#if i remember correctly this is the second time something happens to both of them
enbyshads · 1 year
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i was so happy about team dark coming back but then they get separated again :(((
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dduane · 8 months
Judging books by their covers
Having spent the morning reading the notes on this post (and reading them, and reading them...), I realized I really needed to get to grips with a piece of work I'd been avoiding.
Some of you may remember me mentioning that the Young Wizards website's longtime ISP went out of business suddenly in July, necessitating the site's hasty relocation to a new home. In the process a lot of its internal URLs ceased to operate correctly, meaning that files weren't displaying. (As I was quickly reminded when looking for the original David Wiesner art for So You Want To Be A Wizard at 01:30 last night.)
Anyway, I just wound up spending the day rescanning book covers for the Young Wizards publication history page, and was reminded of some favorites while getting the work done. (And a note for the interested: if there's any particular cover from an English-language edition of the YW books that interests you, or you think the sight of one might jog your memory somehow, that page is where you'll find the images. Use the tabs under the header image to take you through the history of publishers and artists.)
Meanwhile, being reminded of what happened to the covers for So You Want To... alone is both funny and a bit sobering. Styles change, formats change, art directors change. Sometimes the covers get a lot better, and sometimes they, uh, don't. Look at the difference in styles alone among these, for example.
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Most of the time the writer gets to take what they're given, and like it. Sometimes, though, they get to give advice.
Here, for example, is one time that happened.
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This is for the UK hardcover of the first of the Feline Wizards books. The artist, Mick Posen, is a cat person... and he insisted on having pictures of the cats who inspired the NY worldgating team before he started painting. Just look at these three, especially Rhiow there in the foreground. Is this a hero, or what? :)
Here's one that caused a little controversy.
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The question of the day: Is Nita wearing anything? And if so, what?
The art won Greg Swearingen a silver Spectrum Award for that Deep Wizardry painting. But he and my then-editor on the series, Michael Stearns, apparently got into it a little regarding a conflict between the text and the necessities of painting a YA cover. If I remember correctly, I think Greg was holding out for "She's not wearing anything in the text in this situation, she just turned human again after changing back from being a whale, she shouldn't be wearing anything here!" and Michael was saying "But the parents, what if we freak out the parents...!" ...Eventually it seems like some kind of compromise was achieved. Swirly light = magic, or something. (shrug) Not my problem. It's a lovely cover.
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About this one I have, well, mixed feelings. At this end of time, the art looks clunky. Yet this is also my first bestseller. When the SF Book Club published this omnibus, Support Your Local Wizard quickly set records as their single most-requested item of all time for new members just signing up. Its print run ran to more than 250,000 copies, and it remained constantly in print until the Book Club itself ended.
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I've always been fond of this one for Deep Wizardry, and also of the one the artist, Neal McPheeters, did for the Dell Yearling and Dell mass market paperback editions of So You Want To... . There's a solid quality to both of them, but the second one in particular, that appeals to me.
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(For those in the notes on that other post who reacted immediately to Kit's antenna: This is one of the reasons why it features—along with one of Nita's wands from the rowan tree Liused—on all the covers of the revised/updated Young Wizards New Millennium Editions. I've seen a lot of memories jogged by its appearance.)
...Do I have a favorite favorite one of all these covers? As usual, it's hard to pick. But I have to admit that I smile, at the moment, when looking at this one—Greg Swearingen’s art again—since in a couple of weeks it'll be the fortieth anniversary of So You Want To Be A Wizard's publication.
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We'll see what the publisher does for the fiftieth. :)
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kingconia · 10 months
Leona Kingscholar & Malleus Draconia with S/O, who shares their insecurity.
Malleus Draconia. 💚
— He is quite observant, and he had some theories about what exactly makes you feel so familiar and warm before, but it took some events to happen for him to realise what it was;
— He wasn't really happy. He knows how hard it is, always to be left out and forgotten by people you want to call friends. And he hates that you experience that, too;
— Though, he is slightly blessed by possibility to be understood fully;
— Nevertheless, he starts to pay attention more;
— It kills him to watch how you are never invited to important events or celebration, and his heart is aching, when he notices how you are silently following Ace and Deuce, who speak loudly, hardly noticing how far you are behind them;
— He waits, though, for your next personal meeting, to confront you;
— “I am fine with that,” you cut him in the middle of his speech with a smile that doesn't reach your eyes. ”It has its perks, too.”
— He can't deny it, but he hates how accustomed to this thought you are;
— And since you helped him to overcome his loneliness, he is planning to do the same for you! So, buckle up, Malleus-comfort-Draconia is after you;
— He is gentle and he is gallant. He makes you feel special by acts of service, and by the way he treats you. And he treats you so well;
— Malleus remembers everything you talk about, even if you mentioned it for a second or less. He remembers what you eat and what you don't, always proudly ordering or brining you something;
— In days, when he is away, or for some reason can't talk with you, he leaves random notes around your room, or places you definitely will visit, during the day, so you could always feel that you are not forgotten;
— If both of you are not alone, and someone speaks over you, or he simply notices that you too quiet, he always turns to ask you questions, and get you involved again;
— In other words... He returns you your own kindness;
— And you are so grateful.
Leona Kingscholar. 🧡
— He is observant, too, but his emotional intelligence is... Really suffering. And you are putting a really impressive act, so, it takes him a whole breakdown from you to see that;
— It happens after some stupid exam that he—naturally—doesn't care about. But it is important for you, and you kinda rivaling for a best score with Azul, just like he always fights with Malleus, so he gets that;
— You fail, and it takes one phrase from Azul to send you on the edge;
— ”Isn't it time to get used of being always the second one, Y/n?”
— Even Leona flinches, hearing that—too close to home, am I right?—but you ignore Azul, so he thinks you are fine. You are not crying or anything, right?;
— And then, he finds you in the library, where he tries to take a nap, and you are restless;
— Your desk is filled with books, notes written all over, and you look absolutely tired. But in a moment you fail to do something correctly, you just... Scream? You trash all books on the floor, you tear all your writings down. You are so uncharacteristically raged and helpless that Leona doesn't even know what to say;
— He just stares at you, asking you are okay;
— Well, you are not;
— ”Okay?! How the fuck I am supposed to be okay, when no matter how hard I work, I am still not enough, Leona?! I am no one, and I have nothing, and I can't even prove that I am capable of anything! I can't even reach the top ot the class! And—”;
— Angry tears prickling your eyes, and Leona is so panicked, lmao;
— So, he just shoves you to his chest. You hit him, he hisses, but then you finally relax;
— He doesn't say much, because he understands that no good words are able to heal this kind of wound, especially so easily, so he takes in consideration everything he heard;
— Leona is really sad that you struggle with that, but he secretly loves it, too. It means you understand each other;
— He has his own ways to help you out. He tries to help you improve your skills, if he can help, of course;
— (And he beats the shit of Azul, and many others, who managed to say something offensive to you, but that is not the part you should hear about. Ever.)
— He knows how hard you work, so he constantly forces you to nap with him. If you don't want to sleep, that's fine. You are just going to lay down, under him, doing nothing, while he snores, curling around you;
— ...He kinda forces Ruggie to take care of you, too, lmao;
— And he calls you his Queen, so... You know How Much he actually respects you and amazed of what you do;
— Want it or not, Leona is going to make you love yourself. Just love him back. Please?
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⋆⭒˚.⋆ maybe in another universe!! hcs
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content: percy jackson x mortal! reader hcs//jason grace x mortal! reader hcs warning: angst and then fluff to make up for. the percy one is rather short but i also kinda didn't want to do these but i did but i didn't so this is what we get. author's note: okay okay, i get it, you guys want pt ii's of both these hcs. i don't personally feel i have enough to say for TWO separate hcs so when i did was join them together and make it a sort of alternate universe thing. since percy's ended happy last time, he gets angst. since jason's was sad, he gets fluff. i thought it was cute, okay. also, once again, made the text. yall know what to do at this point.
𝜗𝜚 percy jackson
"I shouldn't have to live like this to love you," you mutter after you and percy ducked into another alley, having to leave some fancy restaurant quickly as percy saw what he believed to be a monster.
"what?" percy asked with a light laugh, looking down at you but his smile slowly faded as he saw the tears pooling your eyes, "y/n-"
"it's not fair to either of us."
"y/n, don't do this."
"you- you deserve to be with someone who understands, percy. i'm...i'm just another mortal, right? i'm sure there are plenty of demigod girls-"
"i don't want any of them, i want you. y/n, if you think i care if you're mortal or not..." percy trailed off, not really sure what to say anymore as y/n dropped his hand, her head hanging.
"it's not what you think. it's...it's what i think. i'm sorry, percy, really i am. i don't want- i love you more than i should," you whisper back, tears streaming down your face, which felt stupid as you were the one breaking up with him.
"i love you so much, y/n, which is why we don't have to breakup. love should be enough," percy insisted, reaching for her but she pulled back, shuffling out of his grasp.
"it should be, but sometimes it can't be. percy, this is for the best. maybe...maybe if we were different people, if we lived different lives, if...if i wasn't me and you weren't you, we could have worked. but not here, not this time," you explain, the pain of this worse than naything you've ever felt.
and since getting with percy, you've felt a lot of pain, both physical and mental
"y/n, i'm begging you. stay, we can work this," argued percy, his hands and voice shaking with the desperation to get her to stay.
"maybe next time, percy jackson."
with that, you left the alley, not even sparing him a glance as you braced against the new york weather, never to be seen by percy jackson again.
𝜗𝜚 jason grace
"woah, if it isn't jason grace, the charming son of juipiter, if i recall correctly. i believe you have something of mine," you spoke, trying to keep your excitement under wraps as you approached jason's bench
you saw him and knew it was jason, even after all these years.
and you knew it was fate, as you happened to tug his jacket on to protect you from any stray cold breezes
jason turned to the girl, aged and wiser since the last time she saw him, but just as handsome and kind looking.
"i'm sorry, but do i-" jason stopped his question and his gaze seemed to gloss over
you'll admit, you panicked.
you crouched down next to him, setting a hand against his shoulder without a second thought, your thumb rubbing comfortingly over the orange shirt
"it's okay if you don't remember me. it's been what, two, three years?" you nervously stated, growing more self-conscious at the lack of answer from jason
"no, no. i- i remember. ha, bless the fates, i remember you. everything from that evening, all of it. the gelato, the gorgon, your laugh and smile, my jacket and your bracelet. i remember it all, y/n l/n," jason rambled, reaching out with his own hands and cupping the girl's face, excitement radiating off him as he was finally starting to remember his life. but most importantly her.
"well, that's really nice to hear from the boy i haven't stopped thinking about in three years," you whisper, a soft laugh falling from your lips.
"it's closer to two," jason corrects with a smirk and she shakes her head at him
"okay, show off."
"just testing my memory. that's all," mutters back jason, like he was making an inside joke, and y/n gives him a strange look.
"something you're not telling me?"
"always seems to be that way with us, doesn't it?"
so, once again, jason explains his world to you. the robbing of his memories and the sending him to america. he talks about leo and piper, wanting you to meet them. he talks about hera/juno. and finally, he talks about you, breaking the dam and allowing at least some of his memories to come back.
he knew it wasn't all of them, but the ones of you had to be worth whatever else was locked in his own head.
"so, basically, i'm more powerful than the gods? i mean, if they locked away your memories and i unlocked them-" you question, intending it as a joke, but then there is a crack of thunder that has you diving into jason's side.
"yeah, let's not answer that one," jason replies before the two of you burst out in chuckles, you still cuddled into jason's side, both of your eyes drawn to the skyscape of rome.
"what about you? what have you been up to these past two years?"
"not anything nearly as interesting as you! should've let me open, how am i supposed to follow that up??" you giggle, poking at jason's side, earning you a few laughs from the roman demigod, which is all you ever wanted
but you told jason about your uneventful two years anyways, hoping to extend your time together for as long as possible
the last time you left him, he'd forgotten you. you weren't so sure you wanted to risk a second time, in fear this one would be more permanent
you talked about going home before getting homesick for rome and immediately coming back. you bashfully admit to frequenting the gelato place more than you should have, hoping for a glimpse of the boy beside you. you tell him about your job and your life and how you looked for him on every street corner and in every newspaper
"i'm sorry i took so long getting back to you," jason whispered when she was done, his eyes pulling away from rome and to her, knowing the sight was infinitely better.
you shrug, experimentally reaching your hand up and pushing it through his blonde hair
"distance makes the heart grow fonder, or whatever."
"do you remember-"
"you're one to talk," the girl quickly cut in with a smirk and jason glared at her
"ha, funny. no, do you remember what you said about the fates that day?"
"ironically, not really."
"look who's got the good memory now. you talked about them being kind if we ever met again. i think they're more than kind, far far more. they've given me back my memories of you, you're in my denim jacket - which i expect back, by the way - and i've still got your necklace. i think we've been set up, y/n," jason rambled, ending with a large smile in the girl's direction, who leaned forwards and nearly let their lips touch before pulling back the slightest bit
"well, who are we to disappoint them, jason?"
then, finally, after waiting and waiting and then some more waiting, you got to kiss your jason grace, the son of jupiter who fought his way back into your arms without even knowing to do so.
and you knew, in the back of your mind as you curled up to jason's side and continued to watch the sun set on the city of rome, that in some distant world, you and jason did not get so lucky.
in one, you could have died from a car accident, eyes caught on some blonde on the street, needing to make sure it wasn't him and missing the bus coming your way
or jason never got his memory back, an awkward exchange of words and departures when you'd inevitable run into him in the street
but you didn't give these other universes much thought as you felt his lips against your temple
you didn't need another universe when you got so lucky in this one.
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fluorynn · 5 months
🌌 — 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐝, 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭.
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : jake sully ✘ fem!reader ✘ neytiri
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : Neytiri embraces and looks back on how far she’s come, with both her mates, Y/N and Jake.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 2.8k+
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 : FLUFF, mild angst
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 : @mrswatermelons-blog @orzo-ryn @peachycrime @tsukicores @cazadordetitanes @xstargayzer @sleepgod182 @skeletondeerart @emmaveale123 @jakesullywhore @spadezrazz @szaontop @rainbowcake1212 @unicornicopia1 @top-crop @zhonglis-missing-wallet @c-evens @merary0815 @agathaharknessfan96 @lailadabrat @theibisbird @m3g215 @ldrsog @wholelottawidows@boobitchhehe @justcaptiannoodles @angeliclynx @fallenangelii @lazybarbarianrunaway @a-psych0s-w0rld
𝐝𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐛𝐲 : @cafekitsune !!!
author’s note : this is NOT the fic I am ( still!) working on and asked if you’d like to get tagged, though think of this as a connection towards the fic I am working on ! This was going to be apart of it, but after looking back at the amount of words put into it (30k+… let’s not dwell on it —), I decided to just take this chunk out and hand it over to ya’ll as a thank you for your patience and apologies for the wait ! Please enjoy !!
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It is the middle of the night, Neytiri is sure of it. She had been patiently counting the seconds with every conversation she engaged with her mates, leading into minutes when they left to head back to their new Hometree, and proceeding into hours as they now rested in their swaynivi, their hammock. She can determine it by the way Naranawm now resided its size halfway through Pandora’s sky, how the deep blue vastness enveloped every single person resting right now, enveloping her and her mates as well. Correctly, every single person and her mates except her. Instead of being basked in the peaceful slumber she needed and the loving warmth she craved, tonight had felt like the need to simply think, something that usually happens to Jake late at nights.
Her chin, currently resting over Y/N’s shoulder, lifts to look up at the sky, letting the night’s seeping ethereal glow cast upon her azureous skin. Jake’s strengthful arm comfortably rests across Y/N and her own body, his fingers splayed over the pregnant lump of her lithe abdomen. But she gingerly finds a way to slip from his hold without stirring them both awake and get out of their hammock, quietly walking towards the horizontal holder in which her bow inhabited. 
Technically, the bow that once belonged to her beloved sempul, the last thing he proffered her before dying in her arms. She remembers the times as a child she’d been presented to it, firmly yet admirably within his hold, how he’d wave it around as he spoke with principal in his voice or take it when leading the hunt, the many times she wished to hold it and assist him in the hunt rather than remain in Kelutral, their Hometree. Now, she’s its holder, and it’s one of the parts of the last remaining  memorabilia of her sempul and clan’s former Olo’eyktan, Eytukan. 
She doesn’t weep when she has it in her sight and holds it anymore. Of course, the faint emotions of sadness assist her when hunting or out in the forest, but instead of dwelling on it, she simply inhales a single deep breath, closes her eyes, and releases, and sometimes even lets the days when his physical presence was here envelop her mind and heart.
On her left hand, her central finger revolved a circular wooden band, a ring as Y/N said it was called, being idealized from a recalled conversation she had with Y/N about the silver ones she wore around her fingers, about their symbolism, their many significances; “There’s quite a few, actually. They can be worn just as accessories and be made differently, it could be a family heirloom, or maybe of an achievement you’ve made.” Y/N had shrugged, “Even as a symbol of betrothal.” Neytiri wanted to take part in this human ritual she had learned of, the ring giving. It seemed like a silly thing at first, but she considered it when she learned why humans partook giving a ring to their future mate and why out of everything a circle-like figure: “It stands for the promise of marriage, and symbolizes the devotion to the one it’s being given to. Wearing it for marriage already indicates its purpose and roundness, Neytiri — without beginning and end – symbolizing eternal love and faithfulness to their partner. Humans wear it on this finger on their left hand,” she had motioned her left digit, one that happened to be in the absence of a ring, “to signate that love.”
Which is why she had not one but three leveled pieces she had made from the very wood of their Hometree; her own thin and chiseled with a floral and feather-like pattern and a stroke of turquoise, green, and blue among it with 3 tiny pieces of colored trinkets embedded, Jake’s a slightly thicker band with 3 green colored trinkets, the symbolism of their clan and a stroke of green, and Y/N’s with a detailed carving of what Jake called angel wings, a trinket between the pair of wings while one resided on each side of them; the three trinkets representing the three of them caught within the eternal circle of their love for one another.
She smiles to herself as the memory and voice of her tsmuke, Sylwanin came to mind, at what she had said the time she went to the Tree of Souls, how she saw Neytiri enamored with not one but two humans, one of them physically turned into one of the Omaticaya while the other has the ability to breathe the same air she did. “Between you and me, I would have seen myself with a human if it weren’t for Tsu’tey. He’d win me over with a ring.” she had jested, but both sisters knew her infinite love for the warrior was too grand to ever love someone else. “Love is wondrous, is it not, ma tsmuke (sister)? From those within your family, to your people, and then you’re met with the one who’s bound to be yours as much as you will be theirs; wondrous, is it not?”
Love, Neytiri thinks, yes, love is grand and infinite, and wondrous. It wavered everywhere she went within Pandora, strong, soft, yet utterly calming. She felt it with those members now within Eywa’s presence; Sempul, Sylwanin, and even her old friend, Tsu’Tey and dear mentor, Grace.
With one last touch on her bow, she saunters back towards the two in the hammock; Jake’s long figure lumbers over the human’s rather small one, her back curling against his front, her arm sprawled over an empty spot which Neytiri normally resided in. She smiles softly at the sight, letting her eyes fall to the girl’s ring finger and then Jake’s, absent of any kind of adornment and she strongly hopes for them to like the ones she has gotten, secretly tucked away in a spot she’s certain they’ll never find them in. Until the time is right, she will gift them.
Of course, it will be a minor emblem of Neytiri’s affections for the two, but overall one with a beautiful meaning behind it. After learning Jake didn’t partake in this act of marriage back on Earth with Y/N for they’ve known each other for a longer period of time, she fervently wished to have a symbolism that ties them together; if not tsaheylu, then this is the next best step in her rightful mind and heart. She recalls how sharply and initially apprehensive she was when meeting the two. To be fair, she was apprehensive about everything involved with the Sky People after the death of her sister, how utterly weak and helpless she felt from those events. Yet now here these two were, descended from Sky People, and secured a place for themselves among the Na’vi by the choice of Eywa, and have fortuitously engraved a place in her heart, and now she cannot imagine a life without the two.
It was a strange feeling, Neytiri remembers, one that she had never experienced before. Even when courted by Tsu’tey, then again of course that feeling wasn’t going to be between them if you consider the reasons behind that courting. And despite it being strange, it also was a terrifying one once she realized what she was feeling for not one but two humans. Two who had already and clearly been enamored with one another, and without warning, just like her, had fallen for her in return. Romance was one Neytiri wished for, but it was not an entire top priority of hers, if she were to be frank. When under training to become Tsahik while being a warrior, she knew romance was not bound to happen within her relationship with Tsu’tey, even if he was to be father of the children he bore. Even if he became Olo’eyktan, and she had embraced the fact that love was not to blossom between them, for she could never do that to her sister as much as he would never love another besides Sylwanin as well. As long as there was respect, understanding, and a friendship, it was enough to continue with this marital act. She made peace with the thought, and yet here these two were, wandering around the forests of Pandora in the most reckless, loudest way, and changing her aspect on the subject matter of love in ways she didn’t comprehend.
An exhale leaves Neytiri’s parted lips as she traces their sleeping figures, memorializing both of their every facial features as she’s done many times before, always with the equivalent brim of wonder and love brimming within golden depths of hers.
While she met them both at the very same time, her first reaction to the two had been distinct from the other; Jake’s presence being more… infuriating and confusing. Stupidly charming, with that lopsided smile that stirred her insides, a inane act in his actions as he clumsily walked through the forests with his loud mouth, inane hinged in those stupidly small but sharp eyes of his, acting stupid, saying things that came of as stupid, anything tied to him was stupid all because she couldn’t comprehend what she was feeling, who she was bound to truly see and yet decided to pick him off as stupid and irritating because she didn’t want to see him, and yet the end she saw more than she thought him to be; strong, stubborn, loving, and caring to those around. 
And then there was Y/N, the human that his tall, clumsy lanky frame hovered over in a protective like manner, quiet, respectable, and careful despite the dangers of the forest. It was infuriating and questionable, how allured she felt towards her, how even though she was a human, she carried the respect and peace like any other one of the Na’vi. She spared their lives because of the Great Mother’s halt, and though she didn’t understand it then, she’s more than glad she complied.
Loving them, out of all the People among her, was something Neytiri could never comprehend. It was a comprehension she happily adjusted to, however, with time. She’d come to terms that this was the will of Eywa, that there wasn’t any need for a thorough explanation from her questions towards her, and she was willing to bask in the love provided from them and leave behind all those questions for as long as there is.
Their love was gentle and welcoming. No matter how harsh her words could come off as, how impetuous her nature was, a single touch of theirs  always compelled her back into them.
Their love was profound. She felt it within the depths of her soul, becoming one and sprouting through her entire being.
Their love was curing. Mending the wounds of conflicting war and loss, not entirely, but just enough for her to continue her fight and protection for her Home, her People, them.
Their love was a fortitude to the heart. And she thought this protecting love Jake was able to deeply project now was because of Y/N. She’s heard from Jake that he once thought he was beyond repair, broken both physically and emotionally, but then here comes an angel-like being who pulled him from the darkness and remedied his heart. Because of this, he’s able to express, to love, to have a strength Neytiri herself felt radiate from his core, to be a protector and chief for the Omaticaya, and his girls, as he always says.
Jake had always indicated that her and Y/N were the ones who helped cultivate him into who he is now;  “You came along, Neytiri, and fortified that strength you say I have. You fortified our love, you gave us a haven the day you brought us to your People. You helped pick up the pieces, so I thank you because of this, baby. From my part, and from Y/N’s, because I’m sure as hell she needed that strength after dealing with my ass.” Who would have thought such words could come from a skxawng like him?
Their love was peaceful to the mind, a sentiment blossomed principally from Y/N, and given to both Jake and Neytiri, calming the inner turmoil that clouded her thoughts and plagued her existence. During the challenging days when clear thinking, effortless breathing, and simply existing became arduous tasks, her gentle touch and the wafting rhythmic beat of her heart provided solace to their troubled minds.
Srane, yes, that is what you are, Neytiri as her ears flicker in a gentle anticipation, my peace of mind and fortitude of heart.
A dazed murmur emits from Y/N’s lips, and a small sense of iniquity seeps into her heart as awakens, believing to be the reason of stirring her away, and her light motions wound up in earning a groan from Jake’s throat. The girl’s lashes flutter as her eyelids lift to open,  and those captivating and warm irises that come to reveal themselves to her own absolutely mollify her. It nearly thaws away the iniquity and small apology that is about to spill from her lips. 
Neytiri’s gaze softens, and the human’s lips morph into a small, loose smile. “My beautiful Neytiri, what’re you doing up this hour?” Y/N huffs out a giggle at the way her tail gently swayed behind her from the nickname. Jake, his head currently thrown back as snores once emerged from his mouth, blinked, usual honed gaze now soft and tired, falling over Neytiri with a lazy smile sitting ridiculously nice on his face, his brows marking a faint furrow. “Yeah, baby. Ya should be asleep right now.”
To her surprise, Y/N shifts to the spot Neytiri once laid in, leaving the middle empty and welcoming for the statuesque woman to lay there, and Jake’s palm pats on the spot with a lopsided grin. 
“C’mon, darling.”
While her mind didn’t waste a second to agree with his request, it takes a moment for her heart to process the sudden change in sleep position. Carefully due to the swell of her stomach, she slides into the hammock. With her back perfectly covered by Jake’s front, his arms twine around her middle and let one of his palms fall over her belly, his chest creating a quiver as he purred contently.
Neytiri’s round eyes peered at Y/N who gave her a toothy smile, inching closer and motioned the Omaticayan into letting her head lay over her chest. Timid she felt as she slowly obliges, wrapping her arms around her smaller body to not cause any discomfort in this, and a warmth creeps up the azure tones of her neck when the human’s touch strokes over the soft skin behind her flicking ears, a pure heartbeat filling her enhanced senses. She allows their body’s temperature to cocoon her slightly colder skin and she quivers from the sensation. Though it’s soon alleviated from the light touches of Jake’s lips over her shoulder blades and neck, the subtle brushes over her skin, the tips of Y/N’a fingers tracing the cobalt stripes and fluorescent lights speckling her cheeks. Neytiri more than welcomes it, she basks in those touches, in these moments.
“You thinking tonight?” Jake croons into her ear, comfortably tapping his digits over her abdomen. A muffled ‘yes’ is all they can hear due to her face nuzzling into the girl’s frame, inhaling deeply at the mingled scents of Jake, Y/N and her wafting within their atmosphere. 
Y/N chuckles, Neytiri feels and hears it through the vibrations her chest creates. “Then relax, baby.” He whispers, the fingers currently touching her cheekbones slid to carefully thread through the myriads of dark braids upon her head, tips kneading her scalp lovingly. “We got you. Leave the thinking to me, and let yourself go, yeah?”
Neytiri lifts her head in response, and instead of making a witty joke of his commentary of thinking, she simply tilts slightly to meet Jake’s eyes and sweetly nuzzles her forehead against his cheek before letting her face hide within the angle of Y/N’s neck. “Irayo, ma Jake. Irayo, ma Y/N.” ( thank you )
It only takes a few seconds for her mind and heart to halt into tranquility and resilience, for her body to momentarily ease between the two around her. And soon, her firm-beating heart settles down as she lets herself fall into slumber within their hold. They serve as a dependable force for her asleep as much as she is awake.
As this peculiar night reaches to its conclusion, with Y/N and Jake holding Neytiri close without an ounce of space left open, basking in this infinite, wondrous affection of love, Neytiri’s final thoughts — twined with the other two’s state of mind — is that she has found her peace of mind, the fortitude of her heart, and it will eternally be them, especially as their small fortress grows with another blessing among them.
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furiousgoldfish · 27 days
Abusers gaslighting you will most often be about a situation where they did something wrong, cruel, hurtful and abusive, very much intentionally, and then their version of the story switches the blame on you, it depicts you as being the one who is cruel, hurtful and abusive, or alternatively, you're cruel hurtful and abusive for remembering the situation or calling them out for their behaviour, when they claim none of this even happened. If the abusers often gaslight you and try to make you second-guess your own memories and senses, eventually you will struggle with trusting your senses and feel like you can't trust your own memory and have to take on their version. But here's some reasons why gaslighting can be caught onto and confirmed that it doesn't make any logical sense.
If this person/people are claiming that I am the one who is continually hurtful, cruel and abusive, why are they insisting on keeping me in their life? Why do they keep taking measures to make sure I can't get away or am dependant on them, if they truly find me selfish, hurtful, insane, and abusive? Wouldn't they want to make way for me to get away from them, instead of endlessly convincing me that I'm the one who is in the wrong in every single situation?
If I am remembering things wrong, how come it's only the memories where my abuser/s look bad? All memories where they look good are somehow correct, that can't be right? If I remember things wrong, it would be both good and bad, not only situations that make them feel bad about themselves.
If these people seriously believe I'm someone who invents crazy stories of abuse, cruelty and torture, how do they still feel safe interacting with me? Aren't they worried I'll suddenly come up with an imaginary scenario telling everyone they did something horrible to me that they didn't do? Why don't they keep away from me if they truly believe me to be such a freak?
If I am truly someone who is doing awful and abusive things to these people/this person, how come it's never called out until I come out calling them out first? Why is my behaviour only addressed after I speak out first? How come it's never a problem all the other time when I'm not actively trying to figure out what the truth is? How come it's only relevant when they'd like me to shut up and stop asking questions and asking them to acknowledge reality? And then suddenly I am a problem. If I am a problem, I'd be a problem the entire time, not only in specific situations that they want to get out of.
If these people truly believe that I am losing my memories, inventing new memories, can't be counted on to remember the past correctly, or to comprehend and understand what is going on around me, why wouldn't they be concerned about this, and try to get me help? If they truly believe I have memory distortions and reality distortions, wouldn't they want to make sure I'm getting some kind of help, that I'm being supported to get a better grip on reality? How come this is only an issue for them, but no concern for me, other than me being condescendingly told to 'get help' or that I need to be 'institutionalized', in order to scare me, is that how loving people react to their loved one losing grip on reality? People are deadly worried for their loved ones who are losing the sense of reality, this usually happens due to a serious brain disease and people struggling with it can no longer safely take care of themselves; it's a cause for concern and extra care. Yet they show no inclination to want to care or help at all for this perceived 'problem' they claim I'm having, and use it to scare me into believing that this is my own fault. Does It make sense for them to react with such relish and condescension if they believe that this problem is real? Wouldn't they only act like this if they invented this idea in order to hide their abusive behaviour behind the lie that I remember things wrong, and need to shut up about it?
If I remembered things wrong, that would be a discussion, we could sit and talk about how I remembered things and why, instead of my version being shut down and me being told off for even voicing it, that is not a normal reaction. In what situation is a person who 'remembers things wrong' not even allowed to speak their own memories? Why would it be bad that these 'wrongly remembered' events ever come to light? Wouldn't it be interesting to know, if someone remembered something completely wrong, to hear their version? Rather than being dead-set on shutting that down, like those memories are an active threat for their well being.
It doesn't make sense. If abusers truly believe that you're a person disconnected from reality, who is also cruel, selfish, abusive and unreliable in every way, then they would react very differently to you than they do. If they had a truly bad opinion of you, and you were a harmful person to their well being, they would not want to keep you around, they would not dare to take their shit out on you, they would  not dare to tell you what to do, how to think, what to believe, they'd be scared. But they're not. They're instead acting like they're right to control your every movement and thought, and right to tell you which of your memories you're allowed to remember and voice.
Their behaviour suggests there's something in your memories they're dead set on suppressing and hiding, even at the cost of your own sanity. That is not a behaviour of loving, concerned, innocent people.
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eufezco · 2 years
i’d love a billy hargrove x reader (this is pretty heavy so i completely understand if it’s not for you!) where reader and billy are at a party together and whilst she’s there someone puts something in her drink and she starts feeling all funny, luckily billy finds her before anything bad happens and instantly realises what’s wrong with her and he’s so mad at whoever did it but at the same time he’s so scared because his girl is literally almost unresponsive in his arms. fluffy ending??
"Wow, wow... where's Wheeler? I thought you were dancing with her." Billy asked when he finally found you, leaning on a wall and with your cup on one hand and a silly smile on your face. You hummed to his question. Your hand grabbed a fistful of his t-shirt and pulled him to you. Billy's body trapped you, the smell of alcohol coming out of your mouth going directly into Billy's nostrils. He crunched his nose. "How much have you drunk?" You pouted, you didn't drink that much yet you never remembered feeling like this. Your free hand caressed his hot chest, sneaking into his half unbottoned shirt. His eyes followed every movement your hand made, your lower lip between your teeth. "What the fuck are you drinking?" Billy snatched your glass from your hands, moving the liquid in it and noticing how the ice cubes were sinking. "Is this your drink?" You stumbled on your feet, you barely heard what Billy just asked you. Your vision was dizzy and all the noises of the party were mixing in your ears, louder than ever. "Y/n, have you drink from this?" Billy asked you louder this time, squeezing both of your cheeks with one of his hands to make you look at him. You gently nodded, feeling your head heavy as it went up and down. Your boyfriend angrily let your glass onto the nearest surface, both of his hands quickly moving to your cheeks again to look into your eyes. Your pupils were big, the color of your eyes almost disappearing at its all. Your cheeks were so warm under his touch. "We're leaving." Billy held your hand and began to walk to the door of the house.
"Can't move–" Your eyes filled with tears as you unsuccessfully tried to move your feet. They felt heavy, them just being capable of holding yourself upright. Your arms and legs tickled, but it wasn't a nice sensation like when Billy did it to you, it was like your whole body was tricking you when you needed it the most. "Billy, can't move–" You babbled, Billy turned to you, his jaw visibly clenching. Billy wanted to stop the party, he wanted to find whoever made this to you and make them pay. "I've got you, don't worry." One of his hands moved around your waist, Billy hugged your body against his, helping you to walk to the front door. He could feel rage going up and down his body, but now he had to focus on you. Hot tears were rolling down your cheeks, your hands shaking in fear as Billy held you stronger and closer than ever. The people were still singing and dancing around you as you both made your way to the front door, Billy thought about how whoever did this to you was there, having fun while your body was half paralyzed. He had to take several deep breaths to not beat the shit out of some random asshole just so someone could pay for what you were going through. When you got out of the house, the fresh air of the night felt like the best thing that could've happened to you at that moment. You thanked your lungs were working correctly, you gasped for air. Billy gave you a few seconds to catch some fresh air as he looked back at all the people inside the house and thought about what could have happened to you if he hadn't found you.
"Do you think you can make it to the car?" You nodded. Billy's hand never left your waist until you got to his car. He helped you to sit on the passenger seat, Billy brushed your cheek to check your temperature and to wipe your tears. "I know you feel like shit, baby, but you're safe with me, I promise. Nothing is going to happen to you." He kissed your forehead. Even though your body temperature seemed to have stabilized, he needed to take you to the hospital. Billy got into his car too. He checked up on you during the whole drive, asking you how you were feeling or just getting you to talk to him to verify that you were conscious, rolling down the car windows, and kissing your knuckles, comforting you.
He parked outside the hospital's emergency room, two doctors approached the car and Billy quickly told them that you need a wheelchair. "Billy..." You hummed when you felt his hands helping you to get out of the car.
"You're going to be okay, baby."
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yanderes-galore · 6 months
Here's my second request, it is fox M.X.E.S from FNAF: Ruin.
So, since they are a virtual security system, this could work if reader was a mechanic or technician and finds one V.A.N.N.I mask for the first time. In the beginning M.X.E.S stalks reader, but since they aren't trying to turn off the parental nodes, the virtual entity starts being less hostile, even letting reader roam through the virtual world(?). But, as more the rabbit watches the worker, more they want to keep them there, after all, there's no one else in this place.
If i remember correctly, in some point of the DLC, M.X.E.S uses some devices to lock Cassie inside the network and kill her, so he could use those same devices on reader, unabling them from removing the mask.
Oh! You were the one that did the Fluffy AU! Mangle? Got it, cool! Here you go :)
M.X.E.S/The Entity is referred by both "They/Them" and "It" in this.
Yandere! M.X.E.S/The Entity Concept
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Stalking, Obsession, Sentient AI, Manipulation, Imprisonment implied, Forced companionship.
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M.X.E.S is another strange case.
They are purely AI with no real "body".
They're meant to keep The Mimic in check due to being a security system.
For the sake of this concept I'll say they have some sentience.
You can only ever see them with a V.A.N.N.I mask so theoretically they'd be easy to avoid.
In theory....
If you are a mechanic/technician then obtaining a mask is easy.
You're given one as a Class V technician, the process of integrating is a bit painful but you get through it.
M.X.E.S would be more of an observing yan for the most part.
You were sent there for some reason, due to your job it's most likely related to obtaining some tech for recovery.
Who knows, maybe Gregory or Vanessa sent you.
Due to M.X.E.S not seeing many people in this place and noticing a presence through the mask, they follow you from a distance at first.
Perhaps even sent to recover the ruined animatronics (Chica, Monty, Roxy, maybe Freddy).
M.X.E.S knows its goal, it's meant to prevent The Mimic from escaping.
But unlike Cassie... you leave the nodes be.
As a result the rabbit AI no longer sees you as a threat.
You are registered as a technician and are meant to be here....
So, the rabbit tries not to bother you.
Yet that doesn't mean they fully leave you alone.
You give the AI something/someone to focus on when it isn't hunting intruders.
As a result you may begin to view the black rabbit as some sort of companion.
You may even recognize it as a security system so you know it means no harm.
The rabbit AI may look scary, yet it's on your side...
In fact the AI may try to offer you comfort.
After all, you're the only living human here right now.
M.X.E.S would not lure any enemies towards you to be hostile.
In fact they just want to help you with your job.
Things only go bad when they realize what happens when the job is over.
Once you have what you want, you'll leave.
You'll leave The Entity all alone.
This would be when the rabbit turns on you.
The devices you were speaking about are called "AR Jammers" if I remember correctly.
They can be used to lock you out of the mask... or lock you in.
I can see M.X.E.S deciding to cut you off when your job is nearly done.
They set up an AR Jammer or two around the ruined Pizzaplex to prevent you from removing the mask.
The rabbit mask feels like it's fused to your face... no matter how hard you try to pull at it.
You immediately turn to the culprit, the floating glitchy security program staring at you with eager eyes.
You realize what it's done and begin to plead.
The Entity only shakes their head.
At this point they feel you belong here... they feel they should keep you here just like The Mimic...
Then they can have you all to themselves.
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viridescent-din · 1 year
favorite food
you and joel discuss life before the outbreak, and he shares a bit more than you expected.
no warnings apply. just some very sweet (though melancholic) borderline domestic joel and reader bonding time <3
btw i am NOT sponsored by shipley’s do-nuts and shipley’s do-nuts: plz don’t sue me
“I think she’s finally out,” you quietly tell Joel. He turns in his sleeping bag, looking across the dying fire at Ellie’s sleeping form. He frowns, but not entirely in annoyance. You can see traces of affection etched into Joel’s face.
“First real meal in weeks. Makes sense she’d go right to sleep,” he says, then glances at you. “Good catch, by the way.” Warmth blooms in your chest at Joel’s approval. You shrug.
“I do feel kind of bad for that bunny, but...” you trail off, looking at Ellie once again.
“She’s more important,” Joel says, surprising you with the gentleness in his tone.
“Yeah,” you agree. The two of you are silent, the air suddenly seeming heavy. You know Joel feels this, too: the affection building in both of you for Ellie. You liked her from the start, but that fondness is becoming palpable. It’s the same for Joel, and you’re sure it’s harder for him to reconcile with. “Hey,” you say, trying to lighten the mood. “If you could have any meal in the world, what would it be? Like, what was your favorite food before all this?” Joel looks at you, brow set, and you realize how stupid you are for bringing up the world before it went to shit. But to your surprise, Joel doesn’t chastise you.
“C’mere,” he says, making room in his sleeping bag. You blink.
“What -”
“I’ll answer yer question,” Joel begins to exaggerate his drawl to get a smile out of you. You shake your head, looking at the ground. “But not from all the way over here. I don’t want to wake her up,” Joel glances one more time at Ellie. “She needs her sleep.” You nod, but still don’t move. Joel tilts his head back, gesturing for you to come closer. “I don’t bite.”
Before you can even stop the thought, it flashes through your mind. What if I want you to?
You shove the thought away, making your way to Joel. Your whole body is screaming at you as you slip into his sleeping bag, red alerts of this is it! It’s happening! sounding in your brain. You try to ignore them. You lay on your side, facing Joel, and he does the same. You blink.
“Warm enough?” He asks, practically whispering. You just nod. “Good.” Joel lets out a long sigh. “My favorite food... Well, I can’t remember the last time I ate it, because I was Atkins when this all happened -”
“Wait, what?” You ask, interrupting Joel. “You were on Atkins? You?”
“Now what’s so hard to believe about that?” Joel counters, borderline offended. You let out a short laugh.
“Nothing, I guess, I just... I can’t imagine you caring about that sort of thing.” You leave out the fact that you think Joel is the most handsome man you’ve seen.
“Diets could be for health you know.”
“From what I’ve heard, that one wasn’t.” Joel lets out a chuckle.
“No, I suppose it wasn’t.” He concedes. “Anyway,” he continues. “Texas was one of the states with Shipley’s Do-Nuts. If I remember correctly, the headquarters was somewhere out there.” You listen intently. Joel’s eyes aren’t focused on you, though you can barely tell. The only light is coming from the dying fire. “Every so often, I’d get a coffee, a kolache, and two donuts. See, I’d always hide the second donut from Sarah. She’d start to eat hers, then run away to watch her show, or grab her journal or something - and when she’d come back, I’d of eaten half of it. And she would grumble, saying I had my kolache, and it wasn’t fair for me to eat half of her donut because she didn’t like kolaches, so she couldn’t eat half mine. And every time, I’d pull the second donut out of the cupboard. She knew I’d do that. But she always grumbled anyway, because that was just... it was just...” Joel trails off. “It was just part of what we did.”
You don’t say anything. Joel looks distant, like he’s not entirely here with you. You take a breath.
“Sarah was your daughter, wasn’t she?” You ask carefully, not wanting to press him. Joel tenses.
“She - I always drank my coffee black. But I’d order it with cream from Shipley’s, because it came in these tiny little containers. Sarah loved to pour the cream in for me. So I’d always drink it with cream from there, just because she liked to do that for me.” Joel knits his eyebrows, snapping out of his memories. You watch as he hardens himself, slipping back into the guarded man you know better than the one who just told you about Sarah. You expect Joel to get upset, kick you out of his sleeping bag. But he doesn’t. 
“Was she - yes. Smart girl,” he tells you. You shiver at the praise. Joel frowns. “You cold?” You shake your head.
“No,” you say it like you’re telling him a secret. Joel softens.
“Alright,” he murmurs. You curl into yourself. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I -”
“It’s okay.” You don’t let Joel doubt himself anymore than he already does. “I don’t mind.” Joel seems uncomfortable, antsy with the fact he just revealed so much. You swallow. “I don’t remember much from before. I was on a plane when it all happened. And my mom was sort of a health nut, so she packed fruit. I was eating an orange instead of the pretzels the flight attendants handed out. That was how it happened, wasn’t it? The grains.” Joel nods. You continue, hoping hearing about your experience helps Joel with the fact you now know something about his. “My parents didn’t make it off the flight. I don’t know how they managed to keep me safe, but... they did.”
“Did you have any siblings?” Joel asks, a slight rasp to his voice. You meet his eyes.
“My mom had just had a baby,” you tell him. “I was... I was so excited to be an older sibling. I even asked to name it. If I recall correctly, I wanted Cinderella if it was a girl and Prince Charming if it was a boy.” Joel lets out chuckle. You smile at the memory too. The laughter dies down.
“Which was it?” You clench your fists.
“I, um, I don’t remember.” You bite your tongue, tasting blood. You let out a bitter laugh. “Isn’t that fucked up? I don’t remember.” You’re both silent.
“Your,” Joel clears his throat. “Your parents are lucky.” You look at him incredulously, almost glaring. “They are. They managed to save you. That’s all a parent wants: to protect their kid. And your folks did that.”
All a parent wants is to protect their kid. You poke your head out of the sleeping bag, looking at Ellie. The fire is gone now, but you can still make out her form. She’s still sleeping, and safe. You burrow back into Joel’s bag.
“Yeah,” you agree. “I guess so.” Joel’s hands slide over your waist, pulling your back to his chest. He’s so sturdy, emanating warmth. He moves his arm under your head, giving you a pillow of sorts.
“Go to sleep,” he says. “I’ll take first watch.”
“But -”
“I’ll take first watch,” Joel is firm. “I won’t be sleeping tonight, darlin.’”
If Joel wasn’t holding you so tight, you’d be afraid that he’s angry. But instead of shutting you out, he presses his lips to your temple, and tells you he’ll see you in the morning. When you close your eyes, you dream of coffee and donuts.
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joylovesfluff · 8 months
Dabi x reader. Angst.
A/n: ngl i didn't have an actual plot for this when i started writing it, but fuck im inlove now with dabi and him just being a little obsessed with you.
Lovesick! Part 2 (in progress)
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Troublemaker touya! Who would throw rocks on your window (taylor swift style) just to suprise you on your birthday even if it ended 2 hours ago.
Troublemaker touya! Who would give the world to you just to make you happy, but for now he had to settle for flowers he just picked fresh from his neighbour's backyard, he gives them to you with a small smile hoping that they'll be good enough for your special day, and he prays to whatever god is up there that you aren't allergic to any kind of flowers cause this sure as hell wont be the last time he'll get scolded for plucking out flowers at 3 am.
Troublemaker touya! Who goes to you before finally disappearing for years, he tells you all about his plan in a form of a joke, he'd definitely be like "and yknow what? Maybe one day id finally kill him, that would be a nice birthday present right?" and you'll cluelessly reply something along the lines of "one life sized endeavour packed in a coffin bow coming right up!" You laugh at the silly imagination you made, not even thinking of the odds of it happening.
Troublemaker touya! Who lowkey stalks you all the time to see how youve been doing in life, he wont admit it but he would do anything to make you happy even if it includes killing all your academic rivals for you, as long as he can see you with your awards and certificates on your social media with the caption 'i made it!' as your graduation post.
Troublemaker touya! Who wouldve loved to graduate with you and to finally confess his feelings for you so you both can live in a beautiful apartment like you have always dreamt of, but now all of it is impossible now that he has his eyes set on his new career.
But as he was watching you walk home in the dark alley ways, definitely not stalking you. He caught onto a sight that shattered his heart and soul into millions on pieces.
"oh hi i thought you weren't ganna come haha"
"ofcouce i would, who in their right mind would let their girlfriend walk home in the night?"
Girlfriend? When? How? He was sure that you weren't seeing anybody, but now you have a boyfriend? How could this happen???
He stopped on his tracks, and started panicking but why would he? Its not like youre his girlfriend or anything, he didn't even got to tell you how he feels which felt much worse than the sight he's seeing.
As he continues to look at your back wishing that this would just be one horrible dream. You and the guy your boyfriend stop walking, dabi panics again worried that you might see him but as he was about to hide at a near by alleyway he looks at you as you bend down to pick something up from the ground.
"What happened?" He asks as he hold your hands so gently like you would break any second.
"oh its nothing i just dropped my phone" you replied after you picked up your phone from the ground.
"you good to go?" He frantically ask looking around the dark streets as he hold onto your hands tighter, 'hes a fucking pussy' dabi thought.
"Yeah, i just thought i saw something" you say as you look behind his shoulder to the dark alley way that looms the corner.
He whisperes something to you as you both start to walk, if dabi remembers correctly your apartment would be somewhere near here, he remembers as the time where he was the one to walk you home after long class hours especially that time where the school was preparing for the sports event.
Lovesick dabi! Who would get excited at the thought of meeting you again, showing his new self, his true self to you. But then he'll remember that maybe you'll hate him for what he has done, for leaving you, for hurting other people. So maybe one day you'll meet him again, maybe one day you'll be able to understand and you both would be able to exchange stories of what youve been through without each other.
He just hopes that youd be able to wait for that day, to wait for him
Lovesick dabi! (Coming soon)..
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swallowtail-lotus · 3 months
Fascination {Qin Shi Huang x Mitsuri!reader}
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I know I posted this before, but since votes said yes, I'm reposting my written fics here!
Reader will only have Mitsuri's personality.
After following Brunhilde and Göll to go see Buddha before he had to get his wounds patched up, you stayed with him a little longer to give him some candies you hid away and spoke to him for a short amount of time after being told politely to leave by the nurses.
You slowly walked to where you last seen the ravenette valkyrie and her sister, but ended up lost instead. You may be a deity, but unlike the rest of your fellow deities, you actually gave a damn about humanity and was against erasing them all. You also grew to love the valkyries and found them entertaining.
As you were lost in your own thoughts, you felt something was off and stopped. The wall on your left suddenly exploded, leaving a large hole and you cautious.
To your surprise, a man with a cloth wrapped around his eyes and wearing chinese attire walked out from the hole.
"Oh my... That human is strong."
This was the first thought upon seeing him. Looking at the rubble and the remains of the wall, you were about to step back to not let him know of your presence but...
"You! Show me where my waiting room is."
Too late, he knows. You froze, not knowing what to say. He's a human, but you felt a little scared. 
Out of instinct, you stepped closer to him and pointed to the vip room by accident.
"Ah. That must be it. Come."
He said in an beckoning tone, not bothering to to say thank you. As he walked past you, you noticed how much shorter he was compared to you.
You absentmindedly followed the man, mentally taking in the features he had.
"Ah, his hair looks so soft! And his clothes are certainly pretty."
You squealed mentally, creating some distance from the nice looking sofa. You watched the man stroll past the two gods, Ares and Hermes and sit on the sofa.
"Hao! This is a splendid seat!"
The man spoke up, smiling widely. To you, he sounded quite playful. Almost like a child.
"Maybe if I get a closer look..."
You took some steps forward, blinking at the shorter man with curiosity.
"Wait... He looks familiar..."
You pondered, trying to remember why he was so familiar. The thought then came back. Brunhilde has shown you the list of humanity's fighters and you so happened to have to seen pictures of said fighters. Then the pieces came together...
"His name's Qin Shi Huang, if I remember correctly. Gah! Even his name sounds attractive!"
You cupped your face, feeling yourself flush at the thought. Though you tuned out the two Gods, you didn't tune out where the man named Qin Shi Huang had merely lifted his hand, flipping Ares on his back in just seconds.
To say you and Hermes were shocked was an understatement.
"Ah! That strength of his is captivating!"
Your glimmering eyes scanned Ares for any further injuries. Then you shifted your gaze to Qin, who pointed his clawed fingers at the ravenette God in front of him.
"Humble yourselves."
He spoke again. You blinked your glistening eyes at the man, feeling a rush of excitement build up inside you.
"He looks so dashing in that position! I just wanna hug him so bad!!"
You hid your face from them, embarrassed about your fascination with the human.
"It matters not what this place is..."
Qin crossed his legs on the sofa, pointing his two clawed fingers downwards, as if to hint at something...
"You're in the presence of an emperor. The throne is where I sit."
This irked both gods, but you tried to walk away to not disturb them any further.
"And where do you think you're going?"
You stopped in your tracks. You thought he may have forgotten about you and just needed to find this place. Oh, how wrong you are...
"A beauty like you deserves to sit next to an emperor. Come back."
He demanded. You walked back to Qin without giving a second thought, plopping yourself beside the man. If speaking was enough to fluster you, sitting next to him made it worse.
"Wait did he just call me a beauty?!"
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rose-pearls · 1 year
That's the kind of heartbreak time could never mend - Part 5
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Previous Part - Next Part
There are pictures lying everywhere around her, to try and make her mind work or at least that is what doctor Everdeen has told her.
Some pictures make her brain hurt from looking at them, like memories are trying to come back but aren’t able to. Others are just there, and she can’t even remember who the person is on it. In only one picture she can recognize the person, but the memories linked with him are not the best ones. 
Peeta and you are smiling at the camera, a half-eaten cake in front of them with three forks around it. They both have a bit of frosting on the cheeks while they are holding their teacups in the air. You don’t know how the both of you came to be how you are today, broken down, when just a couple of weeks ago you were smiling for the picture. 
One picture always takes your attention, the man in it is smiling warmly at her while she smiles at the camera a long dress covering her body. It looks like it had been taken at a ball, champagne flutes in both of their hands but she looked happy there. You feels like you are missing something, just like when he was looking at you with heartbroken eyes when you told him you couldn’t remember him.
“How is memory lane going?”, a voice asks behind you and you see Doctor Everdeen looking at you sweetly. 
“Could be going better, some pictures bring me headaches, others don’t do anything and then there is the picture of Peeta.”, the doctor nods at your words and writes down what you just told her. 
“The good news is that we took you just on time before they managed to make everything disappear. However, we were thinking of making you talk with Peeta if you are feeling up to it? It could help the both of you.”, Doctor Everdeen says the last part after a few seconds, and you look at her surprised. 
“What happened to him? The only thing I could hear were his screams.”, you whisper softly, looking at her for answers.
“They used some venom to make him believe that Katniss was the enemy and that she is a mutt that needs to be killed.”, your blood turns cold at the words, although you didn’t remember Katniss well you knew she was important to Peeta or that was at least what was shown on your board.
“Can I first take a look around?”, you try to ask, they hadn’t really let you out of the hospital too scared of what could happen. The doctor looks unsure but after a sigh she looks at you carefully.
“You will have a guard with you, and you have one hour.”, she looks like she was expecting your question because a guard enters at her words, and you look at her in surprise.
“I’m Boggs, I’ll be with you.”, he says after a moment of silence, and you nod slowly at his words before taking the clothes the doctor offers you.
The halls are quiet as you walk through them, it looks like a big maze, and you don’t know how you would’ve found your way without Boggs leading you around.
You arrive in a room filled with weapons, lining up on the walls and you try to understand why the man brought you here, but he just nods towards the long row of targets. The guns attract your attention, and you take a small one before moving towards the knifes choosing a small one. 
As you come before a target it starts moving into place, you look back towards Boggs who gives you a small smile before you turn around trying to grip the knife correctly. Memories of a knife flash back as you grip it tighter, a butcher shop flashes before your eyes making you take a step back. 
“We don’t want a murderer as a daughter.”, you hear someone yell as the memories of a butcher shop takes over, a small girl looking at her father skillfully cutting the meat and then a flashforward to a bag being thrown in front of you.
You shake your head and grip the knife tighter before making a pirouette and throwing it hard against the target, not expecting new memories to appear. 
Blood, so much blood surrounding the abdomen of a young girl who is looking at you with scared eyes. She is whispering words that you can’t differ, but you feel the pain and guilt again. You feel like you can’t breathe and for a moment you close your eyes before you hear Boggs voice and you come back from the memories. He is looking at you worried but still a feet away from you with his hands up, and you remember that you still have a gun in your hands. It drops to the floor, and you sit on the floor trying to make sense of everything you just saw, while staring at the knife in the target.
“It’s the 75th Hunger Games!”, you hear a voice yell in a faraway memory full of pride and cockiness.
A voice breaks through your daydream and you see Boggs in front of you, looking at you with worried eyes.
“What is happening? Can you talk to me?”, you nod slowly before taking a deep breath.
“T-the knife. It brought back memories.”, you manage to whisper, and he looks at you slightly surprised before sitting down in front of you.
“That’s good. Can you tell me what you saw?”, you close your eyes at his words and a moment later you nod slowly.
“There were memories of a butcher shop and then a bag being thrown in front of me with a voice saying that they don’t want a murderer as a daughter.”, you tell him slowly and he seems to think for a moment before nodding slowly. 
“Your parents were district 12 butchers, so you are starting to remember them. That memory of the bag was probably when you came home from the games.”, he tells you softly like he is scared that it will break you. But his words make sense, the pain you felt at the memories must have been of your parents telling you to leave.
“There was a second memory.”, Boggs nods and you try to think of how to tell him before taking a deep breath.
“When the knife hit the target, a memory came back from a blond girl holding onto my hand, my other hand was on her wound and she looked like she was begging me to do something.”, a headache starts to form at the memories that you try to find again. Boggs is silent for a moment before looking at you carefully.
“I don’t know how much I can tell you, Doctor Everdeen will decide that when you tell her about this but that was a memory from your games.”, you remember the doctor telling you that you would have memories from games that you were in and that you won, so that must have been one.
“Thank you.”, you whisper after a moment, and he looks at you with a sad smile.
“I’m glad you are starting to remember some things. But we need to go see Mellark.”, he says after a moment and you simply nod, letting him take you with him.
The door is locked as you arrive, and Boggs looks at you for a moment while you look at the door feeling nervous.
“If you want to leave at any point, you tell us and we open the door.”, he says with a hard tone, and you simply nod taking a step towards the door.
Boggs tells them to open the door and you enter the room, seeing glass windows where you can’t seem to be able to see anything through. The room is all white, a bit like yours and you can’t help but want to take some paints and make it more colorful.
Peeta is in the middle of the room, looking at you with curious eyes while his hands are tied up just like his legs. He looks as exhausted and tortured as you, his screams come back in your memories, and you have to stop yourself from closing your eyes at the memories.
“You came.”, he whispers, and you can’t help but smile at his words.
“Couldn’t leave you here, could I?”, you whisper back before sitting down on his bed and smiling softly.
“How are you doing?”, typical of Peeta always wondering how others were doing before himself.
“Could be better, after all I lost all of my memories but otherwise nothing new. How are you doing?”, he snorts at your words, and you can’t help but smile bitterly in response.
“Everyone thinks I’ve gone crazy, and I don’t know what is happening to me.”, you can’t help but feel sick at his words, so you take his hand and squeeze it.
“They fucked us up really bad, didn’t they.”, Peeta chuckles at your words before it slowly dies down in his throat.
“I just want to be myself again.”, he whispers after a moment, and you feel tears in your eyes at his words.
“I know, I do too.”, you manage to say while your voice breaks down at the words. The two of you look at each other for a moment with tears in your eyes.
“I have something for you.”, you tell him and Peeta looks at you surprised before you take a picture out of your jacket.
It’s the picture they had given you of the two of you with the half-eaten cake in front of you.
A smile appears on Peeta’s face at the picture, and you can’t help but smile back as you put the picture next to his bed.
“That way you have a bit of decoration in here.”, you whisper softly and Peeta smiles at your words.
“I remember that day. It was just before we were going to do the plan of leaving towards district thirteen. We used to get together every few nights in district twelve when we couldn’t sleep and after your tour Haymitch started joining us. That night we were scared so we found each other at the table and ordered a large cake and the first thing you told me was that my cake was better. We laughed the whole night long and put frosting on each other while Haymitch took that picture.”, Peeta is still looking at the picture and you feel a ton of emotions going through you at his words. Feelings of safety going through you and flashes of yellow cakes and laughter echoing, the images still blurry in your mind.
“These memories, they helped me get through the torture in the capitol.”, he whispers after a moment, and you can’t help but squeeze his hand at his words feeling tears in your eyes.
“I’m sorry I don’t remember them well.”, you whisper after a moment and Peeta looks at you with a kind smile.
“That’s alright, they’ll come back. I’ll help you.”, he says, and you can’t help but let the tear fall down your cheek.
“I’ll help you too, tell me what you need, and I’ll be there.”, Peeta smiles at your words and squeezes your hand. 
“Just you being there is already enough, it gets lonely here.”, you know what he means so you stay there for a moment in silence looking at the picture for a moment.
“I just, I don’t remember anything.”, you whisper after a moment while looking at the picture, longing for the memories to come back. Silence surrounds you for a moment before his voice breaks through.
“Your parents owned the butcher shop that was right next to the bakery, which meant we grew up together. I was reaped during the 74the Hunger Games, and you were reaped for the 75th, which you won. We helped each other through the nights filled with nightmares and I felt responsible for you, like a big brother of some sort.”, you look at him slightly surprised at his words, but he doesn’t look done.
“Still, you looked broken, which made sense after the games you went through. The one time I saw you smile again like before was when you met Finnick during your victory tour. The two of you had spent the early hours of the morning talking together and after that you couldn’t be separated when you were together. When we went back for the 76th Hunger Games you spent the most time with him, laughing and letting him in like you had never done with anyone before.”, tears are forming in your eyes at his words, but you listen to him as he talks.
“You came back one morning with the largest smile I had ever seen, Finnick and you had spent the night together and you couldn’t stop smiling that day which made people look at you like you were crazy. You loved him so much and I know that deep down you still do you just don’t remember it yet.”, a few tears leave your eyes and roll down your cheeks at his words.
“Thank you.”, you manage to whisper, and he looks at you with a kind smile.
“You don’t need to thank me, whatever you want to know you can ask.”, you nod slowly at his words before a voice breaks through the silence letting you know it’s time.
“Guess that is my cue.”, you whisper and Peeta smiles at you sadly.
“I’ll see you next time.”, he says, with a doubtful look but you squeeze his hand in reassurance.
“I’ll be back.”, the two of you smile at each other before you leave towards the door feeling slightly lighter.
The door buzzes behind you and as you turn around you see him, Finnick, looking at you slightly surprised. His red eyes make the color of his eyes pop out and before you can say anything you go towards him. He looks at you surprised but he lets you look at him for a moment.
“I know you meant the world to me, help me remember that.”, you whisper, and you don’t know if he heard you before he nods slowly.
“Anything you want.”, he says after a few seconds and you nod quietly, smiling at him softly.
“Thank you.”, you tell him before Boggs appear and you smile one last time towards Finnick before leaving towards Boggs.
His eyes never leave your figure and even though you can’t see it a lovesick smile appears on his face, his heart beating faster.
Taglist: @nobody7102, @universal-s1ut, @wannapizzamymindposts, @ladystratus
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atopvisenyashill · 3 months
How do you expect dany ending slavery to be? By asking the slavers nicely to stop owning people? To the masters enslaved people are nothing, they do not view them as humans deserving of autonomy, of decency, of freedom to live for themselves. The masters will never have given up the people they held captive because they believed they are their property. Should she have let the masters go free in astapor, they would've undoubtedly started enslaving people again. abolishing slavery will never not be bloodless, for the masters because they don't want to lose the wealth and power they gained through the enslavement of people, their labour and their talents/creativity. And for the enslaved because they don't want to be at the mercy of people who treat them as if they're animals - or below - people who think they're nothing but bodies to be used and utilised as they see fit.
I've seen people saying the crucifixion of the masters was wrong, I think it was not nearly enough. What are the lives of a few hundreds masters to the millions of enslaved people they've killed? To the millions suffering at their hands? The unsullied if I remember correctly are around 8 thousand, meaning each one killed a baby, that's 8 thousand babies killed because of the masters. What they deserve is to stripped of all their wealth, death if found to be involved with the harpy or for refusal (I don't think that's what'll happen in canon though)
Also, I don't understand the comparison between dany and robb, yes they are both leaders of their people, who fail somewhat in their job but their similarity end there.... where dany grow up in poverty and without shelter, enduring her brother's abuse, robb grow up as the heir to a lord paramount, among his loving parents and siblings without ever worrying about food or shelter
Alright fine let’s break this down piece by piece.
How do you expect dany ending slavery to be? By asking the slavers nicely to stop owning people? To the masters enslaved people are nothing, they do not view them as humans deserving of autonomy, of decency, of freedom to live for themselves. The masters will never have given up the people they held captive because they believed they are their property.
FIRST OF ALL i don’t need a lecture from a grey faced anon on the horrors of slavery, EYE have Indigenous ancestry on both sides of my family, I have actual proof of SLAVES in my family, and I can almost guarantee my ancestors experienced the horrors you’re lecturing me about first hand so maybe roll back on the attitude a bit hmmm.
Second, idk how many times I have to say it, other people have to say it, how many times i have to scream it from the rooftops but- POLITICALLY, I think the crucifixions were a misstep. MORALLY, my issue with her is not the crucifixtions. POLITICALLY, this was an objectively stupid thing to do that makes Meereen harder to control, and since this is a series MEANT for analysis I personally think it’s fine, actually, if I critique something that is POLITICALY stupid regardless of the MORALITY of it. Making decisions fueled by anger is BAD and any toddler knows that.
Should she have let the masters go free in astapor, they would've undoubtedly started enslaving people again.
You are putting words in my mouth or mixing up the events. She doesn’t crucify the Good Masters of Astapor, she sacks the city. She takes their resources, their Unsullied, their food, murders children and teenagers just like her who were born noble class and inherited slaves they may not have wanted, leaves behind a council of only THREE PEOPLE, and slavery is brought back the moment she leaves by Cleon the Butcher.
It’s the Great Masters of Meereen that she crucifies. She tells them to “give up their leaders” and takes them at their word, doing something that is going to piss everyone off without thinking of the consequences. Also - she DOES let the masters go free in Meereen! She literally lets them keep all of their riches, lets them pay their servants next to nothing, and resorts to bitching about how mean they are even though SHE is the one with the power to change this. Not only does SHE let the Great Masters go free, she then BRINGS BACK SLAVERY, so, really, what exactly do you think she accomplished with the crucifixions besides inventing the Sons of the Harpy??
abolishing slavery will never not be bloodless, for the masters because they don't want to lose the wealth and power they gained through the enslavement of people, their labour and their talents/creativity. And for the enslaved because they don't want to be at the mercy of people who treat them as if they're animals - or below - people who think they're nothing but bodies to be used and utilised as they see fit.
Who said anything about it being bloodless? I am critiquing a specific act that she did that hurt her overall attempts at reconciliation in the region. She goes for a flashy, brutal way of collective punishment instead of actually figuring out whose idea it was to crucify the children, who the leaders of the city are, if there is any sort of abolition movement going on, and then acting accordingly because she is ruling through her emotions and not making smart decisions.
I've seen people saying the crucifixion of the masters was wrong, I think it was not nearly enough. What are the lives of a few hundreds masters to the millions of enslaved people they've killed? To the millions suffering at their hands? The unsullied if I remember correctly are around 8 thousand, meaning each one killed a baby, that's 8 thousand babies killed because of the masters. What they deserve is to stripped of all their wealth, death if found to be involved with the harpy or for refusal (I don't think that's what'll happen in canon though)
But she doesn’t strip them of their wealth does she? As a matter of fact, many of them still have their wealth. Many of them still effectively have slaves. The situation becomes worse in fact because she creates considerably worse class stratification wherein most people are living in abject poverty or living in the pyramids with the other rich nobles who she herself lives amongst. She also doesn’t give them the choice of “give up your wealth and disavow the sons of the harpy or die.” She takes 103 nobles that she is told are leaders, crucifies them without any sort of inquisition, and then let’s the rest keep their wealth. She does the complete opposite of what you are saying. I am critiquing her on exactly the point you are making - she makes a decision out of anger then doubles down on this stupid behavior instead of doing what’s RIGHT and what’s SMART, she sticks to useless, angry half measures that don’t go far enough because going far enough would mean giving up her OWN wealth.
During the farce we called Reconstruction, we didn’t just execute a bunch of random ass southern soldiers did we? No, there was an attempt by Lincoln to try the highest ranking government and military officials for treason. Did South Africa execute or kill every single white person when Apartheid ended? No, because committing mass slaughter of an entire class of people without some sort of plan in place doesn’t freaking help when you are trying to LIVE with them. Fuck it, do you know why MAO was so effective when he killed the landowning class? Because he had an entire plan and didn’t just kill a handful and let the rest keep their wealth!!! If what Dany had done was offer them that choice, or just straight up exile or kill literally every single Great Master, this would be a different convo. Instead she kills a handful of random ass dudes and then can’t figure out why she can’t get ahead of the political situation. It’s because she let THEM choose who to kill and she offed people who might have TALKED to her or explained the basics of how Meereen works. You can’t say you’re here to liberate the masses and then let the elites keep their shit!! That’s not ending slavery, that’s just cronyism.
Also, I don't understand the comparison between dany and robb, yes they are both leaders of their people, who fail somewhat in their job but their similarity end there.... where dany grow up in poverty and without shelter, enduring her brother's abuse, robb grow up as the heir to a lord paramount, among his loving parents and siblings without ever worrying about food or shelter
oh well since Catelyn never hears a prophecy that makes her go insane, I guess that means I can’t compare her to Cersei. and since Rhaenyra and Aegon grew up in a castle I guess that means we can’t compare them to Dany. and since Viserys II was a hostage for several years that means we can’t compare him to Tyrion. and since and since
you’re unserious if you think we are not meant to compare and contrast two teenage war rulers who are the exact same age born in the aftermath of the exact same freaking war.
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vex91 · 11 months
Nicha Yontararak - It was worth the wait
Pairing: Nicha Yontararak x Female Reader (Yandere AU)
Fandom: (G)I-DLE
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: can you please do a gidle yandere!minnie imagine where reader shows minnie affection for the first time? thank you!!
Summary: When Minnie came back home, the last thing she expected to happen was finally getting what she wanted for a long time.
Warning(s): Yandere theme, Stalking, Kidnapping
A/N: I couldn't wait to write it, I love Minnie so much😖💕
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3rd's POV
For Minnie it was a love at first sight. Ever since she saw you for the first time in that supermarket, she knew that she had to find out more about you.
She followed you home to see where you live and after spend every minute of her life thinking about you.
Day by day, she was falling harder for you and when she couldn't take anymore of waiting, she kidnapped you. She was sure that she'll make you love her and that you both will be happy together. Just like she wanted.
But it was easier said than done.
Minnie knew that you wouldn't be so happy about this whole thing at the start but she didn't thought that you would put up such a fight for so long.
She always had to be cautious of what you're doing because you're always trying to escape from the house that she bought for the two of you. The only times where you're calm is when you refuse to look at her when she's trying to talk to you.
Whenever Minnie went to the studio she had to put up a lot of blockades for you not to run away when she's not around to stop you. It always worked.
When Minnie was on her way home after a hard and tiring day she was expecting it to be like always. Her coming back home and seeing you already laying in bed, back facing her without saying another word.
But it wasn't like that.
Minnie felt that something was different the second she walked in, feeling the smell of her favorite food lingering around the house. When she followed it to find the source, she walked into the kitchen and she saw you cooking.
Confused she slowly came up behind you and you turned around with a big smile on your face. You wrapped your arms around her neck making her automatically put her hands on your hips.
"W-What's this?" Minnie asked, feeling even more confused but still enjoying being this close with you.
"Well I thought that you'll be tired after the whole day at the studio so I made you something to eat. If I remember correctly you said that it's your favorite" You said making her smile.
You listened to her after all huh? It's true that during her countless attempts to make you talk to her, she said a few things about herself, one of them being her favorite food.
"Why the sudden change?" She asked you while leaning in slowly and you just shrugged "I don't know, I tried to fight it since well... you kidnapped me but somehow I fell for you. Kinda weird considering what I said before" What you said in that moment made her heart skip a beat and she hummed satisfied with how you surrendered your fight since she could see in your eyes that you were honest.
Minnie leaned in and captured your lips in a passionate kiss that made her want you even more. She bit on your lower lip making you moan and letting her explore your mouth with her tongue.
She didn't knew what she did to finally have you love her but she knew that all this waiting that she had to go through was worth it.
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
I heard we are now at the cusp of chlamydia being untreatable via antibiotics, fun times
In United States, drug-resistant gonorrhea is a public health problem of national concern. But untreatable gonorrhea isn’t the only STD that has health officials worried.
Earlier this week, the World Health Organization released new treatment guidelines for three common sexually transmitted diseases — chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis— in response to increasing antibiotic resistance.
Gonorrhea has developed the strongest resistance to drugs, but the worries about untreatable syphilis and chlamydia come at a time when rates for the three STDs are rising rapidly in the U.S, especially among young people ages 20 to 24. According to data published by the CDC in 2014, the most recent year available: cases of chlamydia have increased 2.5 percent; gonorrhea 5.1 percent; and syphilis 15.1 percent. This is the first increase in the United States since 2006.
How worried should we be?
“STDs are hidden epidemics of enormous health and economic consequence in the United States,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
In the US, STDs are most frequent among college-age women, the highest prevalence being among women, ages 20 to 24.
According to the CDC, there are about 820,000 new gonorrhea infections each year in the United States. In fact, gonorrhea is the second most commonly reported infectious disease, after chlamydia.
In the past, gonorrhea was successful treated by several classes of antibiotics, including the ubiquitous penicillin. Over time, however, gonorrhea has developed resistance to many of them, and now, we are down to one recommended effective class of antibiotics to treat it.
The problem doesn’t end there. Gonorrhea is even starting to show decreased susceptibility to this “last line” treatment option. This makes this bacterium a multidrug-resistant organism, which are often called “superbugs”.
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As for chlamydia and syphilis, drug resistant strains have not become common in the US yet, but the WHO report warns that this is a growing problem in many parts of the world.
How can untreatable STDs be prevented?
Anyone who is sexually active can get an STD.
That said, STDs are preventable and there are steps you can take to keep yourself and your partner healthy. Remember that protecting your health is your responsibility:
Condoms: Use them correctly every time you have sex.
Have fewer partners: Ideally, agree to only have sex with one person who agrees to only have sex with you.
Talk with your partner: Talk with your sex partner about STDs and staying safe before having sex.
Get tested: Make sure you both get tested to know for sure that neither of you has an STD.
Get vaccinated: Safe and highly effective vaccines are available for two STDs: hepatitis B and HPV. HPV is in fact the most common STD. There are specific recommendations for routine and catch up vaccinations for these two STDs. ____________________
This is from 2016 and I cut a bunch out of the middle.
2nd bullet point there probably gonna make some people grumpy, something about suggesting monogamy makes people mad.
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imogenleewriter · 1 year
You Can Hear It In The Silence - Imogenlee Complete - 235,000 words.
You read that correctly. Complete. It's complete.
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When Harry Styles received acceptance into a post-grad degree, he knew he could no longer afford his flat, leaving him with three options:
1) Moving back into student halls. 2) Becoming homeless. 3) Moving in with his best (and only) friend, Niall, and three of Niall's other friends. He ended up choosing the third option. But it was a close race. Shame one of his new housemates reminded him why he only has one friend. If Louis Tomlinson had to choose one thing couldn't stand, it would be pretentious tossers, having grown up around enough of them. If he had to choose something he couldn't live without, it would be his friends. So he was proper thrilled to move in with his best mates and a couple of other lads. That was until he discovered one of them was the archetype for a pretentious tosser.
In the interest of seeing out the twelve-month lease without killing each other, they both try (debatable) to get along despite believing they were opposite in almost every conceivable way, each having the communication skills of a cucumber, and secrets that had no business be kept secret.
I have a fair few shout out's I want to give, because of course I do. Please excuse my Award Ceremony-esque speech. Obviously, without a doubt, I am so, so, SO thankful for everyone who has read it. The fact it was ever clicked on is incredible, so the fact that we're at 23k hits for a 10 week old WIP is mind-blowing. Thank you for everyone who has commented. If you sort every ao3 Larry fic ever written by comments, and go to page 3 out of 2100 you will find this little fic. As a 10 week old WIP, it was 42nd most commented on fic and nestled in between fics that are so (rightly) adored and I honestly don't understand it. Thank you for the kudos, and the bookmarks and subs.
Thank you for the stupid amount of people who went out of their way to rec it! I remember the first time I stumbled across a post where someone had sent in an anon to recommend it and I was in awe. And then it happened more and more often. I'd find them here, and on tiktok, and two days ago someone told me I'd been recc'd on twitter and I searched and found some. That's honestly mindblowing. And in the same vein, thank you @allwaswell16 and @twopoppies for sharing the anons they got (if other people did as well, thank you! I just never saw them). And honestly, a super massive thank you for @twopoppies because for a while there I was worried I was going to have to pay her for answering all the anons she got about it. Thank you to EVERYONE who ever reblogged or shared or liked anything here And thank you to the discord group who has put up with me having meltdowns every second night for the last month or sprinting with me every twenty minutes forever. It meant a lot. I'm worried I'm going to forget people (honestly DM and call me out if I do) but @enchantedlandcoffee @hellolovers13 @lunarheslwt @nooradeservedbetter @larry-hiatus @beardyboyzx @hereforh @faithinwalls369 @onlythebravest @zanniscaramouche @alwaysxlarrie @justanothershadeofblue @petitefleurlouis @larryatendoftheday @huggieshalo @paranormalbabydoll @loveislarryislove @paranormalbabydoll @larrysballetslippers @the-larry-way @goldenkinglouis @finelinelarents @thinlinez @thebreadvansstuff @justahappycloud @parmahamlarrie (Did you know I wrote my last chapter this week)
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