#i've been stressed all week and i cried so hard but then i ran out of steam and it was ok after that
nametakensff · 7 months
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judgementdaysunshine · 2 months
Mami's girl
Pairing: Rhea Ripley x Fem reader
Description: Rhea returns and you show her how much you missed her after showing your loyalty to her and JD
Pic credits to @romanthereigns and gif credits to @rhea-ripley
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You sit backstage with the urge to run out and beat the hell out of Liv and even give a hard smack to the back of Dom's head right before all hell breaks loose. Everyone backstage was full of many different reactions while fans lost their minds as Rhea walked down to the ring leading to her and dom walking backstage, you ran and jumped in rhea's arms with a squeal making her smile while sharing a quick kiss unable to wipe the smile off your face the rest of the night backstage with you being glued to her side after being on the road for the last few months without her and the drama with liv had made you almost pull your hair out and even think about taking some time off to relieve some of the stress that had been building and building especially over the last few weeks with liv plus your budding rivalry with Kairi didn't help matters. As soon as you and rhea were back to your shared hotel room she had you in her arms almost shuddering at her lips softly pressing along the side of your neck while in the shower leading to a series of paused kisses as you dried off but your pair of pajamas weren't put on after she dried you off head to toe, "I missed you" her nails lightly trailed along your body as her hands roamed all over your body and she nipped on your collarbone leading to her lips trailing further down your body with a smile hearing your airy whimpers and breathless moans that turned to guttural pleas as her tongue piercing hot your throbbing clit almost falling off the edge of the bed had she not been holding onto your waist as she kissed and licked making you go into an outer body haze of an experience feeling her lightly run through your hair and along your scalp as she straddled over your face with a light giggle before your hands groped and digged into the flesh of her thighs and hips unable to control your reaction to her loud moans and gasps from your tongue and fingers gasping for air when she laid beside you not expecting her to pull you against her without noticing that she had put on a strap. Your head was buried between her neck as tears streamed down your face and cries of pure pleasure were heard in her ear as she thrust into you at a quick pace not even being able to catch your breath before your body grinded against her as pleasure hit you and the air in your body vanished without a trace, "Mami missed you more baby, I am so proud of you for everything since I've been gone but I am back now and remember you're always Mami's girl and I love you" your vision went from dimmed out darkness to complete white as you went limp against her feeling her lips softly press to the side of your temple as she laid you on the bed wiping your legs and cleaning the strap before you were in her Monday night mami shirt and underwear tucked under the covers safely wrapped in her arms with your head on her chest as her hand ran up and down your back under the shirt as you dozed off, "I love you mami".
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ilkkawhat · 5 days
I can't believe it's almost been a year since AW2 was released. It really changed my life. For better or for worse? Who can say, but I've been having fun.
lol it's so surreal to me that it's been less than a year that I bought and played Alan Wake 2 (one month past release, in November) purely on a whim because I saw people on the silent hill subreddit talking about it and someone even made a meme about "friendship ended with silent hill now alan wake is my new best friend" and I kid you not within just a few days my life just...changed entirely.
I have a lot of depression and anxiety and somewhere in 2023 things just...went wrong and I stopped creating. stopped giffing, never thought I'd write again and drawing lmao forget it, that shit's been hard for me to do ever since a very discouraging experience back when I was maybe like, 11 or 12. stopped going on tumblr, had given up on discord a long time before then and became a miserable ghost doing nothing but burying myself in work in what i will admit is a toxic, overwhelming and stressful environment. I still played games, still watched shows but nothing was like. Sticking with me, I guess? Not like to obsession levels and minus some good vacations I was just...empty.
And playing Alan Wake 2 for the first time was a legit terrifying experience for me--not on the levels of the first time I played Silent Hill 2 maybe (legit locked myself in my room and put on my lamp in the middle of the day cause of the sound of footsteps behind me in that game lol and my dishwasher at the time sounded like that one chugging sound in the apartments) but the dread I was feeling as I got legitimately lost in the woods of Cauldron Lake and turned around in Coffee World (having basically explored it all before triggering the parts where the enemies spawn in) and the basement of Valhalla Nursing Home was thrilling and I was excited to be playing something that was so disturbing and mind bending and emotional, too. Not even knowing the story of Alan and Alice, my heart broke during Alice's final tape. Not knowing Alan's character outside of what I saw in the second game, his "fuck it" moment where he went back into the Dark Place felt so heroic. I felt an odd sense of nostalgia watching the Koskela brothers commercials, like I had known them my whole life. Alex Casey (both the FBI agent and fictional detective) is my favorite kind of wise-cracking guy who has a heart of gold, the old guy who I wish could be my dad. Tom Zane was that mysterious wild card that you know under the surface has something sinister, unsettling esp with his manipulation of Alan but is just so fascinating to watch. Of course I saw so much of my obsessive self in Rose with her shrine for Alan. Saga's time in the dark place felt so real to me, I cried and still cry every time I read that note from her mom at that part of the game (I know you can read it sooner but it packs a bigger punch with Saga's fight to get out of her own mind.) All of the characters quickly stole my heart and ran with it and maybe it was over a few days, maybe it was all at once the floodgates just...opened within me.
I started writing again. First with a character that I never thought I'd write for again because at the time, even just thinking about him legit hurt me. Then I started scheming up fics for Alan. Then I started giffing even from self-captured gameplay footage that I don't think I've ever done before. Then I started drawing in my Alan Wake journal--a journal which, I had not done since the peak of my CSI obsession during my teenage years and even then it wasn't to the extent of what that journal is now (which admittedly, has not been filled out in quite a number of weeks and maybe that's partially cause I tend to journalize myself on here too) And then one day I couldn't contain it anymore. I started sharing again. I don't talk to anybody really like, ever outside of these asks and occasional replies but I truly never thought I'd be part of a fandom again. I worried I'd fuck it all up again (still worry about that) for myself, or others. Or both. But all the kind messages, the kind tags, the awesome people I've started following because of Alan Wake, I wouldn't give any of that up.
And of course things branched off, crushing so hard on him I got obsessed with Ilkka. I played some of Remedy's other games (still working my way through Max Payne 2 and Quantum Break very very slowly) and went back to the first Alan Wake, of course which if I had known about earlier or had an Xbox I'm sure I would have loved it back then as much as I do now. Hell I even platinumed that and Alan Wake 2 and as someone who is notorious for not finishing games other than like. The Legend of Zelda series and playing some other endless games...think it says something that I've managed to beat and complete (I always do the rhymes, stashes, lunch boxes, every playthrough) Alan Wake 2 almost 10 times now.
I was happy. I'm still, for the most part when I'm not at work, happy. Call it what you want, a delusion brought on by a distraction of obsession, a dangerous escape threatening the part of me that is still rooted in reality in the way that like, what if I become too crazy about it where it blinds me to certain things or experiences or chases people away from me because I'm too weird about it (a very real thing that has happened before)
But damn with all of that...I'm having fun with it too.
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Well I'm glad I finally posted that damn novel.. I've been on and off coming on here rereading it lowkey scared to post. I feel dumb asf
Ig for a multitude of reasons but it none of it really matters. At the end of the day this was supposed to be here for my damn dph addiction so.. I'll just pretend none of the previous posts happened. Especially since I relapsed the other day lol
I thought I was doing really well. It had been like what.. 3 or so weeks. Maybe a month actually. It's the longest I've gone w/o since I've picked up this whole thing. But nonetheless, ran out of weed, got stressed out, cried, then ran back. I feel stupid for being so hopeful 😵‍💫
It's hard to explain. I know it sounds negative but atp, it is what it is. When I'm completely bare assing the world, all the highs hit a whooole lot harder. But those moments feel so few and far between. Which makes the lows feel sooo much worse. I don't think I can take it anymore. I knowing I'm feeling x10 worse about the same shit I experience any other day specifically cause I'm not high. And it does take a lot of the joy of some activities.. talking's harder. I can't really make bracelets with how shaky I get.. my throat is usually too dry to laugh + I'm usually too out of it to even understand the damn joke. But to me, it's a small cost compared to all the shit it numbs me to.
Uh well anyway for context I started writing that whole *thing* early October. Little bit after I said I'd delete. Then I just slowly calmed down and let things unfold til I think Nov 4th. We just now added each other back lmfao. But yeah I was salt trucking bout that shit for ages.. agesss. I'm shocked after about of month of random ranting and boohooing it ain't longer tbh
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priyankaraa · 2 years
Can you do a smut / angst request where jack had a rough day so he tries to relax having sex with the reader but he gets too rough and the readers shouts the safe word and then she starts crying and gets mad at jack and he started feeling bad and cares for her after.
Author's Note: I'm going to be honest, this was tough for me because I didn't know how far to take the sex. I hope this is good and I hope that it satisfies ya horny fuckers.
The front door slammed shut and Y/N jolted awake. She didn't even realise that she had fallen asleep on the couch. She had been waiting for Jack to return home from the recording studio. He'd been working non-stop for the past few weeks and their relationship took a bit of a hit because of it.
They spent less time with each other. Jack left early and returned late. He would barely talk to her and he even stopped giving her morning kisses.
Y/N knew Jack had a rough day because of the loud thud of his footsteps and his irritated sighs resonated through the room. He'd walked straight past her into the bedroom with purpose in every step and then, a couple seconds later, he walked back out.
His eyes scanned the room before they landed on her. She watched him wordlessly as he gripped her by the waist and hoisted her over his shoulders. The next thing she knew, she was tossed on the bed.
The look in Jack's eyes was unrecognisable. He undid his belt, sliding it through the loops. He dragged her down to the foot of the bed and undressed her in a flash. Her body was already heating up, her mind turning into a horny puddle when his lips collided with hers.
It was hard. His teeth nipped at her lips, then travelled down the length of her neck and chest, leaving painful hickies along the way. And then he wrapped his thick belt around her wrists, leaving them restrained behind her back.
Her ass was up in the air and he delivered a smack to it. Her flesh stung, a bruise forming. He ran his hand over the skin and she winced. Out of nowhere, he left another smack to the same spot and tears pricked her eyes.
She bit her tongue, holding back her protests. They weren't strangers to anything that was considered freaky in bed. She'd been handcuffed, blindfolded and spanked before. But this wasn't like all those other times. He'd barely said a word to her in the past days and here he was standing over her naked and restrained body.
He had sheathed himself in her and it burned. It was borderline painful, almost as if she was a virgin again. She wasn't ready. Foreplay was a huge thing, for any woman really, and Jack knew this. This wasn't the sex they usually had.
She thought she could suck it up, hoping he would give her some time to adjust but then they would go on but he started moving almost immediately. It felt like she was being torn from the crotch.
She couldn't take it. From the way their relationship had been lately and the way he was fucking her.
She yelled the safe word and the moment he pulled out, she scrambled away and pulled her wrists from the belt. She massaged her sore wrists, tears streaming down her face. Jack knew he fucked up. He knew Y/N didn't take his bullshit and wouldn't put up with this for long.
"I'm tired of this Jack," she spat. "Fucking me like this isn't going to help. I don't know if I can continue this relationship if this is how you're going to act whenever you're stressed or something goes wrong. I'm not some ragdoll. I have feelings and it hurts when you barely speak to me and then fuck me like I'm the problem."
Jack had to hold back his own tears. When he first met her, he promised himself he would never be the reason she cried and yet here they were.
"Baby, I'm sorry," his voice cracked and his eyes glistened with unshed tears.
"Sorry doesn't really fix things," she mumbled.
Actions speak louder than words.
"Come here," he whispered and she crawled into his arms. They stayed in each other's arms and he pressed tender kisses to her forehead. "I'm so sorry. I've only been thinking about myself. I've forgotten what's really important."
He laid her down on the bed softly, kissing down her neck and chest. It was then that he realised that this was his therapy. Not roughly fucking her to oblivion but hearing her satisfied moans and sighs.
"What are you doing?" She half-whispered and moaned.
His eyes glimmered as he smirked against her heated skin. "Taking care of my girl."
His tongue explored her intimate parts, her body squirming and her back arched. With her eyes screwed shut, she focused on his ministrations with his tongue, the loving words he mumbled in between against her dripping folding.
His finger pushed in and curled against her g-spot. Her walls clenched around his finger as her orgasm tore through her. He helped her through her high before pulling away.
"Did I make it up to you?" He panted.
She let out a soft sigh. "Not yet," she smiled. "Maybe you need to try a bit more."
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glowstick-cafe · 3 years
Abandoned||SBI x hybrid!reader
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SBIx hybrid!reader
Genre: Angst
Warning: Violence, Swearing, implied injury??
I use the Doomsday war to my advantage, that just feels right.
Why is everything dark?
I-Why can't I see?!
Why can't I move my wings?!
Dad! Help me, I'm scared!
"Dad! Help me, I'm scared!" Tears rolled down my face as I clung to the tree branch, "Y/n, it's ok! Keep your eyes on me and jump." Philza yelled. You were playing hide and seek with your brothers and managed to get stuck in a tree, which is why you're in this situation. "W-What if I fall?!" I yelled back, my tears blurred my vision, the only thing recognizable to me was Phil's white and green bucket hat. "I'll catch catch you. I promise." He said, his calming voice relaxing me. You took his word of it and jumped from the branch, you expecting to hit the ground or Phil's arm at least but with a small peak you saw that you were flying. "D-Dad....I'm flying!" You yelled excitedly while Philza was clutching his chest as if his heart was about to collapse on itself. If you were to ask him about it today, he would say that it was the most stressful day of his life.
"Tech, c'mon!" You whined, as your brother payed not mind to the fact that you were bothering or well at least trying to bother him. "Y/n, for chirst sake stop annoying your brother." Philza said, he just wanted some peace and quiet in the house for once and you were the only thing keeping it from that. "Y/n, I've already told you that you can't go outside with me a night, you're going to get hurt." The pink haired piglin murmured, "I can protect myself, you know this." "No, is no." He said in a stern tone making you huff in annoyance.
"Go with him, I won't tell a soul." Wilbur's voice cheered, his red beanie rested lazily on his head as he leaned on the couch. "Thank you, I'll do your chores for 3 days." "Make it a week." "Fine." After that little exchange you ran out the door to find Techno.
Deep into the forest you silently trail behind your brother while hiding behind trees and bushes, upon hearing a sudden noise that surprised you, you turned around to see your brother nowhere in sight. Your breath quicken as you looked around the forest in panick, where the hell is he?, while walking through the forest you bumped into someone, "Techno! I'm so glad to see yo-AAAA!" You cut yourself off to find out that instead stood a zombie, you backed yourself into a tree which left you nowhere to go, as much as you wanted to use your wings it was useless since the zombie could just grab you. "I can't believe I'm going to die to a zombie-" You managed to say, your terror was short lived because Techno stabbed the zombie through the heart. "Techno, I'm so sorry for following you. I almost got killed and-" Your rambling was cut short due to the sudden hug from the piglin, "I'm just glad your ok, I don't know what I'd do with myself if you got hurt." He whispered, all you could do was cry into his never as he carried you home.
"Dad, I'm not six anymore, I take care of myself. Techno gets to move out, what about me?!" You yelled, it was anthor fight between you and Phil, it's been getting more worse everytime. "The difference between you and Techno is that he proved that he can take care of himself." Phil argued back making you more annoyed. "When did it become about proving something? All I'm asking you to do is trust me, when did the become so hard to do?!" You screamed, you were at your limit, you ran out of the house and flew up to sit on the roof.
You were left to your thought until you heard a familiar voice, "It's rough in there haha..." Wilbur said, he was trying to make you feel better but he mentally cursed himself for even saying that. "You know he's trying his best right?" He sighed, Wilbur took a seat next to you and stared at the sky. Phil, Tommy, Wilbur, Techno and you used to sit on the roof and talk about the weirdest of things while watching the sunset, but not that Techno left to love on his on it doesn't feel the same. "Yeah, but I wish he'd do the bare minimum and treat me like I'm seventeen." I mumbled letting out a deep sigh, "Well, just know that I have your back no matter what, ok?" Wilbur reassured, he put out his pinky finger and you did the same, "Ok..." You gave the brunette a small smile then turning your attention back to the sunset.
"Now you've done it ya lil shit!" You jokingly yelled, you chase Tommy around the living room while Phil was making dinner and Wilbur was writing a song in his book. "Dad help! Y/n is brutally murdering me!" Tommy yelled while Phil hummed, not paying any attention to the blonde. "Imbeciles! Everyone of you in this house, imbeciles!" The blonde chanted while everyone laughed at you piled your entire weight on the boy.
Later in the night you heard a knock on your door, you utter a gentle come in to see Tommy. "What's up bud?" You ask, you sat up to look at him, "You know how Phil is finally letting you go live on your own?" You hummed and watced the boy try to find his word. "I...I don't want you to go-" He said, his voice sounding shakes which alarmed you.
"Is that was this is about? C'mon, sit." You sighed and patted a spot on you bed signaling for him to sit. "I know that you're going to miss me but just know that you'll have to get used to not having me around, I'm sure Wilbur feels the same. I believe in you, big man." I said while ruffling his hair, his expression seemed like he still wasn't read to let go. "But what about when you wake me up when I don't want to get up? What about you kicking me under the table during dinner, what about when I need you to tell me that everything is find? What about-" He paused to collect his thoughts. "Y/n, what am I without you?" His words made me halt, "Yourself..."
"You chose your side Y/n, Techno and I chose ours." Phil spoke, his tone cold and devoid of care."But, I thought- I thought we were a family." I say, Philza only wince at my words. I look up at him, Techno, and Dream as they set off the TNT dropper, with little time I tried to fly away I kept missing the TNT only by a kiss and a prayer until, "Y/n look out!" Tommy yelled, I quickly look behind me see TNT about to explode, out of instinct I use my wing to shield me.
Why is everything dark?
I-Why can't I see?!
Why can't I move my wings?!
Dad! Help me, I'm scared!
Why is no one there?
Dad-No, Phil, Techno, Wilbur, Tommy.....where are you?
My body felt like it was about the give out, I was losing a lot of blood. "I guess this is how I die...Techno can't save me this time." I chuckled to myself, "I wonder how one of Wilbur's songs go... Jubilee Line, was it?" I paused.
"Wasting your time
You're wasting mine
I hate to see you leaving
A fate worse than dying
Your city gave me asthma
So that's why I'm fucking leaving."
While I was singing a voice called out to me, it seems like I was buried under a pile of rocks...cool I guess. A hand reached and pulled me out of the dark creavis, surprising me completely.
I didn't realize how relieved I was to not die until I stole a hug from the person that saved me, he smelled of blueberries and heaven he was wear a colorful hoodie and a sea foam green swirl on the front. "It's ok, everything will be ok." Even his soft voice resembled an angel, I cried into his hoodie an. The man hugging me whispered small reassurances as my tears stain his hoodie, in that moment I've never been this scared to let someone go.
I hoped you liked this because I sure did, I shall go pass out now. It's 3:06am rn.
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imthebadguyyy · 3 years
God, I Love You
Lewis Hamilton X Reader
Summary - Its been a tiring couple of race weeks, and you just want to love on your man
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Stretching, you slowly opened your eyes as the first bright rays of sunshine peeked through a gap in the curtains, that you had drawn shut the previous night. As you slowly regained complete consciousness, you became aware of the slight weight around your waist, and the feel of warm breath on the back of your neck.
Suddenly remembering the events of the previous day, a smile etched itself onto your lips, as you rolled over to see a sight you had sorely missed for the past three weeks. Lewis was still fast asleep, head buried in your neck, and arm slung around your waist. Smiling as you took in the sight, you became faintly aware of the sound of paw steps down the hall, as Roscoe's face peeked in through the open door. Sitting up very slowly so you didn't wake your sleeping boyfriend, you extended your arms towards the dog, who came trotting forward for a morning cuddle.
After some morning loving for the dog, you decided to get up and start your day, and let Lewis sleep off the exhaustion, exhilaration, stress and jet lag from the races he had won. He had only come home yesterday, and it had been so late in the evening that you had just eaten dinner together, and talked for a bit, but sensing how hard it was for him to even keep his eyes open, you had simply gone to bed. But today, you had planned to simply spend time together, to make up for the time he had not been there.
Stepping into the bathroom, you did your morning routine, of brushing, using the toilet, and tying your hair up into a ponytail. Then you made your way into the kitchen, the bulldog following right by your side. When you had begun dating Lewis, Roscoe had simply started treating you like his mom, and once, when Lewis had referred to you as 'Mumma' while talking to him, you cried. That was the moment you knew that this was always going to be your family. Ever since then the dog had become your fur baby as well, and Lewis often joked that Roscoe loved you more than he loved his own dad.
Deciding that waffles and fruit was the way to go, you quickly whipped up the batter, and poured it into the Mickey Mouse shaped waffle iron that you had bought at a Disney themed store. Picking out some strawberries, mango, orange segments and blueberries to put in a bowl on the side, you also decided to prepare Roscoe's bowl, so the doggo could eat with you guys. Soon, the smell of waffles wafted through the air, and you took out two perfectly shaped waffles to put onto the plate. Quickly pouring more batter into the pan, you began to set up the breakfast tray, and then make your way back to the bedroom.
With breakfast eventually ready, you picked up the tray laden with waffles, cut fruit, tea, maple syrup and a bowl of dog food and walked up quietly to the bedroom. The curtains were still drawn, although the gentle breeze kept moving them to the side, causing little rays of sunshine to peek through and shine on Lewis's face. To combat the light, he had simply pulled the fluffy white blanket over his head to keep the light away from his face, and you mentally "awed" at the sight. Setting the tray down on the bedside table, you climbed into the bed, and wrapped you arms around his torso, peppering kisses onto his neck, and moving onto his face, kissing his chin, nose, cheeks, forehead, eyes, and then finally, just above his lips.
Stirring as you kissed his face, Lewis's eyes slowly fluttered open, taking in his surroundings. After momentary confusion about where he was, he remembered that he was back home. Back with Y/N and Roscoe. A feeling of happiness and pure joy began to spread through his body, as he turned to see Y/N's e/c eyes looking at him with pure love and adoration. "Good morning bubs! Did you sleep well?" she asked, fingers tracing shapes over his bare skin. "Morning baby. I did" he replied, snuggling into her warmth, burying his face in her chest, as she began to softly play with his hair. "I made breakfast"
"You didn't have to" "I wanted too" 'MmmHmm"
As you basked in each others warmth and cuddled up to each other, Roscoe, deciding that he wanted some loving too, jumped onto the bed, right between the two of you. "Hello Roscoe" Lewis said, reaching out to pet the doggo. Wagging his tail, he trotted up to your body, and sat down near your tummy, resting his head on Lewis's shoulder. Feeling loved up and comfortable between both your boys, you let out a sigh of content, and rested your head on your boyfriend's shoulder. Humming something under his breath, Lewis began running his fingers along your bare arms, causing goosebumps to erupt over your skin.
"The foods getting cold" you suddenly said out loud, hopping out of bed to go and get the tray from the bedside table. Getting out of bed, Lewis made his way to the bathroom, and eventually came back to the room in a couple of minutes, to find Roscoe munching away at some treats, while you had picked up a little folding table and placed it on the bed to rest the tray on. Feeling extremely happy once again, he climbed back onto the bed, and grabbed his share of the food on the table.
His phone began to vibrate, Toto's caller ID flashing across the screen. Groaning, he put the phone face down on the table, and ignored the call. "Why aren't you picking up ? It could be important you know" Sighing, he turned to you, "I spoke to him yesterday, and if its that important he can simply text me after I don't pick up. Plus I've seen him for three weeks straight, and now I want to spend time with YOU" pouting, he looked back at you, making you let out a snort of laughter at the look on his face. "Ok drama queen. Now eat your breakfast and then we can take a shower"
Smirking, he looked at you from the corner of his eye, "we?"
"Yes, now shut up and eat" you said, nudging him with a glint in your eyes.
"Yes ma'am"
After taking a shower together, and washing the dishes and the general monotonous household work, the both of you decided to take a walk along the beach, and take a frisbee along with you.
Dressing in the appropriate attire for the beach, you put Roscoe in his "ROSCOE 44" harness and walked out of the house. The beach was only five minutes away from your house, and you enjoyed the salty smell of the ocean air. It was a bright and sunny day, accompanied by a pleasant, cool ocean breeze as well. As you neared the golden sand, the bulldog bolted towards the sand, and ran right up to the water, and turned back to look inquiringly at the two of you. Laughing, you caught up with him, setting down the beach bag Lewis had packed for your beach day on a towel. Deciding to just relish in the Sun rays, you laid down a second towel, and removed your wrap around dress to lie in your bikini.
Lewis on the the other hand, decided to go for a swim in the water, and stripped off his t-shirt, so he remained in just his swim trunks. Looking over the top of your sunglasses, you couldn't help your gaze wandering all over his toned and muscled body, letting your eyes drink in the sculpted muscle and the tattoos that adorned his body, eyes lingering over each and every one, teeth unconsciously sinking onto your lower lip. "Enjoying the view?" his cocky voice made you look up at his face, still feeling slightly dazed.
"Yeah, because its mine to enjoy" you replied, throwing him a smirk. Rolling his eyes, he ran to the water to join Roscoe for a swim, while you watched with a smile on your face, as you watched your two boys chase the waves together. Whipping out your phone, you opened Instagram, to film the pair, and uploaded it onto your story with the caption : beach days with these two make everything better 🤍🤍
When the rays became too hot, you guys packed up your bags and made your way back home, stopping to buy some ice cream to beat the heat. Deciding to simply order some Chinese takeout food for dinner, with a bottle of wine, you settled down in front of your TV to have a movie night together. Lewis was in the kitchen, making some popcorn, and bringing you guys some wine as well.
Settling for 'Lion King' for your first movie, you let Lewis sit down, and prop his feet up on the pouffe in front of the sofa, while you tucked your feet up in the sofa, and laid your head down on his chest, his arm coming round your shoulder to hold you tightly. Roscoe sat by Lewis's feet, already asleep from the tiring day he had had at the beach. As Simba met Timon and Pumba, Lewis turned to look down at your face, "God, I Love You" smiling back at him, you leaned up to press your lips to his jaw. " I love you too"
Leaning his head down, he pressed his lips to yours, setting down the bowl of popcorn, to wrap his hands around your back, to keep you in place, as you pushed yourself up, wrapping your arms around his neck, as his hands began sliding up your back to finally rest in your loose hair, while yours slid down to his toned shoulders, and straddled his lap. The kiss grew more and more desperate, until you two finally broke apart, for the need of oxygen, resting your foreheads against each other, breathing heavily. " I love you. You're so good to me"
"I love you more"
"Not possible"
The moment was broken by a loud "wuff" as you both turned to look at the dog, who had stood up and was now looking up at the two of you with a look that said 'get a room parents!' "Roscoe!' Lewis whined, "We were having a moment" Laughing, you got off his lap, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "I love you. Now, we have to feed to dog"
'Mmhmm' he mumbled, leaning into your touch.
"If you get up now and set the table, I promise I'll lock the door so Roscoe doesn't come in tonight" you said, looking over your shoulder, to wink at him. Eyes darkening slightly, he turned to look at you, and walked right up to you, pressing his palm onto your waist. "You better lock that door tonight. No doggy trauma in this house"
OK OK OK OK FIRST F1 FIC. let me know what you thought !
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Thank you thank you thank you to @grandestrategia for the idea ❤
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lovelyminnieee · 3 years
Without you- J.J.H
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Pairing: Jaehyun x reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Car accident mentions, mentions of death, father!Jaehyun, Coma, mentions of losing a loved one
Summary: Jaehyun doesn't want to deal with life anymore. Without you there to hug him, or tell him it was okay to cry, he didn't want to even come home, unless it was for his daughter. He missed you, so much he could go crazy. Maybe you will never come back, he hasn't lost hope yet. Will you be able to comeback to him and your daughter's lives again?
A/n: this is my first fic on my account, feedbacks would be deeply appreciated. Uh, I am a little nervous to post it, but please do give me feedbacks. And the paragraphs written in italics are memories
It's been 3 years. Three years without you. There wasn't one day where he didn't think of you. Your daughter and the way she reminds him of you. He's tired of it, tired of life. Without you there to comfort him, tell him it's okay to cry, he's tired.
"Eun ha, we have to get to school!" Jaehyun shouts from one end of the apartment, packing her lunch. "Coming daddy!" His daughter waddles over to him, struggling to put her shoes on. "Let me do it," Jaehyun said as he picked her up and put her on the table. He smiles as he puts her shoes on quickly, placing her down after. "Let's go, okay baby?" Jaehyun holds her little hand, her bag in his other hand.
Jaehyun opened the door to the apartment and sighed. An empty home was not really welcoming. You weren't there to hug him, tell him that you love him. His habits haven't changed, he sat down on the couch and pulled out his phone.
"I miss you so fucking much..."
He texted your number. He missed you so much, he was going crazy. He closed his eyes, trying to hold tears bay. He sent you a picture of Eun ha in her dress up outfit. Like a princess.
"Look at Eun ha, she looks so pretty. Just like you baby"
His fingers type, the memories flooding in. He took you for granted while you were there, and that is the thing he regrets the most in life. 
"I understand, but you can't just ignore me like that, Jae," you said, angry. He was ignoring you for the past few days, and you had no idea why. He said it was because of work, but he wasn't there at work during work hours. "No Jae, you're not working, you're somewhere else during work hours," you said, your eyes staring at him. Jaehyun paused for a minute, speechless. He was preparing something special for you, and that was the reason. "I- I was-" Jaehyun sighed. You were getting on his nerves. "Y/n, just leave me alone. You don't understand," he said and walked away, frustrated at your behaviour. You didn't know why you got angry so quickly, you were usually so calm and collected during arguments. "So now you want me to leave you alone?" You scoffed. Jaehyun turned around and stared at you. "Isn't that what I just said?" He stares back at you. "So it's completely okay for you to go out during work hours? And ignore me when you come home? What the fuck, Jae?" You raised your voice a little. "Can you not right now? I'm frustrated, Y/n." Jaehyun tried to keep his cool. "Jae, I've been dealing with so many things, do you think you're the only one who deals with stress?" You ask him, tears swelling in your eyes. Jaehyun closed his eyes, trying to stay collected. Maybe you had a reason to be mad this quick. "You might as well be cheating on me, or lying to me. And what not-"
Jaehyun went silent. His heart pounded in his chest at the news. Well, that certainly wasn't a good way to release the news. She was pregnant? He thought.
"You're what?"
"You know what, nevermind," you walked away, wiping your tears. Jaehyun ran up to you and hugged you from behind. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," Jaehyun whispered, kissing your neck softly. "I'm hurt, Jae." You whispered, your voice cracking. "I'm so sorry," he said, his hands softly resting over your tummy. Jaehyun's face ceased into a smile, continuing to press his lips against your neck. "I'm going to be a father," Jaehyun's eyes teared up as he twirled you around and kissed you softly. Everything felt unreal at that moment. He was going to be a dad. His heart swelled in happiness, pulling your waist closer to him.
"I'm so sorry about everything. I love you so much"
He pressed the send button, his eyes tearing up.
"Please come back to me, to Eun ha"
Tears ran down his cheeks and his world darkened again. Three years of torture. Three years without you. He doesn't know how he's going to manage. He shifted on the couch, staring mindlessly at the ceiling. "I miss you so much, Y/N." He whispered, holding his tears in. He had to visit you at the hospital soon, so he put his emotions aside for a moment and got up. He walked to his room and changed in a few minutes, grabbing his bag and walking out the door.
"Hi baby, I'm here," he whispers softly, walking closer to your bed. Your parents had been taking care of you for the past two days because he was busy, but now that he's here, he wants to tell you everything. He knows you're listening, unable to talk. "How are you, love? Is everything okay? Does it hurt?" He asks, gently caressing your hands. He misses your whiny self. Whatever he said, the room was so silent when it was supposed to be filled with your sweet voice. He sighs and closes his eyes, trying to hold in his emotions. "I miss you so much," his voice comes out as a broken whisper. "I can't do this anymore. I can't do this without you, please come back, I'm sorry," he cries, holding your hand close to him. Jaehyun remembers the day the accident happened.
"I'll meet you at home, babe. I love you," he said, cutting the call with a smile on his face. "You make me feel so single," Johnny whispers from his work desk, sighing. "Come on, John. You can bag girls if you try," Jaehyun chuckled as he put on his jacket. "Lucky, you get to go home early while I'm stuck with hyuck, great." Johnny rolls his eyes. Jaehyun just chuckles, walking out of his shared office space.
"So, how was work today?" Jaehyun asked, his eyes focused on the road. "Bad, all that man had to say was I did a bad job and screamed at me. The audacity," you scoffed on the other side of the phone. "Which man? The manager or the CEO?"
"Of course it has to be the manager. He's so annoying I swear," you sighed.
"Oh well, I'll ask him to shut the fuck up next time so he won't annoy you, okay?"
"Ew that was so cheesy, Jae," you cringed behind the phone. Before Jaehyun could even process your reply, loud crashes and screams were heard. He called for you repeatedly, only to realise that you weren't replying.
"I'm so sorry, if I hadn't distracted you, you would still be here for me." Jaehyun cries hard. He looks up at you to see tears running down the side of your face. "Sssh, don't cry," he said, wiping your tears and letting his hand rest on your face. He places a soft kiss on your forehead, his heart hurting at the sight of you. You laid in the bed, limp and pale. "Hey, you know..." He sniffled. "I met your manager on my way here today," he smiled, trying to get the mood better.
"And then, she was trying to write C, but Eun ha wrote it like it was mirrored," Jaehyun giggles softly, his hand still caressing yours. Your hands felt warm to him, and it was the best thing in the world to him. Just as he was about to let the unknown tears in his eyes fall, he felt something. He felt your hand move. His gaze snapped to your hands, which once moved. "Baby, can you do that again for me?" He says hastily, trying not to cry. And he sees a movement, yet again. "Wait for me, I'll go get the doctors, okay?" He says and hurries out of the room, holding himself together. He will come apart any second, but now was not the time.
Doctors rush in and out of the room as Jaehyun watches from the side, tears falling. He had called his mother and asked her to pick Eun ha up from school, just so that he can stay with you longer. "Mr. Jeong?" The doctor called. Jaehyun's cloudy gaze snapped to the doctor, hurrying over to the man. His first clenches in the anticipation of the news as the doctor smiles. "This is the first time I've seen something like this. Her senses are responding to the tests, after a full three years." The doctor tells him. "Is that good?" Jaehyun askes, sniffling. "Yes. Mrs. Jeong's health seems to be progressing so much more than the last three years, she has a higher chance of recovering from the coma for a week or so," Dr. Cho assures him, patting him on the shoulder before he leaves. Jaehyun stares at you for a moment before he comes closer to you. "Hey baby, you're gonna come back to me and Eun ha, aren't you?" Jaehyun asks softly, tears welling in his eyes yet again. "You will, I know it." He kissed your forehead again.
The hopeful week was crucial. Jaehyun visits you everyday of the week with Eun ha, trying his best to make you happy. He'd give his life up for you because what he and his daughter needed the most during this time was you. He had to go to work nevertheless, but you would never be left without a visitor. Mostly being his or your parents and your kid, or him and Eun ha. He was hopeful until the last day of the week rolled over, and he got a call from the doctor.
"Mr. Jeong, I need to talk to you as fast as possible."
"Is there a problem, Dr. Cho?"
He hears a sigh from the other side that sends fear through him.
"We need to talk as fast as possible. Can you make it to the hospital now?"
"Of course, give me 30 minutes, doc,"
Jaehyun cut the call, panic settling within him.
"Johnny, please take care of this document for me. I just got a call from Dr. Cho. I need to go, okay?"
"Yes sir, don't worry about it,"
Johnny said, gesturing to him to hurry on his way. Jaehyun rushed out of the building, getting into his car in no time. In fifteen minutes, he was there at the hospital. He found the same office he's been visiting for the last three years in a couple of minutes, panting as he barged in through the door.
"I was expecting you, Mr. Jeong," Dr. Cho said, sitting upright. He had a bad feeling about what he was going to hear. "I need you to sit down and take a deep breath," the doctor said, sympathy marked in his eyes. Jaehyun sat down hesitatingly, staring at the doctor.
"Would you like something to drink or...?"
"Cut the crap, Dr. Cho,"
Jaehyun snapped. The man just sighed, looking him in the eye. "Your wife, Mrs. Jeong, was pronounced brain dead over 20 minute ago. She had a stroke which caused the brain to stop working," Jaehyun's broken world came crashing down in a few seconds as soon as he heard the news.
"Sir, you need to calm-"
"No no no, she hasn't died yet. She can't die yet. You said she was making steady progress, YOU SAID SHE MIGHT WAKE UP, WHY CHANGE YOUR WORDS NOW?!" Jaehyun asked, tears running down his cheeks.
"Jaehyun, listen. It was a stroke that prompted brain death. We can keep her on a machine which pumps oxygen onto her organs which will keep her warm, but it won't do anything,"
"Can you step out for a minute?" Jaehyun asked him, his voice soft. "Of course," the doctor said, moving on his way out.
Jaehyun takes in the news, tears pouring out of his eyes. All he asked for was you and God denied. Great, he hopes that he at least gets to see you one last time. He stepped out of the doctor's office with red eyes and nose. "Can I see her for the last time?" Jaehyun requests, to which the doctor agrees. Tears kept flowing on his way to the room, wiping then with the sleeve of his shirt.
"Go on in," the doctor says, gesturing at the door. Jaehyun holds onto the handle and hesitates before sliding the door open. He keeps his eyes locked on to the floor and when he does lift his eyes, surprise strikes him. You were up, alive and well. Jaehyun blinks before wiping his eyes and looking again. "Jae..." His name rolls off your tongue, bringing him back to earth. He didn't say anything, but he rushed to you and engulfed you in a big hug. He held you close to him, not letting go. It's not like you wanted to let go either. "Jae..." You said, letting your head rest on his shoulder, arms wrapped around him tightly. "I missed you so much," he whispered, breaking into tears again. "God, you're so warm. I missed this so much," you say softly. He missed your voice so much. Jaehyun pulls back gently and stares at your famished face, wiping your tears. "I love you so much, so much," he said, cupping your cheeks in his hands. Your tears ran down again, you missed him so much.
"So what was that?" Jaehyun questions the doctor, glaring at him. "Well uh, your wife had a special request," the doctor smiles, looking away after. "Cho Si-hyeon, I will smack you," he glares, shooting lasers through his eyes. "Hey! Yell at her, not me!" Si-hyeon, his fellow classmate who was a year older than him exclaimed, pointing at you. "No," Jaehyun said, kissing you all over your face as you giggled softly. "She needs to get physiotherapy for her legs and you can go home after," Si-hyeon says, watching them both enjoy each other's presence. "Mhm, 'kay. What else?" Jaehyun said, his gaze fixed on you. "This is disgusting. Bye, I can't stand it," Si-hyeon scrunched his face, leaving the room. "Tsk, he's just jealous that I have such a pretty wife," Jaehyun says and places a small kiss on your lips. "Oh well," you whispered, pulling him into a soft and we'll needed kiss, for both.
Taglist: @sparklysung @trying-to-love-myself
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"Could you do Teruteru, Hifumi, and Ryoma getting drugged by a love potion and falls (even harder) for the reader (who has already fallen for them)?"
100% I can!! :D
Warnings: Mentions of love drug/potion, slight obsession(?), and swearing.
Hifumi Yamada
•Proceeds to rant about how amazing Hifumi is
•Fanfic boy loves you very much!! (Though he did his best to hide it)
•It felt like when a cat loved it owner. Celeste went out the window. This man would get on his hands and knees for you. 🙇🏽‍♂️
•You also loved him very much!! (Literally Taka had to keep Mondo from lunging at you two and screaming "JUST DATE ALREADY!!")
•Oh but what's this? A drink on his desk after a hard day of drawing and writing manga?
•Well of course he drank it!! He chugged that drink and felt quite satisfied after.
•And back to work he goes :›
•He had some music on and his script for his next manga, scribbling out the sketches for his newest manga when he felt the sudden urge to go see you.
•It was nothing too new. Could've been he just wanted to show you the script for his manga!! A beta read!
•So Hifumi happily found you and sat you down, showing you the script for his manga!
•He felt a bit- different.
•He felt like he needed to have you in his arms.
•He needed you closer.
•He needed- you.
•The even more clingy behavior continued for a few days.
•Though you didn't mind, you did find it a bit strange.
•Why was he so clingy?
•You already read this script-
•And read that one too-
•Didnt he have things to do?
•He was going to fall behind in his schedule if he continued like this!!
•So when you saw him walking over to you once again, you pulled him to the side and questioned him.
"Hifumi, you've been acting kinda strange these past few days. Are you okay? Don't get me wrong, I love having you by my side but you're going to fall behind in your schedule."
"Well...I don't really know how to explain it. I feel like I've got to be with you all the time!! A-And I'm getting work done!!"
•He huffed and whined for a while longer as you continued asking him things before he got frustrated with himself and finally blurted it out
"Fine!! Fine. I like you, okay? I have for a while a-and I just didn't know how to tell you-...I found this drink on my desk one day and now that I think about it, it could've been one of those love potions that I've been hearing about...could've made my feelings stronger.."
•He started muttering towards the end but you could understand the gist of it.
•You reassured him it was fine and that you accepted his feelings.
•Which was returned with a loud,
•*Once again has to calm fanfic boy down*
•After calming him down (again) you went over your own feelings.
•He had the brightest smile on his face I swear
•He just couldn't hold back!
•So he picked you up and held you close, hugging you sweetly
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!"
Teruteru Hanamura
•Love Potion exists?
•He probably bought it.
•This boy is already so head over heels for you it's absolutely adorable.
•He 100% cooks for you.
•Breakfast? In bed.
•Lunch? Made your favorite food.
•Dinner? You can eat with him! :D
•And his food is just 😩 to die for
•He does his best to tone down the sexual comments a bit, though he can't help if one or two slip out!
•Compliments you every 5 minutes no lie.
•Though he does turn cherry red if you compliment him
•If you allow petnames, he WILL call you darlin' and sugar the most.
•Now for the fun part
•He was most likey cooking and was working with the oven.
•Ovens hot. His clothes are pretty hot.
•So he stripped got something to drink out the fridge
•He blindly took a glass out the fridge and drank it.
•Drank the damn love potion-
•He knew he accidentally drank it. He read the label he had put on the glass right after he drank it.
•Unlike Hifumi, he tried staying away from you
•Poor boy doesn't know how to show such strong feelings :(
•He still does cook for you though
•And leaves you little snacks
•Did yelp when you came into the kitchen once without him knowing (it's true I was the dust on the oven window)
•Alot more fiddly and nervous when he has to go ask you something
•His gaze is towards the floor and he's playing with the ends of his scarf as that adorable accent decorates his speech
•Hes so nervous oh poor baby
•You found him scurrying everywhere once trying to find his hat when you had to point out it was on his head-
•He was so embarrassed-
•He apologized and walked back towards the kitchen
•He cooks his feelings away
•That is alot of food-
•Once he disappeared into the kitchen you went after him
•You had been wondering why he ran away from you every time you saw him
•You were worried :(
•As he went back into the kitchen, he paused hearing someone else's footsteps.
•He turned around and jumped slightly when he saw you
•Begin the anxious southern rambling and questions.
"O-Oh! S/o! What brings you to the...the kitchen??"
"Teru, what's going on? You keep ignoring me."
"W-Well I don' mean to cher' I-Its just I' been kinda stressed lately a-an' I don' wanna bother you with tha'-"
•Oh sweet boy almost cried just talking to you
•He wanted to confess so badly!!
•He just wanted to hug you and bury his face into your neck!!
•But he was so scared :(
•After a good talk, the confession just slipped out of him mid-sentence
"I already apologized cher'..."
"C'mon Teru, what's been REALLY happening with you?"
"W-Well...the truth is I accidentally drank a love potion and since I love you so damn much it strengthened my feelings...I-I didn't wanna make you uncomfortable so I stayed away in case I-"
"Did you just say you love me?"
"I-I did..?"
•Oh certainly he did. And when he realized, he apologized 10x more.
•You had to shut him up by squishing his face
•After a good explanation about you loving him too, he clung onto you with a laugh.
•He sat in your lap (and after some consent) kissed your face all over, muttering a soft 'I love you' after each kiss
•You two sat together like that for quite a bit, just laying in each other's presence
"Thank you so much....you don't know how much that means to me...how much YOU mean to me..."
Ryoma Hoshi
•Ah yes. Tiny, edgy, ex-tennis, cat loving, deep voiced boy
•Where do I start?
•Lets start with
•He's absolute shit at feelings.
•Like really.
•He refused to believe he fell for you.
•His heart was racing? No it wasn't. It's probably because he was out of breath.
•He's flustered and blushing? Kinda hot in the room y'know.
•You get the point.
•He hates the fact he fell for you. He doesn't know what to do.
•He lost almost everyone he ever loved before. Why would this be any different? He didn't want to put you in danger.
•Ryoma hanged around with you though. He was a bit quiet but he went basically everywhere you went
•No one really messed with you when little man was with you.
•This was okay. He could hide his feelings. You wouldn't be in danger and he wouldn't ruin his relationship with you.
•Then the world announced a love potion was now available!!
•Ah shit.
•That damn Kokichi.
•All he wanted was some water and that little panta-loving gremlin switched it out with the new potion.
•He had already chugged around half the bottle before he realized it wasn't his juice.
•Ryoma would've just left it at 'Oh I just poured the wrong drink in' if it wasn't for Kokichi coming up to him about an hour later.
"Nishishishi....how's the love potion working Ryoma?"
"The what."
"You little-"
•Kokichi went to the nurse with a bump on his head from Ryoma hitting him with a tennis ball.
•You thought Teruteru hiding away was bad?
•Ryoma refused to leave his dorm.
•He came out at around lunch time to get food, go to the bathroom, and then back to his dorm.
•No one was allowed in.
•He could feel the effects of the potion working.
•He wanted to get out and cling to you so badly. It almost physically hurt
•Fucking hell-
•Him. Ryoma Hoshi. The guy who basically gave up on life, wanted to run into your arms like a little kid.
•He almost cried.
•Of course you were worried!! He locked himself in his dorm without warning!!
•And he refused to talk to you!!
•You came to his dorm door almost daily, trying to pry open the damn door.
•With no avail.
•It wasn't until a few weeks later which he made a plan.
•He'd confess and leave right after.
•If you said no, that would be the end of it.
•If you said yes, ...well he didn't really plan that far.
•Ryoma met up with you at the back of the building, looking down at the ground as he heard your footsteps.
•It took a minute of small talk before he started speaking
"Listen, Kokichi switched my drink out a few weeks ago for that new love potion they're selling. I already had really strong feelings for you but with the potion they increased. I know you probably don't feel the same way but I wanted to tell you because it was starting to get too out of hand for me."
•He rambled on a little about how you would never like him and that he apologized for having such feelings and-
•You yanked his beanie down to his face, letting out a small huff.
"Ryoma Hoshi you have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to confess. You're an amazing guy Ryoma, and I really do wish you confessed sooner since I feel the same way. Now shut it with all the sad shit and come here."
•You told him, tugging him closer by the sleeve as you engulfed him in your arms
•Ryoma felt like his face was on fire. Butterflies in his stomach and a giddy, tingly feeling throughout his body
•He let out a low chuckle, hugging you back and sighing softly
•This was nice. He felt....loved.
•He liked this feeling quite a bit....he had missed this feeling quite a bit.
"Maybe I should've confessed sooner."
I absolutely adore these three.
If you want me to add or fix anything just say the word!!
I had a great time writing this!!
Thanks for requesting!!!
-Vex ∆
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chanology325 · 3 years
My buttercup
Pairings: Bangchan x Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
You were sitting on the couch thinking about all the shit that had happened throughout the week. Why was it always you? What did you do wrong? Why did people target you for something you never did? You started to think there was something wrong with you.
Your best friend had stopped talking to you because of a shitty co-worker's lie. Someone in the office spread a rumour that you were talking shit about her and she fucking believed it!! You would never buy it. After all, a 10-year long friendship is worth the trust, but she didn't feel the same and broke off all contacts with you. she called you a bitch, a user, and a shitty person who doesn't deserve to be a teacher.
Not just this, the chaotic 5-year-olds at school were already too much of a headache for you. And, you recently had to deal with some really stupid parents in the Parent-Teacher Meeting. Life felt so shitty and you wanted to run away to mars.
Your boyfriend, Chan was on tour. He was supposed to come back today after a long three month time of being away. You had missed him so damn much, and all the shit happening in life was not helping your mental strength. You had started to cry almost every day for the past 1 month, which was very evident through your dark circles and growing eye bags. You were staring out of the window as a tear slipped through your eye, and in no time you were sobbing. thinking of the merry times with Chan now.
And right then you heard the doorbell ring. You sprang up from the couch and ran straight to the door. As soon as you opened it, you saw Chan. He was standing there with his bag and a huge smile on his face, which disappeared as soon as he saw your tear-stained face.
"baby-" started Chan, but you instantly cut him off by jumping on him for a hug. you were a crying mess and you really couldn't control it. All the frustration and emotions that you had bottled up inside yourself were coming out now. Chan was so confused. He had no idea you were this wrecked this whole time. How would he know? You wouldn't tell him a thing about the torcher you were going through. You didn't want him to get worried and start panicking when he is 2000 miles away from you. He would come back. He really would.
"What happened Love? You stressed?" he asked, very calmly. You were now sitting on Chan's lap as he sat on the couch caressing your back.
"I'm not okay. Everyone hates me. Lia stopped talking to me, The kids at school are a bunch of assholes, and their parents are just the same. So much shit happened in the past week and I've been crying myself to bed every day for the past month because I missed you so much" You cried. You were sobbing so hard that it almost made Chan cry. But he had to be strong for you.
"I'm back baby everything will be alright. I missed you so much too. I definitely can't promise anything about your friend, or your students, or their parents, but everything between you and is gonna be just fine. I'm not leaving the house for the next one week and you won't have to cry yourself to bed. Okay, my buttercup?" He said in his honey voice.
You absolutely loved it when he called you such beautiful names. It made you feel so much more special, and you felt like you were loved at least by someone.
"Yeah," You said. You were much calmer now with a little smile on your face as Chan placed a kiss on your head. You interwined your hand with his and looked him in the eyes with so much adoration.
"I love you so much, Chan. You have no idea how much I missed you" You said as you melted into his lips. The feeling of his lips on yours after so long gave you chills. You had missed this so much. His hand were placed on your hips, squeezing it occasionally. He deepened the kiss, as you let out a satisfied moan. After some time he pulled away and pecked your lips once more. You both smiled at each other.
"I love you Channie"
"I love you more hun"
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laskyy · 3 years
Hey guys! I'm all good now and I've had enough rest so I'm back to writing! This was requested by @gensunvalley! I hope you like it!
P1harmony when they cry
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Tw: Crying, skinship, stress, mentions of homesickness
Genre: Fluff (mildly angsty maybe? I'm not sure)
You knew Theo was a sensitive person when you guys met, and he cried a lot when you guys watched sad movies and romance movies with a happy ending.
But when he was crying because of stress it hurt you even more, because who dared stress your favourite person on the planet?
When you saw him curled up on the bed sobbing and shaking you didn't hesitate in running towards him and engulfing him in a big warm hug.
(rest of Theo and the other members under the cut!)
"Why's everything so hard? I have so much to do and I can't seem to do it! It's too much Y/n!" Taeyang said as he sobbed harder.
"You can do it! You can do everything if you try! But for now let it out and give yourself some time to rest."
You knew Keeho was never someone to cry in front of people, not even you, so it was very surprising when you came to his studio and saw him with his head down and his hands on his head while he was shaking and sniffling.
The sight alone left you heartbroken ken, but when you closed the door, came closer, he lunged at you to hug you and he started crying harder, you almost started crying with him, but you manage to hold your tears for him.
"I hate this! This song will never sound great! I've been working on this for weeks and nothing ever goes right! I'm a mess" He said as he held tighter on to your shoulder and sobbed harder.
You waited for him to calm down a bit before trying to comfort him.
"Maybe you should give yourself a break love. You'll probably get some inspiration if you aren't always locked between 4 walls. And you're an amazing artist, you've got this! You always do." And you kept rocking his body back and forth to comfort him.
Jiung's tears weren't something you had seen a lot before, maybe from happiness when you guys met after being away from 2 months, but nothing out of this World.
So when you saw Jiung hugging a pillow and crying on the bed you felt really sad and rushed to him.
You let his steady his breathing before asking him what was wrong.
"It's nothing bad, it's just that I've been pretty overwhelmed by a lot of emotions this past week and I needed a good cry! I'm sorry if I worried you!" He said as he looked at you with his shiny eyes.
"We all have those times baby! It's fine honestly, and if you ever want to rant I'm here for you."
Intak has cried in front of you quite some times but that doesn't mean you're less affected by his sadness. You always want to see him smile and it truly break your heart when something is bothering him.
You went to the grocery store to get some snacks for Intak because he was sick and you guys had to stay in instead of going out. But you didn't mind, all you wanted was for your boyfriend to get better.
When you got home you went straight to the bedroom to take care of Intak and give him some snacks, but you forgot all about that when you saw Intak crying hard on the bed.
You went to hug him right away, you didn't care if you got sick, you just wanted to make Intak feel better and the sight made you heartbroken.
"I'm sorry I made us stay home! I didn't want to get sick I am really sorry It's all my fault!"
You hugged him harder and rubbed his back softly "It's not your fault baby! And I like spending time with you either out side or inside! And we'll have time to go out! Now breathe slowly with me."
You hadn't really seen Shota cry and honestly you didn't think you'd see it so soon, but well, you did.
You came to the dorm and went into his room to see him crying and you ran to his side and gave him the biggest hug ever and asked him what happened to leave your little baby so upset.
"It's just that I miss my family and I can't wait to see them and I just broke down I guess."
"How about you calm down a little bit and then we can facetime your family! I know it's not the same as seeing them personally but it's better than nothing! And one day we'll go see them!"
"I love you so much, you're the best!"
Jongseob was like a little surprise box, you never knew what to expect when you went to his house! Sometimes he'd be waiting with books, sometimes with movies and you couldn't wait for today!
But you forgot the excitement when you went into your boyfriend's room and saw him crying on his desk. You immediatly ran to him and gave him a side hug as he was sitting down.
"Seobie what's wrong?"
"It's just that I don't think that I can manage school and being an idol at the same time."
As he said this he started sobbing uncontrollably and it broke your heart to see him like that.
"I don't know what that's like but I'm positive you'll pull through like you always do! And just remember that you're Kim Jongseob and you can do everything okay? Now let it out baby."
I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading! Requests are open! Have a great day/afternoon/night! Keep praying for Enhypen, there are currently 6 members infected (Heeseung, Jay, Jake, Sunghoon, Jungwon and Ni-ki) let's hope Sunoo stays safe and the members recover quickly! Love you guys and stay safe 💖💖💖
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sansxfuckyou · 3 years
Cold blooded, yet, life still flows into petals
Fenton, Phantom, Danny.
His name is Danny.
Danny had gone through a lot in his life, a lot more than one could imagine without suspending disbelief.
Parents obsessed with ghosts to the point of ruining his childhood.
Friends coaxing him to take a few steps into a deadly invention that 'didn't work' until it fried him alive.
Gaining ecto-based powers and gaining some twisted hero complex to protect Amity park from stray ghosts.
So, so much rejection.
Hell he didn't even have to say a word, he lost the war before the first fight, or am I thinking of Tucker?
Either way, let's move on with his feats and life struggles.
Losing his way in the Ghost Zone, at least thats what the locals call the twisted reality, his friends at his side as he drifts.
Gaining more powers, threats moving onto greater goals, not just to kill him off, but replace the world or just turn a town against him.
So, as you can imagine from what I've told you, he, he's been through a lot more than one would assume for a kid named Danny Fenton, or Danny Phantom.
What's that?
The rejection part?
Oh that silly arc of his development, that doesn't matter at all.
The title of the story cueing in with rejection?
No, no I assure I just wanted to talk about his struggles in growing up.
Yes I swear that's all.
Well, I guess the cold blooded thing plays into his ice powers, the other part was just for flare.
Alright fine, I can weave a tale of his current life, but don't come crying to me if it's something you didn't want.
Danny lay on the dull green cough of his apartment, wearing a simple monotone and 'chic' plaid button up over a white shirt and jeans to match, his shoes left at the door, he sighed when he looked at his current home.
A few plants surrounded him in memory of Sam, a PS1 with a few disc cases under his computer monitor he used as a TV, layering fabrics strewn across the room.
He's been meaning to clean that up lately, just never getting to it, saying he would clean the mess later, but, later never comes when stress takes a hold of common sense.
The only ideal part of his home were the evening sunbeams shining in from the windows that took up most of the wall that gave him a view of the city he lived in, cheap curtains pulled back as he enjoyed sunbeams hitting his skin.
The warm feeling made him feel, happy inside, like when Sam used to hug him, before, before another accident happened.
He closed his eyes and turned to look at the backrest of the couch, avoiding the thoughts to the best of his ability, they kept crawling back.
Finding cracks in his mental defenses and exploiting them.
Drilling at weaknesses and breaking him over and over.
He knows that he is the reason Sam's gone.
He knows it's his fault she allowed to check out untested, probably defective Fenton made gear.
He knows he's the reason she cried out for help as he was petrified at the sights sounds that permeated his senses.
He knows all that remains is a small bottle of her ecto-contaminated ashes because of his fuck up.
He pulled himself from the war in his head as he sat up, the creaking of springs resounding in the room. He sighed as he ran a hand through his black hair and went to get up, eyes drifting to his favorite plant.
Sam's favorite plant, no matter how hard he tried he couldn't remember the name or why she loved the plant, but she did and Danny managed to inherit all of her greenhouse. Most plants died in a week, guilt sunk in after that, more plants died, only a few of the more hardy ones managed to live with being neglected for so long.
He managed to kill those ones to, this one, the one on the shelf that gets partial sun and is in his general view almost all the time specifically placed there is the only survivor of his depression and neglect.
Somedays he questions why he keeps the plant around, after all, he only feels regret and guilt when he sees the plant in his home, and some pangs of three AM fear given the flowers looks.
Some part of him just can't get rid of that stupid flower, whenever he goes to lift the pot he can't move it an inch. He's more than strong enough to lift the plant, he knows he is, something just keeps stopping him.
He doesn't know what's keeping him from trashing the damn thing, and that fact alone bugs him the most, when he can't sleep at night or when he's working his shifts at the nasty burger.
Tucker says something ghostly is afoot.
Danny says Tuckers gone off the deep end.
He ignores whatever tells him to just stop talking to Tucker, or anyone for that matter, let ghosts run rampant, the coldness in his core shatter him, let Amity Park fall into ruin.
But, then he thinks of Sam whenever the voice gets to loud, Sam, Sam wouldn't want him to give up, would she?
He doesn't know anymore.
She's been gone for years and his grip on the good memories is slipping from between his fingers no matter how hard he tries to sustain them
He remembers the sparks most, he thought he had felt the same sparks for all the other girls.
Maybe there were sparks, but Sam was the only one that stoked the fire and let the flames grow into an ever consuming blaze.
Love, that was the blaze, nothing more than that.
And now?
Now all that remains are dying embers of what once was, he often had tears prick at the corners of his eyes the more he thought about, well, everything.
He wishes so much for the life to just stop, whose life?
He doesn't even know, he's turned to the ghosts so many times when he can't pick up an answer that used to work, no longer fitting into the puzzle.
Maybe, maybe he wants the flower dead of all things he can pin his emotions on.
Once the plant dies he can carry the whole fucking thing out and just curb it, leave the crumpling carcass to rot on the road, maybe then the everything wrong with him will stop.
Maybe then he can move on from her.
People called him selfish when they caught him staring at pictures of her from before, he shot glares in response, nothing more, not wanting to interact.
Deep down he knew that holding on for so long may be selfish to some extent, but he can't stop saying that everything is his fault.
He controls the strongest anti-ecto now, and he may as well be the strongest ghost, so, he's allowed to be selfish if he wants to.
Not like anyone has the balls to try and counter him, or to try and talk to him, news reporters have dubbed him as 'emotionally unstable' after the time Spectra brought up Sam during a 'fight' which may have been a plan to try and get under Danny's skin.
Which worked by all means nessacary, but, not in the right way.
Danny indeed made some sort of progress to reaching the core of his turmoil, but at the cost of a quarter of Amity Park being frozen in a thin veneer of ice with electricity sending cybernetics on the fritz anywhere the power cables of Amity reached.
And you know what the root of the problem is?
Him, he did this to himself, if he was just more careful, things would be better.
He can't help but drill that into his head every second he thinks of her, her smile, her eyes, her scent, her sweet yet overpowering scent.
Why can't he just drop her?
Make everyone's life so much easier, he just can't and he blames everything on the plant.
The last thing he has that was hers, and still kind of is.
He has no history with the flower, she did, she would care for it like a child, all Danny does it water the plant everyday and make sure the leaves are in the sun for an adequate time.
He stared at the flower, icy eyes fixated on the red and green, he could just, disintegrate it right now with a flick of his wrist.
But he can't.
A part of him won't let the ectoplasm just flow properly, he crumbled to knees from his standing position.
"Just let me get rid of it." He said quietly, tears welling up in his eyes as he lifted a hand to his face, eyes still fixed to the plants foliage.
"What's stopping me from just making life easy again?" He asked, voice starting to raise as his breath caught in his throat.
He shakily raised a hand again, a familiar power surging through his veins, the feeling of hot tears rolling down his pale skin doing nothing to stop him.
The charge was ready.
He clenched his eyes shut and flicked his wrist up, hearing a noise and opening his eyes, he missed the plant completely.
He saw a burn mark on the wall inches from his monitor, he let out a sigh of relief he didn't hit his TV, but the sigh was laced with venom aimed at himself for missing his desired target.
It was right in front of him, and he missed, not a skim shot, just a total miss.
Danny brought himself back to his feet and left, ignoring the plant to the best of his abilities as he forced himself to the kitchen, tears on his face slowly drying as he pulled out the required ingredients for a basic cheese omelette.
Danny tried to ignore the black singe mark on one side of his monitor and the plant on the other as he savors his omelette, the flavors bitter to his taste buds whenever his gaze drifted to the flower.
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Rewriting this post, thanks tumblr mobile deleting the original.
Lately I don't have much zoo content to share because I've been in the commissary, but I did want to discuss dog stuff. Specifically I wanted to discuss muzzling. There are often a lot of assumptions made about dogs that are muzzled. I want to discuss how muzzling has helped me and how my experience may paint a different picture for muzzling.
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Tifa is my first dog I've adopted without the help of my parents. She is super sweet and has never bitten out of malice since we got her this July (only puppy play biting). We truly lucked out with her lack of aggression. So why would we muzzle her?
If you've been following my puppy posting you'll know I've been having awful struggles with her stool. The vet and I eventually decided on a "food trial" so the only food she gets right now is a special hydrolyzed protein kibble. It's been producing great results 💩 We have also been able to very slowly reintroduce some treats and chews to see how it affects her. I now feel like I own a normal dog from all this.
However she has a very bad habit: scavenging. At home I keep it tidy and on walks I'm watching her like a hawk so it's not normally an issue. It's another story at my grandma's place. My grandma has a bad habit of overdoing it with treats for her own dog which results in the apartment becoming a land mine of food that's not on Tifa's "ok to eat" list. Last visit I tried my best to pick everything up, but since I have to watch my disabled grandma I could not be looking at Tifa at all times.
The result was a week of chocolate pudding-covered misery. I had to wash her bedding three times and her crate even more. I lost sleep from constantly letting her out to hershey squirt. She was miserable and I was miserable. I stressed out trying to think of options. Even if I did teach her "drop it," as previously mentioned I could not watch her at all times. It was impossible to get my grandma to drop old habits. I would need to pull all furniture every day to make sure every scrap of food was picked up. I could simply avoid bringing her to my grandma's, but she was an invaluable source of emotional support for me and I wanted her to be able to play with my grandma's dog.
I cried out to a subreddit I frequent, r/puppy101. A user there suggested muzzling. Muzzling was something I never considered for her, but it was a quick fix and I ran to the pet store and got her a fabric one that shuts her mouth.
It worked so long as I made it tight enough for her not to take off, but I did a little more digging into muzzling and learned those are not good muzzles for the long term. While they are soft they leave the dog unable to pant or drink. I only used it for the remainder of my stay at grandma's and made sure she got lots of breaks. If she was crated, going on a walk, or snoozing next to me, she didn't have to wear it.
For this visit, I purchased a basket muzzle. Basket muzzles look uncomfortable since they are hard material but they are actually better since they give her room to pant and drink. I would say overall this visit has been much easier on me mentally with this. I do have to keep an eye on her that she does not take the muzzle off since it's a little big, but otherwise it's impossible for her to eat with it on. I find my grandma's dogs food scattered but uneaten. She isn't fond of the muzzle but tolerant and only tries to slip it off for a snack. She can drink water whenever she wants.
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I only got here last night but I'm actually pretty excited to pick up a nice, healthy stool tonight. Muzzling has saved us both a lot of misery.
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reumathism · 3 years
A promise
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A/N: this is inspired by song B4 the Flight by Jazmin Bean <3
Hans held her face in his big hands and kissed her passionately. After their lips parted she whispered to him. “please call me when you make it” she had tears in her eyes. The heist was going to be particularly hard. He and his people had to sneak into the nakatomi plaza and steal 640 million dollars without getting caught. Of course, he had done it before and every time she was worried sick about him but her worries had disappeared when y/n got a call from him that everything went fine.
“okay” Hans murmured looking at y/n with loving eyes. “promise me” she whispered once again. The man smiled and drawed one of his hands back to stick out his pinky “I pinky promise”. Y/n laughed slightly at his childish demeanor. They intertwined their pinky fingers and kissed one more time.
“Ich liebe dich” Hans said against her lips. she smiled once again “I love you too”.
Soon Hans took a step back “I must get going, they are probably waiting for me” y/n only nodded.
The whole evening y/n was trying not to overthink the heist and how it could end. she turned on the small television they had, switched through channels. At last she landed on the news channel where the reporters were talking about robbery in nakatomi plaza. She watched carefully and then her heart stopped. The camera caught the falling body from the tower on tape. Y/n could only pray that it wasn’t her boyfriend, her beloved boyfriend. The woman turned off the tv and waited for the phone call.
She waited one hour at first, they had to get out of there. But that one hour before long turned into several ones and somehow she sat by the telephone all night trying to keep herself calm but after the sixth hour, she let the tears fall and soon enough y/n cried herself to sleep on the uncomfortable stool.
I look to you to keep me warm and
I'm so cold and my skin's cold and
Now it gets so hard to breathe
I'm missing days, I'm losing sleep
While y/n was crying her eyes out, Hans was already leaving with his team. They all decided to celebrate their heist in Las Vegas. they didn’t care that the city was far away from LA, every one of them was too intoxicated with successful robbery to care about how far Las Vegas was. Even Hans was too happy with his money he stole to remember the promise he gave y/n. After a few hours or so they all arrived at some club in their desired city. All the men sat and bought themselves a drink of vodka and some other alcoholes. But Hans noticed that Theo went somewhere. When he was just about to go look for him, the dorky looking man came back with joints and a few little zip bags with white powder.
Needles to say, not even ten minutes later they were all higher than the empire state building. And what was the worst, some woman took interest in one of them, and it was no one else than Hans Gruber.
The days passed, it was probably a week later, but for y/n it felt like a year or even more. Everyday, she could cry only harder and harder, and even thinking and imagining that the person falling off the building was hans, made her want to vomit. 
My nurturing, it paces me from side to side
My heart is like a bison, it's so strong in size
(I crave, I cry, I watch the days pass by)
Meanwhile, Hans was already going to their room trying to think how he should tell his partner he cheated on her. Someone could say, he didn't do that, him and that woman had only made out but for hans even a little, stolen kiss was cheating. He wanted to be fair, when some of y/n's friends kissed her cheek, he was already fuming with jealousy so when back at the club he got his clouded mind a bit cleared he pushed the woman back and walked away from her to never see her again.
But the whole cheating wasn't the only thing troubling his mind. Hans broke the promise, he didn't call her.
When y/n was just about to go take another hot shower to try to calm her crying self the door opened and there stood her, to be believed, dead boyfriend. She looked at him and sighed with content as the tears strolled down her cheeks. She ran into his arms but soon enough stepped back, anger clouding her mind.
"You promised you would call" y/n looked dead into his eyes "you promised" she whispered "it's been a week and I've been dying because I thought you were DEAD" she choked out hitting his chest but hans didn't bulge, just kept staring at her with shame in his eyes.
"I understand not calling the same evening it was stressful and you all were trying not the get caught, but it's been a fucking week Hans!" she yelled and broke down into a crying void once again. Hans watched as y/n hid her face in her hands and let out a strangled sob. He wrapped his arms around her small figure petting her head lightly.
After a few minutes or so she looked up at him, seeing his ashamed gaze, y/n asked him "what's bothering you? you look like you have something on your mind". Hans closed his eyes and took a deep breath before saying quietly.
"Ich habe dich betrogen" he looked aside but y/n only looked at him confused "Hans you know I don't understand german" he looked in her eyes, his own starting to fill with tears "I cheated on you".
At those words y/n's heart, that just had sealed at the sight of her not dead lover, broke one more time. She slowly backed off "you- what?" her smile turned into a frown and her eyes filled with tears.
"I-i mean I didn't have an intercourse with her, she just kissed me, we made out but that's all we did" Hans stopped when he saw y/n's trembling lip "liebling, I'm so sorry, I wasn't even sober I don't know what happened to me" he reached to hug her but she just stepped back again.
"Just leave me Hans" after that she went to sit at the balcony to let her emotions out. Oh how Hans wished to comfort her, kiss her, hug her, tell her that everything will be alright but he knew it's better if he gives her space now.
So the day passed, by now they both were sitting on the balcony. When the sky finally became black, y/n stood up "I'm going to bed" she said with her weak voice due to her crying. Before she could step inside, Hans grabbed her hand and said "I love you" he whispered to her with sad eyes but y/n just looked at him before getting her hand out of his gentle grasp.
She laid down and curled herself in bed and soon after Hans followed her steps and went to sleep. His light snoring acknowledged her that he was asleep. 
Y/n got up from the bed and took her bag and started packing her things as quietly as she only could. She lifted her suitcase and left their room to never see Hans again.
Cry back, just call the cab
Lungs trapped and if I'm not the special one
Then why was I one at all?
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bidoldaccount · 3 years
Window Into The Teenage Soul - Part 4
Warning: abuse
Series Guide
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The sound of the doorbell incessantly ringing had her cries pausing. She waited with baited breath as silence took over. There was some stomping of footsteps then Steve's voice pierced the heavy silence and the breath fell from her lungs with relief.
"Get the fuck back."
"You are in my fucking house!"
"I swear to god I will call the cops right now if you don't get the fuck away from this door."
Y/n took slow steps up the stairs, her breath wet.
"Who the fuck do you think you are?"
"I'm the guy about to call the cops because some asshole laid his hands on his daughter!"
There was a silence that settled over the hallway before there was a small knock on the basement door.
"Y/n, it's just me, open the door kid," he spoke softly. She sniffled was she slid the lock out of place and pulled the door open. She could see the way his jaw clenched when he saw her. He reached out slowly and pulled her into his chest. He held her close as he walked her outside, his eyes settling over her mother casually sipping coffee in the kitchen, glaring as hard as he possibly could.
Steve got her into the car and draped his jacket over her lap before getting into the drivers seat. He didn't try to make her talk as he drove, just set the radio on a low volume and tried to make himself invisible. He drove her around aimlessly for thirty minutes until her cries turned into soft sniffles. Then he parked in an empty k-mart lot and turned the engine off. He turned his body to face her and leveled her with a serious but soft expression.
"You said that he's never been the bad before," he stated. "How long has this been going on?" Her chest seized with a trembling breath, she was desperately resisting a sob.
"A few months," she whispered. "Since he got laid off, he's been drinking nonstop and picking fights over nothing. He," she paused, staring down at her shaking hands. "He gets like that sometimes, usually when something goes wrong like he gambles a little too much, or he gets laid off, or he thinks mom is cheating. He's never hit me like this before."
"But he has hit you?" Steve asked, voice almost cracking.
"Just a slap or a shove but," she shook her head.
"What happened this time?" Steve asked.
"I forgot to do the dishes last night," she began with wobbly words, "I've been stressed all week with the end of the semester and all of my assignments due that I just couldn't take the yelling. At first I tried to walk away, but he," she stopped for a second, then slowly slid the sleeve of her sweater up. On her left forearm was a hand sized print all around her arm, bright red and quickly bruising. "He grabbed me and pulled me back. He wouldn't let go so I started screaming, I didn't know what the fuck to do. My mom was just standing there! Fucking staring at the counter like nothing was fucking happening, then again that's what she always fucking does," she angrily wiped at her sniffling nose. "He put his hand over my mouth, but he was covering my nose too and I couldn't breathe, so I bit him. That's when he hit me in the face," she pointed up at the bruise slowly covering her left eye.
"I hit his chest and his arm to make him let me go but he kept hitting me back," a cry cut her off. Steve reached out and took one of her trembling hands into his own, squeezing it softly.
"Take a breath. You're safe now, y/n, I won't let anything happen to you. Not anymore, okay?" He assured confidently.
"I shoved him again and he tripped so I ran to my room and I locked the door, then I texted you," she finished, barely looking up at Steve. Her face was still red, her eye slightly squinted in pain, her lip an ounce of pressure away from being busted. He can't imagine what other bruises she has beneath the sweatshirt she's hiding in.
"Have you told anyone else?" He asked.
"No," she whispered, lowering her head. "I'd be put in a group home, Steve. Both of my parents were only child's and all of my grandparents are dead. There's no where for me to go."
"I can't keep this to myself, kid. I can't let you go back there!" He whispered insistently.
"There's no group homes within twenty miles of here, I'd have to leave!" She cried.
"We need to at least tell Hopper. You are not setting foot in that house again. Come on, you're coming home with me for now," he shook his head and started the car again.
"Please don't let me be taken away," she whispered once they had been driving for about five minutes. Steve looked over at her, signing softly as tears fell from her bruised eyes.
"You're not going anywhere," he promised.
"When do you turn 18?" Hopper asked, rubbing his hand against his face with a sigh.
"Six months," y/n said, fiddling nervously with her fingers.
"There's not much that can be done, if child services thought that you were unsafe, they'd want to relocate you," Hopper said.
"Could I take her?" Steve asked, his hand almost permanently glued to her lower back, keeping her constantly aware that he was right there beside her.
"I doubt it. She'd likely end up being placed in a group home even if you decide to petition for guardianship. I think the best thing you can do is lay low until you turn 18. Reach out to your mom and see if she is willing to put something in writing that you have permission to stay with Steve. It will look bad if they decide to report you as a runaway or missing and the cops find you hiding in a 20 year olds apartment," Hopper pointed out.
"That's my only option?" Y/n asked softly.
"If we want to completely avoid the possibility of child services getting involved, then yes," Hopper nodded, "Y/n, I want you to understand that I am turning a blind eye because I care about you and I know that it hurt you to leave, I just want you to be careful, and stay safe."
"I'm not going to let anything happen to her," Steve assured him.
"If you need anything at all, you call me, okay? And you're always welcome here," Hopper said, standing as Steve stood.
"Thanks, Hopper, I really appreciate it," Y/n said, leaning forward to give him a hug.
"Of course, just be safe, honey," he gently kissed her head then walked them to the door.
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vangoddamn · 4 years
Resolutions are bad
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y/n makes a new years resolution, van makes it hard for her to keep.
Warnings: None, but I cried writing this lol
The new years you made the resolution to stay away from him you were too drunk to realise how impossible that was. You were also too drunk to realise that even if you could stay away from him, he couldn’t do the same for you. To be honest his friends warned you, made sure you knew Van wanted something serious. The thing was no one warned Van that you couldn’t cope with the distance.
But there you were three months into the new year with a bottle of wine trying to figure out how you’d avoid him when he came back from tour next week. See it’s all well and good ignoring someone's calls because they’re halfway around the world. But, when they come back you really can’t hide and well it’s not like you’ll want to. 
Van makes you a different person, before you met him the idea of throwing your life away for someone else would make you spit in their face. But with him, well the more you spent time with him and even more away, the more it made you want to quit your job and follow him wherever.
He never understood why you broke up with him, really you didn’t. Of course, you could pretend it was about your shitty job that meant you could keep living in your shitty apartment. When really the reason you did it was because you were scared, scared of waiting for him to realise he was too good for you, scared of the day he'd come home and forget you existed and just wouldn’t call. Bored of waiting for him to realise you weren’t good enough for him and he leave.
It wasn’t even an excuse and the more you thought of it the more it broke your heart. You knew he’d never even thought of that, he never thought about the bad stuff. So when he came back you let him knock on the door and you let him leave a thousand voice mails. 
Every night after he came back from the tour a dozen answer phone messages were left on your phone. And every night you’d slide down the wall of your flat with a tub of ice cream and cry. 
The day had dragged on more than usual, too much paperwork and too much rain. By the time you had dragged yourself home bidding farewell to your co-worker at the bus stop, accepting your feit of no umbrella, you trudged home. The bus didn’t go to your part of town, the dodgy end. And well even if it did you doubt you’d be able to afford it.
The rain lashing down soaked into your jacket, the white shirt underneath sticking to your cold skin. You could definitely feel the goosebumps on your arms, a warning that if you didn’t get back home soon you’d freeze to death. In a bid to get there quicker you picked up the pace, instantly regretting it when you ran into a puddle, water splashing up your legs. Running seemed almost impossible now, your tights rubbing feverishly against your skin and boots.
You felt like an emotional wreck, feeling tears run down your face. It was at this point you forgot about what you had done and the resolutions you’d made, all you wanted was Van. You just wanted him to give you one of those warm hugs and tell you it’s going to be alright. He was always good at that. 
So when you got back to your flat and ran up the stairs, the elevator had been broken a while, you didn’t even second guess the fact the door was unlocked. You just stumbled in, shutting the door and sliding down it, tears falling down your cheek in the most unattractive way. Panting to try and calm yourself down, only making it worse. You cursed anything pure in the world trying to get your shoes off, prying the leather boots from your cold sticky legs.
“Fuck, I just want Van!” You huffed thinking out loud, giving in and leaving your boots half unzipped. You rested your head against the door, closing your eyes, trying to stop any more tears from erupting.
That was before you felt a warmth cloud you, a warm and cosy hug lifting you up and a soft kiss to your forehead. You felt a small tear roll down your cheek when you could smell that familiar scent. A calming breath out when you felt those calloused fingers brush it away almost as soon as it appeared.
“Van?” You whispered, scared that it wasn’t and you’d been dreaming his presence in your overworked head. But even the most tired of emotions couldn’t dream up the true reality of this. He was truly there, placing you down on your warm bedsheets.
You opened your eyes slowly to reveal, Van slowly easing your leather boots off your feet. You were happy to see his face, having not seen it in too long. But your happiness soon faded once you noticed his purple bags under his eyes and the messiness of his hair. The type of messy due to him combing his hands through with stress. He looked skinnier than usual and it made you feel empty inside. Not empty, full of regret and deep down guilt. 
Because you’d always been the one to remind him to put the guitar down and eat. You’d always been the one to talk him to sleep or kiss his back until you heard his breathing regulate. You felt guilty when you knew the job of looking after his poor soul would’ve been handed over to the lads. And although you loved them and knew they’d try their hardest, Van was tricky. But he was your tricky and seeing him almost as broken as you hurt.
You were allowed to hurt, but not him.
He was able to pry your shoes off, leaving him to carefully roll your tights down, revealing the blisters you had made. “y/n, these look sore” He sighed, a worried tone to his voice, matching his face. 
All you could do was let out another sob, apologizing between breaths. He turned even more worried moving towards you, crouching over your body, his hands cupping your face. 
“I’m so sorry Van, I thought I could cope without you... I thought if I let you go and be with someone you deserve I’d be fine. But I’m not” You tried to get it all out, the words barely audible over you ugly sobs and harsh breaths.
“What, no, love calm down please” He begged kissing your forehead, making you realise how much you missed those lips. “Come ‘ere” He whispered moving off you and pulling you into his lap.
You lay in his arms for a while, your head resting on his chest whilst he massaged your scalp, stroking down loose bits of hair. Your eyes fluttered shut and your arms were tightly wrapped around his waist.
“Love, is that why you did it?” He sounded wounded and as if he’d cry. You knew he wouldn’t but there were tears in his eyes. You knew what he was referring to, the words you blurted out. You couldn’t answer with words, opting to just nod your head.
“y/n why would you think that? All I’ve ever wanted and will ever want is you. I can’t imagine being with anyone else, I just couldn’t” His words were soft, trying not to sound too panicked.
“Van” You tried but couldn’t come up with anything worth saying. He moved under you, sitting up straighter, slowly peeling off the wet clothes that clung to your body. Soon enough you were just in your underwear and the hoodie Van had on before he placed it over your head. He went to your dresser, remembering where everything was like nothing had happened getting out some of your fluffiest socks.
“How come you're here?” You asked whilst he pulled the covers over your tired frame.
“I came over to try and talk, but when it got late and started raining I got worried and used the spare key, I hope that’s ok. I know it’s a little intrusive” He explained before you cut in.
“No Van I needed you.” You admitted looking up to him with sad eyes, worried he might leave. 
“Your the strongest person I know, you don’t need anyone”
“That’s not true” You whined like a child getting out of bed, walking over to where he stood in the doorway. “Please don’t go” You had him right in front of you and even if he tried you didn’t think you’d ever be able to let him go again.
“y/n, your tired love” You could tell what he was doing and you didn’t blame him. He thought that if he stayed he’d get too comfortable and in the morning you’d push him away. But now you’d seen him, felt him, you wanted nothing more than for him to just get comfortable again.
“I’m tired because I can’t sleep without you. It’s worse than when I thought you might leave me cause now your already gone, and it’s my fault. I can’t breath when I think about it Van, I need you” You rambled on trying to make him stay but he’d already wrapped himself around you when another tear surfaced. 
“You don’t know how much I missed you” he mumbled into your hair, leading you back to bed where this time he joined you in his usual spot. 
This time around you knew you had to tell him how you felt. Yes it killed you to think about how much better he could do but it killed you, even more, to be without him.
"I hate resolutions" You mumbled into him.
“Me too” He whispered back, letting you fall asleep in his arms tear-stained cheeks but happy you had him back. You knew it would be hard to explain everything properly in the morning but the lack of energy mixed with Vans presence lead you to sleep quickly. At least he was home.
A/n: I might just be overly emotional but yes, I did cry writing this and I have no regrets! Lol hope you loves are all doing well, I've been busy writing recently so i'm thinking my posting days for the future will be every sat/Sunday and maybe the extra little midweek treat depending on how much time I have, hope you had a nice week! xx em
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