#idk if it’s new new but I’m noticing it now oof
foxgloveinspace · 1 year
IV’s ‘new’ sun necklace has me feeling some type of way I won’t lie to you.
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c4qwp · 8 months
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felix catton x fem!reader
| he falls hard for you
📎 tags : fluff, female reader, felix being older than you by a year, fanon of felix bc i’m such a bad writer guys, bad orthography, (my first post…), felix being a fucking cutie patootie, (y/n) not mentioned
📎 words count : oof idk but not a lot 💀🔥🔥🔥😜😜😜
📎 author's note : this is my first post (so first story), don’t hesitate to comment to help me to progress! english isn’t my first language, idk if felix is fanon but i tried my best to write him like i how i see him
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felix was a charming, flirty, wealthy and captivating man. everyone loved him. everyone wanted to be around him. it exhausted him. people just wouldn't leave him alone. especially the girls. but he didn’t care about them, you were the exception.
you've only known felix for 6 months, but that hasn't stopped you from liking each other's personalities —and physiques. you're a new student from california studying at oxford, and the handsome british guy hasn't stopped coming to see you to find out more about you.
it all started with a laugh he heard in the hallway. a cute one he thought. and that's how he first saw you.
"hello?" you called loudly when you noticed eyes on you.
the sunlight illuminated felix perfectly as he met your gaze. you were just too cute. your doe eyes watching him while scanning him up and down due to his height.
"hey sorry- ive never seen you here before, are you new?" he asked.
as you were telling your friend to wait for you, an other guy appeared besides the stranger.
"felix where the fuck have you been mate??" a man with curly hair said.
"dude i’m busy let’s talk later" felix replied.
"hey sor-"
and you were gone.
felix didn’t even catch your name and it disappointed him. he likes to meet new people, even more when they’re cute like you.
a month passed after this rather short meeting. as you were revising in the library, a voice called out to you.
"oh hey arent you the new student?"
felix. you heard about him, only good thingd though. you’ve met him but his — pretty face, made you speechless. you felt shy in front of him. now there you are, sitting like an idiot and saying nothing. gosh.
"oh — uhmm hey!" you relied a bit nervously.
"hey! sorry i think we'd met before but hadn't talked more" he said.
"yes i remember." you introduced yourself and smiled.
"i’m felix catton nice to meet you as well" he smiled in turn.
"yeahh i heard about you, felix" you smirked and closed your book.
"oh yeah? i hope you've heard good things about me haha" he said.
"mmhh who knows?" you teased him.
while there was a small blank, he glimpsed your book.
"wait aint no way you’re reading harry potter?!" he said, trying to whisper as much as possible so as not to disturb the other students.
"way. i really like reading books. they're better than movies. and this is not the first time that i’m reading it." you replied.
"it’s my favorite book and it feels good to meet someone who thinks the same about it." he said with a big smile on his face.
it was getting late and you had to get back to your dorm to phone your best friend, who unfortunately wasn't at the same university as you. you exchanged phone numbers and then left.
one day.
one fucking day.
you two were apart for only a day. he sent you the first message and you answered them. he couldn't stop thinking about your smile, your eyes and your voice. it was the same for you.
even though you'd only been messaging each other for 2 weeks, he asked you if you wanted to go out somewhere. of course, you agreed and offered to go for a coffee to take a break from studying.
you put on a beautiful white summer dress that showed off your body.
‘i hope i’m not overdoing it...’ you thought.
"i’m so sorry for being late—…" you whispered to the man with a glass of soda against his lips, letting him know you were tired and done with the conversation. your eyes sparkling with joy, your lips curling up into a gleeful smile when you locked eyes with the person you had been craving to see all evening. he hadn't missed one night, not a single one. he was right on time. right there to stay with you, make you feel comfortable, talk to you all night.
you'd laugh, he'd watch.
he'd talk, you'd listen.
"no no don’t wo—" as he turned to answer you, he was stunned by your beauty.
his eyes wandered up and down your face. you noticed him and smiled at him.
‘i hate the way you make me feel — my chest begin to tighten when my eyes lock onto yours, yet i find it merely impossible to look away.’
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tornoleander · 8 months
Doing a rewatch of Season 6 and my watch buddy and I just finished episode 3 (p.s. I'm sorry I know you don't like talking about this ep).
I had completely forgotten about this scene - it's the part where they're all getting lunch and the cafeteria lady gives Kai extra because, and I quote, he's "her favorite".
I just, ... Kai just looked so uncomfortable in that moment and I was wondering what you thought about that scene and Nya's comment to Kai right after about she said Kai always wanted, "special treatment".
IDK maybe it's nothing and I'm just over reacting but with how everything is in this season ... it kinda leaves me wondering.
Oof Watching Skybound?.. Sorry there yep every time you watch you notice something new.
I’m Currently working on a Video essay to explain why Skybound is generally uncomfortable. Or more specifically the underlying themes
This topic is too much sometimes but I really think someone needs to say it. I always wanted to know where the feeling came from and wish someone had told me. So this video is for you anon👍
OLI is here to validate your Skybound discomfort Yep that scene is on my list
It’s not much mind you but it adds to the discomfort. Flirting with an inmate, kinda weird. Not high on the list but it’s definitely there.
I’ll put the list out here now because I want to know if I missed anything.
This Is JUST the list take It with a grain of salt I have a lot to say about most of these but this isn’t any of my evidence and reasoning.
What the fuck✨
Nadakhan forcing a kiss on Nya
The mechanic scene
Nadakhan’s Predatory behavior
(Not as serious)
The amount of Touching where the person is visibly uncomfortable expression change leaning away (mostly Nadakhan, but not all)
The Suggestive dialogue
The interviewer leaning way too close to Nya “not a chance really” she’s visibly uncomfortable and leans away
(Some may be upset for me bringing it up sry)
Jay found beat up in Nadakhan’s quarters is not without at least mild implications.
(Unintended maybe? but they had a forced kiss this season so idk what tf S6 writers were on.)
Kai being dragged by zombie women?, they weren’t attacking him they just… touching?
Minor but adds
(Worth the mention)
the settings
Nadakhan’s quarters for a candle lit dinner
Being in a prison and pirate ship with what prisoners and pirates are known for….
The meat bit
Prison lady hitting on Kai
policeman forced to crowd surf wanting to be put down.
Definitely more of a stretch but add to the feeling.
✨✨Skybound ✨✨
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peakdeer · 2 years
Ello! :D your post intrigued me and I’ve had this hc rattling around in my brain since Witchcraft smp started and I’ve wanted to share but I’ve never had the opportunity.
Ok here it goes. When Scott did the magic thing to try to bring the person he want to back back from the dead it summoned Lady Death (which is Mumza cause she is literally death and I hold her in a vice grip). This ruffles her feathers quite a lot and she starts going oof at him, saying how foolish he is for trying to bring someone back from the dead and such. He then explains to her is his reason to why he did it and beg her to bring his love back. Though it is still a foolish endeavor, her heart is softened by his pleas due to her understanding his pain but can’t just bring people back to life; however she does give him the ability to perform the magic needed to back his love back from the dead. In exchange however, Scott has to give a piece of his soul to her and when he dies his soul is forfeit. He accepts and after a very painful handshake she give him the power of necromancy. This left him with stark white hair also she straight up took a piece of his soul and dipped. He later dyed it black cause it gave him a bad feeling but when he does really powerful magic it will turn a lock of his hair white. I have a n e e d to give every single one of my Scott designs a lock of white. Idk why I just think it looks cool :3
Sorry for the block of text, I am quite excited
Scott wasn’t sure how he’d messed up the spell. It was supposed to bring him back—not whoever this woman with the black hair and the fancy hat and the long dress was. He kind of wished he could send her back now—she’d started ranting at him the instant she appeared, and she hadn’t stopped since.
It wasn’t like it was anything new. It was the same thing he’d heard from the townsfolk in his old village, and the same thing he’d heard from everyone else who knew what he was trying to do. “You can’t bring some one back from the dead, Scott! That’s wrong! You’re upsetting the balance, Scott! You’re so selfish, Scott, dragging them back! That’s weird. You’re creepy. Everyone else who did that suffered worse. What, do you think you’re better than them, Scott?”
And you know what? Scott didn’t care. He didn’t care anymore! None of it mattered!
He just wanted him back.
At least he’d done something right to summon this… woman? She had wings, actually, now that he noticed. Perhaps she was an avian?
Oh well. He flipped through his book, trying to find out how to send her away. Her stature left him feeling dwarfed, and he hated feeling small. He also hated being scolded like he was a child.
If only his stupid book would tell him how to get rid of her!
“You’re not listening to a word I’m saying, are you?” The woman’s voice was clipped, clearly annoyed. Scott glanced up at her once before turning back to his book. He needed to send her away now—
“I said—“ a cold presence strayed his throat, stealing his breath. His eyes darted to the woman—she was clearly more than an avian, more powerful than him even. He—he wasn’t sure if he could send her away. “Are you listening?”
“I am now.” Scott snapped, though it sounded more whiny than he’d meant it to, as if he were a little child being scolded by his mother again.
“What are you doing? You’ve got a circle and everything, do you know how dangerous those are? You could bring back something a whole lot worse than me—” She ranted, waving her arms as if to illustrate her point.
“I’m trying to bring someone back, obviously.” Scott answered her, annoyed. Clearly she already knew what he was doing, so why waste her words? He didn’t regret it. Not at all. Not when it could bring him back.
“You shouldn’t. Life and death is something to be taken very seriously, not with this callous sort of carelessness you’re giving it. Those who die do so in their time, and those who live do so in their time.” She sighed, her eyes piercing into his soul. “People can be brought back,” She admitted guardedly. “At great cost—with the disruption of the balance. It’s not smart, though—you’re still young, you still have life left. When you die, you’ll be reunited. But isn’t it worth it to live, even without him? To have your time above the surface?” She beseeched him.
“I know that. I know—I do!  I’ve heard it all before. But I can’t—I have to bring him back! I have to. I can’t… I can’t live without him.” Scott’s calm voice was quickly falling apart, his vulnerabilities laid more plain than he’d ever cared to have them be before—more than he’d ever even let him see.
“If you know, then why are you asking?” Her face looked hard as stone before she sighed, and the sharp lines of her face softening. “No, I know why. I can’t, though. Well, I could—but I won’t. There is more at work than you understand, little mortal.” Her tone was soft, but the hard truth in it hurt. He couldn’t give him up. Not yet! He’d barely even tried yet!
“Please. You’re clearly affiliated with death—couldn’t you help me?” He pleaded, all his dignity left to rot in the wake of this one chance, this one person who could bring him back when Scott couldn’t.
“I’d love to help you—I would—it’s not like I’ve never done it before—but that’s not how life is supposed to work. It throws off the balance, and doing it once was quite enough. I can’t risk any more.”
His eyes are wide and pleading, the absence of anything but desperation—a human brought to their last reserves, and, if she was reading his trembling correctly, to his knees also. Pity bloomed in her heart for the small, sniveling creature before her. She’d always been too soft on the mortals.
“…I suppose I could do something. But—no—don’t look at me like that. I can’t do it. That would destroy the balance. But… you could. For a price.”
She tilted her head, eyes scanning the human. This wasn’t smart—giving power over death to a mortal? It was unheard of, and decidedly stupid.
But it could work.
And wasn’t she willing? He’d keep trying even if she said no, anyway, and it’s not like she could (or would) take him before his time.
“I don’t give power freely, and I give favours even less so. Had you not managed to summon me, I never would have done this. Nevertheless—I can give you the power to bring things back from the dead, and to kill them again. It will take practice. Control. Effort. It will take more from you than it gives, and every spell will come at a price. But, one day—one day it can bring him back. If it does depends on you, and how far you’re willing to go. Would you risk that—for him? Would you accept that?” She extended the offer cautiously, eyes searching his expression for any sort of greed. She found none.
The human straightened. He still looked shaky—still looked afraid—still looked hopeless. But he was trying, bless his little heart, to look brave. His expression was determined, resolute; his mind already made up. “Yes,” He agreed, his voice clearly shivering but strong enough to be sure.
“Good, because there’s more. I don’t only have to worry about the balance—the other gods would have a fit if they found out, and I can’t have that, not after… Well, you don’t need to know. I have to make this look like I need you—and for that, I need your soul.”
“You need… my soul.” The mortal spoke slowly, as if he couldn’t quite comprehend the words.
“Yes. Just a piece—though it’ll all be mine when you die—relax, I’m not a bad goddess. You’ll be fine. You don’t have to take the deal, though—only if you want the power. Only if you want him back that much.” He seemed to take her words as a challenge, as if she were accusing him of not caring enough. Whatever reservation he had left vanished, and his face set into hard lines.
“Yes. Yes, whatever it takes. Whatever it takes.” His voice was made of the same steel, his decision set. He would not be changing his mind anytime soon. And if he did—when he did—it would be too late.
“Then take my hand.” She stretched it out almost nonchalantly, her fingers hanging daintily in the air, dangling as if moved by an invisible wind. After all—some of the most dangerous things could be the most beautiful, the most inviting.
The mortal reached his hand out, and took it—a mistake, but one she could forgive. Wouldn’t she have done the same thing?
She saw the moment it hit him, the dark power racing up his hand, into his bloodstream, towards his head. Always towards the head, and then the heart. It was a gift, not a curse, though you might call it one. Curses went for the heart first.
She watched him fall, the power all too much for his small, sensitive little body, and unable to cope with that little something extra—his debt.
That little piece of soul.
She was sure, as she watched him shiver and convulse, that she’d take good care of it. He wouldn’t have to worry about that.
Scott heaved himself up off the floor, clutching his hand to his chest. Not that it mattered—the pain was in his whole body, equally miserable everywhere. He staggered around the room before his fingers hit the wall, which he gratefully leaned on for balance.
He glanced around, perplexed to see that the Death Goddess was no longer here. Though, he couldn’t be too surprised—deities go as they please, and she’d already gotten what she wanted.
But he had also gotten what he wanted. Or, almost. He had to learn how to, but… he could bring him back. He could! He just had to…
He stormed out of the room in a fury, ignoring the raging pain that caused. He had to get started, had to start studying—he wanted him back as soon as possible. He’d figure out how to do it, and nothing, nothing would stop him.
He nearly walked right past the mirror before he noticed it. Just a flash in his peripheral vision—something white?
He turned, looking at the mirror with a perplexed expression. His reflection looked back at him with the same expression, the same pale-set face and long robes, the same green eyes and… black…
Why was part of his hair white?
He hurried to the mirror, his hand already reaching up and tugging at it. Why was his hair white? His hair was black, and he was still young. None of it should be white!
Had he spilled something on it? Maybe cast a wrong spell? Perhaps—
A wrong spell.
Scott gasped a little, his hand falling to his mouth.
She’d done this. She’d left him a little mark, just enough to remind him of this deal and what he’d agreed to.
Just enough to haunt him.
He stood there staring for a long time until he moved.
He didn’t have time for this. He finally had the power to bring him back and he wasn’t going to waste it on something this silly.
He shot his reflection a dark look as he walked away. He’d just have to dye his hair back later.
The color didn’t match at all.
And if he was honest… it unnerved him. He hated owing people things; it made him feel vulnerable.
And he owed Death herself his soul.
Perhaps he hadn’t thought this through.
No matter—it would all be worth it when Scott got him back.
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borathae · 3 months
DONE WITH ANOTHER EXAM u know what that means???
Chapter 34
fuck where is yoongi 😭😭😭kook come to ur senses please
OMG YOONGI wait did he just come because of kook, bruh we could have made out like a week ago 😔✊🏻
omg im so scared and nervous i wanna cry even tho its kook being scolded
“Thanks, but I can manage myself. I did so splendidly in the last two weeks” fr
He made you believe that he abandoned you. And now he is back. the entire para just summed up what we all felt Your anger feels so misplaced. Yoongi had a lot going on. After a millennia he felt again. He must have been so overwhelmed. Who knows what guilt and pain he went through those past two weeks. that is also true and idk what to feel aaaah feeling the pain of both people. DAMN U JUST PORTRAYED THAT SO WELL AND SUBTLE I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE IT
Where are those goddamn band aids FUCKING REAL U CAN NEVER FIND IT WHEN U NEED IT and u will find it in the same room, same drawer a week later 🥲
You made him turn his emotions on. It was your fault that he left in the first place. Be angry at yourself, that’s what you should do. its not exactly your fault, just a situation that had to happen
“Stupid bathroom!” you yell, throwing another cabinet closed. #justiceforcabinet2024
wow why is he so chill all of a sudden *trust issues be working on overtime
Is that what Jungkook could have too? 😭😭 yoongi pls dont leave again, i wanna be extra proud of kook
oh kook is sleeping for now (wtf i felt like a mama bird for a second there)
“Yes?” he exclaims, turning around almost excitedly. sir whats going on?? is it the emotions??? omg he is a pookie pls i love him bing bang boong forgiven already, who left for 2 weeks? nobody, idk such a thing
Now that he is so close again, you have forgotten everything you had wanted to tell him. oh it wasnt just me lol
“Doesn’t matter, I’m back now”, OK THATS IT FOLKS HE IS GOING TO LEAVE AGAIN 😭😭😭
oh a new plant 😭
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Is he just staring? Oh dear. He is. PLEASE OUR SHY KITTY 😭😭
Oh how excited he sounds without even noticing that he does. 😭😭 do you want all of us to just cry every damn line? cuz u had done it
Yoongi is by your side, pretending to do the same while in reality he was looking at your face the whole time. HA SIMP ALERT (pls simp more we are simping for it)
“It’s not bad”, he agrees. You scoff, “such enthusiasm” Yoongi stumbles after you down the path, grumbling quietly. he is such a tsundere kitty i cant OFC HE LOVES HAND HOLDING NEVER LET GO
They are so bloody tiring” mood but numbness is too scary soo..
“They’re flowers, I don’t see any difference”, he grumbles, I LOVE HIM AND THE WAY YOU WRITE HIM I LOVE THEIR BICKER OVER SORRY HIS GRANDPA RUN AAAAH *watches a compilation
“Forget it. I didn’t want to do it anyway”, i was cackling until i remembered this is how i act with mom, oh mom im sorry
damn 1963, my mom wasnt born yet
no yoongi we dont growl here pls *blinks 😃😄😃 🫠 “he’s having a phase, please ignore him.” A PHASE STOP 😭
he is trying his hardest to stifle a laugh. THE JOKE PLS I LOVE HER HAHA guess he is going to have a hard time doing that
HOLY SHIT IT WAS A SPY DAMN WE JUST SAW A MURDER i literally just shivered
oh this time he answers her questions properly thats a difference hm
WTF OOF DAMN I - (did ever tell u that i love your writing and this bombastic story?)
It is not every day that you watch someone get beheaded or find out that someone wanted to fuck your dead body fr im still shivering and goosebumps are still there.
i love when they do vampire zoom haha
I’ve just lived long enough to have learned the skill.” Tae: 😃 ALSO IM SORRY YOONGI I LOVE THAT YOU CAME BACK but when is tae getting out?? 👉🏻👈🏻 great TAE MY BABY IM SORRY 😭😭 I CANT DO ANYTHING
“Are you manipulating me? she may or may not do that, but can she actually do that to you? yeah she cant so stop saying this
i love when they talk, like everything just gets deeper, both her and him, the plot
OMG YOONGI wait did he just come because of kook, bruh we could have made out like a week ago 😔✊🏻
fjasdjf no he was genuinely in the midst of coming back when he suddenly heard the noises and then just came running 😭
He made you believe that he abandoned you. And now he is back. the entire para just summed up what we all felt Your anger feels so misplaced. Yoongi had a lot going on. After a millennia he felt again. He must have been so overwhelmed. Who knows what guilt and pain he went through those past two weeks. that is also true and idk what to feel aaaah feeling the pain of both people. DAMN U JUST PORTRAYED THAT SO WELL AND SUBTLE I DIDNT EVEN REALIZE IT
You made him turn his emotions on. It was your fault that he left in the first place. Be angry at yourself, that’s what you should do. its not exactly your fault, just a situation that had to happen
the way you can see the learned guilt in her and in everything she does :(
wow why is he so chill all of a sudden *trust issues be working on overtime
I feel like he is just really nervous and trying not to scare her away with too much movement :(((
“Yes?” he exclaims, turning around almost excitedly. sir whats going on?? is it the emotions??? omg he is a pookie pls i love him bing bang boong forgiven already, who left for 2 weeks? nobody, idk such a thing
of course it's the emotions heheh <3 he is in loveeee <3
oh a new plant 😭
Is he just staring? Oh dear. He is. PLEASE OUR SHY KITTY 😭😭
Oh how excited he sounds without even noticing that he does. 😭😭 do you want all of us to just cry every damn line? cuz u had done it
jfasdjf me fr fjadsjfa
Yoongi is by your side, pretending to do the same while in reality he was looking at your face the whole time. HA SIMP ALERT (pls simp more we are simping for it)
“It’s not bad”, he agrees. You scoff, “such enthusiasm” Yoongi stumbles after you down the path, grumbling quietly. he is such a tsundere kitty i cant OFC HE LOVES HAND HOLDING NEVER LET GO
no but I love him so much!!!!!!
They are so bloody tiring” mood but numbness is too scary soo..
100% :( gosh my boongie :(
“They’re flowers, I don’t see any difference”, he grumbles, I LOVE HIM AND THE WAY YOU WRITE HIM I LOVE THEIR BICKER OVER SORRY HIS GRANDPA RUN AAAAH *watches a compilation
same same same !!! I love him so much !!!!
damn 1963, my mom wasnt born yet
lmaoa mine was like 2 and my dad 3 kfadkf
no yoongi we dont growl here pls *blinks 😃😄😃 🫠 “he’s having a phase, please ignore him.” A PHASE STOP 😭
he is trying his hardest to stifle a laugh. THE JOKE PLS I LOVE HER HAHA guess he is going to have a hard time doing that
I genuinely love this chapter so much 😭😭
HOLY SHIT IT WAS A SPY DAMN WE JUST SAW A MURDER i literally just shivered
i love when they do vampire zoom haha
lmaooa me
“Are you manipulating me? she may or may not do that, but can she actually do that to you? yeah she cant so stop saying this
I feel like she can JFAJDFJ he is way too smitten for her JFJADSFJ
i love when they talk, like everything just gets deeper, both her and him, the plot
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alyjojo · 6 months
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April 🤯 2024 Monthly - Gemini
Preshuffle: You could be saving money, or collecting grudges, for the purpose of quitting something eventually. Your job? You just want to move forward in a different direction, you’re not happy with the way things currently are…or you could be realizing a new thing isn’t all it’s cracked up to be either.
Meditation: It could be a particular person at work that really grinds your gears, they’re showing up as someone on your level, maybe the person sitting next to you. In the vision, you were seeing them as a clapping seal (which cracked me tf up), just OR OR OR OR shuuut up! You can’t concentrate, can’t focus, this person drives you absolutely nuts & you’re thinking “as if I don’t distract myself enough.”
Main energy: 5 Pentacles
Oof. Okay I don’t see anything DEEP per se, and maybe it’s just an off day, week, something like that. Your oracles showing Gemini & Sag, could be a Sag placement that especially annoys you this month, fire is heavy, or it’s just someone not like you. The differences between you and someone else are really getting under your skin this month and you could be bottling them up…either to explode in some glorious temper tantrum later on (it’s gotta come out somehow) or you could just be planning on bringing down a Tower, kicking this b*tch to the curb and never coming back again. Moving to Barbados. BYE ✌️But don’t actually. I see Calm & an Apology here too so…keep your cool Gem. Your ego is on fire this month and you’re ready to take on something NEW. Maybe make that a hobby or something instead, start small. This could be someone you’re newly dating as well, they’re hot but they drive you nuts. You enjoy the lusty bits. That may just be enough to overcome the irritation, for now 😆
What’s going on in April:
Queen of Wands:
This feels like whoever the irritation is. Could be your partner, for most it probably is. Could be work too, and if so this connection is *normally* stable, it’s just this month is your cranky month and it’s their defensive or can’t shut tf up month and you two are clashing hard. Could be over money, especially if you’re doing their job FOR them, which is someone’s story. There’s a deadline and this person gabs all fkn day, maybe you’ve had to stay late or something because of them or you’ve been delayed and held back, it irritates tf out of you. Even if you like/love them, you’re defensive about whatever it is they’re doing. You feel confined, building grudges, tryinggg to keep your mouth shut BUT UM. Bitch. Look. 👏
4 Pentacles:
I’m dying here. You want to quit, or end this, you think about it frequently, it could get you through the day. Like revenge scenarios. “Just wait, I’m gonna save up 6 months worth of bills and disappear”, that is literallyyyy what I heard! Vengeful! On the other hand, this can always be switched so, if someone is noticeably irritated IJS. On the bottom, for most of you that this is a partner or someone new you’re seeing, you could be feeling like you went too fast too soon, rushed into this one before you really even knew them. Or a job, a home maybe, something that your personal and financial stability banks on. I heard a neighborhood for someone, like the house is great but it’s surrounded by crazy people. Now it’s oh no. For someone it’s possible someone is withholding sex, and that’s the thing that’s irritating you, they’ve got all sorts of reasons and bs and it’s been long enough in your mind, don’t you matter too?
Whew, for someone I heard “I’m here to work not make friends”. Idk if you’re saying this out loud or not, maybe not, you’re definitely thinking that in the work story. If a person, you could be considering going back to someone you dated before, maybe you appreciate them more now that they’re gone, it’s someone that put in a lot of effort for you. You could simply be internally judging this persons work ethic or standards of living, by some practical means, maybe they’re the life of the party and you’re the worker - so they leave you to it and don’t even try to help you. The Hanged Man at the bottom shows a need for perspective, I don’t think you’re coming right out with this vengeful energy, but it’s stewing beneath the surface. Being judgy. You have a hard time celebrating the positive moments because the effort parts aren’t being taken seriously enough in your opinion. It could be way too much on you. With Optimism and Versatility, while I see you want to pop off hard, Spirit is trying to talk you off the ledge. Think positively, to with the flow, try to see things differently, rather than just up and moving to Barbados like it’s not *that* bad. Could be improved though 🙏
See, a much better row. IF you hold back, bite your tongue, things are going to balance out. Either with work or your person, Queen & King of Pentacles are showing up together. This person could be in a phase of feeling larger than life, sexy, excited, at a time when you’re not. Sag rising maybe? Then you both would always be experiencing opposite house activations at all times, not easy to overcome, except by realizing that this is an individual person that’s on a whole different timeline than you. If it’s work month, pain in the ass month, this could be party month for them - or it was and is now changing. Synastry could help figure your person out in comparison to yours, a partner. You have different highs and lows, I don’t see this person as bad. Not annoying, not brash, not full of bologna. They’re willing to meet you on your level…eventually, not right away. Or things will work out where you don’t even have to say anything, a boss will, they’ll just pick up on it, they’ll tire of the last phase and see you’re overworked - stepping in. If it’s a house or neighborhood, then you can’t do anything but look right now, waiting for *the right* thing before you move - but you definitely intend to.
6 Swords:
Moving away, from drama, from where you live, from someone that drives you nuts, from your job. You are one foot in and one foot out the door at all times. Page of Swords at the bottom can be opening up and talking about this with some people, you’re trying to learn more details about the situation in question, or you’re just very observant. If a job, you’re looking for job. If a house, you’re looking for houses. If someone drives you batshit, you wonder if you should even tell them? Or just move on? It feels like you have every reason to see this as a positive thing, and you need to remain calm things will work out just fine. Not the day you want to flip out though, that day maybe fake sick and buy a fancy ice cream or something. Chill 🍨 For your mental health.
Signs you may be dealing with:
🔥 Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Capricorn & Taurus
Oracle: ✨
33 Integration 🧬
We are a sum of all of our experiences in this and other lives. We all bring forward a wealth of knowledge, talents, and wisdom. One of the challenges is remembering who we are. We are bombarded every day in every way with messages on who we should be, what we should do, what we should wear, how we should live…
These messages coming from the media, society, our family and friends, and even strangers can drown out who we are really meant to be: who we have grown into lifetime after lifetime. Find some quiet moments in your day to identify and start a relationship with that small, strong voice inside of you. Pretty soon you won’t hear the other messages. Many times in your interactions with others, you hear that small voice tell you something is not right. Your logical mind tells you stop it, nothing is wrong, you’re being silly/dramatic or overreacting. You may ignore your inner voice in a quest to fit in, be loved or admired. You do not realize that your inner voice is warning you that the other person’s energy is not matching their words or actions. Listen to your instincts about this situation or person.
Confinement 🪢
Captivity - Tolerance - Unfreedom
Calm 😌
Inner Peace - Simplicity - Meditation
Apology 😞
Guilt - Confession - Forgiveness
Optimism 😁 Moon - Sagittarius
Versatility 🤸‍♂️ Sun - Gemini
We enter into April as:
Topaz 💛
“If I seek peace, I must embrace my fears.”
Topaz speaks: “To be enlightened is to realize that to gain peace, fear in the heart must be faced.” If Topaz has come to you, he is telling you that it is time to stop talking about what you intend on doing. You must just do it. Things happen for us when we take action, which is the only way to break through what is holding us back. The change that is called for here is surrender, which is an action in itself. No great tasks were ever achieved easily. Remember we do a lot to avoid what we feel will hurt us; you must understand that the pain will recede if you face your fears, allowing you to walk through to the other side. Topaz whispers “Pray for guidance and you will be assisted.” Do not despair, for if Topaz has come to you, relief awaits. By facing your fears, peace and enlightenment will be your reward. That is the gift. All you need to do is ask.
What is to be learned in April:
The Emerald Stone 🧩
“The heart knows what the eyes cannot see.”
There are times when things happen to us and no explanation is possible. Often our journey brings us full circle, leaving many of us to wonder why. The Emerald Stone is inviting you to follow through in whatever is before you. Going back is not an option. Forward movement will change your entire perspective on life - for the better. You may now be able to hear something that you have been told many times. Your reward will be a closer relationship with yourself. If Emerald Stone sparkles for you, it is with the understanding that you are now developing a new perception of things. The Stone welcomes you out of the dark and into your heart.
Green may be a lucky color 💚
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wench-and-jezebel · 2 years
NCIS Reaction: High Seas
Wench (@scripted-downfall) reacts [with (maybe) occasional asides by Jezebel (@typicalopposite)]
Oh god.  MEN
“Wandered off" code for dying, more like  [☠️☠️☠️☠️  Wandered off to the next life]
Ooh, more pretty boat work
"Gibbs.  Talk."  Buddy.  That's.  "Make your voice a mail"-coded.
"On the Enterprise?!?!"  DAMN.  Didn't realize NCIS extends to space.  Er, the final frontier.
Why does this look like the Marvel helicarrier thing
I see that everyone likes Burley to some degree
Kate being over-confident again.  I pray that she gets lost now.  [☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️  Yep I’m already lost ☠️☠️]
Oof, poor Tony.  "Gibbs must have told you about me?"  "No, actually, Abby mentioned it in passing."  "Oh." "Just assigned?"  "Two years."  "Huh."
We're back to being mean to Tony again.  Kicking him out of the room is so mean :(
aksfdj am I in the wrong episode; that mail carrier was in the other episode and there was a body in it alksdjf
"Any idea who provided the meth?"  Walter White, duh  [☠️☠️☠️]
[You don’t sound like you’re trying to help out, Gibbs ☠️]
Not Kate still being lost.  Oh, right place, finally!  [Seems like she’s just tryin to see some nakey men]  Yer not wrong. She went to the men's room and then to the barracks, where she wasn't supposed to be.
"Fourth-generation Navy" Damn. I'd watch out for them, then, if they think he shamed their name.
"Well, I've got news for you; he did"  Madam, you don't know this.  The evidence has not proven this.  Don't make a theory before you have proof, and don't slander a man if you don't know for sure.  (aka: Kate is aggravating me again)
Wait, I know this dude.  [Tony? 😂 me too.  Kidding.  Wait, he does look familiar.]  I know him from The Glades... And he was in a Burn Notice, a Criminal Minds... and some of Big Sky, and I haven't seen those yet, but it’s still interesting to know
"They gotta be ready.  Tomorrow, it might not be search-and-rescue"  Bravo, dude
"Still, don't you ever lay off, give your men a break?'  The implications of Tony asking this given what I've said about Gibbs, though.
He gonna die btw
Dammit, he didn’t die  (That.  Sounded harsh.  I meant “dammit, my prediction was wrong.”)
[Tony jealous]  Okay, but you don't see anything unfair about Gibbs showering praise on Stanley compared to how he treats Tony?  [No I agree lol  Is this the one where he actually praises Tony 🤔]  He better
"Had your eyes glued to some little-"  Do go on.  [☠️☠️☠️  Gibbs, you dog]
Kate’s lost!!!!  [Kate’s lost ☠️]  Finally getting a comeuppance for her arrogance  [Poor guys like, why so angry smol lady?]  Dark Angel: A Summary
[You watch 👀  Nooo.  You watching them beat it]
"Lost?"  "No."  Yeah, right.  "It's going fine"  False.  "It was confusing at first"  It still is, wdym.  Kate, just ‘fess up.  😂😂😂😂
Y'all, the chances this is them actually taking the drugs are not.  likely.
Y'all.  You have no evidence of any of this.  And why would two separate people give themselves so much they almost die?  Unless they're using the same batch and it's contaminated or something, this makes no sense.
[Oh nooooo he dyin]  "He dead" more like  [Oooof]
Maybe I'm naive but I don't buy that they did it themselves.
[Ahh you and Kate agree]  Ooh, I wanna speak about this.  I’m finishing this scene before midpoint reaction time.  [Ok lol I do think this is the one he praises Tony in.  It’s a Gibbs praise. But yeah ☠️😂]
– – –
Midpoint reaction time!
Okay, so.  Kate started out annoying me with her "I can navigate just fine, hmph!" routine, but she's gotten better.  Her good humor about the getting-lost thing with Tony was endearingly wry, and I appreciate it.  Also, she did try to... not commiserate, and console is strong, but... idk, help?  
Which brings me to Gibbs, who just.  This is aggravating me.  I understand that you've said there's a backstory I don't know about.  Sure, fine.  Whatever.  I know that he and Stanley worked together before, and that was a different time.  Yeah.  Okay.  I follow.  But he's still being an asshole.  And if he's capable of not being an asshole, then it's all the worse that he is being an asshole.  And I've never been one of those people who thinks "being really harsh on someone pushes them to succeed in a way that kindness or geniality won't" because, frankly, that's stupid.  I've worked in both environments over the years, and yeah, I managed to work decently well in both, but I worked better in an environment where, sure, I was expected to do well and held to that standard (and chastised if I didn't), but also got some kind of positive feedback too.  Tough love is great and all, but it's gotta be tough love, not just tough.
Gibbs is clearly capable of maintaining his standards while still praising the recipient — I point to the banter session with Stanley about "this is all you could find?" "At least I don't contaminate evidence while bagging-and-tagging it" — so I refuse to accept that he can't do it with Tony.  Hell, he even sprinkles praise into his conversations with Kate.  And Abby.  (Not really with Ducky yet, but idk if I'd expect that; they seem more like equals, tbh, than a supervisor and a supervisee.)
And, whatever Kate says, I've yet to see a reason that the thing between Stan and Gibbs is substantially different from Tony and Gibbs.  (One may develop, but I haven't seen/noticed it yet.)  Instead, it feels like a blatant double-standard, and a bit of a shove-it-in-Tony's-face situation.  Which might be iffy writing, or might be the intent, idk.  [The lack of a difference is likely a writing flaw again. You don’t see it but your suppose to just accept it’s there]  DAMMIT, WRITERS, I CAN’T READ YOUR FREAKING MINDS.  SHOW, DON’T TELL IS A BASIC PRINCIPLE OF STORYTELLING.  Someone skipped the lore dump to get ahead to “solving the problem,” I see.  (Callback to this post on main.)
[Which this is all fair. I get why you’re frustrated and when I first watched it kinda frustrated me too. But again I watch it and take it as the haha Tony’s jealous I think it’s meant to be. And not the deeper meaning that’s really fucked up to Tony.]  Yeah.  I get there are different ways of viewing it, and, again, intellectually, I understand what they were going for.  But it missed the mark, in my opinion, because it's... idk.  I'm always bothered by mean humor that, I feel, kinda cuts to the core more than it ought.  "The Curious Case of Dean Winchester" in SPN?  Pissed me the fuck off.  
[And see I thought the curious case was hilarious the first time I watched it.]  Oh, god, no, I hated it.  So much.  All the jokes at the fact that he'd literally lost so much — in a sacrifice for Bobby — that he'd come to rely on?  The alleged "humor" of him suddenly not being able to do stuff because he's 80 freaking years old, and Sam (in all of his youthful energy) finding it so funny?  Bobby being all mocking about "oh, you're such a wuss for not dealing with conditions that popped into your system without any warning; I've managed to deal with that stuff for years (when it happened gradually and came about naturally due to aging and not me betting away my life to save my crotchety-ass father figure).  How dare this be a readjustment!!?!?"  [😂😂😂 again all fair!]  And the added injustice… The reason Bobby's more crotchety than normal?  Because he had lost something that was core to his personality, all at once, with zero warning, and had lost the ability to do as much physically as a result.  The "humor" is at best so hypocritical, and muchhhhh more blatantly (to me), so mean-spirited that I just.  God, that episode turns my stomach.  I like the witch doing it, and I like some elements, but I'm never watching that again if I can help it.
Anyway... this isn't a SPN reaction, so back to NCIS :)  [😂😂😂]  Gibbs just.  Bothers me.  Even ifffff it's intended well.  Which I kinda doubt.  It's not cool. And I guarantee that it's not a coincidence that, in the same episode, he was asking the chief if he ever gave his men a break.  The writers might be trying to tell-not-show that Gibbs and Tony actually have a decent relationship, and it's a different decent relationship from Gibbs and Stan, but they're show-not-telling that they don't.  And that Gibbs might be fine with it, but Tony's clearly not feeling great about it.  [Fair. And that’s making me sound like a broken record ☠️ but I do get it]
– – –
I’m an idiot, btw.  [☠️☠️☠️ you’re not but go on]  I was sitting here through that entire midpoint reaction thinking that Kate had some prior knowledge about Gibbs relationship with Stan, right?  But she just joined.  She didn’t, at all.  [☠️☠️☠️]  She just joined.  More recently than Tony alfjkdslkasdjfq  [☠️☠️☠️]
Also, I'm sorry, but talking to the bodies is such a lonely-person-needing-company move. Which is only making the Gibbs-constantly-interrupts-and/or-dismisses-Ducky's-attempts-to-talk even more annoying.  Like, he hasn't done that this episode (to my recollection), but in general.  I've talked about it in the past.
Also, Gibbs bringing Stan his sandwich order; damn, but they're really shoving this down our throat, aren't they.  Literally.  [😂😂😂😂 very true!]
Dude, I'm actually starting to like Kate more than Gibbs.  [☠️☠️☠️]  This is shocking.
Once again; Stan gets teased, but it’s just.  Not the same.
Wait, is Reyes the guy we were talking about earlier?  [I think so]  Because I don’t want him to be the bad guy asldfj  [I also don’t think so 😉]  Good!
Kate, that was answered already.  I guess he was talking to Tony, but still.
Oof, talk about a harsh workplace environment
DUDE.  THIS (using an IV bag of air to induce an embolism) IS HOW JARVIS KILLS HIMSELF IN PUPPET MASTERS; I LOVE THAT FILM
[Plot twist: Ducky’s the murderer.]  sldkfjlsjk that’s basically how Jarvis acted in Puppet Masters  [“YOURE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD”  HORRIBLE ACTING MR (idk his name)]
Wait, what?  I’m sorry, false.  Many types of people know that air + blood = death.  I knew that  [☠️☠️☠️]  Okay, fine, I’m in medicine: my sister knows that (mathematician).  [I knew that]  There we go!  [I knew it from the omen… but I knew it]  I’m officially making the prediction that Wilkes committed suicide.
Poor Abby alsdjf  [☠️☠️☠️ What do you want me to do with all this pee]
Tell me they race.  [I think so]  THEY’RE RACING
I’m gonna cry if Kate wins
Noooooooo.  I called it but nooooo.  [☠️☠️☠️☠️]
Dude, I feel like NCIS is pulling these plots outta nowhere.  I’m sorry but.  Why.  I keep asking.  Why would they take that much without being more careful.
[You love those men… sir]
I’m pinning my hopes on them not having taken the drugs knowingly btw.  I stake my prediction reputation on this.
Jesus fuck, leave Tony alone  [I think Kate was trying to help ☠️ just didn’t work]  I.  Don’t think so.  But maybe.  Out of curiosity, do we ever find out about why he kept transferring?  [I think so 🤔🤔🤔]
If they’re not being slipped it, I’m gonna be mad.  Because I repeat.  Unless the batch were contaminated.  The motivation makes no sense.  They’re not explaining why they’re suddenly taking so much that it’s not hidden anymore.
HAH!  They didn’t know they were taking meth!  I will accept this!  AND IT FITS MY THEY-DIDN’T-KNOW-THEY-WERE-INGESTING-IT THEORY!  (My prediction reputation is safe!)  I win
And I guess the overdoses — or, rather, the now-observed symptoms — were because he didn’t tell them what it was and they were addicted, so they kept taking them without being concerned with adverse effects?  One of the few times they don’t aggressively shove the explanation at us and it’s the one time that would be useful.  [☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️]
I’m watching at an awkward angle, but it looked like he was smirking alsdkfj
[Maybe it is Reyes]  Naw, really? :)  [I could have swore it wasn’t tho ☠️☠️☠️]
I hope this dude isn’t actually sick or anything; I hope that’s a con.  I suspect it is, but I very much hope so.
Lovely; awesome; very happy now.  Glad he’s not seriously sick
Ooh, and Reyes took that pretty damn well, ngl.  [Right!?]
Okay, they’re not wrong about Reyes betraying trust, but it does bear mentioning that Wilkes’ family was kinda.  Um.  Complicit.  In him dying.  Since his dad kinda pushed him to it.
“You gonna go getting all huggy on me?” = “No chick flick moments”
That.  [Hm.]  If that’s your version of Gibbs giving praise.  I question.  [Must be a different episode]  alksdjfl;aksjdf;lakjsdf  [Cause there is one where someone starts bad mouthing Tony. And it’s a similar situation.  But Gibbs goes off. And Tony’s like 👁👄👁  And it ends with like a you like me your really like me moment and Gibbs is like.. now I don’t.]  Well, I look forward to it, I suppose.  I still maintain, though, that verbal communication is better than assuming that he’d go “oh, look, he deigned to say my name; woot”
Thus does it end!
– – –
Anyway… I don’t have that much to add, really.  Decent episode, though I don’t know how to feel about the writing.  I guess Stan talking to Tony about Gibbs default setting was good, but I’m not sure it makes much sense.  Unless the point is he just.  Likes Kate that much that he didn’t do the whole “call by the wrong name” thing?  Also, we have no proof that Tony didn’t get called a different name than his actual one on his first days.  So this is really illogical, tbh.  I feel like it was crammed in at the end to excuse the rest without actually.  you know.  excusing the rest.
I liked Kate this episode (with the exception of her little “well, he did dishonor the Navy” thing at the beginning)   Her banter with Tony — and even, *sigh*, the fact that she won the race — was well done.  Ducky was in it a criminally short amount of time; same with Abby
idk.  Decent episode, but it’s got some iffy bits.  And Gibbs annoyed me, obviously, as I’m sure you’re shocked to hear.
[Again, it’s likely that stuff was just to be assumed. Which I agree is dumb.]  LKSAJDF MA’AM I DO NOT DO WELL WITH ILLOGIC.  WE’RE GONNA HAVE THIS CONVERSATION SO MANY TIMES  [Well ma’am idk what to tell you ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️]  “just cry”  [☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️]
That’s all, folks :)
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jinlias · 2 years
i never really notice when i outgrow stuff i just suddenly realize the stuff i do in the internet doesn't revolve around it anymore or smth haha but anyway old flames can still be rekindled it's just that itzy is coming to tour where i am by early next year so idk if i want to attend hhhhh blackpink is also coming here (and we're registering for presales rn) but i also want to attend that sb19 concert so... whew i dunno i dunnooo but yea that's smth im gonna have to solve esp bc i don't have a friend to attend sb19 with and my introverted shy self is.... oof
haha anyway!!! ur back which means midterms are over??? congratulations!!!! i'm new to ppop myself but if you're going to check them out maybe spare an update or two about it?? haha i'd love to know if you'd like it or not 😅 if you want some recommendations i have live performances that are going to blow you away !!! and also idk if bc sb19 are older (blackpink age) or if ppop is generally a little less conservative but the compilations of innuendos (and genuine skinship moments born out if rlly close friendships) are driving me insane i've been laughing for hours lmao
well, about the concerts, honestly, you’ll want to go even alone, (generally) its such an amazing experience and once in a lifetime that you’ll be okay to attend alone. its a little intimidating, of course, because i’m always scared i’ll get lost or anything, but like everything one gets around to it. last concert i went to, i bought a cheaper ticket because i was going w a friend that didn’t die to see the artist up close as i did, and while i don’t regret it because i now have an amazing memory with them, im open to going alone next time, also because i was embarrassed at how much i was fangirling hahqjwhwjw
BUT, about the tickets, i would say you’re always gonna regret going to x concert and not y, so i feel like you’ll still regret whichever concert u don’t go to, but we also don’t want you to buy a concert ticket out of peer pressure! do whatever feels right.
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now i wanna make my mailman a birthday cake he’s so nice
okay but i honestly don’t get how people choke when they first smoke a cigarette like- i just inhaled and it was like nothing but i’ve been around smokers my whole life and was already used it so ig that could be why?
ew flirting at 14 is so cringey wtf 😭😭
okay i get that you feel “alive ” or whatever but drinking and smoking anything that anyone gives you is how you get roofied bitch
damnnn her parents not even noticing she wasn’t there? oof
“I wanted someone to single me out as something special” wow okay that’s sad :(
okay so i know that not having attention as a young kid fucks you up but i would never fucking let a drummer take my virginity just cus he was “drawn” to me like wtf 🤢 but then again she is naive and young but like,, still idk it’s just idiotic and i’m too paranoid to ever do shit like that
oh i’m glad daisy got a lot of therapy later in life, that’s good
“i didn’t know how else to be important” damn that’s deep bro
“If the rest of the world was silver, Daisy was gold” okay but can someone please describe me like this ik im really bland but it would make my ego very big and my soul would be fulfilled
awww simone and daisy having a big sister/little sister dynamic 🥺
“I’d be trying to fall asleep at four in the morning and Daisy would want the light on so she could read.” okay thank actually sounds like me lmao i won’t sleep if i have a good book
“…in the middle of the night I was always looking for quiet things to do” SAMEEERE
“I would ready anything that was around. I wasn’t picky.” omg i read anything too. i’ll read anything from classic literature to fucking cereal boxes and nutrition facts lmao
“I’ll tell you, she’s the reason I started wearing sleeping masks. But then I kept doing it because I looked chic” SIMONE YOU ICON
“I knew that to get an A, you had to do what you were told. But I also knew that a lot of what we were being told was bullshit” girlie just described the american education system ong
“She was so bright and her teachers didn’t seem to really recognize that.” simone don’t call me out
bro daisy using her diploma as a bookmark- iconic!! you worked hard for it bestie
damn her mom acted like daisy coming back home after years was no big deal oof “we got a new couch” dude
omg i’ll never be able to listen to You’ve Got a Friend again without thinking of daisy and simone 🥺
“I love you so much and I don’t understand why you don’t love me” damn wyatt’s in his feels
“I love you as much as I’m willing to love anybody.” “I had felt too much vulnerability too young. I didn’t want to do it anymore” damn that last quote is a mood
Damnnnn daisy fr went bitch do you not know me? im gonna ducking educate you
champagne and coffee with breakfast? don’t mind me, going to try that
“That’s how it was back then. I was supposed to be the inspiration for some man’s great idea. Well, fuck that. That’s why I started writing my own stuff” daisy you are radiating feminism i love you
“I had absolutely no interest in being somebody else’s muse. I am not a muse. I am the somebody. End of fucking story.” DAISY I LUV YOU
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peterthepark · 3 years
begin again (1)
pairing: tasm!peter parker x f!reader
tags: friends to lovers, awkwardness and humor, slow burn, brief mentions of loneliness, depictions of violence and death, grief, fluff, almost 5k words ;)
summary: peter parker was a horrible neighbor, but that’s the price to pay when you unknowingly live next to new york’s favorite sticky superhero. but despite the snarky remarks and your childish antics, you and peter had a lot more in common, and a lot more walls between each other than the one in your apartment.
notes: epic peter parker series coming up. here’s the first part! much more to come… based off of taylor swift’s song “begin again (TV)” idk how many chapters this’ll have, kind of just rawdogging it and seeing where it goes, but enjoy for now :)
missing out? ➤ [my masterlist] - [series masterpost]
Tumblr media
The beeps and honks from the road below echoed as the open window swung lightly against the winter wind. Hues of yellow pooled through, decorating the stained floorboards with sun and light. It was nearing ten in the morning, and yesterday’s coffee sat in a mug ready to be reheated. The radiator hummed - although off - it sang quietly on the days you’d wake up after a long night of reading and frantically typing away on your computer. The TV chimed in the background as you went to collect the bread from your toaster. Your earbuds clattered to the floor as you leaned to take a plate from the cabinet, and you cursed in frustration.
“Fucking wireless… hate this.” You muttered, tuning out the sounds of NYC as you listened to the newest Murder Mystery podcast on your phone. As if you hadn’t been interrupted enough already, your ringtone goes off, and you find yourself groaning at the caller ID. “Hey, Jameson.” He rambles on about the news. “Yeah, I’m watching…” You turn to the TV. “... Absolutely not, send someone else.” You waved your hand around with a stern tone, then scoffed. It was your day off. And there he was, that red and blue spider, swinging away from the unfocused camera after intervening with a bank robbery. “I know he’s my portion of the article. But I’m off… Weren’t you satisfied with what I did last week? Yes, send him instead… ‘Kay, whatever, bye.”
You sighed. Unlike Jameson, it wasn’t your job to tear Spider-Man and his cobwebs to silky shreds. You just liked writing and happened to have a fondness for the vigilante. You knew Jameson was using your Spider-Man fanatics for his own benefit, and for The Daily Bugle, and you didn’t mind. What was cooler than following Spider-Man across the city? You were about to relax on the couch for the first time, toast on plate, plate in hand, until there was a loud clang against the wall behind you. And then there was scuffling in the hallway.
And then a knock.
With furrowed brows and two bites of your toast, you approached the door with long strides. Peering through the peephole, you saw a warped image of a man. Tall, lanky, unsure of where to put his hands and what to do with the stray thread on his jacket. You opened the door slowly, and a smile tugged at the corners of the stranger’s lips. He noticed your confusion, and he purses his lips before speaking.
“Hi, I’m Peter. Peter Parker. I, uh,” He shifted on his feet. Gesturing to the apartment next to yours, he chuckles awkwardly. “I moved in next door, just in 5C. I don’t think we’ve gotten the chance to meet yet.” You blinked. Peter isn’t sure if he said something wrong, or if he was too friendly for your liking, but it takes almost a minute for you to reply. “So, hi.”
He knows because he counted the seconds of silence.
“Sorry, hi, I’m Y/N.” You snapped out of your trance, and he puffed in relief when you responded. You stick your hand out to him. “Great to finally meet the clumsy neighbor.” You laughed, pulling the door open just a little more.
The tips of his ears turned hot, and he cleared his throat by putting his fist against his mouth with embarrassment. “Ha, oof. Clumsy. Yeah, sorry about that. Really. I hadn’t realized the walls were so… thin? I really hope I haven’t woken you up or disturbed anything or -” He paused, calming his rambling. “You know, I really didn’t realize how hard it is to move a sofa when you don’t have anyone to help you move in.”
You hummed, eyeing his beat-up converse and the weird strings of cobwebs on the knees of his pants. “Do you need help moving a sofa?” You squinted at him.
The tension in his body deflated. His shoulders hung with a pleading sigh.
“God, yes, please.”
Peter didn’t need help moving a goddamned sofa. He knew that, but at least you didn’t. His crazy enhanced strength gave him the ability to lift almost anything… except the Empire State Building. (He tried that once, and failed - much to his surprise. Tried grabbing from the base of the building then tried from the top. Didn’t work at all. Every tourist and police officer looked at him weirdly). But, he did know that he was lonely. Peter recalled the look of pity the landlord had given him when he admitted it was just him at the moment. Ever determined, he wanted to make acquaintances in the building. More like acquaintance, singular. Frankly, you were the only one who opened their door after he had been going around knocking. The sofa excuse? He had just finished watching that one episode of Friends, and it was the first thing that came to mind.
Now, he realized maybe this was a bad idea. He didn’t mean to disturb the girl next door. Was it weird asking you to lift a couch with him? Probably. You were pretty, was he wrong for asking you? Would you cuss him out and think he was a weird Queens creep that wanted to be alone with you? No, he had good intentions. Just wanted to be friendly. So much for a welcome. Peter didn’t think that you would even accept, much more open the door. But you did. Out of all the neighbors - the woman with like eight chihuahuas across from him, the old man who would always get locked out of his place, the snotty sorority girl, the man who won’t stop playing EDM music on max fucking volume - you welcomed him. And he’s thankful. Sure, you were sort of timid and kinda kept to yourself but you’d show bits and pieces of who you were to him with witty, quick remarks. But it was just what he needed. He’d take these mysterious neighbors anyday over isolation and a dark bedroom that didn’t feel warm anymore. Peter already decided you were his favorite neighbor, but to a very close tie with the chihuahua lady.
Peter seemed like he was capable of lifting it himself. You saw it for a moment, the way the sofa literally hovered over the floor for a few seconds. But, you shrugged it off, deciding maybe he wanted company. He was your new neighbor, the last thing you would want is an argument over a tiny observation of his behavior.
An argument.
Maybe you jinxed yourself because Peter said something about this “god-awful podcast” he heard in the mornings and you choked on air.
“God-awful? Now, that’s a little harsh, don’t you think?” You leaned against the doorway of the hall leading to his bedroom, watching as he arranged the throw pillows on the sofa. It was funny, seeing his long limbs stretched out on the floor. “I don’t think it’s god-awful. I think it’s genius. I like to believe they’re based on real stories. Keeps me up at night. You just lack taste, Peter.”
“Am not lacking taste, but I think it’s almost horrific that you’ve gotten through like, how many episodes? Sixteen? How do you sit through sixteen episodes of a fake podcast?” He looked at you over his shoulder, eyebrows comically drawn into a concerned look. “Torture, I tell you. Having to hear that through my walls every morning since I got here-”
“How do you even hear them? I have earbuds in everyday.”
He paused, almost to think. “Your earbuds are ass.”
“Dude, you just got here and you’re already annoying.” You moved, intending to leave so you wouldn’t overstay your invitation. Peter laughed, running a hand through his locks. It stung a little, only because he was always a sensitive one at heart. But he hadn’t been called annoying in a while and in a weird way, it made him feel youthful. It was oddly comforting. “Now, if you suddenly need help with another sofa, I’ll be next door. You can holler, or you know, start shit-talking my favorite podcast again. I’ll hear either.”
It was a joke, but it was also half-meant. Because Peter Parker was starting to get on your nerves. This buffoon, with no taste in podcasts, and his shitty ugly couch that you should’ve left alone.
“Yeah, yeah. Thanks, though.” He followed you out, shutting the door to his apartment behind him as he stepped into the hallway with you. “I appreciate the sofa help. Let me know what I can do to help you overcome that, you know, bad podcast addiction of yours.” He ducked his head playfully, catching your eyes glimmer with wit.
“Cry about it. You’re welcome.” You can’t help but snicker. The corner of your lip tugged upwards, and you shrugged before glancing at Peter as you let yourself into 6C. “For the record, maybe listening to a bad podcast will help you keep it down there.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, Y/N!”
Back inside your apartment, you realized that talking with Peter had taken an hour and a half of your day. It felt longer - fun, despite the various times you’d subtly clash heads and the times he’d shit-talk your tastes in podcasts. You never realized the lingering smile on your face, but you did realize that you had left your phone in here all that time and you missed a couple of important texts.
J. Jonah Jameson. 1 new message.
Your new article was a hit.
I know its your day off but I heard info about some possible Spider-Man sightings for tonight.
Heard he has a new patrol route. Check your area.
(3 attachments).
You sat straighter in the wooden kitchen chair, skimming through the pictures that Jameson sent. Indeed, it was your area. Spider-Man was captured swinging over the coffee shop down the street. Another picture showed him interrupting the drug deal that commonly happened in the graffiti littered alleyway that separated your building from the next. And then the last pic seemed to be Peter’s fire escape. That kinda made you jealous. Spider-Man picking Peter’s fire escape over yours? How rude of him. Urging yourself not to get excited any further, you hurriedly texted Jameson back.
You got me. I’ll be there.
Thanksgiving bonus? :)
Get in on the action then we’ll talk.
New York, despite the pollution and no-no empty subway cars, was pretty at night. It was something you’d always known but would never get used to. The lights stretched out for miles, the busyness of people that never died down at night either, the soft thumping of bar music and busking. Although New York was great, it was deeply gorey. It was mean, cold, and cruel. It could chew you up and spit you out. But it had a certain red and blue individual that you couldn’t quite shake off.
Spider-Man saved you.
Which is why you were so fond of him.
He may have been painted as an antihero, altruist, or a no-good vigilante but deep down, you always saw him as a hero.
Flawed, but a hero.
You were nineteen when it happened. You and your parents had been walking the streets late at night. The lights had a green hue to them, and flickered with warning. It was one of the safer sides of the city, so no one was worried. At the time, you were tourists. Visiting family on the east coast during their wedding anniversary. But from there, it all gets blurry in a mix of screams and raw pain shooting through your arm. It was a robbery. Your parents were mugged. Shot. Twice. And you, a bullet grazed your arm, before Spider-Man swung down from the sky and pinned three robbers to the ground within a flash.
You flinched with each punch that Spider-Man pulled.
The way his suit rippled with rage.
Your throat was dry and you felt bile rise in your throat as the criminals pleaded for mercy. It was too hard to watch.
He didn’t look up once.
You moved, to reach for him, to stop him. “Spider-Man.” You could hear the grunts under his mask. He was steaming with anger. His suit started to turn redder. “Spider-Man!”
You reached for his fist, stopping him from leaving a final blow. He finally looked back at you, pulled back into this reality - this nightmare - as his webbed knuckles stained your palms with blood.
The police arrived five minutes too late.
You remembered how you stood on the sidewalk. In shock, breathless, yet your chest rose heavy with each gasp of oxygen you took. You never felt the rushed hands of paramedics nearly dragging you to the ambulance. You never heard the voices of concern swirling all around you, but the police sirens haunted you. It was like the world had taken all your senses, except sight.
Because you saw. And you watched it happen.
You tore your eyes away from the corpses on the ground, not wanting to stare any longer. Your lifeless glare landed on Spider-Man. He was already looking at you. You wished you couldn’t see the shell of your reflection in the eyes of his mask. The way you sat in the ambulance, the way that everything and everyone felt suddenly unknown to you. But Spider-Man never tore his gaze away as you were treated. You wished, at that moment, to see his eyes behind the mask. Just to see the sliver of the person beneath.
You thanked him with a nod of your head.
You didn’t know, but Spider-Man was crying. He empathized.
He broke your gaze and then he disappeared into the night.
You didn’t find yourself haunted by that memory anymore. In fact, you came to peace with it. There was a time where you questioned why Spider-Man wasn’t able to come sooner. Maybe he could’ve saved your parents. People tended to ask what happened that night when they would find out that you were a witness to Spider-Man in action, out of worry, curiosity, to judge. And you’d tell them that he saved you and you were grateful to be alive. Your parents didn’t make it out. It was just a robbery in the street.
You called it your Bruce Wayne origin-story. No one found that funny, except you.
It was around ten at night when you witnessed the familiar lean figure swing from one building to the next. You would’ve missed it, had you moped longer. But, you saw the quick and calculated motion on the building across the street. You had taken to the roof of your building for a better view, feeling that maybe Spider-Man would feel brave and try that fire escape again. You lost him in the shadows, but you recognized the loud thwip! and your brows raised at the web that landed down the side of the building.
You rushed to turn your camera on, nearly dashing over the edge of the building to catch him in front of Peter’s fire escape. But by the time you were able to check, he was fucking gone, as you peered over the edge. Damn superheroes and their super speed and super sense. The only thing left was whatever remained from his web, and you decided to snap a picture anyways.
You texted Jameson.
It was a bust. I’ll try again next time.
Not entirely disappointed, you made your way back inside your building. You were hit with warmth and the stuffiness of the hallway felt cozy, contrasting from the cold and the bits of snow that accumulated in the cable knit of your beanie. You were just about to pass by Peter’s door when it swung open, as if he had been waiting for you to pass. He was out of breath. His hair - if you thought it was crazy before, it surely was now - sat like a rat’s nest above his forehead. His pupils were wide and his lips were wet as his tongue darted out to lick them.
It’s almost like Peter was caught doing something, but he was quick to acknowledge you, “H-Hi!” His head tilted to the side. He laughed loudly, and you sent him an accusatory look. “What, Y/N?”
“I think you’re so weird.” You enunciate each word. And you look down, out of habit. You didn’t mean to look at him, but you were trying to look at your shoes and that was when the Spider-Man covered boxers caught your eye. You lowered your voice, “If you have someone over, the least you could do is not wear the Spidey boxers. You really are weird, take it to heart.”
He grimaced. Peter realized that you were insinuating that he was having sex and he wore Spider-Man boxers for hookups. His hands move to cover his crotch area, “Oh, my god. No, not what you think. I’m by myself.”
“You don’t need to act like that. I don’t actually care.” You huffed, scratching the back of your head. “M’not your girlfriend so…”
Eh, you kinda did. You would never admit it though.
“Unfortunately.” He joked. And you took the biggest mental note of it. He flirted without a thought, for the first time today. Peter had just met you and he was flirting. He blushed after, taken aback by his own forwardness. You shut yourself up before a stutter could make it past your lips. Peter also noticed. Hoping he hadn’t made you uncomfortable with his joke, he instantly brushed over it with another. “What? Who said that? I think there’s someone eavesdropping on our conversation. I heard it.” He comically looked around each end of the hallway, and you tried to stifle a laugh from his antics.
“I’m your neighbor, which is worse. I can hear everything so if you’re gonna…” You trailed off.
“I’m not. I was changing, Y/N. That’s all.” He bumped your shoulder, wagging his finger at you. “Don’t be jealous of me now.”
There it was. Peter felt like a bit of himself again, cracking his quick-witted jokes. After being stuck in a rut for ages, he finally felt himself being tugged out. Years of therapy maybe got him somewhere.
You poked him away. “Not jealous. Just making sure my neighbor knows that I know what’s up.” You grinned up at him, popping the p. “I’m only joking, Peter. I think the Spidey boxers are kinda cool.”
“Yeah?” He perked up, before you admired how his shoulders broadened.
“But, when you wear them, they look kinda lame.” He snorted at the insult, softly nudging you towards your apartment.
“You’re insufferable.”
You placed your hand on your hip, leaning your weight on one side, “I think I’d rock them better.”
“Y/N? In my underwear? Oh, but we’ve only just met.” The thought made Peter warm and jittery inside, his cheeks rosy. It made you blush, too. For the same reasons.
“I’m sure The Daily Bugle would love seeing their favorite Spider-Man writer in some fanmade merch.” You said, matter of factly.
Peter stopped, smile dwindling as a spark of curiosity nudged him. “Spider-Man writer?”
You nodded, pulling out your phone and showing what looked to be the newest publication of The Daily Bugle. His eyes hurriedly read over the words, and they zeroed-in on the contents beneath the article header.
His eyebrows deepened their furrow.
“Well? Hopefully my bad podcasts don't translate into bad writing.” You gazed up at Peter expectantly, concerned at his shift in behavior.
Peter wasn’t distraught. Nor was he offended. Because the only article that said somewhat good and unbiased things about Spider-Man was yours. He should’ve listened in on all those stressed phone calls you’ve been dealing with. He knew that he recognized Jameson’s voice. You, his neighbor, who had such access to Peter, but not Spidey. At least, he doesn’t think you have access to Spider-Man. Peter was careful, calculated, but he also could be ignorant at times like the dumbass he is. Maybe, you’ve seen him on the fire escape? Not so smart of him, but it was a possibility that he couldn’t just rule out.
Peter would never use his window again.
“Do you know Spider-Man?”
“What? No, doofus. I’m just a journalist.” Peter’s soft eyes met yours for the first time in a while. Like, they were searching. You pried your phone from his tight grip. “If you’re some insane Spider-Man fanboy, I really can’t help you. I don’t think he does selfies.”
That’s when he started to study you. To really look at you, this time. Your eyes. Bright, yet exhausted from the all-nighters you’d pull covering a story. The way your eyebrows fell, how worry creased over the dryness and cracks of your winter lips. You were familiar, but he couldn’t place where. Peter stepped back.
He’d do a background check later. He didn’t know why he hadn’t done one in the first place, and he would’ve decked himself in the head if you weren’t standing so close to him.
“Yeah,” You managed to capture the second glance he gave your phone as you tucked it away. “Huge fan. Can’t you tell?” He gestured to his boxers.
You sensed his slight uneasiness, and you took it as your sign to head back inside. “Okay, well. Maybe I can hook something up one day. Don’t think Spider-Man does autographs either. I’m gonna go sleep this off now.”
“Yup, me too.” Peter’s digits made a beeline for his door handle.
“Hey, actually wait!” You called out to him just before he could leave. He blinked widely at you, awaiting the rest of your sentence. “I-I promise I’m not some Spider-Man hunter or anything… if that’s what you’re thinking of. I just… think he’s a good guy. And interesting. Jonah Jameson takes things too far. I don’t. I think New York needs to see both sides of that coin.”
Peter doesn’t know why, but he believed you. His cheeks warmed at the words of appreciation, something he hadn’t heard for years. For whatever reason, you could’ve been lying. Yet, you didn’t know that side of him, and he was convinced you were speaking from the heart. The sincerity laced in your voice seemed too real to be mistaken for artificiality. He liked that about you, that you were upfront with him with anything. And you sensed him.
Like it was so easy for you to read people. To read him.
Not just Spider-Man. Peter. The last person able to read him so easily was Gwen. And that scared him to pieces. That familiarity you carried, whether it was platonic or not, it gave him some hope. He allowed himself to smile. Maybe these apartments weren’t such a bad thing after all. Peter wanted to be optimistic. He wanted to have fun and live again, and do anything but mope. Gwen had been gone from his life for at least six years. He was older, and being Spider-Man, he was never guaranteed time. Time always felt like it was slipping through his fingertips. It felt as if yesterday he was still a senior in high school, skating across Manhattan with that youthful bounce in his step that blossomed from the goodness of being Spider-Man. So naïve. So young. Too young almost. Peter knew loss from a young age, and so did you.
“Goodnight, Pete.” You sing-song, stepping into the confines of your place. Peter reminisced over the nickname, and thought of Aunt May.
Although you gained most of Peter’s trust, he was still uncertain. It wasn’t that you gave him a reason to be suspicious, but he wanted to be careful. It was in his nature as a hero, and it came easily after dealing with threats day-to-day. Peter’s laptop illuminated his face with a bluish light, causing him to push his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He hesitated, fingers dancing across the keyboard as he typed your name. It rolled off his tongue easily.
“Y/N Y/L/N, who are you?” Talking amongst himself, Peter is able to find your socials pretty easily. So much for privacy. He found you by the third link, which led him to your Instagram. Having had an inkling as to what pictures he’d find, Peter grinned as he was right.
He wanted to convince himself he wasn’t grinning because he was looking at pictures of you. Some part of him liked seeing his new neighbor standstill for once. No teasing, cocky laughter, nor that signature side eye you’d give him if he’d say something weird. He picked that up immediately. It made things fun with you. The dynamic was different - lighthearted. But the longer he Insta-stalked, Peter suddenly missed the sound of that laugh. It reminded him of himself. A lot of things about you reminded him of himself, really. And you clicked.
Peter’s chin rested in the palm of his hand as he found himself two years deep into your account. He figured you were the sentimental type: most of your posts were dedicated to friends’ birthdays and concerts and whatever cute cats you’d find in the street. You had occasional selfies and outfit pictures. In fairness, he liked how you looked in green. As he scrolled farther and farther, till your posts ended, he noticed that you hadn’t mentioned family. At all. Let alone, there were no pictures of anyone slightly even related to you.
Peter felt a pang of loneliness simmer through his chest, seeping into the weight of his bones. He was sad. Did you have a family? Who took care of you? Peter sucked in a shaky breath. Stop it. Y/N isn’t your problem. Don’t go prying into your neighbor’s business. The brunette knew his boundaries, and he already recognized that he quite literally jumped, sprinted and made a touchdown past that line tonight. That’d be enough. He wouldn’t look into it again because you weren’t his business to worry about, unless you were in trouble. But then that would be Spider-Man’s problem.
His phone chimed, and he’s thankful for the device’s reminder to make a new batch of webs for his web shooters.
You barely slept that night. You wanted to say it was from the coffee you drank after your last encounter with Spider-Man, but honestly, you couldn’t ignore the thumping and boyish screams of aha’s! that came from Peter’s side of the wall. You knew that his bedroom was across yours, and his bed probably mirrored the position of the one in your room. You refused to become flustered at the thought of Peter in his Spidey boxers again. Your curiosity became ridden with frustration, as the sounds didn’t stop despite the pillow over your ears.
When a loud knock echoed right above your head, you turned on your stomach immediately, replying with a long and loud rap of your fist against the wall from where Peter stuck to. He heard the muffled ‘Be quiet!’ on the other side, and he simply chuckled. You’d tell him off in the morning.
Peter’s bedroom was covered in webs. As he crouched to crawl onto the ceiling, upside-down, his eyes piece together an outline of a dick made with web. He did that, accidentally. Peter cracked up. And another knock is heard.
“Peter Parker, please go to sleep or I will personally evict you myself.”
With that, he gracefully let go of the ceiling, cooperating with gravity. His bed creaked as he rolled atop of it, and he turned his head to face the wall.
“Is this how you treat new tenants? Talking to them through walls like a fucking ghost?”
You don’t reply.
“Y/N?” Peter whisper-shouted. “Are you a ghost?”
“I’m really trying to sleep here.” You groaned. “You believe in ghosts but not in my murder mystery podcast?”
“Okay, I promise I’m shutting up now because I’ll never hear the end of it…”
Peter stayed true to his promise, and it was quiet. It was odd to think about, how the only thing between you and him was a thin wall covered in peeling wallpaper. You found yourself wondering how your new neighbor was adjusting to his place. You wondered if the mattress he had was the same as yours - with its broken springs and its wailing creak. You wondered if his radiator went out at night, like yours, or if he could hear the hum of the fridge light. You wondered if he could hear your breathing. If you concentrated hard enough, would you hear his? If you shut your eyes, would you hear the flutter of his lashes or the way his hands rub against his jaw?
You wondered if Peter Parker wonders at night, too. And if he did, what did he think of?
“Ghosts could be real if you put your mind to it, Y/N.”
An annoyed groan bubbled from your throat.
Peter Parker was a walking noise complaint.
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Harry Potter — The One That Got Away
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Summary: You died in the Battle of Hogwarts after pushing off Fred away from the wall, and Harry was beyond devastated. You were his First Love, and will always be.
Words: 7,440 words
Warnings: Angst, My best angst yet, Altered Storyline, Pure form of pain, I just wanna hug Harry in this one, neutral!reader, Death, Mentions of panic attack, Tissues Are Recommended
Disclaimer: This is my longest fic yet! 7.4K words of pure pain, wow. I’ve worked on this one for like idk 5 days? I recommend listening to The One That Got Away by Katy Perry, the lyrics inspired me so much for this one. Also, can you believe this is my first time writing a Harry fic? Crazy, I know! Enjoy the painful ride, fellas <3
Your voice echoed the room, making everyone’s heads turn to you. You heard the news of Harry, Ron, and Hermione returning to Hogwarts after months of disappearances, and the news was right. The group of people opened, and there he was, the boy you loved for almost three years now.
“Oh my god,” You muttered under your breath as you ran to him, Harry scooped you up easily as he dug his head on the crook of your neck instantly. You hugged him so tight, the tears in your eyes were starting to well, you never thought you would see him alive and well in front of you, but there he is right now, hugging you as if you were his last reason to live.
“I thought I would never see you again, wh-where have you been?!” You frantically ran your mouth, arms still wrapped tight on his body. “It doesn’t matter, oh Godric, I missed you so much.” Harry sighed out; his tense body relaxed immediately as you held him. You pulled away, hands cupping his face, “Are you alright, a-are you hurt?”
Harry smiled fondly at you, his hands cupping your face as well, “I’m fine, darling.”
“This is adorable and all, but we sort of having a situation now, if you mind?” Neville voiced out awkwardly. Harry quickly kissed your forehead and sent a glance to the crowd around you, “Right.”
Harry was quiet.
He couldn’t think of anything else than the moment he had arrived at Hogwarts a few hours ago. That was the first time he had seen you after months of hiding in the woods to find the Horcruxes.
He heard the news. And he refused to believe it. Being in denial, he ran to the Great Hall, his heart begging nonstop for the rumor to be false. Harry ran, and ran, and ran. He didn’t care that his legs were exhausted, he didn’t care about his heartbeat constantly increasing, all he cared about as of that moment was you.
Right at the end of the Great Hall, a group of dusty gingers huddled together, seemingly crying. The little voice in his heart now screaming for its life; not ready to know what were the Weasleys crying for.
His feet felt heavy, it felt like he has rocks tied with his shoes, but Harry forced himself to walk closer to them. Closer and closer, he found familiar faces contorted as they cry. From a distance he could make up George who was holding back Fred; the older twin was fighting to be let go, sobbing as he does so, begging to be near that someone laying on the floor.
Harry had never seen Fred cry before, the tall ginger always had a smile on his lips or a laugh of mischief, but never a frown, never tears rolling down his face. And that’s when Harry arrived, and Molly; Ron’s mum, hugged him tight, sobbing onto his shoulders, whimpering ‘I’m so sorry’s. He couldn’t hug her back, no, not when his eyes were frozen on the vision of you.
Laying on the ground, lifeless.
Instantly, his knees were weak. He kneeled beside you, the screaming of his heart had never sounded so deafening. Harry was beyond shocked; he couldn’t comprehend the vision in front of him.
All of this was too sudden for him to understand.
When Hermione let out a strangled cry of pain, Harry felt his heart was stabbed. “I shouldn’t have been near that wall! Y/N pushed me away and-and the wall started to fall, I’m-I’m sorry, Harry this is all my fault-“
Harry could hear Fred’s pained sobs saying the words, but he couldn’t digest it. His eyes were still trained to you. For a moment, he thought you looked angelic. As if you were just sleeping and, at any moment now, you would blink your eyes open and smile at him, saying, “Good morning, love.”
But you didn’t. And that’s when the dagger in his heart turns.
“Y/N.” The way your name rolls down his tongue felt weird. It felt strange because you would never respond to him calling you again. Harry’s trembling hands went down to cup your face, brushing away the specks of dust from your face.
“You’re- You’re cold, darling.” His voice was calm, but Harry knew that was the only thing that was at the moment. His whole body was trembling, his breaths were heavy, his eyes struggling to blink; as if… if he blinked, then you would vanish from his eyesight forever.
At that moment, Harry cared no longer about his environment, he didn’t hear Ron’s sobbing mess as he was hugging George, he didn’t hear Hermione’s screams of denial of her best friend’s death, he didn’t hear Fred’s cries of overbearing guilt.
Harry only heard his quivering breathing. He hadn’t noticed the tears welling up his eyes until a drop of his own tear fell onto your soft skin.
That’s when Harry Potter breaks.
“Wh-Why are you so cold?” Harry’s whimper silenced everyone. Hermione froze from her frantic breakdown, Ron looked to Harry with the sudden realization that he’s the one most hurting at the moment, and Fred minimized his cries to look at the pair.
“Why are you so cold, darling?” He cried again. Harry was breaking down, he was exhausted, the very people who loved him dead one by one, and you were his last straw. “Why are you leaving me, Y/N?” He whimpered against your stomach, clutching your clothes tightly as he tried his best to find your warmth. The shirt you were wearing started to get wet with his tears, it took Harry everything inside of him not to crumble right there and then.
His stomach hollowed as he realized, even in death, you were beautiful.
Harry didn’t know how much time he spent there, but as he opened his eyes, he realized he was standing in front of Dumbledore’s office. Numbly, he went inside. His thoughts were still preoccupied with you, but he has other matters in hand. No matter how much he wanted to stay there and lay beside you, the war was far from over. And the one-hour duration Voldemort gave them was running short.
When he walked out of the room, he was shaken. Not as shaken as he was of your death, but he was still shaken. Snape… was protecting him this whole time? Harry was snapped from his thoughts when he recognized two figures sitting on the end of the stairs. He took a deep breath as he walked closer to Ron and Hermione, who huddled together, hand in hand. Hermione looked to her back as she heard footsteps, quickly standing up as she realized it was Harry.
“Where you’ve been?” Her quiet voice echoed through the silent castle. “We thought you went to the forest,” Ron breathed out, worried. Harry walked past them, trying to look calm and stoic as he replied, “I’m going there now.”
“Are you mad?” Ron said in disbelief, his eyes followed the back of Harry. “No!” He said, desperation visible in his voice, “You can’t give yourself up to him.”
Ron’s words made Harry stop on his tracks. He looked down to the flights of staircases before him; exhaustion evident on his face. Upon looking at Harry’s back stiff, Hermione asked, “What is it, Harry? What is it that you know?”
Harry slowly turned around, looking at Hermione, his eyes silently begging her to give him a rest. “… There’s a reason I can hear them. The Horcruxes.”
He watched Hermione’s face dawned upon realization, “I think I’ve known for a while, and I think you have too.”
Hermione frowned, tears started to well up in her eyes, she didn’t want to lose another best friend, yet she knew, she had no choice. “I’ll go with you,” “No, kill the snake.” Harry was quick to object.
“Kill the snake and then it’s just him.” He said, watching Hermione silently cried.
She quickly came forward and embraced Harry into a hug, crying on his shoulders as she did. Harry hugged her back just as tight, he needed it. No one hugged him when he was crying at the Great Hall, everyone was fairly shaken at your loss. Harry connected eyes with Ron, who was silently protesting him on going to the forest alone, even if he knew nothing is stopping Harry now.
Harry pulled away, took one last look at Hermione before turning away, and walked down the stairs to the forest. During his way to the Forbidden Forest, nothing but you clouded his mind.
“Heads up!” Harry heard someone shouted behind him and felt a body jumping on him, he oof-ed as he quickly grabbed the person’s legs, feeling their arms wrapping around his neck. He tilted his head and laughed as he saw you, giggling tremendously.
“Hello to you too, Y/N,” Ron said as he playfully rolled his eyes. Harry and Ron were walking in the hallways to their next class when you had spotted them from afar. Being the ball of energy you are, you hopped on Harry’s back to surprise him. He was definitely surprised, pleasantly even. “Good morning, Ronny!” You chirped as you ruffled the ginger’s hair, receiving a whine of disagreement from the Weasley. They kept on walking, Harry casually giving you a piggyback ride as he walked.
“Hello, handsome,” You whispered to his ear and kissed his cheek, making Harry chuckle with a blush on his cheeks, “Morning, love.”
“Where’s Hermione?” You asked, comfortably resting as Harry carried you, feeling the warmth of his body. Ron glanced at you snuggling on Harry’s shoulders and scoffed, “She’s at the library, studying as always.” You playfully rolled your eyes, “Oh, don’t say you’re jealous of us, Ron! Even so, I wouldn’t mind you being jealous, we are simply very sweet together, isn’t that right, Harry?”
“Yeah, Ron, maybe you can give Hermione a piggyback sometimes if you want it so terribly,” Harry remarked as you two laughed, and Ron flushed a deep red with a quiet, “Sod off, you two.”
“Harry?” You said as you knocked on the door, worried. As you heard no response, you opened the door, seeing Harry laying on his bed, distressed. You quietly sighed as you walked closer until he noticed you and instantly groaned.
“If you’re here just to be mad at me, then Ron’s already doing it for you, Y/N.” He weakly said, feeling absolutely terrible. Just half an hour ago, he was forced to enter the Triwizard’s Tournament because of that stupid Goblet of Fire choking out his name at the last minute. “No, I’m not mad at you, Harry- why would I be? I’m just… worried about you.” You said quietly, sitting on the corner of his bed just beside his laying state.
Harry tilted his head to you, pursing his lips, “How did you get in here?” You shrugged, “The twins gave a hand if I’m being honest.” He huffed a small smile, “Of course they did.”
“But I’m not here to talk about the twins, Harry. I’m here to talk about you. Are you okay?” You spoke, slowly laying on his bed horizontally with your legs still touching the ground. Harry watched you lay down on his bed across him, he was also laying on his bed horizontally with his legs touching the ground, but in the opposite direction of you. He felt the position was very intimate and close, but Harry didn’t mind.
“… I don’t know, honestly. I didn’t put my name inside that bloody Goblet, and even if I did, I shouldn’t have been accepted, for Merlin’s sake, I’m underage! But Ron here thinks I’m out there hunting for fame again, which I absolutely do not want in the first place! Believe it or not-“
“I believe you, Harry.” Your soft voice took his ramblings to a halt. As he stared into your eyes, he could see the sincerity in your words, and he suddenly realized how pretty your eyes were.
You were breath-taking. The whole world that was moving around Harry came to a halt as he watched you walked down the stairs in your beautiful outfit. The mustard yellow resembling the color of a sunflower made your skin glowing and if he’s being honest, he had never seen anyone more stunning in his life.
You were smiling at him, and he had never felt gladder asking you out as his date to the Yule Ball. “Hello, Potter.” You said, amused by his bewitched expression. Harry blinked and gave you a baffled smile, “Y-You look great, Y/N.” You shrugged, eyeing his black and white outfit playfully, “Not too bad yourself, Harry.”
He offered you his arm, suddenly remembering what McGonagall taught him a few days prior, “Shall we?” You chuckled at the sudden chivalry, and linked your arm with his, “Lead the way, kind sir.”
“No, Y/N, I won’t let you!”
Harry had pulled you away from the room full of people to talk to you alone. You sighed as you cupped his face, “Harry, darling, my love, we don’t have much time. The Order needs me to help you.” He shook his head, adamant with his decision, “You don’t know how many Death Eaters are out there, Y/N. What- What if you get hurt? What if you die, just like Sirius? I-I can’t-“
“Harry!” You said loudly, snapping him out of his overthinking rambles. He was looking down, trying hard to control his tears, frowning. “Harry, look at me.” You said softly, he kept his head down.
“Look at me, darling.” You said again, tilting his head so he can see you. His eyes were glassy, he was terrified, and your heart sunk for your lover. He had never wanted all of this attention, yet he had it, and the burden on his shoulders was terribly heavy.
“I am going nowhere. I promise you; I will come home to you safe and sound. I love you, Harry, and I will never, ever leave you.” You pressed word by word slowly, letting him hear every syllable coming out of your mouth.  You engulfed him in a hug, and Harry quietly cried on your shoulders, holding the back of your head tightly. Your body had always managed to keep him warm, and Harry calmed down soon after.
He pressed a kiss on your forehead, lingering there for a minute, muttering only loud enough for you to hear, “You better come back to me safely, darling. I love you so much.”
“And I will, Harry.”
“Hello, handsome.” Harry turned around to see you with a casual, but still pretty outfit. The lilac color looks amazing on you and he smiled fondly, pecking your lips, “Hello, beautiful.”
You smiled brightly at him, “Come on.” He raised his eyebrows at you suddenly pulling him to the dance floor, from a distance, Harry could see Bill and Fleur enjoying their wedding reception, both have a large smile on their faces.
He chuckled at your bright demeanor, “You know I can’t dance, Y/N.” You scrunched your nose and adorably shook your head, “Nonsense, everyone can dance.” He let himself be dragged to the dance floor, glancing at his surrounding, his smile widening at the sight of his two best friends dancing with each other, obvious lovestruck expression hits both of their faces.
“Remember the steps, darling?” Your sweet voice made him turn his attention back to you, his heartwarming and his stiff body eases at the sight of you having a good time. You guided his hand to place itself at your waist, and his other hand intertwined to yours lightly.
“I may have forgotten some steps,” Harry warned, and you laughed loudly making Harry’s heart soar to the sky at the sound of your laugh. As you calmed down, you locked eyes with him, your wide smile reduced to a soft one, “Nothing I couldn’t handle before.”
As you two danced to the slow, elegant beat, Harry had never felt more at peace. With his life constantly on the run, this very moment was worth more than gold to him. “Y/N,” he whispered, his eyes never ran away from you.
“Yes, Harry?” You replied, a smile still plastered on your face. “I know we’re in a middle of a mess right now, and while it doesn’t look like it’s getting any better, I was- uhm- wondering, after all of this, and given the opportunity that we both will still be alive-“ “Which we will,” You interjected, and he huffed a smile, “Which we will,” He repeated, looking bashful.
“Would you like to marry me?”
He watched you scoff in disbelief, your expression etched shock all over. “Oh my goodness, are you literally proposing right now?” You whispered at him, and Harry rolled his eyes playfully, “Obviously, if not I wouldn’t have said that.”
Harry chuckled at your scoffing again, this time it felt playful. Before you could say anything, Harry continued,  “I know we’re both still young and we literally haven’t finished school yet, but I just… I can’t really see myself marrying anyone else but you. You… You light up my life like no other and your hugs are the best and you make me smile whenever you look at me and-“
Harry halted on his ramblings when he realized your eyes were slowly turning glassy. His smile softens and his hand reached to cup your face, “And with you by my side, I have nothing else to wish for. I love you, Y/N, even more than you love me.”
You sniffed, leaning on to his calloused hand and pressed a kiss on it, “You’re not being fair, you know?”
“How so, darling?”
“You’re proposing without a ring, you doofus.” You both chuckled, and Harry leaned in kissing you. You kissed back passionately. The kiss was slow and sensual, both of you wanted to savor this moment. And the moment you pulled away; you gave him a beautiful smile.
“And even without a ring, I would say yes.”
Harry had arrived. Already deep inside the forest, his expression was solemn. Harry was numb, he couldn’t feel anything, nothing at all.
Nothing, but the hollowing in his stomach whenever he was reminded of you. He halted on his steps, breathing through his mouth as he looked to his back, the view of almost destroyed Hogwarts was hazy. He looked back to the front, knowing that just a few steps forward, will be Voldemort and his clan, waiting for his arrival.
Harry was reminded of the Snitch inside his pocket, and so he fished it out and watched as the golden carving on the Snitch magically appeared.
‘I Open at the Close’
Harry held out a breath, now understanding the riddle completely. In his mind were flashes of his memories with you, with Ron and Hermione, with the Weasleys, with his family.
And so, with a somehow light heart, Harry said, “I’m ready to die.”
‘If it means that’s what it takes to see you again, then I’m ready, my love.’ Sang his heart quietly. Harry slowly placed the snitch on his lips, closing his eyes as he felt the cold surface touched his skin. As he inched away, the Snitch opens slowly one layer, then two layers, revealing a small diamond-shaped stone.
The small stone was hanging around the air, levitating itself. Harry recognized it; he hadn’t realized he had his breath paused.
“The Resurrection Stone.” He whispered under his breath as he slowly put his open palm under the floating object. He grasped it, and instantly closing his eyes, his mind was fast to imagine several people without him realizing it.
And when he opened his eyes, there they were.
James, Lily, Sirius, and Remus.
Lily was right in front of him. As soon as she reached her arm out, Harry walked closer to her, with his own arm reaching out, desperate to touch his mother he hadn’t seen for many years.
When his own hand went through hers, Harry felt his heart crack for the nth time of the day.
“You’ve been so brave, sweetheart,” Lily’s melodic voice traveled to his ears, and Harry had never realized how much he missed her until he heard her voice. “Why are you here?” He asked, feeling breathless.
“All of you.” Harry turned to his father, James for a moment before turning back to Lily, whose gentle smile never left her lips, “We never left.”
Harry found himself nodding, gulping at the sudden new emotions he had never thought he would feel again once he had seen you at the Hall. His eyes darted to Sirius; his godfather he had tragically lost, and with a shaky voice Harry asked, “Does it… Does it hurt?”
Sirius’s face was calm. With a casual voice, Harry’s godfather replied with a whisper, “Quicker than falling asleep.”
“You’re nearly there, son,” James voiced out, making Harry turn to him. “I’m sorry. I never wanted any of you to die for me.” Harry spoke heavily, his heart heavy; drenched with overbearing guilt.
“And Remus, your son-“ Harry’s words were cut off by the former professor, “Others will tell him what his mother and father died for. One day, he’ll understand.” Remus’ comforting voice was somber in Harry’s ears. Having nothing to say, Harry turned his attention back to his dear mother, whose smile never left.
And he turned to his father, “You’ll stay with me?”
James looked endearingly to his grown-up son, his smile gently etched on his lips, “Until the end.”
“And he won’t be able to see you?” Harry asked again, the desperate tone in his voice were visible.
“No,” Sirius said, “We’re here, you see,” His hand ghostly reached to Harry’s left chest; his heart. And Harry remembered his words a few years ago, “The ones that love us never really leave us.”
Harry gulped, there was a question itching at the back of his throat. As if knowing what he meant, Lily voiced out, “You’ll see them soon, Harry.”
His head whipped to her, his heartbeat quickening at the mention of you, “What’s that supposed to mean? Where is Y/N? Why aren’t they here?”
“Soon, Harry, soon,” Sirius said, and Harry calmed down. He was aching to see you, even if it was his imagination of you and he couldn’t touch you. He heaved a deep breath, “Stay close to me.”
“Harry Potter,” Harry heard the voice of Voldemort saying his name. He had come forward to Voldemort and his clan of Death Eaters, not forgetting to glance at a disheveled Hagrid, who was heartbroken to see the boy he once saved from the Dursleys six years ago had shown up.
“The Boy Who Lived… Come to die.”
Harry was silent, he knew he had no choice as of this moment. The giant snake, Nagini had slithered closer to its master. And Harry watched as Voldemort raised the Elder Wand, aiming at him, and the boy closed his eyes. His lips curled into a little smile, for the last image he saw as he closed his eyes… was you. Smiling.
And with the shout of an Unforgivable Curse recited, coming along with it were glowing colors of green, everything was white.
And Sirius was right.
Harry woke up breathing heavily. His first vision was a white ceiling. He quickly stood up and looked at his surroundings.
Everything was white. Everything looks clean and… bright.
Harry turned to his back, suddenly noticing a bench a few steps away from him. It was white and there was something beneath it and-
There was something beneath it.
Without much thinking, Harry walked closer to the creature, his mind running a million questions that had yet to be answered. Harry couldn’t quite see what the creature was, so he crouched down to see and when he did, he flinched away rather quickly.
There, under the bench, was a small human-like creature, hugging itself as if it was shivering from the cold. It’s almost like seeing a small skeleton with just skin, no meat at all, and Harry was baffled as he recognized who the creature resembled like.
“You can’t help, Harry…“
Harry instantly looked up at the sudden voice. His mouth gaped open at the sight of Professor Dumbledore walking closer to him. “… You wonderful boy, you brave, brave man.” Dumbledore said, a small prideful smile on his lips.
For a moment, Harry was astonished. He had seen this very man before him, get thrown off the Astronomy Tower by none other than Snape himself, and now he’s here, standing before him.
“Let us walk,” Dumbledore said, turning his back to Harry and started walking. Instinctively, Harry followed him with so many questions itching on his throat. He walked as he tilted his head to the bench with the questionable creature underneath.  “Professor, what is that?” He asked, his eyes trained on the creature. Dumbledore turned back too, only to reply, “Something beyond either of our help. A part of Voldemort sent here to die.”
“And exactly where are we?” Harry asked again, and they continued walking. “I was gonna ask you that,” Dumbledore nonchalantly said as he continued, “Where would you say where we are?”
Harry looked around, “Well, it looks like King’s Cross station. Only cleaner,” He paused, ‘So much cleaner it has no color,’ he thought. “… And without all the trains.”
“King’s Cross, is that right?” Dumbledore chimed, “This is, as they say, your party.”
“I expect you now realize that you and Voldemort,” Harry looked up to the tall man, “Have been connected to something other than fate. Since that night at Godric’s Hollow all those years ago.” Dumbledore said solemnly.
“… So it’s true then, sir.”
“A part of him lives within me, doesn’t it?” Harry questioned, and Dumbledore chuckled, “Did.”
“It’s been just destroyed many moments ago by none other than Voldemort himself. You,” Dumbledore paused, looking at the 17-year-old beside him, “Were the Horcrux he never meant to make, Harry.”
As they walked, they came across another bench and Dumbledore decided to sit on it, and Harry followed suit.
“I have to go back, haven’t I?” Harry asked, and Dumbledore quickly replied, “Oh, that’s up to you.”
“I’ve a choice?” “Oh yeah!” The old man chirped, looking around, “We’re in King’s Cross, you say?”
“I think if so decide, you’ll be able to board a train.”
“And where will it take me?” Harry asked again. Dumbledore only chuckles, he turned to look at the young boy before him, “On.”
Dumbledore stood up and began to walk away. Harry was baffled, “Professor!” The man turned around, “Yes?” “Where are you going?” He said, and Dumbledore chuckled yet again, “My time with you is over, boy. That lovely fellow wants to talk to you now. Very impatient, they were.”
Dumbledore nodded to something behind him, and Harry had never turned around so quickly. He was breathless, he had never thought he would feel his heartbeat increasing again, but it did.
Because it was you.
You were wearing a simple white outfit, if anything it was the simplest outfit he had seen you in. But you managed to look ethereal to him, never less resembling an angel from the Heaven itself. If so, more beautiful than an angel.
“Missed me, Potter?” You said with a bright smile. Harry couldn’t say anything, he was dumbfounded and he couldn’t even utter a word.
So he engulfed you in a hug tightly.
“Oof! Now that’s a bit sudden, isn’t it?” You teased, chuckling at your boyfriend hugging the life out of you. Well, if you had any more to spend anyway. Regardless of the tease, you hugged him back just as tight. Just when you hugged him back, Harry’s knees turned weak and you slowly guided him down to sit on the floor, still hugging the boy you love with all your heart.
Just then, Harry who had been quiet for a moment broke a sob.
You etched a sad smile on your lips, caressing the back of his head the way he liked it, “… I shook you too much, didn’t I?”
Harry couldn’t say anything, he dug his face into the crook of your neck, crying loudly without any embarrassment now, “I’m- I’m sorry, Y/N… This-This is all my fault you shouldn’t- you shouldn’t have to-“
“Hey, hey… “ You cooed, softly pulling away from him so you could wipe away his tears. “Shh… Stop blaming yourself, darling. It’s a war, and a war isn’t your fault, Harry.” You softly said, reaching in to kiss both of his eyes.
“I’m so tired, Y/N… I’m so tired…” Harry whimpered, more tears rolling down like a broken dam. He had lost you a few hours ago, but he felt like he had lost you for years.
“Let-Let me stay with you, Y/N, please…” Harry softly begged, his face was cupped with your hands. You felt your heartbreak at the vulnerability he shown you. While it wasn’t the first time Harry had been vulnerable in front of you, this time it was completely different.
“While that isn’t such a bad offer, the war isn’t over, Harry. If there’s anyone who could kill Voldemort, then it’s you, darling.” Despite your tries on convincing him, Harry shook his head, “I don’t want to be the Chosen One anymore! I’m so tired… of everything… I lost my parents, I lost Sirius and now I lost you! I have no one else to live for, Y/N…”
He leaned his head into the crook of your neck, and you two sat there quietly, your fingers playing softly with his neat brown locks.
You shook your head, “You know that’s not true, Harry. Ron and Hermione are still out there, waiting for you. Fred and George too, once they’ve stopped crying over me, that is,” You chuckled, and Harry felt his lips curled up a bit, his eyes slowly closing at the sound of your voice gently lullabying him to sleep.
“And Molly and Arthur… And Ginny, and you know, the rest of Hogwarts.” Harry softly kissed your neck, snuggling a bit further into your neck, your head gently leaning on his, “But I’ve got nothing to kill him with… Voldemort has the Elder Wand… and the snake is still alive.” He softly said, his urge to cry had lessened as he found warmth and comfort being with you, as always.
It pained him a bit that, this could be the last time he could feel you.
“You saw Professor Dumbledore just now, right?” You felt him nod and you smiled, “Well, he told me this before we went to meet you, just in case you’re feeling helpless. Which you are,” You both chuckled.
“Help will always be given at Hogwarts, to those who deserve it. And he said…” You trailed off, noticing Harry’s breaths got gentler and his head felt heavy on your crook of neck. You smiled sadly, kissing his forehead softly, lingering there for a while to cherish the moment.
“And he said what..?” Harry asked slowly, his eyes slowly felt heavy, your heartbeat was gentle, and he felt so calm. He smiled softly at the feeling of your lips on his forehead, “And he said… Do not pity the dead. Pity the living… And above all, all those who live without love.” You finished, your voice was slowly volumed down to a whisper.
“Y/N…” Harry mumbled with his eyes closed, feeling his consciousness slowly slipping away, “Is this all real? Or is it just happening inside my head?”
You chuckled at his question, “Why, of course, it’s happening inside your head, Harry…”  You trailed off, feeling that your short time with Harry is about to end by the looks of him slowly slipping into sleep, “Why should that mean, that it’s not real?”
Harry was asleep now, and right before he went unconscious, his ears heard the last words you said to him, “In another life, I would be your love, Harry. We’d keep all our promises, and it’ll only be us against the world…”
“I love you, always and forever, my darling.”
The rest came out as a blur. Harry had killed Voldemort, with the help from Neville who slashed the giant snake with the sword of Gryffindor, and the war was finally… over.
While Harry was glad that the war was over, he couldn’t feel happy. He still lost you. He had lost a lot of people, and sometimes Harry wondered if their deaths were even worth it.
Two weeks after the Second Wizarding War had ended, was your funeral. Everyone was there, the professors, your friends, your family, even some house elves to pay their respects. Harry was- unfortunately- in charge of doing a speech at your funeral, and he despised it, even when he felt the need to do so, nevertheless.
There he was, standing on a podium, looking to the crowd who had come for you. “Hello everyone, thank you so much for coming today.” He started, the nervousness inside of him was astounding.
“As you all know, Y/N and I have a very special relationship. Almost everyone in Hogwarts knows how close we were, platonically and romantically. Y/N was my best friend, my lover, and I could bravely say, the one who I could see spending the rest of my life with.”
Sad smiles spread across the room, and Harry couldn’t help but etch a sad smile to himself.
“Y/N died saving lives and defeating the bad, and the fact that they did it with no hesitation speaks volumes of their personality. Y/N was brave, kind-hearted, humorous, and humble. They were fierce, and they knew when to stand up for what’s right and say what was wrong. Y/N was simply… amazing.”
Hermione was already crying on Ron’s shoulder and Fred was looking down guiltily. Harry sighed quietly, he had told Fred it was none of his fault that Y/N died, but he still blamed himself for it.
“And being the amazing person they are, they wouldn’t want us to blame ourselves. They wouldn’t want us to feel bad for them, they would want us to smile whenever we remember our moments with them.” Harry said, trying to calm himself down as he felt a lump on his throat starting to grow.
“I remember a quote from my late godfather, Sirius Black, a few years ago. He said,” Harry paused, clearing his throat to ease the dull aching in his heart.
“The ones that love us never really leave us. And you can always find them…” Harry brought his hand to his heart, smiling with glassy eyes, “In here.”
It was hard.
It was hard to live without you.
He would wake up screaming during the middle of the night, the memories of him finding you in the Great Hall had rewinded inside his dreams every single night. While staying together with the Weasleys at the Burrow helped him a lot with his recovery, the nightmares had become so constant that Ron had to cast a ‘Muffliato’ charm to their shared bedroom every night to not disturb anyone else.
And being the great friend he is, Ron would always wake up and comfort Harry, lending him his shoulder when Harry needed to cry. He would accompany Harry to the kitchen, to get a mug of warm tea and talk about the dream, or in some days, just sit together quietly at the patio, watching the sun rises as it does every day.
Every morning as Molly walked down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, she wouldn’t forget to see Harry and Ron already being there, talking to each other quietly. And she wouldn’t forget to kiss their heads along with a motherly ‘Good Morning’ each time before she started. They would accompany her while she cooks, sometimes Harry would lend her a hand to make himself busy.
A few weeks into their routine, Fred slowly joins them in.
The first time Molly walked down and expected two heads already in the kitchen but came to see three, Molly had engulfed Fred in a tight hug as she cried on his chest. She kissed his cheeks repeatedly afterward, receiving a playful groan from Fred and chuckles from her two other sons.
A day at the Burrow was never dull. There was always something to do. Cleaning the house, de-gnoming the garden, feeding the pigs and cows, cleaning the barn, watering the flowers, fixing the leaking ceilings, and Harry’s favorite, playing Quidditch at the front yard.
Sometimes he would join the twins and Ginny, sometimes he would sit back and watch the game, and sometimes he would just stay in his room, watching the game from the window.
When those days came, he would spend the entire time reliving his memories with you. Harry could remember the first few weeks when he stayed at the Burrow; he went into a panic attack when he realized he had forgotten some of his memories with you. He felt like he couldn’t breathe then, he felt his chest constricting his lungs. Molly had to brew him a heavy calming potion to stop him from wailing your name with tears strolling down his face.
Ever since that incident, Harry had kept every single memory he had with you into tubes, his memories forming into glowing blue strings with the help of his wand. He had the tubes labeled, every single one of them.
‘Y/N riding a broom at First Year’
‘First Hogsmeade Date’
‘Yule Ball’
‘Christmas at the Burrow’
‘First Kiss’
‘Our Last Hug’
Harry had thought the action was too much, but he couldn’t help it. Even if his lips were smiling and his eyes were crinkling in laughter, he found himself missing you at every second. The Weasleys had become his family for years at this point, and the Burrow had become his home.
But somehow, only you and he knew your true homes are each other.
During Christmas, Andromeda Tonks would come by with little Teddy, Harry’s godson. While Andromeda would spend time with Arthur and Molly, Harry would spend as much time as he could with Teddy. He finds himself and Teddy to be very similar, losing their parents at a young age.
And Harry had sworn to himself not to let Teddy relive the life he once had before Hogwarts. In some way, he had seen Teddy as your honorary replacement. While nothing could ever replace you in his life; he had sworn the first and last person he’d propose to be you, Teddy filled his heart like no other.
Before he knew it, Harry had reached his 20s. He had grown significantly better from mourning you every second to smiling gently whenever your name was mentioned. He moved away from the Burrow, purchasing a cottage at Godric’s Hollow with the money he was inherited, with Ron as his housemate.
“Uncle Harry! Wake up, wake up, wake up!” Harry groaned as a tiny body jumped on his bed, disrupting his sleep. He sleepily looked at the alarm clock, groaning once again at the little child he had agreed to stay with him over the summer, “Teddy, it’s 8 am, let Uncle Harry sleep…”
He heard the five-year-old whine in disagreement, “But Uncle Harry! You promised me we could go to Uncle Fred and Uncle George’s shop today!” Harry oof-ed as Teddy jumped on his body, sprawling on him, the little’s tousled hair glowed bright ginger.
Harry couldn’t help but chuckle, hugging the child on his chest playfully, “What I promised was we’ll go to the shop after we visited St. Mungos to visit Uncle Fred’s new-born baby, Teddy.”
The boy pouted, “The same thing… Ooh! Can we have pancakes?” Teddy was fast to change the subject, and Harry laughed in amusement. He sat up, still hugging the little boy, and kissed him on the cheek, “Alright, alright. Let me shower first. Wait- Where’s Uncle Ron?”
“Aunt Hermione had come over early to steal him away. She said she wants to have a breakfast date with him.” Teddy said innocently and Harry rolled his eyes, “Of course she did.”
“Oh, Uncle Harry?” Teddy chirped, following Harry here and there across the cottage like a baby duck. “Yes, Teddy?” Harry replied, drinking from a bottle of water stored in the fridge.
“I tinkled the bed again.”
“Oh Harry, it’s so nice to see you after so long!” Molly gushed and gave him a warm hug as Harry and Teddy arrived in St. Mungos by the Floo Powder. Harry smiled warmly at the woman, “I’ve missed you too, Molly.”
Everyone was there, even Ron and Hermione. “Really, Mione? The least you could do is tell me.” Harry chuckled as he came over to hug the girl who laughed slightly. “Well I did, I told Teddy to tell you.” She said, hugging the little boy hello afterward.
George then appeared from the ward, “Come on lads, the baby’s awake now.”
The group walked into the private ward Fred had arranged for his wife. He had met her when she first moved into Diagon Alley, with her flower shop just across the Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes about a year ago. Fred found comfort in her immediately, you could say it was love at first sight for both of them.
In an instant, there were coos and awes spreading across the ward. In Fred’s arm, was a baby bundled up in purple cloth with a beanie on its head, eyes were blinking slowly, and a tiny hand was holding Fred’s index finger. Right beside him, was his wife sitting up on the bed, looking rightfully exhausted.
“Oh, Fred, the baby’s lovely!” Fleur gushed as she hugged Fred’s wife hello. The woman was beautiful, black long hair with a striking pair of hazel eyes. If Harry had remembered correctly, her name was Lara.
“Is it a boy or a girl?” Ron asked, and Fred gently smiled, his eyes never left his precious child, “It’s a girl.”
Fred softly removed the beanie from his daughter’s head, and the crowd’s smile widened at the sight of the famous ginger hair. “At least we know she’s really a Weasley now,” George joked, and they chuckled.
“Uncle Harry, up, up,” Teddy said as he lifted his arms to Harry, and Harry lifted him to let him see. Teddy saw the baby, and her striking orange hair, he giggled and without him knowing, his hair turned to ginger as well.
They laughed again, and Harry playfully gasped, “Teddy’s a Weasley? Oh my,” He said, tickling the child’s belly, and Teddy giggled.
“Wanna know what her name is?” Fred asked, and attention went to him again. “Hurry up then, don’t leave us hanging,” Ginny remarked playfully, expecting Fred to roll his eyes but instead, his smile widened.
“Everybody, please welcome, my daughter; Charlotte Y/N Weasley.”
Harry snapped his eyes from the baby to Fred, and the tall ginger sent him a knowing smile with tear-filled eyes. “Fred had wanted to name her Y/N for a while now, he said they saved his life.” Lara softly said, speaking for her husband.
The crowd was quiet until Molly came forward and hugged her son, “I love it,” She whispered, fearing if her voice got any louder, the trembling in it would sound so loud.
“This way, they’ll be with us, always.” Fred huffed laughter, trying so hard not to cry. Harry had mirrored his expression; tears were starting to fill his eyes. “I feel like Charlotte’s not going to be her name around the house now,” Hermione said, chuckling as she wiped the happy tears away.
Ron snickered, “Bet Charlotte’s her middle name now,” And the crowd erupted in laughter. Harry couldn’t laugh, his eyes were trained to the new-born whose name is now after you.
“What do you think, Harry?” Fred asked, smiling knowingly at the longing expression Harry had.
Harry was feeling a lot of things. It has been more than 3 years since you passed, and he hadn’t forgotten you ever since. He had told Teddy fun facts about you ever since the summer started, and he had seen you in his dreams smiling lately. For some reason, he didn’t feel sad at all, he was elated at the sight of young Charlotte Y/N in front of him.
Already knowing that she’s going to grow up as an amazing person, he gave Fred a bright smile as he said,
“She’s wonderful.”
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keijislove · 3 years
Dance the Night Away: Peter Parker X Reader
A/N: This ain’t following any particular timeline – let’s just say... idk, after Far from Home, maybe?
WARNING: use of the ‘P’ word (Flash being Flash)
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Peter walked down the hallway amidst the chatter, trying to reach his locker as the crowd grew thicker and thicker, making it impossible for him to even see properly. Which was until a hand seized his wrist and pulled him through, letting go of him as he smashed into the storage compartment with force enough to make his brains rattle.
“Oops, sorry,” you said with a sheepish smile.
Peter had turned to thank whoever it was, but, catching sight of you, he groaned. Not that he didn’t like you – you and Peter had been best friends since you were eight years old. Recently, however, a banner had been put up by the senior girls announcing that prom would be taking place the following Saturday. And with only about five days left, you had taken to pestering Peter into going, hoping that if you’d fling the question unexpectedly, Peter would get scared into answering. You had, however, no luck so far.
“Y/N, I know what you’re going to say,” Peter warningly began, “And I don’t wanna hear it.”
“But I wanna say it,” you said, “And that I shall. Peter, come on! It’s a crucial life experience! I mean, you’re studying all the time these days, and I get it, you have a clear view of your future, and I’m happy for you. But pleeeaaaaaaase, just do it for me? It’s one night, Peter, come on! One night where you have to let go and just have fun! After that, we can go back to making circuit boards together like we used to, but just this once? C’mon, don’t tell me you’re turning me down.”
As you took a deep breath after this whole rant and Peter took one look at your sincere smile, he sighed.
“... Fine,” he mumbled.
Your eyes grew wide. Surely you’d misheard?
“What?” you asked, “Louder, please?”
“Fine!” Peter bellowed loudly so that a dozen heads turned in your direction and people began snickering.
Not caring in the least, you flashed a wide smile before engulfing Peter into a huge hug, speaking, “Thank you so much! It’ll be the best experience of your life, Peter!”
“Yes, that means better than your spiderman stuff,” you whispered in an undertone as Peter said a disbelieving, “Come on!”
Needless to say, you had finally convinced Peter to go to prom. Now came the hard part. Truth was, you had liked Peter since you were both, what, fourteen? Convincing Peter to go to prom was a task for the strong, but asking him to be your date? No way would he feel the same. Peter had never ever hinted, that your relationship could be more. In fact, he felt rather frantic to prove it couldn’t be more – something that convinced you that you did not belong together and that, someday, you would have to get over this silly little crush. Still, seeing Peter go to prom with any girl who made him happy was enough for you.
“Right, now that we’re going,” you said the following morning, when he’d found you standing next to his locker, waiting for him to arrive.
Peter sighed, “Mm hmm?”
“We need dates,” you ignored his disinterest.
“Do you have one?” asked Peter.
“It.... it’s complicated,” you muttered.
Peter crossed his arms, “Listening.”
You shot him a glare before sighing and telling him, “There’s... there’s this boy I like. I was really hoping he would ask me to homecoming back then, and I turned down anybody who asked me just to chase that blind belief. Guess what? He didn’t ask me. And I know he won’t now, but I don’t know... something inside me still hopes he would.”
“So, you’re scared to say yes to anyone in case he asked you but scared to say no to everyone in case he doesn’t ask you?” Peter clarified, causing you to laugh.
“Sounds about right.” you muttered, “But hey, enough about me, what about you? We need a date for you. Do you have anyone in mind?”
“Not really,” Peter shrugged.
“Okay....” you said slowly, “Well, I’ll just list off people you would be happy with as they come to my mind... maybe you can ask one of them.”
“Fire away.”
“Okay... well, there’s Emma Jones from my biology class,” you began, “And she’s really nice.”
“Not my type.”
“Oh,” you frowned, “Okay... Alyssa from P.E?”
“The one who said spiderman sucks? No thanks.”
“Zoe from English?”
“Ava from chemistry lab?”
“... MJ?” you asked in defeat as Peter incredulously looked at you (A/N: sorry MJ, I love you <3).
“Okay, fine,” you snapped, “I’m done helping. Let me know if you find someone?”
Peter gave another nod as the two of you made your way to class.
You were panicking. Two days were all that were left, and so far, you had turned down countless boys including Flash Gordon who had swore and made rude hand gestures at you as a way to handle rejection. You didn’t know what was wrong – why was this impossible hope of Peter asking you still clouding your possibilities of a relationship?
Peter knew nothing of this – yet he annoyed you. If he was too blind to notice that you were madly in love with him, why did the very sight of his face make your brain go empty?
Now with one day left and nobody to ask you, you slumped moodily throughout the day, not talking and sitting silently at lunchtime, stabbing your potatoes pretending that it was your feelings for Peter.
“Okay you’re freaking me out now,” Peter said as the two of you were walking home and you still hadn’t opened your mouth.
“No date – again. God, this is just like homecoming,” you groaned.
Peter looked surprised.
“I thought a lot of guys asked you?”
“They did!” you moaned, “It’s just – that guy, I don’t know why he has this effect on me. It’s like – we weren’t meant to be together or maybe I wasn’t meant to go out with anyone ever.”
“Hey, that’s not true,” said Peter with something new in his expression. Behind the terribly unconvincing ‘concerned best friend’ mask, you saw a flicker of something... smugness? No, you were dreaming. You hadn’t eaten all day – this was probably a side-effect.
“You know what, I’m gonna grab a sandwich at Delmar’s,” you muttered, “I haven’t eaten since morning. Do you want to come?”
“Sorry, I promised May I’d come home,” he sheepishly said, “She wanted me to go get an outfit with her.”
“Oh,” you snickered, “Good luck with that. See you tomorrow!”
“See you.”
And with a heavy heart, you walked away from your only chance of having the person you cared about most as your date to prom.
“Oh god, what was I thinking?” you muttered, staring the reflection of you in a(n) F/C dress with your hair styled <inert preferred style here>.
“This is stupid!” you said to no one in particular, before taking a deep breath and walking to the apartment across from yours and knocking on the door.
The door opened to reveal Peter.
“Oh, good you’re here, this will take just a second, May wants to –” he stopped abruptly, staring at you with eyes round as saucers.
“Um,” you began, he still kept staring.
“Earth to Peter, you still in there?” you snapped your fingers in front of his face as he blinked and turned a delicate shade of red.
“You – you look nice,” he managed to choke out.
“Thanks...?” you said, walking inside and taking a seat on the couch.
“Okay, um, M-may will take us there in her c-car, she’ll be h-here any moment, let’s just w-wait.”
“Pete, you having a stroke or something?” you asked in concern.
“No, I’m fine.” (A/N: he’s not 😉)
As if she had sensed Peter’s need to be rescued, Aunt May came walking into the room. She stopped at the sight of her nephew staring slightly at you, who was examining a coffee mug on the table. Smiling to herself, she cleared her throat.
Both of you jumped in surprise.
“We’re ready to go,” May stated, as the two of you got to your feet, following her to the car.
“This was a mistake, wasn’t it?” you asked, looking at the doors of your school gym which were closed ominously.
“Why?” asked Peter in surprise, “I thought you wanted to go?”
“I do,” you admitted, “But – we don’t have dates, it’ll look so... lame.”
Peter scoffed, “Y/N, do you really need the dimwits that attend this school to justify how many cool points you have?”
“Not exactly,” you said in surprise, feeling slightly better.
“Yeah, come on, let’s just do it. Together, okay?” asked Peter as you nodded.
You both took nervous, deep breaths before pushing the doors open to reveal the commotion inside.
You two were walking across the gym, interestedly examining the decorations ang pulling faces at the couples which were making out, till you bumped into something hard.
“OOF!” you groaned, falling to the floor.
“You okay?” Peter asked hurriedly, pulling you to your feet. As you both turned to look who it was, you were surprised to see Flash standing there with his mouth hanging open.
You groaned as a million heads turned your way and slowly, the laughter broke out, jeers of the obscene names Flash had called you now echoing off the walls.
“Haha, real funny, Flash,” Peter said sarcastically, but once he saw your near-tears expression, he seized your wrist and pulled you out of the gym into the open.
“Come on,” he pacifyingly said, “Don’t cry over him, Y/N! He’s not worth it.”
“This is homecoming all over again,” you groaned, struggling to contain your tears, “School dances were never meant for me. Let’s just – let’s just go home and finish making that model spaceship we were working on.”
“Sounds like a worthwhile night to me,” Peter shrugged, tossing a brave smile your way, “You don’t need prom to be happy, you know. Let’s go.”
And so the two of you walked home, talking amongst yourselves, being the best friends you’d been since eight.
Best friends.
The sound of that word made your blood boil hot. How naïve were you? This was absolutely perfect – a million guys on the planet and you chose to fall for one who would never see you the same way.
As your apartment building came closer, Peter cleared his throat and spoke, “Wait in the living room with May for ten minutes. I have a surprise for you.”
“Seriously?” you asked, taken aback.
“Yeah, why not?”
“What is it?” you asked curiously.
Peter cocked an eyebrow.
“Kinda missing the point of a surprise if I told you what it was.”
“Makes sense,” you agreed, “Okay, but make it quick. I’m dying of curiosity.”
“You’ll live for another ten minutes,” Peter assured you.
Your curiosity was now bubbling to the surface like boiling water threatening to spill. You thought of what Peter could possibly have to surprise you, and you stopped to sit on a couch in the living room next to Peter’s aunt.
After exhausting every possibility (each as unlikely as the next), Peter finally dragged you ti the door of his room.
“... I’ve seen your room before, you know,” you laughed slightly.
“That’s not the surprise,” Peter playfully rolled his eyes, “Okay, close your eyes.”
“Jesus, Peter,” you snorted as his hands placed themselves over your eyes, “You are such a drama queen.”
“Open them... now!”
And you opened your eyes to see that the usual clutter surrounding Peter’s room had been cleared away, leaving some space for god-knows-what in the middle of it.
“Wow, you finally cleaned your room!” you exclaimed, “That is a surprise.”
“That’s still not the surprise!” Peter whined, “C’mere.”
He grabbed your hand and pulled you close as your brain clouded with confusion. What the heck was going on?
Peter threw his phone aside as a light waltz began playing through the air. Peter placed one hand on your waist and the other one to grab yours as your confusion cleared away.
“You said you wanted to go to prom,” Peter stated as you two swayed on the spot, moving slightly to the music, “You didn’t say where. Now we’re away from judgy eyes, we can be weird.”
“Seriously, Peter?” you giggled at his dorkiness, “I never knew you were so cute.”
The words had slipped from your mouth before you had time to think them through. You were praying he didn’t hear you, but a hitch in his breath made your heart drop.
“You – you think I’m cute?” Peter asked, blushing furiously.
“Well,” you sighed, there was no backing out of this, “... Yeah, I do.”
You looked down, refusing to meet his eyes.
“And the guy you wanted to get asked by...?” Peter didn’t need to finish his question; he knew you understood.
“Yes,” you whispered, tears brimming at the corner of your eyes once more.
You sucked in a deep breath and looked up, “Look, Peter, I know you don’t feel the same and it’s honestly okay –”
“Shut up,” Peter mumbled, his lips brushing over yours. Your lips brushed together a few times as the both of you melted into the addicting sensation, not aware of the surroundings, not caring in the least. To Peter, all that mattered in that moment, was you.
You two pulled apart after a while, both blushing like crazy with no idea what to do next. It was you who spoke first, shyly.
“I – I think it’s a good thing we’re alone right now. That would be an embarrassing yearbook photo.”
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imaginesntingz · 3 years
Haikyuu Headcannons: When they’re obsessed with your 🍑 (Oikawa Tooru, Ukai Keishin, Kozume Kenma)
Warnings: Swearing, not super explicit/nsfw, but suggestive content so I’ll put it below the cut just in case
A/N: What’s good everyone? Here’s something that I’ve stayed up way too late working on. It’s 5 in the morning and I’ve forgotten my own name. Let me know if y’all want a continuation with other characters. They all ended up being setters in this one so I just went with it I guess. All characters are aged up and 18+. I hope you enjoy! Please don’t copy any of my writings. My content is originally written and I put a lot of time and effort into each piece. Ask me before reposting.
Oikawa Tooru:
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Of course he’s respectful when you’re in public, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t noticed the way that new skirt he bought you last week accentuates your ass in justtt the right way.
You’ve caught him staring a few times and he always plays innocent like the sly little shit that he is.
You called him out once, but you know your mans is dramatic
“You wound me, (y/n) chan! What kind of a man do you take me for? I’m a gentleman! Honestly it’s not all that impressive anyways”
“Sounds like someone’s projecting”
“You blatantly asked for the smoke, so I kindly obliged~”
“I was just kidding, baby! Why’d you have to come for me like that? 😭😭😭😭”
You had one brattykawa on your hands after that one. Dats tough
Once you two are alone OOF. This. Bitch. Is. SHAMELESS.
He can’t keep his hands off of you. Doesn’t matter the size or shape
Your ass = Tooru magnet
He could pick you out in a crowd of people based on that booty alone
You’ll be cuddling on the couch, you're on top with your head on his chest just watching a movie and enjoying each other’s presence. Then BAM he’s got both cheeks in each hand, squeezing and kneading firmly
“Neee, (y/n) chan~ You’re so soft, baby girl~ How is that even allowed? Damn you’re so gorgeous, princess”
You: Head Empty
You're bent over the kitchen island scrolling through your phone? This mans is playing patty cake on your buns. Those setter hands are dangerously powerful. Of course he knows how to restrain himself as to not hurt you but whew some of those spanks leave you deliciously breathless and your little gasps are like music to his ears… which usually leads to other tingzzzzz and Tooru teasing you for walking funny the next day
Could his ego get any bigger? I don’t know if we’d survive it
Wearing his favorite pair of leggings or those cute pajama shorts? It’s on sight. You’re trapped beneath this painfully beautiful brat of a man and you wouldn’t have it any other way
And lawwdd if you know how to twerk. He might just faint on the spot
RIP Oikawa it was for a good cause
Ukai Keishin:
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Oh boy
Keishin gives me serious ass man vibes. Idk what it is
He worships you in every way possible, but that ass holds a special place in this cranky man’s heart
After a long day of working with crops, managing the store and volleyball practice, this man is tired and grumpy. Hinata somehow managed to almost meet his eternal rest when he was nearly hit by a TRUCK and a CAR and a BIKE and a STATIONARY POLE trying to outdo Kageyama while racing in the neighborhood. He swears those kids have taken at least ten years off his life span.
This man is v stressed
So when he comes home to find you reading in bed on your stomach in nothing but his t-shirt and those sexy panties that show off that beautiful bum… Honestly he could’ve cried he was so geeked.
He teared up a bit ngl (He’d never admit it tho)
This guy swan dived into bed, wrapping his arms around your waist, nuzzling his face into your glorious cakes
“Bad day, hon?”
He took a fat nap right then and there
He was so bitchy and whiny when you woke him up to change sleeping positions (as long as you let him slip a hand on a cheek when you got comfortable, he’s a happy camper)
He just loves feeling the warmth and weight of it in his hands, it’s comforting to him and feels super grounding idk
But boy oh boy does this man love to give it a good smack or two or ten
Watch out bb 😈
He’ll spank you anywhere anytime, but he’s real sneaky about it in public….until he’s not LOL. It just depends on the environment and who is around
Like Oikawa, the strength in those setter hands will have you shOOk to the core especially a seasoned one like Kei
One time you were doing your morning stretches, slipping into downward dog and HO. NEY. Keishin was already pulling you flush against his pelvis and smacking that 🍑 like a djembe drum until tears pricked your eyes. Your whole body was vibrating with desire it was WILD
“Ohhhh, sweetheart. You are a work of fucking art, you know that? You’re not going anywhere today. That’s a promise.”
And that’s how you ended up with twins. Not sorry.
10/10 would recommend
Kozume Kenma:
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Listen Linda
It took a while for you to notice
But Kenma is truly OBSESSED with the booty
It took him a while to even admit it to himself tbh
He would look away immediately when he caught himself staring
And he may have appeared chill on the surface but blondie was internally screaming as you literally sat on top of him while he was gaming
He was so hesitant poor bb was overthinking it so hard. He just didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable or think he was weird etc etc
It was confirmed to you when you started waking up in the middle of the night to a fully unconscious Kenma giving your ass subtle squeezes in his sleep
You’ll literally have to sit this man down and be super direct about it
Once you give him the go ahead chillle it’s on and poppin
Only when y’all are alone of course cuz as we know, Kenma is v shy and a very private person
He’s not the pda type in general
Again, he loves it when you sit on top of him when he’s playing video games. Especially when you straddle him. His hand does this smooth slide down your back that sends shivers down your spine before settling over the swell of your butt. He’ll give the occasional rub and caresses your thigh softly. Another muse of his. Kenma LIVES for your thighs. Would happily be suffocated by them. Whoops. Squeeze them around his waist or grind into his lap and you’ll be on your back faster than you can say yes please
When you’re cuddling, he’ll just start jiggling that cake in his hands. He finds it fascinating, soothing and unbelievably hot all at once. The perfect combination in his opinion.
“ . . . Kenma?”
“Watcha doin back there?”
*continues in concentrated silence*
“. . . You’re like a sexy human stress ball . . So soft . . So cute . . So squishy . .”
My mans is hypnotized. He would do that shit for hours if you let him let’s be real. That thang is thangin
He would buy you ALL of the jeans, leggings, shorts, dresses, hoodies, crops, shirts, skirts. Everything and anything that fits your body type in all the right places, Kenma is on it and good lord is he invested. He absolutely spoils you. Blondie bae is surprisingly good at keeping your style in mind while also pushing you to try new things that end up making you look stunning. Big ups
The only time Kenma has spanked you was in retaliation. You wanted to see his reaction to being spanked. So once when he was distracted by his switch, you slowly walked up behind him and SMACK
Kenma nearly dropped the damn switch 😤 You’ve never seen this boi whip his whole body around and bend you over so fast
Two swift yet heavy blows to your backside had you rethinking your whole life. Everything about that moment lives in your head rent free
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mingoyeob-archive · 3 years
Can you please do:
53: "We're stuck in the middle of a storm and all you want to do is play in the rain,"
41: "Dance with me,"
61: "If you keep looking at me like that I won't be able to handle myself,"
45: "Take.It.Off"
With Jungkook and reader.💜
Loads of love✨
under the oak tree drabble game ⚔️🌳 to make up for my delayed release of part 3 of under the oak tree i’ve decided to do a drabble game! send me a number + any of the characters from under the oak tree and i’ll write you a drabble :)
thank you so much for sending in a request 💜 💜 I love that you sent in multiple prompts cause it allowed me to really develop the story! I kinda went crazy with it tho, can you call 2.5k a drabble? idk but I hope you enjoy!
53: "We're stuck in the middle of a storm and all you want to do is play in the rain," + 41: "Dance with me," + 61: "If you keep looking at me like that I won't be able to handle myself," + 45: "Take.It.Off" - jjk x reader - word count: 2.5k
Your body swayed back and forth in your seat as the carriage wheeled over bumpy roads and rocky dirt paths. It had you gripping tightly to the underside of the leather seat to prevent yourself from falling to the hard cabin floor. Your gaze stayed trained out the window, watching the trees go by and the rain pouring down creating puddles along the roads. The small drops on the glass had your eyes zeroing on them, watching as they raced back and forth towards the edge of the carriage door. Oh how I tire of this dreadful weather you mused, a frown settling on your face at the thought.  Jungkook grunting as if to catch your attention was the only thing that had your head turning away, meeting dark brown pools that filled steely eyes.
“Are you upset with me?”
Any other day his question would have had you scrambling to pacify his concern, but today, your foul mood had you holding your tongue. Of course you were upset, he was taking you to the one place you hated the most - home. Well, what used to be your home, Uwhen felt more like your home now than that place ever did.
You fixed him with a blank stare. “Yes.” you say, voice monotonous and lacking any obvious emotion.
Your blunt response had Jungkook's eyes slowly widening as he registered just how bad he had fucked up. He never would’ve guessed you’d be this upset, he was doing this for you after all. When Jungkook first got the invitation to attend one of your fathers council meetings to oversee the trades occurring with other kingdoms he was completely set on denying the request; he was never one to meddle into things that didn’t directly affect his people. But one of his own advisors, Seokjin, had reminded him that as the new Duke it technically was one of his responsibilities to be there. Plus, according to him, a good opportunity to get you out of the castle.
“If I was her, I’d want to get out of here as soon as possible!” He had said comically, laughing at his own terrible joke loud and squeaky like. Jungkook frowned at the memory.
Had you said something to him about wanting to leave? he had wondered. Even though you hadn’t (you barely even knew the man), Jungkook’s worries continued to spiral out of control and he hastily had sent your father confirmation that he would be there and that he was taking you with him. He hesitated with his response trying to find the right words to make sure he didn’t make the situation worse. “I’m sorry I assumed you would be ha-”
Jungkook's apology was interrupted by the loud sound of something cracking, the two of you launching off your seats as the carriage immediately leaned over on its side. The crash had you two falling out of your seats onto creaking wood, bodies crumpling onto one another and limbs draped everywhere. You had let out an oof at the fall, but Jungkook had seemed unfazed and if anything more pissed off than dazed. It took you a minute to gather your bearings, trying to determine which way was up and which way was down, but as soon as you did you realized you were staring directly into Jungkook's eyes, body sprawled across his chest.
It seemed like he had made an effort to try and catch you during the fall and somehow his arm had found its way around your waist, huge hand unintentionally landing directly on your ass. Your face heated up immediately. “Jungkook, your hand.” he just quirked an eyebrow, oblivious to what you were referring to which only served to make you more annoyed. "Take.It.Off"
He looked confused for a second before finally registering where his mischievous hand had strayed. Despite how he was internally freaking out, his hands had calmly retracted and instead moved to your shoulders to lift you back into your seat as if you were as light as a feather, catching you off guard. You could only sit there surprised at the action, watching as Jungkook’s giant figure struggled to stand up in the cabin, neck bending to duck out of the cabin when he opened the door.
“What the hell happened out here?!”
“I’m sorry my Lord, but it seems one of our wheels got stuck in a hole and broke its bearing.” The coachmen muttered embarrassed, cringing at the obvious anger that showed across Jungkook’s face. The driver's words had you sticking your own head out of the door, flinching as the ice cold rain immediately started drenching you.
“Well how long will it take you to fix it?!” Jungkook questioned irate.
The man avoided Jungkook's fiery gaze, rubbing at his neck, “Considering the craftsman isn’t until the next town, I’m not quite sure. We’d have to walk the rest of the way unfortunately and that could take the rest of the day and probably into the night, sir.”
Jungkook let out a groan, obviously upset with the coachmens words. He threw his hands up, turning in his spot to kick at the edge of the broken down carriage only to just notice that you had stepped out into the rain yourself. Immediately he walked over, boots stumping in the mud. “Get back in the carriage Y/N.”
You scoffed, “No way, you heard the man. We’ll have to walk and you’re not leaving me out here by myself to wait for you to return with a damn wheel.” You glared up at him, neck straining to look up and meet his gaze confidently. “Besides I think I can handle a little rain by now.”
“Rain has nothing to do with it. I didn’t plan on leaving you, I’m staying here. He can walk to the town by himself,” The driver let out a sound of alarm at his statement to which Jungkook paid no mind to. “He can send word to your father to get another carriage to escort us the rest of the way.”
“Jungkook, staying here would be the worst thing to do and getting my father involved would just be a nuisance and you don’t want to make him upset, do you? We can just stop at an inn and stay till the morning.” You were obviously trying to stop Jungkook from continuing the journey to your father. But he didn’t know that of course and he actually began to mull over the idea. The two of you stood in the rain for a moment glaring at each other, waiting for one of you to give up. When he realized that he wasn’t going to win, he let out a grunt, spinning on his heel to trudge down the path. The driver stared back and forth between the two of you, confused about what just happened. You just smiled at your plan actually working and followed behind him, satisfied with your accomplishment.
For a while the three of you walked, completely soaked from the relentless downpour with clothes clinging to your bodies. Thankfully it began calming down as you continued on the road, but the mood surrounding everyone was still tense. You could tell Jungkook was still upset as he had never stopped glowering at the forest ahead, eyebrows furrowed and jaw tense. His bristly mood had you sighing, perhaps it was time for you to try and break the ice.
“Jungkook.” you called from behind his towering figure, stopping in your tracks. He didn’t immediately respond, but after realizing you had halted he turned to look over his shoulder, offering you a grunt in question.
“Dance with me.” you say with a smile, beaming despite his obvious annoyance.
He merely arched a brow, finally facing you to stare at you blankly. Jungkook crossed his arms, “What?” he said.
You giggled, “I said dance with me!” you did a small spin in your spot, lips tilting up at the corners as you extended a hand in his direction. He just looked at it, face void of emotion.
“We're stuck in the middle of a storm and all you want to do is play in the rain.”
He sounded dreadfully confused, but that didn’t deter you from your mission. “Yes! In my opinion, mud makes for an excellent dance floor.” your voice dripped with excitement and when he didn’t show any sign of taking your hand you just took it upon yourself to take his hand from his folded arms and pulled him forward (it barely moved him but you get the jist).
Jungkook sighed and tried to stand his ground as you pulled relentlessly on his arms. The sound of your feet splashing in the mud made him cringe but regretfully he started moving to the beat you seemed to have made up in your head. You two spun in circles and moved back and forth down the path, making up your own dance as you went. The coachmen watched amused from the sidelines, clapping along to the two of you to mimic the sound of music. You knew Jungkook was trying to look like he was still upset, but you could tell it was an act and that he was starting to warm up to the idea as you went along. His arms started to loosen and his back started to untense, shoulders relaxing to make it easier for you to pull him along. He was even biting back a smile at the sound of your cute sounds and the hums you were letting out in tune to the drivers rhythm. At that moment Jungkook thought you looked absolutely enchanting.
Despite the hair stuck to your face, the bottom of your dress covered completely in mud and lingering scent of mildewy smelling soaked wet cotton, the drops of water stuck to your long lashes and the flush in your cheeks trumped all of those things. He had never seen you smile so hard or look so comfortable in his arms. Besides the accidental fall back at the carriage, this was the first time you had been this close to him since your wedding night and he could feel the heat radiating from your body, your hearts beating to the same rhythm. He truly felt like you were his.
So he watched as you continued to spin, laughs full of glee escaping past your lips. You even had the nerve to stick your tongue out in an effort to catch raindrops, showing off the long expanse of your throat and jutting collarbones. The sight had something stirring in him. And you must’ve noticed the change in his face because you stopped in your step, smile calming and eyes softening. You could tell he was deep in thought, so you didn’t feel the need to speak just yet. Instead, you just looked at him, eyes gazing up at him and swimming with admiration. Your shining irises peeking up below your lashes had your stare coming off as almost sultry and he felt his pulse quickening. When you picked up on the shift in his mood you decided to speak up. “Is something the matter, Jungkook?” you questioned, looking up with wide eyes. You looked so innocent. He knew it was wrong, but he wanted so bad to corrupt you.
Jungkook pulled you so close you had to strain your neck to stare up at him just before he dipped his head down, lips so close to touching. "If you keep looking at me like that I won't be able to handle myself."
Your breath caught in your throat and your face was full of surprise as you just stared at him speechless. It was almost as if you two were having some type of heated conversation with the way his dark eyes connected to yours. The tension was undeniable. But you two seemed to have forgotten that you guys weren’t the only ones out there on that dirt road, and the sound of the driver clearing his throat had you two stepping apart.
“Are you guys um...ready to keep heading towards the inn?” he mumbled, obviously uncomfortable. The two of you couldn’t answer fast enough.
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Oh , My Aphrodite.
(In game! Techno blade x reader ) based of the song “ Love like you “ from SU 
(Romance and fluff :) 
Techno has conflicted feelings about y/n , he feels he isn’t good enough for her and that he’s too dangerous but y/n doesn’t think the same and instead comforts him. Also it may be a little OOC for tech sorry. 🥺 _____________________________________ 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
  Techno and y/n were a strange couple that was for sure , they seem like total opposites a quiet brute man that techno was , and the bubbly talkative girl who loved roses and baking.  For many it was a surprised that techno had a lover considering the things he have done and his personality. But in fact they were a pretty happy stable relationship compare to the others on the smp was shocking. They kinda watch over Ranboo as if he was their kid or something , he didn’t really live with them but near by and they would check up on him.    y/n was okay with Techno’s beliefs and such and it didn’t really bother her as she had no connections towards the places and people, plus by the sound of it the blonde boy who would visit them screaming explained it, it didn’t sound so great. She mostly stayed home , tend a farm and brew potions for techno for his journeys and fights. Sometimes she’ll go on little missions on her own to get supplies by the near by villages usually with techno constantly telling her to have a totem of undying on her no matter what. And so y/n wouldn’t be lonely she would hang out with her father in law sometimes and joke about stuff and teach her the basics in sword fighting and some family stories.    What techno loved so much about her is her passion in things she enjoys and the small little gestures of affection she does for him, and always willing to learn new things. From fixing and sewing his clothes , from her making a rose garden and putting them in her hair, talking about her fixations of stories and art. They way she bandaged him up and give him his favorite food after a fight and take care for him. He doesn’t know how he got such a wonderful women like her , she was just so loyal to him he didn’t deserve it. 
  He remembers how he met her she was walking in the snow with barely anything on crying , almost freezing to death but he luckily got her before she did and helped her back to his home. He was very very unsure what to do but he tried his best to help her. After awhile and her resting she told him she got kicked out from her boyfriends house and was basically left to die. But that she was very great full towards techno and wished to repay him back in anyway she can so techno let her do tasks for him. After awhile she got used to being around him and kinda cling onto him wishing to stay with him. After a lot of thinking he agreed to it and let her stay with him , it was hard/awkward at first because she’s obviously been abused but together she eventually grew back her strength and confidence which deepen their bond. They were good friends and did stuff for each other and start developing feelings for each other. Even Phil kinda noticed when he visit techno and talk to him , he very much noticed the chemistry between the two. But after some awkward dates , a lot of being flustered and being quiet with each other they finally started to date and show their true feelings with each other and it was a big change for them both.    Currently now techno was happy in the relationship he was in , I mean he even had a golden ring for her but he wasn’t sure why but he’s been so hesitant and unsure of himself. He was coming home from a trip from a village for the ring. This trip made him think a lot , he killed a lot of people , he had blood on his hands, the voices in his head. The betrayals he had and the nicknames, he was called, “ The blade” , “ The blood god.” Would she really want to be associated with that with him? She would become a target and she is okay with that? The voices in his head were conflicting him because they weren’t begging for blood. But instead haft worried for her and haft very happy and it was an overwhelming feeling cause he wasn’t used to it that he kinda stood outside his home frozen still, tears overwhelming him and stream down his face , his skull hog mask covering his face. He just stood there crying quietly lightly shaking as his love wait for him.  y/n was inside baking some goods as she waits for techno to come home and noticed something at the window when she was cleaning up. She peeked out to see and noticed it was techno as she happily clap in glee. But she noticed how stiff and tense he appeared outside , now that she mention it he’s been kinda distant with her maybe she could go outside to check on him. Y/n quickly put her coat on and open the door walking over to him as the snow crunch under her feet, it was hella cold outside. “ Techno, techno love you okay?” She was few inches from him and looked at him “ tech?...you okay?...”“she slowly moved over to him and gently place on a hand on his cheek as the other gently lift up his mask. She takes out a handkerchief and gently wipe his tears away as she place soft kisses “ hey...hey it’s okay baby I’m here.” She softly says as techno starts to clear his mind and focus his vision he started to calm down back into reality. “Y/n?....is that you?” Techno said so softly as y/n perk up at his voice “ yes! Yes it’s me my love , what’s wrong?” She says softly as she cupped his face gently caressing his cheek with her thumb. He basically melted into her touch “ oh my Aphrodite, I just....I don’t know... I know I been distant from you and I apologize. But I just-” she cuts him off “ it’s okay I know, I know let’s just get you back inside okay? It’s cold and I’m freezing and I just want you to know that if it weren’t for you I wouldn’t Be here and I think that says a lot about you . “ She said smiling towards him grabbing his hand and walking back to the warm cozy house sitting him down as she sat beside him holding him close to her. “ I love you techno , and...I’m grateful for everything you do for me and that yes I have noticed your distance and etc but believe me when I say that , I think you deserve it , my love. You helped me so much and made me happy, you gave me strength and I’m forever loyal to you. I was in a pretty shitty situation , and you made me feel better about myself. I know your not perfect and neither am I but I just wanted to let you know, sorry if I’m rambling or if doesn’t make sense but I’m just trying to say I love you and that you deserve it .” Techno looked up at her after she was talking and smiles a bit , he gently gives her soft kisses and nuzzles of affection ““thank you I needed that” he gently took off his cape his coat and such , and putting his cloak on her but forgetting it’s too heavy on her as He heard an “oof!” And a thud on the floorboards, “ y/n! I’m sorry I forgot !” He scrambled to help her up and sit her down, ““I’m sorry,” ““it’s okay!, it’s okay! You didn’t mean to !” She giggled as he relaxes. “ Well okay...well thank you my Aphrodite and I think your worthy of my love too, I’m glad I’m with you.” 
(Part 2 maybe idk ) 
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scoups4lyfe · 3 years
Kamen Rider Revice & Intentional Writing (Part 4)
Warnings: Obv gonna go into spoilers. So read at your own risk <33. Also mentions of suicidal ideation. So trigger warning. (Spoilers up to ep 12)
part 1 . part 2 . part 3.1 ; part 3.2 ; part 3.3 
          Daiji’s psyche, why Oltecca wants to kiss him, where Ikki fits in this mess, at least oNE reason why George is such a FREAK and why the henshin Jingles and their Kamen Rider Titles are GENIUS, actually. >:)). 
“Well, I think Daiji just wants to know that he's as worthy as his nii-chan.”
                                                                                          —  Nacho 
               I said some of this in the “Igarashi’s ways to Affection” post, so this will be that but in more depth, and with picture compilation of evidence LOL. But before I do that, first I have to explain how the Deadmans 3 relate to the siblings. See, one thing I noticed during Kagerou’s fratricide stint, was the fact that the only one wanting to give him a chance (even when he’d shown *no* interest in reviving Gifu-sama or finding sacrifices) was Oltecca. Oltecca even got angry on Kagerou’s behalf, enough to question Aguilera. So, why the interest? And why is Aguilera, like Oltecca, obsessed with her own Igarashi Sibling —  Sakura? Well….the reasons are actually really simple and all stated in episode one, as the very first thing we *see* of the Deadmans 3, and the very first thing they *say*. 
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          Oltecca, essentially targets people who feel like nobodies. Julio targets the people that are faking their happiness. And Aguilera I guess targets people who feel like society has done them an injustice….or something. (Cursed that Ikki gets stuck with Julio LOL.) The screenshot from the inn episode shows Oltecca in red and smirking, and then like one second after, it's a shot of Daiji smiling as well. This shows the mirroring going on between the two of them. It’s also telling to the audience. Whenever it's an Oltecca episode or stampee….that means we’re dealing with someone who feels like they’re a nobody or somebody or feels worthless. This is shown directly in episode two, as well. 
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                 Here, Oltecca targets Ibata, who doesn’t feel like he’s being listened to by his golf friend or whatever. Ibata and Daiji show direct parallelism in this episode. When he screams “Araki!!! Listen to what I have to say dammit!!” Literally the next clip directly after is Daiji showing up to the bath house. We even first see him through the distorted street mirror. This is directly showing Daiji’s already budding feelings of worthlessness and that Fenix wanting Ikki for the role of Kamen rider is something that’s started distorting Daiji’s image of himself, and causing him to spiral. The fact that Daiji says, “I need to talk to you, actually.” (You being Ikki.) RIGHT AFTER Ibata yells “Listen to what I have to say dammit!!” Is just….wow poetic cinema. It’s poetic because Daiji wishes he could do what Ibata is doing. He wants to vent his complaints and disappointment and anger at Ikki taking his dream so easily from him. But this is Daiji. He tied all of his worth to that fenix position, and now that the oh-so-perfect Ikki has so easily grabbed it? Well….doesn’t that just mean Daiji was always worthless afterall? He couldn’t even transform when he had the chance. He couldn’t do anything. He can never do anything. So instead of communicating his grievances to Ikki, Daiji pretends everything is alright with good ol’ Igarashi repression :)).  
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             Episode three really continues to put the nail in the coffin here about Daiji’s self-image and his worth. In episode two when Ikki tells Daiji that he should be the one taking the Fenix position, Daiji responds with: “I’m not good enough.” At the hospital (probably looking for some comfort or reassurance) Daiji asks how he’s supposed to get Ikki to sign the contract. And then he says: “Isn’t the world more important?” Because of Ikki’s obsession with putting the bath house and the family over everything and everyone else. This response tells the audience that Daiji views his worldly ambitions as more important than the family/bath house. Near the end of episode three, Daiji asks if he can use the new belt to transform, George laughs at him (lol), and Daiji….Daiji really says: “I’m tired of being a weakling. I want to be like my brother.” Oof.
        And talking about Daiji in general, I really don't know much about his individual goals and motivations, but (I mean Idk if this is any different to what I've been saying for a while), but for his relationship with Ikki, it's clear that he thinks his brother is just a better person and more worthy of love than him. Ikki is responsible, ethical, and capable (he doesn't get a choice not to be). Things which Daiji is not.
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              After the shenanigans of episode three, Daiji is at an all-time low. Ikki is better than him. Sakura was able to save herself. And what did he do? Nothing. He was knocked unconscious. (I’ll get more into episode three when I do my episode 4 analysis because episode 4 should win awards for everything it was setting up and foreshadowing.) So Daiji’s low self-worth is obviously making him lash out more. Which is shown right at the beginning when Daiji is frustratingly trying to get Ikki to sign the Fenix contract. But Ikki couldn’t really care less about Fenix. And this just makes the entire situation that much worse for Daiji. Daiji ‘wasn’t good enough’ for the position, but Ikki waltzes around like the job offer is a wet newspaper he found on the ground. Literally like throwing gasoline on a fire. If Daiji’s self worth was low before…..Ikki’s nonchalant write-off of the job Daiji had desperately wanted is….like being stabbed from the front. A literal reminder that Daiji is just that unworthy. So, of course he snaps about not wanting to be Ikki’s errand boy and for Ikki to figure things out for himself then.
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             Now, let me do another little pause here about another really intentional thing the writer(s) did. Let’s examine the titles of the Kamen Riders, and their jingles/henshins. I saw a post on tumblr somewhere (don’t remember where, but if you were the one that wrote it feel free to message me and I can link what you said, or at least tag you in the post for saying it :pp) about Daiji’s henshin actually being Like That for a reason. Like when Daiji transforms it goes "VERSUS! UP!" Because Daiji is literally at war with himself (Kagerou). This is also why his transformation jingle is the cursed "eenie-meenie-minie-moe". Cause it's literally like flipping a coin on what you're gonna get. I can't remember Ikki's transformation stuff or his jingle (cause Eenie-meenie-minie-moe literally fills the entirety of my mind). Ah okay, it's "BUDDY UP!" Because Ikki has to work together with Vice if he wants to succeed :P.  Oh man I truly am Perceiving rn.
(From my texts to NachoSupreme:) 
           Their Kamen Rider Titles!!!!!! Oh this is VERY interesting. Ikki's is RE-VICE, re being a prefix meaning "again, back" and Vice...lol being vice. So It's literally Vice is back. Vice - - again. Which can be inferred to mean that Ikki literally has to deal with his vices again and again instead of just repressing them -- especially if he wants to succeed. Dang. Daiji's is Kamen Rider EVIL/LIVE, hahahahahaha. I'll come back to analyze this cause rn I don't know what it all means. (Nvm, my friend did it for me.)
         I feel like this (Daiji’s title being LIVE/EVIL) — has to do with "living" with an inner "evil" or something. Like with Ikki, he's destined to revisit his vices over and over and over again, because he never addresses them, only represses. Daiji was never allowed to live his own life before, but was never taught how to do/be a responsible (ethically responsible) adult, so now that he is living his own life, the only parts that seem obvious are the evil parts of himself. Which is why his demon (Kagerou) is named "mirage" yoooooooo. Bc it's a distorted vision of himself. Only the bad parts 👀. 
—  NachoBounchingBoardSupreme
            I do think we should also be noticing here that the “MADNESS! HOPELESS! DARKNESS!” Part of Daiji’s transformation, could all be key triggers that bring Kagerou out. Basically, whenever Daiji feels hopeless, usually from his own feelings of worthlessness, this of course brings madness that he can’t repress anymore, and then BOOM! Darkness. LoL. Likewise, “Precious! Trust us! Justice!” are things that trigger the ‘good’ Daiji. So when he feels precious to others, and trusted, he becomes able and can then bring justice instead of darkness. That's how he’s able to settle “right from wrong.” 
           SIDENOTE: Hiromi’s title being “Kamen Rider Demons” already has me assuming that Hiromi….well that he has multiple inner demons lol. The “DECIDE UP!” And “DEAL!” parts of the henshin tell us that Hiromi has to make some kind of decision, and whatever decision he makes is one he’ll have to deal with. Of course, the “DEEP! DROP! DANGER!” Feels *so* foreboding. Like Hiromi is on a very small ledge and is *this* close to spiraling. And once he does…..well you heard the jingle. The spiral around him during his henshin might be something that symbolizes this, through the white windy-thingies around Hiromi when he transforms. They could kinda be seen as something like a tornado? Idk. Again, don’t have enough on Hiromi to really be throwing a ton of theories out there. Though it *IS* worthy to note that when he uses another bottle to transform it says “ADD UP!” And in episode 12 it seems like Hiromi added perhaps one too many…..hence the passing out. Idk. gUEss wE’ll SEe.
Back to Daiji <33. 
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          Problem is that Daiji doesn't really want to hurt other people, his subconscious is just doing it because his own self-esteem is so low. Not that it's an excuse, but once his whole freakout was "over" I can only see Daiji's self-esteem as rock bottom still. Nothing's changed, only proving to himself that, as he thought, he is incapable, irresponsible, and a bad person. But oh well, that's how his whole life has been and he can accept his role as subservient to his brother (until the next trigger happens and he spirals again).
Another sidenote: The people Daiji’s targets to use stamps on are….interesting to say the least. (I mean if the Deadmans 3 all have stampee types, why wouldn’t Kagerou?) The first person he gives a stamp to….uses it to punish a CEO that makes his workers work….even during the holidays…..so they can’t be with their families. And then the second (er….third and fourth?) people he chooses to stamp are literal swindlers who choose to swindle money by pretending to be family members of their victim’s. And Kagerou was *very* ruthless with these dudes. All of this just tells me that even when Daiji is Kagerou, family is something still deeply rooted into his being. Enough so that he punishes (through proxy) people that harm other people’s families. 
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Daiji can kind of subsist on minimal praise and affection and keep on trudging along, believing that he's the least interesting and least capable person in his family. But his psyche can accept it as long as he gets some attention and acknowledgement. When he perceives that he's not getting any anymore, he'll start to crack and lash out, becoming jealous and accusatory.
ME: Do you think that Daiji specifically wants attention from Ikki? (Not that he doesn’t want it from the rest of his family)
Naw, I think he would be fine with attention from anybody tbh, but Ikki is like, God I guess, can do no wrong. So his approval is worth more than others.
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Me: Yeah in ep 11—now that Ikki apologized and they ‘’made up”—it’s kinda amusing watching the way they fight together. Cause it’s business as usual for Ikki but Daiji is super tuned in to what Ikki’s doing, and doing his best to stay exactly at Ikki’s side/help him finish the monsters. For example when they saw it was Sakura’s instructor that was stamped and turned into a monster, Daiji waited for Ikki’s decision (literally watched him and waited for what Ikki was gonna do) and once Ikki decided to fight, Daiji immediately followed.
And there’s also a part where Daiji is fighting some mooks while Ikki takes on the big monster and when Daiji sees Ikki is about ready to do the finisher my homie literally guns down the mooks as fast as possible and like books it down there barrel roll and everything. The entire time I was like 👀.
Yeah, makes sense to me. Rn Daiji is trying to reject the side of himself that lashes out since Ikki acknowledged him. He doesn't trust himself to be capable of telling right from wrong though so he's relying on Ikki to be the moral compass and give him clear signals on what the right thing to do is.
*******This is VERY credible, as Daiji (when Ikki wasn’t around in episode 12) stops again and waits/watches to see what Hiromi is going to do, only transforming after Hiromi himself does. ******
Me: My theory that Ikki disappeared from that photo w/ Sakura and Daiji is again because of Daiji and not Sakura 🤪😂😂😂 just gets more credible? Sakura shows like no resentment towards Ikki, just annoyance/irritation at being coddled. Especially with Ikki getting injured at the end of ep 11 protecting Sakura. (Idk Daiji was also triggered lol! But I can’t see Sakura based on what I’ve already seen of her, going coo coo bonkers trying to hurt Ikki). Daiji’s only shown those kinds of behaviors (even before the personality split, LOL!).
Yeah agreed. I mean the thing with Sakura is when she's spiralling, she also gets aggressive but in a waaaay more confrontational way than Daiji. Daiji's is more insidious. Like even he doesn't realize he's angry until 2 minutes after he has a fight.
That and I (again already stated) feel like Sakura is supposed to be a red herring because that’s like the first person everyone thought it would be this time around cause Daiji and Ikki had just “made up” lol so it CoUldN't bE DaIji. And the last time they fought and “made up” was the first time Ikki disappeared from the photo. And he was beating the sh*t out of him directly in the next episode lolllll.
Sakura’s always been more, hmmm, helpful for Ikki? (Already stated again lol) So I feel like perhaps for her even though she’s still in Ikki’s shadow and relates more to Daiji, I don’t think she looks at Ikki and is about to absolutely lose it. Daiji from episode 2 (after Ikki took the role of kamen rider in episode 1) was already acting coo coo bonkers. But it was subtle for the most part. The tension did continue to build and it was like ???? Why is he so adamant on Ikki signing a contract with Fenix? 
Like real different ep 2 “can u pls sign a contract with fenix?” To episode three’s “fIne iF yOu WoNt sIgn a ConTraCT tHen I wOnT heLp yoU. I WON'T BE yOuR LiTtlE sIdeKICk anYmoRE. FInD THE MOnSTers YOuRSElf”.
And then episode four’s actual physical altercation: “ARE U HAPPY NOW?!! IS THE BATHHOUSE STILL MORE IMPORTANT!?!?” Woof.
Who knows? I mean atm Ikki took a hit for her, so she wouldn't be mad about that. She'll freak out if she feels that Ikki is Doing the Wrong Thing™️ but she has more self-confidence than Daiji and won't explode upon contact.
See, the point is that both Daiji and Sakura don't want to hurt Ikki. It's not bc of a desire to get back at him or whatever. No such thing. Daiji's is just a coping mechanism since he has loads of self-hatred, as I said he doesn't even know he's mad until after the fact. Sakura will get angry if she believes injustice is being done, but it's not out of a hatred for Ikki. In reality neither of them resent Ikki. Sakura resents her environment, and Daiji resents himself. Ikki could potentially become collateral damage in either of their freakouts, but it just depends on the circumstances.
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Closing thoughts: 
Well it's obvious to me that George is being a fcker again and psychologically manipulating behind the scenes. 
Nacho:   HMMMMM. I think I get George even more now. (Me: ????) Obviously don't know what his hang ups are, but I get what his motivation in life is. He likes figuring out people and, maybe not playing God, but definitely lording over his power of perception over others. He doesn't like Vice since Vice is an honest characterization of human emotion, rather than a set of coping mechanisms and self-sabotage that George can take advantage of. I mean on one hand already been knew George liked to be a master of chaos, but on the other didn't get it to this level LOL! Honestly it's why I felt like I kinned with George. Not bc we have the same psyche or anything, but bc he's perceiving like you and I are y'know? (Me: Holy sh*t!) 
           Like how George manipulated Hiromi into being a rider, and how he took advantage of Daiji’s mental break, I feel very *strongly* that right now he’s putting ideas into Daiji’s head. Idk just him randomly telling Daiji, “oh, no! Man we are *all* so lucky he didn’t remix before I calibrated the thing…..” and just beforehand, giving something for Daiji to deliver …. Probably already knowing that Daiji isn’t a fan of being second fiddle/delivery boy to Ikki. And then Daiji saying, “Nii-chan, stop. Plus, you make it sound like you did that.” Just tells me Daiji is really toeing that edge rn. George knows it. *I* know it, and now all of you know it. Smh. Can’t wait to see what’s gonna happen in episode 13, huh. 
Anyways, part 5 will be coming soon. I’ll be discussing/analyzing episode 3, but *primarily* episode 4, and why it's such a brilliant piece of poetic cinema, how it parallels directly Daiji and Ikki’s arc, and how it may even foreshadow Ikki’s own future arc…..:))))).
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