#idk if will and darlin have met yet
frog-0n-a-l0g · 1 year
Ok what if if/when darlin gets in an argument w Alexys at the summit, that’s wills first impression of them and they fuck it up before they even met. Cause everyone knows them as the dangerous, rowdy, fight craving, bad luck bringing wolf. So when he sees darlin “starting shit” (Alexys started it and they tried to keep themselves in check but snapped) he thinks the rumors are right and disinvites them from shit in the future
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fictionismyreality3 · 9 months
Jasper with a Crush
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Warnings: romance and everything that comes with it, stalking maybe?? Idk
Notes: save a horse, ride a cowboy 🤪
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our boy is a gentleman obviously 🙄
he was from the war and carries that rigourously respectful mindset with him
unlike Edward (ew) he’s gotten with the times and his flirting style reflects that
if he met you in school and you don’t know he’s a vampire yet, he’d be trying to win you over with human tactics
carries your books and bag for you, holds doors open for you
tips his basEBALL CAP TO YOU 😩 every time he sees you
“morning jas!” “mornin’, honey.”
he doesn’t care about Carlisle’s stupid don’t tell humans rule
as soon as he sees you he knows he’s gonna tell you about him being a vampire as soon as possible
you’re mates meant to be
he doesn’t like using his powers on people if it’s not warranted, but he finds himself calming you down with them without even noticing
will absolutely try to give you random things
he’s like a crow 🤣
you mention you want something in passing and it shows up carefully placed on your pillow the next day
even if you ask he denies he had anything to do with it, but you know it’s him
when he looks at you it’s like he’s appraising you or trying to memorize every little detail about your face
this man’s voiCE IS A PURRRR
he can’t exactly ride a horse everywhere anymore (much to his dismay) 😭 so he offers you a ride literally ANYWHERE you have to go
“need a ride, darlin’?”
is extremely territorial with you
like doesn’t want a SINGLE man to even come near you
uses his powers to deter anyone who could take you from him
you could be talking to guy friend one second and then the next he’s excusing himself looking extremely uncomfortable
sits outside your house every night
he’s not watching you sleep or anything, he just knows what’s out there and wants to keep you safe
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unwishablestars · 7 months
Hi I’m not sure if you take this type of requests and if you don’t you can just ignore it. Could you do Cassidy, Hanzo, Genji, Lifewaever and Mauga (not sure if you writ for him) comforting their s/o after they got rescued from being kidnapped. Can you also add that the s/o was pregnant but had a miscarriage due to the kidnapping? If you don’t want to add the last bit that’s fine.
Thank you. 😊
I failed
Pair(s): Cassidy x Pregnant!Reader | Hanzo x Pregnant!Reader | Genji x Pregnant!Reader | Lifeweaver x Pregnant!Reader
Genre: Angst , Hurt/Comfort (little comfort ngl)
Word Count: 1.3k
Tags: Headcanons, Angst, Miscarriage, Multi-Character, uhhhhhhhhhhhhh
TWs: Miscarriage, Kidnapping, Angst, Mildly-described violence
Summary: Cassidy/Hanzo/Genji/Lifeweaver's partner get kidnapped while pregnant leading to reader's miscarriage.
A/N: HIIIII ANONNNN!!! Thank you so much for your request!<3 I'm really sorry about the delay since life got in the way a bit :( And sorry I don't write for Mauga cuz idk how yet--- fresh hero ykyk</3 I hope you like this though!! Sorry for the delay again :(
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Even before joining overwatch Cassidy was already a pretty wanted man due to him being part of the dead lock gang
And it never really changed when he joined overwatch
Though this time he wasn't a criminal but he was still in a dangerous field, but you always loved him because you've seen him in all the ways he loves you.
He was swooned when he met you.
One cheesy love story later, BOOM, you're preggers.
Whether you were a civilian or an agent, Cassidy WILL NOT let you get involved with his work while pregnant.
So he was absolutely distraught when he couldn't find you in you're shared home.
He walks through the door calling out for your name, ready to pamper you for the night, only to get no response.
Suddenly, he sees the signs of struggle. Knocked over furniture, thrown books, and just a general mess of your home
He is frantic.
Starts yelling your name, running around the house trying to look for you. "..Fuck..FuckfuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK"
After a few hours, they eventually locate you. They waste no time at all.
The plan was simple, (maybe even too simple), just get you out of there. Unharmed.
Cole, with worry and adrenaline as strong as ever, finds you tied to a chair. Crying, distraught, and bleeding.
Now you lay on the base's medic bay, face showing numbness as you learned the news of your baby.
Everyone had left after attempting to comfort you. All except for you lover.
He held your hand as he felt a familiar pain of loss, holding back tears, he just wanted to make sure you knew you weren't alone. And that he is so sorry.
"Darlin.. fuck.. I'm so sorry.. I was supposed to protect you. Our child.. it's my-- I'm so fucking sorry, love. Please.. please don't hate me."
Of course you didn't hate him. But too exhausted to speak, you brought his hand up to your cheek and weakly said "Just.. stay.."
"Darlin.. I will never leave your side."
Hanzo has been hiding in the shadows and constantly on the run for years. Alone. Until you, of course.
You offered to give him a place to stay after seeing him about to doze off sitting on a bench in the park
"No, it's fine. I'm just resting." He was literally about to pass out--
He had eventually opened up to you after much persistence and kindness, and grew incredibly fond of you.
To him, you brought him peace.
For a while, he tried to lessen contact with you as to avoid any conflicts with the people searching for him.
But he was conflicted when he found out you were pregnant. He did not want to leave your side but he also did not want to endanger you, especially in this state.
After some reassurance, he agreed to stay and take care of you.
He had hoped he would lay low enough that not only would he have to worry about your safety but also be able to be a present father to his child.
But when he came to your shared home and the door wide open, he fuckin lost it.
Frantically looking for you in your home, swearing all sorts in his home tongue didn't solve the issue.
He couldn't find you but he did find an envelope containing you're whereabouts.
They've been planning this for a while, how long were they watching him? Why did they only strike when you're health was so critical.
Hanzo was livid realizing this.
He headed to your location and found you tied to a chair, sac over your head, in a dimly lit warehouse
He knew it was a trap but ain't no way he would let anyone put a finger on you.
After being roughed up himself, (but ultimately beating the shit put of a of em) he took a look at you and saw the bruises, the scrapes
and the blood down there
he held you close, forever blaming himself for what happened
Genji and you met during your time in overwatch while they were in their prime
He was emo back then but you liked that,
And when he realized he liked you're unconditional admiration, he liked you too.
He didn't admit it of course, neither to himself nor to you but whatever.
Years later, Winston sends the recall.
And he was pleased to find out you had come back,
With a new mentality, a new acceptance of himself, and a more open acceptance of your love.
This time he made the first move, trying to act smooth like his pre-overwatch days, but his stuttering and nervousness gave it away though.
He was worried you'd remembered him as the angry and vengeful man he once was, but you saw who he was deep down
Which is the exact reason why he fell in love with you.
Eventually, after feeling a bit of morning sickness he urged you to go Mercy or Bap or anyone to help you get better.
Only for you to find out you're pregnant.
You stayed away from missions for a while as Genji requested, at most doing paperwork and helping a bit around the base.
But when the base was suddenly attacked, Genji pinned, yelling at you to stayed back.
You tuned out his pleads and gripped your weapon to help the father of your child.
And you did, but you were knocked out and taken away. He was too weak to reach you.
They immediately set out to rescue you, fully aware of your vulnerable state.
Though they had insisted for Genji to heal up first, through his broken visor, he shot them a glare that wouldn't stop him from saving his love.
After finding you in a cell, bruises all over in a weakened state, unconscious, he carried you back to the ship and held you close, eye getting watery.
You woke up in a hospital bed in the medbay, the first thing you notice being the ache your body feels, and the pain in your stomach.
Then, you notice your lover hold you close and tight.
Followed by the sorrowful looks of the doctors.
They left to give you two some space.
"I'm.. so sorry.. please.. forgive me.."
With tears in your eyes, you held each other close, never wanting to let go again.
You had worked alongside Lifeweaver in his development of biolight,
He loved having you at his side.
Soon he took you dates, brought you gifts and food, too show appreciation.
Not realizing he was indulging in his growing love for you.
After giving him some clarity of his feeling with a bold kiss, you two were inseparable, even more than before.
After you had missed you're period, you showed your lover the positive test and he way beyond joyful.
He always urged you to rest and didn't let you lift a finger. He didn't want you to be stressed or worried, he saw such beauty in you.
But those you wanted his biolight saw opportunity.
He was out buying food for you and his future baby but he came home to an open door, silence, thrown trinkets and portraits.
In his panic, he wondered whether or not he would need to contact his family. Or Satya. Or Baptiste. Anyone.
He received a video file on his desktop.
Asking for the acces to his biolight as well as the information to it's creation.
He was shaking, he wasn't strong enough to fight them on his own, he needed help. He needed you. Please come back to me.
He cannot wait any longer. He caved. Only for you. And for them.
He had sent all the information they needed. And as breathed heavily on his knees. He heard a vehicle arrive at his estate.
He hurried out, even almost tripping in the process, he needed to see you were okay, that you were both okay.
He saw you being lead to the front gate, and the abductors lackey walking back to their vehicle.
Giving him a face of no remorse.
As he held you in his arms once again, the look in your eyes had told him everything.
You two stayed there. Just feeling the comfort of what you two still had. Each other.
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tieronecrush · 1 year
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the lakes
joel miller x reader
rating: M
word count: 1.9k
take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die / i don't belong, and my beloved, neither do you / those windermere peaks look like a perfect place to cry / i'm setting off, but not without my muse
warnings: nudity, skinny dipping, talk about grief, death, family tension, self-doubt, self-deprecation, idk man it’s just sad
a/n: my first song for the folklore anthology!! can’t wait to share others & read all the other great works from my pals <3
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The sounds of birds chirping surround you in echoes across the valley, mountainous hills convexing in front of you and dotted with evergreens. Underneath you is sun-warmed sand, interspersed with smoothed rocks from rushing water shaping them over hundreds or thousands of years. The fresh, gentle waves of the lake lick against your bare feet, knees bent up as you sit at the shore, eyes trained ahead on the glassy surface reflecting the late summer sky above. Joel is sitting next to you in the same position, his hands joined together in a circle and forearms resting on his kneecaps.
It’d been a quiet hike to the spot you discovered while on patrol. Lately, Joel has been his own worst enemy — closed off to you, stewing in his thoughts about his strained relationship with Ellie and continuing to adjust to life in Jackson, a world so slow and still that he can’t seem to find a place he fits in after moving for so long. His inertia hasn’t caught up to his lifestyle change; he is constantly picking up patrol shifts, and volunteering to oversee new construction and renovations across the town, but even through his go go go, he can’t find a place to land.
This place was the perfect spot to take him; to abate the anxious energy that vibrates throughout him every day with the halcyon elements of nature. Animals that live their lives with no concept of time, a lesson in living in the present, trees that have been around for hundreds of years, solid and strong like the man himself, and the lake. The lake that provides for everything growing around it, that reflects beauty in sunrises and sunsets, that finds itself full no matter any barriers built in its feeding river, replenished by other means from rain to groundwater.
The silence between the two of you breaks for the first time in hours.
“You know what I first thought of you when I met you?” you question him, eyes trained forward on the view. Joel offers a soft grunt in response, hinting for you to continue.
“I thought: Wow, this guy is an asshole,” he scoffs with the hint of a smirk, shaking his head while your own grin plays at your lips, “But then, I got to know you. Forced proximity really tells you a lot about a person. And I very quickly learned how much you care. This world should have jaded you, should have broken you to the bone with what you have been through, but yet, you still find means to nurture. You protect, and you provide. You love so deeply, so incredibly much. Every day I wake up next to you, I thank the lucky stars that I have Joel Miller in my corner. By my side. Watching my back.”
“I know you are feeling something, thinking about something in that head of yours all the time. And I want you to know that I love you as deeply, that I care as much for you as you do for everyone in your life. You can share with me, whatever you feel like sharing.”
Joel is quiet, squinting in the sun as he tosses a round pebble from the sand between his legs into the shallow waters. The ripple appears and dissipates before he speaks.
“That sounded like a eulogy, darlin’.”
You scoff now, that same type of soft smirk that he held minutes before pulling the corners of your mouth up.
“Is that all you took from all of what I said?”
“No, ‘course not. Just, I don’t know, felt like I was listening to what you would say about me after I’m gone.” At that you turn towards him, hand wrapping around his nearest forearm and squeezing with even, steady pressure that says ‘We are not talking about that, I can’t talk about that.’
“I do wanna share with you, I just—I don’t know how. I’ve kept all this inside, locked down in my chest. Anger, temper, violence, even, as armor to keep me alive. Don’t ever think I’ve been very nurturing since, well, since…” His throat chokes up, head drops to stare at the ground. Another squeeze to his arm, this time to say ‘It’s okay. I know. You don’t have to say if you don’t want to.’
Something that he said sticks out in your head, a means to attempt to combat his walls going up again now that they have crumbled slightly. You stand, glancing around out of habit before you pull your shirt over your head, your jeans following with your undergarments in their wake. Joel looks up, expression puzzled as he watches your naked form wade into the water. You hiss as the still-icy water engulfs you from the shoulders down, treading and turning back to your man on the shore. A gentle smile covers your face, beckoning him in with one nod of your head.
He follows suit with stripping down, clothes mixing in a pile with yours as they do on the floor of your bedroom. His own pained expression from the cold lake makes you giggle quietly, a scolding stare aimed your way. He paddles over to you smoothly, the water hitting his chest where he can continue to touch with his feet at the bottom. Your arms slither around his neck, wet fingers carding through the hair at the back of his head. The leverage against him is used to tug you closer, his large palms settling at your waist under the surface while the two of you bathe in the fresh Adam’s ale of these cliffside pools. Two pairs of eyes communicate without words, the soundtrack of the birds and rustling trees occupying the dead air until you speak again, hushed despite the fact that you are the only humans for miles.
“You can take your armor off around me.”
Joel’s eyes flutter closed, a long sigh exhaled as his hands grip your curves tighter. When his burnt chestnut and amber irises are revealed again, he speaks in the same reserved volume that you had.
“I don’t belong there. In Jackson.”
Silence gently urges him to carry on.
“What I’ve done, to strangers, to myself, to Tess, to you, to Tommy, to Ellie…I don’t deserve any chance at life. With what I have taken from others, I don’t deserve to be given anything. Kindness, respect, care, love. From anyone.”
“I’ve been selfish this whole twenty years. I almost left Tommy alone. I dragged us up north to Boston. I got Tess into smuggling. I kept Ellie at a distance for so long because I couldn’t bear to feel that kind of responsibility, that familial tie. And then I chose for her, in that hospital. I couldn’t lose another kid.”
“It—it feels like I should be over the past, over what I have done now that I have a chance at a fresh start, or as close to a fresh start as I could possibly have here in Jackson. I have a shot to build a life with you, to work for Ellie’s forgiveness, to be an uncle to Maria and Tommy’s baby. But what has been chasing me — what has been over — it feels like it’s burrowed under my skin. And all I can feel when I start to forget is these—these heartstopping waves of hurt.”
“And I don’t know how to move on. I don’t know how to forget when my body, my mind, my soul won’t let me.”
Across his cheeks, salty tears have carved rivers, the dampness still in his eyes shining in the midday sunlight. The water sounds as if it’s rushing in your ear, your pulse racing as you attempt to process his confession. His head has bowed in a prayer position, awaiting your means to reconciliation or absolution.
Hands settled on his broad shoulders, another communicative squeeze, this one to say ‘I don’t know either. But I know how to try.’
“You let your people heal you,” Joel’s eyes meet yours, drops cascading from the damp bits of hair hanging over his forehead, attention completely and utterly on you, “Time can’t fix everything. The past can hold us in its grip even with all the time in the world. But people can help you forget. They can help to lessen the pain in your body until it’s merely a pinch. Their love can pull you up when you fall. Their care can nurture your soul to grow resilient again. Their reassurance can teach your mind to hear those sordid thoughts you have but pay them no attention.”
“I want to do this for you, Joel. I want to help you. To care for you. To love you, completely. Your people want to do it for you. And if you can learn from experience, you can do it for Ellie…” Your hands move from his shoulder, skating across his glistening skin and wrapping around the sides of his neck, thumbs resting against his jaw.
“You made choices you had to. Including for Ellie. She was — she is a child. Your kid, if not by blood. She may not understand now, but I know she will find a means to forgive you, or at least understand you.”
“Maybe when she’s older, if she has a kid of her own, she’ll understand.”
Joel’s mouth quips to one side with a faint smile, tears drying on his cheeks as he thinks of the image.
“Reckon we’d be pretty fun, well, sorta grandparents.”
“I think so, too,” you speak with a grin stretched and thumbs brushing back and forth at his jaw, “I can’t wait to grow old with you. To sit on the porch and watch you still yell across the street to your brother for full conversations instead of the two getting off of your asses —”
“Watch it, darlin’,” he warns playfully.
“Hey, it’s true. I listen to it nearly every day. Now, back to what I was imagining, cowboy.”
He nods for you to continue, a full-blown smile on his face.
“We’ll have Ellie over weekly dinners, and whoever else makes up her family. You’ll play me guitar and sing whenever I ask ‘cause you love me so much. I’ll help to heal you, and we will be happy together. We will take our second chance. And you will enjoy your time with your family. And me, hopefully.”
“Definitely with you. My beautiful girl,” his own hand leaves the water, wetting your hair as he brushes it out of your face with tender eyes, “You’re like—like a red rose that’s grown out of my ice-frozen ground. I am so lucky to have you. That you chose me, and continue to choose me every damn day. My grief sometimes feels insurmountable; like I am going to be stuck here forever with no way out of that feeling. But if I get stuck here, with you in my arms and all my people around me, I’d be fine if I simply grow old and wither away back into the earth.”
“I love you, darlin’. So much it might just end in tragedy, that my heart might just explode from lookin’ at you one day. But I do love you.”
A gentle kiss is shared between the two of you, the bitter water combined with your torrid love stirring up a tornado of tingling nerves.
You pull away, only enough to get the words out that you have told him, Joel, your man, every day and will continue to tell him every day you have him, “I love you.”
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taglist: @wannab-urs @atinylittlepain @bearsbeetsbeskar @serenaxpedro @casa-boiardi @rav3n-pascal22 @dinsdjrn @not-a-unique-snowflake-blog @johnwatsn @amanitacowboy @leeeesahhh @isitmelookin4u @javiscigarette @mrsyixingunicorn10 @sugarspiceanthrax @orphanbird95 @space-cowboy-like-me @tuquoquebrute @rsquared31 @morning-star-joy @canseethebrushstrokes @atremises @sstarboy777 @undrthelights @butiknewyoudlinger @dayrdreaming @disassociation-daydreams @joelsversion @ginger-swag-rapunzel @mydailyhyperfixations @diamndx @mingiast @kdogreads @blxsphemy7 @marchai @littlevenicebitch69 @ghostofbrock @iwrotethissky @ladynightingale @jksprincess10 @swiftispunk @pr0ximamidnight @beskarandblasters
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Tennessee Orange
Fandom: Elvis Presley, American Musician, RPF
Pairing: Elvis Presley x Reader
Characters: Elvis Presley, Reader, You, Original Female Character
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 2407
Summary: I met somebody, he’s got blue eyes.
Tags/Warnings: Young Love, Established Relationship, Romance, Angst, Fluff, Leaving home, Baby Boy Elvis, 1950s Elvis, Comfort, Song Fic, Tennessee Orange // Megan Moroney, Idk what football teams where around in the 50s so lets just lend some artistic license to it k?
Notes: Oh to have a whirlwind romance with baby boy Elvis
This is linked to Die From A Broken Heart
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I was nervous, the knots in my stomach growing tenfold with every passing second and every unanswered ring of the phone. It wasn’t that I’d been waiting long but I’d built up my nerve and it was losing momentum the longer the call went on. Not to mention how the idea of my daddy answering the phone sent me into a cold sweat.
Fortunately I didn’t have to worry much about that as when the line clicked on it was my mother's soft voice that answered, ‘hello?’
‘Mama?’ I asked.
‘Darlin’ is that you?’ she said with a smile in her voice.
‘It’s me,’ I said and though my nerves hadn’t completely vanished they dulled as I allowed the comfort that only a mother's voice could bring to wash over me.
‘Well isn’t this a surprise,’ she chuckled, ‘we figured we wouldn’t hear hide nor hair of you for a least another couple of days.’
‘I got a spare minute,’ I mumbled as my nerves amped up once more. She was right given that the moment I had touched down in Memphis my thoughts of home seemed to vanish and they probably would’ve stayed that way if I hadn't been forced to make this blasted phone call.
‘How is it going?’ she asked.
‘Good,’ I said which technically wasn’t a lie. I was having the time of my life here but that wasn’t what I had called to talk about. My mother however didn’t seem to grasp that as she continued to ask, ‘are you girls having fun?’
‘Yeah, actually-'
‘Behaving?’ she mused.
‘Yeah, Mama,’ I said attempting to get to the point only to find she once again beat me to the punch.
‘Because I won't have you putting Betty out you hear me? You’re a guest in her home-‘
‘I know,’ I said hoping I could nip whatever rant she was going to go into in the bud.
‘Mama I’ve got some news,’ I said, the words tripping out of my mouth without permission though they seemed to do the trick as she fell quiet on the other end. I fell quiet too, my heart hammering in my chest as I realised that there was no way I could back out now.
‘Oh?’ she said. It wasn’t an outright question or even a statement but it was enough to know that she was waiting for whatever information I was going to lay on her.
‘Yeah,’ I said hesitantly, ‘it’s important.’
‘Oh,’ she said again and I was stunned at how she could keep her tone so even. How she could make it that I couldn’t sniff out anger or happiness alike. How she could remain unphased whilst I was sitting on the other end, knots in my stomach as well as the phone cord I had taken to twizzling around my finger the moment the call began. How she didn’t betray her feelings as I did when I rushed to say, ‘but you can't tell Daddy! Not yet anyway.’
Only then did I hear her falter, a hefty sigh escaping her lips as she asked panicked, ‘What is it? Are you okay? Oh Lord please tell me you are not in some sorta trouble.’
‘Of course not! You know you raised me right,’ I protested feeling a warmth in my cheeks at the thought of her picturing whatever mess I’d gotten into.
‘Well then, what is it?’ she asked.
‘Mama…I met someone,’ I mumbled.
‘Oh,’ she said softly and though it was nothing more than a word I could sense the emotions in it because it was one of surprise.
I didn’t blame her of course. She had sent me to spend time with my aunt and my cousins not to get involved with boys but it wasn’t as though it couldn’t happen. And suddenly my protests of her having raised me right reared their head because if she had I wouldn’t have been keeping him a secret. I wouldn’t have kept his existence in my life on the fringes. They would’ve gotten some inkling of what was coming.
‘You remember the boy from summer I told you about?’ I asked hoping that if she recalled my having mentioned him, if only once, it would make me feel less guilty.
‘Elvis? The singer guy?’ she said making my heart flutter at his mere mention, ‘the one whose concert you and June went to?’
‘That’s him,’ I agreed feeling slightly better that at least he hadn't come totally out of the blue as I carried on explaining, ‘Well, we’ve been talking and writing all the time since and well…Mama he asked me to be his girl.’
‘Well,’ she said before she paused for a moment causing my emotions to buy another ticket for the rollercoaster they were currently on until she said, ‘That’s good. What’s he like?’
‘Oh he’s amazing,’ I said, the damn finally breaking as all the happiness and love I’d been terrified of admitting to spilled out, pouring from me and down the phone line in gushing sentiments, ‘I’ve never met a boy like him before at all. He’s sweet and charming and handsome. I mean you should see his eyes, Mama, he’s got these gorgeous blue eyes I swear could hypnotise ya.’
‘Well he sounds quite the guy,’ she said in the way that mothers do. The way that makes you wonder if they’ve ever felt that way before though at some point they must’ve otherwise you wouldn’t even be here to be feeling it yourself.
‘He is,’ I said trying not to feel embarrassed by my gushing and rather to see them as an aid in making her see just how much I loved him.
‘Well I’m happy for you baby and don’t worry about your daddy, I’m sure he’ll be fine with it,’ she said and for a moment I forgot about all the worries I’d had about telling her. She was happy for me. And if she was happy it would only take some cajoling from her to get daddy on board which was why I had ventured to tell her first, to lay the groundwork for any further conversations.
‘Doubt it he’s a Vols fan,’ I giggled.
‘Oh Lord help you,’ she mused.
‘I know! Actually, he took me to a game the other day, he even got me wearing that horrible orange jersey,’ I teased making her laugh.
‘So long as you don’t bother learning the words to Old Rocky Top I think your daddy will survive,’ she said.
‘I won’t,’ I promised though as her laughter died down my nerves crept back in. I’d gotten lost in the conversation, lost in getting her on board with the mere idea of Elvis that I’d forgotten that wasn’t why I was calling.
‘Mama?’ I asked earning a hum from her that signalled she was listening, ‘that’s not all.’
‘What is it?’ she asked in a voice so earnest I could picture her sweet face, plastered with confusion waiting for whatever bombshell I was about to drop. And once again I felt the need to defend myself as I rambled, ‘you gotta understand. I’ve never felt like this about anyone before and I don’t think I ever will for anyone else.’
‘Baby what is it?’ she said hesitantly.
‘Well Elvis’ singing career is getting real big and he’s doin’ real well-'
‘Okay,’ she murmured.
‘Which means he’s all over the place workin’ which is why when we have seen each other I’ve always had to come to Memphis and well it's not gonna get any easier or at least it doesn’t look like it will what with him doing so well-'
‘Honey you’re rambling,’ she said stopping me in my tracks.
‘He asked me if I’d want to move here…to live with him,’ I said quietly unable to gauge any reaction before I whispered, ‘and I said yes.’
And with that she fell silent meaning that all the nerves I had alleviated with her happiness came flooding back only ten times worse. I could picture her now, trying to work out how to dash my dreams but to do it in a way that didn’t break my heart entirely. That had been why I had been scared to tell them because I worried they’d ask me not to. And I couldn’t do that because when Elvis had asked I had said yes without question and though it was a big change I knew it was what I wanted with my whole heart.
‘Oh baby I don’t know,’ my mother said quietly.
‘Mama I know it's soon but I promise you he’s a good guy. And it's not like I’d be on my own. Betty’s here in Memphis and he lives with his whole family so it’s not like it’s just us. And they're all so sweet to me you’d really like ‘em,’ I said hoping to reassure her. Hoping that if she saw that I’d thought about it thoroughly she’d see it wasn’t as bad as it sounded on paper.
‘But it's just so far and you're so young sweetheart,’ she said.
‘Not that young,’ I said feeling a pout fall on my face as though I was a kid who’d acted rashly when that wasn't the case at all. In fact, I’d been chewing on the idea for days.
‘Young enough,’ she countered and with that, I felt my sorrow turn to irritation.
‘As young as you were when you married Daddy,’ I refuted feeling immediately guilty as I realised it was a dirty move, ‘besides it ain’t like there’s much waiting for me back in Crawford.’
‘What about your family?’ she bit back making the guilt hit another level.
‘Mama don’t be like that,’ I sighed.
‘I’m not being like anything you’ve just told me you want to run away to live with a boy you barely know, one that your daddy and I haven’t even met!’ she said heatedly.
‘Well, what if you meet him?’ I said hoping the conversation wouldn’t spiral any further. I hadn't meant to hurt her with my words but I could tell that she was hurting anyway. So I tried to compromise, I tried to offer something that would make her see I was happy, ‘how about you come to Memphis and meet him and his family? I swear you'll see this is good for me I promise.’
‘Why don’t we talk about this in the morning?’ she asked cutting me off.
‘Look I just some time to think about it okay? To think about what I’m gonna say to your daddy,’ she said quietly.
‘You’re saying it can happen?’ I asked trying desperately to pick apart what her words meant.
‘I’m saying you're a grown-up. I can't stop you and I won't,’ she said, ‘but if it’s what you want…’
‘It is,’ I said.
‘Then we’ll figure it out,’ she said, ‘it’s just a lot you have to understand that.’
‘I do Mama,’ I said, ‘but I promise this is good for me. I know once you meet him you'll understand.’
‘You're probably right,’ she said, a tad flatter than I’d hoped. I could hear her moving now, no doubt itching to get me off the line. A suspicion that was confirmed as she said, ‘Look your daddy will be home soon. I should go.’
‘Okay,’ I said trying to sound as understanding as possible.
‘Okay,’ she replied, ‘I love you.’
‘Love you too,’ I said quietly.
And with that she was gone, the line going silent as I slipped the handset back into place. As I thought about it all I flopped back on the bed exhausted by the mix of emotions flooding thought me. I supposed it could’ve gone worse. It wasn’t the best it could be sure, but she could’ve said no. She could’ve told me I had to come home which would only leave me heartbroken, not by the prospect of leaving Elvis, but by the fact that I would choose him, I knew I would.
I knew how it looked. I knew I must sound crazy to move hundreds of miles away from home for a boy I had only just met and that as my mother she had every right to be concerned. But as my attention was pulled to the door where I found Elvis poking his head around it, a lopsided grin coming to his face as he found me splayed out on the bed, I knew her concerns weren’t warranted. Because as hard as I had fallen for him he had fallen for me just as much.
And though we could try to do long distance it wouldn’t be the same. I'd be stuck moping around Crawford, my days spent waiting for him. At least here I was in his world and that world was one I never wanted to leave, because no matter how mixed up I was feeling at that moment everything felt okay because he was there.
‘Hey,’ he said coming into the room and sitting next to me.
‘Hey,’ I replied as I pushed myself up, looping my arm through his as I placed my head on his shoulder.
‘Everything alright?’ he asked with concern making a small smile come to my face.
‘Yeah,’ I murmured, ‘just got off the phone with my mom.’
‘Ah,’ he said understandingly, ‘how'd it go?’
‘Could've gone better,’ I admitted, refusing to look up though I felt him glance down at me. It was true, it could’ve gone better but I supposed it could’ve gone worse too and for that I was grateful.
‘You told her I was a Vols fan huh?’ Elvis asked making me giggle, his own hearty rumble soothing against my ear. Though as quickly as my laugh came it went and he must have heard the deep breath that came from me as no sooner was it out did he put his hand on my knee, providing me with comfort I could never repay. Comfort that only continued as he said, ‘They’ll come around.’
I smiled, wondering how on earth he always knew just what to say.
‘I hope so.’
He ain't from where we're from,
But he feels like home, yeah,
He's got me doin' things I've never done,
In Georgia, they call it a sin,
And I still want the Dawgs to win,
But I'm wearing Tennessee orange for him 🧡
@girlblogger2002 @sania562 @caitlin1996 @literally-just-elvis-fics @notstefaniepresley @artlesson8892 @18lkpeters @velvetelvis @jaqueline19997 @elvispresleyxoxo @amydarcimarie @presleyenterprise @everythingelvispresley @elvispresleywife @lillypink @richardslady121 @lettersfromvenus @louisejoy86 @ccab
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missbabyjay · 1 year
New Era - Alex Turner x Reader
You and Al have an intimate moment shaving his head for the TBHC tour 🧡
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a/n: OKAY SO!
First of all, I haven't written fanfic since March, and this is the first piece I've written about Alex. I am so nervous to post this lol, but I low-key thinks its really cute. Secondly, it doesn’t necessarily follow the true story about him shaving his head because I'm pretty sure he did it on tour? Not too sure. This is also a shoutout to all the pretty bitches who love TBHC (& the car). They’re such beautiful albums and I can’t understand suddenly ditching a band because they’re changing and evolving! To each their own but you can’t deny they are masterpieces ✨
But enjoy this made up moment I constructed in my delusional head trying to fall asleep a few nights ago :) p.s i am NOT a great writer lol but I do have pieces for Pedro Pascal on my blog as well.
Warnings (?): mid writing 😭😂, tons of fluff, idk if you'd consider it angst but reader is a tad grumpy, insecure AND confident Al?, tbhc era, buzz cut Al!, alcohol, oh & some cheesy British slang cuz why tf not
You exhausted a big sigh as you pulled up to your house. The rain was incessant; refusing to give up as it continued pelting down, creating a symphony of noise on your vehicle. “Fuckin’ rain,” you mumbled under your breath as you prepared for the journey to your front door. You mentally crossed your fingers in anticipation, hoping Alex noticed the text you had sent earlier about leaving the door unlocked. 
“3…2…1,” you counted to yourself as you quickly pushed the driver's door open and made a dash towards the front door of yours and Alex's house. To your benefit, Alex must have seen the text as the large door swung open with one turn of the cold, metal knob. 
You let out another sigh of relief as you sat on the cushiony soft ottoman in the front entry of the house. You pondered for a minute as you let the warm air wash over your body, relieving you from the cold and damp world outside. Today wasn’t your day, to say the least, you were knackered. Work was a mess; your boss continually nagged at you over the smallest things and nearly every one of your coworkers were in a sour mood. You faulted the weather outside as no one was ever in a good mood with weather like this, but your fuse was short and you were thankful to be back in the comfort of your own home.
After debriefing the day with your own thoughts, you removed your shoes and made your way into the house. The cool tile of the kitchen floor eased your sore feet as you reached for a bottle of your favourite wine and poured yourself a generous glass. Your brows furrowed as you took your first sip; typically you’d have heard from Alex at this point, but you were yet to hear his silky soft voice greeting you.
Alex’s mind raced back and forth as he sat in front of the washroom mirror. His fingers fondled the set of hair clippers before placing them on the counter. He knew what he was about to do would entail more attention and more criticism, but he hoped it would help the fans realise that the monkeys were entering a new era and that to be quite frank, they would continue to change and evolve no matter the criticism. 
He checked the time on his phone, the illuminating screen read 5:42. “Fuck,” Alex cursed to himself. He knew you’d be arriving from work shortly and he was uncertain of your reaction to his somewhat spontaneous decision. Of course your opinion mattered to him, but Alex knew deep down that this change was necessary, at least to himself. “Alright mate, just go for it,” he muttered to himself before reaching for the clippers. 
Unbeknownst to Alex, you had been home for the last few minutes, going about your own business. With one last deep breath Alex pressed the power button and the hair clippers came alive. “Al?” Your soft voice met Alex’s eardrums. He quickly brought the clippers closer to his hair as both his heart rate and breathing increased in speed. “In here, darlin’.”
You ventured towards the shared bedroom, noticing a sliver of warm light peeking through the ensuite bathroom door as you entered the contrastingly dark room. “Al?” you called out softly, not wanting to disturb his privacy. “In here, darlin’,” his rich voice echoed back to you from the washroom. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself - you had been craving Alex’s comforting presence all day. He was always the cure to a shite day.
But when you reached the door and gently pushed it open you were met with an unexpected sight. Alex was propped up in front of the large mirror on a barstool from your kitchen, hair clippers in hand, seconds from shaving away his long brown locks. “Bloody hell Alex! Have you gone crazy? What are you doing?” Your reaction came out much harsher than intended but you most definitely weren’t expecting to come home to Alex attempting to shave his hair off. 
Alex’s hand came to a still, nearly inches before meeting his hair. His big brown eyes stared at you through the reflection of the mirror and for a few moments the only sound that filled the room was the low buzz of the hair clippers. “I-,” Alex paused for a second, looking down at the hair clippers as his hand rested them on the counter. He internally cursed himself, wishing he went about this at an earlier time. “With all the stress over the new album I just thought, ‘why not have a new look too?’, everyones already chatterin’ about…” he trails off with a shrug, a light pink tint washing over his cheeks. 
You huffed, setting down your glass of wine before your arms came to wrap around Alex. Your head found solace in the crook of his neck and your eyes met his gaze in the mirror. You gave him a small smile, “Oh Al, I know this has been an odd time for you, but are you sure you want to do this right before the tour starts?” You placed a gentle kiss on the ridge of his jaw, the light stubble tickling your chapped lips. He returned a sheepish smile, “I do, love.”
You removed yourself from his shoulder, “Alright then mister, hand the clippers over.” A childish grin replaced the shy smirk on his face as he realised the intentions of your words. He fixed his posture and straightened out his back, proceeding to run his hands through his precious locks one more memorable time. “Have at it, darlin’.” 
You tousled Alex’s hair a few times before beginning to drag the clippers through his strands. You watched his face soften as his eyes gently closed and he began to embrace the affectionate moment. “I love you,” he said, just above a whisper as his locks began to fall over his shoulders onto the floor. “I love you too Al, I’m sorry for how I reacted… today was just one of those days,” you responded with an equally quiet tone and yet another exhausted sigh. You questioned how many times you could sigh in just one day, making you let out a quiet laugh to yourself. “Is that so?” Alex chuckled as he slowly opened his eyes and met your mirroring stare with a cheeky smile. 
The two of you continued to sit in an intimate silence as you finished the job, Alex’s hand reached backwards to keep a compassionate hold on your leg during the close proximity. You clicked the power button on the clippers and set them down on the counter, delicately placing your hands on Alex’s shoulders to give him a supportive squeeze as he revelled in the moment. His one hand raised, brushing over the short and stubbled hair that now resided on his head. 
“It’s quite alright, isn’t it?” his baritone voice ringed through the small space as a smile grew on his face. “Ya know what?” you started before pausing as you squeezed yourself in between Al and the vanity, bringing both your hands to cup his face as you stood in front of him. “It sure is, sweetheart,” your voice squeaked as you quickly closed the space between the two of you with a passionate kiss, enveloping him in a tight and loving embrace. 
His soft lips were like medicine, as if he could kiss away all the stress and pain. “I am so proud of you. You always do what you feel is best no matter the criticism and that’s really respectable, Al.” His smile beamed, the confidence now radiating off of him the same way the sun radiates a warm comforting glow on a summer day. “I have a good feelin’ about this tour, love. Once the fans hear this album live I think they will truly fall in love with it, just as much as I’ve fallen in love with you,” he says as he lovingly looks at you. You giggled, “Absolutely, Al. You cheeky bugger.”
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soup-scope · 2 years
What breaks my heart the MOST about the bright and Fred situation is not just the loss of potential new Solaire lore, but a bit more of an internal look on how Sam is still reeling from his own turning.
Like sams relation to Alexis is mentioned in like. One video. From like a year ago. We see how he reacted during the inversion when Vincent had to be a maker. He obviously has very STRONG feelings about being a maker/a vampire in general
Through the lens of brighteyes, were given a chance to view Sam as not a lover, not necessarily a maker, but someone that we HAVE to depend on even though both parties are very much not happy with that arrangement. We’d also have the chance to see how Vincent presented himself as the clans prince. We’d possibly get a front row seat to how much he changed since he met Lovely. (I know the bright and Fred situations happens AFTER lovely goes to wonderworld cause bright and Fred literally stumble across Adams skeleton lmao)
I’m just mega disappointed how we practically LOST a side of the solaire clan that we can’t necessarily see through Lovely or darlin’s eyes.
I’d also kill to get a confrontation between Sam and Vincent perhaps. Sam *blames* brighteyes for going to wonderworld and getting them and Fred killed, even though they didn’t know vampires existed. But LOVELY did the exact same thing months (potentially months idk) prior and yet he doesn’t blame lovely for running into Adam??
I would’ve loved to get more views and perspectives on both vamps that we can’t get through the other listeners )))):
I always say this whenever I mourn the loss of bright and Fred’s storyline, but I understand WHY their story was scrapped in the first place. I’m glad Erik did what he thought was best for his mental health. 1000% stand by him for that decision. Some part of me may want the story to eventually come back, but if it never does, then I will respect Eriks decision and support him fully‼️‼️
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orgasming-caterpillar · 11 months
I'm Starvin', Darlin', Let Me Put My Lips To Somethin'
I was having subby ranveer + transmasc raghav brainrot, cw: NSFW, poetic cunnilingus, pussy drunk ranveer cuz that's just... yeah, terfs dni and kys, ambiguous power dynamics, shameless smut, a transmasc character who is actually comfortable in his masculinity idk I haven't read that anywhere yet
Raghav's mouth was on Ranveer as soon as the door shut behind him. The collar of the taller boy's neatly ironed shirt wrinkled in his fists. Ranveer let out a surprised grunt as his back hit the door, gripping Raghav's waist and returning the kiss with the same fervour.
They had been away from each other for almost two weeks, and the days apart had left them both hungry for the touch of the other. Finally, finally, the growing needs for sin were nobody's business but their own; a groping, messy, fervent business, but theirs nonetheless. 
Raghav's mouth tasted of the wine they had after dinner. The sweet heat of his mouth made Ranveer moan. His fingers dug into the flesh of Raghav's ass, lifting him up to press their bodies closer. His blood was bubbling under his skin, desire flowing hot and steady through his body.
Raghav pulled away, and Ranveer only took a moment to appreciate the dazed eyes and pink, swollen mouth, before attaching his lips to the man's neck. He undid the buttons of his own shirt and fumbled with the hem of Ranveer's. 
Their shirts were on the floor, Ranveer's mouth was on the underside of Raghav's jaw, and his mind was hazey with need. 
"Bed," Raghav moaned. 
It took Ranveer a few moments to understand. He lifted Raghav up, who promptly wrapped his legs around his waist, and carried him to the bed, lips back on his.
His foot banged against the frame of the bed, sending them both falling onto the bed. Raghav gasped as Ranveer sucked on the hollow where his neck met his collarbone. He moved downward, leaving red and purple marks blooming like flowers in his wake, occasionally using tongue or teeth to draw more whimpers out of Raghav. 
When he reached his hip bone, he bit down, just hard enough to sting. Raghav arched his back sharply and let out a sound somewhere between a gasp and a moan. Ranveer swiped his tongue over the marks left by his teeth. He fell back on the bed as more wanton sounds escaped his mouth. "Veer," he whined. "Fuck- ah, I need you."
Ranveer hmmed against his skin, undoing the button of his pants. He moved back and stood up from the bed, making Raghav sit up. 
"What are you-"
"I missed you," Ranveer whispered as he knelt down between Raghav's legs. 
Smiling, Raghav lifted his hips off the bed so Ranveer could take off his pants. He leaned back on his elbows while Ranveer grabbed his thighs, pulling him closer to his face. 
He finally spread Raghav's lips open with his own fingers and pressed his tongue between the folds, licking up his sweet slick, gently prodding his hole with his tongue. "I missed you," he said between licks, "so much."
Pleasure rolled through Raghav in waves and crashed against Ranveer's tongue, sweet and saline. 
"Ah- I missed you too, darlin'." He reached down to grip the dark hair, not tugging, but holding him close. Ranveer lapped up his cunt greedily, like every drop was liquid ambrosia. And it wasn't that he was doing it for Raghav's pleasure. His own moans were proof enough that he enjoyed it, took pleasure in dipping his tongue deeper into his cunt and coming back to suck on his clit. And how much Raghav enjoyed it was being heard by whoever was unfortunate enough to live near them. 
Ranveer looked up at Raghav, drunk with desire, and smirked as he pushed his middle and ring finger into his cunt. Raghav threw his head back, gasping at the cold sting of Ranveer's rings against his heat. He started moving his fingers, curling them upwards and making Raghav cry out. "F-uck, that's a good boy. Good boy, you're doing so good," Raghav mumbled.
Ranveer moaned at the praise, going faster. He leaned back down to suck on his clit, other hand holding his legs open. Raghav moaned loudly, his pussy clenching hard on his fingers. His arms buckled under him and he fell back on the bed with a whimper as Ranveer took his fingers out. He looked down and saw him sucking his own fingers for any remaining taste of Raghav and almost blacked out at the sight. "You're s-so hot," he murmured.
Ranveer crawled onto him with a grin. "All yours, angel."
Through his post-orgasm daze, Raghav realised Ranveer was probably still hard as a brick. He flipped him over, noticing that he had taken off his pants. "You wanna fuck me, baby?" he teased with a newfound excitement.
Ranveer nodded eagerly. He seemed out of his head, drunk on the taste of him. It made Raghav's head spin with arrogance. 
"You look so slutty begging for my pussy," he teased again.
"Yes," Ranveer whined breathlesly,  "yes, yes, I'm your slut, so fucking sit on my cock, please-"
Raghav eased himself down, eyes rolling back from the familiarity of it as well as the way Ranveer was begging for him. The whimper he let out as Raghav sank down was way louder than his usual moans. It was amazing. Raghav had always loved Ranveer's voice, but there was an entirely different lust he had for pulling the most sinful sounds out of that pretty mouth.
He pinned his hands above his head and started moving his hips. Ranveer whimpered in time with each roll of his hips, his hands twitching in Raghav's grip. It wasn't that he couldn't free himself, it would barely take any effort for him to grab Raghav's waist to fuck up into him. But he was so eager to please, so obedient that it made Raghav groan and slam his hips down harshly. 
Ranveer moaned loudly and murmured, "'m gonna cum."
Raghav laughed, although not degradingly, but his words made heat rush into Ranveer's face. "Already? I thought you wanted to fuck me-"
"I missed you," he whispered, eyes falling shut. 
Raghav's pace staggered, suddenly sorry for being degrading. He leaned down and kissed Ranveer softly before picking up his pace again. He put his hands on Ranveer's chest, who used his own to grab his waist.
Tears formed in the corners of his eyes. He shut them tight and came with a pathetic whimper. Raghav raised his hips and dropped them harshly a few final times, before cumming again.
Raghav didn't remember being lifted up and laid down beside Ranveer, didn't remember being pulled close to his chest. But he did remember whispering, "I love you."
Ranveer smiled and pressed a kiss to his head. "I love you too."
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pasteloctoz · 1 year
pitching ideas for redacted what ifs off the top of my head- I'll explain them under the Poll dw
Also redacted what ifs is a series I started where i revisit things that have happened and what would happen if character a made a different decision in situation b. OR I talk about how different aus would work while trying to stay as close to the og storyline as I can. Most of it includes just the Solaire Clan, Shaw Pack, and Damn Crew.
(I have not listened to the Imperium yet, I don't know how close the prompts are gonna be to that storyline)
Mafia au- General concept of hitmen and spys n shit. Idk much abt the genre so I'll have to do some research but it sounds cool.
Swap au- listeners swapped with partners. So like- Gavin is a Freelancer and Freelancer is an Incubus. Thats confusing hold on- Sams a wolf and Darlin' is a Vampire.
Genderbend- Not much except for name and clothing hcs for the partners cause I'm not ruining any listeners day.
Band au- not much to say except would this be band as in school band? Or band as in professionals?
Vigilante au- I can't stop thinking abt empowered listeners being badasses and fighting the department while saving the world. Itd be so cool.
Superhero au- on that note, what if theyre just saving the world? This one magic would probably be known around the world.
"I don't need a man" au- listeners don't get with their partners, they become their own friend group and deal with their problems together. Maybe I could get them all to be a large freind grouo or smth- idk.
Human au- boring but changes how they all met so its still kinda interesting
Feel free to reblog/comment with the order you'd like to see them posted in. I'd love to hear your opinions!!!
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gutsfics · 1 year
11, 30, 34, 36, and 39 from the relationship asks
yay thank u 💞🩷💖💕
11. Which member is more physically affectionate
Avalon x Thomas - Avalon is more likely to initiate, but Thomas will reciprocate immedeatly
Devi x Noah - both. do Not separate them.
Harper x Tom - Harper, but only by a little bit
Baxter x Rafael - Rafael, but he makes sure that Baxter can handle any sort of physical contact. usually he waits for them to approach him
Simon x Wes x Ezra - its pretty even between Simon and Ezra. Wes isn't one to initiate at random like the other two, but he does know exactly when they need it from him
Reigan & Tobias - listen just because Reigan is asexual and completely uninterested in sex doesnt mean he doesn't love a good cuddle. theyre about even, but their limits are in different places
30. What is their favorite place to kiss the other? (Cheek, hand, closed eyelid, neck, nose, etc.) im excluding mouth & the peenids area for "its too obvious" reasons
Avalon x Thomas - all over the everywhere. you KNOW Avalon loves to pepper Thomas with kisses the second they see each other. He especially loves to kiss Thomas' top surgery scars when he has access to them. and Thomas likes to kiss Avalon's hands and fingertips
Devi x Noah - Devi likes to kiss Noah on the neck, and Noah likes to kiss Devi's nose
Harper x Tom - they both like to kiss each other on the cheek, although Harper Will blow a raspberry against Tom's
Baxter x Rafael - Rafael likes kissing Baxter on the forehead, and Baxter likes kissing Rafael on the knuckles
Simon x Wes x Ezra - Wes likes hugging them both from behind and kissing the back of their necks or shoulders, Ezra kisses the side of their temples, and Simon kisses jaws
Reigan & Tobias - they kiss each other's cheeks in greeting but thats about it lol Reigan isn't a kissy guy
34. Do they give each other nicknames?
Avalon x Thomas - Avalon has used every single pet name known to man for Thomas, but Darlin is like. the default one he uses for every occasion. Thomas calls Avalon Ava, and sometimes Bear
Devi x Noah - i mean besides Devi being a nickname of DeVante, not really. sometimes Devi might use a cutesy pet name but not often
Harper x Tom - Harper also uses a shitton of pet names for Tom, but all of them he makes up on the spot and he's never used the same one twice. and Tom will call Harper his sea monster <3
Baxter x Rafael - they're Babs and Raf to each other and (a few) others (not many other people call Baxter "Babs" though. Tobias started that), but also Rafael calls Baxter sweetheart a lot
Simon x Wes x Ezra - Simon and Ezra are Si and Ez, and Wes is just Wes. Ezra also uses codenames for them if he ever talks about them on stage, but idk what they would be yet
Reigan & Tobias - Tobias calls Reigan by his original Korean name, Sungwon, and Sungwon calls him Toby
36. How’d they meet each other’s families?
Avalon x Thomas - rcd: Avalon met Thomas' parents during their first relationship, his parents wanted to try to make amends but they weren't very good at gendering him correctly so he brought Avalon for support. it wasm't a super good experience but at least Thomas was able to get a little closure for himself. and while Avalon's parents knew about Thomas, they didn't meet him until their second time in a relationship. Thomas and Avalon visit Texas like once a year to see Avalon's family
hwu: like canon, at Rachel's wedding. Avalon met Simon before though. as for Thomas meeting Avalon's family..........
Devi x Noah - they knew each other since they were in grade school, they always knew each others family
Harper x Tom - i mean. after the start of ILB it's not like there's much family for Tom to meet, and he already knew half of it lol lmao [sobbing]. and Harper meets Tom's family after the events of ILW, once things have settled down. he was supposed to meet them sooner but uuuuum. Events and Happenings <3
Baxter x Rafael - just like in canon, Rafael takes Baxter to meet his family before theyre even dating <3 and Baxter is no contact w their family so i don't know that Rafael ever meets then. maybe i'll write a fic about it but no prommies
Simon x Wes x Ezra - they went to high school together, this just happens. i do need to write a fic about what happened when Wes' dad came to town and that date quest ended on a cliffhanger >:/
Reigan & Tobias - Reigan met Tobias' parents by chance bc they all live in New York City, i dont fully know the details yet? but i do know that Tobais' parents were trying to set him up w This Handsome Lawyer They Know and he agreed to the date to get them to stop asking about it. Reigan was unaware it was supposed to be a date at first, but bc theyre both aromantic they decided to keep "dating" to get both sets of parents off their backs about it lol
and Tobias met Reigan's parents on a trip to his hometown. the purpose of the trip was "See I DO Have A Boyfriend Please Stop Asking"
39. What other couple would your otp get along with the best?
Avalon x Thomas - Janey and her wife Bill. in both hwu and rcd. Avalon and Janey friendship is a canon event.
Devi and Noah get along best with Harper and Tom <3
Baxter and Rafael get along best with Reigan and Tobias
Simon x Wes x Ezra - Lisa and Aria. Lisa and Ezra regularly go on tour together, & they all hang out together a lot when not on tour as well
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devnmon · 2 months
Sheriff's Deputy Morgan
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pics are not mine, from various pinterest accs!
Summary: Arthur comes back to camp one day with a shiny new badge on his chest, and you can't take him seriously. Though you tease him constantly, he gets fed up one particular day and finally puts you in your place.
Warnings: arthur's a lil mean but rightfully so, doggy style, unprotected piv (not recommended for irl experiences), teasing, creampie, orgasm denial if u squint
a/n: hi friends! i wrote this pretty quickly after starting yet another round of rdr2 and beginning ch3 again. idk what it wad this time that made the damn badge arthur wears so very attractive to me. i couldn’t help myself from making this a piece of absolute filth! if theres repeated dialogue or stuff, its from my very minimal editing. otherwise enjoy <3
wc: 3.2k
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You were tired. Exhausted, worn down, and burnt out definitely were more accurate terms, but all your body could feel was drained. From Blackwater, to Horseshoe Overlook, to Clemen's Point. Would the running ever cease? 
As the next morning sun rose across the vast lake, the temperature was already heating up by mid-morning. It was an uneventful day of mundane tasks with the other girls, until Dutch and Arthur returned to camp with shiny sheriff badges on their chest. To see those of all things accompany their outfits and not blood and bullet holes for once was indeed a surprise. 
"Your cowboy a deputy now, huh?" Tilly began, glancing at you facing his direction. 
"Shut up, Tilly. I'm sure that ain’t really what's happenin'..." you responded playfully, huffing a breath and abandoning the laundry you were in the middle of washing. Ms. Grimshaw's voice echoed in your ear the minute she saw you walking off, but your strides took you away from her just in time for you to make it to Arthur's tent. 
Observing as he sat on his cot when you neared Arthur's tent, your eyes hadn't deceived you; Arthur was wearing a deputy badge, and that meant Dutch was wearing one too. 
"Who in their right mind deputized you fools?" you laughed, catching the blues of the man before you. Arthur met your eye and smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck before standing up and wrapping his arms around your waist. 
"Well, it is lovely to see you too, darlin'." he drawled, pressing a quick kiss on your cheek. "And that would be the drunken sheriff in Rhodes. Seemed dumb enough, but it was Dutch's idea. So I couldn't exactly say no." 
You grasped Arthur's forearms as they wrapped around you, moving you closer to him with that strength of his. The oaky aroma he always possessed surrounded you completely. 
"Well, good thing you're not really employed by the government. Then we'd truly have an issue." you chuckled, spotting his chipped front tooth peeking out from between his lips while he smirked.  
"Oh, yeah... you wouldn't get away with things that easily now, would ya?" Arthur spoke into your ear as his palms tightened around your waist. 
"No, of course we wouldn't..." you replied, recalling the numerous times you'd teased your cowboy and left him high and dry. Your flirtatious quips always settled in a part of him he couldn't control. Arthur spent many evenings much too unsatisfied until he was able to get you alone. Left only with your words clouding his mind and half hard cock, he was more than sensitive once he was able to satisfy himself. 
Arthur would have to wait until night fell to take care of his bothersome desires with you. He reckoned it frustrating when all you did was get away with it only because he allowed you to. 
He had half the mind to take you where everyone could see and hear, but his pride was too much to bear losing, especially in front of the older members of camp.
“If we wasn’t in the middle of camp with pryin’ eyes and ears, I’d have you bent over an’ full of me already.” He growled, before you pulled him in for a passionate kiss and slipped through his grip to return to your chores.
Arthur has really got to stop letting this happen, scowling to himself as he watched you immerse sensibly back into your chores. He figured the rest of the day would pass by quicker if he did the same. 
You knew nothing good came from teasing a man like Arthur to his breaking point, especially when he’s known for being able to take someone down if prompted. There was no question or doubt he was able to do the same to you. 
Arthur’s strength is unmatched, he’s able to overpower you easily in most situations. Yet, he’s delicate– sensual and gentle with you. In a way, he let you get away with teasing him many times and was still fervent and carnal when giving  you pleasure. 
But recently… pushing his limits like this day after day was getting on his nerves. He tried his best to shove those feelings down but you didn’t ease up on him one bit. 
Upon chopping wood and tending to the horses for the last hours of daylight, Arthur found himself catching your eye multiple times across camp. Your stares bore into him each time he would spot them, while watching you look away trying to feign innocence. Once he spotted you sitting around the campfire eating dinner, he figured that his opportunity to find a seat next to you for company. 
“Well, hi there, darlin’.” Arthur spoke as he sat down, getting particularly close to your hips with his. The gruff sound of his voice was telling enough with the amount of looks he was giving you during the silence as the two of you ate. 
“Hello, deputy Morgan.” you teased once again, taking no shame in staring him down while licking your spoon clean. Arthur cleared his throat tellingly, moving himself flush against your side. 
“Now who told you to call me that?” he murmured lowly in your ear, a ghost of goosebumps covering the back of your neck. 
“I was just doin’ as I’m seein’... Y’got that shiny badge, and you ain’t makin’ much use of it.” you practically whispered back in response. 
“Oh.. should I? Be makin’ use of it?” The gruff of Arthur’s voice bewildered your mind, struggling to calm the hunger gnawing at your lower regions. 
“Maybe you should… deputy. Before things get out of hand..” you snarked, dragging your eyes up and down his body. By the tone of your voice, Arthur could tell you weren’t done with whatever shenanigans planned. To let you spin a little yarn before taking control back had sincerely been his favorite part of his life with you. For you to play a little game just to get him to give himself over to you, each time overflowing with passion and hunger– he must really be smitten. 
Dinnertime flew by, and once the first light of the moon covered the ground, mostly everyone in camp had settled down for the night. After practically gluing himself to the outside of camp to avoid everyone else, Arthur made his way back to his tent. Of course, once he approached, the first thing he saw was you rummaging through his satchel. 
“Excuse me, miss?” Arthur spoke, placing his hands on his gunbelt, a typical deputy stance. 
“Arthur– it’s not what it looks like…” you began, noting his stature and the way his eyes locked on your figure. His chest hair poked through the unbuttoned part of his shirt, reminding you what type of man you were dealing with– especially with that badge. 
“That’s Deputy Morgan to you. Now, why don’t you tell me what you were really doin’ ‘round here.” He took a few steps closer, maintaining such intimidating posture above you. 
“Um… I was just lookin’ for a few dollars. Treat myself to a drink or two. Nothin’ big.” 
“And you couldn’t have just… asked for the money, huh doll?” 
“Thought it would be embarrassing. ’M sorry, deputy..” you chuckled, spinning Arthur’s little spiel along. 
“I’m afraid..” he stepped closer, “that ain’t good enough for me, sweetheart.” His natural tobacco and honey scent overloaded your senses, and all you could see, hear, and smell was him. 
“Well… is there anythin’ I could do to make it alright? Wouldn’t want to leave one of the sheriff’s finest deputies unsatisfied..” His index finger hooked under your chin, lifting your eyes to catch his, blues darkened in the moonlight. 
“Y’can start by makin’ eye contact when you speak to me, darlin’.” Arthur’s husky voice commanded, staring up at him like a deer in headlights. 
“Yes, Deputy Morgan. What else can I… do for you?” His eye contact was intense and captivating, the beginning of a smirk making its way onto your lover’s face. Those perfectly imperfect teeth of his shone as they began to show themselves from between his lips.
“Finish what you started, pretty girl.” The other hand on his gunbelt unbuckled it in one motion, tossing it on the ground before undoing the button on his pants. 
“Yes, sir, deputy Morgan…” Your genuine attraction to the man above you made your sultry voice that much more intoxicating for Arthur’s ears. He had half the mind to take what he wanted, but he knew you better than that. Plus, he loved your hands on him. 
With a quick unzip and yank of his riding pants, Arthur’s length popped out of his undergarments and stood before you. There he stood, red and erect, swollen from being worked up all day long. 
“It must be so difficult, walking around with this irritating you actin’ like everything’s alright.” One of your hands wrapped around the base of him, warm and throbbing in your grasp. Arthur growled at your contact and immediately removed your hand from him, and held it above your head before turning you to lay on your stomach. 
“Hush, girl. You’ve been a pain in my ass all day long. Don’t think I deserve that, now do ya?” You silently shook your head, beginning to breathe heavily at his contact with your skin. That strength of his held both your arms in place, his strength overpowering you without breaking a sweat. Arthur used his other hand to yank your undergarments down your legs, before running his fingers through your folds. He chuckled at how soaked you were without even being touched. 
“Feel that? ‘S just for you.”
“Oh, yeah? Anything I can do about it?”
“What’chu think suckin’ up to me’s gonna do, huh?” 
“Nothin’... I just want you… bad.”
“Well if that hasn’t been abundantly clear to me all damn day, miss.” His tip prodded at your entrance teasingly. Arthur could tell you were clearly worked up in advance with the way he slotted himself through your folds with no resistance. Just the temptation to slip inside you in that moment controlled him like the wind to the rain and it took everything in him to resist. The groan of approval he let rumble through his chest and onto your back was enough for you to clench around nothing. 
“Look at that. I ain’t even the one been doin’ the teasin’, and you’re a goddamn mess.” 
“Believe it or not that damn badge has turned me on more than I can admit, sir…” you choked out, breathing heavily below him. 
“I don’t recall giving you permission to speak, darling.”
“You ain’t even got any cuffs… some deputy you are…” you breathed, ending your words with a snark in your tone. Arthur scoffed, pushing into you completely to shut you up, hearing a whimper escape you. The cowboy was ruthless, slotting himself all the way until your pelvis was flush against his. Arthur’s body was hot and muscular against yours, his rugged figure locking you under him. 
“What you got to say, huh? With the way y’re layin’ under me, you ain’t gonna be goin’ anywhere anytime soon. Now hush.” 
You swallowed upon feeling every inch of him meld to your walls as you adjusted to his size. Out of reflex, you clenched around him, listening to him rummage around and grab something. The top of your head rested against Arthur’s pillow, his hand still restricting both of yours. 
You could feel his hand begin to go sweaty until he replaced it with his other, rope in hand. 
“Arthur– what’re you doin’?” you asked, squirming underneath him and breathing heavily against the tightness of the rope wrapping around your wrists. Once it was secured not too tightly, he’d tied you to the leg of his side table.
“Told you– ain’t goin’ nowhere. Now…” Arthur’s grip returned to your hips, pulling himself all the way out of you and thrusting back in completely. Every inch slid warm and welcomingly against your walls. “I’m gonna take my time with you, sweetheart. Show you how bad teasin’ someone like me can turn out for ya.” 
Arthur sighed with pleasure with his cock twitching inside you, slick leaking out of your entrance. His warm hands caressed your waist desperately, gripping and sinking his fingers into your flesh. 
“Mmh… please go faster, Arthur,” you know that pleading at this point would only piss him off more, but there wasn’t much else you could do whilst pinned underneath him. 
“Nah, nah. You don’t get t’tell me how to fuck you. You made it very clear you ain’t interested in listenin’ to me when ya kept teasin’ me actin’ like I wouldn’t notice.” He pulls his hips away from yours for a moment, only to push all the way back in a bit harder than last time. You stifle a moan as his tip kisses the exact spot he knows drives you crazy. 
One of his hands goes to grab your hair, twisting it around his palm a few times and pulling. Your head jerks upwards, his fullness pushing a bit more against that spongy spot. 
“Y’know, it pains me to be like this, cause I ain’t ever seen someone as fine as you. Why you act like a brat all the time, I don’ know.” Arthur punctuated his sentences with movements of his hips– hard and rough into you. There’s something so filthy about the way he’s grunting in your ear while his hips press against yours so passionately. 
“Jus’ want your attention, Mister Morgan. Can’t– mmmh… can’t take it when you walk around lookin’ the way you do. Fuck… and that badge– you don’ know what it does t’me.” Arthur’s chest grumbles with a deep chuckle, using his free hand to land a smack on your ass. 
“Hm, well look where that’s gotten ya. Dirty girl. Had me all worked up, thinkin’ I’d be showin’ you who’s boss, but ya still got what’cha want.” 
Every hard thrust had you clenching around him instinctively and sending you further into absolute bliss. 
“You have… oh, right there Arthur–” Your breathy gasps and moans pair quite nicely with the feeling of your tight walls that meld to him every time he’s inside you. He’s not one to be short lived in bed, but the way you’re squeezing so hot around him and relishing in how good he makes you feel– he’s shot closer to release, rhythmic thrusts of his hips stuttering a bit.
“Ya really outdid yourself this time, sweetheart. Makin’ it hard for me to walk around camp without wantin’ to let everyone see what you do to me. But… I prefer this instead, havin’ you all to myself.” Arthur’s heavy breathing revealed how hot he’d been for you as you were for him. 
He knows you’ve got him wrapped around your finger, and does a damn good job of trying to contain himself. But the minute you start acting needy, he’s putty in your hands. Arthur’s self control goes out the window when your walls squeeze him, as if you could feel any damn better than you already do. Wet and pleading for only him, siphoning his willpower like a siren and never seeming like you’d ever stop having that effect on him. 
He pistons himself inside you, hitting your most tender parts and feeling that wave of release curling up over his shoulder. 
“Arthur, m’close…” your words come out so slurred that you’re not sure he even understood you. Though when his movements become much slower, when he’s pressing himself deeper into you each time, you know he’s prolonging it. Even if it’s just for a moment, Arthur wants to string you along like you’d done for days on end. 
“Breathe, baby, you can hold out for me a little while longer, can’t ya?” Through your continuously stifled sounds, your head nods and somehow his thrusts become even more drawn out. Arthur’s sure he’s never going to see heaven, especially not when he bathes in this type of affection you give him and is hard pressed to say he’d find it anywhere else. 
“Wanna come so bad, Arthur… promise I’ll never do it again,” your voice, high pitched and shaky, shot through him like a lightning bolt. Immediately pressing his back against yours, Arthur knows you can’t take any more.
“Prove it, honey. Come on, come for me. Be a good girl…” His fingers find your hardened nipple, pulling and twisting away while burying himself into you. 
“Arthur– fuck, I’m gonna–” With his words, you gushed around him, slick painting his thighs like an art piece. Goosebumps coated your skin, walls fluttering with passion. Your release was enough to send him over the edge, hips stuttering with every second that passed. 
His gruff voice spews a string of praises together, growling in your ear and losing himself in the pleasure. 
So pretty filled up with me…
Fuck, you’re perfect every time.
Such a good girl.
And when he comes inside, paints your walls with his spend, his lips press against your neck fervently, till his breathing steadies again. 
“Thank you, thankyouthankyou…” you mumbled, knees collapsing so you lay completely on his cot. Arthur’s weight lifts off your back, pulling himself out of you and pausing to take in the view of you. A bit of him slips out of you and down your leg, and it takes everything in him to not become hard and fuck you again. The sheen of sweat on your thighs glistens in the lantern light, and immediately reaches to untie your wrists, still attached to his bedside table before buttoning his pants back up.
“Here we go, sweetheart. Ya did so well f’me.” A sigh leaves your lungs before turning over to face him. His cheeks are flushed and his forehead is shiny with beads of sweat, but he couldn’t look more perfect in his afterglow. 
“‘M sorry I made ya mad… You know I love you,” you drawled, that sweet voice of yours clouding his mind. 
“Aw, I love ya too, baby. Sometimes, you just get on my damn nerves… teasin’ me like that ain’t good for a man’s head. ‘Specially not when I’m an honorary deputy of Lemoyne. But you jus’ like how the badge looks on me, don’t ya?” He sat down next to you, pushing a lock of hair out of your face. 
“Can’t blame me if I say yes, very much so, Arthur.” Your hand cups his cheek, pulling him in for a soft kiss. 
“Well, good thing pretty girls get off easy from the law. Least, that’s what I’ve heard.” Arthur licked his lips, smirking at your blushing reaction.  Referencing that damn badge again, the thing that started this whole mess, you giggled. 
“Well, I can’t promise to be on my best behavior, but I’d gladly be bossed around by Sheriff Arthur if it meant gettin’ you close to me.” You laid down, holding your hand out for him to join you. 
“I’m already as close as can be, darlin’. How could I ever be closer?” His fingers intertwined with you, scooching up next to you while using his arm to pull you against his chest. 
“Just like this.” your soft words lingered in the cool air as your eyes closed and the two of you drifted off to sleep. Arthur Morgan was one hell of an honorary deputy.
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absorbedbutler · 2 years
dilf! austin butler /elvis?? idk a secret affair between the reader and austin or elvis 🤌🤌 chefs kiss
why am i falling over at the thought of this i’m in a ball on the floor eating my hair ALSO doing this with elvis bc… we know his ass was cheating. i hope this fulfills what you had in mind!
warnings: smut, infidelity, basically manipulation tbh, like sexual innuendos/flashbacks??, age gap (reader is 19 elvis is 34) lil bit of crying, kinda virginity kink, reader is kinda innocent but is somehow a whore? talk about being parents, that’s it i think!
the sound of converse soles thudding on the tile of backstage echoed around the low buzz of stage managers and the packing up of equipment, but all that was in your ears was a high pitched ringing and your mind chanting the words “don’t cry, don’t cry” over and over again.
you had tunnel vision, get to elvis and finally be able to talk, be able to breathe. you’d been having an affair with him for about a year. you’d moved out as soon as you could to finally make a life for yourself, but then you met elvis.
you had played your cards right, made an impression. soon he was sneaking you in through backdoors and sending your favorite flowers to your apartment.
you knew he had a wife, but obviously if he was still keeping things going with you she wasn’t pleasing him in the ways you could. the ways he 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘦𝘥. you knew it was wrong too, but you couldn’t get enough.
reaching the giant door with a shiny gold star with “elvis” in the middle, your perfectly manicured hand (that he payed for) knocked on his door with urgency.
the door swinging open had given you the relief you’d been searching for, you were finally able to see him again for the first time in 2 weeks. your body felt like it was on fire.
“hiya darlin,” his southern drawl sounded like honey to your ears, “what’s the matter?” his large ringed hands went to behind your ears, keeping your eyes on him.
“jus’ really missed you elvis…” you said making your voice as soft and warm as you could while playing with the hem of your pretty blue dress (which his wallet also accounted for)
“none of those tears, alright? the wife ain’t here t’night, y’can stay with me… how’s that sound, hm?” he had leaned down to make what he was saying go in one ear and out the other as you stood there admiring him, eyes glazed.
with a low chuckle, his hands unhooked from behind your ears and reached between your shoulder blades, aiding you into his dressing room.
this had happened many times before, it almost gave you deja vu everytime it happened, the gold star, the pure adoration in his voice, the complete need to see him.
on the other hand you also remembered the white buzz in your ears, waves crashing down on you, his iron grip that would soon leave you with bruises on your hips, needing to be impossibly closer to him, and the feeling of wanting to be utterly his.
“why didn’t you call… i really did miss you,” you couldn’t stop talking, you sounded so pathetic, you thought. “i just.. was thinking i didn’t want to be a secret anymore.” you knew the answer he would say, time and time again, you couldn’t, it was too controversial.
“honey, you know you mean the world to me, but-“
“we can’t go public yet.” you finished for him
you knew the answer, so why was the disappointment so apparent in your stomach and why were your cheeks burning?
“oh doll, the tears, you’re killing me,” he groaned as he walked over to you and sat you down at his vanity. “there’s just so much paperwork, and damage control the colonel will have to do.”
wiping the tears from your face, you looked up at him, he turned away to flip the radio on, “cant take my eyes off you” by frankie valli filling the air.
he pulled you off the cushioned chair and into his chest, your arms naturally going around his waist.
“you’re just too good to be true, can’t take my eyes off of..” he pulled you away from his chest as he cupped your cheeks “you..”
rolling your eyes and giggling you went back to pressing your face into his lacy shirt. the lingering disappointment in your stomach turning into butterflies and a hint of arousal from being held by him and his scent.
his hands trailed down to under your dress where he pinched and gripped the fat that connected the backs of your thighs to your ass. pulling a whine from the depths of your chest.
“poor baby, i haven’t been taking good care of you recently huh?” his voice was dripping with condescension but you didn’t catch it while in the midst of need.
you shook your head slowly and looked up at him as your chin pressed to his chest.
he turned you both around to where your back was facing the wall and started to walk you backwards until you met the cold cement.
the shock of the cold took away your attention from him, so you didn’t notice his leg kicking yours apart and settling itself in between.
“can feel your cunt drooling for me honey, it all for me?” the words made you very aware of the wet spot that was close to seeping through his pants, embarrassing you.
“elvisss, that’s a dirty word,” you said swatting his shoulder. “cant say those things.”
“gotcha honey, an older married man can give your pussy a beating weekly but swearing is where you draw the line.” you began to breathily laugh into him but his hands had gone to the backs of your legs, moving you up and down on his thigh making you groan loud enough you were sure the stragglers in the audience had heard.
“can you take those pretty panties off for me darlin’?” he said lifting you off his leg caging you in with his arms next to you on the wall.
you took your underwear off with such fervor you had to hold on to his shoulder for support which made a short chuckle sound above you.
you felt like a middle schooler with her first kiss, you were clumsy, immediately going back to connect with him, with teeth clashing and moaning into his mouth.
you were about to ask him to do anything, touch you, let you do anything to him. but once again you were moved, this time to the couch, you practically fell into his lap, straddling him.
his fingers tapped on your lips, signaling for them to open, and as you did he slipped them into your mouth, your eyes nearly rolled back into your head as you massaged his fingers with your tongue.
after releasing them with a pop, his hand moved down to your core, gathering slick at a tantalizing pace that made you whine.
“you let any other man see you like this? see what’s mine?” he asked looking down at the scene before him.
“never, only you, only thought about you.” you started to rattle off anything you could say to get him to do any single thing to you. 
“that’s what i like to hear honey.” and with that he was knuckles deep in you, you keeling over forehead pressed to the crook of his neck.
“can never get enough of you, kills me to be away for so long, away from such a pretty little thing like yourself.” every single word he said made heat grow in you.
with his thumb circling your bud and his pointer + middle finger stuffed in you, you couldn’t say a word, he knew how sensitive you were to things, you were so fresh, so unscathed.
you sucked and kissed marks into places where you knew only him and you would see, eager to make him feel even a fraction of what you felt.
“y’so eager f’me? think you can take a little more?” with a few choked sobs you nodded against his neck.
after he pulled his fingers out he stuck them into his mouth, moaning as he did so, “so sweet baby” he would always compliment. 
while he unbuckled his belt and dipped his boxers to let his cock free, you played with his messy hair which was your favorite pass time with him.
“cmon bug, lower yourself.” he said leaning back into the backing of the couch.
the length of his dick, which you had taken many times before, felt meters longer with the position. he let you take your time but you felt his thighs twitch once you bottomed out.
after getting used to it you slowly started to move again, keeping your hands on his shoulders to push yourself up on.
even though your legs were burning you couldn’t stop your movements, he felt so impossibly deep and you felt so full.
it took you by surprise, the still unknown feeling of an orgasm brinking had crept up, but sooner than you had hoped you toppled over onto him, crying out and wrapping your arms around him while he kept bucking up into you.
“get on the floor, can’t make you a momma yet honey, gonna finish in your mouth.” he didn’t have to tell you twice as you pulled him out and scrambled in between his dress pant clad legs to put him into your mouth.
you moved your hand up and down on him, just as he taught you, and you finally felt him release on your tongue. swallowing as quickly as it came.
his hand came to grip your chin, you opened your mouth to show him you had swallowed and he let it go with a soft few pats on your cheek as his head fell back and he sighed.
your head rested on his knee watching him pull his boxers and pants back on.
you stayed there a few minutes with the radio whirring in the back before he spoke up.
“want me to take you for a milkshake darlin’?, put your panties and sneakers back on i’ll get you cleaned up to go.”
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mehidktbh · 3 years
ok ok this idea has not left my mind in hours:
Bo and his afab s/o having sex for the first time (as in, sex with each other, but they're not virgins lol), and he is all considerate and making sure they're comfortable
but the s/o encourages him to, like... be rougher? like the really precise scenario (geez I'm getting flustered writing this even on anon lmao) is basically
when he actually goes to push in for the first time he's really gentle etc and doesn't wanna hurt them, but the s/o is like "just go for it, be rough" (then just check in to make sure they are sure and will say if it gets too much cause communication is sexy)
and basically they kinda get off on the initial pain and discomfort? and maybe even cum just from that alone?
sorry idk if this makes sense it's 9 pm and I'm just having major Sinclair brainrot rip
A/N: I LOVE THE IDEA OF BO BEING SOFT AND CONSIDERATE IN BED, AHHHHHHHH! 😆 I SMILED READING THAT!!! You can definitely see I went overboard with this, I was so caught up in the moment for this story. So sorry about that, still hope you love it tho :) (Also sorry if this is not ideal I felt as if I tried to make Bo soft but probably failed a little.)
Warning 18+: Includes sexual actives, Bo giving the reader oral, a little bit of edging, swearing, unprotected sex and the reader fainting
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Bo's eyes opened sharply, he quickly observed the dark, quiet room. There was nothing in sight except pitch black the room was nothing to his eyes. He was sweating and hot, his pants felt tight and moist as the room became hotter as if someone was breathing right in front of him.
He couldn't remember much from last night as if we were hangover right now, but then again he's been drunk too many times to know that he wasn't hungover and that maybe he just had too much of good sleep and forget everything.
The last thing he remembered was you, you dragging him to the couch as you muttered something about how heavy he was. You tucked him into a blanket and said something before kissing his forehead and turning the lights off.
He slowly got up, with each movement something came to his hand, a tiny fragment more of the furniture and decorations felt weird as if he had never touched them before. He finally reached the wall feeling all along with it until he felt the same light switch that has always been there since he can remember, in a blink of an eye the living room lit up.
He looked down at his pants that have been moist every since he woke up, he thought the entire time he pissed himself but the second he touched the wet spot on his jeans it looked more like cum? Maybe it was precum he thought to himself as he whipped his hands along his shirt that stunk like he hasn't taken a shower in over a week, it remembered him of Lester through.
He brings his hand down to his pants again, rubbing against his erection gasping as he quickly leaned against the dining table. He was desperate and felt as if he was going burst any second, he didn't want to wake you through since you, since he hasn't done it yet with you yet. He had been patient and waited for you to make the first move but over time he couldn't help himself, every time he looked at you he felt as if he just wanted to bend you over and take you right then and there.
♡ ♡ ♡
You woke up to the sound of the door creaking open, the loud noise echoed through the room and house alerting you someone was there. You quickly shut your eyes trying to ignore the sound and thinking if it was the right idea to yell out for Bo. The second you were about to get up and investigate a hand touched your thigh that rested under the blankets, you shot up from the bed and was met with Bo standing there calmly.
"Did I scare ya', Darlin?'" He chuckled, as his thumb rubbed circles into your clothed thigh "Fuck, Bo" You whispered, "What time is it?" He stood there for a second trying to remember the time that he checked back when he was in the living room. "3ish?" You were surprised, why was Bo doing up so late "What are you doing up so late?" He stood there for a second, thinking if he wanted to tell the truth on how he felt right now or just lie instead.
"I just..." He quietly and quickly murmured out the last words as if he was embarrassed to say what he truly wanted and felt, "What?" "God, Y/N you really are pressuring me aren't ya'?" You were confused about what he was trying to say and what he was trying to get his point across, "I... want you" He said looking down as if he was embarrassed and never thought he'd have to say that before in his life.
He always had a way with the ladies, he would never really have to ask what he wanted, instead, he just got it most times. But this time you were really opening up something he thought he would never have to do before.
You didn't know what to say or do, sure you have had sex before but this was different, Bo was different and behind his charming and fake personality he puts on for the visitors, you thought he'd never ask you like this.
"I mean..." Bo quickly took that as a yes and he immediately crawled upon you and started to attack your neck, "Ahh~" You moaned out, Bo was already going ruff even if he just started, he continued to suck away at your neck leaving bruises for people to see. "Bo...please" You grabbed at his shoulders, maybe this was different than last time and maybe Bo would open you up to something more.
Bo's hand went under the blankets, his hand starting from your chest as it got lower and lower finally reaching your pants, he slipped his hands under your underwear touching your pussy. You moaned out and instantly coved your mouth "What if Vincent hears us?" You were concerned as to how Vincent could most definitely hear you guys if you were loud enough, and from the basement, you can definitely hear what's happening upstairs, only faintly through.
"Fuck him, tonight it's all abou' you," He said in between breaths, God Bo made it so hard not to go against him. He kissed you, he was sucking on your lower lip as he bit it slowly, you softened into the kiss. Everything felt like fireworks and nothing seemed real Bo was definitely experienced and had done this before, but not like this.
His fingers were now slowly pulling down your pants slowly and painfully, "Bo, hurry..." "I don't want to hurt you" He smirked, his face inches away from yours, his lip just nearly touching yours.
♡ ♡ ♡
Your clothes were thrown and tossed in the corner of the room with Bo's a long time ago, instead, Bo was now licking at your pussy almost going soft and slow for you. He knew that this was your first time with him and he didn't want to rush it or go overboard, instead, he went steadily and always stopped checking to see if you were okay.
You tightly closed your thighs around Bo's head, he was now in between your thighs licking and sucking away, you were so lost in your own though you completely forget about Vincent and how you didn't want to disrupt him. Bo stopped as he bring up his head to look at you, he could sense that you were so close to finishing yet he wanted to take a break which seemed to annoy you.
"Why did yo' stop?" Your breathing was hard and you tried to focus on what you just told Bo, "You seemed to need a break" He smirked, your legs were coved in cum and Bo's saliva. You tried to say something but all that came out was something Bo nor you could understand, "What was tha', darlin'?" His hands grabbed at your thighs his head now closer to your face.
He went in again for a kiss this time gently grinding himself, your stomach twisting in a knot. He couldn't stop attacking her lips as you continued to cry and moan everything you wanted was happening but not the feeling of Bo being inside you.
Bo finally pulled away, your breath caught in your throat as you held it in for what felt like forever. You let it out, you felt your whole self leaving with that one breath. Bo finally towered above you, his hands gripping at your hips he looked concerned but also smiling as you looked at him, you wondered why Bo looked concerned, sure maybe your face is weird or maybe you look like you were about to faint I mean you do feel very light-headed right now.
"Are you alrigh'?" He chuckles out, "You look paler than anythin'" You nod, you feel woozy but alright to continue, Bo grips your chin, tilting your head up to look at him, now he looked serious. "Bo, please I need you" You whimpered and squirmed under his position trying to at least create some friction. "Are you sure?" He asks, tilting his head "Yes, yes!" You couldn't bear this anymore Bo was being too nice and considerate and you were so desperate.
♡ ♡ ♡
You couldn't hold back your tears and cries as Bo thursts in and out of you, after what seemed like forever Bo finally entered you. Starting off slowly as he made his way up, you pleaded and cried as Bo bites and nips at your neck.
His body was now resting upon yours, your breasts were smushed under Bo's weight and his arms were placed on both sides on the bed, just near your head. "Fuckk" He breathed out, "Your so tight, Y/N" He couldn't help but speed up a little more almost knocking the wind out of his and your breath.
You gripped and held tightly onto Bo's back as if you were to let go he would disappear. Your body was now littered with bruises and marks that Bo was more than proud of, nothing was making sense to you all you could focus on was you and your boyfriends bodys.
"I'm gonna cum" That was the word you were looking to say all night as Bo instead went slow waiting for the massive build-up. "Just a littl' longer, Your doin' so good" He stroked your hair and slowly stroked your skin too, but you couldn't hold on much longer and you knew Bo couldn't either.
In one last thrust, you cried out as Bo grunted something out against your neck, you could feel the knot leaving your stomach and you coming back down to earth. Everything was coming back into your head as if it was piece by piece, "Oh God, fuck..." Bo slowly slid out of you as he looked down to see the mess he left behind.
Instead, you were speechless, tears stained your face and your mouth was opened. "Are you okay?" You felt as if that sentence was now stuck in your head from how many times Bo has said that, you look up at his now arched back and sweaty body.
You nodded despite not understanding what Bo said and instead you could feel white noise suddenly flood and replace Bo's voice, your eyes began to blur but not from the tears that marked the bedsheets but instead from all the overwhelmedness you just experienced.
Before blacking out the last night you saw was the sun making its way through the windows, reflecting Bo's sitting body on the wall. As he called out your name.
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fuzzy-melonlord · 3 years
So, this was just a little idea I had for Darlin and Angel's first meeting. Idk how well I pulled of the premise but it was something that was in my head. Since from how Sam described them looking at the beginning of 'Getting Closer to your Vampire Mate' they didn't really have anyone on their side during that meeting. So I wanted to give Darlin at least a little slack in the form of Angel.
Pairing: Angel + Darlin (Platonic) WC: 2.1K+ TW: Anxiety, overwhelming feelings, confrontation, mentions of death, feelings of isolation, guilt 
It was done, and they needed out.
Being around the pack...well once upon a time, it was comforting. Even if they weren’t super close with the other members, it was their home and a place where they knew people had their back. Now...all of their mental indicators were telling them to run.
As soon as the meeting was adjourned, Milo and Asher had come to question them. Milo a bit more angrily than Asher but still. It was a lot. After they decided they had laid into Tank just enough, they moved on to chat with David. Figured out what the next course of action. That meant that Tank was now free of Amanda to come chastise. Every word sent another pang of guilt into them that they wished would just go away. Everyone telling them that what they did was reckless, and thoughtless. Everyone repeating what the last person had said. They were grateful that Christian didn’t come over personally to add insult to injury but he made sure to complain loudly enough that they could hear it. Groaning about the mess they had dragged him and the pack into, something about being more careful. 
The almost nonstop onslaught of criticism was putting them into a strangle hold and It was the exact reason why they had kept the situation hidden, the reason they wanted to do this alone. It was there problem, not Christian’s, not David’s and certainly not the rest of the pack’s. They got theirself into this mess and by all thoughts of logic, it was their job to get out of it. Of course, by getting out of it, the only way being to kill Quinn, that was the only way any of this was ending. The only way to make sure he wasn’t able to hurt anyone ever again. 
For a moment, everyone seemed to be done tearing them a new one. But people still lingered in the meeting room. The noise was numbing to them, the chatter of their packmates couldn’t breach the white noise that had firmly planted itself over their ears. The meeting room was suffocating, and they needed OUT.
Feeling a hand on their shoulder caused them to tense. They knew they were in no danger here, anyone would be an idiot to attack a wolf pack on their home turf while EVERYONE is here. So glancing over they were met with the unfamiliar, yet recognizable face of David’s mate. Tank felt their stomach drop, David had mentioned them when he had come to reprimand them. They seemed nice, a kind soul, and yet as he said they were unempowered. If Quinn came after them, there was a strong chance they would die. And Tank knew it would be their fault, anyone Quinn hurt...that was on them and David made that abundantly clear. 
“Hey, David’s busy chatting with Amada. Care to keep me company while I take a breather?” It was...surprising how cheerful this person still was. A small grin on their face as they watched Tank, almost intently, for their reaction. Their eyes searched for something and Tank wasn’t quite sure of what it was. So they simply gave a silent nod, which perked up the unempowered human with a light that was almost blinding as they began to head out of the building. Tank’s legs mechanically move to follow behind them.
The elevator ride was almost completely silent, save for some small humming coming from the Alpha’s mate. Tank, honestly didn’t know what to make of them. When they had left David was still a grumbly single man, and now his life seems to have completely changed. And it wasn’t just him, Asher and Milo too, and if things went right so did Amanda and Christian. Everyone was out finding Mates, making their lives more stable and just being productive. They weren’t the little kids that Tank grew up with anymore, and they were leaving them behind. Yet another thing to confirm that...maybe they didn’t belong in the pack anymore.
Sure, it was family, and even David had confirmed as much. But being here, it felt like they were an outsider looking in on a pack that didn’t need them around. They weren’t...necessary anymore. Hell, when they were gone only David tried to contact them. No one else seemed to care while they were gone, and now that they were back they only cared because there was a possibility they could get hurt. Tank had brought nothing to the pack but danger, they couldn’t help but think of theirself as a liability and...liabilities needed to be cut loose. 
The loud ding of the elevator brought them out of their thoughts and back to reality. Once again they let their Alpha’s mate lead them out of the building and to one of the nearby benches on the sidewalk outside. The other flopping down casually onto the hard metal, Tank preferring to stay standing. Being outside helped, they didn’t feel nearly as trapped as they had been up in the meeting room. 
“So, how’re you holding up?” The question had their eyes snapping down to the bench, connecting gazes. They couldn’t help but feel like Angel was...examining them, almost waiting for a reaction they were expecting. “Definitely more air to breathe out here than up there, that meeting room was tense.”
Tank wasn’t sure how they could make light of the situation, it was...off putting. Hell, they had been one of the people David was most worried about, them and Asher’s mates being unempowered and all that. 
“I’m fine,” Tank lied, “I’ve got my focus and now I’ve got my pack to back me up if things go south.” 
Well, in theory. That would require them reaching out if they got a lead. Which they probably wouldn’t, despite David’s instructions to do so. They knew of the threat now and that left Tank free to do what needed to be done. Which in their mind was to continue their hunt for Quinn, and kill him, or die trying. 
Angel’s head tilted slightly to the side as they stared up at Tank from their seated position. 
“Do you? I mean, you definitely do have the option for them to back you up. But would you go to them?” Tank felt like an open book that Angel was playing with just for fun. It was like they were in Tank’s head and they were reading their every thought. A part of Tank even wondered if they were truly unempowered, but of course their Aura was a dead give away. 
“You gotta get a better poker face, cause I seem to have hit the nail on the head,” Their laughter was soft, almost misplaced for such a tense situation. But...it was also refreshing to Tank. “If you’re anything like David is, you’re probably going to stubbornly refuse help until someone makes you. Kinda like how David made you talk to the pack today.”
“You’re...not far off the mark.” They muttered in response, unable to keep the gaze of the...rather intimidating unempowered before them. Before now, Tank had been wondering how such a person had been able to capture David’s heart and it was starting to all make sense. They could probably read him just as easily as they were reading Tank right now. 
“Called it,” Once again their laughter caught Tank off guard. In...a good way, and Tank found theirself chuckling along with them. After their laughter subsided, Angel fixed them with a look that you would see a parent give their child when they’re concerned. 
“I know David already spoke to you privately, and I’m pretty sure he would admit he was at least concerned about you,” They began, their tone finally pulled Tank’s gaze back to them. Tank’s heart seemed to be about to pound out of their chest with the weight of their anxiety as they listened, “But, he was really really worried. And not like worried about the pack, kind of worried. But he was worried about you, the kind of worry that had him wearing down spots in the carpet with his pacing.”
The words sunk into Tank and added onto the welling of guilt sitting in their core. They had known David for ages, hell they were practically raised by Gabriel with how often they stayed over with their former Alpha and his son. But the basic emotions you got from David were limited. He was...stoic and grumbly but never worried. Especially not about Tank.
Shaking their head, they refuted the words. Unable to fully believe them. Their worth was nothing in their own mind. 
“I’m pretty sure he was more worried about you,” They retorted, crossing their arms over their chest. It was meant to give them a look of indifference but from Angel’s perspective it almost seemed like they were holding theirself. Trying to provide some comfort in a place where they felt that they could depend on no one but theirself, “You and Asher’s mate, and the rest of the pack were probably the people he worried about the most. I don’t-”
“Excuse me?”
“Nope,” Angel shook their head, before gesturing for Tank to join them on the bench. Tank was hesitant to say the least, but felt compelled to join their Alpha’s mate. Once they were seated, feeling the cold of the metal even through their clothing, Angel spoke up once more. 
“Now, I’d like to think I know Davey pretty well.” The nickname had Tank raising their brow in slight confusion. The last person who had called him Davey was Gabe, and he hadn’t let anyone use the childish nickname for him in...actual ages. Even before Gabe’s passing. “I can kind of tell when he’s just generally worried about the pack, or worried about a person. Tank, he cares a lot about you. That’s why he was so harsh with you. It wasn’t just for my sake, or for the sake of the pack. It was also for you, because he sees where you’re trying to go and what you’re trying to do.” 
Their heart fell into their gut at Angel’s words, staring down at their hands that were firmly planted in their lap. A tension keeping their posture rigid and straight, unable to relax. The feeling only seemed to get worse when Angel reached over and softly placed their hand over Tank’s clenched ones. 
“He wants you to see the value in your own life, and that at the rate you’re going...Well, he doesn’t want to lose you. Honestly, I think it would break his heart if something did happen to you. He wouldn’t just see it as a failure as your Alpha, but he would see it as a failure as a member of your family.” 
The words were practically looping in their mind, echoing and repeating themselves. Tank felt their throat closing, growing hard to swallow as they fought and failed to keep their tears from falling. Angel’s hand tightened a bit around their own, and Tank found theirself releasing their own hands in favor of clenching Angel’s tightly. 
Angel said nothing, letting Tank free theirself of the emotions that they had been so used to bottling up inside of them. The overwhelming feeling of care emanating from Angel was almost too much for Tank. They honestly had no idea why this person that they just met was going so far out of their way to get them to open up, to get them to try and care about theirself. It made no sense to Tank, a person who had almost always felt alone even when surrounded by their peers. 
After a few minutes, Tank’s tears subsided and they let go of Angel’s hand quickly after. Wiping their face and hoping that their eyes weren’t as puffy as they felt. 
“You should probably get back upstairs before David notices you’re gone.” They muttered. Unable to look back at Angel, teeth sinking into their lower lip as they tried their best to not let their tears return. 
“You’re probably right, I’ll let him know you went home for the night.” They said, standing from the bench. They reached into the air, stretching out the muscles that had stiffened from the cold. Then turning to stand in front of Tank. “And, I know you probably are still hesitant about it, but if something happens please call him. Promise?”
They could see from their peripheral, the pinky finger that Angel had extended in their direction. Glancing up, they were caught off by how pure their smile was. That was probably the reason for their nickname, Tank thought. They were actually an Angel, with the patience to prove it and a smile that lit up even this gloomy day. So Tank took their pinky with their own.
“Yeah, I promise.”
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angy-mouse · 3 years
hello! :] i had an idea for the demon boys- what if there was a greed demon karl jacobs 👁👁
he finds the reader one day and just goes "this is mine now" but the other boys are like ??? "excuse us?? that's ours??" but the reader makes a pact w kj too.
(idk i'm soft for karl and demon karl is just 👀✨ in my brain)
- could i be 🦇 anon?
reader is only in a contract with Dream but I think I made the rest of this work :) welcome aboard!
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“Saaaaapnaaaap!” Sapnap tensed at the call of his name. Crap, he thought. He should’ve expected that eventually his little hide-away home would be found- he found it, after all. He listened to Karl mosey his way through the grass behind him. “So this is where you’ve been hiding away? It’s quaint, I guess, but there’s more scenic spots. Have you just been avoiding me?”
“You know that’s not it,” Sapnap mumbled- bad things happened when people avoided Karl. He got upset. “...but I think you should leave.”
Karl let out a whine, skipping over to his friend sitting in the grass. “Aw, come on, I know you don’t mean-” He froze, wide-eyed as he finally saw the person laying against Sapnap’s chest, perfectly cradled in his crossed legs. “Oh,” he gushed, eyes blown wide in awe as he dropped to his knees beside them, latching his hands onto Sapnap’s thick bicep and using it as a vertex to lean closer to your sleeping face. “Oh, who is this lovely little thing, Sap?”
This was bad. This was incredibly bad. Karl had been working exclusively with greed for as long as Sapnap had known him- once he decided he wanted something he took it. And he clearly just decided that he wanted you. “Dream’s contract,” he said carefully. God, it would be so much easier to tell him to fuck off if he wasn’t so cute- ahem if they weren’t such good friends.
“Hmm, if they’re Dream’s then why are they sleeping in your arms? Kinda seems like they’re up for grabs…” It was hard to be pissed when every word out of the wannabe-soft boy’s mouth was dripping with adoration for you- something Sap could relate to. “Come on, Sap, just let me hold ‘em for a bit, please?”
“Not up for grabs,” he growled firmly, receiving nothing more than a pout in return. “...we’re… kinda dating?” He lost confidence in his words as he spoke, ending up fiddling with the hem of your shirt to release some anxious energy. “Well, we haven’t really talked about what we are… but we’re definitely together! But… they’re also with George and Dream the same way…”
Karl whined, throwing himself onto his back in the grass. “But I want them all to myself! Come on, Sapnap, that’s just not fair!”
“Grr, well it’s not fair for you to be the only one who gets ‘em, either! Are you a greed demon or just a greedy one, huh?!”
“Hey, that’s not my fault!”
“Yeah, well it’s not mine that they decided they loved us and not you, so suck it!”
“That’s just because they haven’t met me yet, I bet-”
“Hey-” They both nearly jumped out of their skin, looking down at you as you rubbed your eyes to try to wake up. “What’s with all the noise… and why are we outside?”
Sapnap rushed to soothe you, rubbing your back. “Sorry, darlin’, we thought since you weren’t feeling well some vitamin D would do you some good, but my, ah, friend decided to visit and we got a little noisy.”
“Hello there, precious,” Karl chirped, giggling at the cute sight of you when you were sleepy. “Say, what do you think of letting me take you away, hmm? I’ve got a lovely palace full of nice things and I promise to share with a pretty little thing like you!”
He cupped your cheek, trying to use his touch to fill you with even more of his sin than his voice alone could. You blinked at him. “...ah… your hand is cool,”
You calmly took his hand and laid it across your forehead before letting your head fall back into Sapnap’s chest, passing out. Sapnap let out a sigh of relief at your lack of freaking out but Karl started panicking. “Wha- Sapnap! What happened?1 Did I break them?! Are they okay?! Come on, fix them!”
“Calm down,” he sighed. “Poor little sugar’s just tired. Their body’s working way harder than it’s used to so it can fight whatever they came down with so they’re sleeping a lot more than usual.” Karl let out a breath of relief but it was short-lived as Sap fixed him with a look that spelled ‘you’re safe for now but I could decide to kick your ass in a heartbeat.’ “...Since your hand on their head is making them feel better you can stay, but no more trying to steal ‘em.”
Karl squealed in delight, climbing into the cuddle pile. “I promise, I promise, hehe! Come on, make room, Sap!”
“Alright, alright,” Sapnap hummed, lifting you up so Karl could slip between the two of you. “You know you’re lucky we’re friends and I didn’t just kick your ass.”
“I know, I know, I love you, too,” he giggled, settling in with his face in Sapnap’s neck, one arm around your waist to hold you steady annd his other hand lain across your forehead to try to lower your temperature. “Now come on, I think the pretty thing has the right idea and we should nap.”
“...Alright, but just for a bit, okay?”
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darlin-collins · 2 years
My R
In bright eyes multiple tries to end it all, they met other people in the same set of mind.., they managed to stop these people, so what if, they met a person with the same pain and set of mind?
A song fic: my R
Characters: bright eyes,Darlin, random character n1,random character n2
Genre: bittersweet
Notes/TW: multiple suicide attempts, scars mention, not so safe house hold mentions, the song says that darlin and bright are females, but i didnt soo, bright with anger issues?, a very pissed bright, darlin and bright need help, darlin is a morally gray hero, idk when darlin started wearing color, nontheless yellow but oh well, My R is really a bright and darlin song,i will not take criticism of any kind, i got lazy in writing this, so i let you to imagine the second suicide attempt while i write darlin and bright meeting, story telling in song lyrics
❗to understand this fic ypu need to read the song lyrics❗
♪Just as I was about to take my shoes♪
Bright eyes had set their mind on it now, after months? Years?? They don't have to about that in a few moments anyway
"let's do this right.. " they sighed, kneeling down to untie their shoes, as they were doing so they lifted their head to look at the morning
♪Off of the rooftop there I see♪
♪A girl with braided hair here before me♪
They stopped as they spotted someone, a girl, with braids that sat atop her head like a crown, knotted in just the perfect way...
♪Despite myself, I go and scream♪
♪"Hey, don't do it please!"♪
The girl turned to bright, surprised, and then confused, her face just slightly twisting to show it, her puffy and red eyes making contact with bright's wide, dull and sparkless ones
♪Whoa, wait a minute what did I just say?♪
♪I couldn't care less either way♪
Bright stopoed... What the fuck did they just do? And why did they do it!? Why would they stop someone from doing the exact thing they came up this roof to do?
What they came uo to do..
Oh fuck.
♪To be honest, I was somewhat pissed♪
♪This was an opportunity missed♪
Now they can't do shit.. They still have to be here for at least another 24 hours
The girl came off the edge of the roof and got closer to bright
♪The girl with braided hair told me her woes♪
♪"You've probably heard it all before"♪
♪"I really thought that he might be the one
But then he told me he was done"♪
No they haven't heard shit before! They're not a therapist! If anything they were the one that needs therapy!! Hold on did she
♪"For God's sakes please! Are you serious? I just can't believe♪
♪That for some stupid reason you got here before me"♪
Bright was about to kick her down, she was about to kill herself for a boy????
♪"Are you upset 'cause you can't have what you wanted?"♪
♪"You're lucky that you've never gotten robbed of anything"♪
Bright said, much calmer this time.. If it's due to their previous outburst or the memories that follow they can't tell
♪"I'm feeling better, thank you for listening"
The girl with braided hair then disappeared♪
♪Alright, today's the day, or so I thought♪
♪Just as I took both of my shoes off♪
♪There was but a girl short as can be♪
♪Despite myself, I go and scream♪
♪The petite girl told me her woes♪
♪"You've probably heard it all before♪
♪Everyone ignores me, everyone steals♪
♪I don't fit in with anyone here"♪
♪"For God's sakes please! Are you serious? I just can't believe♪
♪That for some stupid reason you got here before me♪
♪'Cause even so you're still loved by everyone at home♪
♪There's always dinner waiting on the table, you know"♪
♪"I'm hungry", said the girl as she shed a tear♪
♪The girl short as can be then disappeared♪
♪And like that, there was someone every day♪
♪I listened to their tale, I made them turn away♪
♪And yet there was no one who would do this for me♪
♪No way I could let out all this pain♪
♪For the very first time there I see♪
Bright had came to the same roof hoping to find it empty for once...
Instead, they found someone, much larger then them, staring off to the distance, with what was visible of their body was covered in scars
They were about to stop them till they realized they are..
♪Someone with the same pains as me♪
♪Having done this time and time again♪
♪(she) wore a yellow cardigan♪
Bright froze, trying to come with they right words to tell this hurt, broken soul standing right in front of them, till they spoke..
♪"I just wanna stop the scars that grow♪
♪Every time that I go home♪
♪That's why I came up here instead"♪
♪That's what the (girl) in the cardigan said♪
Tank said to the person that was standing behind them looking at them, "what were they thinking? " they thought
♪Whoa, wait a minute what did I just say?♪
♪I couldn't care less either way♪
"Or maybe i do" tank answered themselves "i can see it in their eyes, we're the same"
♪But in the moment I just screamed♪
♪Something that I could not believe♪
��"Hey, don't do it please!"♪
The stranger yelled at them, taking them by surprise they turned to face them, waiting for them to continue
♪Ah, what to do? I can't stop this (girl), oh this is new♪
♪For once I think I've bitten off more than I can chew♪
Tank watched as the gears in the stranger were kicking around, thanks to their wolf ears they picked on them mumbling what both of them were thinking about the other..
♪"But even so, please just go away so I can't see"♪
♪"Your pitiful expression is just too much for me"♪
Tank's eyes almost went wide, but with a small smile they said
♪"I guess today is just not my day"♪
♪(She) looked away from me and then she disappeared♪
♪There's no one here today, I guess it's time♪
♪It's just me myself and I♪
♪There is no one who can interfere♪
♪No one to get in my way here♪
♪Taking off my yellow cardigan♪
♪Watching my braids all come undone♪
♪This petite (girl), short as can be♪
♪Is gonna jump now and be free♪
As soon as they jumped out, and thought it was over
Tank rushed to them and grabbed their forarm
Ok i get it, i shouldn't write anymore-
Tagging @mothymumbles and @thegoldenlittlerose
Because we talked about depressed bright that wanted to die:)
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