit but i wanted to see if i could fit in everything you asked for 🫶 apologises if it’s not what you were expecting x
part one here
Extermination is entertainment | Lute x F!reader part 2
cw: swearing, talk of murder
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Y/N sat quietly scrolling through ‘Blessed’, which according to the Winner who made it.. is the Holy version of an app called ‘Twitter’. She didn’t really understand the whole concept of Twitter, but she quite enjoyed Blessed.
Though, her quiet time was quickly disrupted as she notices a text pop up from Adam
good luck bitch
But before the girl can ask anything, an angry Lute bursts through the door “Those fucking hellspawns!” She shrieks, slamming the door behind her causing Y/N to jump in surprise “Holy shit! Give a girl some warning” Y/N exclaims, holding a hand to her heart
“All this talk of redemption after they killed one of us, they all deserve to die.” Lute rants, anger coursing through her veins “Wait, did they win?” Y/N asks in shock, putting down her phone “Of course they didn’t! Sinners can’t be redeemed!” Lute exclaims, taking a deep breath
“Sorry, I just..” Lute sighs, running a hand through her hair “Everyone on the council knows now, Adam exposed it.” She explains to the h/c angel who nods slowly, still not sure what the issue was “So you won! That’s all that matters right?” Y/N asks, a silly smile on her face
“I guess” Lute digresses, taking a seat beside Y/N who swiftly wraps her wings around her “You know, if you’re stressed.. I know a great stress reliever” Y/N teases, wiggling her eyebrows
“Please, you sound like Adam.” The lieutenant deadpans, playfully glaring at the other “Ouch!” Y/N says, holding a hand to her chest “You’re so rude”
“Maybe, but you love it.”
Realistically, you knew you had nothing to worry about. Those demons didn’t stand a chance against the extermination army but you were still extremely nervous.
If one figured out how to kill an Angel, the others could catch on.. and that scared her more than anything.
“Are you okay?” Emily asks softly, sitting down beside Y/N on the park bench “Yeah.. Just nervous.” Y/N says simply, picking at her fingers “Lute seemed off before she left, I’m worried it will affect her performance.” The girl explains, leaning against the back of the bench
“Maybe Charlie got through to her” Emily comments, a playful smile on her face as Y/N lets out a small laugh “I doubt it, she was really annoyed after the meeting” Y/N says with a soft smile on her face
“Well, I’m sure she’s fine!” Emily reassures the girl who looks down at her lap with uncertainty before noticing the familiar shine near Sera’s office “I think that’s them, I’ll be back” Y/N tells the Seraphim before swiftly flying over to the “meet up” point
She was excited, Lute had promised to help her with some basic self defense skills when she returned.
But what Y/N saw was the opposite of exciting. She saw a bloodied Lute, one of her arms was pulled apart and she was staring down at the halo in her hands.
“Holy shit” Y/N gasps as she notices it’s Adam’s halo “Lute? What the fuck?” She exclaims, frantically flying over to her partner, resisting the urge to hug her
“Adam is dead.” Is all Lute says, her gaze strong as she stares into the skyline “Are- Are you okay?” Y/N asks quietly, looking at the missing arm
She didn’t know what to say, how do you talk about that? For the first time in her life, Y/N was speechless.
Adam was dead, and God knows what happened to cause that.
And then there’s Lute, showing no emotion per usual but Y/N knew that look in her eyes.
“It’ll regenerate, now move. I have someone to talk to.”
it’s so hard to write abt what Lutes reaction was when she got to heaven bc we only see her with Lilith, but i personally would be in too much shock to care about anything else if i was her x
requests are open🫶 i’m trynna get back into writing and this is a lot of fun :)
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svts-things · 17 days
Ain't naive
Woozi×fem reader
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Warnings:mild violence,neck kisses,cursing,suggestive at the end
In your whole dating period woozi has always admired you for whatever you do.
Be it how you wake up having messy bed hair to how you look at him with your big eyes while yapping to him.
He adores you a lot.
Dating you for a year has made him realized that you are precious to him.
You are soft hearted and kind.
He has never seen you fight or argue with anyone, just some bickering with your siblings.
He decided that you should be protected by all costs.
"I'll get going now bye babe!"while blowing a flying kiss to him
He smiled
"OK take care"he replied
He has never been very physically affectionate but still his other actions are enough for you to know that he loves you
Like today
You went to a mall with your bestie Mia and it was getting late so you received a text from woozi
He said he would be picking you up in sometime
"He really loves you a lot" said Mia when you told her that woozi was about to pick you up
You blushed and nodded
You went out of the mall on the walk path to take a few pictures with Mia while waiting for woozi
Mia said her sister was also on her way to pick her up
While taking a selfie your phone was suddenly snatched
"You really don't have any shame and heart"
You looked at the person and felt your blood boil
He was none other than jusoek,an old rodent who never let's you live in peace
You snatched your phone back and held mia turning around
"Wow you are still ignoring me"
He said pulling you by your shoulder
"Fuck off you dickhead I already have a boyfriend "
"Break up with him and be mine or else"
"Oh my I'm so scared~"you said with a heavy sarcasm
He slapped you
"Hey !"Mia shouted holding your arm
You put your arm in front of Mia and stopped her before she could charge towards him
"You called for it" you said to him
"What do you-"
You slapped him back with extra force making him stumble
He was about to hit you when you held his arm twisting it and slapped him again
He fell down in pain holding onto his arm
You kneeled in front of him
"Do not provoke me unless you wanna die"you said glaring at him
Before getting up you gave him a punch in face
And turned around but froze when you saw woozi standing near his car watching you with an amused yet proud smirk
You weren't sure weather he saw everything
You took mia's hand and went towards him
"I'm sorry but we'll wait for a few mins till mia's sister arrive"
"Sure"he replied
By the time you waited you got a call
You excused yourself and went to the side
"Well what do you think ?"Mia asked woozi
"Well I saw the whole thing from the start and I wanted to see what my love would do-"
"Your love~~"Mia interrupted teasing woozi
He rolled his eyes while smiling and continued
"-when I saw him pulling her I was about to step in but I saw her face and stopped then he slapped her which obviously made me angry"
"Then?"you asked
Both of them flinched at your voice
Honestly you didn't here the whole thing
Mia's sister called out for her
"I'll get going "she told but before going she whispered something to woozi and dashed off while waving towards you
"Let's go?" You asked woozi
"Yeah give me a minute "he said and went towards juseok who was limping on his way to sit down on the bench
Well limping because he fell hard
You saw woozi telling him something and raising his hand but not hitting him maybe just scaring him.
He came and opened the door for you
You both reached your apartment
"You should stay tonight over here it's late"you said
"Well if you don't give me a black eye then I can consider "
Your eyes widened when you realized that he might have watched the whole thing from the start
"Hey you did a good job ok"he said seeing your nervous face
You then smiled sheepishly and went towards woozi who was sitting on the kitchen counter stool
You wrapped your arms around his neck and gave him a forehead kiss
He hugged your waist
He looked up at you and gave you a mischievous smile
"Can't believe you made me a fool"
"How?" U asked
"By making me believe that you are naive"
"Well that's what I always do,making people fool thinking that I'm a fool when I'm not"you said with a wink
He laughed amused at how good you are at playing with minds
"Well what did Mia tell you?"
"She said that you are not what you look or act like most of the times"
You smiled and cursed Mia
He again laughed and pulled you on his lap. He looked into your eyes and lowered his face kissing your neck.Your fingers locked in his silky hair
"If you aren't naive then show me what you can do"he said with a teasing tone
You giggled and tickled him
When he left you while laughing you ran to the bathroom telling "no funny business tonight "
You heard woozi groaning and laughed more.
You went out of the bathroom after a shower in your pajamas
You heard the water running in the other bathroom which meant woozi was in there
You sat on your bed waiting for him
After a few mins you saw woozi coming in your bedroom with a towel wrapped loosely around his waist.
You almost drooled at the side.
"Where did you keep my extra clothes?"
" I guess you don't need them"you said getting up and making your way towards him
You bit your lips and tugged his towel slightly.
He was quick to hold on to the towel and looked at you.
"I thought no funny business tonight?" He asked sarcastically
"And you believed it"you replied while rolling your eyes.
You kissed him and he kissed you back holding onto you and made you walk backwards.
He made you sit on the bed and bent down.
"Gonna be a long night"
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cuntry-r0ckst4r · 4 months
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summary- in which you Ethan, Benny, and Sarah all get stuck in one confined space.
tw- claustrophobia, cursing, tbh not really bad.
It's really not that much about the relationship, you can just ignore those parts if you just want one big fluffy group(ish) fic. Sorry this like really sucks, I'm not proud of this at all omg.
established relationship (Ethan x reader)
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The nerd hunt. It was a shock to no one that your boyfriend and his friends were geeks, but what was a shock was when they wanted to go hunting for some weird monster geek shit. The only ones that complained were you and Erica. The only difference is you went, she stayed home. Probably going to a party instead. You just wanted to go to have more time with Ethan and hang out with him.
"So where are we even going to?" You ask while getting in the back of Benny's grandma's car. Ethan had gotten in after you.
"I don't know exactly the place's name but it's-" Ethan had started before he was interrupted by an excited Rory.
"To an underground cave!" Rory had exclaimed, "we're going to look if there’s gonna be any mummies in there!"
While Benny and Ethan rolled their eyes, you and Sarah just laughed at the pure excitement from Rory.
"Well I'm going to tell you ahead of time, there is a low chance of finding any mummies in a cave?" you inform him while laughing.
Benny starts the car and has to give it a second before starting your drive there. About 20 minutes into the drive Ethan held your hand, he was definitely nervous about it, hyping himself up the 20 minutes that had passed.
After about an hour of driving we arrived at the cave, that was when I realized exactly how this was going to be. It was a small entrance, meaning it was a tight tunnel.
"Is now a bad time to mention I'm severely claustrophobic?" you asked the general audience of the car while chuckling.
"seriously? we live in a place where vampires, witches, and just monsters are like most common... and you're scared of tight spaces?" Benny says annoyed.
All you could do was roll your eyes at him as Sarah, Ethan, and Rory get out of the car. Ethan helps you out of the car aswell.
Once you all have been walking in the caves for a while, you realize that these halls are actually huge. Until you all see an elevator. An old, tiny, elevator. It was the only other way to go than from where you had come in from, which you wouldn't even remember how to leave.
You all go in on the tiny elevator, once the elevator started shaking you could feel your body going off. You were sweating, clinging onto Ethan's arm, nauseous, shaking, and there was so much weight on your chest that you couldn't breath.
"I can't do this, i told you i cant do enclosed spaces, especially you etha-" you start to yell.
The elevator stops. The doors didn't open. Now you really start panicking. A million words in your head at once, several conversations happening at one time in your mind just to overwhelm you. You wanted to sob, scream, cuss out everyone in the elevator. Except that wouldn't help anything. So you check your phone to see if you have service, of course you don't. You're more than 20 feet underground. Then Benny starts banging on the walls of the elevator.
"If you're a nerd, act like one. That won't help." You yell at benny.
You try to pry open the doors, didn't work. Rory was smashing the open button, but still it wasn't opening.
That's when you had this idea, "hey vampires, what if you took us up to the top of the elevator and got us out of the hole thats already open! Because ya know, super strength, ability to fly, can't die if you fall and what not are good ways to help us out in this kind of situation." You explained as calmly as you could while you still feel like you couldn't breath from the amount of pressure on your chest.
Sarah and Ethan look at you, agreeing with you that we should do that. Meanwhile Rory hadn't payed attention to a single thing you had said just now.
Except they were able to do it successfully, it's also quite safe to say that you were all running out the way you all came out. You and Ethan running hand in hand out.
Once you all made it out of the cave, you and Ethan were the first ones out and you two stood next to the entrance to the cave. Not wanting to block the exit/entrance.
"Are you okay? How are you feeling?" Ethan asks you, trying to catch his breath.
"It's okay, I'm okay." You tell him, hugging him and putting your face into his neck.
He hugs you back. He had tried to help when you started freaking out about the elevator but then it stopped and you all had to figure out what to do to get out. All he did was hold your hand the whole time.
Except it was enough to help you both think straight.
"ugh get a room." Benny said groaning as he saw you two, he and the others were walking slow out of the cave finally.
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i do NOT give permission to copy or publish my work onto any other sites, dm me to translate any of it. otherwise there is no given consent for translation of @s3xiel4ss .
hey thats my masterlist!
Finished Writing: Fri May 24, 12:28 AM.
Count: 846 words, 4491 characters, 69 sentences.
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gunthermunch · 11 months
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[Transcript under the cut]
Marcus: decaf WG: thanks. don't think i asked for decaf Marcus: pretty sure you could use some decaf WG: damn. maybe WG: …sorry, i'm really not good at small talk Marcus: you think i enjoy weather talk? just sip that coffee Wolf. It's cool. WG: ok but don't go ''you're being doomy'' at me Marcus: okay? why would i do that. WG: you weren't there when mom used to take us to big family gatherings Marcus: true. i was busy partying WG: … WG: shit WG: do you uh. mind? if i ask you something? Marcus: i'm all ears WG: do… you also have these thoughts like- haunting… words? or something. I mean, stuff you or someone else said before and it's stuck in your head and shitting everywhere like a bug like a… fly. Marcus: A fly? WG: yeah. maybe three. WG: I dunno, i think its been kinda growing with me, y'know? more space in there, more flies Marcus: did uh- i mean, what happened? WG: uhh yeah i don't think you wanna hear all that it really is a lot Marcus: i've heard a lot of stuff these years WG: are you sure? i dont think i ever told anyone all of it Marcus: yeah c'mon WG: well okay, so… WG: Mom probably told you about my kid years so im not getting into that. then there's my teens and it's messed up i almost die thrice, scary shit. anyways i went blonde, started larping, decided i no longer wanted anything to do with my own body and life and then suddenly school was over and of course i wanted to die for good so then i was all alone, made that to myself, stuff stuff i also met a guy before this he was great and i also turned my back on him. then i don't even remember how but i followed Cassandra to Strangerville which was a whole fever dream jesus fucking christ and then there was Nervous. love that guy. I asked Cass on a date but i messed everything up, then ran away. Again. Stole her whole truck. Now i'm a different kind of blonde and also a babysitter and also completely useless. WG: And now- so, years ago i accidentaly discovered this secret door in Gunther's house that leads to a basement and christ who even does that? the hell? and i'm SURE it has to do with whatever Bluma's going through so that means I could fix it up but i'm not doing it because i'm still running away. And I'm not even scared, I'm just letting stuff happen WG: and i cant keep being on my own. and i need someone. WG: man i miss Morgan. WG: i think that's all Marcus: …you still got that Cassandra's number?
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platinumrosetail · 8 months
New idea I hope I'm not annoying you so can you please do a romantic Apollo, Poseidon x fem shinra reader (separately) so basically the reader is a female version of shinra she has all his ability and power's shinra is from fire force if your wondering here's a bit more information shinra can make fire come out of his feet and that allows him to fly he can also kick so hard that he sent the moon back to space Shira is also really fast he can easily break the sound barrier and that not mentioning his shinrabanshōman form he basically rewrote the laws of reality to save everyone also when shinra is nervous he tends to smile so yeah the reader is a female version of shinra and is op and not matter what she will always be on humanity side
Oh yea I remember seeing some things about him and fire force in the past, sure I think I can do this though it might turn out short seeing as I never really watched fire force yet (it’s in my watchlist but like many others I haven’t gotten around to watching it plus I have many things to watch so yea lol 😅), also you’re not annoying me don’t worry just as long as you don’t keep requesting for record of ragnarok as I don’t want to get burned out and close the ror request 😅.
Warning: noob author, female reader, ooc?, and others.
Characters: Apollo, Poseidon.
You two met by you accidentally bumping into him when you were exploring Valhalla as you recently had died on earth and was considered a warrior so you ended up in Valhalla, you nervously smiled out of habit as you hoped you didn’t die again as you heard that some gods and goddesses don’t take too kindly to humans so you hope that he wasn’t one of those gods that hate humans.
He was a bit freaked out about your smile as he was expecting you to grovel and plead for your life to be spared for bumping into a god but you had only smiled and apologized. He questioned why you were smiling and you toppled him of your habit when you get nervous before you took your cue and quickly left.
He was curios about you and wanted to know more about you, he wonders multiple times if you’re to his standard of beauty or not and he hopes that you are as you’re very interesting to human surprisingly more than he thought yo’d be.
You were thankful to not have died on the spot in front by apollo killing you as you wanted to explore more of Valhalla and you couldn’t do that if you were dead.
You can’t help but think that he was very attractive but you stopped quickly after that thought entered your head as Apollo might be more powerful than you which mans if he should ever have the desire to kill you he might so just in case you begin thinking of a plan to protect yourself and any possible passerby should it ever happen that he wants to kill you.
Apparently he didn’t want to kill you you found out later after he surprised ambushed you as you were avoiding him just in case, in fact you apparently was to his approval of beauty which you were surprised to hear about. You two later go together which shocked many and made many god/goddesses and nymphs mad and jealous but you two ignored them. You two like to spare together, he was shocked to see how strong you were, but what he didn’t know was that you were holding back immensely so as to not destroy anything or anybody.
When ragnarok happened you sided with humanity which wasn’t really shocking but Apollo tried getting you on the gods side but that proved to be useless as you didn’t think it was fair how the gods were just destroying humanity even though it was their jobs as gods to guide humanity and that if Apollo loved you then he would do what was right as you will fight for humanity; you knew that you’d most likely win considering you’re half god and half human and a very powerful one at that, but Apollo didn’t so he decided to fight for humanity as well so in case you both win you two can celebrate like couples and if not and you both die you two could be together for eternity.
He kept on seeing you wherever he went and naturally thought you were following him which annoyed him as he didn’t want what he calls; you in his eyes at the moment, filth following, you of course was just exploring Valhalla and wasn’t trying to follow Poseidon around but Poseidon definitely thought you were.
He decided to confront you about it, you were nervous as you heard from many that Poseidon is a very dangerous person that you shouldn’t annoy or anger and how he sees humans as filth as he would dice you with his trident, so you nervously smiled out of habit and explained that you werewn’t following him on purpose but it’s because you were exploring Valhalla as you’re new here, thankfully he didn’t notice your nervous smiling habit, at least you thought he didn’t but he was able to see your nervous smile in his peripheral vision even though he was looking at the floor away from you like he’d always do when in the presence of those he deemed filth.
Your nervous smiling habit stayed in his mind later after that no matter what he was doing or whatever it was he was thinking, even if it didn’t involved you he still thought about your nervous smile that he couldn’t get out of his head no matter how much hew tried to get you out.
He later started searching for you as he wanted to see if this wasn’t part of your power as he can feel himself getting comfortable thinking about you even though he doesn’t want to, at least that’s what he keeps telling himself, his brothers on the other hands sees it differently, it’s mostly Zeus who tease Poseidon about it which he almost gets screwed each time by Poseidon if it weren’t for their older brother; hades, who stopped them before one of them gets killed by the other.
You were defiantly in for a shock when you found yourself in front of Poseidon again once more, at first you thought you are now going to be dead for accidentally unintentionally following him again but he surprised you by asking you what ‘spell’ did you cast on him to think about you so much no matter how many times he tried to get you out of his heads.
He left soon after you told him that you didn’t put a ‘spell’ on him or anything of the sorts, you knew you were powerful but you didn’t know that you could make such a stoic and cold man like him think about you all the time. You found him attractive but knew that he very well might kill you when your paths cross again. You were shocked to find out that he did not kill you the next time you two cross p[aths in fact he wanted to get to know you. Soon after you two became a couple after getting to know each other and after some courting which flabbergasted every one sept for those that knew well enough.
When ragnarok started you knew he would side with the gods so you left a note explaining that your would be siding with the humans as you thought it was unfair how the gods treated the humans even though the gods were mostly at fault for not doing their jobs to guide the humans to a right path and you would happily die trying if it meant getting your point across and set the gods on doing their jobs finally, he wasn’t happy at the thought of your death and he knew you were right so as a god he decided to join the humans side which very much shocked the other gods as usually he would think of humans as filth but it seemed that your got through to him and so now he sides with the humans survival.
(A/n: hope y’all like it!!! I tried my best to keep the two in character so I’m sorry if it turns out that they were more ooc than I thought they would be 😅 same with the reader seeing as how she’s based off of shinra from fire force, also the requester said that the reader was half god and half human; demigod, and a very large powerful at that so I tried incorporating that into it the best I can so I hope I did ok on it, and sorry if I didn’t 😅, like I said before just make sure to not overdue it on requesting for record of ragnarok as I don’t want to have to close it like I did with the others because I was burned out of it alright? Thank you. Anyway I believe that’s it and hope y’all have a wonderful day/evening/night!!)
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My First But Not My Last.
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Pairing : Gojo x Femreader, Geto x Femreader
Setting : Started from Pre-Cult Suguru Geto // Some folks will not die // Modified that Kenjaku will not totally take over Geto's subconscious later on // Girl bff Shoko, Mei Mei & Utahime, Strong sorcerer reader // Death, Murder Spree, Romance, Lemons.
Rating : M || m i n o r s d o n o t i n t e r a c t
Part 5 : Infinity
<< Previous ...... Next >>
"So how are you feeling?" Satoru asked you with tenderness & concern in his voice, as he removed his blindfolds to properly look at you.
The curses weren't hard to kill for special grade sorcerers so it didn't take long before they were wiped out. There were a xouple of students who panicked, but no major casualty or injuries so Shoko was relieved, but angry nevertheless.
You stared at his bright blue eyes, mesmerized at how beautiful they are especially when they're focused on you.
You wrapped your arms around his torso, head resting on his chest, his arms enveloping your small frame, hands rubbing circles across your back.
"I'm okay now," you answered softly, "I was just mad at him for having the audacity to show his face to the people who cared for him so much," you paused & turned your gaze to his eyes, "But if you're asking about how I'm feeling about seeing my ex, I feel nothing. It was a long time ago & I wanted to assure you that I'm all yours, heart & soul."
You felt him release the tension from his rigid body.
You knew he was nervous & worried.
That you still love his once-called best friend.
Because your history with Suguru was a big deal.
Because everybody thought you were his end game.
Satoru even rooted for you two.
You thought so, too.
It was once true & full of passion.
At least for you, it was.
You loved him so much that it almost tore you into pieces.
Your once pure love turned into destruction, blinded you with hurt & anger, hopelessness & to the point that you wanted to destroy everything - including yourself.
It was Satoru who brought you back to life, the hope that was lost & the love that you thought was gone.
He made you feel alive again.
And when you didn't think it was possible to love another person again, Satoru made you love more than ever before.
It wasn't an easy road, but he persisted.
No. Scratch that.
He fought for you.
Because you can't even fight for yourself anymore.
But he did.
"I love you," he mumbled before tilting your chin towards him, lips connecting, sparks flying everywhere.
"I love you more," you mumbled against his lips, a soft smile forming as he lifted you, making you wrap your legs for support.
"Not possible, princess," he answered back, squeezing you tight in his muscular arms, his warmth enveloping you & you reeled into his touch, "I don't think that's ever possible. I love you to infinity."
You smiled against his lips, pulling him close, "Then I'd love to love you to infinity as well."
"By the way, I thought you were hot a while ago, when you were all feisty & feral. Almost came in my pants," he said with a proud smirk as he squeezed your ass.
You hid your face in his neck, your cheeks blushing red with embarrassment as you heard a low chuckle that you thought was sexy & beautiful.
"Satoru?" you whispered, feeling more embarrassed at what you're about to say, but you're too determined to really make him feel that he's the only one for you.
"What is it, princess?" he asked while peppering your shoulders with kisses, your skin tingling every time his lips touched your skin.
"I want all of you."
That was it.
At first, you thought he didn't hear what you just said.
But then he mumbled a low, breathy, "Fuck."
Seconds later, you were sprawled on the bed, his face buried between your legs, one hand busy with your pussy, the other one pinching your hardened nubs.
"How could you say something like that, princess?" he said as he added another finger inside, rubbing that oh-so-delicate spot that makes your toes curl, "I was not ready, almost came in my pants the second time today. Fuck, so sexy."
"Mmmm, Sa-toruuu," you moaned shamelessly, gripping the sheets for your dear life, your back arching from every ministration his tongue does, your mind going blank, your sultry mewls confirms what Satoru's doing is right, his ego swelling.
He hasn't fucked you with his cock yet, but you already came multiple times by his fingers & mouth only.
Yet, here you are, legs quivering, belly filled with tension for another release coming, asking for him to do more.
"Oh fuuuck," you cried, releasing juices in his mouth, him taking every drop you could offer, your body feeling limp from the number of times you had your orgasm.
But you still want more. It's not enough.
You gathered all the strength that you have to pull your legs together, then sat up & grabbed your lover's collar, pulling him down with you & flipping over that you're now straddling him.
"I thought I said I want ALL of you?" you asked seductively, gliding your hands across his broad chest, slowly unbuttoning his shirt until you could see his marvelous, chiseled-by-heavens torso.
He was staring at you, hypnotized by every movement you make, lips opened slightly, his hands on both of your thighs, gripping them as if he's trying to control himself. You rolled your hips against him, his hard bulge directly at your core, making you wet even more than you thought possible.
He was breathing heavily, his bright blue eyes not leaving you & you stared at them, letting yourself get lost in their depths.
"Hot damn," he groaned when you started to put on a show in front of him, touching yourself as you moan his name. "Mmm, you're making me so wet Satoru," you mewled as you pushed a finger inside, making him groan hard, "But you're still overdressed," you pouted sexily as you trailed hot kisses along his chest, unzipping his pants & pulling them off, his long hard cock standing proud, which made your core throb at the sight of it.
He tried not to close his eyes as he watched you take him in your mouth with what you could, while your fingers worked on the rest of his length that your mouth couldn't reach.
"Damn, princess," he grunted, "You're gonna make me cum with that filthy mouth of yours."
"Then give it to me," you answered seductively, licking the underside of his length before you enveloped his member with your tongue, bobbing your head to a pace that made him curse & moan at the same time.
You felt his hand on your head & you let him fuck your mouth, gags & moans filled the room as you gave him the same treatment he has done to you moments ago.
Satoru had his eyes fixed on you, his eyes filled with feral lust, while you swallowed every drop he spilled in your throat.
"Mmmm," you moaned as you licked his still-hard member clean, before licking your lips in satisfaction, "You taste sweet."
Before you could move a muscle, you heard a growl & he was burying his cock inside your already wet entrance, hitting every delicious spot inside, making cum not many seconds after.
"You started this, princess," He hissed as he thrust inside you, "You better be ready to pull an all-nighter 'cause I'm gonna fuck you until the sun rises."
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marvelousbuckley · 8 days
Love letters anyone?
It's been a while since I've written pretty much anything and I'm so sorry about it. I've had some great times (like the paralympics, a new cat, great restaurants with my friends, starting work again) as well as not so many great times (tiredness, RSD, the cats fighting, dysphoria, bipolar disorder making me depressive lmao)
But! Today on the bus I wrote a new letter! There is still prompts I need to write about but this one was on my mind. The game is simple, you can send me a word and I'll use it as an inspiration for a love letter from Tommy to Buck!
You can find the new letter on AO3 or after this ❤️
Disclaimer, Tommy is horny lmao
My sexy as hell boyfriend,
The sounds you made last night still resonate on my mind. They are haunting me, not leaving a single space for any other thought. I am literally incapable to concentrate on anything but the memory of your moans on the silence of your loft. It makes me stupid really.
We waited and I am happy that we did. But I can be honest with you now: sleeping next to you, seeing your beautiful body, being able to touch and kiss it, all of that while restraining myself to fuck you properly has been hell. You have been my personal little hell since we met. Do you know how hot you are? Making me burn with each word, each smile, each whisper. Flames destroying not only my mind and my heart, but my guts too.
Of course you know, the size of your jeans are really telling, Evan. I ask myself sometimes if you do it to make me weak, to make my mind shut down.
Do you want me to die of lust?
Do you have any idea what effect you have on me?
Do you find it funny to make me horny in public space?
Today I asked to stay on the ground. I cannot imagine being up there, not when I already touched the clouds with you. I always loved flying you know. And as much as I also loved sex, the sky has always been my favorite place on earth.
But now I'm here, thinking about you. About being in your arms, both naked, on a bed. No matter which bed, which home, which lifetime. As long as I'm with you.
This shift might be the hardest of my life sweetheart. Because you are everywhere I look, and nowhere I can touch. And only remains the absence of your warmth around my cock and the want. This voracious want.
I'm on my bunk bed, writing on my phone while all the others are sleeping. I'm pretty sure I'm blushing in the dark, nervous they would wake up and find me in a compromising state. I feel so dumb you know, like some horny teenager. It's the first time I actually write the word cock on a letter. Because yes, I will rewrite all of this on paper when I'll get the chance to. But I couldn't wait, couldn't risk losing this thing you make me feel.
I couldn't risk not to remember everything I'm thinking right now. Because you need to know, Evan, how you make me alive again.
Thinking about my mouth on your mouth,
Tagging the friends ❤️
@searching-for-the-moon @herrmannhalsteadproduction @johanna-swann @captainwitharedstar
@goldenhxurs @girlwonder-writes @desert--moonchild @kinardsevan
@kinkley-are-adorkable-flirts @bangpop91 @v88sy @theotherbuckley
@rdng1230 @thatmexisaurusrex @judymarch15 @leandra-winchester
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