#if someone is super into him and has another opinion that's fine but i honestly dont care LMAO im not fuckin' him that's on you ✋
oikasugayama · 9 months
Random thought
Would Fyodor be able to have a boner?
Fyodor has anemia and you get a boner with the help of blood circulation, in which you need a specific amount of iron or, like, blood for it. Can he actually even get one? It's almost like the same thing when ppl write him as dom-top, I don't mind, but wouldn't he clearly get more tired or his vision to get hazy because of his anemia? (I WOULD GLADLY TOP HIM IF HE CAN'T TOP ME 🤭)
-/ᐠ - ˕ -マ - ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 anon
Hmmm in my five minutes of research I've gathered that if his anemia is particularly bad it could cause erectile dysfunction, but anemia alone isn't a cause of ED. If he was already exhausted or sick it might compile and mean he can't keep it up for long, but it should still get up, if yanno what I mean.
Butttt again, if it's a bad case of anemia he would be prone to weakness and get easily fatigued and shaky, so it's very unlikely that he's gonna be a dom top for long without needing to rest. He's gonna need a power bottom, not a pillow princess, is my non-professional opinion.
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ash-azzzz · 6 months
Rating Hazbin Hotel Ships
Huskerdust : 100/10 absolutely love. i rlly think angel could use someone who is good to him and for him. I rlly like the idea that they'll be super sweet and not rush into anything. I rlly hope husk has a part in freeing angel from vals control if that even happens later in the show!
radiohusk : -1000/10 i rlly dont like alastor ships (for more info on why read last post.) if its platonic then sure but romantic -or god forbin sexual- no.
radiodust : -1010/10 i like this one even less. we know alastor has no interes in anyone, let alone angel (as shown in episode one angel talks about filming him and al going at it as the hotel ad and al laughs and says it'll never happen)
radiostatic : -1,000,000/10 it would be so one sided like omgg. like vox obsessed with al and al being repulsed by him. that is a horrible relationship for voxs mental health.
radioapple : 0/10 could be worse. i get people like enemies to lovers but brah they arent lovers and never will be. like platonic divorsed dads for charlie is fine but people writing about/drawing them going at it like rabbits is just 😬🫣
adams apple : 4/10 not my fav but i can def see where people are coming from. Like in the fight when luci says "im gonna fuck you" he totally could have ment that as "i got both your wives and now i want you." if adam is even in season 2 (tries to get redemed after he died ends up in hell) i wouldnt be too horribly surprised if they end up having a fling or a possible relationship of some kind. still suprised but not too bad
appledust : 3/10 i like them platonically. like they gossip abt the guys/girls they like, talk shit abt val and alastor, vent to each other, cry together, laugh together, and try and get one another with who ever they want (i.e angel w/ husk and luci w/ whoever he might want so like adam if a fling does happen)
chaggie : 10/10 i LOVE them i just want them to have more flavor. i need their relationship to get fleshed out more. like we had one little fight and a sweet like 1 min song. I WANT MORE from the only lesbian couple in that damn show.
sir pen x cherri : 7/10 i love the dynamic despite how little of it we got in the show. like hes hopeless and she that bitch. i rlly hope cherri ends up trying to redeem herself to meet pen in heaven.
cherri x angel : 2/10 platonic is cool but romantic jusy doesnt seem right to me since angel is gay. i honestly dont know how i feel abt their friendship long term because cherri doesnt seem like too great of an influence on him.
adam x lute : 4/10 probably just one sided as fuck. like no way lute didnt have feelings for adam. he made her and she was his favorite ofc she was going to fall in love but i dont think he liked her back man.
lucifer x lilith : 2/10. all im sayin is they divorsed for a reason :/
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Another Starlo rant + there's some stuff to clarify
this is my reply to the latest post from @a-legacy-not-to-be-forgotten bc i feel like he mainly had me in mind when he wrote it, which I don't mind, really. After all, we're both apologists of different characters and i DO respect your opinion. Just wanted to throw my two cents in and clarify some stuff (please read till the end)
Exhibit A (having Moray walk around with a snake in their boot and giving them rashes): I always thought this was some kind of job policy, all bc Star's so ambitious and expected his (future) employees to be the same. He wanted everyone to prove they were "real" cowboys. That's also why everyone had lassons for 8 weeks and he had that kangaroo locked in a cell for sneaking a phone in (although it IS hypocritical that Star himself is allowed to own a TV).
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Star expects a lot from everyone because he himself gives it his all to make this town as realistic as possible and makes everybody behave like real cowboys (and imo he thought Moray was fine with having a snake in their boot for a week since they probably didn't complain. Star most likely didn't even know the snake gave them rashes/apologized if Moray had told him this). Honestly he's too obsessed and passionate and can be too much without realizing it, that I can't deny
Exhibit B (The Boulder Droppers): No matter how severe (It IS severe), I still see this as super careless (and super forgetful of Starlo), rather than reckless. Again, another instance where he screws up but there's no ill intent. Also he apologized for this to Gilbert
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Exhibit C (blaming Clover for everything that happened and shooting them over it): TRUE 100%
...now, Ceroba was doing her best to understand Starlo and he needed her to get back on the right track, but I still think she views him more as a manchild than someone worthy of respect. I don't hate Ceroba or see her as a heartless bitch and a terrible friend (there's that post of mine where I explained everyone's flaws, and it turns out Starlo is the most flawed of them all, which I admitted). I just think her and Star aren't on the same wavelength.
She WAS on the same wavelength as Chujin and that's why I ship them. Ceroba deeply admired him (still does) and honesty she has the right to love whoever she wants. Still, I can't get out of my head how she thought that her wanting to date Starlo in the past must have had to do with the fact "her brain was still developing," or how she lied to him about the sheriff stuff just to spare his feelings. I get the intentions but she should have told him how she really felt (based on her many annoyed faces I got the message Roba never liked any of this + she says she doesn't understand it). I genuinely saw it as her babysitting/pitying him for his childish fantasies instead of actually enjoying participating in the antics (she does like observing the five tho)
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And yeah, everyone (Ed, Ace, Mooch, Moray, Ceroba) knew Starlo ADORED westerns, obviously, but what they DIDN'T know or try to figure out is the deeper meaning as to WHY. I feel like everybody thought it was simply a childish fantasy and didn't stem from any deeper insecurities (the FF, just like Starlo, aren't very good with communicating their feelings; why else would they criticise Starlo right in the middle of town where everyone could hear them instead of going someplace private to have the talk)
List of Starlo's character flaws I believe he has: insecure, overly enthusiastic, careless (not reckless bc he doesn't intent to cause chaos), cocky, too obsessed with his status & social image, arrogant, mischievous (particularly with Blackjack), childish, needs too much external validation, uses escapism too much, people pleaser, wants to be everyone's "hero," ignorant, naive, too optimistic, overbearing, too ambitious, stubborn, emotional & sensitive to criticism, too obsessed to the point he ignores everyone and everything else, actually IS selfish (I wanna take this opportunity to correct myself. Starlo should have listened to his posse and not have snapped like that & dismissed what they had to say, but they should have also let him know how they felt way earlier and tried to understand Star's pov & deeper insecurities he has & should have not publicly lectured him since they SHOULD know how much he wants to protect the reputation he worked hard to earn. Everyone should have reacted differently)
We don't know what Starlo was like before Clover but based on the way none of his posse ever talked smack about him, gave him dirty looks, or overall acted like they didn't wanna be part of the team, I assumed they either didn't mind his enthusiasm before he got obsessed with Clover, or kept their frustrations with his passion hidden well and didn't choose to communicate at all with him about how they really feel.
As for Star himself, I just don't see him as having been a bad boss. Ed even said how he would always ask him nicely to do stuff, and Dina explains how the only arguments the five of them had were about trivial matters, and how things were pretty predictable before Clover. So I don't think he had made any huge fuck ups. The five were always together in all their shenanigans (Dina says they're like siblings) and Ceroba mentions how she hasn't seen Star "this ecstatic in some time". Which is why I think he didn't step outta line or mistreat others before his dream of meeting a human came true.
I just remembered a single line of dialogue from Ed, which suggests that Star might have been more bossy than I thought and didn't actually ever ask his posse about their opinions. If this is the case, and probably is because Ceroba says he had changed a lot, scratch that stuff I said before about him not being a bad boss
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He acts selfish because he's insecure, but I still shouldn't have used that as an excuse. It's interesting how he's got both selfishness and selflessness inside him at the same time, but yeah, bc of his undeniable charm I overlooked the selfishness part. guilty as charged
time to add that and his bossiness as another one of star's many flaws
Another thing: while all of Ceroba's flaws seem to come from the tragedy that had struck her (besides being stubborn), every single one of Starlo's flaws stem from him and how he feels about himself. He had a normal family, a best friend, and his own friend group, with whom he could discuss his nerdy interests. I think THIS is what makes him so loveable. He techincally doesn't have a real REASON to feel unhappy, but he did, before he became 'North Star' But that persona was exactly WHAT he needed to let go of to be himself and be truly happy
I once jokingly mentioned how Starlo's name could mean "Star + loser" and the more I think about it, the more it makes sense for his arc. He wants to be 'North Star' (all cool and badass and important), but in reality, the real him is just a nice guy who loves his friends. And even if that doesn't make him popular and a loser farmer instead, at least that is the real him who he shouldn't have been running away from
I do love when my fave character ain't perfect and has inner conflicts to work on
To conclude this rant, I want to apologize to the Four and Ceroba for not taking into consideration their pov more and being way too obsessed with this charming nerd
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also, @a-legacy-not-to-be-forgotten, your rant gave me much to rethink and for that I thank you
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xxghost-zombie-jesus · 3 months
I would love to hear your opinions on Beej and Charles' relationship... Its always so fun to explore
dont mind me answering this two years later. i don't have an excuse im just a lil slow. it got long so it's under a readmore!
i like to think things are super rocky right off the bat. charles distrusts been the most in the beginning, after all, when he looks at the demon all he can remember is how he tried to marry his daughter, drove her and subsequently him to the netherworld, tried to kill delia, adam, and barbara, and made a mess of the house and their lives. so he isn't exactly please when beej is unceremoniously dumped onto his literal front steps. he is... cordial to the demon, not wanting to accidentally set Beetlejuice off and cause another Incident.
beej avoids charles a lot in the beginning. he has Mommy and Daddy issues, mainly from juno being, well, herself and his father not being around. (and honestly beej isn't sure if his father left him or was eaten by his mother, but he still holds out hope.) so another parent, especially someone who is genuinely angry and distrustful of him, and not in a 'god you're so annoying' way but in a 'you are a threat to my family way'. like, delia gets spooked by him easily, but she was probably the least affected by his outburst, and he helped her realize otho was a scam artist. the maitlands aren't exactly threatened by him, and quickly come to realize he's kind of... harmless. and lydia still considers him her best friend, even after the whole sham wedding/trying to kill everyone/killing him ordeal. but Charles? he's the only one who is not willing to deal with beej and his antics, nor does the man seem willing to move past the, well, past.
so, yeah, things are tense between them in the beginning. both of them feel threatened, and while beej is prone to lashing out when he feels threatened, charles is the quiet, calculating, take no shit. unstoppable force, immovable object. the few times they interact one-on-one doesn't go well, usually ends up in an argument, or worse, and the threat of sending beej back to the netherworld hangs heavy.
but, charles sees how beetlejuice acts around lydia, how he acts around the maitlands, hell, how he acts around delia. he's completely different than when charles originally met the demon. he's actually... more like a person than the mindless killing machine that charles thinks he is, and while he loaths to change his mind about the being who caused so much havoc and pain for his family, charles starts to doubt that he may have been wrong about beetlejuice. and then when delia implores that he just try and bond with beej, he really isn't so bad, they have a lot more in common that charles would think, he finally gives in and tries.
likewise, beetlejuice sees how charles acts around the rest of the household, the easy coparenting routines that he and the maitlands have developed regarding lydia. the calm discussions in the morning and the shared tv times in the evenings. he sees how charles is with delia, the gentleness and the love that's visible even to beetlejuice, eugh. the willingless to play along with her ideas and life coaching. he sees how charles is with lydia, the near desperation in his actions to make his daughter feel seen, feel loved, feel like he will always be there for her. how he begrudgingly builds her a dark room and allows her to paint her bedroom walls black. and he'd never say he was jealous, not if his undead life depended on it, but, honestly, he is. he wants so badly for charles to like him, hasn't what he's done to atone enough? hasn't he changed enough? but, fine, if charles won't like him, he can play along and make the man's life a living hell with pranks and comments and toeing the line of what is and isn't allowed.
and then charles finds out that despite being over 1000 years old, his age roughly correlates with that of a young adult, college-aged, even. charles, honestly, isn't sure that beej would even be of age for drinking, if he were human. he realizes that the demon's lashing out and acting up around him wasn't because he hates charles, its because he's a shitty young adult who has no idea who he is other than how others perceive him, who obviously got little to no parental love and guidance, who is fiercely protective of lydia, has taken her under his wing and would do just about anything in his power to make her happy. charles notices him eagerly playing along with delia's beliefs, never shutting her down or making her feel like she's crazy, but instead encouraging her to life her life how she wants to. he sees how beetlejuice had toned down the sexual jokes and innuendos at their behest, how he's done a complete 180 when he realized that they didn't enjoy his advances. he wants to be included but has stopped pushing and prodding for their attention.
and its when charles realizes that beej is basically just a hurt, scard, kind of angry yet doubtlessly kind kid that beetlejuice gets himself into some deep shit, and charles has to go save his ass. and its not for lydia's sake, well, at first it was, he'd hate to disappoint his daughter by letting something happen to the demon she's basically adopted as an older brother, but when he sees how genuinely hurt and upset beej is, something changes in their dynamic.
charles stops being so closed off to beej, starts including him in things, talking to him of his own accord, trying to be there for the demon like he is lydia. after all, he's no longer a freeloader, a dangerous demon on a hair trigger to charles anymore. he's just a troubled 20-something who just happens to be a demon. this doesn't exactly go well, beej isn't quick to judge, and the sudden change is so offputting to him that he thinks that charles is Up To Something.
because whenever juno started being nice to him, well, she either wanted something from him, or was about to make his life a living hell and fuck him over one hundred and one ways. so charles, someone he's lowkey started to think as a surrogate father even if he won't even admit it to himself let alone anyone else, suddenly acting like he wanted beej around, like he likes the demon? no he doesn't trust that. so he ups his antics tenfold, trying to piss charles off, trying to make things go back to how they were before.
and then this fic happens and, well, beej has to admit that charles does like him, and is trying to show it, and isn't out to get him, or kick him out, or kill him. its hard for both of them, but its a lot more positive than it had been before.
all this to say, i think they have a kind of father-son relationship, though not at first, and not for a hot second. both of them are resistant of getting along until both internal and external forces make them change, and even from there charles trying to kind of mother hen beej doesn't go well at first. but they figure things out
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gen0c1de · 1 year
Stardew Valley Bachelors when the Farmer gets a new tattoo
I got a new tattoo, it is similar to what my dad had but on the opposite arm and mirrored. If you want details or if you wanna see it I made a post about it. I will make one for the Bachelorettes, just need motivation I guess lmao Requests are open! TW: Mentions of pain, mentions of blood, mentions of smoking, if i forgot anything please let me know
Doesn't notice right away.
He's an airhead, he's focused on throwing the Gridball up in the air.
When he does look at you, still doesn't notice it right away.
Lets face it, this boy doesn't expect a change from you, you're a "Boring farmer".
When he does finally notice it, he takes a HARD double-take.
Super shocked and excited for you.
Will ask questions about it like: "Did it hurt", "What does it mean", "Is it something that means a lot to you", etc.
He want's a tattoo but is scared of the pain and doesn't wanna miss working out for a while to let it heal.
He will have a tattoo vicariously through you.
Notices right away.
This man is able to tell if you went to the dentist, he's THAT observant istg.
Will ask a few questions about it, but not bombard you like Alex.
Studies it and pinpoint any potential mistake right away so you can get it fixed right away.
Ask to take a picture or two so he can make a book about it and use your tattoo as the cover, with credits of course.
Is honestly proud of you for having the guts to get a tattoo done.
He personally believes the body is a temple that should not be tainted with ink, piercings, or hair dyes.
He keeps those opinions to himself though, not wanting to upset someone by giving his unwanted opinion.
Notices it when you have your check-up.
He may be older and a doctor, but he thinks it's really cool.
Asks only a few questions about why you got it, but mainly focuses on the health of it.
Examins it throughout the healing period to make sure it's not infected, that you're not allergic to the ink, and that you're taking proper care of yourself.
Will come to the farm every now and then to check on your tattoo as well to make sure you're letting it heal and not damaging it by working on the farm.
If you want him to put Aquaphor on it, he will, just come to his office when it opens and closes and he will do that for you.
Doesn't want a tattoo, thinks they're cool, but is terrified of the risks and the pain.
He's obsessed with cool stuff.
With that being said, he notices it right off the bat.
Immediately bombards you with questions, his eyes sparkling.
Wants most of the juicy details of you finding what you wanted, deciding on it, before the tattoo, during, and after.
Just don't tell him about the bleeding, he's not into that stuff... makes him queasy.
Talks about how much he wants a tattoo but can't get one yet since he doesn't have the money and his parents don't want him to get one while he lives with them.
He already got piercings without talking to them first, defiantly not going to get a tattoo yet.
If you're good at drawing, he will ask you to draw fake tattoos on him so he can get the feeling of what its like to have one, without it being permanent.
Talks to you a lot more now, finding you to be really cool.
Also another one to notice right away.
He likes things that are "Rebellious" and stuff his mom and Demetrious don't want him to do.
Will have you walk with him while he has a cigarette so he can talk about the tattoo with you.
Asks you a few questions, but due to him being a bit timid and having anxiety he doesn't ask a lot of them.
Is totally fine with you just telling him details without him asking, prefers it that way anyway.
You can tell him the bloody stuff, not at all bothered by it, he thinks its cool anyway.
Ask him about if he wants one!
He will be happy that you care enough to ask about his interests!
Please!! It's fucking adorable!
He will tell you how he wants one but doesn't have the money for it.
If you offer to pay for his tattoo he will get excited!
He won't show his excitement, but you know he is because he actually SMILES A LITTLE!
You both will be looking for a good first tattoo for this man!
Never notices it unless you straight up shove it in his face saying "LOOK! A TATTOO"
Or Marnie/Jazz will talk about it when he's around, then he will notice it.
Thinks its neat, not something super exciting though.
Might ask about it, might not.
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petrichoraline · 9 months
Thai BL Favorites List Tag Game
i got tagged in the summer lmao i've been struggling cause i simply can't make a completely honest list - my taste is too fluid and the definition of "fave" is a blur to me
thank you to my lovely @tenprem and @littleragondin for tagging me, consider yourselves tagged again in case your answers differ vastly from your previous ones hahah
💓Fave bl: default answer is Bad Buddy, current - Last Twilight and Cherry Magic..and Cooking Crush
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👨🏻‍🤝‍👨🏻Favourite pairing: as in actors? if i say GunSing am i gonna get ToddBlack again? (im fine with DrakeSing too y'know, im just being teased atp)
honestly i don't know, i think of actors i really like but i'm not big on their counterparts..? i enjoy it a lot when they mix and match, i don't have anyone i particularly follow.. i will say MaxTul were super powerful, i really appreciate the bonds between a lot of pairs like ForceBook and i think some of them have amazing chemistry like FirstKhao but even though there are a few i would always try to tune in for like OffGun and YinWar, there's no one i can call a fave, i don't think..currently JimmySea are eating it up tho
🎭Most underrated actor: just the Wayufilm crew in general, I see them do fundraiser lives on yt all the time and I don't think they're that well known by the fandom
🧍‍♂️Favorite character: ig it is Karan currently, Tay really made the character shine in a different way than Machida Keita's Kurosawa and i can't get enough of those puppy eyes
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🕴Favorite side character: rn it might be Metha from Cooking Crush? he's just a bit too charming for someone i'd punch if i met him irl..or Fire, i think writing about him made me fond, they're both so..this
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📽Favorite scene: from all the thai bls i've seen?? there's beauty like THAT ITSAY scene, there's unexpected scenes i come back to like WaanTul in the last episode of Between Us, there's Nuea and Toh finally getting everything out in the open..there's the Kitty Gang in FUTS going up the elevator, the ep.5 KinnPorsche scene..most of PatPran's scenes!! like how am i supposed to even start choosing lmao
i'm gonna say (after i catch up with my shows this whole list would prolly be different, it could be Karan's scream soon) the one from my recent shows is the rooftop scene from LTTS..sue me for being basic, i'll plead guilty
📝Favorite line: nth has ever quite stuck with me as "do you want us to be friends?" "no." so let's go with it
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🃏Most anticipated bl and why: let's say Jack and Joker hahah, I hope it works out <3 i want to see a project YinWar have certain freedom over completed successfully - even if it ends up not being my thing, they deserve to share their talents and artistic vision. they are trying something new, maybe there will be a nice balance between comedy and drama and also it seems like those characters are meant to be whipped for each other and YinWar can pull that off splendidly
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👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨Healthiest relationship in a bl: PatPran and PuenTalay are the first to come to mind, the communication and conflict resolution skills are on another level
💢Most toxic relationship in a bl: I suppose it would be VeeMark before the end or maybe DimGreen from 2gether? I also personally don't like Mayom and Nadia from My Ride but I can't tell if they're actually toxic 😄 and im reminded of GramBlack cause that friendship sucks imho
OH WAIT PiMork is pretty bad. yeah, maybe not the worst but they've got a spot on the list..and ig TehOhAew but I have not actually seen s2 so overall I don't have a definitive opinion :')
🍿Guilty pleasure series: i guess it would be Cause You're My Boy (My Tee) because everyone hates on it but I binged it and had a good time 🤷‍♀️ also I Will Knock You cause it has some questionable elements but it's also very special
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❎Most underrated series: out of what I've seen it would obviously be Rainbow Lagoon but it's two episodes, not sure if it counts as a series.. really sweet short watch though, you should give it a try here 🥰
also maybe The Best Story? I didn't like it that much because of the ending but it's younger YinWar and I never hear anyone talk about it; I'd say they were pretty good at it 😊
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i'm tagging @sommmnus @forcebook @catboyjosten @sparklyeyedhimbo @lovesickfolly @sollucets as per usual no pressure and sorry if youve done it ❤
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
silver and i were discussing the ethics of physical restraint in medical situations and we were wondering what your opinion is?
obviously i'm super biased, i know that it can cause a lot of trauma and isn't very efficient anyway. i can reluctantly admit that it might be best if the patient is too out of it/violent/dying. in trust fall, legend's injuries aren't life-threatening, he's fighting back out of self defense, and he's very much aware of what's happening and already has major trauma from this happening before. so the medic would say that he was in the right, even though he wasn't.
but since you actually have to be on the other side, when/why do you decide that physical restraint is the best/only option?
Physical restraints are definitely a complicated issue, for sure. I was actually just dealing with this last night. In the specific context of Legend's situation, if I had a patient who was injured but not dying and who was actively trying to hurt me I'd just stay the hell away and let him bleed lol, I ain't getting myself beaten up over that. He'd probably get arrested for trying to hurt me, though, because if I were doing an EMS call and my patient got violent I would call PD, they're our guardian angels whether people like them or not. I usually try to de-escalate situations before they get to that point, but my and my partner's safety is higher priority than the patient's - that's how we're all taught. We can't help anybody if our patient knocks us out. If Legend had just said "I'm fine, please leave me alone" and sounded terrified the correct response would be to try to talk to him and when it became clear he wasn't going to let anyone touch him then maybe leave supplies with him, talk to someone who he trusts to take care of him, and leave. We can't force care on someone who's with it, they have a right to refuse.
But in general with restraints, it's... not something we try to go for as a first choice. Situations can be difficult - there's a huge difference between someone who's injured but with it and isn't dying vs someone who has a head injury and therefore is out of it, or someone who is suicidal and will hurt others who try to stop them, or someone who's high as a kite and frothing at the mouth going insane on drugs, or someone who's delirious from extreme illness and fatigue. Last night I had a patient with meningitis who was so freaking out of it, dude kept trying to pull out his IVs and he was receiving life saving treatment through them, kept trying to pull out his feeding tube and he'd starve to death without it, kept trying to get out of bed and he'd fall and hurt himself if he did so - not to mention he had a lumbar drain, which if that gets dislodged can lead to paralysis and death. So clearly he needed to be kept in line. However, he was also redirectable - he was confused as hell but he wasn't violent. If you told him he was safe, told him where he was, and said he needed to rest, he eventually settled. So while my provider offered to give me the option of using restraints on him, I declined - he had a sitter who could redirect him, and honestly I felt the restraints would agitate him more in his state. Another patient on the unit, however, was confused as hell and tried to lunge at a nurse to hurt her. He got restraints and a sedative, and he slept though the night just fine. Yet another patient in the ICU had hit multiple nurses multiple times before the providers finally let us put restraints on him - and that guy was with it, he was just being an ass. It's a nuanced thing. I think they're necessary but only in special circumstances.
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Mary had been trying to pair Remus up with random blokes around the castle. Ever since Remus came out it had been the girls duty to find Remus a nice boyfriend.
"You deserve the best, because you are incredible, Remus" the ginger had said.
So at breakfast, the girls kept naming boys who apparently were gay as well. And even pointing at where they were seated.
Remus, that fucking bastard. He kept playing the girls' game. Giving his opinion about said boys.
"That one is cute" he commented and the girls squealed in excitement.
"I know Donovan plays rubgy and is also in a swimming team... Super athletic. Imagine the muscles" Mary giggled.
"Oh yeah?" Remus raised an eyebrow, looking directly at Sirius. And that wanker smiled at him.
Sirius had been trying his best not to be jealous. But he was furious that Remus was playing along and eyeing at those stupid boys.
Sirius and Remus weren't official. Sirius was still figuring out what he felt for Remus. So they kept whatever they had hidden.
Sirius knew Remus only snogged him because he let him. Maybe he was too innocent to go around looking for someone better. Someone who was not a mess like Sirius was. Someone who was not a coward.
The idea of Remus dating one of those boys, made Sirius insides turn and twist. And Sirius wanted to puke his breakfast.
Sirius wasn't sure if he wanted Remus to be his. But the idea of him being with someone else, made him really angry and sad.
That was selfish. Sirius wanted Remus to be happy. But preferably not with someone else.
He is not going to wait for you forever. A voice said inside his head. He is going to get tired of being your little secret.
"Marly, why don't you talk to Donovan next practice?" Mary continued "Talk to him about Remus"
Sirius moved his leg under the table to control his anger. Remus' eyes were on him. Sirius fixed his eyes on his eggs. His appetite disappeared.
"Would you like that, Remus?" Marlene asked.
"I don't know..." Remus blushed, looking down.
"Oh I get along with Donovan" James offered as he put his arm around Lily "I could ask him if he is interested" he smirked.
Fucking James! Why was he doing that?
It was because he was a gentleman and a good friend and he didn't know about Sirius' feelings.
"Honestly, lads I don't need a boyfriend" Remus whispered. But he didn't insist. He didn't cut them off.
Sirius was about to explode. He kept moving his leg.
They ignored Remus.
"Are we sure he is into boys?" Lily asked nervously.
"Bisexual" Marlene nodded "Rumor has it he prefers blokes than birds..."
Sirius clenched his teeth.
"But he has nothing in common with Remus"
Sirius could've kissed Peter. Thank God! Someone with common sense.
"Doesn't matter. They say opposites attract" Mary smiled.
"WOULD YOU STOP?" Sirius finally exploded, even hitting the table "Remus doesn't want a fucking boyfriend! Didn't you hear him?? He is fine by himself!!"
Sirius was aware that he sounded like a crazy person. Everyone was looking at Sirius as if he had lost his mind. But Sirius kept his eyes on Remus.
He couldn't figure out what Remus was thinking. His eyes were intense on Sirius. Sirius couldn't tell if he was angry, surprised, disappointed. Would he prefer Donovan? Was he actually considering starting something with another boy and leave this thing with Sirius behind? Sirius didn't want to lose him.
"Damn Black..." Marlene commented letting out a whistle.
"Why are you so angry?" Lily asked.
"I am..." Sirius was now embarrassed. He was so scared of people figuring him out "I am just so fucking tired of people being obsessed with romance and pairing people up"
James had become obsessed with his relationship with Lily. Peter had his crush on Mary. And Marlene spent half of her time with Dorcas Meadowes.
"I don't really want to have a boyfriend, guys" Remus added, smiling to their friends "I am fine spending time with you"
Sirius wanted to find his gaze. He wanted to tell him that he was sorry. And also thank him, because he was relieved. He was relieved he didn't choose someone else. That he kept choosing Sirius. Even if he deserved better.
"But Remus, at least have a bit of fun, love" Mary touched Remus' chin "I get now why you haven't snogged any girl. But you haven't snogged a boy either"
"Have you actually kissed someone, Remus?" Marlene asked curiously.
Remus' eyes flickered towards Sirius. But then he looked down. They didn't know he stuck his tongue down Sirius' throat mostly every day.
"Yeah don't worry, I've kissed a boy"
Everyone ooed and cheered raising their eyebrows in surprised. Sirius felt his cheeks on fire. Remus' eyes were still on him.
Please don't tell them! Sirius thought. We agreed. I am not ready to be judged.
"Who is he, Remus?" Lily asked with a smile "Do we know him?"
Sirius was a coward. He was a coward. He was a bloody coward.
"No, you don't" Remus said, his eyes still on Sirius. Then he looked to his friends "He is from my other school. He's name is Grant"
Sirius frowned. Grant? Remus had told Sirius about him. But he hadn't mentioned that he kissed him. Sirius thought he had been Remus' first kiss, actually. Was it true? Or was he only saying that to mislead his friends?
Grant had been there for Remus when Sirius wasn't. Grant had been a better friend. Grant this. Grant that. Sirius didn't particularly like him (even though he hadn't met him). But now he hated him more.
And their friends were happy for Remus, asking him a lot of questions about Grant. And Sirius felt like he wanted to cry.
If he only had the courage of admitting he had never felt this way about someone. That he felt sparks everytime he kissed Remus' lips. That he felt his chest burning when he was close. That he cared about Remus more than anyone could imagine. That he thought about Remus day and night. That he thought Remus was the most beautiful, amazing and wonderful person to exist this earth. And he was so lucky to be able to know him, and be his friend.
But Sirius was so scared of what others might think of him. And he was scared of starting a relationship with Remus. And he was scared of losing Remus. He was scared of what The Blacks would do if they found out about this. He was scared of himself and what he might do to hurt Remus.
But fuck, he loved Remus. As a friend. As something more. As anything. But he loved him. But he was too much of a coward to admit it.
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jackienautism · 1 year
I’m kinda surprised that you don’t like Dylan? He seems to be such the fan fav I don’t think I ever actually seen anyone rank him so low on their list- what’s your opinions on his character?
yeaah i just didnt really vibe with him when i played, plus i got pretty annoyed seeing him everywhere before getting into the game (travis too but thats a whole nother thing). like good for all you guys for having fun but i just cant get into it
im gonna be honest about my opinions on him so if you reeaaaaally like dylan i recommend not reading. and i mean that genuinely
1.ive just. i immediately saw dylan as one of those like male characters that get super popular in a fandom bc he: is white.is a guy. is a brunette. is associated w/ a gay ship. and is fit under a "bad boy / mentally ill / misunderstood" trope. i truly and honestly dont care if someone likes these types of characters. as long as you're not a fucking freak, i dont give a shit what you do. its just such a prominent trend that should make you go HMMMMM fandom hates women and people of color! and basically im just sick of that trend! so seeing dylan also fit into it turned me super off lmao
2. in relation to his character, i think its fine, i guess, its nothing revolutionary. especially in regards to other supermassive characters.... i thought about this during work one day and like. emily has a similar character to dylan LOL and ive had this thought before but. dylan and emma are also very similar character wise! in terms of like. compensating ina very negative way due to insecurity! but you know whch characters get the most flack for being dicks? for being bitches? for being the worst? and you know who doesnt?
3. i also particularly hated the thing he did to abi during the camp fire scene. like. i dont care if you compensate by making jokes and shit, you're still an asshole. and so is emma. and so is emily. i dont understnad why dylan should get ANY different treatment. but anyway, that dare was absolutely targeted towards abi and nothing will change my mind on the matter. abi is very clearly on the outside of the group. hell, the entire time everyone (mainly kaitlyn and emma) makes comments about how incompetent abi is when it comes to dating anf shit. and so for dylan to ask what he did? it put her on the fucking spot and humiliated her. i dont care if he "saves" it if you dont interrupt as ryan, there's absolutely no way hes unaware of abi's standing social wise in the group. him asking HER that of all people is just shitty. he fucking knows what abi's answer is gonna be. and even though she never answers the question, the damage is already done.
and before anyone says anything, i know nick also was targeted in diff ways for being "incompetent" in this specific sense. which is another conversation im willing to have. but even so, rthe comment ryan still makes bout not letting that "prep aesthetic fool you"? and the way he kisses emma? he clearly has got some "game" or whatever the fuck. whereas abi doesn't really have any of those moments (except for kissing nick first, which is something kaitlyn ryan and dylan said she wouldnt do LOL). and speaking of kaitlyn? and in association, emma? what they did to abi is one of the things i hate most about them and what happens in game. its actually what made me begin to DISLIKE both of them when it happened. basically what im saying is, kaitlyn and emma arent exempt from this criticism just because i dont like dylan. and i also dont care if thats the "point" of truth or dare. it still makes all the characters involved fucking dicks. they know how abi is like, emma especially, so seeing them all pull this shit is just disheartening and sad.
and 4. i like being hastag different
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papalouiemutual · 11 months
andy is the best option on dan and phil's new gaming video and you CAN'T CHANGE MY MIND
yes i'm making a mini essay about this because i'm so opinionated but mostly just really excited for the gaming channel to be back let's look at the options, shall we?
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sean - "nicknamed 'mr. know it all.'" dan's interpretation of this in the video is that he's a mansplainer, but in his defense, it could just mean that he's surprisingly smart. especially being surrounded by jocks, if we're going based on stereotypes, they'd make fun of him for having any type of knowledge on anything besides sports - "hopes to win the world record for the longest kiss." this one's unclear for me. it could be a green flag because he has a niche passion, but it could also be weird. like i don't know, maybe he's just focused on the kiss and not actually winning the record.. he'd have to be genuinely committed to the record for me to be into it. especially since beating that record would not be pleasant - "has a pet boa constrictor." HONESTLY.. such a huge green flag for me. having a pet of his own at all is already a green flag, but the fact that it's an underappreciated animal? love that. it adds to the view of him being a bit out of place in his circle of jock friends. no notes - "always spits when he talks." it's objectively a bit gross, but it's also not his fault at all?? if there is something about his method of speaking that affects that then maybe you could coach him a bit, but that's usually because of the shape of someone's mouth and/or the amount of spit their body naturally makes, so... if this is a dealbreaker for you, there's nothing you can do. but also maybe don't have that as your dealbreaker, that's really mean
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neil - "the only boy on the synchronized swimming team." okay so originally i thought that this meant he was one-man synchronized swimming team and i thought that was kinda dumb, but my brother brought to my attention that this almost definitely means the rest of the team is girls. so i feel DUMB, but let's factor that in now. there's two obvious ways to interpret this and one slightly less obvious one. firstly, he could be there just to be surrounded by girls. and that's probably what the game intended, because that is a weird thing to do. secondly, he could just genuinely be super passionate about synchronized swimming and he happens to be the only guy who was interested enough to join. and thirdly, he could have wanted to join a sport team (or his parents were forcing him) and synchronized swimming was the only one he really qualified for. or he joined it because it seemed like the lowest effort. so the last one is kind of 2 different options, maybe even 4 if you factor in being made to do it as a completely separate scenario. either way, there's too many scenarios for me to really have a strong opinion, so i'm just laying out this information for everyone else - "wants to farm pigs." BIG green flag, in my opinion. obviously i'm assuming his practice would be ethical, because why would i willingly decide it wasn't. this is a good passion for a life partner to have, so if you're in for marriage, definitely go for the guy that wants to run a farm!! i'm very passionate about that, so that's a huge point for neil - "never studies, but passes every exam." it's honestly cool that he's smart! but this fact hinges entirely on if he brags about this or not. people who brag about that are some of the most annoying people in the world, but people that just have that as a fact about them are fine. it's impressive! - "gets at least one detention a week." doesn't really push me one way or another... people get sent to detention for dumb bullshit, so he could be doing nothing wrong. he could also be doing cool shit that's getting him sent to detention. but there's also a possibility he could actually be doing awful or super annoying shit... personally, i don't think it's likely that he's actually doing something awful (just based on everything else about him), but it is still very possible that the shit he's doing is annoying. but... he mostly just seems like a big nerd, so i think this fact about him is fine
and finally..
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andy let me just say: obviously i know he isn't the most attractive of the group. but HEAR ME OUT. - "the class clown." typically a red flag for me, BUT it doesn't say that's unfunny... i have known class clowns that were genuinely funny, and the only people who were mad were stuffy nerds (/lh). so this is hit or miss, but it's something that will affect the view of him in general - "wants to write romantic novels." ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. the fact that he has a creative passion is such a good thing. the fact that it's novels PLURAL and not just one novel? he's committed to this. it isn't just something he wants to do for the experience. this is his life goal. that's so fucking cool - "scuba dives for sunken treasure." DUDE? HELL YES??? that's so fucking interesting. even if you don't fuck with treasure hunting, he SCUBA DIVES????? that's awesome!!!!! i don't know how to explain why that's awesome if you don't agree. it's just so fucking cool - "claims to have kissed half the girls in the school... twice." HEAR ME OUT. i know that this is meant to be the biggest red flag, but it is SUCH a common cover-up for gay guys that are deeply in the closet. andy is gay. LOOK AT ALL HIS INTERESTS TOO. IT ALL TIES IN. HE'S ACTUALLY GAY. the other guys are mostly just gay because they have to be in the situation of guys playing this game, BUT? the trying to get attention by being a class clown? super closeted gay. he's insecure and needs something to feel better about himself. the romance novels? obviously. imagine him, a deeply awkward, heavily closeted young gay guy, dreaming about his future where he can be an openly gay author writing gay romance novels. that's fucking beautiful. and the scuba diving isn't gay but it does make him hotter.
andy is the best choice of this round of heartthrob, mostly because i have reason to believe that he's actually gay. and gay guys will always be hotter than straight guys (when you're a gay guy yourself).
edit: please vote in my poll for these boys
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mikuni14 · 1 year
After months of high emotions, obsession, thought-provoking and analysis-provoking series, there has come a time of drought and starvation 👻 
I'm watching a few shows right now that give me lukewarm feelings, that I see have potential but don't have that "something" for me (and are confusing, like I ship different characters 😃 that I’m supposed to).
Step by Step is still the best at the moment, although after 4 long (yay!) episodes, the romance........ basically doesn't exist. The work atmosphere is super toxic (there’s already a long list of wrong shit that happens in this company, and now they added working on weekends??? giving time consuming work on Friday afternoon??? and Jeng, instead of asking if Pat is working too much because he has too many responsibilities for one person, he states - out of the kindness of his heart! - that maybe Pat is managing his work poorly???). I know that Jeng means well, and that he sincerely wants to be a good boss, but in my opinion, as a longtime employee, Jeng is not a good boss. In my opinion, Pat has the right reactions to him and they say a lot about the atmosphere at work. If an employee writes a letter of resignation, feels that the boss is not fulfilling his promises, he even feels threatened, and instead of focusing on work, is obsessed with the workplace and employees - all of this says something. So I honestly wish the show would finally focus on romance, because this workplace is simply too tiring and triggering for me. Personally, I like Pat the most, I sympathize with him the most and privately I think that he should look for another job and then be free to flirt with Jeng 😄 Interestingly, I hated Bruce's character in Lovely Writer, but I love him in Step by Step :) (I don't know who cut Pat's hair, but they did him dirty)
La Pluie - ok but Saengtai and Lomfon had the best scenes so far????? I ship them so much 😉 And this again, I mean no communication, gigantic misunderstanding, the poor, clearly stressed cat, ugh. But I like the idea of defying the destiny, it's also funny that the series plays itself and makes fun of Saengtai (knowingly or not), because he suddenly isn't so much against it, because his soulmate is handsome, and the person he’s most comfortable with and has the most in common is Lomfon 😃
Happy Merry Ending - nice drama, interesting trauma story... and again I'm shipping the main character with someone else lol
Love Mate - it's fine
Our Dining Table - it's slow and very domestic, the romance is barely there, but I started this series knowing what to expect, so I like it
I enjoy watching these series, but literally none of them made my heart beat faster 😉 So I actually spent last week rewatching Semantic Error and Unintentional Love Story (and even some scenes from Together with Me, I'm a big fan of MaxTul, and they ALWAYS manage to make my heart beat faster). And for maximum satisfaction, I watch love scenes from Destiny Seeker, like... wooow... these boys know how to do it 😍
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zanzibarhamster · 10 months
FORGOT THE NUMBERS UBh every oddly number
ALL RIGHT LET'S GO (character is big boss mentioned in another ask)
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
big boss has a really compelling negative character arc and has a lot of grayness to him. he's a hero to some and a villain to others, and we get to watch the slider slowly go from one end of the other, which is not a kind of main character that you see a lot, especially in games. i think a lot of the discourse about him, including the insanely polar-opposite takes of dudebros who think he's a super cool anti-hero vs the queer fans who think he's an irredeemable psychopath from day 1, is because neither one is entirely wrong. also, the che guevara parallel really really works for that reason.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
hayter's voice acting does not always land. sorry but it's true.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
definitely kings by tribe society (spotify, lyrics)
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
i like how many artists reject the way his canon models are mostly hairless with a chiseled six-pack (bc lbr neither one of those makes sense for the character) and go some degree of bear with him. 10/10.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
...my gut instinct was "no" but honestly he's lived in very tight quarters with other people for many years so he's probably a pretty mindful roommate. the downside is he also probably doesn't know how to function without a KP chart and will be more than a little bitchy if I don't stick to whatever day of the week i'm supposed to wash the floors. i could do worse.
11. Would you date this character?
absolutely the fuck not.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
he wouldn't use emojis even if he knew what they were and how to use them. but 📦 suits him for obvious reasons.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
shocking absolutely everyone, bbkaz.
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
not sure how to parse this question so i'm going to hype my other bb ships which are bbeva and bbroy. he's weak to a very specific type of person okay.
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
i don't really have this? i do wish we had more closure on his relationship with eva, the way i make sense of eva pining for him for the rest of her life while he barely even mentions her is that i hc that their last conversation was 1) about the twins, 2) went extremely badly, and 3) she feels guilty about how badly he took it while he just cut her out of his life and never looked back. but i wish we actually knew what happened.
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
not sure i have a favorite but my least favorite thing by far is to have him watch someone else fight. choreographing fight scenes is a pain in the ass already bc i tend to try to work within specific arts a character might know like judo or aikido instead of just doing it by vibes, and the last thing i need is to deal with a character that uses every single technical term for all of those techniques and provides running commentary on top of it.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
i'm on mobile but insert screenshot of when he is naked against the wall of a cell in portable ops here.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
mgs3 was the first game i played bc i was told to play in timeline order and my first impression was that he was kind of a dumbass but in an endearing way and his relationship with the boss was cute. which more or less still holds up as part of my opinion on him at that point on the timeline. it got more complicated.
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mermaidsirennikita · 10 months
so i know the globes are no longer relevant (or at least they shouldn't be) but i will still be asking for your thoughts on the nominations.
Hahahaha thanks for your consideration!
Best Picture--Drama: I'm so glad to see Past Lives nominated! It was really gorgeous and made me cry and was touching in a way I didn't expect.
Oppenheimer obviously was going to get nominated. It's probably my favorite Nolan movie besides The Prestige (which SLAPS) so I'm fine with this. It is very impressive, even if it's a sausage fest per Nolan and it probably runs too long and has some issues (the depiction of women).
Kills of the Flower Moon... is one of my favorite movies this year. I will acknowledge critiques from Osage people noting that it is a white perspective, which I agree with; I also agree with the comments that it is the best possible perspective someone like Scorsese could offer. The acting is phenomenal across the board, the visuals are stunning, it actually EARNED its runtime, and the writing is really strong. Fantastic movie, should win this category in my opinion.
I haven't seen Maestro but based on the various issues I'm seeing surrounding it and Bradley Cooper doing... the most... for promo, I'm very turned off by it right now. I will see it in order to critique it honestly, but I'm not super thrilled to see it here.
Haven't seen the other two. This will be a battle between Oppy and KOTFM imo.
Best Picture--Musical/Comedy: I don't see a world where Barbie doesn't win this. I thought Barbie was a lot of fun, and Ryan Gosling was fab. But I don't really fully subscribe to the hype.
I'm excited for Poor Things but haven't seen it; I love Yorgos's eye and I think he and Emma do make a great team, even if I'm meh on her in general.
The Holdovers I haven't seen and don't super want to see but my brother says he's forcing me to see it so I guess I will.
May December is a great movie. It's not a comedy in any way, shape, or form. But this category usually does that so I'm not surprised. This is a dark, intense, heartbreaking, tragic movie. It's deeply disturbing. I love it, but it's not a comedy.
Haven't seen the other two.
Best Director: Again, BCoops is being insufferable and I generally dislike everything I'm hearing about this. Sorry you didn't get an Oscar nom for ASIB my guy, get over it.
I knew Greta would be nominated and I will say that I love the visuals of that movie, but I think the visual greatness of Barbie is super dependent on the production and costume design, so... I'm not saying it isn't deserved, but I'm not in love with it.
Again, haven't seen Poor Things by Yorgos is fab.
Nolan was a foregone conclusion, I think the movie does look great and is very interesting.
Scorsese should win, sorry, he put his heart and soul into that movie and you could tell with every bit of it. Listen, people can dog this man out all they want, but he is THAT GUY and I consider him one of the last Truly Legend Status directors working right now, so. I think this will go to Oppenheimer, but. Meh.
And again, I'm happy to see Celine Song nominated! Past Lives had a really unique vibe to it and I think she offered a film that we don't see as much of anymore.
Screenplay--Based on what I've seen on this list, should be KOTFM, I can see it going to Barbie. Oppy being written in the first person might woo some people, though.
Best Actor--Drama: Should absolutely be Cillian, he carried that movie and it wouldn't have worked without him. Just a fabulous performance. I can see Leo maaaaybe edging him out? He was really good in KOTFM. It is truly wild to me that Barry was nominated, lol, I haven't seen a rush of buzz for him in Saltburn though he is the best part of the movie. I don't think it was his best work, compared to Banshees.
Best Actress--Drama: If this isn't Lily Gladstone I'll screech. Incredibly moving, and another movie where this thing would not have worked if anyone else had played that role. I don't see this category being super competitive against her.
Best Actress--Comedy/Musical: I can see them giving it to Margot for the press. I think Emma has had the strongest buzz of this category, but Fantasia could totally dark horse it.
Best Actor/Comedy Musical--I have no opinion on this, but I'm going for Jeffrey Wright because he's generally so good.
Best Supporting Actor--Charles Melton DESERVES this, people. He's amazing in May December. Heart crushing. An absolute breakout revelation performance.
One person I could see him giving him a run for his money is De Niro, because he was also amazing in KOTFM. Absolutely loathsome. I can also see them giving it to RDJ, because he is entertaining in Oppy, and I'm getting "it's time" vibes, which I hate... but Charles has also been cleaning up with smaller critics' awards.
Best Supporting Actress--Da'Vine is getting some great reviews, I feel like she's got a really good shot. Julianne is very good in May December, but she's also a very decorated actress. Um, sorry, Emily Blunt was not anything special in Oppy and if she gets this I'll be so baffled.
Best TV Series--Drama: I can see this going to Succession or possibly The Last of Us. Succession has the final season going for it, and it was actually amazing. TLOUS has fandom hype going for it, which the Globes likes. The Diplomat won't win, but fwiw I liked that show a lot.
Best TV Series--Comedy: Abbott Elementary better win is all I'll say. The Bear and Barry shouldn't even be in this category lol.
Best TV Actor--Drama: I feel like this will be a duke it out between Jeremy and Kieran. I'd be thrilled with either winning, but Jeremy's already won and Kieran has an "it's his time" vibe, his last shot to win with what may end up being the defining performance of his career. Brian Cox is such a dick for submitting in this category and the awards shows are such dicks for nominating him, lol.
Best Actress--TV Drama: If Sarah Snook doesn't win I'm burning this city to the ground. Why is Emma even nominated lmao. I do love a Keri Russell, but nah man, nobody here compares to Snook.
Best Actress--TV Comedy: Tbh I think Elle gave the best performance in this category.... easily.... but Quinta is great and I'd love to see her win, too.
Best Actor--TV Comedy: I don't care for any of these nominees. Nicholas Hoult outsold everyone here, bummer that he doesn't have a nom.
Best Supporting Actor-TV: I'd love for Alan Ruck to pick something up, but Matty Mac did once again obliterate lol. Askars was amazing but I don't think he had enough PUNCHY moments.
Best Support Actress--TV: Elizabeth Debicki was great but didn't have the material, imo. Christina Ricci would be my pick here, but I feel like it's gonna go to Hannah Waddingham because last season and all that.
Best Limited Series--Beef is easily the best one here, but the horrible way that the casting controversy was handled may have ruined their shot. In that sense, I think Steven gave the best performance but it could go to Matt Bomer or Jon Hamm. For actress, I would've picked Ali Wong but.... Also, I will say, nobody saw Dead Rings but me apparently but I'm so glad Rachel Weisz got nominated here because she was INCREDIBLE. Will probably go to Brie Larson knowing my luck, though I don't think Lessons in Chemistry made the impact they thought it would.
Best Supporting Actress--Limited: Glad to see Carla here, she was great. I have no idea who this will go to but it probably won't be here lmao. Also, The Fall of the House of Usher should've gotten a nom for best Limited, but c'est la vie the awards shows hate horror. Also, I don't know if this is controversial but brave... I would've nominated Bruce for Best Actor. That could be my weird attraction to him in that role speaking, though.
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animezinglife · 11 months
Sorry I'm not just reblogging you like a proper person but yeah I totally agree with you. Personally I did think Tamlin was a little nicer in book 1 - but he was also less traumatized then. He really craves normalcy in book 2, so he does high lord stuff like he knows it from other high lords.
In the end, they just are incompatible, yes. They both absolutely suck at communication. Tamlin always was awkward with social interactions but they both get worse after UTM. I also always felt like Tamlin got anxiety - or yes even paranoia, which makes sense, considering. And Feyre is all over the place lol. I generally feel the word 'abuse' is used extremely inflationary in online discussions, but I honestly don't think it super applies to Tamlin and Feyre. Like everyone calls him an abuser and even with the shit he did, I really don't quite see that. But I also kinda like him as a character so I'm biased. Considering how the narrative paints it, I totally get why people project their domestic violence trauma onto him. It is all kind of framed that way for sure.
You're fine! Any format of conversation that works well with you works for me, too. There's also nothing wrong with a bias towards a character. I don't have one towards him, but I do towards Rhys and Lucien. I'll inevitably have to face that at some point I'm sure.
I definitely lean a bit more towards your end on the "abuse" thing. I'd nearly put it in quotations in my post, but I do think it's more the manipulation and control--whether fully intentional or not--that made me feel comfortable using the word. It's an inflammatory word for sure and yeah, I definitely see a projection with the fanbase. That said, those behaviors genuinely can escalate and worsen in real life. I don't blame them for it--it's just a different take that I think leaves people with different expectations going in.
Maybe he was a bit nicer--truthfully, I just don't remember that much of him in the first book. It doesn't surprise me that his desire for normalcy goes a little overboard though to the point of over-exercising control in the places he shouldn't. I can't say I'm all that mad at the reason he locked Feyre in the house. I just don't agree with the locking her in the house part.
Feyre's a funny one. Right now, the way she's acting with Rhys almost gives me a little bit of an emotional affair vibe. Personally, I've liked him better than Tam from the get-go, but for someone she supposedly wants to think is her enemy and absolutely sees him as Tamlin's, she really has a habit of spilling her gut to him and finding a lot of comfort with him.
Which, don't get me wrong, is something that can absolutely happen on an unspoken, biological level in real life, but I did smirk a bit when they were having the little three truths conversation when he was taking her to the House of Wind and she just word-vomits everything she's been feeling about her relationship with Tamlin.
Like...girl, that's a lot to tell your not-enemy who at this point in time still technically is your current lover's enemy.
I hate to bring another series into it, but a lot of the reactions to things remind me A LOT of the Twilight era.
I have to be honest: my opinion of Tamlin has somehow not changed at all between the first book and this one. Or at least, it hasn't changed enough for me to even acknowledge. I didn't hate him and didn't love him in the first, and I'm still pretty much in the same spot now.
I'm also not at all new to the fantasy genre and not even new to the fae subgenre. Tamlin's honestly pretty mild in comparison to a lot of what you get in those (especially older books).
Again, a comparison doesn't right a wrong or lessen it, but he's definitely not the worst fictional guy out there, and definitely isn't the worst fae love interest.
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polyamorouspunk · 2 years
A couple weeks ago one of my friends said (and I quote) "My father thinks the LGBT community shouldn't have rights but he isn't a dick about it so it's fine. I don't think anyone should be forced to support them. Everyone is allowed to have their own opinion."
Like, no he won't jump me in the street but he'll vote for someone who'll make it legal.
Idk. I think want to cut her out of my life but she supports me. That meaning she hasn't said anything rude and let me use her address to order my binder.
It just pisses me off that she could think like that because that isn't an opinion. It's prejudice.
I really don't know. Do you have any advice? Am I the dick here?
I was actually having some thoughts about this myself.
So at my work, if you haven’t been following up on my drama, there’s a manager that has been HARRASING us, and I’ve been around for it for one friend and one coworker. This manager is black and gay, super open to trans and nonbinary people, etc. and I’ve REALLY tried to connect to him over being gay, but he just treats me, us, like SHIT! And right now he seems to be targeting another coworker ^^ who is ALSO black and gay!! I just like. We’re supposed to be a community. We’re supposed to love each other but he’s SO MEAN. But the one person who ALWAYS has my back is my friend. And she’s like. Actually homophobic. But she doesn’t make a show of it. She just quietly thinks people shouldn’t be gay. And yet she treats me with actual, basic, human respect where as all of my other coworkers bully me, and sometimes her too. We’re the two that don’t fit in, and it has nothing to do with me being gay/trans clearly. The nicest person to me at work is a girl who doesn’t think I should be gay, and that’s why she’s my friend- because she’s the only one who treats me decently. And honestly at some point I think we’re all going to have to make a choice between gay people who are rude and mean to us and homophobic people who actual treat us with basic human decency and kindness. I get along with her. She’s my friend. She treats me kindly. We laugh and joke and have fun. It was only a point of contention between us. We don’t ever have these moments where our belief systems clash. We can just be friends. I look forward to seeing her every day because I would rather laugh with her than feel like I have to slink around my store and hide in fear of being yelled at.
Ending a friendship because of someone’s beliefs is a personal choice, but instead I’m now looking towards how people treat you. Sure you’re gay. But are you NICE. Sure you’re trans. But are you KIND. And I think I’ve come to the point where I would rather be friends with someone who doesn’t treat me like a freak and yell at me and bully me even if our beliefs don’t align instead of the idea of a perfect minority person who feels like they can bully me and put me down and take advantage of me. I don’t have any friends her but her. I can’t afford to cut people out of my life because they maybe think I shouldn’t be gay when she’s the one of the only people I feel like I can safely talk to. For me it comes down to this: are you kind? Do you yell at me? Do you bully me? Do you put me down? Do you treat me like a freak? Or do you listen to me? Do you compliment me? Do you tell me that it’s going to be okay? That’s what matters more to me right now.
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cosmicmordecai · 2 years
Justice Society of America (2022) #1 Review: It Just Sucks
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Being that I was anticipating for this title happily despite some of my concerns, I am disappointed to say that honestly, this first issue wasn't really good at all. My belief about first issues is that it SHOULD attract an audience enough to want to be interested in the book and I'm not even sure If the first issue could do that given what happens.
Story recap
So the story here is that years into the future, the daughter of Bruce Wayne/Batman, Helena Wayna aka the Huntress, is a member of the JSA. Due to the JSA's legacies not being fulfilled properly as they retire or whatever, Helena convinces Doctor Fate (one of the two only people on the team with legitamacy in terms of legacies alongside Powergirl) to recruit a whole new team, in which consists of former super-villains, some who are related to previous enemies of the JSA.
Doctor Fate is missing and the team tries to find clues to his whereabouts, with some speculating he was killed by one of the new team members. Doctor Fate's body turns up mummified days later and the team is then ambused by time travelling villain, Per Degaton, who uses his time manipulation powers to kill them all save Helena, who is saved by a aged Catwoman and thrusts her into the past to find Doctor Fate of the 1940s.
Helena Wayne's focus
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One of my earliest concerns about this series was the fact that Helena Wayne was going to be a focus in the series. I recall after saying that, I was reminded that her character has, in fact, served as a JSA character, Infinity Inc. member, etc. That's all find and dandy but again, a character related to Batman gets prime focus in a series over the other Justice Society of America.
It's nice that Helena Wayne finally gets to exist but it comes at the cost of icing other characters needlessly. It also continues this trending idea that Batman-related characters are the highest billed characters in these teams (Titans with Robin/Nightwing, Justice League with Batman, The Outlaws with Red Hood, the Birds of Prey with Barbara Gordon/Harley Quinn). It's time for DC to give other character some REAL love.
Doctor Fate is disrespected
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Which gets to my second point: Despite the fact that Helena within the story actually asked Doctor Fate's permission to recruit more team members, implying that HE is the actual leader, you don't see that because he spends the issue being DEAD before you even get another appearance Older Khalid!Doctor Fate. And he is killed by Per Degatron with Falcone thugs doing SOMETHING and then him getting mummified and stuffed into a sarcophagus, found days later because someone unearthed him in a museum and caught an illness that is assocaite with the "Curse of the Pharaohs" myth.
So incase it didn't dawn upon you, DC has Per Degaton, a time-travelling, kill off the ONLY canonical Egyptian Doctor Fate by mummifying him and stuffing him in a sarcophagus in the first issue of a JSA book.
And you know, I find it high-key ironic that even when Khalid is the current Doctor Fate, they're still finding ways to involve Kent Nelson. The previous JSA books didn't tweak their nose nor shy away from telling you the current Doctor Fate (Hector Hall, Kent V. Nelson) is NOT Kent Nelson and they're fine. Khalid is equally capable of fixing the plot like Kent Nelson and yet, Catwoman sends Helena back in time to find KENT NELSON's DOCTOR FATE.
This is an issue that can get fixed down the line but Khalid isn't white so I don't know If it will.
Power Girl is also dispresected.
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Not only is Doctor Fate disrespected but I feel Power Girl's character is too. Her character was once Chairwoman of the JSA. I don't like the fact that like Khalid, she is taking a back seat to letting Helena run the reigns, especially when she has some STRONG disagreements and frankly, she has more legitamancy. If not Doctor Fate, why isn't Power Girl leading this JSA? How is it exactly Helena Wayne was able to convince Doctor Fate of a new interim team?
Maybe these answers MAY get answered some time later but I definitely can say I don't like how it is written that the only thing Power Girl did was "not forgive Helena" for it. This version has been on the team for DECADES. This is not the same Power Girl/Helena Wayne from World's Finest back during the New 52 days. Why didn't she just take command instead?
And then she is killed unceremoniously by Kryptonite poisoning even though Kryptonite from other universes can't affect her but OH WELL. We gotta make Per Degaton look REALLY scary for this one-off storyline.
The series' setup is bland
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Overall, this series' first issue is bland and ridiculous. You introduce a whole new incarnation and then kill them off in the same issue in gruesome ways just to show off your villain (ONCE AGAIN), who hasn't been impressive since his creation Ain't nobody care about some Per Degaton wanting to be Extant.
The series twists it's neck once more to find a way to tell a story that claims is about "legacy" characters but is beginning to look like it's only interested in the same old fucks in the JSA, which begs the question of why not just having the series set in the 1940s-1970s and just going ham on it instead.
This is another story where "legacy characters" only amount to not being up to par and stuggling eternally just to exist. You don't see them fuck shit up; you watch shit fuck them up. How many stories are we having about legacies that actually come FULL CIRCLE and be real badasses? It's 2022 and you'll be hard pressed because they INSIST on not actually moving forward or taking a few steps forward before making giant leaps back.
This first issue did not take the oppurtunity to introduce the prospect of a REAL, new, and interesting team lineup, which also missed the oppurutunity for both new and updated versions of characters. Instead, the first issue beleives a time travelling murder mystery of the JSA with Helena Wayne on the case is more interesting. That may be a contending fact but it makes me think why isn't it called Huntress and the Justice Society instead.
Overall, given that the JSA was spotlighted in the Black Adam movie and it is received fairly well, I find it severely underwhelming DC's first inclination to using the team's mythos is starting off like this. Not to mention how they treat worthwhile characters, ranging from ridiculous to borderline ignorant at the very least.
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