#if it brings joy that means it's good
kn96artworks · 2 years
current occupation: unofficial medical advisor(?)
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ittybittybumblebee · 1 year
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rhinocio · 2 months
So…can I ask for Paykey but Mikey dies? (Yes I like to suffer)
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marimayscarlett · 5 months
Not to sound dramatic, but I'm going to continue my obsession with Richard Zee Kay from Rammstein and Emigrate in 2024. It just feels the right thing to do.
And you know what? This is the energy we need. This is the spirit we should maintain, because anything less wouldn't be appropriate. We have 2024 now, and you know what this means?
It's the 30th anniversary of Rammstein 🖤
So I welcome you into a year filled with even more obsession, enthusiasm and thirst, because that's what this band deserves in this iconic year 👏🏻 Let's hope for a good one for the band and us fans 🥂
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takami-takami · 11 months
On Keigo's relationship with his mother versus his father.
Keigo only calls his dad "my dad". I cannot find a single panel where he calls him "dad."
But he repeatedly calls his mom "mom".
Look at these:
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(Ignore the part abt the commission, not relevant.)
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See the look on his face when Shoto's mom says "he started calling me 'mom' again"? The little "I see."
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In addition, take a look at this.
Keigo's reaction to his dad leaving:
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But when he's alone with his mom... He still tries to stay together with her. "Lets go to the police." Together.
But once she gives him up to the commission, he severs those connections for good, though. Entirely abandoned, he leaves her in turn.
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I think his tale with his parents is incredibly tragic, but the way he views his father versus his mother is very different. He is much more removed from his father, viewing him as someone he needed saving from. In contrast, he views his mother as someone he failed to save.
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turtlecleric · 4 months
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abirddogmoment · 10 months
The problem about Mav having been a take everywhere kind of dog is that I can deeply feel his absence no matter what I'm doing or where I am.
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babyfairy · 3 months
it takes about 5 seconds of thinking about my personal life before i start to cry now i think that’s really cool and good. fun too
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mechsbrackets · 1 year
Hello and welcome to the Best Mechanisms Quote/Line Bracket!
Linked at the bottom of this post is the form where you can nominate quotes and lyrics you want to see included in this bracket. It'll be open for a week, and when that week is over I’ll begin the actual bracket with polls, here on Tumblr.
Here are the rules for nominations. They’re in the form, but I’ll put them in the post too:
You can nominate both quotes and song lyrics. For the purposes of this form I'm just gonna use quote as the general term, but both are completely acceptable nominees!
You can nominate as many/few quotes as you want, but please, only nominate each quote once!
Make sure quotes are no longer than 4 lines please! 4 and under is ok, but anything above will be shortened.
Please include the source of the quote - whether it be person or song! The ideal format is "Quote." - Person, but honestly just make it understandable and it'll be fine.
The most nominated quotes will be the ones who get to be in our bracket and battle it out to see what the best quote truly is.
This is going to be a 32 single elimination bracket again! As always, please share this with your friends so we can get a nice large pool of competitors!
This form will be open from Sunday April 23rd to Thursday June 1st!
My inbox is open, so if you have any questions or want to know how your favorite is doing, feel free to shoot me an ask!
And now, finally, the link:
Go forth and nominate!
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torosdottir · 2 months
wish someone would hurry up and come up with a quick and easy definition of the word "love" and solve so many of my problems
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aro-culture-is · 1 year
Romance favorable aro culture is being a little sad that you won't get to meet someone who you'll have a fairytale ending with becuase you don't really fall in love. I'm still upset that I dont
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moongothic · 4 months
There's like a part of me that realizes that I've written so much Crocodad Meta that at this point I should probably just compile and condence it all into like a giant Propaganda Post
'Cause like. Sure it's all still on my blog, but few people are going to go digging through all the crap I've posted in the past few months for all the Crocodad Evidence, so just showing it all into a single post would make for like. IDK something I could use to make a compelling argument for why Crocodad could be real
(Also it would be more like, Crocodad evidence you might find on a more meta/narrative level, like on-going themes and Oda's story telling tropes/habits etc. Other people have already made posts that breakdown and analyze Marineford and compile all the subtle details+easter eggs etc so I wouldn't even go into any of that. I mean SURE I could regurgitate all that info too but it'd be easier to just link to someone else's post instead and save myself some time lol)
But also.
Do I really want to spend an obscene amount of time making that post. Do I really want to do that.
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bylertruther · 2 years
older!byler is EVERYTHING to me 🥺 the idea that they can and will reach adulthood after everything that's happened to them, all of the close calls they've had, and the people they've lost along the way is just... [clenches fist] that they'll live to witness a time when their love is no longer something they have to deny themselves and hide if they want to survive, when it can be not just protected under the law but celebrated and cherished, too. that they'll live to witness a time when they can be exactly who they are in their each and every shade without apology or shame, crafting a life together that brings them joy, safety, and fulfillment—things they often went without as children. like... they just... they deserve it. 🥺
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dangaer · 4 months
being 'cringe' is banned in 2024. being yourself is not weird at all and embracing any emotion you feel is in.
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pumpking64 · 1 year
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arionwind · 1 year
So there's a trend I've been seeing, well for a while, but lately it's been grating on me especially hard with regards to the Crimew No-Fly List "hack". It's that genre of post that, often angrily, but sometimes just condescendingly/disappointingly tells people that they aren't taking a topic seriously enough or focusing on the correct part of it. I wanna break down just why I am find it so upsetting, and this event is an exceptional case study for it.
Because on the surface, it's entirely understandable. This is public-facing evidence in the government's own hand of a staggering litany of human rights abuses that really does deserve more in-depth discussion than it has been getting. People are absolutely justified in feeling frustrated that more discussion hasn't spawned at all social levels about this and while it's natural to cry out asking why that isn't happening, I think there's a few points that need to be kept in consideration.
A lot of us have been, in one way or another, dealing with this for years. Part of the horror of the No-Fly list is the sheer scale of it - so many people have been and continue to be harmed by their baseless inclusion on the list that it is difficult to even conceptualize how much pain has been inflicted, and that does matter. And I promise you, every single person on that list knows how big a deal both the list itself and this latest (though not the first) leak of it is.
The people on the list know. Their families know. For those lucky and brave enough to try and fight their inclusion in court, their legal teams know. All these people know, viscerally, how wretched this list is and have been bearing up under its weight for years, only talking to the select few they trust. My partner has been open about their inclusion, but I also have professional ties to people who have worked on cases trying to get names removed. Attempting to talk about their work publicly results in harassment by law enforcement and, if kept up, inclusion on the same or similar watch lists.
The angry calls for greater discussion will certainly cross the dashboards of people who are treating this whole thing like a silly meme, but it's also going to hit those of us who have been not discussing but living this constant pressing horror for years now. Hearing people say that, because we are enjoying some levity being injected into this constant source of suffering in our lives we don't "really give half a fuck about tearing down imperialism and colonization" or that we are "laughing and not actually caring" is gut-wrenching. Especially when it comes from people who also regularly talk about the need to avoid activist burnout or for marginalized people to care for themselves.
But I get the impulse to lash out like that. I have had to write and rewrite this very post more times than I can count now to cut out angry and inflammatory phrasing on my own end. And I know that, both in personal posts in the past and in reblogs, I often still fall prey to that thinking of "this is (rightly, justifiably) upsetting so I am going to lash out at people who don't seem to care".
But in this introspective moment, I am trying to stay aware (and want to try to stay aware in the future when I am tempted) that at least some of the people reblogging and posting these things are also hurting and responding to that. And while my first impulse is to cast aspersions on the people hurting me (even in this sentence I had to stop myself from slyly giving an "example" of what I would say if I wanted to lash out and thus satisfying that spiteful desire without admitting to it), I'm also trying to keep in mind my goal here.
I am hoping that at least a few people who have made (or at least reblogged onto my dash) these furious posts - both about this and other issues - will also consider what it is they are trying to accomplish. I also (again) want to keep in mind that I and people like me who are hurt by these posts aren't the only ones impacted by the No-Fly list. That people making these angry posts can be too, and as such I don't want to say that their justified expressions of frustration and rage need to be made more palatable, because they don't.
I do need to point out, though, that I've found the best way to start a discussion of a topic on the internet is to start discussing it in an open medium where others can join in. And when I look in the notes of the inflammatory calls for discussion (or even just awareness), I mostly see people talking about the call itself.
And there's nothing wrong with being angry and wanting to vent. There's not even anything wrong with being angry and wanting to vent in a public space where others can commiserate with you and help you feel less alone. But it *is* going to be much better for everyone - yourself included - if calls for awareness focus on calling for awareness and venting frustrations focus on venting in ways that don't further compound frustrations. Because looking at the notes of all of these more furious posts on these topics, I cannot imagine the constant fighting the OPs wind up doing feels soothing.
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