#idk I already don’t care much for the tumblr messages anyways
gomapda · 2 years
sidewalks we crossed [side A: you.]
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i started writing this over a year ago and never got around to finishing it; it’s meant to be a three-part thing. so maybe if i post the first part, i’ll be inspired to finish the rest. this wasn’t written to be shared with the public, mostly just for myself (which is why some of it can be cringey), but here we are anyway. hehe. happy birthday lee jihoon! 태어나줘서 고마워!
pairing: lee jihoon/woozi (seventeen) x f!reader
genre: romance, fluff
summary: an accidental like, an off-chance comment, a purposeful message. you were in an unrequited love with your childhood best friend and decided to run away from him and your feelings and years later you find yourself in the same city with the same feelings when he stalks your instagram.
rating: 13+
length: 23k (LOL)
tags: idol!jihoon, childhood friend!reader, unrequited love (but not really), reconnection through instagram, this is just different scenes pieced together (including a ton of flashbacks), reader’s nicknames are all bug-themed, reader has depression and it manifests as suicidal ideation sometimes, this is basically real life (aka seventeen exists and debuted 150526), but the years are a little bit off for the trainee period, jihoon left busan later and trained for shorter for the sake of my story hehe, cursing, pining, mamamoo + ateez are the besties of reader, member x member pairings, jihoon and reader are both dumbasses, reader is extremely book smart but has one brain cell when it comes to romantic feelings, jihoon writes music like he’s been divorced 12x, word genius lee jihoon, idk how doctoral degrees work, i only got my masters and it was a non-thesis track lol, also idk how trainee auditions work either, miss communication is a lady we all know too well, super cute soft shit too tho tbh, no beta we die like men, i spent 5 hours trying to format this for tumblr and i’m still unsure
inspired by “drivers license” by olivia rodrigo and “what kind of future?” by woozi
inspo spotify playlist found here!
side A: you.
“Are you insane?”
If it were months ago, you would’ve winced at the harshness in his tone, but you’ve hardened yourself with resolve, almost saddened that this was the most communication you two have had since, well, you couldn’t recall. “I’ve been contemplating this for a while now.”
“But you didn’t talk to anyone else about it!”
No, you thought bitterly. You just didn’t tell him.
“I’ve already talked to my parents,” you spoke coolly.
He scoffed. “As if they’ve ever actually cared about you and your life.”
You felt anger flare up with a cold dousing of shame. “And what—” You spat. “You do?”
“Wha—of course I do! I’ve always looked out for you! I’m your best friend!”
Bile rose in your throat. “Best friends wouldn’t flake on every single hang out to go off and spend time with their favorite noona—!”
“Don’t you dare pin this on me.”
Your eyes shot up to his.
Cold. Piercing.
So unlike the bright crescents you were used to him having around you. He used to shine in your eyes, never too bright, but in a way that demanded your attention as you basked in his almost ethereal glow.
You were reminded that the moon has phases. And maybe that meant it was time to start anew.
Even if it meant disappearing from sight.
A heavy silence passed over the two of you.
You prepared so many answers to the questions you thought he would bombard you with.
What? You were going to a prestigious international academy several thousand miles away.
When? You were leaving in two months.
How? You got a presidential scholarship.
Why? Because you loved him so much it terrified you.
You had all of these answers.
But it didn’t matter.
Because he didn’t care enough to ask.
The tears couldn’t even form in your eyes. You knew it would be selfish and manipulative if you did. He always felt responsible when you cried.
“You can’t leave,” he said.
“I’m sorry,” you said.
A lie.
“You can’t just fucking leave.”
Leaving him, the unspoken message.
“Y/N, you— ”
“Let me go. Please.”
You heard his breath hitch.
You forced yourself to smile softly at him, wanting to ignore the visceral pain in his tensed jawline, widened eyes, and clenched fist. You knew the irreversible wound you were inflicting. Your resolution almost shattered at the prospect.
“I’ll keep in touch.”
Another lie.
“Don’t bother.”
You supposed you deserved the door slam that followed his footsteps, not even allowed to watch his retreating form.
You closed in on yourself, finally letting the tears slip down your cheeks quietly.
He would be fine.
He always was without you.
Always will be.
Only a week later, in the comfort of your childhood bedroom nestled in the midst of Busan, did you receive the news from your neighbor a few streets down.
Jihoon decided to go through with moving to Seoul to become a trainee. I hope you can come by to congratulate him! His father and I would love to have you at the party!
Questions ran through your mind.
How long has he been thinking about this? Did he ever mention wanting to become an idol? When did he even apply to become a trainee? When is he leaving? Is he cut out for trainee life? Is he going to make his own music or be forced by his company to make inauthentic music? Is he going to remember to eat his meals? Will he be okay?
You paused for a moment.
Was this because of you?
You realized it didn’t matter.
You weren’t going to get the answers you wanted.
You didn’t deserve to.
You deleted the message.
Years later.
“Man, fuck this thesis work.”
“Careful, if they hear you say that, they might pull your funding out from under you.”
Hyejin glared at you, her lashes unceremoniously sticking a little too high up her eyelid. You wondered whether she knew there was no point in wearing makeup everyday when her only company was her pipettes and centrifuge. “God, sometimes I wish I was in your major.”
“You would wanna read about things like depression and emotional incompetence?”
“Why not? I see it all the time in my major. God. I was at a drinking party the other day—” You winced in advance. “And I just want you to be aware that if you were to include STEM majors in your sample, your EQ mean would drop so fast.”
You hummed in acknowledgement. “Alright. Fair. To be honest, though, my research focus is mainly on the public and government’s responses to providing resources for group homes and how to make transitioning a little easier. I’m hoping to garner more attention and funding in order to do more activism. So, technically, I don’t actually measure EQ. Although, I can make guesses based on the public forums that are out there.”
“All I heard is that you’re an absolute saint.”
You laughed. “Maybe to you, unnie.”
“D’you wanna get schwasted tonight?”
“I can’t. I have book club.”
“God, you’re such a fucking nerd. Why am I friends with you again?”
“I distinctly remember you saying it was to, quote, ‘ruin me.’”
“Seven years later and I still haven’t.”
“I dunno about that. I started watching that drama you recommended and my sleep schedule—”
“Isn’t it so good?”
You laughed as she started parroting off lines from the drama and you agreed after much coercion that, yes, the second-lead was indeed a better fit.
Your phone pinged beside you and you stole a quick glance. Your breath hitched as Weverse popped up on your screen. Your pulse slowed down to a normal rate when you realized the notification was from “RM 🌟”.
Maybe you should just delete the app.
You turned your attention back to the girl who was your first college roommate back at Yale, where quick introductions were made, and not a second later, began laughing at the prospect that your RAs probably put you both together for being foreign students from South Korea. 
She was much more refined back then, having already spent an entire year on her own as a Yale undergraduate, but your burning flame managed to craft something entirely new; just as she, like a river running its course, smoothed out your rough edges over time.
She led you back home.
Back to South Korea.
Back to him.
“You said you don’t break promises, Y/N.”
You found yourself grimacing. “Jihoon, that’s not fair—”
“Fair? Y/N, I kicked your ass at darts and now you said you wouldn’t keep your promise.”
“I don’t want my first ever tattoo to be whatever that is!”
“You pinky promised, Y/N.”
Your bottom lip jutted out. “I can’t even tell what it is.”
He stared down at the napkin he drew his artistic rendition on and then looked back at you incredulously. “It’s a firefly. Are you blind?”
You blinked. You could see the wings? Maybe? And those are lines that represent glowing? Not some weird excretion? You held your tongue and asked a more appropriate question. “Why a firefly?”
“I dunno. Seemed fitting. We always go see them together in the summer. They remind me of you. You remind me of them. That’s all, I guess.”
“Aw,” A toothy grin spread across your face. "You think I light up the night?”
“Sure, if you want.”
You could tell that Jihoon was getting embarrassed and wanted to immediately stop talking, but you being you, refused to let it happen. You piped up with your typical know-it-all attitude, “I read somewhere that fireflies represent inspiration and guidance. And hope, I think.”
He looked you straight in the eyes.
Your heart leaped into your throat.
“I guess that’s you, firefly.”
And here you were, in Seoul, a knowing pang in your chest that constantly reminded you of just how close he was. How your relationship always was. Close in proximity, but always left you wanting something more. Something else.
You blinked up at her, a knowing look in her eyes.
“I know,” you blurted out.
“You just look like you’re on the brink of a panic attack every time you see a Twitter or Weverse update.”
“It’s not that bad,” you grumbled.
Hyejin’s features softened.
Your chest tightened. You hated that look.
“Actually, unnie. I’ll join you tonight. Screw book club.”
A knowing smirk spread across her lips. “Alright, bumblebee. My EQ is high enough to realize you’re running away from your issues, but it’s low enough that I won’t do anything about it.”
“I’ll add that to my data then.”
She flicked your forehead.
You groaned as you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, staring down at Hyejin’s bare legs wrapping themselves around your torso.
God. How much did you even drink?
You untangled yourself from her limbs, quickly checking her skin to make sure she didn’t have a repeat of three years ago when she somehow convinced you to let her get a tattoo of the two paper clips emoji on her inner bicep.
“They represent us, bumblebee.”
“How, unnie?”
“We’re like… leaning on each other.”
“That’s... so beautiful, unnie. Thank you.”
You shook your head fondly at the memory, staring at your own addition of two paper clips on the opposite bicep, sans the alcohol in your system. So, who’s to say which one of you is worse than the other?
You tried to unlock your phone but the brightness did too much damage to your eyes to where Face ID couldn’t recognize your look of disapproval. You quickly swiped the brightness all the way down to read the time.
That meant you only slept an hour and a half after getting home.
You peeled off the skin-tight clothing your roommate had so lovingly forced you into and grabbed a loose fitting tee and shorts. You knew you had the weekend to recuperate since you’ve completed your work ahead of your deadline.
You poured yourself a glass of water and emptied it in the span of 10 seconds. You could feel your brain recovering from its shriveled state, as if the water seeped into your skull and was being soaked up. You wondered if Wheein, your ridiculously cute neuroscience major friend down the street, would be able to explain why that is.
You hummed to yourself as you grabbed another glass of water and a reusable metal straw before making your way back to your room, where Hyejin was convinced that your bed had healing properties since she never woke up with a hangover when she slept in your space.
“It’s like you just have this homey superpower.”
“Okay, unnie. Please stop eating your hair when I’m trying to feed you toast.”
You set the glass at your bedside table and decided to go through your phone’s notifications before rousing Hyejin awake.
You scrolled through the notifications, mostly people making sure that you both got home okay, Wooyoung sending you a money charge with the caption: I may have ordered you the taxi, but you’re paying for it. Love you noona xoxo
You scrolled until you saw a lone notification from Instagram (why? you haven’t posted in two weeks?) that nearly made you drop your phone in the same way your heart did.
[04:17] wzljh__ liked your post
Your hands shook as you stared at it.
You took a screenshot.
(Just in case.)
You clicked on the notification that took you straight to the post wzljh__ liked.
It was a random post from three years ago when you studied abroad in Japan during your junior year, where you were praying in front of a temple for, according to your caption, “to be able to change the world… and also get into a PhD program.”
You clicked on the usernames that indicated who liked your post. You couldn’t find the familiar handle anywhere. Secondhand embarrassment rushed through your veins and passed as quickly as it came.
You came to three conclusions at once.
1. Lee Jihoon reactivated his Instagram.
B. He didn’t block you.
III. He stalked your profile.
“Y/N, I really don’t think—”
“Jihoonie, I need to get more likes on my post. Therefore, I am making you this profile. You don’t even have to go on that often. Okay? You can deactivate it once I go viral enough to have the world at my disposal.”
“That’s never going to happen—”
“Believe in me more, would you?”
“Why should I?”
“Because I believe in you.”
Jihoon immediately reprimanded you, telling you that you didn’t need to appease anyone as a sixteen-year-old (God, he really was too mature for his own good) but your whining had him yielding once you promised that you’d catch up on One Piece over the weekend and that you would make a bento for him.
He only ever posted once (at your request), but he did like every single one of your posts back then, although, no one would know since those were all archived (for the sake of preserving your current social life by preventing the increase in Hyejin’s arsenal of embarrassing photos of you).
Only months later did you have that falling out and his deactivation quickly followed. You believed he wouldn’t ever reactivate his personal account, especially with his woozi_universefactory account set up for Pledis, which, even then, was hardly posted on.
You clicked on his profile to see the anonymous profile picture still there. You saw his followers list and saw only four names.
That once familiar wave of jealousy that plagued you for over a decade never came when you saw her name. It dissipated a few years back after a night of confessions and mascara stained tears, hushed whispers and muffled sobs tucked away in the corner of a Busan bar in the middle of winter.
You checked his following list and saw several musical artists as well as your own handle.
Wait. Where was hers?
You navigated to her page to make sure you weren’t completely delirious and your brain slowly caught up with your eyes.
He wasn’t following her.
You typed in her username to find her profile. Immediately, her beautiful smile shone brighter on the page than the dimly lit screen could do justice.
You never hated her. She was a confidant and a beloved person in your life. Still is. You were all childhood friends (along with your cousin) with deep ties and connections, although the same could not be said for you and Jihoon currently.
But you hated how it all turned out: she didn’t reciprocate feelings towards Jihoon, but didn’t have the courage to properly reject him either.
Because, who would ever want to let him go?
You did, your mind supplied.
You bit your tongue and wondered if Jihoon found out that she was proposed to by your cousin just over a month ago, the one who she spent her childhood years pining after.
Maybe that’s why he’s not following her anymore.
“Shh, Jihoon. I’m concentrating.”
“On what?”
“My wish!”
You felt a tug at your earlobe and your fourteen-year-old self squeaked out, “Why!”
“What’re you wishing for?”
“I can’t tell you! That’s not how wishes work…”
He let out a gruff noise and sat across from you, his bright red shorts and white shirt were definite contrasts against the dirt surrounding your two small bodies.
“I’ll tell you one of my wishes.”
“Wait, really?”
“Yeah. If you tell me one of yours.”
“You first.”
“Ladies first.”
“I asked and it’s only polite if you answer.”
He huffed. “You never make any sense.”
He rolled his eyes before he cast his gaze down in a boyish way that was just so charming, you too had to look away. “I want the courage to be able to confess my feelings before it’s too late.”
You stared at the river and wondered whether it was deep enough to catch all the tears that wanted to spill themselves from out of you, the image of her coming to the forefront of your mind.
“What about you?”
You forced a smile as your eyes met his.
“I want to be friends forever.”
You knew wishes would never come true if you said them out loud.
“Jesus Christ! How long have you been standing over me like a fucking creep?”
Your trip down memory lane was interrupted by Hyejin’s screeching. You promptly rolled your eyes. “Get up, Princess. I got some water for you.”
“I’m gonna spill it on my face—”
“I brought a straw too.”
“How about a diamond ring? Because if you popped the question, I’d say yes immediately.”
You resisted the urge to smack the smug grin on her face and pushed the water over to her. “You would want a diamond, wouldn’t you?”
“All-naturally mined. No lab made stuff. Spent enough time there myself. Don’t need a ring to remind me of it.”
“I’ll keep that in mind to tell Wheein—”
“Shut up.”
“You’re right. She probably already knows. Being childhood friends and all.”
“Shall I remind you of your unrequited childhood love?”
“‘S not the same,” you responded automatically. She raised an eyebrow. “Haven’t even seen him.”
“What? We rewatched their Melon performance literally two days ago, what the fuck you mean you haven’t seen—”
“I meant in person, unnie.”
She clicked her tongue. “And we went to the SEVENTEEN concert seven months ago. We would’ve gotten the fan sign too if you weren’t being so damn annoying about it.”
Your flustered response was enough to make Hyejin laugh at your expense. “I-I just wasn’t sure whether he would’ve even wanted to see me!”
She paused at your words.
You blinked owlishly at her. “What?”
“You used to say that you knew he didn’t want to see you. Now you’re not sure? What happened while I was passed out?”
You gulped.
She set her glass down quietly, a soft smile that seemed misplaced surrounded by her strained features.
“Bumblebee, take a seat.”
You promptly fell to your knees, feeling like explaining the situation would be akin to confessing your sins.
You only hoped she wouldn’t damn you to hell.
“Just slide into his DM’s.”
“Hell no.”
“Don’t talk to your unnie like that.”
You scoffed. “I’m not going to slide into his DM’s like some sad bitch who’s been yearning for over a decade.”
“...but isn’t that exactly what you are?”
You were so close to throwing your mimosa across the table. Too bad the American-inspired restaurant you were at only had half-off drinks during the weekday happy hour. You weren’t going to waste your full-priced flute of champagne and orange juice.
“Give me your phone.”
“Bumblebee, I promise I won’t message him. Just give me your phone, I want to see his profile again.”
You took your pinky, made an ‘X’ over your heart with it, pressed the tip against your lips, and held it out for her to do the same.
“God, what are you, 5?”
“Pinky promises cannot be broken. If you break them, you break my trust.”
“You know, for someone who’s studied Psychology, you sure believe in a lot of non-evidence-based practices.”
You emphatically made your point by bringing your pinky closer to her. She sighed and hooked hers around yours. “Satisfied, bumbles?”
“Always, unnie. There’s something beautiful about how the biggest of promises are made with the littlest of fingers.”
The corner of her mouth quirked up at that.
She took your phone and turned it to where you could see her every move. She clicked Jihoon’s profile and went to his first and only post, already liked by your sixteen-year-old self.
She looked as though she were scrutinizing the caption. You expected her to try and formulate an idea of him that was separate from his stage persona.
What you didn’t expect was for her to unlike the post and quickly like it again.
“Oh, bumblebee, I think you would have broken the sound barrier with how loud that was.”
You were too busy having a meltdown to realize the whispering voices around you, giving pointed looks of disdain. Hyejin smiled at everyone and bowed slightly in apology. She tossed your phone at you.
“You said you wouldn’t—”
“I didn’t message him, did I?”
Your mouth went dry while your tears welled up.
Hyejin recognized the consequences of her actions immediately. “Whoa, hey. Y/N, it’s okay. It’s okay. It’s fine.”
“You don’t get to decide if it’s fine or not.”
She flinched back at your harsh tone.
You stared blankly at the phone in front of you, the once red heart, drained white, and filled again with color in the span of a microsecond.
Your watery eyes met Hyejin’s concerned gaze.
You bit your lip. “Can you pull out your phone?”
She froze. “Why...?”
“Because I’m going to eat everything off of this brunch menu and you’re paying for it, so you’re going to have to make a transfer from your savings now.”
“...Yeah, okay. Fair.”
“They’re both cooked dough with butter and syrup.”
You gasped loudly. “Jihoon! Blasphemous!”
He gave you a deadpanned look. “Y/N, you mean to tell me that it’s really that important whether I decide between pancakes or waffles?”
“Waffles are obviously superior! They have little pockets that cradle the syrup, with crisp edges and fluffy insides!”
“There’s literally no one here that’s arguing against you right now.”
“I need you to agree with me!”
“No, you want me to.”
You plopped back down into the booth, shoulders slumped at a lost cause.
“...would it make you happy?”
Jihoon cleared his throat. “I asked if it would make you happy. If I agreed that waffles are superior to pancakes.”
You stammered, a blush creeping up your neck at the question. “Uh, no. It was a dumb debate. I was just trying to be annoying. I—”
“It’s okay to let yourself be happy even over the dumb things, firefly.”
You twiddled with your thumbs and bit back the goofiest grin as you heard Jihoon call the waiter over to order your shared waffle platter, asking for, ‘enough syrup to fill each little pocket’.
You never saw Jihoon eat pancakes after that day, always opting for the obviously superior choice. 
The joy of eating butter and carbs and sugar from that day was not enough to sustain you through the week once you realized you had a paper deadline that was sooner than you remembered.
Your eyes ran over the words again, nearly questioning your sanity when it felt like you spent the last thirty minutes trying to reorganize your paper in a way that was cohesive. You spent so much time unlearning the APA 6th edition format to relearn the APA 7th edition, and then moving back to Korea made you throw all of that out the window. Therefore, your mind was a jumbled mess of DOI numbers and misplaced periods.
This paper was due in less than a week and you still found yourself questioning whether the literature review was comprehensive enough to cover all twenty sources you were required to include. Two pages. A list of twenty sources that took up approximately three-fourths of your second page. A singular paragraph of literature review on peer-reviewed articles studying the risk factors of suicide in Korean adolescents before needing to address implications and future research and potential programs that could address these issues.
“Nothing is real,” you muttered to yourself.
You glanced around the library and noticed a scarcity of other human beings. You groaned to yourself as you realized you hadn’t moved from your seat in over eight hours and the library was due to close in ten minutes.
You wanted to stab yourself in the neck when you remembered you still had the Social Welfare 101 class’s papers to grade. You knew that they needed feedback on their writing and you also knew they saw you as a pushover, so the papers are very likely lackluster, especially since the class was filled with people who were trying to get their Humanities credit for their degree in another field.
“Become a doctor, they said. It will be worth it, they said,” your hushed-tone almost mocking.
One of the other TAs from the Educational Psychology department had offered to take some of the grading from you, knowing that you had several large projects due soon, but you quickly brushed off the offer, saying that you could handle it.
A few stray tears slid down your face as you felt overwhelmed by the entirety of the last four years. You graduated early from Yale and dove straight into a doctoral program you could have easily put off by working for a few years.
You removed your glasses and buried your face into your hands, allowing yourself five minutes of reprieve. Just five. Before you needed to pack up and get back to work.
Why are you trying so hard to prove yourself?
[tw: suicide mention]
“Social work is a useless field, Y/N.”
You grit your teeth. “Eomeonim, I—”
“Did you think I wouldn’t see your interview in the school newsletter? Saying you want to go to Seoul National University and study social work? No daughter of mine is going to go into a field that has no chance of finding a job that makes money. You think that your Abeonim and I will be supporting you for the rest of your life? What will the neighbors say, huh?”
“No, you do not get to call me that, you ungrateful child. I did not work as hard as I did to put you through the additional tutoring and classes I have for you to just betray me like this.”
Bile rose up in your throat and you choked back the tears threatening to spill.
“Oh, and there she goes, being dramatic again. You don’t think I feel like crying too? You want to become a social worker? You want to help people? How can you do that when you’re so selfish?”
Your nails dug themselves into the meat of your palms, but not hard enough to cause pain, not when your nervous habit of biting them whittled them down to stubs.
“Get out. Come back when your head is clear.”
You moved, but not too hastily so as to signal her to your anxiety, for you were just a prey and she was the apex predator. You kept your gaze downcast and zipped up your designer brand backpack before looping your arms through the pristinely kept straps. Your family had a reputation throughout the town to keep. And you were the heir to it all.
All of the glamour.
All of the charisma.
All of the pressure.
All of the pride.
All of the distrust.
All of the insecurity.
All of the underlying self-hatred.
You shut the door behind you softly and wrapped your arms around you, letting your feet carry you to the one place you knew you could find solace.
Once you arrived, picking a fallen leaf off of your skirt, you knocked weakly at the window pane.
Jihoon glanced up from his desk and made his way to open it for you. “Hey, firefly.”
You quietly slipped through the frame.
“Bad day?”
“Do you ever, just, think about stopping?”
Jihoon blinked once. “Stopping what?”
“Life, I guess.”
He remained silent and he uncrossed his arms so you knew, at least physically, he was open to listening to you. This wasn’t the first time you brought up this subject to him.
“I could just end it all, Jihoon. I could just have it all be over. My parents wouldn’t have to worry anymore. They wouldn’t have to be so disgusted by the fact that they birthed such an ungrateful and selfish child.”
Jihoon breathed deeply through his nose. You knew how much it stirred up his insides whenever you talked about this, but he would reiterate that your safety was always more important than his comfort.
“I should just do it, right? That’ll prove something to them. That’ll show them that they’re not the perfect people everyone makes them out to be. They drove their daughter to this. Oh, but. They might just use it as an excuse to garner more attention. Woe is the perfect family in Busan, they struggle with loss, just like us. But… I could just end it all now. It could all be over, Jihoon. I have that power.”
“You do, firefly. You could end it all.”
Your head shot up so fast you nearly got whiplash. You were expecting soft!Jihoon, not whatever this was. You spluttered, “I’m sorry, what?”
“You’re the one who said it.”
“Are you saying I should just do it then?”
“No,” Jihoon said evenly. “I’m just saying that you do have that power. But you also have the power not to. You have the power to continue on.”
“But I don’t want to.”
“But you have to.”
“I don’t have to do anything, Jihoon!”
Jihoon clicked his tongue at your raised tone. “Whoa, hey. You’re the one who always says you have to jump through hoops in order to ‘earn’ love. I’m not the one who taught you that bullshit; go talk to your parents about that.”
“But they’re right!”
“No, they’re not.”
“Shut up! You don’t know me!”
“Y/N, I have spent more time with you than those sorry excuses of parental figures ever have!”
“Those are my parents!”
“Yeah, and they’re assholes!”
“You’re the one who doesn’t know! They’re the ones who see me, who know me best. They raised me. They know how disappointing I am. They know how useless I am. They know! They’re the ones who know just how unworthy I am!”
“God! Why do you care so much?! Why are you trying so hard to prove yourself?!”
You sucked in a sharp breath. Your bottom lip trembled as your voice came out, horribly fragile, a complete contrast to your sharp tone from just moments ago. “I… Because it’s me, Jihoon. I’m either too much for people or I’m never enough. So, I have to do everything perfectly to prove that I’m worthy. I have to be better than anyone else. Because I have to make up for the fact that it’s me.”
You were openly sobbing.
“But… you’re not better than anyone else, firefly.”
You tried to muffle your tears enough to hear Jihoon’s voice over your crying. Your eyes met his and you expected to see pity, but instead, his facial expression remained as neutral, a steadfast look in his eyes amidst all of your wavering.
“Firefly, you suck at Super Smash Bros. You’ve never won a game against me. Not even one. In like, ten whole years. Also, you’re really bad at timing when ramyeon noodles are done. You always overcook them. You cry when you see a fat seagull waddling down the shoreline. You can’t eat spicy food to save your life. You use too many emojis when you type. You can’t even jog 100m without wanting to pass out. You get so angry that you blow up at others and shame them for making you angry, but you hate it when people are mad at you. You refuse to share your food when it’s still warm, but force me to finish it when you’re full. You don’t trust others enough to do their part of the work so you never let anyone else help you. You have a nervous habit of saying stupid random facts when a pretty girl talks to you. You once poured milk before the cereal. You’re full of flaws.”
Your lips were pressed in a thin line, but the tears had ceased approximately halfway through his listing of your traits.
“You are not the best. By any means. Mediocre, even.”
“I’m kind of hurt.”
Jihoon snorted. “You don’t know everything, firefly. You’re not always going to be the smartest in the room. You’re not the best that ever existed. You never will be. But you’re never too much. And you’re always enough. And although your parents and nearly every adult in this town could think otherwise, you will meet people, people like noona, like hyung, like me, who will still care about you even when you’re being a shitty little brat like you are now. People who will still care about you even when you’re not number one.” 
“…You don’t know that.”
“Neither do you.”
“Do you ever think about generational trauma?”
Hyejin gave you a sideways glance. “Do we need to pull out the therapy chair and the rosé for this?”
You swatted the offer away. “I’m serious.”
“What d’you mean then, bumblebee?”
“I just think about my parents and the pressure that was probably put on them from their parents and the parents before. But with each generation, no one decided to try and break the cycle. They just kept taking their hurt and putting it onto the next. It’s just… I don’t know. It’s not just my family. It’s prevalent… everywhere. Did you know that South Korea has one of the highest rates of suicide in all of the OECD countries, second only to Lithuania? Common risk factors among adolescents tend to be academic pressure and family issues. So. I know it’s not just me. The numbers don’t lie.”
“Is this related to the paper you were working on earlier?”
You pondered for a moment. “I think researching adolescents and suicidality might’ve triggered some old memories, yeah.”
“Are you…?”
“Okay,” you finished her question. “The thoughts only come when I’m feeling overwhelmed with stuff. And it being our last semester, it’s just… a lot is being demanded of us. Classes, projects, thesis defense. I’m feeling, I dunno, a little helpless.”
“Hmm, I’m remembering some wise words from my undergraduate roommate at Yale~” Hyejin said, in a sing-song voice. “She said that the best way to stop feeling helpless is…?”
You glared.
“The best way to stop feeling helpless iiiiiis…?”
“...to ask for help.”
“Wow, right on the money.”
You decidedly messaged your fellow TA to ask them to help alleviate some of your workload to which they happily agreed.
Which you only gained the courage to ask for after a straight-winning streak in several online matches of Super Smash Ultimate.
You weren’t mediocre.
You just realized he wasn’t either.
Just a few days later, on a rare weekend where you managed to pull away from schoolwork, you found yourself in the attic of the group home you worked on-and-off at for the past four years, sorting through boxes of tattered toys, gathering the ones necessary to put through the washer. You laid down on the floor, the rickety boards beneath you groaning at your weight. You passively wondered whether a cartoon moment would happen and the group home inhabitants would find a you-shaped hole in their ceiling.
You reached into your own backpack and pulled out your own toy of sorts. You threw it up in the air only to let gravity do the work to bring it back into your hold. You had to be careful to not give yourself a black eye like you did a few years back.
“Whoa, you played baseball?”
You glanced at the tattered ball in your hand, the stitching almost undone, the yarn beginning to peek through. The color was no longer a pristine white, but that only proved its history of handling. “Choi Sannie, what about me says ‘athlete’?”
“Hey,” your younger coworker put his arms up in defense, fully climbing into the attic space now. “I know all of the things we have here at the home, and that is definitely not one of them. So that means that’s yours. Or you stole it—” He gasped loudly in delight. “You stole—!”
“No, dumbass.”
He deflated. He knelt down on the floor next to you, inspecting the baseball without taking it in his hands, careful to not overstep your boundaries. You taught him all about consent; Choi San was a wild child, but he knew respect. “May I see?”
You tossed it casually over to him.
“Is this handwriting? I can barely read it.”
“Even if it was brand new, I promise that handwriting would be illegible to the average person anyways.”
“You’re not average though.”
“Of course not.”
“So, what does it say?”
“Gwangan-dong, Busan, August 2.”
“Was it a gift?”
“From who?”
“An old friend.”
“Why keep it?”
You hummed softly.
“For the days that feel like I’ve lost.”
Lee Jihoon was a boy who demanded attention. And he always had it. But not because he would go parade and peacock around for the sake of trying to earn it. He naturally caught it, with collected looks and smooth words. Everyone in your town knew him: his ability to work hard and even more, his ability to achieve. He never needed to do anything to garner more attention because all of it was already on him. Even at the perfect attention-craving age of thirteen.
Lee Jihoon would never show off.
You had been to every single one of Jihoon’s baseball games, cheering silently when he made a great call, throwing mental expletives when things were going awry. You knew his mannerisms, his tells. Hell, you even knew the code for when the coach beckoned his players to steal a base.
So, you knew when Jihoon was showing off.
You wanted to gag at the sight of him puffing out his chest while he wore his catcher gear. You often believed him to be beyond this world but the reality quickly slapped you back as you wondered why exactly he was being so obnoxious.
Your unnie turned to you, “It’s almost over, yes?”
You wanted to laugh at the fact it seemed like she aged an additional year for every inning. “Yes, unnie.”
“I don’t understand how there’s no timer.”
“It’s done by the number of outs.”
She nodded, but you knew she didn’t actually take it in, since you repeated that fact three times over the course of the past two hours.
“Our Jihoonie’s doing well, right?”
“Yep, as per usual.”
“I really don’t understand baseball, lovebug.”
You pat her shoulder. “It’s alright. I don’t mind telling you. Although, you might want to ask oppa more about it. He knows more than I do. He messaged me and said he’ll be here in about five minutes so he can take us all out for dinner after.”
She froze. You quirked an eyebrow.
You noticed the redness creeping up her neck.
“Oh my God. Unnie! Do you like my cous—?”
Before she could say anything to defend herself, you felt the bleachers around you shift in tandem and you nearly toppled over until she caught you.
Your eyes found Jihoon, who was holding the ball that sealed their fate: they won. He won.
You saw him and his teammates gather together, his mask coming off to reveal his black hair sticking to his forehead and his ever-so-brilliant smile.
Oh no. You were so smitten.
After several moments of trying to push through the crowd, you finally reach a place where you spot Jihoon animatedly speaking to your unnie, who managed to get ahead of you by several paces.
You immediately froze.
Even from this far away, you could see his eyes clearly. Of course, you could. You were so practiced in searching for them, in times of joy, in mourning, in dancing, in sorrow. In those dark irises, swirled something so raw, your breathing became ragged. You saw the way he looked at her. You knew the look in his eyes.
Because you’d caught glimpses of it in yours in passing mirrors whenever you were with him.
How long did it take you to realize?
Suddenly, you wanted to be anywhere but there.
You rushed backwards, much easier to run away than it was to charge forth. You ran and ran and ran until you reached the back of the bleachers where you crumpled down onto your knees, effectively getting grass stains on your poor clothes.
“Mommy! Mommy! There’s someone crying!”
“Baby, no—let’s go over here.”
“She’s an ugly crier, like you!”
You cursed the fact that children were basically sober drunks and said whatever was on their mind. The fateful “u” word that repeated itself obsessively in your mind.
You thought of your unnie.
Your beautiful, elegant, sweet, soft unnie.
Of course Jihoon would prefer her.
He was pulled into her gravity with no room for resistance. His crescent smiles faced her, never to show his dark side, for she was the earth he orbited: captivating and delicate.
Why would he even care to ever look your way?
You were a given; never a prize to be sought. You were unrefined and blundering in your demeanor. You were on the crux of puberty, an awkward and horrendous time that consisted of your skin deteriorating, hormones running rampant, and just. So. Many. Emotions.
“Whoa, whoa, ladybug, is that you?”
You glanced up, not even bothering to wipe away the dribbling mess that was on your face. Your cousin stared in horror at your tears.
“God, you look horrible.”
A broken sob ripped through your chest and your cousin quickly realized he made a mistake. He scooped you up into his arms and held you as you cried, cried, cried.
If jealousy was the ugliest trait, you must have been downright hideous.
Later, you had your face tucked into your cousin’s chest as he apologized to Jihoon and your unnie, who both reached for you, but your cousin, in his typical knight-in-shining armor fashion, brushed them aside and pulled you closer. He convinced them that you received some off-putting remarks from your parents and didn’t want to talk about it (a regular occurrence), so he would take you back to his place to cheer you up with some Disney movies and freshly squeezed lemonade.
Your unnie offered condolences and a swift pat on your head before she called her dad to come pick her up, all of you waiting until she drove off.
Jihoon spent the time waiting listing off a myriad of your needs (“You have to make sure you have the double Kleenex, okay? The other ones leave weird fuzz on her cheeks. And don’t let her wash the dishes when she’s sad because she doesn’t realize how hot the water actually is and ends up rubbing her skin raw. And make sure you use simple syrup for the lemonade and not just sugar, she hates the crystals.”) while he packed his gear away, preparing to walk back on his own, his home not too far away from the baseball field.
You felt your cousin squirm at the prospect of Jihoon having to carry all of his gear after playing a two-hour game and having no food in his stomach. “Wait—Jihoon, I can give you a ride.”
He looked back at him, glanced at you, probably noticing the way your shoulders still trembled, and shook his head firmly.
“Here, firefly.”
Your body reacted before your mind could catch up to realize what it was doing. You saw a small object in the air, falling within your arms reach.
So, you caught it.
Your eyes trailed up to meet his, momentarily forgetting he was the sole cause of your meltdown.
His jaw clenched so hard, you cowered slightly.
“Why are you giving me this?”
You cringed at the sound of your voice, gruff and raspy.
“It’s your win today.”
You blinked rapidly. “Huh?”
Jihoon sighed and you wondered if he just considered you a petulant child.
“Even when you feel like you’ve lost, even when you feel like you have nothing to gain, just the fact that you’re still here, that’s a win. So. Scream. Cry. You can do what you want. It’s your win.”
Your gaze trailed down to the baseball, too large to wrap your fingers around entirely. It was much denser than you thought it would be, the weight foreign in your hands.
You sniffled, the corner of your mouth upturned.
Before you could say anything, Jihoon immediately turned on his heel and walked away.
You looked up and caught your cousin staring at Jihoon’s retreating form with a bemused look. 
“Alright, ladybug, let’s get you home. Your parents are probably preparing dinner right now.”
“You promised Disney and lemonade.”
Your cousin sighed dramatically. “I guess I did,” he ruffled your hair to which you let out a prolonged, annoyed groan. “Which movie?”
You pondered for a moment. “Hercules?”
You thought of Jihoon and his reputation throughout your town: attention-grabbing, diligent, admirable, heroic.
But most of all, kind.
“You got good taste, ladybug.”
“Does today feel like a lost day?”
You resisted the urge to mess with the singular faded green streak running through San’s hair, a test subject from when Hyejin wanted you to dye her hair, but you didn’t want to try it out on yourself nor buy a synthetic wig. A rebellious eighteen-year-old was the best option at the time. “No. It doesn’t.”
“Then why do you have this?” He inquired again.
“Because I can do what I want, San. It’s my win.”
He pulled a face of indignation at your rare (at least to him) display of childishness. Your phone pinged on top of your thigh, alerting you to its presence.
[12:42] wzljh__ liked your post
You bit back a grin, knowing San would question you endlessly if he caught it. So you tucked it away, for a later time, where you could be alone and smile as widely as you wanted to. He was getting more and more bold. Hyejin’s action, you knew, was what spurred him on. You wanted to laugh in disbelief.
Lee Jihoon was a man who demanded attention.
And he always had it.
“No, no. Noona, you promised.”
“I did no such thing.”
Wooyoung scoffed at your words. He pulled out his phone and his nimble thumbs quickly found what he was looking for, signified by a soft ‘ah-hah!’. “You said you would help me try and secure BTS tickets. You’re the only other person that I know that has the ARMY Membership.”
You glanced at his screen and saw your drunk state and you resisted the urge to keel over at the sight. You heard your slurred words promising the very thing Wooyoung was asking of you now. “I wasn’t sober enough to realize what I was saying. Also, what kind of person films their drunk friend and coerces them into promising to get BTS tickets?”
“I never said I was a good person, noona.”
“Ask San or Seonghwa.”
“They don’t have the ARMY Membership,” Wooyoung repeated, emphasizing the last two words. “I’m out here trying to secure the front section. It’s close enough to the stage where I can see Jimin-hyung’s sweat without the screen.”
You grimaced. “Weird ass fanboy.”
“You cannot deny that he is a beautiful man,” Wooyoung said pointedly. “Although, I assume your type is like 15cm shorter and a muscle bunny.”
“He’s only 11cm shorter, sir.”
“Okay, okay. Keep defending your boyfriend.”
You spluttered, instinctively responding with what you said for most of your middle and high school days to those around you. “He’s not my boyfriend!”
Wooyoung gave you a ‘duh’ look. “No shit. You’ve never even met him because you refuse to get the fan signing tickets because you’re a weak ass coward.”
Well. He was definitely right about one of those things. You often forget that you’ve kept your history with him private from most except Hyejin.
(And Wheein.)
(Because Hyejin told her.)
(Luckily, Wheein is a lot more considerate than her boisterous and loose-lipped counterpart.)
“Wooyoungie, you’re really not making me want to help you here, you know.”
“Noona, please.”
He looked at you with his wide brown eyes and jutted out his bottom lip. The thick black frames on the bridge of his nose gave off the impression of innocence, something you would never again associate with the young man in front of you.
His eyes lit up once he visibly saw your determination crumble.
You bit your lip. “You’re paying for this pizza. And we get pineapples on it.”
“I love you~ You are a goddess I am unworthy of even perceiving~ I worship the the ground you walk on, O sweet and kind deity~”
Your mouth twitched. “A ‘thank you’ would suffice.”
Wooyoung looked at you, a serious look in his eye, took your hand and squeezed it. He gave you a smile that almost melted away your disdain. “Thank you, noona.”
“Men like you give women trust issues.”
“Yeah, probably.”
“I couldn’t express my feelings because I was too young. I wanted to be your tomorrow, so I lived today. Ever since the first day I saw you until now, in my heart, it’s only you. These typical words, I’m only saying them now. But I hope these typical words will reach you. Thank you, thank you. That’s all I can say. Even all the waiting, all the longing. And all of our memories. Thank you, thank you.”
You half-hoped they would perform this song, half-hoped they wouldn’t. It rendered your heart weak, almost wringing it through with the lyrics and melody, the implication. There was a deep yearning within you that wished these lyrics could have been for you, once upon a time.
You hid yourself with a black face mask and wore a baseball cap. Hyejin told you that you were making yourself look even more conspicuous by wearing such garb, but you couldn’t risk being noticed. You wanted to see him, but in a way that didn’t require vulnerability. Plus, your tears were easier to hide.
Hyejin held your hand, her fingers intertwined with yours, the two of you uncharacteristically calm and still unlike the other CARATs around you, all of whom were cheering and swinging their lightsticks in tandem.
She gave your hand a tight squeeze.
You thought back to what was seemingly a mundane day, going on one of your grocery shopping trips at a Trader Joe’s while still living in New Haven, Connecticut.
The days leading up to your shopping trip, you were a mess of a human being, weighed down by the amount of work you still had left to complete, hardly able to be present in your own life, instead simply watching it go by. Hyejin took over your chores for the week, bought you sweets, stayed up with you even if she finished her own work, made sure to send kind text messages randomly throughout the day, and was all around the best supporter you could have asked for.
You kept apologizing to her for not being able to reciprocate, the only words that your mouth had the energy to form were, “I’m sorry.” And she would, each time, just pat your head with a soft chuckle and say, “You don’t have to keep saying that, you know. You don’t have to say that you’re sorry.”
But you weren’t sure of what you could say instead, so you said nothing at all.
Your grocery trip was made to be more of an adventurous outing that matched the energy that you were able to procure, as cooping yourself indoors only intensified your feelings of stress. However, you were on the mend from the disastrous week, as you finished up your work the day prior to your little trip to the grocery store.
(You couldn’t help but think your ability to even leave your apartment was because of Hyejin.)
After gathering all of the ingredients to cook carbonara (with extra pancetta!) and loading them up in your car, Hyejin offered to return the shopping cart to its designated location.
You saw her from afar and suddenly something overwhelmed you.
You knew what to say instead of: ‘I’m sorry.’
“Thank you.”
Hyejin gave you a raised eyebrow. “Yeah? Of course.”
“No, I mean...”
You paused. What did you mean?
Did you even have a right to express yourself? That’s all you seemed to do during the week and it was almost embarrassing trying to say something now. Like, this wasn’t the right time and place. The butter was melting in the car.
“Actually, never mind. Don’t worry about it.”
I couldn’t express my feelings because I was too young.
She gave a pointed look and said, “Uh. Alright.”
But something tugged at you. A gentle reminder from a gentle person with a seemingly rough personality.
These typical words, I’m only saying them now. But I hope these typical words will reach you.
If he could do it, so could you.
Before she could get into the passenger seat, you called out again, “Actually!”
She glanced your way, still visibly confused.
You took a deep breath. “Thank you for returning the cart. But, ah, more than that. Thank you for coming to the store with me. Thank you for spending time with me. Thank you for consoling me. Thank you for living with me. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for staying by my side. Thank you for loving me.”
You couldn’t hold back your tears, so you didn’t. Your beloved friend did not fare much better.
She was in a state of what seemed like hysteria, laughing with tears streaming down her face. “What the heck, dude? What’s the matter with you? God, I love you so much.”
She took you into her arms and you both cried in the middle of a Trader Joe’s parking lot.
Your heart was filled with gratitude as the thirteen boys on stage interlocked their fingers in a pinky promise to love their fans. You mirrored the action as you took Hyejin’s pinky and interlocked yours with hers. She glanced at you and you gave a smile from behind your mask, trusting she knows what you mean. Trusting that she hears the promise you are making to her, to yourself.
Promising to always be thankful.
Promising to always love.
But if she could not hear the wordless promise echoing in your chest, you knew you would repeat it aloud to her for as long as she needed. To whoever needed it.
Because although those words may be typical, they were still worth saying.
That is a lesson an old friend taught you.
An old friend whose smile now shone as bright as the stage lights that lingered on his form.
Three weeks later, you were up to your neck in deadlines. You were demanded at every possible place you frequented. In the research labs, in the recruitment office, in your collective TAs room, in the group home you volunteered for.
Hypothetically, there should have been no room in your mind for Lee Jihoon.
Too bad you saw him everywhere.
Not just explicitly, like the way his idol group overtook the internet with selfies here and tweets there and ridiculous fan edit videos everywhere.
But rather, in the crevices of Seoul, in the freshly cooked rice found at your favorite family restaurant, ready to serve piping hot meals with heaping portions of a mother’s love, in the off-key melodies sung unapologetically by a circle of children in the middle of the neighborhood park, not caring who’s there to witness, performing for any and all, in the rhythm of the city thrumming beneath your soles and at your fingertips, ready to sweep you off your feet if you gave it the chance.
You saw him everywhere.
That included your notification center.
[15:32] wzljh__ commented on your post—
Your vision blurred.
Was this what cardiac arrest felt like?
A comment? A comment? You were plenty satisfied with the likes on your post, but a comment meant direct interaction, not mindless scrolling and double tapping.
The ringing in your ears was prevalent and you knew for the sake of your body and soul, you needed to shut it all away.
You pushed aside the thoughts, compartmentalized like they taught you during your clinical therapy program, and shoved your phone far into the depths of your unorganized bag.
You breathed in.
You breathed out.
You had work to do.
“Hey, so, it’s noona’s birthday on Sunday—” 
“I know, Jihoon, you haven’t shut up about it for the past two weeks.”
“Okay, okay. Fine. But I’ve spent so long trying to find a gift for her and I still can’t find anything. Can’t you, just like, come with me to the market for the day? I’ve never spent so much time and effort trying to find a damn gift for a birthday before. I’ll buy us dinner and we can stop by that dessert stand with the black sesame soft serve.”
“I told you. I have college prep exams I have to worry about. You want to woo her? You can. Easily. Lee Jihoon, anyone would be lucky to be loved by you.”
He breathed out a long sigh. “...thanks, firefly.”
You gave a stiff nod before walking away, the singular cardstock invitation (since you only made one for him because he teased you endlessly for your homemade invitations in the fifth-grade and you committed yourself to spite him every year from then on) you scrawled a date on in two week’s time weighing heavily in your bag. You bit your bottom lip to try and prevent the tears from slipping.
Guess your birthday wasn’t worth putting time and effort in.
At least, that’s what you thought until you found a small package in your first-year high school locker on that fateful day, in two week’s time.
Inside a poorly wrapped box, you found a card and a keychain of three tiny medals: simply drawn hands interlocking at their pinkies, the infinity symbol, and a crescent moon.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you opened the card envelope slowly, afraid your shaking hands would accidentally tear apart the paper. The card was homemade and purposefully horrendous (he claims; although, knowing his crafting skills, you weren’t so sure) with his haphazard, yet endearing scrawl.
You read the words once. Twice. Three times.
Moved them away from your eyes so the tears wouldn’t fall and smudge them.
“I saw these charms two months ago and immediately thought of you.
You said anyone would be lucky to be loved by me.
Guess you’re a pretty lucky person.
Happy birthday, firefly.
- Jihoonie
P.S. I have a sun on mine, if you end up wanting to switch.”
And so you skipped the first ten minutes of your last class to fold in on yourself in one of the second-floor girls’ bathroom stalls. You muffled your cries against your sleeve because it’s just so utterly him that you couldn’t even think straight.
When he finds you after school, eyes puffed and disheveled, you half-expected him to comfort you, because it was your birthday and, to most people, that warranted special treatment.
Instead he laughed loudly at your tattered self, pinched your reddened nose with a grip you could say bordered on assault, and said, “Come on, let’s go get some cake and ice cream. I’ll pay.”
You glared at him. “You hate cake and ice cream.”
He merely grinned at you. “Not today, I won’t. You really are lucky to have me, aren’t you?”
Even with the way he teased you relentlessly for all seven blocks to the place you frequented when your pockets were lined with allowance, the dessert shop with the fresh cream green tea cake topped with fruit you knew Jihoon was gonna take when you weren’t looking, even with his eyes filled with mischief and cheeks filled with stolen strawberries, you couldn’t help but agree.
“He’s been pretty bold lately.”
You cocked your head to the side as you pulled your lunchbox out onto the cafeteria table. You spread the items out in an orderly fashion and Hyejin nearly sneered at the display, but you ignored her. “Hrm? What d’you mean?”
“I mean, he’s been liking more and more of your posts. He also commented today. Isn’t that bold? Considering you haven’t spoken in years? What happens if he’s just, I dunno, playing with you?”
You bit the inside of your cheek. “Is it dumb to say that it’s just a gut instinct that everything is okay?”
“Again, what is the point of your higher education? Gut instincts aren’t exactly evidence-based.”
You unwrapped your sandwich and your eye twitched at the sauce that dribbled down. Damn. You could’ve sworn you had the right ratio this time. 
You took a bite, your tongue slipping out to catch the excess sauce. You chewed thoughtfully before swallowing. You mindlessly tapped your fingers against the bread before you spoke.
“I dunno how to explain it, unnie. I know all of my observations have been just… through likely scripted scenes and concerts. And I know it’s dumb to think that he’s still the same kid from way back when, but even seeing him interacting with his members… It just seems like he’s happy. Not just the superficial kinda happy, but the everlasting contentment and joy kinda happy. So. I don’t think he’s going to ruin that by trying to dredge up stuff that could ruin it. Or plot revenge. I just... don’t sense any ill intentions. And I never have, even when all that shit happened.”
“Hm… I honestly don’t know the guy, but it does just sound like he made one choice in an unfortunate circumstance. Big decision in the midst of big emotions,” Hyejin murmured.
“So did I,” you said pointedly.
She smirked at that. “Yeah, but you ended up with me, so I’m okay with your choice. But, also maybe, I just trust your judgment a little too much. But, if you consider him as wonderful as you say he is, then. I believe you. Plus, I feel like his lyrics and videos that I’ve seen are proof that he’s not a complete piece of shit.”
“Ah, yes. Thank you for thinking he’s not the scum of the earth.”
“Yes. Just a rung above that. If I ever meet him, I’ll definitely punch him. For your honor.”
“Hah. Thanks, unnie. I’m sure that your stick arms will do a lot of damage.”
“Of course.”
The two of you laughed.
Hyejin hummed. “Do you ever blame him?”
“For what?”
“Leaving before you.”
You raised a brow as you set your sandwich down to bring your attention to your apple slices, peeled in a way to make them look like bunny rabbits. After dunking it into some peanut butter, you decapitated its head with your teeth. “Blame is a funny thing.”
“What d’you mean by that?”
“I mean, think about it, unnie,” you began. “Do I blame him for leaving when I was the one who decided to leave first?”
Hyejin clicked her tongue. “But he left without even saying ‘goodbye’ or even warning you.”
“Mm, yeah. But... I mean, do I blame him for leaving before me when he could blame me for deciding to leave first? Or do I keep going and blame him for making me fall in love with him or could he turn that around and blame me for having feelings in the first place? Do I go further and blame him for defending me from bullies in first grade or does he blame me by trying to become friends by giving him a seashell? Do I blame him for being born or does he blame me for the same thing? Blame is an endless cycle and trying to pin the entire thing on one person or one event is hard. At least, in this instance, you know? There wasn’t a clear cut perpetrator and victim here.”
Hyejin picked at her nails. “You really have a different kinda brain, don’t you, bumblebee?”
You chuckled. “It’s gotten me this far.”
A silence fell over the two of you as you stared at your bunny apple slices, eventually fed up at the odd number of them and choosing to sacrifice one to your stomach for the sake of your peace of mind. 
After a few moments, you spoke again.
“I used to be real angry with him.”
“Yeah, you told me you used to be a fiery little thing. Plus, I heard you blow up at that student athlete who was dishing out homophobic slurs near the Student Center. When you’re angry, whew. I wouldn’t ever wanna be caught in the crossfire.”
You snorted. “Yeah, well, he would often be. I don’t think you can grow up with and know a person for, like, sixteen years and not ever be angry with them. Especially when that person is a prepubescent boy who knows all the little things that grinds your gears.”
“God forbid having feelings for men.”
“Women aren’t that much better,” you reminded Hyejin. She paused for a moment before agreeing to your sentiment. You knew too many of the silly arguments her and Wheein have had over the past two decades.
“Honestly, though. I think he’s one of the only people I ever felt safe enough to even be angry around. So, he usually got the brunt of it all. Honestly, he should’ve left me faster. I was a mess to deal with at the time.”
Hyejin pulled a face at your self-pity. You merely offered a small smile and she rolled her eyes. “So, you were still angry at him when we were at Yale?”
You swallowed another apple bunny. “Absolutely. Remember New York?”
“Which time?”
You snorted. “Specifically the one where we went during the Fourth of July. Where I had hook-ups after hook-ups and had to get a pregnancy test and an STD screening. Where we went bar-hopping literally every night because I wanted to drown in my sorrows. The one that you got on that stranger’s shoulders to shoot off an illegal firecracker.”
“The trip where you got so drunk, you screamed at a man that turned out to be a statue.”
“Hey, in my defense, he looked like an asshole.”
“I’m sure many people would agree with you that Christopher Columbus is indeed an asshole.”
You both laughed.
Your voice lowered to barely above a whisper, Hyejin physically needing to lean in to catch your words.
“I… was angry that he made promises he couldn’t keep. I was angry that he decided to walk out of my life without asking to even try. I was angry that he didn’t even care to ask why I was wanting to leave. That he didn’t care enough to want to know what I was doing. I was angry that he dropped me so fast. I was angry that he moved to Seoul as a last ‘screw you’ because he didn’t want to try and talk it out. I was angry that he was angry. But above all, I was angry at myself that it took me so long to let myself even feel the anger because I blamed myself for everything.”
You let out a shaky breath.
“At the time, I had a sixteen-year-old’s anger and heartbreak and a twenty-one-year-old’s body and ID. So, that anger manifested itself into drunken nights of hedonistic debauchery and cursing out loud for the first time ever, right at a statue of a colonizing murderer.”
You thought she would laugh at your phrasing, but instead, she merely took you in. You wanted to shrink back at her scrutinizing gaze.
“Does it still bother you?”
“...No, not really,” you admitted. “I just woke up one day and realized that I missed him so much more than I was angry at him. At me. Eventually the anger just kind of… faded. I mean, he was hurt when I left. And if he felt like I was leaving him, then it makes sense he would try to do the same in some kind of twisted adolescent retribution. I’m not saying that either of us deserved that kind of treatment, but I mean, we were sixteen and dumb. As a former sixteen-year-old, any kind of change felt like the world ending.”
“As a former sixteen-year-old, I would have to agree,” Hyejin nodded. “Do you ever regret it?”
You shoved another sliced apple into the peanut butter. This time, not picking it up. You stared down at it as you tried to formulate your thoughts. You replied softly after some time, “No.”
Your mind trailed back to the time you spent chasing your dream of studying abroad, establishing your place in the world without depending every little decision on him, running after dream after dream and fulfilling them through your own power and accord.
And you thought, as beautiful as the experiences were, you wished you could share the stories with him. He was always your best audience member, applauding your every word and exaggerated action. Sometimes laughing and jeering and heckling, but always, always, always attentive.
You chased your dreams. You always have.
All except one.
But it was okay.
Because he gave you so much more in those fleeting years than the world could ever have supplied in millions.
“No, nothing.”
────────────────── “Do you still love him?”
Hyejin watched you over the years. You grew and healed, evolved from a bumbling adolescent mess, bright-eyed and terrified, into a full-fledged woman who learned that all most had to offer was a quick fix and prolonged heartbreak. Someone who decided to be kind because she knew first-hand that the world was not. A woman who wanted to be a love letter from the universe. Someone so strong, yet so fragile to the workings of the world because you always allowed your heart to be vulnerable.
She never knew anyone who loved for the sake of loving.
Someone whose living was loving.
Not until she met you.
Your lips pressed into a thin line, but it slowly curved at the ends. “I think I always will.”
Hyejin’s heart felt constricted in her chest; she wanted to scream at you to let go and to move on. Tell you that he wasn’t worth any of the heartbreak and pain and self-doubt.
But she knew. She knew looking into your eyes, that you loved him with a love that transcended the flimsy, insecurity-driven kind portrayed in romantic comedies or Korean television dramas.
Because although she saw your eyes rimmed with unbrittled heartbreak, she also saw the gratitude that overflowed from your irises.
Part of her still wanted to berate and chastise you and tell you to just move on.
But she remembered being on the receiving end of that. How her friends reminded her that to be in an unrequited love was never worth it and that there were plenty of fish in the sea and that she needed to move on because it was just sad.
She remembered how empty that left her, wanting to fill the cracks in her heart with her beloved, because that was always what Wheein would be to her, just as Jihoon would be to you. Hyejin had the privilege to call Wheein at any time, to hear her voice lull her fears and anxieties into soft understandings and warmth, warmth, warmth.
Everyone told her to walk away from all of that.
Not you.
You were the first one to sit with her, hold her hand, smile and remind her what she already knew, a resounding truth in the depths of her soul.
And so, she sat down with you on the edge of your bed, grabbed your hand, smiled, and reminded you of one of your favorite quotes: “What a privilege it is to love.”
A tear slipped past as you beamed. “And to be loved in return.”
“Even for a moment.”
“Even if it is not how we want.”
“Because, still, it is love.”
“And it is the one thing we will never be without.”
“Two more months,” Wheein muttered before quickly downing her soju shot, not waiting for anyone else at the table. “Two months. And we’re done. No more needing to prepare for a thesis defense. No more needing to sit next to a centrifuge for ten hours at a time. No more needing to read bullshit and selfish opinions on public forums. No more needing to sit next to that weird dude who always smells like he has an open wound that’s infected—”
“Wheein, sweetie, that’s too graphic,” Yongsun responded, bringing her choice of a virgin cocktail up to her lips.
Wheein merely took a swig of the beer next to her.
Byul-yi shot her a glare. “That’s mine.”
“She needs it more, unnie, trust me,” you replied on her behalf. Byul-yi gave you a warning glance that wordlessly said you defended Wheein too much, especially as someone who was younger. “To be honest, I think Hyejin-unnie and I need to catch up to where Wheein-unnie is.”
“No, you need to pace yourself carefully especially with soju because you end up drinking too fast and way past your limit before you even realize.”
“Yongsun-unnie, I know we dated when I was a young and unassuming first-year doctoral student who didn’t understand how to handle her alcohol, but that was the past. Let’s move on, shall we?”
“Hyejin told me you threw up just a few weeks ago.”
“Goddamnit, Hyejin-ssi,” you hissed in mock anger.
She snorted, seeing through your ruse. “Wouldn’t have mattered if she heard from me. Byul-unnie was the one who was holding your hair at the bar, so.”
“Is this how I’m repaid by setting you two up together? The constant risk of potentially being exposed by one or the other? The betrayal. When I introduced the two of you, mere weeks after Yongsun and I broke up, and you two were blatantly flirting in front of me–”
“We were not flirting,” they chimed in unison.
The rest of the table rolled their eyes.
Wheein huffed and whined into her arms, voice muffled against the table. “Y/N, you gotta find me someone.”
“You’ll see them if you just open your eyes. I’m sure of it. They’re right there. Just look in front of you, unnie.”
Hyejin pinched your thigh but you were used to her physical torture.
Wheein groaned loudly, sitting up, but still covering her eyes with her hands. Byul-yi nodded in apology to Hyejin who merely bit her lip.
Yongsun dissipated the tension for Hyejin.
By directing it towards you.
“Y/N, I saw that you posted on Instagram yesterday. The same post from the group home you volunteer for. You were asking for the support of the community, right? And just today, I saw there were a ton of comments on their public page.”
A lump lodged itself into your throat and you stared at her, lips parting but not making any sound.
She cocked her head to the side.
Hyejin rubbed your thigh soothingly with her hand. “Bumblebee didn’t realize that they were going to get that many comments on that post. Plus, uh, I think it was shared by that one singer? Bamsu?”
“Bumzu,” you corrected weakly. Jihoon’s partner-in-crime, or rather, music production.
“Yeah, uh. Him. I guess someone who knows the group home page somehow managed to get it circulated to where he saw it, and… yeah.”
Several other research fellows messaged you privately saying how exciting it was to get the attention your project needed. Your group organizer was saying that tens of calls were coming in at a time, asking how to best provide funding or resources.
You resisted the urge to spiral into oblivion because you knew only one (1) person who would be able to do such a thing.
Bumzu had transitioned from performer to writer/producer and usually had a hand in charity work, at least, over the past couple of years, according to a quick run through his Instagram feed. He wasn’t under the scrutinizing eye of Dispatch, at least, not as much as a certain thirteen-member idol group. His interest in this program didn’t warrant sasaeng fans who would try to track down the people who made the post.
It was the perfect cover up.
It’s not as though Bumzu did anything over the top. He simply reposted the group home’s post on his story, only available for 24 hours, but even then, that was enough time to garner attention.
The group home leader called and cried to you saying that God had really blessed you all.
You wondered whether you should tell her that you didn’t think God was 164cm with moonlit eyes that haunted you in your sleep.
[15:32] wzljh__ commented on your post: “this is some really cool stuff. do u mind if i share this?”
[19:22] You replied to wzljh__’s comment: “👍🏼 go ahead”
“Choi Sannie~”
“I don’t appreciate the mockery~”
“Then get your ass to work~”
San snickered before undoing your haphazardly done ponytail and threading his fingers through your badly tangled hair. “You need to calm down. You have a meeting soon and you look like an absolute mess. So, I’ll at least braid your hair for you, mmkay, noona?”
“San, if you want to reduce my stress, I would appreciate it if you could go and run through the program schedule and let me know what doesn’t work—”
He tugged on your hair and you yelped.
You leaned back in your chair to see him staring down at you. You grimaced at the fact that, even from this angle, his jawline was inhumanely sharp.
“No one is expecting you to run everything. We have group organizers for a reason. You’re just here to volunteer.”
“But I want to help. I’m responsible for getting the word out there. And I want to be able to make a difference for those in group homes—”
“You did. You helped me. Now I’m in a local college. Working as a barista. Volunteering in the same home I met you in.” Before you could cut him off, San continued, “You can take a break, noona. I’ve never seen you this stressed out before. And I’ve seen you literally down an entire six-pack of banana milk after eating two chocolate croissants.”
“They’re called pain au chocolat. They have to be in the shape of crescents to be called croissants.”
“No one gives a flying shit, noona.”
You gaped at him. “San! Who taught you to speak like that?”
“You did.”
You grumbled to yourself before reaching back for your Apple Pencil. San snuck his hand over your shoulder to pluck it out of your hand. “Hey!”
“Jinwoo wants you to sing him to sleep.”
Your heart ached as you stared at the screen in front of you. There was too much work to do and you couldn’t afford—
“Are you really cost-benefiting the effects of whether you sing a child to sleep right now?”
“God, what a professional. Where’s the noona that would sneak kids out to go catch dragonflies and then eat bungeo-ppang while washing it down with banana milk?”
“Are all of your memories of me associated with banana milk?”
“I remember what I remember, noona.”
“Why don’t you sing to Jinwoo?”
“Because he’s asking for that song that you sing; the one that only you know.”
You froze.
For some reason, Jinwoo, at the ripe age of eight months, established quite clearly what he liked and disliked, with the latter list nearly double the length of the first.
Every song you sang to him had its expiration date before he would take a metaphorical red Sharpie and cross it off of his likes list.
All except one.
You cursed yourself for singing it so long ago, caught up in exhaustion that you just wanted to quell the baby’s cries as soon as possible.
And so you procured a song that was gathering dust from being long ignored in the recesses of your mind.
You locked your iPad, gathered your stuff together to put away in your bag, slung it over your shoulder and made it up the stairway to where you knew Jinwoo would be.
You found him nestled in several blankets on the floor in the room meant for three-to-six year olds, convinced that the ground would be able to keep him steady unlike the volatile day-to-day he was thrown into since birth. Most of the other kids were out at the local school, but Jinwoo had a lower constitution than them, so would often stay at home. The home did its best to ensure that his schedule was tied with the other kids, including the midday nap.
His chocolate eyes looked up at you expectantly, his arms outstretched for you to envelope him in your embrace. You couldn’t help but smile down at him and scooped him up in one fell swoop. He giggled as you spun the two of you around the room.
You swaddled him as best you could, a three-year-old much larger than the eight-month-old you once knew him to be.
His hand pressed itself against your cheek and you nuzzled your face against its warmth.
“Ready to sleep, Jinwoo?”
“Will you sing to me? The forever song?”
“Yes. Of course.”
And so you did.
You sang to him a song of hopes and dreams and the magic of forever and always. Lyrics of never-ending friendship and pinky promises.
May 26th.
You thought that date would forever ingrain itself as the day that he forcibly came back into your life by taking you and the rest of the world by storm alongside his group, singing of an awkward and clumsy adoration paired with a point choreography that was, well, pointing.
(At the time, you wondered whether she heard the song, the one you were sure it was written about. You never asked.)
But here you were, six years after his debut into the world as an idol, dressed in your regalia of indigo and black, full bell sleeves, velvet paneling, and a weird puffy hat to top it all off, debuting into the world as a Social Welfare PhD grad.
You were a whole ass doctor.
“God, Wheein, can you calm down? We gave you that key for emergencies.”
“It’s an emergency that I don’t have a bottle of soju in my hand right now.”
Byul-yi patted Yongsun in hopes of appeasing her anger. “Remember when you finished your MBA and how that felt?”
Yongsun blinked once before pushing herself off of the couch. “Alright, so how many bottles am I pulling out?”
“Wait! Wait! Wait! We need a picture!” Hyejin chastised her childhood friend for taking off after Yongsun. “Bumblebee, come here. Wheein, you too!”
“Whose phone?” Byul-yi asked.
You all chorused your phone, handing her the latest model of iPhone. She wiggled her brows at you. “Looking for a sugar baby, mama?”
“Bold of you to assume that I’m not paying installments on that sleek piece of overpriced metal and glass.”
“Wouldn’t expect anything less from a broke grad. Alright, alright. Okay, ladies. Now let’s get in formation. Wheein, brush your hair out of your face, you look like a mad scientist. Y/N, stop furrowing your brows like you’re reading those mean comments online. Hyejin, stand up straighter, you’re slouching—probably from bending over all the time—”
“Over your centrifuge, okay? Chill. Alright. 1, 2… 2 and a half.”
“How old are you? 50?”
“Alright, for that, you just got a burst. Y/N, I hope you find the ugliest gem in that to post.”
You and Wheein laugh at Hyejin who is now putting on her face of Disapproval and you imagine that Byul-yi is just now taking an endless amount of candids. You reach for the phone, a toothy grin still spread across your lips.
“Oop! Damn, this camera is nice. Don’t get too drunk otherwise you might accidentally drop it into my purse.”
You rolled your eyes and grabbed at your phone. You swiped through the camera roll, finding too many of your face, especially when reaching for the camera, thanks to Byul-yi’s trigger happy thumb. However, you looked genuinely happy, so you couldn’t be too mad.
Maybe that’s because you were done slaving over papers and deadlines, you mused.
You showed Wheein and Hyejin the photos as well, refusing to delete the ones where Hyejin is pulling her signature face. You smiled down at your screen before pulling up Instagram to post a photo of all three of you (looking like baddies and not like the unhinged beings you usually are) on your story.
You figured you would post the professional photos you had done by Myungsoo at a later date.
You typed up a caption:
alexa, play congratulations by post malone ft. quavo 🥳🎓 #PHinisheD
You locked your phone and tucked it away, ready to simply celebrate with your beloved group of girls.
That is, until two hours passed, which included a passed out Wheein cuddling into Hyejin on the couch and a drunk Yongsun and tipsy Byul-yi retiring to their own room and you sneaking into their second bedroom. You finally saw several responses to your story, mostly clapping and fire reactions and messages of well-wishes and pride. There was one handle that immediately caught your attention and you couldn’t help but think you were predictable in where your eyes always go.
[22:06] wzljh__ replied to your story: i figured u would be a day6 or eric nam kind of fan
[22:08] wzljh__ replied to your story: sorry that was dumb of me to assume
[22:08] wzljh__ replied to your story: of course u would like post malone considering u could rap the entirety of eminems album
[22:15] wzljh__: sorry that was stupid
[22:15] wzljh__: ignore me
[22:15] wzljh__: congrats y/n
You checked the time stamps to see that the first three messages came in rapid succession. While the last three came less than ten minutes later, without the “replied to your story,” meaning he actively searched for your conversation in his DMs to send a message.
You wondered whether it was okay to respond. He initiated it, so you figured this was consensual on his end. But… would you be okay?
Lee Jihoon was the one you believed would always know how to crack the code to tear down the walls of your heart. The one for whom your heart would invite in, with offerings of warm tea and resounding laughter and requests to make himself at home in your messy, but safe, space. You were always so utterly bare in front of him that it was almost nauseating with how much trust you put into his hands.
Did he deserve that same trust after what transpired between the two of you?
Regret lives in the past. Anxiety lives in the future. But you lived in the present.
Present (tipsy) you said, “cute human messaged must respond”
You opened up the conversation. 
[23:16] You: alexa, play congratulations by day6.
[23:16] You: happy anniversary to svt!! 🥳 
[23:16] You: hope you’re having fun with the members!!
Immediately, Seen popped up on your screen.
Your breathing hitched as you saw those damned three dots. You really should ask your old Biology tutor why your chest felt as tight as it did. Or maybe Wheein would know the science as to why it felt like your brain was firing a million and one things but was also completely shut down.
[23:16] wzljh__: oh
[23:16] wzljh__: oh wow
[23:17] wzljh__: i didnt think u would know that
[23:17] wzljh__: thanks you
[23:17] wzljh__: thank uou*
[23:17] wzljh__: you* wow im genius
You giggled softly to yourself.
“You look like an oversized peach, but, like, not a nice one. One that fell off the kitchen counter and now has bruising forming.”
“You’re fucking rude.”
You tutted. “Jihoon, language.”
“One of these days you’re gonna drop the fuck word too.”
“Mmm. Nope.”
He grabbed at your cheek and pinched it softly. You made a dramatic display of faked annoyance. “You will. I’ll make sure of it. I’ll be the first one to hear it, alright? I’m gonna hear the fuck word from the kid that everyone else is foolish enough to believe is entirely wholesome.”
“Um? But I am? So very wholesome?”
He barked out a laugh. “Sure. You got most people convinced, but I know you. You’re too fiery for your own good.”
“Oh, so you have me all figured out, huh?”
“Of course,” he replied in English, his words laced with his thick Korean accent. “I’m genius.”
You giggled before you corrected him. “‘I’m a genius.’”
He grinned. “We both can be.”
[23:18] You: the other caratdeul are posting it all over twitter so it’s trending, of course i would know that 😤 i’m in touch with the insiders nowadays
[23:19] wzljh__: the other caratdeul
[23:19] wzljh__: ??
You cursed silently. Did alcohol loosen your thumbs too? Is that possible? Would you remember these questions to ask Wheein later?
[23:19] You: uh, i’m also a carat? duh? have you /seen/ jeonghan-oppa’s visuals? 😍
[23:20] wzljh__: unfortunately every day
You laughed out loud at that.
You saw the three dots come. And then disappear.
You couldn’t help the twinge of sadness that hit, but you figured that he had his own celebration to do.
That is, until a video was sent from his end five minutes later.
You swore Lee Jihoon was going to be the cause of your death one of these days. 
You clicked on the video.
“Annyeong, Y/N-ah!!”
You balked at Yoon Jeonghan’s face grinning at the camera. What the frick.
“Jihoon told me that you graduated with your PhD today! Congratulations! Hanniehae!!”
Your heart burst at the sight.
God, Jeonghan was so cute. You so desperately wanted to be his friend when you first discovered SEVENTEEN, almost more jealous of Jihoon for being surrounded by twelve other fantastic human beings rather than the other way around.
[23:28] You: omg i’m gonna cry
[23:28] You: !!!! how!!!! is he!!!! so CUTE!!!!!
[23:28] You: this is the best grad gift ever
[23:29] You: my years of indentured servitude to SNU was worth it to just bear witness to that 🥰 i can die happily now; thank you yoon jeonghan for existing
[23:30] wzljh__: um excuse me who else
[23:30] You: and to lee jihoon for the provision and distribution of content: i shall remember your services
[23:30] wzljh__: i now owe ur “jeonghan-oppa” a new lego set just for that
[23:31] You: he’s cute when he goes on vlive and builds it so just think of it as an additional gift to me, ok
[23:31] wzljh__: no.
[23:31] You: 🙄 rude
[23:31] wzljh__: u owe me too now especially since u said i gave the best grad gift ever
[23:31] You: i’m!!!!!
[23:32] You: ok so technically no one else has given me a gift yet so you were just better than nothing 🤧
[23:32] wzljh__: yes thats always my goal. to be better than nothing
[23:33] You: 😂😂😂
[23:33] You: wait!!
[23:33] You: you can’t distract me!!
[23:33] You: gifts are exchanged for the sake of selflessness and glad tidings!!
[23:34] wzljh__: thats not what u said when u guilted me into buying u the cardcaptor sakura cards because u got me plushies of the straw hat crew
[23:34] You: i didn’t GET you them! i MADE them!! my craftsmanship and time are worth much more than the ccs cards!! equivalent exchange!!
[23:34] wzljh__: god u are such a weeb
[23:34] You: if you recognize my reference you’re not so innocent yourself
[23:34] wzljh__: …
[23:34] wzljh__: damn
[23:35] wzljh__: anyway u think ur craftsmanship is worth more than the $50 i dropped on those cards?
[23:35] wzljh__: u wanna tell that to chopper whose head was too big for his body and now looks as though hes in inexplicable pain??
You stared at the screen. What?
[23:35] You: ???? pics or it didn’t happen
[23:36] wzljh__: at the dorm
[23:36] You: !!!!! you still have them with you???
[23:36] wzljh__: yea? ofc lol
[23:37] wzljh__: they may be dopey but mostly dope
[23:37] You: bihhhhh
“Always remember this, Y/N.”
You swallowed the handful of popcorn you so elegantly stuffed in your mouth just seconds prior. “You always do this, Jihoon. You always wait until my mouth is full—”
“Good people watch anime.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “Okay?”
“I’m serious. Don’t trust anyone who says that they don’t like anime, alright?”
“What, so, that’s a requirement for whoever I’m going to be involved with in the future?”
“Yes. How can someone be a bad person when they have Monkey D. Luffy to look up to?”
“Fair, but—”
“And if the person can commit to nearly a thousand manga chapters and over eight-hundred episodes, they can commit to you.”
For some reason, his logic overtook your own. You nodded in slow agreement. “I mean. You’re not wrong.”
“Of course not.”
“So, you’re saying I’d have to find my Luffy?”
He eyed you. “I think you’re more of a Nico Robin than a Nami, honestly.”
Your stomach flipped but you brushed aside the implications of his words.
And even years later, your first-date questions always included, ‘If you were a Straw Hat member, who do you think you would be?’
You had yet to find another Zoro.
[23:38] wzljh__: anyway u still owe me
[23:38] You: BIHHHHHHH
[23:39] wzljh__: ill let u know by the end of the week
[23:39] You: 🥺 do i not get a choice
[23:41] wzljh__: u always have a choice 
[23:42] You: hrmmmmmm then… i shall hear you out… maybe… perhaps… mayhaps
[23:42] wzljh__: always been a poet, since that second grade writing contest, havent u
[23:43] You: me? a poet? how about i quote one of the greatest poets of our generation
[23:43] You: ‘let’s have fun’
[23:43] wzljh__: …?
[23:44] You: ‘everyone stand up and clap’
[23:44] wzljh__: ok
[23:44] You: 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
[23:45] You: wait
[23:45] You: that’s one too many
[23:45] wzljh__: fake fan
[23:46] You: 😢 i come here and get bullied by a member of my favorite k-pop group
[23:46] wzljh__: favorite
[23:46] wzljh__: ?*
[23:46] You: asjdkksncsls yoinks
[23:47] You: i wish i could unsend messages
[23:47] You: or go back 3 seconds in time
[23:48] You: but what if i jump forward 10 seconds..
[23:49] wzljh__: HA
[23:49] wzljh__: alright u are at least a cubic if u watch gose
[23:50] You: 💖💙 it’s what pulled me thru my thesis
[23:50] wzljh__: lololol
[23:50] wzljh__: alright alright
[23:50] wzljh__: i gotta go soon
[23:50] wzljh__: but
[23:51] wzljh__: congratulations y/n
[23:51] wzljh__: seriously
[23:51] wzljh__: u do some amazing things
[23:52] You: 🥺🥺🥺🥺
[23:52] You: thanks jihoon so do u
[23:52] You: oh wait i just remembered
[23:55] wzljh__: ?
[23:56] You: an amazing thing u did
[23:56] You: thanks for sharing the info abt the group home project!!
[23:58] You: i don’t think i can ever explain how grateful i am!! it went so smoothly because of the response from the surrounding communities
[00:00] You: and you didn’t need to share the information
[00:00] You: but you did
[00:00] You: and i just
[00:00] You: idk i’m really grateful
[00:02] You: anyway!!
[00:02] You: sorry
[00:03] You: oh wait i’m supposed to say thank you
[00:03] You: thank you thank you thank you
[00:03] You: thank you lee jihoon
[00:05] wzljh__: is it bad if i just send a 👍🏼
[00:05] You: you’re gonna ok, boomer me? and my authentic and genuine heartfelt words??
[00:06] wzljh__: 👍🏼
[00:07] You: ...i’m unsubscribing
[00:07] wzljh__: lolool
[00:07] You: 😭😭😭
[00:08] wzljh__: still a crybaby
[00:08] You: more like crylady
[00:09] wzljh__: i suggest u never say that ever again
[00:10] You: yep noted i regretted it as soon as i hit send
[00:10] wzljh__: looooollll
[00:11] wzljh__: ill let u know what i expect for my equivalent exchange
[00:12] wzljh__: i need to consult with my lawyers on what exactly i can get away with
[00:12] You: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[00:12] wzljh__: i can hear that message and i dont get how
[00:13] You: i’m gonna d word 😭
[00:13] wzljh__: not until i get my gift lol anyway ill message u by the end of the week
[00:14] You: ok 😞 fine
[00:14] You: you’ll message me?
[00:14] You: 🤙🏼?
[00:15] wzljh__: lolollllllll thats not a pinky promise emoji
[00:16] You: don’t care!!!
[00:16] wzljh__: lollll still so stubborn
[00:16] wzljh__: okay fine
[00:17] wzljh__: 🤙🏼
[00:18] wzljh__: goodnight y/n sleep well
And so you did.
You dreamt of crescent moons, steady heartbeats, gentle melodies, and open arms.
And falling, falling, falling.
Five weeks.
Four interviews.
Three community project ideas.
Two job offers.
One major minor meltdown.
Zero Instagram messages.
Not that it particularly mattered when your entire future was splayed out right in front of you.
“So… you either stay in Seoul…” Hyejin began.
“...or I move to New York,” you finished for her.
“...okay, but like, what is even over there?”
“I know it’s your favorite city in the world—”
“Strongly so.”
“And they have Broadway—”
“An absolute treat.”
“And you’d be lecturing at Columbia—”
“The first Social Work university in America and most prestigious school in said field.”
“But I’m not there!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at Hyejin’s pout. “Unnie, you and Wheein were already talking about living together next year because you’re both heading over to Jeju!”
“Which is the same time zone as Seoul! AKA, I can call you at any point I want—”
“We both know that’s not true even if we were in the same time zone.”
“...okay, touché. But! Are you really going to move halfway across the world? Again?”
“I enjoyed my time at Yale!”
“Bumblebee, you left Korea because you were running away from something. Someone. Are you sure you’re not leaving Korea for the same reason?”
“...Unnie, I love New York.”
“Doesn’t this city just reek of anxiety?”
You ignored her and instead took in the hustle and bustle of the streets around you. The neon signs of overpriced bags just begging to be haggled, the misogynistic advertisements of computer-generated women overhead, unassuming hot dog stands and bodegas whose businesses depended entirely on locals, live music found on nearly every street corner, committed to entertain in order to survive.
This city was the physical manifestation of everything right and wrong with humanity.
Bodies close. Minds worlds away.
The perfect place for someone like you.
“So full of life.”
Hyejin looked at you. Her face softened once she caught a glimpse of the glimmer of light she always saw in passing.
She hoped it would return for the long-term.
“Yeah, bumblebee. Full of life.”
She promised herself that she would take you every year from then on.
Your first trip was during the nipping frost of winter, filled with artificial twinkling and overconsumption of goods; the holiday cheer dampened by the cold reality that heartbreak and loneliness were inevitable byproducts of the season.
Your second trip was in the welcoming arms of autumn, decidedly going upstate for one day; the leaves faded into reds and golds, apples ready to be picked to be baked into a sweet pie, accompanied by the warmth of spiced cider and slow healing found in vulnerability wrapped in double crochet blankets and friendship.
Your third trip was during the sweltering heat of the summer, bad decisions and dangerous impulsivity. Late night drives of yells and whoops echoed into the Lincoln Tunnel with the wind rushing through your hair. The invincibility of youth and rekindling of the burning fire you thought was long gone.
Your fourth trip was in the blossoming of springtime, maturation of seeds sown and bountiful harvests. Gentle breezes and flowy dresses. Picnic baskets and overpriced coffees. The unspoken connection of humans collectively sitting in Central Park enjoying the gift of now, thankful to be alive.
As the seasons changed, so did you.
“But,” Hyejin started, exasperation already apparent in her tone. “Come on, bumblebee.”
Annoyance flared up. “What?”
“You’re thinking about running away again.”
“What are you talking about?”
Hyejin rolled her eyes at you and you could feel the simmering anger building in the pit of your stomach. You tried to quell it down with breathing, but you still felt the flames lick at your insides. “Jihoon just started messaging you again and you’re off here just thinking about fleeing the country. Again.”
“This has nothing to do with him.”
“I think it has everything to do with him.”
“I’m not some lovesick puppy who can’t make her own decisions, unnie. I applied to Columbia because I thought that it would be an amazing opportunity to be an assistant professor. Do you know how many PhD grads get to score a job like that right out of graduation?”
“Oh, yes, we get it, Y/N. You’re always cream of the crop. Top of your class. Always pursuing something bigger and better than what we mere humans can provide.”
Your jaw dropped. “What the hell?”
“You were offered a full-ride to NYU for your PhD, but you declined it because you didn’t want to, and I’m quoting you here, ‘dirty your healing place.’”
“Things change, unnie.”
“No, you’re just fucking scared.”
Rage filled you. “You don’t know me. You think you have me all figured out, but you’re just projecting onto me because you, for one, are constantly running away from your own feelings for Wheein! You wanna know who’s scared? It’s not me. Because I make my choices and I don’t regret them. Can’t say the same for yourself, huh?”
You grabbed your belongings and stomped out of your shared living space, slamming the door behind you, the beating in your chest ringing in your ears with a resounding thump, thump, thump.
Part of you wondered if the reason you snapped was because she was right.
Maybe partially.
But you also knew that you hated being carved and molded into what people perceived you as.
And she perceived you as something you were not.
Your happiness wasn’t reliant on him. You were a wholly and complete person without him. You knew that. You found that Truth long ago. You proved that through the years of work you put in; years that Hyejin witnessed herself.
So, it felt like a backhanded slap when it felt like she saw the girl you were when she first met you. As though you didn’t put in the effort to take the course of your life into your hands and crafted it to be the way that it is now.
You were a whole person.
She never said you weren’t.
You tried to pull out your car keys from your bag but struggled to find them in the midst of your frustration. You growled before giving up, stomping your way down the now dimly lit streets, the sky never quite achieving a pitch black, with the light pollution of the city. Stars were nowhere in sight, but the moon hung low near the horizon.
You found yourself walking (nearly stomping) for almost an hour as different voices argued in your mind. You were several blocks away from your home now.
She overreacted.
She’s just worried about you.
She didn’t have to be.
She probably doesn’t want you to experience the heartache that she’s seen you go through.
She was treating you like a child.
Because she loves you. And love makes you do crazy things sometimes. Like yelling at your best friend. Or flying halfway across the world.
You groaned inwardly.
God! Why did you have to have a conscience?
You said some pretty shitty things to someone who may have not portrayed her care in the best way, but tried to anyway. She gathered the courage to try and challenge you and you blew her off by rubbing salt into her own wound.
She wasn’t right.
But neither were you.
You felt the wash of shame come over you as you twiddled with your bag’s strap, trying to muster up the determination you needed to trudge back down and apologize.
“Oh, thank God, bumblebee.”
You pivoted your entire body at your unnie’s voice, wanting to shrink back at noticing the redness in her skin and puffiness under her eyes, even in the faint light of the street lamps. She looked so frazzled, her flip-flops nearly hanging off her feet from what looked like running around trying to find you. “Unnie, I—”
“I know you said you don’t like apologies, so I’ll say thank you instead. Thank you for your honesty, even if it was really mean. Thank you for listening to me, at least the beginning. Thank you for getting angry because I know that’s really fucking hard for you to do so and I feel weirdly honored but also still spooked by it. Thank you for not driving, especially this late and on a weekend when you’re upset—”
Your heart sank at the memory of Hyejin recounting her story of losing her friend to a drunk driver, something Hyejin felt immensely (and irrationally) responsible for, having been the person to last send her off.
You had forgotten about that.
Here you were, trying to figure out how you were going to apologize, and here she was, worrying about whether you were going to come back to her at all. You bit your lip before you piped up, “I’m sorry for scaring you like that.”
“Yeah, well, I was right. I learned that I never want to be caught in the crossfire. Your anger is terrifying. You’re not a bumblebee; you’re more like an agitated hornet. With a gun.”
“I’m not done. I don’t know how to process my emotions like you do so I didn’t really think before I came running after you. I’m still hurt and mad that you said all of that shit—”
“I was wrong,” you interrupted. She went quiet at that. “I don’t know everything. I hardly know anything. But what I do know is that I was wrong. I said some things that I knew were going to hurt you because that’s what I wanted to do. I was wrong. But... so were you, unnie.”
She remained silent, so you continued.
“I’m not that same, young, dumb teen that you met at Yale. I’m not the brat who was still trying to figure out how to be her own person without being an off-brand version of all of her friends from Busan. I’m… I’m not weak, unnie.”
“I… I never said you were.”
You wondered when you started crying. “Yeah, well. It felt like you didn’t believe in me. That you didn’t trust me. You are the only person in my life who saw all of the changes I went through and you still said I was running away. So, it just made me think that all of my growth was… I don’t know. Fake.”
“What? No. Oh, bumblebee. Never.”
“I’m… I’m my own person. Who can make her own decisions. I don’t need anyone else to complete me. So, there’s no one and nothing that I’m trying to run away from. I’m just trying to figure out where I want to go. Is that so bad?”
“...No. Not at all,” Hyejin answered softly. She slowly stepped towards you and tentatively wrapped her arms around your torso. You leaned in and breathed in her scent, muffling your sniffling against her shoulder. “You were right that I confused the woman you are now with the girl you were then. But I’ve never ever seen you as weak. Or incomplete. Not then, not now.”
“Then why?” You sobbed. “Why do you think my life revolves around him? Anyone else can think I’m some love-struck dumbass, but why you?”
“Oh, bumblebee, I fucked up when I said I thought it had everything to do with him. I definitely… projected. Like you said. As much as I hate to admit it. But... I also want you to know that I don’t see you as some sad girl who’s been pining after some crusty dude. I see a woman who has gone around the world, fallen in love with it and its people, and still knows exactly with whom she feels safest. And I don’t want you to deny yourself of that.”
“I’m not denying myself anything. He doesn’t love me, unnie. So, I have to be the one to do it. Because he won’t. And that’s okay. I’ve learned to love myself and isn’t that good enough?”
Hyejin squeezed you tighter in her embrace. “Call me crazy, but… I think there’s something there. Call it a spark. Call it a string of fate. Call it a grown love. But… ah. I’m not good with words like you, bumblebee. You are good enough. Just as you are. Wonderful, even. I… I’m not saying he’s a missing piece of you or anything like that. But. Agh. Like. He is bread. And you are butter. You’re both complete by nature and can exist without each other, but you’re just… better together,” she tried to hold her tongue, but you knew her resolve was weak, so you braced yourself. “Butter together.”
“...unnie, you really are bad with words.”
You yelped when she grabbed at you to pinch your thigh.
She promptly turned the two of you around back to your apartment, her arm looped around yours. You easily walked past your building, though, caught up in smoothing out the harsh lines said during your earlier conversation. She admitted her fears regarding pursuing her own unrequited love and you confessed you often chased things that were of grandeur rather than that of simplicity. And you both touched on exactly the roots of your insecurities: hers in her fear of being unwanted and yours in the idea that you were incomplete without him.
The two of you found yourselves swinging at a neighborhood park that probably closed several hours ago, but it was a safe space for the two of you, to air out the tension, to have the beginnings of healing and mending, although most of it being left to time and future efforts of rebuilding trust.
[19:21] wzljh__: this might be a dumb question but did ur kkt account change
[19:21] wzljh__: i tried messaging u and it said delivered but
[19:21] wzljh__: nvm u dont have to reply sorry
[19:42] You: omg
[19:42] You: jihoon i made a new account bc my username was @narutofanfreak123 and i couldn’t bear to tell people that was my username but i didn’t know how to change it LOLLL
[19:43] You: so i made a new account once i came back to korea!!
[20:01] wzljh__: i
[20:01] wzljh__: i shouldve asked
[20:02] wzljh__: i thought u werent replying because u were busy with job searching since u were posting about it on ur story
[20:02] wzljh__: or maybe u didnt want to talk to me 😣
You rubbed your eyes in disbelief.
Jihoon used an emoji?
[20:05] You: oh no lol i already got offers
[20:05] You: still deciding between two of them
[20:17] wzljh__: before u tell me whats ur username on kkt?
[20:18] You: oh yeah!
[20:18] You: oh
[20:18] You: uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[20:18] wzljh__: ???
[20:19] You: haha
[20:19] You: ok so
[20:19] You: uh
[20:19] wzljh__: are u ok???
[20:20] You: yeah! haha
[20:20] You: welp
[20:20] You: it’s @madamefirefly
[20:20] You: heh
Lee Jihoon (@wzljh__) added you on KakaoTalk! You accepted Lee Jihoon’s request!
[20:23] Lee Jihoon: nice username
[20:23] You: thanks it was inspired by someone who used to bully me as their pastime
[20:25] Lee Jihoon: sounds like u were a masochist
[20:25] You: 🙄🙄🙄
[20:25] You: nice username
[20:25] You: sounds like it was randomly generated off of a sketchy site on naver that just so happened to have your initials
[20:26] Lee Jihoon: that ‘sketchy site’ somehow managed to predict the initials of my english stage name
[20:27] You: that was easily!!!! within your control to manipulate, woozi-ssi!! it should technically be uji!!
[20:27] Lee Jihoon: no that site knew my future and spoke to me
[20:28] Lee Jihoon: speaking of futures
[20:28] Lee Jihoon: whats coming up on the y/n agenda
[20:29] You: oop sorry hyejin-unnie is back home and i promised we would get dinner together so i might not respond until later
[20:30] You: but i’m deciding between staying here in seoul to continue the work i’ve been doing and being an assistant professor at columbia university in new york city!!
[20:30] You: although i’m def leaning more towards one than the other
[20:30] You: ack she’s yelling at me to hurry sorry i’ll ttyl!!
[Read at 20:30]
 Your phone rang.
You saw the FaceTime ID and never slid the bar faster than you did in that moment.
“Unnie! I—oh God, is that a wedding dress—oh my, oh no, the tears—”
One of the most beautiful laughters of your childhood rang out as she flipped the camera back to her face, stained from salty tears already passed. “Oh, lovebug—” Your lips split into a wide grin at the childhood nickname. “I think this is the one. I needed to show you. What do you think?”
“Hold on, I’m crying so hard that I can’t see—”
337.1km away, your future family member (although, one could argue she always had been) burst into a renewal of joyful tears, so exuberantly over-the-moon to share this moment with you, and you sharing the same exact sentiment to be able to bask in the joy of a promised love.
“Unnie,” you said emphatically. “You are… so beautiful. So stunning. So radiant. So dazzling. My goodness me. You are… just so splendent.”
She hiccuped. “Lovebug, no one uses that word anymore.”
“I had to go back to words of old to explain myself because language oft fails me when I see you.”
“Stop. God, you and Jihoon both with your ability to speak. How do words even come out of you two like that?”
You made a noise.
You don’t think she caught it.
“Y/N, you are sunshine personified, so to hear you say that makes me feel like I’m being blessed by Amaterasu herself.”
“I wouldn’t want to go lock myself in a cave.”
“Then don’t, lovebug,” she said dismissively. “Plus, you can’t. The bachelor and bachelorette party is gonna be in Seoul and you promised you would be there.”
“Yes, yes. To help me get blackmail on everyone else in case they try to turn on you later. You’re using me, you know?”
“You’re a useful person.”
You clicked your tongue. “So I’ve been told.”
A comfortable silence passed between the two of you before she broke it, a slight hesitation in her tone.
“So… turns out that Jihoon’s gonna be at oppa’s bachelor party. Oppa asked him to perform and he said no because of his schedule, but he said he would be at the wedding. And the bachelor party.”
You quirked an eyebrow at that. He was willingly going to the party and the wedding of the man who stole the love of his life away from him? “Really?”
“Huh. Weird.”
“I’m sorry, but he’s coming to the wedding. I know you don’t want to see him, but—”
“What? What are you talking about?”
“Uh, you literally went across the world to avoid him—”
“Why does everyone think that? No, don’t worry about me, unnie. It’s fine.”
You didn’t look directly at the screen but you could feel her stare boring into the side of your face through it. She thought you were lying. But you weren’t. It wasn’t about you.
“He texted me.”
Your words stunned her into silence.
That is, until she went rapid-fire.
“Oh my God. What? How? When? Did you reply? Was it an emergency? Did you have a conversation? Was it a casual conversation? How long? Oh, thank goodness—”
“Whoa, whoa, chill out, unnie. Wait. Why do you look happier now than you did when you were showing me your wedding dress? Wait. Aren’t you at a boutique right now? Don’t you have your mom waiting or something—?”
“Shush, I’m asking the questions around here.”
And so, you answer them. You told your future family, your confidant, your safe space. You told her of the accidental like, the off-chance comment, the purposeful messages, and everything caught in between.
337.1km away and you felt right at home.
You knew that voice anywhere.
Of course she was here, of course she was. This was one of your collective dreams, two girls fantasizing about inebriated situations and uninhibited fun by means of burning liquids in a local Busan bar. A dream of spending a night here, sharing a story for every shot.
You learned a year prior that you would really only be able to tell two stories before wanting to quit.
“Oh… hey, unnie.”
“You’re… you’re back.”
You forced out a laugh. “Yeah, I, uh. Graduated.”
“From Yale.”
“Uh… yeah. From Yale.”
“Can… I sit here?”
You glanced up at her before gesturing to the seat in front of you, the corner booth really far too large for your person. You could almost see the thoughts that raced in her mind before she gave a small nod and sunk down into the cushion.
“So, how have you—”
“I heard you—”
“Oh, no, you go—”
“Oh, sorry, I just—”
You both locked eyes.
And promptly burst into a fit of laughter.
“God, what is this?” You managed to get out, holding your stomach.
She was no better, in her signature hiccuping stage. “I just—!”
“We have the communication skills of five-year-olds.”
She wiped away a stray tear. “We’ve become a drama.”
“I call being the second-male lead.”
“Wait, that’s not fair. We all know that the second-male lead is objectively better.”
“That’s exactly why, unnie,” you winked.
She scoffed. “Alright, I’ll give it to you this time, lovebug.”
You saw her freeze, as if she didn’t expect herself to call you by that nickname. She looked like a deer caught in headlights and you quickly gave her a wave of your hand. “You spent more years calling me that than you did my actual name. Let’s not break the trend now, yeah?”
She visibly relaxed and you couldn’t help but smile fondly.
A lull passed over you, but you felt much more comfortable with this silence than the strained one prior. You closed your eyes and simply took in the moment, gratitude filling your lungs.
“I’m sorry.”
Your eyes fluttered open. “What?”
“I’m sorry,” she repeated. “I’m sorry that you had to leave because of me—”
That was heart wrenching to hear.
The apology signified a wound, an old one.
A self-inflicted one.
Oh no.
“Unnie,” you began slowly, reaching for her hands. You could see the tears brimming. “Do you… do you blame yourself for my decision? Has guilt been eating at you all of these years?”
“I just… you left. Jihoon left. If I had just said something, then—”
She bit her lip at your definitive tone.
“Nothing, nothing, about this was your fault.  Don’t get me wrong. It wasn’t mine and it wasn’t his either. We all struggled to ‘just say something’. Unnie, we were young and dumb. We still are young and dumb,” you squeezed her hands for emphasis. “If you say you’re sorry, then okay. I forgive you. But I just want you to know that past me never blamed you. Never.”
She let out a choked sob and you found yourself crossing to the other side of the table, enveloping her in your arms, tucking her head under your chin. She buried her face into your chest and you just rubbed her back soothingly. “I’m so sorry. I’m sorry for never reaching out. I’m sorry I never cleared the air. I’m sorry I was so scared.”
“We needed time and space apart, unnie. To figure ourselves out. And I did. I really did. And I wouldn’t have been able to do that if I kept tying my self-worth into Korea, into Busan, into you, into him. But that doesn’t mean I cut you off in order to do it. I don’t think I ever could,” you squeezed tighter. “Thank you for saying that you’re sorry, but there really is no need, not to me.”
And so she cried into your arms, emptying herself of tears. Later, you filled that space with your stories of adventure, your kind words, and your love. And she did the same for you.
In that moment, Busan never seemed so much more like home.
“So, New York, huh?”
You glanced up at your boss, the social worker in charge of running the different programs tied to the university, the same one who got you involved with the group home, the same one who offered you a full-time position after graduation in training new recruits, specializing in the Child and Family division, but also providing self-care guidance to the rest of the staff since your specialty in school was around Behavioral and Mental Health.
The pay was good, seeing as it was run by professionals partnered with SKY: Seoul National University, Korea University, and Yonsei University. What most Koreans would consider to be the ‘Ivy League’ of South Korea. Although, being a community leader was definitely a far-cry from a prestigious position as an assistant professor.
“Ah. Yeah, New York.”
“Nice place.”
“It’s… yeah. It’s nice.”
“Is the air better there than here?”
“No fine dust, but there’s a lot of smog.”
She pulled a displeased face. “Is that better?”
“Depends on who you ask.”
There was a pregnant pause between the two of you. You wanted to reduce into a puddle and slip through the vents, dreading this conversation.
“You should go.”
Uh. What?
You parroted those exact words out loud.
“I may have lost some of my mind’s sharpness to age and time, but if I remember correctly, New York City is one of the most popular places in the world. And I hear that it would be a good place for a young, spry lady like you to get your bright mind out there. The world needs a little more of you and if New York City is the best way to do it, so be it.”
“I’m… I’m…”
“A wonderful human being who will make the most of the hand that she’s dealt. I’ve seen you make castles out of cardboard.”
“You… you want me to go to New York?”
“Oh, Heavens no. Not at all. I would love to just keep you here forever,” she sighed, going so far as to lean back in her desk chair. You resisted the urge to laugh at her theatrics. “But you’re not a princess locked up in a tower. You have the power to make your own choice, and I know that whichever path you go down, it will be a flowery one. You’ll make it one. Because that’s just what you do, Y/N.”
“What if… What if I’m not sure?”
She tilted her head back down to meet your eyes and gave you a smile that was slightly off-putting, as though you had fallen into a trap she carefully laid out. “Then, what can I do to convince you to stay here?”
“I think a part of me thinks I’m wanting to stay here because I’ve found my home here. I think I’ve become incredibly comfortable here. In Korea.”
She blinks at you. “Is… that a bad thing?”
“I think... I think that I’m wanting to stay here because I love it here and the work I do and the people I’ve met, but I think I’m wanting to leave because I’m trying to prove that I’m not tied down to a particular person. Because I feel like everyone thinks that I can’t live my life without them, so I want to prove that I can do it. That I will.”
“So… you’re trying to prove that you’re not influenced by said person, by, uh, being influenced by said person?”
“‘Uh,’ indeed.”
“What if… I’m staying here because I subconsciously think that everyone is right? That I actually can’t live without them? Not actually?”
“Is that person me?”
“No, ma’am.”
“I’m a little hurt you answered that so quickly, but. To prove my point. You are here, in my office, yes?”
“Are they?”
“Then. You’re living without them, aren’t you? Right here. In front of me. Heart pumping out blood through your veins and your brain shooting off neurons. You’re alive. Without them.”
“It’s… it’s a little different, Doctor, I—”
“Y/N. You’re dazzling. Almost overwhelmingly so. There is no one. No one who can overshadow you in the way you think they can. No matter what underlying influences, no matter what puppetry you may think is going on, you call the shots. You get to decide what to include in your life moving forward. If this person has as much power as you think they do over you, I’d like to meet them. Because you’re a force to be reckoned with.”
You bit your lip. “Is… Is it okay to be so selfish?”
“You said so yourself, Y/N. You found a home here. Or more like, knowing you, you built a home here. Korea will forever be marked by you. Seoul. Busan. Everywhere you’ve gone. That’s something that the majority of the world cannot say, because everyone feels a little lost, a little out of place. But you? No. You have a place. Right here. And, I mean, even at the end of the day, if you go off somewhere else, you’ll always have a place to return to that will welcome you with open arms.”
“Doctor, I…”
“Yes, Y/N?”
“...I think I wanna stay.”
“Perfect. I’ll have them write up your contract.”
[04:12] Lee Jihoon: i know its late. rehearsal never ends until 3am and i know that when u get texts you wake up even if ur phone is on silent bc the vibration wakes u up so im trying to type this all in one message so that it doesnt wake u up (hopefully) but i didnt want it to seem like i left u on read because i was upset or something. but i didnt want to message until i had the time to have a full conversation but i dont think thats happening any time soon anyway. when you see this i hope it makes sense im not sure if i am
[4:12] You: i still have the sleep schedule of a doctoral student, you know
[4:12] Lee Jihoon: oho i see
[4:12] Lee Jihoon: and u still owe me a gift, doctor
[4:12] You: 🥴🥴🥴 i thought you forgot
[4:12] Lee Jihoon: never
[4:13] You: ok lee jihoon, what do you want?
[4:13] Lee Jihoon: can i call u
[4:13] You: ? sure?
Before you could even type, ‘is something wrong?’, his name and profile picture (which wasn’t even of him, it was that dumb photo of Hansol) flooded your screen. Your finger slid across before you could even give a second thought.
“Um. Hello?” Silence met your ears. You wondered whether the call actually went through. You pulled the phone away from your cheek and pressed ‘speaker’. “Jihoon…?”
“Ah, sorry. Yes. Wow. Hi.”
You knew speaker was the better option. Hearing his voice that close to your ear would have given you heart palpitations, or at least, worse than what was already happening. “Yes, hello yourself. Did you need something?”
“You called?”
“Oh. Yeah. No. I just. Wanted to talk.”
“About what?”
“Anything. I think staring at a screen would’ve made me fall asleep faster, but I wanted to talk. To you. If that’s okay.”
“Yeah, yeah. It’s okay.”
You heard him release a sigh of relief (?). “Yeah. Okay. Thank you.”
You hummed, realizing there was a chance he didn’t exactly prepare conversation topics. “I decided to stay in Seoul.”
“Yeah. My boss here convinced me.”
“Tell them thank you.”
You snorted. “It wasn’t hard to.”
“Columbia is a pretty prestigious place, though.”
“Huh. How’d you know that?”
“Might’ve asked Hansol and Jisoo-hyung.”
You clicked your tongue. “Jihoon, just because they’re American doesn’t mean—”
“Nope. That’s exactly what it means.”
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. “Okay, okay.”
“I’m proud of you, you know.”
“You got a whole ass PhD. From the best university in Korea. You got offered a job at a super big school in America. One that’s super big in the field that you studied. You graduated from an even bigger school for undergrad, a school that even I know the name of. And just… I know that people expect you to achieve because you’ve always been a genius, always so brilliant, but. You also work really hard. So. I’m proud of you.”
Your throat felt tight. “It’s not that big of a deal—”
“But it is, firefly.”
Oh, that nickname. “I mean, I just—”
“You don’t have to believe me. But that won’t stop me from feeling it.”
“Jihoon, I—”
“I’ve missed you.”
Before you could even make a noise (not that you could), he continued.
“I’ve missed you a stupid amount. Like us stealing your dad’s car to drive to McDonald’s at 3am and then running a red light on the way there. And then somehow almost hitting an entire flock of seagulls. And then going to some random, deserted parking lot. And then realizing we didn’t know the way home, so we drove aimlessly for, like, 45 minutes. And then panicking when we kept seeing the gas needle go down. That kind of stupid.”
You couldn’t form words.
But you tried.
“I… I missed you too.”
You could’ve sworn you heard utter satisfaction in his voice. “I have to sleep now, but. I just. I couldn’t not tell you. That’s all.”
“Get some sleep, firefly. Or should I call you, Dr. Firefly now?”
“That sounds like a cartoon villain.”
His laughter rang throughout your empty room and your chest tightened.
“Alright, we’ll go with just firefly then.”
Tears formed in your eyes at the ‘we’. You felt like you were fifteen and back in your childhood bedroom, after a long, long hours, ending your night by telling him about your day. The words you denied yourself for years tumbled out of your mouth, “Night, night, Jihoonie.”
A low chuckle met your ears.
“Sleep well, firefly.”
“He fucking booty called you?”
“Unnie, that’s not—”
“Nuh-uh, bumblebee. Any call past 3am is a fucking booty call.”
“So, when you called me past 3am, it was a booty call? I feel violated.”
“Time zones, Wheein. Doesn’t count,” Hyejin said dismissively.
Wheein puffed out her cheeks and stabbed the salad in front of her, piercing a lettuce leaf. You wanted to laugh at her infantile display, but you knew that would only result in her turning against you. And Hyejin was already a formidable opponent.
“He’s an idol,” you repeated for what seemed like the millionth time. “His rehearsal didn’t end until 3am.”
“He didn’t even tell you what he wanted for a gift,” Wheein interrupted.
“Yeah, what the hell is that about?” You muttered, turning back to your own plate of fries. You chewed on one thoughtfully as you made eye contact with Hyejin who gave you a deadpanned look. “What?”
“God, you two are dense, aren’t you?”
“Um, rude?”
“The phone call was the gift,” Hyejin explained.
“What a shitty gift.”
“Yeah, what? I would’ve asked for, like, Y/N’s homemade japchae.”
“Or my kimchi jjigae.”
“Or her dwaejigogi-bokkeum—wait. Stop distracting me,” Hyejin shook her head. “Regardless, bumblebee. He called you and that was his gift.”
You rolled your eyes at the ridiculous notion. “Sure, Jan.”
“Don’t make Brady Bunch references at me. We’re not American.”
“No, but we do use the internet,” you reminded her. “Anyways, it’s not that big of a deal. I’ve got other things to worry about. Like the fact that my cousin and his fiancée are coming in about a week and they want to get dinner together before they get shit-faced over the weekend. My only task is to gather blackmail material whenever the bachelorette happens with her friends.”
“Sounds like my kind of job.”
“Yes, Wheein-unnie, it really does.”
“Aren’t you gonna see him then?”
“Who? Jihoon?”
“Yeah, like. Aren’t you gonna see him next week? Isn’t he in your cousin’s bachelor party troupe or whatever the hell it’s called?”
You cocked your head to the side. “I don’t think I’ll see him? I shouldn’t see him. I think they’re gonna be in a different part of Seoul.”
“Huh. That would’ve been cool, though.”
“You know that scene in dramas, where the main characters meet each other again for the first time in a long time and it’s all fuzzy and slow motion and there’s music playing in the background?”
“That’s—what? No. That doesn’t actually happen in real life, unnie.”
Hyejin pursed her lips. “Sure, Jan.”
“Move aside, second-rate, that’s my lovebug.”
Your unnie ran into your open arms after she shoved her fiancé aside. You laughed at his crestfallen face but squeezed your future family as tight as you could. She squealed at your strength but nuzzled her face into your neck anyway.
“She’s… she’s my cousin, you know.”
“Yeah, but she chose me, which means that she likes me more. Chosen family is always better.”
“What? No—”
“She’s right, oppa,” you quipped. “Chosen family is always better. Has Lilo and Stitch taught you nothing?”
“I—you two always do this. You two always gang up on me and Jihoon, and—”
“Our table is ready, oppa. Let’s go take a seat.”
“For once, can you two listen to me, please?”
“He’s asked that before, unnie.”
“And we abided at that one time, right, lovebug?”
“Yes. He said to listen for once and we did.”
“Once only means one time, am I wrong?”
“No, unnie, you’re not.”
“God, forget it. Where’s the damn table? I need a drink.”
The two of you laughed at your cousin’s outburst and retreating figure as you both linked arms to follow after.
One appetizer in, you swirled the lemonade in your hands, appreciating the visible pulp as an indicator of its freshness. Your cousin, on the other hand, was several beers in, face slightly flushed, a permanent lazy grin plastered on his face.
“Wow, I’m surrounded by my two favorite girls—”
“What about your mom?”
“Or your dog?”
“Or Jennie from Blackpink?
“Or Zero Two from Darling in the FRANXX?”
“Oh God. He watched Darling in the FRANXX?”
“Ugh, yes, lovebug, let me tell you—”
The two of you snickered at his outburst. Your cousin’s phone pinged and he shielded it from you, squinting like an old man, staring at the screen with a tilted head. “Oh, hey, he’s five minutes away.”
You made an inquisitive sound. “Who?”
The two of them exchanged nervous glances, your cousin visibly swallowing.
Your unnie was the one who decided to speak up.
Because they knew you wouldn’t ever get mad at her.
Oh no.
“I know we didn’t give you the time to prepare, but we thought that you would’ve run away if we told you earlier, but Jihoon is coming here and—”
You could see her mouth move but you only heard a dull ringing.
You tried to speak, but no sound came out.
Could you even speak? Where was your mouth again? Did it even move? What was happening? Where were you? Who were you?
You thought you felt a hand place itself on your shoulder. You turned to the sound source. “Yes?”
“Are you breathing?” “I think so.”
Your vision focused enough to recognize the looks of concern from the two seated at the booth.
Your heart sank. Oh no. Oh no.
Jihoon was going to see the two of them together, engaged.
He was going to be completely shattered.
“Lovebug, are you crying?”
“Jihoon! Hey!” Your cousin’s voice went up several octaves from its regular position. You froze and cast your eyes downward, shrinking back as far into the seat as you could.
“Hey, hyung.”
Even the highest quality of speakers could not do this man’s voice justice, you realized.
“Oh my goodness, it’s our Jihoonie! Hi!”
You prepared yourself to hear the strain in his voice that you knew would tear you up inside.
“Hi, noona.”
Wait. What?
He spoke with such nonchalance, your head shot up in surprise.
Your breath caught in your throat.
Was your vision still fuzzy from earlier?
Did someone turn the playback speed to 0.5x?
Was that music playing?
(Shit. Hyejin was right.)
Your tongue mindlessly ran across your lips.
Oh wow.
He was really built like that, huh? His fair skin was so clear, you could have sworn there was a halo of light emitting from him. Cleanly done undercut, his ebony bangs fell messily just above his eyes, oh God, those crescent eyes, those bright, bright, bright—
Has he always looked at you like that?
“Hey, firefly.”
“Holy fuck.”
The older two gawked for a moment before your cousin began to berate you, going so far as to threaten to wash your mouth out with soap, while your unnie had her jaw dropped in horror. But you couldn’t look away from Jihoon. Surprise flitted across his face, but only for a moment. It settled into an uptilted corner of his lip and amusement dancing in his irises.
The woman before him, he only ever caught fleeting moments of. From social media posts by old friends to grainy photos from news outlets regarding your doctoral work. You were always so hard to pin down, like trying to catch a sunbeam in his hands.
You changed. So much.
You grew more into yourself, a woman you crafted with your own hands. There was a quiet confidence woven into you, so blatantly obvious, even though your current posture would convince everyone else otherwise. But he wasn’t everyone else. He could see the burning flame you’ve had since you were children, but it was more refined, more honed in, more in your control.
That made you more dangerous.
But that flustered look on your face.
Maybe you hadn’t changed too much.
And that gave him hope.
[side B: him.]
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seraphicalsuccubus · 20 days
I'm on NA servers! And id be so down to spam some bg
Also I don't know tumblr etiquette very sorry if I should have just rebkonges your last answer idk what I'm doing ever :3
oh no sending another ask is totally fine, it’s actually preferred because it ensures I’ll actually see your response bc my activity tab is always acting up on mobile recently so i miss when people reblog things in response to me sometimes 😥
but hell yeah baybee let’s goooo !!! do you main horde or alliance ?? are you interested in making a MoP remix character and doing some of that stuff ?? I haven’t started it yet but MoP is by FAR my favorite expansion (along with Burning Crusade, Wrath, and Legion. fuck the rest of them tbh, except some of Dragonflight because Amirdrassil has been my favorite raid since Antorus, the Burning Throne back in Legion lol) so I was planning to maybe tonight or this weekend and check that stuff out but we can also just make regular current Dragonflight toons to level, or fuck it, do both and switch between them as we get bored with what we’re doing !! doesn’t matter to me !!
I main horde but i have some (many 😅) alliance alts because, sue me, but i love the way the Lightforged Draenei look, okay ?? 😭 (and now that we have void elves I can just play an emo blood elf on alliance too lmfao) and some horde alts, and they’re all in different PvP level brackets or we could make some brand new toons to keep just for running stuff together !! I’m game for anything !!
either way, I’m basically cool with doing some remix stuff or just spamming bgs on alts or even starting fresh with whatever, I don’t care !! I do play solely healers so regardless of what we do, our queues for things should be relatively quick since everyone usually always needs heals, and we’ll basically never die with me keeping us both alive in PvE and PvP (if you stick with me during bgs) lol
jeeze, this was a long winded way of asking whatcha like to do in game/faction preference and whatnot just to lead into giving you my battle.net tag regardless because I’m really just up for anything in game so I guess none of that really matters all that much lmfao.
ANYWAYS, it’s Gothicc#1445, feel free to add me and shoot me a message since I have the b.net app on my phone and can reply to messages anytime there !! (if you don’t already have me added because I’ve posted my tag before so I dunno if you’ve already got me on your friends list or not but here it is again, just in case !! 🖤)
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cherrypeaking · 11 months
cherry beary~ 🥺🥺🩵🩵 i'm just now realizing there was something from my mall trip a while back that i forgot to share with you!! it was so important idk how i possibly missed it >o<
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the who's the most babygirl in kpop poll!!!
this was at the kpop store i went to and even though it said only one vote per person i had to pull a soobin and blatantly cheat anyway 🤭🤭 so i put one vote down for gyu and another kai bc i can't leave my boys hanging!! jimin was incredibly tempting as well though >< idk about the other guys but i'm sure they are very babygirl in their own special ways as well <3
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today's moodboard is a very layered one~ iykyk 🤭
i did some pretty good adulting today so i rewarded myself with a sandwich and then promptly passed out after eating it bc the food coma hit so hard lmao 😭😭 so i'll probably be up all night again which means i'll hopefully get to talk to you for longer 🥺🥺🩵🩵
when things got really stressful today all i could think about was hugging you :(( i wanted to escape in your arms ;_; 🩵 i can't wait for the day when i'll be able to hold you 🥺🩵 thankfully i was able to get so much done and while it was exhausting i'm so thankful for you and having you by my side means so so much to me, more than you could ever know 🥺🥺 i love you so much baby~ have a good day today!! mommy's always rooting for you~ 😚😚🩵🩵
let’s keep our fingers crossed hopefully tumblr lets me respond to your longer ask at least 🥲
omggggg a babygirl kpop boy poll!! that is so cool 😭😭 you did well cheating tbh cause txt members are so bbg but people aren’t aware of it enough!! 😭 like what…? jimin is very bbg too and so is jungkook to me 🤭 i don’t really know the other ones enough but i believe any kpop idol can be bbg 😌
heheheehehheeh i know exactly what this moodboard is supposed to be for 🤭 also omg that reminds me of what you told me through voice message why make taehyun wear brown eye contacts if his eyes are already brown?? it looks… a little weird 😵‍💫
you did so well my love!! i’m so so proud of you 🥹🥹 i’m so glad and happy and obviously proud that you are doing this 🥺🥺🩷 you very much deserved a sandwich and a big kiss >3< 🩷🩷
when things get really really stressful for me i think of you comforting me and telling me everything is okay 🥺 i’m glad i can give you the same energy because all i want is for you to be happy with me, you’ve made my life so much better 🥺🥺🩷 i feel so much better about myself 🥺🩷 i don’t pressure myself with a lot of things anymore because i know you don’t care about that 🥺 i love you mommy, i love you so much and thank you so much for rooting for me as well!! 🥹🩷
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hueningshaped · 2 years
only saw the first sentence and immediately had to put my phone down and squeal . are you proud of yourself😐 (no bc 😢🥺😣😔 you are just so ??/!/!/! i adore you so much😞) my love knows no obstacles, your bangs are not stopping anything😼😌 NOOO that's literally my worst fear💔 i always write my asks in the notes app for that exact reason, i do not trust tumblr to take care of my 23k word love letters for you🤨 and i can't believe you rewrote a reply that quickly after spending so much time on the other one :(( actually i tried to but i do not know how to slide into your dms. i'm very awkward🧍🏻‍♀️ but i feel bad about cluttering your blog with my asks☹️ hyyh era was actually life-changing i miss her every day</3 and me too i am completely lost when it comes to txt lore :( we'll both have to do some research🕵🏻‍♀️ you know that feeling when everything is fine at the moment but you know bad things are about to happen but you can't change anything about it so you're just anxiously chilling? that's me rn😁👍🏻 thank you beffie😔💗 you know i pretty much live in your inbox so you'll get updates on the situation!! i love you even more!!!!!!!!!! omg i didn't even see that it's referencing movies😧 i only know there are references to common superstitions like cutting your nails at night = summoning ghosts and shnabsna i need to see the mv and hear the song immediately i'm so impatient i've been waiting for this for so long🥹 gyu revealing that he's actually introverted somehow made me adore him even more🤨 did not think that that was possible but n e way. i have an announcement to make!!! i dyed my hair with a copper wash out just to try it out and i've now decided that i'm officially becoming a fake ginger😎 all my friends were so surprised because i kept it a secret and all the reactions were so great😭🫶🏻 minus my father and brother saying that i'm rusting🤨 plus i updated my theme!! i didn't think i would do it so soon because finding pictures that go well with each other is actually what my nightmares are made of .... but i love how it turned out hehe the song is so adorable💔 no because you don't understand how obsessed i am with that video of gyu's reaction to the jacket😭 the way that video of the animals actually touched my soul</3 the song choice and just the video itself is pure comfort to me thank you for sending me that😔🫶🏻 SLEEPY BEOM ..... *breaks down in tears* i'm so !!! he's so !!!!!!!!😣😣 beffie i send you 8 trillion links each time too🤨 it's tradition<3 here are yours!! i've watched this about 73 times and i will watch it another 73000 times he's just ☹️😢 a video that is just so crucial to my happiness🫶🏻 and (very surprisingly??😧) a song rec for you as well!!😎 i love u so very much and i'm always so happy when i get to talk to you like it's actually inexplicable /very genuine and serious!!!!!!! please take care bff once again, love you💗
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HELLO MY LOVE ! ventured back from the dead <33 you know what? i am proud of myself hehe can’t say that very often mwahaha 😈 i adore you so very much ok !!! im ur biggest fan supporter ok ur my #1 🫶🫶🫶🫶 i ult apple 🫂 and what if i put on a hat over my thick curtain of bangs idk… anyway no bc i usually have them in the notes app too but the one time i decided to write on HERE?! it just closed the app and left me nothing :) just pain ive learned my lesson 🥬 omg don’t worry about it !!! im aggressively awkward and u do not clutter my inbox ok 🥺 ur ask/s bring me infinite joy every time :3 OH GOD i know THAT feeling all too well >_< in fact especially when everything is already just going downhill and you’re stuck on the rollercoaster that’s descending and u just have to learn how to “enjoy” or deal with the ride 🫠😵‍💫 i hope that things are still alright even if it’s before “the storm” 🥺 HERE FOR YOU! til the end til the end til you call my name (for you) !!!!! i’ll (like i always do) look forward to your updates and messages 🥺 feel free to send multiple asks about how ur doing if i haven’t responded ok!!! i love you most 💞💕💞💓💗 omg ik seulgi’s cb is going to be so deliciously good ahhhdhfhhdhhfh OMG APPLE HAS TURNED honeycrisp/gala/fuji (i literally looked up different apple types that looked most similar to ginger) BUT ANYWAY OMG THATS SO CUTE I LOVE THATTTTTTT you’re so cute im torn 💔💔 Awwww that’s so cute too that you surprised them awwww im sobbing on the floor (not really 🫥 but internally im devastated) NO WAY how dare they say that about u skkfksjjfjsjd how rude </333 AHHH I SAW THAT U UPDATED YOURS AND ITS SO CUTE AND BEAUTOFUL ALL AT ONCE / those colors or that aura really suits you !!!! 🥲💗 im obsessedddd the way beom just curses in english made me laugh but like i get it guy 🤜🤛 saw that little vid and just had to send it to you !!! beomgyu is just so beomgyu and it’s just devastating how beomgyu can be so beomgyu ((nonsense)) 🥹 WAIT I LOVE THIS SONG 😫 i love yoojung!! it’s so idk it hits the spot 🥹🎯🎯🎯 yeonjun’s voice and laugh is so sweet to me god 💔 OMG THE CAT VIDEO WAS SO CUTE it made me so happy first time ive smiled in years /lh /hj last night was the first time i slept in a while and i took a big test yesterday and most likely failed and today i have to close at my work so 😝 so sick of this monotonous life 🥱🥱 i just wanna talk to you 🌀🌀🌀🫂🫂🌀🌀🌀 hmm what has happened since we talked (i act like it’s war time and we’re writing love letters to each other) beomgyu was in not one but two vlives i think im not sure anymore sjjfjsjjfjs excited for txt cb 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🥲🥲🗣️🗣️🗣️ lately ive been watching harry potter films and have been wanting to read more literature but i hardly have time to write let alone sleep and relax hahhahdhhshd😈 we’ll see hehe also did u like one direction i randomly thought of this question anywayyyy here are ur links <3 this made me think of how fun it would being txt bc theyre just bffs and they’re all the best idk and also this was soooo funny of beom it makes me laugh so hard every time and some cheering on 4 u and a song for u <3 anyway I think that’s WAY TOO MUCH i haven’t been on sns much so i can’t provide too much content 🥺 sorry 🥺🫶 just know that i just LOVE U SO SO SO MUCH AND I HOPE YOU HAVE A BEAUTIFUL DAY AND NIGHT ALWAYS !
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bookiedoodles · 2 years
BUT ALSO GUYS DONT. SEND HATE TO THE ANTIS OH MY G O D that’s literally only going to make us look bad. They don’t need that kind of fuel. Also it’s just. Pretty fucked up to send hate in general.
I talk a lot of shit but sending hate is so unnecessary. Don’t interact with them. If it makes you feel better just come complain to me about it. Vent your frustrations to me, I’ll gladly listen!
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Valentine’s Day
words: 2868 universe: human au characters: virgil, roman, patton; mentions of remus, logan, janus pairings: romantic prinxiety, platonic moxiety, platonic DLAMPR, implied background romantic logicality warnings: none i can think of, just fluff on fluff on fluff a/n: happy late valentines day, everyone! i wanted to have this done on actual valentine’s day but executive dysfunction said no thank you. this fic is dedicated to my amazing girlfriend @katlikethesword. i still can’t believe how lucky i am to be your datemate, and i love you with all my heart. this is my first time writing a prinxiety fic this long, so i hope you like it <3
Virgil had never liked Valentine’s Day. As he often said, it was just another commercial holiday created for big corporations to take advantage of people’s relationships in order to make even more money. It was the same with holidays like Christmas and Halloween, but Valentine’s Day had always stood out to him as the worst of them all. He sometimes wondered if, deep down, he disliked this day in particular because he’d never had someone to spend it with.
That is, he didn’t, until he met Roman.
Virgil never would have guessed he’d fall for someone like Roman. The two had met through the internet, after joining a small Discord server for those who shared an interest in Steven Universe. The two held a sort of rivalry between them at first, arguing almost constantly to the point where the others would grow nervous when they noticed both of them online at once. They didn’t dislike one another, per se, but the fact that their opinions clashed a majority of the time led to conflict more often than not.
After some time— and convincing by the others— the two of them begrudgingly started to get along. Their arguments went from heated debates to playful bouts of banter. Virgil found himself growing fond of his eccentric friend, and began to see him as less annoying and self-absorbed. He instead grew to appreciate his sense of humor, and his eagerness to stand up for his beliefs, and his unrelenting loyalty to those he cared about.
Over time, Virgil’s feelings blossomed into something more than just platonic and he felt himself falling. It had terrified him at first— after all, he’d never had feelings like this toward anyone before. He finally came to terms with it after one fateful night, when a voice call lasted so long that the two of them had ended up falling asleep. After that, there was no turning back. After what felt like forever— in reality, a week— he finally opened up about his feelings, and somehow, by some miracle, Roman reciprocated them.
As a result, the two of them were now in a romantic relationship together. Virgil felt himself fall more and more in love every day. It was the simple things that made him special. Roman often sent him messages containing words of adoration and devotion, and he tagged his boyfriend in Tumblr posts that reminded him of their relationship, or of Virgil in general. Virgil had been hesitant to admit that he was in love with Roman, but he did so eventually. He couldn’t imagine loving anyone else.
Not everything was this easy, though. Roman lived thousands of miles away, too far to come and visit unless he was travelling with his family, which was unlikely considering how unappealing his home state was as a vacation spot and how unlikely it was for his parents to plan a trip there. All they could do was pine hopelessly as they waited until they could finally see one another. It wasn’t uncommon for Virgil to lose himself in daydreams of the day they could finally see each other, when they could finally hold each other, when they could finally be together. Roman sometimes joked that he’d expect the pining to die down when they got together, only for it to double once they actually did, and Virgil couldn’t help but agree. It was hard being so far from the person he cared about. All he wanted was to see his love, to be by his side, to be in his arms, even if only for a little while. Was that really too much to ask?
When he woke up on February 14, the first thing Virgil did was grab his phone and open Discord to message Roman. When he did, he’d been expecting his boyfriend to have sent him something, anything, but there was nothing. Maybe he’s not awake yet. He hoped that was it. gerard-gay: hey. happy valentine’s day. i miss you. After he sent it, Virgil lay back down, pulling the covers over himself and closing his eyes again. He stayed like that for a few minutes before stumbling out of bed and changing out of his pajamas. He wasted little time in changing into a purple t-shirt, his favorite hoodie, and a pair of dark gray sweatpants. With that done, he headed into the bathroom. He splashed water on his face, then dried it before taking out his makeup kit. He decided to go for a simple look today, complete with the black eyeshadow on his lower lid that he often wore. Satisfied, he left the bathroom and headed into the kitchen.
The first thing he noticed was that his parents weren’t sitting on the couch like they usually were. Panic surged through him as his eyes flitted around the room, looking for some kind of clue. His gaze fell on a bright pink sticky note on the counter. He came over to it and read it. We had to go pick something up. We’ll be home around 1pm. Love you! ~Mom and Dad Virgil sighed in relief. They hadn’t abandoned him after all. They could have told me beforehand, though. He glanced at the clock on the microwave. 8:49. Damnit, I got up too early. At least he had the house to himself for a while.
He made himself a cup of coffee and a bowl of cereal, got out his daily pills, and headed into the living room and set everything on the coffee table. He sat on the couch and turned on the TV, switching it to Netflix and putting on The Office. It wasn’t his favorite show, but it was better than eating in silence. As he ate his cereal, Virgil checked his notifications again. Nothing. He can’t still be asleep, can he? Even on the weekends, Roman was usually awake at around this time. He wasn’t ignoring him, was he?
Virgil soon finished his breakfast and grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch, swaddling it around himself. He stayed there for a while, occasionally having to venture out of his cozy cocoon to ensure Netflix that he was, in fact, still watching. As he watched, he kept an eye on his phone for any indication that Roman was alive and hadn’t grown bored of him.
Soon, he felt his phone buzz, and he nearly dropped it as he opened Discord to check the notification. To his disappointment, it wasn’t from Roman. It was instead from Patton, one of their mutual friends. happypappypatton: Happy palentine’s day!
Virgil couldn’t help but chuckle. gerard-gay: happy palentine’s day pat
happypappypatton: How’s your day so far?
gerard-gay: could be better
happypappypatton: Oh no! Why? Did something happen?
gerard-gay: nothing happened gerard-gay: just kinda worried about roman
happypappypatton: Is he okay?
gerard-gay: idk gerard-gay: i messaged him earlier but he didn’t respond
happypappypatton: Oh no, I’m so sorry!
gerard-gay: it’s okay gerard-gay: at least my parents aren’t home gerard-gay: so i get the house to myself😎
happypappypatton: Can I call you and keep you company?
gerard-gay: nah that’s okay gerard-gay: i don’t wanna take time out of your day
happypappypatton: You’re not happypappypatton: Nobody should be alone on Valentine’s day happypappypatton: Pleeeeease??? I want to talk to you!
gerard-gay: okay
happypappypatton: Yay!!
Virgil laughed to himself as he clicked the phone icon. It didn’t even finish ringing once before Patton picked up.
“Hi Vee!”
“Hey, Pat.”
“How’ve you been?”
“In the ten seconds since you last talked to me?” He laughed. “Exactly the same.”
Patton giggled. “Good point.”
“What about you?”
“I’m doing great! You know I love Valentine’s day.”
“I know you do. You and your roommate are having that Palentine’s party this year, right?”
“I wish I could come,” Virgil half-joked.
“I know, I wish you could too. Just hang in there, we’ve only got a year and a half ‘till you graduate.”
“Yeah, I know. I’m counting the days.”
“Me too,” Patton agreed with a soft laugh. “Has Roman gotten back to you yet?”
“That’s really weird. I would have thought he’d have sent you a page-long message about how much he loves you and misses you.”
“I know, I thought so too.” He sighed. “Do you think he’s sick of me?”
“No, absolutely not. You know how much Roman cares about you. Besides, even if he didn’t, he wouldn’t just ignore your messages.”
“Yeah, I guess. It would be pretty out of character for him to just ghost me.”
“Ghost you? But it’s not Halloween, it’s Valentine’s Day!”
Virgil groaned. “You couldn’t not make a dad joke, huh?”
“Sorry,” he giggled. “But you gotta admit, that was kinda funny.”
“Meh. It wasn’t your worst work.”
Patton laughed.
“Yeah, anyway…”
The two of them were quiet for a moment. “What about the others?” asked Virgil. “Have you talked to ‘em today?”
“Mhm! I DMed everyone earlier. I’m actually talking to ‘em right now.”
“Oh, cool. Are you…” he hesitated before finishing, “talking to Roman?”
“No, he’s the only one who hasn’t said anything. So on the off-chance he’s actually ignoring you, he’s ignoring me too.”
“Has anyone else said anything?”
“Nope. It’s weird, I asked them if they’d talked to him today after you told me he hadn’t been responding, and they all said no.”
“Even Remus?”
“Uh-huh. Apparently he hasn’t even seen him today.”
Virgil started bouncing his leg anxiously. “Okay, now I’m getting kinda scared. Do you think something happened to him?”
“I dunno. Maybe? But Remus would’ve said something about it, right?”
“Yeah, I’d think so.”
“Let’s change the subject,” Patton suggested. “I don’t wanna make you more anxious about this than you already are.”
“Thanks, Pat. How are the others? What are they up to?”
“They’re doing pretty good! Remus is working on a writing project, Janus is playing Stardew Valley, and Logan’s procrastinating on his schoolwork by scrolling Tumblr. Don’t worry, I already scolded him for it.”
Virgil laughed, the mention of Logan reminding him of something. “Ooh, speaking of Logan, are you gonna tell him today?”
“No, not today.”
Virgil was genuinely shocked. “Really? Why not?”
“C’mon, you know him. He sees Valentine’s Day as an excuse for big companies to make a boatload of money.”
“So? I think that too. What does that have to do with you not telling him?”
“It wouldn’t mean anything to tell him today. I don’t even know if I’m ready to tell him yet or not. Besides, he’s got a lot on his plate today, Valentine’s day or not.”
“I get that. Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound so pushy. You tell him when you know you’re ready.”
“Thanks, Vee. You didn’t sound pushy, though. I definitely know how frustrating it can be when your friend’s been pining after someone for months on end but they still refuse to do anything about it.“
Virgil laughed. “Okay, okay, I get it. I’ll stop complaining.”
“I’m not saying you have to. I did my fair share of complaining when y—” Patton stopped abruptly, and Virgil heard a faint voice coming from the other end. “Okay, just gimme a second,” Patton called out, clearly talking to someone else. “I’m so sorry, Vee, I gotta go. Emile promised a couple friends we’d meet them for lunch today and it completely slipped my mind.”
“That’s okay,” Virgil reassured him. “You go have fun, Pat. I’ll be fine by myself.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure. If I get really lonely I can always talk to the others.”
“Okay. Tell me if Roman gets back to you, ‘kay?”
“I will. I’ll talk to ya later.”
“Bye! Love you!”
“Love you too.” Virgil hung up the phone and got up, grabbing his dirty dishes and taking them into the kitchen to wash them. Once he finished, he glanced over at the clock, which read 10:37. Only about two and a half hours until Mom and Dad get home, he thought as he put the dishes away. He left the kitchen, checking his phone again as he headed toward his bedroom. Once again, Roman still hadn’t said anything. He’s definitely awake by now. Had he been right? Had something happened to him? He forced the thought away. He couldn’t let that bother him. Why was it so important, anyway? Today was just another day.
He reached his room and sat down at his desk, turning on his laptop and putting on his headphones. He then opened Spotify and put on the playlist he’d made for Roman the day after they’d gotten together, before switching over to Tumblr and scrolling through his dashboard. He could probably do the exact same thing in the living room, but he preferred the cozier, more familiar atmosphere of his bedroom. Peanut, his cat, climbed up onto his lap and curled up into a ball. Virgil smiled to himself and reached one hand down to scratch him behind the ear. Peanut purred, and Virgil’s smile widened.
He stayed there for a few hours, seeing what everyone on Tumblr was up to today. Every so often, he switched to Discord to see if Roman had replied to him yet, but no such luck. He did his best to ignore his growing worry, focusing instead on the computer in front of him and the cat on his lap. He could be busy today, he reminded himself. His world doesn’t revolve around you.
Soon enough, he heard the familiar rumble of the garage door, followed by the ca-CHUNK of the front door and the clip-clop-clip-clop of his parents’ footsteps. Virgil gently moved Peanut off his lap, which the pale ginger tabby didn’t seem to mind much. “I’m gonna go say hi to Mom and Dad,” he told the cat. “You can come if ya want.” Peanut meowed in response, which made Virgil laugh. He knew his cat couldn’t understand him, but he still found it wildly amusing when he acted as if he did. He crouched down to pat his head a few times before leaving his bedroom and going into the living room. He smiled at his parents when he saw them. “Hey,” he greeted, giving a sort of half-wave.
“Hey, honey,” his mom greeted with a smile.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!” added his dad.
“Yeah, you too.” He came over and hugged his parents.
“Have you eaten yet?” his dad wanted to know.
“I did,” he reassured him. “I had a bowl of cereal.”
This satisfied him. “Good.”
“What’ve you been up to?” asked his mom.
“Not much. I had breakfast, called Patton and then went to hang out with Peanut and scroll Tumblr for a bit. What about you guys? What exactly were you picking up?” He glanced around in search of a box or some kind of indication of a possible answer but found none.
“Actually,” answered his mom. “It was something for you.”
Virgil hadn’t expected that. “Oh! I-uh, cool. Thanks.”
“Don’t thank us yet,” his dad told him with a laugh. “Go and see, it’s in the garage.”
“Okay.” He went into the laundry room, where the door to the garage was, with no idea what he was going to find in there. His parents rarely got him big presents, and when they did it was either for his birthday or for Christmas. He had no idea what to expect. He reached the door, turned the handle, and flicked on the lights.
Standing there was a teenage boy with a broad smile. He wore a red hoodie and a pair of ripped blue jeans, and his white sneakers were dirty and worn. Around his neck was a necklace with a gold-colored charm shaped like a crown. He spoke, his voice sounding to Virgil like the most beautiful of songs. “Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart.”
“ROMAN!” Virgil barreled into him, nearly knocking him over as he threw his arms around him. “Oh my God, you’re actually here. Like, right here. In my garage. How did you even manage to do this?”
“I have my ways.”
Virgil pulled back a little to smirk at him. “You’re just as insufferable in real life as you are online, huh?”
“Well, I’m afraid you’re stuck with me and my insufferableness.”
“Unfortunately.” Virgil gave him a lopsided grin as an indication that he was joking, and an adoring smile crossed his boyfriend’s face. “Is this why you haven’t answered my message?”
“I can’t believe you’re actually here. You actually are here, right? This isn’t some practical joke?”
“It’s not a joke. I wouldn’t do that to you. Well, maybe I would, but not on a day like today. Not on Valentine’s Day.”
The two were quiet for a few moments, just taking in one another’s presence. Virgil was pretty confident that he would willingly stay here forever if he could.
“Well, now that you’re here, what do you want to do first?” Virgil asked, finally breaking the silence.
Roman gave Virgil the playful smirk he’d only ever imagined before. “I think I have an idea.” He rested a hand on his cheek and leaned in, and Virgil felt his heart soar as he and Roman shared their long-awaited first kiss.
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katierosefun · 3 years
i originally had a september wrap-up post queued but then tumblr fucking ate it, which made me very angry because i didn’t want to re-type the whole thing, but i’m procrastinating, so here i am, re-typing the whole thing of all the things i watched/consumed over the month of september, even if it’s a little late: (it’s fine, i didn’t watch a whole ton of stuff except...a lot of kdramas lmao. oh, and visions.) 
beyond evil 
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okay, so i think this has been on my rec list for literally forever now, but...besties, i’m on my fifth watch of this goddamn show in the span of maybe two months, so if that doesn’t tell you how much this show has been a comfort/eating my brain lately, idk what will. 
i literally never shut up about this show, but if you’ve somehow been missing from my blog for a little bit, a quick summary: lee dong sik (played by the ever-wonderful shin ha kyun) was accused of murder + kidnapping a few young women, including his own twin sister 20 years ago. he’s lived a pretty quiet life on his own, and now 20 years later, his whole world is turned upside down again when hotshot new inspector han joo won (played by the talented yeo jin goo) comes into this little town. when the murders start up again, these two are thrown into a hellishly complex mystery. will throw you in for a hellish loop. i think my thoughts best summarize this show as come for the murder mystery, stay for whatever the hell joo won and dong sik have. 
okay, but all joking aside about how much i love joo won and dong sik (because...i truly do love them), this show was incredibly healing. once again: this show has quickly become a comfort show, basically to the point where i just watch it whenever i feel down (which happens to be a lot these days). idk man. humans aren’t meant to carry burdens on their own and all that stuff. sometimes u just need to remind yourself that. 
the crowned clown 
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so, after watching beyond evil the fourth time, i realized that maybe i wanted to watch some of the actors’ other works. that was how i found myself watching the crowned clown, which...is an excellent kdrama now available on netflix (also on viki for free, just as beyond evil is). honestly, it’s been a hot second since i’ve watched historical dramas (saeguks), so i was a little unsure what to expect, but this show. bro. this show reminded me just how much i love historical dramas, because the court politics? the costumes? the music? the acting? fantastic. 
basically, this show is about the young clown (ie. performer) ha seon (played by yeo jin goo) who now has to replace the king, who might be like...two seconds away from snapping (if he hasn’t already). the reason they’re able to do this is because they look exactly identical despite not being related. 
this story is honestly wonderful. i loved it, and it’s an interesting way to look at the story behind the actual king (because. apparently this king was a real person, and i think his story has inspired quite a few other korean movies/shows). i thought yeo jin goo was brilliant in this show, and it’s really no surprise he became the youngest person ever nominated for a baeksang award because of this series. i was truly blown away by just how versatile he proved to be of an actor, and his dynamics with the other characters (the queen, the secretary being my fave, as well as the old eunuch jo), i just...bro. i’ll admit i wasn’t the biggest fan of the romance (don’t get me wrong! it was sweet!), but i think that might have been because this was so court politics heavy, and i adored it for that. if you’ve never watched a historical drama but want to and just don’t know where to start, i highly recommend this. 
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bro....this show was dark. i watched it all in 2 days (pretty easy to do, considering it’s 6 episodes and maybe 40-50 minutes long per episode), and i needed to lie down. this is just one of those shows that i feel is...very important to watch, even if the content matter isn’t very bright. 
basically, dp is about two deserter pursuit officers: ahn jun ho (played by jung hae in) and han ho yul (played by koo kyo hwan). deserter pursuit officers are basically people who chase after people who deserted their military post--and for those who don’t know, being in the military is mandatory for men in south korea. this is the result of the armistice between the north and the south--basically, since north korea never agreed to an actual peace treaty, south korea is constantly under threat of war, which is why men need to serve at least a few years. (this is why a lot of actors + kpop band members often take breaks from their careers--to fulfill their military service time. because yup, even celebrities aren’t exempt from service!) 
anyways, this show really doesn’t pull back their punches. major trigger warnings for things like intense harrassment, suicide, domestic violence...it really does capture just how dark life can be, and also how toxic the military can be for men. because of that, i felt this show was incredibly well-crafted, incredibly nuanced, and in the end, i just felt sad. that said though, there was a hopeful ending, and i’m glad that this show was renewed for a second season, as i think this show is just...really important. 
squid game 
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okay, so i don’t want to be that person, but your girl was watching squid game right after it came out, so i was here before the hype train--but okay, okay, i digress. (i am glad that this show is getting hype. i feel it’s very important that people watch this show.) 
if you haven’t noticed how squid game’s climbed to #1 on netflix worldwide (i think, anyways), well, then...buddy. squid game is about a bunch of people who have the chance to earn lots of money by playing what seems like innocent children’s games. (spoilers: they are far from innocent.) 
this show scarred me, to be honest. i needed to watch something lighthearted after this, just because it was so intense. lots of trigger warnings for blood and gore, as well as just. losing faith in humanity. but also, like dp, i felt this show was necessary. it was incredibly well-constructed in that it showed just what desperate people will do in order to survive, as well as exactly what a terrible capitalistic society will do to the working class. it’s depressing and sad, but also incredibly chilling because like. you can’t help but watch the characters and think, but would i do the same thing? i just want to pay off my own debt and take care of my family. wouldn’t i do the same thing? 
i won’t say more of this show for fear of spoilers, but. let me just say. that i really am glad this show exists. i hope people actually notice what the fuck it’s saying about our current system too, because hm, maybe i just want to suck the fun out of things, but there’s something very disturbing about how people are already cute-ifying this show (ie. “this is what i would wear to the squid games! :D” and “look at these squid-game inspired cookies! :D”, as if this show didn’t just deliver a heart-crushing message about capitalism + how the wealthy fuck over anyone who isn’t the 1% BUT ANYWAYS) 
star wars: visions 
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lately i’ve been feeling weird about star wars for lots of different reasons which i don’t particularly feel like addressing today, but. visions really reminded me why i fell in love with star wars in the first place. i think for starters, well. it’s no surprise when i say that i felt an intense amount of joy of seeing east asian cultures so beautifully incorporated and respected in this show (no surprise seeing that this show was literally crafted by japanese anime studios), but like. it really was. a beautiful thing. i cried at least once per episode, either because i was so in awe of the animation and the themes or because i was just in awe that this thing exists. 
i think my favorite episode had to be the village bride--there was something so incredibly powerful about seeing someone who looked a bit like me say i am a jedi. what an iconic line. what an iconic story about a sad traumatized gal deciding to step up and fight, actually. peak star wars. 
but besides all that...i really did feel like...this show captured the beauty and essence of what makes star wars actually good. the themes of good versus evil, a lot of stuff between siblings (bro....the twins and lop and ocho FUCKED ME UP), choosing to have brighter and better days ahead (the village bride, the ninth jedi, the duel, tatooine rhapsody)...like, i really loved how each episode really took everything that was good about star wars and just turned it into something even more beautiful. this series will stay with me for a long time, i think--and i am very grateful for the people involved in this project for reminding me why i fell in love with this universe in the first place. :”)
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echos-newlegs · 3 years
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Hey there y’all, this is my first ever post and it was a request from a friend (idk their tumblr yet, I’ll probably just share it with them on Instagram lmao.) anyways it is a multiple part, Echo x Fem!Reader and you’ve landed on the first part! I will be linking the second part below after I make it. You can message me request too, and I’ll get to them before or after I finish this, I may do some prompt lists 😏 This is post and then Pre-Citadel. Reader has a daughter from a previous relationship and I promise it’ll get more interesting. I’ve never actually wrote and posted a story of any of the clones and I feel like I don’t do Echo any justice, but enough talk here ye be.
(P.S. c/n means child’s name. My friend was very specific with this request)
Part One - Part 2
Echo sat up at the bar. A drink in hand that he was slowly milking. His mind was everywhere but there. He was thinking about the war, sleep, his brothers he’s lost, who he could have and didn’t save. It was all a nightmare and a half. He’d honestly pay for just a simple hug from someone who wasn’t his brothers. Even from Ahsoka. Someone who he knew cared about him, but wasn’t part of him. If that made any sense?
So he stepped away from the bar with a sharp sigh. Patting Fives back. Gloved hand slapping against the others armor. “I’m gunna head for a walk,” “Want me to join ya?” Fives asked in a slur. He was obviously not milking his drinks like Echo was. Causing him to smile with a chuckle, “no, I’ll be fine, you.. Keep an eye on Rex.” He teased and Fives grinned. “You got it, vod.” He spoke and spun in his chair to face the other clones.
The moment Echo stepped out the door he felt a bit better. It wasn’t as stuffy and loud out as it was back in 79’s. Starting his little stroll with a small hum. He wasn’t even sure what he was humming. Just a ramble of tunes he had heard. “Mama, look!” He heard a voice shout. A little one. “C/N! Get back here!”a woman shouted and before Echo could turn around there was someone tapping on the back of his leg. “Mister, are you a clone?” Echo turned, raising an arm and looking down to the child. Brows furrowed, a small smile rising to his face. “Hello to you too, little one, yeah, yeah I am..” he murmured and the little girl squealed. “Mama it is a clone trooper! Are you one of the boys in blue? You have to be! I see you on the holo- Mama!” She rambled, and then shouted when you pulled her from Echo. “I am so so sorry about her.” You spoke. Bags of fruit and other groceries in one hand and stuffed under your arm. Your other hand now holding your daughters hand.
Echo was amazed by how much the kid knew. Smiling softly in amusement. Though he was even more amused when you came into view. You were breath taking, really. Running up behind her and pulling her back from him. Apologizing for the incident. Though he didn’t really mind. “Oh, no need to apologize ma’am, feels nice to be recognized by someone,” he joked, c/n whining a bit. “Mama, he’s part of the five oh first, I know it, I do. I was just asking him questions.” “Well baby, you can’t go running off like that,” “but mama-“ Echo kneeled and caught the girls attention, both of you actually. “You know, good soldiers follow orders, you need to listen to your mama, she just wants you safe,” he spoke. Smiling at the kid and she stared at him in awe. You watching Echo with an intrigued expression. “Yes, mr. clone sir.” She piped and Echo giggled at that. Nudging the girls shoulder. “At ease, solder, I’m an Arc Trooper, not a Captain or Commander, names Echo.” “Echo..” she whispered, “I’m c/n, and this is my mama, and she loves the 501st, and-“ you grew a bit flustered, laughing a bit nervously. “Okay hun, that’s enough. We should probably let him be now.”
Echo stood from where he was crouched, looking you in the face for a moment. “Can I at least help you with your bags,” “y/n,” he smiled as you said your name. “Y/n, it’s the least I could do.” He spoke and you smiled a bit sheepishly. Glancing down to the bags and then back to him. “Sure,” you gave in. You couldn’t say no. His eyes pleaded with you and you lost the battle. Though it wasn’t hard to convince you when help was offered. You handed him some of the bags and he took them. You stuck with less now since he took most of the heavy things. Giving you a look when you went to tell him it was fine. That you could carry them. “Least I can do for a supporter,” he added with a smile that had you smiling black and even blushing a little.
The three of you got to the apartment you lived at. You pulling out your key as your daughter rambled, somethings incoherent. Pushing the door open, your daughter running in, and you following. Turning to motion for echo to follow with a small grin. “C’mon, Arc Trooper,” you added with a grin, snickering slightly as he stumbled a bit through the door.
Echo sat the things down, looking around the house slightly before they landed back onto you. “Would you like to stay for supper?” You asked, putting away some of the groceries. “Nah, I don’t want to intrude.” You smiled, turning as you shut the fridge. “Please? It’s the least I could do, for a helper. Plus you’d make my daughters day, you guys are her hero’s.” You added and he smiled, “Alright, alright, you got me.” He added. Though he was going to say yes even if you would have just said please. He was hungry, and something other than rations sounded like an absolute blessing. Not only that, but he wanted to get to know you more. You intrigued him, you were beautiful and kind. Yet he barely knew you and already wanted to make this a normal thing.
While you fixed up supper Echo ended up wandering off with your daughter. The five year old grabbing his hand and dragging him back into her room to show him her toys. It made you a little nervous, even if he was a clone. You knew he wouldn’t hurt her, but you rarely left anyone alone with her. She was really all you had left. Her father leaving the both of you behind shortly after she was born. So you ventured back while you let some of the meat cook. Seasonings already filling the air and your senses. Peaking into the bedroom to see Echo sitting on the floor with her.. Playing. The sight shocked you more than it did him really. Standing, watching for a moment with a small smile on your face.
Echo was using the toy ship she had, flying it around and imitating noises as your daughter did the same. Brows knitted together just the slightest bit in concentration. “Ahhhh, your ships been hit!” She exclaimed and Echo gasped. “Oh no, Crash landing, or as General Skywalker would say.” “Surprise landing!” The two exclaimed at the same time. Causing the, to break into a fit of giggles. You bringing a hand up to your mouth as you leaned against the door way. Giggling a bit yourself.
Your little laugh made Echos head turn to face the door. “Ma- er- y/n,” “is the food ready mama?” Your daughter interrupted him, and you could swear he was blushing. “It nearly is, go get washed up honey,” you added and your daughter shot up. Tapping Echos shoulder, “C’mon, we have to wash our hands before we eat, Echo.” She stated with a grin and you chuckled as the two passed you to the bathroom. Catching Echos glance and shrug. Which cause you to giggle again. Catching him smile even more before he turned away,
The two came back, your daughter on his shoulders and you were dishing out food for the three of you. “Mama look! I’m big!” She was in a fit of laughter, and he was too. You hadn’t seen her so happy in what felt like forever. “You are, aren’t you?” You cooed a bit and watched as he pulled her off and placed her into a chair. Sitting in his own. “No, mama sits there,” she spoke and you furrowed your brows. “Oh sorry,” “I’m joking,” your daughter blurted with a snicker and you sighed. “She’s full of those.” You rolled your eyes as you sat and Echo seated himself again. Smiling at you as he sat across from you. “Does she get the sense of humor from you?” He asked with a brow raised. You meeting his gaze with a bit of a smirk. “Maybe she does,” causing you both to laugh a bit.
The three of you ate, but it wasn’t without conversation. You had your fair share of questions. Asking about the hand print on his armor. Why he was on Corusant and wandering. Instead of at 79’s like you noticed most other clones were. Which he has an answer for each question. Though he did seem a bit nervous almost. Once finished you instructed your daughter to get ready for bed. Though she was hesitant, she finally did shuffle off to the bathroom to brush her teeth and then her room to get dressed. Leaving you and Echo in the kitchen by yourselves.
You collected all the dishes and placed them in the sink, deciding to do them after he left. “Let me help you,” “You’ve done enough helping today, soldier.” You told him with a grin. “Sit back down, it’s fine.” You added, and he smiled. Doing as told, “yes sir,” he added and you let out a titter. He was so formal and cute.
You sat back down across from him, and he was staring at his hands. “Thank you,” you spoke. He looked up with his brows raised. “For helping, and making my daughters world.” You spoke and he shrugged. “It’s my pleasure, y/n.” You pressed your lips together. Watching him for a moment or two. “I’d love to have you back,” you words shocked him. Watching as your cheeks tinted pink and your eyes darted down to your hands folded on the table. “I mean, if you’re ever on Corusant again, I really enjoyed your company. Don’t find a lot of nice people anymore.” People. The word was vague, meaningless to most, but the fact you didn’t call him a clone made his day. You included him as someone, not what he was. “Plus it’d make c/n’s day.” He smiled and nodded. “I’d love to, I don’t find a lot of people willing to feed, let alone hang out with clones like me.” You scoffed a bit and chuckled. “You’re kidding right?” His smile faded a bit. “No?” “Echo, you’re absolutely wonderful, and I don’t see why People wouldn’t want to hang around you. What? Just because you share the same face with a million other people? That’s ridiculous and people are obviously missing out.”
Your words weren’t much. It wouldn’t mean much to a lot, but to him it was like poetry. Without the rhyming. “Thank you,” he nearly whispered. Staring at you in awe, and you smiled back. Reaching a hand out to place on top of his. It made him jump a bit, causing you to retract your hand. “No no-“ he blurted, clearing his throat. Eyes darting around. “I mean, it’s fine, you’re fine, I just don’t get touched often.” He spoke, voice light and faint. Looking up to you with tinted cheeks. You wanted to pull him over to the couch and just hug on him. He was so sweet, so unloved by those who weren’t his brothers and you could tell. Frowning a bit and you placed your hand back onto him. Watching as his expression changed a bit. Softened even more, if that were even possible. He seemed relaxed. You barely knew him and you wanted him to be as comfortable as possible.
A few moments passed. The two of you sharing glances and unspoken words. Which was soon interrupted by Echos com link. “Echo, we’re heading back, I hope you’re not getting laid right now.” Fives spoke over, drunken giggles following after. Echos tanned face flushed red. Eyes widening and his eyes darting down. “Kriff, I better get going, thank you so much for the food.” He spoke in a near ramble and you couldn’t help but smile. A small giggle following after. “Of course, you should come see me next time you’re in Corusant.” You added, walking him to the door. Both of you smiling like idiots. “Sure thing, how could I not?” He added and you directed your gaze down at the floor. Smiling a bit more. “I’ll be expecting to see you again, then.” And those words were enough to keep Echo fighting hard during the war. The two of you exchanging good byes. Echo making his way back to 79’s. Hoping Fives didn’t just up and leave him.
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cherriesradio · 3 years
I would have given you the world, did that mean nothing to you?
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Oikawa x Reader — Angst
Warnings: angst, cheating, very poorly edited lol, tumblr glitches >:[
Word Count: 1,477? Idk words a lair
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“I just have practice. I’ll only be another minute.”
That was the first excuse. Which; you only realized by the end of the story. He repeated that statement every time you texted him, which was five times by now. You couldn’t question him, he always worked longer at practice. That’s something you loved about him, just how determined he is to get it right. To do his best. Apparently, that’s not how he looked at you.
“Just… get home soon. You know how worried I get. I care about you, and I want you to care about my feelings, too.” You said. It felt as if those words described everything you’ve been feeling the last few days.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be home as soon as I can. And of course I care about your feelings, why would I not?” Oikawa chuckled softly. You didn’t feel as comforted as you were meant to be.
And you had been to Iwaizumi’s house before. Sure it’s closer to the school then Oikawa’s, but it’s far compared to how close your house is. Could he not just stay at yours?
And you had been to Iwaizumi’s house before. Sure it’s closer to the school then Oikawa’s, but it’s far compared to how close your house is. Could he not just stay at yours?
And you had been to Iwaizumi’s house before. Sure it’s closer to the school then Oikawa’s, but it’s far compared to how close your house is. Could he not just stay at yours?
And you had been to Iwaizumi’s house before. Sure it’s closer to the school then Oikawa’s, but it’s far compared to how close your house is. Could he not just stay at yours?
And it’s been only a few day since the first excuse.
And this time was much worse. You had only seen him at school the last few days, and you craved his touch. It felt like he must be a million miles away, and that he could emerge reach you.
You wanted him. Hell, at this point you could settle for just a call. Or a text. That’s all he’s given you in the last few days, anyway.
“I’m here!!”
Those words quickly rung through your ear, immediately sprinting to your front door. Oikawa, your darling Oikawa, was finally coming to visit you after a week.
“Toru!!” You cheered, throwing yourself into his arms. Sure they were open to you like normal, but it hasn’t been normal lately. But that’s fine. He’s tired, he can’t help it.
“Hey Cutie! How are you?” He said with that classic smirk, not quiet yours though. Your smirk was warm and made you feel fluffy, and cared for. This… this wasn’t your smirk.
But that’s besides the point. He’s still your Oikawa, isn’t he? He’s yours. Well, romantically anyway. Your not possessive.
The rest of the day was filled with not-quite-warm-enough cuddles, not-quite-sweet-enough kisses, and perfect little romcom worlds that the both of you adored.
By the end of the day, you had your head in his lap and were asleep.
You were disappointed when you woke to a dark room and feet shuffling out the door at 2 am.
Those three words ran through your head like they were in a marathon, and they were sure determined to win.
It’s been two weeks. If you did the math, that’s  precisely 1.4 calls per day. Why didn’t he answer? Yes it’s the first week of summer, sure he was busy that last week of school. But isn’t graduation meant to be… romantic? No, not romantic per say, but it’s where the couples hop in the others arms and spin them around and kiss their lips likes it’s their last chance.
Maybe you should text him. Yeah, why didn’t you do that in the first place?
“Hey babe. What’s goin on? We haven’t talked in a while :(“
No, no. That makes you look desperate. Maybe that’s what you want though? No, you shouldn’t guilt trip him into hanging out with you.
“Hey babes!! Wanna hang out at the Park later? I’ll bring food ;]”
Too arrogant.
“Hey baby, wanna hang out later? I miss ya lol”
Perfect. Not to desperate, not to arrogant. Perfection. And sent.
“Ehhh I’m so sorry cutie, I promised the team I’d help them practice at the park today :(“
Course. He was working with them team.
It made sense, really. At least it should’ve. But it didn’t, not to you.
You sigh, you breath heavy and hot on your hand holding your phone. You brought it slightly closer to your face, proceeding to look at cute couples photos and yearning for the rest of the day.
“I’m forever yours.”
You heard those words on the regular. Heard. Why does he no long tell you he wants you to tell him every single thought that ever comes to your head? Why doesn’t he ask what’s on your mind and gets invested even if it’s the weather? Why doesn’t he profess his love to you in front of his team, showing off just how much he adores you?
Is he not happy with you?
“Their my other half.”
You never liked it when he called you that. He was his own person, and so were you. Did he want to be able to tell someone that? Did he want someone who would need him to survive?
“Your a cutie.”
You turned your head over to where you heard the familiar words. So warm, and inviting… so Oikawa. No, no, it’s probably just another cute couple. A couple with a brown haired and eyed man, who had the slyest smirk in the world.
“Y/n? Y/n, what are you staring at?” Yachi, your best friend (whom for some reason you didn’t tell any of this to) said, tapping your shoulder.
“Yachi. Can-can you see that?” You said, pointing towards your boyfriend. Your beloved Oikawa, sitting in a booth with a girl who you didn’t know existed till now, sipping from a milkshake that has two straws.
Silence. Yachi, your beloved and trusted, chatterbox of a girl, was silent.
“Y/n… are you alright?” She said. She put both her hands on your shoulders, pulled herself close to you. You didn’t even realize you were tearing up.
You always thought that people are like… cups. Through out any amount of time you can fill them, little by little. The more full they get… they more complicated feelings packed on top on each other… the cup slowely but surely fills up, all the way up to the top. When it’s filled over the top… the water spills out.
Tears spilled out of your eyes, shimmering and shinning in the fluorescent light of the shopping center.
“Yachi what do I do?” You whimpered. She already had her hand on the back of your head twisted with your hair, lightly pushing your head into her shoulder.
“Let’s go, just give me a second first.”
“Cutie, what are you talking about?”
“You know what I’m talking about.” You said, your fists clenching, tears piling up in your “rim.”
“No, Cutie I have no clue.” He said. He stepped closer to you, gently setting his hand on your cheek. His hands are so warm and tough with calluses. So familiar.
You bite your bottom lip, trying to not let yourself whimper. “You were with a girl.”
Oikawa chuckled gently, as if all this was some joke you would pull for tik tok. “Possessive now, aren’t we Cutie?”
“No! Stop playing pretty boy for once in your life and take me seriously!” You almost yelled, pushing him away from you. He caught himself on your parents couch, you quietly thanked the lord that they weren’t home till very late.
“Cutie please just-“
“No!! Call me by my name, quit it with calling me your cutie! Hell, I’m detonating if I’m even yours anymore!”
That’s when your sure he finally realized. Realized you knew.
“Do you have any proof? Or are you just being paranoid?” He said, a fake sympathetic look on his face.
You picked up and logged into your phone, went into your messages with Yachi, and showed him Oikawa the photo she took one day ago now.
Oikawa, with his beautiful brown eyes and wavy hair, his pretty boy persona. With a girl, with long brown to blond ombré hair in a messy bun, with red cheeks. Red cheeks with a warm,  calluses-covered hands gently placed on them, soft lips resting on hers.
You remembered just barely hearing the words said after that picture was taken, through Yachi’s barely-long-enough-to-reach-your-ear-hair.
“I burn you?”
“You melt me.”
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Reblogs > Likes :]
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bcacstuff · 3 years
Hi! I saw talks on the FB OL page that they're screencapping your and your friends posts (CRT and co) on Tumblr and sending them via DM to S and some to C. It's been going on for some time. One of them bragged S thanked them for it. True or not, idk. Another one claims they've sent hundreds of screencaps already. Not sure if it's important to you but I thought I let you know.
I know, that is, I had a very determined Anon messaging me how she screenshot and sent my blog to him and AN and a number of other people.
I've also seen some screencaps of how my blog was discussed on FB. Well... I don't care so much to be honest. I just speak my mind here and that's all there is to it really. I just wrote a long post in my own language, hope they can read Dutch. It's a bit hard to use Google Translate from a screencap. 😊
I think it also shows a kind of powerlessness. On TW and FB they bully people who give their own opinion. Just the other day I posted a tweet, I left the account name of on purpose. It was an honest opinion about the bookcover. She didn't like it, thought there were much better pictures of the 2 of them, but she was going to buy the book anyway and ended with the words 'always a fan'. So it wasn't bad, just an honest opinion. Nevertheless a few hours later the tweet was gone! 🤷‍♀️
Anyway, whatever they do, I just keep speaking my mind and give my honest opinions. Whether they like it or not is their problem, not mine.
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mo2k · 3 years
Hallo! Hallo! How are you today? Just saw your reblog about being insecure in your writing skills. I want to say that it's alright to feel that way, because writing is something you will learn over time.
Ngl, I also feel insecure about the way I write whether it's for school or here in Tumblr. But don't worry, it can improve! It may take long, but trust me, in the end, it will be all worth it! (*´ω`*)
Though, the only thing I could say is what my godmother told me that you should try to read and when there are words you don't understand, try to search the meaning for it and write it down. Idk if it will help, but hopefully it does!
Sorry if it sounds... Ehhh (my mind went mush forgive me ಥ‿ಥ) but I wanna comfort you when I saw that reblog ( ;∀;)
Here's a picture of a cute dog smiling to brighten your day:
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Take care! <3
Hello lovely ! And I’m feeling well today, thank you so much, how about you dear ? I hope you’re doing good today ! <33 Also — thank you… like really… thank you. You’ve no idea how happy I am to hear this, thank you my love. And you’re right, I just must not stop writing, over time, I’ll soon get better. You too love, I’m sure you’ll get better soon too, let’s go through this together, shall we ? ☺️💗
And yes, you’re right again. Even if it’s long, but in the end, it’ll all worth it. I’ll trust you, honey. But only if you trust me too. Please don’t ever feel insecure, you’re amazing and wonderful by just the way you are. There’s already a beauty inside of you, there’s a difference that only you’ll make, believe me.
That method does help a lot ! Thank you very much, exactly. I’ve the same thought as well, and I really appreciate you for this message so much. Thank you — I don’t know how can I thank you enough. It doesn’t sound bad anything at all, to be honest it makes me feel very happy. I can’t help but smile as I read your message over and over, thank you. And if you ever need anything, please just tell me. I’d love to help / comfort you as well, I’m always here for you, okay ?
Awieeee your dog’s so cute ! Thank you so much for this love, and in return…
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Here ! These are some pics of my cat ! (Well technically not my cat — but uhhh she often came to my house asking for food or snacks sooooo I guess I could consider her as my cat ??? Bahahaha 😂)
Alsoooo — she’s a vegetarian ! You know that ?? If you don’t believe me — look !
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(Okay lmao I’m just kidding — there’s no cat in this world or as far as I know who’s a vegetarian 😂😂😂)
She also has a special ability ! ✨ And that is… camouflage !! Like — can the you see the difference or can you spot her from the road ??
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She’s such a master in camouflage asdfghjkl — 💀💀💀
Anyway I think I talked too much again ahahahaha — pls take care & have a great day or night as well love !! <33
- With love, BamBam 🦢🌙
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franeridart · 4 years
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Anon said: i dont know what blue lock is but that art you just posted is making me interested lol
AHHHHH please getting people interested in it is all my life is about lately hahahaha it’s a sports manga about soccer! Kind of!! Definitely has all the good sides of sports manga, but it’s also different enough from the usual sports manga that I know people who aren’t huge sports manga fan who loved every second of it, please do give it a try if you find yourself with the time for it! It’s such a cool manga!!!
Anon said: I don't even like BNHA anymore, haven't for more than a year, but your blog still has me shipping the characters somehow. I live for your KiriBaku content (and your KamiJirou stuff, when you post it!)
Gosh, I’m glad I can make you like them still!! It’s such a compliment, honestly ;A; <3
Anon said: so i was looking through your art and stuff and was wondering "hey i wonder if theyve ever drawn voltron stuff" and tbh, i didnt expect you to have
To be fair, if you checked it means that at least a little you thought it was possible lol I haven’t watched anything past s1 of it though, so the chances of me ever picking it up again are less than zero
Anon said: You... are one of the loves of my life... and also the main reason I check tumblr everyday lol.
Anon!!! You’re gonna make me blush here!!!!! ;;;; thank you so much!
Anon said: i started reading bluelock because of u and now im obsessed soooo,,,,, thanks!❤️😭
Anon said: Hii, do you have a Spotify account? If you do, can you share it? I really like the songs u use on your arts, and I would love to see your Playlists Sorry if it's already on your FAQ, I didn't find it And sorry for my bad English ps. I LOVE YOUR KIRIBAKU ARTS THANK YOU
I don’t! I listen to all my music from youtube, because I’m that kind of person lmao happy to hear we share music tastes, though! And thank you so much!!! <3
Anon said: What's your favorite arc of ToG both story wise and art wise?
SCREAMS I don’t know!!!! I’ve been thinking about this ask since getting it I have genuinely zero clue I love all arcs so much for so many different reasons!!!!! The first that comes to mind when I think about it is the workshop battle arc, because I love Viole with everything I have and the whole arc (plus the build up to it too!!) hurts in the most wonderful way, but then I keep thinking about it and I realize there’s so many character I live for that don’t appear in it - I love the floor of death arc SO MUCH cause for one, there’s nearly all my favorite characters in it, and also because it’s such a good, dynamic arc?? everything that happens is so much fun and interesting?? also Hockney is there, and Urek is there, and Garam is there, and the Hell Train gang is all there, so!! AH and the hell train as a whole is so damn good (the dallar show???? my whole soul rests in there, Khun’s trust in Bam!! the coin flip with rachel!! Bam’s whole everything!!!!!!!! GAH) but my fav part of it has to be the hidden floor?? because!!!!!! it’s perfect from start to end, everyone in it is wonderful, Bam’s growth in it!!! GODS! My favorite scene in the whole webtoon is in the hidden floor arc, it’s how much I love it - THEN THERE’S YAMA and the whole arc there is so so SO good too, and the latest arc!! how good is the latest arc!!!!!
so yeah I can’t pick - art wise I think it goes without saying that SIU’s art has only gotten better, so the closest to the newest update you go the more I like the art.... though, my favorite Bam is still the short haired one from the Hell Train arc haha
Anon said: Oh, wow, how stupid of me. Like 2 months ago, I sent you a message telling you how much I loved your work... and I didn’t see it on your page, or anywhere else. Finally today, I discovered I had an inbox where you answered me... 🤦‍♀️... I still love your work, by the way...
AHHH yeah I always answer off-anon asks privately! And thank you so much for still liking my things!!
Anon said: Have you read the last haikyuu chapter? How did you feel about it?
I’ve reread it at least twenty times and then I went and reread the whole of the last game again and it’s been three weeks and I’m still thinking about it more or less constantly and feeling giddy happy about everything that manga has ended up being, genuinely one of the best manga I’ve ever had the pleasure of following till the very end - that’s how I feel about it <3
Anon said: I really like looking at your art it’s so therapeutic it’s wonderful please keep drawing I want to support you on Kofi and patreon and yet I am broke please just know I love u very much ok bye
Ahhhh it’s okay anon! I try to keep as little completely unavailable for my followers as I can, and I’ll do my best to keep drawing! Can’t promise the fandoms will always be stuff you care about though haha
Anon said: This is my FAVORITE art blog. Is blog even a word that ppl use anymore?? Idk but anyways your kiribaku gives me life and cures my depression so ily and thank u
I’m so so happy to hear that! Thank you so much!!! TTATT <3
Anon said: just now realizing your oc looks like the human version of kamakiri
To be fair the only thing they have in common is the green mohawk, but I get where you’re coming from! I was very happy when Kamakiri’s official colors came out exactly cause he makes me think about my boy, after all xD my love for Kamakiri is definitely biased, in that sense haha
Anon said: Just wanted to let u know im very gay for ur oc giulia that is all thanks
Anon I’m gonna cry I’m so glad you like her!!!!!!!!!! She’s one of my oldest OCs out of that group, it’s always so thrilling to know people like her ;A; <3
Anon said: I really like how you draw kirishima’s hair
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! I have a lot of fun with it, though it does mean it ends up being kinda off canon more often than not haha
Anon said: hi! just a random question but how’d you come up with your name?
Fran is my name! Erid comes from Eridan from homestuck! Art is what I try to do! And that’s the incredibly interesting story behind my screen name haha
Anon said: Heya, so i sent the ask about the person who i suspect either heavily referenced or traced your art (i sent another ask about this tho im not sure if it went through) anyway, it was posted by ****************** you'll know it when you see it i think
Ahhhhhh sorry for how long this took me to answer, I went to check and it’s!!! fine, I mean, would have preferred if they had credited but I don’t think it was completely traced so I don’t mind too much, I used to copy art of people I liked too back when I was first starting, after all haha
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fonulyn · 3 years
fonulyn’s 2020 in fics
this is kind of exciting since in 2020 I did get a lot writing done, and it marks the second year in a row that I’m able to actually make one of these posts after that horrible not good at all terrible disastrous three and a half years when I wrote absolutely nothing. so it’s a triumph to get another one of these up! personal victory haha.
in total, in 2020 I wrote 148 fics, ranging from like 200 words to 34k (idk if those short things can be called fics but i just did). by pairing, there’s
13 of Joe/Nicky
58 of Piers/Leon
56 of Chris/Leon
(1 with Piers/Leon and Chris/Leon)
5 of the ot3 (Chris/Leon/Piers)
11 of Krauser/Leon
3 of Wesker/Chris (lmao still can’t believe this)
1 of Chris/Leon/Krauser
so. in retrospect, i did okay. 
it’s over 300 thousand words and I am kind of. surprised. and that is not counting the approximately 50k of wips i’m ignoring :’D
I’d also like to take a second to thank everyone who has ever sent me nice messages, commented on the fics, left reblogs or kudos, and the like. you’re what kept me going, I wouldn’t have gotten even half as much done otherwise.
without further ado, links to all of the fics under the cut! they’re organized by pairing, and the links take you to tumblr posts (bc I’m lazy) and a lot of them have a link in the post that takes you to ao3. (also can you see I put ~~so much~~ effort into naming the tumblr ficlets :’D feel free to laugh at me)
a dog by any other name | 1,5k | The one wherein they end up owning a dog.
within the heart a flame of desires | 5,0k | Nicolo watches Yusuf have sex with others, desperately wishing he was with him instead. Until things change. He much prefers having Yusuf all for himself.
the world will wait | 2,4k | The one wherein Joe takes a lot of naps and the whole team gets to relax.
catch this | 650w | Every time Joe gets distracted (by Nicky), Andy tries to take him by surprise.
nobody’s perfect | 1,9k | Even immortal warriors have their weaknesses, Nile learns. Those just aren’t what she expected.
only in these arms | 780w | Nicky has trouble sleeping alone. Andy is a decent substitute, but only when Joe returns so does Nicky’s ability to get a decent night’s rest.
(please don’t explain) that time in Malta | 580w | Nile doesn’t think at first it would even be possible for Joe to be embarrassed. By anything. Until one evening, they talk about Malta.
cool it down boys | 400w | Andy gets no sleep. She gets revenge, though.
cowboy, baby | 340w | Nicky has the fashion sense of a sack of flour, and he is fine with that.
that day is not today | 4,9k | They struggle through the whole lab-experience. It isn’t the time yet to forgive Booker.
tea, soup and tlc | 2k | The one wherein Joe is not sick. At all. Nope. He isn't.
two drinks too many | 770w | Nicky is a little drunk. Joe loves him anyway.
safe haven | 3,9k | The one wherein everyone gets quality cuddles from Joe.
it was you that I found | 23,4k | Leon doesn’t really do relationships. Not because he doesn’t want to, but because he always seems to be so bad at them. Of course entirely by accident he manages to build one without even realizing it. 
unexpected visitor | 690w | Piers is forced on bed-rest. At least Leon stops by.
got me all tied up (never let me go) | 4,0k | Piers doesn’t like suits. Leon loves Piers in a suit.
not so subtle | 210w | “Soo, were you checking me out all night, or was that just my imagination?” Leon asks suddenly, Piers chokes on his drink in surprise.
nighttime fools | 4,8k | Piers and Leon get arrested for public indecency. It’s not their fault, honest.
piers isn’t sick, really, he isn’t (he is) | 670w | “Oh, hi,” Piers said immediately, a goofy smile slipping onto his face. Man, he was happy to see Leon. So happy to see him.  
so you’ve met Xena | 620w | “Xena?” Leon turned to look at Piers, decidedly unimpressed. “You named your dog after the Warrior Princess?“
you’re cute, you know | 680w | Piers took the opportunity the second their gazes met. He grinned, as charmingly as he possibly managed, and said “You’re cute, you know that?“
kiss the nightmares away | 470w | Sleepily Piers blinked, trying to make his eyes work properly. He squinted at the digital clock on the bedside, and its harsh red numbers that told him it was 3:30, and confusedly he turned to frown at Leon. “Why aren’t you sleeping?“
smooth talking, Nivans, very smooth | 1,4k | Piers can not control what comes out of his mouth.
dream a little (dirty) dream of me | 1,3k | Piers wakes Leon up. That's it.
your shirt is my shirt | 950w | With a sigh Piers grabbed the only shirt available that wasn’t battery operated and obnoxious. It was Leon’s, so old that the print had faded completely, leaving only faint outlines behind. And when Piers pulled it on he grumbled again, realizing how tight it was.
here for you | 620w | Leon can’t sleep, but somehow Piers makes his anxieties bleed away. 
grand plans | 260w | “Are you seriously going to wear that?”
new puppy | 430w | “Hey there little guy.” Leon bent down to pick up the little puppy, straightening again to hold it against his chest. His hands looked almost comically large as the dog was so tiny, and carefully he cradled it close.
a little bit funny | 850w | So maybe Piers hadn’t slept properly in days, and the sleep deprivation was making him a little hysterical, but he didn’t even remember when a stupid comedy would’ve made him laugh so much.
for now our time is here | 4,4k | When Chris had told them to wait up and left them alone for a while, this probably wasn’t what he’d been expecting, but the second he’d closed the door behind himself the tension that had been brewing between Leon and Piers had snapped like a cord.
wanting too much | 1,1k | “Fucking hell, never do that to me again,“ Leon huffed out, clearly relieved beyond anything.
the prettiest agent with the prettiest hair | 1,2k | Piers stress-braids. Leon doesn't mind. And besides, Piers always undoes the braids whenever he's done with them. Until one night he forgets.
you can be the air that i breathe | 1,0k |  It wasn’t the first time Piers got punched in the face by a gigantic BOW so hard that the hit sent him flying. It was, however, the first time he was sent careening off a bridge and into the river below. And it was, definitely, the first time Leon saved his life.  
before I found you | 890w | The second Piers realized that the spikes covering the monster actually came off, and it was able to shoot them towards its attackers, it was already too late for him to react.
you don’t need to stay | 950w | Piers did his best to take care of Leon.  And as much as Leon appreciated it, he didn’t want to be a goddamn nuisance.
need me, baby, just a little stronger tonight | 2,1k | Leon really has to practice perfecting his poker face. At least he gets what he wants in the end.
be my valentine | 920w | “Are you sure?“ Piers asked for the tenth time, frowning down at the bar of Fazer blue chocolate. “I still think it’s… not a lot?”
you're the world that I wanna discover | 7,5k | The one wherein they buy a house, fall even more in love, and Leon reaches a breaking point.
call me (tell me what you feel) | 1,7k | Leon is stuck at the airport. At least he gets a nice phone call with Piers.
incentive to stay alive | 1,0k |  "Hey, Nivans, wake up,” he tried, but there was no answer, and he couldn’t help but let the worry in his voice. “Piers. Don’t you dare die on me. Chris would kill me if I let anything happen to his best sniper.”
blanket hog Leon | 880w | Grumbling, Piers turned around, and as he’d expected Leon was cozily wrapped in at least four blankets, leaving nothing for Piers, who was currently freezing his ass off.
I give you all I am | 2,0k | “Leon?” Piers approached in quick steps, watching recognition flicker in Leon’s eyes as he lowered his own weapon too. Leon was slumped against the wall, hunched over and holding his side, and there was something feverish about his eyes. Yet as soon as he realized it was Piers he gave a shaky grin, even if that was all he managed.
why are the gorgeous ones always taken | 810w | Piers blinked his eyes open slowly, expression scrunched up, and it took a long moment before he managed to actually focus his gaze on Leon’s face. When he did, a smile immediately bloomed on his face, and he even tilted his head a little. “Have I died and gone to heaven?” he croaked out, his voice rough from lack of use.
still intact | 1,1k | It took a week before the level of painkillers was correct and Piers woke up with a gasp instead of a scream. And the first thing he asked was for someone to kill him.
of guns and ...guns | 270w | Leon likes the way Piers handles his rifle. There’s drool involved.
always fashionable | 540w | Apparently having a crush on the well-dressed, professional Leon translated into being absolutely fucking in love with the sleep-mussed and squinty Leon.
misplaced phones and revelations | 660w | Chris finds Piers’ phone. Which turns out to be Leon’s phone. The two turn out to be dating. Chris feels kind of blind.
yee-haw! | 1,0k | Leon rides Piers. Wearing a cowboy hat.
you’re cute when you’re angry | 620w | When he’s stressed, Piers washes the dishes. Angrily.  
want to drink (with) you | 1,1k | Piers is an embarrassing drunk. Leon loves him anyway. 
and each one of us is a path somewhere | 22,2k | Piers gets thrown twenty years back in time. Into Raccoon City, 1998. He’d heard about what Leon went through that night, but he never thought he’d have to actually experience it himself. Together with bright eyed rookie Leon.
hold me close | 560w | Leon falls asleep against Piers’ shoulder. 
goatee man | 890w | Piers thinks growing a beard might make him look more manly. 
promises kept | 2,9k | Leon finds out Piers isn't dead after all. He's just locked up in a BSAA research facility with no one allowed in to visit.
stay with me tonight (stay until the end of life) | 2,2k | Leon doesn’t know I’m contacting you, but a fair warning, because I’m worried. He was found unconscious on the bathroom floor at 10AM. They took him to the hospital, but he checked himself out. Look after him, okay?  
4am | 760w | “What can I say,” Piers grinned against Leon’s neck, “I was dreaming of you.” He had no reservations about moving his hips, letting Leon feel just how nice the dream had been.
caffeinated | 550w | Someone gives Piers coffee. Leon knows what to do with that excess energy.
and i'm you and you're me | 7,0k | The one wherein Leon and Piers accidentally swap bodies.
girls’ day in bed | 780w | Piers and Leon wake up one morning with boobs and other assorted lady parts. It’s a fun day. (Spoiler alert: they have a lot of sex.)
worlds apart | 3,2k | Krauser kidnaps Piers to lure Leon to him. (feat. past Krauser/Leon)
not again | 530w | Watching Piers’ mutation brings Leon some very unfortunate flashbacks. (feat. past Krauser/Leon)
gorgeous | 300w | Piers calls Leon gorgeous.
the most comfortable pillow | 350w | Leon falls asleep with his head on Piers’ lap.
beautiful | 840w | Even after losing an arm and ruining half of his face, Piers is the most beautiful thing to Leon.
as seen in adult films | 580w | Piers doesn’t know one damn thing about dishwashers. He volunteers to fix one anyway.
never letting go | 260w | Leon is goddamn comfortable right here. He isn’t going to move a single inch.
nose kisses | 390w | Piers is cute when he’s cranky. Just ask Leon.
no other half could ever make me whole | 6,3k | The one wherein they get a scare and there's a proposal.
the luxury of being held | 690w | The fabric of Piers’ hoodie is the perfect place to hide. (feat. Theo’s amazing art)
just one step from heaven, one step from paradise | 2,7k | The one wherein Piers makes sure Leon doesn’t freeze, and they enjoy their vacation.
all is fair in war, love and Mario Kart | 600w | Piers sucks at Mario Kart.
if i never see all my dreams come true, the one that mattered the most was you | 5,9k |  Chris enlists Leon’s help on a mission as a clever ruse to make the man take a break he so obviously needs. 
and I don't want to know how slow the time must flow | 11,1k | Chris and Leon try to fight their way out of a castle and feelings take over.
you are my heart, you are my home | 3,2k | Chris is sick, and he’s being extra dramatic about it.
from the gates of longing | 5,5k | Chris volunteers to take Leon home, but ends up getting a lot more than he bargained for.
how to accidentally get adopted - a guide by Piers Nivans | 2,3k | Piers accidentally keeps calling Chris dad, and Chris and Leon sort of unofficially adopt him.
right here by your side | 1,9k | When Chris shows up to check up on Leon, four days into his self-imposed flu-exile, at first Leon wants to just throw him out. But then it turns into a relationship-building moment and suddenly he can’t mind all that much.
about time | 1,8k | Leon is freezing. Chris warms him up.
yet you'll lose yourself in me | 3,3k | The one wherein Chris is generously proportioned and Leon kind of loves it. (whispers: size kink)
beyond tomorrow | 1,7k | Leon ends up in the hospital after a mission, Chris hurries to see if he’s okay. Claire is already there.
look at those heart-eyes | 180w | Quickly Chris shook his head, reluctantly pulling his attention away from Leon.
there’s a cat in the sink | 220w | “There’s a cat in the sink, and we don’t own a cat.”
from the future | 300w | It’s 1998 and Leon comes face to face with himself, from 2017.
surprise redfield | 250w | “Don’t worry,“ Chris says, nonchalantly as if it’s an everyday occurrence that he’s standing in Leon’s kitchen.
need this feeling to last (there's no denying) | 2,4k | “Why don’t you fuck me yourself, you coward!“
something solid, something good | 520w | Chris was so warm, and that together with all the glorious skin-on-skin contact made Leon happily sink back into the embrace.
come closer | 520w | Leon is done with Chris being so careful around him.  
your arms around me | 690w | Chris woke up cold and alone.  
a needed break | 440w | Sometimes Chris got so single-mindedly stuck on a task that he forgot everything around himself.
the iron maiden | 820w | Suddenly it was hard to breathe, like he couldn’t fill his lungs with oxygen no matter how much he tried, to the point that his vision started to get blurry. 
robin hood: chris in tights | 480w | Chris’ face was twisted into a theatrical grimace as he tugged a little on the green tights we was wearing. They were like painted on and although he didn’t really have body issues in general, he couldn’t help but feel self-conscious about it.
luckless romance | 4,0k | Leon and Chris turn a drunken argument into something better. (Please note: The link takes you to the last part of six.) 
take my hand | 920w | The worst part, by far, is not seeing anything. There are sounds, people talking like he isn’t even in the room, machines beeping and doors opening, quick busy steps against the floor.
let me take you to the edge of the stars and back again | 3,0k | Chris takes his sweet, sweet time before he gives Leon what he wants.
I’m going to seduce you | 1,1k | Jesus Christ, they’d had sex. Leon groaned again, this time less because of the headache and more because he felt so unbearably dumb. He’d probably had the best sex of his life, and he couldn’t remember it.
a little help | 430w | Those fucking idiots, Claire thought for the millionth time, as she watched her brother give the biggest dumbest heart eyes at Leon, who was blissfully oblivious about everything going on around him.
the way to anyone’s heart (the answer is food, good food)  | 2,4k | Chris asks Leon to teach him how to cook. (Spoiler: Leon doesn't know how.)
oh the horror | 270w | “I seriously don’t understand why you want to watch this shit,” Leon groaned, pressing his face into Chris’ chest.
jealousy | 670w | Chris swallowed hard, downed the last of his beer, and took the leap. “I’m jealous okay.”
twist me up | 510w | Sure Chris had always known that Leon was flexible. Sure he had seen him even do these weird-ass yoga poses more than once. There was nothing new to it.
meet the parents | 600w | Leon brings Chris home for Christmas.
precious cargo | 930w | Chris lugs Leon around like luggage.
it's always been you | 870w  | The hardest thing for Leon was when someone he cared about was in danger but there was nothing he could do about it. And then Chris fell into a ravine.
come away with me (to another world) | 2,0k | Leon finally gets a vacation.
first time sucker | 930w | “I don’t know, because it’s fun?” Leon said. “I promise you, you’re missing out.”
read my scars | 1,9k | Chris learns about Leon's scars.
battered and bruised | 650w | Ignoring the bruises and scrapes he had, Chris turned around and sprinted towards Leon, gritting his teeth against the strain moving put on his side.
a different kind of proposal | 500w | “If you keep fucking me this good,“ he breathed out, unsure if Chris even heard the words, “I’ll have to marry you.“
welcome home | 370w | The door had barely fallen shut behind Chris when Leon was in his personal space, grabbing him by the lapels of the trench coat he was wearing so he could pull him in close for a kiss.
I’d always choose you | 280w | Ada was something they didn’t talk about. When someone, anyone, brought her up Leon clammed up and changed the subject. And Chris had tried to be understanding, had tried to be patient, had tried his very best to respect Leon’s boundaries with this. But Chris was only human.
fuck or die | 1,7k | Chris gets hit by a weird plant, and his hard-on just will not go down. Until Leon takes matters into his hands.
i need a hug | 470w | “I think,“ Leon sighed, but then it was like all fight bled from him and he slumped a little forward. “I need a hug.“
oh no there’s only one bed | 990w | “Don’t be ridiculous. It’s just one night. I’m sure you’ve slept with worse persons than me.”
the butt that became a pillow | 420w | Chris falls asleep on Leon.
like father like son | 2,8k | Leon finds out he has a son.
monster magnet | 1,1k | Leon didn’t know when it had become something he recognized so easily. When had it become so normal for mutated creatures to look at him with such unadulterated lust.
please be okay | 620w | Leon faints from sheer exhaustion. 
like father like... grandson? | 4,1k | Liam proposes to a girl but ends up with Piers anyway. Chris and Leon are the friendly neighborhood grandpas. Their grandson is adorable, and Leon thinks he takes after him. Obviously. (feat. Piers/OMC)
black lace | 790w | Chris gets to come home to Leon in thigh high black lacy stockings and matching lingerie, instantly sending Chris’ brains into an overdrive.
at least let me help | 790w | Leon opens the door an inch, Chris uses the given opportunity to slam it wide open. Metaphorically speaking.
bridal style | 200w | Leon refuses the medical check up. So Chris carries him.
dance with me | 1,0k | Wedding planning with two schmoopy idiots in love.
drunken cravings | 480w | Chris and Leon are drunk, hungry, and incapable of cooking.
blow me | 650w | Chris gets his brains sucked out through his dick.
Claire knows best | 610w | Chris tries to set Leon up with Claire. Then Claire does set Leon up with Chris.
chase the demons away | 940w | Chris struggles with nightmares, Leon is there to hold him through them.
dance me to the end of love | 550w | Leon struggles to learn to dance.
Piers/Leon, Chris/Leon
fate changed (we keep loving as if the story isn't over yet) | 34,3k | In hindsight, Leon knew the second he opened the door and saw Chris standing there, dressed in his service uniform, mouth pinched to a grim line and unable to meet Leon’s gaze straight. There was only one logical reason for it, only one way to explain why he was standing there like he would rather be anywhere else, and Leon almost slammed the door right in his face. --  Or the one wherein no one really knows how to handle their grief, but somehow life goes on anyway. (I’m still so proud of this one negl)
hearts beating fast (let's make this moment last) | 5,7k | Chris gets invited in for a threesome. The clever thing would’ve been to refuse, knowing his unrequited, helpless feelings. But then again, he’s just a man.
double the fun | 3,1k | Truthfully, Leon hadn’t thought his day could get this much better. Everything had gone wrong from the second he’d woken up and he’d already written the day off entirely, until the moment Chris had looked him dead in the eye and asked “How do you feel about two at once?”
of cuddles and blanket forts | 620w | Piers and Leon build a blanket fort. Chris would think they’re idiots, but they might actually be kind of brilliant.
hair straightener or waffle iron? | 310w | Chris and Piers break Leon’s hair straightener.
the last piece of the puzzle | 2,7k | The one wherein two becomes three.
not alone | 2,3k | Completely on accident, Piers and Chris happen to be there to save Leon from a tight spot. Cuddles ensue.
drive me crazy (your eyes made me crave for this) | 2,3k | It was the best sex Krauser had ever had in his life. That’s why he kept coming back to Leon, kept saying ‘yes’ every single time the man as much as hinted that he might be up for meeting. He was getting off, and he was enjoying every second of it, and that was the extent of it. There certainly weren’t any feelings involved. None. None at all. 
enjoying the view | 200w | Krauser likes ass-watching.
carry me to bed | 440w | Slowly Leon was coming back to his senses. Sweat was cooling on his skin, the hard surface of the table underneath him starting to feel uncomfortable.  
and I lied that we would be fine | 1,1k | Leon knows he isn’t supposed to be doing this. There’s a vague recollection of something more important, something he should be focusing on, but the vast majority of his world has narrowed down onto the slick slide of their bodies, on the cheap scratchy sheets on his skin, on the sound of Krauser’s voice in his ear, and he can’t bring himself to care.
yet never enough | 1,9k | Krauser likes mirrors.
of wanting | 400w | Leon’s laughter echoed in the room as Krauser pinned him against the wall, before shutting him up with a ravenous kiss.
better with you | 590w | Despite knowing Krauser had his back, Leon was genuinely surprised when the man sat down right next to him instead of telling him to suck it up and get moving.
breakfast | 530w | Lately things had slowly begun to shift. And Leon wasn’t sure yet what was going on. Or how he felt about it.
kill me now | 900w | It was more than clear how much Krauser enjoyed their frantic attempts to kill one another, and Leon’s traitorous body shivered in response, the memory of times long gone returning like no time had passed at all.
lust that I've already spilled | 1,4k | “C’mon, Leon,” Krauser taunted, grinning as widened his stance. “This cock isn’t gonna suck itself.”
will you just look at me | 650w | Krauser refuses to do feelings.
I am the light that shall lead you to darkness | 1,8k | In all honesty, Chris wasn’t entirely sure how he’d ended up here: a panting mess, bent over a massive wooden table with Wesker holding him down laughably easily. 
the light to drown in darkness | 2,0k | Wesker craves Chris. So Wesker takes Chris.
love-hate-(obsession?) | 470w | Wesker is a lovesick fool. If he wasn’t also a homicidal maniac, Jill would almost feel sorry for him.
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cheemken · 3 years
Hello! I'm sorry for bothering, but is it okay to ask for your side on your and Pandora's love story? You guys are so sweet! I wish the best for you guys!
Well hello to you too hahah
And my side, ghm? Well,,, it's gonna be a trip since I just woke up and I'm doing this all in one go so I hope it makes sense at the end hahahah
Anyways owo
Twas a fine, lovely afternoon—
No really, it was. Like... I was scrolling through the comments of my old fics and I saw,, Bella commented hahah
And I was all "oh cool :3"
Then a lil skip and I saw her, pandora-dusk, commenting on the post I have of the fic and I was all "huh.. is this the same person??" I thought it was, she's all "I found it!" Or smth, and hey said the fic was dope and I was all "omf is this secretly a famous person—"
So I checked her blog, and I was all, "yeah okay I feel this person is famous so why is she talking to me cjskcbskdn"
But like,, yeah,, twas dope hahah
And we only get to talk in the replies because I refuse to talk to someone famous cause I'd embarrass myself owo
But then, in one of our chats in the notes and such, she mentioned how she draws and such and I was all "NFKSNDKSN YOU DRAW :D" and hey, I told her that people would absolutely love her art and such and yeah, surprise surprise, she posted her drawings and I was all ":0!!!! YO DAS SO COOL!" And then I remember reblogging it and had some on my save tag hahaha
It's so dope hahah
But y'know what happened next? The lil shit Tumblrbot messaged me and I low-key panicked cause "omf did I do smth wrong am I getting kicked out of Tumblr???" You can tell my mind was racing, but when I saw their message and they just "hey, you liked pandora-dusk's post, you should try talking to her owo" and I was all "hahah w h a t—"
Legit it took me a while to actually try to message her cause I was just "hhhHhnnn okay but what if she's busy and she finds it annoying omfs cjsmxjsm"
But hey I just up and "fuck it, if I managed to message Dee despite them being famous too, why not her?" So I sucked it up and yeah, messaged her hahaha
If you saw Pan's post, then yeah, you'd see how it went down
Anyways yeah, after that, we didn't talk much and every time I check my notifs, my thumb just hovers over her icon cause I still wanna talk to her and such, but I feel like I'm annoying her, so I just wait for replies and such hahah
Tis sad, but hey
Then that thing with Jane Angst™ happened, and good lord the reblogs jcsmjdks hahahaha
It escalated to the point we made the Knight and the Princess and we finally took it to the DM's cause hah, the reblogs were getting long hahah
Okay so we made progress with the lil story of the Knight and Princess, yeah? I fucking shit you not, I did not sleep because of that hahahah
I think yesterday, yeah, we were talking about this ask and it went to that thing of us with the Princess and Knight, and I told her that I didn't sleep for her just to try to finish that, that's how special she was and I didn't even know her yet–
But hey yeah, another mini skip
Then more shit happened to me, I didn't sleep and twas already two, and then.. she messaged me hahah
And then told me so many things and I discovered more about her too
And I could feel myself falling for her
Do you know how scary that was hahaha
She's so amazing.. no chance, yeah? I convinced myself that there's no chance. As if we'd meet. As it she'd like me. No one likes me like that irl, so why would she like me? She doesn't even know me.
But,,, ehhh,,, idk man. Couldn't stop myself hahah
She's just so nice and so dope and so understanding. She's so caring, so talented, and just.. she's amazing in general. And that scared me so much hahaha
Cause I'm nothing owo
I always like people with no chance of liking me back and I've been hurt so much hahah
But did I continue liking her anyways? Yep.
It didn't help that after drawing human Tumblrbot, Al— well,, star anon during that time, sent asks how Pan and I are kinda T's parents and oh my god I was all "that's so fucking adorable but hhHhhH is she comfortable with this cjskjdk" then I saw her actually draw shit for T too and I was just ":'0!!" And yeah, I started falling more and more hahah
Everyday I couldn't stop thinking about her, but I keep telling myself to just forget her cause "there's no chance. No one likes you irl, why expect she'd like you? Once she sees what you look like, she's gonna be disgusted. Disgusted probably like everyone else." And that broke me.. cause hah.. I really did like her, but yeah, we don't talk much so I just "ehh.. sure.."
But did I really stop? Nah.
Look I fell hard jcksjxksns
And hey I kept gushing about her to the GC and to my best friend hahaha
Dee actually thought Pan and I were dating and I was all "hah, I wish—"
And then my best friend was all "omf you have a gf na without telling me—" but hey I told her we weren't together and she was all "WHAT??? BUT?? YOU TWO ARE SO SWEET???"
And yeah hahaha
Another timeskip
Like,, Halloween?? Yeah hahah
Halloween onwards
We started talking more and more and oh my god I fell h a r d
I get to know more about her and the more she shared the more I fell and like,,, the more I see her as herself hahah
And god, she's so amazing
She might not believe it, but she is
And everyday I keep telling her how she's so great, basically, I was trying to flirt with her hahahahah
Cause like,, there might be a small ass chance yeah? Yeah hahah
And hey,, we talked and such, and,, hahah it seems like we were together but not. I told her that when we finally meet, I'm taking her out on a date hahah
And yeaahhhhh,,,
Another mini skip, now it's November, and hah, the eleventh came and on the twelfth, we had like this swab test and such and I was scared af and I just "hhhnnn might as well"
So take note, in my part it's like?? What?? Twelve? Eleven going on twelve am
But in hers it's the afternoon still
So yeah, I confessed to her hahah
And yeah owo
I messaged my bestfriend first about it cause she was still online and yeah we celebrated hahahaha
But yeah, then we talked more, we saw what each other looked like (y'all she's so fucking pretty cjskjdks like goddamn) and surprisingly, she doesn't think I look like shit, then we called, and hcksjdksjs
It was just so great hahaha
And hey, yeah, we got to know more about each other and boom, we be here now owo
I hope that suffices cause my memory be shit and I probably missed a few but hey hahah
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x-lulu · 3 years
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hii y’all, so I wanted to say thank you to some people and wish them a lovely new year. we of course have to deal with time zones and different religions that have influence on when the new year starts, so i’m just gonna post it now.
I love you all, to some I talk every day, to some just a few asks so now and then and others presence I just enjoy on my dash, nonetheless I love all of you and I’m grateful you put up with my shit haha x
I also wanted to say a quick thank you to all the lovely anons, your asks make my day and I’m honoured that you take time to send me some :) so thank you and I hope y’all have a lovely 2021!! ofcourse I wish everyone a happy new year as well, all my followers, everyone on this site, no matter who you are have a wonderful 2021 and may you get all the love and happiness you deserve x
dani, my older and wiser sister! I love you, I haven’t been texting you as much as i used to sorry, i think we’re both quite busy. anyway this doesnt make me love you any less, i love you lots bby! you were one of the first people that welcomed me, supported me and cared about me, most important of all, you were the first that gave me the feeling i wasn’t completely worthless and that you did that means so much! you are such a talented person and your writing is incredible!! but the most amazing thing about you is how lovely of a person you are. you care so much and you’re there for everyone, you defend your friends and anyone who needs defending. you always know how to cheer me up with pics of your lovely princess, chels is just absolutely gorgeous!!! I think you’re a wonderful friend, someone who you can laugh and cry with, thank you, im grateful i’ve met you this year and i hope that there are a lot of conversations to come. have a lovely new year babe
bubba, bella, how gorgeous are you ma’am????? i dont think it’s fair for the rest of us!!! i dont know where to start, you honestly mean so much to me. which may suprise you because we havent talked that many times, but i loved every single conversation we’ve had. you really helped me become the person i am, you helped me feel comfortable with my sexuality and gave me the confidence to come out to my parents, ill forever be grateful. but apart from how much you helped me, i think you are such a lovely woman, who sadly had too many things thrown at her by life. Im so sorry you’re having these hard times and i wish i could take those away from you. you are one of the most beautiful persons i’ve ever met, inside and outside!! you’re funny, you’re caring, you’re intelligent, you’re talented, you’re loving, you’re amazing bella and im honoured to have my cuddle bear be named after you hahah. I love you bub and i know it can be hard to talk to people or ask for help or just a distraction, because sometimes we dont need help or dont know what to talk about, i just want to let you know that i will always be here and i promise you can talk about anything with me, you are so strong love and i believe you will get through this and that you are gonna make beautiful memories, i love you! may 2021 be a year to make wonderful memories and may you get the love you deserve and you deserve lots of it <3
kyr! hi! i love you and every time i see you on my dash i get a smile on my face. you really have your own sense of humour and randomness, both which i adore. your jokes make me laugh in public and people are like wtf she laughing about haha. i relate to a lot of things you post haha and while we might not talk that much, i feel close to you. you kind of feel like a sister to me haha. you’re also a queen and come up for yourself and your believes, but also in a respectful way and i just admire that about you. I hope you have a wonderful new year and that it exists of a lot more of your random asks ;)
ps. can i call you kyr bear? idk i was thinking about you and my mind went to kyr bear hahah
lunaaaa bby! we both thought the other didn’t like them haha, but gosh i love you 👉👈 we haven’t been talking for that long yet i think two weeks maybe? idk but you’re already really important to me! i wish i could do more for you than just listen and maybe give some advice, but sadly i cant hold you in my arms and protect you from the world. i will however always do my best and ill be here for you no matter what. you deserve the world my love and things will get better and im here along the way and so are lots of other people, you really are loved bubba!!! i also started watching hannah montanna since you mentioned you loved that show ;) and finally someone with the same love for the little mermaid hahah. I hope that in 2021 we can get even closer, but i think we’re going down the right path <3 i love you and wish you a wonderful new year with lots of love, healing and health, because you deserve it so much! you’re also so strong and i fully believe that you will get there x
hey love, we don’t really talk but i wanted to add you to the list. i really admire you!! you stand up for what you believe in, you educate so many people and do what’s right in this world!! you love your friends and i believe you’d anything for them!! you’re also hella funny and seeing you in my dash can make my day. i just wanted to tell you that you’re a wonderful human being and you make the world a lot better!! i hope you keep being the amazing person you are and i wish you all the love and happiness in the world!! also you’re a badass haha, happy new year angel 🖤
anna bby, you’re the sweetest person i’ve ever met!! i love interacting with you so much, you always bring a smile to my face and i believe you do that to a lot of people. you’re an incredible presence on tumblr and in the world, i believe you make everyone’s life a bit brighter and i hope i can do the same for you. on top of that you’re also hella talented, idk what god thought when he made you ;) I love that we have gotten closer in the past few weeks, i cant believe that i hadn’t made the connection between you and your sideblog hahah, but now i know you and im grateful for it!!! you’re a loving, caring and supporting lil bean and i love you! i feel like i can come with anything to you and you’ll be there for me and that is an amazing feeling, so here just a reminder that you can also come with anything to me <3 i hope 2021 is gonna be a good year for you, you deserve it!! 
ps - you’re absolutely gorgeous
hi sweetheart!! when i think of christmas i think of you ;) (i wrote this when it was almost christmas not new year haha) you’re such a cozy and sweet human being!! you’re supportive, caring and loving!! you always make my days better and i’m so grateful to have met you!! also your dog is just the most adorable ever!! im so glad you decided to come in my ask box and start interacting, i love you babe, i hope all the love you give you’ll receive in 2021, you’re deserving of a lot of love <3
my queen! hi! we don’t talk as much as I would want to, but gosh i just have a comfortabel vibe with you, i feel like i can come with anything to you and every time i see you on my dash, asks, dm anything it brings a smile on my face. i’ve said it before, but you’re that one friend who you can both laugh and cry with. i feel like you’re this amazing presence here on tumblr and everyone is grateful to have you x i love you babe and i hope we will get closer in the new year :) if you’re up for that as well ofcourse hahah, im not going to force you to be friends with me (well... maybe i am... but we’re not gonna talk about that...). I wish you the best and i hope 2021 will treat you wonderful x
izzy hi!! babe i love you and all your randomness, every time i see you in my dash i get a smile on my face!! also your work is incredible!!! and i love seeing you simping haha!! your whole blog is basically a mood and i love it 🥰 thank you for being your lovely self!! i hope you’ll get the love and happiness you deserve and i also hope to get closer in 2021 hehe ;) you’re just this amazing person and im honoured to be moots! have a lovely new year x
elle my love, if we’re gonna talk about lovey and talented people ofcourse we have to add you to the list. you’re one of my favourite writers of all time, your titles, your aesthetic, your concepts, your way with words, it’s all so perfect!!! you always amaze me and then we started talking and omg you’re such a sweet person and every time i get an ask or a message from you it puts a smile on my face. i’m grateful i met you this year and i wish you all the best, i believe in you, you’re so strong!! i know you go through some difficult stuff, but i will always be there for you, remember you are worthy and so loved!!! i love you, have a wonderful 2021.
pink gosh im gonna miss you so bad, but i’m also really proud of you for doing what’s best for you and i really hope it will have positive effect on your well being and your happiness!! you’re such a loving and welcoming person!! thank you for being who you are and making so many peoples lives better, we all care about you babe!! have a lovely 2021 <3
hey love, if i’m gonna be honest here, you were the person who gave me the confidence to start being myself on this site, you probably don’t remember but once you send me an ask and wished me a lovely week, which brought a smile to my face!! that was the moment that i decided to be myself, thank you for that!! apart from that you are so freaking talented, i say it all the time but your work is like reading poetry, how you come up with your sentences i have no clue, but it’s wonderful and i’m amazed every time!! you’re also a lovely human being and your posts on my dash always make me smile!! i hope you have a lovely 2021 babe, i love you <3
sky my love, you’re such a loving and supporting human being. you really bring peace on my dash and give me a calm feeling!! I honestly still can’t believe that my tumblr crush knew who I was and wanted to talk to me haha. I’m obsessed with your work and there are so many people who admire you, which you totally deserve!!! It’s almost unbelievable how talented you are haha and your music taste is also on point!! and how cool is it that you can play the guitar and have a job to do with music, I love it and you’re so talented and well deserving of every good thing that comes on your path. have a lovely new year x
hi bub, you’re one of my role models 🙈 you’re a classy badass who I admire so much, you’re one of the most talented persons I’ve ever met! you’re also so lovely and sweet!!! and you’re a really fascinating and interesting woman as well!! I wish you all the best my love, remember to take some time for yourself and try to ignore those toxic people, you’re more than enough and deserve to feel happy and loved
tess, i know you haven’t had the best time lately and i wish 2021 could be a whole new start for you, sadly mental health doesn’t work that way. however i really hope it will be better for you and you’ll learn to have hope and maybe love yourself, because you are so worth it. you are beautiful on the inside and on the outside. you send love to people and make others peoples days better and that is the most wonderful trait someone can have, i believe in you, you are strong and even tho it may not feel like that but it will get better and i’m always here!! you’ll get help along the way, from me but also from so many other people who love you!! i hope 2021 will treat you better, you deserve all the love and the happiness ma’am, happy new year!!
hi audrey, we haven’t talked that much yet, but you’re the first blog i followed on here. you’re so talented and seeing you on my dash always brings a smile to my face. so i decided to send you an ask and then i found out that you’re a lovely human as well!! i wish you the best for 2021, you deserve all the happiness and love in the world!!
well lara, where do I start, last but definitely not least. I just had to put you last because I knew your message would be one of the longest haha. it feels so weird for someone to accept me completely as who i am, but you do exactly that! okay now im starting to cry again, but you mean so much to me. you’re the best that happened to me in a long long time and you’re honestly the person who helps me the most, gives me the best feelings, it’s incredible how much talking to you can cheer me up and when i think about you i start to smile (and sometimes cry hahah, jeez i come over like a cry bby, i promise im not hahaha). you’re one of the most loving and caring persons i’ve ever met. you were so welcoming since the first time we met and i feel like we kinda immediatelly hit it off. we didnt have that ‘how are you and where do you live’ kind of conversations, while there is nothing wrong with small talk, i feel like we pretty much immediatly started being our weird selves around each other and i love it. we have like three dates every week haha and those are honestly what gets me through the week. and we basically interact almost every hour, no matter if it’s trough text, snap, tumblr or tiktok hahah. ive never felt more myself, more loved or more capable than with you. on top of that you are hella talented, wise, intelligent, gorgeous, pretty much perfect ;) i absolutely love everything about you, from the clumsy stuff you do to the sweet good morning and good night messages, from the random snaps to the deep conversations, from the weird asks to just basically acting like we’re a couple hehe. i just love everything and i cant imagine my life without you, im never letting you go babe. 
@dmonchld @jiaraendgame @vintageobx @rafeyybabyy @camillemonty, @amorejjaygron​ 
we may not interact that much but every time I see you on my dash or asks or something it brings a smile to my face!! 
also @dmonchld you are my icon 🙈 and i admire you so much, im just a scared lil bean which stops me from interacting with you hahah, but you’re so strong and brave. i think you are a wonderful friend and just an incredible person in general
@jiaraendgame your music taste is just on point!! and im so grateful for you, when ive posted about tough subjects you comment and even when we didnt know each other you supported me and comforted me, thank you, i think you are this amazing person and i love every interaction with you
@vintageobx and @rafeyybabyy you guys were some of the first people I started talking to and you’ve always been supportive thank you for that!! you’re both really kind and i hope 2021 will treat you with nothing but love 
@camillemonty and @amorejjaygron you both make me feel welcome on this site and I’m really grateful for that!
i wish you all a wonderful new year and may it be filled with love, laughter and making wonderful memories 
i love you 
btw i started writing this like a month ago, because i never work on the stuff that i need to work on and knew i wouldn’t be able to finish it if i didn’t start already haha, so yeah, with some people the relationships might have changed a bit, like we’ve already become closer, but i think it’s all pretty up to date, but if it isn’t then you know that that’s why <3 and there are probably a lot of errors because it’s barely proofread and i’m a horrible at typing so that’s that 🙈
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The Treatment of Captain Syverson-Chapter 12: Final Home Exercise Program
Characters: Captain Syverson x OFC (Shane Dawson)
Summary: Our lovers spend one last night together and the next morning have a serious discussion about their future after more new information comes to light about Sy’s upcoming training. Can the new relationship sustain the stress? Are Shane’s feelings justified, or can they overcome what lies before them?
Spoilers suck! Start from the top or wherever you left off HERE!
Word Count: 4.2k
Warnings:  Language, mature themes, smut, angst…well, near angst. As angsty as I get.
Author’s Note: Sorry this has taken so long, my darling dears! I’m currently on vacation and although I was hoping to be inspired by new surroundings, it’s given me WICKED writer’s block! I have a pretty solid plan for more chapters, though, so, buckle up!
Disclaimer: Unfortunately for me, Henry is not mine, le sigh, and all mention of him, his characters, any characters from his films, or his precious doggy, Kal, are strictly for transformative and recreational use. I neither ask for, nor accept payment for the work I post on Tumblr or AO3. Unbeta’d because this is for fun and escapism.
@misslaland (apparently deactivated, idk what’s up with that)
Hope I’m not forgetting anyone! If you want to be notified when I post a new chapter or work, I’ll be happy to add you to my tag list! Stricken blogs are getting personal messages from me when a new chapter is uploaded because Tumblr’s faulty tagging system will not stand in the way of me delivering what the people want!(?) lol! (Although…their lackadaisical notification system might…sorry for that. I have no control. lol!)
Sy's last two PT appointments could not have gone better. On paper, anyway. He was at full strength in his injured knee, his range of motion was better than it was in the so-called good knee, and he hadn't complained of pain above a 2/10 in the last five sessions. He'd even been using the treadmill properly the last two weeks, working up to his own goal of running again. Her goals for him were met…they could have probably stopped a session short, but she'd wanted to give him a few more handouts to finalize his HEP…and well, she'd be in major trouble for saying so, but…she couldn't stand the thought of cancelling that last visit. It felt like quitting, even though it would have been justified.
In practice, however, there was a tension between them that had never existed before. Something creating awkward energy that they couldn't seem to shake. They hadn't seen each other much outside of therapy this week, either. Not since the night of their argument. Sy had to do a lot of prep for his trip to Virginia, and Shane's caseload this week had been ridiculous. Dozens of evaluations and updates and calls to various companies on different kinds of splints and orthotics she was hoping to get for a few of her patients. A lot of time spent on the phone meant a lot of after-hours documentation. She needed a break. Even if it meant she'd have to do some work over the weekend. Sy was leaving tomorrow to get settled in Charlottesville before the big training course began. She didn't want them to be apart on his last night home for a month.
"Hey, as a celebration of your discharge from PT and your new career trajectory, how about dinner on me tonight?"
"But…you don't really want me to leave town…or to be done with therapy. Not that I, myself, won't miss you feeling me up in public." he smirked as she took his last set of range of motion measurements, her hands gently holding one arm of her goniometer to the side of his thigh…suddenly too aware of him.
"Not entirely true. I'm glad you're better, I'll just miss seeing you through the day. It breaks up the…" she sighed "the monotony of my daily life. Also, why would I want you to leave town? What would that say about me as your girlfriend?" she explained.
"S'pose you're right."
"In this case, yes. Yes I am." She winked at him.
They finished up and she gave him a few more exercises to keep in his arsenal to maintain strength and range in both knees.
"Okay, now, I won't be around to harass you about these, but keep doing them regularly, and just modify them as I've notated if they get too easy. Try to just do more reps, though. I wouldn't try to bulk it up just yet, and that's what you'll do with more weight added."
"Yes, ma'am." he said for old time's sake. She shook her head and smirked.
"And listen, please. This is your physical therapist talking right now. Be careful and mindful during … your cross country training." she wanted to call it "Survivor-Virginia," but refrained. She knew it would get his hackles up. And she was taking enough of a chance insisting that he be careful. "Nature has perils for the perfectly fit. The already injured are at a disadvantage from the gate. Mind your footing. And try not to run unless you have to. Uneven surfaces are not your friend just yet. You still need to work up to that. If you want, I'll help you with it when you get back. Just…don't undo all this work we've done together."
He seemed to see his woman peeking out from behind the mask of his therapist. Concern coloring the neutral and clinical advice she was giving him.
"I'll do my best, sunshine." he held her by the arms and kissed her forehead. It felt too intimate for the setting, but they had done worse. "I'll see ya tonight then?"
"Yeah, I'll bring some food by your place after work. What do you want?"
"Hmmm…I'll let you know." he kissed her cheek and left.
The next hour was her lunch, so she had time to contemplate what seeing him walk out for the last time had made her feel. She sighed, and started to well up, getting out her lunch bag to begin eating and documenting when a knock came at the door frame.
It was Sy, looking forlorn and manic and altogether a mess. Very unlike himself.
"I got out to the truck and something just felt wrong about the way I left today. As if it was any other day. Not our last session. You were trying to get that to land…I'm a little slow. But I finally got it." he walked to her, grabbing her up from her chair in a hug that mended all of the broken parts of her. Squeezed her back together when she'd been damn near falling apart. "Shane, you…you did more than just make me better. You've…made me better. Happier. Whole. I'll never be able to thank you properly for all of this, but…I intend to try for as long as you'll let me."
He held her while her tears fell softly onto his Def Leppard shirt. This was what she needed. For him to simply hold her, complete her, love her.
"Also, I think I'd like Chinese food tonight." she laughed into his neck.
"You idiot."
"You still like me."
"I do. And you don't need to worry about thanking me, Sy. You return the favor daily by just…being you…and being mine." She pulled him in to a ferociously sexy kiss, her hands in his hair, still too short for her liking, but getting there.
He broke away, neither wanting it to end, but both knowing it must, all the same.
"I thought we couldn't do this at your work?" he inquired, slightly out of breath.
"We couldn't do this while you were a patient. You're officially discharged. Last appointment over. All I have to do is sign your note and it's a done deal. But now…if you wanted to drop by for lunch sometime when you get back from training for your fancy job…we could…make it a regular occurrence." she smiled up into his entrancing blue eyes, sparkling with promise.
"I like the sound of that, sunshine." he gave her one more chaste kiss before his official goodbye. "See ya tonight."
As she watched him leave, she remembered thinking to herself one day how he probably used to take very confident strides…that hardly did his walk justice.
She ordered their favorites, four entrees total, so they had options, crab rangoon, egg rolls, dumplings, the works. She would be happy to eat off the leftovers all weekend. She wasn't fussy. She loved leftover Chinese takeout.
He met her at the door, having advance warning of her arrival from the canine burglar alarm, Aika.
"You got her. Good girl." he said sweetly thanking the pup for sounding off the Twilight Bark throughout the neighborhood.
"Hello!" She handed off the food to Sy and scratched at the German Shepherd's ears the way she liked, her tail wagging with joyous speed.  
"I thought we could set up a buffet on the coffee table downstairs while we watch TV?"
"Sounds great!" She said, with an enthusiasm that sounded almost forced. She wasn't able to fully shake this foreboding she felt saying goodbye to him, no matter how long they'd be apart.
Sy grabbed plates and silverware while Shane got them some beverages, and they headed downstairs, Aika knowing her boundaries did not extend to the basement except by invitation, whined at their descent. Sy wasn't having it.
"Oh, don't give us that sob story, ya brat." he rolled his eyes at Shane.
"Aww, can't she come down with us?"
"No way. I want you all to myself." a devilish smirk twitched up the corners of his mouth making him even more handsome.
"Aika has nothin' on you. You're the real dog." she teased.
"I make no excuses or arguments. I'm gonna be selfish with you tonight." they put the food and supplies on the coffee table and he caught her up into his arms. He seemed to want to inhale her into his lungs.
"Mmmm, as endearing as I've always found generosity, I really like the sound of that." She let out a huff of amusement.
They spent an uncharacteristically short amount of time choosing something to watch. They'd already started a miniseries together, and they wanted to finish it before Sy left. It was a British political thriller with a lot of intrigue and quite a bit of sex. They only had two hours left, so they finished it quickly as they ate.
They decided to put on something familiar afterward. Die Hard. Which they both quoted with ridiculous precision. They were cuddled into each other on the big sectional, lulled into comfort by the familiar security of the dialogue and the warmth of the other.
Soon, Sy's hand found its way to Shane's thigh. It inched its way inside and up. She felt like he could hear her heart rate quicken, just as she knew he could hear her breaths come with more effort due to his touch.
She looked at him, and despite her apprehension about his decision to leave her so early in their relationship, she wanted him. She'd known for so long now. It felt like forever, for longer than they'd even known one another. A ridiculous notion. But with that same gaze, she begged him to continue. The signal was not lost on the captain. His mouth punished hers in a kiss so deliciously violent and needy she thought there was no way he couldn't feel the same for her. She pushed to the back of her busy mind all of the negative emotions the kiss brought up, the confusion as to how and why he was going to leave her when he clearly needed her just as badly as she needed him, and just let this beautiful moment become what it would.
As hard as that was to do.
The way he touched her was a pretty effective distraction. One hand held her firmly against his mouth by the nape while the other built friction in her over her jeans. She felt her body's primal responses of the building pressure and her hands gripping at his shirt. His guttural moan at her answering touch only fueled the inferno in her. She needed more of him. She thrust up into his hand wantonly. He took himself away from her, cruelly, but to be so very kind, she would soon see. He undid her jeans and tugged them down, along with her panties. In the process, he repositioned her conveniently at the edge of the sofa. He scooted the coffee table out of the way enough to kneel before her. He tortured her with kisses from her knee up her inner thigh on both sides before continuing those kisses where she really needed them.
His warm breath hit her first and she arched, aching in anticipation for the corporeal. He looked up at her with his dervish's grin, seeing the desire on her face and feeling it course through her body, and although he was a better man than her previous lovers, and a better man than most, no man was so good that making his woman feel like this didn't make him feel like a god.
"Darlin', you're so gorgeous like this." he said as he teased her with his mouth. Her words failed. She had only unintelligible syllables for him. He didn't seem to mind. In fact, he seemed thoroughly amused by her speechlessness. Amused and encouraged. She'd never felt like this before. His lips and tongue worked over her trembling flesh, both as familiar paths and brand new territory. Discovering the new and remembering the familiar, all at once.
"Sy." she whispered, so close to her peak, and needing him to continue, but unable to do more than moan his name.
"I know, sugar. I know it won't be long. Whenever you're ready, sweetheart."
And she fell apart under his expert touch. He soothed her body down from the climax and asked her if she was ready for bed.
"I think not!" she replied. "The movie isn't over." and she pulled him up to her by the cheeks into another crushing kiss and guided him to the couch. She kicked her bottoms off her ankles to avoid tripping and repositioned herself between his legs as he'd done with her.
"You don't have to, sunshine." he caressed her jaw.
"I know, babe. I want to. Let me do this for you." He was always eager to taste her but she'd yet to return the favor at his own request. She was done letting him decline. She didn't want him leaving without giving him this small parting gift.
It wasn't as if she was unfamiliar with how big he was. She'd touched him, and had him inside her…but seeing him this close was different. She fully appreciated what a feat it was to take him.
She started in with her own tricks, which made him moan, just as planned. His hands laced gently and lovingly in her hair as she worked her mouth and hands over him. She looked up at him after a few moments to gauge his reaction and couldn't have been more pleased. His expression was one of pure, tortured bliss. She felt so powerful.
"Angel, I'm not gonna last much longer." she took that as her cue to get on top of him.
She joined their bodies with a groan of ecstasy that he echoed. She gripped his shoulders as she moved against him, slow and measured at first, but becoming more frantic and erratic as she chased her climax. One hand remaining on her hip, the other came to her chin and directed her gaze to him. Her eyes, blazing with desire, met his, full of tears. She fell against his lips, as she climbed higher, needing that final push to send her over. Which it did, tumbling into that familiar bliss, that she'd have to savor for…well, too long. She didn't want to think too hard about that. This would be their last night together for several weeks. And she wanted to make the most of it. She looked at him, nodded, and after a few more thrusts, he came to his own pinnacle with a shudder beneath her, clutching at her back, resting his head on her sternum. She held him there, and took a few cleansing breaths with her own cheek pressed against his lengthening hair. She stroked the ones at the back of his neck for a moment as they came down from their impossible high.
"Shall we continue this upstairs?" she asked as the cheery, festive, and entirely out-of-season notes of "Let It Snow" played on the TV with the rolling credits of Die Hard. He grinned.
"Yeah, if I still have bones in my legs." he kissed her neck, just above the collar of her tee. "And I'll come down later and clear all this up. We'll just have to close the door so Aika doesn't come down and have herself a party. She's a good dog, but I'm not about to tempt her."
Shane carefully slid off of Sy's lap, attempting not to make too much of a mess, grabbed her panties and slipped them on for the walk to Sy's room.
The musical chiming of Sy's phone alarm came too damned early. They'd barely slept, not wanting to waste a moment together. When they finally nodded off after their last round of fervent love-making, they wrapped themselves around one another and were both out like lights in no time. Now he was untangling himself from her to turn the noise off and presumably begin the process of getting ready to leave for the airport. He only snoozed it, though, and pulled her more tightly against his bare, hairy chest.
"What time is it?" She asked, bleary from lack of sleep and extreme fatigue. Not that she was complaining.
"Seven. But my flight doesn't leave until 10, and it's just from the base. There's a flight leaving there for  Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport and I'm hitchin' a ride with them."
"Oh good. I had anticipated we'd have to drive to Springfield, or even St. Louis this morning." She would do it for Sy, of course, but she wasn't looking forward to a six hour minimum round trip, half of which she would have to make alone.
"Nah, and I'm hoping to work something out for the return trip, too, but I'll let you know about that, then. I've made those open ended, though, because I don't know about the return date."
"Sure. God, that's so…crazy. Not in a bad way, just, I can't imagine leaving home without a clear plan on when I'd be back. Of course, knowing it won't be more than a month helps, I guess."
"And really, a part of me has dreamed of living a sort of nomadic existence since I was very young, so I definitely see the romance in it."
"Totally agree. Hey, I'm hungry. How about we get ready and I'll buy ya breakfast?" He seemed evasive, but she was hungry, too, so she let it go.
"Sounds great!"
They got up and showered together, keeping the sexy time to a minimum given the current time constraints they'd now placed upon themselves. If they didn't hurry, they'd never get out of Cracker Barrell in time to get him to the base.
He loaded his bag in her cargo space and they headed off to the restaurant, which was hopping with traffic on a Saturday morning, as was expected. But since there were only two of them, they got a table without waiting.
They ordered coffees, and Cokes, not super healthy, but hey, this wasn't a daily occurrence. It was a splurge.
Sy ordered some massive and meaty breakfast spread that sounded like a heart attack waiting to happen, while Shane kept it simple with biscuits and gravy and a side of fruit…also, she stole a strip of Sy's bacon. Again…she was a weak woman.
The conversation was light and friendly and lovey…until the time came to leave. Sy picked up the check and took it to the counter to pay and then led her out the double doors back to her vehicle.
"You'll be able to FaceTime me on evenings you haven't gone walkabout in the wilderness, right?"
"I'm not sure they call it that outside of Australia, or even the Crocodile Dundee movies, but yeah, we'll plan on that, for sure."
"Good. I'll miss you so much. But at least I have a pretty good idea of when you'll be back." she was spouting excitedly, but he was being rather cagey again. He piped up with three words that never start off a good sentence.
"Yeah, about that…" she looked at him as they closed the doors to her Explorer, waiting for him to continue…hoping for good news, but expecting bad.
"I got an email last night…late…that I…that the training…might take longer than they told me at first." he winced for the impact of her reception of the anticipated bad news.
"Longer…uh-huh. How much longer?" she asked, backing out of her parking space.
"Ya know if you back into these spaces you don't have to worry about--"
"Really? This is the moment you want to man-splain the concepts of parking to me, Sy? I'll save you the trouble. My dad couldn't get me to do it, and I don't see you having any success, either. Now, how much longer?"
"I don't…they didn't give a concrete--"
"Give me your best guess based on what you know. Give me a range. A ballpark, if you will."
"Uhh…two or three more…weeks…than planned." he winced as she drove toward Fort Leonard Wood Army Base from the peaceful breakfast joint. It was rather poetic, really, since the conversation had turned from relaxed to militant. And they were driving from civilian territory into a land of combatants. Not a war zone, but a zone of warriors, perhaps. And she was ready for battle, herself.
"Sy. That's more than six weeks."
"I know." he said, his eyes downcast in some combination of shame, fear, and sadness.
"And you're…fine with it?" she prodded, prompting him to consider her.
"Of course I don't like it. I'm gonna hate being away from my sunshine for even a week. But this is…it's about who I am. Who I'm meant to be from now on. I have to find my way from here, Shane."
"I guess my only question is…where do I fit into this…path. This life you're making for yourself? We're brand new. But we've worked really hard already to get where we are. And I've worked really hard to get to where I am, professionally. In my dream job. No, the circumstances aren't ideal, but the work makes me think, and gives me purpose. What am I suppose to do? Either I give that up, or I give up…the only man I've ever been with who's made me actually happy."
"I don't want that. I don't want to lose you, and I don't want you to give anything up for me, darlin.' That'll just lead to you resentin' me down the road, and I don't want that, neither." He stopped a moment and just looked at her, face holding back frustrated and angry tears…but also very sad ones. "What about this? Let's just, talk about all this moving forward stuff when I'm back from training. At that point, I'll know more about what to expect about jobs and assignments. And…if it would make you feel more comfortable…we can call ourselves…unexclusive. That way, if you meet someone while I'm gone--"
"Have you lost your mind?" She interrupted his ridiculous attempt to be selfless. She was secure enough in his feelings for her that he wasn't making the suggestion for himself.
"I'm serious. If you meet someone, and he sweeps you off your feet, don't resist. I want you to be happy, Shane."
"Then come back and teach gym at the local high school. Better yet, don't go, at all."
"You remember all that stuff you said about having your dream job and a purpose?" Shane nodded. "You want me to find all that too, don'tcha?"
"No. I'm a selfish bitch who wants you here with me no matter the cost. And I don't care if you resent me in the long run. At least I'll have you." she laughed at her sarcasm and only slightly true self-deprecation.
"You'll be fine. You managed so far without me." he reminded her as she pulled up to the gate, guarded by about four men, who's rank she couldn't tell, but one of whom Sy called a sergeant.
"I'll get out here and they'll take me to the hangar in a cart. No civilian vehicles allowed today. Apparently they're doing maneuvers." he shrugged and got out to grab his bag.
"I put the rest of the takeout in here too. It's in one of my nice coolers on ice."
"Thanks." she told her shoes as they stood under the shade of her rear access hatch. She couldn't look at him right now. He made her, though.
"This ain't quite like the airport, but I still don't have a lot of time, sunshine." he kissed her hard, and it really felt like a goodbye, which almost hurt more than his leaving. Almost. He wrapped his arms tightly around her, and she knew she'd feel that embrace all evening. She hoped it would last for weeks.
"I love you, Sy." she sobbed to him. Trying like hell to keep it together.
"I love you, darlin.' Now don't you forget that when some other handsome fella gives you the eye. Make sure he's worth it, if you're gonna write me a dear john letter." he winked at her. She laughed and nodded, but didn't feel it was that funny, and didn't intend to adhere to his parameters of their relationship. He ducked under the arm that was preventing her from driving through. Although, legs as long as his, he almost could have stepped over it. She watched him walk away for as long as she could before she was given the signal that she must leave and let other traffic through…although, she resented this. There were two lanes, after all. Couldn't these men see what a mess she was? She'd just had to say goodbye to the love of her life…and she didn't know when…or indeed, if…she'd see him again. She had hope…but that didn't stop her from crying all the way home and the rest of the afternoon as the ghost of Sy's parting hug faded from her skin.
Up Next: Chapter 13: SNAFU
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