#if they end up in need of medical assistance just leave them on the streets
coralsgrimes · 2 years
So Benny *was* made aware that his last show was a super spreader, but instead of addressing it he’s just asking people to be careful for his upcoming shows. I have to laugh 😂😂😂😂
Me though that it was more of a standard girls look after yerselves when ye out and about kind of talk cuz ye know, men are monsters?
But now when ye frame it this waaaay
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I mean kinda not his fault cuz it's the overall society that decided to 'live with the virus' is just to say 'this is how it is now' and hit that ignore button lol ON THE OTHER HAND this is the pop up that comes up on his venue website sooooo idk seems to me like saying take care is easier than very possibly cutting ticket sales
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0 notes
mochiimac · 2 years
About Love 1
My head gets messy when I try to hide
The things I love about you in mind
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Pairing: Hybrid!BTS x Fem!Reader
Summary: Becoming a best selling thriller author? Part of the plan. Living in the city and isolating yourself from everyone? Part of the plan. Inheriting your late uncles home in the woods, his sassy assistant and fortune after he died mysteriously? Not part of the plan. Oh, and he failed to mention the 7 'surprises' he left you as well.  And come to think of it... was his death an accident? Or is your imagination going wild again?
Genre: Hybrid!AU
Warnings (if bolded then this chapter contains these elements) : Fluff, Hurt, Comfort, Angst, Death, Abuse, Smut, Suggestive Themes, Violence, Dom/Sub, Non-Con Elements, Slow Burn, Trauma
Rating: M 18+
WC: ~7k
Tag List: OPEN- DM ONLY <3
Notes: Here is chapter 1! I’m so excited that people enjoyed the prologue, makes my heart happy(: I wonder who’s waiting for you in the house... Hmmm...
Prologue | Next>>
“It’s so early... not even the sun is awake... why do I hate myself...” A sob threatened to spill past your lips as you numbly walked outside. The cold air was bullying you into tears as it stung your face and hands. 
6 am. 6 am. Who was even up this early, especially on a cold day like this-
Oh yes. That would be you.
The city streets were painted in gold from the streetlights and the remaining leaves that were still clinging on for dear life, ignoring the snow that sprinkled the ground with all their might. It was as though the city had been tucked under a large white blanket overnight, a blanket made of glistening diamonds that reflected the warm lights from all around. Truth be told it was beautiful to look at… just not when you have to be awake and freezing. While some would find this scene breathtakingly beautiful you, on the other hand, craved a flamethrower to tear it all down and seek vengeance for your poor skin.
Just goes to show how important proper sleep and caffeine are to begin the day. It could make the difference between waking up with a smile or beginning your villain arc. 
Your whole apartment was packed and loaded into the new large SUV, a surprise that came last week with Jackson. You knew you had obtained Takoda’s vehicle but it was surprising that it was brand new and could hold up to 8 individuals. Takoda lived alone with no marriages nor children… So why the large vehicle? Why purchase this large car along with the house? You didn’t miss the confusion on Jackson’s face when he handed you the keys, a hushed comment of ‘When did he even buy this?’ didn’t go past you. It only added to the suspicion of your uncle’s death. 
What was Takoda planning? 
Unfortunately the city left you with dead ends: the Spades family was a family full of successful lawyers, all ranging from medical to even real estate. They were the Eevees of lawyers, your family: one Spades for every type. The family slogan? ‘ Always have an ace of Spades up your sleeve!’ Every time you heard it your teeth would grind together, because for them it wasn’t about the person they were representing. No, never about their clients. It was about the money. And so trying to worm your way around and see what truly happened and what the other morticians wrote was impossible. Their loyalty (and mainly wallets) would be with your father. Rowan Spades. You were going to keep pushing however a small and short voicemail had you stopping dead in your tracks.
“Hi sweetie! Just checking in, Officer Lee mentioned you’ve been asking about your uncle’s case, and… oh hon, I know this mourning process is hard. Reach out if you need to talk! Be careful out there… snow and all!”
Lei Spades, the one person who, despite being shunned, still tried to help you. Perhaps it was because she was your mother. Or maybe she simply didn’t want Rowan to get upset.  She had met Rowan when she was young and naive, hell, she was still naive at times. At least you hoped she was. It would be worse for her to know how corrupt your father was and simply turn a blind eye because the money was just too good. But she had saved you a few times in the past from your fathers wrath. This being one of them. She would never call unless she had to. And the number was unknown, not her personal phone. A quick warning for her daughter to back away. And if Lei was the one giving the warning then you knew it was best to keep low… for now. But you did have one more place to look into…
The large home that you had yet to step into. The mysterious building that your new ‘assistant’ was hushed about. Any questions asked were either ignored or cut off with him changing the subject. The one that Jackson was supposed to drive you to later that day. You didn’t miss the urgency in his voice the previous week, the way his eyes were looking deep into your own. The moment was implanted in your mind, the goosebumps could still be felt...
“We will leave Friday at noon. Agreed?” He stood at your door, hands in his pocket as his eyes bore into you. The deep brown that was usually cool seemed to be ignited with a fire of sorts at the topic of the house. You noticed this each time you tried to ask questions or pry; the man was a vault and seemed uneasy. 
Unfortunately that only ignited your own flame.  
You managed to laugh a little, eyebrow raised. A small test to see how he would react... “Uh, sure? I mean if I’m already up I can always head on out early and meet you-” Your words were cut off as you jumped back when Jackson stepped closer. He crowded your space, face inches from your own as his hand grasped your shoulders. You tried to step back but your heel collided with a wall. His fingers gripped your shirt, however it wasn’t painful. The fire that was in his eyes had increased tenfold and you actually felt a small shiver of fear slide down your spine.
“Together. At. Noon.” His words were cool and flat, but you could hear the underlying tone. He was stressed about something. And while every alarm was going off in your head you managed to school your face, putting on a mask of frozen shock instead. 
“N-noon… o-okay.” You managed to sound meek, the act working as Jackson gave you a small smile, hands squeezing your shoulders as he stepped back. 
“Not a minute early nor late.” His eyes seemed to have cooled down at your words. His flickered up and down your body, something you noticed he did before leaving each visit. “Stay safe, Heiress.”
As soon as the door closed you leaned against the wall, sliding down while taking deep breaths. He failed the test, he was hiding something and you were going to figure it out. If he can keep secrets then so could you. 
After that little show you had whipped out your phone and were quick to contact the Sanity Squad, the video call was between you and your three best friends. And they were in agreement: Jackson was hiding something and whatever it was, it was in the house. Of course the first topic was if you should all go together since the whole situation was bizarre.
 Theories of him killing you were out the window seeing that he had nothing to gain and too many opportunities to do so. Oh, and Jessi proclaimed he was ‘too hot’ to be a serial killer. The next theory seemed more plausible: he knew some information on Takoda’s death and wanted to make sure you didn’t find any clues. But Jackson had a key to the house so again, that was a dead end. He could easily hide the evidence or destroy it. 
Hours later, and a warning from your phone that the battery was going to die, you announced you would simply beat him there and see for yourself. It was your stance and no one could change your mind.
So here you are on this fine Friday morning, beating the sassy assistant by several hours, and hopping into a brand new vehicle. It was sleek and black, the interior dark with faux leather seats. A large touchpad illuminated the space and you were thankful it was able to self-drive. Although these types of cars are common many prefer the old fashioned way of driving and just doing it themselves. But with this tank? You preferred to let it do the work while you kicked back and watched.
You keyed in your first stop in the car’s GPS, feeling it slowly ease away from the building you had lived in for years. It was odd, knowing that you would never be back but at the same time it was a relief to be going to a place that had room to breathe. And no noisy neighbors to keep you up till the wee hours of the morning. Now that you would not miss, not one bit. But you would miss the cozy feel of the small space. It was bittersweet to see it fade behind you. 
Ten minutes later and you were parked outside the small coffee shop, I Need Brew, a place you would frequent with your friends. It was hybrid friendly and a great place for many hybrids to begin working, gaining skills for later careers. Or some chose to stay and continue working for the beloved company. It was run by Bang Chan with his fox hybrid Felix being a manager; you knew the two well after frequenting the quaint shop. The fox adored your visits and would often slip you free goodies when Chan wasn’t looking. 
Slipping inside you were greeted with warmth and the smell of fresh coffee and baked goods. The interior was designed to make everyone feel at ease and cozy, soft music playing in the background to help the customers gradually wake up without giving them a headache.
“Y/n? At this hour?” 
You looked around, knowing the voice but not knowing where it came from, but then Felix peaked his head around the corner from the back. bright orange hair held specks of flour with his orange ears shooting up. His voice was light and somewhat shocked, but still held the adoration he had for you. In return you smiled and stepped further inside. 
“I knew I smelt something sweet walking in,” His face broke into a wide smile. 
You smiled back, walking towards the counter. “Yeah it’s a bit early for me… I’ve actually come to meet up with the group.”
“Again, at this hour? Do you know what time it is-?” A buzzing noise had the fox looking over his shoulder. “Go sit, I’ll grab you your favorites and be out in a minute.” He disappeared around back as you moved further into the shop, eyes already set on your usual table.
The past few years your group and yourself had always sat at the table located on the furthest wall, right by the counter and where the employees would mingle when waiting for customers. It was how you befriended so many of the employees, all of whom knew your favorite beverages and treats by heart. As you sat you heard the front door’s bell jingle as a blonde walked in, heading straight for your table. 
“I’m surprised you actually woke up,” You grinned as Jessi sat in the chair across from you, snow flurries clinging to her winter coat. “You usually sleep through all your alarms.”
“And miss my best friend leaving to head to the woods alone? Not a chance,” Jessi gave you a grin but you could see the worry in it, leaning closer she asked, “Are you sure we can’t come along? What if something bad happens-?”
“Nothing bad is going to happen.” You waved her off, actually believing yourself. Despite the odd circumstances your instincts were letting you know that this wasn’t dangerous at all. It was more… interesting. “Besides we have that locator app, right? One click and you all know something is wrong and the police will be rushing to save me.” You could still see the doubt in her eyes as she listened.
“I think it’d be best to take one of us with you today… just for safety reasons.” Her arms crossed over her chest, leaning back and watching you. “Especially with all that is going on.”
You opened your mouth to protest once more however the familiar jingle of the bell alerted everyone of more customers. You could hear them before you could see them; quick footsteps headed towards you before arms encased your shoulders, a face buried in your neck as a soft vibration pressed against your back. Something soft and warm wrapped around your waist, tightening a fraction as a giggle reached your ears. 
“Wooyoung, how do you have so much energy this morning?” 
You glanced up to see Hongjoong taking a seat next to Jessi, the man looking exhausted with his iconic split black and white hair disheveled in a disastrous way.  His eyes were dead set on his hybrid Wooyoung who had wrapped himself around you, acting more snake than black panther. You could feel the cat’s purring increase, knowing those vibrant green eyes were focused on Hongjoong.
“Simple,” He nuzzled closer to you, feeling a grin on his face. “I have my Y/n here.” 
You remember when Hongjoong first adopted Wooyoung, how the black panther quite literally tackled you and complimented on how nice you smelt and was overjoyed to know that you were best friends with his owner. In his eyes that meant you were part of the ‘extended pack’, along with Jessi, and got to be scented just as much as Hongjoong was. Which he ensured you both were drenched in his scent, looking quite proud of himself each time. 
Reaching up you gently rubbed his head, scratching behind his ear just as he liked. You could feel how anxious he was, knowing you would be leaving, heading further away. It was an hour drive to get to the new home and his instincts weren’t liking having part of his pack be so far away. 
“You can still sell it and live with us,” Wooyoung mumbled into your neck, his breath tickling a bit. “Hyung wouldn’t mind.” 
“Aw, Woo, I won’t be so far away. Plus you can call whenever you want.” You received a pitiful whine from the male as he slowly let go of you, heading over to Jessi to scent her. It was hard to miss the droop of his ears, his last attempt at keeping you in the city gone. Although it tugged your heartstrings and almost made you want to change your mind, one look at Hongjoong and you knew he would be okay; the other male was smiling and shaking his head at the cat. 
“I know I said a minute but everyone else showed up. And these just came out fresh from the oven!” Felix was quick to hand out four mugs and a plate of mini muffins with different flavors. Stepping back his eyes landed on you with a raised eyebrow. “So, you’re going to your new home alone in the woods? I’m sure Chan can go with you if you need someone…” His voice trailed off, his tail flicking along with Wooyoung’s. Seemed like he didn’t like the idea either, his animal instincts wary of your decisions. You were thankful you weren’t part of their intimate packs- you wouldn’t even get your foot out the door. Let alone be able to grab the doorknob.
“It’s quite alright, it’s a new home I inherited.” You once again waved off the help. “Nothing wrong with it.” The fox nodded at your words, tail flicking once again to show his displeasure.
“But if anything happens you have people here, okay? Don’t be afraid to ask us for help.” With a boop to your nose he went back to baking while the four of you settled with small talk for a brief moment. Ignoring the world outside while you had the time and just living in the moment.
 Truth be told you had no idea how long it would before you got to see them once more. Pushing those thoughts aside you sipped your cup, smiling as Wooyoung took a seat next to you while Hongjoong and Jessi argued over a movie that just came out. As they argued Wooyoung shoved a gift bag in your lap, grinning over at you. 
“Woo got you a gift, well, he helped make it.” Hongjoong dropped the argument quickly when he heard the the bag being opened. You opened the gift and pulled out a beautiful red scarf. “The python hybrid next door, San? He taught Wooyoung how to knit.” Hongjoong beamed at Wooyoung with pride while the panther watched you, waiting to see your reaction.
There was a tremble in your lips as you pulled the incredibly soft scarf out. “Woo…” Tears threatened to fall as you turned to the panther. you felt his tail wrap back around you, pulling you into his chest as his purrs started once again.
“It’s made with love from us!” He smiled. “That way we’re never too far away… don’t cry, Y/n!” 
It was too late as a few tears fell, feeling Wooyoung pull you back into a hug that soon the others joined in with. “I have the best friends in the whole world.”
“Damn straight you do.” Jessi reached over, grabbing your hand with a grin.
“We love you too, Y/n.” Hongjoong placed his hand on top of Jessi’s, a soft smile on his face.
“You can still live with us- ” Wooyoung’s quick words were cut off with a whine when Hongjoong lightly wacked his arm. Pulling you closer to him, the panther let out the weakest growl you had ever heard. “In case she forgot, hyung not the ears!” You laughed as the growls turned into whines. 
Little moments like this made it even harder to say goodbye.
It felt as though you were now living in a snow globe. Tall pines loomed all around, the roads were covered with inches of snow, all while snow flurries floated all around. The sun may have been hidden behind the clouds but the snow offered enough light to make up for it: everywhere you looked you had to squint from the jarring white canvas. You could feel the SUV cruise cautiously through the piles of snow and up the hills that were hidden from your eyes. 
“GPS you better be taking me to the right place…” You mumbled, eyes straying warily to the trees that surrounded you. It felt as though you were encased in a sea of deep green and white; it never seemed to end no matter how far ahead you tried to look.
The estimated time of arrival said five minutes but you wanted to call bullshit on that. The tree’s were so dense, so dark, surely a home couldn’t be located here? Who even built this place? Crossing your arms you watched as the car slowly cruised forward, itching to get out and investigate the home in person. As well as text Jackson that you had left about seven that morning… though you were more happy to wait to send that message. More alone time for you to sneak around the place and it kept Jackson from scolding you a little longer.
“You have arrived!” 
Your mouth opened, ready to yell ‘Liar!’ but it quickly closed when the car slowly took a turn and hidden was a house. Truth be told anyone could drive right by and miss it, the driveway being extremely narrow.
The home was snuggled amongst the tall pines, large and yet seemed to almost blend in with it’s surroundings and standout all at the same time. The house held a warmth and coziness to it and reminded you of the feeling of going back home after spending a long time away. It sat in a large clearing of the trees, and in the distance you could make out mountains that peaked to the sky. The early morning rays were just coming up, casting an ethereal glow all around. It was beautiful and you were frozen in your seat, watching the sun’s rays gently light up the clearing. A calling urged you to go inside, your heart was fluttering at the sight of it-
“You have arrived!” 
The moment was ruined with the car clearly wanting you to get out now. Grumbling, you stepped out of the vehicle and snuggled further into the scarf Wooyoung gifted you. It was much colder out in the wilderness than in the city, the wind whipping around and nipping at your cheeks in a cruel way. Colder and quieter. You could hear your own deep breaths across the baron land of snow. You knew there was a peace to the quiet however being alone in a foreign place it was hard to find it anything short of eerie. The hairs on your arms were rising as you took a deep breath, quietly closing the car door to not disrupt the stillness around you. 
The house lured you in with every step, your heartbeat quickening as the key was gripped between your fingers. Any normal person would be afraid, hell even terrified, if they were in your shoes. A family member was found dead with zero investigation done, trying to gain some answers only had your mother warning you to back off, and lastly a house no one knew of was left to you. An hour away from the city your family basically owned. 
However you felt anything but fear. There was curiosity for sure and a yearning for discovering what could be hidden within the walls of this building. What could have Takoda been up to with purchasing this place? It looked new too, no physical wear and tear on the outside from the weather. You wondered what he was hiding… And there was something else too, something deep in you that wanted to run in the building. A call from somewhere inside that had anticipation swimming in your veins. 
The key slid in with a soft click! The door slowly opening while your eyes were wide and surveying your new home. You were awaiting darkness to greet you; a home that has been sat for too long and was full of cobwebs and dust from the lack of visitors. A cold and dark home was what you were mentally prepared for especially since Jackson was only dropping your boxes off and then quickly returning to his job. However you were shocked at what awaited you.
The foyer was large and spacious, the walls were painted a neutral color and the floors were solid wood. To your left and right were spacious rooms that were rather empty, save for a large sectional couch in one of them with an insanely large flat screen mounted to the wall. There were tall and large windows throughout, letting in the natural sunlight and giving an airy and soft feel to the overall place. Not far from the door was a large staircase with quite a few steps, and you spotted some of your boxes placed randomly along each step.
Your eyebrows knit together as you stepped closer, noticing the boxes were opened. Some even appeared to be missing items, spotting a box that was full of blankets now only containing a single blanket. A frown tugged on your lips, wondering what Jackson had been up to… he wasn’t stealing from you… was he?
You crept up the stairs, spotting more and more of your boxes placed randomly along the steps. Books had been looked through, some missing; blankets were taken out of the box, one box even being completely empty. Finally making it to the top you felt your stomach knot as you found some of your clothes scattered around the large landing. Thankfully it was just shirts and hoodies, nothing too personal, but it still made your blood freeze.  
Jackson was the only one who had the other key… right? No one else should have been there… What if your father found out and sent someone to spy? No, no professional would make it look this terrible. What if this was a warning for you? To leave? Fear shot down your spine as you followed the scattered clothes towards a pair of French doors at the very end of the landing. 
Almost like a trail. 
Your legs felt like lead as you moved closer, steps silent as you crept along, throat dry as a million thoughts and scenarios ran through your mind. What if someone broke in and was needing a place to stay? What if they were dangerous, a criminal on the run? Or a dangerous hybrid? If the intruder were human you stood a small chance. But if they were a hybrid, a being designed to outperform humans in many ways... and if they were a predator... the very thought had your limbs locking up.
Despite the fear that shook you to your core, there was the feeling again: you needed to be there. Something important was waiting for you in that house. An instinct that pushed you to keep moving, a need that fought against the fear that dwelled in you. As if you found this certain thing, you’d be safe. You’d be fine. 
Perhaps you have lost your mind.
Standing before the doors you took a moment to gather yourself, gain some courage, and then you had the doors flying open. Body tense as your eyes scanned the entire area, prepared to face the intruder head on-
No one was inside. But what you saw had you shaking.
Your lips turned downwards at the sight before you, hand gripping the door to try to keep grounded. The room was large, a master bedroom that was fit for a family really. Like the rest of the home it was rather empty with the exception of the large bed, an Alaskan king, and your brain was fried trying to process why a bed that large was there and why all your belongings were all over the bed. You felt a chill roll down your spine as you stepped into the room carefully, mentally waiting for someone to jump out and attack you. 
But again that other feeling, the part of you that you called insane, felt secure as well. Something about being in that room had you feeling at ease as well as afraid all at the same time. You felt nauseated with the mixed feelings swirling in your head. 
All the blankets, clothes, and books that went missing were right there. A part of you wanted to grab your things and go through it all and see what was done to each item. But a larger part of you wanted to curl up in the warm blankets and hide away, ignore all the craziness that you were facing, and seize to exist. If only... 
‘Come on, Y/n. Put on a brave face.’  You mentally scolded yourself for being weak; this was your home after all. Taking a deep breath you strolled into the bedroom with more confidence and was going to begin your investigation when the sound of a door closing echoed across the empty house. 
 ‘Fuck the brave face.’ Your blood turned to ice, instincts taking over you flung yourself under the bed. You pressed your hand against your mouth, trying to calm your breathing as you waited and listened as well as you could. You closed your eyes, willing your ears to straining and hear anything. The silence was torture, not even footsteps could be heard. You wished you could at least hear where they were-
A low growl echoed against the walls of the staircase. An actual growl... an animal? You don’t recall leaving the door open, but perhaps you did when you noticed your belongings scattered about... 
Did you accidentally let in a wild animal? 
As you tried to decipher how the creature got in you heard heavy paws hitting the stairs, the growl low as it came closer and closer. Every step had your heart pounding in your chest and for a moment you wondered if you would die from a heart attack before being mauled by a beast. The thought died as soon as you realized that the paws had stopped somewhere near the landing. 
Then, ever so slowly, you heard the paws approach the bedroom. The growl was coming closer and closer, your body nearly shaking as you squeezed your eyes shut tighter. The paws stopped at the bedroom entrance, the growl lower, more of a rumble now as it continued forward. It got closer and closer, the air feeling heavier with each passing second. The rumbling was now right in front of you.
 Swallowing the lump in your throat you slowly opened your eyes.
A cloud of browns, blacks, blondes, and silvers invaded your vision at first. Fur that was so thick and long you felt an urge to reach out touch it, knowing it must have been so warm and soft. But you remained frozen as a pair of eyes, lilac- no... gold? You could have sworn they were lilac for a moment but now they were a brilliant gold, stared you down. Eternity could have passed and you wouldn’t have known, not while the canine was intensely watching your every breath. A moment of silence, a moment of stillness-
It lunged and you screamed, your throat immediately burning from the raw strength behind it. Faster than you thought possible you managed to leave your hiding spot just as the large beast arrived. Your feet were moving too fast for you to keep up, heart leaping up your throat as grunts and whines followed you. When you heard those heavy paws hitting the floor you cried out again, the staircase right there. 
You believed you could easily dash down the stairs and into the car. You’d be safe there and maybe you could easily call for help. For a brief moment you wished you had waited for Jackson. At least you could trip the man and give yourself some extra time to escape... unless he did it first, which you knew he would.
However fate was a cruel mistress to you today; wet shoes slid against the wooden floor, propelling you face first down the steps. Your voice was stuck in your throat as you sharply inhaled and braced yourself for impact. You felt something solid, but it wasn’t wood. It was... warm and inviting... 
Two arms snaked around you, pulling you closer and easily catching you from the fall. Your feet were dangling off the floor with your cheek pressed against something solid that held a low vibration. Whoever this was was strong enough to hold you carefully around the waist with ease and you stiffened as your realized you weren’t alone with just that canine anymore.
“Relax Beautiful,” The voice was right in your ear, a murmur to help ease you. The voice was soothing to hear and you obeyed immediately as if it were natural to trust a stranger like this. The logical part of your brain was screaming at you to break free and run. But there was another part of your brain, something instinctual, that wanted nothing more than to obey. That there was safety and comfort within these arms that would shield you from the whole world...
The voice let out a soft hum, pleased as you listened without a fuss. The arms were still tight as something soft traced your neck, the vibrations increasing before stopping all at once. “My, my, Beautiful. it’s no wonder he was upset, smelling the way you do.” Their tone became deeper, displeasure stirring just underneath the words. Something in you nearly whined- as if you couldn’t stand the thought of displeasing the stranger. Thankfully the logical side of your brain kicked into action.
You snapped out of the trance you were in and physically flailed yourself away. You could tell the stranger was surprised by your sudden outburst and used it to stumble back, feeling your heel collide with a step, causing you to fall and land on it with your butt. Your nearly fall had thrusted you forward, passing the first flight of stairs and nearly onto the midlevel landing. Which was where a new figure was now peering down at you.
A handsome man with beautiful features stood before you, bright blue eyes watching your every move with plump lips forming a soft smile. His hair was jet black and on top was a set of fuzzy black ears. Something swayed out of the corner of your eye and you saw a fluffy tail that had black fur with white underneath, the tip of the tail was also white. He wore dark denim jeans and a white tee, the letter’s DRF embroidered on the top left corner in crimson. A hybrid was in your new home-
A low growl was behind you and for a brief moment thought it was surely going to attack you now. But you were shocked to feel something cool against your head as another high pitch whine was right by your ear. It’s muzzle was nudging you, whining, trying to get you to move but you were too shocked to move a single muscle.
“Wh-who are you?” You wanted to sound demanding. You wanted to sound strong. But your voice cracked and hands slightly shook as your eyes remained focused on the hybrid in front of you. 
He gave you another soft smile, lowering himself on the landing to meet your gaze properly. “My name is Seokjin, but please call me Jin. The wolfdog behind you is Jungkook. You, Beautiful, must be Y/n Spades.” His smile widened as you slowly nodded your head, your own eyes staring at him with mixed emotions. “Your uncle, Takoda Spades, left us a letter detailing that you were to inherit us if anything were to happen... this is correct, yes?” 
“I... the will never mentioned hybrids...” 
“For all of our protection, yes.” 
A new voice. This one deeper than the last, all eyes snapping to the foot of the stairs. He was taller than Jin and seemed to hold more muscle as his white shirt (the same exact one Jin was wearing) had a tighter fit, muscles threatening to breakthrough. His hair was a light ash blonde, smoky and seeming more white/gray, with fluffy dark gray ears on top, pointed and standing alert. Your eyes met his and for a fraction of a second you could have sworn they were glowing lilac but it must have been the lighting, instead they were a warm amber that held a fire inside. A fire that invited you to get closer, to feel his warmth and embrace him. You were lost in that warmth, body leaning slightly forward without your knowledge. 
Jin’s tail softly wagged at the sight of the male, bright eyes looking between the two of you. Your actions didn’t go unnoticed by anyone. “Y/n, this is Namjoon, our pack alpha-”
A blur of movement ran passed the three of you in the matter of a second. The air hit your bare neck, your eyes wide as you realized the wolfdog, Jungkook, swiped your scarf and took off down the steps. There was shock for a brief moment before panic ensued- what if it was destroyed? The worry you emitted had Jin whining, stepping to you while Namjoon growled after the shifted hyrbid.
You jumped up and ran past the two, much to their surprise, and ran down the stairs. You were ready to hunt the wolfdog down, get the scarf back and maybe even exile him to the woods for the night. He could freeze out there for the night, and then maybe he would appreciate the scarf a bit more-
You felt something solid and warm once again, this time face first. A hand locked on the back of your head, firmly and carefully, while another wrapped around your waist. Warm breath hit the top of your head, blowing a few strands gently, while you felt pressure rubbing your head.
“Please don’t be mad.” The voice was new one and you could hear the pout in it as well as the worry. It was heartbreakingly sad, could even make the world’s smallest violin sound mediocre in comparison. “It’s safe, it’s just in the wash. I couldn’t take it. Just his scent all over you and clinging to you like that-”
Namjoon was right behind you, voice low with a displeased growl. In response Jungkook whined and clung to you, body locking to yours. His tone reminded you of a kid who got caught doing something bad. “Hyung, his scent is all over her! The scarf in the sink, I’ll wash it and have it dried by tomorrow!” 
Scent? Wooyoung. It took a second but you realized he was on edge about Wooyoung’s scent, on your and the scarf. It was what Jin was talking about earlier, you smelling with another hybrids scent was making them uncomfortable. You tried to step back but Jungkook refused the space. Instead he held tighter, face buried in your hair, cheek rubbing against you in a rushed manner.
“Jungkook, I’m not mad.”  Those magic words had the hybrid loosening his grip on you. It gave you an escape, putting some distance though his arm was still wrapped around your waist with his hand still in on the back of your head. Finger were softly twirling the strands. 
He was just as handsome as Jin and Namjoon; hair was a chocoate brown that was kept longer than the others, his ears were triangular like the others and matched the beautiful shades of his fur when he was shifted, as well as his long and fluffy tail. His eyes were doe-like and gold, trained on you with emotions you didn’t understand. A smile broke out on his face, his teeth looking more bunny-like than wolf. The smile and eyes settled your earlier thoughts and put out the angry fire that he had stirred. The idea of putting him outside nearly made your heartbreak.
“You’re not mad? You don’t want me to leave?” 
At his question your lips curved up slightly. “I’m not putting you in the doghouse Jungkook. I kind of understand why you did what you did.” His tail wagged, eyes brightening, and toned and bare chest rumbling-
Your cheeks turned red as you realized that Jungkook was lacking clothes. You were still being held close, so close you could feel the toned muscles flush against you, as well as something hard pressed right against your stomach-
“Jungkook. Clothes. Now.”
Namjoon was your saving grace, face so red you didn’t want to face them. But they didn’t need to see you to know how you were feeling. To put it lightly, Jungkook was more than pleased to be the one to have your scent become mouther watering and nearly impossible to ignore. You kept your gaze on his collar, refusing to look elsewhere. 
“Yes sir,” You could hear his amusement as his warmth almost disappeared. Almost. “Wait for me in the living room, Honey.” His voice was right in your ear and something sharp nipped at your earlobe. You jumped and squeaked as you hybrid walked out of your view, chuckling at you. 
You could feel the burn in your face, still refusing to move incase you got a whole view of the male. Not that a large part of you didn’t want to look, but damnit you were going to at least have some of your dignity. 
“He’s gone now, Beautiful. You can turn around.” The tease in Jin’s voice brought a pout to your face as you looked at the other two hybrids. Seeing your flushed cheeks and lips stuttering out had them almost cooing. Jin smiled softly at you. “Jungkook’s very playful, though he doesn’t mean harm.” You wanted to snort because the man was obviously trying to give you a heart attack. 
Namjoon stepped forward, a smile trying to form though he held it back. Trying to save you some face at least. In his hands were a few files with DRF stamped in large letters across each one and one envelope with Namjoon written across it. “Mr. Spades left a letter for us and lightly explained a few things.” 
Your heart picked up as you wondered what was written to them. Perhaps there was something hidden inside that letter that you needed. What if they knew what happened to him? What if everything written inside the envelope and solved what happened to your late uncle? 
“Let’s head to the living room, we’ll wait for Jungkook and then talk.” Jin offered, already taking your hand and leading you towards one of the large room. His thumb rubbed soft circles on the back of your hand as those bright blue eyes seemed worried. You could almost feel Namjoon’s own worry radiate from behind the two of you, and you couldn’t help but wonder...
What was in that letter?
While you were pondering what could have been written you failed to realize you had left your device in the car. The screen lit up once more, 7 missed calls from Sassy ASSistant and followed by one text:
Sassy ASSistant: Y/n Spades you are in serious trouble when I get there.
Tag List: @imnotlauriane​ @zae007live​ @kiki199497​ @empower-bi-women​ @strxwbloody​ @anjoellamorte​ @juju-227592​ @emu007​ @ghostkat23​ @serendididy​ @dif-imagines​ @sushicat413​ @hvroldtime​ @scentisterror​ @jcrml​ @deejay08 @that-author​ @symptoms-of-moonlight​ @thedarkwinterrose​ @angryperfectionpersona​ @jinsleftairpod @dearly-somber​ @newmbbgirl​ @usernameclassified @purplelo​ @singukieee​ @mia-vicious​ @fluffy-canada-pancakes​ @lyricmelodylove @lachimolala22019​ @val-cassies 
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Blessed Are The Meek 7
Summary: you are trapped in an awkward circumstance with a widowed commander. (Handmaid AU)
Warning: this series will contain violence, dystopian aspects, rape and noncon, blood, coercion, sterility, and other dark elements. Please read these warnings and beware.
Character: Tommy Shelby
Note: thank you for following along. I’m sure yall didn’t expect to write Tommy again but here we are. Also feedback and comments if you dont mind. Maybe a reblog. 💕💕💕💕
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The Commander drives through the streets of the capital. You are as you always are. Eyes down and forward. You touch the grey cuffs of your smock and a wash of dread flows through you.
The weight in your chest sinks further as he comes to a stop. A guardian approaches the car and opens your door. You’re ushered out onto the street. You don’t look back as the tires roll away and you’re left without explanation.
The man makes no move to seize you. He merely directs you onward towards an unmarked door at the side of a tall brick building. Not a word between you as he gestures you inside.
It is brighter within. You follow long bending hallways, pure white walls and unscuffed floors. On and on until you are stopped again. Another door without number or word. He opens it and lets it fall open.
“Go inside. Sit.”
You obey. The door remains open as your footsteps echo in the empty room. You sit in the single chair across from a long curved table. While the chair you claim is cold and hard, those behind the table are cushioned.
You perch on the edge and wait, examining the featureless walls. You twine your fingers together and squeeze. A sterile smell dries your nose as the blankness reminds you of somewhere else. Some time else.
The beeping of machines, the chatter of staff, the sweeping of shadows from doorways, a nurse with a clipboard calling for the next to triage. A child against you, shivering and sobbing against your shoulder. Your son, clinging to his mother, needing her, trusting her.
Another door opens. Three men emerge and claim the seats behind the table. Your vision comes to focus. You don’t know any of them but they are dressed prim like most Commanders.
Your name echoes around you. Not ‘martha’, not ‘woman’, no, your name.
“Is that you?” The man in the center asks.
“Yes,” you answer, your voice catching in your throat.
A pen scratches on paper. The next question. Birthdate? Birth place? Medical conditions? Each answered in confusion. Why do they need to know all this. They’re just sending you to die.
“Children?” The man on the right prompts.
Silence. Waiting. You continue.
“A son.”
“Would that be Elijah. Commander of Nalor County.”
“That is his name, I am unable to confirm his title,” you reply in a wisp. A commander? Your some is just the same, torturing women, living off their suffering. 
“You have been a martha to Commander Shelby for how long?”
“I believe four years, but I cannot confirm for sure.”
“You aided his wife in her labour?”
“I did.”
Your neck trickles with sweat and your hair stands on end.
“During which, she died.”
“And you would agree with the physician’s diagnosis that this was an unpreventable death?”
“I can only take his word. I was there to assist. I am not trained in that practice.”
“And when was your last menstruation?” The man on the left takes over.
You hesitate. You wet your lips with your tongue.
“You do still have a cycle?” He prompts.
“Two weeks ago.”
“And it comes routinely?”
The men are quiet. They look at each other and then the papers before them. They nod and stand up. They say nothing else before they leave you. You frown. There is little use for an old woman who bleeds like a stuck pig.
You stay as you are. You wait. Your ears ring in the static silence. When at last footfalls approach, you do not look up. The guardian tells you to stand and you follow him from the room.
You are taken to another, again left alone. Two women in tan enter and bark at you to undress. They help, moreso strip you with tugs and yanks. Once you are naked they lay you on the metal table. They force you to bend your legs. You do not fight, too stunned to resist.
They poke and prod between your legs, a single digit slid inside, feeling around until they are content. They take your clothing and leave you, shivering and bare. You sit up and stare at the wall.
Another woman in brown enters. She nears with a parcel and puts it beside you, placing a pair of blue suede shoes on top. A simple word; ‘dress’.
She remains and watches you peel the paper back to reveal the blue dress, a fresh shift, stocking, and cape. You pull each piece on and the aunt helps impatiently, snapping into place the blue cape. You look at her but she will not meet your eye. She is not much older than you.
“Go out. The guardian will guide you.”
You cross the room, shuddering as you try to understand what is happening. It does not make any sense. This whole damn world has no sense.
You go out into the hall and the man in gray leads you on again. You walk with him, not behind him, this time. To what end, you are now completely unsure.
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liaromancewriter · 6 months
It Happened One Miami Night (1/?)
Series Premise: A work trip to Miami means finally accepting that some risks are worth taking. Or are they?
Fandom: Choices Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Angsty Fluff Words: 1,045
Series Masterlist
A/N: The long awaited Miami series! I think this might be 3 or 4 parts, but I'm not sure yet. For Ethan's POV at the airport, read my old (and overly indulgent) fic: Out of Control.
Submission to @choicesmonthlychallenge March dialogue prompt: "We're running out of time."
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The ballgown had to go. There was no other choice. Besides, Cassie Valentine reasoned, she was going to a conference, not a white-tie gala.
She’d bought the dress on impulse when she saw it in a boutique on Newbury Street. It matched the heirloom necklace her parents gifted her when she graduated from medical school. But galas and the intern lifestyle didn’t exactly mix, and the dress had gathered dust in her closet until now.
Cassie stared at the clothes, shoes and other essentials she’d stuffed into the small carry-on case that lay unzipped and open atop her bed. Carefully adjusting the garment bag so as not to crush the beautiful midnight blue gown, she tucked the ends in and wondered if she could close and zip the bag without applying pressure.
They were likely flying coach, as that’s what most people did, which meant packing the bare minimum. Unfortunately, she had never learned the art of packing light and didn’t think Dr. Ramsey was patient enough to wait for her checked luggage to roll off the carousal.
He might just leave her at the airport to find her own way to the hotel right after giving her the patented Ramsey glare. The man was infuriatingly predictable like that.
Huffing in frustration, Cassie threw herself on the bed and stared at the ceiling. It was bad enough that she had to be at the airport in a few hours, but the worst was that she’d had an extraordinarily long shift with barely time to eat dinner.
Anyway, she consoled herself. She’d likely be stuck inside dark meeting rooms taking notes and playing assistant all weekend, not enjoying cocktails by the pool.
Dr. Ramsey hadn’t said anything about her accompanying him to receptions and parties that were par for the course at these conventions. As far as the medical community was concerned, she was a nobody.
Cassie was honest enough to admit she was ambivalent about this trip. Despite her bravado in front of Sienna and the “girl can dream” comment, spending time alone with Ethan Ramsey away from the hospital was not good for her resolution to stay away from him.
He was dangerous to her heart. Tall, dark, and handsome, he had laser-blue eyes that made her insides melt whenever he directed them her way. He was an attending and a world-famous diagnostician, while she was a lowly intern who still had trouble believing in herself.
Workplace romances were often treacherous for women, even more so when the man was her superior. That lesson had been ingrained in her brain from the moment she got her first job. Her father had taught her to spot the signs and avoid putting herself in a situation where the lines could be crossed.
They could never work, and it could ruin her career before she’d truly begun. If she thought otherwise, she was dreaming.
So, why did the impossibility of it all make her unbearably sad?
Feeling the long day catch up with her, she closed her eyes briefly. Just five minutes, she told herself, letting out a loud yawn. Five minutes to rest her busy brain, and then she’d finish getting her stuff ready for tomorrow.
She woke up hugging the sides of the carry-on and the sound of an alarm blaring in the quiet. She started to fling her arm to hit the snooze button, but her eyes snapped open.
Crap, crap, crap. She’d fallen asleep. What time was it?
Cassie grabbed her phone off the nightstand, blinked to clear sleep from her eyes and then yelped before hurriedly swinging her legs off the bed. She needed to haul ass or forever put up with Dr. Ramsey’s snide remarks about missing their flight.
An hour later, she ran down the terminal, the wheels of her carry-on case rattling behind her. She scanned gate numbers and sweated bullets as the overhead announcer warned that it was the last call for the flight to Miami.
Cassie skidded to a halt outside their gate, an apology hovering on her lips as Ethan took off his eyeglasses and checked his watch.
“Five more seconds, and I’d have boarded without you.”
She couldn’t tell from his expression if he was angry or just resigned at her lateness. His tone was entirely too casual for her to decide.
“I won’t happen again!” Cassie said, gulping oxygen and ignoring the stitch in her side. The mad dash across the airport caught up with her.
Ethan quirked one eyebrow. “You think I’ll be inviting you to medical conferences often, do you?”
It was such an on-brand response that Cassie couldn’t help but grin. “Fingers crossed?”
He rolled his eyes, but the wide, easy smile showed her he wasn’t offended by her sass. “Oh for goodness’ sake, let’s board already. We’re running out of time.”
He handed his boarding pass to the gate attendant and waited off to the side while Cassie did the same. Just before they entered the jetway, she absently glanced at the light snow falling on the tarmac outside.
“Sunshine and clear blue skies, here we come,” she murmured to herself before following him down the jetway.
Unwittingly, her eyes fell on his well-toned ass and thighs clad in dark jeans, and her throat became dry. Oh, boy!
He’s not for you, and this is a bad idea. Cassie repeated the words like a mantra as they neared the aircraft's open door and the flight attendants waiting to greet them.
Half an hour later, his cologne hit her senses, and she held her breath to stop herself from sniffing him. Instead, she turned away from his profile to watch the dark clouds outside the window as the plane left Boston behind.
This is madness. Stop it, she scolded herself as they companionably settled in for the long flight after a hearty breakfast. She nervously fiddled with the in-flight entertainment screen while ignoring Ethan, who was too engrossed in his book to pay her any attention.
His nearness was like a drug, and she was growing addicted. If she was going to leave Miami with her heart intact, she would have to resist the temptation. It was for the best. Some things really were not worth the risk.
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @jerzwriter @lady-calypso
@mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16
@justyourusualash @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate
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galaxywarp · 2 months
It's the anon from a while ago who was going through opioid withdrawal.
I went to a pain management clinic and they basically told me my withdrawal symptoms aren't real and I should see a psychologist. They won't help me taper. That an addiction center wouldn't help because I'm not really addicted. Then why do I feel so sick when I try to reduce my dosage? Why do I have all the textbook symptoms of withdrawal? I can't stop cold turkey and I can't be sick all the time cause I have a full time job.
He said the opioids would be out of my system in a week, is that true? I don't know if I can get through a week of feeling like this. I've been on these meds for over a year, it just doesn't feel safe.
He also told me I just have to deal with my chronic pain and there's nothing they can do. It took weeks to see this specialist and he basically told me to go fuck myself.
I ended up breaking down in the appointment and he just had me leave.
I'm so tired and frustrated and I hate feeling like this.
Anon im so sorry. Thats so fucking shitty
I swear it’s fucking like — all he did was set you up for fucking failure.
He’s telling you to ignore your own warning signs until they get bad enough for him to acknowledge. By then you might be desperate enough that you go to street drugs or your withdrawal might need medical assistance. It happens a lot to pain patients whose doctors fuck them over. By the time they validate your problem their solution is now to just cut you off and leave you with no legal options for your pain. It’s an extremely common reason that people end up on heroin.
He’s encouraging you to pretend that the problem isn’t starting and setting you up to keep digging yourself deeper. But of course they’ll say it’s YOUR fault if your pain drives you to do something dangerous.
Ugh. Okay. Listen.
The opiates may very well be out of your system in a week. And i want to assure you that opiate withdrawal, while extremely painful, is not technically dangerous. Not like alcohol or benzodiazepines where you can hallucinate and have seizures. You won’t be in any danger. Just extreme discomfort (as im sure you’ve tasted already)
But if you continue to feel pain after that, and you very well might, i wanna tell you it’s real and valid. Even if doctors try to do the “it’s only in your head” thing.
Cuz you know what. It WILL be in your head. Your body’s pain receptors are going to feel raw and fragile. I was clean from fentanyl for months before my chronic pain truly eased. It’s like your body has to learn how to tolerate pain again and people don’t respect how miserable and painful that process is. You’re brave and strong for facing it.
I’m a little sleep deprived and im not sure what else advice i can offer atm but you’re on my mind anon. Please drop in my inbox again whenever you need.
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autistpride · 6 months
Prompt day 2: April 2
Word count: 1000
Remus was good at what he did. He knew he was. He had the paperwork to back it up.
Remus had never intended on joining the military. Instead he had gone to university for social work and had thought to make a difference in the lives of children from abused homes. A dream he had after befriending Sirius Black in school. 
Sirius and his brother Regulus had grown up in a religiously strict home whose parents enforced parenting strategies that varied  from neglect to outright torture. Remus had met Regulus once before Sirius had run away, leaving Regulus behind for two weeks before returning. Sirius and Regulus vanished a few nights later and Remus had never heard from either again. 
Unfortunately for Remus, social work barely covered his expenses, and he got so much aggression from his coworkers and the people he worked with for being autistic. He consistently made just shy of qualifying for the welfare that he helped families get on. Not a good look for the government to have your own employees needing assistance because they refuse to pay them a living wage. 
They refused to let him go because they couldn’t be seen being discriminatory. So instead they made him suffer in an effort to push him out. After a particularly bad year where Remus had to stand three towns over on the street corner and beg just to get enough to fix his run down vehicle, he made the executive decision to join the Air Force. 
Remus was told by his recruiter to not mention to anyone that he was autistic. So he didn’t. Paperwork signed, ASVAB completed, and weeks of running and push ups to prepare for boot camp and the call arrived. His scores were so high, they questioned why he wanted to join. When he insisted, they dug into his life and discovered his autism diagnosis easily. 
He had to sit in front of a medical board and prove that him being autistic wouldn’t make him less than a neurotypical worker. 
In the end, they asked him to become a linguist. So he did. 
Bootcamp was challenging and then Remus was sent back to school. 
Remus learned three other languages fluently within two years, getting top marks in his courses and earning the respect of the native speakers brought in to teach them. Remus had always been a good student, learning and memorising things came easily to him. 
Remus had thought that being a linguist he wouldn’t see war. 
Remus was wrong, so wrong. 
Sirius had joined the Army, dropping out of school to do so. He gave up his ADHD medication that had been helping him for years in order to be deployable and signed right up with a recruiter that had a table in the school building. 
Sirius had always thought it was weird and predatory of them to target kids the way they did. Sitting at booths inside the main entrance and calling out to the kids that seemed like they were struggling in some way. The ones that didn’t have great grades or nice clothes or a good home life. Kids that needed a way out, an escape. Kids exactly like him. 
But it worked, even if he hated it. He signed up and ran away to boot camp. He was forced to explain his home life to a medical professional and a psychiatrist when the Red Cross called his commanding officer and needed to request emergency leave for Sirius when his brother had been taken into child services because of the horrific things their parents had done to him while he was gone. 
He was given leave to retrieve his brother, claim him as a dependent, and get him moved to his first duty station following basic. Sirius got his brother taken care of, returned to boot camp, attended basic, and then settled in his new life as infantry. 
He had just enough time to get comfortable and see that Regulus was finally starting to return to his old self when he was shipped out. 
The briefing room in the middle of the Middle East was the last place Remus expected to see someone he knew. But there he was, Sirius Black in all his glory sat with the rest of his company chugging a rip-it and spitting chewing tobacco into an empty bottle with the rest of them, laughing at a joke another soldier had made. Something about the number of crayons the Marines there would eat. Remus didn’t understand the joke, he always struggled with that. 
Remus had a huge crush on Sirius back in school. Sirius with his long hair, skinny jeans, docs, eyeliner and ‘I don't give a fuck’ attitude. Sirius had always been kind to Remus, even once defending him from some other boys when they stole his clothes while he was showering after gym class.
When Sargent Lupin was introduced as the linguist who would be briefing them, Sirius looked over in surprise and their eyes met. Sirius’ lips tilted up in a smile and he winked at Remus, causing Remus to get flustered over his words and stutter slightly before taking a large gulp of water from his water bottle and then starting over with complete professionalism.  
When the briefing ended, Sirius made a few excuses to stay behind and his best friend James gave him a knowing look. ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ he whispered to Sirius as he patted his shoulder. 
Sirius nodded and when the crowd was mostly gone, asked Remus if he wanted to get some chow from the mess hall. No one was more surprised than Sirius was when Remus agreed. Sirius had harboured a crush on Remus in school. Drawn to the way that he sang and wrote poetry for their creative writing course. 
When they went back to Sirius’ tent, which just so happened to be lacking his room mate James, well no one said anything. 
And they found reprieve in each other's arms.
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literalbirdperson · 16 days
So I'm going to tell the story of my yesterday, which started with an appointment with an ENT and ended with me in the ER. I'm doing this in bullet points, because I am very tired. (Also incredibly angry, but that might be adding to the tiredness.)
1:00 PM. Check in at the new doctor's. The facility is clean and bright, and all the staff are really friendly! That's always nice.
Meet the ENT I was referred to. I like him immediately. He's got a really relaxed, informal manner, but also very clearly knows his stuff.
Talk about surgical history, since I've had several nose and sinus procedures.
Since one of the reasons I am there for ear pain and recurring sinus issues, he starts the exam. Ears look great, he says! The pain is probably referred pain from my mouth. Do I grind my teeth? Yeah, I used to, but I might be again due to The Maladies.
He checks the back of my throat. "Oh, you have tonsil stones?"
"I... I do?"
Then he pulls out the horrible snake camera, and I resign myself to discomfort while he tours my nose and sinuses. I watch the screen and make very attractive "man was not meant to feel something pressing against a sinus wall" noises while he digs around.
Investigation over, he gives me a tour! Everything is about what I expected, he shows me old surgery sites, and then scrubs the footage forward a bit and goes "but here's where your problem is."
See, the other problem is, I keep spitting out these awful discs of dried mucus. And they stink!
Well. It turns out that I have a chronic infection in my adenoids. And what I keep spitting out is from there. I'll spare you the details.
Gross! But treatment should be pretty simple if it's staph, which it usually is. A couple of rounds of antibiotics usually knocks it out. If not, we'll culture it and go from there.
"So my throat has been infected for over two years?"
"Maybe even a lot longer than that!"
So we have a game plan. His assistant checks me out, hands me some papers and says "here's your record and a paper copy of your prescription, but we faxed it to your pharmacy as well."
2:00PM. The pharmacy app isn't showing them working on the RX.
3:00PM. I call them to see what's going on, get into a verbal fight with the phone tree, am finally allowed to leave a message. I am polite!
3:15PM. Pharmacist calls back. "We don't have an RX for that medication for you." Cool. I'll check with the Dr and have him re-fax. Oh! I have a paper copy of the-- there is no RX in my discharge papers, either. Fine. Calling.
3:30PM. There's nothing to re-fax, either, as the prescription was never even entered into my medical records! They are so sorry about the oversight, this is being flagged as high priority and his assistant will call you to let you know when it's been faxed to the pharmacy.
5:00PM. Why did I think something was going to go right for me medically? Why? Why me? Exhausted chronically ill/disabled breakdown incoming.
5:13PM. Text from pharmacy. They're working on the RX. It will be ready by noon tomorrow. Do you need it sooner? [YES]
5:15PM. Your prescription is ready.
5:30PM. Emotional collapse staved off for another day. Go to get RXs, with plans to stop to get ramen with spouse across the street from the pharmacy and enjoy the week being over.
5:45PM. Pharmacy tech tells me to go to the consult window if I want to talk about the antibiotic. Since it's completely new, I head over.
5:55PM. Pharmacist storms over, very clearly annoyed, and at me, not in general. Makes direct eye contact with me and starts reading me, word for word, the information on the bottle like I am a small child who can't read. I just wanted to know if there were any worrisome side effects.
Tell her to "have a good night!" She scoffs, literally holds up her hand in a "shut the fuck up" gesture and storms off.
Me and my spouse: "Huh. That was weird."
6:00PM. Take first dose of antibiotics with dinner to help keep stomach upset to a minimum.
7:00PM. Hives break out on my forehead. Then my thigh. Then my arms. Then suddenly my skin is bright red, bumpy, and burning literally everywhere.
That's not good. So I start looking up Bactrim side effects, since the pharmacist didn't deign to tell me. Discover I am having an allergic reaction, but only need to go the ER if my lips and face begin to swell, my vision gets blurry, or I have heart palpitations.
8:00PM. Lips are tingly. Look in mirror. I am lobster red and my face is swollen, as are my lips! I take two benedryl and both my inhalers, and we start looking for which ER to go to.
While we're looking, throat starts to swell. Swallowing is becoming impossible. Closest ER it is, even though I fucking hate it there. But it's a mile away and I want to be where the adrenaline and intubation kits are in case this keeps getting worse.
I am going to regret that decision.
Am forced to go through security and submit to a bag check before I can enter the ER itself. While actively struggling to breathe, which is distressing to both me and the guard.
Receptionist asks what I am there for. "I'm having an allergic response to an antibiotic. I can't breathe well."
She hands me a ten-page thick clipboard and tells me to fill it out, and then she'll get me in the queue.
What queue? There are TWO OTHER PEOPLE HERE. (See, everyone hates this hospital.)
So I start struggling to fill out the paperwork, but I am now to the blurred vision, mental confusion state. I keep having to pause to gasp for breath, and my penmanship is fucked because my hands are shaky from either albuterol or fear.
Spouse walks the paperwork back over to the receptionist.
We spend another 15 minutes sitting there while I am gasping for breath and grabbing at my throat every time I try to swallow because it feels like I'm being STRANGLED.
Nurse comes out to bring me back. We get intercepted by an angry man who has been watching me slowly dying but is still pissed because he got there first.
Nurse takes the time to explain to him what triage is while spouse literally holds me up.
I get a bed. Nurse tells me I'm having a classic allergic reaction and I'll probably be right as rain after some steroids. Hooks me up to all the monitors, tells me the doctor will be right in.
Doctor comes in. Listens to my lungs. Tells me my throat is not swollen even though she tried to grab to hold me upright when trying to swallow made me look like a gagging cat. But, my lungs are clear! Tells me they're going to monitor me to make sure I don't get worse, but she doesn't see anything to worry about.
She leaves. another nurse with the bedside manner of someone who enjoys kicking puppies walks in and starts taking my blood pressure.
The alarms go off.
"He put the cuff on wrong," he mutters, then wraps it so hard it hurts and runs it again.
The alarms go off.
"Do you have high blood pressure?" Mildly. NOT LIKE THIS.
"I'm going to go get the doctor." He leaves. He does not turn off the shrieking blood pressure machine.
10 minutes later: it's still screaming. Nobody has come by.
20 minutes later: see above.
30 minutes later: see above, except this time I start my stopwatch.
1 minute later: I get up and turn the fucking thing off, then unhook myself from everything.
40 minutes later: I am now itching so badly that I am scratching my arms bloody.
45 minutes after that, Puppykicker comes back in. "You ready to go home?"
Me, unnaturally red with hives so intricate that there are probably braille words on me, no longer struggling for breath, but 100% more bloody than I was when he walked out of the room an hour and 40 minutes ago: "Actually I'd like to speak with the doctor. I'd like to discuss steroids, since I am itchy."
"I'll go get her." Sure, Jan.
5 minutes later: Puppykicker comes in with a glass of water and a tiny cup of MASSIVE prednisone pills. "Here's 50mg prednisone. She says you're ready to be discharged."
The doctor. Is giving me. 50mg prednisone. Without speaking to me to see if I am allergic to it. When I came in with a severe allergic medication reaction. And is going to discharge me rather than wait around to see if I'll be ok.
Nurse watches me choke and struggle to take the pills. Because we're also giving an oral steroid to the bitch who can't swallow. Puppykicker does NOT care.
At that point, risking it and calling an ambulance if my throat closed up again was more worth it than staying there. Went home, stayed up long enough to confirm I am not going to start gasping for breath again. Passed out for two hours, got woken up by all 3 cats fighting over who gets to be in my lap. I have been taking two benedryl every 4h for the itching/hives and while my skin is its normal color again, everything itches so bad.
So my ENT is going to get a fun surprise on Monday when I inform him that the meds I had to fight to actually obtain have now left me with a hospital bill.
I also made an appt with my PCP, because this is the second medication since May that has done this to me. And they are not even remotely related to one another.
I guess what's 3 more days of living with a throat infection I've had for months, at a minimum?
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mojaves · 2 years
eheheheheehee seb lore time. ive probably made this before but idk if anyone saw it so im using the opportunity now to be very annoying about him
he was with arasaka for many years. started off as just some sort of security, but then quickly also became an assassin. if they needed anyone threatening, persuading, torturing, killing discretely, they would use him.
but he was also an experiment to them - testing out new drugs and cyberware to see what would make him most efficient + easiest to control. he was very VERY unstable at first but they managed to balance it out by installing a chip in his brain that would control the release of the drugs/chemicals so he'd only be a killer when necessary bc otherwise everyone in his path Would be killed
a lot of years pass and he's beyond sick of it. so he chooses to leave. but they cant just let him go bc he has too much inside knowledge and who knows who he'll tell. so his boss gets cocky. tries to kill him. throws him out on the street. assumes he succeeded, only that didnt really work out bc the chip went haywire and just about kept him going long enough to get medical assistance - which is where the face cyberware comes from, bc his neck + vocal chords + jaw were all crushed, as well as his lower right leg so he's got a prosthetic below the knee. also has a voice modulator installed which makes him sound a little bit robotic which is big sexy in my own personal opinion.
all his experience at arasaka makes him realise he facking hates corpos and wants to get rid of as many of the bastards as possible, so he starts a gang. ex-corpos, all with a lot of inside experience on how exactly to deal with them, how to gather information, get in and out of theit facilities undetected, etc.
so that keeps going for a few years, and he remains under the radar for the most part. but then arasaka discovers he's still alive. and it's too dangerous to just. go and get him, bc he is still equipped with the cyberware they installed, and without proper maintanence who knows how it will perform. and they cant risk their own guys going after him, so they hire outside help - mercs and assassins who seem promising enough. all of which end up dead. apart from one. and who knows what will happen after that aha xx [me. i do]
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marvelous-writer · 2 years
Pain Only Makes You Stronger
Summary: Peter comes home a little banged up but not serious enough to warrant an emergency call to Tony. The life of New York’s ‘Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man’ isn’t an easy one.
 Whumptober Day 11: Sloppy Bandages and Self-Done First Aid
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
Rating: G
Word Count: 944
Genre: whump, hurt/comfort
Link to read on AO3
It’s close to two in the morning when Peter finally arrives back at home after a long and exhausting patrol. He slides his bedroom window open and crawls in, groaning as his achy muscles protest against the movement. He ungracefully falls to the floor on his back.
“Owwwww…” He groans out as he closes his eyes under his mask, feeling like he was just hit by a bus.
Oh, right.
Because he was hit by a bus.
“Peter, you appear to have sustained quite a few contusions and lacerations, as well as a possible concussion. Would you like me to contact Mr. Stark for medical assistance?” Karen asks.
Peter lets out a sigh as he cracks open his eyes again. “No. I’m all good, Karen. Thank’s though. I’m just going to head to bed anyway.”
“If you’re sure, Peter. Sleep well.”
Peter closes his eyes again and lays there for several long minutes, tempted to just sleep right here for the night with how utterly exhausted he is.
All of these late nights are really starting to catch up to him.
If only his stupid brain could just shut up at night and let him sleep.
After a few more minutes, Peter lets out another sigh, knowing that if he actually does fall asleep on the floor, his body will be even more sore whenever he wakes up. He slowly rolls onto his side before he pushes himself up to his feet, groaning again as a sharp spike of pain shoots through his lower back, the very same spot that got clipped by that bus when he stopped it from falling off a bridge when the brakes went out.
Pain only makes you stronger, right?
Or at least that’s what he keeps telling himself anyway.
Peter takes his mask off and throws it on his desk before he starts to take his suit off, taking his phone out and leaving it on his nightstand, letting his suit fall to the ground where he leaves it to deal with tomorrow whenever he wakes up. He drags himself out of his room and into the dark hallway as he heads down to the bathroom. The apartment is silent, with May and Happy being away for the night.
Tony had invited him up to the cabin but Peter had declined for once because he really wanted to go out on patrol since he hasn’t been out as much as he should be. And it was exactly what he needed, to let off some steam and distract himself with helping the city, even if he got slightly hurt. It’s worth it at the end of the day if he’s making a difference out there on the streets and he hopes he is.
Peter goes into the bathroom and flips the light on, wincing at the sudden brightness as he squints, opening the cabinet above the toilet and takes out the jumbo first aid kit May had bought for him. He studies his reflection in the mirror to see what exactly he’s dealing with, and it’s not too pretty of a sight.
He has a large bruise on the right side of his head from his hairline, all the way down to the top of his cheekbone, stretching across his eye, which will no doubt turn into a black eye thanks to him smacking his face into that bus. There are multiple other bruises and scratches scattered across his chest and arms from the gang he stopped tonight, one particularly deep cut on his bicep where a one of the muggers had managed to catch him with a knife, but it’s not serious enough to warrant any stitches with it being already half-healed.
Peter gets to work on tending to the deep cut, disinfecting it before slathering some bacitracin on it and covers it with a bandaid. He dabs a few other cuts with bacitracin, adding smaller bandaids to them if needed. By the time he’s finished and all cleaned up, he has bandaids all over him.
He lets out a sigh as he washes his hands, deciding to just go to sleep instead of ice the bruise on his face. His healing will probably kick in and take care of it while he’s passed out.  If not, he’ll ice it in the morning or in his case, he’ll probably be waking up in the afternoon.
Peter flips the bathroom lights off on his way out as he heads back down the hallway to his bedroom. He keeps the lights off as he drags his feet over to his bed before he lies down, wincing as it pulls the sore spot on his back and achy muscles. He reaches a hand over and picks up his phone on his nightstand and makes sure his alarms are all set, shooting a text message off to May that he’s home like she asked him to, before he puts it back down. He’s grateful May had allowed him to stay out later tonight and stretched his curfew. He would have just been bored here at home anyway with her and Happy away, so what better way could he spend his time than patrol?
Peter takes in a deep breath as he closes his heavy eyes, hoping that his mind won’t start racing with anxiety like it has been recently when he tries to go to bed. He focuses on his breathing like he read in an article a few days ago to keep any intrusive thoughts out.
And it thankfully does the trick because he feels himself drifting off a few minutes later before he falls into a deep, peaceful sleep.
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deeisace · 1 year
Thinking Bellamy thoughts today huh
It's going to be very difficult writing more using no pronouns for Bellamy, but it'll be interesting to try and get phrases right
I can't stand first person things so that's not a solution, neither's second, I'll just have to do some thought-rotating, actual work for once
I don't really have a great completed story that just needs writing - I've got several characters, a beginning, but no solution
I spose there needn't be a solution to everything, really - I've learnt that from my grandma, if nothing else, she never seems to have written a clear ending in all her 93 years - but there ought to be some sort of wrapping up, an ending of a kind even if no clear conclusion
Maybe it'll come as I think on it, or actually write, that'd be a fine rare thing - I can't remember the last time I did any writing of my own but I'm certain it's over a year ago now
Anyway basically
What I have got, is,
Bellamy is a secretary/general hand - I can't think of a word, but 'hand', as like stagehand, farmhand, cs 'nurse' or the like don't fit - anyway - live-in to this doctor out in Aigburth, one'v them fancy houses round sevvy park, that's split to doctors surgery and quarters - again, what's the word - residence, that'll do
Anyway, Bellamy is the "young girl" reported who found the fella hanging off the iron bridge - that's a real case, I forget the exact year but 1890s I believe - in the real paper article there's nothing on the young girl, so I've rather taken over
Everyone's a hundred years dead, I doubt they mind - tho depending on their disposition, I suppose, cs there's a great deal more queerness in my Victorian Liverpool than has survived to be known nowdays
So, Bellamy finds the fella, slips and falls on a rock in shock, suffers a head wound, and is taken to the doctor off the park - and through health-monitoring visits (the head wound caused persistent balance/vertigo issues, which malady I did look up and have since forgotten the name of) gained that sorta secretary etc place with him - helping with appointments that need two people working, since the doctor's previous assistant
Assistant! There's the fuckin word!
Anyway the previous guy left to set up his own practice, and to marry the secretary, so Bellamy's left to do both jobs, in effect - but it's a job, no, and far far better that than the matchworks or something
Did Liverpool have a matchworks in the 1890s?
Nope, no, no sidetracking (there was one in Speke, but it only opened in the 1920s and - nope, stop it)
Eventually, gets to be Bellamy's friend and sort of on-again-off-again lover - I haven't decided the exactitudes of the relationship, and don't fully think it matters at all - Charlie, she calls Bellamy over one night, to help with her friend Soph who's got hisself in trouble rather, being beaten up on her way home and finding their way to Charlie's in a sorry state - stays at least until she's back on his feet, taking as much of Bellamy's medical advice as is possible for them around work an such
Comes to light, somehow, that Sophie was attacked as he was leaving The Blue Dunn - a queer bar of the time, a pub ran out of someone's house, originally, on a rather seedy street that does exist - up further past London Road, what's it called, it doesn't really exist much now with all the buildings changed about some - Bay Horse Lane! There, I have a memory for some things
I'm calling it The Bluey cs of Scousers' habit of shortening everything to one syllable with -y on the end, and that it rather comes natural tbh - as like Sevvy Park for Sefton Park, or Kenny for the area Kensington - I can't think of any more examples off the top of my head, but I'm sure it's a thing
Anyway, turns out somehow, I've not ironed any of this out, but Sophie's attack were done on account of to cover up, sorta, another attack, on someone else as frequents The Blue, something about secrets known and kept, and somebody rich needing them kept secret and not known, or else. I think this other fella worked at the exchange - big square up by moorfields ish, just a courtyard now but once used as a trading floor we'd say now I think - I'm not a finance guy, idk, but murders are to do with lust money or anger, aren't they, something like that, why not have Benny's be all three, and only discovered in truth because of the cover-up - not that the police give a toss, Bellamy's just found it unable to leave alone, no matter the danger of investigating that sort of crime properly, in 1896 or so, especially on your own - with an occasional assist from a network rather centered round the bluey
The cast of characters mostly contains as I've said above, but there's Alice the maid, Sid the cabby, Frank who tends bar at the bluey, Henry is another friend of Bellamy and Charlie's - I'm not sure there was a great deal more to the story as I've got it so far, tho I will be honest I have written an evening (shall we say) between Charlie and Bellamy and since lost the notebook - tho I'm pretty sure I typed up the morning after somewhere here to read, I'll see about finding that if not the other
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fireburial · 5 days
"Someone's tailing me", Dabi says, half-leaning on the barkeeper's counter. His voice is muffled behind the black medical mask he is wearing, only slightly pulled down for the next warning he throws at the blonde: "Thought you could give some assistance, mister." The polite speech was foreign on his tongue, his voice too unserious as well. So, if the blonde hadn't found out who he was by his voice alone, it would definitely be clear enough to him by now. The sight of his face is too easily recognizable after all.
He grins at him with amusement glinting in his eyes, as if this was just another normal Thursday for him. He's hardly as troubled as the situation calls for it, both of them knowing better. He's not as innocent as he claims to be, but he's already being followed and the bar Jasper worked at was just around the corner. So why not pay a visit?
And he wouldn't risk getting caught in the middle of the city just because he was shit at running. He's already trying to keep his face and scars hidden in public, not risking being spotted. And yet... here he was. Maybe it had been the glare he'd thrown at the older lady in front of him for taking too long to pay in the supermarket's queue that she deemed him scary and suspicious in his cloaked get-up, so she must have called the cops on him afterward. Or maybe it was because he's kicked a guy's head in after the man's made a stupid attempt to rob him of his belongings with a gun fixed on him a couple streets later. And rob him of what even? Money? He shoplifted regularly if he didn't pickpocket some himself now and then. The contents of his purse were the equivalent worth of a mere 20 dollars. And even now, grabbing groceries was completely legit. So who could really know? Dabi didn't care enough to find out who and why, he just knew it was more than just one person that was following him for a while now, their intent not as friendly as one would like to hope for. They surely didn't come for a chat.
He was very aware that leading them here would just make things worse for Jasper. But why not share some of the misery? Surely, the guy had enough brains and heart to help a poor guy out if he didn't want a murder case inside this bar. In truth, Dabi counted more on the fact that Jasper didn't want to lose his job than on the kindness of his heart. In the end, you couldn't trust anyone.
"The blue flames aren't exactly low-maintenance, y'know," he drawled off-handedly, sounding bored for the fact that he was probably leading a group of cops, assassins, or heroes into this uninvolved place. The bag of groceries he'd placed on the counter next to himself. "Nice place you got here", he tapped against the wood. The hood of his black jacket was pulled over his head, the mask falling back into place to hide the lower half of his face when he spoke again. There's only so much he could do to hide his presence. Stealth just has never been his strong point anyway.
And it's not like he couldn't get rid of his stubborn followers on his own either. He absolutely could. It's just... he could likely turn this place into a pile of ash in seconds, its guests unaware of the imposing threat, blue flames devouring everything in its wake, but he would leave behind nothing but the smell of burnt flesh and lots of wasted alcohol of a perfectly fine bar. And well, maybe, he didn't necessarily need to make an enemy of Jasper too, if he could help it. So he was counting on his cooperation to get rid of the threat.
There's not that much time left to decide anyway when a group of three men enters the place. They are quick to scan the area, their faces serious as they seem to look for him. He doesn't notice a badge on them, so he might be wrong in his assumption for them to be cops. Maybe it's just the yakuza he's pissed off plenty times before too. The list of his enemies was long.
Nonetheless, it didn't matter because they were coming right at them, hands poised behind them as they closed in with hurried steps. A gun? A knife?
In the meanwhile, Dabi's made a good show of attempting to be drunk, swaying as he grasped for Jasper's arm firmly, seemingly giving himself and him an out to take this fight outside and leave through the back entrance of the bar before it got too ugly inside.
Once outside, the stench of vomit, piss, and trash hit his nose. It's not unfamiliar, living on the streets as long as he did, he knows it well, but it doesn't mean he has to like it. He keeps the mask on, letting go of Jasper's arm he's holding onto for the bad show of acting drunk and wobbly when he's taken a good distance of the back entrance by now, his own arm raised at the group of three men bursting outside, two of them with cocked guns as they shout "There you are, you bastard!" at him while the other, more burly man, doesn't seem to wait to swing his fists already at Jasper.
"Now, that's not very nice," Dabi interrupts, sounding too insincere, too light of caring about the insult, much less about the attack. There's a trace of amusement audible in his voice as he steps back, his palm hot, ready to burst into blue flames any moment. The stench would get worse in a matter of seconds.
🗡️ for our muses to get attacked by a third party
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tavvattales · 3 years
helloooo can i request a fluff lof y/n taking care of their injuries after some long fight? with childe, xiao and diluc 😊 thank youuu
Oh my goodness, yes of course! <3
And if I may be bold to say, you're my first ever ask! Thank you so much for enjoying my work. I hope you enjoy these stories I wrote especially for you! 😊😊
GENSHIN IMPACT Character x gn reader fluff stories~♡♡
Scenario: Cleaning up their wounds
Characters: Childe/Tartaglia, Xiao, Diluc(seperate)
Pairings: Childe/Tartaglia x gn reader, Xiao x gn reader, Diluc x gn reader
Warnings: Mentions of blood and injuries, minor swearing
SFW----> Lots of fluff down below. Click at your own risk. ;)
● He's a skilled fighter, he wouldn't be a Harbinger if he wasn't, so very rarely would he come to you with a wound. When he does he's always embarrassed, but he'll come to you because you never pass judgment, instead your eyes are filled with worry and love.
● He loves how gentle you are when you tend to him. The way he looks at you when you clean him up and the way you smile at him, telling him how glad you are it wasn't anything serious. He knows how much you love him and it makes him fall even harder for you. Every. Single. Time.
A loud, rapid knock to your door startled you awake. Groggily you stumbled out of bed, rubbing the sleep from your eyes wondering who it could be at this time of night. As you reach the door, you peer through the peep hole. Surprised, you open the door.
A Fatui agent stood there, bowing to you. Immediately you knew what was wrong before the man could have a chance to speak, "Where is he? How bad is it?" You asked, rushed, already putting your coat on over your sleeping garments.
"He's at the Northlander Bank. He would have come here himself, but this time it's. . .bad. He's lost a bit of blood," The agent spoke grimly. You felt the lump in your throat rise and you tried to swallow.
"Thank you. ." You manage to say to the man before rushing past him, grabbing the medical supplies in the process. You didn't stop running through the brightly lit streets of Liyue until you arrived at the bank.
Panting and gasping for air you pushed past the two Fatui agents who were guarding the doors. They already knew who you were so they didn't even try to stop you, otherwise you would have had their tounge.
You quickly made your way to his room where a few more agents were attending to him as he lay on his bed, clutching his side with blood soaked rags. Your nose was immediately met with the smell of iron, "Childe! Oh my Archons, what the hell happened?!" You rush to his side, pulling out your medical supplies.
You shooed the remaining agents out of the room so you could focus. "I had a run in with a peculiar traveler named Aether. He put up quite a fight. ." His breathing was heavy and staggered, fading in and out of consciousness.
"I need you to keep talking to me, my love," you say to him gently, trying to stay calm, "I'm going to cut off your shirt so I can better assess your wound, okay?" You swiftly take out your surgical scissors and cut away the crimson soaked fabric clinging to his upper torso.
You gasp, the wound was a large slash across the side of his abdomen. You stifle back tears before meekly saying, "You're going to be okay. I promise. You'll need several stitches, but I'm determined to keep you alive."
He lets out a small laugh before wincing in pain, "I'm lucky to have someone as kind and caring as you, Y/N" Childe weakly reaches over to push a strand of hair behind your ear.
You lean into his hand for a brief moment before replying, "Take this for the pain, and this to help stop the bleeding. Afterwards I'm going to need to disinfect the wound," You hand him two pills and he swallows them quickly, "It's going to hurt, love, so bare with me. ."
You open up a bottle of alcohol and offer your hand to him, "Squeeze my hand," You say to him as you start pouring the alcohol over his wound. He grits his teeth and lets out a pained groan as he squeezes your hand tightly. You work quickly from there, stitching his wound perfectly.
Once you're finished you clean up all the rags and place a clean damp one over his forehead. He's now asleep, getting the much deserved rest he needed. You place a gentle kiss upon his cheek, not leaving his side.
He'll live to see another day, thank the Archons.
Childe/Tartaglia x gn reader END
● He also isn't one to get injured so quickly, though when he does you're always quickly by his side no matter how big or small. Even though he's not much for human interaction, he quite enjoys the attention he gets from you.
● He'll always thank you in his own way with odd gifts he made himself. You find it charming. By now you have quite the collection and they're all your most prized possessions.
Today you wanted to travel to Mondstat as you heard there was a festival going on and Xiao offered to accompany you, but only for protection he insisted. He thought human customs were a waste and didn't want to be bothered with them.
The journey to Mondstat would take half a day, and sometimes the roads could be treacherous, so you made sure to pack all of the necessities.
Snacks for the road? Check. Extra water? Check. A med kit? Of course. You triple checked everything and you were about to check it a fourth time when Xiao stopped you and said, "Y/N, you have everything we need. Trust me," He placed a firm, but gentle hand on your shoulder, "Now let's get going before it gets too late. The roads will get dangerous is we wait any longer."
You let out a small sigh and nod, "You're right. Sorry, you know I always gotta make sure everything's in order." You could have sworn you heard him huff and that made you smile. Xiao always had a cold exterior, but you knew a different side to him. He was gentle, kind, always looking out for you. You loved him so much for that. He'd never let anyone but you see this side of him.
Grabbing your sack you sling it over your shoulder and secure it as you both prepare to head out. Xiao was never one for small talk, but you still engaged him in conversation while you two walked. He secretly loved the sound of your voice so he kept you entertained just so he could keep hearing it.
After a few hours of walking both of you had arrived to Stone Gate, you decide it was time for a break. You stretch your arms upwards and arch your back before plopping down on top of a log you had found, patting the spot next to you for Xiao to sit next to you, but he shook his head and continued to stand on guard, "Oh come on, Xiao. We've been walking for hours. It's okay to rest for a bi-"
He quickly raised his hand to stop you from talking and put a finger to his lips before quietly saying, "I sense something evil coming our way," He readied his jade spear before continuing, "I need you to hide someplace safe."
"No way am I going to let you fight on your own!" You retort, getting your sword ready. Determination burned in your eyes as you glanced over to him.
He met your gaze and let out a small sigh, his golden eyes glimmering before giving you a nod, "Fine."
You started hearing rustling from all around you both when it finally clicked that it was an ambush. A charge of at least twenty Hilichurls and three large ones came at the both of you from all sides, "Tck. . Damn. There are more than I expected, " Xiao muttered angrily, knocking back three with his spear in one swift movement, killing them instantly.
You swiftly take out two more, rushing at a third one. You two made a hell of a team. You didn't have a vision, but you were very skilled with the sword and whatever you didn't have, Xiao made up for it creating the perfect synergy between the both of you.
"So much for a peaceful break!" You call out to him as you hacked away a few more, so far you've managed not to get hit. Xiao managed to take out the rest rather quickly.
You rush to his side, noticing a rather long cut across his right cheek, "Xiao, you've been hurt," you said, a frown forming on your lips. He reached up to touch it and he winced slightly.
"I must have been nicked by an arrow, " He muttered, "I'm just glad you're not hurt," He softly took your chin in his hand as he tilted your head gently, side to side.
You blush furiously, avoiding his beautiful gaze, "Let me at least tend to your cut. It's the least I can do" you say, rummaging through your sack taking out the med kit.
Xiao took a seat on the log you were previously sitting on as you kneel in front of him, gently tending his wound. He winces each time you dab it with the disinfectant, but he's grateful to you.
After placing the bandage on his cut, he gingerly takes your hand and places it back on his cheek, nuzzling into it, "Thank you, " He said in a hushed whisper before kissing your hand.
You smile at him and leaned upwards, giving a quick kiss to his bandaged cut, leaving him stunned. "That's to make it heal faster" you say giggling softly at his expression.
He still wasn't used to human customs, but this he could get used to.
Xiao x gn reader END
● His work as the Dark Knight hero brings him home with several injuries a week, but you're quick to assist him and most of the time he's careful not to sustain anything too horrible. Though you never fail to scold him for being reckless and to take it easy once in a while.
● He always studies your features as you tend to him, falling in love with you all over again. You're so tender with your touch, careful not to cause him any further harm. He always pulls you into a tight embrace afterwards, grateful to be back in your arms after a long night.
You let out an exasperated sigh as you study the mildly battered Diluc. His bright fiery colored hair, falling in locks in front of his face as he plops down in a chair, leaning his head back. He had several small cuts from what you could tell with the amount of tears on his clothing, "You over did it again, didn't you?" You asked, hands on your hips.
"Mm, perhaps I may have, " Diluc replies back, slowly taking off his jacket and unbuttoning his shirt, preparing for you to clean out his cuts and scrapes.
You click your tongue in response to his answer, "You worry me so much, you know that, right?" But you're quick to blush as he slides off his shirt, his perfectly sculpted abs catching the dim light of the room, creating perfect shadows across his skin.
He smirks at you, "I'm aware, but I also love seeing how you care for me after a long night, Y/N," Diluc takes your hand in his, bringing it up to his lips as he gingerly kisses it, glancing up at you with his gentle crimson eyes.
You fidget shyly, meeting his gaze, "O-of course. I'll always support you, but it's okay to give your body a break once in a while too. ." You say, smiling softly wondering what you were gonna do with him.
Diluc lets go of your hand, letting you get to work on cleaning his several small cuts. You're careful not to further hurt him as you dab them clean, applying a bandage to each one, "All finished." You say, proud of your handiwork.
"Thank you, my dear," He says as he gets up, pulling you into a warm embrace. Your heart pounding in your chest. You lift your face up to meet his loving crimson gaze as he leans down to give you a soft, warm kiss upon your lips.
You may not like to see him hurt, but you live for these gentle moments.
Diluc x gn reader END
I hope you enjoy <3
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lumosinlove · 3 years
part iii
cw: brief, non-graphic mention of injury and medical assistance
Only blue talk and love
How we knew love was here to stay
Summer hadn’t truly felt over until Remus saw Regulus standing in the airport, bags checked for New York and backpack slung over one shoulder.
“Well,” Regulus said, shifting a little between his feet. “Here goes.”
Remus laughed. “It’s going to be amazing, Reg.”
“Maybe. Hopefully.”
“It will,” Sirius said. “But if you need anything we’re…what? A four hour drive?”
Remus nodded. “Yeah, you can call.”
Regulus huffed out a laugh. “You two sound like worried parents.”
Sirius laughed, too. “I’m just glad we know what those sound like now.”
Regulus’ expression shifted, tightening. He nodded, seemed to hang in hesitation for a moment, and then walked forward two steps and threw his arms around Sirius. Sirius froze, too, with his hands in his pockets, and then wrapped his little brother up tight.
“It’s not your fault, you know,” Remus heard Regulus murmur softly. “I don’t really think you left me there. With them.”
Sirius made an indistinguishable sound, and Remus took a step back, giving them space and not sure if he was fighting tears or a smile. He used to just think about how he could kill Sirius and Regulus’ parents if he had the chance, but now, seeing how far the brothers had come, he wasn’t sure they were worth the time at all.
“Come home sometimes, okay?” Sirius said. “D’accord?”
“Ouais,” Regulus said.
They pulled apart slowly, both a little bright-eyed. Sirius laughed wetly, wiping his face.
“And make good friends.”
Regulus raised an eyebrow. “I think that’s supposed to be good choices.”
Sirius reached out for Remus’ hand. “Good friends are good choices.”
“Ah,” Regulus hitched his pack farther up his shoulder. “Of course.”
“Call when you get there, too,” Remus cut in. “My mom would definitely want me to say that.”
Regulus waved them off. “Okay, that’s enough parenting. I’m going now.”
Sirius held Remus’ hand tight as they watched Regulus go through security and then disappear with a wave, sliding his headphones on. He let out a long, unsteady breath.
“Love ya,” Remus smiled, reaching up to wipe a tear from Sirius’ cheek.
Sirius glanced down at him. “He’s going to be fine.”
“He is,” Remus nodded.
“He forgives me.”
“No,” Remus said. “He told you that you never did anything wrong.”
Sirius let out another tearful laugh, sniffing. “Right. You’re right.”
Remus pushed up on his toes to kiss his cheek. “Wanna get dinner?”
“Ouais. That sounds perfect.”
They wandered the summer soft streets, cooled by the evening and by approaching September. Remus was torn between being ready to let summer go, and never wanting it to end at the same time.
It’s good to hear a packed Hogwarts Stadium again, huh, Dean? Even if just for a preseason game against our New York Rangers neighbors.
Right, Lee? I love this post-summer feeling, and I know our Lions do, too. Especially excited to see what our new talent has to offer. This’ll be fan’s first glimpse at Lupin and Reyes, our two…well, I suppose rookie wouldn’t be quite as perfect a word for Lupin as it is for Reyes. We’re used to Lupin’s face around here, huh.
That we are. Not used to seeing what is rumored to be some very quick feet on him, though. As far as testing went, that is.
Right, the bike test. As well as strength. Who knows. This could be building up to a very interesting season.
Remus stared up at the TV mounted on the wall as he peddled slowly on the stationary bike, keeping his legs warm. He felt bizarre, and had been dodging any type of media to avoid having to talk about it. He was dreading post-game. Every time he tried to think of something to say, his mind went blank.
I’m happy to be here.
I never thought I would be here.
The other half of his brain was trying to compute that it wouldn’t just be the preseason, practice scrimmages he was used to. It wouldn’t just been his team, his friends, out there. Not that it would be a full fledged game, either. No one looked to crushing blows during a preseason game. It was about getting warm. Remus was thankful for it. He didn’t know how he was going to feel when he put his jersey on. When he stepped out onto the ice. He had been nervous enough for the fitness testing.
“You’re literally the fastest guy here,” Finn had said after he’d gotten off of the bike—with the highest score. It had made him feel better, but he knew he wouldn’t really be settled until until coach called his name from the line card.
“Loops,” Logan said, swinging onto the bike beside him. “I keep running into you.”
Remus smiled. “Looks like we having similar warm-up routines.”
“Apparemment,” Logan nodded, turning up the resistance. “Nervous?”
Remus nodded. “Yeah. I am.”
Logan nodded, but stayed quiet and Remus was thankful. Everyone tried to talk him out of it, Sirius included, and he loved them for that, but at the same time, this was nice, too.
“Me too, sort of,” Logan said, and they traded a smile before looking back up at the Gryffindor pre-game show.
“All right,” Coach Arthur Weasley clapped his hands and gestured to the side of the room where the assistant coaches and staff were standing. The whole locker room was flooded with energy of all kinds—nervous, excited—and it flowed through those not in uniform, too. “We all know Moody. We all know our coaches. Mason, Alexandra, and Dan. We all know our PTs—should I say new PTs—“ there were some laughs. “Lars and Layla.”
“Double-Ls,” Thomas whooped.
Layla gave two thumbs up, and Lars remained stoic, arms crossed. He hadn’t said much since arriving aside from the occasional wise-cracking joke delivered without a trace of a smile.
“Who’s captain serious now, eh?” Thomas leaned in to whisper, and Remus suppressed a smile, glancing at Sirius—who was wearing an almost equally focused expression on his face, completely still where he sat a few stalls down, past Thomas and James. Remus glanced around the locker room, down the crescent-shaped row. Kasey and Leo, on opposite ends, were both geared up. Finn and Leo were sharing AirPods. Remus knew Kasey had worked hard over the summer, rehabbing his thigh, strengthening and increasing flexibility. He knew Leo was happy to be his back-up, but part of him wondered what Leo thought about all the games he had played in the play-offs, only to be placed right back on the bench now. It happened to a lot of guys—some were called up for injury, only to be sent right back down to the farm team when injuries healed. But Remus thought it was different for goalies. He hoped Coach wouldn’t leave Leo sitting on the bench for too long.
“Who’s calling first line?” Coach asked, and held the card out to Sirius. “Cap?”
Remus didn’t realize until the cheers broke out that he could be loud with the rest of them, and gave his stall a few bangs as Sirius rose, hat keeping his hair back. His eyes found Remus’ briefly once had turned towards them with the card, and Remus’ breath caught at his beaming grin.
“Okay, boys, first line,” Sirius said. “We’ve got Pots.”
Thomas drum-rolled his stall.
Sirius smiled. “Myself.”
Finn put two fingers in his mouth and whistled.
“And on D, Olli and Timmy.”
While the boys burst into chatter again, Remus watched Sirius hand the card back to Coach, and caught his eye again, raising an eyebrow. Sirius held up Thomas’ number, and Jackson’s. Remus nodded to himself. That could be the third or fourth line, and he’d played well with both of them in scrimmages. It made sense. He could work with that.
And it meant he’d get to watch Sirius out there. At least that wouldn’t change.
“All right,” Coach laughed, putting his glasses back on and turning towards the other coaches. “Get dressed, get dressed.”
Remus had sat in his stall quite a few times by now. For his promo-pictures at the beginning of the summer—the first time he had slipped his jersey on, too, right over his suit and tie. But sitting in it now, strapping his pads over his bare chest before a game, a game where he would be up against other NHL players…that was different.
“You’re one of those?” Thomas snorted, flicking Remus’ bare ribs. “Doesn’t the velcro scratch?”
Remus laughed. “Can’t break old habits.”
Thomas raised an eyebrow. “Or is now the perfect time to make new ones.”
“Not after a year like the last,” Remus said.
“Oh,” Thomas whistled, yanking the laces of his skates tight. “You’re that superstitious.”
“I try not to be,” Remus stood. “But playing again…seems to bring it out in me.”
Remus turned to step into his pants, adjusting the pads and his jock until everything fit together comfortably. He eyed his jersey, the number six hanging proudly on a hanger, and he smiled to himself but turned to his skates next. The jersey sent his heart leaping into his throat. He’d save it for last.
“Let’s go boys,” Pascal called, standing by the door to bump fists and pat helmets on their way out.
Remus laced up his skates, pulling them tight over his taped up socks, and then, finally, removed his jersey from its hook. He didn’t waste time staring down at it. That would just make him overthink and, hopefully, he’d have many times to put this jersey on again.
It slid over his shoulder pads, he tucked in the back, and grabbed his helmet.
“I like that Loops is just over there grinning to himself,” Finn snorted as he left for the tunnel.
Remus shrugged, eyes finding Sirius. He already looked like his mind was on the ice, even for such a low stakes game.
“You know,” Remus said as the team started to file down the tunnel. “I used to go last.”
Sirius’ intense eyes lightened into a softer gray. He shifted from one skate to another. “Oh? I don’t know if I knew that.”
Remus tilted his head, smile playing at one corner of his mouth. “Well? What are we gonna do?”
Sirius just stared at him. “I… I go last.”
Remus let out his laughter, leaning up to tap their helmets together. He vaguely heard a camera flash go off, and smiled. He wanted that picture.
“You should have seen your face, baby,” he whispered, and grabbed his stick from the rack before catching up to James.
He heard Sirius splutter out a laugh—and there was definitely some relief in there—and follow.
The sounds of the crowd in Hogwarts stadium only grew louder. Remus could feel Sirius close behind him.
“Ready, mon loup?” he asked quietly, just before the tunnel opened up to the lights.
Remus didn’t know if Sirius heard his yes over the roar of the team’s entry into a sea of red and gold, but then feet were on the ice he was doing a lap, the Rangers at the other end.
On opening night, Remus knew he would be taking this lap alone, along with Cole. A rookie’s first official NHL game. It felt surreal to think about. He couldn’t knock the feeling that he was too old for that—but he knew plenty of guys did it at his age. You didn’t have to be eighteen.
He picked up a puck and headed towards the goal, trying to decide if it would help to block out the noise, or let it overtake him. The boys were dialed in. Remus glanced over at Sirius, feeling strangely bare without him by his side. But he was over by center ice, tracing the Lion printed there—as usual. Remus didn’t want to seem favored. He didn’t want to seem clingy. They weren’t a couple out here, he knew that. They were teammates.
He shot at Kasey, who caught his puck in his glove, and began the wrap-around again before pushing backwards around the outside of the goal, as he always used to. He’d done his routine a few times at the beginning of practices, but it was nothing compared to being surrounded by a crowd—a bigger crowd than he’d ever actually played in front of before.
Kasey tapped a puck at him once he reached his first post, and he laughed, shooting it back until a sign waving at the glass caught his eye. It was held by a kid, maybe around Julian’s age.
I want a signed stick the ReMOST, Lupin!
Remus laughed at the kid’s wide eyes when he saw that he was looking, and gave him a thumbs up the best he could with his gloves on before holding up his stick.
“One second,” he called over the crowd.
When he got to the bench, Sirius was there stretching, holding out an already uncapped sharpie.
And looks like Lupin’s heading over to sign that young man a stick. I bet that’s a good feeling after—oh! Black’s got a pen ready for him.
Remus shoved a glove under his arm and took it. “You saw the sign?”
“I got the kid down to the glass,” Sirius grinned.
“I love you,” Remus said as he scribbled his signature, complete with the jersey number that players always included.
It took two tries to get the stick successfully over the glass, but for the look on the boy’s face, Remus would have tried twenty.
“Feels good, eh?” James said once the horn blew for warmups and they were settled onto the bench.
“Too good,” Remus said.
“First line,” Coach called, slapping his calling card against his palm. “12, 10, 7, let’s go. Olli, Tims, on D.”
Sirius sent him a quick smile, and Remus spun his stick in front of him. “Let’s go, Captain.”
Sirius snorted, rolling his eyes as he pushed away from the boards towards center ice, where Zibanejad was waiting.
Good to see that sort of…what would you call it, Dean, from Black?
Light energy, I think, Lee. Sirius is well known around the league for his intensity.
Right. Nice to see Lupin getting a smile out of him before what is most probably a season that holds more pressure than usual for the Lions, after a Cup year.
One of Black’s coaches once said in an interview that the only thing Sirius feels after scoring a goal is pressure to score another. Ha, sounds about right.
Remus all but held his breath when the ref dropped the puck. Sirius stole it back for James who nicked it over to Logan. Logan sped it into the neutral zone, narrowly avoiding Lafrenière.
“Bulky kid,” Finn said from beside Remus.
Remus raised an eyebrow. “Logan?”
“Well—yeah, but nah, Lafrenière,” Finn nodded. “Built like a tree, what is he, nineteen? Crazy. I didn’t look like that when I was nineteen.”
“Well,” Remus said as the whistle blew for an icing on the Rangers. “People are comparing him to Crosby.”
“Kuny,” Coach called. “Lupin, Nado.”
Remus’ initial thought was surprise. The shock of being put out with the second line carried him somewhat numbly over the boards beside Evgeni and Jackson. He didn’t have time to look at Sirius take his place on the bench.
“Hey,” Evgeni said, drawing them in with a glove over his mouth so the Rangers filing out of their bench couldn’t read their lips. “I take Lindgren. Loops, go fast, okay? Nado get you puck.”
“Fox,” Jackson warned.
“Sergei take care,” Evgeni said like it was obvious, and loomed towards the face-off circle.
“Left side,” Remus said to Jackson before they parted. “I’ll try to shake Kravtsov.”
“Nice,” Jackson nodded.
Remus and Kravtsov shared a nod as they lined up shoulder to shoulder on the centerline.
“Welcome to the NHL,” Kravtsov said with a slight smile.
“Thanks,” Remus replied.
Kravtsov was so young. All of these guys were so young.
He couldn’t help feeling like time had been stolen from him.
Have you ever seen this many Russian players in one NHL game, Dean? Pretty nice to see. And here’s Lupin’s first shift. Let’s go.
The puck dropped and Remus gave Kravtsov a shove, spinning out and around him. His heart seemed to press the sound out of his ears until all he could hear was his own breathing. Evgeni won the face off.
“Kuns!” Jackson shouted, and Evgeni passed it to him deep in their own zone. It drew Fox forward, just as Remus knew it was meant to, but Sergei was there for Jackson to derail the puck. Fox was forced to turn around, Kravtsov was made to press forward for a pass, and it left Remus free to shoot into their defense zone. Strome tried to cross him, but Remus spun around him. Sergei and Jackson tried to get it to him, but it left the zone. Remus swore as he pushed hard to touch up the neutral zone.
“6, 58, 86, off, Reyes, O’Hara, LeBlanc, on!”
Remus pulled back to the bench, sending Cole a nod as he hopped over the boards for his first NHL shift. Remus’ shift had been thirty seconds that felt like ten, but he was breathing hard. Finn followed Cole with a tap to his back, promptly stole the puck from Chytil, and slapped it into the corner of the Rangers’ goal.
Remus had barely taken a drink of water when the goal horn blared Gryffindor’s roar filled Hogwarts Stadium.
He punched Sirius’ side, who had his arms raised. Sirius laughed from beside him as they settled onto the bench beside each other.
“Ouch,” Sirius rubbed his padding.
“I don’t know, I got excited,” Remus laughed.
They held his gloves out for Finn to tap as he came down the line, the goal song blaring, the crowd chanting along to the catchy drumbeat.
“Nice solo, Harz,” Remus called, and Finn grinned.
“Thanks, Rookie.”
It remained pretty even through the first and second. Panarin had three good chances, the fourth sailing past Kasey’s glove. Sirius scored a dirty wrap-around just before the second’s buzzer, and Remus didn’t think he’d ever like anything more than getting the full force of Sirius’ smile as he tapped gloves down the bench line. No sooner had the final face-off of the period set up than were Evgeni and Lindgren going at it, hands gripping the back of each other’s jerseys as they dropped their gloves. Gryffindor would start the third one man up.
Remus filed back down the tunnel towards the locker room, smiling at Layla as he dropped his gloves in the bucket she was holding to be dried. He felt warm, his muscles used and a little sore. He longed for an ice bath, but he wanted to use them more too. It was the most familiar feeling in the word. He smiled against it as he sat down in his stall, laughing lightly at the way Evgeni threw a wet towel over his head.
“Not skate enough over the summer,” Evgeni groaned.
Remus looked up when a shadow fell over him and was greeted by two hands on his cheeks and a warm, familiar kiss.
“J’adore,” Sirius said.
Remus laughed, holding his wrists where his pulse still high from the game.
“Nice goal.”
“Good to be back,” James said as he pushed his jersey over his head. “Crowd sounds amazing. How you doing, Reyes?”
Cole looked up from where he was re-taping his socks. “The crowd is amazing.”
Remus felt a slap on the back from Evgeni, towel around his neck now. “Good shift, rookie.”
“Kuns,” Remus sighed, and Evgeni just laughed teasingly.
Remus felt Sirius’ eyes on him throughout the entire intermission. He knew he was curious, and had been for months, about Remus’ game routine. He’d asked and asked over the summer, but that was the thing with Remus’ superstitions—he couldn’t talk about them.
Remus took two fresh sticks from his rack and sat back down. He began wrapping it steadily.
“Of course your tape job is perfect,” Thomas sighed, shaking his head. “Of course, of course.”
Remus laughed, ripping the tape with his teeth.
“Speak for yourself,” Jackson grinned, giving his stick a twirl, the tape warped and hurried.
Remus snorted. “All I see is a fucking candy cane.”
Power play. Lindgren went into the box, slamming the door a little too hard on his way.
“Black,” Coach called as the crowd shuffled into their seats, armed with food, and Remus had been expecting that. “Tremzy, Lupin, Fox, Sunny.”
Remus blinked. He hadn’t been expecting that.
Remus hopped the boards beside Sirius, and the stadium seemed to get louder. Sirius knocked their shoulders together, and Remus didn’t doubt the cameras were on them and he tried to control his expression. He didn’t want to look too pleased, or too dopy at the feeling of skating side by side with Sirius in front of a crowd.
I think this is the moment many of us have been waiting for, Dean.
You bet! I didn’t expect it to come so soon. Coach Weasley is trying out lots of different line combos tonight. What’s pre-season for? I hear Lupin’s played on the power play a few times in practice.
Sirius put his glove up by his mouth, holding his mouth guard.
“Try the double pass?” he said quickly.
“Yeah,” Remus nodded. “Let’s do it.”
Sirius bent down across from Zibanejad and the rest of the Rangers penalty kill unit.
It happened fast. Remus was used to seeing this from the bench—but maybe that was a good thing. He saw the ice as if through a wide lens, Sirius passed to Logan, and then it was on Remus’ stick to carry up. Remus blew out a breath, pushing his legs hard ahead of Panarin. He needed to get ahead, needed to stay parallel with Sirius. He felt Panarin scrape at his heels, but then Sirius was calling his name.
Shesterkin was still up and on his feet, reading to dive whichever way.
“Loup,” Sirius called, and it was as though it was only the two of them in the basement rink. Only the crowd was different, and absolutely roaring. 
Remus snapped the puck to Sirius, who passed it right back. Shesterkin went down when Remus pulled his stick back in a fake, only for him to give it back to Sirius to tap into wide open net.
Remus’ hands shot up, and the crowd screamed. Sirius all but slammed into him, wrapping him up tight against the boards.
“Re,” Sirius laughed through he words, pressing their helmets together. “Mon loup, mon loup—”
Logan crashed into them next, followed by Adam and Henrik. Remus found himself in the center of elated shouts, the fans pounding hands on the glass from the other side.
“Merde, it sounds like the playoffs,” Logan shouted, pressing a hand to Remus’ helmet.
Remus could only laugh, giddy, high on it all.
What a goal! Well, Lee, I don’t think we’re going to have to wait long to see this young man’s first regular season point.
“He fell for it,” Remus said for the tenth time as he handed Sirius the last of their dinner dishes. “Shesterkin fell for it.”
Sirius laughed and slid the dishes into the sink and turned, placing slightly damp hands on Remus’ cheeks.
“You are amazing,” he said, accent heavy and laced with a need that Remus had felt stirring in himself since getting off the ice. They’d been on the ice together today. They’d built a goal together, scored. Igor Shesterkin had fallen for their fake-out.
“I was so happy today,” Sirius whispered.
Remus closed his eyes, caught between the feeling of Sirius’ body colliding with his own in celebration, and the feeling of his warm hands here, now.
“It’s everything I’ve ever wanted,” Remus said softly, and opened his eyes, hands against Sirius’ chest.
What a terrifying, wonderful sentence.
Sirius just leaned in to kiss him, mouth tender and insistent. It was the same fire he had on the ice, leading Remus in a way that made his insides warm and his toes curl. Remus let Sirius guide him slowly up the stairs, and he relished in the way they stopped on the landing, on a half-way stair, just to be closer again, Remus’ mouth on his neck, Sirius’ against his temple. The hallway was dark, lit only by the nightlight they kept plugged in near their feet. It cast Sirius in warm angles as Remus tugged his shirt off and dropped it right there in the hallway.
“I’m not saying I’m not going to miss Regulus,” Remus said as Sirius bent to mouth gently against his neck. “But I’m not saying I’m not going to enjoy being able to undress you wherever I want now that we have the house to ourselves.”
Sirius’ laugh was soft, a little breathless. “Name your room, I’ll be there.”
Remus laughed, too. “Bedroom. Nice, soft bed.”
Sirius walked Remus backwards through the door, hands on his hips. “How do you feel? That was quite the race with Kreider in the second.”
“Good,” Remus nodded, but let Sirius’ strong hands dig into the muscles of his shoulders and back. He sighed into it, resting his cheek against his chest. “But I won’t say no to that.”
Sirius kissed Remus’ temple and worked his shirt over his head. He lay him down on the mattress and Remus closed his eyes at the feeling of Sirius’ lips against his neck, and then his shoulder.
Sirius kissed over the scar that Greyback had torn from Remus’ body all those years ago at their shared college, keeping Remus from a career in the NHL—at least until now.
“I wonder what he thinks,” Remus wondered aloud, and he didn’t have to explain himself for Sirius to know what he meant. Remus wound his fingers into Sirius dark hair as he looked up at him.
“Me too,” Sirius admitted. “And then I see red and have to stop thinking about it.”
Remus half-smiled. “Yeah…I felt bad at lunch those few weeks ago. With Cole. I really think he thought he said something wrong, and I wish I could explain but it’s still…it’s still like this weird secret, you know? Like people could find out if they really looked but no one has? And I don’t really want to bring it up but at the same time I know Fenrir has already spread lies. Saying it was a car crash or…who knows what. Sorry.” Remus pressed a hand to his face. “God, I’m completely killing the mood.”
“Re, hey,” Sirius pushed himself up onto his forearm, falling to the side and keeping their legs tangled.
“And it’s such a good mood, I just was thinking aloud.”
“You’re not. Talk to me. You can talk to me whenever.”
Remus ran his thumb over Sirius’ bottom lip. “Okay…yeah, I know that.”
“This was a big day,” Sirius said. “Huge for you. Of course you would be thinking about him. I used to think about my parents every time I stepped on the ice, even after things were getting better. I think…I think its just time. It takes time.”
“It was strange today,” Remus finally admitted. “I couldn’t…I didn’t know how close to you I could be. Out there, I mean. I’m your boyfriend, you’re mine, but we’re also teammates. There’s so much debate, about my place on the team and if you did something to get me there…I don’t know. I don’t want someone to accuse you of favoritism. You don’t deserve that.”
“We’re both,” Sirius said. “We’ll always be both. You’ll always be the boy I love. You’ll always be my teammate.” Sirius shrugged. “It doesn’t matter if we’re on the ice or not. And I don’t care if someone thinks I favor you. We both know I don’t. Not like that.”
Remus made a soft sound and pulled Sirius further on top of him, making him smile. “Love you.”
Sirius let Remus press slow kisses to his lips. “This mood feels pretty good to me.”
Remus just hushed him, tucking a hand into his waistband.
Sirius kissed him until Remus’ cheeks were hot and his cock was aching, pressed up against his sweatpants. Remus could still hear the Lions’ crowd rushing in his ears. Sirius’ palm cupped him and pushed his sweatpants down. They were both flushed and pink. Remus wanted to see those colors together.
He pulled Sirius’ hips against his own, discarding clothing until it was all bare skin. Remus ran his hands over the hard curves of his back. He had to squeeze his eyes shut, hooking his arms beneath Sirius’, holding onto his shoulders.
Their mouths found each other messily, dragging and half open in gasps.
“Sirius,” Remus breathed, voice higher than usual.
The adrenaline that Remus had thought had faded with the game only seemed to thrum brighter. Remus couldn’t help the smile the crossed his face, brows drawn together at the feeling of Sirius rutting against him.
Remus pressed his ankle gently to the back of Sirius’ knee and rolled them, drawing breathless laughs from both their mouths that he sealed away to keep like a love letter. It was soft mouths and hard hands, clutching each other closer, getting the most out of the warm friction. Remus swallowed Sirius’ gasps. His orgasm built up below his spine and Sirius seemed to read his mind. He reached between them with a hand, brushing a thumb at his base, pressing up. Remus’ hips stuttered and he fell apart, shoving hard against Sirius’ tight fist.
Sirius followed at the hot streak of Remus’ come between them, and they lay there, panting, foreheads together. Remus eased their hips back together, both of them letting out a soft moan, then a laugh, as the spent cocks brushed, drawing out the last tendrils of their orgasms.
“That feels good,” Sirius mumbled, head sunken back against the pillows.
Remus rolled his hips slowly, bringing them down, and then pulled his head up. He pushed Sirius’ sweaty hair back from his cheek and kissed it. 
“Communicate to score,” Sirius mumbled.
Remus laughed hard, squeezing his eyes shut, and dropped his face into his neck to catch his breath.
“It’s true,” Sirius said, running a warm palm up and down Remus’ back. “That article we looked at.”
They’d given in and read some press over dinner, laughing at some of the more excitable writers, and grinning at each other at the more serious ones.
Magnetism, one wrote. Feels like we’ve got some mind-readers on this team, a real Crosby-Malkin, Kane-Toews one-two-punch.
“Well,” Remus said, folding his arms across Sirius’ chest. “What am I thinking now?”
Sirius pressed his lips together, pretending to think. “Is it…how to get out of golf with James and the Cubs before the ring ceremony on Tuesday?”
Remus snorted. “Well, that’s definitely on my list. But nope.” He leaned in, brushing their mouths together. “That’s not it.”
Sirius grinned, and Remus sunk into how thick and sated his accent sounded. “Is it…will my handsome boyfriend please run me a bath and make me tea?”
Remus laughed into their next kiss. “Wow, that writer was right.”
It looks…maybe like a twisted knee? What do you think, Dean? Walker is definitely not making a move to get up—oh, there’s the medic. One of the Lions’ new staff members as, of course, someone had to take Lupin’s place. Ah, Walker is pointing to his foot now.
Man, is that a grimace if I ever saw one.
It sure is, Dean.
Here comes O’Hara to help out his teammate.
They were in Madison Square Garden, the Rangers giving them one hell of a re-match. Logan skated a close perimeter towards where Thomas had gone down, just between a line change.
“Shit,” Finn skated to a stop beside him. “It’s fucking pre-season. Did you see what happened?”
Logan shook his head. “Not really. Think it was just a bad fall. Strome looks sorry.”
“Oh, so that’s why you’re not jumping him right now.”
Logan’s mouth quirked up. “I have no interest in jumping Strome, thanks.” His eyes found Leo on the bench. With his hat flipped backwards, the intensity, the worry in of his blue eyes cut a clear path to Thomas.
“T,” Finn said, skating closer. “Need a hand to the room?”
Thomas winced as he made it to one knee. “Yeah, man, thanks.”
Thomas stared up at the dark ceiling from the padded PT table, listening to the game continue on the TV mounted to the corner of the ceiling. There was the X-ray pushed to the corner, his results pinned up on the light screen. Fracture. Minor, but it’d take weeks to heal. He’d miss the beginning of the season. He’d be in a suit when they lifted the Stanley Cup champion banner in the stadium. He missed Noelle.
The light flicked on so suddenly Thomas flinched.
“Walker,” said an unfamiliar voice. It was accented—Swedish, he thought. Thomas squinted at the speaker. He was tall, and dressed in the staff jacket he’d come to associate with Remus. Right. Lars.
“I…hey,” Thomas said. His eyes went to Layla, who gave a wave as she slipped in behind the man. “Hey, man, Lars, right?”
Lars gave a short nod. “Nice to meet you. So, you probably know the drill by now. Couple weeks. Aspirin will be fine for pain management.”
“Right,” Thomas nodded.
“We’ve got a boot for you here, but I’d take everything to a doctor, just for a second opinion. I’ll recommend someone,” he shrugged. “That was an unlucky hit. I’m sorry.”
Thomas blinked. He didn’t know someone could seem sweetly uninterested. He smiled hesitantly. “Thanks.”
Thomas snapped a picture of the boot once he strapped it on and sent it out complete with a frowning emoji.
He had just opened the door to the locker room, accompanied by his new crutches and to meet his victorious team, when his phone began to ring with a Facetime.
“T,” Noelle’s voice gasped. She was beautiful, her hair curling around her face. “Baby, I saw.”
“It’s not too bad,” Thomas said beneath the noise as the locker room filled up. “You look like you’re about to go somewhere, I can call back, I just wanted to…”
I’m just sad about it. It sounded lame in his own ears.
He cleared his throat. “Logan, say hi to your sister.”
Logan poked his head into the frame and stuck his tongue out, then left.
“Lolo!” Noelle shouted for the locker room to hear, and Logan groaned.
“Lolo,” Kasey imitated, grinning, and Logan shoved his mask down over his face.
“How is it?” Finn asked, wrapping an arm around him. “Hi, Noelle.”
“Fractured. Couple weeks.”
“Damn,” Finn sighed. “Sorry, T. That was an—”
“unlucky hit,” Thomas laughed. “Preach.”
“Hey, baby, we’re all heading to grab some food, but call you tonight?”
Thomas nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, of course.”
He tried not to feel lonely as the screen went dark. He was in a room surrounded by people. People he loved.
It crept in anyway.
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eatyourchancletas · 3 years
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SUMMARY |  y/n l/n; the trauma surgeon who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and is taken hostage by the terrifying mafia known as ateez. despite their situations, love arises between the doctor and san; but when an enemy comes in between the group, breaking trust and belief between the members, what will san choose to save; his newfound love or his brothers?
PAIRING | choi san x male reader
INFO/CATEGORY | mafia au, fluff, light angst
WARNINGS | violence, weapon usage/mention, foul language, lower case writing
[chapter index] [playlist] [previous chapter]
AUTHOR’S NOTE | we’re back! sorry for the long break, hopefully we can get into the flow of things! monnie’s already started chapter 5 off amazingly too :p written by both of us this time (mainly edited by monnie)! please leave feedback, like, reblog, whatever you can to let us know whether you enjoyed it or not!  (re-edited because dongwoo and changsik were switched up)
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TAG LIST :; @jonghoshoe​  if you’d like to be added to the list please say so in our inbox/ask box!
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y/n was usually called outstanding, hard-working, smart. but in reality, he was an idiot when he was outside the workforce. 
being a workaholic meant showing your skills, growing them, improving them, and practicing them constantly. sometimes it seemed to be all he knew— it’s what all the people around him saw. 
yet again, outside of it he’s quite a gullible man; which brings him to his current situation… 
“looking for something?” 
he looked away from the bandages he was previously examining to come face to face with a man that looked around his age. “not really, just restocking my clinic. or—trying to find things to restock it with.” the man nods, glancing around suspiciously, although y/n didn’t didn’t seem to take notice of this particular action. 
“this pharmacy is pretty small, but it has lots of good supplies… lots of hidden gems. want me to show you where i get my tools?”
“oh,” y/n blinked in surprise, “you’re in the medical field?”
the man made eye contact with him, managing a convincing smile. “yeah, there’s a clinic down the road from here, about fifteen minutes by foot, this is the nearest pharmacy, so we stock up from here most of the time. i work there as an assistant.”
y/n nodded, amusement sparkling in his eyes. “wow, then please! show me what you suggest.”
at the approval, the man nodded, “name’s changsik, by the way. what do you work as? i’m assuming you’re also in the medical field.”
they walked along the aisle of the cough syrups, ointments, and the few other medicines to turn and make their way to the exit door. y/n furrowed his brows, about to ask why they were exiting until changsik made another turn, walking towards the staff room. 
“your assumption is correct, i’m a surgeon…” he replied belatedly, trailing off as he stepped foot inside the room. his eyes trailed on the shelves full of unopened boxes, more prescription pills, and—bingo! the supplies he’d written down on his list. 
for a split second, the memory of san handing it to him flashes across his mind, blinking it away as he turned to changsik. “wait, how are you able to access this?”
“i’m a regular.” he glanced across at him, looking past the window. “and also the perks of having a pharmaceutical license,” a hefty laugh left his mouth, “took some convincing though.” 
“huh,” y/n squatted down, inspecting a box that was on the floor, “i guess that makes sense.”
“just put what you need in a box and take it out. i’ll just say you’re helping me take it back.” changsik smiled, watching y/n nod and do so.
after a few minutes, y/n finished and announced he was ready to check out. changsik’s eyes met one of the cctv cameras before settling on y/n. 
“alright, let’s go check out.” 
as they walked toward the front, they reached the hallway that led to the exit. just as y/n was going to walk past, toward the checkout counter, a hand forcefully grabbed him by the shoulder and pulled him back. he looked behind him, in a startled manner, thinking changsik had just forgotten something. however, a deeper fear struck when changsik’s hand moved to clench at the back of his collar. 
“don’t make a sound.”
the second the cold blade touched the skin of y/n’s neck, the surgeon knew to stay quiet. there was a burning in his throat as he struggled to swallow, scared to trigger any abrupt movement. his frantic mind jumbled about, words of scolding placed toward himself and the situation while trying to get a grip. he thought of using the in-ear to alert jongho, but it would risk exposure of the communication device: in any case… he’d be dead by then.
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“what is taking him so long?” jongho grunted, tapping his foot in impatience. it’d already been about 10 minutes since y/n entered the store—it shouldn’t take that long for a surgieron to find equipment that’s of medicinal standard!
tapping his in-ear and calling out the doctor’s name, he got no response. placing his face mask on, he rushed into the store, beckoning the cashier. “have you seen a man, about 6’3” with h/c hair?”
the cashier stared at him with a shocked look, “yes, but he went back toward the restrooms. is he dangerous?”
jongho shook his head before running toward the back of the store. he shoved against the restroom door, shouting out the older’s name as he threw open each stall door. finally admitting the fact that the older had disappeared, he tapped his in-ear once more, calling out for anyone.
“jongho, what’s going on?” hongjoong had intercepted the connection, hearing jongho’s worried voice.
the bodyguard had no time to register the primal fear that would settle itself in his bones once faced with the leader, “it’s y/n, hyung. he ran away.” 
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jongho returned to the headquarters after scoping out the area once more and had just entered through the front door when he was met with the sight of the whole group. 
hongjoong was staring at him with his jaw clenched and an almost empty whiskey glass settled in his lax hand. jongho had never seen a look so severe in hongjoong’s eyes—he’d never messed up this bad. and apparently, the leader wasn’t the only one emotionally affected by his mistake, because before hongjoong could even physically express his own anger, san had snatched the glass from his hand and launched it at jongho, missing his head by less than an inch.
everyone was shocked at his silent outburst, san even going as far to ignore the immense pain in his abdomen and on his shoulder, but hongjoong simply sent the younger a look, causing him to cower back in the slightest. jongho, however, was enraged at what had just happened. what gave san, who had no superiority over him, the right to do that?
“what the fuck was that?” he had stormed over to the boy, grabbing his shirt with both fists. san didn’t back down, sticking his jaw out toward the youngest.
“how could you lose y/n?”
“i was told no matter what to avoid cameras, so i stayed outside! i didn’t exactly think the fucker would have the balls to run away!” 
everyone watched the two, eyeing when to step in and pull them apart. but hongjoong let them run their mouths. the longer someone talks, the more something is revealed. what he was looking to be revealed, he didn’t know; but something would come up.
san pushed back against jongho, “y/n hyung wouldn’t run away. he’d never do that!” 
‘oh,’ hongjoong perked in interest.
the younger scoffed, “what makes you so sure?”
san’s next words came as a bit of a shock, leaving the others with silent questions, “he promised he’d come back.”
an awkward silence filled the room as they all stared, speechless at how hopelessly fond their brother had become for their hostage. as much as some of them hated to admit it, y/n was only a hostage to them at the end of the day. and for san to fall into a reversal stockholm syndrome of sorts was nothing short of  a disappointment. however, that couldn’t be the main focus, y/n was missing and they didn’t know how strong his resolve would be in the event of torturing.
“run us back on what happened, will you?” hongjoong told jongho, trying to get a clear picture on what went down because the first thing they needed to know was why y/n was taken, much less, who took him. was it by the same person who’d been running their mouths in the streets? 
and right in the middle of his explanation, an alarm went off on yeosang’s phone; it was a message. the others kept talking, figuring yeosang could handle whatever message he’d received. 
it was when he promptly stood up that all attention had been placed on him. 
“it’s him! it’s dongwoo!”
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a soft whimper sounded as y/n was thrown to the ground, hands bound and eyes blinded by some piece of cloth.
“boss,” y/n’s kidnapper spoke in a submissive wave, causing y/n to assume the guy had straightened his spine and was saluting him in some way.
a moment later, a gruff voice broke through the eerie silence in the room, “and who is this?” his voice wasn’t angered or bewildered at all, and that’s what scared y/n. he sounded intrigued; like even he wasn’t expecting to be a part of this situation.
“someone with connections to ateez— saw that bodyguard walking around with him.” 
the other man hummed, “the bodyguard didn’t follow you, did he?”
“no, no. i found them by the pharmacy; i know the area pretty well because i do the runs for sowon— i knew the camera blindspots!” his abductor seemed to be a bit on the simpler side when it came to this “boss” of his, y/n concluded. this was a completely different personality than when he was being abducted at the scene…
“good job. and you know what, changsik-ah,” his voice seemed to be getting more intrigued, y/n’s heart beating even faster in response, “since you bought in such a valuable hostage, i’ll let you have the honors of obtaining information from him.”
y/n felt the air beside him shift, changsik bowing a full 90 degrees at his boss’s blessing, “thank you!”
a sickeningly hearty laugh resonated and the creaking of a chair sounded before the boss’s next words seemed to be the final straw for y/n’s pounding heart.
“i want him alive.” 
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“he better be alive,” san growled at jongho.
“we might get to him alive if you two would quit bickering. we’re wasting time because of you two, so shut it and sit down!” hongjoong had had enough of the two. he knew it was a sensitive time for san and jongho, different reasons for both, of course, but they would only get nowhere if they weren’t level-headed.
the two boys bowed their heads at their leader, san still sending a side-eyed glare at the younger before sitting down in his chair. 
it’d been two days since y/n was kidnapped and they still hadn’t been able to come up with a plan to get y/n back. 
wooyoung tried to trace where the text message came from within the first minute it was received, but surprise, surprise! it was a burner phone— so back to square one; checking all of the cctv footage in the area and trying to spot a suspect that wasn’t even visible from the first frame. 
the cameras in the pharmacy showed only y/n, the pharmacist, clerk, and four other customers. of those four, only one person never entered through the front door. and within those 48 hours, he’d managed to single out a vehicle that had arrived in the frame of one of the street cams showing the alleyway behind the pharmacy, and left the same way not even 5 minutes later. it was a suspicious vehicle too; white van, no windows in the back, and paper license plates. the paper plates hinted that they were most likely changed recently or are changed frequently.
and so after hours of having to witness his best friend be so uncharacteristically frantic and down, wooyoung, unfortunately, decided to do what he thought was smartest—save y/n himself to make his best friend happy again.
his intentions may have been well, but in stories like these, doesn’t something always go wrong?
“help me set the table guys,” seonghwa cleared his throat, hand on his hip as he stirred the soup on the stove. the steam from the boiling liquid sent another cloud to his tired face, a sheen of sweat and condensation forming.
“i really don’t understand why we are acting like we have the time to set a table and eat home cooked meals when we don’t!” san exasperated, pacing around the dining room. 
mingi gave a sympathetic smile, patting him on the back before going to help seonghwa. 
while mingi was more on the understanding side of san’s worries, jongho disagreed, “how exactly do you expect us to find him if we don’t take care of ourselves?”
“all i’m saying is food and sleep shouldn’t be this consistently on your minds when we’re all in this situation!”
jongho scoffed, finding the utmost absurdities in san’s words, “why are you acting like he’s so important? he doesn’t know anything about us or our weaknesses— for fuck’s sake, it’s not like we can’t just get another doc—”
a fist had flown toward jongho’s cheek, cutting off his words, before san’s thrashing body was being pulled back by mingi and yeosang.
“go to hell choi jongho!” san screamed, trying to force his way through the barrier the two had made with their bodies. the boy could feel his stitches tearing as he fought, but he didn’t care. jongho had been a bitch since the very first moment y/n was around, and for what reason?
“cut it out, san!” yeosang hollered, voice brute as he pushed against the boy.
“no, let me at him. he wants to keep being a little shit, i’ll show him shitty!”
“stop it! you haven’t even noticed, have you?”
san didn’t stop trying to break the barrier, focusing on getting to jongho and the other’s words, “notice what?”
“wooyoung’s missing,” yeosang began, san whipping his head toward him and trying to disagree, but yeosang was having none of it, “and you haven’t done anything but antagonize everyone here for not doing their jobs at your pace!”
“oh, excuse me for trying to be as quick as possible in finding him!”
“yeah, and who ever said quick was the efficient route to go? we’re dealing with people we know nothing about, but they seem to know a little too much about us, no? so stop getting on everyone’s asses and—”
“shut the hell up! please!” seonghwa had slammed his hands down on the table, screaming at the top of his lungs. every person in the room had immediately gone silent, words left on the tips of their tongues in a desperate attempt to fly about.
“you’re all going to shut it, sit down, and eat this meal like the civilized people we are and come up with a plan to get y/n back as safely as possible,” he gave a quick glare at everyone, blowing a puff of air at the lock of hair that had settled over his eyelids.
“am i clear?”
"yes, sir."
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andypantsx3 · 3 years
How did Todoroki’s secret mission go & was his mind on a certain veggie lover 👀 (If I Could Keep Cool)
“What the fuck was that, halfie?” Bakugou demanded, marching over to loom menacingly over Shouto.
Shouto lay on his back, panting, forcing himself to ignore Bakugou and continue to regulate his temperature. The massive ice tower he’d formed to get himself high enough to leap for their escape ride—a low flying, military stealth helicopter—had sent his right side into shock, and if he didn’t do things right, he’d end up with permanent damage from frostbite.
The ice tower hadn’t been the subtlest of moves, but then, their mission was already accomplished, and it wouldn’t matter much now that the minister of foreign affairs had been rescued. 
Bakugou, apparently, however, was not as pleased with the results of their operation. “Half idiot half fucking moron, that’s your quirk. What the fuck were you doing, blanking out in the middle of the damn street? I should have let them blow your ass to hell!”
Shouto groaned, staring blankly up from the floor of the helicopter as the wind whipped around them. He breathed out a cold lungful of air, sending hot waves through his right side as he did, turning the air slightly smoky as it drifted up to the ceiling. Bakugou’s angry face intercepted his view.
Bakugou, for all his bluster, was not entirely incorrect. Shouto had, for the briefest of moments, hesitated in the middle of the removal operation, and for the absolute stupidest of reasons.
He threw an arm over his eyes. “I appreciate the assist, Bakugou.”
A booted foot jammed itself into his side. “Why the fuck did I have to assist you at all? The mission was to rescue this sniveling idiot, not your candy cane ass.”
Shouto could hear the calm tones of a rescue medic, speaking quietly to the minister over the whoosh of the helicopter blades, and just over that, the soft sniffling of the rescuee in question. He sighed.
“Something...caught my attention,” he said, hesitantly.
Shouto wasn’t proud of what had happened. He’d been essential to the first part of the mission, his ice quirk lending itself to a more subtle infiltration strategy—freezing all the guards along their route into the building—than Bakugou’s. He’d gotten them in and out in record time, with nary a scratch on either of them, and Bakugou hadn’t even needed to use his quirk at all. It was only as they were leaving the compound that the terrorist cell had caught wind of the escape and put themselves on high alert.
It had resulted in a wild chase down the streets of the small surrounding town, and even then Shouto had been more than carrying the team, throwing up ice walls to block the paths of pursuing vehicles and concealing their location. It was only when he’d spotted an overturned vegetable cart had he stopped, just for a millisecond, some deep recess of his brain dredging up an image of you.
Bakugou, thankfully, had keyed in on a sniper taking aim and had launched the man into the stratosphere before Shouto could move—a little too gleefully, in Shouto’s opinion. He could tell not getting to use his quirk had been eating at his former classmate all evening.
Shouto would have stopped the man in time, he knew, but it had been embarrassing that he’d paused at all.
He really, really needed to set things to rights with you so he could stop fretting over it. Preferably several times, long and slow, right over the top of his counters, as he’d been imagining for months and months now.
Another kick to his side broke him from his daydream, Bakugou’s sneering face swimming back into focus.
“Earth to fucking icy hot,” he said. “Quit ignoring me or I’ll throw you out of this damn thing myself.”
His threat proved not to mean much, as Shouto could see they were approaching the checkpoint, already descending slowly towards the landing pad. Bakugou continued to rage over being ignored, the minister they’d rescued eyeing him warily, looking almost like he’d prefer to be returned into the hands of his kidnappers, but Shouto couldn’t bring himself to pay any of it much attention now.
It was time, he decided.
As soon as he got back, he would tell you his feelings for you, and hope you accepted. He was fairly certain you would, but one never really knew with these kinds of things.
As he made it inside the checkpoint, however, and was returned his belongings and his phone, he found he needn’t have worried.
There on his phone was a link to a news video, your nervous face clear in the center of the shot, with a text from his manager sitting primly underneath.
Yue Suzuki-san  5:52 AM: You’re going to want to see this.
Shouto had never clicked play faster.
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Garbage Fest masterlist & schedule
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] S2 Gavin - The Stories Project
🍒 Warning: Detailed spoilers for content not yet released in EN!🍒
Trigger warning: Mentions of suicide
Features S2 Gavin but contains no spoilers regarding the S2 storyline
This is a continuation of The Broadcast Countdown Project. Do read that first!
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[ This was released on 25 August 2021 ]
[ Chapter One ]
Gavin and I are standing outside Door 501 of the 7th block in Pavilion Village.
This is also the home of Zhang Nian, the kidnapper who handed me an anonymous letter in the TV station before eventually committing suicide.
A thorough investigation of the case involving the anonymous kidnapper and his suicide has ended. The STF has also removed the cordoning around the scene.
I liaised with the TV station, planning to showcase the incident from start to end in a special episode of the show which will be aired in the last episode of “Inquiries”.
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Gavin: This used to be a crime scene. If you’re afraid, wait for me here. If you need any materials, I can head inside and find them for you.
MC: It’s okay, I don’t avoid such things... Also, I have a feeling that there’s definitely something behind this case worth seeing in person.
The husband and wife who were kidnapped had related the details to me, and mentioned that even though Zhang Nian had kidnapped them, they weren’t treated harshly at all.
It’s just that Zhang Nian was deaf and couldn't speak. He could only communicate with them with hems and haws, which ended up frightening them.
In hindsight, they realised that Zhang Nian never harboured malicious intentions towards them.
MC: What was Zhang Nian’s goal and what did he want to tell us? The answers to these riddles... they might be hidden here.
Gavin pushes the door open, and we step into Zhang Nian’s house.
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Gavin: This place was sealed off since the incident, which is why the arrangement of furniture we’re looking at is the same as when he was still alive.
In contrast to the dim and cold space I had imagined, the living room is well lit.
The cream coloured wood flooring, a white cloth sofa, a simple wall painting of the ocean... all of these elements set off one another in the indolent afternoon sunlight, displaying a warm atmosphere. 
MC: This place gives me such a strange feeling... the person who lived here must have really loved life...
Gavin: His fiancée decorated this place.
Gavin taps on a magnet on the refrigerator. Tiny colourful slips of paper are stuck underneath zebra, bunny, and elephant magnets. 
“Special discount for wax gourds on Tuesday, special discount for pork ribs on Thursday.” - It’s as though the weekly booklet of discounts from the supermarket had been copied down.
“Invitation cards, wedding dress, decide on the hotel.” - The ring which had rolled onto the zebra crossing in the news immediately flashes across my mind.
Aside from that, they have simple recipes on them.
MC: What a pity. If that incident didn’t happen, they would have had a perfect life here.
Gavin: All the furnishings and decor came to a halt when the incident happened to Xu Wen. He did everything he could to retain traces of her existence. As for his own life...
Gavin opens the refrigerator, showing me that it’s more or less empty aside from condiments which had been used a few times. 
White cold mist hover in the empty space, out of sync with the warm tones in the living room.
Gavin: This too.
He opens a wall cabinet to reveal a few boxes of ordinary flavoured cup noodles. The incandescent light in the cabinet is chilly, shining on plastic film surrounding the cup noodles.
Imagining the taste of cup noodles submerged in MSG, I once again turn towards the recipes stuck on the refrigerator.
Gavin shuts the cabinet, then points at the bedroom.
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Gavin: MC, I want to show you something.
[ Chapter Two ]
Gavin: During the investigation, we found these.
Gavin guides me to the bookcase, then pulls open a drawer at the bottom.
MC: A disability ID, marriage certificate, graduation certificate, guarantee card for a hearing aid and a bank book...
Gavin: We checked his background. He grew up in an orphanage. 
Gavin: Back then, the orphanage didn’t have adequate facilities, and didn’t have teachers or special medical setups for guiding people with hearing issues. He was always reclusive in the orphanage, and didn't have friends. 
Gavin: When he was ten years old, people from the orphanage and community sent him to school.
While saying this, Gavin retrieves a pile of books from the drawer and shows them to me - they are all sketchbooks, and the pages have long since turned yellow. It’s evident that they were here for a very long time.
MC: He can draw?
Gavin: In these books, there are some sketches of streets and still life. Some are comics modelled after existing works. Although I don’t know much about art, I think he could draw pretty well.
While flipping through the pages, I find myself affected by the exquisite details conveyed in these drawings.
Perhaps because he didn’t go through systematic training, he wasn’t limited to one style in the way he expressed his art.
A distinct and unique style leaving a deep impression seems to break through the sheets of paper, revealing the emotions the artist had hidden in his heart.
MC: ...he must have been a really talented artist. 
Gavin points at the wall - there’s a sketch hanging on it. It takes up almost half of the wall, and it’s mounted in a white frame.
MC: The person in the drawing is Xu Wen.
MC: ...it’s drawn really well.
Gavin releases a “mm”, and is unable to hold back a sigh.
Gavin: Extraordinarily well.
It doesn’t matter if it resembles the actual person. It doesn’t matter if it was meticulous or not. 
The person in the drawing has her eyes curved upwards with a smile on her face, and she looks like any other young girl you can find in a crowd.
But the limitless gentleness and happiness contained in her eyes - that’s a unique feature belonging only to one person.
Gavin: They seemed to be schoolmates. I read through Xu Wen’s background - she graduated from the same school for deaf students. But there weren't any questionable points in this case, which is why we didn’t probe further. If you want to know the specifics, we'd have to investigate again.
My heart hovers in the air, wanting to figure out everything about this matter.
But from the STF’s perspective, this case is already closed...
Gavin gives me an affirmative gaze.
Gavin: I know what you're going to say. I want to continue listening to this story too. He wasn’t able to speak, but he left behind a voice that he hoped for others to hear.
After a pause, he turns his head, once again glancing at the drawing hanging on the wall.
Gavin: I can feel such emotions.
Gavin says this softly, and the light in his eyes grow deeper.
Floating dust in the surroundings gather on Xu Wen's portrait. We stand in this warm and tranquil space, as though we can sense their story surging forth without a sound.
[ Chapter Three ]
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After this, Gavin and I gather information about Zhang Nian and Xu Wen from various sources.
A few days alter, we arrange to meet at a cafe to exchange materials collected from our individual investigations.
MC: I found the teacher from the school for deaf students. He said that when Zhang Nian first arrived at the school, he didn’t even know how to use sign language. He was gloomy and blue. 
MC: Only Xu Wen knew how to converse with him, and would teach him sign language after school. 
MC: After learning of his interest in drawing, she used her pocket money to buy him colouring pencils and drawing paper in secret without her parents’ knowledge. 
MC: They had a pretty happy time in school. Zhang Nian even organised a small exhibition in school, and many teachers and students supported it. 
MC: But after graduation, his days became a little more difficult.
He didn’t have a place to stay, and he couldn’t find work. While Xu Wen could rely on her parents for financial assistance, he could only rely on himself. 
MC: During this time, Xu Wen seemed to have been using her parents’ money to buy him stationery for drawing, and even accompanied him to set up a stall for his paintings...
MC: But they couldn’t earn money at all.
Gavin opens a few files in front of me.
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Gavin: Afterwards, he found a job in a finance company. He went around conducting financial transactions for people, and earned commissions based on the number of successful transactions.
Gavin: Not long after, this company was reported for illegal fund-raising. Both he and his boss were jailed for three years.
I recall seeing his ID from before - a crew cut and a white shirt along with a black suit which looked tidy and fitting.
Turns out he wasn’t working at a bank...
Gavin: Even during his time in jail, Xu Wen never gave up on him. She’d visit him every weekend and converse with him via sign language from across the glass.
Gavin: Of course, Zhang Nian behaved very well in jail, and gave his own drawings to many prison guards. After he was out of jail, he found a stable job.
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Separated by the scorching 3pm afternoon sunlight, the gaze Gavin gives me is deep with a tranquil light.
Gavin: Do you know why he planned this kidnapping and handed you the video clip anonymously?
I shake my head. This has been my biggest question.
Gavin takes out a few photographs from the file.
Gavin: Before the case was closed, these documents couldn’t be disclosed to the public, which is why I didn’t tell you at the time.
I scrutinise one of the photographs - an A3-sized sheet of paper is stuck on a door, with a few lines written on it.
From the format of the digits, they appear to be bank account numbers.
Gavin: He was behind this door.
MC: Then these bank account numbers...
Gavin: We checked them.
He points at the first line of digits, then speaks calmly.
Gavin: The first account is for an animal treatment centre. It treats stray cats and dogs which meet with accidents. 
Gavin: This one is for a 10 year old girl with hearing issues. She lives with a granny who sells fruits, and is currently saving money for surgery.
Gavin: The both of them had a habit of sending money to these accounts.
Gavin: Even though Zhang Nian continued sending money to them after Xu Wen passed away, he could only maintain his own livelihood with his income.
MC: What you’re saying is, if the video camera could capture this... and document them properly so that more people would know about them...
Perhaps he could help these people. Even if it was for the last time.
MC: ...but that was such a complex method. There was no need to do a good deed in such a roundabout manner, and even kidnap people to reach that goal.
Gavin silently picks up one of the photos from the table - it’s a note that Zhang Nian wrote before he committed suicide. A short message is written on it - It’s Wen Wen’s birthday today.
Gavin: Aside from that, he more or less did think of seeking revenge.
Gavin’s finger remains on the photograph.
Gavin: In Zhang Nian’s life, Xu Wen was the only one who gave him warmth. She was his lover. 
Gavin: After losing such a person, it isn’t difficult to guess what kind of an attitude he had when facing this world, and facing the people who caused such an ending.
Gavin: When people are in pain, their hatred will involuntarily become amplified.
Gavin: From this perspective, at least he didn't take things even further.
Gavin’s voice is dull, as though he’s mulling over something, or affected by their misfortune.
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I can’t help but reach across the table, gently bumping the tip of his finger with mine. 
Silence permeates the air. He curls his finger slightly, hooking it around mine.
[ Chapter Four ]
The files, photographs, and a few scattered pages of a notebook are spread on the table randomly, as though illustrating their entire story in front of me.
The car accident was a tragedy, but it wasn’t the only tragedy. I find myself hesitating to speak. When I open my mouth, I sigh.
MC: Xu Wen was such a good person. She tugged onto him from beginning to end, and never gave up on him for a single moment. She actually managed to pull him out of the abyss.
Even though she couldn’t hear nor speak, she used her gentle gaze to heal the person she loved.
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Gavin tidies the items on the table one by one, storing them properly.
His composed voice is mixed with ruefulness. He seems to be slightly moved, but has more or less come to terms with his emotions.
Gavin: From the perspective of an observer, there were many dismal and extreme traits in Zhang Nian’s personality. This is a point that can’t be denied.
Gavin: However, he was abandoned from the moment he was born. The path he walked on all these years, and the world that he saw - those are things we’d find difficult to relate with.
Gavin: Perhaps from the time he knew about the world, he realised that living was already something requiring courage.
Probably seeing such stories again and again when handling various cases, Gavin’s attitude is objective and calm.
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Gavin: No matter what attitude he had when he made this decision, he shouldn’t have done so.
In contrast to the practised manner in which Gavin handles his emotions, I remain immersed in the regretful ending experienced by the two.
MC: Aside from her, he had nothing else.
The furniture, the recipes underneath the magnets, and the drawing hung on the wall... these images flash past me one by one.
MC: If I were the one who experienced this, and the only important person in my life was gone, I’d lose my connection with this world. Perhaps death would be a form of liberation.
Before I can finish speaking, Gavin raises his voice, cutting off my impending sigh.
Gavin: It wouldn’t.
He looks at me resolutely and decisively.
Gavin: No matter when, death will never be a form of liberation. Pain can always be treated. 
Gavin: Whether it’s because someone important is no longer around, or if you were to lose contact with someone, it’s inevitable to carry some pain.
Gavin: Perhaps time is needed, and perhaps meeting a certain someone is needed, to gradually put an end to such pain, and to use various methods to put an end to such pain.
Gavin: But things will always get better.
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Gavin seals the brown paper bag which is filled with materials related to Zhang Nian and Xu Wen, then places it at the corner of the table which has been warmed by the sun.
I watch as his palm presses against the paper bag, a moment of hesitation surging past his slightly lowered gaze. Almost at the same time, he looks up at me -
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There’s only certainty in his eyes.
Gavin: No matter when, never give up on yourself. Xu Wen was constantly pulling him out of the abyss. He shouldn’t have given up like that.
[ Chapter Five ]
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By the time Gavin and I walk out of the cafe, much of the sun’s heat has dispersed. Wind blows over from the river, and it’s refreshing and soothing.
Countless little flowers with names I’m unaware of bloom among the grass along the street, swaying in the evening breeze of midsummer.
MC: The weather is really nice today.
After sitting down for an entire afternoon, I can’t help but stretch, relaxing my shoulders and back.
Before I can take a few steps, I suddenly remember the moment I met Zhang Nian face-to-face, causing me to halt in my footsteps. He had walked towards me in a timid manner, a sincere and apologetic expression on his face.
He had handed me a letter, its edges creased from being pinched. Then, he turned away hurriedly before running away.
Too much time has passed. Even his Evol has lost its effectiveness.
Gavin senses that something is off about me, and draws a few steps closer. I wave my hand at him, signalling that I’m fine.
Having second thoughts, I can’t help but sigh with emotion.
MC: If only Zhang Nian was willing to contact me earlier and tell me about what exactly happened...
MC: If only I could tell him how nice today’s weather is. I wonder if he’d have made such a decision.
Gavin responds decisively from beside me.
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Gavin: He wouldn’t. 
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Gavin: If someone told him that the weather would be nice today, he’d have definitely held on for a while longer.
Gavin: But he couldn’t always wait for someone to pull him along and bring him out of the abyss. He had to muster his courage and walk out by himself.
I nod quietly, gripping the notebook in my hand. 
MC: Gavin, aside from the original plan for this episode, I think I’d need to add some new content...
Gavin halts in his footsteps, immediately reading the thoughts in my heart.
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Gavin: Are you thinking about how there are many people in the world like Zhang Nian?
MC: Mm.
There are definitely some people who are shouldering pain alone, and are hesitating at the crossroads of life and death.
MC: Although this tragedy can no longer be salvaged, we could prevent even more tragedies from occurring.
I turn towards the direction of the river, looking afar at the boundless sky.
MC: I want to tell them about the beautiful scenery all around the world, and the beauty of the four seasons.
MC: Tell them about the colours of sunset, the sounds of the ocean...
MC: And tell them that as long as they’re willing to wait for a while longer, there are still people on earth who will love them.
MC: I want their eyes to be able to see the world that I see. I want them to believe that this world is always worth it.
Realising how overly idealistic and visionary my words are, I give Gavin a smile.
MC: ...I might have sounded too exaggerated.
Gavin: Nope. It will be a very meaningful show.
He suddenly reaches out, combing my hair which has been blown messy by the wind. His fingers linger on the ends of my hair for a long time.
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The corners of his lips curl upwards slightly, and he brings me into his arms.
Gavin: Thank you.
Gavin: This world is always worth it.
His voice is far too soft. For a moment, I wonder if I misheard.
MC: What did you say? I couldn’t hear you clearly.
Gavin chuckles, then raises his volume.
Gavin: Since the weather’s pretty good, want to go for a drive?
MC: Did you drive here today?
Gavin: Mm. It’s rare to have such nice weather, so I took the car out for a drive.
MC: Wow~ That is rare. It’s been such a long time since I sat in Captain Gavin’s car.
Gavin takes my hand, striding with large steps as he leads me forward.
Gavin: Let’s go. The car’s in front.
- End -
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Filming for the special episode of “Inquries” came to an end. When the final episode aired, the show became a trending topic. After watching it, many members of the audience provided assistance and support for organisations targeted at disabled individuals. Although Zhang Nian and Xu Wen have already left this world, they’ve enabled people who experience difficulties in life to obtain warmth. Such warmth continues to last. I guess being able to allow more people to believe that the world is worth loving, and to do what little they can to help those in need is what it means to be a person in the media industry.
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More S2 content: here
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