#i've never been a rebels fan
februarys-wednesday · 10 months
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oh my fucking god
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ct-hardcase · 1 year
just remembered that we still haven't like. addressed the fives thing in tbb
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ms-cartoon · 5 months
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I've been coming across a bunch of Hazbin spoilers and decided "screw it" and found the leaks to the full episodes. (I don't care how sensitive you leak haters are about it)
Of course, as expected, this show is already turning out to be trashy as I would expect it to be. Little retcons here and there, shitty writing, some crappy and pathetic characters who already lost whatever mojo they had back in the pilot, voice-acting is bitter as it will always be, etc.
There are a lot of issues with just these two eps, but I'm just gonna point out the ones that got my attention the most.
-- Charlie- "Once upon a time, there was a glowing city protected by golden gates, known as Heaven. It was ruled by beings of pure light. Angels that worshipped good and shielded all from evil."
I beg to differ since it's established already that angels from heaven are nothing but fakes and are evil as hell, probably proud of it. Exhibit A: Adam and Sera. Now if they were anything like Frollo (someone who believes they are doing good but are not) I might be okay with it. Like say, they only resort to extermination because they're from heaven, they feel it is their job, and they have to do it even though it's wrong. Instead, however, I assume they exterminate because they just like to do it and they're evil like that. They probably have a feeling that some sinners are still good people on the inside and just don't care.
-- Charlie: As the numbers of Hell grew, so did its power. Threatened by this,
Heaven made a truly heartless decision that every year, they would send down an army an extermination to ensure Hell and its sinners could never rise against them.
I hear with my little ear another retcon!!
In the pilot, the only reason why extermination was a thing was because of overpopulation in hell. Now they're saying heaven is exterminating sinners cuz they're threatened by the overgrowing power and they don't want to be rebelled by it?? I going to guess that they only made this change so they can force evil on heaven while making Lucifer the innocent one. This is exactly what they did with Stella in the HB series where it was brought up that things were okay between her and Stolas only for the second season to say Stella hated Stolas the whole time they were together and treated him badly just so the writers can tell us viewers that she's evil.
Is this gonna be a thing now?
-- Angel: I'll have the horniest sinners knockin these walls down to get in!
This body was made to be exploited!
Seriously, guys, this is the same pervert we're supposed to feel bad for BECAUSE he's being exploited!
And leave it to Angel to completely miss the point of this hotel. What they want is to convince sinners to REDEEM themselves. Banging them is not a way to go about it, bud!
-- My predictions about Angel being a sex joke are correct. I'm mean- they've always been correct, I'm just saying I had a feeling they were going to show it off more in the show.
-- Vaggie: "No, we can't force sinners to stay here. They need to choose to."
Angel Dust: "Well, I chose to stay here and I think it's all stupid."
No shit- The only reason why u agreed to stay is for the free rent. So don't go marking yourself as a good example.
-- I don't totally have a problem with this show being a musical as long as the timing is right. Charlie is so quick to tell Vaggie about a meeting she'll participate in and is excited about, but before Vaggie can even question it and talk to her, Charlie immediately starts singing without even hearing Vaggie out. They kinda rushed this musical number a little too quickly. Which only goes to show how fast-paced this episode is. It's always fast-pacing with these shows.
-- I have the sudden urge to jump inside this show and beat the ever-loving crap outta Angel if keeps on moaning and getting horny . . .
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-- Angel continuously flirts and touches an obviously uncomfortable Husk and fans are going to look at this as "cute" while I look in annoyance and disgust. And once again, this is the same guy we're supposed to feel bad for because he has a pimp who inflicts the same actions that he does and fans will choose to ignore it.
-- Adam is practically the most irritating character in this series so far. I was right with what I said about him before. For someone who's supposed to be an angel he sure as hell doesn't act like it. The whole time he's on screen, he's just making jokes, ridiculing the hell out of Charlie, and not listening to her at all. Continuously cussing and talking about dicks??? He has the most cringiest dialogue ever and I had the urge to skip it every time he's on screen. Something tells me he and Lute should switch positions since she seems more professional.
-- Charlie: Sinners make mistakes, but everyone makes mistakes.
Charlie, I know where you're trying to get at sweetheart, but I really hope you don't include all the rapists, murderers, abusers, and pedophiles down below. Do you really think they qualify as someone who can be redeemed? If so, I would have to side with the angels here despite their antagonistic behavior. I would understand trying to rehab drug addicts, alcoholics, robbers, etc. but definitely not the former.
Now that I think about it, Charlie is kind of acting like Viv in this scenario where she tries to excuse these criminalistic behaviors most of her characters committed when they really don't deserve anything good happening to them. That's like trying to redeem Valentino for pimping and abusing Angel Dust. Do we really think Val is capable of redemption??
Sorry to burst your bubble Ms. Morningstar, but the angels are in the right here. Hell exists for a reason and people who do bad things and like to do bad things deserve to be there. I wouldn't bother trying to rehab sinners who don't deserve it or are not going to try to fix their behavior.
-- Lute: Angels don't make mistakes . . .
Then what does that say about Lucifer? He was an angel who caused some actions that you guys would count as mistakes therefore expelling him from heaven. You guys never even attempted to exterminate him yet.
-- I'm sorry, I don't like Brandon Rogers as Killjoy. It's literally just a demon version of one of his characters. It's nothing original like the pilot.
So that is what I think about the first episode. If I forget to mention something, i'll just edit the post. Won't be too long before I make some comments about the second one, but for now, the gist of everything is . . . it's bleh.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask me!!
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timetodiverge · 5 months
Watching Ahsoka as a rabid Rebels fan (and now rabid wolfwren fan):
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After Episode 1:
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After Episode 2:
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After Episode 3:
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After Episode 4:
Me, a rabid Rebels fan: Dave I will give you my soul if you just give me Ezra back
Dave, still withholding: How about Anakin* instead
*aka one half of my past teenage self's bisexual awakening
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Me, almost relenting and momentarily forgetting my son Ezra: ....Dave that's cheating
After Episode 5:
Me: I will think more about Ezra theories once I get over wolfwren
Me: *never gets over wolfwren*
Me: oh no
After Episode 6:
Me: *crying because Ezra looks so much like his father in Rebels*
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After Episode 7:
Shin: force-pushes Ezra away so she can fight Sabine
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Ezra, Sabine, and Ahsoka are reunited, I've never been so happy, I hope nothing in the finale breaks my heart-
After Episode 8:
Sith daddy really has abandoned his feral kitten apprentice 😭
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3 months later:
Me: it's been 100 days and I'm still thinking about wolfwren all the time, where is my support group
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tenebraevesper · 5 months
Sonic Prime (Thoughts)
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So, since the finale of Sonic Prime has finally aired, I had figured to offer my opinion on the show.
I absolutely LOVED IT!
I know that not everyone was fond of the finale, and were also confused by the ending (EDIT: Note, I understand the ending, I'm just talking about what I heard through the grapevine), and there were some wars over Ian's comment about Sonic Prime taking place after Sonic Advance 3... but I didn't mind it too much.
In my personal opinion, I found Sonic Prime to be a very enjoyable show with an interesting take on the Sonic characters, the highlights being the Amys (Rusty Rose, Thorn Rose and Black Rose and their development as sisters), Captain Dread (I loved his redemption!), Rebel and Renegade Knux (Knuxouge anyone?!; also Rebel showing off her leadership skills and Knux punching Nine) and Nine (we now have evidence that Tails will commit war crimes if Sonic isn't around). I'll also add Mangey and Sails for their adorableness.
However, what impressed me the most was the character development of the two particular hedgehogs shown above - Sonic & Shadow.
Sonic started out the show as someone very reckless and doing his own thing instead of listening to his friends, causing him to shatter the Paradox Prism and create what becomes known as the Shatterverse. He projects his vision of his friends on people that look like his friends, getting himself more and more into trouble, especially with Nine, until he finally starts to listen, starting with Shadow, and over time gains the trust of the others, showing that he did become a bit wiser by relying on his Shatterverse friends' (and enemy's) advice. He really came a long way from how he used to be.
As for Shadow, I had actually planned to talk about him more in a separate post, but to keep it short - Prime!Shadow is peak Shadow! Just like Sonic, he underwent through character development, even though his was a bit more subtle. Shadow is a character who too has issues with communicating people, preferring to punch Sonic (admittedly, it also doesn't help that Sonic refuses to listen to him) over talking, but over time, he and Sonic start working together, showing to be the dream team. Not only that, but I loved how Shadow starts to become more and more protective over Sonic during the finale, trusting Sonic's plan and even not minding the hugs from Sonic. Also, that finale, where he saves Sonic's life had my heart racing!
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Yeah, I've been freaking out over the Sonadow content the whole time and Sonic Prime never failed to deliver. Oh, I know that Sonadow will never become canon, especially given how SEGA had taken a step away from romance, which I don't mind, but I love to see how fan content is thriving.
I'll be also looking forward to reading any Post-Sonic Prime ideas, especially in regards to Sonic and Shadow's relationship, as it is implied that both remember the events of the Shatterverse (again, Sonadow shippers are thriving).
All in all, Sonic Prime was awesome, but I do have a question - why are there 23 episodes?! Netflix, where is the 24th episode?!
Sonadow Prime AMV (Enjoy!)
#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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darkside-skyguy · 10 months
Ahsoka Part 5 thoughts (spoilers)
For me, this finally felt like an episode of Ahsoka, rather than a Rebels sequel series. I love Rebels but if you're going to call this the Ahsoka show then you damn well better center the title character!!! Anyway, this episode was all about her and her trauma and we needed this deep exploration in order for the character to grow. She could not have continued on this journey without confronting Anakin. I only wish there was more of this exploration!!!
On that note, I'm glad Hera isn't going with Ahsoka to find Ezra and Sabine. As much as I love Hera, this is Ahsoka's journey and the show is stronger for focusing on her rather than splitting its focus between all these different characters.
I've always been a Hayden Christensen fan but good god Hayden Christensen was amazing in this episode. Just so so SO good. It was so exciting to see him embody the Anakin of TCW that I literally sat up in my seat and screamed every time he was on screen. Really, it was magical to watch <3
The shot of Anakin transforming into Vader and back again in the fog was EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!
Sith eyes sith eyes sith eyes sith eyes
I loved the flashbacks and I loved little Ahsoka. Seeing these scenes in live action really emphasized just how young Ahsoka was when the Clone Wars began in a way that animation never really did. It was so cool to see this side of Anakin in his role as mentor at the very beginning of Ahsoka's training. I want 50 more episodes of scenes like this, please.
"You are more because I am more" I am WEEPING
The only thing I was a little disappointed about was the World Between Worlds. We didn't actually see any portals or how the WBW works. The fight between Ahsoka and Anakin could have taken place anywhere and I'm still not quite clear on why they were in the WBW. Was Anakin a Force ghost? A memory? Is he like the Son now, but instead of Mortis he lives in the WBW? I would like more information, but I don't think we're going to get more and that saddens me.
Very excited to see where the purgill take them. I love that they are leaving the galaxy far far away for the first time (outside of the EU, anyway)
Can't wait for next week :) :)
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vodika-vibes · 3 months
hello hello!!! I saw your follower celebration and I thought I should join in! Do you do Rebels characters? If so, Ezra Bridger, Aquamarine and fall would be a great combo! (as specially if it includes Ezra’s trauma 😁). If you only do TBB/CW, then instead you could do Hunter, Amaythyst, and winter! Thanks for taking the time to do this (if you do it, that is!) love your writing sm! (btw is SFW only okay? Not a huge fan of smut reader inserts lol)
Summary: Ezra has always been prone to nightmares, it’s a jedi thing he often claims. Luckily, he has you to help settle his nerves.
Pairing: Ezra Bridger x Reader
Word Count: 608
Prompt: Aquamarine - Healing Love
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly
A/N: I've never written for any Rebels characters before, but that's never stopped me before! So here you go! One Ezra story! This is roughly based around the time that he returns...probably. The timeline is vague. I hope you like it!
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When you wake at 2 am, after a horrifying nightmare that leaves you trembling and your hands sweaty, your immediate instinct is to roll over to check on Ezra. 
And when he’s not there, not sprawled out next to you sleeping peacefully, terror clenches your heart. 
It takes you a moment to remember where you are, and where Ezra might be. It takes you a bit longer to stop your trembling long enough that you’re actually able to roll out of bed to find him. 
You pad through the halls, your feet leading you to the dimly lit training room.
Ezra’s training room.
The comforting hum of a lightsaber reaches your ears as you open the door, and you make sure to stay close to the wall as you enter the room. Not because you’re worried that Ezra will hurt you, but because you don’t want to disturb him.
You move away from the door, and then slide down the wall to sit on the floor and you watch him. 
You’re beginning to think that the original jedi must have been dancers, with the way that the lightsaber forms look. Seeing a group of jedi practicing in unison must have been a sight to behold.
Pity that you’re never going to see it.
“Did I wake you?” Ezra asks as he pauses his movements.
For a split second, you consider telling him the truth, but he’s got dark circles under his eyes and for him to be awake so early means that he had a nightmare too, so instead you smile at him, “I rolled over to steal your warmth and you were gone.”
There’s a soft laugh, “Sorry, beautiful. I needed to move.”
“It’s alright.” You watch him for a moment longer, his arms are shaking, “Have you been training for long?”
“A couple of hours.” He admits, “I had a nightmare.”
“A nightmare or a nightmare?” You ask.
“Just a regular nightmare, not a vision.”
“Hm.” You fall silent for a moment, “Do you wanna talk about it?”
He glances at you, and for a moment, just a moment, there’s something dark and bleak on his face, before it fades away. “I dreamt about you.”
You blink at him, “You had a nightmare about me?”
“A nightmare involving you, rather. I watched you die. Over and over and over and-” He trails off, his grip tightening around his lightsaber.
You push yourself to your feet and walk over to him, reaching up to press your hand against his cheek for just a moment, before you take his free hand in both of yours and press it right over your heart.
“I’m right here. And I’m alive and well.”
He presses the palm of his hand over your heart, and you hear the steady hum of his lightsaber vanish as he turns it off and puts it away so he’s able to press his other hand against your cheek. 
“How is it that you’re always able to make everything bad seem so much smaller?” He asks as he leans in to bump his nose against yours.
“It’s my superpower.” You reply with an easy smile. 
“I love you,” Ezra murmurs, “The idea of losing you-”
You move your hand to press a light finger against his lips, “I love you too.” You move your finger and press a light kiss against his lips, “And I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”
And Ezra releases a soft sigh, before he lays his head on your shoulder, “Can we stay here for a bit? I need to keep you close.”
“Of course. We can stay as long as you need.”
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midorisudachi · 8 months
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"Jacen has abilities. His father, Kanan Jarrus, was a Jedi." - Huyang (to Captain Carson Teva)
Happy Sunday!
My goodness, I had meant to post this sooner! I'm been so busy with work, life, and Halloween costumes, that I've been neglecting my social media accounts! I actually drew this three weeks ago.
So...when Kanan was name dropped in episode 5, I got total chills and misty eyed. Kanan Jarrus is one of my all-time favourite Star Wars characters and I <3 him so much. I absolutely LOVE how Rebels Season 5....er, I mean...Ashoka, shows the mother and son relationship of Hera and Jacen. I had thought, "Awwwww, Jacen is like his daddy!" And how he wears the pauldron like his father. So sad that Kanan never got to see his son. (Darn it, Rebels season 4! Whhhhhyyyyy?) Of course I had to draw Hera and Jacen, and since I am a mother to a son, it makes it extra special to me. Hera must be so proud of her son no matter what, but the fact that Jacen used his Force abilities to find Ahsoka is just awesome.
Ahoska went by so fast, didn't it? I absolutely loved the series (with episode 5 being the best, making me emotional, teary-eyed, and giving me goosebumps so many times). I can't wait until the next season. So much goodness!
✨️I hope everybody likes this! Please share! It always means the world to me when somebody loves my artwork enough to share it. And as always, please let me know if you also draw Star Wars fan art (as well as Dragon Age, Naruto, and Minecraft).✨️
This was drawn with Sakura Pigma Micron pens, then coloured in with a mix of Copic Markers and Ohuhu Markers. White accents done with a gel pen. I had no idea what to do for a background (I'm rubbish with backgrounds, honestly), so I used a watercolour brush in Photoshop Elements & part of an Adobe stock watercolour image. I made the "stars" with the Dodge tool. So once again, a mix of traditional & digital! I actually used to use watercolours a very long time ago. I should start using them again for backgrounds, instead of "cheating" with Photoshop.
Ahsoka series/Hera Syndulla/Jacen Syndulla © Disney/LucasFilm/Dave Filoni Fanart © Jacqueline E. McNeese
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twst-hottest-takes · 13 days
Hot take: I hate the Vil is a transwoman headcanons because they perpetuate the very stereotypes TWST tries to break. It’s pretty front and center that Twisted Wonderland promotes the belief that liking feminine or masculine things doesn’t inherently make you less of a man or woman. So turning around and saying that Vil’s effeminate presentation and interests makes him a transwoman just reinforces the very strict view of male and female gender roles his character was designed to rebel against.
I see similar things outside of TWST as well.
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I've never been one to call direct contradictions to the canon "headcanons" but here we are. I think anon said it well enough. It's hard to appreciate a character breaking stereotypes when the fandom doubles down on those stereotypes albeit in a roundabout and backwards way.
Vil is a guy who is confident and comfortable with his beauty and interests/career and there are a good number of people who could probably be made to appreciate that a little more.
[DISCLAIMER: Fans can and will fan-fic whatever they want regarding the media they consume including headcanons and AU material in the name of fandom and fun. This is not an inherently bad thing nor should it be treated as such. However, critiques of such works should also be treated with at least the same amount of validity.]
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meldy-arts · 8 months
Rebels fans...
We spent all these years coexisting, creating art, and fanfiction. Everyone was basically at peace. And then Ahsoka came around.
Ahsoka aired and Sabezra fans were quickly being called homophobic etc. And now, with a single post from the Actress who plays Sabine, it's gotten even worse.
It's not even been that long and I've had to delete so many threats and hate messages. I'm already being called homophobic because of what the actors posted.
Honestly, what happened to us? Everyone was happy. Everyone was getting along in their own ways.
At this point, I wish Ahsoka had never brought them back.
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luckybyler · 1 year
Many ST fans, including us Bylers, need to tell the difference between uncommon and unrealistic.
There have always been comments by anti-Bylers saying that a gay teen's feelings being requited would be unrealistic for a small town in the 80s, therefore Byler would be too. Generally, the answer I've seen is that it may be unrealistic, but it's a better /more beautiful/more fulfilling ending and we have monsters and kids with superpowers anyway.
Requited young gay love has never been unrealistic - not now, not in the 80's, not in the 1080s, or ever. What it was is less common, which is a completely different thing. Let me give you an example:
Max ended season 4 in a coma, technically braindead. This are the possible outcomes:
Common/expected: she dies or is lifelong profoundly disabled.
Less common: she wakes up and is left with a permanent, but manageable disability (or several) and can lead an independent life.
Uncommon: she wakes up with disabilities but recovers completely or in great part with therapy and discipline.
Unrealistic: she wakes up as if nothing had ever happened.
Unreal/fantastic: she wakes up with laser vision and the ability to fly.
While the less common and uncommon options aren't as frequent, they can and do happen, and are in accordance with the reality of the world, unlike the unrealistic and fantastic options. The same thing happens when we talk about a gay kid's love in the 80s:
Common: Young gay love is unrequited.
Less common: Young gay love is requited, although they don't say anything to each other.
Uncommon: Young gay love is requited and communicated, and a relationship blossoms.
Unrealistic: One boy asks the other out in public and they become Prom Kings.
Unreal/fantastic: One boy takes the other on his spaceship to their home planet.
This applies to our boys, and this is when talking about a completely spherical Byler in a vacuum. Once you add context (and I mean context, not Byler proof specifically), the odds go up: Will and Mike became friends not because their parents were friends, or the teacher grouped them for an activity, or one of them joined a group in which the other was; but because Mike, by himself, looked at Will specifically and something about him drew Mike in. Let's keep in mind that the show tells us that Will is visibly gay or delicate/sensitive, so Mike most likely felt that vibe and either it didn't bother him, or he actively liked it.
There were gay teenagers who got together. Even in the 80s, even in small conservative towns. In secret of course, but it did happen. Even in Rebel Robin she tells us about two boys who seemed to be dancing together during prom in a classroom, so its canonically a thing that can happen in Hawkins, Indiana.
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motionlessonigiri · 7 months
Hi Sabezra community.
Am I an English speaker? No. That's why I apologize in advance for the crimes against the English language that I'm going to commit next. But I still hope you can understand me. I'm not even sure anyone will see this.
It's been a while since I came here to find people who love the same things as me. Like a refuge from the outside world. I planned to post something only when I had something interesting to share with you all, like a video edit or fanart. Things so we could have fun together.  The current circumstances didn't allow me to do anything for now, so I was just following things as a spectator.
Seeing all this ship war going on, made me feel like I wanted to get away from all social media, so I wouldn't see these things anymore.  I also felt scared to express my love for this ship too. I'm scared to post this now.
Even my mother noticed that something was bothering me.  She asked me several times what I had.  I didn't want to tell her, because she's also a Star Wars fan and I don't want her to know everything that's going on. I want her to continue watching our favorite shows without thinking about negative things.
I want to get the hell away from it all, but for once, I would like to post this to all the Sabezra shippers who are receiving free hate. I think you guys need some love after suffering so much hate and I need to get out how I'm feeling. Because that's all I can do for now.
This whole time, I saw your fanart, I saw your video edits and I read many of the beautiful fanfics you wrote (I confess that I haven't read them all yet, it's due to lack of time, but I loved everything I read).
I see everyone putting so much love into what they do. And I can't ask you to continue, because I myself don't know if I'll ever be able to post anything in the future. But to be honest, I don't want you to stop.  Am I being cowardly and selfish? Perhaps, but it's the truth.
But I'm here to remind you that not all Sabezra shippers are so active on social media, but we exist.
I've been a Star Wars fan for a few years and only watched Rebels during the pandemic. I started shipping Sabezra since then.
I was so happy that the Ahsoka series exists. And now I couldn't even watch Ahsoka or Rebels (I tend to rewatch the things I like many times). Because every time I try to watch it I'm reminded of this whole ship war that's going on.
So I decided to talk to a friend. He is also a Star Wars fan (and a fan of Rebels, which I recommended to him), but he doesn't follow things that happen on social media. We always talk about Star Wars, but we never talked about ships.  But today I asked him what he thought of Ezra and Sabine.
He is my childhood friend and we practically grew up together, so I thought: "If he sees Sabine and Ezra as just friends/siblings, just like he and I are, maybe I'm seeing too much in the interactions between Sabine and Ezra and and I should just stop shipping them." 
But to my surprise he also ships Sabezra. He said that you can see in the exchange of looks between them that there is something (In fact, my friend and I never look at each other the same way Sabine and Ezra look at each other). And he thinks Sabine is in love with Ezra.
The same case happens with my mother, who also loves Rebels and watches everything from SW since when she was young, but without following all the discussions that happen on the internet.  When we watched Ahsoka, she said she thought Sabine liked Ezra since Rebels.  She said this without me saying anything about shipping them.  And when I asked her if she thought it was wrong to ship them, she said no and said she thinks they will be together someday.  (I know, this may never happen, but hearing this from my mom warmed my little heart)
Even a friend of mine who isn't a fan, just watches casually, asked me if Sabine had a crush on Ezra.
Talking to these people from outside made me feel better, because this may not have been the intention of Dave and the others, but you can see that, based on common sense, no one can blame us for shipping them, it seems natural to many people. And not all Sabezra Shippers can be seen expressing this around.
I have nothing against anyone who ships wolfwren.  But I won't lie and say I wasn't sad that the cast supported it so openly, while we are accepting crumbs. I confess that at first I felt betrayed. I haven't shipped Sabezra for as long as many of you, but I feel like I have. But thinking clearly, I understand them. Besides thinking that they can to ship whatever they want, just like us, I see it as a way for them to show support for the LGBT community. It is to be expected that they will do this. And it's okay.
Needless to say, I'm just posting this to express what I was feeling, I have no intention of hurting anyone.  I am completely against any type of hate.
I don't regret watching Ahsoka, nor do I regret that the series existed.  But I'm sorry to have seen so much fighting and hatred for something that was made to make us all happy. I wish I had followed everything in ignorance, as well as my friend and my mother. I think I'll start seeing things that way from now on.
I had a lot more to say, but I still don't know how to express them in words and this was turning into a mile long post.  My first post and this was huge.  I'm sorry for this. I needed to get these things out because I want to sleep and focus on the more important things I have to do.
And I want to be able to enjoy watching Ahsoka and Rebels again without feeling sick out remembering all the discussion surrounding it.
For now, I want you to know that I've been loving all the Sabezra content you've been posting. What I want to say is that I'm here and that I will continue to ship Sabezra until the end. Even if you don't see me interacting here.
Maybe later I'll regret posting this. 
Maybe I'll delete it right away. 
Maybe I'll never come around here again. 
I don't know.
Too late. But everything is fine. 
At least now you know I'm here.
I love you all.
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randombrambles · 9 months
Okay...going to wade into the Sabezra discussion. May the flying spaghetti monster in sky have mercy on my soul...
I guess you could call me a "causal viewer" because, despite being a life long Star Wars fan, I'd never watched an episode of Rebels before watching Ahsoka. I just never got around to it and I've only watched a handful of eps of The Clone Wars too. But anyway once I started Ahsoka I was like "this show will clearly make more sense if I watch Rebels" so I started. I'm almost done season 3 of Rebels as of writing this post. And really loving Rebels btw. Part of me of like "why didn't I watch this earlier?" but on the other hand I don't have to wait for the next episode and I know the major spoilers already so I'm not going to get the rug yanked out from under me.
So back to Ahsoka and Sabezra...the big questions. Did I see the romance "coding" (not sure I agree "coding" is the right word but whatever, that's semantics) in Ahsoka? Yes. Sabine's actions definitely come across as her being in love with Ezra to me. That said I can also see the platonic angle, especially after having watched some of Rebels, so I'm not going to tell anyone they are wrong for viewing Sabine and Ezra's relationship as platonic. These things are subjective and open to interpretation until anything definitively romantic or definitively not romantic happens on screen. And at this point nothing definitive has happened either way on screen. Nobody has been proven right and nobody has been proven wrong yet. Sabezra is basically schrodinger's cat right now.
Next how did I interpret the "like a sister" line in Ezra's holo. Um...full disclosure the first time I viewed that scene I didn't even register that he'd said she was "like a sister" to him. I'd never even seen Rebels at that point so I didn't know Ezra yet. So as a causal viewer my take away from that scene was Ezra meant a lot to Sabine and Sabine meant a lot to Ezra. And I'd be wiling to bet that that was the takeaway for most causal viewers.
So on rewatch do I think the "like a sister" line means that Ezra truly sees Sabine as a sister? No. On rewatch, paying close attention to the body language, and after having watched some Rebels, I think Ezra is both struggling to find the words to tell Sabine how important she is to him and telling her what he thinks she needs to hear in that moment. The problem is that in English we don't have a word to describe someone isn't technically family but who isn't a lover either but who's also way more than "just" a friend. Sister is the best word Ezra can come up with in that moment but you can tell from his awkward body language and his literal scoff as soon as he says it that its not the right word. And yeah I think Ezra thinks that Sabine sees him as a brother so he tells her what he thinks she wants to hear right before he heads of on what very well could have been a suicide mission.
Do I think Sabezra is going to be made canon on Tuesday's final episode of Ahsoka (of season 1 at least). No, but hold on nobody panic!!! I also don't think that means Sabezra is dead in the water either. And frankly I'm kind of mystified as to why Sabezra shippers seem to think that the next episode is make or break for Sabezra when its clearly not? If there isn't a love declaration or a kiss or both (which is what I'm assuming people would interpret can them being made canon) its not like either Sabine or Ezra are going to marry someone else on Tuesday either. And since much of Ahsoka has been set up, meaning not much is actually going to get resolved in the next ep (Thrawn hasn't even left Perida[?] yet! I fear we are ending on a cliff hanger), we'll be seeing Sabine and Ezra again. There's no rush for them to get together romantically (and I know that's hard to hear for people who've been shipping for years but its true).
And further to the "there's no rush" point I actually have to say I that I think its WAY too soon for anything definitively romantic to happen between Ezra and Sabine yet (and again I get how hard that is for those who've been shipping them for a long time). And I say that as both a "casual viewer" and someone who's also watched a good chunk of Rebels now. For the causal viewer who hasn't watched Rebels, which is probably a big chunk of the audience for Ahsoka, they barely know Sabine, have just met Ezra and have only seen them interacting for ONE episode and don't know any of their history. A kiss or a love declaration would seem out of the blue at this point I think. And as someone who's getting into Rebels I still think its too soon. While I agree that Sabine is very likely in love with Ezra I don't think she's admitted to herself yet (that's why Baylan used the word family when he was getting her to hand over the map thingy imho) no way is she ready to tell HIM. And as for Ezra...dude is clueless that Sabine might might have non platonic feelings for him so no way is he going to risk ruining their friendship by blurting out that he's in love with her. And not only that they've been separated for 10 YEARS ffs. They need to get to know each other again before anything romantic can happen, again imho. I want Sabezra to become canon but I want it done WELL. Sabezra is a friends to lovers ship, they are still firmly in the friends stage right now, it needs to be a sloooooow burn.
And finally do I think Sabezra will become canon? Honestly...I don't know. I'd like it to, it would be really nice to have a non problematic ship, especially after the sequel trilogy robbed us of FinnRey and tried to force freaking r*ylo. But I think Filoni and the other powers that be over at DLF (he is NOT the sole person calling the shots here, keep that in mind everyone) are probably testing the waters right now and waiting to see what the audience reactions are like before they make any decisions. I'd be wiling to bet that by the end of Tuesday's episode the door will be left wide open for pretty much anything to happening shipping wise. So we'll just have to wait and see. Time will tell, it always does.
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moviecritc · 2 months
old habits ⋆ george russell
pairing: george russell x fem!oc (named Lena)
tropes: break-up, angst
summary: lena returns to the apartment she shared with george to collect her things after their breakup
word count: 615
a/n: i'm not the biggest fan of sad things, but omfg i'm so proud of this little blurb.
english is not my first language, sorry for the mistakes and poor storytelling.
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Lena felt she had wasted the last five years of her life. Instead of settling down in a city, studying, and having her group of friends, she had followed a boy around the world after he had said a few nice things to her. Now she found herself alone, without a flat and with a half-started business.
She wanted to leave Monaco as soon as possible, but all her things were in George's attic. She didn't want to see him, not now. Barely two days had passed; she still remembered everything she had said, how she had acted, and how he had practically said or done nothing. Nevertheless, there she was, pondering whether to ring the doorbell or to use her keys.
She took a few breaths and tapped gently on the wooden door. Lena was surprised by how quickly George opened the door. He had tear-stained dark circles and messy hair, yet he still looked incredibly handsome.
"Lena," he uttered, as if he longed to hear her name again.
"Hello, George," she spoke, with the most expressionless look she could muster. "I've come for my things."
George seemed disappointed, and his gaze darkened after a glimmer of hope that Lena might be there for the opposite reason. She didn’t wait for a response and made her way to the attic, holding back her emotions as best she could. But with each step she took, a memory was unlocked; all the times they had cooked together, all the times they had danced to jazz in the living room, the nights of cheesy American movies they watched one on top of the other… Completely cliché things, but to her, they seemed perfect.
"Am I coming at a good time?" she questioned, almost forcing the conversation. It was obvious the answer was going to be no.
"Well," said George simply. "I don’t think there's ever a good time for this."
Lena noticed the tremble in her breath and took a few moments to speak, not wanting George to see that it also hurt her, deep down, she just wanted him to hate her so she could get over it.
"Right. I'll go to the room, if you don't mind,"
As Lena gathered everything, George prepared two cups of tea, although Lena probably wouldn’t stay long enough to finish hers. He thought about what he would say. He had apologized hundreds of times, had picked up the ring from the floor and had apologized for appearing in the hallway of the apartment too drunk to articulate two words. He hated himself for all that, having been rotting in his body for those 48 hours, which had been enough to realize that he couldn’t live without her, even if it meant never stepping foot in a church.
"Lena," he spoke, appearing in the doorway. "I'm sorry. For everything, for wasting your time, for being a bad boyfriend,"
Lena knew that the problem wasn’t George, but simply the fact of being in such an unstable relationship, but she never told him that.
"George, I'm leaving. I have to go," She finished zipping up her suitcase and rolled it across the floor.
"You don’t have to. We'll find a way to fix this," George made a gesture to grab her arm.
"There’s nothing to fix. We want different things and neither of us will give up our lives for the other,"
"What life, Lena?"
She sensed the anger in George's words. It bothered him that Lena had such a good way with words and he could barely control the tremor of his voice in an argument.
"Don't," said Lena, in a whisper, holding back some rebel tears.
The two remained silent, not knowing what to say but also not wanting to leave.
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fairyfantasma · 26 days
i'm on a mission to read the 70+ books/series on my tbr so this list will probably change and evolve but here are some of my current favorite characters of all time ! (lmk what some of yours are !)
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part 1: book characters
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Lucie Herondale (Official Art by Charlie Bowater, The Last Hours series by Cassandra Clare): she's so me, she's silly, she's a writer, she writes borderline erotic fanfiction about her best friend, she sees and controls ghosts, she's the daughter of my favorite characters so she is my favorite character ^3 (cubed) (herongraystairs) <3.
Princess Leia (Art from Star Wars #12 by Stuart Immonen. "Leia, Princess of Alderaan" by Claudia Gray): i love leia in general but in this book my love for her grew x10000. she was 16 and so so angry at everything and the way she grew into her role as a rebel was >>> plus her dynamic with amilyn holdo was delightful. hot take: they should have kissed...
Xie Lian (Image from Heaven Official's Blessing Donghua Adaptation, TGCF aka "Heaven Official's Blessing" by MXTX): The only male character i've ever said HES SO MEEE to, largely cause he's a cancer zodiac like me <3 ascended at 17, went from a crown prince to the god of misfortune and scraps :'(, a virgin for 800+ years, abandoned by everyone except his 1 believer, was banished from the heavens TWICE but ascended three times, cursed, hit rock bottom and then hit it again and then hit it again, nevertheless he chooses to be kind, just wants to help people, he never knows whether to laugh or cry, he's suffered more than jesus, he's so tragic i love him.
Inej Ghafa (Official art for SDCC by Kevin Wada, Six of Crows duology by Leigh Bardugo) : also a cancer zodiac like me hehe (automatically if a character's sign is cancer they get promoted in my brain it seems...) she endured unspeakable horrors and survived, she's a spy, skilled with knives aka the best weapon, she still has faith despite it all and she's so determined to live the best life she can, she's kind !! but also deadly!! so in conclusion, thee best character in the grishaverse + she's called "wraith" aka ghost and ghosts are kinda my thing <3
NEIL JOSTEN (Art from Dazzlingbookishshop special edition cover for The Foxhole Court by @polartss, AFTG series by Nora Sakavic): *SCREAMS* he's my everything. another character who has suffered more than jesus. no one gets him like i get him. most main character to ever main character. i love you paranoid characters who are always running but find a reason to stay <\3. i love his selflessness and his intelligence and his cockiness and his desperation. i love a bunch of aftg characters (most recently jean) but neil is neil. best thing to ever happen to me. no further comment. i can't think of anything else to say i just LOVE him. (and yes him and andrew are the epitome of love)
Annabeth Chase (Fan Art of Annabeth Chase by @madicanart, PJO series by Rick Riordon): ANOTHER ONE (cancer zodiac) my first love. i wanted to be her so bad as a kid. she had curly hair and i have curly hair so i was like YES she's me (she + hermione were my idols). i wore owl-themed jewelry for years cause of her. another smart, kind, and not to be messed with character <3 she was afraid of spiders, and often too prideful, and was always wanting to make her mom proud, and had a complicated relationship with her father. all of that hit a little too close to home :') + her wanting to be an architect in order to build something permanent .. shatters my heart to this day.
Citra Terranova (Scythe Official Bookmark art created for @milleetunlivres_box by @kat_adara, Arc of a Scythe series by Neal Shusterman): her character arc is probably my favorite character arc to this day, she went from a somewhat bratty girl with low empathy to the most empathetic scythe. smart, kind, and strong-willed, she said "i vow to become the change that could have been" and then she did !! seeing how much she grew as a person from book 1 to book 2 was incredible. book 3 was a bit of a letdown but citra's character was still the highlight for me.
Blue Sargent AND Ronan Lynch (Official Art from The Raven Cycle Graphic Novel Adaptation Art by Sas Milledge, The Raven Cycle Series by Maggie Stiefvater): i tried to only pick one character per fandom but they're a package deal for me !!! I LOVE THEM SO MUCHHHHHH !!! they're the most characters to ever character, where else can i find an amplifying half-tree manic pixie alt girl from a family of psychics and a eldrich horror gay catholic farmer. don't get me wrong, i love all of the raven cycle gang but these two spoke to me deep in my soul. like i need to be their friend so badly, i would give anything !!
Benji Ovich (Fanart of Benji Ovich by painacotta, Beartown by Fredrik Backman): the newest edition to my fav characters list. beartown made me cry so much my tearducts no longer produced tears and i got a dehydration headache. i'm not yet done with the series but he's the tragic type of character that i know is going to wreak my psyche and destroy my spirit. raised by women, has a bear tattoo, described as "the boy with the most handsome face, saddest eyes, and the wildest heart they've ever seen". my heart is already broken for him.
runner ups: julian blackthorn from the dark artifices series, PERCY JACKSON !!!, tarisai from raybearer, & zoya nazyalensky from the king of scars duology
& special mention for my resident insane girls: pip fitz-amobi from agggtm, mara dyer from the mara dyer series, lissa dragomir from the vampire academy books, & juliette ferrars from shatter me
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stars-n-spice · 2 months
So, this is it, huh?
I figured the least I could do was write something down before shit goes down because I know after tomorrow I don't think I'll be emotionally available to do or say much about the show and what it and the fanbase means to me.
The last few days, my mind has been a whirlwind of emotions and I don't think I've ever really suspended my disbelief since it was announced that this would be the last season.
I felt like Po honestly, in Kung Fu Panda 2, when he's like "But I just got Kung Fu!" when they're talking about Lord Shen making that weapon that straight-up kills people who practice Kung Fu (I'm going somewhere with this just bear with me-) because I'm fairly new to the animated shows of Star Wars fandom and didn't start hyperfixating on Bad Batch until midway through Season 2 while those episodes were still releasing.
So when they announced that the 3rd season was the final season I was devastated. "What do you mean no more Bad Batch? I just got Bad Batch!" - I didn't want to believe it.
But here we are. Final season. Final episode.
I can't describe how the obsession started. It just did.
When the first season was coming out, I was still on Season 6 of TCW, so I got into it a little late. Then when it was over I immediately jumped into watching Rebels and became utterly obsessed with that show while Bad Batch just stayed, "Oh, neat show I watched."
Then the second season came out. I don't know how or when or why but suddenly something just went off in my brain and I became obsessed. I became attached. I fell in love with Wrecker in a way that I've never once felt or experienced towards any other fictional character, or person for that matter. I grew to understand Crosshair on a deeper level that made my heart ache for him and made me reflect on my own past and choices. Echo became a comfort character and an anchor in my life in where he's the first thing I think of when I'm down to put myself in a better mood. Suddenly I was ready to give Omega the universe and everything good in it. Tech became a lifelife (ironically) a hope that despite how I am and who I am, I'm capable of loving and being loved. And recently I've become so incredibly attached to Hunter because as the oldest child of five as well, I know that crushing weight of responsibility. Of failing your siblings. Of trying to be better.
This squad. This family. Cheesy as it is, I can't describe what they mean to me but Force, I'll try.
Recently I've been wondering why I'm so attached to this show and these characters. Jokingly, part of it is yes, the Bad Batch are lovely to look at and that does play a role in why I enjoy watching the show so much, but that's not completely it.
I think I speak for a lot of us fans when I say that I didn't fit in as a kid. I still don't even as an 'adult.' Look, I'm a biracial guy from two VERY different cultures that don't feel like home to me. On top of that, half of the time I don't know how to identify myself in gender and sexuality because I don't feel either most of the time. I'm introverted. I have anxiety. I probably have autism. I'm a burnt-out former gifted kid. I quite simply don't fit in.
"No, I'll stay. You guys don't fit in here either."
That? Yeah.
This show is for all those kids. Everyone who never fit in. Everyone who was told they were strange or weird, for the kids who ate glue in the back of the classroom, who were told they were too loud, who were put down because they didn't express emotion a certain way, for the kids who sat alone at lunch, who got left behind in their friend groups, for the kids who felt like they had no one so turned to harmful things, for the kids who were told they were special only to be discarded later in life, for the kids who don't know their place, don't know where they fit in and if they even do or ever will.
It's a show that tells those kids you're more than that. You're worth it. You're worth loving. You're worth protecting. You're worth the second chance. You're worth being loyal to. You're worth teaching. You're worth forgiving. You're worth it. You're worth it. You're worth it.
In the end there's hope for us. There's hope for all of us. And I think that's why I cling to tightly to this show. Why it means so much to me. Why I so desperately need these characters to make it out alive.
It's what Star Wars was from the start. About hope. About family. About loving and being loved and learning to love despite your circumstances. It's a show that took a bunch of neurodivergent absolute daddies and packed in so much angst but also feel-good moments with stunning animation, beautiful, moving music, and phenomenal voice acting. It's a show I can't help but love and love immensely because it feels like it was written for me.
For that kid who spent their recesses with their nose buried in an animal encyclopedia or talking to imaginary characters from their favorite books. For that kid who always felt so utterly useless and hopeless whenever they got less than an A- for a grade because they were supposed to be the gifted one. For the kid who struggled so much to be the older sibling they never asked to be. For the kid who just wants to find someone, anyone, who will love them as they are and fight for them. For the kid who valued loyalty above all else, always has, always will, and never gets it in return. For the kid who never fit in.
And well, whatever happens in the finale, I'm so grateful, so blessed, and so honored to have been a part of this journey with all of you.
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