#idk if anyone's theorized this already
vs-blue · 2 years
New theory what if the pfl agents' states are picked according to their surnames' first letter
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20001541 · 1 month
this line makes me wonder how long hori has had their backstory in mind, because in even in 193 afo states that yoichi was the only family he had left.
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so I wonder if hori had their backstory in mind from the beginning or if he only had a vague idea of what their childhood looked like at this point.
I wouldn't be surprised if he did have their orphaned as babies backstory in mind here because the backstory explains so much of afo's behavior and the comic book they read was first mentioned here so he had to have some idea of how they stumbled across the comic that changed their lives at the very least ...
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caramsels · 1 year
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shoutout to this. thing i made like two years ago in the quickest amount of time possible
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cheezeybread · 3 months
I'm not gonna lie, I was already drafting up a part two just for sillies hehe
I love writing characters to their breaking point, isn't it just the best? <3
As usual, Trigger warnings include crass language, possible violence idk, etc etc!
This ain't proofread lol
As the days passed by, the change around campus was...very noticeable. No one could function as well as they should have. Students were making reckless mistakes in class. Not passing tests, not even writing their own names on assignments, forgetting exam dates, putting ingredient A in a potion mixture instead of ingredient B.
The strangest part was the lack of magic in the student body.
For the Housewardens, especially, it was concerning. At first, the other students theorized that they weren't using magic out of some sort of protest for YN's conditions. But then, said students realized that they couldn't use their magic, either.
Professor Trein explained it best at the staff meeting a week after your episode.
"Magic is tied in directly with emotions," he had said, staring down at the table with an unusual air of solemnity "It isn't uncommon to see cases of powerful mages losing control of their magic after their partner passes away, or some other event. It's the main reason why scientists theorize that overblots are caused not only by an overuse of powers, but rather, mainly due to an excess of pent-up pressure inside a mage's heart."
"I don't know if you know this, Professor Trein," said one of the Mathematics teachers with an air of superiority "But this YN is not a mage, nor a magic user, at all!"
"He's not talking about YN in this case, you insolent dog!" Crewel shouted out, banging a fist on the table. Once the math teacher went silent, Professor Crewel cleared his throat and raised a hand to his mouth, attempting to regain his composure. His mood had been rather soured as of late...a result of his stress about the whole situation "I don't know if you know, but this meeting is not only about YN, but about the significant lack of magic in the student body! No one can use it at the moment. I'm not quite sure how you missed that."
"So...the students can't use their magic because of...emotional distress?" Coach Vargas suggested.
"Precisely," Trein nodded "YN has had quite an impact on all of the students at this school, whether we'd like to admit it or not, mainly due to the pressure Crowley put on them to step into other's problems," he cast a scornful look towards the Headmage, who looked suitable flustered "They've made friendships and bonds with the entirety of the student body, and even those who aren't friends with them are friends with those who are, so they're effected, as well."
The students were worried for different reasons.
While the staff was meeting, the Housewardens called their own meeting. Even the elusive Malleus managed to join them, and Idia came in-person, for once. Since the staff was holed up in their regular space, the Housewardens decided to gather in the Mostro Lounge. Surprisingly, Azul offered drinks free of charge, just this once. But no one felt too thirsty.
"I'm worried," Riddle started by saying, tapping his fingers against the side of his water that he hadn't taken a sip of.
"That's quite an understatement," Azul sighed, pushing his glasses up as he leaned back in his chair "No one else has been able to use their magic yet, have they? Not your students or anyone else?"
"No," Leona shook his head, looking greatly annoyed at this whole meeting. Although everyone could tell that there was an underlying emotion of concern on his face.
"Well, has anyone managed to talk to YN?" Kalim looked tired and worn-out, his normally sunny disposition replaced by an anxious look "Me and Vil tried to go to their dorm this morning with some of their favorite foods, but they didn't answer the door..."
"No, only Grim opened the door," Vil drummed his nails on the table, his brows furrowed slightly, unconcerned about the risk of wrinkles on his skin.
"Grim?" Interjected Idia "What did he say?"
"He only said that they weren't hungry..." Kalim shook his head "He- he said that they haven't slept hardly at all since it happened, waking up screaming after a few minutes whenever they have slept."
"And they haven't had anything to eat unless Grim could manage to force it down their throats, practically," Vil cleared his throat "He said that YN isn't talking to him, either, though. They're barely acknowledging his presence."
"But YN loves Grim!" Exclaimed Idia, looking bewildered.
"...Most likely, they merely need some time to themselves," Malleus said softly, speaking for the first time that meeting "They've been through so much, due to our mistakes as well as Crowley's. While we weren't the main cause of their stress, we undoubtedly had a great effect on it."
The Housewardens were silent, all thinking of the stress they piled up on you, all of their overblots, some of which they hurt you during. They had all made their mistakes. They had never once given you a proper apology, had they? Simple sorry's were said, but actions spoke louder than words, and their actions were minimal, at best.
"I say we try our best to apologize," Spoke Leona, as if he could hear all of their thoughts. He had the same one, after all. "And then we'll string up the Headmage by his shitty mask and fingertips and leave him for the ravens to eat."
They all agreed heartily.
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You were terrible, a Grade-A mess.
Ever since your breakdown, you had been certifiably done with this school. Holing yourself up in yours and Grim's shared room, sitting on the bed staring at the wall.
You couldn't bring yourself to speak to Grim, feeling embarassed for the way you acted, but mostly feeling bitter traces of resentment towards him for his part in this mess. Although you knew the grudge was something you would have to get over sooner or later. Poor Grim had done his best to apologize in the only way he knew how, after all.
Saying "sorry" wasn't his style. The most he could do was not be a total pain. Seeing you not eat anything, he had brought you some of his hidden tuna cans, trying to balance a fork in both of his paws- without opposable thumbs, he made quite a mess after dropping it several times- and feed you. You tried your best to please him (although pleasing people is what got you to this point in the first place), opening your mouth and accepting whatever he could manage to get up to that level without dropping.
After you finished off a can, Grim looked at you with a sad look, and scurried off without a word.
When he saw you not sleeping, he tried to make you comfortable, bringing you whatever blankets and pillows he could find. The ghosts tried to lower their voices when speaking, and didn't try to scare you like they normally did. But you couldn't sleep. When you first fell asleep, you woke up to a sharp pain in your hand, discovering that you had been screaming and smashing your fists into the mirror over the mantle-place, the same mirror that had shown you visions of the Great Seven's tales. Grim had raised the Nurse's office and brought back band aids and disinfectants, while one of the ghosts did his best to patch up your hand.
After that, you tried not to sleep at all.
A week later, you found yourself drifting down the stairs to the lounge area, your head feeling a little lighter than it had before. Were you starting to heal? No, healing would take the effort of you unpacking everything instead of having a breakdown and shutting yourself off to the world. But maybe this was a sign that you could take the first steps to recovery.
Grim was overjoyed by your movement out of the room, taking it as a sign that you would be okay, finally. He tried to feed you one of your favorite foods out of a tupperware container- mentioning that it was brought over by Vil and Kalim- but you took the fork yourself with a smile, and ate a bite before your lack of appetite got the best of you and you had to put the food back up.
The doorbell rang, a deep, long sound. Did you feel like dealing with people? Maybe so. You'd have to start somewhere, somehow.
As Grim eagerly- yet cautiously- followed you to the door, you unlocked it and opened it, peering around the corner.
There stood all seven Housewardens, their eyes collectively wide at seeing a pale, (and frankly) sick-looking YN.
It was Vil who gained his composure first, bowing his head gracefully.
"Dearest YN, we have a letter for you. We thought it best to allow you to read it yourself, so you can have some time to think over it without any etiquette-worrying." The blond held out a folded piece of paper, and you slowly took it from his unsteady hand.
"Thank...you," you spoke quietly, your throat still recovering from all the screaming you did seven days ago.
"We'll take our leave now," Vil cleared his own throat, casting you a small look before he made a sweeping motion with his hands, turned around, and walked off of the property with the other 6 housewardens.
Watching them until they faded out of sight, you leaned up against the doorway, not bothering to close the door as you unfolded the letter and began to read
"Dearest YN, this letter is a collection of our thoughts for you. We as housewardens realize the amount of pressure that you have been through, and we regret that we were unable to see the signs sooner.
Throughout this school year, we began as seeing you as something less than. You were merely a magicless human, after all, who wasn't even able to be sorted into a proper dormitory. Instead, you were forced into babysitting a dire beast in an abandoned, trashy excuse for a building (pardon the insults, it really is a lovely dorm thanks to all the hard work you've put into it). Despite having no magic, you were expected to take classes, which added coursework into all you had to worry about. Crowley continued to make you work for him to pay off the imaginary debt he believed you to owe the school for bringing you here against your will. And then we, separately, went through intense overblots, hurting you physically and mentally, as well as forcing you to solve our own problems and unhealed traumas/resentments.
We leaned on you wholly for support. But we never stopped to think of your own wellbeing. A magicless human amongst mages and students, you were obviously in danger at every turn, yet we didn't offer to assist you with learning proper defense techniques. We expected you to solve all of our problems and disputes, because, after all, that was what we believed you to be there for. It was what you were good at, so we allowed ourselves the selfish pleasure of using you for your talents at healing us. You were overworked, everyone dumping their schoolwork on you knowing full and well that you wouldn't say no to someone in need of assistance.
We are all very sorry, and know that our words cannot heal what you've been through. We know that you miss your home, and we haven't been providing you with any comfort in making this place your home-away-from-home in the meantime.
So please accept our offers to help you now, if it's not too late.
Any coursework you have trouble with, I'll help you with. You've helped me to see that I'm only human, and I shouldn't be expected to achieve perfection. The loudest person isn't always the right one, YN, sometimes it's the most quiet one that has the most important opinions. Just like you.
Anybody that gives you any trouble, I'll make sure they're on the menu for our next barbecue at Savanaclaw dorm. Because of you, I can see that despite being a second-born, I can be something great, so long as I don't hold myself back.
If you need a suitable job for pocket money, Mostro Lounge always has an available spot open for you. If that's not to your liking, I'd be more than happy to find you a job that's low-stress yet still provides enough of a paycheck for you to be satisfied with. Contract-pending, of course. Due to your interference, I know that I'm good enough, even without stealing powers and such.
Anytime you need to destress and relax, give me a call! I'll happily help you anyway that I can, whether it's helping you with your workload or anything! Just name it! I'm at your service- just think of me as your humble servant! :D Thank you so much for your help with Jamil, I'm so sorry he trapped you in Scarabia for most of Winter break! You've given me a chance to really be his friend now, and for that, you deserve anything I can give you!
I can now see that being number one in the world isn't everything...I shouldn't be so stressed over everything that the public thinks in comparison to me alongside LeBlanche. I should simply be myself, as beautiful and perfect as I can be. The same applies to you, YN. You are beautiful and perfect in your own right, and should never look down upon yourself. Anytime you need a spa break or assistance with Alchemy, consider me your go-to.
You've helped me be a little bit more social, better in public. You never made me feel like a freak for my interests. I'm sorry I can't say more, I'm totally blanking on the spot right now- but rest assured that I'll totally be making a bunch of technology for you to use, that way you'll be way more powerful than anybody else, even without magic!
The Headmage is locked in the basement of Diasomnia
-Malleus Draconia
And as an additional note, we would like to officially claim that we believe Crowley's claim of it being impossible to return you home holds little to no merit...we shall be investigating this matter rigorously on our own time, until we discover a way home for you. If, The Great Seven forbid, we cannot find a solution, each of us are willing to accept you with open arms and make sure your time in this world, even after school ends, will be nothing short of amazing.
With all the love you deserve,
Vil (and co.)"
The letter made you smile so wide that your cheeks started to hurt. As you got further down, then began to reread it again, your eyes began to water, tears dripping down and landing on the paper.
Soon enough, you were a sobbing mess on the floor, the letter still gripped in one hand. But you were still smiling, despite the tears.
"YN! YN, Are you okay??" Grim asked worriedly, shaking your arm with a concerned look. He hadn't even called you his hench-human since the incident due to his concern for you.
You opened up your arms and wrapped up the cat-creature in a hug, burying your face into his fuzzy back. He made a small yowl of surprise, but didn't try to pull away.
"Not- not yet, Grim," You choked out, sniffling "But I will be."
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barrenclan · 5 months
You know what? Mallowstar's already dead, but I'm gonna put in my prediction for everyone. I don't see anyone making it out of here alive. Maybe the kits--you promised you wouldn't kill them--but idk I guess Defiance'll just kidnap them. The more the merrier
I hope Cootstorm dies at least, that old coot has what's coming
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You're all just so hopeful!
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It's funny to me that you say that, because I feel like everyone else has been theorizing that all of BarrenClan will die, while I've just been saying "I guess we'll have to see" (because of course I'm not gonna spoil the story in an ask). All I've said is that BarrenClan's fate is completely out of their control. Which it is!
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irisinluv · 23 days
Hi 0/ so um. Yall got me kicking my feet with the new follows and support n shit…. I am way too shy and socially awkward to know how to reply to the sweet reblogs and comments soooo…. I love yall- you’re making me blush.
If you’re here from Isekai series, and wanna be added to the tag list, let me know! I already have a few people written down in ye old notes app who specifically commented “tag me”- you know who you are :) but I’ll add anyone else that wants to be added!
Part 2 is already drafted but I’m sitting on it a bit cuz
1) part one JUST came out
2) I’m not used to the whole series thing, my brain comes up with it as it goes so I have no clue where this is going past a vague idea, so I’m debating sitting down and outlining the series before I commit to posting part 2 (which is a bit slow, but needed for plot reasons and character building) orrr if I should just go with the flow and come up with it as I go and yall come along for the ride….
3) reader is a ditz and an unreliable narrator, therefore, the Yan themes are more subtle. Obviously we have our sweet pea reader trying to act how they think they’re supposed to act…, aka as a yan, but spoiler….. everyone should look reallllll close at Eric.
4) I’m gonna do minisodes specifically from Eric’s pov, cuz I know what he’s thinking in a scene, but you, the reader, and you, the consort, have no clue! But I don’t know how to space those out, If I want yall to theorize first, if I wanna give it to you cuz I want to spoil you and hand you a perfectly crafted world and characters and romance and drama…. Idk. A girl can only write so fast and come up with so much at once.
Anyways…. I’d love to know what yall think, I’m not a professional writer or anything and getting my ideas out into words can be sloppy and messy. Let me know if you want me to post clarifying posts giving more insight into characters, for example- how the villainess usually acted, vs how you think she acted, vs you are actually being perceived in the “role”
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a-usernamelol · 21 days
Would anyone be interested in my theories?
Ik I’m not a game theory esque blog but I have a cracktheory and a proper theory cookin and I’m wondering if anyone would be interested in me putting actual time and effort into theorycrafting for Hogwarts Legacy. I ask this because I know there are theorycrafting channels and blogs for HL already so it’s entirely possible I’d be a broken record even when trying to theorize about things others haven’t talked about
idk lemme know I’m thinking about it and IK its not what I usually so or what my blog is built on. 🤔
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I have two of em cooking right now… ‘twas wondering what yall would think
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hinamie · 3 months
Idk if anyone has already theorized this, and I'm sure you can't confirm anything yet, but i still wanna ask; does gojo have any type of relation to Raava? Cuz the decorations on his clothes looks awfully similar to the ones on her body
GJHSDJ not just awfully similiar, they straight up Are raava's patterns :3 I've been pretty transparent about the raava influence since i did gojo's initial design
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literally my tags on gojo's prelim design GHJGDSFJ it's not like i'm trying 2 b subtle about his raava merch . u r correct in that i cannot disclose why he's such a fan tho !
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grrafe · 3 months
Ep 28 Spoilers For Worlds Beyond Number and Theory for Upcoming episodes!!! Turn away now if you don't want to see!!! (witch related)
Genuinely I'm so excited to know more about Mirara as a character, because if my theory is right, she may just be (besides Ame) the most sane and potentially empathetic witch in the Coven of Elders.
Like, think about it.
Mechanically, the only witch out of the entire Coven to not have an effect on people is Mirara, despite how terrifying she is. And that is easily explained by how her domain covers the idea of nothing, no, nothing at all.
But how does one come into a domain such as hers? It had me thinking. And an idea hit me.
Remember back to episode 23, the beginning of the arc, when Ame was watching that memory between Grandma Wren and Mirara? Mirara mentioned having seen the wizards flames before. The desert. THE FUCKING DESERT.
Because thinking back, there should be no reason for her (or really even for, to a certain extent, ths other witches) to hate wizards. Their worlds are so seperated that the Citadel didn't even know there was a Coven of incredibly powerful witches, let alone that they hate them, until Ame made herself more open with Steel.
And I think the biggest thing that set me off to this is Grandmother Wren's tenderness in that moment with Mirara. She truly did not know how to defend them, but she also didn't try to lecture Mirara on why she was wrong or why she should do something else.
Mirara has to have a good reason, and it has to have been so good that Grandmother Wren couldn't fight it the way she could for anything else.
And that brings us to present day. Mirara may want to get revenge for what the wizards had done to her sanctum. And at the moment, we don't fully know how voting in the Coven works. It seems like the majority gets what they want, so that could mean if Ame gets (most likely under these rules) Hacaea and Grimore (likely would follow Hacaea's lead) to vote against going to battle against the Citadel, then it doesn't happen.
But there's also a chance that for these larger votes, ones that concern all domains, that every domain has to agree to that idea. And I think that's why Mirara and Irdine want Ame dead. This is the best opportunity for Mirara to finally get her revenge.
Being the Witch of the World's Heart, Mirara already knew she couldn't ask to attack the Citadel, Ame would disapprove. But if Mirara instead made it her mission to get rid of that domain early, when its witch is within her infancy, then she suddenly sets herself up for success.
Unless she jumps the gun in anticipation. She would've been waiting for, I believe, 176 years for this. That's an insane amount of time to be waiting for magical permission to get revenge.
I honestly do wonder if the only reason Ame's under the threat of death is because of magical law. I wonder if Mirara would approach this any differently if death wasn't the only way to end a domain.
Genuinely, if I'm right in any capacity, I'm gonna be ecstatic. I love this show so much. Idk if this has been talked about before, so sorry if I'm repeating anything anyone else has already said. Also apologies if I missed anything or if this is too scattered. I can't organize anything I theorize about at all, it's so hard to translate my thoughts into words. Also might've missed some points. God this world is so cool.
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freyjas-musings · 19 days
so i keep seeing e/riels saying that they want a romance that triumphs the mating bond and i have few problems w that
for az & elains romance story to trumps the matin bond, azriel shouldnt have to believe that the cauldron was wrong. his idea of love IS his mate. he thought mor was his mate for 500 yrs & now all of a sudden, his brothers are w the 2 archeron sisters & theres a 3rd one so ofc hes gonna jump ship & think she’s his mate when mor cont rejected him throughout the yrs (i def think he wouldve never even thought of elain if mor given him a chance). so i think the bonus chpt kind of crushed that “romance trumps mating bond” bc if thats how it started, w him thinking elain is his mate or that the cauldron is wrong, then idk how that would work if u want to discredit the mating bond
not to say there isnt failed pairs, but we’re talking about main characters here. why would sjm write failed pairs w mcs when she loves the idea of 2 ppl being made exactly for one another. also the idea of mates is not only romantic but its also powerful imo- 2 ppl that are exactly equal to one another in both power & title. idk how azriel could ever treat elain as his equal when he is so overprotective of her to the point where he’s almost diminishing her strenggh in acosf. even amren had to say “dont underestimate her”
and also elain- if she wanted to be w azriel, she can just reject lucien, which he has already said in acowar that he would let her go if she was happier w someone one else. BUT SHE STILL HAS NOT DONE THAT. this story could easily be resolved w just that mating bond being rejected alas, we’re here theorizing about forbidden romance & evil lightsingers & “random redheads who r also red herrings to the superior elain and az’s love story”. to me, the e/riel story is so simple. nothing is complicated if she just rejects the bond.
i think the perfect romance story for azriel is for him to fall in love w someone and not even think of the mating bond but then later on finds out that that person is his mate. i think he needs to accept & learn what true love is first before the mating bond can snap for him.
Hi Anon ,
I agree with all the points you have made and logically at this stage it won't be rejecting one bond but two pairs of mates and I simply don't see sjm doing that at all. As far as the other side is concerned they have been so hell bent on refuting Gywn and Az are most likely mates because they know it was game over for Elriel the minute the bonus was released.
There is literally no way anyone will be convinced about Gwyn and Lucien being rejected without a proper reason and that's the thing , this is a fictional story ... SJM could have shown a deterioration in the equation between elain and Lucien but they remain stagnant instead ... meaning it's not still time for their story.
The thing about Elain and Az .... we clearly know Azriel's feelings weren't that deep. We know he hadn't planned past pleasuring himself to the fantasies ... now that in itself spells doom. And this isn't about who is more deserving or anything it's just a clear case of two people with a toxic equation ... neither of them is undeserving of love or healing ...
The fact remains they are just not good for each other . They are NOT how SJM writes her couples .
They will each get their own story and HEA. I see a lot of people adding a healthy dose of ego into it about wanting Elain to reject Az ... but its really not an ego thing ... yes Az rejected her first ... she also gave back the necklace and rejected him back ... I need people to just stop self inserting and acting like jilted girlfriends being bitter about Azriel... its most likely he will get his story and HEA first and That is OK.
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wasabikitcat · 7 months
I had this realization a few days ago when reviewing what we know about Gaster while theorizing about the mysterious Valentine from the newsletter and idk if other people have pointed this out yet, but I haven't seen anyone else talk about it:
I don't think Gaster's disappearance has anything to do with Core.
The Core is only mentioned in relation to Gaster once, in this dialogue from one of the Gaster followers:
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This dialogue is why most theories and fanon built around the idea that Gaster fell into the Core, which for reasons unknown to us erased him from existence. But I'm now pretty convinced that this is a red herring, because it doesn't actually say Gaster fell into the Core. It says he made the Core, and that he fell into his creation.
It does not say that this creation is the Core.
The dialogue is written in a way that leads you to assume the creation he fell into was the Core, but that doesn't really make much sense considering the rest of the dialogue.
The dialogue says "they say he created the Core," which implies this is second hand knowledge, but then says with certainty "One day, he fell into his creation." Why do they know for sure he fell into "his creation," but only knows he created the core from what others say?
If you talk to the follower again, they say "Will Alphys end up the same way?" Why would Alphys also fall into the Core? As far as we know, Alphys doesn't maintain the Core; if I remember correctly, a few monsters at Mettaton's hotel are stated to work in the Core, so wouldn't this follower be more concerned that those monsters will end up like Gaster and not Alphys?
And another question that I think fanon has just ignored due to the assumption it was something we don't yet know about, but I am now wondering about: Why would falling into the Core erase Gaster from time? When traveling through Hotland and viewing the Core in the distance, Alphys says this:
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And while this dialogue may at first seem indicative that the Core is more mysterious than a normal geothermal power generator (and it is in some ways), remember: Alphys didn't build the Core. Alphys doesn't understand how the Core works, not because it has some unnatural property that could erase people from space time, but because she didn't build it. Not only does this mean that the Core is likely just a power generator that utilizes the lava in Hotland to produce geothermal energy and convert it to electricity, it also means that Alphys doesn't work on the Core, because she doesn't know how it works. So why would the Gaster follower worry about Alphys ending up like Gaster if she doesn't have any involvement with the Core?
Additionally, that Gaster follower is the only one to mention the Core in relation to Gaster. In fact, one of the other followers says something that could be interpreted as actively contradicting his erasure being caused by the Core:
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This follower says "his experiments went wrong," and doesn't mention the Core. Why would Gaster be experimenting with the Core? And if he was, we don't know anything about it.
But you know what experiments we do know Gaster was working on, because it's literally one of the only pieces of dialogue we have from him?
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And do you know what other creation was presumably made by Gaster, as Alphys is unfamiliar with it's operation? That is also a creation that was actively being used in experiments, which Alphys is continuing to perform herself? Experiments that are directly involved with something we already know can alter time and space? A creation that is located in one of the most mysterious areas in the game with several oddities in it that are straight up never explained, multiple fourth wall breaking moments, and a couple explicit references to things we believe are associated with Gaster? A creation that suspiciously resembles in appearance the form of a character who canonically can alter time and space, not to mention resembling the thing that's literally called a GASTER BLASTER???
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#ignore the crusty spriters resource gaster blaster. google images is useless when it comes to finding actual gameplay screenshots.#anyways I may be completely out of the loop and everyone already knew this. but also the whole Core thing was basically accepted fanon#back in the day. and i only just realized it probably is a misinterpretation like less than a week ago#im not sure the determination extractor is the creation he fell into. but i think the creation he fell into is related to the extractor#also when looking up stuff for this i came upon the information that the tree man may be referenced in the true lab#when you enter the room filled with fog and try to inspect things it mentions a tree and a man.#not to mention the true lab being the debut of everyman of course.#and whatever the FUCK is up with the memory heads. who have a suspicious connection to phones btw.#actually Gaster has an incredibly suspicious connection to phones. like the spamton thing obviously but his presence seems to fuck up phone#the memory heads. the garbage noise in the dark world. hell GRANDPA SEMI is even directly related to phones.#considering one of the only two places he is mentioned is in a list of characters to have phone call events in the code of the demo.#also the art book mentions that the phone itself was originally a character. which kinda ties into the unused video game content theme.#this doesn't have much to do with this post im just rambling now.#anyways tl;dr i am now a 'gaster did not fall into the core' truther#undertale#deltarune#ut/dr#ut/dr theory
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queen0fm0nsterz · 1 year
A summery of tson:
Shit's fucked
Seriously though I'm so normal. I'm a little sad Noone went to the nowhere, but I'm also happy for her...? She got away from Otto. I think that's what the nowhere does, targets children with *nowhere* to go and no support system (and in Noone's case she also had illnesses) and gives them a reprieve, but in turn they are pulled into a LITTERAL MONSTER WORLD.
I've seen a few people theorize that Cece = Six and Otto = Mono, but I don't really agree with that, first off, though Otto did react to the yellow raincoat, the raincoat was Rcg's first (I think it's more likely that Cece = rcg but I also want to keep my mind open and just process for a few days) and it just doesn't really fit in my mind...? And to everyone saying "bUt It would exPlaIn mOno's oBseSion wIth trAveling with Six and ReaChIng the tOwEer" I say ...No :)
I really liked the podcast itself, it was a little triggering because I have had experiences with therapists manipulating and using me, but I was able to look past it and enjoy it. The sound design was INCREDIBLE and I'm really hoping they release the theme on Spotify, and I really liked the writing
Aaaa idk my thoughts are all over the place
I totally agree with you on most of this! The trend of assigning specific characters to already pre-existing ones in particular really bothers me as of now -- characters can have parallels without being the same person, people! Just look at Six and the Lady!! I also don't think Sisi is anyone we know just yet.
I can't say I am happy for Noone, though. She got prayed on in one of her most vulnerable moments caused by an irresponsible and irrational adult, causing her to be pushed into the arms of danger. Unfortunately this happens way too often in the real world as well. Poor child. The Nowhere may have "healed" her, but make no mistake: it is not a place of good. Not at all. Considering the final noises we heard as she approached the "door" it seems that she may have travelled to the Maw, where the Ferryman usually takes children... and considering the things that happen in the Maw... I wonder if she's one of those many faceless children we see during Six and RKs adventure. :(
The actors did a perfect job. Noone is really adorable and Otto's breakdowns were incredibly effective, both their VAs are very skilled. I must also give props to Otto's Italian VA: he was perfect for the role and nailed the vibe to a tee.
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lee-hakhyun · 1 year
do you think that the side story is trying to tell us: we, fragments of kdj, are also ourselves like despite being a small percentage of kim dokja, we also have our own identity and thats okay, that doesnt make us less important to the story? like we are still part of them and we are also important and we, too, should dream about ourselves too...... like it's trying to tell us eventho you are not special, you are still important idk
ok, i was going to answer this expanding on my thoughts i put in tags on one of your posts, but i overestimated my energy for longer posts. i will (probably) make a clearer post rewording this to not be.. all this, but here's a whole rant i went on in discord relating to your ask
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text: i mentioned this before but i'm like pretty sure the the side story is meant to reach out to us (not for the sake of saving another, but to save you, personally) i'm planning on cleaning this up in a tumblr post but here's just a VERY disorganized early ramble
everything kinda clicked for me yesterday. the ask ru sent me about the open-endedness of orv got me thinking about the purpose of the side story because yeah, orv has the perfect ending. so why would there still be more? from what i'm seeing. orv will get a clear 'good' end. no more open-ends. and for a good reason. 'omnisicent reader's viewpoint' is over, this is reiterated so many times throughout the side story. but it goes on, which means the story still has a reason to continue. as singshong said, this isn't a story for just that one kim dokja anymore, but it's still a story about kim dokja. and the 'kim dokja' in the side story, it's the orv readers. the kim dokja fragments. as in,, us. if orv had to continue, THIS would be the perfect way to truly complete the story. as much as orv is a story about tragedy it's also about love. orv has saved people even, with an uncertain ending, because the story is about surviving, to have someone live on. and it's supposed to be meant for YOU, you are supposed to dream of a happy ending because you deserve a happy end. but that's not enough for some people, even when everything pointed to kdj waking up, there were still two portals in the end. there were still some people who thought kim dokja, and subsequently themselves, couldn't be saved. so the story continues on, because it hasn't truly reached everyone yet. (1/2 i hope you see where i'm going with this)
so what i think is going to happen, the side story is going to absolutely burn in the message that YOU deserve to live, and leave on an ending that cannot be misconstrued for anything else. because if kim dokja lives on, then so will we. because we are kim dokja. so he NEEDS to live in the end. we're not even close to the end of the side story and this message is already being pushed so much through lhh. he refuses to ignore anyone, 'extra' or otherwise. he wants everyone to survive. just. see his talk with ye hyunwoo. telling him to survive no matter what, that this was his response as an author to his readers, that if he needs to use 'i am kim dokja' then do so
(there's so much about lhh i could theorize on but i can't word it right now)
i'm gonna cut this off here because i will start repeating myself but if an open end was enough to change some. it wouldn't be for others. orv needs a clear happy end to reach anyone that didn't get it the first time around.
it's this ask that changed everything for me. orv's end may have been clear to me, but not everyone thinks the same way
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just. urgh. something about this story going so far to reach out and say you deserve to live
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Round 2, bracket A, poll 7
Propaganda for Lacenet: "Lacenet is so so good because of the sheer potential it has!!! They have a ridiculous amount of fanmade ship content considering they're from a game that isn't even out yet, partly because Silksong fans are just a little bit insane and also partly because what little we've been shown of them is too good to just simply ignore.
Hornet is the princess-protector of her shitty dad's forgotten kingdom, testing the strength of anyone who would try and end its stasis with her needle. Basically everyone Hornet loves is either dead or as good as dead, which is likely the reason for her stoic, closed-off attitude, serving as a way to mask her emotions for the difficult job she has to do, as well as an effective way to distance herself from others to prevent herself from getting hurt when they inevitably die. Unfortunately Hornet can't catch a break AT ALL because the game ends with someone she loves being torn away from her AGAIN and then she's kidnapped and whisked off to some random ass kingdom
Where she meets Lace!!!!! Who is her sadistic rival, taunting/flirting with Hornet as she tries to assassinate her. We don't know a lot about Lace besides her presumed importance in the narrative, playing a similar role to Hornet in the original game, as well as her sizable amounts of wedding subtext- from her second fight with Hornet taking place on a field of white roses to her literally wearing a Japanese wedding garment while dressed head to toe in white. It's also implied that she frees Hornet from her kidnappers at the start of the game, and that the reason she's trying to kill her is to protect her from any worse suffering she'd face later on in her journey, which has led a decent amount of people to theorize that Lace and Hornet could potentially end up allied together by the end of it
And if they DO end up allies then they would 100% be a power couple- they're already extremely strong alone, but TOGETHER they're two fucking unstoppable lesbian bug warriors, freeing Pharloom from its curse through force and also making out sloppy style along the way
Also Lace calls Hornet "delicious" the first time they meet and if that isn't gay then idk what is"
Propaganda for Shadowgast: "again, what's sexier than wizards NOTHING! they're wizards! they're war criminals! Essek shows affection by crushing assassin's that try to kill Caleb into tiny balls with magic and Caleb shows affection by throw Essek at the healers when he's polymorphed as a giant ape! forehead kisses! you were not born with venom in your veins! young man! there's SO MUCH"
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starbuckaroo · 4 months
I think I would be happier w bucktommy all these episodes down the line if Tommy still interacted with or asked after Eddie. I know there’s a lot the show doesn’t put onscreen so there’s no reason why it couldn’t have plausibly happened or couldn’t still happen (and I hope it does), but Tommy was Eddie’s friend first! They hung out a lot!
And yet, since he got together with Buck, we haven’t gotten to see them interact.
Granted, there hasn’t been a lot of screen time for Tommy and that’s fine, it’s a short season w very little room to breathe. This isn’t some sort of angry anti bucktommy tirade. But it does make me just a tad uncomfortable the way things are at this moment. Bc it’s not a stretch to theorize that maybe Tommy was hoping things Eddie might go somewhere and when they didn’t, he tried with Buck. I don’t think that’s supported by the text, but it’s also not negated, either. Idk. It’s not a huge deal at the moment, just a little snag?
Listen I am a buck fan but I am an eddie fan!!!!!!! And I am so so sad for eddie this season it’s been rly fucking rough on him! Not like buck needs to change anything (except not be a jealous freak and lash out physically if he can’t use his words), like I said I’m here for bucktommy I think they’re great. But like. Where’s the awkward “hey how do we hang out now that you two make out sometimes” or whatever?? We deserve to see that tbh! It’s a more common issue in queer circles, that ppl have to slip in and out of romantic/platonic interactions when people partner up or break up. It’s also the first time either of them have dated anyone within the LAFD and so it’s the first time this could ever have even come up!
Idk man. Just I keep thinking about how happy eddie seemed when he was hanging out w Tommy and maybe it’s just bc that ep was meant to be from Buck’s pov but i don’t know what’s worse, thinking it WAS real and now he doesn’t get to have that friendship anymore or that it WASNT real and he was never actually having that good of a time.
MY REAL POINT is that anyone who WAS or IS a buddie shipper or anyone who likes Eddie at all has to acknowledge how important buck and eddie are to each other, right? Which means that in any relationship that either of them ever have, if they want it to be serious and have long term potential, they actually need to integrate their partner with their best friend.
Maybe this is too weird for some ppl? It’s always seemed like a given, like if there’s someone new and important in my life, I def want my best friend to meet them and like them bc I want us all to be able to spend time together! I don’t want to feel split between them all the time! And esp with Tommy already having connections with most of the 118/main cast, and particularly Eddie, it would make sense for us to see them interacting!
Idk. I’m probably wanting too much from my network tv show lol I just. I will literally never take bucktommy seriously as a pairing if they don’t manage to address the Eddie of it all. And not in a “address the fact that buck loves him” contrived jealousy nonsense. I mean address the fact that their lives are bound together! And it predates anyone that either of them will ever date! Plus imagine the character growth it would take for Buck to send Tommy to Thursday basketball with like a plate of cookies and orange slices or something but not show up himself. Be like “have fun with the boys, slap Eddie’s ass for me” or whatever 😂 I would believe Buck was finally on his way to being ready for a long term adult relationship if they managed that, is all I’m saying
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lexosaurus · 2 years
and then he woke up
Happy @phandomholidaytruce to @bleedingectoplasm! I loved your prompts, especially the part where you said, "idk just hurt me<3" so I hope I delivered!
Characters: Danny, GIW, Sam, Tucker Words: 5103 Warnings/tags: body horror, angst, recovery
[ao3 link]
It had been a joke once. Back in high school, his classmates had once bantered about the limits to his healing factor. They giggled, theorizing different scenarios, each more ridiculous than the last. Instances where his finger was cut off, his ghostly tail chopped in two, his torso sliced in half. If he was missing an organ, would his body make a new one? Would he regrow it like a starfish if his arm was cut off?
He had laughed, then. Because of course, those situations were crazy. No one was going to take his organs out. No one was going to cut his arm off. 
It was a joke.
It was supposed to be a joke.
His breath shuttered. Above him, white blended with white blended with green. Fire and nothingness cloaked his body, his nerves too fried to produce even a twitch. But still, ectoplasm bathed his skin, pooling on the table below him.
Voices murmured off to his side, and the sounds of machines beeped and whirred around him. But everything was muffled, the white was too oppressive, make it stop, make it stop…
“It’s fascinating.” The fuzzy operative hovered above him.
Danny couldn’t react as metal tools pressed against his skin.
“His body seems to be regrowing his missing kidney. Look, you can see it.”
Another face entered his view. “That’s incredible. Level seven indeed.”
Danny shut his eyes. He couldn’t stomach seeing their faces. He couldn’t know who was opening his skin, shuffling through his body, tearing it apart and putting it back together like a crude jigsaw. 
He wanted to cocoon in his ignorance and wake up in his bed.
He woke up in his cell. No bed. No blanket. He was a ghost, and ghosts didn’t deserve luxuries.
He didn’t want to move. He didn’t want to assess the damage. He didn’t want to see how deep the nerve and muscle damage went, didn’t want to know if there was still a hole in his body, didn’t want to feel any dents where organs should be.
He didn’t want to know.
But deep down, some ugly part of him knew. And it admonished him, telling him to be grateful. He could have had it worse, he could have died. 
But then, wasn’t he already dead? No living person could have survived that.
No living person could have regrown a kidney.
His eyes burned, and his vision blurred over. After he passed out again, he would wonder what else they had removed from his body. What other things was he forced to regrow like some mutant lab experiment?
And to his horror, a few days later, he woke up.
Back on the metal table.
With another fuzzy operative floating above him, metal tools in hand.
The strap on his forehead stopped him from craning to see what was happening next to him, but instinct pooled in his gut anyway, and he knew.
He knew.
“It’s halfway regrown,” the operative said in a sterile tone.
“Time recorded. And what of his kidney?”
“It looks about a quarter of the way there.”
He wanted to ask, to beg, what was the first one? What were they talking about? Had they removed his kidney again? Didn’t they have enough fun the first time? Why were they doing this to him?
But even the mere thought of asking sent nausea down his throat and he couldn’t think about it, he couldn’t ask. His voice was frozen over anyway.
If he didn’t know the truth, then the realities didn’t exist.
When he woke up in his cell that evening, he tried to call out to Clockwork, to the Observants, to anyone who may see him. Who may know what he was going through. 
But no one responded. 
Of course.
Even though he didn’t expect an answer, it still punched him in the gut all the same. And those fears, those insecurities danced through his mind, twisting their imprints into every corner of his thoughts.
He wasn’t worthy of rescue. He wasn’t worth the trouble. He was just a thing, just a specimen to experiment on. He was…
And then he woke up again on the table. And again. By now his nerves had been too torn apart to emit anything other than a numb tingling. The places he could still feel burned—they always burned—but he could ignore it. Shut it out.
Don’t think about it.
Don’t think.
He stared at the ceiling. Unmoving. Unblinking. Passed the masked faces above him, only catching the glint of metal out of the corners of his eyes. He listened as the operatives spoke, slicing parts of him away, but their words went in one ear and out the other.
He didn’t want to know.
And time passed. He kept waking up on the table with more things missing. He kept waking up in his cell knowing they had regrown. He kept waking up feeling tingling, burning in previously numb parts of his body, knowing that it was only thanks to the weekend that his nerves had begun to feel again. But then Monday would come again, and he would wake up with his body numb once more.
How much time had passed? How much of his body was no longer his? How much had regrown like an ugly patchwork of an ectoplasmic contaminated doll?
Was he even himself anymore if so much had been replaced?
How long until he couldn’t call himself Danny? 
And then he woke up.
He woke up to dimly lit glow-in-the-dark stars on his ceiling.
Those had been courtesy of Sam’s insistence. Something about grounding him after he woke up from nightmares—after all, the GIW didn’t have decorations in their cells. It was too bad the stars didn’t exist behind his eyelids. It would be nice to be able to prevent the dreams from happening in the first place.
He wasn’t sure what time it was, and he was too afraid to look at his phone to check. He didn’t want to know how badly he’d messed up his sleep for the night—again—he’d realized. But the room was dark, so he could only imagine.
On TV, when people woke up from nightmares, they got out of bed. Maybe they got a glass of water, hopped in the shower, or started getting dressed.
Danny always thought that was a load of bullshit. Because here he was, his frantic heart beginning to slow, brain flickering images that made him want to gag, and yet he couldn’t even consider the possibility of leaving his bed.
And so he lay there.
Staring up at the ceiling.
He must have dozed off eventually because one moment his eyesight went blurry, and the next he was waking up to the plastic stars. Except, sunlight streamed through the windows, and the stars had lost their sci-fi glow.
He still didn’t know what time it was. Maybe he should check.
His skin was uncomfortably warm, and he could feel his pillow not quite right under his head. His neck was stiff, but still, he didn’t get up. He could have slept for a week. He didn’t have the willpower to get out of bed.
So…he didn’t. He stayed in bed. A sluggish arm pulled out his phone and his fingers lazily scrolled through various social media sites without stopping to read anything. He let the minutes hours pass by until the stale taste in his mouth and his parched throat forced him out of bed.
It was a good thing Sam and Tucker weren’t here. They would be so disappointed if they saw how he spent his days off.
He turned on the faucet, washing toothpaste down the drain. His sink was getting grimy again, but he didn’t care. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d cleaned his apartment. Sam would be so let down. Tucker would be too, though he wouldn’t say so many words as her.
So when his phone buzzed to life and familiar names appeared on his screen, he ignored them.
He couldn’t face them. Couldn’t do it.
Instead, he went back to bed. Not to sleep, just to…exist. Whatever that meant.
And when his phone finally rang, he turned it on Do Not Disturb.
(In his dreams, he woke up in his cell again.)
He woke up to the stars.
He stayed in bed, dozing until his alarm went off, signaling the start of the work week.
Had Sunday passed? Did his brain skip an entire day without him knowing?
So he had spent the entire weekend in bed. 
He forced himself up, forced himself into the shower. He was careful not to touch his body anymore when he showered—that was what the loofah was for (another gift from Sam). His skin didn’t feel right anymore. It prickled at his touch in some places and burned in others. It had raises and bumps and lines that it didn’t use to. He couldn’t touch it, couldn’t admit to what happened, didn’t want to know.
Of course, it was impossible to forget.
He didn’t even notice he had transformed until he was already invisibly touching down at the subway stop. Danny Fenton took the subway to campus. At least, that was the story everyone else saw.
He detransformed—still invisibly, thank god he’d mastered that—and ducked out from behind the pillar. The invisibility dropped, and he slung his backpack over his shoulder as he made for the turnstile. 
Danny Fenton was a researcher getting his MS in aerospace engineering. Danny Fenton was looking for summer internships. Danny Fenton was a normal man, one who grew up with scientist parents, who never went into their portal, who was never kidnapped by the government, who never had his body cut open and was never forced to regrow his organs day and day again.
He was normal.
Very normal.
The sun hit his eyes and he tried to pretend that he wasn’t squinting at the sudden light. That he hadn’t just spent the entire weekend inside. That he wasn’t royally fucked for class today because he hadn’t even glanced at the prep work.
He followed a group of students inside his building and scanned his ID at the front desk. The security guard hardly looked up from his newspaper, and why would he? Danny Fenton was a normal, tired human student.
The elevator dinged at his floor, and he made the same trek to the office that he always made. Someone acknowledged him from the hall—probably Blake, he practically lived at the school—and Danny grunted in response.
He hoped he remembered to shave that morning. He couldn’t remember anything other than the relief and subsequent dread at waking up.
“Got some grading for you, Fenton,” the professor said as soon as Danny walked through the door. He tapped a stack of folders. “It’s a rough one, sorry.”
Danny’s voice crackled as he responded, “Sounds good.” He flushed, realizing it had been several days since he’d spoken last.
(He talked plenty in his dreams, though.)
His advisor quirked a bushy brow at him. “You sleep alright?”
“Fine.” Danny swiped the stack of folders. “I’ll be in the conference room till someone kicks me out.”
He was glad it was just grading. Math had formulas, it had plans. It was either right or wrong. A rocket ship couldn’t fly if the numbers were wrong.
And grading undergraduates was mindless. They either knew the material or they didn’t. In the case of Professor Patel’s class, most of them didn’t.
Which was fine with Danny. If that meant he had to take longer to grade these exams, then that was good. Great, even. It meant he could spend less time thinking.
But eventually, he finished, and Patel ordered him to get food before class.
Danny tried to remember what he’d eaten since Friday. Maybe he had…pizza? At one point? A sandwich? Some ramen? He couldn’t remember. He must have eaten something because he wasn’t that hungry.
“You sure you’re alright?” Patel had asked again as Danny gathered his coat and bag to leave.
“Yeah.” He refused to make eye contact. “Just tired. You know, busy weekend.”
Busy weekend of staring at the wall, more like.
“I get it. Grad school is tough,” Patel said. “Listen, I have some meetings later, so I don’t need you for the rest of the day. After class, just go home. Get some rest. Swing by tomorrow.”
“You sure?”
“Yes. Make sure you actually sleep this time.”
Danny attempted a weak smile. “I’ll try.”
Still, shame and guilt clawed at his hollow insides. He knew that he was giving nothing but empty promises.
He managed to go to class where he managed to take notes and he managed to follow along. Somehow. Thankfully. 
And then Danny Fenton walked to a secluded spot, transformed, and flew home.
His apartment was dark under the drawn curtains, but he didn’t bother with a light switch. It didn’t matter, he wasn’t human anyway. 
He grabbed a container from the fridge—takeout, some days old—and ate it under the light of the microwave clock. It was lo mein, some part of him recognized midway through. It tasted blander than he remembered.
Some part of him thought back to when the operatives had cut out his tongue. Partially to punish him for mouthing off, and partially just for fun. Sometimes he wondered how different his new taste buds were. Was this because they had regrown? Or did he just have issues?
No, don’t think about that. 
So he didn’t.
He woke up to his alarm. 
He went to school. 
Helped his advisor around the office.
Assisted with a class for undergraduates.
Went to his own class.
Had coffee with a classmate after. (What was her name again?)
Flew home.
Ate dinner. Ramen this time.
Woke up.
Woke up.
Woke up.
He woke up to pounding on his door.
He slapped a hand to his forehead, blearily sliding it down his eyes. Ugh, what time was it?
Who the hell was here this early?
Muffled shouting sounded from the hallway, but Danny couldn’t even begin to decipher what they were saying. But a second later, he recognized who was speaking and groaned on instinct.
“I’m coming, I’m coming.” He braced himself for the unforgiving atmosphere that existed outside of his blankets.
“Danny, if you don’t get to the door right fucking now, I’m going to—”
“Yeah! I heard you!” He snapped, dragging his lifeless body from the bed.
“Sam, come on—”
“No, he can’t ignore us, Tuck.”
“I know, but—”
Danny opened the door, blinking as the light from the hall hit his retinas. He yawned. “What the hell?”
“Danny, have you been sleeping all day?” Sam’s tone hardly reigned in her frustration. She stood, tapping her black boots on the carpet and glaring at him through her purple makeup and dyed bangs.
“It’s two in the afternoon, dude,” Tucker said, pushing past the door.
Danny didn’t fight him. He’d learned months ago that isolation wasn’t a battle he could win with these two.
Sam wrinkled her nose, picking at his shirt. “Have you been wearing this all week?”
Danny rolled his eyes, stepping back into the dusty apartment. He couldn’t remember when he’d last changed, but he wasn’t about to tell her that. “Will you relax? I was just asleep. Sorry, I’ll change.”
“Make yourselves at home. I’ll be right back.” He shut the front door and padded to his bedroom, rifling through his laundry bin of clean clothes he’d never managed to put away.
Tucker, of course, took that as an invitation to perch himself on the bedroom doorframe. He stared into the messy bedroom, his arms crossed, and that annoyingly tense look on his face that Danny had begun to recognize was the “you’ve done fucked up” look.
But as usual, Tucker didn’t offer any of that information first. No, Danny had to be the one to grind out, “Okay, what now?”
“What do you mean, what now?” Tucker said. 
“I don’t know. You look like you have something to say.” Danny turned away and shrugged his shirt off, speed racing through putting the new one on.
He couldn’t risk anyone seeing his torso.
Even if his two best friends already knew what that looked like.
“Danny. You already know what I’m gonna say.”
“No, I don’t.”
Of course, he did.
But that was enough to snap Tucker out of his judgemental glare. For his crossed arms to fall down to his sides, and for that unmistakable sigh to escape his lips. 
“Dude, you’re getting worse.”
He knew Tucker was right. But that didn’t stop instinct from spouting out, “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m fine.” 
“Yeah, okay,” Tucker snorted, glancing at the piles of dirty laundry on his floor. “If you want to keep lying to yourself.”
“Danny? All the vegetables I bought last week are still in your fridge,” Sam said, poking her head through the door. A clump of her purple and black hair caught on her lipstick, but she didn’t move to brush it away.
Danny didn’t even remember seeing vegetables in his fridge. “Sorry.”
“Have you been eating?”
“I eat a lot at school. You know, networking stuff.”
Tucker quirked a brow, and Sam’s expression looked even less impressed.
He looked at his two best friends, both dressed in unwrinkled clothes with skin that appeared as if it saw the sun for more than five minutes each day. They had their careers, friends, and lives that Danny could only dream of. 
“Come on, let’s go get food,” Sam said.
“It’s past lunch, and I know you need it.”
It was pointless to try to fight them. “Okay. Give me a few minutes to wash my face?”
Winter was nice, Danny decided. Winter air meant it was cold, and he had an excuse to bundle up. He didn’t have to worry about short sleeves or people seeing his bare skin.
He could cover it up, not talk about it, not think about it.
“I think you should talk about it,” Sam said finally, placing a sub in front of him.
Danny couldn’t recall ordering anything. In fact, he hardly remembered the walk here. Which was bad. That meant Sam and Tucker had seen him when he was zoning out. He tried not to do that when they were around.
“You know I can’t,” Danny said. He picked up the sub and took a bite. It was nice, and then he realized that meant he was probably hungry.
“I’m not saying you need to give details as Fenton. Maybe you can find someone willing to work with Phantom?” 
“That’s impossible.”
“Nah,” Tucker said through a mouthful of his own food. He chewed for a moment and then swallowed. “Phantom’s been around for a while. You have a lot of support. I’m sure it wouldn’t be too hard to find a therapist who’s willing to work with you in ghost form.”
“Yeah, okay, let me just do that. I’ll just go ahead and risk finding a therapist on the off-chance they don’t call the government to come take me back there. Sure, no problem.” Danny glared at his food which suddenly didn’t look so appetizing. He huffed, putting it down on his plate, and dropped his head into his palms.
His hands were shaking. He hadn’t even realized they were doing that.
“Danny…” Sam’s voice was gentle this time. “Come on. There are other options.”
“Not really.”
“Sure there are. We can get you to a psychiatrist. You know, as a human.”
“They’d want to do bloodwork.”
Sam was silent at that. And then Danny could hear his breath, how shaky it was, and he hated that. He hated this conversation and feeling this way and he wanted to be home by himself staring at the stupid plastic stars on his ceiling again.
“You can’t keep living like this,” Tucker said. “I’m sorry, but you can’t. This is bad.”
“I know.” His voice was weak.
“So let’s think of something.”
“I’ve tried. There’s nothing else I can do.”
The three of them were silent once again. No one moved until finally, Tucker picked up his sandwich, and Sam followed. And Danny sat there with his head in his hands until the shakiness stopped and he could manage to eat another few bites. Sam wrapped up his leftovers and she and Tucker guided him home.
And that was that.
Until he woke up the next day to his phone ringing. It was Sam—of course, it was Sam—breathless on the other line.
“I’m here.” 
“Tucker’s outside. Can you buzz us in?”
Danny groaned, dragging himself up again because these two idiots didn’t know how to leave him alone. He hit the buzzer and then waited at his door for the sound of murmurs, footsteps, and the polite knock that followed (it was Tucker’s knock this time). He opened the door to see his friends with their backpacks suspiciously full.
“Guys, stop,” Danny said, stepping aside to let them in.
“Stop what?” Tucker said innocently.
“Stop mothering me. You don’t need to bring me stuff. You already did that last week.”
Tucker hopped over to the kitchen. “Oh well, if you see Danny, tell him we’ll stop bringing him groceries when he admits he can’t survive on ramen forever.” Tucker set his backpack down on the counter and unloaded its contents into the fridge.
Danny mumbled incoherently, pulling out his phone to Venmo his two friends because he knew they wouldn’t accept repayment otherwise.
“Come on,” Sam said, pulling him away from Tucker. “Let’s watch TV.”
Danny allowed himself to be dragged to the couch, and he didn’t resist when Sam pushed him down and threw a blanket over him.
“There,” she said.
“I’m a halfa. I wasn’t cold.”
“But now you’re comfortable.”
“And you have groceries,” Tucker said, jumping onto the couch. He threw his hoodie-covered arm around Danny, patting his shoulder. “See? We got you.”
“I’m sorry,” Danny said reflexively. He was sorry. He was so sorry that they had to deal with him, that he wasn’t just fine and back to normal. That, for some reason, he couldn’t handle what happened even after all this time had passed.
“It’s okay, dude.”
“No, it’s not.” He moved his mouth soundlessly, shoving his trembling fingers under his blanket. He could feel the other two still beside him, and he wanted to unload everything, but that wouldn’t be fair to them. He couldn’t keep using them like this, it wasn’t fair.
“Danny, come on, we’re your best friends.”
“Yeah, but this is crazy. I’m crazy—or, I feel like it. You know? Like…I don’t know, I just feel like the world keeps slipping and I don’t know what to do.” 
Admitting the truth was bitter, and he couldn’t look at the other two. He couldn’t see their reactions. He didn’t want to look at Sam’s concerned expression, her eyebrows tight and pulled in, and he didn’t want to see Tucker’s wide eyes and their underlying hard look. Because that would mean that what he said was real and that the dreams were real and he couldn’t do that. He didn’t want to know.
“As we said before,” Sam said, her voice cautious. “You know, there are options.”
“Those are impossible for me.”
“Not necessarily.” Sam reached down into her backpack and pulled out a folder. “I hope you don’t mind, but last night Tucker and I went ahead and looked into some psychologists nearby. We compiled a list of all the ones who had liked or posted pro-Phantom posts on social media.”
Danny’s brain was slow to react, but when the implication hit him, he carefully reached out for the folder and opened it. Inside were stapled pages of various therapists. He leafed around to see printouts of their backgrounds, therapist pages, and their interactions with Phantom-themed social media.
“Wow…” He stared at the papers, hardly soaking in the words in front of him. His throat felt tight, and something prickled behind his eyes.
“Like I said, we got you,” Tucker said.
Danny quickly wiped away a tear that betrayed him. “I—I’m sorry.”
“You’d do the same for us, dude.”
“Wow. Well, still. This was…really nice.” He glanced at his friends and saw nothing but kindness behind their eyes. “Thanks, guys.”
“Will you let us help you find someone now?” 
Danny nodded. 
“Good.” Sam put her hand on his shoulder. “We’ll get through this, Danny. I promise.”
And if he had to wipe away another tear from his cheek, his friends were kind enough to not point it out.
“You look better,” Tucker said through a mouthful of a pastrami sandwich. “She’s good?”
“Yeah, I think so.” Danny sipped on his coffee, glancing toward the window. Snow flurries had begun to fall, though too sparse to stick onto the pavement. The sun was undecided if it wanted to commit to hiding behind the clouds and letting the snow commence, or if it wanted to break up the incoming storm in favor of blue skies. 
But regardless of the weather, the world moved around him. People hurried along the sidewalks, their hands shoved in their pockets and their eyes trained low, blinking away the little white speckles that stuck to their eyelashes. Cars whizzed by with bikes trailing alongside them. Across the street, a man dressed in all blue stood on a box, preaching to the scurrying passerby.
“I’m glad she’s working out,” Tucker said.
Danny was glad as well. Though, he could never express just how relieved he’d been. Looking back, it was almost embarrassing how quickly he had broken down to Amy. He couldn’t even remember what question she had asked him, just that it apparently hit the exact nerve he had spent months pushing down further and further into the recess of his mind.
That had been the first night in a long time he didn’t have a nightmare.
“How’s your job going?” Danny asked. “Sorry, I haven’t really asked.”
“All good, dude! And it’s been going well. My team’s awesome. I can’t really talk about what we’re developing—NDAs and all—but it’s been fun to figure out how to build everything. You know? It’s like a jigsaw puzzle.”
Danny felt the corners of his lips twitch up. It had been too long since he’d seen this, the spark that hit Tucker’s eyes when he got on the topic of technology. For so long, his daily routine had been making sure he didn’t drown, that he’d forgotten how nice it was to be able to breathe air.
“You can’t tell me anything? Not even a little hint?”
Tucker groaned dramatically, pulling his beanie down over his eyes. “Don’t tempt me, dude! Staying quiet about this is already bad enough without having you guilting me into spilling.”
“Aw, you’re no fun.”
“And what about you? You’re working for your advisor, right?”
“Yeah. Patel’s cool. You know, it’s mostly just me doing his bitch work. But he’s been talking about introducing him to some of his contracting buddies. So that’d be cool.” Danny shrugged. “Whatever gets my foot in the door, really.”
“The first job’s the hardest. After that, it gets easier.”
“That’s what Sam said too. And Jazz. And my mom.”
“Well, they’re not wrong,” Tucker said, turning his attention back to his sandwich. “You remember me complaining about my first job. My boss was an idiot who thought more lines of code meant more productivity. No matter how many people explained that fewer lines are actually—a lot of the time—better and that debugging was a thing, this guy couldn’t grasp the concept. I couldn’t wait to finish out my year and get out of there.”
“Bad bosses are everywhere, I guess.”
“Yeah. But you know, now I’m working at this kickass place and it’s great!”
Tucker didn’t have to convince Danny of that. Just looking across the table, Danny could see all the ways Tucker had changed since they were kids. He was taller, more filled out, and he sat with his shoulders back, head held high. He still had that shit-eating grin, but it seemed more genuine now. Kinder.
Danny had a lot of catching up to do. But maybe…maybe one day, he’d get there too.
“Well, I’m sure I’ll be complaining about my first boss too.”
“It’s a rite of passage.”
The laugh escaped his lips before he could stop himself. “Sure it is.”
“So what’s on your agenda for today?”
“Eh, nothing fun. I’m still catching up with all my schoolwork.” It hadn’t been fun facing the mountain of assignments and studying he had fallen behind on. But it hadn’t exactly been the first time he’d been in this academic predicament either. And as experience had taught him, once he’d started, he had found that his backlog of work wasn’t quite as bad as his anxiety had made it seem.
“We’ll be seeing you on Friday still, right?” Tucker asked. 
Danny took another sip of his coffee and nodded. “For sure. I’ll need the break by then.”
“And, you know, thanks.” Danny ducked his head. “I know I’ve been off. Thanks for sticking it out for me. I really appreciate you guys.”
“Dude, of course. You know, we moved here together, so we’re gonna stick together.”
“Yeah. Still, thanks.”
“We got you.”
When Danny woke up on Saturday, he wasn’t in his bed. He was on his couch with Sam and Tucker pressed up on either side of him. They must have fallen asleep watching terrible movies again. Empty cans of spiked seltzers and a family-sized bag of pretzels littered the coffee table, and the ‘Are You Still Watching?’ message splayed over the TV screen.
He heard the soft snores of Tucker and the consistent breaths of Sam, and something warm and fuzzy grew in his stomach. After months and months of feeling empty, the warmth was almost jarring at first, but that was quickly replaced by bliss.
Because even though it had been a while, even Danny couldn’t forget how nice this all felt. To have friends, family even. To be loved and cared for. To know that no matter what, he always had these two by his side.
Honestly, what would he do without them?
“Thanks,” he whispered, closing his eyes.
He could wait until they woke up too.
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