#idk how to say this but the idea you have to 'get' another human being by any means necessary to prove your own value is so depressing
themthistles · 1 year
i think that while micro labels can seem useful and affirming ultimately they're isolating and kind of an obstacle to your understanding of self. that's because you can never find a word specific enough. there will never be a label or two labels or even ten, twenty of them to perfectly capture and describe all of your thoughts, feelings, experiences, preferences, needs, interests, identities, etc. because you learn more and more about yourself every day and then you change and your wants and needs change with you. having to hop between labels, fearing that you don't 'fit' into a label anymore (both in your own and others eyes), worrying how soon your current label will wear out, questioning if you'll ever fully fit a single one. all that causes a lot of uncertainty and anxiety which could be avoided by just picking a more general thing and molding it according to what it means to YOU. because words will always mean different things to different people, you will never be understood immediately and maybe never completely by anyone but yourself and that's fine
#another thing is that micro labels often feel like they fracture the community unnecessarily#idk how many times i've seen fighting over hyperspecific ace labels and what they mean and if people described in them even belong#and honestly i think this discourse wouldn't be so vile and neverending if people accepted the idea of falling under general umbrella#and accepted that you can't describe complicated weird and wonderful act of human existence with a couple of words#you don't need to explain yourself to anyone#i know in our present pronouns/sexuality/gender in bio carrd era it feels like you have to but you really don't#people aren't entitled to a short summary of your inner world and you can't speed run connection#also feel the need to say: i have nothing against people who use micro labels#if you feel like your micro label describes you perfectly? i'm really glad and happy for you#i'm just expressing my own thoughts and feelings that come from personal experience with exploring these things#at some point i started doubting if i could call myself a lesbian#i thought oh i'm not exactly what a lot of people generally think of when they hear that word#oh they'll misunderstand and i'm not being my 'true self' i'll find a word that fits me exactly if i just keep looking#and then i found out being aroace is a thing and boy did that add a lot of anxiety and confusion to the pot#i didn't feel like i fit in with both communities wasn't lesbian enough wasn't aroace enough#but at some point i just got tired of trying to justify myself to others and to myself#identities aren't houses you live in they're more like seas or rivers flowing into one another#and spaces where they intersect are vague and hard to define and they shift and change and this metaphor is getting away from me#basically#words are complicated#but they're the only direct way we humans can communicate#it is what it is#so make art#a lot of it#oh also unrelated but if you ever tell older queer folks that they're using wrong words to describe themselves i am going to jump you
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bunabi · 2 years
I really hope Tate’s arrest is one small step towards destroying the super depressing ‘pickup artist’ community that’s been developing over the past five years
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cripplecharacters · 3 months
Hi! I’m working on an original character project that I want to include a lot of casual representation in (“casual” meaning that the characters don’t need a justification for being disabled/fat/POC/etc, they just are because people can and do exist that way in reality!)
I was wondering if you had any suggestions for finding resources for drawing facial differences(and maybe other visible disabilities), especially in a cartoony style. I’ve looked through the Facial Equality Week tag but would like to see more examples, and since my art is so… goofy, for lack of a better word, I would love any help I can get in integrating differences without being offensive or upsetting.
Sorry if this is a bother, and thank you for all that you do!
I'm not aware of any guides for drawing facial differences specifically (or at least, good ones. There's 1 billion tutorials telling you that scars are just a Singular Line, always, but that's not... correct), but perhaps someone in the notes could help out?
For my own advice, you could check out this old post I made. Because you mentioned your art being cartoony, I would specifically urge you to not overexaggerate facial differences the way they often are. Prime example would be how a lot of cartoons portray strabismus;
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It's just a funny gag to them rather than, IDK, how some of us look like. Not to mention that one of these is also a mockery of intellectually/developmentally disabled people with "Derp" in the name, but that's beside the point here.
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It's the whole "the character is crazy/stupid/wild/whatever and that's why they have it" that's the problem with how it's often shown. You can also see it in how characters who don't even normally have it will be shown with it for a scene where they're saying something nonsensical, etc.
Another example that's nowhere near as rampant is the like... split-face thing with various facial differences being used. Mostly vitiligo but sometimes also facial palsy. I'm talking about this weirdly perfectly halved face that looks extremely different on each side, often used to signal that a character is two-faced or that the author doesn't know how vitiligo looks like.
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[note: vitiligo also shows up on lighter skin. I wanted to make sure it's visible here for tutorial clarity purposes.]
This one is just weird because it straight up doesn't look like that? I have no idea where it came from, but it should go back there. Facial palsy doesn't make someone look like the antique comedy/tragedy theater mask.
Unless I'm forgetting some other annoying cartoon trope, these would be the big ones that you should stay away from.
Outside of that, it's really on a case by case basis on how a specific FD should be drawn because they're so different! A birthmark can just be a differently colored patch of skin, but a craniofacial difference would require some more changes to be included. Alopecia is well, lack of hair, and can be done very easily but ectrodactyly can be more complicated to show properly because of the limitations of a cartoony artstyle when it comes to hands. And while I do think it would be great to see more of those facial differences that tend to not be included in art at all, there's nothing wrong with deciding to go for the things you can represent more faithfully, especially if you're just starting.
I will say that if you're making an honest attempt at being respectful and trying to get it right, most of us will still be excited to see your work. Even if it's not perfect or has some inaccuracies. I will take a "'yeah more or less' correct with a happy, human character" over a "Very Technically correct but tagged as #tw burns and with blood splattered on them" any day.
Lastly, I wanted to share some art featuring characters with facial differences (and other visible disabilities) that are done in a cartoony, or at least somewhat simplistic artstyles (I'm using both terms very widely here, but like. Not Realism) - maybe it will give you some ideas!
Man with Treacher Collins syndrome (also one of the first pieces online where I saw a character with an FD portrayed in such a lovely way! A fav of mine) Girl with Pfeiffer syndrome Too many characters to count! Woman with burns Woman with a limb difference Multiple characters again Animation featuring people with Down syndrome [youtube] Multiple characters, including a girl with neurofibromatosis, a burn survivor, a girl with a cleft lip and another with TCS! [twitter]
If you have a more specific art question ("how do I draw a person with XYZ facial difference?") you can send me an ask on @saszor! I prefer to stick to the writing theme on this blog but would still like to help if you need it:-)
Hope this helps!
mod Sasza
Edit: apologies for the lack of alt text on one of the images, it has been fixed!
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n0tamused · 21 days
HSR/Genshin Characters as Dragons
A/n: guys this series is getting out of hand I think I need to end it (jokes on you I will never stop talking about dragons). I really hope you are all enjoying this as much as I am <3
Contents: Argenti, Boothill, Dottore as dragons, x reader, gn reader, angst, fluff
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-Another pretty dragon to the list, and one amongst the kinder ones out there. A gentle giant by heart, he seeks to protect all beauty and innocence in the universe
-His kind is generally perceived as greedy and hostile, but for all negative traits his species has, he makes up for them tenfold.
-He tiptoes around young ones and anyone too small or too slow, he carries them if need be without being prompted to. Elderly and the kids have grown to love his presence and assistance, however scarce it may be since he comes and goes like the wind, chasing whatever enemy he spotted. Sometimes he can be overbearing with how eager he is to help, be it in human or dragon form
-He doesn’t shy away from his dragon form whatsoever, and since it is made for battle he uses its advantages against his enemies. His scales are quite tough and not many things can pierce him, and the horn in the middle of his forehead acts like a spear. One swing of his head is usually all it takes to take down his opponent
-Even covered in blood and grime after a battle or trial, he still holds a certain air of regality and elegance as he walks down the path to civilization where he goes to get cleaned (idk but I keep imagining a specific image. It's Argenti with blood on his center horn and looking sort of unbothered or innocent. Like those images of unicorns with blood on their horns yk?)
-His spikes are reminiscent of rose thorns, and very sharp.
-While he appreciates all the praise, he doesn’t consider himself worthy of it, and while he does love all the kids running to him - he does prefer that they don’t touch him for the same reason. He is not worthy of it, he is a knight of beauty but he is tainted, and he doesn’t want to taint the little young souls.
-It took some time until he let you come close to his form, and for a little he did feel overwhelmingly guilty. He always carries a sense of guilt and incompetence, he got used to that taste in his mouth
-He would jump into any battle honestly, and especially if it involves you. He grew to care about you a bit too much
-He spends much more time in human form around you, when battle is done and over with he would go to you after getting cleaned and tidied up, wishing to know and hear again that you are alright. And while you talk he always wonders if you were blessed by Idrila themselves, or perhaps you were set on his path by the Goddess of Beauty for him to meet? If this was another trial, he felt like he was failing - and failure never tasted better.
-He prays he doesn’t lose you. He does love to sing you praises whenever he can, and if he is passing by in his dragon form he lets out a little purr/soft chirp.
-Argenti often visits later at night, a rose in hand yet to bloom fully. And by morning, the petals unroll to reveal the deep red bloom, but by then he is long gone, and the conversation is but a memory to you both
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-Boothill is a feral dragon, a hostile one and is to be avoided at all costs - many posters around towns say so, and if there is a rumble through the ground you can be sure there are people herding others into the closest building.
-He is nothing to scoff at. If he was a fierce dragon before, the metal, indestructible body didn’t make him any less soft. The IPC certainly had their ‘fun’ with creating him as he is now. They had attempted to put wings on him but the new body was already too heavy, so that idea was scrapped. Boothill did have wings in his previous body, his own wings that took him high above the ground and over lakes and sandy dunes, but now he will never fly again. 
-Nor will he be human anymore. He had died in his dragon form, and the power which allowed him to go between human and beast had died along with his past life. He’s not sure what’s worse - being half machine, marked by anguish and anger, or not being able to see the world from the lenses of a human, from a 6ft height and not 20 or so feet higher than that. 
-He was confined to the ground. But as soon as he had made his escape from the IPC’s clutches, he was gone for good.
-He had done it himself and removed the chips that marked his location and destroyed pieces of him that would have revealed him, and he made use of the ground he knew too well, better than them anyway.
-Somewhere along the lines, he joined the Galaxy Rangers and they patched him up, gave him whatever missing pieces he needed and he found his place among them.
-It took a long, long time for him to somewhat settle in his new body, the phantom pains and limbs never went away though.
-Now, though, whenever he arrives at a new planet he doesn’t take up too much space or makes himself known, he prefers the life of solitude and his own solo missions
-Sometimes someone may bump into him, but they’re never harmed unless they’re a part of the IPC. He has developed quite the keen senses for them.
-However you wormed your way into his, now, mechanical heart, I congratulate you. Seeing how physically impossible it can be to reach him
-But Boothill is quite chill once you get into a talk with him, and although sometimes he can get lost in the talk he does try to keep his voice down to a lower volume so he doesn’t hurt your ears. He’d lay down after lighting a small fire for you, his eye closer to where he can see you “normally” - and not from somewhere in the clouds. And from there on you two would talk and exchange stories. If you happen to be another dragon he’d be more at ease, and more at home too since he doesn’t have to tip toe as much around you or around certain subjects
-If you happen to be another dragon he does love to lock horns from time to time and wrestle a little like that, it gives his real skin some stimulation and something to feel. It may not be a fair battle as he is mechanical, but he tries to make it fair by letting a few screws loose- he doesn’t tell you that though.
-Speaking of that, he did once have his wrist nearly fall off due to this, he was trying to get some more ground to push himself off and the screw just popped out and he slipped, crashing into the ground as if he forgot how to walk
-Regardless if you are just a human or if you can take a form of  dragon, you have earned yourself the scary dog privilege (a dog that is secretly real nice and soft when you are around)
-also side note but in the art I did forget to draw the "thumb" on his hind right leg, apologies but yeah he'd have 5 fingers on all his limbs
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-He wasn’t well loved by his surroundings in the place he originally hails from and he was exiled by his own kin, being chased to the edges of his region to be left to the elements - wherever that may be at this point because all records give different answers, and no one who has gone after him has returned alive.
-The hunger for knowledge grew from day to day, he had grown quite obsessive with getting the results he wanted. At this time he wasn’t exactly small, so he’d use the size of his dragon to his advantage as well, be it to frighten someone or to amaze another. It didn’t matter, as long as he got what he wanted. He doesn’t know anything else but the acts of setting a hypothesis and proving it true, or wrong, or finding another result equally as good. Nothing pleased him more than to succeed.
-His original body was paler than the one he has now, and while that could be blamed on growing up, it can also easily be said that it was a result of his experiments, and perhaps this form is just one of his many clones. Who’s to say he doesn’t have a pale blue dragon spying somewhere else while this black beast stalks around the Akademiya?
-His wings have three appendages on them which allow for easy manipulation of items or opponents, so he doesn’t often see the need to revert back and forth between forms unless something is delicate and requires that human touch.
-He is calculating and a mastermind behind many inventions, both mechanical and medicinal based. He can easily cure many ailments or fix up complex pieces of machinery that have long since been lost to histories. He has invented his own too, the clones are the biggest proof and only a small glimpse of what he is capable of. 
-The Omega Build can be said to be the closest to what he looks like in truth, but in terms of personality they can differ a bit. Omega is much more selfish and prone to using charm that the Prime wouldn’t really strive to use.
-Dottore does have the size and strength and all the power he could need to take down anyone, and while he may not be the biggest dragon you should be smarter than to think he can fall easily in battle. He has the power that can match that of an Archon - you really think he would be defeated to someone lesser than that?
-Underneath that mask you may find either his red eyes and scarred face, or an open part of his body that reveals the metal underneath and the red star that act as his eyes.
-He can walk bipedally and quadrupedally. 
-Another thing he is quite proficient at is mimicking sounds, and with that he lured people in. Some papers, implied to be him and some other Akademiya student, talk about how the young female student was lured away by sounds into a cavern, where she was promptly ripped apart. This death was blamed on the starving tigers found in the area, but Dottore knows the real story behind that attack.
-He is quite a good looking dragon, but can easily make your blood run cold with a simple flash of his sharp teeth. 
-You want one of his feathers, you say? Sure, you may have one, he’ll pluck it out himself and hand it to you. But don’t think it will come free.
Size chart:
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- Argenti is actually a smaller dragon for his kind
-Had a bit of a difficult time sizing these boys up, but shh
-Dottore was smaller before, but after he began to make clones and also modify himself he grew more as a result of all those experiments (but is this the 'original'? Hmmm)
-Boothill once looked a bit disproportionate in the first mechanical body he had, since the IPC got wrong measurements, or perhaps it was on purpose as an act of some humiliation to break his spirits, along with making him crawl around without limbs as "punishment" (ah yes, I love Boothill lore)
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Ⓒ n0tamused. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
Tags: @moonlitreveri3 @lexidraws2 @drowning-in-cabbages @creationsabyss @grimulf-of-the-wilderness @st4rrl1ghtwastaken @the-inquisitive-constellation @voiddance @the-bilkush @fictionally-attached
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thecommunalfoolboy · 5 months
I think tadc is gonna explore the different ways a person would cope with the situation of being trapped in a fake world and take them all to their logical extremes.
Like the whole thing with Jax is that he’s viewing this in a code breaker way. None of its real, the fake people aren’t real, so it doesn’t matter if I kill them and break things. Hell, what if that’s how we get out? What if you can break enough things that the whole code falls apart and the game shuts down? I find this idea the most interesting because i honestly think that’s how I’d react to the whole situation. Like if none of this shit has consequences then why not see just how far you can actually push it? Act insane and see how the game reacts. It’s like that option in a dialogue tree where the player sees it and is like ok no one would actually ever say that, but it’s insane enough that I wanna see what would happen if I did.
Kinger is the most realistic reaction in that he kinda literally just went crazy. Like he got locked in fairy land and lost it. He seems to at this point almost believe it’s all real too, he calls himself an actual king and not just a human who randomly got put in a chess piece body. He’s at the point that he’s just manic and accepted that this is reality now
Ragatha seems more like one of the early mindsets, like she arrived kinda recently. Her idea is to just play the game as it was supposed to be played. Go on the adventure, save the kingdom, oh no, the bad guys are here! She’s still trying to rationalize it all and act like it’s real. But after a while she’s probably gonna find it harder and harder to pretend that she cares about the next NPC’s problems. She’s gonna face the eternity trapped here one way or another, and when playing the game stops working she’s gonna have to find something that does.
Pomni’s so new to this all, she’s still going through the stages of grief. She’s so preoccupied with all this new stuff she hasn’t had to actually sit down and figure out how to respond yet. And most importantly, she still thinks there’s a way out- when she’s forced to realize that she’s stuck here for forever, she’s gonna have to figure out what’s next.
For Gangle and Zooble I’m honestly not sure. Maybe it’s just that they haven’t gotten as much screen time yet, but I can’t get quite the read on them comparatively. So idk if anyone has ideas lmk I guess
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bitterrobin · 2 months
the mom/dadification of Dick really starts to be detrimental when people say things like "[insert parental figure] should've done more to properly reprimand/comfort [insert whump blorbo here]" Especially when it comes to the 2009 era with Tim's whole deal - its always "why didn't Dick 'parent' Damian better and do something for Tim???" and never actually analyzing why that whole idea is wrong. Dick isn't Tim's father and Dick isn't Damian's father. He's Tim's older brother first and foremost. Why does whenever Bruce die or do something shitty suddenly everyone shoves Dick into the Fatherhood role? He has responsibility as the adult in simple terms, yes, but at the time of Bruce's death in the 2009 Reborn era he was not Damian's family.
He was watching Damian because Damian at the time was an obstacle, like running around having to carry a bomb and watch it so it doesn't explode. He wasn't taking care of Damian because he cared about the kid (at first) and he told Tim that much before Tim decided to leave. He explicitly told Tim that he trusted him as an equal partner, not another kid he needed to watch out for. And whether that sentiment is wrong or not is your opinion, but theres something to said about Dick's own struggles with independence and how he was probably trying to give Tim a chance of independence that wouldn't end as badly as Dick and Bruce's schism did. It backfired in a sense, and honestly I feel regardless of whether Tim stayed as Robin or not things would still have ended shitty because they were both grieving and Tim is a teenager becoming an adult and they were not agreeing on the Bruce thing. (Even if Tim was never shown on panel telling Dick his actual ideas for Bruce being alive before he left).
Whatever idk. I just feel people forget Dick has his own serious issues and absolutely none of the Batman characters would be adept at therapy speak or actively acknowledging their own problems. Dick has his own shit to deal with, just as Tim has his own issues and Damian has issues. There's never going to be a correct solution to the very human conflict going on. You can't "I'm a good parent/sibling" your way out of it. Dick suddenly gaining self-sentience and deciding to punish Damian like a dad would change nothing. Honestly it'd make things worse, Damian has never responded well to parenting and I don't get why people think getting yelled at or put in baby jail would fix his deep-seated issues with the concept of mom/dad. Damian getting punished wouldn't fix anything. Tim staying Robin wouldn't fix anything because he was already set on leaving to search for clues on his theory.
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wolverineluvr · 9 months
Yandere Giant Gojo
TW: Yandere, stalking, Gojo is a creep, the reader gets pregnant and has a kid, underwear sniffing, Gojo has breeder balls cus I said so, brief noncon mention, brief mention of jacking off, kidnapping.
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Giant Gojo who saw a cute little human and was immediately drawn to them. How could he not be? You're so adorable and tiny!
Giant Gojo who started to visit you whenever he could, at first you were scared of him, of course you were. He's well, a giant. At least 60+ feet tall.
Giant Gojo who you slowly warmed up to, despite being a giant, he just seemed like a human. He's actually pretty gentle with you too.
Giant Gojo who, whenever you didn't have enough food, would always visit with something you could eat, whether it be a deer, a bear, or just some bread he stole from another human.
Giant Gojo who always stared at you with the most loving and admiring look. He couldn't help it, you're so perfect.
Giant Gojo whose little crush quickly soured into an unhealthy obsession. He can't do anything anymore, all he wants to do is be with you, all he thinks about is you.
Yandere Giant Gojo who starts to watch you sleep through the window in your bedroom, he wishes so badly that he was small so he could be with you, or watch you more stealthily.
Yandere Giant Gojo who finds and forces a mage who gives him pills to be human, and a love potion.
Yandere Giant Gojo who doesn't use the potion on you, believing that you'll fall in love with him on your own.
Yandere Giant Gojo who watches you through your window or under your bed, watching you change regularly and stealing your underwear to sniff and or use to jack off.
Yandere Giant Gojo who soon develops a breeding kink, realizing how much seed he releases when he orgasms. He's sure it'll also help you love him if you realize how easily he can get you to have kids.
Yandere Giant Gojo who surprises you by showing you that he can be human, like you. "We can start planning the wedding now, m'kay?"
Yandere Giant Gojo who is surprised and sad when you say no, and when he finds out that you don't like him romantically.
Yandere Giant Gojo who forces you down as he undresses you, you'll love him after he gives you kids right?
Yandere Giant Gojo who, in the end, takes you back to his massive house.
Yandere Giant Gojo who keeps you locked up, even when you're pregnant. He visits you a lot in the tiny house he made you, when he's not well, a giant.
Yandere Giant Gojo who wasn't really sure what to do when you give birth, and took you back to your village to have the other humans help you, despite his unwavering want to keep you to himself.
Yandere Giant Gojo who, at times, holds his and your child above your head, threatening them so you do, or don't do, something.
Yandere Giant Gojo who decides he's glad he saw you that fateful little day, now you're his little human.
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Notes: might make this a series if ever wanted(js know I'm very slow w that stuff) but idk it was js a lil idea I had :3
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beheaded-sweets · 4 months
I've read lots and I mean lots of SAGAU content. People have different interpretations, so here's mine! Well, at least an idea of it.
Tw: Brief mention of Tartag going bozonkers on murder, perhaps general creepy, very unorganized since this is just an initial idea
Alright, so MC can control characters but isn't aware the characters can understand whenever they speak or what their next plans are in the game.
This leads to the controlled characters making odd voice lines often.
Like Xiao? He'll be like, "Adepti aren't meant to follow orders from outsiders. But...I'll make an exception this time." And then he'll proceed to try and burst out as many crits as he possibly can.
But here's the thing. If MC doesn't have the character at all, they aren't aware of MC. So this leaves all the MC's and unobtained characters very confused when the ones that are being controlled starting mutter random bullshit about a deity.
The ones that are directly in MC's party of course are probably the worst in terms of their obsession and admirance. They'll always try to ruin pulls on the gacha, or try to sneak creepy ass voicelines once in a while.
For example, Tartaglia, "Being covered in blood is something I don't mind. As long as I get to serve you. You're my idol."
Also, depending on the character's personality, MC will get different buffs for gameplay.
For example, more lighthearted characters like Ganyu or Nilu will get buffs for passive things like drop rate or decreased item respawn time.
Meanwhile, aggressive characters go all for the buffs for battle. Crit Rate, Crit Atk, Elemental mastery. You know, the things you always ended up farming for.
Also, the more manipulative/conniving characters will affect your gacha pull rates. Other personality types can too, but these fuckers will refuse to let you have your pull.
Another thing I've thought of is how the characters' backgrounds affect how they view MC. More so on what kind of attraction to them.
Like the little kids obviously see MC as a guide or an older person to look up to.
The teenagers see them as either best friends or a first true crush kind of deal.
The young adults will most likely be romantically obsessed with MC, unless their backgrounds say otherwise. (Idk, hints that they're aro or something).
The archons and the older, non-human ones will often...feel entitled. They think that you should listen to their guidance or be grateful that they're in love with you. Because why else would you be so stuck on trying to use their power?
Anyway, that's all I have for now. This is just an initial idea. I hope to get some content out soon. On more specific characters to be exact.
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bunji-enthusiast · 8 months
Hi hello! Idk if your request is currently open or not, but I'd like to request a fic where the Reader is a member of the Smiling Critters, they're still alive due to Catnap's fondness of them. They're on his side but hate it, only doing it in exchange that Dogday wouldn't get hurt.
With Catnap's permission, they would visit Dogday and give him whatever food they could find ( let's say Catnap still has some fondness for Dogday inside of him ) but with limitations.
You can change the idea into how you prefer! Thank you in advance :D
Ps. Mind adding a scene where Dogday calls the Reader " Angel " and reminisces about Catnap's fondness for both of them? I hope it makes sense, I just melt seeing Dogday calling us Angel :'D
Here We Stay
Note || KSJSJSJD I loved writing this, everything makes sense :D My apologies I took so long to write this! Kinda short too but UUHHHHH-
WC || 1,176
Sypnosis || being a member of the Smiling Critters meant you would’ve died one way or another, but you didn’t. Now all you can do is hope for the best.
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One of the worst possible things could be corporate greed, even just having good intentions yet the worst execution is a plausible answer. Just how could you be forced into this situation? Trying to make things worth Catnap’s while is harsh, the only reason you knew you were alive right now was merely because he was particularly fond of you and DogDay alike. He wasn’t the same after the fact the Prototype’s reign began, you weren’t aware of much yourself, so all of this was just plain scary to you.
All your friends just disappeared and died, some of which you didn’t know was happening. You only got all that information because of DogDay.
You hated the circumstance he was put in, it seemed so painful for one’s legs to be severed and just hung up there the way he is now.
Repeatedly however, DogDay has assured you he didn’t mind being like this so long as you were in good health. He couldn’t bear knowing he wouldn’t be able to do a single thing for one of the only friends he has left. So many of his friends were gone already, DogDay would elect to die for you if it meant you would live.
Truth be told, you had only exchanged the peace you had before so that DogDay would not get hurt anymore then he already has. Catnap had full will and the power to completely end your life otherwise, you just were scared. 
Sometimes when you could, you would take a look at the broken clock that had somehow still worked like normal–and think about what time it would be in the day–Is it nighttime? How about daytime. Oh how you wished you weren’t subject to things the way they are now, all because of the wretched rules of humans and even the abject rulings of the Prototype himself.
Why would Catnap even view that silly toy as a god anyway? Perhaps that was for him to know, and for you to find out. Once, your life isn’t in any danger any longer. Just maybe it will be possibly any hour now, one can only hope. 
Trying to scrounge the Factory for any possible food was getting harder and harder every hour, one could argue it may be the stupid little mice stealing those last precious crumbs away. You would argue it would be the little Wuggies, those small toys were objectively brisk–and limpid too (colors so closely related within the walls of the factory, you forget sometimes they are even there).
You try hard to not forget where you are, in order to get back to DogDay with food for him. That was the only reason you were even anywhere else and away from your sunny friend, you would still be close to him any chance you get on account of Catnap’s permission. 
You wished otherwise.
“Ugh!” Groaning, you step over the possible weak spots that would have you falling through the floor. “There has to be food around here somewhere..” You mention, notioning to the fact you had now stepped into an office. There would be bound to be food here!
With an ounce of hope, you began scrounging the office for any possible heaps of food that you find. Ruffling through any drawers and papers, this office seemed to be a mess. You paid no mind to the messes anyway, there are bound to be messes since the last ten years in Playtime Co. 
“Success! Haha!” You triumphantly hold a bundle of donuts in your hand, “Take that Hour of Joy!” 
Winding down from your self inflated permeated success, you began making your way back to DogDay. You’d have to speak to Catnap to get to him first unfortunately, you always hated this part. Nonetheless, it was necessary.
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You picked up the phone, already dialing Catnap to inform him of current conditions. You carefully had curated your words, you always did this when you spoke to him which ever way.
His deep voice rumbled soundly in your ears, “Food, for him?” 
“Yes.” You silently groan, kicking a benign rock stubble as you stand around while awaiting his confirmation. Why the hell was he so scary to you? Though, Catnap’s voice was oddly reassuring when he spoke without malcontent. For a moment, there was a long pause. 
You swore you could hear someone screaming and pleading to the giant purple cat; you felt bad for the unlucky victim that had crossed paths with Catnap.
“...” Then the phone hung up, you sighed a breath of relief that you could visit DogDay. Many things you would do for him just aside visiting, was having to loop in Catnap on whatever the contents of the material you would bring in hand with you. You knew the cat well enough his pause of silence meant yes. 
Well, you can go now at least. You don’t even want to recount the last time you had brought something to DogDay without telling Catnap. 
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You stepped over the rubble that had led up to the heretic altar, you recognize he is one of the many dubbed a heretic, you truly wished he wasn’t in so much pain this way. Though immediately another thought crossed your mind.
This hallway needed some serious cleaning up to do.
A strained voice pulled you from your thoughts, “You didn’t have to bring anything my friend.” DogDay was being positive about you as per usual, you sighed as you stepped up to him then sat down as your legs were weary and tired. 
“DogDay we are friends, I’d do anything for you.” You motion, taking out a donut so you could feed it to him. Though in a rare few circumstances you were allowed to free DogDay’s hands so he could eat himself. Unfortunately it was not one of those circumstances. He took a willing bite, chewing it up as he savored it. 
For a moment, he wasn’t sure how to articulate anything, “Do you, remember how he was before… Angel?” DogDay was still mournfully thinking about Catnap’s old self, which he had every right to do. Knowing someone for as long as you would, then that someone changing so drastically–especially not in a good way–can be startling. 
You fed him another bite of the donut you held in your hand, “How could I forget? He was quite silent, sure enough. But he was always considering each and every one of us.” You nod with a tilted head. Oh, if you had the chance to turn back the clock and change things, you would’ve done it all in a heartbeat. 
Sincerely, you were scared. Scared for Catnap, scared for DogDay. All your possibly living friends you know are still alive. 
You grin slightly, wanting to alleviate the conversation and change the subject, “You might need a cleaning.” DogDay couldn’t help but bark–reminiscent of laughter–at your words. He shifted himself noticeably, most likely to bear the weight from one end to another. And remove the discomfort for a little bit before it would dare come back. 
“You may be right, my angel.”
"One can only hope."
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thechekhov · 7 months
Chekhov Reads Dungeon Meshi: CH52
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Everyone else: surrounded by at least family or friends.
Senshi: just me and my trusty frying pan
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I feel like Kui-san created the perfect explanation for the artistic whim of 'I wanna draw high fantasy.... or maybe horror.... hmm.... and now I wanna draw cookbooks. And now I wanna draw steampunk!' and just made it work for her.
Queen shit, honestly.
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Wow, dwarves are way more uptight than I thought. No drinking in the trolley?!
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It's YOUR turn on the backstory, Laios.
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Laios going into the military and then immediately backing out with a 'thanks but no thanks' is very... Laios.
He's also suddenly emaciated. This feels like there's parts being left out.
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and ALSO why is Falin here???? Oh wait it's just another person.
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.......so Falin was at the academy until her brother showed up and then ALSO DESERTED????? She didn't even graduate or anything? She just noped out one day???????
Marcille heart attack in 3.... 2....... 1................
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"You literally came by and STOLE my girlfriend from school!"
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Senshi you..... you literally almost died of starvation in a dungeon due to lack of planning and then just did Whatever and got by. 😂
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Laios, did you leave your baby sister behind because the people were dicks? Is this just Laios telling it badly, or was he just a kid dealing with it badly?
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For being a fantasy manga, this has incredibly modern social issues.
Or maybe the issues in question are just timeless.
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The horrified, stupid feeling of realization when you're a little bit of an asshole, but not on purpose - just out of ignorance. Oooooh godddds, this is so real. This is so REAL!
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It's so dumb how human this manga is. I love it.
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...th...this metaphor may be getting a bit out of hand...... is it really as simple as eggs on bacon...????
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okay............where are you going with this.......?
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MmmmmHMMMM. I see. Hmmm. Interesting. HmmMMM. I....okay.
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no, no, he's got a point.
But actually, was IS the plan here? He says that as though it's a workable plan but.
Is the idea to just.... eat Falin's non-human parts??? That's most of her. Up to her neck. You have, what, a neck and a head? Are you working under the assumption that there's more human parts buried in dragon meat? You're working under the assumption that she hasn't become the dragon as much as it became her.
Idk, man. It all feels very....... raw.
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But I'm sure it'll work out EXACTLY like this.
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Get your knife and fork, Kabru. You've been formally invited to dine on the body of Laios' sister who killed you once.
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prismuffin · 5 months
Idk why this is so funny to me, but how would the Batfam react to Tim Drake making a contract with a demon Male reader?
Like a part of the demon contract deals, is neither party demon nor the human can say what the contract is. So the batfam has no context what, so why is the demon there and follows around Tim.
Batman ofc dragged a favour out of Constantine, and John explains that many contracts have one rule that the contract can be told to others, of what it is. But he can give them info of the demon, which Male Reader is a demon that rules over psychology and secrets.
So when Tim is doing another "all-nighter" (it's going on 29 hours of being a wake), the batfam notices the demon getting agitated watching Tim and speaks 'Do you remember the rules of our contract?' , Tim sighing in stubbornness says 'Yes, but I'm almost done with this breakthrough'.
After one more hour, Demon Reader gets up and taps Tim's shoulder and possesses him. Immediately saving his work, and begins doing all of the self-care tasks Tim's been putting off. Like dumping out his coffee, and drinking water, taking a shower, eating a balanced meal and doing his laundry. While Tim's mind is asleep in his subconscious.
Ooooo I kinda like this idea ok soooo I think that-
At first glance everyone is definitely thrown off by your presence. Why in the world would Tim do something like this out of nowhere? Damian is just intrigued and curious, mostly asking you questions that you promptly ignore. Dick, and Jason are immediately concerned, throwing out question after question about why Tim would do this but he never tells them. So the first thing they do is run to Bruce who just goes to John to see if he has any information on the type of demon you are. John does his little investigation on you and immediately recognizes you as a type of psychological demon, so he tells them not to worry about it too much. That doesn't stop them from being warry about you as you follow Tim around. They'd try to make idle chatter here and there but you'd always respond quickly, being too focused on Tim to really care about anyone else. It made it hard to build trust with you so they were never 100% sure you wouldn't cause any harm to Tim. Until one day at least.
Of course there came a time where Tim refused to sleep as he worked on his latest breakthrough. The others had tried to get him to away from his lab and into a bed or at the very least the kitchen to eat a meal but it was no use, until you that is. Around the 29th hour of Tim's all-nighter the others had heard some commotion from his lab. Going to check it out they found you nagging him to take a break and rest while reminding him about the rules of your covert contract. When he'd ignored you one last time you took matters into your own hands, possessing Tim and forcing him to get up and take care of himself. The others were definitely freaked out until they noticed you simply cleaning up his desk before moving to the bathroom where you made sure his teeth were brushed and his face was washed. You'd made him take a shower, eat, hydrate, and all in all just did menial tasks for him, making sure he was taken care of. It boggled everyone's minds somewhat but it sort of confirmed Johns suspicions that you wouldn't be a threat to anyone, let alone Tim.
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starkeygirlposts · 3 months
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Goosebumps in my Sleeve CH. 2
Welcome back for part 2! I hope you enjoy! Please read the excerpt at the end!
Summary: You've been dating Rafe Cameron for 3 years, and one day Ward and your mom tell you they're getting married.
*In this story, Rafe kills Peterkin after accidentally shooting Sarah. Also, just to note, Renfeild did not die (this will make sense in the next chapter)
Pairings: Rafe Cameron x fem!reader
Trigger warnings: stepcest, drugs, pregnancy, noncon, swearing, pregnancy, p in v sex, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, domestic violence, sex, idk what else lol
*Even Cowboys Cry by Dasha
Beautiful Things by Benson Boone
Atlantis by Seafret
Braided by Emily Rowed
18+ mdni
Your hands are trembling as you quietly tell him “I don’t trust you, Rafe."
You can’t meet his eyes, so the two of you are silent for a while, until you feel his footsteps approach you before seeing his feet before you. You feel his fingertips graze your chin as he grips it between his thumb and tilts your head up.
His brow is furrowed, his head cocked to the side with one eye squinting in confusion when he repeats what you’d just told him. “You don’t trust me?” You wonder how it’s so hard for him to believe.
You laugh humorless, “Why would I trust you?! What have you shown to me in the last year that warrants my trust? You can hurt me, shun me, but you will not do the same to a baby.” You’re seething, eyes burning holes into his now, fire deep in your belly at the thought of him abandoning his child like he did you. A child who you knew would seek his approval their entire life, just like Rafe does with Ward. The idea makes you sick.
You’ve let him do as he pleased for a year. Allowed your “relationship” or lack there of to abide by his rules, allowed him into your bed and your heart without any recourse. You were done now. This changed everything.
Before he could open his mouth to speak, you sneer, “Big, bad Rafe Cameron who’s so afraid of his daddy, he lets his words scare him into ghosting his girlfriend. Why the fuck should I trust you? I don’t believe that ‘you’ll make this okay’, when you left me to pick up the pieces that night without even bothering to try and fight for us.” The corners of your mouth are upturned in what you can only describe as disgust as you finally look at him, embarrassment and shame at the forefront of your mind as you imagine yourself on all the nights you’ve laid on your bed and allowed him to use your body to the point that his seed stuck inside of you to create another human being. Another Rafe. You’re shaking now, teeth bared and eyes glossy, anger bubbling from your middle up to your mouth. You take his silence as encouragement to continue.
“You’re a coward.” You finally tell him, jerking your chin out of his grasp before slapping his hand away, all the while holding his line of sight. “You’re weak and pathetic. You’re a poor excuse for a man and if you think I’d trust you after all of this, you’re mistaken.” You finally say, stepping around him and heading toward the door to hold it open so he can kindly get the fuck out.
But just as you get a foot in front of him, you feel his hand on the back of your neck, hurling you back around to face him as he tilts your head up to hover his lips mere inches from yours.
He finally opens his mouth against yours to murmur. “You done?” Your hand comes up to shove at his chest, but he doesn’t budge, his chest poking into yours, not letting up on his grip on you. His eyes bore into yours and you swear you see a smirk across his mouth. “I’m looking past this little tantrum you’re having right now because I’m still not even sure I’m not hallucinating right now, but don’t think I won’t remember this shit.” He tells you and now you know you see a smirk on his face. His eyes soften cunningly when he says “You don’t think I’m weak when I’m balls deep inside your cunt, or down your throat.” His finger traces down your chin down to the hollow of your throat before you swat it away.
"Was I not enough? Only now that I’ve got this…thing growing inside of me, you suddenly care? Now you’re going to be big brother of the year, huh? Now you’re gonna step it up and make it all okay!” You snort, "You get high instead of dealing with your problems…is standing up to daddy too scary? Afraid he’ll cut you off? Was that so much worse than losing me?” You’re spitting your words, the back of your neck still in a vice grip as he runs his nose down your cheek, inhaling as his skin sweeps over yours. It’s intimate, more intimate than he is with you when he slides inside you. You think he’s trying to break you, intimidate you even. You feel his hot breath next to your ear as he takes the lobe into his mouth, gently sucking before whispering,
"It’s not my fault your mom’s a whore who couldn’t stand on her own two feet for more than five minutes.” He slurs at you and you almost laugh at his poor attempt at hurting you with words.
You shove your entire body against him and this time he does stumble back. You watch him as his hair flops in his eyes, glazed from the drugs and alcohol as he wipes the corner of his mouth with his thumb and smiles at you like he’s amused. “Screw you. You think I don’t hate my fucking mother for this? Maybe I should ask you to kill her for me just like you killed someone for him. I wonder if I’m important enough, though.” You scoff and mutter under your breath, “And I’m supposed to "trust" you to take care of me when it’s only going against what daddy wants?” You look up and meet his gaze, him watching you and you wonder if that did it.
It’s you not believing in him to protect you that sets him off.
"Would you rather have been shipped off to California? I made a choice, baby. Fucking in secret wasn’t as bad as not fucking at all.” Your nose wrinkles at his grotesque depiction of your union. He’s approaching you now, and you allow his hand to come up and cup the side of your face. You can’t help but soften when he touches you this way. He looks into your eyes and even though his pupils are blown black, you still see the lonely boy you love there. “You really think no one knows? When you’re moaning my name and my hand is between your legs instead over your mouth, you really think no one hears you? Wake up silly girl,” he taps your temple with two fingers before you wince at his insensitive words. "They know, sweetheart. They just don’t care enough about you to let it change anything.”
You're silent, teeth gnawing at the inside of your cheeks as you process what he says. Your eyes well up with tears as you stare back at him wordlessly. You have nothing left to say. What do you say to that? You’ve fought your fight here. But as always, he knows just how to plunge the knife where it hurts deepest. He watches you almost in wonder, waiting for your rebuttal before you blink and the tears drip down your cheeks in streams. Your lids stay closed and you can’t help the sobs that escape your mouth as you start to cry.
It wasn’t always this way, or so you think. You think your mom must have put your wants and needs, even your happiness above hers at one point. But after your dad, did it all change then? Or was it really always this way and you were you too blind to see it? Too good of a daughter to think the person you loved most in this world didn’t love you just as much in return. His words have you shuffling through your memories like a file cabinet to wonder and question everything in your life.
“No no no no no no,” He starts stuttering, blubbering even before pulling you to his chest, the back of your head cradled in his palm as the monster who maims you also reels you in for consolation. You can’t help the crying mess you’ve become now, and maybe hormones are to blame but it isn’t where your mind is going right now. “Shit, shiiiiit, I - fuck - it was too far. I know it was too far. But you know I’m the one who cares about you here baby. You know that don’t you?" He rambles, arm wrapping around your middle and rocking you back and forth. “Come on, don’t cry. I’m - I’m sorry, okay? Just don’t cry. Shit, I’m fucking sorry baby I didn’t mean - ” He’s begging but he doesn’t take back his words - how could he when everything he said is nothing but true? You cut him off by whispering to him to "please shut up".
You sniffle, using his sleeve to stop your nose from dripping, breathing in the scent of his deodorant and laundry detergent. Your hand comes up to cup over his bicep, and you mumble against his sleeve, “Show me you’re the one who cares.” So he pulls his head to you from the side of your temple, craning his neck to look down at you, your eyes blinking softly and he’s so fucking sorry for making you cry, especially now that you’ve got his kid inside you, so he loosens and kisses away the tears on cheeks before kissing your lips and telling you again that he’s going to make it okay.
His hands come up to cradle the crook of where your jaw meets your ears, his thumbs pressing massagingly there, causing your knees to buckle but he keeps you upright, one hand snaking down to sneak under your shirt and upwards until the flat of his palm rests over your warm tit, your skin on fire while his thumb and side of his pointer finger grips your nipple just tight enough to make you whimper and you’re sure you’re going to cry again, but not because you feel sad. No, right now you feel electrified, on fire with desire for the only person who truly knows you inside and out.
“Please touch me, Rafe.” You mewl and he breaks his lips from yours to chuckle, telling you “I’am touching you, pretty girl.” As his entire hand cups your boob, pulling you closer to him. His mouth resumes against yours, his tongue slotting in between your lips to caress yours, swallowing all of your whines and humming against you.
Your hands come to rest on his forearms, squeezing enough so you hope he understands that you need more.
“Touch me.” You mumble again, grabbing his hand from under your shirt. He groans into your mouth, pulling away and looking down to watch you as you guide his hand lower, past your belly button and down to the elastic band of your night shorts. His thumb teases against the fabric as he looks back up to your eyes, and he looks like a child who’s just been given the toy that's been on his wish list. His feet shuffle him closer to you as he grinds his hips against you, and you can feel the hardness of him against your belly, his eyes never leaving yours.
“You’re such a slut for my cock aren’t you baby? Should’ve known you couldn’t stay away from me. They’re so fucking stupid.” He chuckles to himself and you roll your eyes, bucking your hips up and into him, hoping he’ll take the bait. He does, his hand slipping into your shorts and panties, his index finger sweeping through your folds and you shudder. Goosebumps prick at your skin, your eyes closing and you whimper his name. The cold metal of his ring kisses your clit and you cry out, your hands fisting into his shirt and clutching him closer to you. You tilt your head up to his, his eyes scanning your face hoping to memorize you like this.
He can’t help the swell in his chest as he looks at you in adoration. The way your brows furrow in frustration at not being able to cry out louder at the pleasure he’s bringing you. The way your mouth hangs open to let quiet whines and mewls escape, chasing your release. The way you stare back at him with a glaze over your pupils, so cock hungry and needy. How is it possible that he’s procreated with someone so fucking perfect?
“Hope our baby looks just like you. Can’t be hard to share the love I have for you with a kid who looks just like their momma.” Your eyes open and look into his, your mouth parting in a moan when you weakly tell him to stop it.
“Why? S’true. Kid’ll be cursed if it comes out looking like me.” He mumbles. You keep watching his eyes as he uses his pointer and ring finger to spread you and slide his middle finger into your heat. You can’t help the gasp and whine that exits your mouth and you bite your lip to stifle your sigh.
“Mmm, Rafe…baby would be so lucky to look like you. Stop punishing y - your - self.” He’s stealing breath from you as he picks up the pace, adding his pointer finger now and circling your clit with his thumb. His pressure is firm as he coaxes your orgasm from you and your mouth hangs open with his name and cry spilling from you as he watches with his own mouth hung open as if he’s coaxing the sounds you're making before he brings his lips back to yours to swallow your voice.
You tremble in his arms as he picks you up easily, palms cupping both ass cheeks as he walks you to the bed and rests you down, using his knees to straddle over you. He mumbles against your lips something about why your clothes are still on and you don’t bother responding, your hands clumsily helping his to tug your shorts and panties down your legs and off your feet, his hands pushing your top up all the way over your chest and tugs it off your head and throws it to the mounting pile on the floor. His hands find their way to the backs of your thighs, spreading you out before him, knees bent back to the sides of your chest as he licks a stripe down between the valley of your breasts, over your belly button and down between your folds where he sucks your clit into his mouth and you see stars. Your vision is suddenly glittery and you grip his wrist, sitting up on both elbows as you look down at him. Your other hand comes to grip a handful of hair at the top of his head, your nails tracing his bangs back before gripping tightly. He groans in pain but sucks you anyway and the sensation is too much. You start whining, louder than you mean to and he taps your thigh to get you to snap back, to which you do and you mumble a ‘sorry’. Your clit pops from his mouth as he draws his face back before sliding 2 fingers back inside you, his eyes flicking to yours briefly before putting his mouth back on you. His tongue ravishes your cunt, flicking and nibbling and sucking and before you know what’s happening you feel like you’re peeing and his mouth is off of you, your head snapping back up to look down at him and he’s just watching you spray him with cum. He slowly drags his eyes over you and up to yours before sliding his fingers out of you and tearing his pants open and pulling his cock out. He’s inside you before you even know what’s happening, his hands on the backs of your knees and he’s telling you how good of a girl you are.
“Holy fuck, baby, just fucking squirted for me…you have any idea how lucky I am? My girl made a mess all over me. So fucking hot baby.” He’s rambling while dragging his cock in and out of you, the squelching sound of your pussy making you wince in embarrassment. He lowers his face down to yours and asks you if you can hear how well you’re taking him.
“Hear yourself baby? Pussy’s taking me so well. Making such pretty noises f’me.” His lips are hovering over yours, brows furrowed in determination as he fucks you ruthlessly. You can feel the tip of his cock kissing your cervix over and over and it’s entirely too much and you tell him he’s too deep.
“Y’too deep, Rafe. Feel you in my belly.” You whine and he chuckles, without humor, lowering his lips to yours. His breath is hot on your mouth and you open your eyes to find him watching you.
“You feel me in there sweet girl?” His hand comes over to put pressure on the exact spot the tip of his cock keeps touching and you swear you’re going to pass out.
“Oh my godddd” You whisper, voice pitched high and quiet, gritting through your teeth.
His other hand leaves your knee to grip your jaw in his hand, your lips puckering like a fish. His eyes bore holes into yours when he says "If I didn’t already know you were cookin’ a baby in here, I’d fuck you until you were pregnant.”
You grit your teeth tighter, clenching your molars as he fucks you fast and deep, the wet sounds of his balls slapping your ass becoming more and more frequent before he tells you “I fucking love you baby, making me a daddy. So fucking proud of you.” You whimper in reply as you gush around him, fluid spilling from you and coating his dick before he stills buried all the way inside you, slotted against that high spot of your cervix and his cum shoots hot spurts inside your walls.
“Think s’a good thing you’re already knocked up.” He says against your lips, cupping your cheek and then resting his temple against yours, peppering your neck with sloppy kisses.
The next morning you wake up, Rafe is still next to you. You feel his arm around you, tracing gentle circles between your shoulder blades as you let your eyes adjust to the daylight. You don’t immediately react, but as you come to, your eyes widen and you withdraw from him and out of bed. He’s awake, looking at you and you stare at him incredulously.
“What the fuck Rafe? What if someone came in here?” You whisper yell, scouring the ground for your clothes.
He stays quiet, all the while watching you move around your room nervously until you still your movements, still naked and you look back at him. He’s naked too, which he wasn’t fully when you were fucking, so you know he must have stayed awake longer than you last night and knowingly shed himself of clothing before climbing into bed with you to stay.
“What are you still doing here?” You ask, picking up your pajamas from the floor and putting them back on.
“You’re really fucking pregnant.” He says and you can't help but snort, irritated at his presence if you're honest and even more irritated with his idiocy.
“Did you think I was kidding? Do you even remember last night?” You ask, huffing as you pull your shirt over your head. Only then does he sit up and pull the covers off to sit on the edge of the bed. “C’mere.” He says, holding his arms out for you. You roll your eyes and begrudgingly obey, standing between his spread legs. You’re thankful his boxers are still on. The chivalry.
His hands wrap around the backs of your thighs, squeezing gently before allowing them to wrap around the front of your legs and skate up to your middle. He drags the satin of your pajama shirt up with his hands as they rake up your stomach and when it’s fully exposed, he just watches you. His eyes are trained on your flat stomach and you teeter on the balls of your feet, huffing in annoyance as his eyes flash to yours quickly before returning to your belly. He leans forward, turning his head to press his cheek to your skin as his hands wrap around your back to drag you closer to him. He hugs you like this, face pressed to your stomach and you can’t help but sigh and bring your own hands up to cradle his head to you. You stay like that for what feels like eternity before you feel his breath on your skin.
“Nothing I can say is going to change any of this. You were right I was afraid of my dad. I probably always will be afraid of him. But I’m more afraid of becoming him. I am weak, I am a coward…but I want to be better. I’m so sorry for ever letting you go.” His voice is quiet, but you can hear him perfectly and when you hear the wet sniffle, your hands clutch his head tighter, fingers running soothingly through his hair. “Promise I’m gonna be a good dad.” Your hands drag his head to tilt up and look at you so you can tell him “I know.” leaning down to kiss the top of his head.
“Swear baby, I’m gonna find a way for us to get out of here. Gonna make you my wife. Gonna buy you a house, gonna be better.” He sniffles and you smile and nod, knowing hoping he would make good on his word this time.
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You hear thumping coming from underneath your feet as you sip on the tea you just brewed. All is quiet tonight, Ward and your mom having gone to bed an hour ago and Wheezie in her room probably drawing x’s and o’s all over her J-14 magazines. You’d also tucked in for the night but when the turning in your stomach started to bubble into acid reflux, you knew that the ginger tea your doctor had recommended would help.
“Not letting you out until you calm down, okay?” He says calmly but loud enough for you to hear, and your feet follow his voice to the spiral staircase that leads down to the wine cellar. You hesitate there before hearing Sarah's voice, muffled but shout “Screw you!” Your feet carry you down the first few steps, trying to be quiet and not spill your overflowing cup of tea. The back of his head is what you see first, his north face jacket hugging his torso as he says “I’m trying to be civil here, and you’re freaking out right now - “ His head whips around to you just as your feet touch the bottom, and your eyes are blown wide as you search his for an explanation.
“Who - who’s in there?” You timidly say, setting the cup of tea down on the closest end table. You already know the answer to your question, but you want him to answer anyway. “It’s Sarah” he tells you, stepping closer to you before you blink wildly “Sarah - why is Sarah in there? Is she locked in there? Why is she locked in there?” You stutter, trying to step around him but his hands come up to grip your upper arms, chasing your face with his until you meet his eyes. “Hey, hey, hey baby she’s locked in there because sometimes you have to make the hard choice. I got the cross. I got it for us and - and s - sh - she knows.” He finally tells you all of it and you get it. “You got it?” You whisper, dismayed. You’re not sure if you’re elated, mortified, or both. You go with the latter. You know how volatile Rafe is when he wants something. You start to wonder how he acquired it after all of this time and back and forth, and you are absolutely terrified of the answer.
CHAPTER 2 DOWN! Have half of chapter 3 written. Thinking this will be longer than I originally thought! Not complaining! Please interact! I will NOT add you to the tag list if you are only commenting to add to the list.
Please repost, and leave a comment so I know you like the story!
Is everyone happy with the direction this story is heading in? My request box is open! I am willing to put anything into the story!
See y’all soon!
@kiiyomei @carrerascameron @mariaenchanted @slumnit @lillell467 @ijustwanttoreadlols @droppedyourhnd @maybankslover @a-library-ofmy-own @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @namelesslosers @ILOVETOSLAYSLAYSLAY
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kanmom51 · 5 months
Idk whether you will even answer this ask or will block me but this is exactly why JK had similar concept pics like Jimin. Jikookers made it to be romantic while Fandom made it to a joke 'JK always copy Jimin' (ofcourse). I've seen you making multiple posts about Jikook concept pics being match is a proof of them being a couple when in reality Hybe don't even take permission of original artist before using their ideas for another. One hybe label just got into trouble for copying newjeans and according to CEO min heejin it was BANG SHIHYUK who wanted to copy newjeans to create a second version of them through illit. And guess what he made sure illit gets 10x more success than newjeans, a 2 day song was already charting in different charts including hot 100. The same bang shihyuk who ignored every bit of Jimin's success but shamelessly copied his ideas and visions of concept pics for another favorite member. He shamelessly asks staffs to copy original ideas of artists who created them and use them for a cheap version of the said artist, Newjeans and Jimin are just examples.
Was it JK's fault ? Not necessarily but unlike rookie Illit he had power and capability to make his own decisions and use his own visions instead of doing what he was asked to do by the staff (his words) but he didn't and sat comfortably while using another person's hardwork. If you still think those similarities were because they were couple then idk what to say because in that logic Newjeans girls and Illit girls are dating.
Talk about TikTok generation ask.
Linking me to a tweet that has zero actual information and/or proper discussion, just stating a fact that isn't necessarily even a fact. Ignoring the full picture (like y'all do when it comes to Jikook as well, btw).
And I also find it so so funny how you are basically hanging your all on something that a very problematic figure within the Kpop industry is claiming, all to try and deflect from despicable behaviour she's being accused of, including using and revealing private info of Hybe idols obtained in illegal and despicable manors, perhaps including having to do with certain private info leaking of certain BTS members (including the one person that you so vehemently claim to love and stand in defense of).
You think that by sending me this link you are proving something?
You say that you read through my posts. Well, obviously you've missed those many posts I've written explaining how JM and JK being a couple can be deducted not from one action or one behaviour alone, but the combination of many many actions or behaviours. A puzzle built of not 10 or 50 or 100 pieces, but one built of so many many more.
I find it funny how with everything that has been going on with JM and JK you guys are still at this.
We're back to JK copying JM.
Like seriously.
Like even if the whole NJ Illit thing was true there was some kind of a comparison to be made with these two men.
Like JK, who's album concept is 180 degrees different than JM's doesn't have stylists at his beck and call to create a concept that isn't a full on copy of JM's. Right down to the studs and colours and minutiae details of some of the outfits.
Like if he did copy JM, that same scorned poor JM (that's how you guys love to portray him, as a damsel in distress awaiting you to swoop in and save him) CHOSE to fly to NY to be with JK and spend Silver day there with him, travel with him multiple times and spend his entire 18 months in the army with that awful copy cat JK.
Your ask tells me that you have zero understanding in human interactions and relationships. JM saying time and time again, JOKING time and time again, about JK copying him, it's a tease but also something that he LOVES. How he inspires JK, how JK perceives him as his catalyst.
But this here, the photo concepts and the whole of JK's wardrobe while promoting, claiming it's all about copying JM is just bull crap. This was planned. And it was planned by the two of them. It's not a coincidence that JM happens to wear the bottom part of a two piece outfit months before JK wears the top part of the same exact outfit.
And if we are talking about copying, is it the concept he's copying or is he so far gone that he's literally copying down to the smallest of details?
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Like seriously. You think that's about copying JM?
Or because it worked for JM so he thinks it will work for him? Literally same hairstyle rocking as JM had in Face? Cause why not use a concept that works? Seriously? JK's all "I should do this cause it worked for JM so it will work for me"?
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Was that what he was thinking when he rocked a highlight of JM's hair colour over the years? That the colour works for JM so I should have a strand of that colour in my hair as well, copying his success? Is that the theory you're working with?
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Or when JK wore the same jacket as JM on Valentines day, you know, in a clip that JM himself records and uploads, that JK also copying JM?
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Babe, this isn't just about the concept pics either. And it's not just about Face and Seven or Golden. Wearing the actual same black leather or leather-like pants just because he couldn't find any other pants? That level of copying? Or perhaps it wasn't about copying and more about mirroring.
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About "You are me I am you", which they have been screaming at the top of their lungs for years now!!!
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It amazes me how you have zero issue in taking an over decade long complex super close relationship (no matter how you perceive it they are super close) and simplifying it into "JK copied JM's concept because JM's concept worked for him", or to even compare whatever went on with JK and JM and those similarities to a claim made (by a disgruntled and caught red handed employee of Hybe) about one new GG copying concepts and whatever from a GG that's been around for 2 years now. No connection between them. No long term relationships between the groups. One group supposedly copying from another. Yeah, definitely the comparison needed to be made between that and Jikook's behaviours or decision making.
How infantile of you.
Oh and that paragraph of yours at the end. Laughable really.
Like I already said, go compare 2 GGs in two different companies to 2 men that have been close for over 10 years now. And let's also disregard the long history of those two doing the similar and same outfit (during official shoots, performances etc, or during their free time) thing and look at this one single concept.
Probably styled (funny how the styling seems to be similar for years now on many occasions, and just with the two of them)
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Not styled.
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These are just examples of MANY MORE instances.
Oh, and I suggest you go read this post too. Not mine, but recently written and oh so relevant to the conversation.
I can't help but wonder how different your pov would have been if one of those two young men was a female. Just thought I would throw that in here too.
But I gotta give you an A for persistence. You guys, you never give up, do you? No matter what JK and JM will throw at you, you will find a way to twist it around to fit your narratives. I guess you also think that JM was forced into enlistment with JK, ah? And their trips together and the content that will drop, also forced on him? I guess him saying otherwise isn't enough to convince you guys either, right? I love the way how you guys are so intrenched in your belief of victimhood that you don't even listen to what JM himself tells you. You love him so much that basically call him a liar. Good for yous I guess.
So, to clarify my answer to you, just in case it wasn't as clear as day already...
You do you, cause nothing I tell you, or show you, or you know what? Nothing that even JM himself will tell you or show you will satisfy you. Because you are living in a self built fantasy of what and who JM is and what and who those that surround him are, all to fit that narrative of yours in which he needs you guys as his saviours and knights in shining armour to swoop in and save him from the big bad JK.
One more thing.
JM's Face was a masterpiece.
We all agree on that. JK included.
He adores JM, he's his no. 1 fan and he's been showing us this throughout 2023.
JK is not a person that would callously copy a concept used by a bandmate just because it succeeded for his bandmate and might work for him too.
Let alone from JM.
His person.
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Not even if, as you put it, he was told to do so by the powers at be (which yeah, he'd tell to go shove it up their asses if they ever did 'tell' him to do that btw, and they wouldn't do it anyway seeing that they know that would be his exact reaction).
So, no.
That is my answer to you.
Just a whole big fat NOPE.
No to copying. And surprisingly no to blocking you.
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soulofapatrick · 1 year
The Beauty and the Brawn - Emmett Cullen x Reader
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Summary: You try to prove to Emmett that he won’t hurt you with his enhanced strengths
Words: 2k
Warnings: Oral (F!recieving) 
Notes: idk what this is really, just had the idea for a few days 
Emmett is strong, stronger than most vampires having gotten enhanced strength when he was changed. He’s always seen it as an added perk as it’s not something drastic like Alice’s future telling or Benjamin’s elemental manipulations, it was just that he was a little stronger than the others. Nothing more, nothing less. 
Then he met me and now, as much as I tell him otherwise, he sees his strength as a curse. He gets scared he’ll get too carried away with me, forget I’m still human and accidentally hurt me or kill me. As much as I reassure Emmett that he could never hurt me he will still try and avoid the topic, kissing me the most he trust himself to do. Every time we get hot and heavy and I guide things on a little he backs up with that pained look in his eyes. Everything about him screams that he wants me back but the pain in his eyes tells me he’s scared which always catches me off guard as this is Emmett Cullen. Outgoing, loud and loving Emmett… too scared to even touch me at times despite how much his feelings were mutual. 
Today is no different and I decide to take a different approach, even if it doesn’t mean sex. I just want Emmett to see that he can trust himself with me and that I’m not as fragile as he thinks. We’re sat on his bed, a bed he got Carlisle to get without specifying why. The Cullen’s don’t know me yet except maybe Alice and Edward because of their gifts but they apparently haven’t said anything to the others. Emmett doesn’t want them to all bombard me and he’s also worried about how Rosalie will take it that he’s moved on already which I understand and I agreed to take it as slow as he wants with meeting them.
Emmett’s hand is on my thighs as we sit shoulder to shoulder, watching a movie on the TV he also had installed. I’m barely paying attention to it though, focusing on his icy touch on my bare skin, being in only shorts as it’s just us here for another day to two. Emmett said the others had gone on a hunting trip and he elected to say home. I say fuck it, it’s now or never so I’m turning my body to face him, reaching over to cup his cheek and I ask, “Do you trust me?” 
“Of course I do, why-“ He’s frowning until I begin shifting, moving onto my knees and turning my body towards him, “Y/N, I-“
“Just trust me baby,” I stroke his cheek reassuringly, watching him lean into my palm and those beautiful golden eyes flutter shut for a moment. With Emmett’s eyes still closed I shift my body further until I’m straddling him, legs either side of his thick thighs. His muscles tense as he realises I’m seated, arms resisting ever so slightly when I guide his hands to my hips, holding them there to show him that he won’t hurt me. The heat seems to rise between us as I lean in, lips almost touching his as I whisper, “Emmett, I trust you. I trust you with everything.” 
His eyes fly open at this, the confusion and fear in them until he sees I’m not lying to him, keeping my face open and honestly so he can see the trust and love and it works as his expression softens, “Y/N.” He’s whispering, voice filled with emotions that I can’t quite decipher so I just lean forwards again and capture his lips in a gentle and pliant kiss. The kiss is tender and slow, as if we’re exploring each other for the first time. My heart is racing as I feel the softness of his lips against mine, the taste of him sweet and familiar, the tension in Emmett’s body slowly melting away as he gets lost in the kiss so I take another risk and deep it. Emmett’s hands are moving up and down my sides and back, testing the waters cautiously and the feel of his hands on my skin sends shivers down my spine, knowing I want more. 
Too soon am I having to break the kiss as unlike Emmett I still need to consume oxygen. His golden eyes have darkened a little with love and desire, a soft sound leaving him when I caress his cheek gently, “Emmett,” My voice is a barely above a whisper, as if scared to break the moment, “I need you. Need all of you.” 
Emmett’s eyes widen in surprise at the bluntness of my words, looking at me intently as if trying to decipher if I’m really serious about what I said. I can see the mixture of emotions playing across his face - desire; love; fear and protectiveness. I stay seated in his lap as I wait for his response, letting him work through his emotions and letting him decide. He wants me but he’s afraid of hurting me, his hands retreating again so I catch them in mine and squeeze reassuringly. His eyes flick down to our interlocked hands before back to my face before he’s swallowing and mumbling out, “Start with a shower first?” 
“Whatever you want Pretty Boy.” I’m nodding, guiding one of his large hands to my cheek and pressing a kiss to his open palm before he’s surprising me and drawing me into another kiss. This one’s different, he’s not holding back as much, it’s hungrier almost. There’s an urgency to the kiss, his lips moving with more purpose as his moves to the back of my head, deepening the kiss. His other hand finds it’s way back to my waist, pulling me flush against him. It’s like he’s been holding back for so long and how he’s finally allowing himself to let go and now he can’t seem to get enough. I respond with equal fervour, my hands tangling in his hair as we explore each other’s mouths. 
Emmett’s breaking the kiss before me, standing up effortlessly and cradling me in his arms as if I weight nothing which I guess I really don’t for him. I’m wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders, holding on tight as he carries me to the bathroom, feeling his muscles tense and flex under his shirt with each step. He’s setting me on the counter, a playful smile on his face and a rumble in his chest when I squeal at how cold the counter is. He’s stealing another kiss from me before moving to turn on the shower, letting it heat up and moving back over to me, standing between my legs. He’s looking at me with a soft expression, making sure this is what I really want, his hands running over my waist and pulling back slightly to ask, “You sure about this, honey?” His eyes are filled with concern and love, making me feel even more secure in my decision. 
To prove my point I pull my shirt over my head and letting it fall to the floor, watching Emmett’s lips part slightly in a hitched breath at the sight of me now bare except for a pair of shorts. Emmett’s eyes are skimming over my body, taking in every dip and curve and scar on display to him. His hands coming up to gently trace along my arms and down my sides, as if savouring the feeling of my skin against his fingertips. Despite his obvious desire he still checks with me if this is okay, eyes flicking back up to mine every few seconds until I’m guiding his hands up to my breasts, watching his reaction. He surprises me by dragging me into such a tender and loving kiss as he explores this new territory. 
Our bodies press together, Emmett’s hands now tracing circles on my back as he deepens the kiss, his very obvious arousal pressing into my thigh but he’s taking it slow as if he’ll spook me. His lips move down my neck as he murmurs against the skin, “You’re so fucking beautiful.” His large hands grip my hips and I’m soon standing again, feeling cold fingers dip into the waistband of my shorts. 
“Please.” I’m practically begging and Emmett’s groaning into the crook of my neck, surprising me again as he sinks to his knees as he slides the shorts down my legs, throwing them aside before his gaze finds mine and I’m having to bite my lip at the sight of Emmett on his knees for me. His strong hands grip my hips as he begins nosing at my thighs, lips ghosting over them and teeth grazing until he’s nudging my legs apart enough blow cold air over my slickness, making me gasp and squirm. Before I can say or do anything those skilled lips are kissing my folds, nose bumping my clit before he licks a confident stripe up, gauging my reaction. His tongue flutters against my clit before he’s eating me like a starved man, hands gripping my hips tight enough that I can’t wriggle away from the pleasure. 
My hand is gripping his hair, the other bracing myself against the counter as he moans, sending vibrations through that oversensitive bundle of nerves. He’s dipping his tongue in and out of my core with precision and sloppiness before he moves back to my clit, my body trying to jerk away but his grip is tight enough to promise bruises and fuck that just makes everything more intense. All too soon I can feel myself starting to pulse around his tongue that hasn’t stopped fucking into me and my hands tugs almost painfully at his hair while my head falls back with a whine, my thighs trying to clamp around Emmett’s head as my vision partially whites out and all I hear is white noise, unsure if I’m crying out Emmett’s name. 
“Emm, fuck Emmett, too much.” I’m begging and he finally pulls back, looking up at me with half-lidded eyes and he looks fucking dirty, his mouth and chin shiny with my juices and his golden eyes have darkened even more. His thumbs caress my hips as he pulls himself to his feet moving to kiss me with a cheeky grin when I lightly push his face away saying, “No, clean your face first.” 
“I do believe a shower was suggested.” He agrees and I’m nodding, tugging at his shirt to which he complies, pulling it over his head and I can’t help wet my lips at how good he looks. Sure, I’ve seen Emmett change but this is different, he’s baring himself for me and me alone. His shirt reveals his chiseled abs and braid chest, my eyes roaming over his muscular physique with appreciation. His defined biceps and broad shoulders are evidence of the immense physical strength he possesses and the way his tone torso tapers down to his waist makes me want to run my hands over his hard body. As he undresses further, my gaze is drawn to his thick thighs, my heart racing against as he’s straining against his boxers and fuck, he is in no way small. The boxers barely able to contain him, the angry red head slipped past the waistband, precum wetting his v-line a little, “Come on lovely, eyes up here.” 
I tear my eyes away from his enticing bulge, feeling heat rising to my cheeks at being caught. But I can't help the desire that courses through me as I watch him step out of his boxers, completely naked before me. My heart is pounding in my chest, and I can feel the anticipation building between us as we move towards the shower. As we step under the warm water, Emmett pulls me close, his hands roaming over my wet skin as we continue to explore each other's bodies. I know this is only the beginning, and I can't wait to see what other surprises Emmett has in store for me.
Twilight Masterlist
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weebsinstash · 2 months
More poly LuciLili ideas since you guys really liked the ones where they get Reader pregnant
-I really like the idea of Reader, in the very beginnings of the relationship, where you don't know they're "out to get you" yet, that you come across Lilith in a rocking chair, crocheting or knitting, like, little baby socks or a little baby hat, and she knows you're getting baby fever (and has already talked to Luci about it) and you start talking to her and she's just like "this is for a very good friend of mine. She's going to be having her first baby soon :)" and then timeskip to around 12 months later when you have your baby and she gifts you the same socks and you're just like ".... HEY! >:(" and are a little mad but not that mad, in fact maybe you're so in deep at this point you're smitten they were thinking of you the whole time
- I just. I really REALLY like the idea of Reader having a premature delivery so you give birth and the baby is super small just like its dad 🥺❤️ like Lucifer being genuinely excited he's having his first son and looking so forward to seeing how big it's gonna be and you get this, this cute little bean,and he ADORES his baby but, just the idea of a little tiny preemie Morningstar 🥺❤️
-I love the idea of Lilith completely going over Lucifer's head if "she knows" the best or whatever. Oh she thinks Reader is the best for Lucifer? She'll pull all those strings to shove her husband at you; drug him, swap places with you during sex, give him weird horny dreams, invite you to their Garden of Eden dream dimension where you've got your beav out. I still think of plucking berries off a bush and, you all, idk, wind up lickong the berry juices off of each other's fingers and stuff... brewing wine and getting drunk and swimming in a river... frolicking like little spring fairies
-Reader who starts getting their heart broken over the fake Eden dreams because you wake up missing "your lovers" and you go out to a bar and fuck actual people and they're so deep in your fucking head that you regret it. It feels like cheating. All you can think of is your Lily and Ducky and how you want them instead 🥺❤️ and they're not even. Real. At least the versions you're dreaming about. That you don't know ARE the real ones.
-babysitters Fizzy and Ozzie and idc what you say. They love your baby and adore being fun gay uncles and it may even lowkey make them wanna adopt a baby of their own
- you know who is the happiest here. CHARLIE. A new parent, her very own baby brother, and her family and friends are closer than ever? It's a happy day in Hell! Never for a SECOND does she have "am I being replaced with the new baby" anxiety. She's thrilled and even starts asking her mom if SHE'S gonna have another baby (and that milf freak may reply that she'd consider it if YOU got pregnant again. The two of you could be pregnant together--)
-I feel like carrying the son of the devil would give you some. Interesting cravings. It's two in the morning and Alastor finds you with handfuls of raw meat and blood dripping down your chin and he's bursting out laughing, "suddenly I'm not the only one!"
-i can just picture Heaven getting the memo that Lucifer has created another child and there's tons of angels freaking out and trying not to cause a panic and, God is there "you know what? good for him, good for him". Adam and Sera are tearing their fucking hair out and God is like. Contemplating sending a gift basket.
-I feel like there's added layers if Reader was somehow a former wife of Adam but can you even imagine. Lucifer steals not one. Not two. Three of your wives. He fucking dies and his soul is in Hell and that's already torture enough and he finds his wife again and she's. Pregnant with Lucifer's child. This man would have a Kubrick level menty b (but I prefer human reader having mad supernatural pull game lol)
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spoopdeedoop · 7 months
hi i have some disorganized thoughts/hcs abt the found family human doctor au
(one of the thoughts being i should really give it a better name. another being YES this is only the nuwho doctors atm bc that's the only series i've watched so far apologies. if i ever get around to watching classic who i will add them trust)
BEHOLD my random, not at all in-depth headcanons
nine is the only one with a car out of all of them. they all keep bugging him to drive/pick them up from places -- he has mixed feelings about being the assigned taxi driver
both twelve and eleven are teachers -- college professor and preschool teacher respectively. twelve's students love them because he will say the most stupid, hilarious shit with a straight face without even knowing and eleven's students love him because he is the only teacher at the school that will dance with them during musical chairs (he doesn't even play the game. he just dances)
i want to make one of them an actual doctor but i don't think any of them could handle it unfortunately
they all share an an apartment flat on the same level -- nine, twelve and fifteen live in one room, ten, eleven and thirteen live in the one across from them. of course there are other people in the building too but they're all used to the strange loud hyperactivity of that particular flat. i think i'm using the right terminology here. yall know what im talking about
(i'm so tempted to make some companions be their neighbors)
nine and ten are the most insomniac of all of them, so they're used to bumping each other in the dead of night on their way to raid each other's respective fridges or something. very rarely thirteen will join them and they're like "WELL FANCY SEEING YOU HERE"
twelve does sleep, but like. he's nocturnal
eleven and ten hate each other in a sibling kind of way (see: day of the doctor). they are constantly sending each other death threats or tripping each other over. everyone is sick of it
sometimes when they're out shopping you'll hear ten yell "GET OUT OF THE FROZEN FOOD YOU NUMPTY WE ARE NOT BUYING FISH FINGERS" over the aisles and you'll hear eleven whine "WHY DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH" back
(if you're lucky you'll be able to catch fifteen mumble "why did we put them in the same apartment. are we asking for an eviction notice")
eventually eleven will pick a random stray cat off the side of the road, take her home, and name her bowtie, which is a stupid name, so everyone just defaults to calling her kitty
kitty's favourite person is twelve, to eleven's absolute despair
(my original idea for this was to initially have ten hate the idea of living with a cat, since he's stated full on in the show that he doesn't like cats, but apparently there is some very obscure doctor who comic run in which he falls into a depressive spiral and adopts a cat whom he names rose-the-cat, so he might actually like cats idk?)
anyway ten hates her until he doesn't lmao. he vents to her when there's no one else home and she will Stare at him back and it is a very nice friendship
kitty and nine watch shitty romcom together
they have a joint groupchat together -- half of it is just thirteen and fifteen assigning everyone outfits they find on pinterest and the other half is eleven asking where everyone went (he keeps getting lost when they go out)
nine doesn't know how to download pictures off the internet and so resorts to manually editing memes together to send to the groupchat and everyone's like "girl that's so much more effort........."
(yes he doesn't know how to press save image to camera roll but he knows how to use a photo editor flawlessly. such is the logic of the idiocy of the doctors)
eleven and thirteen get along very well i think. they're the only two of the group to play video games and so they bond over that. they also have ridiculously similar clothing taste
sometimes they'll succeed in getting fifteen to play pokemon with them and then they'll proceed to not see him until the next day when he comes out of his room and goes "you didn't tell me plusle couldn't evolve i've been levelling it up all fucking night"
friday is assigned movie night (it's always big hero 6)
eleven is the only one to actively seek out physical affection, usually really abruptly like clinging to thirteen's back as she passes him in the hall or bapping ten with the palm of his hand until he sighs and gives him a hug. he does expect a platonic kiss on the forehead from anyone before he goes to bed and will complain if he doesn't get one
anyway thats it i'm sick in the head and really sad. if this keeps up i may be forced to actually write a fic
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