#if this is an unfollow-worthy opinion so be it but i wanted to share my thoughts
sizzlingpatrolfox · 9 months
Im not that same anon, but i will say the way you jokingly talk like a taekooker can sometimes be triggering and hurtful to people like me who really love jimin and thought they curated their spaces to jimin focused accounts. Ive even seen taekookers use your blog posts in their arguments bullying jimin.
I’ve followed you long enough to know you’re being sarcastic but i do get sometimes triggered by how you try to prove Taekook in the exact way Taekookers do, a joke or not. but that’s our problem and you’re allowed to say whatever you want, and we can obviously unfollow you. Just adding my perspective.
- Allow me to give a honest opinion. I won't say you're a tkkr or anything because i know you're a ex jkkr and you don't ship jm with anyone. But from the way you write it definitely seems like you have alot of pent up anger towards jk and tae individually as well as together and that definitely reflects more into your writing when it involves those two. I think it's because you're an ex jkkr so it might be because feels betrayed by both of them on jm's behalf, like their behaviour towards him etc. Yes i myself recent the two guys the most and don't think they're worthy of jm's friendship too. Idk how long you have been on this blog but since the time i have followed you if i didn't know better i would think you're a jkkrs' hater more than of Tkkrs. It's one thing to to recent shippers it's another thing to turn it more towards just one group of shippers that is jkkrs. I remember you saying something like you felt betrayed or something about ITS tk talk cause even tho they said they're awkward it didn't show in their actions or something along that so i think you hate them both alot.
personally idc who you're calling husband or what cause all pjms call them husbands but they also think both of them are straight, would have unfollowed you long ago. I only replied cause i saw anons calling you tkkr. Anyways tk husbands married in Vegas currently with 3 kids and 3rd or 5th anniversary according to tkkrs. If you don't know they also has a shared apartment in japan jk brought for taehyung and he was staying there while jm was in hotel. Such a bad friend jk didn't even invite jm to come to their tk house 😔
Well, that I understand because taekook as a ship used to bother me just as much. It was annoying and sometimes it still is, tho it's become more of a dislike towards them as people rather than the ship itself.
In late 2019, there was some random poll in some irrelevant online magazine (like soompi and stuff) about "which member is the closest to Jungkook?". Jin won. Army voted for Jin and not Jimin, who was without a doubt the closest to Jungkook that year. At that time, things like that also bothered me and made me sad. Now, I guess it's been so long since I got over it and it's a joke. Besides, I understood that most of the information army picked up on was coming from the members themselves, and I couldn't spend a lifetime getting angry about things Taehyung, Jungkook and even Jimin himself weren't going to change.
That vminkook live in November 2021? Watching some parts of it felt terrible. I got over it quick, but at the time I didn't like it. A lot of taekook stuff bothered me, but what is anyone going to do about it lol. And I learned that, and I accepted it. Jimin literally posted taekook with their faces smashed together on his Instagram some weeks ago and pjms were laughing and rejoicing about him giving something to taekookers.
"Ive even seen taekookers use your blog posts in their arguments bullying jimin." Sorry but I don't believe you, like you just made that up.
Yeah but the thing is, I'm not trying to prove taekook lmao. I'm just making fun of the way shippers in general talk. Like, it would've meant the world to jikookers if it was Jimin with bam, right? They actually spent a lot of time trying to prove that Jimin is with bam often, but because it's Taehyung that has actual proof of spending time with Bam at Jungkook's house, they get annoyed at it and talk about conspiracy theories. Or ignore it. Now, Bam it's irrelevant. But if it had been Jimin, they would've also said the same thing I said about Taehyung spending time at Jungkook's.
And that's the whole point... call it satire if you will.
Before this discussion started, I was going through my blog, right. I reblogged some old posts. Remember when Jimin went to NYC and he wore shorts and jikookers were making viral sex jokes about how he'd shaved for Jungkook (Jimin is clean shaven in every BTS content btw, and so are the other members). Well, while going through my posts I saw this one where I said Jimin shaved and moistuzed his legs for Eunwoo like...
That stuff sounds out of pocket to me, and I will make fun of it. if people are missing the joke it's really not me. Or maybe they haven't been in shipper spaces as much as I have been. I'm sorry if I come across as too convincing??
Mind you, there were people who got angry because I talked about minimoni, or even about Saeon and Eunwoo. Someone literally came up once and told me that liking minimoni was weird because Namjoon talked about Jimin in a creepy and predatory way. Some people are just deranged, and I know that.
I honestly have no respect left for jikookers after face, or rather after this year, the way I have no respect for taekookers. They've become an easy punching bag with how delusional they were since 2021, and most of my jokes are me just saying the same things they say about jikook, but using it for different ships because it's all so ridiculous. And the most delusional ones are always Jungkook biased jikookers who thought Jimin was undeserving of support and talk about the two of them like Jimin is the lesser one in talents, ambition, or achievements.
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hotchs-big-hands · 1 year
man im so sorry 😭😭😭 ive been at work all evening so if that haley stuff earlier is bc of my hcs from this morning im so sorry 😞 i got stoned and was thinking about fucking hotch and haley sucking so i was just talking shit and speaking out of my ass im really so sorry it caused you drama and stuff i feel really bad. im not a misogynist nor do i think aaron was some angel that did no wrong. i just think haley was mean, selfish and unnecessarily spiteful towards aaron i wasnt trying to be misogynistic about it!!! i just think that if youre going to spend decades in a marriage with someone you know is rarely around its weird to suddenly demand and expect them to quit their career of decades for you. really i think haley shouldve divorced him sooner and spared both of them a lot of stress and anguish. also i think haleys death was really fucked up she deserved better than THAT. like just have the lady move away or something there was no need for such a gruesome ending for her god damn
im sorry!!!!!
Hey hey babes, please don't stress and panic :((( it's not your fault, yeah? You're allowed to share whatever thoughts and hcs you want! You're allowed to have your own opinions and feelings.
The situation is my fault really, I should not have vague-posted about unfollowing someone, it was just silly and honestly shoulda kept that in my own brain and forgot about it. You are not at fault, yeah? Please be gentle and kind to yourself now babes 💖 you matter, you are worthy and you are kind :)
Please take care Kenzie 💖💖 and don't be afraid to share your thoughts and hcs in the askbox if you want to!
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larentslovechaos · 2 years
all i have to say is the general public is not going to interpret this music video in the same way that a lot of you are....
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crushpdf · 3 years
Tumblr Etiquette Masterpost
Hi! Because I have (1) anxiety (2) been on tumblr for more than a decade, I have assumed the incredibly narcissistic position of making a post about how to interact with people on tumblr, since I think I’ve mastered the basic rules.
UPDATE: I started drafting this post a while ago. I'm not calling anyone out. I mostly made this because I realized I had a shocking number of followers who are new to tumblr.
In this post I’m covering Asks + Anons, Reblogging + Liking, Following, Tags, and ~Making Friends~.
TL;DR: tumblr etiquette is about social norms. These are the norms I have observed in my time here. You’re free to blog as you choose, but tumblr is a happier place when everybody is following the same guidelines.
Yes I use the words like “have to” or “rule” in this post. No, none of these are actual rules. Do what you want, but be prepared to face disgruntled users.
Let’s get started!
All About Following 
Rule #1: You do not have to follow anybody you don’t want to. You do not need to let someone follow you if you don’t want to.
Tumblr is technically a social media site. If you want to grow your social circle, follow your mutuals’ mutuals. The internet is like real life. You do a Group Hang, and then eventually you get to the one-on-one friendship. (Please refer back to Rule #1)
Some of your mutual-in-laws might feel slighted if you follow everyone except them. That’s okay. (Please refer back to Rule #1) You might feel slighted if you’re the one not being followed. That’s okay. (Please refer back to Rule #1)
Tumblr is technically a social media site, but it’s also a place to see the content you like, not just the people you like. You can be friendly with people you don’t follow, or who don’t follow you. Some users are amazing people who just post the wrong content. That’s okay.
If someone posts content you don’t like, unfollow them. If you don’t like someone’s personality, unfollow them. Don’t be an asshole, don’t hate-follow, and don’t stress yourself out.
Asks, Anons, Messages
I tried to organize my thoughts into paragraphs. I really did. But talking to people on tumblr is messy if you do it wrong, and I’m just going to bullet-point some etiquette guidelines.
Rule #1: You do not have to answer any messages you don’t want to.
Your 500 word message should not be the first time a user sees your name
.....Before you get Venting Privileges, a user should recognize you from the tags you leave on their posts, or the comments you leave on their fic, or the other shorter messages you’ve sent them, or from being mutual-in-laws, literally whatever. But it’s Not Cool to dump things on people who don’t even know you.
The anon button should be used in two scenarios only:
.....1, to send a positive message. Not neutral! Positive message, the kind of message you send with heart emojis.
.....2, if you don’t want to admit personal information about yourself. The Venting Privileges Rule still applies even if you’re on anon (ie: you can’t vent! Because they don’t recognize your username!) and “personal information” does not include unpopular opinions. I’m talking messages like “Saw your post about living in Houston, and I agree!”
.....(Okay, three scenarios: if someone specifically asks for anons for an ask game or something!)
If you don’t want it posted publicly, don’t send it over an ask. Send it as a DM. You can always kindly request that the recipient doesn’t publish it, but typical tumblr etiquette is that asks get published by default.
Personally, if I follow someone back I like to introduce myself! Many of these conversations end after the “hi” stage, and I never force friendship upon someone. But many of these conversations also work as ice breakers, and make it easier to send the second message, and the third. Don’t worry that you’re being rude if you don’t do this—it’s also totally normal to just keep blogging as usual!—but it’s helpful in making friends.
If you reblog an ask game from someone, it’s just common courtesy to send them an ask of your own.
Tags, Blacklists
Rule #1: You do not need to use any tags you don’t want to.
(Are you sensing a theme? But this one gets a...)
But, be prepared to face disgruntled followers over this.
Tags are useful in so many ways. They’re a great place to organize posts so you can find them more easily later on! They’re a great place to show off your personality! They’re a great (and quiet! More on this later) place to show appreciation for content creators.
They’re also so incredibly helpful for your followers to avoid content they don’t want to see. If you’re delving into a new fandom and are about to reblog twenty posts in a row, tag it. If you’re liveblogging a movie, tag it. If your post (especially your photo posts) contains any common phobias or unpleasant things (gore, spiders, etc) tag it. And if one of your followers asks you to tag certain content, even if you don’t really understand why? Tag it, or else expect to lose that follower.*
*This isn’t about your follower count, btw. This is about being a decent person.
On the other hand, use blacklists and filtering liberally! If a user does tag their content, you have no right to complain about their posting it. Just filter it.
Reblogs, Likes, Comments
Tumblr is a blogging site. It functions on reblogged posts. That’s just how it works. This is not one of those sites where you scroll for hours clicking the like button.
Here are what likes are for:
Showing support for someone’s personal posts
Showing appreciation for someone’s tags
Admiring content that doesn’t exactly align with your blog (different fandom, inappropriate, whatever.)
Saving a post to find later
Showing double the love!
Here is where likes are most disappointing:
The original fic, artwork, or edits of your fellow tumblr users, especially in your fandom
(If you’re someone who regularly reblogs things, I’m not talking to you. You’re allowed to simply “like” posts. I’m talking to those users in my notifications that, day after day, like 35 of my posts and reblog exactly 1 of them.
Just reblog shit.)
Also, remember how I said you can quietly show appreciation in the tags? Only comment directly on a post if you are sure you’re adding something worthy to the post. If you’re just saying “haha me too!” or “I remember this!” just leave it in the tags. (Reminder! You can do what you want! It’s your blog and I’m not the police! I’m just teaching you etiquette! And the polite thing to do is to leave personal commentary in the tags!)
Let’s recap:
Aaaaand: Making Friends
Start small. Introduce yourself after you have mutually followed each other.
Leave nice things in people’s tags. They notice.
Send ask game messages.
Show off more of your personality. This isn’t a one way street!
.....You can do this by, well, reblogging things. Also by tagging things. Also by just making original posts.
Do not go zero to one hundred. You wouldn’t sit next to someone in class and start talking about your trauma (even if you heard that they share your own!). So don’t do it online.
Like people’s vent posts, and their asks, and their tag games. Reply to them, too.
Honestly? Do more tag games! If someone says “anyone can do this and say I tagged you” take them up on the offer! Tag other people you want to get to know more.
Last but not least, you do not owe anyone anything on tumblr, and no one owes you anything. Ignore the rude message. Block the annoying tag. Follow the users you like even if they don’t follow you back. Do not tell people to post more of X. Do not tell them to post less of Y. Do not ask them why they don’t follow you.
It’s so much easier to press the unfollow button than to be a dick.
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medievalraven · 3 years
Do you ever feel like you don’t matter in fandom? Because that’s how I’m feeling right now, despite what people say in the tags, I just don’t think people care all that much to what I put out. I’m not saying the should, but it’s a little disheartening and I’m always weighing whether or not I should leave.
I’ll be honest with you anon, I deeply struggled with that exact feeling you’re describing for a long time and I am so sorry that you feel that way too.  
I think fandom can be this wonderful place - somewhere that’s fun and super collaborative - but it can also be mentally a dangerous place.  It’s so easy to lose yourself or to compare yourself to others in the form of asks or notes or comments or tags or anything. 
But you matter.
Your voice matters, your content matters, you matter.
And I can guarantee that your presence in the fandom would be missed if you were to decide to leave.
There’s no easy answer to how you stop feeling this way - it’s really a personal process, but I can share a few things that helped me get into a better mindset.
I think you need to ask yourself why you don’t think people care?  If there’s a specific response or validation that you’re seeking?  Why is this important?  (Are there certain people you are looking for a response from?)
This is a good starting point to identify what might be the bigger issue.  Personally I would get a lot of nice comments, but never felt worthy of them and/or felt that people were only saying those nice things out of pity.  So a lot of my work centered around seeing the worth in my work and learning to trust that people meant what they said about me/my work.
I think a short break from the fandom and tumblr might be beneficial.  Take the time to detach from the constant stimulation and content and conversations here and focus instead on yourself.  Use this as a chance to remember why you fell in love with the show and even create for the sake of creating, not to share with anyone. 
Or if you find a source of your feelings stem from seeing other blogs on here or other content then take the opportunity to curate your dash and filter/unfollow.  Be selfish and make sure this is a space where you feel safe and valued.
And it’s cliche, I know, but I think it’s important to keep reminding yourself that the most important person to make happy with your work is yourself.  Make the metaphorical cake for yourself and let others opinions be the sprinkles.  The cake is already complete without them, but they just highlight what was already great.
I hope you’re able to feel better about your work and the fandom, anon.  My dms are always open to you (or anyone else) who wants to talk.
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ivyjlopez · 4 years
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October 9, 2020, 8:19pm Q&A 101
Eight days before my birthday as of this writing. I’m actually having second thoughts if I should do a blog or a vlog. But, I do like writing and releasing my thoughts through words rather than speaking up. So, as I’m about to enter another year and continue to be an adult I’d like to start doing things I’ve wished I’ve done earlier. I do not intend to have plenty of followers in any social media platforms, the only goal is to write, encourage and lead people closer to Christ through my writings and to release the thoughts I have in my head for quite some time. Yes, I’ve always been telling people that I am an introverted gal and even so, that doesn’t mean I cannot share the gospel having this personality. Introversion is not a disease and if you know you’re one of the “introverted peeps” and is frightened to share the word by speaking up or encouraging people then share it the introverted way. You go, gal! The Lord got your back.  ;)
To begin this blogging journey, I’ve let some of my friends ask me certain questions about anything that they’d like to ask. Disclaimer, those that you’re about to read below are just based on my thoughts and opinions, and I’ve used some verses from the scriptures and will be using ‘em in my future blogs, if you’re actually opposed or you want to correct anything, feel free. So, here you go…
Question #1
Who are you?
I chose to answer this one first as a way of introducing myself a lil’ bit. So, most of my colleagues knew me as someone who’s meek, timid and quiet. But for those who are actually close to me would somehow oppose (lols). People would usually talk to me and seek advice as if I am a pro (lols kidding aside). I think it’s just that they consider me as someone worthy enough to be trusted sharing their deepest darkest secrets since I usually prefer to listen to someone’s rants and let the person do the talking cause sometimes that’s only what a person needs. Someone who’s willing to listen. I am literally not the type who does the first approach and most of the time would tag as “snobbish”. (Maybe I wasn’t really snobbish, I just didn’t see you due to my 300/400 vision. Haha.). I would definitely describe myself as someone who loves and values solitude, spends my spare time resting, reflecting, reading either at home or outdoors. I prefer to be in a small group of friends than being surrounded by the crowd. I am someone who doesn’t like the spotlight, I’d prefer to stay lowkey and not let everyone know what my next steps are. 
P.S. I might be one of the most picky person you’ll ever meet. Lols.
Question #2
Where do you want to go?
If this question pertains to travelling, I prefer land over water activities (just to add the fact that I don’t know how to swim that’s the main reason I dislike water activities). Nothing specific, it could be both local or international, I’d like to roam around places just to pass by a well-known spot and attractions, watch and appreciate the beauty of nature and sceneries, read books if possible (sort of boring to some but I’m just simply happy with this kind of thing).
Just to add up though, one of the unforgettable trips I did a year ago was at Puerto Princesa. To cut the story short it was supposedly for a two person trip turned to trio friends down to the first ever solo trip (sighs). It was my first time to be at the airport, first time to ride a plane, first time to go somewhere I’ve never been, first time to plan my own itinerary Onset (lols). Am I lonely during my whole stay? Definitely not (remember solitude is my forte) I was kinda nervous at first but it was suddenly replaced by excitement. I’ve met new people along the trip, my eyes were able to capture beautiful sceneries, I was able to eat and enjoy my breakfast without rushing. I didn’t do much activities on those days but my heart and soul was truly grateful and joyful. And it made me even realized, I am indeed capable of doing things on my own, going to a certain place on my own and just being on my own. Do not equate being alone to being lonely. I was planning to go back this year however, this isn’t the best time yet. Looking forward to visiting that place again and to more other places and countries soon.
But at the end of the day, as some would say, “there’s no place like home” - I will always end up with my comfort place which is, home. (But more than the home I have here on earth, I’m also one of those people who looks forward to coming home with the One who created humanity.)
Question #3
Is it really painful to be left behind?
Without a single thought - Yes. 
If it is for someone who passed away, the grief that anyone feels couldn’t be covered up by any comforting words even by the wisest person you knew. Just let the person grieve for now and do its work then healing will follow. Pray for that person too.
If it is for those who left in order to move out or pursue a career it would also be painful for those family members and close friends to see you go. But as for me, if you are in faith and I see you brave enough to explore the unknown, you will always have my support. It’ll be sad for a while. But we have to remember that sometimes letting a person go is also a way of showing our love and support. Let the person grow on his/her own.
Breakup - unquestionably painful. Why? Imagine not talking to the person you thought you’d end up marrying? Those plans you guys made will now be redirected to a different person. Same thing with losing a loved one because of death, this too needs a grieving phase. Cry as much as you want then stand up again. At the end of the day, you’ll just laugh it off (swear) forgiveness and acceptance will be your last destination.
Question #4
Lessons after the breakup
A lot actually (this might consume the entire space lols).
First, your happiness shouldn’t be dependent on a certain person.
Second, never allow yourself to be an option, you deserve to be a priority too.
Third, having the same personality doesn’t guarantee long-term commitment.
Fourth, never let a day pass by without fixing your arguments.
Fifth, communicate and choose to understand.
Sixth, shares the same faith and beliefs (it should always be a Christ-centered relationship).
Seventh, be consistent while both of you are still a work in-progress.
Eight, be honest. I’d prefer someone who tells the truth and does not sugar-coat.
Ninth, choose the people you’re hanging out with and/or seeking help or advise. Not everyone you call a friend is indeed a genuine friend. (It is written in 1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals”)
Tenth, choose to forgive always, everybody deserves to be forgiven. Acceptance will always be around the corner once you’ve gone through the right stages of moving on. 
(I’ll be cutting it off right here cause there’s quite a lot that I’d like to write. Haha. I might write a separate blog for this. Stay tuned. Lols)
Question #5
How to stay positive in life? 
We can’t stay positive all the time. Even the strongest and the most optimistic person that you know will have his/her own downcasted moments and that is okay. Coming from someone who actually thinks negatively this question is kinda tough to answer (haha) but as for me, do not let negative thoughts overwhelm you to the point that it is already consuming you. Sometimes those thoughts are all in the mind and you’re just giving yourself a reason to create a problem that does not even exist. Surround yourself with people who will inspire and motivate you to do better, unfollow pages in social media that will trigger your anxiety, disconnect from people that are not helping you grow, stop looking up to idols and conforming to the pattern of this world, break the bad habits that you always knew you needed to stop doing. Keep it a habit to continually pray, always look up to God’s word prior seeking advice to your closest friends or bursting it all out in social media. If you are to seek counselling, ensure that it is from someone who will not tolerate you doing evil deeds. Read self-help books, open your bible, don't let the dust embrace it. Listen to calm music, it’ll help. Remember that you are loved and blessed. (Philippians 4: 6-7) 
(Thank you for your questions Jonnabae, Angge, Dani and Adreng) I’ll be posting the rest of the other questions and my response of course next week. :)
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allisondraste · 5 years
Another note
You know, you’d think I’d be used to seeing people calling me out and making my involvement in a situation seem to be completely something it wasn’t. Again, I do not want to be posting about this. I’ve wanted nothing but to see this go away for three months now, but you know what? After, again, being accused of talking about people and vagueposting when I’ve meticulously tried to avoid reblogging or posting things that could even be construed as such, I feel like I need to speak up.
First and foremost, I should start by saying that I was not even present for the conversation that led to my leaving the server. I was asleep, and also did not even have access to channel it happened in when it happened, but it came about when fandom-age posted an admonished hate-reading (which was called sporking). I disagreed with the practice (despite having previously participated) because some of the criticisms were peripherally hurtful. Ex.: When you make presumptions about ones sex life based on a fanfic because you have deemed that fiction worthy of criticism, you hurt others who did not write the “bad” fanfic, but are watching and wondering what’s so wrong about that being their sex life. When you criticize a person for writing first person point of view, present tense, or MGiT, you are also hurting people who didn’t write “bad” fanfic, but everyone watching who also uses those things. We don’t exist in a vacuum, and it’s easy to hurt innocent people even with the best of intentions.
That was the complaint as I understood it. I was not in the sporking channel at this time and had been out of it for a while, so I didn’t feel it was my place to speak up, but my friends voiced their concerns with the mod team not once, but multiple times before leaving. They hoped to resolve the issue internally, but they were dismissed. When the anon was posted my friends left and chaos broke out internally (which again, I was not privy to except through word of mouth).
As for myself, I stuck around for a bit, spoke with a few mods and members, although I was questioned on my friendship with certain parties once, and told the truth. Yes. We are friends and I had no intention of stopping my friendship with them over this. I was told it was okay. Eventually when they were both gone from the server, I watched as they were shit-talked and snarked about. I became uncomfortable and left after that, sharing my reason for leaving (which I cited as feeling like a sore thumb and not wanting to stop them from venting but also not wanting to see my friends talked about) and offered to talk about it.
I posted one post. One. About my issues with the server and then I shut up. Admittedly, I was worried about retaliation, and retaliation came in the form of blocks and unfollows without question. Very few people even spoke to me about the issue. Then, the vagueposts came, which I tried to avoid seeing by blacklisting pretty much everything I associated with seeing those vague posts. Not so long ago my name was mentioned in the tags of a post about toxic positivity (which I will address in a minute). The Salt Cellar may not have been a cult, but when members cannot voice their opinions and leave (without naming anyone’s names but their own) without being watched and vagued about (for 3 solid months?) It has a similar feeling.
Re: toxic positivity. This is the one point I will concede to. Upon reflection and reading more about the ways that blanket positivity often hurts oppressed people because it lends to harmful behavior not being rightfully addressed, I can see how my views on wanting to focus on the good could be toxic and harmful. That was not my intention, but the road to hell is paved with those kind of intentions, and I apologize. I tend to turn all rainbows and sunshine to cope and often forget that there are people who do not have that option. I am sorry for any hurt I may have caused in that regard.
Anyway, I’m sure there’s probably more to say, but I wanted to at least give a more detailed version of the events from my point of view so that people may make their own decisions about whether or not to associate with me.
My anons are always on and my DMs are open if anyone would like to talk.
A final note: I do not hate the SC members. I feel hurt by them, as I am certain they feel by me and my friends. This is not, nor has it ever been, about shutting them down or calling them out. I didn’t even want to make them feel bad. It is and was always about me wanting to own up to my personal participation in things I felt icky about and to move on.
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nightfury-2001 · 5 years
Hey there! I've been following you for a while now, and I just wanted to tell you it's because I like the way you think. I enjoy how you articulate yourself a lot and it's easy for me to "get" you. You challenge me intellectually by acting as a worthy counterpart to my often quite rosy analyses of THW...but somehow it makes me so sad seeing you post rant after rant about the Httyd franchise ending, and...I'm not saying you should stop, because the story HAS flaws, (1/?)
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Hi! First I’d like to say that I’m glad you like how my posts are written, usually I kinda hate how my posts turn out so it’s nice to know at least one person doesn’t think they’re terribly worded lol. 
Okay now that I’ve got that out of the way, I’d like to address some of the things you’ve brought up. 
“I would also like to say that all this ranting has a negative effect on me which is not cool.” 
Then why not unfollow me for a while and/or block the criticism and salt tags??? There’s a reason I tag the majority of my criticism and salt or keep it strictly on my blog!
“I’ve noticed myself get dragged down by what you write, because it has this cynical undertone. I’m sure I’m not the only one./Just trying to make you aware of the effect you have on people…” 
Most of the people who see my content either chose to follow me and don’t mind what I post or purposefully went looking for THW criticism, so I really doubt there’s that many people out there getting upset over my posts. You’d have more of a point here if I posted my salt all over the main tags or something along those lines. As for the cynical undertone, yeah I admit a lot of my posts do have some sort of cynical undertone because ngl I’m really angry at DreamWorks for what they’ve done and how they’ve shown they don’t really care about the franchise anymore. Sometimes I just want to vent and don’t really care about writing something constructive.
“One CAN express their opinion and still be friendly & respecting of different views.” 
I don’t really like the tone you used here (or at least how it comes off to me), do you think I’m not aware of that? Like am I really that disrespectful to people that have different opinions about THW/the franchise…?? I don’t go around telling people that make positive posts about THW that they’re wrong, I don’t go around calling people stupid (nor do I think they are) for having a different opinion on the third film, I don’t attack people because they think Homecoming was cute. When I do have discussions with others that don’t share my views I’d like to say I am pretty friendly, and I try to legitimately understand where they’re coming from and why they think the way they do before I try to explain why I personally disagree. Really I think the worst I’ve done is reblogged from people who were perhaps a bit too aggressive/rude. Please can someone point me to the posts where I’ve been super unfriendly and have not respected other people’s views on THW????
“Don’t you want to be a more positive voice in the fandom?/I’d just love for you to consider if celebrating fandom would make you and the others more happy than what you’re doing now.” 
Tbh I’m kinda happy being a more critical voice, there’s not too many people out there that post a lot of HTTYD criticism so I like feeling like I have a pretty unique space in the fandom where those that dislike THW and other parts of the franchise like Homecoming can easily find content they may like. As far as celebrating fandom goes I have recently thought about posting more positive content about parts of the franchise I enjoy, I feel like that would help get more people interested in my blog and provide a nice break from all the criticism and salt. But I’m definitely not going to stop making more critical posts, a lot of my followers enjoy them and I myself also enjoy writing them. I’d probably be making a lot of my followers less happy if I stopped making them lmao. 
that took a while to write oof
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sparklessswift · 5 years
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19 Things I've Learned in 2019
1. “The desire for positive experience is itself a negative experience. And paradoxically, the acceptance of one's negative experience is itself a positive experience.” — Mark Manson (The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck)
I always thought that "How To Be Happy" things on the internet are true and those things can really change your life if you will try to do so. But while reading this book, I've realized that it's not. That the irony behind thinking of ways to be happy and positive just reminds us of what we are not and of what things we failed to have that we've always wanted. The more we try searching for ways on how to be happy, the more we can't attain happiness.
2. The quality of your life depends on the quality of your choices and decisions.
I've learned that you are the only one who's accountable for everything that you choose to do, for every thoughts that you entertain and for every decisions that you make. The quality of your life is shaped on whatever you want it to be. Whenever you feel like you're carrying a huge amount of emotional baggage, it's because you chose to carry it anyway. You chose to entertain the melancholia, you chose to let it enter your life. Do not blame your situation or even other people. Change the way you see things, make good decisions and choices and the quality of your life will be better.
3. Music is a form of enlightenment towards our true emotions.
I found out that longing to hear sad songs that we can relate to whenever we are feeling sad isn't a sign of tolerating sadness, it means we are trying to fill the gap between what we know and what we feel. Finding the perfect song that explains exactly the way we feel helps us figure out the right words to describe our current emotion. It makes us feel that we are not the only one in the world who's suffering. It's relieving to be so connected to a song that you feel as though, it was written for you.
4. Forgiveness is a nice thing to do.
There are times when we feel as though, people and even ourselves are not worthy to be forgiven and that no amount of apology will cease the burning fire. But one thing I do learned this year is that, forgiveness means letting go. Do yourself a favor and let go of the bad memories, what's important is that you took it as a learned lesson. Let go of the grudges that you kept for so long, it will give you a peace of mind. Let go of the idea that forgiving without hearing an apology is not necessary in life, it is. Forgive yourself for all the mistakes you've done in life and forgive those people who have hurt you as well. Release the pain by forgiving so you can finally move on.
5. Self loathe is the most toxic form of hate.
I've learned that there is nothing more toxicating in life than hating your own existence and body. It's like badly wanting a poisonous thing even when you know it is bad for you. It's like loving the lyrics to Taylor Swift's song "ME!" because it radiates self-love but there's always a cringeworthy feeling whenever you sing the words "I'm the only one of me, baby that's the fun of me" because you can't feel the message it conveys. And it feels like, no amount of motivation from other people can cure the poison in you. I know it's easier said than done but remember that only you can free yourself from self loathing so might as well start appreciating small things about yourself and sooner or later you will realize that it's fun to be the only one of you.
6. Being 18 is challenging. While it may be true that each year has its own challenge, being 18 is quite different. It's the time when your mind starts forming questions about life, existence, and future. It's like a climax to your own story, exciting as it may seem but it contains setbacks, challenges and a hundred thousand pieces of inspirations needed in order to thrive harder. In order to believe that you can pursue your dream of reaching the happily ever after.
7. Appreciate high school moments while they last. Realizing how fast the time has flown after my journey in high school is something I wish I was ready for. Funny how we're so attached to a moment from the past (e.g. graduation) that everytime we remember it, there's this bubble of thoughts appearing in our heads with the line “it felt like yesterday” and it feels so bittersweet. If there's one thing I can teach the other generations, it is to always appreciate each moment while it lasts. After all, moments will become memories that will forever be stuck in our head so might as well enjoy your high school life and make good memories out of it.
8. We are all temporary in everyone else's lives and that's normal. It feels relieving when you realize that each person that we meet has a temporary role in our lives. We are bound to lose connection with someone whom we thought will never leave us, we're bound to cut ties with people who are not good for us, and we're bound to be left behind or leave not because we want to but because we just crossed paths with each other, we aren't really travelling the same path not as what we thought we are. Learn how to appreciate someone's presence and learn how to accept someone's absence.
9. Do not drown yourself in the thought that internet validation is important. It is definitely okay to dump the idea that you're living in the wrong generation if you think likes/reactions, comments and shares are not important. Most people today still haven't come to realize that the internet has not just open-sourced information, it has also open-sourced insecurity, self-doubt, and shame. And we have to open our minds about it. Life is happier the moment you realize that you should not give a damn about what other people think of your posts.
10. Do not jump on hate trends in social media just because it's in. Cancel culture has made a noise in the internet this year and suddenly everyone are bragging their freedom of speech because they are jumping on the bandwagon (or should I say, we're? 😂) But one thing I do learned from all the hate trends is to be discerning. This is the best time you can practice cherry-picking and only utter a word when you think you really need to or when you think it is appropriate to do so. Just as Taylor Swift said, “You just need to take several seats and then try to restore the peace and control your urges to scream about all the people you hate”.
11. Being attached to someone does not mean you're into that person. Attachment is way too different than love and even infatuation. It needs not to be stereotyped. Sometimes all you have to do is to give yourself the benefit of the doubt about how you feel and you will realize the true value of a person to you.
12. The hardest struggle in life that we can ever experience is something that is related with our family. Indeed home is where the heart is. Family is our major source of inspiration and it can also be our major source of distraction whenever there are unforeseen circumstances going on. And I think dealing with those circumstances is the hardest struggle to face because there will always be a pain in your chest wherever you go that is inevitable. The pain that lies deep within you but bleeds through the surface of your body that you can't hide.
13. College is way too different than high school and you should be ready for it. Of course, culture shock will always be there the moment you enter college. You will start comparing high school and college in every single details, you will randomly reminisce high school memories while walking in the hallway and you will remember how easy passing the exams and getting high grades back then. In my first semester in college, I've learned that you will never survive if you are ill-spirited, proscrastinator, lazy and weak student. I've learned that college is survival and in survival, you should not come with unnecessary gears. I'm sorry Taylor Swift but in college, you should not bring a knife to a gun fight.😃
14. It's okay to have few friends atleast they are real. Making friends is hard and no one can convince me otherwise. People's intentions to you are confusing nowadays and it's hard to trust another set of new people. I've realized that the amount of friends has nothing to do about how you enjoy your life. What's important is that you have friends who are honest as the day is long.
15. Listen more, say less. This year I've learned the value of lending ears to those who are in need of it and even to situations that require much understanding before saying an opinion to avoid any conflict.  Do not be easily carried away by your emotions to the extent that you're no longer thinking if what you are going to say is appropriate to the situation. On the other hand, there are times that people who are venting out their problems do not need any piece of advice, what they need is someone who is understanding enough to spend time listening to their rants.
16. Things that are gonna make your life more interesting are things that you should say yes to. — Taylor Swift
Progress doesn't come in the blink of an eye. You need to challenge yourself to do new things in order to make a progress. It is even more okay to step out of your comfort zone sometimes in order to grow. Life will be more interesting when you accept challenges with conviction.
17. Follow accounts on social media who are good for your mental health. Do yourself a favor and start unfollowing accounts that triggers your anxiety, insecurity and self-doubt. Your feed should only contain things that motivates you and people that inspires you to be like them. It should not be a place to start who-did-it-better or who's-best-at-life competitions.
18. Acceptance takes time. I have learned that it is okay to still question things that happened to you 6 years ago. It's okay to still cry everytime it pops up in your head, it's okay if you are not a hundred percent healed and it's okay to have a mind with not enough understanding about the situations that you've been to even if it happened a long time ago. God put you there for a reason. You have to keep in mind that acceptance has no definitive time frame. Healing doesn't wait for you to be ready for it. It will just happen.
19. Procrastination can ruin your goals in life.
There will be no further explanation, there will just be procrastination. 😎
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angelinuhh · 6 years
Hi there A! Could we get a public review from you? Thank you so much and we hope that you have a breathtaking upcoming week! ~ Admin Catie
DISCLAIMER: this review is onlyreflective of my own opinions and is intended to provide constructivecriticism. there is no obligation to listen to or agree with anything said.
the reality tv junkie in me loves this concept of this rp. and, asI look around, this typifies exactly what I love about the genre: characterdevelopment, fast-paced events and, of course, a healthy dose of competition. Ilove your color scheme and your theme. for a contained theme, I found it incrediblyeasy to navigate—which was a real and true blessing. however, I do think that there are still many things to improve, Ithink a little more consistency and editing in your descriptions and overallaesthetic could really elevate your rp and make it more accessible andattractive to prospective members. I also would like to see a change in yourrules, both in policy and in tone. overall, I wish you guys the best of luck.
I really do love the rp idea, but I do think the plot page leavesa little something to be desired. For appless rps, especially ones withoutblurbs on the sidebar, you really do need something that is concise, both eye-catching and attention-grabbing, all the while getting to the point. while the content you have on this page isn’tbad, you have a long-ish block of text that can read a little dry at time.
I’ve taken the liberty of editing your plot to take on a more activetone to show you what I mean. while you have no obligation to use it, you dohave full permission to:
 There is no greater motivation in theworld than money – and nowhere is that more present than in ParadiseIsland, MTV’s new reality television show. Sent to a private island inpairs and forced to compete challenges and tasks set by the producers, contestantsoften find themselves doing things they wouldn’t normally do, all for a chance at$750,000.
Here at Paradise Island, the fun never stops. With 24/7 Streaming, viewers are given a real-time seat to the  drama,the romance and more! While binge-worthyshows are great, the 12 million daily viewers know the truth: they never have to find something new towatch again.
After a rigorous application process, including video essays about why theywould like to be on the show, interviews and even a test challenge was preparedto see which finalists caused the most drama or had the most chemistry, thehundreds of potential applicants were narrowed down to just 40. The producersrandomly assigned each contestant into pairs and, for the duration of the show,these partners were to share a room in the mansion and work together to win thegrand prize. 
But what happens next—will loveblossom? Will greed step in? Witha 1/20 chance of winning the $750,000, most of the contestants will do anything to get their hands onthat money, but there can only be one pair of winners.
Who will be victorious in the first Paradise Island?
paradiseislandhq is anappless  23+ pairedmuse roleplay based on reality television. Contestants have been sent to aprivate island and must work in pairs for the chance to win a grand jackpot of $750,000w/ additional prizes. We focus on weekly character development tasks &challenges, plotting between members, in-character drama, and. of course- vacation vibes! Applicants are free toapply for a wanted connection partnership or to have one picked at random foryou!
 If you would like to take a crack at it, here’s what I tried to fix.
Have a more ACTIVE TONE
 thisis a purely stylistic choice, but i would suggest varying up sentence structureand utilizing your bold and italic keys a little more as most people in thegenre do.
Try to avoid going on tangents
Inthe beginning, you start with the motivator of money above all and thenimmediately move to love and status, thus weakening the power of your opening
Ialso did not particularly think the tangent about streaming services in thethird paragraph was necessary. Your goal is to emphasize that the show is 24/7—you don’t necessarily have to explain that.
Is it… $750,000 or $750,000+, because both were used. That needsto be clear.
The first thing I always look for is the synopsis at the bottom,but yours is a little bit long. 
Iwould center it as well. You can do this by entering into the html and putting , I think.
Side note: make sure your navigation tab’s blurb matches the one on this page.
I also spotted a couple of grammar errors. Your biggest and mostfrequently repeated error is run-on sentences and a lack of commas.
bh, your rules page was a hugeturnoff for me. I don’t think it was your intention, but it was very blunt, alittle wordy (ik ik… im legit the most wordy person on earth) and read kind of…rude. A a potential applicant and as a reviewer, I just- I wasn’t feeling itand would likely be very wary of applying because of it.  There are also quite a few run-on sentenceshere, so watch out for that.
I’m not going to rewrite the whole thing, but here are a few specificchanges I would make and alternate wordings to your statements.
(++) I would put in a HOW WE RP section and add in the stuffabout the tasks, points and challenges. Because that should not go underinclusivity. I also do not understand how it works and I need much moreexplanation. I can guess, of course, but I shouldn’t have to. You need toclearly outline how this rp will be run and how tasks will be delegated and pointswill be awarded. Vaguely stating that there will be challenges and points andwhatever will not work.
(++) Your muses section is very confusing. Especially the agebut also the diversity part. I understand that you feel strongly about this,but I brought it up to some friends and many of them were just as confused as Iwas. I read your FAQ and things did not get any clearer. If I were you, I wouldsimply say “all muses and fcs must be older than 25. Please aim to make yourcharacter’s age believable with your faceclaim.”. And that, “to encouragediversity, if you have more than one character, at least one must be POC.” Asyou have it, it is very murky and kind of defensive?? almost. Like I reallywant people to be over 25, but I guess they can play 23, but also they canactually be 40 but they can play in their 20s. It’s convoluted and I get alittle frustrated trying to read it. In my opinion, you just have to pick asingle age and go with it.
I feel like your unfollow rule is extremely lenient for one ofthese rps. It may lead most of your members being inactive before they getunfollowed.
Alt wordings (some suggestions)
Although it is expected that in-character partnerships will needcharacter development, please make an effort to interact with all member.Bubble RPing is NOT permitted and we aim to make an inclusive environment whereall muns can explore their characters.
Youroriginal statement really put the onus on the RPer like they’re already doingsomething wrong.
We are happy to oblige with hiatus or semi-hiatus requests. Lifecomes up and we want all of our players to be comfortable. However, we onlyaccept these requests through asks that come through our inbox.
Reallythe CAPS and the Do not inform by im… don’t really feel like you want me tocomfortable.
We allow small/medium gifs. Please do not use large gifs. In orderto be accessible we do not allow gif icons under 90x90. >>>>In order to be accessible, large gifs and gif icons under 90px are not allowed.We prefer small/medium gifs.
Feel free to cause in character drama. However, no OOC drama willbe tolerated !! >>> While in-character drama can be fun, OOCdrama will not be tolerated.
idk why but those exclamation points were felt in my soul, man. Sdfjdkf. Look, it’s just a little intimidating.
I knowthis sounds like a small thing, but I really am impressed.Container themes are notoriously hard to navigate but I had little to notrouble going through yours. If your rp grows, that muse tab is going to behell to update so I admire your commitment.
My onlycritiques are that
 youneed to finish updating your nav so there are no broken/nonexistent links—whichI’m sure you will do
on your/map page, you have ‘wanted connections’ spliced so both wanted and connectionare links.
I’dmuch rather see a page with all the tags to track than just having them floataround on the navigation. But this is totally up to you to change.
Lovethem. Whoever did them, mostly, did a good job in maintaining the color scheme.My only critique is that I’m not really feeling the headers for, like, the plotpage and the wanted connections…etc. These harsh black borders and script fontsstand out a lot and, while the images are nice, they have a completelydifferent color scheme (dark blue-ish tones to the warm and tropical orange ofthe rest of the theme). I wish they would! Because otherwise, I really do likewhat you have here.  
I would edit or remove the first question onyour FAQ.If anyone asks the question, you can say to promote age diversity andthat’s reason enough. As it stands, the question and the answer just makes me confusedand, some of the statements like “actors over 25 have more resources” is justuntrue.
thebiggest flaw that I see in your RP is inconsistency and occasional lack ofclarity. here is a list of things I’ve found that varied from page to page.
1.      Sometimesthe jackpot is 750,000. Sometimes it is not.
2.      Theblurb on your navigation does not match the blurb on your plot page
3.      Yourefer to this rp both as appless and semiappless.
TLDR; what i would like to see changed, vaguelyin order of most of least importance. Feel free to ignore any or all of these.
REDO your rules page to include a HOW WE RP detailing thepoints, tasks and challenges
 CHOOSEa clear and consistent ruling on your age bending/limits. It might make senseto you and promoting age diversity is very admirable, but, look, we’re alldumb.
EDITyour rules page to be… more affable. It’s not bad as it, but it just helpspeople get through it.
i wrote a few alternate phrasings you can look at
EDITyour plot to be more engaging and concise to really grab people’s attention.
i wrote something above that you may use
DOUBLE CHECK all your pages to make sure that you don’tcontradict yourself in various places.
 as a last note and reminder, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE ANY OF MYSUGGESTIONS. There is no ill-will from me to you. As always, this is notintended to be hate and I genuinely want the best for you guys. However, I amterminally cursed to be nitpicky. I’ve done my very best to make sure my adviceis constructive, but please call me out if you find any of this offensive orcrude.
I genuinely like the idea of the RP and appreciate the work you’veput in. Seeing Dev Patel used--- makes my day. Thank you for your time andpatience.
If you have any more concerns or questions, please feel free tocontact me.
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roccinan · 3 years
Thoughts on Andrés being dominant over Martín? In fics I often see them portrayed like this (dom Andrés, submissive Martín), but I just don't see this dynamic between them, and even less so after s5.. both are dominant people normally, but not with each other. their relationship to me is very equal-equal. (And the kiss scene when Martín is pushed to the wall doesn't seem a proof to me, that Martín is the submissive one.)
Hi anon! I already gave my opinion on this topic here (and someone unfollowed me right after LOL, no hard feelings but OK?). My thoughts still stand, especially after s5 with the riding lol.
Again, my opinion is just mine and nobody's obligated to share it or take my word as law, even if they agree. We'd be a boring audience if we all saw everything the exact same way, no?
I'm sure you're a whole different person from this other anon, but there's been this 1 anon going around intentionally asking people the exact same question (while knowing full well that the OPs in question don't share the same opinion) about *squints, because I can't believe I'm seeing this backwards discourse in our fandom* top/bottom discourse?? I absolutely do not approve of this anon's form of stirring petty drama over the most laughable petty shit (I swear I saw the same ask sent to 3 different people or something). So just to clear the air, I am not getting involved in that LMAO.
Anyway, same anon- I tried, I literally honestly tried my best to get into the dominant Andres submissive Martin thing (and I'm not talking about bedroom roleplay, just their day-to-day behavior). I tried to enjoy it. I tried to see it in canon, legit tilted my head to find it... and just utterly failed. They just seemed like equals in every interaction to me, unless I did some intense mental gymnastics. Neither of them ever canonly looked down on the other one or saw the other one as weak. They were both at their happiest when they see each other happy. I don't think they'd be "soulmates" otherwise. Why would a narcissist/egomaniac want to be bffs with someone he perceives as inherently inferior? That'd mean degrading himself to compare himself to a lesser man.
[[But I will admit I'm biased with this because 1) I don't relate or sympathize with either Martin or Andres 2) overly submissive Martin is disgustingly unattractive to me- I cannot fathom even being friends with this guy for 2 hours, let alone 10 years]]
And outside their interactions with each other, both of them are very domineering towards (maybe with the exception of Sergio) literally everyone else in their lives. Dom/Dom and Top/Top is really the dynamic that I saw in them (which is why I usually write them as verses). They see themselves as superior to everyone except each other and the only person they're willing to submit to is the other one because that's the only person they perceive as "worthy."
Besides, dom/sub is NOT the same as top/bottom anyway. Ex. character A can submit to B in all aspects of life, and still top the shit out of B in bed.
Lastly, LOL same, I don't see the wall-push as evidence of anything either. It was just a kiss, they weren't having sex (and even if they were... soft doms/tops exist???). Plus, that wasn't one of their regular interactions, and Andres being aggressive here doesn't mean Martin was passive (he wasn't). And again, Martin "letting" Andres leave doesn't make him a sub (case in point! See the ask scenario I answered below this one. any other option is dubcon or noncon, neither of which Martin would do to Andres).
Also, if we're using that as proof, I don't think Martin being shoved against a wall is even comparable to Bogota grabbing Andres and bending him over a rail. I don't take that as absolute 100% proof that Andres is a whiny whimpering sub at Bogota's feet, for the same reason I don't take the wall as proof that Martin is a powerless sub.
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backtothestart02 · 7 years
Things to note if you’re following this blog as a westallen/Iris West stan:
FIRST, A NOTE: I know there are some commonly held beliefs in the westallen/Iris West fandom. For the most part I agree with them. However, b/c I tend to multiship and love all the characters on most shows I watch, my opinions can run down the middle occasionally instead of on just one side or the other. Some of you have been following me a long time and know where we differ on opinions and are okay with that. But others of you are recent followers. You don’t know what’s up, and you get high key displeased w/ me as a blogger and wonder what in the world made you decide to follow me in the first place when I post unpopular opinions from our fandom that stray from what you believe is acceptable.
This post is a head’s up to unpopular opinions that I have. After reading if you still feel I’m worth the follow, keep on going. Just be aware that on the rare occasion, these opinions may crop up. If not, feel free to unfollow/blacklist and move on to more worthy blogs. I promise you I will not be offended. I don’t want you to come across something that upsets you on my blog, but there’s no way I can please everyone and still feel like I’m able to post everything I want to post. Also, I’d rather not have countless asks streaming into my inbox whenever I post something that may offend you that you weren’t expecting to see. The list below details some (at least what I can think of atm) of those things, so you can be prepared if you do decide to stay.
Last thing, this is not an open invitation to come attack me in my inbox for the opinions I have listed below. This is just me helping you be more aware of my thoughts and feelings on show matters, so you’re not taken off guard for the very few posts where I actually share said opinions. That is all.
1) In the first couple episodes of the Flash, I couldn’t decide between who to ship - snowbarry or westallen (i.e. I thought Grant had chemistry with both ladies and his potential story with both of them appealed to me.) It was the snowstorm backstory in 1x03 that killed any SB romantic feels. I haven’t shipped even the potential of snowbarry ever since.
2) I hardcore shipped spallen while they were together and was sad when Patty left. Even though I didn’t want them to be together long term, I did want them to reach Iris/Eddie status. It should also be noted that I thought Grant and Shantel (as much as I’m disappointed in her irl due to her remarks about Candice/Iris the following summer) had a ton of chemistry. I doubt I’d have shipped Barry with Patty if I hadn’t felt that, because I was not looking forward to Barry having a love interest that wasn’t Iris after season 1.
3) Due to my loving spallen so much, I wasn’t overly aware of Iris being sidelined in 2A, and I didn’t consider Barry a bad friend to her for that reason. (I’ve seen the light since then, but it’s still not an opinion I’m firm on, and I definitely didn’t start out thinking the worst of Barry for what was written.)
4) I didn’t appreciate Iris sneaking off with Wally in 3x11 and deliberately lying to Barry about it (and then that very fact not being addressed whatsoever). Again, I’ve come to an understanding about this as well, but I still didn’t appreciate the lying.
5) Before the “We are the Flash” scene actually happened, I was not a fan of Iris taking on the role of team leader at all - at least not after Barry came out of the speed force. I’m now a huge fan of it, but I didn’t start out liking it.
6) For AU I’m open to almost any pairing in many cases. For instance, I’ve seen SB AU vids that look really good. (I really just love how people are able to create AU SLs in such unique ways w/ unrelated scenes tbh, esp in vids.) In those instances it just looks like Grant and Danielle are starring together in a romantic comedy or whatever, and I have no problem with that. As long as Iris/Candice aren’t also in the scenario and Barry/Grant is refusing her for Danielle/Caitlin (b/c that I’m def not a fan of), I’m pretty open to scenarios that are completely separate from canon as we know it. (At least with vids. It might be a tough pill for me to swallow to read a fic that was SB, even if Iris wasn’t a character w/in it.)
7) I can buy Caitlin having a little bit of a crush on Barry in season 1. I really don’t think Barry ever shared that feeling (though some scenes they shared were clearly ship bait), but b/c Danielle played up those scenes towards an SB romance occasionally, I think it’s totally legit to have shipped them together in that season or shipped the potential of what they could have been. There was ship bait there. If there are feelings on one end, it’s not a crack ship. After season 1, however, (esp after 2x01) there’s absolutely no sign of it. And especially now the delusion is ridiculous. Barry & Caitlin had plenty of opportunity to get together, but they never did. And whatever Caitlin may or may not have felt for Barry even in season 1 never trumped the very deep love she had for Ronnie, so in the end it’s irrelevant.
8) I didn’t like Barry and Linda together. I didn’t buy that they had chemistry either. (Though to be fair, I didn’t even try to be open to it, because I didn’t want it. lol.) Iris was getting jealous, and Barry was shutting her down. With good reason, but still. My bb Iris was finally realizing her feelings, and she was hurt b/c Barry wasn’t responding to them the way she wanted when she couldn’t even say what they were b/c she was in a relationship of her own. It’s not Linda’s fault in the slightest, but - esp given Malese has come btwn two of my ships on two separate shows, one of them being my otp - that ship just rubbed me the wrong way. They were getting in the way of westallen finally happening and that bothered me (b/c it was such terrible timing and proves further why I fully expected to hate spallen before it even happened).
9) I love Felicity (though not a fan of that wedding interruption, obvs), and especially Barry & Felicity’s friendship. So, while I didn’t approve of everyone continually keeping Iris in the dark about Barry’s identity in season 1, I didn’t come away from Felicity’s 1B crossover where she encouraged Barry not to tell Iris about his identity (I don’t even REMEMBER that part of the advice she gave him tbh). I came away being pleased that he was going to fill in Caitlin and Cisco with what he was feeling, and I loved that Felicity was there for him as counsel outside of the people involved with his current struggle.
10) I love love loved what has been called the ‘original’ team flash - Barry, Cisco, and Caitlin. Because of that reason I love platonic snowbarry, and I was sad when they stopped having that many scenes together post-s1. I know it’s because Iris was no longer in the dark, but I really thought they had a special bond, just like he and Cisco do. She’s clearly the person he’s least close with of all the people in his life, but I do really appreciate when we get snapshots of their friendship, and specifically the Barry/Cisco/Caitlin dynamic. That threesome is special, and I like when it’s highlighted. For example: Caitlin actually being a part of Barry & Cisco’s game of laser tag at the beginning of 4x03 brought me so much joy. Also, 3x07 is one of my fav episodes of season 3 b/c not only did it showcase westallen beautifully - and killervibe - but also snowbarry. Iris’ pep talk to Barry and Barry saving Caitlin from herself in almost the last scene are just about on equal significance to me. The WA scene rises above for obvs reasons, but I really truly loved the SB through-line in that episode. It annoys me to no end that I cannot find purely platonic SB vids to watch, b/c that is all I want in life for them. Their relationship is sufficient enough on its own. It doesn’t need to be more, and it’s not canon that is. I think there should be more appreciation for what is canon, rather than what is not.
11) I don’t hate Caitlin Snow. There have been several points in the show - whether it be an arc (her falling for “Jay” so soon after Ronnie’s second alleged death) or a couple episodes (3x15 - her selfishly keeping part of the philosopher’s stone for herself and not only not ever using it to try and get rid of her powers, but keeping it a secret and having basically no consequences for that fact). But in general? I liked her in season 1, and I like her now. It’s true that I’m conflicted now, because she hasn’t apologized to Iris about being onboard team Kill Iris w/ Savitar last season. But the Caitlin she is now is reminiscent of the Caitlin I loved in season 1, so mostly I’m good w/ her. (Besides snowstorm was my second top ship and killervibe is my fav friendship on The Flash. She’s obvs a huge part of both of those relationships.)
12) I don’t hate Danielle Panabaker. I high key disapprove of a lot of the things she said in season 1/2 interviews, and even when she maintains SB was on the verge of happening in season 1, I raise my eyebrows and scoff. But generally speaking, she seems like a sweetheart. I don’t believe it’s a facade the way I do with Shantel. I don’t think Danielle is a bad actress either.
*I’m sure there are more unpopular opinions I have, but these are the only ones that are occurring to me at the moment. I will think of more and reblog when I do.
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Winning at Social Media Politics
Over the years, and especially in this toxic sort of online environment rife with trolls and angry bickering, we've seen friends and family (and even ourselves) engage in more and more political arguments online, most all of which we can agree are a momentous waste of time to the point that it's been making the rounds for years now that you can't win a political argument online and there's no point in trying. Instead, what so many have done is to shut off the flow of negativity by taking oneself out of the equation, either by avoiding confrontation on social media and/or by muting (unfollowing) social media "friends" or unfriending them altogether. One would say that this is not productive, and yet the peace of mind that comes with it is lovely. So, what's the solution when one way is toxic and the other so limiting?
I bumped into a few different ideas lately that have helped me change my own approach, and so I thought I would discuss that here - how we can make simple changes to our own "rules of engagement" and continue to interact and sway opinions online.
I do this (engage online) and talk about this here because now more than ever it is critical, in my opinion, that we must engage - continually, with purpose and clarity, and with the understanding that sitting the political "war of ideas" out is just as unproductive and dangerously apathetic as not voting. Those who have chosen to just sit quietly at home with their cats and their shows rather than contribute to the political process in the United States of America are betraying themselves and everyone else - sorry, but everything happening around you is political and is important because of the horrors that we are confronted with. Only politics will solve them, and we each have a responsibility as a citizen and human being to contribute to a better world.
So, back to the main thrust here - as I've already mentioned that we should all be involved and engaged. And you CAN contribute to the solutions through your interactions on social media, and do so in a positive and productive way, even in dealing with the endless trolls and other assholes out there, if you are careful in your approach. Here are my 3 easy rules to getting there, going from easiest to hardest:
1. Do not go on any friend's social media page and shit on their political views. That is their space. Leave it to them. If you want to agree with them or offer a perspective and add to the conversation, go for it. You know them. Engage, but don't show up and tell them they are dumb.
2. When you venture out to comment on a news site's post, where you will encounter the entire planet, don't attack there either. It's not worth your time, and if you do, you're just becoming another internet troll that makes engagement, interaction and problem solving impossible. Make your own comment and let people come to you.
Now, you might think, "Well, that's where I'm fucked, and someone's going to roll up and be an asshole no matter what I say." Yes and no.
Because there's a 'yes' option, let's address it.
I get lots of trolls because I make a lot of comments. I take two approaches - I engage if I feel like bothering, and when I do engage with that person, I stick to the points I made. I do not attack back. If the person is a dick, I first go to their profile and see if they seem to be an actual person or not, and if they are clearly a troll, I just call them out as a troll in my reply and let it go. If they are really nasty, I may engage by congratulating them on the truly awful things they've just said; that shuts every asshole down every time. "Wow, bud, that was the most amazing totally dick thing I've ever heard anyone say. 5 stars! You should get a trophy for that. You can put it on your mantle and show your family and friends." Yep, you'll never hear from that person again, and if anyone else is interacting, they will love what you said and probably hammer that asshole. That's a win. Otherwise, I don't engage because I said what I wanted to say in my comment, and that's enough for me. I'm there to express myself, not be a punching bag or make friends.
There's also a 'no' option here, and if no one rolls up and trolls you, then no worries. Or, if people comment and discuss in a kindly manner, engage or not. It's up to you.
3. And this is where I talk about the approach I think you should make to avoid a lot of trolls and to contribute to the conversation in a way that isn't divisive and could contribute to more people being engaged. I get tons of likes with this approach and very few trolls, and you can, too.
a. Again, don't attack. Starting your comment off with "Trump is a dick" is not going to get you anywhere, even if it feels good to do it. It does, and sometimes it's difficult to not say that. Instead, consider the point you are trying to make and focus on that and engage any readers by asking a question to wrap it up. And avoid, above all, whataboutism. No one wants to hear how Obama would or wouldn't have done that, or Reagan did it, too. Call out the misbehavior, or the good behavior, on its own merits and focus on the principles.
One of the biggest things out there is whataboutism, and people will say "but XYZ did it, too" or "what about ABC?" Well, I say, if it's wrong now, it was wrong then. Can you agree it's wrong? That usually shuts all the "whataboutism" people the fuck up. They didn't want to discuss the issue, just shit on someone. But either way, talk about the issue at hand as much as you can, not the people doing it so much.
If we're talking about whistleblowers, no matter what the issue is, focus on the value of whistleblowers in a neutral way to remind people of all the good things they do and why they are so important: they help prevent cheating, fraud, cover-ups, lawbreaking, etc., and they are valuable to every organization because they protect workers, shareholders, investors, and especially taxpayers, and they save everyone money and resources that would otherwise we stolen by the corrupt people exposed. Whistleblowers are acting honorably and with integrity - aren't these traits that we need more of in our society? Whistleblowers get nothing out of  exposing corruption; if anything, they put themselves in danger and demonstrate courage, another trait that we need to see more of. Whistleblowers are everyday Americans, not affiliated with a political party or a race, color or creed. They are just people trying to do the right thing, so they should be respected and protected and appreciated.
b. Talk about concepts, traits and characteristics as they apply to the topic at hand. I find myself talking more and more about the value of honesty, integrity, compassion, courage as well as the blight of cowardice, dishonesty, fraud, and corruption. Talk about the principles and values that all Americans share and honor when you're pointing out this or that. Talk about how your were brought up, or link it to values in religion or the values of the Founding Fathers. Give examples.
When Trump says something shitty about a Black person or a woman, don't just say he's an asshole - we all know he's an asshole and he doesn't give a fuck about anyone. Don't even mention Trump; just talk about how the person being disparaged is an American citizen, a taxpayer, a human being, someone that should be respected as a person in our society, a person that did this or that. That person is someone's friend, brother, sister, mother, daughter, father, best bud, roommate, your son's teacher, a fireman. Remind folks that people are people, not just things or numbers or statistics. (Sadly, I think a lot of people need to be reminded of this.) Disparaging them is shitty, maybe racist or misogynistic or both, depending on what's happening. Talk about how this sort of behavior is not honorable or worthy of the office of the President, the person who represents the United States, or a sitting Senator or a television host. Note that you would be appalled by that behavior if your son or daughter or father or mother acted that way. Remind people what our societal norms are and what kind of behavior is acceptable and unacceptable. You don't have to mention Trump at all. Ask people to remember what it means to be kind. It’s refreshing to read about, talk about the value of kindness, the clarity of honesty, the security of trust. Hand out those good vibes and let everyone bask for a moment in that good feeling of better times. 
I think you'll find that people will respond mostly positively to what you say if you don't make yourself a target (by being shitty) and if you espouse ideas that most everyone can agree with. For those people who have slowly, surely allowed themselves and their principles to be corrupted by Trumpism, this approach, IMHO, offers a way back to the principles that they didn't realize they were no longer supporting, and you are helping them remember what trust and compassion are. All you're doing is talking about those ideals that supposedly we all hold/held dear as people, as Americans, as taxpayers, as human beings. Some of us out there have lost our way, and I think that if we engage in a non-threatening way and espouse that positive traits of a cohesive, compassionate society, we can pull some people out of the flames of hate and also encourage and embolden some of the quiet people to speak up and become part of the movement.
So, no, you cannot win a political argument on social media, so stop arguing. There are better ways to do this.
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taonsil · 7 years
mmm I locked my twt last night to say most of this but I feel better about saying it here now, though it’s prob still a bit disorganised OTL
you probably wouldn’t anyway but please don t rb~ and ok this is literally a novel so you could prob see it that the twt version was..a draft lmao 
sometimes I really hate not having a more personal space to unload for fear of being called out (which I couldn’t deal with) and/or being misunderstood. or just the basic fear that people who once thought I was nice would turn on me, if I vented for one reason and it looked like another. since I lost a lot of confidence in myself I take it harder than I should if people unfollow after I’ve said something. fandom really really matters to me, it’s basically why I’m still around and the only Thing I really have. the environment has changed to be so unforgiving, quick to judge and morally absolute, it’s so overwhelming and scary at times to go against a polarised view. I can’t just tag Everything with ‘I’m mentally ill and probably not upset about what you think’, and I don’t like worrying about if I need to add some disclaimer or will need to list my whole history of nd issues and trauma every time I just wanna complain about something from a perspective different to the one currently in favour half the reason I got so exhausted over the past few days was just from constantly unpacking and dealing with my own feelings every time the issue came up, to the point that it didn’t even matter what was being said, just the subject started me off again. which of course isn’t rational behaviour, but, that’s what happens on garbage brain days. what started as two small issues I was frustrated about flared up into me eventually making myself sick obsessing over everything. I wanted to vent my own feelings on it, and I wanted to say something for all my quiet buddies out there who may feel the same and weren’t seeing anything reassuring, but instead I just got more and more worked up about it
(I’m saying this in general, not about any specific issue) I know so many nd people who are so great, but they silence themselves out of fear of how they’ll be perceived. it sucks but I do it too. it sucks that it’s hard to even be reassuring to each other out of fear of having to try and justify why you feel the illogical thing and why you’re offering comfort instead of reform. (and then it’s silly, because we’re all out here thinking we’re the only ones orz). it’s why ‘any nice/good person has this opinion’ movements generally stress me out. some are obviously unarguable true, yes. but sometimes people have complicated reasons, and they’re usually people who are already isolated and quiet/scared/guilty, just dealing with their own feelings or finding comfort in things. but because we’re predominantly an anxious, quiet bunch it’s never really allowed for or discussed fandom environment has changed, but back when it was more closed off it was full of people with issues and trauma and garbage brains who were seeking out some comfort. it still is, but in all of the easy access and the aggression and fighting, whatever the subject, no one ever thinks about that. people seem to assume everyone is just a gross bad person. people have issues that they don’t want to deal with or unpack publicly and fear makes them hide away and doubt their comforts. (this is a smaller example, but it surprised me how many people asked why I have issues with alcohol. I feel like there’s some pretty obvious reasons you could take a guess at? if you can’t even take a good guess at why someone may have an issue, that’s..kind of how we’ve ended up with such an extreme call out culture and so many people having to use their personal trauma to defend themselves). 
I’ve been in fandoms similar to this one for fifteen years. I’ve gone from being the confused anxious guilty teenager to finally finding words and explanations for the things I felt, and becoming someone who can help other people lost and trying to figure this stuff out. in the years I’ve had this account, that’s ended up being what I’ve /wanted/ to do. as well as enjoying the boys and the content itself, I’ve always been in fandoms for comfort and for a safe, happy space. I know from personal experience, friends, and all of the amazing people I’ve spoken to on here over years, that there are so many people out there who are constantly feeling like the only person who feels the way they do, or are worried they’re doing something wrong, or feel guilty/upset/worried about something they find comfort in. so many of you have reached out to me when I’ve felt brave enough to talk about things, letting me know you feel similarly even on issues I thought were probably only my own. due to limitations I have bc of my mental health I’m never going to be able to be active in my own local communities, so if the only way I can reach out to and help queer and nd kids is through fic and soft meta and trying to keep a quiet little safe spot then it matters so much to me. there are so many of you who’ve been too afraid to talk, or even have anons published, or really break my heart by having to /ask/ me if it’s alright for you to feel a certain way or find comfort in certain thing. I’m old and crusty and have enough time and knowledge to want to be able to help with these things and I wish I was braver, and that I could be more outspoken about things or let people know that they’re not being fair, or just feel comfortable talking in hope of someone who needs to see it seeing it. idk where I’m going with this now;; I just, really enjoy meeting new people and making friends through fandom, but in the end fandom has changed and it’s changed why I’m here. it just used to be purely for fun and creating content, but in the end I’m here to hype taozi and try to make people like me who may have found me feel a lil better about things, and I just hate that despite having words and little communities for things now it’s still rough and hard to deal with for a lot of us, and that despite so much love and support I still struggle a lot with thinking sharing things is helpful rather than annoying and feeling worthy of trying to do anything;;
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Okay, I thought I was done.  But I saw some more bullshit and no . . . I’m not done.
Let me make this VERY CLEAR:
Virgi did NOTHING WRONG.  
I’m seeing all kinds of bullshit, ranging from the simple ‘she shouldn’t have done that’ to the ridiculous ‘this is a violation of Bobby on par with the creep who groped Lana in Chicago.’  
No.  It’s not.  Good lord, what kind of crazy does it take to leap to that level of bullshit?
Listen . . . . I know I’m not the most popular voice in the Rumbelle fandom, OR the OUAT fandom in general, and I realize that a bunch of you aren’t a fan of mine.  That’s cool.  I’m probably not a fan of YOURS either.  But here’s the thing . . . . . I know bullshit when I see it.  I’ve been doing fandom long before the Internet was a thing.  I’ve seen some shit.  This is not my first rodeo with this kind of garbage.  I don’t suffer fools.  If I get a whiff of bullshit, I’m out.  I won’t be bothering with your nonsense, thank you.
@virgidearie is NOT one of those people.  While I can spot bullshit a mile away, I can also spot sincerity as well.  Am I jealous as fuck that she got to hang with Bobby this weekend?  Damn right I am.  But she’s a good person.  She’s NOT some ‘rich bitch’ who posted that recording to lord it over the fandom like ‘oooooh, lookie how much money I have, aren’t I amazing?’  Anyone who thinks that is an idiot.  
She also didn’t record that meet and greet to be sneaky and underhanded.  You know why she did it?  Because English is NOT her first language and she wanted to try and get a recording so that she could better understand what Bobby was saying later, in private.  Do you know what it’s like to struggle to learn another language?  All of you awesome, judgmental people -- I think if/when you meet your fave, they should have to talk to you in NOT your native tongue for thirty minutes.  With a thick brogue that makes it even more difficult to grasp.  You’ll be told what language that is about 3 months prior to said meet and greet -- that’s all the prep time you get, friend!  Good luck interpreting it and getting that memory imprinted within you at that moment, especially amidst all the other fandom chaos that’s surrounding you.  Have fun!  
She shared a snippet -- a fucking SNIPPET -- to defend herself against an arrogant fandom bully who really just needs to shut her fucking piehole and find something better to do with her time than harass people she doesn’t know.  And all of a sudden she’s guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.  
Virgi is fairly new to the fandom.  And I am VERY SORRY that she’s had to be on the receiving end of this kind of crap.  
So those of you that are giving her shit . . . . pray, tell me . . . . what sainted deeds have YOU done lately that makes you so worthy of judging her?  Oh please please please do share stories of how wonderful and good and mistake-free you are in life.  I am on the edge of my seat.  
Even if what she did was technically ‘wrong’ (not getting into that debate here -- I have my opinion, you have yours, and I doubt we’ll see eye to eye if we disagree so fuck it) -- what do you want from her?  This was NOT a malicious deed.  You want malicious?  Look at the fandom prima donnas who think that they can go about policing every damn thing every person says, even if they have nothing to do with it at all.  THAT is some malicious bullshit right there.  And then you try to defend yourself and you get even MORE shit.  You’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t.  
The level of hate that a nice person is getting because of this is appalling.  It’s not like she’s revealed state secrets or anything, geez.  Get a damn grip, people!
Also . . . . . just a personal note.  Due to all of this nonsense, I’m cleaning up my follow list this weekend.  I’m seeing some comments that are uncalled for (aka what motivated this post) and I won’t stand for that crap on my feed.  (Also there are a few blogs I follow that have moved on to other things I’m not interested in -- nothing personal.) I haven’t done a mass unfollow in a long time but I’ll be ditching a bunch this weekend.  I’m SO DONE with this shit. 
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lewishamiltxn · 7 years
obviously Lewishit Shamilton was "confortably" in a Mercedes. Confortably an asshole. 9 years for a pole in Monaco, driving only fast cars. New Senna. Wake up teenager.
Hey anon, you have no clue how happy your message has made me, truly. I know you think you’re bringing us down, but really, you’ve just spent time validating my blog by actually either finding it or you already follow me, in case of which, why do you want to torture yourself whenever Lewis wins? Wouldn’t you just be better off following whoever you loved?
(Slightly long reply so it’s under the cut)
Now, onto the actual ask, which is not technically asking me anything but I’ll answer it anyway. 
Lewis Hamilton (yep, another reality check for you, that’s how it’s actually spelt) has always been comfortably (yes, that’s how that’s spelled too, you’re learning so many things today!) in a fast car along with a teammate and I mean no disrespect to his teammate, whoever it may be, but he’s managed those results with a teammate in the exact same car with the exact same specifications as him, which means he’s beaten his teammate 65 times during qualifying for that pole. Before Mercedes, he was in a McLaren and he actually took a risk and moved to Mercedes which were only developing at the time (remember Mercedes’ comparatively horrible 2013 season everyone seems to forget?) and his risk paid off, so he deserves it for having made a decision no one else dared to except Nico Rosberg. He also gets these fast cars because the team owners and team principal trust him and pay him to drive these cars, not vice versa (and as Toto said in his post-race interview today, he’s “worth every cent” they spend on him, so they’re happy with paying him obscene amounts of money to keep him there). He doesn’t come from a privileged background, so he didn’t have anyone to help him through the ranks and didn’t have contacts, all he had was pure talent and drive which was recognised and put him in a car that was the same as defending champion Fernando Alonso in his rookie year and not many rookies are able to beat Fernando Alonso in the point standings even today while Lewis did it in 2007 (we have no way of knowing what would happen today, I’m just pointing out that he did extremely well to get to the position he is in today). Even yesterday, in the best car (according to you), Valtteri finished 19.783 seconds behind Lewis, and he was already quite behind him after the start and in qualifying, and we know Valtteri is talented, so what Lewis did was unbelievable and he also got the grand slam, which, I don’t know about you, but I think makes him truly deserving because he had a great weekend and led every lap.
Speaking of poles in Monaco, Lewis Hamilton has managed to win the Monaco race, which is famously known for being terrible to overtake on twice (both from third) and didn’t win with that one pole, and I know so many people would disagree but two race wins kind of trumps one pole in my opinion, pal. However, I am astounded that you actually know that stat which means you really hate Lewis so much, that you spend time remembering his stats which, at this point, probably even he doesn’t remember. Maybe use that memory to remember your favourite’s stat? Or don’t. I mean, it’s a free world and that stat doesn’t really bother me since Lewis is three-time world champion and two-time Monaco GP winner AND A DRIVER WHO HAS COMPLETED EVERY RACE IN MONACO (11 races, 10 in the points) so basically, he’s a champion of Monaco in his own right, although Ayrton is unmatchable. Just because the Monaco track doesn’t suit his driving style, it’s wonderful how a track where someone gets only one pole and two wins is considered horrible because standards for Lewis are so high whereas, for anyone else, even one win at Monaco would be a dream come true, so it’s nice to see you have the same high standards for Lewis as we do.
I don’t know which Lewis blogs you follow (if you follow any, in which case, again, why?), but I’ve not seen a single post that calls him “New Senna”. Lewis Hamilton is not the “New Senna”, he will never be the “New Senna”. In fact, he himself will never agree to be called the “New Senna” because he admires him despite having matched/beaten some of his records, and none of us are saying he’s better than Senna. We are only happy for him because he’s so happy and in disbelief of having reached his idol’s number of poles (yes, Lewis has emotions, he’s human, and he himself can’t believe he matched him and he still looks up to Ayrton) but no one is calling him the “New Senna” and if someone is, feel free to unfollow them because I’m certainly not in favour of calling him “New Senna”. He’s Lewis Hamilton, and he has enough fame and wealth with his own name, and he’s already influencing children and adults alike all around the world. Also, I’m sorry to break your bubble of hatred, but Lewis was given the real helmet by Senna’s family voluntarily, which is to say that Lewis did not expect it but Senna’s family had watched him and truly believed he was worthy of them sharing a part of his legacy with Lewis, which was a decision made only by the Senna family, so even if you disagree and hate Lewis, the Senna family loves him and I don’t think anything else matters to him (or to us, to be honest).
Also, thanks for the wake-up call, I did sleep in a little late today but I’m clearly awake now and replying to your ask. Is teenager meant to be an insult, though? I’m not sure if you know this but Malala Yousafzai, a teenager, is one of the most influential people in the world, more relevant than you will ever be. Here is a comprehensive list of other influential teenagers, all more valid than you (although some might be in their 20s by now since that’s last year’s list) so if you’re calling me a teenager as an insult (I mean, at least I still have an excuse to make mistakes, what’s your excuse to send hate to a teenager, Miss/Mr Certified Adult who is clearly immature and unable to type properly), I’m super flattered to be compared to these wonderful people rather than non-teenagers such as Donald Trump and Bill Cosby. 
Thank you for asking me! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. 
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