#i've already talked about this a few times in tags but yea i just get really emotional thinking about takakura
wildflowercryptid · 1 year
⚠️ spoilers for year 5 fireworks festival cutscene below! ⚠️
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the year 5 firework festival focusing on takakura being considered apart of your family is kicking my ass, especially since i got the anniversary event the day before. the way this game handles the farmer's family is so freaking sweet and impactful, i love it so much... 😭💕
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bluebudgie · 1 year
So, initial SotO thoughts.
tl;dr: Liked it, not my favourite release.
More details below.
It's a little hard to compare to anything we had before since it's not quite an expansion but also a bit bigger than a regular LS release. Somewhere in between.
I liked it overall. I had fun (I don't think I ever didn't have fun with any release in this game). I do however have many smaller gripes that add up a little. Let's actually start with the biggest one:
The new maps
Well, obviously I loved the inclusion of chak on the new maps and seeing the little critters in a new shiny form was very exciting, but let's take the rose-tinted chak glasses off for a moment.
I like the fractal concept of the first map. It's interesting as an idea but I feel like it fell a little flat in execution. Rata Novus is probably the place that differs the most from the actual-Tyria version, and all the other fractals are just kinda... barely different? Like the Crystal Desert taken over by forged is just..... well, it's desert with forged in it. Like it already is in PoF anyway. And the Kaineng section kinda feels like that too, we have enough hostile jade bots in EoD anyway so... yea I don't know. Didn't do super much for me.
I wish NPCs were a bit more interactive. You can't really talk to many people at all. Core maps had so many random guys just standing around giving you little tidbits of dialogue. Especially the first map just feels very... barren.
Visually a great map nonetheless. Same goes for the second (non-hub) map we got, which is really unique in terms of architecture. We haven't really seen anything quite like it in the game before, so that's cool.
Exploration wise... ...yeah. I mean. Basically exactly what I had feared became true, no real exploration depth and at the very least on the first map you're pretty much expected to just skyscale to every point. Which goes really fast too, despite the whopping 50(or so?) POIs. I wish they had at least made some of the new masteries mandatory for reaching certain spots, but nope. Completed entirely without a single mastery leveled. Feels kinda pointless to introduce movement masteries if they aren't at the very least obligatory for certain events or map exploration. The second map makes the updrafts a little more useful since reaching some of the higher places can be a bit more tricky without it, but... yea I don't know.
I'm not exactly disappointed since that's pretty much what I expected to happen, but still I wish there were a few more interesting ways to get around places other than just straight up flying there. I guess I want more hidden stuff. Secrets. A jumping puzzle that spans half the map like in Draconis Mons. Well, for all I know they are there and I just haven't found them yet.
So yea, overall... visually beautiful; I'm glad about Rata Novus being a clownfest of snobs; I think if chak weren't in this I'd feel extremely lukewarm about those maps. That said, Amnytas has some of the highest quality grass I've ever seen in this game. Seriously what the hell is that grass.
Story and characters
I was worried about this for a bit while playing but the ending thankfully took the immediate worries from me for now.
It felt very... prologue-y. Which, in the end, it was. And I'm glad about that. I was so scared we were in another Gyala Delve situation of "here's an entire story that has absolutely no time to unfold and we'll abruptly end it pretending there was a conclusion". But thank god the epilogue made it clear that this was just the beginning to the storyline. (unless anet is preparing some clown make up)
So now that we had this introduction to the setting and first look into a new cast of characters I'm intrigued to see where all of this is going. I hope everyone we've met gets more screentime in the future and maybe some of them will tag along with us for the next adventures? The whole cast felt like it had a lot of potential. I want to see more of Gladium and Galrath. Isgarren seems interesting, I liked his dialogue. Sad about Mabon. Hoped Peitha would be a non-humanoid creature. Narcisse is cute. I like how they handled Zojja so far.
Didn't care much for the whole wizard tower story before SotO released, I'm decently interested now at least.
Gameplay-wise the player 2 experience was pretty miserable once again (Why exactly did I have to be a blue orb during the entire first flesh fortress instance? Why can I pick up and carry keys in the wizard's tower but then can't interact with the object they need to be used on? Seriously.) but that's nothing new.
As mentioned in another post, the German translation was a trainwreck of contextually wrong mistranslations, English sayings/proverbs translated literally into German when that is absolutely not how that works, misgendering (Zojja wasn't the only one with male pronouns - Yao was also back to that again) and entire chunks of voice lines randomly missing on several occasions. Seriously I don't know what went wrong here but please pay your localization team better. Or at least give them more context to work with.
The few new songs I heard were nice. Lacking a bit in identity, but I guess it would be delusional to expect an EoD, HoT or IBS soundtrack here. GW2 music tends to be extremely high quality so I'm nitpicking on a high level with this one.
There is one battle theme that was really cool, though severely overused. I think it's the one that plays during rift events. Or like, during most of the release in general.
I can't quite explain why but I had several instances that made me think "this is what the PoF combat themes should have sounded like". The music as a whole somehow is very reminiscent of PoF. Like if someone took PoF battle music and went "chill a bit, please."
Was also nice to hear that one new ambient track that echoes the TD main theme and the Rata Novus theme.
They're okay. First map's meta drags on a little. Though I like collecting the essences. That one phase with the coloured bars is severely stressful. Second map meta is pretty neat. Was a little overwhelmed by it since it started literally 2 minutes after I got onto the map for the first time and I had no idea where anything was and just frantically followed the squad to find a giant squid bug demon on top of a huge tower. Seriously man give me a break. Fun experience though. Did it again on another day on an overflow map without a comm and we managed, though barely. Difficulty seems appropriate.
All in all...
Didn't completely blow me away. I liked it as a setup to something larger. Doesn't compare to any of the big expansions (though I do think the storyline in itself is at least more interesting than PoF, though it obviously lacks the polish of the expansion). If compared to LS seasons I'd say I had a better time with most of LS3 and LS4, and also large chunks of the Icebrood Saga.
I think how well SotO does in the long run largely depends on what gets added to it next. I'm excited to see more, and especially to get more context to all the new characters. Don't pull another Gyala Delve on me. Please.
And also.
Finally rid of the Commander title. Wayfinder is so much better.
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wednesdaytoo · 9 months
@coffinbutch tagged me for this! 15 questions + 15 friends! (coffinbutch you are so brave for doing all 15 tags. im gonna take the coward's way and ask any mutual to consider themself tagged if they want to do it!)
long under here
1. Are you named after anyone?
yea! im named after my abuela who died waaay before i was born
2. When was the last time you cried?
3 days ago
3. Do you have kids?
nope! i work with kids (teenaged) and they're fine, i enjoy them, but that's plenty of Kid for me -- i don't need to have my own in my home everyday. id love to be a lesbian uncle tho! which i already kno is Not gonna happen from either of my brothers, so my only chance is my wife's younger sister haha (we were just talking abt this yesterday lol)
4. What sports do you play/have played?
hahha i don't think i've ever played a sport like Officially, like outside of PE classes. i like badminton tho, and B and i are trying to learn how to play pickleball (we suck)
5. Do you use sarcasm?
i suppose on occasion i sarcast
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
hair & clothes? face? im a simple guy
7. What's your eye color?
the inner part of my irises are yellowish-brown and the outer edges are grey-blue. ppl dont usually notice it unless theyre quite up close tho. from a few feet away i think they look grey and that's what i'll usually mark for eye color, or blue if that's not an option
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
i could go for either, but i think i lean slightly more toward scary movies, especially bc i love vampire movies so much. like when we watch a dracula movie and u have one of those "the monster is defeated! hooray!" endings, does that count as a happy ending movie?? we root for drac tho so it's a let down!
9. Any talents?
idk im pretty good at whistling !
10. Where were you born?
11. What are your hobbies?
movies, video games, insect/arachnid related things (catching, collecting, pinning, reading abt, etc), sewing/embroidery when the mood strikes me, reading (trying to get back into it at least!), listening to music/discovering new bands, sorting/cataloguing things
12. Do you have any pets?
3 cats (hopey, bullets, and cocoa) + a baby tarantula (avocado) <3
13. How tall are you?
5'6.5" or 168 cm!
14. Favorite subject in school?
in high school my favs were probably trigonometry and ceramics
in college i'd say science (esp entomology, ecology, botany, and astronomy) and foreign languages (i took french, japanese, ASL, and spanish)
15. Dream job?
see one of the above hobbies and then pay me $100/hr to do it :-))
no but fr even tho my current job has its annoyances, it's usually so chill. some days i just text B from work like "here's a bracelet i made today" "made u a candle today" "it was slow and i mostly just read in the library" "i drew a cute poster." two weeks ago we came in for a couple hours to decorate little pouches with custom vinyl designs on our new cricut. the next day we went roller skating lmao. even the actual "work" is enjoyable (i help students w/ their schoolwork, mostly math, which is fun to me, or entering info into forms/spreadsheets, also kind of fun to me bc i can listen to music while i do it). buuut i dont make a lot of money. if they paid me $100/hr and gave me some benefits, i'd be set!
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appleciderp · 2 years
Hold onto your hats, because I want to rant about how Blizzard fucking sucks with women or any minority rep. And why it'll suck for your fav in whatever MW is coming up.
Fully inspired by this post, I'll be referencing to a few points that @spookykittenwrites made
As I said in those tags, I've been playing WoW since Burning Crusade, so I've known about the company since about 2007. I've not touched overwatch, but according to emp, their rep there is surface-level as well.
It's half me yelling about MW and half me yelling about how WoW fails in representation.
I have 0 faith in them with any sort of proper representation. I'll mostly be sticking to queers and women. I do have a small section about Gaz, but I'm white and keep that in mind.
Onto the bullshit
They're not gonna make any main character queer. This means Soap, Gaz, Price, and Ghost. Farah and Alex by extension. Most likely not Alejandro and Rudy. They won't risk the repercussions.
Hell, Alejandro is implied to have a family, but we skimmed over that part as a fandom.
What they will do, like Laswell, mention that a side/secondary/tertiary character has a partner, but won't put ANY thought into it. Laswell's wife could SHOULD have been talked about by name.
They don't CARE enough about their characters to even solidify her over a facade of rep that will make the queer people happy. It did in a sense, I am happy that she has a wife. But if you're bothering to have a line about her, just add a second. Like Price could ask "Oh, how's Madeline doing anyways?" or "Yea, you've told Jenny you'd stop smoking how many times already?"
WoW-wise, their queer characters are mostly surface-level. Which isn't bad in a world full of queer stories that are queer-centric. The problem is they don't have the balls to upset any fan by making a popular character explicitly queer in their portrayal. Hell it wasn't even THEM who made Matthias and Flynn queer, it was originally put into the novels (I believe Chrissy Golden?)
Here's a quote from an executive producer: "We don't try to put a big focus on it and make it a big deal, we just try to make the game feel comfortable, friendly and approachable for everybody"
I don't know about you, but using "comfortable, friendly, and approachable for everybody" as an excuse for why you don't have more outwardly queer rep (versus "hint around it") leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Because my sexuality or gender identity is uncomfortable for people? My existance is uncomfortable for people, so you don't want to explicitly say it???
but he implied that the devs don't think Pelagos is the first trans character. Fuck you. It's giving JKR saying that Dumbledore is gay, but it wasn't important to Harry's story. What isn't explicitly said in the source material is not canon.
They had, HAVE, the chance to make major players into canonically queer characters, but they're afraid of backlash. Vol'jin would have been so easily bi in canon, especially with his whole thing with Tyranthan in the fucking novel. And that Tyranthan went to his funeral??? even though they're on opposite sides????
Onto the next point, they don't and won't give a shit about the female characters. All I'm thinking about is the disappointing outcome of Tyrande's revenge after the burning of Teldrassil, hell even the whole Azshara thing. I'm not gonna go into detail about how it, just know it led to nothing. She didn't get revenge. She didn't have a satisfying end. Why? Probably because Sylvanas and Azshara are both more popular than Tyrande. Sylvanas probably being the WoW character with the most merch (not to mention the whole thing about a dev loving her).
Farah is gonna be brought up minimally, much like she was in MW II. Valeria/El Sin Nombre and most likely the Vaqueros will be completely forgotten. Maybe brought back (again like Farah was in MW II)
They're not consistent with their characters in the first place, why give a shit about a promise they made. It'll most likely be implied between games that some shit will be solved, or a line or two in the next game. Just so people get closure.
The surface level rep keeps going throughout. We have a bunch of diversity in the operators, but significantly less in the campaign, where the characters need to be fleshed out more than a written backstory and voiced lines.
How often have they shown Alex properly since he lost his leg?
The dudebro's are pissed that they changed Gaz, a mostly 1-dimensional character that died within the first Modern Warfare. Gaz is a good character, there's no reason that they're pissed about him vs them being pissed about any other member of the task force. But I've seen more hate on Gaz than any other 141. Which sadly leads me to conclude that they probably only dislike him due to his race.
But the aspect that isn't giving me much hope is the phasing out of Gaz in additional content. You're telling me the only POC in the 141 is not included in the red team? Out of all the dudes you could have removed?? Like I'm all for including Farah into the red team; but removing the only person of color on the team, one who was canonically in the Ghost Team mission, isn't the win they think it is.
Not to mention the numerous merch of the 141 that have Ghost, Price, and Soap; but not Gaz. With only 1 design containing Gaz.
And don't come at me that "those are the old designs though!" It's in their current website for sale. The 8-bit design is fairly recent within the last few weeks or so. Gaz is a main character in MW 2019 AND 2022. He deserves more than 1 solo shirt that is just the repurpose of the 141 shirt.
Onto the points brought up by @spookykittenwrites
Either won't be mentioned at all or will be excessively "haha we're just pals" kinda vibes.
They WILL play up the dynamic in trailers and such, as it did bring a new group of people to the games, and it seemed to make the dudebro's happy with their bromance.
None of the main characters will be killed off. There's too much opportunity to make money off of their survival. So far the new games have been very light with the major character deaths. In the original games Soap and Price are the only 2 that survive past 1 game.
They're not gonna make him mute or selectively mute.
I do think they might bring back Roach to kill him off within the same Game though.
Hell, they might not even bring him back.
Farah and Alex
I honestly hope that we see them together, it might not happen. I think they're gonna keep the Farah/Alex line as the raid focus.
As for the no chemistry thing. Depends. If they're seen for 3.5 seconds they definitely won't. Hell, they aren't technically ever stated to be dating in canon AND the dudebro's get pissed that people are shipping them. Again with the not saying anything that'll upset the target audience.
For the Muslim aspect; not sure they even think about their own characters enough to have her religion mentioned in game. (They can't even get the bios straight when they update the game, I'm not gonna complain about this here)
Laswell's Wife
Important thing to remember, the line about her wife isn't even in every playthrough. It's a hidden one.
No doubt about her never being mentioned in my head. It only got past the dudebros because it's a lesbian couple. If it was a dude talking about his husband I doubt it would have gotten into the game.
US can do no Wrong
Definitely, the entirety of the blame will be on Russians. They did in fact blame a real US warcrime on Russians in the past.
Interestingly enough, the most recent info I can find is that the Military took out their funding post-sexual harassment allegations from Activision-Blizzard in December 2022.
Military Propaganda is still Military Propaganda even if the Military isn't funding it.
Moral of the story? The comfort of the dudebros, the target demographic for the game, will always be priority. They won't risk hurting their profits by claiming a character is queer or putting too much importance on a woman. Whatever their comfort level is, is what that we'll be getting.
I'm gonna stop my rant here... Don't go into the next game hoping to get some good rep.
On a slightly positive note: they are getting better. Farah was genuinely a good character in MW 2019. The fact that there's a mention of a same-sex partner, even in passing, is pretty good.
Also, enjoy the Christmas merch shirts that I found of Price and Ghost.
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Membrane NSFW Alphabet Headcanons
Apologies for not putting anything out for a few months I've had serious writers block and I'm only just now getting out of it :")
Anyways on with the show
A = Aftercare
- Membrane is very cuddly
- Constantly doting and checking on you
- He wants to make sure he didn't accidentally hurt you
- So he'll shower you with love and affection to make sure
B = Body Count
- He got sucked off behind the back of Spencer's Gifts when he was tagging along with some friends buying questionable things
- That was it
- He honestly was indifferent to sex since then until you came along
C = Cum
- Loves to cum on your chest
- Or inside
- Whichever is easier or preferable for you at the time
- While he doesn't love to cum on your face, he will do it if requested
- One of those things where he's just overly worried
- Regardless he'll do whatever you want when it comes to... well... cum
D = Dirty Secret
- PANTY RAID!!!!!!!!!
- Enough said.
E = Experience
- He has done extensive research
- But that doesn't mean he knows jack
- He's so stupid.
- He's so smart but he's so stupid
F = Favorite Position
- Cowgirl
- It's not missionary and he can see your face
- So he feels accomplished
G = Goofy
- If something funny happens? Yes. Man will poke fun.
- But usually it takes a lot to make him laugh in that setting
- He's a man of science not a man of jokes.
- So expect the jokes he makes to be science themed, bad, or just both.
H = Hair
- Hair. Hoo boy.
- While part of me wants to believe he'd shave his pubes into a bolt to match his hair, I will firmly believe that the bolt is on his happy trail.
- The actual dick area tho? Bushy as all hell.
- He keeps it clean though.
I = Intimacy
- In an odd sense, he's romantic.
- Like in his own way
- He's a man of science, not romance.
- But he has his quirks to show you what he's feeling
- ... sensual...
J = Jack Off
- Quiet until the end
- Like he'll be whimpering at most up til he's about to cum
- But then
- Hoo mama
- He's very vocal
- And LOUD about it too
- He typically does it when you're not there
- But sometimes you catch him in the act
- He particularly likes having you tease him as he continues (if you let him)
K = Kink 
- Here we go.
- Most of this will be projection so my sincerest apologies
- Okay so
- Anal (giving and receiving)
- BDSM (giving & receiving)
- Begging (receiving more than giving but both are possible)
- Boob sucking (giving)
- Choking (mainly giving)
- Discipline (receiving more than giving)
- Dirty talk (receiving)
- Edging (giving)
- Face sitting (receiving)
- Orgasm denial (giving)
- Pregnant sex (giving (no mpreg in this fic if I can help it))
- Spanking (giving and receiving)
- Voyeurism & Exhibitionism (since giving and receiving are different for this)
- Okay thank god we're done
L = Location
- Would I get in trouble if I said his lab at home?
- I feel like I would...
- So...
- Yea that's what I'm saying
- (Totally not saying that for the *sweeps everything off table to fuck* trope whaaaaa)
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
- Remember the whole location one from like two seconds ago?
- What? It's true.
- But back to other answers
- Anything regarding you playing with his hair
- Any hair
- Also your mouth sucking on something
- Popsicle? Horny
- Sucker? Horny
- Seeing you covered in cum and/or having afterglow also gets him going for another round
N = NO
- Generally he's not gonna do anything he isn't already invested in
- If you want him to try something new? It's going to be very difficult to get him on board
O = Oral 
- Loves I mean LOVES to give oral
- Fucker is down bad
- Like damn
- He's also not necessarily opposed to receiving oral ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- He just much prefers to give
P = Piercing
- No.
- (Pussy)
- He's too scared for a dick piercing
- He's a bit too sensitive there for it to be worth it
Q = Quickie
- Every now and then he doesn't mind,
- But he tries not to make it a habit
- He is not usually the one to initiate it, but does have the ability to
- It's more dependent on you on this one
R = Risk
- Go back to N for part 1 of this answer
- Part 2 is that he does take risks in the sense of pushing things to extremes
- Choking could go all the way up to needing to signal that you NEED air
- But yea, he won't try new things that easily but once he's in it? He's IN it
S = Stamina
- He can go a few intense rounds and match with you usually
- Or like,, 5+ rounds if you've caught him in one of those periods where he has seemingly infinite stamina
- He does have a limit in those situations and that limit is in the double digits
- I will not specify what the number is tho
T = Toy
- Okay genuinely do his arms count as toys??????????
- Because like??????
- If so then he absolutely uses them on both you and him.
- Finger go brr
- In all seriousness tho he much prefers having somebody rather than a toy
- If you prefer toys tho he'll obviously let you get some and have you pick them out so you like them
- Unless you want him to pick-
U = Unfair
- Honestly depends on if he wants to tease or not
- If he wants to? This fucker
- If not? Then he won't.
- Simple as that
V = Volume
- Once again, whimpers at most in the beginning, but will get louder towards the end
- Mainly groans and panting tho
W = Wild Card
- Is 100% ashamed of some of his kinks
- It took a while for you to know everything
- Because he's embarrassed
- F
X = X-Ray
- His dick isn't like,,,,, gigantic
- But it's a good size
- Maybe like 6"? (~15cm???)
- It's enough to feel good lmao
- Uncircumcised because it can be
Y = Yearning
- Honestly? He ain't horny that often.
- Like at least once a month maybe
- Once again, he was kinda indifferent to sex before you
- It doesn't matter how long you take to fall asleep you're sleeping first.
- Mans can stay awake
- Typically tho, when you wake up you can hear him snoring with an arm wrapped around you
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spikesbimbo · 4 years
Three's trouble
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Pairing: suna x reader x atsumu
Tags: face fucking, praise, dirty talk, threesome, exhibitionism at first, teasing, choking, oral sex, finger sucking,  idk reader has an oral fixation, lowkey eiffel tower, spit/drool, crying, spanking, daddy!suna, masturbation
wc: 1.8k
a/n: Feeding yall until my dilf fics come out. Iowkey insp by this 
Minors dni 18+
“C’mon lemme touch her...please rinnie” He teased, copying you, knowing all you had to do was bat your eyelashes and mumble those words and you'd get what you wanted.
“Call me that shit again and i'll kick you out.” suna said. Freezing in place, dick almost going soft after those words. Lucky your pretty face drooling all over his cock brought him back.
“Go ahead...” he sighed, knowing this was gonna happen after he ‘invited’ him to watch yall fuck after he walked in on you two, knowing he was insatiable as you, and that stroking his cock wasn't enough.
“I-,  you sure…?” he asked. “This okay with you, hmm?” Only caring what your answer was, knowing your boyfriend would go along with it if it made you happy.
“Dont get me wrong its hot as fuck, been dreaming about this for so long, but...” He continued waiting for you to put out an answer, an opening as you responded by breaking your head from sunas cock enough for you to mumble a soft, sweet “yeah”. Expression hidden as your boyfriend drags you back onto him, greed overriding him, wanting to be only one to see your face like this.
Physically responding by arching your back more, rocking your hips as the friction of the air wasn't enough, humming out while your lips were wrapped around his cock once again, nodding your consent again as suna wrapped his hand around your head, leaning back with a groan.
“Fuck baby.” he muttered out. Pride rising in your chest, taking all of him like a good girl. His tip hitting the back of your throat, hands sneaking up his thighs to grab his balls in between your fingers. 
“Don't be rough at first, she doesn't like that.” he said, eyes half closed watching his every movement, looking at your body and expression for any signs of discomfort.
“Got it, got it. Don't worry.” He complained, placing himself behind you. “You're acting like i've never touched a girl before.”
“Wouldn't doubt it.” he said under his breath. Turning his vision back to you, stroking your cheek as his face was getting more tinted by the second.
You let out a whine, needy moans getting their well-needed attention back on you. Body feeling so neglected as tears started forming in your eyes, your boyfriend quickly calming you down.
“shh baby s’okay, ignore him. Just keep all your attention on me.” He cooed cupping your jaw, distracting you by doing the work for you, bobbing your head up and down with his hand on the back of your head.
Your noises getting higher and higher as atsumu moved his hand to your cunt, sliding his fingers down your slit up and down a few times before stopping to rub your clit. Sliding his finger in, so tight but you gave way so easy, curling his finger pushing the build up of slick out of you, dripping onto the floor beneath you.
“So fucking pretty.” he mumbled out, barely getting the words out before he put his lips on your thighs, placing harsh open mouthed kisses on them. Squirming at the feeling, suna’s hands locking you in place while his hands were grabbing your ass, fingers digging into the flesh as he spread you open. “So wet, wanna taste you.”
Moaning at the words, all shame leaving your body as you presented yourself more, just wanting to feel good already, hearing a chuckle followed by a slight smack landing on you. The shock, letting out a cry laced with pleasure, disconnecting your mouth from him, a gasp of “tsumu” falling from your lips, face contorting with embarrassment as your body does the same.
“You like it pretty girl? You like when your daddy spanks you when you're being bad, hmm?” 
Tears pooling in your eyes as the words left his mouth. “Aww, sweetheart. You love when he makes you cry like that, what an angel.”
His hand comes down onto your skin again, jumping at the contact, ashamedly getting you wetter and wetter. ”Fuck, you get this everynight? Lucky bitch.”:
Suna just chuckled, loving how you caught everyone's attention but at the end of the day you were his, no matter who touched you. Every nerve ending was tensing up as he entered you, his hips slowly meeting your ass at first. Watching himself slide in and out of you as he started to move, shallow strokes turning into deeper ones. “God damn baby, your tiny little cunt’s already swallowing me up.” thrusting into you harder and faster, cries leaving your throat as you already made a mess.
“Fuck baby, you already cum?...”Poor little thing, should've known that when i walked in on you creaming just from your daddy playing with your little cunt.”
“C-cause you were teasing me” you softly sobbed out in protest, needing him to move or you would breakdown.
“Was I? M’sorry pretty girl, dont worry ill make you feel good.” Hearing his grunts as you clenched, not stopping but getting rougher. Thrusting into you as his balls were hitting your sensitive clit, walls throbbing around him as you cried out incoherent words.
Watching himself slide in and out of your tiny little cunt  as he starts to move, slow and shallow strokes sliding into deeper ones. “You’re just fucking swallowing me up, fuck.”
“D-daddy” escaping from your lips in a moan, as his hand was wrapped around your neck, forcing you to look your wet sloppy face in his eyes as you were getting fucked. You blurry vision making out his deadpan face, but you felt his gaze on your body, ass bouncing after every thrust, only being held up by him.  
“Daddy?” tsumu questioned, his grip on your hips growing tighter, letting out a little squeal as his thrusts get shakier. “Fuck, youre so lucky.”
Suna just chuckled, knowing what he had, making sure you knew it too. Tsumu leaning back against your body watching you catch his thrusts halfway. Hips rolling, gasps barely having time to escape before they’re knocked out of you again.
Your boyfriend not being able to fight the groans that spill out of his mouth, thumb swiping over your lips, smearing his cum and spit there. Rocking his hips back into your mouth, eyes hooded watching tsumu make you crumble and cry under him.
“He making you feel good baby?” he asked. Whimpering at the way he’s grabbing your jaw, already so sore. “C’mon, be a good girl and tell daddy.”
Being patient with you was one of his specialties, letting you take all the time you needed, eyes focused on you waiting for you to be a big girl and use your words.
“Y-yea, rinnie.” you stuttered out, voice displaced by his thrusts.
“Good girl.”
The way he's speaking to you, so sweet and soft, but so dominant at the same time. Kissing you on the forehead before moving down to your lips. Wet eyes being rubbed by his finger as his other hand is stroking his cock.
Tsumu’s moans are background noise as you drag your tongue down his hand, grabbing it with the hand that isn’t currently on his dick, wrapping your lips around his digits. Not reacting besides letting you do what you want, as usual; breath hitching as you take it down to his knuckle.
“Fuck,” tsumu groaned, flicking his hips up into yours, getting off to the both of you looking like the sight of a porn clip in front of him.
“daddy, i-, im gonna” you whimpered, lips hovering over sunas, a line of spit connecting you two, how romantic. Your sentence not finishing as he dragged you back into a kiss, sloppy and messy, all while tsumu is bruising your cervix, the pain dulling at this point.
“Yeah baby, you gonna cum on my cock? Already doing such a good job.” he said, trying to look back at him before suna grabs your head again, looking into your red teary eyes as you pant out. Dry mouth open as he’s fucking your fist, rocking into you like you were a toy.
“You gonna be a good girl and take it? Gonna be a good girl?” he muttered out, sliding his flushed cock back into your drool covered mouth. 
“Our good girl.”
Suna rolls his eyes as he cups your face again, spit sliding down it as he pushed it in, not wanting to cum again after looking down into your spaced out eyes. The sound of his balls slapping your chin, obscure words leaving his mouth as your nose was now at his crotch.
The pain of your dry lips growing, the ache in your jaw only adding onto it but you were gonna make him finish. Hiccupping out whimpers as astumu gets rougher, picking up the pace. 
The sound of your wetness leaking onto his thighs and balls, every slap sounding lewd as possible the vibrations coming from your mouth is enough to have suna shove himself down your throat more, fucking you there until he cums down it.
A dazed smile appearing on your face as you licks up what slipping between your lips, looking like hes about to pass out at the sight of your lips licking it off of him, leaning his head back as the thinks hes about to blow again.
Another moan leaves your lips as you feel so close to your climax, not having anyone to pay attention to anymore but yourself as you feel your orgasm building up. Selfishly moving your boyfriends dirty hands to you, already catching your drift as he starts lazily rubbing your clit almost instantly making you cum.
Atumu chasing his as soon as he feels yours, rolling his hips deeper as he pushes your back in an arch. Seeing black for a minute as he lets himself go. Getting faster, hips stuttering as your body is limp under him resting on suna. Sobbing at the overstimulation as he continues to abuse your poor cunt as he drains his balls dry, making the most of his orgasm.
Mind going bank, not even realizing that he pulled out of you, and that you were laying in your boyfriends arms. Wrapped in the thin sheets, him coming down from a high just as much as you.
 “You good, baby?” suna whispered, wrapping his arm around you kissing beneath your ear as he rubbed your back. Nodding as you dozed off into him, sleepiness overtaking you at the feeling of being in his hold as you did every night.
“ So…” Atsumu started breaking the silence, suna already giving him a side eye, not wanting to wake up your pretty face squished into his shoulder. “Maybe ne-”
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tarlos-spain · 2 years
I'd never ask for anything again
This is fic is part of the @tarlosweeklyprompts.
For this week it was "TK and Carlos are happy and have been for three yeas. the've settled into their life together and have a routine that allows them both to thrive. What happens when Alex comes to town and tries to upset that balance?
I have to say I wanted something nice becuase I've write bad Alex a few times now.
So this is it.
Summary: It's been five years since TK and Alex have seen each other.... not after what happened. Now a photo posted by TK to celebrate Tomas' second birthday makes Alex think it's time to make things right with him or at least talk to each other again and maybe... just maybe, apologize for what happened.
"Our beautiful Tomas is 2."
TK never thought an Instagram post with a photo of his oldest son's birthday could help him close one of the most important chapters of his life.
When Alex saw it, among photos of his friends, family and a few landscape photographers, he stopped. Since the night TK had asked him to marry him and he had confessed to having a relationship with his personal trainer they hadn't seen each other.
He knew from mutual friends that TK had given them a scare with an overdose of pills.
He had considered stopping by the hospital to see him, but knew Owen would be there and thinking he was to blame for breaking his son's heart, he decided to stay away. He thought for days about stopping by TK's apartment and talking to him, but the truth was he didn't know what to say to him.
And so, he soon learned that TK had moved with his father to Austin...dragged away, some of the friends he left behind in New York said, and he hadn't heard from him since.
TK deleted him from his list of all social networks, so Alex never heard from hud ex again, and he certainly didn't blame him for it.
And suddenly, five years later, he came across that photo. TK was smiling, there was a light in his eyes that he had never seen when they had been together. Next to him was another man, his boyfriend he thought at first, but the rings on both of their hands gave away his husband's identity. Carlos Reyes-Strand was tagged in the photo. Plus, there were the kids.
TK had children, a two-year-old birthday boy, green-eyed like TK's tousled eyes, who giggled as his father hugged him, and two baby girls, maybe six months old, twins, whom Carlos held and did his best to sit on his lap.
Unlike the boy, who was a small version of TK, the girls were very much like the other man: they had Latin features, black eyes and hair that was also completely black and curly.
The family was completed by a dog, a West Highland mongrel.
He stared at the photo for a moment longer, he couldn't deny that TK had achieved what he would never have been able to offer him.
But he felt something was missing. TK seemed to look at him in that photo and he felt an intense pain in his chest for all the time lost, for having been a coward and not having made that decision much sooner.
"So, what do we do?" asked TK as he put Tomas sitting on his shoulders. "Shall we go eat at your parents' house and then stop by my father's house, or shall we get them all together and have fun with your father and my father's arguments about who organizes better, the police or the firemen?"
"Not together, please. That then they end up challenging each other to a game of trivia and by the time we want to leave, the kids have fallen asleep and you know the twins are very rude to wake up."
TK walked over to Carlos, gave him a kiss then reached the half-eaten ice cream cone over his son's head. He just hoped he didn't end up showered in chocolate and mango.
"Okay, so we owe my dad a coffee at his house."
"How about we invite him over for dinner at home? The last few hints about needing bathroom renovations and that I'd be happy to do it to him tell me it would save us a lot of money."
Both Gabriella and Gwyn joined in the car each on their own side, because already at just six months old they were very clear about each other's personal space. They both tried to get Carlos' attention at the same time. Although they were very different, when it came to getting daddy's games and cuddles, they had the same timing.
But Carlos had become an expert at holding each girl with one arm and giving them the attention they needed. Like any child, the twins loved the sand pool in the park where they ended up bouncing like croquettes between Carlos' legs. However, Tomas was much more attentive to cleanliness, in that he was much like Carlos himself, he hated to get dirty and, if he could avoid touching the sand without a very specific reason, he stayed well away.
Keep reading on AO3
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peachyysugaa · 3 years
blood castle i. || enha 02z
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♜ main pairing: vampire! 02z x gn! reader
♜ genre: hogwarts au, mystery, fluff/angst
♜ wc: 2k
♜ warnings: mentions of blood (pg13), purposefully lowercase
♜ other pairings: lisa x namjoon, slight rose x jungkook
♜ a/n: disclaimer that i don't actually ship these pairings, i just find it fitting for the story :] also kinda boring chapter but we're setting things up <3 also hearts at the end of each chapter to keep track of how oc gets along with 02z hehe lmk what you think!
♜ index: teaser | next | masterlist
i. make the most of it
"what will i do when you're both gone? jennie just left and you two are next!" you pout in your train seat as your best friends exchange teasing smiles. as you get closer and closer to hogwarts, you can't help but keep thinking about rose and lisa inevitably graduating this year.
"i don't know y/n, maybe find some friends your age?" lisa teases. you groan outwardly, tilting your head back.
rose, the ever-exemplary hufflepuff, extends her hands out to yours on the table and grabs hold of them. you stop your obnoxious groaning to stare back at her kind smile. "lili has a point, y/nie. it wouldn't hurt to branch out this year so that lisa and i don't have to worry about you."
your eyes widened. "worry?! what's that supposed to mean?"
rose lets go of your hands to cover her mouth as she laughs while lisa is losing it. the gryffindor 7th year is wiping joyful tears out of her eyes, which isn't helping your case.
you sit, pouting once again and waiting for them to explain.
"two words, y/n," lisa begins while holding two fingers up in a peace sign that you know is anything but peaceful. "you're. clumsy."
"am not!" you defied. your best friends exchange looks once again before raising an eyebrow at you. "tell me one time when i was clumsy!"
"remember that time you tried to shut a mandrake up by putting your hand on its mouth and then it bit you?" rose asks.
"oh! that was so funny!" lisa says, trying to hold back her laughter. "my favorite is when she made a lizard instead of a mini dragon in transfiguration but then it burned her eyebrows off!"
as they share your most embarrassing moments, your ears begin heating up and all you want to do is transfigure yourself into the train seat.
"i stand corrected..." you mumble out unwillingly.
"we love you, y/nie. we only want someone to look out for you when we graduate," rose says as lisa nods.
"fine, fine. i get it, moms."
"you love us."
"yea, yea, i love my two moms who come after my clumsiness all the time."
"as you should, now let's get changing. the train is almost at school."
the older hufflepuff was right. you could see the tall towers of the second home you've come to love in the distance as you glance out the window. this year may be bittersweet since the last of your friend group would be leaving you behind, but you were determined to make the most of it with them and perhaps make some new friends this year.
"i'll stay to keep our spot, you two go ahead," lisa tells you and rose.
"going to text your joonie?" rose teases. the gryffindor's ears have a red tinge at the sound of her nickname for her boyfriend.
"just go before the changing rooms fill up," she mumbles. but as you close the door to your shared booth, you can see that she has already pulled out her phone with a cheeky smile as she waves hi on facetime with namjoon who is slightly older than her and currently working as a magizoologist for the ministry.
you smile to yourself, remembering their relationship when you were just a first year. "come on, yn!" rose calls out.
you break out of your daze and see her several feet away from you. "sorry, eonnie!"
you take your hand off the handle, which you didn't register it was still on, and start to move towards her, carrying your blouse, tie and skirt. before you could reach her, you bump into a hard chest.
you hear a deep oof noise from the figure as you rub your forehead.
"i am so sorry!" you hurriedly whisper.
"you're alright, y/n." you recognize the voice and look up to see sim jaeyun from your house and year. "did you hit your head too hard?" he kindly worries.
"yn!!" rose shouts.
"sorry, jaeyun," you apologetically smile as you brush past him. "coming, eonnie!!"
you could've sworn he said something like it was nice to see you, but you were far too focused on not letting rose wait any long. she's definitely amicable like most hufflepuffs, but like most hufflepuffs, you probably don't want to see them angry. you should know since lisa says you're already bad hangry.
it's a quick in and out of the changing room and back to your booth where lalisa waits, staring out the window and watching the castle come closer. it's like a wrestler tag team as you and rose high-five her on your way in and her way out. immediately, the two of you settle down and as you get comfortable in your seat, you notice that she's smirking with you, her eyebrow raised.
"why are you looking at me like that, eonnie?" you ask hesitantly. your fingers look more interesting picking fights with each other.
"oh, nothing," she replies, not giving up her smirk. "just wondering when you and jake were close."
"he's literally the same year and house as me. i can't go a year without a class with him."
she hums like she doesn't believe you. "really?"
"really, really."
"really, really, really?" you groan at her response as she starts to giggle.
"do you wanna talk about your crush on jeon jungkook then, eonnie?" she shuts up then and there, and it's your turn to smirk. "thought so."
"that's hogwarts' idol right there, yn. everyone likes him one way or another, so hush!"
"hush about what?" lisa asks as she slides the door open.
"jeon jungkook." rose glares at you.
"ohh, rosie's crush of 6 years?" your other friend confirms as she closes the door.
"the one and only."
"you know, he and i are co-captains this year for quidditch. you should just come to our practices."
"will he even notice me? i mean..." your focus on their conversation starts to waver as you glance through the door window. outside your door is the familiar trolley witch with all her pastries and drinks, and you can't help but have a craving for your favorite chocolate frogs. you also can't help but notice the other figure with the trolley witch: the very same sim jaeyun you bumped into earlier.
"eonnies, i'm going to buy some chocolate frogs. do you want any?" you ask, keeping an eye on the figures outside your window.
"cauldron cake for me please!"
"let's have every flavor beans for old time's sakes!"
"alright," you say as you slide the door open and close. they go back to their conversation about a plot to get the hogwarts idol that you're sure is bound to go wrong.
"7 blood lollipops please." you hear jake order. you recall him having a large group of friends across different houses and different years, but for all of them to like blood lollipops is quite unheard of.
"you're not going to have all of those, are you?" you ask him, approaching the trolley.
"y/n," he greets with a smile and a shake of his head as he hands his coins to the witch. "no, my friends and i all really like them. i think i would have a headache if i were to eat all 7."
"2 chocolate frogs, bertie's beans, and a cauldron cake please," you order before turning back to him. "does it really taste like blood, or is it just to trick people into thinking you're vampires?"
jake's face pales though it's hard to see because he's already on the pale side and you're counting out your coins to give to the trolley witch. "personally, i think it tastes like cherry."
you hum as you gather your goodies together, and jake is thankful that you're not paying too much attention to how he reacted. "i'll take your word for it."
the trolley witch moves along, doing what she's done for many years and more to come. you're finally focusing on him more now that you have all your snacks and accomplished being a good citizen by paying the fees. your eyes search his face, go past his sharp jawline, and make their way to the shiny prefect badge on his black and gold robes. the prefect engraving is hard to see against the blinding gold of the hufflepuff badge, but it's hard to miss.
"oh, are you a prefect?" you ask curiously.
"yup, so don't stay out too late. i might have to write you up," he teases.
you playfully roll your eyes at him. "please, when am i not a model student?"
"i would say right now because we're about five minutes away from the castle, and you still don't have your robes on, miss l/n," he jokingly tsks at you.
"ahh, but you see, that's not my fault there, mr. prefect," you banter back.
"oh? then maybe i won't have to give you the first detention?"
"well, mr. sim, i was only taking care of my precious eonnies and buying them snacks. i paid my fees and also engaged in conversation with my fellow classmate, so i've been a little preoccupied," you acted out, playing the role of an innocent student.
"hmm.. engaging in conversation with your classmates on the first day does seem to follow the rules," he lightheartedly agrees. jake is about to add more, but his friends call out to him.
"hey, jake, what's taking so long?!"
"you'd better go take care of your friends, mr. sim," you tease. "be a good hyung, won't you?"
his beaming smile causes your heart to skip a few beats. "alright, miss l/n, but make sure not to let me catch you out of uniform." he waves before hurrying to his own booth.
when you open the door to yours, a chorus of oooh's from your eonnies is what you receive. you roll your eyes at them before shutting the door and grabbing your robe. you can see theirs were already on, the equally shining, gold head girl badge pinned on rose's robe.
"i think she'll be just fine on our own when we're gone, rosie," lisa teases as you slip your arms through your sleeves and tuck your wand in your pocket.
"just don't keep one of my prefects distracted, y/nie," rosie adds.
"so long as you aren't distracted by your head boy, rosie," you tease back.
"no way, jeon jungkook is head boy," she gasps at you.
"i don't know, but i just caught you simping in 4k!" you stick your tongue out at her as she whines and lalisa throws her head back in laughter.
"there really is only one choice though, so it probably is him," lisa affirms.
"i swear, if you two are wrong..." rose pouts.
"but if we're not, you'll get to spend more time with him and get to know him instead of just admiring him from afar like everyone else!" you console.
"well, we'll find out soon enough. we're here," lisa announces as she grabs her trunk from the top rack, helping you get yours and rose hers.
"thanks, eonnie! so glad your long legs are so useful!" you thank.
"yah! they'll be useful for kicking you too, ungrateful brat," she jokingly chastises.
"oh no, lisa eonnie is going to kill me!" you shout dramatically. "rose eonnie, save me!"
"it's going to be a long year," she sighs with a smile keeping close behind as you run off the train and lisa chases after you.
jake's expression mirrors rose's as he watches the trio run off to the nearest carriage. a crack forms in his blood lollipop as he sucks on it harder, the sweet taste of blood running across his tongue. "hyung, come on. let's get in the carriage," jungwon calls to him, his own sucker making his words slightly muddled.
"coming," he mumbles, securing his trunk and stepping into the carriage where his 6 friends wait for him.
their fangs are dripping with the blood of the lollipops.
jake: ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ (lvl. 1)
jay: ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ (lvl. 1)
sunghoon: ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ (lvl. 1)
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yn-rollcall · 3 years
Momento Bakugo x Reader Chapter 24
First Chapter
Previous Chapter
Next Chapter
Summary: So I was always told to look on the bright side. The bright side is that I’m finally meeting the Number One and Two pro-heroes Deku and Dynamight. The downside is that I was publicly dragged out of my job for a string of robberies that I did not commit and am being detained for questioning.
Length: 5.7k
Warnings: Oral Sex, Food Kink, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Mirror Sex, Quirk Kink (My Hero Academia), Shameless Smut, Porn With Plot, Porn with Feelings, Rough Sex, Emotional Constipation, Chocolate Syrup, Fluff, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Emotional Manipulation, Temperature Play, Hate Sex, Explicit Sexual Content, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Attempted Sexual Assault, Blood and Injury, Heavy Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Panty Kink, Semi-Public Sex, Creampie, Bondage, Body Worship, Light Dom/sub, Daddy Kink, Pegging, Public Masturbation, Office Sex, Wank and Tell, Polyamory, So like at the very very end there’s KatsukixReaderxKirishima, But it happens so last minute I don’t feel justified tagging it as one of the main relationships, Constructive Criticism Welcome
A/N: I've suffered, I suffered for 19 years. It's time for me to write fun shit. ALSO WE HIT 100,000+ words!!! AHHHHH
I opened my eyes to annoyingly bright sunlight filtering through my curtains and groaned. My eyes weighed a thousand pounds but I managed to keep them open. My body, despite its sluggishness, no longer felt rusty. Just weighed down. For the first time in a while, there wasn't any middle of the night wakeups.
"Good morning."
I jumped, looking around, not seeing anyone. I narrowed my eyes and searched until I noticed soft muffled noises that sounded vaguely like sizzling food in the background. I twisted around, lifting covers and pillows until I found my phone. The call was still going.
"Hello?" I said, my voice soft, hesitant.
"Hi." He said softly.
"Good morning!" I stammered out, remembering his greeting.
"Good morning." He laughed softly. "How did you sleep?"
"Great! Better than I have in a while. You?"
"Same here. Guess we'll have to call each other before bed for a few days." He said then a pause. "Just until the bags under my eyes clear up." He added quickly.
"No yea same here!" I agreed quickly. "Whatcha cooking?"
"An omelette." He said, a click in the background.
"Save me one." I joked and he hummed in response.
Clinks, I'm assuming dishes, came from the phone followed by a chair scraping across the floor. Guess he's eating. I want to keep talking to him but I have to get ready and I'm not nearly as good at multi-tasking.
"I gotta get ready for work...I'll see you at the shop?" I asked.
"Yea. See you then." He said.
I hung up the phone and proceeded to get ready for work, a little pep in my step. When going into the bathroom, I noticed Iris in the kitchen, yawning as she made cereal. Seeing her at this hour was very rare. Her brown hair was a mess and she looked like she wanted to kill someone until she made eye contact with me. She squinted her eyes and tilted her head with a cautious smile on her lips.
"Someone's chipper." She noted.
I gave her a sheepish smile. "I talked to Katsuki last night. It was awkward but-"
Her eyes flew open and she ran up to me gripping my shoulders. A bright smile stretching her features.
"You guys made up?"
"Yea. It's still tentative but we're making progress." I said, smiling softly.
She squealed and pulled me into a tight hug, hopping up and down. Then she let me go, giving me some space.
"I'm so happy for you! This is so great! I mean I had a feeling things would change after the Reindeer Fiasco-" She said.
"Ugh, I still see memes about it." I sighed.
"Oh it's fine, it'll go away soon. We should celebrate!" She said, already pulling out her phone, texting probably everyone we know.
"Let's celebrate after I get things back to normal." I said as I looked at the clock on the oven. "Anyway I gotta go, I'll see you later."
"Bye!" She said in a cheerful voice.
I walked to the bakery, greeting Auntie as I made it inside. She gave me a cheerful greeting as I went to work preparing for my shift. When the time for patrol came close, my body headed to the back before I realized what I was doing. Yoko also started moving to the front when we looked at each other. There was no need for that anymore.
Fighting against myself, I remained at the front, my heart beating loudly. We talked last night but that was over the phone. What if in person it's different? I talked to him face to face for like two sentences and stuttered the whole time yesterday. I chewed the inside of my lip as the patrol went by. Deku, Shoto, Red Riot and...Dynamight. He paused, his eyebrows pulling together before hesitantly looking into the bakery. I gave him a shy smile and his eyes widened. A shy smile of his own lining his features before he decided to step inside.
"Hi." He said softly.
"Hey." I said, smiling at him. He stared at me for a second before I realized he was waiting for his coffee.
"Oh yea! Uh."
My eyes widened and I scrambled to do his usual order. How much sugar did he like again? Shit. Yoko came over and put in what I needed. I silently thanked her and handed Katsuki the coffee.
"Here ya go. Sorry I'm um...out of practice." I said, not making eye contact.
His hand brushed mine to grab the coffee and I sucked in a little breath. His hand stiffened as he gauged my reaction. I gently grabbed his hand, rubbing some of the calluses and gently placed the coffee cup in it. Then I let go, the feeling already fading. Is it possible to miss a hand? I made eye contact and his eyes moved from his hand to my face. His eyes drifted to my lips for a second before he met my eyes. He blushed a little before clearing his throat and handing me a lunchbox. I squinted at the lunch confused as he started rushing towards the door. Before he walked out, he paused for a moment.
"Tell me whatcha think." He said gruffly before speed walking away.
I stood stunned for a moment before opening the lunchbox and seeing a still-warm omelette. He really made me one...I was joking. I smiled softly, smelling the spices wafting from the food. I can tell he put alot of care into it.
"That was so tender I felt like I was in a romcom." Yoko said, breaking the silence that settled over the shop.
"Ah springtime!" Auntie sang, heading into the back to take out more pastries.
"Ah whatever." I grumbled. "I'm gonna eat this before the egg gets cold."
"Okay!" Yoko called out behind me as she moved to man the front.
I walked into the back and sat in a chair, balancing the lunchbox on my thighs. I took a bite of the omelette and hummed in delight. The flavors were a perfect mix of savory without completely overwhelming the egg and the texture of the egg was just right. He's definitely a better cook than I am, that's for sure.
"I'm glad to see you smile again." Auntie said softly.
I turned my head and she stood there watching me with a fond maternal smile. I finished my bite and smiled back at her.
"It feels good to smile again." I said, then took another bite. "Thanks for sticking by me all this time. It feels like I'm always causing you trouble."
Auntie walked over and pulled me into a hug. "I'll always be here." She said, the warmth in her voice reminiscent of my mom's. "Especially now that you're dating a bigshot, do you know how much clientele has started coming here?"
I wrestled myself out of her grip with a huff, no anger behind it.
"So all I am is a customer magnet?" I crossed my arms.
"You're THE customer magnet my dear." Auntie laughed, balancing my lunchbox.
She walked back over to the oven, grabbing the pastries to put out front. I wolfed down the rest of the omelette. The prospects of matching this level of cooking is low but I want to try to pay him back. I pulled out my phone.
I won't tell anyone if you actually put crack in the omelette. Just tell me who your drug guy is.
I'm gonna take that as you enjoyed the omelette?
Best I've ever had! I was almost sad to finish it lol
I'm glad you liked it.
I sighed, my smile turning a little sad. He definitely joked around more before the whole deal but at least he's talking. There's a part of me that wants to ask him how he's feeling. Another part scared he doesn't want to ever open up to me again. I swallow it down, putting my worries into a box that I vowed to actually unpack later. Maybe with him.
I put my phone away and return to my duties, thinking of ways to help us feel more comfortable talking to each other again. After work, I trudged home, feeling more exhausted than usual. Maybe everything was finally catching up to me. The excess exercise, not ever resting like I should've, the villain fight and all this emotional unpacking took it out of me. I walked into my apartment, barely saying hi to Iris before collapsing on the bed.
Just a few minutes..
When I opened my eyes, my body was the personification of lead. My head pounded. My sweat acted as an adhesive between me and my clothes yet I was freezing. An incessant buzzing noise kept ringing that was becoming an increasingly annoying barrier between me and getting more sleep. I slid my arm around my bed, landing on the source. I looked at my phone and saw that:
A. I slept through my alarm.
B. Yoko and Auntie have called me 8 and 5 times respectively
C. that it was a little past time for Katsuki's patrol. I put the phone down, sighing. My body was too tired to feel panic. I'll answer them in a bit just...more rest please.
My eyes started closing when someone started pounding at the door. I groaned and put a pillow over my head. Iris answered the door and there was some back and forth. The person at the door spoke in a rushed tone. Iris responsed but her tone was getting increasingly worried. Now I was concerned but I genuinely couldn't bring myself to get up. Furious heavy steps pounded on the floor, closer and closer until my door swung wide open. It only just now occurred to me that me lying face up with a pillow over my face after recently being kidnapped was giving true crime vibes.
"Y/N!" Iris shrieked.
Someone ran over to my body and lifted the pillow before I could react. Katsuki and Iris stood over me. Tears pricked Iris' eyes and Katsuki panted like he ran a marathon. They both looked at me, breaths held and panicked. Fuck okay maybe I should have called immediately or something. With heavy effort, I held my hand up.
"I'm sick." I croaked out.
Just like that the spell broke and Katsuki let out a shuddering breath in relief. Iris huffed and threw down the pillow hard on my body, earning a pained grunt from me. She apologized before placing the tissue box from the floor on the nightstand. Katsuki was still recovering. I wanted to be sympathetic but I hated being around people when I was ill. They needed to leave. I looked at them.
"Sorry I scared you, I just woke up." I rasped.
"No its- I mean- I'll get you some hot tea and a cold press." Iris said finally, letting out a sigh and walking out of the room.
I turned to Katsuki and put my hand over his.
"I'm fine." I said as reassuring as I could with a nasty cold.
He smiled weakly. "Yea the cold sweat and dazed look really shows that." He said before taking off his grenade gauntlets. I stared at him, eyebrows pulled together before he moved to lift me up. I threw up a hand to stop him, and slowly sat up.
"You um, don't have to take care of me. I got it." I said.
"You don't want me here?" He asked.
I get the feeling fi I said yes no matter what happens afterward there will be an emotional misunderstanding.
"No!" I shouted, then coughed from the strain. "It's not that I'm just...I'm really gross right now and I don't-"
"Is that the only thing?" He asked softly, turning my chin towards him.
"That's the only thing I promise." I said, noticing I still had on my clothes from yesterday. I grimaced, pulling off my shirt and taking a break when that winded me.
"Then I'm staying." He said, his voice emulating that stubborn tone I loved and hated.
"What? Dude I'm...really gross!" I whined.
"Yea but you also struggled to take off your shirt, I doubt you'll make it to the kitchen." He pointed out.
"Iris is here." I shot back.
"Actually Iris has plans." Iris said, walking in with my tea.
She set it down beside the tissues on the nightstand and looked at me. A mischievous twinkle in her eye that I'm too familiar with. I narrowed my eyes at her.
"What plans?" I questioned.
"I'm meeting a certain someone at the library today." She said cryptically then turned to Katsuki. "Think you can take over for me?"
"'Course" He agreed.
"Uh hello? I'm good y'all, I've got this." I groaned, laying back down. "I just need like...more sleep." I mumbled.
"So anyway, spare key is taped to the top of the doorframe under white tape. Knock yourself out." Iris said to Katsuki cheerfully before scurrying out of the room.
I mentally cursed her but didn't have the energy to say it. Katsuki unbuckled my pants and slid them down. Then he picked me up and placed me underneath the covers. He repositioned the pillow underneath my head so it was more comfortable. I was too weak to fight any of it so I let it happen. Shit. Yoko. I sat up again, throwing the covers to the side, fishing for my phone. Katsuki tried to get me to lay back down and I swatted him away.
"What're you doing now? I'll handle it." He huffed.
"I gotta tell Yoko and Auntie I'm alright." I croaked while looking for my phone.
Katsuki moved the covers around and found the phone. I held out my hands making grabby motions which he deliberately looked away from as he clicked on Yoko's contact. It rang once before Yoko answered loud as hell.
"Y/N! You didn't pop up at work and we were so worried that we missed something and are you okay do you need us to come get you?!" She rambled yelling into the phone
"Ponytail, she's fine." Katsuki said. "She's just sick.
Yoko POV
I listened to the man who sprinted out of here the second he realized that she pulled a no-show as he quickly explained what was going on. I let out a huge sigh of relief. Then I looked at the bloodthirsty customers around me who were armed to the teeth ready to kill her captors.
"Guys she's just sick!" I called out.
The tension broke in the room as they casually joked with each other about stuff they were gonna do. Stuff I refuse to think about or investigate as to whether they've done before. Auntie lost that scary look in her eye and immediately changed back into cute granny mode. Which once again, I refuse to question. They handed their weapons to a particular customer who's quirk was basically extra-dimensional storage. Which reminded me that most of our regular customers were associated with Auntie's gang or whatever. I held the phone back to my ear.
"Honestly thank god you called I wasn't sure I could keep convincing them to stay here!" I said cheerfully, also relieved that she was alright.
"Tell her to take a rest for a while!" Someone called out.
A chorus of customers agreed commenting on her uh, no-sleep aesthetic to which I agreed. Now that things are solved with Dynamight she should get some actual rest. Auntie asked for the phone and I handed it to her. She looked over the finances real quick, did some calculations and smiled, clearly satisfied with the decision she was about to make.
Katsuki listened for a moment, nodding before hanging up and setting the phone down.
He looked at me and said: "Auntie says you're on forced paid leave for the next month."
"Wait what?" I shot up and then held my head to stop the pounding. "That's way too long and paid? Why would she-"
"She said the real reason is because you only took a day off when you were physically incapable of being on your feet all day. She said if you want a legal reason. You've worked for 2 years and the PTO (paid time off) minimum in Japan is 10 days per year. 5 workdays a week means a month of leave. Customer service reason is that everyone knew you were exhausted and the worry was ruining their pastries."
She shut down every argument I had and ones I didn't even consider. I laid back down, grumbling to myself, unable to attack that from any angle besides just complaining. And complain I did for all of 30 seconds before succumbing to the truth. My body was exhausted. Sure when I first was rescued I took some time off but...it wasn't enough. I was back within the week. I never gave myself a chance to recover without straining myself.
"What about your work?" I asked him.
"Deku's fine with me taking the day off." Katsuki said, placing the cold press on my forehead.
"No I mean...you didn't rest either." I said softly.
He paused. Even bleary eyed I could see the dark bags under his eyes that mirrored mine. The heaviness in his movements.
"Tell you what. I'll let you take care of me, if you take two weeks off." I said.
His lips thinned as he considered what he was about to say.
"I...want to see with my own eyes that everything with Hosei gets settled the way it's supposed to." He said cautiously.
I stiffened. Hosei. I also selfishly want Katsuki to oversee it because I trust him. But if that's what's keeping him from sleeping...and if it's for me, I'd rather see Katuski sleep well. I didn't care enough about that guy to further risk Katsuki's health.
"If it's for my sake, I don't mind if you slack off a bit." I said, staring at the sunlight on the ceiling peeking through the dark curtains.
"It's also for mine. I hadn't known him for long but I fucking hate that guy." He said, taking out some water from my mini fridge.
Yea that makes sense
He sat me up and held the water bottle to my lips, which I took some sips from.
"Then in that case...I'll let you stay and take care of me if you only work part time for these next few weeks. " I said as I held out my pinky.
He snorted, fully aware that I'd both couldn't kick him out or call the cops to forcibly take him out of here. He made a big show for my sake, 'debating' the options and then with a loud sigh, held out his pinky and wrapped it around mine.
"You drive a hard bargain sweetheart." He said softly. "Deal."
Against my will, I giggled at the theatrics and the sweetheart. I was embarrassed but his eyes lit up at the sound, a slow smile tugging at his lips. I looked from his lips to his eyes. He looked from my eyes, down to my torso then up again, a blush creeping on his face. I forgot I was basically naked. He cleared his throat.
"I'll make you some soup. In the meantime, drink the tea and water." He said as he turned and left the room.
I immediately felt lonely but he was going to be back and I seriously needed to sleep. I forced myself to drain the tea and the water bottle before settling back into the pillow. The sound of him pulling out pans and cooking soothed me. My eyes became heavy and I finally closed them, vowing to get just a bit more rest.
Katsuki POV
I finished up some soup, resisting the urge to make it spicy before asking if she was okay with it. Once it tasted good, I turned the stove to simmer and walked to the bedroom. When I opened the door, I saw her head lolled to the side, heavy snores filling the room. I smiled and took the tea to pour it out since she wasn't going to wake up while it was hot. I looked around for a hamper and threw her clothes in there. Soft nonsense mumbles filtered out of her mouth, causing another smile.
If my friends from high school knew I could smile this much, I'd have been teased relentlessly.
I stopped my musings to look at her desk. Are there more drawings since the ones I've seen last time? There's always been a part of me that wanted validation but it's gotten worse since these past incidents. Before, I just believed what she said and even if she joked around I knew she was crazy about me. But after the months of wondering and dead serious (unwilling) bashing, I've found myself alot more unsure and unsteady about us. I looked around to see if there was anything else I could do before snooping. Nothing much. I resigned myself to my urges and walked over to the desk. There are more drawings, mostly sketches. Underneath a more detailed one I saw a letter. I saw the first words before I could register it. 'Katsuki, I'm sorry'. A loud snore shot out behind me and I looked. Still asleep. I read a little more of the heavily annotated paper.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said at the café and I feel awful about it. I know that doesn't make it better but...I have to say it even if you can't see it.
There seemed to be a bunch of random blurbs hastily written down on this page. I read through each of them, a grin pulling at my lips.
I...hurt you today. Like bad. I made your nose bleed. Which would be a flex if it wasn't so sad. If I didn't still love you. Okay maybe it's still a little bit of a flex if we take out literally all context? Ugh I'm an asshole. Okay but imagine #2 hero defeated by rando who hasn't slept in 2 weeks? C'mon now. Absolute flex! Still feel like shit though.
Nothing happened today. I just kinda feel like I get to talk to you this way? I think about texting you everyday. I deleted your number though. I kinda wish I hadn't. I miss our jokes. I miss you. I've told everyone I stabbed the Dynamight body pillow (still can't believe that is a thing I own) which I definitely did. But...I didn't tell anyone that sometimes I pull it out to sleep with and pretend it's you. I miss your hugs. Dynamite #2 doesn't quite cut it y'know?
I wanted to tell you today that your hair looks nice when it's windblown. You passed by the shop and looked inside. It was a L'Oreal moment. My heart kinda stopped dude! Hawks who? I don't exactly have the right to say that but I wanted to anyway. Also that your forehead is huge. I miss you and your huge forehead. And your smirks. And your hugs.
Bet you won't say my forehead is huge to my face. I absentmindedly rubbed it with a pout.
I realized we never talked about music? I bet you're a rock fan. Genres are kinda mixing together so maybe you'd like dark pop too. I wanna kiss your huge forehead. And talk about music.
A little laugh escapes me. I do like rock. I wonder what she likes. The page I was reading cuts off but on the corner of the desk is another piece of paper with more heavily annotated writing.
Ugh! You piss me off! I cOuLdvE HANdleD iT! Whatever dude! I realize it's my fault but I'm still angry! And now there's memes of me in my reindeer pajamas AND THEY'RE FUNNY! I'm not sure whether I'm angry about it or honored....I'm glad you're okay. Is it weird that I'm happy that's the most normal conversation we've had in a long time? I wasn't fighting any brainwashing in that moment. It felt nice.
I'm sorry I made you feel so low. I've thought about disappearing. Maybe you'd feel better if you didn't have to see me? But maybe that would be more insulting. You...you hated that I wouldn't face you at patrol. And you had a point. I've asked Auntie if she knew someone who could get me to Tartarus...to see Hosei. She advised against it but maybe I can pull a hint from him. Even if I know he'll ask for something in return. Even if it's embarrassing I think you deserve to at least I dunno...I don't know. I need help if I want to do better. Denki's boyfriend has a mind control quirk maybe he could help? Is it weird to ask him? Ugh! I'll figure out later.
There were little chibi drawings of my ugly expressions I make with hearts around them. There was a note beside these drawings.
So I'm training to like embarrass myself in front of you or whatever and I'm such a fan. The only pretty pictures of you are off guard or for a check and we stan. You're fighting for your life against your resting pretty face. Really said 'I'm not about to be pretty for free' god I really am a fan.
I sketched that one men's magazine picture because I think you look really cool in that lighting. I'm uhhh not great at art so I'm sorry.
Below I see a well rendered sketch of my face and parts of my torso in dramatic lighting. I don't see any more writing other than one off sentences, strings of numbers and random video titles some I recognize as interviews I've done. It was...reassuring to see she was thinking of me the whole time. That she missed me. I put down the paper, trying to fight the feeling of resentment at needing validation. I just needed to recover for a bit. I turned to check on Y/N. She must've kicked off the covers at some point, sweating. She started to curl on herself, getting cold. I put the covers over her and she seemed more comfortable. I walked into the living room and contemplated watching TV before deciding against it. Wouldn't be able to hear her if she called out. I walked back to the kitchen and washed all the dishes I created. Then a soft voice croaked out from the bedroom.
I got some water and poured some soup into a bowl. When I got in the room, I saw her struggling to sit up. I rushed over to the end-table to set things down, then helped her sit up. I offered her some water which she gladly took. She gulped down half the cup and finished with a cute self satisfied smile. I suppressed a smile and sat on the bed.
"You want some soup?" I asked, gesturing to the soup on the end-table.
She nodded and reached for the bowl. She retracted her hands quickly with a hiss. I grabbed the bowl and put it on a fold out tray with an apologetic look.
"Sorry, high heat tolerance." I mumbled.
"It's okay." She smiled.
After a few minutes, the soup calmed down to a degree she was comfortable with. She took a bite, her eyes sparkled and she smiled around the spoon. Did she look like this when she ate the omelette? I looked at her furniture and decorations while she ate. Eventually, I heard the bowl get set down, half-eaten, on the side table. With a soft 'excuse me', she went to the bathroom. When she came back, she slid back into bed quietly.
"Not used to you being this quiet." I said softly.
"I want to be whiny but I'm too old for that." She said, laying down.
I smiled. "What do you want to whine about?" I said
"Everything. Being sick sucks." She huffed.
"Whine away." I said.
You sure? Once I start I won't stop." She warned.
"Yea. Silence doesn't really suit you."
"Fine. I'm really cold." She said while burrowing into the covers.
"That's all? Where are the extra covers?" I said getting up.
"In the closet in the hallway." She said.
I was almost out the door when she added "Can you pick up the remote on the way back? It's on my desk."
I grabbed all the covers and her remote and settled back on the bed.
"Anything else?" I asked.
She paused for a moment, considering before she put the covers a little over her face.
"Can I hold your hand?" She asked.
I smiled and settled beside her on the bed outside of the covers and offered my hand. She scooted over a bit and laid in my palm, putting my hand against her cheek. She nuzzled into it.
"I knew you'd be warm." She sighed contentedly.
She poked the remote out of the covers and turned on the TV, turning on some show. We both watched until I heard soft snoring again. I slid further down the bed and watched her sleep. She had half of her face covered, the covers moving up and down with each deep breath. She looked at peace and was already starting to drool on my hand. Which is gross but...endearing? I stroked her face with my thumb and removed my hand. I went to the bathroom and washed my hands since I definitely didn't want to catch whatever monster illness this was. I went to her bed and settled, my head on the pillow as I watched the cartoon. It was interesting but I felt my eyes get heavy. Maybe a little nap is alright.
When I woke up it was around 2am. Definitely not a nap. I also realized the covers were over me and that Y/N was gone. I got up and walked to the door opening. I heard soft sounds filtering from the living room. My...interview?
We're working on the case to find out....
I reached the end of the hallway and watched her eat the soup, watching the interview with wistful eyes. She looked alot better. She looked at the couch and threw a mini fit pouting. She flopped on the couch covered her eyes with her palms
"If Hosei's stupid ass never kidnapped me I could've been laying in bed with him instead of on this lumpy couch." She grumbled.
She patted the couch.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean that you're very comfy." She apologized.
"Even if I wasn't an asshole, Deku wasn't kidding about that intensity portion..."
"Ugh now I feel like a stalker. 'Hey Katsuki I watch your video compilations because they comfort me!' I literally know the guy! If I didn't know him it wouldn't be so creepy." She whined.
I suppressed a laugh and walked back to her bedroom door to loudly open it. She stopped mumbling to herself and then shifted. I walked out into the hallway and gave her a look.
"Hi!" She said sheepishly, sitting ramrod straight on the couch.
"Hi. Why are you on the couch?" I asked.
"I recovered somewhat and you needed to sleep..." She said, looking away while scratching her head.
"And we haven't slept together before?" I asked with a raised brow.
Her eyes blew wide while she bit her lip. The remote in her hand floated a bit before she quickly grabbed it to hide her reaction.
"Yea but. I don't..." She trailed off.
Is this...part of the Hosei thing? Does she not want to be that close?
Not only do I wanna climb him like a tree, I want to make sure neither of us are walking for the next three days but I am sick...probably from exhaustion and I like...hurt his feelings for a month straight. So climbing privileges are revoked til further notice.
I looked at his black sleeveless shirt and stirrup leggings. Why the fuck is his hero costume so tight? I can't look at the man without finding something to drool over. Keep it cool.
"I don't think I should. I'm still not sure if I have a cold or if it was just exhaustion" I said.
Katsuki POV
Oh? Just that? In that case...
"If you have a cold I've already got it, plus you didn't sneeze or anything. I don't know much but colds involve a shit-ton of mucus. You may have drooled a ton but-"
"Ahhh not listening!" I said.
"It's just dr-" I teased.
"AH! No! We are not mentioning this!" She said, covering her ears.
"I'll stop mentioning it if you sleep in your bed."
"Fine! Deal!" She said bunching up her covers while pouting.
She stalked past me and I smiled. I looked at the couch, not looking forward to it but-
"You coming?" She asked behind me.
I looked at her, surprised.
"You're not sleeping on the couch either so..." She said, looking away.
I followed her to her bedroom. She tossed the covers onto the bed and took a water bottle out of her mini fridge. I settled on the bed trying to fight the awkwardness I felt. She offered me a water bottle and I thanked her, downing half before closing it. She settled beside me, laying down, facing away. I laid on my back. She scooted closer to me and grabbed my hand. It was uncomfortable so I turned over and spooned her, instinctually, holding her close. She froze and I froze in response, awaiting her reaction.
Did I fuck up?
"There really isn't anything quite like a Katsuki hug." She said softly, I could hear her smile.
She cuddled into me and put my arms tighter around her. I laughed a bit. After a few minutes, her breathing deepened as she relaxed. After a few more minutes, her arms were slack. I thought about the writings on her desk. The little things she wanted to say. I thought about all the little things I wanted to say to her as well. Like how that one day when she had a piece of her hair not cooperating I thought her pout was the cutest thing. Or that I wanted to hug even if we couldn't talk. Or the countless nights I reread our texts over and over, finding comfort in who we used to be. Or right now. The feeling of her body as she breathed in and out. Finally comfortable enough to be in the same room as me. She snuggled closer, I was sure she could hear how hard my heart was beating. Holding everything back for so long sucked ass and I'm not doing it anymore, starting now. At least in terms of things I wanna say.
"There's nothing quite like having you in my arms." I murmured, settling atop her head as I drifted off.
A/N: I might need to take a week or two break to catch up on chapters. I've run out of the pre-written ones and these past few weeks have been hectic. Sorry in advance loves!
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chaos-writes · 4 years
The Lost Boys: Road Trip
Based on one of the most vivid dreams I've ever had. Word count: 2,255. Implied romance with the boys and Star. Tw: none.
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“I’ve always wanted to travel and go sight-seeing without any real objective, like moving,” said Lucy, in a dream-like tone. I chimed in, “I’ve had a cross-country road trip planned out for quite a while, but I’ve never had anyone to do it with.” “Oh really?” Lucy asked, “Where to?” “Well, it’ll be a round trip with touring both going and coming back. I'm hoping to go through Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky, then we’ll go north, through Ohio, and Michigan, then come back home through Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, then through the top of California all the way back home.” “Oh my goodness! That sounds like a dream, but also a lot of gas money,” Lucy exclaimed. We laughed.
“It really would be, but I have the money saved up in a debit account, so hopefully it'll cover it. There’s also hotels, toll bridges, food, water, all that fun stuff,” I giggled. “But it would be worth it, I have tons of film for my instax camera, and a couple journals to write down my experiences.”
I gestured to her, “I have a couple extras for people that want to tag along,” Lucy smiled but quickly frowned, “Oh, I would love to go, I really would, but I have to work and look after the boys and their grandfather,” she mused. I chimed in, “It doesn't just have to be you, you know, I’ve got quite a few people in mind who could benefit from traveling.” “Well, I'll have to check with my boys and my boss. I’ll let you know if I can or can’t as soon as possible,” lucy said, with a look of disappointment in her eyes. I nodded in understanding and smiled, “Well, whenever you do let me know, I wouldn’t be upset if it was a no. I would be sure to share every detail with you, though.” “Oh, thank you for understanding, it means a lot to me!” “No problem. Well, I guess I'll be on my way then,” I said as I opened the front door.
We said our goodbyes and I headed out on my motorcycle to go and see the boys. It’s getting dark enough out where they should be slowly getting up by now. I wonder if Laddie and Star are there, too. They usually are, but sometimes they’re out and about, since they can handle sunlight a bit better than the rest. I park my bike and I can hear distant yawning and mumbling from where I'm standing at the cave entrance. They all start to float out and stretch one by one, Dwayne being first, Marko being second, David being third, and Paul being last. Of course Paul is last, he’s the heaviest sleeper. This road trip would be nothing to him, if they all agreed, that is. I just have to do some convincing.
Marko slipped his jacket and boots on, and the rest followed suit. They’re all quiet when they first wake, that’s why I don't ‘show up’ until I start hearing conversation and laughing. However, I’ve got to wait for the perfect time to come in, when they’ve been talking for a while and can actually think. “I wonder what Michael’s been doin’” I hear Paul say. “I don’t know Paul,” David sighed. “Maybe he’s been avoiding us…” He paused for a minute, then said, “Anyone hungry yet?” a wave of “not me’s” and “mm-mm’s” spread across the cave. I hear Dwayne grab a torch, light it, and begin lighting the cans all around the cave. The -now illuminated- boys begin bantering about who they should target next and what they plan to do for the day- well, night.
As a result, I put on my big-kid pants and stepped into the cave. They all turned to me, Marko exclaimed, “Hey! There you are!” “Hey guys,” I said, waving. Laddie ran up to me and hugged me from the side. I patted his back and ruffled his hair. Star smiled at me as she greeted me with a wave. I smiled back. Marko and Paul ran to me and squished me in their arms.
“I have something to share with you guys. An idea, really,” I said. All the boys looked at me in curiosity until David spoke up, “Well, what is this… idea of yours?” I beamed at all of them and said, “You all know how much I like going on adventures…” they looked even more puzzled now. “So, how about I take everyone on a really big adventure? A road trip!” They looked contemplative, as if they were considering going or not. “I could go alone…” Paul's and Marko's eyes widened, “But I much prefer having company with me, especially on trips like these.” Dwayne piped up, “So... where would we be going?” I smiled and pulled out a map, “How about I show you guys?”
The boys, Laddie, and Star crowd around behind me as I point around a U.S. map and explain where we’re going and what I'm planning on doing. I point all over the map and across the northern states. "We can add on a couple more destinations if you'd like… this is just more of the baseline plan." "Are we going to any big cities?" Marko asked. "Hell yea! And we're gonna go touring at night and see all the pretty lights and stuff. It'll be so fun!" "I'm down!" Paul says. "Me too!" Dwayne chimed in. "I wanna go!" Laddie exclaimed. Star smiled, and turned to David. The rest of us followed suit. This… is it.
I smiled at David and asked, "So, leader of the pack, are you in?" He paused. We cautiously awaited his answer. Laddie's eyes met David’s as he silently pleaded to go. David finally broke, smiled, and said, "alright. When are we leaving?" The cave uproared in a fit of whooping and hollering, mainly thanks to Marko and Paul, and Star picked Laddie up and twirled him around. "You won't regret this!" I said to David over the noise. "Well, I'm actually looking forward to it." He said. 
We left to go grab a bite to eat, the boys did their thing and I took Laddie and Star to a little Italian place on the boardwalk to eat. I told the boys to meet us there when they were done. “You sure about all this?” Star asked. “Absolutely! I like having an adventure crew. I'll admit though, it's gonna be a little different with a youngin' on board,” I laughed.
After a while, Lucy finally agreed to go with our party and told her boys to look after one another. We all packed our clothes and bought some more for the boys. They needed clothes that were fit for the amount of walking. I also couldn’t let anyone see my boys in blood-stained clothes in public, we’ll look like we got in some freak accident. I rode my motorcycle and directed the boys to my place, where we have a big Volkswagen bus parked out front, fit for a party of eight. Lucy is already there after a phone call telling us she would meet us at my place. We packed our bags into the trunk, all 4 boys could fit their bags into one suitcase with vacuum seal bags, Star and Laddie share a backpack, Lucy has her own suitcase and I have my own backpack. There's a box of toiletries for us all, except for Lucy, who decided on keeping everything of hers separate from the others, which is fair enough. 
It was 9pm, and we made sure everyone went to the bathroom and was all taken care of before we took off. The first drive is twelve-and-a-half hours, from Santa Carla to Salt Lake City, Utah. We toured the entire city on foot for a few hours, and decided on the next driver to take us to our next destination. Before we left Salt Lake, I put all the pictures I took into a scrapbook and wrote down the notes of what happened that day. “Hey, guys? If you want a journal to write anything down about the trip, I have a few extras here! And we can go over everyone’s journals and keep them in a safe space after the trip!” I said, as we all piled into the bus. David, sitting in the same row as me, turned to me and said, “I’d like to document what i’m experiencing. It’s a good idea, considering we’ve got a lot of…time left” he paused. I gave an understanding nod and handed him a journal. Star, from the third row, said, “i’ll take one!” 
We continued across the country and journaled, and took as many pictures as possible. I will never forget how genuinely happy all the boys were, they were so used to the boardwalk and now they get to go places. Laddie would bounce around happily when we toured around on foot. Star and Lucy spent their time quietly admiring land and cityscapes. The boys would get rowdy and restless at night, desperate to get in a fight or two. I've had to intervene more than I want to admit. But overall, they were well-behaved and did great throughout the trip.
The most precious memory to me, though, is when Dwayne, Paul, and Laddie grabbed me to go for a walk. At this point we were in Cincinnati, we checked in a hotel for a couple days, just on the water. A few of us wanted to go walk on the Purple People Bridge before we left. It was getting dark out, so we held close together. We walked across the bridge, Dwayne carried Laddie piggyback style and Paul and I were walking close by. We got down far enough on the bridge that we were close to the water. The sound of the river was calming, less rapid than the water outside the cave. I pointed out all the boats on the water to Laddie and we watched the water and the city in front of us.
What the boys didn't know was there was an event going on in the city. Some sort of charity event, I was never really sure about that part, but what I did know was the boys were really gonna like it.
"Hey, let's stay here for a bit. We're not in a hurry!" I said. "Umm… alright then," Dwayne said. Paul looked at me in confusion, but didn't say anything. Laddie was falling asleep on Dwayne's back, but Dwayne didn't seem to mind.
Soon, lights flicker on, one by one, lighting the whole city in blue. "Look Laddie!" I said while tapping his arm. He hopped off of Dwayne's back and stared at the illuminated city. All of Cincinnati was now an icy blue, and I will never forget the look of wonder in Laddie's eyes. Paul and Dwayne shared the same look as well. We were all starstruck as the night sky before us lit up in a beautiful blue. Paul's smile slowly grew and he giggled. I looked at him with a questioning look.
He turned to me, and said,"Thank you. This is… was, amazing. I don't think you know how much I appreciate you. This…" I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist. We held each other close as the city behind us twinkled and glowed. Footsteps came alongside us, the rest of the party decided to try and find us. "Looks like you and Paul are having fun," David said. I wasn't even mad at the joke this time. "We really are, why don't you join us?" I asked. David smiled and ran his fingers through my hair. He wrapped his arms around me from behind as I was hugging Paul, so I was sandwiched between them. Marko stood beside us all. David saw and invited him into the middle with me. I turned around and squeezed Marko as the others adjusted.
Laddie was excitedly pointing out every detail to Star, Dwayne and Lucy and bouncing in pure joy. "Laddie seems to be enjoying this the most. I'm so happy I get to show him these beautiful places." I said. "I will never forget the look on his face for as long as I live."
The rest of the trip went smoothly. We stopped in big cities, small towns, natural parks, and got to see part of Canada from the upper peninsula of Michigan. I wrote down two journals' worth of notes and had to buy another scrapbook to fit all the pictures I took. 
Surprisingly, the whole party responded well to the really long drives we did. When we made it home and said our goodbyes to Lucy as she drove to her own home, it was like this weight was lifted off of us as we stepped into the cave. No more stress of travel, a place to stretch your legs, a place to just be... in peace. Laddie hugged me as Dwayne went around and lit the cave up. "Thank you so much," he said. "You're welcome, little dude!" I said. "Yeah, thank you!" Marko and Paul chimed in. Star walked up to me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. "Thank you for doing all of that for us," she said. "You really didn't have to." "I know, but I love you guys. The least I can do for you is take you on one of my adventures." 
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one-abuse-survivor · 3 years
hi, it's the milky way again
it's been a while since i've dropped something in your mailbox
i've now finished the school year and the grades and reports are coming in tomorrow or the day after. i'm kinda scared of them because i know they dropped a lot since last year but i'm pretty sure i passed most if not all of my courses so i think it'll be fine.
i started working a summer job a week ago and i'll be working the next week too. it's mostly because i need the money so i can replace my broken phone but also because we had to do some kind of job/workplace experience thing because of our school (that was voluntary though because of covid). the job pays really well so i might also get a new binder with the money since the one i have now is falling apart. on the other hand, working 8 hours a day for five days straight has really taken all of my energy and i can't listen to music while working which makes it a lot harder. the last week i've mostly been coming home in the evening, maybe eating something and going straight to bed.
(also i got my period last thursday and i hate hate hate it so much it makes everything so much worse even without the dysphoria it's just so messy and annoying to deal with)
a week ago i finally jumped over my shadow and talked to my mom but it was a huge disappointment. i'm pretty sure i couldn't get my point across in a way she'd understand and she kinda just admitted not being able to help after saying a bunch of things that really hurt. i removed myself from the situation by "going to bed" aka going to my room, locking my door and crying myself to sleep. i was just really pissed off and talking to her was kinda my last resort for when i realized i couldn't help myself anymore.
anyway, the day after that was monday (when i started working) and me, running on barely any sleep because the night before was a disaster, had to somehow survive work and i'm pretty sure i ignored or snapped at a lot of people that day which i feel kinda bad for.
on wednesday after work i talked to my mom again because i was pissed off and couldn't let it sit. she said the same kind of bs she had used on sunday and we got nowhere, since then i've probably been a lot less friendly to her but i'm just not ready to give up so much energy for her.
her favorite arguments we're things like "but others have it a lot worse" (which is a mindset i've worked on getting away from for quite a while) (also my mom was referring only to my grades with this but little does she know that the only reason why my grades aren't dropping that badly is because no matter how bad i got mentally, i yeeted stuff like self-care before school because school had always been structured and mostly clear while life in general was just. not.)
other arguments she used were "just get off your phone and set a timer for 45 minutes and concentrate on what you wanna get done" and "just pull yourself together, it's not that hard" (those were about me saying that i struggle with starting tasks and getting shit done)
lastly she also said that my expectations are just way too high and that if i didn't expect only the best from myself (this was about grades too) i wouldn't get so disappointed if i didn't get that great grade i was hoping for. and like, she's not wrong but if you've only ever been good at one thing in your entire life and you were really good at it, then you'd just expect nothing but the best from yourself because you know reaching that isn't impossible.
and she ended it with "what do you expect me to do?" and "i can't help you" and i realized later that i just should've said that she should help me get someone that *can* help me, like a therapist or something.
anyway, i'm proud of myself for finding a summer job and finally talking to my mom and not so proud of my grades and the fact that i can't seem to get the point across to my mom
thank you for creating this safe space for people like us, i wish you a happier time than the one i'm having :')
milky way here :|
got the reports and grades and stuff yesterday and i'm just :| about it. like, yea i know i'm still somewhere at the top of the class and that i'm more than one and a half grades better than some others in my class but i'm still upset about my grade in maths for example but my parents laughed/chuckled at me when i was upset and that really hurt
and afterwards my mom said something along the lines of "yes you're allowed to be stressed but because of your good grades you don't have the right to complain about being stressed" which is absolute bs and i still don't understand how having good grades disqualifies one from complaining and i'm sure as hell not gonna ask her
i just wanna scream in her face but i'm pretty sure she'd slap me if i did that
i'm almost done with my summer job and since monday noon i had the chance to work in a different part of the factory which is a lot less uncomfy to be in because it has AC and since it's not in the lab itself, i don't have to wear a hair net, an overall, steel-toed boots and rubber gloves.
today i set myself a few goals for the summer break and for the next school year and i really hope i can get through with those because it'd make future-me extremely happy
have a great great time :D
and PS: since tumblr has been eating a lot of notifs lately i missed a lot of your posts and i tried filtering by the milky way anon tag but only one post showed up. i'm not sure what's up with that tho
Hi again! Don’t worry, I got you. Here’s a link to all the asks you’ve sent up to this point: first, second, third. All of them are tagged, but the tumblr search engine isn’t exactly known for its accuracy. I use the tumblr original post finder site for this stuff, but I just realised by looking for your asks that the site takes capital letters into account, so the ones that were tagged with a capital M in Milky weren’t showing. They all do show now that I changed the M to lowercase. So I’ll have to try to be more consistent with that from now on 😅
On to your asks. First off, congrats on finishing your course! And I really hope you can replace your phone and your binder :D sorry about getting your period, though, that really sucks :(
I think the conversation with your mom that Sunday is the one discussed on the third ask I linked. I'm really sorry the same thing happened on Wednesday. It's not your fault you can't get across to her—she's the one who should be open to helping you and offering possible (actual) solutions to the problems you're bringing up to her, and not you who should spell out every single thing she can do to help you. You're not being unclear to her—she's being obtuse and refusing to listen.
You're not meant to know how to just "pull yourself together", and you're absolutely right that your grades not dropping all the way doesn't mean you're not struggling, and you still deserve help so you don't have to jeopardise your mental health for your grades. And while she's right you don't deserve to be so hard on yourself or to expect perfection from yourself, that's also something that you deserve professional help with. Again, you're not meant to know how to just turn off those emotions and thought processes.
*hugs* sorry your math grade wasn't as high as you'd hoped. It's okay to be upset and disappointed by that, and I'm so sorry they laughed at you. You do have every right to express your emotions, and you're not being unfair to anyone else for being unhappy with your own grades. I often feel the same! I get really good grades (as I think I've already said), and I also often feel disappointed when a grade isn't as high as I'd hoped. There's nothing wrong with feeling that way. I'm really glad you know what your mom says is bs, because it really is. It's no wonder you feel like screaming in her face—she sounds incredibly frustrating, exhausting and invalidating to deal with. You deserve so much better than this 😔
I'm so glad you're proud of yourself! I'm really proud of you too for everything you've accomplished despite her being so unhelpful and invalidating, and I really hope you're enjoying the rest of your summer holidays and you can reach your goals! And if the occasion arises and you do end up using the "you can help me find someone who can help me" line, I hope it goes better. But if not, again, please know this is an issue of her refusing to listen, and not of you being unclear about what you need.
Sending a huge virtual hug ❤️
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hoaxexistence · 3 years
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I finished the show last april and im doing my 2nd full rewatch and this time I'm watching it alongside the commentaries so im kind of in a slow pace. Lol. I said up there that it's my 2nd full rewatch bec for i time i was watching random episodes until i had the copy of the commentaries. So far here are my thoughts for the first 13 episodes.
“I see your value now.”
Episode one is a actually a great start. I mean sure they are clearly finding their dynamics but still, it has great scenes and lines and not all shows got that strong pilot. Really love that panning up shot of the school at the end.
“Milady, milord”
Spanish 101 is a fun episode, really hilarious. Ken jeong is funny, and hey i actually see britta better now. I remember watching this show the first time and i tried to like her but ended up liking annie instead. But now im actually seeing her. I like the bit where they did their presentation and annie was in a boat and alison had tears, cracks me up. Also i like jeff and annie so the tiny detail of the first milady milord here is so personal to me. AND the tag!! The bibliotheca rap, God was it iconic.
“falafel as fallback”
Introduction to film. Oh the first time i read this, the film buff in me just cheered! It was really sweet of britta to do that for abed and i see in this episode how they really treasure him as a person and i really love that, that's what he deserve.
(im writing all of these from memory and my memory sucks so these first few may not be that greatly executed.)
“you asked me to stay and you said we we're friends”
Ah social psychology. I love that line from abed so much and Annie's reaction. She was taken aback with how her words meant to him and i am deeply touched as well as her. My favorite part in the cold open was chang and Annie's moment hahhaha. Aaaaand, jeff and Shirley moments were here! Shirley's really funny and i love that part when she just makes fun of vaughn's nips hahah. I love the friendship between her and jeff. Also the tag is funny. Trobed tags are funny.
(i started sliding through the episodes now just to refresh my memory. Lol)
“because if crazy people can't be at Greendale, then where are we supposed to go”
Advanced Criminal Law. The freakin gif that I've been seeing for a long time finally had a story for me. (That one when chang was looking at the tiny paper. Lol) I love jeff and britta's relationship as well as annie and pierce's that were shown in this. Yes, jeff was helping britta to be closer to her because he wanna sleep with her but more than that, he likes her and he's her friend and he wants to not be an ass even for a while. Annie's cheerleading story was a good bit. Lol.
“I peed alone my whole life. Women have always hated me.”
Football, feminism, and you!! Aaaaa i love this episode. I said that I never liked britta that much but that's my biased opinion talking. I usually don't like characters i see myself in, so yea, at times i could really relate to britta. This actually talked about her too though they kinda did that already in the previous episode but of course, the show is introducing us to these characters so it's necessary for characters to overlap stories duh. Oh and this is the first commentary that alison brie was in because this is kind of a big moment for annie here, though this episode is for troy, okay this episode is for everyone dammit 😂. Anyway this is where i started to really appreciate annie and where they actually put a clearer path to her character, though still navigating. I love her confrontation with jeff and how his reaction after looks like hehe. Also that last scene before the tag, another milady milord. uwu
“I am batman. Or am I?”
Introduction to Statistics! WHEN DAN CONFIRMED THAT THAT DANCE SCENE BETWEEN ALISON AND JOEL MADE THEM CONSIDER JEFF AND ANNIE was a great bit from commentary. This is Slater's first appearance and her character helped in exposing Jeff's character. Shirley's deep emotions were navigated in this episode as well with how she divert her anger to slater. That scene of her and britta was really touching. I love it when the girls have their own moments together just like from the previous episode. Also i loved how joel, chevy, and dan admired alison's talents in the commentary.
“you're a nerd”
Ah, Home Economics. I love how they let us into abed's dorm. We see here that slowly they're really starting to become a family, although yes, annie got a thing for troy and jeff got a thing for britta but still.
“man is evil”
Hah. Debate 109. The kiss for the team. I love this scene and the simmons guy. That hallway scene will never not be funny. Also this episode birthed the imma die by werewolf rap from alison sooooo. Shirley was really funny, especially when she giggled when she teases jeff and annie. Speaking of that scene, God. The way he looks at her. That was probably the moment where i could say that jeff notices annie as a woman. The way he looked into her eyes before he looks at her hair, it was beautiful. That reproductive joke bit was funny but the phone will always crack me up, Jeff's tiny voice when he said he could just get another one is hilarious. Britta and pierce had their moments here and as much as i like their tandem i like annie and peirce more. Idk. Also their laptops are very cute, very old. Lol
“we're trying to save the planet, print 500 more of these”
Aaaa, Environmental Science. That opening was really good. This episode is a highlight for chang's character and i loved his and Jeff's relationship, they really make a fun banter. What can i say the last part of this episode was just great. That montage of troy and abed singing somewhere out there while the dance is happening, it's just brilliant. I like that transitions and how we see that jeff is capable of doing something decent even if it doesn't always look like he's doing anything.
“I am totally comfortable being uncomfortable”
The Politics of Human Sexuality. Troy and abed were kinda challenging themselves and I really love that for them. How abed cares about Troy's feelings really debunks the thing that he's emotionless. I love that the girls were able to do things here again, even if it's sneaking into the dean's office. Lol. Giant thumb in a turtleneck. 😂. Alison was in the commentary again for this episode and talked about how that closet thing story was based on her real life experience. Really fun bit. Also! That line from dean when he said alcohol just makes him sleepy, really funny.
“it's December 10th!”
Aaaaaaaaa Comparative Religion! This one's really good. I love that they get to talk about religion and beliefs without like picking on it. Also have i said how their overlapping murmurs and talking over each other in the background was really great? Nope? Yeah, well this cast make a pretty good background noise, i love it. Troy's face is the best. That shirley line where she said, “why do you hate me and jesus?” will never not be funny. And that bracelet that she made was really sweet. Yes she could get manipulative and may be good at gaslighting but i love how they still redeem her and make her still likeable in the end. And Yvette's voice is just so brilliant! Dan said that this episode was the episode where they really felt like they're really are a family, especially in Jeff's point of view.
“Annie's pretty young we try not to sexualize her”
Oh i love the opening for Investigative Journalism. I love how they hug after coming from their own breaks, and that jack black was suddenly there. Lol. I liked that bit where annie thanked jeff for getting mad and jeff said that those were the upside.. Really felt like somehow, behind all his bs and his inability to process his feelings, he's still capable of having one. This episode showed how he has the in the palm of his hand, yet as the show progresses, we'll see that it won't stay like that. And I love that. They're growing. And yep in the commentary alison said she gets those messages still, and after more than a decade, she still do. Sad. I remember what Dan said, she's a forbidden fruit. :)
05/19/21 - 05/21/21
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The Trials of Emi
Pairing: A little Minho. A sprinkle of Frypan. Gally x Emi(OC)
Summary: Emi, her twin brother Thomas, and a small group of gladers had been rescued and taken to a safe haven. Or so it seemed. It doesn't take long for Thomas to realize something is wrong. What happens next is a true trial for all of them but Emi's trials began the moment she was ripped away from a dying Gally. Watching someone you love die right before your eyes truly takes a toll.
Finally meeting the right arm could have been the end but betrayal leads to even more chaos and loss. A new mission to rescue those taken from them leads them to a city. The last city. After Emi finally comes to terms with everything that's happened something unfolds that changes everything again. She will have to not only deal with helping her brother take down WCKD and save their friend but also deal with all the new problems in her head and her heart.
Rating: As of right now it’s at most PG13. Some strong language that’s about it but it could change.
(This is the 2nd part/book to my other story "The Maze trials: A Gally Fanfiction". This will cover the events of the scorch trails and the death cure.)
Chapter Eighteen
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Gally opened the door so we could walk back out to the others. Just as he stepped out the door I grabbed his hand. I saw the smile spread on his face as he walked back out to the group with his hand in mine. My eyes met Fry's immediately. He smiled as he looked down at our hands. To my surprise Gally walked straight over to Fry. Gally extended his hand to the other boy.
"Thank you Fry" he said as they shook hands.
Fry raised a brow at him.
"For taking care of her. For being there for her. For everything." Gally said as he let go of Fry's hand.
Fry nodded. The sound of footsteps had me turning around. Thomas and Newt stepped off the stairs. Thomas had his arm tightly around the blonde boy. Something was wrong. I could see it in both their faces.
"I'm in" Thomas told Gally as the two boys stopped in front of us.
I pulled my hand from Gally so I could step over to Newt. I grabbed his face making him look up at me.
"What's wrong?" I asked as I searched his eyes.
He gave me a small sad smile. He stepped back then slowly pulled the sleeve of his jacket up. What I saw made my heart plummet to the floor. He's infected. He's sick.
"No" I whispered as I grabbed his arm.
"Don't worry about me love. I'm good. It's fine." Newt said softly.
I hugged him tightly. We can find something. Thomas' blood helped Brenda. It can do the same for Newt.
"Are you ready?" Gally asked from behind me.
I turned to see him talking to Thomas. My brother nodded then stepped back over to Newt. He pulled the blonde away from me. He hugged him tightly then placed his hands on both sides of Newt's face.
"We'll get you better I promise." Thomas whispered.
"Tommy, stop making all these promises." Newt whispered with a small smile.
Thomas chuckled softly then pressed his lips to Newt's. I couldn't help but smile at the sight. I had never seen them kiss before but everything both of them felt was clear to everyone.
"Ok, I'm ready." Thomas said as he stepped away from Newt.
"Hey" I said pulling Gally back by his hand.
He turned to face me. I grabbed his shirt to pull him closer.
"You be careful out there and keep an eye on my brother for me please." I told him softly.
"You got it" he smiled down at me.
He placed a soft kissed to my temple then jogged away to catch up with Thomas who was already in the other room.
"You two are getting along great I see." Newt smiled as he came to stand next to me.
"Yea" I smiled.
I grabbed Newt's arm that showed the infection spreading through his veins. I softly ran my fingers over it. Newt sighed then pulled his arm from me. He shoved the sleeve of his jacket back down to hide his arm.
"I'm fine Emi. Seriously, don't worry about it." He said then patted my cheek.
How can I not worry? Newt had been my best friend for years now. Granted we haven't been as close recently due to him and Thomas and everything else going on but that doesn't change a thing. The people in this room and the two idiots that just left are my family. I'd lost and gained family and from this point on I was more than determined not to loose anymore. Now that I've gained so much back I can't loose anything else. I'll burn WCKD and every supporter they have to the ground if I have to. I'll do whatever it takes.
"So, this Gally guy was the one you told us about?" Jorge asked stepping over to me.
"Yea, that's him" I said with a smile.
After a few minutes of sitting the group decided to wait in the room Gally and Thomas had left through. We sat around the table silently waiting for their return. The moment I heard the metal cover shift I knew they were back. Fry and I ran over to the cover to help move it. Thomas was the first one out. Next was Teresa with a bag over her head. Both Gally and Thomas were helping her climb up. As soon as Gally replaced the cover he grabbed Teresa then roughly shoved her down into a chair. Thomas sat in a seat next to the table beside Newt. Gally pulled the bag off of Teresa's head then walked over to the table to lean against it. I stood between my brother and Gally. Teresa took a moment to look around the room at each face that was staring at her until she landed on Gally.
"Gally?" She questioned in surprise.
He sighed as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Here's how this is gonna go. We're gonna ask you some questions, and you're gonna tell us exactly what we need to know. If you don't, Emi is more than happy to make you. We'll start off simple. Where's Minho?" Gally asked as he stared Teresa down.
Teresa immediately turned to Thomas.
"You guys don't seriously think-" She started to say.
Gally grabbed a chair then slammed it down in front of her. He sat down in it blocking her view of Thomas.
"Don't look at him. Why are you looking at him? Look at me. He's not gonna help you. Now, we know you have Minho in the building. Where?" Gally asked radiating the most command I've ever seen from him.
I couldn't lie it was pretty hot to see him like this.
"He's with the others in holding. Sublevel three." Teresa said quietly.
"How many others?" Newt asked.
"28" Teresa said simply.
We all turned to look at Brenda. She was over our transportation to get out of there.
"I can make that work." She said with a shrug.
"No. No, you guys don't understand. The whole level's restricted. You can't get in without a thumbprint ID." Teresa explained.
All we need is a thumbprint? Well, I could handle that quick and easy.
"That's why you're gonna come with us." Thomas said.
"Well, I don't know. We don't necessarily need her." Gally said as he stood from the chair.
"Right?" He asked as he walked over to the table beside me.
"Not all of her." He said as he grabbed the small knife from the table.
I smiled at his action. Oh yes, please, cut that bitch.
"We just need her finger." Gally said as he turned back to face Teresa.
"Gally back off." Thomas said softly but sternly.
I turned to look at Thomas in utter disbelief. Is he seriously still going to protect her?
"What, are you squeamish? I guarantee you she's done a lot worse to Minho." Gally said angrily.
"I agree. I want to see her bleed." I said with a smile as I glared at her.
"That's not the plan. Back off. Both of you." Thomas said as he stood from his seat.
"It won't make a difference. Do whatever you want to me. You still won't get through the front door. The sensors will pick you up." Teresa said harshly.
"We know. We're tagged. Property of WCKD. You're gonna help us with that too." Thomas said as he held the small knife out to her.
Newt was the first to get his tracker cut out. After him was Fry. When he was done I took the seat in front of Teresa for my turn. The boys were sitting around the table several feet away.
"This will sting a bit." She told me quietly.
"Just get it done." I snapped at her.
She was right. It did sting a bit but at this point the pain didn't bother me. I'd had worse.
"So, Gally's alive." She said quietly as she worked on pulling the tracker out.
"We're not doing small talk." I told her.
She sighed.
"I'm sure you probably hate me but I need you and the others to understand why I did what I did." She said.
I chuckled dryly.
"I do hate you. There's no probably about it. You're a pathetic traitorous bitch. If it was up to me I'd take your fingers to use then put your head on a spike right outside the front door of WCKD just to say hello to your best friend Ava. I don't give two shits why you did it. All that matters is you did it. You chose WCKD over your friends. Over your family." I explained darkly.
I wanted to get my point across but keep myself calm at the same time. It was easier said then done.
"You're done" she whispered.
I was immediately on my feet walking back to the table. Gally stood from his seat as I walked over to him. It was his turn now. He handed my a white cloth then walked over to Teresa. I held the cloth against the back of my neck as I sat down.
As soon as Gally was done Thomas took his place. I stood up to give Gally his seat back. When he sat down he pulled me to sit on his lap.
"She enjoyed that." Gally grumbled as he tossed his bloody cloth onto the table.
"You're probably right." Fry chuckled.
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coinofstone · 4 years
2x11 The Witch's Quickening
Hey Arthur, remember last time you were on a manhunt in Camelot and it led you to Morgana's chambers, and she talked you out of searching them and later admitted that she'd been hiding a fugitive in there? Have you learned NOTHING
And Merlin too, he doesn't like, double back and confront Morgana or suggest Arthur do that?
Why is Arthur yelling at Merlin so much in this? Who wrote this episode.
::Coin watch the show instead of playing on her phone challenge::
Morgana being manipulated by a nine year old
Why is Arthur insulting the food as if Merlin cooked it himself? Every other meal he brings up is from the palace kitchens but on this occasion Merlin cooked himself? Ok.
Even the fkin dragon is OOC in this ep
Morgana is so much more intelligent than this.
Gaius needs to bring this to Uther in the throne room like a member of the public? He couldn't get a private audience with the king? Ok.
I really don't remember this episode being so terrible, maybe I'm in a bad mood.
You know, not for nothing, but from Mordred's perspective Merlin is being an absolute dick, not only siding with the oppressor but actively working to sabotage their plans and hurt their people. As we, the audience, are privy to the reasons behind this, WE don't necessarily questions Merlin's actions, WE know he's after the crystal because he's trying to prevent Mordred and Morgana from teaming up and bringing harm to Arthur - that's all good and well but like... Merlin could never bring himself to kill Mordred because he's just a boy, but yet he's allowed the boy to go off and become somewhat radicalized (I say 'somewhat' because honestly, it's not all that radical to plot to overthrow the king that has been waging a genocidal war against your people for twenty fucking years) without ever trying to bring him into the fold. If Merlin had explained his and Arthur's destinies to the boy, made an argument for waiting out Uther's reign in the hope that Arthur's reign will bring peace and magic back to Camelot, but which may not happen if he sees his father killed by sorcerers, and explained his reasons for hiding who he is from Morgana, regardless of Mordred's ultimate destiny to be Arthur's doom, Merlin would've at least had a shot at cultivating an alliance or at very least an understanding between them. Instead, all Mordred sees is this supremely powerful sorcerer who isn't even a druid, serving the very people that would bring an end to their entire race if they could. Although, it seems as tho Mordred has forgotten who exactly snuck him out of the castle and back to the druid camp in three first place. Makes you wonder if Morgana never explained to him that she was believed to have been kidnapped when they found her with the druids last time, and that she went along with that lie for her own safety.
Tl;dr: communication is important kids!
Do I even need to point out how much sense Morgana's little tiff with Uther did not make? Or her sudden distrust of Gwen? If anything she should think Gwen would be an ally considering a) her father was killed by Uther, as an innocent victim of Uther's war on magic, b) Gwen was party to Morgana's previous involvement in aiding and abetting a druid fugitive, c) Gwen L-I-T-E-R-A-L-L-Y sacrificed herself to save Morgana from Hengist's men, the is zero reason to question Guinevere's loyalty to Morgana, and d) Gwen has never said a WORD against sorcery or hinted at any kind of prejudice against druids or anyone with magic.
I looked up the writing credit for this, it's Jake Michie who is also credited with some fantastic episodes like Lancelot, Beauty and the beast, and the Lamia to name a few. It was directed by Alice Troughton who has also done some good eps, including other eps written by Jake Michie, so like I really don't understand what went wrong here.
Oh God there's a commentary track on this episode. I don't wannnnnaaaaaa but maybe I'll learn something, like why it turned out the way it did.
Commentary by Julian Murphy, Alice Troughton, and Katie. I do not have high hopes.
Katie right off the bat explaining shit that's important to note, God I love her on these tracks. Apparently, this was one of the last things to be shot (Merlin films everything out of order and films several episodes concurrently, depending on filming location.) and it was being shot while three other episodes were being wrapped up - so they had FOUR episodes filming concurrently and a lot of THIS episode was directed by Julian Murphy, and Jeremy shot some of it as well. This COULD explain a lot of the inconsistency, but I question how much since Julian seems to be involved in filming lots of scenes in lots of episodes. But I guess it's possible that just that on top of the rush to finish and the pressure of so many spinning plates in the air right at the end. They've just said that for this episode they had the least amount of days to shoot it out of all the episodes they've done, which is partly why they had so much going at once. It's as good a reason as any to explain it being so off, but I don't really see that explaining the wildly off characterization.
Katie going on the whole thing about Alvarr-as-revolutionary and Alice picks up on Morgana's sort of desire to be in that position and they're having a quite meaningful discussion then Julian:I think she just thinks he's hot 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Katie says the script changed a lot even as it was filming, and that things were being changed as it was filmed so I'm kind of thinking for whatever reason this entire thing was a mess and that's why it came across looking so disjointed to me.
At least Julian realize the soup scene was terrible.
Idk why they're ganging up on Katie over the chemistry between her and Alvarr. She says she wasn't playing it that way and that she wasn't feeling it and they're just like "yea uh huh sure."
They're talking about having two units filming like a few feet away from each other in the forest, while there is another two units going in France.
Julian says they had added Alvarr's girlfriend in because they wanted to dramatize his charisma and calculation... but it's not manipulation - ?????????? Someone get the man a dictionary. 'We added a random blonde in four him to kiss so that the audience knows he's got a girl already, who sees him working his charm on Morgana and comments on it 'you played her well', but Alvarr isn't actually manipulative' ??????????
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They've just pointed out two entire significant beats within a sequence that was constructed on set and off script. Arthur's confrontation with Alvarr in the forest and Merlin's slow motion tracking the crystal to show its got a powerful draw. The more they describe the specifics of filming the more it sounds like an utter disaster which kind of makes me feel bad for being so harsh on the episode.
I keep having to rewind to focus on what they're saying and I feel like I've been watching this episode for about 4 hours.
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Awkward bit of prop-exposure there. Trying to work out what LK could even stand for.
Idk everyone's really happy with this scene between Morgana and Uther and I'm still sitting here thinking the dialogue was utterly ridiculous.
They talked about changing that final scene, where Uther clearly knows/suspects it was Morgana who helped Alvarr escape, so that it doesn't prematurely push the story too far ahead. They cut a look Morgana gives Merlin which, rightfully so, because it would've been too much too soon. The ending to this episode still feels wholly unsatisfying to me. I understand the little tag with the dragon yelling for Merlin to release him, I don't mean that, but the ending to the main story where Alvarr just escapes and Uther not only accepts that but also accepts that Morgana must've helped him. Overall Uther's been entirely sort of neutered throughout this episode, which I understand that partially has to do with it being Morgana, but like, in previous episodes when she's been so defiant against him, he's had her by the throat and locked her in a dungeon overnight. So I just doubt understand him being so subdued here, especially since he directly threatened her when he found pr Mordred escaped, and now another druid's escaped and he essentially knows she was involved given how she spoke to him, yet he doesn't do anything? Just wildly inconsistent behavior.
Anyway apologies for overanalyzing this episode, I realize I tore it apart pretty thoroughly during the commentary and the post became quite long. I wish there was a way to add a cut on mobile but there isn't. I'll have the S2 finale post up in a few hours - I might hold off on posting until I've watched the extras, I didn't do that for S1 but then I felt the extras didn't quite warrant a whole post on their own, so I might just tack on any thoughts I have to the 2x12 post. We'll see.
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Time for some rambling about the Prince and the Baker AU
(please ask me to tag anything I havent already tagged.)
As you know the story takes place in a time where the gays are looked at kinda like this
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Because of this a lot of people have to hide these things in order to avoid things like going to the church and getting an exorcism or being possibly killed. Jack, being one of quite a few LGBT people in the village, made the mistake of revealing himself and his family immediately went to look for a woman to "fix" him.
They found a girl named Karri, and when Jack's family talked to her family, all but the two people getting married agreed: they were getting married. What the families didnt know was Karri had a secret relationship with a woman and she was getting ready to run away with her.
The wedding happened. Neither of the two were too happy about it. Karri even wore a black dress because she would have rathered been at a funeral than be the bride to a guy who didn't even want to be there himself.
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Jack let her keep seeing her mistress. He cared less about what she did, all he had to do was pretend he loved her romantically when family was around. She returned the favor by helping him with the bakery. The only time they really had issues with each other is when someone came into the shop and they were expected to be lovey and everytime someone turned their back theyd both just
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Of course the parents of the "happy" couple did the whole "yo have kids" and they were both like "oh uh...we're waiting. yea waiting" but then the families were like "ok we've waited long enough cmonnnn" and Jack n Karri were like "fuck, man we've gotta otherwise they might burn us and accuse us of shit" so they like
[gestures hands in the one way. you know what I mean.]
Someone did cry afterwards. It wasnt the lesbian. Anyways, so that shit happened. Of course they were both fuckin tired of their parents shit and agreed to "ok after this you die and I'll be a widowed mother" and kept that plan good. Karri is eventually like "bro I might fucking die are you good with being a single dad" and the response was just "please dont fucking die"
well the day comes and she had 3 kids and died like 10 mins later. Jack went "wE HAD A D E A L"
anyways one of the 3 kids died and jack was like "fuck you two are next." and when they didnt perish he was like "oh I've gotta be a dad"
he tried his best. sure his wife he didnt make it and he lost one of his 3 kids but he still has a bakery and 2 of his 3 kids.
thank for reading if you read it.
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Hi Ash! :) I've spent the last 20 minutes or so going through your cat tag and your cats are so adorable! It seems Lydia is very talkative and she's really cute. I love her little antics lol. But I saw that you had another cat before Lydia and I think her name was Sybil? May I ask why you chose to find a new home for her? Did Julian not get along with her? Hope you don't mind me being nosy. 😉
Hello! I’m so glad my cat content just gave you 20 minutes of entertainment! Lydia has gotta be the most talkative kitty I’ve ever owned, and does she ever have a unique personality lol! She’s as loud and obnoxious as Julian is quiet and calm, but they balance each other out perfectly. 
I’m gonna put a keep reading bar for the rest, because my response got way longer then I expected, but also that situation wasn’t one I could explain in just a sentence or two.
I did have a previous black kitty named Sibyl. I got her as a kitten after a previous adult cat I owned (named Sebastian - I had adopted him as an adult cat and he had a lot of health issues and ended up having to be put down at a pretty young age after a battle with cancer). My first cat, Julian, who I got back in grad school, is superrrr social and grew up when I lived with two roommates, a dog, pet rats, and various foster kittens. So I’ve always wanted him to have a furry buddy, especially when I moved out on my own and had a job that kept me from being home during the day. So originally I got Sebastian, who passed away after I owned him for about 2 1/2 years, and then I got kitten Sibyl, and her and Julian got along fantastically. Julian loves kittens and is such a sweetheart. I owned her for about a year and a half, and though she was easily startled by noises and hid from everyone else, I never had any issues with her and she was such a love bug. 
There was an incident one evening where, to my best knowledge since I only heard it and didn’t see it, she was in the litter box and I don’t think Julian knew. He went to run in the box himself and I think scared her so badly that it’s like she flipped on him (one big lesson I learned from this is make sure the entrance of your litter boxes face out across the room, so that a cat can see immediately when they enter the room if another cat is already in there). She attacked him, and I separated them for the night, thinking she just needed to calm down. Well, she never did. I spent almost two months trying to slowly re-introduce them, and every time she had any sort of access to him, she’d attack him. And not in a regular cat spat kinda way, she was trying to kill him (he still has a scar on his mouth from the time she got away from me and flew into him for not even 10 seconds before I grabbed her). I’ve seen plenty of little cat spats, but I’ve never seen a cat focused on legit doing as much bodily harm to another as possible, and it was honestly pretty terrifying (and the ultra weird part was I could run in between them and grab her and not once did she ever turn on me). And Julian never fought back, he’d just huddle there shaking in a ball until I got her off him. I went to two different vets, consulted with an animal behavioralist, did alllll the medical tests and tried allll the behavioral techniques, and nothing worked. I think I watched every video and read every article on the topic that I could find, hoping there was some magical answer if I just tried hard enough. It was one of the most helpless feelings I’ve ever had, and on top of that I live in a one bedroom apartment, so I had them separated with one in my living room and the other in the bedroom. And since they both loved attention from me, I literally had to take shifts when I wasn’t at work with playing and cuddling with one while the other meowed and scratched at the door, then would switch and vice versa. It really took a toll on my mental health, and I have so much empathy for anyone who ever has to go through a similar situation. 
So, eventually, as Sibyl’s hypervigilance and aggression towards Julian started to get worse, not better, I made the heartbreaking decision that Sibyl needed a home where she could be the only kitty. I kept telling myself if she’d just give me one little sign of progress, I’d keep going, but she never did. If anything, she became so hypervigilant that she never relaxed and would just pace back and forth in front of the closed door and growl and hiss. It was heartbreaking, and it started to get to the point where I was afraid it was going to traumatize Julian because he was, understandably, scared a lot of the time because of it. I really wish I knew what happened in her little brain that made her see her harmless brother as the enemy, but I resigned myself to the fact that I’ll never know. I tried finding her a home through some FB groups, but let me tell ya, people can be horrible. The amount of judgment and poor advice I got was horrendous. So instead I came onto tumblr and made a post, and my followers were SO supportive. And because of this lovely site, one follower reached out to me and said her sister had recently lost her own little black kitty friend and was looking for another one. I spoke to the sister on the phone, who was just the sweetest human being ever (ya know that feeling when you get all the positive vibes and can just tell someone is a good soul? Yea, I got that immediately), and the very next day I packed up Sibyl and drove her a few states down South to her new home. Leaving her that day was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, and I cried the entire drive back. But her new mama loves the crap outta her, and I know now that I was just a step along the way for her to find her real furever home.
Now, even after being attacked multiple times and dealing with all that stress, Julian was still depressed af that his sister was gone. The apartment just didn’t feel right and I knew that he would hate being an only cat, so I started looking online at kitty rescues, and a couple of weeks later, we got Lydia. She was exactly what both he and I needed to lift our spirits and get us back on track. And though that situation was one of the hardest I’ve had to deal with, emotionally (which might sound ridiculous to some but my cats are my kids and I always swore I’d do whatever it took to make them happy - never thinking it would mean having to give one up), it ultimately led me to this little floof ball who is currently sleeping on my lap, and so I think it’s safe to say that it all worked out exactly as it was meant to in the end :) 
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