#because in my mind I actually do very much enjoy confirmation by him? and getting a go ahead etc.?
fandom-go-round · 9 months
bg3 companions + their reactions to finding out they knocked up fem tav? 👀 (for the ladies we can say they're trans or it's magic)
I wrote my boy first because he’s the best, can you guess who it is? Hint: He’s my first romance. No guess for you lovely requestor because you know too much LOL
Also I’m ignoring cannon endings here because we want to end up happy with babies. No angst here, begone!
Warnings: Implied Sex, Implied Sexual Situations, Pregnant Tav, Babies, Pregnancy Thing (Morning Sickness)
At first, he thinks that you’re joking. Vampires can’t have children after all, that’s a pretty basic fact. When you’re insistent, part of him wants to accuse you of cheating, as much as it pains him. That’s a part of him still tainted by Cazador and he muffles it as best he can. Astarion is going to insist you go to a healer together; if you’re not pregnant, something must be going on you need help with. When Shadowheart confirms you’re with child, he’s at a loss. Astarion doesn’t know what to say, truly.
After the initial shock, he goes on the hunt for anything and everything about human-vampire babies. The records are hard to find and some are locked far, far away but he finds them all. He can be very persuasive after all. It’s in one of these books that he figures out how you two made a baby; he’s going to be very careful taking your blood from now on. Speaking of, Astarion will refuse to drink from you while you pregnant, no ifs ands or buts. This is a firm boundary for him, even if you smell more and more delicious the farther along you get.
The pregnancy is hard and Astarion is afraid he’s going to lose you. The birth is especially gruesome and it’s only because of Shadowheart and Halsin that you’re alive. He wants to resent the baby for how you suffered but he can’t, they’re just too perfect. He’s afraid of getting too close, of tainting this little thing but you refuse to let him be apart. The first time he holds your child he weeps and it’s over. Astarion is always going to struggle with his emotions and feelings about being a father but never about how much he loves them. Also, he’s completely in charge of their wardrobe; you’re going to have the best-looking baby in the entire city hands down.
Gale was always on the fence about kids. Sure they’re cute but they’re also loud and he struggles to take care of himself, let alone a little squishy creature. That doesn’t mean he’s upset when you tell him you’re pregnant, not at all. He’s just doing furious calculations in his mind and it looks like he’s crashed. Give his brain a moment to reset and he’ll give you a large grin and lean down to kiss you. Tara is the first person the two of you tell and she’s excited, vowing to be the baby’s protector. Gale loves her even more which is quite the feat. His mother is next and she immediately starts offering help. He just can’t get over how perfect his family is, it feels like a dream sometimes. 
He takes a very technical approach to your pregnancy, like everything. Gale is reading all of the baby books and using all of the tracking charts he can get his hands on. He even goes to talk to midwives, wanting an expert opinion. It’s very sweet of him but you have to remind him that all babies grow at their own pace. He just wants to be the best dad he can and for him, that means more information. It is funny to watch him change a diaper for the first time but he never backs down from a challenge! Maybe he can use magic…?
He’s a mess when you actually go into labor. Gale swore he would be with you the entire time and then passed out in the final moments. He wakes up to a healthy baby and immediately starts crying. He enjoys being a dad, especially teaching your child new things. Your kid is going to have a huge curious streak that Gale will feed with vigor. He doesn’t consciously want your kid to be a wizard but would be overjoyed to have more in common with them.
Wyll is over the moon, as surprised as he is. Kids are something that he’s always wanted to have eventually and with you, his favorite person? What could go wrong? Of course, he’ll hear out your concerns if you have any and can have difficult conversations around pregnancy and child birth. One benefit of being a noble is that he has resources to help; whatever you want will be yours. He’s nervous to tell his dad but once the older man starts to tear up, he knows that he’s made a good choice. Wyll wants his family to be whole and happy.
He’s a chronic hoverer, as cute and frustrating as that is. Even in the early stages of pregnancy Wyll will try to do everything for you; moving a trunk? He’s got that, don’t strain yourself. Trying to cook dinner? Let him help you love. Be firm that you can do things yourself and he’ll back off. Just know that when you turn to ask him for help he’ll be waiting in the wings to be your hero. He’s also a pro at helping you figure out cravings. Wyll won’t complain if you wake him up in the middle of the night to go get something from the kitchen. He loves wrapping his arms around you from behind and rocking together; you being in his arms is his favorite thing.
He’s a trooper during the birth, being there the entire time. It takes a long time and he does worry but he encourages you and is your personal cheerleader. He can’t stop smiling after the baby is born, tracing their cheeks and forehead. As much as it would be funny to say Wyll struggles with being a dad, he really doesn’t. He loves your child so much, you’re surprised he never brought up kids in the first place. He is very much the definition of doting father but don’t let that fool you, he takes no disrespect, especially towards you. You’re the ruler of the house and Wyll is your backup. He’s the perfect mix of fun and strict dad. Now if he can convince you to have others…
Karlach is over the moon when you find our you’re pregnant. She had noticed you felt off and encouraged you to go to the doctor. Neither of you were expecting the baby news, as silly as it sounds. That doesn’t stop her form immediately lifting you up with a loud ‘whoop!’ and spinning your around the room. She loves babies! She loves you! This is going to be great.
She insists on redoing a room just for the baby. Even if their crib is going to be in your room for the first few months, Karlach wants your kid to have their own space. She paints the walls, builds all the furniture, everything. She asks for you opinion on decorations and doesn’t do anything without checking with you first but it’s her labor of love. It’s also her project for when she gets anxious thinking about the future. What is something goes wrong with her heart? What if something is wrong with the baby? What is the birth is too much for you? All of these thoughts get washed away in making the baby’s room perfect and then she goes to talk to you.
Karlach helps as much as she can during the birth aka you kick her (lovingly) into the hall to go grab towels so she stops hovering. When she gets back the baby is almost here and there’s no time to panic, just watch with wide eyes. She thinks you’re even more of a badass for going through all that and asks to hold the baby fist. Karlach cries holding them; they’re so cute and small and they’re the perfect mix of the two of you. She’s defiantly going to be the fun mom and there will be moments where it feels like you have two kids to scold. She takes safety very seriously, however, and is the first to lecture about stranger danger. Your kid will never feel unloved or unsafe, Karlach swears it on her life. This is her family now and no one else can have them.
Lae’zel struggles with the news that you’re having a baby. Partly because she never thought that she could have kids and the other part because she’s terrified about being a mom. She wasn’t raised in a traditional Faerunian way; no where on the continent can be compared to being raised Gith. She needs time to process on her own and it’ll be a few days before she comes back ready to talk. Take her concerns seriously and, if you truly want to keep the baby, she’ll raise them with you. She loves you after all.
It takes her a bit to understand all the changes your body is going through. It’s horrifying and amazing to watch your stomach swell and she loves gently cradling your bump as it grows. She doesn’t know what to do about the crying, except when someone else makes you cry. Then it’s easy: she wants to kill them. That usually makes you laugh and you’re able to talk her out of bodily harm. You do have some nice shop discounts now. Lae’el is very much your guard dog and she fulfills her position with pride.
The entire birthing process just shows Lae’zel that you’re the strongest person she knows. She’s completely impressed by how you handle everything and has a new respect for moms everywhere. She still thinks it’s gross and inefficient but badass all the same. Lae’zel is a strict mom but soft in her own way. She’s still learning to be kind to herself and the world around her. Your child will never feel the brunt of her frustration or confusion; they will, however, be able to swing a sword much too young. She beams with pride the first time your child beheads a training dummy and you know, deep deep down, that the two of them going to be trouble.
She starts to notice the signs before you do, honestly. At first it’s little things; you’re tired quicker, you’re more sensitive to certain smells. The big one is that you start to get morning sickness, frequently. Shadowheart finally sits you down after the fifth morning in a row over a bucket and checks you over. You’re pregnant all right, not doubt there. She’s going to be as surprised as you; you were both good about protection. Surprise baby!
She’s fairly neutral about kids. She never thought that she would have any, serving Shar, but now there’s a little more appeal to them. The pooping and crying she could live without but the idea of there being someone made up of the two of you? Shadowheart likes the idea more than she would admit out loud. She starts researching pregnancy healing the midwifery right away; she doesn’t have a lot of expertise with babies but she is a healer.
Shadowheart insists on delivering your baby herself. She wants to be a part of this and while you’re going to be doing the hard part, she wants to support you. If you have an issue, she will relent but has to be in the room. Your delivery is flawless and as she holds the bloody baby in her hands, she feels full. Of love and hope and excitement, all those emotions she once would have sworn off. For the first time since you’ve found out you’re pregnant, she’s excited to be a mom. She’s a strict but loving mom, teasing her kid and embarrassing them in public (just a little, like a cheek pinch). Shadowheart loves singing to your kids, something neither of you knew until now. Your house is full of love and laughter and singing, just perfect.
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kissitbttr · 10 months
Miggy getting babied by his pregnant wife?
hiii! i hope you don’t mind, i changed it a bit because I don’t want it to look too much alike on the other one! this one’s short, enjoy! xx
being a mother to a 6 month old pregnancy bump isn’t easy. if it was, fathers could do it.
and that’s what miguel had been learning through it all. seeing your mood swings shift in a span of thirty seconds, constant cravings for ice creams, kebabs etc, snapping (directly at him and mostly at him), frequent backaches and fatigue. he’s very much impressed how an existence of a human being living inside of you could actually change you as a person.
still, doesn’t mean he loves you less.
“ugh, i’d give my left tit for a big plate of mofongos and a fat ass joint right now”
the two of you are cuddled up in the couch, watching some lame old american tv show that miguel seems to find enjoyable. you’re dressed in one of his t-shirt and grey sweatpants. ones that you had claimed as yours despite miguel’s protest.
your husband chuckles, pulling you closer by the shoulder. “lucky you, mami. i bought an extra before i came home just for you. i could heat it up for you later if you want.”
a dreamy sigh escape your lips, reaching out to kiss his cheek. “thanks papi. you’re the best. what about the joint?”
he snorts, head shaking as his eyes cast down to yours. “i don’t think weed is good for the baby.”
“says who?” you fake a gasp, pulling back slightly. “it’s literally herbal! unless it’s contaminated with tobacco. don’t we have a stash up in the closet?”
“you finished them all, ma. basically rolling those joints with your pretty fingers before this happened” he points at the bump. “usted es avaro, mi corazon. barely left some for me”
a smile pulls up into your mouth, head resting against his bare chest. hand interlocking with his. “remember when we were celebrating our one year anniversary and got high?”
“ay dios mio” he groans playfully, rolling his head back. “don’t remind me, baby”
“it was so fun” you ignore the embarrassment creeping into his cheeks, grinning even wider when he tries to hide it. “we went to taco bell after.”
“yeah and i threw it up because it tasted like shit”
you hum, nodding along. “and decided to get shawarmas and fries instead because we weren’t satisfied”
“one with the small food truck in 133th street” he confirms, his cheek against the crown of your hair. smiling at the memory. “i remember you told me not to get ones from across that italian place that you like because we need to support small business. had to stop you from crying too much because you kept saying how unfair it was for rich bastards to keep open up restaurants when they have shitty palate”
his comment makes you laugh hard. his grip around your hand tighten. some sort of pride blooms in his chest when he sees you laugh freely like that.
“oh god i remember!” as you slowly recover from the laugh. “we sat on the pavement after that right? you kept telling me how you want me to be the mother of your child.”
“damn, why do you keep recalling all the embarrassing things i did, huh?” he asks jokingly with a deep chuckle. now his attention isn’t even on the tv anymore.
“because it’s cute! you were so cute!” he shakes his head once more, biting down a shy smile as you shift your body weight to wrap your arms around his neck. “my miggy is so cute with the ‘i want you to be my wife, i want to get you pregnant, mi amor. say yes please, please, pleaseeeee’”
you continue to mock his actions back then, watching him cower down at the attempt of you trying to mimic his voice. strangely enough, you almost got it right.
he has his hands covered his face.“stop that, princesa! come onnnn”
you respond with a head shake as a ‘no’. “ay, papi don’t be shy” you giggle, trying to pry his hands off. “come on. let me see my hubby. let me see him”
miguel doesn’t budge for a while before peeking in-between his fingers like a little kid, then slowly peeling his hands away, jutting his lower lip forward.
you gasp, hand over your heart. “god damn! you can’t be walking around looking like that! can’t have all the girls falling for the sexiest man alive”
he rolls his eyes, smiling at your compliment. “stop being biased, baby!”
“i am not! how dare you calling the mother of your kid a liar, hm?” you tug him down, letting his head rest in between your neck and shoulder blade. “my baby daddy is sooo handsome. i won the fucking lottery.”
“definitely the other way around, love.” he disagrees, hand coming up to rest on your bump. “you stole my heart the moment you walked into my office that day. never thought in my life that a gorgeous architect made me get down on my knees and pray to the lord up there to let me have you.”
now that makes your heart skips a beat. how could you compete with that? he never fails to make you swoon even after years of being with him. it’s like the butterflies never stopped.
“hmm now you’re being biased, miggy”
“nope. i was so sure that i was in love with you.” he then turns to look up to you, tone becoming serious. “my god, you were the finest thing i have ever laid my eyes upon, mami. was literally bending over backwards to impress you. and now? seeing you swollen with my baby just made you ten times more gorgeous than before. you’re the love of my life, mi amor. and i will prove it to you for the rest of my life if i had to”
truly, you had never believe in luck or hope. it’s something that never sits well with you. odds never had been in your favor and you believed that for the longest time. you were fine being all alone. you have a job that pays you well, great condo, a body that you learned to adore, a loving mother. four things that you have always been so grateful for. you wouldn’t change a single thing.
but when miguel happened? everything in your life had changed for much better. from having to do everything on your own to ‘i got this one baby’. sure, you weren’t exactly comfortable with it at first, because you had never been the one who had asked for help.
yet you learned to love it all because of him,
with a grateful smile, you trace your fingertips across his soft lips. beautiful red eyes not leaving yours, as if he’s afraid that if he looks away for a second he would lose you completely,
“you’re the love of my life too, miguel”
don’t forget to reblog and comment babes!! xx
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writingwithciara · 2 months
welcome to the family -quinn hughes-
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summary: after their trip to vegas ended in an accidental marriage, the hughes brothers and y/n head to the lake house where quinn and y/n have to explain to jim and ellen that they got married
word count: 3.8k
pairing: quinn hughes x reader
notes: this is a part 2 to 'married in vegas' that was requested & i really hope you like it thanks for your patience @aphrcdites 😊 w: implied smut; loving family situations; jack being an idiot kinda; quinn being the most adorable human being; slightly coarse language
because jack and luke had to stay back in vegas an extra night for something to do with the devils, y/n & quinn were able to get a day alone. they flew to michigan and found themselves at the lake house.
just before y/n opened the door, quinn put his hand on her shoulder to stop her. before she could question his action, he picked her up and looked at her.
"carrying you over the threshold." he smirked, as if he had read her mind.
"you're ridiculous."
"but you love me."
"but i love you." she nodded her head in confirmation as quinn opened the door and walked in with her safely in his arms. when he kicked the door closed, y/n looked up at him. "so now what?"
"now we enjoy our alone time before everyone else gets here tomorrow."
"and how you suppose we do that, hmm?"
"we take the boat out and tan a little bit, of course."
"sounds perfect. is my bikini still in the spare bedroom?"
"should be." quinn carried her upstairs and when they got to the spare room, he finally set her down. she rushed over to the dresser and pulled out the bikini she kept at the lake house.
y/n was pulling her shirt off before she felt quinn's eyes on her. she turned to face him, her eyebrow raised a little. "a little privacy, please?"
"not like i haven't seen you naked before."
"we were drunk, stupid." she giggled and when quinn pouted, she rolled her eyes. "fine. you can stay in the room but i don't want you staring. turn around."
"a win's a win." he shrugged his shoulders and turned to face the doorway. y/n changed into the bottoms first and looked behind her as she pulled the top on.
"um, can i....can i get some help with the tie, please?"
"of course." quinn turned around with his eyes closed, causing y/n to giggle again.
"babe, you can open your eyes."
quinn opened his eyes and smiled. "you are perfect. oh my." he grabbed the strings and tied them behind her neck. "have i mentioned i love it when you call me babe?"
"not yet. but noted, babe." she reached up to kiss his cheek but quinn being who he was had to turn his head at the last moment so her lips landed on his. "get changed, quinn. i'll go down and pack some snacks."
"you're the only snack i need." he leaned in for another kiss but y/n avoided him.
"oh god." y/n gently pushed him away and walked out of the room. "10 minutes, hughes." she called over her shoulder before descending the stairs.
"you got it, hughes." quinn smiled and quickly changed. the entire time they spent apart, he was thinking how awesome it was that y/n was now an actual hughes family member.
when he finally joined y/n down in the kitchen, he was pleasantly surprised at how much food she had stuffed into the bags.
"wow. you're fast." he came up behind her and rubbed her arms, placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head.
"that a good thing or a bad thing?"
"a good thing." he smiled. "a very good thing."
"good to know." she smirked and tried to pick up the loaded bag. quinn picked it up with ease and followed her out to the boat.
as they drove the boat around the lake, y/n gazed at the view. quinn did the same but his view was easily more beautiful. it was y/n smiling widely as the sun made her skin glow. she was wearing shorts over her bikini bottoms but her shirt had been removed as soon as they stepped outside. and to quinn, it was the most amazing thing he had ever seen.
y/n turned and caught him staring, causing her cheeks to burn red. the sun couldn't be blamed though.
"what are you staring at?"
"the love of my life, of course." quinn winked in her direction and slowed the boat down. he dropped the anchor and approached y/n. she grabbed 2 beers, handing one to him as he sat on the seat opposite her.
after a few moments of comfortable silence, y/n spoke up.
"have you ever had sex on the boat?"
"that came out of nowhere." he chuckled and sipped the beer. "why do you want to know?"
"i don't know. just curious, i guess."
"well, you'll be happy to know that i myself have never had sex on the boat. but i'm pretty sure luke and jack have. trevor and cole probably have as well."
"luke has?!? really? my sweet, innocent baby angel isn't so innocent?""
"no he is not. he's probably done more than all of us combined, actually."
"no. stop. i refuse to ruin the image i have of lukey in my head." y/n covered her ears and looked at quinn. "let's move on from that." she smiled. "maybe we could change the fact that you're the only one who's never had sex with someone on the boat."
"i don't think that would be very comfortable for you and your comfort is my number one priority. so, as enticing as the offer is, i think i'm gonna have to pass on this one. sorry."
"no need to apologize, quinn. it was a hypothetical statement. but i appreciate you always thinking of me."
"of course." he placed his hand on her knee and rubbed his thumb up and down. "i love you. so so much."
"i love you too, quinn." she gazed up at him lovingly. the look she was giving him made his heart melt. "the most perfect person alive."
"no. that's you." he leaned over and kissed her nose. "ready to take a dip in the water?"
"yes sir." she quickly stood up and rid herself of her denim shorts. quinn took his shoes and shirt off before picking y/n up and jumping in the water. when they resurfaced, quinn moved a strand of wet hair out of her face and grinned.
"just so you know, when we tell my parents tomorrow, they're gonna ask questions. a lot of questions."
"i'm prepared. it's jim and ellen. how many questions could they possibly have?"
the next morning, y/n got up early and began to clean. the place wasn't a mess and it's not like she had to make a good first impression on them. but she was nervous and whenever she got nervous or stressed, she cleaned. non-stop.
back when she used to live with jack when he got drafted, he took notice of her actions over the months she was there. it broke his heart to see his best friend struggle the way she was so he ended up sitting her down one night and got her to spill everything to him. it was the night they both knew their friendship was solid and nothing bad would happen to one of them as long as the other one was around.
by the time quinn came down, y/n had a large breakfast buffet made and the table was set for 6.
"you didn't have to go this big, y/n/n. they already love you."
"i know. but after i cleaned up, i saw that i had plenty of time left so i figured i'd make breakfast for everyone. there's tons of food so we should be good for a while."
"two questions. one, how long have you been up?"
"3 hours. maybe 4." she sighed when quinn raised his eyebrow. he didn't believe her. "okay fine. 5 hours."
"baby, that's crazy. you need to sleep too."
"i know. but i have so much energy right now."
"okay." he chuckled. "my second question is, if you still had so much energy when you were done with the cleaning, why didn't you come wake me up? i know a few ways we could've spent our time."
"well," y/n checked her watch. "we still have a little bit of time before everyone is supposed to get here. what's one of those ways?"
"hmm, we could start by doing this." he leaned in to kiss her gently and smiled when she kissed back. "or maybe we can do this." he placed a kiss on her jawline, causing her to bite her lip.
"don't start something we can't finish." she smirked and put her hand on his chest.
"we can make it quick."
"quinn, your parents could get here early."
"they're at the airport and it takes like 20 minutes to get here from there so we have plenty of time." he searched her eyes for any rejection. he was basically begging her without saying another word. when the corners of her lips turned upwards, quinn knew he had won.
"fine. but we need to go upstairs. i'm not about to get caught in the kitchen."
"fair point." quinn picked her up and ran up to his room. whatever clothes they had on were quickly discarded and they soon found themselves tangled in the sheets.
45 minutes later, y/n was putting the finishing touches on her hair and make-up when quinn walked into the room.
"you don't need to get all dressed up. they're your in-laws and like i said an hour ago, they already love you."
"i know. but i like doing this. makes me feel pretty." y/n caught his gaze in the mirror and smirked as she placed the cover up on her neck. "plus, i need to hide these marks you left on me."
"hey, i can't help it. you taste so sweet." he came up behind her and kissed the spot on her neck that was bare. "come on. they're going to be here any minute."
"okay. let's go." y/n practically ran out of the bathroom and went to the kitchen to make sure the breakfast she made an hour ago was still warm enough to eat. it was.
mere seconds after quinn's feet touched the last step, jack and luke were walking in.
"mom jsut called. said they'd be here in 5 minutes." luke informed them as he set his bag down on the floor. y/n picked it up and moved it out of the way.
"perfect." she smiled and looked at the 3 boys in front of her. jack raised an eyebrow and how happy she was.
"okay so what's going on with you two lately? i know you got married and everything and the last time it was discussed, you were on your way to get it annulled."
"yeah. about that...."quinn began but his sentence was interrupted when his parents walked through the door. jim hugged his boys while ellen went straight to y/n.
"oh it is so nice to see you, dear. it hasn't been the same since you moved to be closer to jack and luke."
"i missed you too." y/n smiled. "there's breakfast if anybody's hungry."
"well why didn't you say that first?" luke shook his head and headed to the kitchen. jack, jim and ellen followed while quinn stayed behind.
"ready to tell them?"
"let's wait until we all eat. everyone's happier when their stomachs are full.' y/n smiled and looked at quinn.
"they're gonna be happy regardless. you are aware of that, right?"
"of course i am." she smiled and headed for the kitchen. everyone had their plates filled with food and y/n noticed that luke was placing a plate down in front of her chair. "oh lukey. i love you." she kissed the top of his head and sat down.
"it's the least i could do for you, considering how you cooked it all for us. also, think of this as the start to my apology."
"apology? what did you do to her, luke?" ellen sent a playful glare in her youngest child's direction. "you better not have hurt her.
"of course not, mom. you raised me better than that." he chuckled. "i was talking about how i rigged the rooming situation for vegas and made her share a room with quinn."
"oh. well that's not so bad, really." she turned to look at y/n and quinn. "they didn't kill each other so it seems to have worked out perfectly."
"i wanted to kill him. first 3 nights there." y/n smiled. "but he's a really good guy so i didn't do it."
"that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me." quinn smirked and sipped his coffee. when he set the cup back down on the table, he didn't miss the look his mom gave him but he brushed it off as she almost immediately started another conversation with y/n.
"so, y/n, when are you and jack going to get married?"
jack, who was in the middle of drinking some water, spit it out all over luke. "wait, what?"
"what the hell, jack." luke wiped his face with his napkin and looked at his mom. "she's already married."
"you are? why didn't you tell me?" ellen turned back to y/n. "wait, more importantly, who are you married to?"
"well, it's a long story but while we were in vegas, one thing lead to another and quinn and i got married." y/n glanced up at her. "please don't be mad at me."
"i'm not mad. i'm really happy actually." ellen smiled. "a little disappointed that i wasn't invited, but ecstatic none the less. i was also hoping that you and jack would be the ones to get together. but honestly, you and any one of my boys would be good."
"so, tell us more about how it happened." jim was invested in the conversation now.
"i had been in love with jack for so long so i never really paid attention to quinn."
"but then luke rigged the rooming situation and after 4 days, she woke up from a nightmare. i comforted her as best as i could and after that, things were different."
"yeah and then at the casino, i guess quinn thought i was a good luck charm. i stayed by him all night and he won a lot of money. then we woke up the next morning and we were married. we were gonna get it annulled but while we were in the office, we couldn't do it."
"yeah. i took one look at her and just knew that even though we were drunk, marrying her was the best thing i've ever done. she is without a doubt, the perfect girl for me."
"awe. that's so sweet." ellen grinned. "you feel the same about him, right?"
"of course. you raised the perfect gentleman, ellen."
"please. call me mom." she smiled again. "oh this is so exciting. i finally have a daughter."
"am i the only one who's still focused on the fact that she was in love with me before?" jack looked around the group.
"how could you not tell?" luke, jim, and ellen said at the same time.
"anyway, we didn't have a celebration. it was a small thing at an all night chapel & korean elvis officiated it." quinn chuckled. "in fact, y/n wanted to talk to you about this mom."
"what did you want to talk about, sweetie?"
"i was hoping that since you know we're married, if you could help me throw a reception type of party."
"when do you plan on having it?"
"i was hoping we could get it all set up for this upcoming weekend."
"okay. yeah we can do it." she smiled and stood up. "let's go get some supplies. because of the short notice, it won't be fancy but we can invite quite a bit of people."
"that's fine." y/n followed ellen out to the car.
while they were gone, the hughes boys all had a serious talk about the marriage. jim acted like the perfect father figure and made sure quinn's intentions were good, while jack and luke acted like y/n's brothers and told quinn that if he broke her heart, there'd be serious consequences. if y/n had been there for the talk, she would've loved knowing just how much the family cared about her.
3 days later, everything was set up and y/n was in the room getting ready for the party when quinn knocked on the door.
"you decent?" he came in with his eyes covered. y/n faced him and removed his hands.
"you really need to stop covering your eyes every time you enter a room i'm in." she giggled.
"i know i don't need to do it, but i do. it's respectful and if ellen hughes knew i wasn't being a gentleman, she'd kick my ass."
"fair point. she's the best."
"yeah. she truly is." he pulled her close and admired her for a few moments. "so, has mom been bugging you about grandchildren yet?"
"she mentions it every time i talk to her." she smiled. "but we haven't even had the talk about children yet."
"and we've been married for 5 days. should've been discussed by now, right?"
"yes. but how about we wait until after the reception to discuss it? that way we're not incredibly late to our own party."
"okay. fair enough." quinn grinned and grabbed her hand, carefully whisking her downstairs to join the guests.
they went around the room and listened to a bunch of their friends congratulating them and a few family members giving them some wise advice.
by the time ellen had brought out the cake, everyone had said their words to y/n & quinn. the only thing they had left to do was eat the cake and have more fun than they were already having.
when the party had come to an end, y/n was happier than she had been in a long time. the hughes family was to thank for it.
quinn shut the door after the last guest left and turned to y/n. "now what?"
"well i was gonna help your mom-"
"nonsense, sweetie. you and quinn go enjoy yourselves." ellen appeared from the kitchen with a dish towel in her hand. "i got the boys helping me."
"thanks mom." y/n smiled and went up the stairs. she missed the look ellen gave to quinn as he made his way up behind her.
when they were finally alone again, they were both on the bed when quinn turned to look at y/n. she faced him and smiled.
"today was a success." she grinned. "i never want it to end."
"you're coming back to vancouver with me, right?"
"of course, quinn. how could i not join my husband in the city he calls home?"
"i am never going to get tired of hearing you call me your husband." he placed a kiss on her forehead and smirked. "i'm also never going to get tired of being your husband."
"that makes two of us." y/n returned the smile he gave her. "i'm really glad your family likes me."
"they love you. and very right to do so. if anyone had hated you, i would've said goodbye to them."
"no you wouldn't have."
"you're right but i don't want to hear anyone hating you for no reason at all. you're perfect."
"you're perfect too, quinn." y/n gazed lovingly at him. "and i thought it was pretty sexy when you were having fun with the children early. got me thinking."
"oh yeah? what about?"
"how good of a father you'd be & how cute your kids would be."
"if you think my kids would be cute on their own, then our kids would be genetically gifted & all the other kids would be jealous that our kid would be superior."
"okay, quinn. calm down a little bit." y/n smiled and pecked his cheek. "do you want to have kids?"
"i never really thought about it but now that i have you, i really think i do. especially with you. nobody else."
"sounds perfect." y/n turned to look out the window. "wanna go out on the boat?"
"really? it's kind of dark to go swimming....OH!" it took him a second to process what she was suggesting but when the words finally registered in his brain, he shot off the bed and grabbed her hand.
they were in the middle of the lake in no time. y/n was straddling quinn's lap while he placed kisses all over her neck. the soft moans that were falling from her mouth were letting quinn know he was doing a good job.
breathlessly, he pulled away from her neck and smiled.
"you're so perfect." he gripped her thighs gently and flipped them around so her back was flat against the seat. y/n pulled him down and attached her lips to his before he could speak again.
the sun was beginning to rise when quinn and y/n were getting ready to head back to the house. y/n couldn't help but stare at quinn as he drove the boat back.
she truly loved him and she couldn't believe it took her this long to realize it.
as quinn parked the boat back at the dock, y/n snapped out of her trance and helped him anchor it to the post.
they walked up to the house and entered it slowly, being careful not to make any noise as they climbed the stairs and made their way to quinn's room.
"think anyone noticed we were gone all night?" y/n smiled as the two of them collapsed on the bed. she looked at quinn and he shook his head.
"i highly doubt it. they're all a bunch of heavy ass sleepers."
"good to know." y/n smirked. "when do you think everyone's gonna wake up?"
"hmmmm...." quinn glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand. "jack usually wakes up around 6:30 so he'll be up real soon. why? what did you have in mind?"
"wanted to test just how heavy your family actually slept."
"we just got back from a night of doing that. aren't you tired?" he chuckled.
"no. not even close, my love." y/n leaned over and kissed quinn. "who could be tired around you?"
"you'd be surprised." quinn smiled and lowered his voice when he heard movement in the hallway. "sounds like jack is up."
"oh darn." y/n smiled and watched the shadow pass underneath the door. "can't believe i loved him when you were right in front of me the entire time."
"yeah. what were you thinking?" quinn chuckled and started to tickle her. as she giggled, quinn couldn't help but fall more in love with her. she was absolutely perfect and he was glad she was his. he couldn't wait to start a family with her.
tags: @aphrcdites
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yuikomorii · 2 months
I got a question but I need an objective answer please. So I saw a lot of people complain about Yui being written in a very bad way in Ayato’s routes starting with More Blood and was curious if you think that she became a bad girlfriend as the story progressed?
// I will analyze Yui’s versions from Ayato’s routes and provide an answer at the end of this post.
More Blood:
Even from the first two chapters we are aware of the fact that Yui got a big crush on Ayato merely because of his looks and pleasure he gave her. At first sight, these reasons seem very superficial, but at the same time you can’t blame her completely for that. Yui went to a normal school and used to read magazines for teens, therefore it’s obvious she would have hormones and fall in love with someone who got features portrayed as the beauty standard.
It's understandable why some found her annoying, as she repeatedly cried for Ayato's love without making any real effort to earn it. Apart from giving him her blood, she didn't try to understand what he was going through, even when she noticed changes in him that made him crave so much blood.
Nevertheless, I believe that she did redeem herself in the last chapters, where she admitted being selfish and only thinking about her own desires, instead of focusing on Ayato’s struggles too. I know she paralyzed him out of jealousy and cheated on him in the bad endings, but in the good one, she’s actually a really loyal person. Yui waited years for Ayato to wake up from the coma and Ayato searched for Yui for years in his dream until he finally woke up. This ending confirmed the genuineness of their love.
In the After Story, Ayato planned to attend university for Yui's sake, aiming to get a job and buy a house. Yui helped Ayato with his studies and praised his skills. Initially, she fell for his looks, but in the After Story, she mentioned falling in love with him again because of his caring, determined, and hardworking personality.
Vandead Carnival & Lunatic Parade:
I really liked Yui in both of Ayato's routes and honestly, I can't find anything to criticize about her behavior.
It's not that Yui was a bad partner; it's just that Ayato was portrayed as too good, such as when he ran through flames for her or protected her from a bomb explosion. But that's likely because these are fan service games, where the love interests are designed to be your knights in shining armor. xD
Dark Fate:
I absolutely loved Yui’s portrayal in that route. It was the sweetest version of Yui I’ve ever seen, and I really enjoyed seeing her so happy and soft. Regarding her relationship with Ayato, he was truly the apple of her eye, lol.
The only problematic thing she did was pushing Ayato to face his abuser, Cordelia, even though he didn’t want to. I honestly don’t care if a character does something to another character, as long as it doesn’t affect them and the story, so since Ayato didn’t get mad at her for that, I didn’t mind it much either. However, from an objective point of view, I agree that doing such a thing is quite bad. Being in the presence of someone who ruined your life can trigger intense memories and forcing a confrontation removes the victim's agency in deciding how to cope with their trauma. Ayato might not have been mad at Yui for planning that, but if it had been Laito, I’m sure he would have shown why Yui was in the wrong.
Other than that, she was a kind and supportive girlfriend throughout the whole route, clearly having no ill intent, and I appreciate that she had an actual important role in the route.
Lost Eden:
Ok, I really can’t defend her anymore there. She literally had no redeeming qualities, no matter how many times she got the chance to fix herself. I discussed my thoughts about LE Yui in this post, but I’ll sum it up.
She tried to convince Ayato that despite Cordelia abusing him, she actually did it because she “cared about his future”, and then acted surprised when Ayato started feeling uncomfortable because of her words.
Yui knew the reasons behind Ayato’s behavior, yet when his brothers started mocking him, she didn’t even try to defend him. Everyone ganged up on Ayato, and he was on the verge of a panic attack, yet she remained silent.
Another terrible scene was in one of the last chapters, when Ruki admitted to turning the Vibora Clan and Church organization against Ayato out of envy, aiming to kill him. Instead of criticizing Ruki’s actions, Yui justified them and spoke ill of Ayato behind his back. I wouldn’t like to date someone who claims to love me but keeps hurting me without learning anything… It felt as if Ayato only continued being together with her because he had no one else. No wonder he didn’t marry her there.
Chaos Lineage:
I found Yui quite boring in CL in general, but she started off as determined and sweet in his route, so I liked that.
For most of the route, Yui’s entire personality seemed to revolve around Ayato, and she didn’t do much. There were many cheesy moments between them that made me cringe. Still, I’m sure a certain audience enjoyed those.
My only complaint is that when his brothers started treating Ayato unfairly, despite the fact that he came up with the idea of breaking the glass floor of the church, Yui did nothing to defend him, again.
However, I do appreciate that she gave him that adorable monologue. I just wish she had done it in front of others instead of only acting when Ayato was already insecure and sad.
Now… let’s see what kind of girlfriend Yui was in each route by judging her progress:
MB: Good
VC: Good
DF: Very good
LP: Good
LE: Very bad
CL: Decent
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
Sarahhh that thing with Eddie hearing you talk to someone on the phone can you do it where he hears you talking about him in bed please!!!!!🫠💕
Hiiiii babes!! I’m laughing because I have like 3 other asks about this in my inbox and I honestly didn’t even think of doing this so of course I’ll do it for y’all! I hope you enjoy this😂💖
TW: lots of sex talk, mentions of oral and choking
*Eddie thought he’d surprise you with lunch but turns out he’s the one getting surprised*
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“No he’s never done that.” You answer as you get comfortable on the couch after you prop your phone against your bottle of water on the coffee table. You’re currently in the middle of a catch up session with one of your oldest friends, you’ve been on FaceTime with her for the last hour and now as usual the conversation has moved on to talking about your relationship with Eddie. “He doesn’t really like a lot of PDA.” You add as you take a few pieces of popcorn from the bowl that’s sitting in your lap as you watch your friend make lunch through the phone.
“He doesn’t like it? Why?” She asks as she puts two pieces of bread in the toaster. You just shrug as you eat another handful of popcorn. “Has he ever choked you in the middle of it?” You nearly spit out the half chewed popcorn in your mouth making your friend laugh as she wiggles her eyebrows at you.
“You went from asking if he grabs my ass in the mini mart to now asking if he just randomly chokes me in the middle of having sex?” You confirm just to make sure you actually heard her ask what you think you did. She just laughs and nods as she begins making herself a sandwich. “I mean no he doesn’t just choke me all willy nilly it’s usually a…sort of vibe that’s known from the beginning that it’s gonna be one of those kinda nights.” You explain as you reach for your cup of juice from the coffee table.
“Ohhhh I see so you two are kinda freaky huh? Love that for you.” You just roll your eyes as you take a sip from your cup. “How often is he giving it to you?” She asks before taking a bite out of her sandwich, you purse your lips and raise an eyebrow as you put the cup back on the table.
“I mean you’re going to have to be more specific.” You watch her give you some playful side eye as she takes another bite out of her sandwich. “Do you mean how often do we have sex in general or how often do we have a quickie…or how often am I getting bent over and sent to pound town?” You can’t even finish your sentence before she’s laughing and covering her face because you know she hates the expression of pound town.
Eddie feels his cheeks get red and he wants to die on the spot, he knows he should’ve let his presence be known the moment he entered the house though the back door but he didn’t want to disturb you. But now he’s very much wishing he did as he can’t help but overhear your very personal conversation with your friend. To think all he wanted to do was surprise you with lunch from Benny’s since he managed to get off work early.
“Jesus you have categories? Well okay the how often are you two having quickies and where are these quickies taking place?” You can’t help but smile as a memory of you and Eddie in the back of his van creeps into your mind.
“I mean like once a week sometimes? The man drives a van…it’s like made for quickies he even has a pillow and blanket back there because he knows I refuse to just lay down on his gross ass carpeted floorboard.” Eddie runs a hand over his face as you talk and explain that he drives a damn shaggin waggin.
“Once a week isn’t bad…that’s about the same amount of times I can convince Tyler to go down on me.” You make a gross face at the mention of her current hookup buddy.
“You shouldn’t have to convince him to go down on you…Eddie is perfectly content with having his face between my thighs all night…once he even fell asleep down there.” You watch her eyes go wide as she shoves another bite of sandwich into her moth. “I mean after I finished of course…he’s a gentleman.” You add making her just laugh and nod her head in agreement, Eddie is a total gentleman.
“Does he do that fancy tongue and finger combination thing?” She asks and Eddie swears his face is the same shade as a tomato as he lets out a silent groan and runs his hands through his hair.
“He does oh and sometimes he does this thing with his pinky where-” before you can finish your sentence you heard something that sounds like a door slam making you jump a bit.
“Hey baby!” You hear Eddie’s voice coming from the kitchen making you smile as you look over the back of the couch. “I’m home and brought you lunch.” He shouts as you grab your phone and head into the kitchen after putting the bowl of popcorn on the coffee table.
“I’ll call you back later.” Your friend just smiles and nods before both of you say goodbye and hang up. You slide your phone into your back pocket and grin when you see Eddie standing there with a bag that says Benny’s on it. “Oh you’re just the best.” Eddie just laughs and shakes his head as he places the bag on the dinning table.
“You know me…always a gentleman.”
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hyomacchi · 1 year
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Karma Akabane with s/o who is exactly like tanjiro
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a/n:ahh tq anon for requesting this. Hope you saw this cause you req this on my (now)game acc . I was surprised to see that I got an assassination classroom req so early as it was my fav anime. Anyways tq anon again and I still want to confirm whether you're trying to be 🪻 anon or not.
context:karma akabane x tanjiro! s/o (pre-relationship and in relationship, no gender mentioned for s/o)
tw:torture(putting wasabi in people's nostrils)
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❥ you and karma probably met in class 3-E
❥ when karma met you, he thought you're an interesting one like you're so pure how did you got into class 3-E?!
❥ he tease you for fun every single day but you don't mind it??(or you're just too dense)
"Hey (name)! You got a wide forehead!"
"Ah thank you! I inherited it from my father!"
❥ Remember that one time he shoves a wasabi to an assassin nostrils?
"Hey mx nice! Wanna see him suffer more or you can't bear it anymore?"
"Karma please stop doing that! That's mean!"
"But it's fun! I have more things in my bag that i want to try on him"
❥ in the end, you just brushed him off cause he just always like that
❥ after months of being friends, everytime karma did something sadistic or tease you, you just smile and let him do as please. There's no stopping him anyway.
❥ he seem surprised that you actually stay with him even though you know how his behavior is
❥ man starts teasing you more it makes others (and koro sensei) suspicious
"Man everyone knows you like them,just confess!"-Maehara
❥ everyone except you. Oh how oblivious you are
❥ after a lot of teasing from your classmates(and koro sensei) he just decided to confess to you somewhere near the woods when everybody's home (they're not, all of them peaking from a tree while koro sensei joined them)
"(name). I know this is sudden but i...love you.."
❥ i just know that you took too long to understand his words
"You don't need to reciprocate it I just wanna let it out-"
"I love you too karma!"
In relationship:
❥ nothing changed much, maybe he just became more romantic (or more annoying don't get me wrong this man will still tease even though you just don't understand what he's trying to do)
❥ overprotective over you
❥ i mean you're too kind. People might take advantage of you, that's where your boyfriend come to rescue
❥ some students try to bully you? Next time you see them, they'll be on their knees, begging for your forgiveness
❥ some punk trying to hit on you? They're missing the next day (no they're not dead)
❥ your dynamic with him is kinda funny ngl
❥ i mean kind person with their sadistic bf
❥ hand holding is a must! you guys were seen hand holding by koro sensei and oh god, karma's face is red now because of how much koro sensei tease him
"Nurufufu, Karma is actually touch starved~"
"Shut up you stupid octopus!"
❥ next thing you know, karma pulls out an anti koro sensei knife out of his pocket, trying to stab that octopus teacher (and failed)
❥ anyways..karma will always spoil you. You stare at an item for a second? Consider it's under your desk next day
❥ he don't mind outdoor or indoor dates, as long as he could spend time with you
❥ he's very grateful that you stayed with him
────── ✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ──────
another a/n:finally i finished it! It was longer than I expected so hope you'll enjoy it anon!
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paimonial-rage · 16 days
talks of the past - zhongli
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ship: zhongli x reader
synopsis: in which the wangsheng funeral parlor’s consultant tries to restore your faith in rex lapis
notes: 1.7k words, chapter 7 of bookkeeping!verse; with ties to various chapters in the series
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It was yet another day you found yourself traveling with Zhongli to Qingce Village. Objectively speaking, it was a beautiful morning. The sun was high in the sky without a cloud in sight, the birds were chirping, and the temperature was nice. Really, there shouldn’t have been anything there to get you down. And yet…
There you were walking with your head down and a faraway look in your eyes. Had you been more aware, you would’ve noticed your companion speaking a few times. You would’ve seen the concerned look in his eyes as he peered down at you. But you were lost in your thoughts, uncharacteristically troubled and insecure.
If you had noticed, you would’ve felt a bit of pity for your companion. It was not often that you were seen in such a depressed state. Really, despite your temperament, you were generally alert and sociable. He often enjoyed the banter that would come about between you two. Truly, you were a dear friend to him. That being said, it wasn’t often you shared your concerns with him. He wasn’t sure if you even would if asked.
He cleared his throat.
“First, is… there anything that’s bothering you?”
It took a few moments for you to respond, almost prompting him to ask again before you let out a long sigh.
“Zhongli,” you began, looking up to him imploringly, “Can I talk to you about something?”
He couldn’t deny the slight start of his heart that came with your question. You’ve brought up your concerns to him before, but those were often accompanied with glares and opinions regarding his financial decisions. This time, however, exhaustion was evident in your voice with dark bags under your eyes. He could not recall doing anything that’d result in your loss of sleep.
“Sure,” he began, careful to keep his wariness absent.
“It’s not a big deal,” you began in a way that implied the opposite. “I’m sure you know how much I revere Rex Lapis. Even though he passed, I still greatly respect the legacy he left behind.”
“Yes,” he replied with a nod. “You’ve mentioned this to me a few times in the past.”
A bit too many, he would add. And with your way with words, it never exactly was… pleasant. At the very least, he was relieved your lack of sleep wasn’t with anything he did as Zhongli.
“It’s just… Lately, I’ve been talking to Madam Ping in my free time, and… I feel like my faith is beginning to be shaken…”
He frowned.
“‘Shaken?’ In what way?”
“I…” You bit your lip as tears welled in your eyes. “Don’t hate me for saying this, but I…”
You hesitated.
“I’m beginning to think he was actually a complete weirdo.”
A… A weirdo?
He cleared his throat, feeling if not just a little attacked.
“In what way?”
You sighed, glancing away with your guilt-ridden eyes.
“In… in every way.”
‘Every way?’
“For instance, take into account Mora…”
Of course, it had to do with Mora.
“Well, I once heard a story that Rex Lapis created the first home out of Mora. I always thought it was metaphorical or just a silly children’s tale, but… Madame Ping confirmed it to be true. When I asked her why he chose Mora, she said it simply was because it was available. He didn’t have any deeper meaning to it.”
He frowned. Ignoring the sense of déjà vu he felt regarding this specific topic, he didn’t see any problem with his actions.
“Yes, it only makes sense. To the God of Wealth and Commerce, what material is easier to get than Mora?”
“Exactly!” You exclaimed suddenly, nearly causing him to flinch. “Only a simple-minded man would come up with such a simple-minded conclusion.”
You nodded.
“Just because he had all the access in the world to Mora didn’t mean the common folk did. Wouldn’t it have made more sense to make the first model home out of materials available to everyone?”
He coughed.
You sniffled.
“It’d be fine if that was the only thing, but Shitou from the Jade Mystery told me that once Rex Lapis stopped by his family’s shop in the past and purchased a spoon made of fine Noctilucus Jade to sample the culinary delights of Liyue Harbor.” You buried your face in your hands. “Why would he spend that much Mora just for a simple spoon?”
“I know, I know. As the God of Wealth and Commerce, he had easy access to Mora. And I’m sure it made him happy to contribute to the wealth of Liyue Harbor’s commonfolk, but for someone who spent so much time around his people, it’s like he had no concept of his own creation’s worth! It’s shamelessly extravagant! I didn’t think he was such a wasteful person…”
In the back of his mind, Zhongli had the urge to disagree, to stand up for the good name of Rex Lapis. Really, he wasn’t so shameless as you made him out to be, at least he didn’t think he was. But before he could respond, you continued.
“That’s not all though…” you started again.
Oh no.
“A while ago, I told Meng and the Ferrylady that Rex Lapis wasn’t a self-absorbed narcissist, but…”
Oh no…
“I was talking to Sir Yun the other day of the Yun-Han Opera Troupe? I always knew that Rex Lapis enjoyed the troupe’s shows, but did you know he starred in a few of them? As a warrior, she said. And as you know, Rex Lapis is known as the Warrior God. So that means he basically played himself in operas singing songs about… himself. Can you imagine doing that? How…”
Tears came to your eyes.
He resisted the urge to clear his throat.
“Though records say he may have taken part in those operas, I can’t recall Miss Yun stating he starred as himself,” he began. “The assumption he did so is mere conjecture at best.”
That last part slipped from his tongue before he could rein it back in. You never took kindly when his opinions differed from yours, and yet… Well, perhaps he was feeling if not a little attacked. The Yun-Han Opera Troupe had a long history, after all. They certainly would not be more the wiser if some tales became embellished over the years. He thought out of all people you would be more aware of that than most.
Thankfully, much to his relief, you were. Instead of taking to anger like you usually did, you nodded obediently.
“That’s true. I hope you’re right,” you replied with a hopeful smile. “Madame Ping said that not even the great Cloud Retainer watches operas about herself. It’s too embarrassing.”
He did clear his throat that time.
“I suppose not everyone enjoys hearing tales of their past,” he finally let out.
You nodded.
“I’m glad at least she agrees with me that only weird and abnormal people do things like that,” you let out with a bit of relief. “I was getting worried I’m the only person that feels that way…”
He only smiled in response, ignoring the fact that Cloud Retainer only said that it was “embarrassing,” not “weird” or “abnormal.” You really did not hesitate to deal your blows, did you?
“You know what the worst thing is, though?” You asked, looking up at him imploringly. “Legend has it that the gods are able to change their physical forms. There are even tales of Rex Lapis taking a female form. But… out of all the records, there are no depictions of his female form, only that she had amber eyes.”
Zhongli frowned in thought. Though he heard and understood your words well, he didn’t know what was the wrong in what you said. The tales of Rex Lapis were often embellished, especially in the way they painted him as the type to change his form often. The truth of the matter was far from that. Not that he could tell you that, of course. But before he could respond in any way, your eyes became filled with tears.
“I mean, he obviously didn’t mind leaving evidence of his male visage. And as I told you before, he made sure he looked good in every one of them. So if he was narcissistic enough to do that, why not leave anything behind of his female form? You… You don’t think… she was UGLY, do you?” You cried in pain.
If his brain didn’t shut down before, it definitely did then. But not noticing, you continued on.
“That’s the only reason I can come up with. Rex Lapis shares his beauty with everyone, after all, so she must have been so ugly that a narcissist like him couldn’t bear for others to see!” You sobbed.
Every word that left your mouth felt like a blow to his ego. Was this truly what you thought about him?
“So do you see why my faith has been shaken? If we try to view him as a person, Rex Lapis was a simple-minded conceited weirdo that was so ashamed of his female form he wiped any and all traces of her depiction out of existence.”
He couldn’t do this anymore.
“While the tales of the past may be rooted in truth, it’s important to realize they are only that. Tales. Nothing more. As it is, we simply do not know how much we can take as fact. So I would not let it bother you too much, First,” he stated in a matter-of-fact manner.
Though you looked as if you had more to say, you slowly nodded once, then once again with more surety.
“You’re right. I guess I’m looking far too into this. Surely if the great Rex Lapis was revered by so many, even the adepti, he must have been worthy of the respect. I just need to remember that,” you replied bashfully. “I’m sorry to have piled this all on you, Zhongli.”
He shook his head with a chuckle.
“It is alright. I am glad to be your voice of reason.”
Laughing in return, you nodded.
“Yes, thank you. And well, I guess it could be worse, I suppose. Madame Ping was always respectful to Rex Lapis in her stories. She could’ve said that he was the kind of person with… I don’t know. No common sense or something. Like could you imagine if he was the type of person that thought it was a smart idea to bring square cups instead of circle to a party?” You asked with a laugh. “Now that would be horrifying.”
Yes, you certainly had a way with words.
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schrodinger-swriter · 8 months
Hello! I just saw your fluff alphabet and would like to request A, I, K, O, P, Q, and U for Sir Pentious. Thank you! :)
I, K, O, P, Q, and U for Sir Pentious
You can find A in the previous alphabet post for Sir Pentious, I hope you don't mind not having it all in one post!
I hope you enjoy this, Anon C:
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He would cope.. not very well if you were to get hurt. Given that it was hell that was a likely probability. He often sends one, or even up to three, of his egg boiz with you to keep an eye on you when he isn't around. He may even scold his eggs for allowing you to get hurt, no matter how unfair it would be. He would fret over you, treating the most basic injury as if it were a death sentence. You will more than likely have to tell him that you're not dying, and that he needs to calm down... just a little bit... If he were the one injured, I can see him trying to walk it off in the beginning... but seeing the attention he's getting from you, he might try to milk it.. just a tad. He won't ask you to do every little thing for him or overplay some of the pain, but he will definitely ask for more affection than usual!
He loves taking your hand and kissing it, likely dipping down as he does it to really push the dramatics. He loves kissing you on the mouth, too. Short pecks, long kisses, anything in the middle, he loves it. Going into the relationship he didn't think he had a preference of where he was kissed, but he quickly learns that he loves receiving kisses on his cheeks. Please give him a peck before you go out to do something, his hood will fan out in an instant as a grin tugs itself over his face.
Everything. He's a creative and an inventor, it's kind of in the job description to be at least a little odd! He will approach you in excitement as he rattles off about an idea for a new invention he's come up with (and also, to seek for your approval if it's not meant to be a surprise for you..)
Sometimes he will go on a tangent about an invention and the skills needed for it, which might lead to him having to explain those smaller details.. has a habit of sometimes overexplaining or underexplaining.. he doesn't mean to, he's just so excited and is a little all over the place as he doesn't get much of a chance to ramble to someone about this interest of his!
He has a habit of tugging on his hood when he's embarrassed or stressed, sometimes even pulling it over his face if he's feeling particularly flustered.
"My Darling," "My Dear," "My Love," and above all else, he calls you his Beloved. He almost completely replaces your name with them when you two fully establish your relationship, only reserving your actual name for rare occasion.
As for what he likes being called... Naturally, he has a soft spot for terms of endearment from his time, but I think he would be just as ecstatic if you called him anything sweet. I like to believe he likes to be called "Sweetheart," or any variation of the "Sweet___" nicknames!
Hmm... this one is a hard one... but I think sometimes he would ask for reassurance. Not just that you still love him, but to confirm things about you. Totally not because he's making something for you... and he wants you to confirm a hype specific question of what your favorite color is down to the pantone code or something along those lines... heh..
I think at some point within the series, depending on where it is in the timeline he might start asking you if you believe it's possible to ascend to Heaven after being sent to Hell. Things about the quickly approaching extermination. A lot of those questions turn into promises of victory.
When Sir Pentious is upset he tends to seek you out, whether he be angry or sad or stressed. He finds comfort in you, and spending time with you is by far the best stress relief for him than anything else in Hell. Usually, to cheer him up you two just talk or do an activity together! Though if he's feeling worse than usual, he might have himself sit alone in his room for a while.. this is more common before the relationship/within the early stages of it.
If you're the one upset he's going to try his best to make you feel better. Making quick inventions to bring a smile to your face, letting you vent to him.. and perhaps, if someone upset you he would try to confront them... that... usually doesn't end in his favor, leaving him bloody and bruised... but hey if he can survive getting blasted into the sky by Alastor, then he can survive most anything!
May send one of his egg boiz to keep an eye on you and/or check in on you if you're upset with him. Being apart is killing him inside, and he feels so so bad. He's already doing way more than he needs to in order to win over your forgiveness. He will grovel, too.
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lostinforestbound · 2 months
Could I request headcanons for what Gale, Wyll, and Halsin would do to stop their gender neutral crush from leaving yet?
I'll give this a shot, but excuse my writing, I'm not as familiar with writing these characters! Let me give this a go anyways!
Gale, Wyll, and Halsin Stopping Their Crush from Leaving
Gale has his way around some fancy words, so it’s easy for him to grab the attention of his crush. He’s thankful that his words mean enough to get them to listen.
He enjoys time with his crush! In reference to Tav, he likes having them around while he cooks. They can talk about the days events and they can be his official taste tester for the nights meal.
He also likes reading with them if they’re into it, and they share books that they like. Literature that they both enjoy! If they’re not into books, he’s happy to read and chat while they do other activities.
Eventually, Gale notices he gets a little sad when they go. His mind always states “Ah, I wish they spent a little more time here.” And that’s when he first realizes he has a crush.
He always wanted to stop them from going one way or another, but he can’t help but feel guilty. The guilt gets worse when he feels a pang of jealousy go through him when they talk with other people.
Gods, was he always so bad at this?? He made love to his goddess for gods sake, why was this so much harder? What makes them so different that it flusters him so easily?
It doesn’t matter, because either way, he tries to spend as much time with them as he can. Getting closer, knowing them better. He wants to know everything, and he even makes a list of what they like.
One day, they seem particularly distracted and he can’t figure out why. They immediately apologize and suggest they should go to clear their head, and he panics. He doesn’t want them to leave yet, and he’s also worried.
As they were sitting particularly far, he summons mage hand to grab their arm as he gets up. “Wait!” He would say, but regrets it as soon as he sees their startled face. He’ll dismiss the mage hand in an instant and apologize.
He’s about to go on a tirade until he sees how flustered they are. He asks if they’re alright, and they only respond with “Actually, no. Can we talk? I think I like you, a lot.” That makes his heart flutter, and he finally has his chance.
Wyll is a very collected individual, and he is not shy. He can get flustered, sure, but never shy. He always happy to share what’s on his mind, especially when he’s around his crush.
He notices first how much joy he gains just by being in their presence. Everything they have to say, he listens intently, and he keeps a mental list on all the things they enjoy. He doesn’t realize he’s doing it.
When he does realize it, that’s when he confirms he has a crush on them. He keeps it under wraps for now, as he’s very traditional. He will get to know them first before making a move.
Wyll thinks about them a lot, and it’s obvious to him as he goes about his day normally. When making food, he’ll remember if they prefer savory, slaty, sour or sweet. When he sees the stray animals around the city, he’ll imagine the time they knelt and offered the rest of their dried meat.
Every single little thing he does, he thinks of them. It becomes an issue once he realizes he can’t get them out of his head. He’s fallen hard, and while he may be heartbroken if they reject him, he’ll never forgive himself if he doesn’t try.
So he makes time for them when he can, suggesting they go on walks or try a new tavern, as friends of course. He’s attempting to take things as slow as he possibly can.
If they say no because they promised to hang out with someone else, alright then! Absolutely no hard feelings, he’s always been sweet like that.
Though, at some point, it becomes unbearable. He decides to take a shot and ask for a long walk through bloom bridge park one day. They agree!
They ended up both talking for hours on end, about anything and everything. The stars are already coming out by the time they’re done. Just as they get up to leave, Wyll gently grabs their wrist.
He confesses then. Nothing is rehearsed, and he only speaks from his heart. His hold stays gentle, giving them an opportunity to pull away but they never do. Instead, they confess as well that they liked him as well, and Wyll doesn’t think his smile can get any bigger.
Halsin has had quite a few lovers in his time, so he’s not surprised when he starts getting a crush. What does surprise him is how hard he fell for them in such a short amount of time.
He doesn’t do anything at first, happy to just observe from afar. When his crush starts chatting with him though, his heart does a little flutter.
He always notices the little things with them, as he is a great observer. The way they use their hands to gesture, the posture they take, the little crinkles in their smile. He could go on and on.
He’s naturally easygoing, so if things don’t work out his way, he will not be upset about it. But gods, he hopes it works. He hasn’t felt something like this is in a very long time. He truly fell for them.
They all have responsibilities to do first, so before he tries anything at all, he has to finish what he started. And they may have a pile of responsibilities as well, so he will wait until they’re done to try anything.
After everything is calm, then he will take his shot. He invites them for a picnic, to eat amongst nature and relax in the quiet. He doesn’t enjoy the city too much, so he hopes they don’t mind.
Thankfully, they enjoy it more than he expected, and the food they bring is delicious, whether they cooked it themselves or bought it from the market. Either way, it’s special to him that they put care in what they brought.
After they both eat, he teaches them how to make flower crowns. He can naturally grow a crown into shape with the Oak Father’s gifts, but what’s the fun in that?
As they do so, he finally takes his chance and speaks about how much he appreciates them. How much he enjoys their company. He decides to put his arm around their back, gently stopping them from leaving.
It’s nothing solid, they’re free to move away if they’d like, but they never do. They end up scooting closer, even, and joy surges through Halsin. He gives them a sweet peck on the cheek when they confess as well.
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bibibbon · 2 months
I would hope that after that bullshit apology that made BAKUGOU's look better in comparison, as well as the complete lack of follow up about if, Aizawa is being nicer towards Izuku? Of course, this ending being how it is, that's wishful thinking.
PS - Midnight might as well have never been made Aizawa and Mic's friends with how the story just decided she no longer exists. He could have least shown the two of them actually mourning her.
Hi @nutzgunray-lvt 👋
Bakugo's apology was never actually for izuku but it was only there to make bakugo look good. You can try and change my mind but the narrative literally frames it that way since Izuku isn't allowed to have any intropsection about the apology and the closest thing we get to confirmation is all might reassuring bakugo that izuku probably accepted the apology. Also, it seems like bakugos "redemption" only revolved around izuku (even though it was horribly done) and not bakugo becoming a better person in general. Heck the guy is still very aggressive so much so that he is dropping down the ranks for shouting at civilians.
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I completely hate the lack of follow up from aizawa's apology in chapter 419. Like why would.you even put the "Iam sorry izuku" and completely choose not to expand on what he meant when you had 21 chapters of the manga left to do such a thing. At this point I have accepted that aizawa hasn't apologised to izuku for calling him problem child and giving him a hard time but he was apologising for not coming to help izuku earlier in battle and that's it and even the translation has just put it up to that.
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Also it seems like horikoshi just killed off midnight and forgot about her and its seriously irritating because her death wasn't well written and it was weirdly sexualised. The last chapter could of at the very least given us mic and aizawa next to her grave paying respects like it did with oboro but nope she is simply forgotten. I would of enjoyed if mic and aizawa had a little talk about the whole thing but I suppose that's a bit too much wishful thinking.
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writerblue275 · 5 months
hi i love ur work so much and ive been racking up the courage to try and make a request so here we go. uhm. can you do maybe an irritated/upset!reader and how the heartsteel boys would comfort them? or vice versa with them being upset and the best way to comfort them/reader trying to comfort them.. idk loll. (ily again btw ur works giv me life)
Hello sweet Anon!! I’m so happy you enjoy my work! Thank you for the lovely words, they mean a lot to me. And thank you for requesting!! I totally get it. I’m a very anxious person so I definitely have to work up the courage to request or comment on stuff. But I promise I don’t bite (like 99.999999% of the time)!💙
How Heartsteel would comfort an upset/frustrated reader
Inspiration: So I know I said I’d work on requests generally in the order they’re sent, but I was literally in the process of doing basically this as a non-requested WiP. Because lately life has been TRYING. ME. 🙃 (I will neither confirm nor deny having multiple stress cries in my car the past week.) So even though this is my newest request, since I was already working on something like this, I might as well combine the two. I think I’ll just keep this to them comforting the reader, but I like the idea of doing a separate one where reader comforts the Heartsteel members. Also listen, I absolutely love me a good comfort moment. I melt.
Genre: Headcanon (with some fake texts??? Trying something a little new here.)
Type: A bit angsty just because you’re upset, but fluff because comfort.
Gender: Gender Neutral Reader!
TW: General hurt/comfort. Mentions of a no good very bad day/week for reader. Swearing.
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I think Aphelios would actually do comfort pretty damn well. He’s also used to being stressed and tired and upset about things (because let’s be real he works so hard. Too hard sometimes) so he’d be great to turn to.
One thing I think Phel would do, if you do visit him in his studio, is play music to distract your mind a bit from whatever has you so upset. Now this might be through a file he’s already recorded on his computer and sent to Yone to be mixed. However, he also just has a shit ton of different instruments in his work space.
So pick one for him to play and he’s happy to do so. You get like a mini concert from an instrumental prodigy! Or even better, pick one that you want to try! He’s happy to teach you some basics on how to play it.
And it doesn’t matter how badly you might sound as you attempt to play an instrument for the first time, Phel’s nodding and clapping as if you just finished giving an incredible performance. Every time. Because he supports you. (Though he will use some very very light teasing occasionally, but he’s joking.)
And he’d definitely order some food in and cuddle or nap with you on his studio couch (which is so mind-blowingly comfortable for some reason). And once you are eating and settled together and in a better mood, then he’d ask if you want to talk about things.
And you don’t have to. He’s happy to continue to keep your mind on happier things. Phel also has a couple gaming consoles hooked up to a tv that you can play with him/watch him play. But he’s also happy to just let you talk and get everything off your chest. (He’s just so supportive oh my god.)
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(I enjoyed getting to break out a little millennial/Gen-Z slang here lmao.)
If Ezreal has one goal in your relationship, it’s to try and make you smile as much as possible. He hates seeing you upset or frustrated about something. And he will do anything to help get the smile he adores back on your face.
So when you do come to him upset about something, his internal alarm is just going bonkers. DEFCON 1 level shit. 🚨🚨🚨
If you want comfort? Ezreal’s going to give it to you. He already loves cuddling you so you can have all the therapeutic cuddles your heart desires with him (god bless his love language of physical touch). And he’s more than happy to play with your hair or do whatever actions help you relax the most.
You wouldn’t even have to ask him, he’d already have your favorite comfort food ordered and he’d go pick it up (or have it delivered). He fully know your order by heart.
Builds the BEST pillow forts to unwind in. Truly an expert. Ezreal even decorates it a little bit with some of your favorite comfort things. And as his texts said, pick anything you want to watch. Whether that is a movie, show, gaming streamer, him gaming, it DOES. NOT. MATTER. It’s all up to you. Also if you want him to sing to you he absolutely will, no question. (Can you imagine? HEAVEN!)
He’d let you take the lead on whether or not you want to tell him what has you so upset. He knows stewing in your emotions isn’t always productive, but sometimes talking about things when they’re so fresh in your mind can make the feelings more intense. And while he’s not the go-to guy for advice, he’s an excellent listener. As long as he can play with your hands or hair or something, he’s fully tuned in, letting you get everything off your chest.
He’s such a great example of golden retriever boyfriend, and if golden retrievers are good at anything, it’s comfort and making people happy. So don’t you worry, Ez will have you smiling again in no time.
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So when it comes to Kayn, comfort is very interesting to think about. Definitely feel like he approaches comfort differently from, say, Ezreal, but he has his own special ways of supporting you and helping you reach a better mindset.
If he can tell you’re frustrated or angry or the type of upset that requires a little bit of rage release, he’s fully on board to go to a rage room with you so you can get out everything you’re feeling in a controlled and safe environment.
And you absolutely know Kayn’s cheering you on the entire time. “FUCK yeah baby! Show that wine bottle who’s boss!” Or “That’s it, Sexy. Work has been driving you nuts right? Take it out on this shitty copier. Fuck it up!” Or *softball pitches a vase to you while you’re standing at-bat*
He’s fully supportive. And if expressing your feelings requires more of an artistic approach, that works for him too. He has a small room that has been turned into an art studio where he goes to practice his graffiti (in a way that’s legal) and he would gladly let you use it. Or he’ll let you play with his guitars if you want. (You’re one of the VERY FEW who can. You, Phel, and Yone.)
And if you just need to talk out your feelings, Kayn’s going to be there to listen, only interjecting if he has questions or if he’s commenting something supportive. “Of course you’re upset, baby. That’s bullshit and would piss me off too!”
And his love language (giving) is physical touch. So if you just want him to hold you while you cry, he can do that. And physical touch doesn’t just mean holding you. Like his hands would just be gently wandering. Nothing suggestive necessarily, but just reassuring. Like rubbing your back or your arms. Playing with your hair. Stuff like that.
It absolutely breaks Kayn’s heart to see you cry. He will do anything to keep you from crying/make you feel better when you are upset. (Again 🤫🤫🤫🤫 don’t tell anyone but he’s a huge softie for you!)
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As mentioned in previous headcanons K’Sante gives off the vibes of someone who is just amazing to talk to. And that absolutely applies when it comes to helping you feel better when you’re upset.
Just an absolutely incredible listener. Vent as much as you want to him. He’ll listen to every single word you say. And when I say listen, I mean fully tuned in. You have his undivided attention. (How could he give his partner any less??? He couldn’t, is the answer.)
And if you ask K’Sante for advice? He’s offering you sincere and thought out advice. He truly wants to help you, always.
Now beyond talking, he can also make a mean meal in the kitchen (even if Sett is the official best cook). So you’re going to enjoy some really excellent food. Either your favorite or one of his favorite comfort foods. And that’s never a bad thing.
You’re also receiving some prime cuddles. Have you seen K’Sante??? He loves holding you. And leaning against that broad chest while his arms wrap around you seems like a great way to feel better.
Oh and even better? He will absolutely sing for you if you ask. (Which bestie…how could you not??) His voice is so lovely too. And he will sing any song you want him to. (Though he definitely already knows your favorites that he can pull out if you don’t feel like picking anything/making decisions.)
K’Sante is just someone who would be amazing at comforting you. He’ll go the extra mile in helping you feel better and making sure you know he’s always got your back.
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Sett would be phenomenal at comforting you when you’re upset. He loves to see you smile and will do anything to help bring a smile back to your beautiful face. (Remember his love language is acts of service).
He’d make your favorite comfort food. And hell even that would go a long way in helping you. He cooks with so much love.
And the CUDDLES. Oh my god cuddles with Sett would be 😩👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻. He’s so soft with the people he loves. And he loves YOU.
He’d pull you into his lap, wrap those lovely arms around you, and let you get comfy. And only when he can hear your breathing level out and feel you relax in his arms would he ask about what has you so upset.
And as you’re talking Sett would give you the gentlest little forehead/to-of-the-head kisses and rub your back and stuff. And he’d be such an excellent listener. He’d let you unburden yourself first before talking. He’d also ask if you just want comfort or if you want his advice. He realizes sometimes we all just need someone to listen while we vent and we don’t necessarily need people to give advice. And he respects what you want.
And if you’re ever angry/frustrated-upset, he’d offer to grab his boxing training pads and let you safely hit out your anger. He knows how cathartic that can be. And if you take him up on that, he’s cheering you on the whole way. (Such a hype man.)
And after dinner, he’d give you a couple options. Bath? Massage? More cuddles? Whatever you want, you get. Sett will take care of everything.
(A/N: The amount of time I spent trying to come up with a better contact name for him…but he’s just so 🥰.)
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Yone would be EXCELLENT to turn to when you’re upset. There’s no one who understands work stress more than him (if that’s the problem), and he has all the tools to help you feel better, whatever the issue is.
One of the things Yone is best at is calming you down. Something about his vibe is just very grounding, which is super important when your emotions are running high.
He is absolutely someone who meditates regularly/uses incense and such. (He would have killed his band members by now if he didn’t.) So when you either come to him or call him and he can tell you’re upset/frustrated, I think he’d first do some breathing exercises with you to help settle you down and help you get your emotions back to a more manageable place.
If you’re with him in person, he’d light some of your favorite incense that he always has stocked for you and pull you down to sit in his lap so he can hold you. Because he knows you feel better when he does.
Once Yone can tell you’re in a much calmer state of mind, only then would he ask if you want to talk about things. And he’s truly leaving that up to you.
And once you’ve cuddled for a little bit, and finished talking if you do end up telling him, then he’ll definitely just keep you on his lap and work with you there. He knows you love watching him work on music. He’ll pass you your own set of headphones that he has plugged into a splitter, so you can hear what he’s doing. He’ll even ask for your input. (Nothing too technical unless you have a musical background, but more so “Which of these sounds better, my love?” Or “What do you think, baby? Instrumentals too busy?”) He also gives you the occasional forehead kiss while he works, and those are the BEST.
Yone just gives off such a peaceful vibe (when he’s not stressed by his band members), and that sort of energy is perfect to be around when you’re upset and you need comfort.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed. This really helped me feel better I must say. Thank you Anon for requesting this too, and I hope I did your request justice! 💙
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justanotherwriter140 · 6 months
Kung Fu Panda 4 - The Movie
The last really, really long discussion post (for now).
Major spoilers ahead!
This review is full of spoilers, so please refrain from reading through it until you've watched KFP4. I would highly suggest doing so, as I want everyone to form their own opinions without my influence. The movie has its flaws (some of which admittedly being a bit distracting), but it's a fun film that has things to offer.
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Kung Fu Panda 4 is a fun movie (take that as you will) that takes its audience on an action-packed, surprisingly funny, yet relatively contained adventure on which Po doesn't really do much. It's an inconsequential, safe sequel that doesn't really hurt the franchise but adds close to nothing.
I had a good time watching the movie. It was obviously produced with its theater experience in mind and the action scenes especially reflected that priority. The humor was actually funny sometimes and I enjoyed Po and Zhen's dynamic. During the film, I was able to put most (most!) of my grievances aside and take the movie for what it is. I've discovered that the best way to watch KFP4 is with low expectations and an open mind.
I have a lot of things to say about KFP4, both complaints and compliments (though the former might be taking the forefront in this review), and I hope this review can help those of you who have seen the movie organize your thoughts. I've been having a lot of trouble with that specific aspect of things myself. Those who get it get it.
With that said, let's get into my full review of KFP4! I've been waiting for nearly 2 years to write this and I'm so excited to share every single thought.
I'm going to follow the format of my first discussion post and curate a bulleted list of my thoughts, followed by an analysis of each of these points. Keep in mind that everything I say is IMO and this is more of a rant post than anything else.
Here are my main points:
The Furious Five's role is comically minuscule in the context of the film. Their actions are inconsequential and add nothing to the plot (a confirmed last-minute add), and they have 30~ seconds of screen time. Shifu is also largely irrelevant.
Mr. Ping and Li's presence has little to no effect on the movie (though I won't complain too much because they were pretty fun to watch and this movie has bigger problems). In almost any scenario, I am adamantly against having characters present that don't add anything to the narrative; however, Mr. Ping is an exception. I love Mr. Ping. James Hong is a gem.
Zhen's screen time is not utilized well and her character is underdeveloped. She definitely wasn't annoying, but I didn't find her either compelling or funny enough to warrant the screen time she was given, especially considering it wasn't used to establish a backstory/strong motives. This makes me feel bad for the character because the movie kind of screwed her out of any substantial development.
The Chameleon, while complimented greatly by Viola Davis, is an underwhelming villain. Viola Davis is amazing in this film and I would suggest watching it for her performance if for nothing else, but the Chameleon is underwhelming considering the super cool concept behind the character.
The film feels very rushed. Apologies to those who disagree, but I think the pacing is atrocious and the final fight is anticlimactic. The movie felt like a word-vomit with no discernible intermissions that stops abruptly when the film ends.
I felt as though Po didn't change/grow as a person and the audience never had a chance to either bond with or relate to his character. His internal struggle is kept to a minimum and we don't spend a moment alone with him as an audience, which is disorienting and distracting. Watching the film felt like running into an old friend at the store who's too in a rush to have a real conversation.
The action scenes were strong with few exceptions. Creative art direction was utilized and I thought the martial arts choreography was entertaining and dynamic. I love the color palette of the film and many scenes were very impressive visually.
With my main points established, I do believe it's ranting time. Strap in, folks.
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Let's start strong with the Furious Five: I'm gutted. Chagrined, despondent, crestfallen, etc.
The lack of the Furious Five negatively affects KFP4 so much, because not only does their absence hurt the atmospheric integrity of KFP as a franchise, it also forces KFP4 to bring in a slew of different characters—all while still noncommittally including the FF at the very end because I believe the marketing team required it—that clog up the cast a bit. It all goes to show how important strong, established side characters are.
The Furious Five are side characters, but the role of "side character" does not equate to being irrelevant, expendable, or exchangeable. I recognize that the Furious Five aren't super developed as characters beyond a handful of lines that allude to traits sprinkled sparingly among the members; however, I believe that the tiny bits of development we have been given have proved impactful in the past. Tigress's development in KFP2 is a prime example of how much narratively conscious changes (however small they may be) can positively affect these movies.
Because of limited runtimes, the Furious Five often operate as more of a singular unit than five individuals. Even so, I don't think discarding them is valid. They're so important to the KFP universe (to Po's universe!) and not having them with him feels so wrong. The Furious Five are fully integral to the heart of Kung Fu Panda, which is why I believe a lot of those who have seen the new movie have expressed something feeling "off" or something being missing.
I agree with this sentiment. To me, KFP4 didn't feel like a KFP movie. I don't need a Furious Five spin-off movie and I can be fully content with a KFP5 centered around Po's journey as an individual as was intended from the beginning, but he can't carry an entire movie on his back. As strong as he is in every sense of the word, he is only one character. He's the centerpiece of the franchise, but a centerpiece can only go so far without the rest of the design, so to speak.
For me, the Furious Five's absence is one of this film's biggest faults. It's huge and glaring. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way, either, because the friends with whom I saw the film refused to talk about any other aspect of the movie after seeing it. Seeing them at the end was better than nothing, of course, but it was a disappointing culmination after eight years of waiting.
That all is to say I feel robbed. Despite all of this, though, I understand that there were reasons why the Furious Five weren't included in the movie. I don't believe the production team would exclude the Furious Five unless they weren't given a choice.
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Shifu and Po's dynamic continues to be thoroughly delightful but their interactions are short and simplified. I would have loved to see more of them in this film, especially considering the extreme relevance of teacher-student relationships in KFP4. I (somewhat) digress, though, because the idea of Shifu having to live at the Jade Palace with only Po for an extended period of time is hilarious enough on its own. Maybe that's what the short film is about!
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The comedy is odd but has some jokes that stand out. Po maintains a healthy relationship with his inner sass, which I think makes him more fun to watch and kind of eradicates the man-child verdict. Some jokes don't land, of course, but I genuinely thought KFP4 had some funny moments. Mr. Ping was consistently awesome and Po had some good lines sprinkled throughout the film.
As for Mr. Ping, he and Li Shan are the subjects of the film's B-plot as they follow Po to Juniper City out of shared concern for their son's safety. In my mind, they don't add anything to the story that couldn't have been brought about by other characters, but they had their moments of being entertaining. I enjoyed their silliness and thought they had a cute dynamic if nothing else.
Speaking of other characters, I want to discuss KFP4's deuteragonist and why I genuinely feel bad about the way her character was treated.
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I want to let it be known that I'm still not on board with Po passing the Dragon Warrior torch to another character. While I agree that his arc is now calling for him to have a student, I disagree with the notion of him retiring from his DW role.
As I stated in my first discussion post:
Didn’t the initial significance and nuance of the title come from the fact that there is only one person who can be the Dragon Warrior, because the concept of the “Dragon Warrior” isn’t so much a title as it is Po himself? The universe (Oogway) must choose the Dragon Warrior because they are a singular being of legend. It is one person, and that person is Po. Wasn’t the point of the first film that the title ultimately doesn’t really matter because there is no “secret ingredient,” so to speak? The title doesn’t actually give Po anything. “It’s just you,” Po says, and that was the resolution.
When it comes to Zhen as a character, contrary to what I predicted I would think of her, I thought she was okay. While I was still a bit distracted by how out-of-place her design looks, I wasn't truly annoyed by her at any point and she and Po had some cute moments. Even so, I think their relationship could have been a bit more refined and developed.
While it's evident that Po and Zhen are meant to have a teacher-student/mentor-apprentice dynamic, I think their relationship feels half-baked. There were parallels that contradicted one another and ended up being confusing come the film's conclusion, and the nature of their relationship seems to vacillate depending on the scene. Additionally, the strength of their bond goes from zero to one hundred within thirty-ish minutes and left me with a bit of whiplash.
We're shown that Po and Zhen care about one another, but we're never shown why. They have a brief conversation during which they bond over being orphans, and Zhen says at one point, "You're actually a good guy," but that's it. This obvious lack of development is a bit disorienting because we're later led to believe that Zhen and Po care very deeply for one another when there's almost nothing to back it up.
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A scene that sticks out to me when discussing this is when Zhen attack-hugs Po in a way that explicitly mirrors Tigress's hug from KFP2. This happens around the beginning of the third act, and while it had the potential to be an endearing moment, I think it fell flat.
The impact of Tigress's hug was brought on by her character's hardcore nature and reputation of being heartless, further strengthened with the knowledge that she was hugging Po (which was obviously way outside her comfort zone) as a show of companionship and fundamental understanding. Tigress hugged Po because he needed someone to recognize his strive for closure.
Zhen's hug had little to no impact because she had no reason to do it and it didn't indicate growth. She hugs Po because she's sorry for betraying him and doesn't want him to be killed by the Chameleon, but neither of these things are newly-established via this hug; we have already gathered by now that Zhen regrets betraying Po and doesn't want him to get hurt.
The hug is far from the movie's weakest point, but I think it's unnecessary given the context. I'm big on hugs in movies (an underutilized form of platonic affection, in my opinion), but it didn't fit here. I don't hate it, and I see it as an honest effort to bring emotionality to Po and Zhen's relationship, but it seems arbitrary.
Zhen and Po's relationship has a lot of potential and I'd be open to seeing more of them in the future, but I think some more thoughtful development needs to occur before I can humor it further. Even so, I can see myself featuring Zhen in some future post-KFP4 one-shots—sparingly, of course, because we have a lot of Furious Five content to compensate for.
Overall, they had a cute dynamic and some sweet moments but I'm not attached. I'm on board with Po having a student but I think their relationship needs a lot more development, something that this film unfortunately didn't give them time to either accomplish or earn.
Now, onto the Chameleon!
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The concept of the Chameleon's character is admittedly super interesting. She's the deuteragonist's fastidious mother figure who feels that Zhen owes her a debt and as a result holds her to an impossible standard. That dynamic had the potential to be so interesting but I didn't think it was explored at all. There is no indication of Zhen having any internal conflict about fighting the Chameleon, no emotional complexity between them at all; it's disappointing because I think it would've added a bit of earnestness to the film.
Additionally, the idea of a shape-shifting villain is versatile. A shape-shifting villain gives those telling the story a lot of room to experiment with the protagonist and different ways in which the main character can be challenged and tested. It's yet another good idea utilized poorly. Just one idea: the Chameleon could have disguised herself as one (or several) of Po's family, friends, etc. and brought to fruition a new arc with his character (seeing as he arguably doesn't have one in this film), but she only disguises herself as Zhen very briefly in the movie.
Furthermore, the Chameleon completely relies on the powers of previous villains to pose any sort of threat to the main characters. She summons Po's former nemeses from the Spirit Realm (despite there being little logic in doing so considering Kai's literal evisceration) and takes their kung fu abilities for herself.
An excerpt from my first KFP4 discussion post that I think is relevant to the point I'm trying to make:
I don’t think it would be in the best interest of anyone if the past villains were to come back in any way that’s not a flashback (even then, I’m not sure I’d see the point). In all honesty, I thought that the whole point of the villains was that they died and stayed dead. They were defeated by Po once and for all as a testament to the idea of establishing Po's character growth and journey as a person through the bad things he’s able to overcome. It’d be highly contradictory to the messages of the other films if these villains were to suddenly come back.
While there was an honest effort made to portray the Chameleon as intimidating, I never felt as though any of the characters were endangered by either her or her army of lizard henchman. She's a visually appealing character (aside from her eyes, which I thought more resembled those of a gecko than a chameleon) and I greatly enjoyed Davis's performance, but overall I don't see the Chameleon as a notable villain.
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The return of Tai Lung (had he been on his own) had the makings to be an excellent story, especially considering the importance of teacher-student dynamics in KFP4. To see him interacting with Shifu would have been incredible and could have led to further closure on Tai Lung's end (because I think that's kind of what the team was going for anyway), but it didn't happen.
It was nice to see Ian McShane reprise his role, but I wish Tai Lung's characterization had been more reminiscent of the way he was in the first film and more complimentary of his overall character arc. Tai Lung isn't a one-dimensional villain with a singular goal and motivation, and I couldn't help but feel as though the complexity of his character was simplified for the sake of KFP4's narrative.
Tai Lung's presence in KFP4 may be odd, but Shen and Kai's appearances are even more so. Kai, if I remember correctly, was fully obliterated by Po, reduced to literal particles on screen (which is kind of wild now that I think about it). Shen being in the Spirit Realm makes sense all things considered; however, Po and Li had no visible reaction to his presence, which seemed a bit unlikely considering Shen's deeds. This plot hole can likely be attributed to the fact that Shen and Kai's cameos (to my knowledge) were last-minute additions to the movie.
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I have to talk about the pacing. I have to. I'm sorry, bear with me.
To me, the film's pacing is erratic and disconcerting. While I can appreciate a quick-moving narrative that doesn't dawdle on storylines that aren't interesting/important, KFP4 kind of flings itself too far in the opposite direction and ends up being frighteningly fast-paced. Once the credits began, I felt like I had been holding my breath for the entire movie.
KFP4 is confusing because while the runtime is standard for a KFP movie, it feels incredibly short. At the same time, the film's story moves at a breakneck speed and leaves little time for heart and development. These things culminate into a barreling boulder of a movie that simply doesn't have time to let its characters, story, or audience take a breath.
A fast pace is not inherently negative, but I don't think it worked in the favor of KFP4. The KFP franchise has always been very emotionally grounded (and just very grounded in general), so to see a film in which emotion/heart takes an aggressive backseat in comparison to action and comedy is jarring. While I think it's unreasonable for fans to expect the same emotional integrity as the original films to be present in the current and upcoming ones, I still think there's room for Po to grow and I felt as though the notion of him developing further was brushed aside in this film.
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As for Po's growth, I felt it was nearly nonexistent. The previous trilogy wrapped up his character's journey beautifully and I know that KFP4 was bound to struggle with this particular aspect of making another KFP film; however, just because the strongest pillars of Po's character are established doesn't serve as a valid excuse to reverse his development and repeat what he learned in KFP3.
In KFP3, Po learned firsthand that he is capable of spreading wisdom and teaching kung fu. He also learns that he is constantly growing and that change is inevitable; there is always something more to learn.
"If you only do what you can do, you will never be more than you are now."
"I don't want to be anything more, I like who I am!"
In KFP4, Po pushes against this narrative despite fully accepting it in KFP3, actively reversing crucial parts of his character development achieved in the latter. KFP3 was non-ambiguously about learning to cope with change and responsibility, and I can't help but feel like KFP4 is simply copying this message while not adding anything to it.
Additionally, I felt that KFP4's Po generally felt less personal than he has in the past. In every KFP movie up to the franchise's most recent addition, I felt very connected to Po as an audience member. I felt like I was truly seeing the world of KFP through his eyes. I consider this to be one of the franchise's most impressive feats; it's incredibly difficult to build a universe around a character without making the audience feel limited to one perspective and one part of the world.
With KFP4, I felt both limited and disconnected. The world didn't feel as vast and all-encompassing as it has in the past and Po didn't seem fully like himself. This could be me nitpicking (as I'm prone to do), but I can't recall a single moment in the movie in which Po was alone on screen. Scenes like these are crucial for me because I see them as a meet-cute between the character and the audience, a moment for us to cross the bridge into their world in a way that's silent and intuitive. These little bonding moments are absolutely integral to feeling connected to a character.
Po's dream sequence in the first KFP movie is one of the best examples of this. It presents his aspirations, alludes to his way of life up to the point of the movie, and showcases his personality. During Po's dream sequence, the audience is quite literally inside Po's mind; we're there with him, seeing what he sees, subsequently feeling what he feels. Po is a dreamer at heart and makes the audience feel like dreamers, too.
In KFP4, I felt like I little to no point of reference when it comes to how Po was feeling. I didn't feel immersed in him and his world.
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I know I've been very "doom and gloom" throughout this post, which is an exhausting mindset for everyone involved. I want to end my critique with something positive because I think some praise is deserved. Let's just say the movie could have been a lot worse, the details of which I'm sure you're all well aware.
The color palette of the movie is beautiful and somewhat reminiscent of the first film. While the animation style of KFP4 is far more simplistic than its predecessors, I was very impressed with its use of shadow and light. Po's many faces were also hysterical, props to those who helped make him as expressive as he is.
Additionally, the movie's action sequences were clearly thought out and discussed in great detail. The experimentation with camera angles was really fun to watch and I enjoyed the majority of the film's fight scenes. They were fun, bouncy, and entertaining, and quite likely reinstated audiences's love of watching a cuddly panda kick butt.
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Congratulations, you've reached the end! Thank you so much to all of you who took the time to read this unnecessarily long and detailed review. As long as I help someone translate their conflicted feelings into coherent thoughts, I'll call it a win.
I want to reiterate that I don't hate Kung Fu Panda 4 and I had fun while watching the film. It has its flaws and there are a lot of aspects that I dislike, but the effort of the crew is obvious and I greatly admire and respect the hard work put into the film by those who worked on it. This does not at all excuse my issues with the movie, but it's worth saying.
As for the future of the series, I only hope that the next installment is more considerate of the franchise's origins and why Po's story is being told in the first place. I fully believe that another sequel could be good given a strong, passionate crew with a great understanding of the characters and world (and I wouldn't be averse to some previous directors returning, just to put it out there).
Thanks again to those who took the time to read this crazy excuse for a movie review. Feel free to either disagree with me or add things in the replies/reblogs, I'm always looking for more thoughts to think.
Until next time!
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yayakoishii · 11 months
Good evening, how are you? I hope you are well. I really loved your fics with chubby reader (I laughed so hard with Sanji "whoever you're talking about, I agree with Nami. no one is worthy of you") and I wanted to know if your asks are still open? I don't know if you're comfortable writing comedy, but I think it would be funny if Reader was a fighter and Sanji saw her applying the move from this link on some random enemy (https://youtu.be/JgnUVcFx_Tg?si=KY3nrRhF86C91fOV), and asked her to apply it to him (kind of nfsw-ish but no big deal)
Move | Sanji x Reader
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x Reader
Word Count: 500~
Genre: Fluff?? Silly?? Drabble
A/n: Hey there anon! I'm doing great, thank you for asking <3 First of all, I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed my fics and I'm sorry for being so late ;-; Do I like comedy? Very much. Am I good at it? ...no. So the best I could manage was this small quick thing which isn't much or even all that funny tbh, but I hope it atleast is enough to bring a smile on your face. That's enough for me ♡
also available on ao3!
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"You messed with the wrong bitch!!" You shouted as you swung your leg right into the side of the man. He doubled over and you swung it once more to go right over his head, effectively knocking him out. Behind him, you could see another one of his comrades running towards you.
Using the first guy as a springboard, you jumped on the man, your thighs coming to close around his head. The force and weight forced him to topple backwards and you took the moment to quickly snap his neck and clambered off him. When you turned around, you found that the others were down already thanks to Sanji, who was fighting alongside you.
But right now, the chef was staring at you with an open mouth. You self-consciously patted at your hair and clothes, wondering if something got askew because of the fighting.
"Uh, Sanji?" Your careful murmur of his name jolted the said man out of his thoughts. Sanji immediately leaned in close, just enough to not get into your personal bubble and picked up your hands.
With hearts in his eyes, he requested, "Do it to me."
Huh? You were confused, looking at him in concern.
"Do what?" You asked.
"The move you just did on that guy!"
That was an odd request. Sanji never wanted to fight or even spar with you, despite your insistence so for him to suddenly ask this...
"Are you sure?" You tried to confirm he was serious and if the way he was about to snap his neck with how hard he was nodding was not a confirmation, then you didn't know what was. Still, you didn't want to actually hurt him. "Alright, but I'm not going to hurt you. Let me know if something goes wrong, because you know I'm shit at patching up wounds and I will have to go get Chopper."
"Of course, my sweet," he swooned, swaying on his spot. Still confused, but not wanting to refuse without a valid reason, you backed up a bit to jump on him, smoothly bracketing Sanji's head between your thighs such that his face pressed against your stomach– and oh.
You suddenly realised why he wanted you to pull that move on him.
The blonde chef toppled backwards from the force too and now you were pretty much sitting on his face, both of you blushing heavily. Before you could say anything or move away though, blood spurt out of Sanji's nose and he fainted. You paused and stared at his blissed out face with a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment for a few seconds.
"Just for that, I'm not going to call Chopper. Stay conked out, hmph!"
You looked away, cheeks growing redder. He really had the nerve to ask that– shameless! But really, the worst part was that you didn't really mind it. It just felt like Sanji has unknowingly taken advantage of your huge crush on him. The only solace you had was that atleast no one was around to see this. Thinking so, you made to get off when Nami's voice made you freeze.
"Get a room, please, and don't forget to pay me for the bleach my eyes need."
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hii i really like your writing!! <33 i was wondering if we could get something for y/n asking their turt to be their valentine? i was gonna ask for bayverse but i saw your rules said you were most confident with writing 2003 so whatever you like best! take as much time as you need!! <333333 p.s. heres a cookie *cookie*
Hi lovely! We're all cool pretending it's still Valentine's, right? Awesome.
I chose Bayverse for now, but plan to do the 03 guys soon! I took the friends-to-lovers route here, I hope you enjoy.
(As always, set post-movies!)
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So you want to ask a turtle out.
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Don's an observant guy, so it's not that he's completely shocked that you like him. But to have that suspicion, quiet and dangerous in the back of his mind, confirmed? To have you ask him directly? He's mystified. It's one thing to think he might have a chance, but it's another thing altogether to have a chance handed to him on a silver platter.
So when you catch him in between tasks and offer him a box of chocolates- a brand April had brought down one time and he had mentioned really enjoying and you had somehow remembered, because apparently he wasn't the only observant one here- and smile at him, warm and fond and visibly nervous, he's left blinking at you. Then, apparently taking his pause as a lack of understanding- or just trying to fill the silence, he couldn't be sure- you speak.
"Would you be my Valentine?"
And he's gone. Don.EXE has stopped working, would you like to restart? It's like static in his mind for a beat, two, and suddenly he's nodding quickly and a smile is growing on his face and "Yeah! Yeah, of course- yes. I'd love to."
He shares the chocolate with you, and on his, like, seventh piece, he finally works up the nerve to ask you if you meant "Valentine" like romantically, and your laugh is good-natured enough that he can't even bother to be embarrassed.
"Like romantically, yeah."
"Cool, cool. I thought so, but it's not actually an exclusively romantic term and- interestingly enough there seems to be a rise in platonic usage, I was just reading an article about it the other day-"
He goes on for several minutes. You listen patiently, and right as he's about to apologize for the tangent you ask him a question and he's grinning like an idiot and launching into an answer and it's officially the best Valentine's Day ever, and he's already plotting ways to get you back for it.
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Leonardo is, honestly, a little irritated. Not because you asked! No, no, he's elated- ecstatic- about that. He's so happy he doesn't know what do with it all.
But you beat him to it, and that's... it's a little frustrating. The turtle was slow, and he's not the biggest fan of the irony.
He had a plan. He had a whole plan- he finally worked up the nerve to tell you he cared for you (he wasn't willing to say the L word just yet, but he did love you, and it was getting to be too much to ignore), he'd convinced April to get him your favorite chocolate (he'd gathered intel from your "secret" stash at your place, where you kept the good stuff out of Mikey's hands. He had been very stealthy and was more than a little proud of himself and a lot in debt to April- he'd be watching her favorite awful TV shows with her for months), and he'd written you a short poem (and edited, and scrapped, and rewritten said poem) and tied it to the heart-shaped box of sweet goodness with a blue ribbon.
He'd proceeded to convince himself that was a little too much, and swapped the blue for silver.
Leo had rehearsed exactly what he'd say. He knew when he'd do it, where his brothers would be (well out of the way, with a clear unspoken threat of extra patrol and training if they went off-plan), and what he would eat for dinner beforehand so that he had the absolute smallest possible chance of his nerves hijacking his stomach.
And then you show up with forget-me-nots and gardenias tied up in blue ribbon, which. First of all, that explains why you wanted to borrow his book on flower language a few weeks back. Secondly, the message of secret love, true love, respect, and shared history, all tied up in his color? It nearly kills him.
"Leo, would you do me the honor of being my Valentine?"
"Stay right here," He says firmly, dashing off to his bed before he could process your owlish blink. He pulls the chocolate box out from underneath it and rushes back, smiling sheepishly at the way your concern immediately melts into fond amusement. "Only if you'll be mine."
"Deal," You laugh, trading him the fragrant bouquet for the heart-shaped box, and he busies himself with inspecting and smelling the flowers while you read his poem.
At the end of the day, he earns himself a hug, a kiss on the cheek, and a Valentine, so maybe you asking wasn't really the issue he thought it was.
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Mikey beats you to asking.
He asks you a week ahead of time, and it's a real splashy affair- he goes all out, pestering April into helping him get all kinds of candy and a big, orange stuffed bear with a heart in its little paws and a pink basket big enough for all of it. He begs his brothers and father to give him the living room of the lair for the evening, and even agrees to do Raph's chores for a week and a half in exchange. He sets the basket up on the couch, tries out about three hundred different combinations of the million lights littering the lair to create the perfect "romantic and intimate but not too suggestive but not too dark but not too bright" ambience, and absolutely agonizes over the playlist of easy, romantic R&B.
He's the one to greet you at the metaphorical front door of the lair and guide you into the living room, and when you look at him quizzically- and hopefully, he notes with delight- he takes your hands and a deep breath.
"Angel, would you be my Valentine?"
"Dammit, Mikey..." You grumble, and if it weren't for the grin you were biting back and the way you were squeezing his hands like you never wanted to let go, he'd be pretty damn scared right about now. "I was gonna ask you. I had a whole plan."
"You can still ask me later, gorgeous," He says with a big grin of his own. "I'll totally act surprised."
"How kind."
"That's me. Now, uh, you're kinda leavin' me hangin', here."
"I'll happily be your Valentine, Mikey."
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Raph was not going to ask. He did not see this coming, did not see your feelings, did not think twice about his plan to spend Valentine's Day like he always did: with extra-buttery popcorn and rom-coms.
His plan was to basically not think about how you'd probably be spending it with someone, happy and laughing and smiling.
No, you hadn't mentioned having plans. No, you'd never mentioned a significant other- or even a love interest. No, neither of those things stopped him from assuming.
So when you waltzed into his space with a knock at the entryway and a big ol' grin, he was preparing himself for a whole ooey-gooey story about whoever had swept you off your feet. Preparing himself to act like that didn't eat him alive.
And apparently the lucky bastard had gotten you flowers, which was not helping.
"Hey, Big Red," You say fondly, leaning against the wall and fiddling with a flower stem and looking like a daydream, and his heart did something funny in his chest. "You busy?"
"Why, wanna gloat about your night?" He asks, fighting to keep his tone in the realm of playful and away from anything bitter and yearning.
"Was hoping to ask you a question, actually."
He hums a question of his own, now thoroughly confused.
"Would you be my Valentine?" You ask, holding the flowers out sweetly.
He, in a brilliant moment of zero filter, says "What the fuck?" and your smile drops the smallest bit and he very seriously considers tossing himself off of the Chrysler building.
You open your mouth, and he launches himself out of bed before you can get a word out, gently pulling the flowers out of your hand.
"Why?" He asks gruffly, very clearly avoiding your gaze as he studies a delicate petal.
"...Because I... have feelings for you?" You half admit, half ask, sounding as confused as he felt and staring at him with wide eyes. "If I've read this wrong-"
"No." He forces- forces- himself to look you in the eye, which lasts all of about a second before he's counting it as a win and looking back at the flowers. "But I'm not sure it's somethin' you should read."
"I'm not sure I asked that."
And he can't argue with that, because he knows the tone in your voice, knows he'd be better off arguing with the wall. But he can question it, because.... well, for a lot of reasons.
He should ask a lot of questions. Like "why?" and "did you hit your head?" and "is this a prank or somethin'?", but all that comes out is "Me?"
It makes you smile for some reason, and you step forward a little and duck into his line of sight and meet his eyes with about three and a half times the sincerity he could handle. "Who else?" You ask simply.
He has about a dozen retorts to that, but with you holding his gaze and heart hostage, he just nods. "Okay."
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sharkboywrites · 11 months
Hi, could I make a request for Ace, Leona, and Deuce (or just Leona tbh) with a gn or male mc? Tl;Dr: He tries to impress mc, but somehow does something super cringe worthy and messes up the vibe. Here's a more detailed explanation below, also so sorry if this doesn't make sense/is super long, I'm high and the idea came to me in a prophecy. Hope you're havin' a good night/day :)
He does something to try and impress mc and be romantic/cute. But what they do is actually super cringey to the point where it gives mc secondhand embarrassment. they're trying to be nice about it bc they love their bf, but it's super obvious that they're cringing and it's super awkward and funny (for literally everyone else). And maybe it ends with them laughing about it or something, but the idea just popped into my head and I thought it was funny.
A/n: omg I love this request. I really love Ace and Deuce they’re honestly some of my favorites (although I can’t really pick favorites). Also first writing from my phone because I can’t use my computer rn.
Ace, Deuce, and Leona x male reader, characters do embarrassing things trying to impress their boyfriend, reader is yuu
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Ace Trapola
- If there’s anything Ace loves other than you, it’s basket ball
- It makes him feel confident and like he’s the coolest guy on the planet
- And so does his boyfriend. So what amazing idea does he come up with?
- Well why not combine both?
- And that’s how you go invited to one of his games
- In his mind, this is perfect, a basketball game with his amazing boyfriend cheering him on from the sidelines, what could be more perfect?
- Or that’s how he sees it…
- He’s not doing… great per say
- In reality he’s missing passes, Bradley able to catch a pass himself, and the sneaker squeaking is starting to drive you crazy
- But you sit there really, really, trying to be supportive
- The final straw is when he takes a shot and instead of going into the basket, it comes right back at him and hits him directly in the face
- Of course you run up to him and make sure he’s okay
- But once he confirms he’s fine, you can’t help but burst into laughter
- It takes you a minute to calm down and when you do Ace is all pouty
- He’ll be mad at you for a bit but he gets over it eventually
- And once he does he admits that yeah, he was doing pretty bad
- It’s now an inside joke between the two of you, you bring it up any time you can
Deuce Spade
- Deuce’s magic is… interesting
- He can summon massive things and personally thinks that it’s really impressive
- But really, it’s only useful in certain situation and when he can actually summon something on purpose
- He thinks that it would be so impressive to use his magic in potions to help you out
- The way he imagines it, you can’t use magic and you’ll be so impressed by his abilities that you’ll thank him by showering him with affection
- Let a man dream, okay?
- What actually happens is a disaster
- He ends up summoning the usual cauldron, which makes a mess of the project the two of you were working on
- You really did try to tell him it was okay, but on the inside it feels like you’re dying
- The both of you end up having to clean the mess and have to start the project over
- The two of you bud up in his room at the end of the day, him with his face in his hands and you doing your best to comfort him just because he’s so embarrassed
- But hey, he did get that affection he wanted in the end so to him, it’s a win
Leona Kingscholar
- Leona doesn’t usually get up and do much
- As you’re definitely aware, Leona’s favorite activity is napping, especially with you
- But when spelldrive practice came up, he couldn’t waste an opportunity to show off how cool he was to his boyfriend
- And guess what? He invited you to join in with practice
- Great…
- It’s not that you don’t enjoy spending time with Leona it’s just that… you’re not very good at this sport, especially with no magic
- Everyone tried to help you out but it was clear that you were just there because Leona wanted you there
- And during practice, you had a repeat of what happened in this first spelldrive
- Frisbee to the head again
- Listen Leona didn’t know his magic was gonna go haywire and hit you
- He’s quickly by your side, making sure you’re okay
- When you finally get your bearings, thankfully not getting knocked out this time, you can’t help but start laughing
- You don’t think you’ve ever seen Leona’s face get redder
- After that practice gets called off and Leona drags you off to his room
- You’re forced to lay there for however long Leona decides to keep you
- in his words this was your “punishment for embarrassing him”
- In reality, he felt bad for hurting you, but he wouldn’t admit it because he’s all grumpy
- So you lay there, petting his hair as he hugs you close, and also with an ice pack on your currently bruising forehead
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I honestly had so much fun with writing this. Writing these three characters are honestly so fun. Currently trying to get as many requests as I can done because I’m definitely running behind on these, sorry. Ty for reading and have a great day
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twosoulss77 · 6 months
I don't know who needs to hear this, but you are allowed to have a favourite ship, canon or not, out of a particular show.
Shipping is just a way for artist and what not to explore different dynamics, or even their own. That’s why I believe we should let people enjoy what they like, without forcing our own image of a certain spectrum into them. Especially cause shaming those people, for trying to explore their identity through art, might cause actual harm to them or cause them to not enjoy doing what they like anymore, bc of hateful comments from someone who hides behind a fake identity to hate on a fictional ship, which in itself it’s a very sad and pathetic way to live, but just cause your life is miserable doesn’t mean you need to make others people’s life miserable you know. Go touch Grass when you feel like being a dick!!!
As an AroAce fellow with no desire for a sexual relationship, I applaud and adore all those people making content of my fav husbands, let it be a fics smut or just normal fluff, I love it all SO MUCH Hazbin Hotel ep 5 changed my whole chemistry, and Say what you will about radioapple / appleradio, but I will always be entertained by the idea of Lucifer angrily doing acts of kindness for Alastor because it's what ‘Charlie would want’, and Alastor being a stupid ‘Bambi’ and try to wiggle himself out of it at the beginning, but then realise that he actually doesn’t mind the king of hell company at all. Both slowly growing to actually tolerate and maybe even like being around the other. Exchanging snarky remarks in a more playful way, playing music together, telling dad jokes, hating on the same delusions glorified iPad …like there is so much potential there that it’s crazy how much it pisses people off. It might be cause I am a sucker for Enemies to Friends to Lovers, but by God if that isn’t the best trope.
I know there will be some smart people out there, that are gonna be like “Alastor is ace”, but so are half the people who ship him!!! I hate when people make assumption on us, on who and how we want to love. I might not be interested in participating in sexual stuff myself, but that doesn’t stop me to explore my own ace-spectrum with these two characters, who if they wanted to could and would kiss each other, Cause for one I says so, I have the power to make that happen *insert hysterical laugh* And second It was confirmed that Alastor is a repulsed Ace, but would also be down to date someone if they were strong asf, (Confirmed in a stream, take that with a grain of salt) still makes this ship more possible than others.
Al being Aroace, doesn't mean he can't date or have sex, he's just not all that interested in it, but that could also derive from the fact that he hasn’t found the right person yet, so it doesn’t feel important to him yet. (fun fact aromantic wasn't the part of my struggle accepting that I was aroace it was actually accepting I was ace bc of my hyper sexual tendencies)
Also Alastor being aro just makes radioapple infinitely more funny to me, or any relationship with him for that matter. He is just this 7 feet tall demon with zero interest in romance, but always managing to find himself having beef with someone, possibly a guy, and act like he is either about to kiss or kill him XD
I really needed to get this off my chest and I absolutely mean every thing I said in here. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, but you'll be surprised to see how much happier you will be when you stop focusing on what other people are doing and instead focus on what you like.
Thanks for listening 😊💜
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