estellefrostwind · 2 years
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|| Image ID: 7 stripe flag going from dark blue on the outside to a pastel blue in the middle. Overlayed with a snow pattern. End ID ||
A xenogender that feels dead and frozen over. [suggested pronouns: frost/frostself, corpse/corpself, gore/goreself, ❄️/❄️self, cold/coldself]
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ceruleanterrapin · 25 days
Help Nardo where did you go if you don't come back I'm hijacking your blog and going to spam it
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mushroomdropsystem · 6 months
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We don't do art very often but I love to see the difference in style between alters and how unique there designs can be
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seelestia · 2 years
well, since you’re ok with it… here’s the reveal!
hello it is i, the harbinger of tears, 💠 anon <3 this is my main blog, while my writing blog is at @genshrineimpact. just block the tag: “minors dni” and you should be good!!
now, back to the topic at hand…
*war flashbacks* i-i need a moment *lays on ground and pulls blanket over head*
[ we’re having technical difficulties at the moment - please enjoy the brief intermission. ]
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*wipes tears* ok am back what were we talking about again? oh yes, plot bunnies! i think that used to be an actual term, kind of like how we say 'brainrot' these days haha but yes, it certainly makes an adorable image!
i’m glad that you think so! thank you for being understanding and kind about this <3 ok we can compromise - you just tell me if i ever make you uncomfortable and i shall bonk myself lol
that’s so intriguing, i think most people wouldn’t know about it! ohhh an au, hm? very interesting indeed… maybe i should try and do some research myself hehe
i think you’re spot on for the superiority complex! a love triangle between these three sounds like it’ll get very messy… the two albedos playing 3d chess while the reader is just stuck in the middle like (· ω ·) ??
*clears throat* lia you are hallucinating wdym /j hahahah i know right??? literally none of them have similarities…. what is a ‘type’…. just like the concept of time, it is but an illusion to me… “you just fall for whoever you fall for” - yeah that sounds about right lmao
feel free to browse around my blog, but i don’t have much lol the 'god of war!reader au' series seems to be popular the past few days, and it’s been a super fun thing to write! but don’t feel pressured to do it, really! <3
IKR i was complaining to my brother about it like- seriously??? for the first day??? xiao is my main dps, and he’s practically useless (i’m so sorry bby) against that stupid thing ;_;
also yay, a taglist, sign me uppppp!
OML. HI, RIN !! it's nice to know the true identity of my 💠 anon without having to employ heizou. (/lh) and if you see a new follower with a melancholic albedo theme and a bio that says i follow cool people, that'd be me~
hehe, already done filtering the tag~ i am respectfully looking at the god of war!reader, (ab)normal day, and the universe abound series 👀 i also saw your edit of the game's voicelines to fit the god of war!reader AND IT FITS SO WELL. i don't have much experience with javascript or editing other than tumblr html, which may be why i am so in awe !! ;( i love the lore of the reader like the sibling adepti and the god of sun HNGGH this is what i meant when i say your brain >>> (/g)
who is this fine grandpa (/lh) man on the intermission screen??? 🔍 and the thought of saying, "psst, i have a plot bunny to give to you" is so cute <3 hehe, i'm always down for a new series made by you because fjejkdkks they're so good, HELLO?!?! but feel free to only focus on the ones you're working on, they deserve your attention the most rn ;D
BEING IN THE MIDDLE OF 2BEDO'S PLAYING CHESS, HELP. just know if susbedo lost, he'd bore hateful stares into the back of albedo's head and likely about to flip the whole table. (/lh)
the intermission is so suspicious that i can't help but suspect that you feel smth for that very same man... HMM. "just like the concept of time, it is but an illusion to me" rin, i think you've been spending too much time with zhongli. (/j)
YESYESYES !! the popularity of your god of war!reader au is SO VALID because the lore and their interactions with morax??? >>> your brain never ceases to amaze me !! fjekrksjds i can tell you put a lot of thought into it and the fact that you executed it so well??? aaaa, i love your works sm <3 (/g) i shall definitely find the time to binge your masterlist soon !! >:)
i don't think xiao's burst reaches that abomination when it's shooting missiles??? i don't have xiao because i lost the 50/50 to keqing on his first rerun and then pulled for yelan instead during 2.7 <//3 but i'd definitely pull for this boy the next time he comes around !! i got klee at guaranteed pity and tried pulling for heizou cons but ended up getting c1 kazuha at 15 pity instead (which i could've gotten for yoimiya but that is alright, i'm not one to dwell on regrets for longer than i needed) fwfjkekds
speaking of, is there anyone you're planning to pull for in the future, rin??? i'm at 13 pity + 50/50 rn on yoimiya's banner after getting c1 kazuha and if no one comes home, then i'll try my luck on the 3.0 banners !! saving particularly for al-haitham cough cough
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aturtlelikeyou · 2 days
omg a criminal
Hey mom do you want to meet a criminal
What... don't tell your moms I'm a criminal???
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I AM: Exploring the Depths of Identity"
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Here’s some positivity for headmates who have magic in headspace!
Magic is a broad concept that covers a wide range of metaphysical or supernatural actions or events. Many systems may find that they have headmates who are able to use or wield magic within their system’s headspaces or inner worlds! This post is for those headmates!
✨ Shoutout to headmates whose magic is unpredictable or difficult to manage or control!
💠 Shoutout to headmates whose magic is tied to their own spirituality in some way!
🔮 Shoutout to headmates who regularly practice or study magic within their system’s headspace!
✨ Shoutout to headmates who are confused by or are struggling to understand their magic!
💠 Shoutout to headmates whose magic in-headspace can often or occasionally have real-life consequences!
🔮 Shoutout to headmates who are witches or are otherwise practitioners of witchcraft whose magic is a result of their craft!
✨ Shoutout to headmates with elemental magic, dark magic, or magic that is somehow connected to some other force beyond themselves!
💠 Shoutout to introjects who practice magic due to actions taken by or the identities of their sources!
🔮 Shoutout to headmates whose magic is tied to their role or place in their system in some way!
✨ Shoutout to headmates who use their magic to help, energize, or cheer up their fellow system members!
There is nothing wrong with having abilities in your headspace that your body is incapable of, and this absolutely extends to those who have, use, or practice magic in their system’s headspace! We hope that every headmate who uses magic in their headspace can have a wonderful day today. Whether you spend your time honing your skills, experimenting, studying, or using your magic in other ways, we hope that your magical abilities can being joy and happiness to yourself and your system!
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Important distinctions in the Chart psychologically.
🌸The Sun represents identity, self-image, and the more conscious or intentional dimensions of the personality.
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🌸 The Moon represents instinct, emotion, and the more unconscious and subjective dimensions of experience.
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🌸The Ascendant symbolizes our outward style and the most ideal interlock between our psychological selves and outer reality.
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🌸 The Descendant represents a kind of person to whom we are drawn in an unconscious effort to balance our most characteristic blind spots or limitations.
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These four functions work universally in all of us . We experience & live through the lens & energies of different signs . They make our persona , our subjective experiences , our perception & our life unique .
Every perspective is valid when when viewed from one specific stand point.
Hope this brings healing to you 💗
You matter. Your experience is valid. You deserve the best ❤️
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Thus we move through the drama of our lives , playing different roles , acting differently with different people. A happy self on the outside , complex self inside 💠 A childish exterior , a wise 🦉 soul inside 💠 a lazy lad on the outside , facing the Psychic web of inner reality inside.
Our Persona changes with dasha period time , people come & go as per dasha & transits. If everything is changing , then who are we ?
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luimagines · 6 months
Hey! I'm 💠anon but I'm revealing my identity because the asks about the boys being bald made me want to do this xd
So here is the chain, enjoy (xd?).
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Sky is trying to ignore the situation, Four's shadow is affected too, Time is just tired (as always), Legend is getting ready if someone dares to say something about him being bald, Rulie just accepts his fate, Twilight had to discard his pelt, Wind tries to be optimistic, Wild has a new collection and Wars is trying his best.
Also I wanted to say. You won, I didn't considered that and you're right xdxd. (about the ask of me over analysing)
Oh my goodness you work fast-
NOO!!! The poor boys DX
These are so cute though! And the detail!!!!! I think Sky and Legend are my favorites here. Stay strong boys. Your hair will grow back. You know.... eventually.
Casualties of war. Poor man.
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allisonbaelfire · 3 days
Amethyst. - Prologue
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Following the attack on the USJ, the public scrutiny intensifies towards the heroes, with particular focus on the youngest pro-hero and daughter of Endeavor. Despite nearly two years of hero work, she shall be attending the UA and will undergo official hero training. However, she quickly discovers that being a hero was easier than navigating the complexities of a normal teenage life, especially when she finds herself falling for a stubborn, loud, and hot-headed blonde classmate while getting hated by her younger brother. 💠 Bakugo x Pro-Hero! Reader 💠 Reader is part of the Todoroki Family 💠 I don’t own any of the Art! 💠 Characters and MHA belong to Horikoshi 💠 Storyline belongs to me 💠 I follow the Manga/Anime - Spoiler warning!
As a chilly breeze brushed past me, I felt a shiver run down my spine. A flat voice questioned from behind, breaking the silence, "Why are you watching this, PD?" You were familiar with the man’s voice. His tone lacked its usual humor and carried a sense of calm.
Inhaling the summer evening air deeply, I continued to gaze at the colossal screen in the heart of the city, which had been broadcasting for hours about the USJ attack and the failure of the Pro-Heroes. The villains had targeted the USJ, and the Pro-Heroes had failed to arrive in time to protect the aspiring heroes of tomorrow. Although the worst had been prevented, some students, including my younger brother, had been injured. I blamed myself, as I had been conducting public relations for Endeavor during the attack and was on patrol.
I glanced briefly at the oversized chicken with a faint grin before returning my gaze to the screen. "PD, what does it stand for now?" I asked as he sat next to me.
Hawks, Pro-Hero No. 3, quiet but rude, cocky and taunting. Always giving me new nicknames.
He looked at me with a smile. "Isn't it obvious, my purple dove?" I rolled my eyes. “You know, its not your fault, I wasn’t there too.”
"You probably had an important secret mission like always. I was just patrolling because No. 2 is too good for public relations," I said sarcastically. "How am I ever going to surpass All Might, if I can't even protect Shoto?"
Hawks was only a few years older than me; he also became a hero at a young age. He was the only person I could have deep conversations with. Hawks understood the complexities of my family situation, having worked with my father from time to time. Perhaps that's why he took me under his wing a few years ago. While Endeavor relentlessly trained my powers until I passed out, Hawks taught me hand-to-hand combat, how to be more aware of my surroundings, and how not to become like my father. Over time, Hawks became not just my mentor, but also my best friend.
He gave me a pat on the shoulder. "By finally going to school and having a normal life," he winked.
In the background, the news announced that every Pro-Hero was now required to attend an official hero school in order to be recognized and authorized to act as a hero. This rendered my two years in public hero service worthless, as I had never attended a hero school.
I became a hero by protecting innocent civilians during a villain attack and bringing down the villain on my own. I had used my flames to protect my identity, which resembled Endeavor's Mask. My father took advantage of the situation to get closer to his dream of surpassing All Might with his children. I obtained my license in record time and had been working at the Endeavor Agency for two years now.
I glanced at Hawks and pushed him off the roof. As I expected the birdman to finally start flying, he kept falling. "Damn it, Birdbrain."
As I felt my eyes starting to glow with a fierce purple light, I focused all my energy on summoning flames from within me. Just before they could reach him, he flew upward at an immense speed and grabbed my hand.
His eyes locked onto mine, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips as he taunted me, "That wasn't nice, Dove. Did you want to save me or freeze me, huh?" His teasing tone revealed that he knew all too well about my fear of flying. "I'll get you home now," he continued, "You don't want to be late for your first day at school."
I watched Hawks' silhouette as he flew away, with a heavy heart, I shifted my gaze towards my home, with lights still on. It was a rare sight, as I usually came back late, taking on night shifts to avoid my family and spend more time training and patrolling with Hawks.
“Is it true, you’ll join the UA?”
I closed the door behind me, hoping that my family had simply forgotten to turn off the lights. However, that hope faded as I heard the monotone voice of my younger brother.
I nodded cautiously. "Just stay out of my way. I won't hold back for anyone, especially not for you." Shoto's words were spoken with a mix of determination and frustration. As he turned around and walked away, there was a sense of inner conflict and emotional turmoil in both of you.
As I watched him walk away, I couldn't help but reminisce about my younger brother. I tried to summon memories of his infectious smile and the way his eyes lit up whenever he saw me. Before I could fully immerse myself in those moments, Enji, with his trademark air of self-assuredness, proudly entered my sight, abruptly pulling me back to the present.
My Father looked at me, "while I will miss having a worker in my agency, now Shoto and you can surpass everyone together and compete against each other to reach the top of the number one hero," His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of his expectations and the unspoken challenge he had just laid before me.
I met his gaze, "If you think I would fight Shoto, then you are sorely mistaken. If anything, I will fight against you and make sure that no one will remember you when I'm done with you. Don't think that just because I worked under you for two years, I have even an ounce of sympathy for you. You mean nothing to me, to Shoto, to our family and you never will." I clenched my fists and walked away from him.
I could feel the weight of Enji's sadness in his eyes as I walked away and entered my dead brother's room, but to be honest, I couldn't bring myself to care. I closed the door behind me. I lit the candle in front of his picture and knelt down to pay my respects.
“I know I say this everyday but, I really wish you were here.” The words escaped my lips, heavy with sorrow, as I grappled with the enduring pain of his absence.
I looked into Toya's eyes on the picture and remembered my brother. He was very energetic and boisterous as a child; he motivated me to become a Pro-Hero with him. Because our quirks were similar yet different, he always believed we would make the perfect team to fulfill Father's dream to surpass All Might. Father's dream was never important to me, but my brother was my role model, my everything. While he initially taught me to better use my ice flames, Toya unfortunately never learned to control his fire flames.
 I flinched as I remembered the accident; I were still a little girl, yet I desperately wanted to freeze the forest to save Toya in time, but it was in vain. Since then, it has been my goal to fulfill Toya's dream, surpass All Might, save everyone, and never lose a loved one again.
After blowing out the candle, I left Toya's room and closed the door behind me. Walking into my own room, I looked out the window and gazed at the moonlit garden. The silvery light bathed the surroundings, casting an ethereal glow over the familiar landscape. As I peered into the garden, I was startled by the sight of what seemed like a dark silhouette. My heart raced, and instinctively, my eyes began to glow with a protective energy, ready to defend my family. However, as I looked again, the mysterious figure had vanished, leaving me with a sense of unease. I scanned the area once more, trying to dismiss it as a trick of the light or my own imagination, but the feeling of being watched lingered as I reluctantly retired to bed.
Klick here for: Amethyst Masterlist
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everythingaboutbiotech · 10 months
Summary of Atomic Habits by James Clear. This book examines the psychology and science behind how habits form and provides practical strategies to build good habits and break bad ones.
➰The Habit Loop
Habits form through a simple loop - cue, craving, response, reward. Identifying these components allows us to reshape habits.
◾◼️⬛The Compounding Power of Small Changes
Atomic habits are tiny changes that accumulate into remarkable results, like compound interest. Focus on small improvements consistently.
💠Making Habits Obvious
Create visual reminders and cues. Make good habits visible and bad habits invisible. Harness habit stacking and temptation bundling.
"Before we continue, please suggest in the comment section what book I should summarize next."
📈Increasing Desire and Frequency
Make habits attractive. Add satisfaction and enjoyment to the habit routine. Leverage our natural cravings and sense of identity.
🔕Shaping Your Environment
Design your environment and context to make good habits easy and bad habits difficult. Control cues, remove triggers.
📐Measuring Habits
Tracking habits creates awareness that leads to improvement. Monitor progress, but focus on consistency over perfection.
⌛Maintaining Habits Long-Term
Habit change is a slow process of small tweaks iterated over time. Make tiny changes and build momentum. Don't quit at the first sign of struggle.
🤝The Role of Community
Surround yourself with people who have positive habits. Leverage accountability partners. Make habit change social.
😇Skill vs. Habit
Focus on building diligent habits over talent. Maintain high standards and emotional commitment to fuel motivation.
💯Avoiding Extremes
Allow for flexibility and balance in habits. Habits support but don't fully define your identity. Moderation helps habits last.
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estellefrostwind · 2 years
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|| Image ID: 6 stripe flag with a rainbow color picked from the image in the middle. Image in the middle is fanart of the glow cloud from welcome to Nightvale. Text is under the image saying “all hail the glow cloud” End ID ||
A xenogender related to the Glow Cloud (all hail) from Welcome To Nightvale. It is seen as horrific by any outsiders, but those who understand see this gender as truly beautiful. It’s also an active member in the PTA! [Suggested pronouns: Glow/glowself, glo/glowself, ne/neonself, ☁️/☁️self and cloud/cloudself]
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psychopathicfreak · 1 month
Do you give the slightest bit of a fuck about the “Valentino DNI” pages, besides mockery? Admittedly, I’d breach their DNI and see what they can do about it. Probably whine.
Well. I can’t blame people for having no taste (I can).
This brings me to wonder, does it bother you when identities/personalities with such glaring symptoms of mental conditions get dogpiled? Does it remind you a lot of the kind of shit others say about your condition? Does it annoy you because it’s plain stupid, or does it run deeper?
Feel free to give me an essay.
—- 💠
I don’t give a fuck about DNIs . I mean, I’ve never been inclined to want to have a genuine interaction with anyone like this, and if I was trying to provoke someone, being on their DNI would only make it more fun . Bitches breech their own DNIs constantly . I swear many people just have them to show that they don’t “ support ” certain actions .
Aside from finding it funny, I can’t say I tend to give a fuck . It’s usually some “ wahhh, rape ” shit that I don’t . . . really care about ? I guess they tend to like Angel or whatever ? It’s funny because I sincerely don’t think Angel would want to be babied the way they tend to anyway ! He’s not your little baby ? If someone raped someone I was allied with, I’d be far more critical of them than I would be of some random bitch on the streets ? Then again, I’d be far MORE hostile if they were killed, and these bitches so often seem to like murderers . I don’t really understand . . . why ? It doesn’t necessarily bother me, but I find it stupid and honestly confusing . I really don’t think this is a personal trigger thing either, judging by the way they talk about this shit . . .
What does irritate me, though, is when it comes from the pathetic fucking Vox and / or Vel “ fans ” who are desperate to pretend that that those two are morally superior . I don’t care about morality, and I wouldn’t care if they were morally superior . I just hate the fact that they blatantly MAKE SHIT UP in order to justify this stance ?
“ Do you think Vox knows about Angel ? ”
“ Velvette is sweet and just seems sassy, what is she doing there ? ”
It’s fine to like or dislike whoever the fuck you like or dislike, but I hate when they have to make false moral justifications for that . JUST SAY YOU WANT TO FUCK A TELEVISION ? I get it . SAY YOU ONLY LIKE WOMEN ? It’s FINE ?
I’ve seen a couple of bitches claiming to be Vox, or claiming to relate to / feel a connection to him very deeply ( the “ I’m VOX IRL ”, “ he’s literally me ” bitches ), who start with their “ Valentino DNI ” bullshit and THAT pisses me off . . . I think it’s the mischaracterization that bothers me . I don’t even want to think about him saying the stupid shit they come out with, AND HE JUST WOULDN’T ?
Vox and Vel aren’t your sweet little babies . You can like them all you want, but that won’t actually change how they are . If they were pathetic little bitches, you probably wouldn’t like them as much, actually . If everyone acted how you wanted them to, you’d be bored . . . “ Valentino hate ” aside, what I really don’t understand is hating the fans of something / someone that keeps shit interesting and keeps the stakes high ? Plenty of these bitches like the “ angst ”, but they . . . hate people who can appreciate a source of that in . . . any capacity ?
That said, I’m kind of glad these bitches shit themselves when they come across anything they view as immoral in a sexual context in comparison to in any other context, despite not seeming to have any reason to aside from personal discomfort . . . I’ve seen some of the “ Vox my pathetic prince ” shit . It’s HILARIOUS until you realize that they’re . . . not exactly joking ? I’ve seen the same show they’ve seen, and . . . I was right to assume that fandoms who engage in this whole babification and pathetification thing aren’t simply fans of the most pathetic bitches alive . They just like speaking as if they are FOR SOME REASON ?
It’s way worse than the hatred !
I think that the way people talk about character traits that are symptoms of documented conditions can be insightful . . . It can be a way to explore the way these feelings and traits are received without having to choose to express express them that openly yourself ? That said, I think there are certain traits ( especially traits of NPD and ASPD ! ) that everyone fucking adores ON SCREEN . I’ve come across bitches who claim to love LITERAL SYMPTOMS and go so far as to claim that claim that whoever the fuck they’re talking about would love them in real life, but then they turn around and call those who have the disorder / symptoms they’re fetishizing awful and abusive .
Just . . . admit you only like being entertained by these traits in a way you don’t actually have to engage with ? I don’t see why they constantly feel the need to misrepresent and lie about this shit .
Do they really lack that much self — awareness ?
One thing that’s a lot more insightful to me is the fandom’s headcanons and armchair diagnoses .
This isn’t strictly a “ Hazbin Hotel ” thing either ! TikTok has woobified BPD into some pathetic, needy little bitch disorder ( where the symptoms are apparently just crying and whining all the fucking time, believing everyone else is above you, having an anxious attachment style and overall just living life as a perpetual victim ) in the eyes of many . . . I DON’T THINK THESE BITCHES WOULD WANT TO KNOW WHAT I DID TO GET TOLD BY A THERAPIST I PROBABLY HAVE BPD .
You can get the most BPD — coded bitch in existence, put them on TV, aaand they’ll only be widely accepted by the fans as being BPD — coded if they’re generally liked or seen as sympathetic . THAT’S . . . NOT PART OF THE CRITERIA FOR A PERSONALITY DISORDER ?
Show me the most NPD — coded bitch in existence, put them on TV too, and I can guarantee that so many of their “ fans ” will adore them and call them complex and misunderstood and then turn around and use the term “ narcissist ” when they just mean “ abuser ” in real life . . .
Show me a violent, sadistic, or murderous character being portrayed with few actual ASPD traits, or far more obvious traits of a different disorder, aaand the fandom is going to be debating whether or not they are a “ psychopath ” or a “ sociopath ”, but if they consume a piece of media wherein someone has obvious ASPD traits without being a violent criminal, I can bet they will just be called autistic !
I think a lot of it would bother me more if I had a strong desire to be liked in a typical, humane way or seen as morally okay, but I just . . . don’t, personally . Occasionally, if I’m already feeling . . . touchy, some of the “ everyone should leave Valentino, he doesn’t deserve any happiness ” shit, specifically, feels . . . unpleasant to read ? It’s not really anything compared to the shit on Quora and Reddit about people who think, feel, and act how I do though . It can be a final straw, but . . . it typically doesn’t carry much weight beyond reminding me of the shit that does .
Also, I don’t know who needs to hear this, but just because you had a rude ex or got touched up once, that doesn’t mean that the shit you protect onto Angel Dust is actually how he would think / feel .
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pluralcultureis · 7 months
Thought about the alters possibly being old one who we just learned about.. but we're introject heavy[VERY] and all the new alters are introjects[ooo 6 introjects in a short period of time fake claimers would eat that up], and swear we saw people say "Once an alter is formed they cant become an introject".. so yeah.. [sorry for the rant!!]
Sometimes alter identity isn't as set as we think, we've had alters go through rough patches and just.. become someone else. Sometimes that does happen to be a fictional character
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fusionnukacola · 1 year
I've got you.
Let's see.... You like soulmate AUs... Soo....
How about a Soulmate AU scenario based around "(You) can't hide scars forever" ?
- 💠
Hello! I do love a good Soulmates AU so. much. Thank you!
"You can't hide scars forever" With...
Paladin Danse!
Sole knew their soulmate was dead. They watched their partner die by Kellogg's hand, after all.
What they didn't expect was to get a new soulmate in the shape of "Brotherhood or nothing", Paladin Danse.
They knew the second they got punched by that feral in the Cambridge police station, and the mysterious Paladin also flinched at the hit. But when they connected the dots, he didn't. It was really obvious, but the Paladin just didn't seem to get it.
Even after the Prydwen arrived, and they went on various adventures together, he just didn't get it.
It didn't make sense. Everyone else saw it, Scribe Haylen was the first to bring it up with Sole.
"He won't realize it unless you bring it up to him." The Scribe said as she walked into the room.
Sole sighed. "Yeah, I'm starting to understand that."
Knight Rhys realized it the second he saw Sole and Danse with matching bruises, looking between the two with bewilderment. Sole just shook their head at them.
Elder Maxson knew it. Procter's Ingram, Teagan, and Quinlan noticed it. Captain Cade asked about it.
Everyone knew except for him.
Eventually, they got tired of his bullshit and approached Danse out of the blue while he was on night watch. Sole stormed up to him, took the glove off their hand, and showed the Paladin the scars on their knuckles they got from old fights, the scars that never faded.
Looking up at him, they spoke. "You can't hide scars forever."
Danse looked shocked, his eyes switching between the scars that matched his to their annoyed face. "You're.. you're my soulmate?"
They rolled their eyes. "Yes, Danse. Haven't you noticed that whenever I get hurt, you get hurt in the same place? The bruises I have are identical to yours?"
"I- I never thought about it.."
The Paladin still looked like Sole had dunked him in a vat of cold water. Sole wrung their hands back and forth before thinking 'fuck it' and reaching up to the handles on his power armor, bringing him into a small kiss.
Danse quickly reciprocated, a blush deep on his face.
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freelancersahidullah · 3 months
03.28.2024 - Your identity is waiting on YOU!
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