#if this is true then UGH
tv3headz · 5 months
So I noticed something… and I thought that it just might be because of the pacing but nope.
So I timed it just to make sure, and I was right. One minute and thirty seconds (rounded)
This is the time inbetween the end of Husk's talk with Alastor and his next appearance behind the bar looking as ok and husk as ever.
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(Well, as okay as Husk can look.)
So in fictional time considering the fact that Mimzy is still there that's at max about imma say an hour and a half since Alastor scared him half to death. Even if he’s used to it, that’s still a hella quick bounce back.
just like Angel. Both him and Angel recover insanely quick and it breaks my heart.
I know that after you would have to put up with what they have to for so long over and over you grow numb and recover like a flash. In Angel’s case he literally fakes it till he makes it with Val, and Husk can simply hide his emotions with a grumpy face from Alastor’s outbursts.
Just something I noticed while rewatching the episode. Still hurts..
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vict-torn · 2 months
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For that one user that said Gideon needed to be bigger, you are dead right and I proudly present exhibit g(a)y
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wingedog · 8 months
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You know that feeling you get when you want to escape into a piece of media so bad its an ache in your chest?
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hajihiko · 10 months
Sonia and Komaeda getting along well enough to room together is so good honestly. Even if its mostly bc she takes no shit, Komaeda was still like the only person to stand up for her when Teruteru was trying to get frisky about her naiveté in the prologue/ch1.
I kind of suspect she was acting more unknowing than she really was then, to suit her role as a princess, but he had no way of knowing that then. Plus, if she was aware then, it might be easier for her to recognize the side of him that isn't all hope n murder? Since outside of the killing game he's pretty polite (if self effacing) and generally not down for creepy behavior.
If you've got any more thoughts on these two's interactions postgame, I'd love to hear.
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I dont think it's perfect by any means (nothing on the ship is!) but its proooobably the best quick-solution scenario?
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hindahoney · 1 year
Converts, please do not sell yourself short or underestimate the position that you hold within Jewish communities. Your love for Judaism, the Jewish people, and the Jewish culture is infectious and can make people realize the value of the culture they've simply grown up in. When people ask you, "Why did you want to convert?" don't take it as them really asking "Are your reasons for converting up to my standards, to which I will thereby judge whether you're worthy or not?" Most of the time, what we're really saying is, "Please tell me why you love the thing I just grew up in. Tell me why someone would choose this."
Many Jews grew up facing antisemitism in school. So it's baffling to think that someone would willingly subject themselves to this, and some of us grew up internalizing this shame and rejecting our Jewish identity in order to fit in. But you, as a convert, spark light within these people. You, as a convert, have boldly gone against the grain because you see the value in our way of life, one that is not easy. You've joined a people, many times at the expense of your friends and family, and your safety. You're something to aspire to. You rekindle the love and connection we have to our nation. If you don't already realize the value in this, you will when you notice those around you being moved by your words.
Being a convert is not a mark of shame because you're "different," it's a badge of honor. In many ways, you are lighting the torch for the next generation of Jews you come in contact with.
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groenendaze · 5 months
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finch is just. so cute. please look at him
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notsolocal-ghost · 5 months
Gege, stop drawing Sukuna with such sexy smirks on his face, my obsession is already excessive and you are making it worse...
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Just look at that angle of his face, his eyes, his hair just UGH. Why does this asshole have to look so damn hot.
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3416 · 7 months
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Bruins @ Leafs | 12.02.23
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dukeofdadykes · 10 days
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My fav lesbian billionaire
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wandaverse · 5 months
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watching actress!wanda getting ready for her latest event and wanting to POUNCE
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frnkiebby · 2 days
Danger Days era (i’m sorry, i have an obsession with era)
Oh fuck yes.
No, no that's a fantastic era to be obsessed with jfc~🎃
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percicosoftcore · 29 days
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god i love my ship. it caters to me in ways no one other ship has managed to and oh my god. do i love the piercing atmosphere that goes over every percico fanfic. do i love the fact that they’re, deep down, one dark abyss colliding against another.
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citrusacidic · 7 months
zee scenes i like. had to share
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spitblaze · 2 months
Okay I've witnessed it happening enough in Queer Internet Circles that I think I can confidently say something about it.
Can we PLEASE stop picking arbitrary lgbt+ demographics out of a hat and having entire conversations about how they 'aren't actually queer' and 'taking valuable resources' for the crimes of 'some of them are cringe' or 'some of them are assholes' or 'they have a nebulous privilege over the rest of us so they're the oppressor, actually'.
Like look, some conversations are absolutely worth having. There's a lot of transmasc shitheads who latch on to toxic masculinity or seem to completely forget what it's like to navigate a world that considers you a woman, or completely fail to realize that being transgender yourself doesn't suddenly mean you don't have to examine yourself for internalized transphobia or transmisogyny. And that should be addressed, every community has its issues, no community is a monolith, no demographic is made up of entirely good smart righteous people or evil bad oppressive abusers. Obviously.
But I'm not talking about that!
I'm talking about people bringing up the same tired rhetoric they used when they tried to claim that nonbinary people are clout-chasing attention seekers who will keep cishet society from taking the rest of us seriously, that people used when they decided asexuals were actually cishets who co-opted our movement for their own personal gain, which was recycled from when people tried to claim that bisexuals are het-passing fakers and if a REAL queer has sex with one they'll be left for a cishet because that's what bisexuals do, which is the same as the shit they spewed at whoever the target was before that! It's paranoid nonsense all the way down, people looking for an acceptable target to take their shit out on!
Can we stop doing this, please?? Can we stop picking demographics within our own community that people arbitrarily decide are fine to bully and mock and kick out of the spaces they helped create because you think that they're cringe or that speaking about the issues they face is privileged whining? Can we stop giving bigoted cishets free reign on already vulnerable communities because someone arbitrarily decided that THESE queers are evil and cringe so its okay to make shitty comments and jokes about them? Can we PLEASE stop the cycle in its tracks while we can still see the crosshairs moving onto tranfems and trans women? We can stop this now before it starts getting uglier and deadlier, but we HAVE to be aware and do more than complaining about it online.
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front-facing-pokemon · 6 months
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hualianisms · 2 months
There's sometimes a misconception that Feng Xin is totally subservient to Xie Lian or afraid to say no to XL but FX often scolds/nags XL and has on multiple occasions told him to do or not do something.
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FX has his own convictions and mind of his own too. He trusts XL's judgment on major decisions, following XL's call for serious matters, but imo it's not subservience, but rather loyalty borne out of a firm belief and conviction in XL's moral compass. FX's loyalty is bc of FX's own righteous principles and own moral code too.
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In bk 4 FX argued with XL and questioned XL's decisions, and was even openly angry at XL, like when XL almost killed a commoner just for disrespecting XL and called the commoner a derogatory term. FX was angry at XL and yelled at XL for that bc FX has his own strong moral code that includes not harming innocents or doing unscrupulous things. He's not just blindly loyal. He has his own convictions too.
And he's certainly not a people pleaser or someone who follows rules to the letter. It's considered rude and unbecoming for heavenly officials to be too vulgar in the heavenly court, yet FX cusses openly all the time without a care. Would a people pleaser who was scared of breaking the smallest rule do that? FX is simply not someone who is afraid of saying no.
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