#if i could figure out how to add weapons it'd be that
neproxrezi · 2 years
if i can accrue the knowhow i think my ideal elden ring mod would be a bunch of treasure chests hidden all over the map in places you don't usually look
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empydoc · 2 months
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SOUL EATER AU guy & honey
check out the masterpost here!
welcome to a redacted soul eater au post! here, i try and discover what it'd be like if you merged the soul eater world and mechanics within the redactedverse. this is the sixth post in the series of posts i'll make regarding the individual characters and their listeners! we've got guy & honey on the menu. enjoy!
guy — soul type: weapon weapon type: baseball bat compatible with: honey
guy, being an unempowered human, doesn't necessarily have any additions to his weapon form at all. even so, i have the personal headcanon that he got to grips on shifting to his weapon form pretty quickly when he was younger, purely because i have the idea in my head that he's a quick learner.
unempowered people are typically meisters, but it isn't that strange for them to be weapons. during soul resonance, one of guy's signature abilities is to change from a wooden bat into a metal bat, which significantly boosts damage (but lowers the ease of use).
honestly, i couldn't think of guy's weapon form at all for the longest time. it escaped me, because i wanted something "funny" but also something that could be taken seriously (because a weapon is supposed to compliment both the weapon itself and their meister). eventually i found that a baseball bat was PERFECT for these two, since it's a little intimidating when someone like honey holds one, but it's also literally just sports equipment.
honey —  soul type: meister strongest meister ability: soul resonance - a technique where special attacks are made when resonating with their weapon's soul. compatible with: guy
again, like guy, since honey is an unempowered human there isn't necessarily anything special about their meister status. i like to think, though, that honey hasn't wielded anyone for a particularly long time before meeting guy- but the reasoning for that is up to you!
meisters are people who have the ability to perceive people's souls. i won't dig too far into how people's souls look in the redactedverse, because that'd be a whole other layer, but for this one time- i like to think honey saw the chaos that was guy's soul (a quickly moving, orange, constantly bouncing sort of thing) and kind of assumed they wouldn't be compatible at all, but was rightfully proved wrong in the end.
originally, honey was going to be a weapon, but something i've realised is that i struggle to decide weapons for listeners to be because i can't figure out some of their personalities very well. although, just so you know, i did debate on honey being a chainsaw.
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lite backstory: for every post i make for the characters, i'll add some au backstory to really fill in some details you may be curious about!
being two people who live lives outside of excessive confrontation (as well as, in universe, kishin soul hunting- something meisters and weapons do to relieve the world of kishins, a sort of creature that creates destruction and wants to kill for the hell of it) they didn't think they'd need respective partners.
even so, akin to some others in this au, they eventually got into some trouble. when it came to a date night out, and an aggressive looking man spitting obscenities their way, guy insisted that they 'try out what they'd been talking about recently'. honey got grips of the situation quickly, and they were able to descalate the situation pretty well, but not without a few thunks to the head.
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I've been working on a ttrpg inspired by Hades and Kill 6 Billion Demons, modifying my Lumen game, Luminous Vein. It's definitely still early in the process, and I have so many projects that this one is a bit on the backburner, in part because I hate figuring out random generation and it'd feel more right to have a more official vibe to it with art & stuff. Anyway I do however think some of it is cool as hell so I put out a poll asking people what they'd like to hear about; you guys chose my problematic trans rep, who I dont have much to say about that I didn't already put in its description, so I'll just put it in full:
Hollow, Goddess of Rot
It/its, she/her, they/them
Feared among mortals to its elation, Hollow is a heavy shadow of positivity in the pantheon of gods. It loves trying to find new ways to disgust and horrify mortals, sometimes going so far as to create minor planes to trap them in and play with them. It, however, is not a real threat to anyone; her domain only ever affects those that have already died.
While plenty of wildlife loves her, human cults are rare to form, but those that do are often social outcasts, finding beauty in not just the way rot provides new life, but to death on its own merit.
Hollow is the shambling corpse of the first dead god, born in the abyss that could not be filled by anyone else. Its skin is grey and thin, tearing at the joints; its eyes have long been forgotten by physical existence; its form is too old and rotted to make out what the dead god once looked like. There's a gaping hole in the center of her neck, leaving its voice whispy, almost pained. They have a series of spindly, metal legs modeled by Eralth, the God of Craft, to support their slowly withering divine legs. Smaller beings of rot reside in the fungi and holes growing around their flesh. Hollow is extremely proud of the body they claimed, and, even as the gods respond to her presence with discomforted silence at best, they will all admit that she shows more joy than the first dead god ever did, or most other gods in the pantheon, for that matter.
Hollow loves dead things and is, therefore, happy to help runners escape hell so they can fulfill their full potential as dead things. She only shows confusion when asked for clarification.
Core Mechanic: Rot
When enemies inflicted with rot die, their bodies will remain to fight alongside you, becoming undead. Undead have the same actions made on the GM turn, but directed at enemies, and their health is based on how much rot you inflicted on them.
Boons of Hollow:
Rotting Wounds: Your weapon attacks inflict 1 rot
Trail of Death: Inflict 3 rot when you move away from an enemy
Decay: When you kill an enemy with an attack requiring 2 actions, they are given 1 rot
Spores: Your cast inflicts 2 rot to all enemies in Close range of the target.
Contagion: All undead attacks inflict 1 rot.
Self-Actualization: You can choose to target actions or casts on yourself, dealing harm but giving you any included rot effects as well.
Angry Dead: All undead deal +1 harm
Slough: Living targets inflicted with rot will take +1 harm.
Probably should've guessed the website with all the freak transgenders would vote for the freak transgender, now everything after her is gonna be a letdown. This is my best girl and also literally me so if anyone is mean to her I'll kill yo u
I'm not entirely sure how many possible boons I want the gods to have, Hades has a massive swathe of them but it turns out that can be kinda hard. I might add more mechanics to the core combat system to play with, the big issue I'll have to deal with is the randomness and the fact that the upgrades aren't weapon specific
Congrats! You read this far! or scrolled down and clicked words! You are now granted voting rights on what I should bring up next. if you want
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queewp · 1 year
I wanna hear more about ur merturtle au pls. I think it's pretty neat and u have very squishy designs. Also is it okay to write fanfic of ur au? It wouldn't be much and it'll be my first time writing but I have a tentative idea.
OH!! Ofc u can use the designs // idea with credit ^^ If u ever write something, defo mention it to me on here so I can read it >:) The overall thing was originally just going to be fun ideas, and nothing major. Overall, basically everything is the same from the original, other than a few quirks and designs the turtles have. Leo would always make a snarky comment about how he'd have "The voice of a siren." Which ofc, Donnie would always correct. He's the fastest swimmer of the group, and is the one that usually dominates fighting fields. Ofc- only if he uses his brain, which he kinda needs to work on. Donnie on the other hand, had to figure out how to comfortably live his life out of the water, and be able to be happy with it. He's made a few adjustments, probably like keeping water in his battle shell and having a regular schedule to keep himself from not being too agitated. In this version ofc, he's made all of his equipment waterproof! Including Shelldon ofc!! Raph, as a thresher shark, I'd imagine his fighting style would change a bit. Ofc he'd still be the absolute tank, but I like to imagine he'd manage to kinda use his tail to his advantage. Like Splinter, he uses his tail as a weapon and can stun enemies And as the Raph fan I am, thought that maybe it'd be cool to explore a small idea: Raph's always been paranoid of his smile, of being too rough, of being too scary, etc. I want him to both understand his struggles and realize that those he really cares about just want to see the true him, and not a hand covering his sharp smile. Aka, some free angst I could mess around with ;) Mikey... i actually don't have a lot for him? He'd be a force of keeping the family together, kinda like in the cannon. He'd have the most colorful fighting style, especially when u add water to the mix! He'd be the one to make Raph realize how wrong he was about himself, he'd be the one to help Donnie with his designs, and he'd help Leo realize that a lot of the stuff that's happened to them wasn't his fault. Also, part of me would find it funny if HE was the one who had some sort of 'siren' 'mermaid' powers. Or this could just be me watching too much avatar and the last airbender- but i think it'd be funny if he could manipulate water, and have all that cool mermaid powers!! Just an idea tho ^^ NOW UH- sorry if that's a lot to read, so have this lil comic WIP. I probably won't finish it knowing me- it is my birthday after all, but I'm glad people are taking interest in my little au :]
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hello-there-cyarika · 11 months
More Hive Troopers <3
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More bee troopers! ... Boopers.... BEE-PERS (all of my file names that feature these boys so far have referred the them as "the beepers" lol)
Anyhow, I figured I'd add some more information on how the hive troopers operate below, so keep on reading!
At the start of the war, the venators were outfitted with barracks for the troopers that were fully furnished with bunks and such things
The troopers.... didn't really like the bunks... like at all
The would take the bunks and push them all over to one side, and use the rest of the room as a building space for a huge wall of honeycomb!
Eventually the Jedi caught on, and helped the troopers remove all of the unused bunks
The troopers build huge, ceiling to floor, winding walls of honeycomb to act as the hive's living quarters
The honeycomb compartments come in a variety of sizes!
The biggest compartments are longer than a trooper is tall, and about 2x a trooper's width (wings and secondary abdomen included) in diameter, so these compartments are the ones for sleeping in!
Some are even wider, for those who like to share :)!
The sleeping compartments are filled with comfy pillows and blankets left from the bunks
Various smaller compartments are perfectly sized for storing extra pillows and blankets, datapads, personal items, and all sorts of things!
The gear lockers, which came with the original furnishing of the room, are built into the thicker walls of the honeycomb
The troopers will only very begrudgingly admit that the gear lockers are more suited for storing their kit than the honeycomb (they're very salty that the locker is not an optimal shape to fit in with the rest of the honeycomb)
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Gear lockers are not honeycomb optimized
Troopers are capable of creating beeswax just like any bee, albeit for much longer during their much longer lifespan, and in much larger quantities
Hence why in the doodle above, Wooley, who is off duty and helping to build up the honeycomb, is not wearing upper armor.
Bees produce wax from the underside of their abdomen, and trying to reach around to collect that while in full upper armor is... less than comfortable lol
Speaking of anatomy, despite being clones, all troopers' wings are entirely unique!
Well, almost entirely- twins have identical wings!
(this may or may not be a Secret of the Wings reference that movie is so good)
Clone trooper twins are grown in the same tube, and have a special connection
Twins are also SUPER rare
The iconic @cacodaemonia invented this concept for me, and as far as I'm concerned their OC Kom'mrk is 10000% canon and has matching wings to Boil!
(please for fucks sake yall go read Open Skies I stg my life has not been the same since)
Cadets have very weak wings when they're first decanted
It takes until they're about 3.5-4 standard for their wings to fully develop and strengthen enough for them to fly
Until then, they practice by buzzing a whole lot to strengthen the muscles in their torso
On another anatomical topic, the way that troopers communicate in the "hive mind" is via pheromones!
Just like bees, they have extremely sophisticated and complex pheromone signals that can only be detected by other troopers via their antennae
During the night cycle/sleep hours, troopers will try and keep quiet and communicate primarily via pheromones
If you're not a trooper (or a Jedi lol), the only way you'd be able to figure out their silent communication is with super complex and specialized equipment
On the other hand, troopers have to watch out for weapons from the Separatists that involve pheromone-mimicking gases
The gases could cause them to lose their sense of direction, get cut off from the rest of the hive, or other disorienting things
Speaking of directions!
(fuck i have so many ideas to get out lol)
While the idea of the troopers doing a proper bee waggle dance is absolutely hilarious and so cute to me, I think that in reality it'd be a bit more calm
Instead of lots of crazy shaking back and forth, it's more of a purposeful sway!
This.... does make dancing at 79's significantly more confusing when they first start learning to dance for fun
Echo: "are you telling me that there's something I need to go find 400 klicks away at 32 degrees??"
Fives: "what no I'm just having fun"
Unlike bees, who only use the sun, troopers can also use the moon to calculate their maps!
On planets with multiple moons and/or suns, the commander will choose one sun/moon to be used as the reference for all maps
When on a moon for a campaign, the moon's planet can also be used
In rare and difficult situations, troopers can also use particularly bright stars! Usually only the ARFs are skilled enough for that, though
I think for my next doodle I'll either do wolffe, fox, thorn, tup, and dogma OR the bad batch + omega... haven't decided yet! let me know if you have a preference lol
anyway thank you all for giving so many lovely comments on my previous post about these boys! i love yall so much <33333
<3 I do not give my consent or my permission for my art to be re-posted or reuploaded on this or any other website <3
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arlecchno · 1 year
asphodelus [ scaramouche x reader]
4. sparrings and duels.
prev masterlist next
first look of the dendrobrium's secret lair down in to the dark forest, and there, scaramouche comes to realize how much of a great asset you actually are for this deal.
warnings: allusions to murder, suicide, abduction, death mentions, not 100% proofread
a/n: look at the end for a/n since it'd be too long here :P 4k+ words
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“so.” scaramouche started, scanning his eyes over the area. “is this where you live?”
you let out an offended gasp, turning to look at him. “how low do you think of me?” you asked, which earned a shrug from the violet haired male.
the cave was dark, except for the couple of torches planted by the walls. there were some old furnitures— a tall cupboard, a table and a chair, there was even a bed, though it looked like it had been centuries old.
if it weren't you showing him this place, he would've thought an old geezer lived here instead.
he wasn't sure why you had brought him here in the first place, but nevertheless, the two of you needed some privacy for this operation, so it'd be best to be out of the public eye, he figured.
you brought him to a secluded cave far away from the city and into the dark forest, a secret cave concealed by a dazzling waterfall. judging by the area, he had already assumed this was your lair.
“i have an apartment of my own in the city. we get paid loads for each of our target, and i'm not the dendrobrium for nothing.” you said, walking further into the cave with your hands shoved in your pockets.
the way you talked about murder and death so nonchalantly made scaramouche sick to the stomach.
you strode over to an old table, and scaramouche followed along. there, you reached for a box full of matches, and took one out. you sauntered over to the other side of the cave, lighting up the match and throwing it in a dead fireplace.
watching the fire burn embers, you turned your head to look at scaramouche. “nice place, wouldn't you agree?”
“mine is far better than this.”
“oh? and where do you live, balladeer?” you challenged.
“in a manor.”
your jaw dropped for a split second before you recollected yourself. “oh, i've forgotten. you're one of those people.”
scaramouche crossed his arms. “what people?” he pressed. he wasn't sure why you didn't sound too surprised.
“you know.” you walked over to the corner of the cave. there laid a small area full of weapons, scaramouche noted. though, they only consisted of various versions of daggers and knives.
and if scaramouche could add, there were even swords and rapiers standing idly by the weapon rack you had.
just how many weapons do you have?
“those snobby rich people, the ones that never cease to look down on people like me.” you explained, stopping in front of your weapon rack.
scaramouche didn't need you to explain further to understand what you meant. the nobles of snezhnaya are a bunch of prudes, people like them never bat an eye on the poor, let alone dare go near them.
and even though his aunt nahida was a part of those said nobles, she was absolutely nothing like them. nahida has a mind of her own, and only plays by the rules. her wisdom and knowledge of all things was what made her stand out from the crowd, earning her a position to serve the royals in urgent matters.
you picked up a new dagger from the rack, steel glinting underneath the light in each turn. “i've always hated the nobles.”
suddenly, you threw the sharp weapon in scaramouche's direction after having said that.
with its speed, you thought that scaramouche wouldn't have enough time to react. but out of nowhere, the ravenette caught the hilt with his fingers.
if it weren't for his fast reflexes, he would've been long gone by now.
you smiled. “nice catch, balladeer.” you praised, reaching for another weapon.
“i'm not part of the nobles.” scaramouche said. “well, as far as i'm aware, i guess.”
“but you're lord kusanali's foster child, aren't you?”
scaramouche gripped the hilt of the dagger in his hand as his eyes widened. “...how'd you know?” he asked, and you let out a scoff as you played with yours.
“i've seen your face in the newspaper some time ago.” you explained, looking at your vague reflection on the steel of your weapon. “lord kusanali is one of the only trusted allies of the royals. it's no surprise that you'd have quite the name yourself, balladeer.”
scaramouche took a moment to think. if he could recall correctly, the only time he's ever been in the newspapers was when he was promoted for a position as detective in the department, and the only reason he even appeared in the newspapers was due to the royals fancying him and his caretaker for dinner at the palace as celebration.
and scaramouche got that promotion well over two years ago.
have you been eyeing him all this time?
he thought that you might have a strong memory and have probably seen him when the newspapers were out at first, but as he thinks again, he had an inkling there was more to it.
“focus, balladeer.” your voice pulled him out of his thoughts. once again, out of nowhere, you threw the dagger in hand at him.
it barely grazed his cheek as it swept through beside him, its abnormal speed not giving him enough time to react this time.
the sharp edge of the steel met with the head of a training dummy far behind scaramouche, slashing through the wood.
scaramouche widened his eyes, looking back and forth from the training dummy to you.
“if you want to be on this team, you've got to show me what you got.”
“...why do you get to decide if i'm worthy of an ally or not?” scaramouche asked after recollecting himself from the previous scene, crossing his arms. “why don't i get to value you as well?”
you chuckled. “you're talking to the dendrobrium here, balladeer. we both know who's above who.” you said confidently, shrugging as you turned your back to him and tended to your weapons.
without giving it a second thought, scaramouche came up behind you in a swift motion, the dagger you've thrown at him from earlier grazing at the skin of your throat.
“do you assassins always have the tendency to be cocky?”
“maybe.” you replied, not flinching even an inch from his actions. to be fair, you did purposely act defenseless while riling him up just now. and you honestly loved the thrill of it.
scaramouche's breath fanned against your ear. “hope you won't be too confident now after this.”
“oh please.” you rolled your eyes. “as if a fatui officer could ever scare me.” you emphasized the word, as though the fatui are a bunch of lowly idiots.
and in your eyes, they are.
in a split second, you gripped his arm that held the dagger and forcefully pushed him away, stealing the weapon in the process as you turned around. knocking him to the ground, you hovered above him, pinning both of his wrists above his head with one hand as you straddled his waist.
“again with the cockiness.” scaramouche gritted his teeth in annoyance, making an unamused face as you smirked deviously. “do you even have a plan to take down the leader?”
you shrugged. “maybe i do, maybe i don't. who knows?” scaramouche was visibly even more frustrated by your answer, given his harsh actions on attempting to get out of your tight grip.
“you can't be fucking with me, dendrobrium. why even strike a deal if you don't have anything planned?”
your eye twitched. “that was obviously a joke, you oaf.” your grip on him tightened. “of course i have a plan. and if you're gonna keep up with that attitude.” the tip of the dagger that you were currently holding hovered just above his tuft of violet hair.
“then say goodbye to your luxurious purple hair.”
scaramouche never thought anyone would go that far as to threaten his precious hair.
his face contorted into one that can't be described, but to you, it looked as hideous as an ogre.
“save that stupid face for later.” you rolled your eyes, retracting both of your hands from him as you stood up. “torturing you now won't be fun.” you left him on the ground as you dusted yourself off.
scaramouche sat up, hair all tangled. “what do you even mean by that?”
his question was left unanswered.
he tried standing up, but abruptly stopped halfway when you suddenly threw the dagger your were holding earlier to the other side of the cave. it went by so swiftly that scaramouche didn't have enough time to process everything.
his indigo eyes darted everywhere to find where you had aimed for, and when he finally found it, his eyes landed on a board, a few feet away from the both of you.
he tried focusing on the exact spot that the dagger had landed at, but couldn't as it was too far away from his view.
“are you seriously that blind?”
well, not for you, it seems.
scaramouche stopped squinting his eyes, standing up properly as he glared at you irritatingly. “why'd you have to be such a show off!? we know you're the dendrobrium, just let that go already!” he retorted.
“you buffon!” you jutted out your index finger to the direction of the board. “i did such a badass opening and you can't even act like you can see for the sake of the grand entrance to my master plan!?”
you stomped your way over to the board, scaramouche reluctantly trailing behind. “how would i know you were trying to do that? and for pete's sake, that's exactly what a show off would do!” you only took a second to stop and send a death glare towards him before continuing your walk.
the both of you stopped in front of the board, and scaramouche had to do a double take to look at the whole thing.
the board was filled with loads of information regarding the fantomatique, including newspapers, dealings, written letters, and whatnot. it seemed like you've been doing this for quite some time now, way before he was even in the picture.
“these are all of the things i've been gathering since the moment i started working in this organization, long before i met you.” you folded your arms as you glanced at your work. “six, seven years, maybe.”
scaramouche traced his gloved fingers over the papers pinned to the board. “you look rather… young, to be working for so long under such a scummy leader.” he noted, in which you chuckled at.
“my, a compliment from you? that's a first.” you raised a brow in amusement, earning a grumble from the male beside you.
you heed no mind as you skimmed your eyes throughout the many papers.
but you didn't directly answer his comment.
were you… avoiding personal talk?
scaramouche finally saw the dagger you had in your hand earlier, slashed through the wood of the board. there, the weapon was directly pinned on a paper, with a hand drawn picture of a woman. it seemed like the tip of the sharp dagger had landed just exactly at the tip of their head.
“who's that?”
“viktoria novikova.” you said, glancing at the drawing. “what do you know about the fantomatique and its leader?” you turned to look at him next.
scaramouche huffed before replying. “...the fantomatique is a criminal organization that was introduced over fifteen years ago during the reury orphanage tragedy. at first, it was only the leader and their most trusted allies.” he flickered his indigo eyes to you.
“but each passing day another new member joins the organization, and thus became the biggest criminal group it is today.”
you arched an eyebrow. “come on, the fatui couldn't possibly only know that useless information.” you replied.
“the leader's one and only goal is to take over the palace and be the future of snezhnaya.” scaramouche continued, glaring at you. “every criminal in the organization are assigned to take down every ally of the royals, and you, are especially one of them.”
“that's all?”
you raised a brow. “fifteen years and the fatui haven't even gotten past a lead that quite literally everyone knows?” scaramouche scoffed at your question, as if deceiving the deadliest criminal organization was as easy as how you made it sound like.
“can't be knowing everything when half of the people here are a part of the devil.” he countered, causing you to purse your lips.
the ravenette wasn't wrong, the fantomatique recruits almost everyone in the city, and there is barely anyone who can be trustworthy. as of now, only the fatui and a couple of nobles were on the royals' side, apart from the citizens.
“why… the dendrobrium? why did you decide to use that flower as your m.o?” he asked out of the blue, leaving you dumbstruck for a moment. the sudden question as to why you've branded yourself the dendrobrium was left hanging for a while before you answered.
you walked away from the board. “people like to associate everything related to death and betrayal with the dendrobrium.” you bluntly said. “don't you think that's enough reason for me to brand myself that name? i am the person who is most feared in snezhnaya, after all.”
“but why go out of your way to name yourself a flower that isn't even from this nation, yet one that is far away from ours?”
you turned around to face him with a cold look. “the dendrobrium is the most loathsome and deadliest flower there is. everyone fears being associated with it, given its meaning and purpose. it goes the same for me with my work of assassinating targets each passing night. isn't that good enough reason for you to understand why i'd go for that stupid flower?”
“besides.” you continued, not sparing him a second to butt in. “a rich snob like you wouldn't understand nor care to know what the dendrobrium thinks, so i'd advise you keep your pretty lips shut and cease from asking such useless questions to a lowly commoner like me.”
scaramouche didn't dare to fight back your statement.
you shrugged before walking away. “aside from that, the dendrobrium is just a really pretty flower in general. well at least in my eyes, that is.” your conclusion caused scaramouche to give you a dirty look.
“you could've just went with that instead of spouting out bullshit.”
“i enjoy seeing you contort your face into weird expressions as i talk.” you pulled out a chair by the table before sitting down with your arms crossed. “you're quite the eccentric one, balladeer.”
scaramouche groaned in annoyance, pinching the bridge of his nose with his eyes closed before snapping them to you. “what do you even plan on doing with this viktoria woman?” he asked rather impatiently.
“i'd have to elaborate everything i know regarding the fantomatique for you to understand why she's our first target.”
“target? are you trying to rope me into your filthy assassination schemes?”
you looked over your shoulder from the table to glare at him. “why would i want you to interfere with my job?” you scoffed, rolling your eyes as you do so. “i only kill when i am ordered to by the leader, or if i didn't have any other choice.”
scaramouche merely hummed as a reply before you continued.
“the unknown leader's sole goal is to make snezhnaya a better place.” you pointed to the board. “they've made it well known from the very start.” a piece of paper caught scaramouche's eyes, and he took a good look at it before widening his eyes.
it was a newspaper, with its other pages torn, except one. the edges of the paper were dirty and seemed like it was years old, and when scaramouche finally focused on the main picture of the newspaper, his heart dropped.
the reury orphanage tragedy.
scaramouche knew he was going to come across this one way or another, but looking at it now made him nauseous.
the newspaper talked about how the tragedy had impacted a lot of people to the point that it gained the royals' attention.
in the newspaper, it wrote that the fantomatique had left a short message for the people, a message that scaramouche knew so well he didn't need to read the next line to know what it said.
this is just the beginning.
those five words were the thing that almost made scaramouche lose his mind when he had his hands on the investigation many years later.
you looked at him, confused, as if there was something about the tragedy that plagued his mind for him to be so quiet suddenly. a bit of worry flashed your eyes before you shook it off, huffing as you do so.
right. he's your supposed enemy. you two have agreed to not interfere in each other's personal business, so there's no reason for you to have even the slightest of sympathy or concern, especially for someone like him.
scaramouche snapped out of his deep thoughts when you spoke. “when the fantomatique was formed, the leader recruited twelve people to be their most trusted allies, they're called the crusaders.”
“although, over the years, one by one wind up dead. now, there are only five crusaders remaining.” you informed, absentmindedly playing with the box of matches on the table as you focused on the object.
scaramouche arched an eyebrow as he turned to look at you. “what do you mean by 'wind up dead'?”
“they were either assassinated or killed themselves due to corruption and betrayal.” you heaved out a breath. “...if you must know, there's no turning back once you're a part of the fantomatique.”
you flicked your eyes to him. “it's either kill or be killed. if the leader knows you've betrayed them, they will hunt you down until your last breath.” you emphasized the word.
“wait.” scaramouche stopped you. “so, does this mean…”
nodding your head, you sighed. “if the leader finds out about this deal, i'll be done for. which is why i am hoping we could cooperate and end the organization as fast and as precisely as we could.”
“but aren't you considered the leader's favorite pet? you're the most powerful assassin in the city, if the leader kills you then they're just going to lose their greatest asset to their organization.” he asked, rather confused.
you snorted. “'pet' would be a bit of an exaggeration, balladeer. i just follow whatever order i am told. and if anything, the leader loathes me the most.”
it was your turn to be confused by his reaction. “just because i'm the greatest assassin alive doesn't mean that the leader respects me.”
and then you were silent.
scaramouche waited for you to continue whatever you had in mind, but it seemed as though you had brushed it off to avoid personal talk. once again.
the ravenette returned his focus to the picture in front of him instead. “so, what about viktoria again?”
“oh.” you snapped out of thoughts immediately, standing up and walking over towards scaramouche. “both the crusaders and the leader are hard to track down, nor do we know each of their identities. but the leader had given the crusaders separate forces to take care of.”
“and that includes?”
“well, as far as i am aware, there's weaponry, which is led by the third crusader. although the crusaders' identities are unknown, they're relatively easier to track down than the leader. i've heard that most of them are in the hierarchy of the nobles, even.” you informed further, stopping in front of the board as you stood next to him.
scaramouche nodded in understanding. “so, is this viktoria one of the crusaders?” he inquired, in which you shook your head.
“i wish it was that easy.” you sighed, bringing up a hand to point out to a piece of paper besides the picture of viktoria. “weaponry is one of the most important assets for the fantomatique to rise up in both status and strength, so import of weapons have always been operated illegally in order to get the best ones across the seven nations.”
the paper you've pointed at was a letter with an intricate handwriting. it wrote about information of new stocks of imported weapons to be docked by the shore soon. at the bottom right, it signed off with a red stamp drawing of a ghost.
after careful inspection, scaramouche realized it was the official stamp of the fantomatique.
scaramouche wondered how you managed to get a confidential letter out of someone's hands.
“viktoria here, albeit not being a crusader, is in charge of an incoming stock. she's not exactly someone of importance to the fantomatique, though she is rather… egotistical. she's under the third crusader, so if we could just get under her skin, then it'd be easier to track down the third crusader.”
scaramouche looked at you skeptically. “how do we know she would lead us to the third crusader? you did say that their identities are unknown.”
“yes, unknown to most, i'd say. of course almost every member of the fantomatique aren't aware of the identities of the higher ups, but there's a slim chance that some do.” you explained, causing scaramouche to furrow his brows further.
“so you'd rather take that risk and target this woman?”
“sweetheart, i'd take as many risks as i can to destroy the leader, even if death awaits me in the end. i'm taking this chance while i still can.” you patted his shoulder.
scaramouche clicked his tongue before shoving your hand away. “don't call me that.”
“call you what?”
he snapped his head to look at you. “that hideous name.” said scaramouche.
“yes…?” scaramouche replied rather hesitantly, as if that wasn't the obvious answer.
you grinned, walking away as you stretched your arms in the air. you didn't comment on his answer, which left scaramouche completely bamboozled.
he wasn't sure why you would just smile deviously and walk away without giving him any snarky remarks back.
scaramouche darted his eyes to the dagger stuck in the wooden board, and his indigo ones shifted into something else, determined to take that weapon out.
the ravenette took ahold of the hilt before pulling it out, using his strength. it was jammed for a few seconds, but scaramouche managed to fully take it out without any complications.
he played with it for a few seconds before twisting his head to look at you, back turned to him.
scaramouche took a moment to think.
if this was the dendrobrium, the most deadliest assassin in snezhnaya, then this is his chance. even though he's had a duel with you, both during your first meeting and from earlier, scaramouche needed to see how it'd look like if you were the one being striked this time.
angling the dagger to your direction, scaramouche made sure to do it as precisely as he could. then, without sparing a second, he threw the weapon, and the sharp end headed towards you.
it was swiftly flying through the air, and scaramouche thought he would be successful with his attempt before the weapon stopped midway. the ravenette frowned before looking at the familiar gloved hand holding the hilt.
you looked over your shoulder, back still turned as you held the dagger in your hand, the weapon just exactly beside your head.
you had just caught it effortlessly.
and scaramouche was sure that that was just child's play to you.
“how'd you do that?”
you fully turned around, smirking as you played with the dagger in hand. “a decade of… practice, brings you a long way.” you hesitated. “instinct is simply one of the things i must learn in order to become the person i am today.”
scaramouche folded his arms. “you sure have been in this field for a long time. how old are you even?”
“hm, i don't know. how old do you think i look?”
you gasped, fully offended. “i'm not that old! your view of me is truly atrocious!” you fought, but scaramouche still looked at you blankly.
“so, how old are you?”
“there's no fun if i'm telling you straight away, is it not?”
scaramouche arched a brow. “thirty-four.”
you gasped once again.
“thirty-eight.” he raised the numbers higher, and your gasp sounded even more higher than before.
scaramouche smirked devilishly this time. “forty?”
“twenty-five!” you immediately cut him off after he had said that, eyes staring daggers at him as you gripped the said dagger tightly in your hand. “i'm twenty-five.” you said again.
it was scaramouche's turn to look confused. he tried connecting the dots, and shortly after, he stared at you, almost speechless. “you've been assassinating since you were fifteen?”
“well, i officially joined the fantomatique when i was seventeen, so i wouldn't say i exactly started brutally killing people at that age.” you shrugged. “oh! i did kill someone with my bare hands, though.” you finished, and scaramouche looked mortified as he received that information.
after a few seconds, he sighed, bringing up a hand to cover his face. “how are you so unbothered with saying all of this…” he mumbled lowly.
it seemed like you didn't hear him, as you were still fiddling with your dagger, twirling it around with your fingers as if you were playing with one of your prized possessions.
“so.” you flickered your eyes to him, changing the subject. “shall we get started?”
this was only his second meeting with you. he was still unsure of many things about you. but if there's one thing scaramouche could describe you for the duration he's spent time with you, he'd say you were… quite the eccentric one, with a tinge of fatuousness.
he won't deny that your intelligence and strength makes up for most of it, but he thinks your boastful and slightly barbarous personality is what ticks him off the most.
however, he thinks that's exactly the type of person he needed in order for him to destroy the monstrous organization.
and maybe, you might just be the right person for it.
scaramouche turned to look back at the board in front of him. “...yeah. let's get this over with.”
you didn't dare comment on the way he smiled as he said those words.
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m.o = modus operandi
hello hello everyone!! i'm truly sorry for the huge delay on this chapter. i've been heavily unmotivated to write lately, and i'm suuuuper busy irl right now. writing this chapter took me all my might and mental capability, so i apologize if there were any mistakes on my part. hopefully after this i can start uploading new chapters weekly, and i hope you're still here for the ride. see you in the next update!
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come and join the taglist!
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boyakishantriage · 11 months
"oh of course. Yes, why all humans are such violent, vile, monsters who kill and slaughter and devour each other for a slimmest of margins of power. It's not like I'm a unique bitch or anything, no. It's all humans who are pure evil."
The Terran stood over the two, having wriggled her way through vents as she glared at at the two. Guns immediately raised at the grate.
"wow. I mean, you're really gonna shoot a fuel cell?"
She cut in before the pellets went flying. The two aliens froze, one glaring between the grates, there really was a fuel cell. That alongside the voice in the vents meant...
"yeah, I'm still wriggling my way through your ship. Not annoying, but y'all leave so many tools around it's frankly hilarious how easy it is to dismantle your security in here."
The sound of something wriggling above them, guns aimed at the roof.
"oh and uh, there's a few pipes here. No idea what coolant, or oxygen, or electrical wires are. No idea at all, this engineer has zero clues on what they could possibly do if you shoot em."
The two guards powered weapons, if it was a bluff it'd be a very dangerous one to dare considering how thin the metal was in the prisoner's room.
"So, what now?"
"simple. Catch."
A single grenade was dropped from a vent to their side, rolling down the hatch between the two. Both leaping around corners or the floor, as the smoke grenade went off. More grenades flew out, more gas, a few decoys and a cluster.
"BYE!" The sound of sprinting, as the smoke dissipated enough they could see the give grenades. One discharged, two decoys, an other smoke and one of their cluster grenades.
"oh Wi-"
Echoed through the ship, door sealing behind the Terran as she slid into a vent, the metal absorbing most of her energy as nearby pirates ran towards the room.
The pirates had modified a shuttle, rigged it to be able to detach when the ship was blaring emergency signals, with space for prisoners and half of the crew. Food, armoury. Each ship had enough to start a small raid that'd allow a rebuilding. A small civilian cruiser modified for battle, that doubled as a mini base from the pirate capital that was probably a lot of jerry rigged ships fused together. Portable, functional and very annoying. This was a pirate ship, more privateer on paper, but considering the jerry rigged nature of most of it, well it probably had to do with my friend managing to send a tiny signal to earth.
Truly was dubious, but my Wendy, like she had in the Somali pirates thing, had left enough gaps and loopholes that it's very possible to catch the pirates. Probably made a stupid smart excuse to explain it, making the work she did specifically so she couldn't not add these gaps in security. Smart girl. Plus. She'd arranged the ship in a very familiar structure, anyone with half a brain could figure out how ships vents worked and she'd set the ship up so if you hit the armoury, firstly you'd not lose every weapon. Secondly, you'd have fumes to escape with. And thirdly, those fumes were linked by vents, connected and closed by doors opening and closing around the ship with all the vents to important places large enough for a human to wriggle through. For maintenance.
Again, smart girl.
Grenades dropped down into the ship's bridge, Wendy glancing at the monitor film on the back of her phone. The pirates weren't letting her go, with her intelligence and 4D thinking she might as well have been an infinite goldmine. Moved to be transported to a base to reinforce it, she'd contacted a friend who'd be able to contact a friend who'd contact her buddy on earth. And judging off the explosion and pirates rushing to check vents, she probably was wriggling her way to the vent under her desk. A hint of lavender wafting below her feet.
The Terran had gone missing, pirates scrambling as they checked vents, the armoury was missing several grenade boxes. She'd vanished and nobody knew where on earth she'd gone in three hours, until someone noticed the flying away prisoner ship, the smoke alarm having triggered and the ship in a state of emergency.
The aliens stared out the window, the ship slowly rising up to the middle of the glass window, the engine chutes warming up at the massive blind spot, with it being an emergency the turret meant to cover it was busy shooting garbage as they'd released their contents, alongside the saved up smoke.
And then. It was gone. Flashing lights, pirate emergency signals across all channels, a massive monolith for people to find the ship. And the engine's ability to move was jammed from all the fans being jammed in the vents. Only able to move left or right, which'd spread the signal further.
"... So. I think we got played."
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hopeymchope · 1 year
The Junko ask you did reminded me of my own concept where the THH cast use magic alongside weaponry that may be related to their talent or character. Do you have any ideas for everyone except Makoto and Junko, as I already have stable ideas for them?
More specifically,
Leon, Mondo, Sakura, Aoi, and Mukuro are more physical (warriors,)
Kyoko, Byakuya, Chihiro, and Celestia are more magical (mages,)
and Sayaka, Kiyotaka, Hifumi, Yasuhiro, and Toko plus Jack are balanced between physical and magical attacks.
I'm SO sorry for the late reply! I saved an in-progress answer to this a few weeks ago and then uh... I went through some surgery and my S.O. had surgery and basically I lost all track of the fact that this happened.
So. Uh yeah. This is probably too late to add useful suggestions to your concept, as you've likely already cemented a lot more characters in the interim. EVEN SO: Can I offer you an extremely late answer in this trying time?
Obviously Leon has to have a bat or club, right? Even though he'd probably resent it at first... ? Lol. But he'd be excellent at it all the same. Might feel cool to incorporate some loud singing/yelling in a very "punk rock" style into a couple attacks, too. Or is that anachronistic to your setting?
Mukuro can use literally anything, but I feel projectile weapons are the most logical thing for her (besides just a combat-centric knife, which feels too bland/basic). I don't have any idea how medieval OR modern you're making this reality, so: Perhaps she wields a gun, a crossbow, or just a regular bow?
Sakura needs to be the character that ONLY uses their fists and actual martial arts moves. There's always at least one of those in RPGs, y'know. The "Black Belt in Final Fantasy 1"-type character. Or the "Chie in Persona 4," if you prefer.
It's easy to picture Chihiro using some sort of visual equivalent to computing/hacking. Therefore, Chihiro could cast a spell that makes squares and/or cubes appear to float through the air (representations of screen pixels and/or algorithm geometry), which expand into a fractal image that reaches over and builds itself up THROUGH the target, for example, causing damage by impaling them with the fractal. If you don't know what I mean by a random computer-generated fractal, just imagine something like this rapidly growing out from Chihiro's spell to attack the enemy:
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5. Pretty easy to figure out Genocide(r) Jack/Syo would use small blades such as scissors or, if that's not logical for your setting, then some knives. But when she's regular ol' Toko, how about she whips out a notebook and starts frantically writing with a pen, only for the words to float off of the page and then fly right into her opponent?
6. I've been thinking about how Asahina might fight, and I'm not sure what to do with her. I figure she might use her legs a lot like a Chun-Li-type because swimming has built up her kicking strength. And we see her practice a few punches in DR3, though we only see her fight using some kind of pipe/rebar/metal thing when confronting Juzo. I imagine she wouldn't use a strictly defined "style"; it'd be more of a hodgepodge of homemade attacks she concocts.
7. Mondo? Punching/boxing and would probably also wield a tire iron/axel. Simple.
8. Hagakure is similarly easy. He can conjure (y'know, do some quick prayer or swirl a hand over an artifact or something) some kind of visible magic (I'm picturing a generic swirling smoke or beam of light; pretty standard stuff) using his crystal balls and other weird possessions. .... Hopefully his attacks are better than 30% effective :P I don't have a vision of how he'd work with performing physical attacks, though... ?
9. I don't know how to handle Kyoko's "magic." Is there some way to visualize the "magic" of someone just being intelligent and using logical deduction? I can't quite grok how to do it. We do know she has some physical fighting skill, however, because of the time she fought Masked Junko off in Naegi's room in DR1. And I can picture how she'd work as a physical fighter: extremely minimalist. She'd so reserved as a person that I think her fighting style would be similarly reserved. She would stand there with her arms crossed, looking unready, and would barely move when actually attacking/fighting. You know, just casually stroll up and then swat an enemy with the back of her fist. Or just stand still and barely sidestep to dodge, then pivot before sending out a very basic forward kick to hit the opponent. It would almost look lazy, but it's actually extremely calculated. Y'know?
10. Maizono would have to have some magic involving music, naturally. Y'know... in season 1 of the Magia Record anime, we saw another Sayaka — Sayaka Miki — use music-based magic for healing. She can sing/hum/play songs that generate visible musical notes as a form of magic. I think it'd be cool if Maizono could do the same kind of thing ... plus maybe she swings a mic stand around and hits people with it like Rise does in Persona 4 Arena?
And that's... kind of all I could conjure up from my brain. There are still four people on your list there, and I don't seem to have any ideas on how to work them. But hopefully you do. Or will! :)
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blubushie · 1 year
TF2 questions for ya:
Favorite ships if any?
How well do you think you'd get along with the various mercs? Not how much you like em as characters cause I know I very much enjoy Soldier as a character but I could not last 5 minutes in a room with him before we started arguing and it would probably end poorly for me.
I love canon so SoldierZhanna is my only "real" OTP but I basically consider HeavyMedic canon at this point and I enjoy that ship and their chemistry a lot. I also very much enjoy ScoutPauling because Scout's so cringefail but I also want him to be happy and get the girl of his dreams because I'm a sucker for romance and happy endings, and I think he'd be great for helping her relax and have some freedom aside of work. I also enjoy SniperScout because "never shuts up" and "never talks (much)" is a fun dynamic to me.
Favourite crackship is AdminSniper because they're married IRL and I don't think shagging your boss is very professional so it's funny to me. Be professional (except when you're shagging your boss).
How well do you think you'd get on with the mercs?
I kinda covered this here? I'm going to copy-paste some of that but also add more because reasons.
Scout: His incessant yabbering would probably get on my nerves at points but it'd also mean I'd always have someone to talk to. We could discuss baseball and shit. His idiocy is endearing to me and I would constantly take the piss out of him in subtle little ways that he probably wouldn't even notice. Probably easily impressed too. I could skip a rock and he'd sing my praises and I appreciate a little ego stroking (and I'd laugh my arse off when he goes "Pssh, I can do that to" and the rock immediately sinks). Honestly I'm just a sucker for rays of sunshine. I enjoy peoplewatching so I'd love to take him camping and sit down in a folding chair with a beer and watching him try to figure out how to pitch the tent (and then be surprised when he finds out I don't usually even use a tent).
Soldier: Reminds me of my dad. I'd like to get in his head and talk about the military and shit (not that he ever actually was in it, but still). Would take him off-roading but end up dumping him like an unwanted dog when he breaks my Hula Girl.
Pyro: Scares me. Would still do a tea party with him and let him dress me up in a skirt or paint my nails even but only if he promises not to chop my hand off or start a bushfire. Would kill to be a badass and light a dart off his flamethrower. Also would just enjoy reading to him as long as he doesn't tell me to slow down.
Demoman: So many stories. Would love to share a bottle of single malt Scotch with him. I need him to rate my mixology skills (of which there are none. I can make a screwdriver and that's it, but I try). Would love to discuss chemistry with him and have him show me how to make [redacted by the ATF]. I don't know much about Scotland so I've love to discuss legends and cryptids native to our homelands. I can cover two countries!
Heavy: Would like to discuss Russian literature with him. Gives me "alcohol and heavy machinery weapons don't mix" vibes so I probably wouldn't be able to drink with him, but I'd love to discuss books and philosophy and hang shit on communists and go shooting with him. Bonus points if he lets me shoot literally any of his miniguns.
Engineer: He makes me wish I was taller so I could tease him about it. Bonus points if we're just the same height because that's even funnier. "I'm short but I've been told I'm Spiritually Tall, therefore I'm taller than you." Also if he wouldn't mind a little extra work I'd let him have a butcher's at Matilda to find out why her engine makes that ticking noise sometimes when I got over a hundred. I'm not very smart with machinery (my greatest achievement is making a battery out of a lemon) but I'd love to hear him explain it to me even though I wouldn't understand a goddamn bit of it.
Medic: Bloody hell you have no idea how much I wish I was mates with him. Look at my blog and is it any wonder? Oh, to be his assistant for just one day. I've got steady hands! We can discuss bush medicine and natural toxins and all kinds of weird drugs and a million other things. Would let him scar me. I want him to literally rearrange my guts and chat with him all the while because I'd be awake and watching and asking dumb questions like "Is that my appendix?" despite knowing fully well that it's on the other side behind my liver and not my stomach just to hear him correct me. I want him to praise me on the condition of my heart and liver and then backhand me about the condition of my lungs despite me not inhaling. I should've listening to my parents and gone to medical school.
Sniper: ...Aheh. The bush is lonely and bushmen have a tendency to stick together (when we aren't at each other's throats threatening to kill each other territory). I want to make him brekkie with something I hunted (or fished) and we could talk firearms and snares and wildlife and Australia and stars and whatever else. I want to do shrooms and DMT with him. I want to hear the story of every scar he has, I want to exchange stories of our time in the bush and Outback, I want to ride horses with him and have him be my muster mate for just one ride. I want to hear about the world and all the places I've never been from the eyes of someone who gets it like I do. He is the only person I would ever allow to shoot my rifle.
Spy: French, incredibly obnoxious, but I'd still like to be mates with him. I'd love to hear his stories of espionage and women and jobs gone wrong and jobs gone right. I want to sit in his smoking room in a silk smoking robe and enjoy the finer side of life for a while. I want to smoke a $6000 Cuban cigar and taste its flavour on my tongue and chase it with a sip of Scotch that's so rich I'll dream about it for years to come and cost more money than I'll ever see in my lifetime. I want to indulge and discuss tobacco and fine liquor and antique revolvers. Only bloke I'd ever dress up for and I'd put up with him taking my measurements for a suit.
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waffietato · 2 years
Absolutely obsessed with the fact that Wukong just threw his ring into the earth and fucked off, Nezha yeeted his at the moon and fucked off, but DBK kept his on him??
(doing a readmore bc I rambled a bit but honestly it's wholesome DBK and Red Son shit I noticed when rewatching)
Don't get me wrong.
Some of the ways Red Son's parents seem to treat him early on ("Oh, don't worry, my useless boy," and "useless offspring") is kinda sussy, BUT I NEED TO TALK ABOUT THE BULL FAMILY RN LIKE.
Specifically Red Son and his dad.
Already in jttw, I'm pretty sure it's established that Red Son (hehe Red Boy) and DBK were pretty close (I'm rusty on the details bc I haven't read it but I DID watch that one video summary series about it) bUT going into LMK, your first impressions of them are shaky.
I don't think DBK was rlly rude to Red Son except for when he was having issues with LBD. You DO see Red Son desperate for his approval and attention, yes, but every time he asks his father for a chance to prove himself, DBK just says, "yeah, dude, go on". Like. Before LBD, I don't think he ever actually calls him out for his failures? I could be mistaken, so correct me on that, but DBK rlly just let his son go off and do whatever he wanted (when it came to trying to help him with their ~evil plans~, I mean). I will take the offhand, "useless offspring" from the S2 special, but this brings up the possibility that both his parents might have an issue with calling him useless if they're a bit frustrated with him which isn't. Great.
BUT I'm not focusing rn on that. But I do think it goes into Red Son's characterization of wanting to prove himself constantly to his father (that he also hadn't seen in 500 years, so counting that, too).
The fact that his father kept the ring. Wukong and Nezha yeeted the other two but DBK kept the ring in the one place he was absolutely confident it'd be safe-- with him. LITERALLY with him, in his fucking nose. He didn't trust to leave the thing he knew was apart of his son (and arguably hurt his son) in any other place other than on him.
AND GOD the S2 special actually. I wanna talk about them. So badly.
All the scenes?? Notice how at first, Red Son and DBK are kinda rough with each other. This is soon after the S1 finale, so things might still be tense with all of them. Red Son's probably still stuck hearing his father calling him a traitor and telling him off (even though it wasn't rlly him)
DBK's frustrated that he was once a very strong and powerful figure, angry that he'd been reduced to someone selling STREET food. He thinks it's foolish, while Red Son just wants to connect with his father on a different level. He wants to help his father get away from what'd happened in S1, have a "fresh start", like he said. And DBK is angry at that, and refuses to listen. And that's,, not great.
But then he gets kidnapped. And used as, like, a battery.
And Red Son goes off to find a way to help his father. That's his one goal in mind, and he's desperate enough to help him that he's willing to set aside his differences with MK and the gang and team up with them (he even forces himself to.. TRY to be nice to them. Notice how he starts off with telling them "not that YOU CARE, but my father was taken by spider bitch and I'm gonna steal your ship so I can help him" and after being met with resistance, he tries again as... Politely that HE can, and even adds in a frustrated (and probably desperate) attempt to convince them by saying, "save my father, and the WORLD"). Wukong LITERALLY weaponizes DBK's love for his family to get them all free from SQ's webs. DBK drinks so much respect women juice and loves his wife sm that he KNOWS she ain't need protecting and gets so angry at Wukong's implication that she wouldn't. Wukong SPECIFICALLY calls Red Son DBK's "half baked son" and tells him that SQ's gonna eat him or whatever in AN ATTEMPT TO PISS OFF DBK. and while DBK's leaving, he fucking spits out "Half-baked Son" like that sort of phrasing actually pains him to say. He starts to say it, stops, grits his teeth, and forces himself to finish it out. He does NOT like to call Red Son half-baked at that point.
And GOD when DBK goes to rip Red Son out of SQ's webs, and his eyes go from the angry glowy magic shit to his normal eyes, very worried and concerned, and Red Son's little relieved "father" LIKE HELLO? THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH?
And then when Mei tells DBK that Red Son did "a lot of great hero work", DBK just... Doesn't care. Not in the way that a parent just doesn't give a shit about what their kid does, but I mean like, he doesn't MIND that Red Son did some good that day. He doesn't mind that Red Son helped MK and the gang.
In fact, he just wordlessly looks to Red Son and watches his reaction.
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He just looks chill tbh, maybe just wanting to hear what his son says about it.
He doesn't rlly look annoyed until Mei does her annoying lil laugh
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And Red Son asks him to not tell his mother about anything that happened (which has some,,, Hm,, implications about it but this is focused on Red Son and DBK rn so I'll talk about that another time), and he's just like, "agreed, let's go home... Son" LIKE SIR FBAKFJSO
But like my original point yeah?? Just obsessed with how much DBK clearly cares about Red Son. He keeps a piece of him attached to him at all times-- a piece that he knew hurt his son, smth that was dangerous, that had to be ripped away from his son in order for him to be happy-- smth he was told to keep safe, and what did he do? Keep it on him. Bc the only person he trusted with it was himself. And Nezha and Wukong threw their rings away.
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Sakamoto Days Volume 6: Absurd Assassin Action
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So yeah, another early pre-order, which is pretty cool, almost as cool as the cover for this volume.
I won't really beat around the bush, this volume is fun, really fun. And it promises quite a good deal for the long run as well.
I think more than anything though, Sakamoto always reminds you what it's there for. It's not going to deliver on incredibly deep or relatable characters. Hell, it hardly cares about them being believable. First and foremost, it is action. Just nonstop fighting that looks badass and is creative and has such an incredible understanding of impact and weight. I guess to be frank, it doesn't really care about the characters as an aspect to develop, but rather to use. Sure, it feigns that development (which I'll talk about later), but at the end of the day it's to serve the overall direction of the action. And truthfully, I love it. It's so kickass and interesting to read, and it's light. You're not spending time thinking about characters or their interactions or anything, you're just soaking up the insane talent behind the fight scenes. Sure, not everyone might like that, but I really appreciate it as a great series to turn to when I'm tired of more in-depth content.
⚠️Warning: Spoilers Ahead⚠️
So, in terms of specifics. Nagumo's fight was so incredible, the overall design work in the combat was outstanding. I will be a little nitpicky though and say that overall, the paneling of the combat could use some elbow grease. It's rather straight forward, and I feel like the spreads/style really have to make up for it in that regard (which they do). However, if there's more care and thought placed into how it's shown, that stuff can become even greater. But still, just look at these ideas they had for a single fight, it's pretty damn incredible.
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It just feels like they're on the cusp of figuring it out, of getting to that next level in their work.
Their single and double page spreads really are just incredible, every time. Just look at this. The feel of the fight is conveyed perfectly, it gives you such a great sense of space and scale. It makes it feel like more than a "panel", and seeing stuff like this is why I really want to see them push for better work in paneling overall. Their eye for action is so impeccable that if you add other talents to the repertoire, it'd be unstoppable.
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Following this up though, I wouldn't mind if the villains in Sakamoto could be a bit more "well rounded" so to speak. There's definitely good ones here and there, and the earlier assassins were great fun, but this recent suite feels... formulaic. They have very cliched personalities, which in small doses works really well as fun characters, but when continually exposed to them, the enjoyment can run thin. Like my favorite part about Apart is his penchant for organization, it's a fun little quirk that takes them away from the typical direction.
Really, Sakamoto Days is at its best when it's the furthest from reality. Just doing completely crazy things and pulling nigh unbelievable stunts and feats, and all other manner of oddity. Like how they managed to turn this moment into something so damn cool with hardly any effort.
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This volume really drives home where Sakamoto is at its best: at the edges. It takes John Wick, cranks it up to 11, and shakes it around a good bit to jumble it up all before turning it into a manga. Following "steps" or regular ideas only works as clichés, and they need insanity to support that. Look at Gaku (the slick haired guy in the bottom panel of the above image), and his weapon. It's a massive meat tenderizer. But, he doesn't crush his enemies, he takes their heads and limbs right off, and even then it's got some sort of crazy flash cannon/gun embedded into it. Or even something like the old man, it takes the trope of the fearsome senile guy and pushes it to its extremes.
Sakamoto Days is something that pushes the limit with each volume and every page, so it continually needs to reinvent the wheel and find new ways to make classic ideas even crazier. So far, it's doing a really solid job, but there are pieces that manage to slip through and stagnate. Hopefully though, with where this volume ends and wants to lead us, we'll get even more fresh and insane ideas.
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empydoc · 2 months
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SOUL EATER AU milo & sweetheart
check out the masterpost here!
welcome to a redacted soul eater au post! here, i try and discover what it'd be like if you merged the soul eater world and mechanics within the redactedverse. this is the fifth post in the series of posts i'll make regarding the individual characters and their listeners! we've got milo & sweetheart on the menu. enjoy!
milo — soul type: weapon weapon type: morningstar flail compatible with: sweetheart
as mentioned before, werewolves are more commonly weapons than meisters. this is because shifting forms comes naturally to them. milo is no exception to this commodity! he's currently wielded by his meister and partner, sweetheart, and has the unique ability of being able to change the 'ball' part of his weapon form by will.
werewolf souls are distinguishable, and most werewolves in this universe tend to seek other werewolf partners due to the fact that their partnership is incredibly important and sometimes pack-related. milo is someone who doesn't really care for such a custom.
i actually changed milo's weapon choice several times. from nunchucks to maces, i couldn't decide. then, when i found out what the 'ball and chain' weapon was called (a flail!) i figures 'absolutely yes, that's him!'. i will say, though, sweetheart wielding nunchucks would be so cool...
sweetheart —  soul type: meister strongest meister ability: wavelength control - an ability all meisters hold, but skilled meisters are able to use their wavelength on the offensive resulting in it's own attack. compatible with: milo
stealths are a unique sort of empowered individual who's portion of magic transfers to their soul. this results in stealth weapons having the ability to cloak themselves, and stealth meisters having the ability to cloak their soul wavelength with ease. sweetheart is no exception to this ability.
apart from that, stealths have no other differences to other human meisters/weapons. even so, there's a stereotype that 'quieter'/'reserved' individuals wield or are wielded by stealths, which isn't necessarily the case for milo and sweetheart.
originally sweetheart was going to be a weapon, because i wanted to explore the 'invisible weapon' concept more, however when i decided to make milo ALSO a weapon, i kind of got confused. eventually i figured i could live with sweetheart being a badass meister, but i'll forever ponder on what could've been ...
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lite backstory: for every post i make for the characters, i'll add some au backstory to really fill in some details you may be curious about!
milo and sweetheart went into their relationship deciding against working with one-another as weapon/meister partners, but instead, focusing on their personal relationship.
as a direct reflection of how they hadn't planned on becoming romantic partners, eventually the two got into some trouble relating to sweetheart's job, and milo came as great assistance both in weapon and werewolf form. eventually, realising only after that sweetheart had no problems wielding him, they had a great conversation about how their compatible forms could be used for the better.
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typhoonvash · 11 months
[ TACKLE ] : sender tackles receiver out of harm's way.
@millionsnife | protective prompts [open]
"That's him isn't it? Vash the Stampede?"
"Yeah, that's the guy worth 6 billion double dollars!"
"How many double dollars???"
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A bounty? Just the other day Vash had been helping people take care of their plants—keeping towns alive, helping out where he could, sharing jovial moments with the residents... But then he and Nai met and it didn't go very well at all. Nai killed people—a lot of people. People that Vash had drinks with the night before, babies that he held for busy mothers... Gone in just a few minutes due to one man's misguided wrath.
To add on top of it all, Nai left with the town's Plants, which left them with absolutely nothing to rebuild on. That, and some important VIP from July was visiting that day. Overall, it was about as bad as a visit could get.
Checking to his side, Vash did indeed see a still-white poster with two pictures of "him" on it from the event. One was Vash wearing his coat and leaping out of danger, holding a kid. The other was the back of his brother, cloak coated in blood, knives prepared to slay more victims. It was a blurry photo, and Vash supposed from a distance one could see the bloody wraps and get the brothers confused...
Either way, who was really at fault didn't matter to him. The fact was: Vash was in town, Nai wanted to find Vash, Nai attacked Vash and the town, and then Nai stole the plant. He figured that he may as well be the one with the bounty; if he weren't there it wouldn't have happened.
Now, suddenly, he was surrounded on all sides by angry locals with whatever makeshift weapons they had on hand—pitchforks, rocks, and, of course, guns. This was new.
A small rock hit the back of his leg—hard. It wasn't enough to make his leg buckle, but it'd definitely leave a bruise later.
"H-hey, can't we talk this out? I can leave your town if you want me to—!"
Another rock thrown; this one missed, rushing past his nose. People began firing their guns into the air, eager to have their turn weakening the Stampede or avenging their friends, families, or neighbors. Vash was frozen in place—his survival instincts told him to run and never look back, but the innate guilt in his soul begged him to stay and atone with his blood.
Before he got a chance to make a decision, and before he could get hit by a perfectly thrown pitchfork, he felt his feet lift off the ground and a sudden grip on his chest that left him breathless. Someone had tackled him so fast that they flew through the crowd and skidded down an entire alleyway.
It was Nai. A single metallic wing sprung from his back—his expression an unreadable form of disgust and rage.
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doom-nerdo-666 · 1 year
3 ideas: UAC/ARC vehicles, "weapon mods" carrying enemies and a "Gun stealing" enemy
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UAC/ARC war vehicles under Hellish/demonic influence
Eternal gave the idea of UAC/ARC soldiers having vehicles and mechs but it was barely explored, though there's also concept art of it.
But imagine if their military tanks, mechs, helicopters etc showed up more and not just as level assets: Imagine them as enemies, either piloted by Zombie/Possessed Soldiers OR the vehicles themselves would be "corrupted" by Hell and act on their own.
Maybe some could drop Zombie Soldiers as if they're deploying an army or even like the Duke Nukem 3D Pig Cops where shooting down a UAC vehicle leads to a Zombieman coming out of it (IF the vehicle exploding doesn't kill him, that is).
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They could also have both Possessed Soldiers piloting them and the mechs/helicopters/planes/tanks etc look "demonic" as if they had flesh growing or were slightly changed with Cultist/Immora-like tech.
(And the inclusion of a tank means an homage to a certain other tank entity from the series)
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This idea sounds weird but it'd be too far if they could've been pilotable by the player because of the extra complexity and all.
(Unless it's a game with more open spaces but NOT open world and maybe an opportunity for the Slayer to finally pilot the Atlan mech in a gameplay moment)
Could still be a fun way to "expand the universe" in a more "mechanical" way.
Weapon mods available to enemies
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D2016 changed the Zombiemen type in the sense that they're no longer "gun carrying" zombies, both aesthetically and mechanically.
It might make sense for 2 reasons: One being the removal or at least lower amount of enemy hitscan and the second reason being how the pickup/loot system/economy works.
(And maybe how they're technically no longer "Doomguy's former buddies", even if they're somehow not using their UAC tech but he does)
But both 2016 and Eternal make a case of UAC soldiers armed with the same Plasma Rifles as the player, while Possessed Soldiers carry what might as well be a different version of it.
Because otherwise, imagine if these Soldiers having access to the same weaponry as Doomguy meant also having access to weapon mods.
Rifle zombie? He gets micro missiles and one of the sniper rifle based mods.
Shotgun zombie? One of the grenade mods and one of the auto shotgun mods.
What about chaingun zombies with those energy shields (Not the same as the TAG2 Riot Soldier) and turret modes?
Or Plasma zombies with heat blasts and either microwave beams or stun bombs.
This can also go beyond the UAC, like Cultist zombies with Eternal's Rocket Launcher or Possessed Sentinel warriors with Ballistas.
At the very least, you can give these guys a visual feedback/telegraph indicating them using a certain mod (Or just put them behind a difficulty setting or game mode).
They could also be a special boss like a Professional Zombie squad where a group of Zombie soldiers has each member have a weapon with weapon mods and they're a bit smarter/more mobile than traditional Possessed Soldiers.
(Remember what i said about the Dark Lord and if he was a "literal anti-Doomguy" mechanically? The Professional Zombie squad is like "split versions" of that Doomguy clone idea, wich each Soldier representing a different weapon)
But simply killing one of them grants ammo (Maybe even add ammo backpacks to their designs, to indicate they're packed with ammo and all).
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And if said Professional Zombie squad was mostly UAC themed, pretend the UAC somehow figured out copying the Meathook from the Eternal SSG ("Lucifer's Bane").
Could also lead to a lore of UAC mimicking Sentinel weaponry and have their versions of some weapons but not all due to how advanced Sentinel stuff is.
(Like i can see UAC guys with shoulder equipment launchers but not Crucibles)
"Gun stealing" enemy
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Remember when Quake SoE's Gremlin had the ability to take a weapon from the player?
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I think the Marauder could suit this idea for a few reasons.
He's an adversary of the Slayer, but we could enhance that rival aspect.
He could steal weapons from the Slayer using a grapple hook, which even mirrors the Slayer's Meathook.
Imagine a Marauder spinning the chain rope like a whip before he launches it or doing something as some form of feedback/telegraph.
The player must prepare before the Marauder uses the hook to steal their current weapon.
It could even have a familiar logic of the Marauder being invulnerable when preparing his hook and doing the green light "hit me quick" bit when about to launch the hook.
When the Marauder does steal a weapon, he may even run out of ammo of said weapon and throw it away (Player can pick up the weapon back, but with no ammo lol).
Speaking of green light, when the Marauder throws away the stolen weapon, that could be another "hit me now" moment too.
Maybe this could be an iteration of the Marauder in a future game or even a "subvariant" like if the Cultist Marauder skin was an enemy type.
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These 3 ideas sound complicated but might be fun... maybe.
Perhaps one extra idea i could've mentioned is the UAC military having nuclear weapons even called "BFN" and there could even be something with pilotable/guided missiles like the Redeemer from Unreal.
Final Doomer even had a BFG with a nuke for the Hellbound set: Like the projectile causes a huge explosion that even leaves radiation as a damaging hazard for enemies (I think it was like that if i recall).
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abovexhorizons · 3 months
Chill swept through Evervale, gusts of wind carrying sprites of ice on their back flew through like a torrent. In a moment, the sea-side village had transformed from a bustling marketplace to a snow-covered landscape, houses and inn's covered in sleet, the cobblestone walkways slick with ice.
Isa had pushed the door to the blacksmith's open just in time, the heavy oaken door slamming shut behind her with a thud, the iron ringer clanging against the metal frame it were attached to.
"E-Excuse me, smithy?"
Despite the cold temperature outside, the inside of this blacksmith was anything but; hot coal and tempered steel heated the room, a chimney bellowing out the smoke from the smithing within.
She'd give a gentle wave before wiping her brow, boots clacking against the smooth-stone flooring. With a single motion she'd pull out her broken sword, placing it atop the counter.
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"I won't assume this can be fixed, but I need another sword of its caliber; or better, preferably. Coin isn't an issue, and I don't mind waiting for it to be forged."
Despite her words, the hilt of this sword meant something to the knight; a particular date engraved. It meant the day she got the sword from the academy, her only tool against those that would inflict evil upon the land.
People like her father.
The shopkeep: a stout, tall man with a beard as thick as his forearm; hair ran up to the sleeve of his shirt, a thick white apron dangling from his neck. Gloves protected his fingers from the heat, the hammer at his waist his primary tool.
He'd grunt, looking down at her with a mix of disdain and intrigue; it wasn't every day that Evervale got female knights coming through, and whilst he wasn't privy to details - nor did he want them - he knew that most hailed from the Estal Empire. Which begged the question; just who was she?
Despite the question forming on his lips, he'd gruff again to dispel it from his mind; whoever she was, she was a paying customer, and it wouldn't do to poke his nose into the business of others. If she needed a weapon, then that's what she needed.
"What size 'ya lookin' for? Any particular weight, lass?"
She'd ponder his question a moment, finger brought to her chin as Isa thought it through. She was used to a shortsword at her waist, but it came with its disadvantages; perhaps, then, a greatsword would be better?
But that, again, caused doubts in her mind; if it were too unwieldly, then she'd have a hard time protecting Rika.
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"I think I'd like a longsword, please; I don't mind a bit of weight added to the hilt, but I need it to be one-hand friendly, as well as compatible with two."
She was no stranger to sword and shield tactics, nor just using the blade on its own; though having a longer sword would add more defensive options into her arsenal, along with an easier time parrying.
"What'a 'bout a one-handed greatsword, then?"
This caused Isa's head to cock to the side like a lost puppy, her mind trying to figure out just how such a weapon could exist. If it were a greatsword - a Zweihander, as it were named back in the empire - then it'd surely implore the use of two hands to move it around.
"I know what yer' thinkin'. Trust me on this; I can do it. Made a few prototype's for another knight that came through here years ago. Gyl... Somethin' or other."
The name made her heart sink; why did it start the same as her fathers? Had he come through here, either as part of the War effort, or on his way to capture Rika?
She wanted to ask, but the words got stuck in her throat; her mouth, drying up at the very thought. It wasn't just the heat of the room making her sweat; anxiety dripped down her forehead like a waterfall, and for a moment, Isa could swear that all she could hear was her own heartbeat.
"Either way, hol' on a second lass."
The shopkeep would vanish behind a large curtain, giving Isa much-needed time to breathe; once the purchase had been made, then she'd have to confirm her suspicions.
Perhaps, then, they were getting closer to the end of their journey together; maybe soon, Isa and Rika could part ways. Rika could reclaim her homeland, and Isa... Isa could return to the Estal Empire as a traitor.
She must have been lost in thought, because it felt like only seconds before the blacksmith returned, two large swords in hand; one, as tall as Isa was, the other slightly taller. Yet even as he handed the former over, Isa was pleasantly surprised to feel how lightweight the weapon was.
A quick twirl around and a faux strike told her that this would do fine; it felt comfortable in two hands, long enough to be used as a mock shield should she need it, and lightweight enough that using the weapon single-handed for a small amount of time wouldn't kill her stamina.
"That's the second prototype I made for 'im. He said it was for his daughter, but he never picked it up! Just had it sat out here, cause the materials were rare enough to get in."
He'd nod his head as if dispensing sagely wisdom, though Isa knew now she had to ask; the thought taking over her mind as she screamed at herself internally to stop, to not hurt herself like this.
To live in ignorance that they could continue on together, forever.
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"This man you speak of; would his name have been Gylbard Duralleve?"
Even as she spoke his name aloud, Isa could feel a tinge of pain in her chest; the fact that she even bore a relation to him enough to make her condemn the name. But if it got her a sword as fine as this, a lead like this...
"That's the one! You know 'im?"
A quick bite of her lip, deciding if she should continue this--
"I'm his daughter."
The blacksmith let out a mighty chuckle, eyes closed as he'd lean back bellowing; his voice cracking as he'd settle down, shaking his head from side to side.
"I see! Explains the eyes, lass. Take it; debts already been paid for."
There was no hesitation as she'd reach forwards, taking the weapon in hand; it still, even after years of rest, maintained it's sheen, the edge on the weapon just as perfect.
"Don't have a name, but I guess don't need one, eh? Tools a tool."
He'd turn around to leave the front of the store, groaning out a "stay safe" as he'd vanish; though not before Isa would call out, one more time, her face red with embarrassment as she figured out the best way to ask.
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"T-The last time my father came through here. Did he have any women in his party? A kitsune, perhaps?"
The shopkeep would stand in the doorway, massaging his beard as he thought; it was over 10 years ago now, the memory lost to time; try as hard as he might, he could only give a shake of his head, accompanied with a sight.
"Sorry lass; I don't remember."
Just like that, he vanished from sight, leaving Isa at the front alone; with a heavy heart she'd turn around and embrace the storm, footsteps dull in the howling wind as she'd return to the inn for warmth and comfort.
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degrees-of-lili · 6 months
lol GH would NOT like having their precious babies put in a machine but they'd probably accept a heat lamp once the babies hatch if you can figure out how to keep it powered all the way up in the tower. Harpy babies can probably drink breast milk (especially bc they're not full blooded harpies) but they're so ravenous even a cow PC would struggle to keep up with demand :P
My dream is to be able to hunt lurkers with a speargun. They'd be too damaged for Alex to use (I assume extracting from lurkers is similar to milking snakes?) but make great presents for GH or food for bird babies if blended up first.
lmao yeah I think it'd probably take a bit to convince them to use an incubator. A heat lamp wouldn't be too much effort to run if you got a battery or generator up into the tower. Vrel did say were gonna add in more weapons. I don't know if we'd get a spear gun but I could see a regular spear. Go Wild Man through the Moor stabbing Lurkers. It'd be cute if GH and/or PC got the option if feeding the babies lurkers to chew and regurgitate it for them lmao. Probably harpy exclusive option for PC.
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