#if the folds in the clothes look weird that's because i forgot the POV i was using so if you turn your screen that's how they look
keeps-ache · 2 years
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strangers' strangely similar spirits (recommended you click and zoom :DD)
tiny bit more colour below
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just liiiiiiiittle bit more :3
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moonlit-mizukage · 3 years
Chapter Fourteen:  No, I have never seen these before.
Summary: Popular punk band, Skull crusher, had to find a new drummer due to the sudden disappearance of the last one. As band manager and lead singer, Semi Eita’s girlfriend, Y/l/n Y/n brings Kyotani, a rising internet drummer they found online into the picture. Everything was great at first, then Kuroo, the lead guitarist, started getting creepy messages and presents. Y/n is determined to find out who is trying to sabotage the band when things only take a turn for the absolute worst. Who could be the mysterious stalker really be? Is it their new band mate? Or could it be a close friend of one of the members?
TW: Swearing, blood
Word Count: 1.2 K 
An:  I had a chapter that was supposed to be uploaded yesterday at 9pm and it never posted??? I checked my app and even desk top and it’s completely gone. I typed it on tumblr cause I was out. I will retype it and this is it now and I will work on posting the second one as well tonight or tomorrow with Tendou’s smau update 😭
Third person POV The next day 
“Because the Ip address was given to us one day earlier than expected I think we should add it to our stops.” Y/n said looking over at Semi as he drove. 
“How would we find his address Y/n?” He said as he pulled into Akaashi and Matsukawa’s driveway. 
“I googled him and it came up.” 
“So what would we just knock on his door and ask him why he’s in love with Kuroo?” 
“I mean why not?” The back door opened on the van as Kuroo Matsukawa, Akaashi and Kuroo climbed inside. 
“What’s going on?” Matsukawa asked. 
“Y/n found Asahi’s house and wants to go after Kuroo’s and Daichi’s.” 
“That’s a genius idea.” Matsukawa said.
“No it’s not. We could get arrested.” Akaashi said. 
They pulled up into the parking lot of Kuroo’s apartment building.
“Are you ready to head in?” Y/n name asked Kuroo. 
“Not really, but let’s go inside. I text Kyotani to come up too since he lives here too.” Kroo said. 
They all headed up as Kyotani was waiting by the elevator on Kuroo’s floor. 
“Hey Kyotani. Thanks for your help today.” Kuroo said as he walked down the hall to his place. He unlocked the door as he stepped back scared to go in first. Matsukawa walked in before anyone else could move. 
“Looks pretty normal doesn’t it?” He asked Kuroo. 
“Check the windows like last time.” Y/n said. The group split up as Y/n and Kuroo went into his bedroom. Y/n was looking along the window as she turned to Kuroo. “Are these yours?” She held her hand out with something in it.
He picked up the rings from her palms for a closer examination. 
"No, I have never seen these before." He said as he met her gaze and past them back. 
“I will ask the others.” Y/n said as she turned and left the room. She walked up behind Semi and tapped his shoulder. 
“Do you know who these belong too?” She held up the rings. Before he could say anything Kyotani snatched them from your hand. “HEY!” She shouted at him. 
“These are fucking mine.” He snapped. 
“I found them in Kuroo’s room.” She said. 
“I lost them at the last fucking concert.” Kyotani spoke up. Y/n looked at Semi. 
“We found nothing in the kitchen except smelly food.” Matsukawa said. 
“We cleaned out your fridge.” Akaashi added. 
“Oh thanks. I forgot since I have been at your place now for some time.” 
“Why don’t you just fucking stay at mine?” Kyotani asked.
“I mean I could yeah. I keep putting out Akaashi and Matsukawa. I know it has been keeping them up at night with me on their bedroom floor.” Kuroo responded with an awkward laugh. 
“It’s no issue for us.” Akaashi said. 
“Yeah Akaashi is a great cuddler.” Matsukawa said with a wink. 
“So should we head out then?” Akaashi said quickly changing the topic. 
“Daichi lives just 4 buildings down so we can walk over.” Kuroo said. 
“Does he still have his apartment?” Kyotani asked. 
“I still have his spare key so we shall find out.” Y/n said. 
The six walked down the sidewalk as they got to the building. Y/n reached into her pocket and pulled out the key to the front door. They walked inside as the five guys waited by the door inside and Y/n approached the front desk.
“Hello. I am Y/n. Apartment 1506’s girlfriend. I was out of the country for a few months so I was unable to call him. Does he still live there?” She asked. 
“What’s the residence name?” He signed, sounding annoyed. 
“Daichi Sawamura.”
“Ah yes. I know him, a lovely fella. He always pays his rent by cheque by slipping it in my mailbox each month. Other than that I never see him in the building anymore. Does he spend a lot of time with you?” He asked with his sudden attitude change. 
“Not in a while unfortunately.” She said truthfully. She said her goodbyes and waved the guys over to the elevator. 
“Alright so Daichi does pay his rent here still somehow.” She said. 
“He had a specific bank account that the money came out of. He had enough in there for 5 years.” Akaashi said. 
“Yeah but he pays by cheque.” 
“Wait what?” Semi asked. “That’s really creepy. Are we sure this is safe?” 
“I mean no, but we have to check it out anyways.” Y/n said as she laced her fingers in Semi’s. 
They finally got upstairs to his apartment on the fifteenth floor. They walked down the hall as she pulled out the key and unlocked the door. She turned to the others with her hand on the knob. 
“Pray for no dead people behind here.” She said just above a whisper. 
They walked into the apartment as they all let out an audible sigh. 
“It seems weird how everything is just how I remember it.” Matsukawa said. 
“Let’s look around anyways. See if we can find anything. 
Y/n and Semi laced fingers again as they headed to Daichi’s room. Semi grabbed the door as he whispered to the count of three before pushing it open. 
The two looked around and nothing still seemed out of place. 
“I’ll check under the bead and in the closet. You check his desk and ensuite.” Semi said. 
Y/n walked over to his desk pulling out his chair and started to shuffle through the stuff piled on top of his desk. She began to shuffle through drawers as she found nothing on top. She noticed a small raise in the wood of the second drawer she was now in. She began to scratch her nails along the wood to see if there were any weird spots. She noticed a weak spot near the back. Y/n grabbed hold of the shelf covers that lined the drawers and pulled it up slowly. She took a deep breath as she noticed a small slim box inside. The wood was deep enough to hide something but not deep enough to notice from a quick view or grab. 
She pulled out the small box placing it on top of his desk. She opened the small box. Inside there were upside down photos folded in half around something. She carefully unfolded the photograph. Three small vials rolled along the top of the desk. Each vial was tagged with a small name tag. They read;Mai and Daichi’s promise, Yukie and Kuroo. Being as curious as she is, Y/n opened the vial with Mai and Daichi’s promise written on it. 
With a hard pull, the small cork came loose and so did the liquid from inside. Crimson liquid spewed from the inside and landed on her clothing and bare arms. Her breathing began to grow heavy as she shakily placed the vial back down calling for Semi. 
She reached out to the photograph that sat on the table unwrapping it only to see a group photo of the band and her friends. It was taken before Daich had disappeared at a party. Over Yukie’s head was a red X. 
Semi called to her as he walked up and placed his hand on her shoulder. Startling her she jumped and tossed the photo down.
His eyes immediately went to the blood spilled on her. 
“Y/n... What happened?” 
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Taglist: @satan-ruler-of-hells @elianetsantana @elephantloser @putmeinyourdeathnote @levithansbabygirl @megumitodoroki @idontknow-whatto-callthis @jellyfishsart @freakydeaky226 @atria-avior @doodletingz​ @kac-chowsballs @twistedvalkyrie @ranu-chan @why-couldnt-it-be @thisnoodlewritesao3 @lady-tokugawa-of-mikawa @trashy-simp @inumakis-salmonroll
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kats-baku1999 · 3 years
Little Lies, Part Five
Warning a little smutty (not full on smut yet you animals) is in this part
The car ride back to my apartment was not as uncomfortable as I thought it would have been. We actually talked to one another. He filled me in on his career, and what he’s been doing since we graduated. When we got the apartment I let him inside, and he looked around for a little bit. Till he found the manuscript. We stopped speaking at that point, as he flipped through the pages. After an hour or two, and no words he set down the pages.
“If you want to keep reading the rest later, you can take that home?” I offered and he just continued to look at me. Standing up from his side of the table. He came behind me, and leaned down into my ear.
“You still remember those intimate moments so vividly?” He whispered in my ear, and I felt myself start blushing furiously. That was the part he got to?
“Well, uh,” I whispered, trying to ignore his breath fanning over my ear, “How could I forget when they’re one of the few intimate moments I have?”
We both froze at my words. Todoroki let out a low chuckle, his hands making their way to my shoulders. He was rubbing them gently, his grip a little firm.
“Don’t tell me I am the last one who touched you?” Todoroki’s voice sounded a little too full of himself for my liking, so I got the idea to knock him back down to size.
“Actually, Kaminari was,” I smirked, and his hands stopped moving. Just a firm grip was left on my shoulders.
“Denki Kaminari?” His voice was low, almost a growl. It was no secret the two hated each other after everything that happened. They continued this feud for the rest of that last year of school. Kaminari always doing his best to get under Todoroki’s skin. Todoroki always falling for it, and trying to fight him. I’m pretty sure they had actually gotten into a physical fight at one point.
“Yeah, we have a deal that when we are both single, we can use each other whatever way we see fit,” My voice was taunting him. His grip on shoulders got a little tighter with my words.
“Does he make you feel good?” He growled, his hands beginning to trail down the front of me. His hands hesitating right above my breasts. I knew my next few words would determine how this would go.
“Fantastic,” I answered back. My chair was yanked back, and turned to face him. He knelt down in front of me, so we were at eye level with one another. Looking over my face a few times, he was smirking, and his eyes were darker than I had seen before.
He dragged his hands up my bare thighs, gently. I shivered a little bit at his touch, instantly regretting not changing out of my skirt. He used his hands to spread my thighs apart. He let out a guttural sound from his throat as he pushed the skirt up a little bit, revealing the lace underwear I had been wearing.
“Were you waiting for Kaminari with these?” He whispered, laying his head against my thigh. He used his finger to trace my upper thigh, smirking as the goosebumps appeared on my skin.
“N-no,” My voice stuttered as his finger lightly danced over my covered folds, “They don’t give me panty lines,”
“It would be better if you just didn’t wear any,” Todoroki let out a small laugh, before biting the inside of my thigh lightly. I bit the inside of my cheek to stop a moan from coming out of my mouth, clearly it wasn’t enough considering he still sat up to look at me. Shaking his head he just laughed again.
“Honestly (Y/n) you don’t have a good poker face, and you are practically soaked through your underwear right now,” Todoroki grinned, leaning down into my face again, “Just say the words and we can fix this little problem for you pretty girl,”
I looked over his face, taking in everything about him. The last thing I wanted was to give him the satisfaction of giving in. I knew that his smug look would only get worse. I also knew that getting myself off wasn’t going to cut it tonight. Did it count as hooking up with your ex if he was never officially your boyfriend?
“You’re thinking too much,” Todoroki sighed, standing up straight. He started walking towards the door. I stood up from the chair and walked over to him.
“There you go, giving up again,” I grabbed his shirt, pulling him down into a kiss. Todoroki was hesitant at first but quickly began using more force. He had pushed me up against the edge of the couch, taking my face into his hands as he kissed me deeper. When he pulled back, a small line of spit came with him. He groaned yet again.
“Remind me to thank Kaminari for teaching you how to kiss like this,” Todoroki smirked before attaching his mouth to my neck, nipping and sucking at every part of my skin he could reach.
“He taught me a lot of other things too,” I teased, and he just let out a disappointed noise. Before pushing me backwards, I was now laying down on the couch. Todoroki watched as I adjusted myself and watched as he stripped down in front of me, “What’s the matter Todoroki, skipping the role play already?”
“Did Kaminari need foreplay to get you off?” Todoroki challenged, and I just blushed furiously. A little angry that his rebuttal was correct. Kaminari was one of my best friends now, and the foreplay with him was always great, the sex in general though wasn’t as spectacular. Still though something about the way he was acting just wasn’t settling right with me.
“Do you think that’s what we’re doing, jumping straight into sex?” I laughed, as he paused taking off his belt. He looked at me with confused eyes, trying to read my face.
“Is that not what’s happening here?” Todoroki scoffed, his voice filled with nothing but arrogance.
“You know, I don’t think it is now,” I shot back, standing up from the couch and adjusting my clothes.
“What’s the problem?” Todoroki slid his shirt back over his head, staring at me. I looked back at him, feeling a bit of anger build in my stomach.
“I’m not just going to fuck you on my couch like some random ass hookup, like we don’t know each other?” I walked over to the kitchen, getting down a cup for water.
“To be fair we don’t exactly know each other anymore (Y/n),” Todoroki’s voice was harsh, and it made me freeze in my tracks. That little out of anger ignited into full on rage at the snide remark.
“And who’s fault is that?” I slammed the cup down, turning to face him again, “Who was the one who just let me get in that car that day, and never once tried to explain themselves?”
“Wait seriously, you’re angry I didn’t explain myself?” Todoroki looked amused, “You’re so damn stubborn you wouldn’t have let me explain, and when I did you pushed me away?”
“You know what no,” My voice was still in a yell, “I wasn’t expecting you to drop the love bomb on me?”
“Oh fucking forgive me for falling in love with you,” Todoroki walked over to grab his coat.
“Read the last page.” I demanded, pointing to the manuscript that was on the table in front of him, “Read the last fucking sentence on that page,”
Todoroki looked at me, and looked down at the manuscript before picking it up and flipping to back of it. His eyes scanned over the page, before widening a little bit. It looked as if guilt was starting to wash over his face.
“Out loud.” I demanded again, and he just looked up at me. Before looking back down to the page again and taking in a deep breath.
“So there she stood, against his locker, waiting for an explanation that would never come,” Todoroki whispered, “When were you?”
“The last day of school, I slipped a note telling you to meet me there before graduation, explaining that I wanted to hear you out and if you wanted to explain yourself, that we could make it work,” I lowered my tone, “You never showed though, just left me waiting for you,”
“Touya pulled me out of school early that day,” Todoroki sighed, setting the book down, “We were going to visit Mom together,”
The tension in the room slowly faded away. We both looked back and forth at each other.
“So you never got the note?”
“No, I never got the note.”
He stared at me for a second. Before nodding, and rubbing his hand over his face. He walked out of the apartment without another word. As the door slammed I felt the tears start streaming out of my eyes. Watching my last chance to say what I needed to say walk out the door again. I pulled my phone out, wiping the tears off my face. I clicked the first contact that came to mind.
“Hey this is so random, but do you uh think you could come over?”
—-Todoroki pov—-
I let out a groan and threw myself down on Touya’s couch. Both he and Keigo stuck their heads out from the dining room. I could feel their eyes burning in on me. Soon enough they were standing over me, both of them glancing from one another to each other.
“You smell like a bar and (Y/N)‘s perfume?” Hawks whispered, as if I was delicate. Which earned him weird looks from both me and Touya.
“Do I even want to know why you know that?” Touya laughed, staring at his soon to be husband like he had grown five heads. Honestly I was giving him the same look.
“Well I work with her and I you know, smell her a lot?” Hawks looked flustered, knowing there was no way to word it correctly, “Okay, you know what? I am going to leave you two to brother things out,”
Hawks flipped us both off, and gave Touya a kiss before walking away. Touya looked at me, and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck. He moved my feet, more like smacked them out of his way. He sat down where my feet once were, and I sat up on the opposite end of the couch.
“So, little Sho, my brother, the baby of the-”
“If I tell you what happened will you quit?” I groaned, looking over at him. He laughed a little, nodding his head.
“Remember the day we decided to mend our relationship? The first day we actually hung out together before going to see mom?” I looked down at my hands.
“Yeah, because you flipped me off when I called you sweetie and told you that you forgot your lunch?” Touya snorted at the memory.
“She left a note for me that day, in my locker, after shooting me down, telling me to meet her back there after the graduation ceremony,” I looked over at Touya, who let out a low whistle.
“After I got you early?” He sighed, and I nodded, “Shit, I’m sorry Shoto,”
“Don’t be, I’ll deny it if you repeat it, but I don’t regret hanging out with you that day, it restarted our relationship,” I looked over at my brother who was smirking, “But now she thinks I just left her standing there, rejecting her for rejecting me,”
“Okay I am going to tell you a fun story,” Touya interrupted, “You know I punched bird guy in the face once?”
“What?” I looked at him like he was insane.
“Yeah, you see he was a stubborn man, and after my first boyfriend and the rejection from our dear old father, I was an absolute asshole,” Touya looked over at the picture of the two of them, “But Keigo saw the better side of me, even when I couldn’t see it in my self,”
“Where are you going with this? Other than confirming you used to be a dick?” I questioned, and earned a middle finger from him.
“You were an asshole back then, but this girl writes about you as if you were anything but that, even when you hurt her she still wrote you out to be this damaged boy, who was a human somewhere in there,”
“Hm, I didn’t really catch that, I got a little distracted,” My comment earned a punch in the arm from my older brother, who was glaring at me.
“Trust me I had to read all about your little couch encounter,” Touya sighed, “That’s not the point Shoto, just talk to the girl, and actually talk to her not try and fuck her you idiot,”
“How do you know I-”
“You have the face of a man who was given the good ole blue balls, and a cute little hickey right there,” Touya flicked it as he stood up. Walking towards the hallway to go to his shared bedroom.
I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and scrolled to her contact. I hesitated for a second before finally hitting the call button. This was the defining moment.
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awhiskeyriver · 4 years
Id love to see some background from the scene from the Bet where Katniss stopped by Peetas apartment, and thought pantsless Madge was there for him, but from the POV of Madge and Gale after Katniss left. How quickly did Madge go “ohh she likes Peeta a lot” haha
I hope you enjoy! Thanks for the prompt :)
Unedited. Mistakes are mine.
“You’re a bad influence, Gale Hawthorne,” I reprimanded with a poke to the center of his chest. He caught my hand, holding it there before rolling over onto his side to sling a heavy arm over my hip.
“You like it.”
“Maybe so,” I mused, laughing as he trailed ticklish kisses down my neck. “No more skipping class, though. I still don’t know how you convinced me not to go to my lecture…”
“You’re not?” he breathed against my skin, playfully. His hand slipped lower down my hip, finger teasing the material of my underwear. “Need me to refresh your memory?”
“I have no doubt you will.” I swatted his hand, twisting away from him as I rolled out of the bed. “Coffee first.”
“Bring me some?” he asked cheekily, stretching his arms out behind his head in a lazy move. I rolled my eyes, slipping my glasses onto my face before searching the room for my discarded sweater. 
It was a luxury having the apartment all to ourselves. With so many roommates, it wasn’t untypical for someone to always be around. Not that I minded it. One of my favorite parts about spending time at Gale’s place was the insanity that often ensued here. But, sometimes it was also fun to get a cup of coffee half naked before climbing back into your boyfriend's bed without having to worry about getting caught. 
I hummed absently to myself, basking in the early morning quietness, as the Keruig did its thing. The cups I’d gotten for Gale on my last visit to New York were sitting side by side in the cupboard and I reached up on my tiptoes to grab them. 
When rustling came from just outside the door though, it pulled me up short. I froze, cocking my head to the side a little as the shuffling continued. Like someone was pressed up against the door. I waited for a knock, wondering if it were possible Finnick or Peeta forgot their key, but nothing came. 
A package, maybe? 
I knew the apartment doors locked on their own, a passcode or buzz was needed to get in through the main doors, but perhaps someone else had let the mailman in and he was doing his rounds to each doorstep.
I grabbed my cup and replaced it with Gale’s, taking a sip as I shuffled over towards the door. 
When I opened it, I might’ve not known what to expect, but it definitely wasn’t another girl. Bent down towards the bottom of the door, she squatted awkwardly, trying not to expose herself in the skirt she donned. 
We both gasped in surprise, and she stumbled a little to regain her balance as I clutched my free hand to my heart. 
“Sorry,” I laughed, breathlessly. “I heard rustling outside the door and…” 
“It’s fine,” she said shortly, appearing flustered as she rose back up, smoothing out her clothing. She was adorable; dark skin and hair that matched, falling in delicate curls over her shoulders. Despite it barely being eight-thirty, she was wearing a full face of makeup and heeled boots. Good for her. I could barely manage to throw my hair up in a ponytail.
She fiddled with an envelope in her hands, and it hadn’t escaped my notice that Peeta’s name was neatly scripted across the back of it. Part of me had expected she was at the wrong apartment. That she lived one floor up, or down, and was searching for a spare key beneath the shoe mat, or something. But if she were here on purpose, it made the most sense that it was because of Peeta.
Judging by the way she had trouble meeting my gaze, I had a feeling she’d hoped to drop the letter of in secret. Not having expected to come face to face with anyone.   
“That for Peeta?” I asked, trying to ease her nerves by bringing it up first. I smiled friendly, as if the two of us shared a secret.
“Yeah…” she said slowly, eyes narrowing as they looked me over cautiously. 
“He’s not here right now,” I said, hoping the knowledge might put her at ease a little. Her skepticism read as though she might’ve thought I was also there for him, and I could see the betrayal in the way her glossed lips dipped at the ends. 
She started to twist towards her backpack, like she might take the letter with her. But if she did that, she might lose the nerve she’d built up to write it to him in the first place. Then what if she never gave it to him? What if he didn’t know about the admirer at all? She was so cute, so sweet looking. And after the rocky start of a year Peeta had had, something like this might’ve done him well. 
“I can give it to him, though,” I promised, and she faltered before reaching out to hand it to me quickly. 
I smiled, running my hand over it as her eyes averted down to the ground. It felt light. I might’ve mistook it for a completely empty envelope if it weren’t for the slight raise in the corner from a thin piece of paper, folded maybe.
“Who should I say it’s from?”
“He’ll know,” she said, turning on her heels towards the stairs. “Thanks. Bye.”
“Oh, okay. Bye,” I waved, surprised by the quick departure. I shut the door, eyebrows pinched as I re-looked over the back of the envelope. To: Peeta Mellark.
“Who was that?” Gale asked, coming from around the corner.
“Some girl,” I shrugged, placing the letter down on the counter for Peeta to find when he returned. Gale reached for it, and I slapped his hand away. “For Peeta.”
“What girl came here for Peeta?” 
“I was going to ask you the same. I thought maybe he had a girlfriend I didn’t know about.”
“You don’t think she was a stalker, do you?” I asked, color draining. I’d heard the boys all talk about how sometimes girls went over the top and did some very weird things all because they were football players. Oh god, I hoped it wasn’t a lock of her hair or something. But if Peeta didn’t have a girlfriend, how did she know where he lived? And there was still the matter of how she got up here.
Gale snorted. 
“Was she hot?”
“Does that make her not a stalker?”
“Just asking,” he shrugged, and I smacked his arm.
“She was pretty. Gorgeous, really. Long curly hair, grey eyes. Isn’t that interesting? I’d love to see the punnett square that landed her with those.”
I was starting to wish that Peeta was home. My mind was racing with questions over the mysterious door girl.
“Wait.” Gale frowned. “Grey eyes?”
I nodded and he picked up his phone, scrolling through it a minute before showing me a picture of the girl at the door. “This chick?”
“Madge, don’t you ever look at Instagram?”
“That’s the bitch from the sorority.”
“Really? Wow.” I looked back at the letter. “Maybe it’s an apology note.”
It was Gale’s turn to smack my hand away from it.
“If I can’t look, neither can you. We should burn it or rip it up.”
“She’s done enough damage. Best thing she can do for him is to leave him the hell alone.”
“Either way, it’s not for us to interfere with.”
He grunted, unimpressed with my answer. 
“Fuckin’ sorority girl. She’s ruining everything. Today was supposed to be hooky day and now it’s tainted.”
“Don’t be overdramatic,” I scoffed, taking a couple steps closer until my body was against his. He welcomed me in, wrapping an arm around the low of my back, and when I leaned in to lick the shell of his ear, I felt his body stiffen.
“I still want to have fun if you do…”
I gasped in surprise when he picked me up in one motion, practically throwing me over his shoulder on the way back to the bedroom.
“Our coffee,” I giggled.
“We’ll make more later.”
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mrslittletall · 3 years
Oh, sorry about that last ask, honestly forgot about fandom asdhyhyd um, same number, but bloodborne and the orphan of kos? weird choice i know
Title: Mindless Fandom: Bloodborne Characters: Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower, Orphan of Kos Word Count: 2.270 AO3-Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30595280
Summary: After her death, Lady Maria is stuck in a nightmare. After she finds out, that the Hamlet is behind the place she has awoken in, she goes investigating.
(Author's note:
14: Mindless
It is incredibly difficult to come up with something for a boss that exists only as some kind of concept in a nightmare, so I decided to go with an outsider POV for this. So, this might have turned more into a Lady Maria character study, so sorry if that wasn't what you were looking for, anon. It was just the only way I could think about how to make this prompt work.)
Maria had died, but she hadn't found peace.
She had awoken again, in the very clocktower in which she had taken her own life. Around her, the research hall, housing all the patients, the... the experiments. Maria had always refused to call them like this, she always had treated them as humans, regardless of how much the church was dehumanizing them.
Maria had tried to get out of the Research Hall. She needed to see where she was. She was sure that she had died, but the Research Hall looked like an exact copy of what she remembered. She made it through a prison block, one of the Healing Church and once she stepped outside, she knew that she indeed had died.
What laid in front of her, was a nightmarish version of Yharnam, mostly of Cathedral Ward. A fake light shone down on it, a pale, lifeless light and as she wandered through it, hunters and beasts were locked in an eternal battle. This place truly was a nightmare... a nightmare for hunters, and Maria had been a hunter herself.
True, she had quit the job, cast her weapon away and turned to comfort the patients in the Research Hall, but when she looked down at her hip, she could see the very same Rakuyo she had cast away and she was clothed in her garb, right up to the feathered hat.
Maria returned to the clocktower and sat down, waiting. She was dead and wasn't getting hungry or thirsty or tired. Most of the time she did just... think. Think about how her death had affected the ones she left behind. Gehrman, Micolash, Laurence... Adeline, the blood saint in the Research Hall she had taken a liking too. She was here as well, at least a version of her that her mind must have been fabricated. Maria felt that the Research Hall was her own personal hell, like the hunters outside were locked into an endless cycle of the hunt.
Maria could hear it. The sounds behind the big clock. The rushing of waves. The dripping of water. She could smell it, the faint smell of salt and the much more prominent smell of rotten fish.
She knew that behind the door there would lay something that scared her even more than the Research Hall... but one day she couldn't bear it anymore. She needed to know.
So Maria got up from her chair, in which she must have sat for days. Or weeks. Or months. Or years. Time wasn't a concept in this place, so she didn't know, only that it had been a long time.
She faced the structure behind her and held up an item known as the celestial dial, knowing that it would open the way. After the hole had fully opened, Maria took a deep breath, even though she didn't need to breathe anymore and stepped through it.
There was a small cave, but once she traversed it, Maria saw her true nightmare right in front of her eyes.
The Fishing Hamlet...
It felt like ages had passed since she had been sent here alongside Gehrman. Because of their combat prowess they had been chosen to take care of any attacks, so that the scholars could work unhindered. Maria hadn't questioned it back then. She had trusted Master Willem's word, that they were doing the right thing, that the villagers of the Hamlet were in the wrong for keeping the treasure of the stranded Great One for themselves.
That it had been Byrgenwerth and not the Healing Church, made the whole thing even worse. The Healing Church hadn't even existed back then. Laurence had been in the middle of his blood research, having been excluded from the trip, because Master Willem had been against it. Of course the sneaky bastard still had found a way to follow them and harvest the blood of the Great One while everyone else had been distracted. Still, Maria had acted under the order of Byrgenwerth. She had done atrocious things in the name of knowledge... atrocious things she wanted to absolve while serving the Church, only to realize that she had gone from serving one monster to serve another monster. Still, she could have believed it far more if the Healing Church had been the one to attack the Hamlet.
In a sense, the Healing Church started in Byrgenwerth, so she shouldn't be too surprised.
Maria continued walking, the shallow water washing around her boot, cold water dousing her feet. There was a figure limping forward, mumbling something about Byrgenwerth, but when she stayed to listen, she quickly realized that they didn't notice her, forever caught in their ramblings.
Approaching the village, Maria's hands encompassed her Rakuyo. She couldn't preclude the possibility that the nightmare had conjured the villagers, the one Willem had let cut open to search for eyes in their brain, to attack anyone approaching their sanctuary.
For some reason, nobody disturbed her. She could cross the village without fail. Sometimes she heard sounds, the splashing of water, the shuffling of feet, the creaking of wood... along with the prominent smell of fish, that had dried on land for a little too long, but nobody ever stood in her way.
Maria stopped when she came upon a certain well. She knew this well. That had been the well she had tossed her Rakuyo in. Once again, her grip around her Rakuyo tightened. She knew that her gear wasn't real, and was a fabrication of the dream, but she asked herself if she still would find a Rakuyo in there... her Rakuyo...
Maria had to wrest herself free from her thoughts. This wasn't why she had come here. She had another goal.
So, she continued walking, each step filling her boots with more water, until her feet were freezing and her whole body shivered, even though she knew that she wasn't alive anymore. Her body still made her believe that she was alive...
Maria stepped out of the cave, approaching the corpse on the shore. Kos, the Great One they had come here for. The Great One which Laurence had harvested the blood from. The Great One which Willem had cut open to take a piece of her unborn child...
All Great Ones lose their children and long for a surrogate. The thought was predominant in Maria's head. Did they really lose their children or did humans take them? A question that she would never get an answer too...
She didn't even know why she had come here. To make up for her crimes? To get answers? That was something she could never make up for. Maybe she had simply come to apologize.
So, Maria kneeled down in front of Kos and folded her hands in prayer, when something stirred inside the dead body.
Maria was on her feet immediately, her Rakuyo on the ready, her eyes fixated on Kos' stomach.
Something... crawled out of Kos, no... it looked... looked like she gave birth. But that couldn't be. She knew that the child had been dead. She had been a part of killing it. Maria gasped as the creature was completely “born” and slowly got up. That wasn't... that surely didn't look like a child. It was large, with grey skin, managed to step up on two feet and... actually still was connected to the placenta of its mother.
It looked like the most nightmarish thing she had seen and she was currently stuck in a nightmare.
Still, the way it stood there, the way it seemed to wail, that was nothing but a lost, confused and scared child.
Maria lowered her Rakuyo and took a step closer.
“Hey.”, she said. “I am not here to-”
Before she could even finish her sentence the child approached her with a blood-curdling scream. Maria gasped in shock and surprise and stepped out of the way, to not be crushed by this giant placenta, that the creature used like a mace.
“I am not here to fight!”, she screamed, trying to drown out their screams. “I want to talk!”
She didn't have any luck. The creature continued to attack her and with Maria refusing to fight back, she quickly became overwhelmed and felt how her body got crushed under the “club” of the creature.
When she awoke, she was back in the Astral Clocktower. She let out a deep sigh, of course she wouldn't be able to escape this nightmare by dying in it. She was forced to come back again and again, just like the hunters and the beasts.
She very well remembered what had happened. The creature... the child... They had attacked her. Did they think she was responsible for the death of their mother? While Maria wasn't responsible for Kos' death, the Great One had been dead when they found her, she was responsible for the death of the child.
The child couldn't know that. It got born, saw a dead mother and attacked the first person they thought responsible. In their sense, they were an orphan and upset about it. There were so many things Maria didn't know about the Great Ones, but she was sure that they wouldn't differ in wanting to have the comfort of their parents.
Maria decided to meet the orphan another time and see if she could help. They didn't want to listen to her. They probably weren't aware of them being in a nightmare and Maria just wanted to help.
So she went to the shore another time. The Orphan of Kos, Maria had decided to call them like that, was still there. As soon as she approached them, they were back at attacking her.
“Stop it!”, Maria screamed. “I know you have every right to hate me, but it won't do anything good! We are both stuck in a nightmare!”
Again, Maria was struck down and woke up at the Astral Clocktower. Again, Maria went back to meet the Orphan of Kos.
This time she fought back. If the Orphan didn't want to listen, she would make it listen and if that meant to beat some sense into it, so that it would finally stop attacking her.
Maria had to learn the hard way that the Orphan only got stronger the more it got cornered. She still felt the aftershock of its electric attack when she woke up in her chair again.
Their encounters continued like that. Maria knew that she would be able to just strike the Orphan down if she would get all out, but she despised using her blood powers and she didn't want to strike them down, she wanted to talk. She only fought because the Orphan didn't want to listen.
So they fought each time they met and slowly, Maria mentioned to gain the upper hand, finally having figured out how to best avoid the Orphan's attacks and striking their weak points to make them yield. During this time, she actually cherished not being able to die anymore, that surely gave her infinite tries. Being dead had its merits after all.
Finally, Maria managed to overpower the Orphan, her sword at their throat and her foot on their chest, as they trashed and flailed beneath her.
“Finally.”, Maria said. “Will you finally listen? I only wanted to talk. About all this here. The nightmare around us. The fact that it seems to be a cruel warp of the reality I tried to escape. That the Fishing Hamlet is here. Why you stayed in your mother's belly for so many years. I just want to try and help.” Or did she? Had she really come here just to help? Wasn't she here to find some answers about her suffering...?
There wasn't an answer, just more thrashing and flailing. Maria had to give her best to not be knocked off. “I just want some answers!”, she suddenly cried out, tears welling up in her eyes. Who had decided for her that she should keep living in this nightmare? Who had cursed her for all eternity? Why did she have to relive the things she wanted to forget over and over again.
“Tell me! You are the source of this nightmare, are you not?!”
Maria startled at the sound of her own voice. That wasn't like her. She had always been kind and compassionate, not furious, holding a sword at the throat of what was classified as a toddler.
Wiping the tears out of her eyes, she took a deep breath and looked the Orphan in the eyes... and that is when she noticed it.
“You don't even have a mind...”, she said. “You weren't even allowed to be born. This, all of this, it's just a manifestation of my own guilt and shame.”
Maria removed her Rakuyo from the Orphan's throat and the next thing she knew was that she was back in the Astral Clocktower.
With a sigh, she sat down on the sole chair there, picking up a photograph to look at. “We should have never come to the Hamlet.”, she murmured. “If we had just left Kos alone, nothing of this would have ever happened.”
Maria put the photograph to the side and sank down into her chair. There was no escape out of this nightmare, but she knew what her task in it was. Whoever would make it into it from the waking world, she would step up and prevent them from going further. She would keep the secret of the Hamlet, even in her own death.
Because a corpse should be well left alone. (Author's note: I am not super satisfied with this one, but I hope you enjoy it regardless. Like I said, it was a difficult prompt with a difficult character. Sadly we don't have much lore about Kos and the Orphan of Kos and the Fishing Hamlet is one of the biggest lore messes in the whole world of Bloodborne.)
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meliaaizawa · 3 years
Shota and Meiya get trapped in some pretty bad weather.
Word count: 2,054ish
*Shota's POV*
I walked down the street towards home when a light drizzle began. It had been cloudy for days, but it hasn’t rained, which is surprising since it’s rainy season. Because of the season, I had my umbrella with me, so I pulled it out of my bag and opened it in time for the drizzle to become a sprinkle. I stood, just looking out into the rain when I felt the approach of someone right beside me. It was Mei. “Hey, I was an idiot and forgot my umbrella… do you think I could squeeze under yours with you?” she asked as she stood next to me. I shrugged and said, “fine,” before continuing to walk in the direction of home. Mei has been one of my closest friends for all of high school, but she was also the last person I wanted to share an umbrella with. I’ve been trying to distance myself from her for the past year, but she seems to keep popping up from nowhere, making it harder for me to ignore her. The two of us walked in silence, with our elbows hitting each other on occasion as the rain gradually began to pick up. I had a bit of a growth spurt over the past couple months, making me a significant amount taller than Mei now.
I did my best to cover the both of us with the umbrella, but it was pointless, as the full force of the impending storm was now upon us. The wind was blowing the rain sideways, and it was hard to see directly in front of us. I felt Mei grab onto my arm with both of hers as if she were going to blow away, and I remembered her fear of storms. The umbrella blew inside out, so I ditched it and told Mei to make a run for it, grabbing her hand instinctively and pulling her along. We managed to make it to her apartment building and stood inside the entrance, both soaking wet. I looked through the window of the door we had just entered and saw nothing but grey. Mei was looking out as well and grabbed my arm again, and I could feel her hands shaking slightly. “I don’t think you’re going to make it the rest of the way home in that… You can come up to our apartment until it stops…” she offered. “I don’t want to intrude,” I replied. As much as I wanted to spend more time with Mei deep down, I knew it was highly irrational… but when I looked outside again, it was apparent I wouldn’t be making it home. I followed her up the stairs to their apartment, and upon opening the door, her mother was immediately there to greet us.
“Mei! Thank goodness you’re home! I was so worried you were stuck in the storm!” Amiyagi-san said, wrapping her daughter in her arms. “It’s alright, Mom… Shota helped me home,” Mei said, drawing her mom’s attention to me now. “Oh! Aizawa! Thank you so much for helping Mei back… she’s terrified of storms!” she said to me. I shrugged and replied, “I apologize for inconveniencing you. I will leave as soon as the storm lets up.” “Ah, well you may be here longer than you anticipated… according to the news, the ‘storm’ is actually a typhoon and is supposed to go through the night. I suggest you call your parents and let them know you’re staying here,” Amiyagi-san said. *Staying at Mei’s apartment for a whole night? Great…* I sighed to myself. “Oh, where is my hospitality? You’re both soaked! Mei, go get on some dry clothes… and if you have anything that would fit your friend, you should bring some out,” Amiyagi-san said. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Mei quickly turn and escape into her room. “Please make yourself at home however you can,” Amiyagi-san told me before heading to the kitchen. I pulled my phone out of my soaked bag and sent a text to mom. *I’ll be home tomorrow* was all I typed.
After I hit send, Mei resurfaced from her room wearing dry comfy-looking clothes and her hair in a bun, with some folded clothes in her hands. “I had to borrow a pair of shorts from Zashi one day over the summer, so I know those will fit you… and this is one of Obo’s old hoodies he gave me a while ago… hopefully it will fit,” she said, handing me the clothes. “Thanks,” I said simply before heading towards the bathroom to get off my wet clothes. *Why would she need to borrow Yamada’s shorts??* I thought to myself as I slipped them on. They fit just fine, but the hoodie was another story... As I mentioned before, I had gone through quite a growth spurt… plus with all the working out and training I’ve been doing, the hoodie fit on a lot more snuggly than I cared for… it must’ve been from middle school Shirakumo. I came out of the bathroom with the wet bundle of clothes in my hand. “I will hang those up for you!” Amiyagi-san said, holding her hands out to take the clothes. “Thank you,” I said with a polite bow. I turned to see Mei sitting on the couch reading a manga, trying to ignore the storm going on outside. I went over to where I laid my school bag down and opened it to find all my books soaked. “Great,” I mumbled to myself as I shook the water off. “You can borrow some of my manga to read if you’d like,” Mei said, looking up from her book. “you know where my bookshelf is,” she added before looking back down.
Manga sounded like a good form of entertainment to get my mind off of Mei, so I headed into her room to grab a couple of volumes. I hadn’t been in her room since Shirakumo died, so I was surprised to see so many of his things there. I recognized one of his Loud Cloud jackets hanging up on a hook on the wall, some hero posters that were once in his room, several anime figures that I remember him buying, and a number of framed photos on the shelf just above the manga. I looked at the photos as I stood at the bookshelf and felt bittersweet about it. There were several of just Mei and Shirakumo, many of which were before high school, but there were also many of our little friend group.
Though the memories that were pictured were good ones, I couldn’t help but feel sad and a bit aggravated… *How can Mei stand to look at him every day as if nothing happened?? She’s already moved on to the point where she isn’t bothered by it… but she should be* I thought to myself. “Oh, for a second there I thought you forgot where the manga was,” I heard Mei’s voice come from her doorway. “I know, I’ve made quite a few changes to my room,” she said, reading my mind as she walked over to stand next to me and look at the photos. I kept trying to rationalize Mei’s feelings in my mind, but couldn’t, so I decided to just ask her. “Are you not bothered by the fact that your best friend is dead? You and Yamada act like nothing ever happened,” I asked, feeling hurt, guilty, and sad that our friend was gone.
I couldn’t look at her when I spoke, but I noticed she didn’t look at me either. “I knew Obo better than anyone… and he was the closest thing I had to a brother… I couldn’t possibly move on from his death as easily as you say,” she began. “I am bothered by it, just as much as you, if not more… and I miss him terribly. But because of how much I miss him, I am able to ‘carry on as if nothing happened’ as you said… I felt guilty and sad about his death for a while, but the more I thought about him, the more I remembered the good times we had while he was still here. I knew that if he saw me being sad over his death, he’d be upset with me, so I decided to do what he always did… move forward,” she said, picking up a photo of her and Shirakumo as young kids. “And even though I keep going forward, I’ll never forget him and all we’ve been through, which is why I like having so many reminders of him around me. It makes me feel like I can be at least a fraction of the great friend that he was,” she said. In that moment I admired Mei. If anyone deserved to sulk over Shirakumo’s death, it would be his best friend since childhood… yet here she was smiling and being the great friend that she said she wanted to be a fraction of. I wish she could see how she has never left my side in the past year. She has handled this situation a lot better than I ever could.
Before I could come up with any reply, the lights suddenly turned off as I heard a crash of thunder… we had almost forgotten that we were in the middle of a typhoon. As the thunder crashed, I felt Mei grab onto my arm again, as if I could do something to protect her. When she realized what she had done again, she let go of my arm and said, “sorry…” before turning to look for a flashlight in the dark. A light from the door came and lit up the room. “You kiddos alright in here?” Amiyagi-san asked as she came into the room with a lit candle and flashlight. “We’re fine, mom…” Mei said nervously as more thunder crashed. “Ah, well I finished cooking just in time, so let’s go ahead and go eat!” Amiyagi-san said cheerily as if there was no storm going on outside. We all sat at the kitchen table eating silently. I kept thinking about Shirakumo and about Mei… *if she could move on and heal from this, why am I having such a hard time?* I thought.
I noticed she was more quiet than normal. Whether it was because of the storm or because of what I said, I wasn’t sure. “You know what? We should play a board game or something after we finish eating!” Mei’s mom said, probably noticing the somber mood of the table. The storm continued to rage outside as we finished our food and transitioned into playing monopoly. It seemed to take Mei’s mind off of the storm, and she was soon back to normal, giving me a smug smile when she took ownership of all my properties after I had gone bankrupt. By the time it was finished, it was quite late, and the typhoon wasn’t getting any lighter. “Mei will sleep with me tonight, so you can sleep in her room… I already changed the sheets and everything!! Hopefully you’ll get some sleep tonight despite the storm,” Amiyagi-san said to me. I bowed politely and said, “thank you for your hospitality.” The two went back into the master bedroom while I made my way back into Mei’s room and got settled into her bed. It felt a little weird at first laying in her bed, but the scent of her put my mind at ease. Though I was relaxed, I felt like I wasn’t going to get any sleep tonight after all… not because of the typhoon, but because of my mind not shutting up.
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Part 3
Summary: Y/N still wants the divorce and Camille makes Harry feel like he isn’t enough, until his had enough 
Warning: angst
 Read Part 1 Part 2
I’ve been living with my best friend for 3 weeks. It’s been 3 weeks since I asked Harry for a divorce. I don’t regret it, while I’m sad and cry almost everyday, I don’t regret my decision it was the best for me. I recently found out who he was cheating on me with, some girl named Camille. Lucky her I guess....
Today is the day we sign the divorce papers, I would have to see Harry again, I’m not ready. I start to get ready to go to my lawyers office to get this done and over with.
Once I arrive there, the first thing I see is no Harry while I’m kinda relieved I’m also nervous “where is Harry?” I ask my lawyer “ he already came by, drop this on his way” he says handing me a folder, I opened it.
It’s the divorce papers, he sign them already he really doesn’t care. I look up to my lawyer “the only thing left to do is for you to sign them” and without a single hesitation I do. “Done” I said and gave them back to my lawyer.
That’s it I’m no longer Y/N Styles. Worst part is I don’t long to be anymore, he kill the loved that was there, without a reason. I’m sad but at the same time I’m happy
When I enter y/b/n apartment, the first thing I see it’s not her but a guy. He is sitting on the couch. he has blonde hair and has a nice smile. I was about speak but y/b/n interrupted me.
She walked out of the kitchen with a cup of water, I’m assuming it was for the unknown guy. “Hey girl, you’re early was it that fast?” she said all I did was give her a nod then she hands the cup of water to the guy “ok anyways, this is my friend Alex, Alex this is y/n the girl I have been talking to you about” she introduced it us. He puts the cup down on the table and stands up and walks up to me. We shake hands while doing so I say “Nice meeting you Alex, I’m Y/N I hope y/b/n has told u nothing but good things about me” once we are done shaking hands he says “no worries only good things I promise” after that I realize I really like Alex..
Harry POV
It’s been three weeks without Y/N and three weeks with my new love. Mom and sister aren’t too happy but they accept it. Although I do have to say that the past week hasn’t been the best. Camille and I have been kinda distant, she only talks to me when she wants me to buy her something or sex. But I’m sure it’s just a phase in our relationship, soon everything would be back to normal and we can love each other the way we just to. When we were a secret that only we both knew about
I’m in my office at the moment, working on some papers for tomorrow when I get text from Camille.
Camille: We need to talk
What? What does she need to talk about now?
Me: Ok..
Before I can answer something else she respond
Camille: when are you gonna be home?
Me: I’ll be there in 30 min
Camille: Ok
Me: I 💙 U
Camille: 👌🏽
She didn’t say I love u back....
Once I arrive home, I see Camille sitting on the couch “hey beautiful” I say, I try to go in for a kiss but she move her head. Ok weird
“I’m not happy harry” she said
“What do you mean?” I ask in whisper and worried 
“ you don’t make me happy anymore, you’re not enough for me, gosh! Harry This relationship doesn’t make me happy.” I felt like crying when she said that
“But I can try to make you happy, I love you isn’t that enough?” I said In a hopeful tone of voice
“Sometimes love isn’t enough Harry” she said
“ is there something I can do? Please I will do anything” I said, I was trying really hard not to cry.
“ anything?..” she ask and I nodded
“Well... I want an open relationship”
Not this again, why does she want one. She said she loves me, if she does why does she want this so bad ?...
“Why?” I ask
“Because Harry I already told you, you’re not enough, I need excitement and someone that can I actually make me cum! You’re not exciting, I have hope you will change if you love me, which is why I want an open relationship.”
Ouch all of that hurt, I felt like someone just stab me with a knife. I’m not enough not even sexually.. but she is giving me a chance to fix this , but is she?...
“Ok” I say sounding defeated
She claps her hands, makes her way towards me, kisses me and starts to walk to the door.
“ where are you going?” I ask turning around
“ oh silly me I forgot to tell you, well I met this dude named Mike and he is cute, so I wanna get to know him more... don’t wait for me bye..” she says going out the door
I was left there sanding, confused looking and feeling stupid and like I wasn’t enough..
6 Months Later
Happy. That’s exactly how I feel, I feel happiness. Alex and I have been together for a while now. We when on several dates together and had the time of our lives. I learn to trust him and love him. Yes I love Alex, he makes me happy and feel like the only girl in the world. Now here we are, in a beautiful restaurant celebrating our 6 month anniversary. “I’m so happy to be here with you” Alex said to me. “I’m so happy too” I told him. 
Even after all this months of dating, we still haven’t done something that most couples would have. Sex. We haven’t had sex yet. No because I don’t want, cause trust me I do, but because I don’t want my relationship to be based on that, so we haven’t done it yet. Plus what harry said really did hurt me because He took my virginity. So him saying I’m not good in bed really hits home and makes me insecure. But I know Alex will understand me and he will wait for me.
“I love you” I told him
He smile and kiss me. His soft lips touching mine, molding perfectly agains each other. “I love you more” he whisper back “Y/N, you have no idea how happy you make me, you have giving me more than anybody. I love you babygirl, don’t ever leave” we kiss again and I know everything would be better. 
Harry POV 
6 Months Later
it’s been six months since I lost the best thing that ever happened to me. My princess, My world, My baby, My Y/N. I have made the biggest mistake of my life and lost the only good thing that happened to me. Instead I’m stuck with the snake Camille is. Turns out bitch only wanted to stick around only for money, no because of love. She is whore, Y/N was right. 
Fuck, Y/N I have been thinking about my girl ever since I realize what a Mistake I had made. I miss her, her lips, her body against mine, her cooking, her beautiful smile, and most important our love. I miss her every single day. I cannot believe what an idiot I am. I’m snap out of my thoughts by a annoying voice.
“harryy!!” Camile said, I just rolled my eyes
“what?” I asked annoyed
“ Look at this new Channel Bag! its so pretty and only $130,00, Can I please borrow your credit card” She said with puppy eyes 
Another reason why I miss My baby cakes Y/N, she loved me for me and not my money unlike this annoying bitch. 
“Fuck no Camile! what is wrong with you, why do you even needed, what happened to the other 50 in your closet?!” I screamed anger running through my veins. “why don’t you ask Mike?!!” She’s been fucking him for I don’t know how long, I stopped keeping count when I realize what was happening. 
“Gosh Harry! stop bringing mike into this, I love you and only you.” She argue back
Ha! no falling for that one ever again 
“ No you fucking don’t, you love my money, Fuck! you’re a whore, gold digger slut, I should’ve listen to her, my love was right all along, Fuck I’m so stupid and so done with you Cam-” I got interrupted by her 
“You’re still no over that bitch , you’re so pathe-” I stopped her, that’s it no one and I mean no one calls my baby a bitch. I’m so angry I grab the nearest thing and throw on the floor 
“ Fuck! Don’t you ever call my baby a bitch! you’re the only bitch here, fucking whore you are, I don’t ever want to see you! I don’t know why I didn’t finished this sooner god I was so stupid and just so you know everything I ever said to you was a lie, you suck at everything, cooking, sex, blow jobs, folding clothes everything! Fuck my baby gave me a boner faster than you could ever!” I say angry and out of breath, Camille since stun at my sudden outburst and like she is about to cry 
“Fuck you Harry!” she screams with tears on her eyes grabs her bag and leaves
Now that she is gone, time to figure out how to get my baby girl back..
That was fun to write :)! I Hope you enjoy Part 3 Please let me know what you think, remember please reblog, like and follow me for more. Request are open for anything. THANK U SO MUCH FOR READING
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Sharing Speedsters 1 (One Shot) Barry Allen X OC X Eobard Thawne (The Flash)
[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am here with my co author and this is with Barry Allen X OC Marie X Eobard Thawne (Which he will look like wells which is more daddish for reasons >:3) Smut One Shot Requested Anonymously to my co author. We hope you enjoy this chapter!]
(Marie's POV)
I was trying to hid, two speedsters have been hunting me down for years. I had to run and his and I make my way back to my apartment and there I see both Eobard and Barry in my living room.
"W-What... h-how the hell.. what are. ." I could barely talk as I backed up, nearly falling
"We decided to work together and this time we are not letting you go." Eobard says. (Readers Eobard kept Harrison looks for reasons Just a heads up)
(Probably couldn't have the energy to chase me around and use the energy to become himself again)
(XD Yeah)
I was so confused, I didn't understand why they were chasing me in the first place. It started when I was kidnapped by some criminal as a hostage, the flash having saved me, and saving me every time I needed it, eventually he revealed his identity as my friend Barry, but he started acting weird, he was slightly possessive... Then Eobard the enemy of Barry started to stalk me, I caught him in my house more than once, he spanked me when he deemed I was a bad girl. His words not mine. So I am so confused.
(Uh very confusing as to why he didn't kill me bit probably super painful)
(More so painful to my pride)
(XD yeah XD)
"I don't understand.." I said as I backed up scared. Was I going to be killed?
"Do not worry." Barry says. "We will never hurt you."
"What we want is something else." Eobard says slamming the door shut.
She tenses and soon is picked up by Barry and he is running somewhere at the speed of light.
(I like.to imagine he did just leave to get rid of eobard But failed xD)
(XD Pretty much XD)
I found myself in his room as my face turned red. Did he just..ditch eobard?
"I don't want him to get his hands on you. Marie you don't understand how much I love you, every time I look at you my heart aches. I want you to be happy, every smile just makes me feel like no matter how shitty my day is, I could smile back."
I looked at him and suddenly he kisses me and I kiss back and he wraps his arms around my waist. I wasn't as scared if him..if anything I was attracted to him. We were close in age, childhood friends actually, he was just so sweet..)
(Close in age....something eobard even in wells body, he won't achieve which works for his whole daddy need)
I tangle my fingers in his hair before I hear the door slam open and I pull away to see Eobard and he was seething. Or at least I think he was bit the mask hid it. I was suddenly pulled back into another kiss by Barry although he seemed nervous. I kiss him back blushing hard as I kiss him. I was a little scared, not only kissing Barry but doing it in front of a very angry eobard, however my attention was quickly drawn to the hand I felt on my breast. Barry started to massage my breasts and I moaned as she does so my chest always been sensitive. And I had noticed his staring when he thought I didn't notice..
(Barrys pov)
I smile and took her shirt of with seed and her bra and then take a nipple in my mouth vibrating around it. She let out a cry of a moan as her head tilted back.
"B-Barry stop-- y-you have to stop~" she panted out but I wasn't listening. "Barry you dont -mmm understand I--" she stopped just as I felt something enter my mouth. A liquid.
I moaned at the sweet vanilla taste and began to suck more vigorously. She let out a moan as her eyes rolled back as I continued as she gripped the sheets before she let one hand stroke my hair. I moaned loving the praise it gave and started to move my fingers to her core.
"B-Barry~" she moaned as it only spurred me on, I almost forgot Eobard was there
I groaned and kissed her pulling her close as I vibrate her clit with a vibrating finger.
"OH God Barry~ Y-You're making me feel so good Barry~"
I smirked and shove a finger in her and she cums hard on my vibrating fingers convulsing
She moaned as I didn't take it out as she looked at me, her words just causing my heart to beat faster than what it already was.
"Such a good boy Barry. ..for mommy."
I blushed darkly and kissed her deeply. God she is so good to me~ I know that she knew of my kink, I know because I had told her of it. She didn't judge me for it. Her hands grabbed my face as she kissed back, she was just so sweet about all this.
(And eobard is getting jealous. XD)
I felt her suddenly grab onto my suit as she tore it, specifically my crotch as she looked at me, her eyes focused on me as she pushed me down on the bed so that I was sitting on the edge as she kneeled in front of me as her breasts rested on my knees as she pulled me down into a Toss as she spread my legs as I feel her breasts push against my cock
(Eobard is being severely neglected, that's a no no for him XD that is just asking for punishment
XD so true)
I looked at her and thrust in between her breast moaning. She looked up at me with a smile on her face as she pushed her breasts together with her arms making it feel so much better.
"Take it slow Bar~ I want you to enjoy this." She said as over her shoulder I could.see Eobard remove his.mask as he glared at me.
Her face was red as she blushed, probably never having done this, and I never have either, but it was cute ..especially when she took my hands in hers. I held her hands and kissed her as she moaned into my mouth and I speed up a bit. She kissed back as I still was going to take my time..especially with reverse here
I need to show she is mine and I will make sure of it.
(They suck at working together)
(XD well it is in their nature to be rivals)
I see him glare as he suddenly sped over as I glared before letting out a moan when her breasts pushed together harder to see he was helping hold them as he started to lift them up and down as she blushed but kissed me.
(At least he's helping xD)
(Probably for himself XD)
I groan at this as she is massaged over me and I am now so close. She blushed darkly as I thrust up more rapidly as I couldn't hold back, grabbing her face as I leaned down kissing Her as I came, her breasts becoming slick from my cum.
(XD yup he was like "enough, my turn xD)
After I finished he pulled her away from me and kisses her deeply. I will let this slide for now.
(Eobard's POV)
I held the side of her face as I kissed her, my hands gripping her firmly so she couldn't pull away as I pushed my tongue into her mouth, trying to get her own, cute little tongue to play with mine.
(Anyone who ever describes a tongue as cute..we got issues xD)
I played with hers before dominating her mouth. I hated to see Barry have her play the role of mommy. We were truly opposites. To me she just wasn't a mommy.. she truly wasn't, and I knew her vest. No, her role is far different.
She was my little girl and I am going to show her just how much better daddy is~
(Can I get Barry back? XD I think I would prefer Barry xD
(XD Barry is gone now! All left is Eobard XD
I pull away from the kiss as she panted heavily as she was a deep red.
(XD he's still in the room XD)
I then pulled off her big girl clothes as I had something more fitting for her to wear~
(Oh no xD again xD here's eobard being a creep)
I see Barry glaring before he got a call as he sped out after getting fixed out leaving me alone with her for a little bit, perfect.
(Barry! Do not leave her alone with a creep XD)
I smirked and then hand her the dress she looked at it blushing darkly.
"Y-You...want me.to w-wear this?" She asked as I just smirked as she looked away. "F-Fine.." she said as she left the room to change but I sped over to her as she screamed
"Just making sure you wouldn't try to escape." I said before closing the door so she could change, even if I've already seen her naked
She soon came out and it was the picture of sexiness and innocents and with that dark blush on her face helped me all the more. She looked so shy, so embarrassed when she shouldn't be. I walked over to her as I placed a hand on her face as she jumped a little before she relaxed as she actually leaned into it
"You look so beautiful sweetie." I tell her and kiss her again
She blushed but kissed me back as I pulled her closer, my hands resting on her back before slowly sliding down
She moaned and I groped her soft plump ass it is perfectly firm~
(Its times like this that Barry should never of left xD)
(XD Exactly XD)
"You feel so soft yet firm~ but I can't get how intimate you were with Barry out of my mind." I trailed off as my groping got more serious, more aggressive.
She moans and arches into me and I massage her butt even more.
"How you completely ignored me.." "i-it wasn't lik-like that.." she said as she grabbed onto me.
"It wasn't?"
"N-No I j-just wanted t-to give y-you both equal a-attention you deserved."
I smiled. "You always been so sweet, but now can you just be sweet for daddy?"
(I can say..it was actually like that she definitely prefers Barry xD Actually they are both hot, Barry in a sweet way and eobard in a kinky way)
(XD yeah sorry Eo XD)
She gave a shy smile as she nodded making me smile back. She just needed to know we didn't pose a threat to her.
I smile and take off my suit and then my cock sprang out. "Why don't you sit on my lap~"
She blushed but nodded as I sat on the couch as I waited for her as she seemed embarrassed.
"U-Um.. i-is there a specific way you want me to sit..l-like facing you o-or facing away?" She asked.
"Facing me baby girl." I say and pull her down on my lap my cock right between her folds nudging her clit.
(She too is freaked by him wearing a dead man's face)
(XD Yeah)
She blushed darkly as she shuddered as she let out a shaky moan. I smirked and started to let my cock vibrate and she gripped my shoulders for support.
"O-Oh Daddy~"
"That's it, good girl, just keep calling me daddy and I'll make you feel good in return~" I promised as she moaned as it was right on her clit
(XD he right now is a glorified sex toy XD)
She moaned and kept crying out daddy and saying she felt so good. "Da-Daddy Please~ Let me cum daddy~"
(Basically xD)
"Go ahead baby girl, you don't have to ask me to cum when you've been so good." I said as she held onto me tightly as she cried out for me as she came, her body shuddering as I could feel her orgasm slick my cock up as she pulled me into a kiss.
I kiss back and know I now have to take her virginity at least one of them.
[Another chapter done I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy!]
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bringontheemos · 4 years
This is my Itachi x OC Yuri fanfic. I started updating on Wattpad first, so it’s gonna take me a minute to catch up over here. (I also wrote the beginning of this story a couple of years ago. Please excuse my awkward style from back then.)
Anyway!!!! Chapter 1!
3rd person POV
Itachi and Kisame are walking through the forest when it begins to rain. A slightly irritated Itachi clicks his tongue at the heavy rain and silently pouts.
"What?" Teased Kisame. "Don't like the rain?" Because Itachi isn't accustom to talking when it's unnecessary, he just turns his head to shield his eyes from the falling water. "Fine, fine! We'll find some house to stay in. It's weird though. You've never had this problem before."
That's true. Itachi hasn't complained much, but today he was in a bad mood, so he didn't feel like being wet.
After a moment of looking, the pair noticed a house on top of a tall hill that was close by. "Here we go. I'll take care of whoever owns this dump." Kisame was walking up to the front door but a bed sheet from the laundry hanger was blowing into his face. "D-damn this!" He grabbed the fabric and tore it from the bar, revealing a young woman behind it.
She jumped a little when her sheet was pulled away. The girl tilted her her up to see him face to face, but that's when she noticed, this guy is the scariest person she has ever seen.
"GAH!" The girl stumbled back but ended up slipping on the mud and tumbling all the way down the hill. For a moment, it didn't seem like she was going to stop until she ran head first into a large rock.
"Wow she's clumsy. Haha! Well it looks like we don't have to worry about- wait Itachi! What are you doing?"
The Uchiha was already making his way to the woman. He noticed that she was completely knocked out when he reached her and her hair was stained with blood. "Hm." He grabbed her waist, dragged her back up the steep hill, and into the small house.
"What'd you do that for?" Kisame asked after they settled down.
Itachi didn't have an answer for his partner. The only thing he could think of was he just wanted to. Maybe it was because this woman reminded him of his brother when he was nothing more than a clumsy kid.
Itachi put a bandage on the top of the girl's head and had a small fire started close by so she would dry faster. Now it was a waiting game to see when she would be waking up.
"OC's" POV
'What's going on? My head hurts. What happened to me?'
I opened my eyes and slowly looked around the room. It was my house. It was still dark outside so I haven't been out for long.
Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a shadow. When I turned to it, I was met with a terrifying man. He looked like a mix between a shark and a human. A beast!
"A-a-a-h." The fact I was having trouble piecing together words entertained this man.
He snickered and pulled out a large object that was wrapped up with badges. "Cat got your tongue? Haha!"
I ducked and braced myself for some sort of impact. "Leave her alone, Kisame." Another voice gently spoke. I stayed down, unsure of when it would be safe to get back up.
"Tch. Oh come on, Itachi. I was just kidding."
The sound of the creaky floors were growing louder. Someone must be walking up to me. "You're fine." Said the much nicer voice.
I timidly sit up and look the two men in the eye. "Um... hello." The scary man just grinned at me while the other had an unreadable expression. The man I was unfamiliar with was actually quite handsome. The rain in his hair made him look- wait! The rain?! "Oh my gosh. You're wet." I stood up but I felt a little lightheaded.
"You took quite a hit out there. Probably shouldn't move too much, miss." Said the shark man.
"I'm fine." I straightened myself up and walked to the closet. "Here. I don't have much but you can use these towels to dry off. I can take care of your robes." When I turned back to them, they looked slightly confused. "Is something wrong?"
"Good! Now take that off before you both catch cold. I have an iron somewhere around here. I could iron those dry for you." They silently complied. "Oh! I made some tea a couple minutes before I went outside. It should still be hot!"
Kisame's POV
'What the hell? I was just about to kill this girl and now she's drying our clothes? Creepy. And another weird thing, she isn't afraid of us even though we're Akatsuki. What's going on?'
The girl poked her head back into the main room. "Oh! Mr. Kisame, I forgot to ask, would you like water instead of tea?"
That caught me slightly off guard. "Doesn't matter... How do you know my name anyway?"
She innocently tilted her head and said, "well that's what he called you. That is your name, isn't it?"
'Oh I get it. She probably doesn't even know what the Akatsuki is. The moment most people see our cloaks they run for the hills.'
"Yeah that is my name. So what's yours?"
"Hm? Oh! Please excuse my rudeness!" She bowed to us and continued to speak. "My name is Yuri. It's nice to meet you both." She stood up and smiled. "The rain isn't letting up. If you want you could stay here for the night."
"That's what we planned anyway."
"O-oh. Well... let me know if you need anything. I'll be done with your cloaks soon too."
I turned to Itachi who was drinking the girl's tea. "So you want to kill her or can I?"
He looked into the distance for a moment and responded. "Neither. We could use her for information." Itachi has a point, but we could get information from anywhere. We don't need that girl to do it.
"Here you go!" Yuri handed us our neatly folded cloaks. "Anyway I think I'm going to head to bed. If you're hungry then you can raid my fridge, although I don't have much food so I need to head into town tomorrow. The blankets are in that closet." She pointed out everything we may need. "Alright I'll see you guys later. Good night!"
My partner and I waved off the girl and sat in the living room alone. "Ha. This girl's too trusting for her own good. I'm surprised she's survived this long."
"She is interesting. Other than that there's nothing special about her. We'll leave after we eat tomorrow morning." Itachi turned away and fell asleep.
'For a minute there, I thought he was going soft for that girl. Maybe I was wrong.'
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fallin' for ya part 4
sorry for the wait 🥺 entirely my fault but i will finish this 😤💕 sorry again
~Klaus POV~
After (Y/N) disappeared into her apartment I walked a block down the street to my house. I would say home but it was in no circumstances a home. I got to my fire escape and climbed up, getting into Ben’s room, who was still up, reading a book. He was fixed on The Bet at the moment, by Anton Chekhov. He was reading Frankenstein yesterday meaning he had already finished it. It only took the boy two days which was really something seeing as how every chapter Ben would excitedly, and sometimes exasperatedly ranted about whatever happened in the chapter yet didn't give any spoilers, not that I would be reading Frankenstein anytime soon. Unless it was the picture book version because that was a lot easier to read. Ben looked up and his eyes lit up when they landed on me.
“We have to go to that restaurant more.” That was odd, Ben normally wouldn't request a restaurant and definitely not as soon as possible. He would be kind of shy about it and beat around the bush but when he was really passionate or just in the moment he let it slip out.
“You got the waffles?” Klaus asked. He watched Ben’s facial features, something had to give the boy away, right? Ben’s face got a faint pink glow and he coughed slightly, scratching the back of his head, his head tilted. Right.
“Well, the uh, waitress was interesting too. She was kinda mean but she seemed sweet. But the waffles dude.” He said, attempting to change my attention to the delicious waffles, the blush still present.
“Who was your waitress? And the waffles were good today but when (Y/N) makes them they're real good.” I said, taking one of her sayings and watching him react. He didn't seem to notice, instead folding his book a few times.
“I didn't get her name.” He said honestly, flipping his book so it was showing the title. Aw little Ben has a crush! On my best friend though. But he's my favorite sibling. But then she’d ditch me for him. But I love him. But I love her. I’m getting ahead of myself, they don't even know each other yet. Pros and cons, currently pros outweighing cons.
“Well my best friend is coming over tomorrow so be on your best behavior.” I said, rolling off his bed and going to the closed door.
“Who’s your best friend? Is it the kid who brings you donuts? Do they know about us?” Ben asked. Normally I would give my favorite a response of some sort but I didn't want him to know so I shut the door and went across the hallway to open my door. Ben was lucky he had access to the street down below but that also meant he would be the first (Y/N) would be meeting, nothing wrong with that but sometimes both Ben and (Y/N) were shy. I collapsed on my bed and stared at the ceiling before passing out.
Sunday, your POV
I woke up and groaned. I was so tired but my inside clock decided I just had to be up. I didn't even have work today and I knew once I was up I would not be able to go back to sleep so I decided to go find Klaus earlier than normal. The poor boy was sort of an insomniac, mainly because he had vivid nightmares he didn't normally tell me about. As soon as I finished brushing my teeth I opened my closet to see Klaus searching my clothes. I normally would have kicked him or at least swiped a punch in his direction but I had a feeling he would be here in the morning so I didn't bother.
“You have no clothes!” He said rather emotionally which made me roll my eyes. He was in a closet that had a few good options.
“You have most of my clothes at your house so I don't know what you mean. Plus I have a few good options.” I said, folding my arms and glaring at him as he threw my clothes around. He tossed some skirts my way and ended up hitting me in the face with a sweater.
“This will do, go put it on. I won't peak.” I huffed and picked up the dark (F/C) high waisted skirt and the lighter colored sweater that went really well together and silently cursed him for being so good at picking clothes. I went into the bathroom down the hall and changed, glaring at how nice I looked in his stupid outfit. I walked back in and he clapped before throwing black thigh high socks at me. I rolled my eyes and slipped those on before passing him and pulling a (prefered color) and black flannel out of my closet, throwing it on over.
“You just ruined it.” He complained in a whiny voice.
“It's cold though.” I said with a shrug, walking over to the window and opening it easily. I knew all the lights were off and seeing as I had my wallet in my pocket I was chilling. I climbed out and Klaus grumbled behind me, going on about how I had ruined his amazing outfit. I ignored him and when my feet touched the ground I turned and put my arms out to help him down and he was about to accept since he always did until he realized he was mad at me. He hopped down and let out a little grunt as he stumbled. I steadied him and he forgot he was mad at me again, wrapping his arms around me and starting to drag me to his home. We walked for a good while, Klaus pulling me into Griddy's after the twenty minute walk.
“If this is your house I have a few things to say. One, why do you have me bring you donuts if you live here. Two you can always live with me.” I said easily, opening the door for him.
“So mean, I just want to treat you to a donut.” He said, pulling out some crumbled dollar bills. Agnes came out and Klaus quickly ordered two donuts but if I was being honest I didn't want one, I had had a lot of donuts lately and it was making me think of Five who was sort of getting on my nerves. Not in a bad way but thinking about him made me realize he was a little shit. I accepted Klaus’s sugar donut and followed him out the door.
“After you finish your donut I have to blindfold you because my house is a surprise.” We got to the park and I had finished the donut making him take off his fashionable scarf and tie it around my eyes so I couldn't see. He spun me a few times walked forward spun me a few more times then we started up again.
“So, anything I need to know or is this just a house tour?” I asked, holding onto Klaus for much needed support.
“The only one of my siblings you’ll be seeing today will probably be Ben. The best one.” Klaus said happily, dragging me around what I think is the park.
“That's cool, are we there yet?” I asked smelling the dirt and iron that came in alleyways.
“Yep! Mi casa es su casa! Welcome to the Klaus household!” He didn't let me take the scarf off and instead helped me up the iron ladder that reminded me of how I got to my room. He pushed me through the window and I yelped as I landed on a rather soft bed, someone in the room grunting. The makeshifts blindfold was taken off my face and I was met with a rather cute asian boy under my legs.
“Sorry to drop in on ya.” I said with a smirk, hoping he had a sense of humor.
“Are you Klaus's friend?” He asked, his face quickly going red. He was familiar.
“Yes she is and she needs to move.” Klaus said, popping up and kicking me out of the bed and onto the cold hard floor.
“So mean, Klaus.” I complained from the ground, admiring the room I was in. It was simple with a bookshelf being the main attraction. Everything was neat and I felt overdressed as fuck seeing as the boy was wearing a leather jacket and jeans, Klaus in his normal weird but stylish get up.
“Klaus, come on.” The boy said, dragging my bestie out the door and into the hallway, both stepping over me. I didn't mind it and instead went to look at the bookshelf. All of the books were interesting so I grabbed one that he was reading it seemed- The Bet by Anton Chekhov- and fell back onto his bed so I could read. I heard they were talking about me but nothing in my body made me eager to find out why. When I got to the fifth page the door opened and Klaus was there grinning, the boy behind him with his face still bright red.
“It’s nice meet you, my name Ben.” Ben muttered, his arms crossed and looking not at me. Broken english because of nerves I’m guessing- nothing a little humor can't fix.
“The pleasure is all mine.” I said with a grin, shutting the book and holding my hand out for a handshake. He shifted his weight a few times very quickly before uncrossing his arms and shaking my hand which made me light up. Klaus frowned and dragging me into what I assumed was Klaus’s room I couldn't process anything I was dragged so quickly.
“Welcome to my room, make yourself at home.” He said, falling onto his bed. I leaned against his desk as I took the room in, it was also simple but he had drawings all over his wall.
“I like it.” I said easily, looking around and seeing out of the corner of my eye from the small crack in the door that multiple eyes were watching us. I caught his attention and glanced over to the door which Klaus understood easily.
“My siblings aren't home so lets get to hanging out.” He said with a wink, pulling me onto the bed. I let myself be pulled and we landed on the mattress harshly. He started to make kissing noises and pulling out some lipstick we drew lipstick on each others lips. The door slammed open and four bodies tumbled to the floor.
“(Y/N) meet my siblings. The ones on the floor are Luther, Diego, Alison, and of course Ben- who you met. Vanya and Five are by the door.” Klaus said, lipstick smudges covering his face.
“Nice to meet you guys, Ben.” I said, winking at him. The boy blushed and Diego hit him.
“Can I just say I knew it? This is Klaus's girlfriend who gets us donuts all the time.” Five said smugly, leaning against the door frame. I sat up.
“I love Klaus but I could not be his girlfriend. But I will accept a ‘you’re welcome’ from any and all of you.” I said easily, standing up and almost falling down but instead being greeted by Ben tackling me to the floor in an attempt to keep me up. I hit the hardwood with a thump and Diego started laughing until a smack was heard and he shut up.
“I’m so sorry. This is my fault.” Ben got out as I rubbed my head, laughing slightly at what had happened.
“It's fine, just help me up.” I gasped, grinning up at Klaus who looked conflicted. Ben was pushed off of me and Klaus pulled my arm as hard as he could, basically launching me up onto the bed.
“Too kind. Anyways nice to meet you all you can all get going.” I said easily. The girl with long curly fair shook her head, scoffing.
“No, come over to my room.” She said, pulling me off the bed as Ben scrambled out of the way.
“I came here to hang out with Klaus so.” I said, attempting to reach for Klaus who looked sort of anxious at me being dragged away.
“Yeah but I want to hang out with you.” She said, her voice convincing but not enough.
“No thank you. I know I’m irresistible but my dance card is full- my best friend invited me.” I said, the words coming out of my mouth on the fly, Alison looking surprised. The door shut and now it was only Klaus and I in the room, Five had shut it angrily for the two of us.
“I love you.” Klaus said in the silence, jumping on me and kissing my forehead, the two of us laying on the bed, cuddling.
“I love you too Klaus, honest.” I said, not even fazed at his need for attention.
“You can date Ben, I won't even mind. I love you both so much.” He said, surprising me. I barely met Ben today, but he is cute, but how could Klaus tell I liked him so quickly.
“He is cute.” I hummed, petting his hair.
“You should get to know him- there’s a reason why he’s my favorite. Other than you.” He said, kissing my collarbone.
“Later. I wanna hang out with you today. Even if it's just cuddling.” I said, closing my eyes- tired.
“I can get behind that.” He said, the two of us just vibing and enjoying each other's company.
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lokis-scepter-101 · 6 years
Loki’s darling chapter 6
Shopping with Loks
I sat on my bed, Looking around. I don't have anything to unpack then again, I didn't take anything with me. I heard a knocked on my door.
"Yes." Tony walked in.
"Hey, So Loki told me that you didn't have anything with you." He took place next to me.
"Yeah, I'm the broke version of the Stark." I joked.
"You should probably go shopping, You know get some necessary things." He search for something in his pocket.
"Looking for this?" I held his credit card between my fingers. I'm pretty good at pick pocketing.
"How'd you get that?" He took it out of my hand.
"I had to make my money somehow." I shrugged.
"I know this might be weird for you but I'm very happy to have a little sister. I hope we can work good together."He said avoiding eye contact  I smiled a little at his comment.
"I'm happy too and you're not the only tech genius, Maybe we can work together."I said cocky He smiled.
"I'd love that but for now I'll need you to go buy your things." He handed me the credit card I hesitated a little but he forced me to take it.
"If you want I can get Happy to take you." He offered.
"No thank you, I'll go with someone else or alone." He nodded and left the room. I walked up to the mirror.  This better not be a dream. I stared at my reflection.  I fixed my hair and exited my room. While walking towards the elevator this nice woman with ginger hair and blue eyes walked pass me and mouthed hello seen as she was on the phone. I waited for the elevator to open. I walked to Loki's room. I knocked on his door.
"Come in." I entered. I saw Loki laying against the headboard shirtless while reading a book. He looked up.
"Already missing me?" He put away his book. I couldn't stop staring at his abs.
"My eyes are up here, Darling." I snapped out of my unholy thoughts and walked to his bed before taking place next to him.
"But that's not what you want me to look at, Is it." I smirked. He returned a sheepish smile.  
"You didn't answer my question." I thought about what he asked.
"Oh yeah totally missing you Loki, I can't live with out you." I 'acted' He moved behind me. I was currently between his legs, my back a few inches away from his chest.
"Nobody can't, Darling." He whispered in my ears giving me goosebumps. I got a little nervous.
"What can I help you with?" Loki asked leaning forward resting his head on my shoulders. I turned my head. The way he looked at me with those emerald orbs could turn every women lady part into Nigeria fall. I looked at him, Our faces were not more than 2 inches apart from each others. I was lost in his eyes. Then I realized what I came for. I licked my lips before talking purely because my lips felt a bit dry.
"I have to go shopping and I can't really go alone. It's okay if you can't I'll ask Bucky or Steve if you can't." He jerked his head up.
"No! I'll go." He stood up and walked to his dresser and took a shirt. I watched him get ready.
"He first put on a black comic shirt. He put his wallet and phone in his pocket. He combed his hair back . He took his car key.
"Took you long enough, Diva." I muttered.
"What's that?"
"Nothing, Loki darling." I said quickly.
 "Come on let's go." He took his black cap before walking out the door. I took off his cap and wore it on backwards for him.  
"What on midgard are you doing?" He asked confused.
"Making you look good?" I regret my answer but Loki just shrugged it off.
In the mall. "What shop do you want to go first?" Loki crossed his arms. I looked around and saw an arcade, I know we're not here for that but we might as well make the most out of it.
"Let's go to the arcade first." I said happily.
"Darling, We're not here for games." Loki faced me.
"Loki, Please?" I held his hands and looked up at his eyes.
He sighed. "Fine."
Loki's pov
I asked Jaz what shop she wanted to go first.
"Let's go to the arcade first." She looked at me happily. I crossed my arms and looked at her. Her forehead reaches my lips, She was short.
"Darling, We're not here for games."I never played midgard games before. I felt her soft hands over mine I looked at her.
"Loki, Please?" She gave me a look I can't say no to. Sigh.
"Fine." She ran towards the arcade while still holding my hands. I have to admit I enjoyed my time in the arcade although I lost most of the matches. Jaz calls herself a pro, I think she's cheating. She laughed way more times here. Her smiles were bigger.
"Okay Loks, That's enough arcade for today."
Jazahra's pov
I decided that we spend enough time in the arcade and it was time to actually buy necessary things. I decided to get toiletries first. I walked towards bath and body work first with Loki right behind me. I couldn't choose between four perfumes and asked Loki which two of the four I should get.
"This one is way too sweet and that one is too rosey." He quickly judged. I nodded and put the two other in the basket along with shampoo, soap bars and lotion. I walked to the cashier and pulled out my card. More like Tony's card.
"It's my fault that you have to get these things again." He said softly.
"It's no problem, We'll keep those for when we go back there." He handed the cashier his card ignoring me. I rolled my eyes. We walked out of the store, Loki took the bags being kind. Next stop is getting deodorant, Face wash, Hair products and lip balm.  
"You're quite polite for a villain, you know." I looked up at him.
"Ex villian." Loki corrected me.
"Still." I shrugged.
"Mother taught me manners." He commented.I spotted a pharmacy. We walked in. I got what I needed but I soon realized that  I also needed pads. Feeling a little awkward to get it in front of Loki only because he asks what almost everything here is for. I walked around trying to loose Loki. He stopped following me when he was distracted by something called 'Sword & Daggers polishing kit.' I took it as an opportunity to get some pads. While paying for the things my eyes fell on birth control pills. I decided to get those. What? You never know what can happen. I took the bag and turned around slamming into Loki's hard chest.
"What's next?" Loki asked before taking the bags out of my hand.
"Clothes and shoes." We went to Nordstrom, Missguided, h&m and forever 21. I almost got everything I needed. Loki was there to say if I should get it or not. After I got done buying my last pair of sneaker. We walked to outside.
"Where next?" Loki's hand was full of bags, Mine hand just a few things. We were currently in front of Victoria's secret. I needed underwear but I couldn't walk in there with Loki. I had to get rid of him. I looked around and ting!
"I think I'm done, Let's get frozen yogurt." I showed him the stand downstairs, The line was long.
"Darling, There are so many people in the line." He said awkwardly.
"It's okay, I'll get it." I smiled.
"You wait here, I'll go." He walked off. Damn it feels good to be a genius. I walked inside the shop. I didn't want to get too much because I wasn't planning on walking with a huge Victoria's secret bag. I walked outside once I finished getting all I needed. I looked down and saw Loki walking towards me.
"Here you go, I forgot to ask you what you wanted but I got Chocolate Fudge Brownie." I took the frozen yogurt out of his hand.
"You didn't get yourself any?" We started walking to the exit. "
No, I don't think I'll like it." I gasped at what bullshit he said.
We put the bags in the trunk and we finally sat down in the car. I could finally eat my frozen yogurt. I took a bite but I felt bad that Loki didn't have any.
"Taste it." I held the spoon in front of his mouth. He shook his head.
"Come on, For me." He rolled his eyes. and took the bite while looking me in the eyes. Shit, I shouldn't find this attractive. I raised my eyebrow waiting for his answer.
"It's good." I took a bite. He started the car. I gave him  bites taking turns. Once it was done we were sad. Loki's phone began to rang. I saw Tin can as caller id.
"No, she's with me." "No I didn't kidnap her, I took her to go buy her things." He said annoyance filling his voice.
"Why are we changing the plan?" He questioned.
"Fine, I'll be there." I just sat there awkwardly. Once we arrived at the avenger compound. Loki dropped me off at my room along with my bags.
"I'll see you later." He flashed a smile.
I started putting away some of my new clothes when I heard a knock.
"Yes?" The ginger haired woman walked in.
"Can I sit down?" I nodded.
"I'm Pepper by the way."I realized she was Tony's wife. She reached for my hand. I pulled her in for a hug.
"I'm Jazahra." I said happily Pepper sat down.
"Hope you don't mind me being here, I just wanted to meet Tony's little sister. He couldn't stop talking about you." I folded my jeans.
"No, I don't mind, I was getting lonely." She stood up. and took place besides me.
"Need help?" She asked while I put away the jeans.
"Yes, Please." She started to help fold my clothes.
"What did such a nice woman do to deserve someone like Tony Stark?" She laughed
"Love has a weird way of working I guess. And he's not thaaaaat bad." We both started laughing.
"You really are a Stark with all these brands." She got up and took some hangers.
"Uh nope I'm the broke versions, all this is paid by Tony would've been paid by Tony if Loki wasn't so ugh." She raised her eyebrow.
"You and Loki? I did see you two together a lot, Especially at the garage so cute the way you look at each other" My face turned red at her comment.
"No, We're just good friends." I said sheepishly.
"You don't seem to think that." She crossed her feet.
"Pepper!" I put my hands on my hips.
"Relax, Tony never sees those things plus I don't want him to stress too much. He's already over protective even though he knows you for less then 24 hours." She put away the last pile of clothing.
"Thank you." I breathed out.
"But you do  like him don't you?" I pushed her towards my door.
"I've known him for less than, Nevermind."
"That's enough of you now, Pepps. See you later." I closed the door directly she pouted. I went in the bathroom. I first admired how big and grant it was. You could probably fit in 10 hulks in the shower. I turned on knobs and cold water hit my naked chest. I closed my eyes and the first thing I saw was Loki. I opened my eyes directly. I stepped out of the shower. I dried my hair then I dried my body. After I was done taking care of my skin I put on some underwear and wore Loki's oversized jacket. Even though I have my own clothes his are comfy and made me fall asleep quicker. I walked to my room. I couldn't stop thinking about Loki and I. Loki was different with me then he was with the others, Huh maybe I am special to him.
I started pacing in my room.It was 1 am and I still couldn't stop thinking about him. I heard someone knock on my door softly. I opened and saw it was Loki.
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bulgariansumo · 3 years
Galactimato Big Brother Week 3
<<Week 1 | < Week 2 | Week 4>
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Week 3 begins with yet another vacancy, this time evicted by America through Emil. Things didn't go too smoothly, however, as his plans may have been seen by another houseguest! How long will he be able to keep his secrets? Is he running out of time?
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Now that everyone has had a few weeks to get to know each other, they were asked one simple question: Who would they evict out of anyone in the house? Most were too nice to give an answer, but some did respond.
"Higgy." Tsuki tapped her cheek. "I don't like the way he works Nicky and Toni to death with those dance rehearsals."
"The older Konno is too," Lorenzo tried to find the word, "...rowdy for my liking."
"Higgy!" Maxy answered without hesitation. "Someone needs to knock him off his high horse! At least Mai is fun about it."
Higgy tilted his nose up. "Maxy is a nuisance."
"It's nice to have friends here." "Angelo started. I-I even made a new one! Somehow. But it's hard to s-s--to spend time together... It's selfish, but everyone I'd vote off is close to them in some way. Or America's Player. Th-They could be really bad for my friends' chances. I th-thh--I might I know who it is..."
Those cryptic words may spell trouble for Emil, but the next segment spells HoH. It's time for the Head of Household Competition!
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"I don't have many rules." Jun stated upon winning. "Just, like, keep the vibes chill, okay?"
Were the vibes chill? Before we head to the Nomination Ceremony, let's see what some of the houseguests have to say!
"It's nice! Higgy's practice is a little rough, but that's normal. The star rangers are nice. Emil and Roxie have poofy hair and hearts. We are friends~" Nicky pointed at the camera. "And you're here too."
"The viewers or...?" asked Kenji.
Nicky smiled.
"I think he's dehydrated."
"I swear Higgy has his band brainwashed." Tsuki shook her head. "Toni especially. Poor thing's practically on a leash!"
"Everyone thinks Higgy-senpai is mean. He is," Toni admitted, "but he protects me from Maxy! And listens to me! Sometimes."
"I don't like that kid trying to cling to Toni. Jun too." Mai sneered. "He's weird. I heard him begging for that freckle chart when Toni was tossing it out because 'I didn't get a chance to vote for you!'" She mimicked Angelo's pitiful face. "Gimme a break! I swear he woulda dug in the trash if Emil wasn't there."
"I've been hanging out a lot with Emil and Maxy lately and hadn't realized how much I ignored Angie." Leon glanced away. "But Emil's been getting him to tag along! He's so welcoming like that~! Also, I swore I saw a leg in the garbage can last night. Might be my imagination."
"I'm worried about Mai." mused Jun. "She says wild stuff and doesn't, like, have guidance. I've been trying to help out. Angelo hovers around, but I guess he's too shy to interrupt. I worry about him too. Y'know how it is, yeah?" They asked Kenji.
"Please don't acknowledge me."
"Lorie asked me about voting off Mia." Emil began. "I forgot her family was struggling financially, so that's what I told him. Feel kinda bad though." He paused. "But what I do remember is that Jun knows how to check fingerprints. I've been keeping an eye on Ange so he doesn't get his hands on the chart again." He winked. "I think he's worried about Leon, Roxie, and Toni, but I can't see America voting them out. I tried telling him that. Subtly. 'Siiiides, we took the trash out yesterday afternoon."
"It's been nice being with the others, even th--even though I know what Emil's doing. I-I don't have anything against him, and it's kinda s-silly but," Angelo pulled a crumpled, stained paper from his coat, "I trust myself over America. S-s--I'm sorry."
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It appears Emil has underestimated how far Angelo will go to protect his friends. But can he protect them from the veto ceremony? Let's find out!
"Thanks for a really chill week, you guys." Jun started. "I'd rather not nominate anyone, but two of you did kinda harsh the vibe. Higgy, Maxy, step into the nomination zone."
They did so, glaring at each other all the way.
"This wouldn't have happened if you didn't mess with my rehearsals." Higgy muttered.
"Well you shouldn'ta had 'em near my bird-calling spot!"
"What kind of birds make fart sounds??"
"Hey! Don't blame your butt problems on the birds!"
Higgy seethed. "I have ways to make you live in regret."
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"Hey, hey." Jun interrupted. "Let's let the eviction votes settle this, assuming neither of you get vetoed."
"Fine." conceded Higgy. "But if he somehow survives, mark my words, I will evict Maxy Konno with my own hands."
"Not if I get rid of you first." Maxy flashed his fangs.
"Oooooh, spicy!" Benji's gold tooth twinkled as he smiled. "Will the flames of rivalry be put out by eviction, or will they burn a little longer? Stick around for the veto competition to find out!"
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"I didn't even do anything to get Higgy nominated!" Emil recounted from the interview room at some unspecified point in the future. "I was too busy dealing with Angelo and forgot!" He laughed.
For the PoV Competition, it's time to get schooled ...Again?
"Is it a good idea to reuse a challenge in the same week?" asked Kenji.
"Reuse sounds so cheap, call it a 'redux!" Benji corrected. "Plus, I'd rather not build anymore sets until we have more hands on deck."
"I understand."
Jun, Maxy, and Higgy, along with Roxie, Nicky, and Tsuki, play Getting Schooled again for the Power of Veto. Maxy wins! Onto the Veto Ceremony!
"Should I use this now or wait until we explain ourselves or whatever?" Maxy waved his PoV around.
"Why waste our time? Just use it." Higgy ordered.
"Thought I was the host, but okay!" Benji raised his eyebrows. "Why don'tcha use your veto?"
"I veto myself! ...Again~" Maxy gave a dirt-eating grin to Higgy and Toni as he returned to the group.
Jun seemed at a loss. "Uhh. Shoot. I dunno who else to pick."
"Excuse me?" Angelo raised a hand.
"A volunteer~" announced Benji.
"No no no! I-I just wanted t-t-to know if you could check this for prints?"Angelo lifted the freckles chart.
"Did you get that from the dumpster??" Emil blurted out.
"I'd be interested in it." Jun answered Angelo's question. "But I don't, like, have everyone's prints on hand for comparison. And now's kind of a bad time."
"S-Sorry..." Angelo looked down.
"It's cool!" They reassured. "Tell you what, give me a name and I'll check that person's fingerprints after the eviction, 'k?"
"Right now?"
"In front of everyone?"
"I'd let you whisper, but... you seem to have a situation going on." Jun gestured to his trashy clothes.
"Th-That's okay." Angelo declined.
"You sure?"
"Well. You helped me with one thing at least." Jun told him.
"What's that?"
"Picking a replacement. Angelo, step into the zone."
"Wh-what?" His eyes widened in shock.
"No one knows who put up the chart but you and the culprit." Jun smirked. "Could be the same person. You have the perfect moment to name them and you won't?" They went on. "Sounds suspicious to me. Sounds like something America's Player would do to throw us off."
"What?? No, I'm not them!" he insisted.
"That's something America's Player would say!" accused Maxy.
"I-I'm not! I'm really not!"
"Leave him alone!" Toni defended.
"Didn't you throw it out?" Mai recalled. "He could've been tryin' to frame you."
"Angelo wouldn't do that," Toni turned to his friend, "would you...?"
"No." Angelo was on the verge of tears, wounded by the accusation. "Of course not!"
"We don't know if he did it." Jun reminded, looking a little mortified, just as Emil did. "But just to be on the safe side, he's the replacement."
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Angelo set out to reveal the truth but one hesitation landed him in hot water with his fellow contestants. Where will the votes fall, and who will America choose as its next target?
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While Higgy was no Mr. Popularity, Angelo proved to be too big of a threat to Emil for America to allow him a continued existence at the household. How did the houseguests handle this decision?
"The younger Summers has schemed once." reminisced Lorenzo."He could be doing so again."
"I'll make sure Toni's safe." Mai nodded, folding her arms.
Maxy threw his hands up"I don't care if the other kid's America's Player, Higgy's goin' down!"
"Do I really have to explain my vote?" Leon smiled nervously. "Angie's my little brother!"
"So Emil," Benji began, "what do you have to say to uhh, that?"
"What can I say?" Emil shook his head. "He had to go, but... that was brutal. He could've ratted me out at any moment, but he didn't. I feel like I need to say something to him."
"You'll get your chance."
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Angelo became yet another falling star from the Celestion-5's sky, following Aiden and Mia. How many more will follow him? At least four more, but only time will tell. As for now, it seems like Emil isn't the only one who has something to say to him.
"Hey." Jun leaned in the doorway as Angelo, clean and freshly dressed, packed his bags.
They sighed. "Shoulda picked my words more carefully. I got so wrapped up in my theory, I started a witch hunt. I didn't mean to, but I did, and for that I'm so sorry."
Angelo stopped packing "Thank you Jun. Th-That means a lot to me." He held up the chart. "Do you still want this?"
"Sure, it's the least I can do." Jun's smile melted into a frown as they took it in their hands. "It's soaked."
"S-Sorry, I know it's gross." He apologized. "It got stained in the garbage and my hands were s-sweaty, so that didn't help."
They gave a pitied smile. "It's not your fault. But I can't take prints from this. Not by normal means."
"You know what? It's better that way." Angelo almost said something, but stopped. "Yeah, you're probably right."
Benji stood in front of the house with Angelo. "Well. That was kind of a rough ceremony, huh? How're ya feelin'?"
"A little sad I have to leave." admitted Angelo. "But if th-th--if I helped the others s-survive, I'm happy. I just hope no one's too mad at me."
"Welp, these three aren't!" Benji extended an arm to the side. "You can come out now!"
Leon exited first and gave his brother a hug. "I'll miss you, buddy."
"I'll miss you a lot too..."
He gave another hug. "That one's for Roxie!"
"She's not here...?" Angelo seemed a little hurt.
"She would be if she could! But someone else wanted to show up even more."
Toni barreled around the corner and into Angelo for a hug, stunning him.
"T-Toni? But you--"
"I didn't vote against you because I thought you lied!" Toni blurted, holding Angelo's hands. "I did so Higgy wouldn't be mad at me. I really like you! I'm sorry!!"
"It's okay. I...I like you too!" Angelo happily teared up. "I hope I can see you again someday."
"Toni, it's time for rehearsal!" Higgy's voice called.
Toni looked at his shoes. "Sorry, but I have to go now."
He turned to walk away, turned back, and gave Angelo one last hug before running off.
Emil was the last to exit. "Hey, Ange."
"Yeah, he wanted to say goodbye!" Leon explained to his brother's shock.
"Plus I had something to tell you!" added Emil. "A secret!"
Emil stooped down to whisper to him.
Angelo smiled and giggled. "I have something for you too."
He whispered something in Emil's ear. The latter stood back up and nodded.
"Of course. I'll try! And one last thing!" Emil gave Angelo a hearty hug. "Stay strong out there, okay? We're rooting for ya!" He winked.
"And don't try to sneak back into the house!" Leon warned. "We'll miss you, but don't do any crimes!"
Angelo laughed. "I'll do my best!"
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ouatimaginesnetwork · 7 years
“Dream Come True” Chapter 6
Hey guys! I’m back from the Riviera and I’m on chapter 12 of the story, looks like it’s gonna go past 15 though. Here’s the next chapter, this one gets interesting!!!!
~Hannah banana :) 
Robbie’s pov
He hadn’t seen her all week, and it was killing him. He had friends, but they had come and gone. Other than his sisters, she was probably the best friend he’d ever had. And he couldn’t get the image of her in her towel out of his head. “This is silly, I should just text her. Who cares about the tabloids? She does,” he internally argues with himself. About six days after the incident, she had texted him. “It feels weird not seeing you,” she sent. “I know what you mean. I miss hanging out,” he sends back. “Me too. When can we chill?” she asks. “I don’t know. I really want to see you, but I don't want you to keep getting bombarded by tabloids. Maybe there’s a way to sneak around them?” he questions. "I don’t know. I mean you’d think they’d take our word for it, we’re just friends, we’re not even that close, but no, they have to blow everything out of proportion,” she shoots back. It hurt him for her to say they weren’t that close. "I know. It’ll be okay though. Maybe you could come here?” he counters. “That’d be awesome, where am I headed?” she asks him. He sends her the address and hops off his couch, anxious to see her.
Regular pov
“Well, guess I better get ready Beau, maybe you should come with?" you say to your dog, pulling out your phone. “Hey Robbie, want me to bring Beau?” you send the text. “Yes, yes, yes!” he sends back. You laugh at his response and run into your room to get ready. You could feel your heart fluttering, and realized what was happening. “No (y/n), you’re just friends. He needs you to be his friend right now,” you tell yourself in the mirror, trying to be convincing. You turn to your tiny cupboard like closet and pull out your favorite pair of light wash jeans. You throw your favorite t-shirt on; a black, paint stained, rolling stones t-shirt. Once again your hair was a (h/c), wavy mess and you just let it be. You didn’t put on any makeup, you didn’t want Robbie questioning your behaviors around him. “Come on Beau,” you call your dog to your side and hop in your mini SUV. From the address that Robbie gave you, he lived in a house of some sort, up in the foothills from L.A, away from prying eyes.
When you get there, you stare in awe at the house before you. It wasn’t at all what you expected. You expected a giant, fancy mansion, but instead you found before you a large, log cabin looking type house. Robbie walks out to the front porch and waves you over. Beau runs up to him. “Hey buddy," Robbie bends down to pet him. You walk up smiling, and anxious. “Hey (y/n), I missed you,” he squeezes you into a hug, making you melt. “Hey I missed you too,” you chuckle. Robbie pulls away and opens the door for you and your dog. Beau runs in and you follow. “So what should we do today?” you ask him. It was Saturday morning and you had all day to hang out. “Well, I was thinking we could make pizza, been really craving it,” he replies. “Sounds great,” you wander into his kitchen and find the pizza supplies already laid out. “Wow, you come prepared,” you laugh. “I had a feeling you’d say yes,” he replies. You pick up the supplies and say, “How does this work? I guess now I have to admit that I’m not the greatest cook.” He laughs and says, “Don’t worry, I am.” So you make the dough and laugh, “Aren’t we supposed to throw this up in the air or something.” “Be my guest,” he replies. You smirk and grab the dough from his hands. You place it over your hands and try to throw it into the air. Somehow, the dough hits the ceiling fan and flies over on the counter. You laugh loudly and say, “Dude I am so sorry, I promise I didn’t plan that.” Robbie doesn't reply because he’s doubled over in laughter. You laugh along with him. “That- was- too- funny,” he gasps in between chuckles. “I know,” you giggle. You grab the dough from where it landed and straighten it back out. Once the laughter dies down you ask, “So what kind of toppings we gonna put on this sucka?” “Do you like pepperoni?” he replies. You shake your head yes. Robbie pulls the pepperoni out of the fridge and begins to lay it on the pizza. “Wait,” you stop him, “You forgot the sauce.” You grab the jar off the counter, and try to open it, but it won’t budge. “Stupid thing won’t open," you grunt. “Here let me,” Robbie offers. “That’s okay I got it,” you say. The jar pops open and sauce is thrown all over your shirt. Robbie can’t help but snort in laughter as you fake frown. “This is my favorite shirt,” you whine. Robbie turns and says, “Don’t worry, you can borrow one of mine, I’ll be back in a sec.” He runs off to an unknown location in his house. A minute later he comes back with a baggy green shirt. “Robbie, I don’t know if that will fit me,” you say embarrassed. “(Y/n) relax. This is actually one of the shirts Pan wore on Once, so it’s a lot bigger,” he assures you. “Okay, if you think it’ll work,” you shrug. He hands it to you and says, “Bathroom’s down the hall on the left.” You nod and follow where he pointed.
2 minutes later you return in his shirt. “You were right, it worked,” you tell him. “(Y/n), I’m always right,” he jokes, making you laugh. “I put the pizza in the oven,” he adds. “Great,” you smile. “So can I get a tour?” you ask him. “Of course, follow me,” he gestures. He shows you around the house. It was large, but simple. It reminded you of an old hunting cabin, but modernized. "Robbie I have to admit, I imagined you living in some giant mansion like most celebrities,” you tell him. "I don’t like those fancy houses, I would just get lonely,” he replies. “Well your house is gorgeous,” you say. The timer goes off and the pizza is done. “Yum, I’m starving,” you run back into the kitchen. Robbie laughs and follows. He pulls the pizza out of the oven and sets it on the counter. “We could eat outside, have a picnic,” you suggest. “That’s actually perfect, I have a cool spot to show you,” Robbie replies. He leads you outside and Beau follows.
About 20 minutes later you find yourself in the middle of a forest, staring at a beautiful little pond with a waterfall. “Oh it’s beautiful here,” you gasp. Robbie shocks you by saying, “Come on let’s go for a swim.” Your cheeks turn a deep red and say, “Robbie, I don’t have a bathing suit.” He counters with, “Yes but you have that baggy shirt, that covers you. Come on be adventurous.” “Oh alright,” you give in. Robbie pulls off his shirt and you turn away, blushing. Robbie jumps in and says, “The water's fine!” “Be right in,” you say nervously.
Robbie’s pov
He watches her flustered and smiles at her cuteness. He could feel her attraction, she turned away when he took off his shirt. He couldn’t help himself, but he watched her as she gracefully unzipped her jeans and slid them right off. The shirt covered her enough, but he got a glimpse of her tender white cheek peeking out of her underwear. “God she’s beautiful,” Robbie thought. To his surprise, she stared right back. “Cannonball,” she shouts gleefully and jumps in towards him. Her body dropped below the surface and he anxiously waited for her to come back up. He gasped when he saw her. Her (h/c) hair had little water droplets coming off of it, and her (e/c) eyes sparkled. She smiled a toothy grin at him, making his heart soar. His own shirt now clung to her, and he could see the outline of her chest, moving up and down. His mind wandered thinking about how goofy, yet imperfectly perfect she was. She swam around the little swimming hole, giggling with joy. “She’s just a friend, you need to watch yourself,” his mind warns him. The other part of him, his heart, told him another story. “You should just go for it,” he thought. He was pulled out of his daze when she grabbed his leg from below the water, goofing around.
Regular pov
“Hey!” Robbie gurgles as you drag him below the water. You surface and laugh whole-heartedly. “What was that for?” he asks you, pretending to be hurt. “Just having some fun,” you reply. You and Robbie swim and eat your pizza. After about an hour, the two of you decide to walk back to the house. Robbie slips his shirt back on, but you know you aren’t going to be able to slip your skinny jeans back over your wet legs. You pick them up off the ground and say, “Come on, I’m exhausted.” Robbie lets you walk in front of him and you can feel his eyes on you as you walk back to the house.
Back at the house Robbie says, “What next?” “Well, shall we continue with our Harry Potter marathon?” you ask. “I’d love too,” he replies. “Before though can I get some dry clothes,” you ask. Robbie shakes his head and says, “I’ll be right back.” A few minutes later he returns with a pair of sweatpants and another one of his baggy shirts. “Thanks, be back in a sec,” you pass him down the hallway. Inside the bathroom, you realize your underwear is soaking wet, and that you’ll have to go commando. “Shit,” you mutter to yourself. You’re dry by now and slip on the comfy sweatpants, pulling off your wet top. When you pick up the shirt, you smile, it was one of Robbie’s old theater shirts. You throw it on and walk back into the living room. “Ready for the Chamber of Secrets?” he asks you. “Ready,” you grin. You plop down on the couch next to him and start the movie.
About a quarter of the way into the movie, you began to drift off to sleep. You were so tired, you didn’t realize you began to fall into Robbie’s side. You also didn’t realize that Robbie put his arm around you. Pretty soon you're in a deep sleep, resting against his shoulder. Once you’re really asleep, Robbie swings his legs onto the couch, adjusting your head so that it lays on his chest. Your legs were already folded up on the couch and you began to snore. Robbie lightly chuckles and says, “Sweet dreams princess,” he plants a kiss on the top of your head.
The movie ends and you wake up to the credits music. You slowly open your eyes, realizing the position your in. “Robbie?” you call out in a hoarse voice. He opens his eyes and looks down at your head on his chest. “(Y/n)? Oh we must’ve fallen asleep,” he replies. Neither of you move from your position. “Robbie I should probably”- he stops you, pressing a finger to your lips. You look up at him with wide eyes and he moves towards you. His lips find yours and fireworks dance behind your eyes. The kiss is tender, light, and short. His lips are sweet tasting and you hate the fact that you’re about to pull away. Everything in you wants to stay right there, but you knew you couldn’t get involved. You slowly pull your lips from his, opening your eyes. “Robbie I should go," you whisper, removing your legs from his lap. He stands up and follows you. “Come on Beau,” you call out to your dog, who, to your relief, comes quickly running. “(Y/n), wait”- you cut him off. “I’ll see you later Robbie,” you wave from your car and pull out the driveway. He watches your car slowly fade away, sorrow written all over his face.
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
The Maid - Chapter 2
My internal struggling was interrupted by Miss Hot. “Emmm, Camila?” she said with that voice of hers.
“Uhh y-yeah, that’s my name” I said as I internally slapped myself for being so stupid. She let out a small chuckle and I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment.
“Come on in, I will give you a tour of the house” she said as she hold the door for me to get inside.
I entered to very large room that I assumed was the living room, next to it was the kitchen and dining room. The whole place was completely illuminated due to the huge glass windows that allowed the sunlight to penetrate inside the house and at the same time granted me a beautiful view of the beach. The furniture were black, white and brown, making a theme that looked really modern and very aesthetically pleasing.
Behind some really comfy looking couches that were placed around a coffee table there was a very large book shelf that covered up a complete wall. The fact that someone could appreciate the different forms and colors of the different spines of the books added an interesting and colorful detail to the concept of the house.
“Wow. Miss Jauregui, your home is beautiful.” I commented as I got closer to the book shelf and started reading the different work titles. “I can see you like reading a lot”
“Yeah, so much that I think I might need to get a new shelf.” she sighed, then she looked at me and smiled. It is fair to say that I almost passed the fuck out, even her smile was gorgeous. This time I was able to look at her eyes up close and they were even more mesmerizing, but what called my attention was what they transmitted and reflected, it was a mixture of sadness and loneliness. Why someone so beautiful and successful would have that sorrowful look in their eyes? , I wandered.
Miss Jauregui continued to show me the rest of the place. She guided me through her office, which was filled with stack of papers and files, then to one huge and fancy bathroom and finally to some laundry room that had a washing and drying machine, as well as an special balcony to hang clothes to dry.
“Let me take you to the 1st floor now” she said as she walked away from me, expecting for me to follow her. When she turned around I was able to appreciate her beautiful figure from behind and I almost die for the third time that day. Her ass was to die for and her waist was pretty slim, but her thighs were deliciously thick. The fact that she was wearing tight leggings and a sports bra didn’t left much to the imagination so it was easy for me to figured out that her body had been pretty much sculpted by Michelangelo.
I stopped myself from thinking about Miss Jauregui’s figure and finally processed what she had just said.
“1st floor? So now we were on the second?” I asked confused.
“Yep. Since the house is placed on the side of a hill you enter through the second floor and then walk down the stairs to the first one” she explained.
“Ah, I get it” I said. I guess I got to get used to this rich people stuff, I thought to myself.
When we got to the first floor Miss Jauregui showed me a second bathroom that was just as fancy as the other one, the biggest guest room I had ever seen, a personal gym with lots of machines that I had never seen in my life, and, lastly, she guided me to a theatre room that had a huge ass screen just like the ones at the movies. When I saw that room I wondered if she would let me watch some movies in there while sitting in that huge and comfy couch, but that was probably too unprofessional for me to ask.  
Finally, Miss Jauregui guided me all the way through the corridor to one last door that she then opened.
“Aaaand finally, this is my room.” she said. Anyone could have tell immediately that that was her room since it was the most spacious one up until now and the view from there was just fantastic, you could see not only the private beach in front of the house but also the hectic Miami coast in the distance.”
“Wow” I whispered. That was the only thing that came to mind that wasn’t a curse word.
“You’re probably going to spend a lot of time here,” she said, oblivious of what that sentence could imply, but when she turned to look at me and noticed my flushed cheeks and my raised eyebrows she opened her eyes in realization.
“I mean, because you- I-I’m very dirt-messy with my stuff, my bed is always unmade and I don’t really fold any of my clothes and don’t keep them inside the closet like I should. That’s why I need your help, to get everything organized and…clean” Miss Jauregui corrected herself at the speed of light and with a flustered look on her face.
 I internally felt kind of disappointed, I wouldn’t have minded doing some extra work with her on her bedro- I stopped my perverted thoughts. “Camila, control your hormones! You better not get yourself fired from this job too. Think about all the money you would lose.”
“Oh! I forgot to show you the terrace”, she added while she practically jogged away from me, I chuckled at her reaction as I followed her. We turned around in a corner and passed some sort of mini living room with some couches and another flat tv screen attached to a wall, there was basically on per room.
 When we got out to the terrace my jaw dropped, it was really big like everything else in this house and Miss Jauregui’s ass was included. The floor was white and shine, similar to the one inside the house, so I assumed it was made by some expensive type of marble too. There also were some extravagant beach chairs and small glass tables next to them. To leave your drink while you were sunbathing, I assumed. I turned my head right and saw a jaccuzi filled with bubbling water and next to it there was a grill.
“Even your grill is classy, damn” I confessed without thinking and she laughed in response. While I spent the morning checking her out, she spent it laughing at the stupid shit I said. “This place is amazing, Miss Jauregui” I commented as the sea breeze hit my face and slightly ruffled my hair.
“You like it? I designed it, I mean not designed designed it, but I told the architect what I wanted” she stated as she let her hair down and placed the hair band she was using on her wrist.
“Well then you made some nice decisions” I joked and she smiled. We didn’t say anything for like ten seconds and just enjoyed the breeze.
“Well. I guess I’m going to take a shower now. So… I don’t know wh-you want to do now. I mean it’s still 11.00 a.m, but if you could just prepare me some food to eat for lunch, it would be great. I’m so hungry.” Miss Jauregui confessed while she placed her hand on her stomach.
“Yep, I got you” I smiled. She nodded and then turned around to leave. “Wait, I do need to know if you’re picky with certain foods though”.
She turned around to look at me when she heard my voice. “No, not at all. And if you know some secret recipes or strange dishes I wouldn’t care to try them”.
“Seriously? Even if it’s something weird that I don’t even like? Because my mom taught me how to prepare some really…exotic plates” I warned her.
“Even if it’s some weird shit” she assured “I mean, anything that you put in front of me that’s edible….I’ll try it” she explained as she looked at me up and down and then left to her room.
I was speechless. “Was she flirting with me? But she seemed so innocent and naïve like two minutes ago. She probably wasn’t. My hormones are making me imagine things” I argued with myself before I started walking towards the kitchen.
Lauren’s POV
I left Camila and went directly to my room to take the energizing hot shower I needed since I was drenched in sweat and my muscles hurt a little from all the extra exercise. Already in room’s personal bathroom, I turned the hot and cold water faucets on and started adjusting them to achieve a temperature of my liking. When the water was warm enough I started undressing as I started at my reflection in the mirror, to then finally enter the shower. I sighed in pleasure as the stream made contact with my skin and my body relaxed in response.
 I had always used my time in there to reflect on things regarding my life, work and even existential concerns I had in my mind, and this time was no different. I started to recall my first encounter with Camila over and over again. She had surprised me very much, she was so young and beautiful, her big brown eyes were captivating and the way they had looked directly at me made me feel weird and dazzled. I had always been awkward and shy around new people so I assumed the nervousness I had felt around her was due to this.
After about twenty minutes I forced myself to stop thinking about my conversation with Camila and got out of the shower. I wrapped myself up with my towel and then started to blow-dry my hair like I always did. When I finished I went to my walking closet and chose some clothes to wear. I decided to put on some tight ripped jeans, a grey crop top and some white sneakers. I never dressed too fancy when I was at home because I enjoyed feeling comfortable, most of the times I just wore sweatpants and a plain shirt but because someone else was in the house I decide to dress more decently.    
As soon as I opened my room door my nostrils were filled with a very delicious smell that I hadn’t smelt in what felt like a year but were actually just four days. It was homemade food, I started walking up the stairs a little too excited and when I got to the living room I saw Camila preparing something in the kitchen with a concentrated look on her face, her tongue was in between her teeth and she was frowning. I chuckled quietly. As I approached her I noticed she wasn’t wearing any type of apron to protect herself from any accidental splattering.
“Do you need an apron?” I asked as I sat myself at the other side of the counter.
“Holy!” Camila screamed and gave a little jump and the pan almost drops from her hands.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” I apologized and saw Camila placing a hand over her chest.
She took a deep breath before speaking, “Its fine. And no, I don’t need any apron, I’m a pro at this, trust me.” I snorted quietly.
“You sure? Because I have a bunch of them and they aren’t ugly at all” I explained. She looked at me with a sort of cocky look while peeling a tomato.
“Miss Jauregui, trust me. I’m not going to ge-“she stopped when some tomato juice splattered her shirt as she was cutting it in cubes.
 “get diry?” I completed her previous statement with a smirk and a look of “I told you” on my face.
“Ok, ok. Give me the apron”, she said in defeat. I stood up and opened one of the kitchen drawers to take out one of those aprons that had a girl in a bikini plastered on the front.
“Are you serious? I’m not wearing that…. Did my aunt ever wear that shit?” she asked not caring about her cursing this time. I smiled at her displeasure with my apron choice.
“Yes, she did actually, many times. She loved it. It was so hilarious, every time I would enter the kitchen she would be wearing that.” I laughed and she started to smile.
“Oh my God, that is so funny. My aunt has always been bat shit crazy.” She said while trying to contain her laughter. “But seriously, I think this one is not really my style. Don’t you have another one I could wear?”
I took out a red one and looked at her with a questioning look and she nodded in response.
“Thanks” she smiled. “Wait, my hands are busy, let me leav-”
“Don’t worry. Turn around”
She looked up and studied my face for some seconds. I saw her taking a gulp, but she finally turned around slowly. I approached her from behind and started putting the apron on her carefully. When the apron was already hanging from her neck, I grabbed the strings that were attached at the sides and wrapped them around her waist. I needed to tie the strings in the front so I got my face closer to the crook of her neck to have a better view of what I was doing. Being so close to her neck allowed me to smell Camila’s perfume and I noticed how she started breathing more erratically. When I finished tying the not, I slightly stroke her waist with my hands to then let her go completely.
I honestly had no idea what I was doing, I had never flirted with someone before because I had never even felt the need to do it. I had never experienced having a crush on someone, therefore I had never tried initiating something with anyone. Sometimes Normani and I flirted with each other just for fun and I didn’t feel awkward about it because we were best friends. However, Camila and I had just met and I knew nothing about her, but I hadn’t felt embarrassed, I had even enjoyed seeing her reaction to my new found confidence. There was something about her that made me do things I normally wouldn’t, it was like she had some sort of power over me.
“T-thanks” she stuttered to then continue to cut the tomato with her head looking down as she tried to cover her flushed face.
I decided to leave the kitchen and let her prepare the lunch peacefully, so I went to the coffee table and grabbed the book I had been reading. I dropped myself on the couch and started reading from where I had left off. I often stopped to switch positions because my muscles hurt and I caught Camila looking at me a couple of times. After some minutes she told me the food was ready. Since she didn’t know where anything was kept I helped her set the table. I sat in my usual spot and she placed a plate full of spaghetti in front of me. It didn’t look like the typical spaghetti though, this one had shrimps and some strange sauce, but it smelt delicious and my mouth started watering.
I looked up to Camila and saw her leaving the room with a broom in her hand.
“Wait, where are you going?” I asked her confused.
“Ummm, to clean your room?” she answered as it was obvious. “It needs some serious cleaning”
“Don’t worry. You can do that after you eat.” I assured. But she still seemed hesitant about what to do.
“No really, I just can eat something when I get back home.”
“Camila, you got here at 10:30 am, you must be hungry. I’m your boss, you need to follow my orders” I joked and she finally gave in.
When she finally sat at the table she looked at me expectantly.
“So? Did you like it?” she asked.
“Oh, I was waiting for you. But I’m going to now. It smells amazing by the way, I’m literally salivating” I informed her and she grinned at me.
I brought my fork warped with spaghetti to my mouth and ate it. I started savoring the food to then close my eyes and moan at the taste of it, it was the best thing I had ever eaten. When I opened my eyes I searched for Camila’s with excitement as I wanted to thank her for making that delicacy, but when I finally found them, they didn’t reciprocate my gaze, they seemed to be busy staring at my lips. My expression changed instantly and I unconsciously licked my lips as my eyes studied her slightly parted ones. Those had to be the most sensual full lips I had ever seen. I looked up again and our eyes finally met, we started at each other for two seconds before Camila opened hers in surprise and both of us adverted our gaze quickly.
She cleared her throat and looked at me with a bright expression. “Does that mean you liked it?”
“Yes, this is the best thing I’ve tried in a long time.” I replied. As I started eating again.
“I told you I was good”
We discussed a lot of things while we were eating. I learned that she was studying medicine thanks to a scholarship awarded to her due to her outstanding results in school. She told me her family didn’t have a lot of money so she had studied really hard when she was younger and still was. She was a really smart, interesting and polite woman. I could tell she sensed my struggling in talking to her a couple of times because she started asking me about topics that she didn’t think would make me feel awkward. We mainly talked about her because I really didn’t enjoy talking about my personal life because it was pretty much non-existed, so every time she asked me something rather personal I answered briefly and sarcastically and then changed the topic. After lunch she went to my room and cleaned that mess while I went to my office to revise some things.
  Camila’s POV
I was in Miss Jauregui’s room now. When she had showed it to me before I hadn’t had the time to appreciate it very well. It was really big and spacious; the floor, walls and bed sheets were all white. The doors, furniture and other artefacts were black. There were some paintings and a flat screen TV hanging from to the walls.  I saw two more doors and decided to enter the first one, it was a huge bathroom that had both a large shower and a bathtub. I then approached the remaining white door, that I assumed would be the closet because of its distinct shape, and I was right, but it wasn’t just any closet, it was a huge room that was even bigger than my bedroom. There was a LOT of clothes in there, I started revising and saw that Miss Jauregui separated her wardrobe in three sections, the fancy and formal one, then the outwear and finally the sporty one. The same applied to her shoes.
I was just mesmerized about everything in this house, I’d never seen anything like that before. I also could tell Miss Jauregui was an amazing person just based on the conversation we had shared. She was polite, intelligent, a little reserved and awkward, but a really nice person nevertheless. She was humble even when owning all of these. I really liked her, at first I was scared because I thought she was going to be some prepotent and egocentric woman that would demand me to do everything in a specific way, but she had surpass even my more optimistic expectations. Not to mention, she was really attractive and beautiful, and I could have sworn she had flirted with me a couple of times.
 The truth was that if I had met her in another circumstances I would’ve definitely asked her out, I was interested in her, there was no denying in that, the minute I saw her I knew it. But, she was my boss so I would have to control the impulsiveness that was so characteristic of me and focus on doing my job.
I started cleaning her room and as I made the bed I couldn’t help to grab and get her pillow closer to my face and smell the remaining of her scent. It was a mixture of shampoo, some sweet and expensive perfume and her own unique aroma. I closed my eyes for a second and then opened them quickly when I realized what I was doing. Oh my God! Camila you’re such a perv. I need to seriously control myself. I was flushing because of my own actions, I had imagined Miss Jauregui sleeping with some sexy and elegant pajamas while resting her head on her pillow.
Suddenly something hit me. What if someone else has been sleeping in that spot, because I’m sure that for someone like her it isn’t difficult to find a partner or someone to enjoy the night with. I made a disgusted face at the thought of having smelt the scent of a stranger, but when I saw that the other side of the bed almost intact my tranquility came back, maybe that delicious smell was in fact hers.
I finished cleaning Miss Jauregui’s room and did a little house work in general. I went upstairs and started swiping the floor of the living room as I studied some photographs that were standing on a ledge. Then, I approached the kitchen to clean it and when I finished it was practically shining. I took a deep breath and felt some drops of sweat in my forehead.
“Wow. Is this really my house?”
“Fuck!” I screamed. I turned around and saw Miss Jauregui chuckling. “You keep on scaring me”.
“I know, I’m sorry” she apologized. She started to look around with an amazed look on her face and then looked at me. “Tired?”
“I’m fine” I lied. That was the most exercise I’d done in my life. “Now I need to go and put some clothes in the washing machine”
“Camila, there’s no need. You just started today and did an amazing job. You can go home now, it’s already 5 p.m.” she explained as she stared at her watch.
“No, bu-”, I was interrupted.
“You can do that on Tuesday. I have plenty of clothes to wear.” she said. “Plus, your working hours already ended…It’s probably my fault, I made you cook and-”
Now I interrupted her. “It’s totally ok. I think it would be better if I work from 10:30 a.m. to the afternoon, I mean, if that’s okay with you. I don’t know if you go out on Saturdays or something”.
“That’s okay, as long as you are okay with wasting YOUR Saturdays. You’re young and probably want to spend time with your friends or boyfriend on Saturdays”
“I usually go out on Fridays. I don’t like going to clubs that much either”, I confessed as I stared at her intensely “And I don’t have a boyfriend.”
We stared at each other for some seconds, I studied her eyes, nose, and lips, and saw her doing the same.
She sighed and spoke again. “So I guess we’ll see each other again the next Saturday”
“Yeah I guess so”, I expressed as I went back to the kitchen and placed the broom in its place.
“Oh! I almost forget about the key” she gasped as she put her hand inside her pocket. “Here”
I grabbed the key and put it inside my purse. “Thanks”
Miss Jauregui approached the main door and I followed her. She opened and I went out. We stared at each other awkwardly without knowing what to do or how say good bye.
“Ummm so…see you soon Miss Jauregui” I stuttered slightly.
“Yep, see you soon, Camila. Take care”, she smiled. And before she could turn around I got closer to her and kissed her cheek. I backed away and started walking away from her house without looking back, I was too embarrassed. Why do you always have to act without thinking!
When I was at a safe distance I took out my cell phone and dialed Dinah’s number.
“Dinah! I need help” I screamed over the phone when she answered. “I think I have a crush on my new boss”.
N/A: Again, sorry for any mistakes. Thanks for reading. Have a nice day.
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oliverxlen · 5 years
Oliver x len (chapter 7)
Oliver's POV
The timer has stopped and now the curse has lifted! I couldn't be any happier now that I can talk and move the way I did all those years ago. Does this mean that I am older than Len? Did time freeze while I spent fourteen years as a doll? But at the moment I did not have a care in the world if I could be fourteen years older than Len.
It is very relieving to know that Len isn't scared of me or hate me. If I were him, I would. Len doesn't deserve someone like me. I made a deal with a demon and killed my Father. I am a monster. We still haven't let go yet. Len is still embracing me and I reacted with doing the same to him. I have never been hugged before. It may sound strange but I have never felt love from another human being in my entire life. Which is probably the reason I became a monster. Hunger can drive a person mad. Which is exactly what happened to me.
After what seemed like ages, we parted from the hug. "Why do you still forgive me after what I did to my own father?" I asked confused. "Because like you said Oliver, they clearly did bad things to you. It has driven you to something you thought you would never do. Hey, um, are you hungry at all Oliver? He asked. He looked over to the night stand which seemed to have food on top. It looked marvelous. It was practically a thanksgiving feast.
"Actually, now that I think about it, I am starving." I said placing a hand on my stomach. I was too distracted to realize how hungry I was. Len's face lit up and placed the beautiful tray of food on my lap. I simply couldn't wait to dig in. "You can go ahead and eat, my mother said that I should show our new butler around the house. My mother hired him yesterday." He said with a smile on his face. I can see why he is so excited to have a butler around the house. I remember when he was a little boy when he had chores. He absolutely hated it. But it is quite a big house. Len closed the door quietly and that left me alone in his enormous room with nothing but the feast on my lap.
I started to gladly dig in. It was weird to think that it has been over fourteen years since I have eaten something. But being a doll was not much of a help. The tray had turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, and stuffing. He provided me apple cider and water for something to drink. This makes me wonder if this is the kind of food Len eats every day. I may have been one of the richest children in England, but I was never provided such catering from my parents. I finished the meal in about seconds. I wish I ate a bit slower because my stomach is now unsettling. I hear a knock at the door and then the door opened for me to see Len standing at the entrance of the room. He had a slight smile on his face.
"Hello Oliver, the Butler was quite nice! He is an older man so I thought he was going to be grumpy." He let out a chuckle. It was really nice seeing him happy like this. When he was a little boy, he was very depressed for a long time due to his father dying in the war. Seeing him happy made me smile back. "So, you finished your food? That was fast. You must have been very hungry." He said walking in and sitting down next to me on his bed. "I couldn't resist such a feast. And it has been a while since I have eaten food." I said. "Oh, I completely forgot about that, did the curse starve you? Did you feel hunger as a doll? Len asked. "Well, no I did not, but coming out of the curse is when I realized I haven't eaten in fourteen years." I said awkwardly.
Len stopped looking into my eyes which seemed like for quite a while, and stared off into the distance of the room. It looked like he was thinking of something. He then stuck his finger in the air as if he just remembered something. "Oh! I remember what I was going to do." Len got out of bed and went into the bathroom leaving the door open. "I was going to run you a bath. I noticed you look a bit worn out and dusty as you did as a doll." He said from the bathroom. Now that I think about it. It has been some time since I have taken a bath. I got up out of bed and walked over to where Len was. "I was thinking while you are taking a bath, I could clean your clothes and give you an extra pair." He said turning on the water in the bath tub and checking the temperature with his hand.
I watched him as he got out a towel and put it next to the tub and set soap on top. It felt nice being cared for. Especially by Len. Who I have known for so many years. But never could talk to  or contribute to our relationship. Once Len was finished preparing the bath for me, he headed out of the bathroom. "If you need anything, just tell me. I will be outside of the bathroom in my room. I will go prepare clean clothes for you." Len said as he walked out of the bathroom and shut the door behind him. This reminds me of the times when my parents only let me take a bath when told to, and to only use cold water so that they could have enough for their own bath. It caused me to find baths to be very uncomfortable. I lean down to feel the water with my hand. It was very warm. Just the way I like it.
I quickly strip myself from my worn out and dusty clothes and got into the water. It was very relaxing. I turn my head to see the assortment of soaps Len has provided me. I see one that was bright yellow. I took the bottle and dumped a good amount near the flowing water. In an instant, there were large foaming bubbles layering on top of the water. I slid down to submerge myself in the water except for my head. I have never felt so much relief and relaxation in my life.
Len's POV
Looking for clothes that would fit Oliver was quite difficult. All of my clothes were too big for him. And we had a yard sale earlier today. It seems almost as if we had the yard sale ages ago. A lot has happened tonight. I continue to look in the drawers. Until I see a box that is full of my old clothes. I must have forgotten to put it out for the yard sale. They look like they could fit Oliver a bit better than my previous clothing. I take out fluffy pants and a long sleeved shirt. I clean them one last time to make sure that they were not dusty in the box. I place them on the bed neatly and wait until Oliver was ready to come out.
A while later I hear the water drain and Oliver stepping out of the tub. Next thing I knew Oliver opened the door with a towel wrapped around his waist. I quick covered my face with my book so he doesn't know that my face is heating up blushing deeply. "You can take the clothes that are on the bed Oliver, if they don't fit, just let me know I will find another pair of clothes for you to wear." I say with my face covered by my book. "Okay." Oliver said as I hear the clothes being ruffled. I peek from my book to see that Oliver is now fully clothed.
I couldn't stop myself from thinking of how cute Oliver looks in my old clothing. I know how I said that the clothing would fit Oliver due to it being my old clothing that has grown out of me, but they still seem to be big on him. But not not to an uncomfortable point. The sleeves go down to the tips of his fingers along with the pant's pant legs traveling down to the floor. At least, they would be if he hadn't folded them at the ankle so that he could walk. "We should probably get to bed now. I have to go to school tomorrow but it will be a Friday so over the weekend, I can show you more around if you want." I said cheerfully. This made Oliver light up. "I would really like that!" Oliver said as he crawled into bed next to me. He got himself in the covers and into a comfortable state.
"Um, Len, where are we?" Oliver asked. His face changed from cheerfulness to confusion. "What do you mean by that?" I asked. "Well, I was in London fourteen years ago. And I have been passed down toy store to toy store. I have no idea where I am in the world." Oliver said starting to look worried.  "Why, we are in Japan. I am sorry that it is so far away. I had no idea that you were being passed own from toy stores. I was wondering how you got here." I said. "It is alright Len, I have been looking forward to a future without my parents anyway." He said closing his eyes slightly. He seems to be getting tired. I reach my arm out to turn out the lamp. "Len? Do you ever get the feeling that, you wouldn't care if a certain person disappeared? Someone you have known for a long time?" The second he asked that question it made me realize how alike we are. I couldn't make eye contact due to there being no light in the room.
"Actually, yes, yes I do. Well, at least, I did." I said. "Oh, wasn't it your sister? I remember you talking about how she ridiculed you. About how you believed in magic you said?" He asked. "No. I KNEW magic was real." I said. "Well, at least now you have proof." Oliver said. He was right! Oliver was my proof that magic really is real. "Yeah, I never thought of that before! But I won't take advantage of you as proof." I said. "I know you wouldn't." Oliver said in the middle of a yawn. I heard him mumble more words but I couldn't understand what they were. And just like that, Oliver was asleep. Fast asleep. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek and whispered "Thank you." I felt my eye lids getting heavy. I closed them, and just like that, I was off to join Oliver's dreams.  
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