#if i did a kofi would anyone donate
astraystayyh · 4 days
chan x reader. hurt and lots of comfort. description of an anxiety attack and its aftermath (based on my own experiences).
please consider donating for gaza through my kofi. we have exceeded 1k dollars and our goal is 1500! a little goes a long way, you can donate as much as you can! thank you
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If you remain still long enough, breathe as quietly as you can muster, would the world forget you exist and pass your anxiety along to somebody else?
A selfish question, perhaps, but one that you can’t help but ask as you sit on your freezing bathroom floor, knees tightly hugged to your chest.
You don’t know how long it’s been since you’ve sat in this position. Time suddenly seemed elusive to you, as if a concept too hard for your frantic heart to grasp. All you knew was the ache of your limbs and the feeling that doom was just around the corner.
It was one of those days where you woke up feeling anxious. As if your brain had made up its mind about you in your sleep, deciding to hold you hostage to your anxiety. The bed was cold, your boyfriend Chan long gone to his studio, his lingering cologne the only indication he was ever there. So, you tried to distract yourself throughout the day— going on a walk, listening to music, cleaning your house, but it didn't help. Nothing seemed to help you.
So here you were, hours later, sat on your bathroom floor, trying to calm yourself down, all alone. But you could tell that it wasn't working, that you were on a losing race against your own body. Soon, you wouldn't be able to control your anxiety, soon it would turn into a full blown attack.
You wanted to call Chan, you truly did, but he was busy, and you refused to be a burden. Especially since he told you through texts that he'd be home late, so that definitely meant that he was making a new track in his studio.
So, you settled on rocking yourself back and forth, your hands slowly moving up to your shoulders, patting yourself down. This is what you used to do before knowing Chan. When you didn't have anyone around you who understood. You’d trick your bruised mind into believing you were hugged, the warmth of your own touch easing your anxiety a little.
But tonight it had the opposite effect. Tonight, you broke down in sobs, your breathing more irregular than ever. You curled into a ball on the floor, your hand moving to your chest in a futile attempt to slow down your heart. You could no longer breathe, the air in your lungs morphing into unkind fingers, choking you from within. White dots started dancing in front of your eyes, as your entire being shook like a lone leaf, left to fend for itself before the unyielding winds.
It suddenly got too much— the sobs, the pain, the ache. You couldn't bare it anymore. So with trembling hands, you unlocked your phone, calling the only person who would be able to calm you down. Chan. You put the phone on speaker, before tossing it on the ground next to you. You couldn't even muster the energy to hold it to your ear.
“Hi my love, I'm a bit busy right now can I call you later?” Chan's rushed words ring through the bathroom, your anxiety intensifying before the possible antidote. “Honey?” he asks again when he doesn’t hear your reply.
“Chan—“ you sob, the only word your weighted tongue allows you to speak of.
“I’m here, I'm here baby. I'm coming right now,” his panicked voice rings through your ears, following the frantic rush of your boiling blood. The sound of shuffling indicates that he’s getting up and leaving the studio, the confused ‘what’s going on?’ Han shouts confirms it.
The only reply you give him is your sobs, and his heart constricts, twists and turns at the sound of your cries. “Hey, hey, sweetheart. It’s okay, you’re okay. Breathe for me, okay? Take a deep breath with me, please—” his voice breaks, “please baby.”
You try, with all your will, to force a steady breath to rise from your stomach to the tip of your tongue. It escapes faintly, but Chan catches it. “You’re doing well, baby. Fuck—” he turns on his car’s engine. “Um… Minho bit my ass today.”
His words catch you off guard, the gears in your mind stopping for a split second. You remember a faint conversation under your covers, months ago, when you told him that distractions help you when you’re anxious. Force you to redirect your thinking somewhere else.
He remembered.
“Was it tasty?” you breathe out, and he chuckles, a sweet sound intermingled with a sigh of relief. “I don’t know, I need to ask him baby.”
You nod though he can’t see you, willing yourself to breathe again. In, out, in, out, Chan’s own breathing guiding you. “Should I bite him in return?” he asks. Tears pool in your eyes once again. “I’m close, so close,” he reassures.
“To the biting?”
“Mm,” you manage to hum, as you hear the door of your apartment open, Chan's hurried steps echoing in your home. You knew he was looking for you but you couldn't call out to him. After painfully long seconds, stretching out as if to torture you even more, he finally opens the bathroom floor.
He finally finds you.
“It's okay, I'm here. I'm here,” he wastes no time before scooping you into his arms and hugging you. He knows that the pressure eases your anxiety so he tightens his hold without you having to say so, pulling you as close as two pages of the same book.
With you on his lap, he starts rocking back and forth, his words coming out a jumble mess. He can’t settle on what to say to you, switching between stupid jokes his friends told him, and words of reassurance he repeats like a promise.
His words break, his tongue faltering each time your sob gets louder, but he speaks. He speaks and speaks for twenty minutes, all to distract you, all to keep you grounded, and safe.
After a long while, the storm finally passes, leaving behind an excruciating exhaustion. You turn into a puddle in his hold, softening like malleable clay. He holds you as gently as a porcelain vase.
His warm palms settle atop your cheeks, his eyes gazing into yours for the first time since he got here. A sheen glaze taints them, one you know is mirrored in your own. His thumbs gently swipe away your remaining tears, grazing your face with a tenderness that makes your being ache. Your lips press a faint kiss onto his palm, his find their way to your forehead, and you feel it all, through his kiss. His fear, his relief, his love, soft and gentle, for you.
“Thank you,” you whisper, voice slightly hoarse as you kiss his forehead back.
“I’ve got you my love. Always,” he smiles at you softly, his dimples appearing like the sun after a cold day.
“Did Minho really bite you?” you giggle faintly, and he scratches his ear sheepishly. “No, but I don’t put it past him to do it.”
“Is that something you’re into?” You cock a teasing eyebrow at him, and he shakes his head, his tongue pressed against the inside of his cheek. “Only if it’s you,” he says as he wraps his arm around your waist, picking you up swiftly.
“I’ll consider,” you yawn, wrapping your arms around his neck, your face finding a refuge in the crook of his neck.
“Why thank you,” he smiles as he leads you to your bedroom, settling you gently atop the bed. He quickly climbs in with you, bringing you so close to him, his warmth ends up spreading through your entire being, filling up every nook and cranny of your soul.
“I think as long as you’re near, I’ll always be okay,” you say, as your eyes close slowly, you miss the tender smile that blooms in his face at your words.
“Good thing I exist to be near you, then.”
please consider donating for gaza through my kofi. we have exceeded 1k dollars and our goal is 1500! a little goes a long way, you can donate as much as you can! thank you
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parvulous-writings · 2 months
Untimely Reunion // Astarion x Elf! Reader
Summary: A reunion at a very unsavoury time.
Warnings: Mild mentions of grief/mourning
Words: 2.5K
Notes:  Before anyone says anything. Yes. There will be a part 2.... At some point! Did kind of run out of muse for this partway through, but I pushed through!! Hope you all enjoy <3 My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist!  Original character list - please request for these too! If you’d like to support me more, consider donating to my kofi! I’d appreciate it loads!!
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Things were different, when you were younger - vastly different, from the situation you found yourself in now. You had grown up in Baldur's Gate - a city bustling with life, noise, and so much more besides. Your childhood was a rather happy one - a loving family, a good few friends, and all a child could ever want. Naturally, you had a tiny rebellious streak - but what child doesn't? Your rebellious streak had led down a much more appeasing path than one might have thought, though. You made a friend through it. Another elf, like yourself, by the name of Astarion. The two of you became fast friends - you thoroughly enjoyed his company and various quips he'd come up with. He enjoyed the more quiet, light hearted jokes you'd make. A slightly unlikely pair, the two of you, but an inseparable one nonetheless.
You spent the nearly the entirety of your youth together. Astarion went into Law studies, eventually becoming a Magistrate - and a damn good one, at that. He may not have been the most liked Magistrate in the city, but he was fair, for the most part. You, in turn, went into politics, becoming equally renowned for your prowess of speech. You were well respected, to say the least, to the point that there was a very large crowd who would follow you almost blindly when you made a suggestion for the city. The friendship between you and Astarion was very much a benefit, for both of you; Astarion could help you from time to time with the Legalese of your political rivals, and you kept him up to date with every single law that was freshly passed, typically on the day it was passed; a privilege that very few magistrates had, as most were brought into the loop within the next day or so. Word could travel slow within the world of law, at times.
You had this somewhat unspoken agreement between you for several years. The pair of you liked it that way - although you had your fair share of naysayers, saying how it was 'unfair' or 'too below board', the pair of you ignored it for the most part. It wasn't like the two of you were taking bribes from outer sources to change things, or to let things slide. Or, at least, you thought so.
One morning, you had expected a letter from the Elven Magistrate - a reply to a question (or, rather, several) you had sent him about some scripture a few days prior. But it never arrived, no matter how many times you checked, or pestered the one carrying the post. It didn't come the next day, either. Or the next. Or even the next. You tried not to worry about it, there were some points where Astarion was just too swamped with various cases to reply to your missives; as important as you were, he did put his job before most else. So you decided to wait.
After a week had passed, you had become truly concerned - this was more than just unusual, this was downright worrying. Astarion had never gone that long without contacting you - not even when the pair of you had had disagreements in the past. Though he was certainly a fickle creature, he had never been this bad. So, you took it upon yourself to give his household a personal visit. The journey there was much quicker for you than most would have assumed; being someone of such importance and high standing in Baldur's Gate made people very eager to be out of your way, rather than obstructing it. But when you arrived, there was no cordial greeting from the elf, nor even a flicker of a drape. For all intents and purposes, it looked almost as if there were no one home - besides, of course, the obvious care that the few servants he had employed had paid to the small estate and it's accompanying garden. As you briskly approach the door, and raise your hand to knock, a rather nervous looking gardener cleared his throat to get your attention.
"Apol.. Apologies, Laird.." He stumbled over his words as he addressed you, and clearly couldn't bring himself to meet your eye. "His worship isn't here at the present time..." "That much is obvious." You replied, sharply. "I'm sure his Steward would be happy to let him know that I paid a visit, would he not?" "... Stefan is also, not here right now... He's.. He's with the constabulary..." Your blood ran cold at this. The constabulary? Why in the hells would the steward be there? This could only mean trouble. Your glare, focused on the gardener, urges him to continue. "H-he's been there since this morning - his worship is, um.." He trails off, his voice audibly wobbling as he does. "His worship is what?" You ask through gritted teeth, taking a slow, but meaningful step towards him. "Missing- ... His worship is missing, your grace..." The gardener was trying to hide his nerves and failing spectacularly. Some things start to click into place inside your mind. "For how long?" You ask, your volume dropping. "Just over a week, your grace..." That's why he hadn't responded to your letters.
You lapsed into silence, as the gardener hurriedly explained to you all that he could recall about the situation; the morning that he had disappeared was like every other morning. He got up for breakfast, and made some idle chatter about what he was expecting for that day. The gardener scrambled to list a few of the things that his employer had mentioned - there were three cases of petty thievery, mostly concerning Gur and others that lived outside of the main city walls, that had been blown out of proportion, a property dispute, and a few cases of various assaults that had made it to court. To your knowledge, there was nothing out of the ordinary at all. Not to mention, the gardener didn't mention any unusual behaviour from the elf. Not that he would notice it anyway, to be fair to him, but at least he was trying to be helpful. A curt farewell to the fellow followed, and you were quick to leave - even quicker were you to call for an investigation into Astarion's disappearance following the Steward's report to the Flaming Fist. The search went on for near four months - you refused to let the Fist simply file this as a cold case. It was a perk, you seem to recall being told by another friend of yours, of being in the public eye so much, and being in such good standing. The Flaming Fist simply couldn't afford to displease you on this matter, lest you speak out and entirely tarnish their reputation as a law-force. But, eventually, both you and them had to admit that there was nothing more you could do - Astarion was gone, and there was absolutely no sign of him.
Naturally, you began to mourn. Your childhood friend, just... Gone. Of course, you didn't know if he was dead, but he might as well have been. It felt strange in your day to day life, catching yourself thinking about the next time the two of you would have afternoon tea, or exchange letters, only to have to remind yourself that those pass-times would be no more. As your grief deepened over the next few months, you started to accept the fact that maybe he was dead. Astarion - as wonderful a magistrate as he was - wasn't always the best at staying on people's good sides. But he was so young, for our kind. You'd think to yourself. The more thought you gave it, the more it tragic it became to you. Your childhood best friend, your closest confidant, gone before even his 50th birthday. But, time moved forward, and eventually you did too - never entirely forgetting the man, but beginning to think about him less and less. What was the use in dwelling on things that couldn't be changed? You thought about him from time to time, but came to accept that whatever had happened to him, he wasn't coming back to the city, if he was even still alive.
That was, until you found yourself amidst a mindflayer invasion. You had heard whispers, of course - who hadn't? But to see one of your fellow politicians warp, mutate, and change before your eyes... It was horrid. Nauseating. Thankfully, some deep-rooted need for survival took hold of you, and you broke into a run, trying to flee the creature before it could get it's newly-formed tentacles wrapped around your head. Scampering out into the street, you saw that you were not the only one who had been ambushed by someone suddenly undergoing ceremorphosis. The streets were in chaos - you could hardy even dwell on what had become of the city before you were on the run again, sprinting down various alleyways in an attempt to flee the hundreds of mindflayers amongst the populous. When your legs grow sore, and your lungs short of breath, you wearily come to a stop. Your hands rest on your thighs as you try in vain to recover from your sprint. You were so wrapped up in trying to figure out what in the hells was going on, that you don't hear the wet, smacking sound of a mindflayer trailing up behind you.
"Look out, you fool!" Was all you heard before being pushed to the ground - out of the way of the horrid purple creature that had nearly caught you by surprise. You didn't really get a good look at your saviour to begin with; his face was obscured by the sun. All you could make out was the tips of his pointed ears, and how some of his curls had nestled around them. You paused, watching as the figure made sure the illithid was dead with a flurry of blows from his dagger. "Gods, are all of you city dwellers this blind?" He scoffed, with a 'holier-than-thou' tone. It was one you felt was... Oddly familiar. No, more... You knew that voice. Your brows furrow, as you slowly push yourself to your feet to come eye-to-eye with the man who saved you. Red eyes glare back at you - piercing and, in a way... Keen. "Well?" The man says, impatiently. There's a rather... Upper City edge to his accent, making it all the more familiar. "... No. We're not." You reply, almost deadpan. "But... Thank you." You reply, trying to show at least some decorum. Your saviour pauses, something in his eyes... Shifting. He seemed almost shocked, but he was quick to recover. "Well, make sure it doesn't happen again." He seems quite smarmy - a small smirk gracing his features, making his eyes crinkle. "I can't go around saving everyone, you know..."
And then it clicks. You know where you've seen that face before.
"Astarion?" Your voice is quiet, unsure. Part of you can hardly believe - or maybe, doesn't want to believe - that Astarion is standing in front of you. He looks different, now. His hair is white, even paler than what it used to be, but it still curls around his ears just the same. His eyes are a deep red, and as he starts to practically sneer at you, you can just about make out the fangs that now reside in his mouth. "Is.. Is that really you?" You mumble, just barely managing to stop yourself from reaching out to him. Astarion stares at you for a few moments longer, before the sneer that had put itself upon his lips melted away, replaced with something much, much softer - something almost mourning. Something in your chest begins to ache, and you realise you had begun to cry as you feel wet tears trail down your cheeks. The elf just seems stunned. "Gods, it's been centuries-" You take a step towards him as you speak, and he takes an instinctive step backwards. "It... Has.." He says, slowly. He seems quite unsure of himself - caught off guard, even, by your presence. "You... Look well." He tells you. This isn't quite the Astarion you remember, he's much more reserved now. Or perhaps he's just nervous. "You look... Different." You echo back to him, and you see him visibly swallow. That must be a sore spot for him. He opens his mouth to speak, then sighs. "It's... A long story." He tried to avoid your gaze, and you could remember him well enough to know not to pry- especially now that you were pressed for time. He glances over his shoulder as something booms off in the distance. He curses under his breath, before turning back to you. "... How about this? We can be all sappy after this world-ending crisis is stopped... If we both survive." He says to you, and you slowly nod in agreement. Standing here for too long could get the both of you killed. "When this is over.." He continues, "I will meet with you... Say... One of our old haunts - the tavern, near where you used to live... And I will tell as much as I can..." He offered you a smile as he spoke, and you could see those sharpened teeth of his more clearly. Something wasn't just different about him, something was wrong - but, for the most part, he still seemed to act like the Astarion you used to know. You consider it for a moment - what could go wrong, should you both survive? - Before nodding softly. "It's a deal... I shall wait for you." You tell him, pushing down the myriad of growing questions that you had for him. How was he still alive? Where had he been? Why did he look so... Different? He gives a slight chuckle - you hadn't changed much at all, in his eyes. You were still that same sly, snarky politician he had known in those centuries past. He gave a rather playful bow to you, falling back into his old ways. "I shall try not to keep you waiting for too long.." You could hear the smirk on his lips as he spoke, before he rose to his full height again, his expression falling. "Now, go - find somewhere safe... And do try not to let anymore Mindflayers sneak up on you, I won't be able to help with those ones..." He murmurs. "I am, unfortunately, needed elsewhere..." He tells you, starting to march forward, dagger still in hand. You start to call out to him, but you're hardly through the first word of your sentence when Astarion calls over his shoulder to you. "Just go!" You have few other options but to do as he says, ducking into another alley and taking refuge in a partially destroyed home. You hoped to remain at least somewhat safe, here... You'd have your thoughts and theories on the other Elf to keep you company, at least. You clasped your hands together as you sunk to the floor to remain out of sight to anyone who may peer inside the building, quietly praying, to any God that may listen to one measly mortal, that the pair of you may live through this.
At least, until you saw him again.
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satanicsanity · 1 year
Hi there! I really love your work! Your audios make my day every time I listen to them!
I have a request. Wally has been getting secret admirer letters and poems lately, but he can't figure out who sent them. So, when one comes in asking him to meet them somewhere, he's excited to finally meet whoever it is. Turns out, it's been his crush, the neighborhood author, all along! How would he react to finding out? And would he have the courage to ask them out?
I slightly misunderstood the request, but i hope you still like it!! Sorry! I hope you still enjoy! <3
‼️please go support wally's ACTUAL voice actor, @DaFrankiestein!🩷🩷🩷‼️
The art & characters used are by clown/party coffin!🩷Go support them and donate to their Kofi of you can!
Subtitles, wally speaking: [speaking softly] oh this one is just beautiful.. [sees y/n] huh?? Oh! Hello neighbor!! Uh- yes! I wanted to talk to you today! Are you finally free?? Wonderful! Okay so.. Look at this! I got some letter from a secret admirer! Well.. Technically I've been getting letters! They're these.. Gorgeous, absolutely stunning poems! Like.. Look at this one! It's so beautiful.. Everything about it is just gorgeous! Gosh even reading it now im- I'm turning a bit red! [sigh] I wonder who sent me these! What do you think?? Do you know anyone who.. Heheh! Might Send something like this??? [pause] You.. Sent.. Them?? Wait.. You sent these.. To me?? You made-.. You made these.. for me??? [wally slowly gets flustered and red] you did! Oh my goodness! Oh!.. Haha! Suddenly i feel rather flushed.. And a bit embarrassed!.. Oh my goodness! You.. Such an amazing, wonderful, awfully.. stunning person like you?? [wally gets a bit quiet] You admire me..?? Oh, well.. Heh! I admire you too neighbor.. You are everything to me..you make my day... Thank you for all of this! I-.. Heh! I love you too..❤️
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starhaloeklypse · 2 months
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My take on the 4 Ghost cousins ! ( Yes, there are 4 of them. /lh I don’t blame anyone for not knowing this tbh it’s really subtle ) I wanted to also give my take /headcanon on how Ghost Monsters function biologically compared to other Monsters , cause I always saw Ghost Monsters as functioning a little differently than the average Monster species. Also I felt making Mettaton, Napstablook and Mad Mew Mew have an assigned binary gender at birth that they actively realized they no longer identified with would resonate more with real life Trans and Nonbinary people, compared to canon where it seemed to be implied Ghosts are inherently born kind of gender neutral. A fine idea for a species on its own, but for a binary trans metaphor character I thought it would hit harder this way , personally. I hope you guys like it , and my take on the 4th Ghost Cousin, I’ve dubbed Blakkstablook, as they emanate a dark glow compared to the other counterparts . As far as I know , they don’t have much of an established personality or any real speaking lines in game ? Which is why people often seem to forget they exist. BEGGING someone to correct me if I’m wrong cause I’d honestly love to learn more about them. But as a result , I kinda did my own spin on this character.
If you like this art and want support my comic JigSawTale , consider supporting on Kofi ! /nf but I am working toward a stretch goal for some personal but urgent expenses I need to work out by May 14th, so any help is greatly appreciated, and I’ll draw whatever you request in exchange ! I hope you’re all having a lovely day. 💕🧡
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kiryoutann · 1 year
Before reading, please check series masterlist to read the warning(s), disclaimer, and to make sure you’re on the right chapter. Minors do NOT interact.
Please consider donating to my Kofi. That would really help me!
Likes, replies, reblogs, and shares also count. Once again, thanks so much!
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Six months later.
It's so beautiful.
Green grass under the warm sun. A fresh breeze stirred the decorative flags that were hung all over the capital Mondstadt. Gothic architecture is still strong and stands as the main attraction of this country. The river that flowed outside the great wall was reflecting the white clouds that extended beneath the azure sky. Those who are busy with their daily activities are surrounded by the scent of dandelions. Little ones are playing and running around.
Mondstadt is so beautiful. Unfortunately, you spend all day sleeping on the soft bed provided in one of the palace rooms for royal guests.
Childe left the room early in the morning for a diplomatic meeting, so the opposite side of the bed has been vacant for a while. You (thought) you managed to persuade Sasha to let you sleep a little longer, but instead she assumed you were sick and immediately asked Laura to find Childe.
Here he is. You pulled the covers over your head, trying to ignore the sound of his approaching footsteps. The end of the bed was pressed down and you guessed he was sitting next to you. Slowly, Childe pulled your covers up to look at you.
"Are you sick? Want me to call a healer?”
You shook your head quickly, "I simply want to sleep a bit longer."
Childe glanced at Sasha who was standing not far from the two of you before turning back to you. "But, angel, you've slept all day, and they said you have to attend a tea party this afternoon. Well, I don't mind if you don't but, are you sure you're alright?” He brushed away the strands of hair covering your face.
"I'll be fine. Just.. give me one more hour of sleep.” You spoke drowsily and then shut your eyes once again.
Childe frowned in worry. "Are you sure? Should I stay? I can tell them I have urgent business and leave the conference—”
"Don't be silly, Ajax." You opened your eyes to glare at him. “Why do I feel you’re trying to make me as an excuse to get out of your responsibilities?”
A laugh from him. “Hey, I was really worried you know.” He says.
"I told you I'm fine. I'm not going to die, at least not now."
"I thought we agreed not to have talks like this again." Childe stares in disappointment and you can't help but laugh.
"Good God, I was just kidding." You cupped his face with one hand. “Stop sulking like a baby. I might actually ask you to stay and cuddle with me."
A smile appeared on his handsome face as he drew closer to you, “Hmm? What's stopping you?"
Meanwhile on the other side of the room, Sasha and the other two were trying hard to deaf their ears to the conversation you both thought was quiet enough for them not to hear. Her eyes darted to the walls of the room as if that was the most interesting thing. At least that will distract her from you and Childe who are too preoccupied with each other to notice anyone else's presence.
A kiss on your lips. “I'll hurry back for you alright? Don't look at other men at the tea party." You almost roll your eyes at his words.
“It’s a tea party only for the ladies.”
"You can never be too careful."
Childe got out of bed and you already started to miss his warmth. He briefly spoke to Sasha, saying that she should immediately call a healer if anything should happen to you. After giving you one more glance (and a wink), he walks to the door to Dmitri outside the room.
A sigh left you before you got up reluctantly asking your maids to prepare warm water for a bath.
One rosewater bath later and you're sitting at the dresser. Laura did your hair, while Ksenia applied your makeup. She patted the powder pad so gently you yawned. Sasha noticed this and stared suspiciously at your reflection in the mirror. You took a deep breath trying to relieve the tiredness in your body.
"We are finished, Your Majesty." Laura and Ksenia said together.
You said a small thank you to them then got up from the chair. Laura opened the door for you, letting you leave the room first. Your three ladies-in-waiting followed behind you on your way to the garden where the tea party was being held.
Warm air hugs you as soon as you step into the palace garden. Butterflies and a few small insects flutter and land on the colorful flowers that grow around you—you almost forget how beautiful they are after living on Snezhnaya for so long. Once more, the wind blows. The sun falls to illuminate your path to the gazebo with a white iron roof where a table spread out with beautiful cloth is located. The sound of your footsteps turned the heads of the Mondstadt nobles, and you smiled at them all.
“Empress (Y/N), good afternoon.” The blonde-haired woman—Countess Jean—carved a thin smile with her polished pink lips.
Some Mondstadt nobles you've never met before welcome you. Jean stood next to them while helping introduce them one by one to you. “This is Lady Fischl, daughter of Duke Verurteilung of Immernachtreich.” A green-eyed blonde bowed politely at you before giving an enthusiastic look.
“Empress! I, Fischl, hast known all kinds regarding thou, especially how  they define thy grace and beauty as being comparable to the stars that adorn the welkin at dusk. Wouldst  I may add, thy lovely gown caught mine eye and wondered where I might find some one with such stitching talent!”
"Ah? Um..” While trying to figure out what she said, you lifted the hem of your dress slightly. "This was made by a Snezhnayan tailor."
“'tis decided. I shall cross mountains and sail oceans to meet this tailor!"
Jean cleared her throat awkwardly. “Lady Fischl, may I continue?” she asked, earning a nod.
After Countess Jean introduced you to the Mondstadt nobles who were present at the tea party, Princess Ayaka waved enthusiastically. “Princess—! Ah, I mean, Empress! Please sit next to me!” She pointed out the empty chair next to her.
Jean watched as everyone had taken a seat. She then continued, “Since King Diluc doesn't yet have a partner to handle the tea party, I'm the one responsible for this. For that, allow me to present traditional Mondstadt delicacies for overseas guests to taste.” She signaled the maid to put the snacks on the table.
A cake covered with pink cream and fresh raspberries is set in the middle. Lemon buttercream cakes make you smile seeing their small size. You looked around the table as Jean described each dish. The cookies placed in front of Ayaka appeared to be delicious.
What smells like boiled eggs wafts into your nostrils, and you instinctively cover your mouth to hide the nausea that's roiling in your gut. Ayaka immediately got a handkerchief for you. Sasha who is sitting at the table along with other nobles ladies-in-waiting rushes over to you.
“Princess!” Ayaka mistakenly called out from panic.
“Your Majesty! Is something the matter?!”
You were too occupied trying to ease your nausea as you covered your nose with a blue handkerchief to respond to Sasha. Jean orders one of the maids to call a healer. You glance out of the corner of your eye for the source of the pungent scent.
"That.. the smell.. get rid of it, please." You said after finding a loaf of boiled eggs not far from Jean. "I'm sorry but, the smell .."
Jean followed your gaze and nodded quickly. “No need to worry, Empress (Y/N).” He gave the plate of bread to the maid to take away. "The healer will come soon."
A server arrives with a new meal just as your nausea begins to subside. The smell of eggs returned. The handkerchief was tightened over your lips as the shaking of your stomach intensified. Sasha noticed your face beginning to flush and rose up from her kneeling position in front of you to approach Jean.
“Your Excellency, I'd better take Her Majesty to a healer right away. Please accept my apologies for leaving the tea party early.” He says.
“I understand. Please, lead them to the healer's room!”
In response to the blonde's request, one of the maids nodded. Sasha and Ksenia put strong hands on your shoulders helping to support you while stroking your back. Laura pulls out a bottle of fragrance trying to ease your nausea. The long hallway was filled with hurried footsteps on the way to the healing room. After passing through the door, the royal healer immediately tells you to lean on the red velvet couch.
The first thing she did was check your pulse. Her warm fingers touch your skin as she furrows her brows in concentration. She pursed her lips thinly, asking about your monthly cycle—which Sasha answered in detail. You feel awkward knowing she knows about it more than you do.
The healer nodded while retaining an assumed diagnosis. "I already have a suspicion, but I'll need to confirm it again." She dipped her hands in a basin of clean water before turning back to you while making sure her palms were raised; you watched as the water dripped down her elbow. "I must request that you remove your dress, Your Majesty."
Although the examination is uncomfortable, you know that it is necessary for the healer to confirm the diagnosis. After she was done, Sasha helped you put on your clothes again while waiting for the woman to tell you what was wrong.
"There are several reasons besides pregnancy that can affect your late monthly cycle, such as stress or fatigue. However, after I combined that with the nausea caused by the strong smell—the smell of eggs as one of them—and the physical examination just now that revealed enlarged breasts and changes in areola—I can confirm that you are pregnant.”
Laura and Ksenia gasped with joy. Sasha smiled silently. While you are frozen.
The healer's lips curved up, “Congratulations, Empress (Y/N). You are with child.”
Something defines the brilliance of this world's hues. The basin is no fuller than your heart which flows happiness and emotion to every inch of you. The realization that there is another life growing inside your tummy sweetens the air. You want to set your foot on every green meadow here to let them know that you are the happiest human being on earth.
As you covered your mouth to contain your sobs, your hold on the fabric of your dress' grew tighter. Your maids approach you to congratulate you. You couldn't help but extend your arms and hug all three of them. Women celebrating other women's blessings
You wiped your tears, looking at Sasha with a smile.
"Please don't tell him just yet."
Sasha's eyes widen from that, but what she gives you next is a smile—a warm one. You wouldn't have realized she was holding you if it wasn't for the light squeeze she gave; her way of telling you that she will continue to be with you and wants nothing but the best for you and now, your child. Laura and Ksenia congratulated you, saying they would do their best to accompany you on your pregnancy journey.
Aside from the promise made by Sasha, it's another one that makes you smile with blushing cheeks.
In your room, Sasha instructed Ksenia to prepare warm water for a bath while Laura hurried to inform Jean that you were unwell and couldn't continue the tea party. The ball is being held tonight—that's reason enough for Sasha to force you to stay in bed and take plenty of rest.
When they dress you in a mauve dress for the ball, your ladies-in-waiting make sure not to tie the bodice too tightly. Diamonds and gems accessorize your neck, ears and fingers. You try to hold back a smile when you see the door swing open showing Childe ready in his nice suit. He leans against the arm of the couch, blue eyes sweeping across your back carving a thin grin before he meets yours and gives you his usual wink.
"We are done, Your Majesty." Sasha told you.
"Thank you." You got up from your seat, not missing the enthusiastic stares of your ladies-in-waiting.
Childe holds out his hand to receive yours. He squeezed it gently before bringing it to his lips, a chaste kiss you received from him. "Are you sure we shouldn't skip the ball and cuddle the night away?"
“Absolutely. Besides, I heard that Mondstadt has the best wine.” You reasoned that even if you knew full well, there would be no alcohol going down your throat tonight and in the months to come.
"Firewater is still better in my opinion." Childe said, leading you to the door.
The sound of music is heard the second you enter the ballroom. A resounding blend of harp and piano throughout the opulence. Many of the guests had dragged themselves onto the dance floor, their partners clutched tightly in their hands. You and Childe get greetings from several familiar faces, but not a few Mondstadt nobles who you don't recognize have the courage and courtesy to introduce themselves and give a warm welcome.
“Emperor Childe.”
When Childe and you turned around, two men were standing there, one with red hair and the other with dark blue strands. Both of them had long hair, with the only distinction being the height of their ponytails.
“King Diluc.” Your husband holds out his hand for a handshake.
Diluc Ragnvindr. The red-haired King of Mondstadt who reminds you of fire. You wonder if he's hiding a smoldering spirit behind his polite face. He was present in another set of his dapper suit. Unlike at Snezhnaya's recent banquet, he appeared with his long hair pulled up into a higher-than-usual ponytail.
Diluc gave you a brief nod before turning to the man next to him. “Allow me to introduce my brother. This is Duke Kaeya. Perhaps you have not met." He said, making your attention fall on the man wearing an eye patch.
“Ah, right. This is the first time we have met, Duke Kaeya.” Childe shook his hand.
Kaeya painted faint dimples on his tan skin. "It is an honor to meet in person such a wise person as you, the Emperor and Empress of Snezhnaya." He gave Childe a friendly smile, which you swear turned into something else when he swept his dark eyes across you.
Diluc's red eyes widened as he watched Kaeya hold out his hand asking for yours. He didn't have to do this, but he chose to do it. Childe watched as you offered your hand hesitantly. A kiss that was too long for Childe not to think anything of it landed on the back of your hand. Kaeya opened his eyes to look at you accompanied by a smile that had a meaning behind it.
“Welcome to Mond, Empress (Y/N).”
If looks could burn, Kaeya would have already emptied all the drinks in here to quell the fire that was searing him. You swear you heard Childe pulled out a light scoff. Kaeya straightened his back again with an expression close to satisfaction.
Diluc made a fake cough noise, but it was more to remind Kaeya to keep his boundaries than to break the uneasy silence between the four of you. "Kaeya is known to be friendly with others, so I hope you don't take it the wrong way, Your Majesties." He says.
Childe laughed dryly. “Does this mean Duke Kaeya is also friendly enough to take me on a little tour around Mond?” His voice is sweet, but you know the intent in it contrasts from that.
"Why, of course, Your Majesty." Kaeya smiled widely and placed his right hand on his left chest. "It would be my pleasure.”
This situation is too heavy. You want nothing more than someone to save you from this and luckily, Diluc has the ability to read that. "If you'll excuse us, we have to greet the other guests." He then turned to the buffet. "Do enjoy your time with banquets and refreshing drinks like grape juice."
“Thank you, Your Majesty.” You said.
Childe and you turned the other way while Diluc and Kaeya started walking toward the other nobles. You take a deep breath before emptying your lungs again.
"I would appreciate it if you would stop picking fights with every man I talk to."
"He was flirting with you." Childe stopped in his tracks.
You hastily put your hand in front of his lips stopping him from letting out a longer protest. "Could you get me a glass of grape juice?" you ask him.
Childe furrowed his brows, "Not wine?" You shake your head.
Although not completely convinced, Childe gives you a kiss on the hand then tells you to stay here. You see his figure walking to the buffet table. His broad shoulders make you smile. You sweep your eyes around to relieve boredom.
Strands of blonde caught your eye. You remember she has longer hair; now it falls a little lower than her earlobes. The woman with gold eyes was spinning in an orange gown, in the arms of a man with nearly the same hair color as her. His eyes could still be seen through the mask that covered the right portion of his face.
The smile on Lumine's face was so wide it radiated happiness.
Footsteps draw your attention to Childe, who is holding a glass of grape juice and another of what you assume is dandelion wine. He handed you one. You stared at the liquid before taking a gulp, feeling the sweet taste on your tongue.
"Do you like it?"
You nodded, "It tastes better than I imagined."
"Wanna bring home ten barrels of it?"
A laugh from you. "One bottle is enough, Ajax." You said.
In the midst of a sea of people, a figure stands out for some reason; you're not sure why; it could be his complex fancy suits, the way he carries himself, the power in his gaze, or the fact that you've known him all your life. You greet your old friend with a smile on your face.
Zhongli made strides towards you with a handsome smile. Under the extravagant chandeliers, amber eyes sparkled beautifully. Childe did not take his blue eyes off his every move.
The man stops right in front of you for a bow, "Your Majesties."
Weird to hear that from him. Even though it had been six months ago Childe had inherited the throne and three months ago Snezhnaya had declared it an imperial state; You think you'll never get used to all this. Let alone one that came out of Zhongli.
"Duke." Childe gave him a smile that didn't reach his eyes.
“Duke Zhongli.” You called him enthusiastically. "It's.. a surprise to find you here."
Zhongli nodded, “His Majesty Emperor Shiva is unable to attend. I've come to represent him at his request.” He says.
“Make sure you do well, Duke.” Childe commented.
Zhongli pretended to be blind by the sharp glare Childe gave him. “I appreciate the concern—
"Who said I was concerned?"
“—but, everything is well.” Zhongli continued despite being interrupted by him.
Your lips were about to part to change the topic to break the pressure between the two when a woman bumped into Zhongli and spilled her glass on him. Her voice is sweet, making you turn to look at her and stop in place.
“O-oh my! I'm so sorry! I was careless and—”
A laugh from Zhongli. "Nothing to worry about. Are you alright?”
Zhongli asked the woman—the woman you saw in your vision. You're completely convinced after casting a glance at the hanfu she's wearing. Zhongli continued to talk to her with a big smile that seemed to be permanently etched on his face.
"This is my first time here, and I've already ruined someone's expensive suit. I'm truly sorry!” The woman kept apologizing to Zhongli.
"As I said, this is nothing, Lady..?"
“Guizhong! My name is Guizhong.”
Guizhong appeared in front of you with everything that made you believe she would be a good fit for Zhongli. You watched her give him a blue handkerchief. Long fine strands of hair. She's clumsy, but you find that to be cute. You wonder if Zhongli thinks so too. They were lost in their new conversation and every word they exchanged dripped happiness into the depths of your heart.
The promised happy ending had at last arrived.
“Duke Zhongli, Lady Guizhong, “You have their attention.
Guizhong looked at you and then at Childe before bowing deeply in regret. “Goodness! Your Majesties! M-may prosperity and health be bestowed on you! I'm sorry I should have realized sooner." She tightly shut her eyes after hearing your chuckle.
"Please rise. Forgive the interruption but, we'll leave you both to your talk."
Zhongli turned to face Childe who was grinning happily at you. "Now?" he asked.
"Yes." You turned your gaze on the area where people were dancing. “I suddenly want to dance.” You turned to Childe. “Perhaps the Duke can bring Lady Guizhong for one.” You said to Zhongli.
Those amber eyes stared at you in curiosity and confusion. In your heart, there is one thing you want to tell him: that happiness is close to him. But, just as Zhongli and Guizhong gave nods and let you go, you twisted your heels and tightened your grip on Childe's arm.
"That’s scary." Your husband comments.
“What is?”
Childe slowed down as he reached the dance floor. "Your smile. You look like you've planned something and it's working." He put his hand on your waist.
A chuckle escaped your lips. You put your hand on his shoulder, and he starts picking up on the melodic tempo of the music. “If so, will you stop sulking and dance properly?” You see the annoyance reflected on his face again.
"How could I not when nearly every in the room—in all of Tevyat—was trying to flirt with my wife?"
"They were just talking to me, Ajax." you corrected.
“They were flirting with you, angel. Don't try to manipulate my memory."
A sigh comes out a sign you give up arguing with him. Childe took you for a twirl. "You are the most jealous man I have ever known." You then continued, "I can't imagine how you'd react when the other one showed up."
The frown in the middle of his brow deepened before his limbs came to a complete stop. He gave you a dumbfounded look. “Wait, what are you—” His expression now full of hurt. "—you're.. you have another man?" He spoke with trembling, and you stifled a laugh in the guilt that you were covering up.
"Well," Your hand tried to lead him to dance again but, Childe refused to move his feet before you answered him. "After all, I'm still not sure if it'll be a boy or a girl, right?"
Confusion hit him like a tsunami even though his betrayed expression was still there. “A boy or a girl? What kind of nonsense are you playing—”
“I’m pregnant.”
The words died suddenly on the tip of his tongue. Childe stared at you with wide blue eyes. The blood seemed to be drained from his face before returning to fill his cheeks.
For him, the world came to a halt for a brief minute. His brain stopped functioning. His ears suddenly went deaf leaving your voice and those words repeating over and over in his head. His mouth gaped open. His heart was pounding inside his ribs pumping out the feelings he was still digesting. Then a tsunami of happiness washed over him, so overwhelming that his lips curved and he sobbed as he took you in his arms.
It was one moment he wished could stay forever. Even so, Childe—Ajax, is aware that there will be more happy things in the future. With you, with now—his unborn baby. At the same time, Childe felt and desired a lot.
In the middle of the melodies that flowed from a combination of piano and harp, you hugged him even tighter. He is the luckiest man in the world. His heart felt like it was wrapped in satin and moonlight. You laugh, but it's his chest that warms. What a dream this is, and God has the generosity to make it not end up as one. Perhaps He knows: happiness should come in the form of a really sweet fruit for two human beings who have suffered for a long time.
Childe gave you a smile before laying a kiss on your lips. He didn't mind if he had attracted everyone's attention as a result. The music could stop but, he wouldn't with this. He placed another one, still not caring if people would label him unethical.
“I,”—he kissed you again—“love,”—another one—“you.” He said in between kisses.
You both left the ballroom early that evening. The moonlight filtering in through the opened window illuminates the bed where you lie down for a cuddle. The wind of Mondstadt's capital is finally appreciated the next day in the lush meadows.
"Please be born healthy." Childe speaks to your still unnoticeable pregnant belly before giving it a small kiss.
The blue sky stretches above the white clouds. He held your hand as you walked down the grassy path. The gurgling waterfall sounded faint. Dandelion blooms swayed and then scattered into the air. On a wooden chair with a view of a statue in the center of a lake, the two of you decide to take a break.
"I wonder how Shiva will react to this." You start the conversation.
Childe's shoulders shook as he laughed. "He will definitely kill me. For impregnating my wife." You join in the louder laugh.
There was a silence before you lifted your head from his shoulder to say, "About that grape juice.." Childe looked at you curiously. "I don't think ten barrels will be enough."
Childe carved a smile. The two of you returned to enjoy the sight ahead.
"Twenty it is."
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AbbyBianx, ness
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@thelovelydiviner @r0ttenhearts @tsunotaro-san @yguchild @a-random-bored-person @ajaxstar @dandelimoonus @deemayaz @sxztus @meiraloves2dmen @bananazzzen @sugarxbxby123 @httpmitsuya @kaiyoschaos @ganyuzuri @enviouspeanut @justreadings @nat1203 @creamiepudding @childes0nlywife @hieraethx @r0se-r4men  @cyn9 @bluelovesleep @sucrosia @undecidingfate @funicidals @geozhong @chipzho @yevenly @hanilessa @gojoandelsalovechilde @angeliquen @imthestatebum
If I wrote your username wrong, please let me know TT_TT For those who can’t be tagged, please make sure the setting for "Allow this blog to appear in search results” is turned on.
Check out more of my post: WRITING COMMISSION
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jojobaimagines · 15 days
Man, it's been a long time! There are ads on here now? Jesus. I've come back briefly because a really kind person has bought me a kofi :) I cannot thank you enough <3 It will go directly to my kitty's treatment! Well, you said you wanted anything Ogata related, so i'll write some headcanons of...
·Ogata as your bodyguard:
-Honestly, why did he accept this job? Was it monetary reasons, was it an obligation? The most probable answer is that it's for his own benefit, for one reason or another.
-He doesn't really care about you. On the beginning. He makes it clear that he keeps you alive only for the sake of a succesful mission.
-Ogata will be kind of rough handling you on dangerous situations. Or, well, in situations in general. Anything from pushing you to avoid you getting shot, tug you out of someone's way, letting you fall down and trip as long as he knows you won't get badly hurt... He gives you a shit-eating smile when he sees you on the ground after you tripped on some branches...
-Oh, but he is the only person that will be able to handle you that way. Or any way. He is incredibly overprotecting (oddly enough for you) and won't let anyone even lay a finger on you. If you are ever with the group and sees, say, Shiraishi put his arm around your shoulder, he will harshly grip his wrist, twist it, give him a death stare and sternly warn: 'Do not touch them.'
-He will grow attached to you due time. In his own, traumatized ways. He denies it though.
-No matter your size, he will have no issue in picking you up and carry you if you are being stubborn or annoying and you need to go somewhere else. 'Such a pain..'
-'I'm a delivery boy.' 'YOU WOULDN'T DARE-'
-He is really manipulative on his ways of reminding you how weak and fragile you are. You need his protection, after all. What would you do without him? Die, most likely. You need him.
-Ogata will have no issue in killing for you. Actually- ask him to kill for you. Make him kill for you. He will, of course, assure you he only does it in order to keep you safe. He would skip the part of the thrilling sensation of his commintment towards you being so strong that he gets chills in knowing he is taking a life for your sake.
-He will constantly have his eyes on you. Maybe you don't see him. But he sees you.
Phew! I'm quite rusty, it's been a while since i've written anything! I hope these headcanons are of your liking, kind kofi donator <3 I'm glad you like my Ogata content! And to anyone reading this, have a great day :)
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lalalalupia · 27 days
Sad news, I confirmed my PayPal account to my Kofi, but the donations still did not work due to the issues with PP itself. I’m afraid that the donations money would still would not reach me. However, I will provide my services as another form [ free content, commissio, and merch]
Please, do not continue the donation towards me, although I think that money will never reach me, you can still support me in another form and I will provide free content on there, as a way to contribute on what you lost-
For anyone who already donate to me all content for supporter will be available the same, but from the next month now on all my content on kofi will be free and the shop will open as a alternative from donations instead. Thank you everyone from support so far, I will try my best.
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sp00kyp00kie · 8 months
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So a thing happened yesterday. Twenty minutes before I was about to clock out, these girls came into my work with this puppy. They said he was dumped/about to be dumped in the desert and they couldn’t take him home. They were out all day looking for someone to take him. So I did.
Thing is, I’m broke. I know eventually I’ll be ok but if anyone out there is willing to donate a couple of bucks to get him food, vaccines, neutered, etc. it would be greatly appreciated. I mainly want to make sure he gets his parvo/distemper shots as soon as possible.
My Venmo is @ sp00kyp00kie.
If you read this far, thank you so much ❤️ my partner and I named him Droog. I also have kofi and PayPal as well. I know this is a long shot but, hey, might as well try. The universe gave me a puppy to save and I’m not gonna turn that away.
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I didn’t want to type…all this again but- needless to say I’m not happy.
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I just scheduled this (clickable; will take you to corresponding tumblr post) after all that happened tonight. I’m…running low on the energy I have…it’s 3:12 AM.
I’ve done an Adult(ing).
I’ve transferred my prescriptions to my new local pharmacy,
I’ve sent in the form for my current PCP to request my medical records from my previous PCP.
I’ve done dishes, showered and washed my hair.
This week I also scheduled my first plasma donation appointment closest to my new location. However, I’m going to have to save for the Uber rides to the center and then back home.
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I did a lot today despite the rocky night. ^^ @a-captions-blog if anyone could share and/or drop a dollar to my kofi goal it would mean a lot.
Update: 13% closer to my goal!!!
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stopscammingartists · 26 days
hello, this is gothgator. i know it's probably very difficult to prove that i am but the only thing i can think of to do so is to tell my friend miraikowai to vouch that i'm sending this because i don't wanna use my tumblr blog handle to send an ask cause for my own safety i want to keep my internet activity private and separate from my furry nsfw stuff and also because i have loads of people stalking me rn. but i really appreciate the support i've received from other victims of glip/eevee/etc. i deleted my twitter cause of the harassment and stuff yes but also i just did not want to be in a community of people who have for years been slandering me and doing their best to make me feel uncomfortable and unwelcome because i've spoken out about samael and supported a victim of their groomer partner khato. like, i used to say that people fucking loathed me but never gave a reason because it was all based on this and it would make them look terrible (which, they are terrible) but after all this and seeing many people go mask off they finally understood. i am struggling financially right now because i'm disabled (physically and mentally) and currently fighting the state over whether i deserve disability income or not, and doing commissions is currently my only income source. and committing social suicide and leaving public social media in those spaces for my own mental health and safety has made my already meager income significantly lesser. that and the trauma i'm going through currently and having to have cut people off for breaching my trust and leaking/giving things out to people after they convinced me i could trust them basically makes me never want to talk to most people anymore. i still have sam and laura and their whole gang making up shit about me and pretending that they're being harassed when they have such a bigger support system than i ever had and are projecting onto me. also sam saying that they've apologized or taken accountability for hurting people is a complete and utter lie because any attempts at me or anyone sending an olive branch was denied or ignored.
but i guess most people just wanna stomp out and silence anyone who might have something to say about their perfect little wholesome horny kink community because it 'ruins the magic' like its disneyworld or some shit. but basically i don't want to have anything to do with people like this or a community like this although i'm appreciative of the people who've listened to me and showed support instead of doing the easy thing of just ignoring it while rting some vaguely-worded condescending post about how witch hunts are bad or how people shouldn't obsess over whether people online are pure or evil or some bullshit even though there's loads of proof on your blog. they just don't want to see it.
It's okay, I believe you are who you say you are.
I....frankly don't blame you for wanting to move on like that.
I wish I had better things to say, it's fucked up what they did to you and I wish no one had this sort of power over anyone.
Guys please support Goth Gator on Kofi:
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parvulous-writings · 11 months
Don’t push it. // Miguel O’Hara x reader
Summary: You nurse an ill, and very reluctant Miguel
Warnings: I’m bad at Spanish, Miguel has a cold and is grumpy git. Gender neutral terms used around reader to the best of my ability! 
Words: 2.3K
Notes:  Am I somewhat out of it? Yes. Shush.  My requests are currently open! My pinned post (found here) contains both a list of characters I write for, and a masterlist! Original character list - please request for these too!   If you’d like to support me more, consider donating to my kofi! I’d appreciate it loads!!  
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Not my gif
It wasn’t uncommon for Miguel to be grumpy; the stress of everything pertaining to the multiverse weighed heavily on him. He could not have what happened to him, that gut-wrenching loss of life, happen to anyone else. He would make sure that everything stayed in order, that canon events happened when they were meant to, that all spider-people were on the same trajectory. The task and the past that it stemmed from weighed heavily on him, always. So, statistically, he shouldn’t have been surprised when he started developing cold symptoms - he was under so much stress that his ability to fight off illness had been heavily affected. He found the symptoms mildly annoying to begin with, but since he was still able to continue his work without much impairment, he did so, trying to make sure he did as much as he would normally do even though he could feel his nose getting steadily more and more blocked.  After a few hours, an ache began to make itself known on his forehead; a massive headache. Miguel tried to power through this, too, but steadily it became very overwhelming to him. The lights - which were typically dimmed anyway due to his sensitivity to them- were starting to bug him. 
Hell, he sounded sick, like he was pushing his voice past it’s limit. 
“Turn out the lights.” 
Without a word, everything went black, asides from the soft orange glow of the screens around him. Typically, Lyla would have given him a quip, or a joke in retaliation, but she didn’t even try this time, she could tell he was too ill for things like that. She appeared near his shoulder, only just in his peripheral vision. “You’re not looking too hot, y’know... You want me to call someone?”  “No.”  “You should-”  “I said no.” He replied gruffly again, “Just let me get on with my work.” He shirked his shoulder, as if Lyla actually physically stood there. The hologram tapped her chin, pouting slightly as she thought - well, as much as she could think at least. She knew exactly the course of action she’d have to take here. 
Your phone buzzed on the kitchen side, prolonged and repetitive - the screen flashing with the caller ID: Lyla ✨. She had added the emoji herself a while ago, and you hadn’t had the heart to remove them. If Lyla was trying to contact you without just randomly materialising in front of you, something was off. You didn’t need Spidey-sense to know that it would be about Miguel. You tapped the screen a couple of times, answering the call and putting it on speaker, so you could continue in the kitchen, making yourself some lunch.  “Go on, Lyla, fill me in.” You said to her. “Well...” Lyla began, drawing out the syllable an almost humorous amount of time. “Miguel is ill, and he’s refusing to rest or take a break. I think you’re going to have to come in, to either get him to rest here, or just take him home. He’s going to tear someone’s head off if we’re not careful...” She warned. You sighed quietly, you knew she was right, even if she was slightly exaggerating.  “Alright... Give me ten minutes, okay?” And with that, the call finished. You quickly got through your food, before putting on your shoes and heading out of the apartment, hoping to catch one of the speeding trains to the edge of the city. One of the perks of getting to reside in Nueva York, was that there was at least somewhat easy access to the place where your beloved worked - and practically lived it felt like. It also helped that most of the Spiders knew you, and helped you to navigate the rather large, and confusing building. If you needed to be somewhere in the building quick, you knew you didn't have to be afraid to ask one of the many, many Spiders milling around every corner of every room in the structure. Thankfully, that wasn't the case today - you weren't entirely sure that a lot of fast paced swinging would help your food go down. Instead, you were taking one of the many elevators installed, straight up to the top of the building; of course, the dark, brooding Miguel O’Hara had to have something that could only be described as a lair. The fact that the lights were off were not helping the matter, either. 
As soon as you entered the room, you knew where he was - Miguel was always  in the same place. His shoulder twitched slightly as the doors slid open quickly for you - he had picked up the minuscule change in light. He hadn’t, however, realised it was you entering the room; one downside of not having the spider-senses so many others seemed to be blessed with. “Go away.” He gruffly called down to you, not even turning around.  “Fine way to greet your other half...” You chuckled softly, and it was then that he glanced over his shoulder, eyes wandering down to your distant silhouette.  “...Corazón... What are you..?”  “Lyla called... Come down, Miggy...” You spoke softly, not taking his former gruffness to heart. You knew he didn’t mean it, not really. He was sweet to you always - a softie through and through, beneath the rough and ragged exterior, the front that he put up in front of others, to keep them at arms length. At an almost comically slow pace, his platform began to descend. It seemed like forever had passed before Miguel was shuffling towards you. You open your arms when he gets close, and embrace him. For a moment, you both just stand in the hug, drinking in the sense of being in one another’s arms. After a minute or two, you pulled away slightly, cupping Miguel’s face carefully in your hands, subtly examining him. Miguel still noticed what you were doing, though. “Stop, mi amor... I’m fine...” He told you, bringing one of his large hands up to your own, and resting it on top. “Absolutely fine...” He reiterated, but of course, you could see it wasn’t true. His entire face was red, and hot - and you knew that for once, it wasn’t you that had caused this. You stayed quiet, thinking. How could you get him home to rest, without agitating him too much? Not an easy task, no. 
“Come home for lunch, sweetheart...” You suggested to him. “I’ll make you something special...”  He was going to protest about this - you could see it brewing behind his eyes, but you kept going. “Then you can come back here later... okay?”  “The multiverse isn’t going to watch itself...” The man grumbled, his brows furrowing together, putting creases through his forehead; ones that had been used so many times before throughout his life.  “I’m sure it’ll be fine for a little while... And besides, Lyla can keep an eye whilst your gone, can’t she?” You look off to the side, where the glowing little form of Lyla was hovering, jumping back and forth, before giving you two thumbs up. “’Course I can.” She confirmed. “That’s what I’m here for.” She chuckled softly, before zipping away to examine the many amber monitors at the back of the room, before Miguel could try and protest that she wouldn’t be able to; not that the glowing AI would take no for an answer anyway.  “The trip home isn’t too long, Miguelito...” You told him, carefully starting to lead him out of the room, though he was putting up some resistance now; you had called him the nickname primarily used when he was ill.  “I’m not sick...” He protested, before glancing over your shoulders to the door that was about to snap open, and he stopped in his tracks, unmoving though you tugged at his arm. “... The lights are on out there...” He mumbled, red eyes glancing down at you. You knew all too well that he would not be able to handle any of the light on the way home. You hummed quietly in thought, before looking at him. “Did you bring your sunglasses with you?”  “No,” He scoffed. “I didn’t need to, when I came in.” He told you, his wide arms crossing over his even wider chest. “I don’t need to go home..” He insisted, “I will be fine..” Considering you now had no way to get  him back to your shared apartment without giving him the biggest flashbang, and biggest accompanying headache of his life, you figured you’d have to make do with whatever you could find in his office. Your eyes darted this way and that, trying to find anything soft that you could use as a pillow, so that Miguel could actually lay down, and rest. There were a few chairs, of varying plushness, which you could perhaps repurpose for nap time.  You moved quickly and with purpose, moving items this way and that to create a small nap area for your partner. “There we are...” You announced after a few minutes, stepping back to admire your work. Was it five star hotel worthy? Perhaps not, but it would do for the moment. Miguel seemed to sneer at  the sight,  but after a gentle push on the arm, he acquiesced. Maybe amusing you wouldn’t be such a bad thing. Carefully, you guided him down onto the bed, comprised of plush desk chairs. It was an awkward fit, but with a little bit of work, Miguel was just about comfortable, though he still looked very grumpy. “You didn’t have to do that.” He muttered, “I was fine as I was.”  “You continuing as you were would have ended up with slobber all over the consoles.” You joked, shaking your head as you tried to help him get a bit comfier.  “I don’t drool in my sleep.” That was a flat out lie - he knew he did. It was hard not to, what with his fangs; it was hard enough keeping them in his mouth when he was awake sometimes.  “Uh huh, alright honey, if that’s what you say..” You tease quietly, quickly pecking his cheek. “Now... You try and have a snooze, okay?”  “... I’m not five.”  “Have a snooze, Miguel.” You repeat, just as soft as before- there was no use in being too hard on him when he was like this, he was going to be stubborn no matter what you did or what approach you had decided to take. He huffed, a frown clear on his lips, despite the darkness in the room.  “Yes, mother.” He replied sarcastically. As much as he was protesting, however, he had to quietly admit to himself, laying down and closing his eyes for a moment did feel nice. Almost heavenly, in fact. 
“How quickly did the symptoms come on, Lyla?” You asked, your voice nothing more than a whisper.  “Fairly quickly.” She replied. She wasn’t forcing her voice to be quiet like you were, she had only turned her volume down in a literal sense. “Started sniffling, then on came the headache.” She shrugged. “Though I do have to say - never seen him give up that quickly before. Usually Peter B argues with him for at least an hour before Miguel even takes a five minute break, let alone a whole nap. I’m impressed.” Her golden form zipped away for a moment, clicking a quick selfie with the already sleeping Miguel, before returning to her prior  position. “Well, I suppose being his lover does help a bit... I’d like to think he has a soft spot for me.” You chuckled, joking with Lyla. You had always been fond of her, even if she wasn’t human, she certainly knew how to act like one. Miguel always acted like he found your bond with his AI companion to be more trouble than it was worth, but in actuality, he found it rather cute - he too had his own unique relationship with the software.  “Yeeaahh, I think you’re right... I think he’s got more than just a soft spot for you, though. He’s just soft for you.” She told you. “Now, don’t tell him I told you this, buuut... You know how he keeps way too many tabs open at once?” Anyone who even took one sideways glance at Miguel’s floating desktop knew how many tabs he kept open at any one time, so you just nodded. “Well... By my calculation, about 53% of those are centered - one way or another - on you. Like your favourite food, song, tv shows and movies, as well as-”  “Alright, alright, I get it, Lyla...” You laughed gently, your eyes landing on the peaceful form of your sleeping boyfriend, who was already starting to gently snuffle in his sleep; the cold had overcome him quicker than he could have ever expected, and it was clear that his body was thanking him - and you - for giving it a moments peace. A little bit of solace from the immense pressure that never went away. “C’mon.. let’s leave him be for a little while... D’you know where Peter B is?” You asked, slowly starting to move towards the door. “Might go tell him that Miguel is having a nap, at work of all places.”  “Oh, he’s going to love that,” Lyla replied, taking a seat on your shoulder. “Though I think he’ll keep asking how you managed to do it... I think he’s in the cafeteria.” She chuckled, waving vaguely in the direction of your new destination. Your voices both faded off into the distance as you strolled down the hall, leaving the sleeping O’Hara to whatever dreams his mind could conjure for him, and there he would likely stay for the rest of the day - he certainly did need that rest. 
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Did a redraw, I also updated they're designs a while ago lmao
I do commissions aswell! so If anyone would like to commission me, you are free to dm
But if you want to support me in other ways I do have a kofi! It is used for donations and tips <3
Link is in my pinned post!
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satanicsanity · 1 year
Keeping this anonymous but....I lost my mom this Monday and have been really going through it.
If it's not to much trouble do you think you could voice wally comforting a gn!reader who came to live in the neighborhood because they've lost a parent they were close to?
I'm so sorry for your loss! I hope you're doing okay [biggest hugs] of course! I can do that for you, I help this helps <3 (I'm sorry to anyone else who's lost somebody, much love to you all🩷🩷🩷)
I don't know if this will help but I hope it does <3 (I'm not the greatest at comforting others, but I hope you're okay)
‼️please go support wally's ACTUAL voice actor, @DaFrankiestein!🩷🩷🩷‼️
The art & characters used are by clown/party coffin!🩷Go support them and donate to their Kofi of you can!
Subtitles, wally speaking: Oh! A new neighbor, well hello dear! It's nice to meet you! My name is Wally darling! Say... You look a bit upset... Are you alright?? [pause] okay, well... Just let me know if you need anything, may I ask... Why did you move to the neighborhood?? Oh?? Oh... You've lost someone? I'm so sorry... Oh- no no no! Don't feel bad! Hey.. It's okay... Do you need a hug?? I don't really know how to hug others, but... I think maybe I could be of some assistance... Come here. There there... Itll be okay... We'll support you here, no matter what. You're gonna- you're gonna have an amazing life in this neighborhood! Alright?? And I'm sure that.. Your lost loved one, would want you to be happy... Right? I know it really really hurts... Itll get better! Your lost loved one.. Would want you to be happy. Oh don't fret... Remember... I always have your back, everything's going to work out...
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opinated-user · 3 months
LO try not to villainise her victims challenge (impossible)
what a fun little game! can i play?
How to spot a smear campaign: Victims’s “crimes” will be enlarged, and even if they’re small missteps, they will be treated as if only the worst person on the planet would do such a thing
(like when Lizzy "made" LO to kick a bowl of soup into her lap by completely accident and that was turned into Lizzy somehow being abusive when she cried about it later? like when Courtney having common behavioral symptons for children who suffered CSA got turned into him being a "child molester"? like how he became a murderer in LO's posts for defending himself from a woman who attacked him? how about that time that LO bragged about beating Courtney 15 times in the stomach, because that is something she thinks is worth bragging about, got turned into Courtney threatening with a meatl tenderizer?)
Accusations against the victim will always be a reach, aka, they did ‘this little thing’ but it actually means they’re a racist/murderer/genocide supporter/fascist/have blood on their hands, even when the person’s actions never conformed to those crimes
(oh, like when LO called EssenceOfThought, a leftist transfemme, a terf for months because she dared to make video calling her out? like when she implied that P must be lying about her being a therapist and how it was "ominous" that she had a child, before anyone had any reason at all to suspect she was anything but a normal parent? like when she calls us hypocrites, supporter of child molesters and murderers of babies? like when she calls anyone who disagrees with her nazis? oh, do you remember too when LO spend hours arguing with an anon that was racist and transphobic only to treated them as if they were Lizzy? i do.)
All and any actions of the victims will be misenterpreted in the worst possible way, anything the person does will be taken as an offense and intentions will be read as hostile and manipulative, regardless of how clear they are
(like how Courtney not showing receipts for cat food means that he's scamming the people who donated to his kofi? something that is totally comparable to dishonestly using the 2000+ USD donated to you in order to buy a desk and then lied about when you had that event to pretend that desk was before it, of course. or do you mean like how he was talking about how, as a grown adult, he reasoned that your stories about being molested as a child are probably true got turned into "6 year old Courtney knew i was being abused and did nothing to stop it, she's to blame for everything that happened to both of us"? like how Brittany and other expressed concerned over you publishing the pictures of the health hazard your wife is still leaving in, but you turned all of that into them somehow blaming MO for it? like how you keep projecting that we're scared of you just because we abreviate your name?)
All victim’s actions will be taken out of context; ie, victim said something cruel to someone, but they take out the context of the victim being abused, threatened, tortured, forced into defense mode and finally attacking out of desperation to defend themselves and get free
(oh, just like Brittany having issue with her roomates and venting about it on her blog like any normal person would, got turned into somehow she not knowing how to deal with people! or do you mean like how you claim now that Brittany got a restriction order by her ex and almost drove her over with a car, completely ignoring that the first is a total made up lie and the second was completely taken out of context? or maybe how LO used for months one single phrase that Lizzy said with no context as her evidence that she was an abuser all along? or do you mean how Courtney totally threatened your life, but you left out the part in which your incest grooming of him had bothered him enough to react violently with the hope that maybe you could stop talking about how much you want to date your sister in front of third parties.)
The victim will commonly get provoked into giving a bad reaction, (anyone gets defensive if they’re accused of the crimes they never did, or simply triggering insults until they snap), and the reaction will become the new ‘proof’ that the victim is in fact, evil and guilty
(remember when Courtney had a violent reaction upon finding out that one of his abuser had a platform and responded by being transphobic? it doesn't matter that Courtney is out there defending the identity of LO. it doesn't matter that Courtney admits that was wrong of him and should have never done that. it doesn't matter that he has never misgendered LO once. it matters that she did it once and therefore he'll always be transphobic, and anyone who support him is transphobic, and clearly there's no other reason to dislike LO if isn't transphobia! or do you mean when you used all the mental issues and struggles of Patch against him as a reason why nobody should listen to him, especially not about the financial abuse you submitted him to?)
A lot of pressure will be put on you to react ‘correctly’ to the smear campaign; if you don’t accept to demonize this person at once, you’re getting scrutinized, shamed for your lack of morality, told that you support all these horrid things and that you are just as despicable
(oh, like how when Lizzy finally spoke up about LO cheating on her multiple times and sexually coercing her into doing things she didn't want, and only then LO pivoted into saying that Lizzy was a sexual abuser and a rapist all along! wait no, this one goes in the first. but anyway, how about everytime Courtney says anything and a minor happens to interact with that post? but it's okay when LO does it, obviously!)
You will notice a trend of people ganging together based on their demonization of the victim; they will set a standard where you’re accepted and welcome if only you also will demonize and hate this person, and if you don’t, you’re blocked, cast out, and accused of causing harm
(oh, right, exactly as LO did to KP the second she started asking questions about Courtney instead of accepting blindly whatever story LO decided to go about it)
It will feel very easy to accept to demonize this person, and going against it will feel risky, like going against the grain, doubting the word of the many and risking being demonized yourself.
(more KP examples insert here)
The smear campaign continues all the way until the victim is chased out of the community and denied a voice, even if the victim commits no further crimes, awful things will be said about them, their past ‘misdeeds’ continually brought up, until the victim is commonly believed to be worthless, and becomes completely isolated, scared of society and alone
(LO literally bringing up Courtney burning her pokemon cards when they were children as proof that Courtney was an abusive monster all along. or how Courtney fighting with her in general as children gets turned into more abuse. but when LO brags about beating the shit out of him, that's not abuse, that's just how children are!)
There will be no limit to what is considered okay to do to the victim of a smear campaign; even if the victim is accused of minor bad behaviour, it will become okay to threaten, insult, shout slurs, trigger, provoke, humiliate, manipulate, and repeat any kind of abusive behaviour to the victim, all because ‘they’re bad so they deserve it’.
(like how LO threatened to release the nudes of Lizzy to the public? like she keeps inventing new and boring insults to call us with? slurs? already done that, but you said that was censored so you, LO, have decided alone that was fine actually. LO has continously lie about things anyone can confirm)
People leading the smear campaign will switch between being ‘extremely grossed out and enraged’ to showing absolute joy and satisfaction when they find a new reason to demonize and smear the victim. People truly horrified of someone’s actions do not get a leap of joy when a new disaster happens, they’re not beside themselves to abuse the perpetrator all over again.
(oh, like when LO was so happy to keep publishing asks with archives of Courtney's old post that demostrated what a monster he was? or maybe like LO admitting that she only uses extremely serious situations about incest in order to spite people who read her blog=)
It will never, ever be acceptable to show any mercy to the victim. Forgiveness is out of the question, trying to understand them is out of the question. Even reading or listening to what this person is saying will be banned and forbidden, unless it’s for humiliating purposes. They will be shown as absolutely irredeemable, and associating yourself with them as evil and unforgivable. You will be instructed to block or unfollow or report the person based on what you’re told, without any significant proof.
(i decide to count here LO outright refusing to ever admit that Courtney went through any kind of abuse, even at the hands of her older brother, something that does actually nothing for her. the brother that, btw, not that long ago was using transphobic insult against her and never apologized for it anyway, but it's evil when only Courtney does it even if he does apologize.)
Do not fall for smear campaigns. If a large amount of people all agree that a person is the worst, but their story is exaggerated, out of context, sounds fictional, and doesn’t show any proof, and the people switch from being enraged to eager, doubt it. Participating in a smear campaign will help the abusers isolate and abuse someone, and you do not want to be a part of it. They will also smear anyone who stands up to their abuse, so you’re helping the abusers to create a place where pointing out abuse gets you cast out of the community.
(what a good article, LO. i'm sure this doesn't apply to you at all! because you have so much evidence and proof for everything you accuse everyone of being or doing, right? you have all the evidence unlike us, don't you? you always provide the entire context and never, ever, misrepresent, lie or forget to mention key details into anything... even if your target is a literal 6 year old child.)
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kiryoutann · 1 year
Before reading, please check series masterlist to read the warning(s), disclaimer, and to make sure you’re on the right chapter. Minors do NOT interact.
Please consider donating to my Kofi. That would really help me!
Likes, replies, reblogs, and shares also count. Once again, thanks so much!
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In the morning, still too early, the sun arose at the horizon, slowly taking its position in the blue sky. The birds' wings were flapping as they flew over the soft ground, over the rain that had just ended this morning. In several parts of the palace, workers were ready to start another day of serving the kingdom.
Yet in a quiet room lit by a bit of sunlight that made it through the thick curtains covering the window, a woman was still asleep in the arms of her love. Warmth was shared by the two naked bodies enveloped in the satin blanket.
Under those eyelashes, two blue eyes stared at her beautiful face as he supported his head with one firm hand. Lips curved into a smile, clearly proud to have an angel within his reach, in his arms. He moved his fingers to tuck a strand of your hair from covering your cheek and then brought you back closer.
Childe watched as his wife's brow furrowed before her eyes opened, revealing the exact color of Ramon flowers—his current favorite flower.
"Good morning, angel." He greets you.
You looked at him while drowsily blinking your eyes. He's so beautiful, with his messy hair and the smile he gives you. You lower your sight to his broad chest and muscular abs, bringing in the curve of your own lips that make him laugh.
“Checking me out already? It's still early, you know." You hit his chest lightly as your reaction to his comment. Childe presses a kiss on your forehead. "Did you have a nice dream?"
You make an effort to recall the last bits of your dream, grinning when you do. The image of you and Childe hand in hand through a field of flowers, with the sun shining its warm light out. You nodded in response, bringing yourself close to his bare skin and picking up every sweet scent on him from your bath last night.
"It was a very beautiful dream." you say to him.
All your life, you've always wondered what you'll become after you lose your abilities as an oracle. Yet, you did not imagine it being this sweet.
Childe lands another one on your lips. "Let's spend the day in bed, hmm?" he suggested.
You laugh, and he couldn't find anything more beautiful than that. "You know we can't. I'm sure word of me regaining consciousness has spread; I need to meet some people.” You see his lips curl into a frown.
"I can always chase them away."
When you hit his chest again, Childe let out a fake cry of pain.
"After you prohibited anyone to come see me when I was unconscious? No, thank you. There are few things that need to be cleared up.” You took your robe from the sofa near the window, slipped it on, and tightened the knot over your stomach. While you were adjusting it, you remembered something.
Childe gives you his full attention. “What is it? Is something wrong?” His blue eyes scanned you from head to toe, checking for cuts or anything else that would make you uneasy.
You give him a shake of the head. You sat on the bed while gathering your strength to tell him.
"I know who devised that scheme." The next thing you see is him widening his eyes. You took a deep breath before continuing, "On the day of the attack, I had a vision of the future."
Childe shifted in his seat, and his obvious discomfort was clear to see. Of course, the fact that you used to be an oracle was hard to comprehend.
You hold his hand. "I understand that you still are unable to believe-"
Childe took your hand in his, stroking the back of your hand slowly. "I believe you. Go on.” He said, followed by a faint smile across his face.
For reasons unknown to you, your shoulders feel light, and the breath you didn't realize you were holding is let out before you take a new one. The eyes under the curled eyelashes stare at you patiently, waiting for you to say it.
You breathed out a name.
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In his study, Childe sat silently in his chair. He seemed to be in deep thought that he didn't give a single glance at Dmitri and Ekaterina who had entered earlier.
Duke Maxim. He remembers how that name left your lips.
His hands clenched so tightly that they turned pale. How dare he try to plot to harm a member of the royal family. How dare he lay his hands on you and make him almost lose you. Childe locked his jaw. There had never been a stronger desire to find Maxim and have him and the other aristocracy involved in his schemes immediately executed.
If it wasn't for you saying you had a plan to expose him, that man would undoubtedly be no better than a corpse, dying in the most agonizing way. But Childe believes you—he believes you know what you're doing.
“Ahem, Your Highness.”
Childe finally raised his head, looking at Dmitri and Ekaterina. He scanned his two confidants, found a document held tightly by the woman and made him raise an eyebrow. The look he gave Dmitri was enough to tell him to quickly tell the contents.
Dmitri nodded in understanding, Ekaterina handed the document over to Childe. As he watched the Prince begin turning over the paper to read, Dmitri opened his mouth to say: "It's about the antidote herbs that entirely burnt down suspiciously." He started. “When learning that the type of poison that had rendered Her Highness unconscious was the same as the one consumed by the late king, the researchers and I immediately looked for herbs that were commonly traded to the Liyue as the antidote to the poison.”
"But, when I went to the village to retrieve it, something was wrong." Dmitri paused and Childe stopped on a section of the page. "Surprisingly, the entire field where the plant was grown was burnt to the ground."
One of the ginger haired eyebrows raised in question. Childe didn't say another word before he flipped the paper again and found the name of the village.
Klirinsk village.
"The village of Klirinsk is a territory under the authority of Krykiye." Dmitri continued, receiving a stare from Childe's blue eyes.
Ekaterina furrowed her brows. "In history, there has never been a case of burning land unless it was intentional." She combined two with two before opening her mouth again with shock etched into her features. “Duke Maxim is the Duke of Krykiye.”
As if the hatred for the man wasn't enough to fill every vein of his blood, Childe gritted his teeth and closed the document. He played out some cruel scenarios that he wanted to do to him. The only way for Maxim to atone for his crimes for planning this all so thoroughly is dying in the cruelest possible way.
Two questions came out of him, “Where is (Y/N)? The knight I assigned is protecting her, right? Make sure she's safe."
Dmitri nodded. "Her Highness is meeting Prince Shiva in town."
The Prince's handsome face crumpled into an expression of distaste. Nonetheless, he remained silent about it. Childe stood up from his seat and walked from the table to the large door. Before he turned the doorknob, he glanced over his shoulder to say another command.
"Until I give my next order, keep this information a secret."
Ekaterina and Dmitri both nodded at the same time.
Meanwhile, on the other side of Snezhnaya—in a bar that is almost isolated from the hustle and bustle of the capital to be precise—you sit on a rickety wooden chair while waiting for the person who will fill the chair in front of you to come. The guard Childe appointed to watch over you, whose name is Leonid, is standing next to you. Despite his stiff posture, he is clearly one of the best knights in the kingdom. Rumor has it that before becoming your bodyguard, he led one of Childe's strongest squads.
The wooden door swings open, capturing your attention and revealing Shiva arriving with his confidant. You turned to Leonid indicating to give the two of you some alone time.
“(Y/N).” Shiva calls you after the room is left with only you and him.
A thin smile you carved on his face. “You seem to really keep your word, brother.” You watch him sigh, walking over to the seat across from you.
“Is that the only thing you can say? After being unconscious because of what? Saving that man?” Displeasure was evident in his voice.
"Would you prefer me to be a widow then?"
Your brother snorted angrily. "I know that isn't your concern." He leans back, crossing his arms as he scans your face under his gaze. There was something he didn't like in it and it made him click his tongue. "Unlike the last time, this time, it seems like you really fell in love with him, huh?"
You raised the teacup in front of you and brought it to your lips rather than paying attention to what he said. "You will understand one day, brother." You said before taking a sip.
“About what?”
“About why I did it.” You said.
On Shiva’s face, the query was still visibly there. You chose to pretend you didn’t see it. To carry on the conversation, you set the tea on the table. “I know who’s behind all this.” Hearing that, Shiva furrowed his brows even more in confusion.
“It was Duke Maxim.” You could tell he recognized the name right away from his changed expression. “Originally, he planned to aim for Prince Childe and put the blame on Liyue. Surely, you already know that they have had that objective ever since the King’s death.”
Shiva clenched his fists so firmly that the veins bulged. “I’m going to murder that son of a bitch.” His voice dangerous and low.
“Since it struck me, it should be enough to at least sway a few nobles opinions.” Your eyes looking straight at Shiva emphasizing the importance of your next point. “Brother, this is an opportunity to turn things around. I need your help to answer my questions.”
Your request is met with silence. Deep in thought, Shiva put his fist in front of his lips. You give him time. After he finds whatever it is, he looks back at you.
"How do you know all this?"
"I have my source." You say with a smirk at the corners of your lips.
Shiva sighed. "What do you want to know?" He moved in his sitting position.
You rest your hands on your thighs. “The poison that was smeared on the arrows is the same poison that he used on the late king. However, since their plan was to harm the Prince, it appears that they’ve made a slight change to this one; making it weaker than the one that killed the King.”
"'Silence',"—you saw Shiva's eyes widen—"the same poison you were planning to use on Lady Lumine back then, aren't I right?"
A nod is given to you.
"Tell me, brother. Why, of all the poisons you could buy, did you choose that?"
Shiva stared at you for a long time before replying, "That time I really wanted to kill that woman." he began. “I know many poisons that kill faster than that but, I'm trying to avoid suspicion. I don't want to put you in a dangerous situation, especially at your own tea party."
His fingers clung to the handle of a long-cold teacup. "'Silence' is the best option, or at least it won't look so suspicious since the effect won't begin to set in for a few minutes after consumption." He finished and something clicked in both of your brains.
“Shivas.” You signal him.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
It's just like back then you were kids, when the two of you were playing puzzles or just reading books in the imperial library. Whenever Shiva realizes something, so will you. The connection between siblings will never be lost, you suppose.
“I clearly remember the King coughing a second after drinking the tea, which means he had consumed it before meeting us.” You said.
“That Duke brought him wine that day.” Shiva set down his teacup, straightened his crossed legs before getting up from the seat and smoothing his suit. "There you go, you now have your answer, dearest sister." His grin causes you to arch your brow.
You stand up and ask, "Are you going somewhere?"
"Of course, I'm a busy man."
Your eyebrows are raised in curiosity. Your lips curl in a teasing smile before you say, "My, my, could it be that my brother has found someone?" You hear a chuckle from him.
"Curious, sister?" Shiva turns to you. He took the opportunity to scan you up and down as if confirming something. "I must say, for someone who has consumed that poison twice, you look fine."
"Perhaps my body developed immunity to it after the first time." You rush to compose a lie. There's no way you can say you survived because Childe kneeled at the Divine Tree.
Fortunately, Shiva bought it. He took one glance while adjusting the hood of your robe. "After I kill Maxim, your husband is next for not allowing me to see you when you were unconscious." You can't help but laugh at his words.
"Have you never done the same?"
This time he laughed. "I'm still going to do it." As he said this, he turned around and headed for the wooden door behind him.
You were about to wave your hand when Shiva stopped to say: “Ah, although your words are strong enough to be used as evidence, it will take more to convince the Snezhnayan nobles.” He then continued, "Look for the late king's confidant and bring him along. I bet he at least remembers a thing or two about that day.”
The door opened, allowing Shiva to step out and Leonid back inside. You take a deep breath.
"Yes, Your Highness." He nodded his head greeting you.
Taking a breath, you then said: "Let's go somewhere."
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AbbyBianx, ness
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Check out more of my post: WRITING COMMISSION
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savage-rhi · 2 months
*inhales deeply*
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I know I don't owe anyone anything, but I want to be transparent about why I've not been as active lately.
My recent job loss and the discrimination that contributed to said loss had me severely depressed. After coming down a little from survivor/PTSD mode, I needed to take space from everyone and everything. I am starting to feel better, thankfully.
I have been performing odd jobs in my neighborhood so that I am good on cash for bills and housing this month and part of next month. Beyond that, I don't know what to expect.
I am still working on my Ko-Fi shop. This is one of those things I jumped right into thanks to survivor mode, and I didn't account for everything as thoroughly so I'm taking my time with it.
I did speak to a few legal advocates and a couple of lawyers during these past few weeks. Here's the good, bad, and ugly:
Good: Yes, there was illegal discrimination at play. My place of employment didn't handle things the way they should've regarding my excused absences related to disability, and they contributed to emotional duress and screwed over my education prospects.
Bad: I didn't have a paper trail for everything, but I had enough to prove that I did what I was supposed to do on my end when it came to adhering to my place of employments processes. There is sadly nothing that can be done about the third party health insurance company that played a role in screwing me over.
Ugly: Even with the pro-bono stuff that was offered, I'm looking between 20,000-35,000k out of pocket if I wanted to take this to the highest.
Folks...I do not have 20-35k lying around nor the emotional bandwidth to go through a trial/suit. Yes, GoFundMe is an option if I was dead serious on dragging these fuckers dicks through the dirt, but guys, honest to god, I'd rather that 20k-35k go to the following:
Keeping a roof over my head and food on the table until I have stable employment
Ensuring I can afford medical care for my disability, and afford new tests that I'm going to need for long-covid issues
Help me stay in my graduate courses/obtain my therapy licensure
Use it to help out other disabled folks in similar situations
I have closure that I was indeed wronged, that I did everything on my end to the best of my ability, and these dehumanizing assholes aren't going to rob anymore of my energy or time than they already have.
I have appointments to see if covid has fucked up or contributed to anything more serious that hasn't been addressed. I have a secondary PCP now cause of health concerns that have gotten worse. My fibromyalgia flares have been more chaotic since catching covid in January and I'm still figuring out what my new baseline is with that.
Spring Term of my graduate studies started last week, and I'm getting as much as I can done so I have more free time.
I am trying to find motivation to work my fanfics, drabbles, interacting, etc. It's been hard with everything.
My former employer is trying to get out of unemployment benefits and I've been battling that on top of the other stuff.
I need time to rest (like hibernate) and I haven't had the opportunity to do that.
Thank you again to everyone who has checked in on me, asked me how I've been, sent something positive, or donated. I'm sorry I haven't had the hit points to get to everyone individually, but I am trying and I am grateful for the compassion and appreciation.
If you still want to donate before my Ko-Fi shop is up, you can donate at these places:
Kofi: KitchenRaptorJ
CashApp: $JayRex1463
If you don't have the means, that's a okay. Take care of yourself first.
If you want to send me comfort things (Ardyn Izunia, Higgs Monaghan, Karl Heisenberg, dinosaurs, dragons, etc.) like art, fanfic, etc. my way, that would be wonderful and I am open to that. I'm still open to a friendly hello or check in, just know I won't respond right away.
Now that all is said and done...
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