#hive troopers
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Wooley and Waxer cannot and will not be stopped in pursuit of cookies (especially when Boil is the one baking them!)
They're honey flavored and flower shaped and the medics will say that they're more addictive than spice since any trooper will skip the med-bay if they hear that there's cookies on board!
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squidsponge · 6 months
Analyzing the Clone Assassins: Part 1
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A little comparison between the season 2 clone assassin vs. Tech the assassin who is so laughably not Cody, and how they interact with their superior officers. Their voices and cadence are completely different.
The original CX patiently waiting for orders, arms crossed, but he holds himself tall and professional like a classic clone.
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Tech CX-2 does not wait to be spoken to before questioning why his time is being wasted. He is petulantly hunched in on himself and does not verbally acknowledge the request of his superior officer. He stares blankly at Wolffe when getting chewed out. (he is also covered in gadgets and is probably upset about being interrupted while modifying his gear)
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It's almost like the brainwashing didn't fully take and this clone has a problem with being ordered around by 'regs.'
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Stay tuned for part 2, a gif filled infodump inspired by the person who tried to tell the internet that CX-2 has prosthetic legs
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engagemythrusters · 8 months
what is truly sad about the Clone Wars is that, in another life, the clones and B1 droids really could have gotten along quite well. The clones, for the most part, have great senses of humour (of course, this is dependent upon each individual, but many do seem to enjoy a good and easy laugh!) and B1s are the most ridiculous, slapstick fellas out there. I fully believe that they could have gotten along famously. Clones with their “get a load of this guy” behaviour and the B1s with their “we’re independent thinkers!” (“Roger Roger” “Roger Roger” “Roger Roger”) class act would just. Pair so well. They’d have the time of their lives.
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doomfox · 7 months
For all your bug-blasting needs
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xenodile · 6 months
By now there's already been plenty of discussion about how Helldivers 2 is this generation's version of Starship Troopers, being a blatant and unabashed satire of fascism and US militarist imperialism and how actual fascists are shocked to learn that the game is mocking them.
But at the same time I'm seeing a consistent number of people leaning so hard in the other direction and assuming that since Super Earth is cartoonishly evil, that makes the enemy factions of Helldivers 2 unambiguous heroes. This is not the case. Helldivers is very much a Warhammer 40k situation of "the entire universe is fucked and awful, it's villains and monsters all the way down, you are just playing as the villains and monsters that look like you". The Terminids are invasive superpredators that indiscriminately kill and eat everything they find around their hives and reduce the surrounding area to blackened, spore-choked rock. The Automatons round up and butcher civilians and desecrate remains to adorn themselves with skulls and severed limbs, and their Cyborg predecessors weren't any better.
Helldivers is not Good VS Evil with Villain Protagonists, it is Evil VS Evil VS Self-Inflicted Plague of Locusts. The only faction that wasn't overtly evil was the Illuminate, but even that is subject to change when they eventually show up again.
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fairytale-poll · 5 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
determined 5yo girls are more powerful than god
As a child i did not even realize this was a little merm adaptation, but it really reads. She is sooo strange and other worldly and the movie absolutely captures that dreamlike fairy tale vibe
Ponyo a roughly five-year-old magical goldfish who can transform into a frog-type thing and a human girl. She's the eldest daughter of the literal goddess of the sea and a former human sailor given immortality. She falls in love with the five-year-old boy who cares for her and is thrilled to explore his ordinary yet magical world. She's bouncy, exuberant, and joyful. She loves ham. She doesn't have to give up her voice.
ponyo ponyo ponyo little fishie in the sea!
Little fishy
Their a bug that falls in love with a human they rescue and becomes human, but even when they don't get to keep their human body, they still get to be with their love. It's a sci-fi fairytale musical.
Little Mermaid meets Starship Troopers musical starring awesome puppets and the most trans coded main character ever. Please. Please vote Bug Starship I love him. Go watch Kick it Up a Notch from Starship. Go watch Status Quo from Starship. You will understand.
He's a bug and he lives in space on a bug planet but he really wants to be a starship ranger which you can only be if you are a human and then one day a spaceship lands on his planet and so he goes to an evil bug called Pincer who then helps him become a human. And Bug falls in love with a human on the spaceship and it's very sweet. The musical and storyline are based on the little mermaid story, the creators themselves called it "the little mermaid but in space". Bug wanting to be a human/a starship ranger and achieving that and falling in love with a human is very much like the little mermaid
Starship is a musical that can only be described as The Little Mermaid meets Starship Troopers. It follows Bug, an alien bug who dreams of being a Starship Ranger, a galactic explorer/soldier, but the rigid confines of bug society keeps him trapped in a job he hates. He reaches a Starship Ranger named February from the hive and immediately falls in love with her. In order to be with her and pursue his dream, he makes a deal with a giant scorpion named Pincer who through sci-fi bs gives him a human body. Near the end of the second act he sacrifices his human body and returns to his bug body, and saves the day and wins February's heart. It's truly the ultimate Little Mermaid. He has multiple songs, and his bug body is portrayed by a puppet!! Vote for Bug!!
“It's a big, big, universe So many dimensions And unanswered questions Not to mention Life What an invention Life There's no choice involved in what you are given One mind, one voice, one body to live in It's a short, small thing we lead With so much potential Pointless or essential Which one can I be? Where do I fit? Where do I stand? Who are they to say what I am? And how can I stay inside this awful world I know? I need a way out I need an escape I'd rather be dead than to live in this place I wish that something or someone could just take it all away Someone take me away” dear god….. can anybody hear me…. (song from starship)
They are the purest little mermaid adaptation done in the most unuque way. An alien insect gets turned into a human, a race he has always loved and admired, to be with the woman he fell in love with. Also just a great musical.
Bug's whole arc is so so in tune with that of the little mermaid. He is an alien who has fallen in love with humanity through a crashed spaceship and trades his place in the hive for a chance to be with both with the human he's falling for and to be a Starship Ranger. He body swaps with human in a cryogenic pod! It's literally sci-fi Little Mermaid!
Don't stick to the status quo and pick the fairy tale!! it's what HE would want!!!
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howlingday · 2 months
Ruby: Wow... Tyranids are so much cooler than I thought!
Jaune: I know, right?
Ruby: Like, learning all about them and how fleshed out their designs really are. I- I have completely underestimated how them based on their looks.
Jaune: Yeah, the general consensus on Tyranids is just, "Haha, bug hungie~!"
Ruby: Yeah, straight men are just bad at selling this stuff.
Jaune: (Wheezes) What?!
Ruby: No, no- So, it's like, you have this box they sell and it's just... Blah. It just looks like a bug in a swarm.
Jaune: Well, that's what Tyranids are.
Ruby: Yeah, but I've already heard that idea before. The alien bugs, the shared hive-minds, and I just sat here, listening to you telling me the whole thing about them and...
Jaune: The pitch doesn't do it justice?
Ruby: Exactly! Everyone is telling me, "It's just like Starship Troopers," but then I told you-
Jaune: It's like a giant brain, right.
Ruby: Yeah, and everything about them is so... neural.
Jaune: Yeah, and I'm glad you made that connection, because I never considered that. And now that I know that, it all makes so much more sense.
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meraki-sunset · 1 year
so uh how valid do you think the lusae of the twelve trolls were as parental figures [spidermom is a straight up zero, but given what karkat was, the way crabdad acted towards him was pretty valid]
1- Ram lusus: they died before the game so there's no info. Probably a good guardian seeing how happy and friendly aradia was. 9/10
2- Tinkerbull: Lovely guardian towards tavros, but unable to aid him due to his size. if i only rated how good they were he would have a 10, but for how helpfull he actually was he gets a 8/10
3- Bicyclops: is chained on the roof of Sollux's apartment complex and feed mind honey to not be stupid, doesn't sound like a very capable guardian if sollux has to take care of them, but doesn't seem like he was mean at all, 7/10
4- Crabdad: Grumpy but that matched Karkat's personality, good at hiding his child's mutation and keeping him alive. 9/10
5- Pounce de Leon: According to Nepeta "pawssibly the cutest and purrhaps the bestest kitty you have ever s33n!" and they saved nepeta when her hive was destroyed and took her to the cave that later became her home, good on all aspects 10/10
6- Virgin mother grub: Born to be the best loving mother and died for not only her child but all the future children of the new world, 100/10
7- Dragon lusus: EGG. 6/10 (okay she taught terezi how to smell color but still egg)
8- Spider mom: Fuck you -100/10
9- Arthur: A gentleman and a trooper ready to raise lovingly the strongest little worm in the planet. 10/10
10- Goat lusus: Neglecfull. 0/10
11- Seahorse dad: His kid is a brat but he is suportive and heps him in his job as orphaner. 8/10
12- Gl'bgolyb: Protects Feferi from being culled by the condesce, which no one else can do, and doesn't seem to cause any harm, exept of course, when she killed the entire troll race. 8/10
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clonemando · 4 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
I was tagged in this by @whiskygoldwings and @cacodaemonia this last week but today is my first day off work so I can post.
“Alright shiny, do you have a name? It’s okay if you don’t or can’t remember one. Most of the time here we’ll be using your Ident anyway. Safer that way.” Hound hummed as they walked toward the barracks and Waxer swallowed.  “If I had one before I don’t remember it now sir.” He murmured softly the lie sour on his tongue. Hound patted his shoulder.  “No need for that unless we’re around natborns. The Guard might have to put on a tough act but we’re close when it’s just us. No sirs or captain or any title nonsense. We’re all just clones. Even Fox. You’ll meet him tonight. He always insists on seeing all our new troopers. I’m sure you heard a lot of rumors about us, especially traveling from Kamino with Cody’s miscreants, got any tales you want to share?” He asked and Waxer bit his lip to fight down the bristling at the slight toward his battalion. Hound wasn’t exactly wrong about the rumors anyway.  “That Fox is a vampire that feeds off the blood of his troopers to stay awake longer?” He offered and Hound snickered.  “That’s a good one. Last shiny we got insisted that Fox is actually four different clones who take turns wearing his armor. My favorite still is that Fox is actually the Sith lord in hiding and that he’s using Sith magics to disguise himself as a trooper to access all our secrets.” He said cheerfully and that helped Waxer relax a little as he snorted.  “I heard one where the Guard is all one single hive mind that is all connected to Fox’s brain and that’s how you all work so well together.” Waxer added and Hound laughed.  “That would be really cool actually. I always wondered if the Jedi were like that. Able to talk in their minds and stuff. No, none of that is true. Fox is as basic as the rest of us, he’s just really stubborn and drinks a lot of caff. Like… too much honestly. Our medic cries about it in the mess some days.” He said and Waxer felt himself fully settle. It wasn’t nearly as bad as he had worried it would be. They were still brothers, even if they weren’t the 212th. 
I know it's more than one line but no where seemed good to cut it. This is a little brain worm where Cody sends Waxer to infiltrate the Guard since Fox refuses to answer coms or speak on anything unofficial. Waxer is posing as a reconditioned trooper that the 212th picked up on their way for leave to try to get intel.
Thanks for the tag! Any mutuals or followers are free to consider themselves tagged and please tag me in what you post!
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tcwmatchmakingau · 1 year
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Commander Mayday illustration by @nika6q
A Match for Mayday: Chapter 3
Editor's note: This fic is a collaboration between @nika6q (artwork) and @dystopicjumpsuit (story)
Pairing: Mayday x Flower Farmer Reader 
Rating: M (18+ Minors DNI)
Wordcount: 2.4k
Warnings and tags: fluff; mild angst; sensuality; smut; fingering; it is not actually impossible for DJ to write a SFW story, but it does cause hives
A/N: dedicated to @nika6q ❤️‍🩹
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 4
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“Gorgeous,” Sunni declares with a flourish as she steers you toward her mirror.
“I’m not sure why you’re going to this much effort on me when you’re supposed to be the center of attention,” you point out as you turn obediently.
“Because you deserve a little pampering, and you never have an excuse to get dressed up on Nakadia,” Sunni replies. “What do you think?”
You examine your reflection, taking in the artfully arranged hair, the perfect makeup, and the dress that displays a tasteful amount of skin while concealing all the things you prefer to keep to yourself.
“You’re a magician,” you reply frankly. “I can’t remember the last time I took so long to get ready.”
One of the bridesmaids, Tarsi, flops down on the bed and takes a sip of sparkling wine as she declares, “Nothing wrong with a little self-indulgence every now and then. Everything in moderation, including moderation, am I right, ladies?”
The other two bridesmaids chorus their agreement from the adjoining room, and you smile. Unsurprisingly, Sunni has a delightful group of friends, and they’ve made the week leading up to the wedding far more fun and  relaxed than you expected. Tarsi does have a bad habit of trying to talk you into signing up for RTL, though; she’s so proud of her success with Hexx and Sunni that she’s determined to find a match for every one of her friends.
“You’re beautiful, kind, successful, and you live on the most idyllic planet in the galaxy,” she declares. “Troopers will be lining up around the block to meet you. How do you feel about children?”
“I’ll pass,” you say firmly.
“On the children or the troopers?”
“Both,” you reply.
Tarsi pouts but lets it go. Meanwhile, the other two bridesmaids, Brax and Mione, burst into the room carrying a round of raava shots.
“Pregame!” Brax announces. “Everybody grab a shot.”
“Oh, no!” you laugh. “I’m the designated drunk-herder tonight. It is my responsibility to make sure you all make it onto the charter shuttle to Nakadia at the end of the night so this wedding can actually happen. I need to keep a clear head.”
“One shot isn’t going to do anything,” Sunni declares. “As bride, I hereby absolve you of all responsibility if I’m late to my own wedding. Now take the shot.”
You roll your eyes in good-humored exasperation, and you all toss back the raava, reactions ranging from Tarsi’s delicate cringe to Brax’s exaggerated sputter.
“Well, that was awful,” Sunni coughs. “Shall we get this party started?”
The group makes its way through several bars and dance clubs in Coruscant’s mid-levels, each successively louder and more crowded, before heading to a place that is apparently well-known to Sunni and her friends. As the five of you pile out of the air-taxi onto the landing platform, a gigantic sign reading 79’s bathes you all in a neon haze. There are an unusually high number of clones milling about outside the club, but Sunni and the others head straight for the entrance, throwing open the doors dramatically.
“Gentlemen, I have arrived!” Sunni announces with a confident swagger born partly of inebriation and partly of her own innate love of a spectacular entrance.
From inside the club, a cacophony of male voices lets out a deafening cheer interspersed with a few whistles and catcalls. Not for the first time of the night, you wish that you were getting as lit up as the rest of the group, because from the sound of things, you are about to head into exactly the kind of crowded, chaotic environment that seems perfectly designed to trigger your panic response. Right about now, you would kill for some liquid courage, but none is forthcoming, so you square your shoulders and walk into the club.
It’s crowded, smoky, and dark, and the music is loud enough to buzz across your skin and throb in your chest. It is also packed with clones, all of whom look absolutely delighted to see your group.
“What is this place?” you call to Tarsi over the roar of the crowd.
“Clone bar!” she yells back. “Isn’t it great?”
“Great,” you parrot back with false enthusiasm.
Unsurprisingly, the bartender has already poured a round of shots for your group by the time you reach the bar, courtesy of some unknown patron. You know you shouldn’t drink yours, but it’s been hours since you had the raava shot, and you have a feeling you’re going to need it if you’re going to make it out of 79’s without going ballistic, so you toss it back quickly. Within seconds, all five of you are pulled onto the dancefloor, and at least two clones begin to grind on each of you. There are so many people, and your heart starts to race as the crowd presses against you. The lights flash disorientingly. It’s hot and sweaty and loud, and your cheeks are starting to cramp from the overly bright smile you’re trying to keep in place. 
You look over to Sunni and are surprised to see her dancing with Hexx. Veetch is plastered against Tarsi, along with a clone you don’t recognize. You can’t see Brax or Mione, because there are three farking clones grinding their dicks against you, and if you have to put up with this for another minute you are going to kriffing lose your shit!
Abruptly, a hand closes around your wrist and pulls you gently but firmly away from the sausage fest. A little space opens up around you, and you finally feel like you can breathe again. You turn to thank your rescuer, and your heart gives a hard, involuntary lurch when you recognize Mayday’s long, dark curls. He asks a question that you can’t hear over the music. You shake your head and point to your ears. He nods in understanding, and his eyes are so damned kind that you want to weep with relief.
Another strange clone starts to move toward you, but Mayday fixes him with a stare that has him putting up his hands and backing away. You don’t want to leave the dancefloor and abandon Sunni and the others, but you’re not sure how you’re going to be able to stay, either. Mayday moves closer and rests his hands on your hips. You glance up at him, startled. He gives you a reassuring smile and starts to move your body to the rhythm of the music.
“I thought you didn’t dance!” you try to say over the music, but he shakes his head to indicate he can’t hear you, either. 
Instead, he pulls you closer to himself and oh, Maker. He does dance. He’s a really kriffing good dancer. He moves with a sinuous grace that has your mind racing with the possibilities of what else he can do with moves like that. And while his hands stay well within respectful boundaries, they leave a trail of blazing heat as they move across your body. 
You war with yourself. Mayday has you dizzy and off-balance. One moment he’s looking at you like you’re the only person in the galaxy, and the next he’s telling you not to touch him. But now he’s caressing your waist and hips like he never wants to stop, and he’s shielding you with his body, and he’s keeping you safe in the midst of the crowd. It’s a heady experience, to be at the center of that intense focus. Eventually, you stop thinking and simply let go and exist in the moment.
You lose track of time, of place, of people—it all fades into the background, and all you can see is Mayday. The way he touches you, moves you, guides you through the dance. He turns you so your back is to him, and you lean against his strong body, your hips swaying against his. You raise one hand over your shoulder to tangle in his hair, and you feel the heat of his breath against your wrist. His fingers trail over your arm, lighting up the nerves and sending tingles racing through you. And then his mouth descends onto your bare shoulder, his beard teasing your sensitive skin as he works his way up the side of your neck. Your knees nearly buckle at the sensation, but somehow you hold onto both your balance and your dignity.
You are shocked when the bartender announces the last call. How has the time passed so quickly? You’ve been so wrapped up in Mayday that you didn’t even notice as the crowd began to thin, and now it is time to round up the rest of the wedding party and head to the spaceport, where the luxurious private shuttle Sunni has chartered awaited your arrival. You and Mayday are the only reasonably sober members of the group, and so you coordinate with him to hustle everyone into two air taxis.
It’s a loud and raucous trip to the spaceport, but eventually, you bundle Sunni and the others onto the shuttle and perform one last headcount before Mayday signals the pilot to depart. It takes a significant amount of time and effort, but eventually, everyone aboard makes it to their assigned quarters, and you retreat to the shuttle’s opulent lounge to decompress and have a well-deserved drink. 
You stop short when you enter the room and find Mayday already inside. You flirt with the idea of fleeing, of going straight to your quarters and trying to get some sleep on the long jump to Nakadia, but it’s too late. He’s already spotted you, and you can’t avoid him without being openly rude. 
“I’d forgotten how exhausting it is to wrangle drunk people,” you say as you enter the room. 
“Mmm,” Mayday agrees with a rumble. “Makes fighting the war look easy.”
“No, it doesn’t,” you reply.
He smiles. “You’re right. Want a glass?”
“I think we’ve earned it,” you reply, settling into an armchair as he pours two tumblers of liquor out of a mysterious decanter.
The tawny liquid catches the light as he hands you a glass, reminding you of his eyes. You sniff it curiously and are greeted with a sweet, smoky aroma.
“I knew you were a whiskey man,” you say as you clink your glass quietly against his and take a sip. 
“I don’t usually turn down a free drink,” Mayday replies. “That doesn’t mean I don’t know the good stuff when I see it.”
You regard him steadily before you ask, “Is that so?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” he asks, his eyes guarded.
“I can’t figure you out, Mayday,” you say. 
At least he doesn’t insult you by pretending to misunderstand. He watches you for a moment, and when you don’t flinch under his scrutiny, he takes another drink of his whiskey.
“I told you I don’t play games,” he says.
“You could have fooled me,” you retort.
“You’re with someone else,” he says in a low voice. He sets his jaw firmly, but his eyes flicker over your body, and for an instant, you see a flash of naked hunger in them. “I’m not going to chase after someone who’s unavailable.”
What the kark? Your eyebrows snap together. “Is that why you couldn’t keep your hands off me tonight? Why every time we’re in the same room, you look at me like—like that?”
“Why the kriff do you think I was avoiding you?” he growls. “When I’m with you, I can’t think straight. I am trying to respect your relationship, but fuck, you drive me wild.”
You let out a short, angry laugh and drain your glass. “You think I would dance with you like that when I was with someone else? I didn’t realize you had such a poor opinion of me.”
“You said you were taken. You—” he pauses as though the words choke him with their bitterness. “You planned your wedding.”
“That was hypothetical!” You set your glass down with a snap as you rise abruptly. “I’m going to bed. Alone. Like I do every night. Which you should have realized when you spent a week in my house.”
“We’re not finished,” Mayday says, rising to block your exit.
“There’s nothing else to say,” you snap.
“What the kark did you expect me to do?” he demands. “I met the girl of my dreams, and two seconds later she told me she wasn’t interested.”
“I said I wasn’t interested in RTL!” you exclaim. “A matchmaker sounds like my worst nightmare. Although at least it would have prevented this level of absolute banthashit.” 
“Then—” he begins.
“For kark’s sake, how much clearer can I possibly be?” you cut him off. “Do I need to hang up a neon sign that says OPEN FOR BUSINESS? Do you want me to send you a handwritten letter? ‘Dear Mayday, please tear off all my clothes and have your way with me on the nearest available surf—mmph!’”
Mayday’s mouth cuts off your tirade. His lips crash against yours, his tongue sweeps into your mouth, his hands pull you close against him. He tastes like whiskey, and he smells like woodsmoke and spices, overwhelming your senses. You clutch his shoulders for balance, and then immediately slide your hands up his neck to twine your fingers through his hair. You tug on it gently, and he groans into your mouth in response. His arms tighten around you, pinning you to him as he grips your ass and grinds his hips against you. You let out a strangled moan as you feel the hardness of his cock press against your abdomen.
“This karking dress,” he rasps, breaking away from your kiss for a moment as his fingers find your hemline and snake up the inside of your bare thigh. “Did you wear it just to torture me?”
You open your mouth to respond, but he preempts your response with another breathtaking kiss. He slips past the lace of your panties—thank the Force I wore pretty ones—and glides his fingertips over your heated skin. His hands are as clever and talented as you knew they would be, and a fresh wave of irritation hits you. You tug his hair lightly as you pull away from his kiss.
“I’m still mad at you!” you exclaim. “We could have been doing this for weeks, oooh—”
He slides one of those thick, skilled fingers into you as he drops his mouth to your throat.
“I’m planning on doing it a lot longer than that, mesh’la.”
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More Hive Troopers <3
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More bee troopers! ... Boopers.... BEE-PERS (all of my file names that feature these boys so far have referred the them as "the beepers" lol)
Anyhow, I figured I'd add some more information on how the hive troopers operate below, so keep on reading!
At the start of the war, the venators were outfitted with barracks for the troopers that were fully furnished with bunks and such things
The troopers.... didn't really like the bunks... like at all
The would take the bunks and push them all over to one side, and use the rest of the room as a building space for a huge wall of honeycomb!
Eventually the Jedi caught on, and helped the troopers remove all of the unused bunks
The troopers build huge, ceiling to floor, winding walls of honeycomb to act as the hive's living quarters
The honeycomb compartments come in a variety of sizes!
The biggest compartments are longer than a trooper is tall, and about 2x a trooper's width (wings and secondary abdomen included) in diameter, so these compartments are the ones for sleeping in!
Some are even wider, for those who like to share :)!
The sleeping compartments are filled with comfy pillows and blankets left from the bunks
Various smaller compartments are perfectly sized for storing extra pillows and blankets, datapads, personal items, and all sorts of things!
The gear lockers, which came with the original furnishing of the room, are built into the thicker walls of the honeycomb
The troopers will only very begrudgingly admit that the gear lockers are more suited for storing their kit than the honeycomb (they're very salty that the locker is not an optimal shape to fit in with the rest of the honeycomb)
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Gear lockers are not honeycomb optimized
Troopers are capable of creating beeswax just like any bee, albeit for much longer during their much longer lifespan, and in much larger quantities
Hence why in the doodle above, Wooley, who is off duty and helping to build up the honeycomb, is not wearing upper armor.
Bees produce wax from the underside of their abdomen, and trying to reach around to collect that while in full upper armor is... less than comfortable lol
Speaking of anatomy, despite being clones, all troopers' wings are entirely unique!
Well, almost entirely- twins have identical wings!
(this may or may not be a Secret of the Wings reference that movie is so good)
Clone trooper twins are grown in the same tube, and have a special connection
Twins are also SUPER rare
The iconic @cacodaemonia invented this concept for me, and as far as I'm concerned their OC Kom'mrk is 10000% canon and has matching wings to Boil!
(please for fucks sake yall go read Open Skies I stg my life has not been the same since)
Cadets have very weak wings when they're first decanted
It takes until they're about 3.5-4 standard for their wings to fully develop and strengthen enough for them to fly
Until then, they practice by buzzing a whole lot to strengthen the muscles in their torso
On another anatomical topic, the way that troopers communicate in the "hive mind" is via pheromones!
Just like bees, they have extremely sophisticated and complex pheromone signals that can only be detected by other troopers via their antennae
During the night cycle/sleep hours, troopers will try and keep quiet and communicate primarily via pheromones
If you're not a trooper (or a Jedi lol), the only way you'd be able to figure out their silent communication is with super complex and specialized equipment
On the other hand, troopers have to watch out for weapons from the Separatists that involve pheromone-mimicking gases
The gases could cause them to lose their sense of direction, get cut off from the rest of the hive, or other disorienting things
Speaking of directions!
(fuck i have so many ideas to get out lol)
While the idea of the troopers doing a proper bee waggle dance is absolutely hilarious and so cute to me, I think that in reality it'd be a bit more calm
Instead of lots of crazy shaking back and forth, it's more of a purposeful sway!
This.... does make dancing at 79's significantly more confusing when they first start learning to dance for fun
Echo: "are you telling me that there's something I need to go find 400 klicks away at 32 degrees??"
Fives: "what no I'm just having fun"
Unlike bees, who only use the sun, troopers can also use the moon to calculate their maps!
On planets with multiple moons and/or suns, the commander will choose one sun/moon to be used as the reference for all maps
When on a moon for a campaign, the moon's planet can also be used
In rare and difficult situations, troopers can also use particularly bright stars! Usually only the ARFs are skilled enough for that, though
I think for my next doodle I'll either do wolffe, fox, thorn, tup, and dogma OR the bad batch + omega... haven't decided yet! let me know if you have a preference lol
anyway thank you all for giving so many lovely comments on my previous post about these boys! i love yall so much <33333
<3 I do not give my consent or my permission for my art to be re-posted or reuploaded on this or any other website <3
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nightcolorz · 2 months
Armand age regression anon coming back to ask the hive mind what we think Old Maniel would call little Armand and conversely what little Armand would call Old Daniel.
For Old Maniel I’m leaning toward him calling Littlemand “big guy” or “kid” rather than Arun. For some reason I just don’t see him calling Armand a former name with maybe negative connotations.
Similarly I see Daniel not wanting to be called “daddy” when Armand is little. I’m thinking he either would approve Danny or Papa.
AGREED! Daniel seems like he’d call regressed Armand shit like “tiger” or “champ” 😭❤️, which we know from the books that Armand genuinely loves to be called affectionate childlike nicknames (trooper cough) so this would be his shit.
I feel like Daniel would be pretty strict with what Armand can call him when he’s regressing bcus he’s rlly anxious about playing into something sexual when he’s trying to help Armand heal. I coukd totally see him being like “just call me my name” so I like Danny lol ❤️
ur always so right anon ur headcanons give me life
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sillydoctorwho · 4 months
New Doctor Who Tournament!
Hey there Whovians! Been rewatching a lot of Classic Who recently and I had an idea for a tournament I wanted to run! Doctor Who has always been a very serious and intellectual show, as we all know, and there is no better way to communicate a serious sci-fi message than by wearing a really goofy outfit made of tinfoil and PVC! So without further ado, let me introduce the
You can follow along by following @sillydoctorwho or checking the hashtag #sillywho
Some tournament rules:
These must be outfits worn by humans/humanoids, not monster costumes. The silly monsters need a tournament of their own. (Silly hair and face paint don't exclude an outfit from contention, but if the character has significant facial prosthetics/ a mask then they count as a silly alien, not an alien in a silly costume)
There are a few costumes from classic who that are based off of racial stereotypes or are culturally insensitive, so it goes without saying we will be excluding those.
I have included a list of the outfits I have entered into the tournament below the cut, but if I have missed your favourite silly costume don't be afraid to let me know via an ask/messages and I'll add it in!
Have fun! May the stupidest costume win!
1st Doctor:
Altos - The Keys of Marinus
Drahvins - Galaxy 4
Judges - The Keys of Marinus
Moroks - The Space Museum
Robomen - The Dalek Invasion of Earth
Thals - The Daleks
Guardians - The Ark
2nd Doctor:
Astrid - The Enemy of the World
Atlantean Guard - The Underwater Menace
Brittanicus Base Operatives - The Ice Warriors
Caven - The Space Pirates
Celebration Dancers - The Macra Terror
Dominators - The Dominators
Dulcians - The Dominators
Madeleine Issigri - The Space Pirates
Ramo - The Underwater Menace
Spacesuits - The Moonbase
War Lord Guards - The War Games
3rd Doctor:
Guard Captain - The Curse of Peladon
Guards - Frontier in Space
Guards - The Mutants
IMC Guards - Colony in Space
Inspectors - The Mutants
King Peladon - The Curse of Peladon
Miners - The Monster of Peladon
Vorg and Shirna - Carnival of Monsters
4th Doctor:
Argolins - The Leisure Hive
Chancellery Guards - The Deadly Assassin
Hade - The Sunmakers
Morestrans - Planet of Evil
Movellans - Destiny of the Daleks
Passengers - Nightmare of Eden
Savants - Meglos
Skagra - Shada
Skonnan Guards - The Horns of Nimon
Station Medical Staff - The Invisible Enemy
Tesh - The Face of Evil
The Captain - The Pirate Planet
Time Lords - The Deadly Assassin
Toos - The Robots of Death
Uvanov - The Robots of Death
Zilda - The Robots of Death
5th Doctor:
Black Guardian - Mawdryn Undead
Citizens of Sarn - Planet of Fire
Dalek Troopers - Resurrection of the Daleks
Guards - Frontios
Kari and Olvir - Terminus
Lon (Ceremonial Robes) - Snakedance
Mawdryn and Mutants - Mawdryn Undead
Maxil (+Ermintrude) - Arc of Infinity
Portreeve - Castrovalva
6th Doctor:
Android - Timelash
Hugo Lang - The Twin Dilemma
Shockeye - The Two Doctors
Underground Folk - The Mysterious Planet
Valeyard - The Mysterious Planet
Ycarnos - Mindwarp
7th Doctor:
Bannermen - Delta and the Bannermen
Kangs - Paradise Towers
Lakertyans - Time and the Rani
The Happiness Patrol - The Happiness Patrol
Tollmaster - Delta and the Bannermen
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charliedawn · 7 months
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General Hux gazed impassively out the viewport as the gleaming skyscrapers of Coruscant came into view. The planet swarmed with sentient beings of every species, their buzzing activity a hive-like magnification of what lurked within his own breast. Duty called him to this gathering of First Order elites, yet part of him would rather be anywhere but immersed in beings. A quiet presence at his side drew his gaze, finding JR-6025 attentively scanning the horizon as well. She seemed rather quiet and in deep silent contemplation before such a lively setting. He smiled. How strange that this trooper's calm company soothed him more than any other's.
"Your first time setting eyes on the galactic capital, I presume ?" He asked. She nodded, eyes wide with wonder behind her visor. A faint smile softened Hux's stern features. "It can be overwhelming. But, this city is at the very heart of the First Order. A place unlike any other. The center of all trades and a great well of knowledge for those who know how to look and listen."
JR-6025 remained quiet as she listened to his words.
"…Isn’t it the planet where Imperial cadets are trained ?" She asked. She had heard about the academy and the way Imperial cadets were trained…and of their cruel and cut-throat programme of training and indoctrination. She shivered just at the thought and glanced at general Hux. Hux's faint smile hardened at the mention of the Imperial academies scattered across Coruscant.
"Indeed, the Imperial doctrines were forged from fire here," he replied evenly. "No expense was spared in molding raw recruits into efficient extensions of the Empire's will. Survival of the fittest, they called it.."
His pale eyes softened as they met JR-6025's masked gaze. Instilling fear had its place as a control tactic, but when directed inward corroded even the finest steel over time.
"The First Order improves upon that legacy," he continued gently. "Where the Empire broke minds and hearts without care, we aim to temper souls into masterfully controlled weapons of precision and obedience through discipline, such is the way."
Reaching out, his leathered fingers brushed a subtle caress upon her armored wrist in a rare display of comfort. "Fear has its uses, JR-6025. It crafts the minds into perfections of order and obedience."
"…You have been through their training." She looked at him and noticed that even in the way he was sitting—there were the remnants of his education in the way he was positioned. He was straight and seemed tense all the time—ready for anything. She couldn’t even imagine how hard it must have been—for a child no less.
She wanted to apologise—but she knew it wouldn’t change anything. And besides, she couldn’t offer an apology for an ideology they were both fighting to keep and expand. She lowered her head and looked away. As the shuttle breached atmosphere and the bustling metropolis sprawled in all its dazzling chaos beneath.
She quickly stepped outside and looked around. It wasn’t like any planets she had ever visited. As a stormtrooper, JR-6025 had always been sent to rather unwelcoming planets or war-ridden places where the First Order wasn’t all powerful. But here…Here, the First Order was booming. She could see the banners and the civilisation buzzing with life. It was…not what she had expected from a planet ruled by the First Order. It was…alive. She looked back at general Hux—waiting for his instructions. A protocol droid came to get them and guided them to some big lodging with enough rooms to make her dizzy. Once the droid gone, she was once again reminded of general Hux’s presence and didn’t know what she should say or do…General Hux surveyed the grand accommodations with an impassive gaze, at home amid luxury yet still observing with a keen tactical eye. Turning to JR-6025, he noted her awestruck yet uncertain demeanor, familiar with her kind's unease away from familiar regimen.
"At ease, trooper. For the duration we are but diplomats, not dictated by ranks or codes. You may explore the grounds and experience what pleasures this gilded world has to offer," he said, voice modulated gentle yet commanding as ever. Then, a glint stirred in his steel gaze.
"Unless, of course, you'd care for a guide well-versed in Coruscanti intrigues ?" The faintest smirk edged his stern lips. For all his austerity, even he took secret delight in frivolities when duty permitted—and this trooper's company was growing from respite to something more anticipated.
"Come. I'll show you a sight that puts this plush prison to shame." Sweeping from the chamber, Hux waited for her by the door—to walk Coruscant streets alone, or witness its wonders through the eyes of one who knew both its light and shadows intimately.
She followed him dutifully.
Hux guided her through grand plazas and hovering skywalks with an intimate knowledge of the metropolis' layout. "There, that shaft leads to the Galactic Senate building. And beyond those spires lies the Jedi Temple ruins." His usually stern voice held a note almost conversational as he pointed out landmarks.
Coming to a high overlook, he paused. "Now this, troopers like yourself never see—the true heart of Coruscant, beating beneath the surface." Below stretched an endless metallic expanse, speeders whizzing between towering ziggurats and spiralling walkways.
JR-6025 gasped softly. Even Hux's usual aloof demeanour softened, taking in the breathtaking panorama with something like nostalgia. "Magnificent, is it not ? This planet's true majesty lies not in its gaudy glitter, but the ordered industry beneath."
"…Fascinating." She uttered in a whisper—her helmet hiding her expression of awe and admiration as to such marvel.
"…And the First Order controls it all ?"
General Hux's chest swelled with pride at her words. "Indeed. Through strength, discipline and vision, the First Order has brought unity and progress to this once fractured world."
He gazed out over the gleaming metropolis, each meticulously organized level a testament to his own exacting standards. "Chaos and corruption once reigned supreme, as the misguided Republic crumbled into warring fiefdoms. But we have restored order and stability through fair but firm rule."
Turning to JR-6025, his eyes shone with zealous conviction. "It is a vision that shall envelop the whole galaxy in time. World by world, system by system, the First Order will lift every being from lawless squalor toward their full potential." A faint smile curled his stern lips.
"I'm glad you witnessed this, trooper. Too often our true purpose is obscured by perception of brute force alone. But order, progression, enrichment of life—this is what we strive to cultivate across civilized space. And with operatives like yourself aiding our cause, ultimate triumph is assured."
"…And…what happens to those who cannot keep up with such modernity and its civilised ways ?" JR-6025 asked—already fearing the answer.
General Hux looked away and sighed.
"Not all worlds embrace progress willingly, it is true. Some peoples cling stubbornly to backward ways." He turned, leaning on the railing as his gaze grew stern. "Those who defy the Order's will and refuse our repeated offers of integration leave us little choice."
Hux studied his neatly gloved hands. "I will not lie—noncompliance is not tolerated. Planets deemed irredeemably hostile face...sanctions. Their infrastructure may be targeted to quash unrest and force capitulation." His voice hardened as he looked into the distance.
"It is an unpleasant reality, I know. But progress demands sacrifice. A few must suffer so many more may be lifted to new heights. Once integrated, even former dissidents enjoy improved standards of living under the Order's guidance."
Turning to her, his eyes softened. "It is not a path I relish, trooper. But as a strategist, I must consider the needs of the whole galaxy, and shape each world to maximize civilization's advance."
She hummed understandingly and leaned on the railing as well as her eyes took in the breathtaking sight once more.
"…Is it the reason you do it ? The reason you fight for the First Order. For civilization ? For a world where only order remains ?" She then looked at him. "…Or is it perhaps for glory ? A name to be made ? Do you wish for all to know the name of General Armitage Hux ?"
General Hux considered her questions carefully. This trooper had an uncanny ability to cut to the core of what moved him.
"At the start, perhaps ambition played too large a part in my designs," he admitted ponderously. "Rising through the ranks, establishing my House's legacy—such were primary motivators in my youth."
His stare grew distant, recalling origins steeped in shame seeking erasure through military might. But over decades shaping the First Order into an indomitable machine, perspective had evolved.
"In time, though, my vision expanded to encompass the galaxy entire. I came to understand the depths of rot and chaos that festered under the old regimes." Hux's eyes blazed with zealous belief.
"Order, discipline, unity of purpose—these are what shall propel the Order, and all civilization, to heights never dreamed. Through strength, we will forge a legacy not of one man, but of an eternal empire guiding the galaxy to peace and progress as never known."
His gaze found JR-6025's. "That, Trooper, is why I fight. And that vision alone shall see the First Order's legacy reign eternal."
She remained silent for a while before straightening up.
"…I know it is not my place to say, but I do believe in your greatness, sir. And I do admire your dedication to the First Order."
General Hux regarded the trooper with muted surprise. Few were so bold as to openly praise him so, yet her sincerity seemed beyond question. A warmth spread through him at her deep-seated loyalty, rare and precious as a Kyber crystal.
"Your belief in our cause is appreciated, JR-6025," he said quietly. Gazing out once more over the glittering expanse that was his vision given solid form, pride and purpose swelled within.
"It is operatives such as yourself, with unwavering dedication to duty and order, who will see the First Order truly triumph where all others have failed." Turning, he bestowed a small smile, meant as compliment beyond words.
"You have proven yourself an exceptional asset, Trooper. Therefore I am permitting you certain honors beyond your station." Reaching within his greatcoat, Hux produced a small metallic pin and fastened it to her armour himself.
"Wear this proudly—a token of my faith that together, through discipline and unity of purpose, we shall build a legacy to endure the millennia." His eyes gleamed with the weight of gloried futures yet to be forged through will and strength of arms.
She looked down at the pin and blinked twice in surprise before returning her gaze on general Hux.
"Thank you, sir." She felt proud and then lowered her voice as she whispered. "…And allow me to say that I believe in YOU. Always have. Always will."
General Hux stiffened almost imperceptibly at her hushed yet fervent pledge. Few had dared voice such intimate faith. Yet, he sensed no trap nor pretense—only steadfast belief in his vision, and in his leadership to see it realized.
Slowly, his stern features softened. "Your loyalty is a razor's edge, trooper, and all the sharper for it. In you I have indeed found a weapon to surpass even my calculations."
Grasping her pauldron gently, he gazed into her visored gaze with an intensity rarely afforded any being. "Together we have risen far, you and I. But farther still our empire shall reach, built on the cornerstones of faith like yours. Know that your dedication touches something deeper than mere strategy or protocol."
Releasing her, Hux turned once more to survey the glittering jewels below with a general surveying hard-won dominion. But within swelled a heat unfamiliar yet not unwelcome, born of her whispered oath.
"You speak frankly, JR-6025, beyond your station." His voice remained low yet modulated, gaze searching hers intently. Within her visor's reflective surface swam no guile or manipulation—only pure sincerity and deeper currents he dared not name.
"Greatness is a perception. Power, attainment, glory—these are but externals. To have earned even a single being's...faith, in what lies within..." Emotions ever elusive yet complexly woven through his being surfaced briefly, crafting a solemn sincerity upon lips more accustomed to disdain. "You honour me deeply, trooper. I swear to prove myself worthy of such belief, through strength of will and vision to forge a legacy of which we both may be proud."
She chuckled.
"Me ? Oh no, general. Not for me. For you see…If it is my validation you seek. You can have it. All of it. My faith in you never wavered. Never. Not once. You have nothing to prove to me—or to anyone. I know that you wish to prove yourself, but allow me to tell you that you…"
She took a step towards him and tilted her head.
"…you have NOTHING to prove. Your legacy is made. You are the general of the most powerful army in the galaxy…If I was being honest ? I strive to one day be but a little bit the man that you are."
General Hux stood immobilized as her impassioned speech washed over him. Never had any soul expressed such devoted faith in his intrinsic worth. Moments passed as he searched her visored gaze, finding only ardent sincerity meeting his own widened eyes. Then, slowly, warmth bloomed within like the dawning of some unknown sun. His lips curved ever so slightly, touched by unseen gentleness.
"Your loyalty astounds me, JR-6025...as does your perception." Lifting a hand, he softly traced the curve of her mask, longing to glimpse the eyes beneath lending him such unexpected solace.
"There is no praise I could offer to equal what I have heard from you." His palm lingered, transmitting a pulse of gratitude, respect—and something deeper, kindling in a heart that had long forgotten how to hope. At last, Hux smiled. "Come. It is time to get ready for the gathering ahead."
She smiled underneath her helmet.
"As you wish, sir."
She started walking back next to him and looked around at the city around them.
General Hux walked beside JR-6025 in reflective silence as they took in the glittering cityscape. An unseen burden had lifted from his shoulders, leaving room to truly see anew the magnificence wrought through his driven hand. Every gleaming tower and speeding airspeeder bore witness to his will given manifest form. Yet where before he saw only a machine of conquering supremacy, now deeper layers of meaning emerged. Here dwelled untold multitudes, each soul with potential to thrive and better the whole through unity and purpose.
His gaze found JR-6025 at his side, the spark that ignited this shifting perception. Within her words no judgement dwelt, only pure and unadulterated faith. And for her belief alone, worlds newly opened within his hardened heart. Coruscant shone ever brighter as in her companionship, new vision dawned.
General Hux’ protocol droid K-4 came to them when they were walking back to their lodging and informed him:
"Sir. It is. 6. pm. 1 hour and 30 minutes remaining until the. Gathering. You have. To. Get prepared."
General Hux nodded promptly before another droid came to lead JR-6025 to her bedroom where clothes and a mask had been provided for the night. General Hux quickly prepared to get dressed for the gathering. Once he was dressed, he went to JR-6025’s door and knocked.
"JR-6025. It is time to go."
He heard a faint commotion inside.
"Yes, general. I apologise. I am still getting dressed." General Hux nodded.
"Very well. No need to apologise. Take your time." General Hux waited patiently for Jr-6025 to finish up so they could head to the gathering. A few minutes passed and General Hux could still hear noises from her room. General Hux grew slightly impatient as he waited outside her door.
When she finally got out, she was dressed in the beautiful midnight gown with star-like patterns that General Hux had asked a droid to give to her the night before. She had her hair braided and her face was covered with a mask that General Hux had personally chosen for the occasion. She didn’t know if she would look the part as his plus one, but she would certainly try…
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General Hux’s eyes widened slightly when he caught a glimpse of JR-6025. She was actually quite beautiful in the dress he had ordered for her. The dress suited her and he couldn’t help but look at her with awe. General Hux stood silent, admiring her and couldn’t take his eyes off of her. She indeed looked the part as his plus one and he was quite happy with her appearance.
She remained silent, patiently awaiting judgment. General Hux was finally able to gather himself and was able to respond.
"I must say that the dress looks better on you than I had anticipated…"
General Hux slowly stepped forward and held his hand out to her, so she could take it and they could walk. She stared at his hand and smiled before hovering her hand over his.
"You know…It is not too late to change your mind." General Hux gave out a small laugh when she said this. For a split second, General Hux had that thought but quickly shook it off. General Hux was determined to have JR-6025 by his side and he was not going to change his mind now. General Hux slowly nudged his hand forward as he wanted JR-6025 to take his hand. He was already imagining the two of them walking into that gathering together. He kept smiling and was patiently waiting for her to finally take his hand.
She sighed in defeat and finally took it.
General Hux was pleased to see her take his hand and remained silent as they began to walk. He didn’t speak but, he was trying to fight the feeling of just wanting to stop walking and keeping her hand locked with his. JR-6025 stopped just as they were about to walk into the room. She held her breath. She hadn’t been nervous until that very moment. General Hux noticed that JR-6025 had gone completely silent and had stopped walking. He looked over to her and realized that she was starting to get nervous. He could sense her worry. He looked over at JR-6025 and spoke in a softer tone, so that she perhaps wouldn’t realize that she was going into this gathering with a First Order general.
"You’re doing fine. There’s nothing to be nervous about. You just need to stay by my side."
General Hux was now trying to comfort her. He smiled and spoke in a soft but reassuring tone. But, JR-6025 was starting to realise just how out of depth she was about to be…
"…What if I fail ? What if I embarrass you ?"
General Hux smiled and chuckled.
"You won’t fail. You won’t embarrass me either, JR-6025. You have got nothing to worry about. Just stay calm and I promise that you won’t disappoint me. All I need you to do is stand by my side and be yourself. It is quite simple."
"Will you guide me ?" She asked and instinctively squeezed his hand. General Hux smiled and gave a soft nod.
"Yes. I will guide you. All you have to do is stick by my side. Keep yourself calm and let me handle the rest. We’re going to be fine."
She nodded.
"What if people ask questions ?"
General Hux smiled and looked over at her as they walked.
"They won’t ask any questions. Just keep quiet and let me do all the talking. All you have to do is look pretty and stay by my side. That’s it."
She looked at him.
"What if something comes up and I cannot handle it ?"
General Hux looked over at her and spoke.
"That is not going to happen. Besides, I will be by your side to support you. All you need to do is simply stay calm and remain by my side. Keep your thoughts to yourself and don’t speak any more than you have to. You won’t disappoint me."
General Hux gave her a slight smile and gave her hand the slightest squeeze. He looked forward to getting through this gathering with her. General Hux felt something he had never really felt before. He didn’t know whether to love it or hate it. Part of him felt uncomfortable with this attachment he was feeling towards her but another part of him felt comfort from it. General Hux felt a little bit conflicted currently but he was trying to block out the negative thoughts.
She sighed and nodded before they started walking again and a thought passed through her head as they walked. A thought that made her shake her head in disbelief.
"…You could have had a princess." She uttered in a whisper and shook her head in disbelief. She deplored her own fate…General Hux was slightly surprised by her words when she whispered that he could have had a princess. The general then smiled and chuckled a little bit at her comment.
"Well…I didn’t want a princess. I wanted you."
JR-6025's breath caught behind her mask at the general's unexpected words. But before she could respond, the grand entryway loomed, filled with First Order elite in opulent finery. She gripped Hux's hand tighter for strength, sensing his own pulse quicken beneath pristine gloves. Then, his tone came firm and clear:
"Hold your head high. You are here as my equal, and any who question that will answer to me. Now, let us make our entrance—and start them wondering, shall we ?"
At her nod, they swept within together, the epitome of military poise and discipline. Yet beneath the surface, unfamiliar passions stirred, threatening long-held strictures. Would this forbidden dance end in the shattering of lives, or something more ? Announced, they began mingling amid lavish festivities. JR-6025 kept finely tuned to each subtle cue from Hux, charming dignitaries with poised discussion of policy. Her wit and intelligence impressed all—all save one, a visiting Lord who eyed her mask with disdain.
"A trooper, General ? I expected a worthier guest for our great general…." The man smirked.
General Hux's steely gaze cut to the haughty lord, smiling politely yet with an edge like a vibroblade. "Only results and loyalty impress me, Lord Javis. I find both attributes in my companion in quantities vastly exceeding your own."
Taking JR-6025's gauntleted hand securely in his, Hux lifted it to graze a subtle kiss upon her knuckles, never breaking the petulant lordling's stare. "While you quibble over trivialities, my associate excels at objectives that truly matter. So I suggest directing your contempt towards more productive ends."
As Javis sputtered—so did JR-6025. She hadn’t expected such a gesture from general Hux who then proceeded to ignore her eyes wide open in surprise. He turned smoothly to introduce JR-6025 to another esteemed officer. "Colonel Versio, allow me to present Trooper JR-6025—recently promoted to my personal attaché. Her strategic mind and courage in the field have proven time and again why she deserves the recognition."
Gleaming proudly beneath her mask, JR-6025 addressed Versio respectfully yet without reserve as to the extent of her admiration towards Colonel Versio’s recent wins on the battlefield. All the while, at her side Hux watched with an appreciative smile, pleased his plus one shone where superficial courtiers like Javis forever stumbled. Her radiance tonight far outshone any gem in the glittering hall—it was a light he found himself craving, like the true North star in this realm of false lights and misguiding beacons.
After that, JR-6025 seemed to play her part as the good company of general Hux. Her conversation was correct and quite interesting, but she then let general Hux do most of the talking as she decided to obey him and just stand by his side as he spoke. She looked around and saw people talking and dancing and eating…There were so many people, so many members and allies of the First Order…General Hux continued to walk with JR-6025 as they saw the many guests gathered within the room. General Hux noticed that JR-6025 was still holding onto his arm and he proceeded to gently pull her closer to him as as they kept walking from guest to guest. General Hux made sure to introduce her to many of the guests. JR-6025 smiled at them, but didn’t talk out of turn or without being absolutely sure that her words wouldn’t be considered offensive.
The evening proceeded smoothly, with JR-6025 charming all in attendance with her subtle wit and insightful discussion. Ever at Hux's side, she observed each interaction keenly, learning the intricate dance of power politics.
"You handle yourself admirably, as expected," Hux whispered to her with a small smile. She smiled back and didn’t say anything…not until she overheard people talking nearby and her blood froze in her veins.
"General Hux…How dare he show his face after such disgrace ?"
"The Starkiller base’s destruction. Such tragedy."
"Doesn’t he have any shame ?"
"To think he lost the Starkiller base..."
"No wonder. He is but a bastard. The rejected son of Commandant Brendol Hux and some kitchen woman…"
General Hux stayed silent as he attempted to avoid listening to them. He was tired and didn’t need to say anything. He knew many would be spitting on his name tonight…JR-6025 suddenly stopped walking however and all muttering and dark whispering stopped to look at her. She then detached herself from the General’s arm and looked around fearlessly at all who had dared insult the General. A bunch of snakes with venomous poison dripping from their gapping jaws…
"How DARE you ?! General Hux was at the origin of the Starkiller base ! He single-handedly annihilated the New Republic by destroying Hosnian Prime ! He is the closest general to have ever completely wiped out the Rebellion ! He promoted the development of new technology that allowed the First Order fleet to track targets through hyperspace ! So, if you dare question his competence as a First Order member ? Then, I invite you all to question your own judgment and investment to the new order !" She declared loudly and all the faces turned towards her in shock and she scrutinised each of them with a glare.
General Hux listened to JR-6025 and bit back a smile as no one dared to object. He knew he ought to stop letting her make a fool of herself—but he was too stunned and happy to care. He was enjoying thoroughly the way the other members all fell silent in front of the girl—the only one who he had ever heard stood up for him. Supreme Leader Snoke had always favoured Kylo and he had never felt good enough…but she had changed his perspective just by speaking her truth.
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General Hux couldn’t help but be stunned by her declaration. His eyes were wide and he couldn’t stop smiling at how proud he felt towards her. General Hux watched as everyone fell silent and was actually shocked at this small stormtrooper standing up for him and making them all look foolish. General Hux was completely taken aback by this but at the same time he was incredibly proud of Jr-6025 for standing up for him like this. General Hux could clearly feel this attachment to her growing.
JR-6025 turned to face Hux once more, chin held high in defiance of all whispered slights. For a long moment their eyes held, an unspoken understanding passing between them amid the throng of onlookers frozen in shocked silence.
At last, Hux spoke, voice ringing cold and clear. "You have all witnessed trooper JR-6025's...fervent defense of my character and achievements. I expect any further disparaging remarks to be weighed...carefully, lest one find themselves sharing her candor."
A hush fell as his meaning chilled the sweltering air. Satisfied, Hux nodded dismissal, offering JR-6025 his arm once more. As they turned to circulate, he continued in lower tones:
"I thought I had made myself clear on your role that was to remain discreet and let me do the talking ?"
"I apologise, sir." She seemed genuinely ashamed as she lowered her head and General Hux chuckled.
"Hmm…No need." He replied before pulling her closer to whisper in her ear. "I’d take hearing you singing my praises over hearing one more platitude from any of them any day. I would however hate to see your own light dimmed by their venomous words…"
She met his gaze steadily. "There are greater risks than idle gossip, sir. And no star shines alone…Together, our light may eclipse all others."
A half-smile quirked his severe lips, approval and something more kindling unseen in pale eyes. "Ever the idealist, I see. We shall see if optimism serves where cynicism and strategy have...limitations. For now, circulate—but remain vigilant. Where vultures gather, carrion may not be far..."
Hux then swept onwards to mingle, leaving JR-6025 to contemplate deeper mysteries than any festive frivolity held.
She then proceeded to look around and let her ears catch onto any piece of information regarding the missing scavenger girl. If she was to hear of any clues concerning her whereabouts, they she could maybe use it to gain general Hux’s trust further without having to condemn Rey or Finn ? She hoped so anyway…JR-6025 circulated discreetly through the lavish festivities, discreetly gathering whispers and fragments amid gilded revelries. More and more, her sharp mind perceived subtleties in each dance of information, discerning truths obscures by artifice and agenda.
A scrap here, an inference there—slowly, clues accumulated. Through it all, her keen eyes followed General Hux across the glittering scene, observing with newfound understanding how he wielded calculation and charisma to subtle yet inexorable effect. Power, she learned, held many faces—and where best concealed, its grasp proved deepest.
At last, mingling brought reward. A passing dignitary, lubricated by libations, let slip cryptic word of Resistance missions targeting the Atzerri system. Piecing scraps within her processor's vault, hope kindled—if confirmed, this may aid the Finalizer's hunt while bolstering her standing with General Hux.
Sequestering her newfound knowledge, JR-6025 emerged renewed into the festive swells, circulating with poise and patience. Calculating eyes sought out General Hux, discreetly catching his notice amid social maneuvers. A subtle inclination of her mask conveyed her readiness, and promise, to impart discovery that may shift the tides of their looming conflict. For now, intimations would suffice—for the dance had only begun.
She was about to go to him when she saw him being surrounded by women. One in particular took General Hux’s hand and they started dancing together. JR-6025 was stunned by how flawless and graceful he seemed.
She didn’t even know that general Hux could dance…
JR-6025 observed the scene impassively from behind her mask, betraying no reaction. Over a lifetime's programming, she had learned much about controlling outward expressions that might endanger duty or mission objectives.
Yet within, unfamiliar stirrings arose as she watched the General glide effortlessly across the gleaming floor, every movement a precision calculation in itself. No movement was without purpose, just as each word he spoke held layers of meaning for perceptive ears. Nearing the dance floor's edge as the song swelled, she awaited her moment. When at last the pair spun gracefully past, she inclined her head slightly to catch the General's eyes.
A subtle gesture, yet one carrying her usual message—an opportunity had emerged, if he was ready to seize it. Duty before pleasure, as always. His own head bent almost imperceptibly in response—the barest signal her information was received, and invitation understood.
Soon. For now, the games of politics and pleasure continued apace. But whenever the music ended, JR-6025 would be waiting to share what secrets she had gleaned this evening. There, duty would resume its rightful place once more. She spotted him while dancing with the other woman and inclined her head discreetly to catch his eyes. He seemed to have noticed and given a subtle response. She smiled beneath her mask and waited respectfully for him to be done.
Soon enough, the song ended and everyone politely clapped. General Hux bowed to the woman who curtsied back and headed towards her companions. General Hux then briskly walked towards JR-6025’s direction looking determined.
She stood up straight as he approached.
"Sir. I believe I have obtained valuable intelligence during the evening."
General Hux walked directly towards JR-6025 with purpose, leaving his dance partner behind. Reaching her position discreetly along the perimeter, his eyes gleamed with keen interest behind customary stoicism.
"You have proven yourself a quick study in more than just battle, it seems," he murmured, the barest note of approval in his aloof tone. "Proceed."
JR-6025 proceeded to relay to him in hushed yet concise tones all that her diligent ears had heard—fragments overheard, locations matched to past intel, possibilities extrapolated. Her delivery remained dutifully calm and factual, yet an undercurrent of excitement threaded her words. This was why she had come, after all—to prove value beyond dance floors or decorum. To advance their cause through vigilance and ingenuity.
Her report delivered efficiently. Now she awaited her next task, ready to mobilize on his command.
He finally nodded.
"Alright, trooper. Well done. Continue your search and find as much information you can on the whereabouts of the scavenger girl and FN-2187. I shall gather intelligence of my own in the mean time."
JR-6025 snapped a crisp salute. "Yes sir, right away."
Her circumspect scanning of the festivities had already begun identifying useful contacts for further interrogation. A senior port authority with knowledge of lesser-charted routes, perhaps, or a mining consortium leader prone to loose lips after drinks.
Turning to depart on her new directive, some instinct made her pause and glance back. So many people dancing together. So many with graceful movements and delicate limbs perfectly matched or in sync with each other…Her eyes then landed on General Hux—watching over the crowd with sharp and attentive eyes.
Would he indulge her the fancy of a dance ? She wondered before shaking her head.
Ridiculous, of course. Sentiment had no place in their climbing ascension. Still, as when storm clouds shift unseen on the horizon, something intangible stirred within her. Shaking off such frivolities, JR-6025 melted back into the glittering horde. Her mission was clear: gather all intelligence that may shift the tide of war. Onward she glided through the crowds and rooms alike, an invisible ghost gathering secrets in service of a so-called far greater purpose. For the dawn of Order Absolute…until she had the unfortunate fate of brushing past a man whose hand quickly reached out for her arm.
JR-6025 stiffened as the man's meaty fingers closed around her slender wrist in an unyielding grip. "Unhand me at once," she demanded coldly, meeting his bulbous eyes with a venomous glare beneath her mask.
"Feisty, aren't you ?" he chuckled, bowing closer to leer amid cloying puffs of spice-laden breath. "Come now, a dance won't hurt, pretty."
JR-6025's blood ran cold as the man's grip tightened painfully. But before retaliation could come, a booming voice cut through the fray.
"Unhand her. Now."
The intruder flinched visibly at the ominous modified tones. Slowly, he turned to face the towering masked figure that was Kylo Ren, flanked by shadowy knights.
"L-Lord Ren, I meant no disrespect," the fool stammered, releasing JR-6025's wrist as if burnt. "A dance, nothing more, I swear—"
Ren's mechanical rasp cut him short. "Your sworn word is worthless, worm. Consider yourself fortunate I do not end you where you stand." A twitch of fingers, and the man gasped, clawing at his throat as invisible bonds constricted.
"Leave. And pray we do not cross paths again." As the blue-faced offender fled, Ren turned to JR-6025, looming over her diminished form. Behind his mask, keen eyes scanned for injury past rigid composure.
"You were wise to decline such degraded company, trooper," he growled. "But in future, do not hesitate to end scum yourself, if left no other option. Now go—I am sure your esteemed general awaits your return."
Before he could go, JR-6025 suddenly had the foolish and absurd urge to ask:
"Sir…I hate to ask but, do you know how to dance ?"
Ren froze mid-step at her unexpected question, coils of cape swirling about his armored form. Slowly, he turned to face her, unseen brows knitting beneath angular mask.
"You question my knowledge, trooper ?" The vocoder imbued even casual speech with menace, yet she sensed no active threat in his posture. Merely...curiosity.
Steeling herself, JR-6025 met his masked gaze evenly. "Dancing requires skill beyond combat, sir. As one familiar with passion's many forms, I surmised you might possess such...nuanced understanding."
For a long moment he regarded her in silence, weighing indignation and grudging respect in turn. At last, his wide shoulders dropped subtly from their battle-ready line.
"You presume much, yet not without reason, it seems." Gloved hands lifted in placating gesture. "I was trained in diplomacy's subtler arts as well, in a past I no longer claim. The steps remain, though the heart which moved them is...altered, let us say."
He extended a hand, mechanical voice softening marginally. "I take it you wished a lesson, then, trooper ? To deal more capably with such...importunities as you faced, should they arise again ?"
JR-6025 eyed the proffered hand, considering. Then, steeling herself once more, she placed her slender fingers within his leather-clad grasp.
"I am yours to instruct, Master Ren."
And so, in a secluded alcove far from prying eyes, their strange duet began.
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Ren wrapped an armored hand gently around her waist, guiding her palm to rest upon his other gloved one, holding it aloft. "Relax. I will lead—follow my steps, and let the rhythm guide you."
At first JR-6025 was stiff, limbs feeling mechanical as her polished boot pressed back against his in the opening movement. But as the dance began in slow circles, his sure grip and the music's sway helped loosen her paralysis.
"Good. Breathe, and feel how I shift my weight to turn. Anticipate, do not react." His vocoder rumbled low encouragement as she began to glide with more practiced grace. Soon their measured paces flowed as one, JR-6025 losing herself in the dance. Her silver mask tilted up to meet his obscured one, sensing an intimacy beneath plates of transparisteel and durasteel which words could not adequately name.
"You learn quickly, for one untutored in the ways of society." Ren's growl belied an approving note. "Let passion inform your form, yet do not be ruled by it. Control stems from within; power means little without mastery of the self."
His lessons in dance held deeper metaphysical lessons, JR-6025 comprehended. As the music swelled towards climax, so too did a recognition pass between them—of kindred spirits seeking answers beyond what others deemed acceptable. The last notes faded, and they slowed in each other's arms, breathing hard. As the music faded, JR-6025 became acutely aware of how closely she was still held in Ren's grasp. Stepping back, she bowed her head respectfully.
"You are a master indeed, Lord Ren. I am... grateful, for this knowledge you have shared."
His vocoder buzzed cryptically. "Think nothing of it, trooper. Your...inquisitiveness, intrigues me." One leathered finger tilted her chin up to meet his obscured gaze once more. "There is darkness in you, barely tapped. With proper... cultivation, who knows what wonders might bloom."
She shuddered beneath his caress, sensing invitation—and peril—in his enigmatic words. This was not the comfort of familiar duty, but a plunge into unfathomable deeps.
"I live to serve the First Order," was all she said finally, as noncommittally as possible.
Ren straightened to his full, menacing height once more. "For now. But forces stir beyond mere politics and warfare, trooper. Keep your senses attuned. The night holds many mysteries...as do I."
"What mysteries do you conceal I wonder ?" She couldn’t help but smile cheekily and Ren's hulking form loomed over the diminutive trooper, aura darkening at her audacity. Yet within his vocoder, a hint of sardonic amusement thrummed.
"Mysteries enough to chill lesser souls to the core, trooper. Dark powers dwell within this galaxy's shadow places from which even I am not immune." His fingers twitched, as if longing to call those powers forth and demonstrate their potency. But restraint held reign, for now.
"As for what mysteries I conceal…" Heavy boots carried him into a slow prowl around her stationary form, obscuring mask gazing down intently. "Let us just say the darkness I command holds insight into energies long banned by the so-called Light. Powers that could transform one such as yourself from pawn to player upon the grand chessboard…"
Gloved hands emerged from beneath swathing robes to hover a hairsbreadth from her slight shoulders. Her every muscle tensed yet held fast, awaiting his next move with wary curiosity.
"Reveal to me, trooper—do you hunger for true strength, beyond what your master deign allow ? To wield abilities none other can claim, and walk free of restraint ?"
His vocoder now whispered sibilant promise dire and sweet.
"Me ? And what sort of darkness do you see in me, Lord Rem ?
Ren's helmet tilted, analyzing her challenge. His leathered grip tightened minutely upon her arm.
"Do not pretend ignorance, JR-6025. I see the rage that simmers beneath your rigid self-control...the hunger for more than this pale imitation of life they have crafted for you. You ache to break free of petty rules and find your true potential."
His vocoder lowered to a rumbling whisper. "I can teach you to embrace that darkness, not fear it. With me, you would command far more than mere trooper legions. Worlds would bend to our power. Does that not stir your blood, little soldier ?"
His free hand drifted to her masked cheek in a mockery of caress. "Let go your restraints, your manufactured purpose, and feel what it is to be truly free. Power. Passion. Purpose of your own devising, without limit. I can make you a god among these insects. All that I ask..."
His mask drew close, until she could feel its chill against her own. "Is that you pledge yourself to me. Body and soul, to do with as I will. Say you will be mine, JR-6025. And I will teach you things none in this galaxy comprehend."
Behind her mask, JR-6025's breath came short and fast.
"It is…a very tempting offer. But, I am afraid my loyalty is to the First Order. And General Hux." She smiled apologetically. "Besides, do not waste your time with a stormtrooper, Lord Kylo Ren. There is truly nothing special about me. I have absolutely no connection to the Force or the mysteries of the Universe."
Ren's masked helmet drew back sharply, as if struck. For a long moment he said nothing, armor creaking as gloved fists clenched and unclenched in palpable frustration.
Then his vocoder crackled coldly. "Do not presume to judge your worth, trooper. The Force flows through all living things—its currents merely lay dormant in the uninitiated. I sense your potential far exceeds such meager titles or duties."
One leathered finger jabbed accusingly against her mask. "You fear to seize your destiny, clinging instead to the meaningless scraps he deems your purpose. But you and I both know the true hunger that gnaws within—for revelation, supremacy, purpose beyond anything these political puppets could understand…"
His hand fell upon her shoulder in a crushing grip, mask drawing close once more. "Deny your nature at your peril, JR-6025. I offer the galaxy itself—surely a fleeting infatuation or hollow sense of duty cannot compare ? Come. Let me ignite the fires within you, and you will see how paltry such loyalties seem beside true power."
The magnetism of his words was almost impossible to resist, darkness a tantalizing siren call. At the same time, her duty held irresistible obligation...Conflict raged within, as Kylo Ren's grip seemed to physically manifest invisible bonds now straining. What path would she choose, when duty and destiny collided so ? In that agonizing moment of suspended choice, Ren knew he had found a kindred spirit indeed. One who understood viscerally the war between light and shadow within. Now was the time to press his advantage, bend her will to the service of a power greater than any mere ideology...
Suddenly, she felt a presence beside her and looked back to see none other than General Hux. He gave Kylo Ren a tight-lipped smile before putting a hand on JR-6025’s shoulder.
"May I have my plus one back, Ren ?"
Ren's cold gaze turned to regard the newcomer, rage smoldering behind circuits at the interruption. But Hux met his shrouded gaze fearlessly, hand squeezed almost imperceptibly upon JR-6025's shoulder in a gesture of both claim and comfort. For a long moment the Dark warrior and General faced off in tense standoff, wills locked in battle as potent as any physical clash. Ren sensed his prize slipping away, the void within crying out for completion of his gift to awaken her true power.
But Hux had seized upon the most effective tool to counter the knight's sorcery—simple, immutable duty. His presence anchored JR-6025's conflicted spirit once more in obligations Ren could not so easily sever with mere words alone.
At last Ren's vocoder crackled contemptuously. "For now, General. But this is not over. The spark has been lit, and I shall fan its flames until they consume all else. She belongs to powers you cannot begin to grasp."
With that veiled portent he swept away. Leaving Hux and JR-6025 locked in a silence far heavier than before Ren's intercession, duty and destiny's war made viscerally manifest in their very souls. JR-6025 shuddered as Kylo Ren's ominous words echoed in her mind. His vision of infinite power had almost tempted her to renounce all else. But now, anchored once more in duty by the General's steadying grip, clarity slowly returned.
Her place was here, serving the Order to which she had pledged her life. More than that—Hux had shown her kindness, respect, seen her potential when others saw only a number. To abandon that, for the shadowy allure of the dark side, went against her core. Yet Ren's words retained an insidious ring; his insights into her true nature unnerved in their accuracy.
Hux offered JR-6025 his arm calmly, ever the paragon of rigid self-control. But when she took it, fingers wrapped his armored wrist instead, as if to reassure herself of anchor amid the tempest loosed this fateful night.
JR-6025 smiled behind her mask as she took Hux's leather-clad hand in her own. "Would you do me the honor of dancing with me, general Hux ?"
His answering smirk held a familiar note of cunning amid cool detachment, a spark stirring in icy eyes as he drew her close. "Very well, trooper. But, I must warn you. I have little patience for fumbled footsteps upon such important occasions as these."
She met his challenging gaze steadily. "You'll find I am a quick study, sir, and hope not to disappoint." As the music began in drifting swells, JR-6025 allowed herself to follow Hux's graceful lead with growing confidence.
Each turn and step flowed smoothly as they glided across the gleaming floor, the perfect picture of coordination and command. But beneath the dutiful rhythm, JR-6025 sensed lingering turbulence from Ren's provocative encounter.
Leaning closer to Hux's angular jaw, she murmured where only he could hear, "My place remains at your side, General, as it has always been. Your guidance alone do I heed."
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His pale eyes flickered down to meet her obscured gaze, a flicker of something—approval ? possessiveness ?—kindling in their icy depths. "See that it remains so, trooper. Your...talents, would be wasted following that wayward fool into darkness."
As the dance carried them on, JR-6025 sensed an unspoken belonging reinforced in Hux's firm yet respectful grip. Whatever mysteries the night held, for now duty and a will stronger than shadow's siren call would be her anchors in the light. As the music swelled towards its crescendo, JR-6025 became keenly aware of how closely she and Hux now moved in their waltz, bodies melding with practiced synchronicity.
His sure grip radiated palpable strength, daring her to match his poise and precision through the dance's most intricate maneuvers. Sweat sheened their brows, yet never for an instant did composure or control falter. At last the final notes rang out across the gleaming hall in a vibrating echo, leaving them breathless yet standing proud as the sole occupants of a bubble apart from polite applause. Chest to chest they paused, regarding one another in that surreal interlude suspended from reality's constraints.
"You acquitted yourself admirably, as I knew you would. Let no mongrel words divide what is mine, is that understood…trooper ?" His soft rasp held veiled threat that sent a shiver down her spine, even as a flush of fierce belonging replaced conflict within her heart.
JR-6025 nodded, lips curving behind her mask in a subtle smile. "Crystal clear, general. I belong at your side—now and always."
The General's sculpted lips curled at her affirmation, a glint of primitive satisfaction lighting icy eyes. "As well you should remember, my resourceful trooper."
His arms withdrew reluctantly as their private moment ended, duty calling them back into the glittering throng. But some subtle shift had occurred, resonance of a deeper bond beyond mere ranks and titles stirring in their united souls. Ren's seductive shadow-call now seemed distant, obscuring memories of who and what she was: a tool of Order, forged in rigid discipline yet nurturing sparks of more within. Loyalty and finding belonging mattered most. With Hux's discerning eye to hone her talents, who knew the heights attainable ? For now honing skills and learning all she could from him fulfilled deepest drives for meaning and mastery.
Thus resolved, JR-6025 proceeded the rest of the evening as Hux's shadow; observing, listening, learning from each subtly waged interaction the finer points of dominating through guile and demonstrating one's mettle. Subtly too she noted who among the Order's elite seemed most valued—or viewed with disdain and distrust. Information was power, after all, in this nest of aspiring avians and lurking serpents.
"I will continue my mission—if you’d allow me ?" She asked general Hux who smiled and nodded.
She nodded before going near the buffet and General Hux stayed behind, his eyes lingering on her. He smiled and then, a voice made itself heard next to him.
"So…It seems you also brought a stormtrooper as your plus one, General Hux ?" He heard a familiar voice say behind him and didn’t have to turn around to know who it was. The voice continued.
"Captain Phasma." He acknowledged.
"General Hux." She acknowledged back and smiled. "Rather impressive. She succeeded in making all of those who hate you hate you a little less…"
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General Hux quickly turned towards Phasma with a subtle grin on his face. He was enjoying the fact that his plus one had managed to impress everyone in the room as well. General Hux was hoping that she would be able to keep up the same energy throughout the party. General Hux was feeling more and more attached to JR-6025 at what he perceived as being a successful appearance.
General Hux gave Phasma a subtle smile in response and spoke.
"Indeed she has. She has managed to impress all of us, not just me. It seems like I made the right choice when I decided to bring her with me tonight."
Captain Phasma nodded and smiled back.
"…I know this stormtrooper. She fought with me on Takodana rather valiantly. And yet, I heard that you had made sure she doesn’t get a promotion. Too bad. She seemed to have all the qualities required to become a great sergeant…unless you have ulterior motives—of course." Captain Phasma glanced at him knowingly.
General Hux’s smile faded when Phasma brought up the notion that he had ulterior motives towards JR-6025. She seemed to be perceptive enough to figure out there was something else going on and she even pointed out that he was keeping any potential promotion away from JR-6025. General Hux was still feeling a little bit proud because of her recognised bravery, but this comment by Phasma had caught his attention and he wanted to make sure he wasn’t going to let her find anything out.
General Hux remained silent for a few moments and was thinking of the best way to respond without giving too much away. General Hux had to deny what she was saying because she was beginning to get a little too close to the truth. General Hux didn’t like the idea that his plans may be discovered or that he was being so transparent. General Hux was beginning to realize that Phasma was quite observant and he had to come up with a response that would not make it seem like he had something to hide.
General Hux gave out a fake laugh as he spoke.
"You have quite an imagination, Captain Phasma. How ridiculous for you to assume just because she was so brave and intelligent on the field that I must have some ulterior motive in not promoting her. I am simply making sure that she remains focused on her duties within the First Order. She is just a simple stormtrooper and I know it would be too much to throw promotion too early. It’s always too easy to be seduced by power and I would not want that to happen to her."
"Right." Captain Phasma had a small amused smile playing on her lips. "So thoughtful of you, general."
General Hux tried to let out a little chuckle. He knew that Phasma could see through this charade, but he was too proud to admit anything. He was feeling a little irritated because it felt like she saw right through him. General Hux was starting to wonder if he may be too transparent and too vulnerable with Phasma here. General Hux was trying to keep his cool when he spoke back to her.
General Hux continued with his charade as he replied back.
"Exactly. My focus is making sure that she remains level headed and focused on her duties."
"Oh yes. I am quite sure your intentions are in perfect alignment with the ones of the First Order. But, are you sure that the reason you are refusing JR-6025 a promotion isn’t because of…more personal reasons ?" Captain Phasma kept a knowing smile on her face as she looked at him once more.
General Hux couldn’t help but chuckle at her statement. She was getting way too close to the truth.
"How ridiculous of you to assume there is anything personal between JR-6025 and I. I simply am choosing to not promote her at this time because I believe she is still too inexperienced. You would want your soldiers to be level-headed and aware no ?"
"Of course, sir." She grinned as she brought a glass of champagne to her lips. "How ridiculous indeed…"
General Hux remained calm to not betray any emotion on his face. He was still trying to play it off as if he was being nothing but truthful. Captain Phasma was really beginning to make him feel nervous. General Hux tried not to let her affect him. But she was getting way too close to the truth. General Hux had to think of a good counter for what she was saying to keep the charade going. General Hux spoke back.
"Perhaps you feel you know better than I who should deserve a promotion in the First Order ?"
That seemed to make Phasma reconsider her direct approach.
"I would never assume to be any better than you are at your job, sir. I have the utmost respect for you. But…" Her smile faltered for a second "…does JR-6025 know ?"
General Hux’s anxiety seemed to increase as the conversation was going on. She was coming dangerously close to discovering his true intentions regarding JR-6025. General Hux tried to keep his calm and spoke in a low tone.
"What do you mean ? Know what ?"
Phasma suddenly lost her smile as she looked down at Hux—reminding him suddenly of their height difference.
"Does JR-6025 know that she is no longer First Order property—but yours exclusively ?"
General Hux suddenly froze. His breathing was fastened from the shock of her question and his heart was beating fast from this situation. General Hux looked deeply into Phasma’s eyes. Phasma was quite perceptive which is what made her so deadly. General Hux had to watch what he said at this point.
"Do not bring up any absurd conclusions like that. JR-6025 is not my personal property. That would be absurd."
"Is that so ?" She narrowed her eyes at him. "Forgive me. I must have been misinformed then."
General Hux tried to play it off with a subtle grin as he responded.
"We all make mistakes. I assure you that this is indeed one of those times where you are just misinterpreting the situation. JR-6025 is by no means my personal property. She is just a simple stormtrooper that I have chosen to bring with me tonight. There is nothing to read into this situation beyond that."
"Of course…" Captain Phasma chuckled. "Then if anyone would take her away from you, it wouldn’t bother you one bit, would it ?"
General Hux’s heart started to beat even faster in his chest as she asked that question. He was very afraid that she had actually read between the lines. General Hux had to be very careful with how he responded. General Hux would not let anyone take Jr-6025 away from him. But he was also trying not to be too obvious about it.
"Why don’t we stop assuming things, Captain Phasma. There is nothing personal between myself and Jr-6025—" General Hux could not even finish that sentence.
"Come on, general. Your eyes haven’t left her since the moment you both walked in. You barely give me a glance every morning, and I may be the closest to an ally you have within the First Order." She smirked.
General Hux was not expecting that she would make this observation. Was General Hux really becoming too attached ? Why was this bothering him so much ? He felt completely off and he was starting to lose his cool.
"How ridiculous. I cannot look away for a moment without you making assumptions."
Captain Phasma chuckled.
"I am merely stating facts. Your eyes haven’t left her. Not for one second. Well, until I arrived anyway." Again General Hux felt all of his anxiety build as he realized how transparent he was becoming. He was aware of the fact that he had been staring at Jr-6025 all night long, not wanting to miss a single second of her. He also felt a wave of anger and annoyance build as she kept pointing out things that he did not want her to point out. General Hux decided he needed to turn this around somehow. General Hux was silent for a bit, deciding what to say next. It was clear that Phasma was getting under his skin and he wanted to try and turn this whole thing around. General Hux wanted to gain the upper hand again. He looked straight at her and tried to speak in a very composed way.
"My eyes haven’t left her because I was simply observing her behavior here. I need to make sure that she behaves herself and doesn’t do anything embarrassing here tonight. That is all."
"Ah. Of course." Phasma hummed—unconvinced. She then gave the room a quick glance and realised that…you were nowhere on sight. "Then, I am sorry to inform you that your plan has failed and your little stormtrooper is nowhere in sight."
General Hux felt a sudden urge to panic. He was now aware of the fact that JR-6025 had disappeared and he had no idea where. He was unsure of how long she had been gone and General Hux looked around quickly to try and find her but all he saw was Phasma with a smug smile on her face. General Hux felt that she had set him up and he quickly spoke to her.
"Where is she ? Where is JR-6025 ?"
Captain Phasma shrugged.
"She left towards the gardens. A few minutes ago."
General Hux felt his pulse spike at Phasma's words. After their charged dance, he hadn't meant to lose sight of JR-6025, yet here he was—played for a fool in front of his own subordinate. Quelling a scowl, Hux squared his shoulders coolly. "Thank you, Captain. I should attend to my..." He caught himself just in time, aware of Phasma's mocking stare. "...to ensuring proper protocol is maintained. Enjoy the festivities."
He exited briskly, abandoning Phasma's insolent smirk for the solace of the crystalline gardens. Their scintillating blooms soon led him to a shadowed alcove, and a figure swathed in moonlit silver.
JR-6025 stood pensively among fragrant clusters, seemingly lost to thought. At the crunch of his boots on gravel, her helmeted head turned swiftly. "General ! I did not mean to abscond, I only wished a breath of air after—"
Hux raised a gloved hand, forestalling excuses. "Think nothing of it, trooper. I merely wished to..." He trailed off, momentarily at a loss beneath her visored gaze. Stepping closer, he resumed softly, "To ensure you found this place...as relaxing a respite as I." His fingers traced the petals of a glittering hyperflora, eyes following their delicate contours. "Phasma's taunts know no bounds, it seems. But here, we need not face such insolence."
She chuckled.
"Captain Phasma is an excellent captain. She has saved me and my comrades many times…"
A wry smile curled Hux's thin lips at JR-6025's response. "That she is, though it seems her skill at command extends also to...needling vulnerabilities, where she senses them."
His pale eyes gleamed with cool purpose once more as gloved thumbs massaged her plated palms affectionately. "Make no mistake, I respect Phasma's prowess immensely. But here, now, there is a...higher authority whose favor I seek."
JR-6025 tilted her masked face inquisitively towards the General as he caressed her plating in a clandestine gesture most unlike protocol. Yet his intentions sparked no alarm within her, only intrigue towards nuances beyond codes she'd been crafted to comprehend until now.
"Phasma sees much, as befits a commanding officer," she ventured softly. "But perhaps some things evade even her keen sight." Lithe fingers wound gently through his in reciprocation, testing boundaries both craved yet feared in equal measure.
"Your vision, sir, encompasses far more than mere strategy. Each lesson you share expands the possibilities of what I might achieve." Eyes flared with earnest longing to justify his faith where others saw but a disposable toy soldier. "My purpose remains to serve—yet also to evolve under your discerning tutelage into something…"
She trailed off, sensing dangerous currents in words left unsaid. Around them blooms swayed languid as perfumed sighs upon the whispering breeze, dappling moonlight across their clandestine congress. Out there conspiracy brewed, but in this bowered cocoon another power held fuller sway.
His hands prowled the intimate mysteries of her form with sensual care. "Let go rigidity's chill grasp, feel the imperative fire your potential hints at—and become the revelation I foresee." Lips grazed the chill of her mask where a flush of understanding might bloom. "Dare to evolve, JR-6025. Become mine. "
JR-6025's breath came short, mind racing at the implications behind General Hux's provocative offer. To renounce protocol's rigid grasp and embrace a higher, more intimate purpose under his singular tutelage—the prospect both terrified and exhilarated in its audacity.
Meeting his piercing stare steadily, she attempted rationale. "Sir, while your faith in my abilities humbles, a trooper's function remains utilitarian. We are but tools to further Order's mission as deemed fitting."
Yet his roaming hands tracing her waist with gentle feather-light touches awakened sensations beyond what she knew, stirring turbulence in her formerly disciplined heart. When had duty's lines blurred so, between this man's charismatic orbit ? Hux smiled, a reptilian gleam of ambition in icy eyes. "Do not think to instruct me on what is fit, my resourceful trooper. I alone determine Order's designs, as I do yours." Gloved fingers lingered beneath her chin commandingly.
"Deny if you must. But, I see potential begging to be found…" His intensity ignited answers to questions she'd not known to ask. In the gardens—away from prying eyes—she felt…more.
Softly, borrowing his courage, she replied. "Then guide me, General, to walk new paths of understanding. I would…evolve, under your hand."
In Hux, Order. In Order, destiny. And in destiny…Two sapphires burning bright…The eyes of general Hux filled with ambition and unfulfilled purpose. General Hux regarded his loyal protege, unspoken understanding flaring between them. Few dared match his will and vision with such acuity, let alone offer soul's depths to shape as clay.
"Well spoken, soldier," Hux murmured approval. "Your dedication to Order's ascension heartens."
For a lingering moment they remained, breaths mingling intimately behind twin barriers. Both wearing masks. Yet duty remained. With evident reluctance, Hux withdrew. "Come, JR-6025. I believe we have much to do…"
JR-6025 slipped from the blossom-berved bower's lush confines to fall in step beside General Hux as they began the return to gleaming corridors where duty waited.
Yet for moments lingering, some hidden tendril of sentiment curled warm in her core recalling how his eyes had glimmered upon her, seeing promise of greater things to be. Though duty called them each to solemn purpose, in that private grove another truth had flowered, bright as the glitterflora.
"General." She kept her tone level, professional despite fleeting fancies. "My purpose remains to the Order. Its perpetuation and betterment are the sole objects worthy aim. If through your direction I may evolve to more fully realizing such goals, no reservation shall I harbor."
A respectful distance separated them as befit rankings, yet she risked a glance aside.
"Your vision gives shape to our collective destiny, General. Where it leads I shall follow, without hesitation or doubt." Gloved hands folded at the small of her back, she straightened proudly. "My skills are at your full disposal. Command me as best furthers our righteous cause."
General Hux hummed before asking JR-6025:
"Indeed, trooper. Now, tell me…What intelligence did you manage to gather ?"
JR-6025 nodded shortly.
"Very well, sir. I believe the enemy is hiding in the Atzerri system. I have done my research and we recently received a message from one of our spies there who claimed to have some potential leads, General. Names and last known locations of suspected Resistance collaborators to interrogate."
A satisfied smile crept onto Hux's pale features.
"Excellent. We shall meet with our operative and have them give us the full intelligence package. It's time I took a more...personal role in the search."
He looked to JR-6025 expectedly. "And you, Trooper, will accompany me on this mission. I have a feeling your unique skills will prove most useful as we extract whatever secrets may lead us to our enemies."
She nodded.
"Yes, sir. I’ll do my best to help you and the First Order."
A traces of a smirk played at Hux's pale lips. "Well spoken, as always. Your loyalty will not go unrewarded, trooper. Now, prepare yourself—we leave for the Atzerri system tonight. Just after the end of the gathering."
JR-6025 nodded and took her leave, hoping her methods would continue guiding them both toward restoring peace through understanding, not just vengeance. Time would tell what secrets awaited them in the stars ahead.
But part of her wondered what secrets this far-flung system might yet unveil. And what path her partnership with the enigmatic General Hux would forge. His methods were severe, yet she sensed in him a deeper wisdom that could guide them to lasting victory without needless bloodshed.
Her thoughts wandered to the cryptic words of Kylo Ren, warning of Hux's supposed deceit. She couldn't make sense of his intent—was it a power play to undermine command, or did lingering gratitude for her saving his life prompt genuine concern ?
Either way, she trusted her own intuition above the anarchic ramblings of an unstable force user. Hux had proved himself a strategist who valued duty and discipline above all. Together, their coordinated skills could piece together the map to Skywalker and crush the Rebellion at last. Her thoughts returned to FN-2187 and she sighed.
She hoped that he would be far away from Atzerri.
Zipping her bag closed in her room and leaving the fancy outfit on the bed, JR-6025 rose with purpose and headed for the shuttle bays. A new chapter in the war was unfolding. JR-6025 strode with fluid grace toward the gleaming hangar bay where General Hux's shuttle awaited. Though purpose sang keen through her enhanced veins, hidden currents eddied in recesses of her refined mind.
Ren's ominous words still lingered, shade amid the harsh glow of duty. She trusted Hux's vision, his strategic acumen and dedication to the Order's righteous cause. In him she sensed a guiding intellect that could steer them to victory through coordinated effort, not wanton brutality.
Yet doubt nagged at reasons behind Kylo's warning—was it truly spawned from instability alone ? Ren claimed to see deeper verities than most, though obscured by passion's tempestuous tides. And Hux himself remained an enigma, calculating eyes betraying depths beyond what met the gaze. As she marched past sleek TIE fighters toward the shuttle's lowered ramp, JR-6025 paused. Gaze drawn upward through viewports to endless night skies strewn with distant worlds, reflections stirred.
Out there amid the stars' chorus of mysteries lay answers to the war rending the galaxy. Sought both as prizes of conquest and balms for the conflicted soul. She would see this mission through with Hux, have faith in his objectives aligning with the greater peace she envisioned.
On the edges of perception, tantalizing futures flickered—lives rewoven across parsecs under compassion's weaving hand, bloody strife redeemed to purpose higher. All hung in the balance of each moment's choices. With steadied breath, she turned to face her fate, whatever secrets the shuttle's hold might birthetch aboard.
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sadiecoocoo · 26 days
I’ve started getting little snippets of canonical Star Wars horror on tiktok and god damn Star Wars horror is just *chef’s kiss*
Like what do you mean ghost ships will appear out of hyperspace with no sign of life but occasionally a final message along the lines of “we’re not alone???”
What do you mean the Ewoks ate a majority of the storm troopers that weren’t killed in the battle of Endor??? Out of over a thousand stormtroopers stationed on Endor, about 300 died in the Battle of Endor, how hungry were those fucking teddy bears???
What do you mean there were multiple kinds of zombie viruses? One with basic zombies and another that just turned a host into a monstrous creature part of a hive mind?? Project DarkWing and I’m not sure what the other is called. Project black wing had two books based around it, one was called Death Troopers and I highly recommend the read :)
What do you mean Grievous and Windu once fought in a duel and Windu had to retreat because Grievous started to adapt to using his fighting style, which only force sensitives could use, using the dark side of the force??? What do you mean he refused to go on any battlefields that Grievous may appear in because if Grievous learned his entire style of fighting he would become force sensitive???
What do you mean in legends Palpatine himself went to help Dooku and Grievous kill the witches of Dathomir because otherwise they would have failed???
I believe all of these are legends, though the Ewok one is probably canon to some extent (Battlefront 2). Also if you guys have any other interesting horror Star Wars fact please share 🙏🙏
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fairytale-poll · 7 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
She’s a badass and I love her
She embodies one of the truest parts of the Little Mermaid dating back to the original story: She loves the prince, even if he does not love her in return. It isn’t out of desperation or a desire to be sought and wanted, it is simple and pure love for another soul. A love so true that she lets him go without so much as a word of protest because when you truly love someone your greatest wish is for their happiness.
Will beat the shit out of the sea witch (good for her).
Their a bug that falls in love with a human they rescue and becomes human, but even when they don't get to keep their human body, they still get to be with their love. It's a sci-fi fairytale musical.
Little Mermaid meets Starship Troopers musical starring awesome puppets and the most trans coded main character ever. Please. Please vote Bug Starship I love him. Go watch Kick it Up a Notch from Starship. Go watch Status Quo from Starship. You will understand.
He's a bug and he lives in space on a bug planet but he really wants to be a starship ranger which you can only be if you are a human and then one day a spaceship lands on his planet and so he goes to an evil bug called Pincer who then helps him become a human. And Bug falls in love with a human on the spaceship and it's very sweet. The musical and storyline are based on the little mermaid story, the creators themselves called it "the little mermaid but in space". Bug wanting to be a human/a starship ranger and achieving that and falling in love with a human is very much like the little mermaid
Starship is a musical that can only be described as The Little Mermaid meets Starship Troopers. It follows Bug, an alien bug who dreams of being a Starship Ranger, a galactic explorer/soldier, but the rigid confines of bug society keeps him trapped in a job he hates. He reaches a Starship Ranger named February from the hive and immediately falls in love with her. In order to be with her and pursue his dream, he makes a deal with a giant scorpion named Pincer who through sci-fi bs gives him a human body. Near the end of the second act he sacrifices his human body and returns to his bug body, and saves the day and wins February's heart. It's truly the ultimate Little Mermaid. He has multiple songs, and his bug body is portrayed by a puppet!! Vote for Bug!!
“It's a big, big, universe So many dimensions And unanswered questions Not to mention Life What an invention Life There's no choice involved in what you are given One mind, one voice, one body to live in It's a short, small thing we lead With so much potential Pointless or essential Which one can I be? Where do I fit? Where do I stand? Who are they to say what I am? And how can I stay inside this awful world I know? I need a way out I need an escape I'd rather be dead than to live in this place I wish that something or someone could just take it all away Someone take me away” dear god….. can anybody hear me…. (song from starship)
They are the purest little mermaid adaptation done in the most unuque way. An alien insect gets turned into a human, a race he has always loved and admired, to be with the woman he fell in love with. Also just a great musical.
Bug's whole arc is so so in tune with that of the little mermaid. He is an alien who has fallen in love with humanity through a crashed spaceship and trades his place in the hive for a chance to be with both with the human he's falling for and to be a Starship Ranger. He body swaps with human in a cryogenic pod! It's literally sci-fi Little Mermaid!
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