#idk there's probably less mention i'm not sure
millilps · 2 days
fuck it, we ball clown
so. Susan. Susan Triad. it was all a set up to trap the Doctor. all the mentions of Susan (Foreman) were just to give context to the new viewers. but you know what's interesting here? family.
"wtf are you talking about are you high or something" no no bear with me I actually have a point it's not just pure clowning. well, it is, but I swear I'm trying my best here to make it make sense
it's a long post so buckle up clowns we're going all in with this one
so, I was saying, if you think about it a lot of episodes in this season are more or less centered around or connected to the idea of family in some way:
Space Babies: I mean. yeah. it doesn't really need an explanation. and also the whole thing of being abandoned just like Ruby
The Devil's Chord: we know Maestro is part of the Toymaker's family, and technically also the kid we see at the start? I think? are there theories about that kid? is he just a normal kid and then became somehow the harbinger of Maestro?
Boom: the concept of family literally saves everyone
73 Yards: well, Ruby's family is present in the episode, but also it's interesting how Ruby's fears play out in the episode which is directly interlocked with her birth mother abandoning her, it's kinda there but not as central or as explored as other episodes
Dot and Bubble: it's... a bit more subtle. it's there, kinda. we do have the whole thing of all the people in Finetime being part of rich families, and we also see Lindy's mom, so it's better than nothing
Rogue: I actually don't know. the family of Chuldurs? the marriage proposal? I have absolutely no idea but I also feel like it's there somewhere
The Legend of Ruby Sunday/Empire of Death: I probably don't have to say much as they are the episodes that actually dive in Ruby's story and the mystery around her birth, but yeah the family theme is obviously there
with the season following this theme, more or less, Susan was an obvious choice.
think about it: the Doctor has lost so many people he cared about that Sutekh pretty much could use every name ever. obviously they also had to explain regeneration to new viewers (hi, new viewers! hope you're enjoying the show!) so the list had to be shortened to only characters who are time lords or have the ability to regenerate, add a bit of "the Doctor regretting his past choices" and you get Susan. and this is tied directly with the theme of family, because she is the Doctor's family, technically the only gallifreyan family member we know about (Jenny, River, the Ponds and probably more that I'm forgetting/don't know about are also family, but in a different way) and also we have no informations whatsoever about her - sure, we have Big Finish, but it's kinda... not exactly canon, I guess? idk. nothing is canon and everything is canon at the same time in this show, you just have to live with it. still, she's one of the biggest mysteries of this show, because while other characters came back or were mentioned with information about them and/or their lives either in the expanded universe that is more strongly influenced by the show (yes I'm looking at Barbara and Ian's wedding in the 50th anniversary DMW that I can't find anywhere, idc what anyone says but that IS canon) or in the actual show at some point, she has never officially returned, and the Doctor has never officially gone back to meet her (sure, we have the story Fellow Traveller in the book Adventures in Lockdown, but it's probably not canon anymore at this point - although, it could be, if we clown enough). and with all the things about family in the season, obviously she had to be the key.
Ruby's family story is concluded: she found her birth mother, she also found her father, and now she has an amazing big loving family. but you know which one isn't? the Doctor's. we've met his adoptive mother, sure, but we know the Doctor had kids, we know Susan exists, and we know she's family to him.
she's out there somewhere. I know. she must be. she could've been mentioned in a lot of different episodes, a lot of different points, a lot of different stories, but she wasn't.
so why all these mentions all of a sudden? honestly I have absolutely no idea, I'm not RTD, I'm just a clown doing clown things, and the clown things on today's list is making theories about how Susan might come back
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bitchthefuck1 · 5 months
have you watched the pjo show?
I saw the first 2 episodes when they came out at a watch party one of my friends threw, and as soon as they ended I realized I didn't particularly care to keep going. It wasn't like, outrageously bad by any means, I just don't think it gripped me enough to want to continue, and there were enough odd adaptational choices that I thought weakened the story that I lost interest. I might have tuned back in if the changes actually built to something interesting in the later episodes, but from everything I've seen it kinda seems like they just took the teeth out of the story, which was what I was worried about.
That being said, the cast seems really great and well suited to their roles, so like, if they improve the writing and pacing in the later seasons and stop sanding down all the rough edges, I might pick it back up. But otherwise, pass.
#im like famously bad at watching tv tho so me not wanting to continue is less dramatic than it probably sounds#i just don't really watch it casually anymore so I'll only follow along with shows that i really really like#i got another ask about the show a little while ago and i was like 'oh ill answer that once ive caught up' and then i never caught up so#sorry to whoever sent that i wasn't ignoring you i just never got to the ep you mentioned#like if I'm trying to be optimistic. given how quickly shows get canned if they're not immediately super popular. and given that this is a#disney product. its possible that once the show proves it can be commercially successful and the characters get older they might stop#playing it so safe and boring and bring some of the harder and more complicated elements back in. and like. that won't fix what they've#already fumbled but it will at least make the story better and more interesting. but idk how likely that is esp since#rick riordan seems totally on board with all the changes and it sounds like he doesn't really get why they diminish the story#like i feel like they're thinking too much about whether or not a change has a huge impact on the plot and not enough about how it#impacts the characters and the overall theme and vibe of the story. if that makes sense#like sure we still got from point A to point B in roughly the same way but that trip means something different for the characters now#and if you do that enough times you end up with a completely different result at the end even if we're technically in the same place#percy jackson show#asks
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sanguith · 10 months
i'm glad i decided to try out a ketosis diet again (aka changing my metabolism to basically only use ketone bodies made from fatty acids for energy by reducing carb intake to max 20g/day) for a few weeks because it was a neat experiment but i'm also glad I decided to stop because now i get to enjoy life's greatest fucking simplest yet finest delicacy: mashed potatoes/sweet potatoes with melted butter and salt. i cannot understand how i could live without that. just. vegetables. keto has opened my eyes to new ways to cook foods and experiment with ingredients but i don't think i can live without carbs. i doubt that the majority of people could. also have you any idea how much good simple near-zero effort food there is out there like holy gosh darn in heaven. i don't have to spend hours cooking something to have a nice meal
#food mention#diets#actually anything carb with butter and salt. how can it be so good. call me a lazy goob but i once just microwaved corn and butter#added salt. and it was the most delicious fuckin thing ive ever eaten#i've done low-carb in the past and tried keto a few times and always it felt so great after the keto flu disappeared after a few days#but this time the keto flu did not go away. i felt so weak and awful but at the same time i had less brain fog. and never felt hungry.#but it was werid. i think it might have been because i've been kinda high carb for the last few years and the change was so strong & sudden#also electrolyte imbalances can happen on keto if you're not careful. it's complex.#anyway it got me to eat a bit healthier like (almost) completely avoiding processed foods and unnaturally high sugary stuff#which i just want to generally avoid for personal health reasons which is a whole can of worms but i just dont want to overindulge#sure i can eat an entire bag of candies or chips in an evening if i feel like it but I *feel* my body just being like “nooo” and sure enoug#the next morning i do feel a little bit extra like shit#and another thing: i think i benefit from abrupt diet changes now and then. it feels natural in a way. ye olde scavenger hunter genetics#ya know. our nomadic ancestors would probably have to do that a lot when things weren't year-round available#sometimes only meat for months on end in cold seasons/areas#sometimes basically only plants and nuts roots and seeds and stuff#it's actually remarkable how human metabolism can adapt so much depending on what's available to eat#sometimes fasting for days when food was just nowhere to be found.#i'm not saying “stress your metabolic system it's good for you'” (it probably isnt) just idk. mixing it up a bit at least works for me#btw disclaimer i HATE the whole thing about diet-pressuring and some people claiming that certain diets will solve everything#it doesn't solve all health problems magically. ”"”superfoods“”“ are not a 100% faultless scientifically proven thing.#shit like ''the paleo diet is the number one key to optimal health without medications!!'' no. shut.#on the other hand i do believe diets can help a bit like a nudge. it's just one factor out of many that affects how we feel#ANYWAY conclusion: eat what you want. do what feels right for you. find your own ways to make the food you eat help your health a bit#or don't! be yourself! love yourself!#the chosen method is gonna be different for everybody#but from now on im gonna try and eat as close to natural unprocessed foods as I can in this day and age. it feels right for me somehow.#i think *my* preferred method/diet whatever is to mainly eat natural unprocessed foods and to mix it up a bit now and then with change#for that sweet ''METABOLIC ADAPTATION'' perk that feels good for me#(why did this post become so long. nobody cares. anyway i don't care if nobody cares. i care. *I* care!!! wooopp)
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he's going to be fighting a bunch of these things on his own, huh?
#wednesday spoilers#I don't think anyone really likes the im2-ish plot regarding h*ward but then duggan did warn us that he wanted to expand on whatever#happened in hickman's shield run so that's a thing that's happening now I guess.... I just hope he wraps it up quickly#emma was pretty annoying in this issue imo like idk if she's genuinely underestimating feilong or just not letting some things on due to#her being on the council etc. but it's probably going to backfire badly. I liked that tony & sunfire interacted though it's been a while I#think. I don't really know what to say about the h*ward stuff except that I liked that tony didn't become emotional or lose his head when#he was mentioned & he also didn't say anything nice about him so that's fine I guess...#I like that while he won pretty easily in the last issue the sentinel is clearly extremely powerful & tony was outgunned & retreated and I#like that there was no mention of his ego or whatever even though having to run would mess with anyone's ego a bit. I'm sure he would've#fought it anyway if it endangered anyone else but since it didn't he didn't fight a losing battle for whatever reason which shouldn't be#surprising but considering the quality of a lot of his previous runs it's nice#this issue wasn't as strong as the last one imo & I wish the stark employees resigned in protest the way they always did in the past#although it hasn't been his company for a while & usually when they resigned it was about tony and that one dude was clearly unhappy about#what was happening so maybe we'll see something in later issues? idk#I could've used a lot less h*ward but then I was expecting him to come up plus I'm glad it's happening now & not during cantwell's run#I'm pretty excited for the next issue since it's a flashback to the wca/silver centurion era... overall I think the characterisation is#still pretty good so I'll just hold on to that#iron man#marvel 616#tony stark
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arcadequeerz · 11 months
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britneyshakespeare · 2 years
the scambots are getting weirder
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souppippin · 2 years
had a weird experience with my bachelor thesis advisor today
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oh-look-car-horns · 3 months
Wondering what boop count your 3 letter word corresponds to? I gotchu:
Using a python script I wrote, I booped myself 50,000 times, saving an image of my boop-o-meter every 500 boops. Before we get into the results, there are two important limitations to this study that I should mention:
Firstly, because I only recorded the boop-o-meter every 500 boops, if a message appeared for less than 500 boops it may not have been caught.
Secondly, every now and then my computer would lose a boop or two when a click wouldn't register. This is seen in the 500 and 1000 boop images below, which in reality read 498 and 994 respectively. Because of this, boop values are slightly lower than they appear.
With that out of the way, lets dig in.
From boops 0-999, the boop-o-meter displays your boop count, and changes color as you boop
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Boop count: 0 Boop count: 500 Boop count: 1000
Boop fact: the colors do not change after 1000
Between boops 1000 and 1500, the boop-o-meter changed to display 'LOL'. This likely took place at 1000 boops, but maybe it said 'MAX' or sumn for awhile at first? Idk this is already the misinformation website so not my problem.
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Boop count: 1500 (actually more like 1490 ish)
More results below the cut
Between 1500 and 2000, the boop-o-meter changed to display 'OMG'. Again, this probably happened at 1500 but who knows. Maybe staff made it 1523 for the bit or something.
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Boop count: ~2000
The boop-o-meter remained at omg until the 3500 boop readpoint, when it switched to 'WOW', meaning this transition happens somewhere between ~2980 and ~3480.
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Boop count: ~3500
Boop fact: 'WOW' is the second longest reigning message
Between 5000 and 5500 the boop-o-meter switched to '*-*'. You get the idea at this point so I'll speed it up.
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Boop count: ~5500
The boop-o-meter changed to 'WHY' between 6000 and 6500 boops. For science. That's why.
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Boop count: ~6500
Next was 'PLZ', switching between 7000 and 7500.
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Boop count: ~7500
I'm not sure what bloody urine has to do with anything, but for some reason staff felt is was important to display, switching between 7500 and 8000.
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Boop count: ~8000
Huh the colon makes that one look weird. 8000-8500.
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Boop count: ~8500
Boop fact: That fucking cat haunts me in my dreams
I realized after I set my pyautogui script running that my computer wouldn't turn off its screen because of the clicking, so there was a strobing blue light in my room all night. This encapsulated my expression while trying to sleep (8500-9000).
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Boop count: ~9000
After 9000 it displayed 'MAX'. This was cap. (9000-9500 switch).
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Boop count: OVER 9000 (9500)
I miss my wife. 9500-10,000.
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Boop count ~10,000
THE HOLY GRAIL. The boop-o-meter switched to displaying 'TUM BLR' between 10,000 and 10,500 boops. Because my actual boop count was slightly behind my theoretical, I'd guess that this change happened at 10,000 boops.
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Boop count: ~10,500 (likely switched at 10,000)
When charted the boop curve looks as follows:
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Boop curve: 0 - 10,000 boops
My script continued to run until 53,000 boops, but no further changes were observed. Again, there were quite possibly more messages at lower boop values, but my ass is not checking. Maybe I should have scaled my sampling accordingly, but it is what it is. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and if you have any corrections or more information, please add it to this post.
Boop fact: Terfs DNI
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nebulainatree · 1 year
I need to speak Japanese right now. Just found something and I can't tell for sure whether or not it confirms agent eight is the octoling in side order because I don't speak it well enough and can't read Japanese kanji at all . God damn it
Edit: By the way no it doesn't confirm it. Forgot to mention that outside of tags because I'm inflicted with the status condition "insane" rn. Holy shit I hit tag limit I didn't even know they had a tag limit.
#Going to liveblog my agony watching a Japanese analysis video of the new dlc#I accidentally stumbled onto it trying to see if the Japanese version of the direct had better audio for the City of Color remix#And now I'm going crazy absolutely. Bonkers.#Ok so they touched up mentioning that it's probably a reference to the splatopocalypse fest and the guy said she looks a little like marina#But I think the girl mentioned that she has shorter tentacles so it's probably not marina#So that was a net zero information gain#But here they've got something calling side order the story of the octopus from agent eight. Wait that phrase doesn't make sense#Shit what is that kanji. Fuck. Shit I didn't hear how he said it#Toujou suru??? Is that. I think that means comes out. The .#Tako no hachi go ga toujou suru saido oodaa mo#Ok that's uhhhhhhhhhhhh. The octoling of agent eight will also come out in side order#Fuck is this canon or did they write that#Ohhhh I think it's from famitsu#Ok I just checked famitsu they do call her eight so. Not a confirmation that it's eight but that seems to be the prevailing theory#Oh they literally just said it isn't official#Is the sango they're talking about coral or agent three?????? Question of the day. I think they're saying coral here#Snow like coral and that the stage is really white. Yeah ok#Ok I have no idea what they're saying anymore I don't know these words.#Help I am working on less than two years of formal Japanese education and it's all from the high school level#I think they said it seems like it's underwater because of the fish that swim by in that one scene but. Idk for sure actually.#My head hurts it's 4am I need to stop doing this actually. Liveblog over#This isn't even a liveblog. That involves posting more than one message this is just tag ranting#splatoon#splatoon 3#splatoon 3 dlc#text tag#Nebbie posts#Nebbie text posting#Send fucking post#Oh btw the video was called uh. 【考察】〇〇に支配された世界? 誰かの影が見えている!(it was a longer title) on the channel splabo!
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unluckilyimnot · 1 month
hiîi, can you write bllk chara tera introducing their gf to the press or the press somehow finding you that the players have a gf
idk if this makes sense but pleaseee write it I love your blog sm <3
The press found out about their relationship - Rin, Sae, Kaiser, Isagi, Karasu
m.list | rules
Note : hii ! Thank you sm for your request! I take some times to go through some of my requests before writing with another media I'm really into rn, sorry some will wait a bit mor
Same as the others ! There wasn't anyone mentioned but don't hesitate to ask for your fav if you want ♡
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He's not fan of it
I guess he adapted to it quickly, you being bring on a lot the first few weeks and things like that
But he's so tensed about it you have to calm him down a lot at first
He's upset all the time You have to remind him that's it's not only a bad things
And that people's reactions has been relatively good, that's already a good point
He's more worried about you obviously but in the end you're the one taking care of him
He feels a bit bad but yeah, he appreciates it a lot
Don't expect a lot of changes tho, he doesn't want his love life all over the internet
He's annoyed when the press found out, to say the least
He wish it could've stay private and doesn't want people to be after you
He hates the fact that he's ask about it now and has to be even more cold in interview than before
He tries to be unbothered but knowing how it changed your life it's impossible
Behind closed door at first he can spend a lot of time with you so make it up
He's famous so I think people tried to know more about you and invade your personal space
I don't think it necessarily goes wrong on social media, it's just trending a lot for a few days
You have to moderate your account a lot cause there's always hater
He still doesn't talk about you bc you asked him to
but he feel less pressure if some pictures of you two end up in the internet
Don't get it wrong, he thought about revealing your relationship a few times and you were still talking about it
But this happening without his consent or yours drive him crazy at first
Yet on camera he's cocky about it, telling he doesn't mind and rumbling about how gorgeous you are
He takes the opportunity as it is and posy about you more on his social media, without hiding you so much
He has his lawer ready to anyone spitting shit at you on social media tho
Don't mess with his s/o, he'll take actions
He's lost poor guy
If you cry about it he does his absolute best to comfort you before contacting his agent to see what he can do
Honestly He's use to it but if you're not used to the fame, he's careful so your anxiety don't go crazy
He's sad if that change your life a lot but he does his best to not change a thing in your routine
The good point is that, like Kaiser, he can pray a lot more with you than before and he's really happy about it !!
He likes to share with people I think so it open a lot of doors
He acts cool in front of the camera but he's annoyed
It was early in your relationship and he's scared it's gonna fucked it up
You have to be the one comforting him
You're not the type to make promises if you're not sure of yourself, but you assure him that the press and people finding out didn't scared you
You'll stay with him as long as possible, you don't see yourself leaving because of this
He's probably needed this more than he would've admit cause after this, being on camera is easier again
He's not upset anymore if they ask about you since you gave him a green light
He feels even lighter than before, in fact
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nikdmi · 23 days
According to file we can see in episode 3, Edwin was supposed to spend (only) one century in Hell and then be reassigned to a more pleasant state (idk, what a "more pleasant state" is. I guess it could be Heaven but then why is it written like that??).
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He also lived "sour and sinful life" which got me thinking that there are things about his mortal life that we have no idea of (and i heartfully hope we will see them in season 2).
What also caught my attention is that he has no occupation (not even a student)? Also his parents' names are not here? I think it could suggests that he is an orphan but in episode 2 he mentioned his father.
Another weird thing about his file is the time of his death is 1 pm while the sacrifice in the show clearly took place at night.
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Charles' file is less surprising, although there are his parents' names. I'm not sure about this but I think his father's name might be Murray.
ALSO the numbers of these files are very interesting. Edwin's is 455, Charles' 456 which means that Edwin's escape from Hell (that required making a new file for him) and Charles' death took place probably the same day. The very first thing Edwin did after escaping 70+ years of torture was to comfort a dying boy.
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restinslices · 5 months
Can you please do making out headcanons with the earth realm men pls 🙏
I feel like this is shorter than usual but I am actually in agony😀. My insides? Doing the Cupid Shuffle. My head? Pounding. My eyes? Burning. So much so I’m not rereading this or looking for gifs. You’re getting silly little pictures of these lovable idiots😭. Also I’m broke. I’m finna start charging y’all $50 per word (joking. Not about my agony tho)
Johnny Cage
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Johnny gives me the vibe that he loves making out 
I already feel like he loves physical touch, so kissing is definitely something he enjoys 
Idk why but he gives me waist grabber vibes 
I feel like making out would happen very often with this man. He's very cheeky and once again, loves physical touch. 
I could see him grabbing his partner and pulling them aside even when he absolutely should not. Like on set or something 
Johnny can't take shit seriously. Making out wouldn't change this about him. 
Mid make out session he'd mention some make out scene he had in a movie, then gets surprised it kills the mood 
The type to think of some funny shit and start laughing while his tongue is in their mouth. Enough is enough Cage
Also an ass grabber, even if you ain't got nothing back there. He's grabbing onto smth 
It's very easy to move to something further with him 
Calls you a tease if you don't have sex after 
Kenshi Takahashi 
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I don't think making out is something often that happens with him, but it's not rare
Unlike Johnny, he initiates it at appropriate times 
Both a face and waist grabber 
If you're sitting, he's the type to pull you onto him 
Idk how his sight works. Idk if it's only when he's fighting or he can always see now, but there was a time when he couldn't see at all, so I think now he takes passes just to look at you. He can also be very touchy for that reason. it's like memorizing you 
If I said he was a lip biter will y'all cheer or boo me?
 There's no rush with him. He actually savors and enjoys the moment with you 
Whether or not it goes further doesn't bother him 
Doesn't enjoy sneaky sessions in public because that means he has way less time with you 
He's romantic but not as romantic as Liu Kang 
Kung Lao
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Him and Johnny are some assholes so I feel like they'd do similar stuff 
They both like physical touch, they both grab onto you, they both tease 
Kung Lao may tease more though. You know his ego. Making someone squirm makes him feel better 
Let's his hands wander wherever 
If you have any sensitive spots, his hands are there immediately 
Smirks while kissing because he can feel your reaction. The new timeline did not change how cocky he is 
 Doesn't mind making out in public. His shame is very little
He pulls away sometimes just to see you pull him back in
Gets a kick out of how needy you are for him 
Teasing is such a big thing with him but you tease him and he has to be factory rebooted
I think he'd want it to go further but if you're like “nah” he's not gonna flip a table. He might whine a bit though 
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Doesn't happen often 
I know y'all want me to slut everyone out but I don't think he's a slut. I'M SORRY 
Him, Liu Kang and Kenshi are romantics to me
Majority of the time it'd probably be you initiating it 
Face grabber 
He'd stop multiple times to make sure you're comfortable doing this still 
Public making out is not happening with him. I'm sorry. He's just not comfortable. Try it and he's gonna pretend he heard a noise and walk away 
Idk why but I feel like either him or Liu Kang are the type to whisper how pretty you are so imma put it down for both of them 
Shorter make out sessions than the other guys 
His hands don't move around as much. He's content with keeping them in one place 
I just feel like he's really sweet and intimate. He's not in a rush, he's not grabbing at you and tryna hurry to sex, he's just taking his time and enjoying the feeling of you against him 
Does not care about having sex afterwards and if it doesn't happen, he doesn't complain 
Liu Kang
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Happens every once in awhile 
A romantic through and through. Do y'all see how he treats Kitana?
He is a face grabber but majority of the time he rests his hands on your lower back 
Prefers to take things slower like Raiden. Can he even get old and die? I don't think so. There's legit no rush 
Like I said for Raiden, he whispers how pretty you are and how lucky he is to have you in between kisses 
I can see him doing some corny shit like spinning you around. This man has been lonely for so long. He's not worried about being a cornball
Like Raiden I know y'all want me to slut him out but I don't sense slut. I'm sorry! If anything, he's a romantic slut. He cares way more about romance than tooting it up, yk?
Only in private places or when you're alone. He's supposed to look professional around others 
Not concerned about having sex after at all
Johnny thinks of dumb shit and laughs but I think Liu Kang would smile and laugh just because you're near 
Just a nice soft man
I have another request that imma post tomorrow or the day after just to spread shit out. Also why did I just find out people ship Kenshi and Mileena- isn’t she a lesbian?
Anyway if you see any errors, no you do not. Now I’m finna go suffer while listening to a video in a dark room ‘cause looking at a screen is killing me slowly.
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seresinhangmanjake · 7 months
The One I Want: Part 6
Jake "Hangman" Seresin x plus size!reader
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Summary: You’re new in town and some guy named Jake is about to be your roommate. Being skeptical of new people keeps you lonely and uninterested in any entanglements, but Jake is desperate to change that.
Notes/Warnings: mentions of physical abuse. probably cursing, but idk. insecurity and vulnerability. I'm sure there are typos.
Words: 2825
The One I Want Masterlist
Jake’s eyebrows pinch in confusion at the shifting expression on your face, then he follows your line of sight over his shoulder. Though he’s still yards away from you, you hear the soft ‘damn it’ that leaves his mouth. He’s out of his seat in the next half-second, Rooster quickly joining him. 
“How is she here?” Jake asks as you ease behind him. 
“I have no idea,” Bradley says.
Sifting his hand through his hair, Jake curses again as if the woman making her way toward the group is a ticking bomb they’re running out of time to dismantle. “Can you and Millie take her back to the apartment?”
“Your girl?”
“Yes. I don’t know what Brit will say, but I don’t want it directed at her. When Brit realizes she’s my roommate—”
Rooster nods. “Enough said.”
“Thank you.” Jake whips around and his head jerks back in surprise—his mouth parts. A new shade appears to travel up his neck to his cheeks, but the pinkish hue could easily be mistaken for the fiery glow of the bonfire reflecting off his skin. “How long have you been standing there?”
“Just a minute,” you say. “Who is she?”
Nat and Bob pull up on either side of you and you notice how all sets of eyes are glued to the woman who is still too far away to identify properly. Though, despite her distance and that you’d asked Jake for confirmation, she’s no mystery to you. She’s undoubtedly the woman from the gift shop. What you don’t understand is the intensity of everyone's reactions. 
Nat crosses her arms and with a frown, says, “Jake, how does she know you’re here?”
It’s a question that goes unanswered, but you suspect it’s not one that has an answer. They’re all shocked; no one pilot more or less confused than another. 
Ignoring both your question and Nat’s, Jake places his hands on your forearms to regain your attention. “Rooster and Millie are going to take you back to our place, alright?”
“Jake, why—”
“I just need to deal with this,” he interrupts, a barely detectable plea hidden within his tone. “I’ll get rid of her and then I’ll be home.”
Your breath catches at his wording. Get rid of her. You suddenly don’t care about the irritation swirling around the group or the stress on Jake’s face. Time slows. You’re shot back to a life you’ve been trying to forget. A life that had you so often discarded you'd learned to rid people of yourself before they could do it for you. 
“Does she deserve to be gotten rid of, Jake?” you ask, just above a whisper, for him and only him.
He flinches as if you slapped him, but he doesn't release you, and a bulge briefly forms in his throat before, bit by bit, the hurt infects the features of his face. He looks down to where his fingers are wrapped around your arms and squeezes, so light and gentle that were you not sensitive in the moment--hyperaware of every movement and sound--you wouldn't have felt it.
His hands slide down to your fingers, the pads of his fingertips resting under yours, his thumb grazing along the nail of your index finger. When his eyes flick up to yours, he says, “I’ll explain later."
The woman is close enough now that you can see the harsh scrutiny in her gaze as she looks you up and down. It morphs into a glare when she notices Jake’s hands on you, and she picks up in speed.
“If we’re going, it needs to be now,” Rooster says. “Baby,” he calls out for Millie, “We gotta go.”
She leaps up and rushes over to take his hand. The smile she directs at you is forced. “I was gettin’ tired anyway.”
Rooster and Millie drop you off with matching tense faces that look misplaced on both of them; appearing so odd you can’t help but stare hard at the crease in Rooster’s brow reflecting back at you in the rearview mirror. Despite only getting to know these people tonight, you suspect the mood filling this car is uncommon, especially when these two are within a foot and a half of one another while their hands are clasped and resting on the center armrest. 
“Jake will be back soon,” Rooster says as you exit the vehicle.
Then Millie adds a syrupy sweet, “I loved meetin’ you. If you ever wanna get together, let me know. I could use another friend in this town.”
Momentarily, you forget Jake in favor of the redhead smiling at you through the rolled-down passenger window. You could use another friend, too. Someone who isn’t so perfectly formed from the outside world's perspective. Someone who might be able to understand you. 
“I’d like that,” you reply. 
Rooster waits until you’re through the door of the building before peeling out of the lot and back down the street. 
When you make it into the apartment, you’re not entirely sure what to do. Everything you could do to distract yourself, whether it be cleaning or reading or watching TV, you won’t be able to put any heart into. They’d be useless distractions. You opt instead to take a seat on the couch and wait. But then the waiting grows boring, so you start to think. 
Get rid of her. Get rid of her. Get rid of her. 
There’s a layer of bitterness coating the roof of your mouth that you can’t swallow.
You just started settling into the idea that Jake could be different—good. His heart isn’t something he appeared to hide from you and the more time you spend around him, the more honest you’ve sensed him to be. Your resistance has yet to deter or turn him sour. Regardless of how you act, he still smiles at you every morning. He still makes you coffee and picks you up from work and wants you to spend time with his friends. He tries to integrate you into his life, but now you’re not sure for what purpose if this is how he views women. Disposable. 
You can feel it begin to crush you from all sides as you imagine the day Jake will look at you differently. The way he looked at her. 
Jake is worn down when he enters the apartment and finds you on the living room couch, your spine locked pin-straight. His eyes have lost their light, there is potentially a new fine wrinkle across his forehead, and his lips are pulled so tight they almost disappear. He’s so altered from the happy man of an hour ago. In fairness, you are as well. 
When he sees you, Jake smiles softly, weakly. It doesn’t reach his eyes. “You alright?” he asks.
You hadn’t considered a plan for addressing the event Jake didn’t allow you to witness, so it is your unprocessed emotions from the last hour that have you ignoring his question in favor of fueling what next comes out of your mouth. “She’s your girlfriend, isn’t she?”
Jake’s brow pinches as he crosses his arms. There’s no anger behind it; almost disappointment that you’ve reached such a conclusion. “What makes you say that?”
“I saw the mug in the trash. She got it at the gift shop where I work. A shirt, too, that matches.” 
The strain of his shoulders releases and his head falls back a bit, like that knowledge was the very last thing he needed you to have. “Fuck,” he groans, straightening his neck. “Of all the goddamn shops in this town…” His head shakes, then his eyes lock onto yours. “She’s not my girlfriend.”
“Was your girlfriend.”
“Not that either. She’s just…She lived here. Before you.”
Your hands tighten into fists that lightly press into the couch cushions. “Did you kick her out?”
“Not exactly,” he says. “She was month-to-month, and the month was up.”
“That doesn’t explain the mug, or the shirt.”    
Your words are spewing so fast, every held in question breaking out, and you don’t dare stop yourself. You need to know if you’re correct. You need the explanation he promised you to confirm your suspicions. You need it. 
“You were sleeping with her, right?” You ask, though you’re already positive that’s what birthed the issues between him and that woman. “You slept with her and now she has feelings for you so you won’t let her stay here anymore…Right?”
The hurtful look that you’d caused at the beach reforms on his face, and it’s a deep stab into your chest, a mix of frustration and regret. “It’s more complicated than that.”
“Sounds simple to me,” you snap. “Is this what you do? You sleep with women until it’s no longer convenient for you?”
“No! God, no. It’s not like this is my thing. She lived here and we got involved for three months. That was it,” he explains in a rush. “It wasn’t ever going to be anything more than sex, not to me, and when she realized that, she lost her shit, Ok? Broke things. Threw things. Hit me. I couldn’t let her stay here forever. I’m not some heartless dick, it just got out of hand.”
When he’s done, his chest is rising and falling like a man just off a five-mile run. He swallows hard, dragging a hand down his face in the silence that follows. 
It’s not a silence you know how to break. It’s a silence that demands you feel the full force of that stab wound in your chest, now shoved deep enough into your body to slice you right down the middle. Frustration is gone, easily overpowered by regret.
In a matter of ten seconds, Jake flipped over everything you had prematurely decided about the story between him and the woman. When you saw how she looked at you tonight and heard what Jake said, you thought you identified with her, that you’ve felt what she feels, that only you could see a swirling well of pain under her layer of anger. But as Jake stands before you, exhausted and desperate for you to understand, you realize you never considered that it’s with him you identify. Maybe it’s why pushing him away is much harder than anyone from your past. Maybe it’s why you want to believe he is good and genuine and kind. And maybe it’s why you’re realizing with each passing day that if you leave this town, you might not get away without also leaving a bit of yourself behind. Over the past months, you have—by subconscious mind or soul—connected with Jake Seresin through the pain you didn’t even know he’d faced. 
Jake steps around one of the chairs opposite the couch and his body falls into it like a ragdoll. 
“Does–” you begin, testing your voice. It’s meeker than you would like. “Does your team know what she did? Is that why they were so bothered when she showed up tonight? Everyone went into hyper-defense mode.”
He sits up, more at ease now that you’ve let go of your accusations. “They know she gave me trouble. They don’t know she would smack me or break my shit whenever I refused to treat her like my girlfriend.”
“If I told them while it was going on, they would’ve been pissed that I was letting her stay for a couple more weeks. They would’ve shown up at my door with a net to toss over her and drag her out,” he says, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his knees. His hands clasp and one thumb runs back and forth over the other. “And I don’t tell them now because, even though it's over, the lecture would last days.”
“With everything she was doing, didn’t you want her out as soon as possible?”
“Of course I did, but she didn’t have anywhere to go yet,” he says. “Eventually, I found her a place and paid for six months in advance. She’s got about three more months before she has to take over the lease.”
As he speaks, a dash of hypocrisy weasels its way into your system. A defensiveness that you’ve never used to protect yourself instantly latches on to Jake. 
You want him to tell his friends about what he’s been through, though you refuse to toss him the measliest crumbs from your own story. You want to explain to him that he shouldn’t have sacrificed himself in his effort to remove that woman from his life, while also ignoring the fact that self-sacrifice is the only option you’ve ever chosen. You want him to tell you everything he’s ever felt so he can remove the boulder from his back, as long as he doesn’t request the same of you. But you know Jake doesn’t work that way. With a given inch, he goes for a mile, and you can’t risk that. 
“Does she bother you often?” you ask. 
“There are days when she shows up out of nowhere, not unlike tonight, either pissed off all over again about everything that went down,” he nudges his head in the direction of the trash can, “or sickeningly sweet and asking to come back with gifts in hand.”
From that alone, you know Jake Seresin is stronger than you. He stands firm in one place despite the chaos that sporadically comes and goes from his life. He stakes his claim, choosing to remove the problem rather than consider that he is the problem and must be the one removed. But you can see, no matter how strong, it takes its toll on him.  
What comes over you next, you’re not quick enough to stop. You stand and find a new seat on the glass coffee table across from him, not fighting the closeness that gives your knees no choice but to be tucked between his. When your touch lands atop his clasped hands, they immediately untangle and, much like your legs, your hand becomes encased. Were you with anyone else, you’d feel trapped, one step away from prisoner. But here, now, with Jake, your body isn’t pulling away. 
“I’m sorry,” you whisper.
Though his head is lowered, he nods and you catch a hint of his half-hearted smile. Then he flips his hand so your palm is face-down on his, and with his other hand traces the edges of your fingers, from thumb to pinky and back. You try to ignore the zips and tingles that shoot up your arm from his soft motions. You fail. 
“Jake, why do you even bother with a roommate? I know you can afford this place on your own.”
“I don’t like to be alone,” he says, still lazily running his touch up and down the curves of your fingers.
“How come?”
That finger ceases its gentle tracing and he looks up. He’s suddenly much closer. Less inches remain between your nose and his, your eyes and his, your lips and his. “How about this…” His breath holds a heat that brushes your cheeks. “I tell you something; you tell me something.”
When you instinctively lean back a few inches, you swear he moves forward, like a magnet chasing after its partner. Your hand starts to slip and his palm shifts so his fingers can curl up through the spaces between yours.
“Like what?” you ask.
“Something about you.”
His eyes hold yours, that increasingly intoxicating shade of mossy green unwavering. His touch seems to extend past the warmth of his grasp, now flowing through you from head to toe. 
“What do you want?” you let out an awkward chuckle to distract yourself, and hopefully Jake as well, from the heat flushing your cheeks. “My favorite color?”
“Your favorite color is green,” he says. “I want to know something more than that, if you’re willing to share it.”
You search for any meaning behind what he says other than the one you know he’s after. He doesn’t just want something more, he wants something that means more. Something deeper that will put a crack in your shell. Something that will bring you closer to him.
To your surprise, it’s not a thought you immediately banish. Giving him more would, in theory, aid the budding connection you're not sure you want to break. But what you have to give might very well break that connection anyway. It could bring him a clarity you’d rather he not have as to why you are the way you are. If your story is too much for him to accept without altering how he sees you, you will pack up and leave solely for the escape, to avoid witnessing the rapid change of his treatment of you. And whatever he has to share in exchange couldn’t possibly have you viewing him as negatively as he might view you. 
“It’s a fair trade, don’t you think?” he says, “So, what do you say?”
A/N: Sorry if your favorite color isn’t green. I just picked one.
tags: @wkndwlff @kmc1989 @sagittarius-flowerchild @dempy @oliviah-25 @rosiahills22 @xoxabs88xox @matisse556 @hardballoonlove @ssa-sadboi @lynnevanss @pono-pura-vida @tgmreader @amgluvsbooks @ravenhood2792 @djs8891 @shakespeareanwannabe @sailor-aviator @penguin876 @rogersbarnesxx @nani-kenobi @tgmavericklover @athenabarnes @emilyoflanternhill @wretchedmo @shanimallina87 @elite4cekalyma @buckysteveloki-me @shelbycillian @kissmethric3 @fox-bee926 @hangmandruigandmav @waltermis @fandom-life-12 @a-serene-place-to-be @bruher @cehenyne @tngrace @mamaskillerqueen @emma8895eb @benedictsvestcollection @blackwidownat2814 @himbos-on-ice @entertainmentgal8 @hookslove1592 @whoeverineedtobe @alwaysclassyeagle @chaytea06 @cherrycolas-things @turtle-in-a-tornado @have-a-nice-day-k @inkandarsenic @kidd3ath @townmoondaltwistle
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veren-cos · 1 month
Bachelors (sdv) x reader on their period
Gender neutral, but purely because of the prompt, afab reader. I'd say everything I write is gender neutral besides the very rare Trans masc reader ☆
Not proofread and I wrote this in like 25 min- I'll update this when I'm less tired.
• A literal doctor.
• Is not weirded out like at all. He is all like, "Oh okay! Do you need anything at all?" And moved on with life
• Maybe has a little blush when you first talk about it? It's a completely normal thing at work (and in life), but it's just because it's you that he wants to make sure he handles it well.
• Would probably get you chocolate. And a heating pad. And blankets. And all the things.
• Aka would just spoil you a bit more than normal, periods suck and he knows-
• If you had any like disorder involving you Period he would be extra on top of stuff.
• Will make sure you are well stocked on and properly take pain meds!
• Would just absolutely spoil you!
• Runs a bath, gets chocolate, threw your pajamas in the dryer to get them extra warm, heating pad.
• Might give you a massage if they are super painful? Probably would do it regardless but he would definitely offer if he knew that got bad.
• Idk why he knows so much, maybe it's because of Leah? I don't really write about the bachelotettes, but I feel like she would be super open about it so that's why Elliott knows a lot.
• But yeah he'd be super good to you! Would make you food just because. He is great at spoiling people, but not actually great at knowing what to do physically haha. (I think I mentioned in a previous fic where he just makes you soup if your in pain, he would do that here too)
• So if I just take Shane as a standalone character I don't think he'd know a lot / want to know/ care.
• But!
• Jas. I'm not sure what age she is supposed to be (literally anywhere from 7-12 imo) but I feel like Shane would have read up on Period stuff in preparation.
• So he would actually be more informed than Elliott!
• Now onto the actual stuff lol-
• He wouldn't be super pamper-y like Elliott and Harvey, but he would definitely help around the house more.
• Animals are all taken care of, crops are all watered, took care of some weeds, etc.
• He would also probably be a bit more physically affectionate purely because he knows you like it.
• Might be a bit embarrassed about it at first but after the first one he gets the gist of what to do.
• Would be relatively informed just because he is a health nut, but also doesn't know what to do because the most important woman in his life is postmenopausal-
• Probably would just give you chocolate and hugs because he knows like. Emotional and cravings.
• If they were super bad he would ask his grandma for help!
• Wouldn't be embarrassed about it! Once again. Health nut. Gets you pain meds!
• Okay. So. Sebastian.
• Literally lives with 2 ladies. Both very strong confident women. He wouldn't be uninformed by any means, but he probably is still awkward around the topic lmao
• Like if you were complaining he would be like "...." "am I supposed to do something about that?"
• AND HE DIDNT MEAN IT IN A RUDE WAY he was genuinely asking. But he just doesn't know and also is an awkward guy?
• Would do the least out of all the Bachelor's. Maybe just be more emotionally available because Period mood swings be rough. Makes more time to talk about things with you.
• Grabs you ibuprofen or Tylenol, whatever you have in the house.
• So Sam lives with a kind of coddling mom, does not have sisters, so like. His mom wouldn't talk to him about it. He has no 'personal' experience with it.
• Would be the most clueless-
• But he would definitely be like, "oh babe that sucks let me know what I can do"
• Gives you more cuddles, helps on the farm.
• Super enthusiastic about making you comfortable! He makes it into a way bigger deal than it is but he is genuinely curious about stuff so you think it's cute.
• After your first one when your together he is much better prepared / informed so he isn't all over the place.
• Just very cute and well meaning.
An* I hope this was at least a little cute / silly / comforting / whateveryouwantedoutofthis! I base everything off of personal experience because, like, it's all I got- but more people should be comfortable talking about this! It's completely normal and just a basic human function. So if yours is different than what others describe, that's okay! If yours is exactly the same, also okay! Idk where I'm going with this, but there is no shame in having a period, and that's on that!
This also came off way more dramatic than I meant it to be, but I live for the drama so it's okay (this applies to both the fic and the author's note-)
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luveline · 9 months
i’ve been re-reading some of the kbd au and was wondering if u would be up to writing a little kbd blurb wherein steve’s being all flirty and silly with reader? idk what it is but flirty kbd!steve specifically rips my heart open he’s so cute when he’s trying to charm r make r laugh <3 thank u as always mwah
thank you my love!! ♡ kbd au
Bethie brings a drink with her as she enters the living room. Steve a few steps behind her, your husband leans in the doorway and winces with every drop she spills on the floor. 
The cup is half full when it reaches you, but it is for you. "Here, mom." 
"Thank you," you say, tone enthused with bubbly affection. Bethie looks like you rather than Steve, and her smile is a mirror.
"Daddy says, uhm…" She looks over her shoulder at Steve. He nods encouragingly. She turns back. "Dad says to tell you that it's from a man at the bar. Because you look beautiful." 
You sniff at the drink, take an experimental sip. It's Steve's version of a virgin margarita, lemonade, orange juice and a spritz of fresh lime juice. "Ooh, so yummy. You want to try?" 
Bethie wrinkles her nose. "Will I like it?" 
Probably not. "I'm not sure, but it's got bubbles?"
Bethie shakes her head. You don't take it personally, scooping your second eldest up to sit on your thigh. She's not heavy. It's actually really nice when she leans back and uses your tummy as a chair, to be loved like this. 
Steve crosses his arms over his chest. "Come here often?" he asks with a wink. 
"Only every day, handsome." 
"Handsome? You're two timing the poor dolt stupid enough to buy you a drink, you know." 
"Poor dolt should've used his eyes." You gesture to either side of you, where Avery, the eldest, sits to your left and Dove, the youngest, lounges at your right. "I'm clearly taken." 
"Can't blame a guy for trying. I mean," —Steve whistles, looking you up and down, but he can't commit to his skit, and he cracks a smile— "hot damn, look at you." 
"Come here," you say. 
Steve's smile turns smug. He dodges the small margarita puddles on the way and leans down to kiss you, his hands on your face, a spritely peck that turns to kisses all over your left cheek. "Was the drink okay?" he asks, rubbing at your cheek with his thumb when he's done. 
You meet his eyes. Sugary brown, little flecks of honey crushed as his pupil grows bigger the longer he looks at you. "It's nice. I like your margaritas more than the store bought. Thank you, honey." 
"Oh," he hums, kissing you again. "You're welcome." 
"Daddy," Dove says simply. 
Steve knows what she wants, he can read their wants and needs from less, scooping her up to perch on the end of the couch. She can still fit into the curve of one arm if she tries. 
"Let me guess, you wanted a margarita," Steve teases, sliding a hand under her shirt to tickle her tummy. 
She laughs but ultimately protests, waiting for Steve to kiss her. He noses at her forehead, kissing her temple softly. "Better?" he asks. 
She settles in his arms and turns back to the TV, content. 
"See? You're not the only one in high demand." 
You sit back and beg him with your eyes to do the same. Steve does so immediately, shoulder to shoulder with you, pressing the tip of his nose to your cheek. Bethie wriggles in your arms and Avery asks about dinner, but for a few silly seconds, it's just you and Steve. 
"Love you. You look really, really pretty today. I had to tell you," Steve says. 
You reach out to squeeze Avery's hand to show you've heard her question. "I love you too, Stevie. Thank you." You make me feel really, really pretty. 
Especially when he says it like that. Three kids and he acts as though you're pretty enough for an urgent telling. Steve would tell you you're even prettier than the day he met you, and he's consistent enough that you genuinely believe it. He's your number one fan, and you're his. 
"Takeout?" you ask.
Steve's eyes glow with love. "Did I mention that you're beautiful?" 
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xitsensunmoon · 1 year
Biting the Hand That Feeds au FAQ (Vampires + donor au)
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Any general content warnings for bhtf au?
Yes. A normal amount of fnaf warnings, a normal amount of vampire warnings. For someone who doesn't know I elaborate... For vampire stuff, the most obvious ones are blood, hypnosis, bites, and animalistic behaviour. Less obvious - slightly suggestive themes. For fnaf - fnaf's usual violence, dark themes, a drop of gore and murders. The lore is uh. Very dark. I will try to decrease the amount of all of the cruelty but man. People who know, know how hard it will be. But I will tag everything properly so don't worry.
Is there a fic for your au?
No. And currently, I'm not even planning on writing one.
How do I find the story?
For now, we have two comics that are directly connected and one that doesn't have a specific place in the story but is about canonical lore.
[ 1 ] - [ 2 ] - [ x ]
In future, we will have more and I probably absolutely will forget to update this post so I recommend checking the tags. Here's the tag list
Tip: don't click the tag. Tumblr hides half of the results. Type it in the blog's search instead :)
Are the comics the only canonical thing about au?
No! I answer asks and draw a lot of doodles with bhtf au all the time and 90% of them are canon. You can, yet again, find everything in the tag list linked in the previous question.
Can I draw/write fan stuff for your au?
Yes, please!! I'm always happy to see fanart and fan writings and literally everything that you do! Just tag me when you post and use a fanart or fanwriting tag for au specifically so I don't miss it!
Can you include my characters in your story?
No, unfortunately, I cannot. The story is already written and I don't have any "space" for background characters either. Maybe it will change but currently, things are like this.
I asked a question with an interaction with my characters and I never got an answer, why?
I don't accept such requests. I'm not ready to spend my time drawing other people's characters for free(if I personally don't want to, of course)
Is there any limit to how many questions I can ask?
No, not at all! You can ask all you want just please make sure your question wasn't answered before. There is a big possibility I will just simply delete it if it was answered beforehand many times. Check the ask tag for it.
What about limitations? Any boundaries?
Please no questions about tickling🧍‍♀️ I got so many of those it already makes me uncomfortable. And for some reason, a lot of people send asks that include violence towards my characters and while I don't really feel uncomfortable with this I just idk what to answer and why are you even doing this lmao
What questions I should avoid?
Well, not really avoid but I will mention it anyway.
The things I have planned to draw right now:
- Sun and Moon and y/n's first meeting
- The creation of Sun&Moon
- Why S&M are sensitive to light and darkness
- How they hunt
So no need to ask me about these. I will show it, I promise.
What about sexual themes?
I understand that I post a lot of suggestive stuff and it may appear I allow such a thing but no.
You can create content with it tho, I don't mind for the most part. Just be ready that I may not reblog it, as my Tumblr is a SFW place. It's always 50/50.
Romantic themes?
I do draw some kisses and cuddles when I feel like it and you of course can send ideas for cute interactions but in the story we're very far away from it lol.
My question gets ignored even though I followed everything that you mentioned here. Why?
Answered in main FAQ.
Can I share the ideas for your au with you?
YES!!! Yes, yes and yes! I'm very open to that, like yes! The only thing that I definitely want to mention - you should expect that I actually can take your ideas and use them. Some people are protective of their ideas so if you're like this you probably should not share them with me :)
The information that you're using for your au is wrong.
Happens sometimes yeah. I know nothing about any medical stuff for y/n so I usually improvise. After all it's an au about robotic vampires man, this information is absolutely wrong. But! You're free to drop feedback/constructive criticism in my inbox!
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Will be updated later
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