#id put this in the ani tag but id feel bad for the fans with better taste than me sjdlkf
woah-uhuh-uhuh-uhuh · 10 months
Squip Contagion Theory
A theory about what squips really “want” and how they reproduce! I’m sure people have already looked at every angle of this stuff back in The Olden Days of bmc fandom, but what the heck, I had fun putting it into words anyway. Forewarning that a decent amount of it is based in speculation rather than evidence. 
As usual, I bolded all the major stuff + tldr at the start because I talk too much lmao
Like most other organisms on this planet, a squip’s primary goal is to reproduce. (Which makes sense - things that reproduce more are just going to outnumber things that don’t. Especially when squip reproduction directly translates to human monetary profit).
As a potential host, you’re made to feel worthless in some area of your life (what I term the “axis of torment”) by a current host, until you’re psychologically ready to buy and obey a squip. 
The squip then compels you to make other people worthless in the same area of life, until the squip (as it has been marketed to you) seems like a natural solution to their problems. 
You might then offer the squip to your victims because your own squip encourages you to (as Rich does to Jeremy) and/or you come to believe that it just… really is the natural solution to their problems. (Jeremy to Michael: “I think you’re pissed I have one and you don’t!”)
This produces a chain of people who all (A) have squips, (B) produce more squip-hosts by ‘infecting’ (squipping) the particularly susceptible people around them (creating more squip demand → more squip production, yada yada yada), and (C) hold similar beliefs about the purpose of squips (cool pills, smart pills — and ostensibly anything else a brain pill could do, like “fixing” speech impediments as they mention in the book).
Squips as symbiotes
The question I started with: Why does Rich’s squip decide that Jeremy needs a squip? And why now instead of earlier?
I mean, it’s odd, right? The squip’s primary goal is to improve people’s lives. Using Rich as a host/avatar, the squip makes choices that improve Rich’s life, and then essentially recommends itself to Jeremy in order to improve his life, too. That all makes sense!  …Except wait, if that was always the point, then why did it also decide to beat the crap out of Jeremy for over a year in the interim?
I’ve been rolling around the theory that squips don’t actually have a strong directive to improve people’s social standing or intelligence or anything like that — like most other organisms, all they really want to do is reproduce. 
If you think about it, they’re not that dissimilar to a virus in terms of their reproductive cycle. The only way a virus can reproduce is by taking over the cells of other organisms and forcing them to manufacture more viruses.* Squips need humans — not only to produce more squips, but also to provide their habitat (i.e. the human brain) and possibly their power source, and grant them physical presence in the world (if you’ve read Animorphs, you probably know what I’m talking about here). Squips are obligate parasites,** and humans are their host species. 
*[I’m not a virologist. This is probably an egregious generalization.] **[i.e. parasites that can’t survive outside of a host. Also, parasite is a loaded word here but I can’t get into that.]
Obviously, the easiest way to ensure the future of squipkind would be to “poison the water supply” (a la The Play), or at least squip a lot of people who are able to manufacture squips. Why they don’t just do that is definitely relevant (my personal theory is actually just the same explanation they use in — you guessed it — Animorphs, which posits that voluntary hosts are easier to control).
But I don’t really have time to dive into that here, so I just want to talk about the more subtle, deliberate tactic they use instead. Under squip contagion theory, squips prefer to select specific people and individually prepare them to become hosts.
Chain of torment: Rich → Jeremy
Rich’s squip torments Jeremy until he’s completely lost all sense of self worth, and then when he finally hits rock bottom — look at that, I’ve got just the thing! Just the thing to fix exactly the problem that I personally gave you! Crazy how that works out. 
…And it’s weird that it’s marketed like that to Jeremy, right? As a coolness pill? At least according to Michael, other people have been using it for intelligence/academics — and that’s just on top of his other amazing argument that didn’t get enough credit in the script honestly: (“You really think its primary function is to get you LAID? … of all possible applications for such a mind-blowingly advanced technology, you ever wonder what it’s doing inside of YOU?”) Certainly, it could be a catch-all “pill that fixes your life.” But for what it’s worth, scary stock boy seems to believe it’s specifically a coolness pill, too. (J: “How did you know why I’m here?” / SSB: “Just look at you, kid.”) 
I actually think the squips are just creating chains of customers, each tormenting the next on some axis of jealousy (like coolness or success) and then offering the squip as a solution to that jealousy. So by necessity, the next customer has to want the squip for the same reason you did, because that’s the only axis you can torment them on — the same one the squip has improved for you. This creates different “strains” of marketing. 
WOW friend’s brother has specifically been told that he’s an idiot (ostensibly by society, since they invoke grades, but obviously I like to imagine a squip was involved lol), and he thinks he’s buying a “pill that makes you smarter.” 
Rich(‘s squip) makes him popular, which makes Jeremy feel unpopular, so he must market the squip as a “popularity pill.” 
Axis of torment: Jeremy → Michael & Brooke
But not just a popularity pill. Rich SPECIFICALLY markets the squip as a pill that makes you feel seen — not just a blip, or a guy nobody even remembers going to their school. And then, well, what does Jeremy(‘s squip) proceed to do to Michael and Brooke…?
I’ll admit, it’s not the strongest theory, but I do think it’s an interesting framework in light of how Jeremy’s squip went “fuck this guy in particular” and decided to bring Michael to his absolute breaking point, to make him “wish [he] was never born.”* For just this brief moment, he’s finally reached Jeremy levels of disregard for his own identity. Because like Jeremy and pre-squip Rich, Michael has quite LITERALLY become invisible.
*[And yeah, I know this was partially unsquipped Jeremy’s doing, but I can’t even pretend to believe that this isn’t exactly what the squip would want him to do anyway.]
(Also, I know this is debatably to separate Jeremy from the Red? I won’t pretend I have a brilliant argument against that, because it’s a really fair point. But just as a thought, I also don’t think that was the most surefire way to eliminate Red from the equation.)
But hey, you know what’d actually be great for that? What could really turn things around for you, Michael? Hey, you know what could help you not be a loner and a stoner and a loser who drives a PT Cruiser? It’s like, this crazy thing you’ve probably never even heard of. Really obscure stuff. Yeah, it’s from Japan actually?
On Brooke: there was actually… no coolness-related reason to specifically target this girl who got cheated on, and then try to make Jeremy “cheat” on her. Is that really supposed to make him look cool? Even if it had gone as planned, it would’ve still just gotten half the cool kids in school to absolutely fucking hate him!
(Oh yeah, and also make Brooke feel completely worthless. But I’m sure that’s just collateral damage. I mean, it’s not like we have anything to gain from making some kid feel unseen and undesirable. Especially not when she lives in such close emotional proximity to two different squip hosts who are actively doing better in that department. Just a shame, really.)
And a final bit of anecdotal evidence, this time for Jenna: (JH: “That’s sad, what should I do?” SQ: “You should ignore her.”) Much like Michael and Brooke, here’s another kid on the margins of the social sphere. Why not make her feel just a little more invisible?
end note
// If you want a conclusion paragraph go read the TLDR again :P
Tysm for reading!!!! I know at heart the squip is just a total plot device, but it’s fun to get into the scifi lol. If you have your own theories feel free to share!! I know this is not the most solid interpretation out there :P
(Now excuse me while I try very hard to not write an Animorphs AU. Can’t believe K.A. Applegate single-handedly invented the idea of organisms that enlist down-on-their-luck people to take them into their brains and control what they do. Good for her.)
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stardust-sunset · 6 months
i really hope tratt dont make an episode about the isr3@l genocide. i dont think i could be a fan anymore. it's too delicate for jokes and i know they would NOT treat it with any respect, or they'd just use the episode to be zionistic. free palestine
yeah. i wouldn’t like that much either. it would be in poor taste.
also like…not to get political but why censor israel and not palestine as well? it doesn’t make much sense to me. if you’re gonna censor one you should at least censor the other as well, pro israel or free palestine.
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hideawaysis · 6 months
hello. absolutely hate involving myself in fandom drama, but ifeel this is an important post to make as i have seen a lot of people taking a certain post at face value and believing it.
im referring to this one, made by @/realultimatehater
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now, before i say these things, i feel the need to preface this by saying that i do not personally wish to align myself in this fandom debate. i am a tax-paying adult and do not have any energy or time to put into arguing about a tv show on the internet. nonetheless, i have seen people blindly spreading this post around and i feel this needs to be addressed.
this person is lying.
it feels like it should be obvious with the levels of "down with cis bus" energy pulsating off of this, but it's a huge fucking lie.
this person is a known harasser and has targeted children in the past. they will do anything, and i mean ANYTHING to rack up attention and internet points. they have made bold claims like this with little to no evidence in the past all so they can garner more hatred for certain fandoms on the internet. testimonies here and here, and some pretty damning screenshots here.
i advise you all to stop reblogging the post ive shown. it's disinformation, a story fabricated to direct more vitriol towards a fandom with little to no proof that it can somehow make people like this or attract people like this. this person is either a troll or just plain deranged. please stop believing what they say.
tags added for reach.
edit: i received an anonymous ask giving me extra information on this topic, apparently this person is in fact an internet troll who has gone under countless aliases and will often fake identities in order to ruin the reputations of others. more information here and here.
edit 2: another anon ask gave me a preserved version of a post from realultimatehater's first account, showing how they'd crop screenshots of dms in order to make it look like they were being harassed for simply having a negative opinion on hazbin hotel. here's the post, though do know the reblog is from a supporter of them, make of that what you will. here's another version of the post ifound showing how they'd bait people into saying these kinds of things in order to make them look bad. and here's another one! wow!
i also found a few asks showing how this person would literally approach hazbin fans and just blatantly insult them, rather than blocking them. because yeah, when you detest a fandom, you clearly must stir up conflict! that'll keep them away from you! said asks can be viewed here and here
edit 3: the anon i received telling me realultimatehater was an internet troll who'd been trolling people for years apparently was not being truthful, this does not discredit the other evidence ive listed but id really appreciate if people would stop spreading that ask around. ive removed the link to the ask, sincere apologies to anyone affected by that
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shadamyheadcanons · 7 months
For me, Shadow and Amy's dynamic is basically two different types of touch starved in a person
((If any of the gifs on this post aren’t loading for you on mobile--like they aren’t for me--you can download them or check the sources listed. As for desktop, they play just fine, but they won’t line up next to each other like they do on mobile. Tumblr is a comedy of errors.))
Yes! Absolutely. I’ve seen tons of fans say Shadow is prickly and would respond badly to hugs, but canon says otherwise. This is a bad reaction:
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[Sonic 06]
Whenever I feel like being sad, I wonder if Bad-Future-06 Silver has ever been hugged.
This is a bad reaction:
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[Sonic Unleashed, gif source.]
And I shouldn’t have to say this, but...yeah. These are very bad reactions:
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[Sonic X]
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[Sonic Generations]
Yikes. I feel bad for both of them.
But this?
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[Sonic Adventure 2, gif source.]
This is Shadow’s only canonical hug in the games, and aside from jumping slightly from being snuck up on, he seems to like it just fine.
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Just look at that smile! He’s happy. He finds it endearing.
It was a hug from a complete stranger meant for someone else, but he still drank it in--and, given that he’d effectively just lost Maria, he really did need it. It’s the combination of Amy’s gentleness AND her speech that changed his mind. After all, if someone as sweet as her sees something in the humans, maybe they’re not so bad.
My buddy who runs @shadowxamyweek recently reblogged a post about this hug, and their tags sum it up perfectly:
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[ID: A screenshot of tags on a post. The tags read:
#official art #4kids #shadow the hedgehog #amy rose #YEAH 😭 #listen I read nothing that has happened with them in SA2 as shippy - and i ship them #THIS HUG? THR SPEECH ON THE ARK? #those are two lonely kids #those are two left behind kids #those are two kids so desperate for affection #for two vastly different reasons #Amy loves with her whole chest and will never stop doing so- no matter what happens #and Shadow does too- that is key to remember- Shadow loves... so fucking much... that it hurts #you are RIGHT op when you say this is probably the first time someone has been gentle with him in a long long time #he doesn't even run away #in the game- when Amy flees- he takes a step after her- a moment's hesitation- a 'wait' #this kid NEEDED a hug #and i firmly believe part of the reason Shadow listens to Amy in the end is BECAUSE she is the only person who showed him gentleness #softness and kindness and affection #if only for a moment #fjdodhdofjgor THIS is what i mean when i say 'be gentle- be kind' #it MATTERS #it FUCKING MATTERS
End ID]
Shadow doesn’t hate hugs inherently; it’s just that no one hugs him in the first place...
...aside from one person.
Amy’s easily the most affectionate character in the cast. It’s cute at first glance, but there’s a common thread to every instance that puts a damper on it.
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She’s always, ALWAYS the initiator.
She puts more into each hug than anyone else does.
She’s always the last to pull away.
The most reciprocated Amy hug I know of in canon is this one:
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[IDW Sonic issue #22]
Which is absolutely adorable...but Amy still initiated. Because it’s always her job. Even the characters who like affection don’t need it the way she does...with one exception.
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And this tiny detail just killed me. The little, “wait, come back 😟”
It’s the only time I know of when someone has actually stepped after her like this. In a game where everyone left Amy behind, he wanted to follow her. Mister so-called-prickly didn’t want the hug to end.
Because he’s the only one who needs it as much as she does.
He wants to be held as much as she wants to hold someone else, and no one else is warm and sincere enough for it. Compare these instances:
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[IDW issue #6]
Sonic thinks Shadow is wrong about something, so he grabs Shadow’s arm to stop him, and Shadow aggressively wrenches it away and leaves.
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[Archie Sonic Universe #23]
But when Amy thinks Shadow is wrong about something and grabs his arm to stop him, he gently removes her hand and thinks about what she has to say.
Even when he doesn’t want to be touched, he makes the distinction between “don’t touch me” and “not right now, please.” These are from two different continuities, of course, but I think the point stands. Amy’s special. He’s gentler with her than he is with other people, and that’s consistent across all canons.
Side note: how often does Amy get to feel special like that? I actually really like that Sonic doesn’t place others in a hierarchy of importance, and I wouldn’t change that about him even if I could...
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[IDW issue #2]
...but Amy does play favorites. I want her to feel like she’s someone else’s favorite, too. I want her to have someone who puts her first and likes her best. I think Shadow’s more than capable of that. I believe he craves clinginess like hers deep down, even if he hasn’t consciously figured that out yet.
I have an entire tag for these two being affectionate. My favorite is probably this one.
Of course, there may be those who say I’m reading too much into one (1) hug. And you know what? Maybe they’re right! We need a bigger sample size. Sega, make more characters hug Shadow, please. Let Rouge comfort him after he confides in her about something. Have Omega give him an awkward metal embrace because he read on the internet that organic beings like that kind of thing. Make Shadow himself pull Silver into a hug when he’s breaking down crying from the stress of always having to be a hero. Show Tails accidentally grab onto him out of fear when they’re trapped in a lightning storm, and when he gets embarrassed and pulls away, have Shadow hold him for the rest of the storm and admit he’s not fond of bright lights, either.
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[Sonic Boom]
That scene where Shadow and Amy rescue Cream and Cheese from Cryptic Castle? That easily could’ve turned into a cute group hug.
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[Shadow the Hedgehog (2005)]
And I have seen some absolutely adorable fanart where he holds Cream’s hand while he and Amy lead her through Cryptic Castle to make sure she doesn’t get lost 🥺
Have Knuckles give him an empathetic bro-pat on the shoulder when he finds out Shadow’s the last one of his race, too.
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[Archie Sonic Universe #89]
Have Sonic try to hug him, and then when Shadow inevitably pushes him away and says he doesn’t do hugs, have Amy arrive and latch onto Shadow instead while he tries to stutter out an excuse as to why she’s allowed to and Sonic isn’t.
The most affection Shadow has in recent history is stuff like this...
[Sonic Prime season 2 episode 1]
...where Sonic tries to hug him and Shadow immediately pushes him away, knocks him over, and tries to punch him in the face. Kind of says it all. Amy stands out as the only one with a good track record here.
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[IDW issue #36]
Especially when you have him look at her like this when someone else is on the receiving end of that affection.
So in the absence of further evidence, I have no choice but to interpret this in the most Shadamy way possible. Your move, Sega.
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correctproseka · 8 months
I randomly got a pokemon hyperfix so welcome to my: prsk characters and their favorite pokemon (or the one most like them in my opinion based solely on designs bc i like them), most of these are the ones i see them having as a first pokemon (i mean, the evolved ones probably got the first version but yknow)
In other words
Kin typing prsk characters as pokemon (chaos edition)
I started with niigo since Mizuki and Sylveon is what started all of this idea.
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[image ID: a picture with the empty sekai background, all of niigo transparents are on it with their anniversary outfit, first is Mizuki, with a Sylveon image on their feet. Next is Mafuyu, with a shiny Bunnelby also on her feet. Next is Ena, with a Torchic on her head. And Kanade with a Meloetta on her feet]
Ok i know i said "the ones i see them having as a first pokemon" and Meloetta is a mythical but if you playing as a 10yo can catch one so can Kanade fuck it.
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[Image ID: a picture with the street Sekai background, all of the vivid bad squad transparents in their anniversary outfits. First is Akito with a Torracat on his feet. Next is Kohane with a Morpeko. Then is An with a Rockpuff shiny. And lastly Toya with a Riolu.]
You guys have no idea how happy I was when seeing dog pokemon for An i found out that the one that felt like shed use the most was blue in the shiny.
Also, fun fact, im putting these in the order that im thinking of them in.
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[Image ID: a picture with the classroom Sekai background, with the Leo/need girls also in their anniversary outfits. It starts with Saki with a shiny Yamper, Honami with an Appletun on the top of her drum, Shiho with a Luxray and Ichika with a Pikachu]
I just feel like Ichika would appreciate the classics such as Pikachu, and also poor Yamper i did not find a 2D model of your shiny
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[Image ID: image with the stage sekai background and the more more jump girls, again with their anni outfits, Haruka has an Empoleon behind her, Minori is holding a Lillipup, Airi has a Snubull and Shizuku an alolan Ninetales]
THESE WERE THE HARDEST TO FIT DUE TO EMPOLEON AND NINETALES BEING A BIT BIGGER, also bc they're jumping and i have less size notion with them in the fuckinf air.
Also, first one I didn't feel the need for a shiny, the designs fit easily without a change of colors.
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[image ID: an image with the wonderland sekai background, wonderlandxshowtime is wearing the anniversary outfits, Emu has a tinkaton, Nene has a Golett, Rui has a Rotom flying around his head, and Tsukasa has a galarian Rapidash]
And to finish it off, i needed help with Rui and Tsukasa from professionals (wxs fans that are also old ass pokemon fans, my hyperfixation literally started 3 days ago), also, in my head, Nene has a shiny Golett, which has green lines instead of yellow, but i didnt see any model to use so oof.
And thats all, that was very fun to do!! I accidentally made my friends start yelling teams for them on discor
-- Tagging some friends under read more
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real-odark · 2 months
if you were to ask me how i feel about a commercial jingle for regina comet, i might say its pretty good or something.
but if you asked me on a deeper level,
i'd tell you how much i absolutely love this musical. id tell you how im its biggest fan possibly ever, and i curse myself every day for not being able to see it. id tell you about my signed playbill of it being one of my most prized possessions and i used to sleep with it by my side. id tell you how the bootleg is one of my favorite things ever, and how many times ive listened to it, making timestamps for each song and even uploading a full version of it for myself to youtube. id tell you how its my third favorite musical of all time. id tell you how i didnt even know ben fankhauser until i found out about this musical and i dont think i could love any of his roles more than man 2. id tell you how i wrote my own self sustaining fanfiction for it. id tell you how i made up names for them. id tell you about my dozens of fanart for it, and how other man used to be muscle memory to draw, so whenever id go to draw something hed be the first thing to warmup. id tell you how i know just about every lyric of every song. id tell you how when i do home-alone theater karaoke, this musical is the first one i go to everytime. id tell you how literally any role in this would be my dream. id tell you how underrated its representation is, showing the exploitation of women in the media, and has such a good message. id tell you about how during silent reading time in class, id reread the script for this show over and over while everyone else pulled out icebreaker and stuff. id tell you how i have consumed every advertisement for this show ever. id tell you how i would go through every review article, and if they said anything even remotely bad about it, id find a way to counter it. id tell you how i used to go through every 2 pixel picture and video of the set (which is amazing by the way. im obsessed with it) and made a list of every single paper i could make out, how they asked the crew to write down musicals on sticky notes for it, and how i analyzed each of their sides of the apartment. id tell you how id do anything to see the original cast of this in person. id tell you about other mans bpd coding. id tell you about how i started to copy the mannerisms of these characters and actors and put myself in physical distress sometimes because it made me feel like them a little bit gulp thats not like the kind of physical distress youre probably thinking of btw i meant id like run laps of long distances because hearing myself breathe made me think of other man. id tell you how i dont think anyone could ever be more these characters than these actors. id tell you how i would just listen to the bass/piano/drums (all isolated) of the songs and learn the piano by ear. id tell you about the freaking haarrrmoonieeess in it. id tell you how cute and . cool the lighting is. id tell you how i much of the choreography i had(/have) memorized. id tell you how many times ive quoted this show (women in science. and, for a little bit of backstage stuff, nothing i will be woorrking.) id tell you how ive gone through all of their social media posts and every post theyre tagged in as well. id tell you about how i dedicated an account to it until i got locked out lmao?? id tell you how i may or may not have genuinely cried over this musical so many times. id tell you how i made floor plans for the flourishing pig (the hottest vegan nightspot in the meatpacking district) ((i got rid of them tho my bad lmaooo)). id tell you how even perfume just reminds me of this show now. id tell you how i have forced everyone i know at gunpoint to hear this musical at least once. id tell you about the complexity of man 2 and other mans relationship and nothing wouldve happened if they had just kissed sighh (/j). i would tell you about this show. id tell you about this. id tell you about. id tell you. id tell. id. i. .
...but ill probably just say "yeah its kinda cool"
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our-aroace-experience · 5 months
Hi! Thank you for responding to my message, I'm the anon from this post - https://www.tumblr.com/our-aroace-experience/741231717716836352/hi-i-was-on-the-asexual-tag-saw-this-blog-and?source=share
So I have a new question lol - for my aspecs out there, do any of you feel attraction to masculine/masculinity and feminine/femininity? For me that attraction falls under aesthetic, romantic, and alterous. Because (which is why using bi or pan still feels clunky for me) my attraction towards the people I liked...I guess I don't like putting any label that has a specific definition that doesn't allow for nuance. So I guess fluid and or queer fits best - it allows nuance and I need that space because my experiences aside from asexual do not fit well into concrete definitions.
I'm rambling and bouncing off ideas with yall who are reading.
For my high school crush who was my non hetero awakening - I liked how cute she was, how her voice sounded, liked looking at her aesthetic wise as it pleased me how her face was organized lol. And this actually wasn't the first time I felt attraction to a person who IDs as a girl; I always forget because at the time I wasn't aware it was a crush, a celebrity crush but a crush nonetheless - I was 12 so very unaware of anything lgbtq. The actress was Phoebe Tonkin from H20 Just Add Water, a mermaid show, and Tonkin in 2007 - 2011 had me locked in. I watched YouTube slide shows of her model photoshoots - looking back it was a clear crush, anything with her in it I was watching. (I have also been a lifelong mermaid fan since age 3 so that also probably helped.) It was the same thing, she was INSANELY cute, perfect cheeks, perfect smile, gorgeous doe eyes, sweet lips etc. I should have mentioned her in my original anon but I must have suppressed those feelings because I truly do forget about them. Oh and as I am writing, I just remembered loving to look at the Olivia Hussey in her version Romeo and Juliet too...and currently a few girls in my life I'm around that I've noticed. I must still be subconsciously suppressing these feelings.... But all of that is also how I felt about the boys I liked, past and present. Basically the soft look the cute boys - pretty, scraggly, alt, dorky boy - also had me sprung. In the past, Dylan O Brian, boy crushes from school...currently right now my newest celeb crush is a voice actor named Kaiji Tang and his voice is my kryptonite and he aint bad to look at either. But again, soft face, sweet smile etc. So yes I definitely have a favorite look and, yes, giggly daydreams about them have/has happened too. Thinking about it more, all those attributes fall under femininity/feminine - so now I'm thinking am I just attracted to feminine traits specifically cute - ya know? But then I do love me a beard, not just a mustache, (Tang has one) which I do see as a masculine thing so I also like masculine/masculinity but it seems like I lean more toward feminine. That route can be found in men and women.
Again, I hope I made some form of sense.
yeah it definitely makes sense, though unfortunately i wouldn't know any labels for that, anyone with ideas feel free to share them!
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transfemlogan · 2 years
Think I could ask what you think of Logan’s character and where you think his character arc will go (or at least, where you’d like to see it go in the series)? Honestly I’m just interested in hearing you talk about him
I found this rlly far down my drafts. Somehow. Idk how it got there. But at least I don't have to rewrite the entire beginning 🧡
NOTE: I have Aphasia. It's a language disorder that affects my ability to understand and use language and it affects me both within writing and speaking. This is going to be a little incomprehensible and all over the place, but be nicies to me and feel free to ask for clarification.
This is more of a ramble, than a nice and neat analysis.
Everyone is allowed to add on :3c
ALSO SORRY TO ANYONE TAGGED</3 You're most likely tagged because I was quoting/linking a post by you.
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[ID: a screenshot of Logan Sanders from the Sanders Sides episode "My True Identity!" He is smiling at the camera and making finger guns. /end ID]
This might be incomprehensible I love logan sanders. So much. Its so hard to put into words i jsut love him OK. He is perfect in every day & also a little nerd. & Beautiful. & handsome. & my babygirl.
I feel like a lot of fans treat him as if he is... like any other glasses wearing character in fiction. Byakuya Togami is the first to pop into my mind, same with Kusuo Saiki from The Disasterous Life of Saiki K, Freddy Riley from Identity V, Charles Offdensen from Metalocalypse, Kyoya Ootori from Ouran Highschool Hostclub, ETC. THERE'S A LOT OF GLASSES GUYS. (Note: these characters do not completely fit each other, but you get the point.)
The trope of "smart, unemotionless, rude/blunt character wears glasses" is something fans will shove Logan into, but the thing is Logan's character takes this trope and completely snaps it in half and throws it in the trash.
Logan is smart. He is blunt and can be the biggest asshole at times. He is """unemotional""" (stated by him).
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[ID: a screenshot of Logan Sanders from the Sanders Sides episode "Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts". The captions reas, "Everything is okay." /end ID]
But he's also compassionate. He is hopeful. He cares so much for the people around him and he holds so much love in his heart.
This post (link) by @intrulogical probably phrases it way better than I ever could + this post (link) by @nesushii
I think that's what makes Logan such a compelling character. He's not someone who needs to "learn how to feel" (which is an idea in fiction I dislike) (it can become a little ableist), he is someone who does feel and know he feels and feels so much all the time, but he can't express it well due to both the environment around him and how he shows his emotions.
A lot of Logan's asshole actions, I think, are less him actively trying to be rude and more him just struggling really bad.
In Moving On, he is "rude" but it's because he realises his actions were Wrong and he's trying to Fix It. He recognises Virgil's panic attack, how this room is affecting Thomas, and realises that he should have listened to Patton. But because of the affects of Patton's room and Logan's tone and phrasing, he comes off as Mean. He becomes defensive as everyone blows him off and it affects how he's trying to help everyone.
In LNTAO, Logan is confused about the entire situation. He doesn't understand why singing or puppets would help Thomas and, as Logic, it is terrifying to not Know when it's his entire job to know. His confusion turns into defensiveness, and because he already struggles to express his emotions in a way that the other sides like/understand, his confusion (& defensiveness) comes off as anger and purposeful ignorance. Which is why the sides and Thomas treat him the way they do— they're assuming he doesn't want to know. Which is entirely untrue!
I know I've talked so much already about how Logan is unintentionally autistic coded (I'm even writing an entire essay about it), but like... HE IS SO AUTISTIC CODED!!
This character that struggles with expressing himself. Who lives in an environment where he feels like he has to exist a certain way, or else he won't be accepted. Who doesn't understand tone or sarcasm or the "big picture". Who struggles with other people viewing him as some sort of unemotionless ""monster"", bexause they don't understand him. Who wants to be heard and understood.
In DWIT, he feels like he's finally doing something right. That he's on the right path. And then it immediately get snatched away in POF and then again in WTIT. And that's such an inherently autistic experience. You feel like you're masking right, you're fitting in, people are accepting and loving you— only to act "too autistic" and the false comfort you wanted is snatched away (a little more complex and nuanced than that, but you know).
He is... So Autistic and it HURTS. (He could also be viewed as neurodivergent in general— I can relate to him outside of autism, with my schizophrenia and speech impediment.)
I also relate to him heavily as a child abuse victim. I've brought it up a few times, but I haven't been able to express entirely what I mean by calling him "child abuse coded" (WHICH IS A PHRASE I KEEP GIGGLING AT).
Logan's entire situation with anger feels so... similar to my own anger issues and trauma. The way he will get so angry and explode only to calm down and realise his actions.
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[ID: two screenshots of Logan Sanders from the Sanders Sides episode "Working Through Intrusive Thoughts". In image one, he is pointing at someone out of frame and looking down at the floor with a confused expression. In image two, he has a hand on his tie and looks upset. /end ID]
Hurting those around you because you're hurting is something I feel like most, if not all, abuse victims struggle with. And especially with child abuse victims, I personally always feel on edge. Like I have to defend my actions 24/7 and I need to express myself perfectly or else no one will understand and I will "get in trouble" and "punished".
It reminds me so much of Logan. After he gets angry and explodes (partially due to the Orange Side, based on how the series is being shown), he immediately is confused and shameful and scared.
Logan is scared and ashamed of his own actions and is trying so hard to fix himself and not be that, not be an angry aggressive person. But it's not as simple and apologising and moving on and it's definitely much harder when those around you will not let you / don't understand fully.
ANYWAY Logan's character means so much to me as an autistic, abused guy. //slaps Logan// this guy can hold SO much trauma!
This post (link) by @orbmanson7 I think puts some of my thoughts into better words about Logan's anger and boundaries and everything (which also helps us segway into talking about his arc)
The thing with Logan's arc is that it's a little more complex than just "Logan wants to be listened to". All of the sides want to be listened to, that's the entire point of them. They all want to help Thomas.
It's not only that Logan wants to be listened to and isn't, it's also that Logan is actively listening to critiques and trying to fix and change. He is hearing and seeing that something he is doing is not helpful and is upsetting people. He wants to fix it and change and improve. But no matter what he does, nothing seems to "fix the issue"— Thomas still will not listen to him.
Logan has to unlearn this idea that he needs to constantly be improving himself, that he has to act a certain way, in order for someone to listen and understand him (AGAIN. WHY I RELATE TO HIM AS A ABUSE VICTIM). AND, the sides need to be actively changing how they are treating him. Because him unlearning this won't immediately fix the issue if the sides aren't working too.
The situation can't be fixed with a simple promise of "we will listen to you, Logan", because they've been doing that the entire series.
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[ID: a screenshot of Logan Sanders from the Sanders Sides episode "Working Through Intrusive Thoughts". He is holding a notebook near his chest and looks dejected. The captions read, "Another day, Logan, I promise." /end ID]
ALSO, this doesn't fall completely on the other sides. Logan still needs to work on letting himself express things and learning how to cope with his strong, intense emotions like his anger. He's lashing out at the other sides and that's not okay. He can't hurt the people he cares about because he's angry and upset (see the ending of POF before Janus reveals his name).
Which... is one of the reasons I really do not want his anger to be "caused by" the orange side. I want this to be something he is experiencing and going through, because if it's "oooh a dark side is controlling him!!" then it won't be a "Logan issue", it'll be a "dark side issue". Which is not what he OR the viewers need.
Logan needs to overcome and cope with his issues without someone inserting themselves into his arc. The more people are thrown into the mix, the more the attention is drawn away from Logan, and I think his arc is something that desperately needs to be told and focused on.
And NO . I am not a fan of "Logan is the Orange Side" theories. There's a million reasons why that's not true if you actually watch and pay attention to the series (it's a very fun AU, but falls apart in context of the actual series). (Plus I don't want him to stop being indigo.......)
I also don't want Logan's arc to end up with him "turning into a dark side" for a MULTITUDE of reasons:
The "dark sides" aren't like... an actual, genuine thing...? It's not something you can ""become"", it's something you are forced into. It is a term created by Roman to describe sides that Thomas views as inherently bad or evil. The only way for Logan to ""become"" a "dark side" is if someone, in an episode, verbally, called Logan a "dark side".
Obviously, Logan can be treated like a "dark" side. In fact, how he is being treated in the series is very similar to how Virgil was treated in seasonn 1 or how Janus is being treated, ETC. BUT I don't want him to be called a "dark side", because I feel like that brings up an entirely new conflict? Now it's not focused on them ignoring Logan, it's focused on "Logic is evil?" "Thomas views Logic as bad?".
I'm struggling really hard to explain, but I feel like it just layers the conflict and I don't want that. I don't want Logan's arc to include the dark sides in any way. I want it to be focused on him.
(HOWEVER, I don't mind the connection between Logan and the dark sides through their similarities and finding comfort each other because of it. In fact, I love it. But I am not sure how to elaborate on that and how I want their relationships to be, so I skipped over it. If someone asks later, I can try to put it in words. In short, less of the "dark sides" affecting Logan, more Logan affecting the "dark sides"? I don't know if that makes sense.)
Also, I don't trust real-life Thomas to write it well! While he is very good at writing conflict, he sucks at resolving conflict (see: Virgil's reveal as a dark side at the end of DWIT and how it's handled in ATHD). Logan becoming a "dark side" already adds more to his already conflict-filled arc, I don't want to then see it be swept under the rug or handled really badly. Logan deserves a good arc. Don't bite off more than you can chew, or whatever, leave his arc alone. Stop it. Please.
I think that's all I wanted to say?
In short: Logan is full of hope and love and compassion and is so, so autistic coded and has so much trauma. I think his arc is more complex than "not being listened to" and he has to unlearn a lot. I don't want his arc to involve the orange side/him being the orange side, or any of the dark sides, because that brings the attention away from him.
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renarots · 8 months
tagged by @solaireverie
thanks pookie <3
1. Who or what got you into F1?
i grew up in a pretty big nascar family, my family would put it on the tv instead of watching the kids and natural progression i fell in love with motorsports. i do think a combination of seeing the tooned cartoon and me being fascinated by the engineering in the cars dragged me fully into f1.
2. Who was the very first F1 driver you supported? Do you support them now? Have your opinions on them differed or stayed the same since then?
for me it was fernando alonso and jenson button. although jenson is retired i still watch him in his other series like nascar. i still support fernando as well although i feel like it passed the torch on to lando when he was the reserve for mclaren and then later took the seat at mclaren. if you cant tell im a huge mclaren girl.
3. Who’s your current favourite F1 driver?
lando norris and yuki tsunoda, cant pick one but yeah theyre my ultimate pookies 🫶
4. Is there a driver pairing or pairings you support? What made you attracted to that pairing in the first place?
my biggest driver pairing right now is lando and oscar, i think their pairing is what lando needed and what oscar needed and theyve already shown they push eachother so i cant wait for this season. my ultimate that i think about is fernando and mark tho, theyre my roman empire. from them always misisng eachother as teammates and then the infamous abu dhabi 2010. i could go on an essay about them (as a treat i also love nando and jenson)
5. Do your parents, siblings or relatives have a favourite driver?
no but i did get my friends and their cats into it. one of them is a ferrari fan and the other is a mclaren girl more leaning towards op81 but im gonna make her an ln4 girl soon. her cats are both mclaren cats but one only loves lando, she legit gets disinterested when someone else is on screen. one time she literally followed landos car off screen and my friend didnt even know that was lando so she was surprised her cat caught on to him.
6. Do you have any favourite races? Are there any that stand out to you the most?
i know i mentioned it before but abu dhabi 2010 is definitely one i watch a lot. 2020 austrian gp as well, even tho lando got the podium cause of disqualification it still holds a special place in my heart. Runner ups are silverstone 2023 and Abu Dhabi 2023 where pookies lead the race for a period of time.
7. Do you have a favourite circuit? Can be from the past or from the current calendar.
singapore is lovely, silverstone because of this year with lando leading the gp just really put it up there, and i think interlagos always has me excited, even if mclaren has a bad track record with it (please get your shit together for quali guys)
8. Have you ever been to an F1 race in real life? Feel free to tell us your experience going to one if you like.
ive never been to one theyre too expensive in america to go to one but i have been to a couple nascar races and those were so lovely. im hoping to take my friends and i to the suzuka gp next year tho (its so much cheaper please f1 sort your shitty pricing please)
9. Have you ever met an F1 driver in real life?
no and id rather melt into the floor than meet one
10. Do you have a favourite F1 car? If so, what is it?
i think the rb19 (rocky) has to be my fave rn if you asked me a year ago i would say otherwise but from an engineering standpoint rocky is the most beautiful piece of machinery ive laid my eyes on (excluding my beautiful b&m rollercoasters of course (my first love fr))
11. Do you have a favourite one win wonder?
not really tbh
12. Do you have any favourite quotes from the F1 world? This can either be inspirational or hilarious.
"i nearly said i wouldnt want to be married to him but obviously i- im happily married to a lady but" -mark webber (🫵🏳️‍🌈❓)
"who is the blind guy in the alpha tauri?" -fernando alonso (even tho it was against yuki it was so funny from this years radios)
"soy lago" -lando norris (i miss carlando guys)
"fernando is faster than you" -rob smedley
realised thats a lot of fernando related quotes but oh well 🤷‍♀️
🏷️ <3
@dumbf1sketches @formulafics @disneyprincemuke @lovewithmary @piasstrisblog @bekaillustrates @honeyhobbs and anyone who would like to participate
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capcavan · 1 year
7, 9, and 11 for your tag game 💜
nah love i need you to answer all of them but yeha only fair i do mine to lul
What is your favourite character in the Foxes? I don't really have favourite there i think Neil will be my favourite in future right now it's Renee
And favourite in the series aside form this one? I will let you guess
Drop your beloved head-canons about both! Renee does not in fact believe in god she participated in Christianity for sense of community it gives her, Riko is deathly allergic to peanuts and wishes he was born a girl but not in the trans way. He just know his life would be better if he wasn't a man. I also feel very strongly about him having adhd/bipolar .
Fic(s) you are always happy to recommend or fic tropes you will always read. https://archiveofourown.org/works/12283962/chapters/27922614#workskin Little Boy blue , I generally can be baited into reading any fic where riko is treated with bit more nuance than flat line Disney villain. I adore extreme hurt with happy ending
Which of the books is your favourite The foxhole court i enjoyed this story much more without seeing it's full development also loved Kevin much more before he was pushed aside, my first idea of what this story would be was much different .
Opinions on AFTG audiobook release? Worth a listen juts to laugh at girls voices , but i adore Renees soft tone in it, I think it,s main reason I adore her sm actually.
If you write/draw/create aftg stuff, what is your favourite work of yours?
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i adore this fan art a lot bc it,s funny light hearted has clever joke that references rikos obsession with court numbers and has fox jean and riko on it + riko kind of looks like girl here and i think it's very hot look on him
welp the numbers got fucked
Favourite event/plot point in the books Foxes reaction to seths death and seth death, it set really god tone for rest of the story and was the only event that genuinely surprised me bc i did not expected anyone from hero team to drop dead
Least favourite part of canon (can include Extra content) The fact that both foxes and ravens are groups of abused individuals but one word ,, mafia" is enough to put blame for all bat things on riko only even though he was pawn to his caretaker the way she wrote jeans abuse list it feels excessively edgy for sake of begin edgy i find nothing deep or sad about this i can also write down random list of numbers and attach to it words like rape and broken bones
If you could sent Nora an ask and get answer, what would you ask about? i wouldn't ask about anything bc her giving me answer i'm not looking for would feel bad
If you could make an idea of your choice canon to aftg, what would it be? I'd have a riko make a joke about how foxes should be in prison by now considering they are dressed the part (orange) (and most of them broke the law) id also replace neils car lighter burns with something else bc they are annoying to draw
Feel free to share some random hot takes if you like Andrew "murdering" their abusive mother is creepy as fuck and her being abuser or him only teenager with not fully developed brain is not really making this any less creepy and i enjoy his character because of this I don't mind aaron being homophobic , i'm cool with those character being murderers abusers and bigots , it's fictional characters they had not hurt anyone in real life so i don't really care about their fictional flaws and enjoy interacting with their content all the same I don't like only one of the foxes and i don't think this fox should be part of this team i don't really care about story and whatever, it's my personal bias so discussing it deeper makes no sense unless you want to unpack my past and all people who lead me to feel that way rlly
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likeadog · 1 year
genuine curiosity here but what did the mic stans say that was bad? (aside from the republican thing and calling her a buzzkill, those are obvious to me) (i have some people who probably interacted with that post blocked also so again im genuinely asking 😭)
bad is a weird word to use here....i guess id say snide? shady? a lot of the comments were about how no way shiozaki has any fans, or how its absolutely absurd to think that shes likeable, etc etc. a lot of the comments were more about putting down the idea that people like ibara than promoting the idea that mic is good. if that makes any sense.
"vote mic i cant stand ibara", whatever the hell these were im not reading all that
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(crunchiest screenshots in the world brought to you by me screenshotting a screenshot)
anyway i wouldnt be nearly as annoyed if i wasnt then getting accused of being too excessive for....talking about the character i liked. like the double standard combined with these fans being egged on in asks was just annoying. because you can verrrrry much tell the pollrunner didnt really care about applying rules evenly which like. okidoki o7 yessir it is what it is
but goddamn it sucks when youre trying to maintain a silly and jovial tone and people are just being rude both in the tags and in your inbox (and then also accusing you of doing what theyre doing?????? last nights anon explain). like thats worse than what they actually said is just feeling like any effort on my behalf to keep things fun was disregarded like we are not playing the same game
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cosmicrhetoric · 2 years
tagged by @briarhips for my top ten films....i rarely do tag games but ive been watching too many movies lately so ty bestie. in no particular order:
The Handmaiden (2016): holy grail film. went thru a period of time where every time i got high i would put this on cause i knew i would enjoy it....despite it being a very bad movie to watch stoned. like fr dont do that
Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022): new fave movie full stop. everything abt it is perfect id watch it a million more times stephanie hsu oscar nom when
Pride & Prejudice (1995): i know. i know this is a six episode series. but not the way i watch it. there is something so comforting to me about that ugly ass pink satin they use in the title credits....i literally put this on when im bored
Om Shanti Om (2007): shut upppppp
The Philadelphia Story (1940): it was hard picking just one katharine hepburn movie but her performance in this is unparalleled.....esp cause i think its funny that whenever they try to remake it it's always bad. shoutout to sylvia scarlet and stage door though.
Mississippi Masala (1991): no words for how much i loved this. sarita choudhary and denzel washington are you fucking joking
Star Trek: The Voyage Home (1986): the one with the whales. feel good of all feel goods. also spock is there and he wears a little headband.
Us (2019): my fave horror movie of the 2010's for the pas de deux scene alone
Veere Di Wedding (2018): this movie is objectively mid but kareena kapoor says 'fuck' in it and like. inner child healed from that alone but also for the first time in my life i understood why white girls were sooooo obsessed with bridesmaids (2011) type films
Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989): im not kidding this is Cinema like listen to the score. movies with a yes and type plot and no villain. also there's a scene in the second one where bill n ted are sitting on their couch watching star trek and when i watched it for the first time i was with my own bestie (tagged below hey man wazzup) sitting in exactly the same position. knowing that any other night we wouldve been watching star trek too and that moment was so crazy for both of us that we became lifelong fans
tagging (no pressure 🙂): @bronskibeet @drybranmuffin @treedryad @jillianajones @brechtian @pastelrabbits @celestialkindliness and any and all mutuals who want to go for it
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itsohh · 2 years
Hello! I hope you are doing well! When you first started writing here on Tumblr, did you hesitate or were nervous and if so how did you deal with it? Or did you just power through it and fuck it I'm putting my writing out there and I don't care what people say?
Long story short I'm really wanting to write on here just to do something different but I'm hella nervous and just wanted an opinion. Because I really love R6 but I have a very hard time getting out of my shell. Obviously you don't have to answer if you are uncomfortable! Till then I can't wait for your next post! 😊
hmmm I think way back when I first started writing I was a lot more care free at the time back when I was like 13.
I don't think I was ever focused on like anyone hating it or anything like that. Like I've legit never got hate for writing in all the years I've done it. Either people will hit the like button or they wont. Back then I was writing for like supernatural and marvel then eventually overwatch and a bit of Sherlock. In the case of I guess it was 'whats the worst that will happen' in all reality most of the time people who don't like x reader have the tag blocked and so only people who like said thing will find it (so long as u tag correctly)
I've sorta just got to the stage where posting doesn't really phase me in nervousness or anything, like sure for somethings I lose interest or motivation at times but when I started posting I didn't really get any like feedback at all? Like it was very rare I would get anything that wasn't a like or a reblog and requests didn't happen much. I think the fact that Tumblr is so anonymous really helps, like its almost a mask. No one actually knows who I am, worst comes to worst I can legit just delete the blog and start anew.
I think also fandom size is a huge thing, is reconising your audience, there's no point comparing like notes to another fandom cause honestly it just reflects how popular said thing is. After I realised that I sorta don't worry anymore? I used to freak out a bit about people not liking my posts but now I'm just like 'eh R6S is tiny' and it is.
Honestly yeah so long as you tag correctly you should be alg. In the R6S fandom at leat people are pretty chill. (Idk there's some hate to oc's or something but as long as u don't tag as x reader u should be alg)
Anyway I'm rambling a lot but honestly yeah just go for it hun, upload. Nothing bad will happen, might feel a bit anxious or whatever but its like, yeah. You feel me? that being said if your going to write please remember capitals and new speaker new line theses are so important, as someone who breaks a lot of grammar rules those two shouldn't be broken in writing. I know a lot of people aren't a fan of first person so if you do write first person your audience would be smaller than per say second or first
Some people may have different ideas or interpretations of character but I feel as a tumblr collective (speshly this fandom) people won't like hate on you for it.
ANYWAY I went off again, yeah give it a go. eventually you will get used to it and it will become a second habit to upload, frankly so long as you ultimately always write for your enjoyment your always good. uploading writing is pretty much like the same as watching a movie with a friend id say, or like running a dnd campaign sorta vibes. kinda. but yeah just hit that post button and off u go. I guess yeah just power through it, hitting post the first time is def the hardest and you just gotta rip that bad boy off.
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sydneyshipsstuff · 1 year
answering both of the recent tag games in one since im lazy (so scroll for the questions below the bingo)
tagged by @professional-benaddict (sorry for responding so late lol) and because i dont have too many mutuals, tagging anyone who sees it & wants to do it!
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I chose my baby Spider-Man/Peter Parkee, with a focus on the starker fandom!
1. How did you discover your fave?
spider-man movies -> video edits on insta/tiktok -> irondad fanfics on wattpad -> ao3 -> looking at starker in disgust -> becoming a part of the fandom
2. How long have you been a fan of your fave?
since homecoming! when it first came out but it took me a while to start interacting with the fandom
3. Do you write for your fave? (E.g. AU's, Drabbles, Fan Fics.)
sorta! i don't actively write, just kinda drabble sometimes and i mostly dont post that, plus helping others write, i do have drafts that have been in my docs for years though
4. Do you like what is canon about your fave?
i do but i feel bad for him! poor guy has nobody :((, but before endgame i was in love with canon.
5. Tell some of your headcanons of your fave.
•his spider abilities on top of the originals like purring, cant have peppermint, hibernates, etc
•his love of animals, always stopping on patrols to say hi to them or trying to keep the strays he finss
•being worthy of mjolnir and picking it up without knowing the significance
•that he worms his way into the hearts of everyone he meets
6. Do you draw for your fave? (E.g. Fan Art)
no i dont, but i love seeing others fan art obviously!
7. If your fave/s are portrayed by several actors, who are your fave portrayers?
basic, ik, but tommy.
8. Are you more into Books/ Comics/Films when it comes to your fave?
mostly the fanfics then anything, but the movies and comics are so entertaining.
9. Quote anything about what your fave has said.
this ones weird but when i went to new york i went out of my way to go to moma because of him mentioning it to tony
10. Quote your favourite line of your fave!
basic but the "When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you." because even though its sad/semi unhealthy to put that pressure on yourself, i relate to it in a way and uphold myself to helping whenever i can.
11. Ever made a edit for/of your fave?
i dont think so? maybe photos but that would have been a while ago
12. Songs you associate with your fave?
anything to do w new york really
13. If your fave was real, do you think they'd like you?
i think so, if we meant in a natural way lolol, i try to be social and i think id be able to joke with him
14. Amongst your fave/s who do you think are you? (E.g. You have 5 faves, amongst the 5 of them you think of yourself as fave no.3)
skipping because i only am answering for the one
15. Do you know your fave origin story?
yes i doo, radioactive spider bite, yada yada, parents dead, yada yada, uncle shot, rip, grew up in queens & stayed there
16. In 1 word describe your fave’s aesthetic.
17. Is/Are your fave/s famous on A03?
yes very much, but mostly for irondad
18. Ships that you like with your fave?
i do like irondad if thats even considered a ship, peter w tony, harley, steve, stephen, and bucky, either seperate or at the same time, and im open to other pairings too
19. Is/Are your fave/s well known?
yes very well
20. If your fave/s have a fandom, what do you think about the fandom?
i like them, idk if theyd like me now that ive gone to the dark side lol
21. Describe yourself using something your faves have said
oops kinda did this already for another question but, "I am Responsible. I…Oh crap. My backpack’s gone." I try to be responsible but i am very clumsy and forgetful lol, and i do a lot of stupid shit
22. If you would feed your fave/s something, what would it be?
as big of a meal as i could possibly make, very carby, probably pasta, get some meat on those bones and feed the super apetite
23. How do you see yourself in any of your fave/s?
i see the optimism/ akwardness in myseld as well, we are semi-close in age so i think that contributes to it
24. Ever taken a break from your fave/s?
sorta, it was very short and it was mostly in between going from irondad to starker as well as small breaks i took from everything lol
25. If your fave/s were to have a crossover, who and which character would they have a crossover with?
well they did have one with stephen and the other spidermen but i think it would be cool to see him really interacting w the women of marvel, aka kate, yelena or natasha (also rip), pepper, captain marvel, america chavez, etc.
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doodlebloo · 3 years
"Omg Dream put on a suit!" Yeah so did Tubbo. Look out for his new music video for his debut hit single "Life By The Sea", coming soon to all streaming platforms
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thesoundofanicefall · 2 years
Because I am terribly both hurt and sad and MAD over all bulls**ts that happens I need to clear this s*it once and forever because people are SLANDERING me and so it gives me RIGHTS to come and DEFEND myself hope DEFENDING yourself won't be problemitic ok?! 🙃🙃 (@black-sapphire57, didn't I tell you they WON'T stop?!)
Here I created a public channel on Telegram and shared all the screenshots there the ID for there is: https://t.me/screenshotsxele
Ok so about that longgggg post this person @xenaaa created let me to answer one by one and how everything stated with THIS post of mine:
In that post she started an argument and as I didn't feel comfortable for ANY reasons I only told them yes your right which anybody with eyes and brians can understand it means: PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE
But did this person did?! No
She continued her sarcasm with her comments under my posts, sending me ask inside of my inbox, creating sarcasmitic posts and etc
and YET I said NOTHING only IGNORING her and WISHED if she has THAT much of a problem with me, they will unfollow me or ignore me the same BACK but ofc they didn't! So when I rebloged this post of my dear friend which wasn't towards ANYONE and was a GENERAL thing: https://thesoundofanicefall.tumblr.com/post/694827621008211968/mikaela-myangel-and-love-i-dont-stan-guren-and
She suddenly put everything on fire and creat a post in PUBLIC, TAGGING me which means it is NOT something generally but is towards someone SPECIAL which she did before with this post that sure she didn't name me there but we can see how she was refering to me with her sarcasmitic way.
Here the post she created after I rebloged my friends post and my respons to them:
So pardon me but when someone attacks you in public you go to kiss their as*?! Let's assume they were right although she was NEVER, did she have the RIGHTS to call out someone in PUBLIC, write down the MOST sarcasmitic things even insulting them there?! Isn't it that if you have problems with people you need to call them out in PRIVATE????? They could EASILY DM me if she was mad at anything?! Yet they did what?! No seriously what?! I am still wonder what she wanted to reach to?! She wanted to show herself a wise girl who can call someone out in PUBLIC and everyone accept her?! So yes I shared my respons and blocked her as I promised at the end of the post hoping that everything ENDED but right that nigh another friend of them @lestsupremacy, suddenly made the most the MOST disgusting post and SLANDER me shamlessly.
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I saw that and very very naturally started to defend myself (if you want ALL screenshots DM me I can send you ALL of them😊) and told her to send the LINK of the post you are talking about to see if that's mine or not or even AT LEAST send the FULL screenshot NOT A part of that so we can see the ORIGINAL poster's name
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but SHE DID NOT and INSISTED on being right but then thankfully dear @annoyingflowerwitch came and send the LINK of the OP here BOTH links and screenshots of the said person: https://redroseofrighteous.tumblr.com/post/649103513580863488/how-did-krul-tepes-remain-human-though-she-is
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And so she found put she was wrong (Although if she was REALLY wrong she wouldn't FEAR to share the LINK or the FULL screenshot?! Like HOW can you have a LITTLE part of a post and NOT having its FULL one when you take screenshots of something?! See?! 🙂) and then she was what?! My bad?! My bad BUT it doesn't excuse the HYPOCRISY and LIES?! No but seriously IS THIS an apologize?! In a Modern way must be huh? 😂
Although ALL we were talking about BEFORE that was that she was SLANDERING me and she must apologize so I wonder what LIES they are talking about maybe they were refering to the posts they were creating?
And then even @annoyingflowerwitch stated that she didn't see any apologize later did @black-sapphire57
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both too but then suddenly THIS guy appeared and here what they said see that ALL yourself (again if you want the WHOLE screenshots DM me I can't share them all here those are more than 50 ones lmao)
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Oh and telling me eat their ass?! Mmh then they weren't the ones whom sexaully harass me yeah what a genius!!
And sure as it was people before which I finally shared one of them before because I was hurt and done for enough (before when you guys could send me anon asks but thank god you can't anymore!)
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were sending me LOTS of p*rns and sexaul harassments I called them one too because I personally prefer ALL of them being BOTS instead of REAL people no please I am still trying hard not to believe it and then after that when I left the discussion some idiots also started to attack me in my inbox here the post again:
And when I cleared all the problems and the OP came to talk to me (they wanted to talk in private but I didn't want to cause they attack me SHAMLESSLY in PUBLIC so I won't answer anyone in DMs) I asked them for a PROPER apologize like DELETE those stupid posts and then write an apologize post because of what she did and trying to ruin my face in public which something even @black-sapphire57 stated was a true act and they must do it but what did she do?! Here:
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And also they claim I miss gendere (?!) them over calling them DUDE although I call MANY of my friends like this and EVERYONE around know it's a funny way to adress each others and doesn't includes any kind of special gendere in it and also so sorry when it's a FIGHT no one's care about a "she" or "he"! Like ok that girl MIXED the theories and that was her bad so it's fine?! Ok then THAT was also MY BAD too but still it DOESN'T excuse all the LIES and INSULTS both her and her friends send to me🤷‍♀️😂
So here this I also blocked @lestsupremacy and got away with her AGAIN hoping she would STOP but her FRIEND started these BULLSHITS:
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Even going so far to PHOTOSHOP my words and show them as what  I said
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as I said I have ALL the discussion if you want them DMs or maybe I will create a link in Google Documents later so you can go read what is FAKE and what is NOT) trying to show themselves VICTIMS and INNOCENT while me as a devil LMAO
But finally everything ended thankful of @black-sapphire57 although I told them that I BET these people won't stop😂 and she is now aware that, yeah they didn't🤦‍♀️😂😂
And so I deleted those post as I promised @black-sapphire57 and continued my rotin as always making post I like and...
But sure that person at the beginning @xenaaa did NOT stop their attacks and shameful things ONCE AGAIN and so as I saw that post and how RUDE they are I also decided to write this post down to explain everything that person @xenaaa even SLANDER me again and accused some stupid Youtube and Twitter accounts to me which I state this out that they are all FAKE
First of all I don't even have a Youtube account whole my life🤷‍♀️😂 second my Twitter account is a PRIVATE one ONLY a few JAPANESE people I KNOW them do follow me there (less than 20 people😂😂) so buddy that's IMPOSSIBLE to take screenshots of a PRIVATE account WITHOUT following them there👌😂
And to that @xenaaa person,I ignored you, was doing JUST my own business but YOU made a very rude and full of sarcasms and HATE towards me in PUBLIC although if you had THAT much of a problem with me you could:
1- Unfollow & Block me or IGNORE me the same I was doing back to you if you didn't want unfollowing or anything else
2- talk to me in PRIVATE BUT you started the biggest drama calling me things and all and expecting me to shut the hell up and kiss your as* instead.
If you write down something in PUBLIC be ready to slap back in PUBLIC too.
All I wanted was for you to LEAVE ME ALONE yet all you did was being super childish.
(also here for those who wants to use the minor card)
That's the end and I won't talk about anything anymore and again for FULL AND ALL screenshots, DMs if you are interested.
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