#idk why people are freaking out every 5 seconds
solzscribblez · 2 months
0.2 volleyball freaks + iwa introductions off balance masterlist
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iwaizumi hajime: third year exercise science student. stopped playing volleyball after he went to study abroad in california his first year of college. still gets dragged into team hangouts and practices sometimes (all the time). only downloaded twitter becuase oikawa made him when he went to america.
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oikawa tooru: volleyball freak no. 1. roommate no. 1. third year communications major (he thought it would be easy and he does not really care about his degree) planning to pursue volleyball as his career after college. iwaizumi's best friend and now roommate. constantly trying to set iwaizumi up with girls because he thinks iwaizumi doesnt have game (hes right) but his game is so much worse.
kuroo tetsurou: volleyball freak no. 2. befriended the hell out of oikawa after kenma quit volleball and now iwaizumi is stuck with him.
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hinata shoyo: volleyball freak no. 3. roommate no. 2. first year student, currently undeclared. shares a room with kageyama.
kageyama tobio: volleyball freak no. 4. roommate no. 3. first year communication major because oikawa told him it was easy. his current GPA is 2.1. only downloaded twitter becuase hinata begged him to and never ever tweets. doesn't get it.
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bokuto koutarou: volleyball freak no. 5. third year sports media major but tell everyone his major is sports. currently roommates with kuroo.
akaashi keiji: volleyball freak no. 6. roommate no. 5. second year literature student. chronically stressed and often is genuinely concerned hes going to have a heart attack due to his caffeine intake. his twitter being public stresses him out. panicked when student housing came out and he didn't get a dorm and agreed to live with oikawa, iwaizumi, kageyama, and hinata in a blind panic. (he regrets it deeply)
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tanaka ryuunosuke: volleyball freak no. 7. second year sports media major. loves his girlfriend.
iwakaasshinatayamaawa apartment gc
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-i am absolutely going to rewrite almost every single one of these but i wanted to do this so i could actually force myself to build a plot
-idk why the team has three setters and only one middle blocker i am not going for volleyball accuracy here (blame the steroids) i just wanted to collect a truly insane group of people
-my favorite haikyuu fandom thing is the insane gaslighting that went on with oikawas knee so you know i had to bring that in here
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softstraykidshours · 2 years
hiii, how r u guys??? can i make a request?
just han jisung freaking out because his s/o has vasovagal syncope and passed out backstage at skz concert because of the heat (yeah i go through that, summer is hell) and when she wakes up (1 minute later) he sticks to her almost crying because he really thought she died
idk why but i think he would be like this lol
aghhh this is such a cute idea bestie!!! i got so soft thinking about how worried jisung would get about you, he's just such a sweetie 🥺 🥺🥺
thanks for the request and i really hope you like it!!
<3 abbie and courtney
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"where is she? where is she??" you hear jisung's panicked voice drift down the corridor and you push yourself up a little further on the couch, blinking heavily to try to clear some of the lingering dizziness.
he comes flying through the door and rushes to your side, dropping to his knees next to the couch. "oh my god baby are you okay?" he grabs your hand in his as his eyes quickly scan you, assessing to make sure everything looks alright.
"yes, i'm fine, don't worry about me."
"don't worry about you?" he practically screeches the words, his voice shaking as tears clog his throat. "they told me you passed out! i thought you were dying or something!"
you chuckle lightly at his extreme response, although your'e touched by his overwhelming concern.
"it's okay, really. it was my vasovagal syncope. it happens from time to time and it's always worse when i get overheated. it's honestly my own fault. i was trying to watch you guys from backstage, but between all the people and the lights it was all too much. i should have came back here to sit down, but i really wanted to see the end of the set. and then i got way to hot and just... yah. i was only out for like a second. i really am fine now though, i just need a few minutes to cool down and let everything get back to normal."
uou can tell from the wary look in his eyes that he doesn't totally believe you. "baby, you just casually passing out every once in a while is most definitely not okay."
someone pokes their head into the room, interrupting before you can respond and reassure jisung. "han, sorry, but you're on in 5."
"tell them they will have to go on without me," he brushes them off and turns back to you.
"no, jisung you need to go, you're gonna miss your next set." you insist. there's no way you're going to let him not perform.
"oh come on, you know i don't care about that as much as you. i'm not leaving your side."
"babe, i'm fine, really. i promise. i just got overheated and i haven't been drinking enough water today."
"exactly! that's why i should stay here with you and make sure you're okay!"
his thoughtfulness and concern makes you feel all warm and fuzzy, but there's no way you're backing down. you know you'll never forgive yourself if he misses out on the rest of the concert because of you.
"how about this, if i promise to stay here and not move from this exact spot for the rest of the concert and just drink water and let the fan cool me down will you go back out on stage?"
you can see the conflict in his face. he really doesn't want to leave you, but the other members are counting on him and he doesn't want to let them or the fans down. you grab both sides of his face, gently squishing his cheeks. "how about if i swear that if i feel like that again i will send one of the stage hands out to drag you off that stage no matter what you're doing and bring you right back here to me."
he chuckles lightly at the thought of being pulled off stage in the middle of a song by a random stage hand. "promise?" he asks, eyes a little brighter and the worry lines on his forehead disappearing as he holds up his pinky between the two of you.
"promise," you nod seriously, a stoic expression on your face while locking your pinky with his. you last only a moment before both of you burst out in laughter.
leaning forward to give him a quick kiss to the cheek, you playfully shove his shoulder. "now get back out there"
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disastercit · 8 months
(even more camp camp season 5 teaser spoilers but this time is the last time probably, I'll just watch the whole thing and put my thoughts here)
-so cj is like some kind of dudebro influencer streamer type, I wasn't too far off. cj seems like the type of guy to carry a tiny microphone around a mall and interview people 😭 and I definitely get to have my little dynamic I predicted before because ross WOULD hate him for that
-on the topic of cj I don't know how I missed his mullet oopsies
-mahogany 😏
-i have a lot to say about this image actually. I screenshotted it so I could talk about how max is willingly hugging another person, I wanna say it's only the second time in the series he's done this? but then while looking at it I noticed neils earring?? he went to claires?? and he either only has one or gets them pierced at some point during the season
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-also I just think it's funny that max is still freaked out by harrison like 2? 3? seasons after Mind Freakers. poor boy
-space kid??? hello???
-I see they finally got tired of animating prestons weird little shoulder things and did away with them entirely. im guessing the reason for his new outfit is that hes getting more into modern musicals and leaving behind the shakespearean stuff? I haven't seen newsies but it's very newsies to me. hey, this gives me an excuse to use the new ross design anyways I guess
-the long awaited sequel to the extremely detailed bread basket: extremely detailed popsicles
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(come to think of it, here's neil without an earring again. maybe a one episode thing? also, idk why this screenshot is so dark)
final verdict: we are so back!!! I heavily enjoyed this promo and now I am so excited about this season. I wasn't sure I was gonna like this season, either due to it actually sucking or because the last time a new season of camp camp came out I was fourteen years old. but clearly I must like it if I just wrote a whole analysis of like every other scene in the teaser. really my only regret is that the season, or at least what's coming out at this time, is so short
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halfetirosie · 21 days
☁ I lied. I fucking DESPISE this Rural Town Fuckery™!!! ☁
(Scales 05 - 07 React-os!)
1) What the actual fuckity FUCK???
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What "flesh" are they talking about? Are they cutting their hands and bleeding out into the basin or something???
Also---I think I was wrong in thinking that the villagers' attitude towards yokai is different from the Wood Territory tribe. These guys may act like they like the "merfolk," but they're actually terrified of them to a manic degree.
This scene is disturbing as hell...
2) Nooooo!!! Poor Yakumo!!!
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I feel so bad for him, for real! He has issues with controlling his yokai powers like ALL the time; poor babykins can't catch a break!!!
...His scales do be looking really pretty, tho...
3) Ohhh, yeah, this makes a lot of sense. I feel dumb for not predicting this earlier.
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I mean, the whole reason Eiden and Yakumo came to the island was to inquire about the recipe that included merfolk meat as an ingredient.
It makes no sense for the villagers to have a whole-ass ceremony to "honor" the merfolk; unless their true purpose was to appease the merfolks' anger.
I'm guessing that these villagers' ancestors hunted the merfolk in the surrounding waters---like a fucked up version of whaling. When they thought they hunted merfolk to extinction, they then feared that that they'd return and take revenge.
That's why, instead of being happy to see [what they think is] a merfolk, the villagers get scared and angry...
4) We interrupt this depressing event to bring you a Yu-Gi-Oh! reference! :D
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---Yes, I know that "Umi" is the word for "ocean" in Japanese. But I'm a pathetic dork that will always associate that word with the Yu-Gi-Oh! card of the same name. (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
5) ......Bruh.
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Okay, two things!
......Eiden, sweetie? I love you, but how have you not figured out the reason for the villagers' freak-out by now??? I feel like the talk of "revenge" is enough for the average person to put context clues together..🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
Am I wrong? Am I just being a jerk??
I'm sorry, but I am getting REAL sick of Kuya's bullshit. These last two events he's been an insufferable DICK.
This bitch always has something mean to say about everyone and everything, without even being provoked first. And he has the audacity to accuse others of hypocrisy when he's the worst offender?!?! Why can't he just shut up and leave people alone?!?!?!
Lately, his character seems to have gotten worse, and every scene he's in makes me feel miserable. It's just too much.
I really hope the devs will dial back his toxicity soon.
6) That's kinda weird...?
I'm confused about the rules of this fish-scale relic.
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Why was Yakumo the only one that had strong side effect from touching the relic? It's not like he was the only one touching the relic; all of those human villagers + Eiden touched it an prayed over it, too.
Does the relic only react to all yokai essence?
Why was the relic designed to react to anything other than merfolk essence in the first place??? That seems highly impractical.
7) Ugh.
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Look, I get it. I'm not saying he's wrong to point out that Yakumo's a special case---that most yokai would have too much trouble to live alongside humans without issue.
But he really didn't have to word it so rudely, or insult Yakumo by calling him delusional. 🤦‍♀️
---His nasty attitude aside---
Am I crazy, or do I detect a hint of jealousy here? 🤔
I know the intended interpretation of that second sentence, "But not everyone is as lucky as you are," is supposed to be in reference to Umi.
But idk, man; something about it (maybe his expression?) makes me think he could also mean himself? After all, as we see in the Forest Carnival event, over his long life Kuya has gotten acutely aware of the issues of human/yokai relations, and he is super pessimistic about it.
What if, part of the reason he's so pessimistic and disrespectful to humans is not just because he's experienced human cruelty, but because he wanted to get along with humans at one point and failed?
It's just a theory. 🤷‍♀️ If nothing else, that context would make for a good fanfic.
8) OH, FUCK!!!!!!
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I knew the history was bad, but somehow this is even worse than I thought. Instead of the merfolk living around the island, they lived on the island, and those humans straight up committed genocide and stole their land!!!
It's safe to say, I'm certain of what the social commentary this event is aiming for now...
Step 1: Invade a territory
Step 2: Murder the people native to the land
Step 3: Retroactively mystify the culture of the people that were murdered
Step 4: Make cowardly attempts to "appease" those from the group you murdered, without returning what you stole in the first place
*depresso-s in American*
9) Oh my GOD, they couldn't be more hypocritical if they TRIED!!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
(New drinking game that would kill me: take a shot every time this event makes me facepalm or shake my head)
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Talk about poetic INjustice---I wasn't even rooting for them, but I still end up indescribably disappointed.
Why do people like this never learn???
I don't care if this island is cut off from the outside world; that isn't an excuse for this bullshit.
This village has had plenty of time to think about what they've done, and how to react if a merfolk showed up in the future.
And the BEST they came up with was to do the SAME THING (attempting to murder the merfolk) THAT MADE THEM SO WORRIED AND SCARED IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!?!?!
💢 (╯🔥 ᗣ 🔥)╯︵ ┻━┻
🔥 End of report 🔥
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1staind-3 · 27 days
Argument hcs for blue lock 🤯🤯🤯 (half angst, half crack?)
This list includes Nagi, Reo, Aiku, Kunigami, Chigiri, and Kaiser
‼️Tw: mentions of gaslighting, cheating, dv (kaisers backstory), chigiris leg, uhmm someone says “kys” but idk what the warning is called‼️
Very badly formatted pls be warned sob
Probably like 1k words lmao
•y’all started arguing because he keeps dropping all his dirty clothes off by the washing machine and expecting you to wash them (green aura with dead flies)
•when he’s in an argument he responds like 5 times until he makes his point, then he just stops responding.
•he’ll just stand up, walk away and watch tv or start playing fortnite or smth
•if you follow him, still trying to talk to him, he’ll put headphones on
“Just drop it y/n, you’re letting your emotions get the better of you.”
•if you wanted to turn the argument physical, then snatch his headphones out
•he’d just stand up and look at you with a face blank with anger, waiting for you to make the next move.
“You really wanna do this, y/n?”
*locks in* nuh uh
•yall started arguing because Reo is acting passive agressive around you, and you dont know why.
•he’ll just be saying shit like
“having fun?”
“Gee, if only you had a boyfriend to talk to… right infront of you.”
“Is he my replacement?”
•when you ask what’s wrong, he’ll say,
“Oh, nothing.” Once again, completely pissed off.
•after a week, the alpha wolf inside you SNAPPED, and you started asking him why he’s doing all this? Like what’s his problem!
“My problem? You’re always watching these stupid romcoms like you dont have a boyfriend right infront of you!! Just admit it, you’re getting bored of me. I knew it…”
•Erm… what the striker is bro going on abt??
•you replied, on the verge of laughter, that you’ve only been watching all these romcoms for an English assignment. Who would willingly watch binge watch hallmark movies while writing down notes in a notepad?
•Reo stared at you in shock, then blushed. “Really..?”
•You smiled and ushered him to sit next to you, cuddling him the second he sat down. “I know i just dissed Hallmark movies, but they’re popular for a reason… i always cry in the end. Hey, you see that guy?”
•Reo smiled back and cuddled into you, apologizing for how he acted. You apologized as well, and reminded him that there’s no need to overthink these so much, you’re not gonna get mad at him for having feelings.
(Erm… what the roleplay !! Sorry guys idk like what pov the rest of these are in 😭😭 forgibe me)
(Deep breath in…. Deep breath out…. Deeep breath in…. NOOOOOOOO)
•yall started arguing because you found a pair of underwear in his duffle bag… lingerie underwear…
•Aiku is literally the gaslighter of all time🔥🔥 so he’ll managed to convince you that this was all just some silly mistake.
•after that, arguing either him became really hard. He seemed to have a question or excuse for literally every problem you accuse him of
•seen him with a girl?
“Cmon y/n, ive never been to a bowling alley in my life. Who even goes there? I think you’re just being paranoid babe.”
“Want a massage?”
•seen him again with a different girl? And this time he looked you right in the eyes?
“No way babe, that’s impossible. I hate chinese food.” Then he’ll carry you to your room, feel your head and say
“You’re burning up… fevers can cause hallucinations in some people, I’m surprised you made it here without wrecking. Hey, don’t worry now, everything’s gonna be darling.”
•eventually you just stopped arguing with him about it. Or anything.
•yall started arguing because you feel like Kunigami’s being secretive with you, and hiding some messed up issues
•Kunigami tries his best to avoid arguments with you, but when they happen you stress him out the most in the world because he seriously has to watch what he says and does
“Im not being fu- freaking… secretive, y/n, you don’t have to know my entire life story to be with me.”
“I know… i just…what? No! I dont need fucking therapy? Dont piss me off, y/n.”
•the last thing he wants to do is hurt you, so he most of the time tries to keep his responses curt and to the point and walks out before he starts yelling.
“Im gonna take a walk, y/n. Dont follow me.”
•if you grab his arm, he’ll look back at you and repeat what he said.
“Dont. follow. me.”
• he cant let you know about wild card. He cant let you know about the person he used to be. He can’t ever, ever, let you meet shidou. He cant ever, ever, ever, let you see him cry.
•all arguments with him lead absolutely nowhere, so you’d better change your approach with him to get what your looking for out of him.
• do not, i repeat, do not ever slap/hit him. He wont hit you back, but now you’ve instantly made him lose any will to preserve your feelings and have a normal conversation
•he will think of the most foul, personal, targeted insults known to man. Lots of “kill yourself”s on his part. You two will without a doubt break up after this.
•he wont act like he didn’t feel betrayed, and he’ll touch the spot you hurt him at while he falls asleep, and tries not to cry.
•yall started arguing because he keeps using up all ur shampoo whenever he showers at your place
• first thing he’ll do is deny it, then pin the blame on you (darvo type sh)
•he doesn’t mean to be toxic, he just really, really, hates being wrong.
•you guys argue alot. Over basically everything.
•half the times, chigiri can admit that he was wrong, but he’ll NEVER apologize
•he doesnt really think he did anything wrong??
•when you notice that Chigiri had never ONCE apologized to you for literally anything.
“Oh really? Well that’s literally impossible but sure.”
•you told him to say sorry right now then
“Fine. Sorry.”
•then you told him to say sorry to you
“For what though?”
•eventually chigiri revealed that he doesnt apologize to people unless its something really fucked up. He doesn’t wanna just say it so lightly, because then the word becomes meaningless. A worn out formality that everyone uses when someone bumps into them at the store. It basically used to be a greeting for him back when he fucked his ankle up. they’d see his wheelchair before they saw him. Theyd say sorry before they even said his name.
•your mouth did an O and you understood instantly.
•after that, you guys argued just a little bit less
•you don’t argue with kaiser
•kaiser is ALWAYS right.
•maybe if you ask him kindly for a solution to your problem, he would grace you with an answer to your plight
•but arguing back to him is unacceptable, unless you want to be grabbed by
“You dont deserve to cry.”
•is something you hear from him often.
•he’ll always somehow find a way to mention how his dad used to beat him for crying, if you start crying infront of him which you find very ominous
“How long will it take to put this in your stupid head already. Im right, you’re wrong. You’re more suited for looking pretty instead of thinking”
• after you eventually stopped talking, Kaiser decided it was time to start looking for someone who could actually entertain him
Ty for reading !! And ik i did shitty w kaiser but i dont fucking like him so i never rlly paid attention to his personality LMAO but if yall want to give any crituque id be thankful!! Bye yall ❤️❤️
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 9 batchersss
Let's do it 🤟
The Bad Batch 1x05
"I get my own comm device?" she's so excited and it's so big on her lil arm 🥺🤲
Wrecker working out with Gonky
Echo: "the jedi trusted him" Tech: "the jedi who are all dead" bro 💀 I mean he has a point but still
dad batch telling Omega her comm isn't a toy...
*2 seconds later* Omega sneaking off to use her comm as a toy 😂
Echo and Hunter mom and dad going through the rules with Omega
(fun fact my mum knows their rules because I say them to her lmao)
Tech's reaction to seeing Cid's place is literally "charming 👀" oml he's roasting her before he even meets her I love him sm
the two guys Ahsoka set free !!! on Oba diah !!!
Hunter: 'who is Cid?' Echo: 'I literally have no idea' 💀
Tech: "that would've been information to share earlier" brooo his sass level as at an all time high this ep 👑
Omega is so smart fr 💕
Echo mom grabbing Omega's hand before she touches the sharp thingy
I don't hate a lot of star wars characters, but Cid is definitely one of them now ngl
Wrecker and Omega high five 💕💕💕💕
Cid called Wrecker "it" I'm- 😡
Wreckers headaches are getting worse 🥲🙃
I know someone has spoken about this before but I just cannot get over the way Omega hugs her little clone doll when she finds out some people are sold and treated like property 😭💔 it's like poetry but not the nice kind
Omega: "poor Muchi she looks scared" 🤲
another fun fact my dad says this all the time hehe oops (no my parents have not seen tbb)
oop Hunter dad told Omega to stay on the ship
shhh they're sneaking 🤫
I MISS THEM SO BAD THEYRE DOING MISSION THINGS LIKE "Echo, sitrep" idk it just feels so tcw I'm emotional 🥲
Wrecker hits his head count: 5
Hunter and Tech got the zappy net oop
Omega: "now she's a bad batcher" screaming, crying, kicking my feet, throwing myself across the room
Omega always calls for Hunter first 🥺
Wrecker trying to comfort the lil green baby 🥲
Tech's dramatic sigh count: 583
Omega has the brain cell this ep fr
ew get ur crusty feral slaver ass outta here, skug
lmao Echo shouting to Omega like 'we are unarmed pls arm us' 😂
WAIT I saw someone posting about this, if anyone knows what I'm talking about pls tag the op or something please !! but they were talking about how Echo seems so willing to work with Omega in the field, like he trusts her despite her being a child, possibly because he'd worked alongside Ahsoka as a child, like for him it's normal to work with a child soldier. so while the rest of the batch are like ??? how to talk to babies ??? Echo is giving her battlefield instructions and gives her a bit more 'freedom' (for lack of a better word) in the field
lmao Wrecker's way of distracting the guards is to take out some guy's ankles 💀
"I wasn't sneaking... I was unlocking" YESSSS OMEGAAAA 🥰💕👑🙌
screwdriver hand go brrr
Echo: "the rancor is Muchi???" 🤨🙃 poor baby just needs a nap fr
okay but Hunter just throws Echo's pack at him from like 10ft away 💀 then Wrecker immediately throws him his helmet 👀 yes I watched it multiple times 🤫
Echo again !! he straight up volunteers to take Omega with him 💕
Tech is an ipad kid
get them Muchi !! tear those slavers apart !!! (insert evil Nimona face)
Wrecker's big nod to slide his helmet over his face properly teehee
Wrecker hits his head count: 6
Hunter grabbing the whip. Hunter grabbing the whip. Hunter grabbing the whip. Hunter grabbing the-
do not ask me how many times I've watched this scene... just don't
but the answer is yes
anyway back to being normal lmao
Omega finding her laser bow 🙌 !!! + Echo mom calling aftet her lololol
Muchi thrashed that slaver pet fr
Wrecker: 'challenge accepted' *fights rancor*
Bib Fortuna and the guards for the ot vibes 🥰
Omega riding Muchi !!! very Fett of her hehe
"I'm good with secrets" yeah and I'm good at going to bed before 3am 🙄 pfft good with secrets my ass Ciddarin 😠
tysm for joining again friends 💕 I actually meant to post this yesterday but I fell asleep oopsie
but I'm running out of time lolol so I'm gonna have to watch a few eps a day now !!
who else is terrified for s3 👀
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It's almost 3am and these are the only 2 pics I can find from this ep 🥲 feel free to reblog and add more 💕
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badsalmonella · 11 months
Unhinged Guinevere Lancelot propaganda:
- First of all I stan a dysfunctional ship so don't come at me with a write up about how they are not getting a good grade in couples counseling. That's the🤌🏼 SAUCE🤌🏼 for me
- They spends the middle section of the show exchanging catatonic levels of eye contact across a stage the size of a mega mall parking lot and honestly? It's nastier than whatever you can find me on pornhub. FACTS.
- The radioactive levels of VIBES he is giving off when he says "No one can refuse your wish~"
- but the SECOND they actually hook up my guy Lancelot is ON THE FLOOR. In his SLUTTY BLOUSE cross necklace CLUTCHED and Genny is like "....heyyyy..... you're a nice guy 🫤 but uhhhh......"
- If they existed in a modern context Lancelot would be like "post sex waffles???? Shaped like hearts??? M'lady???🥺" And Guinevere would be pulling on the pants, already half way out the door like "no." And Lancelot would idk do some true freak shit like put his hand on the pan to punish himself for low rizz levels
- "Your Majesty~" "jjjjaCk ass". I wish I was joking when I say I lost all class when I saw this live and let out a small yell in my seat AT THE LINCOLN CENTER.
- I do have a bootleg though where he immediately smirks after and I'm taking notes sweetheart. That's going in the diagnosis write up babe. <3
- We gotta unpack the exchange between Arthur and Genny where he calls her out like "uhhh??? I know you don't like the dude but your hate is obsessive 🤨"
- The fact that even Arthur knows what's up. Oh my GOD.
- The fact that Lancelot apparently just hangs out, outside rooms where Guinevere goes??? But also the second Arthur is like "she's actually coming here right now" he's getting the FUCK out of there.
- Guinevere twirling her hair around her finger like "ohhhh the knights will kill Lancelot? 😍 Murder him dead you say? And then what? 😏 Teehee"
- " yOU'LL OPEN WIDE HIM? 😩💦" I'm also putting that in the notes too girlie.
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- Guinevere is like if someone doesn't make me come in the next 5 seconds I'm gonna start killing hostages and Lancelot is like "hey what if no nut November was every month? :)" but that doesn't stop them #lovewins
- I'm constantly torn between I think if Genny called him the specialest lil guy who's going to heaven he'd insta-nut, but also I think you'd get similar results if she called him the saddest wet napkin of a man. Thoughts? Vote below! Kidding
- I KNOW that potato show they attended had RADIOACTIVE vibes. Families were probably there just to see the qualities of a prize winning potato and they were out here idk rubbing pinkies and going on about how King Arthur doesn't give them enough attention :(((
- THE FACT THAT Guinevere is like "why won't someone become ridiculously obsessed with me? :/" and then Lancelot does and she's like "oh GOD not like that" and then he's like "oh ok then I'll leave" and she's like "NOT LIKE THAT EITHER". <3 I love her and she's never done anything wrong ever<3
- I think if we gave them facebook in the middle point of the events of the show, they would be THE MOST ANNOYING PEOPLE on your feed.
- Courtly love is really just medieval edging if you think about it.
- I like how the moment that broke these two, where they decided they couldn't hold back any longer is them speaking mediocre French. He said "terriblement" like THAT and she was like "uGH. I can't NOT fuck him"
- The fact that WAY too many people are aware of their thirst. They just do this shit. In PUBLIC. IN FRONT OF THE CHILDREN.
- And I haven't even brought up the King Arthur of it all.... The fact that the guy who likes BIRDS gets around more than these two. INSANE.
- who calls the other Arthur in bed by accident? CALL THE NUMBER BELOW TO CAST YOUR VOTE
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squishyteri · 1 year
I'm surprised how many people are pressed about the kiss...
1) It's a freaking fictional show. It's not supposed to show reality or how things should be done right. It shows a story the way the author wrote and imagined it. It's not a guide to your relationships. Like there's even warning about this at the beginning of every ep.
2) It was established like five minutes earlier in the same episode that Sailom likes Kang and he even TOLD HIM. Idk about you, but if I like someone, I definitely want to kiss them at some point.
3) Did you miss what kind of character Sailom is? He was introduced as someone who gives zero fucks, who won't let anyone manipulate him and will always stand his ground. Especially when it comes to Kang. He wasn't afraid to stand up against him even when he was bullying him and it could cost him his scholarship. You really think this Sailom wouldn't push Kang away if he didn't want that kiss?
4) Following that, Sailom literally kissed him back and held onto Kang's shirt. Not a thing one would do if they didn't want to be kissed.
5) Then why was it awkward? Well, they're teenagers. Last year of high school so probably 17/18 year olds. From what we know, it might as well be their very first kiss ever. And that's always bit weird. I don't think there's anyone here whose first kiss was perfect, flawless, natural looking. It's always awkward for the first time.
Other option is that it was some underwhelming acting from Perth and Chimon, but we can only confirm that once we get more kisses. If it's still awkward then it's acting, if it gets better, it was just the fact it was their first kiss.
6) Also, come to think of it, Kang was angry/jealous. He was a teenager boiling with many emotions, most of them very new to him. He was overwhelmed so he just acted without thinking. Without asking if it's okay.
7) This is not even the first time that kiss in a BL happened without previous consent. RamKing tent kiss, PatPran roof kiss (the first one initiated by Pat), AePete locker kiss, DeanPharm first kiss, TanBunn first and second kiss, WatTine first like three kisses, and I could keep going forever.
But no one every pointed that out. Only time when it was actively pointed out was the TharnType kiss, when Type was asleep (which was rightfully pointed out, as Type couldn't give consent or refuse the kiss).
It's lovely and nice when dramas show the importance of consent (like for example Between Us did), but they don't have to do that. Dramas are not here to give viewers sex ed, dramas are here to entertain. Just as medical dramas won't teach you how to be a doctor or crime dramas won't show how police really work.
Dramas, TV shows, movies are all fiction made for entertainment, not educational programs. Hence why the damn warning literally telling you this at the beginning of every. fucking. episode.
In conclusion, chill y'all, it's a fuckin fiction.
And first let's see how it plays out because WE DIDN'T EVEN SEE HOW THE KISS ENDED FFS.
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Jikook in RUN BTS Next Top Genius Special Part 2
Full Episode Here:
You can find Part 1 here. And again, I won't be talking about the full episode or sharing my thoughts over the whole thing, this is just about the jikook moments within the episode.
Playing a dice lying game and JK basically called everyone a liar every single time and was willing to just hang out at the start in order to troll his hyungs. Lol and Jimin with his uncontrollable giggles saying he can't lie because of JK 🤣 and then in an effort tonmake the trolling stop they all proclaim their undying belief in whatever he says so he finally moves forward and hopefully let's them do the same. Lmao Jimin going "I believe you" and JK looking right at him and lying more extravagantly with the biggest smile 🤣🤣
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JK objecting to Jimins number roll again and Jimin just going "do you really need to do that" both of them in such a teasing tone 🤣
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The way they made the exact same face when they both objected but failed! Lol
The members all going into a booth to secretly Answer yes or no about if they would share points with the members and after Jimin being oh so confident that JK answered yes (he was correct). Lol and the shoulder grabs still too. Also cute how when they are no longer in their chairs and freely standing, jikook *somehow* ended up right next to each other again 😍
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Vmin answered "no" though and therefore each gaining 35 points. And their celebration of cutely dancing RUN BTS choreo together. Lmfao and JK in the back with utter disappointment and zoning right out, shook 🤣
The final game being a rock paper scissors match between vmin with the others being split into their teams randomly. Jikooks handshakes always turn into small hand holds. Lol it's so cute. And the way Jimin smiles up at him too 😍
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JK with like 5 seconds left in the last round shouting to Jimin to just "trust your gut" as he rearranges cards after he spent the entire time "helping tae" and playing spy. Lol cute. And then how he walks to Jimins side at the end and they flash back to his "clear eyed traitor" face after he tells Tae what to do everytime lmfao SNEAKY SNEAKY
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As well as the way he catches and holds Jimins hand breifly when Jimin is giving his teammates little handshakes. So cute. Again, their handshakes always are breifly hand holds too.
Lmfao the way JK was saying he never lied to Tae when giving hints because he wanted to be trusted but only gave hints that were only *so* helpful it seemed. JK wanted to survive ultimately in the end.🤣 he cracks me up. The most successful he has been at being sneaky ever during run bts. You go JK!
PLUS you see JK in the background while Jimin is freaking out over possibly trusting the wrong people (yoongi and hobi) while Hobi tries convincing him he actually WAS AND IS on his team. Lol shoes flying and everything. JK just smiles fondly at the chaos and protects JKs tiles over his answers to make sure they stay hidden and just taking care of his things. Which is so cute.
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Jimin winning and ending up the final most points. JK giving him celebratory spanks and calling him genius-min with a cute little smile!
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His little smile watching Jimin give his silly acceptance award speech 😍
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Jimin bursting out laughing at how JK ending the show. Lol (idk why this captain said scolding. But it's what I've got!)
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Jimin just guessing JKs answers left and right on this show lol (from the extra bonus content at the end)
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And Bonus, like I said above, they activated their magnetic field and drew towards each other as soon as they had time to just stand around and wait and were in their chairs for a game. Lol and before they joined Tae in doing the run bts choreo for a bit, we just see them, chilling and relaxing in the background a bit. Not doing anything. Just hanging out close by.
Such a fun episode(s)! I loved it and always have such a good time watching them all play together and laugh together!
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luthordamnvers · 11 months
20 questions game
Thank you @fazedlight for the tag!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 10.
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
196,109 words out at this very moment.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Supergirl. Most notably Supercorp. I've written Dansen, and there is a Rojarias WIP somewhere.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
As you wish (Medieval AU) I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush (Post S6, except Kara had an ex-girlfriend) A Battlefield Proposal (takes place in 619) Feeling the weight of the sun (Here we come, blue and green) (DEBS AU) Instead of hate, please pass the scones (S5 fic)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, I try my best to reply to all! Sometimes it takes me a while because I save them for depression hours. The only fic I have not replied to all the comments is "A Battlefield Proposal" and that's because people be asking about a sequel, and Idk how to respond to that...
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't know her.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All my fics have happy endings, it's a necessity.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far. I've been very lucky in that sense.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I- tried? Like There are 2 fics when there is smut. Is it good? idk. I know it's that writing smut is FREAKING HARD, and I tip my hat to every smut writer out there.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really? At most I wrote Donna Troy (Wonder Girl) from Titans in a fic. But it was a glorified cameo, for my nefarious purposes. Have I even watched Titans? No. But I needed the vibe.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, as far as I know.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not yet. But I do plan on bamboozling someone into writing an AU with me, just because they know a lot about the topic.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Listen, I wracked my brain thinking about this. But Supercorp got me back into writing after over a decade. I'm still living with the brainrot, the others ships have faded after a few months. Close second is Korrasami, tho.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I started drafting a fic where Kal confronts Kara for revealing her identity, and how it puts his identity in danger. And how he doesn't trust Lena, and Kara goes bananas because of it. But I don't think I will finish that version of the fic. Maybe another iteration, tho.
16. What are your writing strengths?
No idea, dialogue? Connecting plot? Outlining?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually writing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
English is my another language. So I do that constantly. If have to write any other language, I'll try to ask someone who's a native speaker, after going through a translator.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
As you wish I had SO much fun writing it. And It was a short fic, so I didn't have to wreck my head thinking too much about it. Then, DEBS AU which was the polar opposite. It was long, and I fried my brain trying to translate the movie (one of my favorites) to a story that made sense for the characters, and still felt fresh but still with the essence of both the movie and the show.
Tags, but no pressure: @awaitingrain @hrwinter @innamorament0 @helpbutton95 @nottawriter
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
hi cas! Swiftie anon here! I’ve been kind of having a shit week, in general. A few days ago my throat started hurting, and my nose started crying, so that’s been fun, and school feels like it’s taking fucking forever every day. last night, my sister was talking, and I asked my brother to get a coaster for me, since I was holding a hot bowl, and he was standing in front of the drawer, but my sister was talking, so I wanted until she was done to ask again.
my sister is great btw. I’d never say that to her face, but she’s my younger sister, and she’s always been so…happy, and I want it to say that way, she started middle school this year, and I was scared she’d go through the same things I did, and idk that freaked me out. She’s annoying as hell, but I want her to say happy, as long as she can be, so I haven’t been like putting pressure on her, or getting as mad at her as I did when we were younger. And like we’re only a year and a half apart, but ever since I got depressed I feel a lot older, which is sad because we were so close when we were younger. People used to think we were twins, and I miss being that close to someone, trusting someone that much, whispering things under the blankets, and playing games only the two of us know.
anyway, I asked after she was done talking, which was just few seconds, and I got the coaster, and set it down, and then my mom said, you need to talk louder, you’re mumbling again. and l got probably unreasonably angry when she said that, because I’ve always been quiet, when we were younger, my sister talked for the two of us, I hate talking and I’ve never been very loud. And maybe I like being quiet, not only because it’s in my nature, but you always yelled at us for being too loud and interrupting people, and maybe I’m scared to make you angry? Maybe I remember that shit? Maybe I don’t like being noticed because you always get pissed at my older brother, and that’s the only way I ever see you talk to him?
and then that night (after dinner we all go watch tv, play games separately, go to my parents room, pray and then sleep) she got mad at us saying, we’re not a community, we’re just people living together the three (me and my siblings) of you are cocooned in your rooms all the fucking time. You’re on your fucking phones all the damn time, melting your brains, you could be doing better things with your time. And why the hell wouldn’t I want to be in my room instead of with my parents, they stress me the fuck out, and make me feel like I’ve already ruined my chances at everything, and maybe that’s why I need to escape, because they made me believe everything fucking sucked.
and I know being on your phone and sitting down for like 4-5 hour periods isn’t healthy, but that’s a habit I’ll deal with after all the other issues they’ve caused me. I had a bit of a breakdown after that, my arms got red and puffy from my nails, but I didn’t bleed this time so…is that a plus?
I got my at my sister last weekend bc she like, dropped my instrument and didn’t pick he up and I almost smacked her, and my dad saw me like, about to, but I stopped, and got so mad at me? He said, and I quote, “apologize, how would you feel if I got you and ten years later I never said sorry?” and then I was like wtf are you talking about, you hit me when I was in like preschool (10 years ago) and never apologized. I vaguely remember him hitting me, like before kindergarten, I somehow forgot that he did until that moment. I know he and my mom got into fights about it (bc calling us stupid and staying is so much better).
and then this morning we woke up late, and my dad said “you’ll end up all alone bc no one wants anyone who never shows up on time.” And my mom started fucking monologuing about how we’re “wasting our intelligence” and we should on things better, and I started fucking bawling, bc I went to preschool far from home, so when I started going to elementary, I didn’t have any friends, and I had like, a singular friend, I made and she moved at the end of first grade, and so on and so forth until 3rd grade when the pandemic happened, so like ending up alone has always been a fear of mine, and they know this, bc back when I trusted them I literally asked them why do all my friends move away? and school has fucking sucked, pe isn’t so bad, we’re fishing in a lake across the street and I caught one today and almost killed it bc it swallowed the hook, and everything else, besides like my friends has been miserable. I had a dentist appointment today (I have them all the damn time), and they numbed the right side of my face, 3 injections, they’re so sore, and I still can’t feel the lower right part of my mouth, so that’s fun. Sorry for the rant, hope you’re having a better week than me cas! Have a good day/night
Hi hon! <3
It sounds like you're dealing with a LOT of negativity right now, especially at home, and that absolutely sucks. Are there ways you can find some positivity on your own? Things that make you happy even when others are being shitty?
I'm so proud of you for dealing with life even when it's hard <3 You're doing so great, truly! <3
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jerrydevine · 1 year
1 3 6 11 13 25 😽😁
it may be 20 days late but i will tell you all the haterest things i have to say <3
1. the character everyone gets wrong: fucking holy shit every character on earth ? none of my non mutuals know anything about any character.. don't like how people talk about blaine. idk if you have noticed but i haven't posted abt him in so long bc there's no one on this website that knows how to talk about him. as a blaine girl i do not trust other blaine girls they're soooo weird about him.. hes a huge fucking loser like that's personality trait #1 i can't believe people try to make him all suave and sad about his past.. like that's kurt my friend kurt. blaine sucks!! oh ummmm also clary the only ppl i trust to talk about clary are beth and cassie herself 👍. i know people are wrong about jace im so sure of it just based solely on the comments of my jace amvs on youtube. but i kill them with my mind beams so i don't see them 💪 oh and also. straight women's idea of bucky barnes makes me murderous 😞
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr: have still never gotten over endgame being a good use of it's time and the only good movie over 2 hours 🤦
6. which ship fans are the most annoying? gall/avich i want to kill them all with hammers. they made the writers bring mickey back just to fuck up ians character development for the rest of that damn show. they didn't even like eachother in the end 😐. do you know how sad it makes me that galla/vich freaks on twitter were so obnoxious they wrote ian losing that independence plotline they were gonna give him . and on that note i also hate mickey fans and yes this is sacrilegious i know he's everyone little meanie but i hate mickey too 🙄
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered: 5 somehow only 5.. i used to have 7 filtered but i stopped filtering interview with a vampire tv stuff hehe. lots of them are game of thrones related i do not enjoy seeing those freaks 😐
13. worst blorboficiation: can i be honest and say magnus especially show magnus fans. they don't know his fucking history or his backstory they didn't read the tomes or do the work to really understand him.. he's best friends with tessa like you guys don't even know tessa or WILL and you're like omgggg magnus would soooo blow up a shadowhunter if they were annoying him haha he would never hang out with straight people he's soooo gay rights haha. it's not cassies fault she invented magnus in 2007 she didn't know what she was doing. don't blorbofy my best friend magnus bc you always do it wrong. ppl write him how blaine actually is. they flipped them in the mind 😒. and this is why i almost never want to read shadowhunters fic. oh also btw magnus would never want to live in edom forever anything where it's like ahh i could get used to a place like this :) . no he would not fucking say that he would kill himself a week in. and he wouldn't want alec to become a vampire that part of the show where alec wanted to become a vampire was a win for: Alma 😁! no one else. he would never say that. be real for one second
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing: fucking anything about riverdale season 7 like it's not as good guys. they aren't getting out of the 50s . but it sucks to see it every day :( and complaining about people complaining about season 7 being not very good is gauche and tacky. keep to yourself sometimes i think so. the only person i wanna hear talk about riverdale season 7 is keren. while we're watching it together
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rpmemes-galore · 2 years
This is just me venting for a sec, don't mind me:
Sucky things about living with fibromyalgia/hypermobility
1. you wake up and feel like you have the flu all day, every day. 2. You know that feeling when you walk into a room and can't remember what you went in there for?? Now apply that to everything. Can't recall whether or not you ate today. Whether you took one ibuprofen or two. Whether or not you emptied the garbage. Cannot focus  on anything. No room for memory, except that one, random toys r us commercial from 2004 3. Cannot make it through the grocery store without my cane, because otherwise I would fall over and probs need to be wheeled out on one of those pallets tbh 4. P A I N 5. "I just woke up, why am I so tired??"  Can't fall asleep at night, can't keep your eyes open during the day.  4hr nap minimum just to get through a tough day 6. D iZ Zy 7. Body: you have done one (1) activity. I now require a rest period of 3 days. If you move during that time, I will be very mad™️ 8. I accidentally laid on my right side for 30 seconds too long and my shoulder popped out. I now need to brace myself and put the joint back into place 9. M O r e  P A I N 10. Feeling okay for a minute and thinking you're going to have an okay day, but then you stand up and almost collapse 11. Oops, I leaned over to grab something and now every muscle in my entire body feels like it charlie horsed at once 12. passing out cold on the kitchen floor
Cool things about living with fibromyalgia / hypermobility:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Idk like I can bend my knees and elbows backwards and freak people out, and that would really come in handy if I wanna dress like the Grudge for Halloween?? 6.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
Sooooooooooo, guess what?? 😂
Of course I bring you hot gossip on Valentine's Day. I have a reputation!!
Lmao okok. This is long so let's get straight into it;) So, a lot of people today brought flowers, chocolates, etc. My friends and I are not much of that, but Josh gave us cupcakes!! (remember Josh? Idk why all the names seem so confusing even to me if I only have like 4 friends lol. Summing up: Mark: the one with book boyfriend vibes; Josh: cupcakes and generally nice; Andrew: well, you know that one lol; and Sarah: girl with strict parents but so freaking amazing) I am horrible at thinking of names SORRY 😭
Thing is, on our break, I came back to leave some things on my place and then I went with Sarah and another girl to take a little, but just as we were out, this other girl told us she saw someone leave a flower on one of our seats (all of us 5 sit next to each other). I told them we should go and see who was it. I was so fucking sure it would be Andrew's, because we all know a lot of girls like him, and I was ready to annoy him for the rest of the day😂
And guess whose place was it in??? FUCKING MINE!!
Sarah and the other girl just looked at me in shock and before I could stop them, they were looking inside🙂. We looked, and it was a red rose with a letter, with big and beautiful handwriting that just said "Happy February 14th. I hope we get to meet."
And chaos unleashed from then on. They immediately went to search for the others and oh my fucking god, they are little shits bc they didn't stop bothering me with it for the rest of the day JDHDJDJKD
And they were so excited to know whose note was it. I was really curious too but I knew it would be impossible to know because we asked and no one saw who left it!! The only thing we knew is that they were two girls!!
They started gushing and smirking and winking at me, and asking who I thought they were and I literally have no fucking clue!!! And as I'm known to have the most weird love life, without actually having a love life, LET ME TELL YOU THEY HAD THOUGHTS!
I pointed out maybe it wasn't even for me, maybe it was for one of them and the person just got confused. But they didn't want to accept my theory:)
Anyway, I blush for almost everything, so you can imagine my face the entire day!! And I also laughed so damn hard. I won't recover from this😭
If I had a nickel everytime I got a red rose anonymously on February 14th, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird it's happened twice, right? But that's another story!!!
I'm still in shock. Were they a girl? Guy? Do I know them? Was it really for me? Was it for Andrew? Will I ever know????
Anywaaaay, of my favorite convos from today, because my friends had a field trip with this😂:
Sara: Ok, maybe you are right at it was actually for one of them (Andrew or Mark)
Mark: and why the fuck couldn't it be her? She could also be liked!
Sarah: I didn't say that!
Andrew: And do you expect it to be a girl or a guy? I mean not that it matters much ;)
Everyone: *chanting TeamNoah when we were discussing if it was actually for me*
Josh: Not that there's anything wrong with it, but with you it's more difficult because we can't even reduce it to just guys or girls😭
Shara: you are officially a heartbreaker. I mean, we can make a list! *Procedes to name every person I have had romantic convos with*
Andrew: Damn, I want a secret rose too😔. What are you doing to get yourself into this situations? Because I'll do it too!!
Everyone: awww, you are blushing!
Me: of course I fucking am!!
This fanfic life has gotten our of control and I don't know how it happened!!!
@springlily25 you need to hear this😂😂
Yeah, so consider this a self-writed fanfic for Valentine's Day lmaoo
first of all what are these white-ass names i am judging you
second of all i didn't know andrew was a romeo and had a lot of girlies fangirling over him OKAY THEN
AND OF COURSE IT WAS YOU YOU ARE SO OBLIVIOUS YOU ARE A FANFIC CHARACTER (also your theory further confirms that you are indeed oblivious fangirl on the verge of an idiots to lovers trope)
very curious as to who this is and i wanna know everything goddamnit this has become a priority and i shall not rest until you uncover this!!!!!
but whoever left it has fine fucking taste so good for them i guess 😎
happy valentine's day, you gorgeous gorgeous girl.
and why add @springlily25 is this not chaotic enough already???
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zathechaosgod · 2 years
Philza Stream highlights
Stremed on: november 14, 2022
BOTW mastermode stream! Part 1, of a series that will continue until phil finishes the game or isn’t having fun with it anymore.
Actual bulleted list of fun moments is below the read more!
(also warning for botw spoilers, obviously)
first dono of the stream: apparently the last time there were no people in space was halloween in 2000
phil got the controller to work, and the heart beat sensor working
kangaroos cant fart
donos are feeling Educational today
"should be fun, should be hell!" phil isn't sure which one it's gonna be, but we gonna be vibing
this man has played through the game like. twice. and is now gonna go do master mode.
this might end up another endless series until he completes it
this is your reminder that new philza merch dropped on ph1lzamerch.com!! its gonna be gone december 1st, so get it while you can!
the game double checks you actually, really, are you absolutely sure, want to play mastermode
this is your reminder that phil does have the dlc group selfie in a massive framed print in the bg of his room
"link isn't british, i dont think"
"link, pick this iphone 17, its the size of a tablet, idk why they kept making it bigger"
phil knows how to whistle run, thank god
also side note: botw is still the prettiest freaking game oml
back on track: imagine link just mooning all of hyrule in the opening sequence, just turning around and pulling his pants down
phil is very good at imitating the old man. surely not an indication of anything
phil died to the first enemy he came across :thumbsup:
got halfway to killing him the second time, threw him over a staircase, and decided to just continue onwards- nvm i lied he walked back
dono: watch out for the open spaces on the great plateau
phil, 5 seconds later, spotting the white lynel in the next field over:
i'd suggest a death counter but it'd be too bothersome. every single mob phil comes across kills him at least once
look on the bright side! your whistlerun might alert every single enemy in the area, but at least you can farm arrows while doing so!
bows are OP in this wut
"so... the play is headshots"
"the beast. her name's pauline"
phil putting his button mashing skills to good use (more than two lines of dialogue)
to a dono who mistook an uruhara cosplayer for a philza: "theres a clear difference! im a yassified uruhara!"
phil would like to throw up at the nintendo switch shirt
"ancient and decrepit" sabe the chatter: "just like you!"
old man on old man violence! phil wants to murder the old man
skeleton boy is politely waiting for phil to activate the shrine <3
he scammed the last surviving bokoblin living in one of those skulls. killed all of his friends and robbed his house
he also keeps dying to a bokoblin camp but he Needs to know what's in the chest
prehistoric people be like: "oh there's people down there and they have food i want."
the botw experience: whistlerunning through the entire snowwy area so he can get to the shrine (and pick up a dlc crate on the way)
stardew valley is like crack cocaine to phil and kristen. they'd play it from morning till well into the afternoon on any day he wasn't streaming, and spend the rest of their time thinking about doing things in stardew
kristin brought him marshmellows and he caught one with his mouth
also he forgor how many ice blocks he can make and drowned himself bc of it
phil has also lost track of what he's supposed to do
and forgor he can fasttravel
then fasttravelled and remembered the shrine is high up a ledge and a lynel is between him and there
hype music time for the lynel fight (aka phil dies over and over again until he's out of weapons)
phil has given up on the lynel bc his weapons wont last long enough
we're going for the final shrine so we can get the glider and just Dip
climbing the cliffside: nearly as difficult as the lynel /hj
turns out there is, in fact, an easier spot to climb up
phil is 100% going to the lovejoy newcastle gig if wilbur lets him in
imagine if the big rock balls were bouncy
finished the plateau shrines!
 gotta go back to the church first to get the glider L
chat is taunting about a shiny boy he’s gonna run into eventually
“the blue trails are ghost farts”
“he didn’t need to do this” about the old man pretending to be an old man and then having a magical girl transformation into the king
Urbosa best girl, real and true
paraglider time!! off the great plateau <3
“oh nooo the rock dudes- oh wait i have a hammer”
pov you catch a shrine solely bc you were bombing the bokoblins you were running away from
philza chatters, united in the ingrained need to name things “dave”
second tower complete! “~here comes the radiation! he doesn’t know his skeleton shows for a second or two! dududu slightly more poisoned~”
beedle!!! phil is dripping for him (with sweat!!!)
if the shirt sells for less than 100, he’s keeping it for stupid pictures
it sells for FIFTEEN?
duolingo haunts phil even on stream
[excited gasp] “oh chat, there’s a big woman around here isn’t there”
dono: big woman is rapidly approaching your location. do not run.
got the maracas, it was a pain, phil is probably not gonna do the dlc stuff in mastermode
impa!! the old woman we dont really care about
pov you attempt to murder the old woman with a sledgehammer bc you were smashing through the dialogue
phil will not wear clothes unless its too cold to go without
BIG LADY TIME  aka fairy fountain
do we have fairy fountain mumza with link!phil art yet
pov phil went to the bathroom and now his heartrate is over 150 (because the dude got tickled. i think.)
ph1lChef new emote!!
honestly most of this stream is just zelda and vibes
also tubbo is here to vibe for a bit in chat
lynel round two! the lynel is regenning his health faster than phil can hurt him!
we move on again (phil saved beforehand and reloaded to not waste all the weapons lmao)
“pot lid you’re gonna get me through this. rest in peace pot lid.”
pov potfriend is, in fact, a pot
hinox murder time! it’s most phil doing the murder, this time
phil is so good at the game -> gets slammed in the chest and off of a cliff by a goat
collective simping moment for sidon, who did the thing! “positively kicking my feet”
boy needs a lot of strength in his thighs to make those jumps
Tumblr media
4k, bonk.
phil is on a flying platform with one of the lizard guys and he’s just. straight up not seeing phil
phil wanting to know what’s in the chest vs the electric beams oneshotting him
moooooom, phil is bullying the wizard boy by repeatedly bashing him with a floating box again
the moment sidon appears on screen you can literally time stream delay by waiting for the flushed emotes to come in
anyway we’ve reached the water city!! i’ve forgotten the name
one last shrine in the city and then it’s end of stream time
phil is Hungry and wants noodles. which, mood.
he is also thinking Way too hard again, went through a (w)hole lot of trouble for the Wrong ball
big elephant!!!! a friend (phil will die next stream)
phil likes the music, characters, and the fact the power you get from this one is essentially a totem :D
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fierykitten2 · 8 months
Both Johto and Unova are trending on twitter so with just over a month until it happens, my thoughts on the next presents, Pokémon games and other stuff
I think on the Johto vs Unova debate it has to be either both or neither (at least for my own sanity. Still, I have every intention on joking that Game Freak confirms the Paradox trio corresponding to whichever region of the two we get is superior if one of these two regions is chosen but not the other). I also believe the reason the DLC has so much stuff relating to those two regions isn’t because they’re teasing the next game(s) but because there are these trios known as the Legendary Beasts from Johto and the Swords of Justice from Unova which somehow all have the same heights just with the first and second one inconsistently being the tallest or shortest (idk how to describe this) and the third members of both trios, Suicune and Virizion, just happen to have the same initials as Gen 9’s main paired versions, Scarlet and Violet, and since Scarlet and Violet feature version-exclusive parodies of well-known Pokémon (I say well-known, most people only care about Amoongus because of Among Us) it would be a missed opportunity to not take advantage of the whole Scarlet Suicune Violet Virizion alliteration thing (and simultaneously make the two best Pokémon ever)
More DLC sounds cool but is extremely unlikely blah blah blah
I’m sure we’ll get an experimental game but I’m also sure that it won’t be Let’s Go! (because LGPE are remakes of Yellow and take its main gimmick and expand on it) or Legends (because the Sinnoh trio (well, replace Giratina with Arceus) are the only trio responsible for Pokémon’s main religion. Also why would they release a game where we go to the past (and no equivalent for the future) in the time travel generation? That doesn’t seem fair to me
If I had to choose a region to revisit in an experimental game (or remake, that’s cool too), it would have to be either Hoenn or Kalos. Alola and Galar would be cool too, I just think it’s a bit early for them to get revisits
Oh yeah and the whole “Unova remake confirmed” stuff annoys me because with the exception of FRLG/LGPE all remakes have been released during the generation whose number is double the original generation’s number (not sure how to phrase this) so by that logic a Unova remake should come out in Gen 10, not Gen 9 because Unova was introduced in Gen 5, not Gen 4.5 admittedly there was also the two consoles later theory and even though I prefer to ignore the Switch 2 leaks even I can’t deny the fact that after Gen 10’s DLC there’ll definitely be a new console so that kinda blows my argument out the window
I had another point but I forgot it also can I just point out both GSC/HGSS and B2W2 are sequels (to RGBY/RBY/FRLG/LGPE and BW)
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