#if anyone's a she/him demigirl please let me know because I feel like I'm the only one here HGDFHGDFS
wandapinkay · 1 year
Random thing to say but it's Pride month still so fuck it This year came with the realization I'm also demigirl :Dc
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random-lil-illing · 2 years
Okay so I just got an ide for a ROTTMNT/TMNT 2012 crossover fanfic but I'm shit at writing so uhm here's the idea if anyone wants to write it. If you do write it please credit me/tag me/message me lol. You don't have to ask for permission just like, make sure I know about it/can read it thamks
Anyway, the actual idea is as follows:
Okay okay so it's set post-movie (like a few months later ) and everyone's recovering and healing their trauma and all that right? So they're all doing pretty ok but Leo's doing like worse than the others ptsd/mentally-wise and is very wary about like the concept of time/dimension travel.
So, Raph, Mikey and Donnie, being the good brothers they are, don't being up the topic around him, but they talk about it when he's not around cuz Donnie's making a multi-dimensional gun because since he's proved time travel, he also wants to prove dimensional travel.
Anyway so he finishes the gun, right? And so he takes his brothers (minus Leo) to test it out somewhere secluded. And it works!! And alternate veraions of him, his brothers, April, Splinter and even Casey (all 2012 mind you) come through the portal!! And everyones confused and excited so they introduce themselves and clear everything up and all that. So then the 2012 gang turn around to go home but the portal closed and the gun's not working for whatever reason. Shit.
Raph offers they stay with them, and then Mikey reminds them of Leo and everyone (-2012) is like 'Oh shit what are we gonna do'
And so they decide on a plan. The 2012 gang are going to stay in their lair until they find a way to send them back and tell Rise! Splinter about it, but make sure Rise! Leo, under NO CIRCUMSTANCE, finds out.
And the whole fanfic is them trying to navigate life while keeping the 2012 gang a secret from Rise Leo
In the end (think like a month more or less later) Leo finds out and freaks out but like a week later Rise Donnie sends them back to their universe so yeah. The Rise gang did get the 2012 gang's phone numbers tho so possible chatfic about that too??? Idk
Alyo since we're here basic headcannons about the Rise and 2012 gang!!
Raph: -Oldest at 16 (I like to think the movie happened a year after the show)
-Genderqueer, He/She pronouns, any terms (Fem, Masc, GN), AMAB
-Likes women (technically not straight)
-anywhere between 6'10 and 7'5
-ADHD and Anxiety
-Mom friend/sibling
Donn: -Second oldest at 15
-Nonbinary, They/It/Tech, GN/Masc terms, AMAB
-Aroace or nblw (Non-Binary love women) can't decide
-Autism and Social Anxiety
-Very sarcastic
Leon: -Second youngest at 15 (He's the younger twin)
-Transmasc, He/They and possibly Star/Starself, GN/Masc terms, AFAB
-Gay, the closet is made of glass (dating Usagi)
-ADHD and Insomnia
-Flamboyant af
Mike: -Youngest at 14
-Genderfluid, if you don't know then use They/Pizza/Sparkle/Brush, terms depend on what they feel like that day but if you don't know use GN terms, AMAB
-Panromantic Ace
-ADHD and a bit of Autism
-Therapist friend but at the same time unhinged friend
April: -19 y.o
-Female, She/They, Fem and GN terms, can’t decide whether AFAB or AMAB
-Lesbian, there was never a closet in the first place (dating Sunita and Cass)
-Probably ADHD lol
-Chaotic big sister energy
Cass: -19
-Demigirl, Any pronouns, any terms, AFAB
-Lesbian (dating April and Sunita)
-Unhinged and throws hands any chance she gets
Casey Jr: -14
-Questioning but definitely Masc, He/Him pronouns as of now, Masc/GN terms, AMAB
-Questioning but definitely Ace
-ADHD and Anxiety
-Has like 3 moms and 2 dads
Raphael: -Second oldest at 19
-Transmasc, He/Him, Masc terms, AFAB
-Straight (dating Mona Lisa)
-Anger Issues with a side of OCD
-Angry tiny
Donnie: -Second youngest at 19 (they’re quadruplets)
-Non-Binary, They/He, GN terms, AMAB
-Bisexual (dating his Casey)
-Wants to be unhinged but his Leo wont let him
Leo: -Oldest at 19
-Bigender, He/She/They, Any terms, AFAB
-Bisexual (And does NOT have a crush on Karai, it was gender envy)
-Acts all serious infront of his Splinter but when he’s gone he’s more silly
Mikey: -Youngest at 19
-Genderfluid, if you dont know then They/Pizza pronouns and GN terms, AMAB
-ADHD and Autism
-Chaotic af
April: -19
-Girl, She/Her and sometimes They/Them, Fem terms, AFAB
-Bit of Autism
-She’s either done with the Turtles’ shenanagins or she’s doing the shenanagins no inbetween
Casey: -20
-Transmasc, He/Him, Masc/GN terms, AFAB
-Bisexual (dating his Donnie)
-Super chaotic lmao
I don’t have enough headcannons for the Splinters for them to have their own category but basically:
Gender/Pronouns: -Rise! Splinter - Man, He/Him, AMAB
2012! Splinter - Man, He/Him, AMAB
Sexualities: -Rise! Splinter - Bisexual
2012! Splinter - Straight
Heights: -Rise! Splinter - 3’5
2012! Splinter - 6’1
Anyway thats it lol, make sure to tell me where I can find your fic of this if you decide to write it (or any animations/drawings of it either) <3
peace y’all
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dearestones · 9 months
Twisted Wonderland Matchup: Floyd Leech #2
Anonymous Request: Hello! Mind if I yeet over a romantic matchup request for Twisted Wonderland?
I'm gonna go by 🍊. I'm a she/they demigirl and bisexual.
Appearance: I am South Asian with straight black hair and tan skin. I usually tie into two low ponytails because I think it looks cute, and I don't like the feeling of hair on the back of my neck. I am 159 cm tall and pretty scrawny
Personality: I like to say I'm a pretty cheerful and upbeat person. I try my best to smile through tough situations, though it can be hard sometimes. I also like to say I'm a family person, and I will do anything to protect them, and my friends. I am perfectionistic, but sadly I am a bit scatterbrained, much to the dismay of my parents and older sister. I have been working on my organizational skills though. I can be quite petty too. If someone wrongs me, I tell them either bad puns or horrifying facts for a period of time. I'm also good at math. Also, in almost every friend group I'm in, I somehow become a therapist friend.
Likes: Anime, drawing comics, video games, unabridged fairytales (they have me in a chokehold), sweets (my favourite is caramel pudding), and spending time with my older sister
Dislikes: Cruelty, confrontation (I will kick butt if I need to), anyone who dares to threaten my friends or family, arrogance when it gets out of hand, black tea (I cannot drink it unless it is mixed with a LOT of milk)
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After going through the description given above, I believe that you best pair well with Floyd Leech!
Oh my goodness, you are so tiny! You know how much taller Floyd is? He’s at least a foot taller! You know what that makes you Lil’ Shrimpy? That’s right! Tiny!!! 
You’re so cute and adorable and those little cute pigtail things (is that what they’re really called?) really add to your charm! If you’re not careful and if you don’t tell him off, Floyd will definitely go around surprising you from behind by tugging on your hair. Or commenting on how adorable it makes you! (If you’re uncomfortable, put your foot down and tell him to stop. He’ll pout and groan about it, but he’ll ultimately acquiesce).
Cheerful and upbeat really match with Floyd! He’s moody and his temperament can change at the drop of a hat, but he finds that your ability to work through problems with a bright smile and seemingly endless amounts of optimism to be amusing. For him, he likes it when people are visibly struggling, especially when he’s the one who’s causing the struggle in the first place. However, continuous optimism like yours is hard to come by from his hometown, so it’s a commodity that he honestly thinks is pretty admirable. (He won’t tell you that, but he’ll actually lend his help if you’re faced with a problem that visibly pains you to try and solve). 
Hmmm… A family person, you say? Floyd can understand that. He may not act like it at times, but he’s willing to throw down for his brother if he ever senses that he’s in danger and he’s even more willing to squeeze Azul’s enemies if the cecealia calls for his help. As time passes, and if the both of you become really close, he’ll definitely include you in his close circle of family and friends and a part of him hopes that he’s slithered his way into your inner circle as well. 
Do things have to be perfect, Lil’ Shrimpy? Sea Witch, that’s so boring! You should just go with the flow like Floyd does! You don’t see him getting too stressed about things that ultimately won’t matter in a few months or years, right? So let loose and relax! Besides, if you truly need to remember something or to pick up the pieces of your scatterbrained self, Floyd will be there to help you as well!
No, not the bad puns! He has to live with Jade and that guy has a lot of puns of sleeves about mushrooms and other food related jokes. Please. Stop. Floyd understands the joke, but he doesn’t want to put up with the fallout (read: the fact that Jade will inevitably laugh himself to death because he thinks puns and dad jokes are the pinnacle of humor). 
The horrifying facts, though, Floyd is all ears for them. He’ll probably tell Azul to mess with him. Hey, do you also want to learn some cursed facts about merfolk biology and what it’s like to live in the Coral Sea? Too late! He’s gonna tell you anyway!
Video games! Play with him! He knows he’s supposed to be working at the Lounge or doing homework, but how can he do that when his Lil’ Shrimpy is playing video games? You’ll let him play with you right? He doesn’t have a preference—he just plays whatever looks the most interesting—but most of the time he’ll play horror video games with you because he finds it hilarious if you’re ducking into his side or screaming at jump scares. 
Floyd also loves sweets! He doesn’t like it when they’re too chewy or soft, though, so he’ll leave the caramel pudding to you. However, that won’t stop him from splurging on other sorts of sweets that he hopes to share with you. Eating is always a fun activity for him—watch how his sharp, serrated teeth cut through all sorts of textures!—but he loves it even more if he can share food with you! (Also, please ask him to cook for you! He’ll pretend not to like it, but he has hearts in his eyes if you ooh and ahh at his food before taking big bites!)
Please. Kick Floyd’s butt. If you let slip that you’re willing to throw down, Floyd can and will provoke you by whatever means necessary so you can grace him with a roundhouse kick or a falcon punch. Please. He’s begging for it. (This is flirtation for him and he will pursue you romantically if he hasn’t already).
With Floyd at your side, you’re in for a wild ride! While it may not appear as if Floyd will be an attentive boyfriend, he’s actually very observant and he’ll be sure to provide companionship that is sure to make you both safe and happy that you chose each other. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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sapphicyearningbot · 10 months
i'm in love with one of my best friends.
to set the whole scene: i'm in a friendgroup which includes me and 4 other people.
there's me, a genderqueer person, who's... idk bout my sexuality, i'm just queer in general
there's A, A is genderfluid, uses all pronouns and is sapphic
there's B, B is a demigirl lesbian
there's C, idk what is C's gender identity or sexuality, but she uses he/she
and there's D, D is a bisexual trans boy/demiboy, i'm not sure, he came out as trans, but when he heard about the term demiboy for the first time he said that it sounds pretty much like him, so... idk. but he uses he/him.
i'm in love with A. i'm so fucking in love with her. they are literally the smartest, prettiest, most perfect person in the whole world. i love him so so so much. and - please be proud of how brave i am - i told them that.
i mean, not the whole thing, that could be a little too much, but in general they knew that i like someone and then i told her that i have a crush on her. yeah. and he likes me back!!!
sorry, i had to scream about it a little.
we aren't together or anything, cos:
we are still kids, at least i am. i feel like i'm still a kid and i'm not quite ready for a relationship
i know that if we would get together now we would probably break up quickly and i don't want to risk our friendship cos we know each other for years and she's really important to me
remember B? B is A's best friend. like, the best of best friends. and B's also my best friend. i don't think that i'm B's best friend, cos her best friend is probably A, but she's really important to me. so, how is B connected to me and my relationship with A? well. B is in love with me. i know. i know. that's not very practical. but unfortunately that's the truth. B is in love with me. and from all the crushes that exist in my friendgroup (C also had some crushes on people in this friendgroup, but that's not the main theme here so i'm not going to focus on that) i think that B's is the most serious one. from what i know she really likes me. i think that she also is the only person from the weird triangle that i, A and B create that is actually ready for a relationship. and both me and A don't want to hurt her, so even if we wanted a relationship it wouldn't be possible because of how much we care about B and her emotions and stuff like that.
fuck it.
i kinda wish that me and A could be something more. not a full relationship-we're-together-we-go-on-dates-and-kiss-and-stuff couple, but just... idk. i wish that we would spend more time together, cos we NEVER spend time alone, like, only the two of us. and i hate it so much cos i'd LOVE to spend more time with them. i'd love to. but i just don't know what to do with all this shit.
when we spend time it's usually with our whole friendgroup or with B. since he and B are really close i always feel bad when i spend time with them two cos i feel like i'm a second choice to everyone and then i'm scared that i'm toxic because of the fact that i'm jealous of their relationship.
sorry for the rant. i just don't really have anyone to talk about all of this with.
i hope that this counts as sapphic even though neither me, A or B are actually girls
well that is definitely quite the story anon, the only advice i can give is that, you are all young, it can go everyway imaginable so you can either try to do something about it or let it wither away
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aetherphobia · 2 years
Get to know me post!
Hello! It's me again! I never really made one of these so I thought I would in case anyone stumbled across my account. This is just basic information on me and some of my interests. With that said, on with the post! <3
My name is Aether. But I go by many other names. Feel free to ask me for the rest if you're ever curious <3
I may be 18+, but PLEASE do not send me explicit messages or attempt to interact with me in that type of way. It's disrespectful to talk to strangers who aren't comfortable with you in that manner, so please refrain from doing so lest you be blocked.
My pronouns are She/They/It. I go by some more but those are my main three. Honestly as long as you don't use he/him for me, I don't really care what you call me lol
I identify as a demigirl and I'm omnisexual! I am also polyamorous. As long as it has healthy communication and a reasonable age difference then I'll be down!
I like clowncore and weirdcore! Though I also enjoy stuff like fairycore, lolita fashion, royalcore, scene, and other stuff. My aesthetics are all over the place, honestly.
I like to draw sometimes. I drew my pfp, actually! I also like writing, character creation, and world building. I aspire to go into animation one day and maybe make my own cartoon series. I also roleplay often. I enjoy indulging in fantasy universes <3
I like minecraft and roblox. I play roblox more often by comparison however. I also play things like cookie run and Pokémon too! Also things like indie horror games. That has been a fact for years. Letting me have internet access as a kid was a mistake /hj
I like twisted wonderland. Although I have barely gotten though chapter one. The knowledge I have on it is entirely from spoiling myself because I have not an ounce of patience in my body. I have several ocs for twst and I may talk more about them if asked! Two of them have their own tumblr accounts (@definitelynotspirit & @enigmacitrus-rp)
I tend to overexplain things often. So whenever I send long sentences and paragraphs, that is in fact why I do so.
I'd honestly much prefer when you guys use tone tags when speaking to me. I sometimes tend to not pick up on tone or hints unless directly told. Thank you for understanding /gen
But yeah! That's mostly all I gotta say now. Thank you for reading and I hope we can get along nicely. See ya on the flipside <3
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milkiijustwrites · 3 years
hello !! i dont know if the matchups event are still open, but ignore this if it is ^^ and if its open, please do an omori matchup ! thank u <3
anyways, im a bi demigirl that goes by she/they pronouns and a minor. im generally pretty shy around new people/new environments but i can warm up pretty fast, and when im used to somebody i can get really loud annoying, and also unintentionally violent- by that i mean i tend to hit or yell at my friends as joke, but since im sarcastic and generally very bad at reading the room, i come off as insensitive.
i also can get really affectionate w people i trust a lot, though i overthink a lot, it would take a long time to get to that stage as i think theyre not even my friends and theyre only sticking around me due to pity. but once i do trust someone to get to that stage, i basically become the loud therapist friend. i always look out for my friends and ask if theyre okay or need to vent to me, if theyre hungry i lend them food, play w my hair if theyre bored, comfort them whenever they need it, etc.
the things i like are: sweets, animals (cabyparas specifically <33), music, games, some topics like trauma, human emotions, history, respectful ppl ofc, anything horror
my dislikes are: homophobes/transphobes, sexist people, really loud, enthusiastic, or energetic people (which is ironic since i can be quite loud myself), rude people, anyone that teases or bothers me too much, and kpop stans /j
i may look out for my friends a lot, but i do have my problems. because of family problems, im mostly at a miserable state until i have something thatll distract me from my problems, then back into a depressive shithole. i also bottle up my emotions and dont like showing any kind of sadness, since it makes me feel vulnerable and weak, and i dont like people thinking i need comfort, since i usually percieve it as pity. not to mention i tend to turn down any kind of help, since i do like being on my own and see it as infantilizing. not to mention that i get extremely violent when im angry, since i tend to yell or hit anyone if they provoke me when im pissed off (im not proud of the things i do when im emotional but im working on it !)
i heavily dislike being taken lightly or underestimated (everybody does really) and any kind of physical affection in early stages of friendship, since it makes me uncomfortable, and any kind of mom friend makes me feel like im getting coddled, and i really hate that <\3
but overall, i may not have the best temper but i think that once someone gets past the stage of me being an asshole to them (im really closed off in the beginning since i dont easily trust people due to having bad friends in the past), ill love them to bits and want the best for them. :)
Hi! Thank you for participating in my event!
A/N: ahhh thank you so much for your detailed description!
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I match you up with....
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I feel like both you and Kel are like the chaotic couple , and I feel like Kel will have another side for you
Like if you show your affection towards him and all, he'll be dying inside if him and treat you very VERY nice
But if others, even if his best friends show him affection, he'll probably just take that as a joke and laugh about it
But he wont go over the line though, too much affection for you may let you feel uncomfortable,
And I'm sure when you feel angry and lost your temper, Kel won't be the one to provoke you or ignore you, in my opinion, Kel would listen, he'll calm you down and listen, and maybe tell some jokes after when you calm down,
So poof !match
"Y/N you're like a cat ngl ahaha"
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Hi - sorry to bother you, particularly after that anon insulted your identity, but I wanted to ask: what does it mean to be a nonbinary girl? As a cis girl, I try to read a lot on the subject to educate myself, but I just got slightly confused. Are you a demigirl? Or do you feel like something else instead? Thanks, and I hope this doesn't use up too many spoons - I'm just genuinely curious.
(Same anon who asked about your gender) I also realised that that ask might have been slightly personal. Please let me know if I'm overstepping any boundaries! Thank you.
It’s alright, hon, I don’t mind polite questions. 
‘Nonbinary’ is a bit unique in that it’s sort of a catch-all term that can mean something a little different for everyone who identifies that way. I use it mostly because I’ve never seen a label that truly describes my gender; I’ve thought about identifying as genderqueer, but I haven’t felt compelled to make the switch. 
What I feel like is kind of complicated, but I talked about it recently in another ask if you want to read that. I feel that part of me is masculine (perhaps due to the fact that I’m hormonally intersex with high testosterone), that deep down the core of who I am is agender, but I also feel as though I “wear” female like a suit, that it’s something I walk around it without it actually being my identity.
It’s sort of like... my soul is genderless, my brain is partly male because of testosterone, but I’ve lived as a girl my whole life and that’s made an impression on me? I don’t feel as if I’m trans, because I feel no desire to transition and I feel like my body largely matches my gender already since I’m intersex, and because I view my body in a detached sort of way, as just a vessel. I feel as if I could have been born male and that would have been fine, I’d just be an agender soul walking around in a male suit.
I know calling myself a nonbinary girl is a bit confusing, but it’s really just a matter of practicality for me rather than an attachment to femininity, or feeling as if I AM a girl. I don’t like they/them pronouns for myself, I don’t like neo-pronouns like xe or ze for myself, and being called he/him would be weird; I’m simply used to being called she/her and living as a girl, and I don’t feel compelled to put the energy into changing that. 
I like to present in a pretty androgynous/neutral way, and if it was free and easy I’d probably have a double mastectomy cause boobs are such a pain in the ass, and I’d love to have my uterus ripped out cause I don’t want to have kids, but you know, if people look at me and see a woman, they’re wrong, but I don’t really care what they think that much. I’m really just a person, but since I’ve been cast in the role of female, so to speak, I’m fine with playing that role. It’s just that the role of female isn’t who I truly am inside.
I hope that explains it a bit, but I’ll add that of course this is only MY definition of my gender, and I don’t speak for anyone else who identifies as nonbinary. Thanks for wanting to learn. :)
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