#ideal student
nthflower · 1 year
Can I finish an excel graph animation in one night while having slightly sleep.
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drmullaadamali · 2 years
आदर्श विद्यार्थी के लक्षण : Ideal Student
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study-core-101 · 2 months
any suggestions on how reduce screen time and stop wasting time on social media?
a hard one (who doesnt spend a little bit too much in their phones) but a few ideas to try out
A widget on your phone about how much screen time you had. A lot of phones come with this option, it lets you know how much time you spend entirently on your phone and usually, the top 3 most used apps of the day. There is nothing that makes one feel more guilty than going to watch tiktok and next to the app there is widget that tells you you already spend 2hours and 30 minutes on it that day.
Social media feeds are made to be addictive, that's why you open the app to see a notification and end up spending 3 hours on it. If you think something like "I'm just going to see if my crush posted a story" or "I'll see how my lastest post did and then i'll do the homework" DONT. You'll open the app with the intention of only 5 minutes and we all know it isnt going to be 5 minutes.
Set alarms. Set a "goal" like, only using it for 20 minutes. Set the alarm in your phone and when it sounds, close the app.
Try other activities. We mostly go to our phones because we are bored. Go on a walk, clean you room, cook cookies, read a book, draw, talk to someone irl. Look for alternatives. Some of them will be difficult at start (social media is known for ruining attention span and things like reading requiere that), do it gradually.
Hope this helps!
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life is such a vibe lately (I suspect it's one of these manic depression highs again)
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accirax · 6 months
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Exchange #11: Rose's gift for Arturo!
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itspileofgoodthings · 1 month
my life has changed since I learned how to play Bach’s Invention No. 13 from memory on the piano
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stcecelia · 11 months
mocumentary-style sitcom about an LDS institute class / student ward about all the shenanigans the YSAs get into. featured arcs include general conference viewing party, attending trek with the stake youth, returned missionaries adjusting to being off the mission, road trips to church historical sites, The Wedding Episode, someone invited their non-member roommate and the talks are kind of weird/its Fast Sunday, Baptism Episode, etc. would ideally include lots of references to LDS cult classics such as The Best Two Years, the singles ward, and such. also one character would have a Tumblrstake / Queerstake blog
working title is just "The Student Ward" but im open to suggestions lol
fun fact I used to watch Lizzie all the time as a kid (still occasionally do) and I used to think she was Mormon because... LDS hadowLady lol
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enigmaticmaki · 10 months
more tbhk doodles!
Aoi as the insect/flower hashira has been living rent-free in my mind ever since her evil arc lol
Also, the convenience store besties (midnight snack duo? late night bffs?? 2am buddies???¿¿¿) + akane doodles bc im still whipped for him
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stuckinapril · 4 months
you guys have no idea what crazy friday plans i have (putting on a cute comfy fit, lip gloss mascara and spf applied, kilian’s love on pulse points, hitting the gym first thing in the morning w flash cards, studying at the library until sundown)
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avantguardisme · 4 months
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simmonsized · 6 months
I passed my physics final!!!! 💪💪💪
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I have been thinking about Black a lot again lately (who the fuck is suprised) and how he could have easily have become Todd. Because Black comes from money and his mom is a judge, with him seemingly studying law (basing this on the Rule of Law and Rule by Law convo in ep1) Black could have become a nepo baby. We see the same with White, how his dad makes sure he has connections the moment he lands in Thailand, how White gets brought to dinner with his dad's old students and their connections almost getting White a job within the first month maybe even less of being a Thai citizen again. Black could have been Todd, could have benifitted from a broken system, fly through law school straight to a well paying job. BUT HE DIDN'T!!! He saw it for what it was, a broken system that favours the rich and slows down the poor, saw a system in which big companies could do whatever the fuck they wanted because they have money and with that power, and Black cut ties with his upbringing and decided to fight it. He sought after people with the same ideals as him, who were also willing to fight for those ideals.
I just love him. I love Black with all my heart.
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Smoking, it would be well to add, was considered part of the whole duty of a Romantic man. The cigar, being Byronic, was affected by the "fatally" inclined; the pipe came, not from England, but from Germany; it was Faust-like, Hoffmannesque; it was also Flemish, of course, and the Flemish painters, like Steen and Teniers, were in high repute. A pipe signified a more jolly potatory spirit than a cigar, but it was always possible for the irreconcilable satanics to regard the breathing out of smoke from either as symbolically demoniac. The cigarette was not despised, but its popularity was due also to its picturesque associations. Spain was the home of the cigarette, the papelito as Borel and his friends fondly called it. When they rolled their fragrant Maryland lovingly in the papel they assumed a Spanish allure, Granada rose before their eyes, and invisible guitars played "Avez-vous vu dans Barcelone?" However, cigarettes would have been out of place in the prismatic flames of the punch-bowl. Their Spanish nonchalance suited better the light of day: evening shadows were consecrated to gloom and frenzy, Northern spirits.
Vie de Bohème a Patch of Romantic Paris, Orlo Williams
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scionshtola · 1 month
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9. The Warrior of Light has been through quite a lot, but what is a moment, big or small, that bolstered and renewed their spirit? Was it a cup of hot cocoa or a lovingly crafted sandwich? Did someone give them a few words or a gesture at just the right time that meant the world to them? (Of course, this can be a canon event or headcanon!) (x)
Corisande struggled after Haurchefant's death and though she tried to hide it from her companions, Estinien easily saw through the facade. He mostly did left her alone in that regard, but would sometimes sit quietly with her so she was not completely alone in her grief. And even though they hardly spoke, Corisande knew he understood her pain and appreciated his presence at her side. It was enough to keep her going in one of the hardest times of her life, and was the beginning of the deep friendship and respect they have for each other in the present.
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adalrikr · 4 months
Sothis lets out a short laugh at the critique of the question. She was thinking much the same after all. “The organizers, clearly.”  She leans her head down as close to the table as she can, trying to see beneath the card the best she can without being able to actually pick it up and flip it. Which is not at all. “Hm… I suppose one could attribute such vagueness to an attempt to allow an ‘open-ended’ perception.” She sighs, lifting her head as she gives up on her investigation of the card. She doesn’t know what she expected there. Her brows furrow as she turns her attention to the groups around them, attempting to peer at their questions to see if they’re just as strange. “Still though, I do agree. A question such as this does seem rather out of place within a ‘romantic’ setting, by all accounts…”
"Romantic. Huh." Right, this was supposed to be about romance, or friendship, at the very least. Testing chemistry between two people or something in a controlled setting. Had Erk been paying complete attention during the pitch? Not particularly.
The experiement part had certainly interested him at the time, but now he's almost wishing that he had elected to stay in his room and continue studying the topic he had been reading up on.
"Religious, or... hm, what's the word?" Erk pauses, scanning through his mind, "Ah yes, theological. Theological debates do not interest me much anyway. Saints are historical figures revered in one way or another, I care not for the divine aspect of tales about them."
He scoffs, "Can you imagine trying to actually form a proper connection over a question like that anyone? You might as well have asked me to pick out a random book from the library to discuss with no prior context."
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shrineofprophecy · 16 days
Okay but what about teacher Serval?
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