#i'm so torn😓
Your (non) daily dose of serotonin, and I solved your shipping dilemma!
Superhero and Baron looked at their once friend and crush, Mirth, with tears in their eyes. "It was you? You were the mole? But- but- WHY?" 
"I'll tell you why! Day in and day out, work, work, work! Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork! And what do I have to show for it? Huh? No work from home, barely any benefits, and no dental!" 
Baron turned to Superhero, "You don't even have dental?" 
Superhero looked at the ground shook their head in shame.
"So, when Supervillain offered me all of the villain agency's benefits, while I was still working for the hero agency, I knew they were the right choice. They actually care for their employees."
As if on cue, Supervillain entered, twirling their (fake) handlebar moustache. They held out their hand amd Mirth put her hand on theirs while Superhero and Baron cried from their cell behind them. "No, Mirth, nooo! Don't choose them! Don't go with them!" 
Mirth didn't remove her hand and turned around. "Sorry." And she actually looked sorry. "It's nothing personal. Just good business sense." And with that, she stuck her new agency issued - ahem - villain agency issued handlebar moustache on her face.
Superhero and Baron resumed their crying, louder this time. So heartbroken, they didn't even care that they were hugging each other of all people. They couldn't even bear to watch their ex-friend leave the prison, her once heroic hand in Supervillain's villainous one, both evilly twirling their moustaches.
Oh no! Mirth's gone rogue😱
That really would be the best plot twist I've ever written and I'm certainly considering it...especially as I'm intending on writing the next part today (whether or not that actually happens remains to be seen😂 It's been a very busy week so I might just chill today and catch up on some things I'd put on the back-burner for a while lol)
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maxtermind · 4 months
please i'm begging you (please don't feel pressured if your life is busy 💕) we need pt 2 to the angst i can't handle this 😭 my heart 💔 the writing is too good that i'm feeling things 😓
was i stupid to love you?
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★ : summary :: when he downplays your feelings ★ : feat :: max verstappen, lewis hamilton, carlos sainz, charles leclerc, lando norris ★ : genre :: angst; hurt/comfort ★ : word count :: 4.6k ★ : a/n :: open ending, don't forget to vote after so i can get a bit of feedback :3 kinda rushed so might contain lots of typos sorryyyy!!
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( part 1 )
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Charles Leclerc
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The house party buzzed with music and laughter, a cacophony that drowned your thoughts as you stormed through the crowded rooms. Your heart raced with a mix of anger and hurt, knowing Charles was right on your tail, determined to catch you before you could reach Arthur.
Your boyfriend’s hand wrapped around yours just as his brother turned around to look at you guys. You stomped your feet as you shook your head to dismiss Arthur and follow your boyfriend who quietly kissed your head in gratitude before you could step away.
”What is going on with you?!” Your voice trembled with barely contained fury as you confronted Charles in a quieter corner.
Charles sighed, his brow furrowing in frustration. ”I don’t know, baby. I’m so sorry—”
”You told me off when you should know that I’m right!” Your voice rose involuntarily. ”She fucking leaned in thinking that you were gonna choose her.”
”Y/N, please listen to me,” Charles said earnestly, stepping closer to you. ”I messed up. I know. But I would, never in a hundred years, choose anyone let alone her over you.”
You looked into Charles' eyes, seeing the sincerity and pain reflected in them. Your anger began to melt, replaced by a swirl of conflicting emotions.
”You’re just saying what I want to hear and I don't like it,” you said, your voice softer now, searching for clarity.
”It’s the truth,” Charles declared, his voice tinged with regret. ”I know I’ve hurt you baby and I'm sorry for that but I can’t— I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if I watched you leave with my brother. Let me drop you home, okay?”
Tears welled up in your eyes, frustration and hurt mixing with the love you still felt for him. Charles gently took your hands in his, his touch warm and comforting.
”Y/N, please,” Charles pleaded, his voice raw with emotion. ”I never want to make you feel like you need to run away from me. I want to talk this out, please give me a chance to make things right.”
You hesitated, feeling torn between wanting to forgive him and the pain of betrayal still fresh in your heart.
”Okay,” you finally whispered, feeling emotionally drained. ”Let's go.”
Charles nodded, relief washing over his face. He led you out of the noisy party, his grip on your hand tight and reassuring. The cool night air outside provided a stark contrast to the heated emotions inside.
As Charles drove you home, neither of you spoke. The silence was filled with unspoken words and the weight of what had just transpired. But Charles kept stealing glances at you, his eyes full of regret and love.
When you arrived at your shared apartment, Charles parked the car but made no move to get out. He turned to you, his expression soft and vulnerable.
”I'll leave if you want me to,” Charles said quietly, his voice tinged with sorrow. ”But please, Y/N, give us a chance to talk tomorrow. I'll do whatever it takes to make this right.”
You looked at him, seeing the sincerity in his eyes and the love that still lingered despite everything. Tears fell down your cheeks as you nodded slowly.
”I need time,” you admitted softly, your voice barely audible. ”Time to sort through this.”
Charles nodded understandingly, reaching out to gently wipe away your tears. ”Take all the time you need,” he said softly, his thumb caressing your cheek. ”I'll be here, whenever you're ready.”
”Where will you go?” You asked, not wanting to leave just yet.
”To your brother’s house,” he joked and smiled cheekily when you let out a small laugh.
”I love you,” Charles continued and seemed satisfied when you saw your tinted cheeks, giving into the temptation to kiss your hand. ”I’ll stay at Arthur's for the night.”
With that, you stepped out of the car, your heart heavy with conflicting emotions. You watched Charles drive away, feeling the distance between you both but knowing that perhaps, with time, you could find a way back to each other.
Lando Norris
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You sat in the break room at work, your lunch untouched in front of you. The memories of last night’s events still stung, the image of her hand on Lando’s thigh and the lipstick on his collar replaying in your mind.
Just as you were about to take a sip of water, the door swung open, and there he was, your— ex? —boyfriend, looking desperate and determined. You knew there was a possibility he’d try to catch you at work given that you’d taken away all other means.
”Y/N, can I please?” he said, his voice pleading as he pointed towards the hallway.
You nodded reluctantly and led him to an empty hall, away from prying eyes. The silence was deafening as you stood there, waiting for him to speak.
You nodded reluctantly and led him to an empty conference room, away from prying eyes. The silence was deafening as you stood there, waiting for him to speak.
”Y/N, please,” he started, his voice trembling slightly. ”I’m so sorry about last night.”
You crossed your arms, leaning against the table. ”Bet you had a good time, huh?”
”No, I didn't,” Lando said in disbelief before he took a deep breath, trying to keep his composure. ”Nothing that happened there was intentional. We were all drinking, and she... she got too close. I should have pushed her away. I’m sorry.”
You scoffed, anger bubbling up again, finally fired up enough to speak your mind. ”Her hand was on your fucking thigh, Lando. And your collar— her lipstick was all over it. How do you explain that?”
He winced, clearly pained by the memory. ”I know it looks bad, but it wasn’t what it seemed. She leaned in close to talk to me, and I didn’t realize she had left a mark. It was a— just a stupid mistake, and I should have been more aware.”
”More aware?” you echoed, your voice rising. ”You should have cared about how it would make me feel! Instead, you shrugged it off like it was nothing.”
”I didn’t mean to shrug it off,” he said, stepping closer. ”I was wrong. I should have reassured you, should have shown you that you’re the only one that matters to me. Baby, please just let me—”
You looked away, the pain still fresh. ”It’s not just about the lipstick or her hand. It’s about how you made me feel like I was overreacting, like my feelings didn’t matter.”
”They do matter,” he said, his voice breaking. ”More than anything. I was an idiot. I should have pushed her away immediately. I should have come to you and told you everything before you saw it for yourself.”
”You know I only want you,” he added softly, his eyes pleading with you.
You shook your head, trying to hold back tears. ”That’s the thing, Lando. I don’t know that. I actually believe that y— you don’t at all.”
Lando’s eyes filled with tears as a broken whisper of your name left his mouth. ”I h.. have never, I never will. Ever.” He stressed. ”Want anyone— need anyone the way I want you.”
You kept quiet as you looked at him trying to catch himself. Lending him your hand that he squeezed in return.
”I can’t believe you would ever believe that but I understand and, I promise… I’ll be more mindful, more respectful. I’ll make sure everyone knows I’m taken, that I’m yours. Please, give me a chance to make it right.”
The weight of his words hung in the air, and you let out a slow breath, trying to not have a breakdown at your workplace. ”It’s going to take time, Lando. Trust isn’t rebuilt overnight.”
”I know,” he said, relief washing over his features. ”And I’m willing to do whatever it takes. I’ll prove to you that I’m worthy of your trust.”
”Okay,” you whispered, your voice barely audible. ”I’ll give it a thought, Lando. But if you hurt me again, we’re done.”
”I understand,” he said, his voice filled with determination. ”Thank you, Y/N. I won’t let you down.”
Max Verstappen
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The streets were bustling with late-night revelers, their laughter and chatter a stark contrast to the storm brewing inside you. The restaurant's neon sign flickered as you stepped out into the cool night air, your phone clenched tightly in your hand.
Three hours. You had waited for three hours, hoping Max would show up for your anniversary dinner, only to find out from the story of your mutual friend that he was out with her again.
On your anniversary.
You made your way through the crowded streets, not caring where you ended up. You just needed to get away, to think, to process the hurt and betrayal. Your phone buzzed incessantly in your pocket, but you ignored it. Max's calls and messages could wait. Right now, you needed space.
After wandering aimlessly for a while, you found yourself at the edge of the city, near the river. The quiet contrast of the flowing water was a welcome change from the city's noise. You sat on a bench, pulling your jacket tighter around you as a light drizzle began to fall. The soft patter of rain on the water's surface was soothing, but it didn’t dull the ache in your heart.
Minutes turned into an hour, and the rain intensified. Your phone buzzed again, and this time you glanced at it. Last message from Max was a minute ago
Max: Y/N, please. Where are you? Let me explain. I’m looking for you.
You sighed, wiping away the raindrops mixed with your tears. Your fingers hovered over the screen before you finally typed a reply.
You: By the river. Near the old bridge.
You didn’t know why you told him, but some part of you wanted to hear him out. To understand why he kept doing this. Why would he even waste time with you if he was already in love with someone else?
God. Even the thought of that brought up a real pain in your chest. The rain fell harder, and you huddled under the small awning of a nearby building, trying to stay somewhat dry.
After what felt like an eternity, you saw a figure running towards you through the rain. It was Max, drenched and breathless. He slowed as he approached, his eyes filled with worry and regret. HIs clothes were all over the place, untucked and wrinkled and you only drew the worst conclusion.
”Y/N,” he gasped, stopping a few feet away. ”Thank God, you're okay.”
You stood up, arms crossed defensively. ”You’ve got five minutes, Max. Make it count.”
He nodded, taking a step closer. ”I’m so sorry, Y/N. I know I’ve let you down. I was with her tonight because she’s going through a really rough time. She had no one else to turn to.”
You narrowed your eyes, the skepticism clear. ”On our anniversary? How convenient.”
He flinched at your tone but didn’t back down. ”I know it’s no excuse. I should have told you. I thought I could help her quickly and still make it to dinner. I didn’t realize it would take so long.”
You shook your head, the anger bubbling up again. ”This isn’t the first time, Max. How many times have I had to wonder if she’s really just a friend? How many times have you put her before me?”
Max stepped closer, his eyes pleading. ”I’ve been blind, Y/N. I didn’t see how much I was hurting you. There’s nothing romantic between us. She’s just a friend, and she needed my help. But I see now that I’ve been unfair to you.”
Tears mixed with the rain on your cheeks. ”I don’t know if I can keep doing this, Max. The constant worry, the feeling like I’m not enough. It’s tearing me apart.”
He reached out, tentatively taking your hand. ”You are more than enough, Y/N. I’ve been an idiot, and I’m so sorry. I love you, and I don’t want to lose you.”
You looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of deception. All you saw was sincerity and regret. ”How can I trust you again, Max? What did she even need help with?”
He squeezed your hand gently. ” She saw her ex at the club and he was being an asshole. I just went over for five to put him in his place when one of her friends posted the story. I’m sorry for the delay, baby. I know I should've been more transparent about everything. Just please, give me a chance to make things right.”
”Is she okay?” You took a shaky breath, your heart aching with the desire to believe him and he exhaled when you pulled him under the shit excuse of shelter you had from the rain.
”She’s okay. I promise I won't ever embarrass you this way again, baby. You won’t ever have to sit and wonder if I'm bailing because I found someone else or not.” Max took another deep breath. ”I never will, baby, you are the only one I want. I will never find anyone.”
You closed your eyes, the tears spilling over as you hugged him. ”I wanna go home.”
”Okay let’s go home, baby.” Max gently cupped your face, his thumbs brushing away your tears. ”But I need you to know. You are my priority, Y/N. I’ll never let you feel otherwise again. I love you more than anything, and I’ll spend every day proving it to you.”
You leaned into his touch, feeling a flicker of hope amidst the pain as you hugged him.
He sighed again, closing his eyes to soak in this. ”Happy anniversary, baby. I love you”
You pulled back slightly, looking up at him with a tired smile.
Carlos Sainz
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Carlos's pleas had grown quieter, the urgency in his voice replaced with a softness that seemed to seep through the crack under the door.
You could hear his breath hitching, a clear sign that he was on the verge of breaking down himself. But you couldn’t get yourself to stand up as you sat on the bed, knees drawn to your chest, tears still streaming down your face as you tried to block out the sound.
”Y/N, please,” he choked out, and you could hear the tears in his voice now. ”I'm so sorry. I... I don't know what else to say. I can't lose you.”
The sincerity and raw emotion in his voice cut through you in a vicious manner, and against your better judgment, you found yourself getting up. You hesitated for a moment, your hand hovering over the doorknob, before finally opening the door just a crack.
Carlos was standing there, his eyes red and swollen from crying. When he saw you, a look of profound relief washed over his face. ”Thank you,” he whispered.
You stepped back, letting him in. He walked in slowly, as if afraid to invade your space, and you closed the door behind him. The silence was heavy, each second stretching into an eternity.
”I'm so sorry,” Carlos said again, his voice trembling. ”I swear, I didn't know she was going to kiss me. If I had known, I would have never invited her. I would never do anything to hurt you intentionally.”
You took a deep breath, trying to steady your own shaking voice. ”But you did invite her, Carlos. And I told you to cut her off so many times. Why didn't you listen?”
He ran a hand through his hair, looking utterly defeated. ”I thought... I thought we were just friends. I didn't realize she felt that way about me. And when she kissed me, I was so shocked. I— I froze. I'm an idiot. I should have pushed her away immediately.”
”You should have,” you echoed, your voice breaking as you recalled that scene and it felt like someone was physically stabbing you. ”Do you have any idea how much it hurt to see that?”
Carlos stepped closer, his eyes pleading. ”I know, and I'm so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. I love you, Y/N. You're the only one I want to be with.”
You looked down, tears falling onto the floor. ”How do I know that, Carlos? How do I know you won't let this happen again?”
He gently took your hands in his, his touch warm and reassuring. ”Because I can’t ever go through this again. I don’t want to know what it feels like to almost lose you. I'll cut her off completely. I promise you, baby, just, anything— it will never happen again.”
You pulled your hands away, wrapping your arms around yourself protectively. ”It's not just about cutting her off, Carlos. I can never get that image out of my brain now. What if you just wake up tomorrow that you didn’t get rid of her because yo— you…?”
You trailed off but Carlos understood and immediately shook his head. ”No,” he said firmly. ”I will never wake up with anyone other than you in my heart. You’re the one I love, the one I am going to live my life with.”
He didn’t let you speak as he carried on,”I understand. Trust is earned, not given. And I'll do whatever it takes to earn it back. I'll prove to you that you can trust me.”
You sighed, feeling the weight of his words. ”I want to believe you. But it's going to take time. A lot of time.”
”I know,” he said softly. ”And I'm willing to wait. I'll wait as long as it takes for you to trust me again. Just please, don't shut me out. Let me be there for you.”
You looked into his eyes, seeing the genuine remorse and love in them. Despite everything, a part of you still loved him deeply. ”Okay,” you whispered. ”But you have to understand, it's going to be hard. I'm still hurt, and it's going to take a while for me to heal.”
Carlos nodded, a flicker of hope in his eyes. ”I'll be patient. I'll be here for you, no matter what. And I'll do everything I can to make it right.”
”Alright.” You nodded, feeling a glimmer of hope yourself. ”Just... don't make me regret it.”
”I won't,” Carlos stepped closer, tentatively reaching out to wipe a tear from your cheek. ”I love you, Y/N. More than anything.”
You gave him a small as you leaned into his touch, feeling a mix of emotions, ”I love you too, Carlos. That's why this hurts so much.”
He pulled you into a gentle hug, holding you as if you were the most precious thing in the world. ”We'll get through this. Together.”
Lewis Hamilton
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You paced around your apartment, the anger and hurt from the argument still fresh. The silence after the exchange with Lewis was deafening. You couldn’t believe he said those things. Your phone buzzed on the couch, but you ignored it, needing space to process.
A knock on your door interrupted your thoughts. It was loud and persistent. You hesitated, hoping it wasn’t who you thought it was.
”Y/N, please open up. I need to talk to you,” Lewis’s voice came through the door, sounding desperate.
You took a deep breath and opened the door. Your boyfriend stood there, looking remorseful.
”What do you want, Lewis?” you asked, your voice cold.
”Can I come in? Please, we need to talk,” he pleaded.
You stepped aside reluctantly, letting him in. He walked into the living room, turning to face you with regret etched on his face.
”I’m sorry, Y/N,” he started, his voice soft as he ran a hand over his face. ”I didn’t mean what I said. I was frustrated— but that’s no excuse.”
”You really hurt me,” you said, crossing your arms defensively knowing you had to support yourself before you start crying again. ”And you were so fucking cruel about it!”
”I know, and I hate that I did that to you,” he replied, his eyes sincere. ”I’ve been spending too much time with her, and I’ve been blind to how it’s been affecting you— us. Affecting us.”
”Why do you keep seeing her then? If she’s just a friend, why does it feel like she’s more important than me?” you demanded, your voice shaking.
”She’s not more important than you,” he said quickly. ”I’ve let the boundaries blur, and I didn’t realize how much it was hurting you. I’m sorry.”
Tears welled up in your eyes, but you blinked them away. This was not what you expected. You were ready for a fight, sure that Lewis would come with his own weapons out but this was undoing you.
”It’s not just about her, Lewis. It’s about us. You’ve been distant, and I feel like I’m losing you.”
Lewis nodded, looking pained and sick. ”You’re not losing me, Y/N. I’ve been an idiot, and I’ve taken you for granted. I want to fix this.”
”How?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. Desperately clinging onto him to make amends because you couldn’t see any in hindsight.
”By being more present, by setting boundaries, and by showing you every day how much you mean to me,” he said, taking your hands in his. ”Please give me a chance to make this right.”
”Words aren’t enough anymore,” you said, looking down at your joined hands.
”I know,” he nodded. ”But I'm willing to go through any lengths, I’ll prove to you that you’re my priority.”
You searched his eyes, seeing the determination and regret. ”I want to trust you,” as your voice cracked, the very first tear fell down your face and Lewis immediately grabbed you as he pulled you to lay your head on his chest.
”I can’t though— I wish I could but I can't get hurt again.”
”I understand and I promise you can shoot me if I hurt you again” he said. ”I love you, Y/N. I’ll do whatever it takes to make this right.”
You leaned into his embrace, feeling a flicker of hope amidst the pain. ”I love you too.” You felt him take a sigh as he held you tight against his warm body.
”And I need you to understand that my feelings are valid,” you continued as you soaked his shirt with your tears. ”When I tell you something bothers me, I need you to listen and not dismiss it.”
”I promise I’ll listen,” he said, his voice full of sincerity. ”I’ll do better because losing you would end me.”
You took a deep breath, feeling a weight lift slightly. As you stood there in your boyfriend’s arms, you realized that healing would take time but there was no one else you would rather heal with. Though only time could tell what the future held for you.
Oscar Piastri
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You closed your eyes as you heard the door of your best friend's apartment being knocked on again. Your mind was a whirlwind of emotions—anger, betrayal, sadness.
You replayed the messages over and over in your head, each one cutting deeper than the last as you contemplated whether letting Oscar in would be a good decision. You finally made the decision when you heard the neighbor’s lock moving.
You pulled him in before they could open their door or call the cops and finally took a look at him. He looked disheveled. His eyes were red from holding unshed tears as they glossed over once he finally took you in.
”Y/N,” Oscar started, moving towards you with open arms. ”Thanks for letting me in.”
”I almost didn't.” You crossed your arms over your chest, trying to keep your voice steady as you stepped away from his open arms. ”But you were waking up the whole damn building.”
Oscar nodded, looking down at the ground. ”I deserve that.” You took a deep breath, desperate to get this over with.
”Why, Oscar? Why did you lie to me?”
He sighed, running a hand through his hair. ”I... I was scared you'd get upset. I thought if I told you the truth, you'd leave me.”
”And now?” you scoffed, your voice rising. ”You think I'm not upset now? You think lying to me makes it any better?”
He stepped closer, his eyes pleading. ”Y/N, I made a mistake. A huge mistake. But nothing happened between me and her, I swear. We were drunk, and she sat on my lap for a picture. It was stupid and irresponsible, but that's all it was.”
You shook your head, tears welling up in your eyes. ”Do you have any idea how that made me feel? Seeing her on your lap after you told me she wasn't even going to be there?”
Oscar reached out to touch your arm, but you stepped back once again and his eyes brimmed with tears. ”Y/N, please. I love you. I was an idiot, but I love you. I need you to believe that.”
You wiped your eyes, trying to compose yourself. ”How can I believe you, Oscar? When I don't even know if you really want me?”
He swallowed hard, his tears finally falling out of his eyes. Oscar looked defeated as if he was fighting a battle already lost.
”Please don’t say that. You’re the only person I want. I'll do whatever it takes to earn your trust back. I'll never lie to you again. I'll be completely honest, even if it's something I think will hurt you. Just... please give me a chance to make it right.”
You looked at him, searching his face for any sign of deception. You saw only earnest regret and a desperate longing for forgiveness. You wanted to believe him, but the hurt was still so raw.
”I don't know if I can,” you whispered. ”You've broken my trust, Oscar. And that's not something you can just fix with words.”
He nodded slowly. ”I know. But I'm willing to do whatever it takes. I'll go to counseling, I'll give you access to my phone, my social media, anything you need to feel secure. Just please, don’t give up on us.”
You stood in silence for a moment, the weight of the situation heavy in the air. You looked around the dimly lit apartment, as you took a deep breath, trying to gather your thoughts.
”Okay,” you said finally. ”I’m willing to discuss this in the morning. But if you lie to me again, if you hurt me again, we're done. Do you understand?”
Oscar's face lit up with a mixture of relief and determination as his chest heaved. ”I understand. I promise you, Y/N, I'll never give you a reason to doubt me again.”
You nodded, as your lips quivered. ”I hope so. Because I don't think I can go through this again.”
He stepped closer, cautiously taking your hand. You allowed it, feeling the warmth of his touch. ”Thank you,” he said softly. ”I won't let you down.”
You stood together, still holding hands. The silence between you was different now—tentative, but with a flicker of understanding. You had a long way to go, but for the first time since those fateful messages, you felt like maybe, just maybe, not all was lost.
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( writing masterlist \ main masterlist \ drop a request ) ©maxtermind // do not copy, rewrite or translate any of my work on any platforms.
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nucrests · 7 months
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playing in CAS & trying different hairstyles on Reina but now I'm so torn with which hair I love best on her 😓
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sheyfu · 4 months
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐢 𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮
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》 ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: [ᴀɢᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ!] ᴍɪᴋᴀɢᴇ ʀᴇᴏ x ɢɴ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ɪᴛ ɪꜱ ʜᴜʜᴜ 😓 ꜱᴛɪʟʟ ᴛʀʏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏ ꜰɪɢᴜʀᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ ᴡʀɪᴛɪɴɢ ɢᴇɴᴅᴇʀ ɴᴇᴜᴛʀᴀʟ ᴘɪᴇᴄᴇꜱ!)
》 ᴄᴡ: ꜱᴇxᴜᴀʟ ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇꜱ (ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ʟɪɴᴇ); ᴜꜱᴇ ᴏꜰ ꜰɪɢᴜʀᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ; ᴄᴏɴꜰᴜꜱɪɴɢ ᴘʟᴏᴛ; ꜱʟᴇᴇᴘɪʟʏ ᴘʀᴏᴏꜰʀᴇᴀᴅ; ʀᴇᴀᴅ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀ ʙᴀɴɢᴇʀ 💛
》 ᴡᴄ: 270
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mikage reo watches your peaceful state of slumber. i’m such a creep, he thinks. yet, he can’t stop looking at you—you’re beautiful. he loves everything about you. your figure dressed in one of his shirts, your long eyelashes framing your face ever so gently, and the way your chest rises with each slow and deep breath you take.
you’re simply breathtaking. 
he recalls the previous night with you—sharing deep and loving kisses and him declaring his undying love for you. 
i love you so much. can’t imagine living in a world with no us.
is what mikage reo whispered in your ear as you cuddled after making love to each other. 
his daydreaming is interrupted by the sound of your alarm right by his ear. he hurriedly reaches for the button knowing if you’d wake up in the middle of the night, you wouldn’t be able to sleep–
wait. the middle of the night? 
a few beats of silence pass until he hears a deep and groggy voice say the words he would come to despise.
"20th of july in the year 2024. 10:14 p.m." 
the night of your anniversary. 
he thinks fate is playing games on him as he watches your body get covered in white cloth; the solemn looks of the people around him as they watch two destined lovers get torn by fate. 
the 20th of july, the most important day for the both of you—the day you got together.
yet, mikage reo never imagined that the 20th of july would be the day you’d leave him, 
and the night he dies looking at you. 
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HIIII i said i wouldn't post on sundays but this is to celebrate me getting a hundred notes on my smau!! also i'm so sorry im on a sad streak rn i promise i'll post more happy stuff soon 😭😭😭 ALSO!! just to clarify, reo doesn't die 😭😭 it's like, a part of him just dies because you're like his other half MHMMM BUT YEAHH i hope this was enjoyable for everyone! reblogs, comments and likes are very much appreciated!! again, thank you for the support!! stay tuned for more bangers >:)
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ACOFAF (A Court of Fey and Flowers)
Pros: My all time favorite. Comfort media. Low mental commitment, with high serotonin reward.
Cons: None, except that I have already rewatched it at LEAST a dozen times, and maybe I should give another show a chance once in a while?
Pros: SUCH a great season. Conrad and the Fix make me happy. Ultimate Found family, imo.
Cons: I feel like I need to pay attention to this one, and I'm not sure it grabs my attention enough to be able to do that?
Sophomore Year
Pros: All of them. Fucking LOVE this season. Great background noise AND I would get to re-live the FigAyda scenes? Love them!
Cons: HUGE time commitment. And yet. As soon as I start getting to my favorite episodes and the plot starts ramping up, the season is over before you know it?
Coffin Run
Pros: I mean. Come ON. Izzy is insane? Zac keeps eating paper? Jasmine gives out themed goodies that end up being important? AND I don't think I've rewatched this even a single time since it came out! That's criminal!
Cons: It's short 😓
The Unsleeping City
Pros: Goooooood season. Man, it's the intrepid heroes back at it! Every single dynamic is beautiful and priceless!
Cons: The characters are amazing, but the plot is just okay in my opinion? Idk maybe I'm just used to more of a 'mystery to unfold' rather than a sinister plot that's easy to follow from the beginning.
The Unsleeping City 2
Pros: INCREDIBLE season. New characters interacting with old! SO many happy couples! A fair bit of emotional investment, but still a really wonderful serotonin payoff in the end! The DRAGONS?????????? This season singlehandedly re-ignited my passion for storytelling! (Specifically because of Smoczmatka!) Damn, I'm almost convincing myself, here!
Cons: It's pretty long. Episodes are lengthy and it's also over zoom. Those two things put together make it harder to pay attention to.
Pirates of Leviathan
Pros: Wonderful cast brings back a small part of a previous season in a BIG way. Cheese! Myrtle! GARTHY O'BRIEN! I mean come ON!
Cons: A bit short for my liking. One of the PC's kinda gets on my nerves for several small reasons. (An opinion literally nobody shares with me, so I'll keep it to myself).
I'm SO TORN!!?!!
[Burrow's End gets an honorable mention because I just finished rewatching it like two weeks ago.]
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opossumloverr · 2 years
The turtle bros spend valentines with the reader!
None! Just fluff
Y'all, I'm so sorry I haven't posted in uh, a month? take this as an apology. This was supposed to be posted on Valentine's Day, but I had a lot going on during that week, so I postponed it. Sorry guys 😓(Romantic and gender-neutral reader)
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Valentine's day, the day of love
Assuming that you're Raph's first partner, he would be stuck on what to do and what to get you.
Should he give you chocolates? No that's so cliché.. should he just give you a card? No that's too boring...
Man's stressed
He knows you would love anything that you give him but he just can't help being torn apart on what to do
He asked his brothers for help, I told you he was stressing
But they didn't help either, infact they just teased him about it!
In the end, he ends up following his heart instead of overthinking (he's just like me fr)
Buys you a colossal-sized teddy bear holding a heart
He loves them so he thought you would love them too
Of course, you did (if you don't, I will actually find you)
And if you got him something? He will be so blushy
"Awe..thanks Raphie, it's so cute!" You spoke, holding a HUGE teddy bear Raph gifted you, you put the teddy bear down for a second to find something buried inside your bag "I actually got you something too, it's not much but it's something right?" You pulled out a heart-shaped chocolate box you got from the Dollar Store, and you watched as Raph just stared at your gift, you felt a little nervous thinking he didn't like it,
"it's okay if you don't want it I'll just-" before you could finish you felt yourself get lifted up by two big arms.
"I LOVE IT! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" He squealed, blush brushing his cheeks.
Doesn't have a hard time picking out a gift for you
Since its valentine's day, he's 20x smugger now
Not even a second will go by without you hearing a flirty comment coming out of his mouth
He's got them locked and loaded
Will take you out on a dinner date!
but not to those fancy schmancy restaurants, he don't got the money for that, plus will they really take a mutant turtle?
He'll take you to Hueso's pizzeria, cheap and they serve some great pizza.
y'all share a whole pizza, romantic right?
then for the rest of day, you guys have fun, taking strolls around the city, looking at what NYC has to offer, and then at the end of the day, you guys settle down at a random buildings rooftop
He will be overjoyed if you bought him a gift
"For me?" Leo giggled at the little teddy bear, one hand over his heart as the other took the gift, he looked at it in awe before looking at you
"Yeah, I had so much fun today! I know that it isn't all that but this is literally all I can afford" you chuckled, Leo then looked at you with an offended glare,
"How dare you? this teddy bear is more than enough!" you laughed at his response, engulfing him in a heartwarming hug.
I feel like gift-giving is his love language
So he's going all out
Will give you a butt load of gadgets and trinkets that he spends all night making just for you
He's never really celebrated Valentine's Day before, so he doesn't know how to act
Should he be more affectionate?
Or more romantic?
forces a personality, but you figured out quickly
you tell him it's okay and he doesn't have to put on this 'romantic' persona cause you already fell in love with his original one
He felt cupid shoot an arrow through his heart with that one
you spend the day in his lab, he just wants to spend some time with you and only you
doesn't know how to react if you give him a gift
he's flattered though
"Hey Donnie" you spoke, breaking the comfortable silence in the room, Donnie turned his chair to face you,
"Yes, love?" he questioned
"Today has been amazing! I really enjoyed your gifts," You started, not noticing the blush that was creeping up on his face "And I really wanted to give you this" You pull out a coffee mug you got custom-made for him,
"Oh, I, uhm"
"What's wrong?" you got worried, thinking that he didn't like it
"Thank you... i- hah! uhh" but then you figured out that he's just, y'know, malfunctioning, you snickered at this, getting up to give him a soft kiss on his snout
"You're welcome"
Probably has it marked on his calendar
With red hearts all over it
Just like Donnie, Mikey would gift you a BUNCH of stuff
Teddy bears, chocolate, cards, gift baskets, you name it, he got it
He would also make you an art piece of you and him
You hung it up on your wall
I feel like he would give you origami (he watched a YouTube video)
He's so proud of it
You guys spend the day just hanging out together, doing everything you guys come up with, baking, painting, playing video games, anything
after all of those blood-pumping activities, you guys snuggle down on the couch, Mikey putting on your favorite movie, sharing a big bowl of popcorn
somewhere in the middle of the movie you decided to give him the gift you bought him, and let me tell you, mans was jumping for joy
You and Mikey cuddled with each other, watching one of your favorite movies, it was perfect, he was perfect, "Mikey," you mumbled,
"Mhm?" Mikey responded, not taking his eyes off the projector
"Thank you so much, this has gotta be the best valentines day so far, and to show how much I appreciate you, I got you this" You take out a bouquet of beautiful scarlet roses seemingly out of nowhere, he turned to look at it, his facial expression changing so fast,
"OH MI GOSHHHHH!" he jumped up, flaring his arms everywhere, "YOU GOT THESE FOR ME?"
"Yeah! you like them?" You knew he did,
"OF COURSE? THANK YOU SO MUCH BABY!" he lunged at you, kissing your face before nuzzling his snout into your neck, you smiled as you patted his shell,
Okay, I know that this was not posted on valentine's day, actually far from it BUT it's the thought that counts guys, I mean at least I posted it in February, and so sorry guys I'll be doing your request as fast as I can! love you guyzz 🥳
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wantsobadminsung · 10 months
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Guilty 😓 ❤️‍🩹 🌩️
I stood at the edge of the kitchen, the nervousness coursing through my veins like a turbulent river. My heart pounded loudly in my chest, threatening to give away my secret. I couldn't believe I was about to do something so reckless, so impulsive. But the truth was, I couldn't help myself—I was hopelessly in love.
Minho, with his charming smile and contagious laughter, occupied my thoughts day and night. Every time I saw him, my heart skipped a beat. His presence alone had the power to make me weak in the knees. And then, there was Jisung—gentle, considerate Jisung. His warm hugs and comforting words always made me feel safe and understood.
But there was one thing standing in the way of my happiness: both Minho and Jisung were in a committed, loving relationship. They had found solace in each other's arms, unaware of the storm brewing within me. I found myself torn between hiding my feelings and risking it all for a moment of passion.
As the scent of freshly baked cookies wafted through the kitchen, I took a deep breath, summoning all the courage I could muster. Minho stood beside me, flipping through a cookbook, oblivious to the internal battle waging within me. My heart raced as I watched him, his eyes sparkling with excitement over the upcoming meal.
Unable to resist any longer, I leaned in closer, feeling the heat rising in my cheeks. In a swift and timid motion, I pressed my lips against Minho's, our mouths meeting in a fleeting, stolen kiss. Time seemed to freeze in that moment, and I could taste the sweetness of his presence on my lips.
But as quickly as it had happened, the guilt washed over me like a crushing wave. I had crossed a line, violating the trust that Minho had placed in me as a friend. My face flushed with embarrassment, and I stumbled backward.
Panicked, I scurried away, finding solace in the safety of the living room. Jisung sat on the couch, engrossed in a book, oblivious to my internal turmoil. My heart raced once more as I recalled the overwhelming affection I held for him. I knew deep down that he deserved so much more than a stolen moment.
But the siren call of my emotions grew too strong to ignore. I approached him hesitantly, my hands trembling with anticipation. Leaning in, I pressed my lips against his, the taste of his softness and warmth engulfing my senses. The kiss felt electrifying, yet bittersweet, as I knew it was a forbidden act.
But as soon as our lips touched, a rush me. What had I done? I had betrayed their trust, violated the boundaries of their relationship. My cheeks burned with shame, and I quickly pulled away, averting my gaze.
Jisung looked at me with wide, confused eyes, his brows furrowed in concern. "Y/N, what's wrong?" he asked, his voice filled with worry.
I stammered, unable to find the right words to explain my impulsive actions. My shyness had taken over, rendering me incapable of expressing the depths of my emotions. The weight of my love for both Minho and Jisung felt suffocating, and I felt overwhelmed by the consequences of my reckless choices.
Tears welled up in my eyes, and I muttered an apology, my voice barely audible. "I'm... I'm sorry," I whispered, my voice trembling. "I never meant to... It was a mistake."
Jisung reached out, gently cupping my face with his hand. "Y/N, it's okay," he said softly. "But you need to know that Minho and I are in a committed relationship. We care about you, but what you did was not right."
His words pierced through my heart like a dagger, intensifying the guilt that consumed me. I nodded, my throat tightening with a mix of remorse and shame. What I had done was selfish; I had disregarded their feelings for my own desires.
In that moment, I decided to confront the truth of my emotions and face the consequences of my actions. I needed to respect their relationship and focus on finding my own path to happiness. It wouldn't be easy, but I owed it to them, and more importantly, I owed it to myself.
With a heavy heart, I left the living room, seeking solitude to reflect. The lessons learned in that moment of vulnerability would shape my growth, reminding me of the importance of honesty, respect, and self-control. Perhaps someday, I would find love that was meant solely for me, but until then, I would cherish the friendship I shared with Minho and Jisung above all else.
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pxrxcxa · 2 years
Opposite Ends
Chapter Thirteen | Together - (Pt 1)
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C1 | C2 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 | C7 | C8 | C9 | C10 | C11 | C12 | C13 pt 2 |
Chapter Thirteen part 2 is out now, enjoy Sunflowers x 🌻
Pairing | Eddie x Female reader 18+. Steve x Robin x Female reader platonic friendship
Series summary | Dustins older sister got brought into the group during the events of Starcourt mall, 3 months on she's in her senior year and the kids are starting high school. After everything that went down she feels that she has to keep them safe at all costs, that includes keeping them way from the charismatic 'freak' Eddie Munson that runs a club based on their favourite game. They've both hated each other since freshman year -with good reason-, but when keeping distance between the kids and Eddie means putting herself in the firing line, boundaries get blurred, intentions get lost & the heart speaks louder than the brain.
The story is told from both Y/N & Eddies point of view.
What to expect | Slow burn enemies to lovers, Angst - with a happy ending (fix-it-fic if you will), fluff & smut (in the later chapters). 18+ to read this story.
Series Warnings | Mentions of abuse, drug use, 18+ smut content
Chapter word count | 6 K
Chapter warnings | Smut 18+ & drug use
Authors Note | IMPORTANT PLEASE READ - My laptop has still not been repaired & it has the other half of this chapter on it, I had hoped to have it back by now but its return date keeps getting extended, I didn't want to post only half of what I'd written but I'm not going to make you wait any longer. So, please enjoy what I can post, and forgive me for what I can't 😓🖤
As always, any & all comments/reblogs are most appreciated - Thankyou, P. x 🌿
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Y/N | March 1986
“Are you kidding me Eddie?” I laughed, shaking my head as he pulled a crumpled Ziplock bag from the depths of his pocket. There were loose strings of tobacco at the bottom of it, pinned beneath a bag of weed mixed in with rolling papers and his favourite lighter. His hand froze in the air as he stared back at me confused, a playful grin spreading across his face as he jangled the bag in my direction.
“How the hell…” my face widened in disbelief “How did you manage, after fighting off supernatural creatures and angry assholes… to keep your bag on you Eddie?” I shouldn’t have been so surprised; nothing could come between him and his stash.
“You have your secrets, I have mine.” He winked at me as he set it to the side of the dirty mattress, smiling as he watched me stand up from where I crouched against the rock to walk over to him.
“Are you gonna complain or shut up and have some?” His wide, easy, cheek crinkling grin took the sting out of the insult as I hovered above him, eyeing the dirty, torn mattress he sat on. Without missing a beat, Eddie slid his jacket off, patting it down against the space next to him as he shuffled over to make room for me.
Warmth flooded my centre as I smiled, his selfless gesture made my eyes prick as I folded myself next to him, jolting as the broken springs in the mattress dipped under our combined weight.
“Definitely having some.” I grinned, holding the bag open for him as he flattened out a rolling paper.
Eddie nudged my shoulder as his smile dopped, sitting in silence as his deft fingers tightened the paper. The flickering shadows of flying birds overhead, flashed across us as a cold breeze blew through the cracks of Skull Rock, scaring me into the warmth of Eddie’s side. He shifted so that I was pressed against his chest, tilting his head into my hair as he sealed the joint.
“What are we going to do?” He breathed into the crown of my head. His voice was ladled with shivering fear, coated in worry and dripping in dread. It shot a string of panic through me as I blinked up at him through my lashes, watching his jaw tense as he avoided my eyes.
“I don’t know, but we’re going to do it together.” My hand found his as I laced our fingers together, Eddie cupped my chin as he placed the rolled paper between my lips, squeezing just tight enough that my mouth formed into a pout around it. His face pulled up in a half smirk as he brought the lighter up to my face, the orange flame burning between us for a moment before the joint puffed out in sparks.
I hissed through my teeth as I kept the smoke deep in my lungs for a second longer than I should have, coughing up as I passed it into Eddie’s laughing grip.
“Always could out smoke you.” He joked, taking a deep hit as he leant all of his weight on me. I spluttered as I shoved back at his shoulder, stealing it back from him as his second inhale burned it down to almost halfway.
“Sorry I don’t have years of experience.” I couldn’t keep up my sarcastic glare as he met it with a mischievous glint in his eyes, pinching at my rib cage as I giggled and twisted away from him.
“And don’t you forget it.” He relented his tickling assault as I squealed and swatted his hand away.
“I’m not as corrupted as you.” I teased, smiling as his eyes traced my face. As my words registered a beat too late, he threw his head back up to the sky, laughing my name as his deep voice echoed off the boulder behind us.
“You were corrupted long before you met me.” The way his eyes bore into mine brought up swirling feelings inside of me. I’d unintentionally started to shift closer to Eddie as the tips of my fingers brushed something satiny. I glanced down between us as a confused breath rushed past my lips, squinting at the glossy surface of the polaroid creeping out of the edge of Eddie’s jacket pocket. 
It was the same one I’d teased him months ago about when I saw it pinned to his ceiling, a photo illuminating our bodies coming together as one to make the sort of love I’d only ever dreamt about, that I didn’t truly believe in until I met Eddie. My eyes traced over the paintings of hickeys decorating my spine in the photograph, recognising it as one of our first times together in his bedroom. My hands shook as they curled around the polaroid, freezing around the edges as I tried not to crumple it. 
His gentle fingers tugged it from my grasp, resting it on his knee as he glanced away into the forest. 
“Sorry.” He muttered, busying himself by taking a deep drag of the rest of the joint. The haze of weed had calmed my nerves, making my voice smoother than it would have been under normal circumstances. 
“You don’t need to be.” I cracked a smile as his eyes shot up to meet mine, relief flooding them like he’d been worried about my reaction.
“Why do you have it?” I pushed, teasing him now as I watched him blush deeply, revelling in the way he couldn’t hold my gaze. 
“I uhh, I dunno. When I took Chrissy to my trailer to get the stuff, I went into my room alone. It was like the freaking moon was purposefully shining on it so I couldn’t avoid the damn thing. I didn’t want to look at it anymore, but as soon as I tore it off the ceiling… I couldn’t let it go.” His shoulders sunk like a great weight had been lifted from them, hanging his head between them as he heaved a sigh. 
I reached out with hesitant movements to take the picture back, tracing my fingertip around the sharp edge, unable to hold back the flood of emotions that floored me as the memories burst back into my mind like a dam. Eddie’s whisper in my ear about how good I felt, how pretty I looked and sounded as I moaned his name. 
I glanced up shyly at Eddie as my ears burned, he was twisting his watch around his wrist as he watched me from his peripheral vision, waiting for me to say something. The air between us was suddenly sweltering, the tension just as thick as the first time we made a move towards each other that was more than enemies, less than friends. The small photo fluttered to the ground as it twisted in the air, landing between us as I swung my leg over Eddie’s lap. 
His hands shot to my waist automatically, out of habit as he straightened up in surprise. His eyes were blown wide as I silenced his mutter of my name with an eager kiss, melting against him as I tried to force a reaction from him. 
I didn’t have to put up much of a fight. 
Eddie’s lips moved in synchronisation with mine, already knowing the pattern as I gave in with a groan against his mouth. His lips were soft, like butter as they devoured each short breath from me. I pulled back with a gasp as I felt us nearing the point of no return, tugging gently on Eddie’s knotted curls to pull my mouth from his. He relented with a frustrated growl, moving to my neck instead as his hands massaged circles into the sides of my thighs. 
“Eddie.” He humoured my curt tone by glancing up from where he worked away at the dip of my shirt, teasingly nibbling at my sensitive skin as his head dipped lower, I let mine roll back before I focused, jerking his face back to mine. 
“Do not. Let this mattress touch me.” Eddie’s throaty laugh vibrated throughout my entire body and the woods surrounding us. It warmed his face as his eyes melted, scrutinising every inch of my body as his cheeks bunched up from his smile. 
“I don’t think I can do what I need to do to you, and avoid that.” His bottom lip caught between his teeth as my breath stuck in my throat. 
I wasn’t sure how I ended up airborne, how Eddie could have the strength to lift both of us up from practically squatting against the ground, but suddenly my legs were wrapped around his hips, straddling him as he launched across the open space towards the bowed formation of rocks across from us. He headed around the curve of it, shielding us from the cold wind that blew through our loose clothes as he leant me against a flattened edge of it. It was caved in, forming a small ledge that almost sufficed as a seat. 
Eddie wrenched my legs apart as he slid between them, cupping the back of my neck as our tongues clashed together. I couldn’t tell whose hands where whose as we both fumbled to rip away the layers of fabric that separated our hot skin. Gasps turned to moans as our bodies found a way to be together, sighing in content as they slipped back into the one main piece that we belonged to. 
It wasn’t sweet, or soft, or patient or teasing. In that moment I needed Eddie more than I needed to breath, I felt like I would combust if he didn’t become a part of me. Eddie’s rings caught in my hair, tugging at the singular strands as he wrapped his hand in it, tilting my face up to the ominous rainclouds. Eddie’s hot lips left a wet trail of kisses as he moved along my jaw, humming a deep growl as my eyes closed and I sighed his name over and over, loosing myself in the feeling of his hands pressing me closer to him, his mouth exploring my body, leaving no inch undiscovered. 
“Eddie…” I pressed my face into his mess of curls, marvelling in their softness as he moved to bite at my nipples through my shirt, grunting in response as I squirmed beneath him. 
“Need you… now.” Eddie’s hands tightened on my hips at my words, pulling at the zipper of my jeans as I lifted myself up to help him as he shimmied them down my soft thighs. 
They swelled in size as I flattened myself back down against the rock, spreading my legs as I pouted for him to come closer. I could feel the air assaulting the warm wet patch in my panties, butterflies swirling in my stomach as Eddie’s eyes darkened at the sight. 
‘You’re so fucking pretty.” The slick between my thighs doubled at the reverent look in his face, they soaked up every piece of me like something he was trying to savour for a lifetime. The hastiness fled from Eddie’s body as he stepped back into me, his hands gripping the tops of my legs as his lips found mine again. 
I shivered under his touch, tears springing to my eyes as I pressed my fingertips to the side of his face, pushing him back a few spaces so I could see him, really see him for a moment. 
My heart ached at his beauty, his soft strands of natural curls that framed the soft lines of his face. His plump pink lips stretched across the sharp tips of his corner teeth as they spread in a wide, eye crinkling smile. Eddie’s dark brows narrowed over his honey pot eyes as his chest huffed in a low laugh, asking me what I was staring at. 
I smiled as my fingers traced over the outline of his mouth, returning his smile with a small one of my own. God didn’t value my sanity because he’d wrapped up the softest, kindest, charismatic, funny, caring and selfless creature in the most beautiful exterior it could have imagined. 
My heart clenched under the overwhelming surge of affection that literally knocked my breath away. 
Eddie was real, here in my arms and wanting me. For a second, just a split second, I wanted to live a normal life, enjoying the classic teenage fever of every girls right of passage. But I was a tormented fragment of supernatural trauma, and Eddie was an innocent life caught up in the consequences of that. 
The tears spilled over my cheeks this time as my lips trembled, forming around the words that stuck in my throat. 
“No my sweet girl, is it a headache!? Are you okay?” Eddie crushed me to his chest, the beginning of my favourite song starting low in his frame as he pressed his ear to the top of my head, his arms flexing around me in fear as he tried to keep the dangers at bay. 
“Eddie, no.” I sobbed and moved away so he was watched me with low eyes, his lashes brushing his cheeks as his thumb wiped the wetness away from my skin. 
“What’s wrong?” He begged, his own heart breaking in his voice. 
Just once, for this still moment in time that I wish I could freeze forever, I would pause this second, pretending that we both led normal lives, because we were both here in each other’s arms, safe and warm and wanting. 
I didn’t know how long that was going to last. 
“I love you.” 
Eddie’s face relaxed as he let it wash over him, his eyes flicking between mine as he searched for the truth. 
He found it. 
“I love you.” 
My fingers curled around his collar as I pulled him back into me, tasting the words in his mouth as we fell together hard like we were trying to become one. Both of our tears mixed in with the taste of each other as he leant over me, crushing me against the rock as the blinding heat throbbed harder than ever between my legs, my walls fluttered as I felt Eddie’s bulge straining under his jeans, rubbing against my clit as Eddie moaned into my mouth. 
“Stay?” I begged, tugging his jackets off his shoulders.
“Fucking always.” Eddie dropped his arms to let it slide off his arms, quickly fumbling with his belt as his nudged his jeans down a few inches. 
The sex was dirty, but so were we. After days of being on the run, flitting from one spot to another with our eyes looking over our shoulder every minuet, hiding from dangers both human and supernatural, both as sinister and dark as each other. We were drenched in dried sweat, covered in dirt that stuck to our skin and leaves and sticks that nested in our hair. 
My eyes rolled back at his taste, my lips gliding over Eddies shoulder as he pinched the fabric of my panties and buried himself inside of me with a deep, faltering groan. 
“Nothing feels fucking better than you.” I blushed at his compliment, letting my sweet moans grow louder with each timed, hard thrust he fucked into me. Nothing had ever felt more perfect than when Eddie’s body was inside of mine, he dulled an ache inside of me that never left, the warm tingling feeling shot up my spine with each rub of his cock against my spongy sensitive spot, the lining of his jeans rubbing against my clit perfectly. 
Eddie was everywhere, in my mouth, wrapped around my hips, twisted in my hands as I became cock drunk. The edge flew away beneath my feet faster than ever before, like it had been hesitating on the edge for an age as the mere feeling of Eddie’s soft touches was more than enough to send me hurtling over it. 
“Just like that Eddie, M’gonna cum.” I pressed my face against the crook of his neck, muting my final scream against the dark fabric of his shirt. His grunts sounded far away as I felt his hot seed fill me up entirely and drip down my thighs, spilling out from around Eddie’s cock as we stayed as one, tangled in each other’s embrace. 
“Fuck, fuck fuck.” I scrambled against Eddie’s shaking chest, pressing harder against his twitching length still inside of me. 
“I fucking love you.” His eyes glazed over as he pressed a hundred kisses into my hair, along my cheeks and across my nose.
“Eddie, no – can’t you hear that?” My eyes were blown wide in panic as I shoved at his chest, trying to get him to let me down as the growing sounds of something clunky and clumsy battled through the forest, kicking away stray rocks and crunching dead leaves as they swayed branches out of their way. 
“Ahh, bada bing, bada boom. There she is Henderson. Skull rock.” Steve’s sumg voice grew dangerously closer as Eddie’s grip dropped from me, reaching down to throw my jeans at me in our shared panic. 
“In your face man. In your stupid, cocky little face.” Steve grew clearer as a frustrated grunt followed closely after him. I huddled against the rock as Eddie fumbled with his belt, tearing the denim over my legs as I held my breath, jumping to get the material up my body quicker. 
“Doesn’t make sense.” A horrible mixture of embarrassment and nerves churned in my stomach as my brother’s voice loomed behind the rock we were scarcely hidden from. 
“Yeah, yeah. Even with it staring you in the face, you can’t admit it.” I could picture the way Steve stood as he revelled in his rightness. Eddie successfully got his clothes on faster than I did, winking at me as he leant forward to jam his foot in the little indents of the rock, hauling himself over it as he landed with a light thud and I heard the movements of serval bodies jump in fright. 
“You just can’t admit that you’re wrong, you little butthead-.” I stumbled around the corner as Steve spun around to face us, backing off as Eddie hooked his fingers in his jeans and puffed out his chest.
“I concur. You, Dustin Henderson, are a… total butthead.” I could feel the heat hadn’t left my cheeks yet and I was sure the guilt was plastered all over my face, so I was in complete awe – and a little pissed – that Eddie’s confident, bordering on cocky, façade was entirely solid. I swallowed hard as I watched Robin’s eyes flick between the two of us, growing wide as her face began to break out in a smile. Steve’s eyes narrowed suspiciously at the pair of us as Dustin flung himself into Eddie’s arms. 
“Jesus, we thought you were a goner.” I moved forward as he reached out for me, his pre-adolescent strength crushing me to his chest in surprise, I stroked his stray curls that escaped from underneath his cap as a broken sob cracked through him. 
“Yeah, me to man. Me to.” Eddie let go of my brother as he folded his arms around me completely, burying his face against my chest as he squeezed me tighter, murmuring against my shirt something along the lines of ‘never doing that again’, thick fear sat in my throat while the biological big sister instinct kicked in and I pulled him in tighter, fresh tears rushing to my eyes as the whole group watched us silently.
Max’s pale face shone beneath her pig tails, chewing on her lip as her eyes met mine. I sped across the layers of fallen leaves to cradle her to my chest, bunching up the corduroy jacket that matched her hair perfectly. 
“Are you okay?” I sniffed as I pulled back to cup her cheeks, rubbing my thumb across the thin membrane of skin over her cheekbones. The distorted mental image I’d stirred up when Steve had told Eddie and I what happened at Billy’s grave, made my stomach drop as her warmth seeped into me, imagining her cold, lifeless body only too clearly. 
“Yeah. I’m okay.” She glanced back at Lucas hovering behind her, and a small smile tugged at my lips as I watched the look shared between the two of them. “Lucas had a thought.” 
“Well actually it was really Max’s-“ My smile deepened as she cut him off, spinning back to face me with a huff of impatience. 
“Vecna goes after people that have something in their life. Something that’s hurting them… haunting them.” My hold squeezed painfully around her shoulders as my gaze moved to the faces of the people I loved most in the world. 
Each one of them harbouring deep seeded trauma that they could be hunted to the ends of the earth for. Each of them being haunted in similar way to Max and I. 
My stomach clenched as my stare moved from Nancy’s doe-eyed face to Steve’s concerned one, Robin’s a mixture of them both until I settled on Eddie’s. It was harbouring real, genuine fear. The kind that made your hands sweat and your knees shake. He smiled at me, trying to cover it up as he caught my stare. 
I disentangled myself from Max, keeping her hand in mine as I directed my words at Steve and Nancy, falling back into the easy pattern of leading the group together. 
“Time to catch each other up, I think.” I nodded along with my words, narrowing my eyes as I finally noticed the ugly yellow sweater Steve was wearing as he ran his hands through his hair. 
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“When we got to shore, I’d lost the walkie. Wouldn’t have been able to call you guys anyway, walkie would have been drenched. So, I did the thing I do now apparently. I ran.” Eddie twisted off the cap of the water container that Dustin had supplied, drips of it sloshing down his front as he tossed his head back. We were both sitting in front of the mattress under skull rock itself, admist the dirt and littered trash. Eddie was crouched beside me as he dropped the cannister, swinging his hands as he grinned at the group curled around us in a half circle. 
“We ran.” I argued, tensing my shoulders as Eddie looked at me with a sad smile. I had my legs stretched out in front of me, rolling my head back as I closed my eyes and faced up to the warming sunlight that filtered through the swaying tree branches that tried to block it out over head. Soaking up the rays as I let Steve’s words about what they discovered at the Creel house, wash over me again. 
“Do you know what time this was? The attack?” Nancy’s voice was high and demanding, she crossed her arms over her chest as she shrunk a little away from my glare. 
We hadn’t spoken much since she crushed Steve’s heart to date Will’s brother, even though Steve and I hadn’t even been real friends at that point, only party buddies. But she’d still changed, just like the rest of us I guess, when we’d each been pulled into the world of the upside down. But we’d gotten pretty close when she started getting pulled into the party scene with Steve, back in our sophomore year. I’d kept the other cheerleaders in check when they gave her too much grief over being a goody two shoes, guiding her through the new found popularity that came with dating Harrington. She’d repaid that kindness with betrayal, deciding not to tell me about the supernatural forces that were stalking our town even though she knew my baby brother was involved. 
The others had kept me out of the loop as well until I got dragged into all of the shit with the Russians beneath Hawkins, Nancy had been involved with that time to, but between dodging Flayed people, flesh eating monsters and armed Russians, we hadn’t exactly had the chance for a heart-to-heart. But I’d considered her a true friend, and hated her for not telling me before I had to find out myself. I hadn’t forgiven her since, her breaking Steve’s heart mixed with my growing friendship with him, was just a bonus reason to stay mad. 
“Yeah no, I know exactly what time it was. My stuff all got soaked.” Eddie’s excited response broke through my mind as I snapped my eyes away from Nancy’s, looking back at him as he unlatched his wristwatch and tossed it lightly at her. 
I shot him a doubtful look as I pointedly glanced down at the remains of our shared joint between us.
“Well, almost everything.” He grinned. 
“09:27.” Nancy nodded, a mix of dread and pride over being right, flared on her face. 
“Same time our flashlights went kablooey.” Robin’s eyes met mine as we both looked over from where Dustin was pacing across from us, peering down intently into something clasped between his hands. 
“Which means what, exactly?” Steve shrugged his shoulders along with his brows, waiting for an explanation. 
“That that surge of energy was Vecna attacking Patrick.” Nancy tossed his watch back into Eddie’s outstretched hands 
“Well, we’re one step closer. We know how Vecna attacks.” Robin’s frizzy curls bounced as she nodded. 
“And where he attacks from.” Lucas confirmed, tugging his sweatshirt as he placed his hands on his hips.
“So now we just need to sneak into his lair in the upside down and… drive a stake through his heart.” I smiled at Max’s enthusiasm, noticing how wide Eddie’s eyes went at her nonchalance over killing some unnatural creature, like we did this sort of stuff every day. 
Not every day, this just wasn’t our first time. My smile dropped as I watched the fear chip away from Eddie’s face, like the bravery and confidence from the group was slipping into him. 
“If he has heart.” Robin rolled her eyes. 
“A stake? Is he like a vamp…? Is he a vampire?” Steve’s face dropped in seriousness as he questioned Max. 
“It was a metaphor.” Max scoffed at him. 
“A bullet should work on him, right?” My neck snapped as I stared at Eddie’s side profile, hating that he was a part of this. I wanted to wrap him in his jacket and hide him away forever. The others were a part of this, not by their choice. But Eddie still had one, I didn’t want any of us to be the one to sway him. I tried to reach out to the chain at the end of his jacket sleeve, but I was frozen as I watched his eyes dart between the group. 
“I say we chop his head off.” Lucas countered. 
“Yeah I’d say all of the above, but we can’t do any of that, until we find a way into the Upside down.” Nancy piqued up, glancing away from Steve as he watched her. 
“We need El to get her powers back.” Max sighed. 
“Everything was way easier. We had this girl. She had superpowers-.” Steve scratched his chin as he glanced down at Eddie, helpfully filling him in on how we usually fought our battles before he cut him off. 
“Superpowers. Yeah, you mentioned her. Hey, uh, Little Henderson’s’ not uh, cursed, is he?” Everyone’s eyes flew to Dustin as his pacing increased, flipping back every few steps. 
“Cursed? No, no. He’s fine.” Steve nodded back at Eddie as he leaned up towards him. “Mental? Absolutely.” Steve’s eyes slid to mine with a grin before we all jumped in fright. 
“BOOOOM.” Dustin’s yell echoed around the empty forest, interrupting the chirping of hidden birds as he stopped walking and faced us. 
“Bada…Bada…boom.” He took a few steps forward with his finger pointing at Steve. 
“I was right.” He spat, smiling through his teeth. “Skull rock, was north.” Steve rolled his eyes as he groaned. 
“Seriously? You’re serious?” Steve yelled with frustration as Eddie and I looked between them in confusion. 
“Mm-Hmm.” Dustin grinned, ignoring the rest of us as we waited for an explanation. 
“This is Skull rock. Okay?” Steve’s voice rose as he waved angrily at the rock above us.
“Mhmm.” Dustin smiled, not put off by Steve’s shouting.
“You’re totally, absolutely, 100% wrong. Right now.” Steve’s face crumpled up as he slammed his hands together, furthering his point as he waved at the ground.
“Yes. And no.” Dustin spoke slowly. 
“Oh my god.” Steve sighed as he rubbed his hands against his face.
I tried to keep up with his explanation as he held his compass up, I felt like I’d been transported back to the secret Russian elevator as I struggled to understand him and this was my first day dealing with the supernatural, his words made my head pound as I tuned him out. The rest of the group had mimicked expressions of confusion as they watched their feet shuffle, Dustin’s fast words rattling in our ears. 
“Okay so you’re using faulty equipment dude, you’re still wrong!” Steve shot back.
“Except it isn’t faulty. Lucas do you remember what can affect a compass?” Dustin held his finger up at Steve to tell him to wait. 
“An electromagnetic field.” Realisation dawned on Lucas’s face. 
“Yep.” Dustin grinned in triumph. 
“I’m sorry, I must have missed that class.” Robin grumbled as Eddie nodded in agreement. 
“In the presence of a stronger electromagnetic field, the needle will deflect towards that power. So, either there’s some super big magnet around here, or…” Dustin’s words suddenly snapped into focus for me. 
“There’s a gate.” I gasped, feeling Eddie’s probing eyes on my face. 
“But we’re nowhere near the lab.” Nancy argued as Dustin pointed proudly at me.
“But what if, somehow, there’s another gate? A gate that we don’t know about? It’d have to be smaller. Way less powerful.” Dustin thought over the possibilities as he offered a reason as to how it was all working. 
“Snack size gate.” Robin muttered seriously. 
“How – Why?” Steve asked. 
“No idea. All I know is that something is causing this disturbance and the last time we’ve seen anything like it, it was a gate. And I hope it is, because then we’d have a way to Vecna. And a shot at freeing Max from this curse.” Dustin’s face burned passionately as he spun on his heels. 
I glared up at Steve as his eyes flashed to my face, shaking his head too quickly that the others hadn’t noticed, silently answering my question. 
He hadn’t told them about Vecna going after me after what happened in the graveyard. I wasn’t sure if I was more relieved that Dustin and the others didn’t know, or riddled with guilt that I was lying to the only people that I could – and should – be telling. Eddie’s palm slid into mine as he offered a smile full of reassurance, letting me know that he knew what I was thinking. 
“Where are you going? Hey, hey, hey, hey hey!” Steve shouted at Dustin’s retreating back, my brother turned to us with a sigh as Steve waved his arms around madly. 
“Eddie’s still a wanted man. We can’t just go for a hike in the woods.” I flexed my fingers around Eddie’s as Steve’s words made my stomach twist painfully. 
“This little steel capsule might be the key to saving, Max and Eddie.” Dustin held up the swayed compass, pointing it at Eddie by my side. 
“What say you, Eddie the banished?” Dustin held up his hands towards us as I rolled my eyes. Even here, in the middle of the woods suffocating under too many threats towards our lives that I’d lost count, Eddie and Dustin could still bond over their nerd stuff. 
“I say you’re asking me to follow you into Mordor, which if I’m totally straight with you, I think is a really bad idea.” Steve nodded, even though he didn’t understand the reference. I smiled, even though I knew where he was going with it because his words had made me remember all the nights that I had laid pressed against his chest as he read aloud from his battered copy of “The Lord of the rings.”
“But uh, the shire, the shire is burning…” Eddie’s big eyes stared up at the canopy of tree tops above us as Dustin started jumping up and down excitedly. 
Eddie pushed off against his knees as he rose to his full height, towering over me as he held out a hand to help me up.
“So, Mordor it is.” Eddie cocked his head at Dustin as they shared a knowing grin and confusion blew across the rest of the group. 
“What is Mordor.” Steve muttered as everyone started to file out after Dustin. 
Everyone spun around in a panic as Steve’s scream burned through us. 
“What the fuck is that?” Unrelenting shame shot up my spine as Steve shook his hand like he’d burned it and the glossy edge of the polaroid photo disappeared beneath Eddie’s pocket. 
“Just the start of my collection Stevie, I’ll make you a scrapbook.” Eddie winked as a deep blush spread across Steve’s face, regret filling him that he had picked up the photo of us in the first place. I groaned as Eddie smirked at me, reaching out for my hand before he spun around to grab his walkie and the water canister. 
“Get your stuff dude. Let’s go.” Steve complained as he avoided my eyes, brushing past me as the others sped by us, watching their step over the muddied ground. 
Robin sneakily slowed down her footsteps until she was in line with me, falling behind the rest of the group until we were out of earshot if she whispered. 
“So, you and Eddie huh?” She smirked, nudging my shoulder as I flinched away from her teasing, keeping my eyes on the back of Steve and Eddie a few paces in front of us. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I lied, hating the blush that gave me away.
“I don’t know… you both seemed sort of… flustered when we got here.” Her light laugh was thankfully drowned out by a sudden gust of wind as I shook my head and sighed. 
“Robin-“ I warned, glaring at her for her to drop it. 
“Hey I’m happy about it, I wasn’t sure after everything that went down if-“ I practically ran as I sped away from her, shoving through Eddie and Steve, ignoring their questioning looks as I left her interrogating behind and accidently found myself besides Nancy. 
“Oh… hi.” I swallowed the awkward lump that sat in my throat as she glanced at me.
“…Hey.” She pressed her lips together in a small smile as we walked for a few minutes in silence, following Dustin’s lead as he kept his head down towards the broken compass.  
Our laughs mixed together as we both spoke up, accidently interrupting each other as she waved her hand for me to go first. 
“It’s been a long time.” I admitted, refusing to admit to myself that the anger I was holding on towards her, felt forced now. 
“Yeah, it has… look.” She turned to half face me as she glanced behind us to make sure no one was listening. 
“I’m sorry. That I didn’t tell you.” She clarified, like the guarded look on my face wasn’t enough to show that I understood what she meant.
“We had to sign a whole bunch of non-disclosures – just like the ones you had to after Starcourt.” Her eyes slid to mine with a hint of accusations behind them.
Maybe I had been too harsh, I didn’t know what I would have done if our roles had been reversed. My eyes moved to the blue shirt ducking and weaving between trees, Dustin and the others were okay, perhaps it was time to let the past go. 
“This is never going to be over, is it?” I hung my head abashedly, watching the wet mud mould beneath my sneakers. Nancy had been through this more times than I had and yet here I was, complaining to her. She slipped her hand into mine, squeezing my fingers as her big eyes softened. 
“Eventually, but until then we’ll face it together. Eddie will be safe, I promise.” Her fingers flexed as she smiled knowingly, glancing over her shoulder where Steve flinched away from something Eddie said as he laughed loudly. My brows creased as I watched Nancy’s stare linger on Steve for just a second too long. 
“Together.” I promised.
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Chapter 13 part 2 continued here. (26th October 9 am ASET)
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➢ Eddie Tag List } @dotslabyrinth @chanaaaannel @lem0nb0iii @xcarabear @projectcampbell @munchabunch @grungegrrrl @sammararaven @ches-86 @alinepichi @halbhohehalluzination @kalalikalas @thetrashqueen23 @bruh-tato-chap @sagittariughs @c0rroded-coffin @averagemisfit03 @eddiesgffff @churchmuffins @mrsdollardog @ms1oftheboys @pearlsyeaaa @hanahkatexo @bex-tk1 @thatonecluelessbitch @briasnow-blog @aftermidnightwriting @blue-eyed-lion @@figmentofquinn @brittanyyydamnit @edsforehead @ick90 @hesvoid34 @notyuralycat @nevermore66 @readsalot73
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Copyright © 2022 by P.McCann.
All Rights Reserved.
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hypnotic-delusion · 28 days
Callie facts with questions I COMPLETELY MADE UP ❗️❗️❗️ guys I'm so good at this [no I'm not] [warning for uhhh. torture and uhhh descriptions of body horror and uhh idk just sadness :( ]
Why is she naked?
Her being naked is a mix of dehumanization and the issues her devil fruit gives her with texture. [And also because when i first designed her, the inspiration i used was the rake- the nakedness makes her look more uncanny, weird and frightening] Her skin has become extremely sensitive due to her cells constantly regenerating. She can feel her insides more than a normal person can due to this as well- she CAN wear most fabrics, but the irritation varies. Things like wool, cotton, sherpa and satin would make a rash that regenerates as soon as it forms so she refuses to wear it- other materials she can tolerate for a bit before having to have it taken off. The reason leather does not bother her is because it is made from animals flesh and skin- the hair is removed, there's no small strands rubbing against her skin like sandpaper [in her opinion]. Another thing is if she wanted to wear clothes, she could, but why would she? Again, it's a dehumanizing tactic the gorosei do- she hasn't worn clothes in ages anyway and every time she does it's negative. It also makes her feel lesser than others as clothes are a normal part of our everyday lives and a sign of respect. I mean, who would you rather befriend- a seemingly normal person or a maniac wearing nothing? Animals do not wear clothes, weapons don't either. It's cruel, but it's one of the many things that help maintain the order of the relationships she's allowed to have.
Also, it's used as a form of punishment due to the irritation it gives her. Since physical attacks don't work much anymore on her, the Gorosei have to use mental attacks. [Technically it's physical AND mental-] It might seem comical to anyone else, but imagine being forced to be wrapped in a material that constantly itches and burns your skin for an hour or two. It would suck, right? This all enhances that negative connotation.
[Another reason is because she just doesn't feel the need to- clothes restrict her movements anyways and always end up being torn apart. Her not wearing clothes is not supposed to be or represent anything sexual in any way, when I compare it to animals and weapons it is because she sees herself as lower than her peers around her until she is eventually helped in whichever story she's put in]
What's her relationship with the gorosei?
Not good 😓 They don't really like her all that much… though it's mostly bc they're repressing emotions around her
To further explain, the Gorosei are ALWAYS very reserved around anyone, very cold and detached. Callie never truly grew up from when she was 10, she acts like an insufferable child sometimes and the other times are always some form of a breakdown or coping mechanism. They never taught her anything of use aside from maybe a few fighting tactics. They actively push themselves away from her and treat her like shit unless they need to preserve some sort of trust in her. They manipulate her into thinking everything is okay by acting “nice” to her and treating her somewhat normally [although the dynamic is still there]. It's rare, but they do sometimes show some affection toward her [NOT in a weird way. like a father/daughter way at the most] but it doesn't last for long. This is enough to keep Callie wrapped around their finger- she can't remember ever having someone enjoy her presence or like her in any way, so these small moments of affection continue to keep her there. She thinks like a child, always thinking about the nice things they do while either ignoring or being unaware of the rest of what they do.
Here's a little list of short descriptions
Nusjuro: Neutral, just does what he has to. He would prefer not to get attached, so he thinks of her as an insect like anyone else. He rarely ever shows her any affection and was the one who taught her a few fighting styles so she wouldn't be too barbaric.
Peter: Also rather neutral, he doesn't really care what she does. He does show the most affection for her out of the five [which, is barely existent] but he's also easily annoyed by her and will randomly stop interacting with her or speaking to her [ignoring her existence] which makes her extremely upset and unstable.
Marcus: He was the one that found her, but he isn't attached. He brought her to the castle because she had extremely powerful and dangerous powers, not because he felt sorry for her. He just doesn't really care
Warcury: HATES how she acts, has attempted to teach her some level of manners at one point, which usually ended up with him yelling at her and throwing her into a cell for a few days. He only gives her head pats sometimes but that's the maximum, would rather just ignore her
Saturn: He likes her but not in a normal way, more so because she's a good test subject due to her constant regeneration and tolerance of pain. Very manipulative toward her because he thinks of every interaction as an experiment.
They would've probably gotten very attached to her if they were actually sane and normal, but alas, Imu exists 😔 They act like that as a instinctual thing to not let anyone get close to them as they know they would end up dead somehow, but that doesn't excuse the fact they are HORRIBLE to her
Whats with the veins, wide eyes and uncanny appearance?
Okay, imagine you decide one day that you need to look like an adult to try and fit in, to be normal and gain a semblance of respecf(?). So, you painfully morph your body into what you think an “adult” version of you is, and you hold that form for so long that you don't remember what you used to look like. Your bones aren't the right size, your skin is more translucent because it's stretched incredibly thin- your veins are visible at more areas on your body than usual. Your eyelids follow this, it's a bit hard and weird to close them all the way. Your eyes are bigger than they should be, since your blood flow in your skin has become even more thin, You're oddly pale. You look uncanny. As you actually grow normally [as callies growth factor hasn't stopped] of course your body tries to fill out itself, but you still look strange. This is what Callie did and why she looks like that. She won't ever look like a child again, but due to her basically “forcing” herself to grow she looks weird. This is also a small part of why her skin is extremely sensitive.
What happens when she experiences strong emotions/has a “feeding frenzy”?
Normally when she experiences a strong emotion, her eyes will dilate and she will act clumsy or bubbly, moving like a drunkard. This is also the start of some of her breakdowns, you just have to pay attention. Is she giggling or clinging to you? Is she hyperventilating, showing signs of stress? It's a bit hard to tell at times, but it just requires a skilled eye. Feeding frenzies are an entirely different thing though.
Callie can smell blood easily. The smell of blood or any wound/damage with a particular smell will make her hungry. Callie is already always starving 24/7, it's a unbearable aching feeling in her stomach [she wasn't always so hungry with her devil fruit, but after constant starvation it's gotten far worse], but her devil fruit craves human flesh to sustain it and her energy, so it multiplies tenfold smelling flesh. Her skin separating in a line down her body is actually more so a passive activation when someone has the fruit for abilities- its easier when your skin basically lifts itself off your muscles to tear and shapeshift, and it doesn't necessarily only happen when shes hungry, but more as a defensive mechanism. Once the adrenaline gets to rushing it happens, so fights, roller coasters, even having fun will do it. Most of the time for one of her stronger attacks she will split herself in two and a “hydra” will form out of her insides, but it's not often she actually does that. She is better at close range combat than far away or tank/crowd control.
What are her weaknesses?
Water and seastone are obvious ones. Burning takes longer to heal than cuts or blunt trauma due to it incinerating the skin. She could probably tank like 10 or so seconds of Kaido's dragon breath before getting weakened to the point it would take her a few minutes to regenerate, for example. Her fruit is VERY powerful, which is why the Gorosei seized the chance to take her in as soon as they were able to.
What does Callie feel about all of this?
Callie is a bundle of nerves and mixed emotions at this point, unstable and threatening to snap at any given moment. She's been through hell, she grew up in hell and will stay in hell for the foreseeable future [Aka I don't have an “ending” for her because I just rp different scenarios]. She's emotionally broken and easily swayed by simple affection and words of kindness, she doesn't have a real sense of self and thinks of everyone as above her. If she likes you, she follows your orders, but she has had “ the gorosei are the top priority “ drilled into her mind since she was young. She isn't THAT mean, she's nice if you simply give her time, but at the end of the day you never know when she's going to lash out or even kill you. Most keep their distance, and it just worsens her. To her, it feels as though she's alone and trapped, that the Gorosei are her “saviors” because they took her in. She doesn't have a frame of reference for normal, healthy relationships with parental figures, so she thinks everything is okay, also considering she's been locked in Pangea Castle most of her life. This made her build up a slight hatred for the outside world, given the only times she's really let out are either boring [in her opinion] or she's being forced to fight. She's paranoid, she's bipolar, she's hurt. It isn't really her fault but as she is now she has no qualms against killing and devouring people [she had to repress empathy at least SOMEWHAT to survive], her body and mind are constantly in overdrive, suspecting something, anything that could go wrong will- and she can't turn it off. With time away from everything, with people who care about her, she WILL get better, but as of now she doesn't even have a chance.
summary: trauma
None of this is supposed to be sexual in any way. The gorosei actively think of her as a childish “insect” lower than them like they do most people, and nothing like that will ever happen to her in any story I ever do with her because ts is NASTY!!!
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scriv3lloirl · 4 months
*pulls up to your blog on a motorcycle* Hey. What is your favourite song from Little Shop of Horrors?
Hey! Nice motor! Cute design. Eye-catching. Big. Uh, n thanks for stoppin by!
I know you probably meant jus, a one song from any musicals.. but you're gettin a damn list cus my favorite song shifts dependin on which production y'ur talkin bout.
I'll do a small list for the 1982, 2003, 2015 Encore!, n 2019 productions. (Normally, I'd put down Dentist or Now (It's Just The Gas) for all of them n call it a day—but I don't wanna be bias jus cus it's me singin.)
1982: Grow For Me. I love the 82' version so much. I love how Seymour goes "ow!! damn roses🤕 damn thorns🤓 clumsy me😓..." Makes me laugh ev'ry single time. Lee Wilkof's delivery of that line is great.
2003: The Meek Shall Inherit. This one was really hard, I'll be honest. All the songs from this production are damn near perfection in my eyes so this was difficult to choose.
2015: Somewhere That's Green. Audrey deserves the damn world n for some reason, this version of the song gets me good.
2019: I hate this fuckin production so much—god um. Mushnik n Son, maybe? I really don't like this production.
Now, from the movie? Damnit. Yeah, so I'm torn between Some Fun Now n Feed Me (Git It!). Might spin a wheel n have it decide cus both songs are absolute bops. Maybe Some Fun Now with Feed Me as a very close second.
Sorry for this lengthy response, nobrain-the-silly LMFAO — I had to give some of these songs a quick listen b'fore givin a proper answer!!
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yuisdad · 4 days
Hello, my name is Rana from gaza🍉, and I am a mother to two beautiful boys, Amir, who is 3 years old, and Taim, who is just 2. Our lives were shattered when our home was destroyed in a bombing. I’ve suffered multiple fractures,💔 and neither my husband nor I are able to work now.💔 We are struggling to provide for our children and rebuild our lives.Like milk and pampers. I recently got hepatitis from the contaminated water. We need fresh food to recover.😓 🚨 and Help me before disaster strikes. Winter is coming and my tent is torn apart due to the continuous bombing in the area.💔also I need to buy a tent that does not leak water and to build a floor so that my children do not drown.If you can find it in your heart to help us, Help me through the link and share my story with me. 🙏we would be forever grateful. I’m so sorry to burden you with this, but we desperately need your support.🙏My account was verified by 90_ ghost & Voices from Gaza on X ,1200kr=100$
Don't worry, you're not being a burden. Unfortunately I'm tight on money to donate to your campaign, but I reblogged your pinned post.
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exo-raskreia · 1 year
What do you think will happen to Karin? I hope we get to learn about her abilities!! Do you think hitsukarin should be canon?
Hello! Oops, this became a somewhat lengthy response 😅.
Well, considering how the manga ended with a bunch of plot holes, Karin's potential was just one of them. Gone down the drain. She seemed like a regular girl in the end, despite all the foreshadowing of her becoming something more. Her reiatsu was increasing, needing help from Urahara's products, saying it was her turn to protect her brother, & for what? It went nowhere. There's no further implication of her having any sort of relevancy beyond that. So, I don't think Kubo's gonna do anything with her character at this point (as much as that hurts!). He's given no such hints 😒. Wasted potential 😮‍💨.
With that said, I'd love it if HK became canon, & I do think they had (have!!) quite the potential, but I don't have much hope for it. Karin is grown up & Hitsugaya is still the same (you don't know how disappointed I was when I first saw that in the final chaps). Sure, he could still get a growth spurt (I have the HC that with more training, he'll mature into his true bankai form sooner or later. If I had it my way, I would've had him maturing alongside her growing into her teens—just like how they both reached the pre-teen stage at the same time in canon 👀—and then they meet and—), so technically, they could still happen in that twisted universe dumped into 685-686...
However, in a world where IR isn't canon (or headed there), I can't accept HK happening. I'd be so torn seeing my main OTP being implied while the other was done so dirty. I can't wrap my head around it.
I've said in some of my previous posts that I would've liked a HK spin-off sequel if Bleach had a coherent (preferably IR-implied) ending. They'd be the true next generation of Bleach in my opinion 🤷‍♀️. Destined to meet & all like their predecessors 💞.
But yeah, unfortunately, that's not how things went, & so far, there doesn't seem to be anything on the horizon for those two. I don't want to have hopes that the ending could be fixed in the anime (which I'm not even watching, btw), so sorry I don't have any positive things to say about the future of my Bleach OTP 🥺😓.
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
Torn hearts
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This is a special request.
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
Brief description: So i wanna make one shot request vance hopper x plus!size reader where they have gym class for there last class and they be playing dodge ball so eddie and the reader where talking until the new girl who is a metalhead and really pretty and cute eddie walked over to her because the new girl and eddie where dating but Reader didn't know that zhe was sad and heart broken but she felt better when vance hopper came in and they were starting the dodge ball game and the reader was about to get hit but vance pulled her in quickly before the ball hit her but he did it a little too quickly he lost his footing that him and the reader fell on top of each other and burst out laughing eddie of course is jealous but he telling lies to him self and saying he already has his perfect thin girl So after school vance took the reader to a dinner and they made it official that they are together vance is like supper sweet and loving only to the reader.
Ok i know it's not exactly like you wanted but I liked it. I hope you do too. Please don't be mad at me. 🥺
Warnings: umm none I think. If I missed something my bad. Not proof read and no word count
You stood behind your friend Eddie dodge as many big red balls as you could. Kinda sad that you were hiding behind the tall lanky guy when you were clearly still able to be hit. You hated PE. Wearing the stupid shorts that always and I mean always ride up between your embarrassing thick thighs. Wearing a stupidly tight shirt because they didn't have a bigger size. The squeak of tennis shoes and the laughter of your fellow classmates echoed through out the gymnasium.
" You can't hide behind me forever." Eddie chuckled as he dodge. You trying your best to move with him. You noticed he kept eyeing the new girl who was sitting on the bleachers.
" alright princess I'm out. I need to go talk to her " Eddie said before letting himself get hit.
" Oh you fucker." You yelled.
It was just you and Vance Hopper left on your team. He made his way closer to you shoulders touching.
" Hey y/n. Ready?"
"Well no, but let's do this."
Vance was surprisingly fast. He was such a bad ass. Catching balls and hitting them away with one he constantly had in his hand. All you had to do was dodge. But you were a seriously big target. How you managed to be one of the last two left was beyond you. 
You kept getting farther and farther from Vance and that wasn't what you meant to do. So you moved back. Once there you saw Jason throw a ball so hard at your face. You move as it just grazed your ear. But you lost your footing. Vance had grabbed your hand but the sheer velocity of your weight pulled him down with you. Both landing on the gym floor.
" Oh god are you ok?"
You laughed with a snort. Covering your mouth in the process.
" That's cute." Vance grinned.
His words made you laugh even more. But it came to a stop when you saw a red blur hit him in the head. Not hard enough to knock him off of you. But hard enough to tilt his head making his hair trapped your face like those things in a car wash.
You giggled as they tickled your face and neck. When he fixed himself he was angry but hearing your laugh made him laugh too.
"Common I'm out." Vance said getting up and helping you too. When you guys were walking to the bleachers someone throw a ball at your back making you stumble forward.
Vance caught you before you fell again cursing out the person who threw the ball. You didn't look at who did. You were too focus on Hoppers beautiful eyes.
"Hey you good?" He looked into your eyes.
" Umm yeah. I'm ok. Thanks."
" Hey you want to go out sometime?"
His question made you blush. No one has ever asked you out before.
" I uhh. Sure." You smiled nervously.
After making plans for dinner you sat next to him talking. You looked over at Eddie who was talking to the pretty thin blonde that had just moved to Hawkins. You smirked giving him a thumbs up. He returned with a thin lip smile.
Eddie had noticed the new metal head during a class that he had been late to. She was so damn pretty. Totally the type he should be with. She was definitely the complete opposite of you. Who someone like him should be with.
During PE he was happy to see that he had another class with pretty blonde. And he was seriously thinking about abandoned his best friend to go talked to her. So when he saw that there were only 3 of you left he bowed out. Leaving you to Vance Hopper. He didn't know then that was a mistake. So he went to talk to her. He kept looking over to you and Vance. Doing his best to pay attention to the pretty girl next to him. It wasn't until he saw you and Vance fall did he get worried. He was jealous that Vance made you laugh like that. And when you got up and sat with him all he could think about how he was losing you. He shook it off and asked the girl on a date. She agreed. He gave her a grin and looked back at you. You gave him such a sweet smile and a thumbs up. All he could do was give you a halfhearted grin. Why was he feeling this way about you now. You were nothing like him. A nerdy chubby girl with horrible taste in music. The perfect girl was right next to him and all he could think about was your laugh. He thought he was the only one who could make you laugh like that.
Finishing the school day he thought about his upcoming date with Stephanie. He really wanted to see if she was all he dreamed about. But then you were waiting for him by his van so he could take you home like he always did.
When he hit the neighborhood of white picket fences and well kept lawns, he felt completely out of place. Sure he has been there before. Loads of times when he would hang out with you. But it always felt like he didn't belong.
He always found an excuse to try and leave but you always convinced him to stay. It always amazed him how your parents treated him. They knew what was said about him but they didn't care. You guys had been friends for so long now that they knew who he was. And that was pretty cool of them to let him be your friend.
As he pulled up into your driveway he turned off the van.
"So uhhh guess what?"
He looked at you. You were so happy. It made him grin. But that grin faded when you told him you were going to dinner with Vance.
" Oh...well that's cool. I have a date too."
" Really?! That's awesome Fuzzy butt"
Eddie smiled at the nickname you gave him when you were kids accounting to his mane. You guys went to your room to do homework until it was time for you to get ready. He didn't want to go. But given your excitement he forced himself to.
" Hey want to watch a movie tonight? After our dates of course." You asked before he left.
His heart skipped. Of course he wanted to watch a movie with you. He always wanted to be around you. You were so amazing. He tried to not to show how excited he was that you wanted to see him after your date. Maybe it would give him the chance to see if you really liked Vance. And if you didn't then there was hope for him.
"Yes princess. I'll pick out something. Come around 9?"
"See you then Fuzz"
After an amazing date that ended with a kiss and a boyfriend . Hopper dropped you off. And you didn't go inside to change you were so giddy. You drove to Eddie's and basically ran from your car to his porch. You let yourself in announcing yourself like you always did. The smell of popcorn filled the tiny trailer. You saw your bestie in the kitchenette.
"mmm smells good." You said making your way to the counter.
It was a complete contrast to the normal scent of cigarettes and man musk. But you never minded it. That's when Eddies eyes fell on you.
" Hey uhh you look... Great."
Eddie's complement made you blush. Looked down at your sun dress you were glad you picked it. You stepped back.
" it has pockets." You said giggling showing Eddie
He laughed. Man you are too cute. He thought.
" So......"
Eddie couldn't stop staring at you. You looked so beautiful. Yes he's seen you in dresses before but you always had your hair pinned up and you never really wore jewelry or makeup for that matter. But tonight your hair was down and curled. You were wearing a pair of small pearl earrings and a matching necklace. Your makeup made you look so delicate. The pastel color on your eyes matched your dress. And your thick lashes were only made thicker and longer with the small amount of mascara you added but absolutely did not need.
"Earth to Fuzz you okay there" you said waving your hand in front on his face.
He snapped out of it. " Hey sorry I was just umm thinking."
" About?" You asked reaching over the counter to grab a few pieces of popcorn.
" I uhhh. Stephanie cancelled on me." He lied
" Oh Fuzz I'm sorry. She was really pretty. I thought you guys totally hit it off."
They did actually. But a little too well. Eddie had picked her up and within minutes she was on him. They were in the back of the van having a hard core make out session when she tried to have sex with him. In any normal circumstances Eddie would have embraced the opportunity. But for some reason. That reason being you. He was having malfunctions. Not from the lack of trying though. Stephanie was hot and she tried nearly everything. But nothing was happening. So he took her right home. He apologized and left. With no plans of calling on her ever again.
You had gotten up and walked around the small kitchen and went to hug him. He held on to you firmly breathing in your shampoo.
You pulled away and picked at some more popcorn feeding it to him.
"See nothing but a little bit of junk food makes all the hurt feelings go away. I should know."
You went to the couch bring the bowl of popcorn with you.
"So what are we watching?"
" Uhhh Sleep away Camp. But uhh we have to watch it in my room. My uncle went out for a drink but he should be back in a bit."
"Oh okay." You said happily while getting up and headed to his room, with Eddie following suit.
You got comfy in your normal spot on his bed and got under his blanket leaning your back on his head board.
" So uhh you gonna tell me how your date went?" Eddie said nervously while putting in the movie.
" A lady does not kiss and tell "
Your words made Eddie heart sink. You kissed? He was your first kiss. Fuck man.
" Oh really?" He tried to play off his hurt.
" Yes it was nice. Well for the first time. It's still weird that how I'm 18 and a senior that has never even been on a date. Let alone be kissed. Both happening on the same day. Crazy."
" Hey what about when I took you to the roller rink that one time."
" That wasn't a date Fuzz. But it was nice of you taking me there on my birthday. It was fun."
Eddie had seriously consider it to be a date now thinking about it. It was just you two. The way you held onto him when you tried to skate. Damn near falling every time you tried to move your legs. Eddie remembered how all your curves felt when he held onto you. Was that when his feelings changed?
" so it was just nice?"
" Yeah I wasn't expecting it to be spectacular or anything. I didn't know what I was doing so yeah it was nice."
Eddie played the movie and went to his spot by your side.
" So are you gonna see him again?" He asked but not really wanted to know the answer.
" Well I hope so. It would be kinda weird not seeing your boyfriend after the first date."
" Boyfriend?!" Eddie said. He ment to think it. But his mouth was much faster than his brain.
" Jesus H Christ Fuzz. Yeah my boyfriend. What's with you? Normally I can never get you to shut up. Now it's like you took a shitty vow of silence."
Eddie got up from the bed and started to pace.
" Hey Eddie what's up?"
Eddie stopped to look at you. This is it. He has to say something before the relationship you and Vance had started went too far.
He went to close his door to give you guys more privacy even though there wasn't anyone besides you two there.
It was quiet for a while before you shifted still staring at him. You knew it takes him time to gather the right words to say when something was bothering him. So you waited patiently not forcing the matter. But when he took too long you smiled and starting eating popcorn again. Your eyes following him pace back and forth until he stopped and pulled out his metal lunch box.
He pulled out a poorly folded piece of paper and handed it to you.
You raised an eyebrow at him.
" Ok you know it's hard for me to express myself out loud when it comes to what's going on inside."
You scoffed.
" ok I know. I'm dramatic sometimes."
" Sometimes?!"
" Alright most of the time."
You gave him a thin lip grin
" Damn it princess. Fine all the time. But I need you to read that. It's seriously how I feel. And I just hope you don't hate me after."
Your smiled disappeared to concentrate on Eddie's letter. Eddie turned the movie off and sat on his dresser. You noticed him drumming his thumbs. It was a nervous habit he has since you guys were little. You licked your fingers clean and started to read.
Hey princess. I want to write this today while I still had the guts to write how I feel. So today when I saw you talking to Vance I got jealous. And I felt worried. I was worried about losing you to him. Don't get me wrong. I know you're not mine or anything. I know how you don't like to be compared to property. But you're my friend and I didn't want to lose you to another guy. Especially since I want to be more than just friends. I don't know exactly when things change, maybe the feelings have always been there. I don't know. But I do know now that I care so much about you. You are the most beautiful girl in the world. I'm sorry this is the way I'm telling you this. But it's really hard for me to admit this out loud. I always figured that you wouldn't want to be with someone like me. Coming from different worlds and all. But when you told me about Vance. I saw that him and I aren't so different and you went out with him. So I asked myself why not me? Please don't think I'm only doing this because of him. Because even though hearing about your date with him pushed me to shoot my shot. I am very much in love with you. Princess please don't hate me. If you are willing to give me a chance then I promise to be so good to you. I may not have much but I want to take care of you. And take you out on dates. Buy you all the nice things you deserve. It might take a while but I will do whatever to get you whatever your want. I love you y/n
You had no idea that he liked you. He never really did anything to give you the impression that he did. Sure you guys were really close. But you guys were friends. Did it matter that you were a girl and he was a boy? No you guys been buddies forever. You tried to go back and look for something that you did to make his feelings change but couldn't find anything. You had never saw him like that before. Sure he was gorgeous. But he was right. Complete opposites. And he was worried about money. You never cared about that. You were happy just being his friend. It's amazing how you guys remained friends all this time. But now how could you guys go back to being friends after this.
Eddie cleared his throat bringing you back to earth.
" Umm..." You got up and handed Eddie the bowl of popcorn. Slipping on your flats. "I'm gonna go ok. I need to think about this."
That was not what he wanted to hear. You didn't give him a hug or anything. You just left. He had now regretted giving you that note. He should've just kept his feelings to himself. At least if he did you would still be in his bed watching a movie with him.
It was the next day and you sat on your bed making a pros and cons list for the guys.
Eddie- pros: funny, charming, great listener, sweet, caring, sensitive when he wants to be, never made fun of my weight, has great hair, and the best smile and knows you like the back of his hand.
Cons: he's loud, he chews with his mouth open, he barely showers, and he's your best friend.
Vance - pros: he's protective, says very sweet things, cute, strong, great hair. And kinda reminds you of Eddie. He is your boyfriend.
Cons: aggressive, bad temper, always in trouble, he's kinda hard to talk to. Kinda scary. Knows hardly anything about you. But to be fair you just started dating.
At the end of the list you still struggled with the decision. Only because you need to talk to vance about the situation. You wanted to be completely transparent with both of them.
So you called Vance first and explained to him what was going on. But failed to mention your list. He actually was pretty calm given his reputation. Which you hoped it would last.
After you hung up you called Eddie. He sounded sad when he answered but immediately changed his tone when he heard you on the line. You explained the you need the rest of the weekend to think about what you wanted to do. Even though you had already chose who you wanted to try to be with. You need some time alone and get the courage let the other down easy.
Sunday night you called them both breaking the news to one and asking for a ride to school tomorrow with the other. After a successful night sleep you woke with the biggest grin. It's happening today. You got dressed for school and went outside waiting for him. You could hear the music from around the block and you just smiled. He pulled up and got out to open the door for you.
"Good morning"
" morning. I see you forgot to brush your hair this morning."
" I was in a hurry to come get you."
You kissed him on the cheek and climbed in. He closed the door and jogged to his side hopping in.
" Ready princess?"
" Onward Fuzz."
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mjfass · 1 year
Lex I'm torn.. so happy Punk is gonna be back but at the same time, with everything that's come out about him and his behavior and stuff, it's just put a bad taste in my mouth. Not sure how to feel about all this now. 😓
Yeah, babe, I completely understand what you mean and feel. Honestly, after everything, I’m not even excited he is coming back. And I’m not even sure I’ll even watch the show… it’s okay you feel this way and whatever you decide to watch or not or to be excited or not, it’s fine.
Also, if you need to talk about it, I’m here too. I know how disappointing it is learning horrible stuff about someone you really like/love.
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addisayshi · 2 days
Hello, my name is Rana from gaza🍉, and I am a mother to two beautiful boys, Amir, who is 3 years old, and Taim, who is just 2. Our lives were shattered when our home was destroyed in a bombing. I’ve suffered multiple fractures,💔 and neither my husband nor I are able to work now.💔 We are struggling to provide for our children and rebuild our lives.Like milk and pampers. I recently got hepatitis from the contaminated water. We need fresh food to recover.😓 🚨 and Help me before disaster strikes. Winter is coming and my tent is torn apart due to the continuous bombing in the area.💔also I need to buy a tent that does not leak water and to build a floor so that my children do not drown.If you can find it in your heart to help us, Help me through the link and share my story with me. 🙏we would be forever grateful. I’m so sorry to burden you with this, but we desperately need your support.🙏My account was verified by 90_ ghost & Voices from Gaza on X ,1200kr=100$
I don't have money but I will boost for you and your children! I'm sorry you and your children are going through this!
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sehodreamsthoughts · 2 months
yess i kinda like slapping tbh but the slapping in that fic was wild omggg it was hot though it suited them so well<333 im glad u liked them though!!! i need wooyoung really bad 😓
PLSSL I FUCKIN NEEED HEESEUNG SO BAD (i need everybody) like i want him to hunt me for sport pls :( tie me up and torture me plspslsllslss😓😓😓
um i have this rly disgusting idea though too (and im kinda thinking about it with yangyang but also whoever) and its not very well thought out but basically you’re being held against ur will or like kidnapped or smth and u can leave, but only once you’ve been made to cum X amount of times🫢 and it’s like some number that will maybe take a few days, and ur torn between being overstimulated, and begging to be fucked so u can cum, so u can leave :( like trying to squirt for him because u want to be freed (why does that look weird spelt, that is not how u spell that) but u just end up fucked dumb and he ends up even more obsessed with u :( um. not sure if that’s just me but yeah.
ALSO!! i meant to tell u about this a while back but okok so my friend at work lmaoo reads like erotic books sometimes and she was reading one and telling me about it and it was like breeding kink where the man holds the woman’s legs up in the air after he cums inside her to try to baby trap her… um.. and pls i had to be like “wow, that’s fucked up… that’s so nasty…” but i’m blushing and thinking sungchan eunseok kun hendery heeseung sunghoon in my head and like.. it was humiliating. like she was like that’s so wrong i had to stop reading it and im like um… gimme. although ill explain later maybe but the book is not worth reading but i just. loved. that part. omg.
- 🥟 anon
I hate slapping in real life but in fics it's SO HOT, I think it was perfect for him 😭
Omg Heesung hunting! I don't know if you've read a fic of Heesung and Wonbin following a bunny!reader in the forest, it felt exactly like that and it was so fucking good because the word hunting felt perfect in it 😭 my beautiful mutual wrote it and I'VE BEEN OBSESSED WITH IT because she also plans to drop a Shotaro fic with an hybrid!reader THAT I CAN'T WAIT TO READ!
Omg that sounds like a manhwa/manga plot 😭, lately I've seen that there are more yandere/stalker concepts that leave me speechless because they're pretty elaborated haha, and I feel squirts would be perfect for such concept too!!
Omg not the baby trapping in romance books 😭, I haven't touched a romance book in a long time and I don't particularly enjoy those books (it feels like maybe it was part of a dark romance one) but I can totally understand the feeling 😂, sometimes I see or hear things that are fucked up and that I would hate in a physical book BUT IN A FIC, YOU'LL HAVE ME THINKING OF EUNSEOK TRYING TO TRAP READER FOR HOURS LATER.
I've also been thinking of baby trapping but it was a bit reversed haha, and with Eunseok 👹
Not long ago I was watching a movie about cartels/narcos and it made me think of Eunseok working for a dangerous group and visiting reader every now and then to check on her in her little town in which they have a big control. Reader at first doesn't want to be involved with him but after seeing the benefits of being with him she can't just leave him. It's like, you know it is wrong to be with someone like him, but he pampers you so much and is so soft with you when you're alone that you can't do much more than accept him, and the sex is nasty and rough at first but then it becomes so tender 😭🩷 (not me romanticizing any scenario 💀), wtv the point is I imagined reader thinking how to make him quit and getting pregnant on purpose just so he would take her with him and run away 🤧😂 (so yeah, I really think I'm the worst because I have to always put sometimes romantic even in these thoughts 👹)
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