#idgi either but there you go
dakt37 · 1 year
I love this "Wholesome Sonic and Tails Wednesday" trend. I don't have any new art, but here's a little ficlet set in my de-aged Tails Boom AU. It takes place before the other one.
"Never fear, Amy Rose is here!" She announced herself with gusto as she threw open the front door of Tails' house, inviting herself inside. Hearing noises, she immediately looked left to the kitchen. "What are you doing?"
Sonic didn't turn to face her, too focused on his task. "What's it look like I'm doing?"
"It looks like you're scouring a child like he's a dirty coffee cup."
Sonic froze mid-motion, then cranked his head around to glare at her over his shoulder. "Bathing an infant in the sink is perfectly normal. Look it up."
Amy hummed loudly and with much incredulity, walking around behind him to circle the long counter that cordoned off the kitchen alcove. When she got to the opening, she wasn't impressed with the scene inside. "He's closer to a toddler than an infant," she observed. "And you've gotten more water on the floor than in the sink."
Sonic glared at her again, this time over his other shoulder. "Are you here for a good reason, or just to criticize my parenting?"
Amy's eyebrows went up, but she left the label unanalyzed. "I brought food." She retrieved a large glass pan from her flowery tote bag and held it up like a trophy.
Sonic's frown deepened. "He's baby-fied, not dead," he snapped. "I don't need your condolences casserole." He turned back to the sink and poured shampoo into his palm.
Amy's eyes widened, then narrowed. A silence stretched as Sonic pointedly ignored her, the gentle motions of his fingers lathering fur a stark contrast to the emotion twisting his face. Luckily, the little fox under his hands was more interested in the hardware of the sink sprayer than the tension between the hedgehogs.
Eventually, Amy blew out a slow breath. "You know what I think?"
"I'm sure you'll tell me," Sonic grumbled, turning on the tap and checking the temperature of the water. With a plastic cup, he began rinsing suds off of Tails, letting the faucet run between refills.
Amy set down everything she had been carrying, and came to lean against the counter next to the sink. "I think," she placed a hand on Sonic's shoulder, causing him to pause again, "you're doing a great job. But you don't have to keep doing it alone."
Sonic silently watched Tails for another moment as the kid twisted the sink sprayer around in its base, examining the trigger mechanism.
"There better not be celery in that thing you cooked," Sonic finally said. He ghosted a finger across the tip of Tails' ear, watching it flick reflexively. "Because I'll tell you right now, he will know and he won't eat it."
"Never, "Amy retorted imperiously. "I do recall the Potluck Incident of last spring. And I don't imagine he was less picky as a toddler."
Sonic slumped then, resting on his forearms against the sink edge and letting his wet hands drip into the basin. He cocked his head to finally face her again, smiling sheepishly. "Yeah," he agreed, "I know you're smarter than that." His eyes flicked away, guiltily. "Sorry."
"Apology accepted." She gave his shoulder a squeeze and added gently, "We'll figure this out. Our little guy will be a slightly bigger little guy in no time."
"Ah, well," Sonic sighed. "It's not all so bad right now. Is it, bud--"
He turned to address the soggy little fox in the sink, and got a facefull of water. Tails giggled, his tails sloshing the shallow water around him. He held the sprayer in both hands, having successfully wrested it from its base and pulled up enough hose to let him take aim at the hedgehog.
"You little gremlin!" Sonic cried in faux outrage, "Surrender your weapon!"
Tails just laughed again and sprayed him right between the eyes.
Amy giggled as well, then pointed at the main faucet, which was still running between sprayer attacks. "You gave him the ammo, Sonic."
Sonic wrapped his hand around his little brother's on the sprayer, and directed it to soak her too.
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margaetyrell · 9 months
this plastic surgery trend of removing buccal fat really does need to stop. have we not learned anything about how drastic beauty standards can be real triggers for ed survivors
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vanishingmoments · 8 months
The idea of dates is something I'm still not sure I fully understand
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ovaruling · 3 months
i think it’s also a huge problem for women that as a sex we are not really very concerned with how obsessed we’ve become with “smelling good” bc it is evidently a unique aspect of beauty culture that doesn’t apply to either makeup nor quite does it fall under the umbrella of rigorous skincare or visual alteration of the body
i’m not talking abt using standard deodorant and basic hygiene or washing oneself regularly
i’m talking perfume culture, scented body lotion culture, scent-layering routines, ensuring that our hair smells like a bouquet, body mist, oils, powders, creams, butters, etc
in addition to attracting lots of insects the second you step outside, i think this is one of the more evilly genius fingers of capitalism. who’s going to object to women wanting to smell like vanilla? no one. so keep buying things that make you smell like vanilla
idk. idgi. i don’t even find it romantically plausible—intimacy would be so interrupted for me if i got a face full of lavender oil or strawberry body butter or pomegranate shampoo instead of just the basic clean scent of my partner. and maybe im just different i have no idea. but i would gag tbqh
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youturningintodust · 1 year
WHEN are they going to adapt Tamora Pierce’s novels in some way?
You would think that the moment they were having around ten-fifteen years ago, with HP and Eragon and all of these films, SOMETHING would’ve been adapted.
Like, unfortunately, but they were probably never going to touch anything LGBT or crossdressing-as-male that she wrote. Because of course not. But she had other works, no?
Wild Magic was basically perfect for that moment of media playing into children’s fascination with both magic AND animals. SO many fantasy movies. SO many Horse Girl Movies. With this, they could’ve capitalized on the love of both.
Maybe we would need to do some research or write to Pierce’s “people” to find out why… Maybe they made her some offers, but she just didn’t take them? (fair, as an author I wouldn’t really trust, either!) I just can’t imagine not even an offer being made at any point.
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cassierobinsons · 12 days
i’ve never understood why people get so hung up on the amelia text situation. like. sam left her first. when he showed back up bc of the text, he slept with her. and then when she offered him a chance to get back together, he left her again! like. yes the text scared him a bit, and yeah maybe it was a bit petty of dean, but it’s not as if sam hasn’t tricked dean in the past either, and ultimately it allowed sam to get closure 🤷‍♀️
plus i really struggle to sympathize about it considering the distressed calls from kevin were ignored 🫢🫢
(in response to this post)
idgi either and what i truly don't understand is how badly it's been warped in fandom when the entire reason he sent that text was because sam was going to help martin kill benny. people seriously think dean hurting sam's feelings with a fucking text is worse than attempted murder!!!
but yeah it's hard to gaf when sam fucked kevin over so bad. even if what dean did had been way worse i still would've been like. okay but you did abandon kevin for an entire year so maybe you had it coming!
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eisforeidolon · 3 months
I feel fans should be able to interpret shows and characters any way they want but it really bothers me that shippers die on the hill of Dean is such a closeted bi sexual and Sam is the biggest heterosexual out there. I love these characters because they are extremely toxic and codependent on each other. The story would not be the same with out that. Why would anyone look to Supernatural to be their all time gay representation love story when it most obviously is not. it just blows my mind how out there Destiel shippers are and how much they truly hate this show and hate Dean without even realizing it. I need someone to figure out how we can get rid of them from this fandom...LOL
Yeah, IDGI either. Fandom is supposed to be about just having fun however you want with the building blocks from the canon + your imagination. It's not even the main point that they're hilariously bad at interpretation, project too hard onto the characters to even see them, can't understand context to save their lives, pointedly ignore a million things that directly contradict their agenda, and too much of their so-called proof is actually gross backwards stereotypes about sexuality and masculinity (neither of which they seem to understand very well at all). If they were just having fun with it, who the fuck cares? Sure, it's annoying, but a lot of fandom is annoying because it is so specifically tailored to things not everyone is gonna like. There are other canons with fans who are fine admitting they just like playing in the canon world but not the canon itself that much.
No, the problem is hellers are not content to just enjoy their non-canon interpretations in fandom. They feel entitled to flood any and every tag associated with the show, trying to demand their interpretations be considered indisputably canon fact because ... reasons ... and anyone who doesn't agree with them is A Bad Person because ... they say so. Their ship is the greatest love story (n)ever told, the best representation evar in media! It's the only important thing about SPN - and if they couldn't change the canon, they can change the fandom narrative! The fact there's actually no there there under their overblown thousands upon thousands of words of inept meta is why the very suggestion it's not canon, that someone doesn't see it as the greatest thing ever, that maybe Dean is actually just a heterosexual instead of putting on an elaborate performance of one or even that Sam might not be the straightest character ever written? Is taken as an attack upon their self-declared status as the real main audience. Which makes sense, because they never were. SPN was anything but subtle as to what its actual focal relationship was.
To some extent I get how they echo-chambered each other into believing their ship was/would be a thing in canon. If you just look at the size of the piles on piles of cherry-picked nonsense they accumulated over the years without actually engaging your brain to see how variously flimsy, out of context, or how many other more sensible interpretations there were for any of them? If you wanted to believe and surrounded yourself with others who did, too, and kept talking each other up, spending way more time doing that than watching the show? It's no wonder some of them ended up with really skewed expectations.
What I don't get is how they're still going this long after the show ended. SPN is over and there's no more 'Well, next season for sure!' to promise themselves. There are increasingly more stories out there now in a variety of media which are centering deliberately, openly LGBT+ characters and relationships they could invest in championing! Hell, just saying screw canon and burying themselves in writing their idea of "better" fanfic is a perfectly reasonable way to deal with disappointment, no matter how self-inflicted. Instead, they're still here making up elaborate conspiracies about how SPN was something other than what it blatantly obviously always was - because admitting they were wrong and the only thing they ever liked about it was their own OOC fanfic very, very loosely based off of it? Well, that's more than a bit embarrassing in light of how long they spent campaigning and how vehement they were about it totally being not just A Thing but The Most Important Thing Ever. So I don't know what would actually get them to move on, they clearly love being miserable and wrong and pretending to be martyrs over it far too much for me to comprehend.
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bthump · 1 month
If you would like to avoid Dungeon Meshi spoilers, please either delete this ask or just hide it away someplace until you've gotten through all the chapters labeled 'Winged Lion' or just completed the entire manga.
Suffice to say, a lot of people have been comparing Griffith or Casca with Kabru, for understandable reasons mostly regarding his appearance and how his party considers him the only person who should become Dungeon Lord, but honestly I feel like Laios is much stronger parallel/foil to Griffith?
And now since I'm about to get into the spoilers, here's a bunch of ellipses just to be safe.
Okay assuming that that's enough ellipses to hide this:
First, there's the most obvious reason to me: they're both given some kind of breaking speech by an ascended entity which walks them through the reasons each would not want to be human, and reminds them of the kingdom-related dream they'd been pursuing. Then they accept this ascended entity's offer to shed their humanity, while drawing on a lot of bird imagery--Griffith tells IOE 'give me wings,' a baby bird rises from Laios' body before it's revealed to be his monstersona.
There's also the way that, while both Laios and Griffith are great leaders who don't mind who joins them or leaves (Laios tells Marcille and Chilchuck that if they all sell their gear, he can possibly afford enough equipment to delve the dungeon and rescue Falin entirely alone, tho it is a last resort), and the way both are dehumanized by those around them: Griffith is portrayed as being almost superhuman in his beauty and charisma, Laios is just considered hecking weird for his love of monsters and desire to eat them, and feels more at home amongst dogs and monsters.
A much weaker parallel mostly tagged on for my own amusement, but there's also how Griffith and Laios will just latch on to specific people. Griffith with Guts, of course. And there is also how Laios considered Toshiro to be his closest friend, until Toshiro finally spilled his guts about all the ways he found Laios annoying. (And then Laios and Kabru begin their...whatever it is they have going on. I don't even know if I properly ship them, I'm just seized with the need to dissect their relationship.)
Anyways! Hope you find this interesting if you do end up reading it.
I actually did read Dungeon Meshi recently lol, so this is good timing.
Wow it's v surprising to me that people compare Kabru to Griffith (or Casca) lol, gotta say idgi at all. I didn't consider any possible similarities between Berserk and Dunmeshi while I was reading actually, but you do make a good point about Laios, and yeah I can totally see the similarities there now that you point them out.
He's not too similar personality-wise, but in terms of story role and how other characters relate to them I def see what you're getting at. Also the way I found both characters going 'yeah you've sold me' to the demon convincing them to become a monster to be very satisfying moments that made me like those characters more, rather than less lol.
Interesting thoughts, thank you!
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thewingedwolf · 10 days
wait i’m gonna be so annoying and have a final thoughts here
the aesthetic & main romance has just really fallen off. they are incapable of sticking the landing in the third act & while they still have some good looks, i think there’s a certain level of playing it too safe (see Kate’s wardrobe!!!!!) and also just, bizarre makeup choices that were a bit distracting.
they also just don’t know how to keep a character waiting for their romance while building that character up over several arcs. kind of a bad trait to have for a tv show?? 😭😭 like, i love them with all my heart, but everyone has said that eloise, benedict, & colin have felt so confused at points as characters, like the writers didn’t know where to go with them. they’re just waiting for their romance instead of like, growing.
Colin was the male lead what do we even know about him beyond his inability to interact with a woman without projecting onto her.
once again the milfs outsold, agatha and violet are the best thing about this series and i don’t care how much i like violet’s lil thing with agatha’s brother, i want those two gossipy old milfs to kiss sloppy style.
it’s too goddamn short, i think this wasn’t a problem in s1 or qc bc it’s the First season so there’s not as many characters to follow but they keep introducing all these other characters that take space away from a) The Main Couple and b) The Bridgertons As A Family, and those are the draws of the series!! it’s too much for only 8 episodes, what happened to 12-18 episodes for high budget or cable shows, if they had these people on like Normal tv contracts they wouldn’t have such a hard time scheduling and have these long ass waits between seasons Either, im tired of this and i blame the duffer brothers and i want those two nerds hunted for sport.
also hyacinth and gregory are getting SO OLD OMG HURRY UP 😭😭😭
i think they did a better job this season with folding the siblings in together but it feels disjointed from s2. anthony & kate specifically feel very oddly thrown in there and idgi. i loved seeing the bridgertons using calling times as an excuse for Group Hangs, and i loved the way John pointed this out to Francesca. i liked that the ending with benedict where he’s realizing he’s the oldest still left at home with two like, toddler siblings and feeling unhappy with it, but bc they struggle with incorporating all the siblings together, we really lose that thread from last season between him & anthony that could have given benedict a way to explore his sexuality in a slutty way while also giving anthony something to do & not drop the art school thing. however, this is all detailed and would take a lot of time and they only have eight episodes. why. do 13-18 or im gonna start sending death threats to ceos. for legal reasons that’s a joke haha.
i do think in the few kathony scenes we got, they nailed the dynamic that she is the world’s most put upon eldest daughterson and he needs to be institutionalized. pls put jonathan bailey and simone ashley in another thing together so i can see them together again. this can’t be the end. be the next tom hanks and meg ryan please. he george clooney and julia roberts. i’m on my knees here.
am i allowed to say i’m glad we got a long devirginizing scene like in s1 & qc but also we did not see Nearly enough of those two fucking. more than kathony but imo still not on the level of the other two. also you could write an essay here about the sex politics of this show. i will refrain and say Is This Not The Pervert’s Show?? Can we Please get better pandering????
i think no one can handle a big cast like shonda not even her hand picked teams. qc handled having a host of characters so much better. early grey’s is really great at this. htgawm is good at this. u can tell what season she was really In That Writer’s Room. shonda pls get back in the writer’s room i need something as emotionally devastating as “meredith i’m so sorry” “you must be the woman whose screwing my husband” i need sexy like the “teach me” scene but with the freedom of streaming to get freaky with it, this cast WANTS to deliver but netflix & these writers are NOT up to the challenge!!!
i love bi benedict. even if nothing else comes of this i didn’t think they’d genuinely have benedict get intimate with and acknowledge being attracted to a man. genuinely really jazzed about that. but they Have said they want to explore his ~fluidity more and there’s so many scenarios that could be, i have no idea what the hell they mean by that askksjd. crossdressing sophie, genderbent to solomon, a trans sophie/solomon of some persuasion, im excited to see where they go!
BI FRANCESCA. MICHAELA STIRLING. PEOPLE ARE HATING BUT YOU HAVE MY ATTENTION. esp bc you could do a michaela that has like, resigned herself to a life of never feeling love only to fall in love At Her Cousin’s Wedding so well with this. these three, michaela francesca john, are gonna break my HEART i’m READY for it!
i want the resolution to one of the gay couples to include brimsley & reynolds encouraging charlotte to cure society of homophobia somehow. if we can do this with racism we can do it with homophobia. why the hell not.
listen to me. listen closely. are you listening. if we don’t get lesbian eloise what are we even fucking doing here. enough fucking around. give me a real sign this is all going somewhere. i am no longer asking.
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crestfallercanyon · 4 months
Thank you lovely people for tagging me! @energievie and @jrooc <3
name: crest
where the heck are ya? on a US coastline
do you believe in love at first sight? Kind of. I think, if two people present themselves honestly, there can be kind of a soft landing of love at first sight. A lot more than we realize is processed by our minds at once, first impressions are very powerful. While I don't really believe one can get that kind of deep well of an everlasting sort of love right at sight, I think you can clock someone and be like "hey, you -- I know I'm going to like you, I want to get to know you," and that I think means something. Sometimes that impression leads somewhere and other times... well. That's life, eh?
do you believe in soulmates? Sort of? I feel like between this question and the last one I'm completely flipped compared to a lot of people lol -- but relationships take work, even someone who seems to understand you organically at every level, you can still let that link fade by neglect. Or even not neglect, you can experience and react to different stimuli and grow apart, especially if you go too long without kind of reconnecting. Like the last question, love at first sight will fizzle if you don't pursue it and try to make it work. Soulmates, to me, aren't written in the stars or whatever, they're not destiny -- they're made out of deciding that with this person, you're going to put in that work. And maybe someone will come around and say "well why do you pick that person? it's because it was fate," but I don't really believe that, because there's a lot of factors as to why, at least personally, I put in work with some people but not with others. There were opportunities to become close with very different people than who I am close with now, but I chose not to. I chose the people I did. It was my active choice. So, yeah, there's a very long winded answer on this little tag question game.
what’s a song you’ve been loving? Habits by Genevieve Stokes
how about a show you’ve been loving? You may have noticed the sudden constant reblogging of Dimension 20, but I've been really into Dropout's D&D campaigns I've watched thus far.
your ultimate OTP: That's a tricky question! I don't really -- I feel like this goes off my soulmate/lafs question but I think you can make anything pretty viable if you develop it right. Maybe Idgie and Ruth from Fried Green Tomatoes (1991)? And actually, probably Gallavich (Ian Gallagher and Mickey Milkovich) from Shameless, because they always come back to each other, and there's something so lovely about that -- and I can't picture either of them truly with someone else.
your comfort book: Elsewhere by Gabrielle Zevin. I haven't read it in a very long time, but I read it so many times when I was a kid that -- it was my teacher's copy -- she just let me have it before I went to the next levels of school.
a fan work you adore (fic, art, manip, etc — tag the creator!): I loved makes a cathedral, him pressing against me by misandrywitch (Shameless (US)) and I also love all I want of the world, coming down by gyzym (Inception (2010)). (I do not know their tumblrs so I can't link them, but I can link to the stories!)
a trope that captures your heart: not really a trope but fanfiction and tumblr have kind of made it into one: "It's rotten work." "not to me, not if it's you," dynamics.
favorite candy: pomegranate filled dark chocolate
dark chocolate or white chocolate? dark. 100%.
romance novels or thrillers? I read lots of things that are thrilling and have romance, but I actually don't really read either of these genres on their own. Probably lean more toward romance novels?
pink or red? I like both. I own more red clothes. I only have one pink shirt.
and finally, spread some love! share words of encouragement, a positive message, or say something kind to yourself — it’s up to you! Happy valentines! Um, it truly is never too late to try. Really. Try that hobby that, yeah, you're going to start off being absolute shit at, but it's still worth trying if it interests you. I'm going to a figure drawing class tonight, and I'm likely going to be absolute trash at it, but that's my valentine's treat to myself. Or, you can try to fix a tattered relationship, you can try to mend it if you want -- I can't guarantee trying will fix it, but you will have tried, and that matters. Even if it's just trying the smallest thing, or an internal thing. It takes a lot of work to try, and I'm rooting for you if the thing you're trying hardest on is just trying to feel better about yourself. And you're never alone if you're trying! Everyone has tried something. Everyone can rejoice in the successful results from a good ol' college try, or they can sympathize with the failure of a try that didn't lead to anything, everyone has been part of that experience, so hopefully that's encouraging if nothing else. <3
Tagging, um, I think most people have been tagged, but here are a couple: @callivich , @michellemisfit , @mmmichyyy, and anyone else who would like to join!
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stoopid-turtle · 10 months
Hey loving your blog so far , am a new turtle just recently watched the untamed with my best friend. I'm 100% convinced they were definitely a thing during filming even now I still believe they are still together. My bestie on the other hand doesn't think they were anything more than friends. I tried my best to convince her but she thinks I falling to separate the actor's from their roles they were playing. My question to you is that do you ever sometimes think us turtles overthink too much or misinterpret what was going on between them ? Forgive my grammar English isn't my first language
Hi there! (Your English is perfectly fine!)
Yeah, I do think turtles overthink some things. There's a lot on YouTube that falls into this category, tbh. I can see how it happens. With all the bts, it feels like its own show that we can pore over, slow down, watch from different angles, decipher the TRUTH from it to reveal that bjyxszd.
But the bts aren't scripted. While they're endlessly rewatched by us, they were one moment in time for the guys. One moment in a long, exhausting day of work. Stuff we may think of as being intentional and meaningful may just as easily be random, off-the-cuff, and ultimately meaningless. Think about jobs you've worked where you get bored and tired during a long day. If you're like me, you and a coworker/friend will start talking nonsense to each other to get through it.
One friend/coworker and I made dinosaur noises at each other between taking calls in a call center. Yeah, idgi either. And because I'm a flirty bisexual, we'd make lewd gestures and kissy faces at each other sometimes for fun. She's straight, so it wasn't serious. I am aware that this dynamic is different between guys than between girls (in the US. I can't speak to China.), so I'm not saying that what happened between gg and dd is like me and my friend. Just to show that...sometimes stuff just gets weird. I wasn't nursing a secret crush on my friend or anything. It was just random time-wasting.
So yeah, I do think some stuff is misinterpreted. As I've noted, we see very little of what was happening bts, and there was a lot going on outside of whatever was happening between gg and dd. It's inevitable that some stuff will be misinterpreted.
This is why it took a while for me to come around to bjyxszd. And I resisted HARD. I'm skeptical by nature and I'm double-skeptical of things that sound too good to be true (like that a popular BL couple was played by actors who actually fell in love and are now together).
But at the same time, I came around. It took me spending many hours reading, watching, trying to translate, etc. Even then, I had to write out a novel in tumblr posts to lay out my thoughts to establish to myself that I'm not crazy on this. Like you, I'm 100% convinced that they were an item during filming.
So I was able to get past the stuff I think is a bit of a stretch to believe in it anyway. Now, it just means I smile at the stuff that does seem meaningful to me, and leave the other stuff for those that enjoy it. I don't want to single out any particular thing that I think isn't as significant as some people think it is, bc I don't want to ruin anyone else's fun. We're all turtles so regardless of what path we took or what convinced us, we're in the same boat. There's no point squabbling over the details.
Especially with the bts, which happened years ago at this point. Odds are, even gg and dd don't remember the context of any one clip at this point. So the TRUTH is impossible to know completely. It can be frustrating if you're like me and dislike ambiguity and uncertainty, but we're all in this pit together. We just have to enjoy what we've gotten and what we continue to get.
I'll also just say, don't stress too much about convincing your friend. I know it's frustrating when you want to squee about something but your bf isn't into it, but people tend to dig in their heels when someone tries to convince them of anything. There's also no need to do so. BJYXSZD regardless of if people believe in it or not. Find some other turtles and do your squeeing with them and when with your bestie, focus on what things you do share with them.
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sunnydayjackass · 2 years
Hello!! If it isn’t too much to ask- may I request Jack x a coulrophobic s/o? One that couldn’t stand the thought of clowns at first- but has an exception solely for Jack the more their relationship progresses?
I feel this so much. Ordinarily clowns freak the hell out of me but I'm a whole fucking simp for Jack idgi.
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Oh god, oh fuck, oh NO--look its one thing to pass out after putting in a VHS/DVD/movie, we've all done it right? But when you wake up and there's suddenly a grown ass man in YOUR apartment decked to the nines in primaries and clown makeup?
Fight or flight? This is YOUR apartment- you're scrambling up like you're absolutely feral. Groping for anything to use as a weapon of sorts. Brandishing your $5 Target throw pillow? Not super effective but pop off boo, you can smother anyone with enough gumption I guess
Jack is just as taken aback- your reactions are very much playing off each other. Anyone on the outside looking in might find it comical. There's you, on one end of the sofa with your weapon of choice barking questions while Jack is on the other side- hands raised non-threateningly, talking softly to try and calm you
Your first meeting us now something the pair of you look back with a laugh. Frankly it took time to get to this point, you'd been pretty up front from the jump with Jack. You didn't like clowns. Scared of them, untrusting, horror media certainly did nothing to help (or Shaun's movie nights). You'd told Jack it wasn't anything personal he seemed like a perfectly nice guy or entity or whatever the hell he was.
Of course Jack has a few prodding questions regarding this. Clowns and characters like himself are supposed to be the good guys, the heroes, the ones who make you smile and laugh by jokes or magic. How open you are to the discussion is entirely up to you: if you're pretty open about it- the situation is smoothed over pretty easily. If you don't want to talk about it- Jack doesn't press further out of respect.
Regardless, Jack gives you plenty of space. Well...as wide a berth as he can sharing this space with you. In attempts to appease you, Jack will either try to remove the pigmented makeup from his face or ask you to get him makeup to conceal them. Maybe some spare clothes to change into.
It's very obvious that these are difficult things for him to ask of you. Jack isn't accustomed to having someone wary of him or feeling subconscious, these things definitely shine through in his actions- going further out of his way to help you in any way he can. Dinner? Done and your meals for work prepped in the fridge. Have to run the snake down the shower drain? Nah, go finish that chapter or episode you were just enjoying- he's got this. Just anything and everything not only to show his affections and worth to you but to hopefully find his appearance and demeanor less offputting or tolerable.
Also, with this information- Jack will not share your bed with you until a proper relationship or agreement of sorts is come to. He'll offer to sleep in the living room- he'd never forgive himself if you woke up frightened. It's all for your comfort and your boundaries, that's without a doubt the top priority
His efforts don't go unnoticed by you, especially when he attempts to tone down his clothing or asking you for others and covering the shapes over his facial features. At first you acquiesce, letting him loan clothes that maybe are too big for you or shopping online and letting him choose thing. Taking him makeup shopping though: Jack cant help but think it'd be more fun given better circumstances seeing that cosmetics come in such a variety of shades and colors now.
Jack grows on you, genuinely. You know he's pulling double duty to try and ease you into accepting and going so far as trying to make his appearance easier on you. Sure, he came into your life like a color wheel of a hurricane but nothing bad had come of it. Jack made you feel safe, made you felt cared for, he was supportive and kind- never asking anything of you save for assistance on the supplies of normalcy. Guilt gnaws at you a little. Jack wasn't so much a clown. Not in your opinion or anything. He wasn't one of those creepy 2016 killer clowns or a cartoony chucklefuck.
One morning while Jack is leaning over the sink to carefully dab concealer and foundation over the red shapes decorating his face clad in a well worn maroon shirt and plain gray sweatpants that you pause in the doorway just watching him. Jack eventually catches you, greeting you warmly as ever. "I'm almost done, Sunshine. Just a sec."
You didn't want him to have to change for you, he was a handsome guy regardless and a golden one on the inside. "Nah." You state simply, with a click of your tongue before reaching for your makeup removal balm. Unscrewing the lid, Jack watches you, clearly confused- moreso when you start smearing makeup remover on his face. With a warm wash cloth you gently wipe away the cosmetics from his face with the red circles and shapes on full proud display.
"You be you. I don't want you to change if you don't want to." You can see Jack's mouth drop open right away to reassure you that it's fine, that he's fine, to wave it off even though you know better. You press a finger to his lips with a stern look. "Not everything needs to be about me, okay?...I like you better wearing your colors and face paint." And you mean it, he can tell this isn't something you're forcing yourself to do.
He melts and his worried gaze softens, acceptance was always sweet but it was infinitely better coming from you. Quietly he asks if he can hug you to which you oblige- giving him a fond squeeze around the middle. You shoo him off after a while after finishing washing his face and to go change, with a statement over your shoulder that you'll handle breakfast this morning.
You're more than willing to make an exception for Jack, he's become such an integral piece of your life. He doesn't scare you, he doesn't make you uneasy or uncomfortable- quite the opposite with how careful he is when he dotes upon you so gently. Always asking for consent before bridging any gaps as not to push boundaries.
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lhenn · 4 months
Tag "9" people you want to know better
Tagged by @alma-amentet thanks! Always fun to take part in these
3 Ships
1. Zoro & Sanji (ZoSanZo) (One Piece) (and per extension my D&D OC Kaze and an NPC from the campaign named Muharib, they reminded everyone of them)
2. Soul & Maka (Soul Eater) (I'm not really obsessed over them, I just think they're sublime and have a special place in my heart)
3. Idgie & Ruth (Fried Green Tomatoes, they have all my heart and more and there isn't a single time I don't cry with them)
(probably should have added Erik & Christine, but even though I love them, I think the ones I mentionedhave sticked with me for far longer)
First ship
Well. Tough one. Since I became interested in fandoms? My first interaction with a fandom was due to Naruto being super gay with Sasuke, then either SasuNaru or NejiTen.
If not counting interacting with fandoms, earlier I really liked maybe Usui and Misaki from Kaichou wa maid-sama!
And from when I was a kid, I'm really not sure, but probably Eragon & Arya or Westley & Buttercup. I really liked them then.
I'm not really a "shipper"?, I have my preferences but I don't usually become focused with many of them.
Currently reading
Two years ago I started re-reading again (3rd time) Seven Realms Series by Cinda Williams Chima (I really adore this saga), but stress with university, switching from reading in Spanish to English (not being so used to it then), got me into a block soon after starting The Gray Wolf Throne.
Since then, I've read many manhwas/mangas/mangwas, some of them still not finished (Define the Relationship, Under the Green Light, Thirst...) (Mature content, be wary)
I also tried to go back to reading by beginning Treasure Island... it didn't quite work. I've read 4 chapters or so. Will go back to it in a few weeks probably, after exams.
Currently I am properly reading When the longing returns and Squirrel Girl, plus some D&D stuff from the campaign I'm currently playing.
Last film
Funny 'cause it's Treasure Planet xD
Last song
Well, this is a tough one, when I began writing this I was listening to "Hey, Little Songbird" from Hadestown and then "Todo Arde" by Juan Navazo, 6 songs later, right now Phantom of the opera (cover by Reinaeiry and Chloe Breez) is playing xD
Currently craving
Another D&D session for sure. I'm starving, I don't think I'll make it 'till the 25th
I mean, money, always money. I'm a currently unemployed broke student and living with my parents is driving me even more insane. Hopefully I'll land a job this summer coding as a still studying junior, the same one I intend to do my internship at next year. I won't make much, but I might be able to pay my part of a shared appartment with some friends once I've finished my current studies.
A hug, hormones have been driving me mad these past two days and I've been so so soft. Still am. I would like to drown in a big embrace, but honestly, right now, I don't have anyone I would like to give me that kind of hug. Am I weird? Haha I'm just not really a "touchy" person.
Time to draw and write, lately I haven't been able to.
Tagging: @night-unfurls-its-splendour @birdstooth @carpeossa @dross-the-fish @erik-carierre @gee1puu @jenjanart @muirin007 @royalavera @rose-margaritas @tondroom @toastjadan no pressure to join, and anyone who sees this and would like to participate is more than welcomed 😊
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the transmasc thing confuses me too. i know one popular kiamei twitter user who goes by he/they pronouns and is transmasc but says he is a lesbian. i don't understand at all since i also ready this person was born female. are they ftm but feels they are female?? idgi. i feel like it's not correct to say they are a lesbian.
From what I’ve been told by a transmasc person, transmasc is non-binary! Not a guy. That said I am not one so there could also be multiple nuances or definitions, refer to a first person account over mine. I’m a different flavor of enby!
Anyone can be a lesbian if they feel it fits their orientation, I’m not about to police people about that, and you shouldn’t either. This isn’t what this conversation is about; queer folks should NOT police one another on what word is “correct” to use for themselves, and ofc cis people who even less.
He/Him lesbians? Perfectly valid. They’re non-binary rather than women? More power to them. None of my business. Whether I would be attracted to them or not doesn’t matter either. Self-definition is deeply personal, all I’ve got to do is listen and nod along. Confusing? Ask or just shut up and go along with it.
This whole conversation is about fic categorization, based on a system that uses the characters’ genders, NOT their orientations.
F/F doesn’t mean lesbians, it means two women or woman-adjacent characters in a relationship. Else two bi women would have to be tagged differently. That’s all. Just an AO3 category system. If people twist the original meaning that is, well, on them, and does not reflect the intent.
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zalrb · 1 year
I know you aren't an MCU fan either but I find it so ridiculous that people think that Infinity War is amazing because the villain wins and half the character's are killed, even though those character's were all obviously just going to come back anyway in the next one? How do they count as consequences if it's all just going to get taken back the very next film? Consequences are not even consequential anymore.
YO. I watched everyone's reactions like
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because i was like you know it's not going to be permanent?? most of these characters have movies coming out??? WHAT is the big deal. and there were plenty of anons who came into my inbox like it's because the bad guys won! and i was like ... for now??? this isn't the END of the franchise, maybe i need to be a fan of the movies but idgi.
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its-a-hil · 1 year
k time for our regularly scheduled sleepy oversharing time (answering all the questions from this ask game)
(1) Do you have freckles? nope ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(2) Do you drink tea or coffee? How do you take it? sometimes i drink tea if im sick or chai socially but thats basically it. chocolate is the closest thing i have to a regular stimulant
(3) What was the last song you listened to? this lagtrain edit idk i really like just. semi-chaotic noise that sounds out of place and a bit incongruent. probably why i like pokeloid
(4) Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side? diagonalish but mostly on my side. i alternate sides though in fact i used to sleep on my stomach until i read a newspaper article that said a plurality of ppl sleep on their side and then i got scared and completely changed the way i sleep in like 6th grade in case you somehow needed more evidence im autistic
(5) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? blåhaj!! !!! !!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love her need to clean her though also i stream with my hello kitty velvet and i think that's kinda relevant
(6) Do you prefer drawing or writing? i like both but i am so so so much less bad at writing so that's more fulfilling i need to do both a lot more though ive been procrastinating a lot of tales of luminaria writing and art that i feel a compulsive need to make since the game was shuttered
(7) What’s your ideal number of blankets to sleep with? currently i sleep with blanket/comforter/blanket but i am still so so cold so i either need another blanket or one of them to be heated
(8) What’s your favorite band/artist? i mean there are a bunch that are all kinda at the same tier but i think inabakumori is at the top their vocaloids are just so. emotions
(9) When is your birthday? not gonna answer this but if you wanna check my bio every day for the next year until you see it flip to 23 i guess thats a thing you can do
(10) How tall are you? 178 cm (5'10") aka too tall please someone let me give you my height i dont fucking want it except in rock climbing it's useful for that but other than that the dysphoria is just not worth it hate hate hate
(11) What color are your eyes? brown, a bit darker than my skin but ive been complimented on my eyes by strangers more than like any part of my appearance combined so i am always confused like. theyre just my eyes! theyre pretty but only in the way that ppl eyes generally are idgi
(12) Who are five (or more) people you want to hug right now? i dont really want to hug anyone tbh like id be happy to hug a friend if they needed it but im just not feeling touch atm
(13) Fears? that samsara isnt real enough for me to defer all the experiences i dont want to miss out on to a different life also climate change also being at parties where im not super close with most of the people
(14) What’s your favorite color? the sky! i know everyone is probably tired of me saying it but i dont like the idea of picking one 'color' since that allows for so much variation, so i instead choose something that is constantly varying and always beautiful at every instant ive ever gazed upon it
(15) What’s your favorite season? summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer summer please it's so cold i want to be able to feel warm when i go outside and not feel like im killing the planet when i consider turning the thermostat up a degree
(16) Want any tattoos? What of? oh i absolutely want tattoos definitely one for outer wilds (the hourglass twins), and id be open to the berseria title card with velvet's hair flowing into the letters i just think that game is neat
(17) Want any piercings? Where? im happy with my recent earlobe piercings but it would be desi as fuck to get a nose ring so that also sounds pretty cool
(18) Who is the last person you texted? my parents telling them im coming home from work
(19) Do you have a best friend? How long have you been friends? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ closest thing is probably my college roommate for 3 years but he went to grad school in a different state so ive barely seen him since
(20) What/who do you miss? oh well that's a question and a half i miss my ability to just get a crush and imagine cute and unrealistic fantasy stories where i went out with them now a combination of adult™ realism and the couple years i spent beating myself up for ever feeling romantic attraction have made doing both of those things so much harder so i just stick to projecting myself in established plots i mean its better than it was near the end of high school but. not as good as middle school when i actively loved going to bed just so i could imagine whatever i wanted in the hourish before i fell asleep
(21) How was your day today? tired. slept too early last night and thus the day had no sense of urgency and my head felt very bleh the entire time
(22) How much sleep did you get last night? 8 hours which is kinda the problem i function best with having had 9-10 hours two nights ago and 4-6 hours the night of and whenever i try to get a regular person sleep schedule™ it just makes me feel bad
(23) Do you believe in aliens? not like conspiracy theories or anything like that but. the universe is so BIG and we're finding so many planets that it feels impossible for there to not be life elsewhere also $20 europa has whales in it
(24) When was the last time you cried? Why? idk crying is hard and has barely ever happened since i felt bad about crying at a book in 6th grade and hammered it out of my brain. clearly my masking behaviors have never once been self destructive and i am an extraordinarily well adjusted girlie more recently my parents probably said something that made me feel bad and i semi-succeeded at crying in the shower and forgot about it the day after
(25) What’s your favorite decade? is it really possible for me to answer anything but the present? theres only been one decade where ive been a girl for part of it theres only been one decade where i fell in love with the sound of my voice theres only been one decade where i lived for myself and not for who i expected myself to be
(26) What are some seemingly childish things you like? i mean. i watch cartoons and eat sweets and enjoy going outside and getting distracted by everything i see there not sure what it means for something to be 'childish' tbh
(27) What’s your favorite book? Or just one you’ve read a few times? favorite book is the raven tower by ann leckie it's just. such a wonderful story in such a beautiful world that i feel like i was made for book ive read the most is probably son of neptune though, i know i spent a few months just kinda picking it up at a random page and rereading a few chapters every couple of days
(28) How are you, really? not answering this it's cliche and boring
(29) Does it take you a long time to make decisions? yes and no if a decision is right in front of me i'll make it fairly quickly if a decision is far away then i will procrastinate it to the point of absurdity ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(30) What are you looking forward to in the near future? getting on injections! estrogen time :d
(31) What are you looking forward to in the distant future? 2024 eclipse!!!! !!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!! i know with how much im hyping it in my head it'll definitely be covered with clouds at the place i go to but i! do! not! care! the 2017 eclipse is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen in the entire world and i need to see it again
(32) If you could go anywhere right now, where would you go? i want to see the aurorae other than things like that im pretty comfortable sitting in my room, but the idea of viewing something so magical is just incredibly appealing
(33) Do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed otherwise my parents would see how messy my room is and the airflow would be wrong and its brighter in the hallway and just. no
(34) What’s your favorite flower? is it too cliche to say cherry blossom? i grew up near washington dc like going to see the cherry blossom festival is a part of my core identity
(35) Do you currently have a squish? not really but also my brain has a taboo against verbalizing any kind of attractive feelings so it's difficult to overcome that enough to process my thoughts without hating myself so i dont try
(36) Do you like your middle name? no it's just my dad's name, which already feels old-fashioned in indian terms let alone the fact that it sounds vaguely like a mildly off-putting (to me) phrase in english
(37) Do you prefer dogs or cats? i love seeing them both outside or in friends' homes and i am unlikely to ever adopt one so that's the extent of it
(38) Do you have any phobias? i dont think so
(39) Do you stay up late? not late enough
(40) Do you like the beach? Do you prefer it sunny or cloudy? a not-sunny beach is definitely cold so. yeah. the last beach ive been to was in gdynia though so i might be unfairly projecting how cold the baltic sea is onto other beaches that are reasonable temperatures
(41) What’s your favorite cartoon? if we're counting anime: bna if we're not: amphibia actually now that i think about it i need to rewatch kipo and the age of wonderbeasts that was good
(42) Tag 5 of your favorite blogs no
(43) Do you have siblings? How many? one older sister
(44) Who was the last person you said “I love you” to? probably my parents
(45) Is there anyone you would die for? oh absolutely. loads. the more interesting question would be 'is there anyone you would kill for' and that is far far more difficult to answer
(46) What do you need when you’re sad? patience
(47) Have you memorized your phone number? ofc i have it has interesting math properties associated with it that i sadly cant say here bc saying all the properties, even in a relatively cryptic form, would narrow it down to like 10 options if someone knew my area code
(48) Who’s someone you can trust with your life? this question is ridiculous when cars exist. i have to trust pretty much every driver near me with my life whether im in a car or walking near a road so i dont view it as a particularly meaningful level of trust nor do i view my life as something particularly worth guarding so like. whatever, yknow? (note: this isnt a mental health thing it's a samsara thing dw) if this body dies it dies and i wouldnt want anyone i care about to feel responsible no matter what
(49) What does your last text say? already said it
(50) Wild Card. Any question, ask away. my favorite font is alegreya sc
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