#if anyone knows where that last pose is from lmk!
captainlexapro · 1 month
Tkachuky Derby & Hughesapalooza - 2024
*click for better detail- apologies for the lighting and general quality of the pics 😓!!*
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acrylic on paper
please don't steal or repost 💚
inspired by this tweet specifically (plus credit to the earliest twitter mentions i could find):
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Made these for my fellow brothers bowls enthusiasts!! Especially those who know it’s all about the intricate webs of familial narratives in athletics. and the concepts of destiny and talent. and brothers as both allies and adversaries. and the bonds between siblings. and…
links to inspo, reference images, and other thoughts below the cut!
THEY'RE DONEEEEEE!! 😭🙌 i spent probably 2-3 full days' worth of time from concept sketches to final products. so much paint. so much frustration. they're still not perfect - there's little issues on both (if you notice something, i promise i'm aware of it!!) but 'fixing' stuff in acrylic often leads down a rabbit hole and i just had to call it and be done.
there's intentional little details on both - let me know what you catch! hopefully you can see them okay 😅
*i know they play each other more than once per season but i only wanted to make these for their first '24-'25 meetings)*
Let's get some whimsy up in here now, boys!
team colors - Panthers Senators
matthew reference
brady reference
Kentucky Derby posters inspo
I wanted to keep the derby poster more 'clean' graphically. lots of derby posters have sharp lines of color and lots of movement, so i knew i wanted large swaths of the team colors somehow (thanks to the ppl that voted on my poll for what the team color shaping should be! i did follow the winning choice lol) chose poses where they look like they are moving in the direction of the 'flow.' generally wanted to keep focus on the idea of matthew vs brady, so i have them 'looking' across the way. was originally going to put in outlines of skylines for cities relevant to them, but that proved to be way too big of an undertaking so i scrapped that idea and came up with some different references. put some detailing for each of them that i'm reallyyyyy hoping you can see when you like zoom into it, but here’s some closer pics:
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their last name is ukrainian for weaver, so i wanted to put a little nod to that somehow. not sure it will translate/be clear to viewers, but i limited myself by making the poster so damn small...*I* know they're there and can see them lol if it's not clear to ppl i will come back here and explicitly say what they are lol
team colors - Devils Canucks
luke reference
jack reference
quinn reference
Music posters inspo
inspired by lolla/music posters. wanted a more 'fun' vibe overall. while the derby poster would be more for say like, putting on a wall or hypothetically used for marketing purposes, palooza was more marketing poster and maybe on a t-shirt, too. definitely wanted a calligraphy type font for the name - just felt it out and came up with that shaping. tried to reference lolla a bit. used the devils and canucks coloring - and combo of those (did you notice?) - for the palette. wanted it to be a bit more pop graphic-ish (and hopefully not too cartoony). used some hockey/venue shapes and references, as well as some little hugheses-specific easter eggs...fun fact: the reference pic i used for jack is the EXACT SAME as his nhl25 cover. they just edited it to have the devils' home jersey colors. (i was like wait a second....i know that pose. bc i've been staring at it trying to paint it for hours!!!)
some pics of the palettes and initial sketches:
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If anyone has fun nicknames for other nhl brothers bowls, i’d be open to making more posters! Lmk!
If u read all this just know i love u and hope you have a good day 🫶
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oneeyedgrimes · 1 month
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Summary: You look too much like Beth. Daryl doesn’t know how to handle that.
Cw: reader kills walkers, angst if you squint and read it upside down, a little arguing, a really shit attempt at fluff. Daryl and reader are platonic.( beth and daryl shippers dni)
A.N: I started writing this before Billie’s album came out but this is lowkey the perfect song for this I’m so glad I waited, I also don’t like this so please let me know if you enjoy! 🩵
definitely not proofread lmk if you see any mistakes!
Imagine Daryl sees you for the first time in Alexandria and he just stops dead in his tracks, stares directly at you and he’s just, stunned because, you look too damn much like Beth.
You had the blonde hair that was throw into a messy ponytail and the blue eyes that only got bluer in the sun, but it was the sweater that really shook Daryl, you were wearing the same exact sweater that Beth wore the last time Daryl seen her.
You looked over at him making eye contact with him and you smiled at him with a small wave though it didn’t quite catch him as he was still stuck staring at you. You started to walk towards him and that seemed to bring him back from the daze he was in, he backed away farther with every step you took turning his back towards you walking over to Rick’s house where he was sat on his porch, you didn’t think much of it shrugging your shoulders chalking it up to him just being nervous about being in a new place.
He avoided you or atleast he tried to, he couldn’t look at you without seeing the girl he failed to protect, everytime he saw you holding Judith he saw Beth, walking thru the prison with Judith in her arms hiding and rocking her to sleep and he didn’t know how to deal with it.
He stayed outside of the walls most of the time, you found it weird at first asking yourself why anyone would want to be out there with those things but now you couldn’t be more grateful he was there when he was. You only wanted to learn how to protect yourself like you saw the group do time and time again, so you went outside the walls. It was around 2 am if you had to guess. it was chilly night so you grabbed your sweater putting it on before you climbed over the gate. You had a pocket knife one you borrowed from Glenn, you also have a small pistol that you stole from the pantry just incase though you had no intention to use it knowing it would be too loud. You walked far enough away from Alexandria into the woods when you ran into a two walkers, you were able to kill the first walker but not without a struggle.
You fell to the ground as the rotten corpse fell heavily ontop of you. You tried your hardest to push the walker off of you but the next walker walked fell right ontop of you and knocked your blade out of your hand as you wheezed from the weight of the bodies. You tried pushing the bodies off of you reaching for your blade but it wasn’t enough, the walker on top opened its mouth about to bite you, you turned your head and watched as a arrow went thru the walkers head and the rotten body went limp on top of you, shortly after the arrow was pulled from its head and the weight was lifted off of you as you were pulled up onto your feet a little roughly, You lifted your head and realized it was daryl who’d just saved you from being bitten. You parted your lips about to spew out some excuse and thank him for saving you but was cut off by his rough voice louder than you’d ever heard it before.
“ tha’ hell ya doin’ out here girl? Ya tryna get yurself’ killed?” You furrowed your eyebrows at him as you tried to speak.
“ Daryl I’m sorry I wa-“
“hell you know ya’ ain’t ‘posed ta be out hea’ by yurself” He cut you off his hands flying in the air in protest.
“I just wanted to learn how to protect myself like you and Rick do” you told him your voice quiet careful not to make him more upset.
“ so ya ask someone ta train you, ya don’ come out here by yurself ya almost got bit wha’ gon’ happen then huh” he got closer to you
That’s when you snapped.
“Don’t. You don’t get to sit here and act like you give a shit about me, You don’t even like me. Everyone talks to me except you! You’ve avoided me since you’ve got here Daryl. You treat me like I’m one of these things” you pointed to the walkers on the floor
Daryl froze then, his face hard and his eyes looked distant it was like he was having Deja vu, it’s like he was back at that house arguing with her again. He looked at you and his face was softer and his lips seems to tilt downward at the sides and he didn’t say anything back. Your head tilted in shock but you didn’t have time to say anything before he mumbled something ducking his head
“ what? I can’t hear what you’re saying speak up”
You furrowed your eyebrows and crossed your arms over your chest. He lifted his head and looked at you and you felt like you had whiplash seeing all the anger on his face completely gone replaced with sadness something you’d never seen on Daryl’s face before.
“ you jus’ remin’ me of her,.. of beth n’ I can’t look at you without seeing ‘er. I can’t talk to ya withou’ seein’ tha’ girl I couldn’ save and I can’t go thru tha’ again I can’t not be able to save ya like I..”
He trailed off turning to the side to hide his face chewing on his lip nervously, your own hands dropping from your chest fidgeting with your fingers as you waiting for him to finish
“Like what Daryl “ you asked quietly
“ like I couldn’ save ‘er”
You watched as he fumbled with his fingers, if you were completely honest you were at a loss of words. you’d never seen daryl look so vulnerable you knew you needed to say or do something.
and he stood there watching you watch him. He dropped his head closing his eyes only opening them when he felt arms around him, he wrapped his arms around you not holding you as tightly as he could but you knew the hug meant everything to him.
“ I’m sorry” you knew it wasn’t enough but that’s all you could get out squeezing him tighter
“ I’m so sorry and it’s not your fault, you can’t save everyone daryl even if you try your hardest the world is just too cruel but it’s never your fault”
You said quietly into the hug shortly after you pulled away looking at him wiping a few tears from your own face.
“It’s not your fault daryl it never was it never will be” Daryl didn’t say anything just nodded still chewing at his lip beofr he looked around
“ ‘ts gettin’ late best head back ‘fore somebody wakes up” He stated looking at you, you nodded and started walking next to him. the two of you made it back to Alexandria getting back into the gates not seeing anyone outside, Daryl walked you home making sure you got in safely, you walked up your stairs quietly opening your door walking into your shared house, you turned and just before you closed the door you called out
“Goodnight daryl” You smiled waving at him “night kid” He said back to you his voice raspy with sleep a small smile on his own face.
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ryin-silverfish · 2 months
JTTW Discord Summer Contest Entry: South Seas Sojourn
AO3 Mirror
-In collaboration with the amazing @ejaysstuff, who did the art!
-I'd say "This is mostly me nerding out about folklore", except that sums up all my recent one-shots.
-An LMK fanfic about Wukong going on a vacation, set between S3 and S4. 
"I'm going on a vacation!"
Before anyone in the noodle shop could let out a groan or a cry of "Again?!", Sun Wukong immediately added, "And you are coming too, MK. I ain't leaving my disciple out of the fun, not after, well, everything."
"But it's okay to leave me out of the fun?" Mei sulked, as she tried to make the tea inside her cup rise up, yet only created a little ripple. 
"Hey, I'm not the one who signed you up for that internship at your uncle's place." Sun Wukong said. "But maybe we can drop by once we are done! Take a break from the heat in the cool air of the North Sea."
"Yeah, the nice, cool, sub-zero-degree air of the arctic zone..." Mei sighed. "Don't wanna beat on that dead horse, but I'm so, so sick of icy stuff."
"Aw, bummers. Guess you won't be a fan of my new tea recipe, then." Sandy poked his head out from inside the kitchen. MK could hear ice cubes clinking inside a glass, and so did Mei, since she perked up within seconds and looked like she was on the verge of backflipping over the counter.
"Sandy, Sandy my man, I'll never not be a fan of your tea recipe!" 
"Uh, where are we even going?" MK asked, in between the sound of icy lemon tea being slurped through a twisty straw. "Don't get me wrong, I'm super duper up to it! But Mr. Tang had been complaining non-stop on MeChat about Pigsy's decision to drag him to Chang'e's virtual concert during summer break, where every major tourist spot is packed with kids. I hope we are going somewhere...quieter, that's all."
"Oh, no worries. It won't be deserted, but it ain't gonna be nearly as crowded." Sun Wukong paused, striking a pose. "We are going to the South Seas, bud!"
"...Where?" MK and Mei asked in unison, drowning out Sandy's faint "Wait, like, Guanyin's place?".
"Out south. In the oceans. Duh." 
"That explains nothi——"
"And no, my big blue friend, I won't be knocking on her doors at Potaloka unless someone needs saving! She's gonna be real busy in the next few weeks anyways." Sun Wukong continued. "For you less geographically gifted kids: it's where Lion City and Betel City are. Ring any bells?"
Mei made an "Oooo" noise. "You mean the place with the mermaid lion? Man, I was so disappointed when I found out it wasn't a real critter working for the South Sea Dragons." 
"I still have no idea what you are talking about!" 
"Ah well, MK, you'll be finding out soon enough." Sun Wukong said. "So go give your Dadsy a holler, and start packing up! We'll be leaving next week or the week after that, depending on when Nezha gets off work." A pause. "Yeah, he's coming too."
"We aren't really going on a vacation, are we?" MK asked, as he dragged his luggage up the creaky wooden walkway near the Megapolis harbor beach. 
Dangit, who knew that mosquito repellent and sunscreen could weigh so much? (Tang and Pigsy were very adamant about the importance of taking enough of these, once they heard the news over MeChat.)
"What makes you think that?" Sun Wukong replied, swishing his tail at the daring seagulls who kept trying to peck it. 
"Well, last time you said you were going on a vacation, you weren't really telling the truth." MK let out a nervous chuckle. "And Nezha's coming too. I don't know him all that well, but he doesn't sound like the kind of guy who'll, uh, join in on the fun just because?"
"Yeah. Sorry again, MK," he sighed. "But you are half-right. It's not a complete vacation, and more of a vacation-slash-summer school, slash-free exposure therapy..."
"What was that last part?"
"Nothing!" Sun Wukong exclaimed cheerfully. "Basically, you are gonna learn how to be a god, MK."
"Relax, bud! It's not as serious as you think." A pause. "How do I put it...hmm, it's like being a hero, but more down-to-earth. Where, instead of people asking you to save them from big bad demons, they are asking you to solve their personal problems."
"Win lottery tickets. And discipline their kids for them."
"Speak for yourself."  
A familiar voice echoed through the evening air. The next second, in a blaze of pink fire, the Third Lotus Prince was standing tall on his wheels, his sash flowing in the wind. 
"Oooh, what did I just hear? Good ol' Brother Nezha, Electro-Techno Third Prince, The Other God You Go To For Lottery Tickets, acting all uppity and serious!" Sun Wukong stuck his tongue out at the new arrival. "Nice entrance, by the way. Very flashy." 
"You know very well I don't answer every desperate addict who doesn't know when to quit, nor do I play games of chance for fun! I play them to win!" Nezha retorted. "Also, thanks for the compliment, Great Sage."
"You are welcome, Laodi."
"Are we really going on a vacation to...help people gamble?" MK nervously raised a hand. "Isn't that, like, against the law?"
"Goodness, what have you been telling your disciple before my arrival? No, what have you left out?" Nezha groaned. "Well, since your mentor clearly hasn't explained our goals properly, I suppose I'll have to substitute for him. Again."
"Hey! Professor Sun is getting to it, Teaching Assistant Nezha——"
"In the next week, we shall be visiting and staying in multiple cities of the South Seas. Now that my true body isn't guarding the Samadhi Fire, I can finally start answering the more tricky prayers," Nezha sighed, "Which will only continue to pile up, since the Seventh Month is imminent."
"Seventh Month?" MK asked, reaching into his pocket with one hand. "But it's August the third already! Lemme check the calendar again..."
"Lunar Seventh Month. Also known as the Ghost Month." Nezha shot a look at Sun Wukong, his expression a mix between annoyance and slight concern. "Someone has picked a great time and place to take his student on a trip."
"What could I say? It sure is less depressing than Qingming nowadays. And they won't fine you for burning paper effigies in the South Seas, or so I've heard!"
"I…no matter." Nezha's look softened a bit, but not by much. "Back to what I was saying. Once the gates of the Underworld open, all the spirits will come out, go visit their families, enjoy the offerings as much as they can under the watch of Dashi Ye, Lady Guanyin's ghostly manifestation."
"We'll be assisting him, much like my brother and all the local gods. Keeping order, giving directions, and all that. In between these shifts, I’ll finally get to perform my duties in my actual physical body instead of the youthful manifestations mortals expect to see, and your mentor is free to monkey around with you and his worshippers at his own temples. All clear?"
"So we are gonna be, like, tour guides and security, but for dead people?" MK asked. "That doesn't…sound too bad, actually! Also, you have a brother, Nezha?"
"No, I pop out of a rock, just like your master." Nezha said flatly, then added, "Goodness, I wish. Muzha can be a bit much, but he's a lot more bearable while on the job, so no worries."
"Someone's getting jealous again, I see," Sun Wukong reached over to pat him on the head, and received an annoyed glare. "Oh, and don't let Nezha's sour attitude fool you, MK. We are still on a vacation, it ain't gonna be all work and no play! And the work won't start until several days later, so we'll have plenty of time."
This didn't seem like a great start for our vacation, MK thought. 
Okay, it did, for about three minutes, after they got off the somersault cloud. 
The palm trees were swaying in the wind, the two-story buildings with red-tiled roofs were glowing under the tropical sun, and Nezha reluctantly glamoured a lotus-patterned T-shirt and some baggy pants over his armor after rejecting Sun Wukong's more outlandish suggestions ("You should totally change your wheels into flaming flip-flops!"). Not a single dangerous, vacation-ruining, world-destroying threat in sight.
Then a giant rain cloud appeared out of nowhere, driving most of the crowd indoors and leaving the unfortunate ones seeking shelter under the nearest rooftops and bus stations. 
Not that it helped much——MK felt like he was standing behind the waterfall at Flower Fruit Mountain again, as raindrops slammed into the ground with a fury and created splashes of watery mists.
"Okay, Nezha, Did you anger the local dragons again?" Sun Wukong asked, holding the monkey-hair-turned-umbrella over MK's head.
"Nonsense! Not even the East Sea ones hold a grudge for this long, and I've never seen a South Sea dragon other than their king," Nezha said, then added, "and my brother's co-worker. Are you sure you have a temple nearby?"
"Eh, maybe. I saw a bunch of faith beacons up there, all clustered together." Sun Wukong shrugged. "Some of these have to be mine."
"Have to be yours? Oh, that's rich, coming from someone who hasn't visited the South Seas in person since the 19th century——"
"And they still love me, bud. Deal with it."
"Um, what's a faith beacon?" MK wiped the water droplets off his phone screen with one thumb, trying and failing to steer his luggage away from the puddles. "I'm not seeing any on CloudMap."
"Well, you won't, unless you are a patron god of IT workers or some other technology-related stuff!" Sun Wukong said. "How do I put it, hmmm…after people have prayed to you for a while, offered enough incense, you can just sense the places they are doing it at. Usually, it looks like a beam or a glowy aura, but some gods can smell or hear it too."
"Wow, that's so cool! It's like a mystical VR goggle. Is it something you can learn, though?"
"Look, I'm glad that you are doing your job as a mentor, but can we please get some actual directions?" Nezha sighed. "Temples here aren't always their own separate buildings. I've been summoned inside too many HDB flats to count, and you won't know that by looking at the beacons alone."
"We are heading in that direction right now. It'll get clearer once I get closer to the place. So be patient, will ya'?"
"Well, isn't that just the most reassuring answer I've ever heard. 'We'll get there when we get there'." Nezha muttered, as the group took a turn into a narrow side street, ducking below the swaying lanterns and multilingual shop signs. "Just so you know, if the rain doesn't stop and we don't get there in two hours, I'm dragging both of you onto a bus and to my temple instead."
"Why, you three sound like you are lost! Need a tour guide?"
Abruptly, a high-pitched, child-like voice resounded through the torrential rain, coming out of the alleyway to their left. MK turned to look at the speaker—
—and stared straight into the lifeless glowing eyes of a chalk-faced monstrosity, its red tongue hanging out of its mouth.
With a scream, his staff was out, and in a split second, connected with the thing's head and sent it flying into the nearest wall. It slid off the yellowed concrete, landed with a splash, then went completely still. 
A spiderweb crack was spreading across its porcelain mask——Oh goodness, it's a puppet, which was somehow even worse.
"Ah. The answer is 'No', it seems."
He nearly extended the staff and hit the puppet again when it spoke, had Sun Wukong not dashed forth and, in one swift motion, dragged a pale specter out of it by the robe collar.
"Glad to see you again, Xiao Xie!" He grinned in a rather dangerous way, like what Mr. Tang said non-intelligent monkeys really meant when they bore their teeth. "Is there any particular reason why you are jumpscaring my student in broad daylight, or do you just have nothing better to do?"
"Yes, because this one knows it will happen!" The specter, still in Sun Wukong's grip, said in a cheerfully oblivious voice. “The vision caught this one by surprise too. It's not every day that you see the Great Sage's golden staff approaching your face at lethal speed, especially when you have done nothing to offend him. Good thing this one did not come in his contractor's body!"
Behind them, Nezha let out a groan. "Oh joy, it's these two clowns again."
"W-W-What the heck just happened?! And what's THAT?" MK pointed at the specter. Outside of that creepy puppet, it just looked like a lanky, unnaturally pale youth in an oversized mandarin jacket and a tall hat.
Before Nezha could answer, another sullen voice cut him off.
"You knew you'd get smacked in the face if you came, so naturally, you possessed the creepiest vessel you could find and headed straight in this direction." The air suddenly got a lot colder. "I don't need precognition to know you deserve to be smacked at this point."
The water in a nearby puddle rippled. Okay, technically, it never stopped rippling because of the rain, but this one was a lot bigger, as if something was about to crawl out.
MK took a step back. Seconds later, the murky water turned inky black, rising up into the air and coalescing into the form of a short, stern-faced kid, wearing the same clothings as the pale specter, except they were all black-colored.
"Darn right, Lao—" Sun Wukong paused, as he turned and took a closer look at the newcomer. "Xiao Fan? Huh, didn't expect to see this you here. Not that I'm complaining."
"I'm absolutely complaining." The kid replied. "Our main souls have been attending one meeting after another at Fengdu since the Ivory Lady Incident, which is why I'm currently on," He shot a pointed look at his ghostly companion, "babysitting duty. You gonna smack him or not? Cause I won't mind if you do, Great Sage."
"Aww, really, Xiao Fan? You, of all people, should know that everything this one sees will happen, even if he doesn't know how or why. Since trying to avoid a future is the best way to unknowingly make it come true, this one can only try to soften the impacts and minimize the risks."
"By making sure you would, one-hundred-percent, get hit in the face by someone?" Fan snorted. "Way to go, brother."
"By making sure that staff wasn't slamming into this one's soul, or a flesh-and-blood vessel!" Xie replied. "And the mission is a success! Only a single puppet is harmed."
Nezha threw his hands up in the air. "How did you manage to be even more annoying and nonsensical than your main soul?"
"Welcome to my fucking un-life." Fan mumbled.
"Um, hello?" MK waved awkwardly. "Have you guys suddenly started speaking in some sort of secret code mid-conversation, cause I don't understand a single word you just said."
"Gosh! Sorry, bud," Sun Wukong finally let go of Xie's collars (now that MK thought about it, how did you even grab a ghost's collars? Mystic Monkey Magic at play again?) "Get a bit carried away there."
He pointed at the two specters. "Meet the Heibai Wuchang. The ghost cops, or rather, parts of them. Remember your hair clones? Xiao Xie and Xiao Fan here are kinda like that, but with their souls."
"T-The ghost cops?" MK squirmed. The downpour had become a light drizzle, but he still felt chilly, and it wasn't because his T-shirt sleeves and socks were now soaked. "Like…the ones you see when you are about to die?"
"Don't worry, bud! They aren't here to take any of us away. I think." Sun Wukong narrowed his eyes slightly, "and even if they were, I'd like to see them try."
"Nah. Not a chance. This one still values his un-life—"
"Yeah? Then apologizing to my student and stop wandering around in that thing will be a good start!"
"—so yes, he is very sorry for the distress he caused, young one. The 'wandering around in possessed objects' part, though, is perfectly legal, and this one still has to take the puppet back to his temple, so sorry, no can do."
"You have a temple now?" Sun Wukong let out a chuckle of disbelief. "You two?"
"You really haven't been around here in a while, have you, Great Sage?" Nezha said. "Yes, unfortunately. It's a new South Seas trend, and I hope it stays where it is."
"Our main altar here is still inside the City God's temple. But there are more temples dedicated to us alone, across the strait." Fan said. "And I'm obligated to inform you that all deities who visit the South Seas in their true bodies instead of using clones or astral projections must notify the local City God's temple beforehand, or submit the relevant paperwork immediately after arrival."
"Hmm, and if I don't?" Sun Wukong raised an eyebrow. "What are you gonna do?"
"Other than following you around and staring at you judgmentally? Nothing substantial." Fan said, before sighing deeply. "But if you can at least pretend to respect us and not treat Underworld officials like the complete pushovers we are, we'd really appreciate it."
Sun Wukong hollered at that. "Y'know what? I think I'll do just that, since this you are a lot cuter and not a raging jerk!"
"You know my main soul can hear you, right?"
"Exactly." Sun Wukong grinned. Unlike a few minutes ago, it was a lot less tense. "So lead the way, Xiao Fan!"
When MK heard the whole…ghost temple thing, he was expecting skeletons, eerie lighting, spooky stuff.
Okay, some of the statues and puppets were still creepy. Same for the possessions. 
Sure, the ghost cops had explained that they had human "contractors" who'd let them possess their bodies willingly, after signing a lengthy form where all the risks and duties are spelled out clearly.
But when he thought of possessions, the only images that came to mind was LBD's host, shaking like she was in the middle of winter again despite sitting inside the safe, cozy confines of Pigsy's Noodles. And Sun Wukong's golden eyes glowing frost blue, devoid of all warmth and emotions.
Well, better get used to it now. Gonna see a lot more ghosts once the…summer school part of the vacation-slash-summer school starts.
MK took a deep breath and began to make his way back through the corridors, a small incense burner in hand. The exterior of the temple was dated and slightly out of place, sitting beneath towering skyscrapers and surrounded by neatly trimmed park lawn.
Past the main hall and the altar room behind it, however, the place could be mistaken for any modern office building. Or the background of a Monkey Cop episode, except the cops were all ghosts and the monkey was filling in the divine equivalent of a customs form.
"There, done." Sun Wukong said, putting the pen down, "Right in the nick of time! For real, though, couldn't you ghosts just burn the paperwork together with the rest of the effigies?"
"And get them stuck beneath a mountain of sports cars, or whatever insane vehicles people decide to send to their ancestors nowadays? No thanks." 
As he handed the incense burner over to Sun Wukong, who crumpled the form into a ball and tossed it inside, MK caught a glimpse of a dark blue aura, enveloping the handle of the back door before it opened on its own. Two more uniformed ghosts hovered in, telekinetically carrying multiple pitched paper objects.
"Speak of the devil…" Fan turned towards his partner, who was leaning leisurely against a wall. "This year's bunch are already coming in, and if you bothered working with a contractor today, you better put that physical body to good use and start helping!"
"Alright, alright, This one hears you." Xie yawned, then walked over and grabbed the floating effigies. "Hmmm, no helicopters or private jets this year? That's a bit disappointing."
"Well, Mr. Chow sent a pretty big table, boss. We don't think it's gonna fit through the backdoor, so we left it in the park pavilion."
"Excuse me?" MK perked up. At last, a chance to do something instead of just standing there and watching awkwardly. "Do you need something resized? Cause I have just the power for that!"
"Y'know, I was wondering what's so special about a table," Sun Wukong poked his head out from behind the door frame, trying very hard to suppress the giggles, "or why they'd make a live-sized one in the first place. Now I get it." 
"Kudos for dedication, I guess?" MK shrugged. "I'm sure their loved ones would, uh, appreciate the gift down there."
With a snap of his fingers, the paper Mahjong table returned to its original size, drastically reducing the remaining space inside the storage room. 
Yeah, the "craft" part of "Arts & Crafts" wasn't really his strong suit, but a piece this detailed and lovingly crafted? It probably took weeks to make. And cost more than an actual Mahjong table.
"Are you two done admiring the beauty of that absurd object? Can we please leave and go somewhere else now?" Nezha's muffled complaint came from the corridors. “It's raining outside again, and if we don't hurry——"
"Even if you do hurry, this one doubts you will be able to get any further than the bus stop, in the two minutes it shall take for the drizzle to become a downpour once more." Xie said, then tossed the last stack of golden joss paper into the storage room.
"Great! Wonderful! Yeah, I'm just looking forward to spending more time with you and your clowns-in-training." Nezha snarked. "How will we ever get anywhere in life without your nifty short-term prophecies?"
"Hey hey, Nezha, chill out. A dash of salt is good n' all, but you are getting spicy over there." Sun Wukong said. "But, speaking of ways to pass the time during a rainy day…"
There was a mischievous glint in his eyes, as he turned to look at Xie. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Judging by what this one just saw? Yes."
"Great! Come here, bud, I have something that will make our stay a lot less boring."
Sun Wukong beckoned MK over, back into the big guest room, then pulled out a tuft of hair. Seconds later, an actual Mahjong table landed squarely on the floor with a thud, complete with chairs and Mahjong sets, followed by an "Ohoho, lovely!" and two simultaneous shouts.
"Seriously? Don't set a bad example for your student!"
"Don't you dare corrupt our guests, Xiao Xie!"
"Please, this one is just joining in on the fun. Our guests have no problem 'corrupting' themselves, so to speak!"
"Oh, c'mon, it's not gambling if you aren't betting actual money!” Sun Wukong exclaimed. "It's like poker, but…for old people. Right, MK?"
"Um, one problem: I don't know how to play Mahjong! Or poker!" MK said, scratching his head. "The only card game I know is Uno."
"Great! You can just learn it on the fly, then, under the watchful eyes of Professor Sun and Teaching Assistant Nezha!"
"No way, Great Sage. I'm not helping you lure your student astray into a potential lifetime of wasted hours and petty vices."
"Really?" Sun Wukong flashed a taunting smile. "I bet you only said that 'cause you don't wanna lose too badly to me. Again."
"Oh, you take that back right now, monkey!" Nezha jabbed a finger at him. "If we were back in the old days and in a gambling house, you'd be going home in nothing but your undershirt and breeches by the end of the day!"
MK did not miss the implication that, at some point in the past, these two had indeed been to an actual gambling house.
"A bold challenge if I've ever heard one!" Sun Wukong's grin widened. "Or is your bark worse than your bite? Brag all you like, but the only way to prove it is to get on the table yourself."
"I——Screw this, I'm in," Nezha took a deep breath, “But only because it will be quite satisfying, kicking the collective behinds of the two most annoying gods I've ever met." A glare at Sun Wukong, then, at Xie. "So. Get. Ready."
"That's the Third Prince I know!" Sun Wukong gave him a thumbs-up. "Bring it on, lad!"
MK gulped. "Yeah, sorry, I think I'm just gonna watch you guys play first. Get a feel of the game before jumping in. Is that alright?"
"No prob. Though this did put us in the most classic bind in the entire history of Mahjong…" Sun Wukong paused dramatically. "The 'Short of a Fourth' problem."
"That won't be me." Fan immediately said, before walking through the nearest wall. "Still have a job to do." He turned, poking his head out of the wall once more. "But by all means, teach Xiao Xie a lesson for me."
"Ah well." Sun Wukong shrugged, reaching towards his head. "Guess this calls for my clone——"
"No!" Nezha smacked his hand away. "That's just blatant cheating!"
"But literal future vision isn't?"
"Hey, it's not like this one can turn it off." Xie protested. He looked like he wanted to say something else, before Sun Wukong stood up, dashing out of the door and towards the altar room. 
"Guys! We are one person short of a Mahjong game here!" A pause. "Niang Niang? Ah Pek? Datuk? Hello? Anyone up to it?"
"...What's he doing?"
"The divine equivalent of spamming telephone calls." Nezha rolled his eyes. "Yelling into the ears of every deity's idol he can find, and hoping for a response."
"For your knowledge, we have a three-people variant of the game here," Xie added, unhelpfully.
Way after Sun Wukong had returned, sulking a little but soon jumped right into arguing with Nezha, MK heard a chime. 
Like someone had just dropped a bunch of coins onto a marble floor, but…louder. Okay, he wasn't too sure about that last part, because if the others heard it too, they did not react to the noise at all.
"It's still not gambling! Just a way to keep the score, yanno?" Sun Wukong continued, tossing a tangerine back and forth between his hands——one he probably pinched from a random altar table on his way back. "Also, the game will be pretty boring if you aren't winning something."
"That's the very definition of gambling." Nezha said, with a deadpan expression. "Wagering money or other stakes in a game of chance."
"It's only a stake if it's something of value, and outside of sentimental ones, these offerings have none." Sun Wukong turned to Xie. "Otherwise you won't give them away to folks for free before they spoil, right?"
"Indeed, for we've already eaten them." 
MK squinted at the fruit; not a single bite mark or patch of peeled skin was found on its exterior.
"Ewww." Sun Wukong grimaced. "Anyways, that just makes them even less valuable and further proves my point."
"Is that supposed to be convincing? Because I'm not taking home a bunch of ghost-eaten fruits even if you give them to me for free——"
"Greetings," someone cleared their throat, then said in a deep, magnetic voice, "Is it you who invited this Zhao to your humble temple for a game, friends?"
The door curtain jingled; in walked a dark-faced man with an impressively bushy beard, clad in gilded black armor and red-gold robes. The only thing that didn't make him as intimidating as he should was the black tiger cub, clinging onto his shoulder pauldron like an oversized housecat.
"Yep, Lao Zhao!" Sun Wukong cheered, "Didn't think you'd have the time, but here you are!" He winked at MK, "Now, ya' ever seen a God of Wealth statue in your Dadsy's store? If you did: this is your guy in the flesh, Zhao Gongming himself."
"Oh yeah! The statue," MK tried his best to recall something that looked like the man, yet the only thing that came to mind was the adorable and totally dissimilar one on the counter. "You mean he's..the cat?"
"Ha! I like your little disciple, Great Sage." Zhao Gongming laughed. "Sadly, no. The only feline here is my steed, Biandan Hua." He pointed to the tiger cub. "In her baby form, so I don't get animal control called on me again. Mortals these days are so easily startled, I swear."
"Aww, that's the cutest name I ever heard." Sun Wukong cooed, earning an unimpressed look from the tiger. "Anyways, since we have our fourth guy here, without further ado, let's begin——"
"A second. I'm here for business too. Serious business," he held up a hand. "Have any of you seen a golden scissor? It's about this size, but becomes a lot bigger when transformed," a gesture, "about the size of a city block. Ah, and it can turn into two flood dragons."
"Hmm. This one doesn't think so."
"The Golden Dragon Shears?" Nezha’s eyes widened. "How did you lose *that*, Marshal Zhao?!"
"I didn't! It's probably my youngest sister again. Bixiao is still rummaging through our study, so I may as well check in the Lower Realms while she's at it." He said. "Make sure no one has 'borrowed' it without their permission."
"Why are y'all looking at me?" 
Awkward silence ensued, broken immediately by Sun Wukong's indignant huff.
"Okay, first, I'm insulted by your insinuations! You eat a few peaches, and suddenly you are THE suspect whenever something goes missing up there." He shook his head. "Second, you have sisters, Lao Zhao? Huh, never know that."
"Well, unless you are planning to have kids in the immediate future, Great Sage, your paths are unlikely to cross!" Zhao Gongming laughed, before resuming his frown. "Our scissors are far from the only missing treasure, though. Other palaces have also reported similar cases over the last hour. I'll just have to go shake down Spirit Official Ma again——wouldn't be the first time that little candlewick bugger tried to pin his thefts on someone else."
At the mention of Spirit Official Ma, Nezha mouthed something that sounded suspiciously like a swear word. Sun Wukong made a face. 
"Yeah, show that Huaguang brat who's boss! But before that, surely you still have time for a Mahjong game? It'll only be a minute up there." 
"Hmm, I suppose it won't hurt." Zhao Gongming replied, twirling his beard. "But with one condition: no one uses their godly powers."
"Define 'godly powers'?" 
"Anything that requires intent to activate." Zhao Gongming said. "Your golden vision, active divination instead of passive, uncontrollable foresights, my power over fortune..."
A sigh. "I've played enough games where that is allowed. With my disciples it always turns into a teaching session, and playing against my fellow gods of wealth feels more like a power-measuring contest than a true match of skills, especially when Bi Gan was involved." He shook his head. "For a scholarly god of wealth, the old man can be more competitive than us martial ones."
"I feel ya', Lao Zhao. It's always the old geezers who play dirty."
"Hello? Excuse me?" Nezha asked. "Am I the only one who's more concerned about the missing treasure of mass destruction than the silly Mahjong game?!"
"Yes, yes you are." Sun Wukong smirked. "It's just a tiny scissor! What mass destruction can it cause, other than to Art & Crafts materials?"
"Says the blissfully ignorant monkey who has never seen it in action," Nezha retorted, then lowered his head with a defeated look. "Whatever. I don't care anymore. Just don't mention me when the Celestial Host starts pointing fingers and your sisters come knocking, Marshal Zhao."
"You have my words, Third Prince." Zhao Gongming made a fist-and-palm salute, almost jokingly. "For I'm not one to tattle, even if it means enduring Yunxiao's scolding alone. Now, what are the stakes for this game?"
After a brief discussion, the four had settled on using some unopened and unoffered snacks as their stakes. Which still didn't beat the gambling allegations, according to Nezha. 
Well, it was better than betting all your belongings on a rigged game and losing them all, at least. And after watching a few rounds of their play, MK's only thought was Dang, if that goldfish demon chose this game back then, he wouldn't even need to cheat to wipe the floor with me.
"You know, if someone tells me I'll be watching the Great Sage, two celestial gods, and a ghost play Mahjong like old people at a community center during the first day of our vacation..." MK mumbled to himself, "I'll probably believe it, actually."
Despite having only the vaguest idea of the rules——whoever completed a set of certain tiles first won the game——and not getting any closer to understanding them, he was determined to keep watching. 
If only because Sun Wukong winked at him right before tossing the dice and starting the round, and he was pretty sure it meant "Watch and learn, bud!" in a way that suggested the message went beyond a simple Mahjong game.
"What you are seeing now is not a typical day for most of us, if that makes you feel less disillusioned." Fan said, without looking up from the documents he was flipping through. 
A while ago, the ghost had returned with a stack of them, and the papers were now floating around him in a ring, suspended by the dark blue glow of telekinesis. If that wasn't the most stylish way of doing paperworks, MK didn’t know what was.
"Uh, but I'm not?" MK said. "It's just…a lot less serious than I thought, this whole 'gods' business, and honestly, I'm not complaining! The Great Sage looks like he’s having a good time too."
Back on the table, Sun Wukong and Nezha yelled "Pong!" at the same time, then immediately glared at each other.
"Hey, I said that first!"
"That doesn’t matter, because you are cheating!" Nezha huffed. "It is impossible for two players to Pong at the same time unless someone has sneaked an extra tile in there while shuffling them, and we all know who that is."
"Well yeah, but I'm just evening the odds in a rigged game, Laodi." Sun Wukong said, eyeing Xie sharply. "For the sake of fairness, I'll allow you to cheat back too. How 'bout that?"
"Good grief, and I thought Master Taiyi was the most unabashed cheater I ever met on the table." Nezha took a deep breath and announced, "New battle objective: show the two cheaters who's boss, without lowering myself to their level."
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"Well, this one can't blame the Great Sage for it. Two more turns, and he’ll claim the first win."
"Keep your visions to yourself, ghost!"
"Thanks a lot, Xiao Xie." Sun Wukong grinned. "That gives me even more reason to do it."
A few more turns, a few more clacks, and the monkey was left staring wordlessly at the table.
"Hey, what the heck! Your vision isn't right."
"This one's vision is always right. That, however, isn't one." Xie gave them an innocent look. "It's just the time-honored tactic of 'lying', friend."
"Serve you right for trusting him and cheating." Nezha snorted, before reaching out to claim the discarded tile.
"Why, ya' little——!"
"Credit where credit's due, that sure is a more entertaining use of precognition than the average Dipper Mansion chess game." Zhao Gongming commented, amidst the chaos. "I look forward to what you will bring to the table next, budding little wealth god."
"More bullshit, that's what he'll bring." Fan crossed his arms. "And he wonders why I don't play chess with him anymore."
"Well, I guess it could be worse." MK said. "They could be playing Monopoly."
"What's a Mono-poly?"
"A game that ruins friendships and turns family members against each other. Mei tried introducing her cousins to that during a New Year gathering." MK shuddered. "Some of them still won't talk to her."
"Sounds like it needs to be exorcized." Fan said, without a single hint that he was joking. 
"Please don't."
MK kind of got the impression that he was the "by-the-book" cop of their buddy cop pair, who sounded serious whether he meant it or not, but maybe the kiddy soul would take things just that literally.
Sadly, his clarification ended up killing the conversation. For the next few moments, they just sat side-by-side, listening to the clacking of Mahjong tiles.
And the clacking had intensified, as the game picked up speed. Sun Wukong in particular was speeding up into a blur, fidgeting in his chair, using only one hand to move the tiles while juggling the same poor tangerine with the other.
Now, he was always in motion, gesturing as he talked, grabbing something or the other wherever they went. But the fidgeting had intensified to a point well beyond what MK was used to, which was making him fidgety too.
After a loud "Would you please stop that?" from Nezha, MK finally mustered enough courage to half-prod at Fan——and immediately drew his hand back! Wow, ghosts are freezing to the touch. 
(Okay, he wasn't really touching anything solid, but it felt like reaching into a pocket of sub-zero-degree air, made even more jarring by the heat of summer.)
"Sorry sir, one question." MK asked. "I don't really have a good grip on the rules yet, but is the Great Sage in trouble now? Like, is he losing?"
"No idea. I'm not bored enough to watch and guess their sets." Fan said. "But if you are talking about his hyperactivity, that's not a result of panic."
"Then what’s he doing?"
"He's teaching you how to fight someone with precognition."
"By…acting like a wind-up toy?"
"On the surface level, yes." He answered. "How much do you know about divination?"
To pain. 
No, not that one. MK shook his head wildly. "Next to nothing, I guess."
"Good. You aren't losing out on much." Fan said, before frowning. "I'd rather know less about it, but Xiao Xie just has to be an insufferable prick, so here we are. Essentially, think of Fate like a game of cards, or Mahjong, or whatever game of chance of your liking."
MK chuckled. The idea of Fate being a Uno game was quite a funny one, not gonna lie, if only because he'd get to figuratively shout "Reverse!" at someone.
"The Way is the ruleset, what is allowed and not allowed to happen. The winning and losing conditions. The cards and tiles are the individual events and outcomes, happening to a being as they draw them, one by one."
"To the Dipper Mansion celestials in charge of Fate, divination is like having your master's golden eyes and fiery vision. They can see through the cards and tiles, know what's on them instinctively, and are thus banned from playing, only able to shuffle and deal them out on the Celestial Host's orders."
Zhao Gongming's tiger, having jumped off its master's shoulder long ago, pawed at Sun Wukong's twitching tail. This only egged the monkey on, as they promptly began a game of 'catch my tail if you can' off the table.
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"For some," he looked at Nezha, his face a mask of intense concentration, "it isn't so much divination as making snap-second, highly accurate guesses, aided by superb memorization skills. To the more unfortunate mortals, however, it's like seeing recordings of multiple games playing side-by-side, with no way of knowing which one is theirs."
"Lucky for my sworn brother and almost no one else, he can see snippets of a single recording, which just happens to be ours." Fan said. "It's also random, very short-reaching, and makes the part of his soul that bears the brunt of it into a kooky brat with no self-preservation instincts. But I've complained enough. Now that you know how his precognition works, what will you do to counter it?"
"Does not playing the game count?"
"A wise choice. But suppose you don't get to choose."
"I, uh." Think, smartie kid, think! What is the relationship between ultra-hyperactive monkey behavior and beating a ghost with future vision on the Mahjong table? (Oh geez, it's like that one question about ravens and writing desks in that foreign children's book again…)
"I guess I'll make myself, well, unpredictable and even more random?" He finally said, hesitantly.
"Not very specific, but you get the gist of it." Fan nodded. "Going back to my analogy, your master knows his opponent is making a random draw too, except each card he draws allows him to see others claiming or discarding a certain tile."
"So he decides to add more useless cards into the pool. False maneuvers, feints," Fan pointed to the tiger, still pawing at Sun Wukong’s tail, "Artificially creating another game on the side to divert the visions. Nothing can be a hundred percent predictable, not even literal future vision, and if only my partner realized that, he'd be a lot less annoying and not on the way to getting absolutely destroyed in this game."
"Wow. That's very clever and all, but should you really be telling me this?"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, I don't know much about the Underworld, outside of how Monkey King wrecked the place and scribbled him and his monkeys' name off the Book of Life and Death——" MK waved nervously, "No hard feelings 'bout that, ey? But if the Great Sage is teaching me how to counter you guys, does that mean you'll be going after us at some point in the future?"
"Technically, we'll be going after everyone who isn't an immortal or formally ranked celestial, sooner or later." Fan said. "Your master is firmly in the first category, and for you, that won't be in a long, long time, if it eases your worries."
"Yeah, no. Not at all. Thanks."
"You don't like ghosts very much, do you." He said, then, before MK could reply, added, "Which is fine. We don't like ourselves either."
"Uhhhh, don't be?" Oh gosh, was there really a way to word this without offending ghosts more? "It's not like I dislike you guys! Like, you and the other ghost cops seem pretty chill. It's just, y'know, a bit freaky, seeing the walking reminder of my inevitable mortality and all, ahahaha…"
"It is. And I won't tell you what to feel about that." Fan held up a finger, and the documents he had been reading were instantly sorted into neat little stacks in midair. "But if there is one thing you remember from our conversation, let it be this: no game lasts forever."
"One has to end in order for another to begin, and a game where no one wins or loses is gonna be a very boring one. We, officials of the Ten Courts, are but the keepers of scores, and you don't have to win in order to have fun while it lasts."
"Hu le." Zhao Gongming's calm voice cut through the chit-chat, followed by a light thud of him pushing the tiles over. "Four Kongs."
All eyes were immediately on him.
"By Buddha, Lao Zhao! No wonder you've been so quiet."
"Ugh!" Nezha facepalmed. "I was so close!" He shot a half-hearted glare at Sun Wukong. "This is all your fault, by the way. Without the extra tiles you snuck in there, he'd have never gotten such a rare combination."
"C'mon, maybe he's just that lucky?"
"Very enlightening." Xie hummed, handing over the bag of peach-flavored chips to Zhao. "This one knows he won't be winning the first round, but its certainly a great start!"
"And this is why you don't gamble with a literal, formally ranked, celestial god of wealth." Fan said, after a long, stunned silence. "Even when he isn't actively using his influence, for fairness's sake."
"He's not?"
"If he did, he'd just win every round, and there wouldn't be a game to speak of."
They stopped playing when the rain stopped, at which point the sun had already disappeared below the horizon. Zhao Gongming left halfway after getting an astral call from his sisters, shaking his head, giving MK the chance to finally join in. 
Sun Wukong had stopped cheating after that——at least not as blatantly, if Nezha's words were to be believed. To MK, he just settled back into his old laid back attitude, which, in turn, made his own palms less sweaty as he faced off against the other two.
He still lost, badly, only barely managing a win at the very end. Not that it mattered, since Nezha had soundly kicked everyone's butts like he wanted, coming out at the top by a wide margin of three bags of chips and a single Tau Sar Piah.
"Let this be your lesson, Monkie Kid," he said, with a hint of childish glee, "That hard work, knowledge of statistics, and memorization skills will always triumph over luck and a bunch of cheating clowns."
"Ah well. I'll let you have your moment, Laodi, since it's pretty much the only fight you can win against me." Sun Wukong responded with a cheeky smile, then tore open his bag of chips and started munching loudly on them. 
"Yes, keep telling yourself that. Maybe you'll actually start believing in it." Nezha smirked, before standing up from his chair. "I'll just be over here, basking in the glow of victory and trying to not run into my brother on the way back——"
As if on cue, a shout came from outside.
"GREETINGS! This Hui An pays his respect to the City God and his attendants!"
"Annnnnd there goes my good mood." Nezha muttered. A formation started glowing under his feet. "Goodbye. If anyone asks, I've never been here."
Almost immediately after he disappeared in a blaze of pink fire, the speaker outside with the loud, booming, megaphone-against-your-ears voice marched through the doorway.
"Oh. Hi there, Muzha."
"HI THERE, as the younger generation says these days!" The tall man replied cheerfully. The dangling green ties on his hair bun were swaying back and forth, as he made a bow. 
"Heard you yelling into Lady Guanyin's statue a while ago, Great Sage, so I decided to pay a visit. Is my brother here too? Longnü said she saw you two flying together, while weaving the storm clouds with her kins."
"Well, in Nezha's exact words, 'If anyone asks, I've never been here'." Sun Wukong shrugged.  "So no, he is not here." 
"Ah. Embarrassed, I see!" He exclaimed, making his way to the Mahjong table and staring down at the tiles. "He really shouldn't be, though. By my religious vows, I'm supposed to refrain from such worldly pass-times, but that doesn't mean I'm going to be preachy about it!"
Now MK was starting to have an idea of what "Too much" meant. Namely, his complete lack of volume control.
"Well, looks like I've dropped by at a rather inopportune time, so I won't keep you fellows any longer, Great Sage. Thanks for keeping my little brother company, though——"
His sight met MK's, and only then did Muzha seem to notice his presence. "And DEAR ME! Is that your new disciple I've heard so much about? A pleasure to meet you too, young one!"
He reached out for a handshake. MK made the mistake of taking it, and immediately winced. 
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"Oww, owww——Nice to meet you too?!"
"Please stop crashing my disciple's hand, Muzha."
"Sorry, sorry!" He laughed, releasing his iron grip at last. "It's just so wonderful to see the juniors coming into their own, I get a bit carried away. Still, this acolyte looks forward to working with you in the days to come!"
"Man, we are busy here today, aren't we?" Xie commented, just as the overly cheerful and loud immortal made a turn and headed for the backdoor. "So many visitors. Not that this one is complaining."
"...Yeah." MK agreed, after awkwardly waving Muzha goodbye.
Well, one thing was certain: godhood internship or not, he'd sure have one hell of a story to tell once he got back home.
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silvergolddraco28 · 6 months
LMK x Hazbin Hotel- part 10- Stone vs Radio
Wukong blinked as they appeared at the gates of the rather massive yet slightly run-down hotel where a demon dressed in deep red and black with deer-like traits stood at the gate holding a cane in the crook of his arm that was topped by an old-fashioned microphone. Wukong made a face at the scent that came from the demon. “How does she not smell the decay and rot coming from him?” Wukong deadpanned.
“Ignore it like the sweet Angel my little girl is.” Lucifer praised, not even he could fathom how such a monstrosity could latch onto his faithful daughter.
“Alastor what the actual fuck?!” Vaggie stormed already brandishing her weapon. Though the demon oddly had his back turned to them. “Charlie’s done nothing but sing your praises whilst you go out of your way to prove your the exact scum this hotel doesn’t need-” Vaggie was cut off by a burst of loud radio static coming from the microphone cane.
The demon’s head snapped all the way round as he finally met the small group. “Well! Well! Well! I see my little message was received hm?” His head cocked at an angle whilst the rest of his lower half still faced the hotel. “Now let me in~.” The demon sing-songed but there was malice laced with his words.
“No,” Wukong replied calmly but with a firm finality. “I don't trust someone that has eaten younglings to gain more power and enjoys consuming flesh for its taste instead of necessity from lack of proper food.” Wukong bluntly replied. “I might let you back in if you can beat me in a fair fight. Hand to hand and a single weapon of choice. I can even provide a spell that will make the area of the fight a null void with Lucifer acting as the provider for the magic to the spell, the spell will cut off the area from outside magic and simply leave us with any abilities that are unable to be suppressed due to their nature.” Wukong replied.
The radio demon was silent as he regarded the monkey demon. His eyes narrowed in recognition as the everlasting smile imprinted, tightened. “I don’t believe you have the authority here. Monkey.” The radio demon replied, eerily calm.
Vaggie really should condone any fighting unless it was in defense of the hotel but… this was? Surely…? She could already see Charlie’s disapproving gaze of such a method but what could be done? After all, if Alastor were to back out it would pose questions on his… intentions. As if they were not dubious enough.
“Seems fair to me unless you’re a fat fucking chicken, THEEEEN Wukong here automatically wins!” Lucifer decreed.
“I'm one of the Seven Demon Kings, Bucko. I’d give Lucifer a run for his money in combat.” Wukong stated pulling the bluff from what he currently gathered about the world.
The smile on the radio demon surprisingly relaxed, if anyone was looking closely to see. “Is that so monkey?” Alastor leered, voice distorting laced with an undertone of amusement. His body snapped, spinning fully to face them as he now approached growing in size. Whether or not the primitive fool was telling the truth a gloss over his statue the radio demon could gather he was no stranger to combat. There was more he needed to discover about this creature. But he needed to play his cards right, though the ape had pissed him off greatly.
“Why heavens me! It would be primitive to combat a fellow lord now wouldn’t it? Such an improper custom.~” Alastor sing-songed. “It would seem we have started off on the wrong footing. Monkey.~”
“No, I want to see how the competition has grown since my last visit to Lucifer’s Realm. Surely you can indulge me in that much.” Wukong countered. “Fighting shows me the potential and how the rest of the realm would measure up,” Wukong stated, not bothering to correct Alastor on what to call him. ‘From his intellect, he would know exactly who i am if he heard my full title. He looks like someone who would read foreign literature.’ Wukong deduced.
“Primitive as always monkey.” Alastor quipped, though…he supposed he did have rage to unleash. And what better way than to directly inflict pain on the source of his current problems? “And once I win?”
“We go the fuck home.” Vaggie barked
“I loosen that leash you have.” Wukong replied, his eyes glowing a fiery golden color as he looked over Alastor’s form. Wukong held out a hand as a bamboo scroll appeared in his grasp with a small crimson and gold ‘stick’ inside of it. “This is the spell for the null void.” Wukong stated handing it to Lucifer hiding a smirk as his suspicion of the male being able to lift his staff was confirmed. Wukong then held his other hand out of the ground, slowly the ground began to shift and split apart as a crystal staff rose from the very earth with Wukong spinning it in his hand to test the weight once it was fully out. “This is my weapon of choice.”
Alastor stood still. Once narrowed eyes in mockery slowly widened. ‘Primitive fool and a fucking liar… Yet…’ Doubt weaved into his decrepit skin as the radio demon prickled at the sensation. He could feel the scorching eyes of the king that stood before him. ‘He knew. And he could see his shackles too.’
“I… believe you’re mistaken.” The demon lost his composure as his voice came out more rasp then intended, the smile he wore breaking ever so slightly. He warned with his growing eyes for the king to say no more. Whatever he knew he did not need the other two catching on. Was it desperation? Alastor chose to ignore but the slither of freedom had prevented itself. He had to take it. What other chance did he have?
“Sweet!” Lucifer’s overly confident voice cut through momentarily distracting Alastor as he watched the man eagerly take the scroll. “Fancy little thing too!”
“Your weapon then?” Lucifer pointedly turned to the radio demon who spun the cane he was commonly known for. “Now I want a good clean fight boys! Dazzle Maggie and I! Put on a show like your life depends on it!” Lucifer commanded.
‘Oh, the fool had no idea.’ Alastor mussed.
“I will knock you upside the head with my staff if you get her name wrong one more time. Her name is Vaggie!” Wukong stated to Lucifer the fiery gold in his eyes vanished.
“Like it’ll hurt!” Lucifer scoffed but he would rather not be bonked by the stone monkey. After all, they were just starting to bond! “Okay! Okay! Monkey man, mag- I UH MEAN TO SAY Vaggie. My dear Vagatha.” The demon king nodded. “I should write this down.” He murmured more to himself.
Vaggie looked about ready to throw the towel in just wanting to get back to Charlie but the gesture from Wukong was appreciated. The demand for respect and to be taken seriously was…nice. It was certainly a change from the attitude of the hotel.
The golden monkey rolled his eyes. “You can head inside to your mate Vaggie. This might become a bit messy and isn't something a youngling should be watching even with your experience as a warrior.” Wukong told the woman.
“Don’t you roll your eyes at me monkey man!!!” Lucifer half scolded but descended into a fits of laughter. What exactly was so amusing was beyond the rest.
He took several steps away from Lucifer and Vaggie to make space for the fight. “Word of warning, hope you don't mind the heat of a volcano.” Wukong cryptically stated.
“Do as you please simian. I don’t see why we can’t have our fun hm?” Alastor replied though there was a clear shift in his stance.
Vaggie blinked, surprised he could even guess so easily despite showing no action. He really was in a league of his own… or he was just being considerate too. She seemed torn between staying as ordered. She too had witnessed horror from her many previous battles but such a sight she no doubt had wanted to leave in the past. Whatever these two would enact she did not really want to be part unless needed. “Should assistance be required at any moment I would be honored to be of aide Mr. King sir.” She turned to Wukong with a sincere and grateful nod, before taking her leave.
“BYEEEE M- V-VAGGIEEE! SAY HI TO MY BABY GIRL! Can I say the spell now- I wanna see some ACTION! PIZAZZ! Ya know? The fun stuff!” Lucifer moaned once he’d waved the militant demon off. He scowled at Alastor while casually inspecting the spell scroll. “Looks like our resident chicken legs over here FINALLY found the fucking nerve to fight! What’ll become of these two demons battling it out for the utmost control? Staaaaayy tuned folks!” Lucifer’s voice seemed to project to an obnoxious volume as if it were all a spectacle.
Wukong snorted at Lucifer’s excitement. “Go ahead. Simply untie the ribbon and have a clear mind of the boundary. The scroll will do the rest.” ‘Looks like my truest form will be let out.’ Wukong thought to himself.
“Ohohohoho!” Lucifer gleefully beamed at the scroll within his grasp stroking the ribbon as well as the Intricate patterns and designs. “By the way, announcing is a MUST! It’s my very being! Ya know kinda my thing anyway. I’m gonna fucking enjoy this.” The demon grinned.
Alastor twitched. He would kill this man before they would even start. But unfortunately Satan himself would have to wait too. ‘Pity.’ Alastor thought to himself itching to decapitate the bumbling blond idiot.
“Well then.” Lucifer coughed, making a point to take his sweet time unwrapping the ribbon. “Now wait just a minute folks! Any final words from our SPONSOR?” A miniature duck appeared, clearly crafted by the man himself. He feigned listening to the inanimate creation before regarding the two. “May the best fucker win.” Lucifer bellowed with a demonic undertone showing off his sharp shark like teeth. The ribbon came undone and dissolved into dark purple sparks.
A large white circle glowing with runes followed by a second circle surrounded the two as a transparent white dome lifted up and closed above the two before turning a fiery red then black as every scrap of magic inside of the dome was promptly nullified. Wukong took a deep single breath as his body began to dry out and crack like weak clay as chunks fell off revealing his actual stone flesh veined with thin golden arcane lines between the copper-gold ‘fur’ that ‘grew’ in cover the ‘skin’. The air around him was as hot as an active volcano from the very heat he was generating with each pulse of his heart. He smirked before racing forward with nearly inhuman speed. ‘No holding back.’
“AAAAAAND WOULD YA BELIEVE IT FOLKS! Turns out our very own resident stone monkey is… you FUCKING guessed it! MADE OF STONE?! A little on the nose there but a fun surprise for the viewers! And here he prepares for the attack!”
The radio demon stood eerily still. Ears twitching at the sheer velocity of speed the stone monkey exceeded. The heat grew, scorchingly as the distance closed between them. ‘No incantations? No magic? No problem. It had been a while since I had fought so… Crass yet so be it if it meant putting that primate in its place.’ With the speed the monkey had Alastor matched him in evasion. Limbs contorting as he separated the distance nimble on his feet as he continued to observe his opponent with a haunting smile.
“Your fast. But I'm much faster.” Wukong grinned as he comteley let loose ‘disappearing’ before reappearing right behind the radio demon swinging out his staff with inhuman speed completely abandoning the need to even restrain himself to human standards.
“We’ll see about that. Monkey.” The demon quipped. He was a deer demon after all. Before one of the iconic radio host. Skittish were what they were known for. Searching for danger at the slightest sound, a shifting change of wind, a whiff of an unknown smell.
“YIKES IT SEEMS OLD RADIO HEAD ALREADY LET HIS GUARD DOWN?!” Lucifer called out his eyes just barely keeping up with the speed Wukong was going at and still the pace was increasing to such a degree he might have to allow his eyes to go full demon just to keep up.
The radio demon knew he would not evade the wielded weapon. Not in time. Though he cushioned the blow as his form changed. Such a thunderous slam shook the dome’s very core. Hell, even Lucifer could feel its stark vibrations from where he was. He took the opportunity to slide into the shadows of the staff breaking free of the weapon as he stood. Though clear, the attack had left its mark. It was mere child’s play. And insulting. “Cute.” Alastor retorted as his eyes grew protruding dials. The pungent smell leaching from him earlier became stronger. Sickeningly so as he grew in size reeking of those once his meal. Not giving the monkey a recovery as he bolted in a deranged crawl closing their distance.
“Oh, are you trying to be a demented spider?” Wukong taunted waiting for the attack as the heat from his body grew even more as he got even more pumped burning away at the clothing leaving him bare and revealing he actually didn't have a gender at all at least in his truest form.
“Now, now simian. Don’t hold back.” Alastor teased, his voice distorting incredibly, enthralled with every punch.
“I’ve beaten much bigger and creepier demons than you.” Wukong stated as he stopped the claw coming to his face with two fingers before slamming his other fist into the hand hearing many bones breaking from the force.
‘Such power….’ His large dialed eyes began to swivel as his form vibrated as some sort of static. With every hit he took from the simian more appendages sprouted from different angles each lunging and evading for the stone monkey. ‘He would not be bested by a primate. Though he would bide his time.’
“Well- this just got REAL FUCKING WEIRD and kinda hot. In a respectable kinda way amiright folks?!” Lucifer seemed to watch in both disgust and yet morbid curiosity.
Wukong’s eyes had taken a slitted form much similar to a cat’s or snake’s eyes while his tail waved behind him, golden fire escaping his lips the heat having expanded to envelop the entire dome, slowly melting away at the ground making it bubble and boil like a thick molasses that didn't stop Wukong’s movements while his attacks began to leave serious burns and deep marks that were burned black from his obsidian claws ripping out swaths of flesh and cutting off extra arms with ease and grace of someone performing a deadly dance.
"Now that's more like it."vThe radio demon encouraged, seeming to join in the hellish dance as the heat began to spread throughout the battle space. The deer demon continued to evade and slash with daggered attacks when there were openings. The more the warrior cut off the hellish form the more fearsome it began to arise. The demon did have to admit however- The flames emitting from the warrior stung. He could not deny this surprised him greatly. "You wound me holding back, Monkey." Alastor roared, the grotesque smell of decay increasing tenfold and so too did the initially quiet screams being emitted from the appendages cut. The howls of the lost souls echoing across the dome as former lords and ladies cried out to a fruitless savior.
"TALK ABOUT TURNING UP THE HEAT! Monkey brings out the flames scorching his opponent! Dear ol radio boy is holding his own but for how long for? Will this be the end for radio as we know it or does he have another trick up his sleeve folks?!" Lucifer cried, announcing from above for a better view. "FUCK that smells awful." The demon practically gagged, even from his birds eye view the heat and smell -heavens above- were potent!
Wukong took in a deep breath before bright golden colored flames covered his entire body being released from the small golden veins spread throughout his ‘skin’. The flames quickly spread to the boiling ground and ignited everything in a massive ball of golden fire kept isolated in the dome.
"Child's play." Alastor spat. Though the feigned bravado tithered. Regardless of his poor methods of combat- he could not lose. ‘The cost was far too great.’ The screams of the lost souls were piercing as the radio demon began to grow tenfold. The harsh static clashing against the flames attempting to repel the areas not already covered. Though the demon remained fixed, his appendages warped by shadow as distorted body parts flung in rage appearing from all directions to latch onto the monkey. ‘He just needed one good touch to pull him under.’
“You’ve never had to deal with Divine Flames have you?” Wukong drawled as the first limb that came towards him was reduced to rich brown dirt with grass growing from said dirt unbothered by the heat or the golden flames that became a soft earthy transparent green around the plant.
Alastor blinked. His dislocated yet crudely balanced head became still as he watched his appendage fizzle away. Reduced to nothing until life sprouted from its ashes. The dome was silent.
Even as a former angel himself, Lucifer could not begin to describe what he had seen. He recognised the power. He could feel the familiar energy entwined within his own being, however… In the short time he had known the radio demon -greatly disliking him for swindling his way into his daughter’s favor- the former angel pitied the scene before him. There was a reason a hierarchy existed in the first place. Alastor would soon learn why. No amount of souls garnished and fed onto a silver platter could ever compare with those who sat at the top unscathed. Plus this battle showed the ease Wukong was having against the deer demon.
Wukong simply spun his crystal staff now coated in the same golden flames that became transparent over the pure crystal. The flame-covered weapon cut through each mangled limb reducing them to dirt just like the first with grass and flowers sprouting up with more transparent green flames mingling with the golden flames.
"Well shit folks this looks like this fight took a turn for the very worst for ol’ Radio face." Lucifer's booming voice cutting through whatever foolproof plan the trapped demon had been concocting.
The radio demon let out an indescribable cry of both rage along with entire disbelief watching as the pain rose from his severed appendages before his eyes. He tore away from the remaining limbs trapped under the weight of the blaze as he feebly wrapped into the shadows. Creating distance between the two. He needed to heal- The searing pain from the staff alone sent him down. Any attempt at regeneration was futile only met with the harsh golden flames preventing any further progress. Why couldn't he regenerate?! What the fuck was this power?
“Yield. Those flames will not stop until every last bit of unnatural energy has been purged clean from your body.” Wukong advised as he stood crouch atop the crystal staff like a cat.
"I'll kill you where you stand. Ape." The radio demon roared. His unnatural form convulsing and dislocating at every step to be rid of the relentless flames of which continued to burn. ‘He just needed to reach him. If he could just reach him and consume his flesh whole-’ Though every attempt at an attack was futile, never reaching the celestial primate as he writhed in feral anguish.
"Just throw in the towel would ya? Yeesh you're making it harder than it needs to be." Lucifer cringed, covering his poor ducky's eyes. Not that the demon didn't deserve this, after everything he had put sinners and ones in power through. Perhaps Alastor would finally learn his place.It was never meant to be amongst those on top.
“You will die before you can touch me and seeing as I am holding back the most violent flames that want to purge your very soul of all that toxic junk you can say you’ll end up fertilizer before you can blink.” Wukong deadpanned.
"Just give it a rest will ya?" The king of hell sighed. Clearly there would be no end with the behavior displayed from the demon. "All you gotta do is plead mercy." As much as he would like to see the sinner's corpse splattered adorned in the prettiest of insulting petals, Charlie came to mind as he continued to watch. Would she understand if the demon met his End?
"Never… NEVER!" Alastor shrilled. His distorted cords barely audible above the sounds of the frantic static he displayed. "I HAVE A CHANCE AT FREEDOM! IT CALLS ME! I WILL NOT BE BESTED BY AN APE!" With every attempt at reaching the monkey he fell, breaking away into nothing.
Wukong gave him a sad look. “So be it… Little Fawn.”
The dialls in the demon's eyes swiveled. Taking the celestial primate in, for all he was worth. A look he despised more than anything was pity. ‘Pity aimed at him no less was degrading.’ It was one he had not seen… in a long, long time. Past the dome he could see Lucifer, the former angel bore the same wretched expression. He had been too callous. Desperate dials swiveled in sheer panic but the demon could realize he indeed was bested. What match was he against heavenly power? He only held a fraction of his true potential. The rest sealed far beyond the dome, in the clutches of another. ‘Could he accept dying at the hands of a celestial before his true prime?’
"Oh for the love of-" Lucifer groaned knowing he would inevitably have to intervene for Charlie's sake. "Alright, radio-"
“…You may not like what you turn out as at this point, Little Fawn.” Wukong sighed as the barrier broke and magic flooded back in warping and changing Alastor as he became smaller and smaller.
‘Again with that inferior name.’ Alastor would've seethed though the pain accompanied by the blazing flames was far too great. Whatever the celestial uttered fell on deaf ears. The screams of the lost souls entwining with his own soon took over just as it equally faded to static silence. Leaving whatever mercy they spared in a pile of ashes.
Wukong sighed while his body returned to flesh and blood covered up with a simple gold tunic and loose dark red pants. “And now we have a baby deer.” Wukong stated as he looked over the young fawn before him that was probably no older than four or five with a much paler red coloring and missing any clothing sitting in the pile of ashes.
"Hohoolllyyyyyy shit!" Lucifer choked as he descended. "ANNNNND THAT'S ALL FOLKS! WHAT A FUCKING FIGHT THAT WAS! Unsurprisingly my heavenly counterpart DESTROYED the competition. STAY TUNED TILLLLL NEXT TIME! Round 2 starts whenever this guy grows the fuck up I guess. Which is never." The demon deadpanned before properly taking in the sight. Large infant eyes regarded them both. "I'm gonna kick him."
“Nope! You are not doing anything.” Wukong stated as he gently picked up the little fawn getting little bleeps of a young fawn calling it's mother from the now ex-overlord. "Fiiine have it your way." The former angel playfully sighed. Would it have been morally right? No. But did the demon deserve it? Without a doubt.
He quickly covered the young one in a comfortable and warm set of pale red and gold accented tunic and pants. “This was the side effect I was talking about.” Wukong sighed, prepared to be bombarded with questions by Lucifer.
"Yeesh! No kidding." The demon regarded the crazed killer now just...a simple child. "So what is this- permanent? Does he even remember anything?*" Lucifer eyed the little fawn with both disdain and curiosity. The added tunic and pants weren't helping in its case. Given what this little creature formerly was, it was both horrifying and adorable.
“It's permanent. He will basically be forced to grow back up. It's part of my domain for being a Life and Nature God. I can't kill a soul, but I can purge it of any darkness to the point they basically regress to a simpler age to relearn everything from the ground up with some basics.” Wukong replied with a blush crossing his face. “The only souls I can truly kill are ones that are little more than mindless beasts without a scrap of humanity or morality left in them. The regression can be anywhere between one and four years old since that's where most younglings tend to observe their parents or caretaker and start building habits from observations.If the souls are under contract, then they would have been automatically transferred to you or Husk since Alastor is far too young to be making and holding onto contracts, even ones Alastor is under would be made void since he is no longer a mature adult soul.” Wukong rambled before he stopped blushing a bit darker at the unintentional info dump before looking up as Husk came flying down with Charlie running behind him.
“Well fuck me." Lucifer murmured, pretty astonished by this revelation. Before immediately clamping his mouth. He never particularly liked the use of colorful language amongst children. In the state they were in, they were the purest of souls. Regardless of nature. Angel? Demons? Mortal? All alike were pure. Perhaps heaven's influence had never really faded. He had enforced the very rules whilst raising his sweet Charl. And as Wukong rightfully said, their behaviors and response to information were all taught and learnt from the environment around them including those within that space. It certainly did put his mind at ease hearing this news. Better than watching their backs for a murderous 5 year old hellbent on revenge. The king of demons continued to listen eagerly to the ramblings of the monkey, captivated by every word. Ugh.. Souls were always such a bother to keep. Too many to keep track of, they weren't always the talkative type either. In all honesty it had been a while since Lucifer was even amongst company his social skills despite all his bravado were next to nothing. Maybe he could interest them in his craft! Not that any trapped soul could refuse. He was Lucifer Morningstar, after all. "H-Hang on just a tic! The bellhop here had SOULS! Lords of power..surely this means...-" ‘Heavens above… If those former sinners roamed free.-’
“Dead. Ended. Faded. They were far too gone and intermingled with that toxic magic for there to be anything left to save. Mihou is far more delicate with extracting souls of the dead from that kind of fate but unfortunately, I don’t have the finesse like he does. If any of the consumed souls had a shred of light left they would have appeared as a baby.” Wukong replied.
Lucifer nodded, taking all the additional information in. It certainly was a way to go out… And under a child no less? No doubt feathers would have been ruffled from such a degrading act. Though it couldn't be helped. "Wait- Who's Mihoo?" The demon asked before Wukong's second statement sent him reeling. "Fuuuuu-dge. Fudge. That little guy was under contract?! OHOHOHO I'm SO holding that over him when he grows!" Noticing his baby girl making her way towards them he frantically began waving.
“My Shadow General and my once mate... Before he met his first life’s end in an unfair fight against me…” Wukong replied, his ears falling down in deep sadness and guilt that swam in his eyes. “I can tell you the full story in private away from the younglings. Better for you to be aware of my mistakes than to be left in the dark about them, Lucifer.” Wukong added as Charlie exited the gates panting hard with Husk landing beside her. Wukong could sense that Husk was much stronger than before. ‘Ah, the contracts must have finished settling in him then. Might have to ask him to join me in spars to help him regulate his strength once again.’ Wukong thought to himself.
A saddened look seemed to cross the demon’s gaze hearing the celestial talk about his ‘once mate.’ He knew the feeling all too well as his own thoughts traveled back towards what he too had lost. The ring on his finger seemed to burn as a stark reminder as he began to twist it absentmindedly. “Hey, we’re all fuck ups down here. It’s what I’m known for especially.” Lucifer muttered with a bittersweet smile, his usual blazed confidence extinguished, leaving in its place a weakling flame the reigning king opened for Wukong to see. At Least with him he felt he could show those cracks. He wasn’t sure entirely why yet hearing a part of the monkey’s story was comforting. “I’d offer you a drink but you don’t seem like the type to wallow away in your sorrows. Offer stands though.” Lucifer winked. He was definitely intrigued as the inevitable story times shared could wait. The demon continued to beam, listening to the array of questions from his dear beloved. “CHARLIE! BABY! YOU SHOULD’VE SEEN IT LIVE! IT WAS-“ Lucifer clamped his mouth casting a glance towards the infant, before he abruptly lowered his tone with a comedic cough as Charlie used the interruption to call him out.
“Dad! What in the seven rings happened out here?!” Charlie nearly screamed as she pulled out her phone showing clips of a live stream of the fight with Lucifer watching the fight of a demonic deer against a flaming stone monkey. The only real sound was from Lucifer’s commentary nothing else could be picked up except the sounds of the fight and any bestial sounds. “This is practically viral all over the Hellnet! Why are they fighting?! Why is Mr King covered in flames?! Is that a Baby?” Charlie rapidly asked only for her eyes to land on the dozing deer toddler in Wukong’s arms.
“Fudging nuts! But yeah what the monkey said. So now we have this!” Presenting the infant fawn with jazz hands. While Charlie blinked at the cranky fawn that was swiftly handed back to Wukong when the baby began to tear up, hiding their little face in Wukong’s neck with their ears flat, a cute little tail on their bottom flicked down in distress. “Isn’t he just the cutest little ex-murderer ever?!” Lucifer pouted whilst making a face at the cranky demon child.
“Part of my powers is to purge toxic and unhealthy magics from the soul of a being, Ms. Morningstar. The process ends up causing the soul in question to basically regress to a younger age to relearn everything about the world from the ground up. Any contracts Alastor held or was under have either been given to Husk as he was the closest and must familiar to handle Alastor’s contract besides Lucifer while any contracts Alastor was under became void since his soul is no longer of a mature adult.” Wukong explained with a slight twitch of his tail at repeating himself plus he knew he would have to do it a second time when he entered the Hotel. “Can we continue this inside Meimei?” Wukong asked using the Chinese word for a younger sister to get Charlie to focus.
The princess naturally was flawed by the sudden news and could not take her eyes off of the child. Though she attempted to focus on her father’s words only static seemed to reach her as her sole gaze was drawn to the infant fawn. She reached out a hand before the celestial’s words finally made her stall. “Oh my…- R-Right! Of course!” She quickly nodded. Husk had remained silent through the whole ordeal but it was clear from his own stature and expressions he had very mixed emotions.
“Can’t have the newborn freeze now can we?!” Lucifer grinned though he knew full well Wukong’s warmth would keep the infant far from it. A familiar golden light adorned the group before the eyesore decor of the hotel greeted them.
11 notes · View notes
trentonsimblr · 2 years
Hi, I was wondering which poses you used in this post please?
Hello! Here you go!
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This was a combination of 3 different pose packs.
The back row - HERE
The front row - HERE
The two sitting on the ends - HERE
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This pose can be found HERE
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This pose can be found HERE
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This pose can be found HERE
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I spent a long time trying to find which pose I used for this one but I couldn't figure it out. I did find two similar but slightly different poses HERE and HERE.
12 notes · View notes
blackberry-gingham · 3 years
Catch | Otto Octavius x Fem!Reader
<Previously... | Chpt 2 | Next up... >
Tag list: @smokeywhalee @stupid-stinky @busybeingtrash (lmk if anyone else wants in, or just follow along here on ao3)
I literally cannot stop writing this fic so here's the next chapter where you and the doc finally get some legit one on one bonding time, merry Christmas and happy holidays. Be patient with him, he's trying his best 😭✋🏻
Tags: cannon divergence
You spend the next two weeks in and out of the doctor's little cove. Mostly for routine things, that is. You bring him food on occasion, but almost always business related updates and coffee some too of course.
Although, lately you've noticed you've been called back there for seemingly any reason at all. Today alone he's asked you twice for updates and thoughts on the weather.
See, it's not that you dislike the doctors company... Quite the opposite in fact. Unfortunately it's just that you simply have so much else you need to do.
Still, it pulls on your heart strings to see someone trying to desperately to obtain some human interaction. He must be lonely. Quite honestly, you can hardly blame him considering you're not certain he ever really leaves the lab. Perhaps giving him some company of your own accord would help.
You give a light knock on the door jamb with a brown bag of food in hand.
Otto jumps, sitting straight up at the sudden noise. He turns around, glasses slightly askew. With a breath of relief, he relaxes again, "That late already?", he laughs, then checks his watch.
It is indeed well after 1.
You smile and make a friendly comment about how you can't believe it's so late either. Gently, you place down the sandwiches and in the next motion, reach for one of the stand by office chairs.
The doctor stares at your hand on the chair, very obviously distracted by the implications.
"Oh, I'm sorry", you stop, "I was wondering if you might like some company for lunch this time?"
The doctor's thoughts retreat to the back of his mind, big wet eyes blank as he processes the question. No one's really ever asked him that before, to be frank, so perhaps you could understand his surprise. Forgetting the fact that the question is being posed by you, of all people.
Before you can say another word, he snaps back to the present. Before he can think another thought, he warmly welcomes you. A shame really, for if he had managed to think that next thought, he would've remembered how much he loathes eating with company.
It's a touchy subject full of youthful memories he'd rather not remember, but... being a shy and rather heavy set man, it's in his experience that interactions such as this usually doesn't make for good ones.
You take no notice of his second thoughts however. Instead, you unwrap your sandwich and go about your meal like you would anytime else.
Otto watches you eat for a few bites, refusing to touch his portion, but you don't seem to notice. In fact, you don't seem to be paying him much attention at all. Hm...
Perhaps he's over thinking things, a common hobby of his. Before it gets too strange, he at last forces himself to unwrap the food and take a bite. He can only pretend to be 'just finishing something up first' for so long, after all.
All the while for that first, inordinately slow bite, he watches you from the corner of his eye. He's not sure what he's waiting for, but... As one might suspect, nothing happens. You continue to eat and make sure to give him a friendly glance so he knows he isn't being ignored.
You on the other hand find it a little odd that, finally given the opportunity, the doctor has nothing to say. For all the other times he's so eager to be chatty... All the times he pulls you away from your work for some bullshit excuse... Now he doesn't have a word to spare.
Well, you certainly didn't come this far to sit here in silence...
"So, how are the arms?"
The doctor makes an inquisitive hum through his mouthful of food, before swallowing quickly. He rolls his yoked shoulders and glances to either of his sides, turning towards you a touch, "Fine! Not any worse then usual, at least", he chuckles, then tenses the muscles of his thick biceps. He looks them over for just a second as he does so, then looks back to you, "In fact I think they're coming along rather nicely, thank you"
He beams, both proud and impressed that the few attempts at push ups from the last couple nights have apparently shown such progress already.
While you must admit that even through the fabric of his sweater, his flesh and blood arms are rather impressive... It's all you can do to hold in an explosive laugh. Instead you hold a fist over your mouth as you clear your throat, politely covering your mouth to mask your entertained smile, "I'm sorry, the actuators, doctor"
Otto's face blanches, immediately followed by a deep flush of pink. He's silent for a quick, awkward second, using every last bit of strength to hold himself together, "Oh! Oh oh oh, yes of course... Uh, they're coming along, yes. Or... No, no they were postponed a few days for Harry's dog and pony show, but otherwise, yes they're fine"
The doctor turns back to the table quickly and takes a big bite of his sandwich, in a hurry to pretend this interaction is over.
You perk up at that, "Oh, you mean the gala!"
He casts you a little side glance and forces a curt smile and nod, "Mhm"
The past few minutes entirely forgotten, you turn to better engage the doctor, a bright smile radiating from your lovely face as you lay an excited hand on his forearm. Even the doctor, mortified as he is, can't resist being drawn back into the conversation by your enthusiasm.
"Well does that mean you're going!"
He clears his throat, "Are... you?"
You halfheartedly roll your eyes, "Of course I am, I wouldn't miss this for the world! Seems like all of New York and then some will be there", you laugh a little, "I can't wait, I just know it'll be fun!"
"Hm, fun", he mutters.
A little taken aback, you counter, "What, you don't think so?"
The doctor tries to brighten up a bit. He'd hate to think he's the one responsible for curbing your enthusiasm, "Oh, no no! I'm sure it'll be wonderful, it's just... Eh, not my thing"
A little saddened, you remove your hand from his firm forearm, "Ah, so you aren't going"
Otto feels a twinge in his chest at that. What happened to all your passion and excitement just moments ago? Upsetting you was far from his intentions.
No sooner have you removed your hand, then he raises his. He holds it low in a steadying motion, a clever disguise, considering for just a moment there he nearly attempted to reach across and reclaim your touch.
"No! I mean... I will be, yes!", he drops his heavy hand back to a neutral position, "I have to be, after all, considering I'm both the dog and pony"
That elicits a genuine laugh from you, "Are you giving a speech?"
The doctor blows a huff of air, "Thankfully, no. Harry will be doing most of the talking, I just have to stand up there while he drums up excitement from the press, then announce the project date"
"Ah, well that's not so awful then", you smile and take a bite of your nigh forgotten lunch.
"No, I suppose not... The real issue is that I apparently now need something special to wear. It would seem my lab coat is unacceptable", he rolls his eyes.
"Really? I'm surprised Harry hasn't sent you something chosen on your behalf", you laugh.
At last, the doctor huffs a little laugh too, "I almost wish he would"
With one last laugh, you've somehow managed to bring the atmosphere back to a comfortable place. The doctor goes back to his lunch same as you do with a little smile of his own. It's nice having someone who enjoys his humor.
In fact, before you leave... He invites you to come again tomorrow.
And so you do. And the next day and the next... Having a true chat and laugh as you relax through your break. It wasn't the outcome you were expecting, but your pleased to note that your little scheme worked. At last, you have some peace to get things done through the day, not to mention it comes with the added bonus of giving you something to look forward to in the afternoon.
The doctor seems less shy and hesitant to simply consume his lunch around you now, you've noticed. For that, you're grateful. You never meant to put him ill at ease, after all. Although, it did strike you as a little surprising to learn how fast he actually eats, now that he's behaving normally.
Whether it's natural, or he's simply excited to get back to talking, you're not quite sure.
On one said afternoon, you find yourselves discussing the big day tomorrow. Otto starts off the talk excitedly going on about the actuators, and with good reason, considering they're complete at last.
"I hope you don't mind me saying so, but I'll be glad when tomorrow night is over", he huffs.
You laugh lightly, "I can understand"
"Yes, well... I know you're excited for it though. Any plans?"
"No, not particularly. Just to enjoy it, I suppose", you smile.
"Well, can't ask for anything more then that", he smiles quickly, then clears his throat behind a closed fist, "I... Suppose I'll see you there then?"
"I suppose you will! Are you bringing anyone?", You ask the question neutrally, taking a sip of coffee.
He laughs, "Uh, no... No, I'm not", politely, he poses you the same question to which you give the same answer. Although he's not sure why, Otto internally breaths a sigh of relief. He tells himself it means one less person to have to make a scene in front of, but he's not entirely sure that's all there is to it...
You speak up once more, offering that same, comforting touch to his arm, "Well don't worry, maybe that just means we can accompany each other", you pat his upper arm and laugh, as though it's a clever joke.
You'll never know just how much he wishes you mean that.
After hours of painstakingly putting yourself together, you leave for your night out at last. Your fine little evening dress is the perfect finishing touch as you make your way out the door and head for downtown.
The interior is magnificent and huge as a castle, glittering with lights beyond count, and people several more. You wonder how anyone is supposed to find anyone in a crowd this massive, but... You suppose too that that's the beauty in it. The fun things about parties like this is just how alone you can be, all while surrounded by entertaining lights and sounds and bodies all night long.
For those who know no one, it's perfectly private.
Somewhere, far away in a backroom, the doctor fusses over his appearance before the big speech as he is just now realizing that the black and white suit was an incredible mistake. He was told black is supposed to make a big fellow like himself look a little more streamline but, as he turns once more to the side... He feels rather much like a penguin. The bowtie does not help.
Or his nose.
Or these glasses.
Or th-
Forget it, he sighs. Running open palms down the rounded out front of suit jacket, he wonders if there's anything to possibly be done. Experimentally, he removes said jacket to see if it'll reduce the bulk. Left only with the matching black vest beneath... He now looks the part of the waiter.
More deflated then ever, he huffs, dropping his forced upright posture. Another mistake, as he is now all too aware of the bit of pudge and pair of love handles sticking out over top of his belt. Ugh, he winces. Cumbersome as it may appear on him, at least the suit jacket hid those little details.
Regretfully, he replaces the jacket back onto his person. Right now, he truly feels he'd do anything to have back his lab coat and one of his sweaters. Although... Now he questions if his sweaters have a similar effect on his body and he was just never made to notice before.
"Come on doc, it's show time!", tearing him out of this thoughts, Harry Osborn knocks harshly on the doctor's door, before giving his warning.
"Coming!", he calls.
Otto steals one last look at himself in the mirror. He hates how he looks, but... He's not paid to be handsome, he supposes. Hmp, thankfully, he huffs.
He flattens down his fluffed up curls and makes an effort to suck in his gut before making the long, torturous march to the presenting platform.
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jaeminscoffee · 4 years
Apologize | L. Hc
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Pairing- Lee Haechan x reader
Genre- Initial angst, smut
Word count- 5.54k
Warning(s)- thick skinned oc, ego problems, argument, Hyuck almost hit's Y/n, angry/rough yet slow sex, riding, orgasm control, stern and slight brat tamer!hyuck, overstimulation. Lmk if i missed out any.
Synopsis- Why do you have to apologize when clearly Lee Haechan is to be blamed too?
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That's how you'd coin the atmosphere around you and your boyfriend the past dating weeks.
That's how you'd felt ever since the day you'd decided to act out. For being a hypocrite and for being a pain in the ass. 
That's how you'd felt after realising that you'd lashed out on him for no rational reason. For losing your temper at him hanging out with a female who'd coincidentally been your rival. She loved him, and god knows if she still does. 
You're anxious that your pettiness would drive him away from you to someone better, possibly the said rival and so you're worried. 
But would you want to play the saint's role and go apologize? No. 
You can't, not while knowing what his reaction would be. Knowing Lee Donghyuck, he'd get cocky. He'll do anything and everything in his power to indulge you in embarrassment. Guilt trip you a while later and demand you'd be a good girl from then forth. Why would you want to do that? Come to think of it, he's one to be in fault too. 
Knowing full well that you'd have a distaste towards Lena, Donghyuck should've known better than publicise the fact that he'd openly hung out with his girlfriend's rival. 
He owes you an apology too when you word it that way. 
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Haechan's mood can be summarized in three words, confused, frustrated and disappointed. 
You are the only one glowing in his eyes and he made sure you'd know that. And for someone like him being treated with such disrespect, he was fuming. 
It's not that he intentionally went ahead and planned a hangout with Lena, it just so coincidentally happened that one of his groupmate's her boyfriend, so meeting her was inevitable and Haechan was more than ready to explain it to you, in a calm, civil manner. 
But you just won't listen. 
Not to mention the holiday you'd planned all over last week for a road trip with the gang now seems to be the last thing on his mind now when that was the same thing he'd been so hyped up about. 
You just had to spoil it all for him. 
That explains why Haechan's furiously throwing his clothes into the baggage in order to calm down before whatsoever he's about to face while planning out a strategy to talk things out with you before the trip. 
Surely, his ego's too big to apologize that quick but at the same time, he wasn't petty enough to spoil the atmosphere during the trip, the gang didn't deserve that.
And so with one last cloth thrown into his luggage, he seals the zip and grabs his car keys from the side table with a new-found determination to resolve the conflict before the traveling that's going to take place in three hours to four from now. 
Haechan's going to make it right and he'd make sure of it.
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You weren't expecting Haechan's visit at the same time you aren't shocked that he's entered your private space with no prior notice, you'd given him the spare keys afterall. 
"Y/n, we need to talk" 
You hear him close behind you but you pay no mind, continuing to walk back and forth from your wardrobe to your bed, where your package lay spread out, folded in a neat manner and ready to be put inside the luggage you'd get along for your vacation later that evening. 
"Y/n, I said we need to talk." Haechan says with a lot more sternness than before, his voice octaves lower than his usual bubbly voice. 
"I think the talking can wait until later, Donghyuck." you reply with a flat tone, calling out his governmental name in order to irk him up.
"No it can't. Speak it out, love. Let's resolve this now" He reached out to hold your forearm to turn you around so that you're facing him, the look of distaste on your face adding up to his rotten mood. 
"What's there to talk about, Hyuck? I'd told you time and time again that i don't like you around her and what do you do? Go hang out with her! Oh to have a boyfriend who actually listens to you" you peel yourself away from him as though his touch disgusts you. 
It didn't. 
It's just the courage that you'd gathered up to make sure you'd ask for forgiveness on call before the trip was all thrown out of the window due to Haechan's surprise visit. With him in front of you right now, you could do nothing but blurt out the words coming up first without censoring it and you were aware of that. 
That Haechan's ready to put up a fight. 
"She just so happened to be in the group, Y/n i told you that a hundred times already" 
"And she just so happened to be the same person who'd been nothing but rude to me because you chose me over her, totally understandable" you reply in sarcasm. 
"What do you expect me to do then? Ask Sungchan not to bring her along?" He replied with the same venomous tone you carried, slowly growing tired of this pointless argument. 
"No, Haechan. I would've appreciated it if you'd come and told me yourself that she was there! I hate that I had to find it out from Jaemin who didn't even know I was kept in the dark from that information! That made me feel like I knew little to nothing about you!"
"You know that's not true, princess.." Haechan answered with a softer tone, feeling guilty at the fact that your voice had grown smaller and smaller with each passing word. 
"I do not know what's true at this point, Hyuck. I don't even know if you love me enough to let me what's going on in your life at this point."
"Don't cross the line, Y/n."
His voice goes back to the sternness it first carried as a warning. Getting mad at him for not informing you things is one but questioning his love was another. That's not a topic up for speaking. 
No one can question his feelings, which is so genuine that if a stranger were to walk past the couple you two make they'd know from the first look that Haechan's head over heels for you. He'd kill anyone for you, that's how much he loves you. 
"I'm crossing the line? Me? Are you sure, Donghyuck? Because from how I remember it, you did it the first time by hanging out with your girlfriend's enemy without her knowing! Do you even know what would've been my possible thought process at that time?" You ask furiously, 
Haechan was dubious to pose out an answer, so he just let you continue your rant. 
"Do you know how i felt when i saw the story you'd put up with her right next to you being all clingy? How I felt when you didn't pick up my calls or reply back to my texts when I tried reaching out for some sort of assurance that whatever you have with her is platonic and that you're still mine? How i felt when Jaemin was going on about how much she'd been laughing at all you were doing and how you'd enjoyed the reaction?" Your voice quivers the more you continue.
"The answer is no. You don't know anything so just, stop trying to spoil this trip for me and let's take a break. We need it." 
"Break?" Haechan inquires with extreme shock evident in his voice.
"Yes, a break. Maybe that'll help you realise who you actually have feelings for." 
"Y/n that is so uncalled for, you're making a mountain out of a molehill! Why are you making such a big deal out of this?" You flinch at the sudden raise in his voice which had your knees buckle due to the loudness, which, for that matter, you'd heard only once before when you were being careless with dangerous kitchen tools. 
"This is a whole load of bullshit, doll. Do you not trust me enough?" Haechan nears you, his voice dropping low due to frustration, hurt, and disbelief. He'd never seen you be this petty before. 
You back away with each of his step forward, "Maybe I don't! Which is why i think i deserve a bre-"
"Come again?" He strides closer, his gaze growing darker, more stern, angry, with each step. In an utter furious state as you for starters, were questioning his feelings. And now had been questioning your trust for him. 
"I said I don't know if I trust you enough now, Haechan! I'm telling you i need a brea-" 
"Enough!" He took one last step and you'd had no space between you and him, with the wall behind you acting as a barrier to block you from escaping. 
The sudden act of force posed to your body by Haechan practically slamming you onto the wall made your back and the back of your head hurt from the impact, and a groan escapes your lips, but all the softness was long gone from Haechan's features as he didn't show any signs of inquiring if you're okay or not. 
He seemed like he would murder you if you'd dare speak up now. You'd successfully pushed his last button. 
"You're being over dramatic, darling. One, don't act as though you've never hung out with the guys I'd specifically asked you not to. Two, yes, i hung out with her and so what? Was it a date? Was I the only one there alongside her? No. It was a group meeting that, for a matter of fact, I'd invited you to join but what did you do? You said you didn't want to tag along." 
"What's gotten into you, doll. You've never reacted this way before" Haechan reaches out to caress your cheeks, which made you flinch at the contrast of his actions, his words and his expression at that point of time. 
"Look at me when I'm talking to you." You don't. Which resulted in him harshly grabbing your chin, tilting it up to see a slight quiver on your lips. 
"And speak up. You seemed to have a lot to question just a moment ago, what happened now?" See, this is exactly what you hated. That one way or the other, he'd have you cornered, feeling small with him clearly making it evident who has the upper hand. 
"Nothing, Haechan. Nothing happened. I did have a lot to question and i still do, don't think i'd get scared of you by you acting all barks and no bites. I still need a fucking break why don't you understa-!" 
The grip he had on your chin tightened, his other hand raised in reflex, hovering in the air as though it's ready to strike you any minute.
"Know your limits, Y/n. This is pointless and if you're still sane enough to be considered the Y/n i started dating then you'd know you're being irrational and it's starting to fuck me up." 
"And? You're going to hit me for that? You think i'm not the Y/n you started dating? You're no less than me, Donghyuck!" You try pushing at his shoulders in order to create space, that only makes Haechan drop his hands from your chin to your hands, pinning it to the walls, hard enough to prevent any movement. 
"I'm not going to hit you, doll. You know that." Haechan sighs.
"Do i? Do I really?" You're practically shaking part from fear, part from anxiousness and part from the fact that you know you're making things harder to settle down. 
"I'm telling you, it was nothing but a harmless hangout and I'm sorry for not letting you know, but..can we just move on? Forget this? This is so pointless." 
"Must be pointless enough for you, Hyuck. Not for me. I mean it when i say i need a fucking break or else I'll make shit even worse. I'm heading over to Jeno's, meet you at the campsite." You jerk yourself away from Haechan's vice grip. Giving him one last look with those broken eyes of yours, you head over to your luggage and grab it, before heading out of the door in a quick movement, preventing Haechan from even blurting out the first syllable of your name. 
When he hears the door slam all the way from the living room, he loses it. 
"Goddammit, why did you decide to act up now of all times."
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You're actually happy the group is big enough to take two travel vehicles because you didn't bump into Haechan after that heated argument you had back at the apartment. 
You, Jeno, Jaemin, Mark and Jisung went out in one car while Renjun, Chenle, Shotaro Haechan and Sungchan followed close behind in the second vehicle. 
You'd almost completely forgotten about all that took place with the guys constantly cracking out jokes, lame one considering Jeno, Mark and Jisung's dynamic had been put together to make this really chaotic, pointless yet hilarious conversations. 
"No, dude literally. Sung has a point! Waffles literally are just pancakes with abs-Y/n stop giving me that look" Mark tries justifying. 
"Mark, you're making my head hurt please stop." Jeno lets out a sneer from the driver's seat while Jaemin, who's seated beside you, pats your head in pity. "I go through this all day every day, love. You'll get used to it eventually. If you don't, though, we'll plan a strategy to just lock Mark up in a freezer or something." 
"Seems like a plan to me" you shrug at Jaemin, leaning down to rest your head on his shoulder as your neck had started to cramp from the funny positions you'd craned it in to get into a comfortable position. 
Jaemin welcomed you with a gleeful squeak, pulling you closer by snaking his hands between your body and the seat to wrap it around your waist which only made things more comfortable for you. 
A tiny nap before the actual escapade wouldn't hurt now, would it? 
"Guys! Chenle's on facetime! Say hiiii!" you hear Jisung say in a sing-song voice, but you did nothing to get up to greet the lad, instead snuggling closer to Jaemin when you felt his other hand come up to your head and thread through the tresses. You let out a sound of appreciation which made Jaemin's chest rumble from the chuckle he'd let out. 
"Oh man! I wanted to show Y/n this cool beetle we caught." 
Haechan, already sour from the incidents prior, had been uncharacteristically quiet. When inquired about he'd say "Ah, i didn't sleep at all last night so I'm feeling a little blue". The boys had granted him permission to just recharge and sit back while they made the road trip spicy. 
Obviously, Chenle wanted to show off to his best friend that he could still be the life of the party with or without Jisung's presence and so decided to facetime the guy. 
Curiosity strikes Haechan at the sound of the younger's idea and sits up straight in order to look into Chenle's screen while still making sure he is out of the frame. 
"Y/n's asleep?" Renjun inquires from Chenle's other side, peeping into whatever's being displayed on the screen. The image of you all cuddled up with Jaemin filling it up. 
Haechan could do nothing about it, other than fume silently in anger while the guys coo at your cuteness, "You need to wake her up soon though, we're 5 minutes away from the cabins," Sungchan says from the driver's seat. 
"I'll just carry her out, I'm pretty sure I'll be sent to the depths of tartarus if I woke up this sleeping beauty. " Jaemin hushes with a lopsided grin and Haechan well, seemed like he'd rupture any moment. 
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You'd woken up minutes before reaching the destination due to the rocky ride. 
Jeno had decided to derail at the last minute, exclaiming he'd found a shortcut to the place when in all reality, it was a longer route. You weren't complaining though.
The view change definitely helped you calm your wits, almost as though you never were in a bad mood so you'd decided to leave that behind for your city life and just decided to go with the flow of nature from this point forward.
And you'd only silently hoped your boyfriend would've been doing the same.
"You okay, princess?" you snap your head to look at Jaemin who'd broken you out of your trance. "Yeah, why'd you ask?" you reply, smiling at him. 
"You seemed a little lost..?" he states almost as though questioning himself whether they're the right choice of words. "Oh? I guess I'm just in awe of the view, it's ethereal" you look out of the window once again, Jaemin following you suit. 
"You're in awe of the view when you get to see yourself in the mirror everyday? Wow." Jaemin smiles at you with a teasing glint evident on his face. 
"Yo if Haechan would've been here you'd be spitting out your death rights" Jeno voices out with a chuckle. "Nah, Y/n would stop him from murdering me, I've got free will" Jaemin replies, shooting you a wink. 
You smile at their tactics with a shake of your head and just hope to spread this same joy to Haechan, and apologize, and get it over with, just like how he'd wanted. You're thankful to have this time off from him, the boys helping you unknowing of your fight with Haechan.
You're going to make this right. 
Sungchan and team reached first a few minutes away from the campsite near to where the cabins were located, oblivious to the fact that you guys had derailed. 
Haechan hadn't spoken a word ever since he saw his girlfriend all over his best friend, much to Renjun's dismay. 
Renjun didn't bother inquiring though, no matter how enthralled he'd been, he kept quiet to himself because from the looks of Haechan's face, there is a high chance that his neck would be snapped if he tried talking to the lad. 
Haechan still didn't utter a word even while helping unload the trunk as he'd not want to come of as a useless ticking time bomb so he decided to power work and lend an extra hand, also being the first to stomp his way towards the cabin he'd be sharing with you, mindful to not lock it incase you'd arrive. 
Oh now you owe him an apology, alright. 
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You'd reached not that long after the first group of guys. 
You were a little disappointed that the pretty motions of the trees flying past you had come to a static. But nevertheless, content at the sight of nature all surrounding you.
You make your way towards the cabin you'd be residing in after the guys constantly insisting that they do not need your help and that you deserve to rest up. 
You open the door without thinking much, a smile of bliss apparent on your face only for it to morph into a petrified look at the sudden moment of you being pulled into the room and the door aggressively being slammed shut. "Ah!" 
"Did you have fun?" You open your eyes to see Haechan, a little too intimidating for you to keep an eye contact, talk to you with a smirk on his face. 
"I asked did you have fun, doll face, i need my answer to that" his other hand comes up to your cheeks, caressing it just like how he'd done this morning, this time, with much more softness that before which had a sick feeling boil up at the pit of your stomach. 
"H-huh?" you question, genuinely confused on what he's talking about. 
"Was it fun having full attention of your boyfriend's best friend? Was it fun throwing yourself completely at him? Hm?" His gaze darkens, scaring you a little, "Haechan what are you on-"
"Save it. Strip." 
Haechan orders while walking away towards the bed after making sure he'd shut the bolt tight to prevent anyone from barging in. 
He seats himself down dead in the middle of the bed, waiting for you to comply with a raise of his eyebrows. "Hyuck, let's talk this-" 
"Talking things out with you had never been an option, love. I need to show you who's in charge here all over again. So, be quick, strip before i do it myself." His voice carried a threatening tone to it, which stopped from rebelling against his words, knowing you'd just be digging your own grave then. 
You slowly reach out to the buttons of your shirt with trembling hands, unbuttoning them one after the other at your own pace which seemed to slow for Haechan. "Faster. Leave the skirt on." 
Haechan puts out his next order, leaning forward to rest his elbows over his knees, his eyes following the moment of your hands which were now tugging your shirt away from your body. 
"Oh, Y/n..You were all over Jaemin, your body flush against his when you'd worn no fucking bra inside the shirt?" oh no.. 
"Drop to your knees."
"Hyuck, listen to-"
"I'd not talk if i were you, darling. Do not fucking speak unless spoken to or you're just going to make things worse for yourself. Drop." He said with a lot more sternness and venom, the tone in his voice almost making it seem like he's disgusted with your entire being. 
Oh how the tables have turned. 
You do as he said and drop to your knees, not caring of the fact of how your knees scrape against the wooden tiles. "Crawl up to me." 
You don't fight it, your entire being wanting to shrink and just disintegrate into dust from all the embarrassment you're being put through which, weirdly, only added to the growing arousal between your legs. 
You slowly crawl up to him, not too slowly, being mindful not to piss him off any further. The uncomfortable feeling on your knees and the stickiness gathering on your panties were given a blind eye as your main goal remained to not tick Haechan off anymore. 
"Good girl.. So you can follow orders when asked to, huh?" you somehow managed to make out that he wasn't really posing the question at you so you decide to stay silent, eyes on his shoes and your hands on your knees. 
If you were to describe the look Haechan carried the exact moment with you kneeled down in front of him, you'd describe it as one that the hunter carries while his prey falls right into his trap. You felt small. 
"Look at me, doll" He leans forward further as you silently look up at him. 
A fond smile makes its way onto Haechan's features at your subtle innocence. He reaches out to grip your chin in a firm yet soft grip, tilting your head further up. "How pretty.." 
His palm engulfs your entire face as you lean into his warmth, forgetting ever so slightly about the grave trouble you'd gotten yourself in. His fingers trail up the side of your face, the thumb soothing your lips. A firm press following right after in a silent order, you comply. 
You open your mouth a little wide for Haechan to slip his digits in, which he does. You raise your gaze higher to look at him before wrapping your lips around his fingers, sucking it as though your life depends on it. 
"It's a pity I have to ruin you so that you'd know just how bad you've been." he growls, pulling you up with a sharp tug of your chin as you lift yourself off the ground and onto Haechan's lap while he crashes his lips on yours. 
You let out a whimper as the rushed kiss you two share, your hands finding home at Haechan's shoulder to keep yourself anchored, only for him to grab both your hands and lock it behind your back with his own. 
The kiss is messy, very sloppy, rushed and anyone crazy enough to be watching it would know who has the upper hand as Haechan lowers his lips to your jaw, scattering red-purple marks all over. His free hand goes up to your hair, brushing the strands out of the way in a very contrasting manber from his roughness at your jaw. 
He makes a makeshift ponytail out of your hair and yanks it back hard enough to expose more of the neck as you let out a sound of pain. "Haechan, slow down p-.. Please" you whine out 
"Don't fucking tell me what to do, love." He bites particularly hard at your soft spot, making you bite down hard on your lips to stop any extremely loud, pornographic sounds from escaping your throat.
Haechan wasn't having any of that bullshit. 
With a swift move, you're under him. Your panties are long thrown somewhere behind your boyfriend, your skirt still in place but lifted up to your torso to expose your glistening flower to him. 
You felt helpless. 
All exposed to him, all worked up from just a short make out, eyes blown out from pleasure and neediness. You must've looked pathetic in his eyes.
"Please.." you beg for nothing in particular, just getting the sudden feeling to be Haechan's good little girl else he would snatch away all your source of pleasure with just a blink of his eyes. 
"Hm? Please what, darling?" His fingers graze over your wetness, letting out a smug 'tsk' as your essence spread all over his fingers. 
"Pl-please!" you choke out and the feeling of his warmness touching you where you needed him the most, slightly embarrassed at how sensitive you'd gotten just from a little manhandling from his end. 
"Go further than just a mere please, Y/n. Or is it that you're already too far gone to say shit that's coherent?" he thumbs at your clit with all the wetness that's collected. 
"Good. I like you just like that. Dumb, needy and an obedient little girl. Will you be nice throughout your punishment and not make it harder for the both of us, love?" 
You moan out in reply when you feel a slender finger of his slip into your hole with ease. "Yes! Yes, I'll be good, just please.." you whine in submission. "Please don't stop.." you become breathless pretty quick. 
"Oh I won't, doll face. Don't worry about that." Haechan states as though he has something planned for you, which is part true. But he also wouldn't dare stop as he watches your expressions morph into a state of bliss. 
"Haechan..!" you jolt when he inserts a second finger, picking up speed, which pulled you dangerously close to your first high. 
"Oh my? Cumming already? I thought you were better than this, babe" He talks as though he isn't just drilling his digits into your wetness. 
The adding of pressure on your clit was the last string to topple you over to the edge, your hips lifting high off the bed, eyes screwed shut as you indulge yourself in pleasure, only for you to choke out a cry when you feel Haechan throw a hand over your hip, pinning to the bed, his head now between your legs, lapping out the last bits of your orgasm. 
"Hyuck, wait! I'm sensitive!" you reach out to place your hand on top of his head, not sure whether you want to pull him closed or tug his head away. 
You feel his lips form a smirk, his free hands moving down to insert digits in you while his tongue worked magic on your clit.
"That's the point, darling. Now stay put or I'll make sure you come more than just twice."
You pull yourself out of your dilemma and tug him closer, hearing him mumble out a "good girl" against your clit. 
There's something so sinful about the squelching sounds of his fingers driving in and out of you, the way he laps at your clit, making sure to slurp all your essence up which had the knot tighten at the bottom of your stomach once again. "Close again?"
"Uh-huh!" you let out in a screechy voice that would've had you cringing if you weren't so far gone into pleasure. You hear a growl from below you, the last anchor being left off the hook. 
"Good, let go for me." 
And you oblige. You twitch in overstimulation as Haechan slurps up your essence all over again, leaving you drained, tired and twitching beneath him. 
Haechan pulls himself up once he's satisfied enough, his chin glistening, a lopsided grin present on his face, "Taste yourself for me" He mutters quickly before clashing his lips onto yours while he keeps himself hoisted with one hand, the other working on removing his jeans. 
He shifts your position again after quickly making a move of discarding his shirt across the room, leaving him to be as bare as you.
Haechan pulls you up, making you sit up as he watches you basically drool over his shaft, his smirk only growing wider with pride. "Hungry for more, babe?"
You nod enthusiastically, not trusting your voice. And you thank the lords as Haechan didn't force you to speak up this time, "Then you have to work for it, darling. Go ahead, ride me." 
You waste no time and get to work, shocking both yourself and the lad at your tireless nature as you pump him a few times before aligning his member along your entrance, you don't plan on going slow as you just sit yourself down, engulfing him completely inside you, earning a satisfied groan from Haechan. 
Haechan brings his hands to rest them upon your hips as you slowly lift yourself up once again, reaching out to hold his shoulder for support before easing down, you feel his thighs twitch underneath you. 
"Oh love, you're amazing" Haechan praises you as you bounce to keep the motion going, picking up the pace to make him feel better as his fingers dig into your sides. 
You soon grow tired though, your legs giving out from tiredness, causing you to slow down, "Hyuck, i can't.. I-i'm tired" you almost let out a sob. 
"Aw my, my poor baby.. Too bad, i can't help you here, love. Work for the pleasure, work to please me, come on, don't disappoint me all over again, doll" 
You let out an actual cry out of desperation, using the last bit of strength you could muster up to keep the action going, gasps and breaths of exasperation leaving you with each bounce. 
The look of complete submission, wanting to please him and determination made Haechan growl as he feels you clenching around his members, making him unintentionally buck his hips up to meet your hips in the middle, earning a yelp from you. 
"Haechan, I'm close..pl-please" you cry out louder with each of yours and Haechan's hip moment, the melanin of his skin covered in sweat, glistening in the dimly lit cabin, his face morphed into that of utter bliss and the sinful sounds he let out makes you grow frantic.
"I can feel it, darling. I can feel it. I'm close too. Let go for me" 
You cum with a loud cry, as your actions seize up completely to help you calm down. You jump when you feel his palm come in contact with your ass, 
"I asked you to cum, baby. Not to stop. Keep moving just a little bit more, I'm almost there" He growls at you, both his hands finding refuge on your ass. 
"I can't, I really can't! Hyuck,-" You cry out real cries, fresh tears falling out, 
"Move." Haechan commands paying no attention to your pleas. After all, this is your punishment. 
You bounce up slowly again, your entire lower body protesting in pain, as you sob, working up the heat beneath once again. 
The sight Haechan got pulled him ridiculously close to his high, your hair disheveled, tears running down your face, sobs leaving your throat as you try your hardest to keep moving. 
Haechan wanted you to come one last time.. 
So the moment he felt himself twitch inside you, he removes one hand from your bottom and brings it to rub your clit in rapid motions. You're sensitivity getting the best of you as you drop down on him completely with a cry loud enough you're pretty sure the others heard you. 
You both end together, with a loud growl escaping Haechans throat as he lazily thrusts up to ride his high out, immediately stomping when he hears your cries and how you've shut your legs tightly close
"It's okay, it's over, baby, you did so well.." he's quick to pull you into a warming embrace, cooing at you, wiping your tears away. 
He doesn't speak up for a while, humming soft tunes to calm you down. 
"Hyuck.. Listen I'm sorry-" you start with a hoarse voice.
"Shh, no. You don't have to apologize for anything, just rest up, hm? I'll wake you up before dinner"
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sketching-shark · 3 years
LMK fandom: Oh, what do we do about this guy who has nothing but hurt Xiaotian, tried to replace Sun Wukong and his crew, hurt Tripitaka and ordered servants to cannibalize a monkey? Oh I know! We’ll turn him into our little meow meow~ he’s so innocent and Sun Wukong is obviously the villain!
What doesn’t help is this idea is perpetuated by multiple fan fic writers and artists for some reason. Especially some aus they make that turn SWK into a bastard for the sake of the story rather than considering cultural context and thinking they should be respectful.
And almost everyone lets them get away with it just because the art or fanfic is good and they get so popular that no one can point what is actually wrong without feeling like they’re going to get attacked.
I'm starting to feel like my blog is the one anons go to specifically to vent their frustrations about the Six Eared Macaque in his lego monkey show form & the associated fandom lmao. But I guess this makes sense, as I’ve had fun quasi-dragging him before & will in fact use this anon submission as an opportunity to have my own, to put it academically, bitch fest about not just this fandom's favorite protagonist-traumatizing meow meow, but about the way villains are often treated in not just fanon, but increasingly in canon works as well. But same policy as with the last anon; I'll post my opinions below the cut, and as fandoms love to say, don’t like don't read if you don't want to see me dunking on the six eared simian & common fandom tendencies towards villains.
Oh man I would say where would you even begin with this but anon you’ve pretty much started yourself with my main gripe with a lot of ways that the Six-Eared Macaque is portrayed in fandom; there seems to be this unspoken agreement that his acts of violence towards Sun Wukong, Qi Xioatian, and Qi Xioatian’s loved ones are either to be framed as somewhat or totally justified, to be immediately forgiven/excused, or to simply & completely be ignored. Like friends maybe this is just me not seeing the proper posts but while the fandom is inundated with art and fanfics of Macaque as a generally decent individual & a true member of team good guy, I have yet to see one person address the fact that this monkey literally kidnapped & mind-controlled Xiaotian’s best friend and father figures & forced them to brutalize Xiaotian while ol’ Six Ear looked on and laughed (X_X). Like this kind of fandom villain treatment is definitely not something that’s solely at work for Monkie Kid, but it is kind of nutty how fandoms will swing between yelling that people should be allowed to like villains without even mild critique, and then will just flat-out not address the villainous behavior, and will even bend over backwards to frame even characters who committed genocide as just poor innocent widdle victims who need a hug. At its worst, I’ve even seen tons of people in a fandom get really angry at other people who don’t like a villain, and will even start accusing those people of hating real-life mentally disabled or abused individuals all because they don’t like the fandom’s favorite literal war criminal. The Monkie Kid fandom is FAR more chill & better than a lot of other fandoms I’ve come across in that regard, but that is an exceedingly low bar, & the tendency to woobify certain kinds of villains-- as with Macaque and the extreme emphasis on his bad boy/sad boy thing--is very much at work.  
 I’ve also talked before about a kind of monoculturalization of certain character interpretations and story beats in fandoms, and one of the more popular ones that seems to be applied to Macaque a lot is the “hero actually bad, villain actually good” cliche, as observable from the general fandom assumption that Mr. Six-Ears he wasn’t even slightly lying or remembering things through a rose-tinted or skewed lens when he gave his version of his and Sun Wukong’s past. Like at this point it seems the possibility that people WILL NOT even consider is that Sun Wukong never did & still doesn't care that much about the Six Eared Macaque (in JTTW they weren’t sworn brothers & in Monkie Kid the only thing the monkey king really said to Macaque before attacking him was a pretty contemptuous "Aren't you ever going to get sick of living under my shadow?," & responds to his "beloved friend" getting blown up with "You did good, bud" to Qi Xiaotian, who did the exploding), or that their original fight may in fact have mostly been instigated by Macaque. After all, to repeat what this anon summarized & what I've said before about their original JTTW context (& in an example of the things that do feel like it's often lost in translation) is that the Six Ear Macaque was a villain not just because he beat up the Tang Monk, but because he wanted to take over Sun Wukong's entire life and identity so he could have all that glory, prestige, and power for himself. To quote the macaque himself from the Anthony C. Yu translation, "I struck the T'ang monk and I took the luggage...precisely because I want to go to the West all by myself to ask Buddha for the scriptures. When I deliver them to the Land of the East, it will be my success and no one else's. Those people of the South Jambudvipa Continent will honor me then as their patriarch and my fame will last for all posterity." And in order to do this, the Six Eared Macaque had apparently made Sun Wukong's "little ones," his monkey family, his captives through either trickery or force, and gotten a number of them to take on the appearance of Tang Sanzang and the other pilgrims. It's also made clear that in very direct contrast to Sun Wukong, he doesn't care about these monkeys beyond how they might serve him. In fact, after Sha Wujing kills the monkey posing as him the Six Eared Macaque not only all but immediately replaces him with another, but also "told his little ones to have the dead monkey skinned. Then his meat was taken to be fried and served as food along with coconut and grape wines." So this monkey is not only willing to risk the lives of a lot of other monkeys for his own personal benefit, but is also a literal cannibal. And yes yes, I know a lot of people have argued that Monkie Kid shouldn't be considered a direct sequel to JTTW & that's fair enough (for example, Sun Wukong probably shouldn't be smashing anyone into a meat patty in a children's cartoon lol). And of course, it needs to be noted that there are a buttload of really out there & really cursed pieces of media based on JTTW & that were created in China. Yet the above description is the oft-ignored in the west original facet of the Six Eared Macaque's character. And it is this selfishness, entitlement, and treatment of other individuals as tools for his own self-serving ends  that is, from where I’m standing, still very much present in Monkie Kid. Like besides repeatedly going out of his way to physically and psychologically traumatize Xioatian, with the last episode Macaque seemed to be going right back to his manipulative ways. I’ve seen people frame their last conversation as Macaque softening to Xioatian a little bit, but personally that read a lot more like that common tactic among abusers where even after they’ve hurt you they’ll dangle something you want or need over your head (in Macaque’s case, the promise of desperately needed training and information about a serious looming threat), with the implication that you’ll only get it if you do what they want you to, such as, in this case, Xioatian going back to Macaque as his student even after having been so terribly hurt by this monkey, which would give Macaque power over Xiaotian and probably Sun Wukong as a result. And it is this violence and manipulation that it seems the fandom at large has tacitly decided shouldn’t even be addressed, instead leaning more towards a (and this is an exaggeration) “Six-Eared Macaque my poor meow meow Sun Wukong has always been bad & has always been wrong about literally everything” reading. 
And while it is the case that I am not Chinese and feel that as such it would be best left to someone who actually comes from that background to provide more context into how common interpretations of the Six Eared Macaque from China may clash really badly with the stuff the western fandom creates, it also must be noted that, as much as we all want to have fun in fandom & in spite of all the out-there versions of JTTW from China, we westerners should recognize that there is a very long and very ugly history of western countries stripping other cultures’ important religious and literary works for parts & mashing them into their own thing while implying or even insisting that what they present provides a true understanding of the original piece. And while I trust most individuals in regards to Monkie Kid are able to step back and think “this is a lego cartoon and not a set guide for how I should understand JTTW” (especially given the insistence that JTTW and Monkie Kid should be considered there own separate works) there does nevertheless seem to be something of a tendency to take the conclusions people come to, for example, about Sun Wukong’s characteristic in his lego form & then assume that’s just reflective to Sun Wukong as a totality. I imagine a good portion of this is due to people not reading JTTW & especially to not having easy access to solid information or answers about JTTW’s many different facets (like geez awhile ago I was trying to get a clear answer on what is considered the most accurate translation of the names of Sun Wukong’s six sworn brothers & got like 5 different responses lmao), but that tendency to take a western fandom interpretation & run with it instead of doing any background research or questioning said interpretation is still very much at play. As such, & as made prominent in the way people have been interpreting the dynamic between Sun Wukong and the Six Eared Macaque in the lego monkey show, tbh it does seem kind of shitty for western creators & audience to sometimes go really out of their way to ignore all of this original cultural & narrative context for the sake of Angst (TM) in Macaque's favor, demonizing Sun Wukong, and shipping the monkey king with his evil twin (X_X).
And speaking of which, even beyond the potential inherent creepiness & revulsion that can be inspired by this specific ship given common interpretations of the og classic's original meaning (again, it's my understanding, given both summaries of translated Chinese academic texts I've been kindly provided with, my own reading of the Anthony C. Yu translation of JTTW, & vents from a number of Chinese people I've seen on this site, that the Six-Eared Macaque is commonly interpreted in China as having originated from Sun Wukong himself as a living embodiment of his worst traits, hence why only Buddha can tell the difference between them & why the monkey king is much more slow to violence after he kills the macaque), I'd argue that in the face of all the uwu poor widdle meow meow portrayals lego show Macaque is, especially if you include JTTW's events, still in the role of “Sun Wukong but worse” as he is very much a violent & selfish creep. Like he was basically running around in JTTW wearing a Sun Wukong fursuit, but there he had the sole reason of wanting to replace Sun Wukong wholesale so he could have all the good things in the monkey king's life without actually having to work as hard for them. But if you combine that with Macaque now claiming that he used to be best friend with Sun Wukong in his pre-journey days (something that's made funny from a JTTW context given that that status actually belongs to the Demon Bull King lol), his original violence has now blown into this centuries long and really unhealthy obsession with the monkey king. Like he's apparently gone from wanting to literally be Sun Wukong to being so obsessed with getting revenge on Sun Wukong that he's got basically nothing else going on in his life. Like he's only appeared in two episodes but...does he have any friends? Any family? A career or even a hobby that DOESN'T center the monkey king? Anything at all outside of his "get revenge on and/or kill Sun Wukong/use his successor as my personal punching bag” thing? Like dude! That is extremely creepy and extremely bad for everyone all around! As I’ve said before, this seeming refusal to see beyond the past or to do something that doesn’t involve Sun Wukong in some capacity is a trait that makes Macaque an interesting and somewhat tragic villain--he even seems to be working as Sun Wukong’s reflection in a mirror darkly, with lego show Sun Wukong pretty clearly not being able to heal from his own past which is hinted to be defined by one loss after another, and with Monkie Kid even kind of having these two characters somewhat follow their JTTW characterizations in that in the latter half of the journey Sun Wukong often gets sad & starts crying in the face of what seems insurmountable odds (& Monkie Kid Sun Wukong does seem to be hiding some serious depression behind a cheerful facade), whereas the Six-Eared Macaque retains a worse version of Sun Wukong’s pre-journey characteristic of getting pissed and lashing out if things don’t go his way--but it’s also what would make any current friendship or romantic relationship between these monkeys horrific. Although to be fair even the fandom seems to recognize this in an unconscious way, in that a lot of the art & fanfic seems to swing erratically between them kissing & screaming at each other in yet another example of bog-standard fandom adulation of romanticized toxic relationships lol.  
At the end of the day, of course, this is nothing new. You'll find versions of this dynamic across a ton of fandoms and now even canonical work. And as such, I can only look at this kind of popularized relationship dynamic with a kind of resigned weariness whenever it pops up, & my frustrated question with the popularity of this kind of pairing is the exact same one that I have for a multitude of blatantly toxic villain/hero ships, given common fandom discourse & the tendency to either ignore or justify the villain's actions & demonize the hero: if you're THAT convinced that everything is the hero's fault, if you believe THAT much that the hero is the one in the wrong for the villain's pain and their subsequent actions, then why are you so set on them not only becoming a romantic pair, but framing this get-together as a good thing? Like I know we contain multitudes but that's waaay too many contradictions for me to wrap my head around. And it definitely doesn’t help that one branch of underlying reasoning behind this kind of pairing seems to be the ever-present “you break it, you fix it” mentality, where the assumption is that if you’re in a failing, abusive, and/or generally toxic relationship (platonically or romantically), if you put in enough time and effort & attempts to compromise, you’ll be able to restore/have the relationship you dreamed of, even with someone who hurt you really badly. And this assumption isn’t limited to fandom: I’d even argue that it’s everywhere in the culture, hence why a lot of people feel like they “failed” if they have to get a divorce or make the choice to leave an unhealthy friendship. Personally, I feel like people could really benefit from more stories about how it is not only the case that the people you hurt don’t owe you their forgiveness & you can still become a better and happier person without the one you hurt in your life, & that while it can be really hard it can also be a good thing to leave a relationship, even if it’s one that once meant a lot to you. 
  But in all honestly, from my own perspective this kind of pairing is starting to read far less like enemies to lovers and far more like a horrible fantasy where you can pull whatever shit you want, even on the people you "love," & never be held accountable for your terrible behavior or even have to consider that maybe you were in the wrong. It's another facet that makes me larf every time I see people insist that fandom is an inherently "transformative" or "progressive" form of storytelling like friends you are literally just taking status quo toxic monogamy & rebranding it as somehow beneficial & romantic (X_X).
But as to anon’s last frustration, it is hard to know what is the appropriate response with this kind of thing...like for my own part I’m keeping my frustrations to my blog & now increasingly to posts that you would have to click on the “read more” button to see what I have to say, but I totally get the hesitation to give even a mild critique to big names in a fandom. Like I've now seen it happen repeatedly where someone who has a big name in a fandom will make something that's kind of shitty for one reason or another, someone will message them with some version of "hey, that's kind of shitty, you shouldn't do that," and the typical response is either to blatantly ignore the issue completely, or more popularly to make a giant crying circus that seems deliberately geared towards stoking emotions on both sides of the, for example, fiction does/doesn't affect reality issue so that something that didn't even have to be that big a deal gets blown out of all proportion, with the big name often framing what often started out as a very mild critique into a long crying jag about how the initial response to their kind of shitty thing was so mean/cruel and they're just a poor innocent & that YOU'RE the true racist/sexist/bigot etc. if you don't agree with their opinion. It must of course be noted that there have also been numerous instances of people taking it too far the other way & sending not just big names but smaller creators literal deaths threats over stuff like innocuous ships which like holy hell bells people that’s a horrible thing to do. But for the big names at least, the end result of all this fighting is usually that once the dust has settled they have more attention/fame/money/power in the fandom than before, and with anyone who might have a problem with their stuff feeling afraid to voice their opinion lest they be swarmed by that person's fans. In that way fandom does often seem to increasingly be geared towards presenting an “official” fandom perspective about various facets of a piece of media instead of allowing for a multitude of interpretations, and with criticism, no matter its shape or form or how genuinely warranted it may be, being hounded out of existence. I feel like a lot of this could be made less bad if there wasn’t this constant assumption & even drive to think that a different interpretation of or criticism of your favorite work of fiction or your fanwork isn’t a direct claim that you are a thoroughly loathsome individual (& maybe also if people cultivated an enjoyment of learning things about important works from a culture outside their own, even if what you learn clashes with your own initial understandings), but I guess we’ll see if that ever happens. 
So these are my general thinks about the Six Eared Macaque’s current fandom meow meow status & some of my bigger gripes with fandom tendencies as a whole. I stand by my idea that the most interesting & beneficial route for Macaque moving forward would be a kind of “redemption without forgiveness from the ones you hurt” arc--as I think was done pretty excellently with the character Grace in Infinity Train--and if for no other reason than gosh dern this monkey really needs to cultivate some sort of identity beyond his “Sun Wukong but worse” persona. 
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imagines-r-s · 4 years
sticking it - j. farabee
chapter 1
a/n: ok, this chapter is very dialogue heavy lmao, but yolo. (feedback is always welcome, feel free to send asks about the series, i would absolutely love to talk about it.) i’m also kinda debating to have a ‘sticking it’ blurb night sometime soon?? anyways i hope you all enjoy this one 
taglist: @butgilinsky @barbienoturbby @sunsetholland @lovenhlboys @sortagaysortahigh @hockey-racing-fubol @oopsiedoopsie23​ (if you want to be added, just send me an ask)
warnings: uh, kathryn? that can be considered a warning i think, swearing, i think that’s it? if i missed anything lmk 
sticking it masterlist
wc: 3.2k
Tumblr media
(gif not mine)
“You want me to go where with you?” Joel asked the group in front of him.
“My cousin has a gymnastics meet and we were wondering if you wanted to go with us tonight after practice?” Kevin repeated for the third time. 
“Dude, you have to come. These things are surprisingly super fun, it’s not hockey and there’s no physical fighting, but it’s still pretty cool,” Travis said, shrugging his shoulders. 
“Are you guys going to keep asking until I say yes?” to which Kevin, Nolan, and TK all nodded their heads. “Fine, I’ll go.”
“Ok, sweet. Karly is planning on coming, too, so I’ll just meet you guys there,” Travis interjected as he grabbed his practice bag. 
“We’ll pick you up around 4:30, we have to get there early since Pat has to give his pep talk, all traditional stuff, yada, yada, yada,” Kevin said. 
“Yeah, okay, just let me know when you’re on your way,” Joel said as the two of them went to their cars. 
“y/n, I don’t understand why you’re still worried, your knee will be fine,” Nicole reassured you as the two of you walked into the arena, “Adrian already said you’ve been out for long enough and he’s waiting to hear news of the y/n y/l/n revenge tour, you can’t let him down, dude.”
You rolled your eyes, “well, Adrian can suck it up, he’ll be fine.”
“Ok, that’s how you want to be, then tell Marcus and Michelle that you’re scratching every event today. It’s fine by me, you’re my competition, but good luck petitioning onto the Olympic team after that,” Nicole said, walking ahead of you towards the locker rooms to get dressed. 
“Wait, Nic, stop,” you quickly followed after her, “Your reverse psychology isn’t going to work on me, but I’m not scratching every event.”
“That’s what I thought. Now, babes, you have to realize you’re going to be okay and getting in your head about it will only push you back ten steps. And I missed having actual competition,” Nicole caught the small smile on your face in the mirror, “ok, we honestly have to get ready if we want to have time in the tunnels before we compete.” 
Grabbing your garment bag that held your competition leo and warm-ups in, you started to get ready. Quickly getting your leo on, you took note of how beautiful the new leo was. A navy blue, long sleeve leo with mesh sleeves and rhinestone decals or as Michelle always called it ‘all blinged out’. Once you put on your warm up pants, you did a light makeup look that was pretty much just eye shadow and mascara and then pulled your hair up in a tight, but simple messy bun. 
“Are your boys coming tonight?” Nicole asked, meeting you by the door of the locker room. “Yeah, you know Kevin wouldn’t miss it, but I don’t know if anyone else is coming,” you replied. 
“Oh, well Nolan better be here, you need your pep talk,” Nicole added which made you laugh, “okay, well I’m going to let you do your pre-warm up-warm up and I’ll see you out there soon. You got this, babes.” 
Once you saw Nicole leave the tunnel, you immediately put your headphones in and started listening to one of the hype playlist that Nolan had put together for you. You went through visualizing your routines, visualizing the perfect motions, tumbling, and skills. You were stretching your legs out when you heard a familiar laugh sound from one side of the hallway, turning you saw Karly, TK, Nolan, Kev, and then beside them, Joel Farabee. 
You had never met him personally, but you had seen him play enough times to know who he was. He was also usually included in game highlights if you missed a game, so you were well aware how significant he was to the team. 
You stood up quickly and made your way over to them, “Karly, omg, I’ve missed you, babes. Tiki Bar, I’m still planning on stealing your girlfriend, just so you know.”
“You really have your priorities in order, don’t you, y/n/n?” Travis said.
“I like to think so. Hey, Kev, thank you for bringing your friends along for the y/n y/l/n revenge tour.”
“Dude, you didn’t mention this tour?” Nolan questioned. 
“Oh, well Adrian said this is my comeback meet, so it’s a revenge tour to show how cool I am,” when you got a nod in response from Nolan, you looked over to Joel who stood awkwardly beside him, “Farabee, do you talk or just stand awkwardly 24/7?”
When he heard you say his name, his eyebrows rose in surprise, “how come you know me, but I don’t know you?”
“Well, you see, I actually talk to people instead of just standing off to the side awkwardly. Plus, you’re literally Kev’s teammate, so it would be bad if I didn’t realize who you were.”
“I feel like you’re just upset I wasn’t talking to you, babe,” Joel added. 
“Awe, yes, of course. The pain in my heart from not talking to you is unbearable, thank you for sparing a few words,” you said sarcastically, placing your hand over your heart.
“Ok, children, that’s enough of that for today. We just came to wish you good luck, we’re going to go wait outside the tunnel so that way you can get your pep talk as usual. Now, c’mon, Beezer,” Kevin pushed Joel out of the way and towards the exit before he could say anything else. 
“Are we skipping over that for right now or?” Nolan asked as you walked back to where you were standing by the wall before they came over. When he got a simple nod in response he let out a simple ok, “what event are you starting on?”
“Floor. I’m pretty sure at least.”
“Ok, what’s the worst thing about the floor for you right now?” and the two of you talked about each event like you did every competition. Nolan doing his best to make sure that you talked out everything that was on your mind. Giving you a quick hug and a quick you got this, he made his way back towards his seat. You made your way back to get your warm up jacket from the locker room and went to find Marcus. 
By the time Nolan had made it back to his seat, the announcement that warm up and stretching would start now went off. “Ok, I genuinely thought the only people that did gymnastics were like 10 year olds,” Joel said. 
“10 year olds doing gymnastics is honestly a really boring thing to watch. Like when y/n was 10, I hated going to her meets. She was good, yeah, but it was boring and all of them had the same routines. 0/10 would not recommend,” Kevin added. 
“Are we all just ignoring whatever the fuck happened when y/n/n met Joel? Or was I the only one that noticed?” Nolan was shocked by the fact that no one had mentioned it. When the group went quiet for a moment, the only thing that could be heard was Karly holding back a laugh. “Care to share with the class, Karly?”
“Nope. I want to see how this one plays out before I make any comments,” to which the whole group looked at her confused. “It’s a developing story. It has to develop, obviously.”
Once the national anthem was over, the first event that you had was floor. “y/n/n, I don’t care how you do today, I just need you to go for everything. You have it in you to get high scores anyways, so just focus on doing your skills,” Marcus said, “you just have to do this 1 minute and 30 second routine, land all your tumbling, do your jumps well, stay tight, and you got this.”
“Representing the United States of America, y/n y/l/n on floor,” the announcer read over the loudspeaker. 
“Alright Twinkle Toes, go have fun out there,” Marcus told you one last time before you made your way up to the floor. You stood there anxiously, awaiting the judges who were somehow never ready on time to salute you. Once they did salute you, you flashed your best smile and marched onto the floor, going to your beginning pose. 
The group up in the stands were anxiously awaiting for your music to start, which did include Kevin having to yell at Joel to put his phone up before you performed. All of them believed in you, but this was your first competition back and they weren’t sure how it would go. Would you be back to your old competition level? Better? Would you hurt your knee again? They knew the risks, but simply pushed it to the back of their head. 
Just stick the landings. Four tumbling passes. Three leap series. Two turns. And one score. You have worked your ass off to get back to where you are now; this was your comeback and if you started off great, you could only go up from there. Hearing the beep that signaled that the floor music was starting, the first few notes of ‘Feeling Good’ rang out and you started your routine. 
Starting off your routine with a small dance combo and some poses, you went straight in with two back to back tumbling passes. After the first tumbling pass, the tension in your body eased up. You were back in your element for the first time officially since your injury and you couldn’t have felt better. Right now you didn’t care what score you got, you were just happy to be back. You went for your leaps and jumps, then your final two tumbling passes. 
After finishing your routine in your end pose, you saluted the judges again and practically ran back to Marcus. “I did it, oh my god. I did that,” you weren’t in shock, but the realization finally hit you that you had officially had a great start to the comeback tour. “Yeah, we all knew you could, y/n/n. I’m not shocked,” Marcus hugged you. 
When the camera came around as results of your routine came back, you simply smiled and waved towards the camera as you listened to Marcus tell you the plan for the rest of the competition. When the score results came up, it showed that you were in first place. Everyone else had competed in one event already, so you knew it wasn’t just an accident. You were back. 
“Dude, are you crying?” TK nudged Kevin, who quickly wiped his tears. 
“No, but if I were, it’s a completely valid response to a time like this,” Kevin said quickly. 
What you hadn’t noticed from where you were was how much Joel had been watching you. Before your routine started, he couldn’t have been less interested, but once he saw you performing and the smile on your face after you finished your routine he was hooked. Everyone did take note of how much he was watching you, especially Karly. 
“And the story keeps developing,” she thought. 
With a good score on vault and on bars, you were still doing fine in the meet - it was you and Kathryn Davis for first and second, but this event would show who won all around. The only event that you had left was beam, you only hoped that your hesitation wasn’t as obvious as you felt. You obviously wouldn’t be doing the dismount, you were just going to do a double back that you had solid and weren’t afraid of doing. But even with that, you still had fears looming around a dismount you knew like the back of your hand. 
The fear that you had for beam was evident when you had a few too many wobbles - which made your score lower - luckily there were no falls, but it still affected your score. Even with a lower score you still beat Kathryn in All Around, but came third on beam. 
After awards and talks with media, you made your way back to the locker room to get your gym bag. “y/n, oh my god. Babes, you did amazing. I’m so proud of you,” Nicole came rushing in for a hug. 
“Thanks, Nic. I’m just glad to be back, winning was just a plus,” you said, smiling, “do you still plan on coming with me, Karly, and the guys if we go out to eat?” to which she simply nodded. The two of you made your way to the usual spot you met Kevin after a gymnastics meet. 
Eventually the group made their way over there, all of them quickly congratulating you. “y/n/n, I hope you know how proud I am of you right now,” Kevin said softly after hugging you, “you’ve come such a long way and you rocked it today.”
“KD is slowly approaching,” Nolan said. 
“y/n, omg, it was so cool competing against you. Sorry to have beat you on beam though, maybe if you tried your dismount you would have won,” she said, a fake smile on her face.
“Well, sweetie. You do know that’s just one event right? In everything else, I still beat you. Even when I hurt myself last year, I still somehow ended up with the gold, so you honestly have nothing to brag about,” you said, your fake smile matching hers.
“I see you brought your hockey players to help you out here, how nice of them.”
Everyone watched cautiously, Kevin ready to pull you back if he needed to; Nolan, TK, and Karly were all ready to jump in and help you fight; while Joel just stood there realizing how much he liked seeing you when you were mad. A lovely dynamic for today. 
“Hun, if anyone needs help, it’s you. Especially in the math department, apparently. But congrats on the one gold medal, you deserve it,” and with that you stepped away from her and towards the doors of the arena. 
Somehow Joel was the one that was walking closest to you, “hey, you ok?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m good. She just annoys me a lot, nothing crazy,” you shrugged. 
“You did good today. It’s crazy what you can do out there honestly,” he said genuinely. 
“Awe, Farabee, that’s so sweet. ”
“Yeah, yeah, don’t get used to it, babe,” he said, slightly nudging you.
“Are you guys seeing this, too?” Karly asked the guys walking beside her, “like y/n and Bee? Or are your eyes not working today?”
“Maybe we shouldn’t have introduced the two?” Kevin says looking back towards you two just as you trip Farabee, “yeah, maybe not the wisest decision?” 
“Haha, suck on that on-,” your sentence interrupted as he pulled your shin to where you ended up on the ground of the parking lot beside him, “that was uncalled for, Bee.” 
“No, it was perfectly reasonable, you were rude to me earlier, so it’s payback.” 
“What the fuck is she doing on the ground?” Nicole asked as she caught up to the group, confused by your and Joel’s actions, to which everyone around her simply shrugged. 
“There she is, the gymnastics superstar. How was the first night of the ‘y/n y/l/n Revenge Tour?” Adrian asked as you entered his office. 
“Eh, same old, same old. You win some and you lose some, and then people are extremely petty about the fact that they lost, so they bring up a traumatic injury that you hardly ever talk about while making fun of you losing an event, yada, yada, yada,” you smiled. 
“Didn’t really know all that, but I’m proud of you,” Adrian led you over to sit on the bench, so that he could check your knee, “your knee looks- why is there a phone number written on your shin?” 
“Ohhh, haha. About that. I forgot to wash it off,” you said simply. 
“Girl, I know there is way more to that story that you aren’t sharing. C’mon spill.” 
“Ok, well basically. Kevin brought one of his teammates to the game, and there’s this kinda like tension that’s there, but it’s not. So, I kinda tripped him in the parking lot to show that I’m so in love with him and he tripped me back, then we all went out to eat. We’re basically engaged now, we’ve already bought a house and a dog,” you said in a monotone voice. 
“Ok, enough with the attitude, I just asked about the boy. So, what’s his name?”
“Joel Farabee.”
“What’s your specific nickname for him?” Adrian placed some athletic tape below your knee, just as precaution.
“Bee, but he doesn’t have a specific one from me yet, we aren’t that close,” you jokingly rolled your eyes, “no, but he couldn’t find a blank piece of paper, so he just wrote his number on my shin.”
“Did he not see your arm? And have you texted him yet?” Adrian asked as you started with your daily drills, rolling his eyes when he saw you shake your head, “look, he’s a hockey player. I have dealt with a few of those. 7/10, might recommend. They’re interesting individuals, that’s all I can say. But you have to text him.”
“Ok, well read me the number and I’ll text him,” opening your phone, you pulled up your texts, “wait, what the fuck do I say?”
“Well, there’s this word in the English language that works as a simple greeting when you don’t know what else to say. A three letter word, pretty simple.”
“Adrian. I don’t need the attitude today, this is stressful enough,” you quickly typed up the message and practically threw your phone across the room right after, “there, I did it.”
“Did you just throw your phone?”
“Yep, but I texted him,” you said, holding two thumbs up.
“I didn’t realize how much you doing gymnastics your whole life influenced your social skills. My deepest condolences to you,” the both of you looked over towards where you threw your phone when you heard a notification go off, “you better check that before I do.”
“Okay, fine,” quickly grabbing your phone, answering quickly to which he responded just as fast, “he simply asked if I was going to be at Kevin’s later and if I wanted coffee, so, are we done here?”
“Mhm, get your coffee. And I expect updates.” 
As you were on the drive home, your phone started buzzing continuously, you realized that it was just Nicole, “hey, babes. What’s up?” 
“Have you checked twitter? Or instagram? Or anything?”
“No? I’ve been at P.T, why?”
“You’re not going to like what I’m about to say, so if you’re still in the car, I suggest pulling over for your own safety.”
You pulled into your apartment complex, “ok, I’m home. What’s up?”
“Just check Kathryn’s instagram, but apparently she’s been training her 3.5 dismount on beam for months and she has it now. She said she plans on competing it at the U.S. classic in May.” 
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mrstaeminlee · 4 years
Mission Complete Ch. 4
You had two goals in life. One: Complete your squad training without dying. Two: Fuck Levi Ackerman
Pairings: Levi/f!reader
Warnings: Swearing, eventual smut, lmk if I need to add anything~
"Hey fuckface, wake up."
You groaned in response, slowly blinking your eyes open and holding your hand up to shield them from the rain. At least now it was nothing more than a light drizzle. Once your vision stopped spinning you decided to slowly take in your surroundings, using your other hand to rub the back of your head. You winced, pulling back the limb to see your fingertips stained red. "What the fuck-"
"Look up, you dumb bitch!"
You narrowed your eyes, raising your gaze to the man currently hurling insults at you. "Is that any way to speak to an injured soldier? My head is bleeding!"
"And my ass is dirty, but it looks like we're both going to be just fine. Don't even complain, you're not the one who had to fight off a dozen wannabe bandits in the pouring rain. You hit your head on a branch going down-"
You tuned out the rest of whatever Levi was spitting out to finally take in your surroundings. Crudeness of his statement aside, your head didn't really hurt as long as you didn't touch it, and after a quick assessment you surmised that you had no other injures, which brought you to your next problem.
"Uh Cap, quick question. Where the fuck am I?"
Levi rolled his eyes at the interruption. "What does it look like? You're in a pit."
You frowned. No shit. Taking a look around you figured you were maybe thirty feet down, and considering how perfectly circular it was, this had to have been man made, although very old, judging by the grass you were currently sitting on. With your back against the ground you had maybe ten feet of room in front of you. "Who dug this? Why is this here?"
"No one really knows, they've been here since anyone can remember. Erwin thinks they were dug to deter Titans when humanity first constructed the walls, said something about it reduces the risk of being grabbed when it's too busy trying to pick it's fat ass off the ground. We carved symbols into the trees when we first discovered them to indicate where the pits were but because of the rain and those weak assholes I missed it. You got knocked off your horse and fell down there."
You gasped. "Where is Sue-Sue? Is she okay?"
Levi frowned. "I don't know. She took off after that guy knocked you out, taking the supply wagon with her. One of your bags fell but the rest is with her, which poses our next problem. I have nothing to get you out of there. It would be at least half a day's walk to get back to camp. I can go back to town and buy some rope, but I'll be gone at least a few hours."
You frowned, it was already almost dark and while you had no problem putting your life on the line for humanity you weren't exactly thrilled about being stuck in a hole for several hours. "Fine, but you better run! I don't want any of those creeps to come back and find me," you whined.
Four hours later
You groaned, crossing your arms over your chest. You were cold as shit, you were wet -and not in an enjoyable fashion- you were hungry, and you were fucking tired of being stuck in a goddamn hole.
"Ugh!" You took your frustrations out on a root sticking out, kicking at it angrily. Where the hell was Levi? He'd said he back in a few hours, hadn't he been gone long enough? How fucking long does it take to walk to town, buy some rope, and come back? They hadn't been that far away from town, or so you thought. What if something happened? What if his dumb ass had fallen into a hole? What if no one found you?
You screamed in frustration, kicking the root over and over again. "Son of a bitch! I am not-
going to die
without getting
some good dick
at least once!"
You collapsed on the ground, adding an aching foot to your list of complaints.
"Well, I can't say I've heard that one before."
Your head shot up, your body finding enough heat to fill your cheeks with warmth as you made eye contact with the exact person you wanted said good dick from.
"Uh, Cap, didn't see you there-"
Levi rolled his eyes. "So tell me, is that the first thing you're going to look for when we get back to camp?" He drawled, holding up the rope he'd managed to find.
You cursed your inability to never keep your fucking mouth shut. You decided not to answer him; at this rate, you were going to spill your guts and beg him to fuck you. You crossed your arms over your chest instead, averting your eyes.
He huffed when he saw he would get no response from you, turning his attention to your forgotten pack. "Oi, do you have something in here for padding? The only rope I was able to find is shitty, it's going to tear right through your shirt and I don't feel like returning back to camp with a half naked soldier, especially after what you were just bitching about," he grumbled the last part to himself, opening up your bag to sift through the items in search of something useful.
That got a reaction from you. You shot your head up, shaking it fervently even though he was out of your sight. If Levi found your dildo, especiallyafter this, you'd never hear the end of it. "No, wait!" You heard him shuffling around in your things and you prayed it had somehow fallen out during the scuffle.
Levi popped back into your vision again, holding up a small cloth he'd gotten from your bag. His face showed no other trace of emotion so you figured you'd gotten lucky, although you pouted to yourself knowing it would be a while before you could come up with an excuse to come back into town to find another replacement. You caught the cloth as he threw it down, grabbing the rope and securing the cloth so it wouldn't tear the back of your shirt. Levi grunted as he hauled you up and you dug your feet into the soft ground, half climbing, half crawling your way up. When you finally reached the surface you collapsed onto the grass, panting for breath as you lay flat on your back. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, taking a moment to calm yourself.
"Now that that's over, get your ass up. It's too late and we're both too tired to walk all night, it's at least a day's walk back to camp with no horses. We'll walk back to town, eat some food, find somewhere to sleep, and then walk back in the morning," he barked, turning away from you to begin the walk back.
You begrudgingly got up, grabbing your pack and slinging it over your shoulder. You made a mental note to see if your little friend had survived.
"Oh, and Scout? You dropped this." Levi didn't even bother looking back as he tossed the item over his shoulder.
You caught it with both hands, wanting to simultaneously laugh and cry at the same time. You briefly considering jumping back into that hole, it had to give you a better fate than this.
What could possibly be worse than the object of your thirst throwing your own dildo at you?
Tags: @levisbebe, @dannylothbrok @sueshiishell @anackermangirl @ackermanluvr
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Number Five Fic Recs
I have spent days reading Five fics since season 2 aired, so I decided that I might as well start jotting them all down for anyone’s interested. It’s a long list, here we go xD
1.  Blood and Steel by @e-vasong, T, 6900 words
Diego gets shot. Five is evasive. There is a bit of an emotional reckoning, and neither of them are even vaguely equipped for it.
2.  Carry Him by ClaraCivry (Kat_Of_Dresden), not rated, 2422 words
`Five times Five's siblings carried him, took his weight.
Some hurt Five, some fluff, but mostly Hargreeves being worried and looking after him.
3.  Small Changes by calypso42, T, 3509 words
“I need to ask you something.” He set down the large stack of books he was carrying beside him. Klaus glanced at a few of the titles - Consciousness in the Brain - Memory & the Role of the Hippocampus - Soul vs. Matter: A Comprehensive Look at the Origins of Sentience - and grimaced.
“Are you… having an existential crisis, or something? Because I am possibly the worst person you could go to for that.”
When Five goes to Klaus to ask him something about his powers, Klaus doesn’t think much of it. At least, until he realizes that what he thought was simple curiosity was actually deeper than that, leading to a revelation about Five himself.
4.  Strike A Violent Pose by @ford-ye-fiji, T, 1268 words
And here he was, limping along with a twisted ankle, going to save his siblings from certain doom yet again.
5.  You are not alone by my_monster_are_real, T, 4259 words
Five doesn't like to be taken care of, but Allison doesn't care.
6.  They Could Care Less (as long as someone’ll bleed) by @ford-ye-fiji, M, 2835 words
Number Five is cornered once again by commission agents, but this time with his family.
Diego and Klaus learn something about their littlest-oldest brother.
7. Didn’t Give Me Time to Say Goodbye by rookflight, Gen, 1769 words
After dealing with the second apocalypse, Five takes time to think about everything that’s happened. Klaus seizes the opportunity for some quality sibling bonding.
8.  With Two Arms by karcheri, T, 3345 words
What it comes down to, really, is that Five had been too eager for results. Once it became clear to him that there was a connection between his powers and his energy level the obvious course of action, as he saw it, was to test this information. The hypothesis was this: higher energy levels = stronger powers and the easiest way to get more energy is to eat more. Pretty simple stuff. Too simple.
or Five times that Five starves himself and one time that he gets called out on it.
9.  Number Five The Monster Under The Bed by Kraeyola, T, 5460 words
It's easy to forget sometimes when you look at Five; small lanky body, little boy-scout shorts, and a perfectly pristine uniform. A smooth youthful face that's always wearing a too-serious expression for someone (supposedly) so young. Not that the siblings don't respect Five as an equal, it's just... well. It's hard to take him so seriously. Especially when he gets mad and makes such an adorable pouty face.
It's why they find it so difficult to deal with reconciling Five to the boy they (thought they) knew, to the boy they're seeing standing right in front of them. But you can't really blame them, can you?
After all, it's hard to believe things without witnessing them first hand.
There is a monster under the bed and it's in the shape of a thirteen-year-old boy.
10.  Nonlinear theory for dummies by Inkjade, Gen, 4786 words
After forty-five years of fighting, it's kind of hard to know how to stop.
11.  Vital Signs by aye_of_newt, M, 3524 words
Sometimes, it's difficult for Klaus to tell if someone is alive or dead.
When Five shows up, covered in blood after killing the Board, Klaus panics.
12.  Not with me by Claracivry (Kat_Of_Dresden) Gen, 5681 words
They never asked if any of that blood was his.
Five is bleeding, and he is also giving up.
AU to 2X07, with hurt Five because after all that boy has been through...
13.  Nothing’s Going on (and that’s the problem) by briegretful, T, 5231 words
(Directly after the season 2 ending, except everything's normal and everyone's still around) He did it. Five saved his family. They landed in 2019 and everything, somehow, worked out.
He's not sure how to deal with that.
Five struggles to deal with not having an apocalypse to stop, and his family tries to help him.
14.  A New Life by BirdInTheCave, T, 3884 words
Allison had convinced Ray to come back to 2019 with her and her family and after a month of being cooped up in the house with the other Hargreeves plus their own unconventional guests, Ray suggests they spend some time alone. He's still struggling to fully comprehend the new world he's stepped into but he's determined that with Allison at his side he can get used to anything. Allison can't find a reason to say no. She should have said no.
Luckily for her, Five will always be there for his family, now that he's back.
15. Side Effects May Vary by CivilBores, T, 6565 words
Allison crosses her arms. “Five,” she says firmly, “when was the last time you slept?”
“I don’t know,” Five says honestly. At Allison’s expression, he quickly adds, “But it doesn’t matter. I don’t know what it’ll take for all of you pea-brained idiots to realize that.”
“We may not be as intelligent as you, Five,” Allison says, “but at least all of us are smart enough to know how to take care of ourselves.”
A week after the world is saved, Five convinces himself that he is still experiencing lingering side effects of paradox psychosis. His family has something to say about that.
16. The Walls Kept Tumbling Down by @ingu, T, 64888 words, 8 chapters
It started small.
There was a nagging ache in his chest, phantom pain from where the bullets had pierced his flesh, in the overwritten timeline that never will be.
(the one where rewinding time doesn't miraculously resolve mortal gunshot wounds)
17. Stay by maddienole, T, 6027 words
Five had saved his life once, many months ago. Maybe it was time for Klaus to return the favor.
18. Growing Pains by kakashi_mole, Not rated, 10520 words, Fiveya (personal fave, angst too much)
Number Five remembers his first kiss
Takes place after Season Two. A Five-centric fic. Some teenagers get growing pains, some don’t, but the last “cycles” of pain usually occur around age 13.
19. Another Cog in Murder Machine by @ford-ye-fiji​, T, 2463 words
Five finally gets the breakdown he deserves 
20. Sorrows Like Thunder Clouds by Emotionally_Detached (Yeah_Toast), T, 6953 words
He makes it. He time travels and makes it through another apocalypse.
He makes it, but his siblings don't.His siblings don't make it, except he's in his own childhood and they're still here, alive and thirteen and he can fix things.
He will fix things
On Going
1. “I’m Too Tired” by beastboy12, T, Chapters 2/?
A slight re-telling of the barn scene. Five manages to save his siblings, but at what cost?
In which the author takes a throw-away line in season 2 and runs with it.
2.  And We All Turn To Ash by @golden-redhead, Gen, Chapters 1/?
Seconds, not decades. 
The blue glow pulsed between his fingers and he pulled at the familiarity of the feeling, pulling until time and space bent under his touch, parting as he struggled to squeeze himself through just enough to jump and change the course of history. 
The energy, familiar but somehow different, courses through his body and then he moves, for a few precious seconds existing within the time and yet outside of it. 
a.k.a. Five is so, so close to getting them back home and making things right. And then he isn't.
3. Tangled in The Hanging Tree by TiredPigeon (TwistedSkys), T, Chapters 2/?
The timeline is still messed up, obviously. There is still so much work to do, still so much to fix. His siblings have questions and concerns, and they want answers.
Five just wants his nose to stop bleeding.
(Post-season 2, but I have no plans to speculate on season 3, so consider this fluff.)
Five is tired, his family is starting to notice.
 Thats all for now!
@tomatojuicem apologies for making you wait ;)
Lmk if theres something wrong with the link Notes: All these fics posted after season 2 aired, but not neccessary related to season 2
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aver-no · 4 years
Real to Me (Princess and the Frog AU) Chapter 1
First | Next
Summary: Virgil’s closer than ever to getting his dream, Pat’s prince is finally coming, and the Creativitwins are here, queer, and- shit.
Relationships: Platonic moxiety, familial creativitwins, eventual prinxiety
Characters: Virgil, Patton, Roman, Remus, and Janus (eventually Logan and C!Thomas)
Warnings: Unsympathetic Janus (I promise he gets a redemption arc) and like. one very minor swear word (lmk if I need to add anything else)
Word count:  4343
A/N: Heyyyy... so this chapter. Was NOT meant to be this long lmao, but I hope you enjoy it anyway!! I worked really hard on it, and as always reblogs are very much appreciated :) (Also feel free to drop by my ask box if you have any questions!!)
Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!
Virgil groaned as he fumbled for the off button on his alarm clock. Another day. He rolled out of bed, narrowly avoiding the beat-up nightstand, working the kinks out of his neck. He quickly straightened out his sheets and stepped over to the old (“it’s vintage”) mirror his mama’d given him. Virgil wanted to make sure he was presentable, if only so he’d be stared at as little as possible. He tugged at his tight curls and grimaced. He’d slept in his work clothes to save time in the morning (lord knows he needed all the sleep he could get) but it left him looking a little rumpled. Virgil could see bags under his eyes too, and there was no time to put on makeup. He sighed. The outsides are just gonna have to match the insides today. 
Virgil shuffled over to his closet to grab his coat. He rubbed his eyes and smiled at the sight of his dad’s picture, right next to the illustration he’d given Virgil so many years ago. Working three jobs suddenly didn’t seem as soul-crushing as before. He grabbed the black coat, quickly shrugged it on, and dashed out the door, snatching his hat at the last minute – it might rain later.
Virgil got to the corner just as the tram was pulling up, green paint and white stripes as dull as ever. The door opened and Virgil was eternally grateful someone he knew was at the wheel. He didn’t think he could handle the stress of wondering if they were going to go off the tracks. He gave a small smile to the portly man driving. “Hi, Charlie.”
“Hey Virgil!” Charlie looked him over sympathetically. “You’re lookin’ a bit roughed up today, son. Didn’t get much sleep?”
Virgil internally grimaced, knowing he’d probably be getting comments like that all day. He just forced a laugh as he reached the top of the steps and replied “Gotta pay the bills. You know how it is.” He wasn’t going to mention he could pay the bills just fine with one job. Or that he was probably chasing a pipe dream.
“Ha, yeah,” and a sympathetic look were the only responses Virgil got. That was fine. Uncomfortable people didn’t ask you questions.
Virgil walked down the dirty aisle of the tram. There were some empty seats, the hard plastic kind that public transport always has, but he just grabbed hold of one of the metal poles in the middle of the aisle. 
Every once in a while, Virgil felt his eyes close for a few milliseconds longer than he’d normally let them. He didn’t want to let his guard down, lest he be pickpocketed or trampled or find himself in any other scenario anyone else might call “unlikely,” but it took an astounding amount of effort to pry his lids open every time. Virgil tried to fight it by staring at the people and cars passing by. New Orleans was as lively as ever. Even at 5:30 in the morning, there were jazz musicians playing on street corners and people dancing beside them, looking like there was nowhere else they’d rather be. 
Virgil unfortunately became quite familiar with that fact as he stepped off the tram, almost running into a line of musicians as they paraded down the street. He started to get increasingly impatient as the trumpet, then the trombone, then the drummer danced by. Just as there was a break in the line and Virgil could see the street he needed to take to Duke’s Cafe, a large man with a handkerchief grabbed his hand and swung Virgil around in a circle. Affronted, Virge pushed the man’s hand away and quickly walked in the direction of the restaurant. Some people need to learn personal space.
“Wait Remus, I’m going to- ! Oof!”
Cackling could be heard as a fancifully dressed man with loose, dark curls piled on his head slammed into the railing of the ship. 
“But Roman,” Remus said innocently, “I thought you said you were excited to get on land.” He waltzed up to the man pushing himself away from the edge of the boat.
“That doesn’t mean push me off the ship!!” Roman playfully shoved Remus.
“Eh, you didn’t fall or anything,” Remus shrugged.
The other rolled his eyes as the boat slowly pulled up to the docks, allowing the men aboard to see the photographers and reporters waiting to catch a glimpse. As soon as the ship pulled in view, flashes started to go off, capturing its gleaming white hull and a man standing behind the railing. As Roman flashed a practiced grin, Remus stepped away from the railing, as if hoping to prolong the time he had before stepping off the boat. When the ship began to pull to a stop though, the twins walked over to where the stairs led down to the dock, one with excitement in his eyes, the other with distaste. Roman struck a pose, hands on his hips (easy access for elbowing Remus), and flung off his crown to dash down the steps. Remus chased after him, determined not to be left on the boat (again), only pausing when he physically ran into Roman at the bottom of the stairway.
“Ro, what th-?!”
“Prince Roman! Over here!! Did you see you were declared most eligible bachelor by the Times-Picayune?” 
Remus squinted at the reporter that called out to them. To Roman, anyway. Most eligible bachelor? Really?? That’s the dumbest question I’ve ever heard.
Roman, however, grinned and drifted to the center of the crowd. “Well no, you see, I just arrived, but to say I’m surprised would be-”
“Prince Roman! What do you think of New Orleans? Have you received your invitation to Eli La Bouff’s masquerade?” 
Remus’ expression soured. Masquerades were lame anyway. He tried to push his way toward his brother. “Roman, come on-”
“I’ve found this city quite welcoming so far,” Roman didn’t acknowledge Remus, he just paused to beam around at the crowd, “and I’m looking forward to seeing more of it. In fact-”
“In fact,” Remus cut in, finally reaching that asshole, “we’d enjoy it more if we did some sightseeing.” He shoved Roman away from the crowd without waiting for a response. He hated reporters. He wasn’t even allowed to talk around them because apparently what the press hears is “important to our reputation” and if he doesn’t watch his language, “rumors might spread.” It was one time! And who would actually believe that Roman uses cacti as dildos? The whole thing’s all shit on a stick if you ask him.
“Oh, yes! Sightseeing!!” Roman clapped his hands excitedly and followed Remus off into the city.
Roman couldn’t remember when, but at some point he had lost Remus in the busy streets. It was definitely after he’d changed into street clothes, but before he passed the place grilling shrimp… The prince wasn’t too worried about his brother, but having a loose Remus on the town probably wasn’t great for the people of New Orleans. 
Ro’s train of thought was interrupted by the sound of a trumpet blaring a couple blocks down. His head shot up and he took off down the road, drinking in all the sights around him. Every once in a while, he’d wink at a stranger, or maybe strum his ukulele in tune with the sounds of the city. 
As the prince reached the end of the block, he saw a line of musicians dancing down the street. Roman’s face lit up and he chased after them. When he caught up he strummed along with the group and called, “Mind if I join?”
“Hey, we can always use another!” a dancing man with a handkerchief shouted back.
“Ashidanza!” Roman danced off after the band. These guys’ll probably show me all around the city. 
They walked down several streets, each as exciting as the next. There were so many people milling about, so many smells and sounds, so many lights strung up between balconies, and restaurants on every corner. He flashed his most heart-stopping grins at the people they passed, drawing blushes left and right. His eyes only lingered on a few, before he danced on.
The group of musicians passed by a diner that smelled particularly good, and a tall man with a strong jaw caught Roman’s eye. He spun around, strumming louder to catch the man’s attention all while eyeing him up and down. Tight curls, glowing skin, dark eyes? Looked a little tired, but handsome nonetheless. Yeah, that deserves a wink. But as soon as the man turned away from the table he was cleaning, he just rolled his eyes at Roman’s antics and walked back inside the diner. Roman simply shrugged and lost himself to the music. 
The group continued for a few blocks until they found a fairly empty road and started to really play off each other. Now this is what I signed up for. Roman cheered and whooped along with the others, and slowly a crowd formed.
It’d already been a few hours since he’d seen Remus but… what’s a few minutes longer?
“Order up!” Virgil held back a grimace at Buford’s gruff voice and the dinging of the bell. He turned to walk towards the back counter with his tray and pushed imaginary flyaways away from his forehead.
“Another coffee over here, Cher!” The man at a nearby table called.
“Gotcha, Eddie.” Virgil internally sighed and poured the coffee into the cup, eyeing Buford every once in a while to make sure he wasn’t gonna start slamming the bell again.
“Hey Virgil!”
He threw out a quick “Mornin’ Georgia” while placing a woman’s plate down.
“Hey, how you doin’ Virgil?” another voice called.
Virgil finally looked up to find a whole group of people sitting around a table, and hoisted the coffee pitcher off his tray to serve them. “Hey y’all.”
Georgia grabbed the mug he just filled for her. “We’re all goin’ out dancin’ tonight, care to join us?” 
There were some words of assent amongst the group, but Virgil just protested, “You know I don’t dance. Besides, I’m-” he handed a napkin to a dirty four year old he wouldn’t have even come near if it wasn’t his job. “Need a napkin? I’m gonna work a double shift tonight.” Virgil strode over to a well-dressed man putting a napkin around his collar. “Here’s your hotcakes.” He folded his empty tray to his side and turned back to Georgia’s group. “I’m just really busy right now-”
“Again?” Georgia interrupted. “All you ever do is work.” She looked so disappointed Virgil almost felt bad. Almost.
Buford’s bell dinged. “Order up!”
“Maybe next time,” Virgil called over his shoulder, knowing full well it was a lie. He thought he might’ve heard someone say “I told y’all he wouldn’t come.” But that was probably just his imagination.
Buford cut him out of his thoughts, “You daydreaming ‘bout that damn restaurant again?”
Virgil deadpanned. “Buford. Your eggs are burning.”
He scrambled to get them off the griddle, but kept going off on Virgil. “You ain’t never gonna get enough for the down payment.”
“I’m gettin’ close,” the waiter scowled indignantly.
“Yeah? How close?” Buford was just mocking him now.
Virgil pushed down his frustration to demand, “Where are my flapjacks?”
The chef didn’t seem to notice Virgil’s impending anger, just laughing out, “You got about as much chance of getting that restaurant as I do of winning the Kentucky Derby!” Virgil’s lip curled into a snarl, but Buford kept going. “Saddle me up, y’all! It’s post time! Giddyup!” Virgil heard the worst trumpet imitation he��d ever had the displeasure to witness coming from behind him as he stormed off with the food piled on his tray. Just ignore him. Just… just ignore them. You’re getting there. 
The bell dinged and Virgil looked up to welcome the customer, brightening a little when he saw who it was. Thank god. An easy customer. “Morning, Mr. La Bouff.”
“Morning, Virgil,” Eli rumbled as he pulled the chair out from his usual table and opened the morning paper.
Virgil placed the eggs and flapjacks on an old woman’s table. “Congratulations on being voted King of the Mardi Gras parade.”
“Caught me completely by surprise! For the fifth year in a row,” Eli joked. Virgil smiled good-naturedly at Mr. La Bouff’s hearty laugh. “Now, how ‘bout I celebrate with some-”
“Beignets?” the waiter placed a plate in front of the large man. “Got a fresh batch waiting for you.”
“Well keep ‘em comin’ till I pass out,” Mr. La Bouff laughed gleefully. 
Virgil had just given his most indulgent customer service smile and turned toward the kitchen when the door slammed open and left a blond boy with a light blue jacket and a cream waistcoat beaming in the doorway. He stood there for only a split second before jumping up to Virgil, shouting, “Vee!!! Virgil Virgil Virgil, did you hear the news??” He plopped down into the chair across from Mr. La Bouff to say “Tell him Daddy!!”
Mr. La Bouff slowly swallowed and held up his paper to show the front cover displaying a handsome man with loose curls and a dimpled smile. “Oh yes,” Eli started, “Prince Roman-”
“Prince Roman is coming to New Orleans!!” Patton interjected, giggling excitedly. “Isn’t he amazing?” His face got all dreamy before continuing, “Tell Vee what you did, Daddy!”
“Well, I invited-”
“Daddy invited the prince to our masquerade ball tonight!!” Pat jumped up excitedly, then seemed to realize he was making a scene and sat down to continue a little quieter, “Tell him what else you did!” Mr. La Bouff paused to look at Patton for a minute, expecting him to interject again, but Pat stayed silent. He looked to his daddy and beamed, “Go on.”
“And he’s staying-”
“He-” Pat started, but then caught himself, deciding to shove a beignet in his mouth instead.
“...And he’s staying in our house as my personal guest,” Eli finished proudly.
Patton nodded excitedly, and Virgil looked at them both with wide eyes. “Pat, that’s amazing! It’s a lot, but… amazing.” He walked back to the kitchen to grab another batch of beignets, and when he got back he placed the treats in front of them and rested his hand on Pat’s shoulder. “A little word of advice: My mama always said, ‘The quickest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.’”
“Don’t I know it,” Pat laughed, taking a big bite of his pastry before gasping, “Wait, that’s it! Virge, you are a genius!!” Virgil gave him a look of confusion from where he was placing dishes in the sink. “I’m gonna need about 500 of your beignets for the ball tonight!” Virgil looked up in alarm. 500?? Patton darted over to where his daddy was sitting and grabbed a large wad of cash from his wallet. “Will this about cover it?”
The waiter stood there speechless for a few moments before forcing himself to reach out to take the money Pat was shoving at him. “I- yeah. Yes, this- this should cover it just fine, Pat.” A rare smile slowly grew on his face and he looked up at the La Bouffs gratefully. “This- this is it... I’m actually getting my restaurant!”
Patton hugged Virgil tight and bounced him around, squealing, “It’s gonna be amazing Virge!” Suddenly, he let go, gasping, “I’d better get ready.” He grabbed his daddy and shoved him towards the door. “Tonight my prince is coming!!”
“Everything looks good to me, Mr. Fenner.” Virgil looked away from the building (his building!) as the man in question began to get up to haul the “For Sale” sign away. Another, much shorter man with the same nose and mustache walked by where Virgil stood. “.....And Mr. Fenner.”
“We’ll have all the paperwork ready to sign first thing after Mardi Gras,” the taller of the brothers announced.
“I’ll be at the La Bouff’s masquerade ball, how ‘bout I sign them then?” He wanted his ownership confirmed as soon as possible – there was no way something this good could actually be happening to him.
“You drive a hard bargain boy,” the shorter Fenner called from the car. “We’ll see ya there!”
Virgil finally let himself take a breath once the real estate agents drove off, and stood back to take in the view of what would be his restaurant. He felt truly hopeful for the first time in a long time. He was really gonna get his restaurant. Wow.
He was startled out of his reverie by a woman sneaking behind him to say, “Table for one please.”
Virge turned to see a woman with graying hair and deep smile lines holding out a beaten up pot with a bow tied around it. “Mama!”
“Here’s a little something to help you get started,” she smiled.
Virgil’s face went soft, a little nostalgic. “Dad’s gumbo pot…” He hesitantly reached out to take it from her.
“I know,” Eudora comforted, “I miss him too.” They both stood there for a moment before his mama urged, “Well now, hurry up and open the door!”
Virgil went and unlocked the doors, and as soon as they were wide enough to walk through, said wistfully, “Look at it mama... Doesn’t it just make you wanna cry?”
Eudora took in the cobwebbed rafters and the creaky walls. “Yes…”
Virge seemed to notice her skepticism, turning to look at her after placing the pot on a lone stool. “It’s a little rickety, it’ll definitely need some sprucing up to be safe, but can’t you see it? The maitre’d is gonna be right where you’re standing, and over there’s gonna be the gourmet kitchen.” Virgil gestured to the left end of the room. “And hanging from the ceiling, a crystal chandelier! I’ve been thinking about the weight of it to make sure it doesn’t fall down, and so long as it’s not too big, I can save on the structuring of it. Of course I won’t pinch pennies too much, I want it to be safe, but-” 
“You certainly have this all figured out, don’t you,” his mama laughed. “I’m sure this place is gonna be wonderful baby. It’s just…”
Virgil looked at her nervously. “What?”
“It’s a shame you’re workin’ so hard. It’s all you do,” Eudora smiled gently.
“How can I let up now that I’m so close? I’ve gotta make sure all Dad’s work means something.” I’ve gotta make him proud.
“Virgil, your daddy might not have gotten his restaurant, but he had somethin’ better,” Eudora squeezed his arm gently. “He had love.” Virgil snorted lightly. “Laugh all you want baby, but that’s all I want for you. Pat’s got his own dreams of happily ever after.” Virge’s eyebrows scrunched. “I don’t want you to be lonely. I wanna see you dance off into happily ever after too.”
Virgil stepped away from her. “Mama, I don’t have the time right now. I’m so close. Maybe when I get up and running, but right now… it’s just not an option for me.”
Eudora sighed and patted Virgil’s hand. “Alright sweetheart. I trust you.”
Roman stood amongst a crowd of people, all dancing and cheering. The trumpeter blared his horn, and the rest of the band energetically played along, the whole atmosphere charged with the infectious energy. A short news boy danced along with Roman, trading moves back and forth and smiling wide. After a few trades, the prince stepped to the edge of the circle to let the boy have his moment. With the space to himself, the kid dropped into a split and popped right back up.
“Ashidanza!” Roman laughed, tilting his head to some swooning admirers and immediately spinning back into the fray.
“Ro!” a familiar voice called. Roman looked up and smiled brilliantly, having caught the eye of his black-clad brother. “There you are. I should’ve been following the shrieking earlier.”
“Excuse me?” Roman dramatically placed his hand on his chest. “That is the sound of joy.”
“Sure, and you’re a heartthrob.” Roman squawked indignantly as Remus shoved him away from the crowd. “Come on, I found a restaurant that sells frog legs!!”
“What?? Ew, no. I’m staying here,” Roman dug his feet in.
“But Rooooo, they have five different sauces!! Five!!!”
“Yeah, for frog legs!”
“You got to play your jazz,” Remus argued, “so now we’re gonna eat some goddamn frog legs.”
“But I haven’t gotten to show all of my moves yet!” Roman protested. “And I’ve almost gotten enough admirers to form a fan club!”
“We should leave then, so my roguish good looks and entrancing humor don’t steal their hearts.”
“You mean your worm of a mustache and your freakish flirting?” Roman teased.
Remus glared and opened his mouth to argue, when a smooth voice came from the wall behind them. “Gentlemen!” The twins spun around to find a tall, masked man with a hooked cane and a black hat leaning casually against the wall. “Enchanté. A tip of the hat from Dr. Côté.” Roman noted that he didn’t actually tip his hat. The man – Dr. Côté – pulled a business card out of seemingly nowhere and held it out to them. “How y’all doin’?”
Remus swiped the card away before Roman could even lift his hand. “’Tarot readings, charms, potions.’” Re’s eyes shone brighter with each word. “’Dreams made real.’” 
Ok, now Roman’s attention was piqued. 
Remus looked up with a wild grin on his face. “You can really do that stuff?”
“Well… normally I do it for a price but… I suspect I’m in the presence of some very important people,” Dr. Côté grinned charmingly, canines glinting. The twins’ heads whipped around to share a look.
“...What other things can you do?” Roman inquired.
Dr. Côté seemed to really notice Roman for the first time. “Why don’t we take a little trip to my office and I’ll show you.”
The twins gave each other a look. Then Remus jumped up, shouting, “Come on, let’s just go already!”
First thing Roman noticed was that the “office” was not an office. Honestly, it was more of an urban cave – a nook in an alleyway off a street that was more dirt than anything else. It was filled with all sorts of things Roman never imagined would make for desirable décor. There were herbs dangling from one corner, and large masks with strange markings hanging on almost every available surface. Roman was pretty sure he saw some bones in the corner. The rugs on the floor didn’t match each other at all, but all were made of what was once probably very expensive fabric. Now it was just musty, matted, and muddled. The furniture was limited to a small, circular table in the center of the room, sitting directly beneath a chandelier that gave off an orange light, which didn’t seem to help much in the way of seeing. Roman silently vowed not to go within three feet of any of these… decorations.
“WOAH, cool bones!” Remus, on the other hand, seemed to have no qualms.
“Don’t touch those!” Dr. Côté hissed. He took a deep breath and grinned, gesturing to the table Roman noticed earlier. “Why don’t you come have a seat?” 
The men settled themselves around the table, Roman carefully examining his chair before sitting, just to make sure he wasn’t about to sit on anything… distasteful. 
Then, Dr. Côté pulled a deck of cards seemingly out of nowhere. They didn’t seem particularly special, simply decorated with a symbol of a hand that had an eye in the center, but the voodoo man held them with reverence. 
“Are you gonna do a card trick?” Remus snickered. Roman buried his smirk and elbowed his brother’s side. He did not want to make a magic man angry.
Dr. Côté simply looked up, though, giving an oily smile. “They’re tarot cards. I can tell you your past, your present… your future.” He gave a knowing look and fanned the cards out to the twins. “Go ahead. Take three.”
The princes reached out to the deck, holding their chosen cards close to their chest as if it were a card game. 
The Shadow Man stared at them for a moment, as if expecting them to do something before prompting, “How ‘bout I take a look at those cards now?”
Roman grinned sheepishly and placed his cards on the table. 
“Ah… now you, young man, are quite a prince,” Dr. Côté began. “A prince of fairy tales, really.” Roman thought he heard Remus huff beside him. “Your world is truly… perfect.” Something retreated inside Roman a little at the words, but he looked up when the Shadow Man asked, “But will it ever be anything else? Nothing is quite so disheartening as playing the same role all your life, huh? But when I look forward… I can see you’ll be more… very soon.”
The prince felt an anticipation swell inside him. Very soon.
Dr. Côté grinned down at Roman, then turned to Remus, peering at his cards. “Ah, yes. You’ve always been ambitious, hm?” Roman was shaken from his reverie and just barely kept from snorting. (Judging from the glare his brother aimed at him, he didn’t do a very good job.) Remus was ambitious if you considered chaotic enthusiasm to be ambition. But Dr. Côté just continued, “You could do more, be more, than they’d ever imagined. I know it. What are you going to do about it?”
Roman looked to Remus, and Remus looked down at his palms. A hand was outstretched for each of them to shake. “Well, boys?” 
The world was still for a moment. And then the black-clad prince’s hand shot out and shook the voodoo man’s, the other prince soon following suit.
“Very nice.” Dr. Côté’s smile grew leering. 
Then an orange smoke crept up Roman’s arm and into his mouth, and the world went dark.
A/N: Sorry, the ending came kinda fast 😅 I hope you enjoyed it anyway!! Please feel free to point out any mistakes you see, and keysmashes are VERY appreciated :D
Taglist: @midnightstorm-underthe-moon @meowthefluffy
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herbal-apparatus · 4 years
OK im gonna expand on that last text post now that my computer is up and running lets GOOOOO
first of all fuckign point one. so the hand in game is usually open when not being used, and when you click/use the hand, it closes. neat! but also, did you know that there’s a (potentially) unused sprite where the hand is pointing?
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(pictured: AssetStudioGUI is open with a list of textures off to the left. On the right is a picture of a hand pointing with the pointer finger and thumb out)
now i say potentially unused because i simply don’t recall it BEING used. though i could see it being used for either the jukebox, elevator buttons or button game and i simply just don’t remember it (lemme know if im wrong on this!). there’s also a gloved version:
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(pictured: the same pose of hand but with the falconer’s glove on it)
now, slightly associated with that, there’s another sprite of the hand i don’t remember seeing in game: one where there is a Hummingbird in its palm.
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(pictured: ASGUI again with the same list, but now the picture is of the gloved hand gently holding what looks to be a hummingbird)
i would think that this may be something related to borbra hence the glove and bird, perhaps a tutorial or previous quest related thing for her. or maybe it IS used and i just havent seen it! who knows. if youve seen it please lmk i want to know about the bird Q_Q (also to note: the bird has its own texture which i mean, i could post that too, but this already has a few pictures and i wanna go over other things too, so to save length im gonna skip it)
going onto more unrelated stuff, something that makes sense but is still interesting is the internal names for the slideshow room on the terrace. the slideshow room is referred to as CursedRoom, identifiable by its outside UV texture:
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(pictured: ASGUI with a new list. The selected texture is called UV-CursedRoomOutside, and the texture shows, assumingly, the outside of a simple room. On one of the sections of the texture, the shadow habit with multiple eyes and triangles is seen, which in game is shown on the back of the outside of the slideshow room. This identifies that CursedRoom is, in fact, the slideshow room.)
which, the name makes sense honestly. related, those listings of “trauma00″ through “trauma07″ are the pictures inside the slideshow:
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(pictured: ASGUI, same list as the previous picture. “trauma01″ is selected, showing the picture of boris as a child, happy and holding his potted lily.)
so, in case anyone DIDNT think it was traumatic, the files sure seem to assert that that whole situation was. (ive heard that in the past people debated on stuff like that...??? i dunno, and i sure HOPE not, but. i’d think it was pretty obvious that this was a Very Bad Event that could Definitely Cause Trauma, but i digress)
my original post about this stuff goes on to talk about audio/video segmenting, but im gonna focus on some audio stuff in general. first of all, it’s interesting to note a few things about the music. while i cant show you what the audio sounds like for obv reasons, i can show you something with the names!
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(pictured: a segment of a list from ASGUI, listing a few AudioClip files)
from here, we can see three things: one, dr. habit’s theme and the apartments music have a specific “intro” audio, separate from the main songs. this is likely for looping purposes, i’d think. (also habit’s theme is a “fight”????? it definitely SOUNDS like one but i wouldnt consider the event itself a fight, lol) also, something interesting to note is the listing at the top: “falling asleep ambience 1″. there are no other ambiences (i.e. no 2 or 3), so it does seem to imply that others were going to be considered, maybe switched out for different purposes? not sure, but as someone who gets a little spooked by the sounds, it makes me go 8);;;
some other interesting audios include the following (IDs/names of each AudioClip in parenthesis below each picture)
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(horror_splat_with_juicy_squish, which seems to be the sound used when you put the mask on putunia. this one’s more interesting due to the name)
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(dish_breaking, which i think seems to go unused?? it sounds like, predictably, a ceramic(?) plate breaking)
and my personal favorite
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(bees, which ... sounds like... a child sneezing????? this one also seems to go unused)
yeah i dont get that last one. DJKBGSDKFGJNDS
anyways long post is long, but here’s some more stuff for yall in better detail! i hope u like it! i might make another one soon but i wanna go back to focusing on getting the lines finished. maybe ill post about unused/alternate lines after i get it done :D (for example, there seems to be a line that isnt used/was replaced by another line where lulia mentions that she has, specifically, “87 TV appearences to schedule”! what a busy gal)
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ging3rsnap-sprites · 4 years
I’m Gingersnap and this is my sprite edit blog! A quick Q/A for anyone interested in what I do;
What program(s) do you use?
I use Procreate on my iPad as well as my Apple Pencil
Where do you get your sprites from?
Directly from the Danganronpa wiki!
Where did you get the sprite texture?
From the wonderfully talented @/im-jabberwockin-here, it should be on page 14 of their blog! If you don’t feel like looking I can send you a link if you’d prefer, just lmk :)
Other things:
•requests ARE open BUT,,, please don’t be upset if I don’t accept them due to the request itself. so I’ll drop what I absolutely WILL NOT DO BELOW:
-I will *not* do NSFW
-I won’t do any extreme gore
-if you’re not sure just ask I don’t bite
-You can only request two at once, just so I can get them done in a timely manner! I draw very slowly so they can take forever sometimes
-ALSO!!! I DO NOT MAKE CUSTOM SPRITE POSES OR SPRITES OF OCs! (I.E., I draw over/edit pre-existing sprites. If there is a specific one you want me to use please tell me!)
-Please be specific in your requests, it makes my life so much easier :)
I have an instagram, @/ging3rsnap.sprites! I know my themes are ugly stfu :,)
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nagekinofigure · 7 years
AKB48 Thumbnail 2shot event 170604
At the start of June I went to Japan to participate in the 2shot events for AKB’s latest album Thumbnail. Here’s a little write up. If you want to hear about anything else I did (hint: it was all shopping) lmk and maybe I’ll write that up too.
Because I know I cannot get up in the mornings, I started my tickets from Block 2. I had 3 tickets for Sato Sumire, 3 for Muto Tomu, then 1 each for Kojima Mako, Goto Moe, Minegishi Minami, Okada Nana, Miyazaki Miho, Oya Shizuka, as well as 2 album signing tickets, that I planned to use with Tomu & Suu.
I am about to go into fangirl mode here.
Unlike HS, during 2shot you don’t get much time to talk, and for me every member spent that time calling me cute (lies) and my hair amazing (truth). (hidden myself in most of these pics cause i’m not cute and dont photo well lol especially next to idols)
Started the day with Kojimako~~ Had Mako and Tomu in 2nd block but I wanted a practice run before Tomu. She is so damn cute! Basically exactly what I was expecting (in a good way); super cute, cheerful, smiley and lovely. A fairly orthodox meeting.
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Next was Tomu, the member competing with Suu for my oshimen spot lol. I know I wrote a post before about officially oshihenning to Tomu, but honestly the two are really neck-and-neck...
Compared to Kojimako, Tomu felt a little more... interested? Like asking me more questions and seeming to listen more to the answers, etc. I’m very shy and bad at speaking, so if the member starts the conversation going I am very grateful, and Tomu absolutely did.
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I had Block 3 free (why?? did i do that??) and I headed out to the Cafe & Shop. Bought an AKB drink, which of course comes with a coaster, which of course attracts coaster collector/traders. The guy brave enough to approach me turned out to be a fellow Tomu oshi, and we spent 45~ mins discussing members/AKB in general/my plans in Japan etc. I was almost late for block 4 lol.
Block 4 and back to Tomu! In the queue, another fan came up to me, asking where I was from etc. The only people willing to come up and speak to me were Tomu fans lol. Tomu fans so nice and willing to speak English. Tomu did the whole ‘You’re back!’, ‘Yes, and I have more tickets!‘. Then of course my favourite Team K pose.
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Then it was Moekyun! In my head Moe is still the baby draftie of Team K, but she is actually 16 and almost as tall as I am. If Tomu was impressed that I came for the UK, Moe was astounded lol.
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Block 5, and back to Tomu again! This time wearing the Tomu shirt from last year, which she was pretty pleased with. 3rd time and I was finally able to tell Tomu she was my oshi. (whyyyy am i so shy why).
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I had tickets for Miichan, but I went over to album signing instead, since getting my album signed by Suu was more important that meeting Mii. (sorry Miichan)
My Suu tickets were all for later so this was my first Suu meeting. It was basically a discussion about my hair again lol. (’Is it real? Is it dyed?’) lolol And so her signing message was ‘Megan-chan kawaii’ lolol
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Then off to Miichan. Her queue was short but sooo slow moving, which is weird because it didn’t feel like people were getting really long meetings. Also, her queue was fuuuull of girls. About 60-80% female, far, far higher than anyone else. And they were all looping as well. Mii was... very cool and professional? Not bad or salty, but she kind of felt like she was going through the motions, quickly in, photo, out.
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Block 6 was double Suu. Finally a chance to meet her. She was pretty surprised to see me again I think. But super happy. Out of everyone I met, Suu was the best. She felt the most genuine and the most interested. I felt like I could have another 20 tickets and still have fun with her. HOWEVER her staff were super fast. Not necessarily trying to push me out, but very efficient, I’d barely sat down before they were asking for a pose. I was using 2 tickets but still had basically the same length meeting. Should have looped!
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Block 9 was also Tomu sign! So I’d been meeting Tomu at regular intervals over 6 hours, so it felt like I met her a lot. Compared to, say, using 4 tickets together in one block, I got more time with Tomu this was. I wonder if she would feel the same?
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Block 7 and I pre-queued for Nacchan, since her line was super long. Nacchan felt the most kami. After meeting her, I completely understand her popularity and senbatsu rank. Her reaction to seeing me was ‘Angel! Angel!’ in English, which was the only time any of the members spoke English to me other than ‘thank you’ and ‘bye bye’.  unfortunately the 2shot itself is pretty bad D:
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Then 4th ticket with Suu. She was amazed I was back, then after greetings, peace sign pose, I was standing up to leave and she says something like ‘Thank you for coming. Everyone thinks you’re really pretty!” And whilst I’m digesting if the members are talking about me backstage?? (sempai noticed me??) she’s like, ‘Can I?’ and reaches out to stroke my hair/head. Then squeals/laughs as though I am a small animal (lol) and the staff usher me out. But like... You are not supposed to touch the idols at all unless you are doing heart pose... And yet I got a head pat??
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I basically died on the spot. #1 2shot #1 meeting #1 girl, sorry Tomu, I regret oshihen-ing etc. Literally made the whole trip worth it. Did the members notice me?! Is Suu talking about me with others??
tl;dr if you are meeting idols dye ur hair & be fashionable i guess
Final block and I had tickets for Myao and Shiichan. I fucked up my Myao meeting by being super tired and not being able to understand the super fast & long JP Myao spoke to me. Really feel bad about that because not’s not Myao’s fault that I’m incompetent, and I feel like it dissappointed her, or maybe pissed her off. Not really how I wanted my first meeting with Myao that I’ve been a fan of for so long to go. Myao is way good at posing and this is possibly the best 2shot of the day tho. (not of me, obviously, i look like a shaved baboon as usual)
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I ended up using my Shiichan ticket to go see Tano Yuka instead. idek why. For me there are Suu & Tomu tier 1, then Moe, Kojimako, Naachan tier 2, then like... everyone else. And so I just has a sudden urge to meet Tanochan.
She was kind of... intimidating. I come in and she’s like ‘Wah, sugoi.’ Then she gives me this really intense look up and down like she’s inspecting me. I felt like I was in high school talking to popular girls lol like wow I’m being judged here. Tano is super pretty in real life. I’m looking at this 2shot like, that’s not even what she looked like! The camera can’t capture her ~glow~!
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So basically 10/10 day, do recommend. I received 0 salt all day, even though quite a few members I saw (Suu, Mako, Myao, Tano) have a rep for being salty if tired or you speak to them wrong, I had no such interaction. Definitely going to try and go back next year, if money allows it. Go see Suu etc.
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convndrums · 7 years
THE SECRET SOCIETY SUBPLOT --- mc’finally doing this and lowkey been thinking about it for a while now ( lies. ever since sutton made that royals subplot a girlie has been #inspired.. luv that binch ) so basically, this - my friends - is a subplot about a london-based elite secret society that consists of a group of influential women who vary in ages, occupations and social statuses in society. ( illuminati whom tbh ) they’re very capable and powerful ( got the connections, the skills, the money, etc. ) and go by their own rules to further their own goals, whether they be social, political, financial, etc. unbiased and aren’t afraid to get involved with different groups ( gangs, politicians, royals, anti-monarchists, etc. actually have a whole royal member ) by lending a hand or even taking someone else down for someone to get what they need, but will consider being an ally if one side consistently proves to be worthy, helpful and meets their interests. they have two names: ladies of margaret hall and dead girl’s morse code or the code -- *grim history behind the last two and mostly/commonly known ( by the people who can afford to know them/of them ) as the code. smash that readmore for more details + the like button or hmu @ im’s if ur interested in contributing <3
established first in oxford university back in the 70′s in the first woman’s college lady margaret hall but has spread to various universities and mostly the golden triangle ( university of cambridge, imperial college london, king's college london, london school of economics, university of oxford and university college london. ) which consists of most of it’s members but the alumni recruiters are open to recruit anyone who could benefit them.
*the grim history being a crime that happened around the 80′s. a girl was murdered in her room who happened to leave an unfinished morse code before she got shot that mentioned them by the name they went by back then which was the ladies of-. nobody knew what that meant but some of the girls in campus had their suspicions that died out soon enough but some held on to it as a ‘conspiracy theory’ and no one knew who exactly was involved. ( illuminati WHERE bitch ! )
their motto is nous n'oublions jamais ( we never forget in english, their dark follow-up to their college’s motto bc they’re xtra ) & say la loi est une dame when they meet and depart ( which means the law is a lady in french bc they are xtra 2.0 )
tight and discreet. exposed? never experienced that emotion. good at hiding their tracks and hiding people who pose as a threat to the society or a member. hold meetings in very well concealed places in oxford. wear capes #SoGoth and everything during those said meetings and trials ( for when a member fucks up, which happens rarely bc you don’t just fuck up when when the consequences are terrifying but it happens still ) 
as useful as they could be to others, they are to each other x10. it’s all about benefiting each other as a society first, people next but in the end it’s them who gets something out of things.
refer to each other as lady + insert last name here in formal meetings. ( e.g lady pavia )
I have more points to add ( truly inspiredt someone stop her @ me ) but this is already getting long enough so let’s get to the mc’point aka current members ! ( all types of characters who are xtra as funk and can be helpful to the society are welcome here as in, socialites/daughters of families with the right connections, hackers, geniuses, royals, even legacies or just regular gals who know how to get shit done, etc. ygm )
isabel pavia ( me ! + 1/5 of the recruiters in london )
arabella gomfrey ( @cnisms x )
serafina villiers ( @pomegranctes x )
charlotte gomfrey ( @hellagocd  + 1/1 head of the code’s london base )
rowan rutherford ( @clandestincs )
alumni members ( pre much older muses )
there’s npc characters like the silent jury ( for trials, identities are never known or revealed -- though that doesn’t mean a character can’t know one or most, i’m all for dramas and plot twists -- ) the head president(s) of the society, rest of the alumni esp ones who run businesses outside the uk, rest of the members bc they’re quite big and spread out, etc. if there’s any position you’d like to add lmk !
to conclude, that’s pretty much everything ! there will be plot drops, of course. almost all connections from all types are welcome ( members-to-be, members who dislike each other, members who are hesitant to stay in the society, members who hide a secret, etc. luv me some variety and connections to work into dramas ! ) the tag is smoke:dgmc n yep !
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