#ice pick joe lore
dennys-at-3-am · 2 years
The real story of Ice Pick Joe: One of the most tragic characters in film.
Ice Pick Joe is truly a complex character. Not much is known about him, considering he is not a major character. Despite the mystery surrounding him, the fandom loved Joe. The creators of Goncharov took note of this, and created a spin off film titled As The Ice Melts (2010) .Older Joe is played Brad Pitt, while teenage Joe is played by William brent.  The Poster is shown below.
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In this movie, much of Joe’s backstory is revealed. One of the most important parts in the entire film is the scene where younger Joe escapes from his burning house. The only thing he saves is a photo of him and his mother. In the intro, Joe narrates over a flashback of him and his family playing in a park. 
See that? that’s me and my family...Ah, the good ol’ times.I remember this like it was yesterday. This was one of my last happy memories with my father.  
It is stated that Joe’s father either died, or left him and his mom. A few scenes later, Joe’s house burns down, his mother inside. His narration continues.
And then...It was just me. I was alone. I couldn’t save my mother like she saved me all those years ago. I had to go back to that wretched orphanage again.  
In this small snippet of dialogue, It is revealed that Joe was adopted. After a quick flash forward, Joe is introduced to a group of delinquent children. They’re slightly older than him, being around 14.
The kids weren’t bullies. Not by any means.They were some of my best friends throughout my teenage years! They helped me learn to be tough. They even helped bust me out of the orphanage! John, Quincy, Adriana, Emilia, and Carson were always there for me. We were like...a family.
Joe escapes from the orphanage, now traveling with his friends. They bought him clothes, and helped disguise him so the authorities wouldn’t recognize him. When he hit 16, they stopped the search. They assumed them to be dead. 
Now that Joe was no longer being actively hunted, he decided it would be good to take up a job and help support his friends. Quincy had inspired his passion for art, so he got a job making ice sculptures. This is how he got his nickname.
You see this? This is where it all started for me. My passion for ice was ignited by my closest friend. He used to say, “Ice Pick Joe. There’s nothing he can’t do with a pick and some passion.
(Note, in another spin off novel, It is implied Joe and Quincy dated/are dating, but the Goncharov fandom does not believe the books to be canon.) 
The rest of the plot is mostly filler, up until Joe is offered a job opportunity. He calls up his old friends, and they begin to work alongside him. This segways into the plot of Goncharov, but it is noted in a throwaway line that he stops working with his friends due to the job being too dangerous for them. 
Please let me know if you would like me to cover the books next, or the leaked information about Goncharov 2.
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pinkpuffballdude · 2 years
I so very badly want a film festival where all the entries are interpretations of Goncharov
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alpacinoinheat · 2 years
the question about how ice pick joe got his nickname has finally been answered.
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bowloftaurussoup · 2 years
The Lost Women of Goncharov
Listen i love Katya and Sofia as well as anyone, but can we talk about Luciana and Mariella for a minute? The Lost Women of Goncharov. They exist solely as plot devices to further the downward spiral between Andrey and Goncharov and yet haunt the whole script....without Luciana almost none of the action in the film would take place, she is fundamental, yet we know nothing about her. Not a single picture or relic. She’s not even credited with a surname despite the plot importance of her being Mario Ambrosini’s wife....And Mariella. She only ever exists in the background, is dead by the end of the second act, but her relationship with Mario (which is shown only through implications: her pouring his drink for him at the poker game, the way they are always looking at one another in the few scenes they are in, despite never sharing a word) underscores the entire falling apart of the wider male unit of characters. 
Between them, these two women represent an antithesis to the central theme of the story. Goncharov, both the character and the film, are obsessed with time and how little of it we have - how the clock strikes for everyone, and once your time is up, it's up - and yet Luciana and Mariella represent the fact that time does in fact go on. Luciana dies, is a faded echo of a memory, and still permeates the motivations of the living characters. They kill for her, they die for her, her name is repeated and repeated and repeated. Andrey and Goncharov and Ice Pick Joe and Valery Michailov are caught up in their own maddening little torture spiral, becoming less and less aware of the rest of the world, but the rest of the world goes on. Mariella and Mario have an affair or a friendship or a something, almost ignorant of the danger they are in, simply because of this fact: The World Goes On. And yes, obviously, you could just say they’re weakly written female characters who got fridged to further male character development because of misogyny in the film-making industry in the seventies....but I just think that they’re actually very subversive characters and that’s a fact worth recognising
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daegaljpg · 1 year
attention goncharov musicians:
i know the joke is that you supposedly dug up these pieces of music from the film (when you actually made them) but i need to be very serious real quick.
they are extremely well made. and if you make goncharov soundtracks i need you to contact me. i may or may not have a little plan for it and the connections to go through with said plan.
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kittenbradensgf · 2 years
what people like to forget about goncharov is that ice pick joe is called that because he used to perform lobotomies with an ice pick, and he did so many, either professionally or backstreet, that he gained the nickname.
hes not your little meow meow he lobotomises people.
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fluffmonger · 2 years
Katya this, Andrey that, look, no one is appreciating the *real* mvp of the movie, Dimitry! Sure, he's only got a handful of lines, and sure, his fate is as inevitable and bloody as the rest but oh... The way he gazes at the other men... The way he dies, slumped against that statue, almost as though he's being cradled by the cold world that rejected him.... The simmering tension of admiration and fear he feels as just another underling, just another pawn in a far greater game... Oh it gets me every time.
Plus! Have you seen how funny he is in the background when he thinks others or the camera aren't looking? Orlando bloom had to have studied him before filming for legolas I swear!
Tl;Dr, Stan Dimitry, give minor characters more love
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roman-roy-apologist · 2 years
can someone explain to me who luciana is
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writey-unicorn · 2 years
Ok, so I just watched Goncharov and OH. MY. GOSH!!! They meant it then they said it was the best mafia movie ever! I thought I would have to find a copy in an antique shop or something but after a while of searching, I managed to find a copy on the internet and here are my thoughts on it.
The way that Katya acted throughout the movie was really suspect. When she got cornered by the bad guy (blanking on his name atm) in the ballroom scene, she almost seemed like she knew him, and not in a, 'I can't believe you're trying to kill me, we knew each other in high school!' kind of way. She also seemed to be about to tell him something before Sofia found them. Is it possible they were working together???
Ferryman by Shayfer James perfectly encapsulates this movie. from the "your time is coming fast" with the obsession with time and the clock symbolism, to the three relationships that mirror the darker parts of the three main relationships in the movie. Goncharov and Katya, Goncharov and Andrey, and Katya and Sofia.
Also, did anyone else notice that when Ice Pick Joe died, it was at dawn? That felt weird to me because for a movie so chock full of clock symbolism, why would you kill a character at a time that symbolized rebirth and life? Something to think about.
Also, for peer review, Goncharov's fandom nickname.
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sorry tcw fandom but i’ve been a tcw blog long before i was a gonch blog and i’m autistic. anyways GONCHAROV CHARACTERS AS TCW SONGS FROM EACH ALBUM (i’m sorry mario enjoyers i just didn’t have enough ideas for him)
safe ship, harbored
goncharov: hole in the silver lining. the tragic hero, the bringer of his own doom.
andrey: ancient history. i thought of giving this one to gonch but idk dude, the Vibes just fit better. andrey has more of that bitterness you know?
katya: can’t have it all. i’m sorry queen i was pretty stuck for this one but yeah she is so valid and i choose to believe she simply cut everyone off and started over she isNOT dead
sofia: october. sofia my love. she makes me sad. she loved katya so much and. katya ilyt but damn.
ice pick joe: i ain’t done. this ALSO almost went to andrey! but yeah i really love his motives and storyline of this revenge against the system that hurt him and i think he deserves to be more evil actually
gonch: tongues and teeth. king of tragic doomed unhealthy relationships ig. also the gonchandrey was too good to pass up
andrey: steady, steady. primarily again because vibes. i just think he’s neat!! but also a doomed love because they cannot be free……
katya: the glacier house OR show your fangs. glacier house bc again “bundle up darling, you’re on your own now”, show your fangs bc shes a girlboss and i love when she kills people
sofia: shallow river i mean COME ON. sapphics. in love with a married woman. love but also bitterness at her betrayal. i just think she would silently cry to this
ip joe: strangler fig. again i just want him to go off ok? i am so proud of him for at least trying to escape this cycle of violence but also he deserves his revenge.
coyote stories
gonch: never love an anchor. tell me i’m wrong. tragic hero. this is just Right
andrey: allies or enemies. i’m sorry for being sexy and right and being obsessed with gonchandrey. but like….. his conflicting loyalties, u know
katya: metaphor. gaslight gatekeep girlboss. no i cannot trust her. i love her though
sofia: hard sell. i just think she deserves a good day. and a break.
ip joe: rockslide. i just think they’re neat ok
gonch: can’t go back. i mean. fuck dude that’s the movie. he can’t escape from his past.
andrey: curses. gay tension. religious imagery. dying together. fuck!!!!!!
katya: ribs. aaaaaaa obsessed with her and her desperation for freedom and to finally be her own person apart from her shitty connections.
sofia: the garden. again i am simply gesturing wildly i think it is her!!!!!
ip joe: down the river. let him snap. more. please
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hussyknee · 2 years
i'm so confused rn, can you explain the goncharov thing?? i get off tumblr for five minutes
(Edits closed as of 28 Nov.)
Nah I getchu. So this post has been circulating for like two years:
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Link to post.
But yesterday, it had inspired someone to do this:
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Link to post.
Next thing I knew there were fake Letterboxed reviews.
Goncharov moodboards. Really good ones.
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Link to post.
Meta analysis. So many fake meta essays. Disturbingly good ones. And of course the memes. (Edit: HAVE I SAID THIS SHIT IS DISTURBING)
As you can see, the myth just started to grow, characters and ships and tropes being added one after the other, almost bizzarely without contradiction, until there was enough of shape to the whole thing for people to start posting fanfic about it on AO3. "No beta we die like ice-pick Joe" is already a tag.
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Link to post.
It was hilarious in the beginning, but the way it's developed within less than a day, kind of like it's being willed into existence, is freaking me out a bit. We're toying with powers beyond our comprehension. 😂😂😂
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Link to post.
Of course, there could be an ulterior motive as well.
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Link to post (tags mine).
Edit: guys, please tag these posts "unreality" so people with disassociation issues can filter them out (not this one, this is an explainer). <3
Edit 2: Aparently the boots in the original post are actually referring to a movie called Gomorrah that came out in 2008, directed by Mateo Garrone, based on the Scampia Feud. And other people had also been making posts about the fake movie for a while before the poster took off.
found by @thepotch
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Edit 3: Explainer: why did those boots have this movie on them anyway?
Edit 4: Alt text added to all images courtesy of @valentineish ❤️
Edit 5: Turns out tumblr has done this kind of thing before. Nine years in this hell place and I had to have "Squiddles" and penis smp explained in the replies.
Edit 6: This post collects the Lore so far.
Edit 7: Lynda Carter (real one)/ earns more/ Tumblr cred.
Edit 8: Holy shit y'all we have the theme music. With sheet music. And it's on Spotify!
I made this post 18 hours after the movie poster went up. Closed edits 27 hours after first posting. So all of the above happened within 45 hours of the movie poster going up.
Edit 10: Google document live-compiling all the lore so far (Day 3)
Edit 11: Masterpost of Goncharov soundtracks (Day 3)
Edit 12: Entertainment news articles covering the Gonch-posting (real) (Contd from yday)
Edit 13: The music from the masterpost all compiled into a 31-minute original score with video edits on YouTube (edit: unfortunately taken down)
Edit 14: Staff's Goncharov art showcase for Tumblr Tuesday
As of closing on Day 3 there are 371 works in the AO3 tag.
Updating with Day 3 shenanigans I missed yesterday:
Edit 15: Goncharov TV Tropes page
Edit 16: Ethics of Gonchposting
Important PSA 1 (how to reduce harm to Tumblr's neurodivergents)
Important PSA 2 (reality affirmation, anti-bullying)
Important PSA 3 (why you should stop trying to vandalise legit information sites)
Edit 17: Character lore from beezlebub whose poster they originated from
Edit 18: What we know about/ Director Matteo JWHJ0715 (#unreality)
Edit 19: Link to post with screenshotted and described NYT article (scroll down) and this golden exerpt from BuzzFeed: 💀
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(alt text included)
End of Day 4 there are now 485 works in the Goncharov tag on AO3
Didn't get to update this on Day 5, so these are the Day 5 doings:
More trailers!
Trailer 1 (My favourite)
Trailer 2
Trailer 3
Trailer 4
I also just found out about the Goncharov Game Jam.
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It appears this opened a day after after the meme took off.
Goncharov was first entered into Wikipedia between Day 4 and 5 (attempts to vandalise it with fake info don't count, incidentally – please knock that shit off) under List of Internet Phenomena. This was then expanded into its own Wikipedia page at the end of Day 5 because, according to the talk history: "the topic now meets the notability threshold for its own artice due to significant coverage in The New York Times and other sources cited." We're on Wikipedia, people!
And then we made The Guardian half a day later. So while the meme is definitely dying down to embers by now, it still stays winning.
YouTube channels with episodes on the meme:
InformOverlord (4:30)
Lessons in Meme Culture (2:43)
End of Day of 5 there were 511 works on AO3, and End of Day 6 (today) there are 556.
🚨BREAKING 🚨 from Martin Scorsese's daughter's TikTok (real actual)
tw: unreality:
We did it you guys!
Clarification: Francesca Scorcese asked her Dad about the meme and Martin played along. Please reblog this PSA to help Tumblr people with psychosis. Thanks.
Final edit: Day 8. Media reactions to Scorcese's TikTok (everyone from Forbes to Vulture). That one Tumblr user who said they'd do a screenplay if their post got notes has promised to shoot a single scene, but please don't be dicks just because you reblogged it; leave them alone until they get around to it themselves. As of end of Day 8 there are 609 works in the AO3 tag. I love all you lunatics. Peace! ❤️
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tsscat · 2 years
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alpacinoinheat · 2 years
Info about my Goncharov characters
The story takes place in Prague, Naples and New York
Some info about Goncho and Andrey:
So Goncharov is the main protagonist of the story. Not much is known about him, his origin is very mysterious but it is later revealed the crime boss Andrey had his whole family murdered for owing him money and Goncharov is of polish-italian origin (I'm not sure what I want his real name to be yet). In the story Andrey is about 10 years older than Goncho in order for this to work, the actors are the same age but the eyepatch ages Andrey up so it works. Murdering Goncho’s family was one of Andrey’s first things he did after his rise to power. And so basically the story is about revenge. Andrey is half czech and half italian and he operates from Naples but his crime ring works all over the world.
If you asked Andrey how he gained all his wealth and power, he would tell you it was through hard work and that he came from virtually nothing. That's a lie as his family was very well off. The extend of his wealth can be also attributed to all the blackmails, murders, abductions, frauds, thefts and other crimes he and his crime ring commited. Maybe these are the things that constitute as "hard work" to Andrey. Andrey is also a classist and something of an ethnonationalist as he often refers to himself as full blooded italian and rarely admits his half slavic origin.
Here’s some info about Katya and Goncho’s relationship from other ask (some info about Sofia too):
In my own lore, Katya is very much in love with Goncharov but is also tempted by Sofia. To Katya, Goncharov and Sofia also represent two very different ways of living. Goncho is a smuggler but an honest one and Sofia works for her boss Andrey’s crime ring. Being with Goncharov means living a dangerous life on the run but somewhere down the line there is a possibility of settling down and living life through honest means. Being with Sofia means choosing a simpler, cushier life, a life of luxury but it also means being forever part of the crime world. Who will she choose? I don’t know and neither does Katya :)
Also, I’m toying with the idea of Katya being married to Goncho (simply becasue I tagged her as Katya Goncharova a couple of times lol) but I don’t know yet :))
Info about Mario and Ice Pick Joe:
Mario and Ice Pick Joe grew up together in Sicily and were both very poor. They are not related but share somewhat of a brotherly bond. Joe’s darker side started to show from a very early age. He loved to kill and dissect small animals which sometimes freaked up Mario (although he never judged him for his impulses). Joe also talked about joining mafia from an early age, it seemed like a natural thing to do. He never imagined himself as anything else than a criminal. Mario is academically very smart. Joe often said to him that someone this smart could go study and make something of himself through honest job. But Mario was a very cynical person from an early age and thought that the only way people like them can escape poverty is through dishonest means. Also, Joe is just a joy to be around (if you’re not the animal or a person he’s dissecting), he’s funny, great cook, loves music, unassuming but charismatic. And it’s not just a front, he really is like that, he has two sides, one of them is very dark. Mario, as smart as he is, lacks the charisma and is aware of that. He is brooding and sulking and cynical. Lacks the social capital ... and friends (except for Joe of course). He also likes to go to casinos and gamble, not because he needs the money, but he likes winning and he likes the fact that other people’s social status can’t help them there. He’d never admit this to you but he secretly wants friends and wants to be liked but he is just so goddamn unlikable to the majority of people that no amount of wealth can help him with that. Mario was also always ashamed of his humble origin. When the two of them joined the crime world, they joined Andrey’s crime ring. Joe is very loyal to Andrey because he sees him as someone who gave him a chance and saved him from poverty. Joe became Andrey’s best hitman and is free to act on his darkest impulses. Mario became Andrey’s accountant, handling money. But unlike Joe, Mario resents Andrey because Andrey is a big classist and often and not so subtly lets Mario know that he would be nothing without him. In the story, Mario befriends Goncharov (the met in a casino) and will have to decide whether he betrays his boss or not. And will he be able to convince his best friend Joe to work against a man he is very loyal to?
The Naples side of my story is probably my most developed part as of now. I still don’t have everything figured out.
How Ice Pick Joe got his nickname:
Ice Pick Joe's favorite weapon of choice actually isn't an ice pick, despite many people assuming that's the case. He doesn't have a favorite weapon or a torture method. He likes them all. His nickname refers to one specific event that took place shortly after after he joined Andrey's crime ring. One of Andrey's highest ranking lieutenants was suspected of stealing money and giving up information to a rival crime lord. He was subjected to many hours of interogation and torture but still he would not confess. Then Joe asked to try. The only thing he took to the room with him was in ice pick. Nobody really knows what happened in there but it took less than 15 minutes for the lieutenant to confess how much he stole and what information he gave up. Andrey then used this information and destroyed the rival crime lord. This event prompted Joe Morelli to gain an immense amount of respect within the crime ring and ever since that day everyone called him Ice Pick Joe.
Info about Katya and her brother Valery:
Katya and her older brother Valery were born in Moscow but moved to Moldova after Katya's birth. Their moldavian mother died during Katya's birth and their russian father was very abusive but mostly absent. Valery is 20 years older than Katya and he basically raised her on his own.  Valery became a high ranking officer in the militsiya (soviet police) at quite an early age, mostly due to his efficiency. He soon became disillusioned by the brutal soviet regime and defected to the USA, searching for a better life for him and Katya. He became a weapon smuggler and that's how he and Katya met Goncharov. Valery and Goncharov fell out during an event where Valery thought Goncharov had betayed him after a heist gone wrong (he didn't betray him, it was misunderstanding). He also hates Goncharov because Katya fell in love with him and choose to leave with him.
Info about Mario and Goncharov:
As for their relationship, Goncharov meets Mario in a casino in Italy and befriends him only to infiltrate Andrey’s crime ring (to revenge his murdered family). But as time goes on, Mario notices all the inconsistencies in Goncharov’s cover story and figures out he’s not who he says he is. Meanwhile, Goncharov really starts to consider Mario his friend and almost feels sorry for lying to him. At some point, Goncharov tells Mario the truth about who he is, even tells him his real name (the only other person who knows his name is Katya). It will be up to Mario to decide whether he betrays his boss and helps his new friend to revenge his family.
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eeveearoace-creative · 8 months
a speech about goncharov i made for my public speaking class!
note: this is not exactly what will be spoken for my class, as i am not reading my speech word-for-word. however, this is an outline of the speech i will be presenting, and i thought y'all might be interested in seeing it.
The purpose of my speech is to inform my audience of the fake movie “Goncharov” and how it has impacted me. My goal is to inform my audience of how the fake movie “Goncharov” came to be and of the value it has. 
By a quick show of hands, how many of you have seen or heard of Goncharov before? [Quick pause as I wait for no hands – or almost no hands – to go up.] Alright. So, Goncharov was a 1973 mafia movie supported by Martin Scorsese, and has been widely regarded as the greatest mafia movie of all time. It’s about the Russian mafia in Naples, Italy, and follows a variety of characters such as Goncharov himself, Katya, who is Goncharov’s wife, Audrei “The Banker” Daddano, and my personal favorite, Joseph “Ice Pick Joe” Morelli, with actors such as Robert De Niro, Cybill Shepherd, Harvey Keitel, and Lynda Carter. So, why have you never heard of this movie before? Well, everything I just told you? It’s all a lie. It’s all made up. Goncharov? Yeah. It never actually existed. 
I remember being part of the Goncharov fandom as it first blew up on Tumblr in late 2022. It was a great source of joy for me and made a significant impact on Tumblr’s culture. I am going to show my audience how Goncharov came to be, the creativity is spawned, and briefly reflect on how the website it originated on was vital for its growth. 
So, what is Goncharov, and what is going on here?
Goncharov was a fake movie created by Tumblr in late 2022. 
Sometime prior to August 22nd, 2020, Tumblr user ZootyCoon posted a photograph of knockoff boots they had bought that advertised a non-existent movie, Goncharov, on them, claiming that Goncharov was “the greatest mafia movie of all time.” In response, on August 22nd, 2020, another Tumblr user, AbandonedAmbition, commented “This idiot hasn’t seen Goncharov”, which was then added to the post itself by Tumblr user LoserMo. 
While ZootyCoon’s original post did receive some attention, it wasn’t until November 18th, 2022 that Goncharov truly hit it off as a cultural phenomenon, thanks to Tumblr user Beelzeebub, who posted a fan-made poster for Goncharov, receiving almost 20,000 likes and over 15,000 reblogs in three days. 
As it turns out, you don't actually need a piece of media to be real in order for a fandom to form around it.
Countless fanworks were created for Goncharov, including fanart, fanfiction, music, scene analysis and analysis of motifs, gif sets, memes, and so much more. As mentioned in a YouTube video by YouTuber ColeyDoesThings, there was even a time where Goncharov had more fanfiction on a popular fanfiction website than James Cameran’s Avatar, the highest grossing movie of all time. 
So much lore was being created for Goncharov in such a short amount of time that efforts had to be made to record it all. Multiple individuals attempted to create a “master copy” of Goncharov’s lore, including what is now a 48-page Google doc that includes a plot summary, brief descriptions of various scenes, and links and sources to various contributors. 
But Goncharov could not be contained just to Tumblr. Various media outlets, such as The New York Times, The Guardian, Forbes, and The Washington Post all posted articles about Goncharov, an internet phenomenon. 
But, why? Why this fake movie, and why on Tumblr of all places? 
As a social media site, Tumblr has an incredibly weird culture. There are no public follower counts, no verification for users, and a whole array of weird social rules. But one thing that really makes Tumblr special is the interaction between large and small blogs alike. Because anyone can and is encouraged to create their own content and add to others’ content, something like Goncharov could very quickly become a “yes, and” game among Tumblr’s users. 
Tumblr is also very much a “fandom” site. Fanart, fanfiction, and other fanworks dominate the website, and Goncharov in its heyday was no exception. Interactions between fans and fan creators is what really causes fandoms to grow and survive, so it makes sense that Goncharov thrived the way it did considering how easy it was to find fellow fans. With no pressure to reveal your “true” self, there’s a lot less pressure when you share what you’ve created. 
So, what can we learn here?
The fake movie “Goncharov” was unintentionally created by a tag on a pair of off-brand boots but didn’t truly become popular until Beelzebub’s poster. Fandom quickly grew around it, creating countless fanworks, but Tumblr’s unique culture as a social media site is what truly allowed it to thrive. 
There is joy and creativity in unusual places. Whether or not you believe Goncharov to be a waste of time, the popularity of a fake movie says something about the human fascination with stories. Thank you. 
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beelzeebub · 2 years
you most definitely have already got this ask lol but I would love to hear more about what you picture the plot of Goncharov (1973) is (and what your opinion on the very popular gonchrey ship as well!) I am so tempted to get a poster you would not believe-
Ok so about the ship Gonchrey or Goncharov/Andrey (who si played BY HARVEY KEITEL). In my own lore, Goncharov is the main protagonist and Andrey is the main villan (it's kinda obvious from the poster lol) so I'd totally get why people ship them bc people tend to ship heros with villains. But with everyone having their own interpretation of who the chracters are, I can't comment on other people's view of them.
And now the lore! I’m sorry if this sounds stupid or doesn’t make sense, I’m writing it in a hurry and I will extend upon this in future. Also, this is not a Martin Scorsese story. It’s a mine, let’s be honest. I’m not saying this to brag but I’m not all that interested in pretending this film is real. For me, they’re just my OC’s from a funny poster I made for my mutuals. I’m saying this because I’m not trying to emulate writing of the great Martin Scrosese who I love very much. I’m just some rando person who likes mafia and gangster things. Hope that makes sense.
Oh and before I begin, no clock, boat or bridge scenes or anything of that sort is in my story. All these things were created by someone else and don’t fit in my story.
The story takes place in Prague, Naples and New York
Some info about Goncho and Andrey:
So Goncharov is the main protagonist of the story. Not much is known about him, his origin is very mysterious but it is later revealed the crime boss Andrey had his whole family murdered for owing him money and Goncharov is of polish-italian origin (I'm not sure what I want his real name to be yet). In the story Andrey is about 10 years older than Goncho in order for this to work, the actors are the same age but the eyepatch ages Andrey up so it works. Murdering Goncho’s family was one of Andrey’s first things he did after his rise to power. And so basically the story is about revenge. Andrey is half czech and half italian and he operates from Naples but his crime ring works all over the world. 
If you asked Andrey how he gained all his wealth and power, he would tell you it was through hard work and that he came from virtually nothing. That's a lie as his family was very well off. The extend of his wealth can be also attributed to all the blackmails, murders, abductions, frauds, thefts and other crimes he and his crime ring commited. Maybe these are the things that constitute as "hard work" to Andrey. Andrey is also a classist and something of an ethnonationalist as he often refers to himself as full blooded italian and rarely admits his half slavic origin.
Here’s some info about Katya and Goncho’s relationship from other ask (some info about Sofia too):
In my own lore, Katya is very much in love with Goncharov but is also tempted by Sofia. To Katya, Goncharov and Sofia also represent two very different ways of living. Goncho is a smuggler but an honest one and Sofia works for her boss Andrey’s crime ring. Being with Goncharov means living a dangerous life on the run but somewhere down the line there is a possibility of settling down and living life through honest means. Being with Sofia means choosing a simpler, cushier life, a life of luxury but it also means being forever part of the crime world. Who will she choose? I don’t know and neither does Katya :)
Also, I’m toying with the idea of Katya being married to Goncho (simply becasue I tagged her as Katya Goncharova a couple of times lol) but I don’t know yet :))
Info about Mario and Ice Pick Joe:
Mario and Ice Pick Joe grew up together in Sicily and were both very poor. They are not related but share somewhat of a brotherly bond. Joe’s darker side started to show from a very early age. He loved to kill and dissect small animals which sometimes freaked up Mario (although he never judged him for his impulses). Joe also talked about joining mafia from an early age, it seemed like a natural thing to do. He never imagined himself as anything else than a criminal. Mario is academically very smart. Joe often said to him that someone this smart could go study and make something of himself through honest job. But Mario was a very cynical person from an early age and thought that the only way people like them can escape poverty is through dishonest means. Also, Joe is just a joy to be around (if you’re not the animal or a person he’s dissecting), he’s funny, great cook, loves music, unassuming but charismatic. And it’s not just a front, he really is like that, he has two sides, one of them is very dark. Mario, as smart as he is, lacks the charisma and is aware of that. He is brooding and sulking and cynical. Lacks the social capital ... and friends (except for Joe of course). He also likes to go to casinos and gamble, not because he needs the money, but he likes winning and he likes the fact that other people’s social status can’t help them there. He’d never admit this to you but he secretly wants friends and wants to be liked but he is just so goddamn unlikable to the majority of people that no amount of wealth can help him with that. Mario was also always ashamed of his humble origin. When the two of them joined the crime world, they joined Andrey’s crime ring. Joe is very loyal to Andrey because he sees him as someone who gave him a chance and saved him from poverty. Joe became Andrey’s best hitman and is free to act on his darkest impulses. Mario became Andrey’s accountant, handling money. But unlike Joe, Mario resents Andrey because Andrey is a big classist and often and not so subtly lets Mario know that he would be nothing without him. In the story, Mario befriends Goncharov (the met in a casino) and will have to decide whether he betrays his boss or not. And will he be able to convince his best friend Joe to work against a man he is very loyal to?
The Naples side of my story is probably my most developed part as of now. I still don’t have everything figured out.
How Ice Pick Joe got his nickname:
Ice Pick Joe's favorite weapon of choice actually isn't an ice pick, despite many people assuming that's the case. He doesn't have a favorite weapon or a torture method. He likes them all. His nickname refers to one specific event that took place shortly after after he joined Andrey's crime ring. One of Andrey's highest ranking lieutenants was suspected of stealing money and giving up information to a rival crime lord. He was subjected to many hours of interogation and torture but still he would not confess. Then Joe asked to try. The only thing he took to the room with him was in ice pick. Nobody really knows what happened in there but it took less than 15 minutes for the lieutenant to confess how much he stole and what information he gave up. Andrey then used this information and destroyed the rival crime lord. This event prompted Joe Morelli to gain an immense amount of respect within the crime ring and ever since that day everyone called him Ice Pick Joe.
Info about Katya and her brother Valery:
Katya and her older brother Valery were born in Moscow but moved to Moldova after Katya's birth. Their moldavian mother died during Katya's birth and their russian father was very abusive but mostly absent. Valery is 20 years older than Katya and he basically raised her on his own. Valery became a high ranking officer in the militsiya (soviet police) at quite an early age, mostly due to his efficiency. He soon became disillusioned by the brutal soviet regime and defected to the USA, searching for a better life for him and Katya. He became a weapon smuggler and that's how he and Katya met Goncharov. Valery and Goncharov fell out during an event where Valery thought Goncharov had betayed him after a heist gone wrong (he didn't betray him, it was misunderstanding). He also hates Goncharov because Katya fell in love with him and choose to leave with him.
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gpedia · 1 year
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Yes to both of these.
A post by @curiosity-cat, dated Nov 25:
i see your “goncharov can’t be made into a real movie cause that would ruin it” and raise you; someone does make a real version of goncharov but films 3 or 4 different versions of each scene/plot point, and than mashes them up to create like 30 different versions of the same movie. it’s released in theaters under the guise of being a perfectly normal film, but every person who goes to see it sees a slightly different version, which will just increase the confusion and amount of unconnected lore. is that possible? probably not. but it would be hilarious.
Tagged: goncharov, unreality, martin scorsese, robert di niro, al pacino, gaslight gatekeep goncharov
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A post by @welshaphrodite, dated Nov 25:
No, no, NO! You don’t understand! If they were going to make a movie called “Goncharov” it would have to be a modern REBOOT of the 1973 film. Then everyone would have the right to consume the media while simultaneously complaining about how “it isn’t as good as the original” or “I can’t BELIEVE that they left out the iconic part XYZ”. We get to watch the film and preserve the original. Everyone wins.
Tagged: goncharov, martin scorsese, katya x sofia, katya goncharov, ice pick joe, ice pick joe goncharov, goncharov 1973, goncharov x ice pick joe, goncharov x andrey, andrey goncharov, sofia goncharov
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