#if that's the case -- dont cop out with the personality thing. let him be a bad dad. but its kinda fucked how dc STILL try to paint him
bruciemilf · 7 months
Somebody tell me if this is a bad take, or if my love for Bruce is causing my objective brain to glitch, but-- something about advertising Batman, a hero who's very popular for being good with children, for being NURTURING with children, a bad father kinda defeats the whole purpose of what he's supposed to represent.
Batman is a protector; He protects people the world (and especially law enforcement) does not care about. That's literally the point of him.
Something about marketing " you can be incredibly violent to people you care about! And Its fine, because you care about them even if you abuse them, and that's what matters!" towards people, but especially men and young boys, is REALLY fucked up to me.
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coiled-dragon · 4 days
I really think Benson fully contemplated killing Randy. I think that while Randy was part of the catalyst for his being pushed over the edge, Benson was ready to kill everyone in that building and then sit at the diner without bothering to clean up the mess in BBB or on himself, and wait for the cops. There was a degree of reason to why he killed everyone, though.
Chris was the last straw on the camels back. Randy's being bullied catalyzed it, but Chris getting right up in Benson's face, touching him, and giving Benson the same attitude Benson wears the rest of the movie ("Dont tell me what I can and cannot do" etc) was what really tipped him over. You can see him think when he smokes, debating if Today is the Day (I also think that it's been a long time coming, a slow burn the way anger and dissatisfaction at ones life can be when you feel locked, trapped, trapped with people, trapped in a town, trapped with trauma) and then he decides it is. Chris gets killed for getting in Bensons face and asserting himself and touching him as much as he gets killed for bullying Randy!
Hardy is killed because while this bullshit happens outside his office, he's in there at 8am watching porn, literally fucking around. Well, thats part of what I Think Bensons animosity is towards Hardy - what he's actually killed for is daring to run.
Jess is killed because she won't fucking stop screaming. She screams and screams and he actively gives her a chance to stop. He shows later on that when he can be given a break from the stimulation of Noise he can stop and think and contemplate - but she doesnt stop. So he has to shut her up and you can HEAR the exasperation in his voice when he kills her. I dont think he really wanted to kill her...
Then there's Randy. He's killed 3 of them, he might not have killed all of them but they gave him no choice (Hardy Ran, Jess Screamed, Chris was the one who was gonna die no matter what) and he has to decide... Is he gonna go all out? Is Randy gonna get it too?
And Randy... Stands there. Terrified. He can't move, he can't make a noise, but it works for him because if he did anything else I do think Benson would've made the impulse choice to kill him, too. Quadruple homicide, glory glory what a wonderful way to die.
But Randy not moving.... it gives him time to think. You can see him sizing up Randy as he reloads his gun, you can see him waiting for Randy to give him a real reason to make him a body... And I think as he does that, he also realizes just how far gone he himself is. That there's no turning back now. Killing one person? Yeah gets you a lot of shit, but you might be able to squirm out of the Worst Case Scenario punishment a la American Justice System... 3 though? Not a chance in hell.
He knows as he stares down Randy with dead eyes that he is a dead man walking - because there's no way in hell he's gonna go to jail and live out a life sentence in there (or be put to death by the State, because Capitol Punishment IS still a thing in Louisiana. But that would be more humiliating to someone like Benson than suicide by cop).
And while I absolutely believe Benson has watched Randy a lot, maybe even grown to resent his passivity, I think the real reason he lets him live is that.
Benson doesn't wanna spend this last day alive on his own.
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jennilah · 27 days
I think i started to follow you bc of tiny!cas, like eons ago, let me tell you seeing you get into different fandoms over the years has been a delight.
I remember seeing post of you going like 'hey these slasher film kinda go hard' and look at you know.
I mean this in the best way possible, I feel i've been watching a house plant grow, every now and then catching my attention and being amazed by the changes
omg thats such a sweet way of describing my... well happy autism awareness day everyone, its a nice way of describing the way i naturally transition through my Special Interests lmfao
actually, for the holiday, let me infodump about this very aspect of my brain to anyone who isnt aware how this works for me. (also every autistic person is different, so this is just how this symptom manifests in me)
ill say "phases" to simplify, though thats an unfair word because it implies im "over" my past phases. 99% of my past phases are pretty much there for life, but in the back of my mind. (So long as I didnt have a "bad breakup" with it for some reason, which is rare but happens) The ability to become a raving lunatic about it is dormant until someone asks the right question.
There can only be one interest (sometimes 2, with one being the less dominant one) at the forefront of my brain at a time, though. that defines the "phase".
so for example, my recent Halloween phase is "over" and I am 100% fully into Saw now, but I still absolutely love Halloween and Michael and Jason and all those guys. as evident by me still happily sharing gifsets and art and buying merch etc if it tickles my fancy. They're just hanging out in the background of my mental display case.
yea whoever follows my tumblr for a very long time has watched it happen in realtime. the transition between interests. i know for a fact which phase I started this blog on. if you're here from the beginning, youve seen, in order:
-Durarara!! -Deus Ex -Supernatural -Godzilla -Detroit: Become Human -There was like a few weeks where it was HLVRAI -And then it was plants. There was a year-long stretch with no Special Interest and I was latching onto odd things (and I was very inactive here) -Halloween & Friday the 13th -and now, Saw
I have many other things I love, but they don't clamp around my brain in quite the same extreme way.
my phases can last any amount of time, anywhere from a few short intense months to 5+ years, its completely random, completely unpredictable. even the interest itself is impossible to predict. its not something i choose, its something that happens to me.
sometimes i avoid watching things for a long time because im still very emotionally attached to my current phase and im genuinely afraid the shiny new thing will replace it. all art or fic ideas for the previous phase? theyll be abandoned. all I will want to create will be related to the new thing. (though I will sometimes draw it anyway, like digging up old toys to play with once in a while. The likelihood just drops considerably)
which is why right now i pretty much put a pause on the other franchises I plan on watching. I'm genuinely gripping onto Saw like someone is tryin to take it from me.
and then sometimes im like "haha yeah right. ill be fine. ill eat my shoe if my brain latches to this" and then put on the movie and by the credits roll im a new person (yes thats what happened with Saw. I really had no idea.)
this is also why im terrified of even just "checking out" things that have, like, a toxic fanbase or something, because i cant stop a new phase from happening if it does. and its really hard to keep it to myself, fuck
(do u know how mad i was when i realized i was attaching to hoffman the evil dirty cop??? i was so scared of drawing him, dudes. but thankfully everyones been cool abt it and we're all very aware of his awfulness & we have fun w it)
and every time my brain changes and i do get obsessed with some new thing, i get really scared and worried and hope I dont bother everyone who followed me for something else :(((( and yet, every time, im absolutely floored by how many people choose to tolerate my newest nonsense and stick around anyway
anyway ive lost the plot of what point i was making here OH YEAH thank you!
tl;dr: that would be the autism! thank you, it WILL happen again! that is a threat! 🥰
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justarandomgirly · 2 years
DC movies might be less successful and popular than Marvel, but they are better at depicting heroism and what it stands for.
Have you seen Dark knight? The scene where Batman starts beating the shit out of Joker to get confession out of him. He locks the door so noone can get in.
Why did he lock the door as soon as he realizes Joker abducted Rachel? Because he is about to beat the shit out of Joker and he knows this is not the way. That this is not something hero should do.
Jim Gordon also knows and that is why as soon as he sees Batman locking the door, he is running to get into the interrogation room. Because he knows this is not what good guys should be doing, punching the shit out of people, even if they are criminals.
When cops do it, its police brutality. So I have no idea why is it allowed when its a Marvel hero. Now I have Thor in Ragnarok in mind, torturing Loki with obedience disc. Yall defend him with "but Loki was about to betray him". Ok. But Thor is a hero. And as such, he should know better.
Because when heroes start hurting bad guys (and we can argue all day long if Loki is a bad guy at all but lets say for purpose of this that he is), even stand above their body with smile on their faces as the bad guy is in pain, then whats the difference between them and bad guys? How are they better than them?
Dark knight,and also new The Batman (scene where Catwoman wants to kill the guy who hurt her friend but Bruce stops her) show much better the difference between hero and a villain. Ive seen Batman only once so I cant use it as example,only Dark knight which I know backwards.
In Dark knight, Bruce does few things that are not heroic. Like beating the shit out of Joker or spying on people to find him(I think we can find more), but in all these cases Bruce's behavior is framed as bad.
We see that Bruce locks the door to stop anyone from entering. Because he knows its not heroic at all,and so does the audience thanks to framing. When he uses satellites and microphones and shit to spy on people to find Joker, its highly unethical and wrong, Lucius even tells him. And audience knows as well.
Meanwhile we have Marvel "heroes" who murder as they go because "but they were hurt as a children", or humiliate and torture bad guys because "but they are bad guys so they deserve it!" We have even someone who was selling slaves to a dictator and framing never says its bad or immoral. And that person is called hero.
Dammit Im pissed at this shit
DC framed this as bad
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while Marvel framed this as good and heroic
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If you laugh at Loki in pain and defend it, fuck the fuck off. Block me. Dont reply to me with how its not that deep and shit or the same crap I mentioned above that he deserves it. Just. Fuck. Off.
Today in Marvel what makes hero a hero is framing. Nothing else.
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What happenes if/when allura shiro and lance meet in the shrödinger reality au? Theres do many ways this meeting could go wrong..........
Also shiro having a brother in this au is such an interesting plot point.. Shiro is slowly descending into madness by his memories halucinations and stuffing severed limbs into potted plants pots and kuro is like 'im so glad my brother has a new hobby:) hes been so passionate about gardening recently! I wonder what fertilizer is he using to make them grow this well.. also why is the floor do slippery nowadays'
and the answer turns out to be maybe-propably-not-real severed body parts
The way i see it (and i am basing this on vibes), that they didnt even notice or remembered. The way Lance's Thing works is that he 1) goes usually unnoticed, like pebbles on a road 2) even if you notice him, or talk to him, or he talks to you as long as you are not the one he's targetting (which rarely ever happens) they dont usually 'recognize' him. It is like how some animals dont recognize their own reflection, maybe some people would feel off about him, some people would be curious about him and some people would be able to notice and remember him (like that one doctor) but ultimately they wont be able to pinpoint what exactly is wrong just a constant feeling of wrongness. 3) they usually wont remember him. They might feel like they are forgetting something, or something is missing but usually they will forget about him.
However again the pebbles on road metaphor applies here. If you dont notice him, you just dont notice him, if you had one passing glance, you'll forget about him instantly, if you noticed him, talked to him, examined him, you are more likely to notice some details meaning you would realize that Something is Wrong, meaning you will remember him for a bit longer.
Which is how i feel Lance's first meeting with Shiro and Allura is going to go. They wont notice him, or recognize him, or remember him. I imagine there's some serial killer case both Allura and Shiro got dragged into with Allura was a witness (she was trying to understand wth us going on and trying to understand this world and oh shit that person just attacked someone) and Shiro kinda being a suspect cause he's being odd according to his friends, and Lance who has decided that he can do a better detective job than the cops (and he's 100% right) and also he thinks said serial killer is the one who 'killed' him. They do meet Lance and because they do remember or have dreamt Lance from their vld timeline, they are able to notice something is off about that guy, but they lose track of him and they kinda forget about him but do keep getting this nagging feeling that they forgot something important
Allura and Shiro do not get along at first. Allura who remembers Everything is like "Shiro? Shiro! Shiro it is you!! It's me Allura!! Oh thank voltron and guardian i found you this world is so strange and a total fake" and Shiro who has been trying to suppress his dreams for past few months is like- "Who tf are you??? I dont know who are you or what this voltron is but please stay away from me" (<=lying). And like Allura who was so desperate to have traces of her old life back, started to pretty much like trying to reach out to him (aka pester him). Eventually Allura is able to convince him that, yeah she indeed is both girl in his dreams but also real and Real af, and while he does Not believe her, he is also just so tired of the paranormal bs he is dealing with and if this Weird stalker lady can help him than on god he's taking that help.
And yep (in my mind his brother is Kuron) and while he doesnt show it, he is Very worried about Shiro. He reasons that he is just coping with his accident and dealing with loss of his arm and dream job and the Trauma™ (and technically he isnt wrong) but he can also tell this is something beyond That. However he has decided that he'll give Shiro space, let him come to him on his own, be supportive and strong and smiley for him. But yeah he's glad that Shiro is getting into a new hobbies, even if he is too into it sometimes.
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himbos-hotline · 1 month
For the ship questions: What ship do you hate most? What was your first ship and what fandom is it from? Rate Hangkenny (I think that's their ship name?) from 1-10 and explain why. Love you, hope all is well! 😊
What ship do you hate most?
Hangswerve, strickpage whatever their shipname is. I dont...get it. I dont see it, like ive said countless times that theres no romance in that storyline like yeah eating blood is inherently romantic but I think people are looking way too hard into things and just going "but swerve wanted more romance in wrestling" and then thinking cuz he said that, theyre looking at it and going "oh thats romantic" like I dont..he broke into the guys house my dudes, thats not a enemies to lovers ship thing at least imo its just a fucked up thing to do. Hangman isnt being romantic with swerve, hes infactuated with him the same fucking way cops in shows get addicted to solving this once case that affected them personally, its not romantic infactuation, it is I want to murder you stuff. Its gotten to the point where we've blocked the tags cuz we just, cant. its such bullshit! again, I dont care if people who follow me like it or enjoy it im not gonna tell yall to like, not ship it. Im just politely asking not to like request it and stuff yknow?
[I get one shitty anon about this and im turning my anons off forever]
What was your first ship and what fandom is it from?
I cannot tell you my first ship but it was totally from wwe. you remember those like, RP videos on youtube. I wrote my own one when I was like seven and it was my first foray into script writing, I wanted to be a script writer for tv shows as well as a forensic pathologist
Rate Hangkenny (I think that's their ship name?) from 1-10 and explain why.
it is their ship name! I always think its more of a request like "can we hang kenny please?" and it makes me laugh! Its totally an 8 outta 10. The friends to totally lovers or at least fuckbuddies to the utter breakdown of their tagteam in the best way. Because you could have had kenny loose his shit, to physically throw hangman out of the elite since he was the only one still clinging to hangman. he wasnt friends with the bucks anymore, kenny was literally the last thread connecting them all together and kenny just let him fall. that moment, that entire thing just, makes me wanna chew on my arm
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lord-shitbox · 3 months
ok kicks clutter out of the way and sits down with a notebook. i gotta figure out more bite's vampire dad semantics. mutuals very welcome to chime in
vampirism lore notes:
i could see turning someone into a vampire as something you do to a trusted friend or partner.. aw fuck ive gotta outline if people are born as vampires or not. the worldbuilding catches me again. shelving that for later
i do want there to be uneven power dynamics in siring for Bite's case specifically because yada yada young adult vs parent angst we've all been there. maybe something about the origin of vampirism lends it to uneven power dynamics but in modern society its typically looked down on to lord that power over others without good reason? specific laws about it so courts can rule that it's unjust for someone to be doing that if they're abusing the power, like domestic violence cases..
in that case I think a vampire parent would have legal precedent for maintaining sire power over their child but is generally obligated to "free" their dependent by relinquishing the power they hold over them and giving them control over themselves when they're 18 or so.
Bite lore notes:
Bite's birth parents are not part of the relevant picture at all and he's not too torn up about it. he would've been turned & taken in by his vampire father as a child...he's basically his adoptive father but with an extra tangible power difference because of the vampire siring part.
New angle of discussion.
Sire power: Bite's father can control how quickly he ages, because vampires can just do that for themselves if they have enough blood to feed on (a Lot of it) & could definitely force him to freeze on the spot n shit like that without touching him. Bite hates that shit. he can't control or have a say about what happens to his own body so of course hes balls to the walls touchy about his personal space. like a cornered animal
Bite's vdad wants him to stay small forever & refuses to let him grow old -> bite never gets old enough to legally obtain his own autonomy -> cornered desperate animal mentality
of course. given enough time and legal documentation he could definitely make a legal case that his vfather has been forcing him to stay a child for well over the time hes supposed to have been an adult by now & have his autonomy handed to him by legal means. but that takes Time and Legal Documentation. and if his vdad destroys his birth certificate and all other records of his birth who's going to believe him?
somebody will, Given Enough Time, but trans allegory "holy fuck i dont want to wait several years until i can choose what to do to my own body" hes going fucking crazy.
SO: he kills his dad
except he can't, because of the stupid vampire siring thing. he can't kill his vampire sire. he can get reaaaallllll fucking close but no matter what he does he's going to HAVE to get someone else to finish the job for him.
if he destroys his dad's body thoroughly enough his dad loses his control over him tho! yay! he gets to physically be as old as he should be as long as he remembers to destroy his dad's living corpse every time it starts forming enough to start exerting control over him again
He does this for a good couple years at least & he's better but he's also incredibly Stuck now. if he lets his dad reform he's going to be back to square one and who knows what his dad will do to him in return? he's kept him on the absolute brink of death for several years theres no fucking way he's gonna be happy with him about that. He needs to find someone who's willing to kill his dad & not tell the cops about what he's done because there's no way hes not going to jail or worse.
These are the circumstances he's under when he comes across Bark & this is why he keeps asking Bark if he'd kill someone for him (like would you love me if i was a worm except worse because hes worse). also this is where IM stuck cos i cant decide how to end it
Either Bite's vdad relinquishes control to him or Bite's vdad is killed. there has to be some end to the cycle he's stuck in
His dad relinquishing control feels..incredibly anticlimactic but is also realistic to my experience. could not stand my dad but he gave up on micromanaging me and now we're chilling. i think theres definitely something about parent/child relationships that are extremely combative in teen years but then end up reconciling later when the kid has grown up some more & the parent has realized they're their own person and not some toy
Bark could kill Bite's dad. this is a good quandary for him because he does not want to hurt anyone but also comes to understand Bite's situation and realizes the reason Bite is such an awful individual to deal with is because he's got this shitshow of a cloud hanging over his head all the time. Plus Bark's also like. definitely hurting people because he's refusing to deal with his own shit. even though he doesnt mean to. atp what's one more
third secret option Bite manages to kill his dad himself. this would go extremely awfully for him im sure it would damage him extensively and also would not help his isolationist "im the only one that can save myself" problems in the slightest. but he would have a GREAT cry in Bark's arms about it. i could make him do that anytime though now that i think about it. hehehe (the haver of thoughts)
SO. thats all that. Maybe if I squint at Bark's set of problems and figure out how he gets fixed by the end this half will just knit itself together nicely when im not looking. such is the life. anyone who read and processed all 900 of those words is entitled to compensation ill doodle you something tbh. what do yuou guys think
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99liners · 2 years
Hi! I dont think this has been asked before about the Tatemae men, at least I couldn’t find one on it lol. But how the boys react to losing their jobs? Something like, someone better fit their position, tearing down the building to make something else so workers got let go etc. ??
henlo and yes, it hasn't! thank you so much for going through the masterlists first, that means a lot <3
kaiho!jjk: he would become the rogue cop. he just refuses to give up his position because ever since middle school, he has grown into the cop persona, and he won't give it up without a fight. he would also not surrender his gun. would relocate azumi and himself to a secret location somewhere so the cops cannot get to him. would start dealing with shady people and doing essentially illegal things to get back at the government for not seeing his value and patriotism. the only upside i can think of is that azumi and him would be able to spend more time together as he is mostly spying on people through his computer in the basement. but the question is, would azumi accept this lawless person as her partner?
enouement!kth: omg, such a huge blow to his narcissism. he would fall off such a tall ass pedestal of his own doing that it would take quite a while to heal from such a deep wound. i cannot imagine how sarcastic tanaz would get. she just wouldn’t stop sneering at him every waking moment, letting him taste his own medicine and kth also has nothing to say for himself other than just nursing his wounds quietly. 
nodus tollens!pjm: he wouldn’t accept it, he just wouldn’t accept the fact that he has been sacked as the lead choreographer and would still show up to work every day. rei would often drive to the police station to bail her husband out for causing nuisance in a public place.
adronitis!knj: he’s the calm one. would consult yoongo and challenge his let off, even if he has to go till the supreme court. aria also would support him because as shitty as her husband was to her, he is a respectable scientist who has always kept the need of scientific advancements over himself.
psychomachy!jhs: mm, the only way jhs would be replace is when hyuk is of age and takes over the company. i can imagine jhs being too controlling, like he would always go about “this is the right way to this and this” and would try to rule over his son but dany would control the situation, like she always does and make jhs see the truth that he doesn’t have to work so hard anymore.
liberosis!myg: he is the calm one, yes but in this case he would get so angry that in the heat of the moment he would take help from his underworld friends to get back at the person who replaced him as partner in the law firm. on the other hand, shiza is scared of him. this is a new side of him and she hates it and threatens to leave him. after almost a death, he regains his composure in fear that he might lose his wife and swears to drag the person through mud for the rest of their lives. every one should get ready for a legal fight, sorry, multiple legal fights because yoongo is going to make a lot of claims.
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rainboq · 1 year
RE: the anon who just talked about how ass david is
you are the rightest person on earth. I fucking despise david i hate him he's quite literally an abuser and joyce just LETS IT HAPPEN, and i dont like how they tried to redeem him in lis 2. not to say abusers can't get better but it felt, at least to me, like they were trying to sweep it under the rug and say "nah nah the chloe abuse is fine bcuz he's helping other people now!"
chloe's like, 12, and her dad just died and her bestfriend left and rachel is missing and she's Going Through It, of course she's gonna be a little snippy snarky or whatever. and like they said, david is just a fucking bastard, it doesn't matter if chloe listened or not, he's a powertripping (mildly misogynistic) jackhole who would've hated chloe no matter what.
more david slander 2k22
(and he's shit at fighting too. i mean, what was that "fight" against jeffershit?)
Dontnod really expect you to forgive incredibly shitty guys after they do the bare minimum (or not even that in Nathan's case). I'm so frustrated by media that expects men to be given a pass for bad behaviour after they do one good thing. David gets to play hero by saving Max, and suddenly all is forgiven with him???
There's a pretty deep undercurrent of misogyny in Life is Strange that is thankfully absent in True Colors (Go Alex beating the shit out of Mac!). Women and girls are never really afforded the capacity for violence, rather it is something inflicted on them, or a world they are trespassing into that they regret (see Chloe shooting Frank). Why is Warren the character who beats the shit out of Nathan, rather than Chloe who he drugged? And don't even get me started on Rachel's character and how people treat her.
Meanwhile we're expected to overlook everything David has done, the years of hell he inflicted on her, because he managed to save Max after Max and Chloe literally laid it all out for him. Not only is he hilarious incompetent at being a soldier, it's such a fucking unsatisfying way to resolve that situation. Why the shit can't Max get out under her own power? Why can't Max get help from Victoria if she's there in the first place, thus meaning befriending her and being kind to her is actually rewarded instead of needlessly punished?
If I were in charge, the escape from the dark room would have looked like this:
If Victoria is in the dark room and Kate is alive, Victoria helps Max free one hand with the last of her strength, and from there Max is able to free both of them. Using Max's powers, they overpower Jefferson and Kate arrives with the cavalry because Max sent her all the details before they arrived at the party.
If Victoria is present, but Kate is dead, then the two subdue Jefferson and then are left with the difficult decision of leaving him alive or not. Regardless, Victoria volunteers to stay in the dark room while Max heads out into the storm.
If Victoria is not in the dark room, but Kate is alive, she arrives with cops in tow and rescues Max. There is much rejoicing and Kate is proud to have saved Max in turn.
If neither of those are the case, then Max is able to get a hand free and get some of Jefferson's drugs into a syringe. She's not strong enough to overpower him on her own, so instead she goes back into the chair and pretends to be helpless just long enough for Jefferson to get within reach... then she gives him a taste of his own medicine. Once she's free, David arrives, only to find that Max has freed herself and the rest can play out how it did in the game.
Would that have been a lot more work? Yes. Did they have the budget? Probably not. But it would have been much better than what we got.
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chicago fire 11x11
make a wish babbyyyyy
i wish for the people in this episode to be happy
i wish for my babies to live
and just
not be traumatized
that's all
oh goodie
this recap
we already love it
so much trauma
and pain
there are only two things in this recap
and im already scared
the herrmann household
we love this start
they're great
i love them
herrman is grumpy dad
cindy and christopher are truly my otp
ik shes just sick
but my mind automatically goes to the worst case scenario
‘i got the kids’
‘do you though?’
‘i'll just drop them all of at juvie on the way to work’
cue grumpy!dad!herrmann
we love it
comedy gold
cindy and herrmann are actually my faves
they deserve the best
that's apart of my 11x11 wish
who is this visitor
evan’s cousin
so much pain
so so much pain
im not prepared at all for this
violet cleaning out evan’s stuff???
absolutely not
im not ready
oh god
i don't like this
is the guy that plays hawkins jimmy nicholas or nichols?
im not ready is all i know
‘two for the price of one’
how humorous gallo
lovely time to make a joke
‘thank you ma’am, step aside’
his polite way of saying ‘shut the fuck up and get out of the way’
‘this car might be the only holding this up’
of course
why not
lets just have the most unrealistically dangerous scenario ever
so lovely
so much danger
kidd and carver
actually working together without being at each other’s necks
i love it
god im too nervous
someone’s gonna get hurt
or something
oh wait
they all got out???
excuse me???
that's the most unrealistic part of this
‘hey, we’re all in this together, right?’
sound like high school musical
‘i owe you one carver’
‘oh god this is a disaster’
‘but the job is exciting and we really help people’
*stern sylvie looking*
violet my love
thank you
you are amazing
of course her paramedicine program thing is in danger
fireboots under the pillow
gallo and ritter
we love it
‘you know that's a one-man job, right?’
*judgmental look*
‘we're multitasking’
*disappointed carver look*
peak comedy
oh love the conversation of the squad table
poor carver
its going to be a different person that Schafer isn't it
its gonna be someone that boden hates
‘close the door’
‘good to see you too’
what's the point of this???
what is this conversation
i dont like you
i don't like where this is going
i really don't
why van meter?
man’s chill
like really chill
thank you kelly
god i hate this
why do I feel like this isn't gonna end well
kelly playing fire cop
pearce i fucking hate you
suck a dick
i hate this
i want them to be happy
but i know that somethings gonna happen to cindy
stella being supportive and trying to find the positive of everything
we love it
what're you doing
good god jacobs
fuck off
i despise you
‘thanks vi’
you call her that one more time
ill gouge your eyes out bitch
dodging the question huh jacobs???
ill murder you
ill fucking gut you
god everyone looks really fucking good in their uniform
oh mygod
is this the first time we’re seeing herrmann in his uniform???
we love
my love
who is this guy
good god
i already hate you
i hate him
did i mention that i don't like him
‘its always been dc shafer, what happened?’
‘i don't know’
emma happened
i can feel it
she's the reason for this
fire cop!kelly severide
we love to see it
its great
sylvie and violet
my loves
this'll be fun
paramedicine coming in hot
we love to see it
sylvie takin charge
i love her
she's amazing
‘this isn't even my style’
we love it
power couple of the entire one chicago franchise
‘looks like we both got our work cut out for us’
we love
oh god
im so nervous
im not handling this well
answer the goddamn question
comE ON
‘doctors drive me crazy, have I told you that before?’
‘only like a gabillion times’
my mother and father who raised me
‘but if she calls me mrs. herrmann one more, she’s getting a knuckle sandwich.’
*proud look from christopher*
oh yippee
the writers didn’t forget about mouch and sylvie working paramedicine together
that's a first
sylvie looKS SO GOOD
gallo’s gonna forget, isn't he
my chaotic besties
i love y'all so much
the looks shared b/w violet and ritter are amazing
oh yippee
severide playing fire cop!!!
van meter???
bro that lowkey scared me
ok but van meter has a point
ms. lawyer saw one picture of the two of them together and thought
‘yes, he is corrupt’
and then moved on
come on
this conversation could have gone a lot better
that's for sure
but crappy conversation
we can't ever see them happy, can we???
im so fuckin giddy
im gonna cry
chicago fire writers take a break from hurting me challenge
im begging you
please stop
oh my goD HIS LAPTOP
its gonna have evidence against emma
i can feel it
poor poor violet
im not strong enough
this lawyer lady is probably dirty
or something
do you want his help or not
i don't like you
no wait
is it peerage who’s dirty????
cleaning time
god, my room is so dirty
mouch is bailing
loving it
‘last man out, remember?’
‘and im the suck up’
yes gallo
you are
because carver and kidd went through something traumatic together
and you
well youre not great at saying no to people
ritter looking out for gallo
please keep your comments to a minimum
i don't like you
fuck off
aw violet
my poor child
i knew it
there would be evidence against emma
please get rid of her
my baby
that's why jimmy nicholas was in the guest starts thing
oh yay
boden looks like a proud father
we love it
its not dc watts is it??
stella’s face after kylie admits to throwing away the liquor
bodes questioning look
boden looks like he wants to punch something
‘are you stealing liquor from molly’s?’
peak comedy
oh goodie
this is gonna be great
‘how goes the witch hunt’
this'll be fun
keep your comments to ZE R O
kelly and vanmeter 
the duo we never knew we needed
fucK YEA
i love you
youre amazing
no dammit
i wanted to hear her get fired
oh ew
i hate you
van meter and kelly
they are the ultimate father-son duo
fuck off pearce
i despise you
benny was a shit father
and i hate him too
fuck off pearce
don't do this
you don't know the damage that was caused
oh god
‘what's that rash that i saw on his neck this morning?’
‘those are hickeys, christopher’
‘he was out with Lana last night.’
‘th-that is horrifying’
*cute cindy snort*
‘wait so they’re just out there mauling each other?’
‘you might be overreacting a bit’
herrmann is nothing if not dramatic
clueless herrmann is a national treasure
the look on the doctors face
im not ready
oh no
oh noooo
what's happening
god fucking dammit
‘im the one who’s supposed to get lung cancer’
why must you hurt me like this
trying to find a way out
cindy’s gentle nodding
im hurt
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fairy-writes · 2 years
Hihi! I saw that your matchup requests were open so i thought id send one in. Dont worry about it though If youre already drowning in matchups.
Id like to request a romantic matchup from Death note and/or Vanitas no Carte
Im an INFP who can tend to feel a bit more extroverted occasionally depending on the type of people im around. I am very socially anxious when it comes to going somewhere where I'll have to meet new people though and can tend to be very shy at first before opening up. Most of my sense of humor comes from sarcasm and I think I'm rather witty at times. My personality melds to the people that im hanging out with so i can better avoid conflict sometimes and others just because it happens naturally.
I'm a very artistic and imaginative person, which reflects a lot in my hobbies. I enjoy drawing, writing, acting, creating characters, and listening to, composing, and performing music. Despite being very artistic I also like to keep myself informed by reading. Whether its fiction or nonfiction I love reading books that have a spooky element to them, it keeps me involved in the story. Along with this I also enjoy being active and playing sports, though I am not the best at them. My three favourite sports to play are Soccer, Hockey, and Ultimate Frisbee.
Romantic Aspects
Im an omnisexual, which is someone who has an attraction to all gender identities, including nonbinary and gender fluid, but does have a preference. My preference lies with men, however, im fine with any gender for my matchup. Im very shy when it comes to romance and very nonconfrontational. With a significant other, all I ask is that they give me some form of physical affection and reassurance that they love me for who I am. I get jealous easily but i try not to let that show or affect us too much if i know that it's not a rational jealousy. When i show love to my partner i show it through words of affirmation and physical touch. I also make a point to spend more time with them and be more helpful. Id want a partner who i could talk with for hours about everything and nothing. Id also like them to be respectful of when i need my alone time and ill do the same for them. Im very attracted to intelligence as well, so someone who i could have educated, mature conversations with about things would be ideal.
Thank you so much for reading this and if you need any more information dont hesitate to tell me and ill be willing to add more. If you decide to do this, thank you in advance 🧡
Hello lovely! I hope you like your matchups!
Death Note Matchup: I pair you with… Matsuda Touta!
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A fellow Hufflepuff! He’s also quite a bit taller than you at 5’8 ½. You are a fellow police officer who works the Kira case when Matsuda meets you for the first time! However, the two of you don’t start going out until after that is all said and done, and he finally gets the courage to ask you to dinner. 
He loves that you are artistic! Unfortunately, Matsuda is rubbish at being artsy, so he lets you do the fun stuff. But he loves to watch! He’ll happily listen to the music you compose forever if you’ll let him and will sometimes make requests of you when you perform music. Reading dates! Matsuda will go for either sci-fi or nonfiction. There’s no in-between.
Matsuda doesn’t mind that you’re shy when it comes to romance. He’s a little nervous too! But he never fails to tell you he loves you and will give you all the hugs and kisses you desire! Furthermore, he respects your alone time and will just send you a text that he’s ready to be there for you when you need him, but other than that, he’ll leave you alone. 
The two of you have great conversations! Admittedly, he’s not the most brilliant cop out there, but he was smart enough for the Kira case and hardworking enough to make up for it! Your conversations range from anything to everything!
The Casy Study of Vanitas Matchup: I pair you with… Domonique de Sade!
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I literally cannot decide what house Domi fits into, so we’re going with either Slytherin or Gryffindor! I think she fits into all four houses, but we’ll just say Gryffindor or Slytherin for now. Also, I have no idea how tall she is. Her wiki doesn’t say. BUT, we can assume she’s only a little shorter than Noé, and he’s like six feet tall. So with a bit of magic, we can guess that she’s taller than you by a decent amount. 
Domi loves your occasional extroverted side! Of course, she loves every aspect of you, but she’s an extrovert, so when you feel like being an extrovert, it’s sunshine all around! She’ll hold your hand if you have to meet new people and reassures you that you are doing fantastically. Your sarcastic sense of humor makes her laugh every time without fail, and she strives to make you laugh too!
She loves your artistic and imaginative side! She loves to watch you draw and act and also listen to your music! She’s a fan of classical, so if you surprise her with a piece, she’ll cry and keep it forever (which is a long time considering she’s a vampire). More reading dates! Domi will read a wide variety of things, so the two of you spend a lot of time just reading quietly and enjoying each other’s presence! Game dates! Ultimate frisbee dates! You’ll have to teach her how to play, but anything that means spending time with you means she’s down for it :)
Domi’s receiving love language is physical touch so the two of you work together well! Her giving love language is words of affirmation and she loves to tell you how much she cares about you. The two of you have fantastic conversations. While she’s not super respectful of others, she respects your alone time and only asks that you are respectful of hers in return.
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ritzcuit · 7 days
thinking abt klav dar morality and stuff is so fun to me but it's soooo unsatisfying bc ill NEVER HAVE ANY ANSWER EVER. sigh! and also it's deeply tainted by my own beliefs. SIGH!
i like them being pre-gavinners young and childish and "oh well, clearly, Bad People do Bad Things" a thing they both agree on. very confidently. i like a daryan who like, you'd think he was a delinquent kid, a shitty brat.... but tbh i just don't think it would be the case. i think MAYBE he got in some fights.... but i don't think he was the full blown like, "always in trouble good for nothing no future" esque punk.
i think if he was cool enough to be a delinquent he wouldnt be in the FUCKING GAVINNERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!COUGHS UP BLOOD
i think klavier went into law bc kristoph (obviously) and daryan went into law bc of klavier more or less..
i think of them having really confident discussions on like. well why don't evil people just not be evil. right? "oh clearly something would have to be wrong with you to murder someone." esque beliefs. "normal people can't do something so fucked up." stuff like that...dumb self assured kids. esp klavier, who i don't have interesting thoughts on bc i dont care about him LOL
like they get a little older. and get into law. and it's cool. and fucking awesome. and aging makes them a little less tightass about everything. they get independent they make music they get exposed to the wider world etc.... i think daryan stays looser about it overall, about crime and shit. and then daryan moves to a different division and quits working w klav on cases and blah blah
taking the music as a metaphor for their view on crime probably, how klavier freaking over [the missed cue] whereas daryan insists that it's Not A Big Deal... which, like, for the case specifically, it did turn out to be a big deal, but i'll pretend like it's indicative of their views overall, where daryan's willing to let tiny things slide and where klavier pointedly won't. Bc it's about the principle of the thing.
i think klavier goes back to being a tightass. i think when he was 17 and looking like a little lesbian was probably the Coolest he ever was. idk what happened between then and canon that made him regress into being a kristoph 2 but it's fun to me if something did happen... i just don't care. probably not the disbarring? or i guess it could be. i dont CAREEE about him
all this to say, i really like thinking about a klavier looking back on daryan and wondering [what went wrong], because either something went wrong, or he had always been friends with an Evil Person. and for years he's just never noticed that daryan was Evil and capable of Murder and Covering up and Lying. and stuff.
which of course was a question he was already going through with kristoph, or maybe pointedly *not* going through? daryan is close to him but not as close as kristoph and the crimes weren't so fucking premeditated so it's maybe an easier entry point for this whole thought process for him. "your best friend botched a drug smuggling and snuffed a cop who was gonna rat him out" is a hard pill but not as hard a pill as "whatever the fuck kristoph was up to" NELKNDLKNGFD
And it's fun to think about... him trying to get answers from daryan directly. like tell me are you a bad person? are you? or like, what happened? and when did it change? and how long and why? and it's like. there isn't an answer! daryan doesn't have one! and it's just a shitty thing to ask. as if klavier's shattered sense of comfort is the real issue here and not "daryan is in prison for murder"NELKNDFKLN it's just fun... it's just fun... was it always you? or was it like, the system? who changed you? and daryan's so uncomfortable. and it pisses him off so bad.
i just like it. it's so cutie. two boys who thought they had such a sure view of the world realizing in the most simple of ways that Oh, No, it turns out we're all directly capable of crime in various shades of culpability and evilness can't be cleanly prescribed like that. and it was a deeply flawed and stupid way of viewing the world, especially if the person who told you that in the first place was one of the cruelest people either of you knew up to that point LIKEEE. messyyy lol. it's so cute.
Like like like daryan who already always had an aggressive demeanor and kind of rubbed people the wrong way but klavier always insisted he's an upstanding person and one of the people klavier trusted most ... someone who klavier probably had to defend a lot just in conversation. and it wasn't misplaced? like klavier wasn't lying! being an asshole isn't a crime and doesn't make someone evil. but in hindsight oh it's tainted foreverrrr.
also again the daryan who's watching klavier have this like internal crisis of faith and he's like can you do this elsewhere. Like i'm in prison right now i don't need thinLKNFKLDFNGKNDFG HELP
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the-firebird69 · 5 months
trump is in court now as trump in five casees soon seven. and you dont get news just his blatehr and his making up stupid things tot alk about. and the public is pissed. now too. and want the news and have to go to the courts the last nail is by him in his coffin. and he says we distract. and oh. dont let thm hear it and are gettig the real thing. tiemely and needed it. and work now and it is true he is torturing the jduge andothers is a huge idiot and mean person.
Thor Freya
ew use this take his light cycles and other. and start up factories and now and ues it and trump is at him and bja found it and is at trump telsl brad to shut it sees trups. and then this he tells you and ok good. then this he saw no. and why. and they tried to set him up again. and relentless wiht him. they nee to stop an wont. we hate them gotta be areason like umass and the attack may hv been one of them. and like seano r what. and they say it ok.
and one day in downtown amerst our son left the bank and made ad eposit and yeh sean was after it tried characters to hide it. and saw him coming out and went to the alley he goes threough and to hide himself. and alks in it says oh its you and wont let him by. and im tring to go home what are you doing. and he says robbing you. i dont havae money saw you with it earlier its in there. go get it. so our son said nope. and he said what. i said no. and you die now no. he went in said there is a man asking for his money he put ini and the cops came and arrested him no. our son hit him. and hard. and he was not expecting it. then kickd him in the head. hard and out. no again and tons of times. and then this. he is out now and yeh it was somoeone else. lol true too. and our son went out the front. and yeh his son no. it was someone he did the business wiht and sean thought it true no. knows. it was tommy f. and when our son hits someone they are burned and you are a new thing dave aka dan no not hard and so on. true too wintesses no not hard enough no damage. and he smirks. dead forever and you toy iwth it and die a lot. and they say this he is dangerous and we dont care tons are now dont care. and they fall now hard fully.
trump disguises as brad and tonss saw it and also cheeseman and to do crimes on light scycles and is exposed. and was doing it earlier. a daughter looks like becka. and trump blamed. and they said this. cant stan it you have lines have to use them and at him he says true. they balk. noope y our infighting chcikens saw it knew it and keep at it shit. catn live in fecal matter they did not laugh tears. he leaves. they say this we have to make it r ight he runs it. and tried nope you won it. hired him no. this isit trump a big baby. and then this we see you and you hate us and canthelp it brad cant. and he says it huge on us where. a shield and stelmo and more skilelt. we are under max uress.and ok we see it. damnit he says it is ee you cannot overcome it it is hard and are siinners by trade so...and we see it cant stop. need at them. a buvver is us then spueo empire and tommy f and from tons of ppl and demons and we see.
they alls ay it now
no this is new
Thor Freya
0 notes
I wish my father was dead. All he does is yell and scream and I don't have the money to move out even with my job because I'm a full time student who works part time and most of the money I make goes toward medical bills. He has verbally abused me ever since I was 2. I am terrified of him. It's worse because he's a cop and thinks he does nothing wrong. I try to tell him how I feel and he just yells more. He has an incurable and rare brain disorder that causes him pain but I dont care. I'm glad he's in pain because he deserves it. I wish the disease would just kill him. He hates that I'm queer and I so far up trump's ass you wouldn't believe it. I'm a transplant patient and he cares more about him comfort than my health. I hate being at home because he's retired now so he's always home ready to yell at me no matter how hard I try to please him. I wish he'd fucking die.
Hey there,
This sounds like a really difficult to be in.
You mentioned that your father has an incurable and rare brain disorder that causes him pain, I am not sure what he has been diagnosed with and nor am I a doctor, but is it possible that part of his brain disorder is him not having full control over his temper? Even if this is the case though, I know that this doesn’t change anything in regards to you feeling terrified of him, but if this is the case (in regards to his brain disorder) then it may help you to put into perspective that he doesn’t really mean what he is saying? Just a thought!
Being a transplant patient and having to live with an abusive father for whatever reason is never easy and especially as you cannot move out due to most of your finances going towards medical bills. But do you have any close friends you could possibly sleep over at or another family member when your father is being particular abusive (more so than he often is) so that you can have some respite from him? Having a break may be really helpful and will also enable you to look after yourself a bit as well and recharge your batteries.
Although I know personally how easy it is to wish for another person’s death, there are more practical things that you can be doing with your time, for example one idea may be to find some things you can do after work and when you are not busy studying to help keep you out of the house for a bit longer – like joining some kind of group perhaps.
I really hope that this has helped a bit and please do let us know if we can help to support you in any other way!
I’m thinking of you and hope that you are going well!
Take care,
0 notes
miikewazowski · 1 year
i HOPE you see this.
disclaimer: this post is filled with all the hate i could possibly emit. it is everything i want to say to him, so please excuse my french. it is the punch to his nuts that i should have given him then. it is the mental pain i wish i could have reciprocated in the moment. 
other disclaimer: i am not a violent person. i do not condone violence. this post is simply my demons having a little freedom for a moment. they are running amuck in my head. i need them out. i never abused anyone, i was always the one BEING abused.
you fucking suck. you are probably the worst human i have ever met. youre fucking crazy. you should be a mental patient. and if you need proof of that, i have it sweetie. i will have it until the day i die. in case your dumbass tries some shit in the future. “wHy ArE yOu ReCoRdInG” fucking dumbass. i have all your little meltdowns on tape. you yelling at me, you scaring my DOG. you PUNCHING YOUR OWN DOG, you telling lies, you pulling out the GUN, should i keep going? you cant be trusted. and we ALL know you have your fucking family wrapped around your little finger. you treat them like SHIT and they still care about you. they still think theres something there worth saving. first hand i can tell you, you are a shell of a human. YOU KNOW HOW FUCKED UP YOU ARE AND YET YOU STILL REFUSE TO BE HELPED. so fucking be it bro. what really pisses me off is you just fucking got away with ALL OF IT. i called the cops on you TWICE and both times you stopped me. i WISH one of them went through. i was on the phone with the girl while you were screaming. hoping you wouldnt see me on the phone. i couldnt put it up to my ear. do you know HOW BADLY i wanted her to trace the call. i was BEGGING for the universe to save me from your insane ass. you are a piece of shit. karma is on its way to you. i manifest it every day. i hope your life is awful. i hope nothing ever goes your way. i hope you rot in hell, oh how i wish hell was real. people like you deserve to live there. burning. in constant agony. YOU NEED TO ATONE FOR WHAT YOU DID TO ME. YOU NEED TO BE PUNISHED FOR YOUR ACTIONS. YOU NEED TO OWN UP TO THEM. I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO LIVE IN SILENCE. THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW YOUR FACE, YOUR NAME, YOUR ENTIRE BEING.
takes u to court for emotional turmoil
bitch i would sue you for everything you OWN
i should have taken bucket. youre going to kill that dog one day. for fucks sake you punched him full force in the head because he tried to lick your popsicle. then threw him across the room like a football. i should have called the animal police bro. you cant even take care of yourself, why are you being trusted with a helpless dog? i dont give a fuck about you. let me make that clear. you dont deserve anything in this world as far as im concerned. but that dog, that dog needs to be saved.
you are LUCKY that you still have your family, unfortunately for them. but they are all you will ever have. you are a gaslighter. and i hope to fucking GOD that you dont entrap ANYONE else. live alone, die alone. 
that being said, you pussy ass bitch, if you MIRACULOUSLY decide to admit yourself and become a GOOD PERSON, then MAYBE i will consider manifesting positivity for you. but if you are still the same abusive asshole that i lived with, then i will continuously wish nothing but hell for you.
but heres the thing about GASLIGHTERS. its in your DNA fuckhead. your brain is LITERALLY fucked up. so you cant change. and i doubt you will. because you are “fine”.
well, YOU DONT GET TO GET AWAY WITH THIS. the more i heal, the more i see the truth. you manipulated my entire life. i became a pet to you. a pet that you abused. im basically bucket. i loved you unconditionally, and you abused that love. YOU ARE AN ABUSER. YOU ARE DANGEROUS. you need to be stopped. and i will live with this pain for the rest of my life because of you. i will ALWAYS remember what you put me through/did to me. if i EVER see you on the street, i WILL catch a case I. DONT. GIVE. A. FUCK.  DONT YOU ever STEP IN MY LANE AGAIN. you are dead to me. i was the best thing you ever had. i hope you think of me. i hope you miss me. i hope your heart aches from the loss of me. i hope the pain is as unbearable as the pain you caused me.
now heres where you misunderstood me.
you took me for a fool. someone that you could manipulate endlessly. you must have thought i was dumb. LMFAO. i love HARD but i am NO idiot. i saw you. i KNOW the real you. and it gets clearer every day. you cant run from who you are. and if i have to let the world know who you are too, i will. so stay low. dont make any noise. dont hurt another SOUL. or i’ll pop up. you dont get to hurt anyone else. i refuse to let it happen. i crave justice and revenge. only thing keeping me quiet now, is i dont want to be a bad person. i dont want drama. you aint worth it motherfucker. but im ready for anything. you can not be trusted.
so keep telling your lies. keep everyone thinking you have a halo. keep abusing people. keep it up. i know you will end up where you are supposed to be. people like you dont make it very far in life. 
just know, as long as im alive, you have an enemy walking this earth.
fuck you w, d.e.
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candysharkart · 3 years
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edgy creepy pasta au i doodled to pass the time today :) I dont feel like finishing it but i put too much effort in not to post lol..................................
here’s the whole script i wrote for mewmewstabbykilly if u want.....i ended up writing way too much cuz i was trying to emulate that kind of video.............i was just making shit up tho so idk how cohesive (or like...... good) it is n u can probably just ignore it if u want :)
The year 1997 had held such promise for former pawnshop owner, turned overnight TV superstar, Spamton G. Spamton. His hit original gameshow "DO YOU WANNA BE A [BIG SHOT]?" was being enjoyed by human and monster families alike all over the country. And his eccentric but endearing personality as the show's host, "MR. BIG SHOT", had the network calling for his own late night talk show......But on September 17 1997 Mr. Big Shot stopped picking up the phone.
When he failed to arrive to the set of "DO YOU WANNA BE A [BIG SHOT]?" that morning, the crew was concerned. Spamton had never missed a taping before in the shows 7 season run. All calls made to the missing host would mysteriously fail to go through. Wanting to keep the shows record going, producers sent a stage assistant to Spamton's apartment to see if they could bring him in.
This guy's landlord must've SUCKED by the way!!!! Allegedly this stranger stage hand walked right up to him and was like "Hey I work with your celebrity tenant! let me in his apartment!" AND HE DID!!!! LIKE???? WHAT IS THAT???? Anyway. They get the door open and BAM!!! Couple minutes later the cops are on their way. Spamton G. Spamton is dead.
Details on this case are kinda..... fuzzy!! There was like next to NO news coverage, and the only case reports I could find are like......... heavily redacted for some reason???? But from what I can put together, they found Spamton sitting on his couch next to his landline, receiver in hand, all dressed up like he was just about to head down to the lot. Only y'know. He was dead. The report also said that the phone was just emitting a "garbage noise"?? Whatever that means?? Static I guess... Is that something old phones did?? I dunno... That phrasing just really stuck out to me.
The coroner states that they couldn't determine a cause of death, but said that he was unharmed barring of course his, and I quote, "heavily mutilated face". HEAVILY MUTILATED FACE!!!! I'M NO EXPERT BUT THAT SOUNDS LIKE A CAUSE OF DEATH TO ME!!!! There isn't even a description OF the mutilation!!!! Like COME ON!!!! I'm trying to make a viewtube video over here!!!! LET ME INFORM MY AUDIENCE!!!! I couldn't even figure out what the cops ruled it!!!! Honestly, I'd seen reruns of this guy's show before, but I hadn't EVER heard of this case until someone emailed me about it......
While I was digging through old true crime forums as research for this video I managed to come across what's SUPPOSSED to be an autopsy image of the head, but I couldn't find anything to support this...... The picture was already censored when it was posted, and I..... Didn't really want to look for the original..... It's not like I would've put it in here anyway, I'm not a weirdo. But this version is PG enough to put in this video, since it's like..... the only other thing I could find on the subject. I kinda hate looking at it though hahaha.
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