#if it’s an MCU movie
sadaveniren · 2 years
tysm for putting together all the movie info! one thing to add that might also be interesting: whether it’s an mcu project or a sony project, both teams laid out their planned upcoming movies for the next few years at comic con this year, and neither mentioned a project that could be olivia’s movie. that’s not to say it’s not getting made, because obviously these things are planned out years in advance, but i do find it interesting that we first heard about this in 2020, have heard nothing new since, and it won’t be out until at least 2026 (based on the other movie timelines we got). so even if she hasn’t lost the project, equally concerning for her probably is that she doesn’t have any projects lined up for a long while (and so won’t get paid for a long while).
Anon I had a nice long answer for you about this but then tumblr’s app crashed 🙃 so I’m gonna try again and hope I don’t forget anything I wrote.
In my research I found that in 2020 Sony hired a few directors to develop different projects for them. As someone with working knowledge of film production and the film industry (though I do not currently work in it so things could change 🤷🏼‍♀️) this sounds to me like they were looking for ideas first and hoping they liked the ideas enough to develop them. Obviously in hiring the directors they did they have faith they would like they ideas but there’s a lot that goes into developing an idea and who knows how much control Sony wants and what checkmarks they want hit versus what the directors want to do.
But like you pointed out it isn’t exactly inspiring confidence that the film won’t be released until 6 years after it is conceived. I am not the kind of person that thinks “developmental hell” means the film is gonna be bad. I am aware there has been a lot going on in the last 2 years. Howeverrrrrr Sony isn’t exactly inspiring confidence in their own projects by pushing the first movie they got out of the 2020 hires back to February. February and January are the worst months for films to be released and are known as “dump months”.
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And yes before anyone comes with it, I am aware there are exceptions: both Black Panther and Deadpool were released in February. But those were two highly anticipated films from established comic book characters. AND Deadpool absolutely smashed expectations they’d had for the movie. Like it had been released in February specifically because they didn’t think it would make much… which goes back to the fact that February is a dump month for films.
Also your last sentence is A+ and something I have been thinking about frequently whenever I try and contextualize Olivia’s career moves. The film industry is not a salary job. Unless you are actively releasing a movie/filming a movie/working you are not making money. Olivia began production on DWD back in 2019. She has been working on this film for 3 years. I’m going to go out on a limb and say she gave herself a salary for acting in the film, and maybe a small salary for directing, but the bulk of her return is going to come from profits of the film as she’s an executive producer. She also probably put in a SIGNIFICANT amount towards the 20-30 million dollar budget, which her salary does not cover. So for her to get anything else from DWD she needs to make back the budget, pay back everyone who loaned that money, pay back any other expenses that might be rolled into the box office (promo from the studio etc) and then she gets to get a profit. And guess what? If she plans to direct again? She’s going to want to keep a sizable amount of that to finance the NEXT film she wants to shoot. So when people say she’s desperate… yeah she is. This is how she gets paid. Literally.
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ladamania · 2 months
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Happy 10th anniversary to Winter Soldier coming out! [x]
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prokopetz · 7 months
Insisting that there's only one good MCU film can be a much more effective way of winding up MCU fans than insisting that they all suck, but you've gotta pick the right one. If you claim Captain America: The Winter Soldier is the only good MCU film, they'll probably just be like "I disagree, but I can understand how you'd feel that way"; if you insist with a straight face that Thor: The Dark World is the only good MCU film you can get them to write entire essays about how wrong you are.
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copingchaos · 7 months
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that last sentence is so powerful considering everything that's going on
including recent events in which french senators are currently trying to pass a bill to criminalize critiqueing the state of israel/ speaking up against zionism: "those who insult the state of israel would face two years imprisonment and a fine of EUR 75,000 "
imagine making it illegal to speak up against a state that has bombed civilians with white phosphorus
imagine making it illegal to speak up against a state that is carrying out collective punishment against the entire population in Gaza, as we speak
this might soon be the world we live in
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shittymoviedetails · 1 year
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I started watching movies from the beginning. Can't wait to catch up to you guys. Wish me luck
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curiosity-cat · 7 months
if you told me there was a mcu movie featuring a cats the musical song, two alien species of the queerest looking people ever, including one that can only communicate through song and dance, mentions of fanfiction, three female superhero leads, only one of whom is white (and she has multiple romantic coded interactions with other women), found family, and iman vellani living her best life?? i absolutely would not believe you. anyway everyone should go see the marvels.
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unicornspwnall · 8 months
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THE MARVELS (2023) dir. Nia DaCosta
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demifiendrsa · 2 months
Deadpool & Wolverine | Official Trailer
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le-regrems · 1 year
You can be cool but you'll never be Hobie Brown in Spider verse cool
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rakruined · 1 year
I just realized why Rocket gets so pissed at Drax for nearly getting them all killed for revenge in volume 1
He blames himself for not taking Floor and Teefs and just running after Lylla got shot.
"That's no excuse to get everyone else dead along the way" he says, recalling that when he took revenge for one friend it led to two more dying.
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daisy-mooon · 7 months
The Marvels was another level of comedy. The "He's bilingual" line took me out like a fucking train.
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aleksmaximoff · 7 months
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avengerscompound · 3 months
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Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes My favorite look in each show
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annefraid · 8 months
tom hiddleston being cast as the villain in a thor movie and then delivering half of his lines with tears in his eyes is still the most iconic acting choice in the mcu
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copingchaos · 7 months
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this happened 7 years ago, the people were only trying to help a girl who was bleeding from a shot wound.
Watch the video yourself, you can see the people who gathered were not posing as a threat, they were only concerned about the girl. Yet an officer felt it necessary to harass a man in a wheelchair?
There is no neutrality. There is nothing complex about it once you open your eyes and realise the people of palestine have been dealing with an oppressive force for years
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