#idk like someone is like oh my dad was bad
hc that andrew laughs but only at neil's deranged jokes
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lunarkittenn · 20 days
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I rarely take pictures anymore. It’s like I just don’t want to remember any moment from this part of my life lol
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bangcakes · 7 months
#personal#ladies... its lovesickness on the menu again tn NDNNDNDNDMDMDNDMDMDMDM#god help me#i made it like 29 years without this. why now NFNDNDNNDNDNDNDMD#like ok im happy to be experiencing this in the sense that like... now ik what it feels like to really like someone#but man oh man is it... A Lot#and like maybe its this intense at any age. but idk..... it feels like So Much.....#and im freaking out bc i talk to my mom about it ok. and shes like oh ya that reminds me of how i felt with ur dad in the beginning n im#just... like ... o#bc my parents were like friends first and are like in Love love and have a v happy marriage so im just#the... Potential of having that n like oh god idk. i just dont know its all too much......#and im also like what if its all in my head. but then again like why is he waiting around for me n messaging me out of the blue.#i also caught him staring at me n looking away after i caught him. i just..... idk like i wanna Believe so bad but im so scared too........#im all over the place JDJDDMDMDMDMDMDMDNJDND#but i also am just..... i'll be patient .... bc rushing is no good#like idk. i feel like things have been Moving. and its not super fast but its a pace i can handle#bc ok say i Do ask him out or he asks me.... then oh fuck. then all the Scary things happen. like ok not scary#i dint think itd be scary with him#but idk.... physical... things. would start happening n like. id l9ve to hold his hand n like k___ him ok OK. but at the same time i just..#idk !!!!!!! im v shy !!!!!@@@@@ and ya. ....... idk 😭😭😭#like i like him so much that i think id want him to .... i just .. ya idk.#getting kind of ahead of myself here but what else is new
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spideyhexx · 2 months
i had a normal anxiety with dentists until a dentist just shoved a needle in my mouth without letting me know. which they knew to tell me what they would do before they did it. during the car ride there next time i had a panic attack and ever since i've had a phobia of dentists
yeah :/ I’m so sorry you had that experience, a dentist or any doctor for that matter, should make you comfortable and aware of things! I’ve been to multiple dentists throughout my life and have a hard time with that sort of care because of my experiences so i completely get it!
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professorllayton · 6 months
i watched the first 2 episodes of reacher w my dad when they first came out and i really. it was the most dull bland boring show ive ever seen in all my life.
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running-in-the-dark · 5 months
hm. am I downloading Night Court right now? possibly.
#don't know if I care yet#tbh I have never seen John Larroquette in anything ever (and it will take me a while until I can spell his name without checking 3 times)#before the librarians#so. I don't know. if it's a character specific thing. or if I just think he's cute. or if I think he's cute now but not when he was younger#but I will find out#because honestly it's possible that it's 90% his voice. very good voice. best voice. love it.#hmmm okay no I've just watched a clip on YouTube and he really is just very cute. damn.#annnd. oh noo. I have to check something#oh crap Brent spiner was born in 1949. that means this is. if my brain decides that this is gonna be something. the first time it's someone#older than my dad :') don't like that#but! my dad's dead! so who gives a fuck!#I'm fine. :)#(also damn I'm lucky my dad was so very very old. otherwise that would have happened much sooner)#(guess I'm joking about that now! interesting development)#anyway yeah he cute. though cuter now tbh. might be the belly. idk. this is very confusing and unusual for me#especially. since. the other crush. is not even close to being over. that's not something that happens. and it's already very bad rn. soo.#that should be interesting. maybe I should just forget all about it and not look at him again when I'm done with the show in a few hours#that'd be best I think (doesn't mean I'll listen to my own advice. he is a man and he is cute so. I've already lost)#it's just. I see Jenkins and it's like. JENKINS!! 😍😍😍😍 I'm very weak#and he's so funny 😔#sigh.#just be normal 🤦🤦🤦#i don't know if it makes it better or worse that I'm fully aware that this is most likely happening because I'm in the middle of some sort#of crisis right now and that's how I've always coped but. eh it is what it is#trying to be nicer to this stupid brain and all that#let it have fun looking at an old man it's fine
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haha people who have normal relationships with their fathers where they didn’t grow up being constantly made to feel dumb/unimportant/annoying…. what’s that like babes hahaha
#autism doesn’t make you a bad parent. unmanaged/unaddressed autism combined with a general lack of consideration for everyone around you…#now THAT will fuck your kid up.#autistic people often struggle with eye contact. that’s cool no problem i can still engage in conversation like that.#buuut when you’re four and super exited to tell your dad what you did that day and he literally doesn’t acknowledge your presence??#and it’s that across your entire LIFETIME? your entire childhood and teen years and fuck it even your adult life????? THAT SHIT SUCKS#and THEN the only times you CAN get a conversation out of him it’s an argument where he WILL not stop talking over you#and scoffing at every single word you say#and raising his voice as he tells you how stupid you’re being#ummmmmmmmmm yeeaaahhhh okie dokie. a lifetime of that might ummm… lead to a few issues.#oh wait i forgot the third category of interaction: listening to him complain about something absolutely meaningless. for 20mins.#just killing the mood of any conversation.#you’re watching tv it’s fun everyone’s having fun!! yayyy yippee isn’t this nice#and then someone on tv will say ‘up and down the country’ (goofy but harmless phrase) and suddenly all you can hear is a rant#about the banality of overused idioms and phrases.#LIKE!! can you fucking lighten up for five fucking seconds. please.#idk man. my mum and i spent our whole morning travelling out to some random shop wayyyy out of our way. requires multiple buses to get there#JUST to get him a birthday present. because we thought it was fun and cute and because it’s very personal to him.#like we built our DAY around this. we spent £120 on this. FOR HIM!! because we thought he’d enjoy it!!!!#and we’re spending all day tomorrow wrapping his presents and hand making cards and planning the cake i will be baking for him#and he gets home from work and. IMMEDIATELY starts picking a fight.#like we had a lovely day. we had SUCH a good day. and a lot of it was about doing stuff FOR HIM for HIS BIRTHDAY!!!#which we were HAPPY AND EXITED TO DO!!!!!#and he fucking ruins the whole thing.#now my mum is sleeping on the sofa because she’s so angry at the way he was talking to me and i’m typing this bullshit.#and. he just. he doesn’t care. he doesn’t get it. he literally cannot comprehend why we’re upset at him.#he can’t see anything from anyone else’s perspective. he can’t comprehend the idea that maybe just maybe HE was the one being unkind.
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do-rey-me · 8 months
you are the world.
as you lay dying in a hospital bed
we take a moment to breathe in
(we do not know this is a dangerous thing yet)
the air free of the chemicals and beeping and rushing we have grown accustomed to
we try and eat something that is not bland
the shops are closed
as you are dying, the world is dying with you.
when we had first arrived, the staff had thought i was old
they had me sign paperwork and give medical information for your stay as your next of kin
they looked in my eyes and saw my future
(Apollo was God of prophecy and medicine both)
knew i would command your fate into the ground
knew i would not condemn you to that terror of cremation
your family arrives
(black birds following armies, knowing that a feast will be served)
they always do, for matters they consider important
first arrives your sister
(i forget which one)
she is kind to me, of course
she dances around the obvious, of course
she is surprised that my mother and stepfather are there,
although she tries to hide it
at some point, there is a meeting around whether or not
you would want to have donated yourself to help others
(why is that information not already available?)
i don’t know for certain what you would say, but i tell them to do it anyway
(forgive me, for not asking)
(forgive me, for not saying hello)
(forgive me, for waiting until i was grown to talk)
your sister tries to give you your Last Rites while my family is away
the Priest, the Doctors, they all tell her no
she tries anyway
(i understand, she is trying to help)
(i understand, she does not know you)
your Mother arrives.
(so does her husband and my uncle)
i don the armor ive been welding for my (your) life (death)
I greet her with respect, we go through the motions of grief before death
(i do not give her my True Name, i do not eat of her food, i do not give her any debts)
(i am a changeling child, i know her kind well)
i prepare myself for real battles to begin.
the rest of the players trickle in
the family
your friends
(your friends go through your house, giving most to me. neither side asks, so no debt is owed)
(i do not have to go myself)
(it is one less battle to fight)
my mother becomes my second-in-command easily, as if she never even stopped
she is water, flowing and changing
she is rock, steady and tethering
here is how the war is fought
in uncomfortable hospital chairs, we talk, your family and i
your mother takes charge on her side
i take charge on mine
we are outnumbered, but we have legal power over your decisions
and their time is running out.
as per the rules set long ago, we must remain respectful. polite.
they are your family. they raised you. you are their precious son.
(you were born out of wedlock. you abandoned the faith. you raised a queer.)
my mother abandoned you. my stepfather must hate you. your friends are irrelevant.
(you were my mother’s best friend. you got my stepfather to branch out. your friends built a boat to burn for you)
but me? i am your child. you are my precious father, my world, who i am losing.
so when i tell them that you would want to be buried without a box, to feed the earth and let the worms eat your flesh?
they cannot oppose me directly.
most of your family ignores your brother, my uncle
they can’t understand the words he says so they think him infantile
when they aren’t ignoring him, they are Handling him
they tell him you are dying in little words
“Pete isn’t going to be around anymore soon”
they say in falsetto tones
they do not let him grieve. they do not let him love.
i do not let the rage boil under my skin
i do not let myself mourn that with your passing he will be taken away as well
it will not help him. it will not help you.
i often can’t understand what my uncle says either, but that’s not new
the wind likes to play tricks on me, tying words into knots before they reach my ears
i am one of the few that treats him like the eldest child he will soon be
he is one of the few that treats me like the child i shall still be for two years yet
so between battles, sitting amongst the corpses of words, we sit in silence,
and we draw
your death is scheduled
it has to be, to harvest what they can from you, to save who they can
there is ceremony to what comes after
they bring the body up, and we walk down the hall with it
doctors and nurses line the halls, giving respect to what we have lost
giving respect to what you have given that will save others
the only sound the whole way is my uncle’s sobs
i don’t know if he hates that it was a child, your child, who was the one comforting him
and so the world ends.
the funeral seems dull in comparison to the honor walk
sure, your family made a scene,
but my mother took the narrative back
and anyway.
by that point the fight was over
your wishes were respected
i had won.
the next day,
we went home.
and we didn’t come out.
and so the world ends.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
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peapod20001 · 1 year
Haha don’t pay me any mind oho
#vent#ok. so#I was! fine for the most part today! but then! idk what happened!#I’m like sad now! depressed? like. I kinda don’t feel real#I think I was giving myself anxiety over thoughts. got really clammy. literally shoveled goldfish crackers into my face#now don’t judge me but#I’ve been looking at things that make me feel bad for like. at least 4 hours now haha..#I dunno man it’s the adhd I got one thought about thing that made me upset and now I’m hours in and my emotions are fried#and. shh don’t tell anyone I feel things but I know have a fantasy of someone I can cry around#whehe how pathetic is that. scraping the bottom of the barrel here looking for another human just let me cry @ you#hmm. how did I go from thinking up poems for valentines only to. feel so cold and alone#I’m not crying. but. I definitely need to later haha maybe this all kickstarted from my two whole hours of sleep last night 😎#mhm so uh. if your reading this with the most cold unfeeling monotone voice then you are exceptionally accurate!i am currently not all here#can’t sleep now tho gotta. do other shit I guess#I’m laying in bed for a second though. my legs were very cold to the touch. unfeeling unhuman#oh and I might be balding potentially but that’s still just a theory. my dad noticed and pointed it out#haha what would I be withought my hair? another germ just populating this Earth?#oho ahh. hm. I’m just a trying to say I don’t fell right now if that makes sense. anyways
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sudoscience · 1 year
Man, I wish I was as hot irl as my fursona is
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irulancorrino · 1 year
dad called me out of the blue to insist I read an article he just sent me. the article, which actually turned out to be a blog post, is about how antidepressants and such are a scam and basically a conspiracy to “stop overpopulation”, whatever that means. he then proceeded to tell me that my cheeks look rounder than usual, and upon seeing that part of my meal was potatoes (I was eating breakfast when he called), went off on a rant about how of course I’m gaining weight.
how am I supposed to function for the rest of the day when I’m fuming
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siriuslynephilim · 2 years
#my dad: how did u do so well in the first exam and so bad in all the rest#and then he thought about it for a minute#and said#oh i know what happened#him: accha so 15-18 ke beech mein ghar pe ladai chal rahi thi na bc of anniversary on 18th#me (internally) : OMG when did u become so smart and so correct im impressed and shocked#him: so party ka haan na ho raha tha na that's why ghar walo ki nazar lag gayi#me: 😐#like sure i mean whatever u say dude#it's good only for me it's taking the blame off me so i won't complain#tho i understand ig why parents are like this#adulting is already so hard at 19 so imagine what it would be like at like 48#maybe it's nice to think that i failed bc of some external unknowable force wishing bad upon me#takes off some of the suffocating responsibility#these days i feel amazed like wow how tf did i waste 9+ months aise hi like wtf was that#and yes they were def a waste study pov but like ive def learned few things abt myself#1. talking to new people isn't hard at all actually it's the part that comes after the first meeting#it's the how do i make them stay how do i keep them interested#which ive realised is not a skill i possess so like idk ive made peace with the fact that im not gonna date someone for a long time now#it's good i can finally read fics without feeling disgustingly overwhelmingly lonely#2. healing requires a ridiculous amount of consistency and determination like u can't heal unless you aren't doing something to heal yourse#every fucking day#and that u need to put yourself out there and be in crowds even if it makes u feel lonely to see happy deep friendships#bc that's the only way to form them#3. time doesn't heal it just makes u forget and u learn to distract yourself better as time passes#cause tbh i simultaneously feel at the same place that i was last year and also so far away from it all#mes
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ex-furry · 1 month
hiiii i don't think i've seen you on my dash in a long time but wanted to say i hope you're doing well
hiiiiii ty this is so sweet 💓 i've been doing pretty well, just focusing on getting my new cat acclimated to our house and the dog (queen has conjunctivitis though 💔). for some reason i stopped scrolling tumblr around the time i was having panic attacks that felt like heart attacks and didn't even start again once i was put on propranolol. ptsd brain has been bad recently too but we push through 💪
i haven't been online though and i want to be included and say. you wouldn't last an hour in the asylum(s) where they raised me
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mbat · 4 months
wait no im still thinking about how that one dancer on agt danced to 'the village' by wrabel. like that was wild because like... that song is trans, like its blatantly about being trans. and afaik the guy is cis
of course anyone can do whatever they want with a song, and interpret it however, but like. that was so wild to me. mostly cause it was on agt, a massively watched show that most people at least know about if not watch
like. damn. ok
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yoohyeon · 8 months
Saw that the Tumblr icon on my iPad changed so I went to see what’s up and WE FINALLY CAN REPLY WITH THE BLOG WE WANT !!! THANK YOU !!! Now staff make it so when you block someone it’s block on all sb too thanks I’m tired of blocking 3 times
#I’m tired of forgetting to add this is blah blah main when someone somment something on my sideblog 😭#my phone is sadly too full for the update but at least my iPad is ! I’ll answer on it when someone comment ckdnjdnd#now I’m leaving again !#oh I should update that my mom recognized she fucked up (will she learn a lesson though? only time we’ll tell us)#so she apologize my dad didn’t care but he went to get her at work today and they’ve been talking like nothing happen#since they had to go grocery shopping cause the fridge was empty#idk if they talked or they just decided it was better to not say anything and fight again#so I’m happy again don’t wanna d*e anymore until I look for job at least fkdndjdn#which is what I should do but I’m ignoring my problems reading ncjdndjnd#i waited at least today see if my parents were still on the verge of divorcing or not and they seem okay so I guess i’ll check 🙄#pray that I found something nice 😭#I’m tempted to find something that maybe I could work 4 days a week and not 5 but I’ll never find that#cause honestly I only pay for my phone and Sowon food + litter (and vet if needed) I don’t need that much#I did promise them I would pay for Puppy’s pills if I work though cause it’s like 200$ maybe less maybe more even I can’t remember a month#my mom is struggling bad since he got those pills it’s a lot for her small salary#I’m so lucky that my parents let me be even if they struggle but I feel so bad I need to get diagnose soon cause I’m difinetely anxious#and it’s ruining my life#also had to get check for ADHD and Autism words from my doctor for the ladder I’m personally not sure ? everyone tells me no#but those people knows nothing about autism they only person that says there’s ‘’high chance’#is bestie and she study in psychology a little for her field so I trust her judgement way more ! but maybe it’s just a mix of the other 2#that make it seem like I may who knows one day we’ll have the answers#okay I’m talking to much now I’ll go don’t know if I’ll come back soon but at least I wanted to tell you I felt better !#we are back at the normal worries only 🤪#alex.txt
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