#if that interview with ryan hit hard just remember this
alkaysani · 4 months
i'm happy you're here. i'm happy it didn't work. i'm glad you're still going
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a0random0gal · 3 months
Yeah so Remember when Ryan Condal said Aegon and Sunfyre's bond was "Green propaganda" and everyone got understandably mad at him??
Take a look at what he said regarding b&c:
Bro...what the actual fuck did you just say?
Apparently blood and cheese was all green propaganda that Alicent spread to make saint Rhaenyra look bad. It was all a misunderstanding, there was no choice between Jaehaerys and Maelor, it was all made up.
Alicent just invented the most evil lie she could muster up to villainize the amazing blacks. What was shown onscreen is the real representation of what transpired.
Jesus Christ Condal i get that you hate book! Alicent (and Alicent in general) for some reason but can you stop blaming that poor woman, who had to watch her grandchild get beheaded, and not say she was lying out of her ass? Is that so hard?
"You were supposed to be rooting for blood and cheese and hope they didn't get caught!"
For the love of the Seven, if you don't want all the money you spent marketing this show to go down the drain Hbo please keep this man away from any interviews, I can't listen to him anymore without wanting to turn my phone off.
I genuinely can't fault many greens for deciding to stop watching because of this bs.
It's so embarrassing that a writer who is supposed to portray a civil war and keep both sides on equal ground pulls this type of shit. For me the next episode is coming out tomorrow and honestly I have no motivation to watch, absolutely no excitement.
I tried to deny it in the past, but now the writer's bias has become so blatant that my love for the show has taken a hit. Hotd truly is a high budget team black fanfic.
And here I thought without D&D in the picture we would be fine.
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cowgurrrl · 1 year
The Actress
Pairing: rockstar!joel miller x actress!reader
Author’s note: hehe
Summary: Red carpet interviews with Joel
Warnings: talk of an intimate scene, idiots in love, Joel Miller being a wife guy, PDA
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You're walking the red carpet for the premiere of your and Ryan's movie Hyde when you recognize one of your favorite interviewers. She's done a few interviews with you in the past, and she always asks unhinged or extremely thought-provoking questions; that's why she's one of your favorites. You gradually approach her, snapping pictures with Ryan and Joel along the way, and hug her.
"Oh, my God, hi! How are you?" You ask, and Rosie smiles.
"I'm good. How are you? You look stunning."
"I was literally just about to tell you the same thing. This blue dress is everything." You gesture to her beautiful baby blue dress, and she does a little pose for the camera, much to your excitement.
"Thank you! Alright, I've got some questions for you. Are you ready?" She asks.
"Hyde has garnered a lot of online discourse about parenthood and the choice of having and raising a baby or seeking other options. When you read the script, what were your initial thoughts?"
"I thought it was an amazing script, and I knew it was an important story to tell, so I'm glad it's getting people to talk! Amber and Nick's relationship and decisions are so nuanced and complex, and I think it would be a disservice to the story if we didn't talk about it. But yeah, I remember being excited and a little nervous, but I knew I wanted to do it." You say.
"That's amazing! Okay, what was the hardest scene to film and why?" She asks, and you sigh as you bite your thumbnail.
"Probably the hospital scene. I won't give any spoilers, but that was a really, really long and emotionally taxing day. And Ryan couldn't even be on set that day because he'd start crying or I'd see him, and I'd just want him to be next to me, but that's not what the scene called for, so they literally closed set and told him he couldn't be there which was really hard for both of us. He's like my big brother, so it was difficult to do that without him, but afterward, he gave me the biggest hug, which was so nice."
"Speaking of Ryan, one of the parts of the movie that everybody is talking about is the cabin scene," she says, and you laugh. "What was it like to film that with him?"
"It was really strange! We've been friends for so long, so when we read that part of the script, we were definitely taken aback by it. We both spoke with his wife, Carolina, who's also an actor, before production about it, and at this point, I hadn't met Joel, so I was single, but she was so welcoming and knew it was just work. We also had an amazing intimacy coordinator, Tanya Reid, who guided us through every step and made sure we were taken care of. It really was a good experience, and I felt safe with him, and he felt safe with me, so that's really the only thing I can ask for."
"That's so sweet!" Rosie says, and you nod.
"Yeah, I'm really lucky to have gotten such a positive experience with someone I love so much."
"Okay, I have one more question for you."
"Hit me with it."
"Who's the better kisser? Ryan or Joel?" She asks, and your jaw drops.
"This is a horrible question!" You laugh.
"You don't have to answer it if you don't want to."
"No, I'm a goddamn professional," you purse your lips together as you think. "I'm going to say Joel because I haven't had to kiss Joel on a sound stage in front of a crew of about thirty people yet."
"Yet?" She asks, and you shrug as you glance back at where Joel is waiting for you.
"Well, he likes to come to set with me, and sometimes we'll need extras, and then he gets roped in, so I just have a feeling that it'll happen one day."
"So, you're telling me Joel Miller is doing non-union work on projects with you?"
"He actually said something about joining the union the other day, and I was like, "You've been in, like, three things. Please calm down." But yeah, I'm gonna go with Joel. Not that either of them are bad kissers! It's just weird to kiss Ryan at work and then go out to dinner with him and his wife, y'know? I think I'll stick with my own guy." You say as Joel walks over, hearing his name.
"Talkin' bout me?" He asks, kissing your cheek. He introduces himself to Rosie with a strong handshake and a gorgeous smile, that impeccable southern charm making an appearance.
"We were talking about how you're working on your EGOT status with all your non-union work." You say, and he laughs.
"Well, together, we've got, like, three-fourths of an EGOT."
"That's true."
"Joel, what do you think about all this?" Rosie asks, gesturing around at the event. "I mean, your girlfriend is pretty cool."
"Everythin' she does is pretty cool. I'm very lucky to have her in my life and to watch her thrive as an artist. I mean, there's nothin' better than watchin' your partner be happy, y'know?" He says, and you smile. “She’s also smokin’ hot. I mean, just look at her.”
“Joel!” You slap his chest.
“Do a spin! Show off the look!” He encourages you, grabbing your hand and raising it over your head. You oblige and spin under his arm. Joel wolf whistles in response, making you laugh, and fall into him. You two are the picture of domestic bliss: his arm wrapped around your waist and your hand on his chest, big smiles on both your faces.
“Well, you two are the internet’s favorite couple so we hope you guys have an amazing night. Congratulations on Hyde hitting theaters.” Rosie says, and you hug her.
“Thank you, sweetheart! Have a good night!” You say as you grab Joel’s hand. He uses his other one to shake Rosie’s hand one more time before walking the rest of the carpet with your guy.
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zot3-flopped · 11 months
This interview with Mitch is awesome: www nylon com/entertainment/mitch-rowland-come-june-harry-styles-album-marriage
The LA songwriter — and Harry Styles’ guitarist — finds a lane of his own with Come June.
Over breakfast at a downtown Brooklyn cafe, Mitch Rowland muses about some of the kismet of his life. The 35-year-old musician, who might be best known for being Harry Styles’ trusted collaborator, has been thinking about it in the afterglow of releasing his first solo album, Come June, in early October.
As he picks at a fruit bowl and downs black coffee, it’s hard to not think about the timing of it all. “That's kind of scary how life comes down to these tiny little timings,” he says.
Timing and talent are two things that have greatly impacted Rowland’s life in spades. Even if you are a fair-weather Styles fan, it's guaranteed you’ve heard Rowland in some capacity.
Aside from playing guitar on Styles’ three albums and tour, Rowland has co-written on some of Styles' biggest hits including “Watermelon Sugar” and “Fine Line.”
Both were songs that were an exercise in patience for Rowland and Styles. “Some songs happen in a day, some happen in a year. Same for ‘Watermelon Sugar.’ We carried it around. By the end, it had all this lint and sh*t from living in our pockets.”
Despite all the accomplishments he’s now put under his belt, Rowland is an introspective dude from Ohio. He grew up outside Columbus in Dublin, Ohio. He vividly remembers when music changed his life, as he gesticulates with his hands, wedding ring on his left hand, about the experience.
“My dad's co-worker, who was his best friend when I was growing up, had just bought a house. He was living alone and he turned part of his downstairs into, it wasn't a man cave, it was just, man,” he laughs. “He had a vintage jukebox loaded with current hits. What I kept selecting was early Black Crowes songs. At the time they only had two records out. All this talking about where this and that came from. It's made me realize, oh, that's got a bigger effect on me than I thought.”
He taught himself drums first because his brother would “kick my ass if I was on the drums.”
Guitar came next. Rowland’s way of teaching himself may have been primitive, but clearly it was effective. “Maybe at the time I saw it as ‘I don't know if this is what I should be doing.’
His instincts paid off — Rowland later went to the University of Cincinnati for two years and that’s where he met mixer and engineer Ryan Nasci on their second day of college.
For Rowland, meeting Nasci on that day kicked off a series of whirlwind events in his life — and retelling it leads him to order more black coffee in his soft-spoken voice at the Brooklyn cafe.
“I was his first friend too, but if he had not been there in that moment, I’d probably still be scooping ice cream at Jeni’s [Splendid Ice Cream] in the North Market [in Columbus, Ohio].”
Nasci was the first to move to LA and Rowland, who initially wanted to go to Nashville — which he now acknowledges would have been a “huge mistake” — followed shortly after.
As fate would have it, Nasci was the one who got Rowland into that pivotal writing session with Styles when another guy couldn’t make it.
During our meal, Rowland jokes about being late to artists (Nick Drake is one of his main examples), which explains why he didn’t know a lot about Styles or One Direction or his general pop-culture magnitude when he walked into that session.
He approached it in the same way he would collaborate with anyone. “It was four or five guys drinking beer, recording,” Rowland recalls. “It was just hanging out. And I think he wasn't used to that. For him to sit back and have some fun doing it with people he didn't know was maybe something he hadn't done in a while.”
Since that day, their creative collaboration has obviously become incredibly fruitful. Styles has become a close friend, even if Rowland lightly broke some band rules when he and drummer Sarah Jones got together. “For doing such a no-no, he's kind of supported anything and everything.”
Ironically, Rowland says, they see each other more when they aren’t on tour (their latest, Love On Tour, wrapped in July). “Over the years, we'll go places. We'll go on vacation or when we used to live in London, he’d swing by all the time.”
One thing that’s clear when Rowland talks about their friendship and their work relationship is that Styles is loyal to a fault.
“I never would've imagined him putting out [Come June], but it's been the most natural thing,” he says. “To have a friend support me on the level that he does, he doesn't have to. It's not about money. He doesn't need that. He could have anyone in his band. It wouldn't make a difference in the big picture. Once again, he's amazing.”
(more at link)
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constant-mason24 · 2 years
Video Killed the Radio Star (Chapter Ten)
Riddler x f!Reader
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“It’s an absolute pleasure to be able to speak with you on the show, Ms. Guthrie.” (Y/n) flashed a grin that was mostly fake. She sat in her usual desk chair, with her guest sitting in a more plush wingchair. It had been brought in just for her, as this was the first guest interview the station had hosted in a while.
“The pleasure is all mine, I’m honored to be invited to come and speak about the reparations from that attack.” The woman dramatically placed a hand on her cheek, as if cameras were rolling to broadcast her reaction. 
Now, (Y/n) had long since gotten over her childish dislike of the color pink. Still, she couldn’t lie: Gloria Guthrie wore an absolutely disgusting amount of the color. When she walked in and started speaking to Ryan, Amelia had even leaned over and whispered something about Dolores Umbridge not being invited to the party. Now (Y/n) couldn’t get the joke out of her head, desperately fighting off a Freudian slip so as not to offend her. 
“Yes, so to summarize for you, our dear listeners,” she spoke to the audience. “You likely remember the chemical attack launched on Gotham City’s west end last November. Our special guest today, miss Gloria Guthrie, has been assisting the labs conducting research on the plant toxins Poison Ivy used. Her generous financial donations have helped further study to create an antidote for the criminal’s various harmful substances.”
“Oh, it was such a terrifying attack!” Guthrie spoke as if she were a high school theater student reading lines in an audition. “I remember the roads being blocked off by those giant, twisted, thorned vines!”
“It was a vicious attack on the city streets. Of course, for us Gothamites, that’s just another Tuesday.” (Y/n) joked.
“That’s exactly why I wanted to donate to the research.” Guthrie’s overdramatic acting did not cease. “I hope that those hard-working scientists can create an antidote strong and plentiful enough to null any future attacks from Poison Ivy!”
“I sincerely hope for that as well. One less villain causing mayhem through the city would be a miracle for Gotham.” She nods. “Which leads me to my next point. You’ve donated to the cause against plant-based chemical warfare, but I have yet to see you aid in any other financial crusades against Gotham’s villains.”
“What?” Guthrie raises a brow in offense. “I offer money up for the good of the city and all you can ask is why I haven’t done so sooner? Forgive me, that sounds quite ungrateful!”
“You misunderstand!” (Y/n) began backpedaling, worried this interview would come to a forceful close before her grand finale. “I just want to ask you why you chose this particular cause. You could have chosen to offer your money in aid against any other criminal in Gotham, and I don’t think I’m alone when I say there are far greater threats here than Poison ivy. She is certainly strong and strong-willed, but wouldn’t you rather help to take down someone like the Joker instead?”
“Well, I have a more… personal reason to want an antidote for the plant toxins.” The woman in pink leaned back in her chair, looking more solemn than before. “It’s not the easiest topic for me to discuss, but my nephew was hit in the attack.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that.” (Y/n) frowned.
“He was comatose for nearly a month, and once he was awake, he couldn’t walk or speak. That toxin has given him a lot of trouble, both mentally and physically. He’s been staying with me since the incident, and his nightmares are just awful. I can’t tell you how many times a night I wake up to his screaming.”
(Y/n) feels her heart breaking for this woman, despite her obnoxious nature. She seemed so genuinely upset by her nephew’s ailment. Taking a deep breath, she looks down at the page of keynotes in her hands. The bottom edge of the paper was folded upwards, covering the elegant green writing of the final bullet point.
“I’m genuinely so sorry to hear that. From what I’ve heard of the attack, the results have been deadly for many victims. I hope that he can recover soon.”
“So do I. That’s why I want to help S.T.A.R. labs in their search for answers. Poison Ivy may have been locked up for that assault on our city, but her victims are still suffering.”
Nodding, (Y/n) fidgets her finger over the folded edge of the paper, contemplating whether to peel it back or wait a little longer. 
“I’m sorry if this seems a little rude,” Guthrie speaks again, drawing (Y/n)’s attention up to her with raised brows. “But I’m not feeling all too well. I’m glad to have shed some light on the situation and why I’m here, but I’d like to go home if that’s okay.”
“Of course, Miss Guthrie,” she nods. “I’m sorry to have upset you. If I could just close on one last question before you go?”
This was it. Now or never. (Y/n) may have royally screwed up her chance to fulfill the Riddler’s quest by upsetting this woman accidentally. If she didn’t agree to this last question, (Y/n) was through. 
“I guess one last question is fair.” Gloria nodded. “What would that be?”
(Y/n) took another breath, moving to flip down the folded edge of the paper. As her eyes quickly glanced over the sentence, she held back a gasp. Not exactly subtle, but she supposed that was the point.
“Alone from my parliament, talons withdrawn. Strengthened by dusk but feeble by dawn.” She reads from the page, only looking up when she finished reciting the note. Gloria Guthrie was staring back at her, eyes narrow and angry. This must have hit its intended target then. 
“That isn’t exactly a question.” She says, her tone of voice failing to convey the anger on her face. 
“You’re right. My apologies. I forgot to ask the ‘Who am I?’ part.” A lie, there was no ‘Who am I?’ written on the page. (Y/n) had put some thought into getting to this point: the part of the show where she could poise the riddle to the woman as instructed. She had put no thought into how to back herself out of that corner afterward. 
“I don’t understand why you’re asking me a riddle, Miss (L/n), but the answer is an Owl. Now I’ll be saying my goodbyes.”
Amelia stepped in, to switch the station over to a song, walking Gloria Guthrie- who kept glaring at (Y/n) the entire time- out of the station. That must have been why the Riddler asked her to do this. Not only had she made it clear the Riddler was seeking Guthrie's attention, but now she was irreversibly tied to the Riddler in the Court of Owl’s eyes. Whatever the Riddler got into with them, she was sure to be dragged into it too.
What the fuck had she done?
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Why did you elbow me? 197
Achilles Castle part 99
Lemonade and lies Part 42
Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek undercover part 6
Ryan: pov me and Esposito are on our way to interview the injured cop. I hope his injuries aren't too bad. I park the car in front of his house. Esposito let me drive the way here. Once inside we ask him about what happened and for his side of the story. It feels like his story is missing some parts but he might not remember them because he got injured.
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek: pov back on the road on our way to the meeting, Kate discusses with me how the both of us can make this undercover assignment believable. It's agreed that hanging out in public places might benefit us.
Kate/ Stana: pov Nick turn left or you are going to miss the warehouse it is on your left side. He finds a parking space and helps me out of the truck. The guy we met last time, Kovitch, is waiting for us outside. He takes us to meet his boss Illvan Kravitz, after passing by a few rooms in the warehouse me and Nick are ushered into a room in the back that looks like an office.
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek/Greig: pov Illvan Kravitz is bigger than me and very scary looking. I'm 6ft. I know Kate is like 5ft9 because she is a little bit shorter than me. He is asking what brought us here. A guy handed us a piece of paper with the meeting time for yesterday with your name on it. me and my wife Stana are new to the area, having been living in a motel until we could find a place and rebuild are drug operations. Something out of our control happened in the last state/town we lived in.
Illvan Kravitz: pov before I go into business with you guys I need to know what happened just in case the police are on your tail, I don't want to get caught because of you guys.
Kate/Stana: pov As I was coming out of our warehouse a guy whose son overdosed on our drugs was on the roof across the street with a sniper rifle. I just didn't know it yet. Thankfully he didn't kill me, the bullet hit my left inferior pulmonary vein and left ventricle. Nick had to call the paramedics while performing CPR on me. A witness had called the cops. I was rushed into emergency heart surgery. It was 3 months before I could do anything again. The police eventually caught the guy, he was charged with attempted murder. With us being drug dealers we had to lay low for a bit. I did not want me being shot as the reason we got caught by the police. The both of us changed our names layed low and here we are in a different state rebuilding our business and life.
Kovitch: pov wholly crap I can't believe that happened to her. My boss seems impressed that they managed to avoid the police. The 3 of them are talking, business. Once they are done I walk them back to their car, I don't know if I trust them yet.
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek/Greig: pov back in the car we stop at the grocery store so our online pick up order can be put in the truck. At the apartment a man is waiting outside for us saying everything is taken care of. Me and Kate unload our stuff and groceries from the truck wow Kate you have more stuff than me, then again women always pack heavy.
Kate/Stana: pov i’m going to forget you said that, a lot of it is my medical stuff. I'm carrying the box with my medical stuff inside. I put it down in the living room which is on the right. It has a sofa by the window and a sofa bed. In the kitchen which is on the left when you walk in the front door. I put the important medical info on the fridge and tape it in place. With a bit of teamwork the groceries get put away. It's hard trying to decide what's for dinner. It's still early enough that eating out is an option.
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek/Greig: pov if you are feeling okay why don't we eat out obviously it's your choice plus there are groceries in the fridge. Kate agrees to eat out tonight, why don't you get ready while I make some business phone calls. I will tell you about it in the car onto the way to the restaurant.
Kate/Stana: pov on the way to the bedroom in the back of the apartment I pass the bathroom on the left. The couch in the Living room is a pull-out which I asked the Captain of the drug unit for. Nick is taking it so I can have the bed. I grab a cute sun dress and braid my curly hair into a French braid. Thankfully Castle had looked up restaurants nearby. The ride to the restaurant is short, Nick's says he set up a few drug deals for tomorrow. The both of us have to document this very well because we need as much evidence as possible to put these other people away.
Castle: pov It's just me and my mother for dinner Alexis has plans with Dave. Mom made spaghetti with meat sauce and garlic bread on the side which looks amazing. Since Kate is undercover with Nick and can't call me, Lanie or the boys she came up with a brilliant plan. She will call the landline phone at the old haunt and that way the 4 can talk with her. Mother has offered to drop me off later.
Esposito: pov i’m still doing paperwork and other things, Ryan went home early to be with his pregnant wife Jenny. Me and Lanie have plans to get takeout then head to the old haunt and call Kate to update her on the case.
Officer Nicholas (Nick) Stephen McSwarek/Greig: pov I found a parking space in front, it's nice enough that me and Kate can eat outside. To be continued. ………
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freakygirlie · 3 years
J2 are cute together and their chemistry is off the charts. However, I would never tinhat if it wasn't for the inconsistencies in their stories. IF they were just two best bros, there would be no need for the PR cover ups, therefore, there would be no slip ups. They could've just behaved like friends do. Wild idea, right? Maybe fans would still speculate but sooner or later they'd get used to J2 being affectionate buddies. Why try so hard if they're not together? What's there to hide?
EXACTLY ANON EXACTLY! There’s no denying that J2 have loads of chemistry. Supernatural ran so long because of it, the first episode-pilot when it was filmed, they immediately clicked, and everyone who has met them/watched them have said they have tons and tons of chemistry, like genuine actual chemistry and- The OmegaVerse was formed BECAUSE of J2′s chemistry!!! There’s no denying that part
Second the inconsistencies and slip ups and things that have happened. Lord if i started a list it would never end- but i’ll mention some of the most basic ones:
 The Italy Date slip up <3, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pM-3ZKiItF4
Jared forgetting the specifics of his dating timeline, he mentioned in his Live With Kelly interview that he was single when he started Supernatural when he was actually dating Sandy then and had been for a while, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jwMN3nvZmE starts at around 4:25
 the classic 2011 LA Con moment where Jensen blatantly insinuated he was sleeping with Jared, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKV1VkODR_w starts at 0:50 ish
 the war that Danneel got into with gossip column writer Ted Casablanca when he said that Danneel and Jensen’s marriage might be fake, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWIfAOftcwk her interview with him and:
Gossip columnist Ted Casablanca once pretty much accused Danneel of her relationship with Jensen being fake. Previously to that spat, he had also written an article in response to double engagement rumors saying that “Jensen and Jared would sooner marry each other than who they’re currently rumored to be getting hitched to. If I’m wrong I’ll get Taryn Ryder a date with Ryan Gosling.”  Years ago, Danneel got into a Twitter war with a Gossip Columnist named Ted Casablanca who used to work for E! when he publicly suggested that her relationship with Jensen was fake and basically that Jensen’s gay. The two of them argued back and forth and after the argument she disappeared from Twitter for a long while. Clearly embarrassed that she had just shown a huge light on a topic she and Jensen didn’t want discussed so publicly with someone who was so well-known in the celebrity gossip entertainment business in Hollywood.
 the time Sandra favorited a tweet which called her a beard, this is a well known tinhat fact. 
the time Jared liked an instagram post which mocked his wife, https://jaredandjensendaily.tumblr.com/post/154473801354/friendly-reminder-16-another-reminder-that
 Jensen slipping up and almost saying he had ‘kids’ before moving to Austin when he only had JJ, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOkH2BChDZg starts at 0:24
the time Genevieve slipped up and used the words contract and negotiation while talk about her and Jared’s relationship, the video off of yt was deletedbut here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMhc4UfBJt1/
 Richard Lawson, film critic from Vanity Fair saying he heard from a source that the j’s were together, https://jaredandjensendaily.tumblr.com/post/152089621134/friendly-reminder-13-just-a-beautiful-reminder
the way Jensen’s proposal to Danneel was a complete replica of Jared’s proposal to Sandy, AND the way they proposed on the same weekend- the only thing different was the location, they both had taken their wives(or in jared’s case ex-fiancé) out, had wanted to propose but got nervous, the girls had asked what was wrong and they chickened out and proposed in the hotel room instead.
Speaking of the engagements, nearly everything about them was highly suspicious. Both occurred on the same weekend under the guise that each J had no idea the other was proposing, despite having said multiple times that they tell each other everything and showing that to be true through their actions as well. When asked on the spot what his proposal story was, Jensen retold the exact proposal story that had taken place a year earlier with Jared and Sandy, changing only the location.
THE MORTGAGE, THE HOUSE THEY TWO SHARED IN THE BEGINNING OF SPN- THE INCONSISTENCIES WITH THAT ONE WAS OFF THE CHARTS, https://jaredandjensendaily.tumblr.com/post/141213737219/friendly-reminder-3 and https://marrieddorks.tumblr.com/post/114910899842/j2-living-together 
the most recent inconsistency! in the j2 panel, jared slipped up when talking about jackles’s birthday, saying ‘’i was with...on your birthday(he stops as if remembering himself then yells:) HAPPY BIRTHDAY ACKLES!’’  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwXbSC-UWGs around 6:15
and then in the same panel: Jensen shows us a picture he sent to Jared which was supposed to be bear updates bc he’s growing his(GOD THEY DO BEARD UPDATES THE FUCKING CUTIES I CANT) and JENSEN IS SHIRTLESS??? IN THE PICTURE??? SCUSE ME??? also Jared editied it to WAP. God. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TwXbSC-UWGs starts at around 44:40 
 the amount of times j2 have been seen together IN VANCOUVER ONLY DESPITE THE FACT THAT THEY’RE ON HIATUS AND SHOULD BE WITH THEIR WIVES??? (the entirety of 2015) 
and the fact that they’ve been on so many vacations and trips without anyone else :) 
or the way when one of them is narrating a story, the other knows exactly what happened as if they were there, 
AND THE TOUCHING GOD THE TOUCHING THEY’RE SO AFFECTIONATE. https://www.tumblr.com/tagged/j2+touching?sort=recent
Now the PR cover ups. You’re right anon if they were two best buds just doing their thing, why would they try so hard to cover up and hide stuff? Why would PR immediately make j2 wife posts(AND THEY DO IT A LOT) immediately after someone or the other would post a theory about them that would be hit amongst tinhatters or find a fact or a photo that would imply/prove j2 are together? Why would the j’s themselves stumble over stuff that would be suspicious?(that moment when someone at a convention yelled ‘’Because you like like each other?” and instead of brushing it off, j2 delved deep and then they got all flustered and it was a huge thing basically). Why would they not just behave like normal friends who have absolutely nothing to hide???
spoiler alert: because they’re together kjdkjdjsf.
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blacktofade · 4 years
pls oh god of fics pls grant thee touch starved Shane and oblivious Ryan in shyan ship *bows down* (i sent one before and donno if u actually got it cuz it showed error so im sending in another try)
I didn’t get your other ask unfortunately, but this is an idea I’ve been wanting to write like 10k for, but I know I’ll never have the energy. So it’s a little ficlet instead.
CW: Includes post-kidnapping, malnutrition, and an embarrassing lack of touching for a touch-starved prompt.
Shane disappears on September 17th. Ryan only remembers because they’d been scheduled to shoot an episode of Weird and/or Wonderful World and he’d had to eventually make the uncomfortable call to the Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden to cancel their tour and interview.
It had been funny at first with Shane’s habitual lateness. They’d all assumed he’d slept late, forgot what day it was, and completely blanked on the filming schedule.
It’s less funny a week later when a missing person’s report is filed and Shane’s parents fly out to stay with Scott while they wait for any kind of news.
Detective Flores finds him two states over, a month and a half later. There are six hostages in total, as part of some elaborate heist that’s foiled before it comes to fruition. Shane’s kept in hospital for almost a full week, treated for malnutrition and a few general injuries, the news passed to Ryan through Scott via a DM on Instagram.
For the first time since Shane’s disappearance, Ryan sleeps through the whole night.
On the Saturday following Shane’s return, Ryan wakes to a phone call at eight in the morning.
“Hello?” he answers, voice rough from sleep, brain barely online.
“I’m sorry,” Shane apologizes, but his voice alone is enough to wake up Ryan the rest of the way. It’s the first he’s heard from him. He’d been trying to give the family space and knew Shane would find him once he was ready. Apparently, now is that time. “Can you come pick me up?”
“Sure,” Ryan agrees instantly, shoving back the covers and getting out of bed. “Where are you?”
“My apartment,” Shane admits and Ryan pauses from where he’s trying to dig out a pair of clean pants. “I just need a break.”
“Sure,” Ryan repeats. “I’ll be there in twenty.”
It’s quiet on the other end of the line before, quietly, Shane says, “Thanks, Ryan.”
Shane’s waiting at the curb when Ryan pulls up.
Ryan unlocks the door and watches Shane fold himself into his seat, waiting a moment for Shane to settle before reaching over to set a hand on his knee, squeezing gently.
“Hey man,” he says gently. “Long time no see.”
Shane startles at the touch, but glances over, offering a small smile in return.
He looks different. His face is thinner, his cheekbones a little more prominent, and there’s a new scar on the right side of his forehead that disappears into his hairline.
“Hey,” Shane replies, buckling his seatbelt and giving Ryan a view of his right hand, which has two fingers splinted together. “Thanks for coming.”
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”
Ryan stares at him incredulously and eventually Shane looks away, out the passenger side window.
“It’s just hard being surrounded by everyone right now,” he says, clearly talking about his family. “I need a break.”
Ryan checks over his shoulder and pulls back onto the road.
“Is my apartment okay? Or did you want to go somewhere else?”
“Your place is fine,” Shane tells him, and from the corner of his eye, Ryan sees him turn his head, staring as though Ryan won’t notice.
At the next red light, Ryan glances over. “How are you doing?”
Shane looks away, clearly caught. “Getting tired of people asking me that. It’s all anyone asks these days.”
“Guess they just want to know you’re okay.”
Shane glances back towards him. “Could be better,” he says bluntly and Ryan can’t help but let out a quiet huff of laughter.
“Yeah, no shit. But the hospital cleared you?”
“Yeah,” Shane sighs. “Apart from a few broken fingers and some weight loss, I’m okay.”
“I missed you,” Ryan admits. “It’s probably the longest I’ve gone without seeing you since we started at BuzzFeed.”
Shane frowns like he’s thinking and then the frown deepens. “Jesus, you might be right.”
Ryan laughs again. “Horrifying thought, huh?”
“Puts things in perspective.”
“Didn’t you miss me?” Ryan asks jokingly, but Shane doesn’t answer, just laughs quietly.
“It’s weird,” Shane says. “I was never alone, but it feels like I have to relearn how to be around people now.”
Ryan had read the news after Shane’s rescue. There had been five others saved alongside Shane, so he suspects they might be the reason Shane wasn’t alone.
Ryan shrugs gently. “Adjusting is hard, and I’m sure it’s even harder with your family refusing to let you out of their sights.”
Shane shakes his head. “You have no idea. I was in the shower for twenty minutes this morning and they started knocking on the door to see if I was still alive.”
“Rough,” Ryan laments. “Well, you’re welcome to chill at my place for as long as you need.”
“Can I move in?” Shane jokes, but Ryan just shrugs.
“If that’s what you want.”
It’s silent for a moment before Shane says, “Thanks, I appreciate it.”
Ryan offers him a smile. “Of course, dude. It’s what I’m here for.”
It’s quiet for the rest of the drive until Ryan pulls into his usual parking spot and glances over. “You good?
Shane nods and carefully unbuckles his seatbelt. “Yeah, I’ve got it.”
Ryan’s chest tightens watching Shane limp his way towards the front door, but he knows the last thing Shane needs is more helicoptering.
“Can I get you anything?” Ryan asks as he shuts the door behind them, watching Shane glance around as though he expects Ryan to have redecorated during his disappearance, but ultimately Shane shakes his head. “Okay, well, make yourself at home. You know the drill. I’m gonna go grab a drink.”
He knows Shane can find his own way to the living room, so he moves around him, heading in the direction of the kitchen instead.
“Ryan?” Shane questions and Ryan pauses, turning back.
Shane hesitates like he doesn’t know how to get the words out, but after a moment, he takes two steps closer and draws Ryan into a hug instead.
Ryan isn’t entirely expecting it. Shane’s not a touchy-feely guy, which means Ryan can probably count on one hand the amount of times they’ve hugged. But Shane folds around him so tightly that it startles the breath right out of him.
“I did miss you,” Shane mutters and Ryan lifts his hands to reciprocate, holding Shane as hard as he dares when everything feels so fragile.
“I was really worried,” Ryan admits. “I thought you’d been killed.”
He finds himself rubbing one hand along Shane’s spine, trying to soothe him as Shane tucks his face against his shoulder.
“You were gone for a long time,” Ryan continues.
He can feel the warmth of Shane’s breath through his shirt as he exhales shakily. “They broke my fingers when I tried to escape.”
Ryan holds him tighter, needing them both to understand that Shane’s safe again. Having the weight of Shane leaning against him is grounding in a way he never knew it could be. About a month into Shane’s disappearance, Ryan had gone through a mourning period, assuming he’d never see Shane again. He finds tears prickling his eyes as the relief hits him solidly in the chest.
“God, Shane,” he murmurs and he’s not sure who’s comforting who.
The warmth of Shane spreads through him, all the way down to his toes, like a cup of hot soup on a cold day. Except that Ryan never realized he was too cold until this moment. He feels alive and whole again, and he knows he can’t even begin to understand what Shane experienced. The fact that he can feel every ridge of Shane’s spine as his hand passes along it says enough.
When he finally starts feeling like Shane’s probably ready to let go, he loosens his arms and shifts, one foot lifting to take a step backwards.
“Just a little longer,” Shane requests and Ryan’s more than happy to comply, a noise of agreement escaping as he nods.
“I’ll stay here as long as you need,” Ryan tells him. “It’s just good to have you back.”
“It’s good to be back,” Shane replies and tightens his grip again like he might never let go.
To be honest, Ryan’s okay with that. He holds on just as tightly and settles against Shane, finally feeling happy again for the first time in months.
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tcm · 3 years
Revisiting Oscar-Nominated and Winning Pictures By Susan King
We all have our favorite Oscar winners that we love to watch over and over again. But there are numerous Oscar winners and nominees that have gained new life thanks to TCM, HBO Max and DVD that are definitely worth revisiting. Here are some of my favorites:
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I interviewed the legendary funny man Carl Reiner a few months before his death and the conversation drifted to RANDOM HARVEST (’42) and how much he loved the romance. Robert Redford is also a fan. In the 1990s, he was planning on doing a remake, and in 2014, it was announced that Julian Fellowes (Downton Abbey) was hired to pen a remake. The handsome MGM production based on James Hilton’s bestseller starring Ronald Colman and Greer Garson was a huge hit that year and was nominated for seven Oscars including Best Film, Actor for Colman, Actress in a Supporting Role for Susan Peters and Director Mervyn LeRoy. 
Both Colman and Garson had great success in other Hilton adaptations – Colman starred in LOST HORIZON (’37) and Garson made her U.S. film debut and earned her first Best Actress Oscar nomination in GOODBYE, MR. CHIPS (’39). RANDOM HARVEST is often overlooked by the other big MGM film released in 1942, William Wyler’s MRS. MINIVER. Not only was the stirring drama about a British family attempting to survive the years of World War II a blockbuster at the box office, but it also won a striking eight Oscars.
But I think RANDOM HARVEST is the more engaging film. It’s hard not to fall in love with this romantic tale with Colman at his most dreamy as a shell-shocked amnesiac veteran of World War I (Colman was wounded in the global conflict) named Smith who falls in love and marries a loving young entertainer (Garson). But Smithy, as Garson’s Paula calls him, is hit by a car on his way to a job interview and wakes up with no memory of the past three years but does remember who he really is – an aristocrat by the name of Charles Rainier.
Will true love reunite these two? The sigh level is very high with RANDOM HARVEST and this love story has a very strong place in my heart.
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I’ve had more than a few people ask me why I like NONE BUT THE LONELY HEART (’44) so much. It’s depressing, they say. It’s downbeat, they say. But I think it’s a chance to see Cary Grant in a rare break out of his “Cary Grant” suave, sophisticated image. Adapted and directed by Clifford Odets from the novel by Richard Llewellyn (How Green Was My Valley), NONE BUT THE LONELY HEART casts Grant as Ernie Mott, a Cockney drifter who returns home to his Ma (Ethel Barrymore).  When he learns that she’s dying of cancer, Ernie stays to help run her second-hand shop. But Ernie can’t stay out of trouble, joining forces with a gangster stealing cars and pursuing the mobster’s wife (June Duprez). 
Meanwhile, his neighbor Aggie (Jane Wyatt) is madly in love with him and tries to save Ernie from a life of crime. The film was generally warmly received, earning four Oscar nominations and winning supporting actress for Barrymore. She shot her scenes during her two-week vacation from her Broadway triumph The Corn Is Green, and the Academy Award transformed the Broadway star into a much-in-demand film actress. She would go on to earn three more Oscar nominations.
Grant, who had earned his first Oscar nomination three years earlier for PENNY SERENADE (‘41), didn’t attend the Academy Awards where Bing Crosby won best actor for GOING MY WAY. Grant never earned another Oscar nomination, but received an Oscar honorary in 1970.
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Handsome and charismatic Robert Montgomery was one of MGM’s top leading men in the 1930s, best known for his work in comedies including PRIVATE LIVES (’31) and FORSAKING ALL OTHERS (’34). Though he did an occasional dramatic part, nothing really stretched him as an actor until NIGHT MUST FALL (’37). Montgomery had long been bugging MGM head Louis B. Mayer for better roles. He supposedly allowed Montgomery to do NIGHT MUST FALL because the studio head thought the actor would be embarrassed when the movie failed. Montgomery later said, “they okayed me playing in it because they thought the fan reaction in such a role would humiliate me.” He went so far as to help subsidize the film’s production budget.
Based on the play by Emlyn Williams which ran on Broadway in 1936, NIGHT MUST FALL finds Montgomery playing Danny, a serial killer who just happens to have a trophy from his latest victim—her head—in a hatbox. Danny charms his way into the heart and home of a wealthy elderly woman (Dame May Whitty, reprising her London stage role). Rosalind Russell, who made five films with Montgomery, plays the elderly woman’s niece who has her suspicions about Danny but can’t convince her aunt that she’s in danger. Both Montgomery and Whitty earned Oscar nominations.
Though Montgomery returned to the comedy genre after NIGHT MUST FALL, he began directing films such as LADY IN THE LAKE (’46) and found great success in TV in the 1950s with the anthology series Robert Montgomery Presents, which often featured his daughter Elizabeth.
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Jimmy Stewart’s image took a 180 degree turn in the 1950s thanks to Alfred Hitchcock with REAR WINDOW (’54) and VERTIGO (’58), but most notably in the five Westerns he made with Anthony Mann. Far from the boy-next-door character he played pre-World War II, Stewart was transformed into conflicted, troubled men – anti-heroes who often could be as villainous as the bad guys who peppered these sagebrush sagas. (Mann also directed Stewart in three non-Westerns).
THE NAKED SPUR (’53), which earned a screenplay Oscar nomination for Sam Rolfe and Harold Jack Bloom, is my favorite of their collaborations. Stewart really digs deep into the character of Civil War veteran turned bounty hunter, Howard Kemp. He’s angry and bitter having lost his land during his conflict. Kemp hopes he can get his land back by working as a bounty hunter. And he’s doggedly determined to get outlaw Ben Vandergroat (a fabulously vile Robert Ryan). Along the way, he encounters two men (Millard Mitchell and Ralph Meeker) who join him on his journey. And when he finds Vandergroat, he also discovers he has a young woman (Janet Leigh) with him. Intelligent, often disturbing and brilliantly acted, THE NAKED SPUR is an exceptional exploration of the dark side of humanity.
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Invisible String
Summary - Dean Winchester was never a man who would freely speak about his feelings and emotions. The reader, is his best friend of many years but some wrong choices and words of Dean's pushes a the reader away.
Pairing - AU Dean Winchester x Reader
Warnings - Fluff (lots of fluff), angst-ish, swearing, mentions of abusive relationship, mentions of bad parenting, cheating
Square filled - Bestfriend AU ( @spndeanbingo )
Word count - 6150
A/N - This is written for @supernatural-jackles' Bi-weekly challenge. The prompts are in bold. Spn dividers by the amazingly talented @talesmaniac89 (go check her blog out) Beta'd by @mariekoukie6661 (she is a sweetheart for agreeing to take a look at this long fic. Thank you💕)
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“So what are we watching?” You asked as you slumped down on the yellow couch. You were dead on your feet after a long week of work but you just couldn't break tradition and not hang out with your best friend like every friday. Pulling the comforter close to your body, you let out a sigh of contentment. Truth be told, no matter how exhausted you were, you always looked forward to movie night.
“I picked the movie last friday, now it's your turn,” Dean handed you a bottle of beer and took a seat beside you. Your eyes sparkled with a glint of mischief, a knowing smile appeared on your face as Dean's lips curled up in disgust. “No chick flicks,” he warned.
“I get to call dibs on the movie tonight so I picked,” you paused for a second to create a dramatic effect, “The Proposal.”
“No!” Dean cried out in horror.
“Oh come on, it is not going to be that bad. Ryan Reynolds and Sandra Bullock are in that movie.” you winked at him, making him groan and he picked up a cushion to cover his face, “Now, now don't be so dramatic.” He removed the cushion from his face and glared at you. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off by the sound of the doorbell. “Pizza's here!” He exclaimed as he got up to open the door. You turned on the tv, opened Netflix and put on the movie.
“I don't understand how we can be best friends,” Dean grumbled as he came back to the room, “you eat your pizza with pineapple on it.” “It tastes good. You should try it one day.” you said and took the two boxes of food from his hand, setting them down on the table in front.
“Are you kidding me? Even if that becomes the only food available on earth, I still won't eat it. You can't put fruits on pizza,” he said, and took a slice from his own pizza and nestled into the comforter beside you.
“Tomato is a fruit, De,” you said, biting into the slice in your hand. You heard him mutter something under his breath which you ignored and shifted your focus to the movie playing on the screen. Halfway through the movie, you yawned and snuggled into your best friend. He wrapped his warm hands around you, pulling you closer to him. “You want to head back now?” He asked softly, leaning in to kiss your forehead.
“Nuh-uh,” you said, “I want to finish the movie. I need to see if Andrew got Margaret back .” That elicited a chuckle from Dean, the vibrations of his laugh shaking your body a little.
“You're so stubborn and they are gonna find each other, it's a chick flick for God's sake,” he said, “they love each other, clearly.”
“Speaking of love, Cas asked me out,” you said, making Dean sit up straight. “What'd you say?” He asked
“Yes obviously. I need to dive back into the dating life,” you shrugged, “and Cas seems like a good guy.”
“He is but I thought you wanted to wait because of what happened with you know ‘ he who must not be named’,” he said, and you picked up the remote to pause the movie.
“I can't live in the past. I need to move on. It has been two years since I've gone on a date and it's not like I'm getting engaged tomorrow. It's just a date,” you said, messing with the loose end of the comforter.
“As you wish. I'm just looking out for you.”
“I know. You always do,” you said, giving Dean a tight hug, “and I kinda miss doing it.”
“Doing what?” “Sex,” Dean's eyebrows shot up, “oh come on, it's not like I didn't use to have sex with….him.”
“So,” he gulped, “so you m-miss doing….it?”
“Kind of. My fingers are not enough, you know what I mean right?”
“Of course, of course,” Dean cleared his throat, blush crept up his neck.
“And it's not just sex, I miss the physical touch, I miss those things that are part of a relationship,” you said, “I need this and I think I'm ready.”
“If you think you're ready, then it's fine. I just don't want to see my best friend with a broken heart again.” he said, his fingers getting entangled in your hair, as he slowly massaged your scalp.
“That feels good,” you moaned, “after that hell of a meeting with Azazel, I needed this night De. Thank you for always being there.”
“You're my best friend. I'll always be there when you need me even if you make me watch stupid romcoms.” he grinned, “Azazel creating problems again?”
“He never seems to approve of the templates and designs I make no matter how hard I try to make them loveable and on the other hand, the shitty designs made by Abaddon always gets approved.” you groan.
“Why don't you change jobs?”
“I can't. It's not that simple. Life's going good. I don't want to disrupt it by going on a job hunt.” you sighed.
“What if you start working for my company?” You immediately turned your head towards Dean and looked at him with surprise clear in your eyes.
“No.” “Why not?
“I'm a graphic designer, De. I'm not built to work in your company,” you said.
“Be my PA. I really need a personal assistant to help me keep upto date with my schedule and I'm a mess after Charlie left.” Dean said.
“But what is my job criteria? That I'm your best friend? It's like taking advantage of you. I can't do that.”
“What if you work as my PA after being interviewed for the job?” He asked. “Fine, maybe I can give it a shot,” you said.
“Awesome! Meet me in my office on Monday, ten in the morning, sharp. I don't tolerate tardiness.” he said, slipping quickly in the work mode.
“Aye, aye captain.” You giggled, but a deep frown soon appeared on your face.
“What?” “What if it messes up our relationship?”
“It won't. I know how to separate my work life from my personal one,” Dean assured.
“I guess, then it's okay,” you smiled.
“So about your date with Cas. Where's he taking you?”
“I have no idea,” you chuckled, “he said it will be a surprise.”
“That's-that's great but he should know that you hate surprises,” Dean raised an eyebrow.
“He doesn't know me very well. I'll let that pass this one time,” you told Dean.
“Fair enough,” he laughed. You yawned once more, as you tried to fight the drowsiness that was threatening to take over you.
“You want to head back home now or you want to crash here tonight, sleepyhead?” Dean smiled.
“I don't think I can drive all the way in such a state. Do you mind if I crash here?” You grinned, knowing very well he didn't mind because you crashed in his guest rooms on most of the Friday nights. He rolled his eyes as he got up from the couch.
“I'll prepare the guest room.” You sleepily nodded at him. You didn't realise you had fallen asleep but you were soon woken up when you felt your body move.
“Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up. I'm taking you to bed,” you found yourself in Dean's arms as he headed towards the guest room with you, “you looked too peaceful sleeping. Go back to sleep.” He softly murmured. Dean gently placed you in the bed, pulling the cover upto your chest as you snuggled into the warmth of the covers. Within a few minutes, you had dozed off.
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“Morning, sunshine. Pancakes for you,” Dean's loud voice woke you up from your deep slumber the next morning. You sat up in your bed, as you rubbed the sleep from your eyes, the smell of pancakes hitting your nose.
“Breakfast in bed for my girl. Listen I gotta run to the office now,” he said as he handed you the plate of freshly cooked pancakes to you.
“It's Saturday!” You exclaimed.
“I know but Benny wanted to sign the deal with our company today. It's an important one, we can't let that go out of our hands,” he made you understand, “I'll be back within a few hours.”
“Sufe fing. I wif ve here,” you spoke with your mouth full, “Sure thing. I will be here.” You repeated your words after swallowing your food.
“Maggie will drop by. If you want to leave the house before I return, give the keys to her.” He said as he went back into his room to put his suit on.
“Hot damn,” you let out a low whistle as Dean stepped out of the room in his black suit, “Go get the deal, cowboy!” Dean did a full body laugh at your words, throwing his head backwards before he bid you goodbye and walked out of the door leaving you alone in his penthouse. Finishing your breakfast, you got up and got freshened up for the day. You picked up your phone and saw three texts from Cas.
“Meet me at 7.” “At the Season's 52.” “I'm looking forward to this.”
A smile crept onto your face, as you read the texts from him. “I need your help,” you shot a text to Ruby, “I've a date tonight. I don't know what to wear.” You waited for her to text back but instead of getting a text, you got a call from her.
“He finally asked you out?” She screamed from the other side of the phone.
“What do you mean “finally”?” You wondered.
“Oh come on, Y/N. How long have you two known each other?” “Uh-two months.”
“Two-wait, two months? You don't have a date with Dean?” She asked.
“No! Why would you think that?” You exclaimed, “Cas asked me out.”
“Cas? As in Castiel Novak? Dean's friend? And Dean's okay with it?”
“What's with the twenty questions, Ruby?” You said, annoyed at her questions, “And yes. Dean's fine with it. Why wouldn't he be? He is dating Lisa, in case you didn't remember. Now will you help me? I need a dress for tonight.”
Ruby agreed to go on a little shopping spree with you to find the perfect dress. Handing over the keys to Maggie, the housekeeper, you shot a text to Dean letting him know you were leaving his house. You waited for some time but he didn't text you back. You shrugged it off thinking he was probably busy with the meeting. Your whole afternoon was spent with Ruby as you tried to find a good dress for the date. She made you try on what seemed like a hundred dresses of different colours and style until a green bottleneck dress finally caught your eyes.
“This is a beautiful dress! You gotta try it on,” Your friend insisted.
“You sure? Look at the price - it's too expensive,” you pouted.
“Do you want to get laid tonight?” Ruby quirked her eyebrow.
“Yeah-I mean no….maybe,” you stutter.
“That dress - Cas won't be able to take his eyes off you tonight,” she smiled.
“Fine, if you insist.” Needless to say, the dress was a perfect fit but it was all for nothing.
Tapping on the hardwood of the table, you let out a frustrating sigh. Tears pricked at your eyes as you took a sip of the drink.
“Ma'am do you-are you going to-”
“Please bring the check. I'm done here,” you said, barely managing to keep your tears at bay. The waitress nodded and walked away from your table. You dialed up your best friend’s number and waited for him to pick up.
“Dean,” you said, sniffling a little as he picked up his phone after the third ring. “Y/N, you okay?” Dean asked.
“Yeah, yeah. Can you,” you cleared your throat, “Can you pick me up? I'm at Season’s 52.”
“Sure,” you heard shuffling on the other side, “I'll be there as soon as possible.”
“Okay,” you replied.
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“He just didn't show up,” you sniffled as Dean drove yourselves back to his house.
“Maybe-maybe he had his reasons,” Dean said, throwing a worried glance at your way.
“Reasons?” You scoffed.
“Cas is a good man. This is very unlike him,” Dean said.
“Am I-am I not good enough, Dean?” “Y/N, you know that's not true. You're pretty, smart, a little badass - you are a good person with a kind heart,” Dean smiled.
“Then why? Why didn't he show up? He could have left a message. I'm telling you Dean, I'm so over men now. All men are the same,” you looked at him, “except you.”
“Thanks, sweetheart. That is good to hear.”
“I sure do know how to choose,” you grumbled.
“Y/N, it's just one bad date. So what? Cas is not the only man in the whole world. You'll find someone,” Dean said, pulling into his driveway.
“I don't think so. Maybe he was right,” you opened the door of the car to step out.
“Alistair. Maybe he is right. Maybe the problem is me,” you said, tears pooling in your eyes. Dean grabbed your hands and pulled you back into the car.
“No. He is not right. Alistair will never be right. He was an abusive and manipulative son of a bitch. Listen to me, you are not the problem, sweetheart,” he said, “those men just don't understand you.”
“Is that why no one sticks around?” You turned around to face him with wet eyes.
“I did and I will always be there for you,” he said, his hands cupping your face.
“I know, De,” you leaned into his touch as his thumb gently caressed your cheeks. You opened your mouth to speak but were cut off by three harsh taps on the car window. Dean immediately opened the door and stepped out.
“Lisa.” He said.
“Unbelievable, Dean!” Lisa exclaimed. You couldn't see her face but you knew she was furious.
“It's not what it looks like,” Dean whispered.
“You just up and left me in the morning and now when I get back to talk things out, I find you cozying up to her. I'm done with you!” She yelled back. You shrunk back into your seat when you heard her scream. Dean didn't even tell you that he had broken up with her. You wondered why he hid it from you.
“I already said we were over Lisa, just go back home,” Dean said and brought his hand down his face.
“Three years of relationship meant nothing to you! Why?” Lisa shoved Dean, making him stumble back a little.
“I don't owe you an explanation, okay?”
“You cheating asshole-” “I didn't cheat on you, Lisa. I-I'm just not in love with you anymore,” Dean said, making her scoff.
“Have a nice life, asshole!” Lisa said and you heard her retreating footsteps. You stepped out of the car and saw Dean standing against the car, with his face buried in his hands.
“Hey, you okay?” You rubbed his arm gently.
“Yeah. I'm sorry you had to hear that,” he sighed.
“Why didn't you tell me you broke up with her?” You asked.
“It wasn’t important.” “Not important? You let me ramble all the way from the restaurant to your house but not once did you tell me you broke up with her,” you said.
“Y/N, I'm fine. Can we drop this now?” He snapped at you, “I'm sorry.”
“S’okay,” you gave him a sad smile, “I've an idea.”
“Does this idea include booze?” “What do ya think?” “I'm in.”
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“What time is it?” You groaned as bright light hit your eyes. The throbbing pain in your head increased as you opened your eyes, trying to focus on the human figure standing in your doorway.
“You got wasted last night, sweetheart,” Dean grinned.
“Stop talking. Just stop talking,” you groaned and nestled deep into your covers.
“Aspirin. You will need these,” he kept the medicine on the nightstand, and walked away, “Breakfast is ready.”
“Morning, how's the hangover?” He gave you a cheeky smile as you walked into the dining room a few minutes later. Dean had his laptop opened in front of him, a cup of coffee beside the electronic device. “You're enjoying this too much, aren't ya? How come you're not hung-over?” You grumbled, “I'm hungry.”
“Here. I made waffles because my heartbroken, hung-over best friend needs her comfort food. Dig in,” he said and pushed a plate of waffles towards you, “I didn't drink much.”
“I thought we were drinking because you had a breakup.” “I told you already I'm not feeling miserable. See there's this girl I like who is not Lisa. I'm thinkin’ of asking her out so I did what I had to do. I ended things with Lisa,” Dean said.
“How come you never told me about this girl?” You narrowed your eyes at him. “‘Cause I wasn't sure how I felt but two days ago I saw her and I just knew that she is the one I want to be with,” he smiled.
“You're such a sap.” You giggled, “she must be very special.”
“She is very special. I have never met a girl like her,” he said, staring at you, “now, eat up.”
“Mhm,” you moaned, taking a bite of the waffles on your plate, “you know, you should give up your business and open up a coffee shop. You make excellent waffles.”
“Sorry sweetheart, no can do. People at work will miss me too much,” he chuckled, “you do remember you are interviewing for the position of PA tomorrow?”
“Yep but I don't know if I will get it or not. I have heard the CEO of the company is kind of a shithead,” you grinned.
“Oh really?” Dean looked at you with amused eyes, “You're terrible.”
“Yeah, so I've heard.” You laughed.
He shook his head at you, “Listen, I have a favour to ask.” “Shoot.”
“I would like it if you could accompany me to Sam and Jess’ anniversary party tonight,” he said.
“Tonight?” “Yeah. I know it's very sudden but it completely sli-”
“I'll go with you but I thought you told me that after what happened with your Dad last time, you wouldn't be attending another family gathering,” you said.
“Uh-huh. Sam insisted that I attend this party,” he replied.
“Fine I'll be there with you at the party to save you from John Winchester,” you giggled.
“You'll be my knight in shining armour tonight.” He chuckled.
You went back to your apartment to get ready for the party. Dean had told you that he would be picking you up at six that evening. As you touched up on your makeup, you heard three knocks on your door.
“Good evening, Y/N,” Dean smirked, looking dapper in a black two-piece suit.
“Good evening, Dean. I'll be out in a minute,” you blushed when you saw his eyes travel all over your body.
“You look beautiful, sweetheart,” he said.
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“De-” you snaked placed your hand over his, as you both sat inside the Impala with her engine turned off.
“I can't do this Y/N. I can't face John Winchester again, not after the crap he pulled last time,” he gritted out the words, his knuckles turning white as he held the steering wheel tightly, staring off at the direction of his house.
“Why are you here?” He looked at you in surprise. “I-Sam asked me to be here,” he said.
“Exactly. Your little brother asked you to be here so you will go into that house and attend your brother's party. It's up to you if you want to make any small talk, I'll be there with you but Dean you can't avoid your father forever-”
“I'm not avoiding him,” Dean said.
“Yes, you are. Now go in there, ask him why he did that, demand answers from him,” you said.
“I-okay, let's go. Just don't leave my side tonight or someone might get hurt,” he said.
“You're not going to punch your Dad,” you mumbled, “even though he deserves it.” He chuckled at your words as you two stepped out of the car.
“I'll never get used to the fact that you grew up in a mansion,” you smirked.
“It's not a mansion. It's a….big house,” he smiled.
“Yep, whatever you say.” As soon as you stepped through the door of the mansion, Dean was immediately pulled into a hug. “I thought you wouldn't show up,” Sam said, letting go of his brother, “Hey Y/N.”
“Almost didn't,” the older Winchester replied as you gave the younger one a small wave. “He showed up, didn't he? What about Mom?”
“Mom and Dad are in the living room. Last thing I saw they are not speaking to each other even when they are in the same room. I just want everyone to act civil till the party's over,” Sam said, “Drinks are in the kitchen.”
“So kitchen first, living room later. Keep John out of my sight and everything will be perfect,” Dean patted his brother's shoulder and made his way towards the kitchen, taking you with him. Pouring himself a glass, he handed you one.
“Dean,” a deep voice came from the doorway, making Dean stand up straight. “Sam had one job. Dad.” He looked at John and gave him a curt reply.
There was a moment of awkward silence as no words were exchanged between the father and the son. You could feel Dean trying his level best to keep himself from screaming at his Dad. You put a hand on his shoulder, trying to calm him down.
“I know you don't want to see me right now-” “You're right and you may leave now,” Dean said and turned his back towards his father.
“Son. You have to understand, it was a long time back and I didn't know what was going through my head. I-” John sighed.
“You what? You had a perfect family here. A wife, two sons. And all this time, you knew about Adam but you said nothing. You kept up with the charade of the perfect husband and father when in reality you were neither of them,” Dean gritted out.
“Dean. Maybe I was not the perfect husband but I did everything for you and Sam,” the older man said in a harsh tone.
“Really? You did everything? You were nothing but an absent father. I was there to take care of Mom and Sammy while you were away on your so-called business trips when actually you were plowing another woman's field,” Dean growled at his father.
“Dean!” His father snapped back.
“Mr. Winchester you should leave now,” you said, trying to diffuse the situation before it got out of hand, “John, please.”
“This is family matter Y/N. You have no right to get involved in this,” John retorted.
“Don't speak to her like that. She is more family to me than you ever were,” Dean said and stalked towards his Dad, “so you can leave now. I'm sure as hell Mom is not talking to you so you can get the hell out of this house now, John.”
“Dean-” “Now,” Dean growled.
“I would do what he says, John,” you said. John scoffed, turning around and got out of the house. Dean plopped down on one of the chairs in the kitchen, gently rubbing his temples.
“You sure you're okay?” “I need a stronger drink,” he murmured.
“I saw Dad leave. What happened?” Sam came into the kitchen and asked as he looked at his brother.
“I told you to keep John away from me. You had one job,” Dean snapped and stormed out of the room, grabbing a glass of drink with him.
“He just needs some time to cool down. John came to talk to Dean and-”
“Yeah I understood. I'm gonna check on Mom. This party was a mistake,” Sam said and left the kitchen leaving you standing there alone.
You squeezed your eyes shut as you finished up your drink. You were angry at John too. He had hurt Dean, your best friend. He was a liar and you hated liars. You needed to go find Dean. You placed the empty glass on the counter and made your towards the door but you stopped dead in your tracks when you saw him.
“Cas,” you said, “I didn't expect you to be here.”
“Yeah well, Sam is a good friend so he invited me over.” Cas gave you a smile.
“Oh.” You nodded.
“We should probably address the elephant in the room,” he gave an awkward laugh.
“Huh? Oh you mean how you stood me up last night?” You glared at him.
“Well you didn't tell me that you were looking for only a one night stand? I would have backed out sooner. I like you Y/N but I don't do one night-”
“Wait, hold on. Who told you I was looking for a one time, no strings attached thing?”
“Dean told me,” your jaw dropped onto the floor at his confession, “I'm sorry Y-”
“S’okay.” You brushed him off, “I need to have a word with Dean, have you seen him?”
“I think he was talking to Kevin over there,” Cas pointed you towards another room.
“Thanks and it's okay, Cas. We're cool.” You said and almost ran your way into the other room.
“I'm telling you man, you deserve someone better than Y/N. She is clingy and she doesn't take no for an answer. I can give you her number but-” Dean turned around and his eyes locked with your wet ones. You shook your head at him, a look of betrayal evident on your face. You heard him call out to you as you turned on your heels and ran towards the door. “Excuse me, Kevin,” Dean said and went after you but by that time you were already out of the house. “Y/N!” He called, as you pulled out your phone to call for an uber.
“Fuck you!” You exclaimed, “I'm clingy, I don't take no for an answer. Is that what you think of me? All this time while you pretended to be my best friend, is this what went through your head?” Tears were running down your face now, “how many times was I there for you when you needed me and this is how you repay me?”
“I didn't mean to say it like that. You are my best friend Y/N-”
“You are a fuckin’ liar! You told Cas that I was looking for a person to keep my bed warm for only one night. Why? You know what, I don't want to talk to you right now. Leave me alone,” you said.
“No, please,” he took a step towards you. “Don't you dare make a move!” You screamed, “You lied to me and I hate liars more than anything. You are no better than your Dad. I hate you! I regret that I ever thought of you as my best friend.” You heard shuffling behind you and turned around to see him leaving. A sob tore from your throat. Standing there alone on the porch of the Winchester mansion, with your smudged makeup, you waited for the uber to show up.
It took you one hour to finally reach your house. Your phone was getting blown up by messages from the Winchester brothers and Ruby. You broke down in tears as soon as you reached your house. You crawled underneath the covers without bothering to get out of your dress or to remove your makeup. Your body shook as you continued to sob loudly into the pillow. The same man, who acted as your rock when you had left Alistair, gave you shelter in his house when you showed up in the middle of the night because your ex-boyfriend was drunk and was on a rampage, was the one who continued to spew lies about you behind your back. Your trust was shattered just like your heart and you didn't know how to piece them back together. The crying had tired you out and in no time you slipped into a deep slumber with Dean's words haunting your dream.
Morning came way too quickly. You woke up to Ruby knocking on your door along with Dean calling your phone. Your eyes were red and swollen as a result of crying all night long.
“What happened? Who's ass do I need to kick?” Ruby barged into your house as soon as you opened the door as saw you had been crying.
“....Dean.” “Dean? Dean Winchester?” Her eyes widened in surprise which later turned to anger when you told her everything that had happened the day before. Ruby was furious and if Dean was there in the room, he would have been a dead man.
“Oh Y/N,” Ruby cooed as she pulled you into a hug, “I didn't know it was this bad. Sam called me to check on you because you left his house in a hurry. I'm gonna kill Dean Winchester.” You held onto her tightly as sobs racked through your body. She gently caressed your head while cursing the green-eyed Winchester.
You were miserable but what you didn't know is that your ex-best friend was also losing his mind over the incident. The guilt was eating him up alive and he didn't know how to fix it. Sam had punched him in the face and kicked him out of his house when he had told him what happened.
“Tell her the truth or don't ever talk to me again,” Sam had threatened his brother. With red eyes and a swollen cheek, Dean went into his office the next morning. He hoped that after the interview he would get a chance to apologise but you never showed up.
“Okay, Mr. Winchester, that was the last interviewee,” Jody poked in her head into the room. “That was the last? What about uh-Y/N L/N?” Dean asked.
“Uh-she dropped out - called us early in the morning to let us know she won't make it to the interview,” Jody smiled, “I need your decision fast.”
“Decision?” “Who we are hiring for the position of the PA,” she said.
“Sure. I'll let you know. You can go now Jody. Close the door on your way out,” Dean said.
He sighed as he dialed your number, “It's Y/N L/N. She can't get to her phone now. Please leave a message.”
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“Y/N, sweetheart I'm sorry. You shouldn't have dropped out of the interview. I know you won't ever forgive me but I'm sorry.” You sniffled as you heard his voice message. He had left you exactly fifty-three texts, twenty three missed calls and seventeen voice messages - all had the same words, ‘I'm sorry’ but you couldn't forgive him.
“Stop listening to that asshat,” Ruby grumbled and snatched your phone from you. “I-I just can't understand why he did that? I thought he was my friend,” you sniffled.
“I'm sorry Y/N,” Ruby took a seat beside you and wrapped you in a comforter, “I brought ice cream with me. I heard they work wonders on a broken heart.”
“And you brought my favourite flavour. Thanks!” You hugged but were interrupted by the sound of your doorbell.
“Stay here. Let me check,” Ruby said and went towards the door. Opening it, she stared at a disheveled, sad Dean Winchester.
“Give me one good reason to not kick you out right now,” Ruby glared at Dean.
“I need to talk to her. Please,” Dean’s voice cracked at the end.
“No you won't. She is miserable and I won't let you break her even more,” Ruby challenged, “Now get out.”
“I don't care if I have to fight you but please let me see her,” he pleaded.
“You are one stubborn, lying piece of shit,” Ruby grumbled.
“Why are you here?” the two heads turned immediately towards you.
“I wasn't sure you wanted to see me but I had to see you,” Dean said.
“And why exactly?” Ruby snapped.
“Ruby. It's okay. Let him in. I need to hear him out.” Dean gave Ruby a side eye and let himself in.
“Y/N,” She started. “I'll be fine," you assured her.
“If you need me to kick him out or kick his ass, just call me,” she glared at Dean once more and left your apartment.
“She's scary,” the green-eyed man said. “Well she has to. She just saw her friend with a broken heart,” you threw him his words back.
“I can't tell you how sorry I am,” Dean said, his head hung in shame.
“Why?” He looked up at you, “I don't know,” he replied, making you scoff.
“You don't know? Well maybe because you actually thought of me to be clingy and the girl who doesn't take no for an answer,” you seethed, “and you even lied to Cas about me. You framed me as some whore who doesn't do relationships. Fuck you, Dean! You knew better than anyone how long it took me to get over Alistair. How could you do this to me?”
“I don't know,” he whispered, “It's just I lied to them because I didn't want them to be with you.”
“It's my life! I get to decide who I want to have sex with and who I want to date,” you hissed.
“Well I couldn't let you make those decisions because I didn't want you to choose them. I wanted you to choose me.” he blurted out. You sat there dumbfounded as you heard his confession, "What? Why?"
“Because...I love you,” Dean muttered.
“You love me?” “Yeah.”
“What are you, a kindergartener? Next thing I know you will be pulling my pigtails,” you sassed.
“I'm sorry. You know I'm bad with feelings-” “So you decided to lie?”
“Yeah.” “You're terrible, you know that,” you said.
“So I have heard,” he shrugged. “Come here you idiot,” you beckoned at him. He went towards you and sat down beside you.
“I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I was just-” “What? You were just fending off the boys?”
“Yeah. At first I was scared that I was falling for my best friend and you knew me, you knew all my horrible secrets, the thoughts that are inside my head which keep me up at night and I was scared that you wouldn't feel the same. I broke up with Lisa for you because whenever I closed my eyes at night I wanted it to be you with me, not Lisa.” You were stunned at his confession. Dean never talked about his feelings, he was extremely good at hiding his feelings so hearing him blurt out about how he felt, surprised you.
“Dean,” you said. “No. I need to say this,” he said, stopping you, “I don't know if you feel the same. Even if you did, I don't think I have a chance after the stunt I pulled yesterday. But sweetheart, you mean everything to me, I swear to never hurt you again. I was planning on asking you out after the party but Kevin had asked for your number so I told him all those lies about you but sweetheart I know what I did….said is unforgivable but please I need you. I need my best friend back.” He looked at you, locking his teary eyes with yours.
“I don't know whether to kiss you or hit you,” you said, wiping away the single tear that rolled down your cheek. “K-kiss me?” Dean’s eyes went wide.
“You are the most horrible person I have ever met. I hate you, Dean but I hate me more that I decided to fall for this horrible person that I call my best friend. Kiss me, before I change my mind,” you said and that's all Dean needed before he crashed his lips into yours. It was a harsh kiss but one filled with longing and love. His hands sneaked to the back of your head, his fingers entangled with your hair as your hands held on to his biceps.
“I'm sorry for hurting you,” he said after he let go of your lips. You sat there with his hands cupping your face, your foreheads touching. “Next time, talk to me,” you whispered.
“I will,” he kissed your forehead, “So Y/N L/N, can I take you out for dinner tomorrow night?” “Definitely Dean Winchester, but mind you I'm tough to impress,” you smirked.
“I have plans, special plans for a special girl. I will make you mine,” he said before he leaned in to capture your lips with his once again.
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choco-glow · 3 years
Day of the Dead (Robin)
April 27th.
The bed shifted, creaked as Bruce dragged himself up out of the comfort of his way too expensive (and totally worth it) mattress, followed reluctantly by an equally exhausted Selina. He insisted she use the bathroom first, taking that time to rub his face and scalp, forcing himself into an alertness that he didn’t feel…and Bruce ignored his constantly buzzing phone. He could hear Alfred puttering around in his own room down the hall, Damian’s near silent footsteps alongside his dog’s as the youngest Wayne limped down to let Titus out. Tim…Bruce sighed, knowing that Tim one of two places; passed out in the chair in front of the computer down in the cave, or passed out on the couch in the library, his laptop on the floor.
Either way, he was sleeping, most likely, and Bruce was going to take advantage of that.
“Hey.” He glanced up, and the smile on his lips was small, but real; she looked so good leaning against the doorway in nothing but her underwear and one of his old band tees, tousled hair sticking to her forehead from her shower, a sweet smile on her face, those familiar green-blue eyes always so dark in the morning. Bruce dragged himself upright to wrap her up in his arms, hugging her tight, and Selina melted against him, nuzzling his cheek. “Bruce…”
“Thank you for staying…” He murmured, gratitude thick in his voice, and she patted his bicep, popping up on her tiptoes to kiss his nose.
“Of course, sweetheart. Go wash up and get dressed, I’ll head down and help Alfred with breakfast?”
“Selina, you don’t have to…” She shook her head, chuckling, and he chuckled back, ignoring his impulse to just turn away and go brood. Brooding wouldn’t help today…
“I want to. I know what today is…and why it’s so hard.” He ducked his head, swallowing his next word, and she cupped his cheek. “Bruce. I mean it. Jason…” He lifted his head, blue eyes tired but crinkled from a weary smile.
“I miss him.”
“I do too. Go on. We’ll be waiting for you.” He nodded, and after a lingering kiss, despite Cat’s aversion to morning breath, Bruce let her go. The shower was hot enough to wash away some of the pain from his shoulder and upper back, and after washing up, he carefully redressed the bandage on his thigh, then pulled on a pair of old jeans and a tee shirt. It was Saturday, thankfully, so Bruce didn’t have to worry about a suit, and making his way down the stairs, he was glad to see visitors…especially these visitors.
Four years…four years, he’s been gone now. His heart twinged, but Bruce didn’t have to hold up a mask around Dick, who hugged him tight as soon as his first Robin saw him, nor around Barb, who he knelt to hug as well. Steph looked a little lost, a little nervous to be here, and Bruce hugged her too, whispering thanks to her as he’d done to the rest, and if Steph hugged his waist a little harder, her voice a little thick…well, Bruce wasn’t going to tell.
“Father, Alfred the cat is most worried about you.” Bruce paused as he set Steph back on her feet, turning to face Damian, who was holding his purring tuxedo cat and looking concerned…and Bruce couldn’t help the tiny, choked sob, because Damian looked so much like Jason at that age, his whole being focused on “comfort father”.
“So I see. May I hold him?” Damian nodded, and Bruce gently took the cat, smiling as Alfred bumped noses with him and settled on his shoulder, purring deeper still. “Thank you, Damian…”
“This is an auspicious day; we need all the comfort we can receive…” He murmured, and Bruce hugged his youngest tight, tears spilling over now…and Damian hugged him back, clinging to him tight.
“That’s…that’s true…c’mon everyone, we better get into the kitchen before Alfred the butler and Selina yell at us.” He murmured, and Dick chuckled while Barb smiled and took the lead. Damian pulled away from the hug, but not from Bruce, and they walked in hand in hand, taking comfort from one another. Jason’s photo, the last one taken two weeks before he died, was sitting on the counter, as always, with a candle lit…and the new addition of a tin can with the label meticulously soaked off, full of dandelions, and Bruce paused by it, lips twitching up in a fond smile.
“Master Bruce, I hope you don’t mind…I wanted…well…I remember Jason making those bouquets for us when he was a child…” Alfred murmured, and Bruce just pulled him into a hug, tears running hot down his cheeks now.
“I can’t think of a better thing…It’s perfect. Best bunch of flowers that’s ever entered this house.” They all shared a laugh at that, though Selina, Steph, and Damian looked a little confused, and it was Dick who explained, his voice warm and fond as he remembered all the times Jason would prowl the Wayne grounds, plucking dandelions and purple clovers, filling an old coffee can or tin can full to the brim and bringing them back to the house to share, his smile bright and happy.
“…At first, we offered him the flowers from the garden, and Jason just shook his head, looking scared, and said that he got in trouble for pulling those. No one cared about the wildflowers.”
“Oh, what a sweetheart…” Selina breathed, and Bruce and Alfred settled at the table at last, which prompted Dick to pass them the plate of pancakes and motion to fill up.
“He really was…c’mon, let’s eat, best way to remember our boy.”
“Here here! And whatever we do, avoid Buzzfeed today.” Barb raised her OJ in a toast, and Bruce closed his eyes with a sigh.
“God, I hate Buzzfeed…”
“Same here, old man. Same here.”
Six months I’ve been back, and not a Bat to bother me. Jason settled in for a quiet Saturday morning, and ignored cable for a change; he knew what was going to be all over the news today, and he, for one, didn’t want to hear yet another poignant portrayal of his death. At least Bruce wouldn’t be out in public today; he’d learned that from running through the old news stories from the last few years, and frankly, Jason was grateful for it. It…meant that Bruce at least care enough to mourn him. Even if the goddamn Joker is still alive…
He sighed, and pushed away the anger he still felt at that fact, and pulled out his guns, then pulled up YouTube on his TV. He scrolled through his usual recommended list, feeling…restless and a little out of his element; it was the first death day he’d spent back in Gotham, and his normal goofy favorites just…weren’t going to cut it. Then he saw the one video he didn’t expect to see.
Buzzfeed Unsolved: Jason Todd, Wayne or Robin?
A grin split his face.
“Well, I’ll be damned.”
“Welcome to Buzzfeed Unsolved. I’m Ryan Bergera, and this is Shane Madej. Today, we are covering the mysterious deaths of two important people in the deadly metropolis that is Gotham City…or are we?”
“Wait, what?”
“Jason Todd Wayne, the adopted son of billionaire Bruce Wayne, and the second Boy Wonder, Robin, both of whom disappeared the same day, April 27th…and have never been heard from again.”
“Ryan, you said it was one murder!”
“And therein lays our mystery, because the more you hear details of the case, the more you wonder if these two boys were really the same person.”
“Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh…I smell a conspiracy!”
“Shane, you smell lunch.”
“And a conspiracy! C’mon, out with details, gimme something, Bergera.”
“Hold your freakin’ horses, dude, lemme go over things…” Jason watched with unconcealed delight as he disassembled his pistol, cleaning each part as Ryan laid out the admittedly sparse facts of the case; of course, Jason knew the truth, but he was frankly somewhat impressed with the story that Bruce and Alfred had concocted. Of course, they couldn’t say the Joker beat him to death with a crowbar and blew up a building on him ( and even Bruce couldn’t have guessed that Talia al Ghul had stolen his corpse from the morgue, gave them an equally beaten dead kid to bury, and dumped his ass in the Lazarus Pit). But the story of Jason being killed as a hit out on the Wayne family was all too likely.
Batman had a lot of enemies.
Bruce Wayne had a lot more.
“No one was ever charged for Jason’s murder…here’s the last video of the press conference where Bruce explains things.”
“…Jesus, he’s barely keeping it together…I know he’s a billionaire, but he’s got a lot of heart…poor guy…”
“Yeah…I know we tend to fuck around on this channel, but…this kid died. Pretty badly, from what the evidence shows.”
“Man…so, you said there were theories, right?”
“Yeah, and they only get worse from here.”
“Well, we started the program with a dead kid; can’t get any worse than that.” Jason paused the video and just…stared at Bruce’s face, the tears on his cheeks, his exhausted appearance…and sighed a little.
“Sorry Dad…”
“Theory number one: Dick Grayson killed Jason Todd out of jealousy. It was rumored that the brothers didn't get along and Dick and his father didn't have a good relationship when Jason came to the household.” Jason’s eyes narrowed at that one; whoever thought up that crock of shit had another thing coming. Sure, he and Dick had bickered like brothers, but at the end of the day, Dick was his brother from another mother. Even now, even with everything that had happened…Jason missed those hugs something fierce.
“I mean, that’s a pretty cut and dry one…”
“So it would seem…but if you look at the interviews, there’s nothing in Dick’s demeanor that shows any resentment or anger. And both Jason and Dick were orphaned at early ages and adopted by Bruce, so…”
“Yeah, I dunno. It’s cut and dry, but…at the same time, it doesn’t really make sense.”
“Especially given that Dick every year celebrates Jason’s birthday; I mean, killers can be weird, we know that from the last several seasons, but…I dunno. It doesn’t really fit.”
“Probably some asshole detective looking to close it up.”
“On to number two!”
“Bruce Wayne killed Jason Todd. This was, actually, the first big conspiracy theory to hit the web. Thankfully, it quickly died when people saw just how devastated Bruce was for months after his death, but apparently there are still some trolls on public forums who accuse Bruce Wayne of killing his son.”
“…That’s utter bullshit. Fuckers.”
“Right there with ya, buddy. Right there with ya. Onto three?”
“Jason isn't dead, because of sightings of a homeless boy who wandered all around Crime Alley and looked exactly like Jason Todd. He was completely battered and bruised and suddenly disappeared after a year in the streets, likely due to a trafficking ring.” Jason raised an eyebrow at that, and turned his AK, Shane and Ryan’s incredulousness a comfort. He wasn’t sure why he was still watching this, but…it was kinda nice. Nice to have people be pissed off for his sake.
“Jesus Christ, Gotham, y’all are so dark.”
“May be why their superhero is Batman, dude.”
“STILL. Could this one have some merit, though, since he was an orphan?”
“This one is one of the strongest theories to date, because Jason was from a place called the Narrows, not far from Crime Alley, and according to Wayne Enterprises official documentation in their family museum, Jason had had issues with drugs and abuse, though to what extent, only the family knows. It’s a pretty ugly idea, but…it’s possible.”
“I think I’d rather be dead, Ryan, than go through that.”
“Same. Same…”
“Now. We move onto the disappearance of the second Robin, who vanished the same day that Jason Todd supposedly died. Possible theories of the disappearance of the second boy wonder—”
“Ryan. Ryan. Buddy. Champ. Are you implying, really, that Jason and Robin are the same kid?!”
“I’m just reading the script!”
“You wrote the script!”
“…I may be implying that they’re the same, yes.”
“You don’t know shit.” Jason started laughing, and paused to get himself a fresh beer, ordering pizza while he was at it. Alright, this wasn’t so bad after all…
“He is hiding. Some say he hid from Batman, and some say Batman is hiding him from others. They don't know what, though. Some even say he quit the job.”
“Alright, I’ll bite, who’s ‘some’.”
“Paparazzi, conspiracy theorists, Alex Jones, etc…”
“Ah yes. The enlightened crowd.”
“Pftt…This is the weakest one, so we’ll go ahead and lay out the second theory while we’re at it. The second Robin died. After Robin stopped appearing with batman for an entire year, the same time Jason Todd died. This used to be a widely spread theory, until people realized maybe talking about the death of a boy in a terrorist attack for a conspiracy theory after his father broke down in public isn't the nicest thing to do.”
“And this is your theory.”
“This…is the strongest one I think, and the one that has the most emotional punch. But let’s be real; if the second Robin was indeed Jason Todd, then his Batman HAS to be Bruce Wayne. And c’mon. We’ve all seen the nightmare surrounding THAT theory.”
“Uh, yeah. No thanks, I do not ever need to write another “But the butts don’t match” article ever again in my life.” Jason snorted at that, cracking up laughing, and when he googled “The Butts don’t match”, he had to pause his boys because the ensuing hyena laugh had him flat on his back for ten minutes, absolutely losing his shit.
“Oh Christ, I love the internet…”
“Next theory. He’s a kid, he took a break from vigilante-ing to do something else.”
“Now see, I like this one; that’s like, the most wholesome version. I hope this is the real one, but…”
“I know, man. I know.”
“Almost there. Some people believe the second and the third Robin are the same, although many people disagree, considering witness reports that they looked very different, and the Robins were very distinctive in their fighting style and personalities.” Jason snorted at that, shoveling a slice of pizza into his gullet, and even the boys were looking a bit annoyed at that theory, Shane more than Ryan.
“How the hell do they know about fighting styles?!”
“Gotham City Police.”
“Oh. Well, that makes sense now.”
“Also, apparently Commissioner Gordon likes the third Robin more, which tells me they’re definitely not the same.”
“Yeah, if anyone other than Batman would know, he would. What’s next?”
“This one is kinda great, but also a bit outrageous.”
“Ooooh, juicy. Spill the beans, Bergera!”
“Some even believe that the second Robin is now the infamous Red Hood. Gothamites have been known to try to stalk the dude but it's never successful, and supposedly, even the Batfam won’t bother him.”
“I mean, that’s a cool story, but how true is it?”
“Considering the guy wears a red freakin’ helmet with eyeholes and no mouth, who knows how true it is?”
“Still a nicer story than the butts. And hey, Red Hood is pretty chill, man, I think he’s probably the best thing to hit Gotham in years.”
“You’re a Hoodie!”
“The fuck is a ‘Hoodie?”
“Red Hood groupie.”
“Uh, hell no, I just think he’s cool.”
“Uh huh…Well, folks, that ties up our deep dive into the murder of Jason Todd, and the disappearance of the second Robin. To date, this case remains…Unsolved.” As the quiet music that ushered in the ending screen and credits, Jason sat back, working his second slice of pizza, and chuckled a little to himself. If only they knew…well. His people knew who he was; old man Falcone figured it out the second day Jason had been home. The Narrows had welcomed their boy back…And they weren’t gonna tell anyone. They didn’t trust Gothamites, they didn’t trust the Bats…which was why Jason had carved out his place here again, with gunfire and brutal justice. They trusted him.
He turned YouTube over to something mindless, and padded over to the window, feeling the sunshine, weak though it was, break through the clouds and warm his skin. Jason leaned against the familiar brick, and opened the window, letting in a rush of cool air, reminiscent of spring.
It was good to be home.
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themidnight-ghost · 3 years
I should tell you
“Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the wee donkey, are you dating Joanne Davidson?”
“Boss, I honestly don’t see an issue...” Kate trailed off as Ted massaged his temples.
“You don’t see an issue? She swears at her superiors, has affairs with her staff, shot an officer twice in the chest, set up a plot to kill you and replied with ‘no comment’ to almost every bloody question.”
The euphoria Kate Fleming felt around Joanne Davidson was extravagant. Even now, when they lie in bed together trying to come down from their high, Kate still felt energised. The DI rolled over to face her girlfriend, with the bedsheets pulled up to her neck and subtly smiled.
Kate ran her left hand through Jo’s hair and cupped her cheek with the other, “Morning, boss.”
Jo opened her eyes and grinned when she met Kate’s, “You don’t have to keep calling me that.”
“I want to,” Kate replied honestly.
“You look beautiful, by the way.” Jo simply said as she moved forward to kiss her girlfriend tenderly. No one would have expected that Kate Fleming and Jo Davidson would become a thing. Especially after Jo’s arrest. Heck, they didn’t even know if Jo would survive prison! Jo paused their kiss, and Kate looked unexpectedly at the DI, “You should probably tell Steve and Ted.”
The moment was ruined.
Kate tensed as she sat up, pulling the duvet with her and laughing when she pulled too hard, so Jo was left bare, “What?”
“I said-'' Davidson smirked as she deliberately rolled onto Kate’s chest, making her blush, “You should tell Steve and Ted. You may not be related, but they’re your friends.”
“What if I don’t want to tell Steve?” Kate challenged with a whisper, not looking away from Jo's eyes.
“You can look at my tits, Kate. I don't mind.”
“JO!” Kate profusely blushed and shoved her ex-boss to the side,
Jo snickered and leant back into the DI for a cuddle, “It isn’t like you haven’t seen them before.”
“But seriously,” Kate hummed when she went back to being serious, “Steve will support it; I know he will. But Ted? I don’t want to tell. He might not like it.”
“But he threw confetti at that proposing gay couple?”
“That’s different. Not only am I his colleague, but I’m also dating a woman who committed multiple offences to the law and it’ll be awkward, especially in a work setting.”
“Yeah, I still feel a little guilty for that,” Jo confessed.
“You shouldn’t. It was shitty, but you did it because Pilkinton had a gun to your head and somehow made things right, but,” Kate hesitated and wrapped an arm around Jo’s torso, “that still doesn’t change what happened.”
“Steve’s your best friend, and from what I can tell, you’ve known Ted for a good while.” Jo gently kissed Kate’s jaw before shuffling away, allowing the DI to go downstairs.
“I might.” Kate smiled as she grabbed her underwear and a towel from the floor, “I love you.”
“I love you too, Kate.”
Both women had been dating for a significant amount of time. Their story started when Jo broke up with Farida, and the two started getting close. After that, there had been a series of unofficial dates, secret glances, handholding, confessions and a memorable car getaway. Kate was embarrassed that it took her so long to come to terms with her feelings.
The night when Kate shot Pilkinton was definitely memorable but for all the wrong reasons. Kate couldn’t care less that she’d shot an officer; the only thing she cared about was saving Jo and getting them far away from town. She was looking forward to a life of peace without bent coppers lurking around corners and getting married to the woman she loved. That being said, Kate didn’t confess her love until Jo was in prison.
Finally arriving at work, Kate scanned her ID and headed straight for Ted’s office.
“Morning, Kate.” Hastings didn’t look up from his computer.
Tapping her on the shoulder, Steve approached with two cups of coffee from behind, “The Gaffer thinks he’s found something worth looking at.”
Kate raised an eyebrow, “Oh yeah? What’s it relating to?”
“Our friend, Jo Davidson.”
Kate’s heart dropped to the floor. Was it bad? Who was she kidding? Of course, it was going to be bad.
“I don’t want to make any sudden moves,” Ted admired his coffee, “Let’s just wait it out.”
Steve knew that Kate had some sort of soft spot for Jo. He didn’t know the details of their relationship but was aware they were close,
“Has she mentioned anything to you since she was released?”
Kate shook her head.
“Strange.” Hastings began, “I was quite hoping we’d seen the last of her. The poor girl’s been through enough as it is.”
Kate picked her fingernails, and her stomach churned over, “Can I confess something?”
“Of course…” Hastings folded his arms and leaned across the desk, gesturing for Kate to take a seat.
“Do you want me out?” DI Arnott hesitated.
“It’s alright, Steve. I need to tell both of you anyway.”
“I’ve been seeing someone,” A beat, “romantically.”
The confession slipped out, and jumping the first hurdle was surprisingly easy, but unfortunately, it wasn’t as straightforward as that.
The Gaffer corrected his posture, and Steve cocked his head, “Oh? For how long?”
“About 4 months.”
Steve looked slightly hurt, “And you never told me?”
“I didn’t think it was necessary,” Kate replied sheepishly.
Steve and Ted weren’t blood-related, but Kate still viewed them as her family. One of Kate’s strongest memories was when Steve slept on her sofa bed every night after her husband left.
“What’s his name?”
Another hurdle appeared that Kate had to somehow jump over - the gay hurdle. Until she met Jo, Kate never imagined herself to be bisexual. The haircut had always been misleading until now.
“He’s a she.” Kate wouldn’t say she was scared of her boss, but she certainly valued his approval and Catholic beliefs.
Ted paused to think this over before leaning back in his chair, closing his eyes, and smiling. The smile grew, and a flower of hope blossomed in the DI’s chest. Steve was grinning at both reactions and patted Kate reassuringly on the shoulder.
“I’m happy you felt comfortable enough to tell us,” Steve spoke for them.
“Does this mean you’re okay with this?” Kate didn’t know why she needed an answer, but she would feel even better with confirmation.
“It’s your life, of course, we are! Now, who is she?”
“Okay, okay”, Kate could burst with excitement! Even though they didn’t know it was Jo, Kate could still describe her lover in perfect detail. “She has short, dark brown hair, which has a subtle wave at the end. She is pretty pale, so in the sun, her freckles come out, but you won’t see them unless you’re super close! Her cheeks are always red because she is somehow always blushing!” Kate continued to gush, “Her eyes are brown, and her favourite colour is blue! She was also a police officer-”
“You told them yet?” Jo Davidson leaned in the doorway with a giant grin plastered on her face, “or are you just going to keep describing my facial features?”
Jo stopped as she realised what she’d said.
Kate looked between Jo, Steve and Ted. She loved her ex-boss, but she really needs to learn to read a situation.
Steve and Ted simultaneously looked between Kate and Jo. Their brains slowly put the puzzle together in an organised fashion. The hair, the skin, the blush, the eyes and finally, the favourite colour.
The history hurdle.
The grinding of Ted’s chair against the floor wasn’t enough to pierce the tension between the group. Kate ushered her girlfriend into the office, closing the door, taking her hand and cautiously walking over to Steve and Ted.
“Jo, this is Steve. Steve, this is Jo.” Kate introduced them, and Jo waved shily. “Jo, this is Ted, Ted this is-”
“I know who Jo Davidson is.” Ted’s voice was a deadly monotone. “How did you even get in?”
“I walked through the door.” The awkwardness had obviously got to the former SIO, who proceeded to bite her lip as she glanced around the room, eyeing the wall with great curiosity.
“Davidson.” Jo’s head snapped back to the situation as Hastings addressed her. “Are you dating one of my officers?”
“Well-” Jo didn’t know what to say, and thankfully, Ted didn’t want to hear it.
“Katherine Laura Fleming.” Kate flinched at the use of her full name.
“Your middle name is Laura?” Jo tentatively asked before Ted shut her off. “Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the wee donkey, are you dating Joanne Davidson?”
“Boss, I honestly don’t see an issue...” Kate trailed off as the Gaffer rubbed the bridge of his nose.
“You don’t see an issue?” Ted tried hard to keep his composure, “She swears at her superiors, has affairs with her staff, shot an officer twice in the chest, set up a plot to kill you and replied with ‘no comment’ to almost every bloody question.”
“She also commanded multiple armed officers, is super observant, tactically agile, Scottish and be honest: we all know I was the one who shot Ryan Pilkinton.”
Steve sniggered. “I just can’t believe you both.”
“After everything, she's done? I don’t know if I should be impressed or appalled.” Ted corrected.
“You’re not mad?” Kate pushed,
“I'm not mad, but I’m seriously debating whether I should fire you for stupidity. You said it’s been going on for 2 or 3 months, but when did it even start?”
“Jo and I have been shagging on the sly for months.” Jo snickered at Kate’s comment, “But for me, it started in the getaway car and when Jo went to prison. I always felt different about her, but it only hit me when I thought I’d lose her for good.”
Kate’s sentence pulled on Jo’s heartstrings as she remembered the recent events. Throughout her short time in prison and working on Operation Lighthouse, Kate had been her friend and colleague. She cared for Jo more than anyone else in her life and Kate was the only person to make an effort and ask about her day. Overwhelmed, the smaller woman buried her head in Kate’s shoulder, forgetting all about the angry Ted Hastings. Kate kissed Jo’s forehead and smiled fondly down at her.
Both Steve and Ted thought they knew exactly how Jo Davidson worked, especially after interviewing Farida they pictured her as a manipulative, self-centred psychopath. The recent interview didn’t exactly change their opinions either. But this was different. It wasn’t normal for anyone to see Jo vulnerable, but it looked easy when she was with Kate. Jo relaxed, her shoulders dropped, breathing steady, eyes shut with a gentle smile. And in the years Steve had known Kate, he had never seen her blush as much as she did now or look at someone with so much compassion and… love?
“Just so you know, we don’t care that you’re gay, mate. And we shouldn’t care who you date either. I think it was just a shock for Hastings here.” Steve patted his boss on the back.
“It was a shock to me too.” Jo finally addressed the room, “I thought I was done. Mentally, physically and romantically.”
“I should apologise for my words,” Ted replied sheepishly, “I have nothing against anyone, but as you can tell, I’m still a little prickly.”
Jo awkwardly picked down the skin on her fingers, “I don’t blame you, sir.” It was still a little awkward between the trio, and Ted was determined to settle things, “I didn’t get a chance to mention it, but I’m impressed with your knowledge of the law, especially in that interview.”
Kate proudly squeezed Jo’s arm, “Thank you.”
“Unfortunately,” Ted continued, “I can’t let you back on the force-”
“Oh, don’t worry about that: I’m done with police work altogether.” Jo looked fondly at Kate, “I just want to focus on my life and what I have left.”
“Wise words.” Steve nodded, “Can I get anyone another coffee?”
“Tea, please.”
“Same here.”
Steve headed towards the door, gesturing Kate to follow.
“Is it wise to leave them there alone?” Kate jogged after her colleague.
Steve grinned, “Let them talk about rules for a while; I’d rather know all about this new development!” he playfully nudged Kate’s arm and jumped for joy when they were at the coffee machine and out of sight.
“You gonna calm down now?” Kate chucked before looking serious, “By the way, what did you find out about Jo? Should I be worried?”
“Go no! There was a small break in around your apartment. We checked the security cameras and noticed Jo Davidson walking past and holding hands with…” Steve dragged out the answer before pointing to DI Fleming, “you.” Kate turned pale as Steve continued, “I had my suspicions, and we intended to mention it today, see if we could get a reaction. Guess I didn’t even have to try, mate.”
☁️ First ever Flemson fic, fist time watching Line of Duty - that ending was NOT IT (expect a 4000 word alternate ending fic soon) if you read this, thank you x ☁️
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ciggylungz · 4 years
Summer bummer pt.2
y/n x harry pairing
summary- y/n and Harry are part of a cast of a reality show called ‘summer bummer’ that’s a uk version of the jersey shore and things are chaotic
pnot proofread, not sure if its any good pt.2
_3.9k words
 Waking up smooshed between a warm body and a hard wooden wall was what Y/n was currently experiencing, but soon the pounding headache and nausea took the front seat in her brain as she let out a low groan shifting in the hold of the man beside her as she sat up rubbing her eyes, mascara from the night before flaking onto her fist getting another irritated groan to bubble in her throat.
“quiet, try’n sleep here” Harry mumbled and turned over as she climbed out of his bed yawning and stumbling to the bathroom, peeing and taking off her messy makeup from the night before, taking a quick shower and going back upstairs to her shared room to change into some comfy shorts and a big sweatshirt pulling the hood over her damp hair to help block the brightness that’s making her head pound like a drum.
Y/n made her way into the confessional room, sitting on the couch in front of the green screen and turning on the camera the producers had there for them to do their periodic self interviews.
“so it’s like noon, I just woke up and I realized ‘holy shit, im in bed with Harry’…” she made a point to tilt her head and widen her eyes at the camera showing her bit of shock at the situation. “I was blackout wasted last night, the last thing I remember was dancing and making out with him so I’m gonna wait till he’s up to ask if we did the deed or not because I don’t remember, god first day in the house and I’m already blacking out.” She paused to laugh at herself a little before continuing, “ugh, we’ll see. My moms gonna kill me when she see this episode_- fuck_”
She sighed as she turned off the camera and went back out into the living room where some of her roommates were, all of them sleepy and hungover chatting to themselves but Y/n raised an eyebrow when she noticed Tommy give her a side eye and stop talking when she walked into the room, the camera men that were in the house filming panning their cameras between the two young adults.
“what? Why are you looking at me like that?” she didn’t waste any time in brining attention to his behavior, not in the mood for the pricks little attitude problem getting a scoff and a snarky little turn of his lips as he waved her off like a dog, and Y/n was having none of it. She stood up straighter, squaring her shoulders and pointing at the man. “Obviously you have a fucking problem so say it, fuck are you acting like a little bitch for? Thought you were a fucking tough guy.” She wasn’t scared of that guy In the slightest, he had the most punch worthy face she’s ever seen and god was he making the urge more prominent with every move of his ugly face.
“shut the fuck up bitch, you talk too fucking much. You talked shit about me at the club last night, probably just mad because I was making out with other girls and not giving your ugly ass any fucking attention you stupid bitch.” He glared at her giving her a disrespectful little smile and every other person in the room was now staring at the pair, engaged and waiting on the edge of their seats for what was gonna happen next.
Y/n couldn’t stop the laugh that came from her mouth, looking at Tommy like he was the stupidest person on the planet, because right now he sure did fit the description. “You’re joking right? I was saying how I felt sorry for those girls because you’re such a piece of shit wanker. You hit on me from the moment I walked in this house and pouty like a fucking baby when I told you to fuck off after dinner, it was on camera you prick. I’m perfectly content having you and your non existent lips far away from me.”
She was annoyed, but also amused. This guy had no fucking clue how much everyone already hated him and she loved it. He stayed silent for a minute and she took the chance to get closer to him pointing her finger right in his face, making eye contact with him, “watch who the fuck you call a bitch around here Tommy because I’ll punch you right in your smug fucking mouth, lets see how much of a tough guy you are when you get your teeth knocked in by a fucking girl.”
At this point Ryan was up off the couch and making his way between the two when he saw both of them getting even more agitated, Tom standing up and Y/n refusing to back down as he tried to intimidate her.
“alright guys, chill out. Drop it, it’s not a big deal don’t fight over stupid shit like this.” Ryan stuck his arm between them Tommy trying to push it away while Y/n started to tie up her hair yelling back and fourth with him as Ryan tried to keep them apart. “what you gonna fucking hit me Tom? Huh? You gonna hit a girl? Makes sense, you’re a pussy and act so tough till you’re throwing a tantrum when you don’t get your way. Gonna go cry to mommy because I didn’t want anything to do with you or your 2 inch dick?”
This comment of course got the reaction she was hoping, his face grew red and his body tensed just making her smirk more. “the fuck did you just say to me?” he was pissed, and Y/n was loving how she got him so mad over her comment, that’s how she knew she struck a nerve because it was definitely true. She even got some laughs from the roommates who were sitting around watching the show. Ryan turned so his left arm and part of his body was between them, looking at Tommy raising an eyebrow at him. “Watch it mate, you’re on thin ice. Lay a hand on a female in this house and you’ll never get to walk this earth again.”
Tommy clenched his jaw flickering his eyes between Ryan and Y/n like an angry child who didn’t get their way, and god was Y/n loving how he’s embarrassing himself and he doesn’t even realize it.
The pair continued to argue back and fourth, him trying to insult her and her pushing his buttons – (because lets face it, he was too damn easy)- and in the midst of it Harry decided to emerge from his room, hair a mess and all sleepy. His tattoos were on full display as his shirtless body started advancing towards the arguing duo. Y/n gasped when Harry pushed her back a bit to get right in Toms face using his large body to completely cover Y/n’s as he looked down at Tommy with stone cold eyes.
“Mate I suggest you fucking keep it moving because I’m not gonna put up with you being disrespectful to anyone in this house, let alone a younger girl who didn’t do anything to you. I won’t let her fight you, but I sure as hell have no problem pounding your face in. Step off before I make you, I promise you that you don’t want that.”
Harry’s tone was serious, his muscles were taunt and flexed as he towered over the other man. Tommy of course tried to play it off and muttered a ‘whatever asshole’ as he sulked off to his room, but everyone in there knew he was almost shitting his pants from how afraid he was of Harry.
Everyone took a second to take everything in before they really spoke. Ryan gave Harry a pat on the back, “Thanks mate, dudes a proper prick. And Y/n, you’re a bad ass fuckin’ girl, that was crazy!” he chuckled and shook his head, plopping down on the couch again as Harry turned to the girl raising and eyebrow as he looked down at her. “try to not get yourself involved in any more trouble, at least until I’ve had some fucking coffee. Was sleeping love, bit rude to wake me up for a brawl.”
Y/n laughed a little and pushed his chest, “Hey! I didn’t wake you up, I could have taken him I didn’t need you to jump in.” she put her hands on her hips and gave him a sassy little face, the man laughing in return. “ ‘m sure you could have, babbled last night about how you’re brothers taught you boxing growing up, but if that kid was to try to fight you I’d go down for a murder charge. Me mum taught me to respect women and women beaters aren’t in my good graces. Now you, miss thang need to keep your ass out of problems.”
Harry gave her the stern bossy eyes and she caved, nodding her head and pouting a little as he went into the kitchen and grabbed himself a Gatorade and some crackers nodding his head to the deck door,           “ ‘cmere rocky, need to talk to you.” Harry teased her with the name, getting laughs from everyone including her as she walked out on the deck with him sitting down on one of the couches as he fed himself.
“need to talk to you about last night.” He mumbled through a mouthful of sports drink getting a nod from Y/n as she tried her best to ignore the camera getting a little too close for comfort. “Wanted to ask you about it too, was waiting till you got up..i’m just gonna ask, did we bang?” she twisted her stray hairs around her pointer finger as she asked, slightly nervous for the answer.
Harry shook his head laughing a little bit to himself. “Nope, told you I wasn’t gonna do anything when you were drunk unless I talked to sober you about it first. Plus, love if we would have fucked you would still feel me. wouldn’t have to ask because your trouble walking would answer that question for you sweetheart.” Harry wore a slight smirk on his lips as he said it, watching the younger girl roll her eyes and lick over her lips. “god you’re such a boy.”
“No, sweetheart. I’m a man, a gentlemen actually. Not like the little boys where you’re from, I’m a grown man love and I’m cocky because I know I have the skills to back it up. Maybe you’ll get lucky to experience that yourself sometimes little girl.”
Y/n was a bit in shock. She was turned on, overwhelmed and a little bit offended by his attitude but god if she wasn’t turned on. “Oh my god. I can’t, guys are too much for me right now. I might have to take up Selena’s offer and become a lesbian over summer because you guys are stressing me out!”
Y/n smacked his arm playfully and Harry grabbed her wrist, pulling her hand to his mouth and kissing her knuckled. “Yea, let’s see how long that lasts since last night you were almost In tears any time I broke the kiss to open the damn door. You’ll be knocking at my door by the end of the week guarantee it.”
“Ok mister confidence, shut up.” Y/n covered her face with her hands to hide her smile and growing blush, both of them just talking about the night before until the camera crew left for a while before they were going to go out that night.
“hey Harry?” Y/n stood in his doorway, calling out his name as he rummaged through his suitcase to find whatever he was looking for. “Whatsup love?” he peered at her for a second to let her know he was listening before going back to what he was doing “about what you said, sober me says if neither of us come home with someone we can fool around a bit, you have my permission. Just know I fully plan on bringing someone home tonight and I already called the spare room. I wanna start my summer off with good booze and an orgasm.”
Harry let out a little snort, pulling the brush he was looking for out of his bag and turning to Y/n, “I’ll keep that in mind, good luck with your plans tonight, I hope you get your wish and don’t end up with some dude who doesn’t know where the clit is.”
Y/n rolled her eyes, “Don’t speak that into existence asshole, if he fails me I’ll just do it the old fashion way.” This got the mans attention and his eyes to meet hers, “Old fashion way?” he rubbed his stubbly chin a bit, moving the brush between his right and left hand, “yea, just masturbate in the shower or whatever. I brought some tools that could lend a helping hand in that. I’ll make do.”
Harry had to stop himself from groaning. His mind flashed with images of her in the shower using toys on herself, biting a wash cloth to keep quiet since everyone’s here. He was able to collect himself after a few seconds and give her a playful smile nodding “sounds like a plan love, now get out of here it’s time to get ready.”
The music was blaring and the booze running through Y/n’s system made it ten times better, she was dancing- not caring about anything as she danced on this nice looking guy she met and who she decided she was gonna bring back that night and occupy the spare room she’d already called. He was tall, dark hair, tan just a typical good looking guy and the vodka helped make him look more attractive. She just hoped that he could give her what she so desperately needed. A good fucking.
“ ‘cmon, lets go now so we have extra time before my roommates get back, I wanna play.”
Little else was said between the two as they darted out of the club and back to the shared house, clothes coming off quickly as they got up the steps and now she’s panting, groping her tits while the stranger who she can’t remember the name of is tongue deep in her cunt. He’s average at giving head, but she’s desperate and so horny she doesn’t care.
Her hips rock against his mouth as he brings her right to the edge before stopping, Y/n let out a loud protest at this feeling the coil that was forming in her stomach and about to come undone fade.
“what the hell?!” she was pissed, and between her legs was aching at this point from needing attention. “I’m sorry, mouth got tired and I wanna fuck you now..” the man slipped his shirt off while Y/n laid under him, irritated but hopeful his cock can give her the relief she really needs.
But just her luck, it doesn’t. He lasts 5 minutes before he’s cumming into the condom and panting leaving Y/n angry and horribly deprived, and so she wasted no time in kicking him out and storming into her room, grabbing her black vibrator she had brought and marching to the bathroom turning the shower on getting it nice and arm before she stepped in.
Y/n had her head resting against the tile as she sat on the shower floor, legs spread and vibrator rubbing up and down her needy slit while her free hand was plunging 2 fingers in and out of herself. She always loved being fingered, but she wishes her fingers were just a bit longer as she worked herself letting herself be loud since no one else was in the house, but she just couldn’t reach the spot she needed to. It was so close yet so far, and she was so upset she was almost close to tears.
She was in the middle of a fit of cursing everyone in existence when a knock on the bathroom door made her jump, her heart almost burst from surprise and now she was wondering how long she’s been in here since her roommates weren’t coming back till at least 6 am.
“Can I come in? it gotta pee” the voice on the other side of the door asked loudly so she could hear them over the water, and when she realized it was Harry she yelled out an agreement, as soon as he opened the door she peaked her head around from behind the curtain to look at him while still shielding her body.
Harry chuckled a little bit and gave her a funny look, “Can I take a leak in private please?”. Y/n groaned and stomped her foot on the shower floor like a child. “Fine! Please pee and then get in the shower with me, I’m so horny it literally hurts and that guy lasted 5 minutes and I swear to god if I don’t get to cum I’m going to cry please!”
Harry stared at her for a moment, letting her words sink in pushing his hair off his face and shrugging. “what do you want me to do love?” he could see just how desperate she was, eyes close to tears, lip stuck between her teeth and he felt both bad for her but also so fucking turned on.
“Anything, please finger me? play with me? please I need it my fingers aren’t long enough and you said you’d play with me, I’m not even that drunk please Harry.”
Y/n didn’t care about the cameras in the hall that were probably picking up the audio, or how desperate and crazy she sounded, she needed his touch.
“Okay..Okay doll relax, let me do what I need to do and then I’ll join you alright?”
Y/n nodded and moved back behind the curtain, she took her original place sitting on the cool tile floor of spacious shower as he went to the bathroom before stripping down to his boxers and pulling the curtain back seeing the younger girl naked, legs spread a bit giving him a glimpse of how swollen and flushed between her legs was letting him know she was probably a bit too rough on herself when she got frustrated, which only made her problem worse.
Her tits sat perky on her chest, her nipples pebbled with water droplets running down over them before dripping off onto her thighs. Harry let out a low groan at the sight, “Have m’ boxers on just because I’m not gonna fuck ya’ , honestly don’t think I even can because I got whiskey dick right now. Need to lay off the booze so I can take care of you properly next time. Cmon, stand up sweetheart.”
Harry held his hand out to the girl who took it, standing on wobbly legs as he stepped in the shower with her, skin tight black boxers covering his goods which disappointed her a bit but she couldn’t care too much since there was so much else going on.
His big hands ran up and down her back, thumbs digging into the dimples right at the base of her spine as he pulled her closer to him, kissing down her neck, mumbling into her skin about how pretty she is, and promising he’s going to make her feel better.
“Pussy is all swollen doll, gotta be careful. Don’t want you to hurt yourself just ‘cause you get frustrated, that’s no fun…” His voice was deep, slow and made her stomach tense from how it vibrated through her getting a whimper and tug on his wet matted locks.
“Talk to me darling..tell me what you want, tell me what you need baby” his fingers were trailing downward, squeezing her ass and brushing his finger tips on the backs on her thighs. “need you to touch me, please put your fingers in me I need it”
Her voice was pathetic and she knew it, she was needy to the highest capacity and almost let a ‘daddy’ slip through her lips but she managed to bite her tongue just in time. Harry hummed as he brough his right hand around her front, moving it between her thighs and coaxing them open wider while he brushed two digits up and down her slit, mouthing at her neck while he gets a feel for her exterior, taking the vibrator from her hand and setting it down on the rack holding their shampoos and soaps while he tapped the pad of his middle finger against her entrance before sinking it in.
Her reaction was immediate. She dropped her head onto his shoulder, a long relieved moan falling from her plush lips as he slipped a second one in with ease from how eager her body was. “Got t’ give me a minute to find tha’ special spot love, deep breaths don’t need ya’ passing out on me.” Harry was on a mission to find that spongey spot inside her that would have her cumming in no time, and Y/n was practically riding his fingers as she stood in his grip, her body going rigid when he pressed against the spot she needed the most attention on, mumbling a low “found it” as he pressed on it again, rubbing over it as he fucked his fingers in and out of the younger girl who was holding onto him for dear life as he massaged her G-spot with vigor.
“There you go, that’s a good girl Y/n you’re doin’ so good love, know you’re close can cum whenever you feel it. Know you need it baby, let go.”
Y/n could barely hear him as her body started to tingle, everything was muffled and her mind was hyper focused on the pleasure pulsing through her core. She was gearing up for a strong one, she hasn’t had one quite this big since the winter when she had a 4 week dry spell and finally got some action the day after Christmas, she soaked through the poor dudes sheets that night.
Her moans and gasps picked up, frequent bursts of pleasured moans passed her lips as she started to pant her nails digging into his tattooed shoulders while her held her to him so she didn’t fall.
“Doing so well, almost there huh? Almost there…” his fingers moved with purpose and unfaltering speed as he massaged her special spot faster, her legs becoming jelly as she started to cum. She couldn’t help the loud moan that shot out of her throat, Harry quickly grabbing the wash cloth and stuffing it in her mouth since he knew Ryan was here. He cooed in the girls ear, talking to her the entire time she was cumming feeling her cunt squeezing his digits while her own juices dribbled down his wrist.
She was dizzy, tired, spent and completely drained. She finally got what she needed and was now dead weight clinging to Harry who peppered her face with kisses as he withdrew his hand from her cunt rinsing her off down there and kissing her lips a few times.
“That was fucking amazing… god Harry you’re gonna make me fall in love with you with fingers like those…”
He only chuckled at her dazed comment before shutting the water off, wrapping the girl in a towel and sitting her down on the counter
“Lucky for you, you have all summer to do so, I might just be up for it too.”
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intoafandom · 3 years
uhh do you like kevan miller? wasn't he the one who said "all lives matter"? LMAO it doesn't matter if he's a nice guy in the locker room. if he has problematic lines and political positions, that should be enough. please, educate yourself.
I know I always say that I will never post anything political on my blog, but I’m probably gunna have to make a post about millsy/kampfer/now freddy/hockey culture (just so my followers/mutuals know where i stand on this stuff so i never have to talk about it again lol. Cuz trust me its a whooole thing lol)
Ok so back to Miller. I think I’ve said this before (but on a small scale) that I haven’t been watching hockey for toooo long. I only started watching during the playoffs of the 2017-18 season when a game was just randomly on my tv cuz nothing else was on. Now i cant remember if he was actually playing during the like 5? games that I watched, especially since the only player I could remember was “Tuuk Arask” (which is what I seriously thought his name was lol). Either way, they got eliminated and for some reason I follow the team the entire summer and kept up with their preseason and everything. Which then lead into me watching the amazing 2018-19 season and so on to this day. And again I cant remember if miller was actually playing during that year cuz i only got reeeeally into it on like march 2019. But what I do remember, is that I started watching older games on YouTube in like October of 2018. They weren’t playing yet and theres only so many preseason games and i wanted more hockey as a new fan. So i watched ton of games aaaall the time and miller was a BEAST. And again, as a new fan at this time, i knew literally nothing about the game or players numbers or even their NAMES. Like for context, im a SERIOUS patriots fan, and even I cant name everyone on the team plus their numbers like i can now with the bruins. But anyways, not knowing anything, i just watched for the score + the crazy hits and fights that would happen cuz that’s what draws your attention as a new fan you know? I wasn’t watching for the players, I was watching for the HOCKEY aspect. I wanted to learn and experience what it was. So after watching a ton of older games and getting halfway through the 2018-19 season, I started to actually care about the players and figure out who they actually were as well as their numbers. And i got obsessed with figuring out who they all were and I got so proud of myself for finally being able to identify them on the ice without seeing their faces on the bench. So miller was a part of that group. He was on the roster when i made that little mission for myself. I also have to point out that the 2018-19 season his VERY special for me because its the first time I actually watched an entire season of hockey. I got to experience literally everything except the cup. I got every round of the playoffs, the outdoor new years game, pre season in china, learning the actual GAME etc. The roster is very special to me because they were the first hockey team I ever came to love. Kevan Miller was a part of that team. Like Ryan Donato and JFK and Bjorkie and MoJo etc. I LOVE the people on that roster for something more than just hockey. Its hard for me to explain because it’s a very special thing that I’ve never actually talked about or said out loud and im not going to get entirely into it rn cuz I’ll probably make another post about it with all of the other stuff i said. But basically its pretty much impossible for me to hate the people that were on that specific roster. That’s one of the reasons why I will always like Millsy. Among other reasons as well.
I like that he’s tough as nail and that he isn’t scared of anything or anyone. I like how much of a nice guy he is in the locker room. I think it was pasta? in his recent spittin chiclets interview, (it may have actually been cmac. I cant remember) but one of them mentioned how because of Millsy’s rehab and covid, it was super hard to actually SEE him. Like he was never around. And everyone would get so excited to see him whenever he was supposed to come back, only to get super sad when he wasn’t able to make it due to more surgeries etc. The guys know him the best and if they can get past his political opinions and still love him than that HAS to count for something right? I know Kevan Miller as a pretty great player who’s tough as nails and always stands up for his teammates. He never gives up and battles back. He seems like a great dad and his daughter is adorable for an added bonus lol. I’m not getting into my political opinions and whether or not I agree with his. And honestly I don’t really care about his. I follow him on insta, as i do with every single bruin since the 2018-19 season, and ik the type of stuff he posts. He doesn’t really post a lot of political stuff. He only really does on his story and even then its not that often. Ik a lot of liberals will be like “well if he supports this thing then everything else is bad and i cant support him” I’m not like that. One “bad” thing that they like or one “bad” opinion is not a enough for me to think he’s a bad person. Especially when you consider everything else about him.
Please do not tell to “educate myself.” I like Kevan Miller for many reasons. I know his political views and the stuff he stands for. It’s not that I dont care, it’s that i dont think his political views matter enough when I judge his character. Political views aren’t super important to me and i dont really care to take them into consideration when judging if I like a person or not. Miller can support trump if he wants to or whatever. Its not that I like him because he likes trump, i like him cuz he’s not afraid to say he likes trump. He’s HONEST which not many people nowadays can say. I knew what I was getting myself into when i said i like miller since most of bruinsblr hates him. But im not going to let a group of people decide who I should and shouldn’t like or why I shouldn’t like a person. I wanna decide for myself, even if others get upset by my decisions.
I’ll make a different post explaining everything better.
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prettyoddfever · 4 years
aka when Panic! at the Disco first opened for The Academy Is... in late January 2006 (one review said that the lineup “may look more like an exercise in inappropriate punctuation” and that is so accurate lol).
Here’s what stuck out to me about P!ATD’s part in this sold-out UK tour:
AFYCSO didn’t even come out in the UK until after this tour was done, but the crowds were still singing along and knew the words.
The Junior Varsity was the other opening band.
all of my posts from this tour will end up in this tag.
P!ATD was out of their van for good in 2006. During their SURS interview they had mentioned the possibility of sharing a double decker tour bus with TAI in the UK.
P!ATD still set up a lot of their own gear each night.
They opened with The Only Difference. Spencer said they played about 7 songs each night.
This was the tour where Jon Walker met the Panic guys. He was TAI’s videographer & guitar tech (he knew TAI from the whole Chicago music scene). 
The band was still trying to play their songs without touring musicians. Several reviews criticized them for playing along to a backing track, but the songs were too complex for a low-budget band.
The guys were still learning as they went. They were a very green band, but they were also gaining the fanbase & international attention of a seasoned group so those expectations were projected onto them.  
the crowds sounded really enthusiastic at some shows.
Spencer’s snare drum broke at the Leeds show, so Brendon did an improv singalong.
I heard from a couple fans who paid the equivalent of $80-$100 on eBay for a ticket to one of these UK shows (but that was pretty low compared to what would happen next in the US).
A Young Scot interview with Brendon in Glasgow in April 2006 asked how the UK shows had been in January. Brendon answered: “Awesome. It was kind of dangerous too. Some of the shows were just so crazy. The kids here treat American bands like celebrities. It’s weird. I guess because they don’t get too many, I’m assuming? I don’t know. The kids are just crazy. It’s awesome.”
a few reviews from this tour: the Leeds show on the first night, and this one, and another, plus this one.
stuff about the guys:
Ryan was 19. Brendon, Spencer, and Brent were all 18.
None of the P!ATD guys had ever been to the UK or done much traveling before they had started touring about 5 months before this. I remember several British fans saying that Spencer & Brendon were really taken aback that they had fans across an ocean who actually knew their names.
a couple times later that spring Brendon mentioned some British guys had hit on him and he had no idea what was going on ha. 
Brendon had gone from never performing live to basically touring for half a year at this point. It seemed like he was sick more often than not and his voice was having a rough time sometimes, so he talked about trying different diets. He had been vegan for a while, but I think he was vegetarian at this point… I reallllly didn’t care about his diet, but fans discussed this SO much and with such fascination that it now sticks out as one of the bigger details of early 2006.
A lot of Ryan’s interviews revolved around his frustration with being called emo or compared to Fall Out Boy when he had been trying so hard to do something unique, creative, and different from the scene he suddenly found himself lumped in with. 
Brendon did an interview for the Punktastic podcast after the Leeds show... he talked a bit about his love for older pop music and basically ignored most modern music while listing the usual old artists as his favorites (Journey, Queen, the Eagles, etc). Brendon also mentioned that P!ATD had wanted to cover Seal’s Kiss From A Rose.
The Panic guys were still able to meet a lot of fans before & after shows and chat. So many fans reported that the guys were all incredibly kind, shy/awkward, polite, funny, sarcastic — the usual stuff. Brendon & Spencer sounded like they were becoming less shy. 
The band was getting more & more abuse from the media, internet, general public etc because they “hadn’t paid their dues.” They’d essentially soared straight past every struggling band to become famous overnight. Basically, it was the same commentary that had been happening for the past year. Episode 21 of TAI TV felt too real but it was William Beckett’s idea of a joke and I’m glad everyone could laugh about it.
The bands on P!ATD’s first tour had tried to mess with Brendon and get him to lose his voice every night... and now William started getting Brendon super drunk. The band talked a lot in future interviews about how much Brendon would drink with TAI this season, so here’s one random quote from Brendon:  “When you get out of the house, you think ‘I’m free, I can do what the hell I want!’. So when I was in the UK in January I was hanging out with The Academy Is… and Beckett got me piss drunk and I acted like an ass! The next day we had a press day all day and I felt sick to my stomach.”
In July 2009 Spencer tweeted Pete Wentz: “Our first tour to UK we came back with a 4000$ cell bill. That was about 5 times the amount we lost on the tour. Blew Scotts mind.” (Scott is their manager. There’s a good chance that Spencer was talking about the band’s first headlining tour in the UK in April, but I’ll leave this here just in case he meant this January tour).
Here’s an excerpt from the Big Cheese article during this tour:
We’re perched on leather couches in the Atlantic Records offices in the posh part of London. Gold and platinum discs line the walls and next door someones playing the band’s ‘Time to Dance’ at full volume. With a look screaming, ‘pinch me’, Ryan says: “It’s the demo version. I remember when we recorded that at our bass player’s house. I never thought I’d hear that being played in London. I mean, I never thought this music we were making would take me out of Vegas, let alone to another country.”
Side note: that article mentioned how Brendon was bundled out the door by their manager to do something else right after the photoshoot, so the interview was with Ryan & Spencer... who knows what Brent was doing lol. Also, I’m not intentionally leaving Brent out of stuff this season. He just wasn’t as involved with the band as he should’ve been.
I’m condensing the format to save space...
Spencer’s update on January 21: Europe is insane/amazing/intense/iold/insane/new/cloudy/amazing. So far the shows in the UK have been great. The kids here are so gratefull to see a rock concert since they dont get to see us as much as you kids in the states do. They go crazy and know every line every song and sing them with there awesome accents which makes the shows that much better.  I Have done a little walking around, but not as much as I would like too. Just looking at the architecture is amazing. You dont see signs that say "EST. 1836" in Las Vegas. Were all looking forward to our day off in London. Were going to have to try and fit an entire weeks worth or tourist stuff into one day. I left my cell phone in Vegas and I dont own a watch, So i never know what time it is. For the most part it is always dark and cloudy here so that doesn't help. Not having any form of schedule and no real time frame feels so nice, but I dont know if i could handle it for more than 2 weeks. We are sharing a bus with the Academy and have been getting along great with those guys. We have been coming up with ideas that should make the Truck Stops and State Lines tour pretty interesting. So look out for that. If you get a chance I highly recomend checking out the video on TAI TV right now. It features Brendon encountering some of the locals in Glasgow Scottland.......pretty funny stuff. - Spencer
part of William’s TAI journal update on January 28: FINALLY, a moment to spare with the internet!!! It's been a while, and for that, I apologize. United Kingdom. Wow. American crowds definately have their work cut out for them after the warm welcome we had on the UK tour...I am in the dressing room at The Carling Academy in Birmingham, listening to you scream, waiting for the show to begin… But tonight, there will be a rediculously dancy after party at the Carling Academy, hosted by yours truly, TAI, and THE BEST DRESSED MEN TO COME OUT OF LAS VEGAS. I'll give you a hint... They're name DOESN'T rhyme with " Chillers". In the morning, we will fly back home to the U S of A.
January 31 – Brendon’s lj: sitting with ross in the mccarran int'l airport. a tad-bit ahead of schedule. good thing… third eye blind. handbrake - ripping the dvds. i love/miss/need the girl. getting sick right before tour. thank you, god. thank you everyone who believes in this band just as much/more than us. our band would not exist without your support. thank you. i've never been so alive.
scanning in an early ad is faster than typing yay 
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edgeofmyniall · 4 years
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eleven: jar of hearts
playlist | story page | taglist | thoughts
“It took so long just to feel alright. Remember how to put back the light in my eyes. I wish I had missed the first time that we kissed cause you broke all your promises."
Niall’s leg wouldn’t stop shaking. His anger and anxiety and all around confusion swirled around inside him like a lost sailboat in a storm on the open sea. He felt like he was drowning in doubt and questioning everything he knew. The ticking of the clock in the kitchen slowed down every second seemed like a million years. 
He had asked Pennie and Jack to give him and Ginger some space, that he needed to talk to her about some things, but what he needed was some alone time to gather his thoughts which was swimming around in his glass of condensating iced tea. His eyes followed the water droplet as it slid down the tall glass and splattered against the wooden table. 
“I miss you.” 
Those three words branded his mind as the mid morning sun rays danced in the kitchen. He was playing the waiting game...waiting for the courage to show up, waiting on Ginger to wake, waiting for this to be over. 
He loved Ginger more than anyone he had before. She had swept him off his feet with her endearing smile and kind heart. He felt for her so deep that not even the deepest ocean could hold for Ginger what he held for her. His life had changed since she came into it. 
He couldn’t shake the message from Daniel and he couldn’t take anymore of the sneak texting. He had to know. The sounds of creaking floorboards and pattering of footsteps made Niall’s heart jump. He was uneasy with his words, not knowing what exactly to say, but he knew this had to happen or else he’d explode. 
Ginger softly yawns as she turns into the kitchen and sees Niall sitting there as if he’s angry at the world. He doesn’t look her way, he doesn’t smile; he’s completely immobile with a sickening deadpan look on his face. Her heart dropped. 
“You okay?” Ginger questions as she stands behind a chair. She’s afraid to sit down. 
“No,” Niall sighs and leans back into the chair. He’s honest- raw with emotion. He feels like his anger is going to tip over any moment and come pouring out onto the laminated flooring. “I can’t…” he laughs meticulously, rubbing the back of his neck with his palm as he looks down at a chip in the smooth wooden table. 
“Are you texting him?” The words feel like venom in his mouth. Not her, not Ginger. Not the woman he loved for. Was this payback the universe is folding on him for all the other girls he had done? Was this revenge in the cruelest way? His heart ached and the cracking started. 
“Yes,” her face washed white as she looked at him. She had been caught; there’s no use in lying. Her body felt heavy and drained. What had she done?
“Do you miss him?” Niall asks, his heart breaking. Ginger had his beating muscle that produced life and love in his hands and she was crushing it with every word. And there was nothing she could do to stop it from caving in from her destructive path. Tears billowed in his eyes and as the silence surrounds the two of them, Niall had his answer. 
Niall nods his head, accepting his fate as he stands from the table. The chair scrapes against the tiled floor and as Niall pushes the chair back, it loudly crashes against the cabinets. “How dare you…” Niall’s voice booms, and Ginger shudders. His face was beat red and tears stained his face. “After everything I’ve did… for you,” Niall’s fists slma against the table and Ginger begins to cry. Her tears are warm and bulky. The overfilling of her wrongdoings were too much for her to contain. “And you’re just going to stand there and said nothing! The fuck, Ginger? Do ya not love me? Am I NOT enough?” Niall asks, his chest rising fast as the anger makes his breathing hard. His looking for answer makes his head woozy, but he needs to hear it.
“You are,” Ginger’s voice barely above an echo and she jumps as Niall hits the table again. “I- I just…”
“Just what? Wanted to screw another guy? Really Ginger?!” Ginger walks backward until the heel of her foot hits the wall. Her body slides down the pale green painted wall and as she brings her knees to her chest, Niall stands with clenched fists. 
“I’m so sorry,” Ginger sobs into her hands. She wants this to go away. Not Niall, just this obstacle. 
“Sorry for what? Getting caught or for talking to Daniel? Which is it?” Niall asks. His anger is starting to overpower him and he wants nothing more than to punch something. Anything. 
“I’m sorry,” Ginger repeated. Words fail her and she searches in the crevices of her mind for anything to say, but the only thing that remains is the words unspoken hanging in the air. 
“You never loved me…” Niall sobs. Before Ginger could look up, NIall wipes his face and walks out of the house. The only thing that can be heard after the slamming of the door was the ticking of the mounted wall clock. 
“Sweetie?” Penny knocked on the bedroom door. “You hungry?” She was carrying a plate of hot food, but Ginger never answered the door or cared to unlock it. She laid in her bed in the complete dark as she held onto the pillow Niall had last slept on.
He was gone. 
There were no texts back. No phone calls returned. Only her effort in apologizing. It had been almost a week since Niall had left. She ignored her parents' concerns and the only time she dared stray from looking at the small ridges Niall had made in the sheets was to look at her phone when it lit up. She had hoped and prayed it was anything from him. Any word to know that he’s okay. But there was nothing. He had become a ghost to her. 
Until one very late night, a text had come in. It was Niall.
Seacrest. Tomorrow. 9 am your time.
Ginger teared up at the sight of his words. There was nothing personal in this message. He had been straight to the point, but what had kept Ginger up for half of the night was wondering what he meant by this.
Ginger’s heart was in her throat. It was 9:10 and she thought she had missed him. She was late from oversleeping. She frantically clung to her phone, desperate to hear his voice. 
“This is Ryan Seacrest on the hour with no other than one of my favorite artists, Niall Horan. How ya been man? It’s been awhile,” Ryan’s familiar voice cuts through the silence. Ginger’s heart begins to race when a small laugh escapes Niall’s mouth.
“Yeah it has. I’m good man,” Niall’s lying, Ginger knew this, but his facade was strong. “How are you?”
“Good, good man. Hey I like the new look. The beard and long hair? It looks great,” Ryan responds and Ginger is on the verge of tears. The last time Niall was donning his beard and long hair, he had broken up with Hailee. 
“Thanks, I figured it was time for a change,” Niall’s voice is distant and cold. 
“Yeah, I hear you. Speaking of change, you’ve got an album coming out right?”
“Yeah, yeah. I put my heart and soul into this one, man.” Ginger can only imagine Niall with permanent red eyes and puffy cheeks as his voice breaks. 
“And you’re going to play your newest single right here today?” 
“That’s the plan,” Ginger’s heart dropped. 
“Can you tell us what it's about? We’re dying to know!” Ryan’s ever cheerful voice is starting to annoy Ginger. 
“I recently went through something...painful. And I think this reflects how I feel about this person. She means the world to me.” He had spilled too much; he knew that, but he bore his heart into this song. 
“Alright, well let’s hear this thing! Coming to you live with a first ever listen of Niall Horan’s newest song, Heartbreak Weather.”
The eighties song danced through her speakers and every word Niall had sung was a memory of them. The hotel room a year ago when they had travelled on vacation with the group. Their dancing together only a few months ago when Stella and them had gone clubbing. And the moment he had laid eyes on her was the first time in his life that he had felt alive, felt wanted for who he was no matter the money or flashing lights. She was him for just Niall.
Ginger cried as the song ended- her heart bare on the floor as Niall ends his interview. He had done his mourning and now it was just Ginger in the despair of heartbreak.
@oyesmendes​ @klairelavarias​ @dontgiveupthedayjob​ @hannahollan1181 @perks-of-being-a-niall-girl​ @kare38 @verorax​ @stayclose-holdsteady​ @halfpinthoran​ @angrynarry​
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