#idk i have a bunch of like art pages in this style that i have thought about posting but kinda wanna release as like a digital zine
onebizarrekai · 1 month
this winter, I sort of want to try actually making a temporary merch store; I'm not really good at this kind of thing (business management), I have been kind of dancing around it and avoiding thinking about it, but I do want to give it a try to see how I feel about it, at least for a bit. like order a small stock of some items, hopefully sell them until they're gone. I'm just worried that the things I've designed are too niche, haha
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palukoo · 7 months
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"Let me ensure your future, and you ensure mine." The Great Lie (1941)
(full image under the cut)
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someone-always-cares · 4 months
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chapter 5, page 79
first - previous - next
[image description: an sac webcomic page. "hold on, stay still for a second". rami says, as he puts his hand close to lewis, the angle making him almost look like he's cupping lewis's face, as lewis stares back at him with very wide shining eyes. he then rips off the duct tape off, lewis jolting and making a weird face, the panel borders shaking from the shock, before lewis makes a different face like a grimace or like a cat would make after smelling something foul right before slapping the shit out of it. "sorry. you alright?" rami asks, holding a swiss army knife down near lewis's bound arm, the knife already out. "i- what- i will be? not important. what the fuck are you doing here??". lewis replies. "saving you, apparently. and your friend- sorry i'll get to you in a minute" "no really, why the fuck are you here? how did you find us? why did you come?" lewis says. this last panel is entirely black, aside from the speech bubbles. "you're the one that sent me the location. Is your friend concussed? They're not responding to me. Or you. And are either of you injured in general?" rami responds. "What? I don't think either of us are. And no, she can't hear you, just wave or something. Uh, not with the knife, like a friendly not about to kill you wave, like-" lewis's rambling is interrupted. "It's pitch black in here? Waving won't help?" end id]
edit: a bit late but forgot to mention: next con i have is on june 1st, at animangapop cardiff! feel free to say hi if you're going!
i've always gone back and forth internally if rami's supervision gave him better night vision or not but i'm going to go with yes, it does. lewis also has better night vision on account of his eyes being cat-like. jade has normal human vision unfortunatly. on the bright side (pun not intended), she can make her fingernails glow.
also, thought on book cover? tried a few ideas and this is what i came up with
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[id: concept a book cover. mostly sketched, styalised like a corkboard with various photos, pins, ect. the front side (right) has a piece of torn paper with the title and a couple stickers, one star and the other rami's logo. below is a drawing of rami surrounded by eyes. the spine has a strip of washi tape, blue with star patterns, with the title and a "1" at the bottom. the back (right) has a few photos of various panels from chapter 1 and two, a top corner of a missing poster, a business card for iris's ice cream shop, pins of mindforce's eye, and pride pins of the asexual and transgender flags, and lastly a scrap of notebook paper with eye doodles (like iris's eyes), rami's logo, titled "blah blah blah" and placeholder text of the bee movie script opening. red string is scattered around. end id]
note: the panels featured will be redrawn (for the cover. the actual pages will not be) and the one on the front is just a placeholder. not sure what i'll change it to, but something with both rami and lewis.
so, this is fashioned similar to the back of the flyer i use to advertise my comic at conventions, it allows me to show off multiple things, allows me to put in easter eggs and similar, and it feels right, yknow? it looks like the same board i use for story planning, concept art, to do lists, and trinkets for conventions, ect.
i look up and i see my corkboard covered in all that, so it feels like me. like i'm already pouring everything i have into my comic, why not this? also, red string murder board. thematically appropriate, and similar to the one omen has. expecially fitting since they appear end of chapter two bonus pages, which is where issue 1 of the physical book ends (not including bonus pages)
anyway would love to hear your thoughts!
more rambling under the cut
keep jumping from task to task. eg started planning the cover. jumped from irl task to task and then got back but then needed to figure out 100% how big the book is page-wise, because spine width
so i go do the bonus pages first but despite me collecting all the stuff for that before i keep finding more. because i have been making pages for 7 years and worked on it for longer with just having them as ocs roatating in my mind
and, yknow, i am not an organised person at the best of times. and over the past 10 years, not much has been the best of times. so you can imagine the chaos i've gone looking through. most of it isn't too recent, because turns out i had a lot more time working to draw when i was still in school. and also right after school. also 2020.and most of it is bad due to me improving my skill over time! which is good but still. going to have to carefully pick out what to use
also unrelated but i want to make one of the exclusive kickstarter print rewards foiled because i just love how they look. specifically i want to do one of tsunami and the foil (silver or holo) being the sparkles his water does because it'd look cool!
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storybookclan · 8 months
Once upon a time, there was a group of cats…
Lignin took care of the younger ones… she named them too when they were given stupid names
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She was sad and scared
Page was the youngest… so sweet and kind. He took care of Lignin because she couldn’t take care of herself
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He was too pure for the world
Then there was Quill. He was troublesome and fun. Always made everyone smile, even when he was the most annoying thing alive
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There seemed to be no end to his energy
And… Ink… he stepped in for Page when she couldn’t do everything… which was almost always…
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The others joked that there were hearts on his pelt because he had too much love to contain it all inside him
There was also a cat named Story
He was a jerk
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sheikfangirl · 5 months
Tbh considering the whole eternal reincarnation cycle thing, it wouldn’t surprise me if Link did fall for Zelda at first sight Pre-Calamity? Something like his soul recognizing hers right away? Because of the whole “Hero chosen by the Goddess” thing? Idk it’d make sense to me 🤔
P.S.: Ignore this idea if it sounds overwhelming but… have you ever considered making something like a comic filling in the blanks about how you think Zelink happened in their BOTW/TOTK incarnation? I think it’d look really cool in your style (and I’m curious about how you imagine it happening tbh, especially the confession part lol though I kinda get an idea based on your fanarts)
Yup, i 1000% agree with you: the eternal reincarnation cycle is the obvious culprit. AGSJSG I just LOVE this corny "Hero chosen by the Goddess " gimmick hahaha Forever soulmates yaaas!!
So...about your comic suggestion, i might already be on it ....  😉
I shared a page WIP a couple of weeks ago. This was an excerpt of "The Message", my Post-BotW fan comic focusing on a major Zelink relationship milestone. Its all written, can be read from start to finish but i am still in the process of cleaning the art. This comic is 15 pages long and its gonna kill me lol It will be available hopefully by the end of the summer because I have so many professional projects going on at the same time...plus life, obviously. Just so you know I'm not answering you generic bullshit, here is some visibility on my PC's folder 😅:
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Maybe this is not a good idea to reveal how obsessed and insane I actually am cuz.... i have rough pages and thumbnails for a bunch of scenes... I also have fan cutscenes storyboards that i could turn into animatics, i just need to kick my ass and subscribe to after effect for a month lol😅 Oh yeah, and this is just about the BotW/TotK era...cuz i got an OoT folder....... GDJS looking at all these incomplete PSDs are driving me nuts. I wish i could just draw Zelda stuff full time haha
Thank you so much for your enthusiam for my humble headcanons!
Cheers and have a great one!! 🤜💥🤛
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fleouriarts · 9 months
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mid-october - end of 2023 sketchbook highlights
descriptions and such below
1: front page of the sketchbook cus i like to do something a little more elaborate for that. however i didnt have any ideas so i just drew me with the three groups of characters/people that i like to draw (my sumakha ocs, hivemind, and my comatelma ocs)
2: doodles from after kenny beecham's hivemind appearance adding him to the hmfcu (hivemind furry cinematic universe). usually i avoid giving people domestic cat/dog sonas but i associate dogs with sports so much and ALL i know about kenny is that he likes basketball. so hes a dog
3: notes about furry shit. one thing about me is i love to draw comparative furry anatomy diagrams
4: bunch of quad doodles after the release of scrapyard III (mostly based on the easier mv but guess who quad is also there). i changed his fursona to a sheep literally RIGHT after my hiatus started LOL
5: random hivemind stuff from the same day as the scrapyard III doodles
6: i have catboy toxoplasmosis (also ft. my friends and i at the bottom)
7: redraw of one of hiveminds instagram pics :-) so cute creachers
8-9: redraws of older art (first one is here and second is... something i never posted LOL) but in my Silly Mode artstyle that i developed so i can have a little fun whenever im feeling frustrated with my Normal Style. it's somewhat inspired by @crosssssky's hivemind art, please go follow them!
10-11: oc stuff (and graydon and dignan at the bottom of 11). love hivemind but im hoping my brain will cool down on them in 2024 cus im planning to actually Do Something with my ocs this year. idk when ill actually post about that tho
12: bidding farewell to 2023... im so good at drawing exactly four different furry species now
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Finally got around to watching some post-embargo vids and I have some now updated Veilguard thoughts.
Stuff I liked:
Character creator is a standout as always. This has consistently been the strong point of Bioware's games in the last 10 years so no surprises there. The pronoun and other gender-related options are a welcome addition.
Companions all seem great. I'm sad we haven't got more Davrin or Bellara content yet, since those are the two I'm most interested in learning about. Their initial introduction in that terrible cinematic trailer didn't do these guys any favours, but seeing them in gameplay footage gives a much better impression of them. It's also exciting to see more companion-on-companion interactions and relationships.
I was put off by the voice acting in the 10 minute gameplay reveal months ago, but what I've heard so far has been much better.
Main menu looks pretty.
As an ME fan, I'm pro dialogue wheel; it's unfortunate that Inquisition turned that whole mechanic into a massive drip. This is less a thing I notice but something I hope, that this game's dialogue wheel will have a more DA2 or ME1 vibe.
Hngnggn vfjddjgfnbhn oooowowo o cloaks.
Stuff I didn't like:
The art style is not redeeming itself. Wolfheart made a very insightful point that it might be a holdover from when Veilguard was going to be a live service multiplayer game, and it definitely does give that impression. Everything is still incredibly smooth and it's clear there was a lot of effort put into making things "nice" looking. It's giving very "everyone's beautiful but no one is horny" to me. I'm on the haters' side with the Qunari; where are their textures?
On that note, oh my god. The UI and the VFX. This must have also been a result of live service elements. As someone who hates playing late-game mages in Origins because all of the VFX gives me a headache this game looks actively hostile. Does literally every single ability require flashing neon lights? Why does the UI look like a World of Warcraft meme? Why does every single interactive object glow? Wolfheart noted that even after turning everything off, a bunch of VFX elements were still present, which is tremendously disappointing. Bioware can miss me with this cocomelon for adults visual style; I just do not need all of these annoying tricks to try and keep my attention.
Also on the UI - idk man. Remember when fantasy games weren't embarrassed about looking fantasy? Remember when all of Origins menus opened up in a little book with parchment pages? Character selection took place in a little castle? I just don't get this Thing Bioware has had since 2 to make DA's game UI look cool and slick by taking all the fun out of its visual elements. I've heard it before but I've got to agree, Veilguard's UI looks like a mobile game. And again, it's so busy it's 100% gonna give me headaches.
The combat is.... I won't call it "bad". I just hate it. See above for one of the reasons why. I think I could write a whole essay on how discomfiting it is. The very very clear push (likely from EA) to have the game resemble big name titles like Breath of the Wild and God of War has taken the game in the direction of just kind of a generic hack and slash; at least DA2 married its action elements with its party mechanics and has its own unique voice. There's something in particular that sets my teeth on edge tbh. I'm watching gameplay of warriors and rogues in combat and they're pretty much indistinguishable from mages. Teleporting, fire and lightning flying about in basic attacks, just a ton of stuff that makes me cringe to look at. There's a complete lack of class fantasy there for me - why would I want to play a warrior that isn't just a big guy with a big sword? Is this a result of story elements? Why is my low level rogue demolishing entire groups of enemies ala Dynasty Warriors? In a world where the distinction between a magic person and a non-magic person is incredibly important, could cost you your life, watching a rogue shoot lightning out of their knives makes me groan. Are Bioware's efforts to make the player feel like the coolest specialist person that ever lived going to be addressed in-game? We'll have to see.
Lack of control over your own companions ala Mass Effect. I don't wanna talk about it it's too depressing.
I've noted this in the past but obviously the tonal departure from low/dark fantasy to classic high fantasy. The character backgrounds for the Rooks pretty much lock you into playing a good guy, which is a huge shame. Even if you want to pick a faction that is canonically shady or morally neutral AT BEST like the Crows, they make sure to tell you that the other Crows don't like you because you're just that good-hearted. In a faction like the Grey Wardens, notorious for taking in criminals of all stripes, you spend your background saving helpless villagers. What are the options going to be like for people who want to play morally grey or potentially evil Rooks? It's starting to look like Bioware isn't going to give you a much wiggle room to define your character out of what they need you to be.
Lip flap looks like a very mixed bag. Maybe it's just the footage but voices and mouths look out of sync.
Can't make a post without reminding everyone that Bioware isn't our friend; they've fired half the people who worked on this game and greedy producers like EA don't deserve our money.
Update: Only just came across this but phasing out inventory management? Yeah welcome back Mass Effect trilogy :/
Neutral opinions:
Other shit like the Darkspawn and overall mob designs have been a problem since DA2 so I don't see the point in rehashing it here, other than to say that I can't wait for the "DLC with the good Darkspawn designs in it" this time around.
Opening scene gives me huge Mass Effect vibes; the bar fight and the music in that scene felt very "Lair of the Shadow Broker", which I guess is a compliment.
Varric still not dead yet. Kill that old man!
Ultimately, I'm putting in prediction now that Veilguard is going to go the DA2 route of having a decent and well-loved story, but with massive issues regarding its gameplay and aesthetic that players will just have to get over in order to enjoy the game.
I'm not gonna be buying on release - first time that's been the case for a Dragon Age game since Origins; the current plan is to wait until the Christmas sales, which gives plenty of time for the fandom to either assuage my fears or implode cos the game is shit. Either that or the Solavellan content is so crisp and juicy I'll have to learn to pirate.
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blossoms-phan · 29 days
hi friends! since it’s been 3 months I thought I’d do a little updated about me :p
you can call me blossoms! 🌸 comes from the url obviously which I decided on in seconds when sitting in the middle of my bed making this blog at 3am bc I love dan and phil and cherry blossoms/japan/japhan etc etc
(as a side note I don’t share a lot of personally identifying info on here for a lot of reasons, don’t wanna be found out + professional reasons and tumblr is a great platform for having being a phannie as my main identity but I will occasionally overshare in the tags or random posts. for the most vague details I’m canadian and a poc ig? if you want to be friends or discuss anything in more detail im happy to share in dms just not in the general void lol)
some past fandoms I’ve been a part of tumblr or otherwise: avengers/marvel (this was in the peak in like 2016 and I followed it probably up until 2020 but dgaf anymore soz), marvel’s daredevil (their best show still love it), one direction/harry styles (harry was prob my biggest interest/fandom I was heavily involved in until like 2022 ish, i followed a bunch of accounts on my other blog and fan pages, went to his first solo tour in 2018, basically followed his every move- ik he’s not some underground artist but I lost interest when he kinda boomed and became SUPER popular I miss the early days of his solo era lol but still like his music), criminal minds, I think those are the main ones obv I lurk anytime I have a special interest lol
artists I like: twenty one pilots, arctic monkeys, the 1975, hozier, frank ocean, bad suns, muse, sufjan stevens, lana del rey, wallows, ed sheeran, lorde, zayn/hs/niall horan, paramore, the smiths, 5sos, kendrick lamar, fka twigs, fleetwood mac (this is off the top of my head just main ones ig there’s lots of other artists with specific songs I like and I also listen to my playlists from middle school often with p!atd and fob just the older stuff tho)
fave tv: derry girls, criminal minds, the office, gilmore girls, brooklyn 99, community, freaks and geeks, gossip girl, new girl, the end of the fucking world (short but a personal fave), fleabag, mindhunter- I like basic nbc sitcoms ok what can I say but currently watching Buffy and there’s lots of things on my watchlist like twin peaks I just never have time (aka always watching YouTube/dnp)
i like to think of myself as a cinephile when I really don’t watch as many movies as I’d like to bc of the same reasons listed above but I keep up with what’s happening in the film world and yeah some of my faves include: little women, sing street, before sunrise, aftersun, clueless, call me by your name, the perks of being a wallflower, big hero 6, la la land, zodiac, the social network, scream, the batman, bones and all, knives out, hp/twilight series
random interests: the scream franchise/saw/horror, until dawn (the game), youtube video essays, true crime content/criminology (in the most respectful way I promise I studied it and mean like actual data and researched podcasts not the weirdos that idolize certain people cough cough), perfumes/cosmetics, art, fashion, baking/food in gen, journaling, pinterest, reading (literary fiction/mystery/some ya)
idk what you were expecting this is literally all media but we’re all media consumers here lmao and I thought this might be a fun way to connect with other phannies if we share similar interests outside of dnp :3
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mackmp3 · 4 months
For the art ask -
Five favourites of yours, and least favourite thing to draw? Also I think there was one about what inspires your art - If there wasn’t, I’m asking anyway
ooh okay five favourites -
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well these are three i really like atm!! the first two ive posted before but the third one is a collage i did years ago that's on my wall and idk i just really really like it!! i've done some (if i do say so myself) quite good paintings of my siblings, and some photos of them that i really really like but interent safety i wont post their pictures or likeness on here yknow how it is. most of my art that isnt for school tends to be more notebook pages of a bunch of different pictures rather than like. One Painting yknow?
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i have done this painting!!!!! (not finished) that isnt my usual style at all, the paint is really thick idk if you can tell, for my art class that i really like hehe <3
least favourite thing to draw -
probably feet i cannot get a realistic looking foot for the life of me. unfortunately most people have at least one foot :(
what do i get inspiration from -
to be completey honest, i don't really know! a lot of my art just sort of happens........... and it sounds really silly, but i think some of my art does come from that yknow 'instagram beautiful aesthetic sketchbook' thing because seeing a few of those made me sort of realise ohhhhhh the book itself can be art. a page of doodles can be a work of art unto itself. i think probably the biggest influence on my art is 1990s album cover art and the associated like..... vibe?? aesthetic???? i think i just absorbed so much of what that looks like, and of course an album cover is designed to be striking, that that somehow wormed its way into my brain but i really dont know how to demonstrate that. but its a thing! something about the way musicians were photographed from the late 60s - early 2000s has influenced my portrait style for sure. which is so unspecific i know lol
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Author Lore, get to know me a bit.
So since I have a bunch of new people following my blog, I decided to make a lil lore post about meeee. (Partly cos idk how to make a fancy tumblr page with the whole beautifulness that would have a specific place for something like this)
So, hi. I'm Vayle, I'm turning 25 on the 23rd of this month, I go by he/they. You can use either, both at the same time, or whatever mix.
I'm an artist, I draw, paint, sculpt, do photography, stamp making, crotchet, writing--fiction and poetry, paint making, experimental music shit. I love doing everything. Art is everything.
I decided to write an interactive fiction game because I have been struggling from mental illness for like... Ever lol, and an emergency surgery I had to get last year that kinda derailed everything.
Reading IF games seriously helped me cope with my crohns disease and surgery, and now following AND being followed back by authors I read while recovering is so incredible. Like holy shit. You are all incredible.
Starting this story has been one of the best decisions I've ever made.
And now some light happy stuff:
I typically shoot digital pics but I have a polaroid and someday I'll have my own darkroom to develop my sureshot camera photos.
I love RPG games and I love DnD.
I love most music but prefer alternative of different genres and sub genres.
I have so many clothing styles, I LOVE fashion and I love outfit building, and makeup!
I haven't been very mobile lately but I used to longboard and really enjoyed that.
I love cooking! But I kinda suck at baking lol.
- Don't be afraid to ask me any personal asks about me, or my life. I'm always happy to answer asks.
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ryuichirou · 4 months
A bunch of shorter ones today; hopefully, I’ll post another long post this weekend 🙏
Anonymous asked:
Do not confuse this as a follow-up to a certain drama on your page ‼��
Idk tho, is it wrong to say rook being a gaslighter is kinda sexy? Like, the dark/yandere headcanons that can go with that... yummy. Like, yes please, I would like a 177cm tall guy to gaslight me into thinking I can only trust him.
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Absolutely, Anon.
Also yes, that’s the idea. We love dark themes, we love media about abusers and gaslighters, and I am pretty sure we’ve made at least a couple of posts with Rook in a similar scenario. But all of those are just headcanons. And very hot headcanons at that… He’s a hunter, and there are many ways someone can catch their prey or lure it into their trap. Wink.
Anonymous asked:
this may be a bit fluffy for your taste but i always think abt rook and epel on a date and took approaching epel with the biggest bouquet of flowers and getting on one knee to give them to epel. ofc this is in public and epel is so flustered kdnfjdsk. one day i’ll have to commission you to draw it bc i always think abt it in ur style
Anon! Even though it is fluffy, this is 100% what Rook would do… He is so extra, and for some reason whenever he and Epel are together in a story, he ends up embarrassing him one way or another by being his Rook self. I really love their dynamic. Take your flowers, Epel! Quickly, everyone is watching you >:3
If you ever decide to commission me, I would happily draw it, this is very cute! The fact that you think about it in my style is an honour <3 Hehe
Anonymous asked:
Gotta admit, there were so many ships I was unaware of before I found y'all. My mind has been opened, and that is both a blessing and a curse as now I cannot get said ships out of my head when they pop up at random times.
I'll just be eating lunch or something then BAM! Shroudcest or something pops up and I'm like "well frick gotta find art for that now."
Anyway, have a nice day/night/whatever placement of the Sun you're currently in.
Thank you so much, Anon! Super happy to hear that we were your introduction to some of the ships hehe. Especially if it’s Shroudcest; when people get interested in it, it makes me way too happy lol Good thing about these two is that there is a lot of super pretty art with them on pixiv and stuff…
I hope you are having a wonderful day too <3
Anonymous asked:
haha, now your gonna tell me idia has kinks like having a 6ft eel wee-wee inside him......
Wait a minute.
Gasp! Idia is being exposed once again…!! The collector of the best kinks!
I think the beauty of Idia is that he doesn’t necessarily think that he has these kinks, but when these situations happen to him… well, he can stay in denial for a while…
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venomcasserolecomic · 2 months
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Haha, so anyhow… did most of this page on stream. (I stream the art process on twitch! You can find me at twitch(dot)tv/casual_quester and while I have no set schedule if you catch me streaming I am happy to idk answer art questions? Chat? vibe?) Anywho, it still feels a little unnatural for me to push a lot of black into an image but we're getting there. Having heavy shadows does NOT come naturally to me but I LOVE this style. (also hi, hi, hello I have been doing all my own lettering?!?! and it looks good???!?!?)
Anyhow I noticed (now) that I missed doing the color 'pop' bits on this but it's 3am and I'm kinda drained SO it goes out as is. Also, I'd like to say that I can happily confirm that I DESPISE drawing top down view. [b]I struggled. So much.[/b][i][/i] (Also there is SO much blood in this panel??? A bunch kinda got hidden by the lovely 'motherfucker' and the rest kinda got out-shone by the shaky lines in panel three but… so SO much blood.) Ok I'm going to bed now but I hope yall enjoy! Are you READY for the end of chapter one?!?!?
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lacefuneral · 1 year
hi!!! i love for custom blog theme,, do you have a link to the code or creator 0:?
so my theme is actually a heavily modified version of redux edit #1 by lopezhummel (current url: holyaura). i always remind users that most tumblr themes are old and that you'll need to replace all instances of "http://" in the code with "https://" so tumblr will save the theme. i had to do it with this one
these are the modifications i made to the theme. i edited this theme over the course of at least a year or so and don't quite recall how i did all of these things. but to the best of my ability:
i moved the "left side img" to the right side of the screen. i also made this element "responsive" so the image will never get cropped when you resize your screen. this was a bitch and a half to figure out and i truthfully do not remember how i did it
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i deleted the text in the drop-down navigation so it appears as a little line that is otherwise not noticeable. this type of theme, the "redux edit," used to be very popular because having a drop-down menu let you cram a bunch of links that lead to sub-pages on your blog. i've done away with my sub-pages, but i still like the format of the "redux style" tumblr theme, for its minimal UI and for its customization options.
i separated my mobile description from my web description for formatting reasons. basically, most elements in tumblr themes are connected to specific text fields and toggles. i simply went to the section that was connected to my blog description and deleted it. the web description has to be manually typed inside of the CSS/HTML editor when i want to change it. whereas my mobile description is whatever i type in the "description" box of the normal tumblr theme editors.
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i added code someone else made ("NoPo" by drannex42 on GitHub) which allows you to hide posts with certain tags on them. i did this to hide my pinned post, as it looks bad on desktop.
i replaced the tiny pagination arrows at the bottom with images that literally say "next" and "back" because the arrows were far too small/illegible. i know they aren't centered in the container i'm not sure how to fix that lol
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i added a cursor
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i installed a working music box ("music player #3" by glenthemes), and then added music by uploading MP3 files to discord and then using the links of those files as the audio sources. iirc i also had to make this element responsive and i aligned it so it would sit on the left side of my screen. i made the "album art" for each one the same strawberry pixel art
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the moth is just a PNG i added and then moved around so it was behind my sidebar using the options that came pre-packaged with the theme
if you want something like the strawberry shortcake decoration at the top (called "banner" in the theme) your best bet is to google "pixel divider"
theme didn't support favicon so i added that in so i could have a little heart
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this theme is. really weird about backgrounds. any background that i have ever set for it, i've had to do weird shit in photoshop. like making the background HUGE, mirroring it, etc. - because it would crop the image weird, or there would be a gap where there was no image. idk man, it's haunted. i'm sure there's a way to fix this but i am NOT tech savvy enough. anyway, patterns are probably your best friend. and if you DO want something that isn't a pattern, it's going to take a lot of trial and error. but i love this theme so i deal with it 😭
the sidebar image and the floating image do not scale. if your image is 1000 pixels, it will display at 1000 pixels. you'll either have to edit the code so that the theme scales the image for you, or resize any images before you add them
my white whale of theme editing (aside from the Weird Background thing) is that i cannot get infinite scrolling to work. i have tried every code out there. all of them break my theme. it makes me sad because like. i have music there for a reason. the idea is that people would listen to it while they scroll. unfortunately, the way it's set up now, the music will stop every time someone clicks "next" or "back" 💀
anyway sorry for rambling but i hope you enjoy the the theme and customizing it in the way that you want to!
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samobservessonic · 10 months
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We open this issue on a bunch of badniks tormenting a young boy called Tufftee, because like in the early Archie comics, the badniks could talk when the plot requires them to. Once they introduce a larger villain roster, there’ll be less call for them to talk Regardless, Tufftee is interesting because he’s the younger brother of a much better-known Sonic character…
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…Sally Acorn!
Now, I’m a big fan of Sally in general, so I’ve been looking forward to getting to this story, which I didn’t realise would turn up so quickly. She only actually appears at the beginning and end of the story, but she’s here! It’s Sally! I also find it a funny coincidence that over five years later, Sally would also be given a brother in the Archie Comics, albeit an older brother called Elias. Now, I do genuinely think that these two characters were made wholly independently of each other and their creators probably didn’t even knew the other character exists (especially since I believe this is Tufftee’s only appearance), but it’s just kind of wild that out of all the characters to randomly give a brother to, both comics chose Sally
Anyway, after Tails rudely awakens Sonic (who is less than happy about that), Sally reveals that her brother wanted to play hero like Sonic and borrowed a pair of his old power boots, which Sonic thinks could still contain a bit of his power. Sonic races off before Tails has a chance to ask what to do and then we get the usual page of Sonic racing through zones, doing action hero stuff. I don't really talk about these parts as much, but I like that they include them as a “this is Sonic doing stuff like he does in the games” thing Speaking of stuff from the games, it’s only a cameo here, but we get our first appearance of the Special Zone:
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Now, in StC, the Special Zone has a narrative importance that it doesn’t have in most other Sonic spin-offs. It’s treated as a place within itself and it’s also home to the Chaotix of all people, but we’ll get to that later. For now, Sonic has Tufftee to save
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Which he achieves easily enough. We get a few pages of Tufftee being tormented by the badniks, before Sonic comes along to defeat them and rescue him. I love that one of the critters in that panel above straight up looks like someone's pet cat
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Tufftee manages to save Sonic at the last minute, which reassures him in his own mind that he’s a hero, even if Sonic isn’t very enthusiastic about it. Also, I didn’t post this panel, but there was a part earlier on where we see that Tufftee couldn’t control the speed that the shoes magically granted him, as a little “there’s more to being Sonic than just going really fast”
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We end this issue with the siblings being reunited and Sonic bluntly taking his shoes back from Tufftee, with the warning that they only work for him. Like I said before, I don’t believe we see Tufftee again after this? I can understand why, since StC already has Tails as the younger character working hard to prove himself to his hero, so we don’t need another character basically filling that same role in the comic. Even so, I like it when Tufftee appears with Sally in StC fanwork. Y’know, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone make an AU where Sally has both her brothers, Tufftee and Elias, but idk I think it might be interesting? Sally has a lot of middle sibling traits already Also, to wrap us up, I just wanted to talk about the art here, which is a vastly different style to the first two issues. For this issue, we had Casanovas on art duty and, while I haven’t been posting about the non-Sonic stories, this more-detailed style is actually closer to the high-fantasy styles used in the other comics featured in StC at the time. It’s definitely a ‘your mileage may vary’ sort of thing, but I like it purely for the nostalgia of this era of StC. We’ll be seeing a lot more of the fantasy-setting angle in regards to Tails’s backstory at some point as well
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⚠️⚠️The VIDEO is LOUD!!!!! ⚠️⚠️😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
Hi uhm hi uhm hi uhm
HINESTLY I’ve been working on some RLLY BIG ART PROJECTS like animatics and drawing a bunch of other ppls characters to do style improvement I hope so anyway SORRY for not posting in like 20 YEARS have some very old Blitzwing art featuring one thing shitpost I drew in like 20 minutes because I’m tired of reposting old art
Look in the corner. Do you see that?
Idk why I decided to put my watermark on a shitpost idgaf about but Yah Tysm for coming to my page and reading thank you for being here you’re amazing and I hope you are having a wonderful day or even or afternoon Get some sleep soon take a nap take a little rest you deserve it
Also the monster energy guy is my oc spoilsport I love Him idk why he’s in a Blitzwing post but he is Hi Spoilsport
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clare-with-no-i · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank youuu @isahorcrux for the tag! it's been so long since I did one of these omigoddddd
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
392k. a bit crazy that the next chapter of theogony will put it over 400k. wauw!!!!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
publicly? Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. privately? I have an entire folder on my laptop called 'other shit' which is just one-shots for about fifteen different fandoms which I will never publish <3
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
god. this is really making me look at my statistics page which I actively try not to do lol. but it's one long day, I will carry you, color theory, foreigner's god, and growing pains. what can I say, the ppl love the they lived AUs!
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to but I'm terrible about it which is a personal failing. I am so sorry. a new strategy that helps with this is that with my WIPs I try to respond right after the next chapter is posted so the person gets a nice lil notif and they have something else to read!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh hmmm. I guess the derelict art of letting go ending was angsty, but the whole thing was angsty. the end was bittersweet. maybe Invictus? ok new problem is I can't remember what I've written
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
foreigner's god! it's always clare why did you write all of that sad stuff into foreigner's god clare why did you write their deaths in such brutal detail clare I made my roommate read this and now she won't stop crying blah blah and it's never hey clare thanks for that nice ending scene where they're just married and lying in bed and vibing!!!!!!!!!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
yeah I do and I think under viking law I'm legally permitted to fistfight the commenters!!!!!!!!!!!! step up cowards!!!!!!!!!!!!
9. Do you write smut. If so, what kind?
god. lmao. yes I do! not often, though, I'm afraid. I tend to write an extremely narrow niche which is just exorcising trauma through sex and personal intimacy. I have no chill :)
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
no I actually usually dislike crossovers lol. like theogony is a fusion of the outlander premise but I can assure you that James Alexander Malcom MacKenzie Frasier will not make an appearance. crossovers stress me out and I like to keep my little fictional words separate, if I can. ok edit: on further review I've concluded that I enjoy premise swaps (these are just AUs lol), but I can't deal with characters from multiple pieces of media interacting. it's too much. stay in your lanes, my god. this isn't super smash bros.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not a whole fic but someone basically copy and pasted a bunch of lines from NAR into their story and then a bunch of drama ensued. it sucked and I don't like looking at NAR because it reminds me of it. I still think about the anon who told me about it, though. they were so lovely and so caring and kind to me. I hope they're doing well.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes! both with my permission and without. ha ha.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
babes I can't even finish the stories that I'm writing by myself
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
percabeth or zelink! or any doomed/short-lived/five seconds of screen time couple in a tv show or book. seriously idk why but I always fixate on the less important characters
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I renounce this question in the name of christ. amen.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I exist not with writing strengths or weaknesses but instead a secret third thing (stupidly recognizable style)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
see above
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I actually have a WIP where James lives in Spain to play quidditch and he speak Spanish in it :) eso me asusta mucho pq no he practicado mi español hace muchos años pero…sea lo que sea
19. First Fandom you wrote for?
percabeth! my ffnet account is still out there somewhere with ~four percabeth stories that are terrible :) just very bad :) no good :) horriblé :)
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
theogony or foreigner's god! or suze's bday fic but that's because I have never tailor-made something for someone quite like that fic and she was so sweet about it eye can't deal
tagging my internet wife @thequibblah bestie...knocking at ur door...standing outside with an edible arrangement...
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