#idk if ill ever translate to an au or anything
tangledinink · 1 year
while we're on the subject of partners for the boys--
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whumpbug · 3 months
okay okay okay so I held back on this one because I asked alternate already BUT. can you put Gene and Cassidy in a sci-fi story. what would they wear what are their roles do you have scene snippets or dialog? sci-fi is my favorite thing ever and as always feel free to ignore if this isn't the vibe!!! i love you bug /p!!!!!
i am all for a sci-fi vibe. even if star wars is TECHNICALLY a space opera, i love love love the space setting and i would be DELIGHTED to talk about it.
im gonna word vomit on the page first and them ill try my hand at a few drabbles in this au. strap in for ANOTHER very long post. THANK U AGAIN SETH I LOVE UR ASKS I TRULY CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THEM /GEN
okay so. since i'm only really well-versed in star wars sci-fi concepts, this is going to be a vaguely star wars inspired au but i'll try to phrase it in a way thats more applicable to sci-fi in General (its always so fun to translate their jobs and personalities into different settings)
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we'll start with gene. idk why but i'm getting very much a bounty hunter vibe from him. like someone who maybe works for a larger organization or guild hunting down notorious criminals (i mention that he works for an Entity bc i think its sort of important that he doesnt choose his bounties himself. he gets them assigned)
i think he would still do it out of a sense of responsibility because he doesn't think bad people should just be running around like that, but also because. a man's gotta make a living. he's gotta pay the bills.
i can see him having his own little ship that he practically lives out of considering how much he travels, and i feel like he'd get very attached to his ship (much like calliope. sorry calliope you've become a spaceship in this au)
he wears a mask. you can't see his face when he's out doing jobs. he conceals his face, partially because he doesn't want people to see when hes scared or smug or anything like that and partially for the Swag.
that brings me to his overall outfit. i believe in my heart of hearts that gene would wear something like this (i wish i could credit the artist but i couldnt find it)
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except instead of an entire helmet, it would be more of just a black piece of cloth pulled loosely over his mouth and nose. and im also seeing him in a very wide brimmed hat that he can tilt down to Brood pls tell me you guys see the vision.
he'd have a little revolver-looking blaster and knowing him, it'd be set to stun. i don't think he really enjoys bringing people in cold, and does his best to avoid it when he can
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OK now onto cassidy. my beautiful darling boy silver. my sweetiepie.
it was kind of difficult to translate his profession into this setting because. it involves more people other than him.
ultimately i decided that, similar to the modern au, he is a part of an underground business, kind of like a rebellion of sorts, that fight against the injustices of the galaxy robin-hood style. of course, montana is the leader (unfortunately) and cassidy is essentially his right hand man
i can see cassidy traveling planet to planet, dismantling corrupt governments, providing for the needy, and having an absolute blast doing it, but his methods are. very illegal. and there is a growing bounty on his head.
nearly every major government wants specifically him locked away for life because of the destruction he's caused, and of course they hire the very best bounty hunter around to track him down.
and of course cassidy is a slippery fellow
cue their little cat and mouse thing they've got going on. gene wants to catch him because if he does, he'd practically be set for life. cassidy runs away because, well. he has a job to do. he can't get caught, especially by the weirdly attractive masked dude that talks to his spaceship.
and lastly, here is what i think cassidy's fit would vaguely look like:
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he loves ponchos he can't help it. they're too comfy.
he too would have a little revolver-blaster thing and of course, his knife and hat. one thing that it different is the stolen jewelry. i decided that instead of stealing jewelry from the awful people, he takes mechanical/droid parts for his little buddy that he keeps around named SC-071-1 (haha. ahaha get it. please tell me someone gets it.)
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OK ONTO THE DRABBLES AND SNIPPETS! you get 3 because im feeling Generous /pos. here in the first little snippet for you. this is the two meeting in a bar and not wanting to make a scene (gene tracked him there) (i just wanted to write a silly tense scene)
Cassidy heard Gene before he saw him.
The man was always stomping around in a way no one could quite replicate. His footsteps were deliberate, cold, and unmistakable.
And they were right behind him.
The business end of a blaster was suddenly pressed into Cassidy's ribs and his mouth went dry.
"I'll have a Jet Juice. On the rocks."
Gene tossed the bartender a coin, to which he grumbled indignantly and began on the drink.
Cassidy risked a sideways glance at the bounty hunter. His expression was unreadable and hidden as always, and he didn't even turn to look at Cassidy. Instead, Gene leaned close and spoke lowly into his ear.
"Make a scene and you're dead. Try to run and you're dead. Turn on your comm and you're dead. Am I clear?"
Cassidy smirked, and mocked a salute. "Loud 'n clear, sir."
Gene gave a curt nod and turned to the bar. The bartender slid him his drink, which he downed in one go, and he was just about to order another when--
He sputtered when he felt something pressed into a certain.. important area. He blanched.
"Didn't say anything about fightin' fire with fire, did you, cowboy?" Cassidy grinned. The sight of the big bad bounty hunter squirming because his family jewels were threatened never got old.
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DRABBLE 2 HERE WE GO. this one is gene finding cassidy after a mission gone sour. cassidy was effectively abandoned by montana with the promise that he would come back for him.
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The whole mission was a bust from the beginning.
Cassidy should have known. He had a gut feeling-- that it was some sort of trap specifically designed for the organization. When he brought it up to Montana, he said that it was just Cassidy being paranoid. And, of course, he believed him. He always did
And now, there he was, beaten within an inch of his life and left to the elements by the government higher-ups.
They really didn't like people messing with their system.
Cassidy took a labored breath for what felt like the millionth time. Each time it was getting harder. His arms were pinned awkwardly above his head and to fill his lungs, he had to pull himself up. It quickly became exhausting.
The worst part was the cold. Montana had mentioned that this planet's average temperature was a little below what Cassidy was used to, but he didn't mention that the city they were infiltrating was located near the northern pole of the planet.
It was freezing.
Cassidy had long since stopped shivering.
He let his head loll forward. He wasn't sure he had the strength to wait for Montana anymore. He wasn't sure he had the strength for anything anymore. Even keeping his eyes open seemed a monumental task.
So, he let them fall shut.
When he woke up, it was because he registered his center of gravity tilting on it's axis.
There was a body pressed against his. And it was warm.
If he had any remaining strength, he would have clung to his rescuer like there was no tomorrow. Instead, he settled for letting his head fall against the person's chest as he let out a pitiful whine.
A hand chafed up and down his shoulder. "Just relax. We'll get you warm. Don't you dare try to run off, Silver."
He wouldn't dream of it. Not when he could feel himself melting to putty in the arms of this stranger.
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LAST DRABBLE it's gene's turn. in this au he has spasthma (space asthma) and sometimes it hinders his job in Not good ways. and cassidy isn't heartless.
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Cassidy really wasn't thinking when he threw the smoke bomb. All he knew was that the damned bounty hunter was catching up and he needed to throw him off.
He did not expect him to fall to his knees with a guttural coughing fit.
It would have been so easy to leave him there to rot, to hop in his ship and escape without looking back.
But when did Cassidy ever take the easy way out?
"Shit," He hissed, darting back to where Gene was kneeled with a palm supporting him on the ground.
He was clutching at his chest, choked gasps leaving him intermittently. His eyes looked vaguely panicked.
"C-Can't--" He wheezed, getting cut off by another coughing fit. He looked as if he was about to topple over.
Cassidy caught him by the arm and dragged him away from the busy street. He propped him up against an wall tucked into an alleyway and began rummaging around in his bag.
One of the younger kids with the Montana's crew had the same condition with all the same symptoms Gene was having right now. The kid was pretty forgetful, and Cassidy always made sure he had an extra rebreather on him. Just in case.
Gene was going to owe him big time.
His fingers finally grazed what he was looking for and he yanked it out, fumbling to get it open. He shook the small canister and pressed it to Gene's lips.
"You have to puff. Just try, okay? Just a little." Cassidy grabbed Gene's hand and placed it on his chest, exaggerating his own breathing to show him what to strive for.
Gene hiccuped slightly before taking a flimsy inhale. He breathed out and tried at it again, and found it gradually got easier.
When he could finally take a deep breath, he collapsed against the wall, panting. His hand didn't leave Cassidy's chest.
"Thank-- thank you," He whispered.
Cassidy smiled.
"Does this mean I get a headstart now?"
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SETH thank you SO VERY MUCH for this ask and this au. i think i may like it more than their original au GOD i love them so so so much FHDJKFH. thank u for the requests and as always PLS dont be afraif to send more if the mood striked you but no pressure ofc! /gen
hope you enjoy my rambling bc this post was LONGGGGG
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ge · 3 months
TEEHEE HEE ANYTHING FOR YOUUU its based on the bl cdrama winter begonia which i highly recommend watching so u can see my vision more clearly since idk how well ill be able to fully encapsulate it...its like the only cdrama ive actually finished and it holds a very dear place in my heart.. its all translated on youtube if ur interested (smile
this au takes place in 1930s shaanxi and follows chung myung, a semi-retired peking opera dan (an opera performer who takes on the roles of women in plays) who was once wildly famous and well known for his talent and passion for the arts in his youth until a tragic "accident" struck him and his former troupe, leaving his troupe to fall out of favour of the public eye and into (physical as well as financial) ruin; and tang bo, a wealthy business man from sichuan who became captivated w peking opera after watching a performance from chung myungs troupe for the first time and ends up making an acquaintanceship w chung myung and becomes the troupes main sponsor and avid supporter, helping them rebuild their huashan house as well as their former prominence and fame...
my au follows the show pretty closely and i was going to keep the political plot kind of vague since i wasnt sure how to touch on it but its a really integral part of the story so im keeping it in, the drama focusing closely on the preservation of the art during the japanese occupation......... not that im ever actually going to write anything for this au but still, it exists in my head and i need to connect the dots so
chung myung, as per always in my canon and aus, is a trans man here and that plays a pretty significant role in his life and lore of this au.. historically, women werent allowed to play in opera so men would take on the female (aka DAN) roles.. chung myung being a trans man playing a dan role is like, for him, a middle finger to the status quo and period typical transphobia he'd face if it were known as well as a spiteful internalized gesture OF 'if only you knew'.. the world would see him as a woman who isnt good enough despite him being the man who is the best.. rubs chin.. im not good w words, this makes way more sense in my head but if u get wat im trying to say then u get it..
they also all have short hair in this au SORRY i know i said i would never give them short hair in any aus i did but it has to be this way for this au, taking place during the chinese republican era where short hairstyles were mandated (this, again, ties into trans chung myung)
cheng fengtai and shang xirui are just so tangchung I CANT EXPLAIN IT YOU JUST HAVE TO KNOW.. wealthy businessman whose had everything fed to him on a silver platter his whole life finds himself unhappy & wanting more from life and lonely orphan boy raised in a strict martial arts setting grows up to be the best at his craft but still wants for more.. cheng fengtai and shang xirui are soulmates.. tang bo and chung myung are soulmates.. can i make it anymore obvious..
everyone in rotmhs has an obvious counterpart in this au, like tangchung are the mcs of course but chung myungs troupe are the mt hua disciples/elders, the great sects/families (sans tang family, which is plot relevant) are involved in the opera scene in some way, the magyo are also an opera troupe in this au LOL..
but one thing i wanted desperately to keep in this au was tang bo and his wife/family/child, which is kind of hard to do since there are literally like no fucking women in rotmhs so i have to make ocs... the subplot in the drama of cft (tang bo) "cheating" (in quotations cuz they never actually crossed any lines but it was obvious there was deep unspoken romantic tension there + the wife suspected) on his wife w sxr (chung myung) is so vindicating to me.. closeted gay people cheating on their opposite sex arranged marriages/spouses for someone of the same sex.. its so real.. so freeing.. gay people trapped in straight marriages, especially in the 1930s.. i really adored the nuances in the way it was handled so beautifully in the drama so i HAD to adapt it here.. its such a guilty pleasure of mine weehehehe twirls hair
the drama ends in a bittersweet hopeful kind of way, nothing bad happens to anyone i just want to put that out there..in case ur worried, no buried gays or wateva
umm well im tired so i cant think of anythign else to say but if u love beautiful costumes, drama, heart aching romance.. IF U HAVE ANY SPECIFIC QUESTIONS JUST ASK CUZ IDK WAT ELSE TO SAY..... please watch winter begonia so we can frolic in the flower fields that are my winter begonia tangchung au...... plugging this again since who knows when yall'll see it again.. goo bye.... (chung myung in 'drunken concubine' play costume⬇️⬇️⬇️)
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bentosandbox · 7 months
hell yea comics. 10, 23, 30, 40, 41 if you like
10. How do you decide what to write?
A little parasite in my brain says hmm today i will do thing and i just roll with the cringe
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
omegaverse i think it'd be extra fun when it's 2 emotionally constipated office workers vs a pairing like texlapp whoa who said that does 'daydreamed and doodled a bit but didn't start on anything solid yet' count as never written if yes its then wuxia AU where chen and lin switch places kinda (basically want to extrapolate that part in chen's op rec where the rat king invited her underground)
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
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this chen and hoshi one technically but also the chen and swire one that i still havent posted in english so sorryyyyy (i wrote them at the same time iirc.. just didnt have time to draw the second one until later)
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first time i forced myself to write internal monologues AND angst in an actual script on google docs instead of just dumping lines i want characters to say in my own discord server channel shoutout to my friend who gassed me up with the comments they left on the doc lmao 'damn i wanna make the angsty af introspective comics i always see' > 'wait damn i have to make it myself fawjkkkkkkkk'
idk if it affected my approach because the Very Serious chen and Lin character study comic i had planned ended up being a shitposty copybook so i went back to my old style of smashing dialogue in a notepad (if the anon that sent the ask about this comic sees this sorry i got cold feet and i still havent exported it out of my tablet)
40. Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
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we don't have a choice do we...
i did just reread the fic i mention below tehe i do reread CN fics way more because sometimes ill be lazy and read it through machine translate while other times i'll sit down and try to translate it (in my head) while EN fics have an easier time searing into my mind
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
its not cheating right
fr tho to write fever dream-esque(?) scenarios that end in girlfail...!!
ok the chenswire one aside the nearl one is also a favourite something about looking at the tired human through the chinks in the infallible knight's armor
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innamorament0 · 11 months
20 questions game
Thank you, @luthordamnvers, for the tag <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
At this moment 9, though most of them are on hold and 1 is an art
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
206 916 at the moment
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Exclusively Supercorp with a dash of Dansen, Brainia and Rojarias as side pairings. No other pair had this much grip over me, so I would start writing fics for them. =D
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
how to interrupt the spellcasting (Explicit, smut 1 shot) When you move, I'm moved (Explicit, Ice Dance AU, non-trad a/b/o, multichapter, ongoing) Cold never bothered me anyway (Explicit, smut 1 shot) When those walls come tumbling down (Mature (for now) post-season 6 canon compliant, my first work that I intend to rewrite because it's a mess) I hope you're the end of my story (Mature (for now) Cowboy Kara AU, non-trad a/b/o, on hold now, but I will finish it!)
yeah.... people like smut XD
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always reply! It may take me a day or two especially when I am busy at work but I read them and try to answer something more or less meaningful <3
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I am terrible at writing angst and all my fics ends well because I am a fluff-loving bitch =D
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them have happy endings, but I think, the most satisfying is in I slithered here from Eden . Or I am just biased. But it's most domestic and hopeful.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Got some nasty comments, from some famous haters in a SC fandom
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
oh yes, that's my speciality XD Most of my fic contains explicit smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Nope, not yet but I never say never!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so? I am not so popular too
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not officially, no, but I ran fics through the translator to read it many years ago when my English was worse.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not in the full meaning of this word, but I count my Beta as my co-writer because he does a lot of work to make it readable, because English is not my native language and the raw text is... terrifying not gonna lie.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Supercorp, I think they overshade all my previous favourite ships. But I can't say I love my other ships less, so <3 you Xena/Gabrielle, Sylvaina and Pharmercy!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I want to finish all my WIP's, I had a writing draught for a year because of an illness and now coming back to it and focusing on one/two at a time with the occasional 1-shot in the middle
16. What are your writing strengths?
I guess I am good at writing adventures ( thus I focus on action-heavy AU's) and smut. To be honest I needed to write smut first but I try not to seem too thirsty XD
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Angst. Idk, I just don't have a mental capacity for it I guess
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
If we dismiss the fact that English is not my first or even second language, yes, I thought that when I will write Red Daughter I would write her dialogue in Russian ( which is another language I freely speak)
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I never wrote for fandoms before, so my first texts were about my OC's
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
I would say that it is From Eden . First of all it is full of action and I love writing combat scenes and adventures, second of all it was for SCBB and I never participated in anything like that so it added to the fun. And last - it is my only finished long work so I am kinda sorta proud of it =D
I think all writers I know are already tagged so I spread it to anyone who wants to fill it up! <3
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heysweetheart-writes · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @daisymae-12 @happiness-of-the-pursuit @read-and-write- @suseagull04 @myheartalivewrites & @inexplicablymine thank you so much!! Im procastinating wrting the halloween fic because I got to the smut and suddenly all these past like 3 years of practice I had vanished from my mind and I can't seem to be able to write anything.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
The last time I checked it was 256,455.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just finished my last Borhap fic so only rwrb now
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Ever since New York
Sign of the times
A Kind of Magic (borhap)
Parallel Hearts (Hardzello)
Against my better judgment
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I was rereading old fics the other day and I noticed I didn't use to??? idk why but yes, I respond to comments now, love getting them!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The fleabag AU for hardzello
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No but I used to get a lot of criticism for who I chose to include in fics.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I have in the past, trying to get back to it but I'm finding it really hard ugh- Halloween fic, I'm sorry. (looking for a beta for it if anyone is interested?)
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have written one. A 6 Underground x GI Joe crossover HAHA GOD it was good thou. Pure filth.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don0t think so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! Have in the past, I miss @halfasleepoetry every day of my life. And I'm cowriting one now.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Honestly, I don't know. Probably Nine x Rose or Twelve x Clara from Doctor Who but I've never written for them or even read fics.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
There's a Warewolf!Ben AU on the docs and the Balcony AU but I'm no longer writing for borhap. All the wips for FirstPrince, I'm really hopeful Ill eventually finish them.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Plot, outline and dialog.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I have the attention span of a squirrel and Im very self concious. Also I hate describing actions and places, be in my mind and see what I see already.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
The best part about rwrb is that Alex speaks spanish <3
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Bandom, MCR
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Days of our lives series and Parallel Hearts. For rwrb, I'd say Sign of the times and against my better judgment was so much fun to write.
No pressure tag: @bellamysgriffinprincess @hypnostheory @kiwiana-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @pridepages @captaincoffeegirl515 everyone else I would tag already did it and tagged me so I leave the tag open for anyone who wants to share! Tag me so I can see!
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spookyji · 2 years
# rules + guidelines !!
# general rules
i dont like being called petnames. probably won’t answer my dms bc they’re broken idk y
please be respectful of myself and others on this blog; no hate speech/discrimination is permitted.
do not steal my works. do not repost/translate/mention my works on other sites or on this site
do not interact if you are a minor. i don’t have the time to check everyone who interacts with my works, but please respect my boundaries and that i am uncomfortable with minors browsing my works and blog. it is the responsibility of the reader who chooses to interact with my works after reading the warnings. if you interact with me via comments/inbox and are a minor, i will block.
please do not role play with me. don’t send me any links. will delete asks that make me uncomfortable without responding
i block blank blogs, so put your age at least if you don’t have a pfp or anything
# writing guidelines
inbox status; hard asks open (ish i’m just slow)
writing for txt + nct dream !!
i’ll really only write what interests or inspires me, but feel free to leave ideas in my inbox. i will delete asks that don’t inspire me to prevent a large buildup of asks.
please stop asking for a part 2.
# boundaries
- do not ever mention anything related to incest, r*pe, assault, or non-consensual - i’ll block.
- these boundaries apply to asks. occasionally i’ll write smth that cannot be requested. do not send hard thoughts for kinks/tropes i have on my guidelines even if i write a fic/thought on the occasion.
- i will not write/read anything related to dd/lg, cheating, mental illness, feet, illegal content, dilf/milf, substance abuse, mommy/daddy kink, sugar baby/daddy/mommy, age gaps (anything mentioning age is a no), furry content (pet play is fine within reason), squirting/human fluid kinks (saliva/blood/cum are ok), 6th member, hard bdsm, stoner/high, pregnancy, parent au, cnc, teacher/student, idol aus. violating asks of any of these will result in a block.
- hybrid, stepcest, toxic relationship is okay, but i will be v selective
- threesome asks/thoughts are allowed, but i do not write poly/gangbangs or member x member
- i don’t take asks for song fics or song thoughts
- i do not write afab member
- i cannot write for male readers, trans readers, ace readers, race-specific readers, or disabled readers because i dont have any experience with these, and do not feel comfortable with misrepresenting or making assumptions.
- even if your ask follows my guidelines and adheres to my boundaries, i have the right to delete or not respond to any asks as a writer
# thank you for reading and please enjoy yourself on my blog. guidelines subject to change with time
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HAIII HOW ABOUUTT ✨️🎯❤️✂️ AND 🧠 forrrr Galileusz, Lazarus and Sir Windward ? :3
✨️ First name is the Polish spelling of the Italian name Galileo, meaning "Galiliean, from Galiliee". Also belonged to a famous astronomer. Picked it because it sounded cool and also because I can absolutely see this guy looking at stars to idk convert a date from 30 yrs ago from Eden time to Pandoran time. Middle name (Béla) is from Hungarian. It could mean either "white" or "guts, bowel". It's also the name of four Hungarian kings. Picked it because I wanted some sort of weird ish middle name starting with B (or more accurately my brain wanted it; OCs often just. Come into my brain somewhat fully formed and demand VIBES) and this one sounded coolio. Surname (Monroe) is Scottish, meaning "from the Mouth of the Roe". It was also the surname of an American president who pioneered the eponymous doctrine of isolationism. Fitting for this guy since he does not like being disturbed in his work lol.
🎯 Calculations (sometimes he does it too fast and eats minuses or changes a 5 to a 6. beats himself up over it. this is definitely not me projecting.), speed typing, and oddly enough origami. He's got these massive fancy ahh origami constructions strewn about his office (and if somehow you got him to chill you'd absolutely get 10000 expertly constructed paper planes thrown at you).
❤️ Marsh explicitly calling him a friend for the first time. (Gal doesn't really have many friends, both in and out of work.)
✂️ Worst memory? What worst memory? Everything's fine. He totally didn't have anything excised or erased maybe. No he doesn't know anything about that planet that starts with G. Everything is in order.
🧠 first proper cisgender man jakobs employee oc (technically Poirot was first but he's just an au). took me long enough. unfortunately he is also bisexual /SILLY
✨️ I'm ngl I was thinking of The Binding of Isaac video game at the time. Only later did I realize "wow zir adoption into the family coincides with the restoration of the manor and general resurgence of the jakobs corporation. just like that bible guy who died and got resurrected. and also it keeps with the jakobs corp's biblical symbolism theme".
🎯 stealing Nothing specific. Ze's a jack of all trades master of none. Even if we're talking skilltree wise I'd imagine ze'd be equally good at mobbing and at bossing. But probably a bit more at bossing.
❤️ It's a competition between finding zir first magazine there in the dump and being found by this strange probably corporate but incognito aka LOADED guy then realizing he's really cool actually (the guy was Alistair Hammerlock hunting the Sovian Basilisk btw he just wanted someone who'd guide him through the sewers since he's not used to hunting in the concrete jungle).
✂️ NOT zir parents dying despite what you might think (ze doesn't remember that at all; it was very long ago and confusing and shit). Honestly all the worst moments in zir life happened so early they're in a haze for the most part. This includes the starvation and illness and all that. It physically hurts to recall it.
✨️ I forgor </3 It's kinda sad bc his name doesn't really fit the aesthetic of Athame much anymore? Like. That place is basically Persian/Sarmatian Steampunk Magic Vaguely British Interdimensionally Connected Warsaw/Gdynia and "Sir Robert Windward" just sounds mid. (He was the first guy in that oc verse; back then it was just SUPER British and shit.) It's not even strange like Poirot's surname. But I can't just rename him so I like to think it's a "translation convention" (aka Triadic transliteration; just like Athame is actually written as Adzameh in the proper local language) of some much cooler Athamian name idk. And/or that he has a more appropriate middle name like Parvuz (invented but appropriate for the style I'm going for) or Mehr (modern Persian form of Mithra) or smth like that.
🎯 Mf just wants to consolidate his parents' quasi-legal contract empire. And when I mean consolidate I mean CONSOLIDATE they let his ass onto the city council despite his family being considered "noble" only a generation ago (Athame is quasi-oligarchic; used to be a monarchy then elective monarchy then oligarchy and now it sort of has elections and shit but not really it's got the council which essentially has authoritarian rule. It's a bit of a mess very roughly inspired by Sanation era Poland. Because I'm cringe). Also raise an adoptive heir to said empire because he is NOT getting pregnant.
❤️ Transition day. Like of course gender euphoria is cool but have you ever gotten it all at once? That or maybe the day he had his first cigar. Or piece of sugar candy.
✂️ His mother's death. She was killed by the Conspiracy (AKA the Silent Conspiracy, an organization led by Yaldab'axas, one of the Old Gods, which is exactly what it says; a conspiracy effort to snuff out the Great Engine. He doesn't know it was them) in an exceptionally brutal spir-fueled (i.e. magical; spir is magical energy in TTP) manner right in front of his eyes. His father spent the rest of his life studying and trying to uncover the Conspiracy, which led to many (though not all) of their ventures being sold. It's also the reason why Rosa wants his gay ass tower, it's chock full of records on the Conspiracy, and homegirl is DETERMINED to find and kill all these fuckers.
🧠 He's everything to me. He's my problematic fave. He's transgender. He's a manwhore. Both he and his family have committed innumerable warcrimes AND regular crimes. He's pansexual and polyamorous. Both his gender and sexuality are tied into his story but not for the reasons you think. He's canonically a DILF. He's a wizard. He's a failguy. He's immensely successful. He's a homewrecker. He's a businessman. He's a hedonist. He has soggy naturals. He's masculine in the way an orphan generating Victorian coal baron is masculine. He's in Borderlands also for some reason. He's never had a proper loving romantic relationship. He's got a moustache that covers his face. Et cetera.
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catgirlforkaeya · 3 years
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kaeya x gn!reader
sickfic + fluff (?) + modern au (visions still exist tho)
warnings: all lowercase + not proofread
a/n: i’ve been tryna work on requests this week but writers block has me in a chokehold with most stuff rn. i also got hit with something (pretty sure it’s strep— it’s what it feels like idk it cld also be covid since my mom has it all ik is it’s painful) and that inspired this so enjoy 🥲 (i’m sorry if some of this doesn’t make sense i have extreme brain fog rn)
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illness wasn’t uncommon for you— you always managed to come down with something at least 2-3 times a year. there wasn’t really any reason for it, your immune system was just a tiny bit weaker
more utc!
this time though? jesus christ you thought you were gonna die (not literally that’s an exaggeration)
headache, body aches, runny nose, sore throat, fatigue, nausea, fever, cough, all that fun stuff but way worse than you’ve ever had
hell you even lost your voice for a few days and could barely choke out whispers
thankfully you had your amazing boyfriend kaeya to take care of you
he’s used to taking care of you when you’re sick— he knows what all to do for you (you always repay the favor whenever he gets sick, which isn’t a lot but even if it’s just sniffles you do something)
when he noticed you were sick (which was very obvious) he was very quick to take your temperature and get you to bed
once he was sure you were comfortable he’d bring you some water, then return downstairs to go make you some food
kaeya had some special chicken noodle soup recipe that his family made that he’d always fix up for you
that shit was like magic, you’d always feel better after eating it— even though it was temporary it still relieved the misery for a little while
when you didn’t show any improvement after a few days kaeya would take you to the doctor to get some medicine since it obviously wasn’t a little cold
he’d always make sure you’d take your medicine as many times as the doctors said to, not in an annoying way just an “i’m worried about you please just take this” way
you spent most of the time in bed resting. kaeya would mostly stay by your side the whole time. he’d give you a bunch of small kisses here and there
you scolded him saying he was going to get sick from being so close to you. did that stop him? no
whenever you would go downstairs just to move around some kaeya would still be by your side, getting you anything you needed and just being there for you
9 times out of 10 kaeya would call in sick from work, saying he came down with whatever you had too (most of the time he didn’t, he just wanted to stay home with you). if it was a cold then he wouldn’t worry about it but something like this he’d definitely call in
your fever would usually spike at nighttime, so kaeya would use his vision just a teeny tiny bit to cool you if it was high. it was a weird sensation but it was enough to soothe you and allow you to go to sleep
i think kaeya would be the best possible person to take care of you while you’re sick (am i biased bc it’s kaeya? yes but lets overlook that). he hates seeing you in any kind of pain so he will go out of his way to make sure you’re better, even if it means putting his own health at risk
if you have any rough nights where you just can’t sleep kaeya will stay up the whole time, keeping you company while the tv hummed in the background
whenever you do fall asleep he’ll wait until he knows you’re asleep to allow himself to sleep
he’ll whisper sweet nothings while you’re falling asleep
“i love you, darling. get some rest. i’m right here if you need me, okay?”
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© all rights reserved to catgirlforkaeya. reposting, plagiarizing, modifying, and translating is NOT allowed.
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sapphic-luthor · 3 years
fic writer review!
thank you for tagging me @hrwinter !
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
twelve which really doesn’t feel like enough because i have at least twice that many in progress in my google docs woops
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
65,278 hahahaha
3. How many fandoms have you written for?
mmmm i think two ... point five. ish. there were some rough attempts when i was quite young but i didn’t get anything readable up until one or two for orphan black-- all of my actual work that i’m proud of is here in supergirl.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos?
a six-day exercise in denial 
lip drawn constellations and pen marked kisses
accidental kisses and ill-timed visits from the deo
kryptonian tradition, or something like it
musings from 504
5. Do you respond to comments? Why/why not?
very very rarely, and mostly that’s just because i never really know a way to provide a meaningful response that doesn't just boil down to “thank you!!!”
and tbh i feel weird about this all the time because receiving comments makes me smile like an idiot at my phone and i go all squiggly and happy and excited so i probably really should be answering them but i just . i never know what to say that doesn’t look very impersonal!
6. A fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending
in which a half-confession breaks them both by a mile
7. Do you write crossovers?
8. Ever received hate on a fic?
9. Do you write smut?
god yeah but a lot of it never makes it to the publish stage and i should really change that because sex is what gets all the hits lads
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not an entire fic, no, but i’ve had some scenes and paragraphs taken and hidden behind very thinly veiled reworks
11. Ever had a fic translated?
yes! a lovely person called R_H_Felidae_Athena actually translated a bunch of my little minifics into Mandarin which i think is the loveliest thing in the world
12. Have you ever co-written a fic?
i haven’t! i’m not sure i’d be any good at it because i’m shit at deadlines and i also have very very little structure to my writing process and it’s a lot of “idk it just feels this way in my head” lmao
13. All time fav ship?
every ship feels like your all time fav ship when you’re in it doesn’t it? so right now absolutely supercorp-- i’ll admit i’ve put more time and work into this ship than others but i’ve had some that really really touched me and that i’ve put a lot of my heart into in the past
14. WIP you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
ah jesus i have so many. almost two years ago i started writing an au (based on one throwaway line in s5) where kara and lena meet because lena’s running through national city and has a security team following her at a distance and kara thinks she sees a woman being followed followed and steps in and beats the hell out of the security team and lena can’t stop laughing hard enough to tell her they’re hired and then kara takes her to lunch as an apology
15. Writing strengths?
girl honestly i don’t even know i’m winging it every single time
16. Writing weaknesses?
fucking TENSES. i tend to swap between them here and there and then it confuses the focus or the intimacy of the scene and sometimes it’s very difficult to tell how far of a lens the reader is supposed to be watching through and it’s just gggaghhhhhlgjddj one day i’ll learn to write in past tense i swear
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic?
i’ve not really found myself needing that very much but if i did run across a scenario where it was unavoidable i’d probably try to find a native speaker before i wrote anything of substance so as not to be deeply embarrassing lol
18. First fandom you wrote for?
does the teen titans script i handwrote in a notebook when i was 9 count
19. What’s your fav fic you’ve written so far?
i have a soft spot for this one because i wrote it all in one manic go and it just poured out of me in a way that worked so well on the first try and it got really nice reception and it’s by far one of my proudest even though it’s but a short little thing :’)
tagging @itllsetyoufree @contagiousiridescence @littlemousejelly @gaydisasterdanvers
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matadorofheart · 4 years
5, 10, 16, 19!
fanfic asks
5. What’s a crackship you love?
i don’t even know what counts as a crackship anymore i guess it depends on what definition you use
i jst love the niche shit in general. like i’m in the “all ships are good ships” crowd, i see someone writing ace/doflamingo or corazon/crocodile and i’m just like YEAH YOU GO LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE
but idk. basically anything that puts characters i like together, i’m down to read. the main reason i got into acelaw to begin with is because they’re 2 of my favorites and i wanted to write them together, and accidentally really liked the dynamic.
10. Mutual pining or enemies to friends to lovers?
i don’t think i’ve ever read or written any variation of enemies to lovers but i fuck hard w friends to lovers (or friends to found family/general life partners)
so anyway i guess mutual pining
16. Describe your WIP that currently has the highest word count.
overworked and emotionally repressed surgeon meets tired but optimistic film student, along with his faithful fluffy companion and obnoxiously friendly brother
but yeah soft focus is definitely the longest fic i’ve written on my own, i- no wait that’s a lie
soft focus is the longest fic i’ve posted but once it hits ~50k it’ll be the longest fic i’ve ever written
19. What’s your favorite character headcanon?
it’d be hard to pick just one?? but in general i really like translating devil fruit powers to real life things in modern aus. like sometimes it’s fun and ace is Exceptionally Warm, and sometimes i give luffy my chronic illness and that’s less fun for him, but either way i have a great time
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svtegg · 4 years
tagged by my angel anjali!!!!!!!! ilysm <333 
🌿 fav comfort food: yachae jook and vegan chill!!!! i also love sourcream chips but i try to stay away from chips bc it makes my stomach hurt hehe
🌼 fav alcohol/hot drink: my fav drink of all time is a drink i made myself kljdjks i call it a sofia sunset bc its inspired by a drink i had in bulgaria! its basically strawberry daiquiri syrup, sweet orange juice and some sort of clear alcohol (my fave is coconut rum and citrus vodka) then if i feel extra spicy ill add some club soda hehe....also i love rosé wine. as for hot drink we all know im obsessed with mint green tea its literally a must in my everyday life
🌹fav relaxing activity: watching restoration videos, videos of people setting up aquariums and terrariums and pet grooming videos..... i love it so much......i know a lot of people dont like asmr but i really like quiet videos
🌸 fav fluffy/feel good fic: dad!svt and crack aus....ive been obsessed with @gamerwoo‘s gamer aus!!!! (please give me the next shit show update ledgend!!) seriously all her crack aus are amazing and sooo funny they always make me smile 
🌻 fav calming scent: pine forrest, tomato blossom.........literally anything nature type.....not like those yankee candles called “beach sunset” that smell like pillow perfume like straight up christmas tree, dirt, vegetables and sea air..........it reminds me of home
🌺 fav relaxing/uplifting song: atlas by coldplay is definetively one of them, i used to be a huge coldplay fan when i was young so a lot of their songs still stick with me. besides loving kpop, pop, edm and very poppy upbeat songs i really do have a predilection for indie pop and like witchy sounding music...i love the hurry up we’re dreaming album by M83 too! some of my favorite albums are 
fine line by harry styles
ghost stories by coldplay
for emma forever ago by bon iver 
wasteland baby! by hozier
every letter i sent you by yerin baek
CALM by 5 seconds of summer
🌵 fav white noise: a cat purring, firewood burning and rain hitting the roof (i grew up in a scandinavian house and my bedroom has long slanted roofs so i could hear the rain super loud when it rained 
🍄 fav book to get lost in: i really like the life of pi, kite runner and sofies world...and some norwegian books...one of my favorites is called no days without rain idk if its been translated but i read it in grade 7 so i was like 12....its really stuck with me bc its sad asf. but since i started university i havent read that much bc its become almost like a chore :( 
💐 fav chill out tv show: i have severe concentration issues when it comes to watching series and movies.....i have a horrible attention span so i usually end up doing something else so i honestly dont really care what i watch! i really love nature and true crime documentaries!
🌹best advice you've ever had: i dont think its something anyone has said to me, i think its someting ive learned myself. that no matter how hard and impossible things seem, to fail is nothing dangerous. to give yourself room, light and patience to grow. theres no shame in changing your mind or trying again. all in all the most valuable thing in life is to be kind to yourself and others.
i tag: @luvshuas @seokwus @jejublr @twicepm and @stellarshu (sorry if you’ve already done it!!! i’ve been majorly mia and this is like my second post since ive been back jwediud)
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voidfishersong · 6 years
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Star Wars
I accidentally thought up an entire AU because I accidentally tagged an ike/soren post with ‘star wars’ because im stupid but NOW
Gawain was an exceptional Jedi Master who left the Order after The Thing happens (the Medallion is probably some Sith artifact)
Gawain’s padawan was Zelgius, who Fell and became Sith Lord Lehran’s apprentice
Elena was a Mandalorian, heir to a minor clan. They didn’t like a Jedi marrying her, but accepted her and her children
After Elena’s death, Greil, Ike, and Mist leave Mandalore since they are no longer welcome
They migrate to Naboo, ruled by Queen Crimea (Elincia)
Greil runs a group of bounty hunters
Titania is also former Jedi, and she’s an exceptional pilot (horsemanship skills are here translated into piloting). She wields a staff that has two blades of green lightsaber. the end result is like. really long
Ike isn’t Force sensitive, but Mist is
Ike and all the other kids know that Titania was a Jedi, but not that Greil was
Soren is extremely strong with the Force but was never trained and therefore doesn’t have a lightsaber until late in the story
When Greil is killed by Zelgius, in a fight that’s the first time Ike ever saw his father use the Force or a lightsaber, Ike takes up his father’s blue blade and begins to train
(Non Force sensitive kid in Mandalorian armor wielding a lightsaber is a rad image in my head)
The Goldoans are a clan of Grey Jedi (leaning Dark thanks to Dheginsea)
Titania is a red twi’lek. Shinon’s probably a weequay. Rhys is ???? but not human definitely. Maybe also a twi’lek?
Reyson is a Dark Jedi who will eventually become more Grey Jedi. He works for Tibarn, who is a pirate lord who basically runs several planets and controls most major shipping routes, including the Kessel Run. Reyson is ex-Jedi but left after his entire group of padawans were killed
Reyson can’t hold a lightsaber because of chronic illness (he was born with it), but damned if he isn’t strong with the Force. he really likes using Force Lightning even though it hurts him too. Tibarn doesn’t like it
Naesala is a Dark Jedi pirate, but he rarely uses the Force so most people don’t know his power
The Gallians are another pirate group, but far more legal. Or at least, they disguise themselves as legal, thanks to Ranulf’s insane negotiation skills
Ranulf is slightly Force sensitive, though he’d never admit it. People find him uncanny but no one really suspects except, like, Zelgius
Lethe hates Ranulf telling her she has to work with Mandalorians AND Jedi
Greil was well-connected to the Gallian pirate gang back when he first married Elena
Shinon claims the Force doesn’t exist. He watches Titania jump forty feet into the air, but the Force doesn’t exist. Soren levitates an entire building. What’s the Force lmao it’s just made up bullshit
Sephiran is the Supreme Chancellor. Sanaki, padawan to the Head of the Order Tanith, is supposedly his granddaughter, and is definitely his ward
Sanaki is barely Force sensitive, far less than she should be, but Tanith trains her nonetheless. She becomes incredible at wielding dual lightsabers. Eventually, she’ll get Altena’s legendary golden sabers
The Black Knight is a mysterious masked Sith who teleports using warp powder, thanks to the Sith Alchemy of his Master. No one knows this Apprentice is the same man as Zelgius, bodyguard (and lover) to Chancellor Sephiran
(Ranulf, at some point: “hey y’all did realize the chancellor is a sith, right? yeah just making sure”
Everyone else: “wHAT”)
Micaiah is incredibly strong in the Force but untrained
Lehran keeps trying to recruit Soren as his Apprentice but Soren is like “not five minutes ago you said you’re planning to blow up Mandalore with my boyfriend on it so I really don’t see why I would join you”
Ashnard decided his son “wasn’t strong enough in the Force” (Ashnard isn’t Force sensitive so idk how he thinks he knows that but it’s Ashnard so...) and left him to die. Then shit happens like in FE canon but when Soren comes looking for Ike, Greil recognizes the child’s incredible Force presence and recruits/adopts him. He becomes like Titania (and Greil)’s padawan; Titania handles all the Force education because Greil is Not A Jedi
Soren’s ‘saber is eventually silver, because cool shit
Oscar was a Nubian soldier before leaving, and Kieran is still one of Elincia’s knights
Rolf is probably Force-sensitive because the image of Shinon’s sniper protegee being Force sensitive is the funniest thing ever
The Jedi are basically the Begnion pegasus knights, but plus a lot of other people. But like all the Councilors and shit are from the pegasus knights
Ashnard is the crazy guy who fulfills a role similar to the Separatists but with less negotiation and more just straight up murdering people who don’t join him. His Riders/Generals are all Force users: Tauroneo is an ex Jedi Councilor, Petrine was never a Jedi, and I forget the fourth Rider of Daein so...
Petrine’s ‘saber is a long staff with one blade. Her and Titania have multiple badass fights: one in the air, like the ace pilots they are, and then when they crash, they have a staffsaber fight too. Petrine is a togruta
Sothe is basically Ezra but not Force sensitive. He’s a street rat from Lothal probably
Nailah is a chief of a Tusken Raider tribe because she’s badass like that. Rafiel was a Jedi presumed dead after a mission to Tatooine went wrong, but Nailah found him and then just told her tribe that he’s her husband now and they don’t care. Rafiel was severely injured so he can barely move without assistance and also struggles to access the Force because reasons idk
After everything is settled, Soren takes Priam as his padawan and begins a New Jedi Order. how does Priam exist? he’s related to Ike and Soren, because the Force. I love the SW universe, you can just say ‘the Force’ as an answer to why any impossible shit can happen
Sephiran truly believes he’s a servant of the Force and that to have order you must have chaos and death first and Ike is just like buddy,,, I do not have anything to do with the Force and that’s. not what it wants
I really, really, really, really want art of Ike in beskar’gam with a lightsaber though
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kelandry5 · 7 years
Question tag for AO3 writers~~
Tagged by @herdustisverypretty and @justsimplyl
I found the original questions on AFF a while back, and I thought since I’ve been tagged in so many meme things lately, I’d also tag a bunch more people in this one XD Since the questions were designed for AFF, I’ve reworked some of them to fit for AO3 writers. I also removed two questions rather than trying to translate them to AO3 terms. So, I’ll fill out my answers first, and then put the blank questions again at the bottom for you to easily copy and paste!
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
It’s my writing name/the name I use for writing plus a number
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos)
Uhhh Sold and Broken has the most hits, Unexpected has the most bookmarks and kudos and subscriptions (Whyyyyyyyy??????)
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
It’s a picture of Akashi and Kuroko because I love them and mostly write for that pair anyway
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again? 
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
118 bookmarks. Idk if it counts subscriptions anywhere but there are four pages
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
mental illness if you can call that an au. 
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
Subscribed: 755
Bookmarks: 432
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
I mean...considering what I have already written about, no, not really. Though maybe I am a bit afraid of writing smut but it’s more a fear I’ll suck at it and be judged for sucking at it than for simply writing it.
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
I would LOVE to be better at updating!!!!! (I am sooooo sorry I suck).
I would love to be better at writing in general though, too. And maybe better at fluff/romance in particular.
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
Popular...but I have a couple unpublished rarepare fics started...
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
Uh...34 saved separately plus at least five documents with pieces of multiple stories I don’t feel like counting.
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
Ha. I write them down. Otherwise they would disappear
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
No. But I’ve helped with the planning. I don’t think I would be any good at doing more than that.
16. How did you discover AO3?
Probably google. I honestly don’t remember. (It was like maybe a year ago but it’s not like I thought “oh I should remember finding this and how it happened because this site is going to mean something to me one day and someone will ask me how I found it!”)
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
Hahaha not at all. 
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
Yeah. I don’t remember off the top of my head all the ones who inspired me to write fanfiction and I’m too lazy to look right now, but there definitely were. And pretty much every writer inspires me.
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
Forget the rules. Forget the “do not’s.” Forget trying to be right or perfect. Forget trying to please others. Write what you want, what you feel, what you love, what you need to say, what you think. Everything else will come.
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
Uhhhh....I pretty much figure it out as I go. Unless I’m rewriting. 
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
Idk if it was exactly bad. I had someone tell me something in a story was unrealistic and would never happen and couldn’t work like that etc etc and how they will read the story but they will be cringing. I generally just try to explain why I did what I did or what my thoughts were on the matter and then remind them they don’t have to read if they don’t like it. Maybe ignoring it altogether would be better but I’m not the best at that. I usually explain first then ignore. whoops
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
I can’t write smut or physical affection really at all. It’s just.... bad. I struggle with anything light hearted/fluffy too unless there is some underlying angst.
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
I’m sort of in a rut rn to be honest. But I am still thinking about all my unfinished ones. There is one in particular I’ve been sort of working on more, but it’s not a published one. I hope to update Weightless, Unexpected, and Fragile by the end of December at the very least if I can get my life in order a bit.
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
Of course!!! 
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
Nope. I doubt I could ever write every day and it would feel too much like work if I forced it.
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
Oh god I would certainly hope so!! But yes.
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
Weightless Phantom
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
Haha... it’s actually my two most popular ones. Unexpected and Sold and Broken (though I think Sold and Broken is just popular because it has multiple fandoms so a larger possible audience)
I just think the writing and plots kinda fell apart for both. 
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
I don’t know. Thinking about the future rn is more than I can really handle.
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
Uhhhh is there supposed to be something easy about it?? I guess fixing spelling and grammar is the easiest thing.
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
Jk jk. Well yes, but I guess more specifically, getting started. Once I’m on a roll it’s not so hard but starting is hard. 
33. Why do you write?
To express myself, to cope, to spread a message, to live another life, there are lots of reasons. 
Anyways that’s all the questions, so I’ll put them here as well without the answers to easily c+p.
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean? 2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos) 3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it? 4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters? 5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again? 6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked? 7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most? 8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page) 9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!) 10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc. 11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often? 12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)? 13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program? 14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head? 15. Have you ever co-authored a story? 16. How did you discover AO3? 17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3? 18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers? 19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write? 20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author? 21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go? 22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do? 23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..) 24. What story(s) are you working on now? 25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)? 26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself? 27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started? 28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written? 29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written? 30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years? 31. What is the easiest thing about writing? 32. What is the hardest thing about writing? 33. Why do you write?
Tagging: @mymistakewriting @ragingdrumboner @appleciderr @agapantoblu
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