#if Matt did that on purpose I applaud him
There’s something about how Ludinus says the gods use the mortals as their playthings (and I don’t remember if he actually said this next bit or just implied it) but it sounds like he’s suggesting the gods have full control over fate and destiny (maybe at one point they did?) and that’s part of why he wants to get rid of them.
I can’t stop thinking about this.
If the gods really had that control they would’ve never let any of this get as far as it has. (Unless of course their desire was to die, but then why not open the divine gate and release Predathos themselves?)
Fate and destiny is above the gods pay grade.
Fate and destiny feels inherent to the world in general and without it there is no world.
Fate and destiny feels foundational to Exandria and everything on it. It’s a starting point, not the end result.
The luxon beacons suggest (prove?) there are an infinite number of possibilities for every life. You are fated to exist, but your destiny is what you make of it. Every choice made, sends you down a new path of possibility. The gods cannot choose what every being’s eventual fate will be (that would be an asinine amount of power that couldn’t be beaten). They might be able to influence your choices, but they cannot make them for you.
The Matron probably only has very minimal influence on fate; she can probably only tug on the strings not reweave them. Similar to Nana Morri, she can probably see all the threads but can’t actually influence them in the way Ludinus implies all of the gods can. Makes me wonder if releasing Predathos was an idea planted by The Betrayer Gods as a way to eliminate The Prime Deities and restart Exandria like they intended to back before the schism.
So even after a thousand years of planning, Ludinus is so caught up in his own hubristic desires (and probably some revenge too) that he fails to realize if fate is controlled by the gods, he is doomed to lose no matter what.
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imaginesbymonika · 2 years
Mischief and Bagels | Part 2
A humor B99 x Marvel Crossover.
Plot: Loki fleed Asgard and he is now roaming the earth. Only the mightiest heroes on earth could stop him- with the help of the world's mightiest detective (in his opinion), who knows the streets of Brooklyn like the back of his hand.
Characters: Y/N x various marvel characters, Y/N x The Squad of the 99, might some Y/N x Matt Murdock and Y/N x Jake Peralta who does his best at flirting.
masterlist | previous chapter
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Jake goggles at Y/N with big eyes as she draws a big red circle on a map of New York City. Amy on the other hand only scoffs as she glances at her heart-eyed partner before she shoves him relatively harshly with her elbow.
"Ouch.", Jake lets out and looks at Amy for a second. "Focus!"
"That is Hell's Kitchen, right?", Jake inquires and moves his head closer to the map. The young Avenger nods her head. Sam who is strolling past them, towards his own group chuckles and adds: "Don't use this as an opportunity to stop by your lawyer boyfriend, Y/L/N.". He bites into his apple and winks at her: "This is not the time."
"Your lawyer boyfriend?", Amy asks and raises her eyebrows, her mood abruptly much brighter. "He isn't my boyfriend...", Y/N states.
"How would he be of help anyway?", Bucky asks from his side of the table, making his team perk up from their map: "Isn't he like, you know." He makes a sharp gesture pointing at his eyes.
"Well, he happens to know a lot of people.". The y/h/c woman leans back in her chair and crosses her arms in front of her chest:" I just wanted to ask him, if he has noticed anything abnormal or weird during the last couple of weeks, that's all."
Sam lets out a laugh and Y/N rolls her eyes.
"Stop it, Wilson.", Steve lets out a deep sigh before he turns to Jake and Amy: "Just for context purposes, her boyfriend is blind."
"He isn't my boyfriend, come on Steve. Matt's just a close friend...". As soon as the last word flees her lips her friends all begin to howl loudly.
"Did she say they're just friends?"
"Tell him that, I don't think he knows that."
"That is such a hu-u-u-uge lie."
Y/N quickly stands up and snatches the map from the table: "This is not the time to talk about my private relationships, we have a Loki to catch after all. Jake, Amy. Let's go. We'll discuss the details in the car." Jake grabs his jacket and looks at Y/N who is holding the door open for the two detectives: "But are we going to visit him?"
The young woman glances at him for a brief moment and glimpses out of the corner of her eye how her friends are all holding their breaths. She sighs in defeat: "Yeah, we are."
The moment she finished her sentence, her friends all begin to shriek and applaud.
"Go get him, tiger!"
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bamon4bamily · 3 years
TVD 10x02 - While My Guitar Gently Weeps (part 1) Enjoy! =)
Cut to - Munich, Germany. Elena is in one of the lab morgues. She is leaning against the freezers, writing in her diary.
 Dear Diary,
Today will be different. I will start fresh. Be someone new. New year, new life, new diary. I’ve come all this way, thanks to my father, but I need to step out of his shadow, and make it on my own. I have to stop doubting myself… As that cute guy Sam told me, I was chosen for a reason. It’s time I start believing in myself and become the Elena Gilbert I always wanted to be. Away from Mystic Falls, the drama, the supernatural, the pain…  
But, just between us, I feel like something is off… I mean, I’m glad to feel different, it’s just that in a weird way, I don’t feel quite like myself… Maybe it’s because the nightmares have come back… They are so vivid, as if I were living through it once more. The freezing water, the air escaping my lungs, the despair of knowing they were with me. That horrible feeling, over and over again… I thought I had healed, as much as one can heal from something like that, but I can still feel her hand slipping away… At times I think my dad blames me for letting her go. If he only knew the real reason both of us survived, maybe he wouldn’t resent it so much. Regardless, I will forever be thankful to Stefan for saving us that night. Although he still blames himself for not being able to save my mother, there was nothing anyone could have done.
Okay, enough about the past, I need to move on, build a new life for myself, and maybe, even find a new love… No vampires this time! Whatever comes, I’m living my life to the fullest! Letting myself be free… No fear, no guilt, no insecurities… Project Munich, here I come!
 Suddenly, she hears a noise. If it weren’t coming from one of the freezer drawers, she wouldn’t be startled, but since it clearly is, her heart starts pounding. She approaches cautiously… 
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Before she can even grab the handle, the drawer slams open…
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SAM: Boo!
ELENA: Oh my god, Sam?! You scared me half to death!
SAM: (Smirking) Good thing it was just half way. Wouldn’t want you dying on me.
ELENA: Well, what if I had a heart condition?! I could have!
SAM: A heart condition, or died?
ELENA: Well, both… But you know what I mean! You are so weird!
SAM: This coming from the girl leaning against body freezers in the middle of the night…
ELENA: At least I wasn’t lying in one of them like some kind of zombie!
SAM: It’s surprisingly relaxing…
ELENA: (Mocking) Being a zombie or lying in the freezers?
SAM: I suppose, both… (they crack up).
ELENA: Anyway, what are you doing here?
SAM: I like to come here to think… It’s quiet. You?
ELENA: Same… Guess we’re a couple of weirdos…
SAM: A little eccentric is all. (They smile in complicity). I will confess though; I do have an alternative motive…
ELENA: Oh, god. Please don’t tell me you are a psycho killer. I’ve dealt with enough of those…
SAM: I’m not going to ask why, but I do want to ask you something…
ELENA: (With a suspicious face) Uhm, okay… what?
SAM: Do you like picnics?
ELENA: That question isn’t helping your psycho case… But, yeah, I do. Why?
SAM: How about you and me, tomorrow… Wine and cheese in the main garden?
ELENA: (Kittenish) Are you asking me on a date?
SAM: Depends… is it a yes, or a no?
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ELENA: Depends… is it red wine, or white?
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SAM: Red, of course! What kind of a psycho drinks white wine?
ELENA: Plenty… And, you literally just met me, so there is a risk I might actually be one of them.
SAM: (Flirtatious smirk) I’m willing to take the risk, if you are…
ELENA: What the hell! Life is too short to play it safe.
SAM: I like the way you think. It’s a date then!
ELENA: It’s a date.      
SAM: Huh, I totally thought that was going to fail…
ELENA: You never know until you try, right?
SAM: (Smiles) I guess you don’t… Listen, it’s really late, do you want me to walk you to your dorm? I know this place is infested with military, but what if you run into a ghost? Pretty sure they would be clueless about how to handle that.
ELENA: (Laughs) Neither would you. But, you are not nearly as scary as they are, so I’d rather take my chances with you.
SAM: (Teasing) I happen to be a paranormal aficionado; I know how to handle a ghost.
ELENA: Oh, really?
SAM: I’ve seen all Ghost Busters movies a million times! I know what I’m doing!
ELENA: (Sarcastic) A Ghost Busters fanboy, that’s very comforting… (As they are walking out) Oh! And don’t think that just because I agreed to go on a date with you, I won’t get you back for the near heart attack you gave me … I happen to be a real horror movie aficionada; better watch your back…
Cut to – Mystic Falls Town Hall. Matt has been officially sworn in to take office as the new Mayor of Mystic Falls. Although he is worried about Edward’s abrupt decision, especially knowing the context behind his un-rational behavior, he can’t help but feel proud. This is what he had wanted all his life. And, given Edward’s current psychological condition, this decision was probably for the best.
 COUNCIL SPEAKER: Mayor Donovan, I speak on behalf of all my colleagues, we welcome you to this body of representatives with open arms, and ensure you that you have our full support, respect, and commitment.
MATT: It is my honor to have been entrusted with this duty. I will work day and night to rightfully serve our town, my home town. I will forever be grateful to Mayor Powell for believing in me, and giving me the opportunity to give back to the people that have built this town from scratch. In my first order of duty, I hereby announce the newly appointed Chief of Police, Sheriff Jackson. A woman of honor, courage and morals. I am certain she will serve this town with honor, loyalty, truth, knowledge and commitment. Please, give her a round of applause.  
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SHERIFF JACKSON: Thank you, Mayor Donovan. I wear the badge with pride. I am humbled and honored to be given this responsibility. Trust that my team and I will follow the example you gave to us, and will serve and protect this community with the same passion and commitment you did. We might be in different offices now, but we will always be family.  
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MATT: Always! Thank you, Sherriff Jackson. I have no doubt that you will surpass both mine and my predecessor’s accomplishments. In closing, I’d like to say that although we face many challenges ahead, I’m confident that we can overcome any obstacle by working together, always prioritizing people. Mystic Falls is a town built by its citizens, for its citizens. It is our duty to ensure the wellness and prosperity of all. Once again, thank you. Time to get to work! (They applaud).
Cut to – The Mikaelson mansion. Abby and Klaus are talking about Hope settling-in at the Salvatore School, among other things.
 ABBY: Hope looked so happy... And her dorm room is amazing! At the main house and a single! How lucky was she!
KLAUS: I had to “persuade” Alaric to make sure she was given the best accommodations.
ABBY: (Smiles) I’m sure you did…  
KLAUS: And how is Bonnie settling in her new home? I honestly cannot comprehend how she could voluntarily agree to spend day and night with Damon Salvatore. Are we certain he is not compelling her?
ABBY: (Smirks) You know he can’t, although I kind of wish that was the reason (they laugh). From what she told me this morning; the house is beautiful. Guess we’ll have to wait and see, if she ever invites us over.
KLAUS: She will, love, give her some time. They just moved in together, they need their privacy.  (Suddenly, the door opens, in come Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, Freya, Marcel, and Danae, suitcases and all). Uhm, excuse me, what is this unexpected visit about? Our family reunion isn’t until spring…
ELIJAH: Lovely to see you too, brother. Do pardon if our sudden arrival interrupts your tea time, but we are in a bit of a pickle. We have been cursed out of New Orleans; and, the last time I checked, this was also our home.
KLAUS: I am gone, for not even a month, and you somehow manage to get yourselves thrown out of what is rightfully ours? How exactly did that come to be?
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MARCEL: Why don’t you ask Kol…
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KOL: Oh, come on, Marcellus, it’s as much your fault as it is mine. And, don’t act so innocent, Elijah. You had your hand in this too.
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ELIJAH: (Fixing his cufflinks) Maybe a little…
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REBEKAH: While you boys decide who is to blame, I’ll go settle down in my bedroom.
KLAUS: You can’t. We turned it into a games room.
REBEKAH: (Indignant) Excuse me?!! How dare you!? Why my room?! Why not Elijah’s or Kol’s!?
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KLAUS: Yours was better fitted for the purpose. Nothing personal, love.
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REBEKAH: Oh, I’m sure it wasn’t… (Turns to Abby) And definitely nothing to do with you, right?
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ABBY: (Sarcastic) Of course not, I wouldn’t dare! This was all him!
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KLAUS: (Smirks) Traitor…  Anyhow, dear sister, there are plenty of other rooms you can choose from.
REBEKAH: Whatever. I’ll go find myself a room you two haven’t ruined, yet.
FREYA: I’m coming with. You people forget I’ve never been in this house!
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DANAE: Really? I thought you had. I mean, even I have stayed here.
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FREYA: And, thanks for rubbing that in, my love.
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DANAE: No ill intentions, hon. I’m just surprised.
FREYA: (Sarcastic) Guess being a Mikaelson didn’t grant me the privilege, but being Klaus’s best friend’s girlfriend sure did.
KLAUS: Oh, don’t be so dramatic, sister. You are here now, are you not?
REBEKAH: Forget him, sis, this is our house too. We’ll give you the grand tour. Once we get dibs on the best rooms (they leave).  
KLAUS: So, dear brothers, care to explain to me exactly how you got yourselves into this “pickle”?
ELIJAH: We will. But we are going to need something stronger than tea…
ABBY: Oh, it’s not tea. We just pretend it is, so we don’t feel like we are day drinking.
KOL: Who cares about that! We are vampires, love; we can do whatever we want!
KLAUS: KLAUS: (Sarcastic) My loving brother Kol, can we please go back to the topic at hand? I’d like to know exactly how long I can expect to have you all around.
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ELIJAH: It is going to be a while…
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MARCEL: If not forever.
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KOL: (Mocking) Look on the bright side, Marcellus, you’ll have time to get to know Mystic Falls. Despite what some believe, it is quite the charming little town… And, our home sweet home, for now… Better get used to it.
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Cut to – Pietro’s mansion. Him and Darius are having a “secret” con-call after their board meeting.
 PIETRO: I’ve had just about enough. We need to retaliate for this. You didn’t see the aftermath, this place looked like a slaughterhouse.
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DARIUS: Courtesy of your ripper brother, I presume?
PIETRO: Not sure which one of them did it, or if it was the three of them, but I had to get a professional cleaner.
DARIUS: You should really consider getting video surveillance, clears these types of doubts right up.
PIETRO: Never, those things give me all sorts of peeping Tom vibes. Anyway, I’m sorry about your witch friends, I’ll make it up to you.
DARIUS: I warned you not to play games. Now we’ve lost a coven of very talented witches, three potential recruits; we are clueless as to where the others are, and made the rest of the board members believe everything was going according to plan… (Sarcastic) Kudos!
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PIETRO: Don’t you dare give me attitude about this, you have messed up worse than I have.
DARIUS: True; fair enough. Let’s not enter into panic mode, it’s a minor misstep. We’ll find them soon enough. In the meantime, as per Augustus’s orders, it seems like I have to find a replacement for Kai…
PIETRO: That was certainly an unexpected surprise. I thought he would be pleased with his progress.
DARIUS: I’m beginning to think Augustus feels threaten, more so after I shared Kai’s recent achievements.
PIETRO: Did you sense something was off with him during the call?
DARIUS: Well, the Augustus I know would have had Kai killed if he wanted him out of the game, not fired.
PIETRO: And it’s strange that he was willing for this Tamara thing to take more time, as long as Kai was off the task.
DARIUS: (Teasing) Maybe he’s starting to like his hostage situation; Stockholm syndrome type of thing?
PIETRO: (Smirks) Perhaps… Regardless, both Kai and Katerina would have been excellent for the field battle; they have stamina, and are surely gifted in terms of the supernatural.  
DARIUS: I know. But there are plenty of fish in the sea. From what Veritas showed us with the Munich project, and the “gadgets I’ve been working on with Kai, soon we might have even stronger pawns to play around with.
PIETRO: Hey, I had a lot to do with the Munich project. I’m not letting him take all the credit! I led that project for years, set all the ground work, and the money.
DARIUS: Don’t be so defensive, my friend. We all know you did an excellent job. But, you have to give him some credit, Veritas is hardcore when it comes to discipline. As soon as he brought in the military, voilà!
PIETRO: (Snarky) His leading style borders on dictatorship, I prefer a motivational approach.
DARIUS: I’m with you on that. He sure as hell can scare the shit out of anyone into doing anything. Just ask Aletheia…
PIETRO: He is the oldest vampire in existence, and a psychic one, nonetheless; of course he can. I’m not ashamed to admit it; he has almost made me “piss my pants” once or twice.
DARIUS: I can say the same. You know, it’s truly fascinating that the so called “Originals” are oblivious to the fact about their true origins… I’m sure Veritas would have a blast with them, if they ever manage to figure it out.
PIETRO: Oh, I’m sure they will, if not for their wits, definitely once our plans unfold.
DARIUS: I call dibs on first row seats!
PIETRO: I want the full behind the scenes experience! (They laugh).
DARIUS: Well, I have to run now. I need to go fire my star employee and the Russian spy…
PIETRO: Good luck. We’ll talk soon.
Cut to – The Bamon home. The gang is in the “Batcave” planning their next move.
SAGE: (Starting to worry about Pietro’s retaliation for their escape). We are 100% sure this place can’t be found, right? I’m not very familiar with the witch stuff; or the vampire stuff for that matter; I’m a newbie.
BONNIE: Don’t worry, there is no way anyone can find it.
SAGE: Not even that Darius guy?
BONNIE: Especially not him.
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SAGE: Can’t they track your cellphones?
BONNIE: Not while the house is cloaked. Beauty of magic.
SAGE: This magic stuff is really cool!
BONNIE: You ain’t seen nothing yet… But, fair warning, it can get a little weird…
CAROLINE: (Teasing) Just a little? (They laugh)  Don’t worry, you are in good hands.
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SAGE: Sorry; freaked out for a moment… Pietro can be quite vicious when he’s angry, and I’m sure he’s fuming right about now.
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DAMON: Don’t be scared, Stefan and I got years on him. Now, back to the mission at hand. How are we going to break into this place without Kai?
STEFAN: What if we give our brother a taste of his own medicine? He can be our way in.
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DAMON: I love when your mind goes devious, brother. What exactly are you thinking of?
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STEFAN: There is an upside to having an Original vampire in town, and one who just happens to be in love with Bonnie’s mom… I’m betting he’ll do just about anything to get on your good side, Bon.  
BONNIE: Stefan, you are a genius! 
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And, he does owe me big time! But, let’s avoid the whole “being in love with Bonnie’s mom” thing; still freaks me out.
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STEFAN: Not another word on that, Bon.
DAMON: Ah, blackmail, deceit, and compulsion, my kind of tactics!
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BONNIE: I’ll call my mom to invite them over for dinner, then we’ll guilt trip them into their part of the plan.
SAGE: Bit lost again, what’s an Original vampire?
CAROLINE: Oh, Sage. There is so much for you to learn about the vamp world. Stick with us, and you’ll learn everything you need to know.
SAGE: That would be amazing! Been pretty much self-taught since I was turned, which was literally just weeks ago.
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CAROLINE: I know firsthand how important it is to have a mentor when you are new at this. We got your back.
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SAGE: Thank you, I’ll take all the help I can get.
CAROLINE: We’ll help you with the supernatural, you’ll help us with the Science; win, win. The sooner we get these guys, the sooner we can go back to our normal lives.
SAGE: Deal! To be honest, I was thinking about fleeing back to Germany the moment I got away from Pietro’s claws. Forget all this craziness and just return to being a student, with a new blood craving. But I think academia is pumped up to be more than it really is. What good are all the fancy titles without being on the battle ground? I’ve done my fair share of studying, it’s time I apply my knowledge for the common good, and this seems like the perfect cause to do so. Now that we know they are okay; I have no reason to go back. (Turns to Bonnie and Damon) Don’t panic, I’m not planning to stay here. As soon as we take care of this, I’m going back home to NYC; I really miss it.
BONNIE: (Smiles) We’re not panicking. And you can stay here for as long as you need.
CAROLINE: Okay, just so we are all aligned. We’ll get Klaus to compel Pietro, but how exactly are we going to get to Pietro? We can’t have Klaus show up at his house and be like: hello, I’m going to compel you now…
STEFAN: We’ll make sure he’s alone and lure him outside. Then Klaus, Damon and I, will take it from there. Three against one, should be a piece of cake.
DAMON: Sounds like a plan. Now, on to a crucial matter. (Turns to Bonnie) First time having my mother-in-law over for dinner, what should be the menu?
BONNIE: (Smirks) Whatever you want will be perfect.
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DAMON: How about Italian? Play it safe...
BONNIE: Ooh, gnocchi arrabbiata?
DAMON: Perfetto!
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CAROLINE: (Giddy) Aw, I love domestic Bamon!
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DAMON: Don’t think you are just going to stand and watch, you are all helping!
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The only one that gets a free pass is Bonnie, she has somewhere to go.
BONNIE: Oh, yeah, I almost forgot about that…
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CAROLINE: Bon, are you sure you don’t want one of us to come with you?
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BONNIE: I’m sure. Thank you, Care. I’m gonna head out now before it gets late. I won’t be long (kisses Damon). 
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I love you...
DAMON: I love you too. Head message me if you need anything.
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BONNIE: I will (she leaves).
STEFAN: (To Damon) Are you okay?
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DAMON: I’ll be fine when I know she’s fine…
CAROLINE: I still can’t believe he’s back! He better have a damn good explanation, otherwise I’m going to send him right back where he came from!
DAMON: You and me both, Blondie... 
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Alright, I need to keep my mind busy, so let’s get to work. Making gnocchi is a mission on its own!
 TVD 10x02 (part 2) coming soon. Hope you stop by, read, and enjoy! =)
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sepublic · 4 years
Sense and Insensitivity!
           Aaah, I swear this episode helped fix a crippling absence in my heart that I’ve been missing out on! I’ve got a fever, and the only cure is… MORE OWL HOUSE!!!
           I feel like this entire episode is a rather meta joke about the writing process, especially with the whole bit about publishers and how they’re forced to do crunch-time; Pretty sure that’s a real thing, and if so, I applaud Dana and the crew for making sure to remind viewers! And also, Luz, SAME… I, too, understand the pain of being a writer!
           There’s not much else to say about Piniet, but I like his design, premise, and voice! He’s pretty neat, and his ability to read entire books within seconds is… It’s much too powerful! I must have this power… Not gonna lie, I didn’t expect HIM to be the true mastermind behind it all (rather, just a lackey for John de Plume) but I guess it makes sense! I thought Plume was kind of an annoying narcissist, but after seeing what he’s going through I guess I can’t blame him for desperately drinking up any love and support he can get!
           That scene with the cubes though… Pretty freaky stuff, honestly. Legit thought a dude died when Piniet stepped on him, but apparently not- Still, we never see them revert back to normal, and with Piniet conducting business as he usually does after this, YIKES. Also, love the chaotic energy of Not-Dana in this episode, I didn’t really see her coming into play here but it makes so much sense! Also, this episode can be seen almost as a metaphor for what happened in real life, perhaps- Piniet/Disney wanted to pull more writing from King/Alex Hirsch, who didn’t want to dedicate the rest of his life to Ruler’s Reach/Gravity Falls! Then Dana/Not Dana comes in, dazzles Piniet/Disney with her story/The Owl House, and King/Alex Hirsch is free to do as he pleases (in this case, becoming a VA) while poor Not/Dana has no clue what’s in store for her!
           Subtle, Dana. I like it.
           And Luz and King’s friendship! I love episodes that delve more into King and his insecurities, and I’d DIE for these two goobers! I love that while King and Eda are definitely partners-in-crime, there’s a certain silliness to Luz and King’s friendship that is unique to their relationship! Not to discount Eda and her bond with King of course… More on Eda later, naturally!
           Typewriter was a hilarious character, and I love how Luz still wants to show unconditional support for King after he’s famous! It just shows how kind-hearted and empathetic she is… She knows what it’s like to be lonely and not taken seriously and she doesn’t want to take away the gratification from King! Likewise, I love how the show acknowledges that King may just be a tad-bit jealous of Luz and Eda, or at least he recognizes that they ‘have’ what he doesn’t… To King, his two friends seem self-assured and confident, like they’re living their own dream while he doesn’t! I can see why King acts selfish at times, he justifies it to himself because he thinks that Eda and Luz are already having it so good… Surely it can’t hurt to indulge himself once in a while, right?
           But at the same time, King is not truly selfish. Once he realizes he’s messed up, he’ll go back on his mistakes to make amends, ASAP, throwing away whatever he’s gained for that precious friendship! Maybe the REAL power was the friends we made along the way…? Regardless, it’s clear that Eda and Luz, the latter especially, take his insecurities and thoughts a lot more seriously than anyone else, and I think that’s what’s so important to King! The fact that they listen to him, they humor him… And it’s because part of what makes them so well-off is King’s own presence! I just LOVE this trio you guys!
           Also, imagine Boscha’s perspective of Luz and King after everything. I swear, these two –and Eda- are such utter weirdos and cryptids to everyone they come across, it’s amazing! I’m also low-key wondering who made King that scarf… I might want to check later. Not-Saria, planning to trash on that book if it fails you… I know how you feel. And beware King, “There’s more to life than shipping” is fighting words! They’re not FALSE, but still, it’s like that meme about how they hated him because he told them the truth! Like I said, this episode was hilariously meta and close to home, and you get the feeling that Dana is one of us- A fan that’s obsessed over things in the past and suffered laboriously through the pain of writing!
           But… EDA AND LILITH! OH, how I’ve waited for this! I knew it, I knew it was coming, that delicious sibling interaction and team-up, and oh it feels SO good!
           I’m glad to see that Once Upon a Swap hasn’t changed how Lilith feels! It’s pretty ingenius how her strategy for capturing Eda is just ‘procrastinate as long as possible’ and she manages to justify it! Of course, Belos probably won’t tolerate this strategy for long after a while…
           Speaking of Belos- He needs the Bloom of Eternal Youth?!? Is it for some other purpose, or is the dude himself aging? Who knows HOW old he’s been, or how long his rule has lasted- For all we know he’s been the original creator of the Coven System himself! There are even some theories that he was the Boiling Isles Titan, or lived long enough to interact with it! Given how the Bloom was fake from the very beginning, has he been relying on ways to extend his youth throughout the years, or is the first time his years have caught up to him?
          Does he want Eda, partially to mend this? What if the curse was cast by Belos on Eda, to drain her of her youth in a parasitic exchange? The show itself has more or less confirmed that Eda is getting older because of the curse! WHAT IF Belos killed the Titan, because he acted as a parasite by draining its life-force to keep himself alive- He DOES have an insectoid motif, and I guess you could connect insects to creatures like Mosquitoes and Fleas…
          Anyhow, I’m glad to see that Eda will also go out of her way for Lilith, too! The mixed-feelings, aggravation, and genuine love between the two is so amazing… I love how the two are acknowledging that the other means well, and has their own reasons for what they’re doing! And I love how the show has confirmed it- That Lilith DOES want Eda to join the Emperor’s Coven, she just wants her to do it on her own terms, with her own agency! I love this complicated relationship between these two sisters, where they loudly proclaim that they’d sell one another to Satan for a corn chip, but then would move the stars for the other when no one else is looking!
          Obviously the trailer spoiled us, but it was obvious from the get-go that Ratman Witch dude was a fake and it was a trap! Love how they play with the twist by just… Having Eda and Lilith not bat an eye! After all, this is some one-off goon without a name, VS the two most powerful Witches in the Boiling Isles (sans Belos, possibly)! I’d say I wish we got to see the two fight together, but let’s be real- There wasn’t even a fight to begin with. They likely combined a single spell together and ended it within seconds… And on a side-note, I like how Eda confirms that she and Lilith got into trouble together in the past, too! Hence ‘There she is!’ in Covention.
          As for some smaller thoughts;
          I find it funny, but not surprising, that Mattholomule has been relegated to physical labor in Piniet’s publishing company! Isn’t that child labor? We know Luz is fourteen, and he’s around her age, if not younger- Especially how Luz notes how light he is, and how Matt’s similar height to Gus indicates he’s about the kid’s age. I dunno, I don’t know Boiling Isles rules on child labor, if they even have any, and even if they did I doubt Piniet cares! I wonder how Not-Dana will get herself out of THIS conundrum with him… Not that I doubt she will of course! She’s got that chaotic energy and hasn’t survived this long for nothing!
          And I love Luz, being all weird as she is, having to use her teeth to tear up the contract instead of her hands like anyone else would! I can’t quite understand her mind, but it’s part of what makes her such a favorite to me! At least a contract isn’t some organ from a monster you just came across… And clever of her to use the Light glyph for the book! I love King’s realization of a missed pun, and the unstoppable teamwork of him and Luz!
          Given how King has already messed up a few times by being selfish, I have to suspect this will come into play in Really Small Problems, with King feeling like he’s begun to drive Luz away with his vanity and becoming desperate to rekindle their friendship! But as we all know, there’s nothing he needs to prove- Luz cares for him and vice-versa! And ironically, King indulging in ‘Mysterioso’s’ product is also him being selfish, but in general… I like how the show recognizes his crippling insecurity beneath it all, his feelings are valid and not unfounded. Even without the possibility of him having been an ACTUAL King of demons, the show still makes a compelling motive and reason for what he does!
          Speaking of a potential backstory… It’s worth noting that King claims his name is actually a rank- So what was his real name, then? Does he even remember?Likewise, he mentions that becoming a famous author will help him in his reclamation of power…
          All-in-all, this was a good, solid episode! It’s clearly a very relationship-driven episode, which as someone who enjoys the relationships between characters in this show- That’s amazing! It really establishes how characters truly feel about one another, while subtly setting the stage for something else… I love it!
           Up-next is Adventures in the Elements, a totally-new episode that I have NEVER seen, and I will DEFINITELY discuss my new thoughts about it when it officially airs!
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jq37 · 5 years
When you have time, can we get breakdowns for epusodes 3 and 4 of Bloodkeep? I'm going to be honest: I thought for sure that having a fight thousands of feet in the air was going to go about as well for Brennan as having a fight in an active volcano, but I was surprised
**spoilers for airship ambush**
I am not completely caught up on CR and I likely never will be because that backlog is truly stunning but I do know that Matt had a ship battle this season that one player (Taliesin I think) derailed completely. Now idk if that was before or after this was filmed but I have to imagine whichever one happened second had Matt flashing back to whichever one happened first. 
I really appreciate all the work Brennan puts into all the unique mechanics for all of his fight, specifically the ship stuff in this ep.
Sohkbar putting the potion in a cone of beef like he has a dog and not a horrifying monster abomination.
Efink being like, "Why did we let Galfast live?" and everyone being like, "Your??? Dumbass???? Husband???????"
Are there ever gonna be siblings on D20 who don't want each other dead? Marcus can join Adaine in the, "My sibling can go straight to hell," corner. (Kristen’s brothers don’t count, they had like zero screen time). 
"Ye shall pay for it."/"Aw come on." I love Mike.
Efink's spirit guardians are freaking Elven paparazzi.
Maggie being BFF's with John is my fave.  
Sidenote, I really love how all of these guys reskinned their attacks to make them fit their aesthetic and the campaign more.
Everyone applauding the Lord of Shadows.
A Brennan soundboard: Hell Yeah! Incredible. Bud.
"Who wore it better? Tom Cruise or this Mystery Bird?"
Marcus being like, "Yeah, I come from a pirate city. We're basically all bad guys."
Lilith takes a cue from Marcus and works on recruiting a SECOND eagle. And she rolls a 26!
John throwing a pocket square at the other-other eagle.
"Don't do it Leiland! You have so much to live for."
I love it when a player rolls, nods approvingly, and then is like, "Right, that's a [terribly low roll]."
Leiland being the personification of that John Mulaney gif as he falls off the ship: You know those days when you're like, this might as well happen?
Did the card for Hellish Rebuke actually say, "Set someone on fire if they hurt you"? Because if I got a card that vague as a newbie PC I'd be like, "Well he emotionally hurt me. Does that count?"
Matt using his reaction just to yell, "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!"
"Because you have spent a good couple of sessions establishing yourself as extremely materialistic, this object is a close personal friend of yours."
That is is one of my favorite DnD sentences ever.  
Efink rolled two, twos and I had Naddpod flashbacks. Shout out to the two crew!
The annoying thing about DnD is that you can just roll total garbage for an entire session. True randomness means that, sometimes, you just can't hit anything for a full 2 hours.
"Tokyo drifting your airship."
I've said this before but it's really a shame Matt doesn't get to play more. He's a great DM obviously, but he's such a stellar player too.
Wild Nat 20 from Leiland and then he tells LIlith to CUT THE CHAIN THAT’S KEEPING HIM FROM FALLING.
The Vingury showing up is one of my favorite things. Players being forced to face the direct consequences of their own RP actions is the best. 
I think the lesson on D20 is Spirit Guardians are Good.
One-liner king Trapp purposely whiffs the easy one liner.
"There is a slim chance that all goblins in the Bloodkeep have a bomb in them. Just a slim chance."/"WHAT?"
"Did we put them there? Is that on us?"
What was Brennan on when he came up with that mechanic?
One of my other fave DnD things is having a lengthy, pointless conversation as a giant battle is happening.
lol, Efink is a cleric. I also forgot.
Poor Leiland being in the radius of her Turn Undead. Buddy.
"You're making doors! You're doing that which you hate."
Boss use of druidcraft by Lilith. I like it when people use mainly flavor spells for combat.
"You could dramatically go above decks and jump OR you can just walk through the giant hole belowdeck."
"WOT IS HAPPENING? DID SOMEONE CLOSE A DOOR ON THE SUN?"/"I thought you liked that. I'm so unclear."
Leiland is getting straight Roadrunner'd by Hamhead and it's wild. (I forgot that the players also made a Loony Tunes ref and they did it right as I was writing this line).
“Puddles of fire.”
Just waves upon waves of enemies this fight, huh? I think that’s a good DM move because it means you can gauge how it’s going and send out more or less depending on if you’re players are getting murdered or if they’re totally breezing through it.
And while we’re talking about the fight, I guess sometimes you womp the terrain and sometimes it womps you and this was a scenario 2. I also think Brennan might have been more prepared this time with like the rooting Ents and the sturdy dwarf and the waves of enemies. 
The indignity of not only getting slayed by J'er'em'ih (or however you spell that) but specifically by his butt hands. Wild. You’d think Marcus would care more about not getting the killing blow but, actually, this is almost better because it’s not even a cool, noble, aesthetic pirate death. 
Trapp: Lol. Wouldn't it be cute if it was like J'er'em'ih was flying the boat?
Brennan: No, he needs to do that. Roll.
Everything Brennan says about J'er'em'ih is equal parts fascinating and horrifying.
Parachute J'er'em'ih is just so wild.
"Just barely better than J'er'em'ih at driving."
"Oh, you're negging me, I see."
I always forget that Leiland is floating everywhere like he's on a freaking hoverboard.
The running thing of Leiland being useful but no one being able to see it is so so good.
LOTR needed more parachuting. I mean, I assume. I've never seen LOTR.
"It seemed super metal at the time."/"As a religious choice, it makes sense but saying it's for cleanliness doesn't make any sense." These guys are so good at improv. So consistently dropping gold.
"How does physics work?" Mike Trapp asks, as if that's something that has a hard and fast answer in DnD.
"I will actively go prone to sit where I am and pout." What a whole-ass drama queen.
lol Amy finally found Brennan's limit.
Even though they didn't do it, I love how down Rekha was for the insane airship plan.
Lilith treating Leiland like her adult disaster child is my fave.
"Please push harder."
Leiland drops darkness and the Goblin rolls a nat 20 to blow up the ship. Is there a moment more encompassing of this dude's existence?
"I understand that everyone here wants to rob me of my joy." DM mood. (Matt: I genuinely feel you there [and I’m reminded of that CR ship battle.])
The last shot of everyone falling out of the sky is so nice.
Anyway, as I was finishing this up, I got an ask about the next ep which is a doozy and prob my fave of the season so far. I’ll answer it as soon as I have another block of free time!
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ethicsgirls · 5 years
Red or Dead and HemingwayDesign co-founder and original designer, Wayne Hemingway MBE is chasing new ways to improve the things that matter in life
What happens when you hear the name Wayne Hemingway? Are you instantly transported back to the world of the Blitz kids, Acid House and Thatcher’s Britain? Do images of designer Doc Martens, subverted corporate logos, and the Bros watch-topped shoes fill your mind? We had the pleasure of catching up with Wayne about what he’s been up to recently.
Having started from humble beginnings selling second hand clothes on a market stall in Camden Market with his then girlfriend Gerardine, the pair went on to create the fashion industry’s first affordable designer label, Red or Dead. Eventually they exceeded all their expectations, winning the Designer of the Year awards and catching the eyes of famous fashion stylists, clubbers, and fashion industry pros. Even Australian songstress Kylie Minogue wore Red or Dead on the front cover of Smash Hits in 1988 and erstwhile pop icons Bros wore their watch shoes everywhere. Red or Dead had become as big as Alexander McQueen, but more affordable and with more emphasis on street style.
The brand Red or Dead was sold in 1999 giving the Hemingways (by then married and bringing up four children) the necessary resources and time to take on exciting new ventures. HemingwayDesign was established and began to focus on varied aspects of design from small products and artworks up to large-scale housing projects. The design team feels passionately that regeneration provides an obvious social benefit and have worked on urban transformation programmes all over the country. When asked about their design influences Wayne explains what motivates him and his team: ‘We are driven by societal need, everything that we do has got to have a social, people-focused purpose behind it... All of us at HemingwayDesign are driven to design for the common good. We wouldn’t design a private home for somebody rich. We would only design affordable housing and don’t subscribe to the oft elitist stance of many large designer brands’.
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As we chat to Wayne, it’s apparent that HemingwayDesign would not be where it is without him and his wife’s combined efforts and Wayne states that ‘everything we did, we did together’. Wayne met Gerardine in Lancashire when he spotted her wearing an eye-catching homemade outfit. Gerardine always made her own clothes and it turned out the pair were both obsessed with dancing at nightspots like the legendary Wigan Casino. 
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Even at this young age Wayne had had an interest in clothes, as both his Mother and Grandmother were seamstresses and sometimes made clothes and outfits for him. A telling pair of photos shows a very young Wayne dressed as a cowboy and an ersatz Tarzan. Wayne was promenaded around his birthtown of Morecambe by his proud Nan, and as he grew older his Mum did not mind if he went off to rock concerts around the country. Wayne notched up his first Bowie gig aged 11 and then the Sex Pistols in 1976 at the start of the punk movement. It was shortly after that, Gerardine and Wayne headed to London to do more dancing and watching bands. A type of thrifty homemade approach defined punk fashion and this influenced the Hemingways later when they setup shop.
I asked Wayne what he thought of the ‘fast fashion’ of today, something which is in stark contrast to where he came from. Are people falling out of love with this sort of approach to clothing I ask? Wayne says: ‘For certain. Growth in the feeling that second-hand clothing is a badge of honour, and not going shopping for shopping’s sake, is a significant element of the downturn of the High Street. In wearing secondhand, upcycling, making our own clothes, we were a tiny minority for most of our lives, but all of a sudden it’s seen as the right thing to do’. Wayne relates this shift away from fast fashion with an example, ‘at a dinner party you now get more caché from saying you’ve put a decent outfit together from jumble sales or charity shops than you would from saying that you wear D & G or something. There’s no doubt that’s a major societal shift’. Again he proves his point with an example - this time a ‘Boutique by Shelter’ shop they designed the interiors for at the new Coal Drops Yard retail district in Kings Cross. Charity shops are undoubtedly major players on London’s high streets these days.
Wayne doesn’t like the idea that consumers would purchase something and dispose of it quickly, and in his opinion slow fashion is better for the pocket. He makes the point that ‘most people do crave newness in how they dress, it’s part of being a human being, but it’s far more fun doing it creatively than letting some unimaginative businessman who owns some boring chain doing unethical practice produce that for you. That wouldn’t make sense to me.’
One of HemingwayDesign’s events coming up next month is the Classic Car Boot Sale, a weekend micro-festival of sustainable shopping giving people a chance to make money from trading clothes, upcycling and selling street food. Wayne states ‘if we are in a position to do that, then that's the kind of thing we should do’, again showing his genuine commitment to creating events that have social benefits. Other events from HemingwayDesign taking place this year are Vintage by the Sea, The Festival of Thrift, The National Festival of Making and First Light Festival in Lowestoft, which will be worth a visit.
Just as we start to wrap up the interview, I squeeze in one final question, ‘What is your definition of exceptional design?’ He tells me that if it looks at an issue that needs addressing, like, making transport accessible, providing affordable housing, or enabling  growth for all sectors of society  in deprived areas then in his mind it’s good design. As he says ‘if you move things along to another level and if it makes people happy, then that's good design’.  I love Wayne’s egalitarian view of the world and I applaud how the lessons in thrift he learned from his Grandma still apply today in his quest for sustainable design solutions.
Written by Julia Nelson and Matt Fletcher
Photographs courtesy of Wayne Hemingway MBE
The Classic Car Boot Sale, 27 & 28 April 2019, King's Cross
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kateahontas · 6 years
JET Program Final Mission
Just a warning that this post is horrifically sappy. Please comment the amount of times you cringed or rolled your eyes and I'll eat a mint chocolate flavoured product for each one.
Matt sent the modems back to Softbank today, so the internet in our apartment is long-gone and that is a real occurrence to cement all the happenings right now.
JET Program Final Mission was on Saturday night. It was a great success in that it was a beautiful time, but it really sucked in terms of having to be a farewell party, meaning that we will be leaving the country and the date is approaching too quickly. 
The party was in a fancy hotel in Tachikawa and had a much too expensive price of 7,000 yen per person. We had absolutely no problem with people not being able to justify coming because of the price. A few non-English teachers from my school were present (teachers being present from my school at all that aren’t Kenichi is a huge thing in itself) and that made me tear up, because who knew you could mean anything when you often feel like you don’t?
Matt and I were officially announced and walked into a room of our pals standing and applauding. We were greeted by life-size print-outs of ourselves from our Australian wedding, who we of course got photos with part-way through the celebrations. We were shown to our seats and Party Master gave a few words. He is always self-appointed MC, and it’s definitely the most fitting. Matt and I had to give a speech in Japanese that we were not even secretly terrified about. It’s really difficult to articulate feelings to these people in English, and even more difficult to do it in Japanese. We did a lot of tag-teaming, involving giving messages directed at our schools. I said a chunk about Kenichi, and that was the only part I asked for assistance from a Japanese person for. I found a really fitting sentence in Japanese about having a telepathic relationship with someone, but I was unsure of the nuance. My chosen Japanese pal to lend me assistance was Miki, who was also present at the party. She has been so good to me over the years and speaks English pretty much fluently despite never having studied or lived abroad. Also, her children are adorable and her husband works at Matt’s school, so we’re all meant to be. She helped me in making the sentences a bit more coherent. It got a really great reaction at the party, so I was relieved.
Kenichi had told me the day before of the table Matt and I would be sitting at. Kenichi, in true Kenichi style, seated me next to him. Before we even made our speech, we were sitting at the table taking in the scenes and Kenichi turned to me and said “I can’t imagine my life without you” and that was really the beginning of the end for me personally. Kenichi drank throughout the night to try and deal with his emotions (which he has A LOT of) and it didn’t work at all. He became more emotional and was pretty much bursting into tears any time something happened.
There was a screen located to the right of the stage, and while the food was being brought out, a short presentation of our three years in Japan played. It was edited by a teacher from Matt’s school who has basically given her life to us. It featured all the photos we gave to Party Master a few weeks back, a million photos from our Japanese wedding party and also photos from our Australian wedding. The food started coming out and Kenichi made a quick toast so everyone could drink as much as possible. 
Kenichi had mentioned to me a few weeks earlier that he was preparing for some kind of performance. I assumed that a few teachers would do the same thing, but that was not the case. He presented a speech that contained four separate stories about our lives together while being backed on piano by another English teacher from my school (who I did not know even had such a talent?) The speech was in Japanese, but we are being promised copies of it in both Japanese and English. 
The first story was the story of the purple hair. About two and a half months before we came on JET, I had my hair dyed bright pink and purple. I always obviously had the intention of changing it before Japan (and actually only found out I had been accepted into the program the morning of the day I had my hair dyed). I worked at a Steiner school with the crazy hair, so nobody cared. ANYWAY, I entirely blame Ben for the story of the purple hair. He started messaging me a few months before we came to Japan (when my hair was bright and popping) and he told Kenichi about it EVEN THOUGH I had conveyed to him my full intentions to dye it brown before coming to Japan (because I am not an idiot). Kenichi has revealed to me on a few occasions that he was terrified to meet me, and it was exacerbated by me having purple hair. He thought he would have to tell me that I would not be able to show up to my school like that. He said he even practiced telling me in a stern voice (before he met me) to dye my hair brown. I imagine he practiced in front of a mirror, because that makes me do a weird side-smile.
The second story was the story of Otosan. Otosan is “father” in Japanese, but for the purpose of this story, we are referring to Otosan, the lovable hound who is the face of the Japanese phone company, Softbank. I needed a phone contract with Softbank, because of how deep my love for Otosan ran, even though I knew nothing about him. In our first week of being in Japan, Kenichi took us to the Softbank store in Tachikawa to get us both phone contracts. It took three hours and once I started working at my school, it didn’t take me long to realise that that kind of time is really precious for someone who works as much as Kenichi. Kenichi told the person signing us up at Softbank that I loved the pupper that was the face of their company, so they gave us a stuffed toy of Otosan that speaks in Japanese when you press his tail. We still have it and I will never forget such a gesture by a man who was probably properly flustered with us at the time, but never showed it.
The third story is the ongoing story of how Matthew knows everything. Kenichi was telling us about a Japanese celebrity once when we went out for dinner with him, and Matthew already knew who it was. This particular story isn’t so impressive. I believe the story of Matt having to reprogram the Rakuten Mobile page so that I could sign up with them is more impressive. Last week, Kenichi asked if I knew where a place was that is related to moving out stuff we have to do. I said “Matthew knows. He knows everything” and Kenichi said “ああ!さすがマシュー!" Which is just like “as expected, Matthew genius’d again”. I Kenichi would marry Matt if it were allowed.
The final story was the story about Kenichi’s birthday last year and Christmas. It took me a really long time to get to the point in our friendship where Kenichi invited us to his house. I tried really hard for a long time, thought that I was probably being a pushy jerk and then I backed off a bit, and Kenichi would be the one to initiate hangs, which was a huge break-through for me. We had already been to his house at least once before his birthday. His birthday party first took place at Kenichi’s favourite restaurant close to his house. Matt, myself and a few other teachers from my school (one an ex-teacher) were all there. We later went to Kenichi’s house where he showed off his Google Home and the cake was brought out. Matt helped Kenichi cut his cake and then I fed him his first bite of cake using a huge spoon and getting it everywhere. Then, everyone else also fed Kenichi one bite of cake each. We later found out that this isn’t normal for Japanese peoples’ birthdays. On Christmas eve last year, Kenichi invited Matt, myself and some other pals to a community centre that his parents run to make udon. We made udon noodles from scratch, cooked them, ate them, did some craft and had a really good time. Then on the way home, Kenichi took us to a hill nearby that had an amazing view of the entire area and we all hung out there for a bit. It was perfect at the time, because we really wanted to be in Australia for Christmas and we couldn’t, but we still got to spend it with our family anyway.
Finally, Kenichi broke into song for a bit for the last part of his performance, but I was already crying at that point.
Some time after his speech, Kenichi and I were talking at the table about all the times we’ve had. He said “there is another thing I remember clearly” and he went on to mention the night that Matt had to fly back to Australia to be with his mum. We had just spent Christmas in Perth, and had flown back to Tokyo the day before. Matt got a message from his brother saying that Matt’s mum had taken a turn for the worse, and things didn’t look so good. We were able to get Matt on a plane the following morning, but I had to stay here. We ended up apart for three weeks, then I went back to Perth for our wedding. The day after our wedding, I flew back to Japan alone to spend another three weeks away from Matt. On that first night, when Matt had just left to be with his mum, I was sitting on the couch in my pyjamas watching Gilmore Girls and I had just eaten avocado toast for dinner. I got a phone call from Kenichi who said “what are you doing? Come and meet me at a cafe in Tachikawa.” I got dressed and met him there about half an hour later. We spent three or four hours together talking about stuff and practicing Japanese and English. He said to me “this is going to be the hardest night for you and you shouldn’t be alone”. That whole period of time was unbelievably shit. I look back on it and I have no idea how I managed to function and go to work and be a person. When Kenichi brought that up at the party, I couldn’t even. I said to him “you saved me that night” and I told him how I don’t even know where the strength came from that got me through that. He said “you know that I have trouble just calling people up like that and asking them to hang out. I just don’t do it. I knew that you needed me that night” and the whole exchange is honestly going to be the thing that makes it impossible to get on the plane.
The food was fancy and tasty and difficult to eat consistently because we had to make the rounds. I tried to let all the teachers from my school know that it meant a whole few truckloads of existence that they attended. I hope they do know, because it’s true. 
I saw Miyo, a beautiful human who works in the office at Matt’s school for the last time, and it was so heartbreaking for the two of us that we just had to walk away from each other.
We were presented with a cake that had a beautiful chocolate message on it authored by Party Master. A retired teacher from Matt’s school who is a beautiful soul came up and gave us two pictures that he had painted the night before. One was of Matt’s school building, and the other was of the cafeteria at Matt’s school. They look amazing and they are framed and he said “never forget our school”. 
Kenichi and Kosuke presented us both with bouquets of flowers and some other people showered us in gifts. Cake was eaten, photos were taken and I only got to consume two alcoholic beverages. We gave our final speech and then it was time for the second party at everyone’s favourite sports themed karaoke place: BASEBALL.
Lico rocked up part-way through this party and she said “I want to sing Korn with you” we were like “you want to what?!” and it turned out she actually meant Natalie Imbruglia’s “Torn”. We made dreams come true. We are going to karaoke with Lico and Kenichi on Sunday, so we have decided to show her some Korn then.
Kenichi and I sang Don’t Look Back in Anger because it’s our thing and he said “this is the second last time we’ll sing this” so the finale is definitely happening on Sunday! 
To be frank, it was too much and I would say I don’t deserve what these people do. Other feedback from other JETs confirms things we always thought were true: no other schools have a Party Master or a Kenichi or a Lico and I wonder about the inner workings of the universe and how your outfits might not always match, but I am sure you don’t look as shit as you think you do.
We are allowed a few repeats on Friday as Matt’s school is having their end of term party, and we are very much there and on Sunday too at karaoke.
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twilightprince101 · 6 years
Singanronpa: What is True Friendship? (Curtain Call)
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Finally able to get this out there, coming to the second most important thing about Danganronpa; the investigations! Lemme just say that I’m really excited for how this turned out, and although it was a long time coming (exams and family stuff happened, my bad), we can finally get back on this train! However let me just say that, while in traditional Danganronpa games, you were able to see what was concrete evidence via truth bullets, I think I might be best to take a more Phoenix Wright route and leave everything up to interpretation. However if you manage to correctly guess what exactly happens before it is revealed, then kudos to you! (if you’d like I could even do a shout out once the full chapter is over) The main thing I’ll retain from the original game is the point and click style format; you’ll know it when you see it. But enough talk, let’s get to it!
ATTENTION!!! Danganronpa is home to lots of graphic content, particularly violence, death and graphic depictions of that death. If you are sensitive to any of these things and several other mature themes, DANGANRONPA IS NOT FOR YOU!!! You have been warned.
For what seems like an eternity, time stands still as all of the animals stare at the scene in front of them. Nobody knows how to react while looking down at the motionless bodies of Johnny and Stephanie. Meena is pressed up against the far wall, eyes staring at nothing while her breathing is as fast as a speeding train’s beat. Buster even refuses to believe it at first. But then-
Chaos unfolds and everyone freaks out.
Gunter, Nancy, David and Rosita scream in terror.
Ember, Jude, Matt, Ash and Mike all begin cursing up a storm and try to wake themselves up from the nightmare they’re in.
Buster and Julee try to hold back their dinner. Julee fails and sprints for the trash can.
Eddie and Riley go still from shock and are still frozen in place
Meena is now curling up and pressing her ears against her face.
While everyone is still freaking out, Monokuma appears, satisfied with the despair everyone is feeling. Although everyone keeps panicking and doesn’t acknowledge his presence, so the bear pulls out an air horn and honks it to catch everyone’s attention.
After tossing the horn, the bear comments on how the scene before them is a sight to behold at how the first murder happened so quick, yet so sloppily. However, he admits that he’s seen worse, and simply laughs, prompting a yell of denial from Mike.
Monokuma: Well, I literally called this the “Killing Game,” so…
The bear then prompts everyone that any questions about the oncoming investigation will refer to the black section of the pamphlets they were all given earlier. He also gives them a red folder with a black number 1 circled in white with the outline of the bear’s head, explaining that it is the Monokuma File, and “Gives all the juicy details on any murder that takes place here!”
Monokuma: We used to have a really cool digital version instead of paper but… well some budget cuts happened and now we’re here.
After wishing everyone (including the culprit) good luck, the bear vanishes once more, leaving everyone slack-jawed from their presented task. Riley is the first to speak up after the bear leaves, asking “Why… why did Johnny have to… how did this happen?”
Julee speaks up as well, stating that she had a slight feeling from the start that the quietest one would be the first to act. “It is the most common in these scenarios after all,” she says. “if there’s one thing I know, it’s that everyone has a dark side.”
But Buster immediately tries to counter this, saying that he’s researched everyone’s history, and Meena was one of the kindest people he scouted out, even going as far to list different charitable things she’s done like work at a soup kitchen. However, Ash and Gunter dismiss this statement as creepy, not taking it seriously. Rosita does jumps in, saying that she knows how certain people behave since she’s been around her kids for so long.
Rosita: I can say for a fact that Meena could not have done this on purpose. I’ve been around a lot of children throughout my life and I can always tell what exactly they’re like after being around them. My motherly intuition is never wrong!
This sparks a bit of debate between Rosita, Mike, Julee and Nancy while everyone else is still freaking out. Buster tries to think of any possible explanation for this situation, still denying in his mind that any of this was happening.
But once Meena begins to mutter “I didn’t mean to” over and over again, everyone stops and rushes to her side, asking her what exactly happened. The elephant is pulling her ears as close together as possible while streaks of tears wash away a bit of the blood splattered on her cheeks. Through a shaky breath, Meena begins to explain the events that had transpired in the room.
“Johnny and I… we were together in here, talking about the notes. Th-there was a knock at the door and, and Johnny opened it and-and she rushed in with one of Ash’s quills. She was trying to kill me I-I had to-... Johnny tried to protect me, but h-he was getting hurt and-and I tried to help but I hit him and then, Steph ran at m-me and… And I…..” She suddenly burst out sobbing again.
The room is silent once again. Everyone present is agape at the Soprano’s confession and doesn’t know exactly how to process what was just said. Even though it seemed like the most logical answer to some, they still couldn’t believe it.
Rosita and David try to comfort Meena, trying to calm her down while Matt sits down and chuckles in shock, trying to find some sort of humor in the situation.
Matt: The first murder of the killing game and it’s an accident. Haha… this isn’t even funny.
Mike then speaks up, saying that while it is shocking, he was silently expecting it due to Meena’s timid nature. “She was meek and quiet, it’s only natural for this to happen. It’s as they say though, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
Buster, however, still states that something feels off about the situation, and all of the attention is turned towards him. Mostly everyone-save for Nancy, Eddie, Gunter and Ember-say that Meena had already confessed to the crime and question his morals.
David: Can’t you see she’s grieving right now man?
Ash: Figures, the morals align with the creeper’s actions.
Jude: What would even be the point of her lying right now if it would get us killed?!
After taking a moment of consideration from hearing Jude’s words, Nancy asks for what would happen if there was an accomplice involved and reaches for her pamphlet, reading the desired segment aloud. “In the case of the blackened gaining an accomplice to their crimes, only the killer, the one that has done the deed, will be permitted to graduate and escape to the outside world.”
While the other Ultimates become more sure than ever that Meena was telling the truth, Buster admits that he is still uncertain and asks Meena if she was certain that her entire confession was true. Perhaps she was mistaken at some point.
After jumping slightly, she stutters out a yes and states that she was absolutely sure. While this does cause more angered glances in Buster’s direction, the showman states that something else still could’ve happened. Gunter begins to catch on and states that, perhaps, Meena didn’t kill Stephanie and that she only THINKS she did so.
At this point, there are three groups;
Meena killed: Rosita, Meena, David, Riley, Ash, Jude, Julee
Something else happened: Nancy
Uncertain: Gunter, Mike, Ember, Matt, Buster, Eddie
After sides are taken, Buster requests that he takes a look around, since he assumes that these games typically include the investigations as well. Nancy confirms this, and also tells everyone siding with Meena that if they are way too hasty, then they’ll end up like Killing Game #14. Everyone in the room is sent a jolt of fear, and then after considering for a bit, Rosita reluctantly allows them their investigation.
Eddie, currently waiting in the hall due to concerns of being attacked, pipes up and says that he wants to help as well. Many are suspicious of him and are hesitant to this idea though.
Mike: Um, yeah, who ask you exactly?
Rosita: I mean… you don’t have to if you don’t want to, you could just leave it to us.
Ember: Yeah, I’m pretty sure we can handle it by ourselves.
Buster waves everyone down and asks that they listen to what he has to say. After giving a confirming nod to Eddie-who is visibly sweating from stress-the servant begins to explain himself.
Eddie: When Monokuma introduced me, he said I- he said I was supposed to obey him, but that I could be a p-player as well. A-and he also likes it when class trials are ex-exciti-cool, right? So maybe if I could-I mean, play too then, it would… be…. Alright?
The entire time he is saying this, he is staring at his collar, as if he’s preparing himself for the alarm to sound and to apologize. Everyone else feels his hesitation as well when they catch on to his worries. But then, the light on the collar turns green and emits a sound similar a the seat belt sign on an airplane, and the sheep gives a sigh of relief, followed by everyone else.
Those insisting that Meena is the killer grumble and go back to what they’re doing. Buster applauds Eddie for his bravery who, in response, blushes slightly and admits that he was scared to death the entire time he was saying that. But after a small talk, the two agree to investigate together, since both of them are the ones attracting the most suspicious glances.
Right before they begin, Buster remembers Crawley’s letter and tries to draw even the slightest bit of courage from it. He recalls Crawley telling him to not be afraid so he can end the killing games and lead everyone to freedom. So with a desire to prove himself to the Ultimates, the duo’s resolve strengthens.
Monokuma File #1
To begin, Buster and Eddie read the Monokuma file aloud so everyone else can hear them. It contains a single laminated paper with a picture of Stephanie’s corpse, a grayscale photo of Stephanie with bits of pink highlights on her fur, and a list of notes. The following is a summarized version of the file:
“The victim is Stephanie Hornbaker, the Ultimate Makeup Artist. The victim's body was discovered in Meena Jones, the Ultimate Soprano’s room. The established time of death is [REDACTED]. The victim was subject to blunt force trauma to the back of the skull, resulting in cranial fractures and immediate death. Several miscellaneous injuries accompany the body as well, including significant lacerations along the torso and irritation on the upper arms.”
The two immediately take notice of how the time of death has been blacked out, despite all of the other details being so specific. To erase confusion, Ember states that different details in murders tend to be cut out in killing games, as they would be defining evidence to the Blackened. “It makes sense,” says Eddie, “since he also wants to make these games interesting for the animals watching.”
Mike is disgusted at how the bear treats the murder as some sick show and not-so-silently curses at the bear.
Matt then asks for what Johnny’s file says and the koala takes out the paper to look for the next but, to his surprise, he finds no such paper. The duo look around to see if the paper dropped anywhere, but once again find nothing. A bit of confusion is passed around to the animals, but then Riley gasps, realizing something that they don’t.
Riley: W-wait… does that mean…?!
A low groan of pain is emitted and everyone stops dead in their tracks. They look between each other for a moment, then once another groan is let loose, everyone looks to the floor to find Johnny struggling to get up. Johnny was alive!
Everyone scrambles around Johnny, Meena and Riley especially. He is still bleeding heavily and the metallic drops of red soak his fur. Rosita looks around the room and yells for “any medical supplies at all” so she can help him. Buster says that there’s some in his room and Eddie runs to go get it while the koala yells to him the details of its location.
The greaser flops to his back and everyone gets in his face, barraging him with a mini-gun's worth of questions.
Ember: What happened?! Did Meena really kill Stephanie?!
Riley: Please, please please, don’t go! You’re not gonna die too, right?!
David: Johnny, what happened here?! Are you alright?!
Amidst all of the animals clamoring to get an answer out of the gorilla, Johnny was only able to look at the soprano, who is currently leaking tears and gripping his paw while apologizing profusely. When he began to open his mouth, everyone went quiet once again. Right before he closed his eyes once again, Johnny spoke to Meena “It’s… n-not your… fault…..”
As the room goes silent once again, Eddie returns with the entire first aid kit. Rosita immediately gets to work, with nearly everyone working along with her. Meena, with a blank look in her eyes, goes back to where she was and begins to sob once more.
Once Johnny is patched up, the mother explains that Johnny will survive. He lost a lot of blood though, so it’s likely that he won’t wake up for a good while. But on the topic of the greaser, the participants talk about Johnny’s last words. Riley says that, along with Meena’s confession, it’s clear now what exactly happened.
This, however, sparks a bit of a debate between the Ultimates, with some saying that it didn’t clear up any suspicion while others say it’s the final nail in the coffin for the soprano. Riley, in an offended tone, accuses those not on Meena’s side for trying to drag out the elephant’s suffering, and tells the Ultimate that he’ll help her out. Meena says nothing in response to this, she simply looks at the stage actor, then looks back down to the floor.
Before the debate gets out of hand, Nancy and Ember calm everyone down and convinces everyone to get back to the actual investigation. Riley goes to Meena’s side to try and talk to her and see what he can do to prove her guilt while the rest of the Ultimates go back to what they were originally doing.
Stephanie’s body
Knowing that they should get it out of the way, the koala approaches the victim’s corpse, suppressing the urge to vomit. Buster looks at the Monokuma file once again and lists the different places that Stephanie was injured so he can inspect them, dreading the thought of even getting close to the body.
However as he’s about to put the file away, he spots Eddie approaching the body to inspect it without a smidgen of hesitation. The showman is astonished by this skill, but before he can say anything about it, Eddie explains the different details of Stephanie’s wounds.
Eddie: Everything in the Monokuma file does match. Bludgeoning to the head, lacerations across the body, significant rashes on the arms. But the one thing I don’t get is why the fur is wet-
Buster waves him to stop before he can continue, asking how he could have been able to just walk up to a corpse like that like it was nothing. A few of the Ultimates are also looking at the servant with a mix of shock and disgust. Eddie doesn’t understand why they’re shocked, but still apologizes.
Deciding it would be best to ask about it later, the showman asks about what he was going to say. Eddie then states that Stephanie’s entire body is damp, like a thoroughly ringed out towel. After trying to think of possible reasons for her fur to be damp, they consider asking Meena about it to clear the suspicion. But since Riley is still interrogating her, they save it for the trial.
Johnny Serafinowicz and Rosita Brown
The duo approaches Rosita, who is still trying to make sure that Johnny is safe and healing. The showman thanks her for her medical skills, saying that if she hadn’t been there, then Johnny most likely would have also went down with Stephanie. Rosita thanks them, but doesn’t think much of her skills, saying that it was just another thing that she needed to know to help her several children.
Rosita: Then again, I suppose that night school for my medical degree wasn’t all for nothing, so that’s nice.
When Eddie asks how long Johnny will be out for, Rosita admits that she isn’t exactly sure. The worst case scenario is that he’d be unconscious for the entire class trial, leaving the group without a key witness. However she still states with certainty that Meena’s actions were simply an accident, saying that the soprano would never do something so selfish willingly.
Rosita: I know for certain; my motherly intuition is never wrong!
The mother allows the two to check Johnny’s body, as long as they’re careful. After the two do a quick inspection, they find that many of the gorilla’s injuries are similar to those listed in Stephanie’s Monokuma file: cuts and bruises along the body and a blow to the head-the only thing missing is the rashes on the arms.
However in place of the irritation, Buster notices something about Johnny’s hands while the sheep and mother are talking about the injuries. He flips over the currently palm-down arm, much to Rosita’s disapproval, to find that the paw is completely clean. He flips over the other one as well, getting similar results. But due to Rosita heavily insisting him to leave Johnny alone to recover, the koala steps away and is unable to fully process what this could mean. He then leaves with Eddie to look for something else.
Ash Spinosa and Julee Hartford
Since he saw Ash right before he ran to his office, Buster tries to talk to the rocker and figure out what she might have seen or heard. The rocker is currently standing guard on the wall with Julee, making sure that nobody tampers with the crime scene in any way, while also talking about possible clues that could be useful during the trial.
When the duo approaches, the two are visibly disgusted by their presence and openly state this as well.
Ash: Ah look, the stalker and the creeper working together in arms. I honestly don’t know why I expected less.
Julee: Heh, to be honest I think they’re practically made for each other considering their hobbies.
The two pretend not to hear those comments and request that they ask the two some questions. Both of them clench their teeth in response to this, but since both of them know the gravity of their current situation, they allow the two to do their thing.
However when Buster explains what exactly he saw and asks the rocker about it, Ash has no idea what she’s talking about and thinks that the koala is spouting nonsense. When going deeper into detail about what he saw and what happened, Ash assumes that he’s crazy, as their rooms aren’t even remotely close to each other like he described.
Julee offers up the idea of Buster trying to pin the blame on her and Ash states that she wouldn’t put it past him. When Eddie tries to defend him by saying that it would only get him killed, the two say that they don’t really know what’s going on in the koala’s head so he can’t exactly say that. Deciding it would be useless to press any further, the koala leaves the two alone and investigates elsewhere.
Severed bed leg and Ember Gibson
In between Stephanie’s body and Meena, the giant bed leg laid on the ground just outside of the small pools of blood. Ember is currently inspecting the weapon herself as well, making sure not to touch it. The bed leg is half bloody and half clean and, due to Meena’s giant height, the bed leg was about as tall as the servant himself. Buster tries to lighten the mood by saying that it only helps with the investigation since he could crawl inside of it for clues.
Ember: You sound a little too enthusiastic to do that.
Buster: ...I like cramped spaces…
The rapper comments that she has finished her own inspection of the bed leg itself and shares her findings with the duo:
“The bed leg itself is the most likely candidate for the murder weapon according to Meena’s confession, the amount of blood covering the surface, and the indents aligning with the two head injuries. The indents themselves are strange though, as they’re both on opposite ends of the pole, even the clean part. It might be due to how tight Meena gripping the pole though; she’s naturally strong after all. However the most confusing thing is the heat of the pole. You would expect the clean part to at least be lukewarm, since Meena was gripping it while attacking. But it’s actually ice cold, like if it was left out during a snowstorm. *sigh* If I had some fingerprint powder this investigation would be done so much faster.”
Buster thanks Ember for the quick briefing and Eddie comments on Ember’s desire for fingerprint powder, saying that she sounds like a detective from an old school movie. The badger puts on a lax, smug expression, saying that before he came to the theater she was actually a pretty famous detective. But when Buster calls her out, saying that she didn’t work for the police, she begins to stumble over her words.
Ember: W-well, I, uh… I mean I still freakgigbph… why don’t you go investigate somewhere th-not here?
Jude Therna, Meena Jones, Jackson Riley, and David Flowerson
The showman and servant approach Jude and David, who are together comforting Meena while Riley asks her questions. When they spot the duo, they whisper something to the racoon and elephant, then get up to step in between the four.
David says that it would be best to leave the soprano alone for the time being, since she’s already on the verge of a breakdown because of Riley questioning her. He isn’t exactly being aggressive, but everything is a sensitive subject to her for obvious reasons.
Respecting their wishes, Buster decides to ask a few questions to the two, starting with who found the crime scene first. Jude freely states that they did, leaving the duo in slight shock. But before they can continue, the jaguar stops any suspicion towards them before it starts, saying that they have an alibi.
The entire night since 10:00 PM, they did a night watch to make sure that nobody tried anything. Although they do openly state their sorrow for not being able to prevent the crime in the end, David tries to comfort the street performer by saying there was nothing they could have done. Jude just shakes their head as if to shake away their doubts, then tells the three about the details of the night watch:
10:00 PM: Nightwatch begins. Buster is spotted running to his office, leaving his door open behind him. They checked his room for anything suspicious, but found nothing.
Buster looks away red cheeked at how obvious he must have seemed while he was “sneaking away.”
10:13 PM: Meena leaves her room while holding a letter in her hands, looking around as if she was trying to sneak somewhere. As she crossed the hall Jude intercepted her and began to ask where exactly she was going, startling her in the process. She then slips their note underneath Stephanie’s door and runs back to her room. Jude tries to knock on the door to see what the note had on it, but there was no answer.
10:59 PM: Jude does not go into too much detail about what happens, simply stating that they had stomach troubles and went to the downstairs men’s bathroom.
Jude: I swear we need more healthy things to eat in this stupid place.
Around 11:06 PM: David joins the jaguar in their bathroom suffering session.
11:13 PM: As the jaguar left the bathroom, a scream rang out, most likely Meena’s. They ran back up to her room, with David close behind, and then saw the crime already committed. Once the two had seen the scene, the Body Discovery Announcement played.
When asked by Eddie why the two went to the downstairs bathroom instead of their own, Jude states that their room was at the other end of the hall and they took watch by the stairs, as it was a better hiding spot. As for David, he simply states that his bad luck struck once again and leaves it at that. Buster guiltily admits that he hasn’t really been paying attention to the room layout.
When Jude complains about the lack of actual meals in the theater, saying that they could really go for a peanut butter-banana sandwich, Buster shamefully admits that he is used to eating the way he does.
Mike Maximus, Matt Pine and Gunter Schwartz
Over to the side, the Crooner, Drummer and Dancer are all talking together about something. From a distance, Buster can hear them saying something about Stephanie and the dorms, but once they spot the two listening in, they back off and don’t resume talking until the two leave.
Inside the bathroom
Deciding that there is nothing else in the main room to investigate, the two look inside of the bathroom for any more clues. Nancy is already in there by herself, climbing up one of the ginormous hand towels that’s the size of a refrigerator for her. When the duo comment on why exactly she was in there alone, she tells them that since everyone else is focused on the crime scene itself, nobody is looking for clues in other possible locations. She also states that her efforts weren’t fruitless, as she has already found something.
Nancy Addams
When the two join Nancy to try and figure out what she found, she climbs to the top of the rack holding the hand towel and shoves it off to the floor, sprawling it out for them all to see. It drops to the floor with an audible SCHLOP, getting a few drops of water on the two larger animals.
When the towel itself is laid flat, the trio finds that not only is the towel wet, it has a few faint red and brown spots sprawled across it. When trying to guess what exactly the spots could be and what the towel is used for, none of them can get a general conscientious. However Nancy does state that all of the spots were on the inside of the towel while it was on the rack. And because of how damp it is, the negotiator states that the towel was used recently, and it was also deliberately hidden from sight.
Eddie thanks Nancy for finding the towel, guessing that it is a very important clue. Nancy accepts the praise, saying that she had a sneaking suspicion that something else was happening. When asked by the koala HOW she knew, she looks away and rubs her shoulder, saying that she’s “had experience with liars before.” However she isn’t willing to go into more detail beyond this.
Messy sink
Spotting some puddles over by the sink, Buster walks over to investigate. There are several wet spots scattered about, with a few drops leaking from the sink itself. But because of the height, it takes the efforts of both Buster and Eddie to see what’s up top.
After being lifted up by the servant, Buster finds that the sink itself is empty, but very wet and slick. Upon closer inspection, the koala spots a tiny bit of fur near the drain and turns on the faucet to investigate, letting the clear water flow. Then, coming flowing out via murky brown water, several strands of small, brown fur come into view.
After being let back down, Buster (regretfully) takes a handful of the fur and tries to take a closer look. Due to the color of the water it appeared brown, but after being dried off by the bottom of Buster’s shirt, the three are able to spot a slight orange tint. However, none of the animals can think of who it belongs to or how it got there.
Exiting the bathroom
Finding everything they could in the bathroom, the three prepare to exit, but are interrupted by Eddie suddenly doubling over and clutching his stomach. Nancy and Buster can audibly hear his stomach gurgling as he winces from the pain.
Asking as nicely but desperately as possible, Eddie requests that the two leave him alone in the bathroom, deciding not to state the obvious. Nancy asks if the servant is okay, but Buster just decides to lead her out of the room for his friend’s sake, making sure to close the door behind them.
Spotting Mike, Gunter and Matt from earlier huddling around each other, the two decide to investigate and figure out what they’re up to. Once again they aren’t willing to talk to Buster, but with Nancy present, Mike suddenly grows a heart. The duo look at each other with the look.
Deciding it would be no use to argue, Gunter presents a small key chain that only contains a silver key and a plastic tag with a cosmetics kit logo on both sides. The dancer explains that, after inspecting Stephanie’s body, they found the key in one of her pockets. Matt also comments that they figured out that it was Stephanie’s room key, and were going to go to investigate.
The crooner then invites the negotiator to go with them and she says yes, but also offers that Buster goes with them. The three show hesitation at this offer and say that it might be best if not much of a big group goes at once, but then Nancy tells them about Buster finding the fur in the sink, stating that Buster is pretty skilled at finding small details.
Reluctantly, they agree. As they leave for the door, Buster feels like he should wait for Eddie to finish so he could come along as well. However considering the fact that they were already annoyed with him coming along and how long it took Jude and David to finish their “sessions,” he decided that it was for the best to just leave.
As the group heads for the door, with Buster being at the tail’s end, the showman suddenly stops and looks back to the door itself. It had a blood splatter along the bottom, most likely due to Stephanie slashing at the gorilla’s leg. 
Going along with a hunch, the koala backtracks and closes the door slightly to peek at the other side. Then, not being sure if he should feel accomplished or anxious, Buster spots a bloodstain around the top of the door with a strange shape. It does not seem like it got there naturally from the fight from earlier.
As much as Buster wants to bring it up, something in his gut tells the koala he should leave it be until the Class Trial, and he runs to catch up with the others.
Inside Stephanie’s room
After unlocking the door and opening up the makeup artist’s room, the five enter to find a cluttered mess. Clothes are scattered around everywhere with no sense of order, a vanity nearby is covered with makeup supplies for different features, varying from fur to nails, and any previous ideas of a clean, orderly room were thrown out of the window.
Mike comments on how unexpected it was for somebody with an Ultimate talent designed to make things look pretty would have a bedroom belonging to a slob. However Matt states that it might be like this so Stephanie could hide something. Right before Mike can scoff at the idea for sounding childish, Gunter says that it might be a good idea to search through the stuff to find any clues.
The group then splits up for the time being, with each animal looking in different places for clues.
Stephanie’s Bed
After cleaning out a bunch of junk from on top of the bed and making sure that everything was tidy, the showman was not able to find any clues. However after looking under the bed, he finds a crumpled up piece of paper that he can’t reach. The two mice, however, help roll it out for them to inspect.
After flattening it out on the mattress, the group reads the hastily written note aloud.
“I can’t sleep at all, I can’t stop thinking about my family. I’m scared that someone might kill me. So far in this theater, you’ve been the only friend I’ve had and the only one I can trust. Please come to my room, I need somebody to talk to. I’m not sure how much longer I can stand being alone.”
The note itself had no signature saying who it was from, nor a name stating who it was addressed to. The group discusses to figure out where it came from, but only Buster manages to figure out that it came from Meena, as Jude stated earlier that she slipped the note underneath the makeup artist’s door. However due to underlying suspicion, he cannot bring himself to tell the others and saves that fact for the class trial.
Gunter Schwartz
After some more searching, the dancer calls everyone over to the vanity to show his findings: a large, thoroughly used set of makeup tools and cosmetics. The brushes had been frayed and worn down, and nearly all of the cosmetics were used to the last pinch of powder.
Mike thinks of this as strange, as he has never exactly seen her with any sort of makeup. However Buster suggests that the fox might have always had makeup on, and they didn’t even know it.
To prove the point, Nancy asks Mike if she’s wearing any makeup, expecting it to be a tough question. But then the crooner tries to pull a fast one and says that, either way, she’s still the most beautiful woman he’s seen. Everyone is taken aback by the suddenness of the comment; Matt whistles and says “smooth.” Nancy goes back to investigating her side of the room while power walking.
Matt Pine
After LOTS of cleaning later, Matt finds a bunch of garbage that he tries to shoot into the wastebasket like a basketball. He’s almost dunked everything, but as he gets to a crumbled up envelope, he stops to take a look inside. After he does so, he calls everyone over so they can all look at the evidence.
The envelope was the one Stephanie had gotten for her respective motive letter. The contents within were similar as well: a news article showing that Stephanie’s loved ones had been kidnapped and a letter from Stephanie’s mother herself. The contents of the letter goes as follows:
“Stephanie,      Please, you need to help me. I’ve been kidnapped and I don’t know where I am or what’s going on. I’m scared and I want to go home, to see you again. I know that this may seem undignified for your mother to say, but I’m terrified. I’m not even sure if you’re safe, these men told us to write notes to you. Please be safe dear, oh god please be safe.      My little munchkin, I love you. I love you so, so, so, so much. So please, you need to get me out of here. I’m not sure what these animals want; if it’s money, get the savings for my student loans from the safe, you already know where it is. Don’t even bother with the code, break it open and give them the money. I want to hold you in my arms again sweetie; I want to feel your warmth again and play bad board games like we used to. I’m sorry for always putting so much pressure on you, just please, help your mother and get me out of here.      I love you my little munchkin. Always and forever. Your loving mother.
After a moment of silence, the five about the letter itself, with Nancy commenting on how sad it was. Matt says that he knows it’s supposed to be a motive letter, but that just seemed outright depressing.
Buster decides to explain to the others why it was written this way. The mother and daughter were always very close, as the father was emotionally distant while she grew up. She was supposed to inherit the family beauty parlor and walked in her mother’s footsteps, although it always caused her a great deal of anxiety to do so. In the end, though, it helped in a way, as that was her driving force to become an Ultimate.
Once again the Ultimates around him comment on how it was creepy he knew these things, but he shushes them and continues anyway.
Right as Buster is about to go into detail at how it caused Stephanie stress and what habits came because of it, a noise comes from the monitor up on the wall, showing Monokuma sipping martini from a fancy glass, despite him being a robot.
He tells everyone that he’s grown bored while the investigation has dragged on, so he’s gonna start the class trial right away, so all of the participants should meet at the front entrance of the theater.
Monokuma: I hope this turns out to be another thrilling, bone chilling, despair filling class trial for the ages! Puhuhuhuhu!
Despite having a lingering feeling of dread and a hint of there being something they didn’t get to in Stephanie’s room, the five head towards the front entrance after gathering all of the evidence that they found. Mike is relieved, as he was getting very tired with trying to clean garbage that was more than twice his size.
Moon Theater Lobby
When the group joins up with everyone else, they find the Ultimates loudly arguing amongst each other with no real side to the matter. Julee, David and Riley, however, are all talking to Ash, with all of them seeming downright furious.
Ash: So what are you saying I did?! Killed Stephanie, took a bath in Meena’s sink, dried off then walked back to my room naked?
Julee: I’m not saying it’s impossible!
Stepping in to stop the fighting, the group asks what is happening to cause all of the commotion. Jude steps forward and points at the rocker, shouting that the porcupine had killed Stephanie. Ash yells back that they’re insane but Buster stops the fighting once again, asking Jude for proof.
The jaguar says fine in an aggravated tone, calling over Eddie, who is off to the side and holding something in his arms, looking deep in thought. The showman asks the servant what exactly is going on, to which the sheep steps forward and reveals what he was holding:
A wet set of Ash’s clothes and a bundle of porcupine quills.
Eddie explains that, right before he went to the bathroom, he flushed the toilet to make sure that it wasn’t clogged. “Just my luck it was…” but to his surprise, after he unclogged it, he found Ash’s clothes stuck in the toilet. It was clear that they were meant to be flushed away and hidden from view.
Ash butts in and tries to give her side of the story, which is simply “I don’t know how those got there, that sheep is trying to frame me!” which, sadly, isn’t much of a good argument in the killing games. As the group begins to argue once more, it becomes clear who is siding with who.
Meena Killed: Rosita, Meena, Riley, David
Ash Killed: Julee, Jude, Ember, Eddie
Something else happened: Buster, Mike, Nancy, Gunter, Matt, Ash
Eddie apologizes to Buster, saying that he can’t side with him this time. With the fur and clothes being in the bathroom and the hand towel being Ash’s height, he believes that the current evidence is leaning towards Ash being the killer. Buster does feel slightly hurt, but knows that he doesn’t mean it personally and focuses on finding the truth.
Johnny, meanwhile, is lying face up on a stretcher colored black, white and red. Rosita explains that, since it would be difficult carrying Johnny to the Class Trial, the MonoCult provided them with a stretcher. Unfortunately, Johnny has shown no signs of recovery, so it’s likely that they’ll have to do the class trial without him.
As the sides continue to argue, the iron plates on the front door begin to hiss and slowly open up, letting out a bit of steam for theatrical effect in the process. Once the steam clears, the hopes of the doors leading to their freedom is dashed, as on the other side is a rustic group elevator.
Feeling the tension lingering in the air, the participants are hesitant to step inside, as the bear obviously wants them to. However with the fact in mind that they are all at Monokuma and the MonoCult’s mercy, they all walk in, with Gunter and Meena holding the different sides of Johnny’s stretcher.
As the iron gate closes in front of them, the elevator begins to ascend higher and higher, making a few of the animals need to pop their ears due to the sudden change in pressure. Everyone is silent; the only noise is the clanking of the elevator as it rises higher and higher.
Ash, trying to not attract any attention to herself, nudges Buster and whispers to him if he believes that she killed Meena as well. Her wide eyes and shaky voice suggests that she is truly terrified, which is shocking considering how she tried to keep a calm demeanor the entire time she was in the theater.
Buster says that, even after looking over all of the evidence, he can not be certain as to what exactly happened. All he can truly say is that, no matter what happened and who is the killer, he’s going to try to find the truth. Ash does not know how to respond to this and steps away, going quiet once again.
Once the elevator screeches to a halt, the iron gate in front of them opens up wide to reveal the class trial room. Black and white checkered tiles on the floor accompany a red circle of carpet, lying underneath sixteen podiums similar to a witness stand in court. One of the podiums has a black and white portrait of the victim of the case, Stephanie, crossed off in red eyeliner and brushes painted over. David openly hopes that the red isn’t blood, but the bear simply chuckles in response.
Set aside from them all is a sort of throne designed for a small animal, and of course, Monokuma is sitting in it, drinking his martini.
Along the walls, blue wallpaper stood alongside golden pillars that reached to the high up ceiling, which stretched until one had to lie on their back to see the top. Along with the wallpaper, crimson curtains stood tall, hiding whatever could be underneath with an element of mystique.
Each of the podiums in the center were the same height, but a few had steps or ladders that allowed smaller animals to look over the stands. Along with being the same height, each stand had a brass symbol bearing logos that were similar to the ones on their key tags. The logos themselves were colored black, red and white. Buster begins to catch up on the theme of everything.
Buster: Two top hats and a cane Eddie: The iron collar he was forced to wear Meena: A treble clef Johnny: Their gang’s getaway truck Ash: Sheet music Gunter: Tap dance shoes Rosita: Plates and a soapy sponge Mike: A bass clef Nancy: A speech bubble Ember: Papers covered with lyrics and a magnifying glass Matt: Drums Riley: Comedy and Tragedy stage play masks Jude: A watch being held in a paw David: A stage light Julee: A microphone used for recording Stephanie: A cosmetics kit
Along the top walls are stadium-like seats, each filled with a different camera used for filming TV shows. When Riley asks what the purpose of them all is, Monokuma states that they’re used for broadcasting the killing game to their respective channels across the world. He wants to get the excitement at all angles, so he can get that sweet despair in HD.
Johnny, after being brought over to his stand, sat down by Meena in a folding chair. His body slides downwards awkwardly, and after a few attempts to sit him upright, she gives up. As the stretcher is set down and Gunter walks to his stand, Meena turns back to Johnny, gives him a hug, then walks over to her stand without saying a word.
With the tension lingering in the air, everyone can feel the stakes of the trail at hand; Buster especially. He thinks about how Stephanie’s death could have been avoided, and what he could have done to prevent it. But after grieving for a moment, he shakes it away, and focuses on the present.
“Somebody in this room killed Stephanie. Whoever had done it… I will find them. I’ll lead everyone to victory, and help everyone live on another day without fear. I’ll face this class trial head on, I won’t back down. This lingering dread, this despair… IT ALL ENDS TONIGHT!!!”
Ch. 1: What is True Friendship (Curtain Call) END
OC Credits
Ember Gibson and Matt Pine belong to @elceetheporcupine Stephanie Hornbaker belongs to @mediasploshion Jude Therna belongs to @twilightprince101 (hey that’s me!) Jackson Riley belongs to ISmellOfStardustAndErasers (deactivated) David Flowerson and Julee Hartford belong to @superlevelup-reviews
Writing and editing
@twilightprince101 and ISmellOfStardustAndErasers (deactivated)
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teafortwo29 · 7 years
Colin Kaepernick Awarded 2017 Sports Illustrated Muhammad Ali Legacy Award
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Michael Rosenberg
November 30, 2017 01:40 PM
“If I was walking down the highway with a quarter in my pocket and a briefcase full of truth, I’d be so happy.” – Muhammad Ali, Sports Illustrated, Feb. 19, 1968
Colin Kaepernick made his truth known when he first decided not to stand for the national anthem. He had a lot of football left to play and a lot more money to make when he made his decision. It was late August 2016. People who were anonymous in life had become famous in death. Philando Castile. Eric Garner. Alton Sterling. Freddie Gray. They were tragic symbols of a society that had taken a terribly wrong turn. As the anthem played ahead of the 49ers’ preseason game against the Texans, Kaepernick, San Francisco’s 28-year-old quarterback at the time, quietly took a seat on the bench.
It took two weeks for anyone from the media to ask him about it. Kaepernick explained that he was making a statement about inequality and social justice, about the ways this country “oppresses black people and people of color.”
“To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way,” he added. “There are bodies in the street,” he said then, “and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”
In the last 16 months, Kaepernick’s truth has been twisted, distorted and used for political gain. It has cost him at least a year of his NFL career and the income that should have come with it. But still, it is his truth. He has not wavered from it. He does not regret speaking it. He has caused millions of people to examine it. And, quietly, he has donated nearly a million dollars to support it.
For all those reasons—for his steadfastness in the fight for social justice, for his adherence to his beliefs no matter the cost—Colin Kaepernick is the recipient of the 2017 Sports Illustrated Muhammad Ali Legacy Award. Each year SI and the Ali family honor a figure who embodies the ideals of sportsmanship, leadership, and philanthropy and has used sports as a platform for changing the world. “I am proud to be able to present this to Colin for his passionate defense of social justice and civil rights for all people,” says Lonnie Ali, Muhammad’s widow. “Like Muhammad, Colin is a man who stands on his convictions with confidence and courage, undaunted by the personal sacrifices he has had to make to have his message heard. And he has used his celebrity and philanthropy to benefit some of our most vulnerable community members.”
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Previous Legacy winners—including Bill Russell, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Jim Brown, Jack Nicklaus and Magic Johnson—were deserving. But no winner has been more fitting than Kaepernick. Ali lost more than three years of his career for his refusal to serve in the military in opposition to the Vietnam War. Kaepernick has lost one year, so far, for his pursuit of social justice.
When Kaepernick first protested during the national anthem, he could not have envisioned the size and duration of the ensuing firestorm. But he knew there would be fallout. So much has changed in America since the summer of 2016, and so many words have been used to describe Kaepernick. But his words from his first explanation remain his truth:
“This is not something that I am going to run by anybody. I am not looking for approval. I have to stand up for people that are oppressed. … If they take football away, my endorsements from me, I know that I stood up for what is right.”
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Kaepernick kept his job for a season before being blackballed by the NFL—and yes, he has been blackballed. This should be obvious by now. Scott Tolzien, Cody Kessler, Tom Savage and Matt Cassel have thrown passes in the league this year, yet nobody has tried to sign Kaepernick, who is fifth in NFL history in touchdown-to-interception ratio. Kaepernick has been called a distraction, which is laughable— his coach last year, Chip Kelly, says there was “zero distraction,” and his 49ers teammates said the same. Most NFL players would rather be “distracted” by Kaepernick than try to tackle the guy who just intercepted Brock Osweiler.
Kaepernick has paid a price beyond missing games and losing paychecks. He has been battered by critics who don’t want to understand him. Some say Kaepernick hates America; he says he is trying to make it better. Others say he hates the military, but on Sept. 1, 2016, as the then-San Diego Chargers played a tribute to the military on the stadium video board, Kaepernick applauded.
Kaepernick has listened to the President of the United States take credit for his unemployment. He has seen others falsely claim that he has disappointed the white parents who raised him. He has heard people discredit him because he wore socks that depicted pigs in police hats and a T-shirt with Fidel Castro’s picture on it. (He has said the socks were only meant to represent “rogue cops” and that while he supports Castro’s investment in education, “I never said I support the oppressive things he [Castro] did.”)
Nobody claims Kaepernick is perfect. Reasonable, woke people can be upset that he did not vote in the 2016 election. But the Ali Legacy Award does not honor perfection, and the criticisms of Kaepernick are misguided in one fundamental way: They make this story a referendum on Kaepernick. It was never supposed to be about him. It is about Tamir Rice and the world’s highest incarceration rate and a country that devalues education and slides too easily into violence.
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Kaepernick is not Ali. He is quieter and not as naturally endearing. Ali was a showman who loved entertaining reporters. Kaepernick does not care for attention and prefers not to do interviews. But they both sacrificed for the greater good at a time when many Americans could not see it was a greater good.
When Ali was drafted into the military in 1967 and refused to report, much of the country disapproved. Ali explained his refusal by saying: “Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go 10,000 miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on brown people in Vietnam after so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple human rights?”
That seems reasonable now, knowing what we do about the civil rights movement and the Vietnam War. But at the time, one prominent American said: “The tragedy to me is, Cassius has made millions of dollars off of the American public, and now he’s not willing to show his appreciation to a country that’s giving him, in my view, a fantastic opportunity.”
That sounds a lot like what people have said about Kaepernick. The man who said it about Ali was Jackie Robinson.
Time ultimately shined a softer light on Ali. For the last 40 years of his life, Ali was arguably the most popular athlete in American history. But in the late 1960s, he was deeply unpopular and his future was uncertain.
Ali was 25 when he was banned from boxing and 28 when he returned to the sport. Boxing historians sometimes wonder what he would have done in those prime years. But Ali did not look at it that way. Instead of focusing on the piece of his career that he lost, he talked about what he had gained: a sense of self, and of purpose, greater than he could ever find in the ring. He risked prison time. He did not know if he would ever be allowed to fight again. But he knew he was clinging to his truth. As Ali later told SI’s George Plimpton: “Every man wonders what he is going to do when he is put on the chopping block, when he’s going to be tested.”
Someday, America may well be a better place because of Colin Kaepernick. This is hard to see now— history is not meant to be analyzed in real time. But we are having conversations we need to have, and this should eventually lead to changes we need to make. Police officers, politicians, and citizens can work together to create a safer, fairer, more civil society. Kaepernick did not want to sacrifice his football career for this. But he did it anyway. It is a rare person who gives up what he loves in exchange for what he believes.
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atrashmouthsed · 7 years
Cliche Help Me Shatt AU
Matt (the nerd for this AU purposes has a crush on Keith who is pining for Lance but Matt doesn't know) to Shiro: Okay look your his brother and according to my sister the only chance I have at impressing him. Will you help me or not?
Shiro (just a normal guy who looks like a jock, doesn't talk much but will fight a leaf for Keith *cough* WHO KNOWS KEITH LIKES LANCE BUT LIKE WHY NOT HELP THIS GUY OUT ??? *cough*: Fine just don’t think this makes us friends or anything. I'm just helping you.   *That cliche shopping trip*   Matt: oh my god Shiro i cant wear this.  Shiro: why not it seemed fine to me.  Matt: THESE ARE SKINNY JEANS AND IM PRACTICALLY SCREAMING HEY  COME MOLEST ME  Shiro: will you just get your ass out of the changing room and let me see?  Matt: *walks out of changing room with no glasses on and probably the only hot thing he's ever worn in his life* See? This isn't me I’m not buying this. Yo dude you even listening to me?  Shiro: *internally* Fuck I’m screwed   *Cliche in rain moment*  Matt: (literally has fallen for Shiro yet found out Shiro knew Keith liked Lance and is pissed he let this continue) YOU KNEW HE LIKED HIM YET YOU LET ME KEEP GOING AFTER HIM?  Shiro: (sort of fucked cause he likes Matt and didn't tell him Keith and Lance got together cause he knew Matt wouldn't hang out with him or speak to him anymore without a reason too) I'm sorry! I just thought why not still help you i mean.  Matt: seriously Shiro? You led me on and just still thought 'oh whynot?' that's bs. Why not just tell me from the get go? Why make me keep coming to you for advice and tips and having to buy new clothes and come to your house every weekend-  Shiro: BECAUSE I LIKE YOU YOU IDIOT 
*fast forward a few days later cause Matt totally just ran away and left shiro alone in the rain*
Matt: *sitting alone on a park bench thinking*
Lance: *just happens to be out for a run and runs by Matt and pauses* hey excuse me? Your Matt right?
Matt: uh yeah hi. Uhm your Lance right?
Lance: yes I am. Don't freak out I didn't ask to beat you up or anything. Mind if I take a seat?
Matt: sure I guess. Public property and all.
Lance: listen Matt I heard about what happened between you and Shiro a few days ago and I understand why your upset. Keith and I didn't know really what was going on nor did we know you liked Keith. But if I can be honest for a minute, I think you know deep down you stopped liking Keith months ago.
Matt: *blushes* doesn't matter besides I don't think my life is any of your concern.
Lance: look man I get it we're strangers and shit but Keith is my boyfriend now and I do think Shiro’s a great guy. Right now he's kind of hurt and sad that you just left him without any explanation. You like him, he likes you. Just go do something about it. Kiss him or fuck him senseless, they worked for me. *gives a wink and runs off before Matt can say anything*
*that cliche last five minutes of movie where they see each other again and crap*
Matt: *running frantically to get to the high school cause its prom and his suit wasn't ready from the dry cleaners* *he's terrified but he knows what he feels and after tonight he isn't sure he'll ever have the courage to do it again*
Shiro: *at prom but just sort of there watching Keith and everyone be happy and not have a care. Allura looks great and she comes by every once and awhile with her uncle the art teacher to make sure he's okay. Keith and Lance want to stay with him but he tells them to have fun and that he really is fine*
Matt: *finally makes it to the high school and rushes the the gymnasium. He looks through the windows and sees that he just happened to arrive at a slow song. Taking a deep breathe he says fuck it and throws the doors open quite loudly*
Shiro: *he’s startled by the loud noise and is surprised to see Matt standing in the doorway panting. He completely misses Keith and lances excited expressions and Allura’s death glare and Coran failing to get his phone to record the entire situation. He continues to focus on Matt as Matt seems to scan the room and then lock eyes with him*
Matt: *is embarrassed cause he's the known nerd and here he is disrupting prom. He's blushing profusely as he tries to find Shiro which shouldn't be that hard really but it somehow is and he finally finds him in the far left corner standing alone looking at him surprised. He starts walking towards him. He's still oh so scared, and he’s sweating and tense and ready to make a dash for it. But he doesn't and instead he finds himself in front of Shiro before he knows it.*
Shiro: *trying not to tear up because he's still hurt of course and everything's so silent as people watch* You're an idiot
Matt: yes I'm fully aware of that
Shiro: *actually starts to cry* do you have any idea what you've done to me?
Matt: I'm sorry
Shiro: *still crying* well you should be. I didn't ask for you Matthew Holt. Yet here I am crying over some space nerd who loves to stargaze a bit too much and can't do anything with his hair to save his life. I hate you
Matt: well *grabs Shiro’s hand* well I didn't ask for you Takashi Shirogane yet here I am making a complete fool of myself for some guy who looks like a jock yet has the softest heart I know and cares very much for his brother. I hate you as well
Shiro: *is silent cause he's honestly so full of emotions he can't speak except somehow he can still cry and he's cursing his body for making him look weak*
Matt: and now Mr. Takashi I am going to kiss you. *there kiss is met with Keith and Lance applauding and Coran sobbing into Allura’s shoulder as she tries to get him to get ahold of himself. Nobody else knows what the heck is happening but they just continue the song and dancing and Shiro nor Matt has ever been happier*
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focalwriterworks · 7 years
The path to new Star Wars stories has been carved and cut and whether you like this first one or not—the first live action Star Wars product to arrive outside of the Skywalker saga (and by product let’s call it Star Wars product B, C, or D to the original main series A)—it's a success for Disney. And though it’s different, let’s say it has a pleasant Star Wars veneer, it still works competitively well in the new episodic, binge watching digital TV and theater world we live in.
The Story: A band of Alliance Rebels—think French and British underground rebels fighting the Nazis in WWII—know the power and destruction of the Empire’s latest weapon called the Death Star. They must at all costs steal the digital blueprints of the planet-destroying spaceship in order to stop the tyranny of an army in possession of such a fearsome device. We do indeed see the Death Star’s strength in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (1977) for which that film acts as a sequel, sort of, to this prequel. Central to the rebel endeavor is Jyn Erso, played by Felicity Jones, whose father Galen Erso (Mads Mikkelsen) is one of the weapon’s creators.
The Goods: For the Disney business model, and for Star Wars fans, the film is a huge plus. There is already, and there will continue to be, endless products and programming as the Mouse that bought Luscasfilm for $4 billion in 2012 will be story-mining details of previous films and characters from those films for decades to come.  And this will be for all demographics and age groups regardless of whether those products are critically received or not.  Which brings us to this semi-inaugural film—not animated like Star Wars Rebels, the Lego Star Wars films or Star Wars: The Clone Wars—but linked in terms of the Rebels’ fight, in a space war, with the Empire just like all of the films and ancillary TV and game commodities before it.
Most diehard fanatics who were there in 1977 won't feel the same however, for Rogue One, as a younger crowd might but that's why rolling these new items out every few years is important—it’s a scientific, mathematic equation that Disney’s quantitative assessment analysts have forecasted accurately—that they will continue to reach out and appeal to a new generation at every turn.  But it’s important to point out, spoiler free, that they didn't ruin Star Wars. Disney and Rogue One director Gareth Edwards didn’t harm the Star Wars legacy or universe in any way, and that’s very important to know going into Rogue One.
The genius of all this is that it’s probably impossible to do so because the originals, Episode IV, V, and VI sort of exist in this historic vacuum.  Yes, in Rogue One they use props, tools, machines, wardrobe and uniforms from previous films—from the 1977 original, specifically—and used one of an infinite amount of moments from Star Wars lore for the Rogue One story but the rest as a whole is mostly a digression like you might see in a midseason episode of The Walking Dead, or Game of Thrones. That’s to say it’s not a massively impressive “episode” (like season five episode eight of Game of Thrones, Wildlings vs. Walkers) that makes you drool for more, or want to tell people about it the next day at work, even wanting to talk about it with people who don’t watch. Rather that Rogue One is more like one of those sort of book-to-TV adapted filler episodes with 70% talking and character development, and 30% action. Which still gives us the goods to keep us watching until next week though not as hair raising.
Though Rogue One is not as aesthetically pleasing or paced as well as Edwards’ other films, Monsters (2010) and Godzilla (2014), and I can’t believe I’m saying a Godzilla film is better than a Star Wars film, Rogue One is still well put together in terms of the story and plot territory it covers and the actual war battle sequences that ensue. The best parts of Rogue One are the actual “star wars” dog fights between the Rebel X-Wing fighters and the Empire’s TIE fighters, and blaster-laden land battles in exotic locations, which are extremely well done. And then there’s Darth Vader. Vader makes an appearance in the film, not a spoiler here because you see him in the trailers, but let's just say his appearance in the film and the lead-up to Episode IV is worth the cost of admission.
The Flaws: Edwards knows Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick well.  He is a student of great cinema, and you can see that in his other work.  Most of the awesome, wide vistas and images of great breadth we see in the trailers for Rogue One—very similar to use of great spatial dimensions on screen in Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) and found in John Ford films—are missing from Rogue One’s finished presentation and seem to be only found in production stills used in marketing and advertising.  In that respect the ads sell a completely different, expansive, wide screen creative work that is opposite of the quick, short, almost TV-like one we see in Rogue One.  
It is a well done cover of a Star Wars original, certainly not part of their flagship class A line.  To think they may have purposefully set out to make a Star Wars film, for the big screen, that doesn’t try as hard to be better than the rest is disappointing. Like purposefully not using certain John Williams created Star Wars score cues to amplify emotional moments as heard in the A films. Instead there is a completely new though familiar sounding accompaniment to keep the films separate, while visually keeping it all in the family, which defeats the purpose really. Especially when Rogue One needs that familiar Star Wars theme to help when solid character development fails.
In reality Rogue One is no different then something you might see in an NBC Heroes episode circa 2006, or Agents of Shield, or something from the early 2000's on the Syfy channel, like Battlestar Galactica from 2004. That is to say polished, action oriented with long sequences of dialogue for budget purposes. And while several “shows” from the ‘60’s, ‘70’s and ‘80’s paved the way for Netflix, Prime, HBO, Hulu and their bread and butter serial TV, Heroes and Galactica stand out as the kind of new kid on the block products these streaming channels gunned for. Rogue One could be a part of that category. Even though it’s not TV it certainly feels like it. Not necessarily a bad thing. It’s just not of the Class A Star Wars echelon we’re familiar with when we go to the theater.
Here’s what watching Rogue One felt like to me: since I mentioned Battlestar Galactica, if you saw the original Star Wars film in 1977, in a theater, and then a year or so later saw Battlestar Galactica, the movie, in the theater, you would understand what it feels like to see Rogue One. Sure they’re different, absolutely. And how can you compare anything to the original Star Wars. George Lucas sued the producers of Battlestar Galactica for certain technical similarities to Star Wars: A New Hope, and John Dykstra who was a special effects supervisor on A New Hope also worked on Battlestar Galactica. Regardless, one felt like the greatest space adventure ever while the other felt like the TV pilot space war surrogate that it was. And that’s sort of what we’re talking about here. Coming from a huge Star Wars fan.
Again, I can’t say enough of how much I appreciate and applaud what Disney and Lucasfilm have done. But it doesn’t mean there aren’t flaws. The major error for me in Rogue One (as if I haven’t been critical enough) is the very limited but highly visible use of computer graphics to create two well known Star Wars characters. It's great CG animation, don’t get me wrong, but it's also noticeable as such. So when the rest of the film looks incredibly real, in terms of old school model making and matte paintings, and shooting on location, when none of the characters are animated and along comes a cartoon you really know and feel it and it removes you quickly from the film. Not quite Jar Jar Binks distraction, but along those lines. More like in Tron: Legacy (2010) when Jeff Bridges' computer likeness appeared.
When George Lucas did this with the prequels, Episodes I, II and III, he interweaved an equal amount of human actors with computer generated ones and the finished product while at first was hard to swallow soon turned into a crafty, acceptable balance we learned to live with through those three films. Like watching a foreign film with subtitles, or a Shakespearean British drama, it takes a good fifteen to twenty minutes to get into it and assimilate the presentation. Whereas here when suddenly after an hour of solid human interaction we get an artificial actor well it just feels out of the norm. There’s not enough of it seasoned throughout the film to allow us to get comfortable with it. Sort of cool, yes. But it fails the movie in its disruption. Especially when compared to nostalgic, organic realism of 2015’s Episode VII, Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
The Call: Spend the ten. Regardless of my personal petty criticisms, as a long-time Star Wars fan, Rogue One has some hot action adventure sequences—though not as many as talking ones—and an appearance by the one and only Darth Vader (voiced once again, thankfully, by the great James Earl Jones). Kudos to Disney and Kathleen Kennedy, head of Lucasfilm, for successfully planning, executing and inaugurating the Star Wars Story line for Star Wars where we are sure to see a Star Wars story for everyone. And on every device.
Running time is 2 hours and 14 minutes. Rated PG-13 for extended sequences of sci-fi violence and action.      
By Jon Lamoreaux
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johnnyhasfeelings · 7 years
Thor: Ragnarok was Perfectly Serviceable for what it was - a Thor Movie.
I’ll be the first to say that I’m not a huge fan of Thor movies, and I have a working theory as to why. But first, let’s talk a little bit about the new movie.
    Did it have some fun parts? Yes – the Dr. Strange cameo and Thor rambling about the time Loki turned into a snake were funny. Did it have some good action? The Thor vs. Hulk rematch was pretty good, and Thor fighting with lightning was, admittedly, cool. Not to mention the sheer power of Heimdall.
    That being said, the movie was trying really hard to capitalize on the success of Guardians of the Galaxy, and it showed. Almost immediately, it was pretty clear that Thor’s personality was exaggerated to the level of a Peter Quill or a less harsh Tony Stark. Although he eventually settled more into his character (except for that scene where he flipped out at the guy getting melted – I mean, come on! He’s Thor! He should be able to hold himself together), for the first good chunk of the movie, he seemed really out of character, and here’s why:
    Here’s why I think Thor is funny. Thor is funny because he is an alien. He’s funny because of the way he interacts with the other characters, who more or less all share the same set of experiences that come from being on earth. And I’m not saying that that doesn’t mean that he can’t get a good one-liner in here or there. I’m not saying that he’s incapable of bantering with the others. I’m not saying he’s incapable of having fun or goofing off when all is said and done. What I’m saying is that the cultural and physical disconnect between Thor and the others is what creates fun scenarios. Which is why putting him in his element can be boring.
    The fact of the matter is, not every character can be Peter Quill. Not every character has to be constantly goofing off, acting childish, making everything into a joke. Thor isn’t Peter Quill, or Tony Stark, or Peter Parker, or Rocket Raccoon. Thor is Thor. A semi-serious character who is capable of having fun, but ultimately isn’t this ridiculous character that he seems to have become in this movie.
    Maybe I’m overreacting. Let’s focus on some of the best parts of this movie.
    Dr. Strange. It’s not just my inner Sherlock fan (that I haven’t let out in about three years) that makes me think that Dr. Strange was the best part of this movie. First of all, his inclusion is a reminder of what I was talking about earlier – Thor is best when interacting with characters that he doesn’t understand. Dr. Strange is really confusing, always in his own world, and never stops to make sure that everyone is still on the same page. And the difference in character was really fun – it sort of foreshadowed the relationship that Strange will likely have with a lot of the other characters in Infinity Wars. It also showed that Strange is going to be a more serious character – which I really look forward to. I’m sort of counting on Strange and T’challa, and maybe a little bit of Wanda and Vision, to work on being the foils of these characters who were designed to always be ‘funny.’ Also, Strange’s total control of the situation – his ability to just completely wipe out Loki as a threat – is a good signal that the oncoming threat is much bigger than Loki ever was, it demonstrates the development of these characters really subtlety, and I appreciate that.
    There were also some really beautifully shot scenes to this film. The one that stands out the most to me is when Loki and the Valkyrie were approaching the Grandmaster – the reflection was really fun, and the color was bolder than any Marvel movie I had ever seen. With the exception of Guardians of the Galaxy, Marvel never seemed to focus on enhancing colors, but they did in this movie, and it really made a difference to me.
    However, there were some things that were just too dumb or too pointless for me to handle. The existence of the Executioner seemed pointless, some scenes had really terrible animation and green screen effects. It tries really hard, and, while a lot of critics seemed to be convinced by it, I glanced at a couple reviews, it doesn’t resonate with me as much more than just another attempt to tag onto the success of Guardians of the Galaxy. (This coming from a Marvel fan who didn’t like Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. At least Ragnarok had actual purpose in placing Thor and the Hulk where they needed to be for Infinity Wars.)
    From the Matt Damon, Luke Hemsworth, and Jeff Goldblum cameos, to the strange and sometimes forced humor of “the Devil’s Anus”, this movie seems like it was just trying to be a meme. So, at least it attempted to be entertaining. It does have that over the other Thor movies.  
    Jeff Goldblum… was just Jeff Goldblum. And while Paul Rudd’s extremely different energy was a sort of breath of fresh air in the Marvel Universe, Goldblum was so disconnected it was actually distracting from the movie.
    All in all, not my favorite Marvel Movie (for those of you wondering, it’s Spiderman: Homecoming.) But am I about to critique Marvel for trying to break away from their formula? Absolutely not! There were a lot of scenes in this movie that wwere shot and framed as if they were cells in comic books. And it was actually impressive – not like the scene where everyone is running at each other in Civil War. I think what Thor: Ragnarok is trying to do is break the mold a little more, and I applaud that. I think it was good that it made me a little uncomfortable – that it wasn’t like any Thor movie I had ever seen. So, even if it wasn’t for me – because Thor movies really aren’t for me, what with their gratuitous shirtless scenes, their inexplicable need to have Loki in everything, and their all around awkwardness – it wasn’t the worst movie I had ever seen. Would I watch it again? No, probably not. I’d watch a few of the scenes again, but the entire movie isn’t exactly my cup of tea. Or jug beer. I certainly don’t think it’s one of the best Marvel movies ever made.
    I think Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 sort of lifted the veil of Marvel obsession that I had, and now I’m a little more critical of Marvel movies than I ever have been. When it comes to silly superheroes that don’t take themselves seriously, and ultra-realistic superheroes movies that take themselves too seriously, I don’t want either. I want something in between – something capable of making fun of what Superheroes are, but also recognizing their importance. Something that doesn’t make stories too gritty, or look for a darker version of canon, but also doesn’t throw away heroes that have really influenced people’s lives. What I’m saying is that it’s a really fine line, and Marvel and DC are on opposite sides of that line. And they’re both moving in the same direction – towards the silliness. But Marvel is already so planted in silliness that its becoming distracting. And I don’t want the tone of the past couple movies to be the tone of Infinity Wars.
    But those are just my feelings.
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eddis-not-eeddis · 7 years
Voltron season four thoughts.
Sooooooo, just finished season four. The ending felt really anticlimactic. I didn’t feel like it tied everything up properly. They’re going for an epic cliffhanger I guess. But I’m getting really tired of cliffhangers. I’d rather have an entire story arc neatly wrapped up and then start a completely new one, instead of dragging the same one on and on and on and on and on until it’s starting to fray and nobody cares anymore. 
Randomly Ordered Thoughts:
Matt needs a haircut too. If I were somehow telelported into the Voltron universe, I would set up shop as a space barber. 
The whole brain worm episode made me cringe so hard I got a headache.
I still hate Lotor.
I’m very glad Kieth isn’t dead. But I think this season could have done a lot more with his character and I’m very disappointed at all the lost opportunities. 
We didn’t see much of Matt. He’s a new character and they spent hardly any time with him. I’m disappointed. Everyone was talking about how much they love him, and I don’t know enough about him to care either way. It’s very frustrating. 
We didn’t get to see Slav! I am exceedingly disappointed. 
Why does Allura need all these pep-talks? She should just do stuff. She’s so passive. I hate it. Space princesses should be awesome, not weak minded idiots who need to be spoon fed ideas for literally every action they ever make. 
Shiro was kind of a jerk to Kieth, and I am miffed.
Why did Lotor have to kill the cat lady? She was the coolest.
The episode where Pidge goes looking for Matt had so much potential! And they Ruined. It. 
That’s the whole problem with this show. It has potential, but they never tap into it! 
I really hate the mice. 
How does Pidge manage to wear glasses that are not prescribed for her? It doesn’t even appear that she needs them.
I love that Lance finally has a purpose. Thwarting Mallura, and I applaud him. I might possibly like Matt’s character, and I wouldn't wish Allura on any character I like. 
Why can’t Lotor be dead yet???
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