#idk why i stand out to ppl in that regard !!!!!!!!!!!
kuiinncedes · 2 years
#i . had a somewhat emotionally tiring conversation w a friend and idk#i have many thoughts and some that i don’t like 😭#and like i want to call my mom to talk abt it all and probably cry bc i’m stressed abt school things which always makes me cry when i can#like release everything kinda over the phone w my mom LOL#i just don’t know idek if i should even explain situation it’s probably not worth it lol i just feel bad ;-;#also i’m stressed abt school things 😭 i just want to stop having shit to do so go go go all the time ;-;#no breaks in this class just constant work#and then plus my other classes that are also no breaks in their own right but less heavy than this class#anyway#sndbddhdhdehddjjsjshdhdh#woof idk i feel like i need to talk abt it a little#bro i need fucking sleep 😭#anyway my friend / co chair for this yr of glowstick club#has kinda been unappreciated long story short / somehow i’m the one who stands out#and ppl have said that i should run for basically president of the club#and somewhat credited me for timeline organization things that we both did but she probably should get more credit for#and she hasn’t rly bad ppl crediting her for stuff and appreciating her#and validating her in running for director positions like they have for me#and idk why ppl would like !!!! why i would stand out to ppl !!!!!!!!!#idk why i stand out to ppl in that regard !!!!!!!!!!!#and i feel rly bad abt it bc idk if i’ve just been like taking credit for her shit that i wasn’t necessarily the biggest part in#amdbcjeishdhdhd he sdhdjdudfhdhdhfhidhsbd#jeanne talks#there’s so much more i could say LMAO but i’ll keep it shorter#and i need to get ready for bed 😭#i hate it here my coding shit is not going super well either lmfao i’m so tired 😭#i could talk forever abt this glowstick club elections shit idk what even anymore bc of this convo i just had w my friend#she didn’t want to influence my and other friends running decisions but#i do feel like i shouldn’t run anymore or like things are maybe undeservedly accredited to me#screaming inside anyway need to sleep 😭😭😭
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olasketches · 23 days
So the fight is really over...my glorious four armed giant spider is gone. Yuji really was foreshadowing about the slime thingy heh. I'm so happy to see the trio back and together again like you tell me this a year ago this is what was going to happen and I'd just give you a maniacal laugh. But I still don't know how to feel about Sukuna's end like we all knew he was going to die and in perspective it does feels satisfying. Sukuna being ripped apart from Megumi and his little convo with Megumi...yeah dude really is walking contradiction. Always saying he's living to die but actually doesn't want to die. Indirectly answering Kashimo's question. But his end just seems...eh? Like at first Kenjaku's end seemed like that to me too but it made sense later on. Kenjaku came in silence and went like that but Sukuna he was never like Kenjaku or Mahito so his ending being parallel to Mahito didn't really sit right with me and i actually wanted him to get anything but a glorious death but this feels...stale somehow? Idk he's still the same untrue to himself. Wish we could get more of his thought process. Or maybe this was it to show Sukuna's denial became his defeat. I just hoped for more emotionally charged defeat of his..but it's GeGe story I'm happy they're telling it like they want to.
Also Uraume and Hakari was funny too they fought all this time bonded, praised and just dipped. Makes me think if they had a binding vow with Sukuna too? Sorry for all the yap and incoherence. I'm just feeling underwhelmed? Overwhelmed? what are your thoughts regarding this chapter and Suku's end?
"my glorious four armed giant spider is gone" took me out sksksksk he's really just a bug when you think about it lol.
anyway thank you for sending me your ask. I really liked reading your thoughts and how you called suku out for being contradictory and a hypocrite till the very end AS YOU SHOULD THANK YOU!! honestly, this fact alone makes the whole chapter all the more special to me but on this in a sec cause I'm guessing the reaction to his demise is quite... well I guess ppl are not really happy with it..??? I mean some of them probably are and by "some" I mean *cough, cough* the haters *cough, cough* but well... I wouldn't know cause ONE I'm actually (and maybe surprisingly) super pleased and satisfied with this chapter and TWO, I didn't go and check others reaction to it lol I'm planning to keep it that way for now. I'm really not a big fan of twt fandoms spaces in fact I can't stand them... too much negativity and toxicity *shudders*.
so my thoughts... to put it simply, I loved it more than loved it actually. and yeah yeah sure he turned into a slimy lil bug which probably put many people off but hey let's not forget sukuna was basically like a parasite possessing megumi's body, so it makes sense that once peeled off only curse-like residues would remain... but I can understand why some stans didn't like that part. I personally found funny but that's just me lol.
and yeah the final seemed quite underwhelming, but I think that's what makes it so good. I didn't want sukuna's death to be the most interesting thing about his character and well it's not. rather than having a big an "after life" moment like jogo, gojo or kashimo, he spent his last moments with the only person who cared about the human sukuna so stubbornly tried to burry inside him.
I actually found his conclusion to be quite beautiful and moving, cause instead of being looked down upon by yuuji as many stans thought would be the case, he was offered something else entirely. something no one ever gave him - kindness and love. yes, I'm using the "L" word here cause in the end that's what it was... yuuji showed sukuna the true value of love. he accepted him and ask him to live with him despite everything sukuna has put him through. despite all the chaos chaos and distraction he caused him, yuuji still accepted him. he not only showed sukuna genuine empathy and compassion but also recognised that sukuna is really... just like him. when yuuji looked into (blop) sukuna's eyes (my beloved) he could only see himself. he realised that under different circumstances, he could've turned out like sukuna if he didn't have his grandpa by his side. he realised that if he could have turned out like sukuna then sukuna could've turned out like him too, that if only sukuna had someone who loved him and guided him and accepted him, he most likely wouldn't have turned into a curse, which is another thing I loved and cry about in this chapter.
sukuna only saw himself as a curse :")). he acknowledged yuuji and finally called him by his full name but in the end he still only think of himself as a "curse" not as human, not even as a god or king of curses but only a curse :")).
the reason why I loved just how "underwhelming" his death felt like is because instead of framing and defining his entire character by his his final moments, gege made the rest of his moments in the manga stand out EVEN MORE. instead of having a moment of reflection and introspection in this chapter as well as in chapter 265 or 266... and oh well entire shinjiku showdown basically, his character started to trip and reveal just how contradictory he is. sukuna claimed he was satisfied with his life and doesn't care about dying, he also claimed he doesn't care about ideals and even despised them, he also claimed he doesn't feel anything and he doesn't need others to satisfy him and then you have all those small moments when you realise "wait, that is not right" and you look back and rethink everything. sukuna does feel and he NEEDS others to satisfy him, cause that's what his entire "philosophy" hinges on.
"Every human has a unique and fleeting taste... which makes devouring them a perfect way to pass time until death"
he DID get excited when maki became the first person to ever give him a role
This is a first. You're the only one who ever forced a role upon me. (while grinning like a maniac)
and then megumi lied his bs out in the open and revealed that sukuna was afraid of death too, despite believing otherwise
Even something like you fears death...
this only goes to show that sukuna convinced himself (and many other readers) that he is not human, that he is above that, that he doesn't care about the things they do... but if even "something like him" feared death, got excited to be given a role, praised and encouraged others for their talents and skills and connected to them in one way another only to "pass time" or knew about flowers and caught a crayfish then that means... he must be human too.
and even if sukuna and the rest of the world couldn't and didn't want to accept that, there was one person who did. someone sukuna hurt the most, someone who saw him at his worst and at his weakest. someone who in the end still decided to show him love, because he belived sukuna is still worthy of love, despite everyone and maybe even sukuna himself, believing that he no longer is worthy of such thing.
"Even if no one else will accept you... I'll live with you" "Itadori Yuuji... don't underestimate me. I'm... a "curse"!
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ca-suffit · 2 months
I really want to know why book fans get mad and up in arms when people don’t like Marius…a canonical pedophile. When I read the books I didn’t really like him at all so why would I get excited for his AMC debut? Sorry but not all of us fold on sight just because the predator happens to be a pretty white man with yellow hair.
This insistent defense squad for him feels very strange. Especially because they all seem to know what he’s hated for and yet whenever someone expresses any kind of contempt for him they run in to protect him and usually talk down to others like he’s some misunderstood teenager who we’re too stupid to understand. I noticed many Book fans tend to have Anne’s arrogant, know-it-all, “I can never be wrong because I read words” attitude as well which usually hinders any proper discussion or response. No one wants to talk to an arrogant stranger that is heavily implying that they’re stupid. But these fans continue to take that approach and then act superior when they’re not responded to.
(It’s also weird racist that from their perspective book!Louis and even movie!Louis are victims of Lestat but AMC!Louis? Well he deserved it because he was mean, ungrateful and stopped putting out. Never thought I would see people claim that because Louis made empty threats towards Lestat that they were mutually abusive to one another and yet these are common stances that I’ve seen an alarming amount of people accept with no questions or forethought attached. but that’s an issue for an entirely different rant.)
even if ppl want to remove the pedo thing from marius with whatever excuse they have, his personality is ass anyway. I think a lot of ppl who read the books started off thinking he's gonna be likeable and wise and then he's just....some dickhead.
a lot of these ppl are not ppl who can stand critical thinking or have looked at maybe their own trauma in regards to how they perceive these characters (and at what ages they read the books too). a lot of ppl in this fandom have linked characters to themselves somehow, so there's no way to talk about a character without personally insulting ppl. it's rly tiring. that's not unique to this fandom either but the level of harassment u will receive kinda is, cuz it's based on anne rice's behavior (as u noted).
a lot of this racism too stems from the same ppl who can't hear criticisms about characters like marius bcuz the whole book series is nothing but promoting white supremacy. I don't think it's something she did consciously but it's so fucking blatant (the vampires literally get whiter as they get more powerful, for one?????) and shouldn't even be controversial for adults to say out loud. so many ppl bonded to this shit at young ages tho that it's "fun" nostalgia to them and fuck anyone who tries to say otherwise. that's how we're here. ppl cling hard to this notion that something has to be "pure" to be enjoyed or else ur a bad person for liking it. idk how that's become a thing bcuz u can still like things but be critical of them, that's how most things work???
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hearts401 · 1 year
wait I forgor that the reason I was in your ask box was bc I wanted to say that your art is rlly cool and reminded me why I liked fnaf in the first place!! :]
(Also if you don't mind id love to hear some headcanons you have for the aftons ehe)
DSJDSFKJD TYYY OUHFUH Thats so sweet omg :(((
OOH BOY HEADCANONS FOR THE AFTONS (Not gonna include mrs.afton aside from vague mentions simply bc i dont care about the implied existence of a wife for william lmaoo)
-8 years old
-I am an intense ginger hair lizzie truther. SHE IS NOT BLONDE!!!! I REFUSE!!!
-She looooves circuses and would dress herself and her friends up as clowns a lot. her love for makeup sparked it and then it went on from there
-music stims galore!! humming, patting her legs, bouncing to the sound of music
-likes first person shooters!! not an a "cute girl likes edgy games" way but in the way that she genuinely enjoys them! shed rlly love shooting games. shed also likes games liek stardew and animal crossing bc shed like getting to know the villagers. (ik these games dont fit the timeline of the 80's but whatever idc) she'd like those gun games at amusement parks too
-lots of energy!!! you cannot stop her!!!!!
-her fav ice cream is mint chocolate chip
-shes not close with her brothers, much closer with her father. because of her fathers distance, however, this results in her feeling lonely a lot, but shes not willing to get involved in whatever her brothers are doing
-really likes animals and especially colorful birds. she has a collection of many things, one of them being colorful and pretty feathers (she has a peacock feather and its her pride)
-really likes bunnies just like her dad!
-likes to braid hair and do makeup. she used to do it with michael whenever he let her. him cutting that off kinda fucked their relationshipt. (and ofc then came the bite)
-She has a very orange room. orange red and pink r her favorite colors.
-thinks her eyes are super pretty
-if she's curious about an item, she'll sniff it and inspect it and feel it but not put it in her mouth bc thats gross ><
-sleeps on her side like a normal person
-likes dolls n stuff :333
-10 years old
-anxiety and autism
-very good at sewing (bc michael would break his plushies a lot)
-never let lizzie do his makeup bc it overstimulated him
-anxious stims. hand shakes, biting his nails, wringing his hands, shifting side to side, ect.
-enjoys crocheting but almost never has yarn. lizzie gave him an unused yarn ball once and he used it to make a bunch of stuff
-very picky eater, but he wont say it out loud.
-likes webkinz
-HATES HORROR MOVIES!! like this is a given but he will stay up all night thinking about it. its the one thing he stands up for himself on is not being forced to wathc horror movies (mostly because its the only thing both william and lizzie will back him up on)
-he likes yellow a lot. his room isnt hyellow but he wishes it was.
-doesn't have friends and is regarded as weird, but kids avoid him for the most part. most of his bullying comes from ppl who know michael.
-hed like racing games a lot
-scared of his dad and by association he was scared of henry too
-not super close with charlie but he knows her to be a good person. wishes he was closer with her
-ofc easily startled, freaked out, and made uncomfortable
-does NOT like being talked over
-gets frustrated rlly easily and often rants to his fredbear plush
-liked to draw!! he picked it up from mike when he was younger and continues to do it as an outlet
-wishes he had a bigger family
-definitely not flexible at all, but doesnt hurt himself much (hes not dumb, he learns what makes his bones break)
-will feel things over if hes curious about them. maybe sniff them too but he gets scared they'll kill him 😭
-dislikes amusement parks bc overstim but does enjoy the games and prizes
-he likes rice. idk. he just likes rice a lot.
-if he grew up, hed be taller than mike AND lizzie idc idc
-he tries his best to smile in family photos but he just looks so goddamn uncomfortable that eventually william just let him sit them out.
-definitely a peacemaker between lizzie amd mike
-if hes thinking hard he looks PISSED. RESTING BITCH FACE. He is GLARING AT HIS PLATE. "Evan? What's wrong?" and he just immediately is like 😠😯🙁
-he cares about michael a lot more than he should. he tells him to stop when hes fighting someone, he tries to calm him down when hes angry, he tries to talk to him. it makes him so frustrated, it makes him so mad when michael refuses him rudely, but he keeps doing it. its who he is.
-he got a golden freddy mask that creeped michael out and he jumpscared him with it once.
-cuts his own hair
-not a hugger but if EITHER of his siblings offer a hug he will NOT deny them (does not apply to william tho)
-i dont think he cared about william tbh lol
-sleeps on his back like a corpse.
-nonbinary he/they but doesnt realize it til hes 18
-gets mad when overstimulated
-Likes pirates a lot, watches lots of pirate shows.
-INTERNALIZED HOMOPHOBIA it kicked in in like 2nd grade when someone made fun of him for letting lizzie do his makeup. (jeremy helps him get over it)
-forgets to eat a lot. not intentionally. hes just dumb.
-argues with his dad the most, and drives william nuts
-if hes curious about something, hes gonna bite it. what is it? idk. CHOMP
-loves skirts bc sensory issues are worse in his ankles. he compromises by wearing basketball shorts.
-canNOT wear things near his neck. hates things near his neck.
-close-ish with charlie. likes talking to her.
-favorite color is red. he puts it everywhere.
-likes pokemon.
-watches anime
-halloween is his fav holiday. ud think its bc he liked scaring evan (and it kinda is) but mostly he jsut likes dressing up and going trick or treating. he'll use his costume to scare evan later tho. william takes them away because of that, just bc he doesnt want michael ruining the costume (they reuse them sometimes)
-likes growing his hair out
-looks very soft when thinking. evan only talks to him when he looks calm and collected.
-stims by humming, tapping, slamming his fists, and making loud sounds (shouting, whining, UGH AAAGH ect.) which tend to overstimulate evan
-him and evan are adhd vs autism but if the adhd also had autism
-scared of the ocean but he'll never admit it (got bit by some small fish once and it freaked him out)
-mouth moves faster than his brain
-messy room with very little in it.
-punches holes in his walls as a stim :(
-likes sweaters in fall
-for someone who jumpscares his little brother, he gets jumpscared easily
-giggles a lot during hide and seek but thru hiding from evan he learned how to stop it. if he does giggle it means hes genuinely happy
-faints when SUPER freaked out. but it takes a lot
-probably gets queasy around blood
-lactose intolerant but he'll be damned if he doesnt eat that mac n cheese
-has SO MUCH FOXY MERCH. he convinces his dad to give him EVERYTHING HE LOVES FOXY SO MUCH
-would do awesome in school if he could get himself to try
-probably felt rlly hurt when he heard foxy was confined to a small area and not onstage. not because it mattered to him, but because the way william looks at foxy makes him think of the way he looks at him.
-gators r his second fav animal
-draws as a way of venting, but it rarely works. he likes it tho
-moves in his sleep
-NEUTRAL "I'm uncomfortable and idk what to do rn" SHOULDER PUNCH GO!!!
-giggles evilly
-like evan hes not very flexible but hes much more likely to hurt himsel fand sprains his ankles a lot
-Do not misspell his last name he will get unbelievably pissed
-probably nd too bc all his kids are but he doesnt gaf abt that 😭
-has kissed a man before as an experiment. did not get anything from it unfortunately
-met henry in college for robotics and became friends
-when his wife left/died he was just like "oh. i have three kids now. fuck." and then avoided them
-doesnt care about his kids but them dying causes problems for him so he tries his best to keep them alive (unsuccessfully. this is the afton family after all)
-just like mike, he sings and taps a lot, but its more humming and tapping.
-also lactose intolerant but he actually cares about it
-likes bunnies a lot.
-allergic to pollen. severely. he walks outside in spring and is already sneezing and rubbing his eyes
-Frustrated easily
-Looks pissed when hes not, looks pissed when he is. looks pissed when hes sad. looks pissed when hes thinking. the only time he doesnt looks pissed is when he looks happy and that is very rare (and never happens around his kids, only henry)
-Buys his kids gifts but its always stuff they either dont like anymore or didnt like int he first place. he doesnt care
-secretly likes thanksgiving a lot. hes a foodie what can i say
-lizzie is his favorite but that only means he is occasionally gentle with her in a way he'll never be with his sons
-likes dressing up fancy but als freaky he just likes dressing up
-poses in the mirror to check his outfit. michael walked in on him once and william has never yelled at him so muhc in his life. michael acted upset but he was giggling to himself
-does not and will never care about whatever michael and evan have goin on. he does NOT have time for them.
-drops and breaks his phone ALL THE TIME.
-likes stress balls a lot.
-springbonnie is his BABY. he LOVES HER.
-grabs his kids by their heads a lot. like if michael is in his way he'll just put a hand on his head and move him off to the side. the only one he cant do it to is evan because he just moves out of the way
-has a bunch of tiny robots of his own. he likes to make silly bunny robots taht r tiny
-thinks hes smooth wiht flirting and could grab a girl (he cant henry knows he cant)
-sticks his tongue out like a cartoon character when hes thinking SUPER hard
-pats michael on the back a lot to lighten a tense situation but it just makes michael tense up and makes it worse
-giggles evilly
-used to be queasy with blood and spent an hour in front of a mirror post-killing charlie telling himself to man up and somehow that worked
-not a hugger. only hugs his kids in public to lighten the mood. except mike. mike u get awkward back pats
-doesnt like being touched (he WILL smack your hand)
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youremyheaven · 5 months
okay so i'm so the anon who brought up how freaky solar men are up & i thought abt how i wanted to go abt this like i was orig. going to continue my spiel and outline every single kink i saw as a pattern but ... i just want to be concise + this is an astro blog i don't want to get too graphic on here so here's me wrapping it up (sorry this one is anti-climatic):
so at the root of it solar men go into sex - honestly any situation in their lives - asking themselves 2 things.
how can i have fun here? & how can i maximize on said fun?
how & will this feed into my ego?
it's an oversimplification of solar men but i think thats the gist of what drives them in any situation. so you can use that logic to apply to whether you'd think a solar man would be into smth sexually or not. like for e.x. solar dom men tend not to be munches in the bedroom (sorry girlsss 😭). but it makes sense as to why when you apply the logic of them being ego & pursuit of happiness driven. and if you do meet a solar man who does like eating their girl out ask them their reasoning for it and i swear their reasoning will somehow fall into this logic too (e.x. "it's fun for me" or "it makes me feel like im the man")
anyway with that being said there's only one other kink they rly lean into that i do want to elaborate on bc it's fun! it's roleplaying. they're so fun in this regard they like to play up certain scenarios (typically a power imbalance dynamic at play in it too) and they rly like it when you dress up for them; again there's also this air of unserious fun to it too like they just don't take themselves too srsly. like my fav memory w my latest sun dom ex was the time when the mid-autumn festival rolled around (he's chinese) and i asked him how he wanted to celebrate since his family was back home so it would just be him & i so he came up w the idea that i dressed like a bunny and delivered him his "mooncake". this is context for those who don't know (how he explained it to me so if this is botched i'm sorry omg): for chinese ppl there is an association b/w rabbits and mooncake during mid-autumn festival; jade rabbits often delivering them. anyways to make a long story short, i ended up picking up a box of mooncake for him and when i showed up to his place he had a whole bunny lingerie ensemble laid out for me so you can put two and two tg and figure out how that went 😂
now with that wrapped up i acc wanted to touch on the last ask you answered: hearing your type now i do not recommend a sun dom man for you actually. sun men def play it cool and i'll be honest they're the type to bully/tease as flirting and i find that the kind of women that best respond to the super cocky, kind of a bully style of flirting from solar dom men are saturn dom women (who dish it right back to them) and lunar dom women (extremely receptive & thrives in passivity). just as claire put it. your type acc sounds more along the lines of a venus dom man (they're simps & tend to worship - they just don't have that external tough guy thing going on imo) combined w smth else. i remember you saying you had a mercury dk do you mind sharing the nak/sign it's in? that could probs help w figuring out whats best for you
oh my last thing do you think solar dom men tend to be drawn to working as commercial pilots? if so why do you think that may be? bc as i was writing this i realized all of my exes were either commercial pilots or up in the corporate ladder. working corporate for them makes sense i feel like i've seen that somewhere but it's the pilot thing i'm curious abt
damn 😳😳😳
Yeah I def can't stand Saturnian men (mainly Anuradhas) and idk any Solar men but while they sound 🥵🥵 they're not for me as you said
I swear my type is a Venusian man who will worship me 🤤😤😩😭 I think I really like the idea of a big serious tough guy that others are intimidated by but who is a complete sweetie with me. Having a partner that is socially respected and taken seriously is vvv important to me (probably bc I have Venus in 10h) I do see the effect of my Mercury DK bc I love to flirt and tease and I love the smooth talking type of guy, I really value emotional & literal intelligence in men but beyond that Mercurial men are horny little rabbits and that kind of puts me off. I want a Venusian man who will be more refined about that sort of thing??? My old friend is with a Bharani Moon guy and honestly I want what they have. He puts the shoes on her feet, carries her bags and feeds her even?? Like that guy loves to give and is a complete simp (idk anything else about their relationship so idk what the downside of all this Venusian affection is)
When you said commercial pilot I stopped breathing 😳😳😭😭 because I only know one person who is a pilot and he's Krittika Sun 😩😩😩 I think Sun dominant people both men and women are drawn to the top of the hierarchy, they need to be the best at what they do, they won't settle for anything less than that and all the Sun dominant people I know are extremely ambitious and hardworking. With flying, they're literally on top of the world and in the air, that's as Sun dominant as it gets. Maybe that's a simplistic take but I think they're drawn to the high life and doing something that only a few get to do. I think all benefic planets kind of create a sense of elitism and exclusivity in its natives (I know Sun isn't widely considered to be a benefic but it's ...The Sun...) our solar system revolves around the Sun, life on earth centres the Sun. The natural most comfortable place for a Solar person is at the top of the ladder, they don't feel like they "belong" anywhere else. The Sun is used to being needed but the Sun doesn't need anybody or anything, if ykwim?? Probably why Sun natives dgaf about anyone or anything lol
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sailorgundam308 · 6 months
okay but you're right about the petite tav thing (also idk if you know but someone's lame ass "callout" post about you being a bully and how you'll never get commissions is circulating)
like in a game where you can create nearly anything with a tav it's boring as fuck to make them look copy pasted of every conventional girl irl. ive always thought that, it's why I can't read certain super popular fics in this fandom because the tav absolutely rips me out of any enjoyment (cough, the arrangement)
but it's not fair for people to be harassing you over your opinion, it's your blog if they don't wanna make themselves upset maybe they shouldn't be lurking on your page
It's what I think. I have no interest, never had, in any media, when a protagonist is the pretty standard petite girl. It doesn't resonate with me at all and, therefore, they come across as very boring to me.
About the post circulating about me, I know about it. It was made by 2 girls who didn't like when I said I don't like pairing Astarion with the aforementioned pretty petite tav type. They then devolved into, apparently, some sort of Alex Jones, calling into question my values as a person, made up what I said and whatnot. They've been flooding me with hate messages for a while, stopping short only of telling me to kill myself. But then, of course, I'm the bully in the story. lol
It's very much their problem. Anyone following me, reading what I say, knows what I stand for - and what I don't, cause I tend to say it pretty clearly.
And I agree with you, too: tumblr is a collection of personal blogs of people with differing opinions. Unless someone is attacking or harming a real person, or being an actual bigot, it's all a matter of thinking differently about things. And that's not an issue.
You'd think people who claim to be so inclusive would understand that not everyone has to agree on things - and that you shouldn't dig the internet for content that will piss you off because you feel like going on a moral rampage for the sake of feeling superior. You WILL find content to make you angry. Thing is, some of that will be justified. Some, apparently, will just be me saying im not into X type of pairing.
Sound's pretty easy to do, but some folks are actually pretty incredible in regards to the amount of effort they'll put to go after someone they (don't know) but decided they dislike.
One of the girls saying she "took a screenshot" of what I said is from a discord I'm also a member of, and I think she got jealous cause I only posted Karlach x Astarion art and they shipped him with a different character. The other one is just a hardcore harasser. I got all their hate messages saved. Maybe one day I'll post it so people can see what kind low level stuff they said to me. It was WILD.
In any case. I never deleted the post where I said I think Astarion doesn't look good with pretty cutesy girly tavs cause I DO think that, and there's nothing wrong with me saying it. I'm not talking about any real person, nor even any tav in particular. But people like to distort shit to make waves then feel morally superior.
Thankfully, my commissions are doing great! I don't beg anyone to hire me, and as with everything else online, no one is forced to anything - commission me or even interact with my blog. There is a block function here and I use it often - it works wonders.
Anyway, thanks for saying that. Truly. This whole thing was pretty upsetting at first, but I soon realized there was no conversation to be had with thesef people - they don't want to talk. They want to tear someone they don't know apart to feel superior and "win".
It's nice to know not everyone bought into the gaslighting shit these two (and probably now more ppl) are spouting.
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destinyc1020 · 1 year
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This is the RDJ jacket.....
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Here's the history behind the DC....
Back while the cast was in Atlanta filming NWH, some fans noticed that Sophia (Tom's Uncharted co-star) was pictured in a video wearing the red plaid jacket that Tom always wears, and this provided more ammunition for antis to assume that something went on btwn Tom and Sophia while in Berlin filming "Uncharted" together.... Even though there were never even any pics of them hanging out together like there were of Tom and Tati for example hanging out off-set. Well...not long after that, Tom posted a pic of himself with the jacket and tagged RDJ with this message: Then Robert posted on IG a story back in response:
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I find it funny because it was obvious damage control lol, and Tom was basically saying that the jacket wasn't even his to begin with lol. Anyway...here are some posts regarding it....
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changbinsboobs · 1 month
interesting so you would say its quite accurate to how they would personally view xyz things? do you then get dreams of them often or not at all? if you get the same info months later then u would know its accurate to what they personally desire or idfk maybe they prefer something else later down the line but i read readings on several groups and theres quite a few similarities among different types of members so leaders seem to be quite possessive maybe tad controlling of their partners, like hongjoong as well for example
I do wonder sometimes bc it is impossible to really know them only from their on screen personality and kpop likes to blur things out that may be considered an imperfection? idk how to describe it but like they cant really be fully themselves so in readings it gives a greater sense of who they are without being too invasive kinda like inside info without doing the stalking that sasaengs do to get such info.
would be so cool to know them personally like u get to see the raw them what they think on xyz subjects not the stuff they cant tell their fans. i bet they have good amounts of gossip about their teammates too. i wonder if their interests in lesser common people stems from the fact kpop is so particular that when theh meet someone entirely different to what kpop is or stands for then it really draws them in to that person or maybe those. i mean with todays technology idols do sometimes have less boundaries or maybe the tendancy to overshare things that dont need to be shared so maybe in readings idols look for people outside of kpop world and maybe thats why they show up in tarot readers dreams so often bc they have particular message or situation going on n they want to show it to someone. sorry for rambling but theyre such interesting ppl.
who in skz do u think would have maybe not a crush on the same person but idk they could have a desire to win the person over from another member if that makes sense?
Hey, so no i don't really dream much about them anymore. But i used to have A LOT of very very interesting dreams with them during a certain period of time. I especially often dream about Lee Know, and i had very interesting dreams with Felix and Hyunjin too. Changbin too but he was kind of a hidden protector and it wasn't really him...ufhfbf i don't know how to explain it but i think I'll make a post someday and love to hear other peoples dreams with them too💗 about your other question with the similarities in readings etc, i did another answer before your where i explain my view a little bit.
And yeah i think tarot is a great way to get closer to the idols - of course consumed and performed in a healthy, respectful way - i believe there might actually be lots of idols that may somehow feel relief through such reading, on an uncounscous level because we shine light on matters they aren't allowed to talk about but would love to express. Like in Chan's case, as i said he seems very eager to "talk" during my readings and is always ready and the first one to spill the tea freely😂 i sometimes can see him giggling and wiggling in excitement, or giving me a spicy side eye or whatever😂
And regarding your question at the end, i still haven't done enough readings on them to be able to just make a speculation, so i layed some cards on it. I don't have a definitive answer but i belive someone was in a relationship and there were 2 members that had their eye on that person. I believe on of the "admirers" was felix. And i have a strong feeling the member with the "girlfriend" was Changbin. Now i put those "" on girlfriend, because it doesnt seem to me that they were necesarily in a relationship, but rather courting? Like they definitely had some give and take at least energetically and in conversations. I cant really tell how far that connection went and if ever really was a relationship but there was def something. And 2 memebrs looked at that person with drool coming out of their mouth😂 felix being one of them, and again i see that weird sleazy energy that freaks me out🥲 its not malicious but its really weird and unnerving, he is very obvious in his liking to that person, but he doesnt take any steps or seem threatening, but his energy is so shameless and direct and penetrating. The other person was more hidden with his liking, but i think changbin still knew. He def knew about felix, and i think he suspected about the other person too. Weirdly enough i dont pick up on him being mad or feeling betrayed or threatened. Quite the oposite actually, i think felt like a boss😂 having "access" or a "chance" with something that others also want. He felt powerful in a way.
*take this with a grain of salt.
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bunnihearted · 1 month
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it all keeps going round and round in my head. i think about it constantly and im really trying not to, but i just cant stop ruminating and obsessing about it. i go over it again and again and again in my head. i could've done things different; but that's easy to say now that i have received more context that i didnt have then. plus i was in a certain space concerning my fear of letting ppl close and all of my issues regarding that. i really tried so hard but it takes time.... that's just how i am. and i dont blame anyone for not finding me worth enough to wait it out. at the same time... it doesnt really take years and years, it mostly doesnt even take a full year. im only asking to get to know someone steadily but a little bit slower rather than the full speed that most ppl seem to operate on. i cant believe anyone could ever like me plus im scared of being abandoned and hurt.... which is what everyone has done to my except my mom. everyone else i've known has left me and then im like.. what even is the point in getting to know someone, care about them, only for them to ditch me at a point i wont even see coming or have the power to stop?
anyway. that doesnt matter. i know the only way for me to ever connect to ppl is to shove all of that down and pretend i dont mind the blood dripping out of my mouth from biting myself in the tongue. i have to put on a mask and pretend to be a human being. but also this doesnt matter either, i dont really feel like.,. i dont wanna get to know anyone rn just to have them leave me. everyone leaves. everyone. and they always has someone else that fills my space, while i love true and real and i cant just exchange people. idk. it just hurts so much. why cant i be so special to be kept? im always thrown away.
also that doesnt matter. i couldve done things differently but only now when im at that place in my fear curve. but that doesnt matter and it's too late. but also i said things. i said i love u, i said i wanted to work things out even if you have a lot to deal with rn, i said u're the only one i wanna date, i said you're my favorite and the most important to me. and to that i didnt receive any reciprocation. if i had kept saying more hadnt it only been harrassment? it all makes me so sad and i keep going over it and over it bc yes i couldve done things different, but i said what i wanted to say. i said im in love with you. didnt really get anything that i knew what to do with. only that maybe the time wasnt right bc there was too much going on. said i love u i love u i love u. ????? said you're the only one i wanna date - static. what was i supposed to do with that??? i felt so so so rejected over again and it made me so confused bc i thought that i wasnt the only one with those feelings (based on words actually said not my fantasy/imagination).
isnt.. i love u. i wanna be with u. you're the only one i wanna date... clear? how more clear could i have been... yes i was messy and confusing and pulled away but i tried talking about it all i wanted was to talk about it and see where we were standing and if if if if if ....
and it hurts and is humiliating to love real and love true because im here all alone all alone in this space. and me? i dont even leave a space behind. i dont even leave a void behind. that space is already filled and im fading more and more like i never was at all. why am i such an awful person for being upset that i never leave a mark? im never special or important and like omfg i love u sm i'd also do everything for u i wanna work this out i wanna see if this can go somewhere i love u i dont wanna lose u. i always tell the things i also wish someone (mutually) would say back. i dont really blame. bc i get it. but it makes me sad bc i got to hear things that made me think that my feelings were reciprocated. and then .. theres not even any talking about it. the fact is that i loved so deeply that i wanted to fight for it and do anything and everything i could to make it true. and the fact is that... i was never even asked. how do u really feel? what do u think? i wasnt so special so important to even be talked to. just ... thrown to the side. thats fine. your love doesnt matter anyway. maybe there was care. but not the love that i feel. and that just makes me so sad bc u cannot force love i know that.
the fact is. that i am here all alone, crying and missing someone... loving them so deeply... and they are talking to someone else everyday. not missing and crying and loving me with the force and intensity i do. life is cruel. esp to someone as sensitive and emotional and true and loving as me. we always get fucked over by everything and the entire universe. pain everyday. love is painful. i wish i could surgically remove it from me bc the person i wanna drown in it doesnt want it. thats sad. but thats life. no ones fault even. i dont blame. no anger. but im sad that i never even really got a chance. not a question. not a choice. no opportunity. no chance no chance no chance. just all alone forever
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crguang · 3 months
Idk what specifically, but CCs are always having (minor/major) drama lol, just focus on the VAs tbh. Probably something regarding Firefly if I had to guess (god, why is there so much weird discourse around her?). After the major blowup in the Genshin circles (around hmmm..I think Brax/Atsu/Zy0x? tectone probably too. god, just realized they're all men lol), I pretty much lost all my rose-tinted glasses. Good lesson in reminding myself to stop putting regular ass people on pedestals. Even the VAs, too tbh. Love them, but after Tighnari's en va got exposed for being a pos (groomer? abuser?), just gotta realize that they're also just regular ass humans.
i have my own thoughts about firefly but i genuinely cant stand the way straight men talk about complex female characters it grinds my gears they never have anything relevant to say. i dont follow any of these people, i think i watched one brax video to build like jingliu or something and thats it. tectone is a lesbophobic incel and i think he should burn at the stake personally so anything that has to do with him is muted on my end. it’s important to understand that these youtubers are just doing their jobs, they may have the same interests as us but theyre regular people making money off of wtv fandom they’re creating content for. putting anyone you dont know on a pedestal (celebrities, YouTubers, voice actors) is dangerous, they’re not our friends. anyone can be a weirdo, its normal to be disappointed to find out that the ppl whose content you’ve been engaging in are not good people but when you remember that these are strangers, it gets a little less disappointing
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necroangelz · 6 months
i love hearung people infodump about stuff wven its stufg idk pleasr peladeplelfeldmf dies
( the angel apologizes for the late response to uur ask . it's been more than a week .oops . it's okay though because this infodump is HELLA LONG. /SRS )
i adore ppl who listen to infodumps > < /p gen
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infodump about an oc
so, then, let me tell uu about the story of the half demon and the human she loved. (aka my demon Slayer ocs doomed Yuri )
this infodump is gonna require some prior knowledge to demon Slayer tbh > < I'm too lazy to explain details that are specific to the demon Slayer series Soz ... also my autocorrect might randomly capitalize Slayer so just ignore that
so let's introduce the characters !!
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kaguya's name above links her playlist that i made a few yrs ago !! the playlist is quite old and i don't add new songs to it as much but i quite love it a lot > < i think the songs suit her well so there's no reason to change anything
at the start of the canon series (like lets say kaguya is in the story because thats how i wrote it lmao) Kaguya is 25 years old. as her surname "ubuyashiki" implies, she's an adopted member of the ubuyashiki clan. her mother was a pillar (a pillar of what, I'm not sure yet ahaha...) who disappeared before kaguyas birth, and left the infant Kaguya at the doorstep of the ubuyashikis. they decided to take her in and raise her alongside kagaya ubuyashiki, the head of the demon Slayer corps at the start of the series. Kaguya is 2 years older than kagaya. she is also his only surviving sibling as the rest of their siblings committed suicide years ago (canon fact i read just now lol)
she doesn't know much about her mother, and only knows her mother through the stories that others tell about her. unfortunately, due to their line of work, those who knew her mother end up dying until she's the only one carrying her mother's memory. there rumors though that her mother had an affair with a demon right before giving birth to kaguya
Kaguya hopes to find her father one day. how she will do it, what would she do (ask him why it had to be her mother, ask him about her mother, kill him, form a relationship with him, etc.); she doesn't know.
fun fact about her father: originally she was going to be the daughter of muzan kibutsuji. because this was a common trope i did before, i made ocs who were the daughters of villains. i didn't really regard the villains as parental figures because i was in love with them, but i suppose i enjoyed the family dynamic this trope would have. it was interesting to imagine the villain parent as being softer and kinder to their daughter (if they were on the same side [kaguya would not have been on the same side as muzan, obviously]), their daughter being spoiled, treated like royalty, and inheriting the same villainous traits from their parent(s)... i actually did have another oc who was muzan's daughter, although she didn't exist in the same "universe" as kaguya lolz
... looking back at my childhood and family history i can see why i was so in love with this trope
anyways. Kaguya harbors a secret that she doesn't hide well, so most people are aware of it, but out of respect no one accuses her of anything. Kaguya might just be a half demon half human (okay well take out the word "might" because she IS). she exhibits great inhuman strength and speed, she can heal quickly from any injury (it's not as fast as the regular demons' regeneration, but she can survive injuries that humans would usually die from. she recovers quickly from injuries and never gets sick. healers love her. literally. i used to ship her with shinobu.) she's also allergic to sunlight and wisteria. she gets severe rashes when she stands under the sun for too long and her body temperature rises quickly when she's outside. hence, she wears a wide brimmed hat to protect from the sun. i also think she would wear her universe's version of sunscreen. she also feels nauseous around wisteria. heaven knows what would happen if she ingested it.
she's sort of a prodigy when it comes to being a warrior/fighter. she began having rigorous training to fight demons since she was 8 and since then she has become a high profile demon Slayer. (that age might change... it used to be 6 but i thought 6 was too overkill lol. that's really young isn't it. she should be at the playground /ref)
I'm a bit undecided about what her breath style should be. it used to be breath of the Phoenix (based on the song the Phoenix by fall out boy) and i have a design of Kaguya with red robes which would fit that breath style more, but I've grown used to purple robes Kaguya! i know i could have Kaguya use breath of the Phoenix while wearing purple robes, but robes are often symbolic of a slayer's breath style, and purple robes just don't really give Phoenix vibes.
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Kaguya with red robes ! i use this design in an AU of kaguya's story. i won't go into the AU in this post but all one needs to know is: it's based on moon knight. because i just so happened to have a moon knight phase around the same time i was really obsessed with kaguya's story
another breath style Kaguya could use though is wisteria breathing. i just thought of this recently so it's a wip idea, but it could be interesting bc wisteria breathing is strong against demons but it will also hurt her. wisteria and all that. it feels symbolic of her as a character as well.. somehow
anyways, Kaguya is aloof, keeps her distance from others, acts invulnerable and cold, although she has moments of warmth and can still show kindness to others. she prefers that others do not get to know her on a personal level and keeps everything professional. her brother and her 1 or 2 friends encourage her to loosen up and they've tried everything to get her to socialize with others.
she's desensitized to her pain and others'. the corps often gives her the hardest jobs simply because she's one of their best fighters, so she's used to long battles (and winning). she's not cocky when it comes to fighting, but she certainly knows that she will eventually win. she rarely shows fear. she knows that a scared warrior is not what people need.
obviously she has a dash of trauma added to her character.
i realized Kaguya is extremely similar to mizu from blue eye samurai. i didnt intend fur that—kaguya was made AGES before BES was released, but i think that's really cool lol
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kaguyas childhood friend who died at 25. she was a demon Slayer of a high rank, just like her dear friend. came from a rich family with parents that loved her; sadly they never understood her deep down. they didn't understand her dreams to pursue creative arts like writing and music. instead they wanted her to marry so they can become more wealthy.
her parents did arrange a marriage for her, but they lost their wealth anyway. and soon enough, risa lost her husband and her family.
risa was used to dealing with expectations. her peers often viewed her as a perfect unattainable standard. someone to watch and be jealous of. someone to compare themselves to.
she was a practical person who kept calm often. a lot of people liked her and thought she was easy to get along with. she always knew what to do, how to behave, to get people to like her and do what she wanted them to do. many people in her circle liked to act as if they know her well/personally/deeply but she's a guarded person who knows how to keep people away, just like kaguya. the difference between them is that risa can fool people into believing they're closer than they actually are
i actually never thought of what risa's breath style would be. kaguya was her main mentor when she was in training so maybe she developed a breath style based on kaguyas? like early on she was using a common breath style but ended up developing one similar to kaguyas. I'll think about it further though.
that's all i can say about risa.
so what's their story anyway?
their first meeting was when they were children (eight and eleven, risa is 3 yrs older). it was a short meeting, almost unremarkable, although they kept thinking of their meeting bcz they wanted to meet each other again very badly. their wishes were granted and they meet again as teenagers (14, 17). this time theyre able to form a friendship and oh, how close they become. it's like a once in a lifetime bond. and speaking of lifetimes they feel like they know each other from a past life.
^ note I'm not tryna be weird about this, they didn't develop feelings for each other until they were both adults/chronologically 20-somethings. Kaguya physically matures faster due to being half demon so physically she looks about risa's age if not older. she doesn't act like a regular young person either due to her life experiences. i made their ages like this to emphasize how she is stronger in terms of physical power despite being younger.
they are inseparable... except for complications in their life that do separate them. one, as they grow up, risa's marriage to an older man is arranged. as a result she doesn't have as much freedom to do what wanted (ie, hang out with Kaguya) like before. they find their ways though, don't worry. a bit after their marriage, risa's family loses their wealth somehow and they're forced to move to a small very rural town
two, Kaguya obviously has to hide her true life from risa. keeping such a huge secret causes fights and other troubles between them but what else is she to do? she just can't tell a regular civilian about the demon Slayer corps and demons at all . she wants to keep risa safe too so she has to tell her Absolutely Nothing
all of that becomes for nothing though when a demon attacks risa's family, killing her parents (and siblings that live with them, if i decide to give her siblings. i should give her siblings), her husband, and her husband's family too probably. but basically a lot of people are dead. Kaguya arrives and kills the demon, but at that point only risa was the survivor. Kaguya tells her about demons and demon slayers, and risa chooses to enlist in the corps.
when risa enlists, she's 20 and chronologically Kaguya is 17. of course she hasn't really properly ENLISTED yet because she has to go through the final selection ! ( i kinda find it funny that they call it the "final selection" when there's no other selection process for demon slayers other than this, but it's also kind of a final thing in the way that many people Die from it ) so risa moves to kaguya's estate and trains for three years before entering the final selection. obviously she survives and passes with flying colors because she was trained only by the best (kaguya <3). she became friends with the people she saved/helped in the final selection too
so now at 23, risa is a demon slayer! things go quite well in her career. she goes on pair missions with kaguya at first so that risa's safety is ensured and she doesn't have a hard time. risa is worried she actually isn't that good of a demon slayer and at some point she hates relying on kaguya during pair missions, thinking that her success is only because of kaguya and not because she has any skill at all.
aside from that risa also tries to deal with the trauma of losing her family and the mental and physical strain that comes with training and fighting demons. she's terrified that she too will lose her life one day but when she fights alongside kaguya she feels safe, and when she goes home to kaguya after a successful solo mission, she's determined to do her best fighting demons for the rest of her life so that she's happy when she dies
but then she thinks, does she really want to do this for the rest of her life?
kaguya thinks of the same thing too, because before this she was fine being a simple weapon for the corps. a weapon with no friends, no connection to this world, and no real passion in life. she's so strong, obviously she's meant to be a demon slayer, right? but being with risa causes her to rethink everything and what she truly wants
the two of them discuss if they want to retire when they're a bit older. get a nice house in the countryside and live together, raise livestock, and live a calm life where they never think about their missions and they never have to raise a sword against a demon again
,,, well
one day, risa goes on a solo mission and doesn't come back. kaguya knows where she went so she searches the whole place for her, and searches even farther, but none. she tells corps workers stationed in nearby locations to keep an eye out for risa, she searches every week for her, but she doesn't see her nor hear from her for months. she doesn't even find a dead body
what she does find, a few months later, is risa turned into a demon. she would find out later too that demon!risa had already killed a few humans in their time apart. demon risa has no memory of her life as a human, so her first instinct upon seeing kaguya is to attack her. risa is quite strong as a demon. it hurts kaguya to see risa fight with a variant of the same techniques she used when she was still a human
kaguya wants to save her, she wishes there was an ending to this battle that didn't involve risa's death, but she's relentless in her attack. it was either risa died or kaguya died
so she's slain by kaguya. let me just copy paste this line from my notes:
"as her head gets chopped and falls off, one moment from her human life flashes before her eyes. a blurry memory of her and kaguya sitting in kaguya's estate, drinking tea and enjoying the afternoon sun. the memory constantly changes shape and briefly morphs into other memories that she can't process, and it feels like a scene playing from far away. like a memory that isn't hers. risa doesn't think this is from her memory at all, due to the blurriness and transience of it. she dies facing the sky and a single teardrop falls from her eye."
risa was 25 when she died. kaguya was chronologically 23
as one can guess, this whole ordeal traumatized kaguya even further than she is already traumatized. poor thing. all of this would have taken place 3yrs before the main story (so kaguya would be 25 too when the main story would roll around)
okay, so what really happened to risa on the night she disappeared during the mission anyway? how did she become a demon?
i don't have a LOT of details sorted out, but basically she was wounded and super duper hurt during the fight, the demon she's fighting offers to turn her into a demon (i'm guessing she should've been fighting a demon moon then... oohh what if she thought she was fighting a regular demon but then a demon moon shows up and offers to turn her??) obviously she declines the offer but in the end she gets forcefully turned into a demon. so yeah !
i would also like to note that in this story, the demon slayers are aged up just a little bit. i'm sure it makes sense to someone that a lot of demon slayers are young—because they die before they can grow old— but a part of me was unsatisfied with that! so a lot of the pillars are in their early to mid 20s, with the exception of muichiro who is 17, tengen who is 31 (this bitch is 23 originally wtf??, and gyomei who is 44 (HE IS 27 I THOUGHT HE WAS IN HIS 40S)
thats all i have to share i think. thank GOD its all over now /s if one has somehow made their way to the end and read everything in this ramble, comment uur fav video game or something .
aaaaaand thats the end of kaguya ubuyashiki and risa akagi's wonderful backstory and their happy ending.
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gettin-bi-bi-bi · 1 year
So, i’m a bi girl and I hate being the cliche of the sob story queer person who cries themself to sleep because they hate being queer, or rather the disruptions being queer causes in their life.
I constantly feel like i’ll need to choose between continuing my normal life and starting a new life in which I only hang out with queer people. Like once I come out on a larger scale someone will brand me like a cow and set me apart with the other queer people. Idk why but I can’t imagine my normal life coexisting with my queerness. I’m not entirely sure how most of my friends’ vision of me will change, even if I know they don’t have a problem with queer ppl in general and that I wouldn’t even be the first queer person they know. I have come out to a couple of them and they all reacted okay, only that my best friend thinks that i’m only attracted to women because I went out with a couple of guys and I didn’t find myself attracted to them in particular lol 😭
I think all of this terrifies me because I considered that regardless of my sexuality i’ll end up with a man in the end, because i’m very masc leaning and it’s also what will be easier for me, but I recently realised that I think I do want to have something with a woman at least once.
I’m very anxious regarding dating in general –even with men– because I find it hard to not think in the long-term even when I do want to be open to short-term relationships too. I logically know that not all relationships are started with marriage or living together in mind, but for some reason I find it hard not to think that way? So I feel like if I start dating a girl i’ll have to consider her a long term partner and i’m not comfortable with that but I do want to know what that’s like and i’m scared
I'm sorry it took me so long to get to this, I had a tough week.
I would recommend that you try to open up to people that you trust about your fears. I understand that you are afraid of how they will look at you once they know you are bi but don't you want them to see who you truly are? Right now you are keeping a part of yourself in the dark. I don't think your friends will suddenly think you are a totally different person - they will just see something new to add to the image they have of you.
You should also check if there are any queer resource centers in your region that you can go to. Maybe even specifically for young people. It might help you to talk to fellow queer people about this with the benefit of them being strangers = nothing to lose.
There's one sentence in your message that I want to comment on in particular which is "this terrifies me because I considered that regardless of my sexuality i’ll end up with a man in the end" - internalised biphobia can be a bitch at making it seem like the end of the world if you "end up with a man" but I'd like you to remember that part of bisexuality usually is attraction to men. And attraction is supposed to feel good. Being in love is supposed to feel good. Sex is supposed to feel good. So ideally if you are with a man you will WANT to be with him. The thought of "ending up with a man" as if that's somehow a failure of your queer existence is internalised biphobia! You're not less bi or queer for being into men and for dating them.
That being said, it's fine if you also want to explore your sexuality with women. You're allowed to do that. Try not to worry about who you will "end up with" and focus on what you want to do right now. Even if you already know you favour a long-term relationship over short-term or one-night-stands, you can focus on getting to know people NOW and not about when to make wedding arrangements.
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menalez · 2 years
Yeah sis that's the whole point that is literally the point you got the ace. We need to be strongly worded and take a stand, you can be endlessly nice and all that will do is make you a foot stool. You know who you support but you're afraid to speak and stand with other lesbians because you're afraid of the bisexual hate mob, this is exactly why their little pity tantrums work. They corner us into being nice and being afraid of them. Say enough is enough. Everyone knows all these points when talking about other oppressors but if you apply simple principles to bisexuals everyone shits the bed in fear. It may be hard to accept and it might get you piled on but it's not complicated.
idk i genuinely do think its more nuanced than what both extremes often say and ig to most im already more aligned w the lesbian side of the extremes rather than the bi side of extremes (despite me being imo quite neutral but obviously more vocal about lesbophobia for my own selfish reasons, being a lesbian n all).
like do i think lesbians have privilege over bi ppl? absoluely not. do i think biphobia exists as a form of systemic oppression? absolutely not. do i think biphobia is a commonly held form of prejudice on an interpersonal level? yeah. do i think gay ppl have power over bi ppl? no. do i think bi people often have power & privilege over gay ppl? in many cases, yes. do i think gay ppl can be hateful to bi ppl? yeah. do i think its on the same level as what hets direct @ bi ppl? no. do i agree that biphobia as a term is often directed at gay ppl who are being hateful (or not even hateful necessarily!) to bi ppl? yeah. im sure that both sides will disagree strongly with several of my stated opinions there! but after hearing both sides a lot i just... dont find the arguments convincing enough to change those opinions.
but ultimately, regarding your specific statements, i also don't think bi people are our primary oppressors, i dont think they have the same power as hets to oppress us and i think often when they do, a price they pay is rejecting an aspect of themselves & their sexuality. not that that minimizes the harm they cause us when they do take advantage of their privilege over us. i also dont think bisexuals are like supremely powerful that we can openly shit on hets but cant talk about bi people. i just think the dynamic and the approach is different bc bi people are still a minority group and an oppressed group, so ppl are more sensitive to criticism there than they are with criticsm towards hets. bc with hets is rly more black & white and straight forward whereas w bi people its unclear. many bi people are closer aligned to gay ppl than hets for example, and many live a life that doesn't afford them the privileges that bi people who primarly/exclusively date the opposite sex gain. even the ones who are more closely aligned w hets pay a price that hets dont have to, which is shown in the higher rates of DV and mental illness, alongside issues like poverty. this is why im not particularly & personally keen on such extreme statements anyways, bc i do genuinely believe its more complex than that. at the same time i dont take kindly to the implication that gay people have it better than bi people, or that gay people have it the same level of bad as bi people, or many more statements from the other extreme. i will admit that yes im also very hesitant to partake in this convo because regardless i will be dogpiled and regardless i gain nothing out of it and regardless no one's opinion will change, the actual things i say will not actually be heard, and ultimately ill be left to defend myself alone. all for a convo im not particularly passionate about either. i just dont see the point in it. i appreciate you admitting that youre intentionally provocative and all, but.. im just not fond of the response im bound to get from both sides. either way my sexuality is weaponised against me or dismissed, im dogpiled, and nothing changes. its a lose-lose lol and over what? its mostly an argument of semantics and doesnt rly do anything for either group.
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teethfl0wer · 5 days
I think proship stuff is complicated, because proship stands for anti harrassment against ships, but like, many people do misuse the word and it has become such a Different meaning for so many different people.
Like the original meaning is ship & let ship, not to harrass others just block or DNI, or don't talk abt the ship w said person, but like now people sort of question the meaning and misuse the word and people call ships "proships" now, which isn't correct bc proship means anti harrassment/anti censorship regarding ships, a ship cannot just... Be a proship??? Idk. There's complicated ships like stalker x victim, com ship, and dark ships which r like adult x child...
It's very hard to differentiate the meaning of proship when many people use the word different though. I personally believe it means anti harrassment, as that is what a majority of TUMBLR proship community claims it is, but tiktok proship seems to be the polar opposite and even proshippers on tiktok call ships "proships" which doesn't make sense bc if it doesn't stand for problematic ship why r you calling it a proship...???
I personally think identifying w a "anti harrassment' label is more better than saying proship bc a lot of ppl view proship as a buzz word for pedophilia and " I ship bad things!!! "
Which like... Is also complicated bc like even if someone ships questionable or problematic things, if they are marking warnings, putting it in proper tags, and not interacting with folks who don't enjoy those gross or un tasteful topics, it becomes an issue now when antis actively interact when they see someone shipping smth odd or out of the ordinary, bc anti shippers with claim they want proshippers to DNI but then they themselves will send hate to proshippers for shipping within their own little community..???
Idk I think both sides has its faults and is bad at times. I've seen a lot of anti shippers that are not knowing of the true meaning of proship, and I have seen proshippers posting screenshots of people telling them to harm themselves on anon or sending graphic threats to their straw page messages... And it's like
Both sides are awful I think we should at this point let people live and do what they want, if you ship a weird or controversial or harmful ship, stay in your own space, or don't interact w those who do not want to ship or see it...
But also, what if a proshipper is friends w an anti shipper for YEARS, and ships these things in privacy??? Idk I personally think it's unreasonable to assume someone to not be friends w someon3 for smth they do in private as well, like. If someone has a problematic ship them ship on an ALT account, and aren't showing it or forcing u to see or know of it for your own comfort and safety I think that is better than telling their friend what their into. Why does ur friend need to even know what ur into..??? Idk. Like expecting them to not be friends is stupid too???
Blah blah yada yada proship and anti shippers discourse is stupid I think, just live??? Keep your weird ships to their spaces and for God don't tell ppl to off them selves bc they drew two sisters kissing imo??? That is arguably worse than shipping it bc ur literally harrassing someone and sending death threats which is ILLEGAL lol
I like this ask but yeah I think both sides suck at times and fail to understand stuff sometimes I think it's better to not label yourself only because of drama
And I meant for the friends thing is like if you know the person is incredibly uncomfortable with proshipper stuff then idk I think if the person uncomfortable finds out about they can talk about it and decide if they're friends or not. Depends on how big of a boundarie that is for the person. Still don't know why a proshipper would want to be friends with antis imo
Anyways thanks for the ask/gen
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teenagemilkshakefan · 5 months
I am currently on my 4th episode of elite and well..Needless to say I have many opinions. Firstly the amount of new things I got to learn about in relationships is definitely fresh and well it's new so I am gonna need some time to figure out if it's good or bad.
Spoilers ahead!! (proceed with caution) ......
Marina’s death has been pretty shocking to me but tbh I don't like her as a person but that doesn’t mean I wanted her dead lol. She's way too deceptive and feels like goody too shoes. I mean all those ppl her brother, her parents they are just trying to help her and protect her and hey I get the whole teenage rebellious phase thing but this is utter stupidity. It is unfortunate that she got HIV positive and well I do sympathize with her but it feels like she just sort of puts herself in dangerous situations deliberately, I am in no way inferring that being with Samuel is wrong or whatever but nano! seriously?! that guy is a walking criminal and she very well knows it than why for god's sake is she with him..it's so messed up I can't- and also the fact that she's basically two timing samuel who btw is an amazing person overall, i don't know what happens later or anything maybe he killed her but so far I like Samuel as a person he's supportive, and makes good out of a bad situation, assertive and his introduction in class..god that was good stuff but anyways yeah so she's swinging both the guys and honestly fuck nano he says the school doesn't deserve Samuel but actually he doesn't. The one girl his brother genuinely cared about who he told him everything about he had to mess with that particular girl..why!!? and got her pregnant! Comeone.. Overall I hate both nano and marina and love Samuel (opinions might change at the end of s1)
Guzman and Nadia.. I love Nadia.. like literally I wanna be her when I grow up she is awesome so far we have seen her actually stand up to bullies, and even thought her cultural issues came up she still continued her education because she knows that right at this point she needs to be educated in order to make a change in the world. girl clearly knows to pick her fights. and the way she doesn't just let Guzman demean her and slither into her heart but instead makes him grovel for it.. that's gold srsly. Guzman so far is a total douche-bag seriously there are no words. he might be going through some shit but he's definitely not handling it in the best way, although I love that he stands up for his friend Ander and marina( one time so far) but I can't really say I like the guy.
ah yes the throuple so Carla, polo and Christian sure make a hot couple this is pointless to deny, at first there relationship seemed a bit weird I mean voyeurism is a popular kink but it just felt as if the two of them had some trouble..*shrugs* anyways this is my first time seeing a story about a throuple so you can call me an Amateur in that regard but I am not a huge fan of the story it seems a bit odd.. (idk if that's a word that perfectly sums it up but..) Since I am new to this I am very much open to broadening my horizons and see where this goes.
Ander and Omar is meh-.. I love Ander but I feel like Omar is a bit fishy but let's see..(Again opinions may vary at the end) .
lu is getting on my nerves srsly what's up with her. the girl has some major mean girl vibes. Ugh
I am sorry if my assessment of marina was a bit harsh..I guess I am being a little too closely looking at her character or something I mean she is after all only a kid.. just to clarify this is just my opinion that too formed after watching just 4 episodes of elite so I might be very wrong for some characters. Don’t get peevish it’s all in good fun. My motive is absolutely not to offend anybody.
and I just found out that marina and nano are actually a couple in real life because godamn but there's absolutely 0 chemistry between them. It’s like what joey tribbiani said guys..it's true. anyways this was my elite update so far. I think I took every main character if I missed anyone we are going to talk about it as soon as I finish my 1st season till then cheers!
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black-star-kunzite · 9 months
(Regretfully) I did watch that squid game reality show and it’s like I hate how visceral this is bc everyone’s story is just about improving what should be a basic standard of living or worse needing that money to save their or someone else’s life/livelihood and it’s like I can’t fucking judge some of these people because of how dystopian the whole situation is. Like I get it that 278 was stubborn asl during the glass tile challenge but it’s like not everyone signed off abt it? And yeah it was a dickish move to ask for the help of the team you didn’t sign off on after your attempt worked so yeah I can see how people are put off by her. Butttt like it’s a lot of money and I can’t really see how ppl choose to see these people as irredeemable supervillains when they’re just people? Like reality tv does place real people into functional archetypes and it’s hard to see past that stuff (and more recently those people tend to play into those stereotypes either at the behest of the producers or as a product of editing)
Basically what I’m saying is just I don’t give a shit that 278/Ashley chose not to jump ahead of that lanky white guy (the dude who went 3rd forgot name name) I do have a little beef with her asking for help from the team system after she made it but also the 6th guy could’ve just refused to help as well idk. I also see why 287/Mai would target her but also she had a sure fire chance of making it as the last person to go so I don’t see why she’d take such a risk regarding her beliefs about Ashley’s character. Each person is out for themselves and Mai has also expressed that same selfishness in the game. Like everyone has and should and it sucks balls that it has to be like that but that’s the consequence of these high stakes games!! (But I do also not really how Ashley didn’t really stand on her initial choice to not jump ahead of the 3rd guy when talking with Mai so I get the dislike of her I just don’t give a shit) it’s just because of how visible the consequences of a players decision to prioritize themselves is. Idk why I’m psychoanalyzing this piece of shit show. But the whole 278 vitriol is weird to me and ppl idolizing 287 as a hero is equally as weird. Like please be normal 🙏🏾. 287 winning is cool like congrats but leave it at that damn.
I fuckin hate this show bruh 😭
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