#if there are any broken or incorrect links please let me know
hockey-fics · 7 months
Updated as of: March 6, 2024. Please let me know if any of the links don't work/are incorrect.
(Listed in alphabetical order by first name)
Colton Parayko
My Forever
Brock Boeser
Is There an Us?
Not Overstepping
Rather Forgive You Than Lose You
A Perfect Celebration
Next Summer
Jack Hughes
Gin, Tonic, and Tequila Shots
Something About Red Wine
Jamie Oleksiak
Two Too Many
Broken Promises and Forbidden Relationships
Jeff Skinner
Seeing Other People
Joel Farabee
Three Wishes
Josh Anderson
Like Having You Here
The Magic of Weddings
Kevin Hayes
Crossing Paths
A Long Month Alone, Together
Still Regret It
Mathew Barzal
Missing Piece
Matthew Tkachuk
Hockey Players are Bad News
Does He Know
Always You
Me or Him
One Drunk Night
Then Everything Changed
One Big Charade
Nathan MacKinnon
When We're 25
Nico Hischier
A Love Worth Changing For
Nolan Patrick
Swipe Right
Hot Chocolate and First Kisses
Rather Be in Philadelphia
Final Sumer at the Cabin
Travis Konecny
Prove You Wrong
Do Better
Trevor Zegras
Hard to Forget
Quinn Hughes
No Flirting at Trivia
That Night in Michigan
That Week in Vancouver (pt. 2 of That Night in Michigan)
Rose Coloured Glasses
The Summer It All Changed
Vince Dunn
Just Once | Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four |
Not Enough
Fresh Start and a Familiar Face
Perfect Night
Should Have Seen it Sooner
Sick of It
Instagram Official
Andre Burakovsky and Tyson Jost
Soy Lattes and Red Wine | Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Choose Your Ending: Tyson Jost | Andre Burakovsky
Nathan MacKinnon and Tyson Jost
Couples Trip
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halfmoth-halfman · 8 months
Do you not find it weird when the CoD fandom posts about Palestine only to immediately go back to woobifying war criminals? Even if it is just fictional characters, the voice actors they all drool over have publicly spoken out about their support for Israel too, and that goes ignored by the fandom. It all feels so disingenuous and performative.
i don't really engage with the cod fandom anymore so i'm not one to speak on what's happening in it now, but tbh i think you're expecting a little too much from a fandom that, at it's core, is centered around military propaganda. while i understand feeling like someone's actions are performative, posting and sharing information about what's happening in gaza is the bare minimum that palestinians are asking us for. if someone's sharing posts or resources that helps bring awareness to the current genocide, i think that should be considered a good thing.
gonna end this with some more links for resources for donations and boycott information:
how to donate an e-sim with #ConnectingGaza
BDS Movement & BDS Targeted Boycott List
what's happening in Congo: info + resources + how you can help
The War in Sudan & List of Sudanese Fundraisers
and here's a (link) to a post with resources for orgs to donate to as well as ways you can still help if you're unable to donate financially.
edit: please let me know if any of the links are broken or incorrect
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birdsong-warriors · 11 months
For some reason when I start reading chapter 2, it immediately takes me to the point where bone died(which sucks cuz spoilers) is there any way I can continue reading the comic without spoiling myself???
I kept redoing it but it keeps taking me to his death.....help!!
Oh, sheesh, I'm so sorry!! It should be fixed now. Everybody, please don't be afraid to let me know if there's any broken, missing, or incorrect links so I can fix them!! ;;
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commander-krios · 2 years
“What the hell were you thinking?! You could’ve been killed!" For Aurora and Joker?
Oh ho ho, my friend, get ready to have your heart broken, yeah?
“I’ll fly the shuttle.”
It was out of his mouth before he could stop it.
She turned to look at him, blue eyes widening slightly, the only thing that showed her surprise at the request. “Jeff-”
“I know what you’re going to say, Rori, and you’re right. If a Reaper shows up, I need to be here to fly the Normandy. But I-” Joker’s voice broke and he cursed how hard this was for him… for them. She was the Commander, the Spectre, the Hero of the Citadel. She was all of those things, but the only thing that mattered to him was that she was the woman he loved and he didn’t want to see her in danger.
“Yes, there is that.”
“You can’t ask me to sit here while you go look for a Reaper killer.”
Despoina. He couldn’t help the awful feeling in his gut when he had stared down at the planet below, knowing that whatever killed a Reaper had to be just as bad as one. Whatever was down there, all the signs screamed Reaper! so loud that it practically smacked you in the head. Vic and Kaidan would be her backup, but none of that helped ease the terror in his heart.
He’d lost her once already… nearly lost her twice. He didn’t like gambling on a third time.
Even fully armored, Aurora Shepard was a tiny woman. But holy shit, she was a force to be reckoned with. Small in stature, maybe, but huge in presence. And smart as hell. On top of that, she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on.
She crossed the space between them quickly, those armored boots echoing on the walkway as she did. She met his gaze, ocean blue eyes determined. “Jeff- you know that you have to. I don’t trust anyone but you to get me out if the shit hits the fan.”
“I know.” 
He knew but it didn’t make it easier.
She leaned forward, her forehead meeting his in the only touch that was skin to skin. It was the closest they could get to holding each other while she was in full armor, but he was touching her.
Please don’t let it be the last time.
Aurora’s helmet cam was shaky, the torrential rain and gusting winds making everything a hazy gray that he could barely see through. The team, along with the shuttle, were stranded on the only object in the water they could find… an old shipwreck. Cortez was attempting a fix, but whatever pulse had hit them on the way in would undoubtedly hit them again on the way out.
“EDI, can you track where that came from?” He asked, eyes on the camera output. They had lost audio after the energy pulse, but the visual was still there, although it was hard to follow. At least the ground team hadn’t come in contact with any hostiles. Yet.
“It came from below the surface of the ocean, Jeff.”
“What? Are you sure?” That didn’t bode well. The team would have to go in the water to disrupt whatever it was. “Double check.”
“The likelihood of the pulse coming from anywhere else is-.”
“Just double check!” Gritting his teeth, he opened the comm to engineering. “Hey, Tali, any ideas on how to contact the ground team or regain communications?”
“I’m doing my best, but it’s a problem on their side, not ours.”
“Jeff, I don’t think panic is warranted at the moment.” EDI harped at him from her little pedestal to his left. “Despite being stranded, the ground team is-”
Klaxons rang out, interrupting whatever EDI was going to say that was obviously incorrect. He would’ve loved to rub it in her optical sensors (face?) except when his eyes landed on the emergency readouts, he felt his heart drop out of his chest.
“Reaper incoming!”
Fingers flying over the interface, he did his best to keep the Normandy out of the Reaper’s firing range. But it seemed like the monstrosity wasn’t after them. It was headed down to the planet below.
Come on, baby. Tell me you’re alright. Please.
“EDI! Get me an open link to Shepard!”
The moaning of the husks mixed with the sounds of gunfire and biotic explosions. A brute had appeared somewhere on the other side of the wreck. Aurora could hear it smashing crates and its allies as it tried to get closer to the shuttle. Steve was working hard on fixing whatever had taken the shuttle down so that left Aurora and her team to defend him. Kaidan was a few feet from where she stood, body glowing with the blue of his biotics, even as he aimed his rifle at the approaching husks.
Vic was on the opposite side, her SMG roaring as it fired full speed. Another group of reaper forces noticed her a second later and began to amble her way. It took only a moment for Shepard to pull on her own biotics, primed for a target. She picked one that was in the center of their enemies and let herself loose. She barrelled through the crowd of husks, sending them flying in different directions before she hit the marauder in the solar plexus. The creature crumpled under the force, no longer a threat.
Then she turned to face her next foe.
The brute had gotten closer to Vic’s side of the boat. The SMG was doing little damage to its thick hide, but her time fighting them on Menae had shown her a few tricks to taking one down.
While the energy surge had taken out long range communications between Shepard’s team and the Normandy, short range still worked fine. “I need you to focus fire on the brute, Vic!”
“What the fuck do you think I’m doing, Shepard?!” 
Aurora ignored the outburst and turned her attention to Kaidan. “Keep the husks off of me.”
“What’re you-”
She answered his unspoken question with another burst of biotic power, this time aimed at the brute. One moment she was standing over the dead marauder and the next, she was ramming her body at the brute so fast and hard that the impact echoed in the space between her and her teammates. 
Her breaths were ragged, lungs craving oxygen even as her suit tried to compensate for the sudden burst of energy and use of biotics. She had perfected the use of the charge during her time with Cerberus, but she always got a rush when she managed it. The brute was barely affected physically, but it now turned to face her as the bigger threat. She lifted her shotgun without a second's hesitation, leveling a shot at point blank range into the creature’s belly.
It howled in pain, the skin finally broken by the force of the blast. Aurora took advantage of its distraction to move to safety out of its swiping range. Once she was clear, Vic pulled out her rifle and put an entire heat sink into the wound. With another pained screech, the brute fell to the ground, now silent. 
Kaidan finished off the rest of the husks before appearing at Aurora’s side. When she met his eyes, she saw the raised brow. “Dammit, Shepard, give me warning next time.”
Aurora smiled although he wouldn’t be able to see it through the helmet. “Just keeping you on your toes, Major.”
He grunted in response. 
When Vic joined them, she walked with a spring in her step. “Who doesn’t love the smell of dead Reaper in the morning?”
“God, you’re still as irritating as ever.” Kaidan muttered, checking his heat sink before replacing it quickly. 
“I missed you too, Kaidan.” She said, bumping his shoulder affectionately. 
Aurora left their friendly ribbing to check on the shuttle and Cortez’s progress. 
“Good news is that I got the shuttle repaired.”
Aurora nodded, grateful that at least one thing was going according to plan. “And the bad?”
“If we try to leave, that pulse is just going to wipe us out again. We need to figure out how to stop whatever is doing it before we can leave.” 
“Looks like we need to find Leviathan whether it wants us to or not.” She glanced over at the sound of Kaidan and Vic’s approach. “So how do we do that?”
Before anyone could offer an idea, the sound of her comm coming back online interrupted the silence. “Commander-”
Relief flooded her at the sound of her pilot’s voice. “Joker? Is everyone ok?”
She could hear the sharp intake of breath through the comm. “We’re fine up here. The Reaper was more interested in you.”
“Or Leviathan.” Kaidan said from somewhere behind her.
“Yeah, or that.” Joker continued on, his words tumbling out in a rush. “EDI says the pulse came from below the surface. The only way you’re leaving that planet is-”
“By going down.” Aurora sighed, knowing that was the most likely case, but hoping against all hope that it wasn’t.
“There’s a joke somewhere in there.” 
“Shepard.” EDI’s synthesized voice cut in. The scolding would have to wait it seemed. “I detect an energy signature below the surface. I believe it may be Leviathan.”
It wasn’t her fault.
He knew that. If Shepard had known how far down she had to go to reach Leviathan, she might’ve done something different. Or found a way to take her backup. But she’d been out of contact for longer than any of them had liked and had passed out the moment the diving suit had opened. Kaidan assured him that she was stable and more importantly, alive, but he wouldn’t believe it until he saw her with his own two eyes, touched her with his hands.
He was pacing when the shuttle flew in. Whatever Leviathan was, it had taken out the Reaper in orbit so Jeff had left EDI at the helm and went to wait for Shepard and the team to return.
Jeff, it wasn’t her fault.
Chakwas was waiting with him, medkit in hand should it be needed. She was watching him with silent eyes as he walked, limped, back and forth, trying to calm the rage that pounded beneath his ribs. He was so angry with Shepard, but under that was the fear… the terror that the oceans would swallow her.
The shuttle touched down in the bay moments later, doors opening to reveal the bright lights inside.
The fury burst from him before he could stop it, not even paying attention to who was exiting. “What the hell were you thinking? You could’ve been killed!”
Aurora stepped from the shuttle, leaning heavily on Kaidan as she did so. Blood dripped from her nose and she wiped it away. He could see a bruise darkening on her cheek, from what, he had no idea. At the sight of her, alive but bloodied, Jeff felt his legs give out from under him. Chakwas barely got her arms around him before he hit the ground.
Aurora stumbled towards him, pushing Kaidan away, taking a few steps only to fall to the ground in front of him. She pulled the armored gloves from her hands and threw them to the side, her hands shaking as they reached out for him. He was exhausted and when his gaze found Aurora’s, he could see the same exhaustion there. Hers was mostly physical, sure, but he could see the haunted look in her eyes.
“Don’t do that again.” He almost choked on the words. “I can’t watch you die again, Aurora.”
Her expression crumbled at how broken he sounded and she pulled herself closer, hand held out in front of her, a question as it floated there. Joker reached out and entwined his fingers with hers, feeling the crushing weight in his chest lighten enough that he could breathe without pain.
His fingers were pressed against her mouth, the kiss along his knuckles twisting at his heart. She wouldn’t promise that, he knew she couldn’t. 
If the war didn’t kill them both, then his heart would end up doing him in.
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omori-in-odd-places · 2 years
Welcome! Here I will post pictures of Omori editted into places he shouldn't be like liminal spaces or other video games for example, though some posts may include other characters (Be they from Omori or not). So a general unreality trigger warning applies to this blog.
Submissions and asks are allowed! If you have a specific request just shoot me an ask! I now operate a request limit so if the asks are closed please be patient as I will open them again once all the requests are completed.
If I don't think I can/don't want to make your request I will tell you explicitly by answer the ask.
Do not bring discourse to this blog
This blog is endo safe
Reblogs are greatly appreciated
#omori in odd places - a post that is in the theme of this blog
#not in an odd place - an off topic post/not an edit
#my odd place - an edit that I have made
#requested odd place - a requested post
#[character] in odd places - a post containing a character that isn't omori, the character will be specified.
#submitted odd place - a submitted post
General Rules:
Nothing nsfw, including real gore. Depictions of horrific injuries are okay but nothing real.
This is not a place for ships. Please do not request or submit anything that has shipping at its core.
I reserve the right to decline your submission or request if it contains media that I'm not comfortable with. I don't have a comprehensive list at the moment but one will be created if the need arises.
If your request or submission contains things from media that isn't Omori or is from an Omori AU please specify these so I can tag the post properly
I operate a request limit where after the limit is reached I will close requests until I have emptied my ask box. The current limit is 5
Do not send a request for the same thing more than once
Please only request one thing per ask. You're welcome to send multiple different requests at one time as long as they are in separate asks
If your request is for something from a certain fandom that isn't Omori, please provide images or links to relevant pages so that I can complete your request accurately
Please check my blog to see if something similar has been requested previously. I know tumblr's search function sucks but if you're on desktop you can type www.tumblr.com/omori-in-odd-places/tagged/[insert tag] to get all of my posts tagged with a particular tag (remove the square brackets)
This is not an incorrect quotes blog so do not request conversations between characters. Short lines of speech from one character is okay but please keep it specific to the situation/location you have requested
If your request breaks any of these rules or I otherwise don't feel like I can fulfil it, I will answer the ask letting you know this is the case. In the specific case where it's because a rule is broken I will make it clear which rule is broken. This also means that if your ask hasn't been answered yet there's a good chance I intend to complete it.
Please only make submissions through the submission tab. The asks are for requests and as such may be closed from time to time if the request limit is reached
Only submit your own work unless you have explicit permission (with proof) that you may submit someone else's work
Whilst this isn't necessary for your submission to be posted, I would greatly appreciate if you add an image description before submitting as this saves me time when I come to post it
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mysmestranscripts · 2 years
Master List
*Post will be updated as transcripts are posted. Please let me know if any links are broken, missing, or incorrect, and I will fix it as soon as I can.
Casual Common
Deep Common
Another Common
Bad Endings Master List
Calls (by route)
Casual & Deep Common
Another Common
Christmas 2016
April Fool's
Ray After Ending: The Final End
After Endings
Secret End 1 & 2
V : Judge or Forgive
Ray: The Final End
Bad Jumin & After: Life in the Mansion
Other DLC
Christmas 2016
April Fool's
Valentine's Day
Rika Behind Story
List of Image Descriptions
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sims-your-way · 2 years
Update: All Links Updated! (Hopefully)
Hey guys! Just letting you know that I have finished updating all of the download links from The Sims Resource links to SimFileShare links. Hopefully. If you come across any incorrect or broken links or any CC that I missed, please let me know.
Also, as I was updating, I’ve become aware that - for some reason - I never posted my Stray Kids ‘No Easy’ posters here. Don’t know how that happened but I’ll be posting them soon.
Thanks so much for all of your patience! 💖
Tumblr media
0 notes
cosmicangst · 4 years
ao3 / fic tag / pp meta / tot meta / joseimuke meta
➳ here, and where you are (wip) pride and prejudice/regency au where akane and shinya flirt by intellectually bullying each other until they fall in love
[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ]
➳ honeymoon period (complete) some vague universe where everything is all right and akane and shinya are two newlyweds basking in domestic bliss
[ 1 ] [ 2 ]
➳ la petite mort (wip) akane and shinya have a one night stand that inexplicably lasts for more than one night. canon-divergent
[ 1 ]
➳ like real people do (oneshot) akane goes to a compatibility-match date but ends up getting hamburgers with shinya instead. canonverse
➳ like tears in rain / eight seconds left in overtime (two-shot) shinya hallucinates. often. it says a lot that he’s known her ghost longer than her. canon-divergent
➳ a loose bolt of a complete machine (oneshot) he’s human and she’s not. the former fact is questionable. blade runner au
➳ photokeratitis (oneshot) wherever she goes, the skeletons follow. akane runs away with shinya and nearly drowns. canon-divergent
➳ four things plus one thing fic where shinya deals with his jealousy throughout the years (oneshot)
➳ that childhood au where shinya is completely oblivious to his own feelings (oneshot)
➳ that one reincarnation au where shinya is stuck in a tragic sorta time loop (oneshot)
➳ that one where they discuss the possibility of alternate universes. this is like the prologue of all my fics lol. canonverse (oneshot)
➳ that one where she dies and he destroys a city. second pov. yep, i know. (oneshot)
➳ that post-pp:fi lunch date that was promised (oneshot)
➳ that san junipero au where aspiring writer, akane, visits the afterlife to write about the late famed detective kougami (wip)
[ 1 ]
➳ date night post-pp3 (oneshot)
➳ first impressions (oneshot) introspection on nobuchika and his changing relationship with his inspector. canonverse
➳ the only words i know (oneshot) akane and nobuchika and months-long foreplay. canonverse. mildly explicit.
➳ that one au where teenage friends--nobuchika, akane, shinya and shuusei--go to an amusement park (oneshot)
➳ that one where they’re in an established relationship and have to learn how to confront each other during fights. canonverse (oneshot)
other psycho-pass
➳ that appreciation fic for father’s day reflecting on masaoka tomomi and his many children. canonverse (oneshot)
➳ that buzzfeed unsolved au where kagari is ryan and kougami is shane (complete)
[ 1 ] [ 2 ]
➳ that post-pp1 missing scene where akane and yayoi grieve for a lost friend through baking. canonverse (oneshot)
other fandoms
➳ [dragon age] a prayer in a burning church (oneshot) cullen rutherford unfortunately believes in fate and the herald’s first words to him are written on his palm. soulmates au
➳ [the legend of korra] that college au where korra and korvira become reluctant roommates
➳ [mass effect] that canon divergence where a miserable and terminally single shepard and garrus meet and bond during a wedding
➳ [nightshade] beginners (oneshot) 10k smut post-game where hanzo and enju address their insecurities and bang each other for the first time
➳ [persona 3] lather, rinse, repeat. (oneshot) akihiko and how he fell in love with death. second pov warning
➳ [tears of themis] no rules in breakable heaven (wip) a college-aged rosa attends a party and ends up getting rescued by an off-duty darius morgan. explicit 10k smut.
[ 1 ]
➳ [x-men] there aren’t any more guns in the valley (oneshot) logan, and his many lives. fox canonverse. second pov warning again lol
drabbles (aka too short to merit a spot above)
➳ psycho pass:
[ginaka] nobuchika wants to tell her something desperately
[shinkane] akane bakes. shinya flirts.
[shinkane] college au where akane is the t.a. and shinya is the professor and you fill in the blanks
[shinkane] akane and shinya become an aunt and uncle respectively 
[shinkane] if poetry, not music, be the food of love
[shinkane] that feeling you get when you get that one hug from a specific person
[shinkane] shinya comes to a realization as akane annoys him with snow
[shinkane] sibyl!akane vs. kougami
[shinkane] that one where they act like schoolchildren and annoy ginoza
[shinkane] that one where they get some fucking sleep 
[shinkane] that one where they reunite in the middle of a gunfight in the forest
[shinkane] that other au where they elope and live in a cottage
[shinkane] that vague pining shit of unresolved relationships you think about in the middle of the night
[sugino] the tragedy of martyrs and bad endings
➳ other:
[cheese in the trap] that one where in ho marvels at sul’s laughter
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Masterlist Time!
As promised, here’s a list of posts that include my writing and/or my analyses of the game.
Analysis Posts/Meta/Translations:
My impressions of the first three suitors
My impressions of the rest of the suitors (cont.)
No thoughts just me simping for Leo
My thoughts on the new three/antagonists Charles, Faust, Vlad
First Impressions of the Bois vs Current Impressions
Comte Loves Strong Women Don’t @ Me
Comparing Comte’s Protectiveness to that of IkeSen Mitsuhide
What do I think of Ikerev’s Edgar Bright?
So what’s the deal? Why doesn’t MC get turned into a vamp more? (mild spoilers for Comte’s rt inside)
Do pureblood vampire bebbehs drink blood?
How do I feel about Leo refusing to turn MC? (Tl;dr: understandable, but bad)
My first vs current impressions of the Ikesen lads
Why don’t Dazai and Arthur like each other?
MBTI Designations for the Suitors
MC Deserves Fang Rights
Implications of Isaac’s Being an Aberrant
Why do Comte’s bank account be lookin’ like that yo
Comte’s Wild Side (includes some mild event and comte rt spoilers)
Push and Pull: How Comte struggles between Emotion and Rationality in the course of his MS
Household Electricity in Ikevamp
What language is everyone speaking??? (The answer: yes.)
Does Comte’s real name have any special meaning or allusion? (This has mentions of Comte’s real name so SPOILERS KIDS)
Personal rt rankings and Thoughts on Arthur
How would Leo react to MC agreeing to Comte’s offer to turn her? (includes a lot of Leo character analysis too)
Sebas Rt Theories (these were all predictions I made before reading the JPN MS)
Predictions for Rt Releases Based on JPN Order
About Comte being able to meet future versions of himself; more time travel conundrums (with sizable Dazai rt spoilers)
Comte’s second bday story meta: how is Comte a gentleman? Or is he not?
Comte ES MC!Vamp AU analysis bc I have brainworms
Comte’s 4th Birthday Story (My Heart Will Go On)
Comte’s 6th Birthday Story (dreams do come true)
Asking the real questions, How Old Is Comte?
Comte's 6th Anniversary Collection Story (VAMP MC WOOOOO)
Comte's 6th Anniversary Story Set (uwu)
Comte's One More Wedding Event
Comte Drama CD Translations:
Track One (Balcony Soliloquy)
Track Two (Golden Retriever Meow Meow Hours)
Track Three (Slaps Comte's Little Pizza Hands)
HS AU for the boys~
That time of the Month thoughts
Purebloods Deadpool Baby Hands (Oh the Joys of Regeneration)
Horny on Main for Comte
How would time travel work for a turned MC?
Ikevamp Suitors and MC with their Baby
How would the suitors feel about modern times?
How Dem Bois Laugh (Dazai’s can be found here bc I am Idiota)
Fistfights: Who wins when Comte vs Vlad, and Comte vs Leonardo?
How would Sebastian react to losing a loved one suddenly?
Gen Z MC with the Bois
Among Us: Mansion Edition
Suitors with Meme-Monger MC
V Affectionate MC Confessing her undying Love to the Suitors (this one includes Shakespeare, Jeanne, Leonardo, Napoleon, Mozart, Vincent, and Comte)
Dazai MBTI Analysis
Love Bites: Comte/Leonardo/Sebastian
Alphabetical Fluff Headcanons:
L, T
E, I, K, L, N, O, W, Z
C, H, J, L, S, Y
B, F, K, L
A, G
Q, T, Y, Z
G, H, J, P, U
C, N, O, S
B, I, L, U, V
J, M, O
B, C, H, K, M
F, N, O, Q, T
C, F, I, P
A, B, D, K, P
Route Spoilers/Route Summaries:
Misc Yelling about Jeanne
Does Comte bite MC?
Is Jeanne Jared, 19?
Jeanne’s Pet Tiger, Cherie
How possessive is Comte? (in terms of IkeVamp canon)
Comte and Jeanne hacer las paces (make amends, so to speak)
Comte’s Wedding Event
Suitors at the time of their human deaths with Comte: what aligns with our history and what doesn’t?
Explaining who Charles, Faust, and Vlad are for newer players
What happens if Sebas and/or MC stay in the mansion? How does their absence affect the future, and do they die in the past?
Comte’s real name
Comte’s Kidnapping CG--what’s the cinch?
Comte’s MS Romantic Ending
Comte Event before his MS release
Comte jealousy event (Comte do be a beast sometimes)
Comte Purple Moon Event (”the puppetmaster that cursed my [REDACTED]”)
Vlad Character Page translation (not mine, a link to further info)
Sebas RT Spoilers Agonizing
Can Comte play the violin?
Request to Spoil Dazai’s RT (more reader discretion advised, it’s fairly intense)
Spoilers for Sebas’ rt end: does he return to the future?
A Statement on Sexual Assault in relation to Arthur’s MS (there are trigger warnings, but even so reader discretion is advised)
For those of you that would like to join in my hubris and try to translate JPN rts: 
My method
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a-queer-seminarian · 3 years
so ya wanna know about autism: masterpost
I give this google doc link out to individuals a lot, and realized it might be useful for a lot of people if i shared it more widely. It’s a masterpost of a whole bunch of Autistic Stuff -- here’s the link to the actual doc, but i’ll also post it all here on tumblr (under a readmore after the table of contents).
(edit: if the hyperlinks aren’t working for you, here’s the google doc url that you can copy and paste into an internet browser to access everything: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16BqhRv4IlZ6KcElGAEZOx8sFYwRs4W1jF-ddY_XKYnE/edit?usp=sharing )
Please spread it around (including sharing the google doc link outside of tumblr wherever you want). Feel free to comment with more resources, tumblr posts, articles, etc. that you find helpful! And if any links are broken, let me know.
It can be a major challenge for adult autistic folks to find content for us and by us, because so much “official” content is 1) ableist and harmful and 2) geared towards parents of autistic children. So I’ve compiled just about every resource I’ve got that discusses autism by and for #actuallyautistic folks.
Metaphors and images for autism
Disability models
Issues with Functioning Labels, ideas of “Mild” - “Severe” autism
Autism among women
Autism and race
Autism and LGBTQ
Is it ADHD or Autism??
Tests / checklists
Autism / disability history and culture
The Neurodiversity Movement
Person first vs. identity first language
Misc. - samefoods, lists, needing to know what to expect, etc.
Communication stuff - misc. - Verbal/nonverbal - Infodumping - echolalia - Prosopagnosia - Aphasia - Eye contact
Special interests / hyperfixations
Auditory Processing Disorder
Sensory issues / Sensory Processing Disorder
Meltdowns and Shutdowns and Burnout
Executive function
Emotion stuff
Allyship / for allistics - For parents of autistic persons
More non-speaking autistic self-advocates
The Autistic Woman and Nonbinary Network
Amethyst Schaber’s “Ask and Autistic” YouTube full of videos on various autistic stuff
Lydia X.Z. Brown / Autistic Hoya 
Dr. Nick Walker
Mrs. Kerima Çevik
“Non-Speaking Autistic Speaking” - Amy Sequnzia’s blog
“The thinking person’s guide to autism”
The How-To Wiki for autism is actually really helpful! 
Ollibean blog .
Video: “What is autism?”
“About autism”
“What being autistic means to me”
Myths about autism .
Metaphors and images for autism - “Autism is a sundae bar” - “Autism is purple” - “Understanding the spectrum” comic - Another visual on the idea of a spectrum - And another visual on the spectrum - not an on-off switch .
Disability models - Understanding disability models - Video: models of disability discourse .
Functioning Labels, “Mild” or “Severe” autism - Article on functioning labels - “What’s wrong with functioning labels? A masterpost” - Another article on problems with functioning labels - “I don’t experience my autism mildly; you experience my autism mildly” - A non-speaking autistic who is labeled non-functioning discusses labels - “Most people would consider me low-functioning, but I hate that word” - Tweets from actual autistics on functioning labels - How the same person may be labeled low or high functioning at different times - “Mental Age Theory hurts people with disabilities” .
Article on autism in communities of color + in the LGBTQ community
Autism, intersectionality, and STEM college outcomes
Articles on intersectionality on The Art of Autism .
Autism among women - A reminder about talking about differences in autism in “females” - “I thought I was lazy: the invisible struggle for autistic women” - “The women who don’t know they’re autistic” - “The gas-lighting of women and girls on the autism spectrum” .
Autism and race - “Being Autistic, Black, and Femme” - “Black and Autistic: Is there room at the advocacy table?” - “Autistic, Gifted, and Black” - “I, too, am Racialized” - Autistic Hoya on being Chinese & a transracial adoptee - Video: “Growing up BLACK in a neurotypical legal system” - The Autism Wars: Mrs. Kerima Çevik’s blog .
Autism and LGBTQ - “Autism and gender variance - is there a cause for the correlation?” - “The intersection of autism and gender” - Issues being transmasc and autistic - “Gendervague: At the intersection of Autistic and trans experiences” - “I’m an autistic lesbian and no, I don’t wish I were ‘normal’” .
A self-diagnosis masterpost!
Autistic self-dx is valid
“Reasons why self-dx is good from the pov of a professional” 
Some reasons why autism may go undiagnosed 
“Five reasons I am self identified as autistic”
“Beware of gatekeeping”
A masterpost of “resources for women who believe they might be autistic”
A therapist who’s never met an incorrect self-dx-er .
Is it ADHD or Autism?? - Links to information on the intersections between autism and ADHD - A list of things that are more ADHD, things that are more autism, and things that are both - Science: decoding the overlap between ADHD and autism - The concept of neurodivergent “cousins” .
Various tests / checklists: - ASD Checklist - List of inclusive autistic traits - Book: I Think I Might Be Autistic: A Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis and Self-Discovery for Adults .
Privilege in being able to get a diagnosis
Pros and cons of getting one
Someone answers the question “Was it worth it for you to get diagnosed as an adult?”
Professional diagnosis can get some people deported :/
This person’s journey from self-dx to pro-dx .
The wiki how-to on accepting your autism
The wiki how-to on autistic strengths 
“7 Cool Aspects of Autistic Culture”
“I’m autistic and proud of it”
“You are not a burden” 
“What is self advocacy?” .
Autism / disability history and culture - Video: “Is autism a disability?” - A google drive “disability library” full of amazing content - A tumblr tag full of posts with autistic history - Book - Loud Hands: Autistic People, Speaking includes essays that explore the history of autism and of autistic self-advocacy - Book - Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity .
The Neurodiversity movement - The neurodiversity paradigm - Video: basic terms and definitions - Video: what is neurodiversity? - Liberating ourselves from the pathology paradigm .
Person first vs. identity first language (“person with autism” vs. “autistic person”) - ASAN on identity first language - Why it matters - Video: Autism ACTUALLY Speaking - Science: a study on what labels actual autistic persons prefer - An image showing the difference between person first and identity first language .
Cureism & seeking causes of autism - Video: “Autism and the disability community: the politics of neurodiversity, causation, and cure” - Video: Self advocacy in a culture of cure - An analogy against cureism - It’s okay that some autistics do want a cure - Quotes on Truth Is by Julia Bascom about not needing a cure - Cureism is eugenics - “If a cure is found, no one will force you to take it” .
“Thinking about patterns of opposite extremes among autistic people” (e.g. how we tend to be sensory avoidant or sensory seeking, extremely gender conforming or extremely gender nonconforming, hyper-empathetic or hypo-empathetic)
An essay on inclusive autistic traits
This tumblr is dedicated to answering people asking about whether various things are autistic traits!
This person lists the reasons they think (know) they’re autistic; the list includes a lot of traits that often aren’t talked about 
“Some autism things” .
“What are samefoods?” - “Why do autistic people tend to samefood?”
It’s okay if you don’t like certain things / avoid certain things because of your autism
Wanting/needing to know how long something will last, what to expect .
Stimming! - Video: what is stimming? - Video on self-injurious stims - Video: autobiographical look at stimming and its role - More than a coping mechanism - A masterpost of examples of various types of stimming - Video on vocal / verbal stimming - Examples of vocal stimming as communication - A tumblr blog with a tag full of examples of body stims .
Communication stuff - Trouble with volume modulation; repetition; inconsistent talking habits - Autistic idiolects - Autistic dialect? - Autistics communicate differently amongst each other! . - Verbal/nonverbal - - Selective mutism - - Semiverbal communication - - Different amounts of access to speech - - A person on being non-verbal and using AAC - - People who are nonverbal still deserve to be listened to .
Infodumping - What is infodumping?
Echolalia - “Autism and Echolalia: what you need to know” - What is echolalia? - A tumblr blog’s tag featuring examples of echolalia
Aphasia and autism
Prosopagnosia (Face blindness) - Science: a study confirming that some 67% of autistic persons have some degree of facial recognition difficulties - Science: a study offering theories for why this is!
Video: Autistics and eye contact - Science: Researchers explore why autistic people avoid eye contact
Tendency to overexplain .
Special interests / hyperfixations - Some info on hyperfixations - Video on special interests - Emphasizing the intensity of these things - “What’s so special about a special interest?” - “Why we love what we love and why it should matter to you” - Not every autistic person knows everything there is to know about their special interest - “Interest hopping” - Dividing our life into “eras” of special interests .
Auditory Processing Disorder - Examples of APD - “You might struggle with auditory processing if…” .
Sensory Processing Disorder - Video: What is sensory processing disorder? - Video: a virtual experience of what it’s like to be at a party as someone with SPD - A post about some of the weird sensory stuff that many autistics experience (such as feeling nauseated when your real issue is a headache) - Many sensory issues aren’t just annoying, but physically painful - Difficulty in explaining autistic hypersensitivities - Auditory sensory musings - Trying to describe sensory overload - Not noticing when we’re hungry - Weird tolerance for big pain, intolerance for small pain - Science: “Unseen Agony: Dismantling Autism’s house of pain” - Tumblr blog with a tag of other posts about sensory issues .
Meltdowns and Shutdowns and burnout: - Meltdowns vs. shutdowns - Video: “What are autistic meltdowns?” - Video: “What are autistic shutdowns?” - A description of meltdowns - Signs of a shutdown in autistic people - How to support someone having a shutdown - Science: “Autistic shutdown alters brain function” - How to avoid meltdowns - “Dealing with meltdowns” - “The protective gift of meltdowns” - Video on autistic burnout - Article on burnout - Science: Autistic burnout described by a researcher - An article on autistic regression (burnout) - “Help! I seem to be getting more autistic” - talks about how things like burnout, aging, new environment, being around other autistics, and more can cause this .
Executive function - Video: “What is executive functioning?” - A chart describing the different aspects of executive function - “Executive functioning problems - a frustrating aspect of being autistic” - Autistic inertia .
Emotion stuff (including empathy) - Our emotional regulation is different - Article: (some) people with autism can read emotions, feel empathy - Video on misconceptions around autism and empathy - “Double standards: The irony of empathy and autism” - Science on the “double empathy problem” involving relationships between autistics and non-autistics - Not a bad person for not having empathy - More musings on autism and empathy - “Autistic grief is not like neurotypical grief” .
Alexithymia: - Science: Overlap between autism and alexithymia - Video: what is alexithymia? - “I don’t know how I feel”
Video on passing
An infographic on autistic masking
Another video on masking / “hiding” in a neurotypical world
We are not obligated to mask or “act less autistic”
When you mask less and get told “you’ve been acting more autistic”
Getting called high-functioning because you mask/pass well
Scripting: - Video: what is scripting? 
A guide to identifying good autism organizations (and how they can improve!)
Autism Speaks:
Some facts and statistics 
An AS masterpost
Another AS masterpost
Video: What’s wrong with AS?
Video: a non-speaking autistic’s response to discussions between Autism Speaks and GRASP
“Enough with the puzzle pieces”
“I resign my roles at Autism Speaks”
“Responding to Autism Speaks” .
Video: what’s ABA? 
“Studies find thin evidence for early autism therapies” 
Masterpost of why ABA is harmful
More on how ABA is abusive even if a kid “seems to like it”
An autistic describes ABA’s “quiet hands” method
And another post on how ABA is harmful
Trauma and autism
Alternatives to ABA
Suicide - Video: Speaking to suicidal autistics - Science linking autism and increased suicidality - Video: “diagnosis saved my life” .
Allyship / for allistics - Video: How to be an ally - Resources for supporting autistics during Autism Acceptance month and year-round! - Autistic accessibility needs - “How to be a friend to autistic people” - 15 things you never say to an autistic person - What to say / not to say to an autistic adult - Video: what shouldn’t I say to autistic people? - Video: Things not to say to an autistic person - Video: “Isn’t everyone a bit autistic?” - Don’t talk about “mental age” - “To those who tell autistic persons ‘everyone experiences that’” - Why it’s not helpful to say “well I don’t think of you as disabled / as autistic” - How to support a loved one who’s gone temporarily nonverbal - How to support someone having a shutdown - Help reduce meltdowns in a loved one - Don’t restrain an autistic person having a meltdown - Understanding why autistics seem “so picky” - Making communication easier for your autistic friend - Avoiding ableism against AAC users - How to protect your autistic employees from ‘no script found’ situations” .
For parents of autistic persons - “Don’t Mourn for Us” - “You don’t ‘lose a child to autism’” - Advice from autistic adults on treating your autistic children with respect - A masterpost of advice for “autism parents” - It’s okay if your kid doesn’t hug you or say “I love you” - “They keep publishing these violent articles” - “When you’re autistic, abuse is considered love” - You don’t have to tell everyone who comes across you and your kid in public that your kid is autistic / you don’t have to constantly apologize for your kid! - Your kid isn’t bad / uncooperative just because they have certain differences - Don’t tell autistic adults we are “nothing like your child” - A tag full of more tumblr posts about / for “autism parents”
More non-speaking autistic self-advocates - Video: “In My Language” by Mel Baggs - Mel Baggs: “Don’t ever assume autism researchers know what they’re doing” - Lysik’an: “You don’t speak for low-functioning autistics” - Film: Deej
Autistics and the idea of “getting out of your comfort zone”
Autistics accommodate allistics far more than the other way around 
It is icky when autistic persons are only valued when we’re “productive” 
Parents who are themselves autistic
Autism as genetic? - Science: “Autism Genetics, Explained”
Science: links to some studies on autism and gastro-intestinal issues, autism and caffeine, autism and sleep, autism and stimming, autism and queerness, autistic strengths, and more
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Gundam Wing Secret Operation (1996) Masterpost
(Updated May 29th: translations for the Side B tracks have been finalized and added to the post. Please let me know if any of the links is incorrect or broken!) 
Recently I came across the digitalized version of Gundam Wing’s Audio drama that was sold as a part of the Animate Cassette Collection on a Japanese website. As it appears that there is no known English translation for this audio drama, I decided to translate it myself. 
So far I’ve only completed the translation of the tracks that are on Side A, but I will update this post as soon as I am able to upload the translations for Side B. You can locate the text posts containing the translations either via the following links or visit the hashtag #GW Secret Operation. Enjoy! 
Side A
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6 
Side B
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Cast Comment
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make-me-imagine · 3 years
Star Wars Universe Masterlist
This is a masterlist for everything I have written for the Star Wars movies and The Mandalorian series.
Here is the link to my Main Masterlist
If you notice any incorrect links, please let me know!
- - - - - - - - -
- - Original & Prequel Trilogies - -
- - - - - - -
Luke Skywalker:
Ship Drabble (Reader Insert) - ‘Comforting’ (comfort/angst)
'Come Back to Me' (fluff/teeny bit of angst)
- - - - - - -
Anakin Skywalker:
Oneshot: Stolen Moments (romantic/fluff)
- - - - - - -
Obi-Wan Kenobi:
Three Part Fic: 'If Only' (finished) 'Part One' (angst/whump/pining) 'Part Two' (pining/angst) 'Part Three' (angst/bit of whump/fluff)
'Worth Saving' (angst/whump)
- - - - - - -
- - - Sequel Trilogy - - -
- - - - - - -
Poe Dameron:
Ship Drabble (Reader Insert): ‘Reunion’ (cute)
‘Weather the Storm’ (comfort/fluff)
Two Part Fic:  Part One: Too Little, Too Late (ANGST) Part Two: Redemption for a Broken Heart (angst/action)
Dance (cute/fluff)
'Much Ado About You' (fun/fluff/cute)
- - - - -
Ship Drabble (Reader Insert) - ‘First Kiss’ (cute)
Ship Drabble (Reader Insert) - ‘Baking Together’ (cute/fluff)
- - - - -
Ben Solo/Kylo Ren
Fic: 'Courage'; (bit of angst/fluff)
- - - - - - -
- - - The Mandalorian - - -
- - - - -
Din Djarin:
Pinky Promise (romantic/cute)
I’ll Stay (action/angst/cute)
True Colors (Soulmate au)
Bounty (action/slow-burn)
'I Got You' (action/suspense/bit of fluff)
All That Matters (action/bit of angst/fluff)
- - - - -
Cobb Vanth:
Wanted (action/fluff)
"A Quick Job" (action/angst/teeny bit of fluff)
Worried (angst/comfort/bit of fluff)
'You and I' (soft/fluff/cute)
- - - - - -
*Post Reblog: Star Wars Languages/Alphabets
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lady-janet · 3 years
The Ballad of Tam Lin in Song: a master post
Alastair McDonald, Tam Lin
Anne Briggs, Young Tambling
Anaïs Mitchell and Jefferson Hammer, Tam Lin (child 39)
Benjamin Zephaniah, Tam Lyn Retold
Bill Jones, Tale of Tam Lin
Bob Hay, Tam Lin
Broadside Electric, Tam Lin
Cast Iron Filter, Tam Lyn
Catriona MacDonald and Ian Lowthian, Tam Lin
Coyote Run, Tam Lin
Current 93, Tamlin
Daniel Dutton, Tam Lin
Davey Arthur, Tam Lin
Drake Oranwood, Tam Lin of the Elves
Elephant Revival, Tam Lin Set
Ewan McColl, Tam Lin
Fairport Convention, Tam Lin
Fiddler’s Green, Tam Lin
the Forgetmenauts, Tam Lin
Frankie Armstrong, Tam Lin
Gillian Grassie, Tam Lin
Ian Page, Tam Lin
Jeremy Kittel, Tamlin
Joe Jewell, Tam Lin
Kathleen Yearwood, Tam Lin
King Chiaulee, Tam Lin
Maranda James, Janet
Makaris, Elliot Cole & Fiona Gillespie, Tam Lin
Mediæval Bæbes, Tam Lin
Mike Waterson, Tam Lyn
Molly Pinto Madigan, The Ballad of Tam Lin
Mrs. Ackroyd Band, Tam Lin
Pentagle, Tam Lin
Pete Morton, Tamlyn
Raising Gael, Tam Lin
Seamus Egan, Tamlin
Steeleye Span, Tam Lin
Steeleye Span, Thomas the Rhymer
Tania Elizabeth, Tam Lynn’s
Tempest, Tam Lin
Trent Wagler and the Steel Wheels, Tam Lin
Tricky Pixie, Tam Lin
note: I haven't listened to all of these retellings myself, but I'm working down the list. Please let me know about any broken or incorrect links you find. And please do make suggestions for any songs I might have missed.
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lexwritess · 4 years
incorrect quotes anon, i have a super angsty idea that i think you’ll LOVE. so basically michael x reader but she died at on of the outpost, and were basically the only good part about michael and him not caring about anything anymore (even more than usual lmao). and it’s just grief and sadness and anger. it’s fine if not, if you do i’d love to make incorrect quote for it also! have a great day/night!!!! ❤️❤️
broken promises [m.l.]
pairing: michael langdon x fem!reader
warnings: angst, death, swearing, blood, i don’t think this is accurate i tried to research on lilith but it was difficult but i liked the idea so this version of lilith is mostly based off the one from caos
a/n: i got a little carried away lmao
words: 1.6k
slightly au! i’m going to pretend michael can’t bring dead people back ✌️
Tumblr media
y/n is a witch. but she’s a different kind of witch. she was born for a very specific purpose, one that she didn’t even understand yet. she knew she was different though.
she really knew she was different when her supreme, cordilia, tried to kill her.
she ran away from her sisters that night. she didn’t need cordilia to kill her. she already felt dead. defeated. the only real family she’s had wanted her dead.
that’s when she met michael.
michael despised all witches, but there was something about y/n that dragged him to her. the two of them were like magnets and they both felt it. the world always pulling them towards each other.
she met michael when he was at a loss. y/n wasn’t the only one cordilia hurt that day.
y/n found michael in the woods, he looked ill and lost.
y/n brought him to a dark church she saw a couple days prior. they found a woman there that was eager to help them back on their feet and get them well and nourished.
that was a big step for michael. after that visit michael finally got sense of himself. unfortunately, y/n still didn’t understand her purpose.
“i want to help michael, i really do but i don’t know what i’m suppose to do. you’re the antichrist! i’m just a rejected witch.” y/n tells michael gloomily.
tomorrow was a big day for him, he was getting back his ms. mead. of course y/n was happy for him, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that he wouldn’t need her anymore.
“you are so much more than that. you are more powerful than you think and you are a big help to me. and even if you don’t serve a purpose for the apocalypse i care about you and want you by my side.” michael looks into your eyes and grabs your hands.
that’s where y/n and michael shared their first kiss.
“can you help him or not.” you interrupt the two idiotic coke heads.
“oh. who’s this?” mutt said cockily.
“she’s a witch on my side. her coven tried to kill her. don’t get any ideas though she’s mine.” michael said protectively.
you can’t help but smirk to yourself.
“alright, sorry. please don’t light me on fire.” mutt says defensively.
this is the second time michaels been here. this time he decided to bring you along so maybe you could get an idea what to do next if jeff and mutt didn’t.
“do you have some special marking on you, or have demonic fire powers?” jeff asks you while mutt looks for something to help michael.
y/n shows him the upside down triangle that appeared on her wrist about a month ago.
“not going to lie, that’s kinda lame.” jeff says disappointed.
y/n gives the man a glare and with the wave of her hand the glass bowl of cocaine was now broken across the floor.
“WHAT THE FU-.” jeff yelled before mutt stepped in.
“we can worry about it later. look at the book of revelations. have you read it?” mutt asks.
michael looks at them before opening the book with his magic.
y/n flips through the book when michael is done looking for anything else.
“who is lilith?” y/n ask monotone.
“lilith is technically a witch. she was the wife of adam but refused to sleep with him. eventually she went and sided with the devil. the devil turned on her. lots of variations and stories of her. no ones quite totally sure.” jeff explains.
y/n looks at michael with a skeptical look on her face and he gives one back.
“holy shit, you’re totally lilith! but for the new world!” mutt exclaims.
y/n stands up and look down upon the two.
“how would you know?” y/n raised her eyebrows at them.
“you’re coven tried to kill you, you just so happen to be with the antichrist, the triangle on your arm...makes sense.” jeff says.
y/n stays still staring at them. they gulp under her gaze before she walks out of the room.
michael hurries after the girl, needing to know what’s on her mind.
“y/n, what is the matter dear?” michael asks, linking his pinky with hers.
“i do not want to be lilith.” y/n says strongly.
“if being lilith means i will lose you in the end i don’t want it!” she lets go of michaels pinky and storms off to the car.
“darling you will never lose me! i may have to follow my fathers plans to end this world, but i’m still in charge!” michael yells to y/n.
“promise me!” y/n yells back, finally walking towards micheal.
“promise me.” y/n repeats, this time her tone barley above a whisper.
“i promise.”
2 years later
present time
the apocalypse is here. the world is gone. hell is on earth.
and you’ve been by michaels side the whole time.
he kept his promise
and now you were standing in front of your ex-coven.
they were back to kill you, again.
“come back to finish the job?” you bitterly ask cordilia.
“i had no choice! you were made for evil, i was never going to be able to peel you away from him and you would always choose him over your sisters!” cordilia yells.
“well michael never tried to kill me like you did! you were the only family i had!” you yell back, tears brimming your eyes.
you furrow your brows trying to hear what cordilia was mumbling but before you realized it’s too late.
“ms mead!” michael cried.
cordilia had killed his ms mead again.
“fuck you!” you say angerly stepping closer to cordilia.
as you walk closer cordilia is pushed back by your magic, a trail of fire leading behind you.
“how are you doing that?” madison asks in shock.
“because i’m the new supreme.” you smirk.
cordilia laughs bitterly and you look back at her.
“you can never be the supreme. you are a demoness! you are and never will be a real witch!” cordilias words burn in your brain as the realization hits you.
“mallory.” you whisper to yourself.
“precisely.” cordilia smiles.
while michael was having his last moments with ms mead, in the corner of your eye you saw madison grab the machine gun and go to point it at michael.
“repellendum malum minitar, ut nobis!” you quickly shout the protection spell.
you repeat the spell and step closer to michael.
“tutela eorum vinculum!” cordilia starts chanting against your spell.
you repeat the spell but as she gets closer the sheild starts breaking.
“et defendat mea!” you shout louder. the shield starts breaking as the other witches join in on cordilias chants.
“amans vitae meae praesidium.” you say quietly before the shield breaks.
bullets shoot throughout the room before your bloody body slumps against the wall. you feel awful, they shot you enough to make you weak so you can’t heal, but strong enough to let you bleed out.
“y/n?” michael says quietly, before he is shot as well.
myrtle cuts a piece of michaels hair and walks back to mallory.
“hurry mallory, before he heals.” cordilia rushes, and the witches leave the room.
michael wakes and looks over to see y/n’s bloody body.
“y/n! no, no, no!” michael lifts you up so he can hold you.
“michael you have to listen to me.” you cough, as the metallic taste fills your mouth.
“i can save you, i know father can. just stay with me a little longer.” michael pleads.
you smile at him and shake your head.
“listen, don’t kill cordilia. i’m not the supreme it’s mallory. she will go back and kill you in a past timeline, so none of this will never happen.”
“i have to! look what they did to you!” tears fall from his face.
“michael baby, i’ll be okay. i’ll be okay, but you got to make sure you don’t kill cordilia. it’ll bring mallory���s powers to full strength.” you assure him.
michael shakes his head as more tears fall from his crystal blue eyes.
“i love you, i love you so much. i’ll be with you soon.” michael squeezes your hand.
“i love you too michael, so much.” you let out a shaky sigh and squeeze his hand back.
“goodbye michael.” you smile as your eyes start to close.
“no, don’t say goodbye! baby please open your eyes again.” michael weeps.
“fuck! i wasn’t suppose to lose you. i wasn’t suppose to leave you, i fucking promised!” michael screams, while his sobs continue.
“it’s too late langdon.” cordilias chill voice fills michaels ears.
michaels sadness quickly turns to anger as he turns around to see the bitches smug face.
“you killed the love of my life!” michael shrieks.
cordilia hums and stares back at michael before waving the knife out of his hand into hers.
before michael can do or say anything cordilia rams the knife into her chest.
michael is at a loss for words.
he have lost
“no!” he screamed as cordilia fell to her death.
“no.” he repeated while falling to his knees.
he puts his face in his hands and starts sobbing.
he has lost everyone and now he lost the war.
he lost everything because of a job he never asked to have.
“poor michael.” myrtal said quietly while walking over to him.
“please! please just kill me.” michael says defeated.
“you’re the antichrist at his full form. i’m afraid killing you is impossible. you’ll have to live knowing you’ll never have her again.” myrtal says while waking away.
michaels cries continue.
he’ll never see you again.
you’ll never see him again.
in the new timeline he doesn’t exist to you and never will.
that’s what truly killed him.
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oddpriest · 4 years
Swedish Lessons (Five Hargreeves)
A/N: Based off of this prompt. I’m sorry if the Swedish is broken and/or incorrect, I don’t actually speak Swedish and had to translate the best I could :-( Please, if you speak Swedish, feel free to correct me!! Also sorry for the back to back dialogue in places. Translations are numbered at the bottom! Enjoy
Genre: Fluff 
Warnings: S2 content
W.C: 1,478
Summary: You accompany Five, Diego, and Lila at the Mexican Consulate. While Diego and Lila search for the Majestic Twelve, Five decides it’s the perfect time to review a little Swedish. 
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An anthem of trumpets filled your ears as you entered the room, causing you to subconsciously sway with the melody as you followed close behind Five. The room was slightly crowded with elegant figures, poise and polite, incredibly well dressed. You told Five a silent ‘thank you’ for helping you with your look tonight, otherwise you might have felt out of place.
“I don’t see Dad anywhere.”, Diego announced. 
“Just be on the lookout for the Majestic Twelve. You two can take upstairs, [Y/n] and I will keep an eye out down here.”, Five instructed, “Oh, and Diego, try not to do anything too stupid.”
Five matched his words with a sarcastic smile, making Lila to chuckle as they took off. This left just you and Five, alone together at one of the fanciest gatherings you’ve ever attended. The glistening chandelier hanging from the ceiling caught your eye, and you began to get lost in thought. So lost in thought, you hadn’t even noticed Five tugging on your hand.
He gestured toward the open floor, “Come dance with me.”
Only half paying attention, you blindly followed him with your hands still enclosed. Your face began to flush a bit as you both came to a standstill. Briefly, you examined your surroundings and your current position; you finally realized, Five had invited you to dance. At this point, your nerves had completely taken over, making your face redder by the minute as you started to shake. He seemed to notice your change in behavior because his resting deadpan face was replaced with one that was rarely seen. His gaze had softened, and the slight smile on his face was genuine. 
“Follow my lead.”
His hand took to your waist, protectively gripping the small of your back. Your back straightened instinctively, your free hand moving to his shoulder. The other was preoccupied, tightly holding onto his hand. The dance began as simple swaying, taking small footsteps as you looked into each other’s eyes. A small, surprised squeak escaped you as you were twirled, and you hoped the quick hand over your mouth was enough to hide it. 
“You know since we’re going against the Swedes now, I think it’d be best if you learned some Swedish.”, he broke the silence as he dipped you, “No better time than now for a quick lesson.”
“But, I have learned Swedish already.”, you said, confused.
He stopped, the deadpan expression returning, “Okej älskling. Säg mig då, vad säger jag till dig just nu?”1
You hesitated, “Okay… what did I just-”
He interrupted, “Exactly.” 
Five turned you rather swiftly, your back suddenly pressed up against his chest. Your fingers were still intertwined, and his hand never left your waist. The dance was a little clumsy, feet stepping over and bumping into each other from time to time. However, you both kept a steady pace as you swayed back and forth. 
“Now, repeat after me.”, he murmured into your ear, “Mitt namn ar [Y/n].”
You rolled your eyes, “Mitt namn ar [Y/n].”
He tsked, spinning you back around so you were facing him, “Repeat in English, please.”
“What?”, you questioned, “You didn’t say that. Why should I?”
“Because, how else am I supposed to know that you actually know what you’re saying?”, Five replied, his classic sarcastic smile returning.
“Fine.”, you huffed, “My name is [Y/n].” 
He nodded, “Jag är den bäst utseende här, även om jag inte vet det.” 
“I am the best looking here, even though I don’t know it.”
“Jag kanske inte heller vet detta, men jag gör Five också väldigt glada.”
That familiar heat returned to your face and ears as you replied, “I may not know this either, but I also make Five very happy.” 
“Kanske den lyckligaste han har varit på länge.”, he smiled. 
Your bodies were practically glued together, your heart beating against his chest. He tilted his head with a slightly confused expression, obviously waiting for you to continue. 
“Perhaps the happiest he has been in a long time.”, your response was meek. The nervousness had returned to your voice and your head was dizzy, but you still managed to comprehend the unfamiliar sentence. 
“Han älskar varje sekund han tillbringar med mig.”, he continued. 
“He loves every.. second he spends with me?”, you were unsure of your answer. 
“See? You got it.”, he said with a nod of his head, “Han vet inte vad han skulle göra om något hände med mig.”
You became more confused, yet still replied. “He does.. not know what he would do… if something happened to me.”
“Ja, [Y/n], det är rätt. Du gör ett bra jobb.”, his calm voice spoke unfamiliar words, “ Allt du just sa var förresten sant.” 2
“What?”, you asked, “Sorry, I don’t understand what you’re saying.” 
The boy twirled you, yet again, pulling you back into his warm embrace. You felt his breath against your neck, your bodies still moving in unison. The other couples surrounding you swiftly avoided you as they danced past, but that was the least of your concerns. The music had become significantly smoother, the band’s melody resembling the sweet motion of honey dripping off a honey wand. His eyes were deep, gentle. You almost forgot what you were doing before his words yet again interrupted your running mind. 
“That’s fine, I got a tad carried away.”, he acknowledged, “Just keep repeating what I say. Jag vet inte hur jag annars säger det här.”
“I do not know how else to say this.”, you repeated confidentently. 
“Och så mycket som jag inte vill säga det, jag kan inte vänta längre.”, the words rolled off his tongue. 
He pulled you in closer, lifting you off the ground ever so slightly. One of your legs was closer to the ground than the other, your foot pointed as it drug across the floor. Though he was spinning both of you, your eyes were locked with his. Despite your voice wavering, you tried to remain confident with your demeanor. You were struggling to.
“And as much as I don’t want to say it, I can’t wait any longer.”, you were genuinely confused. 
“Jag kan ärligt talat inte dölja det längre”, he continued to speak, ignoring the confusion in your voice. 
“Wait, what?”
“Keep repeating.” 
The mix of the sentimental music and his delicate tone clashed in your brain, and the fuzzy feeling returned. You hesitated, “I honestly can’t hide it anymore.” 
“Jag är ledsen om du inte känner på samma sätt.”
Your pace increased in harmony with the song’s tempo, furthering the haze. 
“I’m sorry if you don’t feel the same way.” 
The song came to a close as he dipped you a final time, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear with the hand that wasn’t holding you. Your heartbeat was loud in your ears, which were burning at this point. 
“Men jag älskar dig, [Y/n].” 
Clapping sounds filled the room as other partygoers showed their appreciation for the mariachi band. Five had gently positioned you upright, his hands still in their protective position. Your face kept its shocked expression as you continued to process his words. The situation would just become more awkward and a little embarrassing if you mistranslated this sentence, so you made sure to repeat it in your head as much as possible. Doubt continued to swell in your heart, but you could tell Five was becoming increasingly uncomfortable waiting for an answer. You two were still standing in the middle of the ballroom floor, pressed against each other, and others gave quick glances as they passed. Not wanting to keep him waiting any longer, you finally replied. 
“But I love you, [Y/n].”, you choked out. He let out a weak chuckle at your response, and he began to let you go. You quickly pulled him back with a smile, “I love you too. I really didn’t know how to say it either.”
He smirked, “Well, I’m glad you finally understood. It took you long enough. For the record, this is the corniest thing I’ve ever done and I don’t think I could’ve kept it up much longer.” 
You laughed, walking close beside him with your arms linked, “I sincerely doubt that’s the corniest thing you’ve done.”
“Yes, you’re right.”, he said, “In fact, I’ve wooed a woman in every language I know.” 
You lightly elbowed him, continuing to giggle, “It must be nice to know more than one language.”
“Hey!”, Diego interrupted, “Are you two lovebirds gonna come help us, or what? We got a lead on where Dad might be.” He ushered for you both to join him before being drug away by Lila. 
Five kissed your forehead before gripping your hand and guiding you in Diego’s direction, “And I can tell you I love you in all of them.”
1. “Okay, love. Tell me then, what am I saying to you right now?”
2. “Yes, [Y/n], that’s right. You’re doing a good job. By the way, everything you just said was true.”
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moonhze-archive · 4 years
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moonhze sims dump; male edition!
as i briefly mentioned in the tags of my last sims dump, here’s a little male sims dump too! once again, i’ve made two new bois as well as included two previous babies i made when i was trying to get better at making male sims. i kinda really love how they all turned out.
sim downloads & cc list below!
all sims use these pieces of cc: non-default eyes // default skin // pointy ears // eyelashes
beau; download.
skin details: skinblend // nose mask // subtle skin details // eyebags plus // hairline
hair etc: hair // eyebrows // facial hair
presets & sliders: nose // nose slider // eyebrow slider // eye slider 
adriel; download.
skin details: skinblend // nose mask // subtle skin details // eyebags plus // eyebags // freckles // hairline
hair etc: hair // eyebrows
presets & sliders: eyes // nose // eyelid slider // eye slider
porter; download.
skin details: skinblend // nose mask // subtle skin details // eyebags plus // hairline 
hair etc: hair // eyebrows 
presets & sliders: nose // eye slider 1 // eye slider 2
karson; download.
skin details: skinblend // nose mask // subtle skin details // eyebags plus // freckles // hairline
hair etc: hair // eyebrows
presets & sliders: nose // mouth // eye slider 1 // eye slider 2 // hip slider
feel free to do whatever you’d like with my babies, their traits were randomly generated and their surnames are just placeholders, but i don’t really mind if you change their other stuff! all i ask is that you tag me or something if you use them bc i’d love to see them 🥰
also PLEASE let me know if any links are broken, incorrect or have anything wrong with them.
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