#if i was sure how to put the jail at the end without messing up the set up i would
dudeshusband · 1 year
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so this isn't exact but this is the build i decided would be the town
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Rye Whiskey
♢ Summary: Celebrating Sean's return to camp includes a drunk Arthur, which allows you to discover this whole new side of him. ♢Words: 2057 ♢Warnings: None except for the whole alcohol/drinking theme, basically it's just a one-shot of a fluff idea I had watching the video of drunk Arthur saying nonsense to Saddie. ♢a/n: I recommend reading it with the mindset that Arthur is in the same state as in "A Quiet Time" and listening to Rye Whiskey to put you in the mood! Wrote a little sequel for this! Read it here. ♢Credits: These gorgeous dividers are from @cafekitsune!
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♪ "O Mollie O Mollie, it's for your sake alone,
That I leave my old parents, my house and my home!" ♪
Even if one didn't know Sean had returned to the gang, they could have noticed it right away hearing his cheerful singing, his thick Irish accent rolling the words even more musically. As the main entertainer of the gang, he was absolutely delighted to have a party thrown for him, and honestly, his big toothless smile made your heart feel warmer. Tonight, in the fresh air of New Hanover, it was only laughter, guitar notes, and drunken sounds that were echoing through the camp, everyone finally having a real good time since they had settled at Horseshoe Overlook after such a long period hidden in the ruthless cold of the Grizzlies.
You were sitting around one of the campfires, with Javier, Sean, Uncle, and John. Karen had also joined, gladly sitting on Sean's lap with a bottle in her hand; you were sure there was something between them, and the poor man probably deserved some sweet time after what he had been through. Talking about bottles, the floor was flooded with a large amount of them around your little singing group, almost like a big pond of green shining glass you all fed every few minutes when someone would empty one.
You had your fair share of drinks already, a slight blush burning your cheeks, the alcohol keeping you warm under the night's cold breeze and happy despite the gang's precarious situation. Funny, how whiskey would make everything easier and more entertaining, no matter who or where you were looking at.
Alright, you had to admit it, maybe you were a bit tipsy, but so were John, Javier, Sean, and Karen, their happy faces softly lit by the golden flames. But Arthur, -Oh Lord, Arthur was far beyond drunk, he was wrecked. Looking at him from where you were sitting and singing along, you could see just how much of a mess he was; at least three of his shirt's buttons were undone, said shirt opened messily; his hair scattered under his hat and looking a bit sticky, almost as if he had put his whole head into a barrel of beer; he had a constant smile on his face, and his body was swaying slightly as if he was an unstable bottle being tossed around by the waves of a tormented sea. You chuckled to yourself; he was quite a sight to see, and you wondered if you actually had ever seen him that drunk. A few weeks back, Lenny had told you about the wild night he and Arthur had at Valentine's saloon, but the man in question had slept in jail and came back to camp completely sober, which made you unable to see his incredibly drunken state and made you wonder what the hell he must have done to end up in said jail.
♪ "If the Oceans were whiskey, and I were a duck, -Quack quack !-
I'd dive to the bottom, and get one sweet sup !" ♫
You chuckled at how Arthur had added the quacking part, finding it quite endearing. It was almost as if it was a whole new side of him, and you couldn't stop watching. His deep voice sounded surprisingly good as he was singing with the others, and you caught yourself liking hearing it. After all, you always had a sweet spot for him, so you wouldn't complain about having the opportunity to look at him as much as you wanted without him noticing it (or at least, being too drunk to understand what exactly was happening). His bright blue eyes, sparkling with the orange ashes of the fire, along with his light brown hair and stubble, his black opened shirt, his thin lips curled into this big stupid smile... It was all making your heart melt more and more. You almost lost it when he started drinking again, roughly grabbing a nearby bottle, probably without even knowing what it was containing, and bringing it to his mouth, the golden liquid sliding in his throat, making his Adam's apple bob, some glistening drops of it flowing from the bottle all the way down his scarred chin, then his throat, ending up lost in the dark hairs of his chest.
You're suddenly pulled out of your starring trance by his loud voice cutting through the song's lyrics: "Lenny, mah boy! Come and sing with us."
"Arthur... You had too many drinks again..." Lenny answered with an amused giggle as he was passing behind him, catching his inebriated eldest as he had got up to greet him, but ended up stumbling on the way and almost tripped on him, it only made Arthur laugh at himself.
There was no need to specify that Lenny had trouble holding him upright, Arthur being under normal circumstances quite a weight to carry, and even more so when he was in such a state not making any effort to prevent his face from kissing the ground. Quickly, you got up yourself, and took a few steps towards the men, helping Lenny on his difficult task.
"Look who it is... Miss Y/L/N !" Arthur greeted you with foggy eyes and a wide grin as if you two hadn't seen each other for years when you had talked only a few hours ago. He instantly put one of his arms above your shoulders and the other around Lenny's. "C-come ooon, let's dance !"
Lenny sighed before laughing a bit, letting Arthur bring him into his drunken enthusiasm; you chuckled along with him, not complaining about being so close to the handsome cowboy you had your heart and eye on for a while, even if he was barely able to register what he was actually doing and with whom. As Javier started playing a lively song, Arthur, Lenny and you were throwing your legs up in the air; you laughed some more noticing how your favorite cowboy had a hard time actually following the rhythm. You couldn't believe just how euphoric he was tonight, almost as if the bottles had turned on a switch in his mind, making him go completely wild without any of his usual gruff restraints. Maybe that was what the alcohol did to everyone. Maybe that was what it was doing to you right now but you couldn't be sure if it was, precisely because you were happily drunk and carefree.
The night continued and you blushed realizing Arthur hadn't let you go, his arms always ended up around your shoulders or on it as he was sometimes leaning against you. His manly scent, a sweet mix of smoky tones brought by tobacco and gunpowder, and woody ones, supported by pine and leather traces. Your head was starting to feel dizzy just by smelling it, your mind even more intoxicated by it than the alcohol you had been drinking all night.
You brush away your thoughts, he was really drunk, and he could have been like that with anyone. You spent the rest of the night having fun, drinking some more, laughing, singing, the whole gang having more and more fun as everyone had loosened up thanks to the booze. However at some point, the main man of the party, Sean, disappeared with Karen, and people started going to bed. After all, it was almost morning already, the stars of the night not as bright anymore as they were around the middle of the night, subtle sun rays making their presence known behind the outlines of the mountains, but not appearing just yet.
It was now only you, John, and Arthur left around the campfire, the dark-haired man looking down at his brother at heart, an amused grin on his face. Arthur was half asleep at you and John's feet, bottle in one hand, his other arm curled up around your leg. With all the proximity and physical contact he had given you through the whole night, your heart and body had gotten warmer, and you had to make enormous efforts to keep your thoughts in line, not wanting to have any false hope about him and his behavior.
"He's so goddamn drunk... " John sighed.
"Come on, let's carry him to bed." John said to you, getting up with difficulty from the log you both were sitting on.
"Aah, you guys are no f-fun!" Arthur protested, his voice even hoarser than usual due to his intoxicated self. "Come on, one more drink!"
"Nope, you're going to bed." John's own croaky tone answered his partner. He then looked at you while bending down, expecting you to help him lift Arthur's poor body.
You leaned over, helping John. Arthur was barely able to walk, leaning heavily on you and John, one of his arms above John's shoulder just as earlier with Lenny, but his other one around your waist. Your cheeks burned. Even if it was just drunken attention... You liked it.
The three of you started to walk to Arthur's tent, as fast as you could considering his feet were more brushing the ground than actually stepping on it. You just weren't capable of having any coherent thoughts at this point, your whole being living for the warm sensation of his big palm on your waist, feeling how his fingers were gently rubbing against your clothes.
"You two... Are the b-best..." Arthur slurred out in a rough voice when you had reached his tent. As gently as you both could, John and you were trying to lay him in his cot.
"Yeah, yeah. Goodnight, Arthur." John answered with an amused chuckle, placing one of his legs in its rightful place on his bed.
"Y/N, you're beautiful..." Arthur added in an almost unintelligible rumble, as you were pulling back from him. "I l-love you."
Your jaw dropped. What did he say? Did you hear that right? You froze, eyes glued to the outlaw, who was already turning around to sleep on his stomach, lips parted, a light snore emerging from his noose; he had instantly fallen asleep as if he had permission to now that he was in his cot.
John looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
"Don't take it seriously, Y/N." He advised you. "He already told that to Abigail and Karen before, even Saddie if I reckon right."
"Oh, erm... Alright, I won't." You answered your friend. Honestly, you probably would have slept better not knowing that; a sharp little sliver of disappointment subtly piercing through your heart. "Goodnight then, John."
"Goodnight, Y/N, thanks for the help." The scarred man greeted you before heading to his own tent. It was so late, you were sure Abigail would reprimand him for that tomorrow morning.
But that was John's problem, and you already had one yourself.
You took a last look at your sleepy cowboy before walking off to your own tent. He looked cute like this, hair messy, clothes completely disheveled; even his snoring was pretty endearing to you. You reluctantly turned your back to him, resisting the urge to actually lay with him in his cot. After all, he wouldn't have complained, wouldn't he? He probably wouldn't even have noticed... These thoughts got stuck in your brain as you lay in your own cot, pretty tired yourself after partying all night, your spirit slowly drifting away in the realm of dreams, sleep troubled by blurry visions of what had happened during the night, a beautiful, charming, stupid smile keeping on reappearing from time to time in your slumber.
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Arthur opened his eyes. "It hurts"; were the first words that came to his mind. His back, his neck, his goddamn head, everything was hurting him. Getting old was definitely not a piece of cake. He rubbed his eyes, which felt dry and burnt, just like his thorny throat, even if a slight string of saliva had slid from his mouth. Getting that drunk was definitely too frequent for him lately, the other night with Lenny still engraved in his memory and his tired body, fed up with his poor drinking decisions. He slowly got up, rubbing his face, carefully avoiding his gaze from looking at the sun, its light way too powerful for him in this hungover state.
Looking around the camp, he smiled internally seeing Karen emerging from Sean's tent. Little bastard had gotten himself a good time last night. While thinking back about what happened, he had a hard time remembering all of it, as often when he was that drunk. Maybe it was better that way, considering his impressive capacity to get in trouble and make a fool of himself in those kinds of situations. However this time, something was lingering in the back of his mind.
Your delicate smell, how the soft fabric of your clothes felt under his fingers, how your voice sounded into his ears, how smooth and mellow your leg was. How the hell did he knew about all that? He focused, frowning, trying so hard to remember what had happened, but all he had was these sensations, those pleasant, haunting sensations. He couldn't help but feel flustered all by himself, sat on his bed, cheeks getting slightly flushed, just imagining the reasons why he suddenly knew so much about the grain of your skin and the warmth of your body against his;
He prayed deeply he didn't do anything stupid with you; Lord knows how important you were to him. Hell, he had thought about you a lot already, thought about offering you flowers or maybe a nice jewel, something that would be as pretty as you even if to him, no physical object could ever compete with your astonishing beauty and your adorable, sweet, sunny personality.
But before all that, he needed to have a few words about last night with you. Probably would stumble on his words, look like an idiot again, but at least he would be able to be close to you, just like in those sweet lingering memories in his head.
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Sequel here.
a/n : Alright so... Here it is! My first one-shot ever. Please, if you notice anything, any mistakes, or a weird-sounding sentence: let me know! English isn't my first language and I'm actually anxious as hell to publish this! Anyway, thanks for reading this until the end and take care <3
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luffyvace · 2 months
Late!! Dazai B Day hcs!! 😊
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Yes IK I’m like literally almost 2 months late but I’m doing it ✨fashionably late✨
Dazai would become such a big baby 🤦‍♀️
he wants to sleep in late and wants breakfast in bed
the whole shabang 🙄
basically demands everything cuz he’s “the birthday boy☝️🤓”
and if you don’t get it for him your a bad s/o 😤✋
also demands cuddles all day long, which- I guess isn’t so bad 🤷‍♀️
I hope you didn’t plan anything, cuz he pretty lazy and doesn’t wanna work or even go out really
i mean maybe, only if you promise you have something super fun planned 🤩 and he’s gotta be interested in it too! ☝️😤
or your going to jail! For ruining his birthday D:
wouldn’t mind if you invited the Ada members over, actually asks you to do it at some point because his b day is too lonely without lots of friends and a party!! :D
all the sudden he has all this energy and wants to turn up LOL
so you guys put on some music, pour some drinks and have an unplanned party on the spot!!
although I’m sure Atsushi was planning one for him anyway <3
you’d best have brought him the most top tier gifts too!! >:( only the greatest stuff for the birthday king! 👑 (yes he deems “boy” too belittling now and wants to be called the birthday king now 😭⁉️)
gives you lots of kisses, back hugs and overall pda, - AND NO COMPLAINING!- cuz he’s the birthday king~ 😊
so if you don’t like it suck it up for a day butter cup!- Cuz he loves it! 💋
undoubtedly bothers Kunkida and asks him to do obnoxious, stupid things he knows he wouldn’t wanna do
and there’s no getting mad cuz he the birthday king!~ 😉
kunikida gets mad anyway and Dazai whines that he’s not supposed to get mad at him on his big dayyyy! D;
goes to you to tattle tale and you switch the topic by suggesting limbo! 🤩🤷‍♀️
To which Dazai immediately falls in love with this idea and demands everyone to play
in this order, is how everyone wins:
0 Dazai (he’s the birthday boy king ! )
1 Fukuzawa (the real winner)
2 Atsushi (tiger flexiblity)
3 Kyoka (super tiny)
4 Kenji (Second tiniest)
5 Tanizaki (would’ve done better but Mii-Chan aka the cat jump on him- LOL 😅😂)
6 Yosano (woman flexiblity)
7 Dazai’s ACTUAL placement-
7 Ranpo (would’ve done better but when he got “no” as an answer to “is the reward snacks” he gave up before even trying)
8 Kunikida (Dazai tickled him 🗿)
9 Naomi (has girl flexibility but wanted Tanizaki to win over her)
10 Kirako [office lady] (has girl flexibility but didn’t really try)
yippieeee Fukuzawa Dazai wins 😁🏅
for dinner you had spicy curry (either Kunikida or you made it)
And his cake was marble, I feel like he’d really like it
⚠️Suicide/death mention⚠️ (ofc it’s Dazai..)
at some point he asked you to commit double suicide with him, you can’t say no! It’s for his b day!! 😖😫 imagine dying on the day you came into the world!! With your lover! Isn’t that just romantic!~ 😍 hurry! Pick a painless way to die from this book of his before the day is over!! 😄 no? WHYYY?! 😩 *cue Dazai melting and turning into a hot mess on the floor*
by the end of the night your apartment is pretty messy and you and Dazai are cuddling up in bed, your head on his chest (or vise versa whatever you prefer <3) in solidarity silence
he demands you give the birthday king a goodnight kiss, and you do 💗
Short n sweet, but sometimes that’s how we prefer it, right?
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imbeingchokeholded · 1 year
Getting Clean
I need to be put into jail, stupid Scottish bitch.
Anyway this is probably lowkey just gonna be smut completely lmao.
I promise the soap pun titles will end.
Also so sorry this took so long because my mind is an enigma and writing for either the COD fandom or the RDR2 fandom has been deleted out of my mind.
Lets go lmao
WARNINGS!: female reader because im a woman and soap makes me yell real loud (nothing against him being shipped with male readers or 141, good for him what a king), NSFW, fuckin, im so bad at warnings just know its gonna be fuckin happenin, choking?? Voice kink???? Breeding kink for SURE. Just major NSFW basically porn with negative plot. Like... .5 plot.
Scottish slang/words may be inccorect due to using google, so please lemme know if its wrong, I'll happily fix it.
I am so sorry for spelling mistakes i finished this at like 2am
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The mess hall seemed way too empty, everyone was out on missions, covert, recon, whatever, and while there was a shit ton of others there on base, without most of the 141 team it just felt....wrong.
You sigh and look at your food. It's not that it's bad food. In fact, it looks delicious, but sitting alone, at this massive table that usually you shared with Ghost, Gaz, Rudy and Alejandro, as well as Soap, just made you feel...down.
They were easily the people you were closest too on base. Working so closely with them it was only a matter of time before it happened. All of you were close friends, it was rare for any of you to stray from the group and talk to anyone else.
So today, sitting in the mess hall, was no different.
You stare at the food a little longer, and poke it around with your fork, that strange foreign feeling in your chest.
"Aye Lass, lookin' at it like tha' cannaé change how it tastes."
You smile and twist your head to look at Soap as he nears the table, a tray of food of his own in his hands.
"Johnny! I didn't know you were here!" You smile wider as he takes a seat next to you, and chuckle as he takes a bite of food from his tray.
"Ah, I jus' got back from a mission not too long ago, Price is givin' me a wei break."
You nod and smile at him, your heart seems a little lighter now, someone who you're far closer to now with you.
Plus it was Johnny, how could you not be happy around him? He was the obnoxious fun loving one of the group, he could be serious yes, but it was rare. Most days he joked, laughed, spat out witty sarcastic comments at everyone who passed.
You supposed that was part of the reason you'd grown to have such deep feelings for him in the first place.
Of course you'd never tell him that, you were far too nervous to do that.
Handsome, sweet, a deep voice, which had a Scottish accent on top of it? You could listen to him speak about nonsense for the entire day.
Sometimes missions with him were absolute hell.
He did his job, he was a good Sargent, he knew what he was doing, trained properly, getting things done the way they needed to, but his commentary....
That damn voice of his, he didn't even need to be next to you, all he needed was that voice and his stupid little sarcastic quips.
Hell, sometimes it wasn't even in comms.
He'd yell out something simple, that shouldn't have been attractive, yet it was.
Something as simple as "Changing mags!" Could make your face heat up and turn a violent red, hell, he basically growled at the end of the sentence whenever he said it. Being near him was almost like having a bomb strapped to your chest. Threatening to go off at any second.
Everytime he said "Steamin' Jesus" you couldn't help but imagine him using it in a far more intimate senario, with a slight change of tone, and that never failed to send a flood of warmth between your legs.
You swore that he knew what he was doing too, like he could sense the tension between the two of you, or see the red on your face, but if he did he never brought it up, and for that you were thankful.
Trying to explain fraternization to Price would not be a fun experience. Not only that but bringing it up would probably make you flustered beyond speaking ablity.
"Hey, Y/N. I been talkin' yer fuckin' ear off, you still listenin'?"
You shake your head and look at him, your face feels hot and you're sure you're crimson.
"Ye alright Lass?"
That stupid nickname makes the blush worsen and you simply clear your throat.
"I'm fine Soap. Thinking."
"You can call me Johnny off duty." He laughs. "You usually do....ya nervous about something? Just a wei bit?"
His voice carries a bit of teasing tone and you can't help but feel a bit if irritation at the smug bastard.
"Not nervous, no."
"Ah, not nervous, yet red in the face....Aye...I got yer number bonnie."
He snorts and then continues to eat.
"Really?" You cross your arms and look at him. "Do you now MacTavish?"
"Pretty obvious if you ask me." He shrugs.
"Okay, so tell me then."
Your face burns at the sudden burst of confidence, and as a smirk crosses over Johnny's face you suddenly feel very foolish about what you've just said.
"Lass...tha's not very appropriate for me to say here, where anyone could hear....now is it?"
That smirk stays on his face as he lowers his voice to a low whisper as he gets the last few words out.
You swallow, and your face burns deeper.
"I don't know what you mean Johnny."
"I'm sure." He offers you a laugh and then stands, the look in his eyes makes your body shiver. "I think I'll head to my room...feel free to...visit, if you'd like."
You watch as he walks off as though nothing had happened and your entire body seems to shiver.
He sticks his hands in his jean pockets as he walks away, which you obviously noticed, because of course you did, with an ass like his.
What the hell are you gonna do? Follow him? How the hell did he figure you out so quickly? Did he mean what he said?
Little did you know Johnny was thinking similarly.
"What the hell were you thinkin'? Saying somethin' like that? Y/N does NOT feel that way about you, you probably just fucked somethin' up, fuckin' idiot."
It takes you only a matter of minutes before you stand from the table and head after Johnny, towards his room in the base.
Your heart is thumping so loudly its the only thing you can hear.
Your body seems to be reacting on its own though, your thoughts, while dirty and definetly in need of some....cleaning....ironically, are wondering what'll happen to your friendship afterwards, but your body doesn't seem to care.
Your mind races with the thought of what would happen if you were caught too, it wasn't exactly professional to fuck your coworker in the military.
When you reach his door you breathe deeply, hesitant as you raise your hand to the door. You stopped for a moment and then, you knock on the door.
Johnny opens the door nearly instantly, only a matter of seconds pass before the door knob clicks and he stands in the doorway before you, leaning against the doorframe as he looks down at you.
"Tha' was quick Lass."
"Shut up, let me in."
"Aw...c'mon now...be nice..." He lowers his voice, whispering the last two words, a smug smirk coming over his mouth.
You feel a rush of heat through your chest and look to your feet, your entire face seems to burn, your ears even feel as though they're burning.
"Please Johnny?"
You feel his hand come under your chin and he lifts your head to look him in the eye, not gently but not rough either.
"Try again Lass, look me in the eye."
Fuck fuck fuck fuck
"Please let me in, you stupid Scottish fuck."
"Tha's not very nice...thought I said be nice..."
You clench your jaw and stare at him, that smug grin on his face somehow managing to irritate you and make you horny all at the same time.
"Please Johnny? Let me in?"
"Ye really do want me, don't ye? Dinnaé know you felt so strongly towards me.." He smirks at you and the moves aside, dropping his hand from your chin to let you in.
You look around his room, staring at all the posters and things he has lined up on the walls. Considering this was Johnny's room....you expected it to be far dirtier, less organized, yet as you looked around at the rest of his room you noticed everything had a place, everything was neat, he didn't even have dirty clothes on the floor.
Neat and organized....despite his very chaotic and uncooridinated nature.
You're busy looking this over, viewing his room when he comes up behind you.
He leans in close.
"So, you were havin' thoughts then?" He smirks, you can feel it without even looking at him. "You? Havin' thoughts...innocent little Y/N always focused on the job Y/N....havin' thoughts like those....and about me..."
His voice lowers, it's nearly a growl, and a hand wraps around your waist, his fingers slide gently under the bottom of your shirt, touching the bare skin of your stomach, only just barely.
You look down, your face is completely red, scarlet, and it burns hotter than you thought possible.
By looking down you didn't really account for the fact that, that would only leave your neck open, and it takes all your will power you have not to make a sound when you feel Johnny's lips agains the skin there.
"I'm suprised it took you this long to notice Johnny." You breathe out, hoping your voice wouldn't give out on you.
He stops, his lips still gently placed against your skin as he speaks.
"Really now....been very noticable has it Hen?"
The nickname sends a shiver though your spine, though you know the word itself isn't the issue.
"I think so..." You breathe. "Can't you tell when my voice changes over comms sometimes?"
"Ye get that flustered...over comms? Ye don't even see me.."
He chuckles and presses another kiss to your neck, you're sure the next one he offers will be brusing.
"Not my fault..." You mumble. You've almost collapsed against him, leaning your body weight onto him, though he doesn't mind in the slightest.
"Really now...now...can ye explain to me what it is on comms that makes things so hard to focus then Hen?"
"Why must you make things difficult?"
He laughs at you and then stands up straight, his hand leaving the skin of your stomach.
He moves to his bed and takes a seat, nearly plopping down, he sits with his legs open and slaps both hands on his thighs, leaning forwards.
"It isn't difficult, it's a really easy question now Lass."
You cross your arms and look at him, watching as he leans back a little a simple smirk on his face.
"If ye really want somethin' tonight Y/N, yer gonnae have to tell me."
That smug look doesn't leave his face, rather it seems like it only gets worse as he utters out your name, emphasising it, lowering his voice as he does. To add to this you watch as his hands leave his thighs, palms upwards in a sort of shrug gesture.
He knows what gets you flustered over comms. He knows, you know he knows, but you also know he's gonna make you say it.
"You damn well know what it is Johnny."
"Oh I do, but it'll be much better when it comes out of yer mouth, preferrably with your face all red."
You swallow and look to the floor, keeping your arms crossed as you speak.
"I swear sometimes you do it on purpose. You do those damn jokes, say those fucking statements and you always lower your voice, especially if you know I'm listening. I told you how I liked your accent ONCE and now you use it everytime you can."
"Aye, I do." Again, as before, you can hear that smirk on his face. "I'll admit it. I take every chance I can."
You scrunch up your nose, refusing to look up at him.
Theres silence for a moment and then you hear him shuffle, only then do you look up.
He simply catches your gaze and makes a motion towards himself with his two middle fingers, pretty much beckoning you towards him.
Despite the stubborness you've shown earlier you can't help but follow his silent command.
As you reach him and stand inbetween his legs his hands creep over your thighs, fingers curling around the back of them, squeezing the meat of them, tightly, firmly. Just the right amount of pressure.
He looks up at you, his face a little more serious now, the smirk from earlier still lingers, but it's far less noticable.
"Ye know Y/N, I've thought about having you in here....a lot."
"Really?" You stop a moment, your body tingling, stemming from his fingertips outwards. Your mind seems a little fogged. "I thought....I thought maybe you'd invited me in here today just to...well honestly I thought you were just fucking with me Johnny, but...I couldn't just ignore it."
"Nae, no fuckin'with you, no this time."
"So...does...um...does that mean..." You swallow, struggling with your words. "Look....Johnny I think it's obvious I've liked you for a while now...are...if we're really gonna do this...I...what does it mean? Anything? Just...are we fuck buddies, or something more because...."
Your words trail off, you can't help but cross your arms, a sudden burst of what you can only assume is nearly shame creeps up through you.
Johhny's face changes, subtly, but you catch it, and you don't miss the squeeze he gives your thighs either.
"Hen, once I get a taste of you I don't think I could have anyone else."
He's quick with his movements as he slides his hands up towards your ass, and pushes you slightly closer to himself.
The action he does next is a simple one, yet it sends all kinds of feelings through you.
His tongue touches the skin of your stomach, his hand gently pushing your shirt up out of the way. He licks a stripe upwards, keeping eye contact with you as he does.
"Jesus Johnny...."
He offers a chuckle and grips your hip with his free hand just a little tighter.
"I'm gonna ask this once Bonníe," he looks at you, only a small trace of a smile on his lips. "Are ye sure ye wanna do this? I'll stop if ye say stop, but after this I won't ask again."
Your thoughts swirl in your head for a moment. Wondering if it is what you wanted. If it was worth chancing your friendship, chancing your job, getting caught fraternizing is no small penalty.
In the end your body decides for you.
You nod.
"I do."
That smile of his fits on his face slowly, showing off those pearly whites. His surprisingly sharp canines.
His tongue comes out once more, again licking up your stomach, this time he stands as he moves himself upwards, only bringing his mouth away when he reaches the area just below your breasts, letting your shirt fall back to its original place.
When he finally stands his mouth goes into good use, his lips meeting yours with a feverancy, practically a need. He fists your hair, and darts his tongue into your mouth without any hesitance.
His free hand snakes around your body, finding purchase on the plump of your asscheek.
You let out a moan against his lips which in turn pulls one from him.
Your hands wrap around the back of his neck, grabbing onto any part of him you can.
His hand nestled within your hair offers a tug, pulling your head back, taking your lips from his and exposing your neck to him.
His lips latch onto your throat, open mouthed hot kisses against your skin, making your body shiver, tingle. His tongue licks along your skin, warm, and again...hungry.
"Johnny..." You whine out his name, and your body flames up, a part of you is curious as to how he'd gotten you so needy so quickly.
The other part did not give a shit.
"So pretty when you whine like that Bonníe..."
He smiles against your skin, moving towards your jaw, still dragging his lips along your neck, refusing to leave it.
"Maybe we should see if I can get any more out of ye..."
"Johnny...we have to be careful..." You mumble. "We...we can't be caught-"
"Yer right Lass...that might even be more fun..."
He pulls back to look at you, his eyes seemed to darken with the idea that begins to plauge his mind.
"Let's see if ye can keep from screamin' huh?"
He cuts you off as his hand come up around your throat, offering a gentle squeeze to the sides as he begins to push you down to the bed.
"Do yer best for me Love." He gives you that goddamn smirk again. "Stay quiet...Can ye do that?"
You nod, your breathing becoming heavier as he stares down at you, hand still wrapped around your throat.
"Atta girl."
He coos out the words and everything in your body seems to be completely englufed in flame.
"You this charming to every girl you fuck Johnny?"
You breathe out the words, hands moving to his chest as you settle against the mattress.
"Jus' you Lass."
Rough hands slide under your shirt, over your stomach, bringing the shirt along with him.
His thumb glides up the center of your torso, pushing down slightly as he continues his movement, his other hand only leaves your throat when he needs to remove the shirt fully.
Your bra is taken off with seemingly expert practice, your breasts exposed to the air, but quickly they're found by hands and mouth.
A rough palm on one and a wet mouth sucking and licking the other.
It takes all your power not to moan, your back arching up into the feeling.
You hadn't been aware of just how touch starved you'd been.
One of your hands tangles into his mohawk, attempting to hold onto something of him.
He looks up at you, pulling away from your breasts.
"Nae, I dinnae say ye could touch lass."
"Shut tha' pretty mouth lass...see if ye can be quiet yeah?"
You nod, swallowing as he reaches for your pants. His fingers hooking under the waistband as he unbuttons them with the other.
With one swift movement he's pulled both your jeans and panties down, leaving you bare to him.
"Would ye look at tha'...such a bonnie sigh', Love..."
He smirks and moves in, hands finding your inner thighs, bringing a sigh from your lips.
Before you can say much else you feel a swipe of his tongue over your heat, already you were slick, this was certain to make the problem worse.
His grip on your inner thighs gets a little tighter as he continues with you, he moves his tongue with expertise, eating you out as though he's a man starved.
You can't help but let his name slip out, grabbing the sheets beneath you, squirming your hips against his face.
He looks up at you from his position, and even in his eyes you can see the smirk he'd wear.
It's far too soon that he pulls away, you'd been so close to your climax, so close to having that release, until he'd denied you that.
Again you whine his name, and he moves, climbing over you, grabbing your face with one hand, firmly holding your cheeks.
"Aw lass...wei bonnie...are ye feelin' a wei bit needy?"
You nod, the best you can in his grip, moving your hips against his clothed arousal, hoping for even a little bit of friction.
You give a nother small whine, this one more of a sound than that of a noise, again reaching for him, only for his other hand to pin your wrists above you.
"Ah...I told ye, nae touchin' lass"
You simply look at him, unable to do much in your senario. It's then that he kisses you, deeply, his tongue gliding against yours, the taste of your own slick in your mouth.
He lets go of your face, only to rushedly un button his pants, his problem suddenly a bit more annoying than it had been.
The moment he's free, his pants and boxers disgarded he simply looks down at you, seemingly thinking.
Its then that he grabs you by the hips and easily, effortlessly, flips you onto your stomach, running his pointer finger and thumb down your spine for a moment.
"Ye look so good from this angle love..."
He leans over you, his chest to your back, head angled right next to your ear.
He lowers that damn voice of his again.
"Can ye be a good lass fer me and arch jus' a wei bit... chest down love, ass up."
Of course you do as he asks, or rather tells, like its instinct, pressing your chest further into the bed, raising your rear higher into the air.
He leans back, taking a look at the sight in front of him, his hands going to the flesh of your ass like magnets, squeezing gently, your ass and hips, as though he can't decide which he likes better.
"Look at ye...such an obediant little lass...ye like doin' what yer told do ye? Is tha' why ye like rankin' under me? Enjoy the way I order ye around on the field? Makes ye think..."
You don't answer, focused on the feel of his hands, its only when he moves one of those hands to the back of your neck.
"I need an answer lass."
"Yes, yes I do Sir."
You can nearly feel the smirk on his face, he squeezes the back of your neck a little tighter.
"Yes sir."
"Oho...I like tha' lass..."
He grabs both of your asscheeks again for a moment before you feel one leave only to feel him push into you.
You let out a groan as he pushes in, as much as you can take, to the base, you feel incredibly full. He's girthy.
"Fuck Johnny..."
You murmer.
"Nae...yer gonna call me sir from now on Love..."
You swallow, waiting for him to move.
"Do ye understand me?"
"Yes Sir."
"Good lass."
He gices you this praise and gently he moves his hips, his hand pushing your spine back into that arch you'd subtly moved away from.
His hips move slow, almost painfully so, and he knows this, teasing you with his hands gliding over your back.
"Ye look so good lass...all this jus' fer me..."
"Johnny please...."
"Aw lass...what did I jus' say?"
"Tha's better....use yer words bonnie...what is it ye want?"
"Faster sir, please?"
You hear the small beg in your voice, sure that by the end of all this you'd be begging a lot more.
"Tha's a girl."
His hand moves to your hip, gripping hard as the other moves to your hair, grasping the roots of it, giving a tug as he moves his hips a little faster, filling you with his size, over and over again.
It's only a minute or so before he seems to loose that idea of torturing you, his pace picking up, hips snapping against yours, that slap of skin on skin, the squelch of your arousal ringing in your ears.
"Fuckkk y/n...." It comes out in nearly a growl, and he pushes your upper half further into the bed.
"Yer doin' so good bonnie...so fuckin' good..."
Another maon crawls its way out of your throat, the others you'd managed to quell, small sounds here and there, but you can't stop this one.
You push your hips against his, letting your knees spread further apart trying to get him in at a deeper angle.
"Please sir, please, fuck-"
The words tumble out of your mouth before you can register what you're even trying to beg for, your figers clench at his sheets beneath you, they smell like him, everything smells like him.
His voice is a groan, it's all you hear as he shifts your position, yanking you up by your hair, bringing your back to his chest, thrusting himself upwards into you.
You find your arm going over your shoulder, wraping around the back of his neck, trying to find purchase on something
His lips latch onto your neck as though he's drawn to it, his tongue swiping over your skin and his teeth leaving bites along your throat and shoulders. He breaths hard against you, inhaling your scent.
"Steamin' bloody Jesus..."
He groans, his pace picking up a little further, one hand still brusingly on your hip, the other slides down your front, fingers finding your clit easily.
It brings a moan to the surface of your lips, and rather than being scolded Johnny simply murmers another praise of 'good lass' in your ear, his hips snapping against yours, rythmic.
"Y/N..." He huffs, his fingers going faster against your bud. "'M close...need ye to tell me where..."
"Inside Johnny, please...fill me up..."
"Jesus Y/N..."
His voice is breathy, heavy against your skin as he continues, his hips getting erratic, until finally he gives a groan, shoving his face into your shoulder, riding out his climax, the feeling of his cum hitting your inner walls pushing you closer to yours.
He rides out his, moving his hips slightly, much slower than before, and keeps his hand going, trying to keep his previous pace.
"C'mon lass...ye can let go now...it's yer turn..."
He mumbles, breatheless.
It's not much longer of this praising and the movement of his fingers before you do just that, squeezing around him and moaning out his name as you finally reach that high.
As the two of you come down, breathing hard, Johnny still inside you, head leaning against your shoulder, he slips an arm around your waist and offers a gentle kiss to your shoulder.
"Thank ye lass..." he murmers. "Tha' was fun."
"Thank you Johnny."
"Ye ain't gotta thank me...I've wanted to do tha' for god knows how long."
"Maybe we can do it again sometime."
"Oh trust me lass...we will be."
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lovecolibri · 4 months
SaL anon here bestie, ready with the gin to endure whatever nonsense Eddie's plot is devolving into this week. God I hope the focus on Henren or Bathena so I can walk away with some sense of satisfaction. I'm not even going to attempt to say something good might come out if it, since history isn't on our side this season wrt Eddie. Tim needs to lay off his Hitchcock obsession, he did Psycho on LS last season, is doing Vertigo now, and both plots were utter nonsense. At least I got a good laugh today looking at the stills from the Oliver and Lou interview. Somebody should have told Oliver to blink 3 times if he's there against his will, though the fact that he looks like he's actively leaning towards the nearest exit probably says it just as well.
Yeah, the sooner bucktommy ends the happier I'll be. The relationship itself is fine, on par with every other BS relationship Buck was in really, but the fandom around it is exhausting and the active attempts to erase any semblance of Eddie in Buck's life is just so, so dumb (and pointless, like Buck wouldn't be the same without Eddie in his life just as Eddie isn't the same without Buck). Anyway cheers friend, we're on the precipice of something that looks both exciting and annoying, let's hope the scales tip in our favor 🍷🍸🥃.
Well, as I'm sure you guessed by my late answer, I saw this and waved at you from post limit jail, due to the d20 finale last night. I wish Tumblr would have a pop up like, "hey, you have 5 posts left before you hit post limit today!" or something so I could prepare!
So, good news, the Bobby and Henren stuff was *chefs kiss* angsty and dramatic and pulled at my heartstrings! The Bobby montage as he's giving his Captain Dad advice and having Buck cook, and calling Hen "Mother Hen" (while looking at Buck and Eddie 👀👀👀), giving the prayer book to Eddie, giving tips to Ravi, calling out orders on scene, it was all so much! And GOD, them taking that poor little girl away, and Denny stepping between that man and his sister, I was in TEARS! The Bobby and Athena talk got me too, and then him seeing his dead dad?! Bobby is going THROUGH IT and I ate it up!
As for Eddie I- legitimately do not know what to say. The whole thing was a mess, Kim giving herself bangs?? to roleplay with a stranger?? was just SO WEIRD and off-putting. Sorry I guess I'm just a hater but I think Eddie getting stuck with actresses like GW and EG means that him having scenes with anyone else feels good? but I'm not falling all over myself about any magical chemistry 🤷🏻‍♀️I hate this storyline and I'm tired of the narrative that this was some great love Eddie is missing out on when season 2-3 gave us actual canon evidence that it isn't true, and it feels more like Tim wanted Devin back and thought he could get away with it now that the audience had some space and KR spent all last season pretending Shannon was some saint (when he killed Shannon off so quickly originally because he said the audience wasn't going to forgive her and he didn't want to waste screentime on that when grief tied in with anger and abandonment was a more interesting storyline for Eddie and Chris). I'm also VERY curious about where the "Eddie realizing he's been looking at the relationship with rose colored glasses and living in delusion about it" is because GIRL that wasn't it. Eddie crying about her being the great love of his life and how they could have had it all is NOT him taking off the rose colored glasses, no matter how pretty Ryan looks when he's crying.
ANYWAY. I was already not on board with this but the writers dragging Chris into it too just gives me the ick. And it might resolve fine, but GOD!! THE JOURNEY MATTERS!! It matters how the characters get places! And this is just...not just a mess but a completely unnecessary one. They could address Eddie's grief and delusions about his relationship with Shannon (and her relationship with Chris because don't think I didn't clock him bringing up her (shit ass guilt trip) letter but not that she abandoned her son and cut off all contact for years) without resorting to trashy soapy doppelganger nonsense and cheating drama. And it's WILD because Bobby's arc this season and his relationship with Athena, and Henren's storyline have been SO GOOD, and even though there were some pacing and tone issues, even the Madney stuff has been good (and Kenny always slays the dramatic arcs!). Buck has taken a mostly supportive backseat this season which, while I ADORE him, was needed after the mess KR made of his character and her apparent lack of interest in the majority of the other main characters and his personal storyline (the bi realization, being Eddie's partner for all the big emotional talks) is also fine, it just got hijacked by some absolutely bizarre shipping strangeness over a couple minutes of screentime. But GOD Eddie's shit has been such a weird mess! It wasn't enough to be stuck with the transphobe all season, we also had to add in this nonsense?! Thanks, I hate it. At least we might finally be allowed to let Shannon go?? I am literally begging at this point.
As for th b/t of it all, I have literally blocked it from my mind and out of my existence (the ONE perk of my tumblr app still not working and having to do most of my stuff in my phone browser means I haven't really seen my dash lately and I've been smart about staying out of the tag for once) because it's just not worth the headache the bad takes give me. I'm just...so tired. I was willing to watch it play out (felt very much like Ali as the first step post-Abby, something background setting up for more later *cries in s4 Buddie canon*) but go at this point I just need it to be over for EVERYONE'S sanity. Especially Oliver's because like, girl. Why do you look like you're trapped in that loft with MW again?! Why so haunted? Girl, are you okay?? Oliver?? And how he continues to just post Buddie/Ryan stuff?? Loud.
I'm just...tired. So tired. And I need a drink. Imma go find some absolutely filthy/funny/fun Buddie fic and drown myself in that because I have the unfortunate feeling it's gonna be a LONG fucking hiatus.
Cheers friend. I know I always say if we can survive RNM (with it's own doppelganger storyline) then we can survive anything but GOD it would be nice to not have it be so hard.
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buckysgrace · 4 months
Omg girl I beg of you please write more about big brother gator 😫🙏🏼
Ask and you shall receive lol
He would've been about 21-22ish I believe when the twins were born??
Probably was indifferent at the time but slowly grew into the idea of it
Honestly he was probably hoping for little brothers but quickly changed his mindset once he realized the girls played just as rough lol
He definitely had no idea how to hold a baby at first. Couldn't figure out why you needed to support their necks or why they were so fragile lol
Would hold them up until they started to cry, then back to Karen they went lol. He just always figured he was doing something wrong
Would absolutely give them pickles/lemons when they were babies because he thought their reactions were always funny
Now when they're starting to walk/talk and are really gaining their personalities; that's the stage he loved lol
Told them a ton of jokes at this age because they laughed at whatever he said
Absolutely calls them spoiled brats
Has definitely told them that there's a monster that lives on the ranch or somewhere under their bed/in their closet. Got in big trouble for that but honestly it was worth it in his opinion
Has also threatened to lock them up in the back of his cruiser and take them to jail when they've been rowdy
Gives out alllll the piggy back rides. And all the tickle fights
Will also take them to all of the fair rides. He rides every single one (lowkey gets sick by the end of it all tho lol)
Loves to bounce with them on the trampoline, definitely throws in a few flips in there to impress them
Obviously if they accidentally gets hurt he does the whole "don't tell dad"
The twins for sure draw pictures for him all the time <3 He has his own little collection of their art lol
If he has to watch them (Which is very very rare) he's pretty chill with them? Sort of lets them do their own thing because I think he's stern enough with them that they know not to get him in trouble (which is funny cuz I think he's the complete opposite with his own kids lol)
Will buy them a pop or sweets if Roy is too mean with them (continues to give them candy that's too sour tho, just to watch them react to it lol)
Probably purposely gives them candy to get them hyper actually, especially if Karen is being Karen.
He has drawn fake tattoos on them before
Probably also painted their faces. Probably made them think he was putting on pretty makeup or butterflies on their faces when in reality he ends up giving them a big mustache, or makes them look like a witch/skeleton lol
They definitely try and mess up his hair, rip his hats off or try and grab his vape. He's pretty good at swatting them away without getting angry
Will for sure pick them up from school in his uniform if he hears that other kids are being mean to them. He’s gotta get the intimidation points in smh
They probably accidentally ended up sneaking in while he was watching a horror movie and have tried to crawl into his bed before smh.
He absolutely has the most intense games of hide and seek with them (he will be crawling on top of the fridge or hiding in cabinets smh)
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fukuokadivision1 · 3 months
Tasuku's Thoughts on Obihiro Division
Tumblr media
Hisoka Tetsumasu
"Hisoka? You mean... this is the guy behind those shady mics?! Peh, can't say I'm too thrilled about him, if that's the case. Fukuoka's got enough problems without adding fuel to the fire with illegal gear. It's guys like him that make it tough for the rest of us, trying to live honest lives in a city that's already on the f'ing edge!"
Tasuku's expression hardens, his voice tinged with frustration, "I don't know if I'd blame him directly, but he's part of the problem, that's for sure. If I get the chance, I'd tell him straight up: 'Your actions have consequences, man! You might not have pulled the trigger, but you loaded the fucking gun.' And in Fukuoka, that's the last thing we need."
"...But hey, if he wants to throw down in a game, I'm all in. I'd like to see if he's got the guts to face me without any tricks up his sleeve. It's one thing to play with cards; it's another to play with people's lives. Let’s see if he can handle the real deal."
Daiki Kamiyama
"Daiki, the kid who's buddies with that sneaky-ass detective from Suginami who caused me to spend a night in jail? Yeah, I've heard about him."
"Look, I don't have anything against this kid personally, but if he's rolling with someone who's got it out for me, then we're gonna have us a serious problem. I don't need some wanna-be caped crusader judging me, my sister or my friend. He doesn't know the first thing about what any of us have been through. So who gave you the right to judge us, kid?"
"I mean, I get it, everyone's got their dreams, but this ain't no game. This is the real world, and it's rough. If this kid thinks he can just strut around like he's saving the f'ing day or something, he's gonna learn the hard way that actions have consequences. And if he steps out of line, he'll find out just how serious we are about protecting our turf."
Jack Verrill
"Sheesh, this guy may be the second butler to join this tournament after that Yuno guy here in Fukuoka. I didn't realize teams were so hard up that they had to have their servants joining their teams because they couldn't find anyone else."
"But anyway, this is the guy who’s always tailing that superhero kid, right? Can’t say I’m impressed. Anyone who lets their charge run wild like that obviously ain't doing their job right. And if he's enabling that kid's antics, then he's part of the problem. It's one thing to support someone's dreams, but it's another to let them put themselves in danger."
"I mean, I ain't exactly knowledgeable about how butlers work or anything, but I thought that a butler's supposed to have some sense, some control over the situation. But this Jack guy? Sounds like he's just along for the ride. And that's not gonna fly, not here in Fukuoka, and especially not in the D.R.B."
"And if he's not careful, his young master's gonna end up in a mess he can't exactly clean up with a dustpan and a brush. Just something to think about."
Veiled Vanguard
"Veiled Vanguard? Sounds like a crew straight out of a bad late-night TV drama. I don't see a team; I see a ticking time bomb. I mean, you've got their mysterious leader, whose illegal HypMics have caused more damage in a year than Chuohku's probably done in a lifetime, if that's possible, a naive little kid who's living in a fantasy world, and a butler who's probably cleaning up more messes than just spilled tea."
"They're like characters out of some twisted fairy tale, each with their own baggage and secrets. And let me tell you, secrets: they have a way of spilling out in the worst ways, possible. Sure, they might have some skills, but it takes more than that to make it in the D.R.B. It's about trust, unity, and knowing who's got your back. And with a lineup like that? I'd be watching my back every damn second."
"But hey, who knows? They might surprise me, though I seriously doubt it. When push comes to shove, I bet they'll scatter like leaves in the wind. And if they think they can step up to MIHANASA, they better be ready to bring more than just a fancy name and a couple of tricks. We're not just a team; we're family. And we fight like one."
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herbatalover · 2 years
Hey! Could you write some headcanons or possibly a fic on Micah as a dad? Thank you so much!
A/N: Personally, I love this idea. Micah, even tho he's a complete asshole and I'd put a bullet in his head, is one of my favorite characters. Hopefully you enjoy! (Gender isn't specified so reader is gender neutral)
Micah as a father
GN! Reader
Living is a Bell is absolutely humiliating. Everyone knows him, everyone knows he's an asshole. Most think you're just the same.
Now, there are exceptions. Hosea, Dutch, even Arthur. Ms. Grimshaw technically as well, but she still keeps an eye on you.
You did have some of his features. Mostly in personality, although you had the same nose and eyes. You had anger issues. You were quick to get in a fight. But you still tried to be nice, just to show others that you are not like your father.
Speaking of who, wasn't good in parenting. He was akward around you when you were younger. And while yes, he did soften up, laying off on making other's lives miserable, he was still annoying. It's not like he didn't try to be a good father, but he was simply bad at it. He did buy (or steal) some things for you. Clothes, trinkets, weapons. He taught you how to shoot, yet Arthur still helped you more, since according to him "that bastard is horrible at this".
Hosea taught you how to read. Since Micah didn't know how to himself. Dutch taught you how to swim. Long story short, the gang mostly raised you.
One day you brought a dog in. It was while you were still in Blackwater. Oh what a mess.
Most people were happy, loving the new companion. However when you brought it to your father...
"What the hell is that?!"
"It's a dog?" You smiled. "I called him Biscuit"
"It's a monster! Throw it out!" Your father screeched, ready to kick the dog away, but you made sure he's a good distance away.
"No, he's belongs to our family now!"
"I'll show you where that thing belongs!" He yelled, taking a gun.
.... He shot the dog.
Only pet he ever let you keep was a rat. (what a surprise)
You called it Plague. Everyone liked Plague. He died because Uncle stepped on him.
You still tried to make him proud. Because maybe, just maybe, he'll be nicer to everyone if he's proud of you.
You made sure to bring anything you find when you were in Colter. Freezing your ass off, refusing to rest, making sure everyone was well fed. It was hard, you weren't made for snowy weather, but you did anything you could.
"Y/N, please..." Hosea walked to you as you were making your arrows, trying to remember what Charles taught you. "Go rest"
"I can't. We need to survive. We won't survive without food"
"As much as I love your courage-" Dutch approached you, getting a side glare from his partner. "-I can't let you go out. You've been working hard... You have to relax before you freeze to death."
"I really can't" you sigh. You were so close to hearing from your father he's proud of you, you could feel it. You knew he was grateful, he had to be!
You ended up stuck to bed as soon as you got to Horseshoe Overlook.
It didn't last long, a week, maybe two, but you were back on your feet before you even got healthy. If your father caught you resting... You couldn't risk it.
When you found out he was in jail, you begged to let them go for you. Arthur was hesitant, but Dutch allowed it. You jumped on your horse as soon as you could.
You arrived in the town surprisingly quickly. You walked to the jail, looking around it before walking to the window on the side, kneeling down.
"Hey dad"
"Y/N? The hell are you doing here?!"
"I came to save you" you looked around, trying to figure out how to save him. He growled frustrated.
"Why the hell did they let you?! Idiots... You'll die out here!"
".... Are you worried about me?"
"I'm worried about having to drag your corpse all the way back"
"I can leave, I'm sure Arthur will come before they hang you" you got up, turning around, but stopped when you heard his panicked voice.
"No! No, forget it! Get me out of here!"
"We talked about this.... Magic word"
"Oh for god's.... Please"
"You got it"
You wanted to stick with him after, but he told you to go back and tell Dutch he's fine. You were sad, but did as you were told. Tho over the thunder as you left, you could say a quiet thank you... Or was it the wind?
When you moved to Clement's Point, you were happy to see him again. He said he wasn't because he has to deal with you again, but you knew that wasn't true. Hopefully.
You were scared shitless when they went to talk with Colm... Yet got mad when they came back without Arthur. He was like an older brother to you, and he was gone because of him. You haven't talked with either him or Dutch until Arthur came back. It hurt him. You think so. His eyes tell everything.
Saint Denis was pretty calm. Until the bank robbery... Watching Hosea die was hard breaking. He was what Micah couldn't be. You loved him like he'd be your biological father. You were miserable.
Guarma didn't help. If anything, it made things worse. You mostly stuck with Dutch, still trying to help to impress your father, and to help him with his partner's loss. He appreciated that, it seemed. He trusted Micah, and trusted you even more, since you were like his own child. He didn't like to talk about what happened, but was grateful for your presence.
After you got back to America, you went on your own. Trying to find your way to the rest of the gang wasn't easy, but you were one of the first. You did have a close call with law men and Pinkertons, but still managed.
You didn't get to be glad about everyone coming back because of the attack. You tried your best to shoot as many men possible, trying to make sure everyone was safe. You did get some close call, one bullet so close it hit your skin, but didn't get stuck in your arm. Even this didn't stop you from fighting for your gang. For your family.
Days went by. You spent them mostly with Dutch and your father, still trying to stay close to others. Arthur had noticed something going on between the two, he did ask you to keep an eye on them. You promised to do so, but Micah seemed to pull you away from everyone slowly. Or maybe it was you that was staying away? You weren't sure.
Now you were standing frozen. Staring at your leader, pointing a gun at your father and your brother. You watched as he walked to the side, both guns now on John and Arthur. You didn't know what to do. You were scared, confused, sad. And angry.
"Y/N... Get over here" your father looked at you. Others already chose their sides, now staring at you to see what you did.
"Don't do it!" Arthur coughed out. You never realized how sick he was getting. You were looking at the both of them, before taking a deep breath.
You walked to your father. He grinned, happy. It was a chance to finally make him proud.
But as you took your steps, you realized...
"I won't make you proud, will I?" You spat, just to be met with a slowly forming confused look. You continued "everyday I worked, tried so hard to make you happy, to impress you... I don't know if I was trying to win your love or respect. But I don't think I should even try to win it. You're my father, aren't you supposed to give those things unconditionally?"
Micah opened his mouth, but you kept going. "I'm done. I don't want to fight for it anymore. I will never satisfy you, no matter what I do" you sighed, turning to Dutch. "Think about what you're doing. Think about Hosea would say. Because for god's sake, he'd slap you across your face for even pointing your gun at your son's. But make your own decision. I'm done trying to make any of you happy"
And saying that, you grabbed your father's gun, pressing it to your head and pushing his finger to pull the trigger.
Oh the regret on his face.
"I think he was proud" Hosea chuckled to you. "But he was too much of a coward to say it"
"Hopefully I got him to think about his actions" You just sighed, petting Plague and Biscuit. They got along
R.I.P Plague and Biscuit, poor babies. 🙏
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honeygrahambitch · 2 years
Rookie Questions: Why is Hannibal willingly surrendering to the police? Love? Wanting to show Will that he can't live without him? Is the memory palace strong enough for him to live peacefully in prison? What is it all this for?
Okay very good question. I was going to make a post about this topic but it's even better that you asked.
So the main focus of my answer will be the idea of impulsivity. And now you can say "what? But Hannibal is the least impulsive chatacter." Well, yes and no.
Hannibal plans every single little thing. Think about how he got Will in jail. Every day he planted little evidence to frame him. He slept with Alana so he could have an alibi in case Jack suspected him. Hannibal is incredibly manipulative and intelligent and cunning and composed, that is, most of the time.
There are however, two moments when he acts out of impulsivity. And these moments have something in common and I will explain that later in this post.
1) Mizumono
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The plan wasn't to kill Abigail, nor to try to kill Alana and to stab Will as much as possible and make a mess and then run away heartbroken. The very calculated plan was to run away with Will and Abigail. And to bring Abigail back in Will's life. To turn back the time for Will. The plan was to kill Jack with Will's help.
But this changed when Hannibal realized Will betrayed him. He is so hurt he can't take rational decisions. He acts out of pure raw feelings. He is in so much pain he tries his best to hurt Will the way he did too. And he does that by killing Abigail in front of him. And then by literally stabbing him. And then he runs away. The gif i attached screams impulsivity.
Hannibal is no longer calm, quirky, composed, elegant. He is a force. A furious, hurt and angry force.
2) The moment he surrenders
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Exactly the moment you chose. Again, this time, the plan was to save Will from the Vergers and then to leave together after he would bring Will home. Hannibal doesn't expect Will to be so angry and done. The plan wasn't to surrender in front of Jack and the FBI for sure.
But he didn't expect Will to "break up with him". Will literally tells him that he doesn't want to think about him anymore. And says fucking goodbye. And Hannibal is hurt. You can see that on his face when Will says that painful stuff.
And now to answer your question, in this episode, Hannibal does the same thing he did in the end of season 2. He knew that Will would search for him in Florence because he told Will about how much Florence means to him, right? Like Bedelia says "you made sure he would know where to look for you". Telling Will about Florence was somehow his backup plan "in case" something went wrong. In case he would have to run away without Will. But trust me, Hannibal wasn't counting on this in Mizumono. This was his "worst case scenario" You can see the surprise on his face when Will calls and says "they know". Hannibal could have ran away from the moment he felt Lounds' scent the day before. But he didn't. He really put all his trust in Will. And he shattered it.
However, when it came to running away to Florence, he wasn't giving up his freedom. Now, when he surrenders, he does. He is so hurt and surprised by Will's "walls" that the first thing that comes to his mind is to disrespect Will's boundaries and force him into knowing where he can find him.
Hannibal is a very confident guy. He is very confident in his mind. And memory palace. So living in prison wouldn't have destroyed him cause he has an amazing emotional and mental strength. What would have destroyed him however was "not having Will in his life". That's why his options are: prison or never see Will again. And he chooses prison. Yes, because he loves him.
And now i will explain the connection between the two scenes. Hannibal acts impulsive and makes radical decisions only when he is hurt by Will. Because he loves Will. So yes, he surrenders because he loves Will and decides that he is more precious than his freedom. And of course, there is some pettiness here as well cause Hannibal has a big ego.
He wants Will to feel a bit guilty, like "you don't want me? Fine then. Look at me surrendering and giving up my freedom." Cause it's not really freedom if the person he loves is not part of his life. So running away makes no sense.
I hope I answered your question. I didn't expect to make such a long post ahdjdnsndndn
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katyspersonal · 11 months
Do you think Laurence genuinely felt bad about the stuff he did or was it last minute regret before he turned?
Hmmm, I think it is sort of both!
Starting out would be scary, of course! He was forewarned about the potential risks upon using the holy blood, and for sure Byrgenwerth figured similar plan to his already ruined at least one civilisation (Loran). He would be using people as guinea pigs, put them against something you need a lot of willpower to deal with- something most do not have, so he'd have to firmly control as much as their very thoughts and emotions, let alone various social structures. And that, in turn, demanded eliminating a lot of potential threats; ideological, openly hostile, simply people that would freak out upon learning too much even if on accident and blow everything up before he got real results by running their mouths... It could and did include not only various strangers, but also people he held dear.
I imagine he was building up the guilt and doubts, realising that the progress was being built on too many victims- Like, hey, he was supposed to help the humanity, not to throw them all into jail, have them burned or offer them for research of his not-very-mentally-sound doctors! But slowly, it was being repressed and he embraced the 'ends justify the means' mindset. He believed that Willem's gatekeeping and lack of daring to try something dangerous but more effective was a bigger of two evils..... and that "evil" Cainhurst's ways to use the holy blood was the third evil, even bigger than previous two. xD He started to feel less guilty and more machiavellian, arrogant, narcissistic and even... heroic, seeing himself as the only one brave enough to do all this, to take soooo many sins on his shoulders for the greater good... *rolls eyes*
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Pppffffttt lol sorry yeah xD ^^^ Visually, I associate his 'still has doubts' stage with a different outfit, the more detailed one with the crown is past Cainhurst massacre! But... True, at some point it became apparent that he himself fell for irrevercible beasthood, that he built up way too much faith in his own moral and mental invincibility. He had a short window of time to think about how concerned people that tried to expose him but were assassinated by Brador did nothing wrong, how people afflicted by beasthood (or even suspected to be) murdered by Black Doctors and the Harrowed hunters were not guilty of anything but not being prepared for his ideal picture of the world where everyone is strong and pure enough to forever "hold back"- Heck, how everyone got caught in the cycle of the hunt nights too much to ever bother freeing Gehrman when he is gone! Realizing that even "holiness" and "being smarter" could not protect him really was insightful on how everyone he sacrificed were simply humans. They were good enough; maybe lacking both health and intellect ("eyes"), but they only had their humanity to still persist... And yet what he set to motion at the expence of so many innocent lives was inspiration to lose that humanity, be it 'hunt and beasthood' way or 'aliens' way.
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So yeah. A lot of guilt, then a long guilt-less period, then a LOOOOT of guilt.
P.S.: I mention that Laurence was considering himself 'courageous' unlike Willem a lot, and it can be confusing, so, clafirication; "Master Willem was right, evolution without courage will be man's downfall" is a mistranslation!
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( x )
He sure had some courage sending Byrgenwerth('s hunters) to scout Fishing Hamlet for the eyes, but that was it. Otherwise, I think Laurence thought his methods were "toothless", willing to simply 'learn' from Great Ones without messing with the blood... or without spilling their blood, for that matter. Yet, that whole 'commit great atrocities and transcend the humanity' attitude ended up spreading even in the parts of the Church that avoided the blood ministration (Choir and Mensis), ironically. He poisoned the well THAT badly! (though I think with Micolash, there wasn't much to poison, but I digress)
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lu-sn · 2 years
#kpweek2022 day 3: pocket aces
vegaspete, light angst, BAMF boyfriends, jail cells, 1K
Pete stalks down the long hallway to the dungeon, tightly surrounded by men he used to call his comrades. The occasional lightbulb hanging bare from the ceiling throws their shadows into stark, fluid shapes on the stained concrete walls.
Pete is furious, and anxious, and terrified. He puts all of his energy into taking steady breaths and measured steps. If they're going to get themselves out of this, Pete is going to need to keep his wits about him.
Pete was gone for barely any time at all. Just three days. And now Vegas is on trial for his life.
They’d seen it coming, sort of. Vegas's most troublesome contacts had been making moves for a while, moves that neither Vegas nor Pete had been able to come up with satisfactory explanations for. The Xia family in particular had been brazenly pushing for undeserved territory expansion. Vegas doesn’t have the same power and backing to draw from as he used to, and so pacifying them without giving in had become increasingly difficult. But even then, the posturing had seemed — too excessive. Combined with other power shifts happening amongst the lower clans, Pete was sure someone was waiting to ensnare them in some sort of carefully-laid trap.
And then Pete’s grandmother fell ill, and Vegas told Pete to go. He had things under control, he’d said. He’d be just fine. And Pete — naive, dumb Pete — had left him behind.
Now half of the Xias are dead, and all of the evidence for the massacre has been neatly packaged and lobbed right into Vegas’s lap.
Pete waits as one of the men radios for access to the doorway at the end of the hallway. His mind is racing. It had taken half a day for Khun Korn to grant him visiting rights, which was half a day too long. Pete is distressingly unsure what Khun Korn’s angle is in all of this. He graciously saved Vegas from being torn apart by the remaining Xias, but also promised the Xias extra men to help hold Vegas captive, until Vegas could answer for his crimes before a jury of the mafia elite. And given the delay in getting any sort of useful information to Pete, Khun Korn doesn’t seem all that inclined to help Vegas out of this mess.
The door opens. With his heart in his throat, Pete allows himself to be led down the row of cells, only to stop short halfway. Distantly, he registers the guards fanning out behind him in a semicircle, ready to catalog his every word and move. But his focus is fully on the dark figure splayed on the floor behind the bars.
“Vegas,” Pete whispers.
The lighting in the cell leaves a lot to be desired, but Vegas looks… not dead. And not anything approaching dead, at least. Vegas’s face is sickly colored from the array of bruises he’s sporting, and his clothes are dirty and disheveled. But he seems to be breathing regularly, is sitting upright — hands pulled tightly behind him, presumably cuffed — and as he makes eye contact with Pete, he tilts his head back against the stone wall, cracks a grin, blood seeping from between his teeth.
“Baby,” he rasps.
Pete shivers at that, moves almost unconsciously to clutch at the bars, drawn in by the sound of his voice.
Vegas laughs, hoarsely. “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”
Pete grips the bars tighter. “Vegas,” he says, then pauses.
“How’s Yaai doing?” Vegas says. “Feeling better?”
Pete breathes in sharply. “Vegas,” he says again, a little harshly. “You need to tell me what happened.”
Vegas gives him a long, unreadable look, before glancing behind Pete and then back. “There isn’t much to say. Xia Tian is dead. So are all of his children. Apparently, I killed them.”
So they can’t speak freely. And if Vegas thinks they can’t speak freely, then Vegas has information — crucial information that Pete needs. “It wasn’t you,” Pete says anyway.
“It wasn’t me,” Vegas agrees.
Pete’s eyes dart around the cell, landing on Vegas more often than not. They need to talk without risk of being overheard. Maybe Pete can convince one of the men to let him into the cell to check on Vegas — no, there’s no way, Vegas doesn’t seem to have sustained enough damage to warrant it-
“Pete,” Vegas says, eyes gone hooded and dark, “You know I love you, yeah?”
Vegas shouldn’t have said that. Pete feels his nose go sour, eyes prickling at the corners. “Don’t say it like that,” he spits out, “don’t say it like you’re about to die-”
“I didn’t mean it that way,” Vegas says, shifting slightly to straighten up further. “I just want you to know. And I want to survive this,” his voice turns steely, “I’m going to clear my name.”
Before Pete can respond, Vegas suddenly wrenches his hands apart from behind his back, scrambles up to rush at the bars, reaches his hands through to clasp both sides of Pete’s face. “Please kiss me,” he breathes out — completely unnecessarily, as he pulls Pete closer to the bars and smashes Pete’s mouth into his.
Pete feels a rush of heat shoot down his spine, letting out an involuntary moan at the taste of Vegas’s blood as Vegas licks his mouth open, pressing closer to the bars as he lets Vegas nip harshly at his bottom lip, lets Vegas run his hands through Pete’s hair and down Pete’s neck and thumb against Pete’s pulse point-
Pete abruptly becomes aware of the yelling in the background as the guards wrench him away from the bars and from Vegas. At least two guards are holding him back — not that they have to try that hard, Pete doesn’t think it would be very smart of him to resist. Three more men move to open the cell and wrestle Vegas back into his restraints, which Pete now sees were actually lengths of rope. Despite everything, Pete lets the corners of his mouth quirk up. Nobody knows their way around a rope better than Vegas.
“The trial is in two days,” Pete says loudly, as the men behind him swear and start to drag him towards the door. “I’ll see you then, okay?”
Vegas turns his head slightly from where he’s being pressed face-down into the floor, spares him a small smile and what might be a wink.
Once the door thuds shut behind them, Pete shoulders his way out of the hold the guards have on him, dusts his hands against the sides of his thighs before setting off down the hallway unprompted. He wills his heart rate to go down, affects a stoic expression as the guards move to flank him again.
He very carefully doesn’t move to adjust his shirt in any way. The shirt is Vegas’s, hastily thrown on and haphazardly tucked in as Pete rushed to get here, and is currently housing what Pete thinks is a USB stick — or whatever Vegas slipped down the back of his shirt as he palmed at Pete’s neck.
Pete pokes his tongue out, slowly licks at the side of his mouth to get at the blood Vegas smeared onto him, pulls his lip in to suck at the throbbing bite mark Vegas left behind. The metallic tang grounds him, sharpens his resolve.
It had felt like his chest was caving in, when they hauled him away from Vegas. But it's going to be okay.
Pete is going to walk out of here uninterrupted, without raising a single red flag. Then he’s going to use the information that Vegas probably risked his life for, that Vegas so cleverly handed off to him, that Vegas trusts him to use correctly. And then he’s going to hunt down the men pulling the strings in the shadows — the scum responsible for framing the man he loves — and he’s going to raze them to the ground.
day 1 - day 2 - day 3 - day 4 - day 5 - day 6 - day 7
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sakurachan7734 · 5 months
Teenage rebellion
Chapter 7: opera singer
Tw: attempted murder
Charlie: so how am I going to get in without people noticing I’m a robot?
Zachary: we will just give the guy your ticket and say you’re gonna be late and we will help you get in through a window
Charlie: ok
Meanwhile with Aristotle in the dressing room
Aristotle pov
I have been waiting for this for a long time and I can’t mess this up in the slightest I have been practicing for months hopefully nothing goes wrong with the show i had finished putting the dress on and now working on my hair and jewelry I know my boyfriends are coming over so I’m not to worried
Meanwhile with Jackson and Charlie
Jackson:* pull Charlie up to the window* geez you’re heavy
Charlie: i’m a robot I’m made of metal Jacka$$
Jackson: I know but I have no muscle on my body
Charlie: then why are you putting me into the theater?
Jackson: they told me to do it since I have the longest arms
Charlie:* climbs with the window* yea i understand now thanks
Jackson: you’re welcome let’s go sit down
They all sit down on a balcony seating area to watch the show when the show starts they were so memorized by Aristotle singing they didn’t notice the somebody was on the stage lights and unscrewing some of the screws so if somebody moves it would immediately fall on someone a few minutes past and someone moves the light to the side Aristotle is on and the light falls on nearly everyone, including Aristotle everyone in the theater starts freaking out and a ambulance was called a ambulance
Zachary: what the hell happened?!
Charlie: I don’t know!!
Jackson: calm down you two!! I’m sure Aristotle will be fine!
Zachary: listen I know you’re blind but Aristotle got crushed
Jackson: what isn’t Aristotle already dead?
Zachary: yes but I don’t know if their father can bring them back if they do end up in the hospital
Charlie: let’s just hope that they survive
A few minutes later a ambulance arrived and takes everyone everyone to the hospital and a lot of them were pronounced dead on the spot only a few lived Aristotle was one of them but they are in a full body cast and would be out of the hospital in a few months
Aristotle pov
Welp everything that could have went wrong went wrong and now I’m in the hospital in a body cast I probably won’t be released until the beginning of summer I’m surprised that I survived a 20,000 pond light falling on me every part of my body hurts I’m lonely In here because I can’t have gusts right now because It’s about 10:30 pm
Aristotle is about to go to sleep but they heard a knock on the window looking over to see Jackson, Charlie and Zachary opening the hospital window
Aristotle: should I be scared or impressed that you guys found my room?
Charlie: both
Aristotle: you guys are cute when you are worried when one of us gets hurt
Zachary: you almost became a pancake why wouldn’t be worried?!
Aristotle: hay hay I get it don’t be to loud there are other people here
Zachary: oh sorry
Jackson:* sits down on a chair next to the bed* so how are you feeling?
Aristotle: fine everything hurts
Charlie: I can imagine oh and they people that took out the screws
Aristotle: really who?
Zachary: you know those twins Leon and Luis?
Aristotle: yea?
Zachary: well apparently from what Charlie found out is they were planning on sabotaging the show because they didn’t like anyone who was singing but they didn’t plan on killing anyone or causing any harm they tried saying that they unscrewed the wrong light
Aristotle: f**king Christ
Jackson: yea nobody believed them and they are in jail
Aristotle: good
Jackson: when will you be out of here?
Aristotle: probably at the beginning of summer
Charlie: ok we will miss you and we will visit you
Aristotle: I know you will
They all hang out for a few minutes until Charlie, Zachary and Jackson go home 
The next day
Lavender: how are you feeling?
Aristotle: fine body hurts
Lavender: good dads are on the way
Aristotle: good
Lavender: why is there black goo everywhere?
Aristotle: my friends came over yesterday
Lavender: ok when will be back home?
Aristotle: probably when summer begins 
Lavender: awww I will miss you 
Aristotle: I know but you can visit me every day if you want to 
Lavender: I know and I will!
Florence: hello Aristotle
Aristotle: hello father I’m glad you are here
Florence: why wouldn’t we be? If you were already dead you would be
Aristotle: I know father
Dýo: hay kiddo how are you feeling?
Aristotle: hay dad I’m fine my body hurts
Dýo: do you need any medicine?
Aristotle: as far as I know no I don’t
Florence: ok I think you may need to take some medicine when you are out
Aristotle: ok
A few weeks later with Zachary and zoe later that night
Zachary: what do you want Zoe?
Zoe: where are you going?
Zachary: to see one of my partners 
Zoe: where?
Zachary: the hospital
Zoe: what happened to them?
Zachary: they just got really badly
Zoe: ok
Zachary leave the apartment to go to the hospital stoping by a florist to get Aristotle flowers before it made his was to the hospital
Zachary:* knocks on the door* Aristotle can I come in?
Aristotle: yes
Zachary:* enters the room* hi babe
Aristotle: hi Zachary
Zachary: it’s been a few weeks since I seen you how are you?
Aristotle: I have been fine I feel a bit better
Zachary:* puts the flowers down* good
Aristotle: aww you brought me flowers
Zachary: yea I did I figured I would
Aristotle: thank you
Zachary:* sits down on the bed*
Aristotle: ow don’t lean against me
Zachary: oh sorry anyway I wanted to ask you if when you get out of here do you want to go on a date in the woods with Jackson and Charlie?
Aristotle: you know I would love to
Zachary: good hopefully you can get out of here sooner
Aristotle: yea
Zachary and Aristotle talk for hours well if felt like a few minutes
Nurse: visiting time is over 
Zachary: ok bye Aristotle
Aristotle: bye
Zachary: remember date night when you get out!
Aristotle: yes I will
End of chapter
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whitetrashjj · 2 years
I don’t think pope was a bad friend for letting JJ take the fall, especially since he didn’t ask him to. What I’m thinking is Pope is smart. He knows he can’t convince JJ to not do it, and he would know if he tried they’d both look guilty and what JJ did would be for nothing. I also think he knows it’ll be worse for him then for JJ, not say JJ would have it easy but, pope would face mare more serious consequences.
And I also get the feeling JJ has done something similar before, maybe not for anything so extreme, but I can’t image it being the first time JJ took the blame for something.
But most of all, I fully believe every adult in that situation knew it wasn’t JJ or at the very least thought it wasn’t just him. There’s no way they missed how Pope reacted. They just chose to take the easy way out, go with the kid who’s admitting to it, who no one would be surprised about if he did do it, even if it’s clear he’s actually innocent.
Okay so the ‘especially because he didn’t ask him too’ is so triggering too me because I hate when JJ is begging the pogues to be on his side and JJ brings this up to Pope and popes like ‘I didn’t even ask you to do that’ as if that makes a difference when he literally let him.
Pope would face more serious consequences… more serious that JJ getting the shit beat out him and having to owe $40k when his family are destitute? I get that it would mess up Popes future prospects for sure but… without collage it’s not like Pope has no options. You cannot tell me that the Heyward’s struggle anything close to the Maybank’s and Routledge’s. And Pope’s the ‘smart one’ but he literally did it? Should he not have to face the consequences of that. I get that Topper and Rafe fucked him up and he deserves to be angry about that. But if you are going to get revenge, deal with the consequences of that I guess.
I think my issue with it. And look I’m not trying to hate on pope because I understand why he did it. But JJ did it because that’s the only future he sees for himself. That’s what was modeled for him that’s what everyone tells him is going to happen to him. So JJ is convinced he’s going no where but jail, he doesn’t have a future to fuck up. We see again glimpses of JJ willing to throw away his life for his friends, willing to die in a shoot out for John b, trying to break John b out of jail, and this enforces more that JJ will do anything because he’s not good for anything else, that if he can help his friends well atleast he’s going to jail for a good reason not jsut because he’s a fuck up like his dad. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy if you will.
So JJ puts his hand up, takes the hit, a felony on his record - which will make his already pretty bleak prospects even worse - because who’s going hire a felon. Compared to Pope who may lose his scholarship but there’s other ways for him to get to collage. If he couldn’t get into collage because of it, well he’s family has a successful business he could take over and he is very smart so he has other options. Not as good but still good.
Again. I get why Pope did it, he was looking at a hopeless situation and JJ gave him and out. JJ insisted. But when JJ volunteered he was saying ‘I’ve got nothing to lose but you do. I’m going to end up in jail with no prospects anyway’ and Pope letting him do it essentially confirmed that to JJ. It was in a way saying to JJ. That yes Popes future is more important than his. It enforces this idea to JJ that he’s going no where and he should just throw away his life to sacrifice for his friends. I’m not saying JJ would change any thing and I’m not saying it necessarily makes Pope a bad friend because of it. But I do think this moment is far more tragic for JJ that it’s often perceived as and JJ’s self sacrificing tendencies shouldn’t be something that is indulged or encouraged.
This is really making me think of the bike scene in 3x05 but I don’t wanna distract from this point so I won’t get into it. (Someone send me an ask about it)
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SE saeran shooting rika reminded me of an angst idea i had: if he shot MC. not fatally bc I can't hurt the boys like that but maybe critical condition; she lives but she's unconscious in the hospital for a while. saeyoung chaotically pinballing between dealing with saeran in the first few parts of SE 2, waiting for MC to wake up, and demanding answers from V and Rika. ofc i figure saeran takes top priority but he has so many things to stress over and is feeling more feelings than he has in a long time
Okay, I guess you wanted to break Saeyoung. The thought of his two most important people being involved in something like this would be enough to break him.
On one hand, we have to think about how he utterly devoted his life to protecting his baby brother's innocence. He gave up everything to try and make sure that his brother would never have to dirty his hands, and now he has to face the fact that Saeran was broken beyond repair by the two people that he trusted the most with his brother. He has to go through everything we saw him struggle and suffer with during the Secret Ending proper, but this time, Rika and V are alive. They are alive and what is the one thing we all know about Saeyoung Choi? He is vindictive and wrathful. He does not forgive and he never forgets. Those two are fucked. There's no soft or gentle way to put it.
He was mere seconds away from taking Rika's life in V's After Ending. The only thing that stopped him in that situation was the fact that there were people around to put a firm hand on his shoulder and tell him not to do it. If it wasn't for Jumin, Jaehee, or Vanderwood... you know the rest. There would be nothing stopping him in this timeline if that was the case. I imagine Rika and V will be going the way of jail time just as they do in Saeran's After Ending in this situation. It would make the most sense to me. So, it's not like they can go into hiding or anything of that nature. That's something to consider you didn't point out.
He's not upset with his brother for what happened. He can't bring himself to be upset with his brother for what happened. He can't fault Saeran because in his eyes, it was Rika and V that pushed him to that brink in the first place. So, they would be the ones that his anger and animosity would be placed on 100%.
The problem with that hinges incredibly on the MC. Depending on what kind of person they are is going to make and break this. Is MC fearful of Saeran? Do they blame him? Are they afraid of him snapping again? What is their experience and what are the lingering effects after being shot by him? Even if it was the heat of the moment and accidental, that doesn't excuse the fact that they were still shot. It is traumatizing enough to be put into the situation that they were, but being shot on top of that did no good. Even if you're a saint, your body is going to naturally fear being hurt again. It doesn't matter how much you rationalize something in your healing process, your body is going to respond whether you like it or not.
If MC is petrified of Saeran... That's where it's going to become very very difficult for Saeyoung. He can't imagine a world without his two most important people being close to him. But, if they're afraid of his brother and his brother is afraid of hurting them by accident again, what's he supposed to do? How is he supposed to live? How is he supposed to make it better? How is he supposed to be the defender of Justice when the two people he was supposed to be defending in the first place wound up in this mess?
So there's a lot of factors to consider when you think about this sort of situation. They all hurt.
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lucky1013 · 1 month
For Shelby...
No idea if you'll find this, but just in case -
In my June blog post I questioned whether the word abuse is appropriate, and you responded to assure me that it is. OK. You are the only person to fully understand your own experience.  I get that.  Your suffering is accepted and acknowledged.
But I’m not being dismissive. I am sure what you experienced is real and that you have no reason to invent or distort it.   It is dismissive to ignore and minimize someone’s pain. It is not dismissive to evaluate an accusation when determining how you personally intend to treat and regard the accused person.  All abuse and all shitty behavior is not equivalent. All abuse is not the same and should not carry the same weight, in terms of determining punishment. 
You take issue with my assertion that Wilbur could have understood the situation differently.  "Knowledge and intent" are an important concepts in the justice system and I think they matter. If you are certain that there is no possibility that Wilbur’s perception of the conduct is different, OK.  We’re not there, we don’t know, and frankly we don’t need to know. 
Relationships can get seriously fucked up and abusive and unhealthy systems can develop. We all know women who have endured abuse of this kind, or as in your case, have endured it themselves.  I am not dismissing it as invalid.
I'm sure he was a shitty boyfriend swimming in a host of unresolved problems with his head so far up his own ass that he stopped caring about you.
My biggest issue is with the weight of the word abuse when levied in the public sphere. I believe the word has abuse has value in a therapy setting and when you are understanding and framing your own experiences.  I also believe the word abuse has a narrower and stronger meaning when we are talking about putting someone in jail, causing real financial and reputational consequences, labeling someone, costing someone their job. 
The public is calling Wilbur an abuser as if it is a species — as some thing that he IS, not something he has DONE.  Is that what you meant?  Do you think it is fitting? In your view, should Wilbur regarded in the same class as a rapist? A pedophile? A wife beater?  A shocking percentage of this particular fanbase cannot understand the difference.  I state this as a parent of one of them.  Is making Wilbur suffer the end goal? OK, get after it. Make him suffer.  Destroy his peace. But was destroying a fan community necessary?  Could there have been ways to disrupt his peace without disrupting the peace of all these teenagers?  Consequences for Wilbur are really a small piece of the fallout here.  It has spawned a heartbreaking wave of hatred and sadness.  (Have you been surprised by it? I have wondered whether you wish you had handled it differently, now that you have seen the effect of this weird/goofy/unusual fanbase. I'm wondering how you see it in hindsight. Don't even answer that.)
I believe there are not good and bad people.  I believe that all of us are more than the worst thing we have done. I believe YOU.  And yet I still believe in having understanding and compassion for you both.  
I wish you would walk this back. Do you think he should be hated, like a rapist or a pedophile? REALLY? Do you honestly believe he is irredeemable and deserving of public harassment? Do you believe the rest of Lovejoy deserves it? There are ways to say, people, you've blown this out of proportion. There are ways to say, I was right about my experience, but not about the way this went down. Messed up people can climb their way out. There are ways to heal this community. There are ways to lead these kids back to a sane, human, measured response to this. To him.
(I would be happy to share more about myself privately if you want to understand where I am coming from, what my biases are, etc.  Not comfortable sharing publicly.) 
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strang3lov3 · 3 months
Bug my thots on “Bite Me” would’ve been way too much for a comment so I’m dropping it here 😁💖I’m pretty sure I’m going to enjoy this 5.3 K snack, although I would probably consider it more an entire meal 😍😋
Sweet how he taught her those card games.🤭🥰 Where do I have to sign up, to Also get a card playing lesson?
“Hi bored, I’m Joel.” Ahhh the Dad joke here it is 😂🙏🏻
“Uh-huh. Sit on your hands,” he commands.” I’m sat in sooooo fuckin sat already. He can take my hand privileges as often as he wants 😈🤭
I can definitely remember kids in my school playing slapjack and also just in general slapping each other‘s hands like high-fiving but not really. And also laying a coin on a table and snipping it at each other’s knuckles until they bled. I don’t know what the fuck was wrong with us. 😅😂
“He uses his fingers to tease your palms, tapping and tracing along your skin.” Joel is playing dirty distracting her with the teasing 😆
I just have this mental picture in my head of them standing in front of each other having their hands in each other’s mouth and just biting their opponents hand. It’s kind of funny to imagine that. 😂
“The closeness in proximity, the peculiar intimacy of the game you and Joel have just played - it feels like something in the atmosphere changes, charged, the way the air feels before a storm.” It’s happening….oh hell yeah 😈😍🤭
“Bet you’re sensitive like that everywhere,” he whispers.” Stfu he can’t just say it like this without drastic consequences. 🫠🥵
Bug I swear you’re the next person I’ll put in horny jail for causing disruption to my panties. Fuck I really want him to bite me now and it’s your fault ahhhhhh 🤤
I’m begging to also have my sex assaulted by his tongue 👅
“He eyes you up and down, and then his lips curl into a crooked smile. “Look at you,” he whispers, tilting your head down to look at your body. “You’re all marked up, sweetheart. What a goddamn mess. Tried to tell ya this wasn’t a nice game.” Sometimes it’s alright to ignore the warnings at least when it’s Joel Miller 😋🤭
“He reaches up, pulls you close to his face and kisses you gently, tangling his tongue with your own in a way that makes you dizzy.” Switching from biting her so hard that she’s bleeding to being so gentle also made my head spin. 🤩
“I don’t know what came over me,” he says.” I think I know what came over him….The horny old men demon took the reins. 🤭😈
I know I didn’t have to say a lot to the actual smut, but I was just speechless. I could only absorb it and had no thoughts left for some passages. 😍🤤🫠
Yeah, it definitely got translated that you wrote this with your whole heart and pussy. My pussy says thank u 🙏🏻
Your cats at the end are sooooo cute and what a nice doorknob decoration you got 🤭😁❤️
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WOW you weren’t joking. Many thoughts, and all of them welcome.
To answer your first question I don’t know where you sign up for card game lessons but if you find out LET A GIRL KNOW!!!! That was a little bit of a self insert - I only know those few card games. My dad tried to teach me Euchre and it just didn’t happen. It ended in tears. AND YES the dad joke. Joel can’t help himself and neither can I. Speaking of, I hope you had a nice Father’s Day 🩷
Also, Joel doesn’t want to bite you, but the parasites inside him want to bite you. I’m beyond happy you liked my teasing, chomping Joel. The whole fic was inspired by a scene from succession!!
Please do not call my cats cute, it’s going to their dumb little heads and they do not need to have any more audacity than they already do. Fuckers. Aren’t they so cute I love those assholes and oops. Don’t mind the bra on the doorknob. It’s my rainy day bra, it’s 3 years old and doesn’t really fit me but sometimes I have nothing to wear and she comes in handy. The clasps are all bent to fuck because I’m very hard on my bras and toss them in the washer and dryer with reckless abandon
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