#i guess ish
hualianisms · 5 months
There's sometimes a misconception that Feng Xin is totally subservient to Xie Lian or afraid to say no to XL but FX often scolds/nags XL and has on multiple occasions told him to do or not do something.
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FX has his own convictions and mind of his own too. He trusts XL's judgment on major decisions, following XL's call for serious matters, but imo it's not subservience, but rather loyalty borne out of a firm belief and conviction in XL's moral compass. FX's loyalty is bc of FX's own righteous principles and own moral code too.
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In bk 4 FX argued with XL and questioned XL's decisions, and was even openly angry at XL, like when XL almost killed a commoner just for disrespecting XL and called the commoner a derogatory term. FX was angry at XL and yelled at XL for that bc FX has his own strong moral code that includes not harming innocents or doing unscrupulous things. He's not just blindly loyal. He has his own convictions too.
And he's certainly not a people pleaser or someone who follows rules to the letter. It's considered rude and unbecoming for heavenly officials to be too vulgar in the heavenly court, yet FX cusses openly all the time without a care. Would a people pleaser who was scared of breaking the smallest rule do that? FX is simply not someone who is afraid of saying no.
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tonia-aaaaa · 3 months
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You've heard of the Bad Boys as the Heathers... now get ready for: Mean Gills as the Mean Girls!!
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treasureplcnet · 8 months
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(lia voice) rolan you're 26. you should be at the pub
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dunkledog · 3 months
*slaps roof of heavy*
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ignore the fact that this is illegible chickenscratch and that's all it will ever be
the events leading up to this mess???? they were goofing off ok
medic's glasses are MIA if you're wondering i dont know where they went either
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bugcatcherkit · 2 months
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whyd they think marriage was a good idea
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bananadramaaa · 7 months
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You thought you'd seen the last of me? Ha! No.
(First part Second part Next)
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emryste · 4 months
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in the aggie. straight up drawing it. and by "it", haha, well. let's just say. Lord Hater
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gayvampyr · 1 year
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the linguistic appropriation cycle
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intuitive-revelations · 3 months
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valtsv · 2 months
i really do have to hand it to the silt verses for saying "true autonomy includes the right to die on your own terms and to place yourself at risk of harm for what you believe in". seemingly an obvious logical conclusion but not one that many people are comfortable with acknowledging.
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hanafubukki · 5 months
Summary: You never expected your cute bunny costume to elicit this type of reaction from Lilia Vanrouge.
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After returning from Deuce’s hometown, you and Silver decided to show off your costumes to Lilia and the others.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary at the time. Lilia commented how cute the outfits were while taking a bunch of pictures.
But you knew something was off as you spoke to Malleus, seeing those magenta eyes watching your every move.
A shiver went up your spine.
You swore you saw a fanged smirk from the corner of your eye.
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Breath in.
Breathe out.
Melodic laughter fill the air as you ran.
You remember how Lilia cornered you right before this game of his.
Hand cupping your face as he leaned into you, “Run, my cute rabbit, run as fast as you can.”
Breathe in.
Breathe out.
You knew he was playing with you.
Could catch you any minute.
The light touch at your back or your ears teased how close he is to you this whole time.
How it was his choice to allow you to run.
But if you turned this corner…
A stream of water came to view.
You flung yourself into the water as quick as you could.
The air stilled.
Before laughter broke out.
“Clever little prey. I went too easy on you.”
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“I caught you~”
You were so close.
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Gasps filled the air.
Clawed fingers wipes the tears clinging to your lashes.
Your outfit in tatters around you.
He couldn’t help the low chuckle escape him.
You were such a cunning prey.
And now? Such a delicious one.
He wasn’t planning on stopping anytime soon.
You had his blood pumping during the hunt and he planned on using this extra energy on you.
“Plea- Ah!”
“Not yet Beloved, I’m far from done.”
His hunger was far from satisfied.
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Oh Bunny event, how you entice me so with bunnies💞💞💚💚
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deadwooddross · 8 days
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HI so I spent all this week filling out a bunch of forms and hanging out with my mom and pulling my shoulder and NOW I finally had a day to settle down and doodle Thought of the day: What if ish was fat, and a touch more blue than purple. Her sibling has wild fluctuations, why not her!
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barghest-land · 9 months
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rhamphinion couple:) from february this year
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woogiez · 4 months
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oh this lil' darlin' is going to be FAMOUS
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noroalia · 5 months
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compilations of doodles from this past week
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rottingraisins · 6 months
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clef and adams funny moments
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