#if i get an interview ill start worrying
natcat5 · 1 year
nothing will throw off your schedule for the day like seeing a posting for a job you really want at a place that would look fucking stellar on your resume when you are not actively job hunting and so do not have an up to date application package locked and loaded
literally three and a half hours of my day that I very much intended to spend doing something else!! oh well
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orcelito · 9 months
Tonight would be such a lovely night if I didn't have this damned manager meeting to do in a bit over an hour 😠
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norrisleclercf1 · 9 months
Hey, could you maybe write something and the reader being a driver on the grid and maybe either drying the drivers parade or interviews where she is surrounded by the boys ( Lando, charles, George, idm who else ) and maybe she starts to feel unwell and faints so the boys look after her. Hope this is okay x
It's not that it was a particularly hot day, but the constant changing weather of the track was giving you a hard time. The constant pressure changes of cold then hot, then humid to raining was getting to you. Something your team was well aware of when you got every chance to sit down with your head between your legs.
"Drink some water, come on." Max urges crouching in front of your chair handing you the water bottle. You say nothing, fingers tingly as you grab the water, taking slow sips. Max's fingers go to the back of your neck rubbing a pressure point. "Feels good." You mumble the fog in your brain lifting but not enough.
"Guys, the driver's parade is about to start." Christian stops, seeing the state your in. "Hey, you don't have to go." Pushing you back down, you shake it off. "No, no. If I can't attend the driver's parade, then I can't race. I'm fine." Both Max and Christian knew you weren't telling the truth.
"Watch her closely, I'd rather she not races then kill herself." Max nods, sent off with a pat on the back as you pull yourself together. Walking to towards the large bed truck you climb out, shaking out your fingers. The tingling feeling was slowly starting to grow, but you knew it was just a pinched nerve. "You alright?" Max whispers, hand on your back to stop your slight tittering.
"Of course, stop being a mother hen." Moving you head down the truck getting to where Lando, Oscar, Charles, Carlos, and Pierre were. Max was close behind you slotting in next to Lando. You lean against the railing, doing that you feel the world go forward yet you blink it away everything going back to normal.
"Y/n? Are you okay?" Oscar's concerned voice has you looking up, all the drivers looking at you worried. "Yes," You groan exhausted of people asking if you're okay. "I'm just tired that's it, I can't be tired?" You snap, patience wear thin. "Hey, he's just worried. You don't need to snap at him." Lando glares, nodding at Oscar that it's okay.
"Water." Max nods at the bottle in your hand, shoving it your mouth you take slow sips from the straw but it doesn't help the fuzzy feeling filling your brain or the way you start to get tunnel vision. The truck starts to move, having your stomach lurch you grip the railing tight.
It's halfway through, Charles talking to you, but his voice turned into static about 5 minutes ago. "Fuck, she's going down." Someone curses as your world goes dark, multiple arms and accents fade out.
It's embarrassing, passing out during the drivers parade and you were deemed unfit to drive. Having to watch the most chaotic race every instead of being in the middle of it. Max had won, tying with Seb of course no one was happy about it.
Apparently, his monotone celebration was ill-fit for what he's doing. But that's Max, you still remember him going crazy sometimes on the radio. "You should be celebrating." You grumble, looking at the dejected man in red.
"I was doomed the moment I kept going off at turn 1 during practice." Is all Charles says typing away on his phone. "So? You're talented." You argue, a smile pulling at Charles's lips. "The car is shit." You smile biting into a cracker, hating the bland taste in your mouth.
"How's sleeping beauty?" Thick puffy curls pop into the door, a smiling face of Lando before he gets tripped in Max shoving his way in. "Is she drinking enough water? Have you been lightheaded again? What about food?" Max lists off everything as Charles roll his eyes.
"You smell." You gag, the sweat, rain, and champagne was not a good mix. "Oh, I'm sorry." Max steps back, Lando snickers as Oscar, Carlos, and Pierre soon join. The other drivers had to go to interviews, but Oscar said the rest would be visiting you after.
"You don't have to stay with me." You told them later, but they said they weren't leaving until the medic said you were all good. Guess you'll have to deal with the sweaty men in your room.
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Eddie's hard work has finally paid off. Corroded Coffin is the new sensation and soon enough, Eddie gets an invitation for an interview, one that could promote the band on a much larger scale. He's excited but also terrified and Steve, being the supportive boyfriend he is (and also CC's unofficial mascot, "the yellow sweater boy" or simply "Stevie" to the fans) offers to go with Eddie. Eddie introduces Steve as his "emotional support ex-jock" and it goes well.
Until it doesn't.
Eddie gets more lively as he talks about the band's beginnings, the inspiration behind their songs and their influences, his own musical idols and influences. He's at ease, gesturing animatedly as he explains the evolution of the band's style, so he's caught off guard when the interviewer brings up that fateful spring of 1986. Eddie freezes, opens his mouth but nothing comes out. The memory of snapping bones, feeling of helplessness...it all comes flooding back.
But where Eddie feels like curling up into a ball and hoping the world will finally leave him alone, Steve is ready and prepared. He grasps Eddie's shoulder - Eddie blurted out a confession in one of his concerts so it's no secret for his fans that they're together, but why tempt fate - and gives the reporter a wide smile, sincere to someone who doesn't know him. He slips into his charming persona and speaks for the first time during the interview. "Thank you for asking this question," he says and the drop of poison easily dissolves in the sweetness of his voice. "I hope my recollection will be enough because I sure don't want to have Eddie go through all that horror again. But I assure you...I was there for nearly all of it. So ask away. I'm glad to finally set the record straight."
And so Steve talks about that March, about how Eddie found Chrissy dead in his trailer, mutilated in such an inhumane way his body took control and got him out, no call to the police, not a single thought. He mentions there was a witness who saw him enter the trailer and immediately stumble out, not enough time to harm anyone (Max has stuck to this story and never changed it, no matter how much anyone pushed). He talks about how he met Eddie later, how shaken he was and how the town started a manhunt for Eddie for no good reason, except that he was different. "He started a club for kids who were outcasts, who just wanted to remain children for a bit longer - and the whole town went to hunt them down. They attacked a thirteen year old girl. They beat up a fifteen year old boy just for belonging to the club."
Now it's Eddie's turn to grasp Steve's shoulder, his arm, worried about his sharp tone, his hardly contained anger. But Steve carries on, staring the reporter down as he stutters that he will have to verify this information. "This is rather different from the official story," he says, his forehead glistening with sweat.
And Steve just flashes the disarming smirk that established him as King Steve once upon a time and tells him to verify it all, please. Because Eddie Munson has nothing to hide and neither does the Corroded Coffin. "It's not different if you paid any attention to the police report," he mentions calmly, leaning back in the chair. "People don't like to speak ill of the dead, but a dead person is exactly who's at fault here. Jason Carver riled up the mob. He bought a revolver after he did that, publicly for self-protection, but..." he shrugs, buries the edge in his voice under his charm yet again. "We have a witness that heard him admit who it was for." Dead men tell no tales, but Nancy Wheeler sure does.
And as the reporter scrambles to put together a coherent thought, Steve lands the finishing blow. "It's a shame you only invited Eddie to discuss this," he says and the sympathy in his voice is almost believable. "After all, his band mates were also targeted and attacked."
The reporter stares at him, speechless.
"Oh, you didn't know?" The disbelief is genuine for once and he leans in, looks the man straight in the eye. "Jason Carver and his friends went to interrogate the band, you know. Only to talk, they said. Except they almost broke Gareth's hand during that talk. Once again...there is a witness. A different one, if you were about to ask. Perhaps you should talk to them too, I can give your their contact details. You know," he adds, smiling at the reporter, "I am incredibly thankful you brought this up. There aren't many who are willing to dig up old wrongs to set things right. I wasn't sure what to expect of this interview, there was always a possibility of someone malicious taking advantage of this traumatizing event, just to get a shocking scoop on a bunch of guys who have worked incredibly hard to get where they are. I was wary because there are always people willing to destroy lives just to get a bit further in theirs. I'm so grateful you aren't one of them. Because I see you as someone who wants to do more than shock their audience...I think you're someone who wants the truth, no matter how ugly it is."
And no matter what the reporter intended before, he is that man now. He nods frantically, assuring Steve that he will bring justice to Eddie and the Corroded Coffin. Steve Harrington has that effect on people - if he believes in someone, that belief is often enough to give that final push. Anything to keep Steve Harrington's faith, not to disappoint that earnest look in his eyes. Eddie almost feels sorry for the reporter - after all, he knows the best what his boyfriend is like when he doesn't hold back. It's a sight to behold.
After a few reassurances from the reporter, the man finally turns to Eddie. "I apologize for bringing up bad memories, Eddie," he says and perhaps this time he means it. Eddie would like to believe that. "Is there...would you like to add anything?"
Eddie thinks screw it and firmly grasps Steve's hand, homophobia be damned. He needs to get through this. "Yes, actually..." he says and his voice is low, almost broken, but at least it's coming out now, carrying the words he's wanted to shout at the world for years now. "That night...was probably the worst night of my life. Worse than when I almost died. Well. When I actually died before someone brought me back," he smiles at Steve, briefly, before turning back to the man scribbling down every word. "It took me a long time to realize I couldn't have done anything to save Chrissy. Hell, some days I still don't believe myself, I'm thinking if I've done something differently, been faster, but...in the end, it didn't matter. Doesn't stop me from feeling like I failed her."
Steve knows these things, of course. That's why he doesn't interrupt, just strokes his thumb over Eddie's whitening knuckles.
"Chrissy Cunningham was a wonderful, bright girl. She was friendly to everyone, even outcasts like me. There is no way in hell I'd ever want to harm someone that...that warm. Kind. The truth of the matter is - for years I didn't defend myself against these accusations that still appear from time to time, no matter what the official investigation said. I didn't sue anyone even though I was advised several times to do so, for the slander, the attempts at my life. Because you...because I felt guilty just for being there. For surviving when she didn't." He looks at the reporter with full force now, straightens his spine. "But I knew Chrissy Cunningham and I know she wouldn't want anyone feeling guilty for something they didn't do. She brought joy to others, not misery. And I want to honor her memory. So once and for all, for the record - I didn't kill Chrissy. I never hurt her, couldn't have. But I still keep her with me as an inspiration, as a soothing voice behind every bitter thought - I don't talk about her, don't use her story for publicity because she didn't, doesn't deserve that. But she's what I think of when I see bright smiles of our fans, when I see young people having fun at our concerts - I wish, more than anything, that she could have been one of them. So I try to bring as much joy into this world as I can to make up for the empty space she left behind, even if that might never be enough. That's all."
The interview spreads like a wildfire. Headlines like "Corroded Coffin's Eddie Munson breaks silence for the first time!" or "CC's frontman reveals details of persecution and mass hysteria in 1986". The news pick up the story, question the people in Hawkins who deflect or begrudgingly admit to their actions, justifying their deeds...but some of them talk. Karen Wheeler becomes the star of the show, recalling in horror the hunt for her daughter and her son's friends. "I vouch for Steve Harrington's recollection," she says firmly, shushing her husband's feeble attempts at deflection. "I'm glad someone finally had the courage to call the spring of 1986 what it really was - a witch hunt."
Eddie finally has the courage to do what he's wanted for years - he names the next album This One's For You, Chrissy. The world knows now, it knows that he mourned for her in his own way and that she meant so much to him, as a first extended hand, as a symbol, as a human being. He donates as many profits as he can to a foundation in Chrissy's name, providing the much needed mental health support to Hawkins children and teenagers. And piece by piece, Eddie Munson heals.
Before the interview becomes the sensation it is, Eddie crushes Steve in a hug and thanks him for everything, for making this burden easier. He's still worried his words will get twisted, that there will be a new wave of hatred, but Steve just chuckles and kisses his head. He reaches into the leather satchel he had at the interview and presents Eddie with a dictaphone - everything they've just talked about recorded. "Please, Eddie," he rolls his eyes in that bitchy way that has Eddie swooning, "I may be pretty, but I'm not stupid or naive."
Apart from the much needed closure and at least partial justice, there is an unusual side effect to this whole ordeal - Steve gets a new nickname in the Corroded Coffin fan base. After the way he handled the interview, after shielding Eddie and his band mates from unwanted attention, he becomes "The Guard Dog Steve", also lovingly referred to as "Golden Retriever Steve". Eddie loves it. Steve finds it ridiculous, but it makes Eddie smile so maybe it's worth it.
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runningfrom2am · 3 months
cold nights // part twenty-seven
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summary: you were back in the capitol, and you would be damned if you didn't try your hardest to make it worthwhile.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 3.4k
masterlists / nav / requests
tags/warnings: tribute!reader and mentor!coriolanus, r is very sweet (too kind for this world. literally.), sunshine x grumpy trope kinda, he falls first, violence typical for the source material, depictions of mental illness, also she's is very smart (as she should), district twelve!reader.
a/n: omg we're coming up on the end i could cry :') i finished writing everything and i feel like a shell of a person rn without this fic to plan and write, but i hope you guys are excited! there will be five more parts after this and then the epilogue, which brings me to some really exciting news!!
big news #1: i'm opening oneshot requests for this series!! my normal requests will remain closed but i'd love to see what you guys want for the more of this series! (link is here!)
big news #2: the end of this story is opening the doors to my third coryo series which I've been working on for a hot minute, and it'll be called requiem! (see the original request for it here to get the vibes before i post anything!)
my asks are also open to talk about this series! (i do have emoji anons open now too!)
send me any and all of your thoughts! here!
series masterlist // playlist
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The protests caught you off guard, more than anything.
It had only been two weeks since you started your classes and you were loving them, but you hated getting dropped off in the morning and picked up in the afternoon. You and Coryo could no longer eat lunch outside, and the previously full lecture halls you had occupied saw more and more students dropping out as people stood outside just to shout at you as you came and went from the school four days a week. To call you an animal, that you don't belong there, that you should be "put down" for crimes against the Capitol. What they were? You had no idea.
Suffice to say, parents were not happy that you were there.
Generally, Coryo said that people had loved you in the games. You were "harmless", and "sweet", you gave them someone to root for- but now that you were walking freely among them instead of being kept behind the bars at the zoo or trapped inside the arena awaiting your death, you were suddenly a threat.
"They... they think I'll hurt someone?" You sniff, watery eyes overflowing as you look at Coryo lying beside you in his bed.
He bites his tongue, nodding as he wipes away your tears with the hand he has resting just under your cheek on top of his pillow. "They're afraid. That's all, it's not because of anything you did."
"I won't." You cry. "I would never, you know that, right?"
"I know, love. I know that." He promises you quietly.
"I don't want people to be afraid of me. It's not fair to them... If they feel unsafe I should just drop out."
"You're not doing that." He insists with a slight shake of his head. "We'll figure it out. Okay? Don't worry about them."
You just nod softly, wiping your eyes as he pushes his arm under your neck. "C'mere." He mumbles rolling onto his back and you move closer, laying your head on his chest as he pulls you closer to his side.
Coryo did figure it out, for the most part, which is how you ended up standing in Capitol TV's studios, awaiting an interview with Lucky Flickerman, someone you definitely thought you would never see again after the games. You didn't know how Coryo did it, who he had to talk to in order to convince them to let you plead your case so publicly. Apparently, the Snow name came with more power than you knew.
"You're gonna do great, love." Coryo whispers to you. "Just be yourself, but remember what I said about your essay, right? Be honest, but think about how you word things. I know you can do it." He assures you quietly, hands resting on your shoulders.
You nod, giving him a hopeful smile. "Thank you."
"I'll be right here, I'm not going anywhere." These types of reassurances were becoming less and less necessary over the month you've been here, but still, you don't like it when he's far, and he doesn't like it when he doesn't know where you are. It worked nicely for you both.
"Miss Y/L/N, whenever you're ready." One of the crew directs you, pointing to the comfortable chair they had set up in front of a homey-looking backdrop. It was fake, but it was meant to look like you were in someone's house. The idea of it was confusing to you, but you supposed it was also unimportant. You had much bigger concerns.
"Thank you." You smile at them and give Coryo another quick nod before making your way over to the seat that they said was yours.
Coryo watches as you carefully brush your hands over the front of your dress, smoothing it as you sit down. You looked so elegant as you did it, if he didn't know better, it looked like the habits of the people you were now surrounded with were rubbing off on you quickly. He had watched you rehearse how you would carry yourself and how you would speak and act with Tigris just this morning, after she fit you into the dress she had made for the occasion. Clearly, you had been paying attention.
When you draw your hair from your back and over your shoulder so your meticulously styled curls wouldn't be crushed against the chair, Coryo thinks he might need to sit down. Especially so when you look back at him again, subtly waving at him with your hand from where they are placed in your lap. The dress Tigris had given to you was red- a deep red silky material that complimented the red of his coat and mimicked the shade of the Capitol's flag but still had you standing out on your own. Seeing the way that dress fit you and hugged your form in all the right ways even as you were sitting, he was sure he had never been more grateful to his cousin and her talents.
"Y/N, it's so good to see you again." Lucky smiles at you as he sits down across from you, adjusting the small device attached to his lapel as crew members come up to you and fasten the same thing to the front and back of your dress.
"You as well." You grin, trying the best you can to mask your nervousness.
"Are you ready? Do you need anything?" He asks and you shake your head.
"I am ready whenever you are." You confirm, looking around as some more lights flick on, bright in your eyes as the man behind the camera starts counting down.
You look over at Coryo one last time and he nods at you. It was just like your first interview all over again- you had to sell yourself to the people. To prove that you were worth trusting.
"My name is Lucretius "Lucky" Flickerman," You smile as he flips a coin up into the air. You've seen him do it before, but you still weren't sure how the trick worked. "Amateur magician and your host for everything interesting on Capitol TV, and today is certainly no exception. Today, I have a familiar face with me who I know you will all recognize as well, the Victor of the Tenth Annual Hunger Games, Miss Y/N Y/L/N." He looks over at you and you keep your eyes on him, certain that all cameras are watching you now.
"Y/N, I am so happy to have you back. How have you been?" Lucky asks you and you're already fighting off the need to fidget with your hands.
"I am very well." You smile at him. "How about yourself? It has been a while."
"I'm great, thank you! You know, I was not allowed to bet on the games, but anyone who was there can tell you that I predicted your win from the beginning. You certainly are something else."
"Oh, well thank you." You giggle. "Though, I can't fully be credited for my win. I have to thank the sponsors who allowed Coriolanus to send me food and water. That made all the difference in my game."
"Oh, most definitely." He agrees. "But you shouldn't deny your own role in that. Hiding in the vents, that was genius!" Lucky claps. "Truly, that was a jaw-dropping moment for all of us watching. I remember thinking 'wow, how did she think of that?' It was incredible!"
"Yes, well, I saw the grate and knew it was worth a try." You shrug, slightly laughing. "I had nothing to lose."
"Yes, well, I'm dying to know- what have you been up to the last few months? You went back to Twelve, and then what?"
"Oh! Yes, I did. I've been spending time with friends and family, I got a job at the local library, catching up on some reading, that sort of thing." You grin, glancing at Coryo for only a moment and he gestures for you to continue. "I got home and I really realized for the first time how much we should be appreciating everything we have- even out in the Districts where sometimes life is tough, it's key to remember how privileged we are to be alive. The games were truly eye-opening for me."
Coryo gives you a quick nod of approval, and you smile, training your view back on the man across from you.
"Yes, I agree. Live life to the fullest, that's what they say." You just nod at his response. "Which also begs the question, if you were happy back in Twelve, what brought you back to the Capitol?"
Let the lies begin.
"Well," You laugh nervously. "When I was given the opportunity to come here for the games back in July, I was so interested in everything. The people who I got to talk to, the things I got to see, it was all amazing and I was just dying for more."
"So you decided to come study at the university here, is what I've heard."
"Yes, exactly." You grin. "I just think that the Capitol has so much to offer as far as education goes, I am already learning so much and I am having so much fun doing it."
"So really, your focus is just on your education." He prompts you and you nod.
"Definitely, considering the course load I don't have time for much else, but that doesn't really bother me. Like I said, I just want to learn from the greatest minds in the nation. Even the other students, it's amazing! Everyone has earned their spot there and I can see why and all the work they have put in to be there. It's a privilege to study among them, and I am so grateful that I was given this chance."
"You say 'all the work that they put in to be there', but you didn't attend the academy, so how is it that you were admitted?"
"I filled out the same application that all the other students did, I went through all the same testing." You confirm, nodding at him. "Although," You laugh slightly. "I was only given one day to complete it all. I was locked away in my room working on it all night. I hardly had time to blink, it was tough."
"Wow!" Lucky laughs. "One day? I remember when I applied to the university, my application took months to get just right. You must have aced it all."
"I am very proud of the work I did to be admitted, yes." You smile.
"From what I hear, you should be." He agrees. "So, you're really not in it for the sake of making friends."
"Well, I certainly would love to, but it is not my priority." You nod. "But, if any of my classmates are watching, I promise I am good at proofreading and if you need a second set of eyes on your papers, I'm happy to help. I'd also love to have more people to discuss our readings with." You joke, looking into the camera for the first time.
Lucky laughs. "You've heard it here, everyone. Y/N's pitch to make some friends!"
"Yes, I suppose it was." You chuckle, smiling at him.
"Now on the topic of friends while we're getting to know you better," You tilt your head at him while he begins the question, unsure where it is going. "Back home, do you have a boyfriend? Surely he must be missing you."
"No, not at home..." You laugh, catching in the corner of your eye as Coryo shakes his head at you, his face flat of emotion. "I don't have a boyfriend. Again, that's really just not where my priorities lie at the moment. I've... I've had a very busy year, you could say." You explain hesitantly.
"Wow! A beautiful girl like you?" You laugh nervously at his response. "Capitol boys! She's smart, pretty, and single. Just saying." He says, raising his hands.
You knew his job today was to help you, to make you more likable and more normal, to humanize you, but it was still uncomfortable to hear. "Oh, please." You laugh nervously, waving a hand at him. "Like I said, I'm just here to learn. I'm not after anyone's son."
"No? Not even all the handsome boys in your classes? I'm sure there are at least a few." He teases you and your cheeks flush red.
"I wouldn't know, I'm watching the lectures." You shrug jokingly.
Coryo is trying not to lose his mind while you talk about how single you are. Not that you were much of a willing participant, and to be fair he did tell you not to indicate to them that the two of you were together. You technically weren't, if he was being totally fair, but just because it hadn't been said doesn't mean it isn't real. He knew you knew that, though. So why was he getting so mad?
He doesn't even realize how little attention he was paying after that until you're standing up and shaking Lucky's hand. It was over, you'd done everything you could have to ease the minds of scared and angry Capitol parents.
Lucky gives you a quick hug, wishing you good luck in your classes before you're allowed to rejoin Coryo. "Ready to go?" He asks and you nod.
"How did I do?" You ask as you walk out of the studio and into the hall, aiming for the elevator to take you back to ground level.
"Amazing, love. You were perfect." Coryo confirms, still noticeably tense as he walks next to you.
"Are you sure?" You ask as he presses the button to call the car up to your level, unsure since he still hasn't really looked at you.
The door opens and you both step in. "Yes." He tells you again, quickly tapping the door close button.
"Oh, good. I was really nervous..." You laugh slightly as the doors slide shut, and as soon as any light from the hall ceases to enter the elevator his hands are on you and his lips are pressed against yours.
You let out the slightest squeak out of shock, but quickly relax as Coryo rubs familiar small circles on your hips with his thumbs. How he could be so gentle as he backs you into the wall of the elevator you don't know, but you're grateful for it as you hum into his mouth. But still, something was different.
Spending so much time with you only made him want you more. He loved you, he knew that, and someplace deep in the corners of his mind, he had always wanted you in a way he never thought possible when he first fell for you before the games. Now, with you curled up under his sheets almost every night, seeing you step out of the bathroom with damp hair after a shower in pyjamas that don't fit you quite right, he thought about it more than ever. Thoughts of you plagued him more than usual, and the best way to describe the accompanying feeling was guilt. Guilt that he couldn't show you off given the circumstances- at least not yet.
He trails his kisses away from your lips and across your jaw, pulling you tighter against him. "You're so beautiful, my love..." He mumbles into the skin just below your ear, leaving a kiss in his wake that has your head spinning.
You giggle, eyes fluttering open. "What has gotten into you?" You ask, hands sliding up over his chest to rest on his shoulders.
"I can't tell my girlfriend that I think she's gorgeous?" He asks, shaking his head slightly as he looks down into your eyes.
"Oh, so I am your girlfriend." You giggle and he nods, kissing you again.
"Of course you are, and don't forget it." He chuckles, pulling back from you as the elevator stops moving, waiting for the doors to open.
Your skin is flushed down to your chest as the doors slide apart and even though he's not touching you anymore, you can feel the ghost of his hands on you. You look up at him, a lingering smirk still on his face as he looks straight ahead and leads you out of the car.
The phone rang at the time you were eating dinner, and you quickly asked if you could be excused to go answer it. Coryo and Tigris both just nodded at you, but you could still feel their grandmother's eyes burning into your back as you quickly walked away. She still wasn't fond of you, but she tolerated you. For now, that was just enough.
You grab the phone off the receiver as the small round screen flickers to life. "Hello?" You answer, hopeful that it would finally be your family you see on the other side.
You had answered every call that came to the Snow's apartment for weeks, waiting anxiously to hear their voices again.
"Y/N, is that you, honey?"
You gasp with excitement when you get a clear enough view of your ma. "Ma! Hi!" You smile, leaning in a little closer to get a more clear view as the camera on their end begins to adjust. This was likely the first time it was being used.
"Oh, honey, how good it is to see you!" She smiles, and out of nowhere, you feel hot tears welling up in your eyes.
"You too, Ma." You nod, biting into your lower lip. You didn't want to cry so quickly into the call. "How are you? How's everything at home?"
"Same old." She shakes her head with a slight laugh. "I'm much more interested in you- how is everything? How is school? And how is Tybalt settling in? How are you settling in? My goodness, I just have so many questions!"
You laugh, quickly wiping a stray tear. You had told them about all of this in letters, of course, but she just wanted to hear you say it all. "Everything is good. School has been so lovely, Coryo walks me to all my classes and we eat lunch together between. And Tybalt just loves it here! They have a garden on the roof, and I take him up there as often as I can. Tigris won't stop giving him treats either so he couldn't be happier."
You look down at the animal as he brushes against your leg, looking up at you.
"That's amazing. I've been so worried, it's just so good to see your face again. God, we've been missin' you..."
"I miss you too." You agree, careful not to choke on your tears. "How is Len? And have you seen Lucy Gray and the Covey?"
"He's... He's doing alright." Your mother looks off-screen, and you assume he must be there. The look on her face, one of nervousness and hesitation tells you he doesn't want to speak to you. "But Lucy Gray has been around every day, she and Maude Ivory come over and they help me with hanging the laundry and such... It's been good to have them around."
You smile sadly, nodding slightly with the receiver pressed to your ear. You felt bad about that aspect of leaving- you spent as much time as you could before the games helping out around the house, but even in the summer when you came back you weren't much help. Your mother wouldn't let you do dishes all summer, for fear that the sight of a knife might set you off. She knew you came back a different person, and she wasn't taking any risks. All she really allowed you to do was hang laundry and "keep her company" while she did other home chores. But now, she didn't even have that.
"Can I speak to him?" You ask, referring to your brother who you knew was there.
She nods, waving off camera and holding her hand over the wrong part of the phone. "Lennox, come over here. Y/N wants to talk to you."
His response is muffled, but you make out the gist of it. 'I don't want to talk to her'.
"She's your sister, Lennox. You can't ignore her forever."
'If she wants to talk, she should come home.'
Your heart clenches in your chest and you chew your lip. You have to pretend you couldn't hear, but you just felt so horribly guilty. You shouldn't have left, but he doesn't understand you had no choice. He wouldn't be able to understand until you could come home and see him again, likely not until the summer. Coryo had told you to be mindful of what you write in letters and what you say on the phone, it's possible others were listening. The Capitol was always listening.
"He's just a little busy right now, honey." She smiles at you, but you can see right through it. "But tell me about your day! Did you have class?"
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taglist: @soulessjourney , @that-veela-girl ,  @dreamyysouls, @rockstarbfs, @maysileeewrites , @baybieruth , @kitscutie,  @fratboyharrysgf0201 , @totallynotkaibiased , @stelleduarte , @secretsicanthideanymore , @bejeweledreverie , @drewsandsebastianswife , @niicole-87 , @queenofshinigamis , @innercreationflower , @nallasstuff , @iovemoonyy , @thatmarvelchick19 , @wearemadeofstardust0 , @regulusblackcore , @puredreamagination , @fantasticchaosthing , @becauseseaotters , @secretsicanthideanymore , @strawberryflavouredkisses, @cascadingbliss
okay suddenly tumblr isn't letting me tag more people than this so i just made some cuts unfortunately :') i just left the max amount of people i could whose users i recognized and see in my notifs all the time :) if you're not on here and you should be i'm so sorry!
also this taglist is closed now!! if you’d like to get a notification when i update, turn on my post notifications!! i promise i won’t spam y'all :,)
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Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes Movie: first response
Okay so! There’s QUITE a few changes from the books. The funerals, which I read the book I always found so unsettling, were cut. Honestly, I was worried if I’d be able to stomach watching it on screen so honestly, those being excluded was a bit of a blessing. But, it’s not really clear if Didi and Apollo died in the attack on the Arena or not. The only confirmed mentor death is Felix, who has been upgraded from the president’s nephew to the president’s son!
The biggest change though, which after listening to the recording from the soundtrack I enjoy a lot, is how Lucy Gray wins her games. Rather than the snakes being released mid way through her games, the snakes are what ends her game. Dr.Gaul spirals, claiming that there doesn’t need to be a Victor and the districts MUST pay, especially because now the president’s son is dead because of these ‘rebels’. Lucy Gray poisons one of the tributes from Coral’s alliance, who’s name escapes me at the moment. I think it’s the one she’s kills with the snake. Lucy Gray’s (Rachel Zegler’s) performance in this scene is so powerful. It’s amazing. The way it’s reframed that she’s singing as the snakes shroud her and she’s the only one alive in the arena, is just chilling. Dr.Gaul refusing to end the games and Snow pleading for her to let Lucy Gray go, with the students chanting “Let her go. Let her go.” I’ve been a Rachel fan since the start. Since I was 12, I’ve been subscribed to her YouTube channel, and seeing the movie and her in it is so… AHHHH. This scene was just so powerful and I honestly still am not over it and can’t wait to see it again on my second viewing.
Reaper’s death also changed with this! He is killed with the snakes along with Coral and I believe two other tributes. Clemmie, sadly, is gone from the movie after the incident with the snakes. She also takes a much more like… not antagonistic per day, but cocky role. Reaper’s death was… it was good. His reaction to Wovey’a death being what triggers him creating the grave for the other tributes is amazing, and the performance of that grief and anger was so good.
The movie portrays the mercy of the games so well. Lucky Flickerman is HILARIOUS as a host which is so disturbing. “The odds are not likely but may they be in your favor” is what he says to Lucy Gray after her interview. His quips are funny and quick, and honestly a highlight of the movie. Only to be reminded of the dying children of course. It’s very Ceaser Flickerman and it’s amazing. After Lamina kills Marcus, Lucky even says “was it mercy or murder?”. It’s such a sharp contrast to Lamina and Marcus’ interaction. She gently reaches for his head, and he turns, face clenched with pain and sorrow, saying “please.” You can see how gentle Lamina is as she kills him, the music too really adds onto the tragedy of it. How Lamina, who is seen as weak and a cry baby for most of her screen time, offers such mercy. Lamina’s actress says nothing, but her performance is so beautiful.
The movie highlights on Lucy Gray’s grief and guilt too. When her and Snow reunite, she talks about how they are BOTH killers. She expresses such grief at how Dill (‘ill Dill’ and ‘Tuberculosis on legs’ WERE WILD ON LUCKY’s part) was the one who found the poison and the audience gets to see a lot of her live reactions to the game’s events.
The way Rachel and Tom play the scene in the cabin is WILD. The movie’s tone SHIFTS so much the second Snow finds the guns. It becomes like a horror movie as Lucy Gray asks what is it and snow turns to her pointing the gun slightly at her, finger almost on the trigger ready to pull. Rachel’s performance of Lucy Gray in this scene is something I’ll be talking about for days. She’s a bit of a schemer, she is suspicious, and she knows what will come next. She tests the waters with him and when she says that besides the guns, she’ll be his only loose end, I can’t tell if Lucy Gray does it to taunt or test him.
SNOW. “Lucy gray. are you… are you trying to kill me? AFTER EVERYTHING I DID FOR YOU?” Something about the way Snow says this… it takes you out of context of the story because this is something that happens often in toxic relationships. It’s so real and raw, and honestly a little too close to reality than we would like. I personally see it as an effort on the writer’s part to make sure the audience doesn’t side with snow at the end. As we know, the Yassification of characters and if a bad person is attractive it’s okay yada yada IS such a discourse. Tom Blyth as Snow has been seeing a lot of this too. But this part? This part makes it a bit more real, which is greatly appreciated.
Everything about the last scene with Snowbaird was fantastic. The two people I went with said that they were honestly confused on who betrayed who. And who stopped trusting who first. And that’s what makes it so fun AHHH.
I have so many thoughts but not enough people to talk about it with, so word vomit on tumblr lol. I’ll prob have even more to say after round two! (My friend got to meet the cast today and I’m so jealous that I wasn’t able to go)
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petit-papillion · 8 months
2023 Qatar GP Post-Race Interviews
18 drivers (not counting SAI and HAM). 1 so ill he could not finish the race (SAR), 1 taken to medical center and excused from media duties (ALB), another to medical center after almost passing out after getting out of the car (STR). 3 to podium ceremony/cooldown room. The remaining 12 drivers all had to lay down on the floor and seriously cool down, before finally making it to the media pen (although 1 had to leave to cool off more after answering only 2 questions (HUL)).
Here are some of the comments made by the drivers:
"By far the most physical race I've ever experienced. I felt close to fainting in that race. I've never experienced anything like it before. I had to ask my engineer to give me encouragement just to try to take my mind away from it. I do a lot of heat training in the sauna and so you push your body to the limit and sometimes you just need to get out of that sauna. And that's sort of how I felt from about lap 20. I opened my visor for the whole race and it was hot air, but it was better than no air. It was brutal. I was so sick in the car. I wasn't physically, I wasn't sick, but I felt ill."
- George Russell
"I was feeling ill, lap 15, 16, I was throwing up for two laps inside the cockpit. And then I was like, ‘Shit, that’s going to be a long race.' (...) It was just like 80C inside the cockpit this race. I don’t think we probably do the best job in terms of not keeping the heat in the back, but dissipating it inside the cockpit where the driver drives, and I think that was probably the reason today why we felt so bad."
- Esteban Ocon
"Especially with the g-forces, when you have a lot of dehydration, you can drink but the drink is more of a tea than anything else because it’s at 60C-plus, so it’s extremely difficult to hydrate yourself and again with the g-forces, you don’t see as well. The track limits we’re speaking about are [the difference between just] centimetres at 280km/h; in qualifying when we’re fresh it’s difficult to respect them, but then at the end of the race it’s a nightmare."
- Charles Leclerc
"You don't want to be passing out when you're driving at 200mph down the straight. And that's how I felt at times. Any hotter, I think I'd have retired because my body was going to give up."
- George Russell
"Extremely hot. Even from the beginning, I put my helmet on before the start of the race and I was sweating. It definitely didn't get any better once I was driving! Very hot."
- Oscar Piastri
"I asked my team on the radio if they would tip water over me in a pit-stop, but it was not allowed. My seat was burning hot and felt my right side was burnt by this heat. We have to think for the future -- maximum temperatures or maximum humidity... In football, they have water breaks, but we can’t have that, can we?"
- Fernando Alonso
"It's ridiculous. These temperatures -- everything goes blurry. The last 25-30 laps it's just blurry in the high-speed corners. Blood pressure dropping, just passing out, basically, in the high-speed corners with high loaded G-forces. The kerbs are now painted because they're worried about punctures. I couldn't see where I was going because I was passing out. I was fading in and out. The temperature was too much."
- Lance Stroll
"The feeling is like torture. I would say it was harder than Singapore. Just because the temperature in the cockpit started to be almost too much, I think it's getting to the limit and someone is going to have a heat stroke."
- Valtteri Bottas
"It was crazy. I had to consistently open the visor to breathe, actually. It's just too, too hot. Obviously, I don't want to open the visor because sand also comes through the visor and I could feel that sand inside my eyes, but if I close it's insane the amount of heat I felt. I don't know if other helmet manufacturers are the same, but for myself, it was tough, and if you drive behind another car, it's even worse."
- Yuki Tsunoda
"I think some of the guys who are struggling today, they are extremely fit or even fitter than me. Just the whole day, it's like you walk around in a sauna and in the night, the humidity goes up. The races are quite long. But it's not the only place...a few places are like that. Singapore is almost like a two-hour race and it's very, very warm. I think it's also quite on the limit of what should be allowed. So there are a few things to look at, but this was definitely way too hot."
- Max Verstappen
"We're in a closed car that gets extremely hot in a very physical race and it's frustrating.. I guess on TV, it probably doesn't look very physical at all. But clearly, when you have people who end up retiring, or are in such a bad state, it's too much. For the speeds we are doing is it is too dangerous. I know this race is later on in the season [in 2024], it will be a lot cooler a few months later but it’s something that needs to be talked about and I’m sure we’ll speak about it as it shouldn’t have happened in the first place."
- Lando Norris
The 2023 Qatar Grand Prix, everybody.
Sources: The Race, Sky Sports, Fox Sports, ESPN, Sports Illustrated
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imaginingaustin · 1 year
summary: living in ohio with austin while he's on location filming for the bikeriders.
austin x female!reader
a/n: i got this idea after this interview, while he was talking about what he does at night once he gets home after filming. hope you enjoy!
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being a celebrity's housewife was something that you never saw for yourself. especially to the beautiful blue eyed, sandy brown haired angel on earth that you got to call your husband.
of course, you still did work remotely for the marketing firm you'd worked for for years. you loved your job, and getting to work from home was even better for you. this allowed to travel with austin while he was on location for work, getting to spend time with him and explore some of the most beautiful places in the world.
you were with him in sydney while he was filming elvis, london while he was filming masters of the air, and budapest while he was filming dune. 
now, you and him had a cute little rental home in the suburbs of cincinnati while he was working on his next film, the bikeriders.
shortly after you arrived in ohio, you and austin settled into your routine pretty quickly. you would get up to have breakfast together before austin would leave to head to set. while you were at home during the day, you would work your hours in the morning, and once you were done, you would run errands around town. the first few days, you were exploring as much as you could to find restaurants and coffee shops, and other local places that you would make mental notes of to take austin to on his days off. 
about once a week, you would join austin on set for a quick lunch when he had particularly lighter days and was only filming a few scenes.
"god, you're handsome." you said softly, watching as he started to slip back into his costume before having to go back to film. "i really like this rugged look." you said, placing your hands on the lapels of his jacket. he smiled down at you and pressed a soft kiss to your lips, the scruff of his mustache tickling your nose. he wrapped his arms tightly around your waist as you deepened the kiss. your moment was quickly interrupted by a knock on his trailer door, his PA calling him back to set.
“i guess i better get back.” he said with a deep sigh. “i shouldn’t be home too late tonight.” he said, kissing you again.
“no worries. ill see you when you get home.” you said with a smile. you walked with him out of his trailer and back to set, saying a quick hi to everyone before sharing your goodbyes with austin.
“i love you.” he said softly as his lips met yours.
“i love you too.” you said with a smile, kissing him again. you let him get back to work before heading back to your car to make your way back home. 
while you waited for austin to come home, you started to make a plan for dinner. deciding on a simple meal, you ran to the grocery to store to pick up your ingredients, immediately starting to cook once you returned home. you turned on some music and got lost in your own little world while you danced and sang around the kitchen. 
you were so distracted by the music that you didn’t hear when austin came in, kicking off his shoes and setting his bags down by the door. he stood at the edge of the counter, watching you dance, his heart swelling in his chest at the sight of his beautiful wife. he was obsessed with you, in every way. 
you finally turned around and your eyes landed on his. your heart jumped, startling at the sight of him, but you quickly melted in his gaze. you moved over to him and he wrapped you in his arms, spinning you around the kitchen, quietly singing along to the words of the love song that played. 
“dinners almost ready.” you said, pressing your lips to his. he nodded and let you go, moving to take his things to the bedroom. he came back into the kitchen and started setting the table. the two of you moved around the kitchen quietly while you prepared to eat. you poured two glasses of wine and sat down with austin to start eating. 
you listened intently as he talked about his day. he told you about the scenes he filmed and how well everything was coming together. they were almost finished filming the movie, and he was excited that they were close to being able to release it. 
“im excited to see it! you always come home raving about your scenes and the people you get to work with. im sure that will come across in the final product.”
“i just never thought id get to this point of my career, where i’ve been able to work with people that i’ve admired since i was just starting out. im still honestly kinda start struck every day.” he admitted, a redness rushing to his cheeks. 
“you’re a superstar, babe. you deserve this. and im so proud of you.” you said, and he smiled widely at you. 
“i cant tell you how much your support means to me. you’ve always been here for me, and i love that get to share this life with you.” he said taking your hand in his. 
“this is for life. through thick and thin.” you said, running your thumb over his wedding band. “i love you.”
“i love you.” he repeated, leaning over to press a kiss to your cheek. “for life.”
you finished dinner and cleaned up the kitchen, settling into the couch once you finished. you watched as austin scrolled through the tv, searching for a movie to watch. you leaned deep into the cushions, tightening your arms around austin as he leaned his back into your chest as the movie started. 
you sat there watching the movie, and after a while, your fingers mindlessly began playing with austin’s hair. 
“mmm, thats gonna put me to sleep.” he laughed. you looked down at him and his eyes were already starting to fall closed. 
“movie’s almost done, we’ll go to bed afterwards.” you said, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. 
as the film concluded, you muted the tv before the credits started, knowing the music would be loud. austin had fallen asleep in your arms and you didn’t want to jolt him awake.
“aus, babe. the movie is done. let’s go to bed.” you said as you pushed him up. he sat up slowly and he swayed away from you, catching his balance before standing off the couch. he stretched his arms out as far as they could reach and let out a loud groan. you stared up at him, watching his every move. your eyes landed on the frame of his face, his facial hair glowing in the dim light of the living room. 
“what? why are you looking at me like that?” he slurred, eyes barely open.
“i just think you’re really pretty.” you smiled.
“i think you’re prettier.” he said, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. he laced his fingers with yours and pulled you up from the couch, leading you off to the bedroom. 
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ok I need you to discuss this John is My Son thing because like I also feel that Sometimes I Felt Like His Priest is also really underdischssed!
okay here we go!!!
The quote you're referring to is from the Foreword of The Lyrics. I grabbed some more of it because it's all quite interesting to me.
This was about the same time that I met John Lennon, and it’s pretty clear now that we were a huge influence on each other. Readers might detect duelling emotions in my recollections of John; that’s because my relationship with him was very mixed. Sometimes it was filled with great love and admiration, but other times not, especially around the time The Beatles were breaking up. In the beginning, though, the relationship was a young Liverpool guy looking up to another guy a year and a half older. It was hard not to admire John’s wit and wisdom. But as I came to see him as a person and a human being, there were, of course, arguments, though never anything violent. There’s even a movie out there in which John’s character punches my character, but the truth is that he never punched me. As with many friendships, there were disputes and there were arguments, but not many. Sometimes, though, I certainly thought John was being a complete idiot. Even though I was younger, I would try to explain to him why he was being stupid and why something he’d done was so unlike him. I remember him saying things to me like, ‘You know, Paul, I worry about how people are gonna remember me when I die.’ Thoughts like that shocked me, and I’d reply, ‘Hold on; just hold it right there. People are going to think you were great, and you’ve already done enough work to demonstrate that.’ I often felt like I was his priest and would have to say, ‘My son, you’re great. Just don’t worry about that.’
It's like… there's so much going on here, you know? John is almost paradoxical to Paul: the source of one of the biggest hurts of his life and also one of his great bringers of joy; he's forever petrified as a teenager in Paul's mind and also on some level remains his fairground hero whose shadow Paul cannot escape; a traitor and yet don't you dare depict him being violent towards me; wise and simultaneously stupid.
At its root, I think many of these contradictions exist because Paul is on some level aware that a lot of the pain John dealt him was at least in part due to something John could not help (i.e. mental illness). He can't bring himself to blame John entirely, in a similar way a lot of us fans wrestle with John's behaviour that we know came from a place of great anguish. This has contributed to Paul infantilizing the memory of John; he has an instinct to look after John, and it's exacerbated by the fact that he has aged whilst his conception of John has not (you can see this in the way Paul constantly circles back to the early days of their friendship), which is in great contrast to Paul's memory of, say, Brian:
"I find that one of the interesting aspects of ageing: Brian Epstein never got beyond thirty-two, but I think of him as an older guy even though I’m already twenty years older than he ever got to be." – Many Years From Now.
But there's another element to this… A lot of people on here speculate about why Paul "can't get over John". My answer:
1) John's death was uniquely traumatic to John's loved ones in a way we tend to gloss over.
2) We are not letting Paul get over it! Paul has been asked about John in interview after interview for four decades and his image directly suffered due to the lionization of John post-1980 as well as the way he (Paul) was judged for not grieving correctly. Perhaps he's started bringing John up a lot in interviews in part because he feels he has to, lest he be deemed callous and cold again. (and perhaps he is seeking to nip the Lennon Question in the bud before the questions become, ahem, horribly insensitive) That's not to say Paul isn't weird about John – I think he is! But I think the way he's been made to both carry John's legacy and accept criticism used to build John up and bury his own unresolved anger at John and grieve over a senseless murder publicly and defend John now that his image is being torn down… it accounts for a huge chunk of this weirdness, IMO. Again, I want to reiterate: I think these are generally Paul's genuine feelings and thoughts (and I certainly don't want to imply that all of this only started post-1980... but perhaps there's a reason Paul seemed more measured throughout the '70s) but I think it's naive to act like society didn't help shape the way Paul talks about John and sees him. When you live as publicly as he does and your childhood friendship is one of the most talked about relationships in music history, you are bound to be affected by the general reception.
I also think Paul is often doing reputation damage control. It is very important to him that he and John are remembered first and foremost as friends (hence the offense he takes in the depiction of John punching him in Nowhere Boy) and it seems like, since at least Goldman, he's been trying to emphasize John's softer, more lovable traits. I think this, mixed with the infantilization mentioned above, is where you get stuff like the clip of Paul calling John a little baby or a lovely broth of a boy.
It's all so damn complicated you know? And so fascinating.
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charlesslut16 · 7 months
hiiiii!! i love your writing! could you maybe write something about esteban reassuring the reader after he has a very hard race and she’s really worried about him? (qatar traumatized me). thank you!!! 🩷
-hell on track-
summary : esteban reassures you after the horrible race that happened...
PAIRING : esteban ocon x reader
WARNINGS : the qatar race, talk about vomiting
note : i'm sorry that i was so absent but i had so much work on my plate that i didn't have the time to write something for you. But i hope you still like it even tho itt came late...
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You hated Qatar.  Even now, after the race that had accrued. 
The day had started as always. Esteban and you woke up in bed together, made yourselves ready for the paddock/race, and ate breakfast together. A good start to the day.
But no one knew how bad the day would end for all the drivers and their significant others. In Qatar, it was 80 degrees Celsius, and it was absolutely boiling in the cars of the drivers.
While all the other wags were sitting in the garages watching the race, you and Kika were in the alpine garage worrying about Esteban and Pierre. Both of you feared for both of them.
Kika and you knew that nothing too horrible would happen, but you still didn't want to think about all the things that could easily happen, like not seeing anything and driving against a border or worse, against another driver.
As you heard what problems the other drivers had, Kika and you became uneasy. You knew that the both of them would return save to you, but you wanted to know how they were doing right this second.
Logan had to retire because of his health, some drivers couldn't see in the last laps because it was blurry; Fernando had difficulties with his seat, because of the heat and some more incidents.
And as the race was finished, all you had on your mind was to be with Esteban as soon as possible. Minutes later, you saw him and ran to him. Hugging him and touching him to know that he was alright.
Well okay. You knew that he had vomited on the 15th lap and that everything was blurry in the last few laps. But him being here, with you, made everything a little better.
After the podium and the interviews, you and Esteban were in his driver's room on the couch. You told him the thoughts you had while he was racing, and he listened and reassured you.
“Everything is fine, I'm fine. There is no need to worry anymore, my love. I was feeling ill by lap 15 or 16. I was throwing up for two laps inside the cockpit, but I'm in one piece and that is all that matters.”
You still weren't convinced, but that was only because you were worrying so much, while he was racing. In your mind, you knew that nothing too horrible would happen, but still you had your worries.
“But honestly, I was not expecting for the race to be that hard. I can normally do two race distances, even in Singapore. Physically, like muscle-wise and cardio-wise, I'm always fine.  That's what I've always been training for, but today it was just the hot air and how hot the engine is from behind the car. I don't think we particularly sealed the cockpit too well. It must have been like 80 degrees inside the car.”
“But yeah. Glad that we finished the race. A hard one, well deserved, the maximum we could have done. A happy ending.”
You listened soundlessly and carefully, understanding the situation in the car fully, as you weren't in there. You had just heard the information you had become or heard.
“Why didn't you retire, Este? Maybe it would have been better for your health.”
“It's not an option, retiring. I was never going to do that. You need to kill me to retire.”
Shocked, you looked at him for a second before you slapped his chest. He caught your hand, while laughing as he saw your shocked face. But it was true. Nothing would get him out of his car. Except maybe for you.
“Don't say something like that. Do not even think about such horrible things.”
 After you answered him, you turned around, so Esteban could only see your back. But Esteban didn't like that, he pulled you into his lap and gripped your chin with his hand, so you'd look at him.
“I was only joking, my love. Do not worry.”
You accepted this answer with a little pout-smile. But you and Esteban both knew that that was a lie. He would rather be dragged out of the car than go out of it willingly.
“I'm glad that next year we come back here in December.”
“Me too.”
You sat on his lap, while he told you more about his time in the car. And each time he told you something, and you were worried, he would reassure you and tell you that he was fine.
That was all you wanted. Esteban was one of the people who made your life so much better. He was your rock in the sea. He was your save place, and you never wanted him to be anything else.
And you hoped that you and him would be together forever.
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yanderelucy2 · 1 year
When You Are Away - Tears of Themis
When you are away... they start to act differently, let's see how they change! Tears of Themis MLs when you're off away for 3 months, with no way to contact them due to "reasons."
"When you are away, I begin to lose myself. I need you, it's dependence... or is this what you call... addiction?"
A/N: These may not be canonically accurate to the character's personalities. You may also find that sentences are formed or written strangely, I do apologize that I am not the best writer!
PART 1 - Away, PART 2 - Together Again
Artem Wing
1 WEEK - After just one week the changes in him are noticeable, he's like a walking zombie as he consumes himself in his workload. In order to not worry too much, or feel the dreadful feeling of loneliness he occupies his mind with work. Not until Celestine reminds him "You mustn't overwork yourself as a form of distraction, if she comes back and you're ill she won't be satisfied."
1 MONTH - At this point he's recovered from overworking himself. Instead, he simply accepts the feeling of a cold bed in the morning, and he gets ready with a frown on his face. At work, he's getting more stern, and the workers and interns begin to get fearful something is wrong. He doesn't notice a difference in himself, only in his surroundings as he sees others distance themself from him.
3 MONTH - He's getting back to normal slowly as he knows you'll return any day, while he heals he finally notices just how he'd been acting. Cold, stern, strict. In retrospect he regrets it, he buys the law firm all kinds of desserts as an apology, but he can't figure out just why the sudden change in his personality. He tells himself though... "I need her... I couldn't survive in this world without her."
Marius Von Hagen
1 WEEK - A change at work isn't too noticeable until a problem arises within the company... once again he's at the center of it. His authority is being questioned. He's more serious than normal, he doesn't necessarily need to hold back with you gone. It's noticeable in his way of approaching the situation in trying to solve it.
1 MONTH - The problem was solved swiftly, but the public's response to how he reacted differently than normal still lingers. People still question him, and paparazzi question him, as to what's happened for the sudden change to happen. The less he replies the more it crowds the internet until he gives his public reply. "There is no reason as to why I solved the situation how I did. So I hope you will all end the questioning."
3 MONTH - It was revealed after someone who had been watching Marius spoke up after a while saying "His lover he always showers with affection, hasn't appeared at his side for 3 months now." The public love to assume, and the assumptions angered Marius... because how dare they say "They must've broken up... poor Marius." Since he knew you would return soon, he quickly admitted to an interview. "My fiancee is away on a work visit. Our love is everlasting, so do not go making assumptions that I would ever leave her side." His defensive manner, instead of deterring the public... won their hearts.
Luke Pearce
1 WEEK - No change is noticeable within the first week, at least to the exterior. Peanut though notices, and won't leave him alone. As if comforting his lonesomeness. "Peanut.. didn't I send you off on a mission? What are you still doing here." Luke tilted his head whilst furrowing his eyebrows. Peanut simply flies to his shoulder and sits.
1 MONTH - At this point in time it's becoming more noticeable as he's seen acting more restlessly, and recklessly as well. One of Luke's superiors ends up asking him... "Luke, how about a break. You don't seem yourself. You haven't been taking the right amount of precautions. Pull yourself together, or I'll shape you up myself." This snaps Luke's brain, he doesn't see a difference in himself. Why would he need a break? No one noticed, but he was using work as a coping mechanism, as a withdrawal drug.
3 MONTH - He's getting so excited to see you his mind goes almost insane. After the break, he was close to being back to normal, but every morning seeing no message, or a cold bed... his heart couldn't hold his sorrow long enough. He needed to see you, it physically pained him to not see you. "I need you by my side, please return to me quicker. Or I might just steal you... I can't be without you any longer."
Vyn Richter
1 WEEK - The change is almost immediately noticeable in his lectures, as his students question him. "Professor Ritcher! Are you okay? You're teaching has been more... well I don't know what's different, but it's different!" He feels bad for worrying his students, so he simply comforts them saying everything is okay, excusing himself with an "experiment" and "research purposes."
1 MONTH - He begins to notice the differences, so he takes it upon himself to take a break from work, but it doesn't help him in any way. All it makes him realize is just how much he needs you by his side, he's afraid he can't remember your touch, your voice, your soft breath between a kiss, your scent, he's afraid that with 2 more months remaining he'll forget.
3 MONTH - He's gone back to work, more out of obligation. He knows you'll return soon, so he hurries up his work in case you'll return that day, but every day you're not he finds himself with a gloss over his eyes. He misses you every day. "Why are you not by my side... is it selfish to need you so badly? Why haven't you returned to my side, I need you here with me. Please I must hold you in my arms, I must feel your soft skin on my tragedy-calloused hands. Being without you for so long... I think my heart is beginning to stop."
PART 1 - Away, PART 2 - Together Again
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olivia091108 · 7 months
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For the film
Summary:y/n and Johnny are doing a film together and are fake dating to promote the film
Word count:1.6k
Pairing:Johnny Knoxville x reader
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Getting a call from the director is never good so I walk into his office to see what’s wrong. When I see that Johnny is there I’m not as worried it’s probably something about a script change. I take a seat next to Johnny and ask what’s going on
The movies coming out in 4 months and we’re trying to find a way to promote it.
“Cant you just put out billboards like everyone else?” Johnny asks
“That’s what everyone does I want to do something exciting so me and the team came up with you two pretend to date”
“What?! What do you mean”
“Just going out on dates and being seen together then the paparazzi will put out the pictures and in interviews you can say how you fell in love and once the films out your done easy”
“No one’s gonna believe that”
“Your actors just act. Speaking of we’ve wrapped for the day since we’re trying to find locations”
Me and Johnny leave his office and it’s a bit awkward to be honest because I know that we kiss for the movie but this is different it’s actually real
“Wanna come round mine and we can figure this out” Johnny’s voice snaps me out my thoughts and I nod
“I’ll be round in an hour”
“Alright see you then”
Johnny’s house was really nice it was the right size for him and inside is decorated and it’s quite clean for Johnny. He just finished getting us a takeaway from burger king and he comes back in holding two beers and hands one to me.
“Ok so i was thinking if were going to be doing interviews they will obviously ask how it happened so we should figure that out any ideas.”
“We has mind blowing sec and you couldn’t get enough of me” he says it so seriously i could barley tell if he was joking.
“No how about we were flirting on set a lot i like you you like me and we kiss and then go out on a date.”
“Boring we should go out to a club or bar and then we come outside kiss make sure paparazzi get the shot then you come back to mine.”
“What so its like a one night stand then we fall in love. I don’t think so that would only be talked about for 3 weeks tops.”
After 10 minutes the food got here and we still hadn’t decided on anything and with a couple of empty beers next to me i was getting a but tipsy
“Ok ok ok how about we get seen together doing normal co star things but it gets more girlfriend boyfriendy until like a month and a half before the films released where we confess to dating”
“Thats actually a pretty good idea fir someone whos drunk” taking extreme offence to that i start denying profusely.
“Your too drunk to drive stay here tonight”
“Thanks johnny”
“its fine doll”and he shows me to the guest bedroom and i get straight into bed with my clothes on and fall asleep straight away.
When we get to set i have a hangover its not too bad but it will be a long day. I go to the makeup department and then go to wardrobe and get into costume.
After filming a few scenes me and johnny are just hanging out by my trailer sitting on the steps to it when i see Claire trying to hide behind one of the other trailers
“You ok claire?”
“Oh yeah im great you too just keep doing that ill just be back here”shes obviously hiding something
“Claire what are you doing?”
“I got sent here to take photos of you two”
“You could have just said” i chuckle at her and turn to johnny and put hi hand on my thigh and just tell him to keel talking while i smile.we hear a few clicks of claires camrea
“You got it?”johnny asks. “Yeah thanks guys”
It was like that the rest of the week and by Friday we were front page
Johnny Knoxville and co-star y/n y/l/n are seen canoodling on set of new movie
The following week me and Johnny are seen going to eatchothers apartments and seen with eatchothers friends. It’s honestly quite funny because me and and Johnny already do this stuff.
After a month of that sort of things happening we are actually going to Hawaii to film the rest of the movie. It was about 5:45 am when i got to the airport and i was dressed in practically pjs but as soon as i got there my eyes got blinded by paparazzi and Johnny came over to me and held my hand to get me inside.
It didn’t stop there though on the plane even our director was taking photos and telling us how to pose saying things like “put your arm round her johnny” “y/n lean on him” “now pretend to fall asleep on eatchother”
Once we got to Hawaii I immediately wanted to look around ad spend time in the beach but first I had to work. We were shooting a. Scene where the whole cast was going on a tour in the rainforest but Johnnys character gets us lost from the group
It was great there were so many animals and this one monkey kept clinging onto me and during on of the takes he jumps down onto me and starts wrapping itself round me and I wanted to keep it ad once we had finished filming i didnt want to say goodbye
By the time we got back to the hotel the sun was about to set so I wanted to head to the beach and watch the sunset and go for a swim.
The sunset was beautiful and the water wasn’t too cold and I began to float on my back and swim to the bottom picking up one of those shells that you can hear the beach in
Once i resurface I see Johnny watching me and I swim over and get out the water heading over to him.
“Look what I found isnt it gorgeous”i proudly show off the shell but as the wind picks up I shiver and Johnny pulls me into his chest not even caring that I’m drenched. I look up at him and he smiles before looking back at the sunset and I wrap mr arms round his waist and lean in even more to try and warm myself up and we watch the sunset.
“I was thinking we’ve finished the film and soon we will have to show everyone that we’re dating so we should kiss” I tell him
“Why not it’s not like we haven’t before and anyway I see Claire hiding over there.”
I wrap my arms round his neck and lean up to kiss him slow at first and I feel his hands glide down my back to grab at my ass wich makes me smile against the kiss.
My feelings for Johnny changed after that its like every time I saw him i didn’t want to pretend ro date him I wanted to actually date him so now in every situation I foul I would convince him that we need to kiss or ho on a fare fir the paparazzi.
Me and Johnny have a collection of magazines. Every time we were published we would buy the magazine and go round one of our houses and laugh about the things they would say.
“Omg that photo is awful why would they choose that” I would complain
“You look gorgeous doll”I immediately felt butterfly’s swarm my stomach
“Your ass looks better than mine in those jeans” i point at him on the front cover
“Your tits look great” I grab the magazine and stare at the photo of us on the beach. “Omg they look huge”
But now every tine a magazine would say stuff about the two of us I wanted it to be real like him for real taking me to dinner and fur real spending the night at eatchothers houses not just as friends and fir real him kissing me.
Tonight is the premier of our movie and by next week we will break up but im just going to enjoy it while it lasts. Im wearing a black dress with a snake going down my spine and deep cut to show off my cleavage.
While in the taxi I want to confess my feelings to him before we break up so now’s the time
“Johnny I have something I have to say. I like you like more than s friend I have for a while now and I know that we were only pretending to promote the movie but the pat 4 months have been the best of my life snd I know that you probably dont care bu-
He grabs the back of my neck and pulls me in for a kiss and it gets cut off as the driver announces that we are here.
I walk onto the red carpet Johnny with his arm round my waist and we pose together and do some interviews before he kisses me and ive never seen more flashes in my life and I know this will make front page.
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I feel like its rushed but it literally took me 4 hours so I hope you like it
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 8 months
hi! i recently stumbled upon your blog and i wanted to ask, is it possible for autism to be missed in children? after researching, i managed to tell my mother that i think im autistic, but she was very adamant in that i was screened already as a young child, and that i am not autistic. i am in high school now, and i think i exhibit many symptoms. i have things ill be suddenly extremely invested in for periods of time, costing me sleep and meals, and it takes me extra effort to talk to people in school, to the point where i cry and contemplate suicide almost daily.
im so sorry for venting, and don’t worry if you cant answer my question; thank you for taking the time to read this anyhow 👍
Hi there,
I’ve found an article from the Child Mind Institute talking about this. I’ll paste the short version and leave the full article below:
For kids with autism, getting social skills training as a toddler can make a big difference. But often, children with autism don’t get diagnosed until after they’ve started school. Sometimes, that’s because they get diagnosed with ADHD or sensory processing issues first. These other diagnoses are often correct, but in order to get the right treatment, kids need an autism diagnosis too.
There are a number of reasons why early screenings don’t always catch autism. Doctors often hesitate to diagnose autism if it might be something else. They want to see how the child’s development goes first. Sometimes, kids who have both ADHD and autism just get diagnosed with severe ADHD. Then, nobody realizes there’s more happening until the child starts school and the social parts of autism become clearer.
Autism is also harder to diagnose than ADHD or sensory issues if you’re just seeing your child’s regular doctor. The assessment for autism takes half an hour plus a long interview with parents. So you won’t see it in a standard check-up. Autism also has a range of symptoms that look different in different kids. If your child’s doctor isn’t a specialist, they might not realize your child is showing signs of autism.
Full article:
I hope this is helpful. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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yourgaeyisshowing · 6 months
Bumps Along the way
Chapter 4: In a Flash of light
Larissa x Shapeshifter!Reader Pregnant!Reader Pregnant!Larissa
Warnings: Pregnancy struggles, Pregnancy/childbirth, Miscarriages, Mental illness, Swears or curses, Infant Death, Stillborn, PTSD, Panic attacks, Near death experience, Mentions of birth and physical exams, vomiting,
A/N: This story is going to be heavy, it deals with real life situations that most don’t understand the pain of. 1 in 4 women will experience this in their lifetime, remember you don’t know everyone's history.
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Chapter 4: In a flash of light
“The sun came up and Larissa’s alarm went off like it did every morning. Waking you up you felt the bed shift rather quickly and saw a flash of Larissa fly past you to the bathroom connected to your room. She quickly hit her knees and hung her head in the toilet bowl. Throwing up all the contents of her stomach from the day before. You darted out of bed and quickly scooped her hair up into a messy bun and rubbed her back softly. “It's okay love, get it all out. I’ve got you.” She went to look up at you stunned, but was stopped short of another round of sickness hitting her. You grabbed a wet washcloth, and let her finish, sitting next to her and wiping her mouth. “Darling you should be in bed” Larissa whispered, her throat stinging as she did. “Hush now none of that. Other than a bit tired I’m fine. But you on the other hand are not. Do you still feel sick?” Shaking her head no she took your hand and stood up letting you lead her back to your shared bed. After getting comfortable and a glass of water you climbed in with her moving the hot water bottles and heating pads to the floor. 
“My love, we need to talk. I'm worried about you, about us. What's going on?” Larissa did something she has never done before and burst into tears and put her head in her hands. “I don't know! I feel out of control and off and most of all I hurt you, I didn't even realize I did it until I did. I’m so sorry about last night! You could have died Y/N!” Larissa sobbed uncontrollably and all but fell into your arms. “Oh honey, It was just a misunderstanding, I know work has been stressful on you lately and you have been struggling. I'm so sorry I didn’t see that. I was too caught up in my own thoughts that I was neglecting your needs.”  You rubbed her back and held onto her, feeling her cries lighten up just a bit. “Honey, how long have you been feeling unwell? You don’t seem to have a fever. Why didn’t you tell me you were sick?” You felt her forehead which was cool to the touch and dismissed it. “A few days, I think I ate something off. I don’t really know… I just have felt off for the last few weeks. Come to think of it, I…I’m late.” Realization hit you both like a truck as you got out of bed and came back with a small blue wrapper. “Do you think?” You started to ask as her eyes got wide. She snatched the package out of your hand and darted to the bathroom. After a minute or two the door unlocked and Larissa sat down on the bed. “I..I’m too scared to look.” She admitted to you. 
Walking into the bathroom you grabbed the test without looking and came to sit next to her. Grabbing her hand you took a deep breath and turned the test over showing two pink lines. Tears immediately filled both of your eyes. “We’re gonna be mums!” Larissa all but shouted, your arms flew around her neck and you hugged her with a force to be reckoned with. In the next few weeks you had resigned to helping Larissa with her work load, and decided that you would cherish each day. Every night, you would talk to your baby and read to him or her. Giving little kisses to your wife’s belly and she would roll her eyes playfully enjoying how much you dotted on her and your baby. Larissa was adamant she did not want to have the baby in the hospital around unkind doctors and nurses who didn’t understand outcasts. She was however thrilled by the idea of a controlled home birth and a midwife team. After several interviews with Outcast midwives and none of them clicking you finally found Mel who was a green witch and sorcerer. She was kind and tender-hearted and you and Larissa both loved her. She had an outcast safe portable ultrasound unit, and a team that included a doula named Michelle who was a healer and a wonderful photographer named Emily that was a seer. Larissa had her first home appointment coming up in a few weeks and the time couldn’t pass quicker. 
A small knock on the door was heard and you answered it letting Mel in. Her beautiful brunette hair tied up in a bun and her bag and unit on a rolling tote. Larissa brought in a tray of tea and the three of you chatted for a while about your birth plan, things you were concerned about and many other things. “Now are there any concerns you have about Larissa?” She asked in her soft tone, setting a hand on Larissa’s knee. Larissa nodded and set her cup down. “I think I am somewhere around 6 weeks, but things are already not fitting and the morning sickness has become all day sickness. Is that normal?” Larissa was a bit unsure of her words as she rested a hand on her belly. “That is completely normal hun, I will give you some tincture for the sickness to help, but in the meantime are you ready for your first physical exam? It can put most things at ease.” 
The brunette asked and Larissa looked at you and nodded. “Good now I like my moms to feel comfortable and usually the best spot is in your own bed, are you okay with that?” Mel asked with her usual smile. “Yes, actually that sounds much better than what I was expecting.” Larissa chuckled and showed Mel the way to your room with you following behind her. “Okay I think i'm all set up I’ll step out for a moment and let you change into something comfortable a nightgown or a long shirt will do just fine. Then you can use this sheet I brought to cover your bottom half when you lay down.” Mel explained and stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her. Doing as she asked, Larissa Changed into a long sleeve shirt that was too big and fell to her thighs and laid on the bed letting herself get comfortable and you helped with the sheet so she felt comfortable. Letting Mel back in you stood awkwardly not knowing what to do. She laughed and told you to make yourself comfortable on the bed next to Larissa. After a quick pelvic exam that Larissa cringed through and gripped your hand, she deemed everything was in order and asked if she could move on to an abdominal exam. Larissa Nodded and Mel Slid the blanket over her legs and let the paper sheet rest on top of it to make Larissa a bit more comfortable. 
She palpated her stomach in different ways and pulled out her stethoscope, one hand on it the other on her stomach. With a small smile she pulled the pieces out of her ears and handed them to Larissa. “Would you like to hear?” Mel asked. “Yes please!” Larissa's eyes welled up with tears hearing the thump thump thump of the baby's heartbeat. She let you hear as well and you pulled the ear pieces away and gave Larissa a small forehead kiss and wiped a stray tear away. “That momma’s is a strong heartbeat there. Now would you like to see the baby and we can get a due date and a correct measurement?” Both of you nodded eagerly, and Larissa winced at the cold gel as it was placed on her stomach. Soon forgotten though as the picture on the screen showed a tiny baby. 
“There they are, it’s a bit too early to tell the gender yet. But it looks like you are closer to nine weeks Larissa. By this measurement and your last cycle being in march it looks like you will be due right around december give or take. A Christmas baby!” You and Larissa were in awe, this all felt real now. “We decided we don't want to know the gender, it will be our Christmas surprise.” You said, holding Larissa’s hand tightly. Mel nodded and gave her congrats, printing out pictures for you both and cleaning up the gel on Larissas stomach. “I’ll let you dress and then while I pack up we can talk about next steps.” Larissa nodded and threw on a pair of shorts before letting Mel come back in. Sitting cross legged in your shared bed Mel explained how to take the tincture and that with the hotter months coming she would need to make sure to up her protein and fluid intake and it was important that she didn’t shift into any appearance other than that of a female as it could hurt the baby. After she was done packing up you saw her out, coming back to the bedroom with the brightest smile as you pulled your wife into your arms. 
“We’re having a baby” you whispered, trailing a finger over the pictures Mel left. “It all feels so real now, that little baby is growing inside me. I didn’t ever think I'd be a mum. And now here I am, a mum to be and someone’s wife.” You cuddled her closer and gave her a deep kiss. “Look at you growing a whole little person!” You chuckled, making her laugh with you. You two spent the rest of the day cuddled up together and doing some online shopping for some new maternity outfits for Larissa. Specifically skirts that would grow with her, and some new looser shirts. You had also decided that once she started really showing you wouldn’t hide the pregnancy to the staff or students.
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lizzieislife94x · 6 months
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Woman In Red Pt.2 (e.o)
LizziexFem Reader
Also guys i forgot to say PLEASE if anyone finds these one shots offensive please done report them please just move to the next story still crushed about the original being removed by wattpad. I don't need to put warnings on these because they're ALL 18+ all smut.
I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing in my ear groaning I answer with my eyes still close "hello" I instantly smile at the voice on the other end "I'm sorry did I wake you baby?" I open my eyes and sit up a little "yeah but I don't mind being woke up to the sound of your beautiful voice babe, what's up are you ok?"
Lizzie: yeah I'm OK y/n just missing you and so excited for our date tonight I can't wait to see you I can't wait for these interviews to be over I just wanna be cuddled up in your arms
Y/N: I can't wait either babe and don't worry you'll be in my arms tonight with lots of hugs and kisses I can't wait to take you out
Lizzie: ok ill see you later y/n can't wait
Y/N: bye beautiful see you in a few hours.
I end the call with a huge smile and jump out of bed to do my morning routine then head down to make some coffee and eggs about 30 minutes after I eat breakfast and make some phone calls to make sure everything's set up perfectly for tonight now time to decorate the bedroom just in case, I take the Rose pettles and candles heading upstairs and decorate the bedroom and smile to myself.
It's currently 7pm I've spent the day getting things sorted for tonight, I fix my black dress that hugs my body perfectly and quickly fix my hair biting my lip slightly yep y/n you look smoking hot, I giggle to myself and grab my car keys heading out and start to drive to lizzies it should take almost 40 minutes due to the awful traffic but my only thought is the gorgeous woman in red waiting for me, I grab my phone as I sit in the last bit of traffic and text lizzie
Me: hey baby almost out of the last bit of traffic I'll be there in 10 minutes can't wait to see you♡
Woman in red: Eeeeee I'm so excited I feel like I've not seen you in weeks, I know I seen you 3 nights ago for our walk but it feels like so long ago I'm pouty hurry and get here.
Me: I know babe but I'll be 10 minutes and take that pout off your face beautiful or ill need to kiss it away ;)
Woman in red: Thats my plan, so the pout stays
I just giggle and let out a content sigh god that woman will be the death of me its official I've fallen madly in love with her, before i know it I'm parking outside lizzies house, i close the door and walk up ringing the doorbell why do i feel nervous as the door open i go to say hi but I'm met with a pouty lizzie jumping into my arms hugging tight I let out a giggle "I missed you too babe" I start to leave kisses all over her face making her giggle and eventually gently kiss her pouty lips and she instantly kisses back I could kiss her forever "ok as much as I want to stay here kissing your amazing lips we have to go baby we have a reservation for dinner" she smiles and looks me up and down biting her lip and I do the same to her she's wearing a dress similar to mine but red and she's fucking stunning "god you really are my woman in red" she blushes gently pushing my shoulder "what do you mean your woman in red?" She asks softly, fuck "well when we first met when we bumped into each other you had this beautiful red pant suit on and even tho I knew your name every time I'd think about you I'd refer to you as the woman in red" I feel my face instantly heat up "y/n that's so fucking adorable by the way after we first met I couldn't keep my mind off you either and fate seemed to bring us together out of all the banks I unknowingly ended up in yours" she smiles and leans in to place a gentle peck on my lips and I hold her there mumbling against her lips "it sure did beautiful now let's go" we head to the car and I open her door for her and we drive to the fancy restaurant I booked.
We spent the night laughing flirting and occasionally giving each other kisses and I couldn't be more happy "one more stop before we go back to my house babe" I say as we leave the restaurant and head to the car "lead the way y/n wherever you go ill follow" I smile and intertwine our fingers as we walk to the car I open her door and she gives me the most adorable smile I drive us to the little milkshake shop she first took me to and the excitement on her face is priceless "ohhh my goshhh your so fucking cute y/n taking us to the place we kinda had our first date, this place will forever be special to me" I squeeze her hand gently as we walk into the shop "me too lizzie me too" we enjoyed our milkshakes and spend an hour enjoying eachothers company before we head back to my house on the drive home lizzie rests her hand a lil high on my thigh and I unknowingly squirm in my seat and she clearly noticed "what's wrong y/n you seem a little tense" she smirks and bites her lip sliding her hand higher "I um I I I'm not I'm fine" she giggles and looks at me with a smirk "that dress looks fucking sexy on you y/n but you know where it would even better?" She asks innocently I swallow the lump in my throat and shake my head at a loss of words and she leans over and whispers in my ear "on the bedroom floor" I let out a moan I didn't mean to and she licks her lips "I also want to hear lots of that" I feel the pool of wetness gather in my underwear, we need to get out this car now,
As soon as the front door of my house closes lizzie has me pressed against it kissing me like there's no tomorrow I let my hands travel her body and land on her ass and she let's out a moan god that sound is sexy I break the kiss and smile "come with me baby" I take her hand and lead her up to my bedroom and open the door and watch her smile grow as she enters "you done all this for me?" I smile and nod "I just wanted to make everything perfect for you " she crawls onto my bed and bites her lip looking straight at me "come here babe" I walk towards her and unzip the side of my dress letting it fall to the floor "fuck y/n you look so sexy" I blush and crawl onto the bed and start kissing her neck while I unzip her dress and she unclipped my bra letting my breasts pop out and before I know it she flipped us so she was on top "fuck please touch me lizzie I need you I need to feel you" she kisses her way down to my nipples and sucks the left and rolls the right between her fingers pinching sending moans flying out my mouth she lowers her kisses to my stomach then pantie line and looks up to me to make sure she has permission "please lizzie touch me" i beg and quicker than I could blink my panties where on the floor beside my dress and her tounge runs through my wet folds and all I can do is whimper "mmh fuck this wet for me baby? And you taste so fucking good y/n" I try to form a sentence while biting my lip "you make me so fucking wet lizzie it's all for you" she moans and slides 2 fingers inside my tight cunt while she kitten licks my clit and all I can do is moan her name her fingers and licks get faster she must have curled her fingers because I'm so close to Cumming "fuck lizzie right...right there fuck don't stop I'm going to fuckkkk" I cum all over her fingers and my full body spasms I try to catch my breath but lizzie continues to finger me and before I know it I'm Cumming all over her fingers again and again fuck that woman has skilled fingers.
After many rounds of mind blowing sex she's curled up close to me as she sleeps soundly.
AN: sorry if it's not great but I'm making these up word for word as I write I think I'll be able to write better if I have requestes something to have a lil inspiration to work with so feel free to either comment your request or message me here on wattpad 😊 word count 1.5k
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ppnuggie · 8 months
      TRAILCUTTER x female reader
    『 trailcutter ,, female reader 』
  -> pt . 1 / teebs w/ a reader that works for cybertronian/human relations
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, comfort ,, reassurance <3
  — just a little series of mine ill work on :3 feel free to request any of them <33 ive got a few short series in mind ,, one w/ drift in a fast n furious sorta au w/ undercover cop reader ,, one w/ tracks n a cop reader ,, theres another short series im doing w/ the minibots (including rung + minimus) w/ the reader on the lost light :D
— feel free to reblog or give any comments / feedback ! <3 i enjoy reading them and seeing my work spread !
        fixing the bowtie to your suit ,, you heard trailcutter sigh in the background . fixing any stray strands of hair left out ,, you turned around to your lover . " you doing okay ?" you asked with a head tilt ,, eyes staring into his own visor as he flashes a small smile . "alls good ,," he brushed it off . though you kept your stare fixated on him ,, frowning . " nervous ,, maybe ,," he casted his helm to the side . he couldnt keep his troubles hidden ,, you knew him too well for that .
        " it'll be alright teebs ,," you reassure the bot ,, walking over and placing your hand against his leg . he would have to mass displace for the interview . as the liason for earth ,, people on the planet were curious about your new relationship with one of the crew members . the government didnt say much ,, but you knew they didn't approve of it . though people on earth were thrilled ,, an interspecies relationship ! the first of it ,, with humans that is .
        and so one of the few famous reporters were interested in doing an interview with you both . saying they want to know about life in space ,, how it was aboard the lost light ,, and what its like to be with a cybertronian . trailcutter ,, lord bless his spark ,, he was all for it ,, but now that he started to think it through ,, he was nervous about their reactions .
        it wouldnt be his first ,, or last ,, time around humans . hes been to earth ,, met the residents and seen the sightings ,, but now that he was in a relationship with a human ,, and about to be interviewed ,, he couldnt help but worry about what might happen . what if says something wrong ? or does something to make people think otherwise of interspecies relationships ? especially his with you ? his spark hummed loudly ,, visor dimming as he worried more and more . " hey ,, look at me ." your voice broke his worried thoughts .
he crouched down to your height ,, or as best as he could . " you'll do fine ,, i know it ." your hands wrapped around his digit ,, a smile settled upon your lips as you eased his nerves . " if they go overboard or say something that makes you uncomfortable ,, just tell me and we can leave immediately . i promise trailcutter ,, i wont put you in a situation you dont want to be in ." you reassured the bot ,, hands petting his digit . " if you dont want to do this we can call it off ,, and ill message the interviewer . they'll understand ,, im sure ." primus bless you ,, trailcutter really felt like he didnt deserve you . he wouldnt say that out loud though ,, knowing you'd get upset and tell him he shouldnt think that way . but he knows ,, he knows deep down that you mean the world to him ,, that he doesnt really deserve someone as nice and understanding as you . he's lucky to be with you ,, still awestruck at the fact you chose him over any other bot .
you could've chosen rodimus ,, with his bright and flashy paintjob and outgoing personality . you couldve chosen ratchet ,, who could help you with anything and was quite a handsome mech in a way . there was also skids ,, who was more the nice to you and made you laugh often . or even the minibots aboard the ship ; swerve — who knew more about earth than trailcutter did — would be a good match for you . even that little guy tailgate hes seen around . they were better suited for your height ,, and wouldnt have to worry so much about accidentally squishing you underfoot like he does everyday . hell ,, you even could've chosen cyclonus . he had shanix ,, and knew a lot more than he did about anything in the universe .
but you didnt . you chose him ,, a mech with a drinking problem and many insecurities . a mech known as a little horsey to be used for his force fields only . though it was due to those very force fields that had attracted you to strike a conversation with him . giving him more compliments he'd ever receive in his whole life . that little conversation would lead into a friendship ,, and those little moments between you two would blossom into your relationship . you had taken the mech a long way ,, his insecurities started to become something he was starting to feel confident in . while he still drank ,, he didnt do it as often or enough to get overloaded like he usually did .
" thank you ,," was all he could muster . servos wrapped themselves gently around your body ,, lifting you up to his facial plates so he could plant a kiss to your head . " i'm good ,, i'm ready ." he said ,, derma curling into a smile . " you look good with that suit on ,," he commented ,, digit moving up to play with your little bowtie . you raised a brow at that ,, " is that so ?" your lips formed a smirk . " should i wear this more then ?" trailcutter nodded ,, letting out a chuckle . " please ,," he pleaded gently .
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