#if any writers want to give me some pointers let me know
stjohnstarling · 4 months
do you have any basic pointers for writers who might want to try out doing a serialised story online but have no idea where to start?
I'm hesitant to give too much general advice because every situation is specific - what you should do depends on what you're writing, your goals with your book, and where you're at with regards to community, connections, and followers. There isn't a lot of one-size-fits-all advice I can give that isn't me making up scenarios and speculating about them. That being said I can point you towards a couple platforms.
I serialize my novels via a newsletter hosted on Substack, though I have VERY mixed feelings about Substack as a platform. I am a fan of newsletters in general though. They have some significant benefits - for instance you can download and keep your subscriber list, so you don't have the problem of being trapped on any individual platform. They're free below certain subscriber thresholds, however most services do cost money once you get a large enough audience, they can be a bit involved to set up, and you have to do the heavy lifting of getting people to subscribe. Off the top of my head, newsletter hosts include: Beehiiv, Buttondown, Ghost, Substack, Mailchimp, GoDaddy, and ConvertKit, but there’s loads more out there.
I am aware of Wattpad, Ream, RoyalRoad, and Radish as serial platforms but have not explored them and cannot speak to how they work. Some of those cater to specific kinds of books. Wattpad is the biggest and most general one.
If you consider your book broadly "fannish" you can serialize it on AO3 (it's a grey area, I would read that page before deciding.)
You can also always host it on your own website and link to there from whatever social media you use. I'm less familiar with web hosts though. (Neocities is popular but you'd have to want to play with HTML. If you don't want to do that, maybe Wordpress?)
I hear a lot of people talking about feeling abandoned and ignored when making the jump from fanfiction to original writing. So, breaking my own rule immediately, (you can see I'm making an assumption here based on this being Tumblr) one piece of advice I'll give is that if you're starting from scratch BUT you're in a fandom, writing something original that still appeals to other fans is a good way of bridging the gap between fanfiction and original writing - e.g. if you're into OFMD and you write an original novel about gay pirates, you're a Good Omens fan and you write a novel about angels and demons, etc.
Oops that ended up super long. Followers let me know if there are any platforms I missed!
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 months
I hope you are doing well.
I've been thinking/trying to get into the DC fandom for a while now but I'm not sure how to go about it (two of my QPPs are very into it and I want to understand more of the references they make and it also just sounds like fun), and I was wondering if you might be able to give me a few pointers on what to look at first and such please?
Thank you so much.
Hello!!! 👋
I hope you're doing well as well!!!!
Canon material can be extremely daunting, so I completely understand.
There's one main rule for DC: DC stands for Disregard Canon.
Basically, not even the writers themselves can keep stories straight or timelines in order. Even simple facts, such as who's the first Robin or which state Gotham is located in, have various answers depending on what material you consume. However, there are "facts" that are more widely accepted (like Dick Grayson being the first Robin or Gotham being located in New Jersey).
If you have any questions, definitely feel free to send another ask, reblog, comment, etc.
As far as advice for getting into canon material, I suggest picking a character you find interesting and holding onto them for dear life. It can be overwhelming with all the characters, so start with one. Learn what you can about them and branch out when you're comfortable or find a different character you like.
There's a ton of reading lists for various characters ^^ Quite a few great Tumblr blogs have their own curated lists for characters.
There's also a plethora of avenues to consume content. Comics are the main source, but feel free to check out the other stuff too!
If you like video games, I highly recommend the Arkham Series (a trilogy with a prequel).
For shows, there's both live action ones and animated ones.
For movies, there are a ton of live action and animated ones. One of my absolute favorites is UtRH (Under the Red Hood).
You do not have to start with comics.
I'm not really sure how to make reading comics a group thing, but the other ones can definitely be a bonding activity! I was watching the Batman Begin movie with some loved ones and had a lot of fun criticizing how different it was from other canon material. They didn't know quite as much about DC lore, but they liked the cool tidbits I added (basically I was screaming "who the fuck is Rachel" for the entire movie).
Hopefully, that was helpful. Let me know if I need to clarify or expand on anything!!!!
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Proposing to Wanderer♡
Contents: Fluff, and a very flustered lil puppet boy.
TW: none.
100% proofread♡
Hai:) I have no idea how to work tumblr, or what the customs and things are(I'm from wattpad. Disappointing, I know🫠.) But, I do hope you like this:)
(I definitely used a Character.ai bot I made to help with this because writers block grabs me in a f*cking CHOKEHOLD—)
Warning, maybe a little ooc<3
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Wanderer was minding his business up until a few hours ago. Oh, how he longed for that silence now...
While he definitely likes having you around, heck, maybe he even loves it. – Though he'd rather swallow a cryo slime whole than tell you. – He felt he needed some space today. Yeah, that wasn't going to happen.
"H-hey!! What are you doing?!" He barked. Confused and honestly, slightly annoyed. Feeling the cold metal against his ring finger as you slid a ring with a light blue jewel onto his finger.
He looked from the ring, back to you. Unsure what to say in a situation like this, no one had ever even kissed him. Let alone proposed! How was he supposed to deal with this? To deal with you? With how his stomach felt so tingly and warm?? Ugh! he felt weak in the legs. Like he was about to kneel infront of you like some sort of fool.
"You- dare! I-" He raised a hand with his pointer finger up, as if to scold you. Like a mother about to discipline a child, before he stopped. Realising he stumbled over his words already. The sheer embarrassment from doing so left his face red, feeling his cheeks burn up as he held the rim of his hat and looked away. Hiding his face from you and mumbling a faint something.
It really didn't help with how you were looking at him, with that dumb little grin of yours. You looked so proud of yourself, too. Why? You had achieved nothing from this so far. Unless you actually wanted to see him — a usually calm, reserved and collected person. — A blushing and stuttering mess. He didn't see how you'd get any sort of happiness from that, but he didn't understand humans in general.
"What exactly were you trying to do?" His right eye twitched a bit, still ever so slightly annoyed as he slowly looked back at you. You looked as happy as a 7 year old who had plotted how to steal cookies.
...And succeeded.
"Well, what do you think I'm doing? What do people usually ask when they give another person a ring?" His eyes focused on your lips as you spoke. His ears ringing with the soft melody of your voice. Your words could be as dumb and headache inducing as ever, and he'd still grit his teeth and bear through it to simply hear that soft voice of yours.
Music to his mechanical ears.
He took a moment to process your words, letting them sink in as he tried to comprehend what you were asking. He looked down at the ring on his finger, feeling its snug fit. How suddenly soothing the cold metal was to him now. He turned his head to look back at you, his eyes observing every detail, pore and hair on your face.
He felt his cheeks heat up again. He watched as yours did too. And he finally decides to respond to you. Taking a step forward, one of his hands holding your wrist, he brought your hand up to feel his thumping chest. Murmuring four soft words in response.
"Will you marry me..?"
Hope you liked it. Just double checking. GN means gender neutral, right?♡
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I got inspired from this image off Pinterest<3
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amazingmsme · 11 months
Showing the Ropes
AN: Still trying to catch up😭 I’m just like that bitch with his rock fr. Finish one fic post it, start the next one & it’s already the next day. Post THAT fic & you’re still the same amount behind because that’s how the passage of time works. Through gritted teeth: I love being a writer. In all honesty tho, I love tickletober it’s just a very shit time in my life & this is how I cope. This fic came out way better than I expected, just cause I’m not real big on writing for Mike. Idk what it is about him, but I always feel iffy about his characterization. But this is just a really cute & silly moment between him, El & Nancy.
Mike didn't even know how long they'd been going at it, but he knew one thing for sure: he was going to die. They were going to kill him right then and there.
Nancy was walking through the living room while they were watching a movie and she noticed the way El poked and scribbled lazily at his sides and tummy, eliciting the occasional choked off giggle.
"I can give you some pointers if you want," she had offered out of the blue, catching the both of them extremely off guard. Mike was rightfully mortified while El cocked her head like a curious puppy.
"Pointers?" she questioned, unsure what the older teen could mean. Nancy rolled her eyes fondly and made her way to the couch.
"No, go away! Don't you have a paper to write?" he snarked. El elbowed him in the ribs.
"Mike, don't be rude," she softly scolded. Nancy smirked.
"He's just cranky 'cause he knows what's coming," she teased. Mike glared at her, long and hard. They stared at each other, locked in a stalemate. In the end, it was Mike who broke it off, trying to make a run for it. She easily caught him by the back of his shirt, yanking him back, "God, you're so predictable."
"Nancy, let go! I'm serious!"
"That's the problem, isn't it? He's always so serious," she joked, shooting a wink towards El as she wrestled her brother back on the couch. She managed to pin him underneath her, Mike's constant struggling making it a little difficult for her. He wasn't as small as he used to be, now he was all gangly limbs and much taller.
"Wanna help?" Nancy asked, and El's face lit up.
"I'd love to!"
"Nohoho El don't! She's evil!" he protested, a few nervous giggles slipping past his lips.
"She's nice to me," she reasoned as she helped hold Mike's arms above his head. Nancy gave her a thumbs up before turning "serious."
"Any time you need to keep him in check, just do this," she said matter of factly. El nodded, listening intently. Mike shook his head, knowing where she was going with this.
"Nancy, don't! Whatever it is I did I'm sorry!" he cried, sure she was doing this as some kind of revenge for something he must've done. That's how it usually went, anyway. Nancy laughed in amusement.
"See? We haven't even touched him and he's already begging," she teased and El giggled along, making him blush. "But you didn't do anything- this time. Just thought El could use a leg up in your tickle fights." The comment caused a faint dusting of pink to grace El's cheeks as well.
"She does fine! Don't you El?" he asked, hoping for his girlfriend to be on his side. She just smiled at him and shrugged.
"I kinda wanna see where she's going with this. And just like that, his fate was sealed.
Nancy rolled up his shirt, anticipatory giggled building up in his chest. She made a show of drawing in a deep breath before bending down to blow a raspberry on his bare belly. Mike was immediately launched into a bout of hysterics. Unable to protect himself, he chose instead to hide his face behind his outstretched arm.
Nancy blew a few more raspberries, shaking her head and growling playfully. Mike screeched, head tossed back as loud, carefree laughter burst free from his throat. He tried to plead for mercy, but every attempt at speech was lost to an incoherent giggling babble.
Nancy pulled away to give him a breather, though it didn't last nearly as long as Mike had hoped.
"Your turn!" Nancy's chipper voice sent a strong sense of dread through his entire body. El's grin overtook her features as she swapped places with Nancy. Her eyes were alight with mischief, scanning her prey carefully.
"So I take a deep breath and just... blow?" El asked. Nancy nodded in encouragement.
"Yeah, but you need to do it directly on the skin. Like this," Nancy demonstrated again, scooping her little brother in her arms unexpectedly and blew a raspberry on his neck, making him scream much too close to her ears, but that was her own doing.
El giggled, taking the advice to heart and putting it to good use.
Mike wasn't sure how he was still alive, in all honesty.
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x3no9 · 10 months
For those who have been watching me from the start...
I didn't even know how to sketch stick figures three months ago, then I got inspired by some artists here to try it out. I am a writer (not saying I am good lol) but I have always yearned to draw. So I stayed up day, night, and even during work breaks, teaching myself on paper and an ipad.
The first couple of weeks started out badly, mostly due to my self-loathing. I watched a couple of videos and asked @eyecandyeoz and @judithmactir for pointers. I was moving into my next phase of improvement. Up until last week, things sort of plateaued for me as far as skills. So I tried speed painting and sketching, just letting loose basically. (obviously didn't post any of that here)
Next, I played around with rendering. Since the videos do NOT help me with how to render, I just guessed. Wasn't happy though, so I started using ADOBE In-design four days ago. I use it in ADDITION to Procreate.
So now I sketch and color layers in Procreate, run it through FOTOR with a basic prompt or two using my actual work. It ALWAYS come out weird, but I am not trying to use AI to change my style. This IS the style I have always wanted, but the polished rendering just isn't fully in my skillset yet.
Personally, I find AI to be very helpful, as long as I don't just go with what it gives me. I spend just as long on the "run through" image as I do on the whole process of imagining and drawing it out. Even the latest stuff I posted, wasn't completely finished. I go back and draw all over again.
The reason for this post is to hopefully clarify that my art is NOT AI. I am treating it like an extra tool in the box, like a paintbrush I haven't found yet in Procreate. I hope I didn't upset anyone using some AI in the mid-process, then going over it again by hand. Now that's out of the way, I have a lot to share and am very excited to hear what everyone thinks! CHEERS!
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serqphites · 19 days
hiii fellow dykeeee I hope you're doing well!! <33 I'm really sorry if this is kind of random or abrupt to be bringing up, but I recently noticed that you took your age out of your bio and another anon had asked about your age, but then that ask got deleted. and that, paired with the reblog about that person complaining how adults dogpile on minors who enter sexual spaces, made me just a bit worried regarding all that. I mean, I'm twenty two, and I'm usually really cautious about who I'm reading and consuming smut from, so I often tend to avoid ageless blogs, and of course, any blogs that indicate the person running it might be a minor. so yeah I just wanted to ask for some clarity regarding all that, if it's okay? I think you said in that ask you deleted something about how minors are gonna interact regardless of whether smut writers put a warning, but just from the perspective who's ran a smut account for three years, putting a warning telling them not to interact really does mean a lot and is super important in keeping your blog a safe and legal space. even if minors lie and sneak onto smut accounts, it's just our responsibility as smut writers to ensure we try to avoid that from happening and that we don't let minors into spaces that they're probably not ready for and where adults probably don't wanna interact with them in due to legal and safety purposes. and I know from my experience, putting one's age in their bio helps a lot in terms of keeping things clear and safe for both readers and the account-runner, and I've never seen anyone get tracked or discovered for their identity by having their age included, if that helps at all!! it's usually a totally safe thing to do, and it's just a good way to assure readers, especially adult readers, that they're consuming content from someone of age, and not a minor, which could be really uncomfortable and ofc, illegal
but yeah, that's all!! I'm sorry if any of this came off as scolding at all, that's totally not my intention!! you're a wonderful writer and really fun to interact with, but I just thought I'd give you some of these pointers just to explain what I've seen in my experiences. and I also just tend to avoid ageless blogs, so that's another reason I was a bit worried since I do rlly love this blog and interacting w you!! but yeah that's all!! I hope you're taking care of yourself!! <33 and I'm sorry you couldn't rewatch longlegs :(( hopefully you and your brother can find it online
-- 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
i honestly forget that ppl don’t know my own thoughts if that makes sense, like wdym u guys don’t js automatically know what i’m talking about? i wanna make it clear that when i mean minors i do not mean 12 year olds, im always referring to 16-17 year olds. thats my bad for not specifying.
i honestly just took my age out because i had a bit of a moment where it felt too person, i even removed my name but then put it back up on my profile shortly after. i have not magically aged up nor down, i am still 18+ so dont worry hahaha :)
the reason i deleted the ask was because i felt as though i was a little rude, i was simply just having a bad day and didn’t think it was fair on the anon to respond in a slight aggression when they were just asking a question.
i think i’m going to remain an ageless blog, however i will just stick an 18+ into my navigation post to ensure there is no more future confusion and or worries surrounding my age. sorry for any offence i may have accidentally caused.
please take care of yourself too, honestly so gutted we couldn’t go and see longlegs :( also i adore interacting w you too ur so kind!! <3
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gingerjunhan · 1 year
Hi hi!! 🧈 Anon again and I just wanted to request a quick like, what are they called... Fic headcanons? Like headcanons that go along with a story? Idk
But I wanted to request maybe Jun han and gun-il (separate) with a teen idol. Like JYPs youngest idol that kinda has the same vibe as the last idol I requested? Like they're part of a metal band and can do the death growl and such.
I'm a teen and so seeing my two biases interact with someone like me in a platonic way just brings me so much serotonin ^^
Please and thank you - 🧈 anon
☆彡 🧈anon… your mind? Amazing. This request is basically asking for Gunil to go Dad Mode™️, and dad mode Gunil is one of my personal favorites. Sorry this one took a little longer than usual to get posted- I’ve definitely been experiencing some writers block this week. I hope you enjoy!
word count: 450 (roughly 220 each) | pronouns used: none | genre: sweet sweet platonic fluff | cws: vague mention of eating w/ Gunil
We’re gonna start off with Jun Han for this one. Despite what other people may think, I think Jun Han would be a great help and companion in the JYP building- especially for younger idols who play a string instrument like the bass or a six string.
Lets say your band is fairly new, and you- being younger and probably somewhat new to an instrument- are struggling a bit with rehearsals. I could see Jun Han going out of his way to give you some pointers. He most definitely knows how it feels to be new to music, so he understands the frustration you would be going through. He would tell you everything he knows, and everything he wishes he knew when he was just starting out.
“I know you want to be successful, but don’t overwork yourself. It’ll only frustrate you and make things harder.”
When Jun Han did his “one riff per day” challenge on Bubble, he said he had to stop because it became too much for him. He would advise you to not do things like that, but he would definitely share any benefits a shorter challenge like that would have if you wanted to try it. Musically, Jun Han would be on your side for every step of your idol journey. If you needed help with the more “personal” parts of being an idol…
That’s when you turn to Gunil. (Again, we’re going Dad Mode™️.) Gunil understands the stress that being an idol can put on your life. He would always be there for you, helping you take care of your stress, and making sure you’re taking care of yourself.
“Have you eaten yet today? Make sure to take some time to relax!”
Do you need advice from someone who isn’t a member of your own band? Gunil’s door is always open. Worried about your first performance? He has breathing exercises you can do before going on stage. Missing your friends or family? Gunil knows the perfect trick for beating homesickness. No matter what, Gunil is always on your side.
Gunil can see that you’re much younger than him and the Heroes, so he wouldn’t want you to be in the studio or practicing all the time. He would ask you about your weekend plans, making sure you were taking the time to go out and have some fun. Nobody should be spending all of their teen years cooped up in a practice room, so he’ll suggest some fun activities for you to go out and do with your bandmates or friends. He would almost view you as a younger sibling- always being there for you if you need his help no matter what.
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watercolor-hearts · 2 months
director's commentary ⭐️
[Fanfic Writers: Director's Cut]
This is really dangerous like this, what if I start yapping again and put 10K words here, talking about a lot of stories? 😃
Jokes aside, I'll try to be short. (I always try, it never really works. 😂)
I think I'm gonna talk about the thing I've already mentioned in a previous post about my newest story, Flutter, but now I'm gonna bring a little scene, too.
Lando wants to thank George but he has no energy to speak, so he just leans closer to him to rest his head on his shoulder. When his head lands, he puts his hand on George’s hand so he won’t take it off Lando’s wrist. This gives him the comfort and safety he needs to finally close his eyes and let his body rest.
Basically, Flutter is about George finding out that Lando doesn’t know how to take his own pulse so then he teaches him how to do it.
I mention in the story that when Lando actually finds his pulse and counts it, he thinks it’s quite comforting. When I wrote the story I didn’t really think much into it but when I replied to the first comment I’ve got, I started thinking about it a bit more and mentioned that after that moment, Lando starts taking his own pulse pretty frequently. I think first because he’s happy he can finally find it and he keeps testing himself to see if he can find it later, too, and after a while it becomes comforting and that’s why he keeps doing it, especially after stressful situations or bad days. 
In the beginning, George doesn’t really say anything when he sees Lando doing it, he just smiles because it’s visible that Lando likes it, and he’s glad he could help.
But then once, after a bad race when they’re back on the plane, he sits next to Lando and his fingers curl around Lando’s wrist, pointer and middle finger pressed to his pulse point. Lando immediately looks at him, surprised (and George can feel it on his pulse, too) but then George is like “It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s just me.” And Lando takes a deep breath. 
It’s just George. George is safe. (He’s in love with George and their relationship is developing slowly. They haven’t talked about it yet, they just do more and more things together and grow closer and closer. They kinda just let things happen.)
“Is this good for you?” George asks, and then quickly clarifies, “If I just rest my fingers on your pulse. Because I’ve seen you doing it pretty frequently. It’s a comfort thing, right?”
Lando nods.
“Okay, good,” George smiles softly, “Then I’ll just leave my hand here. Try to have a rest. It was a difficult weekend, you deserve to switch off.”
And if I’m being honest, this now makes me want to write some more pulse-related moments with them. So if anybody has any ideas, feel free to send them in an ask. ❤
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ashleighpray23 · 10 months
heya!! i know you’re asking for tips on writing, and while i don’t do smut at all, i’m here to help!!
first thing, is to space out your writing. idk about everyone else, but me personally when i see a whole fic either not separated into paragraphs enough, or at all, i can’t keep up with it and i end up scrolling. (i have wondering eyes…and tend to forget my place in fics a lot lol)
another thing is that if you tag your works as an ‘x reader’..make sure it’s actually an ‘x reader’. i know it may be fun writing your own name into your fics, or some of your friends names, but its not an ‘x reader’ if you use a name instead of something like y/n, or even [your name]. people tend to scroll away from an ‘x reader’ once they see that you gave a name.
make sure to be inclusive!! don’t mention skin tones, specific hair types, body types, etc. i’ve seen tons of fellow writers get sent some hurtful messages from people all because they had a specific type of person in their mind.
make sure to make a masterlist, a taglist (only if you want to! from my experience they can be quite a handful sometimes), a request rules, a guidelines post, and even an about me post if you want people to get to know you a little more!!
and lastly, don’t let any sort of hate you receive get to you!!!!! it’s all just from some random person trying to beat you down. just delete them, or respond to them if you feel like that’s the right thing to do! i’ve gotten a few mean asks and i barely posted everything on my account just last night-
but send me an ask if you have anymore questions! i’m willing to help a fellow writer out!! i wrote back in middle school, and i’m picking it back up again just for fun. you can even message someone who has written smut before with the questions you have about it. i’m sure someone would be willing to give you some pointers!!
much love! xx
ok thank you for the tips
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sunlitlemonade · 2 months
i rly love your work and it has inspired me to write!! do u have any tips on how to start and the process and other useful info i could use?
Hello! So glad to hear you like my stuff :]
And as for the specifics of writing- there are no universal methods that works for everyone as I'm sure you know. It's very much an artistic process and WILL frustrate you endlessly while giving you joy. Nonetheless, here's few things to keep in mind [in no way are the following pointers 'tips'. I myself am an amateur writer and am in no position to hand out advice. I can only tell you about the mistakes I've made so far and how you can avoid them.]
a/ Write.
An idea seems above your current skill level? Write. You won't reach that level if you don't ever write. An idea feels too lengthy? Well. You'll have to write to ever finish it. Just. Write. I feel like a lot of writers [myself included] get stuck with wanting to write but seldom doing so.
b/ Watch your tenses.
Often you'll skip around with tenses when you write. IDK how common it is but I switch between two tenses most of the times and my angel of a beta [@greeneyesandfingerstripes she's so cool, I adore her] saves my ass and my mess of a doc most days. So yeah! Make sure that's consistent. I once remember one of the best people I've gotten to know online come in and tell me how to adjust a sentence's tense to make it fit better as a flashback. Tenses are very useful in a variety of ways and once you know how to tinker with them to serve your narrative purposes better it will be so much more smooth sailing.
c/ Have fun lol
There's a lot of other stuff to keep in mind of course like where to put emphasis on words, characterisations [I will always, always suggest reading up as much of the character as possible to know them better before you write them], how to set a mood etc. But since you're starting out you should just focus on enjoying writing.
Now, re: where/how to start.... that would depend entirely on the story you want to tell bestie. Trust me, when it comes to fanfic, or at least the kind I write [since I don't do too many AUs], you will find a gap in the story that needles you into weaving a story out of it to fill that hole. Maybe it's a scene that feels incomplete or a dynamic with unrealised potential or a 'what could have been'. Best shot for this is to look at something and go 'this makes me insane'. It could be in the good or bad way. That's what will spawn a story. It could also just be something you desperately want to read but can't find. Be the change you want to see etc etc.
Maybe your prose won't flow well at first. Maybe the dialogues will be stiff & unnatural. That's okay. It's a skill like any other that'll get better as you do it more.
Finally for the process of it: there's no process. Proofread at least once. If you're stuck at some point, let it simmer in your head for a while or rant about it to a friend. 9/10 times that should give you a solution. Sometimes you'll return to a story hours, days, weeks, months, years later. That's natural. Stories take time, be patient with yourself.
Hope that's helpful! just keep in mind that I've been silly since age 4 when I imagined an entire plotline for a lengthy Barbie & Ken break up and made myself cry. I'm here today writing about brothers who love each other but simply won't admit it. That is to say, I've been making up stories before I knew what a story was and have no other way to tell you that I have been insane since day one and have no coherent process for writing/imagining stories.
I'll be happy to help out if you have anything else to ask :] <3
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the-bloody-sadist · 11 months
Uh I hope I’m not bothering you too much by asking this but do you have any tips on preventing info dumping
I’m currently trying to write fanfiction but my sister who normally critiques my writing told me that I’m info-dumping a lot and I tried asking around for advice but for some reason found none so I’m coming to you as I see your open for asks.
Also I wish you a great day/night-
Info dumping is a tough one to cure if you're especially prone to such things - and even harder since I can't see your work and directly address which info could be eliminated! I'll still try to give some pointers, though!
First of all, narrow down. Audiences are smart, never forget that, and info-dumpers generally tend to forget that they can catch on to little details. It's usually an insecurity-based weakness, so you feel as though you couldn't show the info instead of dropping paragraphs. With fanfiction it's a little weirder since this is usually a scene or a few chapters at most and not an entire story, but the narrow down sentiment still applies. DO THEY REALLY NEED TO KNOW ALL THAT?
You generally want only the information that directly affects the character during this exact scene to be conveyed to the reader. Is it useful info? Does it progress the story? Even if this is the case, find a way to sprinkle it out out through dialogue with another character. If this isn't possible and the character is alone, maybe just withhold it from the readers altogether - let them find out as the scene goes along.
I do this as a habit with my readers. I like to create as much tension and unease and emotion as possible, so a lot of times I just hint and hint and hint until the information is discovered. This works especially well for backstory info. Past trauma? DO NOT TELL THE READER. Have the character flinch when another character claps their hands or cringe away from a mirror. That hits way harder than saying "he didn't like loud noises, and seeing himself was an awful thing." It's the show-don't-tell rule, which doesn't always apply, but mostly does.
Another good way to convey info is to do it through strong imagery. Does MC have a past relationship with another person who shows up in the scene? Don't tell the reader that. When they walk in, have MC recognize their cologne from that one wine and dine date. Have them recall the temperature of their skin or the callouses on their palms that felt gritty against their hip. This way, you'll make readers curious while also making it clear that they've fucked or they've dated or whatever you're going for. Sensory descriptions are much more powerful than "they dated last year. It didn't end well, but he still had feelings left for the guy." You know? You can convey all that just by describing MC's emotions when seeing this person, and etc.
Hopefully that helps! Your best friend in info-dumping is going to be strong language, conveying things through stylistic imagery and metaphors that match your writing tone. But, since this is about fanfiction, not a lot of writers embrace a unique style, so it makes sense if this isn't what you're going for. But, personally, this is the best choice if you HAVE to share info with the readers. Make it interesting to read in some way. Otherwise, keep it brief and sprinkle it throughout several different interactions.
Thanks for the ask!
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firstkanaphans · 1 year
Hi, different anon this time, also regarding fic comments 💛
I'm always wondering what type of feedback writers look forward to cause usually I just spout some random stuff and am always on the lookout for pointers (and I'd love to make myself more useful i guess lol). So, putting aside the "all comments are appreciated unless it's outright hate" approach I tend to notice among writers, what do you personally like to see in readers' feedback? What is it that you wish was mentioned more (character dynamics, plot points, structure, etc)?
Another thing, I usually read the comments other people write under your stories before/after I post my own and I have to say, your readers are so fun. They made me burst out laughing on numerous occasions, so love to them all 😘
Lastly, I'm curious - what is the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Oh, I love this question! The answer is probably going to differ from writer to writer, but for me personally, the most helpful comments are the ones that tell me what you liked most about a particular fic or chapter. That could be a plot point, a piece of dialogue, or even something technical about the writing itself. The reason this is helpful is that it lets the writer know what is resonating with readers. So, in BoP, for instance, a lot of people commented early on saying that they liked the way I was writing Aye—how bold and flirtatious he was—so I was able to lean into that in later chapters to give the readers more of what they wanted. 
Of course, as a reader myself, I understand that sometimes picking your favorite part of a chapter isn’t easy. Sometimes you just like something and you don’t really know why you like it. Or maybe you’re too shy or socially anxious to leave a substantial comment (I get it). Plenty of my readers just leave emojis in the comments and honestly, I appreciate those as much as anything else. Truly, all (positive) comments are created equal and any comment you leave will absolutely make a writer’s day. 
But, yes, you are absolutely right! My readers are amazing. Another reason I enjoy responding to comments is because it fosters community and those comments never fail to cheer me up even if I’m having an absolutely horrid day. The first fandom I ever wrote for was Harry Potter (fuck JKR 💀) and I believe my first fic was a Lily/James song fic (remember those??) where Lily told James she was pregnant. I was twelve at the time. Pretty sure I didn’t even know how one got pregnant back then. It’s probably still out there floating around the bowels of ff.net somewhere, which is slightly terrifying…
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tojigasm · 1 year
Hi! I made a Drabble (kinda) about your post of Sam with the gif and i tagged you in it! I just wanted to let you know in case you wanted to read it! I also gave credit to your idea and gif. And if you would like me to take it down I will! I just wanted to write something because it was my first time writing and you inspire me quite a bit (sry if that’s weird) and your one of my favorite writers. If you do read it would you mind giving me some pointers? And please be honest! Thank you so much for you time Love you!
Omg yes of course!! This is so exciting!! The post isn't coming up in my tags but if you'd like to send in another ask linking the post I'd love to read it! Any questions or tips you might have I'm always here to answer! <33
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deancrowleycas · 1 year
I'm writing anon from before. Of course I still get a rush when actually posting things! I used to exclusively write privately so shifting to publishing some things in ao3 meant explicitly acknowledging that in some way obviously I do want people to like it. But, it's a bit of a psychological game. If you pour your heart and soul into something hoping people will like it and then they don't it's crushing. If you pour your heart and soul into something because you wanted it to exist, and then you put it out there in case even one or two other people think similarly, you either don't hear much (ah well, most people aren't you) or you DO hear something and it's a huge unexpected pleasure. I try to never take hits/kudos/comments for granted. I do have some expectations especially after writing for a while and knowing roughly the numbers fics in various fandoms do but it's so content dependent even then. I write things because no one else is, so, either it hits on something that's more widely applicable too, which is cool, or it doesn't, and that's not a bad thing. I write a lot of rather specific ace fanfic for example and obviously the romance side is going to appeal to a wider audience but often times I make conscious decisions to very textually stray away from popular tropes and give them my own spin not because I think that would appeal to most people but because I was sick of reading these things which almost but not quite applied to me. There is an “engagement” trade off there immediately. It's impossible to rate the worth of something like that based on the raw numbers of people who like it!
Basically, just figure out what you believe in before publishing anything and don't let yourself be convinced to stray from that once the story is out there. Of course any writer wants to get better, but that's just practise. You will not get better analysing what other people like. In terms of spelling, grammar, etc yeah sure if you want to get someone to look over and edit those things and give pointers that can be constructive, but even then... I just write what sounds good. Good poetry destroys any rules essays should be following. Your job as a fanfic writer isn't to conform to what is popular, it's to destroy three other individuals who understand exactly what you mean and in the process realise that that thing you thought you were alone in was actually something you had a community in after all.
Hello! I was already asleep when I got this I think, so that's why I am answering now xD
Thank you for your message. I agree with you on all of the points actually, so it was good to hear that. The AU or stuff I have planned most of the time exists because it's not something where I could find much on ao3 - like right now I have a werewolf!AU that's not a/b/o, and I started a little genderfluid Dean x fix-it fic because I love Dean being trans in any form and there is just not enough of that out there :D And then I have an idea for a superhero AU and pole dance fic. So yeah, that's already oddly specific stuff - so why would I expect that it is something for anyone? It kind of destroys the idea of art to just follow what is popular, and yeah, creating something that I feel passionate about and has meaning to me (and maybe three other like-minded individuals to connect with, as you mentioned) only makes sense.
I am also pretty relieved because I guess I connected kudos in my subconscious with the idea of 'how good' a fic is (stupid, yeah - I should know better, after all, I keep running around telling everyone to read fics that are not super popular and not only read fandom favorites because there are so many gems out there), not taking into account other factors like the topic, fandom, etc that come more to the front in your ask. Just thinking about kudos differently already takes pressure away from getting them lol.
And yeah, the part about poetry was also very helpful. Though it's funny that my personal problem is that I am someone who writes a lot of essays and that I struggle because I am trying to break away from that academic writing style, so that made me laugh xD But yeah, I guess I should allow myself to be more intuitive. Play around, after all this is for fun and it should feel meaningful to me. And yeah, it should be readable, but thinking about art like a set of rules it should be following is stupid and snobbish anyways and I am so over that. Okay, a little more private vent following - I did a bachelor's in cultural studies and I spent half of my bachelor's fighting (also defending fan fiction and fandom culture) against rich academics that pretended mass media wasn't art and insisted on 'high art' being the 'purest' form of art and I am SO over those weird 'qualifying factors' of art that are actually often just made to suppress people so I should stop repeating those weird as fuck ideas about judging art and maybe just fucking enjoy it. Like I should know better dammit!!! And I should let myself enjoy my hobbies! :D
0 notes
tittty-bitty · 4 years
Toshi glances at the door of his apartment as it opens at 1:45 am. He was actually contimpating calling Shota a few minutes ago to check in on where he was at. But from on the look of his face you could clearly tell it was an especially rough night. The crime rate spike after his retirement hasn’t gone down all these months later and it hasn’t been easy on Shota. Dark circles a little more prominent then usual, stiff posture as he walks in and a actual frown on his face vs his usual blank expression.
“Do you want me to run a bath? Food? Anything?”
When they started dating Yagi would make dinner for him when he got home and Shota tried to eat it for the first few weeks until yagi caught him throwing it up an hour later as his stomach was still recovering after being kicked especially hard. Now they have an agreement no food unless Shota texts him ahead of time.
Shota responded to the question with a grunt that sounded like a no. Yagi knew it wasnt ment to be rude but rather he hardly can stand let alone talk. Shota wobbles to the bedroom and flops into bed with a groan. Yagi gets up, grabs some items from the bathroom and follows the walking corpse to the bed.
“I understand your tired but I really rather not have the sheets smell like sweat and blood.”
He starts with the capture weapon, carefully unwrapping it from Aizawas neck and tossing it to the side. The jump suit is a little bit of trouble with Shoutas reluctance but he knew it had to be done. Now with the first task of stripping his exsaughsted boyfriend bare he rips open the new package of deoterant wipes. Getting his armpits, chest and neck then skimming over the rest. With the “cleaning” done he gets the lotion out. A nice lavender scent advertised for relaxation, and something that will help with the drying properties of the wipes. With a pat at Aizawas thigh he signals him to flip over, which is a slow process. With that Yagi straddles Shota and starts the process again on his back and thighs. Making sure to add pressure with the lotion step and knows he’s doing a good job with Shotas groan of relief. With a cheeky light pat on Shotas ass, Yagi gets up and heads to the living room again.
Eventually Yagi comes back with a weighted blanket and a candy worm, suprised Aizawa found the energy to turn to his side. Yagi lays the weighted blanket on Shota and holds a CBD gummy against his lip.
“Come on, it will help you stay asleep.”
Shota reluctantly eats it and chews slow while Toshi puts the items back in the bathroom, his gaze following Yagi as he prattles around the room. When he finds his work is done, he leans over and kisses Shotas scalp goodnight and turns to leave but is stopped by a light grasp on his fingers.
“No. Stay.”
Toshi rolls his eyes with love and the firm command as he goes to turn off the lights in the apartment. He comes back to find an impatient glare peeking out from under the blanket. He slips under the covers to spoon Shota when he is lightly and lazily forced into the position of the “little” spoon. Aizawa coiling his arms around Toshis middle, carful of the scar, face smooshed into his hair as his legs wrap around his waist in a death grip. Toshi chuckles at the possessive hold, feeling like a glorified body pillow. They sit in silence for a few seconds when Toshi goes to check his twitter one last time before the silence is broken.
“Why do you do so much for me? It was just a longer shift.”
Toshis thumbs pause in the middle of a retweet of a meme from one of his fan pages. Trying to figure out how to respond.
“Well, part of it is knowing my retirement is what is making the crime rate go up so much. So it’s kind of reassuring knowing that I can take care of someone that is trying to solve the problems that I can’t fix anymore.”
Shota responds with a annoyed grunt. Toshi rolls his eyes with a smirk and craned his neck to try to look at Shotas face.
“And shockingly, I care for you very deeply sweet heart. And I want you to know that your cared for with a welcoming safe home.” Finishing with a kiss to his bicep.
It might be the lighting, but Shotas eyes look very glossy in the lights the blinds fail to shield away. Very odd as his eyes are usually extremely dry at the end of a shift.
Toshi turns back around with a smirk. “Also I didn’t want to sleep next to a man that smells like a highschool track team.”
“Wow, the symbol of peace is a romantic and a jackass. Alert the press.
“Wait till they hear about his octopus of a boyfriend.”
Yagi chuckles as Aizawa tugs on one of Yagis bangs in retaliation.
Shota waits as the CBD starts to kick in. You would think that chasing after villains with agility quirks would put him to sleep but his insomnia says otherwise. He hoping that and holding Yagi in his arms would relax him enough. Not only is he the worlds longest body pillow, but just touching him makes him on another level of comfortable that he didn’t think was possible.
He’s about to start dozing off when he feels a dip in the bed behind his neck. Mochi mews as she bops Shotas head in affection, and curls against his neck with a soft purr. All while Yagi chuckles at probably one of the weird memes his fans tag him in. Shota is to exhausted to do anything more then to let a few tears roll down his face as his heart soars with a realization for happiness. 4 years ago he never thought he would be this content, let alone surrounded by anything like a family.
He leans a little farther into Yagis hair and takes a deep breath through his nose.
“You need to switch back to the citrus conditioner. Just because your an old man doesn’t mean you need to smell like one too.”
“Who knew that a man that doesn’t shower until his scalp can grease a frying pan could be so hypocritical.”
Yagi yelps as Aizawa bites his sholder.
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jadequeen88 · 4 years
Accidental Valentine
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This is my fic for The Citrus Dome Server Lover’s Day Literature Collab! Please go check out The Masterlist and support all of the amazing artists and writers that have contributed.🖤
A/N: WHEW guys... I don’t think I’ve put this much work into a fic EVER. I’ve been feeling pretty bad about my body and wanted to write a reader who struggled with it as well. Who better to boost your confidence than DILF Kiri feeding your praise kink?! I was heavily influenced by this amazing drabble by @rat-suki​ and got permission to use it as my inspiration for this fic.🖤 (for reference, reader is 30 and Kirishima is 42)
Thanks to @afictionalwhore and my dear friend Orchid for the beta read!🖤
RetiredProHero!Kirishima x YoungerF!Reader
Word Count: 5.3k
TW: size difference, oral (both receiving), daddy kink, praise kink (lots and lots of praise), TBH the sex is pretty vanilla but very passionate, both are insecure about their bodies.
When you trudged into work this morning, you didn’t ever dream of meeting your childhood idol/crush, but here you are, staring up at a beautiful mountain of a man. Eijiro Kirishima, or retired pro hero Red Riot, had never come into your coffee shop before and you’d never imagined he would. He was huge. Nearly 7 ft tall and built like a brick house. His hair was back to his natural black with flecks of silver at his temples and hung long and wild around his shoulders. He had on a pair of glasses and wore a dark maroon sweater and jeans.
Even though he’s aged, he looks just as handsome as the young man you fell for as a girl.
The year he made his debut, you were only six, and like most other six-year-olds, you idolized the pro heroes. Most of your friends loved Deku or Dynamite, but you always loved Red Riot. His smile, warmth, and his fiercely protective nature made your tiny heart burst with admiration. Throughout his hero career, you kept up with all of his interviews, the battles he’d been in, the awards he’d won, and his hero rankings. You’d also gotten as much merch as possible over the years and still wore your worn-out, oversized Red Riot t-shirt to sleep in. When he retired a couple of years ago, you still scanned articles online trying to gather bits and pieces of information about the hero, but he wasn’t one to seek out the spotlight. You think that’s probably why he’d always been your favorite. He was a true hero. Serving the citizens and keeping them safe was his top priority. You didn’t want to admit it, but you kept up with him for one main reason… You wanted to know if he was seeing anyone.
You remember being eaten up with jealousy when you’d see his arm around another woman going to galas and award ceremonies. Your sixteen-year-old brain knew that of course, he’d date women. He was a grown man and a pro hero. But your heart would ache, wanting to be the one his soft eyes and pointy-toothed grin was fixed on.
Now those same eyes were fixed on you, his mouth moving and forming words, but you were too star-struck to hear what he was saying. When you snapped out of your daze and remembered you were supposed to be taking his order, you were mortified.
“I-I’m so sorry sir! Could you please repeat that?”
“Sure thing!” his bright smile was hypnotizing, “Just a venti-sized flat white. Have you had your coffee yet? Ya looked a little far away there for a second, kid.”
Your heart leaped at the little nickname. “Yeah, sorry about that! I guess I should get a couple of shots of espresso in me before I try to be productive.” You chuckle nervously as you scribble his order on the cup and turn to make his drink.
“Oh, uhh…” he peeks around the counter to get your attention, “Do you need my name? For the order?”
You freeze realizing you forgot basic, barista 101 etiquette…
“Actually,” you face him, a sheepish grin on your face, avoiding eye contact, “I know your name. You… umm, were my favorite hero,” you blush, and your eyes widen in embarrassment, “you know when I was a kid...”
You turn back to your work, kicking yourself for being so awkward. 
“Really? I think you’re the first person to recognize me since ya know,” he circled his head with his pointer finger, “I stopped dying my hair..”
You turned your head to peer up at him through your dark lashes, a light dusting of blush still on your cheeks, “Well, I like it. It looks good on you.”
The retired pro’s heart was bursting at how damned cute you were. Was this pretty, young girl… embarrassed? Over him?! He watched your tiny hands move as they worked on his drink order, wondering how small they’d feel grasped in his massive ones. Your soft hair caught in the sunlight making you look like a literal angel and he sighed. You reached up to grab a canister from the top shelf and a sliver of soft skin between your t-shirt and jeans peeked through. His gaze became far away and he damn near drooled at the sight. Just how long had it been since he’d touched another woman? Kirishima wasn’t one for casual flings. He always got too invested in whoever he was seeing. So when he and his long-time girlfriend broke things off a couple of years ago, he wasn’t rushing back into the dating scene.
However, things were a little more… complicated than just not finding the right girl to commit to. He was getting older and it was starting to show. Over the past few years, he’d lost his confidence. He’s bulkier around the middle no matter what workouts or diets he tries. Overuse of his quirk has caused stretchmarks and scars all over his skin. He was starting to get crow’s feet and he was overall just TOO big and TOO hairy. He felt like some sort of gorilla walking around in human clothing. Kirishima isn’t stupid or trying to fool himself. A young, gorgeous thing like you wasn’t looking for anything from an old, washed-up man like him. But, fuck… It was nearly impossible for him to move his gaze away from your ass… Oh, the things he’d do to you if he were a few years younger...
You turned to look over your shoulder and notice his gaze… and it’s apparent that he’s checking you out. He looks like a man starved, eyes glued to your ass.
“Well, well, well… maybe he wasn’t so annoyed with my fangirling after all.”
When he realized you’d gone still, his eyes met yours and he quickly averted his gaze. His cheeks turned as red as his hair used to be. You busied yourself with the milk steamer to hide your big, goofy grin. With a new burst of confidence, you decide to take a chance and when you go to write his name on his to-go cup, you write
 “Big Red <3” 
You pause, bite your lip, and think to yourself, “why the hell not?” as you scribble your number underneath the nickname. You turn to give him his drink and your nerves almost make you retreat and make a whole new drink. Then he meets your gaze and your world stops spinning. His vermillion eyes crinkle at the edges as his scared lips turn upwards into a syrupy sweet smile.
When Kirishima takes his drink from you, your fingers brush his for the briefest second and he can tell they’re trembling. “Oh no, I hope I haven’t made her nervous or uncomfortable.” He wanted to go crawl in a hole… That was until he saw what you’d written on his cup.
He stammers, looking from the cup to your face like he’s checking to see if you’re pulling a prank on him or not. Before he can say anything, you bite your lip and look up at him. 
“I’m off work this Sunday. Just… if you’d like to hang out or something.” your gaze shifts and you tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. 
After a moment or two, his face lights up in a huge grin. “Y-yeah, great!” he turns and walks a few steps, then turns around and motions at the cup, “So… I should just, ahh… text you?”
You giggle and it’s the sweetest sound he’s heard in a long time, “That would be nice, yeah.”
“Okay, great!... Talk later then!” He waves and leaves the coffee shop, feeling light as a feather and ten years younger.
Sunday rolls around and you spend the morning making sure the place is cleaner than it’s been in weeks. Your place was small but cozy. For a fleeting moment, you’re a little insecure about how modest your apartment is. You don’t know exactly how wealthy pros are when they retire, but you know he’s more familiar with much nicer places than yours. You decide he probably knew just what to expect on a barista’s salary and tried to put it out of your mind. You checked on the cookies baking in the oven. When you found out through your text conversations that he loved chocolate chip cookies with the large chunks of dark chocolate baked in, you went out and bought everything to make them the same day. You kept watching over them like a hawk to avoid burning them. They still looked pretty gooey, so you decided it would be safe to get changed into something a little nicer. Just as you were about to turn the corner into your bedroom, your doorbell rang.
“Shit!” you looked at your phone and sure enough, you let time get away from you. He was here and you were still in your cropped leggings and t-shirt, sporting a messy bun and dirty apron. You groaned as you realized you couldn’t leave him on your doorstep while you changed. Defeated, you hurried to the door.
You opened the door, hoping that you at least didn’t have flour in your hair, and looked up into the much larger man’s eyes. The realization that THE Red Riot was standing this close to you made your stomach flutter and a goofy grin slide across your face. While you stood there star-struck, he broke the silence.
“Wow, it smells amazing in here!”
“Oh!” you jumped a little then promptly ran over to your oven, “Sorry! Please come on in!” you said over your shoulder as you were pulling your oven mitts on. 
Kirishima walked into your cozy apartment and instantly felt at ease. He couldn’t pinpoint just what it was, but something about your place felt more like home than any place he’d ever lived before. As he finished scanning your apartment, his eyes landed on you taking the cookies out of the oven. The comfortable, domestic feel of the place coupled with your ass on full display as you bent down to remove the cookies from the oven had his jeans tightening. You stood up and he averted his gaze before you turned around, not wanting to get caught checking your ass out for a second time.
“Fair warning, I’m not a talented baker by any means,” you removed your oven mitts after placing the cookie sheets on the cooling rack and flashed a sly grin his way, “But when Red Riot tells you what his favorite cookies are… Ya kinda gotta make them, right?”
Oh… If you only knew how pent up this man was… he debated bending you over right then and there and fucking you until you couldn’t walk. He really hit the jackpot with you… a hot, younger woman with the perfect ass who bakes him cookies and for some reason thinks he hung the moon? Kirishima would have given you a ring right then and there if he didn’t think it would scare you off.
“Well,” he radiated warmth as he looked between you and the cookies cooling on the rack, “If you’re not the sweetest thing! I, ahh… might have gotten you a little something too.” he then held up a 6 pack of your favorite cider. “Because when Y/N, L/N tells you what her favorite cider is… Ya kinda gotta get her some.” he winked and you felt your knees buckle and your cheeks burn. You felt like you were in a fairytale.
Then you remembered that the princesses in fairytales definitely did not wear flour-riddled black leggings, old t-shirts, and dirty aprons.
“OH! Umm, I need to go get cleaned up. I’ll only be a minu-” his massive hand wrapped around your wrist as you walked past him. It covered half of your forearm and a shudder ran through you. You wanted those giant hands to roam every inch of your body.
“Please don’t,” his eyes were half-lidded and his voice was low, “...I think you look beautiful like this.” his calloused thumb traced little circles on your skin not meeting your gaze. His deep voice was impossibly tender.
Now that you’d felt his skin on yours, you couldn’t contain your churning desires any longer. You wanted, needed, more. Rising up on your tiptoes, you curled your fist into Kirishima’s shirt collar and pulled his face toward yours.
You felt him tense up for a moment, then relax into the kiss. His massive hands found purchase on your hips, digging into the pliant flesh there. A needy whimper caught in his throat spurring you on to deepen the kiss. 
It was like your bodies were working around each other in perfect harmony… lips parting at a slow pace, like honey dripping from the edge of a spoon and tongues meeting in the middle to taste each other. You both savored the kiss for as long as you could, eyes lazily drifting open and shared breaths causing your hearts to dance out of your chests. 
You saw him falter, his gaze dropping, and you feared that you overstepped. 
“Kirishima I-“
“Ejiro,” he stopped you with a hand against your cheek, “Call me Eijiro…” his thumb caressed your bottom lip slowly, back and forth. His touch held so much devotion in it.
“Eijiro…” you sighed, looking up at him with pleading eyes, “I need you…”
The giant of a man before you swept you up into his arms and began walking down your hallway. You quickly wrapped your arms and legs around his hulking frame as if you were climbing a tree. 
“Second door on the right,” you were panting into his neck, leaving sloppy kisses all over it. 
You blew a cool stream of air along his damp skin and felt him shudder. A giggle bubbled up from your chest at being able to weaken a retired pro-hero known for being a human shield against the worst villains Japan has ever known. Your little stunt resulted in a grunt and a firm, warning squeeze to your thigh.
“So that’s what we’re doing today, huh?” he tosses you on the bed just hard enough to make you bounce up a little… then he’s on you, placing light kisses all along your neck as he prods your sides looking for a ticklish spot. You can’t remember the last time you laughed this hard and the fact that it was your idol drawing it from you made you dizzy with joy.
“Mercy! Mercy!” you were breathless and your abdomen ached from the forceful laughs Ejiro was pulling from you. He blew a raspberry on your neck as a final tease then relented, sitting up to meet your gaze.
You were absolutely smitten. You caressed the lines around his eyes and the scar that split his lips as your eyes roamed across his features. Every crease, every scar… you wanted to kiss them all. When his gaze faltered and he pulled away to sit beside you on the bed, the feeling you’d done something wrong resurfaced. You sat up beside him and placed your hand on his thigh.
“Eijiro…” your voice was barely above a whisper, “I’m sorry, I know I can come on a little strong sometimes, and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I just…” your eyes meet and his gaze is unreadable.
“No, no…” his ruby eyes drop to the floor, “It’s just that,” he chuckles nervously, “Well, it’s been a while. I’m not very good with casual flings and the like. So I don’t really date much…”
You rise to your feet and move to stand in front of him. Sitting in front of you on your bed, you’re only slightly below eye level with him. You place your tiny hands on his thick thighs and nudge them apart so you can slot your hips between them.
“When I told you that you were my favorite hero,” you reach for his wrist and remove the hair tie from it, “What that actually meant was that I’d watch the news every day just to make sure you were safe.” 
Slender fingers move through his wild mane of silver-flecked hair untangling any knots, “It meant that when that villain with the sludge quirk put you in the hospital for a couple of days, my mom let me stay home from school because I was so distraught,” you pulled all of his untangled hair to the nape of his neck and began wrapping the hair tie around it.
“It meant that my silly sixteen-year-old heart would ache when I saw you hand in hand with a girl in a magazine going out on a date,” you grinned at how silly you felt admitting that. Once his hair was secured in a low ponytail, your hands trailed along his broad shoulders.
“Now that I’ve thoroughly embarrassed myself, I’ll get to the point.” your intense gaze held years of longing for the hero in front of you, “Nothing about this is casual for me.”
Tears pricked the corners of Kirishima’s eyes. Had anyone ever showed him this much tender devotion? All the years he’d taken beating after beating, a glorified human shield, content with leaving most of the game to his friends. He was all rough edges and bulk. He was the one doing the protecting every time. Even in his romantic relationships, he was the one who would give, and give, and give… never asking or expecting to be taken care of. Being handled with such care was utterly foreign to him and it stirred up a deep need he never knew was there.
“Eji…” his glassy eyes met yours, “Can I take care of you?” you sank to your knees, hands sliding up his thighs.
Your hands made quick work of his button and zipper. He shifted his hips upwards to help you ease his jeans down his thick thighs and you pulled his jeans and boxers down in one slow pull. Nothing would have prepared you for just how huge he was. Your eyes widened for a fraction of a second, wondering how you’d get that thing to fit inside your cunt, much less your mouth… but it was something you were eager to find out.
Looking up at him from under your dark lashes, you made a show of lewdly licking your lips. You flattened your tongue and drug the wet muscle from his base right above his neatly trimmed patch of black hair, all the way to the swollen, red tip of his head. You felt the powerful muscles in his thighs clench as his head rolled back and a delicious moan escaped his open mouth. Making your hero come undone with one lick to his cock was intoxicating. 
“Fuck, baby…” Kirishima fisted the sheets praying he wouldn’t come just from your teasing. He’s not sure his pride could handle it. It became a very real threat when he dared to look down at you kissing and licking all up and down his length. Once your mouth had gotten him wet enough, your soft hands joined your warm mouth in worshiping his cock. You met his gaze as you kissed his tip and licked up the pre that was escaping in pearlescent beads. When you had teased him to your contentment, you swallowed him down as deep as your throat would allow, wrapped your hand around his base, and moaned.
Kirishima had many blowjobs in his life. In fact, he’d had some that he would say were pretty amazing… but in all his adult life, he’d never been so thoroughly and enthusiastically devoured like this. He threaded his fingers of one hand in your loose bun and fisted your bed sheets in his other to ground himself. After a minute or two, he felt his release creeping up much faster than he wanted.
He placed his hands on either side of your face causing you to stop bobbing your head and look up at him. He ran his thumb against your swollen bottom lip and you leaned into his tender touch. He bends forward and places a kiss on the top of your head.
“Lay down on the bed,” he whispers into your hair. Nerves starting to catch up to you, you shook slightly as you stood from your spot on the floor. Before you lay down, you remember to take your apron off then lay on your pillows, heart pounding awaiting further instruction.
Kirishima hovers over you reminding you yet again just how tiny you are compared to him. His warm hand covers your knee and slowly travels up your thigh, stopping right before he meets your throbbing core. He runs his hand back down your thigh to gently nudge your knees apart. Leaning on his forearms, he positions himself between your thighs and you gasp at the friction created where your bodies meet. While planting tender kisses on your neck, he whispers, “I need you to promise that you’ll tell me if I need to stop or if something doesn’t feel okay. Can you do that?”
“Y-yes…” you moan as he nibbles on your earlobe, teasing with his sharp teeth but not breaking your skin.
“Mmm,” he places sweet kisses all along your jaw, your breath catching in your throat, “Good girl.”
Receiving praise from him made your chest swell. You wanted nothing more than to please this man you were rapidly falling for. He sat up, legs folded under his body, and slowly slid his hands under the hem of your oversized t-shirt. You felt his hands still on your stomach and looked up from where you were laying on your pillows to see what had made him freeze.
He met your gaze with a devilish grin, “Baby girl…” his thumbs run small circles on your skin, “Did you wear this for me?” 
When you realize what he’s talking about, you hide your face and groan into your hands. You completely forgot that you were still in your old Red Riot t-shirt that you usually slept in. “Oh my god, this is so embarrassing!” you mumbled behind your palms.
Kirishima chuckled and shushed you, “No, no, no… This is the sexiest thing you could have possibly worn.” He pulls the hem of your t-shirt up to expose your tummy, burying his face in the soft skin there. Gentle kisses were placed all along the waistline of your leggings, every squishy part and every little stretchmark that decorated your skin like tiny spiderwebs were lovingly caressed with his plush lips. Having the part of your body you were the most self-conscious of worshiped like this felt more vulnerable than sex.
As the kisses traveled higher, they became sloppier and more desperate. You lifted your arms to allow him to remove your shirt, exposing your plain white cotton bra. The feel of his stubble against your skin as he moaned into your cleavage sent shivers down your body. Instead of paying attention to your neglected nipples, his warm mouth carved a path up the column of your throat, head thrown back to give him as much access as possible.
Kirishima whispered against the tender skin under your earlobe, “This okay, baby?” two large fingers dip into the front of your leggings. You nod enthusiastically, unable to form a coherent answer, “Mmm… I need words, sweet thing. You can do that for me, can’t you?”
“Yes… it’s more than okay,” your chests are touching as he works his hand down the front of your pants.
When Kirishima’s thick fingers slid between your drenched folds, you arched your back and grasped his forearm. Slowly, he spread your slick around, dancing past your clit with each stroke. His teasing was turning you into a whimpering mess underneath him. 
He had all the time in the world and having you melt underneath his touch was the best way he could hope to spend it. After what felt like an eternity of him gently brushing against you, only slightly dipping into your needy hole and barely grazing your clit, you were openly panting and whining. A steady stream of praises flowed from his lips.
“You’re such a pretty girl… such a pretty little pussy.”
“Look at how wet you are for me. Like this, huh? My pretty girl likes my fingers teasing her?”
“I can’t wait to lick my fingers clean. You’re gonna taste so sweet.”
You were so worked up that tears began to form in your eyes, “Eji… I-“
“Hmm? What is it, baby girl? Need something?” His finger drags around your clit slowly, adding a fraction more pressure. 
“Please, I need more Eji,” your nails digging into his forearm were leaving little crescents in his thick skin.
“Sweet girl,” he meets your mouth with a slow, wet kiss, “you can have whatever you want.”
Without hesitation, he sits up and pulls your leggings down with your panties. A groan rattles his large chest when he sees a thread of your slick attached to the crotch. Once his face is buried in between your thighs, it’s a real possibility he might come just from eating you out. 
All the teasing had brought him to the edge as well and he was out of patience. With a few hurried kisses to each thigh, he dove into your dripping cleft. His tongue plunged into your core as he nudged his nose into your puffy clit. 
You cry out and convulse around his face. His arms wrap around your thighs, firmly but gently holding your legs open to give him full access to eat you as thoroughly as possible. When he moves to suck your clit, you know you won’t last much longer. As he nurses on your sensitive nub, you feel the familiar tightening in your lower body. He picks up on this and moans into your skin as he greedily sucks. 
“Ahh… Ahh, I’m- I’m gonna….”
“Oh that’s it,” he encourages you by praising you and massaging your thighs in his massive hands, “let me have it, baby girl. Come on, I’ve got you, I’ve got you.”
Your toes curl and back arches as you’re thrown over the edge. “Oh FUCK!! Coming, coming…. ooooh god… ahh D-daddy!…”
“Daddy, is it? Goddamn”
Kirishima felt his dick twitch and his breath caught in his throat.
He wipes his face on the back of his hands and makes a show of licking his fingers clean as he leans over you, nose touching yours.
“What was that baby?” His voice was strained as he pressed his dick into the warm, damp skin of your thigh…
You bat your lashes and ghost your lips over his as you whisper, “Daddy… please let me ride you. I need you inside me.” The nail in Kirishima’s coffin was when you licked his bottom lip then quickly followed with a chaste kiss.
You waste no time wrapping your thighs around his waist and twisting. He follows your lead and lays flat on his back letting you straddle him. You grab the hem of his shirt and similarly tease him, leaving a trail of kisses along his broad stomach. Kirishima flinches a little, self-conscious of his skin and how soft his middle had gotten over the years. You meet his eyes as you pull his shirt over his broad shoulders and run your hands back down his body. 
“Mmm, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted this,” hands and eyes roamed over the expanse of skin in front of you, “It’s even better than in my dreams.”
He wondered for the hundredth time how got this lucky. You really loved his body? Maybe… maybe he wasn’t in as bad of shape as he thought…
“No,” his hands rubbed your hips, kneading your soft skin, “You’re better than I’d ever hoped to find.” He sits upon the headboard and pulls you closer into his lap, “Now,” he pulls your hair free of the messy bun, “Can you be a good girl and come on my cock?”
You lift your hips and place his tip at your entrance. That alone caused a delicious stretch and you knew it would be a slow process getting him to fit comfortably.
“Yes, Daddy,” your hands wrapped around his neck and he growled as he pulled you into a rough kiss.
“Good fuckin girl.” 
He helped lower you onto his cock with lots of kisses, praises, and gentle squeezes. When you got closer to his base, the pain was too much for a moment. Kirishima used his thumb to rub circles into your clit, shushing you sweetly against your parted mouth. 
“Are you okay, baby?” He brushes your hair off your sweaty forehead with his free hand while his other is still working your clit over.
“Yes, Daddy,” you whisper, “You fill me up so well. I love your massive cock filling me up.”
“You’re gonna make me crazy, you know that? Huh?” He pulls your lower lip into his mouth and sucks. You both sit for a while, exchanging kisses and whispers while you adjust to his girth.
“Are you ready to move now, sweet girl?” 
“Yes, Daddy…” he helps you move, dragging your hips up and down his shaft.
After a few deep thrusts, you both increase your pace, matching each other’s movements. It’s not long before your head is thrown back, tears escaping the corners of your eyes. Loud moans and curses escape your mouth as one nipple is pulled into Kirishima’s mouth.
“Oh, Daddy! Fuck, fuck! Right there, right there… I… I’m… AHH!” Before you can even say anything, you’ve come undone, spasming around his cock. 
“Oh, good girl, good fuckin girl,” you go limp and bury your face into his neck while he slams your hips onto his, chasing his release. The feeling of him using your body to get off makes you dizzy with joy. You lean into his ear whispering, “Please come inside me. Wanna feel you come inside me, Daddy… please, need your come inside me, Daddy.” 
Your slurred pleas against his ear send him over the edge into a mind-numbing orgasm. As he comes down from his high and looks into your face full of adoration, he knows he’s caught… hook, line, and sinker. 
The rest of the evening is spent eating cookies on your couch, drinking cider, and watching your favorite crime drama. The sweet kisses and touches sprinkled throughout the night feel so natural… Like you’ve been together for years instead of hours. 
You end up with Kirishima’s head in your lap, running your fingers through his hair as he closes his eyes and relaxes into your touch. The clock on your wall reads 12:30 am and it dawns on you what day it officially is.
“Hmm?” He opens one eye and reaches up to scratch your scalp. 
“Will you be my valentine?” You bite your bottom lip to stifle a silly grin.
He sits up and pulls you into a bear hug. 
“What kinda silly question is that? Of course. I don’t ever want another valentine besides you.”
Your heart explodes and you kiss him, grabbing his cheeks in both hands. 
“Sixteen-year-old me is absolutely losing her shit right now,” you giggle, rubbing his nose with yours.
“Well,” he grabs your ass and raises an eyebrow, “Forty-two-year-old me is losing his shit right now over finding such a sweet girl with such a sweet ass on her,” he nips at your neck and you squeal.
“Ooh, you ready for another round, old man?”
He growls and throws you over his shoulder. A swift spank to your ass causes you to burst into a fit of laughter. 
“Oh, so I’m dealing with a brat now? You want me to show you what this old man does to little brats?” He squeezes your thighs as he makes his way to the bedroom. 
“But I’m your good girl! Remember?!”
“Yeah, yeah… We’ll see about that.”
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